PGN Oct. 15-21, 2010 edition

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Vol. 34 No. 42

Honesty Integrity Professionalism

Oct. 15 - 21, 2010

OutFest celebrates 20th year on high note By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer The annual OutFest scored a perfect 10 this year — with tens of thousands converging on the Gayborhood for the world’s largest National Coming Out Day festivity, this year held on 10/10/10. About 40,000 people participated in the 20th annual celebration, which stretched from Walnut to Pine streets along 12th and 13th. The streets were filled with 147 vendors, selling rainbow-themed goods and crafts and offering information about community agencies, said Franny Price, executive director of Philly Pride Presents, which stages OutFest and June’s Pride festival. “It was a wonderful day,” she said. “The weather was great, the attendance was great and the participation was great. We had over 70 community groups who had tables, and lots of local businesses so it

OutFest by the hour

Pages 8-9

was definitely a huge, huge networking day and we’re proud we were able to offer that to the community.” The stage, at 13th and Locust, offered a constant flow of entertainment, starting with the traditional singing of “It’s

th on e M rag y or ve 9 st o e 1 Hi C Pag y ial ind: Ga ec arl L Sp E

Philadelphia Gay News Blahnik house mother murdered By Jen Colletta

TEEN TRIBUTE: OutFest attendees put their hands together for a crowd of more than PGN Staff Writer 70 LGBT youth who assembled Sunday on stage. The youth recognition was meant to show solidarity with the teens in light of the number of recent suicides by LGBT youth A well-known local transgender woman who faced antigay harassment. The tribute took place during the 20th annual OutFest, who was a fixture in the ballroom commuwhich drew an estimated 40,000 people. Photo: Scott A. Drake nity was murdered in her home this week in

a Beautiful Day in the Gayborhood” by Michael Byrne, who was followed by such acts as magician Dale Varga, Cher impersonator Steve Andrade, Miss Philly Gay Pride 2010 Alexis Cartier, singers Ariel Aparicio and Juan Lords and several

South Philadelphia. area drag performers. The body of Stacey Blahnik, 31, was disCommunity members were invited on covered shortly after stage for the annual high-heel race and 9:30 p.m. Oct. 11 by a penis-shaped bagel-eating contest, and man reported to be her See OUTFEST, Page 22 partner in a secondstory bedroom of her rowhome. Police were called to the house, 1805 Manton St., and by one’s sexual orientation or gender iden- pronounced her dead tity, along with a series of other characteris- at 9:43 p.m. Police spokesperson Sgt. Ray Evers said tics, but such a stipulation was not explicit Blahnik, whose birth name is Michael Lee, in the anti-bullying policy. “We wanted to have language that men- was strangled with a pillowcase. The Medical Examiner’s Office classified tioned things like race, age, sexual orientation, gender identity specifically,” Irizarry the death a homicide Wednesday morning, said. “Even though the state doesn’t require with the cause of death listed as ligature that, we thought it was important to have it strangulation. Evers said investigators have not yet included in our version. It’s almost like, if it ain’t written, nobody’s going to think about determined a motive or suspects in the killing. it.” “The homicide squad is working on it, Irizarry noted that when the commission was previously looking into issues impact- so hopefully they will be able to shed some ing the African-American and Latino com- light on this once they go through the evimunities, they visited The Attic Youth dence and the interviews,” Evers said. Blahnik served as the Overall House Center and saw firsthand the effects antiMother for House of Blahnik. gay bullying can have on students. Local trans activist Jaci Adams said “One of the top issues that came up when we spoke to them was the bullying,” he said. rumors about Blahnik’s death began swirl“They told us lots of interesting stories that ing shortly after her body was found, but day, not only of what they experienced and urged the community to be patient until how they tried to deal with it, but also how more facts are uncovered. “The girls need to be safe, but we don’t they often tried to hide their identities just know the details yet,” Adams said. See SCHOOL BULLY, Page 21 Adams said Blahnik did not have any

School commission tightens bullying policies By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer The governing body of the Philadelphia School District last month approved new guidelines that seek to curb school bullying. The five-member School Reform Commission endorsed updates that lay down specific definitions of and procedures to deal with bullying and cyberbullying at its Sept. 22 meeting. The district has had an anti-bullying policy in place since December 2008, but SRC commissioner Johnny Irizarry said the new rules are much more effective. “It’s a lot more specific,” he said. “It has actual process in it, with the reporting, the investigations, the consequences. There’s a lot more clarity.” The policy is also much clearer on antiLGBT bullying. Irizarry said the district’s anti-harassment policy already spelled out in its definition that acts of harassment may be motivated

CONGRESSIONAL RECESS: U.S. Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) met with two-dozen students Oct. 8 at the Joseph Pennell Academics Plus School in Olney to discuss school bullying and his Safe Schools Improvement Act, which would require federally funded schools to create uniform LGBT-inclusive anti-bullying measures. The Philadelphia School Reform Commission recently adopted a policy explicitly prohibiting bullying motivated by sexual orientation or gender identity. Photo: Scott A. Drake

Federal judge blocks enforcement of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

Page 7

See MURDER, Page 22



OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

OCT. 15 - 21, 2010





OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

News Editorial 10 International News 31 Letters/Feedback 11 11 Mark My Words 7 Media Trail 5 News Briefing 7 National News Op-Ed 10 5 Regional News 11 Street Talk

PGN 505 S. Fourth St. Philadelphia, PA 19147-1506 Phone: (215) 625-8501 Fax: (215) 925-6437 E-mail: Web:

Military suspended from asking

Ever vigilant

Judge Virginia Phillips told the military to immediately cease or suspend any actions being taken under the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy from 1993.

Another candlelight vigil in support of LGBT teens was held the night before OutFest. An Attic Youth Center fundraiser will be held Oct. 20 at Tabu.

Page 7

Page 21

Detour Comics Diversions Meeting Place Portraits Q Puzzle Scene In Philly Worth Watching

Editor Sarah Blazucki (ext. 206)

Staff Writers Jen Colletta (ext. 215)

37 42 47 36 37 39 46

Larry Nichols (ext. 213) Writer-at-Large Timothy Cwiek (ext. 208)

The Paul Taylor Dance Company will brings its world-acclaimed all-male performance troupe to Annenberg’s Zellerbach Theater next weekend.

Family Portraits:

Kathryn Pennepacker

Page 34

Page 36

Page 43


Classifieds Directories

Art Director Scott A. Drake (ext. 210)

Steph Hayes makes a change in her creative process

Leather Lookout Offline Outward Bound


Mark Segal (ext. 204)

For advertising inquiries, contact or (215) 625-8501 ext. 218. Advertising Director Tami Sortman (ext. 218) Advertising Manager Greg Dennis (ext. 201)

38 41 44

Outward Bound

Worth Watching


Leather Lookout


Gay Hawaii

Shopping for a pre-school on “Modern Family”

“Indigo Girls”

Protesting the protesters

Pageants and parties and shows, oh my!

50 52 Page 44

Page 46


Page 42

Page 38

Page 41

Poll results from our online survey as of Oct. 13:

How old were you when you came out?

9% Early teens 25% 17, 18 or 19 34% In my 20s 7% In my 30s 9% In my 40s or later 1% I’ve always been out 15% I’m not out yet Go to to weigh in on this week’s question:

Events: News/story ideas: Letters/Opinions: Distribution:

Graphic Artist Sean Dorn (ext. 211)

International News

Page 31

How do you participate in the Philly AIDS Walk?

Advertising Sales Representatives David Augustine (ext. 219) National Advertising Rivendell Media (212) 242-6863 Office Manager/Classifieds Don Pignolet (ext. 200) Executive Assistant Credit/Billing Manager Carol Giunta (ext. 202) Philadelphia Gay News is a member of: The Associated Press National Gay Newspaper Guild Pennsylvania Newspaper Association Published by Masco Communications Inc. © 2010 Masco Communications Inc. ISSN-0742-5155 The views of PGN are expressed only in the unsigned “Editorial” column. Opinions expressed in bylined columns, stories and letters to the editor are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of PGN. The appearance of names or pictorial representations in PGN does not necessarily indicate the sexual orientation of that named or pictured person or persons.

OCT. 15 - 21, 2010



News Briefing


House parties for Mazzoni

BUSINESS CENTS: Tyler Ernst (center), winner of the first annual Business Scholarship Award, was recognized with a check presentation Oct. 12 by the Sapphire Fund and Independence Business Alliance, the scholarship’s sponsors. Participating in the presentation were Sapphire Fund board treasurer Dan Costa (from left) and vice president Domenic Gallelli, and IBA board president Bill Gehrman and board member Brent Friedman. Ernst is a junior at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and chair of Penn’s Lambda Alliance. Photo: Scott A. Drake

Summit convenes to examine LGBT aging issues By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer More than 100 older LGBT community members and aging-service providers will convene Oct. 15 to examine the myriad issues impacting the elderly LGBT population and create a plan of action. The LGBT Elder Initiative Summit, held at the William Way LGBT Community Center, is providing panel discussions, workshops and other activities to generate ideas and discussion that will enhance the quality of life of the aging LGBT community. The summit was originally conceived by the Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interests of the Elderly (CARIE), which worked in cooperation with numerous LGBT agencies and individuals, as well as mainstream aging-service providers, to stage the event. Michele Mathes, director of both CARIE education and of research programs at Bryn Mawr’s College of Social Work and Social Research, said her agency pondered spearheading an LGBT aging project for several years, ever since a former student approached her to discuss the barriers that older transgender individuals face. More recently, Mathes, also a professor, said she was speaking with Victoria Cargill, director of minority research and clinical studies at the National Institutes for Health Office of AIDS Research, who described the barrage of complex issues facing the aging HIV/ AIDS community. Mathes reached out to Lisa Krinsky,

director of Boston’s LGBT Aging Project, to gather insight on her experiences, and then began assembling a bevy of local leaders to collaborate on an LGBT aging initiative. The organizers decided the first step should be a meeting of the minds — incorporating a diverse representation of seniors and service providers. “We want to increase awareness among members of the LGBT community about the availability of different services and also work to increase awareness and sensitivity among aging-service providers about the needs and concerns of LGBT elders,” Mathes said. “When we do something like this, we’re aware that the people we’re reaching out to are people who are connected to organizations, community members who are involved with the William Way or Mazzoni Center, but there are so many LGBT older adults who are isolated and we want to work on what can be done to reach them.” Coincidentally, the Delaware Valley Legacy Fund recently received funding to spearhead a survey that examines the needs of LGBT seniors, which was conducted this past summer. Summit planners decided to focus on the top-six areas of concern rated by the survey respondents and structure the day’s events on those issues — health, advocacy, emotional well-being, case management and elder services, housing and social networking. Krinsky is delivering the keynote address to kick off the summit, with the morning session featuring a discussion with leaders from six of the identified areas. The

next discussion will be led by older LGBT community members themselves, who will share personal experiences of aging as openly LGBT individuals. The afternoon session will allow participants to branch off into breakout sessions, where they can attend brainstorming workshops dedicated to one of the six areas of focus. Participants in each session will be asked to return to the group with two recommendations for a plan of action to address that particular need. The summit was invitation-only, but Mathes noted that the format was not meant to exclude any community members. “We didn’t want people to think of this as an informational summit,” she said. “It’s a working summit and we want to come out of this with actual steps to put together an action plan that we can go forward and do something with. It’s not about learning about services that exist, but we want people to come here, sit down together and say, ‘OK, what are we going to do and how are we going to achieve these goals?’” Mathes said a follow-up report about the summit will be made available to all participants, and organizers plan to keep them abreast of new developments as they work to implement the recommendations. “We want to keep this core group of people together and focused on these issues,” Mathes said. “We’re going to keep working with the group that participated as we keep moving forward.” ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at jen@epgn. com.

LGBTs and allies throughout the region will participate in Mazzoni Center’s Night of a Thousand Friends next weekend to raise funds for the LGBT health facility. On Oct. 23, the agency’s supporters are encouraged to design and host their own house parties, with proceeds benefiting Mazzoni Center. Hosts can structure their parties as sit-down dinners, wine-andcheese receptions, backyard barbeques or any format that appeals to them. Hosts can decide ticket prices and agree to purchase food and beverages on their own, while Mazzoni will work with each host to design and promote their parties. For more information, visit

Arts group stages cabaret Smoke, Lilies and Jade Arts Initiative will host its annual cabaret fundraiser at 8 p.m. Oct. 23 and noon Oct. 24 at the Mount Vernon Dance Space, 1720 Mt. Vernon St. The event will feature light fair, dancing, music and prizes. In addition to raising funds for the agency, which seeks to tell the stories of the LGBT and HIV/AIDS communities through artistic expression, the cabaret fundraiser also allows SLJ to present its latest creative ventures and forge partnerships among area artists. For tickets, make a donation of $15 until Oct. 20 or $20 after that date. Student and dance-pass holders’ tickets are just $5. To order tickets, contact Karen Pressley at (267) 978-1328.

NYC dance fundraiser Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders will host its annual Fall Frolic women’s dance, a staple in New York City for more than 25 years. The event will be held from 3:30-8:30 p.m. Oct. 24 at LQ Club, 511 Lexington Ave. at 48th St. DJ Susan Levine will provide music that covers all ages and tastes, and red stickers will be available for women looking for dance partners. The event will also feature a raffle with a large cash prize for the first-place winner, as well as other prizes for second and third places. Tickets to the dance are $20 in advance or $25 at the door. Tickets can be purchased at or by calling (212) 741-2247. ■ — Jen Colletta




Scott A. Drake Photography

OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

HIV-positive woman wins $58K By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer An HIV-positive woman who was kicked out of a suburban personal-care home two years ago will receive more than $50,000 in damages from the facility after a recent ruling by the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission. The commission found Sept. 30 that Canal Side Care Manor LLC, in Northampton County, illegally discriminated against the complainant, represented by the AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania, because of her HIV status. The complaint was dual-filed with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, which AIDS Law Project executive director Ronda Goldfein said needs to approve the commission’s verdict before it takes effect. She said she expects this to happen.

In addition to the $50,000 compensation for “humiliation and embarrassment” paid to the complainant, identified only as G.D., the commission also ordered Canal Side to pay 6-percent interest per year from January 2008, when she was ejected from the facility, bringing the current total to about $58,000. Canal Side will also have to create HIV/AIDS-specific nondiscrimination policies and pay the state $5,000 in civil penalties. Goldfein, a member of the complainant’s counsel, noted that the majority of housing-discrimination cases in which the PHRC has found in favor of the complainant in the past five years resulted in awards averaging between $10,000-$15,000. “This shows that they really took a look at the pain and the harm that comes with discrimination,” Goldfein said. “Usually as law-

yers, when we think of pain and harm it comes down to numbers: If someone gets fired, you look at what it cost them to be out of a job, quantifiable numbers. But in this case, we had compelling testimony from our client’s sister and from our client about the pain she experienced, and I think the commission heard that and saw that the pain of discrimination continues.” The complaint said that facility owner Lakshmi Kademani ordered the woman to move out immediately after she became aware that G.D. was HIV-positive. The PHRC opinion described that Kademani called G.D.’s doctor, asking if she should “use a drinking glass, eat off a plate, use utensils and whether [her] clothes [could] be picked up with bare hands without fear of getting HIV.” PHRC said Kademani was told that the staff and residents would be safe, as long as they practiced “universal precautions” like not coming into direct contact with bodily fluids, but Kademani still said G.D. had to leave the facility. After being told to leave in January, G.D. spent about two months living at her sister’s house, but Goldfein said her sister’s family was ill-equipped for another adult, who had both physical and emotional health challenges. G.D. spent a few days in a temporary shelter in March and was transferred to a psychiatric facility, where she was not permitted to leave until May because she had no housing. “When she was kicked out of the personal-care home, she was given no time to make other arrangements. The personal-care home just said, ‘OK, we’re done with you, goodbye.’ They didn’t recognize that this is a human being, not a pet,” Goldfein said. “Because she had no time to make a plan, she ended up in a completely inappropriate housing situation at this locked psychiatric facility.” G.D. has since found housing at a personal-care home and Goldfein said she is doing better. G.D.’s sister, identified only as Queen, commented on her behalf. “We’re all human and sometimes humans need help,” she said. “You can’t turn people away just because of who they are. Kademani and everyone there need to be accountable for their actions.” ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at

OCT. 15 - 21, 2010




Media Trail

Judge orders ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ halted

No charges over computer porn mix up According to, police say a Pennsylvania blood-bank worker won’t be charged for accidentally showing gay pornography to highschool students during a blood-drive presentation last month. North Huntingdon police Sgt. Jeffrey Bouldin said Westmoreland County prosecutors determined the incident at the Norwin High School assembly didn’t amount to a crime. The worker was trying to project a presentation stored on his personal flash computer drive when the porn instead popped onto the screen. Central Blood Bank sent a letter explaining the situation to parents and saying the worker violated policies by not having a supervisor review his presentation, and by using a personal computer storage device. Attorney Peter Payne says he still plans to sue the blood bank on behalf of upset parents in the town about 25 miles east of Pittsburgh.

