PGN Nov. 12 - 18, 2010 edition

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Philadelphia Gay News Nov. 12 - 18, 2010

Suicide epidemic claims another

Settlement possible in Scouts case

By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer

By Timothy Cwiek PGN Writer-at-Large The city Law Department has reached a tentative settlement with a local Boy Scouts of America council that would allow the council to purchase a building that’s been the focus of a protracted federal lawsuit. According to the proposed settlement, which still must be approved by City Council, the Cradle of Liberty Council has three years to pay $600,000 for the cityowned building and land at 231-251 N. 22nd St. In return, the council would drop its federal lawsuit and agree to relinquish its right to seek almost $1 million in legal expenses from the city under the proposed settlement. Once the council purchases the property, the city no longer would object to antigay discrimination taking place inside the facility under the terms of the settlement. The BSA council would be permitted to hold fundraisers inside the building, but if it doesn’t come up with the money needed to buy the building within three years, it must vacate the premises. The proposal also would permit the BSA to purchase the building for $500,000 if it does so within two years of signing a finalized agreement. Within 90 days of finalizing an agreement, the BSA council must stop administering programs inside the building that discriminate against individuals protected by the city’s Fair Practices Ordinance. However, the proposal doesn’t specify the activities the council can conduct in the building during the three-year period. Presumably, the BSA council would be permitted to continue administering Learning for Life, an educational and vocational program, which purportedly serves about 55,000 regional youths in a non-discriminatory manner. Learning for Life’s “policy on participation,” as posted on its website, declares that “color, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic background, disability, economic status or citizenship are not criteria for participation.” The city already contracts with the local BSA council to administer LFL programs See SETTLEMENT, Page 12

Vol. 34 No. 46

Honesty Integrity Professionalism

SOUL FOOD: Nearly 200 people turned out last Friday at Love Park in Center City for a Life Rally organized by national LGBT group Soulforce. The rally served as a kickoff for the agency’s weekend symposium that sought to shine light on the damaging effects of “ex-gay” reparative therapies. Out Christian musician Ray Boltz performed at the rally, which also included remarks from the Rev. Jeffrey Jordan and city director of LGBT affairs Gloria Casarez. About 100 people participated Saturday in Soulforce’s workshops, which brought together LGBTs and allies from throughout the country.

EX-GAY, NO WAY: LGBT activists converged on the Renaissance Hotel near the Philadelphia International Airport Nov. 6 to “welcome” the National Association for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, which advocates for reparative therapy for LGBTs, and which held its annual conference at the hotel last weekend. Demonstrators, led by Truth Wins Out, hoisted pro-LGBT signs along with pieces of luggage during their protest, calling attention to the recent scandal involving former NARTH board member George Rekers, who earlier this year hired a male escort for a European trip, but insisted the man only carried his luggage. Photos: Scott A. Drake

who often dressed in dark clothing and wore his hair longer. This “emo” style made him the A 14-year-old boy from Central target of school bullies, many of Pennsylvania killed himself late whom reportedly harassed him last week after facing bullying at with antigay epithets, although school, much of which allegedly his orientation was unknown. On a website set up to rememtargeted his perceived sexual oriber Bitner, his family entation. wrote that he was a “pasBrandon Bitner, a sionate, kind and unique freshman at Middsoul.” A Facebook page West High School in created in his honor has Middleburg, about drawn support from 50 miles north of more than 4,000 people. Harrisburg, stepped in His mother, Tammy front of an oncoming Simpson, told Sunbury’s tractor-trailer at about The Daily Item that her 3 a.m. Nov. 5. Police say he walked nearly 13 BRANDON son had been bullied for miles from his home in BITNER several years. Simpson said the family reported the middle of the night the bullying to his before jumping in the middle school and met with the path of the 18-wheeler. Bitner was a resident of Mount school guidance counselor. The harassment continued Pleasant Mills and a native of Harrisburg. His family has said he was an accomplished violinist See BITNER, Page 17

Two murder cases spotlight trans community By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer A transgender sex worker spent the last week in prison, awaiting arraignment on murder charges for a recent killing at a Center City hotel. Police arrested 22-year-old Herman Burton, who is reported to identify as a woman named Peaches, Nov. 2. The suspect is in custody at the Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility and will be arraigned Nov. 24. Burton is charged with murder, theft by unlawful taking, receiving stolen property, arson, abuse of corpse and other charges in connection with the Oct. 30 murder of Patrick Michael Brady. Burton is accused of beating and strangling Brady, 49, in his room at the Omni Hotel in the earlymorning hours of Oct. 30. Burton allegedly set fire to Brady’s body

following the murder. Police still do not know what prompted the killing, which Homicide Capt. James Clark described as the result of an “extreme physical altercation.” Police said this week they were still unclear how Brady, a married father from the suburbs, knew Burton. B r a d y, a n IT specialist at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, who frequently stayed at The Omni when he BURTON had morning work meetings, had no prior arrest record other than a DUI charge from 1999 in Chester County. See MURDERS, Page 16



NOV. 12 - 18, 2010

Activists call on city to cut AIDS housing waiting list By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer About 60 members of ACT UP took to the streets Wednesday afternoon to speak up for the city’s HIV-positive homeless population, which they say is being largely ignored by the city. The protest stemmed from a meeting Monday with Mayor Nutter, during which ACT UP members raised concerns about the city’s lengthy waiting list for housing funded by Housing Opportunities for People With AIDS. ACT UP members brought to the meeting a statement, signed by 75 area health officials, that calls for the city to work to end the waiting list for the housing program, overseen by the city’s AIDS Activities Coordinating Office, and for AACO to expand the housing-eligibility requirements for the program. The contingent also outlined a plan to stem the tide of homeless among HIV-positive individuals that it developed with students from the University of Pennsylvania’s Urban Planning program, which includes streamlining services and

garnering new funding outlets. “We presented him with a plan, we showed him the costs, the savings and how it’s cost-effective to house people with AIDS as opposed to sending them to shelters,” said ACT UP member Jose DeMarco. “But he said he can’t commit to anything like that right now because of budgetary reasons. He says there’s no money, but we know he’s given huge corporate tax breaks and we know that there is money and that there is a way for him to do this. We were heartbroken with how this meeting turned out.” Cliff Williams, an ACT UP member who is HIV-positive and has experienced homelessness, said he believes the issue comes down to politics. “[The mayor] lives in a political world, and HIV doesn’t fit into that world. Since HIV is not part of politics, it doesn’t fit into whatever budgetary plans they have for the city,” Williams said. This past summer, ACT UP released a report that found the city’s waiting list for HIV/AIDS housing stood at more than 200 people, which represented a 30percent increase from the begin-

HEARING THE HOMELESS: ACT UP members, including Cliff Williams (left), demonstrate the lives that have and could be lost because of lack of housing opportunities for people with HIV/AIDS. The action, which took place Nov. 10 outside of City Hall, was in response to a meeting earlier in the week between Mayor Nutter and HIV/AIDS advocates, who say the mayor showed little willingness to devote city resources to cut long waiting lists for housing for people with the disease. Photo: Scott A. Drake

ning of the year. In the past year-and-a-half, DeMarco said at least six homeless individuals who had HIV or AIDS died on the streets. Williams said the city needs to take targeted steps, like those proposed by ACT UP, to keep this number from continuing to rise.

Williams became homeless in 2004 and spent several years living on the streets and in shelters. Although he said AACO did eventually connect him with socialservice agency COMHAR, which helped him find housing, his story is rare. “The same people who were

homeless back in 2004 are still out there and are still homeless,” he said. “People are dying, and no one’s doing anything to stop it.” When he found himself homeless, Williams sought assistance from the city’s shelter system, but said the conditions were hardly better than on the streets. On two separate occasions, Williams had his HIV medications stolen and once had his health further compromised after coming down with scarlet fever. “In the shelter system, you sleep on cots and you’re basically inches apart from someone else,” he said. “Sometimes they keep the air conditioning on when it’s cold out and say it’s to keep the germs down, but for someone who already has a compromised immune system, a group setting like that is not a good environment to be in.” Williams said he frequently was the target of gossip and ridicule by staffers at the shelters, whom he said spread the word that he was HIV-positive, leaving him further stigmatized and isolated. Williams and his wife, who was also HIV-positive, were on See HOMELESS, Page 17

NOV. 12 - 18, 2010



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NOV. 12 - 18, 2010

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Crime Watch Editorial Letters/Feedback Mark My Words Media Trail News Briefing National News Regional News Street Talk

PGN 505 S. Fourth St. Philadelphia, PA 19147-1506 Phone: (215) 625-8501 Fax: (215) 925-6437 E-mail: Web:

Leather, no matter the weather

The whole FIGHTin’ family

Hundreds gathered in Philadelphia to show their leather pride and raise money for the Leather Archives.

Philadelphia FIGHT is celebrating 20 years as the region’s premier research and treatment center for HIV/AIDS.

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Detour Comics Diversions Meeting Place Portraits Q Puzzle Scene in Philly Worth Watching

Editor Sarah Blazucki (ext. 206)

Staff Writers Jen Colletta (ext. 215)

25 28 32 24 25 21 30

Larry Nichols (ext. 213) Writer-at-Large Timothy Cwiek (ext. 208)

“Burn the Floor” is a dance spectacular that gets mighty hot.

Family Portraits:

Robert Breining Page 18

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Art Director Scott A. Drake (ext. 210)

Iman teams up with Isaac.

Creep of the Week Food Review Offline Out Money


Mark Segal (ext. 204)

Advertising Manager Greg Dennis (ext. 201)

PGN Pick



Judging Gay

Out Money

Greg Herren reads at Giovanni’s Room

Hello to Bollywood

Mr. Gay is almost here ...

... and we’re so excitied ...

Retirement planning is crucial

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Poll results from our online survey as of Nov. 10:

Would you be in favor of year-round Daylight Saving Time?


48% 34% 13% 5%

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33 37

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Yes No Don’t know Don’t care

Go to to weigh in on this week’s question:

Another Gayborhood dining gem

Page 27

Which MANNA pie/cake would you prefer for dessert?

Advertising Sales Representatives David Augustine (ext. 219) National Advertising Rivendell Media (212) 242-6863 Office Manager/Classifieds Don Pignolet (ext. 200) Executive Assistant Credit/Billing Manager Carol Giunta (ext. 202) Philadelphia Gay News is a member of: The Associated Press National Gay Newspaper Guild Pennsylvania Newspaper Association Published by Masco Communications Inc. © 2010 Masco Communications Inc. ISSN-0742-5155 The views of PGN are expressed only in the unsigned “Editorial” column. Opinions expressed in bylined columns, stories and letters to the editor are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of PGN. The appearance of names or pictorial representations in PGN does not necessarily indicate the sexual orientation of that named or pictured person or persons.

NOV. 12 - 18, 2010




News Briefing

Locals tell youth ‘It gets better’

William Way to host police group The William Way LGBT Community Center will serve as host early next year to a monthly community meeting of the Police Advisory Commission. The PAC, which works to improve relations between the police department and the community, will meet at 6 p.m. Jan. 17 at the center, 1315 Spruce St. The location of the meeting was suggested by Chuck Volz and Ronda Goldfein, commissioners appointed by Mayor Nutter last spring. “This is a chance for community members to come forward with constructive suggestions as to how to improve police service and sensitivity to the LGBT community,” Volz said. “We will try to give everyone the opportunity to express their thoughts.” The public-comment portion of the meeting will begin around 6:45 p.m.


By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer In the past month, thousands of LGBTs and allies from around the world have submitted videos to out writer Dan Savage’s “It Gets Better” project, an initiative that seeks personal stories to show LGBT and questioning youth that their futures can be bright. Those who have submitted videos run the gamut from actors to musicians to President Obama, but many are everyday citizens, like two contingents in Philadelphia who had their own messages for teens. Among the endless list of “It Gets Better” videos on YouTube are offerings from employees at the Free Library of Philadelphia and players in the Greater Philadelphia Flag Football League. Savage initiated the effort following recent LGBT youth suicides, and Liz Heideman, a librarian who works in the children’s department of the FLP’s Fumo Family Branch on South Broad Street, said FLP employees have a unique duty to look out for the well-being of the city’s youth — some of whom may be struggling with anti-LGBT harassment. “As somebody who works with kids and teens, and really for all of us in the Free Library system, it’s our responsibility not just to be here for the kids, but to be visible,” she said. “We need to make it known that we are approachable, safe adults that they can talk to — and not just that we’re there to listen, but that we’re not going to be

judgmental and we have materials here for them to help them through whatever they’re going through.” Heideman, an open lesbian, connected with Joel Nichols, also a children’s librarian, and the two circulated e-mails throughout the FLP to generate interest. Heideman said the response was overwhelming: Had there been enough time and resources, about three-quarters of the FLP employee base would have participated in the video. Wayne Knaub, commissioner of the GPFFL, also said his teammates were enthusiastic about submitting a video. Knaub proposed the idea to the league as a way to reach out to youth athletes — a group, he said, the campaign had not yet targeted. “There are so many [LGBT] sports organizations nationwide, and I hadn’t seen anything yet, so I thought that, as a league, this would be something we could do and hopefully others would follow suit,” said Knaub. “We wanted to let young people know that we know it’s tough out there, but they have people who can relate to them and they need to know there’s something out there for them after high school.” The GPFFL video encompasses personal stories from founder Scott Dinkins, assistant commissioner Justin Dolci and Knaub, who talks about his father’s long process of intolerance to tolerance to acceptance — a journey bolstered by the recent LGBT suicides, as he described how his father came to realize that his own unwillingness to accept his son could have meant losing him.

The three discussed the various levels of acceptance they encountered, but all concurred that finding the GPFFL has been invaluable. “With a lot of the more aggressive sports like football, you often hear antigay sentiments, like ‘faggot’ or ‘queer,’ just used casually,” Knaub said. “Justin talks in the video about how he withdrew from a sport he really loved, but eventually had to come to terms with who he was, and this league allows people to do that. We have people from 21-60: When we go to tournaments and we’re out hanging out, we’re probably the oddest-looking bunch of people. But the common thread we all share is our love of football and the friendships we’ve been able to build around that. A lot of guys say that joining this league and doing gay sports in general has changed their lives.” The video, compiled at a GPFFL game, was shot and edited by local filmmaker Damian Tracy and also includes “It Gets Better” proclamations from dozens of other league members. Louis Finley, a Drexel University student and GPFFL league member, said he chose to be involved because he wanted to show other young people just what kind of opportunities are available to them. “This is something that really resonates with the community right now, with all the statistics of suicides,” he said. “I think that [LGBT athletes] are not a segment that a See GETS BETTER, Page 6

T h e H a v e r f o r d To w n s h i p Commissioners voted earlier this week to temporarily table a bill that seeks to provide nondiscrimination protections to LGBT residents. Commissioner Larry Holmes, who is spearheading the effort, several members of the public posed questions about the bill at the Nov. 8 meeting, so the commissioners decided to hold off on the first reading and vote on the measure. The bill is expected to be considered at the next commission meeting, 7:30 p.m. Dec. 13 at the Quatrani Building, 2325 Darby Road in Haverton.

