PGN Oct. 18 - 24, 2013

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National National LGBT LGBT History History Month Month Project Project

Family Portrait: Robb Reichart talks the Walk

PAGES 14, 16

Equality PA staff changes are in the works PAGES 5, 7


Oct. 18-24, 2013


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Vol. 37 No. 43

Couple alleges improper arrest at OutFest By Jen Colletta

REMEMBERING, SEEKING JUSTICE: Dozens of friends, family and supporters of Stacey Blahnik, including partner Malik Moorer (right), gathered to mark the third anniversary of her murder Oct. 11 at the William Way LGBT Community Center. Participants shared stories of Blahnik and continue to call for justice for her and other trans victims of violence. Blahnik, the house mother for House of Blahnik, was strangled to death in her South Philadelphia home in 2010. Police have identified a person of interest but an arrest has not been made. Photo: Scott A. Drake

Study: Poor results for HIV patients who see multiple docs By Angela Thomas The University of Pennsylvania Medical School recently released an innovative study that looks to change the retention of services for HIV clinical patients. In September, Penn published “Outcomes of HIV-Infected Patients Receiving Care at Multiple Clinics” in AIDS and Behavior. The report, which followed 13,000 HIV patients in Philadelphia, found that participants who received care from multiple HIV clinics were less likely to continue medication and had higher HIV viral loads than those who only visit one clinic. Previous studies have examined outcomes for those in continuous care with those not receiving care, but this is the first of its kind to look at the role that visiting multiple providers can have on one’s health outcomes. The study was led by Dr. Kathleen �� A. Brady, an infectious-disease physician at Pennsylvania Hospital and medical director/epidemiologist for the city’s AIDS Activities Coordinating Office, as well as Dr. Baligh R. Yehia, assistant professor at Penn’s Division of Infectious Diseases. The study took place between 2008-10 in the PAGE 20

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Ballot on page 28

A gay couple arrested at last weekend’s OutFest contends that the incident was baseless and that police used unnecessary force. Anthony Reto, 23, and partner Tommy Berner, 35, were arrested around 3:30 p.m. Oct. 13 near the intersection of 12th and Locust streets. Deputy Commissioner Kevin Bethel, LGBT liaison, initiated a complaint Tuesday on their behalf with Internal

Affairs, which investigates police misconduct. Reto, Berner and several friends left ICandy and were headed down 12th Street to explore the festival when they passed a group of antigay protestors from Repent America. Reto said the group jokingly took a photo in front of the demonstrators and then began walking away. “It was just a silly photo, it didn’t mean anything,” Reto said. “People were taking pictures of them all day. We didn’t talk PAGE 26


Weather holds up, crowds turn out for OutFest By Angela Thomas After last year’s rainy OutFest, and despite calls for rain this year, the sun shone brightly for the 27th annual event. Tens of thousands flocked to the Gayborhood on Sunday to network, educate and celebrate at the world’s largest National Coming Out Day celebration. Philly Pride Presents president Franny Price said the crowds exceeded expectations. “You can usually see little gaps in the crowd and there were no gaps this year,” she said. “At one point, I said, ‘I am going to walk around and say hello to all the vendors, time me to see how long it takes me.’ It took me 28 minutes to walk around one block.” Price said only six vendors did not show up, out of more than 130, but said it evened out with seven non-registered vendors who showed up for a spot. Representatives of the police Civil Affairs Unit were on hand to oversee relations with antigay protestors from Repent America,

and Price said the group was handled differently than in the past two years. For instance, Price said, the protestors were originally directed by the officers to stand at a vendor spot that was open,

and were then going to be moved near the stage at 13th and Locust, until Price intervened, as she said protestors are not allowed to disrupt the entertainment. Price said the Philly Pride Presents board PAGE 8

SUNDAY FUNDAY: Thousands donned their rainbows and headed to the Gayborhood Sunday for the annual OutFest celebration. More than 100 vendors lined the Gayborhood and revelers took in entertainment, contests and awards at the main stage, as well as packed area bars. Several new parties started this year, including a German-themed street party on Camac, a women’s block party in front of the nowdefunct Sisters, a new women’s party at Tabu and a drag show outside of Woody’s. For more coverage, see pages 8-9. Photos: Scott A. Drake


Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013


Judges consider fate of church By Timothy Cwiek Three judges pondering the fate of an old Catholic church once owned by AIDS agency Siloam appeared reluctant last week to order its demolition. Siloam owned the old Church of the Assumption for about six years before selling it to developers John Wei and Mika He in July 2012. The city wants the dilapidated structure demolished, citing its “unsafe” condition. But the Callowhill Neighborhood Association wants the church preserved as an important part of the city’s architectural heritage. During the Oct. 10 hearing, Commonwealth Court Judges P. Kevin Brobson, Rochelle S. Friedman and Patricia A. McCullough expressed a desire for more information about the church’s current owners. “We don’t even know how much [Wei and He] paid for the building,” Brobson noted. Brobson questioned why Wei and He aren’t litigants in the dispute.

“How can we decide something when we don’t have all the parties?” he posed. But city attorney Andrew S. Ross said Wei and He don’t have to be litigants, because church owners should have the right to demolish it. “It would be unconstitutional to make someone spend an infinite amount of money to preserve [the church],” Ross said. Friedman appeared sympathetic to that viewpoint, noting that estimates r a n g e u p wa r d of $6 million to rehab the structure. She also expressed concern that the church’s two tall spires may topple. But Samuel C. Stretton, an attorney for CNA, said the church and its spires could be stabilized for about $150,000. The Gothic-style church is located at 1123 Spring Garden St., and has ties to two local

saints, Katharine Drexel and John Neumann. Stretton emphasized that the church remains on the city’s historic register, even though its interior has been gutted. McCullough said demolition of the church isn’t inevitable, noting “there are many properties like this one that have been purchased and put to an entirely different use.” Brobson stopped short of saying it’s feasible to preserve the church, but he questioned the procedure that resulted in a demolition permit. He called the church a “gorgeous, well-known structure” and said more facts are needed about the owners’ plans. “I can’t assume the only reason [Wei and He] purchased it was to demolish it,” Brobson said. In October 2012, a lower court granted Siloam the right to demolish the church, but it’s

unclear if that right extends to the current owners, Brobson said, adding it may be helpful to remand the matter to the lower court for clarification. Stretton said he wouldn’t object to that, as long as the church isn’t demolished during the process. In July 2009, the church was cited as “unsafe” by the city’s Department of Licenses and Inspections due to loose, fractured and deteriorating walls and roof. The safety violations haven’t been remedied, according to city records. After the hearing, L&I spokesperson Rebecca C. Swanson said the church isn’t in danger of “imminent” collapse. If demolition is blocked by the courts, the current owners “would still be required to correct the outstanding L&I violations,” Swanson added. Siloam continues to operate in an old Catholic rectory adjacent to the church. Wei and He had no comment for this story. A decision by the judges is expected in the next few months. ■

NJ marriage deadline looming By Jen Colletta Same-sex couples could begin marrying next week in New Jersey, pending further court action. The case is now before the state Supreme Court, which is expected to rule in the coming days whether to keep the Oct. 21 start date in place as it considers a state appeal. Superior Court Judge Mary Jacobson last week denied the state’s request to stay her Sept. 27 ruling mandating marriage equality in the Garden State. Once it weighs in on the stay, the top court will fast-track Gov. Chris Christie’s appeal, announcing last Friday that the case will bypass the appellate court. The first round of briefings is due Nov. 4, and oral arguments will be held Jan. 6 and 7. Jacobson ruled that the state’s civil-union law violates the constitutional rights of same-sex couples. That finding came in a case filed in 2011 by a group of same-sex couples and Garden State Equality, represented by Lambda Legal. Lambda Legal deputy director Hayley Gorenberg said the plaintiffs “are looking forward to making our case at the New Jersey Supreme Court for the families in New Jersey who need marriage to better protect their families.” ■

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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013


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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013


ACCEPTING HIS CROWN: Issak Wolfe accepted the Civil Libertarian Award Oct. 10 at the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania’s Bill of Rights Dinner at the National Museum of American Jewish History. Earlier this year, Wolfe, a transgender student at Red Lion Area Senior High School in York, was prevented from running for prom king by school officials, who also threatened to ban him and his girlfriend from attending the event. Wolfe, with the backing of the ACLU of PA, successfully challenged school officials and attended prom with his girlfriend, whom he also brought to the ACLU event. The agency also honored the plaintiffs who are challenging the state’s voter-ID law and attorney Paul Messing. Photo: George Feder/Top Guns Corporate Photography NEWS

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Creep of the Week Editorial Letters/Feedback Mark My Words Street Talk

10 10 11 11 11

Did you/will you vote in PGN’s Best of Gay Philadelphia? Poll results from our online survey as of Oct. 16:

31% I did 30% I will 39% I didn’t and won’t Go to to weigh in on this week’s question:

When was the last time you walked or ran in the AIDS Walk Philly?

AIDSW ALKPH ILLY.O 215-7 31-wa RG lk

#whyiwalk #aidswalkphilly

PGN 505 S. Fourth St. Philadelphia, PA 19147-1506

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Philadelphia Gay News is a member of: The Associated Press Pennsylvania Newspaper Association Suburban Newspapers of America Published by Masco Communications Inc. © 2013 Masco Communications Inc. ISSN-0742-5155

The views of PGN are expressed only in the unsigned “Editorial” column. Opinions expressed in bylined columns, stories and letters to the editor are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of PGN. The appearance of names or pictorial representations in PGN does not necessarily indicate the sexual orientation of that named or pictured person or persons.


Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013


EQPA president to step down next month By Jen Colletta After two years at the helm of the board of Pennsylvania’s statewide LGBT organization, Adrian Shanker announced this week that he will not seek a new term as president. Shanker, 26, was elected president of the board of Equality Pennsylvania in 2011, a year after he joined the board. Shanker was eligible to run for another two-year term but said Tuesday that he believes new blood should be brought in. “I think organizations run very well when leadership changes,” he said. “It’s a very important thing we all need to remember. None of us have a mutually exclusive idea of what’s best for our organizations. There’s a lot of wonderful leaders within the organization right now, so I thought this was a great time for one of them to step up.” The board will elect a new president at its quarterly meeting in Philadelphia in November. The position was volunteer, and Shanker will continue with his full-time job as a marketing professional at a small business in Easton. And although he will be off the board, Shanker said he will remain engaged in the LGBT-rights movement.

“I’m going to continue to be involved in the community, as an LGBT advocate and raising money for candidates I believe in. I don’t have a prescribed next step but I do absolutely reaffirm my commitment to working on these issues,” he said. “But right now I need a bit of time to decide what I’m going to do with my limited free time. I can absolutely say I’ll be enjoying some time in November and December without taking on any new commitments until next year.” Shanker took on the position after former president Brian Sims stepped down to campaign for his eventual state House seat. “Organizations like Equality Pennsylvania can really be internal or external, but not both at the same time; you can focus on the internal structures — the funding, board, legalities — or you can focus on programming and other work of the organization,” Sims said. “My role was very internal, finding a location, the formal structures, financial structures. When I stepped down, I said to the board, ‘We spent so much time working to create this ship, we need it to sail now.’ And that’s what Adrian did.” Sims said Shanker can be credited with helping the agency experience its largestever statewide growth and finding a new influence in Harrisburg. Among the highlights of the last two years, Shanker said, were his recent invita-

tion to speak at the 50th anniversary of the National March on Washington, as well as the invitation to serve on the transition team of Auditor General Eugene DePasquale. DePasquale said Shanker was an asset to the team, and was especially valuable in ensuring the office had a staff that represents all Pennsylvanians. “Adrian is someone who had a wealth of experience in employment issues. I had a commitment of having a diverse workforce, and he was certainly very helpful in setting that up and helping our team be ready,” DePasquale said. “And he’s got a good strategic mind. He’s always very thoughtful in how he approaches issues.” Shanker said he has also been honored to support and offer testimony on proLGBT municipal efforts like Philadelphia City Councilman James Kenney’s LGBT Equality Bill and Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds-Brown’s Equal Benefits Bill, as well as numerous LGBT nondiscrimination ordinances throughout the state. Shanker said the last two years have shown him that LGBT progress can come to fruition in Pennsylvania. “Pennsylvania is certainly on the path to becoming more equal at the state level, and I do see the path for victory for both nondiscrimination and marriage equality in the near future,” he said. “And all of us who support full equality and want to live in a

ADRIAN SHANKER Photo: Marco Calderon

state where we are treated equally need to continue to support our statewide organization through volunteering and financial support. I’m going to remain a donor for Equality PA, and I encourage everyone who wants to win equality to get involved in the fight to help get us there.” ■


Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013


MARCH WITH A MISSION: About 250 supporters of the Philly Trans* March made their way down Pine Street from Broad during last Saturday’s march. The third-annual event started at Love Park with the presentation of a number of community awards before marchers set off through Center City, calling for respect and recognition of people of all gender identities. A number of marchers carried posters emblazoned with the names of trans community members who have been victims of violence, including Nizah Morris and Kyra Cordova. Photo: Patrick Hagerty

Biz journal compiling second LGBT business list By Angela Thomas The Philadelphia Business Journal will announce its second-annual list of the top25 LGBT-owned businesses in the tri-state region in December. PBJ launched its inaugural list last year in partnership with the Independence Business Alliance and, this year, the organization is partnering with IBA again, as well as Philadelphia Gay News. PBJ is currently seeking submissions from businesses up until 5 p.m. Oct. 21. PBJ will accept applications from companies in Pennsylvania counties Berks, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Lancaster, Lehigh, Montgomery and Philadelphia, as well as Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Ocean and Salem in New Jersey and in Delaware. PBJ editor-in-chief Craig Ey said the publication compiles lists spotlighting a variety of minority-owned businesses, and it was time the LGBT community had a list of its own. “It was sort of a natural extension to do an LGBT list partly because it has been in the news, so it has news value and importance,” Ey said. “This is something people really need to see — the economic power of the community.” Businesses interested in being included are asked to submit information about their number of employees and revenue and also answer open-ended questions about the challenges and advantages of being an LGBT-owned business. Ey, who said PBJ has always had a good relationship with IBA, wanted to also enlist PGN to help get the word out and create a

more inclusive list. “I thought it would be a natural partnership, since we’re both in media. Of course, PGN already has a voice in the LGBT community and we have a general authority on our end so it made sense,” he said. “We have been admirers of PGN for a long time and always wanted to work together.” Ey said the list is an effort to create awareness about the many LGBT-owned businesses that are thriving in the region. “Sometimes when we do these kinds of lists, people will say, ‘Why are you putting these kinds of business in a box?’ and that is not the intent,” he said. “The intent is to celebrate them and show their economic power, and people can see how many important businesses are in the community.” Ey said the list is also used to highlight deserving businesses that may have not yet received recognition in the competitive business environment. “Our lists have kind of became a standard of measuring businesses and helps add some of the businesses that wouldn’t make it on other lists because there are too many people ahead of them. It was created to give them the credit they deserve,” he said. “I hope it, as it does for all of our lists, creates a celebration of the business community. It will show the importance of the LGBT community in Philadelphia and the greater Philadelphia area. Hopefully it acts as a kind of list that people can rally around and see it as a point of pride.” Interested businesses can submit an email for an application to research director Sharon Oliver at soliver@bizjournals. com or by calling 215-238-5146. Interested applicants should include company name, contact name, email and phone number. ■


EQPA hires first communications director By Angela Thomas Levana Layendecker was recently hired as the first communications director for Equality Pennsylvania. The 39-year-old South Philadelphia resident most recently came from a oneyear stint at as a senior strategist. Layendecker, who will be based out of Equality Pennsylvania’s Philadelphia office, also prev i o u s l y s e r ve d as communications director for Democracy for America, director of online campaigns for Health Care for America Now and as a canvass director and organizer for a variety of other progressive orgaLEVANA nizations. LAYENDECKER L a y e n d e c k e r, who is originally from New Jersey, studied English and sociology at Presbyterian College in Clinton, S.C., and went on to receive her master’s in governmental administration from the Fels Institute of Government at the University of Pennsylvania. A straight ally, Layendecker said her progressive nature came from her parents, who raised her in an accepting environment. “I’ve been an ally my whole life. My parents were very progressive and inclusive of all people,” she said. “My mom was very into all sorts of expression of gender, so our house was the place where everyone could come be who they were.” Layendecker got her start in politics during her undergraduate work and said she continues to be motivated to seek solutions to the clear injustices happening in society. “I think especially right now, there’s this great opportunity to do all of this important policy work that lays the foundation to have a more just society,” she said. “I am really excited to be a part of that and take important steps forward in terms of the laws and the way we live our lives and the way we treat other people.” Layendecker said she was especially drawn to the health-care realm after her mom’s battle with cancer. “She only lived to be 42 and something like that can do a lot of different things to people, but the way I chose to express my grief over that situation was to fight to make things right,” she said. “Over the years, I worked on a lot of dif-

ferent issues and that is where my heart was, and getting the opportunity to work on that and win a big legislative victory taught me a lot. I really got to see history being made and it gave me a taste to keep doing more.” Layendecker will be responsible for Equality PA’s public communication, as well as its member-based communication. She will take on the role of press representative and will create materials to recruit new members and connect with current ones. Layendecker said the organization’s most important priority is to pass House Bill 300, the statewide LGBT-inclusive nondiscrimination bill. She said the agency will continue outreach to LGBT and ally citizens across the state to engage them on the issue and its everyday impact. “Here in Philly, we already have a nondiscrimination ordinance, so the people who live here or in the other places that have them don’t really know or understand the type of discrimination people face,” she said. Layendecker said she will take her experiences working with different audiences into her new position at Equality PA. “I’ve learned to communicate with lots of different audiences and I will be talking with activists and volunteers, so I have the experience with a diversity of issues, which really helps me to be able to talk to different audiences on different issues in ways that everyone can hear,” she said. Although Layendecker said she has not been directly involved with Equality PA in the past, she has supported Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club, and has learned firsthand from the experience of her LGBT friends. “I have so many close friends who are affected by all the discriminatory laws and it breaks my heart and I want to fix that for them,” she said. Layendecker serves on the board of the Newbold Neighborhood Association and is also involved with statewide groups like the Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania. She said she is impressed with Equality PA’s membership and is eager to help represent LGBT citizens statewide. “I think we can legitimately say we represent LGBT people from all around the state. It shows our ability to demonstrate that there are LGBT people everywhere in the state and not just in urban culture.” For more information on Layendecker, visit her website at For more information about Equality PA, visit www. ■

