1 ✱ ✱✱ A KGVI Empire Selection On Old Stockpages Inc. UM and useful pickings. (200+ stamps). Random noting Kuwait 1948 2r UM block 4 and 5r corner pair, Southern Rhodesia 1937 set to 5/-. Norfolks to 2/-, Singapore 1948 $1 (4) and $2 (4). KGVI Strait Settlements. Aden 1948 Wedding Set etc. High CV. £180/£200
2 A selection of mostly better British Empire Material on Cards, several 100 stamps. SWA 1d Official VFU block 9 SGO7, Sudan 1950 Air Set. Ireland 1955 an total set as FU blocks of Four SG154/5, New Zealand good officials mint. St. Lucia 1903 Edward issues to 1/- fine mint. St. Helena QV range, Rhodesia Arms to 4/- fresh mint SG18/24 etc. Very high CV with some good items here. £550/£650
3 * A selection of Worldwide Postal History and other items (priced to sell sensibly at £600+) 23+ items Inc. Papua 1930’s Pictorial Envelopes, Antigua 1978 values to $10 on Cover. FIJI 1930 First Airmail, Bahrain 1974 War Tax Stamp on ‘cover, Gibraltar 1887 Postal Card FU etc. Better items. Fine. £150/£180
4 ACCESSORIES - Cover Albums (11). As NewSingle Height, Various colours. Many pages. £30/£40
5 & ACCESSORIES - Stockcards etc.
Substantial lot inc sealed pack of 100 Lighthouse 3 strips, 100’s of other clean stockcards suitable for storing stamps etc. £30/£40
6 An interesting balance housed in Two Cartons, 15+ Albums/Stockbooks extensive Great Britain from QV with used surface prints. 1887 odd Jubilee Mint to 6d, Penny Lilacs Inc. Mint. Many Commem Sets Inc. 1924/25 Exhib. Sets FU, £1 Wedding FU (2), Extensive UM Sets to 1980’s in blocks, Gutter pairs. Noting 1973 3½p Wedding (6 Gutter Pairs). A Stockbooks of KGVI Empire FU (100’s) with clean ranges, Sundry Etc. Vast numbers. £200/£240
7 AUSTRALIA with excellent pickings 1913/1975 many 100’s all different with sets Kangaroo’s Inc. values to 10/- FU noting second Wmk 2/- + 5/-. 1913 6d Kookaburra CTO used at Melbourne many KGV Heads with sets to 1/4d FU, Majority of 1930’s sets Inc. MacArthur FU. 1935 Jubilee Mint much completion noting sets to £1. £2. Navigators to £2 Fu and more. Good lot. £200/£240
8 * BARGAIN OF THE SALE. Carton containing 1000+ GB FDC 1950/2009 all clean, some specials Inc. Postmarks. Many useful. To clear note this lot is way above average in contents. Good lot. £120/£130
9 BASUTOLAND (Africa) pickings on stockcards
73 stamps noting 1948 wedding sets mint (2) SG36/37 cat £100 alone. £45/£50
10 * Battle of Britain 1990 Illustrated Covers by RAFA for the 50th Anniversary Inc. 27 signed Inc. Wing Commander Unwin, R.A.B Learoyd VC. RFT Doe, Air Commodore A C Deere. Wing commander R P Beamont. Group Capt. John Cunningham. Squadron Leader G Haworth. A fine collection of 43 covers. £140/£150
11 * BETTER collection of British FDC housed in a carton 1953 to 2002 over 360 different inc VF 1963 Red Cross & Lifeboat illustr covers, typed addr, value is in the fine group of early illustr covers. £300/£320
12 BIRDS ON STAMPS OF THE WORLD. Vast lot housed in 12 volumes housed in two cartons, 1000’s all different, strength is in modern with um, complete sets, Se-Tenants, high values worldwide issues. One collectors assembly. Excellent for development & expansion. £300/£360
13 ✱ British Africa collection on old pages with South Africa States see Cape Triangles (6) used, New Republic 1d, 2d 10/-, Natal Edward 10/- used, Transvaal £5 VRI ovpt. A good selection of 200 stamps + 40 pairs, Mint or FU. £250/£270
14 ✱ British Commonwealth excellent lot of what must be 5000+ different stamps on Old Pages with lots of good pickings and packed paged for the commonwealth collector noting Aden, Botswana ovpts. Labuan ovpts. Sierra Leone QV 3d revenue ovp0t. As mint block 4, Zanzibar and much more. Many years collecting here. £450/£500
15 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH Valuable lot of better items on Stockcards. 100’s of items, priced up to sell at £4300+ lots of interesting and better items including a fine selection of KGVI Coil Strips UM for various nations. NZ 2d Chalon SG138 Mint Commonwealth Wmk. Varieties and Errors, St. Vincent QV to 1/- mint. South Nigeria Edwards to 2/6d mint, Newfoundland Mint. India KGV to 25r FU, Straits 1903 to $5 mint and much more.
16 ✱ British East Africa range on old pages with issues from early Sun and Crown to 1935, seen 1922 KGV issues to 3/-. 1935 to 5/-. 1935
S/Jubilee Set over 100 different stamps mint or FU.
17 ✱ BRITISH EMPIRE better left overs & single items on stockcards etc. Much better lot noting Antigua KGV to 4/- m, Virgin Island um blocks with high values, St. Helena KGV 1d cleft rock in plate block, NZ 1930’s plate blocks, some higher values. A very useful lot. (several 100 stamps).
18 * BRITISH REGIONALS Issues on FDC 1948/2000. Fine collection of 180+ different FDC’s all complete sets unaddressed or typed. Bargain!. £50/£60
19 CANADA Substantial collectors lot of 1000’s with extensive used ranges on pages with useful pickings noting fair few small Queens Inc. Pmk interest, many ranges that will form a solid collection Inc. Edwards, KGV etc. Also UM lot on Stockpages with 100’s of Stamps Inc. QEII defins. to $2 etc. Low estate. £100/£120
20 * CARTON OF AFRICA FDC’S 1970/80’s with 100’s (excellent source for fu sets) with Rhodesia, SWA, South Africa etc. Unusual offering 500+ items VF. £200/£220
21 Carton with a interesting mixture seen album of Nigeria, France, Isle of man (um), booklets, covers, many 1000’s of loose stamp. A superb sort lot which the collector never sorted. £200/£220
22 * Carton with Covers/Cards with issues from GB, Gibraltar, Canada, British Commonwealth chiefly housed in Six Albums, mainly Commemorative Covers, very useful collectors balance. 100’s of covers. £100/£120
23 ✱✱ CHINA. New issue material (purchased at great expense) Inc. Sheetlets/Stamps/ Covers for the year 2005 (Qty). £140/£150
24 Coins Collection 50p WWI set of 2014 Jersey/Guernsey Coins (12) Gold Plated in a Presentation Box with Certs. £120/£150
25 * Collection of military commemorative covers RAF Bomber Command signed B1 to B45 (57), Royal Corps of Transport, Royal Army Ordinance Corps. A fine collection of 94 covers each different. £100/£120
26 Collectors Balance. Looks To Be European and Australia filling a large carton unchecked. 1000’s of stamps. £100/£120
27 Collectors Cards “Tea” Inc. Picture Card Albums seen British Butterflies, Disney, British Costume, Wildlife, Wings Across the World. A good range of 21 Albums plus many loose in a small box, fills a filebox. £80/£90
28 * CRICKET A fine lot of 275 different special covers housed in 7 volumes for 1980/2005. Pristine, inc signed, tours, ashes. A very good lot. £200/£240
29 * CRICKET South Africa 1896 cover with original illustrated letter for building a Cricket Ground at Roudebosch with contents referring to Dimensions, Laying Grass and Erosion. Franked 1d locally. Very unusual early Cricket, Topical. £100/£110
30 ✱✱ DAVO LUXURY BOXED ALBUM for Berlin issues 1948/90 with 1330+ different issues and 7 MS mostly UM Stc £3300+ many key sets in very fine condition. £300/£330
31 ✱✱ DAVO LUXURY BOXED HINGELESS ALBUM for West Germany 1949/79 with 930 different issues and 15 MS all UM Stc £3500. Many good early charity sets. Buy. £300/£360
32 DECEASED DEALERS Balance lot in a large carton noting GB 1966 4d World Cup England Winners Complete Sheets (2), Packets of Stamps FU with much GB, Old Auction Folders. A substantial lot of Guernsey Stamp Booklets in a Box. Many still in bundles etc. £90/£95
33 DECENT MIXTURE in a carton with lots of UM new issue type material Inc. An accumulation of Irish Prestige Stamp Booklets (high FV), GB regional’s with good UM ranges, lots of special Folders/Booklets for British issues. 100’s of items. £120/£150
34 ECLECTIC range of quirky material on 65+ stockcards with some very strange material, South Rhodesia KGV revenues to £5 used, Suez Canal stamps, selected pmks, Sudan military telegraph stamps in um pairs, 1891 New Hebrides local vfu, Christmas Island coconut plantation stamp etc. Fascinating (150+ items). £100/£120
35 ✱✱ * Elvis Presley Collection of 150+ illustrated FDC chiefly MS and a miniature sheet collection (48) plus 8 coin covers with different images of Elvis chiefly produced in 2002 by Benhams. In very good condition the miniature sheets are UM. £180/£200
36 ✱✱ ERRORS AND VARIETIES of The British Commonwealth All QEII period, UM (16 items) with better SG listed items various inverted ovpts. Scarce Antigua printed on the wrong Wmk. Paper SG975a. BIAFRA SG listed errors etc. Good group. £160/£200
37 ✱✱ Errors/Varieties British Commonwealth purchased from SG seen Edward Levant 1¾p with Thin Pointed “4” in pair with normal, UM. Indian States 4a Yellow Imperf Pair. SG26a. 1982 Pitcairns Is. 15c Christmas Wmk. Inv. SG203Ei. A useful range of 13 stamps UM. £60/£70
38 Flight covers (5) 1937 Pan America airway illustrated env with Pan Air label sent locally, 1946 airmail enc sent from USA to Brazil then sent back to USA with USA and Brazils stamps, 1930 Germany to UK, 1939 First Trans-Atlantic flight cover from France to USA with special cachet small but interesting group. £40/£50
39 FOOTBALL - World Cup 2002. Special collection in two despoke albums with um MS (49 diff) and illustrated score covers (65 diff) huge cost. £60/£70
40 FOREIGN COUNTRIES vast country ranges on pages. We estimate that there’s 14,000 different stamps here. Arranged by country units. Much European, sets, ms, many is fu. A remarkable assembly. £300/£360
41 Four inch high stack of Hagner Pages with Worldwide Material (Many 100’s all different) Value is in mint with lots of Souvenir Sheets, better material , Rumania Sheetlets, Russia 1930’s issues. 1957 Set of MS mint. 1958 Set of MS FU, Nicaragua ovpts. (Good Range). Australia with some useful sheetlets. Good accumulative value. £280/£300
42 ✱✱ GB Interesting Random Mix In A Stockbook, as it comes, machin (Enschede) £2 + £5 Cylinder blocks, other machins to £5 UM, Wildings, 1992/95 Castle Sets to £5 (6 - Face value £70+). £10 Britannia (3 UM), used ranges. Many 100’s. £120/£140
43 ✱✱ Gilbert Is/Kiribati Collection, unmounted mint on pages or on Stockcards with issues from 1976 to 1999 with many complete sets Inc. defin’s MS/Sheetlets, high values with a face value of $250+. A superb collection for the period. £70/£80
44 GREAT BRITAIN - Edward 7th. Hoard on stockcards 120+ stamps mostly used values to 2/6d inc 1/- (8) mixed condition pickings. £30/£40
45 * GREAT BRITAIN 7 albums of clean fdc about 350 all different. Clean with many fine sets. £60/£70
46 * Great Britain collection of commemorative MS on covers issued by the RAF each cover signed inc 1988 Red Arrows team, fleet air arm signed by Bill Randle and M Dunkerly, a fine collection of 23 covers. £50/£60
47 GREAT BRITAIN KEVIII to QEII mass of material sorted onto stockcards many sets both m & fu. Noting 1948 wedding £1 UM, castle sets as blocks of four UM, extensive commems with many sets many 100’s. £100/£120
48 Great Britain Old Page with 1862 and 1865 London District Telegraph Stamps, Railway Stamps (1) and Metropolitan Circular Stamps (3) each different. £60/£70
49 ✱ GREAT BRITAIN Two Collecta Hingeless Boxed Printed Albums for 1840 to 1986. Sparse ranges but note all good 1960’s Phosphor Commem Sets UM Inc. Red Cross and Lifeboat. Two Shoeboxes with Stockcards noting QV Penny Reds. 1937 to 1/- Mint and a quantity of older presentation packs (200+). In good condition. Original lot. £150/£180
50 * KGVI Air Letters (Aerogramme) unused with Letter from Grenada, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, Br. Guiana, Bermuda, Jamaica, St KittsNevis, Bahamas. A fine range of 18, seem to be different. £50/£60
51 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI COMMONWEALTH 1948 Silver Wedding Sets VFM (Inc. UM). a collection of 86 sets. Wide range of territories Inc. better noting Basutoland, Gibraltar, Malaya’s, Northern Rhodesia, Zanzibar etc. Very high CV. £400/£500
52 KGVI COOK ISLAND FU selection of 22 diff inc defin set to 3/- useful for a Crown album. £30/£35
53 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI EMPIRE GREAT BRITAIN OVERPRINT Issues with Sets and High values VFM/UM. fine lot Bahrain 1951 Set to 1or UM. 1948 BMA Eritrea to 10/-, Somalia Tripolitania to 240 mil Mint. Kuwait India ovpt. set. 1948 to 1or Wedding Set. Morocco with values to 45 pesetas, Tangier with KGVI Set to 10/- and Two Castle Sets to 10/-, several 100 stamps. £360/£400
54 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI EMPIRE VFM (Inc. UM) on Hagner Pages with strong Malaya contents and sets 1948 Wedding Sets (16 different) Inc. Malaya Sets, Singapore set (UM), Zanzibar. 1948 Malacca and Penang Sets to $5, various UPU Sets, other omnibus sets. Good lot (several 100). £400/£450
55 ✱ KGVI LEEWARD ISLAND selection (36) noting a fine 1938 set to £1 M. £75/£80
56 ✱✱ KGVI VARIETIES - Plate numbers in outer margins UM group (These should of been removed) 9 items Turks (5), St Kitts, Tonga (2) and Pakistan (W in outer margin). £45/£50
57 * KGVI/QEII Airmail Covers 1938/53 valuable collection. 1952 Australia, South Africa with Mauritius frankings (4), South Africa franking (1), KLM Flight to and from Australia. 1953 Coronation Qantas illustrated Covers (10). A fine collection of 52 covers. £400/£450
58 Large Carton with many 1000’s on pages, unchecked mixed condition. £80/£90
59 Large Carton with Worldwide issues Inc. British Commonwealth with UM and fine used sets. Need a good sort out. £150/£180
60 & Literature - Ogden Cigarette Cards part1. Wills and Bat issues, New Tobacco War Reference Book all issued by Cartophilic Society of Great Britain. All in good condition. £50/£60
61 LUCKY DIP CARTON - 100’s of items in a box with lots of British Covers. £60/£70
62 MACHIN KILOWARE two cartons approx 12kg - Finds to be made! £30/£35
63 * Machine franked mail mainly mid-1950s from a variety of countries seen Belgium, South Africa, Venezuela, KUT, Br Guiana, Guatemala, Norway etc. A good lot for display over 230 covers. £50/£60
64 ✱✱ Marine Life unmounted mint collection with a superb array of sealife creatures, whales, sharks, fish. A colourful collection of 1150 stamps + 69 MS/sheetlets from around the globe. £150/£200
65 * MAXI CARDS OF AUSTRALIA 1978/89 fabulous collection of 460+ diff housed in six expensive Lighthouse binders, all complete sets. £60/£70
66 ✱ Middle East range of 1800 stamps with issues from South Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Palestine etc mainly fine used, mint mixed in. £200/£240
67 Mixture Box (Large Carton) with Albums, loose pages many 100s of Stamps. Collector just put them to one side never sorted them. £100/£120
68 ✱ ✱✱ MOST INTERESTING lot of better Great Britain items on a quantity of Stockcards with lots of Quirky Items, note 1840 2d Blue (poor), Training School Stamps, Wales 17p type II UM. Compac 1/6d ovpt. Cancelled, minor varieties, better post and go strips KGVI UM Inc. Wmk. Sideways and 1951 to £1 1977/85 Defins. to £5 as Traffic Light Gutter Pairs (8 pairs) and many more. 100’s. £600/£750
69 MOST INTERESTING mixed lot in stockbooks, pages, packets, envelopes with much Africa noting a useful range of Rhodesia admirals fu, some double heads, an old stockbook with a useful range of used Australia Kangaroo’s & KGV heads, Aussie States, Pitcairn Inc 1940 defin set & wedding 10/-, Swaziland KGVI to 10/- fu etc. Useful pickings. £240/£250
70 ✱✱ must be cleared on orders of the owner. 14 Cartons full of Royalty issues. 1973/97 with 1000’s of UM housed in 50 volumes, Fabulously Expensive Hagner System Albums, extensive 1981 Royal Wedding with varieties and foreign issues. Truly vast. Our original estimate was £1500. Colossal quantity and a fabulous original holding. £750/£800
71 * OIL & PETROLEUM - 1910s-80s TOPICAL COVERS in three volumes, mostly commercial, advertising covers including well-known brands such as Shell, Mobil, Esso, Castrol, Gulf & Caltex and other lesser known names like Huck Oil, Polttoaine, Veritas Oil, etc. from around the world, generally on advert envelopes or meter mail impressions (with many additional cut-outs - not included in count). Mixed condition, though most are fine (approx 400 covers). £250/£300
72 * OIL & PETROLEUM - 1930s-80s TOPICAL COVERS in four volumes, mostly “foreign” countries, we see quantity from various South American countries, Japan, Australia etc., plus some island nations, mostly commemorative covers incl. FDCs with oil, petrol and oil wells as a theme. Generally fine (approx 470 covers).
73 * OIL & PETROLEUM - 1930s-80s TOPICAL COVERS in four volumes, mostly European countries, we see quantity from Russia, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Great Britain (and Channel Islands), Austria, Belgium, Greece, etc., includes FDCs, advert envelopes, meter mail impressions, half a volume appears to be unrelated to the main theme, but we see space and industry etc. Mixed condition, though much is good to fine (approx 800 covers).
74 * OIL & PETROLEUM - 1931-73 TOPICAL COVERS, mostly commercial, advertising covers, some with labels affixed, includes brands Shell, Castrol, Caltex and other lesser known names from Africa, note nice 1942 Mozambique advert cover to Swaziland with Stegi receiving mark on reverse, Rhodesia 1966 UDI cover with GB postage dues affixed, also two Caltex branded packs of postcards with views of South Africa and 1951 photos of Nigeria (one of an oil well). Mixed condition, though most are fine (over 30 covers).
75 * OIL & PETROLEUM - 1939-56 ADVERT COVERS from the Caribbean, with Jamaica (7 covers) & Bahamas (2), note some illustrated and three with meter mail impressions, note one Shell and one Castrol advert on impression. Generally fine (9 covers).
76 Old pages with Central and South American collections mainly fine used sorted by countries from early issues to more modern, 3000 stamps seen issues from Bolivia, Dominican Rep, Ecuador, Hondutas, Panama etc. Unchecked.
77 Old pages with foreign issues over 3000 stamps fine used or mint sorted by countries but randomly arranged. Seen early issues to more modern seen issues from Somaliland, Azerbaijan, Benadir, Croatia, Ireland, Estonia etc. Chiefly fine used an interesting original collection unchecked. £180/£200
78 PACKETS Full of Worldwide Stamps sorted by country with 1000’s of unchecked stamps all FU - A great mixture of global issues. £120/£130
79 PERSIAN GULF, MIDDLE EAST, some sand dunes. Collectors lot on pages, lose, packets. Good range of material many 100’s of stamps inc useful mint. £180/£200
80 * POSTAL HISTORY - NAVAL INTEREST with over 500 fine Covers in Five well filled Albums many 1990’s Special Society Covers with special cancellations, items cancelled on Naval Ships. Many signed Inc. Captains, Centenary items and more. Good original lot. £250/£280
81 * Postal History bundle inc fine steam railway ppc, KUT WWII censored, Zululand 1d postal card ovpt specimen etc (30 items). £30/£40
82 * POSTAL HISTORY from a deceased dealers estate (100 items) Inc. GB imperf. Penny Reds on entires, good usages of 1880’s issues on registered part envelopes many endorsed Gone Away, Deceased etc. noting usages to 6d, Postage Due usages, German 1920’s Parcel Cards Inc. Inflation Usages and 1920 5mk VFU block 4. 1820’s additional ½ handstamps on entires. Good for eBay. £150/£180
83 POSTAL HISTORY SELECTION (12) Inc. Newfoundland 1904 Registered Cover with 3 Stamp Combo. Scarce Censored Cover from Lourenco Marques. Indian QV Registered Mails, Australia 1932 Late Fee Handstamp. All better items. £100/£110
84 PRE - PRINTING PAPER CREASING ERRORS Interesting group (6 different) Columbia, Iran (2), Mexico (2), Netherlands. All used. (Photo) £60/£70
85 PREVIOUS ESTIMATE £350 - super lot of 460 diff GB FDC strength 1994 to 2013 inc MS, post & Go’s high value later sets. Excellent lot housed in 11 albums vf. £160/£180
86 ✱ PROOF of QV oval portrait in black on card as used for St Lucia classics. Fine and unusual. £75/£80
87 ✱ Proof of QV oval portrait in violet on card as used for St Lucia classics. Fine & unusual. £75/£80
1867/1910 chiefly Canadian and superbly engraved. Seldom offered lot of 80+ different with notes on pages Inc. Scarce 1867 Customs Strip and Several multiples. £200/£240
89 ✱ Rhodesia Collection of 200 Stamps on Pages or Stockcards with issues to 1935, seen Northern Rhodesia KGV values to 5/- FU. BCA with values to 2/6d. 1890 BSAC 10/- to £10 Fiscal Used. 1905 Fall Set Mint double head to 1/- Mint (unchecked). 1935 S/Jubilee Sets with a Cat. Value over £5200 Mint or Fine Used. £750/£800
90 ✱✱ ROYALTY - 12 Volumes full of UM material. Very many 100’s cost a fortune. 1981 Lady Diana with gutter block collection. 100’s of Sets, Sheetlets, Booklets. Bargain. Very fine. £100/£110
91 ✱ Scandinavia Local Post Stamps mainly mint seen Randers, Braekstad, Tromso, Thronohjeme, Surch Stamps. A fine group of 10 stamps.
92 SILVER JUBILEE 1935 Somaliland Prot set vfu SG86/89 (4). £25/£30
93 * Space Signed Cover US-German Space Lab Mission, Illustrated Card Autographed by Ockels, Furrer, Merbold, Messerschmid with special cancel. £50/£60
94 * Space signed Covers/Cards, Russian Cosmonaut (10) Inc. cover Autographed by Sarafanor and Demin, Covers Autographed by “Bertsi”, Aksenov, Popovich, Dzhanibekov. A very good lot each different. £200/£250
95 SPAIN - over 800 different stamps fine used in a printed album for 1950/89 plus lots of other material on pages. Nice collectors lot. £80/£90
96 SPECIAL MODERN COLLECTIONS in albums housed in a carton inc collection of Titanic themed stamps UM. Others thems inc trains, special covers. Good quality. £60/£70
97 Specimen ovpt’s. on British Empire issues Natal Edward with values to £1 (19), Nigeria KGV values to 2/6d (11). Gambia Edward to 3/- (12), KGV Grenada to 10/- (25), Cyprus QV 12Pi, 18Pi, Ceylon KGV 20r. A useful range of 90 specimens mixed condition. £300/£340
98 Stockcards, left overs & interesting items of foreign material inc USA 19th century locals, Greece misprint errors, Obock with a fine lot of Peace & Commerce issues to 1fr m (qty).
99 * Tailwaggers Valentines PPC (26) unused each different in good condition, plus Mabel Gear (7), Beckles (4). All produced by Valentines, all in good condition. £80/£100
100 & The Die Proofs of Waterlow and Sons part I GB and Empire to 1960 a fine literature work by Fraser and Lowe in very good condition. £30/£35
101 The worlds first stamp Great Britain 1840 Penny Black a fine used four margin example (plate 2). Clear profile nice. £120/£130
102 TWO CARTONS full of Great Britain 1000’s of stamps mostly used housed in numerous volumes, items on cards, album pages etc. Noted postage due sets, lots of ranges inc QV, Kings lots of commems, a good mixture. £150/£170
103 Two Large Carton sorter boxes with many 1000’s of stamps in Albums and on pages unchecked. £200/£220
104 Two Large Cartons filled with collectors sort out Inc. UM British Commonwealth, 5 Albums, Album Pages. Many 100’s of Stamps unchecked we don’t have the time to sort it. £300/£350
105 * U.P.U. 1974 FIRST DAY COVERS, wonderful A to Z countries assembly of foreign & Commonwealth issues, many with sets and miniature sheets, appear to be largely all different, many illustrated & mostly unaddressed, generally clean & fine, some larger covers with the odd creased corner (320+). £250/£300
106 ✱✱ U.P.U. 1974 FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH COUNTRIES COLLECTION, housed in two volumes, all different, we guess this must be close to complete for stamp issues, also incl. miniature sheets and a few extras such as booklets, GB Harrison presentation folder, appears to be fine unmounted mint throughout, looks to be a great lot (100s). £400/£500
107 ✱✱ U.P.U. 1984 COLLECTION housed in two volume, special hingeless Lindner albums, no spaces on any page, also incl. some FDCs, appears to be unmounted mint throughout, these albums must be scarce! Clean & fine (100s). £150/£180
108 ✱ U.P.U. THE BALANCE ACCUMULATION - an interesting range with a range of mint foreign 1949 issues, note Italy 55l, West Germany 30pf, Dutch Colonies, Trieste Zone B & Vatican City sets, 1970 TAAF 50f UM, 1952 Belgium set mint, 1934 Egypt set used, quantity of 1974 issues, plus wide range of oddments on cards etc. such as South Africa 3d Lake in East Africa variety in VFU corner block, 1949 Bahawalpur P.17 set in UM locks of 4, Argentina 1939 uncut miniature sheets block (Scott 468d), Australia 1974 SPECIMEN ovpts, 1964 Liberia presentation folder, 2016 Turkey folder with stamp, MS & FDC, Tuvalu 1981 signed FDCs, Italy Express postage stamps, South Australia REPRINT ovpts (produced for UPU distribution) note £1 value with POSTAGE ovpt, Japan 1927 10s blue mint AND MUCH MORE. Generally good to fine (many 100s). £450/£500
109 ✱✱ UNITED NATIONS extensive lot of UM (NHM) on a huge pile of Hagner Pages 200 MS and Sheetlets (!), 1000’s of UM stamps Inc. Key 1955 First MS (2), Two Albums alone Stc £600. A substantial and very fine lot. Buy. £150/£180
110 * UNITED NATIONS - OVER 380 different FDC in pristine condition housed in a box Inc. The 1955 first MS. Buy!. £50/£60
111 * War Criminal Major Walter Reder and SS Colonel Herbert Kappler who were the only Two Nazi Officers to be in Gaeta Military Prison, 4 covers (2 from each) sent from the Prison to Germany with special cachet. £80/£90
112 ✱✱ WINSTON CHURCHILL STATESMAN. An exquisite collection of UM with 100’s of sets and MS displayed in Two expensive Albums. Many better especially Foreign issues with sheetlets. £150/£180
113 World Wide Collection A to Z Housed in 12 large binders with 1000’s of stamps in each one, seen lots of British Commonwealth (Very little Royalty) lots of UM, MS/Sheetlets. Huge Cat. values, sorted by country, filling 3 large cartons, unchecked as too much to check. £500/£600
114 * WORLDWIDE COVERS/CARDS/POSTAL HISTORY and more with better. Several 100 items in wallets (priced to sell at £2800+) Inc. Some very fine QV/KGV commonwealth postal stationary ovpt SPECIMEN (Inc. Falkland QV Card), Germany 1874 embossed Eagles on Cover. 1899 covers to British Guiana, First Flights, Aden FPO group, North Borneo 1949 registered and more. An interesting variety of material in good condition. £600/£700
115 Worldwide Large Carton with many 1000’s of Stamps Inc. UM Sets chiefly Stockpages or pages that the collector did not get around to sorting. A very good array of Stamps. £250/£300
116 WORLDWIDE VALUABLE ACCUMULATION of better and selected items on Cards priced to sell at £7360+. Many 100’s much of better value, condition is generally good noting elusive Korea mint Inc. defin. sets. Abu Dhabi UAE ovpts. FU. USA 1893 15c Columbia fine mint. Egypt Inc. imperfs. Iceland mint 1873 Classics Cat. £1500. Burma unissued (c£140), Portugal with unusual and good sets. An interesting lot of material. £1,500/£1,800
117 * WWII Censored Mail (17). 1939 Env. with “Returned to Sender/By The Censor” Label plus Censor Tape. 1941 Env. from Scotland to Canada with Orange/White Censor Tape. 1942 Env. with contents sent to Essex from RAF station Sumburgh with FPO 676 CDS. RAF Censor 15 H/S. sent from Shetlands. An interesting group. £80/£90
118 * 1887 BANKING - GB 1d postal stationery envelope, inscribed “The Bank of Australasia” with neat London hooded postmark, fine. £25/£35
SOCIETY - cachet on GB ½d postal stationery wrapper with neat dated postmark, fine. £25/£35
120 * 1901 MOUNTAINEERING - THE ALPINE CLUB inscribed 1d QV postal stationery envelope, neat LONDON squared circle pmk, fine. £50/£70
121 ✱✱ 1935 KGV Silver Jubilee Windsor Castle sets (44) note Northern Rhodesia 2d with Diagonal Line by Turret SG18f (Cat. £120), Gilberts 3p extra flagstaff. A good collection of mint sets. £300/£320
122 1960s Travellers Cheques. (80) with values between £2 to £20 issued by the National Provincial Bank Cashed in, in Italy, would make a good display study £150/£160
123 ✱ ✱✱ 1965-86 OMNIBUS ISSUES
COLLECTION, wide range of sets from the different omnibus issues, neatly arranged in an album, most omnibuses incomplete, but the majority of stamps usually present, clean & fine throughout, either very fine mint, or un-mounted mint, some hinged on folded over margins (app 1050 stamps + 12 MS). £200/£250
124 ✱✱ 1972 ROYAL SILVER WEDDING VARIETIES GROUP with inverted wmks, identified minor varieties, cylinder blocks etc, we seeSeychelles, St. Lucia, Gibraltar, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Bermuda, Bahamas, Tristan da Cunha, UM, clean & fine (11 blocks of 3, 2 pairs, 1 single). £50/£60
125 ✱✱ 1978 Coronation Complete Sheetlets of 4 MS fresh mint seldom seen in Sheetlets seen BAT, Mauritius, New Hebrides (both) St Helena, South Georgia. A good lot. £60/£70
126 * 1996 Football Euro 96 covers (11) inc England World Cup heroes fdc and football legends fdc, sound used covers with local Gairsay stamps attached as well. All illustrated and unaddressed. £50/£60
127 ✱ 1937 Dhow Set to 10r SG1/12 mint. £400/£450
128 1937 Printed Envelope for the First Day of Issues Pictorial Set with values from ½a to 1r (9) each stamp with a single Aden CDS. £25/£30
129 1937/51 KGVI Collection of Stamps 1939 Defin. Set. 1948 S/Wedding Set. 1951 Surch Set. State Sets. 1942 Sets. S/Wedding Sets. 1951 Surch Sets. A fine collection of 100+ stamps fresh mint. Cat. £580. £180/£200
130 * 1941 KGVI 3a Regd. Env. With double censored tape and 2 different censor handstamps uprated with 1a, 2½a with ADEN GPO regd. Label. £60/£70
131 Chiefly KGVI period interesting group KGVI revalued stationary card (15c). 1946 Victory 1½a as imprinted block. 1937 Coronation Set on Cover with Aden Camp CDS. Aden Socotra Expedition Stamps in large blocks UM. A nice little sorter lot. £70/£80
132 ✱✱ 1911 Edward 6d SG11 as a large block of 26 stamps fresh mint, seldom seen in large blocks. Cat £1430. £500/£550
133 ✱ ✱✱ Stockpage with useful selection 1911 ovpt to 6d as pairs, 1916 6d block of 4 SG13/13a (x2) um, 1920 pictorial set of six as blocks of 4 note 1d, 3d, 1/- UM cat £350+. £100/£120
134 ✱ Old pages with 370+ stamps randomly arranged mint or fine used with some early issues much identified unchecked. £30/£40
135 ✱ ✱✱ 1926/1993 Postage due collection. 1926 set of 11, second set of six. 1927 Surch set of 4. 1947 EA ovpts. (5). A fine range of 70 Postage dues with many sets Mint/UM. £75/£80
136 1980/97 A very fine collection of Epreuve De Luxe with many sets, wildlife, birds, medicinal plants, trees, jewellery, insects, etc. A superb collection of 240+ each different. £200/£220
137 Old pages with 540+ stamps from French Colonies issues to more modern chiefly FU unchecked. £50/£60
138 ✱✱ 1972/85 Unmounted Mint Collection of 100+ Stamps on printed Album Pages Inc. 1972 Europa with a good variety of commems sets and 1 MS Cat. £400+. £80/£90
139 Old pages with a range of 150 stamps from early arms to more modern issues fine used unchecked. £50/£60
140 Stockcards with French and Spanish issues (45) with values to 50fr mint. A good range chiefly mint/UM. £40/£50
141 * 1962 Rocket Mail Cover With Special Flight Label autographed by Gerhard Zucker, in good condition. £30/£40
142 ✱ ✱✱ AAT Mint collection (mostly UM) some extra FU Inc. many sets. 1955 3 covers cancelled at different bases. 1966 Defin set UM. Numerous other sets UM, 2001 Sheetlet of 20 UM (Qty) £100/£110
143 ✱ 1872 1d scarlet, perf.12½, wmk Crown CC INVERTED, SG.14w, mint no gum, cat.£200. £40/£50
144 ✱ 1882 ½d dull green, wmk Crown CA, TOP LEFT TRIANGLE DETACHED, SG21a, mint, small stain in corner, cat.£350. £90/£110
145 1884-74d chestnut, wmk Crown CA, TOP LEFT TRIANGLE DETACHED, used, cat.£375. £90/£110
146 ✱ 1908/17 Badge set fine m. SG41/50 c£180 (8). £75/£80
147 ✱ 1935/60 Old album Pages with better sets. 1935 Silver Jubilee set of 4. 1938 Defin. Set of 12 plus 1½d Lake-Brown and 2/6d Maroon. A good range of commem sets (9), fresh mint. Cat. £265+. £80/£90
148 ✱✱ 1973 BARBUDA 35c & $2 Honeymoon Visit, scarce local Antigua ovpts, SG.136b/7b, fine UM (2). £60/£75
149 ✱✱ 1973 BARBUDA 35c Honeymoon Visit, DOUBLE OVPT, one albino, SG.136a, fine UM. £30/£40
150 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Inc. UM and Blocks. An accumulators lot Inc. Identified Shades. 1938 2/6d, 10/- and £1 as UM blocks of Four. SG108/109 etc. Better issues. (130). Cat. £1300+. £260/£300
151 Stockcards (80) with a range of 360 stamps from QV to QEII seen KGVI to £1 mint. £70/£80
152 ✱✱ 1945-8 OFFICIAL 50c vermilion & salmon, sheet of 100, pre-printing paper creases on four stamps at top left corner, SG.O776, generally fine UM, sheet folded in four. £30/£40
153 Colour Trials - 1910 President issues with values to 5p as blocks of 4 seldom seen in blocks with a variety of different colours (38) on ungummed paper never been mounted. Imperforated. £160/£180
154 Colour Trials Celmon (11) as blocks of 4, San Martin (13), Derqui (7) on ungummed paper never been mounted. A fine collection to enhance your collection. Imperforated. £80/£90
155 1913 GB USED IN Mackennel 1d vertical strip of 3 on piece each with neat code B cds. SGZ38B cat £285. £90/£95
156 1922 GB USED IN KGV 1/- SGZ51 as a fine used and COMMERCIAL pair cat £450. A scarce multiple. £90/£95
157 1922 KGV ovpt set choice vfu SG1/9 (9) crisp cds pmks. (Photo) £250/£270
158 1934 8d Teardrop variety fine used SG27a. £450/£500
159 1935 Silver Jubilee set FU SG31/34 c£110. £50/£55
160 * 1949 OHMS registered cover to USA with vf code c cds & various bs. VF. £30/£40
161 1956/67 QEII early sets 1956 defin set of 13, 1963 bird set of 14, commemorative set 10 all very fine used. £80/£90
162 * A WWII cover to UK with CROWN /XX boxed censor cachet & 3d stamp tied cds. £60/£65
163 GB used in - 1913 5d SGZ15 nicely used on an envelope. £500/£550
164 ✱ KGVI Collection of 68 Stamps 1938 Defins. with different perf. Shades, note 3d Black and Ultra Mauve (x2), 10/- (x2). 1948 S/Wedding. 1949 UPU. A fresh mint collection. £220/£250
165 KGVI Including unmounted mint and blocks. An accumulators lot arranged by SG numbers Inc. listed shades and excellent pickings Inc. first 3d (5), majority of printings here to 10/- (3 Inc. UM), various blocks to 6d wedding 10/- (2). Excellent quality. Huge CV. £300/£360
166 ✱ QEII definitive set, 1956 set of 13. 1963 Bird set of 14. Cat. £210 mint. £50/£60
167 1913 Small Perforated Officials “OS” with values to 2/- (16) Inc. 2½d SGO19 plus 1/- Roo with large “OS” perfs. Chiefly fine used. £180/£200
168 ✱ 1914/20 KGV heads, good for study ½d green (12) with many shades and one with wmk inv, used (18) in wml inv, OS perfed officials (22) with values to 5d. Note 4d superb used with Perth cds. An oldtime lot. £100/£120
169 ✱ 1915-271s blue-green, wmk Narrow Crown, variety, white patch through TRA, SG.40, BW.33(4)k, VFM. £60/£70
170 * 1916 WWI POW Letter/Free Handstamp (type H3) on fine and scarce cover with scarce Censor Handstamp and POW Handstamp. Liverpool-NSW Pmk. £250/£280
171 * 1916 WWI POW multi stamped cover sent from a German Officer held at Trail Bay. A variety of censor cachets and POW - Free Handstamped. Fine and scarce. £180/£200
172 ✱ 1920 Airmail Pals label in red fine m Eustis 51c. (Photo) £60/£70
173 * 1920/38 State Government Dept mail. 1924 money order card (printed) sent to England, 1933 OHMS dead letter service env with a variety of transit marks on the reverse, a letter about a letter being sent to Caranarvan (Wales) not Australia sent to the dept of agriculture, 1927 env with official paid HS with post master general cachet sent to London. A very good lot of 16 covers/cards/letters with same details. £250/£270
174 1923 Variety Roo 6d leg broken SG73a fine used. £40/£50
175 ✱ 1923 Variety Roo 6d leg broken SG73a in pair with normal, mint. £50/£60
176 ✱ 1924 KGV heads with varieties (STC £390) note 1½d thin paper, HALE PENCE, thin RAL curved 1 at left, 2d (2), 2d (2) different shades, 1d, 1½d no wmk a small and useful group of 13. Stamps mint to 4½d. £120/£150
177 1924/31 KGV head one penny sage green, specialised mint/um collection (50+ singles, 40+ pairs/strips + 50+ blocks). A good number of varieties & printings throughout. £1,600/£1,800
178 ✱ 1925 King Heads with a range of values to 1/4d perf. 13½ x 12½, ½d (2), 1d (6), 1½d Red (6) note one with Inv. Wmk. 1½d Brown pair, 2d Red, 2d Brown, 3d, 4½d, 5d pair, 1/4d (2) with different shades. A valuable range of Stamps mint.
179 ✱ ✱✱ 1926/30 KGV Head Official perforated os 1½d SGO 100 remarkable collection of 180+ Inc. large blocks Mint/UM mixed condition good lot for plating and unchecked for varieties. Cat £4000+. £350/£400
180 1927/36 KGV Commemorative Collection with better sets note 1932 Harbour Bridge 5/(CTO) used. 1934 Victoria both perf. Types. 1935 ANZAC Silver Jubilee. 1934 MacArthur set. A good lot of 37 stamps. £180/£200
181 1928 Postage Due 3d SGD95 as superb used block 40 (4 x 10) with neat Kalbar CDS Pmks. Two positional plate varieties noted.
182 * 1929/34 Airmail covers (20) with a variety of franking 1929 cover with “Shorter By Days” Air Olabel on the reverse form Perth to Adelaide. 1931 Env. with 8 stamps sent to England with “Airmail section GPO” slogan cancel endorsed Via Prt Darwin. 1931 Env. sent to “Dutch East Indies” with 2/- roo, 3d Air stamp with “Melgorne to Batavia” cachet. A very good lot with some details. £300/£320
183 ✱ ✱✱ 1929/36 KGV specialist collection inc plate block of 4 (35) gutter blocks (5) with imprint, seen centenary of Western Australia, Sturt, Kingsford Smith, S/Jubilee, Link & Tasmania. Mint/UM. £280/£300
184 * 1931 Airmail (7) Inc. Christmas Greeting Envelopes with a variety of franking sent to England and Scotland with a variety of franking and special cachet, plain cover with 6d OS officials and KGV 5d also sent to England. A good group. £100/£120
185 1931 Postage Due 2d. A used selection of 28 showing various minor varieties Inc. RA joined, progressive frame flaws, damaged letters etc. Unusual group. £75/£80
186 ✱ 1932 Sydney Bridge 5/- John Ash imprint strip of 3 vfm SG143. £1,100/£1,200
187 1932 Sydney Bridge 5/-. SG143. VFU. (Photo) £100/£110
188 * 1933 First flight to Papua with both Australian & Papua postage stamps cancelled. Unusual. £30/£40
189 * 1934 Australia to Papua and New Guinea printed Air envelopes (4) with a variety of frankings (4) from Rockhampton (2) one with stamp cancelled Ship Mail Room, Blue envelopes (2) with special cachet for the flight with Australian and New Guinea Stamps sent to USA and England. £80/£90
190 * 1938 KGVI lovely illustrated envelope (front and back) with 3d franking (1½d x 2) sent to “Ipoh” Malaya. A superb cover. £40/£50
191 ✱ 1938/57 Stockpages (7) with postage dues mostly used with the odd variety and mint mixed in over 130 dues. £100/£120
192 * 1962/64 QEII 5d postal envelopes (130+) with a variety of business envs seen K-M, Smith Walton, Terylene, AMPOL to name just some of these companies. Many with slogan cancels a very good lot. £80/£90
193 ✱✱ 1966 BOOKLETS 60c group in different editions, DG9, DN9/10, DV9 x2, SG.SB39, fine UM (5 bklts). £75/£90
194 ✱✱ 1966 Offset varieties 5c QEII defin two different examples - one is very strong UM BW 444c. Mild toning (2 errors). £30/£40
195 ✱✱ 1971 ERROR - 7c Coil with Buff Colour Omitted (And Displaced Green) As an UM Coil Strip of Four. SG468BB. Cat. £900. (Photo) £150/£180
196 * A SUPERIOR COLLECTION OF FDC (400+) with specialisation 1953/75 Inc. Different manufacturers, scarce first day pictorial maxi cards, defins. Different Pmks etc. The condition is exceptional. £300/£360
197 * Aerogrammes an interesting lot unused inc 1962 St George philatelic society covers “GEORGEPEX” with different views, 1959 nation philatelic exhibition a very good lot of 57 aerogrammes in very good condition. £80/£90
198 * Airmail Covers (4) 1933 Env. Endorsed “First Flight” Melbourne to Flinders Is. 1931 Env. Endorsed “First Flight to Tasmania”, Env from England to Australia Endorsed “Experimental Direct Flight to Australia” with Insufficiently/Addressed Handstamp. £40/£50
199 * An Original Collection of Illustrated FDC’s (170) and PHQ Cards with the Stamps on the front with special cancels and all unaddressed also the odd Press Pack and Booklet housed in 4 Albums with issues from 1996 to 2000. A very good range with values to $10 £80/£90
200 IGV Heads on stock pages (12) with Penny Violet (85) Penny Green. (800+). 1922/31 mostly used odd mint unchecked for varieties known on issues. £150/£180
201 Kangaroo’s on stockpages with values from ½d to 5/- chiefly with a good range of cancellations, a few varieties identified ½d (35), 2d (60), 2½d (26), 3d (56), 4d (6), 5d (4), 6d (44) blue, (57) brown, 9d (150+), 1/- (80), 2/- (9) brown (80+) red, 5/- (4). With a good variety of shades. £500/£550
202 * KGV embossed 2c postal stationery red and orange inc ES59, ES61, advertising env etc. A good lot of 44 covers used. £100/£120
203 * KGV Postal History chiefly 1938 Exhibition Labels on Cards/Covers with special show cancels Inc. Print Postal Card sent from the show to England, Souvenir Env. sent from the show to NSW, Env. with 9 stamps each with a single cancel and Show Labels tired to the cover, plus 3 early cards with stamps on the front. £70/£80
204 * KGV Private to Order Envelopes (4) 1½d ES 52/56. A scarce group of company printed envelopes unused odd fault, highly catalogued. £70/£80
205 * KGVI 2½d Postal Stationary used Inc. a variety of Machine/Slogan Cancel’s Inc. Business Env’s. 1942 City of Geelong Env. with very fine machine cancel, David Jones Ltd. with Road Carelessness Kills Cancel. 1951 Glover/Goode Printed Env. uprated. A fine lot of 26 covers. £70/£80
206 * KGVI 3d and 3½d Postal Stationary Env. chiefly used with better mixed in 3d Shire of South Barwon, Cooke’s Ink, you can be sure of shell, City of Geelong, Bag company unused, City of Geelong, London Store, Shire of Numurkah, Shire of Barwon with many different Machine/Slogan Cancels, 46 covers. £140/£150
207 & Literature - Billys handbooks The Empire in Australasia part I and II, plus Railway Stamps and other Parcel Stamps of mainland Australia. All in good condition. £30/£35
208 * Newspaper Wrappers (19) fine used Inc. ½d Roo (W1), ½d + ½d KGV Head not listed used. KGVI with Uprated Wrappers (8) early QEII Inc. Uprated Wrappers. Each different. £70/£80
209 * Postage dues on covers/cards. 1d pair on 1905 PPC sent from the UK, 1917 PPc from UK to Australia with 1d due, 1922 PPC from SA with 1d due, 1945 env with 14 x 2d dues in strips or pairs, 1955 stampless cover with 7d due with Geo Adams HS. £70/£80
210 * Postal Stationery unused newspaper wrapping KGV/KGVI and early QEII inc 2½d KGVI specimen ovpt only 356 produced, (P25w), 1½d thin glazed (w22a), a valuable collection of 19 wrappers. £80/£90
211 * QEII news wrappers 1966/80 unused with uprated, re-valued. A useful lot of 40 wrappers. £50/£60
212 * QEII pre-decimal aerogrammes used inc 1953 coronation (9) with a few coronation flight cachet covers (5) inc KGVI stamp usage, moomba festive etc (7) note 3 unused. An interesting lot of 35. £45/£50
213 * QV Postal History (State Issues).
