PGN Dec. 24 - 30, 2010

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Philadelphia Gay News Vol. 34 No. 52

Honesty Integrity Professionalism

Dec. 24 - 30, 2010

City Council divided on Scouts deal By Timothy Cwiek PGN Writer-at-Large

MOB SCENE: Guests at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel were treated to a rousing rendition of “Rudolph the RedNosed Reindeer” Dec. 18 by about 60 members of the Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus. The chorus staged a secret “flash mob”-like performance, stationing members throughout the lobby who simultaneously burst into song and dance, bringing the bustling hotel to a standstill. Photo: Scott A. Drake

Former city worker files bias suit By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer A former city worker is suing both the city and his former supervisor, alleging that he was forced into early retirement in part because of a pervasive antigay environment. Mark O’Connor filed a federal suit in the U.S. District Court for Eastern Pennsylvania Dec. 14 against both the city and its personnel director, Albert D’Attilio, citing federal, state and local civil-rights violations. O’Connor, who is gay, contends that — following his involvement in the investigation of a former supervisor — the city and D’Attilio violated his freespeech and due-process constitutional rights and discriminated against him based on sex and sexual orientation under the federal Civil Rights Act, the state Human Relations Act and the city’s Fair Practice Ordinance. D’Attilio did not return a call for comment and O’Connor’s attorney, Arthur Bugay, declined to comment.

O’Connor worked for the city since 1987, beginning as a personnel selection specialist trainee with the Office of Central Personnel, later promoted to hiring-services manager in 1999. For the majority of his tenure, O’Connor reported to supervisor for uniformed testing Joan Wilson, who was overseen by then-personnel director Tanya Smith. The complaint states that throughout this time, O’Connor was “discreet about his sexual orientation but never hid the fact that he is gay,” which was “common knowledge” among those with whom he worked. D’Attilio was appointed as personnel director in 2008 after Smith resigned following an Inspector General investigation into allegations she and other employees manipulated the results of a civilservice test to promote certain individuals. O’Connor furnished information requested by the Inspector General as part of the investigation, an aspect the complaint says D’Attilio was aware of. Following D’Attilio’s appoint-

Legislation enabling the sale of publicly owned property to a local Boy Scouts of America council was introduced in City Council last week, but several council members are speaking out against the proposal. Meanwhile, LGBT leaders are mobilizing to block the sale, urging city officials to consider other ways to resolve a legal dispute with the Scouts. Officials within the Nutter administration want to sell 231251 N. 22nd St. to the Cradle of Liberty Council for $500,000 to end a federal lawsuit filed by the Scouts in 2008. Once it becomes private property, the Scouts would be free to discriminate without objections from the city. In return, the Scouts would stop seeking about $960,000 in legal fees from the city. On Dec. 16, City Councilman Darrell L. Clarke introduced legislation to facilitate the settlement deal, but he added two conditions: The Scouts must remain in the building for at least 10 years, and

ment, the complaint alleges he began targeting employees who assisted in the investigation of Smith and made numerous antigay comments to O’Connor. According to the filing, D’Attilio made disparaging remarks about the city’s domestic-partner law after he learned D’Attilio’s partner was on his benefits plan. He allegedly told O’Connor “people can tell” that he’s gay because he “waves his hands around,” and said the theater world wouldn’t exist “if it wasn’t for fags and Jews.” D ’ A t t i l i o a l l eg e d l y s a i d O’Connor was “the problem” in the uniformed services department, and said others in his unit couldn’t relate to him because he was gay. The complaint says the supervisor was “mocking, abusive and belligerent” and created a hostile working environment for O’Connor, sending e-mails that cast his performance in a false light, reassigning duties he handled for years and excluding him

President Obama this week put one of the final nails in the coffin of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Surrounded by lawmakers, gay-rights advocates and military members, the president signed the bill Wednesday that repealed the 17-year-old law that prevents openly gay servicemembers. “We are not a nation that says don’t ask, don’t tell,” the president said at the signing ceremony. “We are a nation that says out of many we are one. We are a nation that welcomes the service of every

See LAWSUIT, Page 6

See REPEAL, Page 7

they must grant access to community groups. A public hearing has not yet been scheduled. So far, Clarke is the only City Council member who has indicated support for the deal — and only tentatively as a jumping-off point for more discussion. Still, several council members have voiced strong disapproval of the bill. “I don’t think the way to end this dispute is with a backroom deal without input from important stakeholder groups, including those in the LGBT community,” said Councilman Bill Green. “If the administration has decided that the best way to resolve this matter is to sell the property, I think we should engage in an open and transparent request-for-proposal process and allow the property to be sold to the highest bidder. Furthermore, this is not just a legal dispute involving city property. There are important civil-rights issues at stake here, and any final legal settlement must be respectful of those issues.” C o u n c i l m a n Wi l l i a m K . Greenlee also spoke out. See SCOUTS Page 15

Lawmakers joyous after DADT repeal By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer




DEC. 24 - 30, 2010

Convention agency gets new diversity head By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer The Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau works each year to make Philadelphia a top destination for conventions, conferences and other large economystimulating events — including those that cater to LGBT audiences, an effort that will now be undertaken by a tourism professional with experience in attracting diverse NICOLE visitors to the BERTRAND area. “I’m really excited to be back in this market and to have the chance to partner with the LGBT community to showcase what Philadelphia can do,” said Nicole Bertrand, the PCVB’s National Accounts Manager, who will now head the organization’s efforts to draw in multicultural visitors. Although she’s a native of St. Thomas, Bertrand is familiar with Philly, as she has family in Moorestown, N.J. She moved to the area permanently in 2001 and began working for the Pennsylvania Convention Center before moving on to the Philadelphia Marriot Downtown in 2004. She moved to the PCVB in April of last year, focusing on attracting business from New York and Northern New Jersey. Marion Joy, who headed the PCVB’s multicultural effort for three years,

was laid off recently due to budget cuts, and Bertrand assumed her responsibilities earlier this month. Returning to the multicultural arena has been a “reunion” of sorts for Bertrand, one she said she’s eager to embrace. “Philadelphia is probably one of the most diverse cities in the country — from religion to sexual orientation to really just every aspect,” she said. The LGBT community, in particular, is one to which she said Philadelphia is an easy sell. “Just looking at the Gayborhood, that’s great marketing right there,” Bertrand said. “The fact that we have this very distinct neighborhood that focuses on bringing businesses together and helping to cultivate this community is outstanding.” Bertrand joined the board of the Philadelphia Gay Tourism Caucus and plans to work with that agency to determine ways to draw new LGBT business to the city. Just recently, the PCVB received the finalized contract between the Loews Hotel and the International Association of Gay/Lesbian Country Western Dance Clubs for their annual convention this May. “That’s a huge win because it brings us even one step further to getting the word out about our city,” she said. “If you get one convention in and they have a great experience, then they tell other people and that just keeps us going.” ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at

DEC. 24 - 30, 2010


Cohen campaign is official By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer The daughter of a late longtime City Councilman officially threw her hat into the ring last week, as she seeks to become the first openly LGBT City Council member in Philadelphia history. Sherrie Cohen kicked off her campaign Dec. 15 at the William Way LGBT Community Center, amid a crowd of about 100 LGBTs and allies. Cohen is the daughter of David Cohen, who served in council for nearly 30 years before his death in 2005. While she is committed to carrying on her father’s legacy, she said she’s also prepared to establish her own reputation as a City Council-at-Large member. The Philadelphia native attained her undergraduate degree in women’s studies from the University of Pennsylvania and her law degree from St. Thomas University School of Law. She said she was attracted to the legal field by her “lifelong passion to create equal opportunities for all people,” an ideal that also manifested itself through her activism. In the 1970s, Cohen was one of the early members of DYKETACTICS!, a lesbian-feminist organization that worked against homophobia and sexism. The group was very vocal in support of the Gay Rights Bill and, in 1975, she was forcibly removed from City Council chambers during a demonstration of the nondiscrimination ordinance. “They weren’t even going to have a hearing on the bill — it was going to be introduced to committee but not pass out of it — so we thought we’d have a silent vigil to mark the death of the bill. But we realized it wasn’t enough to be silent, we wanted to be noisy that nothing was being done about this,” she said. “So we started chanting in City Hall and wouldn’t stop when the City Council president asked us to and we were brutally escorted out of City Hall and kicked down four flights of stairs.” The group sued the city for excessive use of force in the first known case of alleged police brutality brought by a group of lesbians. While the suit was unsuccessful, the city adopted the nondiscrimination law in 1982. Cohen was also a co-founder of the Lesbian Feminist Weekend, the predecessor to Sisterspace, and worked with such organiza-

PAGE 3 A Loving Family of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Catholics & our allies

Merry Christmas To All Join us for Christmas Eve mass 12/24 at 10:30 pm in our usual worship space. St. Luke & The Epiphany Church 330 S. 13th Street • Philadelphia (between Spruce and Pine Streets) A social immediately following mass On Sunday, 12/26 Mass as usual at 7:00 pm COMMUNITY CAMPAIGN: About 100 community members gathered at the William Way LGBT Community Center Dec. 15 for the official campaign kickoff of City Council-at-Large hopeful Sherrie Cohen. Cohen, an attorney and longtime community activist, is seeking to become the first openly LGBT City Councilmember in next year’s election. Photo: Scott A. Drake

tions as the Lesbian Coffeehouse Collective and Custody Action for Lesbian Mothers. While living in New York City in the ’80s, she co-founded the Lesbian Coalition and served as executive director of national LGBT agency Fund for Human Dignity. Recently, she sat on the board of the Liberty City Democratic Club, the women’s programming committee at the William Way LGBT Community Center and the campaign and finance committees for out Judges Ann Butchart and Dan Anders, respectively. She’s currently vice president of the LGBTQ Caucus of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party. However, Cohen’s activism and involvement has gone far beyond the LGBT community. During her time at Penn, Cohen was involved in a 10-day sit-in at the school to protest what many saw as the college’s inadequate response to rapes — an action that led to rape-crisis counseling, the creation of a women’s center and a women’s studies program. More recently, she has served as co-initiator of the International Women’s Day Coalition. Cohen is currently a Democratic committeeperson and an elected member of the Democratic State Committee from Northwest Philadelphia. She works as an environmental attorney, but recently led successful legal efforts to prevent the shuttering of city libraries and pools. If elected, Cohen said she’d work to address issues affecting LGBT youth, including school bullying, substance abuse and homelessness, as well as homo-

phobic and transphobic violence, employment discrimination and the HIV/AIDS epidemic among African-American men who have sex with men. “I would be speaking out on all of these issues both in and outside of our community,” she said. “I would work to advance any programs or initiatives that would help to improve the quality of life of the LGBT community and that would bring about full equality for this community in our city.” Her election would also signify the progression the city has undergone in the past several decades. “It’d not only be historic for me, but for the entire movement of activists, showing that you can go from being kicked out of City Council chambers to being able to walk back in as an out and proud member of City Council.” To be successful, Cohen said she’ll need the support of the LGBT and ally community. The campaign’s field operations will begin in February, and volunteers will be needed for doorto-door canvassing and phone banking. Ballot petitions will be circulated from Feb. 15-March 8, so Cohen said volunteers will be especially critical during this time. She faces a campaign finance deadline at the end of this month and said any donations will be gratefully accepted. To donate to her campaign, contact For more information on Cohen, visit ■ Jen Colletta can be reached at

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DEC. 24 - 30, 2010



10 11 11 7 5 7 5 11

Editorial Letters/Feedback Mark My Words Media Trail News Briefing National News Regional News Street Talk

505 S. Fourth St. Philadelphia, PA 19147-1506 Phone: (215) 625-8501 Fax: (215) 925-6437 E-mail: Web:

Holiday happiness

Creep of the Week: John McCain (again)


Mark Segal (ext. 204)

The Attic Youth Center held its second annual holiday festivities at the William Way LGBT Community Center.

You lose. So get over it and find a new cause.

Page 9

Page 10


Writer-at-Large Timothy Cwiek (ext. 208)

Page 16

Family Portraits:

Denice Frohman

Director John Cameron Mitchell works through a scene with Nicole Kidman during the filming of “Rabbit Hole.”

Page 24

Page 18


Graphic Artist Sean Dorn (ext. 211) For advertising inquiries, contact or (215) 625-8501 ext. 218. Advertising Director Tami Sortman (ext. 218) Advertising Manager Greg Dennis (ext. 201)

Creep of the Week 10 26 Food Review Offline 19

Advertising Sales Representatives David Augustine (ext. 219)


Worth Watching


“Irving Berlin’s White Christmas” is one of many holiday events of interest through the end of 2010

Christmas and chocolate are a sweet mix in this remake with Johnny Depp.

The year behind and the year ahead

Page 29


Page 27

Page 19

Poll results from our online survey as of Dec. 22:

Which holiday do you think is most gay-friendly?


19% 6% 0% 20% 55%

News/story ideas: Letters/Opinions: Distribution:

Art Director Scott A. Drake (ext. 210)

Larry Nichols (ext. 213)

Jonathan Adler opens a new design store in Philadelphia’s Old City.

31 40

Editor Sarah Blazucki (ext. 206)

Staff Writers Jen Colletta (ext. 215)

Comics 24-25 28 Diversions 30 Meeting Place Portraits 24 25 Q Puzzle 23 Scene In Philly Worth Watching 27

Classifieds Directories

Christmas Hanukkha Kwanzaa All of them equally None of them

Go to to weigh in on this week’s question:


Page 26

Will you wear feathers and sequins on New Year’s Day?

Amy Mather (ext. 214) National Advertising Rivendell Media (212) 242-6863 Office Manager/Classifieds Don Pignolet (ext. 200) Executive Assistant Credit/Billing Manager Carol Giunta (ext. 202) Philadelphia Gay News is a member of: The Associated Press Pennsylvania Newspaper Association Suburban Newspapers of America Published by Masco Communications Inc. © 2010 Masco Communications Inc. ISSN-0742-5155 The views of PGN are expressed only in the unsigned “Editorial” column. Opinions expressed in bylined columns, stories and letters to the editor are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of PGN. The appearance of names or pictorial representations in PGN does not necessarily indicate the sexual orientation of that named or pictured person or persons.