Out filmmakers invited to cruise Budding LGBT filmmakers are invited to enter a contest that will allow them to showcase their works and learn more about the art of filmmaking. Out filmmaker John Scagliotti will select eight emerging filmmakers to participate in his annual film-festival cruise “Pride of the Ocean” in May and LGBT shorts festival “CineSlam” the following month. During the cruise, which will travel from Boston to Bermuda, the winners will be able to take part in a series of LGBT film seminars and network with others in the industry. For more information or to enter, visit or www. ■ — Jen Colletta



NOV. 12 - 18, 2010

GETS BETTER From Page 5 lot of people know about. I know a lot of people right now who aren’t into sports because they’re gay, and I think this video can show people that you can be gay and you can play sports also. It’s something a lot of people don’t think of, but I’m really glad that I found it.” Temple University student Nick Kirkstat, who joined GPFFL earlier this year, shortly after coming out, said he’s struggled to come to terms with his sexual orientation since he was 13. The Western Pennsylvania native played football and other sports throughout his education, but said he was always fearful that his teammates might realize that he was different, and joined in using the word “gay” as a derogatory term, to deflect attention from himself. “I’d always be the first one into the locker room and the last one to leave, because I wanted to make sure there was no chance of anyone starting to see me as gay. I was always worried that someone would find out,” Kirkstat said, noting that his membership in GPFFL has opened his eyes to the gay-sports world. “I never knew there were other people like myself who were gay but who were also into sports. I come from a small town where there’s just this one stereotype of a gay man, so I was so confused about who I was, because I realized I liked men, but I didn’t act like that stereotype. But I finally was able to discover that there are other people like me and that I’m not alone.” So far, the video, which launched Oct. 31, has racked up more than 6,000 views on YouTube, with hits from South Africa to Australia to the Middle East, and Knaub said it’s been featured on such sites as AfterElton, Towelroad and OutSports. The FLP video is also featured prominently on a new tab on the library’s main website that offers resources for LGBTQ teens. The section, located under the Explore header on the homepage, provides websites, book listings and electronic resources that deal with topics pertinent to LGBT and questioning teens. In the FLP “It Gets Better” video, the 10 employees who took part reference the wealth of educational opportunities the library can present to teens questioning their sexuality, and many of them also tell of their own struggles

with those questions. The librarians mention violent bullying and feelings of isolation and fear, which they said eventually dissipated as they grew up. Heideman, a native of Iowa, said that while she didn’t face antigay bullying growing up, she was brought up in a strict Catholic family and didn’t begin to explore her sexuality until college. She noted in the video that, despite hearing antigay messages from her church and other segments of her community as a youth, she now has the ability to get married in her home state. Donald Root, FLP chief of Central Public Services, said while societal acceptance of the LGBT community has evolved since his youth, homophobia of any intensity can still have detrimental effects on young people. “When I was young, we weren’t seeing images on TV or in movies the way we do now. For my generation, all we knew about was Liberace, and you just knew that you weren’t supposed to be like him,” Root said. “But even today — even if we can claim 10 percent of the population or get marriage rights — we’re still not in the majority, and young people are still going to have those internal struggles. We all had those questions and those struggles and a lot of us faced that harassment, but it gets better. You eventually find your community, find your place and you find out how to be comfortable with yourself.” Root said he was especially driven to participate in the video to demonstrate that widespread support LGBT teens can expect at the library, from each individual branch up to its top-tier management. “When I first saw the e-mail about this, I thought, Sure, I’m game. And then I realized that sometimes I forget my position as one of the administrators and the head of the main library. So I thought that my participating in this would be reflective of how this entire administration supports this and support the teens. I felt like this was important for me to show not only my personal support but also through my position to communicate the support of the entire library system.” To view the videos, visit www. and www. To view all of the “It Gets Better” videos or to submit your own video, visit www. ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at

NOV. 12 - 18, 2010



Media Trail Hawaii positioned to pass same-sex civil unions

COMMUNITY AND CHARITY: About 200 leather-clad LGBTs packed into Voyeur Nov. 6 for the second annual Philadelphia Leather Pride Night. The weekend of events culminated in the PLPN, which featured raffles, a live auction, an art exhibit and a burlesque show. This year’s event helped to raise money for a variety of charitable organizations, including The Carter/ John Leather Library, By The Grace of George, The Leather Archives and Museum and The Leather Heart Foundation. Photo: Scott A. Drake

LGBT bills die with end of state session By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer Leadership in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives last week abruptly announced the body would not finish out its legislative session, a decision it reversed on Wednesday. But although the House will likely return to take up measures such as a pension-reform bill, any chance of passing pro-LGBT measures are now over. This latest session saw efforts to include sexual orientation and gender identity in the state’s nondiscrimination and hate-crimes laws, as well as bills to provide relationship recognition for same-sex couples. Those measures, however, are unable to proceed now, as all need bicameral action, and the Senate announced earlier this year it would not reconvene after the mid-term elections. Republicans, who were already in control of the state Senate, also won a majority of the state House in the election. Several ally lawmakers who cosponsored the pro-LGBT measures this session are retiring, such as Keith McCall, Kathy Manderino and Frank Oliver, and others, like Todd Eachus, were unseated in the election. Rep. Robert Donatucci, who cosponsored a number of LGBT measures, died suddenly this week. Despite the legislative forecast, all sponsors of this session’s pro-LGBT bills told PGN they would again spearhead the measures next session. Nondiscrimination House Bill 300, which would amend the state Human Relations Act to include sexual orientation and gender identity as classes protected from discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations, has been languishing in committee since its introduction in March 2009. The measure was approved by the State

Government Committee shortly after it was introduced, marking the first time that the bill, which has been introduced several times in various forms, received committee approval. HB 300 was introduced with 79 cosponsors, the greatest level of legislative support any pro-LGBT measure has experienced in the state legislature — although several cosponsors since dropped their support, bringing the final number to 72. Rep. Dan Frankel (23rd Dist.), who spearheaded the measure, plans to introduce the bill again in the coming session, according to spokesperson Gabe Spece. Spece said the representative will regroup with LGBT advocates throughout the state in the coming weeks to reevaluate the legislation and formulate a strategy to push the measure forward. Spece said Frankel is likely to introduce the bill shortly after the legislature reconvenes in January. “We know this is an uphill battle,” Spece said. “We’re working on finding allies in the House, and we do think we have some friends on both sides of the aisle in the Senate. Realistically, we know the score and we know it’ll be a struggle, but Rep. Frankel told us he’s ready to do this again.” Hate crimes This past session saw the introduction of measures to amend the state hate-crimes law to make it LGBT-inclusive in both houses. The state legislature originally incorporated sexual orientation and gender identity into the state hate-crimes law in 2002, but a state court later overturned that action on a technicality. Rep. Josh Shapiro (D-153rd Dist.) led the effort in the House to allow LGBTs to be protected by the law, introducing his measure in March 2009. The House Judiciary Committee approved the bill in November of last year, but it never made it to a full

House vote. At the close of this session, the bill had 44 cosponsors. A spokesperson for Shapiro said the lawmaker plans to reintroduce the bill when the new session begins. Sen. Jim Ferlo (38th Dist.) introduced the Senate version of the hate-crimes measure in February 2009, which was never voted out of the Senate Judiciary Committee. It most recently had nine cosponsors. Stephen Bruder, Ferlo’s chief of staff, said he “couldn’t imagine a situation where [Ferlo] wouldn’t” reintroduce the measure. Relationship recognition This session also marked the first state legislative initiative to grant same-sex couples relationship recognition — which came in the form of two separate bills. Sen. Daylin Leach (D-17th Dist.) introduced a measure in June 2009 that sought to grant same-sex couples marriage equality. The bill picked up support from Sens. Ferlo and Larry Farnese (D-First Dist.), and Leach said this week he definitely plans to spearhead the measure again next year. In April of this year, Rep. Mark Cohen (D-202nd Dist.) introduced a bill to legalize civil unions. The bill finished the session with 33 cosponsors, and Cohen said he’s going to introduce it again, despite the “uphill struggle” he said it faces. “The strength in civil unions is that they really are what the legislature stands for,” he said. “There’s clear opposition right now to gay marriage, and there’s also clear opposition to banning gay marriage. Civil unions are the middle-of-the-road position, and that type of position is what is in tune with the wishes of the legislature.” ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at jen@epgn. com.

The Washington Post reports Hawaii voters have opened the way for same-sex civil unions to become state law next year, with an election that gave victory to a progay rights gubernatorial candidate. The state House and Senate retained the Democratic majorities that approved a civilunion bill this year before it was vetoed by Gov. Linda Lingle, and Democratic Gov.elect Neil Abercrombie has said he will sign a similar law if passed by the Legislature. The move would make Hawaii the sixth state to grant essentially the same rights of marriage to same-sex couples without authorizing marriage itself.

Gay man may be deported from U.S. The Boston Herald reports a Brazilian man, who was recently reunited with his Massachusetts husband when federal officials temporarily allowed him into the United States, could face deportation because Attorney General Eric Holder will not reverse the immigration ruling that first separated the couple. Genesio Oliveira, 31, said Nov. 8 that he could be forced to return to Brazil in six months. Three years ago, Oliveira and husband Tim Coco, 49, of Haverhill, Mass., were forced to live apart when Oliveira was denied asylum over claims he was raped as a teenager. A judge ruled he was not harmed physically by the rape. In June, at U.S. Sen. John Kerry’s urging, federal officials temporarily allowed Oliveira back in the country on humanitarian grounds.

AG fired for targeting gay student leader reports an assistant attorney general in Michigan has been fired after harassing an openly gay University of Michigan student, state Attorney General Mike Cox said Nov. 8. Andrew Shirvell “repeatedly violated office policies, engaged in borderline stalking behavior and inappropriately used state resources,” Cox said. The lawyer for Chris Armstrong, the university’s student body president, lauded the decision. “It’s inexplicable — he knows nothing about Chris,” said attorney Deborah Gordon about Shirvell, who claimed that Armstrong was a “racist, elitist liar” and “privileged pervert.” ■ — Larry Nichols



NOV. 12 - 18, 2010

FIGHT celebrates two decades of service By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer Two days after this year’s World AIDS Day, the Philadelphia HIV/ AIDS community will come together to pay homage to an agency that has been at the forefront of the city’s fight against the epidemic for the past two decades. Philadelphia FIGHT will celebrate its 20th anniversary with its We Remember Gala, beginning at 6 p.m. Dec. 3 at The Ritz-Carlton Philadelphia, 10 Avenue of the Arts. The annual fundraising gala will include dinner and live music, an awards presentation and a silent auction, with a portion of the AIDS quilt on display. FIGHT, which stands for Field Initiating Group for HIV Trials, was founded in October 1990 by Dr. John Turner, who passed away in 2008.

epidemic was at one of its most turbulent stages. “Compared to now, it was pretty desperate,” Shull said. “When FIGHT was founded, there was virtually no treatment available. There was only AZT, and that was still being used as monotherapy, which has since been shown to be not all that effective.” Shull noted, however, that the starkest contrast lies in the then-dearth of individuals who were willing to treat the disease. FIGHT STAFF Photo: Scott A. Drake “The real limits were in where people could go for The agency was originally research-based and, as such, invested most of its energy care. There weren’t many AIDS doctors, into looking for therapies for those dealing and it was particularly bad for people who had Medicaid because there were almost with the disease. Jane Shull, FIGHT executive director, no clinics that would see people who didn’t said the organization was created when the have private insurance. There was a lot of

stigma. There’s still a lot now, but there was much more back then.” Although FIGHT originally functioned solely as a research venue, Shull said it saw the need for continued evolution, as the crisis began to take on a different shape throughout the past 20 years. “As time went on, our mission didn’t shift, but it expanded from only doing research to really trying to meet as many of the needs of the people who were living with HIV as we could,” she said. “We’ve expanded to doing clinical care, medical care, social services like mental-health services, and the other big area has been education of all kinds.” Among its major milestones in the past 20 years are the creation of the Youth Health Empowerment Project in 1994, which provides outlets and resources for at-risk youth, and the Jonathan Lax Treatment Center in 1997, which now serves 1,200 people annually. FIGHT, which offers the only lending library devoted solely to HIV/AIDS topics in the country, also pioneered educational initiatives such as Project TEACH, which provides practical education for newly diagnosed HIV-positive individuals, and the annual AIDS Education Month, which this past year drew participation from 5,000 people. FIGHT has also seen a wealth of organizational growth. The organization was originally launched with a $25,000 grant from The American Foundation for AIDS Research — which will be honored with the Jonathan Lax Award at the gala for this contribution — that was matched by $40,000 from the city’s health department, and Shull said FIGHT now operates with an annual budget of about $10 million. Although the agency has grown immensely, Shull said it has never grown away from its original goal. “We’ve seen a growth in revenue, a growth in program, a growth in services, but in spite of that, I think we’re proudest that we’ve remained mission-driven,” she said. “We’ve always been focused on ending the AIDS epidemic. We’ve expanded, but we’ve never forgotten what we’re working for, and all of that work is meant to bring us closer to one day ending this epidemic.” For more information or to purchase tickets for the gala, visit or call (215) 5258628. General-admission tickets are $150 each, or $275 for a couple. ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at

NOV. 12 - 18, 2010



GOP gains LGBT support By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer

away from targeting our community. I think that’s in part a product of efforts by our organization According to exit polling done to meet with our Republican peers after last week’s midterm election, and say, ‘Even if you personally support for Republican candidates aren’t completely comfortable with among LGB voters rose consider- equality measures, at a minimum you need to recognize that this ably in the past two years. After Republicans boasted wide does not move the party forward.’” While the LGB Republican vote gains in the Nov. 2 elections, taking control of the U.S. House — as soared past 2008’s number, it also well as the Pennsylvania House — marked the highest level of support Republicans CNN reported have seen from that 31 percent of self-identiCNN reported that gay voters since 0, when fied LGB vot31 percent of self- 2250 0percent of ers favored identified LGB the community Republican canvoted GOP. didates for U.S. voters favored Cooper said House — a jump Republican candi- that, like many from 19 percent in 2008. dates for U.S. House o t h e r d e m o graphic groups, Support for — a jump from 19 L G B s w e r e Republicans likely also motialso rose among percent in 2008. vated to vote non-LGB votRepublican this ers, although not as dramatically — from 44 percent year because of dissatisfaction with the current economic conditions. in 2008 to 52 percent this year. Micah Mahjoubian, co-chair of R. Clarke Cooper, executive director of national LGBT group the Liberty City Democratic Club, Log Cabin Republicans, said the acknowledged that the LGB stats heightened support for Republicans reflect part of a national movefrom the gay community could be ment, but noted it’s one that didn’t attributed to a number of factors, hold true in Philadelphia. “I think it was clear that the one of which he said was the fact that conservative communities are national trend was that more becoming more accepting of LGBT Republicans turned out to vote than Democrats did across the members. “There has been an increasing board, in all demographics,” he awareness, tolerance and accep- said. “The LGBT vote is as diverse tance,” he said. “People are at dif- as any other demographic so the ferent levels, where some have trend would be the same there as become more tolerant and others well. But I don’t think these polls fully embrace the gay commu- reflected what happened specifinity, but I think we’ve been mov- cally in the Philadelphia region, ing toward this awakening in that where Democrats turned out at someone can be gay and conserva- a higher percentage — around tive or gay and a person of faith. 40 percent — than most pundits People can be contributors to soci- expected.” Cooper said his agency is going to ety and their sexual orientation has absolutely nothing do with their also work hard to encourage LGBs to continue to vote Republican in merits or their capabilities.” Cooper said there was also a future elections. Of the 17 LCR-endorsed candimarked change in tone from the 2008 election cycle to the most dates, 12 were elected this month, recent campaigns, as he said con- and he said the organization is servative candidates began to dis- going to align itself closely with tance themselves from using LGBT those lawmakers and others to advance pro-LGBT measures. issues to generate votes. “We need to bolster the support “There was an absence of attacks and hate speech and vitriol directed for those Republicans who are at the gay community that we have elected to office and who are actuseen in the past,” he said. “I’m not ally supportive of our community,” saying that’s completely done and he said. “We need to support what we can sit and relax — there are they’re doing and work with them still some social conservatives who on legislation like the Employment take issue with us being members Non-Discrimination Act, and look of this party — but, all in all, when for opportunities to address issues you compare the 2010 races to pre- important to us that may have been vious ones, they certainly moved overlooked in the past.” ■

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NOV. 12 - 18, 2010

Editorial Election post-mortem Even with a little more distance from last week’s election, it’s still painful. With the Democrats’ “shellacking,” it looks like the LGBT community will need to work even harder to regain the progress that had been made. Close to home, the hardest losses were the defeat of U.S. Reps. Patrick Murphy (D-8th Dist.) and Joe Sestak, who was vying to fill Sen. Arlen Specter’s seat; gubernatorial candidate Dan Onorato and Fern Kaufman, attempting to oust longtime state Rep. Tim Hennessey (R-26th Dist.). Murphy and Sestak had both been allies of the LGBT community while in Congress and, as veterans themselves, had been strong voices in the effort to repeal the military ban on openly gay servicemembers. Kaufman was the only openly LGBT candidate in the Pennsylvania races, and she would have been the first out legislator in the commonwealth. The lack of LGBT representation resonates: Though having allies speak for you is good, it’s always more effective to speak with your own voice. In the governor’s race, PGN attempted to speak with both Tom Corbett and Onorato; Corbett’s campaign ignored our request. (Although Lt. Gov.-elect Jim Cawley’s campaign had indicated he would speak with us, but then didn’t return our calls to schedule an interview.) Both Onorato and his running mate, Scott Conklin, took the time to speak with us. They might not have had the best positions on LGBT issues, but at least they had enough respect for the community to give interviews. At the state level, the Democratic losses will stall LGBT progress, but perhaps not by much. In this session, civil-union, LGBT-inclusive nondiscrimination and hate-crimes legislation had been introduced in the House, but hadn’t passed there. In the Senate, there had been both a bill providing for same-sex marriage and hate-crimes protections, as well as a bill to amend the state constitution to limit marriage to one man and one woman. With the Republicans maintaining the majority in the Senate, the outlook there is unchanged. What the LGBT community needs to be vigilant against now are new attempts to limit rights at the state level. Remember, it was as recent as 2006 that both the House and Senate passed a constitutional amendment to limit marriage to one man and one woman; because the language of the two bills was different, it ultimately failed. At the national level, Congress has the opportunity to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in the last two months of this session. Though President Obama supports repealing the military ban on openly gay servicemembers, the legislation didn’t get much traction during the election, likely due to legislators’ concern that their support might cost them the election. Now that the election is over, those who might have been on the fence can take action without worrying about the political consequences. Or perhaps they have already faced the political consequences of their earlier inaction. ■

Creep of the Week

D’Anne Witkowski

Robert Maginnis Everyone knows that United States soldiers hate gay people. They hate them more than they hate terrorists, even, because at least terrorists aren’t trying to legalize terror. So obviously if you took a poll of soldiers regarding whether or not to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” they’re going to be in favor of keeping homos out of foxholes by a landslide. Right? Wrong. Results of a survey done by the military as part of a feasibility study have been leaked and guess what? The majority of soldiers and their families think having openly gay guys and gals in the military isn’t that big a deal. This is good news. Unless, of course, you’re the Family Research Council. Then you’re pissed, because that’s not the answer you wanted at all. And if a survey doesn’t get the results you want, there’s only one thing to do: Blame the survey. As Right Wing Watch pointed out, FRC is crying that “the survey is flawed and cannot be trusted.” And thus Robert Maginnis’ seven pages of teeth gnashing and foot stomping was born and published on the FRC website. Maginnis complains that the sur-

veys sent to soldiers and their families don’t ask if the respondent is “one of them.” Because gays are clearly biased and their responses shouldn’t count. The surveys also don’t define “homosexual,” Maginnis laments, and treat homosexuality like it’s a (gasp!) “neutral factor.” He also bemoaned the lack of choices regarding privacy concerns. One soldier’s wife who responded to the survey told him she “would not take her children to unit activities where there might be open homosexuals.” Because to see gay is to be gay. She also “was very concerned that her husband would have to share a room with an open homosexual during deployment.” God only knows what she thinks will happen. Maybe she just doesn’t trust her husband. Maginnis is also upset that the surveys fail “to address religious and moral objections to homosexuality.” Because it’s OK to discriminate against someone as long as God says it’s OK. Using the strictest research methodology, I’ve created a survey that I think would be up to Maginnis’ standards. And it’s much more concise than both the military’s 32-page

soldier survey or the 11-page family survey. Please use a No. 2 pencil. 1. I am a: a) heterosexual, right with God. b) godless homosexual. Please destroy my survey. 2. Fill in the blank. Homosexuals make me ____________. a) puke. b) cry. c) both a and b. 3. When you’re around a homosexual, you’d better: a) Hide your kids. b) Hide your wife. c) Hide your husband. d) ’Cause they’re raping everybody up in here. 4. We need to ban homosexuals from the military because: a) God said so. b) There is no other answer but a. ■ D’Anne Witkowski has been gay for pay since 2003. She’s a freelance writer and poet (believe it!). When she’s not taking on the creeps of the world, she reviews rock ’n’ roll shows in Detroit with her twin sister.