Tasmania Tattersall Lottery unused Env. and printed Letter Sheet. 1912 PPC Post Office with ½d, 1d on 2d franking, Queensland 1d Postal Card uprated, 1d illustr. Cards unused, 2d Letter Card unused, South Australia 1d Wrapper 1d Postal Card unused, 1d illustr. “Southern Railway” unused. A good lot of 22 items (9 used). £60/£70
214 State issued official perfins a good range of NSW inc large and small OS/NSW on roo’s and KGV heads (28), Tasmania “T” (5), Victoria “VG” (3) and Western Australia “WA”(1). All fine used with values to 5/-. £110/£120
215 * WWI Prisoner of War printed envelopes with a variety of handstamps plus a printed letterhead “Trial Bay” used. An interesting group. £130/£150
216 * WWII Postal History 32 items, seen Covers with Australian Stamps from Papua New Guinea with and without Geo Adam Handstamp, Env. with “Approved For Transmission/Toy Camp Commandant/2/No.18 (Tatura)”. 1940 Env. to UK with Censor handstamp and dead letter handstamp. A fine lot for study. £200/£220
217 Fine used very modern complete sets 2001/2014 with many attractive Se-Tenant sets (90+ stamps). £90/£95
If we can be of any assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you
218 1850/1904 Revenues of the AustroHungarian period with many different types on very old pages over 350 revenues used light adhesion on pages. £190/£200
219 1851 Mercury Newspaper Stamp 0.6kr SGN11 nicely used on Newspaper Fragment with Tarnow CDS also a mint single, used single and a good forgery. (4). (Photo) £80/£90
COMPANY 17k red, perf.9½, Mi.1B, used on entire to Braila, Romania, tied by CALAFAT 29/X c.d.s. postmark in blue, vertical fold, otherwise clean & fine, ex Kiddle. £400/£500
221 ✱ 1908 Accession set, SG.189/206, Mi.139/56, fine mint, cat.£450 (18). £70/£90
222 ✱ 1918/19 ERRORS and Varieties on Military Post issues of Yugoslavia seen War Fund with ovpt. Inverted. 1918 issues with missing 1 (918) on 5h and 25h, First issues with ovpt. Inverted 5h, 90h. A fine and interesting group of 46 stamps fresh mint. £80/£90
223 ✱✱ 1945 1rm, 2rm & 5rm thinner overprints on Hitler issues, SG.853/4, 856, Mi.693/4 II B, 696 II A, tiny, light tone spot on 5rm, otherwise superb never hinged mint (3). £140/£160
224 ✱✱ 1945 3rm & 5rm thick overprints on Hitler issues, SG.851/2, Mi.695/6 I A, superb never hinged mint with expertising marks (2). £250/£280
ALBUM For 1945/83 substantially complete chiefly choice UM 1100+ different issues Stc. £4100+ many key sets Inc. All 1948 Costumes and 1950 Bird Airmails. 1950’s Commems. Super lot. £400/£450
226 ✱✱ DAVO Luxury Boxed Hingeless Album for 1984/2000 substantially complete UM. Superb. 575 different stamps + 8 MS. £100/£120
227 Old pages with randomly arranged collection of 2100+ stamps from early numerals, heads, arms to more modern issues. Much identified chiefly FU unchecked. £100/£120
228 ✱ 1921-37 KGV wmk Script CA defins set, plus additional shades of ½d & 3d, SG.115/25, £1 toned gum, others VFM, cat.£249 (15). £90/£110
229 ✱ 1935/53 Old Pages with KGV Silver Jubilee set of 4. KGVI 1938 Defin’s. with shades (20). 1942 Landfall set of 16. 1948 Silver Wedding Set, Defin. Set of 16. 1949 UPU Set. A fine collection of 73 stamps fresh mint. Cat. £700. £300/£350
230 ✱ 1937 KGVI Sets 1938 Defin. Set to £1 (20) with Shades. 1942 Landfall Set (15) with £1 (x2). 1948 Defin. Set of 16, plus Commem Sets. A fine collection of 70 stamps fresh mint. £150/£180
231 ✱ ✱✱ 1938/52 KGVI definitives set with shades and varieties seen 2d with short “T” SG152ba, 5/- (6) Inc. SG156 with Cert, £1 all three, a range of blocks and multiples. a very highly catalogued collection with many better stamps. M/UM. £700/£750
232 ✱ 1940 SHORT T Variety 2d SG152BA VFM with normal to compare. £70/£75
233 ✱ 1942 4d LANDFALL OF COIUMBUS overprint ERROR, SG.168a, VFM, accompanied by certificate. £500/£600
234 ✱ ✱✱ 1942 KGVI Landing of Columbus, interesting lot with many minor varieties, extra dots, broken letters, over 170 stamps mainly ½d, 3d values with multiples. M/UM. £60/£70
235 ✱ ✱✱ 1948 Tercentenary set of 16 plus ½d to 2d as imprinted blocks of 4 fresh mint. £40/£50
236 ✱✱ 1967 5C Definitive. SG299. Error.
- Unusual listed in Elizabethan. (Photo) £80/£85
237 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint An Accumulators Lot Inc. a good range of blocks and listed shades, much 1942 COLUMBUS overprints noting £1 UM block 4 (and Two singles). 1948 £1 Wedding (2). 1948 Tercent Sets to £1 (3) Inc. UM. Quality lot. Cat. £1000+ (150+). £280/£300
238 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint and Blocks. An accumulators lot (190+) Inc. identified shades and printings, 5/- (11), £1 as superb plate block of Four UM, various lower values as blocks, original lot. Cat. £1300+. £400/£450
239 ✱ Old Printed Pages with issues to 1935 seen 1884 5/- mint, good range of War Tax. 1920 Peace Set Mint. 1930 Tercentenary Set Mint. 1935 S/Jubilee Set Mint. 60 stamps mainly mint Cat. £730. £200/£220
240 * Postal Stationery QV env’s unused (3) inc 4d violet embossed, 2½ on 4d, 2d grey-blue, cards (5) inc cards with reply cards still attached, QEII (4) inc 2 regd unused and 2 cards unused. A fine lot of 13 unused and 4 used. £90/£100
241 ✱✱ QEII varieties mainly watermark errors inc 1964 Churchill 6d, 1965 ITU 2/-, 1967 Scouting 3c, 1970 Girl Guides. A good lot of 39 stamps + 6 MS unmounted mint. £200/£220
Credit Cards
The best way to pay, guaranteed. Best exchange rates for overseas clients. Immediate despatch of purchases. PHILANGLES
242 ✱ Stockcards (130) with a range of 430 stamps from QV, seen KGVI 1938 Defins. Set with a range of different printings mint. 1942 Landfall Set with different printings mint. 1948 Defin. set of 16 mint. 1964 QEII Defin. Set Mint. A very good range mainly mint with many sets Inc. 27 MS/Sheets. £150/£170
243 A collection including blocks, UPU imperforates, officials with O1/6, specimens. Very fine lot. £630/£650
244 ✱ 1933 High Values 2r + 5r (Inv. Wmk.). Both Fine Mint. SG13 + 14W. (2). Cat. £208. £70/£80
245 ✱✱ 1938/41 KGVI Set of 14 (Ex 8a + 12a) as UM blocks of Four (15r is Wmk inverted) SG20/37. Rare Set of Multiples. Cat. £2600+. (Photo) £800/£850
246 ✱✱ 1942/45 KGVI (White Background) set as blocks of Four fine UM. A scarce set of multiples. SG38/50 (13). (Photo) £250/£280
247 ✱✱ 1942-5 KGVI India, white backgrounds, complete set in BLOCKS OF FOUR, SG.38/50, 6a toned gum, others fine UM, cat.£640 (13 blocks). £200/£250
248 ✱ ✱✱ 1948 GB ovpt set SG51/60a as vfm blocks of four (50% um) scarce in blocks (11). (Photo) £150/£170
249 1986/87 Dispatch notes “CP2” sent from Bahrain to India with 50f, 1d frankings Inc. Blocks and strips, 33 forms. £100/£120
250 Fine used collection with better early sets. 1933 KGV ovpt. set of 14. 1938 KGVI set of 16. 1942 White background set. 1948 Defin. Set. S/Wedding Set. 1950 Defin. Set. Extensive QEII ovpt issues. A fine collection of 225 stamps and 3 MS. £400/£450
251 ✱ KGVI Overprinted Issues. 1938 India ovpt. set of 16 (note 15r Wmk. Inv.) White background set. 1948 GB ovpt. set of 11, S/Wedding set, Olympic, UPU Sets. 1950 Defin. set of 9 plus low values as blocks of 4. A fine range of 90 stamps, very high Cat. value. £400/£450
252 ✱ ✱✱ Sets chiefly as MS/Sheetlets mainly UM seen 2002 Sheikh MS, Birds, Wildlife, Flower, Sheetlets. A fine collection of 58 Stamps plus 16 Ms/Sheetlets, highly catalogued with issues from 1960, much identified. £150/£180
253 ✱ 1858 Britannia 1/- black SG12A fresh unused imperf block of four. £360/£400
254 ✱ 1873 6d orange-vermilion, IMPERFORATE block of four, SG.60b, unused, margin just touches at lower left, otherwise clear, cat.£200. £50/£60
255 ✱ 1892-1903 Seal of Colony, wmk Crown CA set, SG.105/15, good to fine mint, cat.£250(11). £80/£90
256 ✱ 1892-1903 SPECIMENS 2d slate black & orange with additional ULTRAMAR handstamp and 2s6d violet and green, SG.108s, 115s, mint (2). £40/£50
257 ✱ 1920/53 Old Pages with better pickings. 1920 Victory set to 2/- (11). 1935 Silver Jubilee set of 4. KGVI Commem Sets (6). 1950 Defin. set of 12. A useful range of stamps Cat. £235+. £70/£80
258 1935 Postage Due ½d VFU block of Six, one unit showing notch out of left side of 1. Ex Murray Payne. SGD1. £30/£35
259 ✱ 1938 KGVI VARIETY 2d extra frame line VFM within PLATE (1) marginal block Four. SG250DA. £40/£50
260 ✱✱ 1941 KGVI VARIETY 2d UM corner block of Ten with plate No.1 with unit R11/9 EXTRA FRAMELINE very fine. SG250CA. £55/£60
261 ✱✱ 1946 Victory set with local violet specimen handstamps. Unlisted & rare SG262/3 (2) um. (Photo) £180/£200
262 ✱✱ 1947 KGVI VARIETY One Penny on 2d plate block of Four UM with extra frame line (R11/9) very fine NHM (UM). SG264EA. £120/£130
263 ✱ 1947 SPECIMEN handstamps on the ONE PENNY on 2d surcharges SG264 + 264e um. Fine & scarce (2). (Photo) £150/£170
264 ✱ 1951 University set with local violet SPECIMEN handstamps. SG283/284 (2) unlisted in SG. (Photo) £200/£220
265 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint. An accumulators lot. Much 1938 Badge issue Inc. UM, Blocks, 5/- Inc. Corner Plate number pair, different printings and shades. 1950 to $2.40 etc. (150+). £120/£150
266 ✱ Old Printed Page with issues from 1862 to 1935 with better pickings. Britannia’s to 1/- (12). 1920/21 Victory Set Mint. 1935 S/Jubilee Set Mint. 86 Stamps mainly mint. Highly catalogued. £220/£250
267 Stockcards (48) with chiefly KGVI issues a few earlier issues, seen Seahorse to 5/- mint and FU, a useful range. £60/£70
268 Stockcards (225) with a range of 890 stamps with many sets Inc. overprinted issues mainly QEII sets Inc. 75 MS/Sheets, chiefly mint. £80/£90
269 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint and several fine blocks to 1/- Includes 1938 to 10/-, UM blocks and shades (Qty). £70/£80
270 ✱ 1884-1913 MINT & USED
COLLECTION, small range incl. 1884 Stellaland 3d, 4d & 6d mint, 1885-7 1s ovpt on Cape used (SG.8, cat.£190), continues with British Bech range note 1888 to 1s used and 1891 used set of 5, continues with a few Bech Protectorate issues from 1897-1913. Mixed condition, cat.£546 (35). £90/£110
271 1885-8 Cape of Good Hope ovpts set, plus 1888 ½d GB ovpt, SG.1/9, good to fine used, cat.£501 (9). £150/£180
272 * 1900 Camp Mail with original enclosures. A lengthy letter and original Silk Dance Card written at Mafeking Camp during the Second Boer War Period franked 2d SG11 Tied Mafeking CDS. Unusual. £200/£220
273 ✱✱ 1948 Wedding Set As UM Marginal Pairs. SG136/137. £40/£45
274 * 1950-3 KGVI 2s6d single franking on reg’d env. to USA, also KGVI 1½d pair on env with SEROWE pmk and 3d Airmail Letter Card CTO in 1953, clean (3). £50/£70
275 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Inc. Unmounted Mint. Blocks to 6d, Identified Shades, Printings, 10/- Wedding etc. (Qty)/ £80/£90
276 ✱✱ FINEST QUALITY NHM (UM) lot of 1942/50 issues in various blocks Cat. £580+ Inc. various 1942 issues to 2fr 50 Leopard (various types of language). 1947 Delightful lot of Carving issues in blocks with values to 2fr and 1943 Postage Dues perf. 12 original printings in fine blocks. (Qty). £100/£120
277 Stockcards/packets (160) with 100’s of stamps seen values to 100fr, 1938 MS mint. A useful range chiefly fine used. £70/£80
278 1876/1891 Revenues on very old pages, a range of 100 revenues with many different types, seem to be sorted by issues, light adhesion to the pages. £80/£90
279 * 1914/54 Covers/Cards 14 with better note Private Air Sets on Covers (3) each different. 1950 Tourist Set. 1953 Child Welfare Set. 1954 Albert Set on FDC. 1954 Prisoner issues on a card. A good selection. £80/£90
280 Oldtime Belgium in Three Albums (Two Davo Printed) lots of useful stamps noting 1849 Classic First Issue 10c (3) + 20c (3) other early used. 1865 1fr imperf. Brilliant unused (normal Cat. £3750). 1930 BIT ovpt. Set used on cover, better 1930’s commems. 1952 UPU set mint (c£375) etc. Useful lot. £360/£400
281 ✱✱ Stockpages with a range of late 1970’s/80’s Stamps with many sets UM. A good lot of 680 Stamps and 16 MS. £90/£100
282 ✱ 1874 Three Pence on 1/- SG13 fine unused. RPS Cert. Cat £2500 mint. £250/£280
283 ✱ 1875 1d on 1s green, SG.17, fine mint. £200/£220
284 ✱ 1924 Variety 2/6d broken scroll SG89a mint. £150/£160
285 ✱ 1938 KGVI first 10/- SG119 vfm cat £400. £100/£110
286 * 1938 SPECIMEN Overprint KGVI 3d registered envelope size F. Superb condition. Just 348 printed. £50/£55
287 ✱ 1938-5310s bluish green & deep red on green, SG.119a, fine mint, cat.£200. £60/£70
288 ✱ 1938-5310s green & deep lake on pale emerald, SG.119, fine mint, cat.£400. £120/£140
289 ✱✱ 1939 KGVI 5/- SG118 as fine UM marginal pair. Cat. £300. £100/£120
290 ✱ 1943 Shading omitted variety 2/- SG116DB fine m. £850/£900
291 ✱ ✱✱ 1945 KGVI 5/-. SG118e. As VFM marginal block of Four (lower Two Units UM). Very fine. £90/£95
292 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint. An accumulators lot Inc. listed shades, some multiples and good high values nice range of lower values Inc. shades, high values 2/- (6), 2/6d (6), 5/- (6), 10/- (9), 12/6d (1) and £1 (1) also 1948 £1 Wedding etc. Excellent lot. £300/£360
293 ✱ Old Album Pages with QV to early QEII issues seen definitives, many commem’s Inc. 1935 Silver Jubilee, KGVI Silver Wedding set. 1953 QEII Defin. Set mint and a second set fine used. A very good range of 230 stamps mint or fine used, an oldtime original collection. £160/£170
294 ✱ Old Page with chiefly Dry Dock Stamps (8). 1902 set of 3. 1906 Dry Dock (7), War Tax ovpt. (3). 1904 QV SG28a. A good lot of 14 stamps Cat. £200+. £60/£70
295 ✱ Queen Victoria Side face range to 1/- (12) and Dry Dock to 3d (4) Inc. 1865 6d Dull Mauve, 1c 1883 1/- Olive-Brown. A small but useful lot, fresh mint. £120/£150
296 Stockcard with KGVI 12/6d (63) Inc. pairs (21) with a variety of Shades, used with Fiscal Cancels. £250/£270
Key to symbols in this catalogue
297 ✱ Stockcards/Packets with issues from QV to 2005 (230) with a range of 950 Stamps + 12 MS with many complete Sets Mint/UM, FU, seen KGVI to 2/6d Mint. QEII Defin. to £1 FU, Modern Defins. to $8. A superb collection with many modern sets FU or Fresh Mint. £100/£120
298 ✱✱ 1968 1s3d “SOVEREIGN BIAFRA” ovpt, sheet number block of four, SG.12, UM, usual gum. £50/£60
299 ✱✱ 1968 Biafra-France Friendship ovpts set, plus ½d+5s SURCHARGE DOUBLE and 1d+£1 SURCHARGE DOUBLE, one inverted, previously listed in SG Elizabethan as SG.16c/d, 16ca, 16db, fine UM (4). £80/£100
300 * CENSOR/PRISONER OF WAR cachet on v/f OFS cover franked 1d VRI tied Boshoe cds. VF. £45/£50
301 ✱✱ 1979 Inverted Watermark Variety 50p SG77aw As Corner Block of Six with Colour Dots and Sheet Number (090). A scarce piece. £60/£70
302 ✱✱ 1979 Inverted Watermark Variety 50p SG77aw as Superb Gutter Block of Four. £40/£50
303 ✱✱ 1979 Inverted Watermark Variety 50p SG77aw as Traffic Light Gutter Block of Four UM. Very fine. £45/£50
304 ✱ 1863 24c Tall Ship SG79 VFM. Elusive. £80/£90
305 1885 British Guiana to British Army stationed in Egypt. A fine and scarce cover franked 8c neatly cancelled. An unusual route and destination. Very fine. £150/£170
306 ✱ 1935 Silver Jubilee, perfin SPECIMEN set, SG.301s/4s, very fine mint (4). £65/£75
307 ✱✱ 1945-9 BOOKLET 24c black on red cover, contains SG.290b, 308a, 309a, SG.SB9e, fine UM. £60/£70
308 Guiana/Guyana issues on pages chiefly early Guiana issues seen early ship, 1897 1c pictorial as a v=block of 4 mint, chiefly fine used randomly arranged on pages. Unchecked 270 stamps. £50/£60
309 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint and a good group of blocks much 1938 defins. with Shades, Printings. $1 (14), $2 (9), $3 (9) Inc. a superb plate block. a good range of lower values, Wedding $3 (2) Circa 200. £240/£280
310 Old Printed Pages with issues from 1860 to 1935. STC £540+ seen 1860 12c FU. 1882 Perfin. type 3 different. 1898 Jubilee Set Mint. 1935 S/Jubilee Set Mint. 85 Stamps mixed condition. Mainly mint. £130/£150
311 ✱ 1937/51 KGVI Collection of 32 Stamps fresh mint Coronation. 1938 Defin. Set to $5 (12), S/Wedding, Battle of St. George Cay. UPU. A fine range. Cat. £275+. £70/£80
312 ✱✱ 1938 Unmounted Mint KGVI Defin. Set. SG150/161 (12). £90/£95
313 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint. An accumulators lot (70+) Inc. 1938 $2 (3) + $5 (3). SG160/161 etc. High CV. £100/£110
314 Old Printed Pages with issues to 1935. QV (24), Edward (8), KGV (29), Cat. £570, KGV to $1. 1932 Relief ovpt. set mint. £1,202.00£150.00
315 * POSTAL STATIONERY group of mint QV, KEVII & QEII postcards, plus KGV 1d wrapper used, good to fine (20 items). £40/£50
BR. I.O.T.
316 ✱ ✱✱ 1968/74 Pages with a fresh mint collection of 66 stamps, 2 MS Inc. 1968 ovpt. set of 15. 1968 Marine Life set of 18. 1972 Coral with Wmk. variety 60c, 1r, 1r75 Wmk. to the left, mint Inc. £50/£60
317 * 1868/71 Destination Constantinople Two fine entires each with GB 6d single usages (SG104 + 109) each cancelled Manchester. The 1868 with distinctive Duplex HS. Various postal markings. Fine (2). £60/£70
318 ✱ KGVI Tripolitania overprinted sets. 1948 set of 13. 1950 set of 13. 1951 set of 8, both postage due sets. Fresh mint. £150/£170
319 ✱ 1907/13 Early years mint collection 1907 set of 7, 1908 set to 2/6d (10), 1913 set of 4 cat £400. £90/£100
320 ✱ 1937/49 KGVI fresh mint collection of 40 stamps. 1939 Defin. set of 13. 1949 S/Wedding set of 2. UPU set. 1940 Postage due set of 8. A fine range Cat. £220+. £70/£80
321 ✱✱ 1939/51 KGVI Defin. Set As UM Blocks of Four. SG60/72. (13). Cat. £440. Some values with toned gum. £80/£85
322 ✱✱ 1939/51 Unmounted Mint KGVI Defin. Set. SG60/72. (13). £55/£60
323 ✱✱ 1956-631d to 1s3d BOOKLET PANES of 4, SG.83/91b, fine UM (7 panes). £30/£40
324 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including unmounted mint, several multiples etc. from an accumulator Inc. 4½d + 10/- blocks of Four numerous lower values, Wedding 10/- UM (2), 80 stamps. £90/£95
325 ✱ Stockcards (23) with a range of 100 stamps. KGVI 1939 defin. set of 13. 1968 QEII defin. set of 15 mint, useful chiefly mint. £70/£80
326 1867-84 QV USED GROUP incl. 1867-70 1d both shades, 4d on buff, 1883-4 ½d dull green pair, 1d pale rose & 2½d ultramarine with A 91 pmks, plus ½d with c.d.s. pmk, good to fine, cat.£335 (8 stamps). £80/£95
327 ✱ 1867-88 QV MINT / UNUSED GROUP incl. 1867-70 1d, 4d on buff, 1878 ½d emerald-green (x2, one no gum), 1883-4 ½d dull green, 1d pale rose, 1887-89 4d, 1888 4d on 1s, mixed condition, good appearance, cat.£526 (8 stamps). £90/£110
328 ✱ 1938/52 KGVI Collection 1938 set with different Papers (25). 1952 Set of 12 mint. £60/£70
329 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint Accumulators Lot Inc. 1938 range to £1 (3), Ordinary Paper Printings Inc. UM. 1952 to $4.80 (3). Cat. about £620. £120/£140
330 1843/1979 Old Scott Pages with a range of 1250 stamps from early classic to more modern issues with lots of sets, Inc. Postage Stamps, Air Stamps, Special Delivery Stamps, Officials also the odd MS. Mainly fine used. £180/£240
331 * 1932 Revolutionary Forces set used on cover (First Day?) with special conference pmks. Scarce. Scott 364/374. (Photo) £100/£110
332 * 1932 Revolutionary Forces set used on cover (First Day?) with special congress pmks. Scarce Scott 364/374. £100/£110
333 Old pages with 2000+ stamps from early issues to more modern randomly arranged on pages. Chiefly fine used unchecked. £100/£200
334 Original collection on Old Pages with issues to 1979 from early classic over 1000 different stamps chiefly fine used. £120/£140
335 ✱ 1906 Labuan ovptd defins set, SG.11/22, mixed condition, mint, some are fine, cat.£600 (12). £200/£220
336 1906/50’s Fine used selection on an Old Stockpage with values to $2 with a fine lot of canoes useful lot of 75 stamps. £90/£100
337 1942-4 JAPANESE OCCUPATION 6c greenish grey, SG.J7, fine used with violet cancel. £90/£110
338 1942-4 JAPANESE OCCUPATION 8c greyblack, SG.J9, very fine used with clearly dated 10 OCT 1942 c.d.s. postmark, expertised by Rowell. £500/£600
339 ✱✱ 1977 20c Silver Jubilee, SILVER OMITTED variety, SG.265a, fine UM, accompanied by certificate. £150/£180
340 ✱ Imperial pages with a range of 33 stamps chiefly River views to $1 (30) chiefly mint. £60/£70
341 1886/1951 Postage due collection on pages, Inc. 1886 set of 3 FU. 1895 Perf. and imperf. later issues with different perfs. etc. A fine range of 83 dues. Mint or FU. £60/£70
342 Old pages with 1700+ stamps from early issues to more modern chiefly fine used much identified unchecked. £70/£80
343 ✱ ✱✱ Printed Album (Ka-be 1971 to 1978) sparely filled plus pages with a range of 360 Stamps + 40 MS/Sheetlets, mainly mint, much UM. £60/£70
344 Schaubek Album Page for issues from1879 to 1969 sparsely filled with 750+ stamps mainly fine used. £60/£70
345 ✱ 1937 OFFICIALS KGV India with BURMA / SERVICE ovpts, complete set, SG.O1/O14, 2r & 5r with minor creases, otherwise fine mint, cat.£1000 (14) £300/£350
346 1945 KGVI defins with MILY ADMIN ovpts, complete set in BLOCKS of 4, SG.35/50, VFU, most with central c.d.s. pmks (16 blocks). £40/£50
347 ✱ ✱✱ 1945/46 KGVI BMA issues 1945 Mily Admn. ovpt. set of 16 mint. 1946 New colour set of 15. UM. £30/£40
348 ✱✱ 1995 Prepared and unissued 20p SG309a as lower block of Twenty (Bottom Two Rows) fine UM. An interesting stamp. Cat. £2800. £200/£280
349 * MOUNTBATTEN OF BURMA scarce 1978 autographed together with Major Samson on HMS Hibernia special env. VF. £85/£90
350 Old pages with mainly KGV, KGVI issues, much identified mint or FU, inc official, high values unchecked 400 stamps. £60/£70
351 ✱ Stockcards (34) with a range of 230 stamps seen KGV ovpt. set to 5r (Cat. £270+). KGVI Defin. set to 5r. 1946 New Colour Set. 1947 Interim Government Set, Offices, Japanese Occ. A good range chiefly mint. £200/£240
Credit Cards
352 ✱✱ 1951/70 Unmounted Mint Collection of sets and high value miniature sheets, note 1951 Defin. Inc. 3 MS. 1953 Air set of 9. 1954 Defin. Set of 20. A very good collection of 290 stamps + 16 MS. Seldom seen collection. £350/£400
353 1901 Yachts high value set of four 1mk, 2mk, 3mk + 5mk each fu on piece all with matching Buea postmarks. SGK16/19. £600/£650
354 ✱ 1851 Plate proof 12d overprinted specimen in carmine (vertical) VF. Unitrade 3pi. £800/£900
355 1865 Vancouver Island 5c + 10c perf. Both sound FU. SG13/14 (2). £120/£150
356 1895 Advertising Pictorial Envelope for Granite Mills (Depicting large mill complex) franked 1c small Queen tied St. Hyacinthe squared circle. Very fine. £40/£45
357 ✱ 1897 ½c to 15c Jubilee issue, incl. both 2c shades, SG.121/32, very fine mint, cat.£678 (10). £150/£180
358 * 1897 10c purple, Jubilee, SG.131, single franking used on cover, tied by “R” dumb cancel. £60/£80
359 ✱ 1897 Jubilee $4 SG139 fresh mint. Excellent colour. Very fine. £600/£650
360 ✱ 1897 Jubilee $4 superb mint well centred SG139. (Photo) £700/£750
361 ✱ 1897-86c brown, BLOCK OF FOUR, SG.147, fine mint. £80/£100
362 1903-12 KEVII 1c & 2c, each with open and vertical PRE-PRINTING PAPER CREASES, SG.173, 176, used (2). £50/£60
363 1903-12 KEVII defins set, SG.173/87, used, cat.£180 (7). £40/£50
364 * 1908 Quebec Tercentenary stamps, used to frank two registered envs. one with ½c & 7c to Nova Scotia, other franked 2c & 5c to Ontario, covers with various postal markings and transit / arrival marks. Good to fine (2). £120/£150
365 ✱ ✱✱ 191-221c bluish green, two examples GROSSLY MISPERFORATED, SG.197, VFM or fine UM (2). £60/£75
366 ✱ 1930 KGV Definitive Set with Coil Stamps, colour change set, 1c Pl. block of Six (Pl.2) 8c plate block of 4 (Pl.2). A good lot of 52 stamps to $1 fresh mint SG288/309. £60/£70
367 ✱✱ 1937/38 KGVI defin set as blocks of four choice NHM SG357/367 + 371 (12 blocks). £350/£400
368 ✱ ✱✱ 1937/48 KGVI Definitive Collection
1937 Set to $1 Inc. Aniline Ink $1, Coil Stamps. 1942 set to $1 Inc. Booklet Panes, Coil Stamps, Plate Blocks. A good lot of 65+ items. Cat. £1250 M/UM. £150/£180
369 ✱✱ 1949 OFFICIAL 50c Plate Block of Four UM with variety “No Stop After S”. SGO169 + O169a. An exceptional positional item. (Photo) £1,000/£1,100
370 ✱ ✱✱ 1950/63 Official “G” ovpts. With better sets. 1950 set of 13 and set of 2. 1953 set of 6. 1954 set of 6. 1963 set of 4. A very good collection of 43 stamps mint chiefly UM. £100/£120
371 Cancellation Collection on Stockpages. Railway Cancels from all over the country with many different types from QV usage to early QEII, a 140+. £80/£90
372 Consal album pages with a range of 1500+ different stamps chiefly FU with issues from QV. £80/£90
373 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Commemorative Collection 1937 Coronation complete sheet, Cylinder Blocks of 4 (5). Royal Visit 3c Plate Blocks (8). 1937 Definitive Panes from Booklets (5). A good lot M/UM. £80/£90
374 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI on Stock Book Pages with many better pickings, Defin. set to $1, good range of OHMS and “G” Officials. A highly catalogued collection of 180 stamps mint Inc. UM. £300/£350
375 ✱ * U.P.U. Canada 1933 5c Congress Preliminary Meeting issue, group based on this issue incl. Plate 1 & 2 corner blocks of 4, both mint & used, various used examples plus used block of 4, three covers, one franked with pair and 3c defin, registered & pmked at GO HOME, Ontario, pair used on 1c postal stat env plus 2c defin and reg’d at STEWIACKE, also single franking on env. from BACHE PENINSULA addressed to Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, the most northerly and southerly post offices in the Americas. Good to fine (13 items). £110/£130
376 1863-44d blue, De La Rue printing in a PAIR, SG.19a, good used, cat.£280+. £70/£90
377 1864 Revenues Embossed issues Inc. £3 (x 2), £10 + £5 on the same piece, £1.10/- (x 2) on the same piece, 1d Brown, 6d (x 3). A useful lot of 21 Revenues. £120/£140
378 1864/1903 Revenue collection on Old Pages. QV to £2 (90) Inc. stamp act, Government note £1 as a pair, £2 (x 2). Standing Hopes (29) with values to £5. Edward (20) with values to £2, used and sorted by issues seldom seen as such a large group. £300/£340
379 ✱ 1896 REVENUE 12s orange-brown, horizontal pair, Barefoot 126, VFM. £70/£90
380 ✱ 1902/04 Edward set fine m SG70.78 (9). (Photo) £110/£120
381 * A trio of postal history 1901 Boer War cover with censors, 1902 ERI ovpt reg’d env used to Bath & 1907 obsolete use of Natal 1d with tax cachets. Fair. £50/£60
382 ✱✱ BOER WAR - Green pont POW camp 2.camp Banknute in vf unused condition. £30/£35
383 Cork type cancellation collection on Sitting Hopes with values to 1/- (44) with many different types plus a range of CDS, Barred numerals (75). A good lot. £100/£120
384 ✱ Old Pages with better pickings. Triangles (3) 1d, 4d, 6d FU. 1884 Sitting Hope to 5/- (5). 1896 Hope’s to 5/- (8). 1902 Edward 1902 set of 9. a very good range of 33 stamps each different, fresh mint highly catalogued. £300/£320
385 Postmark/Cancellation Collection with many different cancels seen KGV 3d block of 16 with Knysna CDS, sitting and standing Hope’s with a variety of Cork cancels, Sitting Hope 1/- pair with “3” cancel, Sitting Hope 6d with Websters Zuurberg CDS, Hope ½d with Kloop St Gardens. A good range of 320 cancellation. £200/£220
386 Stockpage with chiefly QV revenues (18) to £1 and Edward 1d (5) used. £30/£40
387 * 1934 Postage stamps used as postage dues ¼d (pair) + 1½d all tied Georgetown cds on cover from South Africa framed 1d. £80/£90
388 ✱ 1937/1950 KGVI Collection of 83 stamps note 1938 Defin. set to 10/- with different perf. Shades, etc. (57), S/Wedding Set. UPU Set. 1950 Defin. Set fresh mint. £130/£150
389 ✱ 1938 KGVI defin set (14) fine m SH115/126 cat £120. £30/£35
390 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint features in this accumulators lot (c 180+). Extensive 1938 Defins. with Shades, 10/- (4) Inc. Superb UM Corner Pair. 1950 to 10/- (4) Inc. UM. Good lot. Cat. £1000+. £200/£220
391 ✱ ✱✱ Stockcards and packets (140+) with many better sets 1938 defin set mint, 1948 S/wedding set mint, 1950, 1953, 1962, 1969 & 1970 defin sets mint, 1966 Churchill 1/- wmk inv. A good variety of issues 100’s of stamps mint/um. Defin set mint, 1962 £150/£200
392 ✱ 1937/52 KGVI Collection of 96 Stamps Inc. a very good range of 1938 definitive’s with values to 5r plus 10r postal fiscal, unchecked for printing and a good range of commems sets fresh mint. £120/£140
393 ✱✱ 1938/49 Unmounted Mint KGVI Set (14). SG386c/397a. £50/£55
394 Ceylon/Sri Lanka old pages with 750 stamps randomly arranged seen issues from QV to more modern, chiefly fine used odd mint. Unchecked. £70/£80
395 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Collection chiefly 1938 Definitives with different Shades, perf. types, Stamp Booklet, SGSB20a. Definitive Inc. 10r SGF1. A good and valuable lot of 65 items M/UM, much identified. £350/£380
396 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint. A fine accumulators lot. Many different Printings of 1938/48 Defins. to 5r (2). 50c Imprint Pair, etc. Good pickings. (c180). £100/£120
397 OFFICIALS, QV/Edward (25) Inc. 1867 8d SGO3 mint. 1895 set of 7 fine used. 1899 set of 4. 1903 Edward set of 6. A good lot with shades. Chiefly fine used. £50/£60
398 Pages with KGVI issues from 1937 to more modern QEII issues 100’s of stamps Inc. 1938 Defin. set to 5r, also three WWII War Effort Labels, each different. 1947 New Constitution set as blocks of Six with many sets a good range. £80/£90
399 * Postal History - Interesting group of 54 Covers/Postal Cards Inc. 1936 KGV Env. with 50c franking and Indo-Ceylon/Special Flight/Xmas/1936 cachet, First Flight. 1942 Env. Endorsed On Active Service with 5r SG397 and 6c SG388 double censored, 5r scarce on cover. 1897 Pre printed Card “ To Let” Hirimbura Estate 2c Postal Card with very fine Calle CDS, censored mail (7). 1932 Inward Env. from the Cook Is. A fine and very interesting lot. £150/£180
400 ✱ Stockcards (140) with a range of 420 stamps seen KGV pictorial set of 11 FU. 1935 S/Jubilee Set FU. A good range with sets, mint or FU. £50/£60
401 * WWII Postal History. A fine lot of 12 items Inc. Maritime Mail Slogans, Censor’s Handstamp, Air Letters from HMS Bherunda. 1944 Air Letters sent to South East Asia and redirected on arrival. An interesting lot for study. £70/£80
402 Old pages with a randomly arranged collection of 800+ stamps seen early Columbus, Airs. An useful range much indentified chiefly FU unchecked. £60/£70 Viewing Clients
403 ✱ UPU 1957 Chile Presentation folder containing current mint issues Inc. Air high values, very fine with letter. £30/£40
404 ✱ 1897 New Currency Overprints small figures ½c, 1c, 2c, 4c, 8c + 10c. SG37/43. Fine Mint. Cat. £350 (6). (Photo) £100/£120
405 ✱ 1897 New Currency Ovpts. ½c, 1c, 2c + 4c SG57/60. All fine Mint. c£180 (4). £60/£65
406 * 1904 Fine Cover from AUSTRIA
Addressed to German Brigade at Peking with 3 stamp 25th franking on reverse and neat PekingDeutsche Post Arrival CDS. Vertical fold doesn’t detract. £80/£85
407 ✱✱ 1949 INVERTED OVERPRINT ERROR, North East China $5000 on $1500 as a fresh unused, as issued marginal block of four. SGNE268a vf. £130/£140
408 * 1955/56 Two Mail Bag Tags Both Linen with various stamp combinations Inc. 8 stamp usage both Reg’d to UK. Unusual. (Photo) £50/£60
409 ✱✱ 2000 Stamp collection inc special folders(6) note key wild animals, Olympic, Laoshan mountains, spring festival, hardback handbook with stamps and sheetlets, stamps in packets look complete for the year. Unmounted mint. £180/£200
410 * 2001 Illustrated FDC’s (57) inc MS, unaddressed and each being different, seen key wild animals, river and lakes, Mount Wudang. A good lot. £40/£50
411 ✱✱ 2001 Stamp collection inc special folders (10) note Zhaoling Mausoleum, Hydropower, games of PPC, Huangguoshu waterfalls, The Duanwu festival and stamps still in their original packets looks complete for the year, unmounted mint. £150/£180
412 ✱✱ 2002 Unmounted mint collection of stamps, booklets, MS plus souvenir folders with stamps inside, main stamps still in there original packets, seen flowers, ancient city of Lijiang, stone carvings, dam on the yellow river. A good lot. £120/£150
413 * 2003 Collection of illustrated fdcs (68) each different unaddressed inc MS. £60/£70
414 ✱✱ 2003 Stamp collection inc booklets, souvenir packs, stamps still in their original packets, ms (41), souvenir packs inc/ethnic minorities Gulangyu Island, literary works, Leshan giant Buddha. A superb collection unmounted mint. £450/£500
415 ✱✱ 2004 Stamp collection inc booklet, souvenir packs, stamps still in their original packets, note souvenir packs inc peafowl, woodprint new year pictures, year of Jiashen. A superb collection unmounted mint. £120/£150
416 * 2005 Illustrated fdcs collection (94) unaddressed inc MS, seen Olympic covers, space, army senior general. A superb collection each different. £60/£70
417 ✱✱ 2005 Stamp collection inc Andersen’s Fairy Tales, stamps still in original packets, MS a very good collection unmounted mint. £100/£120
418 * 2006 Illustrated fdcs collection (110+) inc MS, unaddressed inc World Cup, Olympic, Flowers, Transport. A superb collection each different. £90/£100
419 ✱✱ 2006 International stamp and coin expo Beijing Souvenir book with stamps/MS and 1 cover inside UM. £40/£50
420 * 2009 Illustrated fdcs (125) collection unaddressed inc MS, seen games, views, NBA finals. A very good collection each different. £60/£70
421 * 2010 Illustrated fdcs (95) collection unaddressed seen, winter Olympic, custom of old Shanghi, residences of celebrities in Beijing. A very good collection each cover is different. £50/£60
422 FINE USED ultra modern complete sets 2002/2005 fine collection of all different complete sets and MS on Stockpages (couple 100 all different) STC £540. £180/£200
423 * NEW ISSUE 2000/2010 Postal Stationary in a Carton with 100’s all different Inc. Sealed Packs. All Post Office Issued. £75/£80
424 NEW ISSUE MATERIAL As received from the PO. 1985/99 with 100’s of FDC (Inc. MS) Maxi Cards etc. Substantially complete for the period substantial original cost. £150/£180
425 ✱✱ New issue products in a Carton very modern various MS. 2008 Olympics Uncut Press Sheet etc. (Qty) substantial cost. £60/£70
426 ✱ Old pages with 2100+ stamps from early dragons to more modern, seen Shanghai local post, Regional issues Amoy, Chefoo, Manchuria, lots of Dr Sun ovpts, postage dues, randomly arranged on pages, chiefly fine used with mint mixed in, unchecked. £550/£600
427 * Seven Albums and loose Album Paged with 800+ FDC/Maxi Cards mainly 1980’s/90’s but seen covers going to 2004. Unaddressed. £200/£250
428 ✱✱ Unmounted Mint Collection of 600+ Stamps + 32 MS from the 1980s to 1998 with many complete sets. A superb collection from this period with better sets. £360/£400
429 * 1907 Postcard Ex Ireland with Penang to Singapore Transit Pmk. and Fine CHRISTMAS ISLAND Arrival CDS. £240/£300
430 * 1908 Postcard Ex Scotland with Singapore Transit Pmk. and Fine CHRISTMAS ISLAND Arrival CDS. £240/£300
431 ✱ 1892/1919 Valuable collection of classics on a stockpage, 1892 first issue note 10d mint, 1893 first pictorial issue mint SG5/10, 1910 Crown ovpt SG22 used, Tern ½d pair and strip of 3. Fine used. (36 stamps). £180/£200
432 ✱✱ 1902/13 Definitive set of 9 as corner blocks of four generally fine UM - A rare set of multiples. SG31/43. £450/£500
433 1924 PROOF Rarotongan Chief vignette, SG illustration 16, imperf pair, in black on ungummed paper. £75/£90
434 1927 VIGNETTE PROOF for 2½d defin, Rarotongan Chief, struck in black, on thick, ungummed paper, fine. £45/£60
435 ✱ 1932 PROOF 1d black & lake, Captain Cook IMPERF PAIR, as SG.100, VFM. £60/£75
436 ✱✱ 1932 PROOF 1d black & lake, Captain Cook IMPERFORATE BLOCK OF FOUR, as SG.100, fine UM. £120/£150
437 * 1966 Experimental Airmail Covers (8) illustrated and signed with special cachet sent to Tahiti, Bora Bora, Rarotenga, Aitutaki, each cover is different. £50/£60
438 ✱ KGVI period collection of 54 stamps fresh mint Inc. 1936 Postal Fiscals set of 4 SG118/121. 1943 Postal Fiscals, set of 6 (Cat. £550), extensive commom sets. a very good lot. £350/£400
439 ✱ Old Pages and Stockcards with better pickings note 1892 set of 4 SG1/4, Queen and White Tern defins. 1921 Postal Fiscal set of 5. SG76/80. 1931 Postal Fiscal set of 4 mint. A valuable collection of 140 stamps chiefly mint, no QEII issues. £600/£650
440 * WWII Censored Mail sent to Birmingham UK with many different franking some Covers with Double Censor Tape. A fine lot of 13 for study. £60/£70
441 1898 British PO 20pa fu with good margins SGB1 cat £250. (Photo) £80/£90
442 ✱ 1910 INVERTED CENTRE ERROR. 10c special delivery superb marginal mint spectacular Scott E4a. £750/£800
443 1880 GB ovpts. On old pages mint ½d Pl.15 (c£120). 1d (5) with different plates, 2½d RosyMauve Inc. pair and block of 4 (15) 4d Sage-Green SG1/4 mint. £120/£140
444 ✱ 1881 30p ovpt. Pl.216 SG10 fine mint. Small gum crease. £70/£75
445 1881 30p ovpt. Pl.216 VFU. SG10. £50/£55
446 1881 30p ovpt. Pl.217. SG10. VFU. £90/£95
447 ✱✱ 1881 30p ovpt. Pl.220 SG10 fresh mint. £80/£90
448 1881 30p ovpt. Plate 201. SG10 VFU. £55/£60
449 ✱ 1881 Half Penny ovpt Pl.217 SG7 fresh mint. Scarce. £400/£450
450 ✱ 1881 Half Penny ovpt. Pl.215 SG9 fine mint. £30/£35
451 ✱ 1881 Half Penny ovpt. Pl.205 SG7 fine mint. £40/£45
452 1881 Half Penny ovpt. Pl.205 SG9 fine mint. £180/£200
453 ✱ 1881 Half Penny ovpt. Pl.215 SG7 VFMScarce. £360/£400
454 ✱ 1881 Half Penny ovpt. Pl.216 SG7 mintMisplaced ovpt. (Y at left). £40/£45
455 & 1881 Half Penny ovpt. Pl.218 SG9 FU. £50/£60
456 1881 Half Penny ovpt. Pl.220 SG7 VFU. Scarce. One nibbled perf. £150/£170
457 1881 Half Penny ovpt. Pl201 SG7 fresh unused. £30/£35
458 ✱ 1881 Half Penny ovpt. Pl205 SG7 fine mint. £40/£45
459 1904-10 KEVII wmk MCA defins set, SG.60/71, good to fine used, cat.£350 (12). £110/£130
460 1934 pictorial defins set, SG.133/43, fine used, cat.£170 (11). £50/£60
461 ✱ 1937/49 KGVI Collection of 38 Stamps with many Sets Inc. 1938 Defins. (26) with Shades, Coronation Victory, S/Wedding, UPU Sets. Fresh mint. £100/£120
462 ✱ ✱✱ 1938/51 KGVI Definitives with Plate Blocks (5) Imprinted Blocks (2), Set with Shades, and 1/4p as a complete sheet of 60 stamps. A good lot M/UM. £180/£200
463 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint and some fine multiples 1938 various UM blocks to 9Pi, 90Pi + £1 as superb UM Pairs, Shades, Wedding £1 Mint etc. (130+). £120/£140
464 Old pages with early to more modern range of 550+ stamps seen QV, Edward, KGV, KGVI mixed in randomly arranged. Fine used unchecked. £50/£60
465 ✱ 1950 Mounted Warrior, set of 13. SG136/48. Fresh UM. £100/£120
466 Old pages with 3400+ stamps randomly arranged from early issues to more modern German Occupation issues, early Castles, chiefly fine used much identified unchecked. £100/£120
467 1862/75 Revenues on very old pages a good range of 38 revenues used each looks to be different. £50/£60
468 1960/1990 Fine Used Collection of 780 stamps on KA-BE Printed Album Pages with many complete sets, good quality. £80/£90
469 * FIRST DAY COVERS 1946/97 fabulous lot of over 500+ diff fdc displayed on pages with earlier, art high values etc. Good lot. £100/£120
470 Old Pages with a range of 1000 stamps from early Arms to about 2000. £100/£120
471 Old Pages with a range of 900+ Stamps from Early Arms to more Modern mainly Fine Used odd Mint mixed in. £90/£100
472 * SPECIAL CANCELLATIONS & EVENTS postal history 1946/1993 extensive collection of 350+ diff items nicely displayed on 9 binders with scarcer early pictorial pmks. A fine assembly. All different. £150/£180
473 1886 Variety 4d malformed CE SG24a. Sound used. One short perf. Cat. £300. £60/£65
474 ✱ 1937/51 KGVI Collection of 60 Stamps fresh mint. 1938 Defin. Set of 15. 1951 Defin. Set of 15, Commem Sets from Coronation to New Constitution ovpts. Fresh mint. £60/£40
475 ✱✱ 1938/47 KGVI complete Sheets of 60, ½d, 1½d, 2½d. SG99, 100, 100a unmounted mint. £30/£40
476 ✱ ✱✱ 1938/51 KGVI Specialised Collection 1938 Set with Shades. 1951 Set with Shades. 1938 3½d, 7d, 2/-, 10/- perforated specimen, large blocks Inc. 4 complete sheets. a very good lot M/UM. £150/£170
477 ✱ KGVI definitive sets 1938 and 1951 sets of 15 stamps fresh mint cat £145. £40/£50
478 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint. Several Multiples and Shades. Accumulators lot (130+) Inc. 5/- Corner Block 4 UM, 10/- SG108a. As Superb Plate Block UM. 2/6d (6) etc. Fine lot. £120/£140
479 Stockcards (35) with a range of 145 stamps seen KGV defins to 10/- mint, 1948 S/wedding set mint, 1951 set mint with useful pickings mainly mint. £70/£80
480 * 1964 Innsbruck Winter Olympics FDC’s (5) Set of Stamps and 4 MS on FDC’s each different. £60/£70
481 * 1856 entire written at Alexandria, hand carried without postal markings, fine. £30/£40
482 * 1867 1pi Sphinx used on entire to Alexandria, CAIRO 20th September Vice Regal c.d.s. postmark £40/£50
483 * 1912/49 Most interesting lot of 100 covers in an album with earlier fdc & interesting items, 1912 ohms env withcombination & PO label, 1927 cotton set on fdc, 1933 multi franked reg’d air cover, 1930’s illustr fdc inc commem sets, 1937 defins, 1938 wedding issue on 3 diff illustr envs & more. A good lot. £200/£240
484 1926 PORT FUAD overprint set VFU with matching Port Fuad Pmks. Fine and Scarce. Expertised. Choice. SG141/144. £1,000/£1,200
4m green, unlisted BLACK overprints (normal is red), as SG.4, fine UM, each stamp expertised. £60/£75
5m red-brown, green ovpt, 15m deep purple, black ovpt, both TRIAL OVERPRINTS, only 100 prepared, fine UM, each stamp expertised. £35/£45
487 * 1950/1993 FDC of Egypt. An exceptional assembly of 518 diff covers in vf condition housed in six matching albums with sets, commems, MS, defins to £5. A splended assembly. Seldon offered. £250/£270
5m red-brown, pair with DOUBLE OVERPRINT of obliterating bars, SG.36var, fine UM. £30/£40
489 ✱✱ 1957 Delegates UPU Stockbook with a range of 65 Stamps UM issued at the 1957 UPU Canada Congress. Seldom seen. £30/£40
490 ✱✱ 1960 10m & 35m Aswan High Dam setenant pair, IMPERF vertical strip of two pairs, Balian 245/6a, as SG.630a, UM. £120/£140
491 ✱✱ 1960 10m World Refugee Year, IMPERF vertical pair, Balian 251b, as SG.638, UM. £45/£55
492 Old Pages and a Stockcard with issues from 1866 to 1935 with better pickings, seen 1872 to 5Pi. 1931 Zeppelin ovpt. set mint. 1934 UPU 50Pi, £1 fine used, over 175 stamps Cat £1400. £200/£240
493 Old pages with 1600 stamps randomly arranged from early issues to more modern, seen officials, postage dues, defaced Kings, values to £1, chiefly fine used odd mint, unchecked. £90/£100
494 SUBSTANTIAL original stamp collection for 1866 to 2012 housed in four matching stockbooks many 100’s all diff, quality assembly cat £5200, key sets & issues inc early sets, largely complete from 1914 inc 1927 defins, 1931 Zeppelin ovpts, 1932 100m ovpt, 1934 UPU set, 1938 £1 birthday, 1953 ovpts, most is mint. Back of the book inc postage dues. An original lot. £750/£800
495 ✱ KGVI Overprinted Sets. Defin. Sets, Postage Due Sets. A fine collection of 72 stamps, fresh mint. £150/£180
496 * Postal History commercial mail chiefly 1980s/90s with a variety of frankings mainly on illustrated envelopes. A good lot for study with 140 covers being different. Seldom seen from Estonia. £50/£60
497 ✱ 1947 12c on 25c SG365 fine m. £60/£70
498 ✱ 1947 Airmail ovpt set fine m. SG349/351 (3) key set. £150/£180
504 ✱ 1912 KGV £1 SG69 fresh mint (ex SG).