DEC. 24 - 30, 2010



Nationwide gay tour stops in Philly News Briefing By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer

ple — and they focus on the issues they may be dealing with together whereas, in a larger city, we tend to separate ourselves and stay in our own little pockets.” Countless visitors make the trek up the That harmony was very present in “Rocky Steps” of the Philadelphia Museum Anchorage, Ala., which Manske said has so of Art every week, but two men did so this far been the “surprise hit” of the tour. week with a unique prop — a pair of pink “I was really curious about Alaska because cowboy boots that has spent the last threeit seems like it’s a whole different country. and-a-half months traveling to LGBT comWe went after Hawaii — which was great, munities throughout the nation. but you’d expect Hawaii to be great — and Nathan Manske and Marquise Lee stopped with Alaska, we had no idea what to expect. in Philadelphia this week as part of their 50But the community there was so tight and State Story Tour, an initiative organized by everyone really came together and were so LGBT website I’m From Driftwood. excited to hear about Manske launched our trip and what we the site early last were doing. We’d be year as a way to walking down the allow LGBTs from street with the camaround the country era and people would to tell their personal stop us and give us stories. That effort recommendations was furthered in the about where to go and fall, when Manske things to do. It was a and Lee embarked on really strong commua cross-country trip nity, and it seems like to collect in-person they have the mentalstories from LGBTs ity that they’re so far and get a first-hand away from the rest of look at the diverse the country that they LGBT communities really have to band in towns large and together and stick small. together.” Before arriving for One of the bettheir two-day stay ter-known small in Philadelphia last towns they visited week, Manske and was Laramie, Wyo., Lee had already visthe site of Matthew ited 38 other states on Shepard’s antigay a tour that kicked off murder. Manske said Sept. 6 in Texas and they decided not to will wrap Jan. 10. The Driftwood site PHILLY DRIFTERS: Nathan Manske (left) and Marquise Lee pose outside the PGN seek out Matthew allows readers to sug- offices this week before heading back out on the road for their “50 State Story Tour.” Shepard stories, but gest cities and towns The pair has been traveling the nation since September — along with their infamous many of their interM a n s k e a n d L e e pink cowboy boots — chronicling LGBT life in all four corners of the country, a proj- view subjects offered should visit on their ect fueled by Manske’s website I’m From Driftwood, which collects personal LGBT them anyway. The town’s reputatour, advice the pair stories. They stopped in Philadelphia Dec. 14-16 and held a reading event at William tion has been clouded followed. Once loca- Way LGBT Community Center and a fundraiser at Uncles. Photo: Scott A. Drake by Shepard’s murder, tions were decided, the two put out feelers for lodging, as they true, too,” Manske said. “In L.A. we spoke but Lee said the negative characterization tried to stay away from hotels to cut down with some kids, and they jumped on the of Laramie is undeserved. “It should have never happened there, chance to tell people that just because they on costs. Manske said the volunteers who have live in L.A., it doesn’t mean it’s easy. It’s a that’s what their attitude is,” he said. “The offered their homes have proven to be inte- big, progressive city, but they don’t live in way that this has painted the town really is the entire city. They live in their neighbor- unfortunate because it’s a really cool place. gral to the tour. “That’s been one of the unexpected joys hood, on their street, with neighbors who The people there are definitely trying to of the trip,” he said. “We’ve stayed in col- may not be OK with it. People are trying move on and paint another picture.” Manske and Lee typically only spend two lege dorms, in mobile homes, in people’s to challenge the perceptions of how the rest RVs, in big suburban homes. We didn’t of the country views them and break ste- nights in each town, and most of that time is want to just stay in the well-to-do gay fam- reotypes. They’re all saying it comes down spent working, so their sightseeing opportuily home. It’s been very diverse, and we’re to the individual: People should be viewed nities have been limited. They did, however, take a detour to see very happy about that. Some hosts give us case by case, person by person.” Lee noted that they’ve also seen a unity the Grand Canyon, but — after driving care packages when we leave, some make us dinner and others take us out. It’s this among LGBT communities in smaller for several hours, spending a rare night in extra layer of what the tour’s about: We’re locales that may not be present in some of a motel, waking up at 4:30 a.m. and running to a shuttle bus to see the site at sunrise able to actually meet the community mem- the larger cities they visited. “There’s less fragmentation in small — they were greeted by a thick blanket of bers and see the whole range of what makes towns. That’s one of the beautiful things white fog. up our community.” So far, Manske and Lee have collected about small towns. Everyone comes together See DRIFTWOOD, Page 9 more than 100 video stories from their vis- — you have gay, lesbian, transgender peoits, as well as a bevy of written stories. They post one video and four written stories on the site each week. Although the community members speak from their own experiences, some trends have emerged. “Whenever we go to a small town, the community wants people to know that just because they’re in a small town in the middle of a red state, they still have a good community. They’re concerned that people look at them like they’re backwoods, but they want people to know, ‘Hey, we’re here too and we’re not all that way.’ And the opposite is

Help for the holidays National LGBT agency The Trevor Project wants to ensure those struggling because of their sexual orientation or gender identity know they’re not alone this holiday season. For LGBTQ youth, holiday stress may worsen depression and anxiety, which is why the agency recommends parents, friends and mentors stay especially involved and watchful. The Trevor Project offers a free confidential 24-hour hotline for youth who may be considering suicide, or for those who believe they’ve seen warning signs of suicide in a young person, at (866) 4887386. Local resources are also available at Hall Mercer Crisis Response Center at (215) 829-5433, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital at (215) 955-6000 and the William Way LGBT Community Center at (215) 732-2220. For more information, visit www.

Town hall on Pa. LGBT issues A coalition of pro-LGBT groups will host a town-hall meeting next month in Philadelphia to discuss the future of LGBT rights in the state. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 10 at the William Way LGBT Community Center, 1315 Spruce St. The ACLU of Pennsylvania, Equality Pennsylvania and the Human Rights Campaign launched the town-hall series last month to discuss tactics for advancing LGBT equality in the state. Following the meeting, there will be an “Equality on the Rocks” social at 8:30 p.m. at Tabu, 200 S. 12th St.

Running for office? Potential political candidates are invited to a seminar next month designed to help candidates navigate the ins and outs of the local election process. Law firm Flaster Greenberg will host “Get Ready, Get Set, Run! Top 10 Legal Do’s and Don’ts for Political Candidates in Philadelphia” at 8 a.m. Jan. 11 at 1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd., second floor. Attorneys Kevin Greenberg and Abbe Fletman, co-chairs of the firm’s government-relations practice, will conduct the non-partisan seminar. Topics include qualifying for the ballot, city and state disclosure requirements and campaign finance limits. For more information or to register, visit ■ — Jen Colletta



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DEC. 24 - 30, 2010

Mazzoni to mark solemn anniversary By Jen Colletta PGN Staff Writer LGBT health facility Mazzoni Center will pay tribute to its namesake next week with an event that will look back on the late physician’s role in the progress of the LGBT and HIV/AIDS communities in Philadelphia. The agency will mark the 20th anniversary of the death of Dr. Peter Mazzoni Dec. 29 at 4 p.m. at the organization’s offices, 21 S. 12th St., 10th floor. The event will include remarks by current staffers as well as community members who knew Mazzoni, and readings from a memorial service held shortly after his death. Panels of the AIDS Memorial Quilt created in Mazzoni’s honor by Dignity Philadelphia will also be on dis-

LAWSUIT From Page 1 from meetings. D’Attilio sought psychiatric help because of the conditions in his workplace and was prescribed anxiety and depression medications. In December, D’Attilio promoted a coworker of O’Connor’s to deputy director for uniformed testing and, the complaint says, did not allow other employees to compete for the position. The filing notes that O’Connor was the most qualified person in the department and contends D’Attilio declined to promote him because of his sex and sexual orientation, as well as his role in the

play. Mazzoni Center launched in 1979 as a health subcommittee at the William Way LGBT Community Center’s predecessor, the Gay Community Center. The group became known as the Lavender Health Project and, in 1981, became the Philadelphia Community Health Alternatives. Mazzoni was influential in the group’s growth, serving as the agency’s medical director. Mazzoni was an openly gay physician and himself HIV-positive, and administered care to countless individuals infected with the disease at a time when stigma was at its peak. He died in 1990 at age 31. PCHA launched its Mazzoni Clinic testing center in 1995 in his honor, renaming the entire agency after the late physician in 2003.

Mazzoni Center executive director Nurit Shein said that while Mazzoni’s pioneering work was cut short by the disease, the agency tries to carry on his commitment to providing high-quality service to marginalized communities. “If we think of how much he accomplished — and it’s just extraordinary how much he accomplished — in such a short span of adulthood, what could he have achieved had he lived longer? I think that’s the legacy,” Shein said. “We need to continue his work as if he were still here. This young man was extraordinary and we hope that we are living up to his name with the work that we do every day.” ■

Smith investigation. When O’Connor questioned D’Attilio about the promotion, he allegedly told him he “did not give [him] what he want[s],” while D’Attilio’s assistant allegedly asked O’Connor why he decided to “come out” at work during a conversation about the promotion. Later that day, O’Connor applied for early retirement, which D’Attilio refused to accept, threatening to fire him for job abandonment if he didn’t return in five days, although O’Connor had at the time accrued 200 sick days and 15 vacation days. O’Connor rescinded his application and applied for Family Medical Leave Act, which the city

approved. Although the FMLA entitled him to be out of work until March 15, 2009, the complaint says D’Attilio reduced O’Connor’s pay rate in January and took steps that signaled he had been replaced, like placing another employee in his position and wiping his computer. Believing “he had no job to which he could return,” O’Connor again applied for early retirement, several years before his planned 2015 retirement. O’Connor is seeking DROP benefits, back wages, front pay, pension benefits, compensatory and liquidated damages from the city and compensatory and punitive damages from D’Attilio. ■

Jen Colletta can be reached at

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DEC. 24 - 30, 2010

REPEAL From Page 1 patriot. We are a nation that believes that all men and women are created equal. Those are the ideals that our nation has fought for. Those are the ideals that we uphold today.” After he added his signature to the measure, Obama told the crowd, “This is done,” which spurred chants of “USA” from the audience of about 500. Obama recognized the cadre of supporters on stage with him during the signing, and the crowd gave the longest and most rousing standing ovation to Pennsylvania Congressman Patrick Murphy (D-8th Dist.), the lead sponsor of the House ver-


sion of the repeal bill. Murphy told PGN Wednesday he had an “overwhelming feeling of pride” during the ceremony. “Today is a great day for our country, for our national security and for our American values,” Murphy said. Although the bill has been signed into law, implementation won’t be immediate. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said this week that the Department of Defense will “immediately proceed with the planning necessary to carry out this change carefully and methodically, but purposefully.” The department will be tasked with revising its policies and regulations to fall in line with the new law, a process expected to take several months. After that time, Obama, Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen will need to sign off on the plan, and full repeal will then go into effect after 60 days. Gates stressed this week that gay and lesbian servicemembers must be cognizant that until the repeal is fully implemented, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is still technically in place. “Successful implementation will depend upon strong leadership, a clear message and proactive education throughout the force,” Gates said. “With a continued and sustained commitment to core values of leadership, professionalism and respect for all, I am convinced that the U.S. military can successfully accommodate and


implement this change, as it has others in politics. “This was never about me. This was history.” Obama’s historic signing on Wednesday about fighting what is right for our councame after another historic action, as try and our military,” he said. “At the end the Senate, which had already failed to of the day, if my two little kids grow up in advance the repeal bill twice this fall, 20 years and can truly be proud of what voted 65-31 to approve the measure. The their daddy fought for, then all of this was House approved the bill last week, 250- worth it.” 175. While supporters have suggested the Both Pennsylvania Sens. Arlen Specter repeal fight is his Congressional legacy, and Bob Casey voted to lift the ban, along Murphy commented: “I’m only 37. I’m with all Democrats — except for West not old enough to have a legacy yet.” Aubrey Sarvis, executive director of the Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, who opposed repeal but was absent from the session — Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, and eight Republicans who broke ranks applauded Murphy and the other legislawith their party. tors who backed the repeal Wednesday. Earlier on Saturday, the Senate took a He noted that Obama’s final endorse63-33 cloture vote that allowed the mea- ment marked a turning point in the LGBTsure to proceed and overcome a Republican filibuster. Chances for repeal had looked grim earlier this month when the Senate cloture vote on a defense-authorization measure, to which the repeal bill was attached, failed. However, the bill was reintroduced as a stand-alone measure in both the House and Senate — in the form of a small-business measure that the Senate already passed, guaranteeing it could proceed directly to the Senate floor once the House passed it. Among the 15 Democrats in the House who voted against repeal was Pennsylvania Rep. Mark Critz (12th Dist.), while HOUSE SPEAKER NANCY PELOSI (TOP) AND Pennsylvania PRESIDENT OBAMA SIGN LEGISLATION REPEALING Republican Rep. “DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL” Photos: Patsy Lynch Charlie Dent (15th Dist.) was one of 15 from his party who voted in favor of rights movement. repeal. “In signing this bill today, President Murphy took over as prime sponsor Obama delivered on a defining civilof the House version of the repeal bill last rights measure for our country and for summer and was able to garner the highest gay, lesbian and bisexual servicemembers number of cosponsors the bill ever saw. who have been silenced for far too long,” The Congressman said credit is also Sarvis said. “Clearly, this is President due to fellow Pennsylvania Reps. Joe Obama’s Lyndon Johnson moment in Sestak, Bob Brady, Chaka Fattah and history. A measure of dignity has been Allyson Schwartz and Sen. Bob Casey. restored to thousands of servicemembers Murphy was defeated in November’s on active duty and to over a million gay midterm elections, and the most recent veterans who served in silence. This hisincarnation of the repeal measure served toric moment is about those servicememas the last bill he introduced in Congress. bers and their stories.” ■ Although the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” victory was bittersweet for him, Murphy said Jen Colletta can be reached at jen@epgn. his fight to repeal the law was never about com.


Media Trail Suspended cop sues N.J. on bias claim reports a lesbian police officer is suing the state of New Jersey, claiming that authorities suspended her for sexually harassing another officer because of her sexual orientation. State police Sgt. Christine Shallcross, 44, filed the lawsuit Dec. 13. She claims the state police conspired to violate her civil rights and discriminated against her. Shallcross was suspended without pay when state trooper Alexis Hayes, 30, accused Shallcross of harassment in January 2009. Hayes’ sexual harassment lawsuit against Shallcross was dropped months later. In May, another lawsuit filed by Hayes against New Jersey state police Lt. Thomas King was also dropped. The suit alleged King got her drunk and raped her while they were on a funeral assignment in April 2009.

Civil-unions bill to be introduced in Colorado The Denver Post reports Colorado state Sen. Pat Steadman plans to introduce a bill next year to legalize civil unions in the state. Steadman, who is gay, said he expects his proposal to pass the Democratic-controlled Senate, but he’s not sure what kind of reception the idea will get in the Republican-controlled House. In 2006, Coloradans passed a constitutional amendment against marriage equality. That same year, voters also rejected a referendum that would have granted the same rights as marriage to same-sex couples. However, a recent poll showed 72 percent of Coloradans support “legal recognition.”

