1 ✱✱ A COLLECTION Of 250+ different modern St. Vincent MS. or Sheetlets. Cost a fortune! All UM. £150/£180
2 A most interesting lot in a carton 10 Stockbooks and 1 Binder with Vietnam (South) Postal used 1960’s, Philippines 1970’s sets UM Inc. Blocks, Malagsy and French Cols. Postal used Frama Labels Collection, Covers including bisects and lots more. Slightly more unusual material. (Several 1000’s). £150/£180
3 & ACCESSORIES - Cover Albums fine lot of 11 various manufacturers, single height Albums, many pages. Excellent condition for storing your Covers. £40/£50
4 & ACCESSORIES - Substantial lot of 30+ clean Albums, very usable, Inc. Boxed, Cover Albums (with pages) fine stamp Albums some additional material. Clean + tidy. £60/£65
5 & ACCESSORIES 18 Binders (Inc. Good Four Ring Albums) with 100’s of clean and usable pages Inc. Hagners, Cover Pages etc. £50/£55
6 & ACCESSORIES. Fine lot of Ten Albums, Stamp Binders Inc. Boxed Prinz Four Ring Binder (very fine), 22 Ring Album, Malvern Album. All usable. £30/£35
7 & ACCESSORIES. Stamp Albums, Binders all fine and usable. Twenty different , some with pages, Springback Albums (2), 22 Ring Albums, 4 Ring etc. Clean lot. £40/£50
8 * Airmail Cover (70). An interesting lot of covers Inc. 1940’s/50’s Pilot autographed covers (8). 1950 Regd. Cover from K.U.T (4). 1961 USA to UK with Shrub Oak Local Post Stamp. 1930 Chile to the UK. 1949 Iceland to the UK. A very good range for study. £140/£160
9 ✱ ✱✱ Airmail Stamps of Old Europe with issues to 1950 seen Memel ovpt’s. Saar 1935 ovpt. set M + FU. 1948 25f Flood UM + FU (c£440). High value SG249/51 M + FU (c£200). Bulgaria 1927 ovpt. set M + FU. 1932 Set Mint (2) + FU (c£640). A very good lot of 300 stamps with Mint and FU sets. £200/£240
10 ✱✱ An Interesting Balance Of QEII Issues On Stockpages, Packets, and Presentation Packs. Seen Falkland Ship definitives to £2, South Georgia, New Currency Ovpts. to 50p, Pitcairn Is. Defins. to $2. A good sorter lot in a Filebox. £120/£150
11 ASIA Small lot on Pages, Cards etc. Japan 1949 8y Bean Geese mint. 5y Girl looking back mint (2). Few used on Pages, Thailand with ranges on Pages. Few 100. £50/£60
12 BALANCE with excellent contents. GB Inc. 1939 £1 UM. QEII defins. UM Sets, Castles to £1 (3). 1969 to £1. 1977 to £5. 2000 to £5 all UM commems Inc. every Phos. set UM, Niue 1994 Officials to $15 UM, Ghana double printing error, Singapore 1980 to $10 UM, Good lot of New Zealand and so much more. There is lots of material here. Good lot. £250/£280
13 Balkans Region Revenues, a good collection with many different with issues from Serbia, Slovenia, Yugoslavia, Croatia, seem to stop at 1945 over 250 revenues, mainly used. £100/£120
14 Birds on Stamps a fine collection of 860+ Stamps with many different pieces and high value stamps seen 1960 Senegal 500F. Upper Volta 500F. USA high value Eagle with values to $14. A superb range with lots of UM stamps. £160/£170
15 * BRITISH ACTORS & TV PERSONALITIES, SIGNED COVERS accumulation incl. Ronnie Corbett, Julie Walters, David Dimbleby, 2005 cast of Emmerdale (9 signatures), David Jason, Bob Monkhouse, Barbera Windsor, Wendy Richard, Eric Sykes and more, mostly on GB first day covers, fine conditon (23 covers). £500/£600
16 BRITISH AFRICA Old Range of 130+ stamps, mostly used with pickings Northern Nigeria, KEVII used to 2/6d, Sierra Leone with QV used to 1/(good range). 1897 2½d on 3d nicely cancelled, KGV to 2/- etc. £80/£90
17 * BRITISH ARISTOCRACY SIGNED COVERS, incl. Elizabeth Bowes Lyon (the great niece of the Queen Mother), The Countess of Strathmore and Kinghorne, The Marchioness of Aberdeen, The Earl of Swinton, also the Bishop of Crediton and tow other signed covers, fine (7 covers). £75/£90
18 * BRITISH AUTHORS, SIGNED COVERS, incl. Terry Pratchett on GB 2005 National Trust FDC, Leslie Thomas & Clare Francis on GB 2002 “Just So Stories” pair of FDCs, also two different 1997 Enid Blyton FDCs, each signed by her daughter, Gillian Baverstock. Fine condition (5 FDCs). £70/£90
19 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH (5000+) mostly different. Vast, mini country lots, lots of useful pickings and good FU contents packed pages noting Aden Botswana ovpts. Brunei, lots of BWI, Bermuda, Gibraltar, page full of Labuan ovpts. Sierra Leone. QV 3d revenue ovpt. Mint block 4, Zanzibar and much more. Very extensive original lot. £450/£500
Credit Cards
The best way to pay, guaranteed. Best exchange rates for overseas clients. Immediate despatch of purchases.
Definitive Sets UM Countries A to F housed in an Album KGVI to QEII (mostly) some additional FU sets. Super lot 38 different sets Aden KGVI. 1939 to 10r. 1951 ovpts. to 10/-, Antigua 1970 to $5. Barbados various sets to $10. Belize to $10, Bermuda 1953 to £1 and other sets to $5, Ceylon 1938 to 5r, Falklands Six Sets Inc. to £5, Fiji to £1. Premium lot. £400/£450
21 ✱✱ British Commonwealth Complete Definitve Sets UM Countries G to Z housed in an Album entirely QEII. Super lot 45+ different sets, Gibraltar 7+ different defin. sets to £5, Mauritius to 50R. North Borneo 1947 ovpt. set. SG335/49. Pitcairn 1957 Set. St. Helena 1953 Set. 1993 Set to £5. South Georgia Birds to £5. Tristan 1994 to £5 etc. 100’s. Substantial C.V. £450/£500
22 British Commonwealth packed in a 64 page Davo Stockbook. 1000’s of Stamps chiefly FU with extensive ranges Inc. Modern Commems (not easy FU) note Falklands (lots of delightful commems upto 2009). 1933 6d Centenary mint, extensive St. Helena Modern FU, NZ, Australia with lots of high values, Hong Kong, Vanuatu, small territories. An original lot, excellent for Collections or Club Books. Vast. £240/£280
23 ✱ BRITISH COMMONWEALTH QEII 1960/90’s vast collection of 1000’s mint sets and ranges housed in 12 volumes. Superbly fresh and masses of sets noting very good Hong Kong (various defin sets to $50) other sets to $10, Country groups. Absolutely original and a substantial lot all different mint sets. £750/£800
24 ✱ ✱✱ British Commonwealth useful pickings on Stockcards etc. being items the collector never sorted Falklands KGV to 2/6d. 1994 Set to £4 UM. Gibraltar 1931 Rock Set Mint. Ireland 1922 Set to 1/- Mint. Cyprus 1955 500m + £1 UM. Ceylon 1951 Set UM. Caymans 1950 KGVI Set Mint. Canada 1896 Map Stamps. Ascension 1945 2/6d (20) and 5/- Mint. Good items (Qty). £200/£240
25 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH Vast Hoard of Collectors items on Stockcards (Guess 650+) slightly better material. Several 1000 stamps noting Empire QEII to £1 mint. KGVI Material, Tristan Set to 10/-, Old issues, Sets, much interesting. Excellent for adding to collections or placing in Circuit Books. No duplication. Get your tweezers ready. Original hoarders lot. £1,000/£1,100
26 * British Empire Postal Stationery (33) QV to KGVI Inc. specimen ovpts. (5) all unused, Ceylon wrapper 5c ovpt specimen, St Lucia QV 2d Regd. Env. ovpt. specimen, QV Ceylon 10c Regd Env. ovpt. specimen. Edward Seychelles 12c ovpt. specimen, QV Newfoundland 5c Env. Br. Guiana 2c Env. A good selection. £90/£100
27 British Empire/Commonwealth on pages (100’s) with issues from QV to QEII with many countries represented, many 1000’s of stamps chiefly used but have seen lots of Mint/UM mixed in generally sorted by country, need a good sort anything could be in here. Filling a large carton, an original lot. £250/£280
28 * BRITISH POLITICIANS, SIGNED COVERS incl. David & Ed Milliband on the same cover, Tony Benn & Hilliary Benn on same cover, Norman Tebbit, James Callaghan, plus GB 2002 Postboxes FDC signed by four former Postmaster Generals incl. Tony Benn, Roy Mason, Edward Short & Christopher Chataway, fine condition (5 covers). £100/£120
29 * BRITISH STAMP DESIGNERS, SIGNED COVERS, two covers incl. Arnold Machin on 1997 self-adhesive defins FDC and Jeffrey Matthews on 1978 Royal Residences miniature sheet FDC. Fine condition (2 FDCs). £50/£60
30 Churchill Collection on Stockpages Inc. 1965, Omnibus issues, Mint Sets and Fine Used Sets, later issues Inc.MS. A fine collection of 700 stamps + 11 MS, dedicated to one man. £200/£220
31 * Churchill Cover Collection (70) seen 1965 Omnibus Covers (13). 1974 Anniversary Covers. 1990 Isle of Man Battle of Britain FDC with Churchill 1Crown Coin. 1974 Southampton Stamp Fair Sheets Inc. 4½p Specimen, 3p + ½p Specimen. A very good range. £180/£200
32 Cinderella’s mainly GB Inc. 1880 W H Smith “Collars” 1d, 1½d Embossed (50). KGV International Stamp Exhibition Labels in large blocks, “Egg Labels”. Airmail Labels. BEA, British Airways Letter Service Stamps. An interesting lot of a few 100 items. £400/£450
33 ✱ ✱✱ Collectors Balance, interesting collection mixed in, Microscopes, Weaving, Agriculture, Birds, Middle East, Asia, pages GB KGVI low value definitive to 1/- Mint Lighthouse Printed Album (GB) with issues from 1957 to 1985 mainly UM Inc. QEII early Phosphor Sets, Lifeboat, Red Cross etc. Album very complete in Commemorative Issues. Many 1000’s of Stamps. An original lot filling a large carton. Superb sorter lot. £250/£280
34 Collectors cards 100’s inc Spellfire, Dr Who, pro set racing. A real mixture. £80/£90
ACCUMULATION of British Commonwealth Remnants of 1000’s of M + U Stamps on Album Pages, Stockpages, Folders etc. with strength in KGVI to QEII material offering much to pick out and very little duplication terrific variety noting Montserrat defins. To $10, Gibraltar 1967 Ships Set on Cover, Ceylon Older Range. Nigeria KGVI to 5/- Malawi MS collection. Good lot of early Tonga FU. Morocco Agencies FU collection and much more. Lots of Stamps. £600/£650
36 COMMONWEALTH RANGES in a well filled Lighthouse Stockbook, many 100’s all different Inc. Ascension VFU Modern Commems (100+). Ceylon KGVI 50c DLR imprint block FM. Ireland 1922 ovpts to 1/- mint. Nigeria KGVI 2/6d (3) + 5/- (3)
different printings mint. South Africa 1950 mint pairs to 5/-. KGVI material useful pickings. £100/£120
37 * CONCORDE 1969 GB set on first day cover, signed BRIAN TRUBSHAW, fine. £50/£60
38 * CONCORDE 2001-03 SIGNED COVERS, all different, range of illustrated envs. featuring Rome, St. Petersburg, Barbados, London, Boston, 2002 Golden Jubilee over London, also 2002 “50 Years of Jet Travel” cancels on 3 covers, plus 2002 Queen Mother commemoration of 1985 flight and 2003 France “dernier retour” last return flight from New York, all with a range of signatures. Fine condition, great value at estimate (25 covers). £180/£220
39 * Concorde 2003 signed covers (4) autographed by Mike Bannister, double signed Mike Bannister and Les Brodie, Kenneth Binning limited to 17, Jonathan Mark Napier limited to 100. £80/£90
40 ✱✱ * Cricket 2000 Wisden Cup Cricketers of the Century set of Six MS and the Se-Tenant strips on illus. FDC’s. 2000 Test Match 100th Anniversary at Lords. 11 covers each different. £50/£60
41 * Cricket collection of 45 illustrated covers. 2006/07 Buckingham Covers (12) limited to 200 or less. An interesting lot. £50/£60
42 * Cricketer’s Signed Covers (17) Inc. Dickie Bird, Andrew Flintoff, Glen Turner, Martin Crowe. 1979 ICC multiple signed covers (2). A collection of single or multiple signed covers. £100/£120
43 Dogs Cigarette Cards Sets (3) Gallaher’s 1934 Small and Large Sets of 50. 1939 Senior Real Photo type Set. All in very good condition. £70/£80
44 Early cigarette cards 1920s/30s/40s seen footballers, kings of speed, medals, tricks and puzzles, old furniture, cricketers, poultry. Huge catalogue value superb array of sets, many 100’s of cards in good condition. £300/£350
45 ✱✱ East Africa QEII range on Stockpages and in original packets with issues from KUT and Zanzibar with issues to 1981 Inc. Defin. Sets. Many 100’s of stamps UM. £100/£120
46 Explorers Photo on a Card of 2 Explorers and Dog’s with Sled signed by 5 explorers in 1951. £100/£120
47 * FAMOUS ACTORS, SIGNED COVERS, we see Dirk Bogarde, Jerry Lewis, Mickey Rooney, Robin Williams, James Earl Jones, Gillian Anderson, Sally Field, Dick van Dyke, Robert Redford, John Travolta, Virginia Mayo, Eli Wallach, Jane Fonda, Angela Lansbury, Kiefer Sutherland, James Garner, Paul Hogan and more (24 covers). £450/£500
48 FINE USED groups of QEII issues, most 1953 to late 1960s, some later issues, from Qatar, Pitcairn Island incl. 1957 defins set, Ross Dependency with later issues and St. Kitts-Nevis incl.1963-9 & 1967-9 defins sets, clean & generally fine, cat.£259 (approx. 240). £65/£75
49 FOREIGN (3000++) The substantial balance on a stack of pages, mini country groups, smaller territories much FU and terrific variety, Laos, Latvia, Indonesia, Ireland, Afghanistan to name a few. £200/£240
50 FOREIGN Vast used lot of 1000’s Worldwide in packets (all off piece) Terrific variety of World issues totally unchecked for years. (large carton full). £100/£120
51 Fourteen Binders/Albums in a large carton Worldwide Collection an Oldtime original lot with many 1000’s of Stamps filling a large carton chiefly sorted by countries mainly used but have seen mint mixed in. £150/£180
52 Great Britain Railway Stamps Chiefly Heritage Railway, with Stamps/Miniature Sheets, seen issues from Mid-Hants Railway, Nene Valley, North Yorkshire Moors, Talyllyn, Vale of Rheidol, Welshpool & Llanfair. A fine and interesting lot of 270 items. £150/£180
53 * HANK WILLIAMS JR signature on USA 1993 29c Hank Williams illustrated FDC, fine. £25/£35
54 Horse Racing Cigarette Cards. 1926 Derby Entrants by Ogdens. 1927 Jockeys and Owners Colours, Scarce Set. 1906 Owners Racing Colours (Blue) a scarce set. 1925 Trainers and Colours. A fine collection of 9 sets all in very good condition. £250/£280
Clients can view at our offices Monday - Friday 10am - 5pm Please telephone to arrange an appointment. We are located in Warrington Town Centre
55 KGVI Commonwealth Collection of 1990+ Stamps (Cat. £7000+) in 4 volumes First Hinged Mint, put together in the 1940’s/50’s with many high value sets and the odd variety Solomon Is Victory 1½d extra flag. SWA UPU 3d Lake in East Africa, seen Singapore defins. To $5. Australia to £1, Bermuda to 10/-, Barbados to $2.40, Bahrain ovpts. Bahamas to £1. An Old Time Original Collection with a superb range of KGVI issues. £1,500/£1,700
56 ✱ KGVI oldtime collections on pages chiefly mint with better pickings Ascension 1938 defins with values to 10/- inc 3d black and ultramarine (13), St Helena defins to 2/6d (14), Seychelles 1938 defins (10), Falkland Island 1944 dependence sets. A useful range of 145+ stamps. £170/£200
57 ✱✱ KGVI/QEII GB overprinted issues with a Cat. value over £1000 UM. KGVI MEF set of 10. 1960 East Arabia QEII set of 15, high value castles many sets over 340 stamps UM. £250/£300
58 * LIVERPOOL FOOTBALL CLUB two signed covers, 1977 F.A. Cup Final (Dawn cover) with 13 signatures incl. Tommy Smith, Ray Clemence, Emlyn Hughes, plus Lou Macari from Manchester United, also 1978 European Cup semi-final cover signed Alan Hansen and Steve Heighway, fine (2 covers). £80/£100
59 * MANCHESTER UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB - signed covers group incl. 1975 “Return to Division 1” Dawn cover with 16 signatures, 1993 European Cup second round with 16 legends signatures incl. George Best & Jack Charlton, 1994 F.A. Cup Final with Eric Cantona & Alex Ferguson signatures, 2000 Champions League vs, Anderlecht signed Alex Ferguson, 2008 Irish cover signed Albert Scanlon (Busby Babe), plus plain card with 8 signatures incl. Sir Matt Busby. Generally fine (8 items). £400/£500
60 * Maritime Isle of Man Commemorative Covers from 2011 to 2021 illustrated with special cancels. a superb collection of 235+ covers. Cost a fortune on new issue. In superb condition. £200/£250
61 MIDDLE EAST (2000+) Solid units Bahrain, Jordan (nice group). Oman Inc. 1972 ½r + 1r mint blocks 4 (2 UM) SG156/157 Cat. £660. Palestine early ovpts. And much more. Nice group. £260/£300
62 ✱ Middle East Old Pages and Stockcards with issues to 1964, Bahrain 1938. KGVI ovpt. with values to 5r note 12a SG31. Qatar QEII both Castle ovpt. sets. 1961 Sultan Set. Muscat 1960 Defin Set. Aden QEII Defin. to 20/-. A very good range of 210 stamps. £180/£200
63 ✱ ✱✱ Miniature Sheets a random group of 40 with better sheets, seen 1984 Macau Stamp Centenary Sheets (2). 1986 Musical Instruments Sheet, Saudi Arabia Solar Energy Pair of Sheets. A useful lot mainly UM. £100/£120
64 ✱ ✱✱ Old Pages with British Commonwealth Issues. 1938 Dominica KGVI definitives to 10/original printings and White Paper Printers Mint. 1950 KGVI Turks & Caicos Is. defin. set of 13. Tristan da Cunha QEII 1960 Defin. Set of 14 Mint. 1961 New Currency set of 14 Mint. A very useful lot of 240 stamps. Mint. £200/£220
65 OMNIBUS 1946 Victory substantially complete both mint AND fine used in a special printed Album. Note Pitcairn 3d with flagstaff variety FU. £60/£65
66 ✱✱ OMNIBUS 1948 Silver Wedding Sets (6) for Aden States (2 different). Antigua, Bahrain, Barbados and Basutoland, all UM. Very fine. £80/£85
67 * PENNY BLACKS (2) One on piece with ISLE OF MAN CDS above also a single on wrapper from Garstang, both very faulty. £75/£90
68 ✱✱ Postage of Great Britain - 100 First Class Commemoratives, superb UM. Face value £165. £100/£120
69 * Postal History 1963/71 interesting group of 17 items inc college sent mail, returned, note 1966 Jeraj produce shop sent to Handsorth tech college, 1967 pages endorsed aftermath of the Bradian war 4 items an interesting lot would make a fine display. £60/£70
70 * Postal History Inc. Maritime Mail, Censored Covers seen PPC with GB ½d KGV with Bar Cancel. 1940 Env. printed sent to Stanley Gibbons with H M Ship Regd. Label. 1918 Env. Stampless with Belgium Military CDS sent to England, WWII Green Privilege Envs. 1959 Christmas Island Air Cover sent to UK “Atom Bomb Testing”. A very interesting lot of 40+ Covers. £100/£120
71 * POSTAL HISTORY with very good Germany WWII period contents Inc. used patriotic cards depicting Adolf Hitler, Third Reich issues used on special Cards/Covers some other interesting items. Good lot (46 items). £220/£250
72 * POSTCARDS. An interesting lot of 200+ Cards, many accumulated by a Sailor during 1920/30s with visits in Europe Inc. Italy and Greek Islands, others Inc. Cheshire etc. An original lot. £120/£140
Contact Simon Carson today for professional advice on how to sell your stamps/covers. PTS and ASDA registered. Integrity assured.
PREMIUM Lot of British Commonwealth Mint/UM on a stack of Album Pages being intact
Auction Purchases many UM QEII Sets especially definitive issues. Very good lot. KGV Jubilee Sets for various nations. KGVI ranges with sets to 10/-. Extensive QEII country collections Inc. Bechuanaland 1961 plate blocks, Bermuda Modern Commems. BAT Sets, Falkland Ships as Gutter Pairs, PID Map Set. Gibraltar many UM Sets. Hong Kong many UM Sets. Papua New Guinea Modern Sets and so much else. (several 1000). £750/£900
74 * Railway Early Picture Postcards Of Penang Hill Railway (29). Mainly unused, real photo type. £100/£120
75 Railways UK Letter Service Stamps/MS. Seen Bluebell Railway MS/Sheetlets, Baglet Wood Sheetlets and Booklet. Euro tunnel MS Inc. ovpt’ed. Sheetlets. Many Electric Railway MS. Didcot Railway Centre MS. A very fine collection of 270 items mainly UM odd used item. £150/£180
76 Revenues South Africa KGV to £1 (18) Seychelles. QV ovpts. (11) Edward (2) mixed. £50/£60
77 ROCKET POST 1947 Unusual NRS Dutch Sheet FU. £20/£30
78 * SCIENCE & ACHIEVEMENTS, SIGNED COVERS incl. Nobel Prize Winners Georg Wittig, Luis Walter Alvarez and more, also 1999 GB Scientists’ Tale FDC with six Nobel Prize winners signatures, Gene Kranz - NASA’s Chief Flight Director (incl. Apollo 13), four GB Hovercraft covers, Robert Ballard - sea wrecks explorer (Titanic), Percy Edwards (ornithologist), 1994 GB Medical Achievements, three covers signed by medical researchers. Fine condition (15 covers). £180/£200
79 SIX substantial boxed Lighthouse stockbooks with an extensive lot of British Commonwealth all diff, 1000’s. inc Australia with better pickings, Canada 1898 map (3) 2c all um, 1908 20c Quebec commem vfu, Rhodesia 1967 dual currency set um, BWI inc Bermuda KGVI 2/6d m & 5/- fu and lots more. An original lot. £150/£180
80 SOUTH AFRICA CARTON Inc. a Stockbook packed with material 1913 Defins. to10/- (mostly used) extensive later ranges. 1941 War Effort with UM blocks. KGVI Mint Pairs/Blocks. Printed Album with packets full of stamps. 1994 Presidential Cover with 5R coin inset. SWA 1982/90 complete in special Album. So much material. £150/£180
81 SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA (3000+) mostly different, mostly FU arranged by country, lots of FU commems. Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Haiti, Paraguay, Peru and others. Solid sections. £300/£360
82 * SPORT SIGNED COVERS, incl. golfers Bernard Langer & Nancy Lopez, cricketer Andrew Flintoff, tennis Virginia Wade & David Lloyd, football (Manchester City) Bill Faulkes & Tony Book on same “Dawn” cover, plus Formula 1 Rubens Barrichello & Thierry Boutsen on signed pictures. Fine condition (6 covers + 2 photos). £140/£160
83 ✱✱ STAMP BOOKLETS With good pickings much commonwealth Bahamas 1961 3/- + 6/-, range of GB Pre-Decimal, Tristan Da Cunha 1960 3/6d, Falklands group, Northern Rhodesia 1/-, Uganda 5/- etc. (60+). £100/£120
84 Substantial balance with much useful modern UM. material, great selection of GB presentation packs to 1992. Scottish Island Locals with MS. New issue collections of Jersey and I.O.M Mint. 2000 to 2006 Mint (big face value). Modern Booklets Inc. Alderney, a bit of Lundy, Old World collection. An Album full of British Commonwealth Inc. New Guinea issues to 1/- mint. Hong Kong with range of QV. Brunei Canoes to $1 Mint and other useful pickings and lots more. £320/£360
85 Table Tennis Thematic Collection of 330+ items with many different countries represented, seen GB 2012 Olympic Sheetlet of 30 Stamps. (Games). A very interesting collection would look great written up. £80/£90
86 ✱ The Saints Printed Album For St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Kitts-Nevis for issues from 1861 to 1975 with 860 Stamps, many commem sets Inc. 1935 S/Jubilee Sets. 1949 UPU Sets, High values to £1. A great Album to complete. Fresh Mint.
87 * TITANIC Photo Postcard with Hymm for the Disaster, Image of Ship etc. Very fine unused by Rotary Photo Series. £30/£35
88 ✱✱ Trains Collection in a large Stockbook with 760 Stamps + 65 MS. All relating to Trains. UM. £70/£80
89 ✱✱ United Arab Republic (UAR) issues on printed pages from 1958 to 1971 chiefly issues for Egypt with many complete sets. 650 Stamps plus 26 MS/Sheetlets. A very fine collection.
90 * US MUSIC STARS, SIGNED COVERS, incl. Hank Williams Jr, Howard Keel, Paul Anka, Pat Boone, Martha Reeves (and The Vandellas), P.P. Arnold plus Digby Fairweather on same cover. Clean & fine (8 covers). £100/£120
91 VAST LOT OF WORLDWIDE STAMPS semi sorted by letters of the Alphabet in Glassine packets all FU. Colossal quantities and extensive variety of global issues also some stamps on pages and packets on paper. Original lot.
✱ VERY GOOD BRITISH MALAYA Contents in a pair of Simplex Albums that’s entirely British Commonwealth several 1000 stamps. Straits 1867 First ovpts. values to 32c, much QV with values to 32c (m),States with useful pickings. 1937 Chefs Hat set to $1 fresh mint. Perak 1900 3c ovpts. mint. FMS $5 Elephant very fine fiscal used. Sarawak 1871 issues, Labuan 1894 set to 24c mint. 1902 Crown Set to $1 Mint, other ranges Inc. St. Helena. Lots of good pickings here. £400/£450
93 * Waterfalls stamps on covers. 1945 Southern Rhodesia 2d Victoria Falls censored cover sent to USA, 1990 waterfalls of PNG, 1955 envelope sent to Germany from Ethopie 35c air showing waterfall, 1932 Philippines 18c on air cover with special cachet, also a few covers relating to windmills. A fine range of 60 covers for study or display. £80/£90
94 * WINSTON CHURCHILL 1952 10 Downing Street Envelope and Letter with Autopen Signature of Churchill. Nice. £30/£35
95 Worldwide collection of many 1000’s of stamps and the odd cover with some thematic content, transport & wildlife. Needs a good sort covering many periods, an original lot. £250/£300
96 Worldwide Collectors Purchases in a Carton with Stockpages, Pages, Cards, Folders with lots of interesting Foreign Material noting French Colonies Inc. good lot of Tunisia, Norway Inc. 1856 8sk Oscar x 3 used on piece at Bergen, France with better mint, lots of pickings and 1000’s of stamps. £300/£360
97 * WWII BATTLES & PERSONALITIES, SIGNED COVERS incl. Self-Liberation of Buchenwald, RAF “Escaping Society” signed Airey Neave (who escaped from Colditz), US Navy Aces Butch Voris & Alex Vraciu, German pilots Friedrich Kemnade, Johannes Weise & Karl Bochen Tettleback, “Siege of Malta” seven different signed covers, “The Malta Convoys” four different signed covers, German Jet Aircraft two different & German Experimental Prototypes one signed cover, also includes two signed photographs of the German battleship, Bismarck signed by two survivors. Fine condition (20 covers + 2 photos). £350/£400
98 WWII U-Boat Commands B + W Photos (12) plus Printed Cards also signed (3) all with Cert of Authenticity. £200/£250
99 ✱✱ 1949 Royal Silver weddings sets from Aden, Kathiri State & Malta, all fine UM (6). £45/£55
100 * 1883-90 YORK - three items incl. unused Parcel Post label for St. Paul’s Terrace, 1890 Certificate of Posting and 1883 receipt for the payment of Income Tax in York (3). £25/£30
101 * 1914/18 Red Cross Covers “Denmark” Chiefly sent to Copenhagen Inc. printed Red Cross Envelopes. 1917 Magdeburg Camp, Mainz Camp, both Covers with a variety of cachets. 1916 Env. from Munden Camp from a Russian POW, with a variety of cachets, 1915 Env. from Russian POW in Dobeln Camp. 1917 Env. from Polish School “Libochovice” Censored in Vienna. A very interesting collection of 74 Covers with detail about each Cover. £400/£450
102 ✱ 1916-19 WAR TAX COLLECTION, old time lot presented in a “Junior” size album, we see mint & used stamps from most issuing countries with strong ranges of Bahamas, note lovely ½d gutter pair with 1 & 2 plate numbers, Jamaica with a couple of listed varieties and Trinidad & Tobago, note a number of control singles pairs or blocks throughout, minor overprint varieties plus a small stock book with more stamps. Generally good to fine, some stuck down towards the end and some have been “freed” from the pages, however a really good lot, looks like one worth sorting through (100s).
103 * 1934/36 Early Flight Covers (4). 1934 Isle of Man to England. 1935 First Flight Blackpool/;West Coast special cachet on a cover from Isle of Man to Liverpool, First Flight United Airways to Isle of Man signed by the Pilot. 1936 Last Airmail Flight “BA” with special cachet signed by the pilot. £60/£70
104 ✱ 1935 Silver Jubilee omnibus collection (ex Egypt) mint note some minor varieties have been identified. £500/£600
105 ✱ 1935 Silver Jubilee Omnibus Collection, only missing Gilberts and Egypt, Mint. £300/£320
106 1953-78 THE RHODESIAS, QEII USED COLLECTION, we see smaller ranges of Northern Rhodesia & Nyasaland, Rhodesia & Nyasaland almost complete, Rhodesia 1965-78 largely complete, some defins on first day covers, clean and generally fine, cat.£586 (app. 350 stamps + 14 FDCs).
107 * 1955 Caribbean Tour of H.R.H. Princess Margaret, commemorative covers from five different countries, each with four definitive values affixed and cancelled on the day of H.R.H’s. visit. Clean & fine (5). £25/£30
108 1965/66 Sir Winston Churchill In Memory illustrated covers mainly 1965 illustr. FDC’s. GB Locals and a few Foreign Covers unaddressed or typed address, 75 covers. £180/£200
109 ✱ 1966 Churchill Omnibus Collection of 23 Sets, BAT, Hong Kong, Falklands, Southern Arabia, UM. £70/£80
your bids online. Immediate and secure.
110 ✱✱ 1971 CANCER Society Turkey Booklet of 100 x 100 K Stamps seldom seen as a complete booklet. £50/£60
111 * 1980 GERMAN P.O.W. commemorative covers, incl. 4x “Return to Laufen” and one “Return to Royallieu,” produced in aid of The Red Cross, each signed, the Laufen covers also flown, clean & fine (5). £30/£40
112 ✱✱ 1971 5f on 50f, green surcharge, SG.80, fine UM. £65/£75
113 1971 5f on 50f, green surcharge, SG.80, VFU. £50/£60
114 1972 UAE ovpts group, incl. 5f to 35f, 60f, 125f, 150f, 1d, SG.84/7, 89, 92/3, 95, good to fine used (8). £280/£320
115 ✱ 1937/51 KGVI range on a Stock Page 1937 Dhow’s to 2r (10). A useful lot of 41 stamps mint. £100/£120
116 ✱✱ QEII Unmounted Mint range of 63 stamps. 1953 Defin. with Shades (20). 1964 New Wmk. set of 10. A useful range. Cat. £155+. £60/£70
117 ✱ ✱✱ 1968/72 An Oldtime Original Collection with many sets Inc. Sport, Wildlife, 400+ Stamps and 42 MS/Sheetlet UM/Mint. £120/£140
118 1913 First Issues 1Pi Handstamped VFU on piece, Signed on Reverse. Scott 7 Cat. $250. (Photo) £75/£80
119 ALBANIA (350+) Great variety of issues both M + FU with earlier. £30/£40
120 ALGERIA (540+) much is FU, Terrific variety of issues Inc. French Colonies Period. £50/£60
121 Collection on Album Pages with many Sets. An original lot of 670+ stamps mint or used, each stamp is different from French Colony issues to more modern. £100/£120
122 ANDORRA (150+) mostly all different Inc. elusive postal used. £60/£70
123 ✱✱ 1967/1976 QEII Unmounted Mint Collection of 245 Stamps. 1967 Defin. set of 15. SG17/31. 1970 Defin. set. 1972 Defin set. 1976 Defin. A very good range of Commem sets. A very fine collection. £70/£80
124 ✱ 1862 No Wmk 6d SG1 fine mint. A classic. £200/£250
125 1863 Watermark Star 6d Deep Green SG9 unused, Deep shade long stamp (showing the Wmks.) Some thinning but an excellent example. Cat. £750. £75/£80
126 ✱ 1863 Wmk. Star 1d (3 - All shades) with SG5 being very fine, also 6d SG8 with gum. All mint SG5/8. Cat. £1200 (4). £120/£140
127 1882/87 Wmk. CA Issues Mint Sets 1d. 1882 set of 3 SG21/23. 1882 1d perf. 12 and 1884 Set SG25/30. Mostly good to fine. Cat. £770. (10). £150/£170
128 ✱ 1903/1918 Badge of Colony both sets to 2/fresh mint. SG31/39 + 41/50 plus War Stamp ovpts. Attractive group (22). Cat. £430. £110/£120
129 ✱ 1908-17 Badge set of 8, wmk MCA, SG.41/50, mint (8). £75/£90
130 ✱ 1921/29 KGV both Wmk. defin. Sets fine mint. SG55/61 + 62/80 (23) The £1 is ovpt. specimen, (SG61. An attractive set. £120/£130
131 ✱ ✱✱ 1921-9 KGV defins in blocks of four, incl. 5s wmk MCA, most values to 2s6d wmk Script CA, SG.60, between SG.62/78, fine mint or fine UM, some blocks hinged on margin, cat.£555 (13 blocks). £180/£200
132 ✱ 1922 BARBUDA KGV Ovpt. Set Fine Mint. SG1/11 (11). £60/£70
133 ✱ 1932 Tercentenary Set Fine Mint. SG81/90 (10). Plus 1935 Silver Jubilee Set Mint. £90/£95
134 ✱ 1953/81 QEII Stockpages with over 670 stamps unmounted mint. 1953 Defins. with Shades. 1963 New Wmk Set. 1966 Defins. Inc. Glazed Paper. 1970 Defin Set. 1972 Defin. new Wmk. 1976/78 Defin. Sets. A superb collection with many Commem. Sets. £100/£120
135 ✱✱ 1976/86 Antigua and Antigua & Barbuda, unmounted mint collection of 470 stamps + 77 MS with definitive sets, Commem’s etc. A superb collection. £150/£170
136 ✱✱ Unmounted mint selection inc 1966 arms sheetlet of 25. A good range of 100 different stamps. £60/£70
137 1912-22 GB USED IN: 9d agate, SG.Z48, superb used on piece, full strike of postmark. £380/£450
138 ✱ 1913 First Wmk. 10/- Ovpt. Italic Specimen. Mint, OG. Some nibbled perfs. and foxing. SG14 (normal CV £950). £60/£70
139 * 1913 GB USED IN QV ½d Jubilee SGZ8. BLOCK OF SIX on fine Cover to UK each with single Ring CDS. A remarkable multiple usage.
140 ✱ 1922 KGV ovpt. Set Fine Mint. SG1/9 (9). c£325. £100/£110
141 ✱ 1922 KGV Ovpt. Set VFM SG1/9 (9). £150/£170
142 1922 KGV Ovpt. Set VFU. All with matching CDS. SG1/9 (9). £180/£200
143 1922 St. Helena ovpts set, SG.1/9, VFU (9). £250/£280
144 ✱ 1924 KGV Badge Set (12) Fine Mint. SG10/20. c£350. £110/£120
145 1924 KGV Badge Set FU. Elusive. SG10/20 (12). £240/£250
146 ✱ 1924 Specimen ovpts badge 5d, 1/-, 2/-, 3/mint. £70/£80
147 1934 KGV DIE PROOF Of the 1½d (SG23) in alternative colour combination, struck on White wove paper (size 72 x 42 mm) Light Foxing away from the stamp. Scarce. £500/£550
148 ✱ 1934 KGV Pictorial Set + 1935 Silver Jubilee Set both fine mint. SG21/30, 31/34. c£185 (14). £70/£80
149 1934 KGV pictorial set of 10 SG21/30 fu. £50/£60
150 1934 KGV Pictorial Set VFU. SG21/30 (10). £75/£80
151 ✱✱ 1934 Teardrop Flaw 1d SG22A UM in pair with normal (normal is hinged). Very fine. £80/£85
152 1934 TEARDROPS VARIETY KGV 8d VFU with Madame Joseph Forged CDS. A rare combination SG27A. Cat. £750. £200/£220
153 ✱ 1934/35 KGV sets 1934 pictorial set of 10, 1935 S/Jubilee set of 4 SG21/30, 31/34 mint. £70/£80
154 * 1935 SILVER JUBILEE Set on fine Registered Cover SG31/34 ALSO 1/- SG34 fine Solo Franking on Regd. Cover. (2 covers). £80/£90
155 1935 Silver Jubilee set, SG.31/4, VFU (4). £55/£65
156 ✱ 1937/1949 KGVI Commemorative in blocks of 4, Coronation, Victory with plate number. 1948 S/Wedding not 10/- imprinted block of 4, 3d plate block of 4. 1949 UPU imprinted and plate blocks of 4. Fresh mint. £120/£150
157 1937/38 KGVI fine used 1937 Coronation (3), 1938 defins with values to 2/6d (23) unchecked for printing inc 3d black and ultramarine. £50/£60
158 ✱ 1937/49 KGVI collection mint 1938 defins to 10/- (43) inc 3d black and ultramarine (2), both 5/-, both 10/- plus one showing bright purple offset on the reverse, not checked for printing, 1948 S/Wedding. A fine range of 54 stamps as sets mint. £180/£200
159 ✱ 1938 DAVIT FLAW KGVI Variety 1½d original printing VFM SG40a. £180/£200
160 ✱ ✱✱ 1938 KGVI Definitive as blocks of 4 Mint/UM with values to 4d seen 1d, 1½d, 2d, 4d (3) as imprinted blocks, 2d, (2) 4d (3) with single plate numbers. 4d perf. 13½. A fine collection of 13 blocks. £300/£350
161 1938 KGVI Definitive very fine used in blocks Inc. imprinted blocks of 4 (8), block of 4 to 5/- (17) with cancellations, seen perf. 13½ ½d, 1d, 6d, 1/- 2/6d, 5/-, perf. 13 ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 3d, 4d, 1/-. A very fine collection, seldom seen fine used in blocks. £500/£550
162 * 1938 KGVI Definitives on FDC’s (7) sent to UK. ½d to 2d as blocks of 4 (4 covers). 3d + 6d, 1/+ 2/6d, 5/- + 10/- all with superb Ascension CDS. £250/£300
163 ✱ 1938 KGVI Original Printing 5/- SG46. As superb VFM DLR imprint marginal block of Four. A scarce original imprint block. £200/£220
164 1938/53 KGVI Definitive Set SG38/47b with different perf. types, Colours, note 5/- (3) 10/- (3) set of 35 Stamps, seldom seen UM. £350/£380
165 1938/53 KGVI Definitive Set very fine used (35) with different colours, perfs. note 5/- (3) 10/(3) SG38 to 47b. A superb lot. £220/£250
166 ✱ 1938/53 KGVI Definitives with different perf. And colour change between SG38 and SG47b (34) Inc. both 5/- and both 10/- mint. £150/£180
167 ✱ ✱✱ 1938/53 KGVI Varieties on pages seen ½d Long Bar to “E” SG38ba, ½d plate block of Six with Spot on Kings Nose ½d damage to the Bridge of Kings Nose. 1d with Tree flaw in a positional block, 1½d with Davit flaw SG40da within a block of 4. 1½d with Bony flaw. An interesting lot of 100+ stamps in blocks with values to 2/6d, Mint or UM. A fine group of 20 blocks. £550/£600
168 * 1939/53 KGVI Combination Stamp, usages on better Covers/Cards, 4 items 1939 6 stamp usage on REGISTERED POSTCARD Inc. use of original 3d SG42. 4 x 1/- + 4 x ½d on Reg’d Cover, 4½d Rate to Canada and 1½d Block 4 + 2d on Reg’d Cover. Good group. £100/£120
169 1944 Davit Flaw variety 1½d SG40BA. VFU in pair with normal. Very fine. £100/£110
170 1944 Davit Flaw variety 1½d SG40BA. VFU within block of Four. A superb multiple. £120/£130
171 ✱ 1944 Davit Flaw Variety 2/6d SG45ca VFM. Cat. £1500. £500/£550
172 1946 SPECIMEN Perf. Victory Set, fine mint. Scarce. SG48S/49S (2). £150/£180
173 * 1947 KGVI Imprinted Blocks of 4 on Regd. Letters. 2d Black/Orange P13, 3d Black/Grey P13 and 4d P13 each with fine Ascension CDS. sent to Glasgow Scotland. £80/£90
174 ✱✱ 1949 Davit Flaw 1½d SG40DA. Fine UM. £70/£80
175 * 1949 MOUNTAINEER FLAW 1d SG39CA. UM within a marginal block of 8 (2 x 4). £150/£160
176 ✱ 1949 Mountaineer Flaw. KGVI variety 2d SG41ca VFM. £140/£150
177 ✱✱ 1953 Davit Flaw 1½d SG40FA. UM within marginal block of 9. A choice multiple. £100/£110
178 ✱ 1963 Missing Colour Error 1½d Bird Cobalt omitted, mint with normal to compare. SG71A. £50/£60
179 ✱✱ 1963/71 Early booklets 10/6d SGSB1, 1971 SB2 both in good condition. £40/£50
180 GB used in Ascension 1913 strip of Three 1d Downey Heads on piece each with a fine code B CDS, impressive multiple. SGZ38B. £170/£180
181 * Postal History (20). 1935 Silver Jubilee set on Regd. Cover, variety of covers with KGVI. 1938 Definitives (7) Inc. 1946 Env with ½d to 10/- (11 stamps) sent to USA to USA. A good lot. £150/£180
182 ✱✱ QEII Collection of Stamps with issues to 1999 over 540 stamps + 25 MS each different Inc. 1956, 1963, 1976, 1981, 1986, 1991 definitive sets, lots of commem sets Inc. the odd Wmk. variety all UM. £250/£300
183 WWI Cover franked KGV 1d tied Ascension CDS and Very Fine CENSORED Handstamp alongside. £100/£120
184 ✱ 1902 Postage Dues First Set (8). SGD1/D8 Mint. Good to fine. £180/£200
185 ✱ 1922/36 Postage Dues both sets fine mint. SGD91/D98 and D105/D111 (15). £200/£240
186 ✱ 1927/36 KGV Commem Sets Fine Mint (30 different issues) Inc. the 5/- Sydney Bridge SG143. All sets. Nice lot. £220/£240
187 ✱✱ 1931 6d sepia, airmail stamp with “O S” ovpt, BLOCK of FOUR, SG.139a, fine UM. £65/£75
188 * 1931 Airmail Covers (7) Inc. “All The Way” illustrated Env’s. (3) Imperial Airway illustr. Env’s. (2) each Cover is multiple franked and mainly sent to England, one to Scotland with details. £120/£140
189 * 1931 Airmail Envelopes (3) “Per First All The Wary” Covers sent to England, Ireland and Scotland each Cover multiple franked, interesting. £60/£70
190 * 1931/34 Air Mail Covers (9) 1931 May to London with Air Mail/Section/GPO Cancel from the University of Sydney. 1931 all the way Air Cover to England, 1/-, 9d roo’s 2d head. 1934 Cover to London endorsed Karachi-London Air mail. £120/£140
191 ✱ 1932/33 OFFICIALS OS overprints fresh mint selection (15) with majority of issues between SGO125/O136. Nice lot. £120/£130
192 * 1934/51 Early FDC’s (84) with many different covers. 1937 NSW (3) Inc. one sent to Antigua. 1937 Defins. to 1/-. 1946 Victory with different illustrated env’s. A good lot with 59 illustrated covers. £320/£350
193 ✱ 1935 ANZAC issue, 2d in numbered plate blocks 1, 2 & 3, gutter block of four with imprint, part imprint block of six, 1s black in a block of four, SG.154/5, good to fine mint, cat.£251 (6 blocks). £85/£100
194 ✱✱ 1953/65 Early QEII as UM blocks of 4 (120+), Inc. 1959/61 Defins. to 5/-. SG316/27. AAT Inc. 1957/59 Sets, Highly catalogued range on Stockcards. £120/£150
195 ✱✱ 1953/97 QEII Collection on Stockpages plus Australia’s Heritage in Stamps, Souvenir Books (3) with better stamps. Seen 1963 Navigators Set Inc. 10/- and £1 White papers, Bird definitives with different papers. Defin. with different papers and shades. a good range of 550 items Inc. stamps MS. Booklet Panes, Souvenir Books UM. £180/£200
196 ✱✱ 1966-735c deep blue, OFFSET, two examples, one particularly striking, SG.386c, BW.444c, UM, few tone spots, with normal (3). £30/£40
197 AUSTRALIA (2500+ stamps on 120+ pages). Lots of clean FU pickings, Roos to 5/- perf. OS, KGV Heads, many FU commems. £100/£120
198 Fine used straight collection 1913 to 1975 many 100’s all diff comprehensive Roo’s to 10/-, 1914 6d vfu, Heads with diff printings, extensive commem sets inc 1934 Bridge to 5/-, 1963 Navigators to £2 OS perfins etc. £250/£300
199 * Interesting Postal History Covers and Cards Inc. Censor Mail (5), undelivered mail with a variety of handstamps 1914 Regd. 4d Env. with “Undeliverable/Mar. 20 1915/IT M.D” boxed cachet and return to sender HS. 1941 Censor Cover with Censor Tape and HS with “Not Transmissible/Service Suspended” sent to Sweden. A good lot of 17 covers. £170/£200
200 ✱ KGV Commemorative Collection 1927/36, 1931 Airstamp SG139. 1932 Lyrebird SG140. 1934 both Victoria Sets. 1935 ANZAC Set. A fine collection of 36 mint stamps Cat. £490. £100/£120
201 * KGV impressive collection of KGV 2d (100+) postal stationary envelopes used with business envelopes and a good variety of slogan cancels. £140/£160
202 * KGV Postal Stationary 1d Green chiefly business envelopes with a good variety of slogan cancels, 62 envelopes. £120/£140
203 ✱ ✱✱ KGV/KGVI Collection on Stockpages with 140 Stamps mint or UM. Seen 1918 KGV 1½d Wmk. Inv. SG51 mint. 1931 Head set of 8. SG124/31 UM. 1932 1d to 5d Officials mint. 1931 Air 2d as plate pairs 2 to 8 stamps UM. 2d + 3d as John Ash imprint blocks of 4 UM. SG121/22. A good range of Commem Sets. 1937 10/- and £1 both papers mint. A good lot highly catalogued. £180/£200
204 ✱ Old page and Stockcard with South Australia and Queensland issues, highly catalogued with values to 2/- seen 9d (2) mint and FU.mm1961 1d, 2d mint mainly South Australia issues, 43 stamps. £140/£160
205 * Postal History 1860 Env. with 6d Victoria on the Throne franking. SG73. 1944 Env. Army Postal Service “Papua New Guinea” sent to Tasmania. 1898 Tasmania 1d Postal Card uprate sent to UK, message about Bush Fires. 1958 Regd. Env. uprated with 5/-, 1/- and 2½d (x 2) sent to London. An interesting group of 14 items.
206 * Postal Stationery Envelope used with a variety of rates and cancellations, Inc. uprated covers, KGV (10), KGVI (8) and one with return to sender label. QEII (58) with values to 5d. Will make a great study lot. £150/£170
207 * QEII Postal Stationery Envelopes 3½d chiefly business envelopes with a good variety of slogan cancels. 70+ envelopes. £80/£100
208 * QEII Postal Stationery Envelopes 80 different chiefly business envelopes with a good variety of slogan cancels seen Condor Lamps, MM Paint, Persil, Bayers Aspirin, an interesting lot. £120/£140
209 ✱ ✱✱ Specimen Overprints 1931 Roo’s set of 3 mint. 1937 10/- mint. Paintings $2, $5, $10 UM. Adelaide Garden $10 UM. 15 specimens. £50/£60
210 * Unusual destination 1931 First Flight Cover from Australia sent to Anglesey Wales with 2/- franking and Airmail First Flight HS. £30/£40
211 ✱✱ QEII Collection on Stockpages with 100+ stamps plus (12) stamp packs Inc. 1966 Defin. pack Japanese text still sealed with set to 1995. A good lot. £60/£70
212 & (3) Billigs HB books volumes 41/42 (Australian States - extensive pmks) + Railway (+ parcel) stamps of mainland Australia (Craig etc) good. £30/£40
213 1970/2001 Fine used Collection in a Hingless Lighthouse Album, very complete for the period with 1050+ Stamps and 44 MS/Sheetlets. A superb fine used collection. £120/£140
214 AUSTRIA (2100+ on 65+ pages) packed with a diverse range of issues mostly FU. Early issues unchecked, lots of commems Inc. better and Post Offices in the Levant issues. Original Lot. £120/£140
215 ✱ 1861 Classic 1d SG4 fresh unused. Cat. £650 mint. £100/£110
216 ✱ 1861 Classic 4d SG5 fine unused Cat. £1400. £70/£75
217 ✱ 1862 No Wmk. Perf. 13. SG17. Fine mint. £150/£170
218 ✱ 1862/82 Classic period with Chalons especially crown CC issues all M/Unused, variable condition though all presentable (17 stamps) Inc. 1d (3), 4d (2), 6d (3) Crown CA Inc. 1d + 4d plus 1/- printings, Min. CV £2400. Request scan. £120/£150
219 ✱ 1863 Chalon 4d SG26 VFM (small part Gum) excellent colour. £60/£70
220 ✱ 1863 Chalon 4d SG27 fresh unused. Excellent colour. Cat. £400. £60/£70
221 ✱ 1883 Four pence on 6d handstamp Wmk reversed, fine unused. SG45X. £80/£90
222 ✱ 1884/90 QV Set (7) 1d to 5/- VFM. SG48/56 also £1 cleaned fiscal included gratis. £60/£70
223 ✱ 1901/1935 Quality collection of mint sets (56 different issues) Inc. all staircase sets to 3/-.
1906 Edwards Set, all War Tax ovpt. sets to 1/- Inc. SG95. 1920 Peace Set. 1930 Tercent Set
SG126/130 etc. Fine lot. £250/£280
224 ✱ 1902 Edward Set Inc. 5/- with plate number margin, the £1 is ovpt. specimen. All others fine mint. (1/- unused). SG62/70. £100/£110
225 ✱ 1912/19 KGV Set to £1 fine mint. SG81/89 (10). £90/£95
226 ✱✱ 1919 3d black & brown, WAR TAX ovpt, wmk INVERTED & REVERSED in a top margin block of four, SG.105y, fine UM. £350/£400
227 ✱ 1921/37 KGV Set To £1 VFM. SG115/125 (11). £90/£95
228 ✱ 1942/48 KGVI definitive sets LMM. 1942 set of 14. SG162/175a and 1948 set of 16. £60/£70
229 ✱✱ 1953/1983 QEII Collection UM with many sets Inc. definitives over 470 stamps. 1954 Defin. set of 16. 1965 Defin. set. 1966 Surch Set. 1967 Set Inc. White Paper Issues (ex 3c, 8c, 15c). 1971 Defins. with different printings, many commem sets Inc. the odd Wmk. variety. A superb lot.
230 Accumulation of KGVI/Early QEII Issues On Old Stockpages. Seen KGVI Mint range to 1/- QEII 1854/63 used definitives to £1 and mint to 10d. a few 100 stamps unchecked oldtime lot.
231 1949 UPU set perf. 17½ Postage Set and Official Set both sets VFU. £80/£90
232 ✱ 1933/37 KGV Set Fresh Mint. SG1/14W plus 15/19 (ex 17a) (19). £100/£120
233 ✱ 1937 KGVI Set VFM SG20/37 (16). £360/£380
234 ✱ ✱✱ 1948 KGVI GB ovpt. Set. SG51/60a As VFM blocks Four (50% NHM). Scarce in blocks (11). £150/£180
235 ✱ Early QEII Overprinted Issues with better sets, Castles 2r on 2/6d all 3, 5r on 5/- both, 10r on 10/- (2) SG96/96a. A good range of 40+ Stamps Mint. £50/£60
236 ✱ Purchase Cards with VFM Inc. 1960 + 1964 Defin. sets. SG117/127 + 128/138. Cat. £200. £50/£60
237 ✱✱ 1971/81 Early Years Collection of 200 Stamps UM. Inc. 1973, 1974, 1976 Official Sets. 1973 Defin. Set. 1974 Re-drawn Set. A fine collection seldom seen. £80/£90
238 ✱ 1852 First Issues ½d, 1d (3) and 4d all fine mint, OG (one unused) with full margins SG2, 3, 4, 5 (5). £100/£110
239 ✱ 1858 Britannia ½d SG8 VFM OG, 4 margins, handstamp on gum. £60/£70
240 ✱ 1861/70 No Wmk. Britannias fresh mint (several unused) group of (11) between SG21/34 with shades ½d (3), 1d (2), 4d (2), 6d (3) + 1/-. A very good lot. Request scan. £240/£250
241 ✱ 1870/1874 Watermark Star Mint/Unused Britannia Classics selection (7) Cat. about £800 all collectible with 6d single imperf. (SG60B), very fine mint 1/- SG61, Penny mint. SG48 etc. £90/£95
242 ✱ 1873 Britannia ½d SG58 fine unused, traces of OG. Cat. £450. £60/£65
243 1873 Britannia 5/- SG64 VFM - One of the nicest we have seen, small corner crease mentioned for accuracy. £360/£400
244 ✱ 1875 Crown CC Perf. 12½ 4d Wmk. Inverted SG68W + 1/- SG71 both fine unused, small blemishes. Cat. £975 (2). £90/£95
245 1875/61 Crown CC Perf. 14 Britannias Mint/Unused Set. ½d to 1/- (2). A fine group of 9 Inc. excellent 6d + 1/-, 3d has gum spots. All very presentable between SG72/81. Cat. £1100+. £150/£170
246 * 1881-1960 POSTAL STATIONERY MINT ACCUMULATION, includes postcards, wrappers, air letters, and wide range of registered envelopes (various sizes) from different reigns. Generally good to fine (approx 50 items). £200/£250
247 ✱ 1892/1905 Both Seal Sets Fine Mint (6d SG111 small faults). SG105/115 + 135/44. Two fine sets. Cat. £500+ (18). £75/£80
248 * “1893-6 PAID AT BARBADOS Crowned Circles, 1893 clear strike alongside BARBADOS FE 21 93 ““Boot-heel”” duplex on a plain envelope, 1896 example is a weak strike, but clear BARBADOS JA 29 96 c.d.s. alongside on a plain wrapper. See footnote below SG.CC1 explains use due to stamp shortages. Good to fine (2 covers).
