PGNOct. 21 -27, 2011 edition

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Here comes the brides, here comes the grooms

Family Portrait: Rob Paluso



COLOURS marks 20 years GALAEI expands initiatives


Oct. 21-27, 2011


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Vol. 35 No. 41

PPA launches LGBT sensitivity training By Jen Colletta The Philadelphia Parking Authority announced this week that it has launched LGBT sensitivity training for all of its employees. PPA has hired Dr. David Hall, author and diversity trainer, to conduct the sessions. Hall has already led 14 trainings at PPA and will train everyone from top-tier management to lower-level employees. The training comes after an incident this summer in which a PPA officer allegedly made antigay remarks to a gay couple. “We had a shortcoming here because we 25 AND COUNTING: Sunday saw sunny skies and high spirits for the 25th annual did no LGBT education at all,” said PPA AIDS Walk Philadelphia. About 15,000 walkers and runners set off near the Art executive director Vince Fenerty. “This fell Museum for the event, which raised approximately $350,000 for AIDS Fund, an squarely on my shoulders and on my staff’s increase from last year’s walk. Photo: Scott A. Drake shoulders that we missed this type of training. When you’re here for a long time and have a diversified staff who gets along, you don’t realize that one of your subordinates wants a judge to invalidate the borough’s on the street may not have the same expeBy Timothy Cwiek LGBT antibias ordinance because it alleg- rience that you do. And my job, as edly conflicts with several state laws. The Haverford ordinance extends existLegal challenges targeting two LGBT civil-rights ordinances in Pennsylvania are ing antibias protections in employment, housing and public accommodations to winding their way through the courts. In Haverford, Fred W. Teal is seeking a members of the LGBT community. It also establishes a local Human Relations permanent injunction to prevent the township from implementing an LGBT antibias Commission to investigate bias complaints, By Jen Colletta and allows for civil fines of up to $5,000 for ordinance enacted there in February. PAGE 20 In Conshohocken, James D. Schneller each discriminatory act.

Two LGBT antibias laws in Pa. challenged

Photo: Scott A. Drake tor of the Parking Authority, is to make sure that our employees are trained to act professionally.” Hall, who has trained staff at such organizations as Merck, the U.S. Department of Energy and JP Morgan Chase, said that, through the initial trainings, he was surprised to learn of the pressures that some parking enforcement officers face, including at least five who told him they’ve been spit on by members of the public. However, he said, they all need to be prepared to respond to hostile situations PAGE 21 without any animus,

PA grad student claims prof made antigay comments

Josephs testifies for inheritance-tax bill By Jen Colletta The prime sponsor of a bill to eliminate a tax penalty faced by same-sex couples came before a state legislative committee this week to discuss the merits of the measure.

State Rep. Babette Josephs (D-182nd Dist.) testified Oct. 17 before the House Finance Committee in favor of HB 1828, which seeks to eliminate the inheritance tax the surviving partner of a same-sex couple must pay. D a n M a s s i n g , s p o ke s p e r s o n f o r Republican Rep. Kerry PAGE 24

Gay History Month Special Coverage

A lesbian graduate student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania is alleging that a classroom discussion on homosexuality turned into a personal attack. Earlier this week, students held a rally against homophobia after an unnamed business professor allegedly told students that homosexuality was “disgusting, unnatural and abnormal.” Christina Santiago, a student in IUP’s Eberly College of Business and

We Are America . . . PAGE 23

Information Technology, said the teacher broached the topic of homosexuality after another student brought up the issue of sex changes. “I felt attacked, bullied, singled out,” Santiago told a local news station. “I raised my hand and asked, ‘So are you saying that students like myself, who identify as homosexual, are disgusting, unnatural and abnormal?’ And the professor replied ‘yes.’” Santiago told the station that the professor went on to remark that God created “Adam and Eve, not PAGE 2

America’s first inventor ... and a black gay war hero PAGES 13, 17


Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011


decades of LGBT activism that included the Annual Reminders held 1965-69 in front of Independence Hall.

News Briefing Remembering Kameny The local LGBT community will come together to pay tribute to late LGBT activist Frank Kameny Oct. 21. A memorial will begin at approximately 12:20 p.m. at Sixth and Chestnut streets in front of the historical marker signifying the LGBT-rights demonstrations of the 1960s, which Kameny was influential in organizing. Kameny died Oct. 11 at age 86, after five from page 1

Adam and Adam” and to complain about campus diversity training, which is voluntary for IUP faculty. An IUP alum has since come forward to the media and said he heard the same professor make antigay remarks in the past, including that gays deserve to “burn in hell.” The faculty union this week released a statement acknowledging that the “accusations are serious and need to be investi-

Trans-youth work training Service providers who may work with transgender youth are invited to “Helping and Supporting Transgender Youth: Basic Information & Skills” from 9 a.m.-3:15 p.m. Nov. 1 at 520 N. Columbus Blvd., Suite 7C. Organized by the Behavioral Health Training and Education Network, the workshop will explore what it means to be transgender or transsexual and what role family members and service providers can play in the healthy development of trans youth. For more information, email Stephen Paesani at or call 215923-2116 ext. 289. gated by the university. At the same time, we advocate for the rights of the faculty and the processes for investigating complaints against faculty must be followed.” According to the nondiscrimination policy on its website, “The university is committed to providing equal educational and employment rights to all persons without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation or veteran’s status.” Charges of homophobia were also

Help Philly care One of the city’s largest volunteer events, Philly Cares Day, will be held Oct. 22 at sites throughout the region. More than 7,000 volunteers are expected to participate in the 18th annual event, contributing to landscaping, painting and maintenance projects at 75 area schools and 25 community spaces and recreation centers. A kick-off event will be held at 8:30 a.m. at South Philadelphia High School with Mayor Nutter. For more information or to register, visit

Go pink for breast health

Playground, an adult carnival to raise funds for its breast-health initiative, from 6-10 p.m. Nov. 3 at Waterview Lounge, 1020 N. Delaware Ave. The event will feature jugglers, magicians and caricature artists, and traditional carnival fare such as cotton candy and popcorn, as well as a wine bar. Awards will be given to breast-cancer survivors and advocates like Elaine Grobman, CEO of the Philadelphia Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Funds generated at Pink Playground will benefit BEBASHI’s “Our Bodies” program, which seeks to connect women of color with breast-cancer screening and services. Tickets are $65 through Nov. 2 and $70 at the door. Tickets can be purchased at http://bebashi. ■

BEBASHI will host its inaugural Pink

— Jen Colletta

recently leveled against a teacher in Union Township, N.J. About 300 people turned out Tuesday night for the Union Township school board meeting to protest recent Facebook posts by high-school teacher Viki Knox. Knox, a special-education teacher, earlier this month took to the social network to complain about a school display acknowledging LGBT History Month, calling homosexuality “a sin that breeds like cancer.”

A petition, circulated by Human Rights Campaign, was delivered to the board Tuesday and contained 75,000 signatures of those calling for Knox’s removal. On a radio show the following day, Republican Gov. Chris Christie called Knox’s comments “disturbing” and said he wants to see an “examination” of Knox’s in-class behavior. Knox is on administrative leave, and the school board Tuesday made no decision on her future employment status. ■

Are you a community leader? Mark Mitchell, board president, Delaware Valley Legacy Fund Amber Hikes, co-founder, Stimulus Drew Becher, president, Pennsylvania Horticultural Society Alison Lin, co-founder, HotPot! Zane Booker, founder and artistic director, Smoke, Lilies and Jade Arts Initiative Wayne Knaub, commissioner, Greater Philadelphia Flag Football League

These people made the grade and were covered in PGN’s “Professional Portraits” column by Suzi Nash. Every week, Suzi talks to people making a difference in Philadelphia. Has she talked to you yet?


Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011




Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011

is pleased to announce our writers placed in two award categories for the

2010 National Newspaper Association’s Better Newspaper Contest, out of some 2,700 U.S. publications. Our congratulations to:

Jen Colletta Second Place, Best Feature Story, Non-daily Division Kelly McGillis talks marriages, divorces and civil union Judge’s comments: “Excellent profile of Kelly McGillis. It can be difficult writing about a celebrity, difficult to get below the rehearsed answers. But this story feels like a real conversation and provides an intelligent look at a complicated life.”

RECRUITING AND TELLING: Tracey Ballard of the Central Intelligence Agency recruits active members of the military at the OutServe Armed Forces Leadership summit Oct. 15, in Las Vegas. The OutServe summit, which doubled as a recruitment event, marked the largest gathering of gay troops since the ban was lifted last month. OutServe is a formerly clandestine network of gay and lesbian service members that lobbied to lift the ban. AP Photo/Isaac Brekken NEWS

Crime Watch Local Media Trail News Briefing Regional

Mosque issue is an LGBT issue Judge’s comments: “Terse argument that too few community newspapers offered — that Muslims had a right tobuild a cultural center and threatened no one.”



Creep of the Week Editorial Letters/Feedback Mark My Words Street Talk

10 10 11 11 11

What is your Halloween costume theme this year?

Poll results from our online survey as of Oct. 19:

19% Funny 9% Sexy 9% Superhero 6% Politically incorrect 3% Drag 3% Scary 50% No costume Go to to weigh in on this week’s question:

Which state are you most likely to marry in?

Mark Segal Second Place, Best Serious Column, Non-daily Division

24 5 19 2 6

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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011

Colours marks 20 years By Jen Colletta The Colours Organization was created in 1991 to fill a void in services for LGBT people of color and, 20 years later, provides needed resources to 5,000 clients annually. Colours will celebrate its 20th anniversary from 5:30-8 p.m. Oct. 21 at the Mayor’s Conversation Room in City Hall. Colours’ current programs include comprehensive HIV and STD counseling and testing, prevention initiatives, health education and support and social groups for LGBT people of color. When the organization launched, the HIV/AIDS epidemic looked vastly different than it does today. Colours has had to grapple with rising HIV rates among people of color in the past two decades, said executive director Robert Burns. “The most significant change Colours has seen has been the HIV disease burden for African-American men who have sex with men,” Burns said. “Despite availability of life-saving drugs that are now available, the disease burden continues to increase, and the resources decrease.” Colours has worked to meet that challenge, Burns said, and to “maintain a con-

stant presence in the African-American community and ensure our greater connection to the African-American and LGBT [communities] abroad.” The agency, which currently has four staffers, has 150 volunteers, a number that has grown over the past two decades, Burns said, noting their efforts are integral to the organization’s myriad off-site activities. Burns took over as executive director in 2010 and said he and the other Colours leaders have invested the past year in elevating the organization’s visibility and accountability to its constituent communities. “Much of the work during my tenure as executive director has been about rebuilding bridges, closing old business and bringing the agency back into a good standing with the community,” Burns said. “Our board, which consists of six strongly committed members to the work of Colours, has been tremendously helpful at rebuilding the integrity of the organization.” While the organization’s mission hasn’t changed, all facets of the agency will be reexamined when it embarks on developing a new three- to five-year strategic plan. For more information, call 215-496-0330 or email 20th-Anniversary@coloursorganiz ■

New sick-leave bill awaits mayor By Jen Colletta A new version of the bill to mandate earned sick days for Philadelphia workers is awaiting action from Mayor Nutter, who vetoed a previous incarnation of the measure. Philadelphia City Council approved Councilman W. Wilson Goode Jr.’s sickleave bill in a 15-2 vote Oct. 13. Mayor spokesperson Mark McDonald said the measure is still “under review” and the mayor will make a decision by Oct. 27. This past summer, Nutter vetoed a sickleave measure submitted by Councilmen Bill Greenlee and Darrell Clarke that narrowly passed Council. Greenlee and Clarke’s Promoting Healthy Families and Workplaces would have applied to all businesses operating in Philadelphia and would have allowed for employees to earn one hour of sick time for every 30 hours worked, with employees at larger companies eligible for up to seven earned sick days annually or four days for employees of smaller businesses. The time could be taken for the employee him or herself or for a relative, including a same-sex domestic partner. Goode’s bill does not specifically reference for whom the sick time could be taken, and the councilman did not respond to a request for comment. In vetoing the original measure, Nutter contended the initiative would be too costly and could discourage companies from doing business in the city.

Goode’s narrowed bill extends to public agencies with city contracts of more than $10,000, service contractors making at least $1 million annually who receive $10,000 or more from the city, nonprofits with contracts of more than $100,000, those with city leases and subcontractors with more than 25 employees, among other groups. “This is an important first step toward getting earned sick days for all the people who live and work in Philadelphia,” said Stephanie Haynes, community coordinator at Philadelphia Family Pride. “We look forward to City Council and the mayor expanding this to include more workers in the future.” In addition to vetoing or signing the bill, Nutter also has the option to take no action, which would allow it to become law. Council would need 12 votes to override a veto. McDonald noted that at a recent committee hearing on Goode’s measure, city finance director Rob Dubow testified against it, while he welcomed the concept of providing sick-leave benefits. “The bottom line is that the city wants the highest quality service at the lowest price, like any consumer,” McDonald said. “But if you keep adding on requirements to contracts, is that going to raise the cost of future work the city might seek?” McDonald said there were a lot of “unanswered questions” about the legislation’s impact — such as the number of employees who would be impacted or the state of current sick-leave policies at impacted agencies. ■

FOUNDING FATHERS: Metropolitan Community Church of Philadelphia pastor the Rev. Jeffrey Jordan (left) introduced MCC founder Troy Perry last Friday night at MCCP’s 40th anniversary celebration. The reception, held at City Hall with a crowd of about 40, kicked off the LGBT-affirming congregation’s anniversary weekend, which included a screening of a film about Perry, a convocation and awards ceremony and a community dinner. Photo: Scott A. Drake

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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011


Group launched for LGBT cancer patients, survivors By Jen Colletta While a cancer diagnosis can itself be daunting, navigating the twists and turns in the road to recovery without the proper support networks can be further debilitating — a concern that sparked the creation of a new support group meant to provide a comfortable, accepting environment for LGBT individuals and their loved ones grappling with cancer. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society will host its second LGBT cancer support group Nov. 7 at the William Way LGBT Community Center, 1315 Spruce St. The group is open to LGBT individuals currently dealing with a cancer diagnosis, survivors and loved ones or caregivers. “LGBT cancer patients and survivors face unique issues through their cancer journey that those who are heterosexual may not,” said Ilana Benyosef, patient-services manager at the Eastern Pennsylvania chapter of LLS. Though not the first in the area to provide support for women (the Rainbow Circle program of the Linda Creed Breast


Cancer Foundation focuses on lesbian and bisexual women), the new group is the first cancer support group for the larger LGBT community in the region, Benyosef said, and fills a void. “When someone is diagnosed, they will often feel very alone, like they’re the only ones going through it. And if someone is gay and looking for support from a group that is mostly heterosexual, they may feel twice as lonely and isolated,” she said. “So we felt the need in the community for something specifically where LGBT people can feel comfortable to talk about the issues and feel like they can be with people who can relate to them.” Joseph Golas, an LLS volunteer who helped the group get off the ground, is himself a cancer survivor who’s been in remission for two years. After his diagnosis, he sought assistance from a peer-to-peer support group run by LLS that matches patients and survivors to discuss their experiences, and Golas, who is gay, happened to be matched with another gay man. “It really made a difference to be able to talk freely about my partner and the

experiences that we were going through,” Golas said. “It helped me a lot, but it made me see that it wouldn’t have been as easy to talk to a straight person about this and they may not have understood as much as he did.” After searching unsuccessfully for an LGBT support group in the area, Golas proposed the idea to LLS and was connected with Benyosef, who was already thinking of the initiative. The first meeting, held in early October, drew three participants, and organizers expect the group to grow each month. The three attendees this month illustrated the group’s vast appeal — one was currently in treatment, one was in remission and one was a caregiver for a relative. One of the participants talked openly about his experiences with prostate cancer, a conversation Golas said may not have been possible in a traditional supportgroup setting. “He talked about how the cancer did affect his sexual life, and he was able to do that in this setting because he didn’t need to worry about being judged,” he said. “In

a support group specifically for people with prostate cancer, it would probably be a lot of middle-aged or older straight men, and it would be tough for a gay man to talk about the real, personal effects the cancer was having on him.” The conversation is facilitated by a group leader — who by LLS standards must be a licensed professional social worker or licensed nurse with support-group training — and, in this case, is a lesbian cancer survivor. While the leader is present to guide the conversation, Benyosef noted that essentially the “group runs itself.” “She’s there to offer clinical facts and expertise if it’s needed and to bring people together to discuss what’s going on, but most of the conversation is the group members providing feedback and input to other members of the group,” she said. “They’re there for each other to provide this safe place that people can go to for support.” The meetings will be held the first Monday of the month at the center. Group members must register for the meetings by calling Benyosef at 610-2380360 ext. 232. ■