Pride banners cause flap in San Fran The San Francisco Mercury News reports the future of rainbow flags that have flown for years along the main stretch of the city’s Castro District has come under threat as they bump against another city icon: lampposts with early 20th-century origins. A neighborhood association contends the flags were illegally hung on the lampposts. City law only allows temporary banners on the posts, which were designated city landmarks in 1991, out of concerns the fasteners used to attach them could mar them. The Mission Delores Neighborhood Association said the banners don’t belong on the posts permanently. But others argue the banners define the neighborhood and are slowly being lost as they age and can’t be replaced. Only about a quarter of the original banners remain. ■ — Larry Nichols



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Fi r st Bap tist Churc h SERVICES: Wednesdays Noon time Sundays 11a.m. HOLIDAY HAMS: Carrie Jacobs (right), executive director of The Attic Youth Center, is serenaded by Attic member Andre during a youth drag show at The Attic’s holiday showcase Dec. 16. The quarterly event brought together group members of six of The Attic’s youth programs, which focus on such specialties such as drag performing, theater, art and photography. “The event allows the kids in each different group to show what they did over the past 12 weeks and what they learned,” Jacobs said. There were about 100 youth and spectators at the showcase, which drew food donations from Starr Restaurants, Fuel and Pod, among other area eateries. Photo: Scott A. Drake

DRIFTWOOD From Page 5 “We finally got to where the lookout is and it was just white with fog. You couldn’t see anything,” Manske said. “We took pictures smiling, like this is the Grand Canyon behind us, but it might as well have been this white wall behind us. That was the one time we did something for ourselves — not getting stories or going to events or fundraisers — so it was like, oh man, I can’t believe it turned out like that. But it makes for a good story at least.” Manske and Lee have been sharing some of the stories they’ve collected at reading events, like one held at the William Way LGBT Community Center last Wednesday, which was followed by a fundraiser at Uncles. The Driftwood team stayed with former roommates of Lee — a resident of Philadelphia for six years — in Northern Liberties and, while in town, taped a video story of Allyson Hamm, Equality Pennsylvania statewide organizer. Before leaving the city for Delaware last Thursday, Manske and Lee continued their tradition of photographing their pink boots with a local landmark. Manske brought the boots to the team’s first fundraiser in New York as a collection dish. He selected the cowboy boots to symbolize his home state of Texas, where Driftwood is located, and spraypainted them pink for an LGBT significance. The boots were so popular with the crowd that they

decided to take them on the tour and use them to collect donations. The fundraising efforts have helped defray some of the costs associated with the recent publication of the “I’m From Driftwood” book, which Manske self-published as a compilation of some of the most poignant stories that have been submitted to the site. [Copies are available at PGN offices; contact for details.]

“We’ve been on the road for four months, so not having to drive anywhere or stick to our schedule is going to be weird,” Manske said. “I don’t think we’re aware of it, but we’ve all been holding a big weight the past few months, so when all of this stops, it’ll be like ‘Ah,’ and we might fall forward a little because all of this pressure will be off our shoulders. But I think we’re going to miss it





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Once the tour ends, Manske will return to New York City and Lee to Philadelphia, but their work will be far from over, as they will have to finish sifting through all of the video and written stories and publish them on the site. While they both said they’ll be happy to be home, the end of the tour will be bittersweet.


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DEC. 24 - 30, 2010

Editorial PGN holiday wishes Amy: To take a vacation with my girlfriend, complete with drinks containing tiny umbrellas. Carol: I know it would be impossible, but if I had one wish, I would wish to have my mom and dad spend the holidays with me and my sisters. The holidays aren’t the same without them. David: Health and happiness to my friends and family. Don: May the winds in the new year only blow you in the right direction! Greg: To master an instrument. Jen: For happiness and prosperity for my family and friends in the coming year. Larry: For society as a whole to wake the f#%k up. Sarah: That my friends and loved ones find and pursue what makes them happy and that it brings them prosperity. Scott: This year has taken its toll on many of my friends. I would wish that everyone gets a job, stays healthy, falls or stays in love and has a great 2011. Sean: Health for my friends and family members and steady recovery for the economy. Tami: To have this recession end so companies will increase their advertising budgets again. And that my girlfriend buys me a 52-inch 3D flat-screen TV. Timothy: That the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis oral history tapes scheduled to be released in 2011 get past the mystique, and help us understand this heroic figure in American history. This holiday season, PGN would like to wish our readers, advertisers, supporters and staff a wonderful holiday. Thank you for your support all year. May all your wishes come true and may you find happiness wherever you seek it. May you be surrounded by people who love and support you and may you have the sagacity to appreciate the good in your life. ■

Tell us what you think Send letters and opinion column submissions to:; PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147; fax: (215) 925-6437. Please include a daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity, style and space considerations.

Creep of the Week D’Anne Witkowski John McCain (again) “Today is a very sad day,” sighed a doddering, out-of-touch John McCain on the day “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was finally repealed by Congress. Oh, shut up, McCain. Your completely indefensible and fear-mongering position lost. Suck it. “I hope that when we pass this legislation that we will understand that we are doing great damage,” McCain said before the vote. The only thing the repeal is going to do great damage to is McCain’s reputation. He’s staked his claim to the wrong side of history. As the ban’s staunchest defender in the face of repeal, he’s made himself the George Wallace of this issue. What’s especially unseemly is McCain’s about-face. While today he stands with the antigay right-wingers he’s so capriciously aligned himself with, four years ago he was Mr. “‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ repeal is fine with me so long as the top brass are cool with it.” “I listen to people like Gen. Colin Powell, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and literally every military leader that I know. And they testified before Congress that they felt the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy was the most appropriate way to conduct ourselves in the military,” McCain said in 2006. “But the day

that the leadership of the military comes to me and says, ‘Senator, we ought to change the policy,’ then I think we ought to consider seriously changing it because those leaders in the military are the ones we give the responsibility to.” But of course, as soon as “the leadership of the military” was cool with it, McCain was not. McCain went out of his way to insist that DADT was “effective” policy and that only military folks who agreed with him were worth listening to. “They’re saying if it isn’t broke, then don’t fix it,” McCain said. “I understand the other side’s argument because of their social-political agenda, but to somehow allege that it has harmed our military isn’t justified by the facts.” What exactly does McCain mean when he calls the ban “effective policy?” Effective at what? Ruining people’s lives? Punishing members of the military who are doing a job the vast majority of Americans are too chickenshit to do? Coddling members of the military who think that gay people are too “icky” to work alongside? And how does kicking trained personnel out not harm the military? In 2007 McCain said, “We have the

best-trained, most professional, bestequipped, most efficient, most wonderful military in the history of this country. There just aren’t enough of them.” Did he mean there just aren’t enough straight ones? It takes a lot of time and money to turn a new recruit into a fully trained member of the Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines. And yet we’ve been kicking servicemembers out simply because, say, he’s a soldier who doesn’t get turned on by big jugs, or she’s a soldier who does. That’s the policy McCain has been so rabidly defending? By saying that repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is simply another notch in the belt of some “socialpolitical agenda,” McCain is essentially saying to the thousands of gay and lesbian servicemembers who have lost their careers under the ban, “You’re worthless.” In the end, it’s McCain himself who is worthless. A man who once seemed to have a shred of integrity but who now barely clings to a shred of dignity after he’s sold out his career trying to appease the antigay right. It looks like that isn’t exactly “effective policy.” ■ D’Anne Witkowski is a Detroit-based freelance writer.


DEC. 24 - 30, 2010

Mark My Words

Street Talk

Mark Segal

Pat Murphy, all-American hero Last Saturday was my annual holiday party, but it was not the average holiday party since, earlier that day, the Senate passed the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” The minute that happened, it was obvious that the holiday party would turn into a victory party for the community. This is one of those historic moments in time. The idea of openly LGBT people in the military brings with it a landslide of change. Everyone who had been on the (figurative) battlefield on this issue wanted to celebrate. This party, which has become somewhat legendary, was living up to its reputation as we introduced Mayor Nutter, to carry on the yearly tradition of singing the first holiday carol with members of the Philadelphia Voices of Pride and the Philadephia Gay Men’s Chorus. This year, to mark the crazy battle of the Christmas Village, we picked a special first song: “We Need a Little Christmas.” Gov. and Midge Rendell followed with a truly new ecumenical number, “Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel,” and the building had a magical feel to it as members of City Council arrived. We brought up Councilman Frank DiCicco to sing, as he’s introduced more LGBT legislation than anyone in council history. Then my cell phone rang and it was Sen. Bob Casey who, earlier in the day, took the floor to make the case to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and, via


phone, wanted to be a part of this moment with the LGBT community. Then as Rep. Bob Brady was singing the last note of “Silent Night,” there was a commotion at the entrance and there was the hero of the day, Rep. Pat Murphy. The applause was deafening. This was the very room where he had had his first meet-and-greet with the LGBT community and had promised that he’d be a force on the issue of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Never did we expect that he would become the congressional poster-boy for the repeal. Just two weeks ago, the legislation was DOA when Pat authored a completely new piece of legislation, the stand-alone repeal. He got it passed in Congress in record time and it was sent to the Senate, where it passed. This was his moment, this was our hero. So in attempting to keep emotions in check, as lots of tears were flowing, we tried to keep to the tradition. People wanted to know what his favorite holiday carol was. It’s appropriately “Rudolph the RedNosed Reindeer.” Pat stood as a packed house serenaded him with one of the most emotionally packed renditions of “Rudolph” I’ve ever heard. History was made last Saturday and we were honored to be standing in the room with its author, singing about the little reindeer that could. ■ Mark Segal is PGN publisher. He is the nation’s most-award-winning commentator in LGBT media, having recently received the 2010 Columnist of the Year Award from the 2,000-member Suburban Newspapers of America. He can be reached at

What will be the impact of the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” ?

Scott Cooper student Rittenhouse Square

Matthew Kendig promotional manager Queen Village

“Some of the power structure will resist because they want to remain in control. But I don’t see anything bad coming from it. I think the new policy will be phased in smoothly.”

“For LGBT America, it will be liberating. For most Americans, essentially it will be business as usual. It’s hard to foresee the future but I hope this victory will be the catalyst for equal rights in all aspects of gay life.”

Nicole Mercurio student South Philadelphia

Christopher Steinmeier teacher Washington Square West

“It will help with acceptance, and it will help with [samesex] marriage rights. That issue will become more mainstream. Now people will see that if people can die for their country, they should also be able to marry in their country.”

“I’m cautiously optimistic. There will be some resistance from Republicans. But I hope the LGBT community, through strategic planning, will build on this achievement in 2011. Since it’s not an election year, I don’t think the Republicans will be a major stumbling block.”

Letters and Feedback In response to “Pride dilemmas and position,” Dec. 10-16: I refuse to go to the Gay May Day and will call for a boycott of such an event. Both events should be able to exist. Chuck Volz and Fran Price should be ashamed of themselves for splitting the gay community like this. Philly Pride needs to step aside and let the EF [Equality Forum] event take place as is. Protestations should be sent to Fran Price at — Concerned Queer Isn’t EF on the verge of bankruptcy? Just throw in the towel already! — The Banker I would think that multiple events spread across multiple consecutive months would be a very good thing for the LGBT community. It serves to keep our messages out in the public eye,

with frequency instead of sheer one-time volume impact. Anyone in advertising will tell you that multiple smaller ads over extended periods of time with planned frequency will have a far greater impact than one big one. Get over the pride of ownership and ego crap and get back to the welfare of the community, where your nonprofit belongs. — G.Campbell Glad I left this city. Backstabbing, lies and all the crap makes you wonder — are they for the community or just themselves? We all know that answer. — FormerlyPhilly

SEPTA sound off It has come to my attention that SEPTA is allowing just about any kind of riffraff to congest the halls of the SEPTA walkways with the

banging of tables with the intent, in this man’s opinion, to riot and cause other people harm. The incident that I’m referring to is a young street thug at 11th Street at the SEPTA performance area. And, as observed by the SEPTA police, this rude and obnoxious behavior was both disconcerting and disruptive to businesses in the Gallery East. The dog and pony show consisted of one young punk banging on a table shouting out lewd and lascivious remarks, which I found disparaging to the gay community as a whole and the human condition of which we all must share. We must take responsibility for each other’s behavior in public or else we perish morally as a society. We must show dignity and respect especially during the Christmas season, as this is not just about content, it’s about context. Don’t they know it’s Christmastime? — Joe Morris Kensington



DEC. 24 - 30, 2010

DEC. 24 - 30, 2010





DEC. 24 - 30, 2010

DEC. 24 - 30, 2010

SCOUTS From Page 1 “As I’ve said before, I thought the Scouts should have been thrown out [of the building] a long time ago,” Greenlee told PGN. But he also noted the reality of the jury verdict. (A link to the verdict is on PGN’s website.) “If we could sell the building legally to someone who won’t discriminate — and not get tied up forever in litigation — I would favor selling the property to someone else,” Greenlee added. Council members Frank DiCicco, W. Wilson Goode Jr. and Blondell ReynoldsBrown added their voices to the opposition. “I support the sale of the building, but not to the Scouts because they discriminate,” DiCicco told PGN. David Forde, chief of staff for ReynoldsBrown, echoed those sentiments. “The councilwoman is opposed to the deal,” Forde told PGN. “She does not want taxpayer money subsidizing discrimination. She also doesn’t believe the LGBT community has had a seat at the negotiating table, and that needs to happen.” Councilwoman Maria D. Quinones Sanchez said she opposes Clarke’s bill in its current form. “The bill, in its present form, does not address the concerns brought up by the LGBT community,” Sanchez told PGN. “I have my concerns. I’m hopeful — and Councilman Clarke has told us — that there


will be amendments more acceptable to members of the LGBT community. I look forward to the amendments to address the outstanding concerns.” Other council members couldn’t be reached for comment, or said they have no position at this time. Outside buyers Meanwhile, Mel Heifetz, a gay real-estate investor, has entered the fray by placing a $1.5-million bid for the property. Heifetz placed a bid on the building Dec. 20, noting his legal team has assured him that his offer is entitled to fair consideration by the city Department of Public Property. “With any luck, we’ll have a rainbow flag flying atop that building by the time we get to spring,” Heifetz told PGN. After purchasing the property, Heifetz said he plans to donate it to a nonprofit organization. Several community members have suggested that it become a national LGBT museum, but Heifetz said it would be premature to discuss specifics. “I can tell you that everyone will be welcome inside — there will be no discrimination,” Heifetz added. “And since we don’t intend to change the height or the footprint of the building, the neighbors don’t need to worry.” Public Property Commissioner Joan Schlotterbeck confirmed she received Heifetz’ bid, and said it was referred to the city Law Department for additional review. Members of the community group Philadelphians Against Subsidized

Discrimination (PASD) want Nutter to give careful consideration to Heifetz’ proposal. They said they realize that Nutter wants to end a lengthy public dispute with fiscal restraint, and pointed to the Heifetz bid as the best option for the city. “Mel’s is the best financial deal for the city and, obviously, he’s committed to giving the building to an organization that doesn’t discriminate,” said R. Duane Perry, a PASD member. “So that’s a win-win for the city, and for the people of Philadelphia.” Another PASD member said he was disappointed that Nutter officials would propose the initial Scouts deal. “I didn’t think I lived in a city that would even consider subsidizing discrimination,” said Brian K. Sims. “The Scouts would be getting the building for less than I paid for my South Philly rowhome. I always felt Philadelphia was more committed to civil rights and equality.” Though neither Nutter nor City Solicitor Shelley R. Smith could be reached for comment, Smith told the Inquirer this week that, “In light of the proposed settlement, the property is under agreement and is not available to buy.” The Scouts won’t permit openly gay participants, nor will they pay fair-market rent, so the city tried to evict them in 2008. But 10 days before the city filed suit in state court, the Scouts filed suit in federal court, claiming constitutional violations. In June 2010, a federal jury rejected the Scouts’ claims of viewpoint-discrimination and equal-protection violations, but the jury


said the city imposed an “unconstitutional condition” on the Scouts when trying to evict them. Sims, an attorney, called the Scouts’ $960,000 legal bill a “trumped-up scare tactic that has no relationship to the reality of these types of cases.” Thomas W. Ude Jr., Lambda Legal senior staff attorney, stressed the city lost only one of the three claims brought by the Scouts. “And the one claim they lost on involves a complicated area of constitutional law known as ‘unconstitutional conditions,”’ Ude said. “I think it’s important to bear in mind that five days after the verdict, a Supreme Court decision was handed down that provides guidance that is particularly helpful to the city’s position.” Gary J. Jastrzab, executive director of the City Planning Commission, said the commission has been officially notified of Clarke’s bill, and has 45 days to consider making a recommendation. “We could request an additional 45 days — for a total of 90 days — if we need more time,” Jastrzab told PGN. If the issue is placed on the agenda of the commission’s Jan. 18 meeting, members of the public would be welcome to offer comments, Jastrzab said. If Clarke’s bill is voted out of committee, it would need at least one additional public hearing before the full City Council before a final vote. ■ Timothy Cwiek can be reached at (215) 625-8501 ext. 208.