DVD against same-sex marriage sparks protest DONE WITH DISCHARGES?: Larry Whitt, who left the Navy after serving 12 years because he is gay, was one of the protesters and supporters who watched President Obama arrive Monday in Coral Gables, Fla. Whitt was there to protest “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” calling on the president to put an end to the discharges under the policy. The next day, a federal judge in California issued an injunction to halt discharges and investigations, although the federal government could appeal this ruling. AP Photo: J. Pat Carter

By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer A federal judge in California this week issued an injunction that would bar the military from enforcing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Judge Virginia Phillips ordered the military “immediately to suspend and discontinue any investigation, or discharge, separation or other proceeding that may have been commenced under” the military’s ban on openly gay servicemembers. The U.S. Department of Justice has 60 days to appeal the order to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and has not yet indicated if it will make such a move. The same day Phillips handed down her injunction, the DOJ filed an appeal to the recent federal court ruling in Massachusetts that found part of the Defense of Marriage Act, the federal ban on same-sex marriage, unconstitutional. In September, Phillips ruled that “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” in place since 1993, was unconstitutional, as it violates free-speech and due-process rights of gays and lesbians. The case brought before Phillips was filed by the Log Cabin Republicans. Phillips’ order on Tuesday also granted Log Cabin Republicans’ request to apply for the government to pay their legal fees

in the case. “We are extremely pleased with Judge Phillips’ decision granting an immediate and permanent injunction barring the U.S. military from carrying out its ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy,” said Dan Woods, lead counsel in the LCR’s suit against the government, in a statement. “The order represents a complete and total victory for Log Cabin Republicans and reaffirms the constitutional rights of gays and lesbians in the military who are fighting and dying for our country.” In a statement issued Tuesday, Alexander Nicholson, executive director of Servicemembers United, welcomed the ruling but noted that Phillips’ injunction is not a done deal. “This order from Judge Phillips is another historic and courageous step in the right direction, a step that Congress has been noticeably slow in taking,” Nicholson said. “While this is certainly news to be celebrated, we would also advise caution in advance of a potential stay from the 9th Circuit. If the appellate court wishes to put itself on the right side of history, however, it will allow this sound and long-overdue decision to remain in effect.” Aaron Tax, legal director of the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, said the injunction and possible appeal by the government creates a compli-

cated situation for the men and women currently under investigation related to “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and urged servicemembers to “proceed safely” and not come out publicly yet. A group of 21 senators issued a letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Tuesday night, urging him not to appeal Phillips’ ruling. “The federal court decision was a step in the right direction, and we are confident that the Senate will take the ultimate step by voting this fall on the fiscal year 2011 National Defense Authorization Act to permanently lift the ban on gays in the military,” the senators wrote. “Although we understand that only action by Congress can bring real finality to this issue, we believe an appeal of the recent federal court decision could set back those congressional efforts.” Neither of Pennsylvania’s senators signed the letter, while New Jersey Sens. Bob Menendez and Frank Lautenberg both added their names to the memo. A legislative effort to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was halted by a Republican filibuster last month in the Senate. The repeal measure could come up for a vote again after the midterm elections. ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at jen@epgn. com. reported about a dozen people protested on the streets of St. Paul Oct. 10 after receiving a DVD from the Catholic Church that criticizes same-sex marriage. The group, made up of Catholics and nonCatholics, said they opposed the message and believe the church focused on the wrong issues. A spokesperson for the archdiocese said the church accepts gay members, but is opposed to same-sex marriage. The archdiocese has acknowledged a campaign to send the DVDs to Catholic families around Minnesota.

‘It Gets Better’ maxes out in messages The Sacramento Bee reports video submissions to “It Gets Better,” the YouTube channel launched by Dan Savage in response to recent suicides by LGBT youths, have exceeded the channel’s capacity. Savage launched the channel Sept. 21 with a video in which he and his husband, Terry Miller, tell their personal stories of harassment and torture at the hands of their classmates and show what their lives are like now. Savage said that the YouTube channel is full, people are posting videos on their own and having conversations with people through the comments sections and communicating through e-mail. Savage said that the first 200 videos uploaded were from regular people, such as a lesbian farmer from Vermont, a gay Mormon and the Youth Pride Choir of New York. But some celebrities also have made videos like comedians Sarah Silverman and Kathy Griffin, “Project Runway’s” Tim Gunn, “Ugly Betty’s” Michael Urie, musician Joel Madden and “Glee’s” Chris Colfer. ■ — Larry Nichols



OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

The many stages of OutFest By Scott A. Drake PGN Art Director For most of those who attend OutFest every October, it’s an afternoon of food, drink, entertainment, shopping and being

out in the streets with thousands of your closest friends. But for the planners, vendors, entertainers and volunteers, it is the culmination of months of work, preparation and commitment. This year, rather than a collage of OutFest

activities and attendees, we decided to show some of the time and effort that goes into the entire day. It starts early in the morning with street closings and ends with the evening cleanup — some 14 hours later. So when you’re out enjoying OutFest, or

the new MayDay Street Festival next year, don’t forget to take a minute to thank a volunteer who made the event fun. You might just be making his or her day a little more enjoyable as well.







12:16 P.M.: LADIES ...






OCT. 15 - 21, 2010




3:35 P.M.: 72 DEGREES




6:38 P.M.: THE PARTY IS OVER ...




When did you come out?

Natalie Alleyne, 47 Jeff Brauer, 39 Brian Hudly, 18 Victor Miranda, 33 Steve Newman, 36 Mabel Redtop, 63 Amanda Zabel, 25 Eric Zonk, 34 Came out at 27 to Came out at 29 to Came out at 14 Came out at 21 to Came out at 18 to Came out at 13 to Came out at 15 to Came out at 20 to her sister his wife to friends and his college friends his mother a friend her mother his mother mother

"My sister is gay too, so it was easy. But when I told my mom 10 years later, I got all the blame for her not getting any grandkids."

"It was sad, but we stayed together for a few months after that. We are still best friends and have a wonderful son."

"My mom said it was not the life she would have picked for me, but that I am still her son and she loves me very much."

"They were just happy for me. I was very blessed being around such great frat boys."

"It went very well. She said she hoped I was strong enough to deal with what I had coming."

"It was no surprise — he said he knew. He said everybody knew."

"She told me at the time to remain open minded. Now she's 110 percent behind me."

"She was pretty cool. She said she kind of knew and that she loved me for who I am."



OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

Editorial Civil discourse In the local LGBT community, there are several longstanding rifts and some recent divisions. So-andso doesn’t talk to so-and-so, this one doesn’t talk to that one. At times, the unity of the community is nonexistent. This was certainly apparent on Sunday during OutFest, which, by all accounts, was a huge success. As a minority community, it’s important to recognize that individuals are going to disagree on issues and have different opinions on how to accomplish goals. There might not even be agreement on what the goals of the community should be, much less how to achieve them. That shouldn’t stop progress. One of the issues presently under discussion is the proposed affordable housing for seniors at the William Way LGBT Community Center. On this, it’s important for the community to bring to the table questions it has about the project, about the risks and the benefits. This is a major undertaking, and there are a lot of unknowns. Now is the time for discussion, so that issues can be addressed and, if there are problems, they can be resolved at the onset, not by stopping the project in the middle. And while it’s good for the community to talk about specific issues, it is also important to think about the overarching goal, the big picture: to provide for LGBT elders who aren’t well off. Considering the size of the project, there are myriad questions that have not been addressed in PGN. Frankly, there are other issues that need coverage too, and it would be irresponsible of the paper to devote thousands of words to this one issue. Often, community conflicts are based on ego: One person pushes his/her agenda, sometimes to the benefit of the community, sometimes to the benefit of one’s bank account or reputation. And sometimes, it’s to the detriment of another group, organization or person. Sometimes, individuals take actions personally, whether they are meant that way or not. Sometimes the actions are personal, meant as an attack to harm an individual or group. In acrimonious situations, it’s easy to retaliate, to return like with like. It’s harder to work toward honest communication in a civil manner — particularly when parties aren’t speaking to each other. Certainly, there are challenges in determining in which direction the community should go, as the “community” is made up of individuals. First and foremost should be the good of the community — all of us. ■

Tell us what you think Send letters and opinion column submissions to:; PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147; fax: (215) 925-6437. Please include a daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity, style and space considerations.


Kathleen Sebelius and Arne Duncan

Bullying, a serious danger to our children Seth Walsh, a 13-year-old from a small city in central California, loved french fries and Pokemon cards. Tyler Clementi was 18, a college freshman who played violin in the Rutgers Symphony Orchestra. Asher Brown was a 13-year-old straightA student in Houston. Billy Lucas was a 15-year-old from Indiana who showed horses. Justin Aaberg from Minnesota was 15 too and posted his cello music on YouTube. What did these young people have in common? They all died recently by suicide after being harassed because they were gay or believed to be gay. Millions of young people will wake up in America today knowing they’ll be bullied before the day is over. For many, the harassment will focus on their race, a physical or intellectual disability, their performance at school or another characteristic that sets them apart. We know that gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students are among the most likely to be targeted. Four out of five gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender middle-schoolers say they are regularly harassed because of their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. Three-quarters of high-schoolers say they “frequently” or “often” hear

derogatory and homophobic remarks. As these attacks add up, they can become an unbearable burden for young people. Bullied teens are more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol. They’re more likely to skip school. They’re more likely to be depressed. The result is that gay, lesbian and bisexual teens are up to seven times more likely to have reported attempting suicide than their peers. We cannot continue to stand by while our children are subjected to this physical and emotional violence. Protecting young people from bullying is just as essential to their healthy development as making sure they have good teachers and access to health care. Over the years, we’ve heard excuse after excuse for why this harassment continues. One argument is that bullying often happens out of sight — in locker rooms, deserted hallways and social-media websites. But we know that 85 percent of bullying happens in front of witnesses, including adults. Others operate under the sad belief that bullying is just another part of growing up, that it “toughens kids up.” The events of these last few months should put this outrageous theory to rest. Still others say some kids are just

mean and there’s nothing we can do about it. But this excuse ignores the effective strategies we’ve developed for reducing bullying. For example, in schools that have an anti-harassment policy that specifically addresses sexual orientation or gender identity, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students are 50 percent more likely to feel safe in school and one-third less likely to skip a class. Even more promising are approaches that get entire communities involved. When principals, teachers, school nurses, pediatricians, social workers, faith leaders, law enforcement agents, parents and youth all have the information they need to recognize bullying and respond to it, bullies get a clear message that their behavior is unacceptable. That’s why last year, the Departments of Education and Health and Human Services joined forces with four other departments to create a federal task force on bullying. In August, the task force staged the first-ever National Bullying Summit, bringing together 150 top state, local, civic and corporate leaders to begin mapping out a national See BULLYING, Page 21


OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

Mark My Words Mark Segal Returning to the air After his election as mayor of Philadelphia, Ed Rendell brought me into his office and wanted to know what part in the administration I’d like to play. On the table was the position of deputy mayor. Philadelphia Magazine has written about this in the past. It was something that I struggled with, but in the end it became apparent to me, thanks to my friends, that there was so much more work in the community to be done that it would be a disservice for me to be on the other side of the fence, so to speak. So we had another meeting and Ed kept tossing out boards and commissions. Finally I looked at him and said, “I’d like to be on Philadelphia International Airport Advisory Board.” The next line is actually true. Ed said, “Why?” And I responded, “I’d like to be Philly’s official flying fairy.” That joke was told between friends and Ed almost fell off his chair. So I started my tenure at the airport, which lasted almost 16 years. I was the longest-serving member of the board, which went through many changes. I left several years ago when it had become a rubber

stamp. But in the early days, we had major impact, and I’m proud of my contributions. Enter Mayor Nutter. He decided to reactivate the board. I was asked to serve and accepted once I was assured that we would not be just a rubberstamp. At the press conference last week at the airport, I was overwhelmed airport personnel who came out to give me a hug or handshake and say, “Welcome home.” So why the airport? Philadelphia International Airport is the single biggest economic engine of the Philadelphia region, contributing $14 billion annually to the local economy, creating more than 141,000 jobs within the region through direct and indirect employment and generating $404.4 million in annual tax revenues for the region. Our first effort is to assist in implementing an impressive growth and improvement plan. What do you think of rainbow tarmacs? Just kidding. ■ Mark Segal is PGN publisher. He is the nation’s most-award-winning commentator in LGBT media, having just received the 2010 Columnist of the Year Award from the 2,000-member Suburban Newspapers of America. He can be reached at mark@epgn. com.

Letters and Feedback


Street Talk How will the Supreme Court rule in the funeral-protesters case?

Elizabeth Colyar student Center City

Matthew Guida student Center City

“As horrible as it is, I think the protesters are within their rights. And the court will uphold their right, even at funerals. If you start making exceptions to the First Amendment, that’s a slippery slope to go down.”

“The judges will support the grieving families because they’re being targeted for harassment. The protesters will lose because they’re inciting violence. For that reason, their activities should be limited. The court will see it as a public-safety issue.”

Madeline Hart student South Philadelphia

Angelina McCurdy student Turnersville, N.J.

“Knowing the way our government works, the judges probably will side with the protesters. Unfortunately, many people in power agree with the antigay message of the protesters. I just wish people would be less judgmental.”

“They’ll rule against the protesters because they’re infringing on the rights of grieving families. It’s not like the protesters can’t find less intrusive venues to make their point. I think the Supreme Court will realize the protesters have other options.”

Considering the proposed senior center The William Way LGBT Community Center board of directors has been engaged in a committed process to conduct due diligence to consider the proposal for LGBT Senior Housing submitted to us by Pennrose Properties and the Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld Fund. Obviously, resources gathered for the purpose of supporting LGBT seniors are desperately needed to make an impact on the needs of the growing population of LGBT citizens who are 55 and older. We expect these needs only to grow in the upcoming decade. No one would disagree that a housing program for the LGBT seniors of Philadelphia is generally a good idea. Nonetheless, the issues before the board of directors of the center include whether building such a senior center adjacent and directly above the center’s property would be in the best interests of the mission and fiscal health of the center. The board has a fiduciary duty and duty to the center’s mission and must consider all

of the facts before it makes an informed decision. We take this decision very seriously. The board has engaged attorneys at Regional Housing Legal Services ( to help us answer these questions. These independent attorneys specialize in helping nonprofit organizations evaluate housing programs like the one proposed by Pennrose and Hirschfeld. RHLS attorneys are assisting the board in making sure that we identify and answer as many questions as possible prior to our decision. As part of our deliberative process, we conducted a board retreat on Oct. 9, with the assistance of a neutral and outside facilitator, and we conducted a town hall at the center on Oct. 13, to hear the opinions of our stakeholders and the community-at-large. A transcript of the community town hall will be created so that interested parties can review the questions and concerns. This document will be available on our website after the town hall at www.waygay. org. We also welcome written

comments and/or questions sent to the center, 1315 Spruce St., Philadelphia, PA 19107, or by email to We want to be clear to our community and stakeholders that the board has made no decision regarding this project at this time, and all decisions will await the input of the community on Oct. 13 and any written feedback that comes to us prior to our next board meeting on Oct. 26. With such a tremendous possibility placed before us, we are assessing all the potential and real opportunities and risks to the mission of the William Way LGBT Community Center before we make our decision. We pledge to keep the community’s concerns front and center as we deliberate, and we will be transparent about both our process and future decisions. Chris Bartlett, executive director Emilie Carr and David Michelson, co-chairs William Way LGBT Community Center board of directors



OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

OCT. 15 - 21, 2010





OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

OCT. 15 - 21, 2010





OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

ActionAIDS sued for privacy violation By Timothy Cwiek PGN Writer-at-Large An HIV-positive woman is suing ActionAIDS, claiming the agency violated her privacy rights when a receptionist allegedly disseminated her HIV status without her permission. ActionAIDS is the largest AIDS-service provider in Pennsylvania. It offers a wide array of services for people living with HIV/AIDS or those at risk of acquiring the disease. The woman, identified in court papers as G.C., claims the receptionist violated the state’s HIV Confidentiality Act when allegedly making the unauthorized disclosure in 2009. The act forbids health-care and socialservice agencies from disclosing a client’s HIV status to third parties without the written consent of the client, with limited exceptions. Those exceptions include emergencycare workers seeking the information in order to provide appropriate medical care; a person granted access to the information by court order; and insurers requesting the information to verify an insurance claim. G.C.’s lawsuit contends the privacy violation that ActionAIDS allegedly is responsible for doesn’t fall into any of the exceptions enumerated by the act.