“ £90/£120
249 ✱ 1897 Jubilee Set Fresh Mint (6d toned). SG116/124 (9). Cat. £325. £60/£70
250 ✱ 1906/18 Complete Sets Fine Mint. 34 different issues. Cat. £450+. Inc. both Nelson Sets. 1916 Set to 3/- (both) etc. Fine. £90/£95
251 ✱ 1912 KGV Set Fine Mint. SG170/180. (11). £75/£80
252 ✱ 1920/35 KGV Complete Sets Fine Mint (49 different issues). 1920 Victory Set. 1921/24 Defin. Set. 1925 Defin Set. Jubilee etc. Nice. £100/£110
253 ✱✱ 1925 Seal as blocks of 4 to 1/- (11) each different UM note 1½d Orange. SG231da. £60/£70
254 * 1925-37 SHIP MAIL / PAQUEBOT COVERS range of covers with “Posted on Board” cancels, or Barbados stamps with cancels from other countries, two 1934 & 1936 covers with K.N.S.M. boxed cancels to England. Interesting range, good to fine (13 covers). £150/£180
255 * “1938-53 POSTAL HISTORY KGVI period incl. defins on FDCs, censor cover, airmails, 1952 cover with both shades of 2½d definitive alongside one another, 1953 reg’d cover to Jamaica with 4c Coronation x5 franking and more. Generally good to fine (11 covers).
“ £90/£110
256 * 1939-45 CENSORED MAIL mostly addressed to USA, Canada, South America or other Caribbean countries, odd item to Europe, also see nice 1943 incoming cover from Curacao. Good lot, mixed condition, generally good to fine (40+ covers). £400/£500
257 ✱✱ 1946 Victory set with SPECIMEN handstamps (not the listed perfins), SG.262/3, UM, toned gum, unusual (2). £180/£200
258 ✱✱ 1947 1d on 2d carmine, both perfs with SPECIMEN handstamps, SG.264/64e, UM, lightly toned gum, unusual (2). £180/£200
259 * 1950-4 KGVI DECIMAL ISSUES, POSTAL HISTORY ACCUMULATION, mostly either airmails or registered mail, note complete 1950 defins set used on plain env in 1952, also see some commemoratives used on cover, some postmark interest. Nice range, mixed condition (approx 45 covers). £110/£130
260 ✱✱ 1951 BWI University College set with SPECIMEN handstamps, SG.283/4, UM, lightly toned gum, unusual (2). £200/£250
261 ✱✱ 1953/81 QEII Collection on Stockpages UM with 700+ stamps. A superb collection seen 1953 Defin. set of 13. Marine Life Defin. Sets with different printings, Flowers Defin. Sets with different printings, Bird Defin. Sets with different printing Inc. different gums used on these issues. £120/£140
262 Britannia Old Page with ½d Green (6) 1d Blue Inc. Blue paper SG44a, 4d Dull Vermillion SG45g. Sound used. £140/£160
263 ✱ Early QEII Sets 1953/65. 1953 Defin. set of 13. 1964 Wmk. changed. 1964 Marine Defin. set of 14. A good range of commems, 50 Stamps Mint. £40/£50
264 ✱✱ QEII Issues On Hagner Pages or still in packets, collection UM with issues from 1968 with many sets, seen defins. to $10, Stockpages 15, Packets 52, unchecked. Seem to run till 1981. £60/£70
265 ✱✱ 1953/57 QEII Collection of 57 stamps UM. 1954 Defin. Set. 1961 Defin. set of 11. 1964 New Wmk set of 5, plus commem sets. £120/£140
266 ✱ 1953/66 QEII Mint Collection on old printed pages. 1954 Defin. set of 11. 1961 New Currency ovpt. with a variety of ovpts. (21). 1961 set of 11. 1966 Lesoltho ovpt set. A good range of commems 84 stamps. £120/£150
267 ✱ KGV Mint Sets. 1933 Defin. Set. SG1/10. Jubilee Set and Postage Dues. All fine (16). £130/£150
268 ✱ Potentially very valuable collection of 1919/1920 overprint issues mint on imperial pages (47 different issues) sold entirely on their merits. Many different 25r + 50r ovpts. between SG1/53. £250/£300
269 ✱ 1884 STELLALAND Coat of Arms set of Five Good Mint/Unused. Scarce. Sg1/5 (5).
270 ✱ 1885/87 First set complete mint. SG1/8 (8). Good appearance. Key 1/- is exceptional, 6d is unused, several others part OG. Scarce set.
271 ✱ 1888 Protectorate ovpt. set ½d to 1/- mint. The key 4d + 1/- are fine stamps. 6d unused. All others fine, also 4d ovpt. in Red unused. SG40/46.
272 ✱ 1888 QV £1 SG20 fresh mint ovpt specimen part OG. Excellent colour. £80/£90
273 ✱ 1888 QV 1d + 6d overprints SG22 + 26 VFM (2). £80/£85
274 ✱ 1888 QV Set 1d to 10/- SG10/19 Generally fine and fresh mint 1/- small crease. Key Set (10). £360/£400
275 ✱ 1888 Surcharge set (5) mint, chiefly fine. A scarce set, (6d is unused). SG22/28. £360/£400
276 ✱ 1888/1902 QV mint selection (23 different) Inc. 1891 set SG33/37, Four pence ovpt. SG53, QV set SG59/65 etc. Majority fine STC £260+.
277 ✱ 1904 Edward set mint. SG66/71 (6). Cat. £130 £40/£45
278 ✱ 1912/24 KGV Set Mint To 5/-. SG72, 73/82 + 88/89. (12). £100/£110
279 ✱ 1925/35 KGV Mint Sets (17 different issues) Cat. £165+ Inc. 1925 Defins. to 1/- and Postage Dues. Fine. £40/£45
280 ✱ 1932 KGV Defin. Set Fine Mint. SG99/110. (12). £200/£220
Established in 1990, internationally recognised dealers, full members of PTS (London), ASDA (New York).
281 * 1938 Early Flight Covers (2) Nov. Kalahari, Feeder Service sent from Plalapye to Johannesburg then on to England. England to Maun special Env. printed First Air Service/Bechuanaland Protectorate/1 Nov. 1938 with details. £90/£100
282 ✱ ✱✱ 1945/66 Varieties on pages seen 1965 new constitution set with bay flaw UM. Lake flaw UM SG186a/189a, 1876/189b. 1961 Bird Defin. Set Mint. 1960 Protectorate 1d Vert. strip of 4 with Doctor Blade Flaw Mint. 1955 Defin. Set Mint. KGVI S/Wedding set. A good lot of 140 stamps mint/um. £140/£160
283 * 1939 FIRST FLIGHT COVER Leopoldville - Kikwit - Tshikapa, franked Belg. Congo 5c x2 and 50c airmail, LEOPOLDVILLE-KALINA pmks, TSHIKAPA arrival on reverse, few minor age marks, otherwise generally fine. £30/£40
284 1862-1914 ESSAYS COLLECTION, includes reprints of 1862 Delpierre, Grubben type 46, H. Sels, Grubben type 49, A. Fish Grubben type 50 & 51, Lemaire, Grubben type 52, E. Wittebols, Grubben 53, also 1866 Charles Wiener 20c, Grubben 836 & 846, group of unissued types, note 1870 embossed type, good to fine (74).
285 ✱ 1866 TELEGRAPH 1f blue-green, hexagonal, COB TG2, unused, cat.525 Euros.
286 * 1870 POSTAGE DUE 10c BISECT, one example used on small piece with clear & full pmk, front & part entire with bisects, SG.D63a, fine used, dated between 1879 and 1883 (3 items).
287 ✱ 1879-1939 RAILWAY STAMPS
ACCUMULATION on stock pages, we see a 192946 mint group of Railway Officials, 1879 Parcel stamps to 1f used, 1882-94 used values to 80c, also see a lovely 1f essay (Grubben 17), plus a few other essays throughout, 1902-14 mint set plus some printing trials printed twice, 1915-19 values to 15f in used multiples with clear postmarks, 1f yellow-brown in UM block of 4, good range of used 1923-31 values, Newspaper ovpts used range. Good looking lot, much is fine (100s).
288 ✱ ✱✱ ECLECTIC ACCUMULATION includes used group of German Occupation issues with some better values seen, 1858 40c used (cat.£7000, but very faulty), Telegraphs range incl. imperf essays, group of Newspaper Wrappers with SPECIMEN ovpts, 1912 2c, 5c, 10c, 40c & 50c defins on vertically laid paper in VFM/UM corner blocks of 4, 1927 1f tete-beche pair, 1f.75 in T-B gutter block of 4, small group of used classics 9mixed condition), 1920 postcard with Eupen ovpts used, strong range of 1895-1938 Postage Dues, mostly mint or UM, note shades of some values, some duplication. Generally good to fine (260+).
289 ESSAY 1849 black on bright green, Delpierre essay, blank value tablets, Grubben no.60, fine.
290 ESSAY 1862 20c purple & blue, A. Fish essay, Grubben no.572, type 51, good to fine.
291 ESSAY 1862 40c pink on China paper, Lemaire essay, Grubben type 52, good to fine.
292 ✱ ESSAY 1869 10c blue, 10c bistre, both imperf with boxed SPECIMEN handstamps, Grubben no.892 & 894, very fine with gum (2).
293 ESSAYS 1865-7 10c orange, 40c grey gutter pair, De La Rue imperf essays, Grubben no.616 & 650, plus 10c grey with SPECIMEN ovpt, essays fine, Specimen cut into at top. £80/£100
294 ESSAYS 1866 2c yellow and 6c grey-blue (x2), Grubben no.741, good to fine (3). £40/£50
295 ✱ ESSAYS 1869 1c Lion types, incl. pale blue plus same with OLSENE cancel, green on pink trial, also 2c blue on pink with double impression, Grubben 858/9, 866, 870, good to fine (4).
296 ESSAYS 1869 25c & 50c in green shades and brown shades, imperf, Grubben no.906, 908, 926/30, 935/7, fine (12). £120/£150
297 ✱✱ ESSAYS 1883 20c yellow-green, pale orange (x2), red-orange, 1f lilac, De La Rue printings with boxed SPECIMEN handstamps, Grubben no.969, 971/3, fine UM with gum (5)
298 ✱ ESSAYS 1915 5c defins in bright carmine, orange & mauve, each fine mint on gummed paper, plus proof struck in olive with blank value tablets, Grubben 1440, 1442, 1446, fine (4).
299 ✱✱ 1980/83 Extensive Collection of 130 stamps + 23 MS/Sheetlets Cat. £950+ Inc. 1983 10c on 15c unpriced SG728. 1982 Belgica ovpt. Set. 1981 Independence ovpt. Set. A fine collection UM. £300/£350
300 ✱✱ QEII early issues on Stockpages with 160+ Stamps UM Inc. 1974/77 Butterflies with different printings (70), Bird Commem sets to 1979. Commem Sets to 1979. A very good range. £50/£60
301 ✱ 1865/1936 Hagner Page with 55 Stamps, Cat. £550+. 1865 QV 1d, 6d, other first types to 1/-, Dry Docks. 1902/10 Sets. 1910/34 Carnival Sets Inc. Shades. 1936 KGV Pictorial Set. Fresh mint. £120/£150
302 1922 Diagonal Line Across Flag And Design ½d unusual variety VFU. SG77A. £40/£50
303 ✱ 1936-47 KGV pictorial defins set in BLOCKS of FOUR, SG.98/106, VFM, lower pairs UM (9 blocks). £65/£75
304 1938/53 KGVI high values “Key Issues” 2/to £1, with a variety of Shades and Printings. 2/(20), 2/6d (4), 5/- (9) note 5/- with very fine 1943 Ireland Island CDS, 10/- (2) 12/6d (3), £1, between SG116 and 121e. Superb for study all very fine used. £500/£550
305 1949 KGVI high value set 2/- to £1 all VFU on pieces with matching Pmks SG116d/121c (6). £150/£170
306 ✱✱ 1953/1984 QEII Collection on Stockpages UM with a fine collection of 340+ stamps Inc. 1963 Defin’s. to 10/- (19). 1962 Defin. set of 18. 1970 New Currency Defin. set of 17. 1970 Flowers set of 24. 1978 Wildlife set of 17, Extensive Commem Sets some still in their original packets. £100/£120
307 ✱✱ 1953/1983 QEII Collection on Stockpages with 450 stamps UM. Seen 1961 3½c on 4d wide surch. SG161a and SG161c (c£90). 1966 and 1967 Bird Sets. 1974 Minerals Set. 1976 Mineral Sets both types. 1978 Birds with different printings, extensive Commem Sets. A very fine collection. £150/£180
308 ✱✱ 1963/1987 QEII Unmounted Mint Collection of 245 Stamps, note 1973 and 1975. Study with Shades and Stamps from different plates. 1963 set to £1. SG1/15a (ex 15). 1971 New Currency Set. 1973/75 Explorers (10) Inc. £1 x 9. 1984 Defin. Set and a very good range of commemorative sets. £180/£200
309 ✱✱ 1963/2013 Substantially complete UM SG £1800+. (100’s + MS) many significant and highly rated sets Inc. 1963 to £1 HMS endurance, numerous other defins to £5, many good topical commem sets. Delightful. £550/£600
310 ✱✱ 1971 decimal surcharges set, SG.24/37, fine UM (14). £40/£50
311 * Cover/Card Collection of (25) 1984 Brabant Island illustr. cover signed by Chris Furse. HMS Endurance Cover signed by John Farmer. 1980 Explorers to £1 (25) on Cover. A fine collection. £90/£100
312 ✱ 1852 Reprints of 1c (imperf.) and 4c (perf.) mint. (SG9/10). £40/£50
313 ✱ 1861 1c Reddish Brown VFM. SG40. £200/£220
314 ✱ 1862 24c SG64 Fine Mint, OG. Imperf on Two sides. Excellent appearance. c£800. £80/£90
315 ✱ 1863 6c SG69 Mint, OG. £50/£60
316 ✱ 1863 Perf. 10 Issues Fine Mint/Unused (4) 1c (2), 2c + 8c SG95. A good group. £60/£70
317 ✱ 1866 48c Top Value SG105. Fresh Mint. £100/£120
318 ✱ 1867 48c Handstamped Specimen SG104S. Tone spot and gum crease. Good appearance. Cat. £350. £35/£40
319 ✱ 1875/77 OFFICIALS 1c SGO1 and 4c SGO8. Both fine mint. £50/£60
320 ✱ 1878 Provisional (3) 1c SG137 fresh mint. 1c SG139 unused and 1c SG142 unused. Elusive. Cat. £680. £90/£95
321 ✱ 1881 Local surcharges fine mint. 1c + 2c. SG149/151 + 152 (4). £50/£60
322 ✱ 1881 Provisional overprints on official stamps mint group (7). Scarce stamps with SG153/154, 155 (2), 157 (2) and 159 mostly good to fine. £200/£220
323 1888 Surcharges 1c to 72c Set (Inc. both 4c) and $2 + $3 high values all VFM. SG176/184 + 186/187 and SG192 (14). £250/£280
324 1889/91 All 3 sets fine mint. SG193/206, 207/210 + 213/215. (18). £70/£80
325 1898 Jubilee Set 1899 overprints Inc. missing stop varieties and 1900 set all good to fine mint. SG216.221, 222/224 (with vars) and 233/238. Good lot (18). £180/£200
326 ✱ 1905/10 Tall Ship Sets Fine Mint. Key $2.40 ovpt. is very fine. SG240.250, 251, 253/257 (18) 96c SG250 is unused, all others fine mint. £100/£120
327 ✱ 1913/27 Both KGV Sets To 96c Top Values Fine Mint. SG259/269, 269a, 271, 272/282 (26). £100/£110
328 ✱ 1931 Centenary Set. 1934 Defin. Set and 1935 Silver Jubilee Set all fine mint. SG283/304 (22). £80/£90
329 ✱ 1937 Coronation set, perfin SPECIMEN, SG.305s/307s, VFM (3). £60/£75
330 ✱ 1940-55 POSTAGE DUES set, perfin SPECIMEN, SG.D1s/D2s, D4s, VFM (3). £40/£50
331 ✱✱ 1953/1966 QEII Unmounted Mint. A good range of 47 stamps Inc. 1963 New Wmk. Set and a fine run of commems. £65/£70
332 ✱ ✱✱ 1966/67 QEII overprinted sets (3) Inc. varieties, 1967 1c date misplaced by 5mm, 2c with 1966 for Guyana, 3c with 1966 for Guyana. SG431a, varieties within blocks. A fine collection of 125+ stamps. Mint Inc. UM. £80/£90
333 BR GUIANA (270) much FU Inc. early revenue usages to $5 tall ships, some Pmks. £50/£60
334 ✱✱ GUYANA 1968/2002 substantial lot of new issue material UM with 1000+ different issues and 60 MS or Sheetlets. Many 1980’s ovpt. issues. Defin. Sets and more. Huge CV uncommon material. £150/£180
335 ✱ 1888/9 A fine lot of QV ovpts fresh mint (12 different) with SG36/42 set, SG43/44 + 49/50 set. Fresh. £65/£70
336 ✱ ✱✱ 1915/75 Extensive Collection mainly UM seen KGV Silver Jubilee Set. 1912 Defin’s. to $2. 1932 Relief Fund Set. 1938 KGVI definitives to $5, Silver Wedding Set, Extensive QEII Sets Inc. definitive. A very fine collection of 290+ stamps each different. £400/£450
337 ✱ Early QEII collection with better 1953 defin. set of 2o with shades and perf. types. 1962 Birds set of 12. 1967 Birds new Wmk. with issues from 1953 to 1967. A good lot of 85 stamps mint. £50/£60
338 * KGV issues on Covers (6). 1920 Env. with 1c War ovpt. block of 8 sent Regd. to USA. 1921 Env. with QV 1c on 1d, 1c War, 25c, 3c franking sent from Belize Br. Honduras with boxed and straight line Regd. Handstamps. 1934 Two illustrated Env. with Belize Br. Honduras CDS. Regd. Env. with 1c, 2c, 5c, franking with Belize Br. Honduras Regd. Label. A fine group. £50/£60
339 * KGVI issues on Covers (4) Regd. with Belize Br. Honduras Regd. Labels. 1938 $5 single franking sent to UK. SG161. Env. with 3c, 4c, 5c with Posted on Day of Issue HS. however postmark read 11 Jan. the day after issue. Env. with 1c to 50c (9) franking, illustrated Env. with 3c, 4c, 5c with FDC cancel. £80/£90
340 ✱ QV overprints fine mint group (5) Cat £280+ Inc Two on 50 on 1/- 20c on 6d etc. SG26, 28, 35. Fine group. £70/£75
BR. I.O.T.
341 ✱✱ 1968 Seldom seen Cylinder block of Six 5c to 25c (5) with missing stop after “I” also positional block of Six with stop missing after “O” all unmounted mint. £80/£90
342 ✱✱ 1968/1990 QEII Unmounted Mint Inc. varieties 5c to 25c blocks of 4 with missing dot after “O”. 1963 set of 15. 1968 set of 18. 1971 research station, a very good collection of 87 stamps on pages and 5 packets Inc. 1990 Bird Set. £100/£120
343 ✱✱ 1968/2010 Substantial Collection with much completion both sets and MS/Sheetlets 100’s all different very fine UM, much purchased on new issue. SG £750. £250/£280
344 * 2000/13 Illustrated FDCs (70) each different with no addresses, seen Birds, WWII, RAF, Fishes, Marine life, MS. A superb collection seldom seen. £220/£250
345 ✱ 1916 LEVANT KGV overprint set of 8 issued at Salonica fine mint. 4 values with RPS Certs. Seldom offered complete SGS1/S8 £800/£850
346 ✱ 1943/50 KGVI ovpt. sets (3) EAF set of 9, BMA Somalia and BA Somalia Sets. SGS1/31 mint. £60/£70
347 * 1958 QEII surcharges 1np on 5d to 20np on 3d values used on cover, SG.65/71, tied by F.P.O. 936 (R.A.F. Sharjah) pmks. £25/£30
348 ✱ 1883 B ovpt. 2c SG15 fresh mint. Gum crease. £30/£35
349 ✱ 1908 KGV Canoe Set fine mint. SG8/17 (11). £90/£95
350 ✱✱ 1953/74 QEII Unmounted Mint on Stockpages. A fine collection of 220 Stamps. 1953 New Wmk Set. 1965 Defin. Set. 1966 Both Defin. Sets. 1968 Defin. Set. 1972 Defin. Set plus a very good run of Commem. Sets. £120/£140
351 ✱ 1867/70 Early issues mint (6) elusive stamps 1d (2), 4d (3) + 6d SG8, 12, 13, 15/17. Good to fine. £200/£220
352 ✱ 1879/84 Both QV Sets Good To Fine Mint. SG24/25 + 26/31 (6). ½d Buff is unused. Cat. £355. £70/£75
353 ✱ 1888 4d on 1/- SG42 fresh unused, one nibbled perf. £50/£60
354 ✱ 1913/35 KGV. A comprehensive range of all sets between SG69/106. Fresh mint (38). £120/£150
355 ✱ 1916/22 KGV Collection War Stamps (2). 1921 Defin. set of 2. 1922 set of 4 SG82/85 and multiple script set of 16, fresh mint. £80/£90
356 ✱ 1938/47 KGVI Definitive Set with both papers (22) SG110/121, fresh mint. £60/£70
357 1950 Variety 12c Council SG133 with Pre Printing Paper Crease leaving unprinted strip. FU. Very unusual. £65/£75
358 1953/81 QEII Collection on Stockpages in original packets UM seen 1970 defin’s. with different printings, Extensive Commem. Sets with much still in their original packets. A good lot. £40/£50
359 * 1932 Revolutionary Set used on Cover with Special Congress Postmarks. Scott 364/374 (11) £100/£110
360 * 1932 Revolutionary set used on Cover with Special Congress Postmarks. Scott 364/374 (11). £100/£110
361 BRAZIL (over 2000 stamps) mostly different FU, terrific variety of issues. £120/£140
362 DIE PROOFS, circa 1879 1000r Dom Pedro, two proofs in violet and in brownish red, printed in recess, likely by American Bank Note Co., fine (2). (Photo) £70/£90
363 ✱ 1907 View on Brunei River SG23/33 mint. £100/£120
364 ✱ 1908 Views with values to $1 Inc. Shades (13) 5c Orange, 8c Ultra Marine. SG49/50. Cat. £200+ mint. £80/£90
365 ✱ 1947 View set of 14 plus 5c retouched “5c”. SG79/92 + 82a mint. c£235. £60/£70
366 ✱ 1947 View set to $10 SG79/92 mint. £70/£80
367 ✱ 1952 Sultan set of 16 with both 50c Shades and $5 Shades SG100/113a mint. £60/£70
368 ✱✱ 1952/1982 Stockpages with a superb collection unmounted mint. 1952 Defin. Set. 1963 Defin. Set Inc. Glazed Paper Set. 1974/78 Sultan Waddaulah with different Printings/Shades (130+). A very good run of commemorative stamps over 360 stamps. £160/£180
369 ✱ 1964/72 Sultan Glazed Paper set of 14. SG118ab/129a, 130, 131 mint. £50/£60
370 ✱✱ 1974/2006 Extensive collection of 490 stamps + 25 MS, chiefly UM 1974. Defins. mint with defin. Sets, Commem Sets. Inc. Se-Tenant strips Cat £790 identified on pages. £300/£350
371 BULGARIA (1700+) appears mostly all different FU Inc. earlier issues. £80/£90
372 ✱✱ 1937/47 KGVI Definitives in an Old Stockbook STC £1900, with Mily admin ovpt. set, Inc. Large Blocks, Officials, 100’s of stamps on original lot, 100’s of stamps chiefly UM accumulation. £190/£200
373 ✱ 1938/46 KGVI Sets. 1938 Defin. set of 16. 1945 MILY ADAM set of 16. 1946 New Colours set of 15. 1946 Service set of 15 all mint Cat. £400. £120/£140
374 ✱ 1938/52 KGVI collection on old album pages. 1938 defin to 8a (11), 1945 mily ovpts set, 1946 colour change set, 1947 interim ovpt set, 1948 Union set, 1949 UPU set, a fine range of 75+ stamps mint. £40/£50
375 1945 KGVI Ovpt. Set as pairs neatly affixed to a sheet with a fine CDS cancel. SG35/50. Superb item. £20/£30
376 BURMA (400) Good range of KGV + KGVI with ovpts, much FU and useful pickings. £60/£70
377 KGVI Sets fine used 1945 MILY ADMN set of 16. 1946 Colour change set of 15. 1947 Interim Gov. set of 15 plus 9p ovpt Inv. SG70a. 1947 Service ovpt. set of 13. Cat. £600. £150/£180
378 ✱✱ Unmounted Mint with many sets as blocks of 4. 1990’s period seen Animals, Transport, Sport. Seldom seen collection, 380+ blocks. £100/£120
379 ✱✱ 1969 Napoleon Gold Foil Stamp in a special folder, very fine used plus a single stamp UM. £50/£60
380 ✱✱ Study of the provisional ovpt. issue. 1961 with different shades of ovpt. different styles of ovpt. type 1/2/3, thin values etc, 125 stamps Inc. pair. A very good collection UM. £220/£250
381 1851/1990 Printed Album with issues from 1859 mainly fine used with many sets, also some mint imprinted blocks, early KGV/KGVI high values to $1, over 2000 Stamps. A fine lot. £120/£140
382 ✱ 1859 Die proof 10c Prince Albert in Lilac on thin paper, Four full margins very fine. Unitrade 17TC. £75/£80
383 1859 First Cent Issues SG29/43 used selection with all values (18 stamps) STC £1270 Inc. 1c VFU strip of 3, 12½c (4), 17c (2). 1864 2c. Eminently collectable. £75/£80
384 1859 GREAT RARITY Prince Albert 10c BLACK BROWN. First issue SG33 fine used. Incredible colour. £750/£800
385 ✱ 1897 $4 violet, Jubilee issue, SG.139, fine mint. £700/£800
386 ✱ 1924 KGV imperf set of 3 SG259/261 mint KGVI war effort 3c (x2) different shades 4c all as imperf singles mint. £50/£60
387 ✱ 1927 Error 5c McGee vert pair imperf in between (SG271) mint mentioned but no listed by SG. £60/£70
388 ✱✱ 1930 SPECIAL DELIVERY 20c brownred, inscribed “TWENTY CENTS” in a “PLATE NO.1” block of four, SG.S6, fine mint. (Photo) £30/£40
389 ✱✱ 1932 SPECIAL DELIVERY 20c brownred, inscribed “CENTS” in a “PLATE NO.1” corner marginal block of four, SG.S7, UM. (Photo) £60/£75
390 * 1935/38 Air Stage Service Flight Covers, each for different flights (66) Inc. many First Flights Vancouver- Williams Lake and return Flight Cover, Vancouver- Quesnel, Peace River-Carcajou, Peace River-North Vermilion, Prince George-Ware and Return Flight. A fine collection. £150/£170
391 ✱ 1963 OFFICIAL 1c chocolate, OVERPRINT DOUBLE, SG.O208a, VFM, cat.£850, accompanied by normal (2). £170/£200
392 ✱✱ 1985-200038c Parliament Building, multicoloured, SHIFTED PERFORATIONS, SG.1162b, UM. £25/£30
393 ✱✱ 1988-99 MISPERFORATIONS 38c & 45c defins, 1999 46c Christmas, all UM (4). £100/£120
394 ✱✱ 2015/21 Large stockbook with a unmounted mint collection of 400+ stamps & 100+MS with a face value of over $770. An extensive range in NHL MS still in sealed packs, self-adhesives. A very good collection of modern issues. £300/£350
395 ✱✱ Booklets 200 with a face value over $500 from early QEII to more modern no SA a superb array of different booklets. £120/£140
396 CANADA (1000’s) Vast lot on pages, QV interest in small Queens, extensive general ranges fu also extra um material on stockpages with QEII. Various sets to $2. £100/£120
397 Cigar and Tobacco Revenue strips (20) unused seen 200, 100, 50 Cigars strips, 1/5lb, ½lb, 1/4lb Tobacco strips. Canada Leaf 1lb ovpt. 1/5lb. A fine and interesting lot QV period, all different. £90/£100
398 Cigar Tobacco QV period revenues (15) unused strips seen 50 Cigars in a variety of colours. 1lb of Tobacco, 5lb of Tobacco, 6 Cigars, 10 Cigars, each revenue is different. £80/£90
399 ✱✱ Collection of 260+ self adhesive booklets with a face value over $1880 with many permanent stamp booklets. A superb array of booklets very high cay value. £500/£600
400 ✱ ✱✱ Hagner Pages with 100+ different stamps Cat. £1500+. 1897 Jubilee’s 3c, 5c, 8c. Extensive KGV 1911 with various printings to 50c. Express Stamps, Postage Dues, KGVI Coil Pairs. Mint/UM. £300/£320
401 ✱ KGVI officials 1949 set of 10, 1949 set of 16, 1950 set of 13, 1950 set of 2, 1952 set of 3, 1950 special delivery 10c SGOS20/21. A fine collection of 36 stamps cat £650+ fresh mint.
402 Large collection housed in 7 stockbooks and 2 printed albums. One is a Davo album with many 1000’s of stamps chiefly fine used inc a few early province issues, stamps, MS, Sheetlets, booklet panes totally unchecked an original lot with issues to 2010. £200/£220
403 ✱✱ Large collection of many 1000’s of stamps inc ms, booklets, high values all unmounted mint with a face value over $1650 unchecked for printing etc. High values to $10 many modern selfadhesive. A superb lot. £500/£600
404 & - catalogue of Canadian duplex cancellation by Robert A Lee 1st edition in very good condition. £30/£35
405 Old stockbook with issues of KGV to early QEII many 100’s of stamps inc KGV to $1 used, 1942 KGVI set to $1 mint, 1946 set to $1 mint, 1951 fisherman (x4) mint. An oldtime original lot chiefly sorted by issues. Unchecked by use. £150/£180
406 Small collection of complete booklets, fine used (15) inc moving the mail, university (3), tall ships, roses. A fine range. £50/£60
407 ✱ SMALL STOCKBOOK Noting 1900 20c FU. 1903 Edward 50c mint (c £500) and a used set (£180). 1908 Quebec set mint (c £550). KGV 1916 surch issues used. Useful pickings (several 100). £140/£150
408 ✱ ✱✱ Stock Cards with mainly stamps as blocks of 4. 1895/1935 seen 1897 1c, 2c Jubilees, KGV Defin’s. 1927 Confederation Sets. Early Air. a good lot of 38 blocks and few singles. Mint/UM. £150/£200
409 Stockbook with interesting early issues with many Classic British Columbia 1860 2½d SG2. Mint and used. 1865 10c SG14 FU. 1868 ovpts. with Litho Forgeries, New Brunwick. 1860 10c SG17 fresh mint, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Is. Newfoundland 1865 12c. A huge catalogue value mixed condition collection of 500 stamps.
410 Tobacco Revenues Strips unused (15) seen 1/4lb in Green, Blue, Red, Leaf Tobacco 1/20 in Green, Chewing Tobacco 1lb, 5lb, all QV period all different. £70/£80
411 1855/63 Triangles 4d (8) with a variety of shades (SG6/a) 3 margins, very fine to fine used with some expertised. £280/£300
412 1855-631s bright yellow-green, SG.8, good used, full, even margins, cat.£325. (Photo) £65/£75
413 1863 Triangles 4d (6) with a variety of shades. Good margins all round. Fine used. £200/£220
414 1863-46d bright mauve, De La Rue printing, SG.20, good to fine used, full margins, cat.£550. (Photo) £100/£120
415 * 1869 Postal History Cover with 4d on 6d SG27 with contents and a fine Duplex cancel with Cape Town/Cape Colony CDS nearby Worcester Oval CDS on the reverse. Env missing rear flap, the stamp seldom seen on cover. £40/£50
416 * 1871/1925 Postal History an interesting lot of 110 Covers/Cards with many being sent to MR Perkins in Worcester SA, with chiefly sent locally seen 1871 with a fine Duplex 1 on a 1d franking. 1882 3d with a fine 4 Duplex cancel. 1897 ½d (x2) with Sea Point CDS nearby. 1899 Env. with machine franking, with many Covers still with original letters. £400/£450
417 * 1893 Business Env. Mossop & Garland with 1d on 2d SG57a sent locally to Worcester with a fine Cape Colony CDS. £30/£40
418 * 1893 Envelope with 1d on 2d (SG57a) with a superb Kimberley CDS sent to Worcester SA. £30/£40
419 ✱ 1902 Edward Set with Shades. ½d (2), 1d (2), 2d (2), 2½d (3), 3d (3), 4d (3), 6d (3), 1/- (4), 5/- (2). Cat. £620. As single stamps. £240/£260
420 ✱ 1902-04 KEVII defins set, wmk Cabled Anchor, SG.70/8, good to very fine mint (9). £120/£140
421 Printer Proofs Waterlow for 1925 15c Monument and 30c Multi Ovpt. in large blocks of 40 unused with security punched holes. Scarce. £80/£90
422 ✱✱ 1935 KGV pictorial defins, ¼d to 2s (less 3d) in BLOCKS of FOUR, some with imprints, SG.96/101, 103/05, UM, cat.£314 (9 blocks). £100/£120
423 ✱✱ 1938 KGVI Complete Sheets (8) ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 2½d both colours, 3d both colours, fresh UM. £200/£250
424 ✱ 1938 KGVI Definitives with different Shade and Perfs. (23) Inc. both 2/- Shades, 5/- Shades and 10/- both perf. types. SG115/26a. Mint. £100/£120
425 ✱✱ 1953/84 QEII Collection On Stockpages (21) In Packets (23) with 470 Stamps. Seen 1962 Defin. Set. 1974/80 Defin Sets with additional printing, note $2 (10) 1974 Bird Set. £90/£100
426 ✱ 1872/1900 QV mint selection (49) Cat. £1000+ Inc. sets and mostly fine Inc. 2c inverted Wmk. SG121w. 1886 1r 12c. 1888 Two Cent ovpts. 1898 High values SG254/55. 1899 Set
SG256/264. Good lot. £150/£170
427 ✱ 1885 THE QV SURCHARGES Mint/Unused. Valuable group (27) sold entirely on their merits STC £5500. Mixed quality but some good examples here. Very difficult stamps note 5c on 48c SG157, values to 56c SG170 perf. 14 x 12½ Inc. 5c SG172, 1r12c SG170, Crown CA Issues and Set SG187/193. Frontal scans advised. From an oldtime collection. £300/£360
428 ✱ 1895/1903 OFFICIALS Mint Sets Chiefly Fine. SGO11/O27. Complete (17). Majority are fine, especially Edward Set. QV 1r12c SGO17 is soiled and not counted. Good lot. £100/£110
429 ✱✱ 1921-3210c sage-green, wmk Script CA, die I & die II in VERTICAL GUTTER pair, SG.346c, folded centrally, otherwise very fine UM.
430 ✱ ✱✱ 1921-3210c, 12c, 15c & 20c, wmk Script CA, die I & die II in VERTICAL GUTTER PAIRS, SG.346c, 347b, 349b, 350c, folded horizontally, 20c creased in gutter, generally very fine mint and of nice appearance (4 pairs).
431 ✱ 1921-3215c green on pale yellow, wmk Script CA, die I & die II in VERTICAL GUTTER pair, SG.349b, very fine mint, hinged on top stamp only. £190/£220
432 1935/38 KGV/KGVI Collection fine used. 1935 Defin. set of 11, S/Jubilee set of 4. 1938 KGVI extensive collection of the definitive set to 5r (75) with different perfs. Wmk. Upright etc, Shades, much identified. £60/£70
433 ✱✱ 1953/82 QEII Collection on Stockpages and Packets UM. A very good range with lots of complete sets, 100’s of stamps. £40/£50
434 CEYLON (750+) mostly FU with material QV/KGVI also extensive Pictorials. A good selection. £75/£80
435 ✱✱ Complete Sheets KGVI 3d perf. 11½ x 11 cyl. 7, 11, 5c cyl 1B, 1 both UM. £50/£60
436 KGV mint selection (25) War Stamps. 1935 Set SG368/378 and Jubilee Set. All fine. £30/£35
437 CHILE (800+) mostly all FU, terrific variety of issues and periods. £70/£80
438 1904 Postage Due ovpt. set FU. SGD137/42 (6). £50/£60
439 * 2002 Illustrated FDC’s collection of 56 covers Inc. MS each different plus 10 maximum card packs with FDI cancels all unaddressed. £50/£60
440 CHINA (2100 stamps) all periods, chiefly FU, terrific variety of issues noting 1878 3ca Large Dragon FU, Manchuria, Regional issues, Shanghai. Very good original lot. £600/£750
441 * 1936 10c “Cocoanut Plantations Ltd” label used on illustrated env. to USA, also Fr Cols Oceanic Settlements 30c, both tied by Tahiti pmks, label additionally cancelled by Christmas Island c.d.s. Some minor staining, scarce label. £120/£150
442 ✱✱ 1958/83 QEII Collection of 165+ stamps UM plus presentation packs/year packs. (10). A very fine collection. £70/£80
443 ✱✱ 1963/1984 QEII Collection of stamps UM plus 18 stamp packs (presentation packs) inc definitive packs. A very good collection. £50/£60
444 ✱✱ 1944 Anniversary MS. SGMS601. UM. £20/£25
445 1893-1900 DEFINITIVES GROUP incl. most values to both shades of 1s (no 1d values), between SG.11/20a, used, mixed condition, cat.£362 (13). £90/£110
446 ✱ 1893-1900 DEFINITIVES GROUP incl. most values to both shades of 1s, plus 1½d deep lilac & 2½d deep rose in blocks of four, between SG.11/20a, mint, mixed condition, cat.£487 (12 + 2 blocks). £120/£140
447 ✱ 1902 5d olive-black, perf.11, vertical strip of 3, repaired paper and reperforated, SG.33, fine mint. £60/£75
448 ✱✱ 1953/1974 QEII Collection on Stockpages with 500 Stamps plus Stamps in Packets UM. Seen 1963 Defin. Set. 1967 Defin. set of 22. 1970 Florescent Defin. set of 22. Extensive Commem sets. A very fine collection. £70/£80
449 * Postal History chiefly 1960s/70s OHMS envelopes with a variety of different frankings sent to England would make a fine display/study lot. 60 covers. £60/£70
450 ✱ 1881 Die.1 Crown CC first issue ½Pi (unused), 1Pi (M-fine). All collectible SG11/15. Cat. £3350 (4). £100/£120
451 ✱ 1881 Half Penny ovpt. on 1d Pl.201 fine mint. SG7 £50/£55
452 ✱ 1882 ½ on ½Pi Crown CA Wmk. SG25. Mint. Cat. £170. £40/£50
453 ✱ 1882 ½ on ½Pi Crown CA. SG25 (2) one mint, other unused collectible. Cat. £340. £60/£65
454 ✱ 1882 30 Para. on 1Pi. SG24 Mint. Faults though presentable. Cat. £1600. £80/£90
455 ✱ 1882/86 Die.1 Crown CA Set Mint/Unused. SG16/22 with additional ½Pi and 2Pi (9). Cat. £1100. Presentable. £100/£110
456 ✱ 1892 Die. 2 Crown CA Set, fine mint. SG31/37. Good quality. £150/£180
457 ✱ 1894 QV Set Mint. SG40/49 (10). Cat. £250. Good appearance, small blemishes. £40/£50
458 ✱ 1902 Crown CA Edward ½Pi, 2Pi, 4Pi, 6Pi, 9Pi, 12Pi + 18 Pi. All fine Mint (7). SG50/58. Cat. £470. £80/£85
459 ✱ 1904 Edward 45Pi top value. Fine mint. SG71. £50/£60
460 ✱ 1904 Edward Set Mint and mostly fine, A couple of extra shades. SG60/71 (15). £100/£120
461 1904-1030pa purple & green, BROKEN top left triangle, wmk Mult Crown CA, SG.63b, VFU. £60/£75
462 ✱ 1921/23 Script Wmk. Set to 45Pi. SG85/99. (Ex. 1Pi SG89) Fine Mint. 45Pi one short perf. A key set Cat. £550. (14). £100/£120
463 ✱ 1923 KGV 10/- Fine Mint. SG100. £150/£170
464 ✱ 1924 KGV £1 SG102 Fine Mint. £120/£130
465 ✱ 1924 KGV £1 SG102 VFM. £150/£170
466 ✱ 1924 KGV 45Pi fresh Mint. SG116. £30/£35
467 ✱ 1924/28 KGV Set to 90Pi Fine Mint. (20). SG103/117. 118/122. c£360. £100/£120
468 ✱ 1928 Anniversary Set Fine Mint. SG123/132. (10). £130/£150
469 ✱✱ 1953/1982 QEII Collection of 470 stamps UM plus year packs 1971/1983 (15) Inc. definitive packs seen 1962 Defin. Set. 1963 Europa with many Commem Sets. a very fine collection. £120/£140
470 ✱✱ 1992/2002 Specimen ovpt. special presentation packs (9) for years 1992, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 2001, 2002. A very good range of specimen stamps. £90/£100
471 CYPRUS (550+) A fine used selection with many different issues. £55/£60
472 ✱ KGV Fresh Mint selection (27 different) Cat.£440+. 1912 MCA values to 18Pi. 1934 Pictorial Set and 1935 Jubilee Set. Nice group. £100/£110
473 Revenue usage of KGVI stamps (18 items) Inc. 90pi + £1 also 1951 Passport page with 90pi neatly tied Colonial Secretary handstamp, plus an interesting propaganda label advertising produce. £60/£70
474 * TURKISH CYPRUS 1980’s Commercial Mails 200+ with a good variety of Office Pmks and Stamp Usages also some FDC, Special Pmks and Cypriot items (over 300 items in total). £75/£80
475 CZECHOSLOVAKIA (3400+ stamps) on 95+ pages, packed with a substantial mainly FU collection, very little duplication, excellent ranges plus some Bohemia Occupation Issues. £120/£140
476 * Posted Stationery (52) with 1918 ovpts. 1930’s Pictorials, 1920 Castles. A good lot, mainly unused. 6 CTO. £80/£90
477 * Postal History - Postal Stationery Covers/Cards Mint or Used Collection written up 1902 80re Env. used, 1904 10 on 8 surch unused 1901 4ore Env. uprated. 1875/88 Official Postcards. 1870’s Crown and Swords 8ore’s with a variety of numeral cancels. 1905 Card CrossWritten. A very good collection of 235 items chiefly used. Seldom seen in such volume. £450/£500
478 * Postal History a variety of WWI covers (17) written up on pages, inc censored mail sent to the UK, a variety of business with censors tape, express mail, an interesting lot for further research. £120/£150
479 * Railway related PPC, Cover collection, early PPC with Railway Cancellation with many different views odd unused, Covers with a variety of Railway Cancels. seen 1949 Cover with Fr Assens/Pr Maringer HS. 1946 Cover with Fra Vassingerod HS. 1960 Env. with Tog Post HS. 1938 Env. multiple franked with numeral issues with Vojens Gram/Rodding Cancels. A very fine lot of 110 items. £140/£120
480 * Railway Stamps/Cancelation, Collection pages. A variety of Railway Stamps chiefly mint, plus a collection of Postage Stamps with Railway Cancellations. An interesting lot for study. 240 items, Inc. Se-Tenant strips and blocks. £60/£70
481 ✱ 1874 QV Crown CC Perf. 12½. A scarce set of 3. SG1/3. 1d fine mint, corner crease, 6d unused and 1/- fine mint. Seldom offered. Cat. £1250+. £240/£250
482 ✱ 1877/79 QV Crown CC Perf. 14 set (6) Mint - Good to fine and scarce (1d is perf. 12½). SG1. 4/9 very difficult to assemble. Cat. £990. £150/£170
483 1883/90 QV mint group. 1883 CA set of 3. SG13/15, surcharges SG17+19 and CA set SG 20/26 (1/- toned). All good to fine. Cat. £530+ (11). £80/£90
484 ✱ 1903/7 Edward Set Chiefly Fine Mint. SG27/36 (10). £75/£80
485 ✱ 1907 Edward Set Chiefly Fine Mint. SG37/46 (10). £60/£75
486 ✱ 1908/35 KGV Complete Fine Mint on imperial pages. SG47/95 (49 different issues). 1908 Set to 5/-, 1921 Set. 1923 Set to £1. SG71/91 etc. A fine assembly. £250/£270
487 ✱ 1937 Coronation set, perfin SPECIMEN, SG.96s/98s, VFM (3). £50/£60
488 ✱✱ 1953/75 QEII Collection UM On Stockpages and in packets (8) with 330+ Stamps. Seen 1963 Defin Set. 1969 Defin Set. SG272/90. Glazed Paper, set of 15. A superb range of Commem. Sets. £80/£90
489 ✱✱ 1928 SCADTA “Provisional” ovpts, 50c on 10c, 1s on 20s, 1½s on 20c & 3s on 60c, all in blocks of four, Scott C1, C3/5, UM, good to fine (4 blocks). £400/£450
490 ✱ ✱✱ 1866/1940 Stockpages with a range of 130+ Stamps Inc 1867 5pi Brown unused (c£300), 1924 £1 mint, 1926 Agriculture Set, 1933 Railways Set, 1933 Aviation Set. An original old time range Mint/UM. £250/£300
491 ✱ 1922 Monarchy overprint 100m Wmk. Type 8A. SG109 VFM. £40/£45
492 ✱ 1926/48 Air Sets (8) 1931 Zeppelin ovpt. Set. SG185/86. 1933 Air Congress Set. 1947 Set. A fine collection of 50 stamps. Fresh mint. £150/£200
493 ✱ ✱✱ 1926/51 Blocks of 4 Inc. plate blocks with many sets. 1926 Express both with plate numbers. 1929 Birthday, 1939 Defins. to £1, British Army Post. A good and valuable collection 75+ blocks on Stockcards. UM/Mint, plus a range of single stamps in total. 420 stamps. £300/£350
494 ✱ 1927 Statistical Congress Set. SG173/175. (3) each as VFM Cylinder Blocks of Four and each with CONSTANT VARIETY. Listed Ballian 21A, 22A, 23A. £40/£50
495 ✱ ✱✱ 1927/48 Cylinder Blocks of 4 Collection seen 1927 Cotton Set. 1928 Medical Congress. 1931 Industrial Exhibition. 1936 Agriculture, Treaty, a superb collection of 67 blocks chiefly as sets, mainly hinged in the stamp margins. £150/£170
496 ✱ 1935 Silver Jubilee overprint 1Pi. SGA10. Fine mint. £160/£180
497 ✱ 1938 Birthday £1 SG272 fine mint.
498 ✱ 1938 Birthday £1 SG272. Fine mint.
499 1947/49 Cylinder Block of 4 fine used. 1947 Exhibition Set with English and Arabic Blocks, Parliamentary Union English and Arabic Blocks, Withdrawal of British Troops, English and Arabic Blocks. 1948 Cotton and General Pasha Blocks. UPU blocks, a superb collection of 13 blocks.
500 ✱✱ 1949 Agriculture and Industrial Exhibition. UPU set as cylinder blocks of 4, the stamps are UM, hinged in the margins, 8 blocks. £30/£40
501 ✱✱ 1971/81 Lindner Printed Album with set both UM and fine used. The collector put the fine used where the image of the stamp was very complete in UM sets, no MS, fine used, seen better sets Inc. 1972 defins. 1972 Tutankhamen MS with 700+ stamps and 12 MS. a superb lot. Two collections in one Album. £200/£250
502 ✱ 19th Century Reister Stamp Essays (3) in various shades and different types, exceptional each size 47 x 57mm approx. Very unusual. £220/£240
503 Collectors original lot of 1000’s of stamps, printed Album pages with 1958 to 1967 issues UM, Envelopes with stamps to be sorted. Unchecked. £120/£140
504 EGYPT (1600) Extensive collection of fine used on 50+ pages extensive range of different issues, many pictorials. £100/£110
505 ✱✱ POSTAL AUTHORITY Issued Stock Book with Stamps from 1972 to 1975 with better pickings, 1972 Defin. £1. Air set of 3. 1973 Air Attack. 1975 Post Day. A range of 85 stamps + 3 MS, plus an Old Stock Book with 1960’s/70’s issues. A fine lot UM. £100/£120
506 * Postcards (17) Circa. 1930’s Inc. VERY FINE RP of Port Said Native Quarters. £30/£35
507 ✱ ✱✱ Stock Pages with 1100+ stamps and 7 MS highly catalogued with better mixed in. 1938 Wedding £1. 1926 Kings Birthday. 1939 King Farouk Set with both Shades of the £1. 1952 Kings ovpt’s. Inc. Postage Set to £1 (ex 30m Blue ovpt.). 1964, 69 Defin. Sets. Postage Dues Sets. Official Sets. A superb collection Mint or UM. £400/£440
508 Stockbook with cancellation collection on early issued inc 1870 sphinx and pyramids stamps seen Mansur, Minie, Benisuef, Fesche, Suez, Benha. Just s small number of town cancels from this collection of 405+ with much identified and not modern issues. £350/£400
509 ✱✱ Unmounted Mint Collection of 430 stamps + 20 MS with issues from 1938 chiefly Commem Sets with issues to 1970’s. A very good range on Stock pages or Album pages. £100/£120
510 * Early Postal Stationery 1882/1911 unused (180) seen illustrated Postal Cards, Interior Postal Cards, Reply Cards, Embossed Envelopes with many different. A good lot. £140/£160
511 POW Cards (2) 1944 with boxed P/W MIDDLE/EAST 196 and Camp 360 EAF cachet. 1945 boxed P/W MIDDLE/EAST 208 handstamp and POW 359 EAF cachet as a handbook with detail of camp handstamps and numbers. £80/£90
512 ✱ 1878 1/- SG4 fine mint. £40/£45
513 ✱ 1878 QV No Wmk. First Issues 1d (very fine- small part OG) 6d + 1/- (very fine OG). SG1, 3, 4 (3). £250/£300
514 ✱ 1878-1912 mostly MINT GROUP on stock cards, note 1878-9 6d no wmk, later QV to 9d, 2½d with paper-maker’s wmk, KEVII to 2½d plus 1s SPECIMEN ovpt, KGV wmk MCA to 6d. Mixed condition, cat.£693+ (25). £110/£130
515 ✱ 1878-91s bistre-brown, no wmk, SG.4, very fine mint. £45/£55
516 ✱ 1882/1891 A group of QV fine mint 1d (2One Wmk sideways). 4d (3 - One Wmk. sideways). An interesting group (5). £100/£110
517 ✱ 1891 Bisect Provisional’s (4) reconstructed for each half (making Two complete stamps) ½d on 1d. All with full stops - Postumous issue. £100/£110
518 ✱ 1891 QV set of 12 ½d to 5/- Good/Fine mint Inc. several extra shades 2d, 6d, 2/6d minor imperfections. SG15/42. Cat. £870+. £200/£240
519 ✱ 1891-19026d yellow, wmk Crown CA, SG.34, fine mint. £40/£50
520 ✱ 1904/12 Edward Set fine mint. SG43/50 (8). £180/£200
521 ✱ 1912/20 KGV Set (12) Inc. both 5/- fine mint. SG60/69. £450/£500
522 ✱✱ 1918 WAR STAMP ½d Malformed W variety UM within a positional block of 11. Heijtz H35T4. £30/£35
523 ✱ 1921/28 KGV Defin Set SG73/80, War Stamps to 1/- and 1935 Jubilee Set all fine mint (17). £80/£90
524 1929 Whale and Penguin £1 SG126 FU. £200/£220
525 ✱ 1929 Whale and Penguin Set to £1 fine mint SG116/126 (11). £300/£340
526 ✱ 1929 Whale and Penguin Set. ½d to 10/fine mint. SG116/125 (10). £180/£200
527 ✱ 1929 Whale and Penguins with values to 5/- note ½d, 1d, 2d, 2½d blocks of 4, 4d line perf both 1/-, a good lot of 29 stamps highly catalogued mint. £100/£120
528 ✱ 1933 Centenary 5/- Penguin. Fine mint. SG136. £450/£500
529 ✱ 1933 Centenary Set fine mint. SG127/138 (12) £1 small gum tone on two right perforations. A key set. £1,800/£2,000
530 ✱ 1933 Centenary Set fine mint. SG127/138 (12). £1,800/£2,000
531 1938 KGVI 5/- shade VFU SG161B. £40/£45
532 1938/50 KGVI Defin. Set FU. (Inc. a couple of extra shades). SG146/163. £100/£110
533 ✱ 1946/49 MAP sets inc varieties. Thick map set of 8 inc 2d Ccats fro Coats, thin map set inc 4d “dot on T” variety. A fresh mint collection of 18 stamps cat £130+. £40/£50
534 ✱✱ 1952 Unmounted Mint KGVI defin set. SG172/185 (14). £80/£90
535 ✱ ✱✱ 1953/70 QEII collection of sets 1955 pictorial set m, 1960 bird defins inc ½d, 1d, 2d shades (18) m, 1968 flower set of 14 um, very complete run of commem sets note 1970 SS Great Britain wmk to the right variety. A fine collection of 88 stamps mint chiefly UM. £140/£180
536 1960 Weak entry 2/- scarce on this value SG204ab VFU. £150/£180
537 1960 Weak entry 2d SG195ab fine used on piece. £70/£80
538 ✱ 1960/66 Weak entry 1d SG194ab, 2d SG195ab, 1966 ½d SG227a mint. £100/£120
539 ✱✱ 1966 Watermark inverted Churchill 1d, 1/SG224w, 225w fresh UM. £50/£60
540 ✱✱ 1974 Watermark error ½p SG293w wmk inverted UM. £150/£170
541 * 1976/86 Air Letters used (48), unused (9), used sent to the same collector in the UK (philatelic usage). 1977 with Cape Pembroke Cachet. 1980 with Charles Maddocks Cachet and Joint Declaration Cachet, most written up in an Exeter Album. £150/£170
542 ✱✱ 1979 Watermark errors Stanley Airport 11p, 15p, 25p crown to the left SG361w / 362w / 363w UM. £55/£60
543 ✱✱ 1981 Watermark error 25p horse wmk to the right SG394w UM. £50/£60
544 ✱✱ 1981 Watermark inverted Royal Wedding 10p, 13p SG402w/03w UM. £45/£50
545 * 1982 Error PhilexFrance postal cards one with “FADKlands” for Falkland” only 50 cards got through before error was corrected with special show cancel. Card No 5. £40/£50
546 ✱✱ 1982 Watermark error £1 map watermark to the right SG430w UM. £40/£50
547 ✱✱ 1983/90 Unmounted Mint Collection with many sets Gutter Pair Sets, Inc. Cape Horn Sailing Ship as Single Stamp and Gutter Pairs without date. A superb and highly catalogued collection, face value £120. £90/£100
548 CANCELLATIONS 1927 KGV ½d + 1d (pair) on piece with very fine SOUTH SHETLANDS CDS SGZ141 + Z142. £90/£95
549 ✱ Early QEII Sets 1960 Bird set of 15. 1968 Flower set of 14 with issues from 1955 to 1968, collection of 65 stamps mint. £100/£120
550 ✱✱ Face Value £76+ 1989/99 Collection of UM complete sets all different Inc. various defin sets to £5 (170+ MS) £50/£55
551 KGVI fine used on Stockpages Coronation, 1938 defins to 2/6d (15), Victory, 1944 Islands dependence ovpt to 1/- a useful range of 66 stamps. £100/£120
552 ✱ KGVI mint collection of 39 stamps , note 1938 definitives 2/6d, 5/- SG161c, silver wedding, UPU set, 1952 pictorial set of 14. Cat £550+.