A departure from the ordinary

DEC. 24 - 30, 2010




Designer opens boutique in Philly By Larry Nichols PGN Staff Writer

Out designer, author and TV personality Jonathan Adler touched down in Philadelphia Dec. 15 for the grand opening of his latest home décor-boutiques in Old City. Adler’s entrepreneurial spirit and artistic ambitions have taken him a long way considering his humble beginnings. He grew up in a New Jersey farm town and has gone on to develop his love of making pottery after being introduced to the art form at summer camp. He continued to develop his skills while studying art

history at Brown University. Soon after, career pragmatism started to creep into his life and he soon found himself working in New York City for a talent agency. After three years, he burned out on that career path and took refuge by focusing on his pottery. By 1994, his work had caught the eye of Barney’s department store and it wasn’t long before his products and expertise as an interior designer got him his fulltime job. In 1998 , A d le r ope ned his first store in SoHo. Twelve years later, store number 13 opens in Philadelphia, which joins New York

City, Boston, Chicago, Miami, Los Angeles and San Francisco as cities where consumers can lay hands on Adler’s “happy chic” furnishings, which include all manner of accessories, gifts and all things cheeky. These days anyone with a website, a digital camera and a fancy business card can call himself or herself a designer. And anyone with an IKEA credit card and a free weekend can try to decorate on his/her own. But Adler, through what seems to be a bottomless well of charisma, does a pretty good job of selling his vision and creations. In person, the 44-yearold Adler is every bit as colorful and

engaging as his broad range of products. “I have a motto in my company, which is we won’t make it if your heirs won’t fight over it,” Adler said about his wares at the Philadelphia location’s grand opening. “I think the key to that is to make things that are completely unique, unforgettable and singular. So I hope that people will find here everything that they can’t find anywhere else. It all comes from me. We’re still a small company and everything that we make comes from the heart. About 98 percent [of the products] is stuff I designed. Damn, 98 percent? That’s on top

DEC. 24 - 30, 2010

of being a regular guest on TV shows such as Bravo’s “Top Design” and writing books. No pun intended, but that’s a lot of plates to keep spinning, isn’t it? “It’s actually really easy,” Adler said. “I just came out with two new books (“Jonathan Adler on Happy Chic Colors” and “Jonathan Adler on Happy Chic Accessorizing”). TV I just sort of hop on to now and again. I’m always working more and more. I’m working on a third book and a fourth book. When I did everything myself, I made and glazed all these pots. That’s when I really worked hard. When I started, I literally did everything myself. Many were the Christmases where I would ring the register until 8 o’clock on Christmas Eve. Now, things are so much easier. I can breeze in and do things a lot grander than I used to. Now that I’m lucky enough to have creative people with me, I get to be more of a conductor. I don’t work that hard. I’m just lucky to do what I love and build a business that enables me to come up with any idea, however insane, to fruition.” Ah yes, lackeys. Everybody should have them. Adler added that his exposure on TV has also helped heighten the profile of his business ventures. “TV is so important these days,” he said. “You kind of have to be on TV. Gore Vidal famously said you should not turn down an opportunity to have sex or be on TV. So I’ve followed Gore Vidal on that.” Hopefully not both opportunities at the same time. “Never say never,” he said. “No one’s asked yet. I‘m an openminded fun-ster.” Good to know. It probably doesn’t hurt that Adler is married to longtime partner Simon Doonan, a fellow style expert, author and TV personality seen on VH1 and “America’s Next Top Model.” Doonan is also the creative director for Barney’s. Adler said having someone with intimate knowledge of that side of the retail industry has its perks. “I’ve been selling at Barney’s since the beginning of my career,” he said. “Simon certainly taught me a lot. He’s always been an amazing sounding board.” Sure, but do Adler’s and Doonan’s strong senses of style ever clash? “We really don’t,” Adler said. “We pretty much never disagree because we have a very similar sensibility in that


we both design and write. Any endeavor should be communicative with an element of fun. I think we always come from the same place and we are both in visual fields. We understand that you need to experiment.” Adler and Doonan were married in California during the brief window when

out the door and get run over by a car, suddenly Simon would have a whopping estate tax that he wouldn’t have if we were a straight couple. I still think that the issue of gay marriage has a lot of explaining that needs to be done. Simon and I have been together for 16 years and we are so married. What makes me absolutely and

it was legal and, even though on paper it still stands as legal, Adler said there are vast shortcomings in what rights legally married gay couples have. “I think even most gays realize the federal rights we don’t have,” he said. “There are lots and lots of them. But one of them is the inheritance right. If I were to walk

completely insane is the thought that we don’t have the same rights as straight people. And I feel like, outside of [the gay] community, there are not very many people that really care.” Besides gay-marriage rights, Adler also is an advocate for a number of LGBT charities.


“I’m most involved with God’s Love We Deliver, which is not explicitly LGBT,” he said. “It’s an AIDS charity. Luckily it’s now branched out for all different kinds of illnesses. That’s my main charity. But I think the most important thing that I or any gay can do is be out loud and proud. My husband and I have never thought about not being out, loud and proud and I’m mystified by people who aren’t.” Speaking of out, loud and proud, we had to ask Adler what kind of customers his distinct sense of décor tends to attract. “I think that my customers are creative, young at heart — no matter how old they may be — and fun,” he said. Since his stores have locations all over the country, Adler said he tries to take into consideration the different cultural flavors of the areas his shops are in when he designs his products. “Certainly, the inventory is slightly tweaked for locations but, more than anything, I feel design should have a sense of place,” he said. “So when I design, I’m inspired by different locales, although you won’t necessarily see different merchandise in the store. For better or for worse, I have a fairly codified viewpoint. I’m a design-obsessed person. I have tons of influences. If you look around here you’ll see a really eclectic group of things that don’t make you realize that we design everything. So it’s a weird, eclectic assortment but it’s all reflective of my many moods.” Adler said he’d like to see what people do with his creations once they leave his stores — so much so that he lets people show off their living spaces online. “We actually have a section of the website called ‘Show us your JA style,’ in which people send pictures of how they use our stuff,” he said. “It always surprises me, in a good way. I’m always interested in seeing how people interpret what I do. I think design should be personal, so I’m glad to see people take my stuff and use it as sort of a starting point.” Both “Jonathan Adler on Happy Chic Colors” and “Jonathan Adler on Happy Chic Accessorizing” are in stores now. Visit Jonathan Adler’s new store at 33 N. Third St. For more information or to shop online, visit ■ Larry Nichols can






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DEC. 24 - 30, 2010

New film by out director confronts loss By Gary M. Kramer PGN Contributor Director John Cameron Mitchell’s fine film adaptation of David Lindsay-Abaire’s Pulitzer Prize-winning play “Rabbit Hole” is a distinct change of pace for the creator of “Hedwig and the Angry Inch.” The filmmaker tells this story of a couple coping with the loss of their son with considerable restraint after the wild theatrics of “Hedwig” and the sexual gymnastics of “Shortbus.” He also coaxes flinty performances from Nicole Kidman and Aaron Eckhart as Becca and Howie, the grieving parents. On the phone from New York City, Mitchell said he first saw Lindsay-Abaire’s play, starring the original cast members, out actress Cynthia Nixon, John Slattery and Tyne Daly, on tape at Lincoln Center. “I saw it after I read the screenplay. It’s very affecting. I think the screenplay gives the play dimension and richness — there are characters [not seen in the play] we get to meet in the film.” Opening the production is one reason why “Rabbit Hole” is compelling on screen. Mitchell takes the title story from the play — written by Jason (Miles Teller), the boy who killed Becca and Howie’s son — and turns it into a comic book that is assembled over the course of the film. “It was more visual, and I bought into that right away. I am a big comic-book fan and into animation,” the director explained. “It seemed a great way to explain the scientific theory of a parallel universe that makes everything possible and gives [Becca] comfort when religion and therapy don’t.” Mitchell certainly understands the need to find a viable coping mechanism during times of loss. As a teenager, as he lost his younger brother. He recalls, “At the time, you didn’t really talk about your feelings — you had religion, which was not sufficient for me. We are still dealing with irrational guilt when someone dies — we think we must have done something bad to deserve it. This [film] brought up those feelings again and it was a cleansing experience to make this. For my family too, I think.” Audiences may resist seeing “Rabbit Hole” during the holiday season because of its dark subject matter, but Mitchell sees the film as life affirming, not depress-

ing. “It’s certainly a very intense experience to watch the film,” he acknowledges, “But it’s a good cry as opposed to a bad cry.” He continues, “I don’t think I would want to make this if it was ‘Antichrist,’ [the Lars Van Trier film] which explored the same topic. That film left me with nothing that I could work with in my life. It’s important for me to leave people with something useful in their lives.”

of “Guiding her gently down certain paths, [often] chiming in with subtle thoughts.” The filmmaker emphasizes that he downplays things in this age of what he calls “overacting, overwriting and over-directing.” But the one false moment in “Rabbit Hole” is a flashback sequence in which Becca witnesses — and reacts to — the death of her son (which happens out of frame) — a scene not in the original play.


Mitchell likens “Rabbit Hole” to powerful dramas like “Ordinary People” that have become emotional touchstones for audiences over the years. And he hopes that viewers will embrace his film. He suggests that “Rabbit Hole” shares a quality with his popular “Hedwig” in that it is about “isolated people seeking a connection, cracking out of their personal prisons.” The director even compares Becca to Hedwig — he describes the gender-bending heroine as someone who was “mean to everyone around her” — because like Hedwig, “Becca lashes out at people, but she engages our sympathies and is understandable for her mistakes.” When Becca mouths off at someone in therapy or slaps a stranger in the supermarket, it is shocking. Kidman’s tightly controlled performance may be why audiences are inclined to forgive the monstrous Becca for her bad behavior. Mitchell gushes, without modesty, that “Rabbit Hole” is Kidman’s “best work.” He praises her ability to wordlessly express her emotions, “There is an unadorned quality to her performance.” He describes his direction of the Oscar-winner consisted

“Rabbit Hole” is certainly a risky project for any director and Mitchell rises to the challenge. But one questions remains: Why would this story of a straight couple losing their son appeal to a gay man whose work is so steeped in gender and sexuality? Mitchell considers the idea of whether his being gay explains why he is drawn to this kind of material, or if he has an innate sensitivity for the film’s forlorn characters. “I don’t know. Everybody in this business of entertainment and art is some kind of freak. It’s inherently queer to be an artist or entertainer because those people were freaks when they grew up. They work it out on a public stage. I don’t think about [sexuality] consciously. I wouldn’t define queer by sexuality. It’s more of a way of looking at a word from an outsider’s point of view based on gender, not race or class. That may be why queer filmmakers are interested in female characters. You’re already a second-class citizen if you’re a woman. ‘Precious’ is as much a queer film as it is investigating a certain segment of the black community.” Then he concludes, “I think about good material. And working with virtuosos was a real treat.” ■

DEC. 24 - 30, 2010



Offline Bruce Yelk Reflections on 2010 I’ve been writing this column for more than three years now, and I usually adhere to my regular shtick — social tips and recommendations, as well as the inside scoop on upcoming events. But with the end of 2010 upon us, I’m feeling more reflective than usual. Apart from reporting on Philadelphia’s LGBT social scene, I also produce events under the Nightlifegay. com banner — which includes my website, blog and promotional brand. In this capacity, it’s critical that I keep my finger firmly on the pulse of our gay community, honing in on the ideas, issues and insights that matter most. So I’d like to parlay these insights into a couple observations about the state of “our” world: — Our “community:” Though some may quibble with the notion of a unified “gay community” due in large part to the socioeconomic, racial, ethnic, religious and sexual diversity within it, I believe strongly that the things gay men and women have

in common outweigh those that make us different. I’ve always embraced the term “community” because whether internationally or at home, sexual identity is one of very few intrinsic personal characteristics that transcends other barriers. Indeed, there are gay men and women living in every part of the world. Each village, enclave, town, suburb, city and metropolis is home to someone who falls closer to homo than hetero on the sexuality continuum. Gay people have known this for quite some time, but the non-gay community seems to have just recently become aware of our pervasiveness and, in many places, started to accept us as equals. Though I don’t like to admit it, this outward recognition often helps a minority community become viable and sustainable, which in turn, allows us to be increasingly influential. — Our rights: Last Saturday was a watershed moment in the history of the gayrights movement — not just because the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” passed with an overwhelming majority, but also because our elected officials kept their promise! After a mid-term election cycle in which many LGBT-friendly politicians lost key races, the likelihood that the military

ban would be repealed during the lameduck session dropped. Though many of our champions are in office until January, they lost key elections and may not have had the sense of urgency to push through a piece of pro-gay rights legislation — no matter how desperately it might have been needed. When hope was evaporating, Pennsylvania’s own Rep. Patrick Murphy (D) introduced a stand-alone bill to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” which moved through both chambers quickly. This is a sign that the gay community is not only a visible demographic, but also a viable constituency — one with enough power and influence to make politics difficult for elected officials who don’t keep their promises to our community. It also speaks volumes about Murphy’s character! — Our city: Philadelphia is a place I’m very proud to call home. A couple of weeks ago, the Philadelphia Phillies resigned star pitcher Cliff Lee due in large part to the overwhelmingly positive experience he and his family had in Philly during a brief run with the team in 2009. This story illustrates how the “City of Brotherly Love” continues to evolve as a top-tier city. No other place has mastered the big

city/small town feeling like Philly. We continue to improve as a destination for straight and LGBT people alike. This is a wonderful place to live, work and socialize — and now, more than ever, I’m proud to call myself a Philadelphian. — Our friends: Before I close, I want to sincerely thank my family, friends, colleagues and supporters who have made 2010 so memorable. I’m often so busy planning events and promoting the city that I forget to “live in the moment.” In 2010, organized seven big events for LGBT Philadelphia. From the Pink Pub Crawl to Triumphant Pride to the Philadelphia and U.S. Mr. Gay competitions, I worked very hard to create special events that gay Philadelphians would enjoy. I’m so thankful for your support in making 2010 the biggest and best year to date! I can’t wait to get started in 2011 — I’ve got a big announcement about a new event coming just after the first of the year. Thanks for indulging this break from my typical format. I wish you all the best this holiday season and, until next time, get offline and see what your community has to offer! ■



DEC. 24 - 30, 2010

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DEC. 24 - 30, 2010


Outward Bound Jeff Guaracino The second “Golden Age of Travel” in 2011 My first travel column for Philadelphia Gay News appeared one year ago this month. As promised, I have shared with you the tips, deals and steals that I hope made your travel more affordable and more fun. When this column debuted, 2010 was hailed as the “Year of the Great Gay Travel Deal.” So, what’s in store for 2011? I predict a second renaissance of “The Golden Age of Travel.” Like most things in life, travel will become more expensive in 2011 compared to the last two years. Experts predict that hotel rates and airline fares will rise and, if you’re already planning 2011 travel, you see that they are right. The spike is partly due to pent-up demand and a rebounding economy. However, if you play by their rules and are flexible with your travel plans, 2011 can be the year that you break your old travel habits and discover a new destination, hotel, hotspot or even fall back in love with places in your own backyard. If you are open-minded about your travel, you can find destinations far and near that exceed your expectations and are kind to your pocketbook. Here are a few of my 2011 favorites.