NOV. 12 - 18, 2010

Mark My Words

Street Talk

Mark Segal

Catholic advocacy from the inside There’s a new organization that I’d personally like to give two thumbs up. It’s called Catholics for Equality. Anyone who reads this column knows that my feeling toward the current junta running the Catholic Church has been anger, to say the least. This current junta has almost, but not completely, brought the church back to the Inquisition. But as you know, the current pope’s last job at the Vatican was running the Office of Doctrine of the Faith, which was the office of inquisition. Under Cardinal Ratzinger (now the pope), that office supported what amounted to slave labor of young women in Ireland as reported by “60 Minutes,” lowering the funds paid to retired nuns, leaving many in poverty after serving the church their entire lives. Then, of course, there are the LGBT and HIV/AIDS issues including condom use (especially in Africa), his constant denouncements of marriage equality, hate-crimes legislation and any form of nondiscrimination legislation. His words have inflamed the world to the point that it’s the only topic both Jews and Muslims agree on: This pope is insensitive. Then there’s the issue that we all know, child molestation. It is rampant in his church. And he is guilty. He ran the office that did not deal with it and hid priests who were guilty. That is guilty. It even

happened in his own parish. He has, of course, excuses for all these events. But letters with his signature prove otherwise. Remember, he has an excuse for it all: The dog ate my homework. We could go on, but suffice to say, this pope has no shame. But let us not condemn the religion, only the hack that runs it. And make no mistake, he’s a hack. But this battle is better waged by Catholics, so that is why I’m thrilled by Catholics for Equality. For many years, LGBT Catholics have had an organization called Dignity. But Dignity is more about religion and support for gay Catholics in the very hostile world of the church. Catholics for Equality seems poised to take a more direct approach and challenge the pope’s misguided ways. Gays are not the only group organizing against this junta: So are women in the church, children who have been raped, and countless others who have been mistreated under a leader who looks more like Ivan the Terrible than a Christian leader. So we welcome a new organization that will join with others. My point to you is no matter what your feelings on religion, you should support this organization since it is fighting one of our most outrageous foes. As I’ve written before, while we should continue to fight this hate, we need to respect individuals’ right to religion. ■ Mark Segal is PGN publisher. He is the nation’s most-award-winning commentator in LGBT media, having just received the 2010 Columnist of the Year Award from the 2,000-member Suburban Newspapers of America. He can be reached at

Letters and Feedback In response to “Family Portraits: Danielle English,” Nov. 5-11:

In response to “PURPLE SPIRIT,” Oct. 29-Nov. 4:

This article is fantastic! Danielle English is an extremely talented and hard-working individual. We grew up together and were best friends since I was 6 years old. I’ve always looked up to her, not only as a role model, but someone that literally can do anything she puts her mind to. She is an amazing person and an extremely talented massage therapist. Anyone who is lucky enough to get underneath her fingertips is in store for a very sensual and extremely relaxing experience.

And on Wednesday, Oct. 20, which was the actual Spirit Day, 500 purple ribbons were made and distributed by the staff of Woody’s, which followed a donation of $2,500 to the Trevor Project, an organization focused on suicide prevention for gay and questioning youth from proceeds on the day of OutFest. See

— Cory J. Lamoureux My cousin, the local celebrity. LOL. I just found out about this article on Facebook and wanted to read it. I’m very proud of Danielle for her accomplishments, as is the rest of our family. — Anthony English

not even for a media outlet that is by us and for us. If we cannot get it right, than why would any other outlets? Instead of being defensive because of personalities (possibly), look at the issue itself and understand how you are further hurting members of our communities. It is really that simple and shame on PGN for not accepting its light spanking and doing the correct thing. Come on already ... how many years have you been at this? ■

— anonymous In response to “Investigation continues in Blahnik murder,” Oct. 22-28: Although some may not agree with Ben’s strategy to get the PGN and others to accurately reflect (as much as possible) the transgender experience through the media and other outlets, we should agree on the issue itself. Ben is absolutely right and we should not lower our standards,


— VN 2010

Send letters and opinion column submissions to:; PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147; fax: (215) 925-6437. Please include a daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity, style and space considerations.

Was there anything positive about the election results?

Katie Gilchrist beauty technician North Philadelphia

Elizabeth Higgans student Tom’s River, N.J.

“I’m glad that Carl Palladino lost. There’s no reason for him to speak negatively about the gay community. He’s not gay. He’s uninformed and doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He just tried to get some votes by pandering to prejudiced people. I don’t approve of that.”

“No. And I don’t agree with [the ballot initiative legalizing the use of] recreational marijuana losing in California. Marijuana shouldn’t be abused, but people shouldn’t be arrested just for having it. Actually, I think it could help stimulate the economy.”

Nicholas Mazzuca canvasser South Philadelphia

Lemar Wells auto mechanic South Philadelphia

“The defeat of Christine O’Donnell. The fact that she didn’t win gives me faith in the electorate. O’Donnell is too extreme in her views. She’s arrogant and ignorant. She made enemies of the people on the fence, motivating them to support the Democrat.”

“The election was a wake-up call for President Obama and, fortunately, he’s taking it in the right spirit. He’s reaching out to the Republicans to find common ground. I think he’s showing flexibility, which will help bring our country together.”



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for city youths considering careers in law enforcement and prison management. A d d i t i o n a l l y, m a ny Philadelphia public schools contract with the local BSA council for LFL programming that helps instill ethical decision-making skills among students, according to court documents. The city’s legal position is the BSA council doesn’t have a right to administer programs that ban openly gay participants inside the building. But the BSA council counters that a 2000 Supreme Court decision allows them to exclude gays from traditional Scouting programs, even if it’s done inside the building. The city tried to evict the BSA council in 2008, but the council

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From Page 1

NOV. 12 - 18, 2010

filed a federal lawsuit to block the eviction. In June, a jury ruled that the city placed an “unconstitutional condition” on the BSA council when it demanded the Scouts stop excluding gays in order to remain in the building. The city wants the trial judge to overturn that verdict, or alternatively to hold a new trial. At press time, U.S. District Judge Ronald L. Buckwalter hadn’t ruled on the request. However, at the conclusion of the eight-day jury trial, he urged both sides to reach an out-ofcourt settlement. Mark McDonald, a spokesperson for Mayor Nutter, said administration officials had no comment for this story because the proposed settlement isn’t finalized. City Councilman Darrell L. Clarke, whose district encompasses the building, had no

comment on whether he would introduce a measure in City Council to help finalize the proposed settlement. Kera Walter, a spokesperson for the BSA council, also declined to comment. Andrew A. Chirls, a member of the LGBT Working Group, which has been advocating for several years to resolve the situation, expressed concern about the proposed settlement. “This is something that everybody has to look at skeptically,” Chirls said. “It sells something for the price of a big rowhouse to someone who avows the intention to discriminate in it. You cannot look at this without taking that into account. It is — in the short term — an improvement over the status quo. There’s not going to be discrimination in that building, and that will take effect 90 days from when City Council acts, if it does. So in 90 days, things will be better than they are today. There’s no question about that. There’s also no question that given the current status of the federal case, to win the case, it will take many more months to get to that point. But I still have a lot of concern about the final result. It’s the Scouts being given the opportunity to buy that building for the price of a nice rowhouse.” Another member of the LGBT Working Group, who declined to be identified, noted that the proposal doesn’t contain a provision requiring the BSA council to share with the city any profits it might make if it sells the property in the future. “The Scouts could flip the building and make a killing,” he said. The member also said the city has an “excellent” chance of winning on appeal, which would result in the city not having to pay any of the BSA council’s legal expenses. Under the terms of a 1928 City Council ordinance, the city owns the Beaux Arts structure — which was built by the Scouts — but the BSA council is permitted to occupy it rent-free unless given one-year’s notice by the city to vacate. Drinker Biddle & Reath, the BSA council’s Center City law firm, is seeking $963,575.07 from the city for legal fees and expenses incurred due to the litigation, according to court records. ■ Timothy Cwiek can be reached at (215) 625-8501 ext. 208.

NOV. 12 - 18, 2010



Out Money Jeremy Gussick Nearing retirement? Financial advice is critical Q: I’m a single woman in my early 50s who plans to work for another 15-20 years. My main concern is that I’m not sure how much I need to be saving for my retirement. Is there some general rule of thumb I should know for this?

build a retirement fund.

A: Retirement and retirement lifestyles have changed so much in recent years, there really isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to retirement planning — it’s very personal. Fortunately for you, you still have 15-20 years to properly plan for your specific retirement goals. Here are some of the things you should begin to discuss.

— Determine what retirement will cost. Many people enter retirement without the slightest clue as to what they want to do with their time or whether they have enough money to do it. Will you continue to work part time? Travel? Maintain a second residence? Make improvements to your existing home? Be sure you plan how you’ll spend your time because that decision will have a direct impact on how much retirement will cost you.

Retirement planning has become an uncertain — and much more stressful — exercise for most Americans. Millions of workers watched their retirement nest eggs decline sharply in value in recent years, and “safe” investments such as money-market investments and CDs have continued to offer relatively low short-term interest rates since then. Aside from current market uncertainties, there are other more constant issues to consider, such as inflation and taxes. Investors planning for retirement need to begin addressing some important questions well in advance of their actual retirement date: How much will retirement cost? How will I pay for it? How much can I spend each year and not run out of money? Can I plan for retirement while also meeting other financial goals, such as paying off debt? While it may be necessary to adjust your financial expectations for retirement or even postpone your retirement date, you can still achieve retirement security. But to do so, you’ll want to engage the services of a financial planning expert. Once retained only by the wealthy, financial advisors now assist all types of investors in making decisions about retirement. In fact, perhaps one of the most common reasons for people to begin financial planning is to

Countdown to retirement Have you begun your countdown to retirement? If so, a financial advisor can help you make a successful transition to the next stage of your financial life. Following are some critical areas to address with your advisor a few years before you expect to retire.

— Assess your sources of retirement income. Estimate the income and savings you can rely on during retirement. How much will you receive from Social Security, a company pension, a 401(k) plan or other employeesponsored retirement accounts? Contact the Social Security Administration at and/or your employer’s retirement benefits representatives to obtain a report listing the estimated income from these sources. In addition, you’ll want to confirm amounts in other accounts. Do you have retirement assets accumulating in an IRA or a taxable investment account? If your anticipated income does not equal or exceed your projected expenses, develop a plan to bring these two into alignment.

— Arrive at a spending limit. Once you have a handle on expected income and expenses, calculate how much you can withdraw from your accounts each year without spending down your principal. Your advisor can create various withdrawal scenarios based on forecasted investment returns, inflation expectations and other practical financial planning considerations. Accounting for uncertainty In the past, calculating annual withdrawal amounts was done by means of simple spreadsheet analysis. A planner would use historical performance averages to project future portfolio values and automatic calculations for variables such as inflation and life expectancy. The problem with such an approach is that the lack of flexibility in the calculations makes it difficult to account for year-by-year variations in outcomes or any unexpected changes in an individual’s life or lifestyle that can affect underlying assumptions. Fast forward to the present where sophisticated computer forecasting models, such as the Monte Carlo simulation, have become the preferred tools for dealing with the uncertainty around retirement planning. When used in investment decision-making, a Monte Carlo simulation forecasts how a portfolio is likely to perform under thousands of possible scenarios based on a combination of parameters such as life expectancy, interest rates, equity returns and inflation. The simulation is typically modeled around a specific problem (e.g., How much can I accumulate for retirement?). Results are

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See OUT MONEY, Page 15




NOV. 12 - 18, 2010

Gayborhood Crime Watch The following incidents in the Midtown Village and Washington Square West areas were reported to the Sixth Police District between Oct. 25-31. Information is courtesy of Sixth District Capt. Brian Korn; Stacy Irving, senior director, Crime Prevention Service; Center City District; the Police Liaison Committee and Midtown Village Merchants Association. REPORT: At 3:15 a.m. Oct. 17 (reported Oct. 25), complainant got into an argument with another male in the 1300 block of Locust Street and was assaulted, suffering a fractured nose and internal injuries. The offender was described as a black male, 24 years old; complainant knows his first name.

REPORT: Between 6:45-7:30 a.m. Oct. 25, complainant’s secured bicycle was stolen from the 800 block of Spruce Street. REPORT: Between 6-8:45 p.m. Oct. 27, complainant’s secured bicycle was stolen from outside 401 S. Broad St. ARRESTS: Between 10:55-11:05 p.m. Oct. 28, Sixth District plainclothes officers arrested two males: one for prostitution at 200 S. 12th St. and one for obstruction of the highway related to prostitution at 1222 Locust St. ARRESTS: Between 12:20-12:40 a.m. Oct. 28, Sixth District plainclothes officers arrested three males for prostitution at the following locations: 200 S. 12th St., 1100

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Pine St. and 1200 Locust St. REPORT: Between 6 p.m.-7:15 p.m. Oct. 28, complainant’s secured bicycle was stolen from the 1000 block of Spruce Street. REPORT: At 8 p.m. Oct. 28, complainant was walking in the 200 block of South Juniper Street when a male grabbed his iPhone from his hand and fled south on Juniper. The offender was described as a black male, in his late 20s, 6 feet tall and 150 pounds with a goatee. ARRESTS: At 8:15 p.m. Oct. 28, Sixth District Officers Blackburn and Kovach saw a male take a wallet from a car parked in the 200 block of South 12th Street. The suspects, a 17-year-old with a South

Philadelphia address and a 19-year-old with an Olney address, were charged with theft from motor vehicle and related offenses. ARRESTS: Between 8:40-10:20 p.m. Oct. 29, Sixth District plainclothes officers arrested six males for obstruction of the highway related to prostitution at the following locations: 200 S. Juniper St., 1200 Spruce St., 1203 Locust St. and 400 S. 13th St. ARRESTS: Between 9-9:15 p.m. Oct. 30, Sixth District plainclothes officers arrested three males for obstruction of the highway related to prostitution at the following locations: 200 S. 13th St., 248 S. 12th St. and 1222 Locust St. ■



NOV. 12 - 18, 2010


Supreme Court asked to review gay military ban By Lisa Leff The Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO — A Republican gay-rights group asked the U.S. Supreme Court last Friday to allow a California trial judge’s order barring enforcement of the so-called “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy on gays serving openly in the military to go back into effect. Lawyers for Log Cabin Republicans asked the high court to vacate a 2-1 decision Nov. 1 by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals keeping “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in place until it considers the government’s appeal of the judge’s decision declaring the

OUT MONEY From Page 13 recorded and ordered according to the scenario most likely to meet investors’ retirement goals. With more attention being paid to retirement planning, forecasting tools based on the Monte Carlo simulation have enjoyed a renewed popularity. In an uncertain world, such tools can help address some of the toughest retirement planning challenges. But remember, any forecasting

policy unconstitutional. The Log Cabin group argued that the 9th Circuit panel abused its discretion when it blocked U.S. District Judge Virginia Phillips’ order requiring the armed forces to allow openly gay Americans to enlist and serve. It said the divided panel erred in accepting the Pentagon’s claim that it needed more time to develop procedures for integrating gay servicemembers and “gave no consideration whatsoever to the injury that will befall” while “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is in place. The request was directed to Justice Anthony Kennedy, who handles emergency motions from the 9th Circuit. Kennedy on Friday

evening asked the Department of Justice to respond by 5 p.m. Wednesday. President Obama, meanwhile, has pledged to push the Senate to repeal the policy in the lame-duck session before a new Congress is sworn in. The policy was lifted for eight days last month after Phillips ruled that it violates the civil rights of gay Americans and issued an injunction barring the Pentagon from applying it. The Obama administration appealed and asked the appeals court to reinstate the ban until it could hear arguments on the broader constitutional issues next year. ■

tool, no matter how sophisticated, cannot predict the future. What’s more, forecasts are hypothetical, do not reflect actual investment results and are not guarantees of future performance. For this reason, you should think of forecasts as a starting point, not as your ultimate planning solution. ■

in the region, including the Delaware Valley Legacy Fund, the Greater Philadelphia Professional Network and the Independence Business Alliance. Out Money appears monthly. If you have a question for Jeremy, e-mail him at jeremy.

