PGN Feb. 8-14, 2013 edition

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Celebrity photographer Mike Ruiz snaps his way to an app PAGE 25

Family Portrait: Brian Andersen and Anton Tanumihardja

A talk about post-DADT progress in Philly with a national trans leader



Feb. 8-14, 2013


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Vol. 37 No. 6

Liberty City launches first policy platform By Angela Thomas The Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club set its agenda for the upcoming year at its Annual Meeting and Priorities Convention Feb. 2 at the William Way LGBT Community Center. The organization voted to include 10 themes in its Issues Agenda 2013, the first the agency has ever created. The issues — which will help inform future candidate questionnaires and educate policymakers and others about LGBT priorities — are anti-discrimination, health care, public safety, education, youth and aging, reproductive justice, HIV/AIDS, transgender documentation and recognition, social justice and economic empowerment. According to Liberty City cochair Sherrie Cohen, the organization’s policy and advocacy committee researched the issues impacting the LGBT community for the past six months and held workshops to gain feedback on what topics were most important to the community. “We had committee meetings where we invited a lot of people in the community at large to

come and share their views and priorities,” Cohen said. For an hour of the meeting, members split into five groups to discuss possible priorities, coming up with about 30 different options before voting on the final issues. “It was really exciting to see the engagement and the collaboration,” Cohen said. “We have members with so much experience, wisdom and knowledge in our community.” A change in leadership was also made at the meeting, with longtime board co-chair Lee Carson, nominating committee chairperson Su Ming Yeh and member Howard Moseley, stepping down from the board, while Gary Hines and Tony Campisi were elected to the board. New membership rates were also announced; membership is now $40 for individuals, $60 for couples or $10 for low-income, students and elderly individuals. L i b e r t y C i t y ’s p r i m a r y endorsement meeting will be held April 1. Members should have their dues paid 45 days before the meeting. For more information, visit ■

Proposed budget shows slight increase in HIV/AIDS funding By Jen Colletta

NO OUTAGE HERE: ActionAIDS development director Michael Byrne spoke to the crowd of about 75 at the Big Game Event III, the Super Bowl-centered fundraiser staged by the Greater Philadelphia Flag Football League. Held Feb. 3 at Painted Bride Art Center, a new location for the festivities, the event featured a big-screen showing of the Bowl, as well as food, drinks, raffles and a silent auction, with money benefiting ActionAIDS and GPFFL. Byrne told PGN this week that his agency is a huge fan of the event, which he said “brings us in touch with a whole group of folks in the community. The Big Game Event III was great and we can’t wait for the Big Game Event IV. Now, we only pray the Eagles could possibly get there.” Photo: Scott A. Drake


Council to consider new tax-collection methods for nonprofit organizations By Angela Thomas

OUTLINING THE AGENDA: Members of the Liberty City LGBT Democratic Club worked in small groups at the Feb. 2 Annual Meeting and Priorities Convention to decide on the final items on the agency’s first public-policy platform. Photo: Scott A. Drake

Gov. Tom Corbett unveiled the proposed 2013-14 state budget this week — which includes a slight increase in funding for HIV/AIDS causes but no restoration of a program that provided cash assistance to the state’s poorest. The $28.4-billion budget is an overall 2.7-percent increase from the current budget. Legislators have until July 1 to approve it. Among the biggest changes to the budget are the proposal to privatize the state’s liquor and wine stores, to generate $1 billion that would be funneled into the public education system. The plan would also require all new state employees to enroll in a retirement plan similar to a 401(k). Corbett’s proposal did not include any funding for the Department of Public Welfare’s former General Assistance funding, which was cut last

year, eliminating cash stipends for impoverished and disabled Pennsylvanians, including some in the HIV/AIDS community. It also does not include the expansion of Medicaid, as recommended under the Affordable Care Act. The budget allocated a total of approximately $108.3 million HIV/AIDS-specific programs, a slight increase from the current $102.4 million. HIV/AIDS money in the General Fund jumped from approximately $87.3 to $94 million. Funding for AIDS Programs ($7.2 million) and HIV Care ($11.5 million) stayed steady, while money for AIDS Health Education rose from $2.4 to $3.1 million and funding for Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS rose from $2.3 to $2.5 million. Funding for the AIDS Drug Assistance Program fell from $281,000 to $226,000. On the pharmaceutical side, funding for AIDS Special

Councilman Bill Green recently introduced a bill that would allow the city to collect taxes from nonprofit organizations that are involved in commercial activity outside of their nonprofit missions. According to Green, the bill could generate several million in revenue from organizations that may be operating outside of the guidelines for tax-exempt nonprofit agencies. “If organizations are doing

everything right and paying taxes for any commercial activity that is not a part of their mission, they will be fine,” Green told PGN. “However, if they are not doing it correctly, this makes it easier for the Department of Revenue to collect from them.” Although Green did not provide specific examples of organizations that were abusing their nonprofit status, he said the measure would help prevent future violations. “Hopefully this will result in people thinking about whether or not they have commercial activity

going on that is not part of their core mission and getting them to think about what that means in the tax effort going forward,” he said. Green said LGBT and HIV/ AIDS-oriented organizations, like all other nonprofits, would not be affected as long as they are adhering to the tax guidelines. “This bill will apply to all nonprofits regardless of their missions. I am focused on all nonprofits,” he said. ActionAIDS executive director Kevin Burns said the revenue his organization PAGE 20



Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013

Tourism group elects new board members By Angela Thomas The Philadelphia Gay Tourism Caucus announced the election of several new board members last week. P G T C w e l c o m e d Tr a c y Fauntleroy of TEF Marketing Inc., Ryan Dennis of Skai Blue Media, Caitlin Smith of National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Greater Delaware Valley Chapter and Rich Rubin of Quince Productions. According to recently elected PGTC board president Lauren Tosti, the current board was eager to bring new blood to the agency with the elections. “The board wanted to bring in new people that have a wide range of skills and can bring their skill set to the table to help move the goals of PGTC forward,” she said. Tosti said some of those goals included marketing efforts, developing the PGTC brand, education and sponsorships.

Individuals who were interested in a position on the board were either nominated by current board members or themselves. Board members serve two years and are required to become a member of one of the several committees PGTC operates. Fauntleroy said he was impressed by the caucus’ work and had attended PGTC functions in the past. “I always thought they did such a great job,” he said. Tosti said several board members recommended Fauntleroy. “He has great marketing skills and is a great networker,” she added. Fauntleroy hopes to extend the brand message and create more awareness about what the caucus does, as well as further expand its membership. Delaware County native Smith said she first learned about the group’s efforts through board vice president Tami Sortman and their involvement in City of Brotherly Love Softball League. Smith hopes to incorporate new

ideas from youth perspectives into the organization. “I think there is a lot of untapped potential in the city of Philadelphia in regards to reaching out to youth,” she said. Smith recently became i nvo l ve d i n PGTC’s education committee, and said she is eager for the caucus to work with organizations in the city that may not yet be fully LGBTi n c l u s iv e o r friendly to open their eyes to the community. She also plans to work with the committee to educate the police force on transgender issues. Smith said PGTC efforts like the rainbow street signs in the Gayborhood have a tangible effect on city residents and visi-

tors. “I think the best aspect of the Gayborhood is the diversity. I love that the Gayborhood is essentially right in the heart of the city. It is great when you are walking through Center City and you see these rainbow signs. You walk into an area of acceptance.” Gayborhood resident Rubin has been a frequent contributor to PGTC’s general-assembly meetings. “Rich has been coming to the meetings for a while,” Tosti said. “He is really great and has great ideas. He is very dedicated and motivated. I think he will contribute amazing things.” Rubin said he was equally

“I think the work that PGTC does is very important and I think we all want to support the goal of making Philly a more gay-friendly place for tourists as well as residents.”

Philadelphia Gay News

energized by the caucus’ mission and accomplishments. “I think the work that PGTC does is very important and I think we all want to support the goal of making Philly a more gay-friendly place for tourists as well as residents,” he said. Rubin brings to the board his work as artistic director for Quince Productions, as well as his background in journalism. “My goals are to see what I can do to get more press for the work PGTC is doing on a national scale, but also for the ideas that they are promoting,” he said. Tosti said she expects Dennis’ role as interactive content producer at Skai Blue Media will also be a boon for PGTC’s marketing efforts. “He is very creative and he will be great with marketing, so I thought he would be a great asset,” she said. To learn more about PGTC or to get involved, visit ■



Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013



Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013


GETTING AHEAD OF AGING: LGBT Elder Initiative member Jaci Adams (center, in red) led a discussion at a Jan. 30 planning meeting for the year’s first LGBTEI Conversation event. “The Aging Mind 101,” set for April 20, will focus on maintaining healthy mental abilities as you age; differences between normal age-related memory loss and more serious conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s; and the challenges facing caregivers of people with these conditions. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, email or call 267-546-3448. Photo: Heshie Zinman NEWS

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Creep of the Week Editorial Op-Ed Mark My Words Street Talk

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Do you receive any sick time at work? Poll results from our online survey as of Feb. 6:

69% Yes 18% No 13% I am unemployed Go to to weigh in on this week’s question:

What does Fat Tuesday mean to you?

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Out performer gets honor at Geno’s By Angela Thomas A local performer and LGBT advocate has joined the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Britney Spears and former president Bill Clinton — on the “Wall of Fame” at Geno’s Steaks in South Philadelphia. Nicholas Rocco DeFinis had his picture — in which he’s wearing stiletto heels — installed Feb. 3. The 26-year-old Lansdale native is a rapper, singer and dancer. In 2009, DeFinis was crowned Mr. Gay Congeniality Philadelphia a n d M r. G a y Philadelphia runner-up two years later. L a s t y e a r, h e d e c i d e d t o u s e Photo: Michael Broschard/ Geno’s as the backStudio Three Photo drop for a promotional photo for Mr. Queer Philly, a competition he founded that will debut Feb. 23 at Tabu. “I contacted Geno [Vento, son of Geno’s founder the late Joey Vento] to make sure that I could use the photo for Mr. Queer Philly. He agreed and said he wanted to put that photo up on his wall,” DeFinis said. Vento will also serve as a celebrity judge for the event. DeFinis, who released his first single, “Give ’Em What They Want,” in August,

News Briefing Suspects enter not-guilty pleas in prison assault Justin O’Brien and Kevin Hannig have entered not-guilty pleas on charges that they assaulted an openly gay inmate at the Federal Detention Center in Philadelphia. The men were arraigned last month, and remain incarcerated at the detention center pending the outcome of their trial. They’re accused of causing serious bodily harm to Kenneth J. Houck Jr., and face an additional 10 years in federal lock-up if convicted. U.S. District Judge William H. Yohn will preside at the trial, tentatively scheduled for 10 a.m. April 1 in Courtroom 14B of the U.S. Court House, 601 Market Street. On Nov. 10, 2011, Houck was reading a gay novel in his cell when O’Brien and Hannig allegedly stomped on him, breaking his leg.

started performing after a trip to Disney World with his father. “We were attending a show at Disney World. Instead of me sitting down before the show started, I decided to perform in front of everyone; people thought it was a part of the show,” he said. “I knew I was going to be bigger than ever. I knew I had the potential to be great.” DeFinis moved to Philadelphia several years ago to develop his music career, which, although challenging, is where his passion lies. “I have a lot going on and continue to perform. I hope to get signed to a label soon. Right now, I am paying for everything out of pocket,” he said. He also is passionate about advocating for his community, he said. DeFinis took part in Soulforce’s 2008 Equality Ride, where he and a dozen others traveled through the South to promote equality and respect for LGBT students. “We went to 15 schools in the South and we advocated for their LGBTQA students,” he said. “We wanted the administration to know that we loved those students in the schools and that we were there for them. They are amazing human beings.” DeFinis said he hopes his photo at the popular eatery will inspire LGBT visitors and educate others in the city’s LGBT community. “I want people to know that we are human,” he said. “We should love each other and give back. We are more than these labels and social constructs that we have developed over time.” ■ Houck continues to recover at the Federal Medical Center in Butner, N.C. At the time, O’Brien and Hannig were in the detention center due to criminal violations stemming from unrelated bank robberies, according to court records. Houck was in the detention center awaiting sentencing after pleading guilty to one count of transporting child pornography. In February 2012, U.S. District Judge Gregory M. Sleet sentenced Houck to 97 months in prison, to be followed by five years of supervised release. Houck’s projected release date is March 3, 2018, if he doesn’t commit any infractions while in custody. W. Christopher Montoya, an attorney for Hannig, couldn’t be reached for comment. Janis Smarro, an attorney for O’Brien, also couldn’t be reached for comment. ■ — Timothy Cwiek

Officer’s incarceration sought Attorneys for a man who says a Philadelphia police officer sexually assaulted him are seeking the officer’s incarceration for allegedly violating a court order to pay about $3,000 in legal fees and costs to them. PAGE 8

Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013




Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013

National trans leader addresses post-DADT progress in Philly By Angela Thomas Allyson Robinson has had one unique journey. The Scranton native is an Army veteran, a mother and a wife — and also a transgender woman leading the LGBT-equality movement in the military to its next level. In October, Robinson became the first executive director of OutServe/Servicemembers Legal Defense Network after the two organizations merged. Robinson spoke at last week’s inaugural Lambda Law Symposium at University of Pennsylvania, just days before Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta was expected to announce that the military would go forward with granting same-sex partners of service members some of the same rights and benefits as heterosexual spouses. But, there is still a way to go for full LGBT equality in the armed forces, Robinson said, which the new OutServe/SLDN plans to pursue. Robinson considered her role at the organization, which is dedi-

cated to full equality for actively serving LGBT military personnel, as a homecoming. “I owe so much to military communities and their families,” she said. “The military is my family and so to have the opportunity to contribute to improving the quality of life for our servicemembers, their families and our veterans, to me that was the opportunity of a lifetime.” Robinson is a 1994 graduate of the United States Military Academy. Both her father and grandfather served in the military, which influenced her decision to enlist. “For me, it was not only a case of growing up and wanting to follow in my dad’s boot-steps, but also of a set of values that were imparted to me from the time that I was really little that serving others and serving the common good is the highest calling a person can have,” she said. Robinson, like many, had a difficult time with her coming-out process initially. She said she knew as a child who she was, but could not understand how others did not recog-

nize her internal struggle. now having to live a double life,” “It wasn’t long before I under- she said. stood that not only could they She went home and picked a not see it, but that people for the therapist at random in the phone most part would not accept me. book, who it turned out had expeSo I learned over the years to hide rience with transgender and genall those things about me and I der-non-conforming individuals and set her on a healbecame very ing path. good at it.” “I learned the truth Robinson was of something my a graduate student at Baylor mom told me: Most University and of the time in life, a pastor at a the things that we Baptist Church fear the most never when that happen,” she said. “I struggle nearly didn’t lose anything I overcame her. was afraid of losing. “One day OUTSERVE/SLDN And the things that I while I was on EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR left behind, my career my commute ALLYSON ROBINSON in ministry, I chose to home from leave behind. I was school, I was sobbing like I did able to make a real, empowered most days at that point in my life decision to do that and so I did it and I knew from the route that without regrets.” I drove every day, there was a After Robinson finished gradubridge that passed over the inter- ate school in 2007, she decided state and I caught myself thinking, to pursue a career in the LGBTIf I stepped on the gas right now, equality movement, inspired in I could probably hit that bridge part by the SoulForce Equality going 120 miles and it would be Ride she witnessed at Baylor. over and I would never have to She became an informal liaifeel this pain that I feel constantly son between the riders and the

R E P RO D U C T I V E M E D I C I N E A S S O C I AT E S of Philadelphia

Baylor staff but, with graduation approaching, didn’t take part in the action because she feared retribution from the university. “They said, ‘We’re leaving tomorrow, but you are going to be here and this community is going to need witnesses, people who can speak about the truth of what happened here today and so you should come and watch’ and I did,” she said. After the protest, Robinson submitted résumés to LGBT-inclusive organizations, but grew increasingly discouraged that she would find the right job. She ultimately landed a position as deputy director for employee programs at the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, which she said was the right fit. “I never felt less than fully supported as a person and supported in the work that I sought to do there. The things that I learned and experienced there are the things that have allowed me to do what I am doing today,” she said. Robinson said she is aware of the criticism HRC has received about its transgender work, especially after its PAGE 18


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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013

PAC to review emergencyresponse issues in Morris case By Timothy Cwiek The city’s Police Advisory Commission last week agreed to review its Nizah Morris file for possible clarification of emergencyresponse issues relating to the case. Morris was found with a fractured skull on a Center City street corner shortly after she received a courtesy ride from Philadelphia police. She died two days later, on Dec. 24, 2002, and her homicide remains unsolved. Ten years after the incident, it remains unclear whether responding officers realized Morris was the subject of a 911 call prior to her head injury. Some records suggest police didn’t think Morris was a 911 target until she was almost brain-dead at 16th and Walnut streets. Other records suggest that police realized Morris was a 911 target before her head injury, but didn’t convey the information to dispatchers. In 2006, Officer Elizabeth Skala testified to the PAC that she thought Morris was a 911 target when she gave her the ride. But a dispatch record indicates that Skala told her dispatcher about 40 minutes after the ride that it didn’t involve a 911 target. The dispatch record has an unfoundeddisposition code for the 911 call that resulted in the ride. Unfounded-disposition codes are reserved for 911 calls that send police to a location where there’s no person to investigate. Skala had no explanation for the record as coded, when questioned about it during her 2006 PAC testimony. Male references to Morris attributed to Skala Skala and Officer Kenneth Novak were dispatched to investigate a female for possible drugs at Juniper and Chancellor streets, where Morris was staggering outside a bar. In 2003, Novak indicated that Skala thought Morris was biologically male at that location — which would have been an accurate perception on Skala’s part. Novak told a detective that Skala went to Jefferson University Hospital later that morning and “identified the male [Morris] as the same one that was at Chancellor and Juniper.” Similarly, Officer Thomas Berry told a detective that he saw Morris inside Skala’s police vehicle at the end of the ride. “I asked [Skala] if she needed any help, and she said, ‘No, thanks anyway, [I’m] just dropping him off,’” Berry said. An earlier PAC faulted Skala for canceling medics and giving the ride — without clarifying Skala’s perceptions of Morris’ gender and 911 status.

