PGN Nov. 11-17, 2011 edition

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Meshell’s coming back out

Family Portrait: Quincy Greene


DOMA repeal efforts gain momentum



Nov. 11-17, 2011


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Vol. 35 No. 45

Out, ally candidates produce victories at polls By Jen Colletta This week’s municipal election saw little fanfare but resulted in several victories for LGBTs and allies throughout the region. The Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas will now have three openly LGBT judges, as out attorney Barbara McDermott finished first in her race, joining Dan Anders and Ann Butchart on the bench. McDermott captured 8.54 percent of the vote, leading the pack of 11 Democrats who were all elected to the bench. Out lesbian Marlene Pray was elected to the Doylestown Borough Council, surviving a rumored Republican write-in campaign to become the borough’s first openly LGBT member. The borough is now led by all Democrats. Openly gay Republican Norristown attorney Daniel Clifford was unsuccessful in his bid to join the Montgomery County Court of

Common Pleas, finishing fourth out of four candidates competing for two seats, which both went to Democrats. Out Republican Tony Simao also lost his race for Bethlehem City Council. In Philadelphia, Mayor Michael Nutter won re-election in a landslide over Republican challenger Karen Brown. Dennis O’Brien will be one of the new Republican at-Large members in City Council, with David Oh leading the votes for the second seat. At press time, Oh led Al Taubenberger by 176 votes with 97 percent of precincts reporting. Councilman-at-Large Bill Green led the five Democratic at-Large incumbents, who were all re-elected. Republican 10th Distrist Councilman Brian O’Neill, the only Republican with a district seat, defeated Democratic challenger Bill Rubin, who managed to capture 40 percent of the vote. Democrat Bobby Henon will now represent the 6th District, forPAGE 6

OCCUPY RITTENHOUSE: About 300 protesters geared up to provide an unwelcoming welcome to presidential candidate Mitt Romney during his trip to Philadelphia last Friday. Led by members of Occupy Philadelphia, the protesters marched from Dilworth Plaza to The Rittenhouse Hotel, where a fundraiser for the antigay Republican was being held. Romney entered the front doors of the hotel after the demonstrators moved to the back of the building to await his arrival. Photo: Scott A. Drake

LGBT orgs conflict over future of youth program

Penn State hit with sex-abuse scandal By Jen Colletta The former longtime defensive coordinator for Penn State University’s football team was arrested over the weekend after a grand jury indicted him on dozens of charges stemming from alleged sexual abuse SANDUSKY o f s e v e r a l young boys. Jerry Sandusky, 67, is accused of fondling and engaging in oral and anal sex with eight boys throughout a 15-year period. Sandusky retired in 1999 after 23 years with the university’s football team. The abuse is alleged to have happened both during and after his time at PAGE 14

By Jen Colletta

GROWTH SPURT: Virginia Austin (center), practice manager at Mazzoni Center Family and Community Medicine, and Mazzoni Center executive director Nurit Shein (right) review plans for the practice’s expansion effort currently underway. The behind-thescenes tour Nov. 3 gave community members a preview of the renovations, which include the addition of six new patient rooms, bringing the practice’s total to 14, and the refurbishing of the reception and office space. Photo: Scott A. Drake

The leadership of two statewide LGBT groups have been in talks in the past few weeks over the future co-existence of both organizations’ youth programming. The Pennsylvania Student Equality Coalition is pressing Equality Pennsylvania to shutter its Student Network Across Pennsylvania program, from which PSEC developed. Six months ago, students involved with SNAP broke from Equality PA to launch the independent, student-run PSEC. Jason Landau Goodman, PSEC executive director, asserted that the similarity of the missions of the two entities has become problematic. “We literally came from this program but this program is now

being used to duplicate our work,” Landau Goodman said. According to its mission statement, SNAP, launched in 2007 and revived last year, provides “resources and opportunities” to enable members to become “involved” and “educated” about the LGBT-rights movement and to “enact change” on campuses and in communities through leadership development. P S E C ’s m i s s i o n s t a t ement describes that it provides “resources and support” to LGBT youth and schools, works for “social support and coordinated campus-community organizing” for LGBT rights and strives for Pennsylvania to respect diversity issues, with the “primary focus” being on local, state and federal safe-schools legislation. Ted Martin, Equality PA executive director, PAGE 2


Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011

PGN from page 1

said that while the goals of the two entities are similar, he believes they should be able to function separately and cooperatively. “There is enough work to go around,” Martin said. “What’s the problem with having more than one youth organization or program in Pennsylvania? There are certainly enough things going on for more than just one organization to be working on these issues.” Luis Medina, the North-Central chair of PSEC’s State Committee, said that when SNAP voted last year to become independent, there were initial discussions of continued collaboration with Equality PA. “We saw ourselves as empowered and saw that this program could be more than a program and could be an entire organization,” Medina said. “And at the time we voted to create our own organization, we wanted to work with Equality PA and those doors were still open but there was some resistance.” Martin said Equality PA was surprised to learn that the SNAP leaders decided to separate but were still open to working in partnership with the organization. PSEC leadership, however, has contended that Equality PA leaders have made negative remarks about PSEC to other LGBT agencies in the state — charges Martin said were “completely baseless and groundless.” Brian Sims, former EQPA board president, also denied ever making negative comments about PSEC. “My last words to [PSEC executive director] Jason [Landau Goodman] after they decided to leave was that no matter how I felt about this happening, it was in our best interests to work together and that he would not hear us saying anything bad about them,” Sims said. “That’s not how I operate, and that’s not how this organization operates. So it’s been very frustrating to hear what’s been happening with these allegations. And sometimes it’s easy when someone says harsh words to fire back, but I think Equality Pennsylvania has handled this with a smart, congenial approach.” The situation came to a head when PSEC sent Equality PA a letter Oct. 23 requesting that it “discontinue all operations of SNAP.” “They’re doing what we did when we were SNAP,” Medina said. “People are confused and it’s undermining our work. It’s great if they want to have youth programming but having it as SNAP disenfranchises PSEC and competes with us.” After last month’s letter, the two groups entered a mediated discussion overseen by a third party. The dissolution of SNAP became a sticking point, however, Medina said. “We went into it trying to figure out what are each of our strengths, weaknesses and where do we overlap. But we needed to ask them to end SNAP and not talk about SNAP during [last weekend’s Mid-Atlantic LGBTA Conference at Bloomsburg University] because it’s undermining our work. But they did.”

Martin said Equality PA approached the mediation session with the goal of discussing the future of the organizations, not the disbanding of SNAP. “I think we were very upfront with what we wanted — we wanted to move forward and find a solution,” Martin said. “We attempted to work closely in making sure we could find a solution but I think unfortunately that desire to find a workable solution is something that only we were holding quite frankly.” PSEC Pittsburgh-West co-chair Ellie Gordon said she believes the current structure and focus of both entities makes it difficult for them to operate at top efficiency. “Equality [PA] is not letting go of their hold on what they think is theirs, this idea of an LGBT youth coalition,” Gordon said. “If they could change it to something else, that may be fine — but right now they’re saying that SNAP is basically


what PSEC is. And I don’t think we can coalesce because of that.” In the past few months, SNAP members have participated in youth-focused workshops and events and been involved in awareness-raising efforts around antibullying and nondiscrimination efforts. PSEC, which offers online LGBT resource guides, has hosted and participated in a number of community-building youth events and conferences in its first six months to engage LGBT young people on issues such as safe-schools efforts and met with lawmakers to discuss LGBT-equality issues. The peaceable collaboration of SNAP and PSEC is still a goal for Equality PA, Martin said. “I think the best possible resolution is to find a way to work together,” he said. “I don’t see the problem with having more than one group that deals with similar issues. There are numerous organizations nationally that deal with LGBT issues, not just one. There’s enough work for both of us.” ■


Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011


Thousands press Casey for DOMA repeal By Jen Colletta

LGBT activists visted several offices of Sen. Bob Casey last week to urge the legislator, via his staff members, to support the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act. More than 4,000 Pennsylvanians — with about half signing a petition and half penning their names on a handwritten card — urged Casey to cosponsor the Respect for Marriage Act. The measure, spearheaded by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), would lift DOMA, which was put in place in 1996 and defines marriage as being between one man and one woman. Feinstein’s bill currently has 30 cosponsors. Casey’s office did not return a call for comment. A coalition of representatives from Equality Pennsylvania, Freedom to Marry and the Courage Campaign delivered a petition with 2,000 signatories urging Casey to cosponsor the repeal bill. Equality PA executive director Ted Martin, who delivered the petition along with a married same-sex couple from York to Casey’s Harrisburg office Nov. 2, said Casey’s staff was open to discussing the bill and the senator was considering the issue. The three organizations collected the 2,000 signatures through an online campaign this fall, and a representative of

Freedom to Marry also submitted the petition to Casey’s Washington, D.C., office. “Fair-minded citizens across the state of Pennsylvania have spoken out and asked Sen. Casey to support the repeal of the discriminatory so-called Defense of Marriage Act,” said Marc Solomon, national campaign director for Freedom to Marry. “Gay and lesbian couples and their families are harmed every day by a lack of access to marriage and by a law that does not acknowledge their love and devotion to one another.” In addition to the coalition’s petition, leaders of the Pennsylvania Diversity Network also delivered about 2,100 hand-signed cards calling for Casey to support the repeal last week at his Allentown office. PDN executive director Liz Bradbury noted that Casey has had a perfect voting record on LGBT issues in the past year, and she’s hopeful the effort will illuminate the need for his additional support. “Most of these cards came from people who live in rural areas,” Bradbury said. “A lot of people believe that support for proLGBT issues only comes from Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, but we have cards from places like Schencksville, Forty Fort and throughout Luzerne, Schuylkill, Carbon and Berks counties — places that are typically considered to be conservative. Sen. Casey’s a good guy so we’re really hoping he’ll follow the lead of [Maryland Sen.]

Barbara Mikulski [who recently signed on as a cosponsor] and come out as a cosponsor of the Respect for Marriage Act.” Along with the cards, PDN delivered contact information for the card-signers, so Casey can get in touch with them to learn more about the real-life impact of DOMA. Martin said that personal interaction will be integral to securing support for the bill. “His staff encouraged us to keep talking about this and I would encourage people interested in this issue to bring this up to Sen. Casey,” Martin said. “If he’s coming to your area for a visit, go up to him and talk to him. He needs to hear directly and sincerely from people who are being affected.” The coalition provided Casey this opportunity by delivering some of the comments from petition signers — who represent all corners of the state and all backgrounds. Signatories range from a campaign supporter from Pittsburgh who said he and his wife wanted him to do “the right thing here, not the Republican thing” to a lesbian from Bethlehem who’s been with her partner for 11 years to a 62-year-old heterosexual woman from Aliquippa who’s been married for 32 years and who said she believes in “equal rights for all Americans.” A woman from New Britain told the senator she drove from New York to Pennsylvania on Election Day in 2006 so she could vote for Casey. Her son and his partner live in the Empire State and are

PUT IT IN WRITING: Sen. Casey field representative Carol Obando-Derstine (left) receives more than 2,100 signed cards from Pennsylvania Diversity Network executive director Liz Bradbury. Photo: Courtesy of Pennsylvania Diversity Network

planning to get married next year. “It is time for their marriage to be recognized by the country in which they live,” she wrote. “It is time that in a country where one or both of them can openly serve in the U.S. military and risk death for their country, that they have all the rights bestowed on other citizens with the right to marry whomever they love. It is time for Sen. Casey to cosponsor the bill to repeal DOMA and live up to the kind of man I drove six hours to help elect as my senator.” ■



Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011


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KARNIVAL KINK: Scott Daddy prepares a guest for electroplay at the Kinky Karnival Nov. 4. The event, hosted by the Philadelphians MC at The Bike Stop to raise funds for Mazzoni Center, was held the first night of the annual Philadelphia Leather Pride Weekend, which brought together the leather community for a series of socials, workshops and presentations. Photo: Scott A. Drake NEWS

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GALAEI prez honored by city By Jen Colletta The board president of the Gay and Lesbian Latino AIDS Education Initiative will be among the honorees at a ceremony next month for the region’s most influential Latino leaders. David Torres is one of 40 people named Delaware Valley’s Most Influential Latinos by the Philadelphia Multicultural Congress and Impacto Latino Magazine. Torres, 27, will be included in the “Top 10 Under 40” category in the magazine’s December publication and will be honored alongside the other leaders at a Dec. 1 reception. Torres, a native Philadelphian, is the program coordinator for Global Philadelphia, the city’s language-access program. In this capacity, Torres works with an array of city departments to ensure services are available and accessible to those without English expertise. Torres said his work hits home for him, making the award even more meaningful. “It’s great to be recognized for my work, especially because I’m really passionate about it,” he said. “My role is to ensure city services are made available to people who are limited-English proficient, whether they’re residents or visitors. My family is from Puerto Rico, and I have grandparents that don’t speak English well, so what I do resonates with me personally. This city and country were born of immigrants, and we need to remember that people have a right to service, regardless of their English-language ability.” Torres began working for the city in 2008, first serving in the Mayor’s Office before moving to the Managing Director’s Office. Before becoming a city employee, he worked as a special assistant to

the executive director of Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha Inc., a position he attained after his 2006 graduation from Temple University, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in adult and organizational development. Torres joined the board of directors at GALAEI last year and was elected president earlier this year. GALAEI execu t ive d i r e c t o r Elicia Gonzalez said she was “thrilled” at Torres’ award. “He is a oneof-a-kind leader who leads by example and fosters leadership in others by recDAVID TORRES ognizing their true potential,” she said. “He has an infectious laugh and makes every effort to have fun while giving 150 percent on any job. I look up to him and continue to be inspired by his determination, passion and dedication to the Latino community and his sense of humor.” Torres said the award will serve to not only highlight his own accomplishments but also the efforts of GALAEI. “I appreciate this recognition, not just because of the work I do in city government, but because of the work I’m doing with GALAEI,” he said. “I’m a son of Philadelphia and know I’m called to make this city a better place. The work that GALAEI does is extremely impactful, and it’s important to me to be a part of something that’s making Philadelphia better every day — in this case, with a focus on the LGBTQ Latino community.” ■

Triangle Medical

Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011

News Briefing Fundraiser for food bank New Jersey game and comic retailer All Things Fun! will host a fundraiser at noon Nov. 13 to benefit the South Jersey Food Bank. “FoodMachine 2001” is an interactive game where canned-food donations are used to help players advance. The charity game will be held at the retailer, 185 Route 73 in West Berlin, N.J. Entry into FoodMachine requires 15 canned goods or $20. For more information, visit, call 856-719-1414 or email

Trans Day of Remembrance The LGBT community will come together in tribute to its transgender brothers and sisters who have been victims of violence at an annual Transgender Day of Remembrance vigil this month. Sponsored by The Colours Organization Inc. and T-Man, the event will be held from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Nov. 20 at Colours, 112 N. Broad St., in the second-floor conference room. For more information, visit

Out swimmer visits Philly Out swimming legend Diana Nyad will make an appearance this weekend at an inaugural festival celebrating world travel and culture. Nyad, 62, will detail her recent attempt to swim from Cuba to Florida at the closing-

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National service for Kameny Late LGBT pioneer Frank Kameny will be memorialized in a Capitol Hill observance Nov. 15 in Washington, D.C. The event, which will begin at 4:30 p.m. in Room 345 of Capitol Hill and is open to the public, will be hosted by Congressmembers Barney Frank, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Tammy Baldwin, Jared Polis and David Cicilline. The service will be held on the 50th anniversary of Kameny’s founding of the Mattachine Society in Washington, D.C. Kameny died last month in his D.C. home. He was 86.