505 ✱ 1933 Centenary Set VFM. SG127/138 (12). One of the nicest we have handled.
506 ✱ 1938 KGVI definitive set of 18 SG146/163 mint. £120/£140
507 ✱ ✱✱ 1938 KGVI Definitives to £1 Inc. Imprinted Pairs, Plate Blocks. A good lot for study over 55 items M/UM highly catalogued.
508 ✱ 1938/71 KGVI/QEII issues on a Stockpage/Stockcards, seen KGVI 1938 Defins. to 1/3d (13, UPU Set. QEII 1968 and 1971 Flower definitive sets. A good range of commem sets, 115 Stamps fresh mint Cat. £500+ £110/£120
509 ✱✱ 1944 KGV £1 Arms the 1944 printing as a scarce UM block of Four. SG163. Cat. £560+.
510 ✱✱ 1948 Silver Wedding Set UM. SG166/167 (2). £40/£45
511 ✱ 1952 KGVI Definitives SG172/85 with Shades and 3d showing printer “T” at the top of the stamp. A good lot of 25 stamps. Mint. £80/£90 512 1960-6 QEII Birds defins set, SG.193/207 VFU (15). £40/£50
513 ✱✱ 1975 Gutter pairs set Heraldic Arms UM SG311/314 GP ex SG paid £175. £75/£80
514 1981 25p Horse, Farm Animals, WATERMARK CROWN to RIGHT of CA, SG.394w, VFU. £45/£55
515 1981/82 Inverted Watermark Varieties UM (4) all listed. Wedding 10p + 13p SG402/403w. £1 Map SG430w + Bird 10p SG434w. Very fine. £100/£120
516 1982 FALKLANDS WAR - Argentina 11p airletter commercial used by Argentine soldier, fully endorsed from the Islands. Scarce. Also 18p airletter unused (2). £75/£80
499 ✱ 1878 QV Rarity with BPA Certificate 4d with part Papermakers Wmk. SG2a Mint with OG, Toned but Absolutely Genuine. Cat. £4000. Sound. £360/£400
500 1904/12 Edward Set (8) all FU with double ring date stamps. SG43/50. £180/£200
501 ✱ 1904/12 Edward Set Fine Mint Inc. several additional shades noting 2½d (5) Inc. Deep Blue Printing. SG46B (RPS Cert) (11). A fine group. SG43/50. £240/£250
502 ✱ 1904-12 KEVII group incl. defins 2d & 6d mint, 1d wmk sideways corner block of 4, two mixed reign used pieces, one with QV 4d, the other with KGV ½d (11 items). £60/£75
503 * 1912 1d red on blue KGV Letter Card, H&G A1, fine unused. £35/£40
517 ✱✱ 1982 Inverted Watermark Variety £1 + £1 Map SG430w fine marginal UM. £50/£55
518 ✱✱ 2008 Aircraft defin set as um gutter blocks of four with cylinder numbers. SG1096/1107 (12) cat £220. £60/£70
519 * Autographed fdc & similar. 1969/2001 very fine lot of 62 diff, complete sets on covers, details of signatures, some very limited numbers signed inc military, Sir John Mills, wildlife, polar, explorers, bird charities, Bill Oddie, Rex Hunt & more. A comprehensive lot. £280/£300
520 CANCELLATIONS (11) Edward 2 x 2½d on piece with South Georgia cds SGZ17, other Edwards, KGV 2½d & war tax to 1/- with South Georgia pmks good/fine. £120/£140
521 Cancellations 1949 Piece Bearing FI 1/3d + FID 1/- Wedding neatly cancelled South Georgia. SGZ84 + G20. £35/£40
522 CANCELLATIONS KGV War Tax 1d + 1/both with South Shetland (1930) cds pmks. Rather bold on 1/- SGZ139 + Z140 (2). £200/£240
523 Cancellations on KGV issues (30 items) mostly South Georgia & all SGZ number llistings, South Shetlands inc 2½ and 2½ + ½d war tax on same piece, whale & penguins to 2½d used at South Georgia. Good group high CV. £180/£200
524 * Covers & cards (75 items) interesting bag of items inc early letter signed by Canon Stevenson special cachets on cover, 1985 coin cover, 1972 special airmail to Argentina, Tristan postage due covers, 1970 South Georgia issues on cover. Clean. £150/£170
525 * FDC with very modern sets & defin sets to £5. VF lot of 160+ all diff covers inc some very modern South Georgia sets. Excellent lot. £200/£240
526 KGV Watermark Script ½d to 1/- (ex 6d). 1935 Silver Jubilee set on large piece with very fine Falkland Islands CDS. First day of issue cancel. £40/£50
527 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Collection Inc. Independence Issues. 1938 Definitive Set to £1 (24) with Shade etc. S/Wedding Set. 1952 Defin Set of 14. Independence Inc. overprinted sets. Thick and thin Map Sets with varieties, Inc. 80 parallel broken in a pair with normal, 9d with South Georgia size. A fine collection of 220+ Stamps, fresh mint or UM highly catalogued. £300/£340
528 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including UM and Shades. A fine lot from an accumulator (200+). 1938 Defins. with Shades and Ranges for study6 Inc. 2/6d (2), 5/(2), 10/- and £1 (This corner copy UM). 1952 to £1. Dependencies with ovpt. sets. Good range of Maps to 1/- etc. Useful pickings especially UM. £240/£250
529 MADAME JOSEPH Forged Port Stanley CDS Pmk. on a group of 8 KGVI defins. 1d to 1/-. Correctly identified. Fine and unusual. £80/£90
530 ✱ Stockcards (38) with a range of 200 stamps Inc. KGVI Defins to 5/- (unchecked for printing) KGVI dependence ovpt. sets (4) mint useful chiefly mint. £70/£80
531 ✱✱ 1944/45 Grahamland, South Georgia & South Shetlands KGVI ovpt sets of 8 all as um blocks of 4 from matching corners (24 blocks) SGA1/8 + D1/8. Choice £100/£120
532 ✱ 1944/77 Old Pages with a collection of 120 Stamps, 1 MS with better sets, seen 1963 Defin. set. 1971 New Currency Set. 1972 Shackleton both sets. A very good collection Cat. £650+. £80/£90
533 ✱ 1946 MAP ½d SG G1 mint single showing pre printing paper crease in right corner. Most unusual. £80/£90
534 ✱ 1946 MAP ½d SG G1 with unusal pre printing paper crease resulting in MAP vignette broken, mint. £80/£90
535 ✱ ✱✱ 1946 MAP 1d SG G2 a fine lot of various multiples (5) inc imprint block 8, block 9 centre plate 1, block 12 with CCATS variety extra Island variety in corner block 9 SG G2AA etc. Fine group. £120/£130
536 ✱✱ 1946 MAP 3d teardrop variety um within DLR plate block of 8 also 3d corner block of 9 um with centre plate 1. (2 items). £75/£80
537 * 1946 MAP issues of KGVI use on various covers. A fine collection of 13 items inc constant varieties on cover, 1953 expedition cancellations, 1954 cover used at Argentine Isle, 9d broken arc single use. A rare forgery fdc franked the compelte set five full sets on covers with several varieties. Good lot. £200/£240
538 ✱ ✱✱ 1946 MAPS - remarkable collection of reconstructions of all values ½d to 1/- by different plates & printings featuring many varieties by position both Heijtz & SG listed all fresh m/um 100’s stc £5800+. £1,500/£1,800
539 ✱ ✱✱ 1946 MAPS (thick) a remarkable collection of m/um multiples with many positional varieties identified/illustrated, 29 blocks inc imprints etc ½d (blk 20) with six postitional vars, plated blocks showing the rubbed A var (4), 2d block of 6 (two vars), 3d superb illust block (18) with 6 varieties, 3d imprint block 8 with tear drop variety, broken t (4 diff), 9d block of 9 with 8 constant vars. An exceptional lot. £500/£550
540 ✱ 1946 South Orkneys 3d SGc4 vfm with pre printing paper crease affecting left margin. Unusual. £40/£50
541 1946 Thick Maps - A m/um study of 100’s in an album with positional varieties, plate blocks, different central plates with plate numbers in margins, constant transfer varieties assembled by Heijtz or SG numbers, often as sets for each variety, 6d Ochre shade with varieties, extra Island (4), large spot by oval (3), South Poke (5 diff), usages on cover etc. £2,300/£2,500
542 ✱ ✱✱ 1948 THIN MAPS remarkable assembly of 11 complete sets each value/set showing all known transfer varieties (do not exist on 2½d) years have been spent assemblying this group all Heijz listed inc white dot in Cape Horn, re-entry ABOVE W, dash on right frame, extra spot, dot on T of South Pole etc. Very fine (106). £450/£500
543 * 1949/60 Thin maps usages on covers 4 fine items, single frankings inc 9d at Graham Land & 1/- at Hope Bay (reg’d). £40/£50
544 1954-62 Ships defins set, SG.G26/G40, VFU (15). £65/£75
545 ✱ ✱✱ 1963/74 South Georgia issues with varieties and better sets. 1963 Defins. to £1 (ex £1 Whale. 1971 New Currency ovpts. to 50p. 1972
Shackleton both Wmk’s. 1972 Silver Wedding Inc. 5p Inc. Wmk. (UM). A good range of 50 stamps and one miniature sheet. Cat £330+ mint or UM. £70/£80
546 ✱✱ 1976/1999 Unmounted Mint Collection with many sets Inc. definitives, seen Ships without imprints, 17p First Voyage to South Georgia Wmk. To the right. 1994 Whale and Dolphins set. A fine range of 180 stamps + 8 MS/Sheetlets. £120/£140
547 ✱✱ 1977/85 Watermark varieties um. All listed (3). 1977 11p Jubilee SG51w. £1 Map SG112w and 1985 27p Queen Mother SG131w. £100/£110
548 ✱✱ 1977-8 SOUTH GEORGIA surcharges set plus additional wmks of 5p, 7½p, 10p, 15p & 25p values, SG.53/66, fine UM (21). £30/£40
549 ✱✱ 1982 Inverted Watermark Variety £1 Map fine marginal UM. SG112w. £45/£50
550 ✱ ✱✱ A substantial collection of KGVI with interesting items study of 1946 ovpt sets for each Territory inc 3 diff sets as impriunt blocks of four short F variety (2) SO joined (2) inc 1/- Orkneys set used in cover, Victory 1d listed variety, 1948 Wedding 1/- inc um block of 12 & two diff imprint blocks, study of 1946 defin sets on diff papers. Good lot. (several 100) £250/£280
551 & LITERATURE 1946 thick MAP stamps of KGVI (Goldberg 1999) profusely illustrated varieties. A used copy also FI postal service (Barnes) fine. (2). £40/£50
552 1919 Denmark used in Faroes official use 5 ore with complete Thorshavn cds on piece facit 131. VF. £60/£70
553 ✱✱ 1975/2002 Unmounted Mint Collection, chiefly Special Year Packs with MS, Booklet Panes, note first defin. set 100’s of stamps, very high Cat. value. £200/£220
554 ✱✱ Stockcards and packets (60+) with a good range of issues from 1975 to 2000 with many sets over 300 stamps + 15 Ms/sheetlets. UM. £100/£120
555 ✱ 1878/99 Remarkable collection with a range of different printings sorted by papers/perf type. Chiefly fine used a few mint, huge catalogue value. Seen four pence on 3d laid paper SG34, 1d with pairs notes SG46 mint pair, 2d used in NSW a superb collection of 140 stamps unchecked by us.
556 ✱ 1882/1914 Old pages with an interesting range of stamps with better pickings 1882 5/- mint and fine used SG69, 1891 ovpts inc both 2½d mint SG70/71, five pence on 6d (2) mint, Edward to 5/1891/98 issues sorted by perfs, page of Edward 1/and KGV 1/- fiscal used. Mixed condition but much fine. 160+ stamps. £180/£200
557 ✱ 1908 Variety ½d damaged frame and crown SG1ba fresh mint. £40/£50
558 ✱ 1937/51 KGVI Collection of 120 Stamps note extensive 1938 definitive’s to £1 (90+) unchecked for printings with blocks of 4 commems sets Inc. S/Wedding 1940 Postage Due set of 8. A fine collection, fresh mint. £150/£180
559 ✱✱ 1938/55 Unmounted Mint KGVI Set (22). SG249/266B. £120/£140
560 ✱✱ 1945 KGVI variety 3d spur on arms medallion SG257A fine UM. £400/£450
561 ✱ 1946 Victory 2½d ERROR - stamp printed double, one Albino vfm. SG268A. £360/£400
562 ✱✱ 1946 Victory variety 3d extra bouy SG269a fresh um. £30/£35
563 * 1968/69 Definitive FDC’s (2) both unaddressed and illustrated. SG371/87 and 391/407 with special cancels. £30/£40
564 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint. A fine Accumulators lot with Identified Shades, Printings, Values to £1, 6d. SG260 (6), 5/- (4). Some nice stamps here and high CV (100+). £300/£360
565 & Literature - The illustrated Aviation and Air Mail History of Fiji by B A James, in very good condition and very interesting reading. £50/£60
566 Stockcards (95) with a range of 235+ stamps chiefly fine with sets, seen QEII to £1 fu, KGVI to 5/- a useful range mostly QEII commem sets. £50/£60
567 1865/95 Revenues (25) 1865 stamp duty to 2mk, 1883 50p, 1mk, 1895 to 2mk (8) used. Light adhesion to the old pages. £90/£100
568 ✱ Old pages with 140 stamps randomly arranged with a variety of ovpt issues, chiefly mint. Seen 1918 ovpt 3f, 6f, 15f inv wmk, 1920 new currency set mint, 1921 55 con 5c mint, 1921 2l SG174 mint. An interesting lot with better pickings. £90/£100
569 1924/57 Old pages with a range of 275 stamps seen Airs to 500fr, Defins’s. 1944 Pictorial Set UM. A good range Inc. Mint/UM with each stamp being different. £100/£120
570 ✱ ✱✱ Old Pages with 27 stamps Inc. 1950 Airs 100f, 200f UM. 1952 Military Medal UM. Small but very useful. £80/£90
571 1936/55 Old Pages with a range of 170+ stamps Inc. Postage Due, Air Sets to 500f, mainly Mint/UM each different. £100/£120
572 ✱ 1905/1959 Postage due on pages with details. 1905 to 60c (6) mint. 1914 Sets to 1Fr (8) mint. 1927 Surch set of 2. 1938 Set to 3F (10) mint. A fine range of 41 Dues. Mint odd UM. £50/£60
573 ✱ Original Collection on Oldtime Pages, a range of 110 Stamps with better pickings Inc. 1892 Peace 75c mint. 1904 Defins Inc. 40c 50c mint. 1938 Defin set of 33. A useful range with a Cat. value over £380 chiefly mint. £90/£100
574 ✱✱ 1929/49 Old page with a fine collection of 130 stamps each different mainly as sets. 1929 Defins. 1943 Postage Set. Air Set UM. 1948 Defin. Set. 1949 Air set mainly UM. £100/£120
575 ✱✱ 1896/1960 An original collection on old pages with a range of 270 stamps seen Air Sets to 500f UM. 1960 Butterflies UM. Defins. UM. Postage Dues UM. a good lot, chiefly mint, much UM. £100/£120
576 ✱ Original Oldtime Collection of 150 Stamps on Old Album Pages, seen 1931 and 1937 Exhibition Sets. 1946 Air Set of Six, a useful range with better pickings, mint or fine used. £90/£100
577 ✱ ✱✱ 1905/1960 A fine collection of 260 stamps on old pages mint much UM, seen 1928 Postage Dues. 1948 Postage and Air Sets. A good lot. £130/£150
578 * 1960 POSTAGE DUE COVER, incoming mail fro Vietnam, tax collected by 4f due and tied by c.d.s. postmark. £60/£75
579 ✱ ✱✱ 1921/60 Old page with a collection of 130 stamps each different seen 1926 Defin. 1927 Postage Dues. Wildlife Defins.to 500f. a good lot MINT/UM. £100/£120
580 ✱ ✱✱ 1913/59 Old Page with a collection of 200+ stamps mint much UM, each different seen 1948 Defin Set. Airmail Stamps Inc. 1953 high value. A fine old-time lot £130/£150
581 ✱ ✱✱ 1902/1960 Old pages with a collection of 180 different stamps seen 1947 Defin. Set UM, high value Airs to 200f UM. A very good range Mint/UM. £100/£120
582 ✱ ✱✱ Old Pages with a collection of 140 stamps, Airs Inc. 1949 Set UM. 1955 Long Sets, Postage Dues UM. A good lot Mint much UM. £90/£100
583 1944/59 A fine collection of 120 stamps on old pages M/UM seen 1947 Defin. Set. Airmail to 500f. 1958 Officials. £100/£120
584 1860/1909 Revenues on very old pages a good range of 550 with many different types inc theatre revenue, light adhesion to the pages. Used collection. £240/£260
585 1877/90 Peace and commerce collection of stamps with different printings with values to 5f fine used inc shades, different types but chiefly type II, new colours, note also 25c mint scarce a good lot of 60 stamps. £150/£180
586 1913 Raymond Poincare Sheetlets of 20 (4) in different colours imperf. And on ungummed paper for the 1913 Paris Exhibition seldom seen in complete sheetlets unhinged. £120/£140
587 * 1922 AIRMAIL La Baule, Set of 6 Special Labels nicely used on cover with 25c sower stamp. £40/£50
588 1927 2f & 5f First International Display of Aviation & Navigation set, Yvert 1/2, SG.455/6, VFU (2). £200/£250
589 1936 Banknote 50fr SG541 sound fu. £60/£65
590 ✱ 1937 PEXIP Miniature Sheet SGMS581 Mint. £100/£120
591 ✱ ✱✱ 1937 PEXIP Set as gutter pairs (2) VFM/UM. YVT 348/351. Cat. £360. (Photo) £75/£80
592 ✱✱ 1960-80 RED-CROSS BOOKLETS, complete run, Yvert 2009/29, fine condition, cat. 326 Euros (21 bklts). £70/£80
593 ✱✱ 1976/82 Unmounted mint imperforated pre-cancels, Coins, Zodiac, Mushroom’s, Building with 25 pairs, 4 strips, 12 singles. All listed in Yvert. £120/£150
594 ✱✱ 1989 ERROR - 2FR 20C Arc Commem with Red colour omitted fine UM with normal to compare. Yvert 2600b. Cat 3500 Euro = £3000. (Photo) £300/£360
595 ✱✱ COAT OF ARMS ISSUES 1941/65. A fine accumulation of UM on Hagners Inc. 1941 + 1942 sets, later sets Inc. Some coin dated blocks, other blocks and multiples, Coil Strips etc. (several 100) £75/£80
596 ✱✱ FACE VALUE 740+ Euro (£675) substantial lot of New issue material on over 120 Hagner Pages, Circa 2004 period with Booklet Panes, Sheetlets, Corner Blocks, Values to 4 Euro etc. Very many 100’s. £300/£320
597 * FDC OF FRANCE. Substantial collection of 1550+ pristine FDC (Inc. Silk Panel Types) unaddressed 1950/90’s period. Many better Red Cross, Arts etc. Highly recommended. £360/£400
598 ✱✱ France Air Stamps from 1930 to 2004 with issues from 1973 to 2004 UM, a fine range of 61 early to 1000f, Euro’s issues to 7.62 Euro’s. A fine range. £150/£160
599 ✱✱ INTERESTING RANGE of material in a carton being the balance of an estate lot. Hagner pages with UM blocks from m1950’s onwards Inc. Red Cross Charity issues as UM blocks (high CV) corner blocks. 1952 Red Cross UM blocks of Ten (c£160) and much else on pages, folder etc. £150/£160
600 ✱✱ NEW ISSUES 1990/2000 perfect UM vast collection on a substantial pile of 310 Hagner Pages (2900+ stamps + 40 MS/Sheetlets) many are CORNER BLOCKS OF FOUR Including very good Arts high values. Massive face value and exceptional. £550/£600
601 ✱ Old Pages with issues to 1971 with many complete sets chiefly mint Inc. many Relief Fund Sets. Inc. 1943 strip of 5, over 1000 stamps chiefly sorted by issues, will fill many pages of a one country Album. £200/£250
602 ✱ Pages with a good range of 960 stamps from Napoleon imperfs. to 1986 seen many different Sowers, Peace, Unchecked, Pre-Cancels. An interesting lot for sorting. £100/£120
603 ✱ U.P.U. France 1938 Presentation Folder, with gold lettering on blue covers, contains defins to 1f50c, plus 5f high value and range of commemoratives, stamps in mixed condition, some stuck in, folder in fine condition. £30/£40
604 ✱✱ U.P.U. France 1947 500f 12th Congress, SG.1013, fine UM, cat.£85. £25/£30
605 * WWII/Military Postal History. A very good lot of 27 items. 1944 Env. with 4 different 1F surcharge and AX Handstamp. 1944 Env. with 3 censor tapes from Algeria to UK. 1944 Env. sent to Switzerland with German Censor Tape and handstamped on the reverse, Covers and Cards sent to a Refugee in USA. An interesting lot for study, a few letters included. £180/£200
606 ✱✱ 1957 UPU Delegates Stockbook with a range of 26 Stamps UM issued for the Congress in Canada with Air issues to 500f from a variety of territories. £100/£120
607 A selection of better items on Cards PO IndoChina with ovpts. Algeria 1940’s imperf varieties, morocco 1940’s imperfs to 20fr, Mogador bisect varieties on piece (2) French Antarctic 1965 50fr Satellite UM (c£140) etc. £120/£140
608 ✱✱ FRENCH SOUTHERN & ANTARCTIC TERRITORIES 1956/1983 Predominantly UM collection of 144 different issues catalogued £3250+ many better with sets, better Airmails, key 1968 20fr Albatross SG31 very fine UM etc.
609 ✱ Inini 1932/42 a good collection of 47 stamps Inc. Postage Dues. 1932 Set and Defins. to 20f mint. £40/£50
610 ✱✱ MINIATURE SHEETS. A fine lot of 130 different all UM in packets with many better 1960’s noting Polynesia 1968 + 1971 (These Two Cat £450). A fine selection. £200/£240
611 ✱ Postage dues (700+) sorted by colonies on pages, mint or UM with many sets Inc. Fezzan set of 6, New Caledonia 1906 and 1928 sets. 1921 Niger ovpts. set of 8. A very good collection of postage dues. £220/£250
612 ✱✱ REUNION 1953 CFA ovtp. Set (14) UM Yvert 307/319. £50/£60
613 ✱ ✱✱ Stockpages “Prinz” with over 600 Stamps and 26 MS/Sheetlets with high value Airs, overprinted issues, early issues. A good sorter lot on 40+ Stockcards. UM/Mint. £120/£140
614 * U.P.U. French Colonies 1970, 23 different, illustrated & unaddressed first day covers with special cancels, includes French Polynesia & T.A.A.F. issues, clean & fine (23). £50/£60
615 ✱✱ U.P.U. French Colonies 1970, 25 different stamps with margin at left, includes French Polynesia & T.A.A.F. issues, hinged on margins, stamps UM, clean & fine (25). £50/£60
616 ✱✱ U.P.U. Guinea-Bissau 1976 set of seven miniature sheets with pictorial overprint in black, plus same set with ovpt in red foil, as SG.462/7, fine UM (14). £60/£80
617 ✱✱ Unmounted Mint range Inc. 1956 Southern and Antarctic 25f Seal SG14. 1957 Geophysical Year Set. 1937 Exhibition MS (8). A good group of 140+ Stamps + 9 MS. £80/£90
618 ✱✱ 1948 Airmail Forerunner 100fr ovpt. Yvert 1 as UM corner block Four. A scarce block. £100/£110
619 ✱✱ 1955 Madagascar overprint 15fr SG1 as um Corner Block of Four with Date Handstamp. Scarce multiple. £50/£55
620 ✱✱ 1956 Definitives 2fr + 4fr each as um Coin Date Corner Blocks of Four very fine. SG6/7 Cat. £125. (2). £30/£35
621 1960 Display Sheets (2) with a range of 19 different stamps Inc. 25f SG14, 50f, 100f, 200f with fine ARCHIPEL KERGUELEN CDS. All stamps very fine used. £270/£300
622 ✱✱ 1970 50f New U.P.U. Headquarters, IMPERF, SG.60var, fine UM. £45/£55
623 ✱✱ U.P.U. T.A.A.F. 1974 150f Centenary, IMPERF, SG.92var, Scott C36, fine UM. £30/£40
624 1904-06 ½d green, wmk Mult Crown CA, DENTED FRAME variety, SG.57a, fine used. £50/£60
625 ✱ 1904-065d grey & black, wmk MCA, DENTED FRAME VARIETY, SG.63a, VFM. £280/£320
626 ✱ 1912/22 KGV Set with many additional listed printings VFM ½d to 5/- SG86/102 (31 stamps). (Photo) £120/£130
627 1935/1965 Collection of Sets Fine Used. 1935 Silver Jubilee set of 4. 1938 KGVI Defin. with Shades, (20). 1948 Silver Wedding. 1953 QEII Set. 1963 Bird Set. 1965 Independence Set. A good range of 97 stamps. Cat. £250+. £90/£100
628 ✱ 1937/49 KGVI collection of 60 stamps, fresh mint. 1938 definitives inc all three shades of the 1½d SG152/a/b, 1948 S/Wedding, 1949 UPU set of 4. A fine collection. £120/£150
629 ✱ ✱✱ 1938 KGVI Definitive Set with Shades, 5d as 2 Large Blocks make a complete Sheet, Inc. all 3 Shades of the 1½d. A very good lot of 24 items M/UM. £180/£200
630 ✱✱ 1938/46 Unmounted Mint KGVI Defin. Set. SG150/161. (16). £80/£90
631 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including UM. Accumulators lot (130+) useful 1938 Defins. Inc. 2/- imprint pair, 2/6d (3), 4/- (2), 5/- (3), 10/- (4), several blocks. High CV. £120/£130
632 Old Page with “Kamerun” ovpts. chiefly 1897 issues with values to 50pf (14) with shades Inc. 3pf Grey-Brown with knibc cancel, SGK1/K6. Fine used. Highly catalogued. £150/£170
633 PO in China 1898 with values to 50pf (16) between SG1/12, note 10pf, 20pf with Tientsin Pmk, 20pf with Shanghai Postmark. Fine used. £160/£180
634 1905 Old Page with Chinese Currency issues to 2½ Dollars on 5mk, (21) chiefly Lozenges Wmk. seen a variety of Pmks. Inc. Peking, Hankou, Shanghai, Tsintan, Canton. A good lot. £300/£350
635 1900/16 Fine used to 2r (18) with a variety of cancels seen Tango, Kilossa, Lindi, Tabora, Sangea. A fine range of 18 stamps. £170/£190
636 1901 Yacht 1r SG23. 3 examples all with a different cds pmk inc Tanga. Cat £255. £100/£110
637 1901 Yacht 2r nicely cancelled at Tanga SG24 cat £140. £55/£60
638 1901 Yacht 2r SG24 vfu with single ring Tanga cds cat £140. £55/£60
639 1901 Yacht 2r with vf BUKOBA cds a smaller office SG24 cat £140. £55/£60
640 1901 Yacht 2r with vf Tanga SR cds SG24 cat £140. £55/£60
641 1901 Yacht 3r SG25 fu with Dar Es Salaam cds cat £325. £90/£95
642 1901 Yacht 3r SG25 fu with neat cds cat £325. £90/£95
643 1901 Yachts 1r SG23 trio. Each with a different type of Dar Es Salaam cds pmk. Unusual cat £255 (3). £100/£110
644 1901/07 TANGA office postmarks on Yachts (7) 2p, 10p, 15p, 30p, 1r (2) & 2r excellent strikes. A good group SG23/24 etc. £120/£140
645 1901/10 Yachts with PANGANI office pmks (5) fine group inc 1r + 2r high values. SG23/24 etc. £100/£110
646 1908 Yacht 3r top value no wmk fu scarce. SG44 cat £425. Small LINDI office pmk. £130/£140
647 1914 Pair 20H (wmk) SG38 fu with Dar Es Salaam pmks. Nice multiple. £35/£40
648 BAGAMOJO office postmarks on Yachts with values to 2r (2). These two cat £280 alone. A good group of 9 items. Various types. £120/£130
649 BUKOBA office postmarks on 1901/.09 Yachts (7) including 1r, 2r + 3r high values. A good group. £150/£170
650 DAR ES SALAAM postmarks on Yachts inc attractive combination pieces from forms (43 stamps). Various types of pmks, Bi-colour usages, 1r (2) & 3r high values. High CV. £200/£220
651 DAR ES SALAAM type III later pmk on a selection of Yachts including scarce wmk 5mk (cat £425) and others with 20h (9) and 2mk no wmk (2 - cat £280) etc. Good group (14). £180/£200
652 DODOMA office cancellations (12 stamps). Good strikes on Yachts 4h x 2 on piece, 7½h (6), 30h vertical strip of 3. £50/£60
653 KILWA office pmks on Yachts (13 items) with values to 2r *2) various types. An interesting group from this Island. £120/£130
654 LINDI 1901 Yachts 1r + 2r each with Lindi cds. A fine matched pair SG23/24 cat £225.
655 LINDIU office cancellations on Yachts (8 items) with high values various types inc 1r (4) and 2r cat £500+. £120/£130
656 MIKINDANI office pmks on 1901 yachts (5) values to 15p good strikes. £40/£45
657 MOROGORO office pmks on Yachts (6 items) mostly on piece with full legible pmks, chiefly 7½h inc pair, fine single of the 1r high value. £60/£70
658 MUANSA office pmks on Yachts (ten items - 18 stamps) an old port, very good group inc four stamp piece with values to 1r, items on piece with full pmks, 7½h x 4, single 2r high value etc. Good group. £100/£120
659 ✱ Old Stamps on Stockpages with early Eagle ovpts. To 25pf, Yachts to 2r, Two PPC of Ship relating to the Stamps. A mint and fine used collection of 100+ stamps. £300/£350
660 SOGA office pmks (small village where railway called). 8 stamps inc 3 stamp combination on piece, 20h + 30h singles, 1r high value. A small office. £80/£85
661 TABORA office pmks (4 items) inc full pmks on 1r + 2r high values. £80/£90
662 Zug Postmarks (Railway) scarce trio on 1r high value Yachts. East African railway pmks are scarce. (3) SG23. £90/£95
663 1901 Yacht 3mk SGG18 vfu on piece with 3pf & vf Apia pmks. £80/£90
664 1897/98 Old Page with values to 50pf fine used. 1897 with hyphen 3pf, 5pf. 1898 Without hyphen 3pf to 50pf (13). Most unusual 3pf to 50pf (5) with matching overlapping cancel of Swarkopmund, must have come off the same cover. £90/£100
665 1900 Yachts Old Pages with values to 5mk (33) with a variety of cancellations note 1mk, 5mk, watermarked and 1mk, 3mk non wmk’d. A fine range with shades and cancels. Very high Cat. value. £400/£500
666 1909/19 Yacht Accumulation on Old Stockbook Pages, many 100’s of 3pf, 5pf, 10pf, 20pf chiefly Lozenges Wmk’s seen pairs, blocks. a variety of Pmk’s. seldom seen in such volume. £180/£200
667 * 1897 P.O. IN CHINA - 20pf blue x2 franking env to Munich, clear TIENTSIN c.d.s. postmarks. £60/£75
668 Yachts from various colonies sorted by colour Brown (12), Green (12), Red (11), Blue (10) with a variety of values and each is different FU. £60/£70
669 ✱ 1854/1907 Revenues collection on very old pages. A good range of 570 revenues inc perfed pairs, regional issues Bavaria, Stuttgart, Brunswick etc. Mainly used with mint mixed in light adhesion to the pages each seem to be different. £300/£350
670 1882 Revenues “Stempelmarke” no Wmk. 5pf to 50mk (9) Wmkd. 20pf to 500mk (19) note 50mk to 500mk (4) UM the rest are used.
671 ✱✱ 1933 Very scarce UM Welfare Fund MS Cat. £8500 SGMS525a. A fine example be folded vertically through the middle of the sheet, seldom seen UM. £750/£800
672 1933 Zeppelins, Chicago Flight overprints, Mi.496/8, SG.510/12, fine used (3). £250/£280
673 * 1938 Adolf Hitler two PPC of Adolf with special cancels, Braune Band Munchein cancels. Frank Rise to power sets both cards in very fine condition. (Photo) £60/£70
674 * 1946 Thüringen Bridge set of 4 on card, fine used with Germany 6pf pair of dues, regd env with post horn 6pf, Goeth 12 pf, Schiller 12 pf (x3). £30/£40
675 1991/2000 Lighthouse Hingless Album with 700 Stamps + 30 MS fine used with many sets, look very complete for the period. £150/£180
676 2001/2010 Collection Album Hingless with a fine used collection of 390 stamps + 14 MS with sets. £90/£100
677 * Eight Albums with illustrated FDC’s from the 1960’s into 1980’s in a large carton. £100/£120
678 Gerhard Zucker Autographed Commemorative Sheetlet 1962/63 “Gedenkblock”. Seldom seen. £30/£40
679 ✱ ✱✱ Large Packet with 100’s of Stamps Mint/Um covering different periods, collector just put them in a packet and didn’t sort them. £60/£70
680 ✱ Local Post - Bochum, a fine collection of 34 stamps Inc. express packet, perf. and imperf. with values to 50pf, Letter Post with values to 20pf. A fine range each different, mint. £90/£100
681 * Postal History covers/cards (32) mainly WWII period inc 1944 env with both shades of the Luftfeldpost stamps and censor HS, 1942 Tag Der Briefmarke PPC FU, 1939 festival of German art ppc FU, 1936 cover with Hindenburg Olympic flight cachet. An interesting group. £120/£140
682 ✱ Poster/Advertising Stamps 1896/1914 a fascinating collection of 160+ different Inc. Embossed, Ships, Beyer, Food, Scheuer, odd NonGerman mixed in. Unused. £160/£200
683 ✱ Private Post - Collection of stamps on pages chiefly mint, seen Koln to 100pf (8) mint, Schwerte to 10mk (10) perf. and imperf, Mulheim specimen ovpts. to 100pf perf. (8) imperf (7), Strassbury 3 ovpts. on a variety of values. A fine lot of 100+ stamps. £170/£180
684 ✱✱ REVENUES - Tete Beche Pairs set of 15 Braunshweigar 1mk to 500mk superb UM. Unusual. £50/£60
685 ✱ U.P.U. 1949 GERMAN ISSUES incl. Berlin set, French Zones sets for Baden, Rheinland-Pfalz & Wurttemberg, plus issues for East & West Germany, all VFM, cat.£1089 (15). £110/£130
686 VALUABLE LOT of better items on Cards, most interesting 30+ items Inc. 1922 4mk inflation imperforate pair SG206A very good East Germany UM 1950’s Inc. 20pf Postal Forgery and Wmk varieties. 1947 misperf. Error, Camp Post Reprint Sheetlets, Brown Ribbon 1937 Sheetlets (2) etc. A diverse selection. Fine £500/£600
687 ✱ WWII African korps palm tree/Swastika label mint. (Photo) £40/£50
688 * 1947 High Value Dove of Peace on Covers (2) 31/12/47 Env. with 2m, 3m, 17/4/48 Env. with 5mk. both covers sent from Seppenrade. £80/£90
689 ✱✱ 1947 Wurtenburg issues with constant minor varieties Inc. different papers, minor flaws listed in Michel note 84pf major retouch, 1mk dot after “L” (42 stamps) UM. £70/£80
690 ✱ ✱✱ 1947/49 Rhineland set with better pickings. 1947 Defin. set of 15, June set of 14. 1948 Relief Fund, 3rd Defin. set UM. 1949 Red Cross set Inc. MS (UM) Goethe. Stamp Centenary UPU sets. A good range of 52 stamps, 1MS mint with UM. £120/£140
691 ✱ Collection of 190+ stamps from all around the zones, seen Thüringen General issues to 30Pf (10). A few post horn ovpts. (11). 1946 Numeral to 1Mk (ex 75Pf). 1947 Pictorial Set to 5M, Soviet Zone ovpts. (11). 1947 Wurttemberg, Rhineland, Baden sets to 1Mk. Useful lot mint inc. UM. £50/£60
692 ✱ ✱✱ 1948/1990 Lighthouse Hingless printed album with issues from 1952, seen 1952 Famous Berliners Set (ex 30Pf) UM. 1953 Uprising Set Mint. 1956 Defin Set to 3mk mint. A very good range of 750 stamps mainly UM with many sets. £200/£220
693 1948/1990 Lighthouse Hingless printed pages with a range of 730+ stamps, fine used, note 1948 Berlin ovpts. “Black” with values to 5 mk (15) Cat. £2000+. Red ovpt. 8Pf to 60Pf Cat. £130. 1949 UPU to 1mk. 1951 Bell 30Pf Cat. £130. 1951 Stamp Day Set. 1952 Famous Berliners Set. 1953 Bell Set. A valuable collection. Very complete for the period. £250/£300
694 1948/74 Lindner Hingless Album with issues mainly from 1965 fine used, a few early stamps. A good range of 330+ stamps with many complete sets and 6 MS. £50/£60
695 1953 Bell Set SGB101/O5. Fine Used. £30/£35
696 ✱ ✱✱ 1955/1974 Ka-be printed for mint and fine used having place for each stamp with a collection of 340 mint and 330 used, Inc. 6 MS. A fine Album for completion. £70/£80
697 ✱ ✱✱ Pages and a Packet with a few 100 Stamps chiefly mint Inc. much UM. Seen 1956 Defin. with values to 3DM. 1954 Strauss. 1970 Defins. Se-tenant Booklet Stamps. A useful range. £80/£90
698 * 1953 Karl Mary MS (2), first day covers (2) with special cancel on plain covers. Scarce. (Photo) £120/£150
699 ✱ ✱✱ 1948/90 Extensive Collection of 3100 Stamps + 150+ MS/Sheetlets chiefly early issue mint, later issue UM. A very good range with many complete sets. £300/£350
700 1949/1990 Lighthouse Printed Album with a fine used collection of 950+ Stamps + 14 MS/Sheetlets with better 1949 UPU, Relief Fund Set, Centenary of First Germany Stamps. 1951 St. Mary Church, Relief Fund Set. 1953 Relief Fund set. A superb collection. £200/£250
701 1949/2001 Stockpage with a superb collection of 2350 stamps, 23 MS with many better early sets. 1949 Parliament, Stamp Centenary, UPU Relief Fund, St. Mary’s Church. 1954 Relief Fund. A fine used collection with a very catalogue value, with everything identified. £220/£240
702 1964/1990 Fine Used Collection of 720 Stamps with many complete sets mainly on printed Album Pages with 6 MS mixed in. £60/£70
703 1970/79 Safe Hingless Printed Album, very complete with Stamps in many case, 2 sets of the same stamps one set in the hingless page. a second set over the illustration of the Stamps all fine used, over 770 stamps + 12 MS. £90/£100
704 ✱ ✱✱ SUBSTANTIAL mostly UM collection 1948/2000 with much completion many key sets. 2200+ different issues and 55 MS, some still in new issue packets Stc £4000+. £400/£450
705 ✱✱ U.P.U. West Germany 1949 30pf, SG.1038, fine UM. £25/£30
706 ✱✱ 1905 MISSING COLOUR ERROR 6p on 6d Bird with Green omitted (on Flag) fresh UM SG385d. Together with normal to compare. £150/£160
707 ✱✱ Early issues on Stock Pages, 100’s of stamps Inc. mint or varieties on New Currency and Royal Visit Issues. Damaged Letters, Joint Letters, Retouched, looks to be UM. £60/£70
708 Gold Coast/Ghana issues on old pages 540 stamps randomly arranged. Seen KGV, KGVI issues. Unchecked, fine used. £40/£50
709 ✱ 1886 Overprint set SG1/7 fine m (7) cat £1200. £400/£450
710 1886 QV overprinted set of 7 SG1/7 fine used. £150/£180
711 ✱ 1886 QV second set mint. Mostly fine to vf. Difficult set SG8/14 (7). £220/£240
712 ✱ 1889 5c on ½d and 10c on 1d in BLOCKS OF FOUR, SG.15/16, fine mint, cat.£116 (2 blocks). £40/£50
713 ✱ 1889 75c on 1s bistre, SHORT FOOT to “5” variety, SG.21a, fine mint. £80/£95
714 ✱ 1889 QV overprint set fine m SG15/21 (7). £80/£85
715 ✱ 1889 Spanish Currency set (inc both 25c shades) chiefly fine m SG22/33 (13). £90/£95
716 1889-98 QV group incl. Spanish Currency set less 20c olive-green, 1898 Sterling Currency set, SG.22/4, 26/45, good to fine used, cat.£293 (19). £75/£90
717 ✱ 1898 QV set SG39/45 fine m (7). £80/£90
718 ✱ 1898 Re-issue in Sterling currency set, SG.39/45, good to fine mint (7). £75/£90
719 ✱ 1898 Re-issue in Sterling Currency set, SG.39/45, mint, cat.£190 (7). £60/£70
720 ✱ 1903 Edward set fine mint. SG45/55 (10).
721 ✱✱ 1903 Plate number (1 - top) Block Four 1/- SG51. Fresh UM. £65/£70
722 ✱✱ 1903 Plate Number (1) Corner Block Four 1/- SG51. Fresh UM. Scarce. £65/£70
723 ✱ 1903 Plate number (1) corner block Four 2d SG48 fresh mint. (2 units UM). £80/£90
724 ✱✱ 1903 Plate number (1) Corner Block Four 6d SG50 superb UM. Choice and scarce.
725 ✱ 1903 Plate number (1) Corner blocks of Four ½d SG46 + 2½d SG49 both VFM (2).
726 ✱ 1904 Edward second set to £1 fine m
SG56/64 (9). £500/£550
727 ✱ 1906-11 ½d to 4s plus a few shades, KEVII new colours, wmk Mult Crown CA, SG.66/73, mint, 6d with some toning, 2s & 4s fine mint, cat.£533 (13). £130/£150
728 1910 Edward 4/- SG73 vfu. Choice. £90/£95
729 ✱ 1912/24 KGV comprehensive fine m set (16) with listed shades inc all four 1/- SG76/85. £180/£200
730 ✱ 1921/27 KGV set with several additional listed shades fine mint SG89/101 (16). £200/£220
731 1924 Spectacular usage of KGV 2d registered envelope with the then current set of ten SG76/85 to £1 used on reverse all neatly cancelled with the registered oval DS. £600/£650
732 ✱ 1925 KGV £5 SG108 fine mint. £800/£900
733 ✱ 1925/32 KGV set to £1 vfm. SG102/107 (7) inc both 1/- shades. £130/£140
734 1935/51 KGVI Interesting Group with PPC with views relating to the Stamps plus the Stamps, New Constitution 2d, 3d, 6d. A large bottom of the Sheet Blocks (24 stamps) Bottom 4 rows with Imprint and Plate Numbers. A very good lot of 28 items. £100/£120
735 ✱ 1937/50 KGVI collection of 80 stamps, fresh mint note 1938 definitives to £1 (60) unchecked, 1948 S/Wedding, UPU set of 4. A very good range. £90/£100
736 ✱ 1938 Bird on memorial variety 2/SG128BB VFM. Cat £900. (Photo) £280/£300
737 1938 KGVI proof 2d as a block of 8 (SG124c) on thin ungummed paper deface with thin blue lines from the archive. Scarce. £280/£300
738 ✱ 1938/50 KGVI Collection on pages with extensive 1938 definitives to £1, 1d card joint strip, 2d plate block (Pl.2a) 5/- p13 and p13½ SG129a/b mint. 1948 Silver Wedding mint. 130 stamps. £80/£90
739 ✱ 1938/51 KGVI Definitive Set to £1 Inc. different perf. types 13, 13½, 14 (39) on Old Pages, fresh mint, not often seen with its different perf. types. £240/£280
740 ✱ ✱✱ 1938/51 KGVI Study of the Definitives with different perf. typs, Shades, Coil Stamps Inc. Joint Pairs, Plate Blocks. a very good lot of 70 items M/UM. Highly catalogued. £650/£700
741 1953/70 QEII Collection on pages with many sets. 1953 defins. to £1. 1960 defins. to £1. 1967 Ship to £1. Inc. varieties, extensive Commemorative issues with many UM. A goo lot, A few 100 stamps chiefly mint Inc. UM. £100/£120
742 ✱✱ 1976/99 Unmounted Mint Collection on Album Pages or loose in a packet, looks very complete for the period with MS/Sheetlets, Defins. Many commemorative sets face value £165 seen values to £5. £80/£90
743 ✱ Edward on pages Inc. 1903 2/- SG52 mint. 1904 2/- SG62 mint. 1906 2/- SG72 mint. A useful range of 35 stamps. £120/£150
744 Great Britain Stamps used in Gibraltar (12) Inc. Penny Red with superb Gibraltar CDS SGZ29. 1880 2d Z73. 1867 6d both shades SGZ45/46. 1867 1/- (2) Pl.4 SGZ63. A good range catalogue value over £500. £180/£200
745 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint, Fine Blocks, Shades, Perfs and Excellent ranges 200+ stamps, an accumulators lot, several plate blocks, high values Inc. 2/- (10) Inc. plate block, 5/- (7), 10/- (2) and £1 (3) useful low values Inc. blocks. Unchecked. High CV. £240/£250
746 * KGVI Postal Stationary 2d Travel to The Mediterranean (Illustrated The Rock) plus 1½d Postal Cards (2) unused. £60/£70
747 KGVI printers imperf proofs of ½d (block 16) 2d red (block 8) 3d (block 8) printed on thin paper with security lines. A remarkable trio of imperforates. 2d with faults. £500/£550
748 ✱ Luxury Lighthouse Boxed Hingless Album for 1866 to 1999 cat £3000+ substantially complete 1935/1999. Mint/later nhm naturally. Edwards to 2/, KGVI comprehensive mint set inc perforation varieties noting 1½d SG123A, 2d SG124AB. All perfs of high values. Excellent lot. £400/£500
749 Stockpages/Pages (32) with many 100’s of Stamps, seen the odd variety mixed in an original lot. £60/£70
750 ✱ 1911/65 Old Pages with better pickings. 1922 KGV set of 5 SG27/35. 1938 KGVI Definitives to 5/- (24) Inc. Shades. 1948 Silver Wedding. 1956 Defins. To 10/-. A good range of 100 stamps, fresh mint. Cat £450+. £120/£140
751 ✱ 1937/49 KGVI collection of 65 stamps, fresh mint 1938 definitive’s to 5/- inc a few blocks of 4 (44 stamps), 1948 S/Wedding set, 1949 UPU set, 1940 postage due set. A fine collection.