In 2011, a new set of PAC members reopened the Morris case and obtained numerous confidential documents from the District Attorney’s office. At their Jan. 28 meeting, PAC members agreed to review those documents for clarity on the responding officers’ perceptions of Morris’ gender and 911 status. PAC chair Ronda B. Goldfein said the current PAC has retained the right to quote from the documents. No frisking of Morris? If Skala thought Morris was biologically male, it would also explain why she didn’t frisk Morris for drugs. Novak would have that duty, because drug suspects are supposed to be frisked by officers of the same gender whenever possible. Frisking Morris might have saved her life, because her home phone number with its West Philadelphia prefix was in her outer clothing — a clear indication that she didn’t live in Center City. Novak’s movements during the ride remain a mystery, though they may be clarified in the confidential documents. He told a PAC investigator that he was looking for Morris until he heard Skala place herself back into service for a new assignment. But Skala said she didn’t place herself back into service until 3:26 a.m. at the earliest, which was after Morris’ head injury. If Novak was looking for Morris during that time period, his patrol log doesn’t record that activity. Lack of ride report adds to confusion Skala told an earlier PAC she didn’t write a report about the ride, since it was given as a courtesy, not as part off her official duty. But collecting information for a report could have saved Morris’ life, because police reports require the numerical address of a ride recipient, not a street corner. Skala testified that she never got a numerical address from Morris, but thought she lived in the vicinity of 15th and Walnut streets, because that’s what Morris told her. Morris actually lived 3 miles away in West Philadelphia, far from the area of where she was transported and subsequently killed. The PAC is an administrative body; it cannot conduct criminal investigations. But it can evaluate the actions and testimony of police officers, and make recommendations for remedial action, if appropriate. The PAC’s final report on the Morris case is expected in the coming months. The PAC’s next meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Feb. 25 at a location to be announced. ■

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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013


MAKING IT LEGAL: About 150 people took part in the University of Pennsylvania Law School’s first-ever Lambda Symposium Feb. 1. Staged by Penn LGBT group Lambda Law, the daylong “Beyond Formal Equality: The Fight for LGBT Rights” featured panel discussions on such topics as anti-bullying, employment nondiscrimination and the LGBT-equality measures needed in the military. Speakers included Azeem Hill (from left), a staff member at the Philadelphia Student Union, who served on the youth-focused panel; out Penn Law Dean of Students Gary Clinton, who delivered the opening remarks; and former Congressman Patrick Murphy, who spearheaded the DADT repeal and served on the military panel. Organizers called the event’s theme “intentionally optimistic.” “As the constitutionality of [the Defense of Marriage Act] comes before the Supreme Court, the military works to implement the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ and President Obama continues to reference LGBT issues from the bully pulpit, legal equality for the LGBT community has never been closer to reality,” organizers said, noting, however, that events such as the symposium are integral in pursuing the question, “in a world with legally mandated protections for the LGBT community, how do we ensure actual — rather than just formal — equality?” Photos: Scott A. Drake NEWS BRIEFING from page 5

James Harris alleges that Officer Michael Paige forced him to perform oral sex on him about six years ago in Fairmount Park. In 2008, a judge cleared Paige of any criminal wrongdoing. But last year, a federal jury awarded Harris $165,000 due to the alleged assault. Paige is seeking indemnification from the city, and hasn’t yet paid Harris. But U.S. District Judge Robert F. Kelly has ordered Paige to pay about $3,000 in legal fees and costs to Harris’ attorneys, stemming from a discovery dispute in the federal litigation. “We’re not harassing Officer Paige,” Brian F. Humble, Harris’ attorney, told PGN. “He’s in contempt of court and should be held accountable for his actions.” Humble requested Paige’s incarceration in a Jan. 19 motion filed with the judge. But on Jan. 24, Kelly said he’s postponing a decision on the matter until Paige returns from active military duty in Missouri, which is expected in April. Brian F. Puricelli, an attorney for Paige, had no comment. Paige was dismissed from the Philadelphia police force shortly after the alleged sexual assault. The following year, Paige was reinstated to the force after an independent arbitrator reduced his discipline from dismissal to a 30-day suspension. ■ — Timothy Cwiek

Philadelphia Gay News

We love to get picked up.


Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013

Okay, it is the size of the ship.


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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013


Creep of the Week

D’Anne Witkowski

Terry Jones


Tiresome waiting game for the Scouts Many people were likely carefully checking news sites Wednesday to find out if the Boy Scouts of America were, as suggested, going to vote on whether to lift the organization’s blanket ban on gay Scouts and leaders — and were likely disappointed by yet another delay. The BSA National Executive Board released a statement Wednesday morning that it needed yet more time to consider a proposal that would allow the local councils to decide whether or not they would continue to discriminate against gays. The board said that after “careful consideration and extensive dialogue within the Scouting family, along with comments from those outside the organization,” it concluded it needed more time “for a more deliberate review of its membership policy.” The board directed its committees to generate more input from Scouting members and then compose a resolution on membership standards, which the 1,400 members of the National Council will vote on at the agency’s national meeting in May. More time? How many more delays will continue to be acceptable? In May, will the members vote that they can’t come to a conclusion and need to analyze the policy more? Action needs to be taken eventually; delaying it further only illustrates that the organization is grasping at straws to balance satisfying the quickly build-

ing outcry against the antiquated rule and cadre of conservative religious funders. If Scouts are supposed to stand for trustworthiness and bravery, it’s way beyond time that Scout leaders stand up for their gay members and risk losing the monetary support of antigay funders for the sake of what’s right. Hiding behind the guise of assessing member and public opinion isn’t going to work forever. On Monday, opponents of the ban delivered a petition to BSA headquarters signed by 1.4 million people who support allowing service by openly gay members. Numerous members of the National Executive Board — CEOs of companies like AT&T and Ernst & Young — have come out against the antigay policy. And groups like Scouts for Equality, comprised of current and former Eagle Scouts, are actively campaigning to reverse the ban. So what are they waiting for? This policy has been in place since 1991 — that’s 22 years in which the BSA leadership has had time to analyze its effects, garner input from members and the public and come up with ways to both retain funding and operate a nondiscriminatory organization. Putting this decision off any longer only further debilitates the image of this organization — which, while it has done immeasurable good for many people, has a stain that needs to be lifted — and with no more delays. ■

Hey, are you pissed that President Obama has been all nice-nice with the gays lately? Then you should totally set him on fire. Or at least a life-size Obama doll strung up on a gallows on the front lawn of your church with an upside-down American flag flying in the background. Because that’s what Jesus would have done. And that’s what Pastor Terry Jones did to show everyone that he was not pleased with all this gay lovin’ the president was lavishing on the queers. You may recognize Jones’ name because he’s the asshole who burned the Quran to show those Muslims who’s boss. “In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act,” says Jones in a YouTube video of the effigy burning. Jones is decked out in a black leather jacket and mirror sunglasses while standing in front of a trailer with “National Burn Effigy of Obama Day” written in red on it. Next to the trailer is a giant tombstone that reads “Obama Dead” sitting on a pile of dirt. On Jones’ website, he writes, “President Hussein Obama is a disgrace to this nation. He is an illegal president, the poster child for abortion, a frontrunner of the homosexual movement, a destroyer of the U.S. Constitution and the great friend of Islamic terrorist governments.” Did you know all of this? I did not know all of this. Jones is what you might call an information man. Always schooling. I certainly did not know Obama was the “frontrunner of the homosexual movement.” I’m not even sure what that means. But if Terry Jones said it, why it’s as good as God’s word. If God were a hateful man with a handlebar mustache. “On Saturday, Jan. 19th, 2013, we burned an effigy of Obama as a public expression of our disgust for his immoral, destructive and deceptive leadership,” Jones announced proudly on his website. “It is time for a new American revolution. Let us organize, unite and hit the streets in order to bring this nation back to greatness.” Rah rah rah! As you know, if it’s not on YouTube, it

didn’t happen. So thankfully there’s a heavily edited video of the burning you can watch with your own eyes if you must. “Do you know what bestiality is?” Jones asks the crowd (several people say no). “Sex with animals. He,” Jones says, pointing to the Obama doll, “he said it was OK.” People in the crowd understandably react in disgust and anger at “learning” that Obama is totally cool with animal-fucking. “And people wonder why we’re so upset,” Jones says, as he takes a gun out of his jeans pocket in what I suspect was supposed to be a cool move, but the gun gets caught and he has to tug a second time to free it. Setting the gun on the lectern in front of him, he says, “And people wonder why we’re mad.” He puts the gun back in his pocket. “People wonder why we call for a revolution. Sex with animals. Our president says it’s OK, our Senate says it’s OK. And we do nothing.” Now I do not remember when the president and the Senate of the United States of America passed the proanimal-sexing act. My guess is that it’s a provision buried in some kind of appropriations bill. Sneaky bastards. An African-American man, identified in the YouTube video as — no shit — “Michael the Black Man,” addresses the crowd next, surrounded by seven other African-American men. “You see, we have an effigy of Obama and one of Mr. Clinton. President Clinton,” MBM says. “The reason why he’s up there with Obama is because he deserves to burn in hell, too.” Oh, thank you, MBM, for explaining that. Because I was having trouble wrapping my brain around why Clinton was being burned on National Burn Effigy of Obama Day (which, I should add, is not a federal holiday). Personally, I think Clinton deserves his own day, but hey, I didn’t organize this event. ■

“President Hussein Obama is a disgrace to this nation. He is an illegal president, the poster child for abortion, a frontrunner of the homosexual movement, a destroyer of the U.S. Constitution, and the great friend of Islamic terrorist governments.”

D’Anne Witkowski has been gay for pay since 2003. She’s a freelance writer and poet (believe it!). When she’s not taking on the creeps of the world, she reviews rock ’n’ roll shows in Detroit with her twin sister.

Tell us what you think Send letters and opinion column submissions to:; PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147; fax: (215) 925-6437.

Please include a daytime phone number. Letters may be edited for clarity, style and space considerations.


Time to start looking back Philadelphia becoming the nation’s most good news is, it’s showing great signs of LGBT-friendly city ... construction on the life. My goal is to put on film or video the LGBT-friendly affordable senior apartment history of our community before it’s no longer there. building ahead of schedule ... the LGBT media conference all set ... so I think there So, the first hurdle was to ask my felmight just be some time for a new project. low GLF family for their support, and as a Actually it’s a project that member of Gay Youth (now 62), I’ve thought about for some they generously offered it. And that is no easy task, since our time but haven’t had it molded until recently — and, in all truth family — oh, how should I state this? — has disagreements. But ,a project like this doesn’t get molded until it actually starts, it is those disagreements that and then it finds its own road. made GLF special and allowed It all started at the groundit to create a community. That’s breaking for the John C. the tricky part — to capture Anderson Apartments, where those disagreements in a way we had several LGBT pioneers in which we don’t bring about on hand, including one whose any of the hurt that some of it activism goes back to 1958. caused, and anger of why they I’ll bet most of you have no have not gotten their due in idea who this brave soul is. His LGBT history. These people’s histories need to be recorded, name is Randy Wicker. The people who came up with the Mark Segal and that’s my project. What idea of gay and lesbian comshape it takes will be dictated by what the members say on tape. Sort of munity centers, any idea? How about caring for our endangered gay youth? Here’s a magical mystery tour of gay liberation. one you most likely know. Who was the The project, and I’ll say our project, has first person to start to speak up for trans brought us together with few disagreements, but we’re getting together for a people? Sylvia Rivera. As a member of reunion, and that itself brings a smile and Gay Liberation Front, she founded STAR, which I’m proud to tell you stands for something to look forward to. Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries. So you may ask where I might find the Hey, it was 1970 — that was our language. time for this ... These are the people who Sylvia was an honorary member of GY, my taught me and gave me the passion for this group Gay Youth, and I was an honorary community. I will find the time. ■ member of STAR. Mark Segal, PGN publisher, is the My new project is somehow — and I’m nation’s most-award-winning commentanot sure how — going to bring this all tor in LGBT media. He can be reached at together. It might be a documentary but I’m not sure. It’s in its infancy. But the

Mark My Words

Thinking Out Loud

Abby Dees

Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013


Street Talk What’s your ideal Valentine’s Day? “Have my husband make dinner for me. I’m a big fish fan. So I’d like him to cook Chilean sea bass. I think it might Kristina Guba become an bartender endangered Upper Chichester species, but I love it. And I love Pinot Noir red wine. So that’s a must. Later, we could go for a walk and settle in for a movie.”

“Go ice skating with my girlfriend. Then go out to dinner, return home and give her a nice massage. Thomas Keller Why not student pamper my North Philadelphia lady? It’s Valentine’s Day.”

“Make some creative artwork for my boyfriend. Anything from the heart. Maybe a nice collage, to express my love for him. Jamison Parker That’s better student than buying Gloucester City, N.J. flowers or chocolates. In return, my boyfriend can serenade me. He’s a great singer and guitar player.”

“Take my honey to a remote place. Bring a picnic basket so we can have a nice lunch. And plenty Cedo Petrina of highcabinet maker quality craft Gloucester City, N.J. beer. Then, exchange words of affection with each other.”

I also see in it, though, a good faith attempt to be enlightened, to be better. The framers understood that it was inherently flawed and subject to the prejudices of the times. Thomas Jefferson probably embodied this contradiction as much as any of the founding fathers: He was a seeker of truth and also a slave owner. I make no excuses for this, but he was at least somewhat aware of his failings. He wrote, “I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.” There is nowhere else in our legal canon such a document that allows for improvement to our collective wisdom or marks so well where we’ve been. The threefifths provision still exists in the text of the Constitution but has been superseded

by the extraordinary historical moment of the 14th Amendment (1866), recognizing the equality of all American citizens. And we’ve bumped along toward full equality for women, despite the failure of the ERA. The Supreme Court has enshrined our biases, and then at other times, pushed us well out of our national comfort zone. My point is, the Constitution isn’t a crumbling piece of parchment; it is, like lawyers are fond of saying, a “living document.” In that spirit, LGBT rights are poised to be the next logical step in its — and our — growth. I’m all for deleting the Electoral College text, and who cares about the “framers’ intent” if it can’t guide us today? But I still have faith in the Constitution’s unique power to urge us forward. Absent a better alternative, I’ll keep it. ■

Is the Constitution passé? Despite my radical spirit, my committed feminism and deep distrust of old establishments, after I went to law school I became a fawning, dorky fan of the U.S. Constitution. It’s normal for lawyers to do this. We see in the Constitution all this promise of equality and justice, even though we know all too well what a problematic document it is, and how very bloody its failings have been. We will fight for it like rabid dogs. I was, therefore, gobsmacked to hear esteemed constitutional law professor Michael Seidman calling it “an ancient and outdated document” on CBS Sunday Morning last month. I almost threw my cereal at the TV. I refrained, and instead, continued to watch while suppressing a twitch. OK, he made some sense. His question was, why are we so beholden to a bunch of dead guys? Come to think of it, is there really a good reason for the Electoral College or a two-year term for members of the House other than, “because it’s in the

Constitution?” All those provisions have done for us is Bush II and unending campaign robocalls. Even beyond its pragmatic failings, Seidman points to the gun-control debate to illustrate our misguided obsession with what people thought 200 years ago. Instead of discussing the role guns should play in our society today, we get bogged down on what the framers meant in 1790. One’s opinion on the matter then becomes needlessly elevated to a litmus test about who’s most patriotic, all because of the Second Amendment, written back when guns coughed out a lead gumball. I can’t really argue with him, but I’m not willing to concede so quickly, especially since this year promises to be a turning point for LGBT rights. There’s no doubt that the Constitution got many things profoundly wrong — for example, the notorious provision that counted slaves as three-fifths of a person, or the fact that only rich white men got to vote. Whoops.