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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011


GALAEI expands board, initiatives By Jen Colletta The Gay and Lesbian Latino AIDS Education Initiative is branching out for several new efforts to raise awareness about safe sex and HIV prevention — furthered by the addition of a handful of board members and staffers. Earlier this year, the board elected member David Torres as president and has brought on four additional members, bringing the group to eight. Torres, coordinator of the city’s language-access program, said he was “humbled” to be elected him president and that he’s impressed with the recent board development. “It’s exciting to be able to see this agency change and grow so much,” he said. “On the board we now have different perspectives and skill sets that we all bring from our professional lives and our personal lives. We have people who work in government, nonprofits and a lot of other fields that I think will help us to move away from how we had been operating, just at the baseline statusquo level.” The agency saw a number of executive director changes in recent years, which impacted the board’s ability to operate effectively as its own body — a trend from which it is now departing, said current executive director Elicia Gonzalez, who’s been

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at the helm for nearly two years. “Given the leadership transitions that went on in the past three years, the board had been operating as an extension of the staff, but it’s now in a place where it can really function as a board should,” Gonzalez said. New board members brought on this quarter include Ricardo Maldonado, executive director of the Chilean and American Chamber of Commerce; Olinshar Nguyen, strategy analyst at JPMorgan Chase; Lauren Vidas, government and external affairs specialist in the mayor’s office; and Celina De Leon, communications and media specialist who previously worked in the New York City Department of Health. The new members join Torres, vice president Tiffany Thompson, Matty Lehman and Anne Koellhoffer. GALAEI also hired Nicole Lopez, Karla Diaz and Sergio Morales, who will work on the organization’s recent initiatives to branch out into North Philadelphia. GALAEI recently began providing services and resources twice a week at El Centro, an alternative charter school that primarily serves Latino youth with projectbased learning. “It’s a remarkable facility because it’s often the last stop before youth are no longer eligible to get their diploma — many have been kicked out, pushed out, dropped out of school, and this is often their last

resort,” Gonzalez said. GALAEI representatives have been on hand providing risk-reduction and comprehensive sexual education for the students, many of whom are at risk for teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, marking the first time the agency is offering its curriculum in-house in another facility. GALAEI also plans to offer resources at a new gay party Thursday nights at Tierra Colombiana on North Fifth Street in North Philly, organized by June Aviles, who Gonzalez said has long supported HIV causes. When the agency began discussing plans for the party with Aviles, the conversation sparked an innovative idea to also reach Latino LGBT youth — through a ball similar to those usually geared toward black queer youth, which Gonzalez said would mark the first time a Latino-specific ball has been held in Philadelphia. The organization’s recent collaborations exemplify GALAEI’s revamped commitment to community partnerships, Gonzalez said, noting it has also bolstered its ties with agencies like Congreso de Latino Unidos and the Council of Spanish Speaking Organizations Inc., participating in the latter’s Hispanic Fiesta for the first time in a number of years. GALAEI is in the second year of a twoyear grant from Hispanics in Philanthropy


and, while the first year’s monies were dedicated to staff and board development, the second year’s funds will go toward a strategic-planning process to meet the needs of both Latino and LGBT communities. “We’re going to be taking a look at where GALAEI has been and where we want to be in the next five years,” Gonzalez said. “We’re a bridge between the Latino and LGBT communities so we want to make sure we don’t ignore either community, but providing services simultaneously is a dance that we’ve been trying to perfect for 20 years. We want to make sure we’re leading from a place of integrity, offering services the community needs and measuring the impact of our work.” Torres said the board could consider adding up to another four members and plans to revisit GALAEI’s bylaws. ■

8/22/11 11:19 PM


Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011


Swarthmore LGBT group presses district on Scouts By Jen Colletta A group seeking to promote acceptance of the LGBT community in Swarthmore is urging its school district to limit its involvement with a group that does not accept gay members. The Swarthmore LGBT/Straight Network has urged the Wallingford-Swarthmore School District to disallow the local Boy Scouts of America chapter from using its premises or take a public stance against the organization’s policy of barring openly gay members. Deb Dunbar, a member of the LGBT group, said the issue arose earlier this school year when the son of a lesbian couple in the area brought home a flier distributed to students at Swarthmore Rutledge School advertising an upcoming Boy Scouts recruiting meeting there. The district’s 2001 nondiscrimination policy is LGBT-inclusive and mandates “course offerings, counseling, assistance, employment, athletics and extracurricular activities” without discrimination. The Borough of Swarthmore in 2006 amended its nondiscrimination policy to add sexual orientation and gender identity as classes protected from discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations and commercial property. Dunbar said those policies are incompatible with the Boy Scouts regulations, which categorize homosexuality as “inconsistent with the obligations ... to be morally straight and clean in thought, word and deed,” according to a 2004 position statement. “The Boy Scouts bring up all kinds of emotions for people,” Dunbar said. “They’re an incredibly beloved institution, which makes it all the more sad that they maintain this discriminatory policy, but we’re not about trying to tell people not to participate in Boy Scouts if that’s what they want to do and if the families are comfortable with that. But we think it’s wrong that the district has this antidiscrimination policy, the borough has this antidiscrimination ordinance and yet this group that so clearly discriminates on the basis of sexual orientation is allowed to meet on this property. I think it sends a mixed message to our community.” The group sent a letter to the district last month requesting that it deny future requests from the local Boy Scouts chapter to use its premises. District superintendent Dr. Richard

Noonan told the organization, and reiterated to PGN last week, that after consultation with the district’s solicitor, the district’s facilities operate as a limited public forum and the district cannot legally or constitutionally exclude a group from using its facilities based on the viewpoints of that group. Several members of the LGBT/Straight Network spoke about the issue at a recent school board meeting, and Dunbar said the viewpoint-neutral issue was again raised. Noonan declined to comment further on the issue but elaborated on the district’s position in a letter sent to local media on the issue last month. “The district cannot pick and choose among the community groups which seek to use its facilities based on their beliefs, and no endorsement by the district of any particular group’s beliefs is implied by permitting community groups to lease the facilities,” Noonan wrote. “By providing the ‘content-neutral’ public forum, the district is able to accommodate a broad array of community interests, including children’s after-school activities and sports, adult-education classes, musical performances, advocacy groups and local and national political candidate forums.” The Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act, included in the 2002 No Child Left Behind Act, prevents any school that receives funding from the federal Department of Education from denying “equal access or a fair opportunity to meet to, or discriminate against, any group officially affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America ... that wishes to conduct a meeting within that designated open forum or limited public forum, including denying such access or opportunity or discriminating for reasons based on the membership or leadership criteria or oath of allegiance to God and country.” Dunbar said her group has asked the district to issue a public statement delineating that it does not support the Scouts’ policy of banning gay members but has not received a response. “I think the school district is endorsing this activity on some level,” she said. “If the Boy Scouts were to say that no Jews belong or no blacks belong, my guess is that the district would find a way to not accommodate them. So we want to increase community awareness about the policies of the Boy Scouts and increase awareness that this is a hypocritical practice for Swarthmore to be supporting them in this way.” ■


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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011

PA trans youth gets national award By Jen Colletta This weekend Chaz Bono will take a break from “Dancing With the Stars” to accept an award from the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network — and honored alongside Bono will be a local transgender youth making inroads for LGBT young people in Western Pennsylvania. GLSEN will present its Student Advocate of the Year award to Emmett Patterson, a 17-year-old senior at Trinity High School in Washington, near Pittsburgh. Patterson last year helped co-found his school’s gaystraight alliance, the first student GSA in Washington County. Patterson started the group with classmate James MacKinney and said he was eager for the club to offer a safe haven for other LGBTs and allies at their school. “We’re both very strong individuals with a good sense of self but we knew that there are other people like us and people who don’t have that strong sense of self and who need a community and that sense of safety in school,” Patterson said. “A lot of students aren’t able to get that outside of school, so we wanted to make sure that we had a safe place for everyone in school.” Patterson and MacKinney met with members of the administration and the district’s superintendent, and “we must have said something right,” Patterson joked, as the plans were given the go-ahead. Thirty students turned out for the club’s inaugural meeting, Patterson said, and word of the new group is still circulating throughout the school. While the primary function of the club is to offer an LGBT-affirming environment, Patterson said he is also drafting policy proposals for the school — including gender-neutral bathrooms and LGBT-inclusive nondiscrimination regulations. In addition to the GSA, Patterson has participated in a number of other extracurricular clubs, including the National Honor Society, debate club and Young Democrats and serves as the chief photo editor of the school’s yearbook. Patterson is also a cellist and a member of his school’s varsity swimming team and performs in community theater. He has been active in the Washington

County Gay-Straight Alliance for five years, which afforded him the opportunity to participate in a number of LGBT rallies, visit the White House and meet with his local senator to discuss LGBT-rights issues. Last year, Patterson created an art project focusing on hate crimes for a local teen health fair and is the first high-school student to be named a supervisor at the Common Ground Teen Center. He is active with Pittsburgh LGBT wellness facility Persad Center and has volunteered at numerous events with the Pittsburgh chapter of GLSEN, which presented him with its 2011 Pioneer Award. “Emmett is the poster child for a strong advocate of LGBT youth in our country,” said Kathy Cameron, GLSEN Pittsburgh board member. “He has poise, intelligence and compassion for those of diversity. He leads by example, which makes others comfortable enough to speak up and demand equalEMMETT PATTERSON ity and respect. He is such a natural leader to those that need it.” Patterson said his upbringing, including his membership at First Presbyterian Church, which he said is a welcoming and accepting congregation, helped fuel his passion and drive for LGBT equality. “My parents never said, ‘This is so and so and he’s gay.’ It was more, ‘This is so and so and this is his partner.’ It was small things like that that I grew up with that really helped me,” he said. “And they instilled in me that I have to be independent and strong and fight for myself. I can’t let anybody fight my battles.” After high school, Patterson hopes to pursue a career in gender psychology — and said he hopes the GLSEN award puts him one step closer to realizing that goal. “I was shocked when I got this, but it pretty much means everything to me,” he said. “I’ve been having kind of a bad year so having something like this under my belt can really help me in getting a good internship or hopefully a good job someday, because this is the kind of work I want to do and the population I want to work with.” In addition to Bono and Patterson, the Oct. 21 ceremony will also pay tribute to actor and director Rob Reiner and his wife Michele, out former NBA executive Rick Welts and Wells Fargo. ■

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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011


Creep of the Week

D’Anne Witkowski

John Boehner


What’s marriage got to do with it? This week, PGN is showcasing same-sex wedding options in our Arts and Culture section, in response to the growing number of neighboring states that have marriage equality and/or civil unions. To date, same-sex couples can marry in Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Washington, D.C. and Vermont. Civil unions can be entered in Delaware (starting Jan. 1) and New Jersey. As we brainstormed ideas, there was an ongoing discussion about marriage and its importance in the LGBT community. Among us, there are gays, lesbians and heterosexuals, marriage skeptics and marriage supporters, never-marrieds and marriage veterans (divorced and/or on a second marriage). And we run the gamut from traditional to nonconformist. From our small sampling, we found that those who had been married (to oppositesex partners) believed it conveyed family in a way that might not be immediately apparent. That by taking this step — marriage license and ceremony of whatever sort — solidified the couple’s relationship to others in ways that buying a house or starting a family together did not. Certainly there are factions of the LGBT (and feminist) community that want nothing to do with marriage — considering it a leftover from patriarchal society that seeks to exert ownership and control (sexual and otherwise) over women by men, an institution that reeks of heterosexism by longstanding definition and practice. But there are others who want to (re)claim the institution, to redefine it — not to say that this is “gay” — to say that this is about love and commitment. That if heterosexuals can set up homes and establish family ties — which is what marriage legally does — then sexual minorities should have that right also. That if the state is going to involve itself in personal lives to bestow rights and benefits, then it can’t arbitrarily pick and choose who is entitled to those benefits based on gender. Regarding familial ties, members of the LGBT community have long sought to establish and define their own families, often because they were estranged from their own kith and kin. Marriage too is still a rite of passage in American society and has long been denied gays and lesbians. Indeed, marriages are one of those life events that newspapers still publish, along with births and obituaries. Prohibiting same-sex marriage — particularly when a state offers civil unions — establishes a “separate but equal” status, which has been out of favor for more than half a century. Though it’s infrequently discussed, likely because of the sweeping changes that would be required, perhaps the most even-handed approach would be to separate religious marriage from state-sanctioned partnerships: establish civil unions/domestic partnerships that would give state benefits and allow churches to marry individuals, following their religious beliefs. ■

The Defense of Marriage Act makes John Boehner weep. Not because of how sadistically cruel it is to gays and lesbians, nor how unconstitutional. No, DOMA makes him weep because he is in love with it. I dare say that Boehner wants to marry DOMA. But he can’t. Because that’s not legal. However, Boehner can live in sin with DOMA so long as it’s still on the books. And he’s fighting like hell to keep it there. You may recall that President Obama declared that DOMA was unconstitutional and that his administration wouldn’t defend DOMA in court. Boehner went bananas and decided that if Obama wouldn’t defend his beloved DOMA, then he would, personally. Not by himself, mind you, but with the help of a Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group. Don’t let the name fool you. There’s nothing bipartisan about this group. It has a decidedly proDOMA Republican majority telling House lawyers what to do. The two Democrats in the group are basically window dressing. On Oct. 8, Boehner graced the stage of the Value Voters Summit, one of the most antigay conventions in the United States. “I’ve raised my hand to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States and the laws of our country,” said Boehner. “And if the Justice Department was not going to defend this act passed by Congress, well, then we will. And we have defended the law that the Congress passed.” Boehner and company’s latest legal maneuver is to argue that because gays and lesbians have political clout, they don’t deserve the kind of legal protections that, say, racial minorities receive. Oh, got it. Since homosexuals aren’t downtrodden little match girls, they’re on their own. The government isn’t going to step in and protect them from discriminatory laws. Also, the pro-DOMA congressmen argue that DOMA isn’t bothering anybody. “There is nothing intrusive in the least about DOMA,” they said. “It is simply a

definitional statute that defines, for federal law purposes, marriage and spouse.” Got it? It’s just a simple little definition. No harm no foul. Unless, of course, you consider what falls under “for federal law purposes.” If a gay couple married in, say, Massachusetts moves to, say, Michigan and wants to file a joint tax return, no dice. Social Security survivor benefits? Nope. Need an I-130 visa so your immigrant spouse isn’t deported? Too bad, so sad. But hey, that’s not intrusive at all. “A spate of recent news stories only confirms the conclusion that homosexuals are far from politically powerless,” the filing says. “Accordingly, gays and lesbians cannot be labeled ‘politically powerless’ without draining that phrase of all meaning.” In other words, “Quit yer whining, homos. Sure you’re still discriminated against, but you’re not discriminated against as much. Any less discrimination and you’d practically be full-fledged citizens worthy of respect and protection under the law.” And that’ll happen as soon as monkeys fly out of Boehner’s (totally not gay) butt. If only gays and lesbians were “politically powerless.” Ah, to go back to the preStonewall days. Actually, Boehner and his boys are right. If it weren’t for Stonewall and the brave gays and lesbians of that era, there probably wouldn’t be a DOMA at all. DOMA was, after all, a reaction to the growing visibility and political savvy of homos. And once homos stopped letting themselves be loaded into police vans and started fighting back, it was hard to argue that they were weak and pathetic. The strength of gays and lesbians has only grown. No wonder Boehner’s afraid. ■

Gays and lesbians cannot be labeled ‘politically powerless’ without draining that phrase of all meaning.

D’Anne Witkowski has been gay for pay since 2003. She’s a freelance writer and poet (believe it!). When she’s not taking on the creeps of the world, she reviews rock ’n’ roll shows in Detroit with her twin sister.

Tell us what you think Send letters and opinion column submissions to:; PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147; fax: (215) 925-6437.