752 * 1947 KGVI 5/- top value SG54 superb solo use on reg’d cover. Ocean Island cds & ms reg’d. Choice. £30/£40
753 ✱✱ 1955 KGVI 3d complete sheet of 60 plate 1, with a variety of sheet markings in the margins SG48a fresh UM. Cat. £90 as single stamps.
754 ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint and multiples accumulators Lot (120+ Stamps) Inc. A very fine range of blocks to blocks to 5/- top value SG54, extra Inc. shades Wedding £1 (2) one with requisition number. Good lot. £150/£180
755 ✱ Old pages with a valuable collection of 140 stamps, mint + fine used seen 1911 set of 4 used on part of a OHBMS env, Gilbert Protectorate ovpts set of 7, mint, KGV to 5/-. Oldtime collection. £200/£250
756 ✱ Old Pages with better pickings KGV defins. To 5/-. 1939 Defin set with Shades (15). 1948 Silver Wedding. 1956 Defin. To 10/- (12). A good lot of 58 stamps mint. £100/£120
757 1935 Silver Jubilee 1/- LIGHTENING CONDUCTUR variety fu within a positional block of four. Also the other values from the set as corner blocks fu. A very difficult set of blocks. SG113/116 + 116c cat £990. (Photo) £360/£400
758 ✱ 1937/49 KGVI collection of 46 stamps fresh mint, 1938 defin set of 13, 1948 defin set of 12 Victory, S/Wedding, UPU sets. Fresh mint. £50/£60
759 ✱ ✱✱ 1938/42 KGVI Definitive Study 1938 with both perf. types. SG120/32, Shades, Blocks. 1948 Set to 10/-. A fine lot of 70 items M/UM. £190/£200
760 ✱✱ 1938/43 KGVI Set as UM blocks of Four. SG120a/132 (13 blocks) £80/£90
761 ✱✱ 1945 KGVI 4d Corner block 4 UM with extensive plate scratches in outer margins. Unusual. SG125A. £30/£35
762 ✱ 1948 KGVI Pictorial set of 12 SG135/46 mint. £30/£35
763 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint. Accumulators lot of 120+. 1938 to 10/- (2) useful pickings. £80/£90
764 * Postal History mainly KGVI early QEII odd earlier item, seen 1943 Stampless Env. Endorsed “On Active Service” with FPO 45 CDS, 2nd with FPO 536 CDS. 1961 “OHMS” Env. With “Ghana Government/On State Service” handstamp. Reg’d. Env. Note 4d, 6d, unused. 27 items. £90/£100
765 * 1858 MISSENT TO ALNWICK vf large oval on double franked cover forwarded to Hexham. Super cover many postmarks. £80/£90
766 Crimean War 1856 small envelope to Scotland with strip of 3 Penny Stars with vf strikes of the green O*O duplex, CR hs (Caledonian Railway), original enclosure. Fine combination. £450/£500
767 * FDC - A most substantial & valuable collection. 1965 to 2019 housed in 13 volumes 1000+ selected fdc with value in ultra modern high cost defins, booklet panes, prestige panes & modern sets & MS. Superb lot. £500/£550
768 * FDC Substantial collection of over 900 different FDC 1936/2017 in various Albums - many better especially defins. To £5 (2017) and £10, Defins. Inc. KC series (specials) many later with MS, Booklet Panes etc. Good condition. Less than 50p a Cover!. £400/£450
769 MACHINS Including complete Booklets and much in Packets features in this substantial accumulation Inc. many Machin Cylinder Blocks, Booklets from 10p to 50p stuffed in Packets. 1972 Wedgwood Booklet (2) UM Blocks other material Inc. QV Penny Reds. Stockpages of material. An original lot. 1000’s. £200/£240
770 ✱✱ TWO COLLECTA BINDERS with ex parttimer dealers stock of 100’s of UM Commem Sets arranged by issue with some blocks and panes, some KGVI, much QEII from 1960’s to about 1982 noting Red Cross blocks 6. 1966 Birds in large blocks, later with gutter pairs etc. Much potential. £80/£90
771 * 1785-9 four entires each addressed to ABERGAVENNY in Wales, from Doctors’ Commons in London. Clean & fine with a range of postal markings seen. £75/£90
772 1840 1d black, plate 5, R G letters, SG.2, four clear margins, fine used on small piece with red MX cancel, accompanied by 5th November 1840 dated backstamp fragment. £150/£180
773 1840 1d black, plate 6, D D letters, SG.2, four large margins, black MX cancel. £180/£200
774 1840 1d black, plate 9, D H letters, SG.2, four close to large margins, good used with black MX cancel. £180/£200
775 1840 2d blue, STRIP OF THREE, B I to B K letters, SG.5, fine used with LEEDS small diamond MX cancels, stamp at left with four margins, others three margins. £400/£450
776 1840 2d fu PAIR CK-CL black MC, 3 good to large margins into at base. Scarce multiple. SG5 cat £1950 sound. (Photo) £140/£150
777 * 1840 MULREADY 1d Envelope. Stereo A143 very fine unused - Quality example. SGME2. (Photo) £100/£120
778 * 1840 Mulready 2d Envelope. Stereo A198 very fine unused, minor imperfections NO CREASING. SGME4. Cat.£450. (Photo) £100/£120
779 * 1840 Mulready 2d Envelope. Stereo A201 very fine unused. A fine example. SGME4. Cat. £450. £120/£130
780 1840 Penny Black BA plate 1a SG2 VFU on piece four full margins & neat red MC. (Photo) £150/£160
781 1840 Penny Black BK Plate 4 Black Maltese Cross used with Four good margins. Vertical crease and faults. Cat. £425. £50/£60
782 1840 Penny Black CE plate 1b SG2 VFU on piece. Four full margins & crisp black MC. VF. (Photo) £160/£170
783 * 1840 Penny Black GH Plate.6 almost Four margins. SG2 on fine wrapper with devises BS. Neat Red MC. Stamp unusually placed lower left addressed to a hotel in London. Very nice. (Photo) £140/£150
784 1840 Penny Black plate 8, NB vfu, four good margins & nice central black MC. A very good example. £180/£200
785 1840 Penny Black RG plate 4 fu, four margins intense crisp black MC. £150/£180
786 1840 Penny Black SF plate 5 with 4 margins & neat red MC (vertical crease) MATCHED with 1841 Penny Red SF pl5 fu. Nice matched pair. Cat £580. (Photo) £100/£110
787 ✱ 1840 Penny Red trials rainbow colour trial for 1d state 1 in red brown SG spec DP20 vf unused as issued without check letters & corner void. £1,000/£1,100
788 & 1840/1864 LITRATURE - THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO THE LINE ENGRAVED. 1d + 2d Stars by Statham. The complete set of all 18 volumes in special Gold Embossed Binders, epic reference for plating classic GB - very fine. Original purchase cost was £900. £400/£450
789 1841 1d red, K C letters, SG.8m, four margins, fine used with 9 in MX cancel. £60/£75
790 1841 1d red, K D letters, SG.8m, four margins, very fine used with 9 in MX cancel.
791 1841 1d red-brown, black plate 9, K F letters, SG.7, four margins, superb used on small piece with full, light & clear Scottish MX cancel. £75/£90
792 1841 1d red-brown, plate 36, SG.8, four examples, pair with full margins, other two cut into, all very fine used on piece, neat 138 Scottish cancels. £75/£90
793 1841 2d blue with superb No12 in Maltese cross PMK. Stamp is KH, vf four margins cat £550. (Photo) £100/£110
794 1841 Number 6 in Maltese Cross vf strike on fine four margin Penny Red (RG) c£160. £60/£65
795 1841 Number 6 in Maltese Cross vf strike on fine four margin Penny Reds (RG) c£160.
796 * 1841 Penny Black EJ Plate 9 very fine 4 margin on entire (Mourning-Black lines around outer edge) from Liverpool (Inc. contents Re Everton) to Preston with very fine Pmks on reverse. Filing folds away from this very fine stamp. Rated £1200 on cover. £250/£280
797 * 1841 Penny Black OL plate.9 on superb small envelope. Brackwell BS neat Black MC. 3 + margins. So pretty, rated £1200 on cover. Scarcer plate. (Photo) £140/£150
798 1841 Penny Red treasury roulette SG8i fine used spec B2A. BPA Cert mentions (minor) corner crease. An excellent sound example of this historic issue cat £5000. £1,800/£2,000
799 ✱ 1841-512d blue, plate 3, E H letters, guide line under H square, SG.14, three margins, mint, partial gum, cat.£5000. £350/£400
800 ✱ 1841-512d deep full blue, plate 4, S J letters, SG.15, four close to huge margins, fine mint, cat.£5000. £800/£900
801 1842 1d red, SG.80, used with fine DORCHESTER MY 13 1842 c.d.s. Pmk on stamp, faults, cat.£700. £60/£75
802 * 1842 Pair of first issue 2d SG5 on entire with YARMOUTH NORTH CDS. The pair of stamps, into at places with Two superb Black MC. Clean and remarkable England usage. Rated £3600+. £300/£320
803 * 1843 Fabulous late fee cover from London to Loughborough with imperf. 1d + 1d placed in each top corners and both with superb number 3 in Maltese Cross Pmks. Exceptional. £180/£200
804 ✱ 1845 Penny Red plate 58 a magnificent mint block of four with good margins & fabulous colour, part OG, gum crease not visible from the front. Classic. £600/£650
805 1847 Embossed 1/- SG55 VFU cut square, just touching at top. Excellent example. Cat £1000. (Photo) £100/£110
806 1847-541s pale green, embossed, SG.54, good to fine used, cut square, four margins, cat.£1000. £150/£180
807 1847-546d purple, embossed, SG.60, good to fine used, cut square, margins just touch design at left and base, cat.£1000. £80/£100
808 ✱ 1850/54 Archer perforation Penny Red fresh mint (regummed) plate 96 with RPS Cert. An exceptional stamp & rarely offered mint. £1,000/£1,200
809 * 1851 Embossed 10d SG57 nicely used to uprate a 1d imperf. franking on wrapper to FRANCE London Pmks, 10d tied with PD oval in Red, arrival DS. Most attractive. Rated £3200 on cover. (Photo) £240/£250
810 * 1854 An unusual experimental duplex on penny star env 8 mg / 72 duplex. Fine. £30/£35
811 * 1854 The Oldham Town Hall
Correspondence, remarkable lot of 100 small wrappers each franked Penny Star SG17. Possibly the same sheet was used throughout this group as many stamps have displaced perforating. A variety of postal markings Inc. Lancashire UDC types. All sealed and spike holes (well away from stamps). Rated £6000 on cover. Original lot. £240/£250
Correspondence. Remarkable lot of small wrappers each franked Penny Star SG17, possibly all these stamps emanate from the same sheet (misplaced perfs. - all different check letters). A good variety of postal markings Inc. highly rated Lancashire UDC types. All sealed and with Spike Holes (well away from stamps and not poor) rated £6000 on cover. Excellent for the Star Student. £240/£250
813 1854/57 Penny Red Star “perforated” Letter Reconstruction, collection of 249 different letters only “RA” is missing unchecked for plates, fine to sound used. Highly catalogued. £500/£550
814 1855 4d SG62 select Fu. Cat. £450. £60/£65
815 * 1855 Embossed 10d SG57 with early Penny Star (perforated) nicely used on entire (full contents) to Porto, Portugal. The 10d is cut square, touching at places rated £3200 on cover. Attractive. (Photo) £200/£240
816 1855 Revenues - Life policy 6d, 1/-, 2/-, 2/6d & 5/- imperforated all fu elusive (5). £50/£60
817 1855/57 Cat. £1315 fine lot of early surface prints FU 40 SG63, 4d SG66 VFU. and very nice, 6d SG68 (pair) and 1/- SG72. Nice collectable examples. (5). £70/£80
818 1855-64 early Surface Printed issues group, incl. SG.66, 66a, 69/70, 79/84, 84b, generally good used, cat.£2420 (14). £120/£150
819 1855-71s green, no corner letters, SG.72 used with neat Scottish numeral pmk, cat.£350. £45/£55
820 1855-74d pale carmine, wmk Medium Garter INVERTED on thin white paper, SG.64Wi, used, couple of blunt perfs, cat.£1300. £65/£75
821 1855-74d rose, wmk Large Garter, SG.66a, fine used, cat.£150. £40/£50
822 1856 6d SG68 select vfu, deep colour crisp 498 duplex vf. £30/£40
823 ✱ 1856 PENNY REDS MINT a most attr & high cv selection (9) inc 1d star SG40, plates 120, 123 + 167 as fresh (inc um) pairs. Good group. £100/£110
824 ✱ 1857 1/- Pale Green SG73 fresh mint, original gum absolutely correct example of such an elusive strip Cat £3250. Seldom offered. £1,000/£1,100
825 ✱ 1857 4d rose SG66a a fine & scarce genuine fresh mint example of this elusive stamp. Correct in every regard. Cat £1800. £450/£500
826 ✱ 1857 6d Rose SG66a MINT very elusive & a fine example full og, usual gum bends. Cat £1800. (Photo) £180/£200
827 1857 6d SG66a select fu cat £150. £30/£35
828 1857 6d SG68 superb cds used a marginal example. Gem. (Photo) £60/£70
829 ✱ 1857 6d SG70 fresh mint, OG absolutely correct & fresh colour just one nibbled perf. Cat £1350. (Photo) £150/£170
830 1857 INVERTED WATERMARK 6d SG70WI fine used. Nice example cat £400. (Photo) £75/£80
831 1857 Penny Red plate 43 (C9) rare block of 15 mint (originally purchased for £3000) OG/SI, bottom six units with faults. Valued for the block of nine cat £6700+. Request scan of this impressive early multiple. £1,200/£1,300
832 ✱ ✱✱ 1857 Penny Reds plate 27 (c10, SG40) vfm block of 18 PD/RI (originally purchased for £495). £300/£360
833 ✱✱ 1858 2d plate 14 SG46 UNMOUNTED MINT a vf example & scarce in this condition cat £500++. (Photo) £100/£120
834 ✱ 1858 2d plate 8 SG45 fine mint. Very good example cat £1850. (Photo) £180/£200
835 1858 INVERTED WATERMARK 2d plate 13 fu. Scarce. £120/£130
836 1858 Penny Red Plate Reconstruction Pl.117 collection of 237 stamps need “BD, KK, MC” to complete. £120/£140
837 1858 Penny Red Plate Reconstruction Pl.118 with 197 different. Fine to sound used.
838 1858 Penny Red Plate Reconstruction Pl.149 with 233 different. Fine to sound used.
839 1858 Penny Red Plate Reconstruction Pl.150 with 221 different. Fine to sound used.
840 1858 Penny Red Plate Reconstruction Pl.74 with only letter “DL” missing Cat. £650+. Fine to sound used. £170/£180
841 1858 Penny Red Plate Reconstruction Pl.89 with 165 different fine to sound used.
842 1858 Penny Red plates 71 to 224 (ex 77) sound used. £150/£180
843 1858 Penny Red Reconstruction Pl.76 with 213 different letters sound to fine used. Cat. £580+. £150/£170
844 ✱ 1860 Circular Delivery - Edinburgh/Leith ½d. SGCD16. As VFM Rouletted block of 15 (5 x 3). Scarce multiple. (Photo) £75/£80
845 ✱ 1860 Circular Delivery - Liverpool ¼d SGCD23 as most attractive block of 10 VFM. Intense Deep Colour. (Photo) £75/£80
846 ✱ 1860 Circular Delivery - Liverpool ½d SGCD24 as superb corner block of 18 (3 x 6) VFM. £80/£90
847 ✱ 1860 Circular delivery - London ½d SGCD44. As a superb mint marginal block of 20. Fine and scarce multiple. (Photo) £110/£120
848 ✱ ✱✱ 1860 Circular Delivery Liverpool ½d SGCD22. As a VFM block of 12. Scarce multiple. (Photo) £100/£110
849 1860 Fine single usage of 6d SG68 on fine small cover to Australia. Rated £250. £60/£65
850 1860 Inverted Watermark 6d SG70wi fine used. Nice deep colour. £100/£110
851 1860 Postal fiscal 1d SGF9 very late use on 1905 cover central Glasgow cds used on local mail. Very unusual usage rated £180. £50/£60
852 1860 Strip of three 1/- SG72 fine used with superbly placed Paisley duplex (middle strip cds only!) Rare multiple sound, a couple of nibbled perfs deep colour cat £1050+. £100/£120
853 ✱ 1861 Penny Star plate 50 SG42 as a remarkable fresh mint block of 60, superb colour & spectacular. £1,800/£2,000
854 1861 Superb CDS used 1/- SG73 scarce like this. Small crease. Cat £350+. (Photo) £55/£60
855 ✱ 1861 Unissued 3d (dotted background) OVPT SPECIMEN superb mint. Intense colour gem. Spec J25A (see footnote after SG91). £400/£450
856 ✱ 1862 3d SG77 mint. A good example cat £2700. (Photo) £220/£250
857 ✱ 1862 3d SG77 vfm, OG. A very fine stamp. Cat £2700. (Photo) £450/£500
858 ✱ 1862 4d SG79 mint, small imperfections, good colour cat £2200. £75/£80
859 1862 4d SG80 select FU. Cat. £140+. (Photo) £50/£55
860 ✱ 1862 4d SG82 mint cat £2100. £90/£95
861 ✱ 1862 9d straw variety thick paper fresh unused, vibrant colour. SG87B Cat £6000. £800/£900
862 ✱ 1862 Cat £3200 9d SG90 fine mint, part OG. Excellent colour for this early issue. (Photo) £320/£350
863 ✱ 1862 Cat. £2200 QV 4d SG79 fine mint. Excellent deep colour. (Photo) £280/£300
864 1862 Strip of three 4d SG79 vfu with neat Cardiff duplex pmks. A scarce multiple in fine condition. £90/£95
865 ✱ ✱✱ 1864 Block of eleven penny plates 157 fine m/um cat £770. £120/£140
866 * 1864 Destination Andalucía fine entire franked 2 x 6d SG84. Tied London Duplex. £40/£45
867 ✱✱ 1864 Penny plate 116 as choice um block of six SG43. £250/£260
868 ✱✱ 1864 Penny Red Pl.78 fine marginal UM. c£130+ £50/£55
869 1864 Penny Red plate 86 error imperforate fine used with neat 573 duplex, very few recorded good margins, just touching at two points. Cat (from) £2500. £750/£800
870 1864 The Oldham Town Hall Correspondence. Intact lot of 31 small wrappers each franked Penny plate 88. All Canc. Various Oldham Duplex. Fine. Possibly all from the same sheet of stamps (different check letters). Nice group. £60/£70
871 * 1864/1870 The Oldham Town Hall Correspondence lot of 45 small neat wrappers each franked Penny Reds from a variety of plates, A good number from Pl.80, others Inc. Pl.112 (Qty, possibly all used from same sheets, different check letters, variety of Oldham Duplex Pmks. And other Pmks. Good group. £90/£95
872 ✱ 1864/79 Penny Red plate 225 fine mint. The key plate & scarce in mint condition. Original gum cat £3000 (SG43). £750/£800
873 ✱ 1864-791d lake-red, plate 223, BLOCK OF FOUR, SG.44, fine mint, lower pair UM, great centring. £200/£250
874 ✱ 1865 Inverted watermark 4d SG96WI plate 11 very fine mint. Exceptional colour. (Photo) £120/£130
875 ✱ 1865 Inverted Watermark 4d SG96WI plate 12 mint. Excellent colour. (Photo) £80/£90
876 * 1865/1869 The Oldham Town Hall Correspondence. Lot of 43 small neat wrappers mostly franked Penny Reds (various plates). A variety of mostly Manchester Duplex Pmks, also several earlier covers. Fine. £85/£90
877 * 1865/67 Trio of covers all cancelled Newcastle on Tyne Duplexes to overseas destinations and all very fine 1865 6d to Italy. 1866 2 x 4d to Paris and 1867 4d to Denmark. Excellent group. £75/£80
878 1865-74d vermilion, plate 12, horizontal strip of 3, SG.94, VFU with SHEFFIELD c.d.s. pmks. £100/£150
879 1867 5/- Plate.1 SG127. Outstanding used with crisp Hull Thimble CDS. Gem. (Photo) £220/£240
880 ✱ 1867 6d (With Hyphen). SG104. VFM. A very fine original gum example. Cat. £1900. (Photo) £300/£360
881 ✱ 1867 6d plate 9 mint SG109 cat £625. (Photo) £90/£95
882 1867 6d plate 9 SG109 superb CDS used. £30/£35
883 1867 Cat £2250 5/- high values plate 1 + 2 SG127 both collectible used (2). £100/£110
884 ✱ 1867 QV 1/- Plate 4 fine mint, sound with excellent colour and OG. Cat. £975. SG117. (Photo) £120/£130
885 ✱ 1867 Specimen overprint (type 2) on 5/SG126S fine mint, OG, excellent colour. High value classic. £400/£450
886 1867/83 £5 orange SG137 select vfu with neat Glasgow cds. Very fine stamp.
887 1867-801s green, plates 5, 6, 7, wmk Spray, SG.117, each VFU with c.d.s. pmks (3).
888 1867-803d rose, plate 8, wmk Spray, BLOCK OF FOUR, SG.103, used, each stamp cancelled with crisp 64 numeral. A striking block.
889 1867-803d rose, plate 8, wmk Spray, SG.103, VFU, CARDIFF DOCKS c.d.s. postmark.
890 ✱ 1868 3d SG103 plate 5 fine mint cat £525. (Photo) £75/£80
891 * 1868 Impressive 3 stamp 1d + 6d franking entire from London to Spain all neatly cancelled. SG84 (2) + Pl.103. £40/£45
892 1868/75 QV 1d, 2d issues inc watermark varieties different perf types pairs and strips of 3, 1d SG154 perf, 10 x rouletted 2d pair star wmk, strip of 3 SG164. A good lot of 22 stamps.
893 1869 COMPLETE SET of first surface printed 4d, 6d + 1/- used together on one neat piece cancelled at Liverpool. Portugal arrival HS SG 66A, 68 + 72. Very unusual combo.
894 1870 QV ½d Collection on an Old Page. Cat. £825 Pl.1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13 (pair) 14 (2) 15, 19 (2) 20 (2) chiefly fine used. £100/£120
895 1872 3d plate 8 SG103 VFU crisp cds. £30/£35
896 ✱ 1872 6d plate 11 fine mint vibrant colour. SG122a cat £800. (Photo) £120/£130
897 ✱ 1872 6d SG123 fresh unused, traces of gum. Excellent colour. Cat.£100 mint. (Photo) £80/£85
898 1872 Block of four 3d plate 7 outstanding used, each with crisp Leadenhall CDS. Gem quality SG103. £140/£150
899 1872 Exceptional VFU pair 6d pl9 SG109 each with crisp Liverpool cds. £90/£95
900 1872 QV 1/- SG117 Plate.6 select CDS used. Gem. (Photo) £40/£45
901 1872 Superb CDS used 3d plates 7, 8, 9 + 10 all selected SG103. (4). A fine set. (Photo) £120/£130
902 ✱ 1873 3d plate 11 SG143 fine m. Excellent colour. Cat £450. (Photo) £75/£80
903 ✱ 1873 QV 1/- Plate.7. SG117. Fine mint. Excellent colour. Large part OG. Cat. £1400. (Photo) £150/£170
904 1873/80 QV Wmk. Orb’s. Collection SG139/41. a used lot of 95 chiefly 2½d plates, chiefly with check letters “RG” or “JG”, mainly sound used. Cat. Value £8600. £200/£250
905 1873-802½d rosy mauve, plate 1, white paper, wmk Anchor, missing perf holes at top and bottom, SG.139, used, GLASGOW-CARLISLE
SORTING TENDER pmk, cat.£675. £60/£75
906 ✱ 1874 3d plate 14 fine m small gum spot at top. Excellent colour. SG143 cat £525. (Photo) £90/£95
907 ✱ 1874 6d plate 14 SG146 mint cat £600. (Photo) £75/£80
908 1874 Cat. £1500 5/- Plate.2 SG127. Sound FU clear profile plate number. (Photo) £90/£95
909 ✱ 1874 Specimen overprint (type 9) on imperforate 6d plate 16 vfm. Exceptional SG146 (J86S) £200/£220
910 ✱ 1875 2½d Plate.1. SG139. Fine Mint with OG. Cat. £675. (Photo) £120/£130
911 1875 2½d Plate.3. SG139. Mint. Small part OG. Excellent colour. Cat. £1000. (Photo) £120/£140
912 ✱ 1875 3d plate 17 SG144 fresh mint. Excellent colour. Cat £525. (Photo) £75/£80
913 ✱ 1876 1/- plate 13 SG150 fine mint cat £650. (Photo) £110/£120
914 ✱ 1876 2½d Plate.4. SG141. Mint. OG. Cat. £525. £50/£60
915 ✱ 1876 2½d Plate.5. SG141. Mint. OG. A good and sound example. Cat. £525. (Photo) £65/£70
916 ✱ 1876 3d plate 19 SG144 fresh mint. Fine stamp cat £450. (Photo) £75/£80
917 ✱ 1876 6d plate 15 SG147 mint cat £500. Nice stamp. (Photo) £75/£85
918 ✱ 1876 Telegraph 5/- SGT13 vfu with crisp Grenock cds. Cat £200. (Photo) £65/£75
919 1876/80 QV 4d, 8d SG152/56 chiefly with check letter “RG”, (19) Cat. £6900. Sound used, some faults. £150/£170
920 ✱ 1877 2½d Plate.7. SG141. Mint. Good appearance. Small imperfections. Cat. £525. £50/£55
921 ✱ 1877 2½d Plate.8. SG141. Mint. Very good example with full OG. (Photo) £70/£75
922 ✱ 1877 4d sage green plate 16 SG153 fine unused cat £1400. Mint scarce stamp. £75/£80
923 1877 Telegraph 10/- SGT16 FU at Birmingham. (Photo) £85/£90
924 1877 Telegraphs £1 SGT17 vfu with neat Glasgow cds, just one short perf at right. Lovely stamp cat £950. (Photo) £160/£180
925 1877 TELEGRAPHS 10/- SGT16 fu cat £450. (Photo) £100/£110
926 187810/- SG128 sound fu with neat Glasgow CDS cat £3200. £600/£650
927 1878 10/-. SG128. Sup0erb CDS used. A very fine example Cat. £3200+. (Photo) £1,000/£1,100
928 ✱ 1878 2½d Plate 12. SG141. Fresh unused. Cat. £525. Mint. (Photo) £50/£55
929 ✱ 1878 2½d Plate.11 mint OG. Good, Sound example. SG141. Cat. £525. (Photo) £60/£65
930 ✱ 1878 2½d Plate.13. SG141. Mint. Part OG. Cat. £525. (Photo) £60/£65
931 ✱ 1879 2½d plate 16 fine mint cat £525 SG141. (Photo) £90/£95
932 ✱ 1879 2½d Plate.14 Mint. Traces of OG. Excellent colour. Cat. £525. SG141. (Photo) £60/£65
933 ✱ 1879 2½d. SG141. Plate.15. Fine Mint. A good example. (Photo) £75/£80
934 ✱✱ 1880 IMPRIMATUR 1d venetian red (SG166) imperf superb UM marginal (hinged in outer margin) numbered 5 VF. £300/£320
935 ✱ 1880 Penny Lilac design label depicting Hot Air Balloon for a production called “The Balloon” mint . Unusual. (Photo) £30/£35
936 1880 The 2/- Brown (The most difficult surface print) Sound FU. Split perf. at top very collectible example of this scarce stamp. SG121. Cat. £4250. (Photo) £300/£360
937 1880-31s orange-brown, plate 13, wmk Crown, SG.163, VFU. £60/£75
938 1880-34d grey-brown, plate 17, wmk Crown, SG.160, fine used. £30/£40
939 1880-36d on 6d lilac, wmk Crown, SG.162, VFU. £50/£60
940 1881 1/- plate 13 SG163 fu with VR Royal household postmark. Unusual. £60/£65
941 ✱ 1881 2½d blue plate 22 mint cat £450 SG157. £45/£55
942 ✱ 1881 3d plate 21 mint SG158 cat £500 excellent colour, original gum. Minor blemishes. £90/£95
943 ✱✱ 1881 Penny Lilac inverted watermark. Choice UM. SG172WI. £30/£35
944 * 1882 Postal Fiscal 1d (SGF22) nicely used on small envelope (with enclosure) ted. Dewsbury Duplex. Very fine. £60/£65
945 1883 10/- SG183 fabulous cds used with crisp Stoke Ferry pmk. Gem. £200/£220
946 ✱ 1883 2/6d SG178 fresh mint gum crease not noticeable from the front cat £600. (Photo) £60/£70
947 ✱ 1883 5/- SG180 fresh marginal mint, gum creases only visible from reverse cat £1100. Good example of deep colour. (Photo) £120/£130
948 1883 High value 2/6d SG178 as a postal used block of four each with neat cds, crayon lane deep colour huge reinforcement. Attractive multiple cat £700. (Photo) £130/£140
949 ✱ 1883 QV 3d + 6d overprints both mint SG159 + 162 small imperfections cat £1300 collectible (2). £80/£85
950 ✱ 1884 WMK Crowns £1 overprinted specimen (type 9) fine mint. Excellent colour. A classic SG185S. £800/£900
951 1884 WMK Crowns £1 SG185 sound used free of imperfections cat £3000. (Photo)
952 ✱ 1887 Jubilee 10d shade SG210a fresh mint. RPS Cert cat £625 an elusive stamp. (Photo) £150/£170
953 ✱✱ 1887 JUBILEE 2d shade SG199 fresh um. Minor gum crease Brandon Cert. Scarce stamp cat £550. (Photo) £150/£170
954 ✱ 1887 Jubilee 5d imperforate imprimatur vfm. Scarce spec K35 HP5/772. £400/£450
955 ✱ 1887/1901 Impressive set of jubilees fine m (21 values) ½d to 1/- (both) inc scarce 5d die I and various listed shades of other values. Request scan of this fine set. SG197/214 (ex 212). (Photo) £200/£240
956 * 1890 1d stationery postcard with clear strike of PENNY POSTAGE JUBILEE / 7 MY 90 / GUILDHALL squared star cancel. £25/£30
957 ✱✱ 1891 Jubilee £1 SG212 superb UM vertical gum crease doesn’t detract from this choice example. Cat £5000 UM. £1,200/£1,400
958 * 1893 PENNY LILAC used for redirection on Brazilian 200r Postal Card neatly applied on obverse tied York Duplex (Double Redirection!). Fine. £70/£80
959 1899 Watermark Sideways Error 2d SG359A. Listed but unpriced. Very few know. VFU. (Photo) £200/£240
960 & Literature Penny Reds, plating of alphabet III plates 22 to 68 and R17 plus alpha IV plates 50 and 51 by Wiggins and Tonna in excellent condition, set of 5. £50/£60
961 PENNY BLACKS from an oldtime dealers lot Ten Collectable examples each detailed on cards plates 1,(3), 2 (2), 3, 7 (4). All eminently sound + margin examples. Total CV. £3975. (10). £400/£450
Key to symbols in this catalogue
962 SMALL Selection on Cards 1840 Penny Black used. 1841 Pair 1d imperf with very fine No.1 in MC. 1858 2d Pl.14 mint. (c£500). 1870 ½d mint (6). 1892 Parcel Label with 3 Stamp Combo. 1847 6d Embossed used, other bits. (Qty) high value. £180/£200
963 1912 Stamp Booklet 2/- SGBB3 containing Downey panes in exceptional, complete condition. £750/£780
964 ✱✱ 1968/69 BIRDS 6/- Booklet issues
Original Collectors Accumulation of over 270 Booklets in Pristine Condition, Various quantities of each issue. Panes unchecked min. CV £550, very fine. £100/£120
965 ✱✱ A substantial lot of 1968/69 Booklets in pristine condition (over 270 Booklets) HOUSED IN VARIOUS Albums with a good variety of 2/-, 6/-, 10/- and £1 issues. High CV. £120/£130
966 ✱✱ Charity Booklets of the 1970/80’s Period. Interphil, Year of the Disabled, Plymouth Philatelic, Exeter, North Western Federation. A fine lot of 27 Booklets. £80/£90
967 ✱✱ Original Lot of 200+ Stamps Booklets bought at time of issue late 1960’s/1980’s all bundled up with a good number of 2/- issues, slot machine plain covers (7) with KGVI issues, much early Decimal with stitched to 50p, lots of 10p Orange cover issues and later 10p. Cook Booklets (7) Stitched with outer PO wrapper. An original lot. £200/£250
968 ✱ 1902 10d SG254 + 254b fine mint cat £290 (2). £90/£95
969 ✱✱ 1902 2/6d SG262 fine um. Nice example cat £650. (Photo) £240/£250
970 1902 5/- both shades SG263 + 264 both vfu at Guernsey. Nice matched pair cat £440. (Photo) £90/£95
971 ✱ 1902 5/- SG264 vfm. Incredible colour. Cat £450. (Photo) £150/£160
972 ✱✱ 1902 5d SG242 + 243A both UM. Cat £250 (2). (Photo) £85/£90
973 1902 Edward 5/- SG263 select VFU. Gem. Cat. £180+. £70/£80
974 ✱✱ 1902 Error 1d SG220 Spectacular Mis Perforated UM (Hinged in outer margin). £100/£110
975 ✱ ✱✱ 1902/066d a VFM (inc UM) group of four different shades SG245/248. (Photo) £110/£120
976 ✱ 1902/091½d - Group of four listed shades all vfm SG221/224 (4). £60/£65
977 ✱ 1902/19074d - Shades fine mint lot of six different SG235/238 + 240/241. All VF. (Photo) £80/£90
978 ✱ ✱✱ 1902/72d - All four listed shades vfm (inc um) - scarce assembly SG225/228 (4). Good group. (Photo) £150/£160
979 ✱ 1902/73d - Remarkable group of (7) shades between SG232/234 fine mint. When together the spectrum of printings is obvious. Very good group. (Photo) £225/£250
980 ✱✱ 1903 Double perforation error ½d corner pair SG215 UM. Spectacular. £240/£250
981 ✱✱ 1903 Double Perforation Error 1d SG219 corner single, fine UM. Spectacular. £120/£130
982 ✱✱ 1904 BOOKLET 2s black on red cover, SG.BA1, fine UM, panes with good centring, some minor creasing along staples. £250/£300
983 ✱✱ 1905 9d SG250a VF nhm (um) cat £250. (Photo) £100/£110
984 ✱✱ 1910 10d SG256 um. Cat £260. (Photo) £100/£110
985 ✱✱ 1912 10d SG311 UM. £65/£75
986 ✱✱ 1912 2d SG292 as corner block of Four um. Some gum ageing on back. Cat. £220 from appearance. (Photo) £60/£65
987 ✱✱ 1936 Stamp Booklet 2/- edition 357 vf condition SGBC2. (Photo) £90/£95
988 ✱ Controls in multiples, strips or blocks with many different shades ½d (30) inc a, b, c, A11, F6, C4 etc, 1d (25) inc C, C4, D4, D5, A11 state to be different plates a good lot, fresh mint unchecked. £220/£240
989 ✱ DLR fine mint selection (14) between SG 226/307 inc 6d, 9d, 10d etc. All diff. High CV. £100/£110
990 EDWARD used accumulation on old stockpages (200+) sorted by value with a good variety of sound stamps for checking Inc. 5d (20), 1/- used block 4, low values for shades, 2/6d (3). Original lot. £100/£110
991 ✱ ✱✱ 1911 Interpanneau gutter blocks of four Mackennals ½d + 1d (2) fine Mint/UM. SG341, 344 (3 blocks). (Photo) £80/£85
992 ✱✱ 1911 KGV colour trial proof for 4d (unadapted design) M~B/94 - Payne Grey size 55 x 57mm. Minor crease. Scarce. (Photo) £100/£120
993 ✱✱ 1911 Mackennal ½d blue green shade VF nhm (um) with normal green shade to compare. SG323. £160/£180
994 ✱ 1911/12 Control in multiples 1d “All” (3), crowns wmk each different shades “B12” - strip of 3, Die 2 multiple cyper wide mint. £60/£70
995 ✱ 1911/12 KGV Downey Head selection of 15 with two 1d showing missing Crown varieties each different between SG338/350 mint. £120/£150
996 ✱ ✱✱ 1912 KGV Multiples (4) VFM Inc. UM. 7d UM pair, 9d Agate Mint block 4, 10d UM strip of 3 and 1/- Bistre VFM block 4 (Two UM). SG387, 392, 394 and 395. £120/£140
997 1912 POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK 1s brown & blue, Downey Head issue, VFU. £30/£40
998 1912 Variety ½d pair both with no cross on crown SG340a scarce as a pair, fine used.
999 ✱ 1913 10s indigo-blue, Waterlow printing, Sea Horses, SG.402, very fine mint, well-centred, right marginal example - a lovely stamp.