Jeremy R. Gussick is a financial advisor with LPL Financial, the nation’s leading independent broker-dealer.* Jeremy specializes in financial planning for the LGBT community. He is active with several LGBT organizations

This article was prepared with the assistance of Standard & Poor’s Financial Communications and is not intended to provide specific investment advice or recommendations for any individual. Consult a financial advisor or Jeremy Gussick if you have any questions. LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC. *Based on total revenues, as reported in Financial Planning Magazine, June 1996-2010.




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MURDERS From Page 1 Burton was arrested at 12th and Spruce streets after police spotted her on surveillance video taken at the hotel. When arrested, Burton was in possession of Brady’s credit card, identification and cell phone. Burton has 36 prior arrests in the past few years for charges ranging from prostitution, reckless endangerment, making terroristic threats to aggravated assault, as well as prostitution-related charges including loitering. Burton’s arrest comes the month after a local transwoman was the victim of strangulation. Stacey Blahnik was murdered in her Manton Street home in South Philadelphia Oct. 11, strangled with a pillowcase by an unknown assailant. The 31-year-old overall house mother for House of Blahnik was found by her boyfriend, who, Clark told PGN in an interview last week, is not a suspect and is cooperating fully with police. Police spokesperson Lt. Ray Evers said homicide investigators are still piecing together evidence in the case. He cautioned that, while an arrest was made quickly in Brady’s murder, the Blahnik case is vastly different. “You can’t compare one homicide to another. With the Omni one, we had video surveillance, we had cell-phone usage and creditcard usage. The Manton Street case is more difficult,” Evers said. “Even though the Omni Hotel incident got a lot of attention in the press, that makes no difference to the guys in Homicide. They worked as hard on that job as they’re working on the Manton Street job. Some investigations just have more meat on the bone, and some have a little less, but that just means they have to keep working, which is what they’re doing.” Franny Price, chair of the Police Liaison Committee, said the group has been tracking both cases and she’s eager for resolution in the Blahnik murder. “I just don’t want this to be another Nizah Morris case, where things get lost and forgotten,” Price said. “This is fresh right now, and it’s something the whole community’s involved with. It’s not going to be forgotten by this community. Somebody was murdered, and this needs to be solved.” ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at

NOV. 12 - 18, 2010



Removal of Iowa judges may inspire similar efforts By Michael J. Crumb and Nomaan Merchant The Associated Press D E S M O I N E S , I ow a — Emboldened by the success of a ballot initiative to oust Iowa judges who supported gay marriage, conservative activists are looking for new ways to use the power of the vote to strike back against the courts. Judicial-removal campaigns have generally been difficult to sell to the public. But now some groups view them as a potential tool to influence the judiciary on gay rights, abortion and other divisive social issues. Organizers of the Iowa campaign had several important advantages: a well-funded TV campaign, a grass-roots structure and an electorate that was receptive to their message. “For those who impose what we

BITNER From Page 1 when Bitner started high school this fall. Simpson said that she wanted to contact school officials but that her son downplayed the situation. Before leaving his house early Friday, he left a suicide note, in which he talked about recent bullying he faced at school. Simpson

perceive as an immoral agenda, we’re going to take them out,” said David Lane, executive director of AFA Action, the political arm of Mississippi-based American Family Association, which contributed about $100,000 to the Iowa campaign. He said the group would do so again wherever judges “impose their will on free people.” Iowa was one of at least four states where groups sought to remove judges in last Tuesday’s election, but it was the only place where the effort succeeded. The anti-abortion group Kansans For Life failed to remove four Supreme Court justices for their decisions regarding abortion clinics. In Colorado, three high-court members withstood a removal campaign focused on their tax decisions. And in Illinois, a Supreme Court justice survived

an attempt to oust him because he overturned a cap on medical malpractice damages. “There’s a very small number of extremely emotional issues that can cause voters to weigh in and take judges off the court,” said Charlie Hall, spokesperson for Justice at Stake, a nonpartisan group that campaigns to keep the courts impartial. “For the most part, it’s still the rare exception.” Hall said gay-marriage rulings are likely to cause the biggest backlashes in any future elections, but that abortion also could motivate many voters. Brian Brown, executive director of the National Organization for Marriage, said earlier referendums in California and Maine, plus the Iowa campaign, prove that gay marriage is an issue that will motivate voters to act. In Maine in 2009, voters overturned the Legislature’s passage

of a bill legalizing gay marriage. And in California in 2008, voters approved Proposition 8 banning gay marriage, but that measure is being appealed. Brown, whose group spent $235,000 on the Iowa effort, said the effort succeeded because it involved TV ads, phone calls, a 20-city bus tour and outreach at churches and other venues. “People do care that judges are forcing their will on people,” he said. Brown said the group may organize future campaigns to remove the other four Iowa justices involved in the same-sex marriage ruling. And they might take on judges in other states too. Brown said his group’s focus is now to get a constitutional amendment on the ballot in Iowa to give voters a chance to overturn the court’s decision and redefine marriage as being between one man

and one woman. Gay-rights groups and some legal experts do not expect a wave of judge removals, but they worry the Iowa case was meant to intimidate other courts. Kevin Cathcart, executive director of New York-based Lambda Legal, which pursued the challenge of Iowa marriage laws that led to the court’s decision, said he sees the campaign as “a warning shot across the bow of judges.” Lambda Legal will not stop pursuing its goals in the courts, Cathcart said, but the organization needs to examine what can be done to prevent more removals. “I still believe the courts have been our community’s best avenue to extending civil rights and moving closer to equality,” he said. “While it is definitely a huge bump in the road ... we need to figure out how to do better through voter education.” ■

said he wrote that the “straw that broke the camel’s back” was an incident in which he was harassed by a student who was dressed as the school mascot in front of a large group of students. Midd-West has not released an official statement yet, but superintendent Wayne Knapp did tell The Daily Item that the school has no records of Bitner reporting instances of bullying. However,

faculty, staff and administrators are “asking ourselves what could I have done, what did I overlook that may have signaled a problem,” Knapp said. Midd-West conducted an anti-bullying assembly Nov. 1, unrelated to Bitner’s situation, although several students reported that few youth took the lecture seriously. Ted Martin, executive director

of Equality PA, said the situation should be used as a directive for lawmakers to act on such measures as the Safe Schools Improvement Act and the Student Non-Discrimination Act, which seek to curb bullying, including harassment motivated by a victim’s sexual orientation or gender identity. “This calls attention to the importance of this type of legis-

lation,” Martin said. “Even in the lame-duck session and the waning days of the legislature, there is certainly legislation they can and should be acting on. If they need any more encouragement or proof, this is it.” A funeral for Bitner was held Wednesday in Liverpool. For more information on him, visit ■

HOMELESS From Page 2 AACO’s waiting list for housing, but his wife passed away in February 2009. He said he was forced to re-sign up for the list after her death on his own, delaying his connection to housing even longer. Now that he has attained housing, Williams said his quality of life has improved greatly. “When a person is homeless and they’re HIV-positive, they basically have no base to work from. It’s hard to look for work, get your life together, maintain your medications without someplace to come home to,” he said. “When you have housing, you feel like somebody. You’re able to function in this world. Right now, our youth are being affected by this, our seniors are being affected by this, everyone’s being affected, and if the city doesn’t step up, it’s just going to keep getting worse.” ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at

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NOV. 12 - 18, 2010

Detour A departure from the ordinary


Supermodel joins designer on improved ‘Show’ By Larry Nichols PGN Staff Writer Bravo has given “The Fashion Show: Ultimate Collection,” the reality competition hosted by out fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi, some eyebrow-raising upgrades for its new season, starting with the addition of international model icon Iman as a judge. The competition has raised the stakes as well. This season, the 12 professional

designers competing for cash and glory in the fashion industry will be split into two fashion houses that must create a collection and produce a live fashion show each week. Mizrahi said this new twist definitely sets “The Fashion Show” apart from the other fashion-oriented reality programs. “This idea of dueling fashion shows is the right evolution,” the designer said. “There’s a lot of reality-TV competition out there. It’s amazing you have Bravo

who is innovating this. In the end, we go through these sensational eye-candy shows one after the other. The first day of shooting, I was very nervous. What finally happened on the third day was the fashion show took place. We were all holding our breath and wondering what we were going to see and the minute the show started, I thought, Oh my God. This is the best show I’ve ever seen. There’s something about the art of it that makes much more sense now. They’re working on

these clothes individually but they’re also part of a collective, and that is the way a design company functions.” Iman added that both she and Mizrahi wanted to take the show to the next level when Bravo approached her about it. “When I was asked to join, Isaac and I had a meeting, since I’ve known Isaac over 20 years. Both of us wanted to talk to each other. One of the concerns I had is about what the show should look like. Our main thing was the show is called ‘The

NOV. 12 - 18, 2010

Fashion Show,’ so we really should create a fashion show. Bravo has supported us very, very well. We needed to change to the whole game of reality shows when it comes to fashion. Where is the next level to go to? We really wanted to create something that had the high drama of a reality show but really was based more on the talent. And we wanted to give the viewer something they’re never seen before on TV. That was very important to us. “Now what was really surprising is the long hours,” the model added. “I have never worked this hard in my life. It was hard, long, long, long hours.” Mizrahi is happy to have Iman on the show, citing her unique perspective on the fashion industry as an asset. “I’ve known Iman for a long time and there is a whole culture that takes place backstage in fashion. It tries so hard to translate to the front of the runway. ‘Unzipped’ is a very good movie where you see the kind of personality backstage. Somehow, Iman’s voice has always been a very strong voice backstage. She had a very strong physical presence in front of the lights. She’s become more and more of a spokesperson. You would not believe the kind of authority that this woman brings to it. When she enters a room and she says something — I don’t think she speaks that much — but what she does say is choice.” He added that Iman brings a level of star power and authority that was lacking in the show’s first season. “It’s a different kind of expertise,” he said. “It’s a kind of fashion temperament. She is looking at it like the greatest creator of fashion. She’s a great designer in her own right, but even more than that, a


consumer of it and an arbiter of it. She’s been through a good deal and she knows how to spot things. She knows how to put things together in terms of the visual of something and then what she hears and the vibe of the room. Iman is a great barometer of what is happening in the room. She’s extremely objective and she looks at the guest judges. She looks at the girl across the runway whom she never met before and the expression. She looks at the model wearing the thing and a lot of time you can tell how someone feels about something they are wearing, even though they don’t think they are betraying something. But Iman has extra sensitivity about that situation and about cultural phenomenon. Season two is a must-watch simply because you have her — just to figure out exactly what she’s saying because half the time you can’t understand it. Just that alone is fabulous. And just seeing what she wears is an education in itself. Ignoring M i z r a h i ’s playful jabs at her thick accent, Iman was quick to praise M i z r a h i ’s talents as well, saying that the contestants are lucky to be able to benefit from his knowledge of the industry. “They really should kiss his feet because the nuggets of information he imparts to them on a weekly basis and guiding them is priceless,” she said. “I’ve been in fashion as a model and a businesswoman, but I’m also a consumer. I’m a woman who wears these clothes. I think what we’re looking for is things that will really excite women and elevate and challenge them. When you

look at these things, you want something like, ‘Wow! I’ve never seen this before. I would love to have it. I would love to wear it.’ We work well together because we come from a different place on the judging. But we had a couple of times where we couldn’t make a decision because I had my point of view and he had his point of view. That’s all a discussion you will see, and you’ll see how we make a decision about who is going home that night and who is supposed to be winning.” “ T h e Fashion Show” may be throwing a lot more at the contestants this season compared to the first, but Mizrahi said the talent of the contestants has “really risen exponentially.” “I think that one good thing is that they are temperamental and interesting in their interaction because they are more passionate about clothes,” he said. “Season one felt more about the personalities of the kids and now it’s about the making of clothes and the passion about making clothes. That’s the drama that you’re going to be watching this time. To me, the level of the talent of the contestants is a game changer.” Iman, who admitted she didn’t see a lot of the first season [and really, could you picture her and hubby David Bowie kicking back and watching reality TV?], said she was more than happy to not be a party to the drama the contestants might bring once the cameras started rolling. “For me, what makes a great show is taking the equations out of characters,”


she said. “At the end of the day, it’s about the talent. So to be able to not know what is happening — the dramas and the bitchiness — backstage, not to know anything about that as a host, that takes the burden off of me of not taking the baggage of not liking somebody because of their character. At the end of the day, I really want to judge them for the talent that they have brought on the runway.” S h e added that the challenges the contestants face this season will give them and the viewers a more realistic representation of what it takes to make it in the world of fashion, both on the runway and behind the scenes. “When you have individual designers creating individual looks for a challenge, you really don’t see a fashion show,” she said. “So the element of creating something that is unique and different than what has even been put on TV when it comes to fashion was very important for Isaac and me. That’s one of the reasons we insisted on being executive producers on the show, because we have so much information — Isaac as a designer and me having been around designers for almost 30 years. It was very important for us to bring something new and creative to the arena of TV that has not been seen.” “The Fashion Show: Ultimate Collection,” airs Tuesdays at 10 p.m. on Bravo. For more information, visit www. ■ Larry Nichols can






NOV. 12 - 18, 2010

International cast to ‘burn’ it up in Philly By Larry Nichols PGN Staff Writer Some of the most talented dancers from around the world will take the stage in Philadelphia for “Burn the Floor,” a Latin and ballroom dance spectacular that has won over audiences across the globe. Don’t let the ballroom tag fool you. This dynamic and extremely physical dance show definitely lives up to the hype. “I think everyone has a perception of ballroom dance as being quite old-fashioned and out of date,” said dancer Gary Wright. “A lot of people are surprised when they come to see ‘Burn the Floor’ because it’s ballroom and Latin reinvented. So we made it to appeal to a variety of audiences, including a younger audience. It’s quite cool and trendy at the same time.”

dancers rather than any specific nationalities. “ We ’ve got a few Australians because it’s an Australian company,” he GARY WRIGHT said. “When it started out, there were a lot of Australians in the company. In Latin American competitions in ballroom, there’s a standard for people all over the world. It’s not just a certain country. You can have somebody that’s a top Latin American dancer that could be from Australia. You can have a top dancer that can do ballroom from England. It all depends on the training and how they’ve been taught. It just so happens that when they put the cast together, everyone is just

Photo: Joan Marcus



PGN’s Community Marketplace

The openly gay Englishman has been with the show for more than a year and a half. So far, he’s performed in locations across the globe, but he said he was most thrilled to perform in the U.S. “I started with the cast in China, then we went to Broadway,” he said. “Then we did a world tour and a New Zealand tour. Now we’re doing an American tour. To be on Broadway is an amazing stepping stone in your career. I never expected when I was young to perform on Broadway. Coming to America is good because there’s no language barrier.” To pull off the demanding dance routines, “Burn the Floor” recruited champion dancers from 10 countries. Wright said the show’s creators sought the best

from all over the place.” Wright added that when the dancers hit the stage, “Burn the Floor” is sure to win audiences over no matter their origin. “‘Burn the Floor’ is the best ballroom and Latin show that there is around,” he said. “The show is not scripted but the audience can relate to it in whatever way they want to. Everyone who comes to see the show always says how good they feel when they leave.” Catch “Burn the Floor” at 8 p.m. Nov. 12 and 2 and 8 p.m. Nov. 13 at the Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St. For more information, visit www.burnthefloor. com or call (215) 790-5847. ■ Larry Nichols can be reached at

NOV. 12 - 18, 2010





NOV. 12 - 18, 2010

Offline Bruce Yelk Spotlight on U.S. Mr. Gay Competition After months of anticipation, the U.S. Mr. Gay Competition is finally here! Not only is this the first time Philadelphia is hosting the nationwide contest, it’s also the first time any East Coast city has done so. To say that I’m excited about it is an understatement. As the event’s primary organizer, I’d be remiss not to extend a sincere thank-you to all the local businesses and media outlets that are sponsoring U.S. Mr. Gay, including Vitamin Water Zero, Smirnoff Vodka, Philadelphia

Gay News, Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Corporation,, Edge Philadelphia, 12th Street Gym, G Philly, the Philadelphia Weekly, the Loews Hotel, the Independent Hotel,, Privileged Communications, Voyeur Nightclub, Q Lounge and Tavern on Camac. I also want to thank all of my friends and volunteers for their support in pulling this weekend together. Here are the highlights, by the numbers: — 21 hot contestants: With entrants from cities across the country, this year’s competition boasts one of the most diverse fields ever. There are representa-

tives from New York City, San Francisco, Miami, Chicago, San Diego, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia — in addition to many smaller cities like New Hope, Fire Island, N.Y., Annapolis, Md., Modesto, Calif., and Rehoboth Beach, Del. Check out photos and profiles at — 7 celebrity judges: How’s this for a panel of judges? Village Voice gossip columnist Michael Musto; celebrity stylist and realityTV star David Evangelista; fourtime Emmy-winning TV producer Terence Noonan; Paper magazine editor Mickey Boardman; “The AList: New York” which stars Ryan Nickalus and TJ Kelly; and openly gay Philadelphia City Council candidate Christopher Hayes. In addition, Sirius OUT Q radio star Frank DeCaro and drag queen Brittany Lynn will co-host.