Please include a daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity, style and space considerations.


Weekend of looking back, looking forward The Rev. Jeffrey Jordan of Metropolitan to get those who believe in social jusCommunity Church of Philadelphia tice onboard the gay-rights struggle, we shouts from the pulpit, “Mark Segal, couldn’t reach those who had religion as here’s something historic to put in your the backbone of their lives. I took that as shackled to religion, and it resonated column.” He was referring to the first time that all the LGBT/ally with me. It was pragmatic. And choirs in Philadelphia united we’ve been friends since. In to sing together — and it was my campaign against the media also historic since they did it from 1971-74, many times it at MCCP’s 40th anniversary was MCC members around the last Saturday. The church, celcountry who housed me. And ebrating its ruby anniversary, is yes, it’s true that many activists of the time slept on floors as we Philadelphia’s longest-running traveled around the nation to LGBT organization. It was glorious. push for change. Not only did they have And, as usual, when we old Philadelphia Voices of Pride, activists get together, we always Philadelphia Gay Men’s remark how proud we are of the struggle of the last 40-plus Chorus, Anna Crusis Women’s years: We are further along the Choir, A Voice 4 All People road to equality than even we and their own church choir, they also had founder of the Mark Segal expected. Sunday found me out at Universal Fellowship of MCCs University of Pennsylvania, the Rev. Troy Perry speak, and speaking at the Pennsylvania Student he brought the house down. My job was to start off the celebration by Equality Conference. With 50-plus students in the audience, it transported me to giving a talk on the history of the church my days as a youth activist and there was and its contributions to our community. I took the opportunity to talk about the good a special bond between us. These are the work of Revs. Jordon and Perry, which can people who will speak to the new generabe summed up in one beautiful sentiment: tion of college and university students. They give LGBT Christians a home. They are the new face of equality and they A word about my friend Rev. Troy Perry, are dedicated to being our new leaders. who founded MCC, the first church for They give me hope for the future and the and about the gay community in 1968. knowledge that we will finish that long We met when, as a young member of walk to equality. ■ Gay Liberation Front in New York City in Mark Segal, PGN publisher, is the 1969, a handful of our members picketed his attempts to start a branch of his church nation’s most-award-winning commentathere. He took me aside and explained tor in LGBT media. He can be reached at rather simply that while I might be able

Mark My Words

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011


Street Talk What LGBT site should get the next historical marker? “Walt Whitman’s home in Camden. ‘Leaves of Grass’ is fantastic. It’s some of the most sensual poetry I’ve ever read. I have a very old copy from the 1940s, handed grandfather.”

Emily Cruse educator Washington Square West

down by my

“Liberace’s birthplace. It’s sad that people have forgotten about him. He was amazing. His music was a bridge between Yvette Simoneopera and Smith classical. And secretary Southwest he turned Philadelphia fashion into an art form. In a way, he was a trendsetter for the gothic look.”

“Where the Oscar Wilde Book Store was located in New York City. It was the first LGBT bookstore in Asya Shirokova the country. photographer I love Oscar Queen Village Wilde’s writings. I read one of his books that was translated in Russian. His books are great.”

“The area in Portland, Ore., where Gus van Sant shot his first feature film, ‘Mala Noche.’ It’s a great movie. Inna Spivakova Everyone photographer in Portland Queen Village knows about van Sant. He’s a wonderful filmmaker, someone I really admire.”

Letters and Feedback Isolating hatemongers Last weekend I was visiting my family in the Philly area, and decided to attend OutFest while I was in town. As any attendee can attest, in at least three distinct areas, hate-filled garbage spewed out of the mouths of people claiming to have a firmer grasp of interpreting the Bible than the rest of us. And OutFest volunteers festooned with official T-shirts protected them and encouraged attendees to keep on walking — essentially to ignore the onslaught of hurtful, damaging words being thrust at us through megaphones. Never mind that there were young people in attendance, or people who were attending their first Pride event after coming out of the closet or pioneers who have fought long enough not to have to deal with such nonsense on a day and in a place we’ve legally reserved and created to be safe.

I approached several of those who had booths near these low-lifes, and commiserated with them for having come to the festival to celebrate, but instead had to suffer through the day. And I engaged one young man who was handing out antigay flyers, pointing out that God’s love was everywhere but where he and his cohorts were staking out their territory. He seemed to agree with me, and almost appeared ready to put down his weapons and join in the festivities. I’m all for free speech, but I’m also for safe space. And in my opinion, safe space trumps hate speech aimed at dismantling our safe space. If there really is no legal way to discourage them from crashing our party, then I recommend surrounding and isolating them — visually and audibly — with sets of closet doors held up by those same volunteers who just shrugged their shoulders with “what can we do?” passivity. These zealots who scream Bible verses

at you do not care about you, your health, your happiness or your families. They just want you to feel shame. Their mission is deadly. We cannot let them succeed. Dan Kaufman Arlington, Va. In response to “Philly gay man to be deported,” Oct. 14-20: Sorry to hear that the law has not protected you, and understand DOMA is a large discriminatory law that the Republicans refuse to end. I have a Vietnamese partner I cannot get into the country and it breaks my heart and costs me a mint flying back and forth to Vietnam until DOMA comes to an end and Americans wake up and realize Americans are not free as long as DOMA stands. We have to get rid of these bigots who call themselves Christians and who don’t even

follow God’s words. He tells them to love thy neighbors, and to not judge another. But what do they all do? Make judgments and don’t leave judgment up to God. Politicians refuse to do the paid jobs and protect the people who pay them, but use their religion as their guide. If that is their guide, then let the church pay them and stop milking the people’s money. — joseph costa In response to “Facing ageism in the LGBT community,” Sept. 16-22: I think the idea of buddies and advocates is a great one — sort of a Big Brother program for seniors. I, for one, would be honored to participate. A benefit that the Big Brother program doesn’t necessarily have is, think of all the things and life lessons we can learn from those who paved the way before us. — Eric Axelson


Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011


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Terri Clark, MPH, CHES

Seniors and sexuality

Closeness, intimacy and touch are lifelong needs that do not get old, even when we do. We may be graying but our sexuality evolves and changes over our lifecycle. There are many facets of senior sex and sexuality. One can think of sex as what happens below the waist, and in between the legs (behaviors) vs. sexuality. Sex is also what happens above the waist in our heads and our hearts. Sexuality includes everything about us as human beings: our gender identity and expression, our need for touch/intimacy and our thoughts, feelings and values. In talking about senior sex, it is important to address our sex behaviors. We need to talk about risk-reduction measures such as using condoms, not forgetting the lube, body positioning, playing with sex toys, etc. Remember, too, that age is not a factor for STI/HIV prevention. Not to be overlooked in any discussion of senior sex is how our aging bodies physically change: weaker and/or shorter erections, drying vaginas, lower libidos and sagging boobs and bellies. However, in discussions with LGBT elders, what they most often talk about is intimacy, tenderness and touch. The need for intimacy is ageless. We never outgrow our need for affection, emotional closeness and intimacy — sometimes referred to as “skin hunger.” Aging changes our perspectives on sex and sexuality. Often we can take the pressure off by putting aside our old ideas of what sex “should be.” Instead, we focus on the importance of tenderness and contact. When we do have sex, those encounters can be less “performance oriented.” As we age, our desire for sex may diminish, but our need for caring, comforting and intimate touch is as strong as ever. Even if you (or your partner) are ill or have physical disabilities, you can engage in intimate acts and benefit from closeness with another person. Old and gay shouldn’t equal old and lonely. LGBT elders may enjoy intimacy through coupled relationships as well as friendships. Some LGBT couples/singles may have a high degree of compatibility and mutual understanding. Other factors that may contribute to intimacy include emotional fidelity and sexual flexibility. That flexibility extends to sex roles, sexual role-play and roles within our relationships. Intimacy for LGBT elders can mean companionship, affection and enduring

tenderness and concern. For some LGBT people, romance and intimacy may begin at 50 or 60 (or later). Many of us were closeted or married for much of our lives. Some waited until their family was grown, after divorce or the death of their spouse before coming out. For them, expressing intimacy in a longawaited relationship is alive and well. As you find yourself embracing your older identity, you can: — Communicate. Share what makes you feel good with your partner(s) and share the aging changes you are both facing. — Slow down. You and your partner(s) may need to spend more time touching. Sexual arousal takes longer and requires more manual stimulation. Do not underestimate masturbation: It can be extremely satisfying. — Use your sensory skills. Explore all the tactile, visual, auditory and even olfactory aspects of being intimate. — Play with the mood. Set the stage for a special experience. Experiment with lighting, music, candles, oils, perfumes and incense. Try a new place. Reap the benefits of experience. The independence and self-confidence that come with age can be very attractive to your partner or potential partners. No matter your gender, you may feel better about your body at 72 than you did at 22. And, it is likely that you now know more about yourself and what makes you excited and happy. If you can accept aging as natural, you’ll not only feel better, you’ll also be more attractive to others. Confidence and honesty can be sexy and appealing. Finally, we have made some progress since the 1960s in preventing older LGBT folks from facing the double stereotypes of gay and aging as they explore relationships, living arrangements and long-term health-care options. However, prejudice and shortsightedness still exist. There is still much work to do to educate society about LGBT elders and the fact that sexuality lasts throughout our lives. ■ Terri Clark, MPH, CHES, is prevention services coordinator for ActionAIDS. She is co-chair of the LGBT Elder Initiative, along with Heshie Zinman, longtime community health activist. To comment on this article, suggest topics for future articles or for more information, visit www. and watch for Gettin’ On each month in PGN.

Gay is our middle name.



We are America: How members of the LGBT community helped create the USA

Benjamin Franklin: Writer, inventor, statesman and friend to gays By Victoria A. Brownworth Exclusively for PGN National Gay History Project There is no more fascinating character among the Founding Fathers than Benjamin Franklin. An intellectual powerhouse credited with an extraordinary number of inventions and writings, he also was one of the three most pivotal players in the solidifying of the new colonial government, along with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Historian Walter Isaacson, author of the definitive biography of Franklin, described him as “the most accomplished American of his age and the most influential in inventing the type of society America would become.” It was Franklin who edited the Declaration of Independence as Jefferson wrote it, making significant changes that altered the course of history. (For example, Jefferson had originally written “we hold these truths to be Sacred,” but Franklin altered that to read “self-evident” because, he argued with Jefferson, the new democracy could not be predicated on the old divine right of kings, like the monarchy they had just won freedom from. Thus “self-evident” — coming from the people, not “Sacred,” coming via a kingly conduit to God.) Franklin was also a statesman, having been Speaker of the Pennsylvania Assembly and President of Pennsylvania — a position equivalent to governor today. Franklin was also known as the great communicator among the major players in the colonial era. His joie de vivre and sense of humor ingratiated him with everyone, which is why he became the primary diplomat from the colonies, an ambassador to the French and Prussian courts and U.S. minister to both France and Sweden. In each capacity, he negotiated treaties and opened communication between supporters in Europe and the colonies. It was in his role as ambassador to France that Franklin also became the nation’s first gay-friendly ambassador, helping a known homosexual escape prosecution and become a pivotal figure in the American Revolution. Identifying Franklin’s most pivotal role

in colonial America is impossible, as there was no arena in which he was not essential, as Isaacson’s biography makes clear. But certainly Franklin’s most significant role in relationship to the American Revolution and the propitious outcome of the Revolutionary War was his delivery of Baron Friedrich von Steuben from the French court at Paris to George Washington at Valley Forge. Washington himself felt that von Steuben’s military strategies were vital to his success in the war; von Steuben’s expertise was so stellar that his military manual, “Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States,” became the fundamental guide for the Continental Army and remained in active use through the War of 1812, being published in over 70 editions. Had it not been for F r a n k l i n , h o w e v e r, Washington would never have gotten his military strategist and von Steuben may have spent the remainder of his life in prison somewhere in Europe. At the lead-in of the Revolution, Franklin was a mediator between the French and the colonists in negotiating the support of France against the British. It was during this period of intense political complexity and foment that von Steuben was first approached. Franklin knew of von Steuben’s homosexual encounters, but didn’t consider them relevant to a position in Washington’s Continental Army. In June 1777, rumors of homosexual activity had forced von Steuben to resign his role as chamberlain to Prince Joseph Friedrich Wilhelm of HohenzollernHechige, in southern Germany. Von Steuben traveled to Paris — some say fled — seeking a position in the French army or the Continental Army, through American military representatives like Franklin. Washington had sought a military strategist, but had insisted on someone who spoke fluent English. Von Steuben spoke German and French and very little English, so Franklin was initially leary of recommending him to Washington. But — and this is where Franklin’s gayfriendly attitude is most obvious — Franklin had empathy for von Steuben’s increasingly problematic circumPAGE 15

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011



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stances and decided to write letters of recommendation to Washington and bring von Steuben to America. These letters of recommendation came immediately following a crisis for von Steuben. Having first rejected a non-paid position offered by Franklin, von Steuben found himself in danger of being prosecuted. A letter dated Aug. 13, 1777 to the Prince, for whom von Steuben had been chamberlain, threatened von Steuben: “It has come to me from different sources that M. de Steuben is accused of having taken familiarities with young boys which the laws forbid and punish severely. I have even been informed that that is the reason why M. de Steuben was obliged to leave Hechingen and that the clergy of your country intend to prosecute him by law as soon as he may establish himself anywhere.” Franklin and von Steuben met again and Franklin expanded and revised von Steuben’s résumé to make it more attractive to Washington, wrote letters of recommendation for von Steuben and arranged for his

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passage to Pennsylvania. Von Steuben arrived at Valley Forge in February 1778 with his 17-year-old French lover, Pierre Etienne Duponceau. The rest — thanks to Franklin — is history. It wasn’t solely as ambassador that Franklin made gay-friendly history in early America. In his role as America’s printer extraordinaire, Franklin had been responsible for facilitating the printing of the first male same-sex love story in North America through his friendship with and mentoring of French printer Fleury Mesplet. Franklin had befriended Mesplet after meeting him in London during one of his many sorties abroad. There are different versions of how Mesplet arrived in Philadelphia, but he was both a revolutionary and a printer, and his friendship with Franklin deepened during his time in Philadelphia. He then moved to Montréal with the American Army in 1775 as a printer for the colonial Confederation. But when he failed to convince Quebec to engage in the American Revolution, he was imprisoned

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011

as the British Crown retaliated, charging him with sedition. Mesplet would become one of the most historically significant printers in Canada. In 1785, he founded the Montréal Gazette, now the oldest continuing newspaper in Canada. For LGBT historians, however, Mesplet is famous for printing the first book in Montréal, which was also the first homoerotic publication in North America. In 1776, Mesplet, whose friendship with Franklin bolstered his revolutionary fervor as a printer, bookseller and writer, published the play “Jonathas et David,” or “Le Triomphe de l’Amitie.” The play details the homoerotic relationship between Jonathan and David in the Old Testament — a depiction still considered controversial today, 235 years after Mesplet’s publication. Franklin was known as a sexual profligate — he spent little time with his common-law wife, Deborah Read, once he began to travel abroad, and was known for his many dalliances with women and writings on the topic of womanizing. He had


one illegitimate son whom he recognized and may have had others. One presumes Franklin’s own expansive sexual appetite allowed him not just tolerance but empathy with regard to von Steuben — and also kept him from suggesting to Mesplet that homoerotic plays might not be the very first thing to publish in his new Canadian home, when he was already under suspicion for his political views. Franklin’s life was mesmerizingly rich and the breadth of his contributions to America incalculable. Added to that, now, can be his own significant contributions to LGBT history in North America. ■ Victoria A. Brownworth is an award-winning journalist and syndicated columnist. She is the author and editor of nearly 30 books, including the award-winning “Too Queer: Essays from a Radical Life” and “Coming Out of Cancer: Writings from the Lesbian Cancer Epidemic.” In 2010, she founded Tiny Satchel Press, an independent publisher of books for LGBT youth and youth of color.