553 VARIETIES KGV (3) 1912 ½d block 4 with damaged value tablet, ½d Face Flaw VFU and 6d damaged value tablet mint. All Heijtz listed. £60/£70
554 ✱ ✱✱ South Georgia Early QEII 1963 Defin. set of 16 mint. 1971 Surch. to 50p (14) UM. £80/£100
555 ✱✱ 1944-5 GRAHAM LAND KGVI ovpts set in BLOCKS OF FOUR, SG.A1/8, UM (8). £45/£55
556 ✱✱ 1944-5 SOUTH GEORGIA KGVI ovpts set in BLOCKS OF FOUR, SG.B1/8, UM (8).
557 ✱✱ 1944-5 SOUTH SHETLANDS KGVI ovpts set in BLOCKS OF FOUR, SG.D1/8, UM (8).
558 ✱✱ 1946-9 Map defins set plus 6d black & ochre shade, SG.G18, G6e, UM (9). £35/£45
559 * Sir Ranulph Fiennes Polar Explorer signed macaroni penguin FDC, limited to 10. £40/£50
560 ✱✱ Unmounted Mint QEII Complete Sets 1963/99 Inc. South Georgia. 1963 to £1 Whale. 1971 Surcharge Set. 1977/78 Block CA Wmk. Defins. various Defin. Sets to £3 + £5, many Commem. Sets VF. 300+ (MS) £200/£240
561 ✱ 1871 CR Monogram set of 3. Fine Mint. SG10/12. c£400+. £100/£110
562 ✱ 1871 Fiji Times 1/- SG9. Fine Mint. Small imperfections. Cat.£1800. £180/£200
563 ✱ 1871 Fiji Times 1d SG5 Mint. Small thin spot. A scarce genuine example. c£1000. £110/£120
564 ✱ 1871 Fiji Times 3d SG6 Mint. Small thin at top. A sound example of these elusive issues. Cat. £1800. £180/£200
565 ✱ 1871 Fiji Times 9d SG8 Unused. Small faults. Cat. £3250. £150/£170
566 ✱ 1872 Surch set of 3. Mint. Good/Fine. SG13/15. c£270. £30/£40
567 ✱ 1874 VR Ovpt. 12c on 6d. SG21. Fine Mint. OG. One short perf. Cat. £1000. Also an unusual forgery of the 2c (SG19). (2). £100/£110
568 ✱ 1874 VR Ovpt. 2c on 1d. SG16. Fresh Unused. Cat. £1100. £100/£110
569 1876/90 A selection of mint VR issues. Highly catalogued Inc. 1876 VR ovpts. to 6d. 1878 with Two Pence and Four Pence ovpts. values to 6d etc. Good group (19). £120/£130
570 ✱ 1876-71d dull blue, 2d on 3d both used, plus 1d with manuscript cancel, 6d two shades mint, SG.28/30, mixed condition, cat.£275+ (5).
571 ✱ 1878-994d on 1d mauve, perf.10, lower marginal block of four, SG.41, mint. £130/£150
572 ✱ 1903 Edward Set Mostly Fine Mint. The £1 (unusually!) is a specimen ovpt. SG104/114 (11). £100/£110
573 ✱ 1904/12 Both Edward MCA Sets Fine Mint. SG115/117, 118/124 (10). £160/£180
574 ✱ 1912/35 KGV Fine Mint Assembly Inc. 1912 to £1. 1922 to 5/-, Jubilee Set and Postage Dues. (42 different). £180/£200
575 ✱ 1915-19 War Stamp ovpts, SPECIMEN handstamps set, SG.138s/9s, mint, affixed to fragment of archive page, cat.£140 (2). £35/£45
576 ✱ 1917 Postage Due 1d. SGD5B. Superb marginal unused as issued. £100/£110
577 ✱ 1917 Postage Due 2d. SGD3. Fresh unused as issued. Very small blemishes. Cat. £325. £60/£65
578 ✱ 1918 POSTAGE DUES, SPECIMEN ovpts set, SG.D6s/10s, mint, affixed to fragment of archive page, cat.£170 (5). £45/£55
579 ✱ 1938/55 KGVI Pictorial Definitive Set of 35 with different perfs. Shades SG249/266b fresh mint each stamp seem to be different. £100/£120
580 ✱✱ 1953/1984 QEII Collection UM On Stockpages (25) with Stamps seen 1954, 1959, 1962, 1968, 1969, Defin. Sets, 1971, 72, 73, Bird Definitives, Extensive Commem. Sets. Over 550 Stamps. A superb lot. £160/£180
581 ✱ A valuable selection of mint for the period 1881/1898 (40 different issues) various VR issues with different perfs. to 6d. 1881/99 1/- (4) + 5/-. 1890/92 surcharge issues. 1891 various printings and perfs. to 5d fine mint. Very highly catalogued. Scan of page advised. £250/£280
582 NAILAGA Village HS. on Edward 6d. Scarce Circa. 1903 full strike. £40/£45
583 ✱ ✱✱ Old time lot on pages (Messy) with better mixed in, 1890’s issues seen 1d SG96 FU, Values to 5/-. KGV to 5/-. 1918 Postage Dues. KGVI to £1. QEII with value to £1 100’s of stamps. Much mint. £150/£160
584 REVENUE 1912 KGV £1 ovpt. R with Bar FU. £25/£30
FIUME - (140+) Much mint, inverted ovpts. £70/£80
586 ✱ 1937/58 Catalogue value over £1000 with many sets Inc. 1939 Revolution Set. 1940 Middle Congo Red ovpt. SG163. High value defins. Air to 200F. A fine collection of 250 stamps + 1MS. £200/£220
587 ✱ 1908/47 Collection of 220 Stamps + 1MS with a catalogue value over £640 seen 1906 set of 17. 1922 New colours. 1933 Defins. to 20FR. 1939 Revolution Set. A very good range with many sets mint. £150/£180
588 ✱ 1917/55 Stockpages with an extensive collection of 430 stamps with many complete sets Inc. Airs, 1922 Airset. 1928 Flood Relief Fund Set. 1935 Lyautey Set. 1938 Welfare Set with a catalogue value over £850. Mainly mint. £150/£180
589 1960/2005 Substantial Collection of many 100’s different in a big Stockbook extensive pictorials. Much is fine used, additional UM, many high values and a territory we don’t see much of. Very high catalogue value. A good lot. £280/£300
590 1892 FINE USED COLLECTION arranged on album pages, we see 1892 first overprints set (1c, 2c & 4c unused), 1892 second overprints set, group of 1892 surcharges to 75 on 1f value and 1892 Tablet type set, also incl. a few second ovpt type postage dues, attractive collection, Yvert cat.4540+ Euros (48 stamps). £800/£950
591 ✱ 1892-4 MINT COLLECTION arranged on album pages, we see 1892 4c, 10c & 15c second overprints, a few 1892 surcharges, 1892 Tablet type set, 1893 2f & 5f triangulars plus 2f with SPECIMEN ovpt, 1894 defins set to 1f (and a few extras incl. 5c block of 4), plus 2f, 5f & 10f triangulars. Mixed condition, although all of fine appearance, Yvert cat.1472 Euros (50+ stamps). £250/£280
592 ✱ 1894 10f lake & red, triangular stamp, SG.80, Yvert 62, very fine mint. £35/£45
593 ✱ 1894 25f blue & brown, triangular stamp, SG.81, Yvert 63, mint, some minor gum loss and crease, but good looking example, accompanied by certificate. £200/£250
594 ✱ 1894 defins on Quadrille paper set, imperf, SG.65/77, VFM (13). £25/£30
595 * 1910-11
POSTAL HISTORY incl. 1893 2f slate-green on large fragment of front only, 1911 DIJBOUTI pmks, 1894 50c & 1f used on separate envs., posted locally in 1910 with DIJBOUTI pmks. Good to fine (3 items). £45/£60
596 * 1856 Bureau De Pondicherry CDS (Earliest Recorded) on very fine entire to Bordeaux. Various other postal markings. £40/£50
597 ✱ ✱✱ Stock Pages with 1922 Defin. Set to 3F (ex 45c Red/Mauve). 1943 Libre ovpts. 40c block of 12 UM. Block of 4, Block of 6 UM. Seldom seen in Blocks. £40/£50
598 1906/1956 Fine used with over 170 different stamps, seen 1906 Parcel Post to 5F. 1906 Defin. set. 1926 Defin. to 20F, Airmail ovpts. 1945 Defins. to 100F. 1953 to 1000F Mosque. A good lot. £100/£120
599 ✱ 1906/55 Mint collection of 260 stamps with better pickings 1906 value to 5F, 1915/18 ovpts. 1923 to 5F, Postage dues 1926 Defins. to 20F. 1927/30 Airmail ovpt. sets. 1926 Parcel Posts. A good lot. £180/£200
600 ✱ ✱✱ Oldtime Collection of 170 stamps with better pickings. 1930 ovpts. defins. to 20f (35) unissued 10c, 15c, 1f50, 10f, 20f, Airs to 100f, randomly arranged Mint/UM. £100/£120
601 * 1698-1867 PRE-STAMP & STAMPLESS ENTIRES, unchecked & unsorted range, wide range of postal markings seen, generally clean throughout (38). £120/£150
602 1847/1959 Valuable Collection in a Printed Album, with many better stamps Inc. 1869 5F SG131 many defin issues, Merson high values, Inc. 2F, FU. Many Charity Sets. 1931 Sinking Fund VFU. 1950 Relief Fund Set FU. 1951 Relief Fund Mint. 1954 Relief Fund set FU. 1955 Relief Fund Set FU. An Oldtime original collection of 1200 stamps each different. £600/£700
603 * 1850-62 IMPERF ISSUES used on cover / entires, starts with 20c black with full margins on 1850 entire to Paris, also see 25c & 40c Ceres Heads, continues with Napoleon issues, most franked with single 20c, note 1857 env franked with two 20c pairs, 1858 40c on env. to Woburn Abbey, England. Mixed condition, most quite presentable (19). £80/£100
604 * 1862-190019th Century PERF ISSUES used on cover / entires, starts with 1862 entire franked 20c Napoleon, also see 10c & 40c Napoleon issues, Ceres Heads 15c, many used on postcards, continues with Peace & Commerce issues, various values from 1c to 30c, also see some used postal stationery. Unchecked in detail, looks like an interesting assembly, mixed condition, though much is good to fine (73). £220/£250
605 1869 5FR top value SG131 sound FU, central 532 Diamond Pmk. Cat. £850. £100/£110
606 1870 Bordeax Ceres 20c, 30c, 40c and 80c all select FU with Full/Large margins SG173, 175, 177 and 182 Cat. £1035 (4). £100/£110
607 ✱ 1900 Merson 2FR Lilac SG307 fine mint. A key stamp. Cat. 950 Euro = £850. £150/£170
608 ✱ 1900/1902 Mouchon all 3 sets fine mint Cat. 1150 Euro = £1000+ 3 sets Yvert 112/115, 116/118, 124/128 (12). £100/£110
609 ✱ 1900/1906 Merson Complete Set (6) 40C to 5FR fresh mint. Delightful 2FR with small hinge thin. Iconic Set. All others very fine. SG303/8 Cat.£1440+. £150/£180
610 ✱ 1901/04 Military Frank FM ovpts. mint (3) 15c SGM309, 15c M314 and 15c M324 Cat. £310 fine. £45/£50
611 * 1901-75 POSTAL HISTORY & COVERS COLLECTION, housed in two volumes, incl. envelopes, postcards, qty of registered commercial mail, used postal stationery, some philatelic items such as FDCs & Maxicards etc., unchecked in detail, generally good to fine condition (190+) £180/£200
612 ✱ 1925 Paris Exhibition 5FR Peace SG412 VFM Cat. £180. £40/£50
613 1927 Airmail overprint high value set VFU. 5FR on piece with special Pmk. SG455/456. (2). £120/£140
614 ✱ 1927 Airmail Overprint Set VFM. SG455/456. Cat. £600. £150/£160
615 ✱ 1927/28 Sinking Fund both overprint sets mint SG460/462 + 466/468. Cat. £135 (6). £30/£35
616 1928 Sinking Fund 1F 50C SG463 FU. c£225. £75/£80
617 1929 Le Havre Exhibition 2FR overprint SG470 VFU. Matching Exhibition Pmk. Choice. £180/£200
618 ✱ 1929 Sinking Fund Set fine mint. SG476/478 (3). £40/£45
619 ✱ 1929 Stamp Booklet 50c Sower x 20 with La Bledine Advert Cover, Fine, complete. Cat. £250. SGDSB5 (c) £50/£60
620 ✱ 1929 Views high value set (7). All VFM SG470A/475B. Cat. £575. £100/£110
621 ✱ 1929/33 High values fine mint Cat. £340 2FR, 3FR (Type 1), 5FR (Both Types) and 10FR (Type 1) SG471/474. £60/£65
622 1930 Sinking Fund 1FR 50C Angel FU. SG480. £35/£40
623 ✱ 1930 Sinking Fund 1FR 50C Angel. SG480. Fine mint. £30/£35
624 ✱ 1930 Sinking Fund Set fine mint SG485/487 (3). Cat. £150. £40/£45
625 ✱ 1931 Sinking Fund 1F 50C. SG493. Fresh mint. £50/£55
626 1931 Sinking Fund Set FU SG494/496 (3) Cat. £275 Key Set. £80/£85
627 ✱ 1936 50fr Banknote Airmail high value VFM. SG541. Cat. £1000. £250/£280
628 ✱ 1936 Airmail 50FR. Scarcer Blue Green shade variety fine mint. SG540. £250/£280
629 ✱ 1936 Airmail Set (7) VFM. Key Set. SG534/540. Cat. £1300. £360/£400
630 ✱ 1936 Banknote 50FR. SG541 VFM. Incredible Deep Colour. £250/£280
631 ✱ 1936 Flight Set VFM. SG553/554. Cat. £520+ (2). £80/£90
632 ✱✱ 1937 PEXIP MS VF NHM UM small wrinkle at top Yvert 3 Cat. 800 Euro = £700 SGMS581. £140/£150
633 ✱ 1938 Colour variety 3FR Mermoz Violet Grey SG571A fine mint with normal to compare. Cat. £258 (2). £50/£60
634 ✱ 1941 100fr Polar Bear legionnaires Sheetlet VFM Yvert 1. £150/£170
635 * 1946 Hot Air Balloon Post (3) Inc. Balloon Neptune Sheetlet with special cancels and cachets, 2 PPC with special cachets with Leon Gambetta Balloon one with 50F Stamp Label. £40/£50
636 ✱ ✱✱ 1947/1966 Mint/Unmounted Mint Collection of 530+ Stamps with many sets Inc. Relief Fund Sets, many Commem Sets. In a fine Plymouth Album, with each stamp identified. Highly catalogued. £150/£160
637 ✱ 1949/50 Views Air Set VFM SG1055/59 Cat £350 (5). £45/£50
638 ✱ 1954 Airmail Aircraft Set VFM SG1194/1197 Cat. £475. £60/£65
639 ✱✱ 1955 Marianne de Muller Sheetlet of 12f, 10 Stamps (folding hands) SG1237a Yvert 1010 fresh UM. £40/£50
640 ✱✱ 1955 Relief Fund Set UM SG1253/1258 Cat £200 (6). £45/£50
641 1955 Relief Fund Set VFU SG1253/1258 Cat. £170 (6). £35/£40
642 ✱✱ 1959 ERROR - Disaster Fund +5FR overprint pair one with overprint omitted UM. Spectacular Ceres 1229C. Cat. 2250 Euro = £2000. One stamp small gum thin. £100/£120
643 ✱ 1960/1983 Bourse Printed album with 1050+ Stamps and 3 MS very complete for the period with many Commemorative Sets Inc. Charity issues, Art issues. A fine Album for completion. £120/£150
644 1964 PHILATEC Complete Sheetlet of 8 Stamps + Labels, stamps are UM sheet has light hinged marks in the corners. £100/£120
645 ✱✱ 1987/91 Booklet Collection of 145 Booklets, unchecked. Seen “D” Value Booklets. 1991 Olympic Booklets (24). 1989 Philex Booklets (22) some identified with a face value of 3300 Franc. £220/£250
646 ✱✱ 1990 Booklet Marianne De Briat 23f (5) with different serial numbers. Each different Yvert 2630-C2. £40/£50
647 ✱✱ 1990s Booklets (130) Inc. Permanent Validate, Olympic Games, M & M. A fine collection much identified and highly catalogued, unchecked. £200/£250
648 ✱✱ 1994 Booklet Marianne De Brait no value booklet Yvert 2874 - C3 with different serial numbers (8) UM. £40/£50
649 ✱✱ 1994/2001 Lighthouse printed Album hingless with a unmounted mint collection of 500+ stamps + 25 MS/Sheetlets. Very complete for the period. Inc. the odd Booklet. £120/£150
650 ✱ AIRMAIL STAMPS. A valuable and highly Cat. selection mostly fine mint (34 stamps). 1930 Set (c£60). 1936 Set to 3F 50C very fine (Cat. £200). 1936 10FR Flight FU (c£180). 1938 50FR Ader FU (c£95). 1950 1000FR view of Paris (c£225). Aircraft issues to 1000FR. Helicopter (c£100+) and others. A fine and valuable group. £120/£140
651 * An interesting collection of covers and cards neatly presented in a Devon Album, 119 items. Much relating to WWI with a multitude of Military Handstamps and Censorship, Cachets, Detachment HS etc. Also Pneumatic Posts of Paris and a range and a range of type sage postal stationary with early. Fine lot. £150/£180
652 ✱✱ Booklet “Marianne de Europe” No value Booklet (16) Booklets of 10 (12) Booklet of 20 (4) with a variety of different serial numbers. £80/£90
653 ✱✱ Booklet “Marianne de Lamouche” No value Booklets (98) Yvert 3744 each different Inc. Booklet of 20. Control numbers, Serial numbers. A superb collection UM. £400/£450
654 ✱✱ Booklet “Marianne De Luquet” No Value Booklets (186) with each being different listed in Yvert. A superb collection with different Serial Numbers, Date, etc., will look great as a special display collection UM. Yvert 3419 C1 to C17
655 ✱✱ Booklet “Validate Permanente” 20F collection. 1990’s state to be between Yvert 1503 to 1509, 75 Booklet. A fine collection. £150/£200
656 Booklet Face of the Fifth Republic, Booklets Yvert 1598 (4) UM. £30/£40
657 ✱✱ Booklet Marianne de Lamouche and de Gandon joint booklet of 10 stamps (12) Yvert 1514 each different UM. £60/£70
658 ✱✱ Booklet Sixty Years of “Marianne D’ Alger” Booklets. No value stamps and 50c stamps in Booklet of 10. Yvert 1512 (8) each with a different serial number. £40/£50
659 ✱✱ Booklets “Marianne De Luquet and Sower”, Booklet of 10 Stamps Yvert 1511 each different (13). £50/£60
660 CLASSICS Feature in this collectors accumulation of 100’s used stamps 1849 Inc. 1FR SG18 (c£1200). 1853 to 1FR SG72 (c£4000). 1869 5FR Cat. £1300. Many Peace to 5FR, Sowers etc. Very mixed condition with useful pickings. £180/£200
661 Collectors extensive balance of purchases in glassines with extensive selections of chiefly FU Stamps. 1000’s all different from classics to modern. A real sorters lot. To clear. £120/£140
662 Collectors purchases on Cards, items bought at auction etc. with lots of useful nuggets, 75+ Cards. The collector PAID over £900 for this group. (several 100 stamps) note 1925 Paris 5FR FU (c£180). 1928 Sinking Fund (c£200) mint. 1932 90C Red Peace mint (c£48). 1937 Museum Set mint (c£220) and much else. Good lot. £280/£300
663 Fine used collection in a Berak Printed Album with Early Classic to 1959 with many sets seen Peace to 5F, Merson’s high values Inc. 2F, Pre-Cancels. 1928 Sinking Fund. 1930 Sinking Fund, Many Relief Sets Inc. 1950, 51, 52, 53 sets. A superb collection of 1650+ Stamps, very highly catalogued. £380/£400
664 * French Navy and Air force with WWI interest with many cachets and collectors notes Inc. very fine 1916 Aerostation Cachet on PC. 1916 Aviation Militaries Printed Env. FU. WWI French Navy. Some later Naval with Antarctica Interest. £120/£130
The best way to pay, guaranteed. Best exchange rates for overseas clients. Immediate despatch of purchases.
665 ✱✱ Marianne definitives in blocks, Coil Strips with values to 10F, Inc. imprinted blocks 57, chiefly bottom two rows of the sheet. A very good collection of 1700+ stamps (face value of the stamp with values 4430 Franc) then there’s the stamp without values “D” etc. (235) odd UM. £250/£300
666 ✱ MERSON fresh mint selection (5 different) Cat. £400+ Inc. 2FR SG387, 5FR (308) and 10FR (431). Nice group. £50/£60
667 MOST INTERESTING RANDOM Mix of France in a Box with unsorted Auction purchases. Items picked up along the way etc. 100’s. Random noting a good range of mint 1949 Airmails, earlier Defins. Mint. Postage Dues used Inc. early. A collection of Mint Pre-Cancels, Year Sets, Some old Covers/Cards. £180/£200
668 ✱ MOUCHON 1900/1902 valuable mint selection of collectors purchases on Cards, Ten fine stamps Cat. £1050+ Inc. 1900 Set SG296/299. 1902 Set SG309/312. Good group. £120/£130
669 ✱✱ NEW ISSUE Material 1980/90’s with lots of Beautiful Pictorials, high value Arts etc. on a large quantity of Hagner Pages also 2009/2010 Regional Stamp Booklets (6) Souvenir Philatelique Booklets with Limited Sheetlets (23 different). Clean lot. (many 100’s). £150/£170
670 Old Packets with collectors better purchases untouched, random but some good material Inc. Classics. 1928/1930 Charity Sets Mint. 1900 45c Merson VFM block 4, Alsale and Loraine Postal used, numerals to 25c. 1928 1Fr Bordeaux Stamp Exhibition Ovpt. FU etc. 100+ items. An interesting lot. £200/£240
671 Old Pages with 1000’s of stamps from early classic to modern Euro’s issues seen 1877/90 Peace issues on a page STC £263 with values to 5F (21) FU. Lots of early definitives unchecked, much randomly arranged on pages, chiefly fine used. £120/£140
672 PEACE AND COMMERCE - Collectors valuable selection on Purchase Cards (14 mint + 23 used) very high CV. 30C SG236 mint (c£150). 5FR Unused/Short perf. (c£750). 1898 50C fine mint (c£400). 2FR fine mint (c£225) fine used with values to 5FR (sound). £150/£170
673 ✱ POSTAGE DUES Collectors Valuable Accumulation of Purchases on Stockcards, various pages featuring over 230 dues M + FU fro early Buck Printings 1859 to 30C used. 1881 to 1FR also 1881 1FR D294 FU. 1927 2F D461 mint (c£200). 1946 100FR D996 mint. Good used Inc. 50c D352 (c£85) and other FU with sets. Seldom offered in quantity. £200/£240
674 * Postal History inc early flight covers and PPC, 1841 entire with C.F.4.R handstamp, 1853 shipmail entire wit multiple rates charged “redirected” with India letter/Liverpool hs on the reverse, 1926 env sent to Dakar, 1931 air exhib PPC used. A fine set of 27 items. £100/£120
675 ✱✱ PRE CANCELS Collectors valuable accumulation of auction purchases on Cards etc of mostly UM material with many later sets (350+ stamps) very high CV Inc. 1926 55c on 60c SG443 fine mint Cat. £200. 1960 Cockerel Set c£60 many later sets Inc. Musical Instruments. Good lot. £200/£240
676 ✱✱ Red Cross Booklets with better years 1956, 1958, 1961. 1962, 1962 chiefly 1970s/80s issues. (68 Booklets). £200/£250
677 RELIEF FND SETS VFU 1948/57 6 different. Choice Inc. 1950, 51, 53 and other fine sets. All different Cat. £360+. £80/£90
678 ✱ ✱✱ Relief Fund Sets VFM/UM. 1949/56 4 different sets Cat. £250+ Inc. 1951 + 1953. £35/£40
679 ✱✱ STAMP BOOKLETS - Fine lot of Premium 1959/60 issues (Ten) different Advertising Covers, contents mostly panes of 20 Stamps. Exceptional quality and high CV. £180/£200
680 UNMOUNTED MINT Collectors vast accumulation of 1000’s housed in 9 Stockbooks, Album, purchased in Packets and Cards. Vast in nature and CV. Lots of very modern to 2006. Many, many MS and Sheetlets, some mint Inc. Key 1950’s Charity Sets (Cat. £100’s), earlier material, one Album the collector paid £180. A terrific lot. £500/£600
681 * WWI MILITARY MAILS - GVC Authorising Cachets and many other Cachets - Excellent collection of 46 different Covers/Cards, detailed on Album Pages with collectors notes etc. £120/£130
682 ✱✱ 1879 Peace and Commerce 15c Imperf. SG41. As very fine UM marginal block of four. Hinged in outer margin. (Photo) £75/£80
683 ✱ 1924/58 Algeria French Colonies issues. Extensive collection of 500 Stamps Catalogue value £900 with defins. Airs, Surch issues. 1924 Ovpt. Set. (ex 30C pre cancel). 1926 Set of 36. 1930 set of 13. 1939 Pioneers Set. 1949 Airs etc. a very good lot. £180/£200
684 ✱✱ 1937 International Exhibition Miniature Sheets (24) each different UM. £100/£120
685 LEVANT (Free Forces) 1942 Imperf. MS VFU. SGMS16AB. £30/£35
686 ✱ ✱✱ Old Pages and Stockcards with a range of 360 Stamps. Mint or UM seen Reunion 1941 French Libre ovpt. set UM. Wallis & Futuna. 1941 Set of 22, France Libre ovpts. to 20Fr UM. 1944 Red Cross for each territory, Airmail Stamps. A very good range. £120/£140
687 ✱ 1955-80 FINE MINT COLLECTION, all different, includes 1955 15f Madagascar ovpt, 1956-60 defins set, 1962-72 defins values to 12f & 50f, 1968 30f D’Urville Commem., 1965 30f I.T.U. and more, clean throughout, cat £1032 (40). £150/£180
688 ✱✱ 1955-97 UN-MOUNTED MINT
COLLECTION, all different, includes a strong range, note 1959 200f airmail, 1962-72 defins values to 45f (no 20f), issues in se-tenant strips of 3, clean & fine, cat £1300 (140+). £320/£360
689 ✱ 1956-60 defins set, SG.2/18, fine mint, several values to 20f are fine UM, cat.£325 (18). £50/£70
690 1956-77 FINE USED COLLECTION, all different, includes 1956-60 defins set less 10f, 1959 10f, 1960 25f Kerguelen Archipelago, 1961 25f Charcot, 1962 50f Television Satellite, 1963 5f Crozet Archipelago, 100f Quiet Sun and more, odd minor fault, generally clean throughout, cat £1269 (31). £320/£360
691 * 1965 Dumont D’urville 50fr Airmail on superb FDC. SG38. £40/£45
692 1874 Cameo 4d SG5 VFU Four large margins. Very fine. £100/£110
693 1874 Cameo First Issue 4d inverted watermark FU 4 margins and Very fine. SG5W. £200/£220
694 1874 Cameo First Issue 4d SG5 FU 4 close margins. Fine. £80/£85
695 1874 Cameo First Issue 6d FU 4 margins SG8. £80/£85
696 1874 Cameo First Issue 6d SG8 select VFU 4 margin. £100/£110
697 1874 Inverted Watermark Variety 4d Cameo First Issue SG5W FU with 4 good margins. £200/£220
698 ✱✱ 1953/84 QEII Collection UM On Stockpages (28) with over 540 Stamps Inc. Defin’s. Extensive Commem. Sets. Seen Bird Sets. 1971 Fish Set with different printings. 1977 Flowers with different printings. 1983 Ships. £120/£140
699 Cancellation on Yachts issues with values to 1r seen piece with 15h, 20h, 45h with fine Mpapua CDS, other cancels Inc. Tringa and Kilimatinde. 22 items. £80/£90
700 ✱✱ 1907 VARIETY CFNTIMOS FOR CENTIMOS 3c on 3c + 4c on 4c. Each as positional strips of Five showing the variety on the first stamp Yvert 22A, 23A (2 items) UM. £50/£60
701 1872/1944 Davo Printed Album with a substantial collection of 1000 stamps + 6 MS with many sets Mint or UM seen Third Reich Olympic Set, Brown Ribbon MS unmounted mint, Airmail issues. A very fine lot STC £3500. An original lot. £280/£300
702 * 1922 Parcel Pieces (4) with export permits labels with a range of franks with KFK perfin’s sent to London. £30/£40
703 ✱ 1926 BOOKLET PANE 10pf carmine, Frederick the Great, complete pane of 10 with binding margin, SG.405, Michel H-Blatt 51B, VFM, cat. 2200 Euros. £450/£500
704 * 1929 CATAPULT MAIL - FIRST FLIGHT cover addressed to New York, large BREMEN cachet on front and “Katapultflug” 22.7.1929 oval pmk. Fine condition. £40/£50
705 * 1932 CATAPULT MAIL - airmail cover addressed to New Jersey, BREMEN cachets on front incl. “Deutscher Schleuderflug” 4/5 June 32 mark. Some age marks, generally fine condition. £30/£40
706 * 1935 CATAPULT MAIL - flown, illustrated cover addressed to England, large, pictorial EUROPA cachet on front dated 13.6.35, DEUTSCH - AMERIKANISCHE SEEPOST pmks. Good to fine condition. £40/£50
707 ✱✱ 1937 Hitler MS Culture and Birthday UM SGMS635/6 not common UM. £60/£70
708 * FELDPOST COVERS of WWII. Some franked Hitler stamps, an unchecked lot of 35 covers from the Nazi period. Possible finds here. £100/£120
709 Off Paper mixture in a file box selling as Kiloware, many 100’s Stamps fine used for sorting. £80/£90
710 * 1934-42 BOOKLET COMBINATIONS on COVER, group incl. President von Hindenburg, note 1pf black in vertical strip of four with label (Mi. A12) on 1942 cover, also 1935 Welfare Fund 3pf+2pf and 12pf+6pf two tete-beche pairs in a block of four. Generally fine (6 covers). £100/£120
711 1952/74 QEII Collection UM On Stockpages (30) with 580 Stamps. Seen 1952 Defin. Set. 1957 Independence Set. 1965 New Currency Ovpt. Set. Extensive Commem. Sets. A very good lot. £90/£100
712 ✱ 1886 GIBRALTAR Ovpt. Set Mint/Unused. Small faults presentable. SG1/7. Cat £1200. £120/£130
713 ✱ 1886/87 Sterling First Set Good To Fine Mint. SG8/14. Cat £600. (7). £85/£90
714 ✱ 1889 Surcharged Set Fine Mint. SG15/21 (7). £60/£70
715 ✱ 1889/96 Spanish Currency Set Good To Fine Mint. SG22/33. (12) £50/£60
716 ✱ 1898 Sterling Set Fine Mint (4d small crease). SG39/45. Cat. £190. (7). £50/£55
717 ✱ 1903 Edward Set to £1 Fine Mint. Some small blemishes though all most collectible. SG46/55 (10). Cat. £1200. £200/£220
718 ✱ 1903 Edward Set to 8/-. SG46/54. Mint (9). Cat. £690. £180/£200
719 ✱ 1904 Edward to 2/- (7) SG56/62. Mint. Cat. £290. £100/£120
720 ✱ 1904/08 Edward MCA Set Mint. Odd small fault, £1 crease, 4/- is fine. SG56/64. Cat. £1100. (9). £150/£170
721 ✱ 1906 Edward to 4/- (7) ex 6d. SG66/73. Cat. £300+ mint. £100/£120
722 ✱ 1906/11 Edward Set Chiefly Fine Mint. Key 8/- is very fine. SG66/74. (9). £200/£220
723 ✱ 1912 KGV Definitive with shade to 8/- (13). Cat. £310+. £100/£120
724 ✱ 1912/24 KGV Set Fine Mint (Inc. extra 4/shade). SG76/85 (13). £160/£200
725 ✱ 1921/27 KGV Set (ex 4/-) Fine Mint. SG89/101. (10). £120/£130
726 ✱ 1921/35 KGV Collection 1921 Defins. to 4/(14). 1925 Defins. to 5/- (5). 1931 Rock Set. 1935 S/Jubilee Set all mint. Cat. £180+. £50/£60
727 ✱✱ 1928 KGV £5 UM. SG108. £750/£800
728 ✱ 1928/35 KGV Set To £1, plus 1930 3d and 1931 Roos Set and 1935 Jubilee Set. All Five Mint. SG102/117 (17). £100/£110
729 ✱ 1938-512s black & brown, perf 13, BIRD ON MEMORIAL variety, SG.128bb, VFM. £300/£350
730 ✱ ✱✱ 1953 Definitive Set with Shades and Varieties seen 5d re-entry within a positional block of 8 UM. 1/- re-entry both shades within a block of 4 note 2/- (4) 5/- (3), 10/- (3), £1 (3), Mint/UM. 85 Stamps. £200/£250
731 ✱✱ 1989 Regiment complete sheets of 50 Inc. Traffic Light Gutter Pairs, Plate Blocks as a set of 3 sheets. SG609/11 UM. £50/£60
732 * POSTCARDS (7). A Sailors visit in 1926 Inc. Artichokes and Water Sellers with Donkeys etc. £30/£35
733 ✱✱ QEII Collection On Stockpages (23) and Presentation Packs (66). Seen Defin. Set to £5 with issues to 1984. 1960 Defin. Set. 1967 Ships. 1971 Defin. As Pairs. 1982 Aircraft As Single Stamps + Presentation Packs. 1977 Defins. to £5. Extensive Commem. Sets UM. £150/£180
734 ✱ ✱✱ QEII Stockpages with better sets. 1953, 1960, 1967 Defin. Sets, plus a range of commems over 90 stamps Mint/UM. Cat. £300+. £80/£90
735 Stockpages with better pickings seen 1889 5c and 25c with short foot to “5” SG15a, 18a fresh mint, KGV 2/6d, 5/- SG104, 105 mint. KGVI definitives with minor flaw identified. An interesting group of 40 items mint or fine used. £90/£100
736 ✱ 1911 Definitives, SPECIMEN ovpts set, SG.8s/11s, mint, affixed to fragment of archive page, cat.£180 (4). £45/£55
737 ✱ 1912 KGV Definitives to 5/- SG12/23 (12) fresh mint. £40/£50
738 1935 Silver Jubilee Double Flag Staff Variety. SG38e Mint. £150/£180
739 ✱ 1939 KGVI Definitive set to 5/- Inc. Shades and different perfs. (15) fresh mint. £40/£50
740 * 1947 KGVI Defin. Set (12) affixed to a set of 9 illustrated covers for the “Fiji Servicemen’s Welfare Fund”. Fine and unusual. £45/£50
741 ✱✱ 1953/79 QEII Collection of 280 Stamps UM On Stockpages. Seen 1956, 1965, 1966, 1971, 1979 Defin. Sets. 1976 Ovpt’s. £1. A very fine range of Commem. Sets. Inv. Wmk. varieties. £80/£90
742 Old Page with chiefly QEII issues from 1956 to 1975 fine used. 1911 Pine ½d to 2½ SG1/4 mint. 1935 S/Jubilee set of 4 mint. 1939 KGVI Defin. set of 12 FU. QEII fine used Inc. 1965. 1968 Defins. 1971 Defin. Inc. Wmk varieties. 1972 Wmk. change set SG203/7. 1975 Shell set Inc. MS. A useful lot of Stamps + MS. £100/£120
743 ✱ 1876/84 QV Second Set. SG4/8 fresh unused, several with gum. All excellent, sound appearance. Cat. £1000 (5). £120/£140
744 ✱ 1882 Crown CA ½d + 1d both unused. Scarce issue. SG9/10. Cat. £1300 (2) £100/£120
745 ✱ 1884/91 QV CA Set Fresh Mint. (6d crease). SG11/19 (9). £60/£70
746 ✱ 1889/94 High Value Set of 3. Fine Mint. SG22/23 + 25. £200/£220
747 ✱ 1894 High Value 20/- Ovpt. SPECIMEN. Fine Mint. (SG25). £40/£45
748 ✱ 1898/1902 QV Set Fine Mint. (Key 10/- is VF). Also 1901 Surcharges. SG26/34 + 35/36 (12). £180/£200
749 ✱ 1902 Edward Set VFM. SG38/48 (11). £200/£220
750 ✱ 1904/13 Edward MCA Sets Fine Mint. SG49/57 and 59/68 mostly very fine stamps. Note the 5/- (SG68) is a specimen ovpt. £120/£130
751 ✱ 1913/21 KGV MCA Set Of (19). Fine Mint. SG71/84 Inc. 2 x 5/- and 3 x 10/-. Listed Shades. £180/£200
752 ✱ 1921 KGV £2 Ovpt. Specimen. Fine Unused. (SG102). £60/£65
753 ✱ 1921/24 Script Wmk. Set To 5/-. SG86/100A (12). Fine Mint. £100/£120
754 ✱ 1928 KGV Defin. Set. SG103/112. 1935 Jubilee Set. SG113/116. Postage Due Set. SGD1/D4. All Fine Mint. (18). £70/£75
755 ✱ 1935 3d Silver Jubilee, corner marginal block of four with EXTRA FLAGSTAFF variety, SG.114a, VFM. £90/£110
756 1935 Silver Jubilee set in CORNER MARGINAL BLOCKS OF FOUR, Lightning Conductor VARIETY on 1s value, SG.113/16, 116c, fine used with oval, REGISTERED / ACCRA postmarks (4 blocks). £400/£500
757 ✱✱ 1951 Varieties within a complete pane of 60 stamps postage due 2d with large “D” (R9/6), (R10/6) serif on “D” (R1/6) SGD5, 5c, 5d unmounted mint. Cat. £375+. £120/£140
758 Fine used selection Coronation, 1938 defins to 10/- (30) Victory, 1948 defins with values to 10/- (12), UPU set. A good range of 52 stamps. £60/£70
759 GOLD COAST / GHANA (540) A good variety of issues mostly fu, many pictorials. £45/£50
760 Hagner Pages with a range of 175 stamps. QV (111) Edward (15) with many fine cancels on QV issues, seen QV 2½d block of 4 with Paquebot Cancel. varieties of “B27” Duplex Cancels. 554, 556 Duplex Cancels. a fine range. £150/£170
761 * Postal History collection of 28 items. 1889 regd letter 2d with 2d (x2) QV franking sent to London, 1935 S/Jubilee set sent to Canada, 1948 block of 4 KGVI 10/- SG132 (cat £128 as single stamps) WWII censored mail, 1955 env with 1952 defin set of 12. A good lot. £140/£150
762 * 1885-1951 TELEGRAPHS - accumulation of used forms, note 1885-1951 Post Office, different styles of forms with cancels in the corner, “The Electric and International Telegraph Company” forms and “The UK Electric Telegraph Company” forms also see, plus a couple of envelopes. Mixed condition, faults (20+ items). £30/£40
763 ✱✱ 1998 Dagger Perforation 2nd + 1st machins fine UM. SG2039B + 2040B (2). (Photo) £250/£280
764 ✱ A Stockbook with a collectors accumulation of 1840/1965. Many 100’s with useful pickings mint or used, very mixed quality colossal CV. 1840 Penny Blacks (2). 1840 2d (2). Many line engraved, Surface prints to 2/- Blue Inc. 9d (2). 1883 2/6d + 5/- extensive KGV low values used. 1924/25 Exhib. Sets. 1929 PUC 1½d 1829 variety FU, Seahorses (various) KGVI sets mint Inc. sideways Wmks. (good 2d Orange etc.). 1938 Arms 10/- Dark Blue mint, Wedding £1 (2). KGVI Advert Booklet Panes. 1951 High values UM. QEII many UM/M Wildings Inc. Graphite lines and Castle high values mint. £360/£400
765 COLOSSAL LOT OF GREAT BRITAIN noting decimal machins with Cylinder blocks UM. Shoebox full of booklets (100’s) decimal from 10p to 50p stuffed in packets. 1972 Wedgwood Booklets (2), lots of UM blocks. Penny Reds with perfins. (Qty). Stockbooks/Pages of Sundry, did spot useful mint ranges. Much Sundry on pages (not counted) value is in the mint machins and mass of Booklets. £200/£240
766 UNORTHODOX Mass of Great Britain in a carton value is in a packed Album of GB noting good 1963/66 PHOSPHOR Sets um. Many other sets Inc. blocks, some well known constant varieties on commems in blocks (this is a substantial lot of UM). Then masses of used on pages organised by issue, Vintage magazines with stamps stuffed on pages Inc. Wildings. £120/£140
767 ✱✱ VERY GOOD lot of mostly QEII UM in various volumes in a large carton. There is a large file full of UM 1970’/80’s sets in large blocks, machins in blocks. A collection of decimal small format presentation packs Inc. Early cellophane types, related FDC Inc. Booklet Panes. 1977 Machins to £5 as gutter blocks of 4 UM (2). 1972 Wedgwood Booklet and more valuable original lot. £250/£300
768 * 1911 Aerial Post Card VFU with No.2 Special Pmk. £35/£40
769 * RAILWAY AIR SERVICES 1934 Collection of 33 different First Flight Covers. a good variety of locations and very fine condition. £100/£120
770 1840 1d black, B A plate 1a, SG.2, fine used on small piece, red MX postmark, four good to large margins. £160/£180
771 1840 1d black, C E plate 1b, SG.2, fine used on small piece, black MX postmark, four margins. £170/£200
772 1840 1d black, plate 1a, H G letters, SG.2, fine used with light strike of red MX, four good to large margins. £150/£180
773 1840 1d black, plate 1b, H G letters, SG.2, fine used on small piece with MX struck in BROWN, four margins. £180/£220
774 1840 1d black, plate 2, C G letters, SG.2, very fine used with clear strike of red MX, four good to close margins. £150/£180
775 1840 1d black, plate 3, D F letters, SG.2, fine used with light & almost complete strike of red MX, four good & even margins. £180/£200
776 1840 1d black, plate 4, J K letters, SG.2, superb used with very fine strike of red MX, four close to large margins. £160/£180
777 1840 1d black, plate 5, L A letters, SG.2, very fine used with fine strike of bright red MX, four close to good margins. £150/£180
778 1840 1d black, plate 6, S A letters, SG.2, fine used with red MX, four margins, tiny pinhole, cat.£400. £90/£110
779 1840 1d black, plate 7, G A letters, SG.2, used with red MX, four good to large margins, cat.£450. £150/£180
780 1840 1d black, plate 7, letters K D, SG.2, fine used with MX in red, four margins, cat.£450. £140/£160
781 1840 1d black, plate 7, R A letters, with vertical lines watermarks from edge of sheet, SG.2, fine used with clear strikes of red MX, four good to large margins. £180/£200
782 1840 1d black, plate 9, K F letters, guideline through value, SG.2d, fine used with black MX, four close to good margins, cat.£625. £180/£200
783 1840 1d grey-black, plate 10, A L letters, SG.3, very fine used with clear strike of black MX, four good to large margins, cat.£950. £280/£320
784 * 1840 2d blue Mulready letter sheet, stereo a91, SG.ME3, unused, stain on reverse, otherwise intact and good appearance, cat.£425. £75/£90
785 1840 2d blue PAIR, C K - C L, SG.5, used with black MX postmarks, margin touches at right and into at base, cat.£2400. £120/£140
786 1840 2d blue strip of three, plate 1, RJ - RL letters, SG.5, fine used with black MX pmks, cut on frame at far right, RJ & RK large, full margins, two cuts, one into at R square far left, cat.£2925+. £300/£400
787 1840 2d blue, plate 1, letters F K, SG.5, fine used with black MX pmk, four margins, cat.£975. £240/£280
788 1840 2d pale blue, letters B C, SG.6, fine used with light strike of red MX pmk, four good to large margins, cat.£1100. £240/£280
789 * 1840 MULREADY 1d black envelope, stereo A143, SG.ME2, unused, light vertical fold and minor age mark, otherwise fine, cat. £350. £100/£120
790 * 1840 MULREADY 2d blue envelope, stereo A198, SG.ME4, unused, age marks and other faults, cat. £450. £95/£110
791 * 1840 MULREADY 2d blue envelope, stereo A201, SG.ME4, unused, light vertical fold and minor age marks, otherwise fine, cat. £450. £110/£130
792 1840 Penny Black EI plate 4 selected FU with Four good margins and neat Black MC. SG2. Ex SG. £170/£180
793 1840 Penny Black IG plate 1A FU with complete central Black MC, 4 full margins, Minor imperfections. Very attractive £100/£120
794 1840 Penny Black II Plate 1B. SGAS5. Outstanding used with crisp Maltese Cross and Four large margins. RPS Cert States Maltese Cross has been painted over. The Stamp is outstanding and sound. (Photo) £150/£180
795 1840 Penny Black Letters “I G” Pl.6 4 margins (close bottom left) Black Maltese Cross. £150/£180
796 1840 Penny Black Pl.4 BI FU 4 good margins neat Red Cross Pmk. £150/£170
797 1840 Penny Black Pl.5 GC FU, 4 good margins neat Black Maltese Cross. Very nice. £150/£170
798 1840 Penny Black Pl.6 AJ, FU, 4 margins very fine Black Maltese Cross. Very minor imperfections. £100/£120
799 1840 Penny Black Pl.6 MG FU 4 good margins very fine Black Maltese Cross upright centrally placed. £150/£170
800 1840 Penny Black Pl.7 OG FU, 4 larger balanced margins, neat Black MC. Nice stamp. £180/£200
801 1840 Penny Black Plate 5 TK. Phenomenal used example. Four large to very large margins (Portions of Two other stamps) Superb crisp central back MC - Karl Louis Cert - Incredible stamp. Very small corner crease. (Photo) £240/£250
802 1840 Penny Black. TC Pl.1B Choice FU, 4 large balanced margins and crisp Red Maltese Cross. Very fine. £220/£240
803 1840 Two Pence Blue AE Pl.1 SG5 sound FU, 4 close to good margins small size black Maltese Cross. Cat. £975. £150/£180
804 * 1840 Unused 2d mulready envelope forme 1 - a198 in very good condition. £140/£160
805 1840-1 MATCHED 1d black & 1d red, S F plate 5, SG.2, 7, VFU with black and red MX postmarks respectively, black with four margins & portion of stamp at left and vertical crease, red with touching margins, cat.£575. £95/£110
806 1841 1d deep red-brown, G B letters, SG.10m, very fine used with No.8 in MX pmk, four close to large margins, good looker! £60/£75
807 1841 1d deep red-brown, J D letters, SG.10m, fine used with No.3 in MX pmk, four margins, cat.£225. £75/£90
808 ✱ 1841 1d deep red-brown, plate 37, I B letters, wmk Small Crown, SG.10, fine mint, four margins, just clear at top right, cat.£900. £110/£130
809 1841 1d red, plate 19, vertical pair with HEIE letters, wmk Small Crown, SG.8, fine used with black MX pmks, full margins. £50/£60
810 ✱ 1841 1d red-brown on very blue paper, plate 52, Q J letters, wmk Small Crown, SG.8a, fine mint, four margins, cat.£700. £140/£160
811 1841 1d red-brown, G L letters, SG.8m, fine used with No.2 in MX pmk, four close to large margins, cat.£180. £60/£75
812 1841 1d red-brown, J K letters, SG.8m, fine used with No.5 in MX pmk, four even margins, cat.£180. £60/£75
813 ✱ 1841 1d red-brown, plate 147, G K letters, wmk Small Crown, SG.8, mint, just four margins, vertical crease at left, cat.£600. £60/£75
814 ✱ 1841 1d red-brown, plate 147, H E letters, wmk Small Crown, SG.8, fine mint, four margins. £150/£180
815 ✱ 1841 1d red-brown, plate 70, E D letters, wmk Small Crown, SG.8, fine mint, four margins, cat.£600. £120/£150
816 ✱ 1841 2d Blue mint with original gum and supremely fresh position OF SG14, 3½ margin just shaving SW corner. A beauty Cat. £5000. £250/£280
817 1841 2d blue, K H, SG.14f, VFU with “12” in MX postmark, four margins, close at base, cat.£550. £100/£120
818 * 1841 Penny Black Plate 9 KB, used on entire from Bromsgrove to Aston. The Stamp is very fine with 4 large margins tied Black MX. A fine Birmingham Black entire, rated £1200 on cover.
819 * 1842 (July) Penny Pink Env. VFU with crisp Black MC early use. Very fine. £35/£40
820 * 1842-1901 POSTAL HISTORY
ACCUMULATION, we see imperf 1d reds & 2d blues on cover, mint & used postal stationery, 1853 entire to Malta franked 4d and 1d red pair, 1860 6d no corner letters on envelope to Ceylon, 1870 3d & 2d blue plate 13 on wrapper to France and much morel. Mixed condition (80+ items). £250/£300
821 ✱ 1850 Penny Red imperf. Plate 112 BG (worn plate) fresh unused 4 Close/Good margins very fine. PTS Cert (Plated) SG9. £90/£95
822 1852 Penny Red Orange Brown Shade select FU Four margins SG12 Cat. £250. £60/£65
823 1855-71s pale green, wmk Emblems, SG.73, VFU with light & clear GLASGOW c.d.s. postmark, vertical crease, cat.£350. £55/£65
824 1855-74d rose, wmk Large Garter INVERTED, SG.66aWi, good used, cat.£400. £35/£45
825 1855-74d rose, wmk Large Garter, SG.66a, fine used, cat.£150. £30/£40
826 ✱ 1855-74d rose, wmk Large Garter, SG.66a, vertical creases, otherwise fine mint, cat.£1750. £240/£280
827 1855-7 6d lilac, SG.68, VFU with BRISTOL c.d.s. postmark. £50/£60
828 1855-76d pale lilac, wmk Emblems INVERTED, SG.70Wi, fine used, cat.£400. £80/£100
829 1855-76d pale lilac, wmk Emblems INVERTED, SG.70Wi, good used with clear, barred numeral pmk, cat.£400. £30/£40
830 ✱ 1855-76d pale lilac, wmk Emblems, SG.70, fine mint, one blunt perf, cat.£1350. £180/£200
831 ✱ 1856 1d deep red-brown, blued paper, IMPRIMATUR, plate R8, A J letters, wmk Small Crown, top marginal example, as SG.24/5, unused, four large margins. £350/£400
832 ✱✱ 185-762d blue, plate 14, “O B” letters, SG.46, fine unmounted mint, cat.£500+. £120/£150
833 1858-761s green embossed, SG.55, fine used, three margins, touches at top. £80/£100
834 ✱ 1858-762d blue, N C, plate 8, SG.45, mint, part OG, cat.£1850. £180/£200
835 ✱ 1858-762d blue, R A, plate 12, SG.45, mint, cat.£3000. £280/£320
836 1859 4d rose, 6d lilac and 1s green, SG.66a, 68, 72, all used on the same 1859 dated piece with LIVERPOOL cancels, cat.£620. £120/£150
837 * 1860-71d reddish lilac, SG.F9, used on cover with 1905 GLASGOW postmark, cat.£180 used on cover. £45/£60
838 ✱ 1862-41s green, plate 1 (+ plate 2), SG.90, mint, cat.£3200. £240/£280
839 ✱ 1862-43d pale carmine-rose, wmk Emblems, SG.77, mint, good colour, couple of perfs with light toning, cat.£2700. £450/£500
840 1862-4 3d pale carmine-rose, wmk Emblems, SG.77, unused, cat.£2700. £250/£300
841 ✱ 1862-44d bright red, no hair-lines, SG.79, unused, blunt perfs, cat.£2200. £110/£130
842 ✱ 1862-44d pale red, hair-lines, SG.82, unused, cat.£2100. £100/£120
843 1864-791d red, plate 107, “J. & C. BOYD & CO.” underprint on reverse, SG.43/4, good used, a little staining at base. £25/£35
844 ✱ 1864-791d red, plate 191, block of six (3x2), SG.44, fine mint/UM, hinged on top row, some faults, cat.£288. £70/£90
845 1865 Watermark inverted 4d SG94 Wi with a fine London CDS cancel, Pl.11. £30/£40
846 1865-71s green, pl.4, wmk Emblems, SG.101, fine used, cat.£275. £50/£60
847 ✱ 1865-74d deep vermilion, plate 12, watermark inverted, SG.95Wi, mint, centred low, cat.£575+. £55/£65
848 ✱ 1865-74d vermilion, plate 11, watermark inverted, SG.94Wi, fine mint, couple of minor age marks, cat.£625+. £120/£150
849 1867 2d blue, plate 15, COPESTAKE, MOORE, CRAMPTON & CO. underprint (large “&”),SG. Spec PP38, used. £40/£50
850 1867 QV 5/- SG126 Pl.1 superb CDS used. Gem. £200/£220
851 1867-801s green, pl.5, wmk Spray, SG.117, VFU with BRADFORD YORKS c.d.s. pmk. £30/£40
852 ✱ 1867-801s green, plate 4, wmk Spray, SG.117, unused, faults, cat.£975. £60/£75
853 ✱ 1867-803d rose, plate 5, wmk Spray, SG.103, fine mint, cat.£525. £80/£100
854 ✱ 1867-803d rose, plate 5, wmk Spray, SG.103, fine mint, very minor toning on a couple of perfs at right, cat.£525. £65/£75
855 ✱ 1867-803d rose, plate 6, wmk Spray, SG.103, mint, cat.£550. £80/£100
856 1867-803d rose, plate 8, wmk Spray, SG.103, VFU with MANCHESTER c.d.s. postmark. £35/£45
857 1867-806d mauve, plate 9, wmk Spray, horizontal strip of 3, SG.109, used on piece with 1871 LONDON duplex pmks and INSUFFICIENTLY STAMPED cachet, cat.£270. £70/£90
858 ✱ 1867-806d mauve, plate 9, wmk Spray, SG.109, mint, small hinge thin, cat.£700. £90/£110
859 1867-806d mauve, plate 9, wmk Spray, SG.109, VFU with c.d.s. postmark. £30/£40
860 1867-835s rose, plates 1 & 2, wmk Maltese Cross and plate 4 wmk Anchor on blued paper, SG.126, 130, good used, basically sound examples with odd minor fault, minor toning at edges on plate 4, plate numbers nice and clear, cat.£6175 (3). £250/£280
861 ✱✱ 1870-9 ½d rose-red, plate 4, SG.48, fine UM, clear plate numbers. £50/£60
862 ✱ ✱✱ 1870-9 ½d rose-red, plate 8, BLOCK OF SIX (3x2, QP to RR letters), SG.48, centred low, hinged on one stamp only, others fine UM, fresh appearance with clearly visible plate numbers, cat.£4800. £900.00£1,200.00
863 1872 QV 6d Pale Buff SG123 Pl.11 with a fine CDS cancel. £50/£60
864 ✱ 1872-36d chestnut, plate 11, wmk Spray, SG.122a, mint, wing margin, cat.£800. £120/£150
865 1872-36d pale buff, plate 11, SG.123, VFU with LIVERPOOL EXCHANGE c.d.s. pmk.