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013

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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013

OUTFEST from page 1

hopes to conduct meetings with the Civil Affairs Unit in the future so there is a shared understanding of protocol. “We don’t know this group of Civil Affairs officers and I think we need to start having meetings with deputy commissioners and the captain of Civil Affairs before events,” she said. Despite the protestors’ presence, Price said the beautiful weather, popular entertainment and successful new parties made this year one of OutFest’s best since its inception. “I was praying that it wouldn’t rain and I read the day before there was a 50-percent chance of rain, and I tried to not get depressed over it because everybody in our community worked so hard on the event,” she said. “A couple hours later, it was down to 20 percent, then at midnight, it went to zero-percent chance.” Price said 100 volunteers helped at OutFest from 7 a.m. until 8:30 p.m. and that she’s extremely grateful for those who lent their time, including senior director Chuck Volz. “I am proud of our Philly Pride committee and coordinators. They work their butts off and they make sure things run smoothly, especially with set-up and break down. It takes a lot of people to put OutFest on. I am the one that is more visible but I am nothing without them.” Price said new events like the Women’s Party on Chancellor Street and Oktoberfest at Tavern on Camac were packed, as was the Bazaar on Quince, now in its second year. “We love it because these events add to OutFest because all these people contribute and come up with wonderful ideas,” she said. Price said the only disappointment from the day came from a blown generator from Wired 96.5 at the Youth Dance Party. Also, the new volleyball court was set up for recreational volleyball and not competitive volleyball. Despite those snags, Price said she has received a wealth of positive feedback about this year’s OutFest. “You couldn’t ask for a better event. I can’t tell you how much personal gratitude we received. People would come up to us the day after and say how much fun they had. So when you get a personal thanks, it really means something.” ■



Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013

Photos: Scott A. Drake



Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013


Creep of the Week

D’Anne Witkowski

Mat Staver


The rainbow of OutFest With tens of thousands of people teeming through Philadelphia’s Gayborhood last Sunday for the annual OutFest celebration, it’s likely no two festivalgoers had the same exact OutFest experience. Some may have come from out of town for some big-city fun. Others may have walked out their front doors and into the crowds. Some visitors may have been taking their first step out of the closet at OutFest, while others have been frequenting the festival for years. Some may have tried their hands at the mechanical bull and on-stage contests, while others gobbled up giveaways and information from community resources. Some may have overindulged at the myriad bar parties, while others called it an early night. And there were some bigger ups and downs for the festival itself. The exemplary weather had people gathering in the streets until long after the sun went down, a far cry from last year’s soggy celebration, and new parties and activities drew throngs of excited crowds. But, there were some tense overtones to a new drag show staged on the same street as the main stage. Antigay protestors made their usual unwelcomed appearance. And two men were arrested in an incident they say was unwarranted and involved excessive police force. The men are now pursuing a grievance with Internal Affairs. The varied experiences, however, reflected an overall reality: The LGBT community isn’t, and shouldn’t be, monolithic. Our community represents people of all ages, races, ethnicities,

orientations, identities, socioeconomic situations, interests and general walks of life. At the PGN table, our team witnessed the full diversity of OutFest attendees — teens, seniors, families with kids, couples, singles and a slew of allies, including a wealth of parents of LGBT youth and even straight couples who came on their own to check out the festival. Each person who walked the Gayborhood Sunday came for his or her own reason, and with his or her own goal for the day. While the day is meant to promote unity among the LGBT community, that unity is rooted in an acknowledgement of individuality. Some OutFest attendees expressed their LGBT identity by wearing rainbow socks, tutus or carrying rainbow flags, while others simply grasped their partners’ hands and still others embraced the LGBT label by just turning out for the event. Being LGBT, and being out, means something different to everyone, and it’s that commitment to individual expression that was the rallying point that brought the community together on Sunday. As the LGBT-rights movement progresses, and quickly, it is becoming even more important for the community itself to recognize and celebrate the sea of facets within itself. Just as no two OutFest experiences were the same, no two LGBT people are the same; appreciating the individual experiences and talents of the full gamut of our community is an integral way to build community unity and demonstrate a strong and solidified front to help bring our shared goals to fruition. ■

Poet Langston Hughes. Russian composer Peter Tchaikovsky. Civil-rights activist Bayard Rustin. Mathematician and “Father of Computer Science” Alan Turing. Writer and journalist Janet Mock. Physicist and astronaut Sally Ride. Economist John Maynard Keynes. Chances are good you’re familiar with all or most of these names. All of them gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. With October being LGBT History Month, it’s a good time to appreciate the role LGBT people have played socially and historically. And what better place to have that discussion than in schools? Not so fast, says Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, a right-wing “ministry” focusing in part on using the law to oppress gay people. In an Oct. 3 press release, Liberty Counsel lashed out at the idea that young people should learn about a bunch of queers. “Public schools from California to Florida are celebrating LGBT History Month, where they highlight a homosexual or lesbian each day,” the release begins before lamenting that students would learn about Gwen Araujo, a 17-year-old girl murdered at the hands of three men who discovered she was not biologically female. While it may seem redundant to call a murder vicious, Araujo’s killers were especially so. She was beaten with a shovel, strangled and left in a shallow grave. The details are available online if you want to have the kinds of nightmares that I sure hope the men who killed her have. Of course, there’s a reason why we remember Araujo and all the girls and women like her who’ve been killed and continue to be killed. We must bring attention to anti-transgender violence before we can ever dream of stopping it. Teaching young people about Araujo’s life and death puts a face and name to what is, for many, a barely visible population about which much ignorance exists. By shining a light on Araujo’s murder, we hope that young

women living today will escape her fate. Granted, that’s not the take-away for Staver. “If parents think our school children should be focused on science and math, not sex and murder, they need to talk to teachers, principals and school boards to ensure that this program is stopped,” he says. Yes. Shut it down! As soon as girls hear that Sally Ride was a lesbian they’ll abandon their aspirations to be an astronauts and become lesbians! Young men in econ classes everywhere will become spontaneously gay once they hear about the contribution John Maynard Keynes made to macroeconomics. Staver goes on to say, “The sexual assault on our children is mind-boggling,” before stomping his feet about the bans on “reparative” therapy for LGBT people. Surely Staver is not suggesting that teaching students about LGBT people and/or banning the use of harmful pseudo-therapy on children is the same as sexual assault. Because that would be seriously messed up, not to mention a huge insult to victims of actual sexual assault. Then again, he actually does sound that clueless. “Enough is enough!” he rants. “The innocence of our children is under assault in the public schools. Parents and concerned citizens must stand up and demand that public schools focus on the essentials of learning and not become vehicles of a sexualized agenda.” Call me crazy, but I think it’s pretty essential for young people to learn to respect the dignity of their fellow human beings and not, you know, beat them to death with a shovel for being different. If “parents and concerned citizens” can’t get behind that concept, then God help us all. ■

Surely Staver is not suggesting that teaching students about LGBT people and/or banning the use of harmful pseudo-therapy on children is the same as sexual assault.

D’Anne Witkowski has been gay for pay since 2003. She’s a freelance writer and poet (believe it!). When she’s not taking on the creeps of the world, she reviews rock ’n’ roll shows in Detroit with her twin sister.

We want to know! If you are celebrating an anniversary, engagement, wedding, adoption or other life event, we would be happy to help you announce it to the community. Send your contact information and a brief description of the event to


Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013

A little LGBT theater history Let’s talk show biz, and in honor of made it to Broadway two years earlier. LGBT History Month, I’ll tell a little Jeff and Rosemary created a book that secret. You might have guessed over the cried from the heart, and Rosemary’s years that I’m a little theatrical with my tunes ... let’s just say I’m still humming gay activism, but I bet you’d never guess them to this day. that some of it was actually honed in Jeff was a member of Gay Youth, and New York theater. I’d like to believe that his involvement Here’s the history part. At New gave him the strength to do something York Theater Ensemble in 1970, my very brave: write a gay musical. As friends Jeff Hockhauser and strange as it sounds, it was Rosemary Keating were writalmost a career-ender on the ing what we believe was the New York stage at that time first LGBT musical performed to be openly gay. Jeff was in the New York theater scene. not only out, he was writing And, luckily for me, they a show about the problems of choose me as their stage mangay youth. Jeff could not have been more than 18 when he ager. began to write it. The show was called “Graduation” is now a part “Graduation.” It was a coming-of-age/coming-out story of our history almost forof a student in turmoil going gotten. It was a footnote to through high school. I don’t history, but it helped foster a change in attitude on the believe Jeff, Rosemary or I New York stage. That little ever realized how cuttingshow was the talk of the edge that musical was for its Mark Segal theater community at that time. Working off-Broadway, time, and talk brews educaor off-off Broadway, was an tion. The truth is, people like Fierstein, incredible creative and experimental Jeff, Rosemary and even Mart Crowley way to hone your skills. At that same started the ball rolling on theater that time, Harvey Fierstein was working at made LGBT people real — not cartoon La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club and playwright John Guare was working figures or invisible. Jeff now teaches musical-theater his magic up the street at the Truck and history at the American Musical and Warehouse Theater with a show called Dramatic Academy. Roe is retired in “House of Blue Leaves.” His next show California. We stay in touch, and I was “Six Degrees of Separation.” And hope we can eventually do a revival of across the street, Andy Warhol contemporary Jackie Curtis was performing “Graduation.” ■ one show whose name I’ve forgotten Mark Segal, PGN publisher, is the but where I went as stage manager after nation’s most-award-winning commen“Graduation.” It was an incredible time for experimentation. Even a drama about tator in LGBT media. He can be reached at “homosexuals,” “Boys in the Band,”

Mark My Words

Letters and Feedback

Street Talk Should LGBT history topics be mandatory in elementary school? “Yes, but from third grade forward. I had sex education in third grade, and it would have been nice to also Adam Burton have learned photographer about LGBT Point Breeze history. But I grew up in Florida, and that didn’t happen. If schools are going to teach sex ed, they should also be teaching about LGBT history. It will result in well-rounded students.”

“Yes. Giving some history on the subject will normalize the issue for people. There are many LGBT Brianna Chakalis students in carpenter elementary Germantown school, along with children of LGBT parents. Giving them information about LGBT history can only make them feel better about themselves. And I hope it will help their peers understand them better.”

“No. I’m proLGBT rights but it’s not appropriate to separate out those subjects. That’s totally old school. Marc Irving It shouldn’t production manager even be an Brooklyn, NY issue. We would be more advanced as a society if we didn’t categorize people by race, gender and sexual preference. It’s passé. I’m not into defining people by irrelevant characteristics.”

“Yes. Kids grow up early these days. They’re more mature than we think. And they’re very open to learning Brandon Verdi the truth package handler about things. South Philadelphia It’s good to educate them when they’re young. Then they won’t grow up to abuse people, either physically or mentally. They won’t project negative energy about the LGBT community.”

In response to “Forty years after APA decision, ‘Dr. Anonymous’ letter continues to educate,” Oct. 11-17:

she knows she is the queen of the house.

What a great, great man, Dr. Fryer! He hosted me on my very first night in Philadelphia, 1976, when applying to Temple University. And for the subsequent years until his death, I assisted him in his great Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and Easter group dinners at his home in Germantown. Truly, he was a giant among men!

So many dogs out there need families. Adopt from one of the shelters. You won’t regret it! — Anne V

Tell us what you think

In response to “Temple grad launches app for LGBT women,” Oct. 11-17:

Send letters and opinion column �� PGN, 505 submissions to:; S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147; fax: 215-925-6437.

In response to “Puppy love,” Oct. 11-17: We got a boxer/hound mix from a shelter and she is the best dog, we all love her and

Thanks Philly Gay News for the article! If you haven’t yet, be sure to sign up at We are collecting signups to show our forward-thinking backers that the queer community is worth investing in. We’re hoping to set a precedent and every signature counts. — wingmaam

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Please include a daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity, style and space considerations.


— Scott Conlan Mansfield, Ohio

— dmcfar01

Ballot on page 28



Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013


CIRCLING THEIR PREY: Philadelphia Zoo staff Lea Giosa (right) sliced pieces of Tiffany’s Bakery rainbow cake for Zoo guests and St. Joseph’s University students Cami Redfern (from left), Erin McGrody and Liz Wardach at the Oct. 12 PRIDE Day at the Zoo. Despite an initially dreary forecast, the rain stayed away for the fourthannual festivity, which featured about a dozen community vendors, from sports organizations to youth groups to advocacy agencies. For kids of all ages, there was a Pride-themed scavenger hunt, craft area and opportunities for hands-on animal education. Photo: Scott A. Drake



“H AIR -H OPPING ” E XTRAVAGANZA Entertainment Throughout the Night by “Brittany Lynn”


By Angela Thomas With only one month left until The Attic Youth Center celebrates its 20th anniversary, the LGBT youth agency this weekend will be the beneficiary for a family-filled event. Danny’s Farm Market, 930 S. Black Horse Pike in Williamstown, N.J., will host October Pumpkin Palooza from 1-4 p.m. Oct. 19. The event will include face painting, games, a mummy’s contest and food provided by Mike’s Big BBQ. Stacia Fischer, who recently got involved with the planning committee that is putting together the Nov. 16 anniversary gala, organized the event. Fischer said she learned of the Keystone Community Sponsorship opportunity, which challenges donors to raise $1,000, and was eager to lend a hand. “I knew enough people and knew I could make a difference,” she said. “I was originally unaware of all the great things The Attic has done and this event became about awareness, and it’s a challenge to pull resources together as a community.” Fischer said she wanted to create an event that would fuse both her love for Halloween and her passion to bring the community together for a great cause. “I wanted to do something to make a difference and I knew it would be bigger than

me and I felt like if I get 20 people, that is the true meaning in getting the community involved,” she said. Fischer said planning the event has also been refreshing for her personally. “It feels really good and has been energizing,” she said. “Every day, I am one step closer to sharing the message about The Attic Youth Center. It is inspirational and feeds your soul when you start seeing it growing.” Her goal of awareness-raising was already realized when she booked the location for the event. Fischer had stopped by Danny’s Farm Market to purchase 100 pumpkins for an event she was originally going to host at her house. When the owner asked her what she was using the pumpkins for, Fischer proceeded to tell her about The Attic. “She wanted to host the event because her best friend was gay,” Fischer said. “She said, ‘Whatever you need, you can have my space.’” Advance tickets for the event are $20 for adults and include one large pumpkin and food from Mike’s Big BBQ, and $12 for children over the age of 5. Children under the age of 5 get in for free. Tickets can be purchased at http://theoppevent.eventbrite. com. Tickets will be $25 at the door for adults and $15 for children. For more information on the event, visit www.facebook. com/theoppevent. ■


To your health: out and insured It is National Coming Out Month, enrollment opened for the Affordable Care Act and the open-enrollment period for Medicare is in full swing. All three mark a huge step forward in improving the health of LGBT older adults. Coming out is more important than ever for LGBT older adults. Some fear disclosing their sexual orientation or gender identity to health-care and aging-service providers. Past, negative experiences in those environments have given us cause to be cautious. Those fears are not unfounded. However, we now know how important it is that those providers have complete information about us so that they can provide the best possible care to us. It is important for all of us to come out, especially when seeking these types of services. Find out from friends which providEd ers are LGBT-senior-friendly or look for providers on the LGBTEI’s website. If you have concerns about disclosing this information, bring a “buddy” with you when you tell your provider. There is strength in numbers. Another important improvement in LGBT health is the implementation of the ACA’s state marketplace (also called “exchanges”) provision for health insurance. Three years after it was passed into law, many still have concerns and questions about “Obamacare.” Let’s talk about some parts of the program that may help you. Obamacare is not perfect. No law or social program is perfect. It does, however, try to do some good. First, if you like your current insurance, nothing needs to change unless you want it to change. Things that have changed include the elimination of any lifetime limit on coverage. There are now restrictions on how much insurance companies can raise their premiums each year. For LGBT people, especially LGBT older adults, you can no longer be denied coverage if you have a pre-existing condition. Since 86 percent of people over 55 have a pre-existing condition, this is especially helpful. And, if you get sick, you cannot be kicked off of your insurance plan. Enrolling in the ACA state insurance “exchange” is a relatively simple process. Go to or call 800-318-2596; TTY 855-889-4325. There is also help available locally for completing applications for enrollment. Call Public Health Management Corporation at 855-887-9229 or Temple University Health System at 215707-9104. Each has several locations throughout the city.