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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011


Col. George Middleton: Black Revolutionary War hero By Kevin Trimell Jones Exclusively for PGN National Gay History Project During the time of the American Revolution, George Middleton (1735-1815) was recognized as a great fighter for liberty and independence, and a respected leader among the community of blacks living in Boston, Mass. Local politicians, neighbors and other contemporaries viewed him as a central figure in promoting and garnering freedoms while advancing America’s cause. Throughout his life, Middleton possessed an unconventional style of leadership, a commanding voice and an encompassing presence that motivated the allegiance of those connected to him. Middleton stands out in Boston and queer histories because of his relationship and the home he built and shared with Caribbean friend Louis Glapion. According to the History Project’s “Improper Bostonians: Lesbian and Gay History from the Puritans

to Playland,” Middleton and Glapion maintained a peculiar relationship. As bachelors, they “built the oldest standing house on Beacon Hill,” and “lived together until 1792, when Glapion married and the house they shared was divided in two.” In 1781, Middleton married Elsey Marsh. According to the 1790 census record, Middleton was the head of household for a family of three. While there exists no concrete proof that Middleton and Glapion had a romantic relationship, it was common at the time for gays and lesbians to marry individuals of the opposite sex and have children while maintaining separate samesex relationships. At his time of death, Middleton left his possessions to his “true friend Trimstom Babcock.” Life was probably nothing short of interesting on Beacon Hill. Glapion, who was from the French West Indies, ran a hair salon out of the house he shared with Middleton, and maintained the business throughout his years. (His wife later ran the business

from 1813-32 at the Middleton House.) The home probably served as a central place for community organizing and other social gatherings for the early abolitionist movement. Lydia Maria Child, one of their white neighbors, recalls the house being “thronged with company.” Middleton’s home is a featured stop on the Boston African-American National Historic Site tour. For the most part, Middleton was wellliked and received by most of his neighbors. Child’s father, who had a “natural compassion for the ignorant and the oppressed,” always greeted Middleton. He enjoyed listening to Middleton play the violin each summer evening, and would often visit the Middleton home to see Middleton’s “power in subduing mettlesome colts.” Despite this recognition and respect from her father, Child stated that Middleton was “not a very good specimen of the colored man,” and had questionable morals for being “passionate, intemperate and profane” — perhaps attributes that would later advance Middleton’s


causes for independence. During the American Revolution, Middleton used his leadership abilities to command The Bucks of the Revolution, an all-black regiment of volunteers assigned to protect Boston from sabotage and guard the property of local merchants. While the unit and Middleton’s rank are left unrecorded in official military records, these men and



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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011


their contributions stand out. In fact, Gov. John Hancock and his son presented the unit and it’s colonel with a flag of distinction to acknowledge their efforts. The ensign was a painted silk, and included the initials J.H. and G.W. (likely for John Hancock and George Washington), a pine tree, a deer and a scroll. Despite not being citizens or equals to white Bostonians, their commitment to the principle of liberty helped pave the way for a new nation. Middleton’s commitment to America’s liberty also shaped his life of service to other blacks in Boston. He was instrumental in establishing the Boston African Benevolent Society in 1796, which provided important social services, including grants and job placement, for its members. As a noted leader among Boston’s blacks, he delivered a petition signed by black Bostonians to create a school, and served as one of the school’s early instructors. He was also a leading member of Prince Hall’s African Lodge of Freemasons and worked closely with Hall to establish the organization. In 1808, Middleton worked with Hall to publish an anti-slavery statement that read, in part: “Freedom is desirable, if not, would men sacrifice their time, their property and finally their lives in the pursuit of this?” Middleton would serve as the third Grand Master of the Prince Hall’s African Lodge of Freemasons after the death of Hall and a successor in 1809. Today, the Prince Hall masons maintain an enduring legacy in many African-American communities across the United States. While Middleton was a respected organizer, he was not afraid to promote radical means to advance the call for freedom. As a black man living in Boston, he was all too familiar with the oppressive system and the ways that blacks were mistreated and systematically disadvantaged. His revolutionary spirit was aroused during a local celebration of the abolition of the slave trade. Child, Middleton’s neighbor, describes an explosive episode between black and white Bostonians, and Middleton’s actions:

to deride them on this day, and finally ... to drive them ... from the Common. The colored people became greatly incensed by this mockery of their festival, and rumor reached us ... that they were determined to resist the whites, and were going armed with this intention ... Soon, terrified children and women ran down Belknap Street, pursued by white boys, who enjoyed their fright. The sounds of battle approached; clubs and brickbats were flying in [all] directions. At this crisis, Col. Middleton opened his door, armed with a loaded musket and, in a loud voice, shrieked death to the first white who should approach. Hundreds of human being[s], white and black, were pouring down the street. Col. Middleton’s voice could be heard above every other, urging his party to turn and resist to the last. His appearance was terrific, his musket was leveled, ready to sacrifice the first white man that came within its range. The colored party, shamed by his reproaches, and fired by his example, rallied and made a short show of resistance.” Middleton lived a life that was dedicated to service of others and the fight for civil rights. Though questions still surround his sexual orientation, it is clear Middleton maintained close relationships and associations with men and helped establish a standard for service, manhood, community building and action. Given his stature as a leader and his selfless contributions to the entire Boston community during the American Revolution, he stands out as a heroic figure for racial and queer communities. ■ Kevin Trimell Jones is founder and lead curator for the Black LGBT Archivists Society of Philadelphia. He is a behavior researcher at University of Pennsylvania, has served as a trainer for the Gay Men’s Health Leadership Academy and is a founder of the Black Gay Men’s Leadership Council. He holds a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Michigan and graduate degrees from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst and the University of Pennsylvania.

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“It became a frolic with the white boys

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Media Trail Canadian teen commits suicide after bullying The Advocate reports a gay 10th-grader killed himself after complaining about bullying at his school on the Internet, where he made a last blog post tagged as “suicide note.” Jamie Hubley, 15, was out to friends and family in Ottawa, Canada. He had been taking antidepressants and was trying to get professional help. But on Oct. 14, he updated his Tumblr blog for the last time and said his goodbyes. He was found dead on Oct. 15. Hubley’s death follows closely behind that of Jamey Rodemeyer, the 14-year-old student who had also written about life at school on the Internet. Hubley described having a problem with cutting that left his arms scarred, and he praised his parents in his final note but said he couldn’t wait the three years before he’d graduate from high school. “People said ‘it gets better,’” Hubley wrote, likely having seen the video cam-

paign meant to encourage kids to outlast bullying. “It’s fucking bullshit.” Hubley said he was seeing a psychologist and was on medication, but that his problems didn’t disappear.

Lesbian activist to receive Citizens Medal The Dallas Voice reports officials with the Obama administration announced that Janice Langbehn, the Lacey, Wash., lesbian who was denied access to her dying wife by hospital officials in Miami, is one of 13 people who will receive the 2011 Presidential Citizens Medal during a ceremony Oct. 20 at the White House. The Citizens Medal is the nation’s second-highest civilian honor, established in 1969 “to recognize American citizens who have performed exemplary deeds of service for their country or their fellow citizens,” according to a White House press release. Langbehn, her partner Lisa Pond and three of their four adopted children were on vacation in February 2007 in Miami when Pond suddenly became ill and had to be rushed to Jackson Memorial Hospital’s Ryder Trauma Center. Hospital staff refused to allow Langbehn and the children in to see Pond, even after Langbehn had a copy of the legal documents giving her power of attorney faxed to the hospital. Pond died 18 hours later without her wife and children having a chance to be by her side.

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011

The story made headlines around the country and, in June 2008, after the hospital refused to apologize to Langbehn and her children, Langbehn, with the assistance of Lambda Legal, filed a lawsuit against the hospital and continued her crusade to bring attention to the injustices, highlighted by her story, that many same-sex couples face and continued to advocate for LGBT marriage and civil rights. In April 2010, Obama issued a memorandum directing the Department of Health and Human Services to create a rule allowing hospital visitations for same-sex couples comparable to those of married and opposite-sex couples.

Couple arrested protesting NC gay-marriage ban The Gaston Gazette reports a two-weeklong campaign to protest North Carolina’s laws prohibiting gay marriage ended with two demonstrators being arrested Oct. 14 in Asheville, N.C., after they refused to leave a county office building where marriage licenses are granted. Elizabeth Eve and the Rev. Kathryn Cartledge sat on the floor of the Buncombe County Register of Deeds and refused to move until they were arrested. Authorities said the two were charged with seconddegree trespassing and released that day. The arrests followed a downtown rally that drew about 300 people. The rally cul-


minated the two-week “We Do” effort organized by the Campaign for Southern Equality, which opposes laws that prohibit same-sex marriage. The group says Asheville is a testing ground for tactics it plans to deploy across North Carolina and other southern states next year.

Effort to repeal California gay history law fails ABC News reports opponents of a California law requiring that the contributions of gays and lesbians be taught in public schools failed Oct. 12 to qualify a ballot referendum to repeal the law. The groups wanted to force a vote on the nation’s first law requiring public schools to include gay-rights milestones and gay and lesbian contributions in social-studies lessons. It takes effect in January. Brad Dacus, a spokesperson for the Pacific Justice Institute, said his organization and other opponents collected about two-thirds of the 505,000 petition signatures they needed. Equality California spokesperson Rebekah Orr, who represents California’s largest gay-rights group, said supporters are relieved but expect a continued fight in the courts, legislature, at the ballot box and in local school districts that must implement the law. ■ — compiled by Larry Nichols

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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011

PGN from page 1

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The ordinance adds “sexual orientation” and “gender identity or gender expression” to the categories of race, color, religious creed, ancestry, age, sex, national origin, handicap or disability, and use of guide or support animal. Teal contends the township needed specific authorization from the state legislature before adding the LGBT categories. “Haverford doesn’t have permission from the legislature to create the [LGBT] categories,” he told PGN. “They can create the Human Relations Board, but not the [LGBT] categories.” Teal also alleges the township didn’t provide adequate opportunity for public comment when enacting the ordinance. Additionally, the complaint contends that two township commissioners should have refrained from voting on the ordinance because they have an LGBT relative and/or colleague — thus posing an alleged conflict-of-interest. Teal’s complaint is pending before Delaware County Common Pleas Judge George A. Pagano. Last month, Pagano refused a request from township attorneys to toss out Teal’s complaint. Township attorneys argued that Teal lacked standing to challenge the ordinance, that his complaint contained “impertinent allegations” about relatives of township officials and that Commonwealth Court upheld a similar antibias ordinance in Allentown. Teal said he intends to pursue his case to

the state Supreme Court if necessary. “I’m a junkyard dog,” he said. “When you get me mad, look out. I’m not a violent person, but once I get ticked off, I don’t back down.” Teal is representing himself in the matter, but hopes to secure the services of an attorney, he added. Township manager Larry Gentile referred all questions to township attorneys, who didn’t respond to requests for comment by press time. In Conshohocken, the borough council enacted a similar LGBT ordinance in April. But four months later, Schneller, founder of the anti-LGBT Philadelphia Metro Task Force, filed a complaint challenging its validity. The Conshohocken ordinance authorizes criminal penalties for discriminators, including a $300 fine and 90 days in jail for each discriminatory act. According to Schneller’s complaint, the Conshohocken ordinance is harmful to children, fosters the spread of diseases (physical and mental), and infringes on protected religious freedoms. The complaint also alleges the ordinance is “unconstitutional in its promotion and encouragement of immoral acts and lifestyles,” and is preempted by the Pennsylvania Constitution, the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act and the Pennsylvania Religious Freedom Protection Act. Additionally, his complaint states that borough officials didn’t provide ample opportunity for public comment prior to enacting the ordinance. Schneller’s complaint is pending before Montgomery County Common Pleas Judge Bernard A. Moore. Schneller, who couldn’t be reached for comment, is representing himself in the litigation. Michael J. Savona, a borough attorney, said Schneller’s complaint has no merit. “The state has given local municipalities general police powers, which enable Conshohocken to extend antibias protections to the LGBT community,” Savona said. Savona also expressed optimism that Schneller’s complaint will be dismissed by the court in due time. “Conshohocken has recognized that its population is diverse and is entitled to equal protection under the law,” Savona said. “That’s the best public policy to have.” He also said the borough followed procedural requirements when enacting the ordinance. David M. Rosenblum, staff attorney for Equality Advocates PA, has reviewed both complaints. “There is strong settled case law in Pennsylvania that local municipalities have the right to enact protections that are broader than the present state law,” Rosenblum said. “Indeed, this is precisely what has already happened in 23 different jurisdictions within Pennsylvania, since the state hasn’t yet added protections for sexual orientation and gender identity to existing discrimination laws.” ■

PGN from page 1

including toward LGBT customers. “Regardless of that treatment, while it may be unfair, everyone agrees that when you turn the corner and encounter another citizen, bias and harassing language cannot be used,” Hall said. “There’s no place for it in a professional setting or in a civilized, caring society.” Hall said his trainings are designed to educate staffers on the wide-ranging impact of homophobic language on the individual to whom it is directed, as well as on the general public, and also to raise their awareness about their agency’s harassment and nondiscrimination policies and procedures. The training will cost PPA $24,000, and Hall will be brought back to retrain new groups of employees as they’re brought on. Fenerty said PPA has not decided if it will institute re-training. In addition to the new LGBT training, PPA also announced the results of a study of officers’ onthe-street attitudes and behaviors. Over the summer, the agency brought in an external firm to conduct an employee audit, with 123 parking enforcement officers being met by undercover operatives. The individuals posed as hostile PPA customers, using disparaging and abusive language toward the parking enforcement officers on the street. Of the 155 contacts that were made, the firm categorized seven of them as negative and six as cautionary, while the remaining 142 were considered positive. “Our board members and staff kept getting complaints that our parking enforcement officers weren’t trained well enough or were ignorant,” Fenerty said. “I believe we have very good, very well-trained employees for the most part, but we wanted to do this to see if any of our employees did need some improvement. There were many, many extraordinary interactions which, when I read them, I was very proud. But I was disappointed in some with their interactions.” None of the interactions involved any LGBT issues. PPA staff will be briefed on the study this week, and the officers whose behavior was deemed negative or cautionary will receive additional training on how to handle on-the-street hostile situations. Fenerty said many officers did not fully understand the procedure for contesting a ticket, and in the coming weeks all parking enforcement officers will be retrained on that process. ■

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011

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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011




Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011




Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011

Gayborhood Crime Watch The following incidents in the Midtown Village and Washington Square West areas were reported to the Sixth Police District between Oct. 3-9. Information is courtesy of 6th District Capt. Brian Korn; Stacy Irving, senior director, Crime Prevention Service; Center City District; the Police Liaison Committee and Midtown Village Merchants Association. To report crime tips, visit www.phillypolice. com or call 215-686-TIPS (8477).

INCIDENTS At 9:05 p.m. Oct. 4, two males approached complainant at 13th and Walnut streets armed with a knife. They took complainant’s money and fled east on Locust Street. The suspects were described as black males: one was 6foot-4 and 240 pounds, wearing a Red Phillies cap and jeans; the other was 5-foot-10 with a stocky build and wearing a black jacket and jeans. At 10:45 p.m. Oct. 4, complainant was in an argument with a male outside 201 S. Broad St. when he was stabbed in the arm. The complainant walked to Hahnemann Hospital two hours later and reported the incident. The suspect was described as a black male, 30-40 years, 5-foot-10, stocky and wearing a white T-shirt. Between 6 p.m. Oct. 4 and 2 a.m. Oct. 5, someone stole a laptop from an unlocked 2011 Ford parked in the 200 block of South 12th Street. The incident was reported on Oct. 7, therefore no fingerprints were lifted. Between 8 p.m. Oct. 4 and 9 a.m. Oct. 5, someone smashed the window of a 1998 Nissan, parked in the 900 block of Pine Street, and stole CDs and $2. This report was received by the DPR Unit via phone, thus police were not dispatched. At 11:05 a.m. Oct. 5, a security officer inside the paid parking garage at 215 S. Broad St. discovered a 2002 Ford and a 2010 Toyota with smashed windows. It was unknown if anything was taken. At 12:45 p.m. Oct. 7, a male took a phone

from a desk inside Blick Art Store, 1330 Chestnut St. Video showed the suspect to be a black male in his 40s, 5-foot-11 and 200 pounds with a dark complexion and wearing a black jacket, jeans and white shirt with a black collar. At 4:30 p.m. Oct. 7, someone stole a handbag from behind a counter inside Macy’s, 1300 Market St. Video showed the suspect to be a black or Hispanic male, wearing a black hat, black shirt and jeans. At 5 p.m. Oct. 7, complainant returned to his room at the Parker/Spruce Hotel, 261 S. 13th St., and found a male sitting on his bed, with the door from the shared bathroom kicked in and the dresser ransacked. The male fled but was identified as the occupant of the adjoining room. At 10:45 p.m. Oct. 8, complainant was at 1300 Locust St. when asked for money by two males described as hustlers. After he declined, they pushed him to the ground and took $20. One male was identified by name to police and an arrest warrant will be obtained. The second suspect has not been identified and was described as a black male, 25-30 years old with a shaved head and facial hair and wearing a white T-shirt and khakis. At 1 a.m. Oct. 9, (reported 8:30 a.m. to the 17th District), complainant withdrew money at an ATM at 1300 Walnut St. when a male came up from behind, placed an unknown object in complainant’s back and took the $400 that was just withdrawn. The suspect was described as a black male, late 30s, wearing a white T-shirt.