The act also permits HIV-positive individuals who believe their privacy has been violated to sue for monetary damages. In June 2009, G.C. visited ActionAIDS “for the purpose of receiving assistance and social services associated with her medical condition,” her lawsuit alleges. During the visit, G.C. recognized the receptionist as someone she knew outside of ActionAIDS, her lawsuit alleges. The lawsuit identifies the receptionist, R.T., who couldn’t be reached for comment. G.C. became “apprehensive” and got “a pit in her stomach,” fearing the receptionist might divulge her HIV status to others without her permission, according to the suit. But G.C. calmed herself with the knowledge that the state’s HIV Confidentiality Act and the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act forbid such unauthorized disclosures, her lawsuit alleges. In July 2009, an acquaintance of G.C.’s boyfriend contacted him and told him that G.C. was HIV-positive. The alleged privacy violation was traced back to the father of the receptionist, according to the lawsuit. A complaint about the alleged privacy violation was promptly lodged with G.C.’s caseworker at ActionAIDS, the lawsuit states. Prior to the alleged violation, only G.C.’s

boyfriend and G.C.’s sister knew about her HIV status among her circle of family and friends, the suit alleges. Due to the alleged privacy violation, G.C. became “devastated” and experienced “severe emotional distress,” with unspecified physical symptoms, her lawsuit states. The lawsuit, which was filed February in Philadelphia Common Pleas Court, seeks an unspecified amount of monetary compensation, not to exceed $50,000. A hearing is scheduled for Oct. 20. The lawsuit contends that ActionAIDS failed to properly train its workers and/or volunteers about privacy requirements. It specifically accuses ActionAIDS of inflicting emotional distress on G.C. and of invading her privacy. “Plaintiff had a right to be left alone in her private affairs,” the lawsuit states. In a reply brief, ActionAIDS denied any wrongdoing in the matter, and asked that the agency be awarded legal fees, costs and interest incurred due to the litigation. Thus far, the court papers filed by ActionAIDS have not responded in detail to specific allegations made by G.C. Kevin R. McNulty, an attorney for ActionAIDS, declined to comment. Matthew B. Weisberg, an attorney for G.C., issued a statement on her behalf. “Plaintiff, choosing to remain anonymous, is aggressively pursuing not only

compensation for her anguish — but a court-ordered change in the confidentiality policies and practices of [ActionAIDS]. For those suffering with unfairly stigmatized illnesses, including but not limited to HIV and mental health issues, assurances of confidentiality are of the highest duty — and in fact a legal obligation — of a healthcare provider of any kind.” Because G.C. is suing for less than $50,000, her case will be heard by a threemember arbitration panel. If either side is dissatisfied with the ruling, it can request a jury trial, according to procedural rules governing Philadelphia’s court system. Ronda B. Goldfein, executive director of the AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania, said that while she has no knowledge of the facts or merit of this particular case, the privacy rights of people with HIV are of the utmost importance, and shouldn’t be minimized. “As much as we want to mainstream HIV, we need to recognize that AIDS stigma is still alive and well, and that we all need to do our part to protect sensitive medical information,” Goldfein said. She said that, while the number of HIVprivacy complaints received by the agency has declined slightly over the years, it still gets one to two calls weekly. ■ Timothy Cwiek can be reached at (215) 625-8501 ext. 208.




OCT. 15 - 21, 2010





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OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

SafeGuards marks 21st birthday By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer SafeGuards LGBT Health Resource Center will celebrate its 21st anniversary next week with a birthday bash that honors the organization’s growth over the past two decades, as well as the many men and women who’ve fueled that progression. SafeGuards’ supporters are invited to attend the party, which will be held from 6-10 p.m. Oct. 21 at Hamilton Hall at the University of the Arts, 320 S. Broad St. SafeGuards works to promote LGBT health through community outreach and education and partners with several area agencies to offer recovery programs, youth initiatives, HIV and STDprevention work and LGBT health-competency training, as well as employing research on health disparities affecting the LGBT community. SafeGuards executive director Brian Green noted that a 21st birthday traditionally signifies that one has reached the age of maturity, which he felt was appro-

priate for an organization that has become a pillar in the LGBT and HIV/AIDS communities. “It made sense for this year because 21 is usually that marker where you can say that you’re really grown up,” Green said. He added that several transitions took place at Family Planning Council, which houses SafeGuards, last year — such as plans to move to a new location and the retirement of its executive director — that made a 21st, and not a 20th, anniversary celebration more ideal. SafeGuards was founded in 1989 by Heshie Zinman, John White and Anna Forbes. Since its inception, Green, who’s served as executive director for the past six years and was a volunteer and board member since 1990, noted that the agency has seen remarkable internal growth. “We started as a grassroots organization with all volunteers,” he said. “Over the years we’ve really been able to gain in the number of staff that were hired and then the professional staff we brought on to provide health services and advocacy, which have

always been part of our mission.” During its anniversary celebration, SafeGuards will feature portraits of 21 agencies and individuals — like its founders and first executive director Chris Bartlett — who’ve been integral to the organization’s success. The night, which is expected to draw about 150 people, will also include food provided by 12th Street Catering, a silent auction and a blackjack table. SafeGuards will also pay special tribute to area teens with an LGBTQ Youth Talent Showcase, an “American Idol”-type competition. SafeGuards board chair Soda Nobuhle said the organization “is looking forward to this event as a key time for us to come together and give homage to the important innovative work that SafeGuards has contributed to the community.” For more information or to purchase tickets, visit www. or call (215) 9856873. ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at

OCT. 15 - 21, 2010



Gay History Month Lost trans memoir discovered By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer Author Earl Lind, whose works shed light on the transgender experience in early 20th-century America, kept his true identity so deeply concealed that his real name is still hidden nearly a century after he published his memoirs. Thanks to a public-health researcher, however, another mystery surrounding the author has been solved. Dr. Randall Sell, associate professor at Drexel University’s School of Public Health, recently stumbled upon 35 pages of a third volume of Lind’s memoirs, long considered lost by LGBT historians. Sell himself had been hunting for years for the lost “Riddle of the Underworld,” which Lind advertised when he published his first two memoirs, “Autobiography of Androgyne” and “The Female Impersonators,” but which never made it to print. Unexpectedly, Sell happened upon a part of the book while researching Dr. Victor Robinson, a sexologist in the 1930s and ’40s, at the National Library of Medicine. “I almost had a heart attack. That’s not what I was looking for, so it was amazing,” Sell said. “There are many places you could look for these chapters but in Victor Robinson’s papers? That’s not a logical place, and it was sort of odd that they were there. I never in my life fathomed that there was a connection between Victor Robinson and Earl Lind, but I guess there weren’t many people doing sexology work back then so they probably all knew each other

and that’s how this got passed along.” Sell’s find includes a prologue and four chapters, as well as a six-page contract dated from 1921 between the author and Robinson for the work to be published in the journal “Medical Life.” Sell contacted gay historian Jonathan Ned Katz, who published the documents on his website, which went live Oct. 11, National Coming Out Day.


Ted Faigle, program manager at Drexel’s Program for LGBT Health, transcribed the documents that were discovered, which he said was a challenging feat. “He was writing on a manual typewriter of course, and he scratched through things, wrote in between the margins and down the side of the page, so all of that had to be processed so we could figure out if he was changing the meaning of things or adding things,” Faigle

said. “And we’re not even sure if all of the notes were his or if an editor or someone wrote some of it because, since it was never published, we don’t know how far this got in the editorial process.” In “Riddle of the Underworld,” Lind, who also went by the names Ralph Werther and Jennie June, describes himself as “bisexual,” although the term does not appear to refer to the modern conception of the word. “I was brought into the world as one of the very rare humans who possess a strong claim, on anatomic grounds as well as psychic, to membership in both the sexes,” Lind wrote in the introduction. “I was foreordained to live part of my life as a man and part as woman.” “He wasn’t using that word the way we think of it today,” Sell said. “He was using it to mean this combination of genders. He saw himself as both male and female.” The several chapters that were discovered provide an overview of Lind’s views on androgyny and explore some of his experiences as a “female impersonator” traversing what he calls the “Underworld,” the underground communities that exist out of the spotlight of society. Lind wrote that he carried out the “necessary” public life as a man, but about one night a week for six years he went out in New York City as “Jennie June,” a more fulfilling experience than his everyday life. “Under that name and as a representative of the gentle sex, my personality had a tremendously more remarkable career in its jourSee GAY HISTORY, Page 20 Facebook – Dignity Philadelphia Join us at St. Luke & the Epiphany Church 330 S. 13th Street, between Spruce and Pine streets, Philadelphia, PA

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ney through life than that achieved in New York’s Overworld,” Lind wrote. One of Lind’s chapters explores the practice of voyeurism, and Sell said he suspects the successive sections that are still missing are each devoted to a separate facet of Lind’s “Underworld.” “What we found is the first few parts of it, and I think all but one would have been the introduction and the first few chapters, which were all about himself,” Sell said. “But the part on voyeurism I think is an example of what the other chapters were going to be like, each talking about these things that go on under the general radar of society.” Sell said “Riddle of the Underworld” puts into perspective just how troubling life must have been for transgender individuals in the early 20th century. “Imagine being a transgender person back then,” he said. “We have terms and language today that probably still aren’t perfect and may be inadequate, but back then there was nothing. These people were just sort of wandering through life trying to figure out what’s going on and if they’re the only person like this.” The fact that Lind’s real name still has yet to be discovered is a testament to how far in the closet he needed to be in order to publish his works, Sell said. “No one knows who he is. There’s even the contract that we found, and his real name isn’t on that. There are no hints,” Sell said. “He talks about his jobs, what he did, where he lived, times he was arrested, all of these things that should help us to figure out who he was and no one has been able to yet. He was probably a student at Columbia University, but that’s

OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

that’s exactly what we’re talking about today. He was talking about it 90 years ago, and what scares me is that we could still be talking about it 90 years from now. You can look through history and we keep repeating the same mistakes. The same issues are going to keep coming up if we don’t address them.” Faigle agreed that Lind’s commentary on youth suicide is a very sobering passage. “This was 100 years ago and people have been making these appeals and calling attention to this problem over and over and over again and somehow the message still isn’t getting through,” he said. “When you have five or six or seven suicides in a row, it makes you feel like we’ve failed. It’s good to know what our history is and how much it’s changed, but it’s also hard to bear the burden of feeling like we haven’t been able to do anything about this yet.” Sell noted that the eventual recovery of the rest of “Riddle of the Underworld” may provide even more insight into the LGBT community’s history. “People truly can’t understand where we are right now if we don’t now where we came from,” he said. “I’m amazing and thrilled that I found “THE AUTHOR — A MODERN this, but I think someone might LIVING REPLICA OF THE know where the rest of it is. It’s ANCIENT GREEK STATUE OF weird to say that we just disHERMAPHRODITOS” covered this, because actually Victor Robinson had discovSell said the references to LGBT ered it and I’m sure others saw it suicide should particularly reso- and didn’t know what it was. So nate with a modern audience after maybe someone has seen it and the spate of recent youth suicide not known what it is. It’s going to apparently motivated by antigay take a lot of people out there looktaunting. ing for this.” “I think if the typewriter could To access the transcription and have bolded and underlined this photos of the original “Riddle of back then, he would have,” Sell the Underworld,” visit www.outsaid. “He’s telling these educa- ■ tors that they have to understand that these kids are in your schools Jen Colletta can be reached at and you have to protect them. And it. This was an amazing, interesting, fascinating individual who wrote about his life at a time when so few other people were daring to because of the dangers that existed for them.” As much as the transgender community has been able to come out of the shadows in the last century, Sell noted that Lind’s text also describes issues that are still impacting the LGBT population. In a section titled “The Boy is Father to the Man,” in which Lind describes long struggling with his assigned sex, he makes a plea, typed in all capital letters, for protection for questioning youth. “I beg all adults, particularly school officials, to be extraordinarily charitable and sympathetic with girl-boys and others sexually abnormal by birth who may seem to have lost their senses,” Lind wrote. “Guard against doing anything that would lead the disgraced to commit suicide, which even is fairly common among these ‘stepchildren of nature.’”

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OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

BULLYING From Page 10 plan to end bullying. And we launched a new website, www., which brings all the federal resources on bullying together in one place for the first time ever. We’re also getting students involved. The Stop Bullying Now! Campaign has 80 partners across the country that help reach youth with an anti-bullying message everywhere from elementary and middle schools to Boys and Girls Clubs to public libraries to 4-H clubs. And earlier this week, the Department of Education’s new Safe and Supportive Schools program announced grants to 11 states to help them use student,

SCHOOL BULLY From Page 1 so people wouldn’t harass them or be friends with people they wouldn’t normally be friends with just to avoid the bullying.” Gloria Casarez, the city’s director of LGBT affairs, said the amended policy is also noteworthy for the definitive procedures that are spelled out. “What makes this different from other anti-bullying policies that are out there is that this does have clear consequences that are laid out,” she said. “These are real consequences that are written, so it’s a little bit different because not all policies actually say that.” In the policy, bullying is defined as “intentional electronic, written, verbal, nonverbal, psychological or physicals acts” directed toward a student, either in or outside a school setting that is “severe, per-


family and staff surveys to create “school safety scores” for schools in their states. Additional funds will be available for the schools with the biggest safety concerns. We’re launching a similar effort to mobilize communities to prevent suicides. Last month, the Department of Health and Human Services helped announce an unprecedented National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, which brings together a wide range of public and private partners to coordinate anti-suicide efforts. One of its specific goals is preventing suicide in at-risk groups, including gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth. Building safe neighborhoods and schools where young people can thrive is a job for all of us, not just government or schools

or parents. It means speaking up the next time you hear someone use a homophobic slur, stepping in when you encounter a bully in action, and letting your local school board know that bullying isn’t just part of growing up — it’s a serious danger to our children. The events of the last few weeks have filled many of us with sadness and anger. They should also fill us with determination to do everything we can to stand up for Seth, Tyler, Asher, Billy, Justin and millions of other young people who can’t do it for themselves. ■

sistent or pervasive.” Acts of bullying are described as resulting in an interference with a student’s education, the creation of a threatening environment and/or a substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school. The updated policy takes into account recent technological developments that have fueled youth bullying — such as the recent situation at Rutgers University in which freshman Tyler Clementi was outed via a webcam activated by his roommate while he was having a sexual encounter with another man — referring to bullying carried out through a nonverbal medium such as e-mail, instant messaging, text messaging, blogs, photo and video sharing, chat rooms or websites. Students and/or parents are encouraged to report any instances of bullying to school personnel like the principal, teachers, guidance

counselors, coaches or administrators, and any staff members who receive such a report must notify the school principal. School employees who witness bullying are required to report such situations to the principal. The principal is then mandated to investigate such a complaint and may interview the complainant, accused or others with knowledge of the incident. If the principal determines that a policy violation occurred, he or she is required to inform the offending student and his/her parents of the violation and review the anti-bullying policy with them. Consequences for the first offense include the parental notification and a documented warning, while second offenses could lead to loss of school privileges, detention, exclusion from school activities and/or counseling. Third offenses would result in suspension or transfer to another classroom, building or school bus. The policy also describes that, if the first offense is “notably severe,” a student could be suspended for four-10 days, expelled or referred for placement in an alternativeeducation program. The guidelines mandate that the bullying policy and procedures are reviewed each year with students, staff and parents, and that a copy is accessible in every classroom and posted in a prominent location in each city school. The policy also requires that the annual Safe School Report include statistics on bullying incidents, along with a report on the development of any bullying-prevention programs. ■

SHEDDING A LIGHT: About 50 people processed through the Gayborhood Saturday night for a candlelight vigil to honor recent LGBT youth who committed suicide. The vigil began at Kahn Park, 11th and Pine streets, and participants returned to the park after the walk to share personal stories of antigay bullying. Last month alone, at least five LGBT teens committed suicide after experiencing bullying by their peers. Photo: Scott A. Drake


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OUTFEST From Page 1 brought up their rainbow-clad animals for a pet contest. Out youth also took the stage for a special recognition that stemmed from the recent rash of suicides by LGBT teens. “We had 72 kids up there,” Price said. “Our stage manager was amazed and said, ‘Fran, do you realize that there are 72 of

them up there?’ We asked earlier in the day how many the stage could fit and they said about 100 with no problem, and when we started inviting them up there were probably only 30 at first and then I looked again and it was just filled.” Two other youth were also recognized during the annual awards presentation, with the OutStanding Youth Award going to Kristen Thomas and the

Gilbert Baker National OutProud Award to Joey Kemmerling, who launched an online initiative to curb anti-LGBT bullying. Steve McCann, founder of, was this year’s recipient of the OutProud Award. There were no reported arrests at the events, and Price said festival-goers largely stayed away from the antigay protesters from Repent America, who set up

shop at their usual spot on 13th Street near Locust and, new this year, used songs at times to communicate their messages. Later in the day, Price said she spotted children sporting antigay signs, which she called “disturbing,” although she was unsure if they were connected to Repent America. A group of OutFest volunteers stood in front of the protesters throughout the day to encourage


tional ear to many of our members across the country. She was a figurehead.” Burns said Blahnik already had a “significant” impact, “not just to those in our house, but to those in the entire ballroom community and even those who are not a part of the ballroom house culture, with the extent of the relationships and the support she provided. She was a mother figure to a lot of young people, particularly for many of our transwomen of color here in Philadelphia.” Adams noted that the situation should serve as a learning experience for local mainstream media, many of whom reported the murder as that of a man. “As a trans advocate, I would encourage that when people do news reports on our lives that they need to realize that while our identity may not be their reality, our reality is our identity,” she said. “And it’s a shame that with the