1000 ✱ 1913 Variety ½d control “J”17 with coloured mark on Dolphin right eye in pair with a normal SG351 (spec N14K) mint. £30/£40
1001 1916 A complete advertisers voucher booklet with all panes exploded each with cds pmks & security puncture top left (five booklet panes plus booklet cover.) NB6V + NB7V. Very fine. £300/£360
1002 1918/34 KGV Seahorses Select VFU (CDS) 6 Stamps 1918 2/6d. SG414. Re-Engraved 2/6d (2), 5/- (2) and 10/-. SG450/452. £110/£120
1003 ✱✱ 1919 Seahorse 5/- SG416 fine UM cat £475. £90/£95
1004 ✱✱ 1922 BOOKLET 3s black on scarlet covers, edition 19, SG.BB22, minor wear at lower edge of front cover, otherwise fine UM. £1,200/£1,400
1005 ✱✱ 1924 Empire Exhib. Set as UM Blocks of Four. SG430/431. Also 1924/25. Both Sets UM. SG430/433. £80/£90
1006 ✱✱ 1924 Variety ½d SG418 with double perf in the left handside of the block of 4, unmounted mint. £40/£50
1007 1924 Variety ½d unmounted mint with doubling of perfs on the left hand side, SG418 var and double is clear to see. A block of 4 stamps. £60/£70
1008 1924/25 Exhibition Sets fine used. 1924 1d pair UM. 1929 Low value PUC set. Cat. £290+. £60/£70
1009 1929 Airmail sent to India with 1½d, 6d franking, 1932 env with 3d, 5d franking with London FS/airmail cds and Karachi-Madras first flight handstamp. £30/£35
1010 1929 PUC 1½d 1829 for 1929 date error fu. Unpriced used NCOM 7c (cat £450 m). (Photo) £45/£50
1011 ✱ 1929 PUC 1½d. 1829 for 1929 date error. Fine mint in pair with normal Ncom 7c. Cat. £450. (Photo) £120/£130
1012 * 1929 PUC low values on first day of issue cover with Earls Court cancels. Small tear on the front of the cover but a scarce cover. £50/£60
1013 ✱ 1929 PUC set fine mint SG434/438 (4). £350/£380
1014 * 1931 Xmas Greetings by First AllAustralian Air Mail Covers (2) sent to Australia both with a variety of KGV definitive (multiple franked) Seldom seen. £50/£60
1015 ✱✱ 1934 Booklet Panes 1d + 1½d both with Selvage and Wmk. Upright, fresh UM. SG440G + 441F. (2). £45/£50
1016 ✱✱ 1934 Photo Set UM SG439/449 (11). £40/£45
1017 1934 Seahorse 10/- SG452. Choice superb used. £40/£45
1018 ✱✱ 1934/36 KGV Set of 11 as blocks of Four fine UM. A scarce set of multiples. SG439/449. (Photo) £150/£160
1019 ✱✱ 1934/36 Photo Set UM SG439/449 (11). £40/£45
1020 ✱✱ 1934/36 Photo Set UM SG439/449 (11). £40/£45
1021 ✱✱ 1934-61½d red-brown, Photogravure, wmk upright, BOOKLET PANE of 6, cylinder 30 no dot, SG.441f, UM. £25/£30
1022 ✱ 1935 Silver Jubilee 1½d booklet pane with cylinder number 66 (no dot) wmk upright fine m SG455. £50/£55
1023 ✱✱ 1935 Stamp Booklet 3/- jubilee edition 296 fine condition SGBB28. £50/£55
1024 ✱ ✱✱ DECEASED DEALERS Valuable lot with much UM on Stockcards in various quantities and better items, 1924 to 1/- Inc. 5d (2) + 9d (4) as blocks of 4. 1925 Exhib. Sets (5). 1934 Set to 1/(3). Better single values on Cards. (240+). Substantial CV. £500/£600
1025 ✱ Interesting collection of KGV ½d issues inc control numbers, coil joint pairs, many shades, wmk inv, doubles of perf on the left side of the stamp, dandy roll errors (2). A fine selection of 98 items for study. Mint or used. £80/£90
1026 ✱ ✱✱ KGV MINT Selection on Old Stockpages 100+ stamps noting a useful range of unchecked Mackennels Inc. ½d + 1d UM blocks of 4, Shades, 1912 Cypher Inc. low values 7d block of 4, 8d and 9d Agate. £150/£170
1027 KGV used hoard by value on old stockpages 400+ stamps to check, lots of higher CV stamps 1912 to 1/- (18+). 1924 to 1/- (15+). 1934 to 1/- (201), Seahorses 2/6d (2), 5/- (3), 10/(2). A good quantity of Mackennels much to check. £100/£120
1028 Mackennal control multiples unmounted mint with specialist note “plates” minor varieties, “B12” (2) wide and close, all (2) plate 5a, 10b. £60/£70
1029 ✱✱ 1936 BOOKLET 2s black on blue covers, edition 356, SG.BC2, fine UM. £70/£90
1030 ✱✱ 1936 BOOKLET 3s black on scarlet covers, edition 332, SG.BC3, fine UM. £60/£75
1031 * 1936 First Day Cover with King Edward Banff double ring CDS cancel and neat handstamped address with ½d, 1½d, 2½d franking. £60/£70
1032 ✱✱ 1937 BOOKLET 5s black on buff covers, edition 17, SG.BC4, minor corner crease to front cover, otherwise fine UM. £120/£140
1033 ✱ ✱✱ Cylinder Blocks of Six ½d, (2), 1d (2), 1½d (2), 2½d (1), plus pairs ½d, 1d, 1½d Wmk. Inv. ½d, 1½d, 2½d on FDC, also set of 4 as blocks of 4. £50/£60
1034 ✱✱ Exploded Booklet (BC2) Edition 358 with For Safery Of Capital/Universal Fixed Trust” Labels (SGPB5a) Wmk. Inv. ½d pane Wmk. Inv. Cat. £200 fresh UM. £90/£100
1035 * Postal History (34) Covers/Cards Inc. FDC’s and interesting 1939 cover with Edward stamps with “Pitcairn Islands New Zealand Postal Agency” Cachet and Paquebot London Cancel. 1937 “5 Reigns” Cover with 10 different stamps. 1937 with Qubec “P Q” Cancel 1d, 1½d franking sent to Norway. 1936 Cover with 1½d franking with FPO16 CDS, Large Letter sent to USA multiple franked with USA 10 due for being a large letter. £90/£100
1036 ✱✱ 1937 Double Perforation Error 1/- UM vertical pair with misperf c double perforation on second unit. Very unusual and scarce on this value SG475. £100/£120
1037 ✱ ✱✱ 1937 KGVI Essay by Waterlow Maroon and Purple perf. 14 UM and Purple imperforated pair mint. £30/£40
1038 1937/51 Fine used 1937 Defins Inc. wmk Sideways and Wmk. Inv. sets. 1939 Arms high values (2 sets). 1941 Defin. Inc. Wmk. sideways, Wmk. Inv. set of 3. 1950 Defins. Inc. Wmk. sideways, Wmk Inv. plus a page with interesting cancels. a good lot of 70 items, Cat. £300+. £80/£90
1039 ✱✱✱ * 1937/51 Interesting original lot on pages with FDC’s and mint collection of stamps Inc. UM, note defin. sets in Inv. Wmk, and sidways Wmk. sets. 1939 Arms set of 6, Channel Island Liberation 2½d with Wheel Flaw. A very good lot of 200+ stamps + 14 Covers. £250/£270
1040 ✱✱ 1937/51 KGVI Postage Due Sets UM. 1937 Set of 8 SGD27/34. 1951 SGD35/39. £150/£180
1041 ✱✱ 1937/51 KGVI range with many sets. 1937 Defin. set of 15 plus a few Wmk. varieties. 1941 and 1950 colour change sets. 1948 Silver Wedding, victory, UPU, Olympic Sets all UM. Cat. £130. £40/£50
1042 ✱✱ 1939/51 High value selection fresh UM. Cat. £300+ (9). 1939 Arms set of Five different values Inc. 2/6d Brown and 1951 Festival Set. SG509/512. £100/£110
1043 ✱✱ 1940-53 BOOKLETS RANGE incl. 1s booklets without inscriptions, SG.BD3/5, BD7 & BD10, nine 2s6d booklets incl. SG.BD18 (x3), BD19, BD20 (x5), with different dates, plus 5s booklet, SG.BD31, clean & fine (15 booklets). £400/£450
1044 ✱✱ 1941 Double Perforation Error 1d SG486 UM strip of 3 with double perfs affecting all 3 units. £100/£110
1045 ✱ 1941/50 KGVI Cylinder Block of Six. 1941 ½d to 3d (6). 1950 ½d to 4d (6) Inc. 2d Cyl. 6d, 4d Cyl. 13. Cat. £260+. £100/£120
1046 1946/51 KGVI used Commemoratives, Silver Wedding, Victory, Olympics, UPU Festival, low and high values. £35/£40
1047 ✱✱ 1948 KGVI variety 2½d liberation broken wheel SGC2A UM in corner block four. VF. £30/£35
1048 ✱✱ 1948 Liberation Commem Issue 2½d all 3 listed varieties in UM multiples Inc. the broken wheel. SGCZ, CZA etc. £75/£80
1049 ✱✱ 1948 Variety 3d Olympics UM cylinder block of six with broken crown SG496A. £40/£45
1050 ✱✱ 1948 Wedding Set as UM blocks of Four. SG493/494. c£160. £50/£60
1051 ✱✱ 1951 Festival High Value Set UM. SG509/512. (4) c£100. £35/£40
1052 ✱✱ 1951 Festival high value set UM. SG509/512. (4) c£100. £35/£40
1053 ✱✱ 1951 KGVI 1d coil wmk sideways
SG504a with coiled part intact. Seldom seen as such. £50/£60
Clients can view at our offices Monday - Friday 10am - 5pm Please telephone to arrange an appointment. We are located in Warrington Town Centre
1054 KGVI Specialist Collection of Commems with varieties flaw highlighted seen Coronation with Colon Flaw, Ray Flaw. Pearl in Orb. 1940 Stamp Centenary 2½d Neck Retouch in a Cyl. block of six, Victory 3d Inc. Gash in Temple, Seven Berries. UPU cyl. block of six with major retouch cyl. 5 no dot. A very good lot of 98 items with many Cyl. blocks. M/UM. £250/£300
1055 ✱✱ KGVI Unmounted Mint quality collection (68). 1939 Coat of Arms Set (Inc. very fine 10/Dark Blue). 1948 Wedding. 1951 to £1. Low value set etc. Very nice. £180/£200
1056 * Postal Stationary unused (13) Env’s (7) Inc. duel value (2) Regd. Env. (2) Cards (4) note fine 6d embossed Env. 2d Alliance Assurance Comp. Env. 1d, 2d duel value env. 1½d, 1½d Duel Value Env. All in very good condition. £60/£70
1057 ✱ ✱✱ POWERFUL LOT OF KGVI In a Stockbook much mint (inc. UM) noting 1937 Defins. to 1/- Inc. numerous UM blocks of 4 and singles other lower values UM Inc. Booklet Panes, Wmk Vars. 1939/48 High values 2/6d Brown (3), 2/6d Green (9), 5/- (8), 10/- Dark Blue (1 - Hinged) 10/- ultramarine (8), £1 (8) many here are UM. 1951 Festival high value sets to £1 (9 + sets) Then a used lot with a good number of high values. Much potential, an original lot. £400/£500
1058 ✱✱ 1952-4 Wilding defins, wmk Tudor Crown complete set, plus wmk sideways & wmk inverted sets, SG.515/31, 515a/19a, 515Wi/19bWi, fine UM (26). £60/£70
1059 * 1953 CORONATION SETS on Five different illustrated FDC’s various Pmks Inc. Slogan, fine group. SG532/5. £80/£90
1060 ✱✱ 1953 Stamp Booklet 2/6d composite booklets (4) all different dates SGF1/4 in vf condition. £60/£70
1061 * 1953/57 Coronation 6d air letters (19) with a variety of cancels in regd at Yeovilton, 1957 Blackpool fancy good fair, 1956 Sellafield South camp regd, mobile post offices. A fine collection each different. £80/£90
1062 * 1953/59 Wilding FDC group in exceptional condition (9 diff ) inc 1953 to 1/6d. £50/£60
1063 * 1953/70 Illustrated FDC’s (110+) each different with better covers. 1953 Coronation “Long Live The Queen” Cancel. 1961 Parliament Congress with Special Cancel. 1963 FHM with Special Cancel and Cachet. Lifeboat with Special Cancel (2), Red Cross Special Cancel. Forth Bridge with Special Cancel. 1965 BOB with Biggin Hill Cancel. 1967 Christmas Double Date Covers (2) Inc. Bethlehem. A good lot of early QEII FDC’s. Very high catalogue value. £350/£400
1064 ✱✱ 1953-64
BOOKLETS RANGE incl. 2s6d x7, two are composite booklets, 3s, 3s9d x5, 4s6d & 5s booklets, clean & generally fine, cat.£600+ (15 booklets). £200/£250
1065 * 1955 Castle High Values First Day Covers (2) 2/6d SG536, 10/- SG538 on plain covers. £50/£60
1066 1955 Castle Top Value £1 as a block of 4 used. Seldom seen on a block. SG539. £60/£70
1067 1955 Castle Waterlow set of 4 fine used plus £1 as a block of 4 SG536/39. £70/£80
1068 * 1955 Castles High Values 10/- £1 with typed addresses posted on First Day of Issue SG538/39 plain covers. £100/£120
1069 1955/67 Castle High Values. A superb collection 1955 set of 4. 1958 set of 4, plus £1 block of 4. 1959 De La Rue, 2nd set plus 2/6d, 10/, £1 as blocks of 4 (6) £1 block of Six, B W Printings. 2/6d, 5/-, £1 as blocks of 4 (6). 1967 Set plus Set as blocks of 4, FU. Cat. £630+ over 100 stamps, many as blocks of 4. £150/£170
1070 ✱✱ 1956 Phos Graphite Wilding Set UM. SG599/609. (8). £40/£45
1071 * 1957 Castle High Value 2/6d with Mobile Post Office 2 CDS sent Regd. to Canada with Aberystwyth Regd. Label. £30/£40
1072 * 1957 Parliamentary Conference illustrated FDC with Parliamentary Special Cancel. £45/£50
1073 1958 Castles as blocks of 4 Waterlow 10/, £1 SG538/39 fine used. Seldom seen in blocks. £80/£90
1074 1958 Castles top values as blocks of 4 fine used 10/- and £1 by De La Rue. SG538/39a. Seldom seen in blocks. £140/£160
1075 * 1958 Commonwealth Games Cover Regd. with Empire Games/Village, Barry dated 26/July/58 in good condition, neat address with the set of 3 stamps. £30/£35
1076 1958 De La Rue. Castle Top Value £1 as a block of 4 SG539a FU seldom seen as a block. £100/£120
1077 * 1958 FDC for regional definitive issues. VF lot (9 diff) six are illustrated, typed addr. VF. £50/£60
1078 ✱✱ 1958 Graphite Set fine UM (1½d better Wmk upright). SG587/594 (9). £50/£55
1079 ✱✱ 1958 Wildings 1½d corner block 6 and 1/3d corner block of 8 UM both showing fine Wiper Blade varieties (2 items) SG572, 585. £60/£70
1080 ✱✱ 1958/2001 Northern Ireland Regionals with a Cat. value over £480, Inc. 17p type II mint and used (Cat. £280). A very good range of 210+ stamps. Mint and fine used. £120/£140
1081 1958/59 De La Rue. Castle Sets, fine used 1st. SG536a/39a. 1959. SG595/98. £40/£50
1082 ✱✱ 1958/99 Wales Regionals Collection of 220 stamps Inc. 17p type II mint and used (Cat. £80). A very good range. £90/£100
1083 ✱✱ 1958-61 Wilding defins, Graphite Lines set plus same with watermark inverted, SG.587/94, 587Wi/92Wi, 1½d wmk inverted mint, others UM (13). £70/£80
1084 ✱✱ 1958-65 BOOKLET 3s black on red covers, GRAPHITE LINES issue, dated AUGUST 1959, SG.M13g, fine UM. £120/£140
1085 ✱✱ 1958-65 BOOKLET 3s black on red covers, GRAPHITE LINES issue, dated SEPTEMBER 1959, SG.M14g, one stich of binding undone, otherwise fine UM. £150/£180
1086 ✱✱ 1958-67 WALES 3d deep lilac, vertical strip of five with INTERRUPTED PRINTING on lower stamp, approx 2mm of design and jubilee line in margin missing, SG.W1var, fine UM. £90/£120
1087 ✱✱ 1958-67 WALES 6d deep claret, cylinder 3 no dot block of six with corner folded over reults in extra perforations, plus MISPERFOARTED block of four, SG.W3var, creasing, otherwise fine UM (2 items). £80/£100
1088 ✱✱ 1959 Graphite Line 1½d Wmk upright block of Four UM. SG589. Cat. £360. (ex. Booklet, Perfs. trimmed at base). Very fine. £90/£95
1089 * 1960 General Letter Office Illustrated FDC with Lambard Street Ec3 CDS cancel and typed address. £30/£35
1090 ✱✱ 1961 3d Post Office Savings Bank, vertical strip of six with ORANGE-BROWN OMITTED on bottom stamp, partial omission on stamp above, Thrissell Machine printing, part proving marginal arrow at top, SG.624Ba, fine UM. £600/£700
1091 ✱✱ 1962/67 Unmounted Mint Phosphor Sets in a Stockbook, Cat. value over £850 Inc. Lifeboat Sets (4), Red Cross Set as Cylinder blocks of Six, Geographical Sets (2), Botanical Sets (2). A fine collection £250/£300
1092 * 1965 FDC - Wilding 3d + 4d with Phos. lines + 2½d for rate change special HS. HS address. Very fine. (Photo) £75/£80
1093 * 1965 FDC Wilding 3d + 4d with Phos. lines + 2½d for rate change special HS. HS address. Very fine. £75/£80
1094 * 1965 Phosphor and Non-Phos. Sets on illustr. FDC’s De Montfort Parliament & Lister. A fine pair. £50/£60
1095 ✱✱ 1967 Castles Set SG759/762 As UM blocks of Ten £30/£35
1096 ✱✱ 1967 Welsh Regional 3d vertical strip of 8 (4 x 2) with the first row of 4 stamps being a different colour to the 2nd row due to over inking or Doctor Blade Flaw, most unusual SGW7 var. fresh UM. £50/£60
1097 ✱✱ 1967-705d royal blue, IMPERFORATE PAIR, SG.735c, small fault in corner, otherwise fine UM, cat.£350. £60/£80
1098 ✱✱ 1967-9 WALES 1s6d grey-blue, corner pair and block of four, UNDER-INKED PRINTING varieties, SG.W6var, fine UM. £75/£90
1099 ✱✱ 1968-70 BOOKLET 4s6d black on blue, dated JANUARY 1969, last 1d pane PART IMPERFORATE, top three stamps imperf between and at base, SG.LP49, fine UM. £90/£120
1100 ✱✱ 1969 MACHIN ERROR 4d SG733 corner block 20 (10 x 2) with lower row of Ten DOUBLE PERFORATION - Spectacular. Fine UM. £200/£220
1101 * 1969 Official Illustrated FDC Notable Anniversaries Doncaster Grammar School Cover with Special Grammar School Cancel. Very scarce neat typed address. £90/£100
1102 ✱✱ 1969 QEII high values on stockpages inc 2/6d (5), 5/- (2), 10/- (3), £1 (3) as cly blocks of 4, UM. This collection consists of 110 stamps UM. £80/£90
1103 ✱✱ 1970/1999 QEII Definitive Collection Inc. Castle Set to £5, high value £10 with many definitives being UM having a face value over £390. A very fine extensive collection. Huge Cat. value. £300/£350
1104 ✱✱ 1971 ERROR - Wales 5p with one broad bend at the right SGXW29b complete machin catalogue WA7b fresh UM. £50/£60
1105 ✱✱ 1971 ERROR - Wales 5p with one phos. band at the left SGXW296, complete machin Cat. WA7A. Fresh UM. £35/£40
1106 1971/2016 Welsh Regionals fine used with prestige booklet panes and values to £1.28 seen 17p type II a fine collection of 160 items. £80/£90
1107 ✱✱ 1971-93 WALES 15½p pale violet, type I, lower right, corner marginal Q3 control block of six, stated to be the only known example taken from the master plate, SG.W42, small tear in margin at base, otherwise fine UM. £75/£90
1108 ✱✱ 1971-93 WALES 15½p pale violet, type I, top right, corner marginal Q3 control block of six, stated to be the only known example taken from the master plate, SG.W42, fine UM. £90/£110
1109 ✱✱ 1971-93 WALES 2½p bright magenta, corner marginal block of six, IMPERFORATE PAIR at top, others progressively imperforate, SG.W13Ega, fine UM, cat.£800+. £250/£300
1110 ✱✱ 1971-963½p olive-grey Machin, OCP/PVAD gum, SG.X858, Spec U117, UM. £30/£40
1111 ✱✱ 1973 3p British Paintings (3rd issue), GOLD & EMBOSSING OMITTED (Queen’s head), SG.931Ec, fine UM. £80/£100
1112 * 1973 Booklet pane FDC’s (4) 14 Nov, 3p, 3½p and 3p+3½p fdc’s, 12th Dec 3p from the 35p booklet scarce each unaddressed. £60/£70
1113 * 1973 QEII 50p all over phos. illustrated FDC with Southampton CDS and unaddressed. Scarce. £40/£50
1114 * 1973/75 Early PHQ unused 1973 Wedding. 1974 Free (Cat. £80). Fire Engine (Cat. £65), Knights and 1975 Turner, a fine group of 8 cards in good condition. Cat. £178. £40/£50
1115 * 1977/87 High values on illustrated FDC’s (12) with better covers £1, £2, £5 gutter pairs on one cover with Windsor Special Cancel, set of 3 as gutter pair on single covers with Windsor Special Cancel, a fine lot. £70/£80
1116 * 1979/2018 DEFINITIVE FDC
COLLECTION over 210 different pristine condition Inc. 70 Prestige Pane Covers and Values to £10. Very fine. £120/£130
1117 1981 Proof uncut Preston Mill booklet sheetlet of 5 covers with a face value of £1.20 issued as £1.40 covers. Very scarce uncut sheet. £60/£70
1118 1981/88 Unissued £1.40 Preston Mill uncut strip of 5 Proof Booklet Covers, showing the unissued £1.20 face value. Very scarce. £75/£90
1119 ✱✱ 1986 Wales Regional 17p type II as corner UM block of Four. Cat. £160. SGW44a. £50/£60
1120 ✱✱ 1989 Variety Wales 24p corner block of 2 grossly mis-perfed. SGW58 var. UM. £70/£80
1121 * 1997/2013 Superb Collection chiefly housed in 7 Benham Albums illustrated Benham FDC’s (490+). A comprehensive Collection of Commemorative Covers. From there Ltd. Series huge on new service purchased and huge catalogue value, housed in Two large cartons. Superb array of sets with special cancels. £600/£650
1122 * 1998/2012 Superb Collection of Benham Definitive FDC’s (240) Inc. complete self-Adhesive Booklets high values, Regional’s, huge retail purchase, mainly ltd to 1000 Covers produced. Superb Quality and hugely catalogued. £350/£400
1123 * 1998/2014 Superb Collection of Complete Prestage Booklet Panes illustrated FDC by Benham LTD. With special cancel, huge cost when purchased and very highly catalogued as complete booklet. £250/£300
1124 ✱✱ 2001 Format Special Occasions set of 5 packs with 10 First Class NVI’s in each, scarce as a set of 5. £80/£90
1125 ✱✱ 2001 Greetings Occasions special packs (5) of 10 stamps SG2182/86 seen note below SG2186 set of 5 blocks still sealed. Face value £80+ £60/£70
1126 ✱✱ 2001 Occasions format pack of 10 stamps still sealed seldom seen unmounted mint. £60/£70
1127 ✱✱ 2002 ERROR - imperforate pair 2nd Christmas SG2321B UM. £30/£35
1128 ✱✱ 2003 50th Anniversary of Wildings, 2nd issue, MIS-CUT miniature sheet (wide margin at top, no inscription at base), SG.2367var, fine UM, accompanied by normal MS. £90/£120
1129 2003/2014 SMILER SHEETS VFU on Benham special edition presentation cards (each limited to a run of 150 units). The collection of 170 different half sheets all with special cancels. Cost £2500 at time of issue pristine. £750/£800
1130 ✱✱ 2011/2018 Unmounted Mint Extensive Collection of Commemorative Sets with a face value over £1100 superb collection of 700+ stamps and 55 MS just the odd set missing. £700/£800
1131 * 2012 Olympic winner collection of illustrated fdc’s set of 29 with complete pane of six stamps. £60/£70
1132 Bargain lot of PHQ Cards including valuable early Cards in superb condition. Cricket (2), Indigo Jones (1) all perfect unused, Horse chestnut FDC (front). Substantial ranges of other issues with better. Don’t miss (many 100’s). £100/£120
1133 Booklet panes fine used inc prestige panes (63) with many cds cancels. £90/£100
1134 ✱✱ Castles as Complete Sheets 5/- SG596a Pl.3 2/6d SG595a with variety re-entry Pl.9 (1210/2) both UM. £50/£60
1135 ✱✱ Collection of Post and Go’s Packs (25) Inc. Birds I and II. A random collection with a face value over £140. Each different. £400/£120
1136 Machins - Security issues, prestige booklet panes (7), 1st large signed for. A good range with values to £1.90, 58 items scarce, fine used. £120/£150
1137 ✱✱ MACHINS (Decimal) Unmounted Mint. A collectors extensive accumulation in 3 Stockbooks with values from ½p to 75p noting many earlier Booklet Panes, some cylinder blocks, packets of coil strips. 1988 Castles to £5 as UM blocks of Four. 1970 to £1 (35 + UM). 1977/84 Kilo Stamps and values to £5 as UM blocks of Four plus singles. Very good lot. (many 100’s). £240/£250
1138 ✱✱ MACHINS (pre Decimal) 1967/70
substantial lot of UM with Cylinder blocks to 1/9d, Booklet Panes, Coil strips, lots of material also 1970 high value sets to £1 Black Inc. Blocks of Four (at least Ten sets). Supplementary used Gratis and 50+ Machin Booklets 4/6d to 10/values. £150/£180
1139 ✱✱ Most interesting lot on Dealers Cards with Wildings noting 2½d SG614b UM. Castles with 1959 2nd DLR Set mint. A quantity of 2/6d Castles (70+ 2nd DLR). All UM (Cat. £700). 1977 to £5 (UM pairs) with training School ovpts and other items. £140/£150
1140 Original Lot In A Carton (1000’s of stamps) Inc. an Album noting good 1963/66 PHOSPHOR Sets UM. Extensive Sets in blocks, varieties in blocks, Old Magazines with stamps stuffed inbetween the pages. Unchecked. £120/£130
1141 * Paquabot Mail late 1960’s early 1970’s (37) Inc. posted on “R S Cyclops” (9), Covers handstamped ALO (5). An interesting lot. £90/£100
1142 PHILATELIC EXHIBITIONS 1959/1968. A fine collection of 290 diff items arranged in 3 albums inc numerous better early covers with special pmks, labels, sheetlets depicting Penny Black etc. An intersting assembly. £150/£180
1143 Post and Go fine used 2009 first machin set, birds set I to IV (4), fresh water life I to III (3), farm animals pigs, sheep. These are still with their presentation packs. Scarce fine used. £100/£120
1144 * Pre-Decimal FDC (200) in a filebox with many different types of Covers Inc. listed fancy cancels. Many with typed addresses. £100/£120
1145 ✱✱ Pre-Decimal Welsh Regional Study with many variety which are listed in the specialist catalogue seen first stamps issued 3d, 6d, 1/3d on a card signed by the stamps designer. 1958 Harrison Card with the six regional issues, 4d as Cyl. block with varieties bump on Dragons Head and spot above back leg, 4d ovpt cancelled XW5, with a few 100 stamps with many in block. A superb lot to write up for display, fresh UM. £220/£250
1146 * Prestige Booklets Illustrated First Day Covers with complete pane and alternative cancels. Christian Heritage, The Times, Profile on Print, Design Classic. A fine collection of 16 covers. £50/£60
1147 QEII CARTON Offered intact with very good material various volumes Inc. large File full of UM 1970/80’s sets in large blocks. Machins in blocks, Small Format Presentation Packs, Booklet Panes. 1977 Machins to £5 as Gutter Blocks of Four. 1972 Wedgwood Booklet and more. Lots of useful items. £250/£300
1148 * QEII Definitive FDC’s (100) Inc. Prestige Booklet Panes, Booklet Stamps, high values chiefly typed addresses or no address, Decimal issues Inc. Modern issues with fancy cancels. A very good lot. Very highly catalogued. £150/£180
1149 ✱✱ Random Collection of presentation Packs (46) Inc. 1969 Paintings German Pack. 1970 Postage due pack 93, with pack to 1973. £60/£70
1150 Regionals - Northern Ireland fine used with MS, prestige booklet panes, 17p type II. A good lot of 160 items much identified. £90/£100 1151 ✱✱ Regionals - Northern Ireland type II definitives 13p, 17p SGNI 43a, 26p, 28p and 31p all fresh UM 1980’s issues. £60/£70
1152 Regionals - Scotland fine used inc 31p type II, booklet panes, MS and high values to £1.28. A good range of 140 items much identified. £100/£120
1153 ✱✱ Regionals - Scotland type definitives 13p, 17p, 22p and 31p SGS 39a, 43a, 48a and the scarce 31p SGS 51a all UM. £60/£70
1154 ✱✱ REGIONALS Substantial lot housed in Two Stockbooks, value is in UM 1958/1984 with many blocks (Inc. Cylinder), IOM 3d chalky (2), extensive machins with blocks, Wales 17p type II block of 4 (c£160). Values to 63p, special Phos. and Gum types. A most interesting lot. Many 100’s (some used not counted). £150/£180
1155 Scottish Regionals Collection with Single Stamps, Prestige Booklet Panes and MS all fine used from 1960’s issues to 2007 over 130 Stamps, 5 MS, 17 Booklet Panes. £70/£80
1156 * Seldom seen 1966/73 maxi cards (not PHQ) as sets (33) fine used with the stamps on the front of card with first day of issue cancels, inc special cancels. A superb collection. £120/£50 1157 Seldom seen in the UK complete booklets (self-adhesive) fine used 74, submarines, Punch and Judy, flags, British Designers, Christmas with booklet from 2001 to 2013. A superb lot. £200/£250
1158 ✱✱ Self Adhesive booklet of six stamps inc 2019 birds of prey (c£50), the red arrows, Punch and Judy, Submarines. A fine range of 14 booklets, face value £138. (Photo) £100/£120
1159 * SILVER INGOTS set of 4 Castles high values, 2005 covers each with a silver ingot (weight 25.58 grams) making 100 grams of silver in a fine presentation box. £70/£80
1160 ✱✱ Souvenir Books (14) Inc. Queen’s Golden Wedding, Life and Times of the Queen Mother, Anniversary of the Penny Black etc. £30/£40
1161 ✱✱ STERLING MACHINS 1967/70
Substantial accumulation of Booklet Panes UM (Suitable for Panes Reconstructions) many 100’s with Combination Panes, 4d (both colours) and 5d Panes in packets, Stockbook, Stock Pages. All in excellent condition. £120/£130
1162 * Superb Collection of Decimal FDC’s with high values, Booklet Stamps Inc. many Prestige Booklet Panes, MS with very Modern issues. A superb range of 300 chiefly with typed or no addresses, huge catalogue value with many different Covers. £250/£300
1163 ✱✱ Wales varieties Inc. 1986 17p type II (2) Inc. one printing variety, 3p, 5p missing phos. 3p with partial double perf. at the bottom of a cyl. block of Six (Cl. 1 dot) 25p pair one showing doubling of the Queens Head due to colour shift. SGW73 var. UM. An interesting lot of 15 items. UM. £80/£90
1164 ✱✱ WILDINGS - An amazing lot of coil rolls & part rolls with scarce leader strips & many stamps attached, some intact with wax seals etc. A rare opportunity 26 items huge cv noting SG507A complete roll, SG573a complete roll (never opened!) SG544a, SG613ab complete roll with wax seal & cotton binding & many more. Seldom offered material. £750/£800
Substantial lot with strength in fine UM with multiples, Blocks, Booklet Panes, very good range (many 100’s) 4d block of 6 with Wiper Blade Flaw, Graphite and Phos. Graphite Sets, Castles Inc. 5/SG596 Pane of 20, £1 Corner block 4 with plate 1 and additional mirror lot of used with many Castle high values. Good lot. £150/£170
1166 1840/1989 Original collection of 1200+ different stamps QV (110) inc 2 Penny Blacks one 4 margins, 2nd 3½margins fine looking, Edward (70) with a good variety of shades and printings, KGV (100) with a good variety of printings and shades, KGVI (80) inc wmk varieties, QEII (850) inc high values wildings many printings inc wmk variety and a good range of commem’s, chiefly fine used. £400/£450
1167 ✱✱ 1924/70 Commemorative Collection with many sets both UM with a 2nd set FU. 1924/25 Exhibition sets. 1935 Silver Jubilee Inc. Wmk. varieties, QEII Inc. all the phosphor sets. a good lot of 700+ stamps. £180/£200
1168 * 1930/1971 Collection of First Day Covers. 1937 Coronation illustrated. 1946 Victory with “Don’t Waste Bread” slogan. Cancel plain. 1948 Silver Wedding Set on plain Cover. 1948 Liberation with Jersey cancel. 1950 4d change of colour block of 4 on plain Cover. 1957 Parliamentary Conference illustrated with Parliamentary Conference Special Cancel. A useful range of 110+ Covers with better pickings. £150/£180
1169 ✱ ✱✱ GB - Collections - Kings Mint Selection On Old Stockpages, unchecked (150+) Edwards with values to 7d, KGV block Wmks with a good range of shades. 1934 Set to 1/- Inc. 100 (4), 1/- (5) all fine mint. Edward 8th with numerous sets. Very high CV. £150/£180
1170 & Literature - The British Postage Stamps of the Nineteenth Century (Second Edition) by Robson Lowe in very good condition with it’s Dust Jacket. £30/£40
1171 * 1812 Entire sent by John Spear (of Spear and Jackson) with Sheffield/163 Mileage Mark sent to London signed by John Spear. £30/£40
1172 * 1827 Inspectors Star hs on fine entire with Petworth/50 Town hs. £30/£35
1173 * 1842 Entire with three 1840 2d Blues. Letter CC 4 margins, KE and GH 3 margins. A scarce rate of 6d sent locally with TP/Temple handstamp endorsed PP. Scarce with contents. £600/£650
1174 * 1850/60’s Entires (18) Inc. used and returned Entire sent from London with a variety of different arrival CDS, seen Manningtree, Chelmsford, Hertford, St. Albans CDS. An interesting group. £60/£70
1175 * 1850/60’s Somerset Entire (13) franked with Penny Star Inc. used and returned Entire seen Weston Super mare, Somerton, Castle Cary, South Petherton CDS. A useful group. £60/£70
1176 * 1857 Two Pence Blues on Covers (3) with Plymouth, Dundee, Bath CDS all Pl.5 SG34. Fine used. £100/£120
1177 * 1857/62 An interesting collection of Penny Stars on Covers (16) mostly plated C10 examples Inc. OHMS Env. with a pair with Scottish “273” cancel of Oban. 1863 Entire with a strip of 7 1d and a single sent to France. 1862 small Env. from London to Bognor with a very fine Bognor CDS on the reverse. 1861 Morning Letter with Env. from Whitehall from Needham Market to Braintree sent on Christmas Day with interesting details about a Burial. £300/£350
1178 * 1903 Edward OHMS env 1d embossed with Greenock and Troon HS, 1904 env with “found at Southampton / without contents”. £30/£35
1179 * 1921 Visit of HRH Prince of Wales to Oldham Football Club special admission tickets in Blue (3) and Red (3), fine unused. Unusual. £30/£40
1180 * 1938 10s re-engraved Sea Horses, BLOCK OF FOUR used on a PARCEL TAG, plus a further three on reverse and a 5s, clear LONDON F.S. 8 AU 38 c.d.s. postmarks (London Foreign Section). Good to fine, a truly magnificent usage. £350/£400
1181 * 1982 Meter Mail cover addressed to Beirut, Lebanon, dated 13 XII 82, large “SERVICE SUSPENDED / RETURN TO SENDER” cachet applied along with a further two RTS cachets. Fine, nice item of modern postal history. £25/£35
1182 ANDOVER/PENNY POST superb hs on printed entire from an Ironmongers. £30/£35
1183 * Bakewell Inward Mail with imperf. Penny Reds Inc. the odd letter as well, note Letter Sheet from Bakewell to Morthen about Cambrian Ram and Leicester Ewes. 1850 Entire from Rugeley to Bakewell with CDS on the reverse. A good lot of 22 mail, fine for study. £60/£70
1184 * Bath Pre Stamp Entires. 1826 Entire with Bath CDS. Bath/PYP Boxed handstamp and No.3 Boxed Sorting House handstamp. 1737 Entire Endorsed Free Armine and Woodhouse with Bath handstamp. 1786/87 Entire with Bath/110 mileage mark London and Edinburgh Bishop marks, charged at 5d crossed out and 1/- charged. 1839 Entire Endorsed “Official With Bath/Ap1839/PY POST HANDSTAMP. A fine and interesting lot of 16 Entires. £100/£120
1185 * Edward. Cards/Wrappers unused with much identified with H and G ref. numbers. (20) unchecked. £30/£40
1186 * Isle of Man - Circuit Expenditure form 1859 sent from London to the Isles. 1857 form piece with Isle of Man CDS on the reverse sent to Liverpool. £30/£40
1187 * MARITIME AND NAVAL with over 400 different selected Covers and Cards displayed in Five Albums with special naval visit items Inc. Over 200 with Autographs for Famous Battleships, high ranking officers, Open Days, some older with USA/UK interest and much more. £300/£360
1188 * Military Mail 1914 Postcard with Army Letter Free HS. sent from RIMS Hardinge. 1917 Cover with Posted by “Wounded Soldier” boxed cachet. 1915 Card with “Delayed/Not/Franked” cachet. POW Sherwood Forest handstamps on Cards. A fine and interesting group of 11 items. £100/£120
1189 * PARCEL POST LABELS (9) Very fine unused group from York (different offices). Also Two from Chorley (2 used). £75/£80
1190 * Postal History mixed bag (18 items) Inc. Channel Isles Wartime Issues and Covers with large Nazi Eagle Cachets, older FDC Inc. KGVI Active Service Env. 1965 Bisect Cover etc. £75/£80
1191 * Pre-Stamped Entires, Sheffield area. 1799 with Horseshoe Sheffield handstamp sent to Richards Coffee House Fleet Street London. 1831 Entire forwarded Survival time with the last address Sheffield with St. Austell and Sheffield CDS on the reverse. 1836 Entire with contents from the Sheffield Canal Company about the ownership of the canal with “Too Late” handstamp. An interesting read. A good lot of 30 items with lots of different postal marks. £90/£100
1192 * QEII Coronation Stamps on Covers (88). An interesting lot seen 1953 used in Kenya with Field Hospital Cachet on BFPO cancel. Env. with FPO 740 cancel, Env. with FPO 191 “Canal Zone”, Airmail Env. to Ohio with KGVI Festival 2/6d, QEII
Coronation 1/3d, 1/6d with “Long Live The Queen” slogan cancel, Env. from “HM Ship” with “Maritime Mail 1/3” cancel. A very good lot for study, chiefly inward to the UK from overseas. £170/£190
1193 * QEII unused registered letters (77) in various sizes mainly decimal issues with a variety of values inc 1st rate. All in good condition. £150/£180
1937/80’S Series of Letters together with enclosures from the Cottey Family Archive 74 Covers (34 KGVI period + 40 QEII) which features various Household Letter Heads, Lady in Waiting Signatures, Royal Cipher etc. Excellent Postal History Lot. £300/£360
1195 * Shropshire Entires (9) Inc. turned and reused with Penny Red franking seen Whitchurch, Shrewsbury, Wellington, Ludlow CDS. A fine group. £75/£80
1196 * Sir Neville Bland. Envelope from the 1930’s addressed to him (3). 1940 POW Mail Red Cross Card from a POW held in Stalog X111A Camp, unused POW Card German, small but interesting. £30/£35
1197 * TELEGRAMS (1930) Two with Envelopes Ex Imperial Service, Fine Map Design Sheets, Radio house handstamps etc. £30/£40
1198 Welsh Treasury Banknotes 1969 5/- (12), 10/- (3), £1 (3), £5, £10, and a different design 10/(9), £1 (8), £5 (6), £10 (2) together with letters from Chief Treasury and Newspaper articles. Unusual (45 Banknotes + other material). £100/£110
Contact Simon Carson today for professional advice on how to sell your stamps/covers. PTS and ASDA registered. Integrity assured.
1199 * Yorkshire - 1840 Entire with Doncaster/159 Mileage Mark. 1795 Entire from London to Doncaster Charged at 6d with a variety of Postal Marks. 1819 Entire charged out 5d with a fine Sheffield CDS sent to Doncaster. 1839 Entire with “Hathersage/Penny Post” Hs. An interesting group of Six. £40/£50
1200 * CHANNEL ISLES + IOM Vast lot of many 100’s different FDC’s filling. A large carton - pristine condition lots of interesting covers Inc. Use of gutter pairs Alderney, lots of sets Inc. Defins. Substantial and huge cost. £120/£130
1201 * A Large Carton with many 100’s of illustrated FDC’s with modern issues to 2019. a superb range that has a huge Cat. value in the modern FDC’s with special cancels and unaddressed. A superb lot. £180/£200
1202 * QEII registered envelopes unused with values from 23p to £1.35 with different sizes, each looks different inc uprated with postage stamps. £120/£140
1203 * Steam Railway special private stamps used on mail in 1971. 4 items inc mail bag tag, parcel service etc. Unusual. £40/£45
1204 CONSTANTINOPLE 1860 6d INVERTED WMK SG70WI with fine C duplex. £75/£80
1205 * 1969/70 Reply coupons 7d Jersey cancelled at a variety of Post Offices (31) with fine cds cancels, all in very good condition. £80/£90
1206 * An original collection of Covers/Cards Inc. 1940’s Arms (3), Views (3). 1969 - 2004 Illustrated FDC’s (280) with values to £10 plus many other high value stamps on covers. A small group of PHQ (58) with stamps on the front and a small group of early pres. Packs. Housed in 5 Albums. £100/£120
1207 * Registered envelopes unused (65) with pre-decimal and decimal issues with a variety of values and sizes with values to £1.23 note some covers have been uprated. £150/£180
1208 * 1907/11 Early PPC (10) 1908 FrancoBritish exhibition (8), 1907 early Kray machine cancel (Chelsea), 1911 first aerial post card brow cancel code 3. £70/£80
1209 Isle of Jethou 1960, 3d Gull, 1/- Shag on illustrated Cards (2) signed by the Stamp Designer Charles Coker. £30/£40
1210 ✱✱ * Guernsey/Alderney Collection from 1969 to 2004 with 290 illustrated FDC’s with better Alderney Covers, PHQ 100+ and a small group of early Press Packs Inc. Alderney 1984 Birds Pack. A fine range with the Covers being unaddressed (odd type) and values to £5. Many other high value Stamps. £100/£120
1211 * Registered envelopes unused (58) in a variety of sizes, unchecked for what type they are. In good condition. £100/£120
1212 1885 Inland revenue 2½d SGO6 as a fine used Horiz pair. Cat £360 attractive multiple. (Photo) £90/£95
1213 ✱ 1887 Parcels 6d SGO66 vfm. £120/£130
1214 ✱ 1902 Government Parcels Edward 1/SGO78 fresh mint, small shallow crease. A fine example Cat. £1350. £250/£280
1215 ✱ 1903 Admiralty ½d SGO107 fine m. £30/£35
1216 ✱ ✱✱ 1903 ADMIRALTY 1d SGO102 as a vfm block of four. Also fine single of the 1d SGO108 cat £140. £45/£50
1217 ✱ Edward Officials “R” ½d strip of 4, 1d block of 4, Army Official 1d UM, Government Parcels 1d, 6d used, Board of Education ½d 1d FU. Admiralty ½d, 1d. A fine range of 25 stamps. Cat. £360+. £70/£80
1218 ✱ Stockpages with QV issues (23) Inc. Government Parcels, 1½d, 6d, 9d (x2) 1/-, 1d, 2d used, 2½d Army Official, mint. A good range. Cat. £900+. £140/£150
1219 * AIRGRAPHS OF WWII A fine and extensive collection detailed in an Album. Over 135 items with a terrific variety of Airgraphs Inc. illustrated types and different origins. One original large format issue for Christmas 1944, some American type V forms Inc. original Microfilm and interesting items noting ex Hawaii plus collectors notes etc. Very good lot. £400/£450
1220 * COLDIZ RELATED 1969 multi signed RAF cover including Airey Neave signature. Very fine. £100/£110
1221 * Military Aerogrammes, Military Christmas Cards, Military Airletters of WWII (illustrated) other Airletters and Christmas related. An interesting collection of over 100 items in an Album. A very interesting lot. Fine. £100/£120
If we can be of any assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you
1222 * Military Mail Inc. Army and RAF Privilege. Envelopes 1943 and 1946 Christmas Cards. A good range of Covers with FPO cancels, Maritime Mail, WWI and WWII Censored Mail. 1946 reused OHMS Env. CDPP Mail. A fine and interesting lot for research, over 90 covers plus some Pmks. on pieces. £240/£260
1223 * MILITARY SPECAL COMMEMORATIVE Covers 1970/80 A collection of over 400 different with many signed for battles, units, Zeppelins and more. Good variety + very fine. £150/£160
1224 * MOUNTBATTEN OF BURMA Autograph on 1978 special HMS Cover. Fine and scarce. £75/£80
1225 * ODETTE HALLOLWES - Autographed 1984 Cover - One of only Fifty prepared. This special agent working in France was the first woman to be awarded The George Cross. Very fine. £80/£90
1226 ODETTE HALLOLWES and Two other signatures on 1990 tribute to SOE agents cover. One of only 29 prepared. Fine and scarce. £80/£90
1227 * POW First World War Mail (13) note Cards sent from Ruhleben Camp sent to Birkenhead. 1918 Card with The Sherwood Foresters/Prisoners Fo War/Regimental Cachet. 1915 Card sent from Hameln Camp to Devonport with a variety of handstamp. A fine lot of WWI Cards/Covers. £90/£100
1228 * The Great War illustrated Covers RAFA 1 to 62 (62) with 10 being signed Inc. Richard Annand VC, Theo Ritter (Zeppelin), Donald Hodge (WWI) Lance Corporal. A fine collection in very good condition. £120/£150
1229 * WWI/WWII Active Service Envelopes used from a variety of destinations, WWI (4) WWII Green (22) Blue (1) some with contents, Air Letters (2). A very interesting lot. £90/£100
1230 ✱✱ 1937 KGVI Set UM. SGD27/D34 (8). £120/£130
1231 ✱✱ 1954/55 Tudor Crown Due Set UM. SGD40/D45 (6). £110/£120 1232 1955 Watermark error 5/- sideways inverted SGD55WI as a vfu block of four. Rare multiple only known used. Cat £1500. £450/£500
1233 ✱ ✱✱ DECEASED DEALERS Valuable Lot of chiefly UM Postage Dues on Stockcards (80 + Stamps). 1921 1/- with Plate Number. 4d Wmk. Sideways inverted SGD15wi. 1959 to £1 etc. Careful checking required. Valuable Lot. £240/£250
1234 * 1948 Liberation Sets on illustrated FDC (3) all different illustrations used at Jersey + Guernsey (2). Very fine. SGC1/2. £50/£60
1235 ✱✱ 1997 Past times uncut Cricket Club MS contains 4 ms, 1998 Diving Club uncut MS contains 4 ms. Each sheet signed and both with certificate of authenticity. £70/£80
1236 * 1948 Liberation set on illustrated first day cover, ALDERNEY c.d.s. postmark, neat printed address, fine & scarce. £40/£50
1237 * 1875 Private To Order 1d Embossed Envelope with further 4d Embossing. Superbly used at Cambridge. £40/£50
1238 * 1880 Cheltenham and Bourton on the Water Railway Parliamentary Notice Advising Of The Intension To Purchase Land For The Railway. Envelope has 2d Blue plate 48 with a numeral 1 cancel with handstruck 6 and double ringed London CDS. An interesting item. £90/£100
1239 GREAT CENTRAL RAILWAY - interesting collection (50+ items) inc early notices for fares, 1899 parcel weigh bill, other early items, private stamps inc sheetlets, usages on covers, special cancels good lot. £120/£140
1240 ✱✱ * KENT & EAST SUSSEX RAILWAYinteresting assembly in an album. (65+ items) with early unused tickets, scarce caution tickets (2), mint prepaid parcel stamps, 1979/80’s service stamps inc mint sheetlets, usages on covers inc special pmks, tickets, postcards of stream trains & more. Excellent assembly (65+ items). £130/£150
1241 ✱✱ * LLANBERIS RAILWAY - Extensive study of modern material in an album with special stamps inc sheetlets (not common) inc roulette issues, usages on covers with cachets, photo’s & postcards of these interesting small gauge trains. Good assembly (60+ items). £120/£140
1242 ✱✱ * LLECHWED SLATE CAVERNS special covers & private stamps 1978/82 unusual study of this small cavern train with usages of private stamps on covers & cards, photo’s, mint stamps etc. Unusual 45+~ items. £90/£95
1243 ✱✱ * Most extensive collection of regional railways covers, cards, special stamps & sheetlets housed in four volumes several 100 items. West Somerset steam train cards, Liverpool & Manchester with special stamps study of the iconic Mallard steam train with covers & special cancels & special postcards, scarce small services inc Hornby, Gwilli, Carnforth & more. Many interesting items plus some books. £150/£180
RAILWAY most extensive study in six volumes, over 275 items, extensive private stamp issues with sheetlets, many usages on special commems covers, extra material inc tickets, cards depicting trains & much more. Excellent assembly. £300/£360
RAILWAY. An extensive study in two albums 90+ items. Many private stamp issues inc sheetlets & better early material, usages on covers, a selection of earlier real photo postcards, later & supplementary material. Good lot. £180/£200
1246 * THE RAILWAY COLLECTION of 260 special covers in five matching albums 1980/90’s with premium fdc, railway stamps used on covers, special pmks, silk covers & much more. Fine lot. £130/£150
1247 1853/69 QV Postal Fiscal Collection of 69 Inc. Postal used (9) mainly manuscript cancelled, large format type highly catalogued. £100/£120
1248 1865/69 Life Policy Revenues Anchors Wmk. Imperforated Collection of 23 with Die I, II and values to £1 seen Inv. Wmk’s. reversed Wmk’s. inverted and reversed Wmk. chiefly identified with details. Fine used. £300/£350
1249 Indentures with a variety of Revenues relating to Sunderland 1842 to 1884 (8) relating to Mortgage or Plots of Land. An interesting lot for study (Large Size). £80/£90
1250 * 1971 Special Courier mail oversea’s labels on a variety of covers (50) seen Australia, Canada, Austria, Greece, Denmark plus a complete sheet unused. £150/£180
1251 LARGE HERMES HEADS, good to fine used imperfs group, all with four margins, incl. 1l, 5l, 10l, 20l (2 shades), 40l, 40l mauve on blue (2, one VFU on small piece), 40l four margins), 20l deep blue without figures & 20l carmine, good to fine condition (10). £80/£100
1252 ✱ 1861 1l brown, imperf, Paris printing, Hellas 1a, SG.1, mint with gum, four margins. £100/£120
1253 ✱ 1861 20l blue, imperf, Paris printing, Hellas 5a, SG.4, mint, tiny gum thin, four margins. £160/£180
1254 ✱ 1861 40l mauve on blue, imperf, Paris printing, Hellas 6a, SG.5, slight stain at base, otherwise fine mint, four margins. £45/£55
1255 ✱ 1861 5l yellow-green, imperf, Paris printing, Hellas 3a, SG.3, good to fine mint with gum, four margins. £120/£150
1256 1861 80l rose-carmine, imperf PAIR, Paris printing, Hellas 7a, SG.6, good used, four margins, Hellas cat.450 Euros for a pair. £70/£90
1257 1861 Paris print 10l (figure on back) SG7 fu 4 margins, small thins cat £600. £50/£60
1258 1861 Paris print first issue set of 6. 1l + 2l mint, all others used, 5l poor, 40l + 80l four full margins. SG 1/6 cat £1335. £70/£80
1259 ✱ 1861-210l orange, fine impression, imperf, first Athens printing, SG.12B, Hellas 12 IIa, unused, four margins. £40/£50
1260 1861-220l indigo-blue on bluish, coarse printing, imperf, Athens printing, Hellas 13 Ib, SG.13Aa, good used, four margins, close at top. £80/£100
1261 ✱ 1861-240l blue, fine impression, imperf, first Athens printing, SG.13B, Hellas 13 IIb, mint with gum, two margins, just touches base at lower left & lower right. £200/£250
1262 1861-240l dull mauve on bluish, fine printing, imperf, first Athens printing, Hellas 14 IIb, SG.14Ba, fine used, four good to large margins. £85/£100
1263 1861-240l mauve on bluish, coarse printing, imperf, first Athens printing, Hellas 14 Ia, SG.14A, used, just four margins. £80/£100
1264 ✱ 1861-240l mauve on bluish, fine printing, imperf, first Athens printing, Hellas 14 IIa, SG.14B, unused, three close margins, just touched at base. £300/£350
1265 ✱ 1861-25l yellow-green on greenish, coarse printing, imperf, first Athens printing, Hellas 11 Ib, SG.11Aa, unused, four margins. £25/£30 1266 1862/87 Hermes Heads a highly catalogued collection of chiefly used on old pages (70 stamps) some nice examples inc first Athens 5l vfu, second Athens inc 80l (2), 1867 to 80l, 1872 to 40l, 1881 cream papers to 40l etc. Mixed. £200/£240
1267 ✱ 1862-710l orange on blue, imperf, consecutive Athens printings, Hellas 18d, SG.19b, fine mint, four margins, close at right. £120/£150 1268 1862-720l sky-blue, imperf, consecutive Athens printings, DOUBLE “20” on reverse, Hellas 19aNo, SG.120h used, three margins. £80/£100
1269 ✱ 1862-72l pair, 5l, 10l & 40l, imperf, stated to be earliest Consecutive Athens printings, Hellas 16A/18A, 20 IA, SG.17b, 18, 18, 21, mint or unused, all four margins, Hellas cat.2900+ Euros (3 stamps + 1 pair). £350/£400
1270 1862-740l greyish rose on grey-lilac, consecutive Athens printings, slight doubling of value on reverse, SG.40b, Hellas 20IIa, fine used, four margins. £35/£45
1271 ✱ 1862-740l greyish rose on grey-lilac, imperf, consecutive Athens printings, Hellas 20 IIa, SG.21b, mint, four margins. £220/£250
1272 ✱ 1862-740l mauve on blue, imperf, consecutive Athens printings, Hellas 20 Ib, SG.21, very fine mint, four margins. £100/£120
1273 ✱ 1862-75l yellow-green, imperf, consecutive Athens printings, Hellas 17b, SG.18, fine mint, four margins. £55/£65
1274 ✱ 1867-920l sky-blue, imperf, cleaned plates Athens printings, Hellas 27a, SG.27, mint, four margins. £180/£220
1275 1867-920l sky-blue, imperf, cleaned plates Athens printings, light DOUBLE “20” on reverse, Hellas 27aNo, SG.27a, used, three margins. £85/£100
1276 1870-120l blue on bluish, printed on poor quality paper, DOUBLING of figures at back, SG.36c, Hellas 35c No, used three margins. £80/£100
1277 ✱ 1872-520l blue on bluish, three shades on thin, transparent paper, SG.42, Hellas 41, unused, one with margin just touching, others four margins (3). £180/£220
1278 1872-540l orange, meshed paper printing, “10” at back INVERTED, SG.41b, Hellas 40 Nd, fine used with full c.d.s. postmark. £400/£500
1279 1875/76 Postage dues diff selection (27) with values to 1d & 200l, diff perfs, most are fu. High CV. £70/£80
1280 1875-801l deep red-brown, imperf, on cream paper, BLOCK OF SIX (3x2), Hellas 47c, SG.45, VFU with c.d.s. pmks, Hellas cat.500 Euros for a block of four. £200/£250
1281 ✱ 1875-8020l deep blue, on cream paper, imperf, SG.49a, mint, four margins, close at top. £45/£55
1282 ✱ 1875-8020l deep blue, on cream paper, slight doubling of “20” on reverse, SG.49d, unused, four margins. £50/£60
1283 ✱✱ 1876 60l deep green on green Paris printing, BLOCK of FOUR, SG.52, Hellas 44a, fine UM, superb! £70/£90
1284 1876 A selection of Postage Dues (20) All FU with values to 200L Stc £350+. Not common. £50/£60
1285 ✱ 1876 REPRINTS 30l grey-brown single & 60l green in two shades in blocks of four, as SG.51/2, unused (3 items). £50/£60
1286 ✱ 1880-640l mauve, PROOF with 40l design additionally printed on reverse, without numerals on reverse, probably from the cream paper printings, a little grubby, but interesting. £35/£45
1287 ✱ 1881-72l brown, perf.10 pair (status unknown) & 2l bistre, perf.11½, SG.66, mint (2 items). £50/£60
1288 ✱ 1881-730l deep ultramarine, new colours, imperf, Hellas 60c, SG.60a, good to fine mint, four margins. £45/£55
1289 ✱ 1881-740l light dull violet-brown, cream paper printing without numbers at back, in a pair, SG.61, Hellas 58c, very fine mint, full margins, just clear at top right.. £45/£55
1290 1886/95 Small Hermes Heads (48)
SG73/109 FU Inc. 2L Pale Ochre SG74, 10L SG97 mint. A good range each different. £80/£90
1291 1886/95 Small Hermes Heads mostly fu collection (58) on pages Belgium prints with all values, several perf, Athens with a good variety inc 40l & perfs attr lot. £75/£80
1292 1886-1900 SMALL HERMES HEADS, USED STUDY ACCUMULATION arrange chronologically in a small stock book, range of imperf & perf Belgian printings with all values imperf incl. 2l pale ochre x3, Athens printings, wide range of imperf values with distinct shades, also see 20l & 25l in strips of 4, 20l strip of 5, 10l, 20l & 1d in blocks of 4 (1d thinned, however Hellas cat.1000 Euros) and 20l block of 12, similar range of perf issues, note 20l “Amfissa” perf group with clear pmks, small range of later surcharges and postmark interest throughout. Looks to be an interesting accumulation (estimate 1000+).