Destinations Yo, Canada! OK, the Canadian dollar, called the Loonie, is on par with the U.S. dollar, so gone are the days of great exchange rates for U.S. citizens. However, dollar for dollar, you are going to get a great gay trip! Both Toronto and Montreal are about one hour away by plane, so you can argue that they’re the closest foreign cities that require a U.S. passport that also have lots of gays and lesbians and offer ample LGBT events and bars. Insider’s tip: Go during Gay Pride and check out the brand-new Hotel Le Germain Maple Leaf Square. It is gay-fabulous with a capital “F.” Check out for opening deals. Hotel Resorts Gay B&Bs are back! You can choose the Ritz Carlton, the Westin or the Hyatt on Ft. Lauderdale beach, but the gayowned Grand Resort and Spa in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., is an awesome value, especially midweek summer and fall. Located just two blocks from the beach, the gay resort defines LGBT luxury with a gym, daily breakfast, evening cocktails, a pool and clothing-optional hot tub. There is a full-service spa on the premises and free hotel parking. Check out for deals, steals and specials. Insider’s tip: Even if you stay elsewhere in Ft. Lauderdale, the spa is open.


Family Getaways R Family Vacations is still the only inclusive LGBT and straight vacation tour company out there. You can bring your mom, your child, your partner and your straight friends and everyone will feel welcome. Gregg Kaminsky, the brainchild of this vacation company, has reinvented it (sans Rosie), and now you can choose from an

all-inclusive Club Med resort to group tours on cruise ships throughout the world. To find the latest deals and destinations, visit www.rfamilyvacations. com. Philly, the Countryside and Pennsylvania This column is about travel to other places, but it’s also important to be a tourist in your hometown. Don’t forget to think about your own backyard as a great getaway too. ■ Jeff Guaracino is a vice president for the Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Corporation and author of “Gay and Lesbian Tourism: The Essential Guide for Marketing.” He has learned to how to find the best deals and travel resources out there for our community. Check out!


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DEC. 24 - 30, 2010

New Year’s Eve events abound Well, 2010 certainly went by quick, didn’t it? And so again, it’s that time when we celebrate making it through another year and welcome in the new one. As always, there is a lot to do Dec. 31, including events at local bars such as Tavern on Camac and New Hope’s The Raven. To help you, dear reader, we’ve compiled a short list of notyour-run-of-the-mill ways to welcome the year that will be 2011. Choose wisely. MUSIC Uptown Express The pop/cabaret band performs at 6 and 9:30 p.m. at Bob Egan’s New Hope, Ramada Inn, 6426 Lower York Road, New Hope; (215) 862-5225. B.B. King The blues legend performs at 8 p.m. at Harrah’s Casino Hotel, 777 Harrah’s Blvd., Atlantic City, N.J.; (609) 441-5000. Holiday Pops! Peter Nero and the Philly Pops will swing in the New Year starting at 8 p.m. at Kimmel’s Verizon Hall, 240 S. Broad St.; (215) 7905847. HaleStorm The rising and supremely bad-ass female-fronted rock band performs at 9 p.m. at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; (215) 922-6888. Maroon 5 The pop-rock band performs at 9 p.m. at the House of Blues, 801 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, N.J.; (609) 236-2583. Steph Hayes and the Good Problems The out singer-songwriter and her rock band perform at 10 p.m. at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; (215) 222-1400. Sarah McLachlan The wildly popular singer and Lilith Fair founder performs at 10 p.m. at Caesars Circus Maximus Theater, 2100 Pacific Ave., Atlantic City, N.J.; (609) 348-4411. COMEDY Eddie Gossling The comedian seen on “Tosh 2.0” performs at 8 and 10:30 p.m. at Helium Comedy Club, 2031 Sansom St.; (215) 496-9001.

Joel McHale The comedian from “Talk Soup” and “Robot Chicken” performs at 7 and 10:30 p.m. at the Borgata Hotel Casino and Spa Music Box, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; (609) 3171000. DINING & MORE City Rhythm Orchestra The orchestra hosts a New Year’s Eve dinner at 7 p.m. at the Westin Philadelphia, 99 S. 17th St.; (800) 598-0005. Lacroix The restaurant does New Year’s Eve with a special $85, sevencourse meal or an a-la-carte menu, located on the second floor of the Rittenhouse Hotel, 210 W. Rittenhouse Square; or (215) 790-2533. Roller’s Flying Fish The restaurant hosts a threecourse meal and performance by jazz/blues/rock/folk musician Jim Dragoni at 9 p.m., at 8142 Germantown Ave.; (215) 247-0707. Xochitl The Mexican restaurant and tequila bar will offer a festive menu of five courses for $55 per person, 408 S. Second St.; (215) 238-7280, www.xochitlphilly. com. Zahav Chef Michael Solomonov prepares a four-course Israeli New Year’s Eve menu, 237 St. James Place; (215) 625-8800, www. THEATRICS Ghost Tour of Philadelphia: Toasts with Philly’s Ghosts Walk with the spirits (and drink some spirits) at 8 p.m. at Physick and Powel Houses in Society Hill. For more information, visit or call (215) 413-1997. CLUBS/BARS/DANCING/ DRINKING Stimulus Presents: New Year’s Eve! Philly’s biggest, wildest and most diverse women’s NYE party, 10 p.m.-2 a.m. at Marbar, 200 S. 40th St.; ■

DEC. 24 - 30, 2010





Family Portraits Denice Frohman (aka “Ms. Misconception”) is an international poet, lyricist and educator, whose works explore multi-culturalism and the “in-betweeness” that exists in us all. She currently serves as a mentor and director of programs and external affairs for the Philly Youth Poetry Movement. As the co-founder of the Philadelphia Youth Slam League, Frohman also teaches weekly workshops as part of an effort to have a spoken-word team in every high school. As I’ve written before, one of my pet peeves is people littering. So imagine my joy when, halfway through the interview, I realized the poet I was speaking to was none other than the Philadelphia spokeswoman for the “UnLitter Us” campaign. You know, the gal in the ad with the conga player in an empty room imploring us to be beautiful. It was an early Christmas present for me. PGN: So are you from Philly? DF: No, I was born and raised in New York, but I love it here. PGN: What brought you to Philly? DF: I get asked that question a lot. My high-school basketball coach is now a principal at a school here. His wife works at the Franklin Institute and, three years ago, I got a call from them telling me about a position at the museum. Ten days later I moved here. I didn’t even think about it: I just packed my bags and left. The first year in Philly, I spent a lot of time just trying to figure out my place in this town.

DEC. 24 - 30, 2010

Suzi Nash I really liked the city but didn’t know where I fit in. In my second year here, I really began to get involved with the music and art scene. PGN: Where did you go to school? DF: High school was in New York City. For higher learning I went to a small school in Maryland, Dowling College. I was an English major and got there on a basketball scholarship. I’d say the first 15 years of my life revolved around basketball: I really didn’t get into poetry until later, when I was about 18. Even in college, since I was there on a sports scholarship, basketball was my life more than English studies. Poetry was just something on the side. After I graduated college, I played on a professional team in Puerto Rico for a year. At the end of that year, I just felt that it was time to move on to different things and I began to seriously pursue work as an artist. I moved here and began the second phase of my life. PGN: The second phase of your life? How old are you? DF: [Laughs.] I’m only 25. I’ll rephrase that: I came to a turning point in my life, started a new chapter. PGN: Tell me about growing up in New York? DF: I grew up in Midtown on the west side around the 42nd Street — Times Square area. It was a rougher area at that time — before Mayor Giuliani cleaned up the place and got rid of all the

peep shows, drugs, prostitution, etc. But I had a great experience growing up there. I went to a good school and was surrounded by good people. It was a very diverse area with people from all walks of life. One of the things that struck me when I went to college was meeting people from small towns who had never been exposed to difference. It was the first time I experienced real prejudice. A lot of the kids I met really grappled with interacting with people different from them, whereas I grew up with people of all different races, religions and socioeconomic groups. I love New Yorkers — people get intimidated by us and there is a certain go-getter mentality that comes with the fast pace of the city — but overall we’re very accepting and open. I love going back and it will always be home to me, but I have to say I’ve really adopted Philly as my home as well. PGN: Both my parents are New Yorkers and I know what you mean. It wasn’t until we moved to the Philadelphia suburbs when I was 10 that I learned about racism. I was around people with gobs of money who’d never been exposed to anything. No other cultures or artistic expressions: It wasn’t on their radar. DF: Exactly; college was the first time I found out that my race was an issue for other people. My mother is Puerto Rican and was Catholic, but now she’s Buddhist, and my father is Jewish and plays in Latin jazz bands. So I not only was raised with different races, but different religions. And play-

DENICE FROHMAN Photo: Tara Robertson

ing basketball, when I was young, the place to play was in Harlem, before Bill Clinton moved there and it started getting integrated. New York is such a melting pot that I’d never been exposed to that reality or mentality of racism. PGN: Has being biracial affected your poetry? DF: Of course, feeling that inbetween status, being an outsider, has really fueled a lot of my work. Feeling like no one can really box you in and when they try to, they always put you in the wrong boxes. It certainly informs what I’ve done in the past and everything I’ll do in the future. I feel privileged to have grown up “in between.” It’s an important part of me and something I’ve grown into not just accepting, but embracing and loving. It’s such a privilege to have been exposed to so many differences, and something I’ve benefited from immensely. PGN: Are you an only child? DF: No, I have two older sisters. We’re all very different. I’m much more immersed in hip-hop and the arts and culture worlds and they’re not so much. I think it’s fascinating how we each express our “mixedness.” It’s something that I’d like to study someday. But we’re family and we love each other. PGN: Other than b-ball, what were your interests growing up? DF: Music. My dad played with Tito Puente and a number of

Latin jazz legends and I really admired him. He’s my best friend and I wanted to do everything he did. I followed him everywhere. He taught me how to play basketball and we loved hanging out, being active and playing music too. He taught me the instruments he played, the flute and saxophone. About middle school, I decided that I couldn’t play music and play basketball, so I focused on ball playing and dropped the instruments, but music is finding its way back into my life. PGN: How did you end up playing professional ball? DF: That was my dad too. He had some connections in Puerto Rico and one of my college teammates also helped me. She was from PR and played with me there. I sent some tapes of my games and got signed. PGN: Did you have fans? DF: Transitioning to the pros was difficult. I was paying more attention to my game and the jump to this next phase of my career in basketball than worrying about who was watching. I had a great time there and I probably had some fans once I grasped the game and got it together, but I really didn’t pay attention to things like that. PGN: What’s a great memory from that time? DF: There were probably a lot of buzzer-beating moments and great plays, but to me what I loved was the aspect of working as a team. I loved playing defense

DEC. 24 - 30, 2010

and being the one to clean everything up. I loved setting other people up, passing the ball, getting my nose right in the middle of things, but playing unselfishly, working hard — all the basics. I loved practice and that feeling that you’d reached your capacity and then digging in just a little harder. I was lucky that I had a great coach who taught me more about life than any other person outside of my family. He taught me about working hard and changing your habits, not just on the court but in life. He taught us to carry ourselves with dignity and showed us that in life, you always represented something more than yourself. You represented your team, your family, your country: It was always about something greater than you. He also used to say, “You don’t change until the pain is great enough.” I’ve carried that with me and used it in all areas of my life. I loved his pep talks. The other thing about the game is the lesson you learn in humanity. You go on the court with four other people and you’re going to stick together, even if you don’t like each other — especially if you don’t like each other — you put your differences aside and for those four quarters, you work together to get the job done. PGN: Our president just got 12 stitches from playing ball: What was your worst injury? DF: Oh gosh, I’m injury-prone. I guess the hardest thing was when I had stress fractures in both legs at the same time. I had to switch my boot back and forth between legs. I wasn’t the coolest kid on the block. PGN: Switching topics, name two favorite poets. DF: Oh, that’s hard. I’d say Nikki Giovanni and Audre Lorde. PGN: How did you get into poetry? School? DF: I was exposed to poetry in grade school and I hated it! But I loved rapping and freestyling, and the whole the hip-hop culture in