Perform at City Hall The city’s Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy is seeking performers to take part in an inaugural cultural program at City Hall. “City Hall Speaks” will feature musical, dance, spoken-word, theatrical and other performances throughout the City Hall complex, from the newly renovated courtyard to the mayor’s Reception Room. Events, which will begin in March, will be presented twice monthly during afterwork hours, and participants will receive a $500 stipend. Individuals or organizations interested in taking part in the program can apply at by Dec. 1. ■ — Jen Colletta

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night reception of GEOfest at 6 p.m. Nov. 12 at WHYY, 150 N. Sixth St. Presented by the Geographical Society of Philadelphia, the weeklong festival will highlight culture, cuisine and cinema from throughout the globe with events across the city through Nov. 12. The closing reception will feature exclusive footage of Nyad’s endurance-swim attempt, as well as Cuban cuisine and mojitos. Tickets to the reception are $150 or $125 for society members. For more information, visit or call 610-649-5220.


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Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011


Antigay consulting firm cites, withdraws animal-rights clients By Jen Colletta A staffer at a consulting firm known nationally for its work on behalf of a number of conservative, often antigay, politicians and initiatives, has purported to have a client list that includes a number of animal-advocacy groups, including one in the Philadelphia area — a connection the animal group denies and that has since been removed from the firm’s website. Campaign Solutions has worked on campaigns for Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum, and the Virginia-based organization also helped promote Yes on 8, the successful California ballot initiative that banned same-sex marriage. As of earlier this month, the biography of Campaign Solutions employee Anthony Bellotti on the organization’s website described Bellotti as a 2000 graduate of University of Pennsylvania and an animal advocate whose “animal-protection clients” include Animal Protection of New Mexico, The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and The American Anti-Vivisection Society, a Jenkintownbased organization that is the nation’s first nonprofit animal-advocacy group dedicated to ending animal experimentation. The profile also stated that Bellotti “quarterbacked the highly regarded online campaign” of Yes on 8 and managed online advertising and fundraising campaigns for Maine’s Yes on Question 1, which also banned same-sex marriage, and the antigay National Organization for Marriage. Blogger Peter Heimlich wrote about the seeming disconnect between support for animal rights and for restricting LGBT rights on his blog, The Sidebar.

Scott A. Drake Photography


from page 1

merly held by retiring Councilwoman Joan Krajewski. Henon defeated Republican challenger Sandra Stewart with 70 percent of the vote. Democrat Stephanie Singer came out on top of the City Commissioner race with 39 percent of the vote, followed by Democratic incumbent Anthony Clark and Republican challenger Al Schmidt. Republican incumbent Joseph Duda finished fourth and will not re-join the three-member commission. Democrat Ronald Donatucci was reelected Register of Wills, while Jewel Williams was elected Sheriff. At the state level, Democrat David Wecht was elected to the Superior Court in a landslide victory in which he garnered 82 percent of the vote over Republican Vic Stabile. Democrat Kathryn Boockvar also saw a vic-



“On their website, Campaign Solutions proudly clamed to represent organizations dedication to improving the lives of our four-footed friends, meanwhile cooking up high-profile political campaigns to restrict the civil rights of human beings because they’re gay,” he said. The day after he posted his story, APNM was removed from Bellotti’s profile. “After I reported the story on my blog, client names and other information started vanishing from their website,” Heimlich said. “When I asked company president Becki Donatelli if she or Anthony Bellotti wanted to explain, she politely declined.” Sue Leary, president of AAVS, told PGN her organization accepted free advice from a contributor, who works for Campaign Solutions, but said her agency is not currently and never was a client of Bellotti’s or Campaign Solutions. Donatelli did not respond to a request for comment last week from PGN. Last weekend, however, all mention of the animal-advocacy groups, as well as the antigay agencies, were removed from Bellotti’s profile. Leary said her organization did not ask for its name to be removed. PCRM did not respond to a request for comment. Jasmin Singer, executive director of animal-advocacy agency Our Hen House and an LGBT activist, said that, while animal advocates span all political ideologies, to her, LGBT and animal rights are naturally connected. “In my mind, support for animal rights and LGBT rights logically and obviously go together,” she said. “Both are based in othering — in justifying exploitation or discrimination based on irrelevant differences. It seems to completely clear to me.” ■

tory in her race for Commonwealth Court over Republican Anne Covey. For the first time, the Montgomery County Board of Commissioners now has a Democratic majority, with the addition of state Rep. Josh Shapiro and Leslie Richards. Shapiro and Richards have pledged to spearhead an LGBT-inclusive countywide nondiscrimination ordinance for Montgomery County. In New Jersey, Dr. Timothy Eustace, currently the mayor of Maywood, N.J., became the state’s second out lawmaker Tuesday with his election to represent the 38th District in the Assembly. In Morris County, North Jersey, voters elected out Council member Bruce Harris as mayor of Chatham Borough, probably the county’s first African-American gay Republican mayor. ■





Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011

NJ marriage suit moves ahead By Jen Colletta A New Jersey Superior Court judge last week allowed a lawsuit that seeks to secure marriage equality in the state to proceed. Superior Court Assignment Judge Linda Feinberg ruled last Friday that the plaintiffs, a group of same-sex couples and LGBT organization Garden State Equality, should be allowed to demonstrate in court that the state’s civil-union law is failing. A trial date was not yet set. In 2006, the New Jersey Supreme Court ordered the state legislature to provide same-sex couples the same rights afforded to heterosexual couples, which lawmakers did by legalizing civil unions. In 2010, after the legislature failed to extend full marriage rights to same-sex couples, the plaintiffs, represented by Lambda Legal, filed suit, arguing that the law is not widely understood, leading to discrimination. The suit argued the civil-union law violates same-sex couples’ constitutional rights to equal protection and due process and state guarantee of equal protection. In her ruling last week, Feinberg allowed the state argument to proceed but dismissed

the federal claims. Haley Gorenberg, Lambda Legal deputy legal director, said the agency was “delighted” the judge gave the OK for the organization to “demonstrate how the legislature’s crafting of a status other than marriage for same-sex couples has failed to provide them the equality promised by the New Jersey Constitution. Civil union relegates New Jersey’s same-sex couples to a second-class status that keeps them and their families vulnerable.” A few days before Feinberg’s decision, the state Attorney General’s Office filed a motion calling for the dismissal of the suit, as the office contended that the civil-union law lives up to the mandates set forth by the Supreme Court and failures of the law should be handled on an individual basis. Gorenberg said dismissal would have prevented plaintiffs from illustrating the harm the civil-union law causes same-sex couples. “New Jersey’s exclusion interferes during medical crises, denies them health insurance and leads to discrimination against them even in funeral homes,” she said. “These families need marriage equality and should not have to live with a law that treats them as inferior.” ■

Gayborhood Crime Watch The following incidents in the Midtown Village and Washington Square West areas were reported to the 6th Police District between Oct. 24-30. Information is courtesy of 6th District Capt. Brian Korn. To report crime tips, visit www.phillypolice. com or call 215-686-TIPS (8477). INCIDENTS — Between 4:25 p.m. Oct. 23 and 1:30 a.m. Oct. 24, a secured bicycle was stolen from outside 1202 Spruce St. — Between 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Oct. 26, someone entered an apartment in the 900 block of Clinton Street by pushing in an A/C unit through a lower-level window and stole a laptop, bicycle and jewelry. Sixth District Officer Kelly attempted to lift fingerprints. — Between 8:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Oct. 27, someone forced open the door of an apartment in the 1300 block of Pine Street and stole a laptop. Sixth District Officer Minnis attempted to lift fingerprints. — At 2:25 p.m. Oct. 28, complainant was on a southbound Rt. 23 SEPTA bus in the 300 block of South 12th Street and became involved in an argument with another passenger, who then shocked the complainant with a Taser-like device and fled the bus going north on 12th. The suspect was described as a black female in her 30s, 5foot-5 with a medium build and wearing jeans. — At 4:35 p.m. Oct. 28, complainant’s iPhone was taken from a table inside Sumo Sushi, 337 S. Broad St., by a black male who fled south on Broad. The suspect was described as 25 years old, 5-foot-10, 180

pounds with a dark complexion, cleanshaven and wearing a red hoodie with “Alabama” on the front and jeans. — Between 8:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Oct. 28, someone removed a window grate and entered an apartment in the 300 block of South 10th Street, then stole an iPad and a bicycle. Sixth District Officer Romanczuk attempted to lift fingerprints. — Between 6:15-9:30 p.m. Oct. 29, someone broke into a locker at the 12th St. Gym, 204 S. 12th St., and stole an iPhone. NON-SUMMARY ARRESTS — At 2 p.m. Oct. 28, a patient in Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, 111 S. 11th St., assaulted a nursing staff employee and was arrested by 6th District Officer Cooper. The 36-year-old suspect with a Germantown address was charged with aggravated assault and related offenses. SUMMARY OFFENSE ARRESTS — Citation issued 6:10 p.m. Oct. 24, 230 S. 13th St. — Citations issued 8 p.m. Oct. 25, 1300 Chancellor St.; 8:20 p.m., 209 S. 13th St.; 8:35 p.m. 1200 Latimer St. (six). — Citation issued 7:15 p.m. Oct. 26, 243 S. 13th St. — Citation issued 12:40 a.m. Oct. 27, 1200 Spruce St.; 4:05 p.m., 1300 Locust St.; 5 p.m., 200 S. Camac St. — Citations issued 9:50 a.m. Oct. 28, 245 S. Juniper St.; 7:25 p.m., 1324 Walnut St.; 8 p.m., 1300 Drury Lane (three). — Citations issued 7:55 p.m. Oct. 29, 243 S. 13th St.; 9:30 p.m. 1234 Locust St. ■

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Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011


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required minimum coverage often does not provide adequate protection. Suggested minimums are $100,000 for medical expenses per injured person, $300,000 for the total per accident and $50,000 for property damage. Collision, fire and theft coverage are also advisable for a vehicle with more than minimal value. The cost of auto insurance varies greatly depending on many factors: the company and agent, coverage and deductible limits, where you live, the kind of vehicle insured and the ages of drivers in the family. Discounts are often available for Jeremy safe drivers, nonsmokers and who commute to work via Gussick those public transportation.

Out Money

Auto insurance Auto insurance protects you from damage to your vehicle and/or from liability for damage or injury caused by you or someone driving your vehicle. It can also help cover expenses you or anyone in your car may incur as a result of an accident with an uninsured motorist. Auto-liability coverage is necessary for anyone who owns a car. Many states require you to have liability insurance before a vehicle can be registered. However, state-

Homeowner’s insurance Homeowner’s insurance should allow you to rebuild and refurnish your home after a catastrophe and insulate you from lawsuits if someone is injured on your property. Coverage of at least 80 percent of your home’s replacement value, minus the value of land and foundation, is necessary for you to be covered for the cost of repairs. There are several grades of policies, ranging from HO-1 to HO-8, with increasingly comprehensive coverage and cost. As a baseline,

most homeowners’ policies cover the contents of the house for 50-75 percent of the amount for which the house is insured. The liability coverage in many homeowners’ policies is $300,000. Life insurance Life insurance, payable when you die, can provide a surviving partner, children and other dependents with the funds necessary to maintain their standard of living. It can also be used to help repay debt, fund education costs and support charitable giving. The amount you need depends on your situation. If you make $100,000 a year, have a sizable mortgage and two kids headed to an expensive college, you could need $1 million in coverage, or more. Talk with an insurance agent who offers policies from companies whose financial strength is ranked high by rating agencies. And remember that you can shop around. Helpful resources include A.M. Best, Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s. These agencies rank and rate insurance companies and can give you information about an insurance company’s financial strength. A small fee will be charged for these services. Disability income insurance When you are unable to work for an extended period, a long-term disability policy is activated, replacing a portion of

your lost income. Some employers offer company-paid disability income insurance. Typically, such coverage is only partial and/ or short-term in nature. Thus, many people seek to purchase an individual disability income insurance policy. When shopping around for disability insurance, try to get a non-cancelable policy with benefits for life, or at least to age 65, and as much salary coverage as you can afford. Insurers will usually cover up to 65 percent of your salary. Generally, you should have total coverage equal to two-thirds of your current pretax income. Health insurance Most people enjoy medical insurance as an employee benefit, often with their employers paying whole or part of the premiums. Many employers offer a choice between HMOs (health maintenance organizations) and traditional fee-for-service care. Rates for HMOs are usually cheaper but have more constraints. Privately purchased health insurance is much more expensive — often by several hundred dollars a month — depending on deductibles, coverage choices and where you live. Long-term care insurance With an aging population and uncertainty about the future of Social Security and Medicare, insurance to cover the high cost PAGE 15


Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011


Balancing transmission risks with quality of life Before I composed this column, my elucidated in my past two columns, people mother had a little “come to Jesus meetpossess widely varying degrees of knowling” with me over the phone. After readedge about HIV transmission. And to furing my last column, she worried that I ther complicate matters, a simple Google might be divulging too much search will illustrate the vastly information and/or intentionopposing stances studies and ally pandering for shock value. experts take on the topic. Despite our disagreements, Sadly, this means that while what she voiced in valediction you could offer potential HIVdistilled the point of all my colneg suitors numerous portals umns: of information, at the end of “Honey, I’m done raising the day, they won’t have any you. Now, it’s simply my job solid answers and will have as your mother to love you no to decide for themselves what matter what. But don’t think they’re comfortable with. I’m going to withhold my opinThat’s how it was and still ions. I’m entitled to that just is, to a certain extent, with my like you; but that should never current boyfriend. When we met, I disclosed my status to get in the way of me showing him. As we dated long distance my love.” In the same vein, let me say Aaron Stella and he read some of my past that, no matter what I advise or columns, he expressed that he express as a defensible arguwanted to know more. And so ment, what you do as an HIV-poz or nega- he read a lot, spoke to several people and tive person, how you act sexually, socially, talked at length with me. For both of us, politically or inwardly, is ultimately up to this took a great deal of patience. Because you. we, like other sero-discordant couples, This is the third and final column weren’t merely interested in safety, but addressing methods of status disclosure as balancing transmission risks with quality of life. it relates to dating HIV-neg partners. As

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Yes. You might think that “quality of life” is a convenient equivocation for straight-up bareback sex. In a sense it is, but in another, it’s esteeming the purpose of a healthy, enjoyable sex life, which people are quick to denigrate in American culture. So long as a couple shares full consent and is prepared to accept the risks of ostensibly unsafe behavior, then amen. My boyfriend and I never use condoms for oral sex, given either way, or when I bottom. As for me topping him, I simply don’t do it. We’re still researching options and assessing transmission risks, because, again, we’re trying to actualize our definition of a quality sex life — the key phrase there being “our definition.” At this point with our comfort level, if I really wanted to top him I would use a condom. I’m very happy with our sex life; however, for a while, the risk of infecting him ate at me like the plague. When I voiced my concern, begging him to think and respond honestly, this is what he said: “I want to be as healthy for you as I possibly can, but I will never regret anything I’ve done with you.” Yes. I love my boyfriend. I’ll say, however, that I have to be careful not to lump in his acceptance of my HIV status with

Aaron Stella is former editor-in-chief of Philly Broadcaster. Since graduating from Temple University with a bachelor’s degree in English, he has written for several publications in the city, and now devotes his life to tackling the challenges of HIV in the 21st century.

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my love for him, when in reality, it’s just an impasse. That’s not to say sensitivity is optional. I’m sure every HIV-poz person, in varying degrees, struggles with HIV’s stigma, and, when they’re in a sero-discordant relationship, makes knee-jerk comparisons between themselves and their partners. I don’t care how you feel about being HIV: You must learn to voice your needs. Expect compassion and don’t shortchange yourself. Nothing about your worthwhileness has changed just because you’re poz, and that goes for your values as well. Everybody on this planet has some sort of struggle that bears no difference in quality or kind to that of being HIV poz. Learn to care for yourself, so you know what you should expect from others, and to others, what you should give. We’re all in this together, folks. Now get out there and talk about it. ■

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Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011


Creep of the Week

D’Anne Witkowski

Michigan’s Republican state senators


This is unacceptable This week, one story preempted the news cycle in Philadelphia, permeating into the national media: the Penn State sex-abuse scandal. Last Saturday, police arrested Jerry Sandusky, ex-defensive coordinator for Penn State’s football team, on 40 counts of child sex-abuse charges. Police also arrested PSU athletic director Tim Curley and senior vice president for finance and business Gary Schultz for not reporting the incidents to authorities. Earlier this week, head coach Joe Paterno — who also knew about the abuse and failed to report it to police — announced he would retire at the end of this season. Some have called for the resignation of university president Graham Spanier, arguing that he should have done more to respond to the incidents. According to the grand jury report, Sandusky is alleged to have abused eight preteen and teenage boys from 19942008. A ninth came forward this week. At least twice, according to the report, university employees saw Sandusky engaged in sexual abuse in the showers of the Lasch Football Building at PSU after he retired in 1999. According to the report, university and State College police and the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare investigated Sandusky in 1998; the Centre County attorney general closed the case without filing charges. In 2002, after a graduate assistant witnessed abuse, Sandusky’s keys to the Penn State locker room were taken away, but authorities are not contacted. In 2008, Sandusky is barred from Clinton County school district after

one victim’s mother reported abuse to her son’s school and the school called authorities. Also in 2008, the charity Sandusky founded in 1977 for at-risk youth, The Second Mile, separated him from programs involving contact with youth after it learned he was under investigation. The case is disturbing on many, many levels. But there are several questions that have yet to be answered. Why did authorities — State College police, university police, the county district attorney and the attorney general — take so long to bring charges against Sandusky? Even if the 2008 case is the only case considered, it has still been more than three years since the incident. When any crime is in progress, isn’t it standard to arrest the alleged perpetrator right away? Isn’t there a higher standard when it comes to child abuse? Though Sandusky no longer had direct access to youth at The Second Mile after 2008, who is to say he had no contact with youth? After years of Penn State employees turning a blind eye — protecting one of their own or their precious reputation, it matters not — why didn’t state authorities act sooner? If the attorney general’s office — Gov. Corbett was AG at the time — began investigating the case in early 2009, why did it take so long to arrest Sandusky, who could have gone on to violate other minors? Did Sandusky receive special treatment because of who he was? Unfortunately, this case of a serial child sex abuser reeks of another old boys’ club: the Catholic Church. ■

Everyone knows that bullying is wrong. It is awful to be bullied and a person who is a bully isn’t exactly a poster child for a happy and healthy well-adjusted individual. There has to be something wrong with you to have such callous disdain for other people. That is, unless your disdain is born out of “a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction.” Then it’s totally OK. Bully away. The Republicans in the Michigan Senate have your back, or at least the 26 Republicans who voted in favor of Michigan Senate Bill 137 do, which requires school districts to implement anti-bullying policies but goes out of its way to protect the people doing the bullying, not the people getting bullied. Only 11 senators voted against it. They were all Democrats. The anti-bullying law that has been bouncing around the Michigan legislature for years is often called Matt’s Safe School Law, named after Matthew Epling, an East Lansing freshman who was driven to suicide by bullying in 2002. Matt’s father, who has been advocating for this bill since its inception, is none too pleased about the Senate-added bully protection clause. “They kind of snuck in this extra paragraph, really kind of setting apart kids that feel their religious beliefs, their moral convictions, basically, can allow them to bully,” Kevin Epling told ABC News. “That one paragraph, though, negates most of the things that we tried to put in.” That “extra paragraph” states that the bill “does not abridge the rights under the First Amendment ... of a school employee, school volunteer, pupil or a pupil’s parent or guardian” and that it “does not prohibit a statement of a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction of a school employee, school volunteer, pupil or a pupil’s parent or guardian.” It’s kind of hard to imagine why a legislative body would want to yank the fangs out of a measure initially designed to protect children. That is, until you consider that Michigan is one of the few states that doesn’t have an anti-bullying law due, in large part, to antigay advocates who have fought against such a measure for years fearing that it would violate the religious freedom of antigay students, as if any religion has fag-bashing as an officially sanctioned tenet that schools are obligated to

protect. According to state Sen. Rick Jones, the bill’s sponsor, people kicking up a fuss about the bill have it all wrong. “There were some caucus members who worried that if a child stood up in sex-education class or speech class and made a statement: ‘In my religion, I don’t believe in gay marriage,’ or something, they didn’t want the child to be evicted from school for just making a statement,” he told ABC News. “Nothing in the bill is intended that the child could confront another child and abuse them in any way.” I agree that a kid shouldn’t be kicked out of school for declaring he doesn’t “believe in” gay marriage, even though that’s as nonsensical as saying, “I don’t believe in oranges.” We’re not talking about Santa Claus, people. Gay marriage and oranges are real, whether you like them or not. Of course, the real problem isn’t over a hypothetical argument over gay marriage. It’s the things that the bill’s ambiguous language certainly covers. I mean, after all, couldn’t Fred Phelps argue that “God hates fags” is a “statement of a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction”? Wouldn’t this bill protect a bully telling a suspected gay classmate that homosexuals should be stoned to death? Or telling a lesbian to rot in Hell? Or taunting a gay student by calling him a child molester? And don’t these statements create the kind of climate that so many LGBT students have found intolerable to the point of suicide? Even considering the fact that Michigan’s Republican-controlled legislature has been no friend to the state’s LGBT citizens, it’s alarming that all of the Senate’s GOP members were willing to reach into this big shit pile of a bill and get their hands dirty. The good news is the Michigan House isn’t going for it and even House Republicans are in favor of nixing the religious exemption language. Whether they’ll actually pass the bill afterward remains to be seen. ■

Couldn’t Fred Phelps argue that “God hates fags” is a “statement of a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction”?

D’Anne Witkowski has been gay for pay since 2003. She’s a freelance writer and poet (believe it!). When she’s not taking on the creeps of the world, she reviews rock ’n’ roll shows in Detroit with her twin sister.


Saying farewell to a pre-Stonewall pioneer Returning from Washington, D.C. for teenager might look at their parents giving Frank Kameny’s viewing left me in an them advice. We were a very dysfunctional angered state and it had me family. totally at a loss. We (the kids) decided to The viewing could not have commemorate the first annibeen more honorable: honor versary of Stonewall the last Sunday of June in 1970, guards, a coffin draped with which became the end of the the American flag, flowers in the proper places, a picIndependence Hall pickets. ture of Frank on an easel and, After all, our generation was not of course, one of the iconic about to show up with women in dresses and men in suits and picket signs from those historic ties. Our first march, we didn’t marches for gay rights outside Independence Hall each July 4 care what you wore. from 1965-69. About the only thing we all It was all so dignified and had in common was our incredible passion for equality. We downright presidential. There were longstanding friends to would shout abut it, march for it chat with, but something was Mark Segal and argue with each other about missing and, boarding the train how to achieve it. And that was to head home, it bewildered me. it. The lying in state was just too Then the following day, while discussing grand and civil. It would have been great if it with Kay Lahusen, Barbara Gittings’ life Frank could just yell at us one last time. partner and a close friend of Kameny, she But the best compliment I can say is that explained it eloquently. After describing Frank would have loved it: He was the center of attention. As it should be. it to her, without hesitation she said it was A final note: A Capitol Hill observance too civil and very establishment, something will be held for Kameny at 4:30 p.m. Nov. we’re not used to. And she was right. I met Frank, Barbara and Kay in 1970. In 15 in the Cannon House Office Building, those early days of our struggle for equalRoom 345, Washington, D.C. ■ ity, we were not always kind to each other. Mark Segal, PGN publisher, is the There were two camps: The pre-Stonewall nation’s most-award-winning commentaand the Stonewallers. The Stonewallers tor in LGBT media. He can be reached at looked at the pre-Stonewallers such as Frank, Barbara, Kay and their camp as a

Mark My Words

Tell us what you think Send letters and opinion column submissions to:; PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147; fax: 215-925-6437.

Please include a daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity, style and space considerations.

Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011

Street Talk Should a transgender boy be allowed to join the Boy Scouts? “Yes, if they identify as a boy, they should be fully accepted into the organization. However, I acknowledge the Boy Christian Scouts are Carpenter incredibly canvasser conservative. West Philadelphia So I don’t think this will happen in the near future.”

“Yes. The Boy Scouts are supposed to be supportive of the community. The transgender community is Collette Naughton just as valid student as any other Graduate Hospital community. To turn your back on transgenders would be like segregation [was] in the '60s. We’re all in this world together. Why not be supportive of everybody?”

“No. It shouldn’t be allowed considering the confusion it would cause. It wouldn’t be good for the Scouts. It Jesse Taylor would present student problems; Center City other boys would be disrupted by it. It’s hard to understand that stuff at a young age.”

“Yes. It’s a medical condition that should be respected. Realistically, it would be better for the boy to not Meghan Toth make a big student deal about Washington Square it. Otherwise, West the Scouts will make a big deal and kick him out. To be accepted, he’ll have to blend in — not make an issue of his trans status.”

Letters and Feedback In response to “Election round-up,” Nov. 4-10: The middle class and jobs are leaving this city in droves. Unemployment is over 10 percent. Underemployment rate is probably over 20 percent. Most of Philadelphia looks like it’s been bombed. Crime is on the rise. Elementary-school police go to work in bullet-proof vests. When it gets warm again, we have flash mobs to look forward to. There are hundreds of urine-soaked protesters camping out in front of City Hall, costing the city hundreds of thousands of dollars a week. Not to mention the “working” clowns inside City Hall that are costing the city millions (DROP comes to mind). Progressive liberal Democrats have run

this city for the past 60 years. How much longer will Segal and PGN continue to support and endorse these failed policies and failed, corrupt politicians? Yet one of Mark’s top issues is whether his SEPTA pass has an M or an F on it? I guess when you wear Segal’s rosey glasses, you only see the important stuff. — Important Stuff Are you kidding me? Point out five things (in the past four years) Nutter has actually done for LGBT communities besides showing up at events and shaking hands. Perhaps having face time with him is all “some” people want, but most of us would rather see changes in law, policy and practices and less of his face at events and in the press.