866 ✱ 1873/1879 The QV 3d SG144. A complete set of 9 plate numbers 11 to 20 mint. Several are excellent examples, several unused, Pl.12 trimmed, Pl.18 specimen. Seldom offered like this. Cat. £4475. £300/£360
867 ✱ 1873-801s green, plate 13, wmk Spray, SG.150, good to fine mint, cat.£650. £110/£130
868 1873-801s orange-brown, wmk Spray, SG.151, good used, cat.£550. £70/£80
869 ✱ 1873-802½d rosy mauve, plate 10, wmk Orb, SG.141, fine mint, couple of blunt perfs, cat.£550. £120/£140
870 ✱ 1873-802½d rosy mauve, plate 16, SG.141, fine mint, cat.£525. £100/£120
871 ✱ 1873-803d pale rose, plate 17, wmk Spray, SG.144, fine mint, minor crease at base, cat.£525. £60/£70
872 ✱ 1873-803d pale rose, plate 19, wmk Spray, SG.144, mint, cat.£450. £75/£90
873 ✱ 1873-803d rose, plate 11, wmk Spray, SG.143, mint, fresh colour, minor gum crease, cat.£450. £75/£90
874 ✱ 1873-803d rose, plate 14, wmk Spray, SG.143, mint, tone spot on one perf, wing-margin, cat.£525. £90/£110
875 ✱ 1873-804d sage-green, plate 15, wmk Large Garter, SG.153, unused, cat.£1600. £80/£100
876 1873-804d vermilion, plate 15, wmk Large Garter, SG.152, used, cat.£475. £45/£55
877 1873-80 6d deep grey, plate 14, wmk Spray, SG.146, mint, wing-margin with blunt perfs at left, cat.£500. £75/£90
878 ✱ 1873-806d grey, plate 15, wmk Spray, SG.147, mint, couple of light creases, cat.£500. £75/£90
879 ✱ 1874/784d plates 13 to 16 complete mint, Pl.13 unused, Pl.14 + 15 are both excellent examples with OG. Pl.16 is soiled/unused. SG147. Cat. £2000. (4). £150/£160
880 ✱ 1875 QV 2½d a set of 3 plates 1, 2, 3. SG139. All good to fine mint. A good set. Cat. £2350 (3). £200/£240
881 ✱ 1875 QV 2½d plate 3 fine mint, OC to right excellent example SG139. Cat. £1000. £100/£110
882 ✱ 1876/1880 The 2½d Rosy Mauve SG141. A complete set of mint plates, 3 to 17. Several are unused. Some small faults, Pl.17 stained. Pl .5 is overprinted SPECIMEN a rare complete assembly. Cat. £9595 (15). £360/£400
883 1876-81 TELEGRAPHS £1 brown-lilac, SG.T17, VFU with GLASGOW c.d.s., blunt perf and pressed crease, cat.£950. £160/£180
884 1876-81 TELEGRAPHS 10s grey-green, SG.T16, good to fine used. £150/£180
885 1876-81 TELEGRAPHS 5s rose, plate 1, P15x15½, SG.T13, VFU with GREENOCK c.d.s. £75/£90
886 ✱ 1877 QV 4d Sage Pl.15 fresh mint, Traces of OG. Excellent appearance. SG153. Cat. £1600. £100/£120
887 ✱ 1877 QV 4d Sage Plate 15 fine mint, possibly regummed. Nice stamp. SG153. Cat. £1600. £80/£90
888 ✱ 1880 QV 2½d Blue Pl.17 + 18 mint with OG. SG142. Cat. £1150. Good appearance. Pl.17 with nibbled perfs. at top (2). £80/£90
889 ✱ 1880 QV 2½d Blue Pl.17 + 19 both unused, Pl.19 small faults SG142. Cat. £1150 (2). £50/£55
890 ✱ 1880 QV 4d Wmk Garter Pl.17. SG154.
Fresh mint OG. An excellent example of this late issue. Cat. £2800. £360/£400
891 ✱ 1880 QV 6d Pl.17 fine mint OG. SG147. Cat. £950. £120/£140
892 ✱ 1880/81 QV set of Five to 5d Mint/Unused. SG164/169. Good appearance small faults. Also Penny Lilacs Mint (3), Inc. 14 Dot. The group is Cat. £1500+. £75/£80
893 1880-31s orange-brown, plate 13, wmk Crown, SG.163, fine used LONDON hooded circle pmk. £60/£70
894 ✱ 1880-32½d blue, plate 22, wmk Crown, SG.157, mint, cat.£450. £35/£40
895 ✱ 1880-32½d blue, plate 22, wmk Crown, SG.157, mint, part gum, cat.£450. £40/£50
896 ✱ 1880-33d on 3d lilac & 6d on 6d lilac, SG.159, 162, mint, faults, cat.£1325 (2).
897 ✱ 1880-33d on 3d lilac, plate 21, wmk Crown, SG.159, centred low, otherwise good to fine mint, cat.£650. £100/£120
898 ✱ 1880-33d rose, plate 21, wmk Crown, SG.158, unused, faults, cat.£500. £25/£30
899 1880-34d brown, plate 17, wmk Crown, SG.160, VFU with clear, MANCHESTER squared circle pmk. £35/£45
900 ✱✱ 1881 1d lilac, die II, WATERMARK INVERTED, SG.172Wi, fine UM. £30/£40
901 ✱ 1881 QV 2½d Blue Plates 22 + 23 both mint very collectible, small blemishes. SG157. Cat. £900 (2). £60/£70
902 ✱ 1881 QV 3d Plates 20 (unused) and 21 (regummed) both fine appearance. SG158. Cat. £1400 (2). £80/£85
903 ✱ 1881/1882 QV 6d Plates 17 + 18 both mint. SG161. Cat. £825 (2). £80/£85
904 ✱ 1883-42d lilac, SPECIMEN ovpt, SG.185s, fine mint. £30/£35
905 ✱ 1883-42s6d lilac, white paper, SG.178, mint, vertical crease, fresh appearance, cat.£600. £60/£75
906 1883-42s6d lilac, white paper, SG.178, used BLOCK OF FOUR, registration crayon line affects three stamps, otherwise fine c.d.s. postmarks, cat.£640. £130/£150
907 1883-42s6d, 5s & 10s high values, between SG.178/83, fine used, each with c.d.s. pmk, cat.£935 (3). £75/£90
908 ✱ 1883-43d lilac, SG.191, fine mint, fresh colour, cat.£280. £70/£80
909 ✱ 1883-45s rose, white paper, SG.180, mint, creases, fresh appearance, cat.£1100. £110/£130
910 1884 £1 brown-lilac, wmk Three Crowns, SG.185, good used, some trimmed or blunt perfs at top, cat.£3000. £220/£250
911 1884 £1 brown-lilac, wmk three Imperial Crowns, SG.185, used, sound stamp, cat.£3000. £300/£350
912 1885-71s pale green, wmk Emblems, Azure paper, SG.73a, good used, cat.£2000. £250/£280
913 ✱ 1887/1900 Jubilee Set ½d to 1/- (Both) Mint. Good/Fine, 1/- Green is UM (Vert. Crease) also 2d (2), 3d and 4d extra shades. (18). Cat. £985. SG197/211 + 213/214. £110/£130
914 ✱ 1887-1900 Jubilee set of 14 plus 5d die I and shades of ½d, 3d, 4d, 4½d, 6d & 10d, SG.197/211, 213/14, mint, from good to fine, cat approx £1400 (21). £200/£250
915 ✱✱ 1887-9210d dull purple & carmine, BLOCK of FOUR, SG.210, light vertical crease at far left, otherwise, fine UM, cat.£360. (Photo) £120/£150
916 ✱ 1887-9210d dull purple and deep dull carmine, SG.210a, fine mint, accompanied by certificate. £150/£180
917 ✱✱ 1887-922d green & scarlet, SG.199, fine UM, cat.£550. £240/£280
918 ✱✱ 1887-922d green & scarlet, SG.199, UM, light crease at top, accompanied by certificate, cat.£550. £180/£200
919 ✱✱ 1887-924½d green & bright carmine (frame with aniline ink), SG.206, Hendon K34(F), fine UM, accompanied by copy of Hendon certificate for the original block of four from which this stamp was split. £60/£75
920 1891 £1 SG212 VFU with neat hooded CDS Pmk and very fine. Cat. £800. £220/£240
921 ✱✱ 1900 1s green & carmine, corner marginal, vertical pair, SG.214, fine UM. £80/£100
922 1934 Autogiro Flown Postal Card With Label. Special cachets etc. Very fine. £40/£45
923 & - Plating of the Penny Black. 1840-1864 Vol. 1 Die 1 plates 1a to 45 and Vol. 2 plates 46 to 91 both books in food condition. £50/£60
924 ✱✱ 1951/52 Trio of very fine KGVI Booklets 2/6d (July 52), 5/- (May 51 and July 52) (3). £60/£70
925 ✱✱ 1953/54 Composite KGVI + QEII 2/6d Booklets. A fine lot of 12 different dates from May 53 to February 54 SGF1 to F13 Light Pencil notations on Covers. A highly catalogued group. £300/£360
926 ✱✱ 1954 QEII 5/- Booklet (November) SGH12. Very fine. £50/£60
927 ✱✱ 1955/57 QEII 2/6d issues between SGF33 and F52 issues. A very good collection of 23 Booklets, the vast majority being different dates of issue. Condition is very good. £360/£400
928 ✱✱ 1957 QEII 2/6d issue SGF53/F61. A comprehensive set of 10 Booklets. All very fine with majority of dates here. £120/£130
929 ✱✱ 1959 QEII 4/6d Booklets. A good collection of 36 different all very fine Inc. better early types. £220/£250
930 ✱✱ 1959/70 QEII 5/- Booklets (16) fine selection mostly all different Inc. 1959 July Graphite Line Issue. SGH39G. £80/£90
931 ✱✱ 1961/70 QEII 10/- Booklets very fine selection (17 different), numerous better here. 1961 no date SGX1, July 64 x 8 and Famous People issues. £150/£180
932 ✱✱ 1965/70 QEII 6/- Booklets including many better and higher Cat. item (38 Booklets). Good 1965 issues Inc. Phos. April 1968 missing Phos. variety and later Bird series. Good lot. £400/£450
933 A COLLECTION of 97 different fine Booklets in an Album, late KGVI/Early QEII Inc. Slot Machine issues, 5/- (BD20 + BD31) various 2/-, KGVI 2/6d (F1 + F34), 3/- (5) 3/9d (2), 4/6d (13), 5/- (8 inc. H1 + H17). High CV. £300/£360
934 ✱✱ A selection of Decimal Booklets Inc. 1970’s Stitched 30p, 45p, £1.40 + £1.54 Phos. variety Booklets, 2001 Submarine. (29). £50/£60
935 ✱✱ QEII Stitched Booklets fine selection (5). 1956 2/6d SGF38. 1965 3/- SGM72. 1968 6/SGQP33 etc. High CV. £75/£80
936 ✱ 1902 An Edward set of 16. ½d to 1/-, Good/Fine Mint, unchecked, note chalk paper printings. £80/£90
937 ✱ 1902 Edward 10/- SG265 Mint. Large part OG. Trifle soiled still a fine example. Cat. £1000. £150/£180
938 ✱ 1902 Edward 5/- SG263 Fresh Mint, Large part OG. Gum crease, Nice. Cat. £450. £80/£85
939 ✱ 1902/11 A complete mint set of Edwards ½d to £1 on an imperial page plus perf. 14 set. Printings unchecked, majority are fine. An impressive assembly, Min. CV £5750. £1,000/£1,200
940 ✱ 1902-1010d dull purple and carmine, ordinary and chalk-surfaced paper examples, SG.254, 254b, fine mint (2). £90/£110
941 ✱✱ 1902-1010d dull purple and scarlet, chalk surfaced paper, SG.256, fine UM. £110/£130
942 ✱ 1902-101½d De La Rue printings, four listed shades, SG.221/4, good to very fine mint (4). £50/£60
943 ✱✱ 1902-101d bright scarlet, “D5” control block of six, SG.220, fine UM. £40/£50
944 ✱ 1902-102d De La Rue printings, four listed shades, SG.225/8, yellowish green fine mint, other fine UM (4). £150/£180
945 ✱✱ 1902-102s6d dull purple, chalk surfaced paper, De La Rue printing, SG.262, fine UM. £250/£280
946 ✱ 1902-103d De La Rue printings, seven listed shades/papers, SG.232/4, good to very fine mint (7). £250/£280
947 ✱ 1902-104d De La Rue printings, green & brown four listed shades, plus 4d pale orange and orange-red shades, SG.235/8, 240/1, mostly very fine mint (6). £80/£100
948 ✱ 1902-104d deep green & chocolate-brown, chalk-surfaced paper, BLOCK of FOUR, SG.238, mounted on one stamp, others UM, cat.£265. (Photo) £85/£100
949 ✱ 1902-104d pale orange, BLOCK of FOUR, SG.241, mint, lower pair UM, cat.£130. £50/£60
950 ✱✱ 1902-105d dull purple & ultramarine, slate-purple & ultramarine, chalk surfaced paper, De La Rue printings, SG.242, 243a, fine UM (2). £95/£110
951 1902-105s bright carmine and deep bright carmine shades, SG.263/4, good used, deep shade VFU with nice c.d.s. postmark. £80/£100
952 ✱ 1902-105s deep bright carmine, De La Rue printing, SG.264, creased at edge, otherwise very fine mint. £140/£160
953 ✱ ✱✱ 1902-106d De La Rue printings, four listed shades/papers, SG.245/8, very fine mint or UM (4). £110/£130
954 ✱✱ 1902-106d slate-purple, BLOCK of FOUR, SG.246, fine UM. (Photo) £160/£180
955 ✱✱ 1902-107d grey-black, BLOCK of FOUR, SG.249a, fine UM, cat.£96. £30/£40
956 ✱✱ 1902-109d dull purple & ultramarine, chalk-surfaced paper, SG.250a, fine UM. £100/£120
957 ✱ ✱✱ 1902-10 KEVII ½d (both colours) to 3d in blocks of four, between SG.215/233b, 2d & 3d mint, others UM, minimum cat.£557 (6 blocks). £110/£130
958 * 1903-12 POSTAL HISTORY
ACCUMULATION, we see range of postcards collected for their postmarks, incl. some from British islands plus Scotland and Cumberland amongst others, mint & used postal stationery, several registered envelopes incl. uprated, few ½d & 1d P15x14 issues used on cover, nice 1911 cover to Switzerland, redirected upon arrival. Mixed condition (70+ items). £150/£180
959 ✱✱ 1904 Stamp Booklet 2/- ½d SGBA1 fine and complete, small pencil notation and cover creasing. £200/£220
960 ✱ 1905 Edward 2/6d Fresh Mint. Small gum crease. Fine stamp. SG261. £80/£90
961 * 1909 USED IN IRELAND: GREAT SOUTHERN & WESTERN RAILWAY postcard, franked with KEVII ½d perfin and cancelled at CORK, sent “to acknowledge receipt of your letter” that made “reference to injury to a thoroughbred foal in Kilmallock...” Some minor faults and age marks, but a very interesting item. £30/£40
962 ✱✱ 1911/12 Downey Heads Collection of 23 each different between SG321/350 look to be UM. A fine range of Shades and printing each different and identified. £180/£200
963 ✱ 1911/1935 KGV Impressive Mint Selection, Inc. Sets and Shades on Imperial Pages (7 different issues) Good range of Mackennals. 1912 to 1/-. 1913 Royal Cyphor. SG397/398. 1924 to 1/-, both exhibition sets. 1935 to 1/- etc. Fine lot. £200/£240
964 ✱✱ 1911-12 ½d bluish green, die A, wmk Crown, SG.323, fine UM, accompanied by green shade for comparison (2). £160/£180
965 1912-18 DATED POSTMARKS we see an accumulation of approx 600 Downey Heads 1d values, sorted by months into packets, then KGV ½d almost every day of the year mounted in order in a notebook, plus a picked range of pennies for the same year. Generally fine (1000+). £60/£80
966 * 1912-36 POSTAL HISTORY
ACCUMULATION, we see odd item of WWI mail incl. censors, range of dumb postmarks on cover, a few Downey Heads on cover, Official mail with interesting contents, some airmail envs., range of postcards collected for their postmarks, mint & used postal stationery, very nice 1931 registered airmail cover to San Salvador franked 2s6d Seahorse and 1d & 2d defins, redirected upon arrival and much more. Mixed condition (130+ items). (Photo) £150/£180
967 1913 Seahorse Waterlow 10/- SG402. Superb CDS Used. (Photo) £120/£140
968 ✱ 1914-37 KGV CONTROLS group, incl. wmk
Royal Cypher singles ½d to 2d, 6d, 7d & 8d, 1s “T 22” corner strip of three, wmk Block Cypher 6d & 9d singles plus a couple of non-control stamps, mostly good to fine mint, 1s strip UM (12 items).
969 ✱✱ 1924-6 ½d to 2½d, wmk Block Cypher INVERTED, SG.418Wi/22Wi, fine UM (5). £110/£130
970 ✱ 1924-61½d chestnut, wmk Block Cypher, TETE-BECHE across gutter pair, SG.420a, good to fine mint. (Photo) £280/£350
971 ✱✱ 1924-61d & 1½d on EXPERIMENTAL
PAPER, SG.419b, 420g, blunt perf on 1½d, otherwise fine UM, cat.£200 (2). £50/£60
972 1929 P.U.C. ½d, 1d & 1½d values with wmk sideways and inverted wmks, plus set of four with K 29 controls attached, SG.434a/6a, 434Wi/6Wi, 434/7, good to fine used (10). £75/£90
973 ✱✱ 1929 P.U.C. complete set incl. corner marginal example of £1 value, SG.434/8, UM (5). £480/£550
974 ✱ 1929 PUC Set Fine Mint. SG434/438. (4). £360/£400
975 ✱✱ 1929 Stamp Booklet 3/- Edition 168 PUC Edition SGBB25 fine, shallow cover crease. Fine. £150/£160
976 ✱ 1929-36 KGV Photogravure set, PUC low values set (2½d fault on one stamp) & KEVIII defins set, all in BLOCKS of FOUR, SG.434/7, 439/49, 457/60, fine mint, cat.£266 (19 blocks). £50/£60
977 ✱✱ 1933 Complete Set of Five Booklet Panes from an exploded 2/- Booklet (ED64 - SGBB12) All overprinted Cancelled Fine UM. Scarce and highly catalogued (Five Panes + Original Outer Covers). (Photo) £450/£500
978 * 1934 Apex airpost PPC with 5½d franking and special exhib cancel for 1st day of the show sent to France. £40/£50
979 ✱ 1934 Seahorse Set Mint. SG450/452. (3). £120/£130
980 ✱ 1935 1½d red-brown, booklet pane of 4, cylinder 66 number in margin, SG.455, fine mint. £50/£60
981 19353s Silver Jubilee booklet, edition 296, SG.BB28, fine. £45/£55
982 ✱ 1935 Jubilee 1½d Booklet Pane (Type II) each Stamp Handstamped CANCELLED (Twice) and with security punctures. Fine UM & Scarce. SG455. (Photo) £240/£250
983 ✱✱ 1935 Jubilee 1½d Booklet Pane (type III) each stamp handstamped CANCELLED (Twice) and with security punctures. Fine UM. SG455. (Photo) £240/£250
984 ✱ 1935 Silver Jubilee Stamp Booklets 2/- (ED 298), 3/- (ED 297) both complete, minor imperfections (2) BB16 + BB28. £60/£70
985 ✱✱ 1935 Stamp Booklet 2/- edition 298 in exceptional condition. £50/£60
986 ✱ 1935 Stamp Booklet 3/- Edition 300 every pane overprinted CANCELLED and all with security punctures. Rare. Fine, Handstamp (date) on Face and several Ink marks. SGBB29. (Photo) £300/£360
987 ✱✱ 1935 Stamp Booklet 3/- Silver Jubilee Edition 294. Small cover crease and some offsets. £35/£40
988 ✱✱ 1935 Stamp Booklet 3/- Silver Jubilee Edition 295 very fine condition. BB28. £50/£55
989 ✱✱ 1935 Stamp Booklet 5/- Edition 12 in outstanding complete condition. SGBB37.
990 A KGV MINT SELECTION Inc. 1912 Royal Cyphor Set (15) to 1/- Mint. c£250. 1924/25 Exhibition Sets. c£80 and other bits (Qty). £60/£70
991 KGV definitive ½d and 1d on paper mixture, many 100’s unchecked for printing seen some good Pmk’s. for collecting. £160/£200
992 ✱✱ Unmounted Mint 1924/25 exhibition sets. PUC low value set of 4, inverted Wmks (9) Inc. Defins. and Silver Jubilees. 1936 Edward Defin. Set. Wmk Inv. A good lot of 28 stamps. Cat. £300+. £100/£120
993 ✱✱ 1936 BOOKLET 2s edition 357, black on blue cover, SG.BC2, fine. £90/£110
994 ✱✱ 1936 Edward 1½d Booklet Pan each stamp Hanstamped CANCELLED and with security punctures, fine UM. SG459. (Photo) £100/£110
995 ✱✱ 1936 Edward 1½d Booklet Pane each stamp handstamped CANCELLED and with security punctures, fine UM. SG459. (Photo) £100/£110
996 ✱✱ 1936 Stamp Booklet 2/- Edition 356 fine and complete. SGBC2. £60/£65
997 ✱✱ 1936 Stamp Booklet 2/- Edition 358 fine and complete SGBC2. £70/£80
998 ✱✱ 1936 Stamp Booklet 2/- Edition 366 fine and complete SGBC2. £70/£80
999 ✱ 1936 Stamp Booklet 6d fine, hinge remain on back cover BC1. £30/£35
1000 ✱✱ 1937 Stamp Booklet 5/- Edition 16 fine and complete. SGBC4. £120/£130
1001 ✱✱ 1937 Stamp Booklet 5/- Edition 17 in exceptional complete condition. SGBC4. £150/£170
1002 ✱✱ 1937/51 Extensive KGVI issues on pages. 1937 Definitives Inc. sideways Wmk. set and inverted Wmk set, light colour defins. Inc. sideways Wmk. set and inverted Wmk set, Colour Change Set Inc. sideways Wmk set and Inv. Wmk set, Festival high values, Commen Sets Inc. 1948 S/Wedding only the Arms set of Six is missing. A very fine collection of 79 stamps UM, STC. £1097. £200/£220
1003 1937/51 KGVI Collection, a fine collection with 1939 Arms High Values Mint. 1937 Definitives UM. Silver Wedding Wmk. set of 5 mint, second set FU. 1951 Festival Set Mint 2nd set used, Commemorative Inc. blocks. A good lot of 200+ items. An original lot. £150/£180
1004 ✱✱ 1938 Stamp Booklet 2/- Edition 499 fine and complete, some usual advert offsets on panes, fresh condition. SGBD12. £400/£450
1005 ✱✱ 1938 Stamp Booklet 6d PINK COLOUR SGBD2 scarce, fine, couple of small spots on cover. £120/£130
1006 ✱✱ 1939 KGVI 10/- Dark Blue, scratch on scroll variety. SG478AC. Fine UM. £150/£170
1007 ✱✱ 1939/48 KGVI high value set fine UM. SG476/478c (6). £130/£140
1008 ✱✱ 1940 Stamp Booklet 2/6d Edition 79 SGBD15 fine and complete, small front cover blemishes. A scarce Wartime issue. £300/£360
1009 ✱✱ 1940 Stamp Booklet 5/- Edition 11 complete. Front cover ink mark and surface rub. A scarce Booklet. Cat. £2000. BD25. £360/£400
1010 ✱✱ 1940 Stamp Booklet 6d SGBD3 very fine. £70/£75
1011 ✱✱ 1940 Stamp Booklets - Blank Covers (4 Diff.) 6d BD3 Hinge remains and notation) both 1/BD4 + 5 and 1/- BD7 all very fine also 1/- stamps of London Booklet (5) £100/£110
1012 ✱✱ 1942 Stamp Booklet 5/- edition 28 fine complete condition, good covers, one advert interleaving page damaged. SGBD26 Cat. £2000. £400/£450
1013 1943 Propaganda Forgery 1½d Coronation issue (Stalin) very fine unused. As issued corner marginal. (Photo) £80/£90
1014 1944 Propaganda Forgery ½d Jubilee, This is a Jewish War VFU marginal. (Photo) £80/£90
1015 * 1947 PARCEL TAG addressed to Stratford-on-Avon, franked KGVI 5d & 1s defins, 1947 FIELD POST OFFICE / 843 postmarks. Minor creases, otherwise good. £30/£40
1016 ✱✱ 1948 KGVI Silver Wedding £1 as a complete sheet of 20 stamps SG494 UM. £240/£260
1017 * 1948 KGVI silver wedding set on illustrated first day cover. £250/£270
1018 * 1948 Silver Wedding set on first day cover handstamped address sent to the USA with a variety of transit marks on the reverse. £70/£80
1019 ✱✱ 1949 Stamp Booklet 5/- (September) SGBD28 (41) very fine. £90/£95
1020 ✱✱ 1950 Stamp Booklet 2/6 (December) very fine. SGBD18 (86). £45/£50
1021 ✱✱ 1950 Stamp Booklet 2/6d June Edition very fine. SGBD18 (80). £55/£60
1022 ✱✱ 1951 Stamp Booklet 2/6d Jan BD18 (87). Very fine. £45/£50
1023 ✱✱ 1951 Variety 1½d retouched forehead UM within Cylinder Block 15 (192 not dot) SG505. Very fine. £45/£50
1024 ✱✱ 1951 VARIETY 1½d retouched forehead UM within Cylinder block of 6 (192 not dot) SG505. Very fine. £40/£45
1025 ✱✱ Complete sheets with varieties, Victory 3d with gash in temple (r9/6), Morocco Agencies 1937 Coronation, 1936 EU III 10c on 1d, stamps chiefly UM, varying degrees of splitting. £50/£60
1026 ✱✱ Very Good and Comprehensive Collection of KGVI on pages. Complete UM Inc. all Inv. and Sideways Wmk. sets. SG462A/466A etc. 1939/48 High Values set UM. SG467/478B. THEN A Complimentary Collection Complete FU. (often selected CDS used). Good lot. £250/£280
1027 ✱ ✱✱ 1952/54 Wildings Cylinder Blocks of Six 1½d to 2½d (27) each different with the odd variety Inc. 2½d (R20/2) broken frame of “2” stamps UM. Cat. £370. £150/£180
1028 ✱ 1952-4 Wildings, wmk Tudor Crown set plus inverted and sideways wmks sets, SG.515/31, good to fine mint (26). £30/£40
1029 * 1952-9 WILDINGS First Day Covers group of different issues, mostly on registered plain covers, generally clean and fine (9 covers).
1030 ✱✱ 1953 2s6d Composite Booklets, May to August 1953 dates, mixed reigns, SG.F1/4, fine (4 booklets). £60/£70
1031 ✱✱ 1954 Wilding Booklet Panes UM (2) 1d advert pane SG516IAWi invert and 2d invert SG518 IWi. Cat. £250. £70/£75
1032 ✱✱ 1955 Castles Waterlow Set UM.
SG536/539 (4). £100/£120
1033 ✱✱ 1955 Castles Waterlow Set UM.
SG536/539 (4). £100/£120
1034 ✱✱ 1955 Waterlow Castles high value set
UM. SG536/539 (4). £100/£110
1035 ✱ 1955 Waterlow Castles Set VFM.
SG536/539. c£250. £55/£60
1036 ✱✱ 1955 Wilding Cylinder blocks of Six (28), 1d to 2½d each different with a Cat. £360 Inc. 1½d (Cyl. 13 dot) Rose and Thistle joined, UM. £150/£160
1037 ✱✱ 1958 Castles First DLR Set UM.
SG536A/539A (4). Key Set. £300/£350
1038 ✱✱ 1958 QEII 3/- Booklets. A fine selection (8) between Jan. 58 and Feb. 59 SGM1/M12. £90/£95
1039 * 1958 REGIONALS - group of First Day Covers, incl. 18th August 1958 3d issues on illustrated covers plus Wales, Scotland & N. Ireland 6d & 1s3d issues on plain covers, generally fine (9 FDCs). £50/£60
1040 ✱✱ 1959 Castles 2nd DLR Set UM.
SG595/598 (4). £75/£80
1041 ✱✱ 1959 DLR Castle High Value Set UM.
SG595/598 (4). £75/£80
1042 ✱✱ 1959 QEII 3/- Booklet October Graphite
Lines very fine SGM15G. £150/£170
1043 ✱✱ 1960 QEII 3/- Booklet April Graphite
Lines very fine. SGM21G. £130/£150
1044 ✱✱ 1960/1964 QEII Commemorative Sets
Inc. Phosphor Sets, 71 Stamps each different. UM. £90/£100
1045 ✱✱ 1963 Castles 5/- complete sheet
SG596a plate 3 fresh UM, seldom seen as a complete sheet. £30/£40
1046 ✱✱ 1963 Complete Sheet 5/- Castles Pl.3
SG596a fresh UM. £30/£40
1047 ✱✱ 1963 Complete Sheet Castles 2/6d
SG596a fresh UM plate 9. £30/£40
1048 ✱✱ 1963 Complete Sheets 2/6d Castles (2) Pl.9 and 9A. Fresh UM SG595a. £50/£60
1049 ✱✱ 1965 4d Joseph Lister, BROWN-RED OMITTED, phosphor bands issue, SG.667pa, fine UM, accompanied by copy of certificate for original block of 4. £1,400/£1,600
1050 ✱✱ 1966 Birds Error - 4d Blackbird missing legs SG699j IN PAIR WITH 4D Blue Tit SG697. Fine mint. £55/£60
1051 ✱✱ 1967 Coil Stamps Multiple Value as a complete Coil of 1500 Stamps 2d + 2d + 3d + 1d + 4d, left side delivery leader number 1 still with Wax Seal and Ribbon. Seldom seen as a complete roll. £80/£90
1052 ✱✱ 1967 Complete Coil of 1500 Stamps multiple value Coil 2d + 2d + 3d + 1d + 4d left side delivery coil number 2 complete with Wax Seal. Seldom seen as a complete coil. £80/£90
1053 ✱✱ 1967 Complete Multiple value Coil of 1500 Stamps 2d + 2d + 3d + 1d + 4d left side delivery Coil Number 6 complete with Wax Seal and Ribbon. £80/£90
1054 ✱✱ 1967 QEII machins collection with booklet panes Inc. cook booklet panes, booklet panes of Six with Cyl. numbers. 4d (5), 5d (4), 1d + 4d (2), set as blocks of 4 (44) with different gum etc. A good lot of 140 items UM. A few 100 stamps. £90/£100
1055 ✱✱ 1967/70 Machin Cylinder Blocks Pre Decimal ½d to 1/9d. A substantial collection of 150+ Cylinder blocks of 6 all UM with dot and no dot types. A wide range of numbers. Unchecked for scarcity. A very good lot. £250/£280
1056 ✱✱ 1967/70 Machins missing phosphor varieties UM - Scarce group of 14 different singles Inc. 7d SG737Y, 10d (741Y), 1/9d (744Y) aslo1d block of Four and Booklet Pane (742LY).
1057 1967/89 British Commems Vast Collection of UM Sets with blocks (upto 20 sets of each). All in separate glassines for each value noting 1970’s/80’s Gutter Strips, Traffic Light Gutter, Many Cylinder Sets of 6 noting 1971/73 Ulster, Churches, Explorers and more. 1000’s of stamps. Huge value and purchased at time of issue. An incredible holding. £250/£300
1058 ✱✱ 1968 Machin 3d Booklet Pane of Six with Cylinder K2 (Dot) in margin fine UM and Scarce SGUB6. £75/£80
1059 ✱✱ 1968 Machin 3d Booklet Panes of 6 UM (2) both with K2 (Dot) Cylinder Numbers in different positions. SGUB6. Scarce. £140/£150
1060 ✱✱ 1968 Machin 8d phosphor omitted error UM. SG738Y Cat. £450. £150/£170
1061 ✱✱ 1968/69 Explorers Booklet 10/- (3 X 10) STILL Post Office sealed Mary Kingsley, Livingstone, Scott, seldom seen a seal packs of 10. unchecked for varieties as still sealed.
1062 ✱✱ 1968/69 GERMAN LANGUAGE Presentation Packs in very fine condition (10) Inc. 1968 Collections Pack, Machins high values to £1, Commems Inc. Concorde highly catalogued. £200/£240
1063 ✱✱ 1968/69 Intact Post Office Sealed Birds 6/- Booklet (6 x 10) set of ix never checked for varieties as still sealed. £80/£90
1064 ✱✱ 1968/69 Post Office still sealed Booklets 5/- (3 x 10) Buildings, Long Melford Hall, Little Mareton Hall, Ightham Mote, unchecked for varieties as still sealed. £30/£40
1065 ✱✱ 1968/73 PHOSPHOR OMITTED
COMMEMES UM Lot (15 different). 1968 Bridges set of 4 1970 Anniversary 1/- (pair) and 1/9d. 1972 Churches complete set and 1973 9p Tree (922Y). £100/£120
1066 1969/84 ERRORS AND VARIETIES. A fine group of Five items on SG purchase Cards all UM. 1969 9d Architecture misplaced value. 1973 Parliamentary 8p major misperf. 1978 9p Horse multiple transfer misprint in block etc. Good group. £120/£150
1067 ✱✱ 1970/79 Machins Cylinder Block Collection (58 Blocks). 1970 High Values 10p, 20p, 50p. 1977 Kilo Stamps to £5 set of 8 values, Low Value Machins (44). A fine collection, sorted by date of issue, fresh UM unchecked for better Cylinder Numbers, each different. £90/£100
1068 ✱✱ 1971 Phosphor Omitted Varieties Northern Ireland Regionals (pair) + 3p, 7½p, 8p, 9p, 11p (pair) all UM. SGNI23Y etc. Very fine c£285. (7) £90/£95
1069 ✱✱ 1971 PHOSPHOR OMITTED VARIETIES Wales Regionals 2½p, 3p, 5p, Key 5½p + 7½p all fine UM. SGW20Y, W24Y etc. Cat. £290+. £90/£95
1070 ✱✱ 1971/2015 MACHINS - Collectors lot in Packets, Wallets, much bought on new issue all UM noting Cylinder Blocks, various issues to £5, specialised singles on Cards. (100’s). An interesting lot face value £450+. £300/£350
1071 ✱✱ 1971/79 Machins missing phosphor errors UM (11 different) 1½P to 11½P Inc. 7½P also 1971 9P side band and 8P uncoated paper (x878A) (13 varieties). £75/£80
1072 ✱✱ 1971/90 Machin Cylinder Blocks of 6 Decimal ½p to 10p values UM. A remarkable collection of approx. 300 different. Unchecked whatsoever for scarce types. £300/£360
1073 * 1972 ½p Machin, gum Arabic, perf through left margin, block of six on FDC, MARSHFIELD 22 SEP 72 c.d.s. pmk. £30/£40
1074 * 1972 3p Machin, gum Arabic, perf through right margin example on FDC, TOOTING 23 AU 72 c.d.s. pmk. £30/£40
1075 * 1972 4p Machin, gum Arabic, perf through left margin example on FDC, MARSHFIELD 31 OC 72 c.d.s. pmk. £35/£40
1076 * 1972 QEII 2½d gum arabic on illustrated FDC neat typed address, scarce. £30/£40
1077 * 1973 4p & 10p Machins, PVA/Dextrin, perf through left & right margins respectively, on FDC, MARSHFIELD 12 NO 73 c.d.s. pmk, neat typed address. £60/£75
1078 * 1973 50p large Machin, all over phosphor example on FDC, SOUTHAMPTON 1 FE 73 c.d.s. pmk, neat typed address. £30/£40
1079 * 1973 6p Machin, gum Arabic, perf through right margin example on FDC, MARSHFIELD 6 JU 73 c.d.s. pmk, neat typed address. £70/£90
1080 * 1973 6p Machin, PVA/Dextrin, perf through right margin example on FDC, MARSHFIELD 30 OC 73 c.d.s. pmk, neat typed address. £60/£75
1081 ✱✱ 1973 Booklet Pane 3p with Advert Label. Scarce UB36 printing UM. £60/£70
1082 1973 Indigo Jones Press Release autographed by the designer photo proof plus PHQ, fine used with the stamp on the front.
1083 ✱✱ 1973 Miscut 3½p Machin Cylinder Booklet Pane of Six UM Cyl. B2 together with normal to compare. Scarce. £80/£85
1084 * 1974 9p Machin, PVA/Dextrin, perf through right margin example on FDC, MARSHFIELD 22 MR 74 c.d.s. pmk, neat typed address. £60/£75
1085 ✱✱ 1974 Machin 45p Stitched Booklet both 4½p panes having B7 Cylinder numbers in margin numbers in margin. Scarce. £30/£40
1086 ✱✱✱ * 1975 Chester Heritage Official Architectural Illustrated FDC, neat typed address sent locally. In good condition. Cat. £100. £30/£40
1087 ✱✱ 1977 Imperf. pair £1 SG1026a marginal with arrow UM. Usual creasing associated with this issue. Cat. £1700. £100/£120
1088 ✱✱ 1977 QEII high value Traffic Light Pairs, set of 8 SG1026/1028 UM. (Photo) £50/£60
1089 ✱✱ 1982 CYLINDER BLOCKS of Six (or Eight). Northern Ireland Regional Defins. 12P to 1.28 UM. Avery fine lot of 72 different many better. Unchecked for scarcity. Very fine. £150/£170
1090 ✱✱ 1982 CYLINDER BLOCKS of Six WALES Regional defins. 12P to £1.28 UM. A very fine collection of 73 different. Many better, unchecked for scarcity. £150/£170
1091 ✱✱ 1986/2013 Three Stanley Gibbons Commemorative and Greetings printed Albums with a range of 1400+ Stamps, 59 MS and 10 Booklets with a Face Value over £1300. a very fine collection with lots of spaces to fill, unmounted mint. £900/£950
1092 ✱✱ 1988 Castle High Values as Gutter Pairs, set of 4 plus £2 as central cross block of 4. SG1410/1413 UM. £35/£40
1093 ✱✱ 1988/2020 High Value Definitive Presentation Packs. 16 different FV £138 Inc. Scarce Pack No.13 (defins. to £5) various Castles and Machin Sets to £5, £10 Britannia, Postage Due Sets to £5 (2). £110/£120
1094 * 1988/91 First Day Covers with related CDS Cancels (40), Catalogue Value £590+ seen 1988 Transport with Queen Elizabeth CDS. 1989 Welsh Bible St. David CDS. Birds with Sandy CDS. Food with Wensley CDS. 1990 Kew Gardens with Green Willows CDS. Europa with hope Street CDS. Hardy with Hardy Lane CDS. Gallantry with St. Georges Cross CDS. As superb collection all unaddressed. £200/£250
1095 ✱✱ 1988/96 Cylinder Block Collection (7) and Cylinder Booklet Collection (36) all different and indentified on pages. a superb collection highly catalogued face value £220+. £160/£180
1096 ✱✱ 1990/1998 Greeting Booklets (18) Inc. 1996 both printing SGKX8. 1999 Flower both printing SGKX9. A fine collection UM face value £210+ each different. £150/£180
1097 ✱✱ 1990/2018 Christmas Booklets (59), each different with a face value over £800. a fine collection. £600/£650
1098 ✱✱ 1992 Castle High Values As Cross Gutter Pairs, set of 5 values. SG1611/14 UM. (Photo) £70/£80
1099 * 1996 Sir Alf Ramsey Signed Football Hero’s £2 coin cover with Wembley special cancel. A superb cover. £160/£180
1100 ✱✱ 1997 Lady Diana Welsh Language Presentation Packs (2) both very fine. Also 1981 Japanese issue Wedding Folders (3). £30/£40
1101 1998 Dagger perforation varieties 2nd + 1st machins VFU on original pieces. Unpriced used. SG2039B + 2040B. Very fine. £180/£200
1102 1998 Dagger Perforation Variety 2nd + 1st machins VFU on original pieces. Scarce unpriced used. SG2039B + 2040B. £180/£200
1103 ✱✱ 1998 Dagger Perforations Variety 2nd + 1st machins. SG2039b + 2040b. Fine UM. £200/£220
1104 ✱✱ 2001 Consignia pair of Smiler Sheets together with similar 2000 pair of sheets all perfect UM. SGL2/L3 + L2a/L3a Cat. £1450 (4). £120/£140
1105 ✱✱ 2001/07 England Regional Issues as Cylinder blocks of 6. 2001 2nd, 1st, E, 65p. 2002, 68p. 2003 White Borders set of 4. 2004 40p, 2005 42p both printings. 2006 44p, 72p. 2007 48p 78p. a fine collection of 16 blocks UM. £70/£80
1106 ✱✱ 2003 Machins High Values £1.50 to £5 as DLR Cylinder Blocks of 6 UM (4). SGY1746/1749. FV £69. £50/£60
1107 ✱✱ 2003 Missing £ sign £2 error UM within Cylinder Block of Six. SGY1747A. £100/£110
1108 ✱✱ 2004 Error 43p RSA. SG2475. Grossly misperforated, fine UM. (only 29 exist). £60/£70
1109 ✱✱ 2014/2019 Collection of UM Sets (39) and 15 MS with a Face Value over £480 Inc. Setenant strips, pairs. A good range of different sets. Highly catalogues. £350/£400
1110 * AIR LETTERS 6d Coronation with a good variety of different cancels (19) Inc. International Transport , Worker Congress, CCIR 1953 London, Yeovilton, Sellafield South camp, Arts and Fancy Good Fair, RSH Health, Mobile Post Office and interesting lot. £90/£100
1111 * Booklets Illustrated FDC’s Inc. modern S/A booklets, Prestige Booklet Panes, Inc. complete Panes, Modern Prestige Panes. 1969 Cook Complete Booklet Panes with Milk Marketing Board Special Cancel. Mainly all with special cancels 230+ Covers. £180/£200
1112 COIL LEADERS with stamps attached (Qty) mostly machins Inc. Se-Tennant Stamps, several 1967 issues. Uncommon. £40/£50
1113 ✱✱ ERRORS, VARIETIES AND UNUSUALINTERESTING Items all UM purchased from specialised dealers together with Notes/Costs with ultra specialised machins with 2nd + 1sts - different printings, phosphors, minor varieties. Castles to £5 15p Block of Four greatly misperfed. 2002 Christmas 2nd imperf. block of Four. Special overprints early self adhesives with overprints, commems with gum varieties etc. Several 100 items all carefully curated. £300/£360
1114 Errors, Varieties, Unusual With Specialised Decimal Machins, Modern Castle Sets to £5 and more all UM in an Album. Several 100 items plus some Commems. 1980 12P missing P. 1981 18P misplaced Gold. 12½P misperf. Numerous missing Phospher Errors. 1966 6d missing D variety in block of 6, other values to £10. A most interesting lot. £200/£240
1115 ✱✱ FACE VALLUE £333+. Fine lot of 24 Prestige Stamp Booklets. A good variety Inc. Gracious Accession (3) with issues to 2004. £150/£160
1116 ✱✱ FACE VALUE £280. A fine lot of different Prestige Stamp Booklets with issues to 2014. £140/£150
1117 ✱✱ Miniature Sheet Collection UM Face Value £700+ with sheets to 2019 Inc. modern bar code sheets. 2010 Stampex ovpted. sheet. A superb collection. £500/£550
2nd + 1st Machins Postal Forgeries Inc. 1st Booklet of 12, Northern Ireland 2003 68p trial on uncoated paper. 2002 Olympics 1st unissued Cyclist stamp, Post office staff special issue Christmas stamps etc. Qty. £80/£90
1119 ✱ POST AND GO - 2008/2015 Substantial collection of mint sets in strips Inc. Special Congress Issues (100’s). £200/£240
1120 ✱✱ POST AND GO Extensive collection of complete sets in an Album (all UM). 2010 all Bird Sets, Farm Animal Sets and many other Topical series, some GB Island Sets (with receipts). Several 100. FV. Stated to be £300+. £200/£220
1121 ✱✱ Post and Go Presentation Packs Inc. Scarce Pack I, Birds Pack I to IV, Farm Animal, Royal Mail Heritage. A fine lot of packs each different. £150/£180
1122 ✱✱ Postal Forgery 2nd (NVI) complete Booklet of 10 Stamps in a House of Questa Booklet dated 6 April 1993. Seldom seen as a complete Booklet. (Photo) £80/£90
1123 * Postal Forgery used on cover 2nd (NVI) on cover with normal 2nd (NVI) and 6p scarce, less than 100 cover exist. £30/£40
1124 ✱✱ PREMIUM LOT of Modern Material UM Inc. 13 different PM Stamp Booklets noting 2001 Submarines and 2019 Birds of Prey, Set of Occasions Blocks in Special Packs, Diana 1997 Welsh pack, A range of Post Office Special Packs. High retail value. FU £160+ £120/£140
1125 ✱✱ Presentation Packs of QEII with modern and a face value of £1000+ all perfect and all different. A collectors lot bought over many years. lots of first blocks of Ten etc. £600/£650
1126 ✱✱ Private Stamp Booklets 1977/79 containing Stamps Inc. Edinburgh 77. 1978 Roland Hill MS (Plated Set). Reply Coupons etc (Qty). £40/£50
1127 * Snark Island Stamps on Covers (6) unused Cards (4) note Env with 18p machin plus strip of 3 QV Snark Is. ovpt. middle stamp ovpt. inverted, small Env. with 16p machin and 6p Snark Stamp tired, Env. with 5p + 13p machin 1d QV Snark (3) tied to the cover, seldom seen. £60/£70
1128 ✱ Snark Island, Gerry King Stamps arranged by issues on pages fresh mint Inc. QV designs, Pictorials, Snark Ships, Hunting Tax, Life Insurance, Expeditionary Force. A very good collection of 190+ stamps. £300/£350
1129 ✱✱ Wildings a small group of stamps UM Inc. 1967 Castle Set. A useful selection of 60 stamps. £30/£40
1130 ✱ ✱✱ 1929/79 Commemorative collection on stockpages/stockbook pages chiefly UM inc varieties inc 1966 birds block of 4 with missing red brown (legs of the robin and blackbird) UM, all the early phosphor sets UM, a fine run of QEII commem’s, highly catalogued collection with better pickings. £300/£350
1131 ✱✱ 1935/70 Unmounted Mint Commemorative Collection (1600+ stamps) seen 1935 Silver Jubilee Wmk. Inv. sets. 1937 Coronation with varieties, Phos. Sets Inc. Red Cross and Lifeboats, Cylinder Blocks. A good lot in a large Stockpage Album. £200/£240
1132 * 1649-1863 PRE-STAMP & STAMPLESS MAIL, accumulation of mostly entires, unchecked and unsorted in detail, we see a range of postal markings, note one 17th century & three 18th century entires, note clean 1843 entire to Clitheroe with YORK 1D PAID mark. Mixed condition (approx 50 items). £100/£150
1133 * 1840 1d black, “G H” plate 6, SG.2, used on entire from Devizes to London, almost four margins, just touches at lower right, tied by red MX cancel, light crease through stamp, cat. £750+.
1134 * 1841 1d black, “O L” plate 9, SG.2, used on small envelope from Bracknell (fine frameless c.d.s. on reverse) to Winchester, three margins, tied by black MX cancel, cat. £1200 used on cover.
1135 * 1842 2d blue, imperf pair “FF FG” SG.5, used on entire, London to Great Yarmouth, tied by neat MX cancels in black, pair cut into at left, torn and slightly into at right, cat.£3750 on cover.
1136 * 1845 1d red, plate 56 imperf pair, used on wrapper to Burnley, stamps full margins and cancelled by “498” Manchester numerals, good to fine.
1137 * 1845 1d red, plate 56 imperfs x2, used on entire to Hayle, Cornwall, stamps full margins and cancelled by clear “540” numerals, good to fine.
1138 * 1851 10d brown embossed, SG.57, used on wrapper to Paris, France with additional 1d red imperf, both tied by London numerals, with additional PD in red tying 10d, cut square, clear on two sides, cat. £3200 used on cover. £220/£250
1139 * 1855 10d brown embossed, SG.57, used on entire to Porto, Portugal with additional 1d red “Stars” both tied by London “26” numerals, 10d cut square, clear on one sides, nice Porto receiving mark on front, cat. £3200 used on cover.
1140 * 1856 envelope from MONIAIVE, Scotland, to Melbourne, Australia, franked 6x 1d red Stars, tied by Scottish numerals, Moniaive dated boxed cancel, Liverpool, SHIP LETTER / G.P.O. VICTORIA and BRIGHTON transit marks on reverse. Some faults and a little grubby, but an unusual usage. £60/£80
1141 * 1859 SCOTTISH small wrapper, franked 1d red Star (Spec C10, Pl.34) pmk’d DUMFRIES duplex, redirected with six different c.d.s. pmks on reverse. £60/£80
1142 * 1860 6d lilac, no corner letters, SG.68, used on envelope to Melbourne, Australia, tied by London duplex, Melbourne receiving mark on reverse, good condition, cat. £240 used on cover. £60/£75
1143 * 1862 entire from Glasgow to Calais, France, franked 1d red Stars x4 and 1885-7 4d, London transit & Calais arrival on reverse, clean & fine. £50/£70
1144 * 1864 6d lilac, small corner letters, x2, SG.84, used on entire to Andalucía, Spain, tied London duplexes, good to fine. £40/£50
1145 * 1864 GB USED ABROAD / MAIL BOAT CANCELLATION “A85” used on cover to Truro, Cornwall, franked with three 1d red (SG.40) pairs, SG.Z43, manuscript “arrived Xmas day” on front and Truro DE 26 64 arrival mark on reverse. Faults, but intact and scarce usage. £300/£400
1146 * 1865 env to Ceylon, franked 1d red plate 80 x2 and 1s green, each tied “6” numeral pmks, missing flap and other faults. £40/£50
group of three entires, 1865 6d lilac small corner letters on wrapper to Italy, 1866 4d plate 7 x2 on entire to France, 1867 4d plate 8 on entire to Denmark. Clean group (3). £65/£80
1148 * 1868 6d lilac, plate 6, wmk Spray x2, plus 1d red plate 103, SG.106, used on entire to Andalucía, Spain, tied London duplexes, good to fine, cat.£250+ used on cover. £40/£50
1149 * 1868-716d lilac, plate 6 with hyphen and 6d mauve, plate 9, SG.104, 109, both used on separate 1868 & 1871 entires to Constantinople, each tied by a clear Manchester duplex, good to fine (2 entires). £50/£70
1150 * 1873 1s green, plate 8, SG.150, used on wrapper to CURACAO, tied by clear MANCHESTER duplex, U.S. “12½c” handstamp on front, vertical fold, otherwise good to fine.
1151 * 1875 POSTAL STATIONERY 1d envelope uprated with 4d embossed, both cancelled with clear CAMBRIDGE duplexes. £40/£50
1152 * 1882 1d purple, die 4, POSTAL FISCAL, SG.F22, used on cover (with original letter), tied by DEWSBURY duplex, clean & fine. £50/£60
1153 * 1936-69 POSTAL HISTORY
ACCUMULATION, KEVIII to QEII, eclectic accumulation, we see WWII mail incl. censors, postal stationery, postmark interest, interesting 1936 env. franked with Irish defins and cancelled HOLYHEAD - LONDON T.P.O. NIGHT, Scottish, Isle of Bute 1938 registered env. from Rothesay to Fort Bannatyne, returned upon arrival AND MUCH MORE, mixed condition (100+ items). £120/£150
1154 * LIVERPOOL 1856 Embossed 1/- (cut to shape) tied Liverpool Spoon (R2) on very fine entire to Marseille numerous Pmks. Most attractive. (Photo) £80/£90
1155 * LIVERPOOL Collectors Interesting Accumulation of 56 items from a good range of Pre Stamped noting 1788 Straight Line LIVERPOOL. 1825/32 various paid at Liverpool. 1837 too late, Handstruck 2 (5 different). Interesting maritime. 1843 Penny Pink Env. with Maltese Cross, Duplexes etc. Original lot. £200/£240
1156 * Postal History - Interesting range. 1903 Edward ½d Env. “Union Assurance Society”. 1932 Env. with Dumfries paid ½d franking. 1910 OHMS “Estate Duty Office” sent to Cockermouth, Lakeland Letter Card with ½d, 1d franking, Kents Bank Pictorial Letter 2½d KGVI franking. A useful lot of approx 140 Covers/Cards. £90/£100
1157 * Pre-Stamp Entires with mileage marks. 1807 with Hexham/299 handstamp charged at 11d sent to London. 1810 Durham/263 handstamp charged at 11d rate sent to London, both with contents. £30/£40
1158 * Pre-Stamp Postal History. 1792 Entire with Two line Newcastle upon Tyne handstamp. Charge at 2d. 1817 Auckland to London with Auckland handstamp. 1828 Belford to Alwick with Belford Circular Mileage Mark on the reverse, charged at 4d rate. 1828 Alnwick Circular Mileage Mark on the reverse of an Entire about the late Rev’d. D Thomas Estate. Interesting charged at 6d rate. £60/£70
1159 * West Yorkshire penny red franking chiefly on “superintendent of the circuit” entires with a variety of cancels inc sent and turned entires, seldom seen. (9). £60/£70
1160 * Yorkshire entires (8) inc reused/returned entire with penny red frankings and a variety of postal markings. £40/£50
1161 * Yorkshire interesting collection chiefly “to the superintendent of the circuit” entire a few with additional letters, turned and reused with a good variety of cancels. An interesting lot for study. 24 entires. £150/£180
1162 * Yorkshire turned and reused entires(6) late 1850s/early 1860s with penny red frankings. Chiefly sent to London and returned. Seldom seen. £60/£70
1163 ✱✱ ALDERNEY New Issues Face Values
£120+ with sets and values to £10. All different. £50/£60
1164 Channel Is/Isle of Man Collection chiefly predecimal issues. Seen KGVI bi-sect 2d on an Env. and Card. KGV 2 bi-sect on piece. 1940’s Occupation Arms and views. Mint second set FU. A very good range of 100 items. £70/£80
1165 1881 Weekly notes of the Law Council for 2nd July (newspaper) with wrapper subscribers copy wrapped with QV ½d franking sent to Castletown Isle o Man with Castletown Code “C” CDS on the reverse. Very scarce with its original wrapper. £100/£120
1166 * 1904-77 SNAEFELL SUMMIT group of six postcards, posted at Snaefell, each with the lozenge shaped cachet, one card from 1977, the others 1904-27 with GB frankings (6). £30/£40
1167 * 1909 Registered Envelope (1d) uprated sent to Germany with Ramsey CDS, Reg. Label 23, arrival mark on the reverse. £50/£60
1168 * 1914 Parcel Post Label for Ramsey VFU. (Photo) £35/£40
1169 * 1915 POW PPC Card showing Camp at night with “Aliens” detention Camp/Censored/Knockaloe Handstamp endorsed POW Camp3. Camp 2 sent to Germany. £70/£80
1170 * 1918 WWI POW Lettersheet FU to USA written from Aliens Detention Camp, Knocklow large Censor Label on back. Very fine. £50/£60
1171 * 1926/86 A superb collection of slogan cancellations on covers (380) with details and all different, celebrating many different anniversaries or events. 1926 card with “British goods are best”, 1926 “Join the King’s roll-and employ-war disabies”, 1937/39 post early in the day, 1963 Lifeboat. A fascinating lot filling a large carton. £150/£180
1172 * 1927 A scarce cover sent from Rio De Janeiro to Castletown to Capt. Doyle sent Regd. with Castletown arrival mark on the reverse sent to Derby Haven Hotel. £50/£60
1173 * 1940/49 BRITISH KGVI SETS on FDC Cancelled at The Isle Of Man. Scarce lot (12) Inc. 1940 Centenary items. 1946 Victory Set on Iluster. Cover. Victory Set as Cylinder blocks of Six on one cover. Cancelled at Derby Road, Douglas, Olympics and UPU with illustrated envelopes. £100/£120
1174 * 1953/67 A most remarkable collection of British FDC cancelled on The Isle Of Man. The collection of 95+ Inc. illustrated envelopes, some sets as Cylinder Blocks of 6 Inc. lifeboat, Red Cross and FFH. Scarce illustrated envelopes and more. Seldom seen material. £300/£360
1175 * 1958 Unusual destination illustr. FDC with a pair of 3d sent to Ethiopia. £30/£35
1176 ✱ 1958/99 Superb Collection with many MS and Prestige Booklet panes with the decimal issues having a face value over £330 ( posting dues) with many complete sets inc. definitive with high values lots of Booklets panes, many 100’s of stamps mounted mint. £100/£120
1177 * 1971 PORT MANNINAGH 25p private delivery stamp on cover, stamp depicts Motorcycle at the TT, fine, tied by postmark. £35/£45
1178 * 1971 RAILWAY STAMPS on printed, special commemorative covers, four different, all fine. £40/£50
1179 * 1975/76 Postage Dues on small neat covers on mail featuring STAMPS INVALID and other cachets, wide range of usages and different office cancelations. A most interesting lot of 63 covers. £120/£150
1180 * 1976/2003 Unusual Envelope with complete Sheetlets/Two Sheetlets of Prestige Booklet Panes (83). 2003 Power Flight set of 4 Sheetlets, Man in Space set of 8 Sheetlets. 2002 QEII Golden Jubilee Two Sheetlets, Lighthouse Prestige Booklet Panes on Four Covers, each different with FDI Cancellation and Unaddressed. £200/£220
1181 * 1982 Maxi Cards TT Riders with special cancel and TT Grandstand CDS 20 never seen these before. £40/£50
1182 * 1983 Coin Cover Ron Haslam Illustr. Cover with “TT” 50p Coin. A fine and scarce cover. £30/£40
1183 * 1989/2005 Post Office series one collection of 84 covers No.1 to 82 Inc. 28 signed series Two from No.1 to 17. A very fine collection of 100 covers seldom seen. £150/£180
1184 * Castletown Postal History, a very good range of 63 Covers/Cards from QV to QEII. 1863 Morning Env. to London with Castletown 037 Duplex. 1859 Env. From Castletown missent to Liverpool sent back to Kirk Michael. 1883 Env. From Dublin. 1893 Env. Sent locally to Glyn Moore, Edward frankings with a variety of Castletown CDS. A very interesting lot with many details. £180/£200
www.philangles.co.uk place your bids online. Immediate and secure.