Q Puzzle

New York. In college, I was going through some rough times and out of the pain came poetry. It was more of a hybrid between rap and poetry, but once I created someHe Loves You, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah thing, that’s when I started getting into the spoken-word stuff. Across PGN: When did you come out? DF: It was a process but it always felt natural, so it wasn’t difficult. When I realized what it was, I found a part of myself that finally felt comfortable. Before that, I don’t think I was able to truly connect to people. I told my mom when I was 19 and I think she was hurt that I’d kept it from her. My dad was fine. And because of the support of my family, I was able to concentrate more on discovering myself than worrying about them. We’re so socialized to be heterosexual that coming out is a reversal of everything you were taught. You have to discover what makes you happy. More than being upset about being gay, I was relieved to learn what really connecting to another person romantically was all about, to feel certain things for the first time. PGN: Have you ever been gaybashed or harassed? DF: Yes. Just recently, my girlfriend and I were in West Philadelphia and we were arm in arm and two guys pulled up in a car and had some negative things to say about it. The following night, I was walking home by myself and a guy behind me kept derisively calling me “sir.” It was one of the first times that I felt unsafe as a gay person. Not insulted, unsafe. That was the third time this year it’s happened here. Philly has a lot of work to do. We’ve made great strides downtown and in the Gayborhood, but elsewhere it’s still scary. PGN: Since you’ve been called sir, what would be one good thing about being the opposite sex? DF: Ha! Being able to defend yourself physically. Having the See PORTRAITS, Page 27

1. Three-men-in-a-tub event 5. Oral attention getter 9. So-so grade 14. Point of view intro, at 15. “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning” singer 16. Prayer starter 17. Hides of hairy guys? 19. Workers under Barney Frank 20. He had a crush on Beatle John 22. Start of MGM’s motto 23. Dean, and others without causes 27. “Bye Bye Birdie” sounds? 31. Burn a bit 33. Kit letters 34. Two to one, for one 35. “Cat on ___ Tin Roof” 36. Lacking locks 37. Early Beatle song that expressed how 20-Across felt 40. Use your tongue 41. Edison’s middle name 42. Dorothy, to Em 43. Three on a sundial 44. Joel of “Cabaret” 45. Somewhat formal 46. Roman orator of note 48. Prefix with political 49. Where the relationship of 20Across stayed? 56. The Great Garbo 59. Rae of “Facts of Life” 60. Jam ingredients? 61. Stud fee? 62. Obscene four-letter word 63. Sharon of “If These Walls Could Talk 2” 64. Name repeated in a Stein quote 65. Country suffix Down 1. Lettuce variety 2. US citizen 3. The king in “The King I”, for one 4. Time for Frida 5. Fireplace rods 6. Bounds gaily 7. Deadly septet 8. HIV exam, e.g. 9. One that reproduces without sex 10. Backup strategy 11. ___ Cabin Federation 12. Moist ending 13. ‘60s radical org. 18. Type of tool

21. Muse for Millay 24. “My Cup Runneth Over” singer 25. Whitman’s dooryard bloomers 26. Site of Gay Games VI 27. Rex Reed, for one 28. Where they say “Aloha” when they come 29. Not straight up 30. Button’s place 31. Chase of “Community” 32. Georgetown athlete 35. Ready and willing partner? 36. Cheese for Ms. van de Kamp? 38. Composer Copland 39. Spread open 44. Rosie’s Broadway musical

45. Formal order 47. Eulogizer of Diana in song 48. Responders to “Bite me!”? 50. Tenn. neighbor 51. Cry after getting the shaft 52. Reactions to seeing a hottie 53. RBI to Glenn Burke 54. Kett of the comics 55. Jack McPhee, in “Dawson’s Creek” 56. “Jumpin’ Jack Flash,” to Mick Jagger 57. The daily grind 58. WWII command

See SOLUTION, Page 29



DEC. 24 - 30, 2010

Chifa marries Far East, Latin flavors By Larry Nichols PGN Staff Writer

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Chifa, 707 Chestnut St., specializes in a hybrid of Peruvian and Cantonese fare found in Peru. There’s a backstory on how the two cultures met on a culinary level, but the results are far more compelling than any history lesson could convey. The message is simple: Cultural mashups kick booty. When you take into account the scope of the menu, the breathtaking décor and the attentive service at Chifa, the prices are exceptionally reasonable. The hybrid concept is apparent from the start — at the bar. The Chicha sangria ($8 per glass, $32 per pitcher) is lighter and spicier than one would expect from sangria — and more refreshing. The Inigo Montoya is Chifa’s take on a margarita, a pleasantly complex citrus and peppery drink that takes a few sips before you can completely wrap your head around what you are tasting. Daring flavor combinations are abundant in Chifa’s dishes as well. The Peruvian tuna ceviche (market price) thrived among the complementary flavors of wasabi, lime and ginger. The marvesta ceviche (market price) was also especially tasty, with chilled shrimp accompanied by a tomato marinade and avocado. The Thai beef salad had a light touch, a nice crunch and a fiery kick, thanks to an excellent sesame and sweet chili vinaigrette dressing. Diners who don’t want to take their

Fresh and Healthy Food

taste buds on too wild a ride might find comfort in the pork belly boa buns ($8), a sinfully tasty spin on barbeque parked on a soft miniature bun and topped with pickled daikon and togarahi mayo. The salted baked shrimp is another safe bet ($16), as they are large and well seaCUAJADA AND TURRON DE CHOCOLATE soned. You almost Photo: Scott A. Drake don’t need the srirabut one bite proves the chocolate cha mayo that comes with this dish. cake with a thick layer of ganache is Back on the adventurous side of light without sacrificing an ounce of things, the Thai sausage ($8) was a standout: It was succulent and accom- decadence. The cuajada was another panied by the best aromatic rice we’ve delight, thanks to the explosive flavor of the innocuous-looking passion-fruit had in recent memory. The pulpo curd and sesame meringue. ($17), baby rock octopus in olive oil, Chifa just might be chef Jose was also excellent. The humita ($12) Garces’ most exciting effort to date. was a more refined version of the traAnd considering the quality of ditional tamale, filled with a velvety Garces’ other area establishments, and rich mixture of charred corn, ■ that’s saying a lot. bacon, mushrooms and cream. The Chifa Chicken ($22) is a house specialty, and for good reason. The presentation and execution of the dish are top-notch, with the bird perfectly roasted and absorbed all the subtle Chifa flavors of the accompanying soy con707 Chestnut St. sommé and bok choy. Open for lunch MondayAs with most of the dishes that Saturday and dinner daily preceded them, the desserts were full (215) 925-5555 of surprises. The turron de late ($8) at first glance looks dense,

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DEC. 24 - 30, 2010

worth watching: The Talk Out actress Sara Gilbert hosts the talk show alongside Sharon Osbourne, Julie Chen, Leah Remeni and Holly Robinson Peete. 2 p.m. on CBS. The Nate Berkus Show Monday-Friday, 2 p.m. on NBC. The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Monday-Friday, 3 p.m. on NBC. The Rachel Maddow Show Monday-Friday, 9 p.m. on MSNBC. FRIDAY A Christmas Story The holiday classic is screened 12 times in a row. No, really. 8 p.m. on TBS. Grease The film version of the popular musical. 8 p.m. on VH1. It’s a Wonderful Life The classic holiday film. 8 p.m. on NBC.


Threesome A female college student is assigned to a dorm with two male roommates. 8 p.m. on Logo. Fashion Police Joan Rivers and friends praise and lambaste the week’s notable fashion triumphs and mistakes. 10:30 p.m. on E! SATURDAY VH1 Diva Salutes the Troops Kathy Griffin hosts with musical performances by Katy Perry, Sugarland, Nicki Minaj and more. 9:30 p.m. on VH1. Saturday Night Live Obviously a repeat. 11:30 p.m. on NBC. SUNDAY The Sound of Music The hills are alive in this classic musical. 7 p.m. on ABC. MONDAY How I Met Your Mother Out actor Neil Patrick Harris stars as the womanizing Barney. In this repeat, the gang helps his

PORTRAITS From Page 25 ability to protect yourself and not be tested and taken advantage of physically like women are all the time. PGN: Where were you when the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, happened? DF: I was in high school in New York. We went on lockdown and they wouldn’t let us out until after hours and I had to walk home in the middle of it. It was the eeriest feeling. The whole city was traumatized and in shock, but at the same time it was also memorable in terms of the unity you felt with people you didn’t even know. I’ll never forget it.

CHOCOLATE CITY: We doubt it compares to the original starring Gene Wilder, but watch Tim Burton’s remake of the classic “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” at 8 p.m. Dec. 27, starring Johnny Depp and a bunch of computerized duplicates of the same oompaloompas on ABC. Photo: Warner Bros. Pictures

mother move out of her house. 8 p.m. on CBS. Tabatha’s Salon Takeover The out hairstylist helps out struggling salons. 10 p.m. on Bravo. TUESDAY Glee Out actress Jane Lynch stars in the acclaimed series. This week is a repeat. 8 and 9 p.m. on Fox.

DF: You would find Facebook, I can’t deny it, and AOL because I’m a nerd and am not cool enough for gmail. And you would find the Philadelphia Youth Poetry Movement website, PGN: If you could journey into the land of any book, which would you choose? DF: “Borderlands: The New Mestiza/La Frontera” by Gloria Anzaldúa. It’s an amazing book about life “in between.” PGN: What’s your sign? DF: Libra, fair and balanced.

PGN: What do you do for a day job? DF: I work at Drexel University in enrollment management.

PGN: Now that “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” has been repealed, would you serve in the military? DF: No ... no. I think my services are better suited elsewhere. I’m more of a community worker.

PGN: What websites would I find on your favorites toolbar?

PGN: You’re a wordsmith: Ever write a letter to Santa?



WEDNESDAY I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry A comedy in which Adam Sandler and Kevin James play two guys who pretend to be gay so their kids can get benefits. 8 p.m. on USA.

out of an event. 9 p.m. on ABC. Top Chef: All-Stars The reality competition features the best chefs from the past seasons, including two out competitors. 10 p.m. on Bravo.

THURSDAY Boy Culture Look for gay couple Mitchell and A gay hustler gets involved with Cameron in this repeat, in which two roommates and an elderly they feign an earthquake to get recluse. 8 p.m. on Logo. ■ Modern Family

DF: No, I was never that kid. I believed in Santa, but I knew that my parents were the liaison between me and Santa. If I wanted anything, I’d communicate it to them and they’d get the message to him.

ing and rapping as well. I finally feel like I’m worthy of calling myself an MC. I think it’s something you earn, just like I never called myself a poet until I felt like I’d earned that designation.

PGN: Tell me about your poetry. DF: I’ve been writing for about seven years now and have been performing all over the country and internationally since then. I’m on the Philly adult slam team, which is pretty cool, and I participated in the “UnLitter Us” Philly campaign. I like to talk about things that aren’t usually discussed. I think it’s a responsibility for an artist to shed light on things and speak to the human experience. I love that poetry and language give you the ability to connect with people. I love it when someone comes up after a show and says, “Hey, me too.” That’s the best.

PGN: Do you speak as an openly gay poet? DF: Now, yes. But not always. When I first started doing poetry, I stayed away from using pronouns. Lots of you’s and their’s and us’s. I finally had to check myself and come clean and I’ve been open ever since. One of my greatest regrets was not being open when I was playing basketball.

PGN: And music? DF: I’m slowly getting back into it. I’ll always be a poet, but lately I’ve been sing-

To suggest a community member for “Family Portraits,” write to

PGN: What’s your biggest pet peeve? DF: Losing socks. I don’t understand it. I’m convinced that there’s someone in the Laundromats that steals socks for a living. ■

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DEC. 24 - 30, 2010

Diversions Your guide to arts and entertainment


Irving Berlin’s White Christmas Annie Media Theater presents the The Walnut Street Theatre musical with comedian and presents an all-new production of the holiday out TV star Wanda Sykes starring as Miss Hannigan, Broadway musical, through Jan. 9, 825 Jan. 12-23, 104 E. State Walnut St.; (215) 574St., Media; (610) 8913550. 0100. Black Nativity Theatre Double presents Langston Hughes’ holiday gospel play, through Dec. 31 at St. Mary’s Chapel, 1831 Bainbridge St.; (267) 575-4888. Blue Man Group The wildly popular musical and visual show returns, through Jan. 2 at Merriam Theatre, 250 S. Broad St.; (215) 790-5847. The Borrowers Arden Theatre Company presents an adaptation of the beloved children’s novel, through Jan. 30 on the F. Otto Haas Stage, 40 N. Second St.; (215) 9221122. Caesar’s Palace O’ Fun The Walnut Street Theatre presents a musical variety show centered around an outrageous lounge lothario, through Jan. 2 at Independence Studio on 3, 825 Walnut St.; (215) 5743550. Cirque du Soleil: Dralion Cirque’s take on the ancient Chinese circus tradition hits town, through Jan. 2 at Liacouras Center, 1776 N. Broad St.; (215) 204-2400. I Capture The Castle The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey presents the romantic comedy about 17-year-old budding writer Cassandra and her eccentric family, who live in a crumbling 17thcentury English castle, through Jan. 2, 36 Madison Ave., Madison, N.J.; (973) 408-5600.

Jake Ehrenreich’s A Jew Grows in Brooklyn The multi-media comedy runs through Dec. 28 at Kimmel’s Perelman Theatre, 280 S. Broad St.; (215) 790-5847. Parenting 101: The Musical! The musical comedy about the various stages of raising children is presented, through March 6 at Kimmel’s Innovation Studio, 240 S. Broad St.; (215) 790-5847. This is the Week That Is 1812 Productions presents the smash news comedy returning for its fifth year, through Dec. 31 at Plays & Players Theatre, 1714 Delancey St.; (215) 5929560. The Three Musketeers: A Musical Panto People’s Light and Theatre Company presents a swashbuckling musical, through Jan. 9, 39 Conestoga Road; (610) 644-3500. The Very Merry Xmas Carol Holiday Adventure Show Theatre Horizon presents a comedic nontraditional vision of the holiday, through Dec. 31, 208 Dekalb St., Norristown; (610) 283-2230.


Sugartown DJ Sara Scherr and friends perform at 9 p.m. Dec. 25 at Tritone Bar, 1508 South St.; (215) 545–0475.

Real Diamond The Neil Diamond tribute band performs at 3 and 7:30 p.m. Dec. 30 at Sellersville Theater, 24 W. Temple Ave., Sellersville; (215) 2575808.



Marvin Hamlisch and Michael Feinstein The acclaimed singers perform songs from the American Songbook at 3 p.m. Dec. 26 at Kimmel’s Verizon Hall, 260 S. Broad St.; (215) 790-5847. Splintered Sunlight The Grateful Dead tribute band performs at 8 p.m. Dec. 28 at Sellersville Theater, 24 W. Temple Ave., Sellersville; (215) 2575808. Gogol Bordello The gypsy punk band performs at 8 p.m. Dec. 29 at the Electric Factory, 421 N. Seventh St.; (610) 7845400. The Revivalists The rock band performs at 8 p.m. Dec. 29 at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; (215) 222-1400. Gandalf Murphy and the Slambovian Circus of Dreams The rock band performs at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 30 at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; (215) 222-1400. Flamingo The psychedelic rock band performs at 8 p.m. Dec. 30 at North Star Bar, 2639 Poplar St.; (215) 787-0488. Live Wire: Ultimate AC/DC Tribute The rock band performs at 8 p.m. Dec. 30 at Sellersville Theater, 24 W. Temple Ave., Sellersville; (215) 257-5808. Wu Tang Clan The hip-hop group performs at 10 p.m. Dec. 30 at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; (215) 9226888.