Abby Dees is a civil-rights attorney-turnedauthor who has been in the LGBT-rights trenches for more than 25 years. She can be reached at queerquestionsstraighttalk. com.



Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013

Annie get your dung Foreign rectal bodies. Say it up my ass!” out loud — project your voice, I was joking — then I wasn’t. now! Everyone in earshot will For the past three months, a be batting away GIF images of churlish gang of rectal raiders husky men weaseling broomhas been ransacking my bucolic sticks and quarter butt burg. The town’s militia of creams, causacks up their bums. terizations and pills Not everyone’s cup of have not only failed tea, I know, but for us to restore peace, but gay men, our rectums have strengthened function as two-lane the raider’s ranks highways for various and surrendered my “foreign” but compatperineum (taint) to ible “rectal bodies.” their territory. Given Naturally, I would assume we all share, the militia’s failings and the sore state at least, a closeted fascination for prostate of affairs, the town pioneers who go to council has approved the nuclear option: infinity and beyond. colorectal surgery. What’s that? Is that the “Hallelujah” of Aaron Stella I’m in pain, scared, every gay man who horny, slightly depressed; somehas ever lived soaring times, when I speak, snaps of through my body? Very likely, yes. pain from my asshole manifest Speaking of “infinity and as snaps of asshole in my speech. The winter weather is harsh and beyond,” some nights ago, my unpredictable. Working out feels roommate showed me an X-ray of a 10-inch Buzz Lightyear figu- Sisyphean and manic. And in the center of this brave new world rine that a guy, somehow, jocklies one very parched prostate eyed up his ass. We chuckled, and I exclaimed, “Damn, I would surrounded by a sprawling dick desert. kill to have a Buzz Lightyear toy

Millennial Poz

What brought this all about, you say? I let a guy fuck me too hard, too long, in the wrong way. Hey, I had a great time. And mistakes happen. Am I not deserving of the same sympathy if this all just kind of happened, or if I simply said nothing? Now I know how Wolverine feels every time he brandishes his adamantine claws: When Magneto’s afoot, I defecate, brandishing not silvery blades but fecal ribbons that come tearing out of my ass knuckle. I crane my neck in anguish. I wag my tongue like a lunatic, shake my head side to side spitting curses at the gods as sweat furrows across my brow. “Take warm baths for temporary relief,” the doctors say. Look, doc: The pain pills you gave me make me constipated and drowsy, so I have to take Colace to soften my stool and Adderall to keep me awake. Then, every time before a bowel movement, I have to lube up my ass with a lidocaine-nifedophine cream, which you also gave me, to help dilate my sphincter and numb the outside of my rectum. Now that I’m more drugged up

and lubed up than a power bottom at a sex party, one last step remains: I have to use my middle finger — ironically — to canvass my hole for a rectal tear, which, upon finding, I press and cover very gently, just as a cylinder of shit squishes out of my ass and cakes itself to part of my finger. Now that the “Annie Get Your Dung” show is over, I have to spit on a ply of toilet paper so that I don’t irritate my already sore, scabbed, oozing anus. By the way, I put on this production about three times a day. Since this manure magnum opus has become the center of my daily grind, I’ve been pondering an essay by Virginia Woolf about the complete absence of illnesscentered narratives in our literary canon. She describes how we extol odysseys of mind and heart, but rarely — if ever — do we contemplate the potentially life-changing impact of even everyday illnesses. Cancer and HIV are plausible exceptions, but why can’t “Annie Get Your Dung” become a Broadway hit, or a Pulitzer Prizewinning novel or one of Oprah’s Top-10 Favorite Things? My ass means the world to me!

My brain gets me by, and my heart bristles and jumps like everyone else’s. But my ass — it’s like a detonation point of bliss and agony, cupping in its tight wet crucible the closest incarnation of happiness I’ve ever experienced. Having sex is beside the point: my ass, my pain, my decisions, my joy, me on the crapper in the fetal position, lookin’ for hope, lookin’ for love. I can be a real shit sometimes, but so can we all. And you know, I’ve been getting pretty good at dealing with shits. So to infinity and beyond, you bunch of steaming piles of ... We’re all in this together, folks. Now get out there and talk about it. ■ Aaron Stella is former editor-in-chief of Philly Broadcaster. He has written for several publications in the city, and now devotes his life to tackling the challenges of HIV in the 21st century. Millennial Poz, which recently won first place for excellence in opinion writing from the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association and best column writing from the Local Media Association, appears in PGN monthly. Aaron can be reached at

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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013


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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013


Kimmel Center for the performing arts




Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013


Boy Scouts reevaluate antigay policies The Boy Scouts of America BSA policy reform, numerous This was spurred when LGBT have an oath: “To keep [themchurches have threatened to activism groups, such as the Gay selves] physically strong, menrefrain from financially backing and Lesbian Alliance Against tally awake and morally straight.” Defamation and Scouts for the BSA any longer if it amends Emphasis on straight. its discriminatory policies. This Equality, approached More than 100 years the companies with perhaps presents a greater issue to after its founding, the a plethora of petition the BSA, because well more than half of its donors are churches BSA will convene this signatures, and urged them to cease further and religious organizations. In spring to reevaluate its funding for the sake of 2011, nearly 70 percent of all of current antigay policies. A meeting of the its units were chartered by faithequality. National Executive based organizations. Scouts for Equality Board Wednesday It is rumored that one of the (www.scoutsforequaldelayed until May was founded BSA’s largest faith-based supporters, the Church of Jesus the decision to make by Zach Wahls, an its charter reflect the Christ of Latter-day Saints, has LGBT advocate and more equality-centric threatened to leave the realm of an Eagle Scout. The group is comprised of sentiment we have if the BSA begins to Angela approximately 3,600 Scouting come to appreciate in permit gay members and leaders within its ranks. It asserts that the 21st century. Giampolo Eagle Scouts, more than 350 of whom a more progressive BSA policy The BSA boasts more than 300 local council cenhave returned their Eagle pins in with regard to LGBT acceptance ters throughout the United States, protest and renounced their titles would not be compatible with 17 of which are in Pennsylvania. in the organization. Mormon ideology. Officials in The Cradle of Liberty Council However, despite many comthe church have not issued any includes the Greater Philadelphia panies adamantly insisting on formal statements yet. area, and its executive director, Tom Harrington, has refused to comment on how the Cradle would proceed should the BSA lift the gay ban for members and leaders. The eligibility of LGBT indi������������������������ viduals to participate in the ��������������� BSA is not a new concept to the ������������������ Pennsylvania court system. In ������������������ 2008, the City of Philadelphia �������������� found the national BSA policy �������������������� of rejecting gay members to be ��������� a violation of its own anti-discrimination laws. In response, ��������� it attempted to evict the Scouts �������������� from its city-owned property. ������������������ The case was filed with United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, and in 2010 went to trial before a jury in federal court. The jury ruled in favor of the BSA; asserting that attempting to force the organization, as a private group, to change its policy would infringe upon its right to free association. The path towards LGBT equality for Boy Scouts in Philadelphia has been rocky, at best. As compelling as individuals’ personal accounts of discrimination and injustice with the BSA have been, the organization probably would not have been likely to consider modifying its policy without considerable pressure from outside groups, primarily its funders. In the wake of its antigay controversy, large ����������������� corporations such as UPS, Intel, Merck and United Way pulled all funding in response to the BSA’s reluctance to amend its bylaws.

Out Law

Despite overwhelming religious opposition and intolerance to LGBT equality within the BSA, the fiscal fallout with corporations such as UPS and Intel is providing just enough sting and publicity to prompt possible action. The BSA lifting the ban on homosexual members or leaders would be the first of many necessary steps to promote and cement equality for potential LGBT participants. Lifting the ban would not ensure that all gay individuals can partake in the BSA, it would simply gives the local troops and councils the ability to decide whether or not allowing gay members would be “consistent with each organization’s mission, principles, or religious beliefs.” If the National Executive Board deems its antigay policies too antiquated and empowers the individual councils to dictate

their own rules and regulations pertaining to membership, then it will be chiefly up to local communities and groups to convince their respective troops to adopt or amend charters that reflect an ever-increasing call for justice and equality for the LGBT community. Boy Scouts are “trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent.” It’s time that they become egalitarian too. ■ Angela D. Giampolo, principal of Giampolo Law Group, maintains offices in Pennsylvania and New Jersey and specializes in LGBT law, business law, real-estate law and civil rights. Her website is www. and she maintains two blogs, and Send Angela your legal questions at


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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013


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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013



Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013



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support of the 2007 version of the Employment Nondiscrimination Act, which excluded gender identity. “I always point people to the work, specifically with the Corporate Equality Index and other programs like the Back to Work Program I started, which helps transgender individuals find employment,” she said. “HRC today is not the organization that it was in 2007.” Robinson said her decision to transition to the helm of OutServe/ SLDN was an easy one, although not one free of doubts. “I think, as I look back on that, the impression that I had of myself, it had a lot to do with the inadequacies that transgender people have in the world. It has been a fun first 100 days or so of getting over all of that and realizing that I am exactly the right person at exactly the right time to move the ball forward.” Robinson, who was one of a small number of military veterans on the staff at HRC, had a front-row seat for the leadup to the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” attending planning meetings that gave her an inside look at the process. The night it was officially repealed was a momentous one for her personally, she added. “I sat with Danyelle, my wife, who is also a veteran, and with my children, and watched on CSPAN the night of the final vote. When the roll call came down and it was done, it was this amazing sense of accomplishment and yet, because I had been involved, I knew that we had to sacrifice a lot to make that moment happen,” she said. Robinson said the next step in LGBT equality in the military is to make sure same-sex couples have all the same benefits their heterosexual counterparts have, which will ultimately include the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act. Another area of focus is full inclusion of trans individuals. Robinson said OutServe/SLDN has a chapter of actively serving transgender members, who will work to educate the military and the public about trans issues. “We know their stories. As trans people, those stories will play a crucial role in eliminating transgender exclusions in the military, raising awareness and visibility that this community is willing to put their lives on the line for our country every day but our country is forcing them to serve in silence, to deny the very core of who they are. Getting those stories out there is going to be tremendously important.” ■


Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013


Protecting your beneficiaries Q: My partner and I have been together for 22 years. We have wills and have named each other as beneficiaries of our life-insurance policies. But I’m confused whether the will or the policy will dictate where the money goes if something were to happen. Can you help? A: First, I’m so happy to hear that you two have been together for 22 years. Here’s hoping for another 22 and more. And yes, many people find this to be a confusing topic. Let’s discuss how beneficiaries work with insurance policies, as well as with retirement plans.

through probate. For many same-sex couples, a surviving partner will be the most logical beneficiary. However, if it is determined that a partner would not have the ability to manage a large sum of money, a trust may be a prudent beneficiary choice. The trustee (often a legal entity rather than an individual) would then take charge of managing, investing and disbursing the policy proceeds for the benefit of the surviving partner. Another important consideration is naming contingent or secondary Jeremy beneficiaries. This Gussick means that if the primary beneficiary is no longer living, the insurance proceeds would go to another named individual or trust. If there are no surviving beneficiaries, then your beneficiary is generally the “estate of the insured,” which means the death benefits end up being probated and ultimately distributed according to the instructions of the decedent’s last will and testament. If an individual dies without a valid will (intestate), then the order of legal beneficiaries to whom assets are distributed is specified by state law. Many LGBT individuals without children may choose to consider a charity as a contingent beneficiary.

Out Money

Naming beneficiaries of insurance policies and retirement plans One estate-planning concern that is shared by people from all walks of life is who gets what when you pass on. While some individuals logically may assume that a last will and testament is the only official forum to express such decisions, that is not always the case. Often, an equally important issue is determining who to name as beneficiary on life-insurance policies, employer-sponsored retirement plan accounts and IRAs, since beneficiaries of these assets are paid directly as named, regardless of what may be spelled out in a will. Let’s review some general transfer guidelines for these types of assets. Life insurance No matter who is designated as the beneficiary of a life-insurance policy, the individual(s) will receive the death-benefit proceeds income-tax-free. Unlike property disposed of in a will, if the beneficiary designation form is properly completed, insurance proceeds do not go

Employer-sponsored retirement plans and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) The law requires that a spouse be the primary beneficiary of a 401(k) or a profitsharing account unless he/she waives that right in writing. Since same-sex partners are not considered legally married spouses under federal law, this requirement does not exist. Single people can name whomever they choose as beneficiaries of retirement

accounts, and non-spouse beneficiaries, including samesex partners, are now eligible for a tax-free transfer to an IRA. Also, the IRS has issued regulations that dramatically simplify the way certain distributions affect IRA owners and their beneficiaries. Consult your tax advisor on how these rule changes may affect your situation.

tions. Remember, outdated beneficiary designations (e.g., ex-partners) could misdirect the intended flow of an entire estate plan.

Naming children may not be best Because insurance companies, pension plans and retirement accounts may not pay death benefits to minors, when children are factored into the estate-planning mix, a guardian, trust or trustee should be named beneficiary to ensure competent management of the proceeds. By naming a children’s trust as a beneficiary, for example, the proceeds could be invested and managed by a competent trustee (a person or institution) you choose. A revocable living trust could also be named as a beneficiary, which would keep the proceeds out of probate.

Jeremy R. Gussick is a financial advisor with LPL Financial, the nation’s largest independent broker-dealer.* Jeremy specializes in the financial planning needs of the LGBT community and was recently named a 2012 FIVE STAR Wealth Manager by Philadelphia Magazine.** He is active with several LGBT organizations in the Philadelphia region, including the Delaware Valley Legacy Fund, the Greater Philadelphia Professional Network and the Independence Business Alliance. OutMoney appears monthly. If you have a question for Jeremy, contact him at LPL Financial, a Registered Investment Advisor. Member FINRA/SIPC.

To summarize, when naming beneficiaries, consider: • The ability of the beneficiary to manage assets. Perhaps a trust set up in the person’s name would be better than a direct transfer. • Naming contingent beneficiaries. Should something happen to your primary beneficiary, the contingent beneficiary would receive your assets. • The age of the beneficiary. Many policies and plans will not directly transfer assets to minors until a trustee or guardian is approved by a court. Keep your plan up to date After completing estate plans and wills, it is important to review and adjust beneficiary designations as needed to ensure your estate plan accurately reflects your inten-

As is always the case with estate planning, consult with qualified professionals concerning your particular situation in order to ensure that your beneficiary designations are in tune with your goals. ■

*As reported by Financial Planning magazine, 1996-2012, based on total revenues. **Award details can be found at This article was prepared with the assistance of S&P Capital IQ Financial Communications and is not intended to provide specific investment advice or recommendations for any individual. Consult your financial advisor, or me, if you have any questions. Because of the possibility of human or mechanical error by S&P Capital IQ Financial Communications or its sources, neither S&P Capital IQ Financial Communications nor its sources guarantees the accuracy, adequacy, completeness or availability of any information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such information. In no event shall S&P Capital IQ Financial Communications be liable for any indirect, special or consequential damages in connection with subscribers’ or others’ use of the content.

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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013


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generates goes directly to its mission, which he said should be the standard at other city nonprofits. “We rarely have a surplus, and if we do it is usually very small. We use that money as reserves to cover gaps in funding and to keep our doors open,” he said. “I believe most not-for-profits, who are fortunate to have a surplus in a given year, use their surplus revenue in a similar manner.” Mazzoni Center executive director Nurit Shein agreed that nonprofit organizations should be paying taxes for non-relevant commercial activity. “The sticky part would be after the for-profit part is paid, the surplus goes back to the non-profit organization. I think it will be difficult to piece out how this would be done, but for the profit part of the bill, people should pay taxes for any business,” she said. Burns noted, however, that there could be other alternatives to addressing the issue than through the tax process. “I am just not sure if imposing taxes is the correct way to handle the problem. In general, I would think that this kind of activity would put the organization at risk to lose their not-for-profit status. It would seem that enforcing existing regulations regarding this would solve the problem.” ■ BUDGET from page 1

Pharmaceutical Services stayed steady at $10.3 million, as did Ryan White funding at $34.5 million, while AIDS Pharmaceutical Rebate funding jumped from $18.9 million to $24.6 million. Funds provided to the Department of Health for HIV/AIDS efforts decreased slightly from $15 to $14.4 million. In that pool, HIV/ AIDS Surveillance money stayed level at $1.6 million, as did HIV Care funding at $6.3 million, while AIDS Health Education funding dropped from $7.1 to $6.5 million. ■

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Portland bar owner accused of discrimination

Media Trail Ind. mayor holds samesex wedding The Evansville Courier and Press reports 13 gay and lesbian couples have taken symbolic wedding vows in Bloomington during a ceremony staged to protest a proposed constitutional amendment banning gay marriage in Indiana. The couples held hands on a stage, awaiting Mayor Mark Kruzan’s words during the Jan. 31 event that was part of the opening ceremonies for a local LGBT festival. The mayor told the couples, “By the power not yet invested in me by the state of Indiana, I pronounce you partners in life.” Kruzan and 10 Monroe County Council and Bloomington City Council members then threw flowers onto the couples. Indiana lawmakers approved a constitutional gay marriage ban in 2011, but it must be approved again and pass a referendum before it takes effect.