— 5 performances: Between rounds of competition during Saturday night’s contest, several area performers will delight the crowd. Drag diva Navaya Shay will open with the Philadelphia Freedom Band before returning to the stage later with her partner in crime, Cherry Pop. Gayborhood Games’ vocalists Alexandra Rush, Thom Sirkot and Jeff Vitelli will perform as well. — 3 events: The U.S. Mr. Gay Competition kicks off with the opening party, a Q & A and a contestant meet-and-greet at 8 p.m. Nov. 12 at Q Lounge, 1234 Locust St. The big competition starts at 9 p.m. Nov. 13 at Voyeur Nightclub, 1221 St. James St.; doors open at 8. After the competition, contestants, hosts and judges will head to Tavern on Camac, 243 S. Camac St., for the after-party. Tickets for

Saturday’s contest are available at, or at the door from 8-9 p.m. The opening party is $10 at the door; the after-party is free for anyone who attended the competition. Don’t forget the fall Pink Pub Crawl is back for its third installment on Nov. 24. The Crawl starts at 8:45 p.m. at Q Lounge, then moves to Tabu, 200 S. 12th St., at 10:15. From Tabu, revelers will head to Woody’s, 202 S. 13th St., at 11:30, and finally to Voyeur Nightclub at 12:30. For $25 (if you sport pink clothing, $30 if not), you get one free drink at each of the first three bars, and free admission to Woody’s and Voyeur. Check out for more information. That’s it for this go ’round. Until next time, get offline and see what your community has to offer! ■

NOV. 12 - 18, 2010



Mr. Gay draws ‘A-List’ judges to Philly By Larry Nichols PGN Staff Writer With the national U.S. Mr. Gay competition taking place Nov. 13 in Philadelphia, spectators will want to watch the contestants — and the judges. This year’s event is hosted by Sirius OUT Q radio star Frank DeCaro and local drag personality Brittany Lynn, with judges world-renowned gossip columnist Michael Musto, celebrity stylist David Evangelista and Emmywinning TV producer Terence Noonan. But it’s a few late additions to the panel that have the potential for some super-sized cattiness to flare up at the festivities. Ryan Nickalus and T.J. Kelly from Logo’s new reality show “The A-List: New York,” have been tapped to judge the competition. Let the games begin! “I have to say some of the judges don’t really like ‘The A-List: New York,” and I look forward to hopefully meeting them in person and changing their minds,” Nickalus said. Now, who on the panel could have some choice and biting commentary on the breakthrough cultural masterpiece that is “The A-List: New York?” Could it be Michael Musto? Ding! We have a winner! “He’s not a big fan of the show,” Nickalus said. “It’s funny: When it comes to Reichen Lehmkuhl, he is a dirty little man.” Not that Nickalus is losing any sleep over anyone critical of the show. He’s too busy basking in reality-show fame and the extra clients it has brought to Ryan Darius Salon, which he owns in New York City’s West Village. “We are getting used to being recognized,” he said about the show’s success. “That is something that I am graciously getting

used to: walking down the street and people stopping, talking and letting you know, ‘I hate this one’ or ‘I hate that one.’” Nickalus is also reaping the benefits of being one of the cast members who is somewhat stable [read: one of the least likely on the show to go bat-shit narcissistic diva bitch every five minutes]. “I’m getting a lot of people asking me for advice, asking if I would take them under my wing like Austin,” he said. “It’s very flattering. Honestly, in my 30 long years of being here, I’ve been through a lot. I’ve gone from each end of the spectrum from failure to success. I give advice on my life experience. I try to speak honestly and from the heart and I think it shows.” Since the U.S. Mr. Gay isn’t going to be all about him, we asked what he’s looking for in a Mr. Gay winner. “I am looking for originality and humility, which are two really strange things to look for in a competition, but I think are so important because pretty only gets you so far,” he said. David Evangelista echoed that sentiment. “It’s not all looks,” he said. “Like Judge Judy says: Beauty fades, dumb is forever. I want to hear what they have to say, how they present themselves and how

they articulate themselves. That resonates a lot.” Wait for it ... wait for it ... “Of course, looks and body and all that stuff says a lot,” he added. Our work here is done. An opening reception and Q&A for U.S. Mr. Gay will be held 8 p.m. Nov. 12 at Q Lounge, 1234 Locust St.; the competition will take place at 9 p.m. Nov. 13 at Voyeur Nightclub, 1221 St. James St. For tickets or more information, visit or call (215) 735-5772. ■ Larry Nichols can be reached at

o Electronic PGN:


Scott A. Drake Photography





Family Portraits

Suzi Nash

Robert Breining, host of POZIAM radio, describes himself as a “Positive Person with a Purpose.” This week, PGN spoke with the 31-year-old activist. PGN: Tell me about the Breinings. RB: We were a family of five. I was born and raised in Northeast Philadelphia and was the middle child with an older and younger sister. My mother had a screenprinting business and my father was disabled. He had polio, so he wasn’t able to work. He passed away when I was in my early 20s. PGN: What were you like as a kid? RB: I was a momma’s boy; I still am. PGN: What did you do for fun? RB: I played soccer; I still do. PGN: Did you play any other sports? RB: I ran track in high school. I was a hurdler and a sprinter. PGN: Yikes, just watching hurdling scares me! RB: It scared me too. But after the first few times trying it, you get used to it. PGN: What was your best and worst soccer moment? RB: Worst moment was probably when I used to get beat up by my own soccer team and left by myself on the field, I guess because I wasn’t one of the cool guys or maybe because, even back then, I was obviously gay. It made me feel sad about being me. I quit soccer for a while because of it and that’s when I started running track. The best moment was discovering a gay soccer team, the Philadelphia Falcons. I got to go to Copenhagen, Denmark, to compete in an International Gay and Lesbian Futbol Association Tournament with them. I’d been playing soccer since I was about 6 and always thought I was the only gay soccer player in the world. To find out there was a whole world of gay men who played was incredible. It’s been an amazing ride. PGN: Were you close to your sisters? RB: Yeah, mostly my younger sister. I would play Barbies with her. I remember cutting their hair. PGN: Your sister’s hair or the dolls’? RB: The dolls’! I used to give them cute little bobs. PGN: What was a favorite childhood memory? RB: We used to go to my grandparents every Sunday. I have good memories of the whole family having dinner together. My grandmother was Lebanese, so she would cook up a lot of traditional food. PGN: What does that consist of?

NOV. 12 - 18, 2010

RB: Well, Lebanon is right on the Eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, so a lot of Mediterranean foods: humus, baklava, kibbee, which is prepared with raw meat and eaten with pita bread; yakhnehs, which is ground beef in tomato sauce with string beans and white rice ... I could go on. PGN: You’re making me hungry! What was your first job out of high school? RB: I worked at a Gloria Jean’s coffee shop. PGN: Gloria Jean’s? Like Gloria Vanderbilt jeans? RB: Spelled like a pair of jeans, but it was/ is a coffee shop, like Starbucks. There used to be a few in the Franklin Mills Mall and I think there’s still one at the airport. PGN: What was the worst job? RB: Working retail, folding clothes at The Gap and having to help people who want to fit into clothes they can’t wear. Working with people in retail is bad for me because you can never please people. Waiting tables is easier; at least people are out to have a good time for the most part. PGN: What do you do now? RB: I was diagnosed with AIDS in June 2001. In 2007, six years after both the passing of my father and my HIV diagnosis, I had what I call my “ah ha moment.” I started POZIAM, a social networking website for people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS and, in July 2008, I debuted POZIAM Radio, a weekly Internet radio show/podcast. I don’t make money off of either, but it’s what I feel I have to do right now. With the medication I take and the side effects, I can’t work as much as I’d like to. PGN: I read that half of all new infections are people 25 years old and younger, which is one of the reasons you wanted to get involved in the community. Do you find young people have become complacent because they think all you have to do if you get AIDS is take a pill and everything will be fine? RB: A lot of people have that attitude and there are some people who actually think there’s a cure. There is no cure for AIDS. There are two mindsets: there are some people who feel, “I don’t have to be careful, people live long lives on meds, there’s nothing to worry about. I’ll just get a prescription.” And there’s the other camp that thinks a diagnosis is an automatic death sentence and fear that you can get it from a toilet. PGN: Your site looks like a place where people can go to speak to people who have been through or are dealing with being positive. RB: A lot of people start out by thinking the worst once they are actually diagnosed.

They think that it’s all over and that they’re going to die. They don’t know what comes next and they don’t know where to go for support, especially if they don’t live in a big city. I live in Levittown and I went online to try to find help. Looking for sites to find other HIV positive people, all I found were dating or sex sites. I’m in a relationship, so I wasn’t looking to meet anyone, I just wanted support and to hear stories from people who’d been through it. The only other sites I found were medical sites that bombarded you with numbers and statistics and medical information, which isn’t what I was looking for either. All those numbers can make you go crazy. That’s why I created POZIAM. PGN: I was listening to someone speak about the medical side, and it was like a whole other language with viral and retro

hear us. You can call in or there’s also a chat room for listeners to ask questions, chat with the hosts and each other. It lets people know that they’re not alone in this world. I want people to remind people that our dreams are not infected. PGN: You’ve had some great guests. Tell me about a few of them. RB: I had one of the ladies who was on “Oprah” that supposedly got infected by a guy in Texas. She was dating him for years and he didn’t tell her that he was HIV-positive until five years after his diagnosis. The whole time, he kept having unprotected sex with her and several other women. He was jailed for knowingly infecting the women. After “Oprah,” I contacted her on Facebook and she agreed to do an interview. Facebook does wonders! PGN: It’s nice that you have a variety of guests who speak to people other than just white gay males. Looking at your archives, you have young people and older guests, straight people and people of color ... RB: It’s important, and I try not to forget the people who are affected by AIDS as well — the caregivers, the families of people with AIDS, the partners and lovers. We try to bring in all perspectives. It’s not just a disease that affects gay men — it affects everyone.

PGN: Which guest moved or inspired you the most? RB: Ongina, who was a contestant on RuPaul’s “Drag Race.” She came out with her status on national television and it was something special. It was such a real, unplanned moment. She went from ROBERT BREINING Photo: Suzi Nash telling nobody, not even her parents, to telling the world. viral, loads and T-cell counts, etc. I can see You could feel her nervousness through how that can be overwhelming. the screen. I admire people who have RB: Yes, that was a big issue. the courage to do that. I had a lady from Philadelphia who’s a grandmother with PGN: Why did you start the radio proHIV. Her family was told she was going gram? to die and they got her things in order RB: I wanted to have something to bring when she contracted, I think it was pneupeople back to the site. There are some monia, but she survived and now she does people who would join and then not return, the AIDS Walk with me every year. And she talks openly with her grandchildren so I wanted to have something fresh each about having AIDS. I think that’s amazing week to offer them. Someone suggested a because a lot of people don’t know how podcast and I liked the idea. I wasn’t able to talk to their kids about it and here’s this to find anything like it out there, where people with HIV/AIDS were sharing their grandmother talking to kids about sex and stories and communicating with people, so HIV. We also recently had Mondo Guerra I went for it. It was a way to give people from “Project Runway.” their voice back. Especially since you don’t have to be in a big city to participate. PGN: And you’ve had Toby Grace from “Out in Jersey.” You can be in a farm town and log on to

NOV. 12 - 18, 2010


RB: Yes, he had a journal of poems that he had written to his partner. It was nice to hear the perspective of a caregiver because we don’t hear that too often. His story about the process of losing a partner was very moving. We also had [activist] Sherri Lewis, who was a pop star in the band Get Wet. She’s come through so much, from drug abuse and recovery to AIDS, and she uses her comedic side to talk about it. She’s really funny and has great stories to tell. It lets people know that it’s not just gay men who contract AIDS. She also gives credit to the gay community for being the ones to change things for people with HIV/AIDS. She had a podcast called, “Straight Girl in a Queer World” and she did the same kind of thing that we do here. I love her to death. PGN: I didn’t even think about that fact that most straight people, especially at the beginning of the epidemic, had to turn to the gay community for information and support. We were the only ones actively engaged in the fight. RB: Yes, and it’s a shame that there’s still such stigma around it. It’s hard, it’s really hard to do what we do and put ourselves out there. There are too many people who don’t have sympathy or empathy for people who are HIV-positive because they think it doesn’t affect them directly. PGN: Tell a little of what you went through. RB: I was diagnosed in June 2001. It was six months after my father passed away of lung cancer and nine months after I got clean from drugs. So it was a really trying time: I was the only male left in the family so I felt I had to be the man of the house and take care of my mom and my sisters. I thought I had to be strong for them, so I never got to let out the emotions of everything that was happening. I was in denial for about five years after my diagnosis. My doctor told me I didn’t have to take medication, so it didn’t seem like I was sick and I pushed it under the rug. In 2005, I felt I needed to find a purpose in life and I gave it to myself by sharing my story with others. I figured that’s something I can’t screw up, my own story! So I volunteered to be an ambassador for Hope’s Voice and participated in their “Does HIV Look Like Me?” campaign. PGN: Who’s been a great influence on you? RB: Of course my parents. They’ve been so supportive and I’ve learned a lot from them. In my work, a gentleman by the name of Bob Bowers, who is also known as One Tough Pirate. He really puts himself out there and talks to kids in schools, etc., and was one of the first people I contacted when I was looking for help — and he’s a straight guy! He runs an organization called HIVictorious and has a great website [www.onetoughpirate. com]. He’s a big muscle guy covered in tattoos and the sweetest, most compassionate person you could meet. PGN: Arbitrary question: What’s your best karaoke song? See PORTRAIT, Page 31

Q Puzzle Across

Beyond Brady

1. Well endowed 5. Cole Porter’s Indiana hometown 9. Tie it to become wife and wife 13. Seesaw sitter of verse 14. Sparkle 15. Wilde land 16. Harvey Milk portrayer Sean 17. Send tumbling 18. Final Foursome org.? 19. Half of a lesbian couple with 10 kids 22. Madonna, in a creche 23. Mary Cheney’s partner Heather 24. Escorted from the door 27. Streep kisser at the Oscars 31. “Why should ___ you?” 32. “Bear” that’s not a bear 34. Nureyev’s nyet 35. Partner of 19-Across Tracy 38. Catchall abbr. 39. “What does she see ___?” 40. Go bananas 41. Saltwater swimmer 43. Swamp critter 44. Pique condition? 45. Porn star Long ___ Silver 47. Nickname of 19-Across for her family 53. “I Sing the Body Electric” poet Whitman 54. Room for Marga Gomez


55. “East of Eden” director Kazan 57. Norse port 58. Shiite leader 59. Jethro of rock 60. From A to B, to Debussy 61. Warrior Princess of the boob tube 62. Bear market order


1. Like some cats 2. Visitor at 3. Second starter 4. Maker of things you shoot off 5. Pears of a gay pair 6. Judy Jetson’s brother 7. Police incursion at Stonewall 8. Eliciting boos, perhaps 9. Where bitches hang out 10. Easy partner 11. Kind of stimulating 12. Pond swimmer 20. “At Seventeen” singer Janis 21. Faith in music 24. These are a few of my favorite things 25. Make heady 26. Old record label 27. Overdo it at South Beach 28. “___ at time!” (No threesomes!) 29. Sailor’s load 30. Comical bandleader Kay 32. Totally gay guy 33. Publisher Adolph 36. Diana’s accessory 37. Stocking material for queens?