1185 * Certificates of Posting Collection Inc. Covers with there Certs. (12). 1941/45 Regd. Articles Forms (6). Postal Packet Certs. An interesting lot with Certs. From 1886 with detail 50 items. £70/£80
1186 * Douglas Southern Electric Tramway Picture Postcards (20) with a variety of views, unused or used written up as a study colour or sepia. £70/£80
1187 * Interesting Collection/Study on pages with details 1904 PPC with Douglas Duplex, early photo type PPC of Peel Harbour from the hill unused. 1905 Cert. of Posting with Prospect Hill CDS, PPC of Burnley sent to Isle of Man with arrival mark on the reverse. KGVI Cancellation Collection. 1949 UPU FDC with Regd. Douglas Cancel. A very good lot of 50 items. £90/£100
1188 Manx Northern and Foxdale Railway Collection of tickets organised by station. Foxdale, Waterfalls Peel Road, St. Germain, Kirk Michael, First and Third Class Tickets. A superb collection of 190+ tickets, Inc. bisects as complete tickets. £120/£140
1189 * Picture postcards mainly Edward/KGV period (340) with details chiefly used odd mint. Seen 1933 PPC with passed by postcard censor handstamp, view of Niarbyl, Glen Wyllin, Bishop Court, Glen Helen, Garwick Glen and beach a fascinating collection for the cards or the cancellations. £300/£350
1190 * Picture Postcards of the Isle of Man unused with early colour photo types, market place Castletown real photo type, Castletown from the Harbour, Snaefell, Camera obscura, Pete’s Cottage, Groudle Glen Railway. A fine collection of 80 cards. £100/£120
1191 * Picture Postcards. 2004 Inc. Mannin reproduced (104) Mann Archaeology, Transport, TT Races. A very fine collection with some details unused. £150/£200
1192 Postmarks of the Isle of Man on Edward issues CDS used will make a good lot for display, seen Colby, Crosby, Laxey, Old Laxey, Port Erin, Port St Mary, Foxdale, Sulby. Just a few from this collection of 30 cancels. £30/£40
1193 * POW WWI PPC Card showing a view of a bridge supposedly leaving the Camp, sent to Germany with “Aliens” Detention Camp/Censored/Knockaloe, endorsed POW 22390 Camp IV, Hut 3. £70/£80
1194 * Registered Mail of the Isle of Mail. A fine collection of used mail all regd, QEII period, 1961 OHMS/REM Env. with De by Haven Regd. Lavel. 1974 cover with Port St Mary 1 label sent locally seen Santon, Prospect Hill, Kirk Onchan, Anagh Coar Mail, Balabey, Ballaugh Crosby, Foxdale, Glenmaye, labels on covers. a very good collection of 90+ items with details plus 12 regd. Env’s. unused. £200/£220
1195 * Scarce early PPC of Smith’s Refreshment Cottage at “Glen Moar” should have been spelled “Glen Mooar” unused. £30/£40
1196 * Specialist collection of overprinted Aerogrammes (180) 1978 to 1988 each different seen mission to Man, Natural History and Antiquarian Church of St Sanctain, RNLI, Millennium Postal history exhibition. TT Race. A very interesting lot unused. £100/£120
1197 * Triangular “407” Cancellations, a variety of covers (14) Inc. KGVI 1d Env. QEII 1960 covers with triangular slogan cancels. A fine group. £30/£35
1198 QV issues used in Malta. (55). A very good collection with many very fine cancels A 25 or Malta CDS. Penny Reds (5) 2d Blues (3) 2½d Rosy (15) Blue (16). Fair Red (2) Orange. 6d Lilac (2) with a variety of plate numbers. £300/£350
1199 * 1811 JERSEY SCROLL HS. (large type) Fair/Good Strike on Entire to Lady Delavel at Ford Castle at Berwick. Good condition. £150/£170
1200 * 1851 JERSEY SCROLL (Small Type) good Strike on reverse of Entire charged 2/2. (Photo) £100/£120
1201 * 1941/99 Extensive Collection in a printed Album with early Arms, Views, Postage Dues, Lots of Booklet Panes Inc. Prestige Panes with the Decimal Postage having a face value over £400 many 100’s of Stamps as complete sets. £120/£140
1202 ✱✱ 1943/44 View set as gutter pairs fine UM. SG3/8 (6). £30/£35
1203 * AN INTERESTING SELECTION Inc. 11 early Postcards with smaller Offices Cancels (Thimbles) Gorey, Grey Village, First Tower etc. Also 1865 Printed Freight Invoice from Bond Street, Jersey and other bits. £75/£80
1204 * BRITISH STAMPS on Postcards (3) and Cover (1) used in St. Malo etc 1888/1908 Inc. 1888 2½d Jubilee on cover cancelled St. Malo CDS. 1908 with French Postage Due and Paquebot HS. 1904 Granville CDS on PC etc. 6 items. Scarce material. £150/£180
1205 * JERSEY SUB POST OFFICES Thimble cancellations mostly on Edwardian Postcards. The collection of 26 cards (plus photo’s of PO’s) Inc. Beaumont, Faldouet, Five Oaks, Gorey, St. Aubin, St. Ovens etc. £100/£120
1206 POSTAL HISTORY - Collectors
Accumulation of 140+ items a most interesting lot Inc. earlier Postcards with summer office Pmks. noting St. martins (various), St. Owens, St. Peters, special modern covers cancelled at different offices noting values to £5. Original lot. £220/£240
1207 * POSTAL HISTORY SELECTION (10). 1858 Stampless Entire with fine Jersey CDS. 1844 Penny Red on Env. 1846 St. Malo Entire. 1854 Inward to La Chasse House, Five Oaks CDS on PC etc. Good group. £100/£120
1208 ✱✱ Revenues - A selection of 18 different UM . Revenues overprinted SPECIMEN with values to £100 + £500. (Photo) £60/£80
1209 * TAXED MAILS And the use of Postage Dues Postal History Collection. 67 items - there’s enough here to make a fantastic display. Postcards into the Island with early showing instructional handstamps from 1905/50’s. 1911 Scarce use of USA 10c special delivery stamp which should not be used for postage, Tax HS. A good range of Worldwide Mails with Jersey Postage Due Stamps and Tax HS. £200/£240
1210 * Wartime Coat of Arms issues used on Covers/Cards. The collection of 22, very fine items Inc. single usages, FDC. ½d Imprint strip of 3 or reg’d. Cover. Different Pmks. 1942 Reused Env. 1942 Tax HS. All selected. £120/£140
1211 * Wartime Views issues used on Covers/Cards. The collection 48 items all carefully assembled with single frankings, usages on Postcards, different Pmks. Inc. German Feldpost FDC, Reg’d. all values represented. All selected. £250/£300
1212 ✱✱ * A Large Stockbook With Interesting Local Stamps etc. 1963 Isle of Pabay Europa. MS (3), Local Mail to Skye, Rona, Sanda, Herm, Lundy Inc. Presentation Packs (7). A very good collection, 100’s of items. £120/£150
1213 ✱✱ Lundy selection of modern local with errors, imperf, Rat Island MS, 70p printed on gum side. An interesting lot of 23 items UM. £40/£50
1214 * 1795 Guernsey Curved HS. on Entire to Isle of Sky(E). Two Bishop HS. on reverse, charge marks an early and fine Island to Island Entire. (Photo) £120/£150
1215 * 1825 Guernsey Scroll on very fine Entire to Leek, Staffs, charged 1/3 extensive contents very fine. (Photo) £130/£150
1216 * 1858 A Tragedy - Five envelopes all somewhat mutilated (stamps cut away) but still with 2d + 6d stamps affixed all cancelled 324 Guernsey duplexes. All addressed to the Royal Engineers in HONG KONG. Variety of Pmks. Reference (would of been £1000’s). £100/£120
1217 * 1940 First Day Cover (Postcard) with KGV 2d Bisect 27 Dec. 1940 printed message “All good wishes for 1941”. Very fine. (Photo) £80/£85
1218 * 1940 First Day Cover for KGV 2d Bisect 27 Dec. 40 with special First Day HS. Scarce. (Photo) £80/£85
1219 * 1940 First Day Cover for KGV 2d Bisect Cancelled at Vile Au Roi. Fine and scarce. (Photo) £100/£110
1220 * 1940/41 Bisect usages on Covers and Cards. The collection (14) Inc. KGV 2d on PC at St. Peters Port. KGVI 2d Defin. and Commems with variety of cancels, multiple usages etc. Highly recommended. £200/£240
1221 * 1941/43 Wartime Coat of Arms usages on Covers/Cards. The collection 16 items Inc. multiple frankings. 1941 5 stamp mixed franking registered, ½d Blue Paper on Combo Cover, Cover with 3 x ½d Canc. at Sark. Good group. £100/£120
1222 * 1944 Internment Camp at Biberach WWI Censored Postal Card from Islander IDA Bellamy in very fine condition. (Photo) £60/£70
1223 * CANCELATIONS With Scarce Material, very good lot of mostly Edwardian Postcards with smaller office cancels Inc. Forest Rubber Type (2superb strikes). St. Sampson Thimble Cobo Rubber, Quay Branch Office, First Tower St. Andrews as arrivals (various). 1905 Sark and Very Fine Alderney. A valuable lot (30+). £240/£300
1224 * Postal History Accumulation (75+ items) Inc. early Postcards with smaller Office Pmks. noting St. Andrew (1907 Arrival) St. Sampsons (1905). Forest Rubber Type later Special Registered Covers with different village Pmks. Sundry material etc. Good lot. £120/£140
1225 * POSTAL HISTORY Collection 20 items good lot of early material 1844 stampless Entire. 1846 Penny Pink Env. with 324 Duplex. Inward Mail, Penny Red usages. 1883 5d Indigo on cover to India etc. Original lot. £120/£140
1226 * WWII German Internment Camp. Scarce lettersheet addressed back to Miss D Green at St. Martins used with Censor. Scarce. Also last day of occupation mixed franking cover and another item (3). £75/£80
1227 * WWII Red Cross Message Forms FU (3) all different designs many HS. Inc. Censors. £30/£40
1228 1882-1901 I.R. OFFICIAL 2½d lilac horiz pair, SG.O6, good used, cat.£360. £90/£110
1229 ✱ 1887-90 GOVT PARCELS 1s dull green, SG.O68, mint, hinge remains, great colour, cat.£700. £100/£120
1230 ✱ 1903 Admiralty ½d SGO107 fine mint. £30/£35
1231 ✱ ✱✱ 1903 ADMIRALTY 1d SGO102 . As a fresh mint (2 UM) block 4 (small gum crease) also later 1d SGO108 UM single Cat. £140. (2 items). £60/£65
1232 ✱ BOARD OF EDUCATION. 1902 Edward ½d + 1d mint. SGO83 + O84. £60/£70
1233 * 1998 Anniversary of the RAF signed covers. RAF (1) to (10) mainly autographed by Air Chief Marshall and limited to 300 or less. A very good lot of 20 covers each different. £100/£120
1234 ✱✱ 2008 RAF 90TH Anniversary Smiler Sheet signed by Beetham, Iveson, Johnny Johnson and Twiss. Very fine. £60/£70
1235 * RAF & RELATED Signed coversSubstantial collection of 240+ very fine different covers housed in Four volumes vast majority autographed Inc. Multiple signatures (unchecked) many better spotted Inc. Lancaster Bomber. £180/£200
1236 * RAF Bomber Command Illustrated Covers (1004) with (46) being signed. RAF B1/B45. £80/£100
1237 * WWI Military Censored Covers (55) APO and Censor Postal Marks. Clean, most fine. £55/£60
1238 ✱ 1914/1924 Both KGV Sets Mint. SGD1/D8. (8) and D10/D18 (9). Fine. £100/£110
1239 Collectors extensive lot of mint (with sets) and used housed in a big Stockbook, substantial CV Inc. 1937 set. 1954 Set. 1956 Set with listed inverted watermark varieties to 10/- M/UM, UM blocks, all decimal sets to £5 UM, many used Inc. early complete sets etc. A very good range of material (100’s). £300/£360
1240 ✱✱ 1946 Liberation set as complete sheets with the 2½d showing three listed varieties, crown flaw (R1/1), Line across wheel (R6/1( and broken wheel (R20/5) UM. £80/£90
1241 * Postcards used at the Channel Isles, mostly Edwardian Period with most with a fine selection of Jersey Pmks. (Inc. several smaller offices). Few Guernsey. Superb 1907 Alderney. 1921 TAXED Local Guernsey Card with 324 1d Postage Due HS. ST. Sampsons Thimble. Jersey Inc. 1912. St. Johns Church 35 cards. £100/£120
1242 REVENUES - a SELECTION (25) Jersey SPECIMEN ovpts. to £100 UM. Alderney 2d UM. Guernsey. £35/£40
1243 * Wartime Coat Of Arms issues collections lot Guernsey (7 covers + stamps) inc. single frankings to 2½d on PPC, jersey (4 covers) Inc. ½d + 1d dual franking. (11 covers + stamps). £40/£50
1244 ✱ A selection of early mostly 2d Green issues (27 different) majority mint and unchecked for scarcity Inc. Great North Scotland 4d on 3d, Scottish contents. Cheshire Lines 4d. North British 2d with complete 1895 Glasgow CDS. Shropshire 3d Ticket Design Type. £150/£170
1245 A selection of (32) mostly early 2d Green Railway Stamps, all different Inc. a good selection of the different 4d on 3d issues mint Inc. large Violet 4d handstamp on North Eastern Issue, several used and issues we haven’t seen before. Good lot. £150/£170
1246 ✱ A selection of early Green, mostly 2d issues chiefly fine mint Inc. Lancs. and Yorks three Pence ovpt. As sheetlet of 6. 1891 Northants and Banbury 2d mint block 4 others Inc. Lancs. (20). £100/£120
1247 ✱ A selection of early mostly Green 2d Railway Stamps, Mint, Unchecked Inc. good Irish Issues, 1d + 2d Blue, several used etc. Request scan. Good condition. £100/£110
1248 ✱ A selection of early mostly Green Railway Stamps (22) various lines Inc. handstamped 4, values to 4d. 1891 London and Dover issues, 2d Blue Joint Committee Issue etc. An original lot. £100/£120
1249 A selection of interesting Newspaper Carrier Stamps (21) numerous better Inc. Somerset and Dorset 2d Diamond Shape, Wirral Railway 2d mint, Manchester and Altringham 2d (Two different), Express 4d and others. A good group. £120/£130
1250 ✱✱ RAILWAY LETTER STAMPS From 1957 to 2010, vast collection housed in 4 large Stockbooks, 100’s all different Inc. Sheetlets, MS, Sets from many different Operators including very good MS. All UM. Highly recommended. £450/£500
1251 ✱✱ TRAINS OF THE WORLD On Worldwide Postage Stamps. Substantial collection of UM. Complete Sets including 338 different MS. or Sheetlets all in perfect condition housed in 3 Stockbooks. £360/£400
1252 1864 LIFE POLICY 6d, 1s, 2s, 2s6d & 5s values in red-brown (shades), manuscript cancels (5). £45/£55
1253 ✱ 1910 Foreign Bill 6d as VFM block of Four. Ex SG. £40/£50
1254 QV/KGV Old Stockpages with an accumulation of Revenues seen QV Judicature Fee, Foreign Bill, Inland Revenue, Police Courts, Mayor Court, District Audit, Ireland Petty Sessions. A good old accumulation, a few 100 revenues. Chiefly used. £160/£180
1255 ✱ 1912 Balkan War Type III ovpts. in Red Inc. varieties 1L, 5L strip of 3 with one stamp in each strip having missing “1” mint, 50L fine used pair, 10d SG246 BBC mint, also 20L block ovpt. reading downwards, mint. £150/£170
1256 ✱ Classic Hermes Heads, an unusual lot (14 items) stated to be hugely catalogued Rare Shades, Printings etc. noting 40L on coloured papers (3). 20L Mint (STC 15 Euro). 20L. SG42. Mint. Unusual Pmks. An interesting lot. £120/£140
1257 GREECE (1500+) substantial lot chiefly fu, 1880’s small Hermes imperfs, a group of 1896 Olympics, extensive pictorials especially middle period. A selection of CRETE with overprints. Useful pickings good lot. £150/£180
1258 ✱ 1875 QV 1/- SG13 very fine unused Cat. £700 mint. £45/£50
1259 ✱ 1878 6d deep vermilion, wmk Small Star sideways, intermediate perf.15, SG.17, mint, small area of adhesion on gum, great looker, cat.£850. (Photo) £220/£250
1260 1881 Cat £550+ QV Classics selection (8) Inc. ½d mint, 4d FU, 4d VFU. A fine and sound group SG20/26. £110/£120
1261 ✱ 1888-912½d on 8d grey-brown, Specimen ovpt, SG.47s, fine mint. £30/£40
1262 ✱ ✱✱ 1888-914d on 2s orange, vertical strip of three, SG.41, VFM, lower stamps UM. (Photo) £75/£90
1263 ✱ 1892 POSTAGE DUES 1d on 6d mauve & 2d on 6d mauve, SG.D4, D6, mint, small area of adhesion on gum, cat.£330 (2). £110/£130
1264 ✱✱ 1964-66c black & olive-green, SG. wmk W12, SG.218, UM. £100/£120
1265 ✱✱ QEII unmounted mint on stock pages (29) and packets (20) seen 1953 defin set of 13. 1966 Defin. Set. 1968 Defin. Set. 1972 Airmail Ovpt. Set. Seem to go to 1976 with many sets. Unchecked. £100/£120
1266 * Postal Stationery 19th century a very fine collection of 57 cards/covers with different types and much identified, mainly unused with a few precancelled type. A fine and interesting lot. £140/£160
1267 ✱✱ 1981 OFFICIAL and PARCEL POST. Stamps unmounted mint (65 with many different ovpts. with values to $12, each different. £70/£80
1268 ✱✱ 1982 Prince William overprints with varieties. $1.10 ovpt. Inv. SG983ca, surch double SG983cb, $1.25 ovpt. double SG986b, ovpt. Inv. SG986a, $2.20 on SG392, SG435, SG987b/c. A fine collection of 35. Chiefly UM. £120/£150
1269 ✱✱ 1985 Colour Proof/Essay as imperf. pairs, President Burnham (16) fresh UM plus set (SG1908/11). £50/£60
1270 ✱✱ QEII Unmounted Mint Collection on Stockpages (16( and in packets (43). Seen 1966 First Ovpts. with different printing to $5 (34). 1967 Printing to £5 with different printings (27). 1980’s Ovpts. in packets unchecked. £140/£150
1271 ✱✱ STAMP BOOKLETS (6) all different featuring Scout Movement overprint issues. Unusual. £30/£40
1272 ✱✱ Unmounted Mint Sheetlet Collection (12). 1982 Baden Powell, set of 3. 1983 Manned Flight set of 4, Girl Guides set of 2. A fine group. £60/£70
1273 * Postal Stationery mainly Postal Card with a variety of different types 19th Century issues much identified and some cards with the reply card still attached. A fine group of 43 items unused. £100/£120
1274 1862 First issue 96c top value VFU. A particularly fine example couple of nibbled perfs. SG7. £150/£170
1275 1862 QV 48c SG6 select FU. Fine stamp. £120/£130
1276 1865 96c Olive Bistre fine used. SG18. Key stamp. £300/£360
1277 1880 QV Surch Set (5) FU. Nice quality SG23/27. Cat. £520. £120/£130
1278 ✱ 1891 50c on 48c SG49 fresh mint. £40/£45
1279 ✱ 1891 7c on 10c SG43 fine mint and 14c on 30c SG44 fine mint (small crease). Cat. £325 (2). £80/£90
1280 ✱ 1891 Jubilee 2c SG51 fine mint, small part OG. Cat. £475. £60/£70
1281 1903 Edward $10 SG76 VFU unusually with partial Singapore Transit CDS. An interesting stamp. £180/£200
1282 1921 KGV $10 SG116. VFU. £50/£55
1283 1921/65 Complete sets fine used. 1921 KGV to $5. 1938 KGVI to $10 with 3d different $10. 1954 QEII to $10 with a good range of commems (85 stamps). Cat. £640+. £140/£160
1284 ✱ 1922/27 China ovpt. Set 1c to $2 (ex 8c) VFM. SG18/28 (10). £180/£200
1285 ✱ 1938 KGVI definitive, set of 31 stamps, Inc. Shades and different Printings. Cat. £1660+ fresh mint. £400/£450
1286 ✱✱ 1938 KGVI First Issue $10 SG161 as a rare UM block of Four usual very Lightly Toned Gum as always superb multiple on SG Card (paid £1500) Cat. £3000. £1,200/£1,300
1287 ✱ ✱✱ 1941/92 Collection mainly QWII definitive sets, seen 1941 Centenary Set. 1954 Defin’s. $10 Mint. 1962 Defin. Set to $20 Inc. $5 Wmk. Inc. 1973 Defin. Set. 1987/92 Defin. Sets to $50, 3 different sets UM. A good lot of 190 stamps + 4 MS. Cat. £1100+. £200/£250
1288 ✱✱✱ * 1946 Victory 30c, $1 with extra stroke varieties, mint sets on illustrated FDC and set as blocks of 4 UM SG169a/70a and 169/70. £90/£100
1289 ✱✱ 1976 No Wmk. Defin. Set UM. SG340/353 (7). £120/£130
1290 ✱✱ 1985/87 QEII Defin. Set UM. SG471/487 (16). £45/£50
1291 ✱✱ 1987/2006 Definitives UM lot Inc. complete sets 1987 to $50, 1989 to $50, 1992 to $50, 1999 to $50 and 2006 Birds to $50, some coils strips etc. Fine lot. (165 stamps). £120/£140
1292 ✱✱ 2006 Birds defins set in cylinder A or B blocks of six, SG.1398/1413, fine UM (16 blocks). £150/£180
1293 ✱ KGVI Collectors Lots on Cards, Stockpages, Purchased M & U with useful items, good range of M 1938 defins. to $5 Inc. $1 (5 diff.) and $10 (2 diff.), 30c SG151 VFM. 1941 + 48 Commem Sets, used selections with defins. to $10. Interesting group, high CV. £250/£280
1294 ✱ KGVI VFM selection (18) Defins. Inc. $5 SG160 + $10 SG162 also 1941 Centenary Set. STC £400+. £80/£90
1295 ✱✱ MINIATURE SHEETS 1974/2000. Extensive collection of 90+ mostly different all UM housed in Album. Many better 1974 Arts. 1975 Festivals. 1990 NZ stamp exhibition. An excellent and highly Cat. lot. £250/£280
1296 * Postcards (6) Circa 1934 Inc. Naval RP of Illuminated Ships, Peak Tramcar etc. £30/£40
1297 ✱✱ QEII Collection On Stockpages (12) and Presentation Packs (9) mainly to 1984 (note 1990 Year Pack). Seen 1967/78 New Year Sets. 1975 Defins. in 2 Presentation Packs. 1972 New Year $1.30 Wmk. Inv. SG277w. A good range UM. Cat. over £650. £250/£300
1298 ✱ QEII early issues 1953/67 with many sets. 1954 defin. set of 24 with shades mint. 1962 defin set of 15 mint. 1966 defin to $1 (10) Wmk S/ways. a good range of commem sets, 170 stamps. Cat. £1100+. £250/£280
1299 * 1932 AIRMAIL, picture postcard, posted MATYASFOLD to Szeged, cachet in violet ties airmail cinderella, signed by pilot, fine. £30/£40
1300 ✱✱ 1938-47 CHAMBA KGVI UM accumulation, incl. 14a block of four, cat.£279 (25 stamps). £60/£70
1301 ✱ 1931/35 MORVI Pages with a range of Maharajs issues with values to 2a (17), Inc. 1932 set of 4. 1934 set of 4 mint. Cat. £150. £50/£60
1302 ✱✱ 1938 KGVI Overprints ½a, 2a6p, 3a, 3a6p, 8a and 12a each as blocks of Four fine UM. A scarce group of multiples SG83/92 (6 blocks). £280/£300
1303 ✱✱ 40 KGVI ½a SG100 as an UM block of Four. Scarce multiple. £170/£180
1304 ✱ 1938/1940 KGVI Official 1938 set of 2. 1940 set of 12. SGO53/54, O55/68 mint. £150/£160
1305 ✱ 1938/41 KGVI definitive sets 1938 set of 18. 1941 set of 4. 1941 set of 13 SG77/94, 95/98 and 105/117 mint. £400/£450
1306 ✱ ✱✱ 1938/43 KGVI on a stockpage 1938 1r, 5r, 1941 set of 4, white background set of 13. Mainly mint odd UM. 19 stamps. £90/£100
1307 1937 KGVI High Value 10r fine used. SG95. Scarce. £100/£120
1308 ✱ 1937/39 KGVI Period Officials. 1937 set of 6. 1939 KGV ovpt. set of 2. 1940 set of 14. SGO63 to O84 mint. £85/£90
1309 TELEPHONE SERVICE ovpts. on a range of Six different officials FU. £30/£35
1310 ✱ 1877/1901 Old Pages with a range of 30 Stamps. Chiefly fine used with shades, seen SG1b. SG2a. SG3. SG5 mint. £70/£80
1311 ✱ 1921/1938 Mint Collection of 30 Stamps with different printing and shades note 1931 4a SG31 mint. 1938 1a SG43 mint. 1928 ½a ultra marine tete-beche pair SG26b mint. A good lot Cat. £500+. £180/£200
1312 ✱ 1878/1944 Collection of 84 Stamps Inc. Officials. Cat. £400+ with main value being in the Officials, seen 1938 1r SGO341 mint. 1944 Official 6a SGO355 FU. A useful range much identified. £100/£120
1313 ✱ 1936/49 KGVI period collection of officials (37 stamps), 1936/49 set O336/341b, 1940 SGO344/5 set, O347/49 set, 1944 arms inc shades SGO350/55 mint. £200/£220
1314 1898 Revenue 1a with inverted frame koeppel 151a used. £400/£500
1315 ✱ 1935/37 Collection of 13 Stamps 1935 set of 5 fine used, Roul 3p, 6, 9p, 2a mint. 1937 4a/12a. Cat. 200+. £60/£70
1316 ✱ 1896/1947 Old Pages with 12 Stamps + 5 Sacred Cow MS, mint. MS SG20. Official MS, ½a (3), 1a (2) with a variety of papers and colour ovpt. all ovpt. type one, Inc. handstamps Inv. and also S/way. £80/£90
1317 Stockpages with mainly unused (as issued) collection of 45 stamps chiefly crossed swords issues, seen SG32, SG33, ½a on black on perlure paper, issued in KGVI period perf and imperfed issues. £270/£290
1318 1892/1949 Collection on old pages mainly FU, odd mint. A good lot of 285 stamps Inc. Officials with much being identified (unchecked). A good range. £80/£90
1319 1902/1948 Stockbook Pages with many 100’s of Stamps (unchecked) Inc. Postage and Official, chiefly sorted by Value and Maharaja, fine used. £60/£70
1320 1933 Official Study On Pages With Varieties/Flaw Identified. Chiefly FU (note 4p and 2a mint). A very interesting lot of 109 stamps. SGO34/O43. £40/£50
1321 ✱ 1869/1949 Collection on pages with much identified (unchecked) seen 1931 views set of 8 mint. 1937 S/Jubilee Set Mint. 1947 View Set Mint. 1905 Colour proof pair (14), and the odd Official. A useful range of 110 items. £60/£70
1322 * An interesting selection of 17 Covers/Cards Inc. early usages noting registered and different issues, Postal Stationery M/Used etc. Mostly Fine. £50/£60
1323 ✱ 1904/1948 Collection of 110+ Stamps on pages with a catalogue value of £1300+. 1931 Pictorials 1a, 2½a, 3d, 4a, 6a, 8a mint. 1948 S/Jubilee set mint. 1932 Postage 1r FU Cat. £250. (small hole). 1931 Official 4a mint and FU. An original lot. £300/£350
1324 ✱ Old Pages with 100+ Stamps, mint and used, from 1870’s, Inc. Officials with blocks. Unchecked for printings. £60/£70
1325 ✱ 1874/1882 Imperf. range on pages with identified (unchecked) seen SGJ1 FU. Small but useful group of 15 stamps mainly mint. £20/£30
1326 ✱ 1899/1947 Pages with a collection of 50 stamps chiefly mint with values to 5r, identified. Cat. £300+ with the odd variety. £120/£140
1327 ✱ 1939 Maharaja Singh set to 10r SG31/45 (Cat. £2150) note 2r diagonal crease. A scarce set with high values. £1,050/£1,100
1328 ✱ 1948 Bundi boxed ovpts handstamped in black to 4a, handstamped in violet to 8a, 1r with blue H/S, 2a to 1r machine printed. A fine group of 18 stamps fresh mint. £150/£180
1329 ✱ 1948 High Value Bundi with Blue ovpt. 1r SG7C fresh mint. £220/£260
1330 ✱ 1948/50 KGVI Period Issues Bundi ovpts. in Black 1/4a, 1a, 2a, 4a, 8a. Purple ½a. 1950 ovpt. set of 11 (Cat. £350) mint. £170/£190
1331 ✱ 1948/50 Page with a variety of Handstamps/Opts. issues (27) chiefly mint. 1950 ½a, ¾a fine used with a Cat. value of £440+ and values to 5r. £170/£180
1332 ✱ 1892/99 Pages with a collection of 50 stamps, mainly mint Inc. 1894 Elephants to 8a (16) and Officials to 2a (4) mint. A variety of Raja issues Inc. Officials. £70/£80
1333 ✱ KGVI Period Small Group Cat. £350. 1935 1a SG57, ovpts 1a on ½a, 2a, 3a, SG58, 59, 61, 1a Purple SG60, Officials 1a, SGO13, these are mint, Official 1a on 2a, 3a, 8a, SGO14, 15, 17 fine used. £120/£150
1334 ✱ 1937/50 KGVI Period Collection Of 51 Stamps, Inc. Travancore - Cochin Issues. 1939 Birthday set of 7, Official Sets. 1949 Surch set of 7 SG1/7 “TC” ovpts. A fine lot. (Cat. £530). Mint. £240/£260
1335 ✱ Varieties on pages 2p on 6c pair with misplaced ovpt. block of 4 imperf. between vert. pair, 1a imperf. between horizontal pair and vert. pair, imperf. vert. pairs. An interesting lot of 40 stamps with varieties, mint. £50/£60
1336 ✱ 1904/1946 Pages with a collection of 200+ stamps mint or fine used, seen varieties Inc. 1921 5c on 1ch ovpt. Inv. Trav’s/Cochin ½a, 2p, 3a, Imperf. Pairs. 1949 Official “Nana” for Anna ½a SGO3c used. £100/£120
1337 Postmark Collection On Pages with 110 Stamps with many identified Towns/City’s on Postage Stamps or Official Stamps. Inc. CDS, Regd. Experimental, seen Trivandrum different types, Alleppey different types, Warkalay, Parur. A very interesting lot. £50/£60
1338 1868/1949 Pages with a collection of 60 stamps mint or FU, Inc. Official ovpts. A useful range much identified (unchecked). £50/£60
1339 ✱ 1855/1900 QV an original collection on pages. Cat. £2200 with a good range of stamps Inc. 1892 both 1r mint. 1895 2r SG107 mint. SG107a FU. 3r mint. 1818 most unusual ¼ on ½a with manuscript ¼ fine used, 220+ stamps mixed condition due to being an old-time lot. £300/£350
1340 1866 Fiscal Stamps used for Postage. SG66 (3). SG68 (2). Sound used with shades. £120/£150
1341 1866 Variety 1a Official With No Stop.SGO10a. Used. £80/£90
1342 ✱ 1874 Specimen 2a Orange. SGO33a with Specimen ovpt. Fresh Mint. £30/£40
1343 ✱ 1882/90 QV set to 1r (17) with shades. Cat. £325+. Mixed condition. £80/£90
1344 ✱ 1902/06 Edward Collection of 55 Stamps Inc. high values mainly used. 1902 2r (4) used, 3r (2) used, 5r used, 15r (2) used, Officials 1r on 15r and 1r on 25r. SGO99/O100 mint. A useful range. Cat. £375. £80/£90
1345 ✱ 1911/35 KGV Collection of 155 Stamps with values to 25r chiefly FU, seen 1921 variety “Nine/Nine” for Nine/Pies mint. ¼a ovpt. with varieties. Inv. ovpt. one showing double ovpt. misplaced ovpt. 4 at the top of the stamp and 1 at the bottom. A good range. Cat. £730+. £200/£220
1346 * 1915 PRISONERS OF WAR LETTER, stampless env from Ahmednagar Camp to Calcutta, dated cachet of the Camp Commandant on front, camp c.d.s. & Calcutta arrival pmks on reverse. Couple of minor marks, otherwise clean & generally fine. £50/£70
1347 ✱✱ 1937 KGVI Top Value 25r. SG264. Unmounted Mint. (Photo) £150/£180
1348 ✱ 1937/53 KGVI Period Collection Of 125 Stamps with many sets mint. 1937 Defins. to 15r (15r toned). 1948 Gandhi Set. 1949 Defins to 10r. A very good range of Commemorative Sets. a fine collection. Cat. £1400+ £450/£500
1349 1937/53 KGVI Period Collection Of 96 Stamps with many sets chiefly fine used. 1937 Defins. to 25r (15r, 25r used). 1948 Gandhi Set (10r small corner perf. bend). A useful range. Cat. £400+. £100/£120
1350 ✱ 1938 KGVI definitive set of 18 fresh mint. SG247/64 plus 1d Tete-beche pair. £280/£300
1351 ✱ 1940/65 KGVI/QEII Mint Collection Inc. 1948 Gandhi Set. SG305/08 (c£425). 1955 Five Year Plan set of 18, many commem sets Gandhi, Saints and Poets etc. A very good lot of 165 Stamps. Cat. £1080. £300/£350
1352 ✱ 1946 Chalo Delhi Indian National Army Japanese Occupation set of 3 imperfs, very fine unused. See SG. Genuine. £100/£110
1353 * 1948 Gandhi set in special memorial folder. Calcutta Pmks. Very fine. SG305/308. £150/£180
1354 ✱✱ 1948 GANDHI Set SG305/08 UM. (Photo) £200/£220
1355 ✱✱ 1948 Gandhi Set Um. The 10R top value is brilliant NHM marginal SG305/308 (4). £180/£200
1356 ✱✱ 1953/1991 QEII A Superb Collection UM On Stockpages (46) and in packets (45). Seen 1955 Defin. Set. 1953/1965 India Forces ovpt. sets still in packets. Seen SGK1/12. 1954 N1/15. 1965 N50/57. A superb collection of Commem. Sets. Many 100’s of stamps. £150/£180
1357 An Old accumulation of stamps Inc. KGV mint. 1912 Values to 25r used. 1911 Coronation Durbar Card with Ten stamps and special monogram Pmks, some Pmk. interest. Later issues (100’s). £75/£80
1358 ✱ Chalo Delhi Collection with 14 Stamps Inc. Piece Purple, Red as pairs and 3 Annas (4) taken to be reprints with full Governments name. Fresh mint. £80/£90
1359 Filebox with many 1000’s of stamps in Stockbooks or Pages seen 1904 Telegraph Stamps. SGT67/68 mint. India overprinted K.U.T issues STC £240, Burma KGV ovpt. to 2r from QV to very modern, needs sorting. £350/£400
1360 Filebox with Pages/Stockcards with 1000’s of Stamps from QV to early QEII with lots of QV, States issues, high values. Collectors balance, hours of fun sorting this lot, mainly fine used. £180/£200
1361 INDIA (1200+) Solid ranges, much fu QV ranges, KGV to 10r, extensive commems to 1980’s, solid lot of officials. £75/£80
1362 ✱✱ Large Stockbook with many 100’s of Stamps from QV to 2015 chiefly fine used, some later issues UM Inc. MS seen QV to 3r, Edward to 1r, KGV to 5r, KGVI to 10r needs sorting unchecked. £90/£100
1363 & - India Post (Bullitins) with issues mainly from 2000@s to 2024 (40). Lots of interesting information. £40/£50
1364 * Railway Mail Service Postal Markings 1870’s. Fine old collection illustrated on pages, 37 Covers/Entires + some other items showing a wide range of cancelations, some TOO LATE and octagonal handstamps. A most interesting assembly. £200/£240
1365 REFUGEE RELIEF LOCAL Overprints 1971 used on pieces with stamps and all identified different offices, collection of approx. 200 different items detailed on pages. £30/£40
1366 ✱ Cochin small group on a stockpage inc 1943 4p official SGO68 a few 1940’s officials as pairs. A fine group of 21 stamps chiefly mint. £70/£80
1367 ✱ Collection of 90 stamps from a variety of states. Chiefly mint seen 1937 Hyderabad jubilee set as blocks of 4 mint, Cochin T C ovpts mint, KGVI ovpt to 2r mint, a very useful range. £80/£90
1368 ✱ ✱✱ Mint range of stamps with better pickings, Chamba 1942/47 8a (x2) UM, Officials, 1938/40 5r, 10r UM, 1940/43 1r, 2r UM, 1903 Gwalior ovpts 14mm to 1r inc 2a6p and 13mm to 5r, Jind 1924 set. A very good range of 120 stamps chiefly UM. Cat £800+. £320/£350
1369 1948 Fine used early years collection of 580 stamps with many sets Inc. 1948 Queen ovpt’s to 10g. SG532/39. A good range of stamps. £60/£70
1370 ✱ 1948/70 Early Years Mint Collection of 700+ Stamps with many sets 1949 New Currency issues to 25r (ex 3r) R15 ovpts. To 1r (17). Many Postage Dues. 1954 Natural Disaster Fund. A fine collection. £150/£180
1371 ✱ Many 100’s of Stamps in 3 Stockbooks chiefly sorted by issues with much identified, seen 1940’s ovpts. Postage dues, Definitives, Commems. An oldtime original lot unchecked.
1372 ✱✱ 1932/58 Errors and varieties chiefly within blocks of 4. 1932 10F on 2a with Inv. 1 within a pair. SG111a. 1941 3F cloud flaw. Punch Hole Var. SG210a, 10b. 1958 Transposed ovpts. SG426a, 27a, 432a. A good lot of varieties STC £625+ (13 items). £200/£220
1373 ✱✱ 1949 Air Set + MS Perf. SG330/7, MS378 UM. £60/£70
1374 ✱✱ 1957-8 King Faisal II unissued values to 200f, see footnote below SG.403, fine UM (9).
1375 ✱✱ 1958-60 OFFICIALS 1f to 4f, 5f emerald, 6f & 8f, SG.O460/64, O466/68, O471, fine UM (8). £160/£180
1376 ✱✱ 1971-2 OFFICIALS incl. ovpts on 1967 Costumes, 1967 International Tourist Year, 1968 WHO, 1969 Army Day, 1969 Fish & Fauna, SG.O962/67, O969/72, O973/5, O980, O981/86, Army Day ovpt perf faults, otherwise fine UM (20). £120/£140
1377 ✱✱ 1973 Nationalisation of Oil Industry, ovptd set, SG.1094/6, fine UM (3). £65/£75
1378 ✱✱ 1973 obliterating bars set & Officials set, SG.1075/80, O1081/85, fine UM (11). £40/£50
1379 ✱ UPU Presentation Folder of 1957 (Embossed plus Envelope) containing 30 different mint issues Inc. Defin. set to 200f. Fine and scarce. £60/£70
1380 ✱✱ NEW ISSUES (Euro) Face value 150+ Euro (£120) with defins to 10E (Two different) and much related to Bird issues. All UM (Qty) plus some late non Euro issues gratis. £60/£65
1381 Stockcards (7) with useful 1922 ovpts. seen ½d, 2½d, 6d ovpt. offset on the reverse, Seahorse 2/6d (5) 5/- (3) chiefly mint, One used Low value defintives to 1/- (27) with different printings. £220/£250
1382 ✱ 1948 INTERIM GOVERNMENTParachutists set, Bale 35/41, mint, mixed from average to very fine (7). £45/£55
1383 ✱✱ 1922 50c on 5a yellow-orange, CORNER MARGINAL block of four, SG.62, fine UM. £50/£60
1384 ✱ 1925 Una Lira ovpt. set of 3 Service Stamps VFM Sassone 4/6 Cat. 260 Euro = £220. £40/£45
1385 ✱✱ 1955-60 ACCUMULATION of blocks of four 1955 definitives with values to 200l (SG.906) plus 100l pair plus single, also 1959 redrawn 100l & 200l, 1960 issued Parcel Post values to 600l plus 1960 issued Concessional Parcel Post values to 140l, clean & fine (19 blocks + 3 stamps).
1386 ✱ 1879 TELEGRAPHS 1s purple-brown, wmk Crown CC, SPECIMEN ovpt, SG.T2s, VFM. £45/£55
1387 ✱ 1889 TELEGRAPHS 3d lilac, wmk Crown CA sideways, SPECIMEN ovpt, SG.T3s, VFM.
1388 ✱ 1916 WAR STAMP ½d yellow-green OVPT INVERTED and ½d blue-green NO STOP variety in pair, SG.68c, 68ea, mint, pair with horizontal crease (2 items). £75/£90
1389 ✱ 1916 WAR STAMP 1½d orange, pair with NO STOP variety, SG.71a, plus WATERMARK INVERTED, SG.71w, both mint & used (3 items). £20/£25
1390 ✱ 1916 WAR STAMP 1½d orange, S in STAMP OMITTED in a right marginal block of four, SG.71b, VFM. £140/£160
1391 ✱ 1916 WAR STAMP 1½d orange, WATERMARK INVERTED in a block of four, SG.71w, tone spots on two stamps, others VFM. £25/£30
1392 ✱ 1916 WAR STAMP 1½d orange, WATERMARK INVERTED with S in STAMP OMITTED in a block of six, SG.71b/71w, VFM, a very scarce survivor! £750/£900
1393 ✱ 1916 WAR STAMP 3d purple on lemon, OVERPRINT INVERTED, SG.72aa, mint, number of expertising marks and pencil notation on reverse, cat.£325. £100/£120
1394 ✱✱ 1917 ½d blue-green, WAR STAMP overprint INVERTED, SG.73d, fine UM. £20/£25
1395 ✱ 1917 WAR STAMP 1½d orange, ovpt inverted example, block of four with NO STOP variety on two positions, SG.74a, 74d, mint, plus block of four with part (CAN)CELLED marks across stamps (3 items). £40/£50
1396 ✱✱ 1917 WAR STAMP 3d purple on yellow, corner marginal block of four with NO STOP variety on R.2/5), SG.75a, stamps UM, hinged on margin only. £30/£35
1397 ✱ 1929-32 KGV defins set in BLOCKS of FOUR, 1d die II, SG.108a/110, VFM, lower pair UM (3 blocks). £50/£60
1398 1938 Extra Branch variety 2d SG124A FU. £15/£20
1399 ✱✱ 1953/81 QEII Collection Unmounted Mint On Stockpages (14) still in packets (42). A superb collection with many complete sets, Inc. definitives. A few 100 stamps. £60/£70
1400 JAMAICA (350) nice fu selection several interesting postmarks. £40/£50
1401 ✱✱ 1963-7 group of miniature sheets, all different, note 1967 Builders of World Peace first & second issues, fine UM (16 MS). £75/£90
1402 1988-9 PRESENTATION CARDS of 1988 80f Boeing 737 (SG.1574) & 1989 40f Ministry of Agriculture (SG.1595), both stuck to small cards and signed at base. Fine (2). £50/£70
1403 ✱ 1904-072r dull & bright purple, 3r greygreen & black, wmk MCA, SG.27/8, mint (2). £60/£70
1404 ✱✱ 1907 Edward complete left hand side pane 1c SG34. Cat. £180, odd minor fault, stamp UM. £50/£60
1405 ✱ 1907/10 Edward set VFM SG34/42 + 43 plus 1c + 3c shade SG35a. (12) c£170. £75/£80
1406 ✱ 1912-21 KGV defins set, wmk MCA, extra shades of 75c & 1r, SG.44/58, good to fine mint (18). £220/£250
1407 * 1913 Edward 3R SG28 Superb single franking on registered cover to Germany tied Nairobi CDS. 3 backstamps. Exceptional. (Photo) £200/£220
1408 ✱ 1921 KGV Set to 2r VFM SG65/72 (9). £80/£85
1409 ✱ 1922-7 £5 black & blue, SPECIMEN overprint, SG.99s, fine mint. £420/£480
1410 ✱ 1935-7 £1 black & red, KGV defin, SG.123, fine mint. £160/£180
1411 ✱ 1935-710s purple & blue, KGV defin, SG.122, VFM. £60/£70
1412 1935-75s black & carmine, 10s purple & blue, KGV defins, SG.121/2, VFU (2). £75/£90
1413 ✱✱ 1938 KGVI Variety 1c retouched value tablet SG131AD UM within plate (2) marginal block of six. £30/£35
1414 ✱✱ 1942 A of CA omitted from Watermark Error 1c SG131AB UM within positional block of 12, The variety is very clear in the middle of the stamps. £120/£130
1415 ✱✱ 1942 Varieties on KGVI 1c issue within UM blocks (4 items). Damaged value Tablet, Retouched Tablet and Break in Birds Breast SG131AC, AD & AE also (unlisted) Spots on Birds Breast in larger block. Fine quartet. £100/£110
1416 ✱ ✱✱ Stockpages/Cards with mainly early QEII issues 1954 QEII defin. with shades note £1 (x 3) Official Set. 1960 Defin. Set with shades (25). A fine group of 125 stamps Mint/UM. £90/£100
1417 ✱✱ 1953/81 QEII Unmounted Mint Collection On Stockpages (5) and still in packets (40). Seen 1966 Wildlife with different printings, 1971 Shells. 1977 Minerals, set of 15. A very good collection. £90/£100
1418 ✱✱ Early QEII Collection Stockpages (9) Presentation Packs (25) with 100’s of stamps with many sets with issues to 1982. A very good lot UM. £50/£60
1419 KOREA (North) (320+) including 1950’s issues. Used. £40/£45
1420 KOREA (SOUTH) (360+) interesting early issues, 1951 Korean war flag issues (10 diff) majority is fu. Good lot. £100/£120
1421 ✱✱ 1923 VARIETY SHORT K In Kuwait on 5r high value official UM in marginal pair with normal. SGO12. £130/£150
1422 ✱✱ 1939 KGVI defins, India ovpts complete set, SG.36/51w, 1r some toning, otherwise fine UM (13). (Photo) £200/£240
1423 LEBANON (840) A good chunk of issues here, great variety with useful pickings, much fu. £90/£95
1424 1928 Revenue use of KGV £1 SG80 as an unusual strip of 3 small faults but a scarce multiple of such value. Normals Cat. £1275. £60/£70
1425 ✱ 1937 Coronation set, perfin SPECIMEN, SG.92s/94s, VFM (3). £60/£75
1426 ✱✱ 1938 KGV definitive’s in blocks of 4 or more with values to 5/- (17 blocks) note 3d Orange Chalky Paper, mainly UM blocks. £250/£300
1427 ✱ 1938 KGVI VARIETY £1 broken lower right scroll SG114AE VFM. £1,200/£1,300
1428 ✱ 1938 KGVI Variety 6d BROKEN E SG109AB VFM. £300/£320
1429 ✱✱ 1938/52 KGVI 10/- SG113B as superb UM block of Four. A scarce multiple. £300/£330
1430 1947 KGVI Variety 1d DI flaw SG99A VFM. £90/£95
1431 ✱✱ 1954 QEII Defin set of 15. SG126/40. Unmounted Mint. Seldom seen in blocks. £150/£170
1432 ✱✱ 1954 SG126/40 QEII Defin. Set UM (15). £30/£35
1433 ✱✱ 1954 Varieties QEII defins. mainly in blocks with a variety of varieties highlighted, Loop Flaw (4), Crown Flaws, Flower Flaws, Serif on “U”. A fine and interesting lot of 38 Blocks/Pairs, plus a few Singles UM. £200/£220
1434 KGVI fine used coronation, 1938 definitives with values to 2/- (24) unchecked Victory, S/Wedding. A fine selection of 36 stamps. £60/£70
1435 ✱✱ 1966 Complete Sheet with variety 1c postage due with “Lseotho” variety (R4/7) Pl.1.
SGD11/11a. UM. £30/£40
1436 ✱✱ 1966 Overprinted as complete sheets. ½d 2A, 1A, 1c 3A 1A, 2 2A, 1A fresh UM. Seldom seen in complete sheets. £40/£50
1437 ✱✱ 1966 Varieties with a complete sheet 1R Inc. Lseotho variety (R4/2) missing “L” (R2/1) Damage Letters. A good sheet for Study.
SG120A/a. £200/£240
1438 ✱✱ 1966 Variety 5c with perforation in the margin due to paper fold. SG115A. UM. £40/£50
1439 ✱✱ 1966 Variety within a complete sheet 1R “Lseotho” (R4/2). SG120B/a. UM. £80/£90
1440 ✱✱ 1966 Variety within a complete sheet Postage Due. SGD12 with Lseotho (R4/7). UM. £40/£50
1441 ✱✱ 1966/1982 QEII Collection Unmounted Mint On Stockpages (12) and in packets (36). A few 100 stamps seen 1966 Ovpt. sets. 1967 Defin. Set. 1971 Bird Set. 1973 Butterflies Set. 1977 Endangered Species. 1981 Bird Set. A good lot. £40/£50
1442 ✱✱ 1964/1981 QEII Period Collection In Stockpages (13) and Packets (39) (unchecked) UM. Seen 1964 Defin. Set. 1968 Bird set of 14. 1971 Antelope Set with different printings. 1975 Bird Set. 1979 Orchids, extensive Commem. Sets Inc. Stamps from MS. £150/£180
1443 ✱ 1945 KGVI BMA ovpt set to $5 SG1/18 (25) inc shades, different papers. £60/£70
1444 * Early Picture Postcards (86). A very fine and interesting lot Inc. Kuala Lumpur General Post Office, Supreme Court, Sakai Natives, Sultan Street, Tamil Road. Coolies with real photo type. A very good collection of early PPC. Mainly Unused. £250/£280
1445 * Early PPC of FMS. An interesting lot with many different images, seen Stream In The Jungle, Sakais, Natives, Blacksmiths, River Scene, Tapping Rubber. A fine collection of 33 cards Inc. real photo types. Mainly Unused. £100/£120
1446 ✱ ✱✱ Interesting selection of 30 stamps Inc. 1943 Pictorials. SGJ297/306 modern forgeries of Trengganu $50, $50, (1942), Mint or UM. £60/£80
1447 ✱ Postage dues 1936 4c to 50c (5), 1945 set of 7 SGD2/D6, D7/D13 fresh mint cat £330+. £100/£120
1448 * WWII Dutch Soldier held at Port Dickson, Internee Censored Cover to Holland with Netherlands Post Office- Singapore Violet CDS, 10gr Boxed HS and Censor Label tied 5126 HS. Very fine and scarce. £100/£120
1449 ✱✱ 1953/1984 QEII Collection on Stockpages with 750+ Stamps UM Inc. State issues. Sabah, Sarawak, North Boneo, seen Butterflies Sets. Flowers Set for the different states. Extensive Commem Sets. A very good collection. £180/£200
1450 ✱ 1900 FMS - Perak ovpts. 5c, 10c, $1 + $2 ovpts generally fine mint. Scarce stamps SG9/12. Small gum spot $1. £240/£250
1451 ✱ 1900 FMS ovpt. Set (8) good to fine mint. A scarce set. SG1/8. £200/£240
1452 ✱ 1900 SPECIMEN ovpt. $25 top value fresh mint. Larger hinge remains SG26S. £180/£200
1453 ✱ 1900 Tiger set of 8 fine mint. SG15/22. £100/£120
1454 ✱ 1904/22 MCA Wmk Tiger and Elephant set of 22 1c to $5 generally fine mint (key high values very fine) SG27/50. £400/£450
1455 ✱ 1922/34 Script Wmk set of 30 fine mint. SG52/81. Key set. Also 1924 Postage Due Set D1/D6. £360/£400
1456 ✱ 1941 FOR REFERENCE ONLY Pahang 50c boxed ovpt. (SG43) fresh mint with forged HS. BPA Pink Cert. Normal Cat. £2000. £40/£50
1457 ✱ 1891/94 Both Sets Fine Mint. SG21/27 + 28/31 (11). £60/£70
1458 ✱ 1896 Both overprint sets fine mint. SG32/38 + 32A/38A. £70/£75
1459 ✱ 1896/99 Sultan Defin. Set Fine Mint. SG39/53 (15). £200/£220
1460 * 1897 Exceptional Regd. Cover with R Boxed HS for JOHORE - BAHRU. Franked 1c, 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c + 6c sultan combination. All tied large CDS. Visually appealing. £100/£110
1461 ✱ 1910/19 Sultan Set Fine Mint, plus 3c overprint SG78/87 + 88 (11). £160/£180
1462 ✱ ✱✱ 1935-408c 50th Anniversary of Treaty Relations & 8c Sultan Sir Ibrahim in BLOCKS of FOUR, SG.129/30, VFM or UM (2 blocks). £55/£65
1463 ✱ 1938/49 KGVI period collection of 41 stamps note late Sultan 12c, 30c, 40c 1949 set inc additional shades (26) SG133/147, 1948 S/Wedding, 1949 UPU, 1938 postage dues set. Fresh mint. £150/£180
1464 * Early Picture Postcards with a good variety of images Inc. Malay Mosque, Endow Fishing Village, The Istana, Sultans Mosques. An interesting lot of 24 cards Inc. real photo types. Mainly Unused. £50/£60
1465 ✱ 1912 Defin Set Fine Mint. SG1/14 (14). £160/£180
1466 1912 Defin. Set fine used all with Postal Cancels. SG1/14 (14). £150/£160
1467 ✱ 1921/40 Script MCA both sets fresh mint.