The East Oregonian reports the Oregon labor commissioner has filed discrimination charges against a Portland bar accused of telling transgender patrons to stay away. Commissioner Brad Avakian filed the charge Jan. 29 against the Twilight Room Annex, formerly known as the P Club. Bar owner Chris Penner is accused of asking a group of transgender patrons known as the Rose City T-Girls to stop visiting because he didn’t want the venue to be known as a “tranny bar.” At the time he was accused last August, Penner said he was shocked and baffled by the discrimination allegation. He said he has gay and lesbian staff, and the bar has hosted same-sex wedding receptions and gay Pride events.

Culliver to have sensitivity training The L.A. Times reports Chris Culliver, the San Francisco 49ers cornerback who made headlines with antigay remarks, will take sensitivity training and education classes now that the Super Bowl is over. Culliver will eventually become a volunteer with the Trevor Project, which pro-

Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013

vides crisis and suicide intervention for LGBT youth. “He’s so passionate about youth and people being comfortable with who they are and accepted by all,” Culliver’s publicrelations representative, Theodore Palmer, said. “He’s excited to learn. The plan is with the Trevor Project, and their concerns are that he is genuine about his words.” Culliver was being interviewed by comedian Arte Lange Jan. 29 when Lange asked him if there were gay players in the NFL. “I don’t do the gay guys, man,” Culliver said. “I don’t do that.” Lange asked if he thought there were any gay players currently on the 49ers. “No, we don’t got no gay people on the team. They gotta get up out of here if they do. Can’t be with that sweet stuff.” Culliver immediately came under fire and issued an apology. “The derogatory comments I made were a reflection of thoughts in my head, but they are not how I feel,” Culliver said in a statement released by the 49ers. “It has taken me seeing them in print to realize that they are hurtful and ugly. Those discriminating feelings are truly not in my heart. Further, I apologize to those who I have hurt and offended, and I pledge to learn and grow from this experience.” Palmer said Culliver will work with the


Trevor Project while volunteering at a crisis center in San Francisco. “It’s just an opportunity for him to learn about his comments and educate himself about the LGBT community,” Palmer said. “It’s the first step in learning about his words.”

D.C. forms bias-crime partnership with prosecutors Washington’s WTOP reports District of Columbia officials are announcing a partnership among prosecutors, the mayor’s office and the LGBT community. The goal of the partnership, announced Feb. 2 by Mayor Vincent Gray, is to seek stronger punishments for people convicted in bias or hate crimes. As part of the arrangement, the Mayor’s Office of LGBT Affairs will solicit so-called impact statements from community members in criminal cases that were motivated by the victim’s sexual orientation or gender identity. The statements are intended to factor into a judge’s sentencing decision. The announcement was made at a memorial service for Deoni Jones, a transgender woman fatally stabbed last year. ■ — compiled by Larry Nichols

locations in Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA — C.C. WEST OF BROAD

Adonis Cinema, 2026 Sansom St. • Art Institute, 1610 Chestnut St. • Art Institute, 1622 Chestnut St. • Art Institute, 2300 Market St. • The Attic Youth Center, 255 S. 16th St. • Bob & Barbara’s, 1509 South St. • Book Bin, 22nd & Market sts. • Dan Tobey R/E, 1401 Walnut St., 8th floor • Dr. Wakefield’s Office, 255 S. 17th St., Suite 2306 • Drexel Partnership, 1427 Vine St., 3rd floor • Latimer Deli, 255 S. 15th St. • L-2 Restaurant, 22nd & South sts. • MANNA, 12 S. 23rd St. • Marine Club Condos lobby, Broad St. & Washington Ave. • Metropolitan, 115 N. 15th St. • Safeguards Lobby, 1700 Market St., 18th floor • Sansom St. Gym, 2020 Sansom St. • South Square Market, 2221 South St. • Titan Room, 22nd & Market sts. • Touraine Building lobby, 1520 Spruce St. • U Do It Laundry, 15th & Spruce sts. • Wyndham Franklin Plaza Hotel, 17th & Race sts. •


1 Shot Coffee, 1040 N. Second St. • 2601 Parkway Condos lobby, 2601 Pennsylvania Ave. • Bebashi, 1217 Spring Garden St. • Beehive Hair Salon, 2319 Fairmount Ave. • Beth Ahavah, 615 N. Broad St. • Bridgeview Place Condo lobby, 315 New St. • Colonnade Condos lobby, 1601 Spring Garden St. • Community College CCP Lambda, 1700 Spring Garden St. • Congresso de Latinos, American St. & Lehigh Ave. • Crooked Frame Café, 2545 Brown St. • Darling’s Diner, 1033 N. Second St. • Filter Coffee House, 331 Race St. • Girard Vet, 28th St. & Girard Ave. • HIV Early Intervention Clinic, St. Joseph’s Hospital, 16th St. & Girard Ave. • Logan View Apts. lobby, 17th & Callowhill sts. • Northern Liberties Iron Works, 821 N. Second St. • One Day At A Time, 2532 N. Broad St. • Philadelphian Condos lobby, 2401 Pennsylvania Ave. • PYT Restaurant, 1050 N. Hancock St., at the Piazza • Sammy’s Place, 1449 N. Fifth St., 1st floor • Shampoo, Seventh & Willow sts. • SILOAM Ministries, 1133 Spring Garden St. • Temple University Student Activity Center, 1755 N. 12th St. • Welker Real Estate, 2311 Fairmount Ave. • Whole Foods Market, 2001 Pennsylvania Ave. •


Bethel Community Home, 933-935 S. Third St. • Black N Brew, 1523 E. Passyunk Ave. • Carmen’s Country Kitchen, 11th & Wharton sts. • Class Act Auto Repair, 2042 S. Bancroft St. • Equal, 1516 Snyder Ave. • Essene, 719 S. Fourth St. • Expressive Hand, 622 S. Ninth St. • Fuel, 1917 E. Passyunk Ave. • Hideaway, Days Inn, 2015 Penrose Ave. • Jackson Place, 501 Jackson St. • Kris Restaurant, 1100 Federal St. • Rockerhead Salon, 607 S. Third St. • South Philly Bagels, 613 S. Third St. • Ultimo Coffee, 1900 S. 15th St. •

WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE YOUR BUSINESS OR ORGANIZATION ON THIS LIST? Contact Don at or 215-625-8501 ext. 200 to arrange for delivery of complimentary copies.



Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013









Gayborhood Crime Watch The following incidents in the Midtown Village and Washington Square West areas were reported to the 6th Police District between Jan. 21-27. Information is courtesy of 6th District Capt. Brian Korn; Stacy Irving, senior director, Crime Prevention Service; Center City District; the Police Liaison C o m m i t t e e a n d M i d t ow n Village Merchants Association. To report crime tips, visit www. or call 215686-TIPS (8477). INCIDENTS — At 2:55 p.m. Jan. 23, a male stole two Verismo machines from the Starbucks at 1301 Chestnut St. and fled with an employee in pursuit. The male dropped the property and continued west on Chestnut Street. The suspect was described as a black male in his late 30s, with a light complexion, wearing a tan jacket, black knit cap and dark pants. — Between 7 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Jan. 24, someone broke into two apartments in the 1200 block of Walnut Street, damaging the door locks and stealing laptops, an iPad, a camera and jewelry. Sixth District Officer Corrado lifted fingerprints.

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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013

Priest, teacher convicted in abuse case By Jen Colletta A jury last week delivered guilty verdicts in the sex-abuse cases against an Archdiocesan priest and a former teacher. After four days of deliberating, a jury late last Wednesday found the Rev. Charles Engelhardt guilty of indecent assault, corruption of a minor and conspiracy, and Bernard Shero guilty of indecent assault, rape, attempted rape, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, endangering the welfare of a child and corruption of a minor. The two men sexually abused the same boy, a student and altar boy at St. Jerome’s in the Northeast, between 1998-2000. The jury deadlocked on a charge of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse against Engelhardt. The two men will be sentenced April 18. Engelhardt faces up to 37 years in prison and Shero up to 57. Attorneys for both men said they plan to

appeal. Judge Ellen Ceisler revoked bail for both upon the announcement of the verdict and they were taken into custody. The two were part of a wider grand-jury indictment handed down in February 2011. Also included in that indictment were the Rev. James Brennan and defrocked priest Edward Avery, both accused of sexual abuse, and Monsignor William Lynn, accused of covering up instances of abuse. Last summer, Lynn, who was responsible for investigating sex-abuse claims under the late Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua, became the first high-ranking Catholic official convicted in connection with covering up priest sex abuse. A jury deadlocked on the charges against Brennan, who will be retried this year. Avery was accused of abusing the same boy as Shero and Engelhardt and pleaded guilty shortly before the trial. He is serving up to five years in prison. Avery testified during Engelhardt and

Shero’s trial that he did not actually commit the abuse he was accused of, but rather took the plea deal to avoid a longer sentence. Lynn’s attorneys said Avery’s assertion will provide the basis for a renewed attempt for bail for Lynn, who is serving up to six years. The man who says he was abused by Avery, Engelhardt and Shero, now 24, testified during the nine-day trial that the incidents, which occurred when he was 10 and 11, led him to years of drug abuse, which defense attorneys argued made him an unreliable witness. In a statement Wednesday, District Attorney Seth Williams commended the victim, saying he “has shown exceptional courage.” “Not only did he have the strength to report his abuse, he had the tenacity to look his abusers in the eye and testify in front of complete strangers about the horrific details of his attacks,” Williams continued. “I hope this verdict will help him to continue with the long journey of healing that comes after such trauma.” ■


NON-SUMMARY ARRESTS — At 12:55 a.m. Jan. 23, 6th District Officer Henik arrested a male outside 1343 Locust St. who was wanted on a bench warrant for failure to appear for court. The 50-year-old suspect with a Vineland, N.J., address was charged with contempt of court. SUMMARY ARRESTS — At 9:10 p.m. Jan. 22, 6th District officers issued a citation for a summary offense outside 1220 Chestnut St. — At 3:15 p.m. Jan. 24, 6th District officers issued a citation for a summary offense outside 1312 Walnut St. — At 3:15 p.m. Jan 25, 6th District officers issued a citation for a summary offense outside 1324 Walnut St. — At 11:05 p.m. Jan. 26, 6th District officers issued a citation for a summary offense outside 300 S. 10th St. ■


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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013

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Liberty City Press FEB. 3-10, 2013



Hitting the Wall As cycling changes, so must the city


he future sure must have looked bright for Philadelphia cycling in 1985 when former Olympic cyclist Dave Chauner launched the Philadelphia International Championship. Eric Heiden, America’s most dominant speed skater, who had crossed over to professional cycling, won the race that year. Over the next ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� the Tour de France, won the championship. Today CoreStates is a distant memory, Lance Armstrong is a disgrace, and the Philadelphia International Championship lies like a crashed bike on the side of the road, battered and broken. Chauner called it quits with the following statement: “We are disappointed that we must remove the race from ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ partners and make this the preeminent event the region deserves in 2014 and �������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������ who just lost the race. Chauner and Nutter’s climb may be harder than taking on the Manayunk Wall—an inclined street comprising all of Levering Avenue and a few blocks of Lyceum Avenue. The days of long, one-day staged road races in major American cities have passed. No longer do we see such races in Atlanta, Minneapolis, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Richmond and San Francisco. While ������������������������������������������������������������������� of stage races, the only city to host an entire stage race is Chattanooga, Tennessee, with a population of 170,000. The disappearance of long road races in big cities across America does not mean that competitive cycling races do not exist here. In fact, one of the fastest growing spectator sports in this country is the criterium, commonly referred to as “crit.”

���� ��������� ���� ��������� governing body for all disciplines of competitive cycling in the ����������������������������������� “multi-lap race of 25 to 60 miles held on a closed course generally a mile or less in length. These races, which usually last one to two hours, are extremely fast— ��� ���� ���� ������ ���� ��������� jockey for position and sprint for lap ‘primes’ (cash or merchandise ������������������������������ There are 27 crits on USA Cycling’s national calendar, including those in metropolitan areas as big as Boston (hosted by TD Bank—the same bank that did not ����������������������������������� St. Louis and Las Vegas. The death of long one-day stages and the birth of big-city crits are rooted in the same economics. Long-stage cycling in Philadelphia requires a 14-mile course for which �� ������������ ������� ��� ����� ��� sources are required to prepare and protect; Chauner’s group still owes ��������������������������������� last year’s event. A crit staged over a one-mile course reduces the event

Philadelphia’s 156-mile annual bike race has attracted top cyclists from around the world, who would speed around the Schuylkill River Drives and labor up the 300-foot-high “Wall” in Manayunk. R. Kennedy for GPTMC/photographer

course dramatically. The reduction in course distance also drives a dramatic reduction in event and television production costs. In addition, crits are more spectator-friendly events. While the long stage gives spectators a few ������������������������������������ the life of the event, a crit spectator ������������������������������������� in a race. Crits also lend themselves to amateur events that are better for the cycling community and more attractive to corporate sponsors. To be sure, right now crits do not have the cachet of a long road race. But there are those in the cycling community who are proposing a new model. Peleton���������� wants USA Cycling to “raise their sights.” One proposal is to add a

road race (preferably for elite wom��������������������������������� end program of criteriums—using ���������������������������������������� events. A viable road race can be held on a circuit as short as 8 kilo��������������������������������������� one or two hills to make the racing exciting for the fans and more challenging for the racers. We can do this in Philly. We have a strong cycling community. We can develop a 5-mile course. And we have “the Wall.” The question is: Do we have the political will to climb it? Editor’s note: Since the writing of this article, Congressman Bob Brady has announced that there will be a new race in 2013 called the Philly Cycling Classic. FEB. 3-10, 2013

Liberty City Press is a collaborative publication effort of the Philadelphia Multicultural Media Network.



\\\ Liberty City Press

Great Day

“These were all great games and great wins,” said Math, Civics and Sciences coach Danny Jackson. “We’re happy to have won these games. Our kids are playing hard and mostly well. We still have a long way to go. I don’t think we’re getting everything out of them yet. We are all working to improve.” Jackson mentioned that all his star players have improved. Jeremiah Worthem, a Robert Morris commit, earned MVP honors at the Jan. 27 game with 15 points and 10 rebounds. Malik Starks had ��� ������� ���� ����� ����� ����� shots down the stretch. “Last year we were all inconsistent,” said Jackson. “We beat [Patterson MD] by a lot, and then we lost to Plymouth Whitemarsh by a lot and they were beat by a lot by Patterson. This year, we are playing at a much more consistent level and the guys have really matured.” For Martin Luther King, the game validated the great record they have and the coaching their players are receiving from former NBA players Sean Colson and Jason Lawson. “It was a fun event and great experience for our kids,” said Colson. “It’s nice to hear that we are getting recognition and the players are competing hard and executing on offense and defense. I hope we keep getting better.” “Sean Colson did a great job with his team,” Jackson said. “They ran great plays, and he is getting the most out of his kids. He’s a really good coach, and that was a really good team.” Colson designed a game-tying three-point shot for Fa’Teem Glenn that sent the game into overtime. King’s Raquan Brown-Johnson won his team’s �������������������

Continued from page 12 “I don’t know if I did a great job scheduling or a terrible job scheduling,” Ross said. “I am just really proud of how my guys played during this stretch. There was no down play, no letdowns, no mental or physical breakdowns. It is a testament to our kids’ competitiveness. I like the way they competed and handled themselves on the court. As much as I did enjoy watching them play, I can’t take any credit for this. The kids are doing most of the work. I just try to put all the pieces in order and keep us together.” Ross was handed an offthe-court challenge when the School District of Philadelphia announced that Vaux is targeted to be closed in June. Though it ��������������������������������� not letting it affect his team. “We are not worried about it because it is something not in our control,” Ross said. “There are community meetings coming up, and hopefully we can get it [saved]. But my motto has always been ‘One game at a time.’ We are doing what we can to have a special season. We don’t take anyone or anything for granted. We just want to be ready ourselves to play in our next game.” Also in the event, Math, Civics and Sciences outplayed Martin Luther King in overtime to escape with the win. The Mighty Elephants became nationally ranked after a 12-point win over Paul IV of Washington, D.C.. Overtime wins against Vaux and Martin Luther King cemented their ranking as the area’s top team.