The other improvement to the health of LGBT seniors is in the Medicare program, which also has seen some changes due to the ACA. These changes include lower costs for prescription drug coverage, as well as free (with some exceptions) preventative health screenings, including mammograms and colonoscopies. Some vaccines and annual flu shots are also now free. The Medicare Trust Fund is now secure through 2029 as a result of the ACA. According to, the ACA does not replace Medicare. Medicare is not part of your state’s health-insurance marketplace. If you have Medicare, keep it. You will still get all the new benefits, rights and protections Obamacare offers on your current Medicare plan. Open enrollment for Medicare ends 7. There is no change Bomba Dec. in the way that you enroll for Medicare. Is your head exploding with all of this information? Don’t worry, it is happening to a lot of people! Here are some resources for more information about Medicare Open Enrollment and about enrollment for insurance on the exchanges under the ACA: On Oct. 27, there will be a special Silver Foxes program at the William Way LGBT Community Center about all aspects of the Medicare program. Silver Foxes is held from 3-5 p.m. and is free and open to the public. For additional information about Medicare, go to or www.Healthcare. gov. You also can call 800-MEDICARE; TTY 877-486-2048. For information about the Affordable Care Act and how to enroll, the Center for American Progress, the Sellers Dorsey Foundation and the Federal Agencies Project have launched, a campaign to inform LGBT communities and to encourage LGBT individuals to enroll in the program. More information about the ACA and how to enroll is also available at ■

Gettin’ On

Ed Bomba is communications chair of the LGBT Elder Initiative. The LGBTEI, headquartered in Philadelphia, fosters and advocates for services, resources and institutions that are competent, culturally sensitive, inclusive and responsive to the needs of LGBT elders in the Delaware Valley and beyond. To comment on this article, suggest topics for future articles or for more information, visit or call the LGBTEI at 267-546-3448 and watch for “Gettin’ On” each month in PGN.

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013



Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013


LGBT History Month

Activist, advocate continues legacy in D.C. By Michael K. Lavers Washington Blade Historical context and brutal honesty about her own personal struggles have always been an important part of Ruby Corado’s advocacy. The HIV/AIDS epidemic was in full swing when she moved to D.C.’s Dupont Circle neighborhood in 1992. LGBT Washingtonians remained susceptible to harassment and other forms of discrimination, even though the city’s Human Rights Act already included sexual orientation — but not gender identity — as a protected category. In spite of these challenges, Corado said those who sought refuge in the relative safety of Dupont Circle came together to protect their own. “Growing up in the early ’90s in Dupont Circle was about being free because when you walked outside Dupont Circle, you couldn’t be free,” she said. “It was OK for us to go out in mini-skirts and your wig and just maybe your beard.

RUBY CORADO Photo: Michael Key

You were never looked at as different because you expressed yourself.” Corado has brought this context and sense of personal identity to the LGBT community center in Northwest D.C. that bares her name. Casa Ruby in the Columbia

Heights neighborhood officially opened its doors in June 2012. The organization offers a variety of social services and other programs to LGBT Latinos throughout the Washington metropolitan area in both Spanish and English. These include job-placement programs, referrals to immigration lawyers, HIV testing and access to clothes and a food pantry. An organization that oversees the city’s housing programs for the homeless in July awarded Casa Ruby a contract to become the fiscal agent for the Wanda Alston House, a residential shelter for homeless LGBT youth in Northeast D.C., after the transgender advocacy group that managed the facility filed for bankruptcy. Corado and two clients last month testified at a hearing on human trafficking of LGBT youth before the District of Columbia State Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. The Community Justice Project at the Georgetown University Law Center is working with Casa Ruby

this fall to further bolster the organization’s capacity. Casa Ruby has served more than 700 clients since it opened in spite of ongoing financial pressures. These included the $7,000 in back rent it owed in July to the landlord of the three-story Georgia Avenue, N.W., brownstone in which it is located. Casa Ruby has paid some of the aforementioned debt back. “One of my biggest fears even as of today will be that I will come to Casa Ruby and no one is there,” Corado said. “That would be the only thing that scares me.” Corado credits her advocacy and what she described as her willingness to challenge police, city officials and others who she feels are not providing LGBT Washingtonians, particularly her clients, the services they need to living through the civil war in her native El Salvador in the 1980s. “I would go to school and I would see bodies lying on the street,” she said. “I would go to school and in the middle of the day

you’d have helicopters and shootings and bombs and you’re a child. You grow up with some level of strength.” Corado fled her homeland in 1986 and moved to Silver Spring, Md., where she soon began to clean a building on Colesville Road. Corado said she had to work four jobs when she arrived in this country because the family with whom she lived insisted she owed them money. The first gay experience she had in the United States was seeing a Washington Blade box. “I remember seeing the word ‘gay,’ and I was like, this is me,” Corado said. “I remember kind of like wanting to touch the box, but I was afraid just to touch the paper box because I knew that was accepting who I was.” Corado said her first same-sex sexual experience came soon after that moment when she was 18, and “from these I just became a little more open.” She said she had “realized I was embracing who I was in being gay” by the time she moved


to Dupont Circle in 1992. Corado began to cross-dress the same year, and she began to transition into a woman in 1995. Corado abruptly stopped taking hormones later that year after Tyra Hunter died from injuries she suffered in a car accident — and emergency medical personnel on the scene declined to treat her once they discovered she was trans. Corado went “on and off” hormones until she completed her transition in 1999. “Even now as a transgender activist, as a transgender person, I know that society wants to put different labels on us, and we have to accept them sometimes,” Corado said. “There’s one identity that I never left. Even though Ruby’s transgender, I’m very happy being gay because to me being gay means that I’m happy, being happy with who I am.” Corado lived on Church Street, N.W., in Dupont Circle near the Foundry United Methodist Church where then-President Clinton and his family attended services. She credits Xavier Onassis Bloomingdale, considered the mother of the D.C. drag scene, as among the many mentors she had while living in the neighborhood. Corado also recalled how the owner of Mr. P’s, a gay bar on 21st Street, N.W., in Dupont Circle that has since closed, would teach those who did not have a job how to do their makeup if they arrived by 4 p.m. They performed five shows a night and made $25. “With that $25, the next day you’d have enough money to eat,” Corado recalled. Corado volunteered at WhitmanWalker Health, an HIV/AIDS and community-health clinic in D.C., from 1995-96. She again worked for the organization from 2002-08, but personal demons and struggles continued to consume her. Corado learned in 1997 she was living with HIV. She said she began to engage in sex work in 2003 because many of her friends were doing the same thing. Corado became addicted to cocaine in 2009 after a sexual assault she said she experienced — and soon became homeless because she spent all of her money on the drug. Corado told clients and supporters in an e-mail last month that a panic attack prompted her to remain in the hospital for days. “I wanted them to know, you know, Ruby still gets up,” she said. “Just because now I’m leading an organization, my clients always expected honesty from me.” ■

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013


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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013


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Voting is in the final days! Deadline is Oct. 28


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LGBT History Month

Cruising in parks still common By Seth Hemmelgarn Bay Area Reporter Decades ago, men in San Francisco who wanted to hook up with other men had limited options. There were bars or places like city parks, but wherever they went to find each other, there was often a risk of police harassment and arrest. Now, with more acceptance of gays, and the ease of hooking up via mobile apps like Grindr and websites like Adam4Adam, it may seem like visiting the outdoors for sex is a thing of the past. But it’s not. Based on interviews with several gay San Francisco men and visits to the city’s parks, men of all ages are still cruising in the city’s outdoor spaces. Among other reasons, they find the Internet inefficient, and they like being outside. Often, the men said, they’re just looking for oral sex. The fact that men still visit the parks to hook up is likely common knowledge to many. One man in Dolores Park told a reporter who admitted to not being intimately familiar with the scene, “You’ve never been up here? I find that hard to believe.” However, others, including police, are unaware of how much it still happens. At about 4 p.m. on a recent Sunday afternoon in Golden Gate Park’s western edge, a band played on the lawn of the Beach Chalet Brewery and Restaurant. The eatery is located close to Ocean Beach and the park’s iconic windmills, which have been known for years to draw men who’re looking for sex. Nearby, just outside the park’s soccer fields, Jeff, 67, lingered by a tree with the top few buttons of his plaid shirt undone. Jeff, who didn’t want his last name published, said he comes to the area “a couple times a week” to “suck dick and chase after men, get some exercise and smoke some weed.” He added, “I’m an old-fashioned cocksucker and not very anal ... That’s why I survived the plague,” referring to the AIDS epidemic that killed thousands of men in the city beginning in the early 1980s. As Jeff, a semi-retired chef, spoke, about six other men paced around silently within a few feet of each other, waiting for someone who interested them. Jeff said he first cruised in the area about 25 years ago, and he sees fewer people there than he used to. He attributed the decline to the recreation and parks department clearing out greenery. A spokesman for the agency didn’t provide comment for this story. Most of the men near him appeared to be in their 50s and older, but Jeff said he sees men of all ages in the area. There was one man who didn’t seem older than 35 who declined to speak with a reporter.

That was the case with several men who appeared to be looking for hookups in the city’s parks but either wouldn’t talk or said they didn’t know anything about cruising.


Another part of Golden Gate A short walk away from Jeff, near the intersection of John F. Kennedy Drive and Bernice Rogers Way, several men who appeared to be 50 or older stood quietly or walked around slowly. This was the area where, in July 2012, San Francisco resident David Borowy, 55, was found dead with his pants down around his ankles. His death was initially considered a possible murder, but the San Francisco Medical Examiner’s Office eventually determined he’d had heart disease and died of natural causes. A few days after Borowy’s body was found, several men near the site talked about how the park had been a well-known cruising spot for years. When a reporter returned on a recent Sunday afternoon, it appeared that its popularity hadn’t diminished. Bryan Anderson, 65, who’s gay, was talking to another man near the clump of trees where Borowy’s body had been found. Anderson said he’d come to the park out of “boredom” and to get some exercise. He was “semi”-cruising, he said, but “not expecting thrills.” Asked about going online to hook up, Anderson, who said he’d first had sex in the park in 1989, said he has roommates who are younger than him and “live on the


Internet.” For him, “60 percent of it is getting out of the house,” he said. There didn’t appear to be police officers in either area of Golden Gate Park, and the cruisers didn’t seem worried about encountering any. When the Bay Area Reporter requested an interview with Captain Sharon Ferrigno, who heads the San Francisco Police Department’s Richmond Station, which oversees most of the park, a staffer referred questions to the police mediarelations unit. SFPD spokespeople didn’t respond to an emailed interview request. Captain Greg Corrales, who’s been with the SFPD for 44 years, heads Park Station, which oversees parts of the Haight and Castro neighborhoods. The station’s territory includes Buena Vista Park, which has a reputation for being cruisy. Corrales said he’s never dealt with the issue of gay men cruising in the parks himself, but “the attitudes of the police department have certainly changed in the past 40 years.” “When I came in the department,” police “went through various parks trying to catch people engaged in sexual activity,” he said.

death during a sexual encounter. The two men had known each other prior to the night they met up and headed to the park. A prosecutor in the case has said the motive was robbery, but Diaz’s public defender has called the death “a terrible accident.” Just before sunset on a recent Sunday night, a handful of men lingered near the top of the lush, hilly park, which is at the edge of the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood and offers spectacular views of San Francisco and the bay. One man leaned against a wooden rail for several minutes. The man, who’s 40 and didn’t want his name published, said he preferred visiting the park to going online for hookups. “It’s unfortunate how we have become disconnected,” he said. “It’s so much easier to meet somebody and smile.” On the day he spoke with a reporter, he said he was looking for “just a good oldfashioned hand job.” He doesn’t have intercourse in the park, he said, partially because “I wouldn’t want to see myself face-down with the police coming around the corner.” But for Christopher Wood, 25, being found out is part of the appeal. Wood, a receptionist, cruises in the park because “there’s something really erotic about it. Obviously, the idea that you might get caught, but I don’t know, it’s just really hot to be outdoors,” he said in a phone interSAN FRANCISCO’S ICONIC WINDMILLS AREA HAS LONG view. BEEN KNOWN FOR GAY CRUISING Photos: Pete Thoshinsky He said he goes to the park “That mentality hasn’t existed in decades for sex “two or three times a month” and usually goes to Golden Gate, but somein this department.” “I think the general public has become times he goes to Buena Vista. “There’s not usually a lot of talking,” more enlightened, and cops are part of the general population,” Corrales explained. Wood said in describing how encounters “Cops have become more enlightened as begin. “It’s glances. You give somebody the eye. Usually, depending on when you the years go by.” He said nobody’s been cited at Buena go, you have a pick of a few guys. If you’re not interested, you just keep walking.” Vista Park this year for having sex. Wood moved to San Francisco from “We do not get any complaints” about men hooking up in the parks, said Corrales. Seattle about a year ago and said, “I feel like there was more action” in the other “I don’t believe it’s going on anymore.” He said if it is, it’s being done “dis- city. There, he said, he saw a lot of wedding rings on men in the park, and it seems creetly.” “If we don’t get complaints, it doesn’t there’s more of a need to be secretive about exist, as far as we’re concerned.” gay sex. “There’s still a lot of ‘hush hush’ around being gay and gay issues” in Seattle, said Top of the hill In recent years, Buena Vista Park has Wood, “whereas in San Francisco, I feel been associated with the June 2011 death like you can talk about anything at any of Freddy Canul-Arguello, 23, whose time. It’s safe.” As with cruisers in Buena Vista, it seems burned, mostly naked body was found with a partially melted recycling bin on a men looking for hookups in Dolores and park hill. David Munoz Diaz, 24, has been Collingwood parks don’t have much reacharged with strangling Canul-Arguello to son to fear the police PAGE 19

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013

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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013



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News Briefing Judge extends appeal deadline A federal judge has given openly gay inmate Kenneth J. Houck Jr. until Dec. 31 to appeal unfavorable rulings relating to restitution he’s seeking for a brutal assault he sustained. On Nov. 10, 2011, inmates Justin O’Brien and Kevin V. Hannig assaulted Houck at the Federal Detention Center in Philadelphia, breaking his leg. Hannig and O’Brien pleaded guilty to the assault, and were sentenced to additional time in prison. But according to judicial rulings, they don’t have to pay any restitution to Houck while he remains incarcerated. Houck was unable to meet the Sept. 23 deadline for filing an appeal of the restitution rulings, because he didn’t have access to his legal papers, according to court filings. On Sept. 17, U.S. District Judge William H. Yohn Jr. gave Houck until Dec. 31, 2013, to file an appeal. Houck, 38, pleaded guilty to transporting child pornography in an unrelated matter, and his projected release date is April 1, 2018. Hannig, 36, and O’Brien, 26, are convicted bank robbers. Hannig’s projected release date is Aug. 24, 2015. O’Brien’s projected release date is May 20, 2018.

Haring mural to be dedicated next month The newly restored “We the Youth” mural by Keith Haring will be dedicated Nov. 2 at a public ceremony in South Philadelphia. Haring was an iconic pop artist whose animated figures are recognized throughout the world. He died in 1990, at age 31, from complications of AIDS. In 1987, Haring painted the mural on the side of a private home at the northeast corner of 22nd and Ellsworth streets, in collaboration with numerous innercity youth. The mural was part of a citywide celebration of the 200th

anniversary of the United States Constitution. But over the years, its vibrant colors have faded and parts of it have chipped away. The city’s Mural Arts Program recently embarked on a restoration of the mural, with financial support from the Keith Haring Foundation. Additionally, landscape architect Michael J. LoFurno of Composite Inc. refurbished an adjacent garden, so that it better showcases the mural. The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society contributed financially to the garden’s restoration. The dedication ceremony will begin at 1 p.m. Nov. 2 at the site of the mural and garden. A team of artists who restored the mural are expected to attend. MAP executive director Jane Golden said the mural is an important piece of public artwork. “We’re so proud that Keith Haring did this mural, and I think it’s wonderful that we were able to restore it,” Golden told PGN. “This mural will live on as a beacon of hope, and a source of inspiration.” — Timothy Cwiek

Easton college celebrates History Month Lafayette College in Easton will celebrate LGBT History Month with a week’s worth of events. The week will start with a visit by playwright and performer John Dayo Aliya at 4 p.m. Oct. 17 at the Hugel Science Center, Room 100. “Before Stonewall” will be screened at 7 p.m. Oct. 21 at Kirby Hall of Civil Rights auditorium, Room 104, which will be followed by a discussion led by Associate Dean of Intercultural Development Gene Kelly. LGBT-rights advocate and professor John Corvino will be the keynote speaker for “Haters, Sinners and the Rest of Us: The Gay Debate Today” at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 24 in Colton Chapel. A panel discussion on postDOMA marriage equality will be held at 7 p.m. Oct. 29 in the Farinon College Center. All programs are free and open to the public. For more information, visit ■ — Angela Thomas


either. Officer Ted Lattig, the gay LGBT liaison for Mission Station, which oversees the parks, said police haven’t received complaints about sex in the parks and haven’t patrolled for it recently. “If it’s been happening, or been a problem, the people in the neighborhood aren’t telling us about it,” said Lattig. He’s more concerned with “people overindulging at the bars” or doing drugs and becoming more likely to be victims of crimes like robberies. Most of the men who spoke with the B.A.R. weren’t worried about becoming victims of robberies or other crimes in the park, but Lattig indicated he does worry. “In any major city, if you’re out past 2 in morning in the park, that in itself can be risky behavior, cruising or not,” he said. “No one here is judging that, and I’m

very aware that in the gay community, cruising can be viewed as a celebration of who you are ... It’s your sexuality, and you’re having a connection with a person, even though it might be very short, very quick.” Lattig, a longtime Castro district resident, recalled a period about 10 years ago when he would drive past Collingwood Park around 4 a.m. on his way to work. “I would see a few guys standing out there waiting to get picked up,” he said. “I haven’t seen that in quite some time, but that doesn’t mean it’s not happening.” During a visit to Collingwood Park at about 1:30 a.m. on a Sunday in September, the sidewalks around the fenced-in park near the heart of the Castro were practically empty. Kevin Casey, 57, who’s gay, was standing on the Diamond Street side of the park with a

friend. Casey said that when he moved to San Francisco more than 25 years ago, the area was “scandalous.” “I knew I was not in Ohio anymore,” said Casey. Now, though, the area is “very sanitized.” On the night he spoke with a reporter, Casey said he was hoping to go into the park to smoke pot, but he couldn’t find an opening. The last time he engaged in sex there was about six months ago. “I just crept into the park to take a leak,” he said, but ended up getting head. “I was shocked that such a thing would still go on.” Gay Supervisor Scott Wiener, whose District 8 includes the Castro, said in an email, “I haven’t received any complaints about park cruising,” and the practice didn’t motivate his recent legislative proposal to establish consistent closing hours for the city’s parks, from

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013

midnight to 5 a.m. At about 10:30 on a Monday night in late September, a 32year-old homeless man stood by the Muni tracks in Dolores Park, just beneath the pathway on the western edge of the park that’s known for cruising. He frequently hooks up with other men in the park. That includes men he’s sure live their lives as straight, based in part on how self-loathing they seem after sex. Despite the fact there’s no lighting in much of the park, and rats were scurrying around nearby, the man said, “For me, this is one of the safest places I know. I know the dynamics. I know what people are looking for. I’ve had a lot of fun here.” However, he added, “If you really think you’re going to have a solid relationship” with anyone you meet there, “you have to understand this is where you met them, and this is what it is.”