THE KOSHER ALTERNATIVE: If Christmas isn’t your thing and you need something to break up the monotony of the movies and Chinese food, check out “Jake Ehrenreich’s A Jew Grows in Brooklyn,” a multi-media musical comedy running through Dec. 28 at Kimmel’s Perelman Theatre, 280 S. Broad St. And yes, there will be performances on Dec. 25. In the show, Ehrenreich takes the audience on a journey from the entertainment of the Catskills to his family’s survival of the Holocaust and into his own search for identity. For more information, call (215) 790-5847.


Art of the American Soldier The National Constitution Center presents the world debut exhibition of over 15,000 paintings and sketches created by 1,300 American soldiers in the line of duty, through Jan. 10, 525 Arch St.; (215) 409-6895.

Between Now & Then AxD Gallery presents an exhibition of paintings by Matthew Ostroff and Amber Dubois, through Jan. 8, 265 S. 10th St.; (215) 627-6250.

Parkway; (215) 448-1200.

Eakins on Paper: Drawings and Watercolors from the Collection Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition Cleopatra: The Search of 10 rarely seen drawings for the Last Queen of and watercolors that survey Egypt the early work of Thomas The Franklin Institute presents an exhibition of 150 Eakins, through Jan. 9, 26th artifacts from Egypt, through Street and the Parkway; (215) 763-8100. Jan. 2, 20th Street and the

DEC. 24 - 30, 2010

A Glimpse of Paradise: Gold in Islamic Art Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition exploring the unique status of gold in Islam through a small group of objects drawn from the museum’s collection, through April, 26th Street and the Parkway; (215) 763-8100. In My Body Wexler Gallery hosts a retrospective exhibition of works by photographer and mixed-media artist Leah Macdonald, celebrating the diversity and beauty of the female form, through Dec. 31, 201 N. Third St.; (215) 923-7030. John Folinsbee and American Modernism Woodmere Art Museum presents a fresh look at the New Hope painter’s life and work, revealing the artist’s move from impressionism toward modernism, through March 6, 9201 Germantown Ave.; (215) 247-0476. Listen to My Story, See Through My Eyes: Stories from the Robert R. Rosenbaum Oral History Project The William Way LGBT Community Center presents video recordings of over 40 oral histories from local activists, celebrities, and everyday people in the LGBT community, through Dec. 25, 1315 Spruce St.; (215) 732-2220.


Mark Cohen: Strange Evidence Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of a select group of some 50 of Mark Cohen’s black-and-white and color photographs made over the past 40 years, through March 13, 26th Street and the Parkway; (215) 7638100. Pleasures and Pastimes in Japanese Art Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of costumes, masks and poetry exploring the ways in which leisure time was interpreted across all social classes in Japanese art, through January, 26th Street and the Parkway; (215) 763-8100. Virtues and Vices: Moralizing Prints in the Low Countries, 1550-1600 Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of moralizing prints created between 1550 and 1600 in Antwerp and Haarlem, through Feb. 27, 26th Street and the Parkway; (215) 763-8100.


George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker The Pennsylvania Ballet performs the holidaythemed show through Dec. 31 at Kimmel’s Academy of Music, 240 S.


Broad St.; (215) 790-5847.


White Christmas The musical holiday film is screened 2 p.m. Dec. 26 at The Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; (610) 917-0223. Summer Wars The Japanese anime scifi/romance film is screened 8 p.m. Dec. 27, 4 p.m. Dec. 29 and 2 p.m. Jan. 1 at The Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; (610) 917-0223. Love Actually The romantic comedy is screened at 10 p.m. Dec. 28 at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; (215) 2221400.


Winterfest ’10 Beer Tasting: Stouts, Porters, Winter Seasonals and Special Holiday Brews Try out a number of seasonal beers from noon-4 p.m. Dec. 19 at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; (215) 222-1400. Morris Arboretum’s Holiday Garden Railway The holiday-themed quarter mile displays bustling model trains and buildings, through Jan. 2, 100 E. Northwestern Ave.; www.morrisarboretum. org. ■

If you want that Norman Rockwell-sugary-picture-postcard holiday experience, it’s hard to beat the impeccably manicured spectacle that is “Irving Berlin’s White Christmas.” Catch all the pageantry through Jan. 9 at the Walnut Street Theatre, 825 Walnut St. For more information, call (215) 574-3550.

Recreational Activities IN THE

Meeting Place Gay Philly’s favorite award-winning photographer

SOLUTION From Page 25

Notices Send notices at least one week in advance to: Diversions, PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19147; fax them to (215) 925-6437; or e-mail them to diversions@epgn. com. Notices cannot be taken over the phone.

Scott A. Drake




Meeting Place A community bulletin board of activities, facilities and organizations

Community centers ■ The Attic Youth Center: For LGBT and questioning youth and their friends and allies. Groups meet and activities are held from 4-8 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays; case management, HIV testing and smoking cessation are available Monday through Friday. See the Youth section for more events. 255 S. 16th St.; (215) 545-4331 ■ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center at the University of Pennsylvania 3907 Spruce St.; (215) 898-5044;, Hours: 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday ■ Rainbow Room — Bucks County’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning and Allies Youth Center: 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays: Doylestown Planned Parenthood, The Atrium, Suite 2E, 301 S. Main St., Doylestown; (215) 348-0558 ext. 65; ■ William Way Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center: 1315 Spruce St.; (215) 732-2220; Hours: 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Peer counseling: 6-9 p.m. Monday through Friday Library hours: 3-9 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday; 3-6 p.m. Tuesday; noon-6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Volunteers: New Orientation: First Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.

Health Anonymous, free, confidential HIV testing Spanish/English counselors offer testing 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday at Congreso de Latinos Unidos, 166 W. Lehigh Ave.; (215) 763-8870 ext. 6000. AIDS Services In Asian Communities Provides HIV-related services to Asians and Pacific Islanders at 340 N. 12th St., suite 205; (215) 536-2424. Gay and Lesbian Latino AIDS Education Initiative Free, anonymous HIV testing from 9:30 a.m.4:30 p.m. Monday through Wednesday and 9:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Thursdays at 1207 Chestnut St., fifth floor; (215) 851-1822 or (866) 222-3871. Spanish/English. HIV treatment Free HIV/AIDS diagnosis and treatment for Philadelphia residents are available from 9 a.m.-noon Mondays and 5-8 p.m. Thursdays at Health Center No. 2, 1720 S. Broad St.; (215) 685-1803.

Key numbers

HIV health insurance help Access to free medications, confidential HIV testing available at 17 MacDade Blvd., suite 108, Collingdale; Medical Office Building, 722 Church Lane, Yeadon; and 630 S. 60th St.; (610) 586-9077. Mazzoni Center Free, anonymous HIV testing; HIV/AIDS care and treatment, case management and support groups; 21 S. 12th St., eighth floor; (215) 5630652. Mazzoni Center Family & Community Medicine Comprehensive primary health care, preventive health services, gynecology, sexual-health services and chronic-disease management, including comprehensive HIV care; 809 Locust St.; (215) 563-0658. Washington West Project Free, anonymous HIV testing. Walk-ins welcome 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Friday and 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday; 1201 Locust St.; (215) 985-9206.

■ AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania: (215) 587-9377 ■ AIDS Law Project of Southern New Jersey: (856) 933-9500 ext. 221

■ Mazzoni Center Family & Community Medicine: (215) 563-0658

■ AIDS Library: (215) 985-4851 ■ ACLU of Pennsylvania: (215) 592-1513

■ Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Philadelphia): (215) 572-1833

■ AIDS Treatment hot line: (215) 5452212

■ Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations: (215) 686-4670

■ Barbara Gittings Gay and Lesbian Collection at the Independence Branch of the Philadelphia Free Library: (215) 685-1633

■ Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay Task Force: (215) 772-2000

■ Equality Pennsylvania: (215) 731-1447; ■ Equality Forum: (215) 732-3378 ■ Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Peer Counseling Services: (215) 732-TALK ■ Mayor’s Director of LGBT Affairs: Gloria Casarez, (215) 686-2194; Gloria.; Fax: (215) 686-2555

ACT-UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) Meets at 6 p.m. every Monday at St. Luke and the Epiphany Church, 330 S. 13th St.; (215) 3861981; Delaware Valley Chapter, Americans United for Separation of Church and State Seeks activists and supporters of church-state separation. Holds monthly meetings and events; (856) 863-3061; Equality Advocates Philadelphia Holds a volunteer night second Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m., 1211 Chestnut St., Suite 605; (215) 731-1447; Green Party of Philadelphia Holds general meetings fourth Tuesday of each month (except April) at 6:30 p.m., 4134 Lancaster Ave.; (215) 243-7103; Log Cabin Republican Club of Philadelphia Meets at 7 p.m. third Wednesday of the month at the William Way Community Center; (215) 4655677; Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club Meets seasonally; (215) 760-7184; www.


Gay Men’s Book Discussion Group Meets at 6:30 p.m. first Wednesday of the month at the Independence Branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia, 18 S. Seventh St.; (215) 685-1633. Library Book Club Meets to discuss a new book at 7 p.m. on third Wednesday of the month at the William Way Center. New Jersey Gay Men’s Chorus Chorus rehearses at 7:30 p.m. Mondays in Princeton, N.J.; (609) 675-1998. Open-mic night An amateur poetry, music and storytelling event sponsored by The Pride Center of New Jersey, meets at 8 p.m. every third Friday at the George Street Playhouse, 1470 Jersey Ave., North Brunswick, N.J.; (732) 846-0715. Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus Chorus rehearses from 7-9:30 p.m. Wednesdays; (215) 731-9230; Philadelphia Gay Men’s Opera Club Meets to share and listen to recordings at 6:30 p.m. on last Saturday of the month; (215) 2246995. Philadelphia Voices of Pride Philadelphia’s first mixed GLBT chorus rehearses at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays at the William Way Center; (888) 505-7464; Queer Writer’s Collective Workshop and discussion group meets 4-6 p.m. on fourth Saturday of the month at the William Way Center. Women’s Book Group Meets first Thursday of the month at 6:45 p.m. at Giovanni’s Room, 345 S. 12th St.;

■ Mazzoni Center: (215) 563-0652; www. Legal Services: (215) 563-0657, (866) LGBT-LAW; legalservices@m

■ The COLOURS Organization Inc.: 112 N. Broad St., third floor; (215) 496-0330


■ Philadelphia Police Department liaison — Deputy Commissioner Stephen Johnson: (215) 683-2840 ■ Philadelphia Police Liaison Committee: (267) 216-6606; ■ Philly Pride Presents: (215) 875-9288 ■ SPARC — Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition: (717) 920-9537 ■ Transgender Health Action Coalition: (215) 732-1207 (staffed 3-6 p.m. Wednesdays, and 6-9 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays)


Diversity Dancers Ballroom dancers meet the first Sunday of the month for tea dance and lessons. Other events scheduled throughout the year; (215) 922-2129;

DEC. 24 - 30, 2010 Male Oenophile Group Male group forming to discuss, appreciate and taste various wines. Will meet once a month to investigate the nuances and glories of the fermented grape. Call (267) 230-6750 for more information. Mornings OUT LGBT Senior Social Activities for sexual-minority seniors are held every Tuesday from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the William Way Center. PhilaVentures Philadelphia’s GLBT outdoor group meets for a hike in Wissahickon Valley Park on Sundays at 2 p.m. at Borders Books, Music and Café, 8701 Germantown Ave.; (215) 271-8822. Rainbow Bridge Group Congenial group meets for supper and to play bridge monthly on a Monday at 6:30 p.m. Members rotate serving as host. New players welcome. For information call Gerry at (215) 592-1174. Rainbow Room A meeting/activity night held for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth and their friends Wednesdays from 6-8 p.m. at the Rainbow Room of Planned Parenthood in Doylestown; (215) 348-0558.


Brandywine Women’s Rugby Club Meets for Tuesday and Thursday practice at Greene Field, Howell Street and Moore Road, West Chester; City of Brotherly Love Softball League GLBT softball league serves the Philadelphia metropolitan area. Games are played Sundays, beginning in April, in Fairmount Park; (215) 4622575; Frontrunners Running club meets Saturday mornings at 9:30 for a run and brunch. Lloyd Hall, No. 1 Boathouse Row; Gay and Lesbian Bowling League Bowls at 8 p.m. Thursdays in the Norristown area; call Doug Schneidig; (716) 864-4393. Philadelphia Falcons Soccer Club GLBT and allied soccer club; practices Saturdays 10 a.m.-noon and Wednesdays 6-8 p.m. at Edgeley Fields in Fairmount Park; Philadelphia Fins Swim Team Male and female swimmers meet at 7 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and 10 a.m. Saturdays in Center City; (610) 564-6661; www. Philadelphia Gay Bowling League Meets 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays September through April at Brunswick Zone, 1328 Delsea Drive, Deptford, N.J.; (856) 889-1434; www. Philadelphia Gay Flag Football New group forming. Contact Jered at or (214) 770-5373. Philadelphia Gryphons Rugby Football Club Team seeks players; all skill levels welcome; (215) 913-7531; Philadelphia Liberty Tennis Association Meets at 7 p.m. every third Monday at William Way Center; Philadelphia Phoenix Women’s football team seeks players; (267) 6799535; Philly Gay Hockey Association Philadelphia Phury seeks players; (917) 656-1936;

Gay Bridge Club Non-beginners group meets Monday afternoons at the William Way Center; (215) 985-4835.

Rainbow Riders of the Delaware Valley Motorcycle club meets regularly; (215) 836-0440;

Gay-friendly Scrabble Club Meets from 6-11 p.m. in the P.I.C. Building, 42nd and Locust streets; (215) 382-0789.

Rainbow Rollers Gay and lesbian bowling league meets 9 p.m. on Tuesdays September-April at Laurel Lanes, 2825 Rte. 73 South, Maple Shade, N.J.; (856) 778-7467.