NON-SUMMARY OFFENSE ARRESTS At 7:50 p.m. Oct. 4, 6th District plainclothes officers observed a male outside 1233 Locust St. smoking a marijuana blunt. The male attempted to flee when approached by the officers but was apprehended and the blunt recovered. During a search, police found 40 bags of marijuana in the male’s possession along with three bags of cocaine and cash. The 48-year-old suspect with a South Philadelphia address was charged with possession with intent to deliver controlled substance. At 1:55 a.m. Oct. 6, a disturbance inside the Gold Club, 1400 Chancellor St. (9th District), spilled onto 200 S. Broad St. and a male with a handgun threatened a complainant, then fled in a white Hyundai. Sixth District Officers Williams and Ditizio stopped a Hyundai in the 100 block of South Fourth Street, apprehended the operator and recovered a loaded handgun. The 32-year-old suspect with a Bethlehem address was charged with aggravated assault and related offenses. At 5:30 p.m. Oct. 9, officers assigned to the OutFest Block Party were alerted by a complainant that while walking in the 1200 block of Walnut Street, a male walked up behind him and demanded his money. The complainant, who has a permit to carry a firearm, pulled his weapon and the male fled south on 12th Street. The officers apprehended a 29year-old suspect with an Olney address and he was charged with attempted robbery and related offenses. ■

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an inheritance tax on property bequeathed to them by a deceased loved one; adult children or grandchildren must pay a 4.5-percent tax and siblings a 12-percent tax, while “collateral heirs,” which same-sex partners are counted as, are subject to a 15-percent tax. HB 1828 would extend the full exemption to both same- and opposite-sex partners who would be classified as domestic partners — a relationship of mutual interdependence that would need to be proven through a signed affidavit and two supporting documents, such as a joint mortgage or lease, joint bank accounts or a joint health-insurance policy. In her testimony this week, Josephs noted current law penalizes opposite-sex couples who chose not to enter into the institution of marriage, as well as same-sex couples, who are legally prevented from marrying in the commonwealth. “These ‘non-traditional’ arrangements do not preclude one from loving another individual wholeheartedly and accepting the responsibilities that come along with a monogamous relationship of mutual interdependence,” Josephs said. Following her statement, Josephs welcomed questions and feedback from the panel but received none. “I waited for maybe 15 or 30 seconds and nobody asked anything,” Josephs said. “I didn’t hear any questions at all from the Republican members and, based on their records and personalities, I know I had a lot of sympathy from the Democratic members.”

The bill, introduced Sept. 13, currently has 11 Democratic cosponsors: Michelle Brownlee (195th Dist.), Mark Cohen (202nd Dist.), Dom Costa (21st Dist.), Maria Donatucci (185th Dist.), Dan Frankel (23rd Dist.), Robert Freeman (136th Dist.), Patrick Harkins (1st Dist.), Michael McGeehan (173rd Dist.), Michael O’Brien (175th Dist.), Chelsa Wagner (22nd Dist.) and Rosita Youngblood (198th Dist.). Massing noted that, following all of the testimony, a representative from the Department of Revenue testified about a number of the measures and asserted that HB 1828 may violate the constitutional uniformity clause — which regulates unjust taxation — and Benninghoff’s office is looking into before any action would be considered. Josephs said she will wait a “reasonable time” before writing to Benninghoff to request he bring the measure up for a committee vote, and that she plans to work with LGBT leaders to mobilize constituents across Pennsylvania to press for the bill. “This is something that people all over the state should be interested in moving forward so we will need to be identifying and activating people behind this, which is a huge task but something that needs to be done if we’re going to drag this state into this century, or even last century,” Josephs said. “Pennsylvania is woefully behind the states around us in terms of protecting LGBT people.” ■

Benninghoff (171st Dist.), who chairs the committee, said that there are “no plans to bring it up [for a vote] at this time.” Josephs was one of a number of legislators who came before the committee to provide an overview of their proposals at the hearing, all of which dealt with inheritance-tax issues. Currently, only heterosexual spouses and children under 21 are exempt from paying

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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011



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Businesses step up Make it legal to woo gay weddings Here’s what it takes to get hitched, from New England to the mid-Atlantic By Larry Nichols

hotels-in-new-york-city-17391/), all of them luxurious and opulent, with icons like The Plaza ($1,300 a Gay marriage may not be legal night? I said goddamn!) and The St. in Pennsylvania, but the common- Regis topping the list. Face to Face NYC (www.facetowealth is a mere bridge or couple of tolls away from civil unions, one of New York’s (New Jersey, Delaware starting in most popular gay spas, has hosted January) and less than a day’s drive a number of “groomzillas” seeking to legal marriage, depending on out services to look perfect for their impending which state nuptials. you’d preEnrique fer to have Ramirez, rice thrown t h e s p a ’s on you. founder, With gay said he had marriages a steady legal in flow of New York, groomzillas the Empire coming to State has a the spa even lot of busibefore gay nesses rismarriage ing to the PETER WILES (LEFT) AND JIM WILLIAMS occasion OF MID-LAKES NAVIGATION b e c a m e legal in and catering to same-sex couples every step New York. “Usually they come in right before of the way to the big day. Hotel-review website the wedding for a facial or to get recently put together a list of the waxed or clipped,” he said. “So it’s top eight wedding hotels in the Big fun. So now I have to create some Apple ( specific groomzilla treatments. ebrate-equality-the-top-8-wedding- There’s a lot PAGE 26

Should you say ‘I do’? By Sarah Blazucki Prior to 2004, when Massachusetts became the first state in the county to allow sames ex m a r r i a g e , gays and lesbians didn’t have the luxury of considering traditional marriage for themselves. With states increasingly passing marriage equality, couples can now consider if it makes sense for them.

The concept of marriage or matrimony predates recorded history: Long before the state and religion co-opted it, it was a verbal agreement between two people. It could be entered into with a simple “I marry you.” Today, marriage is both an intensely personal and a societal construct. When two people marry, it publicly states — for family, friends, society and g ove r nm e nt


NEW YORK Marriage Residency requirement: No Process: Begin marriage-license application online via the city clerk’s office of your choice; if you don’t have Internet access, you can complete the entire application in person at the office. Both you and your intended spouse must visit the office together, no appointment necessary, with government-issued identification; outside of New York City, you will also need proof of age, such as a birth certificate. License cost: $35 in New York City, $40 elsewhere in the state (money order or credit card only) Ceremony: 24-hour waiting period after license is issued; a judicial waiver from the county court in which you live can remove the waiting period. License expires in 60 days. Witness over age 18 must be present. Clerk’s office ceremonies performed on a first-come, first-served basis for $25 (money order or credit card only).

Process: You and your partner can apply for a civil-union license in person during business hours at a local clerk’s office. Bring government-issued identification. License cost: $50 for Delaware residents, $75 for non-residents Ceremony: 24-hour waiting period after license is issued, and license expires in 30 days. Civil ceremonies at a clerk’s office are by appointment only, $50 for residents and $75 for non-residents.

NEW JERSEY Civil union Residency requirement: No Process: Complete the civil-union license application form available online via the New Jersey Department of Health or obtain a form at a local registrar’s office. You and your partner must sign it under oath before the local registrar (some municipalities require appointments). Bring government-issued identification and residency proof, along with a witness for application. License cost: $28 Ceremony: License issued 72 hours after application; waiting period can be waived by a Superior Court judge. Ceremony, with two witnesses present, must be held within 30 days.

D.C. Marriage Residency requirement: No Process: Application can be accessed online from the D.C. Superior Court but must be signed by both in person at the D.C. Marriage Bureau. You must present government-issued identification and have a witness present. License cost: $35 (only cash or money order) Ceremony: License will be issued three business days later and has no expiration date. You should schedule a civil wedding ceremony two- to-three weeks in advance. There is no cost.

DELAWARE Civil union (effective Jan. 1, 2012) Residency requirement: No

NEW HAMPSHIRE Marriage Residency requirement: No Process: Both you and your part-

ner must fill out a license application in person at any municipal clerk’s office. Bring governmentissued identification. License cost: $45 (cash only) Ceremony: No waiting period exists. License expires after 90 days. MASSACHUSETTS Marriage Residency requirement: No Process: Both you and your partner must fill out an application in a municipal clerk’s office and bring government-issued identification. License cost: Varies Ceremony: License will be issued after three business days and expires after 60 days. Witnesses are not required for a civil ceremony. VERMONT Marriage Residency requirement: No Process: License applications must be filled out in person at a city or town clerk’s office, and you and your partner must present government-issued identification. License cost: $45 Ceremony: No waiting period. License expires after 60 days. Witnesses are not required for a civil ceremony. CONNECTICUT Marriage Residency requirement: No Process: Both of you must appear at a town or city clerk’s office, although it does not need to be simultaneously, to apply for a license; bring governmentissued photo identification and proof of age, such as a birth certificate. License cost: $30 Ceremony: No waiting period. License expires after 65 days. Witnesses are not required for a civil ceremony. ■ — Jen Colletta


Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011


Couples in the Finger Lakes region can of guys that normally would not do this but also opt to get married on the water via because they’re getting married and going cruises offered by Mid-Lakes Navigation. on their honeymoon, they do things they Co-owned by Peter Wiles and his partner, normally would not do the rest of the year.” Jim Williams, the cruise company started up Ramirez also warned to plan ahead if in 2008 in Massachusetts, before New York you intend to get a spa treatment for your state weddings were an option. Cruises run wedding, and not just to ensure you get an May 13 through Oct. 1 and are available for weddings, rehearsal dinappointment. ners, lunches and other “We have a high voloutings. (Start planning ume of clients and we now for next year.) For do get busy,” he said. “If more information, visit you’re going to get ried, you cannot get a If Massachusetts is a facial the day of or the contender for your wedday before. You at least ding destination, the need a week. Also, peoMassachusetts Office ple love doing the sunless tanning. If that goes FACE TO FACE NYC SPA of Travel and Tourism wa n t s t o s h ow y o u wrong the day of or the day before your wedding, it can ruin your all that the state has to offer. The agency day. I also see some guys who want to get recently launched a new site, www.masswaxed for their fun honeymoon. They say,, as a resource ‘Oh, I want to get my balls waxed.’ I always directory for same-sex couples. The site tell them to try it ahead of time because I provides a step-by-step guide to everything don’t want to do it right before you leave you need to plan a wedding in the state. If you need some appropriate shiny, and then something goes wrong and your whole vacation honeymoon is just going to sparkly bling for your wedding, jeweler A. Jaffe has a new style of rings called be ruined.” With the influx of people attending gay “The Wonder of You” collection, perfectly suited for same-sex couples. weddings in New York, Gray The collection offers a wide Line New York, the doublevariety, from diamond eternity decker bus-tour company, is styles to high-end men’s bands offering its services to couples (ranging in price from $1,400and their guests, including air$6,800), featuring everything port transfer, private sightseefrom classic 18-karat rings ing tours for out-of-town guests to extravagant platinum rings and group ticket rates for area with baguette and round diatheaters and attractions. For RINGS BY A. JAFFE monds arranged to say “I Love more information, visit www. You” in Morse code. For more Finger Lakes Wine Country, a popular information, visit Love and Pride Jewelers (loveandpride. LGBT vacation spot, is quickly becoming a gay wedding location, offering lake-view com) specializes in LGBT jewelry, feaweddings set at one of the eight winery ven- turing collections of rings and bands for ues in the region. Afterward, honeymooners same-sex engagements, weddings and can celebrate their nuptials with a weekend anniversaries. Options range from tradiat one of the region’s many bed-and-break- tional to innovative, and prices range from fasts. For more information, visit www.fin- $95-$4,495; the website lists resources for same-sex marriage. ■ from page 25

FEATURE PGN from page 25

— that they are now family. And while a couple can define what marriage may mean for them personally, the state (and, for some, the church) still outlines rights and responsibilities. For example, once you marry, you can make medical decisions, transfer property tax-free and have legal status with children — no separate paperwork required. Although the Defense of Marriage Act prevents the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages — and the numerous associated federal benefits — states are free to make their own laws governing marriage. At its foundation, marriage is about a relationship between two people. Every couple who enters it does so with their own preconceived notions of marriage, based on their parents’ marriages, how they see marriage in society and how they interpret the institution itself. For some, marriage is a romantic concept — that they found someone to love and who loves them. For others, marriage is a partnership or contract — someone with whom to build a life. For yet others, it’s all of that. Marriage can be a lifelong commitment or a temporary arrangement. As such, marriage vows tend to be highly personal, ranging from “in sickness and in health, ’til death do us part” to “May this ring be a symbol of my growing love.” Vows set the tone of a marriage and can be romantic, practical or both. Many couples choose to write their own vows, carefully selecting language that represents what the relationship means to them and what they expect in the future. With marriage having

different meanings to different people, it’s important to talk to your partner about expectations if/when you are considering getting married. Beyond the wedding, be it lavish or simple, traditional or creative, there are the more mundane aspects of maintaining a relationship to consider. Here, communication is key. You’ll need to discuss chores, finances, goals, wants and needs — and negotiate disagreements. Beyond your partnership, marriage holds greater significance in society, whether or not one agrees with the institution itself. Unlike civil unions or domestic partnerships, “marriage” is a universally respected and accepted concept. Everyone knows what marriage is: It doesn’t need a definition or an explanation. If you say, “This is my spouse,” you generally don’t need to produce paperwork to justify or clarify what that means. Also, marriage conveys the same rights and responsibilities to a couple, whereas a civil union or domestic partnership may not. For gays and lesbians, this means that you can establish legal protections in one step (marriage) as opposed to many (insert list of power of attorney, will, etc., here). A final word of caution: When considering tying the knot, remember that it’s cheaper and easier to get married than it is to get a divorce. And states that don’t recognize same-sex marriage aren’t likely to grant a divorce. Society, at least in the United States, strongly favors marriage. It might be slow in coming for same-sex couples, but it is coming. ■ Sarah Blazucki is divorced. Go figure.

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011



Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011



Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011


Philadelphia sees ‘Red” in new production By Larry Nichols Philadelphia Theatre Company opened its 2011-12 season with the local premiere of John Logan’s Tony Award-winning drama “Red,” which runs through Nov. 13 at the Suzanne Roberts Theatre, 480 S. Broad St. Set in the late 1950s, “Red” follows master abstract expressionist Mark Rothko (played by Broadway veteran Stephen Rowe) just after he lands the biggest commission in the history of modern art — a series of murals for New York City’s famed Four Seasons restaurant. Over the course of two years, Rothko works with his young assistant, Ken (played by Haley Joel Osment), as he tries to create a definitive work of art. Out Swedish-born director, Anders Cato, described Rothko as “an iconic conflicted American giant” of his time. “I think that his life makes interesting theater,” Cato said. “It’s a time period and a painter that we want to take a look at. [Openly gay playwright] John Logan has made this intense little play, an hour and a half for only two characters, but it’s a play that moves very far into the worlds of these people. It doesn’t just center around the painter but around this assistant, who is an invented character. It about his coming of age and moving from being a young man to adulthood.”