From Page 1


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OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

makeup on at the time of her death, which she said could be a telling sign. “She was found without any makeup on, which to us implies that this could have been personal or somebody she was already comfortable with,” Adams suggested. “If I had someone over my house and I wasn’t made up, it would be someone who knew me and someone that I felt comfortable with.” Robert Burns, Blahnik member and executive director of The COLOURS Organization, said Blahnik had been house mother for about a year and offered direction to the approximately 115 Blahnik members who stretch from Philadelphia to California. “She was a key parental figure to our family,” Burns said. “She provided mentorship, leadership and was pretty much an emo-

attendees not to engage them in confrontation. “I really felt sorry for them that they had to hear all day that they were going to hell from the protesters,” Price said. “I give them a lot of credit for standing there the entire day and putting up with it.” ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at


way the news media reported it, she died without dignity.” ■

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OCT. 15 - 21, 2010





OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

OCT. 15 - 21, 2010



Judge approves Alycia Lane’s inquiry to officer’s orientation By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer A Court of Common Pleas judge last week approved the motion of former news anchor Alycia Lane that sought, in part, to reveal the sexual orientation of a police officer she was accused of assaulting. Lane was arrested in December 2007 in New York City, accused of punching a police officer and calling her an antigay epithet. She was subsequently fired from her position at CBS3. Lane filed suit against the station and CBS3 president and general manager Michael Colleran in summer 2008, alleging the station intentionally damaged her reputation. In September, the plaintiff submitted supplemental document requests to the defense’s subpoenas of the police officers involved in the case. The requests included such items as any evidence of police contact with press outlets and officers’ personal cell-phone records. Lane also requested “all documents that evi-

dence, refer to or relate to Police Officer Bernadette Enchautegui’s association with any organization relating to gay, lesbian or transgender police officers, including but not limited to all speeches and statements relating to the incident.” The defense filed an opposition to Lane’s supplemental requests to Court of Common Pleas Judge Howland Abramson Sept. 21, but Abramson ruled in favor of the plaintiff Oct. 5. A statement by Police Officer Richard Lawrence, who was also subpoenaed by CBS3, after the incident said that Lane, who was allegedly trying to take cellphone pictures of her boyfriend’s altercation with the officers, told Enchautegui: “I don’t give a fuck who you are. I am a reporter, you fucking dyke.” Lawrence said Lane proceeded to “strike Enchautegui about the face.” In 2008, a judge reduced the

felony charges against Lane to misdemeanors, which were later dismissed. In the response to Lane’s motion, CBS3 attorneys wrote that her “purpose was to prompt objections from [Lawrence and Enchautegui], discourage them from cooperating in the scheduling of depositions and block CBS’ efforts to obtain relevant testimony.” On the effort to obtain evidence about Enchautegui’s associations with LGBT groups, the attorneys wrote: “This document request is completely irrelevant and is a blatant intimidation tactic. Through it, plaintiff displays the same homophobic attitude she revealed just prior to her arrest. Tellingly, plaintiff’s harassing motion does not even make an effort to describe why discovery into a police officer’s sexual preference is relevant at all to this case.” Mark Schwemler, an attorney for CBS3, said he could not comment on the pending litigation. ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at

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OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

OCT. 15 - 21, 2010





OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

OCT. 15 - 21, 2010





OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

OCT. 15 - 21, 2010


International News Serb police clash with antigay rioters Riot police in Serbia clashed with hundreds of far-right supporters who tried to disrupt a gay pride march on Oct. 10 in downtown Belgrade. More than a dozen people were injured. Thousands of police officers sealed off the streets in the capital where the march took place, repeatedly clashing at several locations with rioters who were trying to burst through security cordons. The protesters, chanting “death to homosexuals,” hurled bricks, stones, glass bottles and firecrackers at police. Several parked cars and shop windows were damaged and at least one police vehicle was set on fire. Hospital officials said at least 18 people, about half of them police officers, were injured. Police said several rioters were arrested. The march was viewed as a major test for Serbia’s government, which has launched proWestern reforms and pledged to protect human rights as it seeks European Union membership. Right-wing groups broke up a pride march in 2001 and forced the cancellation of last year’s event. Vincent Degert, head of the EU mission in Serbia, addressed some 1,000 gay activists and their supporters who gathered at a park in downtown Belgrade, which was surrounded by riot police, including armored vehicles. “We are here to celebrate this very important day ... to celebrate the values of tolerance, freedom of expression and assembly,” Degert told the crowd. The brief 15-minute march ended without violence, with the participants heading into a downtown hall for a party. Right-wing groups say the gay events are contrary to Serbian family and religious values. Most of the rioters were young football fans whose groups have been infiltrated by neo-Nazi and other extremist organizations.

Mitcham takes silver in Delhi Openly gay Australian diver Matthew Mitcham won the silver medal in the 1-meter springboard at the Commonwealth Games in Delhi on Oct. 10. The gold went to Canadian Alexandre Despatie.


Larry Nichols

After the competition, Mitcham compared Despatie to gay diving legend Greg Louganis. “I’m completely in awe of him. I was a lot more confident with the event before I realized he would be competing in it,” Mitcham said. “I tried to keep up with him; it encouraged me to train harder, because I knew he would be incredibly difficult to beat.”

Mexican guv: Gay marriage ‘grosses me out’ The governor of Mexico’s Jalisco state says gay marriages disgust him. Gov. Emilio Gonzalez says marriage should be between a man and a woman. He adds, in his words, “that other thing, as they say, still grosses me out.” Gonzalez spoke Oct. 8 at a forum on family in Guadalajara city. Guadalajara has been a focal point of Mexico’s debate over gay marriage, which sharpened after Mexico City enacted a law in December allowing same-sex couples to wed and adopt children. Cardinal Juan Sandoval, the archbishop of Guadalajara, stirred controversy by suggesting Mexico City’s government bribed the Supreme Court to uphold the law in August. Mexico City Mayor Marcelo Ebrard filed a defamation suit against Sandoval.

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LGBT support group wins case A court in the Australian state of Victoria has upheld a complaint from a gay youth support group after a Christian youth camp refused them accommodation, claiming it was against their position on homosexuality. WayOut, a suicide prevention group working with young LGBT Australians in Victoria, sought to book the Christian Youth Camps’ Phillip Island Adventure Resort in June 2007, where they intended to lead a workshop on fighting homophobia. The Christian Brethren claimed they would not take the booking because WayOut promotes homosexual activity, which they said See INTERNATIONAL, Page 33

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OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

OCT. 15 - 21, 2010


PROTECTIVE FORCE: Serbian riot police gather as the gay parade moves along a street Oct. 10 in Belgrade, Serbia. Riot police clashed with hundreds of far-right protesters who tried to disrupt the gay-pride march, with more than a dozen people reported injured. AP Photo: Darko Vojinovic

INTERNATIONAL From Page 31 was against the denomination’s understanding of the Bible. Judge Felicity Hampel, who presided over the case, said that while the business and its employees were entitled to their personal and religious beliefs, they did not have the right to impose those beliefs on others in a way that denied them freedom from discrimination. WayOut program coordinator Sue Hackney praised Hampel’s findings, saying they would go a long way toward showing the youth of Victoria that homophobia was not acceptable. In a statement, Hackney said: “It was always a bitter irony that the first step in our attempt to show young people that they can fight homophobia in their hometowns was met with homophobia itself.” Christian Youth Camps were ordered to pay $5,000 compensation.

Russian court: Parade ban ‘illegal’ A Russian judge at the Court of St. Petersburg ruled on Oct. 6 that the ban on the city’s Pride march in June was illegal. This historic decision comes on the heels of news Oct. 4 concerning the Moscow Court of Appeal, who ruled that the closure last September of the oldest gay club in Russia’s capital was illegal. The club was closed down by Moscow Prefect Oleg Mitvol on the grounds of “immorality.” “For the first time, Russian courts recognize our right to express [ourselves] freely in the streets,” said Russian LGBT activist Nikolai Alexeyev. “I want to share this moment with all those who supported us and followed us over the years. In a country which

those abroad often say it is better not do anything since we cannot change minds, it’s a sign that change can happen anywhere, as long as one believes and spares no effort. Our right to peaceful protest has been recognized by a Russian court. It’s a small victory but the first is always the best.” Next year, it is hoped that the third Slavic Pride will be held peacefully in St. Petersburg.

Lambert to tone down show Adam Lambert said Oct. 12 that he would comply with the restrictions placed on a concert he was to perform Oct. 14 in Malaysia, adding his “main goal is to keep people entertained, not to make them uncomfortable.” Lambert, an “American Idol” finalist who is openly gay, drew protests from that country’s Pan Malaysian Islamic Party over his plans to play a concert at the Putra Indoor Stadium in Bukit Jalil, near Kuala Lumpur. Representatives for the party have said they believe Lambert’s performances promote “gay culture” and contain “lewd dancing and a gay performance that includes kissing male dancers,” which is “not good for people in our country.” Lambert said it was a “tough decision” to follow the rules of Malaysia’s culture, arts and heritage ministry, which has forbidden him from removing his clothing, jumping and kissing onstage. Lambert had his bookings canceled on American talk shows after his November performance on the “American Music Awards,” in which he extended his middle finger to the camera and kissed a male bandmate. ■ Larry Nichols can be reached at




OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

Singer-songwriter makes a change By Larry Nichols PGN Staff Writer Steph Hayes is back to perform a CDrelease show for her latest effort, “Made to Change.” This new collection of songs represents a departure for the local out singer-songwriter and bandleader, who wrote and recorded most of the diverse collection of songs while on a creative break from the band she’s most known for in the area, Steph Hayes and The Good Problems, as well as the rigors of touring the country both solo and as part of a band. Hayes talked to PGN about the creative process that formed her new album and what the near future holds for one of the harder-working Philly musicians. PGN: Your new CD has been in the

works a long time, right?

SH: It’s been about two years since I

Steph Hayes Made to Change Hayes definitely pushes hard in the directions of rock and folk with her newest CD. And while the songs never run the risk of alienating fans familiar with Hayes’ other projects, they do impress with their energy and creative range. “Vines,” the acoustic side of the album, is pure folk comfort, which shines brightest on the super-strippeddown “Slipping Through” and jazzy laid-back groove of “Banned Books,” which has the welcome flourish of a trumpet solo adding to its allure.

“Wires” musters up an impressive display of garagerock and punk fury to augment Hayes’ lush guitar work on tracks like “Serious Drag” and “Truth Be Told.” Even better are the more grooveoriented songs like “When We Wouldn’t Die” and the EStreet-leaning “God Created Evolution.” All the songs on “Made to Change” are undeniably Hayes, with her voice and vocal style always hitting the mark no matter what the genre. And with these results, she can take her time and play with different genres all she wants. ■ — Larry Nichols




A departure from the ordinary

OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

started making it. I had absolutely no intention of releasing a record. I had started playing gigs with Mike Pfeiffer, who has a band in PEERING THROUGH THE HAYES: Out singer songwriter Steph Hayes is preparing for her long-awaited CD release. Photos: © Steph Doylestown called Mike Pfeiffer and Hayes the Associates. He and I had struck Problems and do some recording over ity, there’s always been this separation ourselves. up such a good musical kinship that the winter. I don’t know to what end. It of thought between religion and spirituwe started recording together on a very could be another EP or an Internet-only ality versus science. I’m very interested PGN: As a professional musician, did casual basis. He had a home studio. I release. Then I’d love to get back on the in that topic. When I was on tour, I you have any trepidation about taking a think both of us were in a phase where road. I think it’ll be the spring that I’ll devoured all the Dan Brown novels and break from performing on the road? we were unhappy with the direction we be headed back onto the road. a lot of those deal with that issue. This SH: I did. I was very wrapped up in were going in. We just needed to take is something I’ve been interested in for touring. I thought it was very impora step back, rethink things and kind of years and years but then I got reinvigoPGN: Are you going to go more rock or tant to stay on the road. My experience have music on a different basis where it rated in that topic. acoustic on your next batch of recordbeing out there was that the opportuniwasn’t something that was so business. ings? ties come to those who work for it and It’s just for fun. Nobody was looking PGN: Are you going to favor one EP SH: I think I’m always going to bounce over our shoulders. We just wanted to act they’re out there. It’s just a matter of over the other for your CD-release back and forth between those two putting in the effort. It’s kind of a selflike kids in the basement and just goof show? things. In a positive way, I have this supporting thing. Other musicians will around and be creative. We didn’t do it SH: I’m going to do a mixture. I’ve battle between two sides of music. I help each other with booking. There’s with any other members of any bands. put together a little impromptu band to love to have an electric guitar in my this great interactive community that It was just the two of us. So we had no put together the “Wired” side, the rock hand. I love to make a lot of noise and exists out there on the road who are schedules, intentions or plans. It was side. So Mike Pfeiffer’s band is going to rock. Then the flip side of me is I love doing this, but it does take a lot of work strictly a creative endeavor at first. be my band to perform that side of the the acoustic, quiet, thoughtful, pensive, and you need to put yourself out there record at the CD release. The show will emotional songs as well. I’m really and you need to keep going back to PGN: Is this new album a departure stybe in two parts. The Good Problems will inspired by those two things. I love the same towns and venues. You start listically from what you would be doing do the “Vines” parts and we’ll also play Simon and Garfunkel as much as I love at nothing and you build it. So to make with The Good Problems? songs from our previous records. Guns N’ Roses. Both of those things are the decision to come off the road was SH: The Good Problems, we were important and balance me out. For me, difficult because I felt as if I was takbusy. We were gigging a lot. This was PGN: In your experience, what venues I’m kind of saying I have this balance ing a step backward. But my experience two years ago. I had been touring a lot in Philadelphia have been the most supbetween male and female, quiet and with a lot of music is that you have to myself. I had reached a point where I portive of you and your music? loud, electric and acoustic, the negative go where you’re happy. For me, I have was burnt out from touring and wanted SH: The Tin Angel for me, since the and the positive. I’m trying to express a hard time sacrificing my creative state to do something a little different. I had Stargazer Lily days, has always been all those things that exist as a paradox of mind. I think that’s a step backward. reached a point of frustration from what good to the local musicians. I’m pretty for me and for everybody. There’s a lot I was unhappy touring for a while and I I was doing and I wanted to free myself invested in the Grape Room these days. of other musical avenues that I’d like to needed a change of pace. I need to proup. I knew that I wanted to continue It’s owned by Scooter, who used to be pursue as well. There’s a lot of kinds of doing music but I had just worked myself tect my muse more than anything. the drummer for Stargazer Lily. So it music that I haven’t really gotten deeply into a corner. I just needed a change of feels like family for me to be a part of into yet. If I could be in a recording stuatmosphere musically. I kind of just went PGN: “Made to Change” is basically two stylistically different EPs. Is there a the Grape Room. I spend a lot of time dio six months out of the year, I’d be a to Mike’s house to goof around. I was lyrical theme connecting the two sides? there. It feels like my hometown place. happier human being. going up there a couple times a month. SH: I think the lyrics are definitely tied I’m excited to be doing my CD-release I’d usually go in with an unfinished idea together. That’s probably the one thing show there. Steph Hayes performs at 9 p.m. Oct. 16 and we would just come up with sounds that is static throughout it. The lyrics are at The Grape Room, 105 Grape St. For and wacky ideas and throw it down. The PGN: After your CD-release show, more information, call (215) 930-0321 or two of us would play all the instruments, philosophical about a number of themes what’s next for you? I’ve been interested in lately. One of the visit ■ which we don’t normally do. We’re both SH: Being that the CD took so long to themes which is really important to the guitar players who sing. So we really Larry Nichols can be reached at record is difference between science and record, I’ve built up some extra songs. I stretched and pushed ourselves to do would like to go back in with The Good nature. Throughout the years of humanother instruments and do all the tracking



Family Portraits

Suzi Nash

Full disclosure: Kathryn Pennepacker is a neighbor and friend of mine. Because she is laidback and unassuming, I had no idea she was such an accomplished artist until I saw her picture on the cover of American Craft magazine. I just knew that Kate makes a killer salad and is always ready to pitch in with neighborhood projects. A textile/ visual artist, Pennepacker began doing tapestry work in the ’80s. Since then, Pennepacker has been working, studying and teaching around the globe. She’s known for incorporating unusual materials — from Q-tips to matches — into her pieces. A number of her community projects, such as “Wall of Rugs 2,” encouraged area residents to participate. As she stated in the American Craft interview, “A lot of murals in town are painted on parachute cloth in an artist’s studio and then attached to the wall—‘parachuted’ into the community,” she explains. “There’s a remarkable transformation in those neighborhoods when that happens, but for me, there is something about being at the same intersection day in and day out — working, talking and interacting with people and really getting the time, attention and commitment, the dedication, focus and interest of the neighborhood. There is this whole human interaction. No pretense. We’re all just showing up doing our thing. I am just doing my thing, weaving and painting.”

my birth certificate as Kathryn, named after my mom and [grandmother] mimi. When I moved out to Berkeley to apprentice and do the poetry-reading circuit, I started to go by Kathryn — never Kathy. Interestingly enough, our neighbors took to calling me Kate, as did folks in Poland when I was there. I like that too. So, little Kim kept to herself a lot. I had a cozy reading corner I created by the heat vent where I loved to hang out and read, draw, nap, listen to music. I think our cat takes after me with hanging out by the heat vent.

PGN: Where are you originally from? KP: I was born and raised in Cheltenham. Wait, no, I’m lying. I was born in Maple Glen, lived in Ft. Washington and then raised in Cheltenham. All within the Philadelphia public school system. I have a joined family: a brother and sister with my mom and dad, a sister from my mom and stepfather and two sisters and a brother from my dad and stepmother. My parents were great, just very different from each other, so we had a brief period of drama and custody disputes, etc. But fast-forward and we all get along — sibs, halves and parents. And through it all there was always plenty of love and support.