East Bay Other parts of the Bay Area have their cruisy spots, too. Julian Clift, 50, said he’d heard about men hooking up at Berkeley’s Aquatic Park since the 1980s, but it wasn’t until the late 1990s that someone from the White Horse, an Oakland gay bar that he frequented, told him where to look. Eventually, the 50-year-old medical-records technician went so frequently that fellow bar patrons nicknamed him “Bush Queen.” He quit going in 2007 after his husband, with whom he’d had an open relationship, passed away and “my libido died,” he said. Asked why he’d gone to the park for sex, Clift said, “Because it was there. Because I was younger. Because I was horny.” ■ Seth Hemmelgarn is an assistant editor at the Bay Area Reporter. He can be reached at

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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013

NEWS PGN REPORT from page 1

26 Ryan White-funded HIV clinics in Philadelphia and also used data from the city’s Department of Public Health. It examined clonic attendance, as well as use of antiretroviral therapy and HIV viral load suppression to gain findings. Researchers found 1,000 out of 13,000 patients visited numerous clinics and had poorer outcomes than their counterparts. About 69 percent of multiple-clinic visitors received antiretrovirals, and 68 percent suppressed their HIV viral load; in contrast, 83 percent of single-clinic patients received ART, and 79 percent achieved viral-load suppression. The study also found that patients who visited multiple clinics were more likely to be younger, black, female, on public insurance or without insurance and in their first year of care. Yehia said the report sheds light on the importance of developing strong ties with a health-care provider. “If patients are going to more than one clinic, they are more likely to have a weaker patient-doctor relationship,” he said. “They may not be feeling comfortable with their provider.” The study also notes the importance of providers tracking the care their multipleclinic patients receive so as to reduce the risk of ART medication errors and drug interactions. Yehia said researchers hope to do a more qualitative analysis of the multiple-clinic visitors. “The next step is to talk to patients and see why they are using more than one site. We hope to learn their reasoning — are there more services, an HIV stigma, are some folks looking for narcotic subscription?” he said. “There are a lot of different reasons. Maybe they have a lot of diseases and one doctor helps with one and the other helps with something else. Understanding the next step will help us do better with what services should be provided at these clinics.” Yehia said he hopes the study raises awareness among service providers about keeping an open dialogue with patients about their full medical care. �� “We want to share this information with providers in the city and let clinics and providers know about our results and give advice on how to check with patients on what other clinics they’re going to.” ■

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Gayborhood Crime Watch The following incidents in the Midtown Village and Washington Square West areas were reported to the 6th Police District between Sept. 30-Oct.6. Information is courtesy of 6th District Capt. Brian Korn; Stacy Irving, senior director, Crime Prevention Service; Center City District; the Police Liaison Committee and Midtown Village Merchants Association. To report crime tips, visit or call 215-686TIPS (8477). INCIDENTS — Between 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Oct. 1, someone stole a secured bicycle from outside 1000 Chestnut St. — At 4 a.m. Oct. 2, police responded to an alarm at the deli at 1200 Walnut St. and found the front glass door smashed and the cash register missing. The register was recovered at 1200 Chancellor St. with the money missing. Central Detectives processed the scene for evidence and latent fingerprints. Security video shows a black male in his 40s, with a beard and a gray and blue plaid shirt and baseball cap stealing the register. Watch the video at — At 3:05 p.m. Oct. 2, security video shows a male stealing a Fed Ex package from the steps of a residence on the 900 block of Bonaparte Court. The suspect was described as a black male on crutches due to leg amputation, wearing a blue-striped shirt and jeans. — Between 9:35-9:40 p.m. Oct. 3, someone stole the tires of a secured bicycle from outside 1326 Spruce St. The suspect was described as a 30-year-old white male, 5-foot-8, 150 pounds, with blonde hair and wearing a plaid shirt, baseball cap and khaki pants. — Between 12:30-5 p.m. Oct. 4, someone stole a secured bicycle from outside 1327 Chestnut St. — At 7:25 a.m. Oct. 5, a complainant was in the 400 block of South 13th Street and was confronted by a black male wearing a black and red wig, bikini top and fishnet stockings who allegedly threatened and attempted to spray the victim with pepper spray if he called the police about prostitution. NON-SUMMARY ARRESTS — At 1:05 a.m. Oct. 3, two males got into an argument outside 1000 Market St., and one allegedly struck the other with a cane and a 2 x 4. Sixth and 9th District police responded to the 911 call and a 72-year-old homeless suspect was arrested and charged with aggravated assault. — At 1 p.m. Oct. 3, Mobile Field Force officers observed a male rolling a marijuana blunt outside 1200 St. James St. The male was arrested and police recovered six bags of marijuana. The 45-year-old suspect with a

Frankford address was charged with possession of marijuana. — At 1:15 p.m. Oct. 3, Mobile Field Force officers arrested a male wanted on a bench warrant for failure to appear for court outside 1200 St. James St. The 22-year-old suspect with a West Philadelphia address was charged with contempt of court. — At 2 a.m. Oct. 4, 6th District Officers Kelly and Loggia responded to a disturbance call inside the Parker-Spruce Hotel, 261 S. 13th St., where they encountered two nonresidents in the 10th-floor fire tower acting disorderly. A female was ordered to leave, but instead attacked the officers by kicking and punching them. The 67-year-old woman with a Tioga address was taken into custody and charged with assault.

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013

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— At 11 a.m. Oct. 4, Center City District officers arrested a male at 800 Market St. who was in possession of a cell phone stolen from Williamstown, N.J. The 41-year-old suspect with a North Philadelphia address was charged with receiving stolen property. — At 4:25 p.m. Oct. 4, 6th District Officer Duncan arrested a male outside 1207 Spruce St. who was wanted on a bench warrant for failure to appear for court. The 21-year-old suspect with a Stratford, N.J., address was charged with contempt of court. — At 3:30 a.m. Oct. 5, 6th District bikepatrol Officers Erwin and Stone, assigned to the Washington West area, observed a male stealing a copper down spout from the front of a residence in the 1200 block of Spruce Street. The 47-year-old suspect with a homeless-shelter address was charged with theft and is under investigation for similar thefts in the area. SUMMARY ARRESTS — At 8:15 p.m. Oct. 1, 6th District officers issued a citation for a summary offense outside 1300 Walnut St. — At 10:25 p.m. Oct. 2, 6th District officers issued a citation for a summary offense outside 400 S. 12th St. — At 12:40 a.m. Oct. 3, 6th District officers issued a citation for a summary offense outside 252 S. 12th St. — On Oct. 4, 6th District officers issued citations for summary offenses at 1:35 a.m. outside 1234 Locust St., 2:35 a.m. outside 200 S. Fawn St., 3:20 a.m. outside 1200 Cypress St., 10 p.m. outside 400 S. Camac St. and 10:30 p.m. outside 1231 Lombard St. — On Oct. 5, 6th District officers issued citations for summary offenses at 1:55 a.m. outside 254 S. 12th St., 4 a.m. outside 200 S. 13th St., 8:40 p.m. outside 260 S. 13th St. and 8:40 p.m. outside 200 S. 12th St. ■

Scott A. Drake Photography




Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013


Sponsors in Central Ky. dropping Boy Scouts

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According to The State Journal, a Central Kentucky Boy Scout official says 20 sponsors either have dropped or plan to drop their charters in response to a policy change earlier this year that allows openly gay youth to participate. Chip Armishaw, who is chief executive officer of Boy Scouts of America’s Blue Grass Council, said the council has found replacement sponsors for almost all of them. The Blue Grass Council is comprised of 209 chartered organizations in 55 counties in Eastern and Central Kentucky. The Boy Scouts’ National Council voted in May to allow openly gay youth to join but maintained its ban on gay leaders. Armishaw said the council expected some of its chartered organizations to cut ties after the vote.

N.J. jury awards former athletic director $800K The Asbury Park Press reports a jury in New Jersey has awarded $800,000 to a former athletic director who claimed she was the victim of a hostile work environment because she’s a lesbian. The panel in Monmouth County reached the verdict Oct. 10 against the Holmdel school board. Laurie Cancalosi, 51, said she began a relationship with the thenprincipal of Holmdel High School two months after she was hired in 2004. She claimed the school board targeted her based on her sexual orientation and failed to act on her complaints, beginning in 2005 and until she was fired in 2006. The principal was fired a month earlier. H e r a t t o r n ey, R . A r m e n McOmber, said he’s happy his client was vindicated. The school board attorney could not be reached for comment.

Gay boxer loses in title fight shot ABC News reports gay boxer Orlando Cruz lost his bid for a piece of the featherweight title Oct. 12, getting stopped in the seventh round by veteran Orlando Salido. Cruz, the first openly gay active fighter, was outclassed much of the fight by Salido, who landed the heavier punches throughout before knocking Cruz down with a right hand to the head in the seventh. Cruz was on his knees and couldn’t get up as he was counted out at 1:05 of the round. Salido, who lost the 126-pound title in his last fight, won it back with an impressive performance against Cruz, a former Olympian from Puerto Rico who last year came out as gay. He took the fight to Cruz and was ahead 5955 on two scorecards and 58-56 on a third going into the seventh round.

UT cites procreation in suit over gay marriage The Salt Lake Tribune reports attorneys for the state of Utah are defending a state constitutional amendment that defines marriage as a union of a man and woman, saying it promotes the state’s interest in “responsible procreation” and the “optimal mode of child-rearing.” The state, in motions filed Oct. 11, asked U.S. District Judge Robert J. Shelby of Salt Lake City to find in its favor in a lawsuit over voter-approved Amendment 3 filed by three same-sex couples who maintain it’s unconstitutional. The state’s motion notes Utah is the most-married and “child-centric” state in the nation, and the state has a right to set as policy an “age-old and still predominant” definition of marriage. But attorneys for the same-sex couples say the choice of a marriage partner is a “fundamental right and liberty interest” protected by the U.S. Constitution, and the state amendment that took effect in 2005 discriminates against gays and lesbians. A hearing on the summaryjudgment motions is set for Dec. 4 before Shelby. ■ — compiled by Larry Nichols


International Trans girl allowed female ID card A trans girl in Argentina has been allowed a female identification card, and for her gender to be officially recognized in a landmark decision. Luana, previously known as Manuel, is 6 years old, and identified as female since she was able to speak. Preferring to be known as Lulu, she was granted the right to identify as her gender under a law passed in Argentina last year. She received her amended birth certificate and ID card on Oct. 9. Gabriel, Lulu’s mother, thanked the authorities in Buenos Aires because they “trusted the identity of my daughter,” and because they “respected her rights.” Having become the first country in South America to allow gay couples to marry, Argentina last May passed a bill giving transgender citizens the right to have their gender recognized by law. Hormone therapy and reassignment surgery have also become available for transgender citizens, who are now able to change their

Philadelphia Gay News

officially recorded gender without prior medical or judicial approval. Lulu’s first application to officially change her gender was initially refused because of her age, but the Children, Youth and Family Secretary overturned the decision. It is believed that the child is the youngest in the world to be granted official permission to determine his or her own gender identity.

Gay rally in Russia breaks up after scuffles A gay-rights rally in St. Petersburg Oct. 12 ended in scuffles after several-dozen protestors were confronted by about 200 conservative and religious activists. The police standing nearby waited until clashes broke out between the two groups before intervening. According to Russian news agencies, the police detained 67 people from both sides. The scuffles started after antigay protestors tore a rainbow flag out of a woman’s hands. The St. Petersburg government had sanc-

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013

tioned the rally despite the Russian government’s June passage of a contentious law outlawing gay “propaganda.’’ Gays in Russia have faced increasing pressure and threats of violence.

those taking part in the parade.

Pride revelers in Brazil pack Copacabana Beach

Australian budget airline Jetstar has apologized to a passenger who pulled his suitcase from a baggage carousel to find the message “I am gay” written on it with stickers. The bag was first on the carousel and the imagery of the words was large enough for passengers to see. “We are taking this matter very seriously and we have contacted the passenger to apologize for any distress caused,” a Jetstar spokesperson said. Twitter user @aaronpp posted the picture on Oct. 13. “Utterly disgusted to find my luggage front and center on the @JetstarAirways luggage carousel looking like this,” he wrote. “‘I am gay’ was not emblazoned across my luggage as a celebration. It was used as a pejorative. It was used to humiliate. It was used as a slur.” ■

Rio de Janeiro’s famed Copacabana Beach has been packed with tens of thousands of revelers taking part in the city’s gay Pride parade. A hot tropical sun beamed down on the flamboyant and loud procession Oct. 13. Participants in Carnavalesque outfits danced as trucks outfitted with enormous speakers blasted driving electronic music. Rio’s Pride isn’t Brazil’s largest. That distinction belongs to the event held in Sao Paulo. But the gathering was arguably the country’s wildest, taking place in a city that throws its arms open wide to any event offering a glitzy show. Organizers say it’s not just a party, though. They want to raise awareness about violence committed against gays and to reinforce lessons about safe sex among

Australian airline apologizes for ‘I am gay’ sticker

— compiled by Larry Nichols

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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013


Liberty City Press OCT. 13-20, 2013



OH NO Council Should Reject Temptation To End “Resign-To-Run” Law A school district on the brink of financial collapse. An underfunded pension fund threatening the economic future of our city. A fatal building collapse at 20th and Market. There are hundreds of issues worth debating on the floor of City Council. A Home Rule Charter change to allow Philadelphia politicians to stay in their elected offices while running for another office is not one of them. Yet this is precisely what Councilman David Oh told the city’s Ethics Board he would have us focus on this fall. Legislation doing away with the resign-to-run is nothing more than a solution in search of a problem; political opportunism masquerading as good government and should be rejected as such. Resign-to-run was part of the 1950’s Clark-Dilworth reforms that defined a simple solution to a simple problem. Employees of the City of Philadelphia, including elected officials, must resign their posts before running for another office. By so doing, they would avoid the real or imagined conflict of a councilmember running for mayor or a mayor running for governor. The Oh plan would allow, for example, the city controller to run for mayor while in the controller’s office as these respective offices run in different election cycles; it would not allow a city councilperson to hold office while running for mayor as they run in the same election cycle. The Oh Plan would, however, allow the councilperson to declare a candidacy for mayor and raise campaign funds up till the point of candidate withdrawal. That means we could see members of city council simultaneously ramping up mayoral and council re-elect campaign committees years before the mayoral election. The only folks who think that is a good idea are a handful of mayoral or statewide office hopefuls sitting on city council or in Philadelphia’s row offices. Imagine a city councilmember declaring her candidacy for mayor, raising money into a mayoral campaign three years prior to the mayoral primary. What public good does that serve? Or how about a city controller and city councilmember, each declared candidates for mayor, running negative ads against each other in January of 2019? Or these two going at it during the controller’s annual testimony before city council. It doesn’t take much imagination to see the silly road that the Oh plan charts out for us. This might be fun political theater but it is no way to run a city. What is most absurd about the call for an end to resign-to-run is the three-tiered rationale that Council-

Oh says resign-to-run leads to a shortage of Philadelphians in state government…

man Oh lays out for its demise. First, there’s the bottleneck argument: forcing politicians to resign to run for higher office means they don’t resign. Except that the last four mayors – Nutter, Street, Rendell, and Goode – all resigned to run. Nutter and Street from City Council, Rendell from the DA’s Office (to run for Governor then Mayor) and W. Wilson Goode from the Managing Director’s Office. Don’t let history get in the way of political opportunism, Councilman. Second, Oh says resign-torun leads to a shortage of Philadelphians in state government and our meager status in Harrisburg. Except that our DA just served two terms as Governor – a time in which many Philadelphians held high-level positions in state government and there is currently one candidate for Governor, Allyson Schwartz, who resigned from Congress to run. History can be so inconvenient, Mr. Oh. Finally, there’s Oh’s phone call argument. Oh told the Inquirer “The change could make Philadelphia more influential if, for instance, the city’s mayor was considered a potential candidate for governor. ‘If you’re governor and you get a phone call from a mayor of Philadelphia who could run for governor,

Philadelphia City Councilman David Oh

you might take that call seriously,’” Oh said. Or, Mr. Oh, more likely, the governor would dismiss the mayor’s call as a campaign tactic, expose it as such to the press and, in fact, undermine the very mayoral power your law is designed to enhance. Then there’s Shane Creamer Jr., the ethic board’s executive director, who tells the Inquirer that “making the change effective after the next mayoral election should undercut any cynicism that this is being done to benefit any particular candidate or candidates.” Oh brother. Just how stupid do these guys think we are? O C T. 1 3 - 2 0 , 2 0 1 3

Liberty City Press is a collaborative publication effort of the Philadelphia Multicultural Media Network.