“Red” debuted in London before moving on to Broadway, where it won a number of accolades, which is why Cato believed it had British origins when he first saw it. “It seemed in some ways to be a British play,” he said. “But when you look closer at it, it isn’t at all. It’s about an American painter and it’s about an important time STEPHEN ROWE (LEFT) AS MARK ROTHKO AND HALEY period in American JOEL OSMENT AS KEN Photo: Mark Garvin art history, when New York suddenly of being a painter.” becomes the center for the art world with The casting of Osment, famous for his abstract expressionism becoming the acting in movies “The Sixth Sense” and focus of the art world. It’s a very exciting “Pay It Forward,” brings another level of time in American art. anticipation to the Philadelphia perfor“In the beginning of the play we experi- mances of “Red.” Cato said there is a parence Rothko through Ken, but then there allel between the journey of Ken and the are times where we move over and relate professional journey of Osment. to the issues of the play through Rothko. “People sort of know so well who he is [But] the play isn’t just about the relation- from the movies. But why this becomes ship. It’s also about painting and under- so interesting is here he gets to take that standing Rothko’s world and the concrete step. Now he’s a 23-year-old young man act of what it’s like to pass on this heritage and, in the play, he gets to take that step

from youth to adulthood. That public knowledge puts a focus, in an interesting way, on the action of the play.” Add that to the fact that only two characters drive the story and you have an intense production, Cato noted. “There’s a closeness and intimacy when you work with two people,” he said. “It becomes a lot about not just understanding the material but going to places that are personal and deep inside of the actors. You cannot do this kind of material without really finding out something and taking some personal risks with it.” Philadelphia Theatre Company presents “Red” through Nov. 6 at Suzanne Roberts Theatre, 480 S. Broad St. For more information or tickets, call 215-985-0420. ■


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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011


Outward Bound

Jeff Guaracino

Tips for visiting Brazil and traveling internationally Brazil will host the Olympics (2016), the World Cup (2014) and the International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association convention in 2012. Tour operators such as Zoom Vacations organize trips to Rio for New Year’s Eve and inbound tour operators like Marta are ready to welcome American LGBT visitors. Brazilians speak Portuguese, not Spanish. It is smart to learn a few words to get by, especially when traveling outside of urban centers such as Rio de Janeiro to ocean resort destinations such as the picturesque island of gay-friendly Florianopolis. Rosetta Stone is one good option. There are also many other options online. Visas and exit cards Traveling to Brazil requires obtaining a tourist visa in advance. Some South American countries, such as Argentina, provide an instant visa upon arrival for a fee, but this is not the case with Brazil. Allow at least three weeks to obtain your visa to Brazil. To simplify your trip, consider IGLTA member Visas & Passports 2 Go (, based in Washington, D.C. You will need to fill out an application and send your U.S. passport to the company, which then takes care of the process for you and returns your passport via FedEx. A 10-year Brazilian visa costs $160. Additional fees may apply. When traveling in Mexico and South America, be sure to keep your exit card. When you arrive in some countries, you will be given an exit card upon entry — usually on the plane. Local immigration officials will stamp it with the date that you arrived in their country. Do not lose this card. You must present it to immigration officials at the airport when you depart. This is part of their antiquated system to make sure you are leaving the country and did not stay longer than allowed. If you do lose your exit card, you may have to pay a fine and could be delayed at the airport. Travel insurance When traveling internationally, it is important to first check your insurance coverage —especially your medical insurance — because the unexpected can happen. While many airlines and credit cards offer a range of insurance products for parts of your trip, I always travel with Travel Guard, a one-stop shop that comes with a wide range of coverage including lost luggage, emergency medical and even lost prescriptions. Visit www. for more information. Getting there and getting around Most major international carriers serve South America, including American Airlines. For an authentic Brazilian experience, try TAM Airlines, a Star Alliance South American airline that will soon merge with LAN Airlines. It pays to be loyal and to upgrade: TAM offers an exceptionally com-

THE SIGHTS OF BRAZIL: The cable cars of the Sugar Loaf complex connect travelers to Vermelha Beach and Urca Hill in Rio de Janeiro (from top), a panoramic view from Morro da Cruz (Hill of the Cross) of the city of Florianópolis, which hosts the Floripa Gay Carnival, and the Praia Brava beach in Florianópolis. Photos: Brazil Network/David Rego Jr., LUME/Werner Zotz and Embratur/Carlito Ferreira

fortable business-class service to Brazil. Most flights out of New York and Miami are overnight flights, so having a near-flat bed is key to arriving in good shape the next day. ATMs are not as easy to find in Brazil as they are in the United States and it’s easier to use your Visa or MasterCard vs. an American Express. Check with your local bank about getting Brazilian currency, the real, in advance of your trip. ■ Jeff Guaracino is a vice president for the Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Corporation, author of “Gay and Lesbian Tourism: The Essential Guide for Marketing” and vice chair of the International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association. He has learned how to find the best deals and travel resources for the LGBT community. If you’re traveling locally, check out and friend


Family Portrait

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011


Suzi Nash

Rob Paluso: Designer, costumer and traffic-stopper Ah, Halloween. The high holy of all gay holidays. Next weekend, there are a ghost host of places for you to try out your Michele Bachmann crazy-eyes costume or parade around attacking necks as one of the many vampire characters ruling the airwaves. This week, PGN spoke to someone who is involved in not one, but two of the events going on Halloween weekend. Rob Paluso, aka Anita Manhattan, is one of the BVDs — Bingo Verifying Divas — who will be checking out your cards at Monster Mash GayBINGO! on Oct. 29. Get your tickets now! PGN: So let’s get right into it: Are you from the big city? RP: No, I’m not. I’m from a small town called Washington, right outside of Pittsburgh. PGN: Tell me about growing up. RP: I’m one of five kids. I was the youngest by 10 years so I kind of grew up like an only child. Typical rural living, there were about five houses spaced out and then nothing but fields. My dad’s a doctor and my mother’s a nurse and they’re both pretty cool and very open. In the mid-’70s, they all thought it would be cool to get country houses so I grew up in a farmhouse, not a working one — though I did have a horse. I loved to be outside. I also did a lot of theater as a kid. I started doing shows in sixth grade. PGN: What’s your horse’s name? RP: Starfire. He’s an Appaloosa and he’s huge, I want to say 16-and-a-half hands, but he thinks he’s a big dog. He’s an awesome beast. I was originally going to compete in dressage and English but he ended up getting hurt at the farm where we boarded him. They had hay placed too far on the other side of a wire fence and he tried to paw through it and tore his Achilles. We were told that he should be put down, but we loved him too much. My sister’s a nurse and she nursed him after his surgery — changed the bandages, did his stitches — and now he’s a teaching horse. He can’t hold adult weight for long so he teaches little kids how to ride. PGN: That sounds like a Disney film! What was your best equestrian moment? RP: I used to go to a summer camp every year and we would ride into the middle of the woods and camp. That’s all we would do, ride and camp, and it was really fun. You would get assigned a horse by your level of experience, and since I’d done some riding I got the owner’s horse, a white Arabian jumper. It scared the shit out of me. We’d see a log on the trail and the other horses would walk over it but my horse would run and leap over it! A

scary moment was a time we climbed a hill that was at a 45-degree angle: It had been raining so it was muddy and slippery. You had to wrap your arms around the horse’s neck to keep from falling off. It was terrifying and amazing at the same time! PGN: What fun things did you do as a family? RP: We went to Maine every year. My parents had a house up there; I really love the beach. PGN: What was the coldest water you swam in up in Maine? RP: [Laughs.] Maine is cold, but the coldest water I swam in was jumping in the Pacific Ocean. I don’t remember anything that cold. It was ridiculous! PGN: Favorite teacher? RP: Ms. Sprowlf. She was my English teacher and yearbook advisor and did stuff with the drama club. I wasn’t out in high school but I still got bullied and she helped me through a lot of stuff. I had a few incredible teachers that I still keep in touch with. PGN: What was the worst bullying incident? RP: Oh, I went through a lot of shit. I was an arts kid who liked the theater and English and history. Being a small town, everything revolved around football and sports. I’m tall but didn’t play any sports until after college. The worst incident ended up being good and bad. We were doing a production of “Cheaper by the Dozen” and there were big glass doors facing the backstage area. I was in costume, which was god-awful and didn’t help my cause in the least, but I was going over lines and a bunch of guys opened the door and started yelling all sorts of things at me. I didn’t even know them. They were blatantly making fun of me and it was horrible. The good thing that came out of it was that one of the other teachers that I really loved and one of the kids in the show who I knew but wasn’t good friends with — he was straight and very popular, but really chill — both went out and railed into the guys. I was really surprised that they both took up for me and it felt good to know I had people in my corner. PGN: Where did you go to college? RP: I went to West Chester College to study theater. PGN: And what’s your day job now? RP: I work for the Ritz Theater in Oakland, N.J. I’m the resident designer and I do freelance work for other theaters and shows. I also do bridal wear.

PGN: Any bridezilla moments? RP: Knock wood, I really haven’t had any. The worst would probably be for one of my best friends. On the last fitting, days before she was getting married, we decided to change a major element of her gown. We put it on and we were both like, “We don’t like this.” So it was more a stress element than a bridezilla moment — redesigning on the fly and redoing the dress right then and there and getting it done.

PGN: So I’m guessing your family was not terribly surprised when you came out? RP: God no! And I didn’t come out to them ’til I was 22 and they were both like, “Yeah, we know.” PGN: How did you get started in drag? RP: Actually the first time I did drag, it was oddly fueled by masculine pride. My friend and roommate at the time, Jen, and I were both obsessed with the show “Wicked.” Well, I guess that’s not terribly masculine ... [laughs]. I have a really bizarre mix of masculine and feminine in my life! But anyway, we were chatting about Halloween, which is huge for me — I love Halloween — and she said, “We should go as Elphaba and Glinda!” and I was like, “Uh, no. Not going to happen. I don’t do drag.” I had this weird stigma against doing drag. She was like, “Right, you’re too butch to do drag, whatever.” So that weekend, she went away and I bought all the materials and created costumes for both of us. The following year I went out in drag again with a friend as Samantha and Endora from the show “Bewitched.” It was funny because I was about 6-foot4 in a dress. Then a few years ago I was playing rugby with the Gryphons and one of my teammates, John Hollingshead, worked as head of volunteers for the AIDS Fund the year they were doing a Return to Oz BINGO night. He said, “Oh my God, you already have the dress from ‘Wicked’ — you need to do BINGO night.” I had no idea what GayBINGO! was, but I went and have been there ever since. It was a perfect match because I’m a performer and I get to have fun for an incredible cause.

PGN: Was that your Tim Gun “Make it work” moment? RP: Yuck, don’t get me started. I have a bad taste in my mouth about “Project Runway.” I tried out for that show and made it through the casting process to the day of the audition where you meet the actual panel in front of the cameras and Tim Gun was a dick to me. I don’t know what his problem was with me but he was a jerk. I’ve had a few scrapes with reality TV and I think I’m not crazy enough for

them. I mean I’m crazy and I’m fun, but I’m not bat-shit crazy.

Photo: Suzi Nash

PGN: [Laughs.] Have you always designed? RP: I have. Ever since I was a little kid. My parents have design sketches from when I was about 5 years old. I always loved historical costumes. We would go to museums or visit historical mansions and I’d always want to check out the clothing displays first.

PGN: So now that you’re in drag, do the straight guys hit on you? RP: No! I’ve been told I was pretty, but I think I’m a little intimidating even as a woman!

PGN: So, a few random questions: What do you have in your bag/wallet that best describes your personality? RP: Oh dear. OK, I have something that works for both. I have this vintage shiny metal mesh wallet. I carry it as both Rob and Anita. It’s a real conversation piece and I love it. Shiny is my favorite color! PAGE 35


Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011




Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011




Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011

Q Puzzle The Kiss of Life Across

1. Move the ball between your legs 5. Frat hazing sounds 9. Gaze at gays, e.g. 13. Actress Skye 14. Designed for all grades 15. Poetic adverb 16. A little behind 17. Like sharp cheese 18. British public school 19. With 46-Across, why 33-Across said she enjoyed the mouth-to-mouth

22. Duck down 23. Slow period 24. Where to find ‘er Majesty’s navy? 27. Jock strap for Adam and Steve? 30. Member 31. Collette of “United States of Tara” 32. Home st. of Harper Lee 33. Celeb who recently called 911 because of chest pains 37. Not in the pink 38. Rock group? 39. Left to pirates 40. Lesbians in training, e.g. 42. Work periods 44. Big rabbit fea-

tures 45. All the rage 46. See 19-Across 51. Do road work 52. St. Patrick’s land 53. Bars for gay chefs 54. Malevolent 55. Hoar 56. Sparkle 57. Depend (on) 58. Went licketysplit 59. Seamen


1. Russian River deposit 2. Ancient shipwright 3. Opening amount 4. Voyeur’s station

5. Women who date men who date men 6. Aquarium buildup 7. “Beg pardon ... “ 8. Bench a jock 9. “At Swim, Two Boys” writer Jamie 10. Become disentangled with 11. Many August people 12. Coastal eagle 20. Earhart’s milieu 21. Refused to budge 24. Didn’t use a greasy spoon 25. Bea Arthur’s TV maid Esther 26. Attacker of cotton balls 27. Heavy mists

28. On your toes 29. Does without oral gratification 31. Golf pegs 34. Bête ___ 35. They hold your drawers 36. Homer, for one 41. How a male stripper makes a living? 42. Stood out 43. Body part to shoot from 45. Whodunit start 46. Surfer’s ride 47. Touch off 48. Fitzgerald of jazz 49. Top priority of a top 50. Niles and Frasier to Martin 51. P of mph PAGE 38

Worth Watching

PEANUTS & PUMPKINS: Who doesn’t love the classic animated Halloweenthemed Peanuts special, “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”? Catch it at 8 p.m. Oct. 27 on ABC.

COSTUME CALAMITY: The gang, including out character Max (played by Adam Pally), has assorted misadventures at Halloween parties on a new episode of “Happy Endings,” 9:30 p.m. Oct. 26 on ABC. Photo: ABC/Richard Foreman

KATHY KEEPS IT REAL: Comedian Kathy Griffin guest judges on a new episode of “America’s Next Top Model,” where the models do a photo shoot posing as reality stars, 9 p.m. Oct. 26 on the CW.

WHOLE LOT O’ ROSIE: Catch out TV personality Rosie O’Donnell on her new gig, “The Rosie Show,” weeknights at 7 on the Oprah Winfrey Network.

PROFILE PGN from page 31

PGN: If you had to be handcuffed to one person for a month, who would it be? RP: That would be my friend Tim, aka Stella Dora from GayBINGO! We’re very close, so I probably wouldn’t want to kill him after a month and there’s always something crazy happening to him, so it would be entertaining. PGN: Any stupid human tricks? RP: I can belch on command. It’s actually on my résumé under “special skills.” PGN: Hey, you never know when that beer commercial comes up. RP: Exactly. PGN: What takes you out of your comfort zone? RP: I like to try new things, but I like to know exactly what’s going on. I think it’s part of being a designer. I research the hell out of everything and I’m very meticulous with every detail. I have to be informed and prepared and, when I’m not, I’m very uncomfortable. PGN: Ever been in a car accident? RP: As it happens, I was in an accident this spring and my poor little Toyota Camry was totaled by a Lincoln Continental going about 45 mph. It was not cute. At least I wasn’t in drag yet! I was on my way to the Beagle to co-host Kinky Quizzo with another BVD performer, Thunder Showers, when I got hit. It would have been hilarious, but ... PGN: What is the funniest story your mother tells about you? RP: [Laughs.] That would be the story of how they found out she was pregnant. They initially thought I was a tumor! It was 1980 and she was 37 years old. No one had kids at that age back then: She already had four and was done. She was apparently carrying me real high and under her ribs and it didn’t even occur to them that she could be pregnant. They were always very honest, so they sat my siblings down and said, “We are afraid mom is sick and she’s probably going to have to have surgery and it may be pretty serious.” Everybody cried and she went in for testing. Her doctor was one of my dad’s best friends and he walked in to give them the results with a big smile on his face and said, “Well, you do have a growth ... but you’ll get to name it!” I was a big surprise, but the funny part was they figured out that I must have been conceived the week my grandparents took my siblings fishing. So the family joke was to tease my parents any time anyone went fishing. PGN: Something people are surprised to find out about you? RP: That I play rugby. Especially if they find out while I’m dressed as Anita! PGN: What’s a favorite moment as Anita?