Marsha Moore is a volunteer in the Safe Corridors program in Southwest Philly. Volunteers in this program monitor a specific route that is most heavily traveled by students on their walks to and from school. Sarah J. Glover/photographer

Pressing On

Activist undeterred in battle to protect children

by Sheila Simmons


a r s h a Moore can be h a r d -

headed. In fact, she said her doctor jokes that her “hard head” saved her life during a brutal attack in 2010, when she was beaten with a pipe so savagely that her face had to be reconstructed. “I might be ugly,” she said. “But I have a beautiful heart.” On a frigid Thursday in January she is engaged in a differ������������������������������posal by the School District of ��������������������������������� and save money for a district on ������������������������������ Wearing a bright blue Action United sweatshirt and with eyes �����������������������������������

injuries, Moore told the members of City Council that as a Safe Corridor volunteer, she “is on the ground.” She is in there on the street corners where her community’s children navigate issues of safety, familiarity and turf. Closing schools and lengthening students’ commutes to school will make children’s travel that much more daunting, she told the council members. “I don’t want our children to be a statistic,” Moore said later. “I’m a crime victim,” she added. On October 29, 2010, someone entered Moore’s home, taking nothing of value but leaving her injured, her eyes pushed back two millimeters into her head and her jaw disconnected. That hard head has now been shored up with a titanium plate.

“They had to hinge my mouth back on my face,” she said. “I actually saw hinges.” City leaders rallied around Moore after the attack. “Every day she has put her life on the line,” Sen. Anthony H. Williams said at a news conference announcing an $11,000 reward for information about the crime. “It’s immoral for someone to do what they did.” Said Mayor Michael Nutter, “She was a person trying to do the right thing.” The reward generated “one lousy tip,” Moore said. But she hasn’t given up on helping her community’s children. “It never crossed my mind to leave [Southwest Philadelphia] or not to go back out. I’m still here,” Moore said. “They didn’t win. If that was supposed to stop me it just made me go stronger.” Aside from Action United, she belongs to Southwest EPIC Stakeholder Group, Southwest Positive Powerful Advocates for Change, the 12th District Police Advisory Committee and the Southwest Community Advisory Group, and she hosts a food bank, a Christmas party, a Halloween party and back-to-school book-bag giveaways. Council ended with a small victory for her on that January day. It passed a nonbinding resolution for a one-year moratorium on school closings. Moore packed up her bag and made her way out of the council chamber to prepare for her next battle for children, leaving with a word of advice for others: “We have to stop talking the talk and start walking the walk.”

FEB. 3-10, 2013

Liberty City Press is a collaborative publication effort of the Philadelphia Multicultural Media Network.

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\\\ Liberty City Press

Great Day for Philly Hoops City teams excel in local event by Jeremy Treatman


here were 21 seconds left on the clock and Roberts Vaux High School was trailing the much-heralded Princeton Day �������� ����� ������� ������� superstar guard Rysheed Jordan looked at his coach, Jamie Ross, and then plotted down the court, dribbling the ball to the top of the circle. Ross set his team up with a four-corners isolation and let Jordan decide


the outcome. Did the 6-foot-4inch guard want a high screen? Nope, Jordan waved off teammate Trayvond Massenburg and then pulled up from two feet behind the line and buried the go-ahead three- pointer. Vaux won 70-66 after Princeton Day’s Aquille Carr missed free throw and turnover cost the Maryland squad’s chance to tie. “It was such a great game,” said Jordan, who is deciding between Temple, St. John’s and UCLA. “I knew I had to make a


Vaux’s Rysheed Jordan drives toward the hoop at the Famjuice Scholastic Play-by-Play Classic held at Ben Franklin High School on Jan. 27. Sarah J. Glover/photographer

play there. I’m glad I made it. We had a lot of fun today.” “I give some leeway to my team, and of course Rysheed,” Ross added. “I didn’t think that Princeton Day was pressuring us enough on the ball or trapping us, so I gave Rysheed the chance


to make a play. If he wanted to drive and kick, pull up for a jumper or go for a three, it was his decision out of that set.” Vaux’s win was part of four �������� ������ ��� ���� ��������� Famjuice Scholastic Play-byPlay City Classic at Ben Frank-

lin High on Jan. 27. Math, Civics, �������������������������������� ������������������������������� 70-61 in overtime in a battle of city unbeatens, Communications �������������������������������� and nationally renowned St. Jo������� ��������� ����� ��������� Phelps School 78-50. “It was really a fun day for all of us involved,” said Jordan. Metuchen’s team features the nation’s number-one junior, Karl Towns. Chester’s Rondae Jefferson, a likely high school All-American, was also in attendance, making the event a who’s who of high school basketball. As for Vaux, the team is now 15-6 and just completed a torrid stretch where they defeated Imhotep, Princeton Day, Mt. St. ��������� ������ ���� ���� �����ford School and had a narrow overtime loss to Math, Civics and Sciences. Continued on page 2


Philly Gets Fancy Hair o’ the Dog party draws a large, well-dressed crowd by HughE Dillon The Hair o’ the Dog black-tie affair celebrated its 19th year Saturday, Jan. 19, at the Loews Hotel. A portion of the event’s proceeds benefited Friends Are by your Side, an organization that consists of a network of beauty professionals devoted to helping women and children suffering from hair loss as a result of cancer treatments. Hair o’ the Dog recognized one woman battling cancer for her courage by crowning her the Queen o’ the Dog. 1. This year’s queen, Ashley Smyk of Philadelphia (left), finished chemotherapy earlier in the week. She stands with her best friend, Steph Wery. 2. From left: Stefania Veneziale, Megan Nailon and Joanne Malandra. 3. From left: Carol Drumstas of Brown Forman, Evan Solomon of EFS Networks Inc., John Curry of 40 Love Tennis Pro Shop, and Lynsie Solomon. 4. From left: Allison Papson, Erin Como of Nashville Fox 17, Jennifer Sherlock of Jenna Communications, and Allyson Fergione, account manager at Entertainment Cruises Inc.. HughE Dillon/Photographer


FEB. 3-10, 2013

Liberty City Press is a collaborative publication effort of the Philadelphia Multicultural Media Network.

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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013


Dining Out Family Portrait Get Out and Play Out & About Q Puzzle Scene in Philly Worth Watching

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Celebrity photographer takes fans behind the scenes with new app By Larry Nichols

Out photographer Mike Ruiz is giving fans of his work the virtual keys to his visual kingdom with his new app, “Pretty M a s c u l i n e ,” now available on iTunes. The app is named after Ruiz’s self-

published, fantasy-driven coffee-table book featuring his vision of the male ideal. Released in 2011, the book quickly sold out of its first printing and is currently unavailable. The “Pretty Masculine” app delves deeper into Ruiz’s work to create an interactive experience, allowing the user to witness behind-the-scenes videos and interviews with the models and artists featured in the book. The app also has a studio section where the user can take a picture or upload one and attach “Pretty Masculine” elements to dress it up. “I knew that I wanted to continue

this project,” Ruiz said about the inspiration for the app. “It’s been growing and evolving. I draw gratification for the process of creating these images because I don’t have any parameters. It’s not like an advertising job where I have definite parameters. This is a platform for me and other artists to just do really awesome creative stuff that is gratifying to us. I wanted to do something and take advantage of technology and do something that would be a continuous thing, not just another coffee-table book. This is a really great way to constantly be able to update content and my images through one

platform and one application.” Ruiz said that giving the public a peek into the creative process and the tools to replicate his aesthetic is in no way intimidating to him as an artist. It takes more than a good camera and attractive models to do what he does, he noted. “The reality is, art is a point of view,” Ruiz said. “There are technical aspects to creating art. Everybody has a digital camera now but not everybody can take a picture. It stems from an innate ability to see light, and also you have to have a very defined point of view of what it is you are trying




Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013

RUIZ from page 25

to say. That is specific to one person, so I could show all the behind-the-scenes footage available and people still wouldn’t have the same approach to doing what I do. It’s like a painter; someone could show you how to paint, but everybody is going to have a different point of view of what it is they need to say through that medium. The reality is, everybody has a very short attention span these days and people are informationthirsty. It’s almost not enough to just provide them with an image anymore. Also, I’m not giving away every single nuance of my creative process. There’s a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff and you definitely see what goes into the making of a shoot, but I don’t give away the philosophy of it all.” While the book version of “Pretty Masculine” was a success, Ruiz said he doesn’t feel like he has to repeat it with any future book projects. “I don’t really base what I’m doing from a creative standpoint on


the success of a previous endeavor,” he said. “It’s just that what I need to say evolves all the time. It’s a byproduct of everything that I’m exposed to — politics and art and film. That is what is going to manifest in what I am doing creatively. I don’t feel married to continue in any particular vein. The coffee-table book was very defined. It was my attempt at trying to deconstruct what it means to be masculine by using hyper-masculine men and softening them with feminine elements. Now this project has taken on many different facets. I’m including all types of men, not just hyper-masculine but also androgynous men and all types of women from all walks of life, including transwomen. So it’s pretty all-inclusive now. It’s a continuous exploration that will probably grow and evolve. Two or three projects down the road, the content will be vastly different from my original book.” These days, Ruiz is probably as famous for his television work as he is for photography, having appeared on TV shows like “The A List,” “Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List,” “America’s Next Top Model” and “RuPaul’s Drag Race.” Ruiz said that while those shows have height-

ened his profile, he doesn’t think they have had that great of an influence on his work. “Any life experience manifests in what you do and how you express yourself,” he said. “I don’t think there is any direct correlation to me being on TV and the kind of work I do. I have a lot of energy and I manage my time really well. I’ve compartmentalized all that stuff so I’m able to put all those hats on and seamlessly go from one mindset to another. Usually if I’m doing an episode of ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race,’ I’m just there doing that for the time period allotted. Then I’ll move on to something else, a photo shot, and that will be my mindset. You learn to adapt and be malleable. Photography is a completely different business than it was when I started. If you aren’t willing to be malleable and change with the times and politics and technology, you are going to be left in the dust. So I’ve learned to adapt.” Speaking of adapting, Ruiz’s clients include an endless list of celebrities — such as Adam Lambert, Margaret Cho, Britney Spears and Nicki Minaj — and his reputation as a top-notch photographer means that they often have to adapt to his vision for the shoot, whatever that may entail. “I usually come up with the idea and it has to be cleared through several channels,” Ruiz said about working with high-profile celebrities. “When it does, then they give me their trust and put themselves in my hands and allow me to do what I do. It’s come to a point where people know what they are getting when they do a shoot with me. They don’t get blindsided by some of


the ideas that I have because they know it’s going to be transformative and fantastical. People trust me now. If that’s not what they are looking for, if they want something simple and clean that they can control creatively, then they don’t come to me. They go to somebody else.” Even with A-list clients in his portfolio and numerous book and magazine shoots to his credit, there are still some celebrities Ruiz would like to see in front of his lens. And, as he said, his work is always evolving. “There are a slew of young actresses that I’d like to work with. It’s been a while since a ‘brat pack’ has come around,” he said. “I think it’s happening right now with Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Stone and Mara Rooney. There are some inspiring actresses I’d like to work with. Creatively, when I started out, it was all very exploratory. I was doing everything. I was going to dark places. But I find that that’s not what I need to say. I tend to try and do dark and controversial kind of images but it’s all about your point of view and it’s not what I needed to say. Things evolve constantly and I’m sure I’ll go to places that I’m not aware of. To me it’s all so organic and it unfolds. Where it is I need to go usually manifests, but it’s in a positive way. Even if I’m doing some fetish kind of thing, it comes from an empowered, uplifting perspective, as opposed to a dark, victimized perspective.” ■ Mike Ruiz’s “Pretty Masculine” app is available on iTunes. For more information, visit

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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013



Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013



Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013



- Boston Globe


BROADWAY musical the groundbreaking

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As seen on CNN, NBC News, ABC News and Rachael Ray.



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Kimmel Center for the performing arts

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PARTY & FUNDRAISER at the Market for the Market

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2013 7 PM–11 PM Order tickets online at Save by ordering your tickets before February 14th.  

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Must be 21 or older. Schedule subject to change.



Family Portrait

Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013


Suzi Nash

Anton Tanumihardja and Brian Andersen: A love in limbo Imagine that you meet the man or woman of your dreams, and two weeks before your first Valentine’s Day, that person tells you s/he has to leave the country and may never be able to return. That’s what happened to Brian Andersen and Anton Tanumihardja in February 2011. It’s a dilemma faced by many binational couples in the United States. Currently, more than 25 countries allow residents to sponsor gay and lesbian permanent partners for legal immigration but, sadly, the U.S. isn’t among them —here, it’s a privilege reserved only for heterosexual married couples. But there is hope on the horizon. Last week, President Obama proposed an immigration-reform package that would include the provisions of the Uniting American Families Act, which would lift LGBT discrimination in our immigration law — and which can’t be passed soon enough for this local couple. PGN: Tell me about yourself. AT: I was born in Jakarta, Indonesia, 48 years ago. [Laughs.] I’m oooold. I moved to this country in 2002, June I think. I met Brian through the chatting room or whatever they call it. Since then, we’ve been inseparable. I was a little bit lying to Brian about my age when we first met because there’s a big age difference — 18, 19 years. When he saw my profile it said 35 years old! When we talked I told him the truth and told him I was too old for him but, fortunately, he didn’t care. We found a very good love together. Two weeks before Valentine’s Day in 2011, I told him, “Brian, I have an immigration problem.” He’s a very mature man and he just listened to me. After I explained that I was due to be deported on Valentine’s Day, he didn’t say much. But the following day he came to me with a list of LGBT organizations that help with immigration issues and we contacted an attorney. PGN: What first attracted you to Brian? AT: As I said, he’s very mature for his age. He’s a very nice person, he’s cute, he’s the whole ticket. We have our differences of course, especially with such an age span. I like to stay home, he likes to go out—but we compromise. He’ll spend time home with me just watching TV and I’ll go out with him to hang with his friends or to a club sometimes. We accept each other and who we are and work to make each other happy. PGN: What do you like to do when you’re not together? AT: I’m crazy for tennis. I play every Friday. I love it. And movies, I love going to see films. PGN: So back to your childhood: Tell me about the family and growing up. AT: I have six sisters and three brothers.

My dad is no longer with us and my mom died two years ago, but because of my immigration problems I couldn’t fly back for the funeral. It was very upsetting but what can you do? The first thing I want to do if I get my green card is to go back and see my mom. I hadn’t seen her for 10 years and I can’t see her anymore but I can lay flowers on her grave. PGN: With such a big family, what was something you loved to do together? AT: We loved to go to church every Sunday. We are Chinese-Indonesian — even though I can’t speak any Chinese. In Indonesia a lot of ethnically Chinese people don’t speak the language. My family was Buddhists until I lived with my sister and she helped me get into a Catholic high school. Then I became a Catholic, which was her religion. Then everything changed and everyone in the family, including my parents, became Catholic. I don’t know why. Mom went really crazy with it and we were reading the Bible every day. Every Sunday at 9 a.m. we went to church. My mother lived by herself about eight miles from where I lived with my sister, so it was a way to get everyone together and also make sure Mom-mom was OK. Every Christmas we’d gather at her house and go to the cemetery to see my dad. We’d have a little picnic and be like, “Hi Dad! We are all here. Merry Christmas.” PGN: Where do you fall in the family lineup? AT: I’m the youngest. I’m soooo spoiled. The ones that spoiled me the most were my sisters, especially the oldest, who treated me like I was her baby. She’s the one who sent me to high school. My mom could never say anything to me because my sisters would intervene. I was a spoiled boy. PGN: Did you play any sports? AT: Yes, I played badminton. It’s not popular here but in my country it’s really big. PGN: I read that even before meeting Brian, you’d applied for asylum because of the persecution you feared going back to Indonesia as a gay man. AT: Yes. It’s very dangerous. You can’t show who you are at work or even at home in your community. If you were to hold your lover’s hand you would get stoned or beaten to death. It would be suicide. A long time ago my friend asked me to go to a gay dance in another city and at the last minute I canceled because I had some stuff to do. I found out later he almost got killed. People heard about the event and stormed the building where it was being held. He came home covered in bruises. You can’t tell the police or call the news when something like that happens. Nobody can help you.

PGN: How do you find a gay community there? AT: There are no gay bars or anything. You have to be very sneaky; it’s all word-of-mouth. People will say, “OK, this bar is having a gay night tonight.” You can’t publicize it, you just have to let everyone know that a certain club or bar is the place to be on a certain night. But you have no freedom to express your feelings or your love in public. You have to be careful, you have to walk a few feet away from your lover. You have to hide.

PGN: All right Brian, your turn. Tell me about yourself. BA: I’m from the area, grew up in Delaware County, except for a short period when I was young when we lived in South Philly. I went to Pittsburgh for college.