Shame on us all for falling for this crap! — Nutter Butter In response to the editorial “Redefining American history,” Oct. 7-13: Nice column, but it only scratches the surface. There was no mention of the nickname by which members of the Congress referred to Rufus King: “Miss Nancy.” King was put on the presidential/vice-presidential ticket precisely because it was thought that would prevent Buchanan from opposing the ticket — he wouldn’t have wanted to upset his boyfriend. King was also sent to Europe as an envoy so as to squelch the rising murmur of gossip about the two “overly

friendly bachelors.” Buchanan’s favorite color was pink — witness all of the official White House china he selected. Others apparently made note of that when they planted pink pansies on his grave in Lancaster. — Deacon Maccubbin In response to “Safe schools: What can we do right now,” by Louie A. Ortiz, Oct. 28-Nov. 3: This is an amazing article Louie, I am so proud of you! My kid’s school has a Zero Tolerance for Bullying Policy and they have curriculums just like the ones that you suggested. I think it’s a great idea and the best way to stop the bullying! — Sudy


Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011



Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011


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Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011


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from page 1

Penn State. Sandusky is free on $100,000 bail. Two other high-ranking officials have also been implicated in the scandal. Athletic director Tim Curley, 57, and university vice president Gary Schultz, 62, each face one count of failure to report for not informing law enforcement of allegations of sex abuse against Sandusky and one count of perjury for allegedly lying about their knowledge of the incidents to the grand jury. Curley and Schultz turned themselves in Monday, and both are free on $75,000 bail each. After an emergency meeting of the university’s board of trustees Sunday, Penn State announced both men would resign from their posts effectively immediately — with Curley being placed on administrative leave and Schultz returning to retirement. Sandusky is the founder of youthservice organization The Second Mile, which, according to the Attorney General, he utilized to make contact with his alleged victims. The first victim to come forward, who brought his case to the Centre County District Attorney, said he met Sandusky when he was 11 or 12 years old and attending a Second Mile camp at Penn State. The Attorney General’s Office said Sandusky maintained contact with the boy and invited him over for overnight visits, during which the sexual abuse began. The abuse continued as the boy entered high school but his mother learned of the abuse and contacted the teen’s school district in 2009, which banned Sandusky from its premises. A joint investigation by the State Police and the Attorney General launched shortly thereafter. “This is a case about a sexual predator who used his position within the university and community to repeatedly prey on young boys,” said Attorney General Linda Kelly. Sandusky allegedly abused the eight victims from 1994-2009, and the Attorney General’s Office is continuing to investigate for more victims. At least two incidents took place on Penn State’s campus. According to Kelly, a graduate assistant walked in on Sandusky sexually assaulting a 10-year-old boy in the locker-room shower of the University Park campus in 2002. The individual reported the incident to head football coach Joe Paterno, who related the story to Curley. Curley and Schultz met with the witness but Kelly said they did not report the incident to


“any law-enforcement or childprotective agency, as required by Pennsylvania law,” and never attempted to learn the child’s identity. Curley and Schultz did set down a new mandate that Sandusky not be permitted to bring Second Mile children into the football building on campus, to which Sandusky had access after his retirement. Curley repeatedly denied he knew of the sexual abuse allegations to the grand jury, and Schultz stated he and Curley “had no indication that a crime had occurred,” leading to the perjury charges. Following the indictment, the role of Paterno, the famed coach who has led the team for 46 years, came into question: Paterno, 84, announced Tuesday he would retire at the end of this season. The school’s board of trustees, which will meet Friday, said it would appoint a special committee to investigate the circumstances in the case. ■ from page 8

of nursing home or at-home health care is becoming more widespread. Medicare pays very little of the cost of long-term care. Medicaid will pay for the care, but only for patients whose assets are almost depleted, according to Medicare. gov. With Congress always debating the future funding of these programs, financial planning for longterm care is more crucial than ever. Medigap insurance can help pay medical expenses of the elderly not covered by Medicare. However, it does not cover custodial nursing home costs. In fact, according to, about half of all nursing home residents pay for the care with personal savings. Contact a qualified insurance professional, AARP or myself for more information on long-term care insurance. ■ Jeremy R. Gussick is a financial advisor with LPL Financial, the nation’s leading independent broker-dealer.* Jeremy specializes in the financial planning needs of the LGBT community and was recently named a 2011 FIVE STAR Wealth Manager by Philadelphia Magazine.** OutMoney appears monthly. If you have a question, email This article was prepared with the assistance of McGraw-Hill Financial Communications and is not intended to provide specific investment advice or recommendations for any individual. Consult your financial advisor or Jeremy Gussick if you have any questions. LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC. *Based on total revenues, as reported in Financial Planning Magazine, June 19962011. **Details on the award can be found at

Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011


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Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011


Q Puzzle Family Portrait Bulletin Board Out & About Scene in Philly Worth Watching

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ESHELL Photo: Charlie Gross

The out singer-songwriter talks about her new album By Larry Nichols It’s safe to say we are very enamored with Meshell Ndegeochello. The out singer, multi-instrumentalist and songwriter has been a creative force to be reckoned with since her debut album in 1993. In each album since, Ndegeochello has pushed the envelope of creativity, exploring a wide range of sounds and influences. But we still weren’t prepared for her last album, 2009’s “Devil’s Halo,” which blew us out of the water. Then recently, N d eg e o c h e l l o did a series of shows where she performed nothing but Prince covers (check out the YouTube footage, they’re awesome!). That amped up our fanaticism for Ndegeochello to the point where, if you don’t like any of her music (or Prince’s for that matter), we can’t be friends. Ever. So here we are. Our deep well of love and respect for Ndegeochello’s music, the excitement around her new album

“Weather” (which is stellar, by the way), her upcoming show at World Cafe Live and our mutual fascination with all things that have to do with Prince made for damn-good conversation. PGN: I find modern R&B, for the most part, to be very by-the-book and formulaic. But the great thing about your new album is that it is so experimental and outside the box. Do you think most modern artists stay in a stylistic box because they want to or because they are giving in to pressure from their fans and their labels? MN: I wish I could be an interviewer because, yeah, I would like to ask a few artists if that’s their choice or is it perhaps the producer. A lot of R&B music is producer-driven. There’s just a singer and the record companies bring them in songs from hit producers. It’s complicated. I think it’s just a combination of the business is sucking and people want to know they are getting things that sell. It’s a collective fear of anything new. I don’t know anyone’s motivations. I

just personally don’t have that. I just want to try to explore different things as much as I can. PGN: In a live setting, you and your band are set up like the performance is more like an informal jam than your show. Are you consciously positioning yourself as if to say, I’m just one of the musicians on stage performing tonight? MN: Yeah, definitely. Plus I grew up with Prince and the Revolution, so I think of my band as this collective organism. We come here and play music all together. And I grew up in [Washington,] D.C. The go-go scene influences how I interact with other musicians. It’s not all about me personally. When I go to a show, I want to see the collective spontaneity of the musicians and how they work out these songs that they’ve been playing for months and trying to find the things that I missed. That’s what I’m trying to do too. PGN: How did you end up working with Chris Connelly on the new record, and were you familiar with his work in bands like Ministry and Revolting Cocks? MN: Oh yeah. Definitely. Oh my God. But then I just met him by happenstance through my guitar player. So we started sending each other lyrics and songs and we started this collaboration. But he’s a brilliant man.

PGN: Is your music in any way influenced by Wendy and Lisa? MN: Oh, of course. Plus on the second recording and the third, I got to play with them and meet them. They are a huge inspiration along with so many others. Once you meet your idols and get to spend some time with them, it’s definitely going to influence you as a human and as a musician. They’re definitely a big influence in my life. PGN: Recently you did a series of performances where you did an evening of Prince songs. Did performing his songs alter your perceptions of his music? MN: No. In my limited opinion, I have a really intimate relationship with music in terms of how it fits in my life. The reason I did that whole series of shows is that people had asked me to do my old music, which I’m not that comfortable with. So I thought I’d do the music that most inspired me. So I did the Prince show. I did a Gil Scott Heron show. And if I could, I’d do a Cocteau Twins show or a Simple Minds show. I like doing all the music that, as a young person and growing musician, got me where I am now. And doing this music just gave me more ideas. It put a flowering in my mind of how much there is to explore in terms of the R&B genre. Because you’re right: Returning to your earlier question, it’s never going to be like



Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011

it was when there was Prince — when R&B just danced on the line of punk, new wave and all kinds of other things. But it’s inspiring to me to try new things. PGN: What’s stopping you from doing a show of Cocteau Twins songs? MN: I don’t know. I guess I’ve got to find a venue or promoter that would be down with it. People think that this is some illustrious business where when you’re at a certain echelon you can walk in anywhere and they’ll give you a gig. The state of music now, even with live music, is you have to persuade them that it’s going to sell. I have to persuade some people that this is a good idea. That’s all. PGN: What’s your favorite Prince album? MN: I’d have to say “Controversy” because it has so many body memories. I was at a point in my life where it really affected me. What’s yours? PGN: It changes every month. One month

it’ll be “Purple Rain,” the next month it’s “Sign O’ the Times” — and then recently, there’s been a growing appreciation for the “Parade” album. MN: Oh, yeah. Definitely. PGN: And maybe “3121.” MN: That’s not one I listen to often. PGN: That’s the one album out of his last four or five where it feels like he got back to that sense of fun he had back in the 1980s. MN: OK, well I have a question. Do you think when an artist gets older like Prince they can maintain that spark, or do you settle in and continue to do your old catalog? PGN: It depends on who that artist is. If you seem bored with music, it bleeds into your music. I think at one point Prince decided, There’s nothing new I can learn so I’m just going to retread the old stuff. When you see him perform today, it’s like

he’s on an Ike and Tina Turner trip. And he can be more experimental than that. MN: Yeah, I sometime I feel he’s going toward the showbiz aspect and keeping his musicianship and creativity in his peripheral and not focusing on that. My dream is to go see Prince in a trio: guitar, bass and drums. Just as simple as possible, him and his guitar. Of course, I’d be the bass player and it would be the drummer of my choice and it would be totally awesome. But that’s arrogant of me, but I think it would be a cool idea. PGN: What’s your favorite Prince movie? MN: “Purple Rain,” but once I turned 30 and did some reading, I realized how misogynistic it is. But, definitely. Come on, as a gay publication, what do you think now that he’s a Jehovah’s Witness? He’s so homophobic. What do you do when an artist takes a stance that’s so antiquated? That’s the lyric that changed my life: “Am I black or white? Am I straight or gay?”

Just sort of trying to get people off those generalizations. PGN: I’ve always wondered about that, especially when he keeps bringing Wendy and Lisa [who are both lesbian] back into the fold for special performances. Where are they standing on the issue? Is he taking back the things he said or is he relaxing his views for the moment? I think it’s just a case of people still being in love with what he was and represented during the era for 1980-88. And they keep hoping that Prince will come back. MN: Yeah, you’ve got to have a little bit of freak in you. Just a hair. You don’t have to be doing anything, you have a little bit of something obtuse going on in your mind. ■ Meshell Ndegeochello performs 7:30 p.m. at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St. For more information or tickets, visit www. or call 215-222-1400.


Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011




Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011

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Killer Queen For Halloween this year, I finally got judges include T.J. Kelly from “The around to getting the Darth Vader costume A-List New York,” Miss Pennsylvania I wanted way back when I was 10. So 2010 Courtney Thomas, Miss New York what did I do with it now that I’m a big 2010 Claire Buffie, Pretty Poison’s Jade old fag in my 40s? I spray-painted the hel- Starling, Nevins and Robear. Your host met pink and matched it up with a black will be Brittany, and performers will mesh tank top, a pair of hot-pink metalinclude Starling, Brittany and the Dahling Sisters. lic spandex pants and black German army boots with pink neon laces. For more information, check My inner geek was very out upset with me, but it was — cue some Cyndi Lauper music, Pink Pub Crawl please — totally awesome. The night before The costume earned me a lot Thanksgiving is famous for of nicknames during the night, being one of the biggest party including Darth Gaydar, Pinkie nights of the year. Which Tusca-vader and, my favorite, I’ve never really understood Darth Susan Komen the Dark because, if you’re not looking Lord of the Cure — in honor of forward to spending the day October being Breast Cancer with relatives, why the hell Awareness Month, of course. would you want to do it with a So how did I do in the coshangover? But that’s just me. Jim Kiley- If you prefer headaches and tume contests? Not good. I didn’t enter a single one. The Zufelt cottonmouth to parades and only purpose of that costume football games, then you’re in was to make people laugh, most luck! The Pink Pub Crawl is especially my dear friend Ryan. Which back just in time for the holiday. he did. And that made me happy. It feels The fun kicks off at 9 p.m. Nov. 23 at so good to let your hair down and make a Stir, 1705 Chancellor St. At 10:15 the fool out of yourself every once in a while! party moves on down the road to Tabu, And that’s what Halloween is all about, 200 S. 12th St. At 11:30, it crawls on over Charlie Brown. to Woody’s, then finally slides to a halt at 12:30 a.m. at Voyeur. U.S. Mr. Gay Tickets for the crawl are available at For the second year in a row Stir and Tabu on the night of the event and Philadelphia is the host city for the U.S. cost $25 if you’re dressed in pink, $35 if Mr. Gay competition. Contestants from not. And by dressed in pink they mean you around the country will be competing for have to be wearing something significant, this title and the chance to compete at the not just a pair of socks. (If anyone wants International Mr. Gay competition. to borrow a pair of lightly used metallic The fun starts Nov. 18 with the welcome pink spandex pants, let me know.) party and first round of Q&A at Woody’s, Your ticket gets you one drink ticket 202 S. 13th St. Doors open at 8 p.m., with good at each of the first three destinations, a Smirnoff open bar and hors d’oeurves dance-floor admission to Woody’s and from 8-9 p.m. The welcome party will be admission to Voyeur. Do the math — that’s hosted by TruTV and TV Land’s Scott a serious bargain by any standards. Nevins, Robear from “NY Ink” and Philly For more information, check out www. favorite Brittany Lynn, with performances ■ by Brittany and Steve McManus. Questions, comments or news about But that’s not all! The main event upcoming events? Contact Jim at will start at 9 p.m. Nov. 19 at Voyeur Nightclub, 1221 St. James St. Celebrity