Gay and Lesbian Scrabble Players in the tri-state area gather for socializing and friendly/competitive games; Gay Opera Guys of Philly New group for opera appreciation meets last Sunday of the month at 2:30 p.m. in Roxborough/ Andorra area; (215) 483-1032. Humboldt Society: Lesbian and Gay Naturalists Meets second Thursday of the month at the William Way Center; (215) 985-1456; www. Indepedence Squares GLBT square dance club, modern Western square dancing. Monthly open house. Tuesday classes in the fall; Lutheran Church, 2111 Sansom St.; (215) 735-5812;


AIDS Law Project Provides free legal assistance to people with HIV/AIDS and sponsors free monthly seminars on work and housing; 1211 Chestnut St., suite 600; (215) 587-9377; BiUnity Philadelphia area social and support network for bisexuals, their family members and friends meets at 7 p.m. the first and third Tuesdays of the month at the William Way Center; www. Global A political, community and social group that also works to promote Bordentown as a gayfriendly community meets on the first Saturday of the month at Firehouse Gallery, 8 Walnut St., Bordentown, N.J.; Delaware Pride Meets at 7 p.m. on first Thursday of the month at the United Church of Christ, 300 E. Main St., Newark, Del.; (800) 292-0429. Delaware Valley Pink Pistols For LGBT people dedicated to legal, safe and responsible use of firearms for self-defense; meets at 2 p.m. on third Saturday of the month at Classic Indoor Range, 1310 Industrial Blvd., Southhampton; (267) 386-8907; www. Friday Feast and Fun Dinner hosted by St. John’s Lutheran Church at 6:30 p.m. second Friday of the month, 24 N. Ridge Ave., Ambler; (215) 576-8008. Haverford College’s Sexuality and Gender Alliance Open meetings 10-11 p.m. Mondays in the lounge in Jones Basement at Haverford College, 370 Lancaster Ave.; (610) 896-4938. Latina/o Virtual Community Local listserv offers various information and resources; (215) 808-2493; Zorros_mail@yahoo. com; LGBTQ and Friends Activity Group Meets at 7 p.m. on third Friday of the month to plan outings and potlucks at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County. Long Yang Club Philadelphia Social organization for gay Asians and their friends holds monthly socials; P.O. Box 401, Philadelphia, Pa. 19105; www.longyangclub. org/philadelphia. Our Night Out A casual social networking party of LGBT professionals, allied communities, friends and colleagues meets in a different Philadelphia hot spot each month. To receive monthly event invitations, send email to; Philadelphia Bar Association Legal Advice Offered from 5-8 p.m. on third Wednesday of the month; (215) 238-6333. Philadelphia Prime Timers Club for mature gay and bisexual men and their admirers meets regularly; (610) 344-0853; www. Philadelphians MC Club for leather men and women meets 7:30 p.m. first and third Mondays of the month at The Pit at The Bike Stop, 201 S. Quince St.; (215) 627-1662. Philly Paw Pals Gay and lesbian dog owners and their dogs meet on first Saturday of the month at a dog park; (215) 618-5290; Rainbow Amateur Radio Association ARRL affiliated; private; weekly HF nets, monthly newsletter, e-mail server; (302) 5392392;

South Jersey Gay Bowling League Gay and lesbian bowling league meets 7 p.m. on Fridays September-April at Laurel Lanes, 2825 Rte. 73 South, Maple Shade, N.J.; (856) 778-7467.

Rock ’n’ Roll Queer Bar Party A party for gay and lesbian rockers with host Psydde Delicious starts at 10 p.m. every second Wednesday at N. 3rd, Third and Brown streets; (215) 413-3666.

Spartan Wrestling Club The gay wresting team meets from 7-9 p.m. Mondays at the First Unitarian Church, 2125 Chestnut St.; (215) 732-4545; www.phillyspartans. com.

Silver Foxes Social and educational group for gays and lesbians 50 and older meets from 3-5 p.m. on fourth Sunday of the month at the William Way Center.

Team Philadelphia Meets at 8 p.m. second Wednesday of the month at the William Way Center; www.teamphiladelphia. org.

Stonewall Model Railroad Club Meets monthly; (215) 769-4230; k3k@yahoo. com.

Women’s Table Tennis New group forming. Interested women are encouraged to e-mail

Thirsty Third Tuesdays Collingswood Out in the Neighborhood meets at 7 p.m. on third Tuesday of the month for coffee, dessert and conversation at Three Beans, 40 N. Haddon Ave., Haddonfield N.J.; (215) 439-8337.

DEC. 24 - 30, 2010



Classifieds With Real Estate, Help Wanted, Services and Personals

Geithner says bailout will cost less than $25B By Marcy Gordon The Associated Press

The eventual cost to American taxpayers for the U.S. government’s $700-billion financial bailout will be less than the $25-billion price tag put on it in the latest estimate, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said last Thursday. The Congressional Budget Office’s most recent estimate is that taxpayers will lose $25 billion on the rescue of automakers, banks and other financial institutions undertaken at the peak of the crisis in the fall of 2008. But Geithner told a hearing called by a congressionally appointed panel overseeing the rescue program that he thinks it will cost less than that. “Those estimates are now around $25 billion,” Geithner

said. “They are too high, in my judgment. Ultimately, they’ll be lower.” Geithner, however, didn’t say how much he thought the final cost would be. Measured by its final cost, he said, the bailout “will rank as one of the most effective crisisresponse programs ever implemented.” Most important, he said, is that the government’s combined investments in banks, financial institutions, automakers and credit markets “will show a positive return. The losses will be limited to the amount we spend on our housing programs.” Among the factors underlying Treasury’s expectation that the bailout will cost less than $25 billion: — Bailed-out insurance conglomerate American International

Group Inc. has taken steps toward paying off its bailout that at one point was worth $182 billion, the largest of the crisis. That has moved the government closer to what officials expect will be a multibillion-dollar profit. Treasury will convert its stake in AIG into about 1.66 billion shares, worth around $70 billion. When the shares are sold, the proceeds will pay off Treasury’s current $47.5-billion investment in AIG. The company will also borrow $22 billion to settle its obligations to the New York Federal Reserve. — Treasury has received $13.5 billion from the recent initial public offering of General Motors stock. It expects to earn another $2.1 billion from GM when the automaker repurchases preferred stock that was issued as part of the bailout aid.

— Treasury recently sold off the last of its stake in banking giant Citigroup Inc., ending up with revenue of $12 billion above its investment of $45 billion. — Altogether, Treasury has brought in about $35 billion from stock sales over the past two years. Geithner said the U.S. financial system today “is in a much stronger position than it was before the crisis.” Still, he acknowledged, with unemployment hovering at around 10 percent, “our work is not done ... The damage is still profound and tragic.” He also said the housing market remains weak. Geithner said the government is using several programs in an effort to keep as many struggling borrowers as possible in their

homes. It is also putting downward pressure on mortgage rates through agreements with finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, he said. The Treasury Department has bought around $200 billion in securities tied to mortgages that are guaranteed by Fannie and Freddie. Sen. Ted Kaufman (Del.), Democratic chairman of the Congressional Oversight Panel, said the economy “is in a tremendously better place today than it was” before the financial rescue came in. “But we must not forget the pain that continues to plague so many Americans,” he said. “Fifteen-million Americans still cannot find a job. As many as 13-million families will lose their homes to foreclosure in the next few years.” ■

Location! Location! Location! This week’s featured property

Beds: 4 Baths: 2.1 Cost: $298,500 Square footage: 1,650 Age of property: 69 years Realtor: Andrew J. Mariano Real-estate co.: RE/MAX Preferred Phone: (610) 325-4100 Phone: (610) 789-0982 Website:

Tranquil Chatham Village Colonial. Mature landscape and additional deeded parcel of land. Enc. front porch leads to a formal living and dining room, New E/I kitchen features granite counters and sliders to outside patio. Full bath on 1st floor. Finished basement. 2nd floor features 4 bdrms and 1.1 baths. Shows beautifully.

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Philadelphia Gay News assumes responsibility for errors in classified ads only when notified by noon the Tuesday after the ad first appears. To receive credit for errors, please notify PGN by then. Credit only will be extended in the form of additional advertising space. Any cash refunds, for any reason, are subject to a $10 service charge. PGN will publish no classified ad — in any category — that contains sexually explicit language. Obviously excluded are traditional four-letter words that relate to sexual activity. Other words may be excluded at the discretion of the publisher, who reserves the right to edit or rewrite any ad that, in his opinion, violates this policy or its intent.



DEC. 24 - 30, 2010




PENNS GROVE, NJ HOME DELAWARE RIVER AND SUNSET VIEWS Reportedly originally owned by W.C. Fields’ family, where he stayed often. Gorgeous views of Delaware River and sunsets. Only 1⁄2 hour from downtown Philly. Large, fenced yard. 3 bedrooms, den, breakfast, living and dining rooms, upper deck and separate lower deck w/benches, both with river views. Recently renovated kitchen, bath and new roof and central A/C. Mature trees, off street parking and beautiful new plantings. Original refinished hardwood floors with inlaid designs. $174,900 from owners. 856 415 9668 or 609 202 2916. _______________________________ VENTNOR, NJ, FACING THE BAY House and Adjacent Lot (inground swimming pool). 1st floor 3 bedrooms, bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry room and deck. ����������� 2nd floor 2 bedrooms, bath, efficiency kitchen, living room, dining � area and deck. Central Air. Corner Property. Call 215-468-9166 evenings only. $675,000.00. Also property for rent1500.00 month plus utilities. _______________________________34-52 AN EMBLEM OF SUCCESS.... Stately Single in Huntingdon East - NE 3 Bdrms, 2 Baths, Fireplace, 2 Car Garage, Hardwood Floors / High Ceilings / Granite Counters And ��������������������������������������� So Much More... Visit Us Today. 1320 Grant ������������������ Ave. at Krewstown. Price & Photos..Text: 32075 msg: Price1950 Keller Williams Real Estate ���������������������������������������������������������� - ����������������������������� Langhorne Jim Downs - (215) 869-6194 / (215) 757-6100. ����������������� _______________________________34-53

SOUTH PHILLY ROWHOUSE FOR SALE 3 BR Wider Rowhouse. Hardwood floors, 2 f/baths, new roof and newer appliances. Finished basement, deck, off street parking. $288,000. 856-889-8765. _______________________________34-52




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ROOMMATES PGN WILL NOT PUBLISH RACIAL DISTINCTIONS IN ROOMMATE ADS. SUCH NOTATIONS WILL BE EDITED. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. ___________________________________ GREATER NE PHILA. PHILADELPHIA GAY NEWS Have your own bedroom in a beautiful split level home with 2 gay men. House is 4 BR, 2 ����������� full baths, W/D, upper and lower decks, use of kitchen. Property � is by Welsh & the Boulevard, 1 min. to 58 bus. We ask only that you be at least reasonably neat and employed. Rent is $600 + 1/3 utils. Contact Dave at 215-698-0215. _______________________________34-52



RENTAL ��������������������������� AFFORDABLE �������� FORT LAUDERDALE All Gay Resort. Apts., full kit, 10 min Gay Night����������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������� life, beaches, attractions. Clothing opt. pool, ������������� WiFi. 877-927-0090, ���������������������������������������������������� _______________________________35-02

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12TH & DICKINSON AREA Furnished Townhouse for rent: 3 levels. Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, 2 bedrooms , bath. Very Unique. 1500. mo plus util. (negotiable). Call 215 468-9166 after 6 pm. or 215 686 3431 daytime. _______________________________34-53 RITTENHOUSE SQUARE AREA Studios & 1 Bedrooms - Call for Availability (215)735-8050. _______________________________34-53 QUEEN VILLAGE 3rd & Catharine. Perfect commercial/professional space. 2 floors, 2400 sq. ft. $1800 total. 215-687-8461, 215-336-4629. _______________________________34-53 JEFFERSONVILLE, NEAR K OF P, BLUE BELL Large efficiency on private wing on home with large yard. Private bath, entrance, kitchen. $495/mo. + elect. & sec. dep. Call 610-5396381, leave message. _______________________________34-52 SOUTH PHILA., 10TH & TASKER 2 BR, 1.5 BA, new carpet, hdwd flrs. Total rehab, brand new everything. C/A, all new appl. $1150. 267-278-0824. Must See! _______________________________34-53 3XX DURFOR ST. 3RD & WOLF Award winning street! 2 BR, all appl., new oak fl. garden patio. $990. 215-990-3405. _______________________________34-53

Driver- Single Source Dispatch. LOTS OF FREIGHT. Daily or Weekly Pay. Flexible schedule. Newer Equipment. Van and Refrigerated. CDL-A, 6 months recent experience. 800-414-9569. _______________________________34-52 Drivers- 100% Tuition Paid CDL Training! No Credit Check, No Experience required! TRAINERS EARN $.49/MILE! 888-417-7564 CRST EXPEDITED _______________________________34-52 CDL-A Drivers: ‘Tis The Season For Providing All The Extras to Our Drivers! Bonuses, Miles, � Sign-On for Flatbed. CDL-A, Equipment. $500 6mo.OTR. Western Express. 888-801-5295. _______________________________34-52 Need CDL Drivers A or B with 2 yrs recent commercial experience to transfer motor homes, straight trucks, tractors, and buses. www. PAGE 47 1-888-380-7583 or 1-800-501-3783. _______________________________34-52

Psychic Love Specialist. Helps reunite lovers, Restores happiness (free reading) 707-5007024 . _______________________________34-52 AIRLINES ARE HIRING Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified -Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (888)349-5387. _______________________________34-52 ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE From Home. *Medical *Business *Paralegal *Computers *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 888-220-3984 _______________________________34-52





FOR SALE NEW Norwood SAWMILLS- LumberMate-Pro handles logs 34” diameter, mills boards 28” wide. Automated quick-cycle-sawing increases efficiency up to 40%! www.NorwoodSawmills. com/300N. 1-800-661-7746 Ext 300-N. _______________________________34-52




OPORTUNITIES Do you earn $800 in a day? Your Own Local Candy Route! 25 Machines and Candy All for $9995. 877-915-8222 All Major Credit Cards Accepted! _______________________________34-52 Frac Sand Haulers with complete rigs only. Tons of Runs in warm, flat, friendly and prosperous Texas! Great company, pay and working conditions. 817-769-7621, 817-769-7713. _______________________________34-52



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DEC. 24 - 30, 2010





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DEC. 24 - 30, 2010




A Tulip or Violet to Brighten Your Day: Bring Home one of the Gals of Green Street! Petite ebony Tulip has a gentle heart ready to share with someone special. She enjoys cuddles, conversations (her foster mom knows she understands her!), and giving massages with her paws. She also likes the company of dogs and other cats! Strong and cuddly Violet has left a life on the streets for the security and warmth of the indoors. This velvety soft grey sweetie has a personality as lovely as the flower she is named after, and offers incomparable companionship! Green Street Rescue focuses on rescuing stray and feral cats in the city, matching lovable kitties with furever homes full of warm hearts and open arms. We will help you find the spayed/ neutered and vaccinated new love (or loves) of your life! Adoption fee of $75 (for one or a pair!) applies. For more information on these or our other cats available for adoption, please email or check our adoptables album at Facebook. _______________________________34-52





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ADOPTION A committed, financially secure couple seeks to adopt. Warm, caring home. Love to travel. Ready to provide a bright and happy future. Expenses paid. Neil and Doak, 888-492-6273. _______________________________34-52 Adopt: A wonderful life filled with love, devotion and happiness awaits your newborn. Financially secure with extended family. Expenses paid. Please call Rosanne: 1-800-755-5002. _______________________________34-52

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DEC. 24 - 30, 2010



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DEC. 24 - 30, 2010

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