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Liberty City Press is a collaborative publication effort of the Philadelphia Multicultural Media Network.


Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013


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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013

PGN ARREST from page 1



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to the protestors, we didn’t look at them, we didn’t say anything derogatory to them.” But, as Berner began reaching for his camera back and Reto started walking away, Reto says he was grabbed from behind and forced to the ground by a Civil Affairs officer. Police spokesperson Lt. John Stanford said the police report contends that the arresting officer was pushed from behind after a group of festivalgoers attempted to knock down Repent America’s signs. “What is stated is that the officer felt someone push him from behind and he reached behind his back and grabbed the person who was still there before they had the opportunity to move,” Stanford said. “And he turned around and was still holding on to that person.” Reto vehemently denied he or his group went near the protestors’ signs or pushed the officer. Video shows the plainclothes officer pinning Reto to the ground with his body, and another assisting by forcing her knee onto his back, while a number of both plainclothes and uniformed officers formed a blockade around the group. Reto, who is 5-foot-7 and weighs 145 pounds, said he did initially resist the officer, as he was unaware he was law enforcement until he was on the ground for several moments. “Immediately after the picture was taken, I didn’t even get a chance to turn around. I had an arm around my neck choking me,” Reto said. “Yes, I was resisting when somebody grabbed me from behind. No one told me they were part of the police. I thought they were the protestors. They forced my head down, so I couldn’t even look around. But I thought they were the protestors and


the barricade was officers trying to get them off me. I had no idea.” Bethel said the plainclothes Civil Affairs officers, who work the event every year, displayed their badges on their arms. “They had their bands out prominently. Clearly there’s a protest here and it’s clear we had Civil Affairs on location; they had their badges and bands, and they’re supported by police,” Bethel said. “Civil Affairs officers are trained to deal with protests like this, they do it every year. And we have to work both sides — both the protestors and the anti-protestors.” Reto can be heard yelling “help me” multiple times on several different video accounts of the incident. He spent about two minutes on the ground. Reto was handcuffed, pulled to his feet and walked down Locust, and Berner attempted to follow, prompting his own arrest. “At some point, there was contact made with the officers,” Bethel said. “They asked people to move back, and there was some contact made.” Berner noted that his report cites him for trying to pull police off of Reto, which he denied happened.

“While it was transpiring with Anthony, I kept screaming, ‘Get off my boyfriend,’ and the gentleman in the brown blazer said, ‘Knock it off, back up,’” Berner said. “I was already 15-20 feet away from what was happening. In the videos of Anthony, you can’t even see me on the video.” Reto was placed in a police vehicle near 13th and Locust and said the car looped around to pick up Berner on 12th Street. “I had no idea he had even been arrested because I couldn’t see what was going on,” Reto said. Reto said neither he nor his partner were intoxicated. They have a credit-card receipt from Macy’s one hour prior to the incident and then each had two drinks at ICandy. The pair was transported to the Ninth

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013

District at 21st and Hamilton streets. They were placed in a holding cell and fingerprinted around 8 p.m. Around 10 p.m., an officer gathered their basic information via a television screen. They were informed they would face a preliminary hearing at 12:30 a.m. but at 2:30 a.m. were released from the cell, with instructions that they both faced criminal conspiracy and disorderly conduct charges. Both say they were not read their Miranda Rights. Stanford said rights are only read prior to a formal interview, which the pair said they did not undergo. While in the cell, Reto and Berner said one officer repeatedly refused to refer to them as partners or boyfriends. A hearing is scheduled for Oct. 28. The

Video shows the plainclothes officer pinning Reto to the ground with his body, and another assisting by forcing her knee onto his back, while a number of both plainclothes and uniformed officers formed a blockade around the group.

pair is speaking with a number of attorneys and has contacted the American Civil Liberties Union. Philly Pride Presents president Franny Price, who chairs the Police Liaison Committee, has also been in contact with the couple. Internal Affairs will contact Reto and Berner shortly, Bethel said, to document their account. Reto said the incident left him with a number of injuries. “I have bruises on my legs, bruises on my back, scrapes on my elbows and hands, cuffmark bruises and a scratch on my face,” he said. Reto is the manager of M Restaurant and a student at the Art Institute of Philadelphia, and Berner is in business development, having worked for a local company for the past nine years. Reto said he and Berner, who has been together for more than two years and live in Fairmount, went into the day expecting a relaxing day off. “Me and my partner work seven days a week and were just trying to enjoy a day out. This was so uncalled for,” he said. “It was just awful, traumatic and scary. I don’t think I’ve ever been that scared.” ■

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Philadelphia Gay News

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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013

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Community LGBT Event LGBT Fundraiser

Did you just get done a fabulous dinner in the Gayborhood? Have a great workout with your trainer? Discover a new spot to quench your weekend thirst or return to an old favorite? Everybody likes raving about their favorites, so have no fear — you can share your two cents about the best of the best of our community in PGN’s annual Best of Gay Philadelphia!

LGBT Nonprofit

We leave it in your hands to determine the standouts in the city — from businesses to organizations to individual leaders. These folks may not always get the credit they deserve, so now’s your chance to give them a pat on the back with your votes.


The contest will run through Oct. 28, and you can use PGN’s handy-dandy online survey to share with us which person, place or thing you think should shine in each category. Think local, think LGBT. You don’t have to fill out every category, but too many blank lines make us sad. And feel free to include witty comments with your choices; some may get printed and others may just give us a chuckle.

LGBT Sports Organization

Activist Bartender Hair Stylist

Personal Trainer When the contest closes, we at PGN will tally up all of your votes and present your Politician picks for the Best of Gay Philadelphia in our Nov. 8 edition. Winners will be the guests of honor at a special invite-only party in November. To vote, visit, or pick your favorites on this form and mail it or drop it off to 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147, or fax it to 215-925-6437.

PGN’s Best of Gay Philadelphia 505 S. Fourth St. Philadelphia, PA 19147 Fax: 215-925-6437

Food & Drink

Go to and click on the link for Best of Gay Philadelphia to cast your votes online.


Bar Food Date Restaurant Ethnic Food Place to Indulge a Sweet Tooth

Neighborhood Bar

Coffee Shop

LGBT Party

Place to Grab a Beer

Sports Bar

Happy Hour

Wine Bar


Dance Floor




Non-LGBT Hangout

Overall Restaurant

Performance Space (drag/cabaret/piano) Theme Night Overall Bar

Arts & Entertainment Drag King Drag Queen DJ Musician Theater

AC ul t ure 3 THE HARD WAY rts


Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013


Family Portrait Get Out and Play Out & About Q Puzzle Scene in Philly Worth Watching

Page Page Page Page Page Page


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Theatre Exile explores sexual identity in Philly premiere of ‘Cock’ By Larry Nichols

Theatre Exile is launching its 2013-14 season with the Philadelphia premiere of “Cock,” the award-winning play by British playwright Mike Bartlett. Set on a sparse and propless stage, “Cock” is the story of John, who is dealing with the thorny emotional landscape of his life after he has an affair with W during a break from his boyfriend, M. Artistic director Deborah Block said “Cock” manages to inject some humor into a situation that is quite traumatic for characters who are wrestling with issues of sexual identity. “While the story poses a serious question and is a serious journey, there are a lot of light moments that usually come from people fumbling around each other,” she said. “It’s not going to be a heavy journey, although the ultimate journey definitely is a serious one. There’s a lot of ideas and conflict in there. Do I have to take this label? Are you making me behave a certain way? Because I love this person, does that mean I’m not allowed to do that? Also being able to separate a good relationship from a bad relationship. All of those things get globbed together to the point where it is very difficult for him to discern it. I think part of it is it’s a lot for someone to have to navigate, understanding fully who they are when they are young and in their 20s.” Added actor Wes Haskell who plays John: “It definitely explores the human condition

in a comical way but it asks very serious and difficult questions. It uses humor but the subject matter is definitely a serious issue. One of the essential questions is: Are we defined by sexuality? And whether or not that is answered is up to the audience. I know that playing the character John, I very much do not want to be defined by my sexuality. I want to be defined by who I am, by what I do and by the type of person that I am. That’s his struggle and those around him want to define him by his sexuality and make him choose. But John fights that, hence the journey he has to go on.” John tried to work out his conflicting feelings by arranging for M and W to meet over a dinner that also includes M’s father, F. Block said that referring to the other characters in the play with letters instead of names, along with the minimalist setting, gives the action on stage a scientific and academic feel. “The playwright very much stripped away everything down to the essentials,” she said. “I believe he tried to do that with the entire world. There is no set or props and you are not allowed to mime. He was very specific. Just to make sure we are doing it, he references props and references the characters holding things but you are not allowed to mime them. He stripped down the characters to their central archetypal roles. That is why everyone is stripped of their name, because they are essentially an archetype in many ways. The shows that we do are an emotional roller coaster. In this particular show, it takes that to the next level, almost like a scientific equation. Things don’t change unless here is a catalyst and the catalyst in this play is a car accident. And everything changes because of that.” Both Block and Haskell said the presence of F gives the love triangle an added dimension of complexity. “What’s interesting is that John clearly does not have a super-strong PAGE 30

THE MAGIC NUMBER: Wes Haskell (center) with John Jarboe and Mary Tuomanen Photo: Robert Hakalski



Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013

COCK from page 29

relationship with his family,” Haskell said. “Both M and F have created this family for John. That definitely affects how John looks at the relationship and what he could be losing when he has to make a decision eventually. I think that F brings in a little bit of force and the push that John needs because John doesn’t want to make a decision, but he is forced to by society and F represents that and an old way of thinking. That comes to fruition when he shows up.” “The idea of not losing a person but losing a community and a family is very important,” Block added. “I also think that the playwright wrote the M character in such a way that he couldn’t sympathetically present all these points of view for John to hear. But John can hear them ultimately from the father. They would be able to have that nice discussion because if they could have that nice discussion, they would have had that already. That father brings that in for him. In

Europe, they call this the cockfight play and I don’t think it’s a straight-up cockfight. It’s more complex than that. A cockfight would be M and W fighting against each other to the death. That’s not what this is. It’s a far more complex laying-out of ideas.” Both Block and Haskell said the beauty of the story is that the audience can relate to all the characters in the play who represent the questions posed by the situation. “Hopefully they will sympathize with all of them because all of them

Triangle Medical

are right and all of them are wrong,” Haskell said. “I hope that the audience will have as difficult a decision deciding how this will play out as John does. I hope they go on that roller

T h e a t r e E x i l e p re s ents “Cock” through Nov. 10 at Theatre Exile’s Studio X, 1340 13th St. Fo r m o re information or tickets, call 215218-4022 or visit www.theatreexile. org.

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coaster with us because then I think they will be able to understand it and why it is difficult.” “I know when I first read the play, I perceived John and M’s relationship differently,” Block added. “I actually perceived M to be even more of a bully. I didn’t understand his love for John initially. What I hope to do with this production is for you to be able to see the merits of all the relationships that are on the table so it’s not a simple answer. So when the audience leaves it’s not about what is the right decision but what decision would I make. There is not a finite, clear road to the answer.” ■

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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013



Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013


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THIS WEEKEND AT 360 FRIDAY, OCT 18 • Blue Label & DJ Sev One SATURDAY, OCT 19 • Mike Estabrook Duo, Modern Bliss & DJ Eric Vanderslice Visit for full listing.




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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013



Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013


WikiLeaks scandal out in the open in ‘The Fifth Estate’ By Gary M. Kramer PGN Contributor The title sequence of gay director Bill Condon’s entertaining, globe-hopping drama “The Fifth Estate” shows how information has been disseminated through the ages — from cave paintings to newspapers, to radio, TV and the Internet. The film, which opens Oct. 18 at Ritz theatres, provides this concise history to underscore the impact WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange (Benedict Cumberbatch) has had on contemporary news media. Written by Josh Singer, this glossy film details the events leading up to 2010, when Assange leaked classified government military records fed to him by Chelsea (nee Bradley) Manning.

“The Fifth Estate” is not an Assange biopic, although snippets of information about the WikiLeaks founder’s past are revealed. The focus here is how Assange and Daniel Berg (Daniel Brühl) set out to bring about great change by exposing secrets while keeping their own identities secret. It also shows how Assange — who quotes Oscar Wilde when he says, “Give a man a mask, and he will tell you the truth” — went too far. Was it hubris or a true quest for accountability that drove Assange to post the classified information? The filmmakers have opted to present a portrait of the controversial media figure that is one-part character study and one-part character assassination. The first half of “The Fifth Estate” is best, as it involves viewers in the site’s

noble agenda to provide a safe, secure platform for whistleblowers and promote the need for transparency. These ideals drove Assange and Berg to bring down Julius Baer, a Swiss bank, for misuse of funds. The success of their action bolsters the two men. They soon develop a kind of bromance; Berg has effectively been seduced by Assange and his “you and me against the world” attitude. But the second act, when Assange gets powerful, lacks excitement. He acts moody. He plays power games with Berg as well as Nick Davies (David Thewlis), a reporter at The Guardian who wants to help him break the Manning story. Assange betrays and feels betrayed. He and Daniel even “break up” twice — once irreparably. In retaliation for being “dumped,” Berg seems to rejoice in recounting personal details such as the fact that Assange dyes his hair white. “The Fifth Estate” is based in part on Berg’s book and, had Condon and Singer taken his character’s perspective exclusively, the film might have been stronger. Instead, several interlocking stories are told, but none of them have sufficient depth. In fact, “The Fifth Estate” almost feels like a Wikipedia entry on the WikiLeaks founder, highlighting just the salient points of his story. The drama that is recreated in the film is mostly done with didactic explanations, pages of text and website coding and platitudes like, “Courage is contagious,” which is used to motivate Berg’s actions. A prime example of the film’s weakness involves a subplot featuring State Department official Sarah Shaw (Laura Linney). This storyline, which includes secret meetings with a foreign contact, who later makes a tense escape effort, seems forced. Like much of “The Fifth Estate,” it fails to engender heightened emotions. Despite these narrative flaws, the film’s

points are noteworthy. Is it appropriate for publishers like Assange to redefine the public’s right to free information? Was he justified in leaking the controversial “collateral murder” video from Iraq, which shows soldiers killing innocent civilians,and prompted the United States government to respond to war-crime accusations? Or is Assange’s behavior egotistical and reckless, blatantly disregarding the lives of those who might come to harm from being exposed? “The Fifth Estate” posits these questions, showing the benefits and drawbacks of citizen journalists like Assange. To its credit, Condon shoots the film stylishly. Many scenes feature spinning cameras that capture the heady excitement of what Assange and Berg did. A visual metaphor of a room full of desks, which depicts the “hundreds of volunteers” that Assange tells people the site has, is well utilized. The filmmaker also coaxes nervy performances from his cast. Cumberbatch’s Assange is an appropriately cold, enigmatic character, and the actor imbues him with just the right level of smugness. Although the film’s coda, which features Assange talking in direct address to the camera, is silly, it still is more revealing than the fact, listed in the end credits, that Assange was charged with sexual assault by two Swedish women. Assange is declared manipulative, but little evidence of this criminal behavior is presented in the film. In contrast, Brühl gives the more forceful performance as Berg. Providing an identification point for viewers, the steely actor makes his frustrations palpable and his character sympathetic. “The Fifth Estate” does not expose much about Assange that folks familiar with him won’t already know. Condon has made a slick film about an oily subject. ■


‘Sweet’ teen drama gets Philadelphia premiere By Larry Nichols Plays and Players starts its fall season with the Philadelphia premiere of “Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet” by award-winning out playwright Tarell Alvin McCraney, through Nov. 3. Written as the last chapter in McCraney’s “The Brother/Sister Plays” trilogy, the play is the coming-of-age tale of the title character, a “sweet” young man seeking to discover the secret of who he is and where he comes from. All of this happens in the days before Hurricane Katrina strikes the projects of Louisiana, bringing together three generations of characters in Marcus’ life. Actor Erin L. Fleming, who plays Marcus, said he identifies with his character’s struggle of trying to figure out who he is as an African-American male without a father or father figure. “He is in pursuit of asking everyone if he is like his father,” Fleming said. “He doesn’t know much about sexuality. He’s just turned 16. He’s in pursuit of answers.” Marcus is outed after being spotted kissing another boy in the bayou, which Fleming said prompts his character to more actively explore his identity. “He doesn’t fully realize what his sexuality is or what the freedom of coming into and accepting his sexuality can be. He’s questioned by a lot of people,” he said. “Then this character Joshua enters in act two and just takes over. He takes him by surprise and all of a sudden he is sneaking out to meet this guy in the bayou. So he’s a little more active in act two because he’s

been outed. There’s no more hiding and he’s a little more persistent with it.” Fleming said Marcus’ internal struggles with his sexuality are the catalyst for his conflicts with the other characters in the play. “With every character, there is a conflict with Marcus that manifests from his internal battle,” he said. “He’s trying to find himself while disobeying his mother and sneaking out. He has a best friend whom he can’t be open with. So all of his external conflicts come from his internal conflicts.” Even though the timing and setting of events in “The Secret of Sweet” conjure up images of strife, disaster and woe, Fleming said Marcus’ story is both uplifting and inspiring. “He definitely takes a journey from not being able to act on his own and not being sure of himself and not being able to make decisions on his own to becoming a man by the end of the play,” he said. “He is more active in act two. In act one, everything happens to him. He’s kind of on this ride. In act two, he’s outed. He controls his world more. He can make things happen for himself that he never could before because he wasn’t ready. He had the cloud of being in the closet over his head. Once that is released, he’s a lot more free and can think more clearly. He finds his path by the end of the play.” ■ Plays and Players presents “Marcus; Or the Secret of Sweet” through Nov. 3 at Plays and Players Theater, 1714 Delancey St. For more information or tickets, call 800-5954849 or visit


Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013




Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013

Outward Bound

Jeff Guaracino

Are you a travel top or a travel bottom? Take this quiz When it comes to planning, buying and taking that next trip, are you a travel top or a travel bottom? Do you feel like a travel agent for all of your friends, or are you the one who replaced your professional travel agent with your own personal travel expert? Are you the travel guru or do you just want to know where and when to show up? Take this yes-or-no 10-question quiz. You get one point for each yes answer. You must answer yes or no. Count up your points and then find out your travel personality. You are the one who regularly makes suggestions of where to go next. Yes or No You know your airline loyalty username and password. Yes or No You consult before selecting your airline seat. Yes or No


This thrilling evening of choral and organ masterworks by Britten, Vierne, Ives, Dupré, and Kodály features organist Michael Stairs and Pipedreams commentator Michael Barone. Part of the Fred J. Cooper Memorial Organ Series. This performance is made possible through a donation by the Fred J. Cooper Restoration Fund as recommended by Fredrick R. Haas and Daniel K. Meyer.