42. Bottom’s circus favorite? 43. Horny animal 45. Thomas of poetry 46. Care prefix 47. Groups waiting for wedding licenses 48. Doest own

49. Woods of “Legally Blonde” 50. Edna, for one 51. Crime-solving game 52. San Francisco’s Nob ___ 56. Pledge of Allegiance ender

See SOLUTION, Page 29



NOV. 12 - 18, 2010

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NOV. 12 - 18, 2010



Mostly bravo at Mercato By Larry Nichols PGN Staff Writer Judging from the packed house we witnessed on a Tuesday night at Mercato, 1216 Spruce St., the Italianinspired BYOB doesn’t need our help to fill seats. Still, we had to know what the fuss was about. The whole grilled artichoke ($12) started things off quite nicely. While well seasoned with sea salt and olive oil, the citrus aioli it was served with — along with the rather involved process of getting the meaty parts — elevated the dish to finger-food royalty and kept it interesting beyond expectations. It also kept our napkins in constant use.

acknowledge that anything could be made enjoyable by cooking it in bacon, we had to take our hats off to this dish nonetheless for pulling off the near-impossible feat of making the dreaded sprouts worthy of devouring. Mercato’s pasta dishes were exceptional and covered a wide range of flavorful territory. The biggest surprise was the pumpkin fettuccini ($22), a perfect dish for this time of year. Earthy richness abounded in the dish, which tempered any expectations of sweetness with crispy parsnips and sage brown butter. This was definitely some next-level comfort food. Another must-have is the spaghetti and grilled octopus ($22), which

with pyramid pasta ($24) also delivered savory enjoyment, lightly smothered in Parmesan brown butter and accompanied with fresh asparagus. The pan-seared diver scallops ($25) was the first dish that didn’t wow us. The scallops were perfect, as was the Parmesan crisp and truffle-oil garnish. But the English pea risotto, while fine in its presentation and texture, the flavor lacked in sophistication compared to other dishes on the menu. The scallops were definitely doing all the heavy lifting with this dish. The one-two punch of desserts came in the form of the bittersweet molten chocolate cake ($9) and mascarpone cheesecake ($8). The molten chocolate cake lived up to its reputation of the 800-pound gorilla of fancy desserts with its hot, oozing decadence, allowing the vanilla ice cream planted on top to live just long enough for you to get a taste before its assimilated into the mocha abyss. The mascarpone cheesecake, by comparison, was far more subtle and didn’t have to show its pimp hand to win us over. The cool and creamy treat was given a great crunch and texture, topped with roasted walnuts and maple syrup sauce. You might want to get in line for a table at Mercato now. ■ Larry Nichols can be reached at

MERCATO Photo: Scott A. Drake Most people we know have a disdain for Brussels sprouts, probably due to the scarring encounters most have had with them as children. But if Mercato had introduced them to us in their masterful fashion, braised in appplewood smoked bacon, we would have happily inhaled them. Alas, we had to wait until now. While we fully

struck a perfect balance between the garlic and citrus of the light sauce and the fresh flavors of the octopus. On the more traditional end of the spectrum, but no less spectacular, was the short-rib ragu ($23), which was tender and had just enough spice to complement the ricotta gnocchi it came with it. The lobster and shrimp


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DINNER SERVED NIGHTLY 255 S. Camac St., Philadelphia, Pa. (215) 545-8731

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food reviews run the second and fourth week of the month




NOV. 12 - 18, 2010



Your guide to arts and entertainment


The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee Philadelphia Theatre Company presents the award-winning tale of six kids in the throes of puberty vying for the spelling championship of a lifetime, through Dec. 5 at Suzanne Roberts Theater, 480 S. Broad St.; (215) 985-0420. Burn the Floor The international cast of champion dancers perform the theatrical Latininfluenced ballroom dancethemed show, through Nov. 13 at the Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St.; (215) 790-5847. Girl Talk: The Musical The new show featuring hit songs from Beyoncé, Aretha Franklin, P!nk, Carrie Underwood, the Pointer Sisters and more takes the stage Nov. 16-21 at Kimmel’s Innovation Studio, 260 S. Broad St.; (215) 790-5847. Irving Berlin’s White Christmas The Walnut Street Theatre presents an all-new production of the holiday Broadway musical, through Jan. 9, 825 Walnut St.; (215) 574-3550. Jersey Boys The Kimmel Center’s Broadway series presents the award-winning musical about Rock ’n’ Roll Hall of Famers The Four Seasons: Frankie Valli, Bob Gaudio, Tommy DeVito and Nick Massi, through Dec. 12 at Forrest Theatre, 1114 Walnut St.; (215) 790-5847. The Laramie Residency The Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts presents “The Laramie Project” and ”The Laramie Project: Ten Years Later,” through Nov. 13 at

Zellerbach Theatre, 3680 Walnut St.; (215) 898-3900. Monty Python’s Spamalot PNC Arts Alive presents the popular and zany medieval comedy through Nov. 20, 915 White Horse Pike, Haddon Township, N.J.; (856) 858-5230. My Mother’s Italian, My Father’s Jewish and I’m in Therapy Society Hill Playhouse presents a comedic oneman show through Dec. 12, 507 S. Eighth St.; (215) 923-0210. Office Politics Quince Productions presents four short plays set in offices, through Nov. 13 at Walnut Street Theatre Studio 5, 825 Walnut St.; (215) 627-1088. Run, Mourner, Run Flashpoint Theatre Company and out playwright Tarell Alvin McCraney present the story of a poor young man from a rural community in North Carolina who is suddenly thrust into a power struggle between the two richest men in town, through Nov. 20 at Second Stage at The Adrienne, 2030 Sansom St.; (215) 568-8077. Silverhill InterAct Theatre Company presents a new drama about a self-supporting utopian community whose wellbeing is challenged by capitalism, through Nov. 14, on the Mainstage of The Adrienne, 2030 Sansom St.; (215) 568-8077. Simulations Plays & Players Theatre presents a fantastical story about a socially awkward woman who falls in love with her Sims character, through Nov. 21, 1714 Delancey Place; www. Uncle Vanya Lantern Theater Company presents its first-ever production of a full-length Anton Chekhov work, through Nov. 21 at St. Stephen’s Theater, 923 Ludlow St.; (215) 829-0395. Urinetown: The Musical The Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts presents the award-winning comedy cabaret-style production, Nov. 16-20 at Bruce Montgomery Theatre, 3680 Walnut St.; (215) 898-3900.


A German Evening The Philadelphia Orchestra performs Strauss’ Second Horn Concerto, through Nov. 16 at Kimmel’s Verizon Hall, 260 S. Broad St.; (215) 790-5847. Tan Dun’s The Map The Philadelphia Orchestra performs a concert blending Eastern and Western influences, 7:30 p.m. Nov 12 at Kimmel’s Verizon Hall, 260 S. Broad St.; (215) 790-5847. Tony Enos The out singer performs to benefit the Educational Justice Coalition. 9 p.m. Nov. 12 at Voyeur Nightclub, 1221 St. James St.; (215) 735-5772. Ani DiFranco The singer-songwriter performs at 8 p.m. Nov. 13 at Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside; (215) 572-7650. Anna Crusis Fall Concert The choir launches its 36th season with performances at 8 p.m. Nov. 13 and 4 p.m. Nov. 14 at Unitarian Society of Germantown, 6511 Germantown Ave.; www.

Greg Herren is famous for his mysteries set in New Orleans, but the out author is taking a new direction with Tiny Satchel Press, the publishing company started by author Victoria Brownworth focusing on books for LGBTQ children and young adults. Herren will be talking up his first young-adult novel, “Sorceress,” at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 13 at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St. For more information, call (215) 923-2960.

Ben Folds The alt-rock pianist performs at 8 p.m. Nov. 13 at the Tower Theatre, 19 S. 69th St., Upper Darby; (610) 352-2887. Justin Bieber The pop singer performs at 7 p.m. Nov. 14 at the Wells Fargo Center, 3601 S. Broad St.; (800) 298-4200. Girlyman The folk-jazz trio performs at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 18 at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; (215) 222-1400. Kavakos Plays Tchaikovsky The Philadelphia Orchestra performs with Spanish-born conductor Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos and Greek-born violin virtuoso Leonidas Kavakos, Nov. 18-20 at Kimmel’s Verizon Hall, 260 S. Broad St.; (215) 7905847.


Art of the American Soldier The National Constitution Center presents the worlddebut exhibition of over 15,000 paintings and sketches created by 1,300 American soldiers in the line of duty, through Jan. 10, 525 Arch St.; (215) 409-6895. Best of Show University of the Arts hosts an exhibition of The Photo Review 2010 Competition Prize Winners, through Dec. 10 at Gallery 1401, 14th floor of Terra Hall, 211 S. Broad St.; (215) 717-6300. The Big Sea ArtStar Gallery presents an exhibition of works from artist Andrew Zangerle, through Nov. 21, 623 N. Second St.; (215) 2381557.

Cleopatra: The Search for the Last Queen of Egypt The Franklin Institute presents an exhibition of 150 artifacts from Egypt, through Jan. 2, 20th Street and the Parkway; (215) 448-1200. Desert Jewels: North African Jewelry and Photography from the Xavier GuerrandHermes Collection Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of jewelry and historic photographs from Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Egypt and Tunisia, through Dec. 5, 26th Street and the Parkway; (215) 763-8100. Eakins on Paper: Drawings and Watercolors from the Collection Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition

NOV. 12 - 18, 2010



Steve Kolbo The cabaret singer performs at 8:30 p.m. Nov. 13 at Bob Egan‘s New Hope, Ramada Inn, 6426 Lower York Road, New Hope; (215) 862-5225.

Sabotage The Alfred Hitchcock film is screened at 2 p.m. Nov. 14 at The Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; (610) 917-0223.

Aimee Robidoux The cabaret singer performs at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 14 at Bob Egan‘s New Hope, Ramada Inn, 6426 Lower York Road, New Hope; (215) 862-5225.

A Night at the Opera The classic Marx Brothers’ film is screened at 2 p.m. Nov. 13 at The Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; (610) 917-0223.

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World The action film is screened at 8 p.m. Nov. 15 at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; (215) 922-6888.

Books DOWN WITH THE HIPS: The Bellydance Superstars, an internationally known dance and music troupe, set up shop at the Keswick Theatre for “Bombay Bellywood, ” a night of hypnotizing dance moves and mystical Eastern music, 8 p.m. Nov. 18 at Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside. For more information, visit or call (215) 572-7650. Photo: Bruce Meyer

of 10 rarely seen drawings and watercolors that survey the early work of Thomas Eakins, through December, 26th Street and the Parkway; (215) 763-8100.

on a tour of California’s more eccentric religious movements, through Dec. 10 at Gallery 1401, 15th floor of Terra Hall, 211 S. Broad St.; (215) 717-6300.

A Glimpse of Paradise: Gold in Islamic Art Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition exploring the unique status of gold in Islam through a small group of objects drawn from the museum’s collection, through April, 26th Street and the Parkway; (215) 763-8100.


Object and Fields AxD Gallery presents an exhibition of works by Mike Stack and Carrie Patterson, through Dec. 4, 265 S. 10th St.; (215) 627-6250. Pleasures and Pastimes in Japanese Art Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of costumes, masks and poetry exploring the ways in which leisure time was interpreted across all social classes in Japanese art, through January, 26th Street and the Parkway; (215) 763-8100. The Visionary State: A Journey Through California’s Spiritual Landscape University of the Arts hosts an exhibition by photographer Michael Rauner taking the viewer

Mazowsze The Kimmel Center presents a performance celebrating the culture of Poland, 3 p.m. Nov. 14 at Kimmel’s Verizon Hall, 260 S. Broad St.; (215) 7905847. Luis Bravo’s Forever Tango The Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts presents a dance and musical performance exploring the history, culture and passion of Argentina, Nov. 16-20 at Zellerbach Theatre, 3680 Walnut St.; (215) 8983900. BalletX Fall Series 2010 Dancer, choreographer and filmmaker Tobin Del Cuore presents the world premiere of “Beside Myself,” a dynamic exploration of consciousness and duality alongside other BalletX favorites, Nov. 17-21 at The Wilma Theater, 265 S. Broad St.; (215) 546-7824. Bombay Bellywood The Bellydance Superstars perform at 8 p.m. Nov. 18 at Keswick Theatre, 291 N. Keswick Ave., Glenside; (215) 572-7650.


Janet Mason and Jim Cory The author of “Hitching to Nirvana” and the poet whose work has appeared in gay poetry anthologies such as “Son of the Male Muse” and “A Day for a Lay,” respectively, host a reading at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 12 at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.; (215) 923-2960. Zelda Lockhart The out author hosts a reading at 7 p.m. Nov. 12 at Moonstone Arts, 108 S. 13th St.; (215) 7359600. Judah Friedlander The comedian, “30 Rock” star and author of “How to Beat Up Anybody: An Instructional Karate Book by the World Champion,” hosts a book event at 2 p.m. Nov. 13 at Penn Bookstore, 3601 Walnut St.; (215) 898-5965. Greg Herren The author of the new youngadult novel “Sorceress” hosts a reading at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 13 at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.; (215) 923-2960. Wendell Potter The author of “Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out on How Corporate PR Is Killing Health Care and Deceiving Americans,” hosts a book event at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 15 at Central Library, 1901 Vine St.; (215) 686-5322.


PGMC Cabaret Showstoppers: The Diva Within Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus performs its fall gala fundraiser from 7-10 p.m. Nov. 13 at Hamilton Hall, 320 S Broad St.;

Back In The Army Cabaret Society Hill Playhouse presents the military-themed show filled with drag and drama, Nov. 18-28, 507 S. Eighth St.; (215) 9230210.


U.S. Mr. Gay Competition This year’s competition features hosts Frank DeCaro and Ms. Brittany Lynn with celebrity judges Michael Musto, David Evangelista, Mickey Boardman, Terrance Noonan, Christopher Hayes, Ryan Nickalus and TJ Kelly, from 8-11:30 p.m. Nov. 13 at Voyeur Nightclub, 1221 St. James St.; (215) 735-5772. The Revival The event featuring performances by black queer poets Ms. Wise, Venus Thrash and J. Pope and LOVE the poet, rolls through town at 7 p.m. Nov. 12 at 906 S. 49th St.; cereusrevival.eventbrite. com. ■

Notices Send notices at least one week in advance to: Diversions, PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19147; fax them to (215) 925-6437; or e-mail them to Notices cannot be taken over the phone. SOLUTION From Page 25

Fri., 11/12: Janet Mason & Jim Cory Sat., 11/13: Greg Herren & Victoria Brownworth MON. - SAT. 11:30 - 7p.m. SUNDAY 1:00 - 7p.m. email:



NOV. 12 - 18, 2010

worth watching: The Talk Out actress Sara Gilbert hosts the talk show alongside Sharon Osbourne, Julie Chen, Leah Remeni and Holly Robinson Peete. Monday-Friday, 2 p.m. on CBS.

LIKE ... OH, MY GOD!: Robin’s (Cobie Smulders) back-in-theday teen bubblegum pop-star alter-ego, Robin Sparkles, makes another appearance on “How I Met Your Mother” when Barney (played by out Neil Patrick Harris) finds a copy of the tape of her starring on a Canadian kids’ show called “Space Teens.” Nicole Scherzinger (Pussycat Dolls) guest stars as “Jessica Glitter” and Alan Thicke plays himself, 8 p.m. Nov. 15 on CBS. Photo: Ron P. Jaffe

outspoken comedian and guest panelists. 10 p.m. on HBO. Fashion Police Joan Rivers discusses the week’s notable fashions. 10:30 p.m. on E!

The Ellen DeGeneres Show SATURDAY Eleven Minutes Monday-Friday, 3 p.m. on “Project Runway” winner Jay NBC. McCarroll prepares for his debut The Rachel Maddow Show runway show at New York’s Fashion Week. 8 p.m. on Logo. Monday-Friday, 9 p.m. on MSNBC. Saturday Night Live This week, the show is hosted by FRIDAY Scarlett Johansson and features 2010 MTV Europe Music musical guest Arcade Fire. 11:30 Awards p.m. on NBC. Eva Longoria hosts the show featuring performances by Rihanna, Katy Perry, Bon Jovi, SUNDAY Desperate Housewives Ke$ha, Shakira and more. 9 It’s Thanksgiving on Wisteria p.m. on MTV. Lane. 9 p.m. on ABC. Real Time with Bill Maher The talk show hosted by the

Brothers and Sisters Matthew Rhys, who plays gay character Kevin Walker, directs this episode. 10 p.m. on ABC. MONDAY How I Met Your Mother Out actor Neil Patrick Harris stars as the womanizing Barney. 8 p.m. on CBS. Dancing with the Stars The remaining stars compete. 8 p.m. on ABC. The A-List: New York The lives of New York’s gay elite are the center of this new reality series. This week, they take a trip to Maine. 10 p.m. on Logo. TUESDAY Biggest Loser Look for out trainer Jillian Michaels. 8 p.m. on NBC. Glee Out actress Jane Lynch stars in the acclaimed series. This week, Gwyneth Paltrow guest stars. 8 p.m. on Fox. The Fashion Show Iman and Isaac Mizrahi host and judge this fashion competition. 10 p.m. on Bravo. WEDNESDAY America’s Next Top Model Look for out fashion experts J. Alexander and Jay Hernandez in this reality modeling competition. 8 p.m. on CW. Modern Family Look for gay couple Mitchell and Cameron. 9 p.m. on ABC. The Arrangement The reality competition about flower arranging. 10 p.m. on Logo. Top Chef: Just Desserts The first season concludes tonight. 10 p.m. on Bravo.

Thanksgiving Hanukkah Christmas New Years

It’s not too soon to let customers know about your special holiday events!