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Family Portrait

Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011


Suzi Nash

Quincy Barack Greene: Youth advocate, STEM researcher Many of you may know Quincy Greene for his work with Safeguards or Brothers United or the Mazzoni Center. On the job, he’s a whirlwind of activity and confidence, but what you may not know that at heart he’s a really shy fellow. With his arms hugging his sides, I feared he was going to shrink into himself during our interview ... when he wasn’t giggling with embarrassment at having to talk about himself! Fortunately, we made it through and we got to know a dynamic force in the LGBT community. Just don’t ask him to talk about himself. PGN: Where are you from? QG: I was born in Georgetown, Guyana, which is in South America, part of the Caribbean. I was only there until I was about 2 when my parents emigrated to this country. I have two older brothers, one who was born in the States and the other also in Guyana. PGN: Your older brother was born here and you in Guyana? QG: [Laughs.] Yes, my mother gave birth to him when she was here visiting her sister. It almost happened in Jamaica! He’s the only one in the family that’s an American citizen. I’m still a Guyanese citizen though I was raised in Brooklyn, N.Y. PGN: Have you been back to Guyana? QG: Twice, once when I was 5 to renew my passport. It was kind of surreal, being a Brooklyn kid and going back there. We ate a lot of traditional food at home and a lot of my parents’ friends were Guyanese, but actually being in Guyana and seeing donkeys walking around experiencing the sights and smells was really different. It’s amazing how each country outside the U.S. has it’s own scent. The Amazon has a very distinct aroma because of the rich soil, the water, the foods, even the car exhaust in the cities. PGN: What stood out the most for you? QG: [Laughs.] Animal droppings! You don’t usually see donkey droppings in Brooklyn and once I saw one, I assumed that everything I saw was from an animal. I kept yelling to my mother, “Mom, I’m scared I’m going to step in it!” When I went back the second time as an adult, I remember a dish called black pudding. Growing up in the States, I associated pudding with Bill Cosby and chocolate. But black pudding in Guyana is more like a sausage. A lot of cultures have some variation of it, blood pudding in England and Germany or red pudding in Cajun cuisine. It’s made with dried blood and rice with herbs and spices — delicious, but it took some getting used to. I was also used to my food coming from a store, so when we stayed at my grandmother’s house and she asked if I wanted chicken for dinner, I was shocked to see her go into the backyard and grab a chicken and bring it into the house. I asked her what she was doing and she said, “Preparing dinner. Come help me chop the

head off.” I was not ready for that: I skipped dinner that night. Sometimes food can be a little too fresh. PGN: What was the best part? QG: Seeing a wonderful, vibrant culture that was part of my heritage, it really made me proud. And they all looked like me! As a young person, I was bullied a lot at school and teased about being dark-skinned and having a different nose, eyes, lips — it was tough. PGN: It’s crazy how much color bias there is within the black community. People think we all get along, but there can be a lot of animosity between light- and dark-skinned people, stemming back from when the house and the field slaves were separated by color. QG: Yes, all of elementary school I was bullied heavy-duty by other black kids for being “too black” and having a big nose. It really hurt a lot. It was awful. On the flip side, I did appreciate America better after visiting Guyana as an adult. You learn to appreciate things like paved roads or power that doesn’t go out on a whim. People here turn their noses up at tap water and pay for it bottled; over there they would drink from the faucet and you could see stuff floating in the water. I remember seeing my cousins coming in from the heat pouring a glass and being like, “Ah, refreshing!” and there was algae or whatever visible in the glass! My trip would have been over if I drank from the tap: I would have been sick for a month. Also, Guyana is near Colombia and Venezuela, so there were drug cartels that used [the area] as a way to get through the Caribbean, and they took over parts of Guyana to do so. Some of them would come in guns blazing and take over the police departments, which was like, Holy cow! They just outgunned the police! The daily violence in some parts was crazy.

tion developing highways that could sense a potential accident and slow down traffic. PGN: What brought you to Philly? QG: I wanted to be a mechanical engineer and Drexel had one of the best programs in the country and gave me a nice financial package. I met someone and came out and then moved with him back to New York to help my mom, who was battling breast cancer. After her death I moved back here. PGN: First serious relationship? QG: It was in high school with a girl and lasted about two years until I came out to her. She was an English major and decided to write a novel about it, which she then distributed to everyone she knew at school. It made the last two years of high school very difficult. I lost a lot of friends. I didn’t have a serious relationship with a guy until college. PGN: And you’re a musician? QG: Yeah, I was a band geek: marching, concert and jazz band. I was a member of the glee

PGN: What did your parents do? QG: My mom was trained as an electrician and my dad was in the Navy but he also did construction work. When we moved here, she became an administrative assistant at some pretty big companies in New York. My dad did mostly construction work here. PGN: What was your favorite thing to do as a kid? QG: I liked being outside. I played jump rope with the girls a lot, but I played with boys too. But I also was a big nerd. My friends and I used to like to hang out at the library. Starting at 9, I did construction work with my dad each summer. PGN: Favorite class? QG: Math. In sixth grade, I was taking highschool-level courses. I wanted to be a rocket scientist.

club before it got cool! I even started a little baroque ensemble on my own. I started playing in elementary school, trombone, trumpet and then started playing woodwinds. Each year we got to go to Disney and perform. One year I got the All-City Marching Band MVP award and got to play at Lincoln Center. It shaped a lot of my life. I’m still friends with a lot of my bandmates.

PGN: Best project? QG: I did a proposal on accident preven-

PGN: It’s so important and yet arts funding is always the first to go.

QG: [Sighs.] It saved my life. It gave me a sense of pride and gave me something to do on a Saturday. People see me as I am now, almost preppy, but I come from a rough neighborhood, Bedford-Stuyvesant. In the ’80s, there were drug dealers and winos on every corner. It was blocks from the Marcy Projects, where Lil’ Kim, Biggie Smalls and Jay-Z all came from. Just walking to school, I was given offers to try drugs or join a gang, but fortunately my parents were strong positive role models and band gave me something to do other than get in trouble. It opened up lots of doors and offered new experiences. Some of my peers weren’t so lucky. PGN: Tell me about your research job. QG: I got to do an internship at Harvard University in biostats, which was like, wow, who gets that? And from there, I got a grant to work in the biostat lab at the University of Penn School of Medicine. It was probably the most prestigious — and high-paying — job I’ve ever had. It changed my life: I’d been going to Cheney University on the Lax scholarship and was studying math. I was actually able to give some of the Lax money back because Cheney offered me a Keystone scholarship. Cheyney is an HBCU [Historically Black College and University] and they had a link with U Penn to kind of cross-pollinate. Penn recruited me and what was really special was that I got to work with M.D. and Ph.D.level people. From some of the research I worked on I even got to publish a few papers. Two of the people I worked with, Jesse Chittams and Tom Ten Have, became mentors. They both invested a lot of time, energy and money on me. PGN: How so? QG: Well, for example, in 2008 I founded the Educational Justice Coalition ( And Tom, um, OK [tears up], I still get emotional at just the thought of it ... Tom believed in me and treated me Photo: Suzi Nash like a peer. He gave me the money to start ECJ, which is designed to help channel LGBT young people into research fields. I mean, here’s this married, straight man helping LGBT kids. He invested about $30,000 and helped get about seven young people hired in the field. I’m forever indebted to him and to Penn for allowing me to do something that brought me so much. He died recently of skin cancer and Harvard honored him because of the work he’s done all PAGE 24 over the world.



Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011

The Cirque comes back to town

Worth Watching STONE-COLD SATURDAY NIGHT: Movie star Emma Stone and global rockstars Coldplay (pictured) appear on a new episode of “Saturday Night Live,” 11:30 p.m. on NBC. Photo: Sarah Lee

LATIN DAD ON AMERICAN DAD: Bisexual alien Roger finds the perfect pair of shorts, and an encounter with out Latin pop star Ricky Martin (guest-voicing as himself) makes him question his self-confidence, on a new episode of “American Dad,” 9:30 p.m. Nov. 13 on Fox.

BUST A MOVE: After a neighbor’s home burns down, the whole family rallies and organizes a community drive to help do some good. But it’s not all good, especially when out character Cameron (Eric Stonestreet, right) does some posturing with a huge moving truck on “Modern Familiy” 9 p.m. Nov. 16 on ABC. Photo:


By Larry Nichols Cirque du Soleil, the globally successful circus-arts company, is bringing its “Quidam” show to town for its Philadelphia arena premiere Nov. 10-13 at the Liacouris Center. This particular show follows the story of young Zoé who is bored, thanks largely to her distant and apathetic parents, and seeks to fill the void with an imaginary world where she meets characters who encourage her to free her soul. Out performer Mark Ward plays the ringmaster, John, in this world. He’s been in the Cirque family for many years and has performed more than 6,500 consecutive shows. PGN caught up with Ward for a few quick questions about the show and his experiences with Cirque. PGN: Can you recall the first Cirque show you ever saw? MW: My first Cirque show was “Saltimbanco” in 1993.

ABC/Peter “Hopper” Stone

HIS GIRLFRIEND’S BACK: Max’s (Adam Pally, left) high-school girlfriend, Angie (guest star Riki Lindhome, right), whom he dated before he figured out he was gay, moves back to town, and her arrival affects everyone, especially Max, who declares a “code war” when Dave and Angie date, on a new episode of “Happy Endings,” 9:30 p.m. Nov. 16 on ABC. Photo: ABC/ Michael Desmond

PGN: How long after that did you say to yourself, “I’m going to be a part of this”? MW: It was actually about two weeks. I was performing as a ballet dancer in Chicago and received a call from a choreographer who was looking for a performer and dancer with acrobatic capabilities. I sent them a tape and I was hired. So it was a very fast baptism, if you will. PGN: How does “Quidam” compare to other Cirque shows? MW: “Quidam” has the distinction of being the most human show because it deals with human emotions and real-life situations. The other shows are fantasy and create different worlds. There’s a lot of fantasy in this one but it’s based on reality.

PGN: Have you performed in other Cirque shows? MW: My first show was “Mystère” in Las Vegas. It was the first Cirque du Soleil permanent show in Las Vegas and I was there from 1993-98. PGN: Are there any other Cirque productions you’d like to perform in? MW: At the moment I’m really happy with “Quidam.” I’ve been here for 14 years now and can see myself here for longer. I’m never going to say I won’t do another show but I’m quite happy in “Quidam.” PGN: What is your role in the show as Ringmaster? MW: I’m kind of the guide for the public and the little girl in the show. I guess you can say I’m the link. PGN: Physically, how demanding is this show compared to other Cirque productions? MW: It’s not as physically demanding as my previous Cirque du Soleil show where I was an acrobat and dancer, but I’m quite active. I have four acts of my own and I am all over the place. It’s mentally challenging as well because I have to have constant communication with the public. PGN: Is it uncommon for a performer to have as long a career with Cirque as you have had? MW: I can’t speak for other companies but I do know dancers who have pretty long careers, until their bodies can’t do it any more. I’ve been in the company for 18 years. There are people who have been there for longer. It depends on the artist. I’ve been very lucky. ■ “Quidam” runs through Nov. 13 at The Liacouras Center, 1776 N. Broad St. For more information or tickets, visit or call 215-204-2400.


Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011


Q Puzzle Remembering Paula Ettlebrick Across

1. Lake, of “Hairspray” 6. “Beat it!” 10. What fruits do in orchards 14. Hawke of “Hamlet” 15. Jelly not for bread 16. Tomato variety 17. Start of a quote from Paula Ettlebrick 20. They perform without payment 21. Spain and Portugal 22. Barely beat 23. Cannon of Hollywood 24. Excites a bit

28. Rent 32. Leave the sack 33. What Shakespeare might be in, with “the” 34. Darth, as a boy 35. More of the quote 39. Sweetie pie 40. Russian gymnast Korbut 41. Tried to go down on? 42. One who doesn’t come immediately 45. ___ Rico 46. “Hi” to Lorca 47. Gone to Fla., maybe 48. Escargot 51. Piece of my heart and more? 56. End of the quote 58. Aspirin unit

59. “Uh-oh!” to Lord Byron 60. Priest role in “Superstar” 61. They don’t hang out in gay bars 62. Word after Bush 63. Rock-bottom


1. “Queen of Country” McEntire 2. Bit from Ted Casablanca 3. “Pet” plant 4. Philosopher Immanuel 5. Suckers, perhaps 6. Sucking sound 7. Sticks around a bar? 8. Follower of Jim Buchanan 9. Dish from the

land of the Samurai 10. Gay novelist Harlan 11. Pride expression 12. Potent head? 13. “Papa ___ Rolling Stone” 18. One-liner, e.g. 19. New corp. hires 23. Word for skin 24. Hiking trails 25. Flamboyant Flynn 26. Elton John’s instrument 27. IRS info 28. Inevitable online claim 29. Shoot-’em-up 30. Remove a condom? 31. Link with 33. Kevin Isom’s “It Only Hurts When I ___ ”

36. Jester’s headwear 37. Like seamen 38. Long distance letters 43. Pirouettes like a ballet dancer 44. ___ sci 45. “But,” in Barcelona 47. Ballet follower 48. Bay Area bulls (abbr.) 49. Drag queen’s leg need 50. With skill 51. Many miles away 52. Movie theater 53. Glinda portrayer in “The Wiz” 54. HHH, to Sappho 55. Pt. of DOS 57. Bullring shout PAGE 27

The nation’s oldest, continuously operating LGBT bookstore.