RP: I love anyone who gets who she is. A lot of times there is a younger crowd, not just at BINGO but when I perform and they don’t necessarily get her. She’s a mix between Betty Grable and Rita Hayworth, an old-school, pin-uppy bombshell. A good girl with a dark, noir side. The debutante that drinks too much. I grew up watching movies from the 1940s and ’50s with my mother. A lot of the songs I do are old-school songs too, so it’s great when I get an audience that really appreciates Anita Manhattan and her whole persona. Oh, but a specific moment was after Black Tie BINGO, when we walked back from the Crystal Ballroom to the Gayborhood. I was in this insane floral ball gown and a giant fur piece. We walked past a straight bar and some dude yelled out, “Jesus! What makes you think you look good in a dress?” and I turned around and snapped, “Go fuck yourself, buddy!” Sometimes I forget I’m a lady. But then later that night we were walking around 13th and Camac and this car started slowing down in front of us. You’re always on your guard when you’re in drag, but it turned out to be a car full of gay boys and they were shouting, “Oh my God, you look fabulous!” etc. They were so busy waving and cheering that they slammed into the van in front of them. They were only going about 15 mph, so no one got hurt, but it was our big old-timey Hollywood moment. We caused a car crash! PGN: Your beauty stopped traffic! RP: Apparently! One of the things I also like about Anita is that I get to make her clothes. I do menswear for myself, but it’s not as much fun as those old Hollywood clothes from the ’40s and ’50s. PGN: So for Halloween, in addition to the Monster Mash GayBINGO!, you’re also going to be at the Beagle Tavern in Norristown. RP: Yes, we do a monthly show there hosted by Thunder Showers and Summer Clearance. We’ll be heading over after BINGO for a special Halloween party and show. The Beagle is really a gem of a bar. It’s in an odd area and always has a friendly crowd and the food’s pretty yummy too. The girls who do that show are really varied, we have someone who does Liza, who did her in Vegas for 25 years, and Stella does the more fun pop stuff and I do the burlesque-y vintage stuff and the audience is receptive to everyone. The last show we did, there were a bunch of people who had never seen drag and then three random people from a bridal party. I’ve never seen any altercations or problems there, everyone’s just chill. I hope people come out for both events. A good cause and great fun! ■

To suggest a community member for “Family Portrait,” write to

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011



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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011

Community Bulletin Board Community centers

■ The Attic Youth Center: For LGBT and questioning youth and their friends and allies. Groups meet and activities are held 4-8 p.m. MondayFriday; case management, HIV testing and smoking cessation are available Monday-Friday. See the Youth section for more events. 255 S. 16th St.; 215-545-4331 ■ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center at the University of Pennsylvania 3907 Spruce St.; 215-898-5044;, Hours: 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday.

and Allies Youth Center: 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays: Doylestown Planned Parenthood, The Atrium, Suite 2E, 301 S. Main St., Doylestown; 215-957-7981;

■ William Way Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center: 1315 Spruce St.; 215-732-2220; Hours: 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Peer counseling: 6-9 p.m. Monday through Friday Library hours: 12-9 p.m. Monday-Thursday; 12-3 p.m. and 6-9 p.m. Friday; 126 p.m. Saturday. Volunteers: New Orientation: First Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.

■ Rainbow Room — Bucks County’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning

■ AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania: 215-587-9377

Key numbers

■ AIDS Law Project of Southern New Jersey: 856-933-9500 ext. 221

■ Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Peer Counseling Services: 215-732-TALK

■ AIDS Library: 215-985-4851

■ Mayor’s Director of LGBT Affairs: Gloria Casarez, 215-6862194;; Fax: 215-686-2555

■ ACLU of Pennsylvania: 215592-1513 ■ AIDS Treatment Fact line: 1800-662-6080 ■ Barbara Gittings Gay and Lesbian Collection at the Independence Branch of the Philadelphia Free Library: 215-685-1633 ■ The COLOURS Organization Inc.: 112 N. Broad St., third floor; 215-496-0330 ■ Equality Pennsylvania: 215731-1447; ■ Equality Forum: 215-732-3378

■ Mazzoni Center: 215-563-0652; Legal Services: 215-563-0657, 866-LGBTLAW; legalservices@mazzonicenter. org ■ Mazzoni Center Family & Community Medicine: 215-563-0658 ■ Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Philadelphia): 215-572-1833

■ Philadelphia Police Liaison Committee: 267-216-6606; ppd. ■ Philly Pride Presents: 215875-9288 ■ SPARC — Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition: 717-9209537 ■ Transgender Health Action Coalition: 215-732-1207 (staffed 3-6 p.m. Wednesdays and 6-9 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays)


Pennsylvania Al-Anon Alateen Family Groups: Events, meeting times and locations at

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

■ Acceptance

meets 7:30 p.m. on Fridays at Episcopal Church, 22nd and Spruce streets. ■ Meets daily 8:30-9:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m-midnight and 11 a.m.-noon at the William Way Center. ■ Community meets 8 p.m. on Thursdays at Holy Communion Church, 2111 Sansom St. Gay and lesbian but all are welcome. ■ GLBT Alcoholics Anonymous meets 7 p.m. on Sundays and 8 p.m. on Wednesdays at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 100 W. Windsor St., Reading; 484-529-9504. ■ Living In Sobriety meets 11 a.m. Sundays at the William Way Center. ■ Night Owl meets 11:30 p.m. Sunday through Saturday at the William Way Center. ■ Stepping Stone meets 2:30 p.m. Mondays at the William Way Center. ■ Meets 5:30-6:30 p.m. daily at Washington West Project, 1201 Locust St; 215-9859206. ■ Ties That Bind Us, a 12-step Alcoholics Anonymous meeting for BDSM, leather and alternative sexuality community, meets 7:30-9 p.m. in South Philadelphia. For location, call 800-581-7883.

Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA)


AIDS Services In Asian Communities Provides HIV-related services to Asians and Pacific Islanders at 340 N. 12th St., Suite 205; 215-629-2300. Gay and Lesbian Latino AIDS Education Initiative Free, anonymous HIV testing from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday at 1207 Chestnut St., fifth floor; 12-6 p.m. Tuesdays at the Washington West Project, 1201 Locust St. 215851-1822 or 866-222-3871. Spanish/English HIV treatment Free HIV/AIDS diagnosis and treatment for Philadelphia residents are available from 9 a.m.-noon Mondays and 5-8 p.m. Thursdays at Health Center No. 2, 1720 S. Broad St.; 215-685-1803. HIV health insurance help Access to free medications and confidential HIV testing

■ Greater Philadelphia Professional Network Networking group for area business professionals, self-employed and business owners meets monthly in a different location throughout the city, invites speakers on various topics, partners with other nonprofits and maintains a Web site where everyone is invited to sign up for e-mail notices for activities and events.;

■ Philadelphia Police Department liaison — Deputy Commissioner Stephen Johnson: 215-683-2840

■ Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations: 215-686-4670

Anonymous, free, confidential HIV testing Spanish/English counselors offer testing 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday at Congreso de Latinos Unidos, 3439 N. Hutchinson St..; 215-763-8870 ext. 6000.

■ Gay and Lesbian Lawyers of Philadelphia GALLOP holds board meetings at 6:30 p.m. the first Wednesday of the month at 100 S. Broad St., Suite 1810; GALLOP also provides a free referral service; (215) 6279090;

■ Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay Task Force: 215-772-2000

12-step programs and support groups

■ Meets available by appointment at 13 S. MacDade Blvd., Suite 108, Collingdale; Medical Office Building, 722 Church Lane, Yeadon; and 630 S. 60th St.; 610-5869077.

Mazzoni Center Free, anonymous HIV testing; HIV/AIDS care and treatment, case management and support groups; 21 S. 12th St., eighth floor; 215-563-0652. Mazzoni Center Family & Community Medicine Comprehensive primary health care, preventive health services, gynecology, sexual-health services and chronic-disease management, including comprehensive HIV care; 809 Locust St.; 215-563-0658. Washington West Project Free, anonymous HIV testing. Walk-ins welcome 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Friday except for 12-1 p.m. and 5-6 p.m. and 1-5 p.m. Saturday; 1201 Locust St.; 215-985-9206.

Professional groups ■ Independence Business Alliance Greater Philadelphia’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce, providing networking, business development, marketing, educational and advocacy opportunities for LGBT and LGBT-friendly businesses and professionals. Visit for information about events, programs and membership; (215) 557-0190; 1717 Arch St., Suite 3370. ■ National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association The Philadelphia chapter of NLGJA, open to professionals

and students, meets for social and networking events; ■ Philadelphia Gay Tourism Caucus A regional organization dedicated to promoting gay and lesbian tourism to the Greater Philadelphia Region, holds meetings every other month on the fourth Thursday (January, March, May, July, September and the third Thursday in November), open to the public; P.O. Box 58143, Philadelphia, PA 19102; ■ Philly OutGoing Professionals Social group for gay, lesbian and bisexual professionals meets for social and cultural activities; (856) 857-9283; popnews19@yahoo. com.

7 p.m. on Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at the William Way Center.

■ Pink

Emotional Support

and Blues, a free peer-run mental health support group for sexual minorities, meets 7 p.m. Wednesdays at St. Luke and The Epiphany Church, 330 S. 13th St.; 215-627-0424. ■ Survivors of Suicide Inc. meets 7:30 p.m. on first Tuesday of the month at 3535 Market St., Room 2037; 215-545-2242; ■ Survivors of Suicide Inc., Chester County meets 7:30 p.m. on second Wednesday of the month at Paoli Memorial Hospital, Willistown Room, Medical Office Building; 215-545-2242; phillysos.tripod. com. ■ Strength


In Numbers Visit SINPhiladelphia.

■ Encuentros

Positivos, a group for HIVpositive Latino men who have sex with men, meets on first and third Tuesday of the month at 1205 Chestnut St. ■ “Feast Incarnate,” a weekly ministry for people affected by HIV/AIDS, meets 5 p.m. at University Lutheran Church, 3637 Chestnut St. Bible study follows at 6 p.m.; 215-387-2885. ■ A support group for people recently diagnosed with HIV/AIDS meets 6:30-8 p.m. at the Mazzoni Center; 215-5630652 x 235. ■ Youth Outreach Adolescent Community Awareness Program’s Voice It Sistah, a support group for HIV-positive women, meets 11 a.m. every first and third Tuesday at YOACAP, 1207 Chestnut St., Suite 315; 215-851-1898.

Wednesdays: ■ AIDS

Services in Asian Communities’ weekly volunteer work group meets 6-8 p.m. at 340 N. 12th St., Suite 205; 215629-2300. ■ Project Teach, a peer-education and empowerment program for people living with HIV/AIDS, meets at Philadelphia Fight, 1233 Locust St. ■ Positive Effect, for HIV-positive people 18 and over, meets 5-7 p.m. second and fourth Wednesdays at Camden AHEC, 514 Cooper St., Camden, N.J.; 856-9632432.

Thursdays: ■A

support group for HIV-positive men and women meets 6-8 p.m. at BEBASHI — Transition to Hope, 1217 Spring Garden St.; (215) 769-3561. ■ Diversity, an HIV/AIDS support group for all infected or affected, meets from 7-9 p.m. at Arch Street United Methodist Church, 55. N. Broad St.; call Zak, 215-848-4380; azaklad@craftech. com.


n AIDS Delaware’s You’re Not Alone youth support group meets during the school year. Call 1-800-810-6776 for meeting location and time.

Debtors Anonymous

■ Meets

7-8 p.m. Monday and Thursday at the William Way Center.

Overeaters Anonymous (OA)

■ Open

meeting, Tuesdays, beginners meet 5:30 p.m., regular meeting 6 p.m., and 6 p.m. Friday, at Hahnemann University Hospital, 245 N. 15th St., third floor; call Troy, 215-514-3065. ■ Meets at 11 a.m.-noon at the William Way Center. ■ Substance


Brothers, a support group for men of color living with HIV/AIDS, meets 6-8 p.m. at 112 N. Broad St., 11th floor; 215-496-0330.

■ Positive

Tuesdays: ■A

support group for HIV-positive men and women meets 1:30-3 p.m. at BEBASHI — Transition to Hope, 1217 Spring Garden St., first floor; 215- 7693561.


Abuse – Risk Assessment; day and evening hours; 215-563-0663 ext. 282.

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous

Meets 7:30 p.m.Thursdays at All Saints Church, 18 Olive Ave., Rehoboth Beach, Del.; 302-542-3279.

■ Safe


space to meet and discuss substance abuse problems at the William Way Center.


Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011



Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011

OUT & ABOUT The week ahead Fri. 10/21 An Horse The Aussie folk duo lead by lesbian songwriter/ guitarist Kate Cooper performs 7 p.m. at North Star Bar, 2639 N. Poplar St.; 215787-0488. Cyndi Lauper The pop star sings the blues 8 p.m. at Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside; 215-572-7650. Laura Cheadle The TV actress and singer performs 8:30 p.m. at Bob Egan’s New Hope, Ramada Inn, 6426 Lower York Road, New Hope; 215-8625225.

Brad Garrett The comedian and TV personality performs 9 p.m. at the Borgata Hotel, Casino & Spa Music Box, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-317-1000. Jane’s Addiction The hard-rock band performs 8 p.m. at House of Blues, 801 Boardwalk, Atlantic City; 609343-4000. The Warriors The campy urban thriller is screened 9:45 p.m. at Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610917-0223. October Stimulus DJ Kash and DJ

Sparkles rock the house 10 p.m.-2 a.m. at Marathon Grill, 929 Walnut St.; 215-733-0311.

Sat. 10/22 Pee Wee’s Big Adventure The adventure comedy film is screened 2 p.m. at Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610917-0223. New Found Glory The pop-punk band performs 7 p.m. at the Electric Factory, 421 N. Seventh St.; 800-745-3000. Peoplehood Prep Spiral Q is looking for volunteers to help paint, prep and pack 11 a.m.-6 p.m. for an Oct. 23 festival. Interested individuals can call 215-222-6979 for more information.


Smashing Pumpkins The rock group performs 8 p.m. at Tower Theatre, 19 S. 69th St., Upper Darby; 610-3522887. Ashley Wayne Barlow The cabaret singer performs 8:30 p.m. at Bob Egan’s New Hope, Ramada Inn, 6426 Lower York Road, New Hope; 215862-5225. Drag Show Lady Tabitha performs 10 p.m. at Beagle Tavern, 1003 E. Main St., Norristown; 610272-3133.

Sun. 10/23 The Omen The horror film is screened 2 p.m. at Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610917-0223.

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Joshua D. Talley The cabaret singer performs with Michael Ferreri 2 p.m. at Bob Egan’s New Hope, Ramada Inn, 6426 Lower York Road, New Hope; 215-8625225. VOICES Cabaret The group of singers perform 5 p.m. at Bob Egan’s New Hope, Ramada Inn, 6426 Lower York Road, New Hope; 215-862-5225. Kip Winger The rock singer and recording artist performs 7:30 p.m. at Sellersville Theater 1894, 24 W. Temple Ave., Sellersville; 215-257-5808.

Mon. 10/24 Peoplehood Parade Spiral Q presents their 12th annual carnival of community, art and activism, 1-5 p.m. from the Paul Robeson House (4951 Walnut St.) to Clark Park (45th and Chester) and ending with a festival in the bowl at Clark Park; http://spiralq. org/peoplehood. html.

BACK AT THE BEGINNING: R&B singer Lalah Hathaway performs songs from her latest album, “Where It All Begins,” 7:30 p.m. Oct. 24 at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. For more information or tickets, call 215222-1400.

Groove Night Local musicians join forces to bring the R&B, soul, jazz and funk, 7 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 215-222-1400. Bram Stoker’s Dracula The horror film is screened 8 p.m. at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; 215-922-6888.

Tue. 10/25 TuesGAY Nights Lyrics Lounge and DJ June Rodrigues hosts a weekly night of music and performers for the LGBT community, 6527 Roosevelt Blvd.; 215-5335888.

�������������� ��������������� Monday Jazz Wed. 10/26 ��������������� Jam at World Cafe Live ������������������ 5:30-7 p.m. at 3025 4W5 Blues Jam ���������������� Local musicians Walnut St.; 215�������������� get down 7 p.m. at 222-1400. ����������� ���������������� Q PUZZLE, from page 34 ������� �������������� ����������� �������������� ������������ ��������������� �������������� ���������� ������������� ����������


World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 215-222-1400. Sting The rock icon performs 8 p.m. at Tower Theatre, 19 S. 69th St., Upper Darby; 610-3522887.