SG26/40 + 52/59 (22). £160/£180
1468 ✱ 1937 Sultan set of 9 plus $1 block of 4 and $5 pair SG60/68 fresh mint. £100/£120
1469 ✱ 1948/50 Sultan Badlishah collection 1948 S/Wedding, 1949 UPU, 1950 definitives (23) with shades, fresh mint. £90/£100
1470 ✱✱ 1965 1c flower definitive, BLACK OMITTED (Orchid’s name and part of flower), SG.115a, UM, some minor toning at one side, cat.£200. £60/£75
1471 ✱ 1911/28 Coats of Arms both sets fine mint. SG1/12 + 14/23. (26). £120/£130
1472 ✱ 1948/51 Sultan Ibrahim collection 1948 S/Wedding, 1949 UPU, 1951 definitive set with shades (28) plus 1924 $1 Sultan Ismail all fresh mint. £80/£90
1473 * Old Picture Postcards with many different image from around the state. Seen Old Gate, Old Fort, Landing Place South Side, Portuguese Church, Clock Tower. A very interesting collection with real photo type mixed in. 22 PPC Unused. £50/£60
1474 ✱ 1883 QV 2c SG28 fine mint. £30/£35
1475 ✱ 1884 QV 2c SG19 fresh mint, one short perf. Cat. £160. £35/£40
1476 ✱ 1885 QV 2c ovpt. SG37 VFM. £45/£50
1477 ✱ 1885 QV 2c ovpt. SG38 fine mint. £30/£35
1478 ✱ 1891/1935 Fine mint assembly of most issues including 1895 Tiger Set SG5/14, surcharges SG15/19. 1935 Original Coat of Arms Set to $5. Request scan (34). £250/£280
1479 ✱ 1937/49 KGVI period collection on a printed page. 1937/41 2c, 3c, 6c, both colours, 15c. 1949 set of 20 (ex 30c) S/Wedding, UPU, 31 stamps mint. £90/£100
1480 SUNGEI UJONG mint group (13) 1883/1885 ovpts Inc. scarce 4c SG34 (faults) 1885 2c SG38, 42 + 43 all fine. 1891/1895 issues fine mint SG50/55 Cat. £630+. £100/£110
1481 ✱ 1898 Elephants $1 ovpt. SG23 fine mint. £200/£240
1482 ✱ 1898 Pahang ovpt. 10c to 50c (both) fine mint. Scarce. SG19/22 (4). £400/£450
1483 ✱ 1941/57 Collection of 56 stamps inc Sultan Abu Baker, 1941 defins 3c, 6c, 8c, 15c and not issued 2c, 1948 S/Wedding, 1949 UPU, 1950 defin set 33 with shades, 1957 pictorial set inc 2x $5 all fresh mint. £200/£220
1484 ✱ A selection of early issues (12) Cat. £500+ all Mint/Unused QV ovpts. Inc. 2c SG1, 4 + ^. 1891 Tiger Set. 1895 Tiger Set SG14/16 and 1899 ovpts. Good looking, some faults. £80/£90
1485 * Early Picture Postcards (80) with many real photo types, seen Runnymede Hotel, Swimming Club, Chinese Temple, Tanjong Bungah, The Harbour, Clock Tower, FMS Railway. A very interesting collection mainly unused. £250/£300
1486 ✱ KGVI Period Collection 1935/41 3c, 6c, 8c, 15c. 1948 S/Wedding. 1949 UPU. 1950 set of 21 fresh mint (Cat. £315). £110/£120
1487 ✱ ✱✱ 1948/49 KGVI Collection S/Wedding, UM. 1949 Defin. set of 10. UPU set of 4 fresh mint. £70/£80
1488 ✱ 1948/49 KGVI collection. 1948 S/Wedding, 1949 definitive (23) with shades, 1949 UPU, fresh mint Cat £210+. £60/£70
1489 ✱✱ 1965-85c flower definitive, YELLOW OMITTED, SG.68b, fine UM, accompanied by normal. £40/£50
1490 * Early PPC of Ayer Itam Inc. Garden’s at Kek Lok Monastery, Tortoise Pond, Smiling Buddha, Big Idols, The New Pagoda. A very fine collection of 70 cards with many real photo types. Mainly unused. £150/£180
1491 * Early PPC of Snake Temple, real photo type with different image of the temple, unused, 24 cards. £60/£70
1492 ✱ 1880/1886 QV PERAK ovpts. mint (9) fine selection Inc. SG5 (poor) then all others very fine with SG10, 13, 17, 19A, 20, 22 + 29. £90/£95
1493 ✱ 1887 One Cent ovpts. fine mint (6) various types of listed ovpts. SG33, 35, 36, 37 (2) + 40 very fine. £50/£55
1494 ✱ 1889 Official 24c SGO9 fresh mint, minute spot near neck. Scarce stamp. £100/£110
1495 ✱ 1889 PGS Official ovpts. Mint (5) 2c, 4c, 6c, + 8c + 10c (unused) SGO1/O5 also 5c SGO11. £100/£120
1496 ✱ 1898 Elephants $3 SG78 fine mint. £300/£360
1497 ✱ 1898 Elephants $5 SG79 fine mint. £360/£400
1498 ✱ 1899 Elephants $25 ovpt. specimen fine mint SG80S. £200/£220
1499 ✱ 1900 Surcharge Set Mint SG81/87 + 1935
Sultan Set to $2 VFM (13). £80/£90
1500 ✱ 1937/49 KGVI Period Collection 1937 6c. 1938 Defin. set of 19. 1948 S/Wedding. 1949 UPU. 1950 Defin. set of 21 fresh mint. £480/£500
1501 ✱ 1948/51 KGVI Collection S/Wedding, UPU. 1951 Defin. set of 21 fresh mint. £70/£80
1502 ✱ 1881 QV 2c ovpt. SG3 fresh unused. £40/£50
1503 ✱ 1883 QV 2c ovpt. SG21 fresh mint. £100/£110
1504 1883-52c pale rose, wmk Crown CA, wide letters ovpt, SG.30, VFU with red c.d.s. pmk. £130/£150
1505 ✱ 1884 QV 2c ovpt SG23 fresh mint. £75/£80
1506 ✱ 1884 QV 2c ovpt. SG23 fresh mint (O raised). £80/£85
1507 1884 QV 2c ovpt. SG24 FU. £50/£60
1508 1891 2c on 24c green, SG type 38 ovpt, SG.47, used with light pmk. £70/£80
1509 ✱ 1895 Elephants $5 SG64 very fresh mint. £180/£200
1510 ✱ 1895/99 Tiger and Elephants Set 3c to $2 fresh mint excellent. $2 internal gum crease SG54/62 (9). £400/£450
1511 ✱ 1899 Elephants $10 SG65 mint, some short perfs, slight colour loss, OG. A scarce stamp Cat. £950. £100/£120
1512 ✱ 1935 KGV original set of 14 1c to $5 fine mint SG68/85. £80/£90
1513 ✱ KGVI Period Issues. 1941 2c, 3c, 6c, 15c, $1, $2. 1948 S/Wedding. 1949 Defin. set of 21. 1949 UPU. mint. £100/£120
1514 ✱ 1867 First Issue Crown overprints Mint/Unused. Scarce group (6) 1½c, 2c, 3c, 4c, 8c + 32c. Sound. Cat. £2000 SG1/9. £300/£360
1515 1867/72 Crown CC wmk QV set of Ten 2c to 96c (ex 32c) mint. SG11/19 Cat. £2275 all sound and collectable, small faults 24c trimmed at top, 96c top values a good example seldom offered mint. £300/£360
1516 1879 FIVE CENTS ovpt. SG20 Two examples mint showing different positions, small faults also mint Seven Cents on 32c SG21 with faults (3). £60/£70
1517 1880 10 on 30c claret, different settings incl. SG type a, b, c, g, k, l, SG.33/6, 38/9, used, trimmed perfs on type k surcharge, cat.£2825 (6). £280/£320
1518 ✱ 1882 QV mint group 6 crown CC 5c SG48, Crown CA 2c, 4c, 8c, 10c (2). All collectable good to fine OG. Odd blemish SG48 + 50/53 (6) Cat. £730+. £150/£170
1519 ✱ 1883 Two Cents on 4c SG61 and Two Cents on 5c SG77 both mint, OG, small blemishes. Excellent appearance Cat.£340 (2). £80/£90
1520 ✱ 1883/91 QV set of Ten 2c to 96c mostly fine mint Inc. both shades of 24c. An attractive set. SG63/71. £130/£150
1521 1883-914c pale brown, wmk Crown CA INVERTED, SG.64w, used, cat.£190. £50/£60 1522 1884 8 on 8c on 12c brown-purple, SG.80, good to fine used. £160/£180
1523 ✱ 1884 Provisional 8 on 8c on 12c SG80 VFM. £240/£250
1524 ✱ 1884 Provisionals 4c on 5c SG73 and 8c on 12c SG74 both unused. Small faults. Cat.£1400 (2). £100/£110
1525 ✱ 1885 3c on 5c + 3c on 32c (both shades) all fine mint. SG82, 83 + 83A (3). £75/£80
1526 ✱ 1892/99 QV Set (Inc. 25c shade) fine mint. SG95/105 (12). Key $5 is particularly fine. £240/£250
1527 ✱ 1902 Edward CA Set fine mint. SG110/121 (12). £150/£170
1528 ✱ 1904 Edward MCA Set 1c to $5 good to fine mint. Key $5 top value is a fine example SG127/138 12 also 1903 4c + 8c mint SG125/126 (16). £200/£240
1529 ✱ 1906 Crown ovpt. set (11) Good to Fine Mint/Unused, key 2c is fine OG. SG141/151. £100/£110
1530 ✱ 1906 Edward Set mostly Good to Fine Mint. (Key $2 + $5 fine). SG153/167 (16). £120/£130
1531 1912 KGV $25 ovpt. SPECIMEN VFM. SG213S. £350/£380
1532 ✱ 1912/23 KGV MCA Wmk set of 29 mint, variable condition, many fine Inc. 45c (3), $2 (2) and $5 (3). All different printings SG193/212. £120/£150
1533 ✱ 1921/33 Script Watermark KGV range of issues 2c to $5 SG219/240A. Majority of values fine mint. Key $5 is very fine. (19). £90/£95
1534 ✱ 1924/36 KGV Sets fine mint. 1924 Postage Dues. 1935 Jubilee and 1936 Defin. Set. SG260/274. Nice quality (25). £100/£120
1535 ✱ 1937 KGVI Coronation Set, Definitive set of 18, fresh mint. £150/£160
1536 ✱ 1937/44 KGVI Coronation, 1937 definitive set to $5, plus some Die II stamps (28), Japanese occupation ovpts (9) fresh mint. £120/£150
1537 * Early picture Postcards (56) with interesting images, Malay Wedding, Travellers Tree, Hackney Carriage, Jungle Transport, Natives, Elephants crossing a river, with real photo types. Look to be unused. £200/£250
1538 ✱ 1910 Sultan Set to $5 fine mint $5 couple of gum spots. Key set SG1/17 (18). £220/£250 1539 ✱ 1921 Sultan $5 ovpt. specimen VFM SG25S. £60/£70
1540 ✱ 1921 Sultan high value set (3) fine mint. SG23/25. £150/£160
1541 1953-86 FINE USED COLLECTION of Pahang, Penang, Perak, Perlis & Sabah, we see Pahang 1957-62 additional $2 & $5 P13x12½ printings with both $5 shades, Penang 1954-7, 1957 & 1960 defins sets, Perak 1957-61 defins with additional perfs, Perlis 1957-62 defins set, Sabah 1964-5 ovptd defins set AND MORE, generally fine, cat.£580+ (200+). £180/£200
1542 ✱✱ 1965 VARIETIES GROUP - Orchids defins, most in pairs of blocks with various identified vars such as extra spots & dots, shaved headdress, minor colour shifts etc. Fine UM (20 items). £75/£90
1543 ✱✱ 1974 Butterflies 15c imperforate pair fine UM. SG117 Var. with Black colour omitted. £75/£80
1544 * Early Picture Postcards of Kuala Lumpur, with real photo types Inc. Railway Stations, Official Buildings, Mosque. A very interesting lot of 65 mainly unused, odd used. £180/£200
1545 ✱ 1906 Edward ovpt. set VFM SG1/6 also various 1909/33 minaret sets mint. (19). £150/£170
1546 1859-84 GB USED IN: 10d brown, wmk Spray, SG.Z72, clear (A)25 pmk. £60/£75
1547 ✱ ✱✱ 1925/93 Postage dues mainly UM, 1925 imperf set, perf set, 1967 perf set of 12, 1968 set inc both 1½d, 2d, 1973 set, 1993 set. A good lot of 55 dues. £80/£90
1548 ✱✱ 1953/84 QEII Collection On Stockpages, unmounted mint with many complete sets. Seen 1965 Defin. Set with different printings. 1973 Defin. Set with both £2 values. 1981 Defin. Set. Extensive Commem. Sets, over 540 Stamps. £50/£60
1549 1858 (4d) SG27 VFU Four full margins very fine. £70/£75
1550 ✱✱ 1863 Superb block of 2d as a central gutter strip of 48 (12 gutter pairs). SG59 with cancelled ovpt. Very scarce as a block UM.
1551 ✱ 1937 KGVI Variety 20c Coron Line By Sceptre fine mint. SG251B. £30/£35
1552 ✱ 1943 KGVI Variety 3c with sliced S SG253DA VFM. £100/£110
1553 ✱✱ 1953/82 QEII Collection UM On Stockpages (29). Over 570 Stamps Inc. 1969/75 Marine Life Study (189) with different Wmk. Inc. Wmk. Diagonal. 1979/86 Defins. (90). A good range of Commem. Sets. A very good lot. £150/£180
1554 1978/98 Fine used sets, 55 sets each different Inc. defin. sets many commem sets, each with a fine CDS cancel, over 240 stamps. £100/£120
1555 1946 Very fine used range of 40 stamps on two large pages with special “Journee De Timbre/23 June 1946” special cancel Inc. Air Set, block of the 10F, postage dues. An interesting item.
1556 ✱✱ Many complete sheets of stamps 1940’s period seen 1946 Airs 50f, 100f. 1944 Festival 20f, 60f. 1946 Stamp Day. 1945 Air (War Dead and Departed Workers). A fine collection range in an old folder much UM. A valuable lot. £120/£140
1557 MONACO (400+) with earlier issues, great variety including fine used. £50/£60
1558 ✱ 1932 Anniversary of Settlement, perfin SPECIMEN set, SG.84s/93s, VFM (10). (Photo) £120/£150
1559 * 1935 Silver Jubilee set SG.94/7, used on 1936 airmailed & registered cover to USA.
1560 ✱ 1938 KGV Definitives Perf.13 with shades ½d (3), 1d (4), 1½d (5), 2d (4), 2½d (4), 3d (7), 6d (3) 1/- (2), 2/6d (3), 5/- (5), 10/- and £1 Mint. £100/£120
1561 ✱ ✱✱ 1938/48 KGVI Pictorial Definitives to £1 (23) mint SG101/112 with different perfs. and shades. Highly catalogued. £120/£140
1562 ✱✱ 1953/82 QEII Collection UM On Stockpages (26) with 470+ Stamps. 1953 Defin. Set. Bird Defin’s. with different printings (76). Flowering Tree Set Inc. Officials, Fish Defin’s. A very good collection. £100/£120
1563 ✱✱ 1976/86 Unmounted Mint Collection of 200 Stamps and 28 MS/Sheetlets seen ERRORS 1973 Surch 40c on 10c SG577c, $1.15 on 25c SG580b plus 1983 Inaugural Flight ovpt. set on Cover signed by the Pilot. Scarce, see note below SGMS590. A fine collection. £120/£140
1564 ✱✱ 1951 KGVI defins set in BLOCKS of FOUR, 2s6d & 5s both corner marginal, SG.94/100, fine UM (7 blocks). £70/£80
1565 ✱ ✱✱ 1923/55 An extensive collection of 700+ stamps + 5 MS with mint/UM with many sets seen 1928 Flood Relief Set. 1934 Stamp Booklet, Solidarity Fund Sets with MS. A very fine collection. £350/£400
1566 ✱✱ 1943/44 Definitives “Tower” as superb block with values to 20f (ex 2F40SG275) as blocks of 8 to 24, Stamps chiefly UM odd mint, seldom seen in blocks SG264/82 (ex 275). £80/£90
1567 ✱✱ 1957/2001 Extensive collection of 900 different stamps, 16 MS/Sheetlets Inc. scarce 1984 1d ovpt. “Transat Des Alizes” UM. A very fine collection mainly UM a few mint. £180/£200
1568 MOROCCO (540) with British post offices with some useful values fine used French Colonies and Independence issues. Good ranges. £80/£90
1569 ✱ British Currency KGV 1914 to 2/6d (ex 2d). 1935 S/Jubilee Set. 1935 Defin. set of 9. Cat. £230. mint. £80/£90
1570 ✱ Edward Issues On Stock Cards with values t 2/6d and 12p mint. A good range of 29 stamps note 1907 Spanish Currency set of 12, 25 on 2½d dull Blue SG124a. 1907 British Currency set of 8. A fine mint range. Cat. £680+. £150/£180
1571 ✱ French Currency KGV 1917 set of 9. 1924 all Three high values. 1925 set of 10. 1935 S/Jubilee Set. 1935 set of 11. Tangier 1927 set of 4. 1934 set of 3. 1935 S/Jubilee set of 3. A fine collection. Cat. £250+. £80/£90
1572 ✱ Spanish Currency KGV 1912 5c, 10c. SG126/27. 1928 to 1p (8) ex 40c. 1935 S/Jubilee Set, Defin. Set 5c to 1p. All Mint. Cat. £80+. £30/£35
1573 Superior Selection (Ten items). 1939 5e International New York Fair Airmail ovpt. UM (unlisted SG). 1946 10s on 15c ovpt. Inverted overprint and double ovpt. Errors each as VFM blocks of Four. 1948 50c Pelican Telegraph as Tete-Beche pair Republica ovpts. Imperf. (2). 1953 15c Butterfly major colour shift. 1935 Printed Shipping Form VFU etc. Good lot. £240/£250
1574 ✱ 1944/1950 KGVI printed pages with Muscat ovpts. and PO in Arabia issues (51). 1944 Al-Busaid Dynasty ovpt. postage set and official set. 1948 set of 9, S/Wedding set, Olympic set, UPU set. 1950 Defin. set of 7 all mint. £80/£90
1575 ✱ 1902 £1.10s green & violet, SPECIMEN OVPT, inscribed POSTAGE REVENUE, wmk Crown CC, SG.143s, fine mint. £80/£95
1576 ✱ 1902 £10 green & orange, SPECIMEN OVPT, inscribed POSTAGE REVENUE, wmk Crown CC, SG.145as, mint, very light stain around L of NATAL. £180/£200
1577 ✱ 1902 £20 red & green, SPECIMEN OVPT, inscribed POSTAGE REVENUE, wmk Crown CC, SG.145bs, fine mint. £420/£450
1578 ✱ 1902 SPECIMEN OVPTS set, inscribed POSTAGE REVENUE, wmk Crown CC, SG.140s/2s, 10s slightly toned gum, others VFM (3). £110/£130
1579 ✱ 1902-03 SPECIMEN OVPTS set, inscribed POSTAGE REVENUE, wmk Crown CA, SG.127s/39s, generally fine mint (13). £180/£200
1580 ✱ 1902-09 SPECIMEN OVPTS group incl. 1902-03 most values to 1s, 1902 5s wmk Crown CC, 1908-09 POSTAGE POSTAGE inscribed 6d, 2s, 5s & £1, some values toned gum to fine mint (14).. £150/£180
1581 1924-34 Definitives, rough surfaced, greyish paper set, SG.26A/39A, VFU, cancelled to order (14). £220/£250
1582 ✱ 1935/63 Collection mint 1937 freighter shiny paper set, 1935 S/Jubilee, 1937 Coronation, 1954 pictorial set, 1963 pictorial set. All fresh mint cat £260+. £60/£70
1583 ✱✱ 1954/1984 QEII Collection UM, Stockpages (11) Presentation Packs (25) and packets (10) unchecked Inc. Definitive Sets. A very good range. £60/£70
1584 * Fine used collection inc 1954 MAP 5/as a block of 12 FU, blk of 4 FU, 2/6d blk of 4 FU, set of 9, 1935 S/Jubilee set, 1937 Coronation set of 4 plus set on FDC, useful. £30/£40
1585 * POSTCARDS Fine Group (4) Inc. RP. All 1934. £30/£35
1586 * 1928 FIRST FLIGHT COVER HaarlemWeltevreden, franked 12½c defin and 75c airmail, HAARLEM pmks, WELTEVREDEN arrival on reverse, generally fine. £30/£40
1587 * 1933 FIRST FLIGHT illustrated postcard to Netherlands Indies, DORDRECHT 7.12.1933 pmk & PELIKAAN / BANDOENG 26.12.33 pictorial arrival mark. Fine condition. £25/£35
1588 ✱ 1925-31 OFFICIALS complete set with both 6d shades, SG.O22/O30, O27a, VFM (10). £50/£60
1589 ✱ 1931 OFFICIALS, with dates, complete set, SG.O31/O41, fine mint (11). £90/£110
1590 ✱ 1932-4 AIR MAIL ovpts on redrawn defins, complete set, SG.190/203, fine mint (16). £110/£130
1591 ✱ 1932-4 OFFICIALS, redrawn without dates, complete set, SG.O42/O54, fine mint (13). £110/£130
1592 ✱ 1937/39 KGVI Issues Inc. Goldfield Air Set of 14. SG208/225 Mint. £400/£450
1593 1890 NSW USED IN QV ½d with New Hebrides CDS. £45/£50
1594 1894 NSW USED IN 2½d (2) one with superb Villa CDS other with part Noumea CDS.
1595 ✱ 1896-7 LOCAL POSTS English 1d & 2d labels, incl mint example of each, plus two each used, three have TRAVELLING POST OFFICE c.d.s. pmks, clean & fine (6). £45/£55
1596 1897 NSW USED IN QV 2½d with New Hebrides - Villa CDS small faults. £40/£50
1597 ✱ 1903 French Syndicate Local Posts, set of Four M/Unused. £40/£45
1598 ✱ 1903 LOCAL POSTS French 5c, 15c, 25c & 1f bicoloured issue, mint, some minor faults (4). £45/£55
1599 1903/08 French Syndicate Local Post Bi Colour Issues fine used. The group of 7 5c to 1FR various cancels Inc. postal. A scarce group. £100/£110
1600 1908 Edward 1/- CA SG9 FU. £100/£120 1601 1908 Edward VFU Inc. Two superb blocks of 4 6d SG8 with matching Pmks. (French and British). 1910 with values to 1/- SG16 (19).
1602 ✱ 1908/10 Both Edward ovpt sets good to fine mint. SG1/9 + 10/16 (16). £90/£95
1603 ✱ 1908/1925 French complete sets fine mint (5). 1908 + 1910 French Cols. overprints SGF1/F5, F6/F9, 1911,1913 and 1925 Idols Sets F11/F32, F42/F52. Fine group (43). £120/£130
1604 ✱ 1908/1969 French collection Cat. £930+ with many sets. 1908 Set. 1910 Set. 1911 Set. 1953 Set. 1957 Set. A superb range of commem’s over 120 stamps + 1 Sheetlet Mint. £200/£240
1605 ✱ 1910 Edward Set ovpt. SPECIMEN fine mint (2d one short perf) SG10S/16S (7).
1606 1911 French Idols Set FU SGF11/F21 (11). £55/£60
1607 ✱ 1911/25 Idols complete mint SG18/42 Cat. £356 both sets to 5/-, Scarce 2d on 40c SG35 (this VF) some small faults but a comprehensive group. (30). £100/£120
1608 * 1917 Exquisite small registered cover to Switzerland with single use of the 5FR TOP VALUE SGF21 tied CDS, Boxed R, Arrival BS Choice. £100/£120
1609 ✱ 1920/69 British Currency Collection of 93 stamps and 1 sheetlet on old pages or stock cards seen 1921 specimen ovpt. set of 3 SG36/39’s extensive commem’s. A fine lot Cat. £270+ mint. £100/£120
1610 ✱ 1925 Definitives, SPECIMEN ovpts set, SG.43s/51s, mint, hinge thins on top three values, cat.£225 (9). £45/£55
1611 * 1925 Dual franking Registered Cover to Australia franked both Language Complete Defin. Sets. SG43/51 (9) and SGF42F52 (11) neat condominium Pmks, arrival BS. Very fine.
1612 ✱ 1925 Postage Due Set Overprinted Specimen with 50c (5d) having the listed error Chiffre Taxe printed double SGFD53S/FD57S with 50c being FD56SA. Fine mint. Rare. (5).
1613 ✱ 1925 POSTAGE DUES, SPECIMEN ovpts set, SG.D1s/D5s, mint (5). £70/£80
1614 ✱ 1925 SPECIMEN Overprint Idols Set SG43S/51S (9) mint. 2/- short perf. Cat. £225. £75/£80
1615 ✱ 1925 SPECIMEN Overprint Postage Due Set fine mint. SGD1S/D5S (5). £70/£80
1616 ✱ 1925/57 French All Five Postage Due Sets Mint. SGFD53 - FD111 (25). Cat. £620. First set toned, all others fine. £120/£150
1617 ✱ 1925/57 Postage Dues. All Four sets mint SGD1/D20 (20) Cat. £375. 1925 is toned, all others fine. £80/£90
1618 1927 French FNH Local ovpts. FU selection (8 different) Inc. 25F SGF250 + 500F top value SGF255. £60/£65
Typewriter Provisional Overprint on PAIR 2d British issue on cover tied Vila CDS addressed to Australia. Envelope is grubby, creased. Highly unusual provisional local surcharge. £150/£180
1620 * 1929 Airmail Cover to New Caledonia (arrival BS) franked 6 values to 2FR each with PAR AVION HS. from the attempted first flight and scarce. £180/£200
1621 1929 PAR AVION Airmail Handstamps on a set on Nine Idols 1d to 5/- SG44/51 + F42 all with matching Port Vila Pmks. together with info. Re. this fascinating Airmail issue. Usual small faults. (9). £200/£240
1622 ✱ 1938 Definitives, perfin SPECIMEN set, SG.52s/63s, mint, cat.£180 (4). £120/£140
1623 ✱ 1938 French KGVI Canoe Set VFM. SGF53/F64 (12) Cat. £300. £75/£80
1624 ✱✱ 1938 KGVI Canoe Set UM (NHM)
SG52/63 (12) some short perfs. on 2FR. Cat. £300. £90/£95
1625 ✱ 1938 KGVI Postage Due Set fine mint. SGD6/D10 Cat. £190 (5). £40/£50
1626 ✱ 1938/53 KGVI Period Collection Of Sets. 1938 Pictorial set of 12. UPU Set. 1953 Pictorial set of 11. 1938 Postage Due set of 5. 1953 Postage Due set of 5 fresh mint. Cat. £585. £200/£220
1627 1941 FRANCE LIBRE Postage + Postage Due Overprint Sets both VFU on piece showing full complete dated Pmks. SGF65/F76 + FD77/FD81. £300/£360
1628 ✱✱ 1953/78 QEII Collection UM On Stockpages (11) Inc. 1977 New Currency Set
SG220/32, July issue to 500F (ex 20F, 30F) plus local surch 50F, 100F see note below SG241. A good range of Commem. Sets over 210 stamps. Superb quality. Cat. £340. £140/£160
1629 1957/65 Multi franked pieces including the use of impressive blocks and values to 2FR with a good number of better French Language Issues, Combination pieces, full postmarks. A most useful lot over 130 items. £100/£120
1630 * 1972/75 French Defin. Set on set of Four FDC. Unaddressed. Pristine. SGF173/F184 + F213. £45/£50
1631 ✱✱ 1977 FNH overprints (English) both sets fine UM Inc. the unissued values. SG220/232, 233/241 (25) and both settings of the 200F. SG240A. Scarce set Cat. £385+. £150/£170
1632 1977 FNH overprints (English) both sets FU. The rare 30F SG237 is UM. 22 Values Cat. £375+. SG220/232. 233/241. (Inc. unissued values). £125/£150
1633 ✱✱ 1977 FNH overprints both sets Inc. scarce local issues all UM SG220/32, 233/41 (22 different ovpts). £60/£70
1634 1977 French 25F on 25C FHN for FNH overprint error FU (with normal to compare unpriced used). SGF250 + f250a (2). £300/£360
1635 1977 French FNH Local ovpts. 25F + 30F Seashells. SGF250 + F251 fresh corner UM examples Cat. £370 (2). £110/£120
1636 BACK OF THE BOOK 1928 ½d with PAR AVION HS. Group of 1897 Inter Island Stamps Mint. Scarce French Syndicate 1903 issues unused to 1FR (4). A group of Stamp Booklets (6) and modern new issue sets UM Inc. Defins. to 1000V (Qty). £80/£90
1637 FINE USED English Language 1910/1980 390+ stamps useful sets Inc. Defins. 1963 to 5FR. 1972 issue, very good range of the 1977 FNH ovpts. Inc. local issues to 500F SG241, some useful duplicates, uncommon used. £200/£240
1638 FINE USED French issues (over 200) seldom offered used, very good variety with stamps Cat. upto £80 each Inc. 1908/20 overprint issues. 1963 Defins. with high values. 1965 ITU Set. SGF126/F127. 1972 Defins. high cat. commems. A selection of 1977 FNH ovpts. Inc. Local Issues Postage Dues 1925 Set FU. Good lot. £300/£360
1639 ✱ ✱✱ FRENCH - Valuable Mint/UM Collection on Stockpages 1908 ovpts. to 1FR, excellent selection of 1920’s Idol issues. 1942 France Libre values to 10FR, Numerous defin. sets and a good number of commems (these UM). 1972/75 Defin. Set. 1977 FNH ovpts. Inc. 25F SGF250. 200F + 500F local issues. The unissued 70F + 100F (see footnote). 1977 Maps Set. Stamp Booklet etc. Very high CV. (400+). £400/£450
1640 ✱ ✱✱ Mostly UM collection with many sets to 1980 English Language (390+ stamps). 1910 Edward Set SG10/16. 1953 Defin. Set. 1957 Defin. Set. 1963 Defin. Set. 1972 Defin. Set. (2). Very good range of the 1977 FNH ovpts. Inc. rare local issues (Cat. £300+). Commems Inc. a couple of better inverted Wmk varieties. Good lot. £240/£280
1641 * Small selection with some FRENCH FDC (VF) Inc. 1965 ITU Set (SGF126/7). 1977 FNH values to 200F on FDC. 1936 5d cover to UK etc. (13 items). £60/£70
1642 * WWII Military Censored Mails (3) NZ. (1) and USA (2). £40/£50
1643 * 1845 Entire written from Joseph Davies to his daughter in Gelygare, Glamorgan, Wales (full contents) with fine PAID SHIP LETTER/SYDNEY HS. £50/£60
1644 ✱ 1850 ESSAY of 6d + 1/- values Se-Tenant struck on piece in Black (70 x 55mm) produced by Carmichael. Exceptional. £500/£600
1645 1850 Sydney View 1d Intermediate State SG4 used, no margins. Sound. Cat. £550 £55/£60
1646 1850 Sydney View 1d SG11 FU, 4 Close/Good margins, 29 duplex Pmk. Small stain. Good example. £160/£180
1647 1850 Sydney View 1d SG9 FU, 4 margin (Silk Line In Paper?), excellent colour. Slightly heavy Pmk. £100/£120
1648 1851 2d SG52 fabulous fu massive margins crisp 96 duplex for Marlborough. (used in Queensland) gem. £40/£50
1649 1852 QV 6d SG73 select FU, 4 margin. £100/£120
1650 1852 Walls for Wales variety 6d SG76a FU, 4 margin, small incision SW corner variety is clear. Fine example. BPA Cert. £250/£280
1651 1853 Laureated 2d Die II SG61 VFU, 4 margin. £55/£60
1652 ✱ 1853 Laureated 2d official 1888 reprint as lower block of Twenty (10 x 2) with imprint as base fine unused as issued. An impressive multiple. £120/£150
1653 1853 QV 2d SG60 as a FU pair neat central Pmk, good clear margins. A fine multiple. £100/£110
1654 1854 Pair 1d SG83 select FU with full margins. £50/£60
1655 1854/1855 Laureated QV 2d values used on entires (2 items) variety of postal markings Inc. YASS oval one with boxed TOO LATE HS. Fair/Fine. £60/£70
1656 1856/59 Registration (6d) SG102 + 106 (with Wmk) both FU 4 margins former with incision in top margin. Good examples c£455 (2). £70/£80
1657 1856/60 Imperforate Diadem Issue
SG107/117 a used lot of 19 Cat. £800 Inc. sound examples, shades 1d (5), 2d (11) Inc. strip 3 and 5 error of Wmk. (2), 3d (3), Inc. pair. £80/£90
1658 1857 Error of Watermark 1/- Wmk. 8 SG99a FU 4 margins, small faults. Sound. Also a FU example of 1/- SG100 with 4 large margins. (2). £80/£90
1659 1859 Error of Watermark 6d Wmk. 8 VFU, 4 good margins. SG93a. £75/£80
1660 1860 Registered (6a) SG121 FU. A fine example. £30/£35
1661 1860/72 The Perforated 12 issue
SG131/153 used study on pages 38 stamps Cat. £2700+ with shades as listed 2d plate 1 strip 3, Good range colours Inc. numerous WATERMARK
INVERTED REVERSED Issues. An example of the rare 8d (small fault). 1/- (5) Inc. Wmk Vars. A good group. Request scans. £270/£300
1662 1860/72 The perforated 13 issue
SG154/70, A fine used assembly (40) with numerous shades as listed, 5d with printing flaw, various Wmk. Inverted/reversed varieties, different Wmk’s. (as listed). 1/- with superb NSW oval etc. Good lot. £200/£240
1663 1861/88 The 5/- Coin issue SG174/181. A most splendid FU assembly of all issues Shades/Perfs. (15 stamps). Selected FU annotated on a page. Request Scan. £400/£450
1664 1862 COMPOUND Perforation 2d SG172. Sound FU. £100/£120
1665 1862/66 An assembly of the issues between SG186/202 1d + 2d values with inverted and reversed Wmk. Varieties, 1d compound Perf. 13 x 10 and others. An interesting lot. Good/Fine (28). £100/£120
1666 ✱ 1863 Registered (6d) Wmk inverted fresh unused SG125. £65/£70
1667 1867/1871 Definitive issues SG203/206 and 207/221. A fine used study on pages (44 stamps) Inc. 1/- (single) imperforated Horiz (see SG221aa). Good perf. 10 varieties, P13 x 10 (and reversed) also a single 8d used on small cover. An interesting lot. £150/£180
1668 1869 Two pieces with high value combinations. 1869 1/- + 5/- + 8d and 186? 1/- (3) + 5/- all neatly cancelled at Sydney. Very scarce to fine such items, also 5/- Coin (2) Perf. 10 Wmk. Inverted (not reversed) and Perf. 13 Inv. + reversed both FU (4 items). £120/£150
1669 ✱ 1878 Listed but unpriced 9d on 10d perf. 12 x 11 variety FRESH MINT. SG220GA. An interesting stamp. £100/£120
1670 1881 Postal Fiscal Two Pence on 1d Postal used, Scarce, See Robson Lowe, known Postal Usage. Sound. £60/£70
1671 1882 Scarcer Perforations P13 + P13 x 10 (or reversed) (8) Inc. 2d SG224 6d P10 x 13 mint and a VFU 1/- P10 x 13 SG237c. A good group. £80/£100
1672 1882/97 The Definitive issue SG222/237 fine mostly FU study of 83 stamps on pages with various perforation types and watermark varieties, basics Cat. £1600+ Inc. a good range of the perf. 12 x 10 (or reversed) Inc. 4d + 8d. 1886 1d perf. 10 as a fine mint pair SG243 etc. A good assembly. £220/£240
1673 1883 5/- Coin SG178 VFU with Lathework in margin at left. Very fine. £40/£45
1674 1885 9d on 10d Perf. 12 x 10 VFU. A scarce stamp SG220D. £70/£80
1675 ✱ 1886 Imperforate Pair 3d SG226g. Fine mint. £200/£220
1676 ✱ 1888 20/- First Printing SG262 fine mint, usual gum beads, vibrant colour, scarce stamp. £300/£360
1677 1888 Coin 5/- SG181 (P11) FU. £70/£75
1678 1888/89 The Definitive Issue SG253/258 fine used collection arranged by The Listed Perforations, noting 4d P11 SG255c etc. (36). £40/£45
1679 1890 20/- Top Value P12 VFU with Newcastle CDS. Small corner crease. Attractive. SG264ca. £50/£60
1680 1890 20/- Top Value P12 x 11 VFU. Neat
Sydney CDS SG264cb. £50/£55
1681 1890 5/- Map High Value 3 different printings FU. SG263, 263d, 263da. £60/£70
1682 1890 Both overprint sets postage and OS fine mint SG265/268 + O54/8 odd short Perf. Incredibly fresh. (8). £60/£80
1683 ✱ 1897 Overprint Double. One in Black one in Blue 9d on 10d SG236DCA. Fresh mint, one nibbled perf. An unusual variety. RPS Cert. (ex Lords Spens.) £180/£200
1684 1862-71 CHALON HEADS, 1d to 1s group, all wmk Large Star, perf.13 or 12½, good to fine used (11). £350/£400
1685 1902-075s deep red, perf.11, wmk upright, SG.317a, good to fine used, c.d.s. pmk, small, blue crayon line at top, cat.£425. £100/£120
1686 1902-075s deep red, perf.11, wmk upright, SG.317a, very fine used, part c.d.s. pmk. £200/£240
1687 1906 Christchurch Exhibition set, SG.370/3, fine used (4). £180/£200
1688 ✱ 1907-11 OFFICIALS upward ovpts on pictorial defins, one of each value to 5s, between SG.O59/O67, 1d no gum, others good to fine mint, cat.£1227 (8). (Photo) £350/£400
1689 ✱ ✱✱ 1915-61 OFFICIALS MINT GROUP incl. 1915-27 3d, 4d & 1s both perfs plus 1s pale orange-red shade, 1940 Centennial set (some toning), 1943 5s wmk upright and 1954-63 set, mostly VFM or UM, cat.£508 (32). £100/£120
1690 ✱ ✱✱ 1917/21 KGV definitive ovpts for outer lands, Rarotonga inc vert pair with perf varieties, ½d block of 12, 1½d block of 21, block of 4 (6) Penrhyn Is, Aitutaki, Nuie 1½d block of 30. A good lot of 170 stamps mint or UM STC £620+. £200/£220
1691 1929/89 Health issues in Two Album. 1929 First Issue UM. 1931 Smiling Boy Set plus extra 1d + 2d all FU. 1930’s issues Mint. First Day Covers Inc. Camp Postmarks, Miniature Sheets. A fine collection of 300+ items. £220/£250
1692 * 1930 1d+1d scarlet, Anti-Tuberculosis stamp, SG.545, superbly used on plain first day cover. Scarce. £150/£180
1693 ✱ 1931 Postal Fiscal £3 SGF164. A bit toned on the reverse. £180/£200
1694 ✱ 1931 Postal Fiscal 25/- SGF 159 mint. £280/£300
1695 ✱ 1931/40 Postal Fiscal £2.10/-. SG163. Fine mint. (Photo) £180/£200
1696 1934 1d+1d carmine, Health stamp in a block of four, SG.555, VFU with lightly struck, central c.d.s. pmk. £25/£30
1697 * 1935 HEALTH STAMPS on illustrated first day covers, same type with three different pmks, plus additional printed type, mixed condition, two are very fine (4). £70/£90
1698 ✱ ✱✱ 1935-42 KGVI defins in BLOCKS of FOUR, incl. 1935-6 ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2½d & 1s, 193642 1½d, 2½d, 3d, 4d, 8d, 9d P14x15 & 9d red & grey-black P14x14½, generally good to very fine mint, some blocks UM, cat.£1032 (12 blocks).
1699 ✱ 1936/1947 KGVI Back Of The Book Issues Cat. £1200+. 1936/47 Official sets Inc. 5/SGO119, Pictorial ovpt. sets. 1945 lighthouse Set. 1947 Lighthouse Set. A collection of 60 stamps mint. £300/£350
1700 ✱ 1936/1951 KGVI Collection on printed pages, Inc. Defin. sets and Commem sets over 90 stamps mint, Inc. 1940 British Sovereignty Set (Cat. £160). £40/£50
1701 ✱✱ 1936-489d red & grey-black, P14x14½, wmk SG type 98 upright, SG.587b, fine UM. £35/£40
1702 * 1938 HEALTH STAMPS on ten illustrated first day covers, plus two plain covers, one with imprint block of four affixed, also illustrated env to USA with US Postage Dues affixed, mixed condition (13). £60/£75
1703 ✱ 1939 Postal Fiscal scarce 35/- on 35/SGF186 fresh mint. £380/£400
1704 * 1939-41 HEALTH STAMPS on illustrated first day covers, 1939 (6) plus 1d on ½d+½d pair, 1940 (3) plus two covers, each with four of the same values affixed and WELLINGTON RAILWAY pmks, 1941 (3). Mixed condition (15). £90/£120
1705 ✱ 1940 Postal Fiscal £2 SGF206 fresh mint. £80/£90
1706 ✱ 1940 Postal Fiscal £2/10/- SGF207 fresh mint. £250/£280
1707 ✱ 1940 Postal Fiscal £3 wmk Inv. SGF208w fresh mint. £100/£120
1708 ✱ 1940 Postal Fiscal £4 Wmk. Inv. SGF210 fresh mint. £150/£180
1709 ✱ 1940 Postal Fiscal 25/- SGF204 fresh mint. £350/£400
1710 ✱ 1940 Postal Fiscal 30/- SGF205 fresh mint. £200/£220
1711 1940 Postal Fiscal 5/6d ovpt. SGF188. Select VFU. £40/£45
1712 ✱ 1940 Postal Fiscal Surcharge set of 4 SGF187/190 fresh mint. £450/£500
1713 ✱ 1940 Postal Fiscal to £1 (12) Inc. 7/6d, 8/-, 9/-, 15/-. Cat. £760+ fresh mint. £300/£350
1714 ✱ 1949 Postal Fiscal 30/- Arms. KGVI VFM SG205w. £200/£220
1715 ✱ 1950 Postal Fiscal £5 Wmk. Inv. SGF211w fresh mint. £180/£200
1716 ✱ 1950 Surcharge Postal Fiscals 3/6d, 5/6d, 11/- and 22/- SGF212, 13, 15 and 2/6w fresh mint. Cat. £720. £280/£300
1717 ✱ 1952 Postal Fiscal £3 SG208w. VFM. £120/£130
1718 ✱✱ 1953/1986 QEII Extensive Collection UM. Inc. Year Packs, Presentation Packs, Defin. Sets. 1980 Maori as Plate Blocks of Six, Lighthouse Sets. 1967 Postal Fiscal both sets. Health MS (14). Many 100’s of stamps. £120/£150
1719 ✱✱ 1967 QEII Counter Coil Pairs As Sets. 1967 2½c, 3c, 6c, 8c, 15c, 20c. SG848, 849, 852, 854, 856, 857. 1967 Pictorials 10c, 20c. SG873, 876, fresh UM. £120/£150
1720 ✱✱ 1973 Error - Olympics 8c Double Gold CPS167A (2). Fine UM. £60/£65
1721 ✱✱ 1979 ERROR - Double overprint 14c or 10c CPPA31A UM. Cat. $350. £70/£75
1722 ✱ A good range of Stamps with better pickings. 1925 Exhibition Set. 1931 Smiling Boys Health Set. Postal Fiscals to £1 (6). 1931 Air Set. 1934 Ovpt. Air Stamp Collection of 110 Stamps Mint. £180/£200
1723 CHALON HEADS, BLACK PROOFS, 1d, 2d, 3d, 4d, 6d & 1s values, imperforate, 4d margin touched at base, others four margins, addition cutout with 2d attached, fine condition (7). £80/£100
1724 ✱ 1865-70 PRINTING ERROR 24c blue, very long stamp with light, extra impression of frame at top, SG.30, mint, large adhesion of album page on reverse. Eye-catching variety. (Photo) £100/£150
1725 ✱ 1880-1908 MINT GROUP incl. 1880-2 1c dull brown, 1887 ½c, 1c green & 10c, 1890 3c deep slate, 1897-1918 set & 1908 2c Map stamp, SG.44a, 49, 50a, 55, 83/90, 94, mint, each stamp has a generally small area of adhesion on gum, cat.£449 (14). £60/£75
1726 ✱ 1880-21c dull grey-brown, block of nine, SG.44, mint, cat.£540. £60/£75
1727 ✱ 1911 Coronation, complete set, SG.117/27, fine mint (11). £90/£110
1728 ✱ 1923-47 MINT ACCUMULATION incl. 1923 defins set, 1928-9 Publicity issue, most values to 30c, 1932 defins set, 1932-8 set to 24c, 1937 Additional Coronation issue, 1939-49 Postage Dues set, mixed condition, poor to very fine mint, cat.£611 (77). £60/£80
1729 * 1933 Airmail Flight Cover Wabush to Katsao with fine franking of 10c + 60c SG231 + 233 Rated £275 on cover. £75/£80
1730 ✱ 1937/47 KGVI issues on a printed page. 1930 Coronation both sets. 1938 set of 4. 1943/47 Commems. 1939 Postage Due set of 6. A useful range of 34 stamps mint. £40/£50
1731 & Literature. Boggs Stamps & Postal History hb, DJ (some wear) book as new. £30/£40
1732 NEWFOUNDLAND (120) mostly used, 1862 6d imperf mint, QV 24c litho forgery. £50/£60
1733 * 1936 Flight Covers 1936 Service Extension Kano to Logos with a variety of back stamps (7) on the reverse with JUT KGV 10c + 50c defins. 5 Env. from Netherland to Lagos sent by regular Air service Khartoum to Karo (Dec). Both with details. £50/£60
1734 ✱ 1937/51 KGVI Collection Coronation, 1938/51 Defins. set of 16, Victory, S/Wedding, UPU mint. £40/£50
1735 * 1938 A remarkable large registered envelope with KGV franking from Apapa with 11 stamp combination ½d, 1d, 2d, 3d, 4d, 6d, 1/-, 2/6d (x2), 5/- sent to Lever Brothers London. Folds but an unusual franking rate. £120/£140
1736 ✱✱ 1953 Variety 2d Slate Blue with “2d” reentry within a block of 4. SG72da UM. £40/£50
1737 ✱✱ 1953/84 QEII Collection on Stockpages with 510 Stamps UM. Seen 1961 Defin. Set with 10/- and £1 with FGN Ovpt. (6). 1969 NSP & MCO set of 10. Extensive Commem Set. A very good collection. £100/£120
1738 ✱✱ 1968 BIAFRA Issues on Stockpage small but useful group of 44 Stamps UM Inc. Defin. ovpts. with values to £1 (11) and sets. £40/£50
1739 * Airmails 1936 First Flights (10) various special printed envelopes for Internal Stage Flights. Originating in Lagos. Very fine. All different. £100/£120
1740 ✱ 1903 1s brown-red, “Tahae” JOINED, from small, first printing sold in Auckland, SG.15 (and see footnote), fine mint, accompanied by SG.16 for comparison (2). £380/£420
1741 ✱ 1937/50 KGVI Collection Inc. Scarce 1941 Postal Fiscals SG79/82 (Cat. £750). SG83/86 (c£130). A fine collection of 38 stamps as sets mint. £350/£400
1742 ✱✱ 1953/1981 QEII Collection UM on Stockpages and still in packets (unchecked) seen 1967 Ovpt. Set. Postal Fiscals. MS. A useful lot. £50/£60
1743 1953-74 USED COLLECTION incl.1959
3d & 2s defins on white paper, 1953 pictorial defins set, 1960-2, 1967-8 Ships & 1970-1 Birds defins sets, generally fine used, cat.£127 (80 stamps). £35/£45
1744 ✱✱ A small collection with better items. 1970 Birds Presentation Pack. 1976 Butterflies Presentation Pack. 1984 Flower Presentation Pack. 2000 Stamp Show MS. A good lot of 29 items UM. £40/£50
1745 ✱ 1895 surcharges set, SG.87/91, mint, fresh examples (5). £75/£90
1746 ✱ 1918 RED CROSS surcharges, most values 1c to 50c, between SG.214/30, VFM (13). £60/£75
1747 1941 War Tax ovpt. Sets. (2) FU. 1947 Crown Colony, set of 15 SG335/49 FU. £30/£40
1748 1953-63 QEII issues complete from 1953 Coronation to 1963 Freedom from Hunger with both defins sets, SG.371/407, good to fine used, cat.£171+ (39). £50/£60
1749 1961 QEII Defin. set of 16 SG391/406 FU.
1750 ✱ Old Stocks (8) with a range of 80+ Stamps. 1924 Pictorials to 24c, Red Cross ovpts.. 1922 Malaya - Borneo Exhibition ovpts. to 50c. Postage due to 16c (12) highly catalogued range. Mint. £180/£200
1751 ✱✱ Sabah 1964 QEII Defin. Set UM SG408/23 (16). £45/£50
1752 * 1925 1d grey-lilac postal stationery postcard, uprated ½d, posted to Germany, clear LIVINGSTONE 21 NOV 1925 pmks. £50/£60
1753 1925-63 USED COLLECTION, complete run from SG.1/88, KGV 20s is fiscally used and a bit faded, however 7s6d & 10s both fine used, also incl. KGVI ½d chocolate perf.12½x14, 1946 Victory 1½d perf.13½, good to fine, cat.£1058 (90). £250/£280
1754 1935/53 Fine used range 1935 S/Jubilee. 1937 Coronation. 1938 Defins. to 5/-, Victory, UPU, Rhodes 1953 Coronation. A useful range of 39 stamps. £35/£40
1755 ✱ 1935/53 Stock Pages with better pickings. 1935 S/Jubilee. 1937 Coronation. 1938 Defins. with different Shades and Perfs. SG25/45, plus blocks of 4, ½d to 9d (6) Postage Dues, Commems. A good range of 100 stamps mint. £120/£140
1756 ✱ 1937/49 KGVI Collection, Coronation. 1938 Defin. set of 21, Victory, S/Wedding, UPU Mint. £140/£150
1757 ✱ 1938 KGVI definitive set with shades (27) plus imprinted blocks of coil joint strips, ½d Brown imprinted plate blocks (2) plate 3, 4. A good range of 34 items. £100/£120
1758 1938-521s to 20s KGVI defins, top six values, SG.40/5, VFU (6). £75/£85
1759 1941 Variety KGVI 1½d with Tick Bird flaw Yellow-Brown SG30b. Fine used. £30/£40
1760 ✱✱ 1953/63 QEII Unmounted Mint On Stockpages. 1953 Defin. set of 14. 1963 Defin. set of 14. Coronation, Rhodes and Centenary Set. A useful lot of 45 stamps. £70/£80
1761 ✱✱ 1963 SG75/88 QEII Arms Defin. Set UM. (14). £30/£35
1762 * 1937 Tourist Association set used on registered cover, SG.223/5, clean & fine. £50/£60
1763 ✱✱ Booklet collection with a face value of 2900kr (84) each seem to be different inc views, wildlife, sport a very good lot. £120/£140
1764 NORWAY (1500+) fine used useful pickings with a fair range of early Posthorns. £100/£110
1765 ✱ 1897 4/- Arms VFM. A fine example SG50. £70/£75
1766 ✱ 1908 Edward Set to £1 fine mint (4/somewhat aged). Scarce Set. SG72/81 (10). Cat. £950. £360/£400
1767 1921-3310s green & scarlet on emerald, wmk Script CA, BROKEN SCROLL VARIETY, SG.113ha, VFU. £750/£850
1768 ✱ 1937/51 KGVI Collection of sets on pages. Coronation. 1938 set of 18. 1945 set of 14, Victory, S/Wedding, UPU, Jubilee, Postage Due Set. Fresh mint. £180/£200
1769 1938 KGVI 5/- + 10/- high values FU. SG141/142 (2). £70/£75
1770 1938 KGVI 5/- SG141 VFU. £25/£30
1771 ✱✱ 1938/52 KGVI 5/- SG141A as superb UM marginal block of Four. Scarce multiple. £150/£160
1772 ✱✱ 1953/64 QEII Collection UM. 1953 Definitives with different perfs. (18). 1963 Overprinted set of 11. 1964 Defin. set of 12, 43 different stamps. £50/£60
1773 ✱✱ 1953/64 QEII UM a range of 38 stamps. 1963 Defin. Set. 1964 Defin. Set. Superb quality. £25/£30
1774 ✱ KGV on a Stockcard 1924 2/6d. 1927 4/-. 1934 Symbol set of 9. 1935 S/Jubilee set of 4. Fresh mint. Cat £150+ £50/£60
1775 ✱✱ 1971 5b on 3b reddish purple, BLOCK OF FOUR, SG.138, fine UM. £280/£320
1776 1972 25b on 1r blue & red-orange and 25b on 40b black & red-orange, SG.144/5, very fine used. £120/£150
1777 1973 100b Ministerial Complex, DATE OMITTED, SG.171a, fine used. £90/£110
1778 1978 surcharges set, SG.212/14, good to fine used, cat.£1750 (3). £250/£280
1779 ✱ 1903-045s blue & brown, wmk Crown CA, SG.147, VFM. £75/£90
1780 ✱ 1947 KGVI Official ovpt. set of 13 SGO1/O13. Fresh mint. £60/£70
1781 ✱ 1947/51 KGVI sets on printed pages. 1947 ovpt. set of 19, Independence. 1948 Defin. set of 20, Redrawn set of 8. Ali Jinnah Set. 1951 Independence set of 8. Official 1947, 1948, 1949 and 1951 sets. (Cat. £1000) fresh mint. £350/£400
1782 ✱ 1948/64 A very good collection Cat. £550 with better sets. 1948 Defins. with varieties, 10p printed on gum side, 20p imperf. pair, lots of commem sets, 150+ stamps fresh mint.