PGN: When did you know you were gay? AT: I think when I was in high school I first noticed an attraction for other guys. But like I said, you don’t know what to do with it. I didn’t know anyone who was gay. I was trying to hide it from my friends and family because if your family knew you were gay they’d kick you out. I think some of my family knows, but I’ve never come out and

PGN: And what do you do now? BA: [Laughs.] I’m the business-development manager at a car dealership. Really putting those degrees to work!

PGN: What did you study? BA: I had a double major in political science and history. And I have two certificates in Western European and European Union studies and a minor in religion.

PGN: What did you want to be when you grew up? BA: A lawyer. And I was on track to do that when I got a summer job at a car dealership and they just kept promoting me and paying me more money and here I am! It’s a lot of work but I enjoy what I do. PGN: Siblings? BA: I have two younger brothers. PGN: Who picked on whom? BA: I mostly picked on them, being the oldest. My middle brother and I used to gang up on the younger one. We liked him and all, he was a fun kid and hung out with all our friends, but he was our beating post. PGN: What did the parents do? BA: My mom was a single mom most of my childhood and she worked for Sun Micro Systems; still does.

PGN: What do you do off the lot? BA: Well, I’m here almost 12 hours a day. When I’m not here I try to spend as much time with Anton as I Photo: Ann Blake said, “I’m gay,” and they would never can. I’d love to travel more. As you know, we have this say anything about it. But I think they Defense of Marriage case coming up and all know now. Especially after CNN did hopefully if it comes out favorably, he’ll a story about me and Brian. If we can be allowed to travel. I won Employee of make it happen and I can get my green the Year last year and the person who wins card, I’d love to take my husband back gets a trip. We’d love to go to Indonesia and introduce him to my family. They might not accept it but they’ll know who and see his family. He hasn’t been able to see them in over 10 years. His mom I am. We’ll go to the cemetery and I’ll passed away from breast cancer, same as say, “Mom, you always wanted me to my grandmother, and he never got to say get married; well this is my husband, goodbye. Brian.” PAGE 40


Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013


Celebrity designer to bring philanthropic fashion to Philly By Angela Thomas This Valentine’s Day, it’s all about sartorial love as Philadelphia hosts a celebrity designer for a night of food, fashion and fundraising. Mondo Guerra, “Project Runway” season-eight runner-up and winner of “Project Runway: All-Stars,” will headline Fashion in Action, 6-8 p.m Feb. 14 at Kimpton’s Hotel Palomar Philadelphia, 117 S. 17th St., to raise money for ActionAIDS. The event, co-hosted by Subaru, Dining Out For Life International and ActionAIDS, is focused on an issue that hits close to home for the designer. Guerra is HIV-positive — which he revealed during his time on “Project Runway.” “When I revealed my status on season eight, I was scared of the backlash, but it

has been overwhelming with the support and love from both my family and the community at large,” he said. Like many who are diagnosed, Guerra said his initial reaction was one of shame. “I was scared. I felt lonely, ashamed, guilty. I didn’t see anything to look forward to in the future. My pre-conceived ideas about HIV in my own mind really shut me down,” he said. “My creative life is what really keeps me going, so when I was diagnosed, I really lost my way and didn’t set artistic goals. I was allowing HIV to define who I was.” Although Guerra’s journey did not start out on a high note, he said he has come to see his diagnosis as an opportunity to be proactive about education. “[HIV] has to continue to be in the conversation because it is something we all have to talk about. Not everyone is infected by it, but we are all affected by it,” he said.

“It is a part of who we Guerra said Subaru suggested are now. This is a disease the partnership and he eagerly that hasn’t gone away agreed, realizing it was a good yet. We need to bring way to support agencies that are attention to it and fight doing vital local-level work. it.” “I’ve been Dining Out For When he was diagLife for the past seven years. A nosed, Guerra said he large number of the funds that had few people to talk to are raised are donated to local and was afraid to reveal AIDS organizations. That is his status to his family, so really amazing because when I he sought help from his was at a low spot in my life, I local HIV/AIDS organireached out to my local AIDS zations — and ultimately organization,” he said. MONDO GUERRA became an international At Fashion in Action, Guerra activist and advocate. will reveal a new T-shirt design Guerra recently became the spokes- for the upcoming 23rd anniversary of person for Dining Out For Life, an event DOFL. Guerra said he kept the design simple — founded by ActionAIDS more than 20 years ago that encourages restaurants and utilizing kitchen utensils as inspiration. Tickets for the benefit are $50 and can be food venues to raise funds for HIV/AIDS causes. purchased at ■


Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013

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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013

What was your best Valentine’s Day gift? “Although I think Valentine’s Day is cute, it is also really frustrating because of the overcommercialization of Elicia Gonzales it. I feel like it Executive director is easy to say Gay and Lesbian you are going Latino AIDS Education Initiative to give and receive a gift on Valentine’s Day, but it means more to me if it comes out of the blue. I am more impressed with random acts of love throughout the year.” “In 1996, my husband proposed to me and gave me the engagement ring. We actually got legally married Rev. Jeffrey in 2005 in Jordan-Pickett Calgary, Pastor Metropolitan Canada, at Community Church the Universal of Philadelphia Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches conference. We had a commitment ceremony in 2003.”

Triangle Medical General Practice Progressive HIV Care MARK T. WATKINS, DO REBECCA CALDER PA-C

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“My partner and I usually avoid going out to dinner at all costs because it is crazy and a million people are out and it's hard to Gloria Casarez get a table, Director the sort of Office of LGBT Affairs night people feel like they must go out. We usually will make a nice romantic dinner at home. That is not say that we don’t celebrate. We try to keep it more internal, and so a typical Valentine’s Day dinner involves lobster or shrimp.”

“My partner and my anniversary is in November, so we celebrate that more than anything. But once, Dorothy Franny Price Executive director and I had a Philly Pride Presents night planned to have dinner and see a show in Atlantic City, so I had someone come to the house to watch my son. After the dinner and show was over, I called to check in and my son wasn’t home at the time. It turns out my son was on a date and planned to lose his virginity that night. I just thought, I’m sorry, I’m a mother — I can’t be here!” “I always send my brother wonderful birthday greetings on that day, but closer to home, I have plans to stay Nurit Shein Executive director at home and Mazzoni Center make a very nice dinner for my family. My partner’s children also send wonderful greetings that say we are the best moms in the world.” “I like to cook and my husband bought me an antique Guardian Ware roaster. It is a big roaster and it allows me to make the best pot roast ever.”

Ted Martin Executive director Equality Pennsylvania


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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013



Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013


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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013


Cafette is a hidden, tasty gem By Larry Nichols It is unlikely that you will stumble upon Cafette, 8136 Ardleigh St., but it’s definitely a dining experience worth seeking out. All the culinary action in Chestnut Hill seems to be on Germantown Avenue, but tucked away on a quiet, unassuming residential street is this cozy, jazzy and charming space decked out with European poster art (and not the same ones you always see) and a breathtaking outdoor dining space that is most likely all the rage when the weather outside gets nicer. But don’t take our word for it. With 20 years under the owner’s collective belts and a dedicated local following, their success speaks for itself. Cafette’s seasonal new American menu consists of a handful of solid starters and entrees. We were impressed by the curry chickpea soup, which was hearty, pleasantly vegan and very flavorful. The seared poblano pepper ($11) was a colorful feast, stuffed with cheese grits and bathed in tomato sauce, all topped with pumpkin seeds and sour cream. It was easy to see why it’s one of their more popular dishes. Those dishes set the stage for the entrees, which were excellent. The green curry ($16 with tofu, $18 with chicken, $19 with


shrimp) was quite the assemblage of flavors and textures, with crisp vegetables, toasted peanuts and a lovely bed of rice. Cafette also has a steak dish of the day (market price) that is a must-have for any self-respecting carnivore. By far, out favorite dish of the evening was the rock-shrimp chili ($18). The shrimp stood out in a

dish normally associated with intense beefiness and was complimented by a dazzling array of well-seasoned black beans, peppers and onions and topped with sour cream and the most-welcome tortilla wedges. Dessert at Cafette was exquisite. The chocolate cake and lemon curd cake were equally great, but we were especially impressed with the bread pudding, which was divine. We are often bombarded with bread pudding. So much so that we’ve become jaded at the thought of it and oftentimes sidestep it for something more exotic. But Cafette’s version hit all the right notes, with a lovely crust and a superbly moist and sweet interior. We’d be hard-pressed to recall a better bread pudding in our experience. If you have to make a special trip to Chestnut Hill, do it. Cafette is a worthy treasure. ■

If you go


8136 Ardleigh St. Chestnut Hill, 215-242-4220 Winter hours: Dinner Wed.-Sun. 5-9 p.m. Fri.-Sat. 5-9:30 p.m. Lunch Wed.-Sun. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Brunch Sat.-Sun. 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m.


Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013

Groundbreaking rock musical makes Philly debut By Larry Nichols

Winner of the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for Music Music by KEVIN


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Given that Green Day is an internationa l l y fa m o u s rock band, the show attracts a large number of the group’s fans. But, Young said, the show is also drawing audiences who know little or nothing about JARED YOUNG Green Day. “I read a review that said that this is the ‘Rent’ of our generation,” he said. “A lot of the audience members that I’ve gotten to speak to have never heard of Green Day and are just there to see this groundbreaking rock musical. When the show opened on Broadway, it was ahead of its time and pioneered all these rock musicals that are coming out.” Young added that fans of Green Day shouldn’t worry about the raw energy of the punk-rock icons getting watered down into a Broadway musical. “When I saw the show, I didn’t know what to expect and by the end the crowd was on their feet,” he said. “It really did feel like a rock concert to me. It still has a lot of energy that is different than the normal Broadway musical. It has its own musical energy.” ■

“American Idiot,” the Tony Award-winning musical and rock opera based on the smash hit album by punk-rock band Green Day, is getting ready to blow the doors off the Merriam Theater with its Philadelphia debut Feb. 12-17. Like the album that inspired it, “American Idiot” is the story of three boyhood friends, each searching for meaning in a post-9/11 world. Out cast member Jared Young said he was a huge fan of the album when it came out. “When I was in college I had a job at Hollister and you can pick the CDs that come on and ‘American Idiot’ had just come out,” he said. “I worked the morning shift and everybody hated me because I always played ‘American Idiot.’ I loved it. It was great.” Young said even though we’re now into the second term of the Obama presidency, people both here and abroad still relate to the sentiments of the George W. Bush era that spawned “American Idiot.” “We just got back into the States — we’d been in the U.K. for three months — but now that we’re back in the U.S., the reception is so much more powerful,” he said. “The audience is alive. It’s so much more relevant here. It was written for Americans and it’s fun to be back here. The message, even though it’s post-9/11, is so relevant because of everything that is going on — whether it’s gun control or the election The Kimmel Center presents “American that just happened. The music is still rel- Idiot” Feb. 12-17 at Merriam Theater, 250 S. Broad St. For more information or tickevant for our times in 2013.” Young added that LGBT audiences can ets, call 215-790-5800. also find concepts relevant to them in the music of “American Idiot.” “On ‘Holiday’ and the way it’s presented on stage, that’s the number that was all about Human Rights Campaign,” he said. “We’re on this bus and we’re spreading this message to America to wake up. In the show it’s an anti-Bush number, but to me the directors said we had to find our own motivation behind what we’re singing about in ‘Holiday.’ I felt like I was on the HRC bus. I’m from Utah and I remember when the HRC came to Utah and everybody that spoke there had this passion that was opening people’s eyes. That’s what spoke to me in the ‘Holiday’ number. It’s my favorite in the THE COMPANY OF “AMERICAN IDIOT” Photo: John Daughtry show to perform.”


Get Out and Play

Scott A. Drake

Boxers or briefs? Winter has given us some nice days, some wet days and some frigid days this year. But hundreds of runners are hoping for the best Feb. 9 when Philadelphia’s first Cupid’s Undie Run kicks off Fairmount. Having been a very successful and entertaining event in other cites, this Philly first fun-run fundraiser is already generating some chatter. While there will not be a time-based winner, there are many runners vying for top prizes for the amount of money they collect for the Children’s Tumor Foundation. Sixteen other U.S. cities also have similar runs, as does Sydney, Australia. Here in Philadelphia, Matt O’Neill was hoping to raise at least $100 for the cause and is pleased he broke the $600 mark. More than $400,000 has been raised since the run’s 2010 inception in Washington, D.C. How does O’Neill feel about running through Philadelphia in his underwear? “When I signed up for it, running in public was definitely a lot to take in, but since I know there are people who do the naked bike ride and I know I’ll never be as nude as them, I’ll survive,” O’Neill said. “And it’s for a great cause, so how could I say no?” As for the weather, the run will go on in rain, sun, sleet or snow. “I say bring it. The worse, the better,” said O’Neill. As for his underwear choice: “Since so many people are supporting me, I thought I’d let the public decide.” A team from Tabu will also participate and, as of presstime, are in fifth-place in fundraising. The Undie Run pre-race festivities begin at noon at Urban Saloon, 2120 Fairmount Ave. The approximately 1-mile run circles Eastern State Penitentiary starting at 2 p.m.

Visit for more information. And yes, I will be there to bring you the photo! Gay Games 9 What’s that, you say? The only sports you play are pool and darts? Well, aren’t you fortunate that they are both competitions in the Gay Games, and you could take home a medal for your skill with a cue stick or a dart! A big plus for you when it comes to practice is you’re likely going to have to do it in a bar. There are a few other sports you might be curious about in the GG9 in Cleveland. For one, table tennis (ping pong) is on the docket. You can practice for this sport yearround in your own basement. Cheer is also a Gay Games sport. If you’ve always wanted to be a cheerleader, you’ve got about 18 months to put together your ensemble and your, uh, ensemble. Keep your eye on this column for regular GG9 information and adventures, and in the meantime, get out and play! Short stops • Gryphons Rugby Football Club has its first spring practice Feb. 9 and boot camp Feb. 16 at George Pepper Middle School. Warm-ups are at 11:30 a.m. with the real work starting at noon. You don’t have to commit to play if you just want to try it out. It’s a chance to mix it up with these roughnecks and maybe get involved; • Team Philadelphia has its next meeting at 7 p.m. Feb. 18 at the William Way Community Center. ■ Countdown to Gay Games 9: 546 days. Send your questions, comments and photo opportunities to

Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013

Get out of town. No, really, we mean it. Find deals both near and far, along with travel tips from Philly’s own Jeff Guaracino.

Only in Online and in print every third Friday of the month.

Outward Bound

Jeff Guaracino

Are you taking care of yourself? How’s your health and well-being?

Only in

On Being Well

Read On Being Well every fourth week of the month

An estimated one-third of LGBTs in Philadelphia have children. Every month, Dana Rudolph dissects parenting from our perspective, from watching your children grow up to teaching them how to deal with bullies, to interviews with authors and filmmakers.

Only in Online and in print every fourth Friday.

Mombian Dana Rudolph

We’re all getting older. For LGBT seniors, being out in the golden years can pose a whole new set of challenges. Each month, Gettin’ On brings you insights on aging, from legal issues to sexual health.

Only in MORE THAN 15 MINUTES OF FAME: Philadelphia Falcons Soccer Club members Emily Fargione (left) and Ray Nasser were inducted into the Falcons’ Hall of Fame during the organization’s awards banquet Jan. 26 at the William Way LGBT Community Center. The annual event recognizes players from the previous year and heralds another season in Fairmount Park. The group practices indoors during the winter and is eager for new members; Photo: Scott A. Drake


Gettin’ On

Online and in print every third Friday of the month.


Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013


Q Puzzle First gay inaugural poet Across

1. Benjamin Britten’s Peter 6. Comedy sketch 10. Reproduced nonheterosexually? 14. Mother of the groom, to the other groom 15. Reverse an action 16. Foam at the mouth 17. Beethoven’s “F �r ___” 18. Former lead singer of Culture Club 20. “America” writer 22. CBS show in which semen may be evidence 23. Athenian T 24. Strikes out 27. Series ender 29. Blowholes 33. “Let’s call ___ day” 34. Clean-air org. 36. Copy source 39. “America” writer’s role at a DC

celebration 42. Glass footwear in a fairy tale 43. It connects Dick to Dyke 44. Article in a German newspaper 45. Spaghetti strainer 47. Carrier to Tel Aviv 51. A real mouthful 54. “Got a Rainbow” lyricist Gershwin 56. “Diamonds ___ Forever” 57. In “America”, the writer noted that his people weren’t like people on this TV show 62. Song from a broadway rock musical? 64. First name in Irish literature 65. Words said with a nod 66. Erotic opening 67. Brand of machine that cuts leaves of grass 68. The life of Riley 69. Cruising areas

PORTRAIT from page 31

PGN: You met online: What was the first face-to-face meeting like? BA: Well, we’d talked online for about a month and it was just chatting, not romantic. So it was just one of those, “If you’re not doing anything tonight, let’s hang out” kind of things. I didn’t know anything about him. We’d talked so I knew he had an accent and knew he was Asian, but I didn’t know that he was from Indonesia. There was an Indonesian restaurant that I’d been going to a lot, Sky Café. I asked him if he’d heard of it and he hadn’t, so I took him there and he loved it.