PGN: (215) 625-8501

THURSDAY Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Look for Peppermint Patty and Marcie in this holiday classic. 8 p.m. on ABC. Grey’s Anatomy Look for out doctor Callie Torres. 9 p.m. on ABC. ■

NOV. 12 - 18, 2010

PORTRAIT From Page 25 RB: “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond. PGN: Phrase you overuse? RB: Our dreams are not infected. I say that in every interview I do! PGN: Last time you went skating? RB: I went with some friends about 15 years ago. I don’t remember much except I couldn’t stop — I ran into walls, I fell — but it was fun. PGN: What’s your most treasured possession? RB: My dad had a pair of gold dice that were his lucky charms. When he passed away, I got them and a necklace of his. [Laughs.] I don’t know why he had dice: He didn’t gamble. PGN: Do you talk in your sleep? RB: Yes, I do. Apparently I do a lot of mumbling. PGN: What was coming out like? RB: Oh, that. I came out when I was 17. I sat the family down at the table and told them. I was such a momma’s boy that, the first time I had sex with a woman, I talked to my mom about it instead of my dad. They were very supportive from the start. PGN: Who was your first kiss with? RB: It was with a girl in high school. It was at a Halloween party, I can’t remember what I was, but she was a red devil. She’s now a lesbian. PGN: You had a bout with drug use? RB: Yeah, once I came out, I started coming into the city and got hooked up with the wrong crowd. When you first come in to the community, you’re viewed as fresh meat and I found it hard to fit in. I started doing unsafe things like using coke and meth. There were times when I even visited the bathhouses. It got


really bad. PGN: How did you pull yourself out of it? RB: I got caught by an ex-partner and was forced to confront it. I told my mother that I’d been abusing drugs and that I needed help and she and my uncle, Paul, saved my life by getting me in Narcotics Anonymous. PGN: Tell me a little about your partner. I understand he does unusual work. RB: It’s pretty cool — freaky, but cool. His name is Joe Tittel and he’s a medium. He has his own radio program, “Messages From The Other Side,” and had a short series called “Real Psychics” on Paranormal TV. He was also on Lifetime Channel’s “America’s Psychic Challenge,” which was like “Survivor” for psychics. He helped police solve cold cases and found a missing boy in the desert. We spent two nights in the Eastern [State] Penitentiary for the Travel Channel filming a show called “Mysterious Journeys.” But he’s mostly known for his predictions. He was on MTV in Canada in February 2009 and they asked him about Michael Jackson. On live TV, he told them that he felt we were going to lose him that year and, a few months later, he died. PGN: Does he like or hate the TV show “Medium”? RB: He loves it. That and “The Ghost Whisperer” when it was on. PGN: If you were to die and come back as an animal, what would it be? RB: A falcon. I could fly and they’re very, very fast. PGN: What’s the name of your soccer team? RB: The Falcons. Coincidence ... or not? ■ To suggest a community member for “Family Portraits,” write to: Family Portraits, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147 or




Meeting Place A community bulletin board of activities, facilities and organizations

Community centers ■ The Attic Youth Center: For LGBT and questioning youth and their friends and allies. Groups meet and activities are held from 4-8 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays; case management, HIV testing and smoking cessation are available Monday through Friday. See the Youth section for more events. 255 S. 16th St.; (215) 545-4331 ■ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center at the University of Pennsylvania 3907 Spruce St.; (215) 898-5044;, Summer hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday. ■ Rainbow Room — Bucks County’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning and Allies Youth Center: 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays: Doylestown Planned Parenthood, The Atrium, Suite 2E, 301 S. Main St., Doylestown; (215) 348-0558 ext. 65; ■ William Way Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center: 1315 Spruce St.; (215) 732-2220; Peer counseling: Monday through Friday, 6-9 p.m. Library hours: Mondays 3-9 p.m., Tuesdays 3-6 p.m., Wednesdays 3-9 p.m., Thursdays 3-9 p.m., Fridays 3-9 p.m., Saturdays noon-6 p.m., Sundays noon-6 p.m. Volunteers: New Orientation: First Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.; Volunteer Velada, third Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.

Health Anonymous, free, confidential HIV testing Spanish/English counselors offer testing 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday at Congreso de Latinos Unidos, 166 W. Lehigh Ave.; (215) 763-8870 ext. 6000. AIDS Services In Asian Communities Provides HIV-related services to Asians and Pacific Islanders at 340 N. 12th St., suite 205; (2215) 536-2424. Gay and Lesbian Latino AIDS Education Initiative Free, anonymous HIV testing from 9:30 a.m.4:30 p.m. Monday through Wednesday and 9:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Thursdays at 1207 Chestnut St., fifth floor; (215) 851-1822 or (866) 222-3871. Spanish/English. HIV testing Free, anonymous testing and counseling is offered from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday and by appointment at AIDS Resource, 520 W. Fourth St., suite 2A, Williamsport; (570) 322-8448.

Key numbers

HIV treatment Free HIV/AIDS diagnosis and treatment for Philadelphia residents are available from 9 a.m.noon Mondays and 5-8 p.m. Thursdays at Health Center No. 2, 1720 S. Broad St.; (215) 685-1803. HIV health insurance help Access to free medications, confidential HIV testing available at 17 MacDade Blvd., suite 108, Collingdale; Medical Office Building, 722 Church Lane, Yeadon; and 630 S. 60th St.; (610) 586-9077. Mazzoni Center Free, anonymous HIV testing; HIV/AIDS care and treatment, case management and support groups; 1201 Chestnut St.; (215) 563-0652. www. Washington West Project Free, anonymous HIV testing. Walk-ins welcome 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Friday and 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday; 1201 Locust St.; (215) 985-9206.; Fax: (215) 686-2555

■ AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania: (215) 587-9377

■ Mazzoni Center: (215) 563-0652; www.

■ AIDS Law Project of Southern New Jersey: (856) 933-9500 ext. 221

■ Mazzoni Center Family and Community Medicine: (215) 563-0658

■ AIDS Library: (215) 985-4851 ■ ACLU of Pennsylvania: (215) 592-1513

■ Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Philadelphia): (215) 572-1833

■ AIDS Treatment hot line: (215) 5452212

■ Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations: (215) 686-4670

■ Barbara Gittings Gay and Lesbian Collection at the Independence Branch of the Philadelphia Free Library: (215) 685-1633

■ Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay Task Force: (215) 772-2000

■ The COLOURS Organization Inc. 112 N. Broad St., 11th floor; (215) 4960330.

■ Philadelphia Police Department liaison — Chief Inspector James Tiano: (215) 685-3655 ■ Philadelphia Police Liaison Committee: (215) 600-0627;

■ Equality Advocates Pennsylvania: (215) 731-1447; (866) LGBTLAW

■ Philly Pride Presents: (215) 875-9288

■ Equality Forum: (215) 732-3378

■ SPARC — Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition: (717) 920-9537

■ Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Peer Counseling Services: (215) 732-TALK ■ Mayor’s liaison to LGBT communities: Gloria Casarez, (215) 686-2194; Gloria.

■ Transgender Health Action Coalition: (215) 732-1207 (staffed 3-6 p.m. Wednesdays, and 6-9 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays)

Professional groups ■ Gay and Lesbian Lawyers of Philadelphia GALLOP holds board meetings at 6:30 p.m. the first Wednesday of the month at 100 S. Broad St., Suite 1810; GALLOP also provides a free referral service; (215) 627-9090; ■ Greater Philadelphia Professional Network Networking group for area business professionals, self-employed and business owners meets monthly in a different location throughout the city, invites speakers on various topics, partners with other nonprofits and maintains a Web site where everyone is invited to sign up for e-mail notices for activities and events.; ■ Independence Business Alliance Greater Philadelphia’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce, providing networking, business development, marketing, educational and advocacy opportunities for LGBT and LGBT-friendly businesses and professionals. Visit www.IndependenceBusinessAlliance. com for information about events, programs and membership; (215) 557-0190; 1717 Arch St., Suite 3370. ■ National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association The Philadelphia chapter of NLGJA, open to professionals and students, meets for social and networking events;

NOV. 12 - 18, 2010

12-step programs and support groups Adult Children of Alcoholics

Meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the William Way Center. ■ Rainbow Adult Children of Alcoholics and Alcoholics Anonymous meet at 7 p.m. Saturdays at Limestone Presbyterian Church, 3201 Limestone Road, Wilmington, Del.; (302) 456-9129. ■


Gay Al-Anon meets at 8 p.m. Fridays at St. Andrew’s Church, 50 York St., Lambertville, N.J.; (215) 986-1029. ■

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

Acceptance meets at 7:30 p.m. on Fridays at Episcopal Church, 22nd and Spruce streets. ■ Beginnings meets at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesdays at 1201 Locust St.; (215) 563-0663 ext. 282. ■ Community meets at 8 p.m. on Thursdays at Holy Communion Church, 2111 Sansom St. Gay and lesbian but all are welcome. ■ GLBT Alcoholics Anonymous meets at 7 p.m. on Sundays and 8 p.m. on Wednesdays at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 100 W. Windsor St., Reading; (484) 529-9504. ■ Living In Sobriety meets at 10 a.m. Mondays through Fridays and 11 a.m. Sundays at the William Way Center. ■ Night Owl meets at 11:30 p.m. Sunday through Saturday at the William Way Center. ■ Philadelphia Gay & Lesbian Beginners meets at 7:30 p.m. Mondays at Trinity Episcopal Church, 2212 Spruce St. ■ Sober and Gay meets at 8:30 p.m. Sunday through Friday at the William Way Center. ■ Stepping Stone meets at 2:30 p.m. Mondays at the Mazzoni Center. ■ Ties That Bind Us is a12-step Alcoholics Anonymous meeting for the BDSM, leather and alternative sexuality community. Meetings are held from 7:30-9 p.m. in South Philadelphia. For location, call (800) 581-7883. ■ Way Gay Young Peoples meets at 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday at the William Way Center. ■

Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA)

Meets at 7 p.m. on Sundays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the William Way Center.

Emotional Support

Healing After Loss has monthly activities in South Jersey and surrounding area; www.lsn. ■ NJ LGBT Cancer Support Group Discussion/support group for LGBT cancer survivors, patients and caregivers meets at 7:30 p.m. on the second Friday of every month at the Pride Center, 85 Raritan Avenue, Room 3, Highland Park, N.J.; (609) 217-8697; ■ Pink and Blues is a free depression and bipolar support group for sexual minorities and meets at 7 p.m. Wednesdays at St. Luke and The Epiphany Church, 330 S. 13th St.; (215) 627-0424. ■ Pink and Blues Main Line, a peer-run mental health support group, meets 6 p.m. Thursdays at Bryn Mawr Consumer Center, 1001 W. Lancaster Ave.; (610) 527-1511. ■ Survivors of Suicide Inc. meets at 7:30 p.m. on first Tuesday of the month at 3535 Market St., Room 2037; (215) 545-2242; www.phillysos. ■ Survivors of Suicide Inc., Chester County meets at 7:30 p.m. on second Wednesday of the month at Paoli Memorial Hospital, Willistown Room, Medical Office Building; (215) 545-2242; www. ■

■ Philadelphia Gay Tourism Caucus A regional organization dedicated to promoting gay and lesbian tourism to the Greater Philadelphia Region, holds meetings every other month on the fourth Thursday (January, March, May, July, September and the third Thursday in November), open to the public; P.O. Box 58143, Philadelphia, PA 19102; ■ Philly OutGoing Professionals Social group for gay, lesbian and bisexual professionals meets for social and cultural activities; (856) 857-9283;


Strength In Numbers Visit SINPhiladelphia. ■

Meeting Place rotates listings on a four week schedule.

sex and HIV/AIDS information at 10 a.m. on second Tuesday of the month at the Independence Branch of the the Free Library, 18 S. Seventh St.; (215) 685-1633. ■ A support group for HIV-positive men and women meets from 1:30-3 p.m. at BEBASHI — Transition to Hope, 1217 Spring Garden St., first floor; (215) 769-3561. ■ Encuentros Positivos, a group for HIV-positive Latino men who have sex with men, meets on first and third Tuesday of the month at 1205 Chestnut St.; (215) 985-3382. ■ “Feast Incarnate,” a weekly ministry for people affected by HIV/AIDS, begins at 5 p.m. at University Lutheran Church, 3637 Chestnut St. Bible study follows at 6 p.m.; (215) 387-2885. ■ A support group for people recently diagnosed with HIV/AIDS will meet from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the Mazzoni Center. ■ Youth Outreach Adolescent Community Awareness Program’s Voice It Sistah, a support group for HIV-positive women, meets at 11 a.m. every first and third Tuesday at YOACAP, 1207 Chestnut St., Suite 315; (215) 851-1898.


A support group for HIV-positive women will meet from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at the Arch Street United Methodist Church, 55 N. Broad St.; (215) 387-6055. ■ AIDS Services in Asian Communities’ weekly volunteer work group will meet from 6-8 p.m. at 340 N. 12th St., Suite 205; (215) 563-2424. ■ Project Teach, a peer-education and empowerment program for people living with HIV/AIDS, will meet from 3-5 p.m. at Philadelphia Fight, 1233 Locust St. ■ Positive Effect, for HIV-positive people 18 and over, meets from 5-7 p.m. at Camden AHEC, 514 Cooper St., Camden, N.J.; (856) 963-2432. ■


A support group for HIV-positive men and women will meet from 6-8 p.m. at BEBASHI — Transition to Hope, 1217 Spring Garden St.; (215) 769-3561. ■ Diversity, an HIV/AIDS support group for all infected or affected, meets from 7-9 p.m. at Arch Street United Methodist Church, 55. N. Broad St.; call Zak, (215) 848-4380, or Paul, (215) 307-0347. ■


AIDS Delaware’s You’re Not Alone youth support group meets at 11 a.m. at AIDS Delaware, 100 W. 10th St., Suite 315, Wilmington; a social session will follow at 12:30 p.m.; (302) 652-6776. ■

Narcotics Anonymous (NA)

Meetings are at 2 p.m. Sunday through Saturday and at 5:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday at the William Way Center. ■

Overeaters Anonymous (OA)

■ Open meeting, Tuesdays, beginners meet at 5:30 p.m., regular meeting at 6 p.m., and 6 p.m. Friday, at Hahnemann University Hospital, 245 N. 15th St., third floor; call Troy, (215) 514-3065.


Substance Abuse – Risk Assessment; day and evening hours; (215) 563-0663 ext. 282. ■

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous

Mondays, 7 p.m. at the William Way Center. Mondays, 7:30 p.m. at Trinity United Methodist Church, 20 N. Route 9, Marmora, N.J.; (609) 675-1998. ■ Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. at All Saints Church, 18 Olive Ave., Rehoboth Beach, Del.; (302) 5423279. ■ Fridays, 7:30 p.m. at the Ocean View Lodge, Metropolitan Community Church, 521 Glade Road, Rehoboth Beach, Del.; (302) 945-5982. ■ Saturdays, 8:30 p.m. at the William Way Center. ■ ■


■ Safe space to meet and discuss substance abuse problems with office in William Way Center; (215) 340-9995.


Positive Brothers, a support group for men of color living with HIV/AIDS, meets from 6-8 p.m. at 112 N. Broad St., 11th floor; (215) 496-0330. ■

Tuesdays: ■

AIDS Services in Asian Community offers safer-

Smoking Cessation

FreshOUT!, Mazzoni Center’s free quitsmoking program, hosts individual sessions, classes and support groups and offers Nicotine Replacement Therapy (patches, gum and lozenges); (215) 563-0652 ext. 228 or e-mail ■

Send submissions to or fax (215) 925-6437 PGN Meeting Place, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147

Meeting Place is a public service. Submissions must include a phone number for publication. Complete Meeting Place listings of all Parent/Family, Professional, Recovery, Recreation, Religion, Sports, Men, Women, Trans, Youth groups can be found online @ and

NOV. 12 - 18, 2010



Classifieds With Real Estate, Help Wanted, Services and Personals

Freddie Mac posts $4.1 billion loss for Q3 By Marcy Gordon The Associated Press

Government-controlled mortgage buyer Freddie Mac managed a narrower loss of $4.1 billion for the third quarter and asked for an additional $100 million in federal aid — far less than the $1.8 billion it sought in the second quarter. But while the slimmer loss, and recent glimmerings such as a slowing rate of new soured loans coming onto Freddie’s books, may be positive signs, they don’t mean the end of the company’s travails, experts say. “The fact that losses are better is good. But it’s not necessarily a forecast for future earnings growth,” said Anthony Sanders, a professor of real-estate finance at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va. “The problem still remains that we are faced with a deteriorating housing market.” Sanders expects losses to increase for Freddie Mac and sibling company Fannie Mae in the future. “This is a lull in the storm,” he

said. And certainly, the results won’t silence the mortgage giants’ many critics — especially among Republican lawmakers whose party gained control of the House in last week’s midterm elections. Freddie Mac reported its earnings a day after the elections, in which criticism of the government’s financial bailouts figured prominently in many races. Over the next year, lawmakers plan to review the nation’s mortgage-lending system and consider a potential replacement for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The financial overhaul signed by President Obama in July didn’t address that issue, despite protests from Republicans that it was incomplete without such a plan. The government rescued McLean, Va.-based Freddie and Washington, D.C.-based Fannie nearly two years ago to cover their losses on soured mortgage loans, and it estimates the bailouts will cost taxpayers up to $259 billion. That’s nearly twice the $133 billion Fannie and Freddie are in line

to receive from taxpayers so far and would make theirs the costliest bailout of the financial crisis. The two mortgage giants have been hit by massive losses on risky mortgages purchased from 2005-08. The companies have tightened their lending standards after those loans started to go bad, and default rates on new loans are far lower. The housing market, however, remains a big challenge. “As we near the end of 2010, the housing market remains fragile, and has recently come under renewed pressure from slowing economic growth, weaker employment and foreclosure uncertainties,” said Freddie Mac CEO Charles Haldeman in a statement. “We believe that it will be a considerable time until the housing market has a sustained recovery.” Freddie Mac had $121 billion in bad loans as of Sept. 30, up from $118.7 billion at the end of June and $103.4 billion at the end of last year. Fannie and Freddie together have repaid $14.6 billion as dividends to

the Treasury Department. The small request for aid in the latest quarter was intended to make up a deficit in Freddie Mac’s net worth, resulting from its third-quarter dividend payment exceeding its income of $1.4 billion. Freddie hasn’t asked for government money in every quarter; the last three periods of 2009 saw none. At the same time, its $1.8-billion request in the April-June quarter won’t necessarily be its last large one. The size of its requests will depend on adverse factors such as changes in home prices, interest rates and prices of mortgage securities, the company said. The third-quarter results indicated that the pool of bad loans made from 2005-08 “is still weak but not getting progressively weaker,” said Jim Vogel, an analyst for FTN Financial in Memphis. Freddie’s earnings come as large lenders face allegations that they used flawed foreclosure documents to seize millions of homes, a controversy that could put added scrutiny on Fannie and Freddie and

bring fresh losses for them. The two mortgage buyers used some of the same law firms that are accused of processing foreclosure files with flawed documents. They are revoking thousands of foreclosure cases from one Florida law firm, which is under investigation for falsifying documents used to complete foreclosures. Several big banks have been accused of similar conduct. If the banks can’t resolve their foreclosure problems and are barred from seizing many homes, Fannie and Freddie could absorb huge losses on loans they own or guarantee. That’s because they would no longer be able to recover anything on loans that have gone bad. Fannie and Freddie buy up home loans from lenders, bundle them together into securities with a guarantee against default and sell them to investors worldwide. They own or guarantee about half of all U.S. mortgages, or nearly 31-million home loans worth more than $5 trillion. ■

Location! Location! Location! This week’s featured property

7516 McCallum St. (Chestnut Hill)

Beds: 2 + 2 Baths: 3.5 Cost: $2.5 million Square footage: 3,850 Age of property: 80 years Realtor: Anna Cooke Smith Real-estate co.: Eichler & Moffly Realtors Phone: (215) 248-4050 Website:

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This magnificent property is an original part of the Woodward family’s Krisheim Estate and is nestled on 3.8 hillside acres with stands of stately trees, sparkling spring-fed ponds, bordering the Wissahickon Valley park. The elegant main home has been totally remodeled with gleaming wood floors, modern kitchen, new tiled bathrooms, new windows, and new roof. A separate pool house has a full kitchen, great room w/fireplace, bedroom and two full bathrooms. A one-bedroom apartment with kitchen & bath attached to the three-car garage.

address • Daytime telephone number Having all this information ready will speed your order and help to avoid errors. Phone calls can only be returned during business hours. For more information, see the coupon page in this section.