PGN: So you went from born again to being a big old lesbian? KP: Well, I fell in love with a woman in college and I knew I was gay for sure after that first kiss. It took a little adjusting for my family; my father asked if I was ac/dc. Mostly, they wanted to make sure it wasn’t just a phase like the born-again thing. But they always encouraged me to do whatever made me happy. I remember talking to a gay friend of the family and saying I didn’t want to talk about the birds and the bees, but the birds and the birds and the bees and the bees. Now as adults, we’re still really good friends.

PGN: What were you like as a kid? KP: Since I was born, everyone called me Kim, though it’s on

OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

PGN: Were you sporty? KP: [Blushes.] I was sort of a basketball star in high school and I played a little softball. I don’t know, I was the kind of girl who wore dashikis in school one day, my basketball uniform the next and the following day I would look all preppy. I think I wasn’t quite sure of myself. In fact for a while, I even became a bornagain Christian. I probably used youth group as a way to escape the drama at home. PGN: Was the family religious? KP: My father’s a good guy, traditionally Catholic, and my mom’s more of a “see God in everyone” kind of person — Hinduism, Shavism, that sort of thing. I’m kind of pot luck with religion now — a little of this, a little of that.

PGN: How did you meet your partner, Diane? KP: A mutual friend introduced us. We spoke on the phone for several weeks and then arranged to meet at a place called The Taco House. It was rainy and I got

there early and several women came in, I don’t know why, but I kept thinking, “Oh man, I hope it’s not her” and started having second thoughts. Then Diane walked in and we felt the connection right away. We’ve been together for about eight years now. We refer to one another as “GG” — God’s gift. PGN: How did you get interested in your field? KP: When I was in fifth grade, we learned how to do macramé knots in school. Instead of making the plant hangers we were supposed to, I started making wall pieces. Later on, I got more interested in writing and went to Penn State majoring in English. I’d been taking art classes all along and one of my advisors said, “You know, if you get one more credit in art, you’ll have a minor.” I took a one-credit weaving class and, that was it, I discovered my love. PGN: You studied traditional French tapestry, but your work seems very abstract. KP: Yes, among other things, I studied with Jean Pierre Larochette, a third-generation French tapestry weaver. What was nice about my apprenticeship is that I learned all the proper techniques and the rules and structure of how to weave pictorial tapestry. Now I try to incorporate both, which can be a little crazy-making, but I’ve always been curious about materials and material as a metaphor so, after I got the training, I pulled out the stops and explored working with different materials in my weaving, like plastic bags and matches, etc. PGN: You traveled to Tokyo as well? KP: Yes; after France, I really felt strong about doing community art and socially conscious art and I got an opportunity to go to Japan. They invited a number of artists from different mediums and wanted us to learn about and incorporate the culture into our works. As an artist, it was aesthetically altering. Tokyo is a really frenetic metropolis but with a really peaceful way of being that exists side by side with each other. I see a lot of that happening in my own personal work, a combination of traditional technique and then breaking those rules and


pushing boundaries. PGN: What was a great memory from that trip? KP: Climbing a hill in Japan nearby a temple, resting on the grass looking up at the sky and 20 to 30 or more black birds circling high above me. Quietly watching birds at the pagoda ... wowsy. PGN: Tell me about Handmade by the Homeless. KP: It’s a weaving project that Leslie Sudock and I began in a homeless shelter. We taught people to crochet, knit, sew, embroider and weave on a loom. It’s moved around, but now we have a gallery at 626 South St. It’s a beautiful storefront where people can come in and see us work and purchase handloomed winter scarves. PGN: What are some of the challenges working with the homeless project? KP: Trying to create consistency. We’re working with people whose lives are up in the air. They sometimes don’t know where they’re going to be or what’s going to happen next. We want to try to create a place that’s peaceful and dependable. Weaving seems to be very therapeutic and grounding for people whose lives are full of disruption. People tell me they feel like there’s a place where they belong and where they can be respected and make a difference. And interestingly, I often hear that they feel visible here. Hopefully, we’ll be able to stay in this space for some time.

PGN: I understand that the shelter closed during the project, rendering both the project and the participants homeless. KP: Yes. But it didn’t stop us. We left the loom outside locked to a bike rack and people from the project came by and continued weaving. PGN: That’s amazing. Were you surprised that no one vandalized or stole the equipment? KP: No. I’m an optimist. We’d established relationships with a lot of people over the course of the project, and people were very protective of it. I felt like there were a lot of angels around taking care of the loom. It was funny: Friends of mine would come up to me and say, “Was that your loom chained to a bike rack across from the food distribution center?” PGN: How do you work with so many divergent personalities, many of them who have troubled backgrounds? KP: I treat people with as much integrity and dignity as possible, and expect the best of them. I really try to establish a level of professionalism. We had one guy in the other day and his feet really smelled, so I got him a clean pair of socks. The only problem was he took his old socks and put them behind the couch. I gave him hell about it but tried to do it with a sense of humor. I want them to have a sense of pride in their work. We have one guy, Robert, who has been a crazy

OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

Q Puzzle Slip of the Tongue Across

1. Murdoch with a flower? 7. Overhand strokes, for Mauresmo 14. “Cape Fear” star 15. Sultry Dietrich 16. Start of a quip 18. Halloween mo. 19. Series ender 20. French river 21. Mistake for Paul Taylor 23. Lubricates 25. Hammerhead part 26. Flies like an eagle 28. Shakespearean king 30. Hearst’s kidnappers (abbr.) 31. What you do after you drop the soap in the shower 33. Former Queens stadium name 35. More of the quip 39. Wine list datum 40. Swiss capital 41. IBM products

mad-dash weaver. He loves it and flies through the pieces like he’s in a race. I have to slow him down and give him some tough love. I’ll tell him, “People may buy your first scarf out of sympathy for the cause, but you want them to buy the second scarf because the workmanship was well done. So slow down, look at your edges and don’t be sloppy.” I try to always look at people as if they could be my mother or my brother or my sister and it keeps me from being afraid to engage. It’s how I can work with people in prison, with homeless people or even live in the ’hood where I built my home. PGN: You seem to be such a quiet person, even a bit shy, and yet you’re out there doing lectures and speeches ... KP: It is pretty dichotomous, isn’t it? I feel outgoing and yet am so introverted. I think of it sometimes as being invisible and yet invincible. It’s a strange way of being. I just love to sit on my steps in my city, in my neighborhood and be completely anonymous and yet I love chatting it up with people, both those that I know and don’t know. But you’re right, as interactive as I like to be with people, I kind of really like to be alone. The other day, for example, was the kick-off for Design Week in Philadelphia. It’s a big extravaganza and they have all sorts of events happening. They were setting up at the Kimmel Center and I went down there by myself early in the mornSee PORTRAIT, Page 45

PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS 44. Potential partners for Adam and Steve? 46. Puccini opera 48. Jungle warning 50. Historic Stonewall event 52. Tide type 53. Rosie’s favorite dolls 55. McAn of shoewear 57. Beverage suffix 58. End of the quip 61. Gay parent, often 62. “Have a piece!” 63. Abductors’ demands 64. Sachet emanations


1. Real jerk-offs 2. Agency that asks donors if they have AIDS 3. New member 4. Sex Pistols singer Vicious 5. Flying fisher 6. ___ voce (softly) 7. Most likely to exaggerate stats? 8. Poet Sarton 9. Rock Hudson’s “A Farewell to ___ ” 10. Single-master 11. Greek messenger of the gods

12. Hard stuff in your mouth 13. One-named Tejano singer 17. Travel with your first mate 22. Official substitute 24. Madras title 27. One who scatters seed 29. Odometer button 32. Liz, whose debut album was “Exile in Guyville” 34. Composer Copland 36. Strike settlers, sometimes 37. When fruits are ready to be eaten 38. Hedonistic 41. Like the beginning of “Gone with the Wind” 42. Fruity mixed drink 43. Haircut victim 45. Gay nightlife district of London 47. High points 49. Easy wins 51. Civil wrongs 54. Hernando de ___ 56. Fashion designer Jacobs 59. “The One I Love” band 60. Tough cleaner

See SOLUTION, Page 43



Jim Kiley-Zufelt

How to stand up to a bully

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OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

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I don’t like bullies. Like almost every LGBT adult under the sun, I was bullied a lot when I was a kid. It made growing up a nightmare, but I was lucky enough to reach a point when I could look back on those days and say that the bullying made me stronger and helped make me the man I am today. I don’t know if it that’s really PAGE 15 true or if that’s just something I tell myself to help bury the painful memories. I’m just happy I survived it and got the chance to look back. As recent events have made us so painfully aware, many LGBT kids don’t get the chance to look back because the torment and torture they suffer at the hands of their peers drives them to end their lives. This has been going on for far too long and I think it’s time we re-examined what we’re doing about it. Hate-crime legislation is nice and it’s helpful to have something on the books that you can fall back on, but is it really going to change a bully’s behavior? Being convicted of a crime isn’t always a deterrent in our society. America loves outlaws and bad boys — just look at all the entertainers and politicians who turn a criminal conviction into a big career boost. Candlelight vigils serve a beautiful purpose by allowing people to feel strength in numbers, but they’re not going to change a bully’s behavior either. Bullies will just laugh at them, because face it: They’re just going to think the vigils are kinda gay. I think Dan Savage’s “It Gets Better” project on YouTube is fantastic. It’s an excellent way to speak up and offer hope to kids currently being bullied, but I don’t think that’s going to change a bully’s behavior either. What bully is going to sit down and watch any of those videos, let alone understand them and take them to heart? I think it’s a waste of time to appeal to the parents of a bully to raise their child differently. In

A FRIENDLY CHAT: Chumley discusses the difference between free speech and hate speech with an unnamed protester at OutFest. Photo: Jim Kiley-Zufelt

my experience, not only do bullies tend to be raised by bullies, but in some of the absolute worst examples of these tragedies, some of the bullies are the parents of the victims themselves. So what can we do? First, I think the families of these kids should consider following the example of Nicole Brown’s family in the O.J. Simpson case. Regardless of the outcome of any criminal proceedings, these families should file civil suits for the wrongful deaths of their children. If the bullies are minors or college students, go after their parents. I can’t even begin to imagine the pain that these families are going through, and I wouldn’t wish a protracted lawsuit and the accompanying publicity on anyone. But I think if families are hit in the wallet and made to pay serious damages for the bullying behavior of their children, we might actually start to see some societal change. More importantly, I think we have to remember it’s our job to stand up for ourselves and for each other. No one is going to do it for us. We have to stop asking

for better treatment and go back to demanding it like we did in the early days of the gay civil-rights movement. On Sunday, I went to OutFest with a bunch of my leather and bear friends, whose camaraderie is the most reliable source of strength and confidence in my life today. Once again, religious protesters were spewing hateful rhetoric from loudspeakers about half a block from the main stage, and another group was outside the Westbury wearing neon pink and yellow shirts with “God Hates Fags” and “God Hates Whores” scribbled on them. Like always, the protesters were surrounded by police and City Hall representatives who always seem, to me, to be there to keep us in line, not the protesters. I’m all for the protesters’ First Amendment right to free speech and assembly, but I don’t understand why they’re allowed to do this in the middle of a rally our community has organized on a street our community has paid to have blocked off for the day, See LEATHER, Page 40

OCT. 15 - 21, 2010





OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

LEATHER From Page 38 when their speech is hateful, confrontational and in no way constructive. Would the city allow the KKK to set up a podium on South Street during Greek Week, or let them stand on a corner wearing “God Hates N----” T-shirts? Then why does it allow people to do that to us? And more importantly, why do we stand for it? I guess I’m used to these protesters because I’ve seen them at every pride march and rally I’ve ever been to over the past 25 years. They used to make my blood boil, then I learned to make fun of them and, finally, I learned how to ignore them. I am not advocating direct action against the religious protesters in any way, shape or form. I just don’t understand why the powers that be can’t move these protesters to Chestnut Street or Broad. I think it’s time we all put our foot down and demand that City Hall do its part to keep our pride events free from the hate speech that is literally killing children. No one is going to do it for us. PHILADELPHIA LEATHER PRIDE NIGHT

Recreational Activities IN THE

Meeting Place

On a more cheerful note, the second annual Philadelphia Leather Pride Night will be held from 7 p.m.-midnight Nov. 6 at Voyeur, 1221 St. James St. It will feature a live auction with the incomparable Jo Arnone, with raffles, prizes, a Chinese auction and drink specials. Entertainment will be provided by Philly’s own Peek-A-Boo Revue. Tickets are $15 in advance or $20 at the door. Visit to buy tickets online or for more information. Other weekend events will be held Nov. 6-7 at the host hotel, the Sheraton at Philadelphia

International Airport. Events include the Carter Johnson Leather Library exhibition, a 2,000-squarefoot vendor mart, leather history classes and the Leather Archives and Museum’s Traveling Road Show. LOCAL CLUBS & EVENTS — Keystone boys of Leather meet at 7:30 p.m. every third Thursday at The Bike Stop. Superhero/Super Villain party from 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Oct. 23 at The Bike Stop, 206 S. Quince St.; — Liberty Bears hold meetings (7-8 p.m.) and socials (8 p.m.-midnight) first Saturdays at The Bike Stop. Bears on Liberty Weekend, Oct. 15-17; or — Philadelphians MC hold meetings at 7:30 p.m. every first Monday at The Bike Stop. Halloween Bar Crawl from 8 p.m.midnight Oct. 30. Also coming up is Tri-Cen XX, Dec. 31-Jan. 2; or — Laid is held 11 p.m. Oct. 16 at Sansom Street Gym, 2020 Sansom St.; — WOOF! Philly is held at 5 p.m. Sundays at 1416 Chancellor St.; www. — Diabolique XIV, the annual fetish masquerade ball fundraiser, will be held from 9 p.m.2 a.m. Nov. 20 at Shampoo Nightclub. This year’s theme is “Naughty Nurses, Devious Doctors, Madhouse Mischief and Questionable Therapies.” ■ Questions? Comments? Contact Jim at LeatherLookout@gmail. com.



Listings for everything you need. Click the resource button on the home page MARKETPLACE to start shopping today!

OCT. 15 - 21, 2010




Bruce Yelk

Bursting at the social seams There’s a lot of ground to cover this week, so I think it’s best to dispense with the standard introduction and get right into my top event announcements. AIDS Walk Philly — 8 a.m. Oct. 17 at Eakins Oval, Philadelphia Museum of Art According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control, one in five U.S. gay men is HIV-positive. Unfortunately, only half of those who are positive know their status, so it’s critical to refocus our attention on this issue. Advocacy organizations are battling the misperception that HIV is no longer a serious health risk because treatment options have improved. This Sunday, AIDS Walk will shine a bright light on the importance of getting tested, engaging in safe sex practices and

continuing to support medical research that will improve medical interventions and, hopefully, find a cure. Visit for more information. Mazzoni Center Night of a Thousand Friends Fundraiser Kick-Off Party — 5-7 p.m. Oct. 20 at Cantina Dos Segundos, 931 N. Second St. In addition to AIDS Fund, the Mazzoni Center is one of Philadelphia’s most outstanding LGBT-service organizations. Not only does it provide direct health services, but it also spearheads a wide range of awareness and community-strengthening activities. One of the center’s annual events will take place Oct. 23 as several volunteers host gatherings as part of Night of a Thousand Friends. Each host determines the theme and style of her/his event with one common goal: All the money raised goes to directly to support Mazzoni Center. Additionally, the kick-off for

Night of a Thousand Friends is Oct. 20 at Cantina Dos Segundos. It’s open to the public, and guests will be treated to discounted pitchers of mojitos, sangria and margaritas. Visit for more information. “Carrie” — 8 p.m. WednesdaySunday through Nov. 7, Underground Arts Theater at The Wolf Building, 340 N. 12th St. Though the Brat Productions’ “Carrie” is already well into its run at the Underground Arts Theater, it’s gaining momentum and popularity. Considering the recent incidents of gay bullying, this story may hit a little too close to home for some. In “Carrie,” the popular kids in high school antagonize their rather strange classmate, who subsequently discovers telekinetic powers — and uses them to exact deathly revenge on her tormenters. Following its sold-out off-Broadway run last year, “Carrie” is burning up the stage in Philly through Nov. 7. Visit

for more information. I’m also excited to announce some details for two upcoming events. First, the U.S. Mr. Gay Competition, Nov. 13 at Voyeur Nightclub, 1221 St. James St., will include several national celebrities. Headlining the judges’ panel are gossip columnist Michael Musto, celebrity stylist and reality TV star David Evangelista, Emmy-award-winning TV producer and author Terence Noonan, and national magazine editor and TV personality Mickey Boardman (Mr. Mickey). Sirius OUT Q radio star Frank DeCaro and local drag queen Brittany Lynn will co-host. Just a short time after the curtain closes on U.S. Mr. Gay, will return with the fall 2010 Pink Pub Crawl on Thanksgiving Eve, Nov. 24, sponsored by Absolut Vodka, 12th Street Gym and Privileged Communication. This year’s

crawl will begin at 8:45 p.m. at Q Lounge, 1234 Locust St. At 10:15 p.m., the crawl will head east on Locust Street to 12th, making a stop at Philly’s newest gay bar, Tabu, 200 S. 12th St. Revelers will celebrate at Tabu until 11:30, when the crawl will move to Woody’s, 202 S. 13th St. After an hour at Woody’s, the crawl will head across 13th Street for the final stop at Voyeur Nightclub, 1221 St. James St., from 12:30-1:30 a.m. Tickets for the event are $25 for those with one prominent pink clothing item and $30 for those with no pink. Admission includes one free drink at the first three stops and free admission to Woody’s and Voyeur. Visit www.nightlifegay. com for more information on the U.S. Mr. Gay Competition and the Pink Pub Crawl. That’s it for this week. Send questions or comments to Until next time, get offline and see what your community has to offer! ■



OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

Diversions Your guide to arts and entertainment


Carrie Brat Productions presents out actor Erik Ranson playing the titular role in the stage version of this horror classic, through Nov. 7 at Underground Arts at the Wolf Building, 340 N. 12th St.; (215) 627-2577. Curtains The Walnut Street Theatre presents the murder whodunit set against the backdrop of a musical theater production circa 1959, through Oct. 24, 825 Walnut St.; (215) 574-3550. Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde Bristol Riverside Theatre presents the classic tale of horror adapted by Jeffrey Hatcher, through Oct. 17, 120 Radcliffe St., Bristol; (215) 785-1000. Ghost-Writer Arden Theatre Company presents the story of a dead novelist and his secretary, who is still taking dictation from him, through Nov. 7, 40 N. Second St.; (215) 922-1122. Jersey Boys The Kimmel Center’s Broadway series presents the award-winning musical about Rock ’n’ Roll Hall of Famers The Four Seasons: Frankie Valli, Bob Gaudio, Tommy DeVito and Nick Massi, through Dec. 12 at Forrest Theatre, 1114 Walnut St.; (215) 790-5847. John and Jen Act II Playhouse presents a musical exploring the complexities of relationships between brothers and sisters and parents and children, set against the background of a changing America between 1950-90, through Oct. 17, 56 E. Butler Ave., Ambler; (215) 654-0200.