Thu. 10/27 Sting The rock icon performs a second night at 8 p.m. at Tower Theatre, 19 S. 69th St., Upper Darby; 610-3522887. Bob and Barbara’s Drag Show The outrageousness begins at 11 p.m. at Bob and Barbara’s,

1509 South St.; 215-545-4511.

Fri. 10/28 World Cafe 20th Anniversary Tribute Concert John Hiatt, Indigo Girls and The Little Willies perform 6 p.m. at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; 215-222-1400. The Black Cat Cabaret featuring Karen Gross The singer performs 7:30 p.m. at Tin Angel, 20 N. Second St.; 215928-0770. Ace Frehley The former Kiss guitarist performs 8 p.m. at House of Blues, 801 Boardwalk, Atlantic City; 609-343-4000.

GETTING BACK ON THE ‘HORSE’: The Aussie folk duo, An Horse, led by lesbian songwriter/guitarist Kate Cooper, is back in town on tour opening for Kevin Devine, 7 p.m. Oct. 21 at North Star Bar, 2639 N. Poplar St.; 215-7870488.


Opening Crafts in the Meadow The invitational craft show runs Oct. 22-23 at Tyler Park Center for the Arts, 10 Stable Mill Trail, Richboro; 267-218-0290. Drumline Live The percussive musical runs Oct. 25-26 at Merriam Theater, 250 S. Broad St.; 215-7905800. The Fat Cat Killers Flashpoint Theatre Company presents Adam Szymkowicz’s vicious comedy about the hapless victims of corporate cutbacks, Oct. 26Nov. 19, 2030 Sansom St.; 215-665-9720. The Philly Fan People’s Light & Theatre Company presents the one-man show in which Tom McCarthy takes audiences on a journey through Philadelphia’s sports history of the last 50 years, Oct. 25-Nov. 20, 39 Conestoga Road, Malvern; 610-644-3500. Tristin Lowe: Under the Influence Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition debuting works from the Philadelphia artist, Oct. 22-Jan. 29, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100.

Blowing on a Hairy Shoulder/ Grief Hunters The Institute of Contemporary Art at the University of Pennsylvania presents an exhibition of works by 20 artists from Israel, Greece, Germany, Belgium, Britain and America that examines the relationships between originality and origin with video, photography, drawing and sculpture, through Dec. 4, 118 S. 36th St.; 215898-7108.

Turnarounds AxD Gallery hosts an exhibition of works by Annette Cords through Oct. 29, 265 S. 10th St.; 215-627-6250.

Chicago Media Theater presents the popular musical set in the prohibition era, through Nov. 6, 104 E. State St., Media; 610-891-0100.

Aspects of Love Walnut Street Theater, through Oct. 23, 825 Walnut St.; 215-574-3550.

The Diary of Anne Frank EgoPo Theater presents the classic play through Nov. 6 at The Prince Music Theater, 1412 Chestnut St.; 215-5699700. Here and Now: Prints, Drawings and Photographs by 10 Philadelphia Artists Philadelphia Museum of Art presents the exhibition through Dec. 4, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100.

METAL MISSIES: Misstallica. the allfemale Metallica tribute band, and newcomer Daniela Brooker will perform at Pinktober Fashion Show, a benefit to raise money and awareness for breast cancer research, 7 p.m. Oct. 27 at Hard Rock Café, 1113 Market St.; 215-2381000.

Meanwhile ... Brat Productions presents a new gender-bending play Oct. 27-Nov. 19 at Ruba Club Studios, 414-416 Green St.; event/195146

Continuing August: Osage County Arden Theatre Company presents the Tony award-winning comedy through Oct. 30 at F. Otto Hass Stage, 40 N. Second St.; 215-922-1122. Beware the Lily Law Eastern State Penitentiary hosts a video installation on the experiences of trans prisoners, through November, 2027 Fairmount Ave.; 215-236-5111.

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011

Let Me Tell You About A Dream I Had Philadelphia Art Alliance through Dec. 30 , 251 S. 18th St.; 215-545-4302. Mistakes Were Made 1812 Productions through Oct. 30 at Plays & Players Theatre, 1714 Delancey St.; 215-592-9560. Motherhood: The Musical Society Hill Playhouse through Nov. 13, 507 S. Eighth St.; 215-923-0211. Our Class The Wilma Theater through Nov. 13, 265 S. Broad St.; 215-546-7824. Red Philadelphia Theatre Company presents the 2010 Tony Award-winner through Nov. 6 at Suzanne Roberts Theater, 480 S. Broad St.; 215-985-0420.


Zaha Hadid: Form in Motion Philadelphia Museum of Art through March 25, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100.


Men Unwrapped An exhibition of photographer Joe Bowman’s work is on display through Oct. 28 at the William Way LGBT Community Center, 1315 Spruce St.; 215-732-2220. Rock of Ages The Tony Award-winning rock musical runs through Oct. 23 at Merriam Theater, 250 S. Broad St.; 215-7905800. Russian Suite The Pennsylvania Ballet performs the North American premiere of “Jeu de Cartes” by Alexei Ratmansky through Oct. 23 at Kimmel’s Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St.; 215-7905800. ■

JANE’S IN THE HOUSE: Altrock superstars Jane’s Addiction supports a new album, “The Great Escape Artist,” with a short tour of intimate venues that pulls into the area 8 p.m. Oct 21 at House of Blues, 801 Boardwalk, Atlantic City. For more information or tickets, call 609-343-4000.

Notices Send notices at least one week in advance to: Out & About Listings, PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147 fax: 215-925-6437; or e-mail: Notices cannot be taken over the phone.

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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011


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Classifieds PGN does not accept advertising that is unlawful, false, misleading, harmful, threatening, abusive, invasive of another’s privacy, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful or racially or otherwise objectionable, including without limitation material of any kind or nature that encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, provincial, national or international law or regulation, or encourage the use of controlled substances. All real-estate advertising is subject to Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended. Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental and financing of dwellings, and in other housing-related transactions, based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under the age of 18), and handicap (disability). PGN will not knowingly accept any real-estate advertising that is in violation of any applicable law.

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011

Home of the Week


Featured property: 1812 Spruce St 3FPhiladelphia, PA 19103

$775,000 Excellent opportunity to purchase a large 3BR/3BA bi-level condo at an incredible price in the heart of Rittenhouse Sq. Features include brand-new marble baths, deluxe gourmet kitchen, Central A/C. High ceilings, wood floors, W/D hook-up, and lovely architectural details. Low monthly fees and utility expenses. Two private outdoor areas for your enjoyment. Parking available (see agent for details).



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12TH & DICKINSON AREA Furnished Townhouse for rent: 3 levels. Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath. Very Unique. 1500. mo plus util. (negotiable). Call 215 468-9166 after 6 pm. or 215 686 3431 daytime. _______________________________35-49 RITTENHOUSE SQUARE AREA Studios & 1 Bedrooms - Call for Availability (215) 735-8050.



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NOON – 1 PM 1812 Spruce St. “Snowden Residence Condo” Unit #2R Brand new condo conversion in the Heart of Rittenhouse Square. Grand Scale 1 bd. 1.5 baths w/ office area. Magnificent ceiling molding details, Marble spa like bath. Huge South facing walk-out Terrace. Deluxe Gourmet Kitchen. Deeded covered parking available. Low fees and taxes........................................................................$450,000

1:30-2:30PM 1812 Spruce St. 3F .Large Bi-level townhouse style condo. Over 2,200 Square feet on two levels. 3 large bedrooms & 3 Marble baths. Deluxe Kitchen, S/S, walnut cabinets, Quartz counters Wood floors. Deeded parking available. Low taxes & fees .....................................................................................Pre-construction price $775,000 1812 Spruce St. Unit 2F. Very large condo in Rittenhouse Square, 1 bed, 1 bath. High ceilings with great architectural details. Deluxe gourmet kitchen. Marble bath. Wood floors. Low fees and taxes. Deeded parking available........................$425,000 Noon-2:30PM 1833 -A Christian St. Brand new 2 bedroom, 2 bath two level townhouse. Open concept floor plan. Deluxe kitchen, S/S, Quartz counter tops. Hardwood floors. Large rear garden. Glass tiles Spa-like master bath. Large family room in lower level. Tax abatement........................................................................REDUCED! $250,000 540 Cypress St. Charming, totally restored historic colonial in Society Hill. 2 large bedrooms, 1.5 baths. 2 fireplaces, wood floors, a/c, exposed brick walls, ...$399,900

Search all Philadelphia area listings @ Dan Tobey

The Curtis Center 1401 Walnut St. 8th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102

215.546.2700 Business • 267.238.1061 Direct 215.432.7151 Cell • 215.546.7728 Fax •

_______________________________36-03 815 SOUTH 4TH STREET 2 BR, ultra modern w/hdwd flrs., W/D, C/A, red granite kitchen, SS appl. $1200. 215-687-8461, 267-687-7936. _______________________________35-43


Open Houses Sunday Oct. 23, 2011

1812 Spruce St. Unit #3R. Best value 2 bedroom, 1 bath in Rittenhouse Square. Fabulous new condo conversion 1 block off Rittenhouse Square. Marble bath, deluxe kitchen, huge walk-out terrace. A/C. Large attic area. .....................$395,000


Cool Contemporary On10 Acres

4571 McNeil Road, Doylestown PA

True haven built by renowned local architect, Lynn Taylor, designed this Bucks County contemporary to be anything but ordinary. Ceilings & walls join together creating distinctive angles bringing in light and natural views. The home becomes a calming place to appreciate the green, open setting just minutes from Doylestown/ New Hope. Fieldstone floor-to-ceiling FP, built-ins, sunroom, and deck off master. Dramatic step-down 2-story living rm with walls of glass. 4 BR, discreet master suite w/ walk-in closet and adjoining exercise rm w/ deck. On a beautiful, country road, this “retreat” recharges the soul, and every day becomes extraordinary.


Nancy H. Presti Prudential Fox Roach Realtors, Inc. 550 North Main Street, Doylestown, PA 18901 215.348.1700 office • 215.588.4684 cell

PGN WILL NOT PUBLISH RACIAL DISTINCTIONS IN ROOMMATE ADS. SUCH NOTATIONS WILL BE EDITED. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. ___________________________________ GREATER NE PHILA. Have your own bedroom in a beautiful split level home with 2 gay men. House is 4 BR, 2 full baths, W/D, upper and lower decks, use of kitchen. Property is by Welsh & the Boulevard, 1 min. to 58 bus. We ask only that you be at least reasonably neat and employed. Rent is $600 + 1/3 utils. Contact Dave at 215-698-0215. _______________________________35-49 Independence Place. GM to share condo. $900 incl. utils. Call 267-519-0091. _______________________________35-48 Vicinity of 51st & City Ave., near St. Joseph’s Univ., quiet, non-smoking male, kit./laun. priv., utilities incl., furnished, half-bath $375/mo. 215-878-5182. _______________________________35-43

FOR SALE SAWMILLS From only $3997-MAKE MONEY & SAVE MONEY with your own bandmill-Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE info& 1-800-578-1363 Ext.300N. _______________________________35-42 Use your Social Power. Visit the Website Get the Book. _______________________________35-42


Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011













DAILY PAY! Hometime Choices: Express lanes 7/ON7/OFF, 14/ON- 7/OFF, WEEKLY. Flexible Schedules. New Trucks! CDL-A, 3 months recent experience required. 800-414-9569. _______________________________35-42 Top Pay On Excellent Runs! Regional Runs, Steady Miles, Frequent Hometime, New Equipment. Automatic Detention Pay! CDL-A, 6mo. Experience required. EEOE/AAP 866-3224039 _______________________________35-42 Get Back to Basics. Solid Miles + Good Pay + New Equipment = Your Success! Great Benefits and Hometime. Dry Van & Flatbed. CDL-A,6mo.OTR. 888-801-5295. _______________________________35-42 DRIVERS $2000 Sign-On Driver, 43.7 per mile. $7500 Sign-On Teams, 51.3 Per Mile. CDL-A HazMat. 1-877-628-3748; _______________________________35-42

Driver-CDL-A: Experienced OTR Drivers. Regional Lanes. HOME MOST WEEKENDS! Up to $3000 BONUS. Up to $.50 Per Mile. 888-463-3962. 6mo.OTR exp. & CDL Req’d. _______________________________35-42 EARN $1000-$3200 a month to drive our new cars with ads. _______________________________35-42 CDL-A DRIVERS NEEDED! WE HAVE THE MILES! OTR positions available! TEAMS NEEDED!! Class A CDL & Hazmat Req’d. 800-942-2104 Ext. 7307 or 7308 _______________________________35-42

BUTLER/CHAUFFER/HOUSEMAN Retired butler seeking to reenter workforce. Best references. If interested, please call 215-237-2384. _______________________________35-42











Friday, October 21st, 2011 TIME: 11pm-3:30am

Saturday, October 22nd, 2011 TIME:11pm-6am - Always bringing in the Sexy Black & Latin Men For The Night(PRIVATE EVENT: For More Information & to be put onto guest list email:

WHAT TO EXPECT: * DJ DUTCH * Snacks * OPEN BAR * A Full House of Guys To Choose From & Soo Much More... ROOMS: Members: $25.00 & Non- Members: $35.00 LOCKERS: Members: $18.00 & Non- Members: $28.00

HOT WEEKLY SPECIAL: Business Man Locker Special Monday thru Friday Members: $5.00 & Non-Members: $15.00

Party Nights Rooms go quickly and are on a 1st Come, 1st Served Basis. So Check In Early if you want a room...Check out our website for our HOT WEEKLY SPECIALS & JOIN OUR E-MAIL LIST to get the latest information on up coming events...

Don’t forget to visit the Adonis Cinema right next door!! 2026 Sansom St/ PH: 215-557-9319

And if you are in A.C., please check out:

10 South Mt. Vernon Avenue •Atlantic City, NJ 08401

OPEN DAILY! Sunday- Thursday 4pm to 4am Friday & Saturday 4pm to 6am


SERVICES EUGENE’S TAILOR SHOP Custom Design & Tailoring for Men & Women Alterations Eugene Naroditsky Natalie Naroditsky

(215) 923 - 8081 Monday - Friday 10 - 6 Saturday 10 - 5

242 South 17th Street Philadelphia PA 19103

Gay is our middle name.

SERVICES $199 COMPLETE PA UNCONTESTED DIVORCE No travel to court/office. Visa/MC/Disc/PayPal, Serving all of PA. Primary office in Erie. Call 877-678-7049. Start now online _______________________________35-42 DID YOU USE THE OSTEOPOROSIS DRUG FOSAMAX (Alendronate)? If you experienced femur fracture (upper leg), you may be entitled compensation. Contact Attorney Charles Johnson 1-800-535-5727. _______________________________35-42 AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (888)834-9715. _______________________________35-42 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE From Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 888-220-3984. www. _______________________________35-42

Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011



BUYING COINS Gold, Silver & ALL Coins, Stamps, Paper Money, Entire Collections worth $5,000 or more. Travel to your home. CASH paid. Call Marc 1-800-488-4175. _______________________________35-42

LOOKING FOR ROMANCE Attractive GWM, warm, sensitive, caring, 48 y.o. with a smooth gymnast build looking for other GWM, 30-50, who is also in good shape. I live in NE Phila. I’m looking for guys who are also sensitive, caring with a fun personality. If this sounds interesting to you feel free to call me, David, 215-698-0215. _______________________________35-49 WM, NE Phila. If you’re looking for hot action, call 215-934-5309. No calls after 11 PM. _______________________________35-4 If you are horse hung and like to pound talk to me! WM, 6’1”, 215 lbs. 215-732-2108 8-11 PM. _______________________________35-44 I’m Philip, a Brazilian guy, 46 y.o., a children’s author. Live in NE Phila. and am looking for a serious person to be my boyfriend or husband. No smoke, drugs and not fat. Be between 28-45, black, white, Spanish or Brazilian. Need to have car. Email me: _______________________________35-45 WM, 62, 5’8”, in shape, nice looking bottom seeks top masc men only for LTR. Leave message 215-264-1058. _______________________________35-45


ADOPTION UNIQUE ADOPTIONS Let us help! Personalized Adoption Plans. Financial assistance, housing relocation and more. Giving the gift of life? You deserve the best. Call us first! 1-888-637-8200 24-hours hotline. _______________________________35-42






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Philadelphia Gay News Oct. 21-27, 2011


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