Philadelphia Gay News assumes responsibility for errors in classified ads only when notified by noon the Tuesday after the ad first appears. To receive credit for errors, please notify PGN by then. Credit only will be extended in the form of additional advertising space. Any cash refunds, for any reason, are subject to a $10 service charge. PGN will publish no classified ad — in any category — that contains sexually explicit language. Obviously excluded are traditional four-letter words that relate to sexual activity. Other words may be excluded at the discretion of the publisher, who reserves the right to edit or rewrite any ad that, in his opinion, violates this policy or its intent.







NOV. 12 - 18, 2010

Real Estate







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REHOBOTH BEACH 2 bed, 2 bath 1st fl. Captiva Sands condo, walk out back porch. 1 mi. Poodle Beach. W/pool/ tennis. $229K. Call 267-221-8067. FSBO. _______________________________34-46 OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1-4 1 CAMIEL LANE, AUDUBON, PA Great for In-law or AuPair Suite. Upgrades t/o; brick walkways, lampposts, patio, deck, marble & h/w flr, new master Ste; custom millwork t/o, 5 BR, 3 Baths, 2nd kit, Methacton Schools, low taxes, near Valley Forge Park, Directions: 422 Exp., north on Egypt Rd., right onto Pawlings Rd. about 1 mile, left on Camiel Ln. C Moles Realtor 610-275-2050. _______________________________34-46

IT’S HERE!! NYS FALL LAND SALE Oneida, Oswego, Madison, Chenango, & Lewis Counties. Over 150 Properties! 7 Acres Riverfront- $29,995. Cranberry Lake Woods42 Acres on Water. WAS: $229,995. NOW: $139,995. Adirondack River- 16 Acres on Water. WAS: $129,995. NOW: $79,995. Tug Hill- Montague- Hunting Land 25 Acres w/ Timber: $34,995. Free Closing Costs. Call NOW! 800-229-7843 _______________________________34-46 Potter County-4 acres, Pine Creek frontage, RT 6 frontage west of Galeton, standard perc, utilities, near hunting land and ski area. $59,900. 800-668-8679 _______________________________34-46

VENTNOR, NJ, FACING THE BAY House and Adjacent Lot (inground swimming pool). 1st floor 3 bedrooms, bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry room and deck. 2nd floor 2 bedrooms, bath, efficiency kitchen, living room, dining area and deck. Central Air. Corner Property. Call 215-468-9166 evenings only. $675,000.00. Also property for rent1500.00 month plus utilities. _______________________________34-49




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OPEN HOUSE - SUN. 1-3 606 W. Mermaid Lane



ondo lding.


12TH & DICKINSON AREA Furnished Townhouse for rent: 3 levels. Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, 2 bedrooms , bath. Very Unique. 1500. mo plus util. (negotiable). Call 215 468-9166 after 6 pm. or 215 686 3431 daytime. _______________________________34-49 RITTENHOUSE SQUARE AREA Studios & 1 Bedrooms - Call for Availability (215)735-8050. _______________________________34-52 5986 HENRY AVE. ROXBOROUGH 1 BR/2 BR apts. Hdwd flrs, EIK, G/D, refrig., micro. Full tile bath. 1 car garage & storage. $850 + G/E. Call 215-919-3459, Judy. _______________________________34-47 QUEEN VILLAGE 3rd & Catharine. Perfect commercial/professional space. 2 floors, 1200 sq. ft. $1800 total. 215-687-8461. _______________________________34-49

Open Houses Sunday Nov. 14, 2010

927 Spruce St. Unit 2R Deluxe Junior 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath with new kitchen. Unit contains a queens size Murphy bed. (parking available for just $20,000) (Carl)......................$199,900




2011 Catharine St. Newly rehabbed with 2 car parking. Very large three bedroom, 3.5 bath traditional style home with all the modern upgrades. Wood floors, deluxe granite, S/S, cherry kitchen. Finished lower level. Spa style master bedroom with a huge bi-level deck with the best views in the area. Tax abatement applied for. ............*REDUCED* Now $574,900


st City �����


Noon - 1:00 PM

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1109 Spruce St. Unit 1R Deluxe bi-level 2 bedroom, 2 bath with garden and possible parking spot. This unit has been totally rehabbed with wood floors and Granite and S/S kitchen. Located in the heart of Wash. Sq. West with low taxes and condo fees. ...$299,000 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Chestnut Hill - A perfect retreat for all seasons. This custom built 2-3 bedroom home offers high ceilings, skylights, chef’s kitchen, first floor master bedroom, 2 1⁄2 full baths, wheelchair accessibility, and a large storage basement that could be finished. Close to Fairmount Park, the professionally landscaped half-acre site is surrounded by an additional 2 1⁄2 acres of common grounds that make for wonderful, relaxing views throughout the year. Built in 2005, the house has the added attraction of tax abatement. Dramatically reduced in price, you must see it. It is not a drive-by. $839,500 Dir: W- Willow Grove Ave, L on Cherokee across Mermaid La. to first driveway on R.

WHITEMARSH - “Long Shadows” This farmhouse was beautifully constructed by builder/owner Samuel Taylor in 1959 for his personal residence. Attention to every detail from the random-width floors to the many built-in bookshelves & cabinets, pocket doors, Dutch doors & interior window shutters. The current owner has maintained and updated this home with the same level of integrity and quality as its original owner. The custom kitchen cabinetry compliments the professional Viking 6-burner stove. This gourmet kitchen also has cherry counter tops, 2 sinks & numerous special features including a pull-out spice rack. The kitchen floor is glazed brick & the breakfast area features a beamed ceiling & offers a perfect view of gardens, pool & pond. The well appointed 2 ACRE grounds highlight native plantings in naturalistic setting with great views. $790,000

Eichler & Moffly Realtors

97 Bethlehem Pike • Philadelphia, PA 19118 215-248-4050

1109 Spruce St. Units 2R and 3R. your choice of two lovely 1 bedroom, 1 bath units. 2R has been totally rehabbed with new deluxe granite and S/S kitchen. 3R has a white modern kitchen, is newly painted and in move-in condition.........$225,000 and $189,000 2155 Montrose St. NEW Construction. Large (2,400 Sq. Ft.) corner home across from park. Open first floor plan with custom granite and S/S gourmet kitchen and rear garden. Bright and light filled finished lower level with 1/2 bath. Second floor has 2 huge bedrooms with large closets and deluxe hall bath. The huge Master Suite and marble spa bath covers the entire third level. All rooms have Dark Oak Bruce hardwood floors. Enjoy 360 degree views of the city from the huge roof deck. 10 year Tax abatement applied for........................... ............................................................................................................a must see, $425,000 255 S. Hutchinson St. (between 9th and 10th off Spruce St.) Historic, 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath on charming cobblestone street in heart of Washington Sq. West...................$250,000 1109 Spruce St. Unit #4. Totally rehabbed loft style condo. Deluxe granite and S/S kitchen. Wood floors, tile bath, great views. Low condo fees and taxes, ................$185,000

Search all Philadelphia area listings @ Dan Tobey

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NOV. 12 - 18, 2010








PSYCHOTHERAPY Trauma - Grief - Joy Be free from cycles of destructive behavior. Individual, Family & (affordable) Group Therapy. MARIA PAPACOSTAKI MA, MFT Jungian and Gestalt principals 217-414-0079 _______________________________34-46 AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified -Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (888)349-5387. _______________________________34-46 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE From Home. *Medical *Business *Paralegal *Computers *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 888-220-3984 _______________________________34-46

WET BASEMENT? 800-511-6579 Free inspection/estimate. Call today, don’t delay. No costly excavation, finished and unfinished, Lifetime transferable warranty. Financing available. PA Basement Waterproofing, Inc. PA001027. _______________________________34-46

TAKE VIAGRA/CIALIS? SAVE $500! Get 40 100mg/20 mg Pills, for only $99! Call now and Get 4 BONUS Pills FREE! Satisfaction or Money Refunded! 1-877-874-2550. _______________________________34-45


Do you earn $800 in a day? Your Own Local Candy Route! 25 Machines and Candy All for $9995. 877-915-8222 All Major Credit Cards Accepted! _______________________________34-46 RESTAURANT IN GAY NEW HOPE FOR SALE/LEASE Turnkey operation. Owners retiring after 27 successful years. Al fresco and indoor dining. Call Bob or Grant at 215-862-2241 or email: _______________________________34-46 Frac Sand Haulers-Tons of Runs in Texas! Come to where the weather is warm, pay is great and the land is flat. 817-769-7621, 817-769-7713. _______________________________34-46 BUSINESS FOR SALE!! Established for 3 years. Will Train. Nets $100k. Can operate from anywhere. $4400 down. Call Jerry 1-800-418-8250. _______________________________34-46

FOR GAY AND BISEXUAL WARRIORS! November 19-21. Boston is holding a New Warrior Training adventure for Gay, Bi and Questioning men. The New Warrior Training Adventure is a modern male initiation where men come together to support and mentor each other in a safe, authentic environment where we are free to be exactly who we are, without defenses or masks.For more information contact: Email: Phone: 877-843-6982 x2 Website: _______________________________34-46





PGN WILL NOT PUBLISH RACIAL DISTINCTIONS IN ROOMMATE ADS. SUCH NOTATIONS WILL BE EDITED. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. ___________________________________ GREATER NE PHILA. Have your own bedroom in a beautiful split level home with 2 gay men. House is 4 BR, 2 full baths, W/D, upper and lower decks, use of kitchen. Property is by Welsh & the Boulevard, 1 min. to 58 bus. We ask only that you be at least reasonably neat and employed. Rent is $600 + 1/3 utils. Contact Dave at 215-698-0215. _______________________________34-49 13TH & LOMBARD HOUSE SHARE Male pref, utilities and laundry incl. $700/month; sec. dep. + 1 month. Proof of employment, no smokers. Contact: _______________________________34-47










CASH NOW! Get cash for your structured settlement or annuity payments. High payouts. Call J.G. Wentworth. 1-866-SETTLEMENT (1-866738-8536). Rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau. _______________________________34-46



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NOV. 12 - 18, 2010





Chestnut Hill Cat Clinic Celebrating 24 years 8220 Germantown Avenue

(215) 247-9560 Sales Professionals Wanted: Recession-Proof Medicare Industry, pre-qualified leads helping Seniors. Positive attitude and communication skills required. Excellent Incentives, Growth Potential. $80,000 plus. Call Julie toll-free 1-877-864-9317 _______________________________34-46 Drivers- 100% Tuition Paid CDL Training! Start your New Career. No Credit Check, No Experience required! Call: 888-417-7564 CRST EXPEDITED _______________________________34-46 CDL-A Drivers: Drive In Style! New 2011 Freightliner Cascadias Plus The Best Miles, Pay & Performance Bonus. $500 Sign-On for Flatbed. CDL-A, 6mo.OTR. Western Express. 888-801-5295. _______________________________34-46 CLASS A CDL DRIVERS *Excellent Equipment! *Consistent home time *Great pay/benefits. SMITH TRANSPORT, INC. Call 877-432-0048 www.smithdrivers. com _______________________________34-46 Drivers- Flatbed OWNER OPERATORS Up to $1000 Sign on Bonus. Earn $1.85/mi or more! No age restriction on tractors /trailers. CRST Malone 877-277-8756 www. _______________________________34-46 TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED! SALARY POSITION! $950+ WEEKLY! HOME WEEKENDS! EXCELLENT BENEFITS! NEW EQUIPMENT! HEARTLAND EXPRESS 1-800-441-4953 _______________________________34-46

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ADOPTION ADOPT A happily married couple have room in our loving hearts and home for your newborn. Expenses paid. Please call Debra & George at (877)732-0291. _______________________________34-46 ARE YOU PREGNANT? Don’t know what to do? We have many families willing to adopt your child. Please call 1-800745-1210, ask for Marci or Gloria. _______________________________34-46 ADOPTION Loving couple wants to share our life and love with your newborn. Call Liz & Geoff Toll-Free: 1-866-762-7821; Email: Liz_and_ _______________________________34-46 ADOPT You will be assured we can provide all the love and security your newborn needs. Expenses paid. Please call Cathy and Phil: 1-866-3080973. _______________________________34-46

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NOV. 12 - 18, 2010




LOOKING FOR ROMANCE Attractive GWM, warm, sensitive, caring, 48 y.o. with a smooth gymnast build looking for other GWM, 30-50, who is also in good shape. I live in NE Phila. I’m looking for guys who are also sensitive, caring with a fun personality. If this sounds interesting to you feel free to call me, David, 215-698-0215. _______________________________34-49 WM, NE Phila. If you’re looking for hot action, call 215-934-5309. No calls after 11 PM. _______________________________34-46 GM, 45, feminine bottom looking for masculine top, 35-55 for fun. I live in Delaware Co. Call Les, 215-360-9113. _______________________________34-47 Are you a big, hefty or stocky WM. 240 lbs +, a real blue collar ace. I’m 6’1 WM, 210, 58. Call 8-11 PM, 215-732-2108. _______________________________34-47

I want to get my butt smacked by mixed gender people while I kiss your butt. 2 or more people, M/F, all ages and races. Call 215-634-2652. _______________________________34-46


Erotic Dungeon Master


Gay is our middle name. MODELS





Man for Man Massage Tall, attractive, muscular Sensual/Erotic Massage I will tailor your massage to suit your needs... Incall/Outcall Convenient to Lower Bucks, NE Phila. 15 mins from CC & S.Jersey G12 Available to any Phila area Hotel




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Handsome Certified Therapist


6’, 165 lbs., 60 year old Master, greek active, french passive requires obedient slave for training, S&M, B/D, W/S, etc. Limits respected and expanded. Assistant Master wanted. Call Dave at 215-729-6670, day or evening. _______________________________35-10 GWM, 63, 5’10”, 180, good body seeks other men with good bodies. John, 570-640-8179. _______________________________34-47 Good looking, lean, smooth, clean shaven, 140lb. GWM, 52, looks 32, seeking same, 30-45, for friendship, making out, erotic contact & more at my place near Ply. Mtg. Brief bio/stats/ph# to: _______________________________34-46


nite. GWM couple ISO GWMs 18-40 yrs. for 1 on 1 and group sex. Stockings, pantyhose, etc. Starts 9 PM Sat. Call Sat. 7-8 PM 856910-8303, ask for Mark. _______________________________33-24 GWM, Italian, top or bottom, 7” cut. Also into assplay, toys & water sports. Bi, straight, out of towners welcome. Day or night. Call Jeff at FRIENDS 215-850-7900. _______________________________33-18

6’, 195 lbs, Muscle Gives Sensual / Therapeutic Massage

Call 215-432-6030





B-7 PGN Gay is our middle MEN MEN name. FRIENDS






NOV. 12 - 18, 2010

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