1293 1896 Olympic set good to fu SG 110/121 (12) also mint pair 2l, one with engravers name at foot omitted SG11a. Key set. £360/£400
1294 ✱ 1900 Overprint issue SG130/134 fine group (11) inc 30l (2), 50l (pair) & 5d top value fine mint others used inc 3d. Elusive stamps. £80/£90
1295 1900 Surcharge AM 1d on 5d Olympic with variety triangle for A SG 151a VFU. Scarce. £250/£280
1296 ✱ 1900 Surcharge AM issues both perf. + imperf. sets SG140/147 mostly FU, couple mint Inc. 25L on 40L double perforation variety, scarce 1L SG144 is FU (9). £120/£130
1297 1900 Surcharge AM on Olympic issues (3) 5L + 25L SG148 + 149 both VFU also 2d on 10d top value SG152 fine mint. (3). £70/£80
1298 ✱ 1902 Postage Dues imperforate 2L strip of Three, 3L + 5L as pairs. SGD184a, D185a + D186a. Fine unused as issued. £80/£90
1299 ✱ 1902/1906 Postage Due Set
SGD183/D196 M/FU also 1906 OLYMPIC SET mostly FU, 1d + 5d top value are mint. SG183/196 group Cat. £520 £80/£90
1300 ✱✱ 1911-231l green, DOUBLE IMPRESSION in a block of four, SG.213, fine UM. £50/£60
1301 ✱✱ 1911-231l green, PRINTED ON THE GUMMED SIDE in a block of four, SG.213, fine UM. £50/£60
1302 ✱✱ 1911-233l vermilion, DOUBLE IMPRESSION in a block of four, SG.215, fine UM. £50/£60
1303 ✱✱ 1911-233l vermilion, PRINTED ON THE GUMMED SIDE in a block of four, SG.215, fine UM. £50/£60
1304 ✱✱ 1911-235l green, DOUBLE
IMPRESSION in a block of four, SG.216, fine UM. £50/£60
1305 ✱✱ 1911-235l green, PRINTED ON THE GUMMED SIDE in a corner marginal block of four, SG.216, fine UM. £50/£60
1306 1912 Balkan War Postage Due Group. Good group of 43 STC £1750+ between SGD252a/D264f mostly FU and seldom offered. Values to 5d, 10L block of Four overprint double, one diagonal. Good original assembly. £180/£200
1307 ✱ 1912/13 Balkan War - New Territories Collection of 40 stamps and 1 cover with a variety of ovpts. And the odd variety. Inc. Misplaced, double ovpts, seen 2d SG243ax FU, 3d SG244AX mint, 10d SG246ax mint. A fine lot for study or display. £150/£180
1308 1913/1917 Good Collection on Old Pages 96 stamps STC £650+ Inc. 1913 Victory issues to 1d mint Inc. 30L. 1913 Union issue mint. 1913 Postage Dues mostly FU Inc. no accent issues. 1916 Royalist issue Inc. 10d top value VFM. 1917 Iris Set FU SG286/296a. 1917 overprints etc. Good group. £90/£95
1309 ✱ 1916 Royalist issue overprint inverted errors (Inc. double inverts) fine mint selection (6 diff.) Inc. 2L SG270a, 3L SG271a, 30L SG276a. £100/£120
1310 1922/1923 Valuable Collection of overprinted issues (66 stamps) mostly fine mint, some used 1922 Womens League SGC344/C345 + C347 FU, extensive 1923 Revolution overprints with sets and better values noting Crete ovpts. 10L SG366 FU. Scarce 5d on 5d fresh mint and Postage Due overprints, noting SG396 mint. A very good lot of seldom offered material. £220/£250
✱ 1924/1946 Extensive Collection with many complete sets 300 different stamps Cat. Circa £1100 much is FU, excellent quality, original lot. 1926 Air set mint SG406/409. 1930 Independence Set SG433/450. 1935 Air Set mint SG461/467. 1933 Air Set FU SG468/474. 1939 Anniversary Set SG523/527 etc. Fine old lot. £110/£120
1312 ✱✱ 1926 5d Air, Aeroespresso issue, MULTIPLE IMPRESSIONS of FRAME, SG.408, fine UM. £35/£45
1313 ✱✱ 1927-3510l scarlet, DOUBLE IMPRESSION in a block of four, SG.411, fine UM. £50/£60
1314 ✱✱ 1927-3520l violet with 10l scarlet design printed on top (but shifted right), SG.411/412, VFM/UM, closed tear. £40/£50
1315 ✱✱ 1927-355l green, PRINTED ON THE GUMMED SIDE in a block of TEN (2X5), part of margin has been folded over, SG.216, fine UM, unusual. £100/£120
1316 ✱✱ 1930 10l brown, DOUBLE IMPRESSION in a block of four, SG.433, fine UM. £50/£60
1317 ✱✱ 1930 10l brown, PRINTED ON THE GUMMED SIDE in a block of four, SG.433, fine UM. £50/£60
1318 ✱✱ 1930 20l black, PRINTED ON THE GUMMED SIDE in a marginal block of four, SG.434, fine UM. £50/£60
1319 ✱✱ 1930 40l blue-green, DOUBLE IMPRESSION in a block of four, SG.435, fine UM. £50/£60
1320 * 1932/33 Early flight covers from India, 1932 with Greek flight handstamp, 1933 Imperial Airway illustr cover with ‘Phillips’ label, and Calcutta-Karachi first flight handstamps. £30/£40
1321 ✱✱ 1935-930d green, Airmail, DOUBLE IMPRESSION in a block of four, SG.486, UM, toned gum. £50/£60
1322 ✱✱ 1935-95d mauve & 7d ultramarine, Airs, PRINTED on the GUMMED SIDE in blocks of ten & six respectively, SG.488c, 488d, fine UM (2 blocks). £150/£180
1323 ✱✱ 1937-810l red-brown & light blue, TYPIN... inscription, DOUBLE PRINT OF FRAME in a block of four, SG.498, Hellas 541a, fine UM, Hellas cat. 1000 Euros. £100/£120
1324 ✱✱ 1937-810l red-brown & light blue, TYPIN... inscription, PRINTED ON THE GUMMED SIDE in a block of four, SG.498, fine UM. £50/£60
1325 ✱✱ 1937-815d blue-green, DOUBLE IMPRESSION, one inverted, in a block of four, SG.511, fine UM. £50/£60
1326 ✱✱ 1937-815d blue-green, PRINTED ON GUMMED SIDE in a block of four, SG.511, fine UM. £50/£60
1327 ✱✱ 1937-81d green, PRINTED ON GUMMED SIDE in a strip of three, SG.503, fine UM. £40/£50
1328 ✱✱ 1937-820l blue-green & black, PRINTED ON THE GUMMED SIDE in a block of four, SG.499, fine UM. £50/£60
1329 ✱✱ 1937-825d deep blue, DOUBLE IMPRESSION, one inverted, in a horizontal pair, SG.512, fine UM. £40/£50
1330 ✱✱ 1937-825d deep blue, PRINTED ON GUMMED SIDE in a block of four, SG.512, fine UM. £50/£60
1331 ✱✱ 1937-82d ultramarine, DOUBLE IMPRESSION in a block of four, SG.504, fine UM. £50/£60
1332 ✱✱ 1937-840l black & blue-green, DOUBLE IMPRESSION in a block of four, SG.500, fine UM. £50/£60
1333 ✱✱ 1937-840l black & blue-green, PRINTED ON THE GUMMED SIDE in a block of four, SG.500, fine UM. £50/£60
1334 ✱✱ 1937-850l black & bistre-brown, DOUBLE IMPRESSION in a corner marginal block of six, SG.501, fine UM. £60/£75
1335 ✱✱ 1937-85l greenish blue & red-brown, DOUBLE PRINT OF FRAME in a block of four, SG.497, Hellas 540a, fine UM, Hellas cat. 1000 Euros. £100/£120
1336 ✱✱ 1937-86d olive-brown, DOUBLE IMPRESSION in a block of four, SG.507, split along perfs, otherwise fine UM. £40/£50
1337 ✱✱ 1937-880l black & blue-green, DOUBLE IMPRESSION in a block of four, SG.502, fine UM. £50/£60
1338 ✱✱ 1937-880l brown & dull violet, DOUBLE IMPRESSION of FRAME in a block of four, SG.502, Hellas 546a, fine UM, Hellas cat. 1000 Euros. £120/£150
1339 ✱✱ 1937-88d deep blue, DOUBLE IMPRESSION in a block of four, SG.509, fine UM. £50/£60
1340 ✱✱ 1938 8d blue, Royal Wedding, PRINTED ON THE GUMMED SIDE in a vertical strip of four, SG.519, fine UM. £40/£50
1341 1940 Greek Youth Postage and Air Set VFU. Elusive SG534/543, 544/553 (20). Key set. £240/£280
1342 ✱✱ 1943 100d+50d Children’s Welfare Fund in corner marginal block of four with 200d+100d design printed on top, SG.593, fine UM. £50/£60
1343 ✱✱ 1943 25d+25d & 100d+50d Children’s Welfare Fund in blocks of four, each with 200d+100d design printed on top, SG.592/3, fine UM (2 blocks). £90/£110
1344 ✱✱ 1946 600d P. Tsaldaris, DOUBLE IMPRESSION in a block of four, SG.655, Hellas 666b, fine UM. £40/£50
1345 ✱✱ 1946-7100d ultramarine, Victory issue, PRINTED ON GUMMED SIDE in a block of eight (selvedge folded over at top with design additionally printed on to that portion), SG.647, fine UM. £90/£120
1346 ✱✱ 1946-7250d yellow-green, Victory issue, PRINTED ON GUMMED SIDE in a block of four, SG.648, fine UM. £40/£50
1347 ✱✱ 1946-750d green, Victory issue, PRINTED ON GUMMED SIDE in a block of four, SG.646, fine UM. £40/£50
1348 ✱✱ 1947-51100d deep olive & pale olive, Restoration of Dodecanese Islands, DOUBLE IMPRESSION in a vertical pair, SG.662, Hellas 682b, fine UM, Hellas cat. 640 Euros. £80/£100
1349 ✱✱ 1947-5130d Restoration of Dodecanese Islands, DOUBLE IMPRESSION in a block of four, SG.660, Hellas 680b, fine UM, Hellas cat. 1000 Euros. £120/£150
1350 ✱✱ 1947-51450d blue & pale blue, Restoration of Dodecanese Islands, DOUBLE IMPRESSION in a block of four, SG.668, some split perfs rejoined by hinge in margin, otherwise UM, lightly toned.. £35/£45
1351 ✱✱ 1947-51450d blue, Restoration of Dodecanese Islands, DOUBLE IMPRESSION in a block of four, SG.667, gum fault on one stamp, others fine UM. £35/£45
1352 ✱✱ 1947-51600d brown-purple, Restoration of Dodecanese Islands, DOUBLE IMPRESSION, one inverted, in a block of four, SG.670, Hellas 690b, fine UM, Hellas cat. 800 Euros. £95/£110
1353 ✱✱ 1950 1000d green on buff, U.P.U., PRINTED ON GUMMED SIDE in a block of six, SG.687, Hellas 707e, fine UM, Hellas cat. 1620 Euros. £180/£220
1354 ✱✱ 1951 Reconstruction Set UM SG692/7 c£275 (6). £60/£70
1355 ✱ 1954 2000d orange-brown & 2400d greenish blue, both DOUBLE IMPRESSION, 2000d in block of four, 2400d in vertical pair, SG.720, 721a, mint, gum faults, cat.£448+ (2 items). £90/£110
1356 ✱✱ 1954 600d rose, Ancient Greek Art, DOUBLE IMPRESSION in a block of four, SG.717, top pair appears unused, lower pair UM. £35/£45
1357 ✱✱ 1955-6010l light emerald, two blocks of four, one DOUBLE IMPRESSION and one PRINTED on the GUMMED SIDE, SG.733a, fine UM (2 blocks). £75/£90
1358 ✱✱ 1956 10l deep slate-violet, Royal Family, DOUBLE IMPRESSION (on four stamps) in a block of six, SG.747, fine UM. £50/£60
1359 ✱✱ 1956 10l deep slate-violet, Royal Family, PRINTED ON THE GUMMED SIDE in a block of four, SG.747, fine UM. £40/£50
1360 ✱✱ 1956 20l deep reddish purple, Royal Family, DOUBLE IMPRESSION in a pair, SG.748, fine UM. £30/£40
1361 ✱✱ 1956 20l deep reddish purple, Royal Family, PRINTED ON THE GUMMED SIDE in a block of four, SG.748, fine UM. £40/£50
1362 ✱✱ 1957 20l claret, Royal Family, PRINTED ON THE GUMMED SIDE in a block of four, SG.764, fine UM. £40/£50
1363 ✱✱ 1957 70l reddish purple, Royal Family, PRINTED ON THE GUMMED SIDE in a block of four, SG.768, fine UM. £40/£50
1364 ✱ 1957 UPU delegates handbook with 55 stamps mounted inside, issued for the 1957 UPU congress in Canada seldom seen. £100/£120
1365 ✱✱ 1958 3d.50 & 5d Greek Merchant Marine, PRINTED ON THE GUMMED SIDE in blocks of four, SG.782/3, fine UM (2 blocks).
1366 ✱✱ 1958 3d.50 & 5d Protection of Nature, PRINTED ON THE GUMMED SIDE in a strip of five or four (5d), SG.797/8, fine UM (2 strips). £80/£100
1367 ✱✱ 1960 20l Rome Olympic Games, PRINTED ON THE GUMMED SIDE in a block of six, SG.837, fine UM. £60/£75
1368 ✱✱ 1960 4d.50 EUROPA, DOUBLE IMPRESSION in a block of four, SG.848, Hellas 862a, fine UM, Hellas cat. 2200 Euros.
1369 ✱✱ 1960 4d.50 EUROPA, PRINTED on the GUMMED SIDE in a vertical pair, SG.848, fine UM.
1370 ✱✱ 1960 Olympic Games, seven values between 20l to 12d.50 in DOUBLE IMPRESSION blocks of four, SG.837, 839/40, 843/4, 846/7, fine UM (7 blocks). £300/£350
1371 ✱✱ 1962 4d.50 NATO Conference, PRINTED on the GUMMED SIDE in a block of ten, SG.896, fine UM. £100/£120
1372 ✱✱ 1963 3d.50 & 4d.50 Mount Athos Monastery, PRINTED on the GUMMED SIDE in blocks of four, SG.934/5, fine UM (2 blocks). £80/£100
1373 ✱✱ 1964 4d.50 Olympic Games Tokyo, PRINTED on the GUMMED SIDE in a block of four, SG.969, fine UM. £40/£50
1374 ✱✱ 1966 1d Greek Theatre, PRINTED ON THE GUMMED SIDE in a block of four, SG.1014, fine UM. £40/£50
1375 ✱✱ 1968 4d.50 Cardiological Congress, PRINTED on the GUMMED SIDE in a block of four, SG.1090, fine UM. £40/£50
1376 ✱✱ 1968 5d Int. Automobile Federation, PRINTED on the GUMMED SIDE in a block of four, SG.1075, fine UM. £40/£50
1377 1971 Flight covers (2) scarce 31st May from Athens to Zakynthos and 7th June Athens to Argostolion both via Olympic airways. £60/£70
1378 ✱✱ 1974 2d.50 Stamp Day, PRINTED on the GUMMED SIDE in a block of six, SG.1278, fine UM. £50/£60
1379 ✱✱ 1986 EUROPA sheetlet of 16, DOUBLE IMPRESSION diagonally across, SG.1733/4, fine UM. £100/£150
1380 ✱✱ 1992 EUROPA sheetlet of 16, DOUBLE IMPRESSION diagonally across, SG.1901/2, fine UM. £100/£150
1381 ✱ Album Pages with 450+ Stamps from early classic to more modern issues. Chiefly fine used with some mint mixed in, need sorting as randomly placed on pages. £100/£120
1382 ✱ BACK OF THE BOOK. A selection of stamps on pages, Cards etc. Inc. Paxos 1937/39 Airmail ovpts. Epirus FU, Thrace ovpts. Litho Crete issues (Bogus?). Samos imperfs. 1912 issues to 25d mint etc. Qty. £100/£110
1383 Crete 1898 20pa SGB1 FU. APS Cert. £90/£95
1384 ✱ CRETE 1898/1909 Valuable original collection on pages (125 stamps). Much is FU, numerous sets and highly catalogued. British Admin. issues B2/B5 Inc. Pmks. 1900/1902 Sets Inc. ovpt. in Black (5b/9b). 1905 Set (1d mint).
1908 Ovpts. to 5d including listed errors noting 10L inverted ovpt used on cover, Sets to 5d, Postage Dues. Highly recommended. £400/£450
1385 FINE USED With extensive complete sets 1924/82 much completion and seldom offered FU, over 1000 different stamps many better Inc. 1926 Airmail set. 1930 Defin. Set and 1955 Congress Set etc. £180/£200
1386 ICARIA (10) 1912 First Set FU SG1/8 and SG9 mint, SG10 FU. Seldom offered. £70/£75
1387 LARGE HERMES HEADS, FAKES & FORGERIES RANGE, values from 1l to 80l, includes “mint” examples of 1l & 10l, others are “used,” mixed condition (34). £150/£180
1388 ✱ LARGE HERMES HEADS, unused imperfs group, incl. 5l (2 shades), 10l, 20l (3 shades), 40l mauve on blue, 40l bistre on blue (both 40l four margins) & 20l carmine, mixed condition, min cat.£1650 (9). £120/£150
1389 LIMNOS Issues 1912/1913 rarely offered collection (40 stamps) Inc. Black ovpts. 5d, 10d, 25d. SG15/17. RED ovpts. Inc. rare 2d VFU SG13g, 5d, 10d and 25d mint. A good group. £240/£250
1390 Old pages with a range of 1500+ stamps from early Herme Head to more modern, much identified chiefly fine used. Unchecked. £120/£150
1391 Old Printed Pages with a range of 250+ Stamps from 1861 to 1942, early Hermes Heads. 1911 to 25dr FU. 1912 Provisional ovpts. chiefly fine used. A few mint mixed in. £120/£150
1392 * Postal History chiefly airmails covering many periods seen early postal cards, 1940’s censored mail, airmail covers from different airlines over 190 covers to a variety of destinations. £180/£200
1393 Very good balance with much FU. An Album, Inc. ovpt. material on Stockcards, Stockbook with a mixture Inc. 1922 ovpts. A selection of large Hermes Heads (22). Comprehensive FU collection 1947/82 with all 1950’s sets (many 100’s). £150/£170
1394 1916-3020o red Polar Bear, perf.11¼, SG.P9A, VFU with rare KANGERDLUK postmark. £40/£50
1395 * 1949-63 POSTAL HISTORY incl. two 1949 items both franked 1o & 7o 1938 defins with UMANAK and UPERNAVIK pmks, 1945 1o, 5o, 10o & 15o defins used on 1950 plain cover, 1950 2k red used in reg’d, plain FDC, 1963 Italian Scientific Expedition illustrated postcard. Good to fine (5 items). £50/£70
1396 * 1791 Carried By Favour (Fully Endorsed) Plantation Entire carried by Mr Ewing to Glasgow. Full contents. No postal markings. Unusual. £80/£85
1397 * 1791 Privately carried maritime mail. Entire written at Montreuil, endorsed by hand captain addressed to Glasgow. No postal markings. £50/£60
1398 * 1792 Carried by favour. Sugar plantation entire to a merchant in Glasgow - fine early entire with full contents. £50/£60
1399 ✱ 1905 Damaged frame and crown variety ½d SG67a fine mint. £150/£160
1400 ✱ 1937/51 KGVI collection of 100+ stamps fresh mint in 1938 extensive range inc 10/- (+5) unchecked for printings, commems set inc S/Wedding, UPU, a good range of KGVI issues. £220/£240
1401 ✱ 1938 Line On Sail Variety (early state) 2d. SG156a. Fine Mint. £80/£90
1402 ✱ 1940 KGVI VARIETY 2d extra window and broken handrail SG156BB fine m. £100/£120
1403 ✱✱ 1942 KGVI VARIETY 6d LINE ON SAIL SG159B fresh UM in pair with normal. £240/£260
1404 ✱✱ 1943 10/- SG163e perfect marginal UM. £25/£30
1405 ✱✱ 1964 QEII 6c wmk 12 SG218 fresh um. Elusive. (Photo) £100/£110
1406 ✱✱ 22 10/- SG163a fresh marginal UM. £90/£95
1407 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint, several fine Blocks, Shades, Perforations etc. (2004. ) The lot includes (10) examples of the 10/top value with numerous different printings. Original lot. £300/£360
1408 QV Classics mostly FU selection of 17 different issues min. cv. £470 Inc. fine group of classic chalons. 1d (3), 6d (3), ovpts. 1888 values to 1/-. Nice quality. £75/£80
1409 ✱ ✱✱ Stockcards (100) with a range of 360 stamps with better 1938 KGVI defins inc 4 different 10/- values, 1949 S/wedding chiefly mint/um and also 32 MS. £150/£200
ERRORS & VARIETIES (6) vf items inc 2c plate block SG430 ovpt grossly misplaced, 6c inverted overprint error used on cover, 2c 1966 for Guyana etc. Unusual material. £100/£120
1411 ✱✱ 1966 OVERPRINT ERRORS - Vertical Pairs 1c, 2c + 6c all with grossly misplaced overprints fine UM. Unusual. £40/£45
1412 ✱✱ 1967-84c violet, wmk Script CA, INVERTED OVERPRINT, SG.423b, fine UM. £40/£50
1413 * 1993 Scout Jamboree overprints, miniature sheets (10) on 5 covers sent to the USA Inc. Silver and Gold Foil MS, Owl and Whales all with a single Georgetown CDS. Most unusual. £90/£100
1414 * WWII Postal History Censored Covers/Cards. 1942 Picture Postcard with US and Haiti Censored Handstamp. Six Covers with 4 being Double Censored. A fine group mainly sent to USA. £60/£70
1415 ✱ 1950s PRINTER’S PROOFS, imperf airmail stamps, in two pairs and a single, ex Waterlow archives, no gum with small, security punch holes (3). £40/£50
1416 KGVI Never hinged mint blocks of four, 24 different noting $2 SG158A & $5 SG160AB. £850/£900
1417 ✱ 1862/63 QV first issues no watermark 2c, 8c, 12c, 18c + 24c (SG1/5 issue) Mint/Unused Cat. £4000+. All presentable and rarely offered mint. Small faults (5). £400/£450
1418 ✱ 1863 QV 10c SG10A superb unused Cat. £650 mint. £75/£80
1419 1863/1935 Old Pages with useful pickings. QV (29) Inc. 1876 10c on 24c, 24c on 30c. KGV to $1 (20) Inc. 1935 Jubilee Set Mint. 60 Stamps. Cat. £1300. £160/£170
1420 ✱ 1863/71 QV Wmk. CC Mint Selection of Ten 2c, 4c, 6c, 8c, 12c (2), 24c, 30c (both colours) and 48c between SG8/17 presentable, small faults, mint CV £4200. Request Scan. £200/£240
1421 1863-7148c rose-carmine, wmk Crown CC INVERTED, SG.17w, fine used with blue pmk. £110/£130
1422 ✱ 1880 New Colour 10c SG30 fine unused Cat. £900 mint. £75/£90
1423 ✱ 1880 New Colour 5c SG29 mint, Heavy Hinge OG. Cat. £800. £90/£95
1424 ✱ 1880 Provisional 5c on 8c SG23 fine unused. Cat £1200 mint. £100/£120
1425 ✱ 1882/96 QV First CA Wmk. Issues Mint (8). 2c Rose SG32A very fine, 2c SG33, 5c SG35, Rare 10c Mauve unused, 10c SG37A (2) 10c SG38 + 30c SG39A. Good to fine, mint CV £2000. £180/£200
1426 ✱ 1885 QV Surch Set SG40/42 (3), 20c toned, 50c fine with OG and $1 superb unused. Cat. £1500. £200/£240
1427 ✱ 1885 Surcharge $1 SG42 Fresh Mint, OG, small surface rub. Cat. £850. £170/£200
1428 ✱ 1891 Jubilee 2c ovpt mint fine OG, small corner crease. SG51 Cat. £500. £100/£110
1429 ✱ 1891 Surcharge Set of 3 Good to Fine Mint, $1 is very fine SG48/50. £200/£240
1430 ✱ 1891 Surcharged 7c + 14c SG43/44 mint, slightly soiled, Cat. £350 (2). £50/£60
1431 ✱ 1891 Surcharges 20c and 50c SG48 + 49. Good to fine mint (2). £60/£70
1432 ✱ 1898 Kiss print of 10 cents ovpt on 30c SG55 mint appears double. RPS Cert. Nice variety. £80/£85
1433 ✱ 1898 Surcharge $1 SG52A VFM. £100/£110
1434 ✱ 1900 QV Set VFM 12c is SG12! SG56/61 (6). £75/£80
1435 ✱ 1903 Edward set to $1 chiefly fine and fresh mint (20c heavy HR) SG62/72 (11). Cat. £511. £120/£130
1436 ✱ 1904 Edward $2 fresh mint (ordinary paper) SG87. Small gum spot on face. Very fresh. Cat. £450. £120/£150
1437 ✱ 1904/11 Edward issues fine Mint selection 8 different Cat. £300+ Inc. 12c SG82, 6c SG94e. 50c. SG98. Nice. £80/£85
1438 ✱ 1904/1906 Edward MCA Set 2c to $1 fresh mint, many are ordinary papers. SG77/86 (10). Cat. £650+. £200/£220
1439 ✱ 1912 KGV $10 Mint, Part OG, surface abrasion LR. SG116. Cat. £600. £0/£65
1440 1912/21 KGV MCA Set to $5 Fine Mint Inc. 25c is SG108, 50c (3) SG100/115A (20). Cat. £1630+. $2 part OG, $3 surface abrasion and part OG, the $5 is very fine. £400/£450
1441 ✱ 1912-21 $5 green & red on green, wmk Mult Crown CA, SG.115, fine mint. £360/£400
1442 ✱ 1921 Broken Flower Variety 25c SG126A. Fine Mint. £30/£35
1443 ✱ 1921 KGV Set To $5 SG117/132. Chiefly fine mint. (18). £400/£450
1444 ✱ 1923 Postage Due Set Mint. SGD1/D5 and 1935 Silver Jubilee Set Mint. SG133/136. (9). Cat. £215. £50/£55
1445 ✱ 1937/49 KGVI Valuable Collection of 82 Stamps. 1938 Definitive to $10 (48) note $5 (x3), $10 (x2) Inc. $10 Green and Violet SG161 (Cat. £750). Centenary Set, Victory Set plus 30c EXTRA STROKE. 1948 S/Wedding Set, Inc. 10c Spur on Foot. 1938 Postal Fiscal. 1938 Postage Due set of 7. A fine collection, fresh mint. £500/£600
1446 ✱✱ 1938 Broken Character variety 15c SG146A UM within marginal block Four (usual local gum). £60/£70
1447 ✱ 1938 KGVI Stamp Duty SGF12 mint. £40/£50
1448 ✱ ✱✱ 1938 Superb Collection of KGVI Definitives to $10 with many Shades, different papers with much identified, seen $1 (6), $2 (4) $5 (5) $10 (2) each with SG numbers or Bridger and Kay numbers also 1941 Centenary Sets. 1946 Victory Set. a very highly catalogued lot of 85 items Inc. a few blocks. M/UM. £800/£900
1449 ✱ ✱✱ 1946 Victory Extra Stroke Varieties 30c mint $1 UM SG169a/170a. £120/£140
1450 ✱ ✱✱ 1963/74 QEII Collection on Old Pages Mint/UM with better sets, seen defin. set Inc. 1962 $2 with missing Orcha SG207b, $5 Wmk. Inv. Extensive Commemorative sets, Inc. 1972 New Year $1.30 Wmk Inc. (UM). 1968 Arms $1 Glazed Paper. A very fine collection of 160 stamps, 1MS Cat. £1250. £220/£240
1451 ✱✱ 1987 Both definitive sets fine UM SG538/552 A + B (32) £70/£75
1452 ✱✱ 2002 Definitive Set as cylinder blocks of 4 SG1119/34, plus, Coil Strips of 4 (4) each different and 2 MS both different, fresh UM. £100/£120
1453 Cancellations on QV (7) very good group inc French maritime types (3), London CDS on 2c, 16c yellow with F1, 10c with Japan CDS. Request scan. £140/£150
1454 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint. Cat. £1100+ (90+) Inc. fine rate of 1938 issues to $1 Including several UM Gutter Pairs. Fine quality. £180/£200
1455 Mass of material including QV noting first issues 1862 8c, 18c, 24c + 48c. All sound FU with neat B62 pmks (c£640) other QV, much QEII with sets, some mint, 1982 defin set to $50 um, many defin types to $50 fu, accumulations & useful pickings. (many 100’s). £150/£180
1456 ✱✱ ULTRA MODERN Hong Kong to 2016 um housed in a carton 100’s. VF inc prestige booklets (15 diff) Limited edition Disney pack with pin, 2014 defins ovpt specimen, panda sheet & more. £150/£180
1457 An original oldtime collection in five matching albums stc £6000+ value is in key 1920/40’s mint sets (100’s + MS). A delightful lot. £650/£700
1458 ✱ 1873/1930 Officials mint on Hingless Schaubek Pages with better pickings. Inc. 1873 4sk. 1876 Arms 10a (cat. £475). 1922 2k ovpt. 1920 Set. 1939 Pictorials to 10k (12). A fine selection STC £1750 mint, 63 stamps. £250/£300
1459 ✱ 1876-986a to 40a P14x13½ complete incl. 1881 20a, also P12½ 6a to 16a, SG.15a/19, Mi.7A/11A, 7B/9B, mint, faults (9). £240/£280
1460 ✱ 1880-1901 numeral defins incl. 1882-98 3a to 40a P14x13½, same to 20a P12¾, 1892 50a & 100a, 1900 4a & 25a, 1901 3a larger figure, Mi.12/15A, 16A/17A, 20/2, mixed condition with couple no gum to some fine mint (12). £130/£150
1461 ✱ 1907-08 Two Kings defins set, SG.81/95, odd minor fault, otherwise good to fine mint, cat.£600 (15). £90/£110
1462 1907-08 Two Kings defins, complete set, SG.81/95, Mi.48/62, 20a rounded corner perf, otherwise very fine used, cat.£550 (15).
1463 ✱ 1920 King Christian X defins set, SG.116/31, mint, small gum thin on 2k, cat.£750 (16). £110/£130
1464 ✱✱ 1920 OFFICIAL 10a grey-black & blue, corner marginal block of 9 with sheet number at top left, Facit TJ45, SG.O135, fine UM, Facit cat. 8500kr+ (£600+). £120/£150
1465 ✱ 1921-30 Surcharges, complete from 5a on 16a (both) to 2k on 25a orange, SG.137/47, good to fine mint, cat.£596 (12). £90/£110
1466 ✱ 1922-3 OFFICIALS 1922 2k cerise (with stop) & 5k yellow-brown, 1923 “20 aur.” on 10a scarlet, SG.O151/3, Mi.41 I /43, very fine mint, cat.£400 (3). £60/£75
1467 * 1924 POSTAL HISTORY registered “Landsbanki” cover franked 40a & 50a, Facit 140/141, tied by REYKJAVIK pmk, clean & fine. £50/£70
1468 ✱ 1925 Views defins set, SG.151/5, Mi.114/18, 7a small stain, others VFM, cat.£300 (5). £60/£75
1469 ✱ 1928-31 AIRS incl. 1928 ovpts set, 1930 Millenary Celebrations set, 1931 Zeppelin ovts set, SG.156/7, 174/81, good to fine mint, cat.£351 (10). £70/£80
1470 ✱ 1930 10k on 5k slate-blue & brown, SG.150a, Mi.141, trifle soiled on one corner on reverse, otherwise very fine mint, cat.£475. £65/£75
1471 ✱ 1931-7 King Christian X, redrawn head defins set, SG.182/94, Mi.156/67, 156B, very fine mint, cat.£1100 (13). £180/£200
1472 ✱ ✱✱ 1933/77 Commemorative and Definitive Collection on Hingless Schaubek Album Pages. Seen 1938 Geyser. 1939 New York Fair. 1939 Statue’s Inc. 5k Sepia (p 11z0189). 1940 New York Fair. 1939 Definitive Set. A very good collection of 340+ stamps, 3 MS, STC £1900 mint to 1971 from then UM. £300/£350
1473 ✱ Page with a random collection of 620+ Stamps from early Arms to more modern seen. 1902 ovpt. mint. (8). 1921 ovpts. to 20A (7) mint each different. 1938 Eiriksson MS FU. 1931 Waterfall set of 6 FU. A very useful range. Mainly FU. £90/£100
1474 * Postal History - WWII Censored Mail (12) with a variety of Passed by Censor Cachet’s and all with FPO 306 CDS chiefly endorsed “On Active Service” with some covers still having there letters with them. £100/£120
1475 ✱ MINT & USED COLLECTION neatly arranged on album pages, something from every state (although Faridkot only two stamps), we note better sections of Chamba KEVII mint defins, Gwalior used incl. Officials, Patiala used. Generally clean throughout, cat. £1220+ (approx 650). £320/£360
1476 Cochin and Travancore, a range of 450 stamps from 1894 Inc. “C” for G variety SGO96/96a FU. Scarce in a complete sheet, many different shades, seem to be sorted by issues, unchecked. Chiefly FU. £90/£100
1477 ✱ MINT & USED COLLECTION neatly presented on album pages in two albums, with ranges from a single stamps to a few hundred from most states Alwar to Wadhwan with larger ranges of Bhopal, Cochin and Travancore, some states with official stamps, largely all different, stated to cat.£4670+ (approx 975). £1,500/£1,800
1478 ✱ 1887/1927 OFFICIALS Service Ovpts Fine Mint Collection (49 different) mostly as sets Inc. QV to 1R (both) Edward Set and KGV with different issues to 1R. £90/£95
1479 ✱✱ 1938 KGVI overprints a selection of um blocks of four. 6 diff values ½a, 2a6p, 3a, 3a6p, 8a + 12a SG83/92 cat £560. (Photo) £180/£200
1480 ✱✱ 1938/47 KGVI unmounted multiples cat £280 (25 stamps) inc 14a airmail block 4 & others to 3A6P. £45/£50
1481 ✱ ✱✱ 1938-40 OFFICIALS KGVI set, CHAMBA STATE / SERVICE ovpts, SG.O66/O71, low values mint, rupee values never hinged mint (6). £200/£220
1482 ✱✱ 1942 KGVI ½a ovpt SG100 as a vf um (nhm) block of four cat £340. Scarce multiple. (Photo) £100/£110
1483 ✱ 1942-7 KGVI white background defins set, CHAMBA ovpts, SG.108/120, mint, cat.£120 (13). £40/£50
1484 4a CHMABA for CHAMBA overprint error fine used SG10A, RPS Cert. £1,000/£1,200
1485 ✱ 1885 QV Set of Eight Mint. Scarce SG 4/11 largely fine, some small blemishes but seldom offered c£1100. £200/£220
1486 ✱ 1885/1899 QV Mint Overprint Sets (27 different issues) Inc. the set to 5R top value
SG16c/37 mainly fine. £100/£110
1487 ✱ 1895/1935 OFFICIALS mostly fine mint assembly (45 different issues) as sets QV to 1R, Edward to 1R. 1913 KGV to 1R. 1927 Inc. scarce 10R SGO72 (gum staining). Impressive page. £100/£110
1488 1938 KGVI ovpts. 1r (200) 2r (90) SG112/13. Fine used for study. Cat. £1400+. £70/£80
1489 ✱ ✱✱ 1938-48 KGVI defins set, SG type 4 & 5 ovpts, SG.105/17, fine mint, 5r to 25r never hinged mint (13). £160/£180
1490 ✱✱ 1941-3 KGVI defins, white background set, JIND overprints, SG.137/49, fine UM (13).
1491 ✱ 1885 First QV ovpt. set with official reprints fine mint. SG1/6. Normals. Cat. £1300.
1492 ✱ 1885 QV ovpt. set (15) fine mint SG14/33.
1493 ✱ 1885 QV ovpt. set in Red SG10/13. Good to fine mint (4). £60/£70
1494 ✱ 1885/1932 Official Stamps Fine Mint. A comprehensive collection between SGO1/O50 pretty much complete, 37 different issues with Key Sets. Request Scan. £220/£240
1495 ✱ 1903/1936 The Kings Pretty Much Complete SG37/72 fine mint (40 different).
1496 ✱ 1938 KGVI defins set, NABHA STATE overprints, SG.77/94, fine mint (18). £280/£320
1497 ✱ 1884 First QV Ovpt. Set Mint Presentable, some faults. Scarce. SG1/6 (6) Cat. £1000.
1498 ✱ 1884/1927 OFFICIALS Comprehensive Mint Range With Sets (54 different issues) QV to 1R, Edward to 1R, both KGV Sets to 2R etc.