70. Mistake by Glenn Burke


1. David Hyde ___ 2. Join the army 3. Cher’s portrayer in “Clueless” 4. Allergic reaction 5. Result of a good, hard workout 6. Overpower by force 7. Attachment often found on drawers 8. Pastoral poem 9. “Julius Caesar” costume 10. “Time in a Bottle” singer Jim 11. ‘60s First Daughter 12. One that gets laid 13. Low mark 19. Bring to a halt 21. Lays waste to 25. Louisiana, in old OrlÈans 26. Mineo of “Rebel Without a Cause” 28. Ballet move 30. Viking-liking 31. Part of a chorus line?

32. Like the moon, at times 35. Type of tent that may be erected 37. 1.0, for one 38. Actress Skye 39. Tennis champ Nastase 40. The Gay ___ 41. William Tell’s canton 42. Get hard 46. Moving porn 48. Cavalry member that can stick it in you 49. Jockey Eddie 50. Newsman Jim 52. Number of sides to a gay symbol 53. Like cool cats 55. Humble home 58. Antigay prejudice, e.g. 59. Go for another tour 60. Official records 61. Visitor at gay. com 62. Hurry, to Shakespeare 63. Nutty fruitcake center? PAGE 27

moment something clicked. It was the first time I really thought, I don’t want to lose this person. We both look back at that as a time when we realized, Hey, this is serious, we want to be together. It was a defining moment in our relationship. PGN: It must have been a little traumatic. BA: For me it was a positive thing because it made me realize my feelings and then spurred me into action. I’m good in crisis modes, I don’t ever think about the negative. I jump to, OK, what are we going to do to fix this?

PGN: What was it that drew you together? BA: It was actually a slow-moving thing. Neither of us were looking for anything at the time, but when we met we both had some serious things going on in our lives. The day we met was a day before my grandmother passed away from breast cancer. It was also the day after he’d had a surgical procedure done, so our first time together we spent talking about colonoscopies and cancer. Light conversation!

PGN: I didn’t realize that, once deported, someone could be banned from re-entering the U.S. for 10 years. BA: Yes, if someone violates the terms of their visa, which Anton did by overstaying, even after 10 years someone coming back would have to apply for another visa, which they would be unlikely to receive, having violated the previous one. Anton had applied for asylum several times on the grounds that he feared persecution in Indonesia because of being what he called a triple minority — Catholic, gay and ethnically Chinese — but he was denied each time. He was told by an attorney that instead of leaving when the visa expired, he should stay and just live under the radar. Not the best legal advice.

PGN: And you were together about six months when you found out he was in danger of being deported. You must have gotten attached quickly. BA: Well, interestingly I hadn’t really thought that much about “us” but, when he told me about his situation, that was the

PGN: What has surprised you most since you’ve gotten involved? BA: Probably all the positive media response. I would never have expected as much attention and support as we’ve received. Obviously PGN was very supportive but NPR [National Public

PGN: He told me he lied to you online. BA: [Laughs.] Yes, yes he did. I eventually realized that he was significantly older than I was. It was fine, it was never an issue for us. He’s a fun guy.

Radio] and CNN all did great stories. GLAAD [Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation] even helped coordinate media stories and coverage for us. I never expected our story to blow up that big. PGN: Whom did you first go to for help? BA: There’s a great grassroots organization called Out4Immigration that I contacted. They referred us to Lavi Soloway; he and his law partner had started a pro-bono campaign called Stop the Deportations. It’s designed to help out gay bi-national couples who are married and would qualify for marriage-based visas or green cards if it weren’t for the Defense of Marriage Act. PGN: That first year when Anton was scheduled to be deported, he had a flight booked to Indonesia at 7:30 p.m. It wasn’t until 4:30 that you got the call that he’d been granted a stay. As a pragmatist, my first thought was, Oh man, did they still have to pay for the ticket? BA: Oh, I have no idea. We were so happy, we probably took it home and shredded it! PGN: And when did you get married? BA: June of 2011. We wanted to wait and do a big wedding but then we said, Screw it, let’s just do it, and we went to D.C. and had a small ceremony in Lafayette Park in front of the White House. We didn’t realize it was Gay Pride Weekend so we had a great time going around and celebrating. PGN: Where do things stand now? BA: He’s under an Order of Supervision, which means that every 30-90 days, he needs to make a scheduled visit with the

Immigration and Customs Enforcement office to “check in,” to give them all his personal information and verify he hasn’t committed any crimes. We also have the appeal in the asylum case pending and I’ve filed for an I-130, which is a marriage-based visa designed specifically for U.S. citizens married to foreign nationals. That was denied and we appealed. It basically stalls the process and it’s not a final solution, but it allows him to stay here for now. Between President Obama declaring DOMA unconstitutional and the pending Supreme Court ruling, we’re hopeful. PGN: Is it nerve-wracking to be under such scrutiny? Are you worried about getting a ticket for jaywalking? BA: Yeah, sometimes Anton will be like, “Can’t I drive your car?” and I have to say “Uh, no, you have a license to drive in Indonesia, but it’s not valid here!” We’re big Obama supporters so he was upset that he couldn’t vote either. PGN: So last question, who should play you two in the movie? BA: Oh, I don’t know. We always tease each other and call each other fat, even though neither of us are overweight. He’ll see Jack Black on TV and say, “Look, he’d be perfect to play you!” And there’s an Asian actress, Maggie Q, who plays Nikita on the CW Network. I always tell Anton she should play him in our life story! PGN: Perfect! ■ To suggest a community member for “Family Portrait,” write to


Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013


Worth Watching

YOU’RE DESPICABLE: Villainous Gru lives up to his reputation as a downright unlikable guy, but he has a tough time staying on task after three orphan girls land in his care, in the animated film “Despicable Me,” 9 p.m. Feb. 9 on ABC. Photo: Universal

CURTAIN CALL: Singer Jennifer Hudson guest stars as Veronica “Ronnie” Moore on a new episode of “Smash,” 10 p.m. Feb. 12 on NBC. Photo: NBC/Will Hart

SATURDAY NIGHT (BIEBER) FEVER: Pop singer Justin Bieber is the host and musical guest on this week’s episode of “Saturday Night Live,” 11:30 p.m. on NBC.

BLOOD BROTHERS: New episodes of “The Walking Dead” are back after a cliffhanger that had newly reunited brothers Daryl (Norman Reedus) and Merle Dixon (Michael Rooker) facing the enraged Governor and his post-apocalyptic fiefdom in the town of Woodbury, 9 p.m. Feb. 10 on AMC. Photo: AMC/Tina Rowden

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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013

227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610917-0223.

N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 302-994-1400.

You’re Dead To Me: A Broken Hearts Ball Come as your favorite undead creature, 9 p.m.2 a.m. at ICandy, 254 S. 12th St.; 267-324-3500.

The Wayans Brothers The comedy duo performs 9 p.m. at the Borgata Hotel, Casino & Spa Music Box, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-3171000.

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World The comedy film is screened 8 p.m. at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; 215922-6888.

Sat. 02/09

Sun. 02/10

The Nitty Gritty DJ Scopitone will bring back vintage 45s at the Venture Inn’s new monthly dance party that this month will feature a TwistOff dance competition, 9 p.m. at 255 S. Camac St.; 215-545-8731.

The Trouble with Harry The 1955 Alfred Hitchcock film is screened 2 p.m. at Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610917-0223.

OUT & ABOUT The week ahead Fri. 02/08 Blow Me a Kiss! Peek-a-Boo Revue’s burlesque Valentine’s Daythemed show, 9 p.m. at the Trocadero Theatre, 1003 Arch St.; 215922-6888. Laura Cheadle The singer-songwriter performs 8 p.m. at JC Dobbs, 304 South St.; 215501-7288. Rufus Wainwright The out singersongwriter performs 9 p.m. at Borgata Hotel, Casino & Spa Music Box, 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, N.J.; 609-317-1000.

The Pirates! Band of Misfits The 2012 animated film is screened 2 p.m. at Colonial Theatre,

Mon. 02/11 Free Quizzo & Board Game Night Roll the dice, 7 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500

Lipstick Mondays A weekly drag show featuring a changing roster of queens takes the stage 9 p.m. at The Raven, 385 W. Bridge St., New Hope; 215862-2081.

Tue. 02/12 Open Mic: The Best of What’s Next Sign up and play, 7 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 302-994-1400.

Tired of eating at the same old dives? Thinking about hitting a new hot spot? We’ll tell you what we liked — and didn’t

TURNING JAPANESE: Painted Bride Art Center presents Fringe Festival favorite, playwright Greg Giovanni, taking traditional Japanese Noh theater and Western children’s stories as plotlines for an adventure into whimsy performance art where ghosts, dragons and toy soldiers will dance across the stage in “A Minor Cycle: Five Little Plays in One Starry Night,” Feb. 8-9, 230 Vine St.; 215925-9914.

Mardi Gras with Wild Bohemians —29th Annual Mardi Gras Show The band performs all music from Louisiana, including Cajun, Zydeco, Dixieland, Mardi Gras street music, jazz, R&B and a specialty called Swamp Stomp, 8 p.m. at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; 215-222-1400.

Tom Keifer The singer and Cinderella front man performs 8 p.m. at JC Dobbs, 304 South St.; 215-501-7288.

Meshuggah The progressive metal band performs 8 p.m. at TLA, 334 South St.; 215-9221011.

The Smithereens The rock band performs 8 p.m. at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; 215222-1400.

Soul Asylum The rock band performs 8 p.m. at Sellersville Theatre 1894, 24 W. Temple Ave., Sellersville; 215257-5858.

True Romance The pulpy film is screened 9:45 p.m. at Colonial Theatre, 227 Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610917-0223.

Wed. 02/13

Thu. 02/14

Bob and Barbara’s Drag Show The outrageousness begins 11 p.m. at Bob and Barbara’s, 1509 South St.; 215545-4511.

Penn Jersey Roller Derby Presents: SnowBrawl! Derby girls, wrestling and fake snow, 9 p.m.-2 a.m. at Sisters Nightclub, 1320 Chancellor St.; 215-735-0735.

Bad Cupid Cabaret Diversion

Productions returns with an updated version of the hit 2011 AntiValentines cabaret, 8 p.m. at L2, 2201 South St.; 215-7327878. 4W5 Blues Jam Local musicians get down, 7 p.m. at World Cafe Live at the Queen, 500 N. Market St., Wilmington, Del.; 302-994-1400.

First Person Story Slam: The Ex-Files Spoken-word artists dish on love gone bad, 7 and 9:30 p.m. at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; 215-222-1400.

Fri. 02/15 Peek-a-boo Revue The burlesque troupe performs 8:30 p.m. at World Cafe Live, 3025 Walnut St.; 215222-1400.

Hanzel Und Gretyl The industrialrock duo performs 8 p.m. at Mojo 13, 1706 Philadelphia Pike, Wilmington, Del.; 302-7985798.

SOLUTION from page 40

Dining Out Read PGN’s food reviews every second and fourth week of the month

Only in

MAKING ‘CHANGE’: TV actor and singer-songwriter Laura Cheadle is back in the area to promote her new album, “Change (It’s Alright),” performing 8 p.m. Feb. 8 at JC Dobbs, 304 South St. For more information or tickets, call 215-501-7288.


Opening Applied Mechanics The Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts presents an interactive theater experience founded by director Rebecca Wright and designer Maria Shaplin, Feb. 8-9 at Harold Prince Theatre, 3680 Walnut St.; 215-898-3900. Bad Cupid Cabaret Diversion Production presents a rauncy, sexy cabaret for those who’ve had enough of the hearts, flowers, candy and cards filled with saccharine sentiments and cherubic Cupids, Feb. 13-16 at L2, 22nd and South streets; DiversionProductions@ya Carmina Burana The Philadelphia Orchestra performs Feb. 14-16 at Kimmel’s Verizon Hall, 260 S. Broad St.; 215-790-5847. A Minor Cycle: Five Little Plays in One Starry Night Painted Bride Art Center presents Fringe Festival favorite Greg Giovanni taking traditional Japanese Noh theater and Western children’s stories as plotlines for an adventure into whimsy performance art, Feb. 8-9, 230 Vine St.; 215-925-9914.

exhibition of works from designer Paula Scher and illustrator Seymour Chwast, through April 14, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100.

Continuing The Female Gaze: Women Artists Making Their World Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts presents more than 150 works from the Linda Lee Alter Collection of Art by women, through April 7, 128 N. Broad St.; www. The Mind’s Eye: 50 Years of Photography by Jerry Uelsmann The James A. Michener Art Museum hosts an exhibition of iconic photographs from the famed photographer, through April 28, 138 S. Pine St., Doylestown; 215-340-9800. The Mountaintop Philadelphia Theatre Company presents a re-imagining of the events taking place the night before the assassination of civilrights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., through Feb. 17 at Suzanne Roberts Theatre, 480 S. Broad St.; 215-985-0420. Oscar Wilde’s An Ideal Husband Walnut Street Theatre presents the story

HEAVY HEARTS: Hold on to your lederhosen! The relentless and humorous faux-German industrial rock duo Hanzel Und Gretyl come stomping into the area for Valentine’s Day, performing 8 p.m. Feb. 14 at Mojo 13, 1706 Philadelphia Pike, Wilmington, Del. For more information or tickets, call 302798-5798.

Rachel Feinstein The comedian seen on ”NBC’s Last Comic Standing” performs Feb. 13-16 at Helium Comedy Club, 2031 Sansom St.; 215-496-9001. To Fool the Eye 1812 Productions presents a romantic comedy about a poor hat maker drawn into the world of an eccentric duchess, Feb. 14-March 3 at Drexel’s Mandell Theater, 33rd and Chestnut streets; 215895-2787.

of romance and scandal, through March 3, 825 Walnut St.; 215-574-3550. Ronaldus Shamask: Form, Fashion, Reflection Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of drawings and sketches by the fashion designer, through March 10, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100.


Cy Twombly: Sculptures Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of works from the Swiss sculptor, through March, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100.

Send notices at least one week in advance to: Out & About Listings, PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147 fax: 215-925-6437; or e-mail:

Double Portrait Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an

Notices cannot be taken over the phone.

Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013


WELCOME TO THE MACHINE: The Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts presents Applied Mechanics, a promenadestyle theater experience founded by director Rebecca Wright and designer Maria Shaplin, in which many scenes happen simultaneously and audience members are free to wander around, Feb. 8-9 at Harold Prince Theatre, 3680 Walnut St. For tickets, call 215-898-3900.

Silent Night The Opera Company of Philadelphia performs the acclaimed new opera, through Feb. 17 at Kimmel’s Academy of Music, 240 S. Broad St.; 215-7905847.


Live Cinema/Manon de Boer: Resonating Surfaces — A Trilogy Philadelphia Museum of Art presents an exhibition of a series of three cinematic portraits defined by narratives of time and memory, and structured around the relation between images and sounds, through Feb. 10, 26th Street and the Parkway; 215-763-8100.

Balanchine/Wheeldon/Tharp The Pennsylvania Ballet performs through Feb. 10 at Merriam Theater, 250 S. Broad St.; 215-790-5800.

Mostly Gershwin Peter Nero and the Philly Pops perform through Feb. 10 at Kimmel’s Verizon Hall, 260 S. Broad St.; 215-790-5800.

Heather McDonald The comedian seen on ”Chelsea Lately” performs through Feb. 9 at Helium Comedy Club, 2031 Sansom St.; 215496-9001.