A Reading with

Debrah Morkun author of

Ida Pingala

Nov. 11, 5:30 pm (BLAXEVOX, $16 pb) A Reading with

Tom Mendicino, Frank Anthony Polito, and Michael Salvatore authors of the three novellas that comprise

Remembering Christmas

Nov. 12, 5:30 pm

(Kensington, $15pb)

3 million eBooks available at email: 345 S. 12th St. Philadelphia, Pa 19107 215-923-2960 Mon-Sat 11:30 - 7, Sun 1 - 7



Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011


Pet high fashion to hit the runway in Philly By Larry Nichols Pet enthusiasts will get to see their fourlegged friends strut their stuff for a good cause when Pet Support Phashion Charity Affair hosts Philadelphia’s first fashion doggie show, Nov. 18 at Loews Hotel. The show will feature the newest in dog fashions and other products, as well as one-of-a-kind designs by award-winning dog couturiers Anthony Rubio of Bandit Rubio Designs and Genny Perez of Milou Couture. A portion of the proceeds benefit the Pennsylvania SPCA Humane Law Enforcement. Out couturier Rubio said that organizers of the event wanted a high-fashion element to the show. “They needed an infusion of high-life, luxurious lines of fashions that New York is famous for,” he said. “I am going to be bringing that to Philadelphia. My line of clothing I’m putting together is all couture, mostly handmade. It’s very luxurious — the fabrics, the designs, the draping. It’s like a game I’m playing because each piece is reminiscent of famous couture designers for people. I am notorious for being the innovator and inventor of the most outrageous things around, from hats to garments for the dogs and even accessories. I used everything from history and my travels and I get inspired by many things, from from page 21

architecture to movies. The sky is the limit. on.’ So in my opinion, the dogs enjoy it as I have no particular trend. I just decided long as it’s comfortable to wear and it’s not this time, since they wanted New York and a cumbersome item to wear.” New York is a city of fashion, I wanted to Even the big dogs? bring the fashions from all over the world “I think that the larger dogs tend to look to this fashion show.” a bit silly, so in that case, less is more,” he We expressed to Rubio our concern that said. “Being from New York, almost everypets might not enjoy dressing up as much body lives in an apartment or a condo. So as people enjoy dressing them up, but he they tend to have small lap dogs. They’re assured us they are into it and the public easier to display and carry and walk around with. The last thing you want to perception of pet couture is evolving. “The thing is, years ago, you would see a dog that would have some clothing on and the reaction would be, ‘Isn’t that f u n ny,’ ” h e s a i d . “ F ive years later, it’s the other way around. You see a dog without clothing and people are like, ‘That dog must be cold, he doesn’t have anything DOG COUTURIER ANTHONY RUBIO AND BANDIT

do is spend a fortune on a garment that is going to be dragged around on a sidewalk or get ruined. So the couture pieces are mostly for special occasions like a wedding or a ball. When I make something for a larger dog — which I will be doing for the Philadelphia event, I’m doing a tuxedo for a husky — the tuxedo is going to be more along the lines of a vest because the sleeves make it look like someone took off a jacket and put it on a dog. So I believe less is more.” OK, that makes a bit of sense ... Wait: Did he say a fortune? “The pet industry, dressing them up and everything, has turned into a $50-billion industry,” Rubio told us. That’s right: 50 billion dollars. For that kind of money, we’d all handsew fishnets for a pitbull. But at least, in the case of this Philadelphia fashion show, all this conspicuous consumption and opulence is for a good cause, right? “I 100 percent stand behind the beliefs [of the PSPCA],” Rubio said. “They do so much work and they are underappreciated. I think that they need as much support as possible.” The PSPCA fashion show runs from 7 p.m.-midnight Nov. 18 at Loews Hotel, 1200 Market St. For more information or tickets, visit or call 215-750-4406. ■

PGN: I kind of guessed that by the fact that you look like I’m torturing you with each question! If you squeeze any tighter you’ll implode. QG: [Laughs.] I’m sorry! Go ahead.

you just say?” And “tsssst,” the claws would come out.

PGN: Where do you get your drive? QG: When someone tells me no, I just say, “OK, that means I didn’t aim high enough.” I just keep going until I get a yes from someone at the top. And don’t tell me I can’t do something: It motivates me to prove them wrong!

going to be a mechanical engineer. I wanted to come up with solutions for global warming and other environmental issues. For example, I submitted a plan to... oh boy, you’re really getting me to open up, most people don’t know this side of me. I entered a technology competition with a concept I called ARS, accident repellant system. Ever since I was a little boy, I wanted to start a car company. Where other boys collected baseball cards, I collected car catalogs. I always wanted to have a company to develop cars for the future and call it Quantum Motor Corporation. I submitted my ARS program for a patent. Basically it works to prevent accidents: There are cars now that sense each other, but this would keep them from touching each other with repellent magnets. I made it to the semi-finals and I also submitted it to the Honda Research Institute. They were interested but wanted to see a prototype. It was right as I was starting up EJC and that was consuming my time. It was like EJC kept saying, “Me, me, me! Focus on me!” So I put the car project and the Greene Corporation on hold. Once I get EJC stable and fully funded, I hope to get back to it.

PGN: What’s the Greene Corporation? QG: That’s the company I really want to take off. It’s a research and development company that seeks to produce environmentally friendly high-tech products of the future. I started it when I had the thought that I was

PGN: Random question: What’s a favorite piece of clothing? QG: Hats, you’ll always see me wearing a hat. Contrary to my professional image, whatever that is, I like to keep covered. Oh gosh. I’m really an introvert!

PGN: And what’s your current job? QG: Well, it became tough to build EJC and work with other nonprofits I was committed to and work at Penn at the same time, so I left Penn. A friend, Brian Green, who had taken an interest in EJC, offered me a job as program manager for newly diagnosed HIVpositive individuals at Safeguards. I’d done that before at the Mazzoni Center in 2003. So I got a job with them doing that, as well as managing AIDS prevention through Brothers United, a group for BMSM (black men who have sex with men). We’ve produced programming around HIV CTR [counseling, testing and referral], condom usage and positive self-worth. It’s also allowed me to develop EJC and we’ve now served over 1,000 LGBT youth offering tutoring and other resources. I love what I do.

PGN: So, what time period would you go back to? QG: 1970s. Platform shoes, polyester bellbottoms, disco, giant afros, the roaring gay scene — I’d be into all of that. PGN: If you could date any celebrity, who would it be? QG: The president. Sorry Michelle! I just love him. He’s everything I want in a partner. I go by Quincy Barack Greene, even though it’s not really my middle name. Now I’m really embarrassed! PGN: Nothing embarrassing about loving our leader! The worst gift you ever received? QG: Scandalous underwear. PGN: What song puts you in a good mood? QG: “I Love Your Smile” by Shanice. PGN: That’s my happy song too! What superhero would you be? QG: Storm — she’s fierce, from African descent, she controls the weather and she’s beautiful. Or I’d be Wolverine, just because there are days when I wish I had those claws. I wouldn’t really hurt anyone but it would be nice to be able to scare someone: “What did

PGN: Since you’re the tech guy, something that will be obsolete in 10 years? QG: The door handle. With our germ phobia, I think in 10 years we’ll be a touchless society. PGN: Which member of your family has had the greatest influence? QG: Both of my parents, but mostly my dad. He’s very inspirational, he encourages me every day with messages like, “Go out and make the world smile.” When I graduated from Bronx High, he made me a plaque that said, “Genius of the Year.” I’m not, but it’s nice that he does things like that to make us feel good about ourselves. And I know he’s always there for me, I was driving back from Atlanta and halfway through the trip I ran out of gas. Without hesitation he wired money to me on the spot. I’ve also had some dark times — I suffer from anxiety and depression — and my dad called me every morning and two or three times throughout the day to make sure I was OK. At times when it got bad, I would go and stay with him for a month at a time and he’d take care of me. My mother had a big problem with me being gay, even up to her death, but my father was like, I don’t care, you’re my son and I love you. That’s inspirational. ■ To suggest a community member for “Family Portrait,” write to


Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011


Bistro St. Tropez has the look and the taste By Larry Nichols

The view at St. Tropez Bistro, 2400 Market St., a panorama of the Schuylkill River and a nice chunk of the city, is well worth the trip. Thankfully, the food from the French menu is every bit as attractive and delicious as the scenery. We don’t eat enough vegetables, so we listened to our oft-ignored inner herbivore and tried the tarte de legumes ($10), fully expecting to be angrily chasing it through the streets later while threatening to brain it with the leg bone of a large farm animal. But we enjoyed the dish, a menagerie flavors and textures with roasted eggplant, red pepper, goat cheese tapenade and a poached egg. Closer to the type of fruit and vegetable intake we’re used to was the peach sangria ($6), a refreshing adult beverage that starts off punchy and ends nice and sweet. Other appetizers we sampled were equally good. The salmon tartare ($9) was

a welcome change from the traditional tuna. Another welcome variation was the take on calamars ($9), which in the more-than-capable hands of the Bistro St. Tropez chefs were grilled and stuffed with house-made sausage, herbs and saffron rice. The result was superb, colorful and subtly spicy. We had to try one of the house favorites, the feuillete de laupin ($12), a French take on a potpie filled with rabbit, mushrooms and butternut squash. The puff pastry that held the dish was flawless and the bounty inside was flavorful, rustic and a great comfort dish for the fall season. All of these fine dishes led up to the crowning achievement of the evening, the pièce de résistance, so to speak. The espadone ($24) featured the most perfect piece of pan-seared swordfish we’ve ever had and was seasoned with just enough oregano and lemon-currant chutney to let its natural flavor shine. Shame on us for not being more adven-

Bistro St. Tropez

2400 Market St. 215-569-9269 Open for dinner Wednesday through Saturday, lunch Monday through Friday and Sunday brunch.

THE VIEW FROM BISTRO ST. TROPEZ AT NIGHT turous on the dessert menu but, when you’ve become as jaded about chocolate as we have, a French dessert menu isn’t the best place to seek refuge. So we opted for the apple tart ($7.50), which was uncomplicated and so damn effective in hitting the right apple, pastry and icecreamy spots without being too sweet. Bistro St. Tropez often offers specially priced tasting menus, and for Thanksgiving, chef Patrice Rames is


HAPPY HOUR Mon.-Fri. 4-6 pm $2 off all Drafts $5 glass of wine $2 select daily $3 Well Drinks domestic bottle New Happy Menu - Nothing over $5 DAILY LUNCH SPECIAL Mon-Fri. 11:30 -2:30pm $2 off all Sandwiches $1 off all Entrees (Eat-in Only) BRUNCH - Sat. & Sun. 10 am-3 pm QUIZZO - Every Thursday 10 pm KARAOKE - Every Sunday 10 pm


offering his annual Thanksgiving feast, Le Grand Buffet, for $48 per person ($20 for kids under 12) with seatings at 1, 3, 5 and 7 p.m. If we were looking for a place to evade all of the work involved with Thanksgiving dinner, this would be our first stop and, looking at the menu, we still might ditch our familial obligations anyway. Bistro St. Tropez is without a doubt a feast for the eyes and the soul. ■



Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011

OUT & ABOUT The week ahead Fri. 11/11 Debrah Morkun The author of “Ida Pingala” hosts a reading 5:30 p.m. at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.; 215-923-2960. Original Plumbing Release Party Philadelphia TransHealth Conference hosts a fundraiser featuring burlesque performances, a transman auction, poetry, drag and more, 7-11 p.m. at Danger Danger Gallery, 5013 Baltimore Ave.; Michael Ian Black The comedian performs 8 p.m. at the Trocadero Theatre,

1003 Arch St.; 215922-6888. Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds & The Hours The British rock bands perform 8 p.m. at Kimmel’s Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St.; 215-790-5800. The Temptations The classic R&B group performs 8 p.m. at the Borgata Hotel, Casino & Spa Music Box, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-317-1000. The Warriors The campy action film is screened 9:45 p.m. at Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610917-0223.

Sat. 11/12 Wallace & Gromit Shorts The animated films are screened 2 p.m. at Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610917-0223. A Reading with Tom Mendicino, Frank Anthony Polito and Michael Salvatore The authors of the three novellas that comprise “Remembering Christmas” host a reading 5:30 p.m. at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.; 215-923-2960. Cabaret Crime The William Way LGBT Community Center hosts a performance by Melissa Kolczynski and Tom Wilson Weinberg, 8 p.m. at 1315 Spruce St.; 215-732-2220.

Get the scoop on Philly’s LGBT nightlife in Barcrawlr, PGN’s biweekly take on not-to-miss events

Femme Fatale Philly Poison Ivy Entertainment presents a celebration of Philadelphia’s female musicians 8-11 p.m. at World Café Live, 3025 Walnut St.; 215222-1400. Fishbone The alternativerock band performs 8 p.m. at North Star Bar, 2639 Poplar St.; 215787-0488. Hiromi The Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts presents the acclaimed jazz pianist 8 p.m. at Zellerbach Theatre, 3680 Walnut St.; 215-898-3900. Jim Breuer The comedian performs 8 p.m. at the Borgata Hotel, Casino &

Lorraine Michels

Spa Music Box, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-317-1000. Joan Baez The folk singer performs 8 p.m. at Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave.; 215-5727650. MST3K: ManosThe Hands of Fate The campy sci-fi film is roasted by robots and screened 9:45 p.m. at Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610917-0223.

Sun. 11/13 Rififi The caper film is screened 2 p.m. at Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610917-0223.

Barcrawlr Jim KileyZufelt

Written by PGN’s intrepid reporter, Jim Kiley-Zufelt Online and in print every other week.

Only in

THE DYNAMIC DUO: The William Way LGBT Community Center hosts Cabaret Crime, a special performance benefiting The Attic Youth Center by cabaret duo Melissa Kolczynski and Tom Wilson Weinberg, 8 p.m. Nov. 12, 1315 Spruce St. For more information, visit www. or call 215-732-2220. Photo:

Women Fully Clothed The comedy troupe of Second City veterans performs 7:30 p.m. at Sellersville Theater 1894, 24 W. Temple Ave., Sellersville; 215257-5808. Peek-A-Boo Revue starring burlesque legend Satan’s Angel The naughty spectacle kicks off 8 p.m. at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; 215922-6888.

Mon. 11/14 Meshell Ndegeochello The out singersongwriter performs 7:30 p.m. at World Café Live, 3025 Walnut St.; 215-222-1400. Groove Night Local musicians join forces to bring the R&B, soul, jazz and funk, 7 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 215-222-1400. Showgirls The drama is screened 8 p.m. at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; 215-922-6888.