Little Shop of Horrors New Candlelight Theatre presents the musical about a large talking plant with the taste for human blood, through Oct. 30, 2208 Millers Road, Ardentown, Del.; (302) 475-2313. Neighborhood 3: Requisition of Doom Azuka Theatre presents the story of parents who discover their teenagers are addicted to an online horror video game too realistic for comfort, through Oct. 31, 525 S. Fourth St.; (215) 733-0255. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest People’s Light and Theatre Company presents a drama about a man who thinks he’s beaten the system by getting himself incarcerated in a state mental hospital instead of serving a prison term on a work farm, through Oct. 16, 39 Conestoga Road, Malvern; (610) 644-3500. Philly Fan The Kimmel Center presents the one-man show that takes the audience on a journey through Philadelphia sports history of the last 50 years, through Oct. 31 at Innovation Studio, 260 S. Broad St.; (215) 790-5847. The Threepenny Opera Arden Theatre Company presents the outrageous musical where whores and thieves prowl the streets of London, through Nov. 7, 40 N. Second St.; (215) 9221122. Uncle Vanya Lantern Theater Company presents its first-ever production of a full-length Anton Chekhov work, Oct. 21-Nov. 21 at St. Stephen’s Theater, 923 Ludlow St.; (215) 829-0395.

Why I’m Scared Of Dance 1812 Productions presents a self-effacing comedy written and performed by Jen Childs, through Oct. 31 at Plays & Players Theatre, 1714 Delancey St.; (215) 592-9560.


Dohnányi Conducts All Brahms The Philadelphia Orchestra presents an evening of works by the famed classical composer, Oct. 15-17 at Kimmel’s Verizon Hall, 240 S. Broad St.; (215) 790-5847.

FOLK HEROES: The only thing better that listening to Indigo Girls on their new live album, “Staring Down the Brilliant Dream,” is seeing the out acoustic duo in the flesh. Catch them on their latest tour when it pulls into the area at 8 p.m. Oct. 20 at The Grand Opera House, 818 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del. For more information, visit or call (302) 652-5577.

conductor Semyon Bychkov and French violinist Renaud Capuçon celebrating of the music of the great French The Four Bitchin’ Babes composer Henri Dutilleux, Oct. 21-23 at Kimmel’s present Diva Nation ... Verizon Hall, 240 S. Broad The funny group of female St.; (215) 790-5847. musicians perform at 3 and 8 p.m. Oct. 16 at Gary Numan Sellersville Theater, 24 W. The new wave/goth icon Temple Ave., Sellersville; performs at 8 p.m. Oct. 21 (215) 257-5808. at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; (215) 922Steph Hayes 6888. The out singer-songwriter celebrates the release of her new CD with a performance at 9 p.m. Oct. 16 at The Andre Gisson Grape Room, 105 Grape BOI’s of New Hope St.; (215) 930-0321. Art Gallery presents an exhibition of works by Yo-Yo Ma the French-American The Grammy-winning impressionist, through Oct. cellist and classical 31, 9 W. Mechanic St., New superstar performs at 7:30 Hope; (215) 862-8292. p.m. Oct. 17 at Kimmel’s Verizon Hall, 240 S. Broad Art of the American St.; (215) 790-5847. Soldier The National Constitution Bad Religion Center presents the worldThe punk-rock group debut exhibition of over performs at 8 p.m. Oct. 19 at the Electric Factory, 421 15,000 paintings and sketches created by 1,300 N. Seventh St.; (610) 784American soldiers in the 5400. line of duty, through Jan. 10, 525 Arch St.; (215) 409Life House The rock band performs at 8 6895. p.m. Oct. 20 at the Electric Factory, 421 N. Seventh St.; The Big Sea ArtStar Gallery presents an (610) 784-5400. exhibition of works from Dvorák Symphony No. 8 artist Andrew Zangerle, The Philadelphia Orchestra Oct. 16-Nov. 21, 623 N. Second St.; (215) 238-1557. presents Russian-born


Cleopatra: The Search for the Last Queen of Egypt The Franklin Institute presents an exhibition of 150 artifacts from Egypt, through Jan. 2, 20th Street and the Parkway; (215) 4481200.

Pennsylvania cannot marry or gain rights through civil unions and have no legal recognition, through Nov. 6 at Hicks Art Center Gallery, 275 Swamp Road, Newtown; (215) 968-8000. A Glimpse of Paradise: Gold in Islamic Art Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition exploring the unique status of gold in Islam through a small group of objects drawn from the museum’s collection, through April 2011, 26th Street and the Parkway; (215) 763-8100.

Desert Jewels: North African Jewelry and Photography from the Xavier GuerrandHermes Collection Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of jewelry and historic photographs from Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Egypt and Grew Up & Blew Up: Tunisia, through Dec. 5, 26th Street and the Parkway; Character Rehab SALT Art Gallery presents (215) 763-8100. an exhibition of new works by Thomas Buildmore, Scott Eakins on Paper: Chasse, Chris Clark, Dan Drawings and King, Kenji Nakayama and Watercolors from the Morgan Thomas, through Collection Oct. 22, 212 Race St.; (215) Philadelphia Museum of 939-7426. Art presents an exhibition of 10 rarely seen drawings Passing Evidence and watercolors that survey AxD Gallery presents an the early work of Thomas exhibition of works by Eakins, through December, 26th Street and the Parkway; Christine Stoughton and Nancy Sophy, through Nov. (215) 763-8100. 6, 265 S. 10th St.; (215) 400 Same-Sex Couples: 627-6250. Facing Inequality Pardon Me Bucks County Community Painted Bride Arts Center College hosts an exhibition presents an installation of of photos by Liz Bradbury paintings by Mary Dewitt, of gay and lesbian couples through Oct. 16, 230 Vine as a public reminder St.; (215) 925-9914. that same-sex couples in

OCT. 15 - 21, 2010


Pleasures and Pastimes in Japanese Art Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of costumes, masks and poetry exploring the ways in which leisure time was interpreted across all social classes in Japanese art, through January, 26th Street and the Parkway; (215) 763-8100.




Recent Work Twenty-Two Gallery presents an exhibition of mixed-media works by Karen S. Davies, through Nov. 7, 236 S. 22nd St.; (215) 7721911.


Carmen Triple Bill The Pennsylvania Ballet presents a world-premiere work based on the classic story, Oct. 21-24 at Kimmel’s Perelman Theater, 260 S. Broad St.; (215) 790-5847.


Othello The Opera Company of Philadelphia performs the Verdi opera based on the Shakespeare classic, through Oct. 15 at Kimmel’s Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St.; (215) 893-1999.


Philadelphia Film Festival The Philadelphia Film Society presents the 19th annual celebration of film, through Oct. 24 at various locations throughout the city; www. The Goonies The 1985 comedy-adventure film is screened at 2 p.m. Oct. 16 at The Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; (610) 917-0223. The Rocky Horror Picture Show The cult classic film is screened at 10 p.m. Oct. 16 at The Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; (610) 917-0223.

Notices Send notices at least one week in advance to: Diversions, PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19147; fax them to (215) 925-6437; or e-mail them to Notices cannot be taken over the phone.

The Paul Taylor Dance Company’s latest show brings to the stage the acclaimed choreographer’s views of the human condition, spirituality, sexuality, morality and mortality, Oct. 21-23 at The Annenberg Center’s Zellerbach Theatre, 3680 Walnut St. The group has wowed audiences in hundreds of cities in 62 countries, so don’t miss out on what is sure to be a stunning performance. For more information, call (215) 898-3900. Photo: Tom Caravaglia

The House on Haunted Hill The 1959 horror-comedy film is screened at 2 p.m. Oct. 17 at The Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; (610) 917-0223. Friday the 13th Let’s hope it’s the original 1980s slasher film and not the remake that is screened, 8 p.m. Oct. 18 at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; (215) 922-6888.


L. Scott Stoltz The author of “Obsessions, Digressions, and Shocking Confessions! (Welcome to My Therapy)” hosts a reading at 5:30 p.m. Oct. 16 at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.; (215) 923-2960. A Reading with CAConrad, Frank Sherlock and Danbert Nobacon The authors talk up their new book, “The City Real and Imagined,” at 5:30 p.m. Oct. 18 at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.; (215) 923-2960. SOLUTION From page 37

Charles Burns The acclaimed comic illustrator discusses his new book “Shazam!: The Golden Age of the World’s Mightiest Mortal” at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 19 at Central Library, 1901 Vine St.; (215) 686-5322.


Steve Kolbo The cabaret singer performs at 8:30 p.m. Oct. 16 at Harlans at The Nevermore, 6426 Lower York Road, New Hope; (215)

862-5225. March of The Humannequins The Dumpsta Players deliver another over-the-top show, 10 p.m. Oct. 20 at Bob & Barbara’s, 1509 South St.; (215) 545-4511.


Dennis Miller The comedian performs at 9 p.m. Oct. 15 at the Borgata Hotel Casino and Spa Music Box, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City; (609) 317-1000.

“Last Comic Standing” Tour Comedians from the latest season of the reality competition perform at 8 p.m. Oct. 16 at Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside; (215) 572-7650. Rob Schneider The actor and comedian performs at 9 p.m. Oct. 16 at the Borgata Hotel Casino and Spa Music Box, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City; (609) 317-1000. ■



Outward Bound

OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

Jeff Guaracino

Hawaii Marriott hotels woo LGBT visitors Perhaps it was a coincidence that on my last day in Hawaii a magnificent rainbow beamed across a radiant blue sky, seemingly connecting majestic mountains with the crystal blue Pacific Ocean. To me, this rainbow symbolized Marriott’s new love affair with gay and lesbian travelers. Considering the natural beauty of the island and the rich Hawaiian culture, maybe it’s time to get your Hawaii Five-0 on? Party in Waikiki Oahu is the main island and Waikiki Beach is just minutes away from Honolulu by cab or by hotel shuttle, a great value at just $10. The Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort and Spa has a protected beach, a pool and shopping. This Marriott hotel is just two blocks to Hawaii’s only gay bar, Hula’s Bar & Lei Stand. Every Saturday, Hula’s organizes a gay catamaran sail. Waikiki can be expensive, so if you are on a budget, an alternative is the Aqua Park Shore Hotel — a great gay-friendly hotel with killer views but lacking the Marriott amenities. Relax in the West A short drive from Waikiki on the western shore of Oahu is the secluded JW

Marriott Ihilani Resort and Spa, fresh from a $20-million renovation. The JW Marriott is pure luxury and perfect for those looking for outdoor sports like tennis, golf and on the water adventures. There is nothing gay-specific about this hotel, so enjoy the sunsets and book a spa treatment! Marriott can arrange off-site tours for you including the Ko Olina Cat snorkel, sail and dolphin watch that guarantees you will see dolphins. Be prepared to eat well. Don’t miss the Ushio-Tei restaurant. Get hitched in Kauai TV series like “Fantasy Island” and movies such as “Jurassic Park” have filmed on this island. The natural beauty is the perfect backdrop for a commitment ceremony. The Kauai Marriott Resort on Kalapaki Beach caters to couples looking to tie the knot in paradise. The resort’s on-site Alexander Day Spa and Salon is gay-owned and the specialevent team at the Kauai Marriott works with the more-than 25 gay-owned businesses on the island. Once a month, there is a gay karaoke night on the island, but for local culture catch the Luau Kalamaku show at the Kilohana Plantation. Insider’s tip: Eat at 22 North, a restaurant that uses mostly locally

sourced ingredients. Getting there Hawaii is an expensive and long flight from Philadelphia. You may find competitive airfares by considering airports both in Philadelphia and in New York. There are no nonstop flights. Among the best values is Jet Blue Airlines leavi n g J F K i n N ew York. Jet Blue offers the most legroom in coach, your first checked bag is free A POOLSIDE VIEW OF THE KAUAI MARRIOTT IN HAWAII and there are more than 100 channels of Jeff Guaracino is a vice president for the free XM entertainment. If you are planning Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing to fly between the islands, book your flight Corporation (GPTMC) and the author of on Hawaiian Airlines. The airline has lots “Gay and Lesbian Tourism: The Essential of service. If you plan to use miles, shop Guide for Marketing.” He has learned how early. I was able find a first-class ticket on to find the best deals and travel resources American Airlines for just 37,500 miles available to the LGBT community. For local back home. ■ travel, check out

OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

PORTRAIT From Page 37 ing and just started putting up shag tags near the festivities. Here at the gallery, I’m social and in charge and, there, I was just quietly doing my own thing. [At this point, we are interrupted by one of the participants who needs Pennepacker to speak to his case manager.] PGN: What’s a shag tag? KP: It’s a small shag rug that I create to “tag” fences. Kind of like graffiti artists but with fabric. I’ve been putting them around the city, primarily on abandoned plots, parking lots and empty buildings. [We are interrupted again by an enthusiastic young man who wants to tell Pennepacker about his art projects.] PGN: Where do you get your patience? KP: My father was a florist and I think seeing him work with the flowers was inspiring. With my mom and step-dad, there were always common standards in the house of compromise and flexibility. Listening to one another was very important and we had regular family conferences. I think whatever patience I have was modeled through that. PGN: I saw an invitation for igniting and cutting-off parties. What’s that about? KP: [Laughs.] Well, every once in a while, I like to set my weavings on fire. Some of my weavings are done with matches. I did a whole Peace Project and one of the metaphors was “Set our Hearts on Fire for Peace.” I treat the outside of the tapestry with a flame retardant so it wouldn’t burn and got a group of people together. I wrote a poem about peace that we read before setting the piece on fire. It’s a way of taking a moment to reflect on what we’re doing in the world and figuring out how we can make a difference. Cutting off is a French tradition going back centuries. Some tapestries took years to make, sometimes with four people working at once. When it was finished, they gathered the patrons, families, the weavers and designers and passed the scissors around to cut it off the loom. So we’ll do the same thing and invite everyone involved to come. It’s another way to bring people together.


PGN: OK, random questions. Did you have a blankie or stuffed animal? KP: I was told by my sister and Diane not to answer that. But I did: I had a stuffed panda. I still have it. I’m not ashamed to admit it. PGN: Do you keep a journal? KP: Oh yeah, I’ve been doing that since I was a kid. In fact, about 10 years ago when we were moving, I must have pulled out about 30 old journals. They’re filled with all that emotional journey bullshit you write about when you’re young. PGN: Whose diary would you like to read? KP: I’d be curious to read President Obama’s journal. Just because, my God, the stuff on his plate is crazy. I don’t know how he does it. PGN: When did you become a motorcycle mama? KP: About nine years ago I got a scooter. I was using it to haul my mural paints and it was getting beat up. My mechanic finally said, “This is the kind of bike you use to go to movies and to buy bon-bons. You’re riding it like a bike, so get a real bike!” So I got a motorcycle. PGN: If you could time travel, would you rather go back to the past or forward to the future? KP: Probably back to, no forward to ... hmmn. Man, you’re killing me. I was raised with two Gestalt therapists, my mom and stepdad. And so I’m constantly thinking of all angles of a question and it’s hard to settle on one answer. I’m always thinking of other ways of thinking or answering a question and curious about the other person’s point of view. PGN: [Laughs.] Well, that’s probably what makes you good at interacting with different people and able to connect with them despite your shyness. That Gestalt empathy. KP: You might be right! Pennepacker will participate in an artist talk with fellow grant recipient Wolfie E. Rawk from 5:30-7 p.m. Oct. 21 at the Leeway Foundation, 1315 Walnut St., Suite 832. ■ To suggest a community member for “Family Portraits,” write to: Family Portraits, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147 or




OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

worth watching: The Ellen DeGeneres Show Monday-Friday, 3 p.m. on NBC.

as the womanizing Barney. 8 p.m. on CBS.