1499 ✱ 1885/1902 QV Mint Selection (23) Inc. 1R SG10. 1891 Set to 1R SG13/28 etc. £75/£80
1500 ✱ 1891 QV 5R top value VFM. SG31. £150/£170
1501 ✱ 1895 QV 3R high value fine mint SG30. £150/£160
1502 ✱ 1937-8 KGVI defins set, PATIALA STATE overprints, SG.80/97, good to fine mint, cat.£750 (18). £250/£280
1503 ✱ 1941-6 KGVI defins, white background set, PATIALA overprints, SG.103/15, mint (13). £20/£25
1504 ✱ A selection of Six 1877/1899 issues mint. Unchecked. £25/£30
1505 ✱ A selection of 8 early issues mint with values to 4A. £30/£35
1506 ✱✱ 1932-47 ¼a slate, wide setting, booklet pane of four, SG.32B, UM. £25/£30
1507 ✱✱ 1947 BOOKLET 8a with grey tissue covers, contains 32 ¼a stamps in 8 panes of 4, SG.SB16, stamps fine UM, covers in good condition. £160/£180
1508 A collection of 27 early issues with a very good selection of Sacred Cow issues Inc. service ovpts. £150/£180
1509 ✱ A collection of 30 different early issues mint, unchecked Inc. 1930/34 Official Overprints. £90/£95
1510 ✱ 1937 1r bright violet, “1 Rs” for “1 R” variety, SG.15a, fine mint. £45/£55
1511 ✱✱ 1941 OFFICIAL 1a orange-red, SERVICE ovpt, pane of 12 with full margins, SG.O55, UM. Nice item. £120/£150
1512 ✱ 1941 OFFICIAL 2a brown, SERVICE ovpt, corner block of 12, SG.O56, mint, some values UM, brown gum, some split perfs, some reinforced with hinges. £150/£180
1513 1941 OFFICIAL 3p to 2a, SERVICE ovpts, SG.O53/6, used (4). £40/£50
1514 ✱ 1941 OFFICIAL 4a bright green, SERVICE ovpt, SG.O57, VFM. £50/£60
1515 ✱ 1941 OFFICIAL SERVICE ovpts shades group, 3p (2), 6p (3), 1a (2) and 2a, SG.O53/6, mostly fine mint (8). £80/£100
1516 ✱ 1941-4 SHADES GROUP incl. 3p (4), 6p (4), 1a (2), 2a chestnut and 2a deep brown, 4a, SG.79/83, fine mint or unused without gum as issued (13). £45/£55
1517 ✱ An interesting selection of 9 different early issues with various monogram overprints and values to 1R unchecked. £90/£95
1518 ✱ A collection of 29 different issues mint Inc. 1909 set. 1930 Imperfs. 1931 Bicolour Set
SG45/53. Fine. £70/£80
1519 ✱ A collection of 65 different mint issues on Imperial Pages Postage with majority of spaces completed Inc. 1911 Set SG26/33. 1916 Set SG35/45. 1933 Set SG54/64 ovpts. and a selection of officials. Scans advised. £200/£220
1520 ✱ A selection of 9 different issues mint. Inc. SG7/10. £30/£35
1521 ✱ An interesting selection of 11 different issues all with monogram overprints unchecked, also FARIDKOT (4) Mint. £50/£60
1522 ✱ 1887 Collection of QV ovpts. mainly fine mint (21 different issues). 1887 to 1R Slate, Officials to 1R Slate Inc. 6A with misplaced SERVICE ovpt. Elusive issues. £120/£130
1523 ✱ 1869-1947 MINT & USED
COLLECTION on album pages, we see 1869 1a mint in two shades, few mint 1871-1915 issues and continues with mint range to 1947, also see wider range of used issues from 1870 to 1947, plus useful range of used Officials. Mixed condition, STC £510+ (125+ stamps). £160/£180
1524 ✱ A mint selection (65 different on pages). A good range of the early types Inc. 1870 2A SG3. 1927 1R ovpt. SG37. 1931 Pictorial Set SG41/48 and official ovpt. set SGO46/O53. A fine lot. £180/£200
1525 Pages with a range of 76 stamps fro 1905 with many different shades, unchecked for printings. Fine used. £30/£40
1526 ✱✱ 1909 Complete Sheet of 60 Stamps ½a Maharaja Holkar III SG10 UM. Cat. £960 as single stamps. £200/£250
1527 ✱ A mint selection (28) all different Inc. 1927 1R, 2R + 5R high value Bi-Colours. SG30/32. £180/£200
1528 ✱ Old Time Collection Inc. 1927 Proof of the 1r Green and Red mentioned in SG “See Note below SG32” as a block of Six. 1886 ½a SG1 mint. 1889 ½a VFU. 1943 2r SG42 VFU. A fine range of 80+ stamps. £300/£320
1529 ✱ 1932-7 OFFICIAL 4a black & grey-green, SG.O20, tiny tone spot, otherwise fine mint, cat.£425. £100/£120
1530 ✱ A mint selection (48) chariot issues Inc. SG32/33. 1931 pictorial types to 8A, Postage issues to 1R, Officials. High CV. £150/£170
1531 Old Album Pages, seen 1904 SG3/4 mint. A variety of Chariot issues Inc. 1911/12 issues mint, a selection of Officials. A good range of 110+ stamps chiefly fine used, some mint mixed in. £150/£180
1532 ✱ An interesting selection of 29 early issues mint all different unchecked, sold entirely on their merits. £75/£80
1533 ✱ 1885 JEEND ovpts. ½A + 4A VFM also 8A unused. Scarce stamps SG7, 10 + 11 (3). £200/£220
1534 ✱ 1885 Sideways ovpts. QV set of Six mint. ½A + 1A are original settings all others official reprints (SG1/6) normals Cat. £1700. £120/£130
1535 ✱ 1885/1886 Officials QV ½A to 2A SGO1/O3, 1A + 2A. SGO8/O9 and 2A. SGO11. All chiefly fine mint. Elusive (6). £120/£140
1536 ✱ 1886/1937 Official Stamps Mint. A fine collection of 45 different mint Inc. sets 1886 QV to 1R. 1903 Edward to 1R. 1914 KGV to 5R and 1927 KGV to 10R. £120/£130
1537 ✱ 1886/99 QV selection mint (19) Red ovpts. 2A + 1R SG14 + 16 plus 1886 set to 1R (both) chiefly fine. £100/£110
1538 ✱ 1903/1937 The Kings Mint Collection of 64 different issues fine mint. 1903 Edwards to 1R SG41/55. 1914 to 5R SG64/78. 1927 to 15R with high values very fine. SG84/102 etc. £200/£240
1539 ✱✱ 1939/43 Official ovpt set of KGVI as blocks of four fine um. A scarce set of multiples SGO73/O86 (14 blocks). £700/£750
1540 ✱ Native issues. Selection of 15 mint, unchecked also Jhalawar (2). £30/£35
1541 ✱ 1899-19002r brown-red, pin perf, block of four, SG.34, unused, no gum as issued. £70/£90
1542 ✱ 1904-45 INTERESTING GROUP incl. 1904-10 ¼a ultramarine used and 1943-7 5r claret, SG.91, fiscally used (cat.£2250 postally used). Mixed condition (7). £60/£75
1543 ✱ A mint selection on pages (25 stamps) Inc. 1913 2A SG60. 1913 to 8A, earlies unchecked. £50/£55
1544 ✱ A mint selection (5) all different on coloured papers with values to 1A. SG8. £70/£80
1545 ✱ A selection of (8) Imperforate Issues Mint. Unchecked also ORCHA (5). All mint. £30/£40
1546 ✱ A mint selection (29) Inc. 1894/99
Elephant Set SG22/29. 1899 to 1R SG30/33 and Officials. £120/£140
1547 1948 SAURASHTRA OFFICIAL 1a on 1r black & pale blue (on SG.O12a), SG.O19a, fine used on small piece. £65/£75
1548 ✱ ✱✱ 1949-50 SAURASHTRA postage stamps group, SG.58/61, fine mint, 1a on 3p fine UM (4). £40/£50
1549 ✱ 1888/1931 Mint Collection (55 different issues). 1888 Set of 3 SG1/3. 1889/1920 Values to 14cu. A variety of ovpts. Inc. On State Service. Uncommon stamps. £130/£140
1550 ✱ 1854 QV ½A SG6 fine unused (minute thin speck) Four good margins also another example that appears to be a forgery (2). £60/£70 1551 1854-2008 USED COLLECTION IN SIX VOLUMES, we see a few poor 1854 classics incl. 4a cut to shape, 1856 & 1865 ranges to 8a with additional shades, 1866 6a, 1860 9p, later QV to 5r value with shades and also some nice postmarks seen, KEVII to 15r, again with additional examples for shades and pmks, KGV both watermarks to 25r, Airs and commemoratives with additional wmks, KGVI 1937 defins to 25r, 1940-3 defins set, 1948 Gandhi set, 1949-52 defins to 15r with shades and wmks, continues largely complete to 2000 plus some further issues to 2008, OFFICIALS incl great range, 1867-1984 with additional shades of low values. Great looking collection, STC £7060+ (approx 3870 stamps). £1,500/£1,800
1552 ✱ 1856 NO WMK. 4A Mint. OG. One short perf. SG45. Cat. £1100. £150/£170
1553 ✱ 1856 NO WMK. 8A Carmine SG48 mint. Fine. Large part OG Cat. £1699. £200/£220
1554 ✱ 1856 NO WMK. 8A Pale Carmine. SG49. Unused minor toning. Cat.£1700. £100/£120
1555 ✱ 1856/60 NO WMK. ½A Mint. 2A unused, 4A (trimmed), 8P (2) SG38, 42, 45, 52, 53 Cat. £2600+ (5). £100/£110
1556 ✱ 1856-1991 MINT COLLECTION IN FOUR VOLUMES, we see 1856 1a & 2a, 1860 9p, 1865 1a,, 1874 9p & 1r, later QV to 1r value, KEVII to 1r, 1911 KGV to 5r, 1926 most values in set to 25r with some shades, 1929 Airs set, 1931 New Delhi set with additional wmks, 1932-6 set, 1935 Silver Jubilee set plus wmks, KGVI 1937 defins to 10r, 1940-3 defins set, 1948 Gandhi set, 1949-52 defins to 10r, continues largely complete to 1991, plus a few further issues to 2000. Clean & generally fine, STC £4250 (approx 1770 stamps). £1,000/£1,200
1557 1866 Fiscal stamp 6A SG66 fine used. Usual chalk paper cracking. Very fine CDS Pmk. £75/£80
1558 ✱ 1866 Official ½A SGO19 Mint Cat. £900 small hinge thin. £80/£90
1559 ✱ 1866 Officials 8P, 2A + 4A all mint with OG. SGO8, O11 + O13 (3) Cat. £1085. £120/£130
1560 ✱ 1866/76 QV 4A die I + II and 6A 8P all mint. SG69, 71 + 72 Cat. £330 (3). £50/£60
1561 ✱ 1867/1900 OFFICIALS QV fine mint lot (23 different issues). 1867 with 1A (2), 2A (2-both colours), 4A (2) + 8A SGO31/O35. 1874 to 8A. 1883 to 1R. Elusive stamps. £150/£170
1562 ✱ 1868/76 QV set of 6 different values to 1R between SG74/82 mint. Cat. £250. Small faults. £50/£60
1563 ✱ 1882/1902 QV Mint Sets and mainly fresh and fine. 1882 Set to 1R SG84/101. 1892 to 1R. 1900 New Colours (24 different). £100/£110
1564 ✱ 1883-1981 OFFICIALS & BACK OF THE BOOK COLLECTION, mint & used, neatly arranged in an album, useful stamps throughout, note KEVII to 1r mint, 1925 1r on 25r (SG.O100), 1932 1a wmk inverted mint, KGVI 1937 10r mint, strong range of later issues with some in mint blocks, also see REFUGEE RELIEF ovpts, various Expeditionary Forces ovpts, Indian Forces, International Commission issues etc. in mint sets. Clean collection, STC £800 (approx 300). £200/£250
1565 ✱ 1900/1922 CEF Overprints Mint (31 different) mostly sets QV to !r SGC1/C10 Edward Set SGC12/C20. KGV to 12A etc. High CV. Also 1914 IEF ovpt set mint. £150/£180
1566 ✱ 1902/11 Edward Set to 3R Fine Mint. SG119/140 (18). £120/£130
1567 ✱ 1902/9 OFFICIALS Edward Sets to 25R Fine Mint. SGO54/O65 + O68/O72 high value set of Five. Very fine. £250/£270
1568 ✱ 1904 Edward 5R SG142 fresh mint. £80/£90
1569 ✱ 1909 Edward 10R SG144 fine mint. £180/£200
1570 ✱ 1909 Edward 15R SG146 VFM. £200/£240
1571 ✱ 1911-2315r blue & olive, wmk single star, SG.190, fine mint. £150/£180
1572 ✱ 1912/23 KGV Service Ovpt. Set Fine Mint. (Ex 2R). Key 15R + 25R top values are very fine. SGO73/O96 (19). £250/£280
1573 1925/36 officials - Service Ovpts. KGV Range of Sets (28 different issues) Inc. overprints on high values SGO99/O101 + O102/O103. 1926 Set to 10R SGO109/O120 etc. Fine group. £130/£150
1574 ✱ 1926/35 KGV Collection of Mint Sets Inc. 1926 to 25R SG201/219 (15R + 25R very fine). 1929 Air Set. 1932 New Colours and both Pictorial Sets (46). £250/£280
1575 * 1933/38 Flight Covers (5) 1933 env with Karachi-Calcutta HS with stamps being cancelled with Karachi air cds, 1933 First airmail CalcuttaKarachi HS on a env sent to Iraq, Calcutta-London Imperial Airway env multiple franked with first flight HS on the reverse, 1934 air env sent from Akyab to Australia with fine Akyab cds. A good group. £60/£70
1576 1948 12a grey-green, Gandhi, BLOCK OF FOUR, SG.307, VFU with clear BOMBAY c.d.s. pmk. £30/£40
1577 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Collection 1937 definitive to 10r (2). 1940 Set Inc. 1½a Wmk Inv. (typo unpriced). 1947 Set Inc. 3½a Wmk. Inv. 1949 Defin. Set with both 1r. A good lot of 75 items. £300/£350
1578 Old pages with issues from QV to more modern, much identified 1200+ stamps seen QV to 2r, Edward to 2r, KGV to 10r, KGVI to 25r. Fine used unchecked. £80/£90
1579 1878/1929 Mint Collection (34 different) earlies unchecked. 1929 Set SG49/56 and 1929 Official Set SGO1/O8 etc. Fine. £100/£110
1580 ✱ 1887/1936 Collection of Mint largely complete for the period 67 different issues. 1887 QV to 1R (both) plus 3R SG20, Edward Set SG28/40, both KGV sets to 1R etc. Fine assembly. £200/£250
1581 ✱ A mint selection (11) 1931/48 with values to 2A. Fine. £40/£45
1582 ✱ 1859 QV set of 3 very fine 4 margins. ½d is very fine full gum, other Two fresh unused SG1/3. £70/£80
1583 ✱ 1859 QV set of 3 VFM, OG. SG1/3. £90/£95
1584 ✱ 1883/1890 Revenues on very old pages, a good range of 50 inc 1889 Nasr E1 Din set of six unissued. 1886 Trans part set of 3, passport set of 6 chiefly mint light adhesion to the pages. £120/£150
1585 ✱ 1911 AHMED MIRZA set of 21 SG361/81 fresh mint, highly catalogued, values to 30kr. £200/£250
1586 ✱ 1915 Mint Sets Coronation set of 17, Parcel Post set of 17, Official set of 17. Very fresh. £60/£70
1587 ✱ 1917 BAGHDAD ½Aon 10PA SG19. Fine Unused. £100/£140
1588 ✱ 1917 BAGHDAD 1/4A on 5PA SG2. Fine Mint. £200/£220
1589 ✱ 1917 BAGHDAD 2A on 1Pi SG17. Fine Mint. £200/£220
1590 ✱ 1917 BAGHDAD 2A on 1Pi SG18. Fine Mint. Shallow Crease. £180/£200
1591 ✱ 1917 BAGHDAD 2A on JPI SG6. Fine Mint. £300/£360
1592 ✱ 1918/21 Occupation Overprint Set SG1/14 plus wmk Set SG16/18 mint. Whilst majority are fine, 10R with small faults. £60/£70
1593 ✱ ✱✱ 1918/75 Catalogue value £1800+ mint/um collection of 590 stamps, 15 MS with netter sets, 1967 tourist, 1969 revolution, 1970 development, 1971 Rafidam bank, 1972 officials, 1975 railway, a superb collection with mainly UM in an album. £360/£400
1594 ✱ 1919 Mosul set of 6 fine mint (between SG1/9) Inc. good SG6. £70/£80
1595 ✱ 1921/23 OFFICIAL Set Fine Mint. SGO33/O40 (8). £110/£120
1596 ✱ ✱✱ 1941 Definitive on a Page with many different perf types (35) plus 4F, 5F as blocks of 4 shown the Mausoleum Flaw. SG208/229a. Mint Inc. UM (53 Stamps). £90/£100
1597 ✱✱ 1941 Varieties 3f plate blocks of 4 (1A) one with cloud flaw, 2nd block Official punched hole to remove the flaw, 3rd block with Re-Entry Arabic word for Mausaleum. Fresh UM. £60/£70
1598 1948 King Faisal Imperforated miniature sheet SGMS 297 fine used with Baghdad CDS. £120/£140
1599 1948 King Faisal perforated miniature sheet, SGMS 297 fine used with Baghdad CDS cancel. £100/£120
1600 ✱ ✱✱ 1948/58 Collection of King Faisal Cat. £1000+. 1948 Defin. Set plus MS. 1949 Air Set plus MS. 1953 Coronation Set plus MS. 1958 Official Set. A very good collection of 112 Stamps. 4 MS. Mint Inc. UM. £200/£250
1601 ✱ ✱✱ 1958 Republic overprints note 1f, 2f, 5f, 10f ovpt. transposed, Postage issues between SG418/458 (50) and Officials between O477/O505 (28) mainly fresh UM. 1955 Official Set. A fine collection of 86 stamps. £200/£220
1602 IRAQ RAILWAYS 10fils railway stamp fu. Scarce. (Photo) £45/£55
1603 ✱ 1922 PAIRS of 2½d SG4 and 10d SG8 with LETTERS WATERMARKS VFM. Unusual both pairs are marginal and the variety was caused by a shift. (2 pairs). £60/£70
1604 ✱ 1922/35 A comprehensive and complete fine mint collection on imperial pages (94 different issues) includes Two different Seahorse high value sets to 10/-. Many different KGV ovpts. as sets. 1922 Defin Set Inc. several Coils, Commems and Dues. A fine assembly. £500/£600
1605 * 1940 NEW YORK overpriced set of 4 on first day cover with regd label sent to England very scarce on cover. £100/£120
1606 * Collection of 330+ illustrated FDC’s with covers to 2006 with a good variety of issues. £90/£100
1607 * Collection of Illustrated FDC’s to 2000 (210) each different plus 100+ PHQ unaddressed seen the odd unmounted mint Set/Stamps mixed in. £100/£120
1608 * WWII Censored Mail (6) Inc. multiple Censored (3) with White and also Pink Censor’s Tape, note Macaulay business Env. sent to Holland. A fine lot. £50/£60
1609 ✱✱ 1948 Coin 1000m top value as a plate block of four vfm (3 units never hinged) an exceptional positional unit of the top value SG9. £300/£360
1610 1948 Jewish New Year set in plate 2 gutter pairs, tete-beche across gutter, SG.10/14, very fine used (5 pairs), £70/£90
1611 * 1948-52 FIRST DAY COVERS with tabs, incl. 1948 & 1950 Jewish New Year, 1949 Jewish New Year on piece (faults), 1950 University, 1951 Third Anniv., National Fund, 1952 1000pr Menorah, SG cat.£1200 as used stamps (6 FDCs + 1 piece). £120/£150
1612 ✱ ✱✱ Catalogued £3000 Early Year Sets Inc. 1948 Postage dues (c£225). 1949 New National Flag with Tabs. Anniversary of the Postage Stamp MS (c£225), Petah Tigwa with tabs (c£200), Coin set with tabs (c£200), Postage due set with tabs (c£1000). 1952 Menorah with tabs (c£600). A very fine collection of 26 stamps mint but mainly unmounted mint. £500/£550
1613 AUSTRIAN TERRITORIES 1918 20c overprint inverted error VFU SG23a. Cat. £225. £50/£60
1614 ✱ AUSTRIAN TERRITORIES 1918 Postage Dues 5c + 40c overprint inverted errors fine mint. SGD60a and D64a. Cat. £544. Fine (2). £80/£85
1615 Austrian Territories 1919 25c Express Letter overprint inverted error VFU on piece (signed) Sassone 1a Cat. 900 Euro (£800). Scarce £100/£110
1616 AUSTRIAN TERRITORIES 1919 25c Express Stamp with overprint inverted VFU. Military CDS Pmk. Fine and scarce SGE60 Var. £100/£110
1617 AUSTRIAN TERRITORIES with unusual errors and varieties Inc. Sassone listed 18 items mostly M/UM Inc. 20c C omitted SG69a, 20c block 4 with C misplaced 10c corner block 10 with spectacular misplaced ovpt. 5c inverted ovpt. UM, 5c double ovpt. VFU, Scarce local Tax ovpt. issues, other misplaced, double and inverted errors. A very good lot. £300/£350
1618 ✱ BENGASI - 1911 Overprint omitted in pair with normal rarity 1pi on 25c SG170, sassone VFM. £320/£350
1619 CONSTANTINOPLE - 1922 Postage Dues 10c to 1L VFU. SGD100/D103. Cat. £600 (4). £60/£70
1620 ✱✱ CONSTANTINOPLE 1909 1p on 25c overprint double error fine UM. SG55a. Cat £300. £80/£85
1621 ✱ ✱✱ CYRENAICA - Interesting small selection of 1920/30 Inc. varieties VFM (7) Inc. 1927 50c Volta double perforation error. 1926 60c corner pair printed double SG34 etc. £80/£90
1622 ERITREA - A fine group of better items mostly fine mint Inc. overprints. 1916 Epitrea overprint error VFU SG49B (c£90). 1937 imperf sheetlet etc. (Qty). £100/£120
1623 ✱ ERITREA 1893 25c Umberto SG6, Sassone 6 fresh mint small gum bend. A scarce first issue Cat. £1500. £150/£180
1624 ✱ ERITREA 1903 Overprints (9) VFM 1c to 5L SG19/29 issue Inc. a superb 40c SG25, 50c SG27 etc. SG Cat. £1200+. £120/£140
1625 ERITREA 1922 Victory issue - Scarce errors and varieties selection (8) 7m + 1fu. Very highly Cat in Sassone overprints inverted (3). Double (3) and misplaced (2) all different. Very fine. £150/£180
1626 ✱✱ ERITREA 1927 Volta 50c overprint double variety NHM (UM) SG121a. c£250. £50/£60
1627 ✱ ERITREA. A group of unusual errors and varieties from the 1922 overprint issue SG57/62 11 items, substantially catalogued in Sassone. Scarce Inc. major ovpt shifts, misplaced, 50c pair, one with bars missing etc. Scans advised. A highly unusual group. £200/£240
1628 ✱✱ LIBYA - 1921 Victory 5L high value SG32b as a fine UM corner strip of three with part imprint. Choice. SG£180+ £60/£65
1629 ✱ ✱✱ LIBYA - A valuable selection of premium items M/UM on Cards with Sassone listed errors and varieties with spectacular (10 items) 5c SG3 UM, block of 8 with major shift of overprint. 5c overprint double error, UM. SG3b. Unusual misplace overprints etc. Good group. £200/£240
1630 ✱✱ LIBYA 1912 overprint double error 5c
SG3 B fresh UM Cat. £180. £50/£60
1631 ✱✱ LIBYA 1915 1 Lira ovpt. SG14 as a superb UM marginal pair Cat. £240. £60/£65
1632 ✱✱ LIBYA 1915 30c Service Stamp OVERPRINT DOUBLE ERROR Fresh UM. Sassone 3 (1a). Cat. 750 Euro - £650+.
1633 ✱✱ LIBYA 1927 30c perf. 11. SG54a. fine UM. Cat. £225. £40/£45
1634 SOMALIA - Valuable selection of better items including varieties on Cards (15 Stamps) Inc. 1916 Red Cross Set VFM (c£150, 2). 1927 Volta 50c double perforation error. 1928 1L75c SG99 mint (c£140) etc. Good group. £100/£120
1635 TURKISH EMPIRE - Fine lot of better items on Cards (20 stamps) Inc. Bengasi SG1 VFU. Constantinople 1p double ovpt. fresh mint (c£300). Ovpts. to 7p20 mint, 3L75c double ovpt. (c 350 Euro), Postage Dues FU (c £450) etc. Valuable. £200/£240
1636 ✱ TURKISH EMPIRE 1908 1 PIPSTRA for 1 PIASTRA error of ovpt. SG43a VFM in pair with normal. SG43 + 43a. £60/£70
1637 ✱✱ TURKISH EMPIRE 1921 local overprint 1 Piastra on 5c SG60 as a fine and rare superb UM block of Four. A scarce multiple. Cat. £900. £180/£200
1638 * 1847 PRE-STAMP entire from Rome to Malta, with ROMA c.d.s. postmark, good to fine. £30/£40
1639 * 1883/86 Postal Cards (4) used with Dist/Lug HS 10c cards sent from Roma, Ancona, Ferrovia and Livo. Fine used. £30/£35
1640 * 1901 hessian sample package (approx 175x84mm), addressed to Cresswell’s Asbestos in Bradford, franked 5c green x2, Bradford arrival postmark on reverse, fine condition and a very rare survival of a remarkable item of postal history. £75/£90
1641 ✱✱ 1906-085c green, lower marginal IMPERF BLOCK of FOUR with part inscription, SG.75c, Sassone 81e, fine UM. £100/£120
1642 1941 OCCUPATION of CORFU, Greek defins, CORFU overprints set, Sassone 15/18, VFU on pieces, cat. 500 Euros. £100/£120
1643 1941 OCCUPATION of CORFU, POSTAGE DUES, complete set with CORFU overprints, Sassone 1/11, 1d with some toning at edges, otherwise VFU on pieces, cat. 3125 Euros (11). £600/£700
1644 ✱ 1941 OCCUPATION of CORFU, UNISSUED 8d dull blue, Arms, CORFU overprint, Sassone 34, mint, some adhesion to reverse. £60/£75
1645 ✱✱ 1944 CAMPIONE issues, Arms, perf.11½ complete set, Sassone 1a/5a, fine UM, cat.1875 Euros (5). £400/£450
1646 1949 Republica 100l fu pair SG726 cat £300. £30/£35
1647 Filebox with many 100’s of stamps on paper Kiloware mixture Inc. Euro issues. A good sorter lot. £30/£40
1648 * Postal History Covers/Cards sent to Padova (40) from a variety of countries plus a few Covers to Italian City. Good for study, 45 Covers. £30/£40
1649 VALUABLE SELECTION of better and highly catalogued items on Cards. Modena 1859 10c SGN17 fine unused (c£1300). 1863 10c Postage Due unused (c£500). 1890 20c ovpt SG45 fresh mint (c£500). Parcel Set FU (c£500). 20c SGP39 mint (c£350). 1923 Black Shirt Set mint (c£110). 1946 100L Mint SG669 Cat £600. 1949 Roman Republic FU (c£150). Some Colonies Inc. rare Military Air Stamp (Qty). £450/£500
1650 * War Criminal Major Walter Reder collection of 4 Envelopes printed sent from Italian Gaeta Military Prison with special handstamps 1970/80s with some details. £70/£80
1651 1860/1935 Old Pages with QV to 5/- KGV to 10/- Inc. 1921 Defin. Set Mint. KGV charity set. A collection of 70+ stamps. Cat. £600+. £130/£150
1652 ✱ 1870/83 Wmk. CC set of 8, ½d to 5/- mint. SG7/15 despite small faults most presentable. c£680. £70/£75
1653 ✱ 1883 Wmk. CA QV Set SG16/26 plus some additional shades all mint. Majority fine and sound also 1889 set SG27/29 and 1890 ovpt. SG30. Good group. Cat. about £1000 (20). £150/£180
1654 ✱ 1900/1935 Fine collection of Mint Complete Sets (72 different issues). 1905 Arms to 5/- SG37?45, QV reissue SG46/56, KGV to 5/SG58/67 + Shades. 1923 Child Welfare. 1932 Set. Excellent lot. Cat about £850. £180/£200
1655 ✱ 1919/21 MCA KGV Set (with several extra shades) fine mint. SG78/89 (16). £80/£90
1656 ✱ 1921 KGV Script Wmk. VFM selection (9) Inc. 2/-, 3/-, 5/- and 10/- high values. SG103/106 etc. £50/£60
1657 ✱ 1937/1964 Old Pages with a fine collection of sets Inc. 1988 KGVI Defin. set to £1 (41) with different Printings and Shades. 1948 Silver Wedding. 1949 UPU with plate numbers in blocks of 4. QEII 1956 and 1962 Defin. sets, a good run of commem sets. A very good range of 160+ stamps mint. £120/£140
1658 ✱ 1937/52 KGVI collection of 80 stamps fresh mint, 1938 definitive to £1 (36) with shades etc unchecked, commem sets inc 1948 S/Wedding. A fine collection. £80/£90
1659 ✱ ✱✱ 1938 KGVI 5/- SG132 as a choice mint corner block Four (Two units UM). £50/£60
1660 ✱ 1938 KGVI variety 1/- Repaired Chimney SG130A VFM in pair with normal. £300/£320
1661 ✱✱ 1949 KGVI £1 SG133a UM marginal single (Hinge in margin) with miscut margin showing 44269 plate No. In outer margin. Unusual. £40/£50
1662 ✱✱ 1952 BOOKLETS 2s black on yellow cover, two different, stapled at left and right, SG.SB13, fine UM (2 bklts). £40/£50
1663 ✱✱ 1962 Independence 2d SG193 as a vf IMPERFORATE PAIR um. £60/£70
1664 ✱✱ 1962 Independence 2d SG193 grossly misperforated error UM. £40/£45
1665 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint and fine ranges of different printings (150+). Good rate of 1938 Defins. Inc. 5/- (21) with Two superb UM Blocks of 4, 10/- (4 UM), £1 UM. 1945 Constitution Set as UM Blocks of Four etc. £200/£240
1666 Old Pages with QV to KGV range chiefly fine used. QV Side face (57). KGV (50) with the odd mint stamp. A useful selection of 130+ stamps. £60/£70
1667 Pages with random arranged stamps 350+ from QV to more modern, much identified. Unchecked. £30/£40
1668 Stockcards (55) with a range of 260+ stamps chiefly KGVI/QEII seen KGVI to 10/- mint, QEII to $100 a very useful range. Chiefly FU. £40/£50
1669 1882/1898 Revenues on very old pages mainly used. Seen tobacco tax, judicial, general tax. A good range of 75 light adhesion to the pages with many different revenues. £100/£120
1670 ✱ 1956/96 An original collection of 1350 stamps with many sets. Each stamp is different. Mint or fine used. £130/£150
1671 * U.P.U. Japan 1902, six postcards (three different designs) celebrating the 25th anniversary of the country’s entry into the UPU, franked and cancelled at different locations with special cancels for each incl. Kobe, Nagasaki, Yokohama, Peking & Tientsin (latter pair with Japan POs in China stamps affixed), plus one with POSTE JUBILE inscription. Clean, fine and very pretty items (6). £180/£220
1672 ✱ U.P.U. Japan 1927 50th Anniversary of Membership set, SG.244/7, superb mint (4). £100/£120
1673 1930/87 An original collection of 650+ Stamps and 33 MS and a Stockpage with Stamps to be sorted many complete sets note many MS or UM Inc. 1965 Space Flight MS. A very good collection with some details. £120/£150
1674 ✱✱ 1957 Delegates folder for the 1957 UPU Congress with 19 Stamps issued for the Canada Congress. Seldom seen UM. £40/£50
1675 ✱✱ 1966 100f Space Flights of Belyaev and Leonov miniature sheet, OVERPRINT INVERTED (on SG.MS637), SG.MS735a, fine UM, cat.£180. £60/£75
1676 Postmark Collection on 1950/60’s issues, seen Royal Palace, Amman, Beit Hanina, Nablus, Irbia, Sheikh Hussein, just a few from this collection Inc. single, Pairs and mixed frankings mainly on pieces seldom seen collection, 60 items. £100/£120
1677 ✱✱ U.P.U. Jordan, Occupation of Palestine, 1949 50m PLAESTINE error overprint, in a corner marginal block of four, SG.P34a, hinged in margin, stamps UM. £35/£45
If we can be of any assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you
1678 ✱ 1890/1904 Old Pages with early issues, fresh mint. 1890 Sun/Crown with values to 2r (10), QV ovpts. (4). Edward 1903 to 4r (12). 1904 to 8a (8), highly catalogued group of 34 stamps.
1679 1891 “½ Anna” on 2a vermilion, Mombasa Provisional, A.D. initials, SG.20, good to fine used, imperf on two sides, blue crayon mark, cat.£1400. £450/£500
1680 ✱ 1894 SPECIMEN HS. on 5a + 7½a ovpt. VFM set. SG27S/28S (2). £50/£55
1681 ✱ 1897 1a, 2a, 4½a & 5a British East Africa ovpts on Zanzibar, SG.81/4, 2a no gum, others good to fine mint, 5a small surface abrasion, cat.£310 (4). £75/£90
1682 ✱ 1903 Edward 20@R ovpt. specimen fine mint. SG15S. £100/£110
1683 ✱ 1903 Edward 50R ovpt. specimen fine mint. SG16S. £240/£250
1684 ✱ 1903 Edward Set to 5R mostly fine mint. (3A Notations on reverse, 2R gum crease) all others especially high values fine. SG1/13 (13). £280/£300
1685 ✱ 1904/7 Edward Set to 5R fine mint. SG17/30 (13). £200/£220
1686 ✱ 1906/1907 Edward 2r + 3r high values fine m SG27/28. £60/£65
1687 ✱ 1907/10 Edward set m SG34/42 + 43 (12) cat £145+. £60/£65
1688 ✱ 1912/21 KGV Set of 21 1c to 10R chiefly fine mint (Inc. listed extra shades). SG44/58. £200/£220
1689 ✱ 1912/21 KGV set to 10r fine m SG44/58 (18). (Photo) £220/£240
1690 ✱ 1919 4c on 6c surcharge inverted vfm SG64C. £220/£240
1691 ✱ 1921 KGV set to 2r fine m SG65/72 (9) c£165+. £60/£70
1692 ✱ 1921 KGV Set to 5R fine mint. SG65/74. £200/£220
1693 ✱ 1922 KGV Set (20) to £1 fresh mint. Some minor imperfections though chiefly fine. Key £1 is very fine. SG76/95. £200/£220
1694 * 1933 Airmail Covers (2) sent by Wilson Airways, 11 Feb. from Dar-es-Salaam to Mombasa, Jan. from Habib to Nairobi sent redg. with a variety of transit marks on the reverse with some details. £40/£50
1695 ✱ 1935 KGV 10/- + £1 top values vfm SG 122/123. (2). (Photo) £160/£180
1696 ✱ 1935 KGV Defin. Set Fine Mint. (Inc. both types of 5c). SG110/123 + 111A (15). (Photo) £275/£280
1697 ✱ 1935 KGV Defin. Set Fine Mint. SG110/123. (14). £220/£250
1698 1935 KGV high values 5/- + 10/- VFU. SG121/122 c£168. (2). £60/£65
1699 1937 KGVI 1c DLR Imprint Block (8) VFU with retouched value tablet variety VFU. SG131AD. £40/£45
1700 ✱ 1937/52 KGVI collection of 80 stamps fresh mint, 1938 definitive to £1 with different printing unchecked note £1 (+3), commem sets inc 1948 S/Wedding set. A fine collection. £220/£250
1701 1938 Variety KGVI defin 50c with rope not joined to sail SG1dda FU. £100/£120
1702 KGV Revenue usage of KGV high value stamps 1r (13), 2r (5), 3r (3), 4r (1) Inc. 1915 2r + 1r on piece with fine “Standard Bank of S.A.L” CDS, 1r, 2r with Uganda Revenue ovpt. An interesting lot. £100/£120
1703 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint. Range of (70+) Inc. different printings 3/- (3) 5/(3), 10/- (3), £1 (2 - one with plate number) etc. Fresh. £110/£120
1704 Revenues - KGV mainly with values to 10/- (13) used, (18 revenues). £40/£45
1705 Stockcards (32) with a small but useful range of 62 stamps from Sun/Crown to KGV seen Edward to 2r, chiefly FU (unchecked). £30/£40
1706 Stockcards and packets with many 100’s of stamps seen KGVI defins with £1 (x5), 1948 S/wedding set, QEII 20/-, Kenya 500/- chiefly fine used unchecked. £100/£120
1707 ✱✱ Definitive Presentation Packs 1971 and 1977, seldom seen, stamps fresh UM. £30/£40
1708 ✱✱ Errors/Varieties unmounted mint Inc. Imperforated Stamps and MS, Wmk. varieties, Officials Inc. Double ovpts. Specimen ovpts. with many sets, 25c Moorish Fish Pair one with OKGS ovpt. one without. 1980’s/90’s issues. A very good lot of 124 Stamps, 7 MS. A superb lot to enhance your collection. £200/£250
1709 Old pages with a range of 320 stamps with early 1950’s issues randomly arranged. Fine used and unchecked. £40/£45
1710 ✱ 1957 UPU Delegates Handbook with a range of 22 Stamps neatly mounted inside, issued for the UPU Congress in Canada, seldom seen. £80/£90
1711 ✱✱ 1970/77 Unmounted Mint Collection of 440+ different stamps with many sets. A seldom seen collection. £200/£250
1712 ✱✱ Miniature Sheet Collection with many better Sheets. 1964 Plants. 1965 Korean War. 1968 Olympics. Fable series I and II. A very fine collection of 95 Miniature Sheets. £200/£220
1713 Old Glassine with many sets chiefly early period Cat. £1000+ seen 1960’s Miniature Sheets. 1959 Railways. 1964 New York Fair. Many Pictorial sets an old time original lot. Mainly UM odd used. £180/£200
1714 Old pages with 260 stamps randomly arranged seen 1951 flag issues. 10 each different from early to more modern. An interesting range unchecked. £90/£100
1715 ✱ 1852/69 Old Pages with a collection of 320 stamps with a very good range of commemorative sets seen 1963 Flag Day, School Games, 1965 Falcon Set, Postage Due Set. Fresh mint. Cat £600+. £100/£120
1716 ✱ 1923 KGV Ovpt. Set Fresh Mint. SG1/15 (15). £280/£300
1717 ✱ 1923/24 Officials Set of 11 ½A to 2R fine mint. SGO1/O11. £50/£60
1718 ✱ 1923-42a & both 3a KGV with INVERTED OVERPRINTS, SG.4, 6/7, mint (3). £45/£55
1719 ✱ 1929/33 Official Set. SGO16/O27 Mint (11) fresh appearance and mostly fine, occasional foxing. £200/£220
1720 ✱ 1929/33 Officials 5R, 10R + 15R VFM. SGO25/O27. (3). £240/£250
1721 ✱ 1929/37 KGV ovpt. set (19) mint. SG16/29. Generally fine and fresh, 15R a trifle soiled. Cat. £1500. £360/£400
1722 ✱ 1933 Airmail Set Fine Mint. SG31/34 (4). (Photo) £90/£95
1723 1981/89 Parcel dispatch form (26) sent to India with a variety of frankings sent by Air or surface mail on interesting lot of CP2 forms, would make an interesting display. £70/£80
1724 ✱ KGVI period overprinted issues. 1939 set of 13. 1945 set of 13. 1948 Set of 11. 1949 S/Wedding set of 2, Olympic’s UPU Sets. 1950 Set of 9. A very fine collection of 68 stamps from mint. £250/£270
1725 ✱ 1880/82 Crown CC Wmk Set SG5/10 good to fine mint (plus additional 2c + 8c). Cat. £900+ (8). £120/£140
1726 ✱ 1881 Eight Cents Ovpt. SG15. Mint. £40/£45
1727 ✱ 1881 Eight Cents Ovpt. Fine Mint. SG15. £50/£60
1728 ✱ 1883 Crown CA 2c, 10c, 16c + 40c fine mint. SG17, 19/21. Cat. £240 (4). £60/£70
1729 ✱ 1885 Surch 2c on 16c SG25 fine mint. £40/£45
1730 ✱ 1885 Surch 2c on 16c SG25 very fresh unused. £35/£40
1731 ✱ 1885 Surch 2c on 8c SG23 fine mint. £75/£80
1732 ✱ 1885 Surch 2c on 8c VFM SG26. £40/£45
1733 ✱ 1885/1894 QV fine mint group (19) with 1892 SG39/47 and 1894 SG51/57 sets etc. Most are fine to very fine. £120/£130
1734 ✱ 1885-6 QV wmk Crown CA defins set plus 2c & 8c shades, SG.30/3x, 30a, 31c, mint, cat.£254 (6). £75/£85
1735 ✱ 1891 Surch 6c on 8c (3) all fine mint, various locations of ovtp. Assumed SG35. £30/£35
1736 ✱ 1892 Surch 2c on 40c (M, OG) and 6c on 16c (unused) both fresh SG49/50. £120/£140
1737 ✱ 1894 Pictorial ovpt. set mint, small blemishes. SG62/74. £40/£45
1738 * 1895 Delightful Registered Cover from Labuan to UK with Nine different LABUAN ovpt. issues 1c to 24c each tied with a choice CDS Registered handstamp and arrival BS. Choice SG62/73 issue. £250/£280
1739 ✱ 1895 Ovpt. Set SG75/79 Mint and Chiefly Fine (5). £50/£60
1740 ✱ 1896 High Value Set SG80/82 Fine Mint. (3). £70/£80
1741 ✱ 1896 Jubilee Ovpt. Set Mint. SG83/88 (6). c£250. Good to Fine. 5c is unused. £50/£60
1742 ✱ 1897/98 Pictorial Ovpt. Sets Complete Mint. Good appearance, mainly fine, several with gum faults SG89/97, 98/100 + 101 (13). £100/£120
1743 ✱ 1899 The 4 cents ovpt. set, fine mint. SG102/110 (9). £100/£120
1744 ✱ 1900/02 New Colours Set Mint, Fair to Fine. SG111/116 (6). c£150. £35/£40
1745 ✱ 1901 Postage Due Set. SGD1/D9 (9) Mint/Unused, fine frontal appearance (8c faults) 18c + 24c very fine. Cat. £500. £100/£110
1746 ✱ 1902/3 Crown Set Fine Mint SG117/128 (12). £40/£45
1747 ✱ 1904 The 4 Cents ovpt. set, fine mint. SG129/137 (9). £90/£95
1748 ✱ Old Pages 1885/1902 with better pickings. 1902 Crown Set Mint. Early issues CTO or mint. A useful range of 60 stamps each different. £80/£90
1749 1876-94d carmine, wmk Crown CC SIDEWAYS, SG.14a, used, cat.£140. £40/£50
1750 ✱ 1874/75 QV First Set Good to Fine Mint/Unused, fine appearance Cat. £900. SG1/8A (6). £180/£200
1751 ✱ 1875 QV 1/- SG8A fresh unused. £100/£110
1752 ✱ 1876/79 QV Set SG10/16. The key 1/SG16 is a sound OG example, other values fresh Mint/Unused. An attractive set. £400/£450
1753 ✱ 1882 Crown CA set of Four fine Mint/Unused SG17/20. c£450. £60/£70
1754 ✱ 1884 QV Set to 1/- Mint SG21/26 (6) also 2/6d ovpt. specimen (gratis) SG27. £100/£110
1755 ✱ 1884-64d pale violet, wmk Crown CA, SG.24, VFM. £80/£95
1756 ✱ 1887 QV set to 10/- mint good appearance, 5/- crease, also ½d ovpt. mint. SG30/41, 42 (13). £70/£80
1757 1887-1902 Qv wmk Crown CA set, both 6d shades, SG.30/41, 35a, used, cat.£562 (13). £180/£200
1758 ✱ 1904 5s green & blue, wmk Crown CA, SG.52, VFM. £75/£85
1759 ✱ 1904 Crown CA set to 5/- chiefly fine mint SG44/52 (9). £120/£130
1760 ✱ 1904 Edward 10/- top value (chalk) fine mint small notation on back SG63A. £30/£35
1761 ✱ 1904/6 Edward MCA Set Mint, fine appearance, occasional gum foxing. Top value very fine. SG54/63 (10). £60/£70
1762 GOVERNMENT/TELEGRAPHS pmk on QV 1887 2½d SG31. Unusual. £30/£35
1763 ✱✱ 1951/80 Valuable Collection with many better sets. 1951 Defin. Set. 1952 Laotian Women. 1952 UPU. 1953 Buddha set. 1954 Jubilee set. A Superb Collection with valuable early issues 490 stamps. £500/£600
1764 ✱✱ 1991/92 Independence issues UM 1991 Arms plus reprint set, Liberity set of 6, Olympic, Statues, Surch. A fine range of 48 different stamps with sets. £30/£40
1765 Old pages with 800+ from early French Colonies issues to more modern randomly arranged, chiefly FU odd mint unchecked. £80/£90
1766 ✱ 1890/1902 QV Complete Mint. SG1/19. Good to Fine. Fine opportunity to acquire all issues. (19). £250/£280
1767 ✱ 1912/35 KGV COMPREHENSIVE Mint
Sets 1912 to 5/- (2). 1921 to £1 SG46/57 + 58/80 plus 1935 Jubilee Set all generally fine mint (42). £220/£250
1768 ✱ 1937/51 KGVI collection of 41 stamps fresh mint inc 1938 definitives to £1 note £1 (x4) unchecked, commem set inc 1948 S/Wedding. A fine collection. £200/£250
1769 ✱ ✱✱ 1938 KGVI Definitive Study with many Shades, note a page of Six Penny with many different Shades, minor varieties highlighted blocks Inc. Plate Blocks, Gutter Blocks. a superb collection of 140 items. £580/£600
1770 ✱✱ 1942 KGVI £1. SG114a. As UM Corner Block of Four. An impressive multiple. £180/£200 1771 ✱✱ 1948 KGVI 10/-. SG113b. Superb UM. £70/£78
1772 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI With Unmounted Mint. An accumulators lot of 190+. Careful checking required Inc. 2/- (9 Inc. block 4) 5/- (7), 10/- (5 Inc. Shades and UM), £1 (4 various printings), plus low values. Valuable lot. Good lot. £400/£450
1773 ✱ ✱✱ 1966/74 Independence issues fresh mint a collection of 190 stamps Inc. defin. sets. 1973 Butterflies set UM, Kimberlite set UM. A good range, each stamp is different. £40/£50
1774 ✱✱ 1892 High Value Sheetlets of Ten $2 + $5 both very fine UM (NHM) Scott 48/49. Cat. $190. £60/£70
1775 1912/1990 Davo Hingless Printed Albums (2) with a range of 850 Stamps and 9 MS with many sets. Seen 1912 5h, 10h FU. 1917 set of Six FU. 1939 Air Set Mint, in quality Albums. Almost complete from 1958. £150/£180
1776 ✱✱ 1981/88 Unmounted Mint Collection of sets, Inc. Musical Instruments, Shek Wan Ceramics Strip, Fan Set, Museum Strip, Security Force Strip. A fine collection of 166 stamps. Cat. £1000+. £200/£250
1777 1900 1d on ½d green, MAFEKING
BESIEGED ovpt on Cape stamp (Hope standing), SG.2, VFU on small piece. £60/£70
1778 1900 1d on ½d vermilion, MAFEKING
BESIEGED ovpt on Bechuanaland Protectorate stamp, SG.6, VFU. £45/£55
1779 1900 3d deep blue on blue, BadenPowell, 18½mm wide, SG.20, some minor staining at base, otherwise VFU on small piece. £150/£180
1780 ✱ MALAYA BORNEO EXHIBITION overprints 1922 very fine mint collection of 35 different issues Inc. Straits to $2, Kelantan to $1 Kedah to 50c,Trengganu to 50c min. CV + 370. Nice lot. £120/£130
1781 * POSTAL HISTORY 1905/1913 (3) Inc. Superb 1905 Medical School Cachet. 1912/13 use of registered envelopes (Edward + KGV) variously franked. Fine group. £60/£70
1782 Pages with issues from QV to more modern chiefly fine used, seen Leaping Tigers, KGVI to $5 over 1000 stamps, some identified (unchecked). £120/£140
1783 1884-912c pale rose with SG type 10 & type 13 ovpts, SG.10, 13, used (7). £60/£75
1784 QV 2c ovpts (2m + 4 FU) various types Inc. 2c on 24c min. CV £160. SG9, 10, 13, 17 etc.
1785 ✱ 1937/40 Chefs hat set fine mint
SG40/54 (15). £600/£650
1786 ✱ 1895-9 Tiger’s Head set, SG.14/16, VFM (3). £40/£50
1787 * 1939 16th September, early WWII censored cover from Thailand, franked Red Cross high values, SG.277/9, censor reseal tape tied PASSED BY CENSOR / PENANG cachet. Some light foxing, an early usage. £250/£280
1788 ✱✱ 1957 QEII Defin. Set as blocks of Four Fine UM. Scarce. SG44/54 (11). (Photo)
1789 ✱✱ 1986 Superb error 30c SG131 grossly misperfed at the left side as a block of 20, make the left side stamps 5 with the perf. running down the “M” in Malaysia, UM most unusual. £90/£100
1790 1889 OFFICIAL 6c lilac, P.G.S. ovpt, SG.O3, fine used with squared circle pmk. £30/£35
1791 ✱ 1900 1c on 2c, 1c on 5c & 3c on 8c, each Antique “e” in “Cent” varieties, SG.81b, 83b, 84a, mint, faults, cat.£385 (3). £120/£140
1792 ✱ 1900 1c on 5c dull purple & olive-yellow, Antique “e” in “One” variety in pair with normal, SG.83a, fine mint. £50/£60
1793 ✱ 1900 3c on 8c dull purple on ultramarine, NO STOP after “Cent” variety in a vertical strip of three, SG.84b, mint, flat looking gum, cat.£257. £75/£90
1794 ✱ 1938 Sultan Iskandar set of 19 plus both 8c and 30c set of 21 stamps SG103/21 fresh mint Cat. £1120. £300/£350
1795 ✱ 1948/1950 Collection with 1948 KGVI S/Wedding, 1949 UPU, 1950 Sultan Defin Set (26) with shades. Fresh mint Cat. £245+. £70/£80
1796 ✱✱ 1979 Flowers 10c SG161 block of six um with spectacular double perforation error, light gum foxing. £60/£70
1797 ✱ 1883 2c on 32c pale red, “E” wide in surcharge, SG.60, unused, expertised on reverse, cat.£1500. £380/£420
1798 * 1912 HAND PAINTED ENVELOPE, KEVII 8c on cover to Switzerland, clear SINGAPORE c.d.s. postmarks, delicate, painted illustration of Shinto style shrine on water along top of envelope, few age marks, but a lovely item. £90/£120
1799 ✱ 1937/49 KGVI period of issues (39) Inc. late Sultan Suleiman issues. 1948 S/Wedding. 1949 UPU, Sultan Ismail definitive set of 21 fresh mint Cat £500. £140/£160 1800 ✱ 1938 $5 SG44 fine mint. £350/£380
1801 * 1936/40 Postal History. 1936 Airmail Env. with 25c Mosque (Selangor) sent to England. 1940 Env. with 5c, Mosque (Selangor) with Triangular Censor HS. 1939 Env censored with tape and HS with 8c Sultan (Perak) sent to UK. 1939 Sultan 2c (Johore) with Passed For Transmission HS, sent to England. £60/£70
1802 ✱ KGVI PERIOD vfm lot. (27) inc watermark upright set SG11/20a, 1950 Dhow set. £50/£60
1803 * 1845 stampless entire from Malta to Tunis, clear MALTA POST OFFICE handstamp mark on front. Clean & fine. £100/£150
1804 ✱ 1863 Local Post ½d SG3 fine unused. Cat. £950 Mint. £90/£95
1805 ✱ 1863 Local Post ½d SG3a fine mint with part OG. A fine no Wmk. first series. £200/£220
1806 ✱ 1863 Local Post ½d SG4 mint with OG. £45/£50
1807 ✱ 1868 Local Post ½d SG14 fresh mint. £70/£80
1808 ✱ 1875 Local Post ½d SG9 fresh mint. £40/£45
1809 ✱ 1882/90 QV Set Fresh Mint, ½d SG18. 1885 Set SG20/28 + 5/- SG30 (remains) excellent appearance (10). c£320+. £70/£75
1810 1899 10/- SG35 VFU. £40/£45
1811 ✱ 1899 Set to 10/- fine mint. SG31/35 (5). £70/£80
1812 1902/1914 Edward Period Fine Mint Sets. 1902 ONE PNNEY errors SG36B + 37A. 1903 Set SG38/44 and 1904 Set to 5/- SG45/63 (28). £120/£130
1813 ✱ 1914/21 KGV Set (14) (2) mostly fine mint. SG69/88. £80/£85
1814 ✱ 1919 10/- SG96 fresh mint. £1,750/£1,800
1815 1920 Revenue usage of 10/- top value. SG104 with central puncture. Nice. (normal Cat. £850 used). (Photo) £40/£50
1816 ✱ 1921 KGV Script Set Fine Mint. SG97/104 (8). £150/£180
1817 ✱ 1922 Self Govt. 10/- SG105 (Gum crease) also script Wmk. Set to 2/- mint. SG114/120 (2/short perf.) Cat. £340+. £60/£70
1818 ✱ 1922 Self Govt. ovpt. 10/- SG105 Fine Mint. £100/£110
1819 ✱ 1922 Self Govt. Ovpt. MCA Set Fine Mint. SG106/113 (8). £120/£130
1820 ✱ 1922/26 Set to £1 mint and chiefly fine to very fine. SG123/140 (17). £100/£120
1821 ✱ 1926/27 Postage Set Mint. SG157/172 (17). £70/£75
1822 ✱ 1928 Overprint Defin. Set Fine Mint. SG174/192 (19). £80/£85
1823 ✱ 1930 Postage and Revenue Defin Set Fine Mint. SG193/209 (17) also 1935 Jubilee Set and 1925 Postage Due Set. SGD11/D20. £100/£120
1824 ✱ 1935 6d Silver Jubilee, EXTRA FLAGSTAFF variety in corner block of four, SG.212a, VFM. £100/£120
1825 ✱ 1937/51 KGVI collection of 60 stamps fresh mint inc 1938 defin set of 21, 1948 selfgovernment ovpt set of 21, commem sets inc 1948 S/Wedding. A fine collection. £40/£50
1826 ✱✱ 1938 KGVI Variety 5/- Semaphore Flaw. SG230a UM within a strip of Three (other Two LMM). Very fine. £55/£60
1827 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI With Unmounted Mint. An accumulators lot on Stockpages. Fine condition, useful for checking inc 1938 Defins. to 2/6d (7), 5/(9), 10/- (7). 1948 ovpts. Inc. 2/6d (3) 5/- (4), 10/(5). nice range of the lower values (200+). Cat. £700+. £140/£150
1828 Stockpages (28) with many 100’s of Stamps Inc. more modern issues UM seen 1938 KGVI ½d NT Joined UM plate blk. of Six and single FU. 1965 ½d with Rare-Pink Printed Twice. An original lot. £60/£70
1829 ✱ 1857 Barnard 1d SG18 mint (unused). Rare opportunity 3½ + margins, just shaving lower right, minor thin spot. Absolutely sound. Cat. £7500. £400/£450
1830 ✱ 1857/59 Barnard 1d worn impression SG19 fresh unused with Close/Good margins and superb colour. Free of imperfections. Cat. £7500 mint. A delight. £750/£800
1831 ✱ 1858 Four Pence Ovpt. (SG26), appears a dangerous forgery on a fine 4 margin mint stamp. Cat. £1800. £40/£50
1832 ✱ 1858/62 Britannia (No value expressed) All issues SG27/31 Mint/Unused. The (1d) is an excellent example OG, full margins (SG27), (4d) unused Four margins 9d unused touching at left etc. Cat. £1485. £200/£240
1833 ✱ 1859/61 Britannia 6d SG32 unused, touching SW, 6d unused SG33, 1/- SG35 unused shaving left. A presentable trio of classics Cat. £1600. £150/£180
1834 1860/63 No Wmk. QV Sidefaces Mint (5) 4d SG48 VFM. 6d Green (faults), 6d SG50 fine 9d ovpt cancelled (not counted) and 1/- fine SG52. Cat. £2400. £150/£180
1835 ✱ 1863/72 Crown CC QV Sidefaces Mint selection and mostly Sound/Fine SG56/72. Cat. £2300+ (14) all different many fine and some stamps here Inc. 6d SG63, 9d SG66, 5/- SG72 also 5/- SG71 ovpt. cancelled with Wmk inverted. £200/£240
1836 ✱ 1876/77 Surcharged issues Inc. the unissued ½d on 9d Red ovpt. cancelled (SG78) also 1877 issue SG79/82 with cancelled ovpts. Cat £250+. £60/£70
1837 ✱ 1878 QV Surcharge Set SG83/91 mint (9) very collectible most are fine OG. Several unused. Seldom offered. Cat. £700. £100/£120
1838 ✱ 1879/80 QV Crown CC Set Mint, mostly sound 13c very fine, several unused, 38c faults, scarce set. SG92/100 (9). Cat. £1000. £100/£110
1839 ✱ 1883/94 QV CA Set Fine Mint. SG101/111 (11) couple of low values unused, majority fine OG. £40/£45
1840 ✱ 1895/1907 A fine mint collection of mostly complete sets between SG127/175 (44 different issues) mostly bright and fine, various Arms Sets. 1900 Set (2R 50C + 5R, top values are specimen ovpts.). 1902 QV ovpt. Set. SG157/162. 1905 Set. SG164/75. High CV. £200/£240
1841 ✱ 1910 Edward Set (15) Fine Mint. SG181/195. (for some strange reason the 2R 50C is ovpt. specimen!). £100/£110
1842 ✱ 1913/22 KGV Set SG196/204D Fine Mint (11) Inc. Die I + II examples of the 10R top value and additional printings 25C + 1R. Fine group. £120/£130
1843 ✱ 1913/23 KGV 5c to 10r with Shades and different Dies Inc. 10r Die I and Die II. A good lot of 15 stamps. Fresh mint. £120/£140
1844 ✱ 1937 SPECIMEN perforated Coronation set fine m SG249S/251S (3) £60/£65
1845 ✱ ✱✱ 1937/50 KGVI collection of 63 stamps mint inc Coronation 20c line through sword variety (c£90), 1938 definitives set of 12 with additional, 1950 sets (2) one set UM, commems inc 1948 S/Wedding. A fine collection. £90/£100
1846 ✱ ✱✱ 1938 KGV definitive study, set to 10r with many Shades, Varieties/Flaw chiefly Damaged Letters, Plate Blocks, Broken frames. note 2r 50 (5) 5r (4) 10r (3). A good lot of 110 item. M/UM. £480/£500
1847 ✱✱ 1938 KGVI complete sheet with varieties 3c with sliced “S” (Row 2) showing various stage of the flaw, SG253/53a UM. £180/£200
1848 ✱ 1938 KGVI Definitive Set to 10r Inc. Shades and different perf. types, 29 stamps, fresh mint. £120/£140
1849 ✱ 1938 KGVI Variety 4c OPEN C SG254A VFM. £80/£90
1850 ✱ 1938-494c dull green, OPEN “c” VARIETY, SG.254a, VFM. £90/£110
1851 ✱ ✱✱ 1950 KGVI Definitive Set Inc. 1c, 4c, 12c as Complete Sheets, 1c to 50c, a Plate Block of 4 (12) plus the set to 10r. a fine collection of 34 items, M/UM. £80/£90
1852 1952 FIRST FLIGHT COVERS for regular airmail service, both addressed to Mauritius, one via South Africa, the other via Cocos Island, both covers with various transit marks and special cachet on reverse (2 covers). £40/£50
1853 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI With Unmounted Mint. An accumulators lot (140 stamps) Inc. 1938 with different printings and values to 10r (2). 1950 Set to 10r plus some extras Inc. plate number singles. £80/£90
1854 Old time Collection on Pages. 1858 Britannia 6d pair and a single mint. 1857 not issued Red-Brown and Blue, 1d Magenta re-issued SG29a used, Arms issues. 1935 Silver Jubilee set. 1946 Victory as plate blocks of 4 mint. 1950 KGVI Defins to 10r mint. 1953 QWII Defins. To 10r mint. 1965 Bird to 10r. A good range of 430+ stamps to 1966 mainly fresh mint, odd FU. £180/£200
1855 STAMP BOOKLETS of The World purchased on new issue and still in packets over 500 mostly different inc some GB prestige (note 1972 Wedgewood Good ½p), Worldwide issues, Neth Cols, NZ & many more. Good lot.