Tue. 11/15

Wilmington, Del.; 215-222-1400. Buddy Guy The blues guitarist performs 7:30 p.m. at Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave.; 215-5727650.

Thu. 11/17 Suzanne Vega The Grammy-winning singer performs 8 p.m. at Sellersville Theater 1894, 24 W. Temple Ave., Sellersville; 215-257-5808. Bob and Barbara’s Drag Show The outrageousness begins 11 p.m. at Bob and Barbara’s, 1509 South St.; 215-545-4511.

Fri. 11/18 HOLLER! An open-mic night, 7 p.m. at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.; 215-923-2960. Craig Robinson The comedian performs 8 p.m. at the Borgata Hotel, Casino & Spa Music Box, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-317-1000. The Music Box performs Genesis’ “The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway” The prog-rock classic is performed 8 p.m. at Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave.; 215572-7650.

TuesGAY Nights Lyrics Lounge and DJ June Rodrigues host a weekly night of music and performers for the LGBT community, 8 p.m. at 6527 Roosevelt Blvd.; 215-533-5888. Girl in a Coma The punk band with out members performs at 8 p.m. at North Star Bar, 2639 Poplar St.; 215-787-0488.

Wed. 11/16 4W5 Blues Jam Local musicians get down 7 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St.,

THE RETURN OF THE ‘COMA’ GIRLS: Girl in a Coma, the Joan Jett-approved punk band with openly gay members, is back on the road in support of new album “Exits & All the Rest,” which hit the streets Nov. 1 via Blackheart Records. Catch them in all their glory when they perform 8 p.m. Nov. 15 at North Star Bar, 2639 Poplar St. For more information, visit or call 215-787-0488. Photo: Josh Huskin


Opening Billy Elliot: The Musical The musical about a small-town boy who wants to buck tradition to be a dancer is on stage Nov. 16-27 at Kimmel’s Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St.; 215-790-5800. Chunky Move The Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts presents the Australian dance company that feasts on theatrical invention and high-tech special effects Nov. 17-19 at Zellerbach Theatre, 3680 Walnut St.; 215898-3900. Tyler Perry’s The Haves & The Have Nots The play follows the life of a wealthy family who have everything they need and are often preoccupied with superficial things, until they are forced to become involved with their poverty-stricken housekeeper, Nov. 15-20, at Merriam Theater, 250 S. Broad St.; 215-732-1366.

Continuing Act a Lady Azuka Theatre presents the off-Broadway hit set in a Prohibition-era small town in the American Midwest, through Nov. 20 at First Baptist Church, 123 S. 17th St.; 215733-0255.

Blowing on a Hairy Shoulder/Grief Hunters The Institute of Contemporary Art at the University of Pennsylvania presents an exhibition of works by 20 artists from Israel, Greece, Germany, Belgium, Britain and America that examines the relationships between originality and origin with video, photography, drawing and sculpture, through Dec. 4, 118 S. 36th St.; 215-8987108. The Fat Cat Killers Flashpoint Theatre Company presents Adam Szymkowicz’s vicious comedy about the hapless victims of corporate cutbacks, through Nov. 19, 2030 Sansom St.; 215-665-9720. Gruesome Playground Injuries Theatre Exile presents a different kind of love story through Dec. 4 at Philadelphia Shakespeare Theater, 2111 Sansom St.; 215-218-4022. Here and Now: Prints, Drawings and Photographs by 10 Philadelphia Artists Philadelphia Museum of Art presents the exhibition through Dec. 4, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100. Let Me Tell You About A Dream I Had Philadelphia Art Alliance presents an THIS ONE GOES UP TO 11: TLA hosts the special 11.11.11 showcase, a show featuring reunion sets by Stargazer Lily (pictured), fronted by out musician Stephan (formerly Steph) Hayes, and Placid Admiral. Rumor has it this will be the last chance to catch Hayes for a while as he is relocating to China soon. The show also serves as a record release performance for two groups, Ike and The Shakers. You don’t want to miss a minute of the show, which kicks off at 7 p.m. Nov. 11, 334 South St. For more information, call 215-922-1011.

Beware the Lily Law Eastern State Penitentiary hosts a video installation on the experiences of trans prisoners, through November, 2027 Fairmount Ave.; 215-236-5111. Q PUZZLE, from page 23

exhibition by The Miss Rockaway Armada, a collective of artists, teachers, sailors, activists, composers and clowns, through Dec. 30 at the Philadelphia Art Alliance, 251 S. 18th St.; 215-545-4302. Meanwhile ... Brat Productions presents a new genderbending play through Nov. 19 at Ruba Club Studios, 414-416 Green St.; www.

Notices Send notices at least one week in advance to: Out & About Listings, PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147 fax: 215-925-6437; or e-mail: Notices cannot be taken over the phone.

Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011

Molly Landreth/Aiden Simon The William Way Community Center hosts an exhibition of the photographers’ work through Dec. 31 at the center, 1315 Spruce St.; 215-732-2220. The Philly Fan People’s Light & Theatre Company presents the one-man show where Tom McCarthy takes audiences on a journey through Philadelphia’s sports history of the last 50 years, through Nov. 20, 39 Conestoga Road, Malvern; 610-644-3500. Tristin Lowe: Under the Influence Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition debuting works from the Philadelphia artist through Jan. 29, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100. Zaha Hadid: Form in Motion Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of product designs by architect Hadid, who in 2004 became the first female recipient of the renowned Pritzker Architecture Prize, through March 25, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100.

Closing Endgame The Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts and Dublin’s acclaimed Gate Theatre present one of Samuel Beckett’s most revered works through Nov. 13 at Harold Prince Theatre, 3680 Walnut St.; 215-8983900. ■

TRANS MAGAZINE GETS A HIGH FIVE: Original Plumbing, the trans male quarterly, celebrates the release of its fifth issue with a fundraising party to benefit the Philadelphia Trans-Health Conference. The evening will feature a burlesque performance by Key from Peek-a-Boo Review, a trans man auction, a sex demo by the Screws of ScrewSmart, a hip-hop performance by Wordz the Poet Emcee, a drag performance and much, much more, 7-11 p.m. Nov. 11 at Danger Danger Gallery, 5013 Baltimore Ave. For more information, visit




Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011

Community Bulletin Board Community centers

■ The Attic Youth Center: For LGBT and questioning youth and their friends and allies. Groups meet and activities are held 4-8 p.m. MondayFriday; case management, HIV testing and smoking cessation are available Monday-Friday. See the Youth section for more events. 255 S. 16th St.; 215-545-4331 ■ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center at the University of Pennsylvania 3907 Spruce St.; 215-898-5044;, Hours: 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday.

and Allies Youth Center: 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays: Doylestown Planned Parenthood, The Atrium, Suite 2E, 301 S. Main St., Doylestown; 215-957-7981;

■ William Way Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center: 1315 Spruce St.; 215-732-2220; Hours: 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Peer counseling: 6-9 p.m. Monday through Friday Library hours: 12-9 p.m. Monday-Thursday; 12-3 p.m. and 6-9 p.m. Friday; 126 p.m. Saturday. Volunteers: New Orientation: First Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.

■ Rainbow Room — Bucks County’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning

Religion/Spirituality Arch Street United Methodist Church Services 8:30 and 11 a.m. at 55 N. Broad St.; 215-568-6250. Bethlehem-Judah Ministries Open and affirming congregation holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 5091 N. Dupont Hwy., Suite D, Dover, Del.; 302-730-4425. BuxMont Unitarian Universalist Church Services 10:15 a.m. at 2040 Street Road, Warrington; 215-3430406. Calvary United Methodist Church Reconciling, welcoming and affirming church holds services 11 a.m. Sundays at 801 S. 48th St.; 215-724-1702. Central Baptist Church Welcoming and affirming church holds services 10:45 a.m. Sundays at 106 W. Lancaster Ave., Wayne; 610-688-0664. Chestnut Hill United Methodist Church Services 11 a.m. and Spirit at Play, an arts-based Sunday school for children, at 9:30 a.m. at 8812 Germantown Ave.; 215-2429321. Church of the Crucifixion Inclusive Episcopal community holds services 10 a.m. Sundays and 6 p.m. Fridays at 620 S. Eighth St.; 215-922-1128.

■ AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania: 215-587-9377

Key numbers

■ AIDS Law Project of Southern New Jersey: 856-933-9500 ext. 221

■ Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Peer Counseling Services: 215-732-TALK

■ AIDS Library: 215-985-4851

■ Mayor’s Director of LGBT Affairs: Gloria Casarez, 215-6862194;; Fax: 215-686-2555

■ ACLU of Pennsylvania: 215592-1513 ■ AIDS Treatment Fact line: 1800-662-6080 ■ Barbara Gittings Gay and Lesbian Collection at the Independence Branch of the Philadelphia Free Library: 215-685-1633 ■ The COLOURS Organization Inc.: 112 N. Broad St., third floor; 215-496-0330 ■ Equality Pennsylvania: 215731-1447; ■ Equality Forum: 215-732-3378

■ Mazzoni Center: 215-563-0652; Legal Services: 215-563-0657, 866-LGBTLAW; legalservices@mazzonicenter. org ■ Mazzoni Center Family & Community Medicine: 215-563-0658 ■ Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Philadelphia): 215-572-1833


AIDS Services In Asian Communities Provides HIV-related services to Asians and Pacific Islanders at 340 N. 12th St., Suite 205; 215-629-2300. Gay and Lesbian Latino AIDS Education Initiative Free, anonymous HIV testing from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday at 1207 Chestnut St., fifth floor; 12-6 p.m. Tuesdays at the Washington West Project, 1201 Locust St. 215851-1822 or 866-222-3871. Spanish/English HIV treatment Free HIV/AIDS diagnosis and treatment for Philadelphia residents are available from 9 a.m.-noon Mondays and 5-8 p.m. Thursdays at Health Center No. 2, 1720 S. Broad St.; 215-685-1803. HIV health insurance help Access to free medications and confidential HIV testing

■ Greater Philadelphia Professional Network Networking group for area business professionals, self-employed and business owners meets monthly in a different location throughout the city, invites speakers on various topics, partners with other nonprofits and maintains a Web site where everyone is invited to sign up for e-mail notices for activities and events.;

■ Philadelphia Police Department liaison — Deputy Commissioner Stephen Johnson: 215-683-2840 ■ Philadelphia Police Liaison Committee: 267-216-6606; ppd. ■ Philly Pride Presents: 215875-9288 ■ SPARC — Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition: 717-9209537 ■ Transgender Health Action Coalition: 215-732-1207 (staffed 3-6 p.m. Wednesdays and 6-9 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays)

■ Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations: 215-686-4670

Anonymous, free, confidential HIV testing Spanish/English counselors offer testing 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday at Congreso de Latinos Unidos, 3439 N. Hutchinson St..; 215-763-8870 ext. 6000.

■ Gay and Lesbian Lawyers of Philadelphia GALLOP holds board meetings at 6:30 p.m. the first Wednesday of the month at 100 S. Broad St., Suite 1810; GALLOP also provides a free referral service; (215) 6279090;

■ Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay Task Force: 215-772-2000

Mazzoni Center Free, anonymous HIV testing; HIV/AIDS care and treatment, case management and support groups; 21 S. 12th St., eighth floor; 215-563-0652. Mazzoni Center Family & Community Medicine Comprehensive primary health care, preventive health services, gynecology, sexual-health services and chronic-disease management, including comprehensive HIV care; 809 Locust St.; 215-563-0658. Washington West Project Free, anonymous HIV testing. Walk-ins welcome 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Friday except for 12-1 p.m. and 5-6 p.m. and 1-5 p.m. Saturday; 1201 Locust St.; 215-985-9206.

■ Independence Business Alliance Greater Philadelphia’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce, providing networking, business development, marketing, educational and advocacy opportunities for LGBT and LGBT-friendly businesses and professionals. Visit for information about events, programs and membership; (215) 557-0190; 1717 Arch St., Suite 3370. ■ National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association The Philadelphia chapter of NLGJA, open to professionals

Dignity Jersey Shore An organization for sexual-minority Catholics meets the first Saturday of the month in Asbury Park. For time and location, call 732-502-0305. Dignity Metro NJ An organization for sexual-minority Catholics meets 4 p.m. first and third Sundays of the month at St. George’s Episcopal Church, 550 Ridgewood Road, Maplewood; 973-509-0118. Dignity Philadelphia Holds Mass 7 p.m. Sundays at 330 S. 13th St.; 215-546-2093; Drexel Hill Baptist Church Nonjudgmental Christian congregation affiliated with American Baptist Churches of the USA holds services 11 a.m. Sundays at 4400 State Road, Drexel Hill; 610-259-2356; www.dhbaptist. com. Emanuel Lutheran Church Reconciling in Christ congregation meets 9:30 a.m. Sundays at New and Kirkpatrick streets, New Brunswick, N.J.; 732-5452673; St. Paul Episcopal Church Welcoming and inclusive church holds services 9:30 a.m. Sundays and 7 p.m. Tuesdays at 89 Pinewood Drive, Levittown; 215-688-1796;

available by appointment at 13 S. MacDade Blvd., Suite 108, Collingdale; Medical Office Building, 722 Church Lane, Yeadon; and 630 S. 60th St.; 610-5869077.

Professional groups

Church of the Trinity Lutheran Reconciling in Christ Parish holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 2300 S. 18th St.; 215-334-6656.