1783 1952-73 USED COLLECTION on printed pages, we see later perfs of 1948-57 defins incl. 15r & 25r perf.13 and a comprehensive range of issues to 1973, also incl. a range of Officials, good to fine used, cat.£278+ (340+). £85/£100
1784 ✱✱ 1954/81 Unmounted Mint Collection On Stockpages (15) and still in packets (45) (unchecked). A few 100’s very complete for the period. £50/£60
1785 1954/90 Extensive Collection chiefly on Album pages Mint/UM with over 900 stamps and 27 MS with lot of high values, an old time collection. £100/£120
1786 PAKISTAN - (650+) much is FU with commems. £35/£40
1787 ✱ 1901/06 Early Lakatoi issues with values to 1/- with a variety of papers, Wmk. Vertical or Horizontal on old pages. Cat. £600+ (22 stamps) Inc. small and large Papua ovpts. Seen 6d SG6 mint, 1/- SG7 mint, ½d SG9a (Thin paper) Mint. A good variety. £200/£220
1788 ✱ 1907/11 Lakatoi Study on Old Pages. 1907 small ovpts. To 2/6d (6) Inc. 1/- SG44a, 2/6d SG45a both mint. A fine collection of 82 stamps good for study on different printing also many damaged Letters not listed in SG, chiefly fresh mint (16 FU). £200/£250
1789 ✱✱ 1909 Variety 2½d Lakatoi with thin “D” at left perf. 12½ SG69a UM. £70/£80
1790 1930 6d dull & pale purple, pictorial AIR MAIL ovpt, pair, one with POSTACE variety, SG.116a, VFU. £85/£100
1791 1952-83 USED COLLECTION on leaves, comprehensive range for the period, incl. defins sets, also 1960 Postage Dues, SG.D2/D14, good to fine used, caty.£302 (approx 470). £90/£110
1792 ✱✱ QEII Unmounted Mint Collection 1952/84 Stockpages (20) with 470+ stamps plus presentation (52) to 1984 Inc. odd year packs, seen 1952 Defin. Set lots of Commem Sets. A superb collection. £110/£120
1793 * Philippine Island/USA Postal Stationery unused (15) 2c printed Env. Money Order/Giro Postal. 2c, 5c Envelope (USA) printed Philippines. £50/£60
1794 * Postal History 1903 Env. with 2c USA ovpt with 2c ovpt. Postage Due sent locally. 1903 1c Env. sent locally. 1903 1c Evn. uprated with 1c ovpt. sent to USA. 1907 1c Env. uprated with 2c with “3” Barrel Cancel sent to USA. A fine and interesting lot. £60/£70
1795 * POSTCARDS (1934) Trio of very fine Real Photo Cards (3). £30/£35
1796 ✱ 1940/49 KGVI Collection with a variety 1940 Pictorial Set, Victory set Inc. 3d Flagstaff Flaw. SG10a, UPU. All fresh mint. £70/£80
1797 ✱ ✱✱ 1940/82 Mint/Unmounted Mint Collection with many sets mint from 1940 to 1972, the rest UM seen KGVI Defin. Set. 1948 Silver Wedding Set UM. Extensive range of QEII Sets Inc. Definitive Sets. A very good lot of 240 Stamps, 7 MS each different. £80/£90
1798 ✱ 1946 Victory, perfin SPECIMEN set, SG.9s/10s, mint (2). £160/£180
1799 ✱✱ 1957-63 QEII defins set plus later ½d wmk, SG.18/28, 33, UM (13). £25/£30
1800 Interesting Collection Inc. hand drawn image of the Island, hand drawn image of the route of HMS Bounty, but chiefly covers and PPC’s seen 1951 Env with KGVI 8d imprinted block of 4 on illustrated cover, PPC and covers relating to the Bounty. 1948 Env with 1d, 3d franking sent to England. 1954 PPC with SS “Caronia” HANDSTAMP. An interesting lot of 30 items. £180/£200
1801 ✱ 1945 Polish Forces in Italy Monte Cassino Imperforate MS within special folder. Very fine. Sassone 1. £75/£80
1802 * Interesting Group 1930’s Blue and White Air Labels, a complete sheet of 100, plus 1930 Official Env. from Telegraph General to Holland with letter. £40/£50
1803 1925 Waterlow Proofs/Multa, Postage Dues. From the bottom Three rows, Punched, Endorsed in the margins. 4A meeting, Monument. Seldom seen. £90/£100
1804 PORTUGAL (1500+) extensive, mostly all different fine used from early issues to extensive pictorials. Good selection. £80/£90
1805 1966 New Currency surcharges, 20d on 20np, 40d, 50d, 75d, 1r on 1r to 10r on 10r, SG.143, 145/151, fine used (8). £280/£320
1806 ✱ 1871-2 POSTAL FISCALS 2s6d vermilion, no wmk, blue buerle at back, SG.F29, good to fine mint. (Photo) £220/£250
1807 ✱ 1871-2 POSTAL FISCALS 5s orangebrown, wmk Large Crown & Q, SG.F21, good to fine mint. (Photo) £220/£250
1808 ✱ 1871-2 POSTAL FISCALS 6d mauve, no wmk, blue buerle at back, SG.F26, fine mint. (Photo) £240/£280
1809 ✱ Old Auction Folder 1879/1908 Range Of QV Stamps sideface with values to 2/- mainly Wmk. type 5 and 6. A good lot of 51 stamps. Cat. £1100+. £120/£160
1810 ✱ 1892 Arms Set of 8 ½d to 10/- fine mint. SG1/9. Cat. £560. £120/£130
1811 1892/1909 Valuable used collection of 100+ stamps with better pickings, 1892/3 set to £2 plus £5 fiscally used, £10 cds postmark, 1892 ½d on 6d and 8d on 1/- (expertised on the reverse), 1892 and 1895 sets, 1896/7 both die sets, 1897 arms, 1896 cape ovpt set a superb range with many fine used stamps. £1,100/£1,200
1812 ✱ 1892/1917 Mint selection on Stock pages with better pickings. 1892 Arms 4/-, a range of large Arms to 10/- (27) unchecked. Blocks Inc. 1917 ½d ovpts. Admirals to 2/6d. some small faults, very high catalogue value in these early issues. 70+ stamps. £150/£180
1813 * 1892-1918 POSTAL STATIONERY POSTCARDS, mint & used range, we see MASHONALAND ovpts on Cape x3 different unused, cards inscribed MASHONLAND 1d card used, 1½d cards x3 used incl one uprated ½d to Spain, another uprated ½d to UK with SALISBURY cancel on stamp in wrong corner, the stamp impression cancelled with UK CHELSEA duplex, 3x Post and Reply cards, one unused, two used, 1897 RHODESIA inscribed, unused x3 different, 1899 1d card unused plus one used in 1918, same Post & Reply card unused, 1903 ½d card x3, one unused, two used incl uprated to UK. Mixed condition, generally good to fine (19 postcards). £300/£350
Viewing Clients can view at our offices
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1814 1892-1924 USED COLLECTION, super range of stamps with many complete sets, note 1892-3, 1892-4 & 1895 sets, 10s to £10 fiscally used, 1896-7 Arms sets, £1 fiscally used, 1896 Cape ovpts set, 1898-1908 Arms set plus shades, also £2 and £5 to £20 fiscally used, 1905 Falls set plus perfs and a miniature silver ingot of the 1d design,1909-12 RHODESIA ovpts set, plus £2 & £5 fiscally used, plus several with inverted ovpt and no stop varieties, 1909-11 surcharges set, a wonderful range of Double Heads with shades & additional perfs to 3s, plus fiscally used high values (7s6d x2, 10s x2, £1 x5), finally we see a range of Admirals with postally used to 5s and fiscally used 7s6d, 10s & £1. Great looking collection, cat.£8000+ (240+). £1,600/£1,800
1815 * 1894-1977 THE RHODESIAS - disparate accumulation of POSTAL HISTORY, we see c.1894 unused “Matabele Postal Jubilee” illustrated env. that pokes fun at Lobengula (env stuck back together), 1913 env franked 1d Double Head, several items from Southern Rhodesia incl taxed cover to USA, nice 1937 VICTORIA FALLS pmk’d cover with stamps depicting the Falls, two Missionary printed covers plus a page of a 1924 letter from Musofu Mission, several rate covers, a 1943 Airgraph, several used air letters, couple of NR covers, 1954 R&N defins first day cover with the set to 1s, an item of 1977 Forces Free Mail, also a (somewhat dog-eared) 1843 map of Africa with much of the continent’s interior still blank (21 covers). £150/£180
1816 * 1895-1930 POSTCARDS COLLECTION, all different, written up in an album, we see various street scenes, buildings, native cards, two illustrated “Sketches of South African Life” cards, “The Chamberlain Tour Memorial” card (somewhat worn), two wonderful real photos of family scenes, circa 1904-06, wildlife and the inevitable Victoria Falls! Collection accompanied by a number of photographic reproductions - many of these slightly enlarged, incl. mail carts, ox wagons etc. Mixed condition, though much is good to fine (38 postcards + photos).
1817 * 1898-1911 DOCUMENTS, 1898 Quitrent Receipt paid with 1896-7 2s6d & 5s perfins (filing hole in 5s) and 1911 invoice from Sarif & Mangelsdorff paid with 1d Double Head, good to fine (2 items). £40/£50
1818 * 1910 REDIRECTED COVER, env from UK, franked KEVII 1s, COOMBE DOWN pmk, clumsily addressed to “Escarpment, British Africa,” which then embarked on an epic journey via south, central and east Africa, before appearing to end up in Mombasa, in British EAST Africa! Lots of great transit marks on reverse, cover in remarkably good condition, given its journey. £120/£150
1819 1910/13 Double heads perf 14 collection on old pages with shades. ½d (2), 1d (3), 2d (3), 2½d (3), 3d (2), 4d (2), 5d (2), 6d (3), 10d (2), 1/(2) and 2/-, mainly fine used. (25 stamps).
1820 ✱ 1910-131d carmine-lake, perf.14, Double Head, SPOT on KING’S CHEEK variety, SG.124, superb mint. £70/£80
1821 ✱ 1910-13 DOUBLE HEADS - ½d to £1, complete perf.14 set, between SG.119/166, generally catalogued as the cheapest version, except for 8d dull purple & purple, 2s6d sepia & deep crimson, £1 rose-scarlet & bluish black, all very fine mint, well above average condition with great centring (18). £2,800/£3,000
1822 1910-13 POSTMARKS on DOUBLE HEADS, largely all different range, mostly common strikes on 1d values, but we do note SOUTH HELVETIA and UMSWESWE and a superb strike of A in barred diamond, plus cancels on 5d, 6d & 10d values, good to fine (38). £300/£350
1823 ✱ 1913/19 Admirals mint (15) with values to 2/-, ½d to 2½d SG186/201, 208, die I with value to 2/-, 8d die II small but useful range. £80/£90
1824 ✱ 1913-192s6d indigo & grey-brown, die II, perf.14, SG.236, fine mint. £45/£55
1825 ✱ 1913-193s chestnut & bright blue, die II, perf.14, SG.237, mint. £55/£65
1826 ✱ 1917 Admiral 3/- SG255m mint. £140/£160
1827 * 1931-5 RHODESIAN AIRMAIL COVERS COLLECTION, written up on pages, we see a range of IMPERIAL AIRWAYS 1931 Experimental Flight covers to a number of destinations and from Southern Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia, South Africa, South West Africa, also GB, Sudan & East Africa, continues with group of January 1932 First Flights, mostly on specially printed envelopes, to and from a similar number of places, plus a couple from Nyasaland, RHODESIA & NYASALAND AIRWAYS LTD incl. part advertising leaflet with details of charges to destinations across Africa, 1933-4 covers from Nyasaland and Southern Rhodesia, note destinations such as Singapore, Australia & New Zealand, few later covers, note 1935 Silver Jubilee set on souvenir cover for FF to Beira. Generally good condition - a super collection of these popular covers (65 covers).
1828 * 1937-88 AIRMAIL COVERS
COLLECTION, written up in two albums, we see Imperial Airways covers, a wide range of Rhodesia And Nyasaland Airways (RANA) covers, 1943 Christmas Greetings Airgraph from Southern Rhodesia, 1946 SR Air Services cover, Central African Airways covers, plus a couple with Airways Letter Service stamps affixed, BOAC flights, East African Airways covers, 1958 Hunting-Clan African Airways printed first flight cover, 1964 British United Airways, 1971 Postal Strike covers, 1973 Air Rhodesia first flight covers, Air Zimbabwe covers and more. Good to fine (75+ covers). £600/£700
1829 ✱✱ 1964/80 Unmounted Mint Collection of Sets. 1964 Southern Rhodesia Defins. Inc. 10/- tail flaw in a pair with normal Rhodesia. Extensive collection Inc. Defin. Sets. Commem Sets, Postage dues, Miniature Sheet. A fine collection of 260+ stamps + 9 MS. £120/£140
1830 * 1964-83 POLITICAL COVERS
COLLECTION, written up in an album, all different, begins with Northern & Southern Rhodesia “Last Day of...” covers, then continues to be presented in chronological order until 1983 “Last Day of Validity of Rhodesian Stamps.” we note scarce 1968 “Smith / Wilson” Gibraltar Talks cover (from Gibraltar) and 1975 “Victoria Falls Bridge Constitutional Conference” cover, also see a range of taxed covers, some with dues applied as stamps from Rhodesia were not recognised after the Unilateral Declaration of Independence. Good to fine (60+ covers). £450/£500
1831 * 1965/78 Illustrated FDC’s Inc. definitives. 1965 Independence. 1966 Rhopex. 1972 Rhopex. A fine range of 46 chiefly unaddressed. £100/£120
1832 ✱✱ 1965/78 QEII Collection on Stockpages UM with 280 stamps Inc. Defin. Sets. Extensive Commem Sets. Seen 1966 Mardon set of 11. A very useful range. £50/£60
1833 ✱✱ 1966 Variety 6d Flame Lily with Yellow downward shift of 1.5mm, pane of 54 (6 x 9) with margins and cylinder number with 1B Yellow shifted SG378 Var. UM. £60/£70
1834 ✱✱ 1966/78 Interesting collection with a study of the 1966 definitive issue with different papers. White Gum. Brown Gum, 5/- Trial see note below. SG407. Mardon Imprinted Blocks. Rhopex MS with different papers. 1970 Booklet Pane Study with different perf. types in the margins. Many commem sets mainly UM. A fine lot of 240 Stamps, 17 MS and 12 Booklet Panes. £180/£200
1835 ✱✱ 1970/73 Cylinder Blocks of 4 for the definitives issues SG439/52 UM 1A blocks (19) with values to $2, 1B (14) blocks with values to $2 fresh UM. £180/£200
1836 * Political covers etc inc 1979 first day of Zimbabwe, Rhodesia sanction by Great Britain end, 1971 settlement, 1972 Pearce report, 1971 rationing ends, 1970 republic. 6 covers unaddressed but franked. £30/£35
1837 * Postal History an interesting group of 59 covers/cards. 1960 OHMS “official free” with wankie game reserve slogan cancel, 1929 envelope endorsed on the back “collected from crash” sent from UK to Rhodesia, 1943 env sent to England with “return to sender” h/s, Rhode’s cave ppc , 1940 Rhodes set on illustrated fdc, 1963 Rhod and Nyasaland reg env used, 1938 Southern Rhod regd env used. A range from 1934 to 1973. £250/£280
1838 ✱ Rhodesia’s Collection Mint and Used, seen BSAC Admirals to 5/-. 1924 Southern Rhodesia to 2/6d, small selection of N/Rhodesia, Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Inc. 1953 QEII Defin. Set UM. An interesting group of 480+ stamps. £120/£140
1839 RUMANIA (3000+) Colossal collection on 85+ pages, packed, much is FU and vast majority all different, we spotted earlier issues and plenty of pictorials. Vast. £100/£110
1840 1950/59 Printed Pages with an extensive collection of 790 stamps + 3 MS with many complete sets mainly VFU. £250/£280
1841 RUSSIA (1800+) appears to be all different fine used. Extensive pictorials Inc. better 1950’s, early material etc. Useful lot. £100/£110
1842 ✱ 1870-86 MINT GROUP incl. wmk Crown CC P14 1d magenta & 2½d red-brown, 1882-90 ½d, 1d carmine-rose, 4d grey & 1s mauve, wmk Crown CA, 1884 4d on 6d green, 1886 1d on 6d green & 4d on 6d green, SG.6/7, 11, 13, 18, 20, 22, 24/5, mixed condition, average to very fine mint, cat.£570 (9). £140/£160
1843 ✱ 1882-906d olive-brown & 1s bright mauve, wmk Crown CA, SPECIMEN ovpts set, SG.19s/20s, mint, cat.£120 (2). £40/£50
1844 ✱✱ 1888 1d on 2½d ultramarine, manuscript line through original value, SG.28, fine UM. £45/£55
1845 ✱ 1890-7 QV defins set, SG.46/52, fine mint (7). £35/£40
Established in 1990, internationally recognised dealers, full members of PTS (London), ASDA (New York).
1846 1902/1986 Fine used collection of 400+ stamps and 5 MS/Sheetlets with better pickings 1903 Edward set of 6 (c£160). 1912 KGV set of 10 plus 1d block and Scarlet (c£367). 1922 Multi Crown 4d, 1/6d, 2/6d, (c£150). 1922 Badge ½d to 5/- Inc. both shades of the 1½d (cat. £440+). 1934 Centenary set to 5/-. 1938 KGVI set of 15 Inc. both 8d. 1953 QEII defin. set to 10/- plus a second set mint. A fine collection in a Devon Album. £900/£950
1847 ✱ 1907 Edward set to 10/- top value fine mint. SG64/70. (7). £150/£170
1848 1922 Cleft Rock Variety 2d SG100c FU. £60/£65
1849 ✱✱ 1922-372d grey & slate, CLEFT ROCK flaw in corner marginal, control block of four, SG.100c, few minor marks on gum, otherwise fine UM, cat.£164. £55/£65
1850 ✱ 1937/49 KGVI Collection, Coronation. 1938 Defins. set of 14, Colour Change set of 3, Victory, S/Wedding, UPU. Fresh mint. £70/£80
1851 ✱ ✱✱ 1937/92 Extensive collection with variety mixed in chiefly watermark varieties inc 1984 Royal visit 11p wmk inv (c£85), extensive definitive and commem sets in 11 ms/sheetlets over 580 stamps mint chiefly UM. Highly catalogued collection. £220/£240
1852 ✱ 1938 KGVI definitive inc specimen perforated set of 15 (inc both 8d) and ½d, 1d, 1½d, 2d, 3d, 6d, 1/-, 2/6d 5/- perf’ed specimen fresh mint. £150/£180
1853 ✱ 1938 Specimen Perf. KGVI Set VFM. SG131S/140S (14). £300/£360
1854 ✱✱ 1949 New watermark set of 3 as complete sheets of 60 stamps SG149/51 all plate 1/1 fresh UM seldom seen in complete sheets cat £240. £90/£100
1855 ✱✱ 1953/1984 QEII Collection of 300 Stamps UM Inc. Defin. Sets and many Commem Sets. Seen 1953 Defin. set of 13. A very fine collection. £120/£140
1856 ✱✱ 1962/84 Booklets (6) 1961 SGSB1, 1969 SGSB2, 1981 SB4, 1984 SB5 (3) each different. £50/£60
1857 ✱✱ 1987 Error Royal Ruby Wedding 15p overprint omitted (vert pair with normal) SG5 15a UM. £60/£70
1858 * Small but useful cover collection inc 1901 POW env from Netherland to Prisoner of War camp Deadwood (foxed), 1937 KGVI coronation cover with forged cds, 1939 env sent locally with KGVI defins to 3d (5) with fine 1939 cds cancels, 1939 illustrated env with ½d to 6d franking 2d on the front and ½d to 6d (5) on the reverse. A good group of 13 covers. £70/£80
1859 ✱ 1937/51 KGVI Collection on a printed page Inc. 1938 Defin. set of 12, S/Wedding, UPU 1950 ovpt. set of 6. 1952 Defin. set. A good lot of 53 stamps, fresh mint. £60/£70
1860 ✱ 1938/50 KGVI Definitive Collection of 38 with Shades and different Perfs. Inc. 3d SG73c (c£100) 77a (c£140) 77c (c£55). A fine and extensive collection from SG68 to SG77F mint highly catalogued. £300/£350
1861 ✱✱ 1953/1981 QEII Collections UM, Stockpages, Packets, Stamp Packs and 2 Booklets with over 580 stamps Inc. definitive sets. Extensive Commem Sets. a superb lot. £80/£90
1862 ✱ ✱✱ Page with a range of 53 Stamps with better 1905 Defins. to 2/6d (10). 1920 Defin. to 10/(13). 1921 Defins. to 2/6d (20) with shades. Mint/UM. £90/£100
1863 1891 INVERTED OVERPRINT One Penny on 4d VFU. SG55B c£750. £360/£400
1864 ✱ 1902-10 MINT KEVII GROUP incl. 190203 wmk Crown CA set, 1902 Columbus 2d, 1904-10 wmk MCA set less 1s green & black with the odd extra, between SG.58/77, good to fine mint, cat.£425 (24). £120/£140
1865 ✱ 1933-47 POSTAGE DUES wmk Script CA set, perfin SPECIMEN, SG.D3s/D6s, fine mint (4). £55/£65
1866 1936 KGV Pictorial defins set, SG.113/24, VFU (12). £75/£90
1867 ✱ 1936 KGV Pictorial defins, perfin SPECIMEN set, SG.113s/24s, VFM (12). (Photo) £160/£180
1868 ✱ 1937/51 KGVI Sets On Printed Page Inc. 1938 Defin. set of 17, S/Wedding. 1949 Defin set of 14. A fine collection of 55 stamps mint. £70/£80
1869 ✱ 1938 KGVI Definitives to £1 Shades and different perfs. (27) SG128/141 mint. £50/£60
1870 ✱ ✱✱ 1938 KGVI Definitives to 10/- Inc. Shades and different perfs. (40. 1930 Dues
SGDF1/2. 1933 Dues 1d, 2d UM. Mainly Mint with UM. £60/£70
1871 ✱✱ 1953/74 QEII Collection on Stockpages UM with 240 Stamps. Seen 1953 Defin Set. 1964 Defin Set. Statehood set of 11, Extensive Commem Set. A good lot. £30/£40
1872 ✱ Chalon Postal Fiscals. 1881 1d SGF1 FU, 6d F3 mint. 1d F7 unused. 1882 piece with 1d, 2d, 4d SGF13, 14, 16 and 3d F15, these are VFU. £100/£120
1873 ✱ Old Page with a small group of Chalons. 1964 1d (4) Black and Intense Black, unused plus used, 6d SG13 mint (trimmed perfs.). 1/- Orange SG14, 14b, 18 fine used. Cat. £300. £60/£70
1874 ✱ Stockpage with Edward issues to 5/- (24). 1902/1904 issues. Inc. 1902 set of 5, the Pitons 1904 definitives ½d to 5/- (19) with different printings and shades. £160/£180
1875 ✱ 1892 QV 5d on 4d SG59 as a VFM block of Four Cat £192. £80/£85
1876 ✱ 1937 Coronation set, perfin SPECIMEN, SG.146s/8s, fine mint (3). £40/£50
1877 ✱ 1937/51 KGVI Collection of sets on a printed page. 1938 Defin. set of 15, S/Wedding. 1949 New Currency Set. A fine collection of 51 stamps mint. £60/£70
1878 ✱✱ 1953/76 QEII Collection with Stockpages, Presentation Packs and Stamps still in there original packets, seen definitive sets. A very fine run of Commem Sets, 100’s of stamps UM. £70/£80
1879 ✱✱ 1965-75 WATERMARK VARIETIES, incl. 1965 25c defin wmk inverted, 1970-1 8c & 50c Birds defins wmk to right & inverted respectively, 1970 Red Cross 5c & 12c wmk inverted, 1975 Marine Life 1c, 5c & 15c defins wmk Crown to right, all fine UM, cat.£317+ (8). £100/£120
1880 An interesting group inc 1947 OHMS env with Government office and department of agriculture cachets both signed with 3d + 1/franking sent to USA, 1949 1c to 24c (9) with Sion Hill FDI cancel, 24 items. £50/£60
1881 KGVI very fine used 1938 defins ½d to 10/- (11) victory set, new currency defins 1c to $1.20 (15), UPU set, University set, New Constitution set. 38 stamps. £50/£60
1882 1877-801d ultramarine, 2nd state, SG.4, used, faults, trimmed perfs at top, cat.£250. £60/£75
1883 1877-809d orange-brown, 4th State, SG.20, used, faults incl. thinned corner, cat.£400. £50/£60
1884 1898-992½d on 2s6d deep purple on toned paper, block of four, SG.87, very fine used. £55/£65
1885 ✱✱ 1914-242s6d grey-brown, P14½x14, comb, SG.128, fine UM. (Photo) £220/£250
1886 ✱ 1914-245s, 10s & £1 perf.14, SG.124/6, VFM, but some minor toning on each value (3). £60/£75
1887 * 1915 Edward Set of 6 overprints ½d to 1/- nicely used on a small local Env. Tied Apia CDS. £50/£60
1888 ✱✱ 1953/84 QEII Collection on Stockpages or in there original packets with defin. sets, man commem sets, 100’s of stamps UM. £50/£60
1889 Interesting collection inc 8 covers, 1939 regd env with passed by censor-Mauritius cachet, 1967 experimental flight cover to Gilbert and Ellice signed, 1952 defin set on illus FDC, 1935 pictorial stamps to 3/- as M blocks of 4, small but very useful. £60/£70
1890 1869 First issue Brookes for study on a page inc pair, block of 4, strip of 3 and six single with shades minor flaws, 3c SG1 mint cat £825. £300/£350
1891 ✱ 1918/28 Brooke Issues 1918 set of 12, 1c not issued SG67. 1923 ovpts. 1st printing Inc. 2c on 12c thick narrow “W”. 1928 Defins. to $1 (ex 25c) all mint. Cat. £340+. £120/£140
1892 ✱ 1932/47 Brooke Sets (4). 1932 set of 15. 1934 set of 26. 1946 Centenary Set. 1947 set of 15. Fresh mint Cat. £485+. £150/£180
1893 1934 Brooke set of 26 SG106.125 fine used. £150/£180
1894 1941/52 KGVI issues on old album pages fine used. 1941 Brooke printings (6), 1945 BMA ovpt set of 20, 1946 centenary, 1947 crown colony set of 15, S/Wedding set, UPU set, 1950 definitive set of 15. cat £990+. £400/£420
1895 ✱ 1941/52 KGVI Period Collection Inc. 1941 2c, 3c, 6c, 8c, 12c, 15c. 1945 BMA ovpt. set of 20. 1946 Centenary Set. 1947 set of 15, S/Wedding, UPU. 1950 set of 15 and 1952 map. £350/£370
1896 ✱ 1950 KGVI Defin. set of 15 SG171/85 mint. £50/£60
1897 ✱ 1955 QEII Defin. set of 15. SG188/202 mint. £40/£50
1898 Interesting lot note 1899 5c prepared but not issued, 1947 crown colony ovpt set on regd env, 1950 definitive to $5, 1946 centenary set on cover with FDI cancel. 90+ items. £100/£120
1899 KGVI 1950 Defin. Set FU. 1955 QEII Set FU. £30/£40
1900 ✱ ✱✱ 1934-57 Definitives group, incl. perf.11½ 100g & 200g, perf.11 most values to 100g, between SG.329/42, mostly fine UM, cat.£589 (15). £140/£160
Credit Cards
The best way to pay, guaranteed. Best exchange rates for overseas clients. Immediate despatch of purchases.
1901 ✱ 1903 3c dull green, wmk Crown CA, DENTED FRAME variety, SG.47a, small area of adhesion on gum, otherwise fine mint. £60/£70
1902 ✱ 1906 2c chestnut & green, wmk Mult Crown CA, DENTED FRAME variety, SG.60a, mint, blunt perfs at right, cat.£130. £35/£40
1903 ✱ 1937/52 KGVI Collection on printed pages. Coronation. 1938 Defin. set of 25, Victory, S/Wedding, UPU. 1952 Defin set of 15. Postage Due set of 8 fresh mint Cat. £685. £200/£220
1904 ✱ 1938/49 KGVI Pictorial Set of stamps with different printings Inc. both colours of the 75c, 28 stamps each different, highly catalogued. £120/£130
1905 ✱✱ 1952 Variety 3c tortoise with St Edwards crown in the margin. A complete sheet of 50 stamps UM, seldom seen variety. £80/£90
1906 ✱✱ 1953/1984 QEII Collection on Stockpages UM with 520 Stamps. Seen 1969 Defins. Inc. White Papers. 1977 Marine Life with different printings. A good run of Commem Sets. a very good collection. £70/£80
1907 1957-8 POSTAGE DUES on cover, group of underpaid envs. from more obscure offices, three with 2c or 3c dues, other with TOO LATE cachet. Clean & fine (4). £30/£40
1908 ✱ Stockpages with KGV/KGVI issues. 1917 KGV values to 2r 25 (13) with shades. 1921 Values to 2r 25 (21) with shades. 1938 KGVI chiefly ordinary paper with values 5r (19) Mint. £100/£120
1909 ✱ 1872/1949 Stock pages with a collection of 195+ stamps Cat. £1400. QV to 1/(40), Edward to 1/- (33), KGV to 5/- (80) Inc. 1921 Defins. to 5/- mint. Wilberforce to 5/- mint. KGVI 1938 Defin. Set Mint. A good range of issues chiefly mint. £350/£380
1910 ✱ 1933 Wilberforce £1. SG180. VFM. £300/£320
1911 ✱ 1933 Wilberforce 10/- + £1. Top Values. VFM. SG179/180. £400/£450
1912 ✱ 1933 Wilberforce 10/-. SG17. VFM. £150/£160
1913 ✱✱ 1933 Wilberforce 5/-. SG187. Brilliant Marginal UM. £120/£130
1914 ✱ 1937/49 KGVI Collection, Coronation. 1938 Defin. set of 16, Victory, S/Wedding, UPU. Fresh mint. £60/£70
1915 ✱✱ 1953/82 QEII Collection on Stockpages with 670 stamps UM. A very good range of 1965/71 SA Sets Inc. Scouts. 1968 Human Rights with different territories. 1980 Birds with different printing. A very fine collection £120/£150
1916 ✱ KGVI LOT (30) all fresh mint Inc. 1938 defins to £1, Wedding £1 ETC. Nice group. £60/£70
1917 ✱ ✱✱ 1948/2004 Fine Collection Housed In Two Albums KGVI 1948 Perf. 14 Set Mint. Silver Wedding UM. 1955 QEII Defin. Set Mint. Many Commem Sets seem to be UM from the mid 1970’s. A fine collection of 1000 stamps+ 69 MS/Sheetlets. A great project to complete.
1918 ✱✱ 1953/84 QEII Collection UM On Stockpages (25) with 500 Stamps. Seen 1962 Defin. with different printings. 1968 Defin’s. with different printings. 1969 Founding Set. 1971 Satellite Set. 1977 Defin. Set. A very fine collection with extensive Commems. Sets. £160/£180
1919 ✱✱ 19845/92 Stockbook with a random collection of stamps and MS with blocks, Se-tenant strips STC £150. A useful range of 60 items unmounted mint. £60/£70
1920 * Early Picture Postcard “Reprints” 85 mainly unused, odd used with a good variety of views Inc. Race Course, Newton Station, Buket Timah Station, Tank Road Station, View of Newbridge Road. A very interesting lot.
1921 * Early Picture Postcards “Reproductions” unused (90). An interesting collection with many different views from around Singapore.
1922 ✱ KGVI Range On A Stockcard. 1948 P14, 3c, 8c, 50c, $5, P17½ 1c to $2 (ex 50c). 1949 S/Wedding, UPU. Mint. Cat. £530+. £160/£180
1923 ✱✱ 1919/2010 A fine collection of 600+ Stamps and 39 MS/Sheetlet in Two Lindner Hingless Album with many complete sets chiefly UM (odd Mint). A fine collection in Two quality Albums. £300/£350
1924 ✱ 1943/50 KGVI ovpt. issues 1943 set of 9. 1948 set of 11. 1950 set of 11 fresh mint. £40/£50
1925 ✱ 1903 QV ovpts at base on India, SG.18/24, VFM (7). (Photo) £220/£250
(New York).
1926 ✱ 1912-19 KGV wmk Mult Crown CA set plus a couple of shades, several low values with controls, SG.60/72, VFM (15). (Photo) £120/£150
1927 ✱ 1921 KGV wmk Script CA set, SG.73/85, VFM (13). (Photo) £100/£120
1928 1942 KGVI Definitive set of 12 VFU. £25/£30
1929 ✱✱ 1953/60 QEII 1953 Defin. set of 12. 1957 and 1959 Ovpt. Sets UM. £40/£50
1930 ✱ KGVI 1942 set of 12, Victory set of 2. 1951 New Currency Set all mint. £40/£50
1931 ✱ QEII 1953 Pictorial set of 12. 1957/60 ovpt. sets of 2. SG137/152 mint. £45/£50
1932 1913 KGV Definitive Set used SG3/17 note 2/6d, 5/-, 10/- and £1 fine used and 1½d Tetebeche pair. £120/£150
1933 ✱ 1930 1d black & carmine, type I, wmk upright, booklet pane of 6 complete with binding margin, SG.43 (ex SG.SB7 or 8), fine mint, scarce pane. £50/£60
1934 ✱ 1930 DARMSTADT TRIAL, 1d NO WATERMARK and ungummed, two complete rows, block of 24, as SG.43 (see footnote), Union Handbook DT13, fine, cat.£600. Superb, large multiple. £200/£250
1935 ✱ 1930/50 Official Pairs Mint with better picking 1948 10/- SGO27. 1948 5/-, 10/- Official at left SGO28, 29. 1949 1½d reading upwards SGO34. 1950 ½d to 10/- (9). A fine lot of 28 pair Cat. £1200+. £350/£400
1936 ✱✱ 1930-44 ½d black & green, wmk upright, PAPER JOIN VARIETY across a block of 4, SG.42var, UM. £120/£150
1937 ✱ 1930-441d black & carmine, type I, wmk upright, block of four with perforations shifted downwards & to right, SG.43var, hinged on margin, stamps VFM. £40/£50
1938 ✱✱ 1930-441d black & carmine, type I, wmk upright, corner pair with perforations shifted downwards, SG.43var, hinged on margin, stamps UM. £30/£40
1939 ✱✱ 1930-441s brown & deep blue, wmk inverted, TWISTED HORN FLAW in a corner marginal pair, SG.48dw, hinged on margin, stamps UM. £150/£180
1940 ✱✱ 1930-442d slate-grey & lilac, wmk inverted, corner marginal block of 6 with large, grey ink drag down three stamps, SG.44bw var, UM, gum lightly toned, does not detract. Eyecatching variety. £150/£180
1941 ✱✱ 1930-442d slate-grey & lilac, wmk upright, corner marginal block of 6 with PAPER JOIN VARIETY across middle pair, SG.44var, hinged in margin, stamps UM. £200/£250
1942 ✱ 1930-442s6d green & brown, wmk inverted, SG.49aw, superb mint. £120/£140
1943 ✱ 1930-443d blue, wmk upright, issue 2, ALL FOUR CORNERS from the sheet in blocks of 6, SG.45c, lower blocks hinged on top pair, upper blocks hinged margins only, most stamps fine UM. Great looking lot (4 blocks). £120/£150
1944 ✱✱ 1930-443d blue, wmk upright, issue 2, corner marginal block of 12 with INK FLAW on two stamps (R16-17/5), SG.45c, hinged on margins only, stamps fine UM. £80/£100
1945 ✱✱ 1930-443d blue, wmk upright, issue 2, sheet number (in blue) block of 4, SG.45c, fine UM. £30/£40
1946 ✱ 1930-443d blue, wmk upright, issue 2, top margin arrow block of 4 & bottom margin arrow block of 6 (without Window Flaw), SG.45c, VFM, hinged on top margin or top pair only (2 blocks). £70/£90
1947 1930-44 4d brown, wmk upright, SPEAR FLAW, SG.46b, fine mint. £220/£260
1948 ✱ 1930-446d green & orange, wmk inverted, LARGE GREEN INK FLAW across pair, also has constant variety, Orange in Frame (R3/2), SG.47var, mint. £100/£120
1949 ✱ 1930-446d green & orange, wmk upright, SPLIT TREE VARIETY in a corner marginal pair, SG.47w var, good mint. £50/£60
1950 ✱ 1930-44 BLOCKS & VARIETIES
COLLECTION, unhyphenated definitives, we see ½d five items with constant varieties, block of 4 with paper join, 1d value with A, B (x2 opposite English & Afrikaans), D & E, Darmstadt Trials with no frame & no vignette, 2d wmk upright blocks, all four arrow blocks and three corner blocks, 3d black & red wmk inverted, all four corners plus vertical strip of 4 with control A, 4d redrawn, three items, note corner block of 10 with Ghost Arrow, 6d wmk inverted all four corners, 2s6d blue & brown, seven corner blocks incl. all four corners. Odd fault, but most is clean & generally fine (46 items).
1951 ✱ 1933-48 ½d grey & green, coil stamp P13½x14, block of 12 (6x2) with missing perf hole variety in two positions on each row, SG.54b, VFM, most stamps UM. £80/£100
1952 ✱ 1934/54 Official with values to 10/- as pairs. 1935 ½d, 1d, 1½d Wmk. Inverted, 1½d Blue and Green and Dull Gold. 1937/44 ½d ovpt. Up and down. 1950 most values to 2/6d and 10/-. A fine group of pairs, Mint. £180/£200
1953 * 1937 FIRST FLIGHT COVER for South Africa to UK, Flying Boat service, cover franked 6d with various KGVI Coronation commems, clean & fine. £25/£35
1954 ✱ ✱✱ 1937/60 Varieties/Flaw Stockpages with flaws identified Fly Speck’s, damaged frames, Heavy printing, Victory Barbed Wire Flaw, Royal Visit Princess Black Eye variety. A fine collection of 270+ items need writing up as a study. Chiefly mint. £280/£300
1955 ✱ 1938/39 Fine Mint Collection of Voortrekker and Huguenot, Commem with sets corner blocks, Cat. £500+. £50/£60
1956 ✱ 1943/50 KGVI Postage Due Sets. 1943 Unit set of 4. 1948 set of 5. 1950 set of 6 fresh mint. £70/£80
1957 ✱✱ 1953/93 QEII Collection on Stockpages or Pages UM with many defin sets. Extensive Commem Sets with the odd MS. Seen 1961-1974 Defins. with Shades and different printings with over 760 Stamps + 9 MJS. A very fine collection. £120/£140
1958 ✱✱ 1961/83 Cylinder Blocks of Four all definitive issues perfect UM. An extensive collection of 180+ different Cylinder blocks very good 1961 definitives with all values to 1R (many different numbers). 1974 series and 1982 Buildings. Highly recommended. £200/£240
1959 ✱✱ 1977 Definitive issue the Protea series 1c to 2R plate block collection all perfect UM over 100 different plus other interesting blocks, Coil strips with numbers printed on gummed side etc. Very fine. £100/£120
1960 ✱ ✱✱ A fine collection from 1913 Inc. 1913 Coil Stamps Mint. 1925 Air Set Mint. Jipex Sheets (14) for Plating Mint. War Effort both sets mint. 1949 1½d with extended rigging variety. A good lot of 290+ Stamps/Units, 15 MS. Mint or UM. £180/£200
1961 Back of the Book Officials/Postage Due many with minor Varieties/Flaws, Booklets identified, seen many overprints with broken letters, note 1930 2/6d Official with Men on the Hill variety. 1950 Postage Due 2d block one stamp with thick 2d SGD40a. 1937 Booklets (6). An interesting lot of 120 items mainly Mint/UM. £120/£140
1962 & BRAND NEW Luxurious pair of boxed SG Hingeless Albums for Union and Republic issues (upto 1984) in sealed packages. Retail £180+. £60/£70
1963 ✱ ✱✱ KGV/KGVI Collection a small but very useful collection JIPEX MS ½d (13) Inc. 1 used, 1d (22) Inc. 2 used and 2 Firs Day Covers. 1933 Voortrekker set as pairs, mint 1938 Voortrekker Set Mint. 1939 Huguenot Set Mint. 1941 War Effort Set 2d, 1/- pairs, ½d to 1/3d blocks of 4 UM with values to 5/-. A good lot of 90 items. Cat. £500. £100/£120
1964 ✱ KGVI Period Back Of The Book Issues. Officials to 10/- note 10/- SGO27, O29, O51. 1943 Postage Dues Set. 1948 Due Set. A good lot Cat. £1300+ mint. £350/£400
1965 ✱ KGVI Period Collection On Printed Pages and Stockcard with values to 10/-, a range of defins. to 10/- as pairs (18). 1938 Veertrekker Sets, Huquenots Set, both War Effort Sets. A fine collection with issues to 1950 (Cat. £600+) mint. £150/£180
1966 * Officials used on Covers (6) 1953 OHMS Env. with 1/-, 2/6d, 10/- singles on cover sent to Canada. 1953 Env. with 1d block of Six. 1954 Illustr. Env. with a pair of 6d officials. 1945 IDVSM/OHMS Env. with 2d official sent to England. £60/£70
1967 Old Stockpages/Album Pages with mainly KGVI period issues Inc. Defin. to 10/-, note 2d SG63a as a block of 8, 10/- SG64c and 64ca (x2) Mint, 1/- Official as composite pairs. Jipex MS Study ½d 7 mint. 3 on Covers, 1d 10 mint on Cover plus a few on pieces. 1950’s Study of flaw on Commem Issues. a fine collection of KGVI Commem. A very good collection of 700+ items. £250/£300
1968 * Postal History chiefly QV to KGV period. 1882 Env. to UK with Cape 1d (x 6). 1898 Postal about St. Helena, sent to USA. 1904 1d Env. from Natal sent to Transvaal. 1902 Pictorial Card sent to Scotland. An interesting lot for study 50+ items. £180/£200
1969 Unmounted mint or stock pages with sets inc ovpt’ed defins to 500f, ovpt’ed commems inc Olympics, World cup winners, peace, a good lot of 100 different stamps. £60/£70
1970 ✱ 1565 Roulette 1d SG22 fresh mint. £50/£60
1971 1855 1d SG1 FU, just about Four margins with good strike of the Grill Cancellation, thinning. Cat. £500. £60/£70
1972 1855 6d First issue SG3 as a FU pair, Good margins, Just touching top right corner, Vibrant colour. Fine multiple. £150/£180
1973 ✱ 1855 QV 2d SG2 Mint. Large part OG, full margins hinge remains. Excellent appearance for this classic. £240/£280
1974 1856 2d Imperf. SG9 as a VFU PAIR, Substantial, Large margins, Very fine. £60/£70
1975 1856 2d Imperforate. Two fine, Four margin examples, one with worn impression, other with neat CDS. SG8/9. £60/£65
1976 1856 Pair 2d SG9 VFU with crisp void Duplex cancels, Good margins, Just shaving NW corner. £40/£50
1977 1856/58 Imperforate Second Issues (5) presentable used group (5), 1d, 2d (2), 6d, 1/SG5/12 Cat. £1400 mixed margins. £100/£120
1978 * 1857 Front Registered From Adelaide to Castlemaine franked 3 x 6d (SG3) Good margins. Numerous Postal Markings! Peripheral damage. Unusual. £180/£200
1979 ✱ 1858 Roulette 1d SG13 fine unused vibrant colour Cat. £1000. £100/£120
1980 ✱ 1860 Roulette 1d SG21 Fresh mint. A fine example. £60/£70
1981 ✱ 1860 Roulette 1d SG22 fresh mint. £60/£70
1982 1860/1869 Second Roulette issue (SG19/43) A FU assembly (26) with as listed shades Inc. 1d (5), 4d Wmk var. 6d (5), Ten Pence ovpt. Inc. SG37 as VFU pair, 1/- (5 diff.) and 2/good lot. Request scan. £220/£240
1983 ✱ 1865 Roulette 1/- SG42 mint, traces of OG. Elusive. £60/£70
1984 1867 PENCF For PENCE 10d on 9d ovpt. Variety FU. SG36 £40/£45
1985 1867/70 The Perf./Roulette issues. A FU set of 6 between SG51/60 Inc. very fine 4d SG55, Ten Pence ovpt etc. £80/£90
1986 1868 ERROR OF WATERMARK 10d on 9d SG78a FU with dated CDS, slightly trimmed. A sound example of this rarity Cat. £2000. Ceremuga Certificate. £360/£400
1987 1868 Using Old Stock - Roulette Stamp Perforated 2d SG47 FU, Thin Cat. £650. Scarce. £50/£60
1988 1868 Using Old Stock, Imperforate 2d perforated SG44 FU with neat CDS. Seldom offered. £360/£400
1989 1868/74 Departmental HA (House of Assembly) 1/- (Perf. X Roul.). Fu. £60/£70
1990 1868/74 Departmental LT (Land Title) 6d Perf. 10 x Imperf. Fine and scarce. £100/£120
1991 1868/74 Departmental LT (Land Title) 6d Perf. X Roul. FU. £100/£120
1992 1868/74 Departmentals P (Police). A selection of 7 2d FU with various types of Perfs. Roulette etc. A fine group. £100/£110
1993 1868/76 The 1d + 2d issues (Between SG152/165). A FU lot of 20. An interesting group Inc. Wmk. Reversed variants, 1d SG154, Perf. 10x Roulette 2d pair, Wmk. Star 2d VFU strip of 3 SG164 and scarce perf x Roulette 2d SG165. Good group. £180/£200
1994 ✱ 1869 Chalon 1/- SG83 fine mint. £50/£60
1995 ✱ 1869 QV 1/- SG83 fine mint. £70/£75
1996 ✱ 1871 Perf. 10 1d SG90 fine mint. Scarce. £100/£110
1997 1874 Official 4d SGO1. Sound FU. £150/£180
1998 1874/80 OFFICIALS a FU selection (12) Inc. VARIETIES 1d overprint inverted SGO43a, 2d No stops after O and S singles and 2d overprint inverted SGO44a . Sound/FU. £100/£120
1999 1876/1885 Penny + Two Pence issues FU Inc. Victorian Paper 2d SG166 FU (2), 1d SG169 as FU pair. 1882 ½d on 1d mint block Four with DROPPED P variety etc. Good group (20).
2000 1877 2d wmk 13 SG172 FU with double perforation error. Unusual. £60/£70
2001 ✱ 1881/95 Officials VFM (3) 4d SGO16, 1/SGO30 + 2/- SGO35. An attractive trio. Cat.£340+. £80/£90
2002 1882/1895 OFFICIALS Fu WITH VARIETIES AND DIFFERENT LISTED Perfs. (21 stamps) Inc. ½d + 2½d ovpts, set to 6d, No stop after S varieties ½d, 1d, 2½d, 5d + 6d all FU. A sound and highly Cat. lot. £150/£180
2003 ✱ 1886 High values perf. 11½ printings VFM (3) 2/6d, 5/- and 10/- SG195A, 196AB + 197A. £180/£200
2004 ✱ 1886/1896 High value set of 14 (inc. both £5) overprinted SPECIMEN fine mint SG195S/208S. Seldom offered. £800/£900
2005 1886-7 RAILWAY PARCELS STAMPS, 1d to 2s, 6d with shades of ultramarine, blue & deep blue, fine to very fine used (9). (Photo) £80/£100
2006 1886-7 RAILWAY PARCELS STAMPS, used accumulation incl. 1d (3), 2d (2), 4d (4), 6d (6), 9d (2), 1s (7) & 2s (13, incl. 3 pairs), mixed condition, some with faults, generally fine used (37). £110/£130
2007 ✱ 1891/1901 OFFICIALS OS Overprints Mint. highly catalogued selection (17) with values to 5d, ½d overprint inverted SGO80A, Wide settings etc. Scan advised. Good quality. £120/£150
2008 1891/1903 Officials a mostly fine used collection with better issues and varieties (41 stamps). 1891 1/- + 2/- issues Inc. 1/- No stop after S. 2/- different perfs. 1902 1/- (O36). 1895 Perf. 13 No stop after S varieties (3) Inc. 4d. 1899 2d with missing S in pair with normal OS inverted Inc. ½d mint. £150/£180
2009 1897 Official 2½d OS overprint No stop after S variety VFU in pair with normal. SGO75A. £50/£55
2010 1899 SO for OS Overprint varieties 1d mint. 2d + 4d FU (3). An unusual group of varieties. SGO81, O82 and O84 issues. £80/£90
2011 ✱ 1901 Wmk. SA set of 3 VFM. SG146/151 (3). £30/£35
2012 ✱ 1902/4 Tall type (thin lettering) set of 11 fine mint. (5/- is thick postage to make up set). SG268/279 Cat about £1000. £300/£360
2013 ✱ 1904 Tall type (thick letters) set of 9 VFM (£1 better perf. 12 printing). SG284/292. £360/£400
2014 ✱ 1906/12 Tall type (third set) fine mint. SG298/305 (8). £100/£110
2015 & - Departmental Stamps Butler RPS 176PP HB, DJ fine. £40/£50
2016 & - Long Stamps 1902/12 purves HB 206PP fine. £30/£40
2017 ✱ Valuable mint QV selection (41) 1879/1906 period. All different with values Cat. £60+ fine condition Inc. 1893 ovpts. noting 2½d p.15 SG233, sidefaces to 6d. 1894 Values to 2½d with different perf. types. Good lot. £180/£200
2018 ✱ 1923 KGV Ovpt. Set. (12 pairs) fine mint. SG29/40. £200/£240
2019 ✱ 1923 KGV set of pairs fine mint. SG1/12, 10/- is a corner marginal pair, slightly split (though intact), £1 shows broken S in South variety. A scarce set. £600/£700
2020 ✱ 1923/1931 POSTAGE DUES - A fine collection of mint Sets/Pairs with basic sets between SGD1/D51. (25 pairs + single issues). £100/£120
2021 1926/36 A fine mint selection of sets and pairs Inc. 1926 SG41/43. 1927 SWA set to 5/SG58/66. Airs. 1935 Jubilee Set and 1935 Memorial Set. SG92/95. Nice lot. £100/£110
2022 ✱ 1927 KGV 1/3d + £1 SG56/57 fine mint. £60/£65
2023 ✱ 1927 Officials First Set Fine Mint. (1d Two Singles), 3 pairs + 2 singles. SGO/O4. £150/£170
2024 ✱ 1927 Set as Se-Tenant pairs VFM. SG49/54 (6 pairs). £80/£90
2025 ✱ 1927/1931 Officials - A fine mint selection (14 different pairs) with all different ovpt. setting Inc. 1927 ½d + 6d first issues. SGO1 + O4. 1931 Set O13/O16 etc. £100/£110
2026 ✱ 1931 Pictorial Set as fine mint pairs. SG74/87 (14). £100/£110
2027 ✱ 1937/49 KGVI Collection, Coronation, Voortrekker both sets, Huquenots, both War Effort Sets, Victory, Visit, UPU. 1952 Official Set. Mint. (Cat. £345). £90/£100
2028 ✱ 1937/52 KGVI period collection 1937 Mail Train Pairs SG96 (2) mint. Coronation Set Mint, Voortrekker and Huguenots Sets. War Effort large and small format Inc. imprinted Blocks and Shades, Royal Visit Set Inc. 3d Black Eyed Princess. A fine collection of 115 Units/Stamps Mint. £120/£140
2029 ✱ ✱✱ Old Pages/Stockcards with better pickings. KGV 1923 ovpts. to £1 note 5/- (2 singles) £1 (2 singles). 1931 Pictorials to 20/- as pairs. Set of 14, Commem Sets, Voortrekke, Huguenot, War Effort, both size’s. A good lot of 190 to 1953 Mint/UM. £150/£180
2030 ✱ Varieties Stockpages with chiefly KGVI with minor varieties identified, seen Fly Specks, Royal Visit Bird on “2”, Black Eyed Princess, War Effort with variety of flaws,. A fine collection that would make a great display, over 220 items. Chiefly mint. £180/£200
2031 ✱ 1901 QV Set fine mint. SG1/9 (9). £110/£120
2032 ✱ 1903 First Edward Set Mint. 10/- VF, £1 specimen ovpt. others generally good. Key set. SG10/20, normal CV £675 (11). £100/£110
2033 ✱ 1904 Edward Set Fine Mint. SG21/32 (12). High values are particularly nice. £240/£250
2034 ✱ 1907/11 Edward Set Mint. SG45/56 (12). High values fine quality, odd small imperfection on lower vals. £150/£170
2035 ✱ 1912 KGV Set Fine Mint. SG45/56 (120). £130/£140
2036 ✱ 1924 KGV set of 14 SG1/14 fresh mint. £90/£100
2037 1924-64 USED COLLECTION, mounted on pages, complete run with many additional stamps incl. scarce 1929 1d P12½ coil (with machine cut at base), all perfs of 1931-7 Field Marshal defins, also 1940 BSAC “ingot” version of 1½d featuring Rhodes, SG.1/105, good to fine used, note some fiscally used (not counted), plus some Revenue stamps, cat.£2000+ (150+).