Season sponsored by:

To get a great deal, you are OK with not knowing your hotel name before buying it online at discount online travel sites like Yes or No You make at least five trips per year to different cities and spend multiple nights in a hotel. Yes or No You use to organize your travel documents all in one place that is accessible on your smart phone during travel. Yes or No

You exchange money at the airport instead of your bank with better rates before your trip. Yes or No

If you have 8-10 points, you are a travel top. You know how to work the system, baby. If you have 5-8 points, you are travel-verse. It probably depends on the person you are traveling with. You can do it if you had to, but why not let someone else take the lead? If you have 2-4 points, well, you are a travel bottom. That’s great. Someone is making sure you are having a good time. If you scored just 1 point, you need to start taking some more control of your travel time and budget. You are missing out on a lot of savvy travel benefits. ■

You choose your hotel based upon the inroom, complimentary personal-care products. Yes or No

Jeff Guaracino is the author of “Gay and Lesbian Tourism: The Essential Guide for Marketing.”

You did the math and realized that the $450 annual fee on an American Express Platinum Card is actually a great value because it gets you access to airport lounges via Priority Access and reimbursement for select travel expenses by the airlines. Yes or No

Fri, Oct 25, 7:30pm · Verizon Hall

When booking multiple hotel rooms for several nights for you and your friends, you call the hotel directly to talk to the sales department instead of booking online. Yes or No

Scott A. Drake Photography



Worth Watching A LITTLE ‘HELP’ HERE: Christy (Anna Faris, left) tries to help Regina (Academy Award winner Octavia Spencer, on a new episode of the sitcom “Mom,” 9:30 p.m. Oct. 21 on CBS. Photo: CBS/Monty Brinton

WELCOME TO THE FAMILY: Amber Tamblyn stars as Jenny, the long-lost lesbian daughter of Charlie and Alan’s (Jon Cryer) niece on “Two and a Half Men,” 9:30 p.m. Oct. 24 on CBS. Photo: CBS/ Sonja Flemming

GOOD MEDICINE: Jessica Capshaw plays out Dr. Arizona Robbins on a new episode of “Grey’s Anatomy,” 9 p.m. Oct. 24 on ABC. Photo: ABC/Randy Holmes

SPELLBOUND: Theater icon Patti LuPone stars as Joan in the new series “American Horror Story: Coven,” 10 p.m. Oct. 26 on FX. Photo: FX/ Frank Ockenfels

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013



Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013


Food & Drink



Photos: Scott A. Drake

‘s Dining Out

A rainbow of flavors, every second and fourth week


Family Portrait

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013


Suzi Nash

Robb Reichard: Walk down memory lane One of my first memories of the AIDS Walk was of being there as a guest celebrity with Bozo the Clown (for those of you who don’t know, I was co-host of the show for four years). That was at a time when people were still terrified of the disease and not a lot of people were talking about it. So to have a beloved icon like Bozo the Clown supporting the walk was a big thing. I remember Bozo holding hands with a group of drag queens and we were all crying as they played “That’s What Friends Are For.” It was a special moment. This week I spoke to AIDS Fund executive director Robb Reichard. AIDS Fund organizes the walk each year and, as this is Reichard’s 10th year as director of the organization, he had his own batch of memories to share. PGN: So start by telling me a little bit about yourself. RR: Oh jeez! PGN: [Laughs.] Where are you from? RR: I grew up in the Lehigh Valley, Easton. I came to Philadelphia to attend Arcadia University, which back then was Beaver College, and never left Philly. PGN: What was Lehigh Valley like? RR: Very rural. I could see farms from my house. PGN: What did you do for fun? RR: Biking, hiking in the woods; we were close to the Delaware Canal so we’d skip rocks and have fun. I look around at the kids here in Philadelphia and we got to do things they could never do. You’d be outside from the time you got up in the morning to the time you went to bed at night. PGN: Who was “we,” siblings? RR: Me and my neighborhood friends. I do have a younger sister. She lives in Florida now so I don’t get to spend as much time with her as I’d like. PGN: Were you always close? RR: As young kids we fought a lot. We were three years apart, but in high school we were involved with a lot of the same things, theater, etc., and had a lot of mutual friends. We’ve been close ever since. PGN: What do the folks do? RR: Mom was in sales and is an administrative assistant and my dad was in food service; he managed corporate cafeterias. I think I got some of my event-planning skills from him. PGN: You were in drama club. What was your favorite role? RR: We did “The Three Musketeers” my senior year and I got to play King Louis, which was great. I had a fabulous brocade outfit with lots of lace and high collars and cuffs.

PGN: [Laughs.] Did playing king bring out your inner queen? RR: Ha. I don’t know. But it was fun. PGN: What was your major at Arcadia? RR: Sociology, with a concentration on social services and criminology. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with that but I enjoyed it. PGN: I read that you initiated and conducted HIV/AIDS prevention-education programs for college students. RR: Yes, but that was after I graduated. I was working in student services at Pierce College in the late ’80s and not a lot of colleges were doing stuff. So we started the first HIV/AIDS education workshops and the first homophobia workshops. It was an interesting time to be in social services. PGN: When did you come out? RR: I was 24. I had a mentor, he was my advisor for my college senior practicum, and after I graduated we got together one night for dinner. We were catching up and he told me that he and his partner had just celebrated their 10th anniversary. He asked me what was going on with me, was I seeing anyone, and I said no. He said, “If you were, would it be a woman or a man?” I looked at him and said, “A man? That wouldn’t be right.” And as soon as I said it, I realized that 1. He was right, it would be and 2. How much pent-up homophobia I had. The thought that I could say something like that to someone I admired and respected and loved ... I looked at him and said, “I just can’t believe that came from me.” And at that moment my life changed. He got me to verbalize something I’d kept internalized.

PGN: No inkling before that? RR: Yes, I’d fooled around with boys, but never envisioned myself as a gay man. It was the summer of 1988 and I did my first AIDS Walk that fall and haven’t missed one since. I just jumped in with both feet. PGN: What was your first awareness of AIDS? RR: I kind of remember hearing about it in college, but it wasn’t really talked about. I can’t remember one workshop or program and I went to a very liberal, progressive school. It was just kind of a nebulous thing, and no one knew what was causing it. PGN: You work with a lot of students. What is something they need to know now that’s different from back then? RR: Well, I think we’re a lot more open about talking about sex now, which helps, and the myths and misconceptions aren’t as bad. But I was speaking to a group at Temple last week and the first question was, “Can you just tell us how it’s transmitted, because

they really didn’t explain it in high school?” Education has been so gutted in order to concentrate on test scores that basic information falls to the wayside. So it’s important to make sure we’re getting this info out there so young kids have the knowledge and selfesteem they need to protect themselves.

PGN: I remember at the very beginning of the epidemic having some friends crash at my parents’ house. One of them was a girl I didn’t know and she pulled me aside and told me that she had AIDS. Though it was about 2 a.m., she said that she’d understand if I wanted her to go home. I was shocked, in part because at that time I’d never heard of a woman getting it, but fortunately I had the good sense to tell her she was welcome in my home. This was at a time when people still thought you could get it by shaking hands or touching a door handle. Part of my reasoning to myself was, “That doesn’t make sense, there would be more of us sick if that were the case and if you can catch it just from being in the same room then we’re

PGN: We had the old myths of doom but now the new myths seem to be that you can get it and be fine, just take some pills. RR: Yes, that’s one of the biggest struggles. I wouldn’t say there’s a laissez-faire attitude but the fear of it is certainly not there like it was. I tend to be the person people call when they get a positive diagnosis and they’re devastated, they’re scared, as well they should be. I had a young friend test positive last year and I reminded him that he’s one of the fortunate ones. “You have a good job with health insurance, you have good mental health, you don’t have addiction issues, you have everything you need to be OK, if you take care of yourself.” Too many people don’t have those things that help you survive. There’s too much disparity. PGN: What was your first experience with HIV/AIDS? RR: After that conversation with my mentor, I went to a gay bar about two weeks later. I sat at the bar staring straight ahead next to a young man, also sitting alone not talking to anyone. We finally made contact and I told him it was my first night out. He told me it was his first night out since his partner had died of AIDS. Here was a guy my age, 24, and he’d just lost someone he loved. It really brought it home. I got very involved very quickly in doing homophobia and AIDS workshops. We became close friends for a really long time.

PGN: You did sensitivity trainings in hospitals; what was that like? RR: Yes, they were having issues so we were asked to step in. At that time, we combined homophobia and HIV/AIDS training because they were so closely tied. They were experiencing things like the housekeeping staff refusing to clean rooms, meals being left in the hallways, there were problems with gay couples being denied access because Photo: Suzi Nash they weren’t legal or bioall going to be exposed at some time, logical family members, so why punish this person for being honthere were extreme lengths with masking est?” But it was scary, we just didn’t know. and gloves and all that stuff. The hospital Thankfully we’ve come a long way since was trying to be proactive about it. One of then. the things I’m proud of is that I insisted that RR: We have, though we still have a long it be all-inclusive. I wouldn’t just instruct way to go. We are a long way from a vacthe housecleaning staff or the nurses, everycine. We are a long way from a cure. We’ve one had to be trained, from the top docs and come a long way in treatment, but not necadministrators to the janitor. And they really essarily how we treat people, and people are followed through and did it. still dying from it. PAGE 40



Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013

Q Puzzle Don’t have a cow Across

1. Caesar’s admission of orgasm? 5. Big bangs 10. “Hamlet” quintet 14. Angers 15. Annoy during a blow job? 16. Peter Pan’s foe 17. Start of a quip about why lovers who move in no longer have sex 19. It comes before date? 20. “Margaret Mead Made Me Gay” author Newton 21. He did Jackie’s clothes 23. Holiday’s “___ Bless the Child” 24. Giant table 26. Male-on-male kissing target of Bugs 28. More of the quip 32. Dam agcy. 34. Something to build on

35. Triangular desert 36. Train track 38. Streisand’s “Prince of Tides” costar 41. Poet Teasdale 42. Laura of _ER_ 44. It follows Mardi Gras 46. South Beach souvenir 47. More of the quip 51. Bridge bid, briefly 52. “No ___, no foul” 53. “The Simpsons” storekeeper 55. Some of Sappho’s vowels 57. Firenze’s land 61. “South Park” composer Shaiman 63. End of the quip 65. Go, to the dogs 66. Lincoln Center’s Walter ___ Theater 67. Brother of Jermaine 68. Bars for gay chefs 69. Cut leaves of grass, marginally 70. Obey the red light

PORTRAIT from page 39

PGN: So this is your 10th year as executive director of the AIDS Fund. What’s the most moving story you remember? RR: Doing this work, you see the best and worst in people. One thing that stands out,

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1. Tarzan’s transport 2. Boy who shoots off arrows 3. Candace Gingrich’s half-brother 4. Atlas strips 5. Hairy guy’s hide? 6. Morsel for a mare 7. Guy that goes either way? 8. Composer Gustav 9. “Remington ___” 10. Palindromistís exclamation 11. Gather at the Cathedral of Hope 12. The Tin Man’s best friend 13. TV listings 18. Drag spikes 22. FBI workers, slangily 25. Memo start 27. Some of Mary’s lambs 28. Principal presentation for Stephen Pyles 29. Gent 30. Wang in fashion

31. Wolfson of Freedom to Marry 32. Chi-town’s paper 33. Weathercock 37. Clinton aide Panetta 39. Stage crew worker, briefly 40. Put into the backside? 43. Opponent of Tinkerbell 45. Rich cake 48. Uncut 49. Extended credit 50. Contents of a good head 53. What guns shoot off 54. Dancer Taylor 56. Deer guy 58. Brest milk 59. Keen on 60. Opposite a bottom 62. Margaret of this puzzle’s quip 64. It may be Sapphic

I had the opportunity a few years ago to meet a young boy, 6 at the time, whose mother was addicted to crack while she was pregnant. Because she was active in her addiction she didn’t seek any prenatal care, so he was born HIV-positive and addicted to crack. It was so ... so ... there was just no reason for him to be born with HIV in 2007. A little care would have made all the difference; now he will live with it for the rest of his life. She died six months after he was born and he is being raised by his great-aunt who is a senior citizen with her own medical issues, yet she took him in because “if I didn’t no one else would.” I’ll never forget him or her. PGN: I have to admit, I haven’t been to a walk in a while. What do you say to people to get them fired up? RR: Well, it’s true that the mid-’90s were when people starting not paying as much attention. Mostly because that’s when the treatments were discovered. There was a cover on, I think it was Time magazine that read, “The End of AIDS?” I think a lot of people didn’t notice the question mark. Certainly the treatments have changed things dramatically, but it’s not over. I lost a friend last year to the epidemic. It shouldn’t be happening anymore in this country, but it does. Maybe your friends are OK, because they have the best care available, but go outside of your circle and it’s a different story. PGN: And what can people expect at the walk this year? RR: We have many traditions that we’ve done since the walk began. We always start with a reading of the names, we’ll have a portion of the AIDS Memorial Quilt. You asked me about moving stories. The first year that we had the quilt here, I had


a woman ask if we would be accepting panels. We said yes and told her to bring it to the stage on the morning of the walk. I’d just done the reading of the names and we had her and members of her family come up on the stage to present it. She had the quilt in her arms and I walked over to accept the panel. As I got closer, she pulled the quilt against her body and began to cry. I stood there for what felt like an eternity as the family gathered around her. It was my first year as ED, and I had the mayor on the side of the stage waiting to speak, and everyone waiting to start the walk as she just sobbed. She finally handed the quilt to me and I laid it on the steps of the Art Museum with the rest of the panels. Years went by and we were doing a quilt display for World AIDS Day. Out of the blue, a familiar-looking woman walked in and said, “Hi Robb.” She took my hand and led me in to where the panels were hanging and said, “Robin’s hanging with her peeps now.” [Breathes.] All of a sudden it hit me who she was. I squeezed her hand and we hugged. Fast-forward a few years and she contacted me about the AIDS Walk and asked if it were possible to request the portion of the quilt that had Robin’s panel in it. I tried but it had already been requested in another part of the country. She emailed me saying that it was OK. She lives at the shore, but on the day of the walk, I saw her and all the family, cousins, nieces, etc., coming towards me. I said, “Marge, I’m so glad to see you, but I didn’t expect it since Robin’s panel is not here. [Chokes up.] She hugged me and said, ‘That’s OK, she’s out traveling the country, doing what she needs to do. Educating people. I needed to be here.” To me that summed it all up. The quilt is a great memorial, but it’s also a great way to open up dialog. Just two weeks ago, we

had two panels up for the Lehigh Valley AIDS Walk and there was a woman with a young child, pointing out things on the quilts: “Oh look, that means this person was into music and this one is for a baby that died.” It was great to see a mother talking to her daughter about HIV/AIDS but in a way that was comfortable for them. PGN: So back to you, what’s your earliest memory? RR: Probably my parents bringing my sister home from the hospital. PGN: Three things on your bucket list? RR: A Cher concert — I’m going in April — and visiting the Grand Canyon and Ireland. PGN: Ireland? What’s your ancestry? RR: German, French and Irish. My mother’s maiden name is McCarty. They were some of the first settlers in Bucks County back in the 1600s. They founded the first Catholic Church there. PGN: Was your family into social activism? RR: No, they don’t know where I came from. I’m the bleeding-heart liberal in the family. Which makes for interesting gettogethers [laughs], especially since I’m not shy about voicing my opinions or confronting something I think is wrong. PGN: What star would you want to do a love scene with? RR: Pierce Brosnan. No wait, Johnny Depp. PGN: Ah, a pirate fetish? RR: No! No, “21 Jump Street” Johnny. [Laughs.] Me and Johnny go way back! ■ For more information on the AIDS Walk, visit


Get Out and Play

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013


Scott A. Drake

This and that and other stuff OutFest dodged the weather bullet this year and many of the local LGBT sports organizations were again represented on the sports-block portion of Spruce Street. Unfortunately, the volleyball demonstration I had so hoped to make the centerpiece of this column proved to not have been planned for the ladies to put on a quality street display and so didn’t happen. ’Nuf said. Revolution-ary progress The Greater Philadelphia Flag Football League’s competitive division, the Revolution, headed out to Phoenix last week to compete in the annual Gay Bowl, slated for Philadelphia next year. Revs player Tom Ensminger said that about 15 players plus a handful of mates and friends went to the games this year. Establishing themselves early, for the first time the Revs were pushed up into bracket A after years of competing in bracket B. While they did not have the greatest success at winning games, they definitely made the competition fierce, even keeping top-seeded San Diego tied at the end of the half. What the bracket change also means is that GPFFL now can field a second B team to play next year with this team.