The Rachel Maddow Show Monday-Friday, 9 p.m. on MSNBC.

Dancing with the Stars Damn! Margaret Cho isn’t on the show anymore ... Whomever shall we root for now? 8 p.m. on ABC.

FRIDAY Real Time with Bill Maher The talk show hosted by the outspoken comedian and guest panelists. 10 p.m. on HBO. Fashion Police Joan Rivers discusses the week’s notable fashions. 10:30 p.m. on E! SATURDAY Bear Nation The lifestyles of bears are explored in this new series. 8 p.m. on Logo. The Crying Game The award-winning film. 10 p.m. on IFC. SUNDAY Desperate Housewives Vanessa Williams (“Ugly Betty”) guest stars. 9 p.m. on ABC. Brothers and Sisters Look for out characters Kevin and Scotty. 10 p.m. on ABC. MONDAY House Jennifer Grey guest stars in this episode. 8 p.m. on Fox. How I Met Your Mother Out actor Neil Patrick Harris stars

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Kandi and Kim go to Palm Springs. 9 p.m. on Bravo. Rock of Love Girls: Where Are They Now? We’re guessing on the pole. 9 p.m. on VH1. The A-List: New York The lives of New York’s gay elite are the center of this new reality series. This week, Reichen and Rodiney’s relationship is under pressure. 10 p.m. on Logo. Thintervention Out fitness guru Jackie Warner prepares her clients for six weeks of solo training. 10 p.m. on Bravo. The Arrangement A reality show about flower arranging. 11 p.m. on Logo. TUESDAY The Biggest Loser Look for out trainer Jillian Michaels. 8 p.m. on NBC. Glee Out actress Jane Lynch stars in the acclaimed series. This week is a repeat guest starring Eve. 8 p.m. on Fox.

IVY LEAGUE FOR LILY?: It’s a race against the clock as gay couple Mitchell (Jessie Tyler Ferguson, left) and Cameron (Eric Stonestreet) frantically try to get their adopted daughter into one of the best pre-schools on “Modern Family,” 9 p.m. Oct. 20 on ABC. Photo: ABC/Eric McCandless

WEDNESDAY America’s Next Top Model Look for out fashion experts J. Alexander and Jay Hernandez in this reality modeling competition. 8 p.m. on CW. Modern Family Look for gay couple Mitchell and Cameron. 9 p.m. on ABC. Top Chef: Just Desserts There is plenty of gay talent in this

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spin-off of the cooking competition that focuses on desserts. 10 p.m. on Bravo. THURSDAY Grey’s Anatomy Out doctor Callie competes with the surgeons for a grant. 9 p.m. on ABC. Project Runway Openly gay Tim Gunn hosts this reality fashion competition. This week is part one of the season finale. 9 p.m. on Lifetime. ■

OCT. 15 - 21, 2010


Meeting Place A community bulletin board of activities, facilities and organizations

Community centers ■ The Attic Youth Center: For LGBT and questioning youth and their friends and allies. Groups meet and activities are held from 4-8 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays; case management, HIV testing and smoking cessation are available Monday through Friday. See the Youth section for more events. 255 S. 16th St.; (215) 545-4331 ■ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center at the University of Pennsylvania 3907 Spruce St.; (215) 898-5044;, Hours: 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday ■ Rainbow Room — Bucks County’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning and Allies Youth Center: 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays: Doylestown Planned Parenthood, The Atrium, Suite 2E, 301 S. Main St., Doylestown; (215) 348-0558 ext. 65; ■ William Way Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center: 1315 Spruce St.; (215) 732-2220; Hours: 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Peer counseling: 6-9 p.m. Monday through Friday Library hours: 3-9 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday; 3-6 p.m. Tuesday; noon-6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Volunteers: New Orientation: First Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.

Health Anonymous, free, confidential HIV testing Spanish/English counselors offer testing 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday at Congreso de Latinos Unidos, 166 W. Lehigh Ave.; (215) 763-8870 ext. 6000. AIDS Services In Asian Communities Provides HIV-related services to Asians and Pacific Islanders at 340 N. 12th St., suite 205; (215) 536-2424. Gay and Lesbian Latino AIDS Education Initiative Free, anonymous HIV testing from 9:30 a.m.4:30 p.m. Monday through Wednesday and 9:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Thursdays at 1207 Chestnut St., fifth floor; (215) 851-1822 or (866) 222-3871. Spanish/English. HIV treatment Free HIV/AIDS diagnosis and treatment for Philadelphia residents are available from 9 a.m.-noon Mondays and 5-8 p.m. Thursdays at Health Center No. 2, 1720 S. Broad St.; (215) 685-1803.

Key numbers

HIV health insurance help Access to free medications, confidential HIV testing available at 17 MacDade Blvd., suite 108, Collingdale; Medical Office Building, 722 Church Lane, Yeadon; and 630 S. 60th St.; (610) 586-9077. Mazzoni Center Free, anonymous HIV testing; HIV/AIDS care and treatment, case management and support groups; 21 S. 12th St., eighth floor; (215) 5630652.

Log Cabin Republican Club of Philadelphia Meets at 7 p.m. third Wednesday of the month at the William Way Community Center; (215) 4655677; Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club Meets seasonally; (215) 760-7184; www.


Gay Men’s Book Discussion Group Meets at 6:30 p.m. first Wednesday of the month at the Independence Branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia, 18 S. Seventh St.; (215) 685-1633. Library Book Club Meets to discuss a new book at 7 p.m. on third Wednesday of the month at the William Way Center. New Jersey Gay Men’s Chorus Chorus rehearses at 7:30 p.m. Mondays in Princeton, N.J.; (609) 675-1998. Open-mic night An amateur poetry, music and storytelling event sponsored by The Pride Center of New Jersey, meets at 8 p.m. every third Friday at the George Street Playhouse, 1470 Jersey Ave., North Brunswick, N.J.; (732) 846-0715. Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus Chorus rehearses from 7-9:30 p.m. Wednesdays; (215) 731-9230;

Philadelphia Voices of Pride Philadelphia’s first mixed GLBT chorus rehearses at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays at the William Way Center; (888) 505-7464;

Women’s Book Group Meets first Thursday of the month at 6:45 p.m. at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.;

■ AIDS Library: (215) 985-4851 ■ ACLU of Pennsylvania: (215) 592-1513

■ Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Philadelphia): (215) 572-1833

■ AIDS Treatment hot line: (215) 5452212

■ Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations: (215) 686-4670

■ Barbara Gittings Gay and Lesbian Collection at the Independence Branch of the Philadelphia Free Library: (215) 685-1633

■ Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay Task Force: (215) 772-2000

■ Mayor’s Director of LGBT Affairs: Gloria Casarez, (215) 686-2194; Gloria.; Fax: (215) 686-2555

Green Party of Philadelphia Holds general meetings fourth Tuesday of each month (except April) at 6:30 p.m., 4134 Lancaster Ave.; (215) 243-7103;

Queer Writer’s Collective Workshop and discussion group meets 4-6 p.m. on fourth Saturday of the month at the William Way Center.

■ Mazzoni Center Family & Community Medicine: (215) 563-0658

■ Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Peer Counseling Services: (215) 732-TALK

Equality Advocates Philadelphia Holds a volunteer night second Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m., 1211 Chestnut St., Suite 605; (215) 731-1447;

Washington West Project Free, anonymous HIV testing. Walk-ins welcome 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Friday and 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday; 1201 Locust St.; (215) 985-9206.

■ AIDS Law Project of Southern New Jersey: (856) 933-9500 ext. 221

■ Equality Forum: (215) 732-3378

Delaware Valley Chapter, Americans United for Separation of Church and State Seeks activists and supporters of church-state separation. Holds monthly meetings and events; (856) 863-3061;

Philadelphia Gay Men’s Opera Club Meets to share and listen to recordings at 6:30 p.m. on last Saturday of the month; (215) 224-6995.

■ AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania: (215) 587-9377

■ Equality Pennsylvania: (215) 731-1447;

ACT-UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) Meets at 6 p.m. every Monday at St. Luke and the Epiphany Church, 330 S. 13th St.; (215) 386-1981;

Mazzoni Center Family & Community Medicine Comprehensive primary health care, preventive health services, gynecology, sexual-health services and chronic-disease management, including comprehensive HIV care; 809 Locust St.; (215) 563-0658.

■ Mazzoni Center: (215) 563-0652; www. Legal Services: (215) 563-0657, (866) LGBT-LAW; legalservices@m

■ The COLOURS Organization Inc.: 112 N. Broad St., third floor; (215) 496-0330


■ Philadelphia Police Department liaison — Deputy Commissioner Stephen Johnson: (215) 683-2840 ■ Philadelphia Police Liaison Committee: (267) 216-6606; ■ Philly Pride Presents: (215) 875-9288 ■ SPARC — Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition: (717) 920-9537 ■ Transgender Health Action Coalition: (215) 732-1207 (staffed 3-6 p.m. Wednesdays, and 6-9 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays)


Diversity Dancers Ballroom dancers meet the first Sunday of the month for tea dance and lessons. Other events scheduled throughout the year; (215) 922-2129; Gay Bridge Club Non-beginners group meets Monday afternoons at the William Way Center; (215) 985-4835. Gay-friendly Scrabble Club Meets from 6-11 p.m. in the P.I.C. Building, 42nd and Locust streets; (215) 382-0789. Gay and Lesbian Scrabble Players in the tri-state area gather for socializing and friendly/competitive games; Gay Opera Guys of Philly New group for opera appreciation meets last Sunday of the month at 2:30 p.m. in Roxborough/ Andorra area; (215) 483-1032. Humboldt Society: Lesbian and Gay Naturalists Meets second Thursday of the month at the William Way Center; (215) 985-1456; www. Indepedence Squares GLBT square dance club, modern Western square dancing. Monthly open house. Tuesday classes in the fall; Lutheran Church, 2111 Sansom St.; (215) 735-5812; Male Oenophile Group

PAGE 47 Male group forming to discuss, appreciate and taste various wines. Will meet once a month to investigate the nuances and glories of the fermented grape. Call (267) 230-6750 for more information. Mornings OUT LGBT Senior Social Activities for sexual-minority seniors are held every Tuesday from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the William Way Center. PhilaVentures Philadelphia’s GLBT outdoor group meets for a hike in Wissahickon Valley Park on Sundays at 2 p.m. at Borders Books, Music and Café, 8701 Germantown Ave.; (215) 271-8822. Rainbow Bridge Group Congenial group meets for supper and to play bridge monthly on a Monday at 6:30 p.m. Members rotate serving as host. New players welcome. For information call Gerry at (215) 592-1174. Rainbow Room A meeting/activity night held for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth and their friends Wednesdays from 6-8 p.m. at the Rainbow Room of Planned Parenthood in Doylestown; (215) 348-0558.


Brandywine Women’s Rugby Club Meets for Tuesday and Thursday practice at Greene Field, Howell Street and Moore Road, West Chester; City of Brotherly Love Softball League GLBT softball league serves the Philadelphia metropolitan area. Games are played Sundays, beginning in April, in Fairmount Park; (215) 4622575; Frontrunners Running club meets Saturday mornings at 9:30 for a run and brunch. Lloyd Hall, No. 1 Boathouse Row;


AIDS Law Project Provides free legal assistance to people with HIV/AIDS and sponsors free monthly seminars on work and housing; 1211 Chestnut St., suite 600; (215) 587-9377; BiUnity Philadelphia area social and support network for bisexuals, their family members and friends meets at 7 p.m. the first and third Tuesdays of the month at the William Way Center; www. Global A political, community and social group that also works to promote Bordentown as a gayfriendly community meets on the first Saturday of the month at Firehouse Gallery, 8 Walnut St., Bordentown, N.J.; Delaware Pride Meets at 7 p.m. on first Thursday of the month at the United Church of Christ, 300 E. Main St., Newark, Del.; (800) 292-0429. Delaware Valley Pink Pistols For LGBT people dedicated to legal, safe and responsible use of firearms for self-defense; meets at 2 p.m. on third Saturday of the month at Classic Indoor Range, 1310 Industrial Blvd., Southhampton; (267) 386-8907; www. Friday Feast and Fun Dinner hosted by St. John’s Lutheran Church at 6:30 p.m. second Friday of the month, 24 N. Ridge Ave., Ambler; (215) 576-8008. Haverford College’s Sexuality and Gender Alliance Open meetings 10-11 p.m. Mondays in the lounge in Jones Basement at Haverford College, 370 Lancaster Ave.; (610) 896-4938.

Gay and Lesbian Bowling League Bowls at 8 p.m. Thursdays in the Norristown area; call Doug Schneidig; (716) 864-4393.

Latina/o Virtual Community Local listserv offers various information and resources; (215) 808-2493; Zorros_mail@yahoo. com;

Philadelphia Falcons Soccer Club GLBT and allied soccer club; practices Saturdays 10 a.m.-noon and Wednesdays 6-8 p.m. at Edgeley Fields in Fairmount Park;

LGBTQ and Friends Activity Group Meets at 7 p.m. on third Friday of the month to plan outings and potlucks at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County.

Philadelphia Fins Swim Team Male and female swimmers meet at 7 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and 10 a.m. Saturdays in Center City; (610) 564-6661; www.

Long Yang Club Philadelphia Social organization for gay Asians and their friends holds monthly socials; P.O. Box 401, Philadelphia, Pa. 19105; www.longyangclub. org/philadelphia.

Philadelphia Gay Bowling League Meets 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays September through April at Brunswick Zone, 1328 Delsea Drive, Deptford, N.J.; (856) 889-1434; www.

Our Night Out A casual social networking party of LGBT professionals, allied communities, friends and colleagues meets in a different Philadelphia hot spot each month. To receive monthly event invitations, send email to;

Philadelphia Gay Flag Football New group forming. Contact Jered at or (214) 770-5373. Philadelphia Gryphons Rugby Football Club Team seeks players; all skill levels welcome; (215) 913-7531; Philadelphia Liberty Tennis Association Meets at 7 p.m. every third Monday at William Way Center; Philadelphia Phoenix Women’s football team seeks players; (267) 6799535; Philly Gay Hockey Association Philadelphia Phury seeks players; (917) 656-1936;

Philadelphia Bar Association Legal Advice Offered from 5-8 p.m. on third Wednesday of the month; (215) 238-6333. Philadelphia Prime Timers Club for mature gay and bisexual men and their admirers meets regularly; (610) 344-0853; www. Philadelphians MC Club for leather men and women meets 7:30 p.m. first and third Mondays of the month at The Pit at The Bike Stop, 201 S. Quince St.; (215) 627-1662.

Rainbow Riders of the Delaware Valley Motorcycle club meets regularly; (215) 836-0440;

Philly Paw Pals Gay and lesbian dog owners and their dogs meet on first Saturday of the month at a dog park; (215) 618-5290;

Rainbow Rollers Gay and lesbian bowling league meets 9 p.m. on Tuesdays September-April at Laurel Lanes, 2825 Rte. 73 South, Maple Shade, N.J.; (856) 778-7467.

Rainbow Amateur Radio Association ARRL affiliated; private; weekly HF nets, monthly newsletter, e-mail server; (302) 5392392;

South Jersey Gay Bowling League Gay and lesbian bowling league meets 7 p.m. on Fridays September-April at Laurel Lanes, 2825 Rte. 73 South, Maple Shade, N.J.; (856) 778-7467.

Rock ’n’ Roll Queer Bar Party A party for gay and lesbian rockers with host Psydde Delicious starts at 10 p.m. every second Wednesday at N. 3rd, Third and Brown streets; (215) 413-3666.

Spartan Wrestling Club The gay wresting team meets from 7-9 p.m. Mondays at the First Unitarian Church, 2125 Chestnut St.; (215) 732-4545; www.phillyspartans. com. Team Philadelphia Meets at 8 p.m. second Wednesday of the month at the William Way Center; Women’s Table Tennis New group forming. Interested women are encouraged to e-mail michelesimone19144@yahoo. com.

Silver Foxes Social and educational group for gays and lesbians 50 and older meets from 3-5 p.m. on fourth Sunday of the month at the William Way Center. Stonewall Model Railroad Club Meets monthly; (215) 769-4230; k3k@yahoo. com. Thirsty Third Tuesdays Collingswood Out in the Neighborhood meets at 7 p.m. on third Tuesday of the month for coffee, dessert and conversation at Three Beans, 40 N. Haddon Ave., Haddonfield N.J.; (215) 439-8337.



OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

Food & Drink

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OCT. 15 - 21, 2010

With Real Estate, Help Wanted, Services and Personals

Foreclosure freeze could undermine housing market By Michelle Conlin The Associated Press

Karl Case, the co-creator of a widely watched housing-market index, was upbeat three weeks ago. Mulling the economy while at a meeting at a resort near the Berkshires, Case thought the makings of a recovery were finally falling into place. “I’m a 60-40 optimist,” he said at the time. Today, Case’s mood is far more subdued. In scarcely two weeks, he and other housing analysts have watched as the once-staid world of back-office bank procedures has spawned a scandal that threatens to further unhinge the housing market. Allegations of possible mortgage fraud against financial giants GMAC, JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America read like a corporate thriller: forged documents, faked Social Security numbers, phantom titles, disappearing paper trails, “robo-signers” and mortgages sliced and diced so many times that nobody really knows who owns

them. Last Friday, PNC and mortgage servicer Litton Loan Servicing joined those three financial institutions in suspending some foreclosures while they review how documents were handled. Bank of America, which had already announced a halt for 23 states, expanded the suspension to cover the whole nation. If other banks follow suit, it raises the specter of a national foreclosure moratorium. In all, the banks will have to review the paperwork for hundreds of thousands of mortgages. On top of that, class-action lawyers and state attorneys general have filed lawsuits and called for foreclosure moratoria. In the near term, the freezes could actually benefit both homeowners and the housing market. Homeowners would have time to live rent-free and chip away at their debt. Prices might stabilize because so many homes are penned up. But the long-term implications are grave. Only a month ago, housing watcher Mark Zandi, chief

economist at Moody’s Analytics, predicted that a housing recovery would be under way by the third quarter of next year. Now he believes the foreclosure scandal could prolong the housing depression for at least another few years. The alleged document fraud could open up the entire chain of foreclosure proceedings to legal challenge. Some foreclosures could be overturned, others deemed outright fraudulent. Before a housing recovery can occur, all those foreclosed properties have to be re-scrutinized by the banks and then sold. With any foreclosure-related deal open to legal challenge, that inventory could be taken off the market while the legal challenges make their way through the courts. That’s not to mention the questions being raised about missing paper trails on mortgages owned by people who have never missed a payment. What started as simple paperwork bungling in a Pennsylvania office park now threatens to bring to a standstill the nation’s entire

foreclosure machinery. The development is especially troubling given how large the foreclosure market is. Before the scandal erupted, forecasters at John Burns Real Estate Consulting predicted that 41 percent of residential sales this year would be on distressed properties. Typically, distressed properties account for 7 percent. Since housing is the engine that in the past seven recessions has pulled the economy out of recession, any further damage couldn’t come at a worse time. “As far as I’m concerned, anything that slows the foreclosure process is a bad thing,” Case said this week. The debacle injects yet more uncertainty into a frail recovery that is still trying to find its strength. The news that GMAC, recently renamed Ally Financial, and JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America were stopping foreclosure proceedings in 23 states was merely the beginning. Federal

lawmakers are calling for a federal investigation, saying the excuses from the industry are not credible, and last Wednesday the Ohio attorney general filed a fraud suit against GMAC, calling it “the tip of an iceberg of industry-wide abuse.” GMAC denies the allegations. In at least six states, attorneys general are calling for foreclosure moratoria and launching their own investigations. What’s more, lawyers who have already filed class-action lawsuits in Maine and Kentucky are now signing up entire neighborhoods as new clients. They’re hiring private eyes to track down former industry employees and holding marathon conference calls to strategize on how to get every speck of dirt on the banks that they can. The low-level bank employees in question were supposed to have reviewed mortgage documents in detail. Instead, they say they never so much as glanced at the papers. Nor did they even know where the papers were. ■

Location! Location! Location! This week’s featured property

Society Hill – McCall’s School Catchment

Beds: 4 Baths: 2.5 Cost: $719,000 Square footage: 1,836 Age of property: 44 years Realtor: Travis Rodgers Real-estate co.: Prudential Fox Roach Phone: (215) 790-5234 Direct: (267) 901-2154 Website:

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Mid-century modern townhome with 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms and 1-car deeded parking. Thoughtful floor plan, dramatic living room with 11-foot ceilings, spacious dining room with separate kitchen, large garden and sun deck. Located in McCall’s school catchment area.

address • Daytime telephone number Having all this information ready will speed your order and help to avoid errors. Phone calls can only be returned during business hours. For more information, see the coupon page in this section.

Philadelphia Gay News assumes responsibility for errors in classified ads only when notified by noon the Tuesday after the ad first appears. To receive credit for errors, please notify PGN by then. Credit only will be extended in the form of additional advertising space. Any cash refunds, for any reason, are subject to a $10 service charge. PGN will publish no classified ad — in any category — that contains sexually explicit language. Obviously excluded are traditional four-letter words that relate to sexual activity. Other words may be excluded at the discretion of the publisher, who reserves the right to edit or rewrite any ad that, in his opinion, violates this policy or its intent.



OCT. 15 - 21, 2010



Real Estate













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Open Houses Sunday Oct 17, 2010 Noon - 1:00 PM 2011 Catharine St. Newly rehabbed with “2 car parking” Very large three bedroom, 3.5 bath traditional style home with all the modern upgrades. Wood floors, deluxe granite, S/S, cherry kitchen. Finished lower level. Spa style master bedroom with a huge bi-level deck with the best views in the area. Tax abatement applied for. .......................$599,000 927 Spruce St. Unit 2R. Deluxe Junior 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath with new kitchen. Unit contains a queens size Murphy bed. (parking available for just $20,000)............$199,900 1109 Spruce St. Unit 1R Deluxe bi-level 2 bedroom, 2 bath with garden and possible parking spot. This unit has been totally rehabbed with wood floors and Granite and S/S kitchen. Located in the heart of Wash. Sq. West with low taxes and condo fees.................. ..............................................................................................................................$299,000 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM 1109 Spruce St. Units 2R and 3R. your choice of two lovely 1 bedroom, 1 bath units. 2R has been totally rehabbed with new deluxe granite and S/S kitchen. 3R has a white modern kitchen, is newly painted and in move-in condition. ....................................... ......................................................................................$225,000.00 and $189,000.00 2155 Montrose St. NEW Construction. Large (2,400 Sq. Ft.) corner home across from park. Open first floor plan with custom granite and S/S gourmet kitchen and rear garden. Bright and light filled finished lower level with 1/2 bath. Second floor has 2 huge bedrooms with large closets and deluxe hall bath. The huge Master Suite and marble spa bath covers the entire third level. All rooms have “Dark Oak Bruce” hardwood floors. Enjoy 360 degree views of the city from the huge roof deck. 10 year Tax abatement applied for. .......................................................................................................a must see, $425,000 255 S. Hutchinson St. (between 9th and 10th off Spruce St.) NEW LISTING Historic, 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath on charming cobblestone street in heart of Washington Sq. West. ....................................................................................................................$250,000 1109 Spruce St. Unit #4. NEW LISTING. Totally rehabbed loft style condo. Deluxe granite and S/S kitchen. Wood floors, tile bath, great views. Low condo fees and taxes, .... ..............................................................................................................................$185,000

Search all Philadelphia area listings @

New Listings New Listing!! 440 S. Broad Street #2106

$865,000. Spectacular 2 bedroom + den with 2 bathrooms, granite and stainless kitchen, balcony, southern exposure and awesome views of the city.

New Listing!! 915 Clinton Street #202

$539,000 Fabulous and chic one bedroom flat at The Coles House. 10’ ceilings, state of the art kitchen, h/w floors, two terraces, and the finest finishes. Also for rent $2,200 per month

New Listing!! 513 Lombard Street

$719,000 Mid Century Modern townhome with 4 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms and one car deeded parking. Thoughtful floor plan, dramatic living room with 11’ceilings, spacious dining room with separate kitchen, large garden and sun deck. Located in McCall’s School District.

New Listing! 1108 Lombard Steet #45

$399,900 Beautiful 2 bedroom/1.5 bath town home with h/w floors, 2 fireplaces, eat-in kitchen and big patio.

New Listing!! 408 S. Camac Street

$329,000. Fantastic 2 bedroom +den on one of the nicest blocks. Pretty living room with w/b fireplace, eat-in kitchen, large patio, h/w floors and great architectural details.

Just Reduced 2301 Cherry Street 4J

$409,900. Pretty 3 bedroom/ 2.5 bathrooms with eat-in kitchen, 2 fireplaces, roof deck and one car garage parking.

1620 South Street Unit A

C-2 commercial space for restaurant or retail. Approximately 1100 square feet with large basement and 10’ outdoor space. $249,000

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OPEN HOUSE OCT. 17, 1-4 PM Country Living, 30 min. from City of Phila. 1 Camiel Lane, Audubon, Pa. (19460) Corner lot, Custom blt with upgrades & features throughout from exterior lamposts, lighting, landscaping, brick walkways, rear deck/patio, interior marble and hardwood flooring, custom millwork throughout with crown molding and chairrail, new master suite with h/w & Italian marble, his & her California closets, 4311 SF; Methacton School living, 1 mile from Rt. 422 Exp., 30 minutes from Phila, 15 min from King of Prussia. Open House Oct. 17th, 1-4 pm. Asking $495,000. Open to Offers. Charles Moles Real Estate, 610-275-2050. _______________________________34-42 Haven from urban hassle! Antidote for city stress! Come home to tranquil enclave with 18th-century elegance & 21st-century comforts. Come home to seven acres of nationally-heralded landscaped grounds in Lancaster County. Come home to exquisite nationally-distinguished 1790 log manor home, rich with history & artisan effects. Few homestead building sites also available in same community. Visit 1 - 3 p.m. Saturday & Sunday, October 16th & 17th, or schedule private showing. (717) 898-0433 or JamesfieldManor@aol. com. Details at _______________________________34-42 VENTNOR, NJ, FACING THE BAY House and Adjacent Lot (inground swimming pool). 1st floor 3 bedrooms, bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry room and deck. 2nd floor 2 bedrooms, bath, efficiency kitchen, living room, dining area and deck. Central Air. Corner Property. Call 215-468-9166 evenings only. $675,000.00. Also property for rent1500.00 month plus utilities. _______________________________34-49 IT’S HERE!! NYS FALL LAND SALE Oneida, Oswego, Madison, Chenango, & Lewis Counties. Over 150 Properties! 7 Acres Riverfront- $29,995. Cranberry Lake Woods42 Acres on Water. WAS: $229,995. NOW: $139,995. Adirondack River- 16 Acres on Water. WAS: $129,995. NOW: $79,995. Tug Hill- Montague- Hunting Land 25 Acres w/ Timber: $34,995. Free Closing Costs. Call NOW! 800-229-7843 _______________________________45-42



12TH & DICKINSON AREA Furnished Townhouse for rent: 3 levels. Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, 2 bedrooms , bath. Very Unique. 1500. mo plus util. (negotiable). Call 215 468-9166 after 6 pm. or 215 686 3431 daytime. _______________________________34-49 MANAYUNK 2 BR, 1 BA, Heart of Manayunk. W/D, D/W, C/A, microwave, range, large bright windows, small private porch. Rent $1,200/mo. Call Heather, 610-647-1776. _______________________________34-44 MANAYUNK 1 BR, 1 BA, Heart of Manayunk. W/D, D/W, C/A, microwave, range, large bright windows. Rent $1,075/mo. Call Heather, 610-647-1776. _______________________________34-44 RITTENHOUSE SQUARE AREA Studios & 1 Bedrooms - Call for Availability (215)735-8050. _______________________________34-52




OCT. 15 - 21, 2010



APRIL 25 - MAY 1, 2008

AMY F. STEERMAN Attorney at Law

“Safeguarding the Legal Rights of LGBT Families”

Concentrating in Planning for Lesbian and Gay Couples • Probate • Wills • Living Wills • Powers of Attorney PAGE 110



1900 Spruce Street Philadelphia, PA 19103


bility sability als 85

William A. Torchia, Esquire

ESTATE & TAX PLANNING GENERAL PRACTICE CONCIERGE LEGAL SERVICES Avenue of the Arts 230 S. Broad St., Suite 400 Philadelphia, PA 19102 Phone: 215-546-1950 Fax: 215-546-8801



Charles S. Frazier, Esq.

Mr. Berman handles LGBT matters including life partnership dissolution, cohabitation agreements, second parent adoption, wills, powers of attorney, medical advanced directives, child support and child custody.

Attorney at Law

• General Practice • Wills and Trusts • Living Wills • Powers of Attorney • Probate

Law Office of David C. Berman

2300 Computer Avenue Willow Grove, PA 19090 215-540-5857

Wayne, PA (610) 687-4077 LEGAL SERVICES

David C. Berman, LGBT Family Law Practitioner, will be presenting “Safeguarding the Legal Rights of LGBT Families”at Philadelphia Family Pride’s Family Matters Conference on Saturday October 16, 2010 at 1:00 PM at Bryn Mawr College. To register for this seminar and much more visit

James M. Quesenberry, MA, CRC, CVE Disability Consultant

APRIL 25 - MAY 1, 2008

ROOMMATES PGN WILL NOT PUBLISH RACIAL DISTINCTIONS IN ROOMMATE ADS. SUCH NOTATIONS WILL BE EDITED. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. ___________________________________ GREATER NE PHILA. Have your own bedroom in a beautiful split level home with 2 gay men. House is 4 BR, 2 full baths, W/D, upper and lower decks, use of kitchen. Property is by Welsh & the Boulevard, 1 min. to 58 bus. We ask only that you be at least reasonably neat and employed. Rent is $600 + 1/3 utils. Contact Dave at 215-698-0215. _______________________________34-49 NORRISTOWN Single Gay Man Has a 2-Story / 3-Bedroom Townhouse To Share With Another Gay Man. Available 10/01/10. $ 600.00 Security Deposit and $ 600.00 Monthly Which Includes Utilities. Call or Text Bill at 610-539-5745 OR email me at _______________________________43-44

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OCT. 15 - 21, 2010




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OCT. 15 - 21, 2010




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FOR SALE PRIVACY Hedges- Blowout Sale! 6’ Arborvitae (cedar) Reg $129 now $59. Beautiful, Nursery Grown. Free Installation 518-536-1367 Lilac, White Birch 4ft $12.95 each shipped. _______________________________34-4




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A truly happy couple with so much love to share hopes to give your precious newborn a lifetime of happiness. Michael and Eileen 1-877-9558355. _______________________________34-42 Adoption: A childless, loving woman wishes to adopt newborn. Financially secure and close extended family. Legal and Confidential. Expenses paid. Please call Lisa at 1-866855-2166. _______________________________34-42 ADOPT A happily married couple have room in our loving hearts and home for your newborn. Expenses paid. Please call Debra & George at (877)732-0291. _______________________________34-42 Are you Pregnant? Considering Adoption? A childless couple seeks to adopt. Financial security, Expenses paid. Call Sharon & Christy (ask for michelle/adam) 1-800-790-5260. _______________________________34-42 ADOPTION Loving couple wants to share our life and love with your newborn. Call Liz & Geoff Toll-Free: 1-866-762-7821; Email: Liz_and_ _______________________________34-42 Are you pregnant? Andrew & Ariel are financially secure, educated, & seeking to adopt. Will provide loving home/full-time parent. Expenses Paid. Eagerly awaiting your call (ask for michelle/adam). 1-800-790-5260. _______________________________34-42

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Return form and payment to: Masco Communications 505 S. Fourth St., Phila., PA 19147 or fax: 215-925-6437 or email:

OCT. 15 - 21, 2010



LOOKING FOR ROMANCE Attractive GWM, warm, sensitive, caring, 48 y.o. with a smooth gymnast build looking for other GWM, 30-50, who is also in good shape. I live in NE Phila. I’m looking for guys who are also sensitive, caring with a fun personality. If this sounds interesting to you feel free to call me, David, 215-698-0215. _______________________________34-49 CENTER CITY DOMINANT MASTER Young, mature, twenty-two year old professional dominant looking to host sessions in well equipped CC dungeon apt. Bondage, S&M, Much More. _______________________________34-44 Are you a big, hefty or stocky WM. 240 lbs +, a real blue collar ace. I’m 6’1 WM, 210, 58. Call 8-11 PM, 215-732-2108. _______________________________34-44 Nice looking, in shape 61yo masculine bottom guy in NE looking 4 top masculine only older men to be friends and 4 stress relief. Leave VM 215-264-1058. _______________________________34-44 GBM, 28, 8 seeks WM or Mexican, 20 to 30 for relationship. Caring person wanted. 215-2272180. Fem or Puerto Rican plusses. _______________________________34-43




o Electronic PGN:







Man for Man Massage Tall, attractive, muscular Sensual/Erotic Massage I will tailor your massage to suit your needs...



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Looking for attractive bisexual women in Philadelphia & Reading PA to start a porno business for fun and profit. Car needed. Call Crystal at 484-269-2247 or leave voicemail. _______________________________34-43

Call 215-432-6030




WM, 30 ISO Asian ladyboys, transsexuals. 215-416-4146. _______________________________43-45

nite. GWM couple ISO GWMs 18-40 yrs. for 1 on 1 and group sex. Stockings, pantyhose, etc. Starts 9 PM Sat. Call Sat. 7-8 PM 856910-8303, ask for Mark. _______________________________33-24 PAGE 55 GWM, Italian, top or bottom, 7” cut. Also into assplay, toys & water sports. Bi, straight, out of towners welcome. Day or night. Call Jeff at FRIENDS 215-850-7900. _______________________________33-18






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OCT. 15 - 21, 2010


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