2038 ✱ 1931/35 KGV collection inc 1931 definitive with all the different perf types (33) inc all three 1/-, both 1/6d, both 2/6d also both falls sets and 1937 Jubilee set a valuable collection cat over £1000. 41 stamps mint. £300/£350
2039 ✱ 1931/35 KGV mint 1931 Set (5/- crease). 1932 falls and 1935 Jubilee all sets SG15/34 Cat. £250 (22). £60/£70
POSTCARDS group incl. ½d Admiral used locally in Salisbury 1931, two ½d Field Marshal cards, one uprated and posted to Germany, other unused, 1931 1½d unused card, 1937 unused ½d card, good to fine (5 postcards). £60/£70
2041 ✱✱ 1937 Unusual Collection KGVI blocks with requisition numbers ½d, 1d (19), 1½d (2) with upto 18 stamps UM would make a good display item. £60/£70
2042 ✱ 1937/50 KGVI collection of 39 stamps. Coronation, definitives, Golden Jubilee, Royal visit, Victory, UPU, Matabeleland, Diamond Jubilee. Note matabeleland line under saddle bag, brim retouched. A fine collection mint. £60/£70
2043 ✱ 1937/50 KGVI Collection of Sets, Coronation, 1937 Defins. 1940 G/Jubilee set of 8, both Royal Visit Sets. 1951 Postage Due Set. A fine group of 43 stamps mint, each different. £50/£60
2044 * 1947 RECEIPTS for the “Church of the Province of South Africa” in the “Diocese of Southern Rhodesia,” each paid with 1947 1d Victory stamp, for September & October 1947, spike holes, otherwise good to fine (2). £40/£50
2045 ✱ 1953 QEII definitive set, Rhodes set, exhibition and coronation sets fresh mint. £40/£50
2046 ✱✱ 1953/64 QEII UM Rhodes, Coronation. 1953 Defin’s. to 5/-. 1964 Defin. set of 14 very fresh. 33 Stamps. £40/£50
2047 Old Pages with a fine used collection. 1924 Admirals to 2/6d (13). 1931 Defins. to 5/- (16) unchecked for printings. 1935 S/Jubilee Set. KGVI complete run of the basic sets. A few QEII issues Inc. 1964 Defin. Set. 1951 Postage Due Set. A fine collection of 100+ stamps and a Cover and Card. £200/£250
2048 ✱✱ 1937 TAFALLA Benefit Stamps. As intact Sheetlets of 20 with serial numbers Imperf. and Perf. Inc. ovpt. issues all fine UM. Not seen before. £75/£80
2049 ✱✱ 1937/38 A collection of 24 different MS/Sheetlets most UM Inc. sets Inc. Nerja (3) with Airmail designs. Montcada and others. £80/£85
2050 ✱ ✱✱ 1937/38 A selection of 13 MS/Sheetlets Inc. Catalunna Set of 4 Ondara Airmail Sheet. Rodanas issues with ovpts. Some with serial numbers. £50/£60
2051 ✱ ✱✱ 1937/38 MS or Sheetlets (17 different) M/UM Inc. Sets of Sheets noting Pro Coin - Malaga Issue, Vinebre with inverted stamp, Belchite, Los Valles Airmails (3). Imperf,/Perf. Also the Banknotes. £75/£80
2052 ✱✱ 1937/38 Private Civil War Period MS/Sheetlets. A fine mostly UM collection of 27 different Inc. sets of issues Imperf./Perf. issues Inc. issues for Seville. Benefit sheets, Madrid etc. £80/£85
2053 ✱ ✱✱ 1937/39 A fine lot of MS/Sheetlets (16 different) M/UM Inc. set of Four Sheets depicting the Autogiro Airmail issue of 1938, Propaganda etc. Unusual material. £75/£80
2054 ✱✱ 1937/43 A fine selection of 8 private sheetlets M/UM Rincon pair imperf. and Roul, pair of Seville sheets in different colours. 1943 450th Anniversary of Barcelona (2 different). £60/£70
2055 ✱ ✱✱ 1937/45 Propaganda Stamp Sheetlets Inc. Civil War. Very fine M/UM lot of 15 different Inc. 7th Anniversary and Republic Airmail Ovpt. Sheet. Madrid multi coloured sheetlet. Pro Madrid Sheetlets of 8 (2 different) etc. Fine lot. £80/£90
2056 ✱ 1940/45 Liberation of Barcelona Private Stamp Sheets Mint. A fine collection of 13 different. £90/£95
2057 ✱✱ 1945 Sheetlet ovpt. Navidad 1945 UM. Edifil NE32. £50/£60
2058 An Old Stamp Lot mostly used Inc. Press Association Airmail Set VFU. SG801/815. 1936 Stamp Exhibition 10c SG817 VFU. Printing Study of The 1936 Isabella Definitive Issues with varieties, General material. £75/£80
2059 * Civil War Propaganda Postcards (4), 3 are German issue with unified context, Two depict Franco, one with local ovpts. used on obverse. £100/£120
ANTIFASCISTE Propaganda Stamp Sheetlets 1930/40’s exceptional lot of 38 different sheetlets of Four, many as sets. Unusual and seldom seen. £200/£220
2061 & - Town Censor Marks 1936/45 Heller HB (1982) 384PP. Fine. £30/£40
2062 ✱ ✱✱ MS and Sheetlets with Postage Issues M/UM. 1930’s mostly Inc. issues for Spanish Colonies with Morocco and Cape Juby and Offices in Africa. 1938 Monument Sheet with Lineas ovpt. 1936 2PTA Orange Building Sheet and others (23 sheets). £100/£110
2063 ✱ ✱✱ MS/Sheetlets 1937/38 a fine lot of 17 different, mostly different as groups Inc. Anti Fascist Issues. M/UM. £60/£70
2064 ✱ ✱✱ Set of Three Luxury Boxed Lighthouse Hingeless Albums for 1936/2000 with the exceptional chiefly UM assembly, substantially complete after 1955 1000’s of Stamps and MS many highlighted 1937 uprising MS (perf.). 1939/41 Airmail Sets. 1940/49 Both Franco defin sets. 1940’s Commem Sets. Later defin. sets. Exceptional. £600/£650
2065 SPAIN (2000+) excellent lot much is fu but there is a selection of mint on stockpages, extensive variety of material a good lot. £120/£140
2066 * Spanish Civil War Postal History Selection (10), all different usages of Civil War Stamps and Censor HS. A good group. £100/£110
2067 * SPANISH CIVIL WAR The Postal History Collection. 62 selected items with notes on pages. All different with country wide censor cancels and usages of Civil War Stamps. Many interesting and better grade Covers here. WhatsApp Video or sample scans advised. Very good. £600/£650
2068 ✱ 1897 Egypt ovpt. set fine mint. SG1/9 (8). £80/£90
2069 ✱ 1898/1903 Arab Postman both sets good to fine mint SG10/17, 18/28 + 29 (20) odd small fault, bright colours. £80/£90
2070 ✱ 1905 Army 1m SGA3 fine mint. £80/£85
2071 ✱ 1905 Army ovpt. 1m SGA4 VFM. £100/£110
2072 ✱ 1906 SPECIMEN ovpts. high value set of 3 fine mint. SGA14S/A16S. £60/£65
2073 ✱ 1908 Army Service ovpt. Set overprinted Specimen mint. SGA14S/A16S (3). £70/£75
2074 1921/35 Complete Sets fine mint. 1921 + 1927 both Postman Sets SG37/46B. 1931 Airmails. 1935 Air Surch Set SG68/73. Nice (40). £70/£80
2075 ✱ 1937/51 KGVI Period Collection of 130 Stamps, Inc. 1941 Tuti Island Set, Postman Sets, Official Sets 1948, 1950, surcharge issues. A fine collection (Cat. £1300) mint. £500/£550
2076 ✱✱ 1948 Complete sheet stamp jubilee 2p SG112 plate “2” UM. £30/£40
2077 ✱ Back Of The Book Issues. A collection mostly fine mint with sets. Postage Dues 1897/1927 Sets, Officials with 1903 values to 10p. Army Service Inc. fine example of the scarce 5p. SGA12. (30). £150/£180
2078 KGVI period range of 78 stamps FU inc postman to 20p, Tuti Island, 2m to 10p (11) officials to 20p. A very useful range. £60/£70
2079 SUDAN (300+) mostly FU though noted Mounted Postman to 20Pi mint. Airmails etc. An attractive range. £70/£80
2080 ✱✱ 1889 First issue ½d SG4 as a superb UM block of 12 (2x 6). Scarce multiple. £80/£90
2081 ✱ 1889/1892 Coat of Arms ovpts. mint (7) Inc. 6d SG6. 5/- SG8 (fine) and ½d SG10 small faults but key value fine. £100/£120
2082 ✱ 1890 Coat of Arms 5/- ovpt. fine mint. SG8. £80/£85
2083 ✱ 1933/35 KGV fresh mint sets. 1933 to 10/SG11/20, Jubilee Set and Dues. (16). £100/£110
2084 ✱ 1937/49 KGVI Collection Of Sets, Coronation. 1938 Defin. set of 11, Victory, Visit, S/Wedding, UPU. Mint. £55/£60
2085 ✱ ✱✱ 1938 KGVI Definitive Set with Shades and different perf. types Inc. 2/6d (3), 5/- (3), 10/(2). A fine collection of 26 Stamps fresh Mint/UM. £120/£150
2086 ✱✱ 1938 KGVI Extensive Collection of this issue, ½d (3), 1d (2), 1½d (3), 2d, 3d (5), 4d (2), 6d (4), 1/- (2), 2/6d (3), 5/- (2), 10/- (2) between SG28 and SG38a. Only missing 2d SG31 and 5/- SG37a UM. £180/£200
2087 ✱✱ 1953/82 QEII Collection UM On Stockpages (23) with 430 Stamps. 1962 Defin. with Shades. 1968 Independence Set with Shades, Wildlife, Defin. Sets. 1980 Flower defin’s. Extensive Commem. Sets. A fine collection. £90/£100
2088 ✱ 1961 QEII New Currency Set. SG65/77a. Fresh Mint. £30/£35
2089 1961 R2 on £1, type II surcharge at bottom, SG.77b, VFU, cancelled to order. £220/£240
2090 ✱ Cards with a valuable range of 59 stamps seen KGV 10/- SG20 mint (c£140), Transvaal arm ovpts ½d, 1d, 2d mint, 1938 KGVI definitive to 10/(26) mint unchecked for printings. Chiefly mint collection a few fu. £200/£220
2091 ✱ ✱✱ Early QEII Collection of 180+ Stamps 1956/68. 1956 Pictorial set of 12. 1961 New Currency Set to 1r (20) each different. 1962 Pictorial set of 16. 1968 Independence set of 19, Mint/UM. £100/£120
2092 ✱ KGVI VFM selection (22) different printings Inc. all values to 10/- (2) SG28/38A. £55/£60
2093 * Airmail 1930’s printed Env. with Postverkets Frankoteckens Expedition, sent to Holland, Airmail Labels Official Env. with Gothenbury Flight Special Cancel. An interesting group of 6 items. £30/£40
2094 SWEDEN (1000+) Solid collection with older issues & fine ranges almost entirely fine used fine pickings. £60/£80
2095 1890-1990 USED COLLECTION neatly arranged ion a stock book, much in complete sets from 1956 to late 1980s, some light duplication, generally clean & fine (approx 1200). £60/£75
2096 ✱✱ 2000 Seldom seen as a sheetlet of 4 5F
Flower Embroidery SGMS1461 UM. £100/£120
2097 * Display pages with Frama Labels, a fine collection of 90 Labels + 15 Covers, Inc. proper usage on Covers, Specimens. A fine interesting lot. £60/£70
2098 1920-125p on 50c, Aleppo Vilayet issue with rosettte ovpt in red, SG.54B, VFU. £75/£90
2099 ✱ 1923-36 MINT ISSUES incl.1923 defins set of 17, 1924-5 defins set of 17, 1930-6 Pictorials defins most values to 100p, plus overprint variety 2p on 1p.25 pair and block of four, good to fine mint (60) £110/£130
2100 ✱ 1915 MAFIA ISLAND GR ovpts. 3Ps to 2a 6p SGM33/M37 fine mint (5). £180/£200
2101 ✱ 1917 GEA ovpt. 50r top value ovpt. SPECIMEN fine mint SG62S. £180/£200
2102 ✱ 1917 KGV GEA ovpt. Set, 1c to 20r SG45/61 fine mint Inc. both listed shades for 75c, 1r + 10r. Key set (19). £400/£450
2103 ✱ 1921/22 GEA KGV ovpt. sets fine mint. SG63/68 + 72/73 (8). £200/£220
2104 ✱ 1922/25 Giraffe Defins. Mint selection (17 different) Inc. 3/- 3/- Wmk sideways, £1 Wmk upright. 1925 New Colours Set, most are fine or better. SG74/92. £200/£220
2105 1922-410s black & deep blue, Giraffe, wmk upright, SG.87a, VFU, centred to right. £120/£140
2106 ✱ 1927/31 KGV Set Fine Mint. SG93/107. (16). £250/£280
2107 ✱ 1927-31 £1 black & brown-orange, SG.107, VFM. £140/£160
2108 1853 Octagonal 4d (Fine Impression) SG5 cut to shape ON PIECE with superb complete 18 duplex (Campbell Town). £100/£120
2109 1853 Octagonal 4d SG8 VFU cut square, large even margins, crisp 11 duplex (Avoca). Very fine. £220/£250
2110 1853 Octagonal 4d SG8 with triangle OFFICIAL PUNCTURE very fine cut square 4 close to good margins 18 duplex of Campbell Town. A scarce official. £220/£250
2111 1853/54 Octagonal 4d group of 3 used, cut to shape, mixed condition, one on piece with 18, 44 + 64 duplex Pmks. Cat. £1300+. (3).
2112 1855 Wmk. Star First Chalons FU Set (4), 1d 3 margins, 2d sound Four full margins, 4d VFU 4 margin and 4d shade 3 margin. A fine and appealing set. SG14, 16, 17, 18. c£1600.
2113 1856 No Wmk. 1d SG19 sound FU almost Four margins. Clear profile. Cat. £650. £65/£70
2114 ✱ 1857 Chalon 2d no Wmk. SG22 fine mint 4 margins, much OG. A fine example of this classic. £650/£750
2115 ✱ 1857 Chalon 2d SG32 mint, original gum. Touching at various points. A fresh colour and scarce mint. SG32. £90/£95
2116 1857 Chalons - An unused trio of 1d Reds stated to be SG26, 27, 28, one is full Four margins, others touching min. CV £1400. £80/£90
2117 1857/60 Chalons unused selection 4d + 6d (3-different shades) assumed cleaned, mixed margins. Attractive (4). £60/£70
2118 ✱ 1858 Chalon 1/- SG41 fresh unused (not cleaned) cut square, touching at one minute point. Cat. £950 mint. £60/£70
2119 ✱ 1858 Chalon 2d SG33 fresh unusedexcellent colour and scarce just touching at Two points. Cat. £1000 mint. £100/£110
2120 ✱ 1860 Chalon 2d SG34 fresh mint with OG, 3 margins, shaved at left. Superb colour. £90/£95
2121 ✱ 1863 Chalon 1d SG28 fresh mint unusually with large part OG 3 margins. £80/£90
2122 1863 Postal Fiscal 3d postal used P10 sound SGF8 also 5/- Fiscal used SGF10. (2). £50/£60
2123 ✱ 1863/68 An apparently fresh unused selection of Chalon Classics (8)STC £2200+ as mint all different with 1d (3), 4d, 6d + 1/- (2). Request scan. £100/£120
2124 ✱ 1864 Chalon 1/- SG68 fine mint, part OG, Sound example. Scarce. £100/£120
2125 ✱ 1864 Chalon 1d P10 SG57 mint with OG. £50/£60
2126 1864/68 Perf. 12½ Chalons SG80/90 group FU lot of (6) Inc. 2d (possibly unused), Very fine 6d + 1/-. £75/£80
2127 ✱ 1865 Chalon 6d SG76 fresh mint OG. Absolutely correct. Fine. £100/£120
2128 ✱ 1865 Chalon 6d SG76 Fresh Mint, Deep Shade, Marginal full OG. Very fine. £100/£120
2129 ✱ 1865 Chalon 6d SG76 fresh mint, OG, An excellent example. £100/£120
2130 1866 Imperf X Oblique Roulette 4d SG91 FU with neat 64 duplex. A sound example of a rare local issue. £400/£500
2131 1870/1899 QV Sideface Issues + others extensive collection on pages arranged by printings and perfs. Mostly FU between SG127/236 Inc. 1d Wmk. 4 SG128, 2d Inv. Wmk. Values to 10d. 1871 Perf.11 set to 5/- postal used, 4d SG147 FU on dated piece, Chalon 6d + 1/issues FU with shades SG135/143 and much more. Very high CV. Original lot (81). £300/£360
2132 ✱ 1871 Chalon 6d SG76 VFM (marginal). £100/£120
2133 1880 Postal Fiscal high value set of Four SGF22/F25. 2/6d, 5/- and 10/- with postal cancels 3d manuscript (unpriced postal used). A scarce set. £250/£300
2134 1880 Postal Fiscal High Values Perf. 12 with postal cancels 2/6d 5/- (both colours) + 10/(both colours) one 10/- is unused. A scarce assembly. SGF13/F17. £200/£240
2135 1880 Postal Fiscal Platypus Set FU (3d mint) SGF26/F29 (4). £30/£35
2136 1888 Postal Fiscal 2/6d SGF30 VFU (dated Pmk). £45/£50
2137 1892 QV Tablet Set to £1 fine used. Key £1 is with correct duplex Pmk. Scarce. SG216/225 (10). £200/£240
2138 ✱ 1899 View set fine mint SG229/236 (8) c£190. £60/£70
2139 1900 Postal Fiscal 10/- SGF33 Pen Stroke cancelled normal Cat. £750. £50/£60
2140 1900 Postal Fiscal 2/6d ovpt. VFU (1902 dated Pmk) SGF32. £180/£200
2141 1900 Revenue £1 ovpt. SGF39 VFU. Choice. £110/£120
2142 ✱ 1900 REVENUE 1d overprint double error VFM SGF36d. £150/£160
2143 1900 REVENUE 3d overprint double, one vertical error FU. SGF34a. £120/£130
2144 1900 Revenue 3d VFU pair on piece with complete Hobart Pmks. Attractive. Some foxing. SGF34. £35/£40
2145 1900 REVENUE Set of 3 fine used (6d upriced used) SGF36/F38. Correct postal type cancels. £200/£240
2146 1901/13 Official perfins OS + T fu specialised selection 74 fu on old pages mostly views to 6d sorted by size of perfins & numbers of perforation holes. An interesting assembly. £100/£120
2147 1902/1912 Collection with specialisation views issues with different printings and perfs. generally FU (60 stamps), noting 1905 series to 6d with various perf. types. 1905 Typo Set Inc. both perf. 6d FU, 2d compound FU. 1906 QV series Inc. 8d perf. 1) corner plate pair VFM. 1912 Final 3d SG262 etc. High CV. £180/£200
2148 ✱ 1905 Compound Perf. Variety 1d P.11 and P.12 SG250d fresh mint, Pencil on Reverse. Scarce. £60/£70
2149 1905 Compound Perforation Variety 3d Views SG253c fine used couple of blunt perfs. Seldom offered. £120/£150
2150 ✱ 1912 Compound Perf. (and double perf.) 1d on 2d Horiz. Pair VFM. SG260b. £110/£120
2151 CANCELLEATIONS DUPLEX PMKS. On QV issues (18) with all different numbers 57 to 95. Variety of different issues Inc. imperfs. Mixed condition also 8 stamps perforated A for federal usage. £70/£80
2152 & - Tinsley HB book (RPS) 1986 192 PP DJ. Fine, revenues & railways Craig/Ingles. Fine (2). £40/£50
2153 ✱ 1880 Crown CC set of Five fresh mint and sound (1d + 4d unused) scarce 6d + 1/- are fine stamps. Seldom offered. SG8/12 c£1060. £200/£240
2154 ✱ 1882/84 Crown CA set of 6 good to fine mint. Key 4d +6d are sound stamps. SG14/19. A scarce set (6). £200/£240
2155 ✱ 1883/96 Surcharge issues. A fine selection of all issues (8) fresh quality 1883 2½p SG13 (unused) and SG26/33 complete fine mint. Scarce stamps. £200/£240
2156 ✱ 1884 Revenue purpose crown CA Wmk. 3d (unused), 5/- (short corner - OG) and £1 fine mint. Barefoot 9, 12, 13. £180/£200
2157 ✱ 1885 QV CA Set Fine Mint. SG20/24c (6). £25/£30
2158 ✱ 1914 Yacht ovpts (3mm apart) 3Pf to 80Pf Set (8 - ex 50Pf rarity!) fresh mint. SGH1/H9. £450/£500
2159 ✱ 1914/15 A Group Of Yacht Overprints Mint (6). One Penny ovpt. SGH13. 1914 20Pf + 30Pf SGH17 + H19, ½d + 1d ovpts. H27 + H28. High CV. Fine. £80/£90
2160 ✱ 1915 KGV ovpt. set fine mint. SGH34/h46 (12). £150/£160
2161 ✱ 1916 KGV overprint set fine mint. SGH47/H58 (12). £150/£160
2162 TOGO (360+) Great range of Pictorials French Cols. And modern. £50/£60
2163 ✱✱ 1953/2011 Substantially complete UM, extensive modern sets and MS purchased on new issue with substantial CV. Many 100’s. £120/£150
2164 ✱ 1886/88 First King Issue SG1/4 fine mint group of 8 (2 of each value) offering various Printings/Shades. Good group. £100/£110
2165 ✱ 1891/1892 Early issues mint. Scarce group (7). 18914 4D 8D ovpts. SG5/6. 1891 Star ovpts. 1D (2) and 2D (2). 6D Orange SG9. High CV. £100/£110
2166 ✱ 1892 Set SG10/14 fresh Mint/Unused as issued. Key Set. (5). £80/£85
2167 1893 ½d on 1d dull blue, perf.12x11½, block of four, SG.19, fine used with NIUAFOOU pmks. £120/£140
2168 ✱ 1893 Both surcharge sets fine Mint/Unused as issued. SG15/20. 21/24B (11). Elusive stamps. £75/£80
2169 ✱ 1893 Official ovpt. Set Fine Mint SGO1/O5 (5). £100/£120
2170 ✱ 1893 Official Surch Set Fine Mint SGO6/O10. £60/£65
2171 1894 ½d on 1s brown, block of four with nice vertical shift of perfs, SG.22, fine used. £40/£50
2172 ✱ 1894 2½d on 1s blue-green, perf.12½ (SG.4a), horizontal pair, SG.24, fine mint. £60/£75
2173 ✱ 1895 1d on 2d horizontal pair, 1½d on 2d vertical pair, 2½d, SG.25/7, mint, mixed condition, cat.£320 (3 items). £60/£75
2174 ✱ 1895 7½d orange-yellow, block of 4, SG.35, fine mint. £90/£110
2175 ✱ 1895 7½d yellow, block of 4, SG.35a, fine mint. £90/£110
2176 ✱ 1895 King Set fine mint (Inc. both perfs. 5d) SG32/35. £70/£75
2177 ✱ 1895 MINT GROUP between SG.32/35a, incl. all values to 7½d yellow (x3), plus 5d perf.12 & perf.12x11 blocks of 4, the former affected by toning and has split perfs, latter good to fine (some minor toning on lower pair) also incl. 1d & 2½d (x2),fine used. Mixed condition, cat.£723 (13 + 2 blocks). £75/£90
2178 ✱ 1895 Surcharged Set SG25/28B (6) fine mint. Scarce. £100/£120
2179 ✱ 1895 Unissued surch set of 3 fine mint/unused SG29/31. £70/£80
2180 1897 1d black & scarlet, BISECTED, SG.39 (see footnote), VFU on small, neat piece with full c.d.s. pmk. £25/£35
2181 1897 pictorial defins set to 2s6d, plus 2½d with no fraction bar in “½” variety, SG.38/52, 43a, mostly fine used, some values with faults, cat.£242 (16). £60/£75
2182 ✱ 1897/1923 Fine group of complete sets fresh mint, highly catalogued. 1897 Defin. set SG38/53. 1899 Royal Wedding ovpt. 1920 Queen Set. 1923 Surch Set SG64/70 (31). £200/£240
2183 1899 1d black & scarlet “T - L” Royal Wedding ovpt in a block of four, SG.54, fine used with a single c.d.s. postmark. £120/£140
2184 ✱✱ 1953/74 QEII Collection on Stockpages with 560 stamps UM with lots of S/A Sets Inc. 1973 Scouting set of 13, Capt. Cook set of 13. a superb collection. £150/£180
2185 Old Packets with 1970’s sets all fine used identified and STC £380. A few 100 stamps. £80/£90
2186 ✱ 1925/1929 Postage Due Sets fine mint Palestine ovpt. sets SGD159/D164 + D165/D170. 1929 Ovpt. Set D183/D188 + 1929 Set D189/D194 (24). £100/£110
2187 1927 Collection of mostly complete sets fine mint Inc. constitution ovpts. SG172/182. 1930 Locust Campaign Set SG183/194. 1930 Set to £1 SG1943/207. 1933 Tourist Set to 100m SG208/218. 1943 Set to £1 etc. A comprehensive and fine lot (65). £400/£450
2188 ✱ 1902 Edward 10/- top value, fresh mint. SG255. £40/£45
2189 ✱ 1902 Edward Set fine mint SG244/255 (12). £120/£130
2190 ✱ 1902/1909 Edward mint selection (23) 1902 Inc. 2/- - 10/- high values SG252/255. 1904 with good chalk papers to 1/-. 1905 set of Four min.CV £490. £120/£140
2191 1903 Edward £1 + £5 high values ovpt. SPECIMEN fine mint also 1/- + 2/- from same series fresh mint SG256/257, 258S and 259S (4). £200/£220
2192 ✱ 1903 Edward £1 high value SG258 mint. £120/£140
2193 An interesting collection of 108 different mint issues unchecked Coat of Arms issues. 1878 QV series, ovpts. Inc. 1885 Vertical ovpts. small Arms to £5 (assumed reprints). VRI ovpts. to £5. 1907 Postage Due Set. Original lot. £250/£280
2194 ✱ 1851/55 Britannia set of Five different colours fresh mint part OG to large part OG all very fine Four margins. SG2,3,5,6 and 8. £130/£150
2195 ✱ 1851/60 Britannia Classics (1d) SG5, (1d) SG9 and (1d) SG20. All fine mint with full margins (3). £60/£65
2196 ✱ 1859 Britannia 4d SG25 + 1/- SG29 both fresh mint with Four margins. 4d is part OG. £85/£90
2197 1859 Britannia 6d SG28 sound FU with Four close margins, clear profile. Cat. £550. £100/£110
2198 1861 Britannia 1/- SG58 fresh unused. Scarce. Cat. £950. £90/£95
2199 ✱ 1862 Britannia 1d SG60 VFM. £60/£65
2200 ✱ 1863 Britannia 4d SG70 fresh mint. £60/£65
2201 ✱ 1863 Britannia Perf. 12½ Printings SG69/74 mint set of Nine 1d to 1/- (both colours) several unused, odd small fault but generally sound. Cat £950+ (9). £90/£95
2202 ✱ 1876 Perf. 14 Britannia Set of Four mint (6d unused) vibrant colours SG75/78. £60/£70
2203 ✱ 1879/82 Final Britannia Issues Mint (6) ½d ovpt. SG98/99, 1d ovpt. SG101, Elusive 4d SG102 and 1882 Manuscript 1d (2) Min. CV £380+. £60/£70
2204 ✱ 1883 QV Set SG106/113 fine mint Inc. Two examples (shades) of the 5/- top value (8). £80/£85
2205 ✱ 1885 POSTAGE DUES ½d to 1s slateblack, wmk Crown CA set with U.P.U. SPECIMEN handstamps, SG.D1/D9 (not listed by SG as Specimens), mint, heavy hinge remains, 3d & 8d damaged (9). (Photo) £280/£320
2206 ✱ 1894 Official OS ovpt. set fine mint. SGO1/O7. Scarce also 3 later official ovpts. mint. (10). £200/£240
2207 ✱ 1894 OFFICIALS “O S” overprints set, SG.O1/O7, 5s some toning on perfs, ½d to 1s good to fine mint, cat.£560 (7). (Photo) £180/£200
2208 ✱ 1896 Set to 10/- (Key Value) fine mint
SG114/123 (9). £180/£200
2209 ✱ 1904/9 Britannia Set fine mint SG133/45 key £1 very fine, 5/- part OG, all others fine also some other 1898/1909 issues (23). £180/£200
2210 ✱ 1922/35 KGV Fine Mint Sets. 1922 Set to £1 SG216/229. 1935 Pictorial Set SG230/238, Jubilee Set, Officials and Postage Dues. Fine. £130/£150
2211 ✱✱ 1953/81 QEII Collection on Stockpages and Original Packets UM. Seen Defin. Sets. Lots of Commem Sets. a good lot, a few 100 stamps. £60/£70
2212 ✱ Stockpages with Red Cross issues (3) War Tax ovpts. (14). 1938 KGVI definitives to $4.80 (15). A very useful lot mint. £90/£100
2213 ✱✱ 1952 KGVI set of 12. SG1/12. UM. £60/£70
2214 ✱✱ 1954/1992 QEII Collection on Stockpages with 480 Stamps UM. Seen 1954 defin. set. 1963, 1971, 1972, 1977,1983, 1988 defin. sets. Extensive Commem sets. A superb collection. £160/£180
2215 ✱✱ 1958/65 Booklets. 1958 Stapled at right. 1960 All Panes Upright. 1965 (2) Stapled at left panes upright, Stapled at left all pane inverted. SGSB2, 3, 4 all in fine condition. £50/£60
2216 ✱✱ 1966 1d POTATO STAMP facsimile sheetlets of 4, both signed & unsigned, also essay reprints cut from sheet of 9 and other more modern reprints, clean & fine (18 + 2 MS). £35/£45
2217 ✱✱ Potato Stamps Facsimile of the miniature sheet (2) 1d rate and multiple value rate both signed by A B Crawford Stamp Designer. Never Hinged. £50/£60
2218 ✱ 1888/1902 First issues Inc. “T” perfins. Fine used or mint note 25c, 40c mint “T” perfins. Inc. inverted “T” chiefly mint with values to 1Fr mint and 5Fr FU. A good lot of 110 stamps neatly arranged on old pages. £120/£150
2219 ✱ ✱✱ 1941/44 Fine range chiefly large blocks with better 1923 “TD” Postage due gutter block of 50 (Cyl. 8) UM. Mosque and Olive Tree SG234/51 as blocks upto 30 stamps. 1945 Forces Welfare Fund ovpt. set. SG253/6 as blocks of Six. 1944 Liberation as complete sheets of 25 UM. A good lot of 650 stamps UM/Mint. £100/£120
Established in 1990, internationally recognised dealers, full members of PTS (London), ASDA (New York).
2220 1883/1912 Court Fee Stamps Inc. 1912 50p as a complete sheet of 25 unused. 1883 to 50p used (10). 1888 10p, 50p ovpt. 50p. An interesting lot of 33 stamps + Sheetlets of 25 with each looking to be different. £90/£100
2221 1883/1915 Foreign Affairs Revenues (9)
each different Inc. 1888 5p, 50p, 1899 20p. 1895 25p (2) different colours. A fine group. £80/£90
2222 1884/1900 Constantinople Cleaning Fees
Revenues 1884 Label unused. 1888 7 values each different 1900 7 values each different used.
2223 1891/1916 Fixed Fees. Revenues (54) sorted by year on Old Pages used with a good variety of values. Each look to be different.
2224 ✱ REVENUES - 1890 POLICE COURTS (9)
All different, 8 are fresh mint mostly surcharged types. £80/£90
2225 REVENUES - Gas Lighting Constantinople (6) Inc. 1893 set of 3. M/U. £40/£50
2226 ✱ REVENUES - Petition 1885 (2) both fine mint. Scarce. £40/£45
2227 ✱ 1867 Turks QV Set SG1/3 Mint. 1d is unused, both 6d + 1/- fine and fresh part OG. £120/£130
2228 ✱ 1873 Turks 1d SG4 + 5 both fresh unused (2). £40/£45
2229 ✱ 1881 Turks ½ on 1/- SG9 VFM. £85/£90
2230 ✱ 1881 Turks ½ on 1d SG15 (Different Setting) fine unused. £40/£50
2231 ✱ 1881 Turks ½ on 1d SG17 fine unused. £30/£35
2232 ✱ 1881 Turks 4 on 6d SG43 fresh unused. £50/£60
2233 ✱ 1882 Turks QV set of Five fine mint. SG53/57. £75/£80
2234 ✱ 1887/95 Turks QV mint sets. 1887 To 1/SG58/60. 1889 One Penny ovpt. SG61. 1893 Set SG70/72 (10). All very fine. £60/£70
2235 ✱ 1900/1908 Both Badge Sets Fine Mint
SG101/109 + 110/112 (12) £75/£80
2236 ✱ 1900-08 Badge defins, wmk Crown CA and Mult Crown CA sets, SG.101/9, 110/12, fine mint (13). £70/£80
2237 ✱ 1909/11 Edward Set Fine Mint. SG115/126 (12). £60/£65
2238 ✱✱ 1953/82 QEII Collection on Stockpages with much still in original packets UM. Seen 1957 Defin Set. 1969 New Currency Set. 1973 Bird Set. Extensive Commem Sets. a very fine collection 100’s of stamps. £40/£50
2239 ✱ 1955/69 QEII Collection Inc. 1957 Defin. set of 15. 1967 Defin. set of 14. 1969 New Currency Set. A good lot of 17 sets (115 Stamps). £50/£60
2240 ✱✱ Presentation Packs (40) and Stamps still in their original packets (56) with a very good collection of Commem. Sets. with issues to 1984. A good lot. £40/£50
2241 1895 TYPEWRITTEN STAMPS An interesting group of Five different Forgeries on Laid Papers 5(c) to 25(c). £60/£70
2242 ✱ 1896 Handstamped L 1r SG75 fine unused as issued. £180/£200
2243 ✱ 1896 Handstamped L 2A SG71. Fine marginal unused. £60/£65
2244 ✱ 1896 Handstamped L 3A SG72. Fine unused as issued. £100/£120
2245 ✱ 1896 Handstamped L 4a SG73 fine marginal unused as issued. £65/£70
2246 ✱ 1896 V 96 R 20(c) SG47 unused. Imperfections. Cat. £450. £45/£50
2247 ✱ 1896 VR imperf. issues unused (7) 1a, 2a, 4a (2), 8a (2) + 1r SG55/60 Fair/Fine. £100/£120
2248 ✱ 1898/1902 QV Set to 5r fine mint Inc. both 1A + 1R shades also 1902 Uganda ovpts. SG92/93 (11). £130/£150
2249 ✱✱ 1965/71 Extensive Collection of 700 Stamps + 50 MS with many perf and imperf sets/MS, with many different subjects. A very fine collection of issues from Umm Al Qwain unmounted mint. £120/£150
2250 ✱✱ 1975 UNISSUED Swimming Championship set, see footnote under SG.MS35, fine UM (3). £200/£250
2251 ✱✱ 1980 80f 20th Anniversary of OPEC, several colours out of register, SG.119var, fine UM. £45/£55
2252 1869 Banknote 15c Type I. SG120. Sound FU, one short perf. Cat. £750. £90/£95
2253 1869 Banknote 24c Bi - Colour. SG122. Fine used - An excellent example. Cat. £700. (Photo) £150/£180
2254 1873 90c Perry. SG168. Select FU. A fine top value. (Photo) £80/£90
2255 * 1930 CATAPULT MAIL - flown postcard addressed to Germany, launched from S.S. BREMEN, various cachets on front incl. “Deutsch Katapultflug” 8.5.1930 oval in red. Good to fine condition. £30/£40
2256 * 1931 CATAPULT MAIL - airmail env. addressed to Germany, launched from S.S. EUROPA, various cachets on front incl. “Deutscher Schleuderflug” 23.5.1931 circular mark in red. Good to fine condition. £30/£40
2257 * 1932 WASHINGTONS BIRTHPLACE postmarks on 18 covers dated throughout 1932, all signed by Julia L. Washington, Acting Postmaster, some on special, printed envelopes, some with large cachet of the house. Good to fine (18). £35/£45
2258 * 1946 Canon City, Colorado (home of Royal Gorge), First Flight covers, one going east, the other west, each with numerous signatures on reverse, fine condition (2). £25/£30
2259 * Autographed Covers seen 1977 Talking Picture illustr. Cover autographed Cindy Crawford, Einstein Cover autographed George Ludwig, Space Covers (10) autographed. Flowers Cover autographed by Angelica Huston, Tesla Cover autographed by James Watson. A fine and interesting lot of 24 autographed covers. £150/£180
2260 * FDC USA 1923/2007 different FDC housed in 17 Albums - Exceptional with better Sets, Defins, Coils, Booklet Panes. 1956 to $5 Hamilton. 1973 Tagged $5 (c $200) values to $4 Eagle. Fine lot of 1930/40’s Covers. Exceptional lot. £600/£650
2261 * HIGHWAY POST OFFICE Special Pmks on Covers 1941/66 FIRST TRIP Special cancels etc. Fine collection of 77 different special covers. An unusual lot. £100/£120
2262 Old Pages and Minkus All American Printed Album with 1000’s of stamps chiefly fine used with a few Mint/UM. A fine album for completing, seen modern values to $8.75 and early classic. £120/£140
2263 USA (1500+) most extensive fine used inc ranges of early issues, 1861 to 24c, 6c Lincoln vfu, Columbus to 15c, many pictorials useful pickings. £100/£120
2264 ✱ Valuable selection of chiefly earlier issues 70 + Stamps STC £3900 + much sound used with good pickings. 1862 2c Blackjacks (4, one with grill). Very good group of 1870 Presidents Inc. distinctive Pmks. 6c (6). 10c (4), 12c (3), 15c (4), scarce 24c (2 - both F to VF) 90c Carmine FU. 1895 10c Special Delivery Mint, Coils etc. Request Scan. £400/£450
2265 ✱✱ 1980/2010 Collectors very extensive collection of many 100’s housed in the Stockbook. Comprehensive UM with MS and listed WATERMARK VARIETIES. 1987 35v Ruby Wedding overprint inverted error (unlisted) much additional fine used which is seldom found. This collector had a passion for PACIFIC STAMPS. Huge CV. £400/£450
2266 ✱✱ 1980/2010 Most Comprehensive Collection of UM substantially complete in SG Stockbook with a plethora of sets and MS, Defins. To 1000v. Huge CV. Seldom offered territory. £280/£300
2267 ✱✱ 1998 Provisional 5v on 70v SG795 as a plate number pane of 25 fine UM Cat. £325. The key value. A most interesting issue. £100/£110
2268 ✱✱ 1998 The provisional overprint issue SG789/797 substantial lot with UM Blocks, Gutter Blocks, listed varieties (several), Key 5v on 70v SG795 with Blocks 56+ UM (Cat. £728), used etcBrilliant lot to form an exhibit. (100’s). £300/£360
2269 * BINDER FULL OF COVERS (120+ items) Extensive lot of 1998 PROVISIONAL OVERPRINTS used on covers (Locally SourcedThe collector worked for Shell Petroleum), these are seldom seen on cover, multiple usages Inc. combinations. The scarce 5V on 70V UM corner block 15 (Cat. £195), many other covers Inc. Premium Defin. Sets on FDC noting 1957 Defin. Set. 1977 FNH Defin. Set on FDC. 1937 + 1938 British Airmail Scheme Covers to the Islands. Material you just don’t see. £400/£450
2270 * COMMERCIAL MAILS 1980/2000’s. A rather remarkable lot that would warrant a stand alone display, incredible range of departmental cachets, HS, Stamp usages. 1987 Scarce cover where postage stamps are used as postage dues on an item ex UK addressed to port Vila. Instructional cachets etc. An original lot. Guess 600 covers. £150/£180
2271 VATICAN CITY (700+). A good variety of FU commems with higher values spotted. £80/£90
2272 ✱ 1850 Half Length 1d Red Brown Ham Printing state 2 SG5 fine unused very minor imperfections. BPA Cert. Rarely seen mint. Cat £10.000. £2,000/£2,400
2273 ✱ 1851 Half Length 3d SG7 stated to be SG7 mint, good margins, incredibly fresh, interesting plate wear at left, shallow crease. Rare mint. Cat. £5500. £500/£550
2274 ✱ 1854 6d SG32a fresh unused, Four margin. Small blemish at foot. Cat. £700. £70/£75
2275 ✱ 1854 Octagonal 1/- fine unused close to touching square margins. Scarce. SG25. Cat. £1300. £120/£130
2276 ✱ 1856 Queen on Throne 1d SG40 fresh unused 3 margins. Cat. £325. £30/£35
2277 ✱ 1857 Imperf. 2d SG41 Mint. Four margin, OG - an excellent example also 2d SG41a fresh unused 3+ margin. A fine pair. Cat. £800. £160/£180
2278 ✱ 1860 Sideface 4d SG89a Mint. Part OG. Scarce. Cat. £600. £90/£95
2279 ✱ 1861 One Penny SG104 VFM. £70/£75
2280 ✱ 1863 6d SG107 fresh mint Cat. £200. £50/£60
2281 ✱ 1863 Emblems 3d SG90b fresh mint. Fine stamp. £75/£80
2282 ✱ 1865 Laureated Series 8d SG112 fine unused. Cat. £950. £90/£95
2283 ✱ 1866 Emergency issue 3d SG118 mint, OG, Scarce. Cat. £550. £100/£120
2284 ✱ 1867/81 Laureated Series V/Crown Wmk. issues mint quartet 1d SG142 - Superb, 2d SG132 (Unused) 3d SG143- remains and 8d SG137 very fine. The group is Cat. £625. £120/£130
2285 ✱ 1873/83 Mint Group. Pleasing lot (7) ½d ovpt. SG175 (unused). 1873 ½d (3 different), 1d Green SG177a and 2d Mauve (2 diff) Min CV £475. £75/£80
2286 ✱ 1874 2/- SG130ab mint, excellent appearance, notations on reverse. £100/£120
2287 ✱ 1884-922s6d yellow, SG.292a, mint, part OG, cat.£180. £60/£70
2288 ✱ 1884-963s olive-drab, wmk V over Crown, perf.12½, SG.268a, fine mint. (Photo) £70/£80
2289 ✱ 1884-964s yellow-orange, wmk V over Crown, perf.12½, SG.269a, good to fine mint. (Photo) £70/£80
2290 ✱ 1884-965s pale claret on yellow, perf.12½, wmk V over Crown sideways, SG.260c, fine mint. (Photo) £70/£80
2291 ✱ 1885/95 New Designs - Stamp Duty, set of Ten Mint - Fine appearance with part OG, OG, 2/is unused between SG 294/303 Min. CV £700+. £90/£95
2292 1886/1899 A set of 26 QV issues mint ½d to 2/- with different colours and printings mostly between SG330/369 Min. CV £760 Inc. 4d (Two different) 6d (2), 9d (3 different). 1/6d Orange and 2/- different). An excellent group. Request Scan. £200/£240
2293 1886-1915 T.P.O. POSTMARKS
COLLECTION, arranged by the different lines, we see a range of types of cancels, mostly “UP TRAIN” marks, also incl. a group of ENGLISH MAIL T.P.O. postmarks. Generally fine, clear strikes (100 items). £300/£350
2294 1888 £5 Bi-Colour SG324 Postal Used. Victoria duplex Pmk. Fine. £150/£160
2295 * 1889-1905 T.P.O. POSTMARKS on cover, we see 1904 T.P.O.2 duplex, 1899 DOWN TRAIN / M.G.11 octagonal cancel on letter card, 1889 UP TRAIN M.G.3 & M.G.15 duplex & c.d.s on 1d stationery postcards, also see M.G.3, 8, 13 & 16 on covers. Some items have holes from letter spikes, generally clear postmarks (8 items).
2296 1890 £8 Bi - Colour SG327 POSTAL USED GPO - Melbourne Parcel type roller. Rare proper use. Internal fault not visible from front. £180/£200
2297 ✱ 1890 Postage Due Set Mint. SGD1/D10 plus a couple of extra shades. SG £600+. Good/Fine (12). £120/£130
2298 1890/1909 Postage Dues mostly FU collection on Old Pages (45 stamps). 1890 First Set 10d, 1/- and 5/- mint. 1895 Set VFU SGD11/D20 later issues additional shades. High CV. £150/£180
2299 ✱ 1891 UPU Official Reprints (overprint) half lengths set of 3, 2d Defaced, 2d Queen on Throne. 1854 1/- and 1856 PB 1d + 6d. Very fine mint. (7). £80/£90
2300 ✱ 1891 UPU Official Reprints Sets for distribution. 1860 Netted Corners set of 4 (4d small fault) and 1863 set of 8 to 5/- all ovpt. Reprint, fresh mint. (13). £100/£110
2301 ✱ 1891 UPU Official Reprints Sets fresh mint reissues of 1873/1885 series with sets as issued to 1/- and 2/- etc. All ovpt reprint. Mainly very fine and bright colours. See RL footnotes etc. (15). £100/£120
2302 1896/1899 Series SG330/350 used set Inc. extras (27 stamps) good high value contents Inc. 3/- postal used. 4/- CTO, 6/- Postal, 15/- CTO also 2d Wmk sideways variety SG334A.
2303 1897 Charity Set VFU (CTO) SG353/354 (2). £70/£75
2304 1899 Watermark Sideways Error 2d SG359A FU. Listed, unpriced. £200/£240
2305 ✱✱ 1901 Block of Four 1d with BLACK BARS DEFACEMENT for vending machine experiments, unusual UM. £50/£60
2306 ✱ 1901 Postage Added. A set of 11 different values ½d to £1 SG384/399 fine mint. Inc. 2/- + 5/-. Key £1 is very fine. £200/£240
2307 1901 Watermark Sideways 1d Die II FU. SG385bb. £45/£50
2308 ✱ 1901 Without Postage Re-Use set of 8 fine mint SG376/383 ALSO ½d variety VICTCRIA SG376A mint within strip of 3. £130/£150
2309 1901/1912 QV Sideface Issues valuable collection with some tricky SG numbers much FU but includes fresh mint on Old Pages (98 stamps). 1901 Sideways Wmks 1d, 3d and 1/- FU, 9d mint. 1905 Perf 12½ printings to 5/- FU (2). OS perfins with good mint to 5/-, scarce Penny issues Inc. 1d Wmk. Sideways SG458a UM and more. Good lot. £250/£300
2310 ✱ 1905 Defin. set of 18 ½d to £1 mostly perf. 12 printings fine mint. SG416/431 issue (5/- is perf. 11 SG443) - An impressive set. £200/£220
2311 1906 Perf. 11 1/- Orange SG442 sound FU (dated Pmk.). Purves Certificate. £120/£140
2312 & Literature. 7 items purves (6) butterfly cancels, 1901 - 12 issues, V over Crown wmks, postage dues (HB), government perfins & Kellow (1990) large hb book. Very good lot. £100/£120
2313 * 1931 Airmail - A fine pair of French Flown Covers to Saigon with various stamp usages, Labels and Cachets/Postmarks. £40/£50
2314 VIETNAM (1000+). A very good range of older communist issues. £100/£120
2315 ✱ 1939 Superb Collection of KGVI issues Inc. 1945 Postal Fiscals set of 8 (Cat. £1350) SG207/214, plus 1939, 40, 44, 46 commem sets mint. £550/£600
2316 1854 1d Swan SG1 VFU Four Margins. Unusually very large margins. Very fine stamp. £150/£180
2317 ✱ 1854 4d Swan SG3 . Very fine unused with very large margins. A fine example. £150/£170
2318 ✱ 1854 4d Swan SG3a Fine Mint. Large even margins. £180/£200
2319 1854 4d swan with commissariat security puncture vfu 4 margin. No 1 pmk. SG3. Unusual. £80/£90
2320 1854 Swans 4d SG3 (2) both with commissariat security punctures (as used at convict settlements) one is a deep shade. Close to touching. Unusual. £100/£120
2321 ✱ 1855 1/- deep red brown SG4a fu, cut square just touching at left. Good colour. Cat £1100. £150/£170
2322 ✱ 1855 1/- Swan SG4c Fine Unused Cut Square. Excellent margins, Expert handstamp, Minor soiling. £200/£220
2323 1855 1/- swan SG4c fu, neat 21 duplex, cut square just shaving top. £75/£80
2324 1860 Imperforate 2d + 6d Swans SG25 + 28 both FU. 3 margins number 20 + 6 Pmks Cat. £485. (2). £50/£60
2325 1860 Roulette 6d SG32 fine used. Fine and scarce. BPA Cert. £250/£300
2326 ✱ 1861 2d blue, perf.14 at Somerset House, BLOCK OF FOUR, SG.39, mint, scarce multiple. £400/£450
2327 ✱ 1861 Early Swans Mint (3). 1d SG38 (Brown OG), 2d SG34 + 2d SG39 unused. Good appearance early stamps Cat. £800+. £90/£95
2328 1863 Engraved Swans FU SG49/51a Set of 4. 1864 Crown CC issues SG52/62 FU with shades, interesting watermark varieties Inc. SG listed with values to 1/- (27). £100/£120
2329 ✱ 1863/64 No Wmk. 1d + 6d SG50/51 both fresh mint/unused. 6d with interesting plate variety (2). £110/£120
2330 ✱ 1863/64 Swans Wmk CC SG52/61. Mint group (6) Cat. £1295 fresh appearance, all fine 1d, 2d Yellow Wmk sideways (unused), 4d, 6d Violet, 6d Lilac SG59 and 1/- SG61. £150/£180
2331 ✱ 1864 Swan 4d (Wmk. upright) superb unused, marginal, large even margins. Very fine. SG26. £150/£180
2332 ✱ 1864 Watermark upright 4d Blue Swan fresh unused 4 close to good margins. SG26. £70/£75
2333 1864/75 Commisariat Security Punctures on Swans FU. 1864 no Wmk. set of 3 to 6d. 1865 Set of 7 to 1/- also 1d on 2d SG67 both settings FU and puncture and inverted overprint forgery FU. (14). £70/£80
2334 ✱ 1876 Swans mint trio 1d SG68, 2d SG71 (VF) and 6d SG75. Fine group. £100/£120
2335 1876/81 Swan Wmk. CC Issue Perf. 14 SG68/75c FU Study (15) Inc. additional listed Wmk. Varieties Inc. Wmk. Sideways (opposite direction) 1d, 2d, 6d, Upright 2d + 6d. Etc. £80/£85
2336 ✱ 1879 Telegraph 1d + 6d mint 6d some fading at base, both sound. Scarce SGT1/T2 Cat. £660. £120/£130
2337 1879 Telegraph Stamp 6d SGT2 VFU Postal. £100/£110
2338 1879 Telegraph Stamps 1d (both perfs.) and 6d all fine postal used. SGT1, T1a + T2 (3). £120/£130
2339 1882/1883 Engraved Swans SG76/85 issue. FU study (17). Inc. good perf. 12 printings with various Wmk issues. A good example of the 1d perf. 12 x 14 variety SG81 etc. All FU. £90/£95
2340 ✱ 1882/85 Swans Wmk CA P14 1d, 2d, 4d + 6d set good to fine mint SG76/78 + 80. £110/£120
2341 ✱ 1882/95 Swans (7) Mint. 3d SG87, ½d ovpt. SG89 + 90 and 1895 all Four ovpts. SG110/111B. Cat. £280+. £75/£80
2342 ✱ 1883 Swans perf. 12 printings 1d SG82 + 4d SG84 fresh mint (2). £130/£150
2343 ✱✱ 1884 Swan 6d SG80 fresh mint. £60/£70
2344 1885/93 Departmental perfins. A FU selection on pages (29 stamps) with OS, WA, PWD with values to 1/- also medical ovpts. (2). £60/£70
2345 ✱ 1885/93 Swan Set (8) SG94/102 chiefly fine mint. £90/£95
2346 ✱ 1888 Swan Engraved set of 3 fine mint. SG103/105 (3). £90/£95
2347 1893 Postal Fiscal Set FU SGF11/F15 . £80/£85
2348 1897 Postal Fiscals 1d, 3d + 1/- Postal used SGF19/F20 + F22 (3). £30/£35
2349 1898 Inverted Wmk. variety 1d Swan FU SG112w. £60/£70
2350 ✱ 1898/1907 Swan Set Of Five Fine Mint SG112/116. £80/£85
2351 1902 Inverted Watermark 10/- SG127 FU. £50/£55
2352 1902 OS perfins (officials). A used selection (13). SG117/128a including both shades of the 10/- and £1 all FU. A scarce assembly. £400/£450
2353 1902 Pair 10/- high values bright purple shade SG127a VFU. A scarce multiple. £360/£400
2354 1902 Perf. 11 variants 1d, 2d, 9d FU (9d short perfs.), also 5d mint SG129/130, 132 + 133 Cat. £370 (4). £75/£80
2355 ✱ 1902/11 Set (12) 1d to £1 SG117/128. Generally fine mint. Key £1 is a fine example. £450/£480
2356 1902/11 WA Perfins (officials) fine used 1d to £1 SG117/128. a used selection (16) Inc. 2d double perfin, 10/- (2) and a good example of the scarce £1. £200/£240
2357 1905 Government Railways Stamps 3d, 6d, 9d and 2/- FU with 1930’s Pmks. (4). £100/£110
2358 ✱ 1905/12 Set (13) ½d to 5/- SG138/148 Fine. Also 3 other Swans VFM. Inc. 1/- SG116. £240/£250
2359 1905/12 SG138/172 issue a mostly fine used with extras annotated on pages 85 stamps Inc. 1905 set to 5/- SG138/148 plus values to 5/perf OS, Perf. 11 printings to 5d FU. 1912 3d single issue, some Wmk. varieties Inc. 1/- Inv. Wmk. FU Etc. Good lot. £250/£300
2360 1907 Inverted Watermark 1/- Swan SG116w VFU. £80/£90
2361 1912 9d Swan Watermark Upright (inverted) Error. SG157B VFU within period of issue (Colombo Paquebot CDS) only 20 recorded. RPS Cert. BWW54AA. Rare. £750/£800
2362 & - JUHL Handbooks Volumes 1 + 2 Stamps 1862 to 1912 (2). £30/£35
2363 An Old Stockbook with 800+ Stamps chiefly used with issues from the 1930’s. A useful range. £90/£100
2364 ✱✱ 1964/1982 QEII Collection on Stockpages in original packets UM. Seen defin. Sets. 1973 WHO Set, Extensive commem. Sets much still in their original packets. £50/£60
2365 ✱ 1896 Provisional 2½ on 1a 6p SG37 VFM. £65/£70
2366 ✱ 1896 Provisional 2½ on 1a SG23Z second setting VFM. £100/£110
2367 ✱ 1896 Provisional 2½ on 1a6p SG22 mint. Odd gum spot. £30/£35
2368 ✱ 1896 Provisional 2½ on 1a6p SG30 fine mint. £250/£270
2369 ✱ 1896 Provisional 2½ on 1a6p SG37 fine mint. £65/£70
2370 ✱ 1896 Provisional 2½ on 2a SG40 fine mint. £90/£95
2371 ✱ 1898 Sultan Set SG156/174 good to fine mint (15). £90/£95
2372 1899 Sultan Set Mint, good to fine, some gum spots SG188/204 (17) Cat. £325. £80/£90
2373 ✱ 1908 View of Port 100r high value ovpt. specimen fine mint SG244S. £150/£170
2374 ✱ 1908 View of Port 10r SG239 fresh mint. Excellent appearance, small mark on gum. £100/£120
2375 ✱ 1908 View of Port 200r top value ovpt. specimen fine mint. SG245S. £200/£220
2376 1908 View of Port 30r superb fresh unused (no gum) vibrant colour. SG241 Cat. £800 mint. £160/£180
2377 ✱ 1908 View of Port 40r ovpt. specimen fine mint SG242S. £90/£95
2378 ✱ 1908 View of Port 50r SG243 fresh unused (no gum) normal £900. £120/£130 2379 1908 View of Port 50r SG243. Lightly fiscally used. Superb high value, normal £900. £90/£95
2380 ✱ 1913 Defin Set 1c to 10r SG246/260 fine mint (15) few nibbled perfs. on 5r, all others fine. £130/£150
2381 ✱ 1913 Dhow 200r top value ovpt. specimen fresh mint. SG260GS. Gem. £160/£180
2382 ✱ 1913 Dhow 50r ovpt. specimen VFM SG260ES. £90/£95
2383 ✱ 1914/22 Multi Crown Wmk Set (14) Fine Mint. SG261/275. £150/£170
2384 ✱ 1921 Dhow 20r overprinted specimen VFM SG296S. £90/£95
2385 ✱ 1921/29 Script Wmk Set (20) SG276/295 Fine Mint. The 10r top value has specimen overprint. £80/£90
2386 ✱ 1926/36 Both Cents Defin. Sets VFM. SG299/309 + 310/322 (24). £80/£90
2387 ✱ 1926/36 Postage Dues very fine collection of mint (23) 1926 Roulettes various to 50c SGD16. 1930 Set D18/D24 and 1936 Set D25/D30. £110/£120
2388 ✱ Specimen ovpts on a variety of stamps with values to 10r. Chiefly mint odd no gum, seem 1899 1r, 2r, 1914 1r to 5r, 10r SG275. A fine range of 45 specimens. £200/£220
2389 ✱ 1888/93 GB Overprint Set Mint. SG1/11 (11) bright colours. Some small faults. Key set. £240/£250
2390 ✱ 1888-934d green & deep brown, GB ovpt, SG.6, VFM. £30/£40
2391 1894 QV Set to £1 Mint. SG20/28 (9) 2½d crease, 4/- unused and £1 ovpt. specimen (nibbled perfs.) 2/6d is exceptional. £100/£120
2392 ✱ 1894-96 £5 purple & black on red, SG.29, fine mint, perfs trimmed at left and base, cat.£5500. (Photo)£1,250/£1,500
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