At home, the rains of last Thursday and Friday soggied up the fields enough that play was suspended for the week, meaning no teams had to forfeit due to the outof-town event, something that had caused some contentiousness when play was not postponed beforehand. That week will be added on in November. Adding to the busy events of those games and OutFest participation, league commissioner Justin Dolci stepped down from the top spot Oct. 9. Citing four years on the board and the exhaustive work of securing the games in Philadelphia next year, plus new fields, Docli said the extra work had taken its toll. Congratulations to the Revolution! We expect great things next year from both teams when the Gay Bowl is played “Where History is Made!” Gay Paree Word came down from on high earlier this month on the site for Gay Games X. Paris beat out finals contenders London and Limerick, Ireland, during a vote held Oct. 8 in next year’s Gay Games 9 host city of Cleveland. The vote tallies weren’t revealed but executive director Tom Nobbes predicted perfectly where the GGX would be held (Get Out and Play,

CURLING PUMPKINS: Optimal Sport Health Clubs co-owners Yul Giraldo and Jeff Shablin made a brief stop at the William Way LGBT Community Center’s pumpkin patch to do some heavy lifting during OutFest Oct. 13 — which makes for a great chance to reminder everyone that bodybuilding and power lifting are two events at next year’s Gay Games 9 in Cleveland; Photo: Scott A. Drake

Sept. 6-12). If you’re not too athletically inclined, like myself, you can still attend and com-

pete in the games. Two of the less-strenuous competitions are pool and darts. Yep. That’s right. You can compete in 8-ball or 9-ball for a medal. How gay is that? If you’re interested in practicing either one of these sports, contact me through email. I’m looking for a practice partner. Just skating by It’s time for another skating party to raise money for the annual Liberty Belle bowling tournament. Grab your in-line skates or rent them at the rink for $3. Admission is only $10 for two hours of skating, spills and chills. And by chills, we don’t mean the fall air — it’s the Halloween-themed skate, so don your scary gay apparel. Event will be 8:3010:30 p.m. Oct. 21at Cherry Hill Skating Center, 664 Deer Road, Cherry Hill; Short stops • Philadelphia Falcons Soccer Club finishes the outdoor season this month and heads indoors beginning Nov. 4 through March. Play is 8-10 p.m. Mondays and 2-4 p.m. Saturdays at Guerin Recreation Center; • You can find contact information for all of the sports and recreation activities at and in the paper the third week of every month. Get Out and Play is online every other week under columns/Get Out and Play. ■ Countdown to Gay Games 9: 294 days. Send your sport and sports-related events and hot pics to And remember to get out and play!



Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013

OUT & ABOUT The week ahead Fri. 10/18 Julia Serrano The author of “Excluded: Making Feminist and Queer Movements More Inclusive” hosts a reading 5:30 p.m. at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.; 215-923-2960. Malcolm Gladwell The author of “David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants” hosts a reading 7:30 p.m. at Central Library, 1901 Vine St.; 215-686-5322. Godflesh The industrial-rock band performs 9 p.m. at TLA, 334 South St.; 215-9221011.

Peek-A-Boo Revue The burlesque troupe celebrates Halloween 9 p.m. at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; 215-922-6888. Escape From New York The classic sci-fi film is screened 9:45 p.m. at Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610917-0223.

Sat. 10/19 Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein The 1948 comedy film is screened 2 p.m. at Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610917-0223.

Christopher Rice The author of “The Heavens Rise” hosts a reading at 5:30 p.m. at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.; 215-923-2960. Drake The rapper performs 7 p.m. at Wells Fargo Center, 3601 S. Broad St.; 215-389-9543. Rocky Horror Picture Show Film Screening: Live with Cast! The William Way LGBT Community Center hosts a screening of the classic cult film 7 p.m., 1315 Spruce St.; 215-732-2220. David Uosikkinen’s IN THE POCKET: Essential Songs of Philadelphia The Hooters’ drummer and friends perform 8 p.m. at

OUT OF SIGHT: Out singersongwriter Jay Brannan is in town touring for his latest release “Rob Me Blind” and performs 8:30 p.m. Oct. 19 at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. For more information or tickets, call 215-222-1400.

The Burlesque Show The new event kicks off 9 p.m. at the Borgata Hotel, Casino & Spa Music Box, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City,

Fri. 10/25 Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610917-0223. Fiona Apple The rock singer performs 8 p.m. at Merriam Theatre, 250 S. Broad St.; 215-790-5800. Franz Ferdinand The rock band performs at 8 p.m. at Tower Theater, 19 S. 69th St., Upper Darby; 610-3522887.

Tired of eating at the same old dives? Thinking about hitting a new hot spot? We’ll tell you what we liked — and didn’t

Dining Out Read PGN’s food reviews every second and fourth week of the month

Only in

party with DJ Sara Sherr, 811 p.m. at Tabu Lounge, 200 S. 12th St.; balletx. org/Halloween.

Jerry Seinfeld The comedian performs 8 p.m. at the Borgata Hotel, Casino & Spa Event Center, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-317-1000. PGMC Fall Ball Masquerade Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus performs at a gala 8-11 p.m. at the Marriott Hotel, 1201 Market St.; Jay Brannan The singer-songwriter performs 8:30 p.m. at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; 215222-1400.

Sun. 10/20 The Black Cat The 1934 horror film is screened 2 p.m. at Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610917-0223. The Frozen Ghost The 1945 horror film is screened 3:15 p.m. at Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610917-0223.

Mon. 10/21 Free Quizzo & Board Game Night Roll the dice, 7 p.m. at World Cafe

Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 302-994-1400. Lipstick Mondays A weekly drag show featuring a changing roster of queens takes the stage 9 p.m. at The Raven, 385 W. Bridge St., New Hope; 215-8622081.

Tue. 10/22

Thu. 10/24 John A. Gallery The author of “Photographic Meditations: Stories” hosts a reading 5:30 p.m. at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.; 215-9232960. BalletX: The eXtreme Masquerade BalletX hosts a holiday costume

N.J.; 609-3171000. Janeane Garofalo The comedian performs 8 p.m. at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; 215-222-1400. of Montreal The alt-rock band performs 8:30 p.m. at Union Transfer, 1026 Spring Garden St.; 215-232-2100.

Simon Winchester The author of “The Men Who United the States: America’s Explorers, Inventors, Eccentrics and Mavericks, and the Creation of One Nation, Indivisible” hosts a reading at 7:30 p.m. at Central Library, 1901 Vine St.; 215686-5322.

Wed. 10/23 4W5 Blues Jam Local musicians get down, 7 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 302-994-1400. Tylan from Girlyman The out singersongwriter performs 8 p.m. at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; 215-222-1400.

TY FLYING SOLO: Girlyman member and out singer-songwriter Tylan is on the road in support of her solo album “One True Thing,” performing 8 p.m. Oct. 23 at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. For more information or tickets, call 215-222-1400.

Notices Send notices at least one week in advance to: Out & About Listings, PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147 fax: 215-925-6437; or e-mail: Notices cannot be taken over the phone.


Opening Paul Taylor Dance Company The Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts presents the acclaimed dance company Oct. 24-26 at Zellerbach Theatre, 3680 Walnut St.; 215-898-3900.

Continuing All Dressed Up: Fashions for Children and Their Families Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of clothing from the late-18th through mid-20th centuries, comparing and contrasting adults’ apparel with children’s smaller styles, through Dec. 1, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100. The Brothers Size Simpatico Theatre Project presents a story set on the back-roads of the Louisiana Bayou following the path of the recently paroled Oshoosi Size, blending elements of Yoruba storytelling with American mythology, through Nov. 4 at Walnut Street Theatre’s Studio 5, 835 Walnut St.; 215-423-0254. Candy Coated Wonderland Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition by Philadelphia-based multimedia artist Candy Coated (formerly Candy Depew) reinterpreting children’s fancy dress costumes from the museum’s collection, through Nov. 17, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100.

Jewels The Pennsylvania Ballet presents George Balanchine’s full-length masterpiece, through Oct. 27 at Kimmel’s Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St.; 215-790-5847.

The Convert Wilma Theater presents the story of a young girl who escapes a forced marriage arrangement and discovers Christianity under the guidance of an African teacher, through Nov. 10, 265 S. Broad St.; 215546-7824. The Enchanted World of German Romantic Prints Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of prints created by Austrian,

Closing In The Heights Walnut Street Theatre presents the Tony Award-winning musical through Oct. 20, 825 Walnut St.; 215-574-3550.

Léger: Modern Art and the Metropolis Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of 160 works and a multimedia exhibition of important paintings by the French painter Fernand Léger, through Jan. 5, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-7638100. Marcus: Or the Secret of Sweet Joe Turner’s provocative, poignant, fiercely humorous story of a “sweet” young man’s journey to discover the “secret” of who he really is and where he really came from, through Nov. 3 at Plays and Players Theater, 1714 Delancey St.; 800-595-4849. Private Lives/Public Spaces: Bringing Philadelphia’s LGBT History Out in the Open The William Way LGBT Community Center presents the first solo exhibition of LGBT history in a mainstream museum in Philadelphia, which features a glimpse into the John J. Wilcox, Jr. Archival Collection, through Oct. 25 at The Philadelphia History Museum at the Atwater Kent, 15 S. Seventh St.; 215-685-4830.


Spamalot Media Theater presents the comedy based on the works of Monty Python, through Nov. 3, 104 E. State St., Media; 610-8910100.

German and Swiss artists through Dec. 15, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-7638100.

I DREAM OF JANEANE: Standup comic and actor Janeane Garofalo enlightens the audience with laughter when she performs 8 p.m. Oct. 25 at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. For more information or tickets, call 215-222-1400.

Cock The story of the messy aftermath when a man has an affair with a woman on a break from his boyfriend, through Nov. 10 at Theatre Exile’s Studio X, 1340 S. 13th St.; 215-218-4022.

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013

Jonathan Kite The comedian seen on “Two Broke Girls” performs through Oct. 19 at Helium Comedy Club, 2031 Sansom St.; 215-4969001. SPOOKY READINGS: Out horror author Christopher Rice hosts a signing event for his latest supernatural novel “The Heavens Rise,” 5:30 p.m. Oct. 19 at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St. For more information, call 215923-2960.

The Sexuality Spectrum The Philadelphia Museum of Jewish Art and Congregation Beth Ahavah at Rodeph Shalom host an exhibit examining LGBT prejudice, through Nov. 18, 615 N. Broad St.; 215-627-6747.

Luckiest Kid White Pines Productions presents the story of a drama student and the romantic relationship she has with her teacher, through Oct. 20 at The Adrienne, 2030 Sansom St.; 215-567-2848. The Pearlman Sisters: Devotedly, Sincerely Yours: The Story of the USO The Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts presents the portrait of a courageous female singer in the USO who risks her life to entertain American troops overseas during World War II, Oct. 18-19 at Harold Prince Theatre, 3680 Walnut St.; 215-8983900. ■



Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013

Classifieds Real Estate Sale

Real Estate Sale

Real Estate Sale

Real Estate Sale

Real Estate Sale

Real Estate Sale

DOYLESTOWN TOWNSHIP $459,000 Converted Barn with Guest Suite, New Kitchen, 4 Car Garage, Private. Keller Williams Real Estate, 215.340.5700 x 164. Sue Jones Direct: 215.262.4422. ________________________________________37-42

Waterfront Lots-Virginia’s Eastern Shore. Was $325k, Now From $55,000 -Community Pool/Center, Large Lots, Bay & Ocean Access, Great Fishing & Kayaking. Spec Home 757-824-0808. ________________________________________37-42

Open Houses - Sunday October 20, 2013

12:00-2:00 PM 1020 S. Randolph StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19147 Unique rehabbed Queen Village 3BR/2BA multi-level home. $319,900 Search all Philadelphia area listings @ Dan Tobey

1401 Walnut St. • 8th Floor • Philadelphia, PA 19102

215.546.2700 Business • 267.238.1061 Direct 215.432.7151 Cell • 215.558.1063 Fax •


Beautifully updated 4 bedroom 1 1/2 bath home. Featuring new kitchen with new stainless appliances, newly refinished hardwood floors, fireplace in large living room, den with French doors, laminate flooring in bedrooms on second floor, freshly painted through-out, pocket doors, alarm system, sprinkler system front & backyard, professionally landscaped, fenced in back yard. Relaxing front porch has newly painted and re-screened panels ready to install and awnings for privacy. Newly updated 200 amp service. Long concrete driveway leading to rear patio and one car garage with electric and storage area in rear. $255,000


Absolutely one of the nicest homes in one of the nicest areas in Collingswood. The newer kitchen consists of solid wood, Kraftmaid cabinetry, granite counters and stainless appliances. The large living room has custom built cabinets, crown molding and hardwood floors. The family room boasts of a gas fire place, hardwood floors, exposed beams and plenty of sun light. The full basement has an office and plenty of space for a large rec room, currently being used as a wood shop. The large 2 car detached garage has a loft with electric. Other features include 4 zone heat, 2 zone air, electronic air cleaner, Bilco doors, glass door knobs throughout, hardwood 6 panel doors, custom radiator covers and valences throughout. $349,000 $349,000

Rentals - Collingswood

Prime Corner Location offering 2100 square feet of Retail, Off street parking in the rear for 8 cars, 12’ ceilings, hardwood floors, updated wiring and mechanicals. There is also a full basement with easy access for storage. This building is in excellent condition having been completely gutted and restored just a few years ago. Surrounded by Luxury homes and located in Collingswood’s Hot Downtown. $2,500 per month

Main Street Realty

730 Haddon Avenue • Collingswood, NJ

856-858-2200 All real-estate advertising is subject to Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended. Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental and financing of dwellings, and in other housing-related transactions, based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under the age of 18), and handicap (disability). PGN will not knowingly accept any real-estate advertising that is in violation of any applicable law.

PGN does not accept advertising that is unlawful, false, misleading, harmful, threatening, abusive, invasive of another’s privacy, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful or racially or otherwise objectionable, including without limitation material of any kind or nature that encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, provincial, national or international law or regulation, or encourage the use of controlled substances.