Evangelicals Concerned Lesbian and gay Christian group; 215-860-7445. First Baptist Church Welcoming and affirming church holds services 11 a.m. Sundays at 123 S. 17th St.; 215-563-3853. First Presbyterian Church of Lansdowne Welcoming church holds services at 10 a.m. Sundays at 140 N. Lansdowne Ave.; 610-626-0800; First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia A liberal, welcoming and diverse congregation that affirms the dignity of all. Sunday services 10 a.m., 2125 Chestnut St.; 215563-3980; The First United Church of Germantown A sexual-minority-affirming congregation holds services 11 a.m. Sundays at 6001 Germantown Ave.; lunch follows; 215-438-3077. Grace Epiphany Church A welcoming and diverse Episcopal congregation in Mt. Airy with services 9:30 a.m. Sundays at 224 E. Gowen Ave.; 215-2482950.

and students, meets for social and networking events;

Holy Communion Lutheran Church ELCA Reconciling in Christ congregation worships Sundays at 9 a.m. at 2111 Sansom St. and 11 a.m. at 2110 Chestnut St.; 215-567-3668;

■ Philadelphia Gay Tourism Caucus A regional organization dedicated to promoting gay and lesbian tourism to the Greater Philadelphia Region, holds meetings every other month on the fourth Thursday (January, March, May, July, September and the third Thursday in November), open to the public; P.O. Box 58143, Philadelphia, PA 19102;

Imago Dei Metropolitan Community Church Sexual-minority congregation worships at 10:30 a.m. Sundays at 1223 Middletown Road (Route 352), Glen Mills; 610-358-1716;

■ Philly OutGoing Professionals Social group for gay, lesbian and bisexual professionals meets for social and cultural activities; (856) 857-9283; popnews19@yahoo. com.

Living Water United Church of Christ An open and affirming congregation that meets for worship 11 a.m. on Sundays; 2006 Germantown Ave.; 215-765-1970; www. Kol Tzedek Reconstructionist synagogue committed to creating a diverse and inclusive community meets at Calvary Center, 801 S. 48th St.; 215-764-6364; Mainline Unitarian Church Holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 816 S. Valley Forge Road, Devon; 610-688-8332; Maple Shade Congregational Church of the United Church of Christ Affirming congregation open to all sexual orientations and gender

identities holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 45 N. Forklanding Road, Maple Shade, N.J.; 856-779-7739; Metropolitan Community Church of Christ the Liberator Holds services 10:45 a.m. Sundays at the Pride Center of New Jersey; Metropolitan Community Church of Philadelphia Holds services 1 p.m. Sundays at the University Lutheran Church of the Incarnation, 3637 Chestnut St.; 215-294-2020; Old First Reformed Church Open and affirming United Church worships 10 a.m. at 151 N. Fourth St.; 215-922-4566; Penns Park United Methodist Church Welcoming and affirming church holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 2394 Second Street Pike, Penns Park; 215-598-7601. Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral Progressive and affirming congregation holds services 10 a.m. Sundays with Holy Eucharist at 3723 Chestnut St.; 215-3860234; Rainbow Buddhist Meditation Group Meets 5 p.m. Sundays at the William Way Center. Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting worships 11 a.m. Sundays at 1515 Cherry St.; 215-241-7260; Resurrection Lutheran Church Holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 620 Welsh Road, Horsham; 215-646-2597. Silverside Church Holds services 10 a.m. Sundays followed by a group discussion at 2800 Silverside Road, Wilmington, Del.; 302-478-5921; St. Asaph’s Church Inclusive and progressive Episcopal church holds services 9:15 a.m. Sundays, with a contemplative communion at 8 a.m., at 27 Conshohocken State Road, Bala Cynwyd; 610-664-0966; www. St. John’s Lutheran Church (ELCA) Reconciling in Christ congregation holds services 10:30 a.m. Sundays at 24 N. Ridge Ave., Ambler; 215-646-2451; www. St. Luke and The Epiphany Church Open and welcoming church holds liturgy 9 and 11 a.m. Sundays fall through winter at 330 S. 13th St.; 215-732-1918; St. Mary of Grace Parish Inclusive church in the Catholic tradition celebrates Mass 6 p.m. Sundays in the Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County, 145 W. Rose Tree Road, Media; 610-566-1393; www. St. Mary’s Church Diverse and inclusive Episcopal church celebrates the Eucharist 11 a.m. Sundays; adult forum 9:30 a.m.; and evening prayer 6:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday at 3916 Locust Walk; 215-386-3916; Tabernacle United Church Open and affirming congregation holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 3700 Chestnut St.; 215-386-4100; Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County Welcoming congregation holds services 10:30 a.m. at 145 W. Rose Tree Road, Media. Interweave, a group for LGBT parishioners and allies, meets noon the first Sunday of the month; 610-566-4853; Unitarian Society of Germantown Welcoming congregation holds services 10:30 a.m. Sundays at 6511 Lincoln Drive; 215-844-1157; Unitarian Universalist Church of Cherry Hill Holds services 10:15 a.m. Interweave, a group of LGBT Unitarians and their allies, also meets at 401 N. Kings Highway, Cherry Hill, N.J.; 856-667-3618; Unitarian Universalist Church of the Restoration, Mt. Airy Welcoming congregation holds services 11 a.m. Sundays September-June at 6900 Stenton Ave.; 215-247-2561; www. Unitarian Universalist Congregation, South Jersey Shore Holds services 10 a.m. Sundays in Galloway Township; 609965-9400; Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Pottstown Holds services 10:30 a.m. at 1565 S. Keim St.; 610-327-2662. United Christian Church Open, affirming and welcoming congregation holds services 10:15 a.m. Sundays at 8525 New Falls Road, Levittown; 215946-6800. Unity Fellowship Church of Philadelphia Diverse, affirming LGBT congregation holds services 2 p.m. Sundays at 55 N. Broad St. University Lutheran Church of the Incarnation Welcoming congregation holds services 10:30 a.m. Sundays at 3637 Chestnut St. preceded by “Adult Forum: Sundays” at 9:30 with discussion of religious alienation and struggles of faith; 215-387-2885;


Classifieds PGN does not accept advertising that is unlawful, false, misleading, harmful, threatening, abusive, invasive of another’s privacy, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful or racially or otherwise objectionable, including without limitation material of any kind or nature that encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, provincial, national or international law or regulation, or encourage the use of controlled substances. All real-estate advertising is subject to Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended. Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental and financing of dwellings, and in other housing-related transactions, based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under the age of 18), and handicap (disability). PGN will not knowingly accept any real-estate advertising that is in violation of any applicable law.



Home of the Week

Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011


Featured property: 1315 Irving St.

$1,050,000 This is a breathtaking, one-of-a-kind carriage home originally designed by Frank Furness and completely renovated in 2006 to blend modern-day aesthetics and urban living with classic architecture. Amazing chef’s kitchen with custom cabinetry and the finest appliances. Massive living room with towering solid cherry doors decorated with custom cast iron and sophisticated and rich finishes throughout. There are 3 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, 2 dens with a two-tiered roof deck, one car garage and a tax abatement until 2018. Realtor: Travis Rodgers

Direct: 215-790-5234

Company: Prudential Fox & Roach Realtor

Fax: 215-901-2154










BRAND NEW CONDO FORECLOSURE! Southwest Florida Coast! 3BR/2BA, Only $139,900! (Similar unit sold for $325K) Stainless, granite, storage, covered parking, close to golf. 5 minutes - downtown & Gulf! Special Final weekend for special incentives. Call now (877) 888-7601. _______________________________35-45 NY State Land Liquidation Sale ends this Month! *Large Acreage *Waterfront *Lots w/ Camps *TOP HUNTING LANDS !! Over 150 tracts. ALL BARGAINS ! Call 800-229-7843 Or visit _______________________________35-45 NY LAND SALE 33 acres on bass lake $39,900. 5 acres borders Sandy Creek Forest with Deer Creek $19,900. 40 New Properties! Call: 1-888-683-2626. _______________________________35-45

ROOMMATES PGN WILL NOT PUBLISH RACIAL DISTINCTIONS IN ROOMMATE ADS. SUCH NOTATIONS WILL BE EDITED. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. ___________________________________ GREATER NE PHILA. Have your own bedroom in a beautiful split level home with 2 gay men. House is 4 BR, 2 full baths, W/D, upper and lower decks, use of kitchen. Property is by Welsh & the Boulevard, 1 min. to 58 bus. We ask only that you be at least reasonably neat and employed. Rent is $600 + 1/3 utils. Contact Dave at 215-698-0215. _______________________________35-49 Independence Place. GM to share 2 BR furn. condo. $900 incl. utils. Call 267-519-0091. _______________________________35-48



12TH & DICKINSON AREA Furnished Townhouse for rent: 3 levels. Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath. Very Unique. 1500. mo plus util. (negotiable). Call 215 468-9166 after 6 pm. or 215 686 3431 daytime. _______________________________35-49 RITTENHOUSE SQUARE AREA Studios & 1 Bedrooms - Call for Availability (215) 735-8050. _______________________________36-03 MAGNOLIA, NJ Large 2 BR, 3rd floor. $900 + utils. Call 856321-1675. _______________________________35-48


Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011



Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011



Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011



Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011



nite. GWM couple ISO GWMs 18-40 yrs. for 1 on 1 and group sex. Stockings, pantyhose, etc. Starts 9 PM Sat. Call Sat. 7-8 PM 856910-8303, ask for Mark. _______________________________33-24 Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011 GWM, Italian, top or bottom, 7” cut. Also into assplay, toys & water sports. Bi, straight, out of towners welcome. Day or night. Call Jeff at 215-850-7900. _______________________________33-18



AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (888)834-9715. _______________________________35-45 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE From Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 888-220-3984. www. _______________________________35-45

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Read it here Gayfirst. is our




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middle MEN name.


LOOKING FOR ROMANCE Attractive GWM, warm, sensitive, caring, 48 y.o. with a smooth gymnast build looking for other GWM, 30-50, who is also in good shape. I live in NE Phila. I’m looking for guys who are also sensitive, caring with a fun personality. If this sounds interesting to you feel free to call me, David, 215-698-0215. _______________________________35-49 WM, NE Phila. If you’re looking for hot action, call 215-934-5309. No calls after 11 PM. _______________________________35-45 I’m Philip, a Brazilian guy, 46 y.o., a children’s author. Live in NE Phila. and am looking for a serious person to be my boyfriend or husband. No smoke, drugs and not fat. Be between 28-45, black, white, Spanish or Brazilian. Need to have car. Email me: _______________________________35-45 WM, 62, 5’8”, in shape, nice looking bottom seeks top masc men only for LTR. Leave message 215-264-1058. _______________________________35-45

Sensual/Erotic Massage I will tailor your massage to suit your needs...



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Friday, November 11th, 2011 TIME: 11pm-3:30am

Saturday, November 12th, 2011 TIME:11pm-6am


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P.A.N.G. (Philadelphia Area Nudist Group) Sunday, November 20th, 2011 TIME: 3pm-6pm Boys will Be Boys- Awaken Your Spirit For More Information On Group:

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OPEN DAILY! Sunday- Thursday 4pm to 4am Friday & Saturday 4pm to 6am


Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011




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Open House Sunday Nov. 13, 2011

Noon-2:30PM ��������

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Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 11-17, 2011




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VALID DATES 11/2/11 12/10/11

PINNACLE Vodka 80 - $18.09 - 1.75LT SKYY Vodka 80 Proof - $23.09 - 1.75LT SMIRNOFF TWIST Vodka Flavors - $19.09 - 1.75LT SVEDKA Vodka 80 Proof - $19.29 - 1.75LT STOLICHNAYA Vodka 80 - $29.09 - 1.75LT THREE OLIVES Vodka 80 Proof - $25.09 - 1.75LT THREE OLIVES Cake, Cherry, Grape Bubble Vodka - $28.09 - 1.75LT CAPTAIN MORGAN Spiced Rum - $18.09 - 750ML, $25.09 - 1.75LT BOMBAY Gin - $29.09 - 1.75LT JACK DANIELS Whiskey - $21.09 - 750ML, $40.09 - 1.75LT KNOB CREEK Bourbon - $30.09 - 750ML MAKER’S MARK Bourbon - $24.09 - 750ML, $44.09 - 1.75LT CROWN ROYAL Canadian Whiskey - $24.09 - 750ML, $43.09 - 1.75LT GLENLIVET 12 Year Old Scotch - $35.09 - 750ML GLENMORANGIE Original 10 Year Old Scotch - $34.49 - 750ML JOHNNIE WALKER BLACK Scotch - $31.09 - 750ML, $59.09 - 1.75LT LAGAVULIN 16 Year Old Scotch - $71.99 - 750ML JAMESON Irish Whiskey - $24.09 - 750ML, $43.09 - 1.75LT JOSE CUERVO Gold Tequila - $17.09 - 750ML, $32.09 - 1.75LT PATRON Silver Tequila - $37.10 - 750ML, $78.99 - 1.75LT COURVOSIER V.S. Cognac - $27.09 - 750ML BAILEY’S Irish Cream - $19.09 - 750ML, $38.09 - 1.75LT GRAND MARNIER Orange Liqueur - $30.49 - 750ML


BAREFOOT All Types - $9.29 - 1.5LT BONTERRA Organic Sauvignon Blanc - $9.49 - 750ML CLINE Zinfandel - $8.29 - 750ML CLOS DU BOIS Chardonnay - $10.59 - 750ML, $18.67 - 1.5LT ESTANCIA Meritage - $19.99 - 750ML FAR NIENTE Napa Chardonnay - $42.09 - 750ML FRANCIS COPPOLA DIAMOND Chard & Pinot Grigio - $11.09 - 750ML FRANCIS COPPOLA DIAMOND Merlot & Cab Sauv - $13.09 - 750ML HESS SELECT Cabernet Sauvignon - $15.99 - 750ML HOGUE Gewurztraminer & Riesling - $8.09 - 750ML J. LOHR Riverstone Chardonnay - $9.79 - 750ML JORDAN Napa Cabernet Sauvignon 2007 - $33.34 - 750ML KENDALL JACKSON Vintners Chardonnay - $11.09 - 750ML KENDALL JACKSON Vintners Cab, Merlot, Pinot Noir - $14.09 - 750ML MARKHAM Chardonnay - $12.75 - 750ML MENAGE A TROIS Red & White Blends - $8.99 - 750ML REX GOLIATH All Types - $9.09 - 1.5LT RUTHERFORD HILL Merlot - $18.09 - 750ML ST. FRANCIS Chardonnay - $11.09 - 750ML WILD HORSE Central Coast Pinot Noir - $16.09 - 750ML

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