Motionhouse The Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts presents the multimedia show featuring film and dance, through Feb. 9 at Zellerbach Theatre, 3680 Walnut St.; 215-898-3900. ■



Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013

Classifieds Real Estate Sale

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Real Estate Rent

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936 N.30th St, Philadelphia, PA 19130 Just Listed! Beautiful 3BR/2.5BA home in Art Museum Area. $350,000

12:00-2:00 PM

The Lenox Condominiums 250 S. 13th Street 4F, Philadelphia, PA 19107 $239,000 Search all Philadelphia area listings @ Dan Tobey

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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013


Friens Men LOOKING FOR ROMANCE Attractive GWM, warm, sensitive, caring, 48 y.o. with a smooth gymnast build looking for other GWM, 30-50, who is also in good shape. I live in NE Phila. I’m looking for guys who are also sensitive, caring with a fun personality. If this sounds interesting to you feel free to call me, David, 215-698-0215. ________________________________________37-08 BM, 60 looking for British gent, 35-45 for intimate encounters. 215-763-3391, 6PM-Midnight. ________________________________________37-08 I’m looking for a very well end. top (8 or more) who can appreciate a very nice white butt. 8-11 PM, 215-732-2108. ________________________________________37-06 Attractive GWM, 37, friendly, sweet, caring, funny, naughtyboy, brutally attacked in prison. Every guy I ever loved has abandoned me. I’m so very lonely. ISO guys to write to me. I will reply to all. Kenneth Houck #06743-015, Federal Medical Center, PO Box 1600, Butner NC 27509. ________________________________________37-06 WM, NE Phila. If you’re looking for hot action, call 215-934-5309. No calls after 11 PM. ________________________________________37-06 GBM 28 seeks Mexican, Puerto Rican, Brazilian for good times. 215-275-7698. ________________________________________37-07 Senior GWM ISO male, 40+, all races for platonic friendship. Phila. area only. PO Box 302, Merion Sta., PA 19066. ________________________________________37-07 Masculine WM in NE, nice looking, in shape 63, bottom, quiet type. Looking 4 masculine top only 4 possible LTR. Leave mesage. 215-264-1058. ________________________________________37-08 OLDER SEEKING YOUNGER Hispanic males: Mexican, Puerto Rican, South American, etc. Like reading, travel, TV, outdoors. Seeks someone for friendship & good times. Habla Espanol. 856-547-4163. ________________________________________37-09

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Certified Massage

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All classified advertising must be in our office by 3 p.m. Friday for the next Friday’s paper. Ads arriving after that time will be held for the next available issue. PGN reserves the right to edit or rewrite ads as needed, to refuse any ad for any reason and to determine the final classification. Ads determined to be in bad taste, directed to or from persons under the legal age of consent or containing racially or sexually discriminatory language will be refused. We need your full name, mailing address and daytime phone number on the insertion order form for you ad. This information is confidential and will not appear in the paper. Any ads received without full information will be destroyed. Sexually explicit language will be edited or refused at the discretion of the management.


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Handsome Certified Therapist 6’, 195 lbs, Muscle Gives Sensual / Therapeutic Massage

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Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013

Hot ’n horny hookups.





Horny? Hookup with local gay and bi men.




Saturday, February 9th, 2013 Time: 11pm-3:30am WHAT TO EXPECT: • DJ David Dutch • Complimentary Food & Beverages • A Full House of Guys To Choose From & So Much More..

P.A.N.G. (Philadelphia Area Nudist Group) Saturday, February 10th, 2013 Time: 3pm-6pm BOYS WILL BE BOYS- AWAKEN YOUR INNER SPIRIT JOIN PANG FOR: • An Afternoon of Naked Socializing • Complimentary Food & Beverages and Much More... For More Information On Rooms go quickly and are on a 1st Come, 1st Served basis. So Check In Early if you want a room…


Members: $25.00 & Non-Members: $35.00


Members: $18.00 & Non-Members: $28.00


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Half Price Rooms (6am till 12 Midnight) Members/Students: $12.50 & Non-Members: $22.50


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Check out our website for our HOT NEW WEEKLY SPECIALS & JOIN OUR e-mail List to get the latest information on upcoming events.... Also, RENOVATIONS are being done, So swing by & Check Out The Transformation!

Don’t forget to visit the Adonis Cinema right next door!! 2026 Sansom St/ PH: 215-557-9319


Religion/Spirituality Arch Street United Methodist Church Services 8:30 and 11 a.m. at 55 N. Broad St., youth/adult Sunday school at 9:30 a.m.; 5:30 p.m. prayer service; 215-568-6250. Bethlehem-Judah Ministries Open and affirming congregation holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 5091 N. Dupont Hwy., Suite D, Dover, Del.; 302-734-9350. BuxMont Unitarian Universalist Church Services 10:15 a.m. at 2040 Street Road, Warrington; 215-3430406. Calvary United Methodist Church Reconciling, welcoming and affirming church holds services 11 a.m. Sundays at 801 S. 48th St.; 215-724-1702. Central Baptist Church Welcoming and affirming church holds services at 10:45 a.m. Sundays, summer services 9:30 a.m, at 106 W. Lancaster Ave., Wayne; 610-688-0664. Chestnut Hill United Methodist Church Services 11 a.m. and Spirit at Play, an arts-based Sunday school for children, 9:30 a.m. at 8812 Germantown Ave.; 215-242-9321. Church of the Crucifixion Inclusive Episcopal community holds services 10 a.m. Sundays and 6 p.m. Fridays at 620 S. Eighth St.; 215-922-1128. Church of the Holy Trinity Inclusive church holds services 8:30 and 11 a.m. Sundays at 1904 Walnut St.; 215-567-1267. Dignity Jersey Shore An organization for sexual-minority Catholics meets the first Saturday of the month in Asbury Park. For time and location, call 732-502-0305. Dignity Metro NJ An organization for sexual-minority Catholics meets 4 p.m. the first and third Sundays of the month at St. George’s Episcopal Church, 550 Ridgewood Road, Maplewood; 973-509-0118. Dignity Philadelphia Holds Mass 7 p.m. Sundays at 330 S. 13th St.; 215-546-2093; Drexel Hill Baptist Church Nonjudgmental Christian congregation affiliated with American Baptist Churches of the USA holds services 11 a.m. Sundays at 4400 State Road, Drexel Hill; 610-259-2356; Emanuel Lutheran Church Reconciling in Christ congregation meets at 10:30 a.m. Sundays, summer services 9:30 a.m., New and Kirkpatrick streets, New Brunswick, N.J.; 732-545-2673; Evangelicals Concerned Lesbian and gay Christian counseling; 215-860-7445. First Baptist Church Welcoming and affirming church holds prayer services 10:30 a.m. Sundays and community worship 11:30 a.m. at 123 S. 17th St.; 215-563-3853. First Presbyterian Church of Lansdowne Welcoming church holds services at 10 a.m. Sundays at 140 N. Lansdowne Ave.; 610-622-0800;

Jersey;; 732-823-2193. Metropolitan Community Church of Philadelphia Holds services 1 p.m. Sundays at the University Lutheran Church of the Incarnation, 3637 Chestnut St.; 215-294-2020; www. Old First Reformed Church Open and affirming United Church worships at 11 a.m., summer services at 10 a.m, at 151 N. Fourth St.; 215-922-4566; www. Penns Park United Methodist Church Welcoming and affirming church holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 2394 Second Street Pike, Penns Park; 215-598-7601. Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral Progressive and affirming congregation holds services 10 a.m. Sundays with Holy Eucharist at 3723 Chestnut St.; 215-386-0234; Rainbow Buddhist Meditation Group Meets 5 p.m. Sundays at the William Way Center. Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting worships 11 a.m., summer services 10 a.m, Sundays at 1515 Cherry St.; 215-241-7000;

St. Asaph’s Church Inclusive and progressive Episcopal church holds services 8 and 10 a.m. Sundays, summer services 9:15 a.m., at 27 Conshohocken State Road, Bala Cynwyd; 610-664-0966;

■ AIDS Library: 215-985-4851

■ Mayor’s Director of LGBT Affairs: Gloria Casarez, 215-6862194;; Fax: 215-686-2555

St. John’s Lutheran Church (ELCA) Reconciling in Christ congregation holds services 10:30 a.m. Sundays at 24 N. Ridge Ave., Ambler; 215-646-2451; www.

■ AIDS Treatment Fact line: 800662-6080

St. Mary of Grace Parish Inclusive church in the Catholic tradition celebrates Mass 6 p.m. Sundays in the Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County, 145 W. Rose Tree Road, Media; 610-566-1393; www. St. Mary’s Church Diverse and inclusive Episcopal church celebrates the Eucharist 11 a.m. Sundays at 3916 Locust Walk; 215-386-3916; www. St. Paul Episcopal Church Welcoming and inclusive church holds services 9:30 a.m. Sundays and 7 p.m. Tuesdays at 89 Pinewood Drive, Levittown; 215-6881796; Tabernacle United Church Open and affirming congregation holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 3700 Chestnut St.; 215-386-4100;

Unitarian Society of Germantown Welcoming congregation holds services 10:30 a.m. Sundays at 6511 Lincoln Drive; 215-844-1157;

Holy Communion Lutheran Church ELCA Reconciling in Christ congregation worships Sundays at 9 a.m. at 2111 Sansom St. and 11 a.m. at 2110 Chestnut St. in the main sancturary; 215-567-3668;

Unitarian Universalist Church of Cherry Hill Holds services 10:15 a.m. Interweave, a group of LGBT Unitarians and their allies, also meets at 401 N. Kings Highway, Cherry Hill, N.J.; 856-667-3618;

Imago Dei Metropolitan Community Church Sexual-minority congregation worships at 10:30 a.m. Sundays at 1223 Middletown Road (Route 352), Glen Mills; 610-358-1716;

Unitarian Universalist Church of the Restoration Welcoming congregation holds services 11 a.m. Sundays at 6900 Stenton Ave.; 215-247-2561;

Maple Shade Congregational Church of the United Church of Christ Affirming congregation open to all sexual orientations and gender identities holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 45 N. Forklanding Road, Maple Shade, N.J.; 856-779-7739; Metropolitan Community Church of Christ the Liberator Holds services 10:45 a.m. Sundays at the Pride Center of New

■ Rainbow Room — Bucks County’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning

■ Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Peer Counseling Services: 215-732-TALK

Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County Welcoming congregation holds services 9:15 and 11:15 a.m. Sundays, summer services 10:30 a.m., at 145 W. Rose Tree Road, Media. Interweave, a group for LGBT parishioners and allies, meets noon the first Sunday of the month; 610-566-4853;

Mainline Unitarian Church Holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 816 S. Valley Forge Road, Devon; 610-688-8332;

■ William Way Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center: 1315 Spruce St.; 215-732-2220; Hours: 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday-Friday, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Peer counseling: 6-9 p.m. Monday through Friday Library hours: 12-9 p.m. Monday-Thursday; 12-3 p.m. and 6-9 p.m. Friday; 126 p.m. Saturday. Volunteers: New Orientation: First Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m.

■ AIDS Law Project of Southern New Jersey: 856-933-9500 ext. 221

The First United Methodist Church of Germantown A sexual-minority-affirming congregation holds services at 10 a.m., summer services 11 a.m., Sundays at 6001 Germantown Ave.; lunch follows; 215-438-3077.

Kol Tzedek Reconstructionist synagogue committed to creating a diverse and inclusive community meets at Calvary Center, 801 S. 48th St.; 215764-6364;

■ Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center at the University of Pennsylvania 3907 Spruce St., 215-898-5044; Hours: 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday.

and Allies Youth Center: 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays: Doylestown Planned Parenthood, The Atrium, Suite 2E, 301 S. Main St., Doylestown; 215-957-7981;

Silverside Church Holds services 10 a.m. Sundays followed by a group discussion at 2800 Silverside Road, Wilmington, Del.; 302-478-5921;

Trinity Memorial Episcopal Church Worship with nursery care, 10:30 a.m. Sundays. First Sunday of the month, 7 p.m. Mosaic: jazz with poetry and prose; 2212 Spruce St.; 215-732-2515;

Living Water United Church of Christ An open and affirming congregation that meets for worship 11 a.m. on Sundays; 6250 Loretto Ave.; 267-388-6081;

Community centers

■ The Attic Youth Center: For LGBT and questioning youth and their friends and allies. Groups meet and activities are held 4-8 p.m. MondayFriday; case management, HIV testing and smoking cessation are available Monday-Friday. See the Youth section for more events. 255 S. 16th St.; 215-545-4331.

■ AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania: 215-587-9377

St. Luke and The Epiphany Church Open and welcoming church holds fall liturgy 9 and 11 a.m. Sundays, summer sevices 10 a.m., at 330 S. 13th St.; 215-7321918;

Unitarian Universalist Congregation, South Jersey Shore Holds services 10 a.m. Sundays in Galloway Township; 609-9659400; Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Pottstown Holds services 10:30 a.m. at 1565 S. Keim St.; 610-327-2662. United Christian Church Open, affirming and welcoming congregation holds services 10:15 a.m. Sundays, summer services 9:15 a.m., at 8525 New Falls Road, Levittown; 215-946-6800. Unity Fellowship Church of Philadelphia Diverse, affirming LGBT congregation holds services 2 p.m. Sundays at 55 N. Broad St.; 215-240-6106. University Lutheran Church of the Incarnation Welcoming congregation holds services 10:30 a.m. Sundays at 3637 Chestnut St. preceded by “Adult Forum: Sundays” at 9:30; 215-387-2885;


Community Bulletin Board

Resurrection Lutheran Church Holds services 10 a.m. Sundays at 620 Welsh Road, Horsham; 215-646-2597.

First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia A liberal, welcoming and diverse congregation that affirms the dignity of all. Sunday services at 10 a.m., 2125 Chestnut St.; 215563-3980;

Grace Epiphany Church A welcoming and diverse Episcopal congregation in Mt. Airy with services 9:30 a.m. Sundays at 224 E. Gowen Ave.; 215-248-2950.

Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013

■ ACLU of Pennsylvania: 215592-1513

■ Barbara Gittings Gay and Lesbian Collection at the Independence Branch of the Philadelphia Free Library: 215-685-1633 ■ The COLOURS Organization Inc.: 112 N. Broad St., third floor; 215-496-0330 ■ Equality Pennsylvania: 215731-1447; ■ Equality Forum: 215-732-3378

Key numbers

■ Mazzoni Center: 215-563-0652; Legal Services: 215-563-0657, 866-LGBTLAW; legalservices@mazzonicenter. org ■ Mazzoni Center Family & Community Medicine: 215-563-0658 ■ Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (Philadelphia): 215-572-1833


AIDS Services In Asian Communities Provides HIV-related services to Asians and Pacific Islanders at 340 N. 12th St., Suite 205; 215-629-2300. Gay and Lesbian Latino AIDS Education Initiative Free, anonymous HIV testing from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday at 1207 Chestnut St., fifth floor; noon-6 p.m. Tuesdays at the Washington West Project, 1201 Locust St. 215851-1822 or 866-222-3871. Spanish/English HIV treatment Free HIV/AIDS diagnosis and treatment for Philadelphia residents are available from 9 a.m.-noon Mondays and 5-8 p.m. Thursdays at Health Center No. 2, 1720 S. Broad St.; 215-685-1803. HIV health insurance help Access to free medications and confidential HIV testing

■ Greater Philadelphia Professional Network Networking group for area business professionals, self-employed and business owners meets monthly in a different location throughout the city, invites speakers on various topics, partners with other nonprofits and maintains a Web site where everyone is invited to sign up for email notices for activities and events;

■ Philadelphia Police Department liaison — Deputy Commissioner Stephen Johnson: 215-683-2840 ■ Philadelphia Police Liaison Committee: 215-760-3686; ppd. ■ Philly Pride Presents: 215875-9288 ■ SPARC — Statewide Pennsylvania Rights Coalition: 717-9209537 ■ Transgender Health Action Coalition: 215-732-1207 (staffed 3-6 p.m. Wednesdays and 6-9 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays)

■ Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations: 215-686-4670

Anonymous, free, confidential HIV testing Spanish/English counselors offer testing 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday at Congreso de Latinos Unidos, 3439 N. Hutchinson St.; 215-763-8870 ext. 6000.

■ Gay and Lesbian Lawyers of Philadelphia GALLOP holds board meetings at 6:30 p.m. the first Wednesday of the month at 100 S. Broad St., Suite 1810; GALLOP also provides a free referral service; (215) 6279090;

■ Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay Task Force: 215-772-2000

available by appointment at 13 S. MacDade Blvd., Suite 108, Collingdale; Medical Office Building, 722 Church Lane, Yeadon; and 630 S. 60th St.; 610-5869077.

Mazzoni Center Free, anonymous HIV testing; HIV/AIDS care and treatment, case management and support groups; 21 S. 12th St., eighth floor; 215-563-0652. Mazzoni Center Family & Community Medicine Comprehensive primary health care, preventive health services, gynecology, sexual-health services and chronic-disease management, including comprehensive HIV care, 809 Locust St.; 215-563-0658. Washington West Project Free, anonymous HIV testing. Walk-ins welcome 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday-Friday except for noon-1 p.m. and 5-6 p.m., and 1-5 p.m. Saturday; 1201 Locust St.; 215-985-9206.

Professional groups ■ Independence Business Alliance Greater Philadelphia’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce, providing networking, business development, marketing, educational and advocacy opportunities for LGBT and LGBT-friendly businesses and professionals. Visit for information about events, programs and membership; 215-557-0190; 1717 Arch St., Suite 3370. ■ National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association The Philadelphia chapter of NLGJA, open to professionals and

students, meets for social and networking events; ■ Philadelphia Gay Tourism Caucus A regional organization dedicated to promoting gay and lesbian tourism to the Greater Philadelphia region holds meetings every other month on the fourth Thursday (January, March, May, July, September and the third Thursday in November), open to the public; P.O. Box 58143, Philadelphia, PA 19102; ■ Philly OutGoing Professionals Social group for gay, lesbian and bisexual professionals meets for social and cultural activities, 856857-9283; popnews19@yahoo. com.












Philadelphia Gay News Feb. 8-14, 2013


4:50 PM


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