Real Estate Sale

Help Wanted

Once in a Lifetime Sportsman’s Bargain 2.5 Acres with Brand New Deer Hunter’s Lodge Minutes to Oneida Lake. Excellent Hunting, Near Snowmobile Trails. $19,995. See #3 on Or call 1-800-229-7843. ________________________________________37-42 BIG HUNTING LODGE House, 8 acres, hunt adjoining 500 acre Deer Creek Forest. Bass ponds, brooks, fruit woods. Was $129,900; now $99,900. Call 888-683-2626. ________________________________________37-42

Heavy Equipment Operator Training. Bulldozers, Backhoes, Excavators. 3 Weeks Hands On Program. Local Job Placement Assistance. National Certifications. GI Bill Benefits Eligible. 1-866-362-6497. ________________________________________37-41 LIVE, WORK, PARTY, PLAY Hiring 18-24 girls/guys. Awesome Sales Job $400-$800 Weekly. PAID Expenses. Signing Bonus. Are You Energetic? Fun? Call 1-866-251-0768. ________________________________________37-41 Regional Owner Operators for dedicated run hauling plate glass needed. All Miles Paid. Also need regional stepdeck and RGN Contractors. Contact Daily Express 800-669-6414. ________________________________________37-41 Drivers: HOME WEEKLY, BI-WEEKLY. EARN $900-$1200/ WK. Class A CDL & 6 Mos. Exp. Req. NO Canada, HAZMAT or NYC. SMITH TRANSPORT 877-705-9261. ________________________________________37-41 CDL-A Drivers: Up to $5,000 Sign-On Bonus. Solo and Teams. Excellent Home Time . Pay & BCBS Benefits. Join Super Service. 877-457-1313 DriveForSuperService. com ________________________________________37-41 Exp. Reefer Drivers: GREAT PAY /Freight lanes from Presque Isle, ME, Boston-Lehigh, PA. 800-277-0212 or ________________________________________37-41 Drivers - CDL-A SOLO TEAM DRIVERS NEEDED. Top Pay. Full Benefits. Even MORE Pay for Hazmat. New Trucks Arriving Daily. CDL Grads Welcome. 888-928-6011 ________________________________________37-41 CDL-A Drivers: Looking for higher pay? New Century is hiring exp. company drivers and owner operators. Solos and teams. Competitive pay package. Sign-on incentives. Call 888-705-3217 or apply online at ________________________________________37-41 ATTENTION REGIONAL DEDICATED DRIVERS Averitt Offers Excellent Benefits & Hometime. CDL-A req. 888-362-8608. Recent Grads w/a 1-6/wks Paid Training. Apply online at Equal Opportunity Employer ________________________________________37-41 Gordon Trucking: CDL-A Drivers Needed. A better Carrier. A better Career. Up to $5,000 SIGN ON BONUS. Earn Up to .46 cpm. Refrigerated Fleet with Great Miles, Full Benefits, Great Incentives. No Northeast Runs. EOE. Call 7 days/wk. 866-554-7856. ________________________________________37-41 CRST offers the Best Lease Purchase Program & SIGN ON BONUS. No Down Payment or Credit Check. Great Pay. Class-A CDL required. Owner Operators Welcome. Call: 866-403-7044. ________________________________________37-41 Milton terminal needs Class A driver. Get up to $1,000 sign-on bonus and weekly hometime. Recent driving school grads welcome. Call 800-333-9291. ________________________________________37-41

Real Estate Rent BEAUTIFUL GAYBORHOOD CONDO Spacious one-bedroom 3rd floor condo in pre-war high rise building on 13th St. with treetop bay window view over Spruce St. Just steps from the cities best restaurants and bars, and blocks to the Kimmel Center, the Forrest, Wilma and Merriam Theatres, Walnut Street shopping and subways. Original parquet hardwood floors, recently renovated bath and kitchen with stainless appliances. Secure building with 24 hour door concierge. Laundry facilities on site. $1,750 per month for 6 month or 1 year lease. Contact owner: ________________________________________37-43 STADIUM DISTRICT, SOUTH PHILA. 2 BR apt, mod. kit & bath, C/A, hdwd flrs, W/D, ample street parking, walking dist. to pub trans. No pets. $975 + utils. Call 215-680-0073. _____________________________________________37-42 RITTENHOUSE SQUARE AREA One-Bedroom $1395++ 1st Month Free (215)546-1424. ____________________________________________37-44

Travel & Resorts 609-345-8203. ________________________________________37-45

For Sale SAWMILLS From only $3997.00- MAKE & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill- Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info/DVD: 1800-578-1363 Ext.300N. ________________________________________37-42

PGN Services AIRLINE CAREERS Begin here-Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA approved training. Financial aid if qualified-Housing available. Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-834-9715 ________________________________________37-42 EXP RELIABLE HOUSECLEANER Let me free up your valuable time by cleaning your house or apt. Weekly biweekly monthly. I have 10+ years exp. FREE estimates. Call Wayne 215-422-2654. Ref’s upon request. ________________________________________37-44

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013


Relax in a home enveloped by supreme romanticism: enchanting garden, enthralling views, in-ground pool, indoor jacuzzi … Total privacy yet an easy drive from Philadelphia. Go to (Sassafras River) to see a slide show of this home.

Auctions Auction- Profitable NY Farm Market - Deli. Bid Online thru Nov. 9, at noon. Live Auction Nov. 10, 11am 8637 Route 36, Arkport, NY 1.5million annual sales United Country- Tom Mullen Associates. WaverlyNYRealEstate. com 877-565-3491. ________________________________________37-41

AC ul t ure rts

Because life is more than just Gay News Film, Theater, Food, Books, Music, Nightlife, Sports and Travel

Gunther McClary Real Estate, Inc. Cecilton, MD 410-275-2118




Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013

Friends Men OOKING FOR ROMANCE Attractive GWM, warm, sensitive, caring, 48 y.o. with a smooth gymnast build looking for other GWM, 30-50, who is also in good shape. I live in NE Phila. I’m looking for guys who are also sensitive, caring with a fun personality. If this sounds interesting to you feel free to call me, David, 215-698-0215. ________________________________________37-44 WM, NE Phila. If you’re looking for hot action, call 215-934-5309. No calls after 11 PM. ________________________________________37-44 BM needs to find Irish or Scottish redhead over 50 to have intimate encounters from Mon. to Sat. from 3 PM to 3 AM. Leave number on voice mail, 215-763-3391. No games, come real mate! ________________________________________37-45

Massage David, 63, 6’, 200 lbs., attentive. 215-569-4949. (24/7) ________________________________________37-48

Handsome Certified Therapist 6’, 195 lbs, Muscle Gives Sensual / Therapeutic Massage

Call 215-432-6030

���� � � ��� B-7



Saturday, Oct. 19th, 2013 Time: 11pm-3:30am

WHAT TO EXPECT: • DJ David Dutch • Complimentary Food & Beverages • A Full House of Guys To Choose From & So Much More.

P.A.N.G.(Philadelphia Area Nudist Group) Sunday, Oct. 20th, 2013 Time: 3pm-6pm

BOYS WILL BE BOYS- AWAKEN YOUR INNER SPIRIT JOIN PANG FOR: • An Afternoon of Naked Socializing • Complimentary Food & Beverages and Much More.. For More Information On CHECK IN EARLY IF YOU WANT A ROOM... ROOMS GO QUICKLY!!! -


These our are most popular days when people come-

SATURDAY AFTERNOON DELIGHT 4 Hour Lockers (8am - 4pm) Members: $5.00 and Non-Members: $15.00


Half Price Rooms (6am Sunday till 8am Monday) Members: $12.50 and Non-Members: $22.50 JOIN US SUNDAY MORNINGS for COMPLIMENTARY CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST with Fruit, Pastries & Coffee TO START YOUR MORNING OFF RIGHT....


Business Mans Locker Special (8am to 4pm) Members: $5.00 and Non-Members: $15.00


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$12 Flat Rate for Locker Admission & Clothing Optional (4pm-12 Midnight) Check out our website for our WEEKLY SPECIALS & JOIN OUR e-mail List to get the latest information on upcoming events....

Don’t forget to visit the Adonis Cinema right next door!! 2026 Sansom St/ PH: 215-557-9319


12-step programs and support groups Al-Anon

Pennsylvania Al-Anon Alateen Family Groups: Events, meeting times and locations at

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

■ Acceptance meets 7:30 p.m. on Fridays at

Episcopal Church, 22nd and Spruce streets.

■ Community meets 8 p.m. on Thursdays at

Holy Communion Church, 2111 Sansom St. Gay and lesbian, but all are welcome. ■ Early Night Out meets 5:30 p.m. daily at Washington West Project, 1201 Locust St., second floor; 215-985-9206. ■ GLBT Alcoholics Anonymous meets 7 p.m. on Sundays and 8 p.m. Wednesdays at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 100 W. Windsor St., Reading; 484-529-9504. ■ Living Sober meets 8:30 p.m. Saturdays at the William Way Center. ■ No Other Way Out meets 11 a.m. Sundays at the William Way Center. ■ Night Owl meets 11:30 p.m. daily at the William Way Center. ■ Stepping Stone meets 2:30 p.m. Mondays at the William Way Center. ■ Sober and Gay meets 8:30 p.m. Sunday-Friday at the William Way Center. ■ Young People’s meets 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays at St. Mark’s Church, 1625 Locust St.

Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA)

■ Meets 7 p.m. on Sunday, Tuesday,

Wednesday, Friday and Saturday and 5:30 p.m. Thursday at the William Way Center.

Emotional Support

■ Pink and Blues, a free peer-run mental-health

support group for LGBT people, meets 7 p.m. Wednesdays at St. Luke and The Epiphany Church, 330 S. 13th St.; 215-627-0424. ■ Survivors of Suicide Inc. meets 7:30 p.m. on first Tuesday of the month at 3535 Market St., Room 2037; 215-545-2242; www.phillysos. ■ Survivors of Suicide Inc., Chester County, meets 7:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month at Paoli Memorial Hospital, Willistown Room, Medical Office Building; 215-545-2242;


■ Strength In Numbers

Visit SINPhiladelphia.

Mondays: ■ Positive Brothers, a support group for men of color living with HIV/AIDS, meets 6 p.m. at 112 N. Broad St., 11th floor; 215-496-0330. Tuesdays: ■ A support group for HIV-positive men and women meets 1:30-3 p.m. at BEBASHI — Transition to Hope, 1217 Spring Garden St., first floor; 215-769-3561; ■ “Pozitive Light HIV/AIDS Support Ministry,” presented by Unity Fellowship of Christ Church Philadelphia HIV/AIDS Ministry and Girard Avenue Pharmacy, meets 5-7 p.m. at 112 N. Broad St., first-floor group room; 267481-5085; ■ Encuentros, a group for HIV-negative Latino men who have sex with men, meets 6 p.m. the first and third Tuesday of the month at 1201 Locust St. ■ “Feast Incarnate,” a weekly ministry for people affected by HIV/AIDS, meets 5 p.m. at University Lutheran Church, 3637 Chestnut St. Bible study follows at 6 p.m.; 215-387-2885. ■ A support group for people recently diagnosed with HIV/AIDS meets 6:30-8 p.m. at Mazzoni

Center; 215-563-0652 ext. 235.

■ Youth Outreach Adolescent Community

Awareness Program’s Voice It Sistah, a support group for HIV-positive women, meets 11 a.m. first and third Tuesday at YOACAP, 1207 Chestnut St., Suite 315; 215-851-1898.

Wednesdays: ■ AIDS Services in Asian Communities’ weekly volunteer work group meets 6-8 p.m. at 340 N. 12th St., Suite 205; 215-629-2300. ■ Project Teach, a peer-education and empowerment program for people living with HIV/AIDS, meets at Philadelphia Fight, 1233 Locust St.; ■ Positive Effect, for HIV-positive people 18 and over, meets 5-7 p.m. the second and fourth Wednesdays at Camden AHEC, 514 Cooper St., Camden, N.J.; 856-963-2432. Thursdays: ■ A support group for HIV-positive men and women meets 6-8 p.m. at BEBASHI — Transition to Hope, 1217 Spring Garden St.; 215-769-3561. ■ Diversity, an HIV/AIDS support group for all infected or affected, meets from 7-9 p.m. at Arch Street United Methodist Church, 55 N. Broad St.; call Zak, 215-848-4380; Saturdays: ■ AIDS Delaware’s You’re Not Alone youth support group meets during the school year. Call 800-810-6776 for location and time.

Debtors Anonymous

■ Meets 7-8 p.m. Monday and Thursday at the

William Way Center.

Overeaters Anonymous (OA)

■ Open meeting, Tuesdays, 5:45 p.m., and

7 p.m. Fridays, at Hahnemann University Hospital, 245 N. 15th St.; call Troy for floor/ room number, 215-514-3065; ■ Meets 11 a.m.-noon at the William Way Center.


■ Substance Abuse – Risk Assessment; day and

evening hours; 215-563-0663 ext. 282.

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous

■ Meets 7:30 p.m.Thursdays at All Saints

Church, 18 Olive Ave., Rehoboth Beach, Del.; 302-542-3279.


■ Safe space to meet and discuss substance

abuse problems at the William Way Center.


Alder Health Services provides LGBT health services on a sliding-fee scale; 100 N. Cameron St., Ste. 301 East, Harrisburg; 717-233-7190 or 800-867-1550; Anonymous, free HIV testing with Spanish/ English counselors, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. MondayFriday at Congreso de Latinos Unidos, 3439 N. Hutchinson St.; 215-763-8870 ext. 6000. HIV treatment: Free HIV/AIDS diagnosis and treatment for Philadelphia residents available 9 a.m.-noon Mondays and 5-8 p.m. Thursdays at Health Center No. 2, 1720 S. Broad St.; 215685-1803. HIV health insurance help: Access to free medications and confidential HIV testing available at 17 MacDade Blvd., Suite 108, Collingdale; 722 Church Lane, Yeadon; and 630 S. 60th St.; 610-586-9077. Philadelphia FIGHT provides HIV primary care, on-site lab services, clinical trials, case management, mental-health services and support groups for people living with HIV regardless of insurance status or ability to pay; 1233 Locust St., fifth floor; 215-985-4448;

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 18-24, 2013


Community Bulletin Board Community centers

■ The Attic Youth Center 255 S. 16th St.; 215-545-4331; For LGBT and questioning youth and their friends and allies. Groups meet and activities are held 4-7 p.m. Monday-Tuesday and 48:30 p.m. Wednesday-Friday. Case management, HIV testing and smoking cessation are available MondayFriday. See the Youth section for more events.

■ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center at the University of Pennsylvania 3907 Spruce St., 215-898-5044; center@dolphin. Regular hours: 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday; noon-6 p.m. Saturday; noon-8 p.m. Sunday. Summer hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

■ ActionAIDS: 215-981-0088 ■ AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania: 215-587-9377 ■ AIDS Law Project of Southern New Jersey: 856-933-9500 ext. 221 ■ AIDS Library: 215-985-4851 ■ ACLU of Pennsylvania: 215592-1513 ■ AIDS Treatment Fact line: 800662-6080 ■ Barbara Gittings Gay and Lesbian Collection at the Independence Branch of the Philadelphia Free Library: 215-685-1633 ■ The COLOURS Organization, Inc.: 215-496-0330 ■ District Attorney LGBT Liaison: Helen “Nellie” Fitzpatrick, 215-6869980,

■ Rainbow Room — Bucks County’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning and Allies Youth Center 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays: Salem UCC Education Building, 181 E. Court St., Doylestown; 215-957-7981 ext. 9065

■ William Way Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center 1315 Spruce St.; 215-732-2220; Hours: 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Peer counseling: 6-9 p.m. Monday through Friday Library hours: noon-9 p.m. Monday-Thursday; noon-3 p.m. and 6-9 p.m. Friday; noon-6 p.m. Saturday. Volunteers: New Orientation: First Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.

Key numbers

of Lesbians and Gays (Philadelphia): 215-572-1833

■ Equality Pennsylvania: 215731-1447;

■ Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations: 215-686-4670

■ Equality Forum: 215-732-3378

■ Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay Task Force: 1-877-pride-2000

■ GALAEI: A Queer Latin@ Social Justice Organization: 215-8511822 ■ LGBT Elder Initiative: 267-5463448; ■ LGBT Peer Counseling Services: 215-732-TALK ■ Mayor’s Director of LGBT Affairs: Gloria Casarez, 215-6862194;; ■ Mazzoni Center: 215-563-0652; Legal Services: 215-563-0657, 866-LGBT-LAW; Family & Community Medicine: 215-563-0658 ■ Parents, Families and Friends

■ Police Department liaison — Deputy Commissioner Kevin Bethel: 215-686-3318 ■ Philadelphia Police Liaison Committee: 215-760-3686 (Rick Lombardo); ■ Philly Pride Presents: 215875-9288 ■ SPARC — Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition: 717-9209537 ■ Transgender Health Action Coalition: 215-732-1207 (staffed 3-6 p.m. Wednesdays and 6-9 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays)


Anonymous, free, confidential HIV testing Spanish/English counselors offer testing 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday at Congreso de Latinos Unidos, 216 W. Somerset St.; 215763-8870. ActionAIDS Provides a range of programs for people affected by HIV/AIDS, including case management, prevention, testing and education services at 1216 Arch St.; 215-981-0088; GALAEI: A Queer Latin@ Social Justice Organization Free, anonymous HIV testing from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday at 1207 Chestnut St., fifth floor; noon-6 p.m. Tuesdays at the Washington West Project, 1201 Locust St.; 215-851-1822 or 866-222-3871; www.galaei. org. Spanish/English HIV treatment Free HIV/AIDS diagnosis and treatment for Philadelphia residents are available from 9 a.m.-noon Mondays (walk-in) and 5-8 p.m. Thursdays (by appointment) at Health Center No. 2, 1720 S. Broad St.; 215685-1821. HIV health insurance help Access to free medications and confidential HIV testing

■ Gay and Lesbian Lawyers of Philadelphia Board meetings at 6:30 p.m. the first Wednesday of the month at 100 S. Broad St., Suite 1810; free referral service at 215-6279090; ■ Greater Philadelphia Professional Network Networking group for area business professionals, selfemployed and business owners meets monthly in a different location throughout the city; www.; 215-922-3377. ■ Independence Business Alliance Greater Philadelphia’s LGBT

11 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesdays at 13 S. MacDade Blvd., Suite 108, Collingdale; Medical Office Building, 722 Church Lane, Yeadon; and 630 S. 60th St.; 610-586-9077. Mazzoni Center LGBTQ counseling and behavioral health services, HIV/ AIDS care and services, case management and support groups; 21 S. 12th St., eighth floor; 215-563-0652; www. Mazzoni Center Family & Community Medicine Comprehensive primary health care, preventive health services, gynecology, sexual-health services and chronic-disease management, including comprehensive HIV care, as well as youth drop-in (ages 14-24) 5-7p.m. Wednesdays; 809 Locust St.; 215-563-0658. Washington West Project of Mazzoni Center Free, anonymous HIV testing. Walk-ins welcome 9 a.m.-9 pm. Monday-Friday, 1-5p.m. Saturday; 1201 Locust St.; 215-985-9206.

Professional groups Chamber of Commerce, providing networking, business development, marketing, educational and advocacy opportunities for LGBT and LGBT-friendly businesses and professionals; www. IndependenceBusinessAlliance. com; 215-557-0190; 1717 Arch St., Suite 3370. ■ National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association Philadelphia chapter of NLGJA, open to professionals and students, meets for social and networking events; www.nlgja.

org/philly; ■ Philadelphia Gay Tourism Caucus Regional organization dedicated to promoting LGBT tourism to the Greater Philadelphia region, meetings every other month on the fourth Thursday (January, March, May, July, September and the third Thursday in November), open to the public; P.O. Box 58143, Philadelphia, PA 19102; www.philadelphiagaytourism. com; 215-840-2039.



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