1856 Stockcards (90) with a range of 240 stamps seen Britannia Imperf. (4) 1 mint. QV heads (70) Arms to 1r. KGVI to 1r. A very useful range mainly fine used with mint mixed in.
1857 ✱✱ 1934 National University, postage set, Scott 698/706, SG.543/52, fine UM, cat.$7500 (10). £1,400/£1,600
1858 ✱✱ 1948 BOSIO Airmail Set Variety Imperforate UM. Yvert 28/31 (4) SG357/60. £40/£50
1859 ✱✱ 1950 Defin Set UM plus 6f, 8f, 15f variety imperforate. SG425/435 (15). £30/£35
1860 ✱✱ 1974/80 Defin Set (25) UM
SG1145/1160. Cat. £110. £40/£45
1861 ✱✱ 1981/88 Defin Set (29) UM. SG1497/1525. Cat. £150. £50/£55
1862 A selection of better and interesting material on cards. All very fine with 1901 10c as superb mint block 9, 5c + 15c millisime gutter pairs, 1939 10fr Stadium (c£150). 1949 Red Cross corner sheetlets of Four (3 different), Photo proofs and scarce consular label. Qty. £150/£180
1863 Old pages with 400+ stamps randomly arranged from early issues to more modern mainly FU odd mint unchecked. £40/£50
1864 ✱✱ UNMOUNTED MINT on a pile of 135+ Hagner Pages of 1950/90’s Material with good sets, Occasional Limited Imperfs. 168 MS or Sheetlets note better Europa issues and 160 Stamps. Substantial CV and excellent quality. £360/£400
1865 ✱ 1884 The 4d Blue SG11 Mint. Repaired corner, Trifle soiled, very collectible and rare stamp. Cat. £2250. £100/£120
1866 ✱ 1903 Edward Set Mint (10) 5/- small toning at top. SG14/23. c£275. £60/£70
1867 ✱ 1904 MCA Edward Set Fine Mint. SG24/33 (10). £120/£130
1868 ✱ 1908/14 Edward Set Fine Mint. SG35/47. (10). £80/£90
1869 ✱ 1914 KGV 5/- Fine Mint. SG48. £45/£50
1870 ✱ 1937/51 KGVI collection of 58 stamps fresh mint, 1938 set to £1 (32) with different perf types, 1951 defin set of 13, commem sets inc 1948 S/Wedding. A fine range of stamps. £60/£70
1871 ✱✱ 1938 Unmounted Mint ORIGINAL Printings KGVI Set (12). SG101/112. £120/£140
1872 ✱✱ 1938/48 Unmounted Mint KGVI Defin. Set. SG101/112. (12). £50/£55
1873 ✱✱ 1948 KGVI 10/- + £1 both a superb UM blocks of Four. SG111/112. £120/£140
1874 ✱✱ 1951 Unmounted Mint KGVI Defin Set. SG123/135 (13) £35/£40
1875 1974 60c University of West Indies, WATERMARK INVERTED, SG.326w, VFU. £50/£60
1876 ✱✱ 1981 Varieties Royal Wedding Inv. Wmk $3, $4 both, Official 75c, $1 both with Inv. Wmk. $1.15 double ovpt. $3 with wrong value ovpt. A good lot of 11 UM. £70/£80
1877 * A selection of KGV Postal History (6) Inc. Very fine single frankings of better values Inc. 1935 usage of 2/6d high value. Good Group. £90/£95
1878 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI With Unmounted Mint and Extras. An accumulators lot (c200) Inc. 1938 original pressings with blocks. 1948 10/- + £1 SG111/112 as UM. Blocks of Four. 1951 Range Inc. $4080 (3). Pickings and high CV. £220/£240
1879 ✱ 1937/50 KGVI extensive range of sets from Coronation to last defin. set, note 1937 set of 3. 1948 S/Wedding. 1949 and 1950 Definitive Sets. A fine collection of 46 stamps. Cat £275. £80/£90
1880 ✱ 1949 KGVI Definitive overprinted set of 15 fresh mint. £40/£50
1881 Old pages with 540 stamps randomly arranged seen many ovpt issues note QV 5c ovpted specimen, French Colonies issues to more modern issues mainly fine used, odd mint unchecked. £80/£90
1882 ✱ 1898 Gibraltar overprinted set of 8 SG1/8 mint. £40/£50
1883 ✱ 1899 QV Set Fine Mint. SG9/16 (8). £70/£80
1884 ✱ 1903/5 Edward Set Mint And Mostly Fine. SG17/23 (7). c£190. £50/£60
1885 ✱ 1905/6 Edward Set Mint Fine. SG24/30 (7). £60/£70
1886 * 1936/38 Three interesting covers with KEVIII franking 1938 15c block of 4 with pencil circles around the stamps unfranked, with “T/3d and 3 Postage Due nearby, sent to Wales, 5c, 15c +10c KGV with Posted On Day of Issue printed Env. 1937 Cover with KEVIII set as blocks of 4 and single + KGV 20c sent Regd. to England. £50/£60
1887 ✱ KGV Fine Mint Collection Of Complete Sets and Comprehensive (107 different issues) with numerous defin. sets Inc. Seahorses to 12P or 10/- for all territories. A fine lot. £300/£360
1888 ✱ KGVI Collection of 49 stamps fresh mint. Inc. British Currency 1949 set of 17. 1951 set of 7. A fine collection, Cat £200+. £60/£70
1889 ✱ 1944 KGVI Indian overprinted sets, Postage set of 15, Official set of 10 mint. £30/£40
1890 ✱ KGVI complete for the period Inc. India overprinted Postage and Official Sets, PO in Eastern Arabia. 1948 set of 9, S/Wedding Set. Olympic Set, UPU Set. 1950 Set of 7. A fine range of 60 stamps fresh mint. £70/£80
1891 ✱ 1861 Chalon 3d SG11 fine unused. Cat. £350 mint. £35/£40
1892 ✱ 1863 Chalons 1d perf. 13, not Wmk. SG18/19. An unused group of Four with Shades, Printings. Cat. £640 mint. £65/£70
1893 ✱ 1869/1875 Postage ovpts. 1d fine unused (3) SG33, 51 + 81. Cat. £900+. £90/£95
1894 ✱ 1870 Postage Ovpt. Set On Chalons Mint. Inc. 2 x 1d, Sound. SG60/62. Cat. £790 (4). £80/£85
1895 ✱ 1874 Postage ovpt. 1/- SG63 mint. fine. A scarce stamps. £120/£130
1896 ✱ 1874/99 QV 5/- both shades fresh mint SG72 part OG and SG73 large part OG. (2). £90/£95
1897 ✱ 1875/76 Postage Ovpt. Set. Good to fine mint. SG77/84 (5). £100/£120
1898 ✱ 1877 Postage revalued Set of 3 Mint. SG91/93. £60/£65
1899 ✱ 1902 Edward £1 Ovpt. Specimen VFM (SG142). £45/£50
1900 ✱ 1902 Edward 5/- fine mint. SG140. £30/£35
1901 1902 Edward high value selection (4) all with faults 10/- and £1 unused, £1.10/- (regummed ?) £5 fiscal used. SG141/144. £60/£70
1902 ✱ 1902 SPECIMEN Ovpt. Edward £10 fine mint. SG145AS. £200/£240
1903 ✱ 1902 SPECIMEN Ovpt. Edward £20 fine mint. SG145BS. £350/£380
1904 ✱ 1902/03 Edward Set Fine Mint. SG127/139. £80/£90
1905 * 1902/10 Private Post Collection of 12 cards, fine used with many different cancellations and a few Tax Cards due to under payment. £90/£100
1906 * 1903 An interesting taxed postal envelope ex India with cachets fine. £50/£60
1907 ✱ 1904 Edward Set To 2/6d Mint. Key 1/- to 2/6d are fine, lower values unused. SG146/157 (8) c£250. £50/£60
1908 ✱ 1904 OFFICIAL ovpt. set fine mint. SGO1/O6 (6). £120/£130
1909 ✱ 1908/9 Postage Edward Set Fresh Mint (5/- specimen ovpt.). The 10/- and £1 top values are really superb. SG165/171. £300/£360
1910 CANCELLATIONS OF NATAL a lifetimes collection of 1000’s of items housed in 58 volumes (postmarks, pieces & covers) for the period 1917 to 1992. £1,500/£1,700
1911 Revenues mainly Edward issues with values to £10 (38) and QV 1/- mint. Edward used. £140/£150
1912 Stockcards (32) with a range of 72 stamps chiefly QV fine used, seen QV 3d chalons (13) 6d chalons (5) unchecked, QV (66) stamps Edward (6) stamps. Highly catalogued. £150/£180
1913 ✱ 1937/48 Steamer Set Mint. Most are fine, some gum toning. SG26B/39B. c£225. £60/£70
1914 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI period, a fine range of stamps Inc. 1937 freighter set to 10/-. 1954 ½d as a complete sheet, mint Inc. UM. £120/£140
1915 A selection of mint (16) 1899 ½A SG22. A range of imperfs. 1930/41 issue Inc. 5R top value SG50. Elusive stamps. £100/£110
1916 1931 DORNIER X AIRMAIL COVER, franked 15c ultramarine “Do. X” ovptd pair, SG.219, tied by special 10.8.31 pictorial postmark, with another full strike of the postmark on front, lovely pictorial “FROM SURINAME” cachet on reverse and Trinidad arrival pmk. Good to fine. £40/£50
1917 * 1873 Destination Cuacao fine wrapper with solo use of GB 1/- SG150 tied Manchester Duplex. Agent HS etc. £70/£80
1918 ✱ 1852/1978 Lighthouse Printed Album with over 1100 Stamps and 11 MS with sets mint or FU an original lot. £120/£140
1919 1916 Internment stamp fu nvph IN1. (Photo) £80/£85
1920 1956 High Values on a Parcel Receipt Card, registered at Zwijundrecht sent to South Africa with Netherland 25g 1d Gull Strip of 3, 2½g 1d, 1g 1d and 10c. Very scarce. £280/£300
1921 ✱ 1862 First Set of 4 Fresh Unused (6d is superb with gum). SG1/4. £150/£180
1922 ✱ 1862 Perf. 13 First Set Of Four Fine Unused (1d straight edge at right). Excellent group. SG1/4 Cat. £850. £120/£130
1923 ✱ 1867 Perf. 15 set of 3 fine M/Unused. 1/with OG. A fine trio. SG9/13. £80/£90
1924 ✱ 1871/78 Classics fresh mint group (5) 1d (3), 4d + 6d. SG15/19. £90/£95
1925 1879/90 QV Tablet Issue. An almost complete set of 11 different values SG23/34 (Ex SG28) Mint. Cat. £1330+ excellent appearance, some small faults but key 4d Blue and 6d Green, appear to be sound examples. Request Scan. £180/£200
1926 ✱ 1882 POSTAL FISCALS 1d bright red and 1d rose, SG.F1/2, mint or unused, cat.£235 (2). £60/£70
1927 ✱ 1882 POSTAL FISCALS 4d blue & 6d green, SG.F7/8, fine mint (2). £40/£50
1928 1882-90 wmk Crown CA group, incl. ½d, 1d lilac-mauve bisect on piece, 1d dull rose, 2½d red-brown, 2½d ultramarine, 4d grey, between SG.25/30, good to fine used (6). £75/£90
1929 ✱ 1860/63 A QV Set of 8 1c to 17c fresh Mint/Unused. Cat. £415. SG7/19. £60/£65
1930 ✱ 1914 Marshall Isle 8d on 80Pf. SG58 fine mint. £120/£150
1931 ✱ 1914/15 GRI ovpts. on New Guinea Yachts, set of Ten different values 1d to 5d (assumed cheapest printings between SG16/25). Fine mint and Cat. £1285. £300/£360
1932 ✱ 1915 1 on 2d on 10Pf. SG63 Mint. An elusive stamp. £70/£80
1933 ✱ 1915 OS GRI 1d ovpts. SGO1/O2 Fine Mint. (2). £50/£60
1934 ✱ 1915 Overprints (11) Fine Mint. KGV Heads. SG65/72. Roos Wmk. 5, 2d, 6d, 9d, 1/- + 5/-. SG86/92. £65/£70
1935 ✱ 1915 Registration Label 3d Herbertshohe SG36E mint, on original backing paper, internal creasing. Scarce. £100/£120
1936 ✱ 1915 Registration Label 3d Kawieng. SG42 fine mint, usual creasing. Position indicator lower left. Elusive. £100/£110
1937 ✱ 1915 Roo’s Wmk. 5 Set of 6 2d, 6d to 5/Fine Mint. SG86, 88, 89, 91, 92. £90/£95
1938 ✱ 1915 Wmk. 2 Roo’s (5) Fine Mint. 2½d (2), 3d, 1/- + 10/-. SG81, 84 etc. £80/£90
1939 ✱ 1916 Roo £1 SG99 Mint. Gum stain (back only) and minor toning. Cat. £350. £50/£60
1940 ✱ 1918 One Penny Ovpts. SG100/101 plus a group of KGV ovpts. to 4d. All mint (7). £70/£75
1941 ✱ 1918/22 Roo’s Wmk. 6 Mint (8) 2½d to 10/- Set. SG107/117. £120/£130
1942 ✱ 1925 Huts Set to £1 fine mint. Inc. all 3 shades of 6d, 10/- is marginal NHM, 2/- thin all others fine. SG125/136 (15). £120/£130
1943 ✱ 1925/37 Mint range on pages with values to £1. 1925 Village with values to 5/- (11). Official set of 10 Inc. both 6d. Bird of Paradise issues with values to 5/-. 1939 Goldfield with values to £1 (7). a fine range of 80 stamps. Cat. £760+. £150/£160
1944 ✱ 1931 Airmail Huts Ovpt. Set Fine Mint. (2/small faults). SG137/149 (13). £100/£120
1945 ✱ 1931 Airmail Ovpt. Set (with dates) Fine Mint. SG163/176. (14). £120/£140
1946 ✱ 1931 OS ovpt. Bird Set (11) fine mint. SGO31/O41. £80/£90
1947 ✱ 1931 With Dates Set Fine Mint. SG150/162. (13). £160/£180
1948 1931/39 Fine used range of 53 stamps. Bird of Paradise with values to £1 (£1 SG189).
1939 Goldfield 9d as a pair. A useful range Cat. £700+. £140/£160
1949 ✱ 1932 Airmail ovpt. Set fresh mint. Some small faults. SG190/203 (16). Cat. £275. £50/£55
1950 ✱ 1932 Redrawn set of 15 VFM. SG177/189. £150/£170
1951 ✱ 1932 Without Dates set Fresh Mint. SG177/189 (15). £120/£140
1952 ✱ 1935 Goldfields £2 + £5 high values fine mint. SG204/205 (2). £500/£550
1953 * 1913 Interisland 1d local stamp unusually used on a cover ex Melbourne franked 2 x Ad Tasmanian view stamps. Some foxing. £60/£70
1954 ✱ ✱✱ 1932/34 OS ovpt. Bird Set (13) VFM (Inc. UM) 5d + 9d creased all other very fine. SGO42/O54. £90/£95
1955 * 1934 Truly spectacular large size airmail cover flown from Port-Villa to Gand in Belgium with 22 stamp combination all neatly cancelled envelope with slight faults 3 stamps damaged. Noting the use of 3 x 5/- high values. Italic large address etc. Request scan to fully appreciate. £180/£200
1956 ✱ 1938 New currency set of 12 SG52/63 fresh mint. £120/£140
1957 ✱✱ 1977 Error 35f on 35c provisional overprint corner block of four um. One unit with F omitted in overprint. Unlisted, exceptional. SG238. £350/£400
1958 ✱ KGVI period of issues note 1938 postage due set of 5, 1953 postage and postage due sets, UPU set, 1938 gold currency to 1f. A fine range of 50 stamps fresh mint. Cat £340. £100/£120
1959 ✱ Old Auction Folders with a good lot of mint, numerous sets and good condition. 1908 ovpts. (various). 1911 Set SG18/28. 1925 Set. 1938 Set SG52/63. 1957 Defin set on FDC (very fine-scarce) etc. Fresh lot. (Qty). £250/£280
1960 ✱ Old pages with Edward ovpts to 1/- note 2½d as a block of 18 fine used with French cds, 1911 set to 2/-, 1908/10 French ovpt issues. A useful range of 67 stamps. Mint + fine used.
1961 Postage Dues British and French Issues. 1925 Both Sets VFU. 1953 Both Sets Mint. 1957 Both Sets Mint. (25 Dues). £60/£70
1962 1850 Classic 1d Sydney view first issue SG11 sound fu, 4 margin No 29 pmk. Cat £450. (Photo) £120/£130
1963 1850 Classic 1d Sydney view SG4 sound fu, no margins good for plating. Cat £600. £60/£65
1964 1850 Classic 1d Sydney view SG9 sound used with 4 margins heavy pmk but stamp is good colour cat £425. £85/£90
1965 ✱ 1850 Fabulous imperforate composite essay for 6d + 1/- values engraved se-tenant on thick paper in black (size 70 x 55mm) produced by Carmichael. Gem. (Photo) £500/£550
1966 1852 Laureated 6d SG73 select fu with 4 margins. (Photo) £100/£110
1967 1852 Laureated 6d with variety WALLS for WALES SG76a fu 4 margins. BPA Cert (signed Robson Lowe), minor crease excellent example. Cat £1100. (Photo) £250/£270
1968 * 1852 Outstanding used 2d SG52 with huge margins & superb 96 duplex. Gem. (Photo) £40/£50
1969 1853 Laureated 2d SG60 as a fu pair, good margins & neat central pmk. A fine multiple cat £280. (Photo) £100/£110
1970 1853 Laureated 2d SG61 vfu 4 margin. Selected example. (Photo) £55/£60
1971 1854 Laureated 1d SG83 as a vfu pair. Fine multiple. (Photo) £50/£55
1972 * 1854 QV Laureated 2d used on entire with Raymond Terrace and Maitland cds on the reverse. £30/£40
1973 1854/80 QV Diadern issues SG107/117 used lot 2d strip of 3 with wide and narrow spacing, 2d inv wmk. A variety of shades. A fine selection of 19 stamps. £80/£90
1974 * 1855 TOO LATE handstamp on entire 2d Laureated with 30 duplex cancel on the reverse, transit marks of Camden, Goulburn, Yass, Melbourne. £35/£40
1975 1856 Registered (6d) imperforates (2) SG102 with fine 71 duplex & scarce SG106. Both fu with group margins. Cat £455. (Photo) £80/£90
1976 1857 Error of wmk 8. 1/- Diadem SG99a sound used, minor imperfections also 1/- SG99 fu with large margins pair cat £425. £70/£75
1977 1859 Error of wmk 8, 6d Diadem SG93a vfu 4 margins. (Photo) £75/£80
1978 1860 Registered (6d) SG121 vfu. Deep colour. £30/£35
1979 1860/72 QV Diadem perforated issue with varieties. 1860 2d with ‘2’ wmk inv, 2d strip of 3, 5d, 6d with inverted wmk, 1/- inc wmk in verted. A fine group of 38 stamps SG131.153 with shades, fine used cat £2700. £280/£300
1980 1862 Compound perforation 2d SG172 fine used. A difficult stamp to locate. Cat £400. (Photo) £100/£110
1981 1862/72 QV Diadem issues with wmk varieties, 2d green with cracked plate, 6d with wmk inv and reversed, 1/- with fine NSW. SG154/70 fine used. 40 stamps STC £800+. £200/£220
1982 1862/9 QV 1d, 2d with varieties inc wmk inv 2d with ‘1’ wmk, with shades and different printings between SG186/202. 27 stamps fine to sound used. £100/£120
1983 ✱ 1863 Registered (6d) watermark inverted SG125 a very fine unused example. (Photo) £65/£75
1984 1867/78 QV definitive 1867 p13 4d (2), 10d (2) shades, 1871 set to 1/- (16) with shades. Sound used STC £180. £50/£60
1985 1869 Piece with 5/-, 1/-, 8d, 2nd piece with 5/-, 1/- (x3), 5/- perf 10 wmk inv, perf 13 wmk inv and reversed. Fine used. (2) £120/£140
1986 1871 QV definitives perf 10 to 1/- (10) and perf 13 x 10 (13) with shades between SG207/221 chiefly fine used STC £500+. £120/£140
1987 ✱ 1871 Telegraph stamps 1d, 2d, 6d & 2/SG T1-T3 + T5 fresh mint small faults. (4). £650/£750
1988 * 1872 Envelope sent to London endorsed via Brindisi 8d p13 franking SG218. A fine cover with Sydney cds on the reverse. £30/£40
1989 1880 OS 10d perf 10 SGO18ac fresh unused ex presentation set. £60/£70
1990 1880 OS 10d perf 10 SGO18ac vfu unpriced used ex presentation set. £40/£50
1991 ✱ 1880 OS 10d perf 13 SGO18a fine m, OG. £100/£110
1992 1880 OS 5/- coin perf 12 vfu (only priced used) SGO17 a scarce issue. £200/£240
1993 1880 OS 5/- perf 12 variety SGO17 vfu. Only known used. Couple of nibbled perfs. £120/£130
1994 ✱ 1881 OS 3d perf 13 x 10 SG05ba mint, fine. £50/£60
1995 ✱ 1881 OS 8d perf 10 wmk inverted SGO10a fresh mint. £150/£180
1996 1881 Postal fiscal two pence on 1d fu. Unlisted SG. See RL elusive. £60/£70
1997 ✱ 1881/1897 Postage dues on a stockpage, 1d pair mint (D2), 1d used block of 4, ½d, 2d, 3d, 8d, 10/-, 20/- specimen ovpts, 37 dues. £150/£180
1998 ✱ 1882 OS 3d official overprint double, one albino as a block of four fresh mint. Some gum bends. A scarce multiple SGO22AA. £300/£320
1999 ✱ 1882 QV definitive scarcer perf types 2d p13, 1d, 2, 6d p13 x 10 inc 6d SG234a with cert, 1d, 2d, 6d p10 x13 and 1/- SG237 note 6d 10 x13 mint, 8 stamps. (Photo) £90/£100
2000 ✱ 1882/1890 OFFICIALS a mostly fu study SGO19/O34 and O39/O44 issues 82 stamps stc £1250+, a very good range of different SG listed perforations especially 3d, 4d P12 mint (O27b), 5d P12 fu, 8d (6), 1/- (3) O33a, some wmk varieties 1d m pair with broken letters, centenary with diff perfs inc 1/- m. £150/£180
2001 1882/97 QV definitives between SG222/237 on pages sorted by their perf types. STC £1600+ chiefly sound used odd mint, and wmk variety perf 10 to 1/- (18) inc shades perf 12 x 10 inc scarce 4d SG229a, perf 11 (7) inc 8d mint, a fine collection of 83 stamps. £200/£240
2002 1883 Coin 5/- high value SG178 vfu with Lathework in margin choice. (Photo) £40/£45
2003 1885 9d on 10d SG220d vfu. Scarce perf variety cat £180. (Photo) £70/£75
2004 ✱ 1885 Imperf pair 5d SG233e mint close at base, incision between pair, hinge reinforced. Gum bends. Fresh cat £475. £75/£80
2005 ✱ 1885 OS 3d perf 10 x 12 watermark inverted vfm SGO5be. £75/£80
VARIETY 9d on 10d SG220GA vfm. A vf example of a listed stamp. (Photo) £100/£110
2007 ✱ 1886 IMPERFORATE PAIR 3d SG226G vfm. Superb. Cat £500. (Photo) £200/£220
2008 1886 OS 5/- coin perf 12 x 10 fine unused SGO16. Cat £800 as mint. £80/£90
2009 ✱ 1888 20/- Cobalt blue first issue SG262 vfm. A very fine stamp. Cat £750. (Photo) £300/£320
2010 ✱ 1888 Centenary set SG253/258 (6) fresh m. Odd small fault. Cat £190. £40/£50
2011 1888 Centenary set with different perfs etc from SG253 to 260 (35) inc 1d on piece bisect, sorted by perf types. FU. £35/£40
2012 1888 Coin 5/- SG181 vfu. £70/£80
2013 1888 Laureated 2d official reprinting block of 20 (10 x 2) with imprint, ungummed paper scarce. £120/£140
2014 1890 20/- top value SG264cb superb postal used. One short perf. (Photo) £50/£60
2015 1890 20/- top value vfu with crisp Newcastle postal cds SG264ca. (Photo) £50/£60
2016 1890 High values 5/- maps. A fu trio of different printings SG263, 263d & 263da. Cat £120. £50/£60
2017 1891/92 OS ovpt. All diff group (8) mostly vfm cat £285+ inc 7½d + 12½d ovpts SGO56/O57 also ½d O55 fu, ½d ovpts (4 diff) mint. £40/£50
Selling? – Contact Simon Carson today for professional advice on how to sell your stamps/covers. PTS and ASDA registered. Integrity assured.
2018 ✱ 1891/93 Mostly fu selection. 1891 surch issue SG266/268 with all listed perforation varieties, 1891 3d SG269/270 also 10d SG206/206b with diff perfs (2 mint) & 1892 ½d issues. Fine lot (26 stamps) cat £548. £80/£90 2019 1891/97 Postage dues fine used with extras 26 stamps all values to 20/- SG D1/D10 inc 10/- with vf duplex pmk. Some lower values with various perfs inc 5/- (3). All sound. £200/£240
2020 * 1892 Most unusual cover sent to Victoria using 4 wrapper imperf cut-outs half penny on 1d with Sydney franking and transit marks on the reverse. £30/£40
2021 1897 Diamond Jubilee 2/6d SG281 FU. £100/£110
2022 ✱ 1897 Error 9d on 10d overprint double in blue & black vfm SG236-DCA. RPS Cert vf. (Photo) £180/£200
2023 ✱ 1897 Surcharge double error nine pence on 10d SG236DCA, fine mint. £120/£130
2024 1897/1906 Valuable collection of later issues 145 stamps annotated on pages, mostly fu stc £2500+. Specialised perfs/printings 1897 9d + 10d reissues SG226d + 236d with diff perfs, 1897 5/coin (3) diff perfs, good 6d issues SG297f/297g, 1899 issues, 1902 set to 2/6d, 1903 10/- SG277, reissue 3d + 5d, 2d perf 11 SG336a fresh m, ½d se-tenant pair m SG333ba scarce final issue SG353/363. Good lot. £280/£300
2025 ✱ 1899 Imperf pair ½d SG298a fine m. £100/£120
2026 ✱ 1899 Surcharge double 9d on 10d SG309a fine m. £120/£140
2027 ✱ 1905 Perf 11 6d deep orange SG342a fresh m. RPS Cert. £150/£170
2028 * POSTAL HISTORY 1899/1901
Registered Mail (2) Inc. 3 stamp combination Inc. Use of 4d Cook Stamp. Fine pair. £60/£65
2029 * Postal Stationary unused (7) 1½d illustr. Postcard, 1½d Letter Card ovpt. Specimen. 1888 illustr. Anniversary 2d Postal Card, 3d, 4d, 3d on 4d regd. Env’s. £40/£50
2030 1864 Chalon 2d + 6d both FU SG107/108 (2). £60/£65
2031 1864/71 Chalons an attractive FU group (11) 1d to 1/- SG110/124 Inc. a nice looking 4d Rose SG119. Mostly sound, odd small blemish. C£1050+. £150/£170
2032 1871 Chalon 1d Brown P10 FU SG126 c£150. £40/£50
2033 1872 Chalons perf. 12½ printings 1d, 2d (3), 6d (2) SG132/136 Fair/Fine. Cat. £315. (6). £75/£80
2034 1873 Chalon 2d Wmk. NZ SG141 sound FU, small corner crease. Cat. £500. £75/£80
2035 1873 Chalons 1d SG137 + 2d SG138 no Wmk. both sound FU. Cat. £460+ (2). £100/£120
2036 ✱ 1873/1931 Old Pages with a range of 120 Stamps with better Cat. £200, seen QV 5/-. SG186 FU. 1898 Mt Cook 5/- unused. 1906 Christchurch Set Mint. 1926 Admirals 2/- and 3/-. 1932 Arms to £1 Mint. A good selection Mint or FU. £350/£370
2037 1891/1981 Life Insurance Dept. Extensive Collection of 84 Stamps Inc. 1891 set note 6d and 1/- with RPS Carts. Genuine, seen different perf. types, paper types much identified on Old Pages. A very highly catalogued collection each stamp seem to be different. £300/£350
2038 1898 Definitives, no watermark, perf.12 to 16, complete set with additional shades, including 5d sepia and 6d grass-green, SG.246/59, fine used, a number with fine c.d.s. postmarks, cat.£1590+ (26). £400/£500
2039 1899-1903 Definitives, no watermark, perf.11, complete set with additional shades, including 6d yellow-green, SG.260/70, fine used, cat.£1060+ (23). £250/£280
2040 1901 Basted Mills 1d SG286 fu. Marginal. £50/£60
2041 1902 Mixed perforations ½d (2) + 1d (3) all diff. SG306 + 307. £100/£110
2042 1902 Universal 1d perf 14 x 11 deep carmine (new plate) SG305AB fu. £120/£140
2043 1902-07 Definitives, watermark SG type 43, perf.11, complete sets plus additional shades, SG.308/17, 5s fiscally used, others fine used, cat.£477 + 5s (25). £160/£200
2044 1902-07 Definitives, watermark SG type 43, perf.14, complete sets plus additional shades, SG.318/29a, one 2s fiscally used, others fine used, cat.£783 (25). £180/£200
2045 1907-08 Definitives, watermark SG type 43, perf.14, P14x13, P14x15, complete sets plus additional shades, SG.374/85, fine used, cat.£625+ (18). £150/£180
2046 ✱ 1925 Postal fiscal 2/6d f132 fresh mint. £45/£50
2047 ✱ 1931 Smiling Boy 2d health SG547 vfm with coloured dashes in 1d value tablet variety (constant). £75/£80
2048 1931-40 POSTAL FISCAL £4 light blue, wmk SG type W43, SG.F166, good to fine used. £95/£110
2049 ✱ 1931-40 POSTAL FISCAL 25s greenish blue, wmk SG type W43, SG.F159, fine mint. £280/£320
2050 ✱✱ 1933 Health 1d cloud flaw SG553A fine UM within positional block of four. VF. £80/£85
2051 ✱ 1933 Health 1d SG553 a fine marginal block of six showing four different (listed) plate flaws jury CV $360. £80/£85
2052 1935 Silver Jubilee 6d as VFU block 4 SG575, plus 1936 Commerce Set SG593/597 as VFU blocks of 4 (6 blocks) c£180+. £60/£65
2053 ✱ 1940 POSTAL FISCAL surcharges set, wmk SG type W43, SG.F187/190, fine mint (4). £400/£450
2054 ✱ 1940-58 POSTAL FISCAL £2 bright purple, wmk SG type W98, SG.F206, fine mint. £90/£110
2055 ✱ 1940-58 POSTAL FISCAL surcharges set, wmk SG type W98, SG.F212/216, very fine mint (5). £280/£320
2056 ✱ 1940-58 POSTAL FISCALS FINE MINT GROUP values between 1s3d and £1, wmk SG type W98, SG.F192/203, fine mint, cat.£757 (12). £250/£280
2057 ✱✱ 1941 KGVI 3d (SG609) as UM imperforate pair fine & unusual. £50/£60
2058 ✱✱ 1942/45 Health Sets a fine lot for display Inc. 1943 as plate blocks of 4, ½d + 1d (5), 2d + 1d (6). 1944 Pl. blocks (5). 1945 Pl. blocks (9), plus a range of addition Health Stamps UM. £90/£100
2059 ✱✱ 1946 2d+1d Health Stamp, BLURRED central vignette, Campbell Patterson 18bz, SG.679var, UM, with normal. £30/£40
2060 1951 Postal Fiscal. £2.10/- SG207 fresh mint. £240/£250
2061 ✱✱ 1952/67 Collection as blocks of Four fine UM all complete sets. 85 different blocks between SG710/844. £80/£85
2062 ✱✱ 1958 2d on 1½d brown-lake, OVERPRINT DOUBLE, one albino, SG.763var, CPN40x, fine UM. £30/£40
2063 ✱✱ 1960/66 Definitive Set to £1 top value as blocks of Four fine UM. SG781/802 (23 blocks). (Photo) £120/£130
2064 ✱✱ 1960-63d Kowhai definitive, IMPERFORATE BLOCK OF FOUR, SG.785var, fine UM. £80/£100
2065 ✱✱ 1971-93 VARIETIES GROUP incl. 1977 Health Blocks with minor flaws, 4c on 2½c Butterfly & 14c on 10c with damaged surcharges, $1 Kiwi (blue) with shifted perfs, 24c Islands with blurred green affecting coast-line, fine UM, all purchased from Campbell Paterson (16 items).256897 £45/£60
2066 ✱✱ 1975 3c roses, IMPERF PAIR, SG.1088var, Campbell Patterson PA 3a(2), UM. £140/£180
2067 ✱✱ 1975 8c roses, IMPERF PAIR, SG.1093var, Campbell Patterson PA 8b(Y), UM. £90/£110
2068 ✱✱ 1989 ERROR 40c Heritage. SG1505. As UM block of Four with substantial PERFORATION SHIFT. £60/£65
2069 ✱✱ 2004 Error - Misprinted Laminate 90c Olympics SG2728 var. UM with normal to compare. (Jumpers Head Missing!). £75/£80
2070 Collection of 1200+ stamps chiefly fine used inc QV 2d, 6d chalons, arms, modern commemoratives much identified with SG numbers. £100/£120
2071 Good Stamp Collection in a Peg Album. 1858/1969 many 100’s mostly FU with good pickings and very high CV. A selection of QV Chalons. 1874 5/- (c£375), many sidefaces with different perforations noting 1/- mint. 1898 Pictorials Inc. 5/- P14 Postal used (c£375) others with different printings to 5/-, Postal Fiscal Arms to £2. 1931 Smiling Boys Set, Good Cat. sets 1930’s Inc. Healths, original lot (100’s all different).
2072 ✱ KGVI back of the book issues, Officials to 5/- note 1936 set with Two different 5/-. 1940 Centenary Official Set, Postage Dues, Life Insurance. A fine lot of 60 Stamps. Fresh mint. £240/£260
2073 * KGVI Postal Stationery unused Inc. Official ovpts. Note 1d Card surch to 2d, OHMS Env. Regd. Env. Inc. 9d on 6d. Newspaper Wrapper. A very good range of 30 items, each different. £140/£160
2074 ✱✱ New Zealand and Associated Territories Stockbook issue for UPU (circa 1957) with a range of QEII stamps unmounted for the territories, in an embossed Red and Gold Stockbook with many sets Inc. QEII NZ. Defin. Set to 10/-, commem sets seldom seen unmounted mint. (99 stamps).
2075 * Postal History - Military 1915 PPC stampless with Box Expeditionary Force/Fifth Reinforcement cachet. 1943 Env. sent to Eire with Three Censors Two Tape, one Handstamp. 1944 Env. with contents sent to New Zealand House London with English Censor Tape and Handstamp. 1916 Env. Endorsed “On Active Service” with FPO 1Z CDS. An interesting lot of 19 items. £100/£120 2076 Revenues on Stock Cards with QV to £5 (20). A variety of issues, Express New Paper Stamps (4). Employment Relief to £4 with a variety of values and issues (33). A fine selection of 64 revenues used. £100/£120
2077 ✱✱ UPU New Zealand 1957 Presentation Booklet containing 99 different UM issues Inc. 1954 Defin. set to 10/-. Delightful Gold Embossed front etc. Very fine. £75/£80
2078 1860 3d SG11 VFU with fine duplex Pmk. Full margins. £80/£90
2079 1860/64 The Emblems Imperforate Classics - Highly impressive Mint/Unused. Selection of all values (21). 1d to 1/- (mostly Rose-Lake final printings). Inc. 2d Vermilion - All with Four margins and fine. Request scan. £300/£360
2080 ✱ 1860-43d green, triangle and 1s roselake, both imperf, SG.11, 23, mint, clear & full margins, cat.£170 (2). £45/£55
2081 1862/1864 Set SG16/23 (8) mostly good to FU Cat. £2310 (only 5d + 6½d mint). Scarce set used 4d + 8d very fine. others just touching at places. Request scan. £250/£280
2082 ✱ 1880 Perforated Set Mint. OG, Good appearance, some remains. SG44/48 (5). Cat. £630. £60/£65
2083 ✱ 1880-21c dull grey-brown, right marginal block of six, SG.44, mint, some staining, cat.£360. £50/£60
2084 ✱ 1887/98 Mint selection (11) Cat. £650+. Good appearance, small imperfections. 1887 New Colour Set. SG49/54. 1894 5c + 6c. SG59A/60 etc. £65/£70
2085 ✱ 1897 Discovery Set Fine Mint. SG66/79 (14). £75/£80
2086 ✱ 1897/1918 Royalty Portrait Set + 2c Map all fine mint. SG83/90, 94 Cat. £210. £40/£45
2087 ✱✱ 1910 6c Sir Francis Bacon, uncleared proof in imperf block of four, as SG.100, fine UM on gummed paper. £80/£100
2088 ✱ 1910 Pictorial Set Fine Mint. SG95/105 (11). £100/£110
2089 ✱ 1911 Engraved Set (6) Fine Mint. SG111/116. £80/£90
2090 ✱ 1911/16 Coronation Set (with additional 1c, 2c, 8c listed shades) Fine Mint. SG117/127 (14). £100/£110
2091 ✱ 1919 Airmail $1 overprint variety no comma after Air Post and A of Air under A of Trans. SG143c fine mint. £150/£170
2092 ✱ 1920 Surch Set Fine Mint. SG144, 146/147 (3). £30/£35
2093 ✱ 1921 Halifax 35c Airmail SG148A fine mint. £50/£60
2094 ✱ 1929-31 defins set, Perkins Bacon, reengraved set, SG.179/87, fine mint, cat.£150 (9). £45/£55
2095 ✱ 1931 15c chocolate, vertical pair, one with wmk, one without, SG.195a, VFM. £20/£30
2096 ✱ 1931 Airmail issue, no watermark 20c & $1, wmk set with additional 15c in darker shade, SG.193/7, fine mint (6). £80/£100
2097 ✱ 1931-3 Airmails 16c & 50c no wmk blocks of 4, $1 deep blue with wmk, also “L & S Post” ovpt pair, SG.192/3, 197, 229, fine mint, cat.£266 (4 items). £80/£100
2098 ✱ 1933 Airmail Set Fine Mint. SG230/234 (5). £50/£60
2099 ✱ 1933 Airmail Set VFM SG230/234 (5). £70/£80
2100 * 1937 Coronation “Long Set” on a plain cover with First Day of Issue Cancel, “Sandy Point” and 1947 First Flight Cover, gander to New York multiple franked. Special cachet. £50/£60
2101 ✱ 1937/47 KGVI fresh mint. 1937
Coronation Inc. Long set. 1939 Postage due set of 6. A good range of commems. A fine lot of 42 stamps, mint. £40/£50
2102 1939 Postage Due Set FU SGD1/D6 (6). £80/£90
2103 KGVI Plate Blocks (11) mostly UM values to 48c several with additional plate numbers that should of been removed, interesting group. £50/£60
2104 & Literature - The Postage Stamps and Postal History of Newfoundland by WS Boggs. In good condition with its D/J. £25/£30
2105 Old pages with 120 stamps randomly arranged with early issues. Seen 1862 6d imperf mint, 24c QV forgery, mainly fine used odd mint, unchecked. £50/£60
2106 ✱ Pages with a collection of 180+ stamps randomly placed seen 1865 to 24c. 1919 $1 Air ovpt. mint. 1897 Royal Portrait set of 8 mint. 1939 Postage due set mint. a very high catalogue value with better pickings. Mint or fine used. £220/£250
2107 ✱✱ 1937-73 MINIATURE SHEETS / SHEETLETS ACCUMULATION, all different, includes some complete sets such as 1949 Baseball Postage set, odd fault seen but generally clean, fine UM (65+). £100/£120
2108 ✱ 1892-4 OIL RIVERS QV ovpts set, SG.1/6, good to fine mint (6). £70/£80
2109 1892-4 OIL RIVERS set (two of each except ½d), SG.1/6, 1s weaker colours, otherwise VFU with postmark interest (12). £80/£95
2110 1894 Oil Rivers obliterated, complete set with shades, perfs unchecked, SG.45/50, VFU, range of different pmks seen (13). £75/£90
2111 1894 Opobo Provisionals, 1 on half of 2d, SG.59, VFU on fragment with clear OPOBO OC 14 94 pmk. £180/£200
2112 * 1901 ½d green, P13½-14 pair used on cover to Ireland, SG.66b, CALABAR pmks, Cork arrival on reverse, nice item of destination mail. £80/£100
2113 1914 KGV set to £1 good to fu. SG1/12 (13). £150/£160
2114 1930/31 Registered (3d) envelopes nicely used and uprated from Lagos. A matched pair of Covers. Fine. £45/£50
2115 * 1932 1½d KGV postal stationery env. uprated ½d to Trinidad, fine LAGOS pmk. £40/£60
2116 1935/60 Fine used collection of 79 stamps. 1935 Silver Jubilee set of 4. 1938 KGVI Defin’s. with Shades and different Perf. types (30). 1949 Silver Wedding. 1953 Defins. with Shades (16). A fine group of 10 sets. £60/£70
2117 ✱ 1902/50 Pages with better pickings. 1931 Postal Fiscals Mint. 1942 Postal Fiscal set of 4. 1935 Silver Jubilee set note 6d with narrow “N”. A fine range of 88 stamps chiefly mint. £200/£220
2118 ✱ KGVI period fresh mint collection of 95 stamps Inc. posted fiscals to £1 (13), a variety of printings, defin. sets, commems sets. A very good and highly catalogued collection. £250/£270
2119 ✱ ✱✱ 1947/2008 Chiefly Unmounted Mint Collection Cat £850+ with many sets Inc. MS/Sheetlets, Booklets, extensive collection plus additional items, Booklet, Covers. A very good lot needs sorting and much is on pages by issues. £220/£250
2120 * Interesting Cover Range 1947 Australia used in Norfolk Is. Mitchell set (SG216/18) with very CDS cancel. 1947 View set on 3 covers sent to New York. First day of issue cancel. 1947 view ½d, 1d, 1½d, 5½d on illustrated FDC. A useful lot of 12 covers to 1963. £40/£50
2121 ✱ 1883/1931 Old Pages with a selection of 140 Stamps each different, early issues CTO. 1886 5c on 8c fiscally used. 1909 Defins. to $1 Mint. 1916 Red Cross Mint. 1918 Set to 50c Mint. 1931 Set to 25c Mint. A useful range Mint or FU. £240/£260
2122 ✱ 1895 Surcharge set SG87/91 fine m cat £200 (5). £75/£80
2123 Two early revenue stamps correctly used 1886 3c on 4c (B3) and 1894 $25 (B7). £50/£60
2124 ✱ 1900 QV defins SPECIMEN ovpts set, SG.1s/9s, mint, rounded corner perf on 1s (9). £90/£110
2125 ✱ 1902 Specimen ovpt Edward set mint. SG10S/18S (9) £90/£95
2126 1905 Damaged frame and crown variety ½d FU, Blue Crayon Line (ex Reg’d. mail). Scarce. SG20a. £100/£110
2127 ✱ ✱✱ 1925/63 Old Pages with many sets seen KGV to 5/-. 1935 Silver/Jubilee Set. KGVI Coronation . 1938 Defin. Set of 24, Silver Wedding Set. QEII 1963 Defin. set. 1963 Defin. Set. A fine collection of 90 stamps, Cat. £780. Fresh mint. £180/£200
2128 1938 KGVI high values 1/- to 20/- vfu SG40/45 (6). £75/£80
2129 ✱✱ 1963 Coil ½d SG75 as a rare coil leader strip with PRINTERS LABEL attached also a large part roll (guess 300 stamps) unchecked for broken hair variety min CV £200. £40/£50
2130 ✱✱ 1963 COIL 1d SG76 complete coil roll of 480 stamps um, part coil leader many coil joins throughout also KGVI ½d coil SG26a as a strip of 100 coils um. This lot is cat £850+ vf. (2 items). £60/£70
2131 1963 defins set, SG.75/88, VFU (14). £45/£50
2132 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI With Unmounted Mint and several multiples from an accumulator, good range of the high values Inc. UM. SG40/45 1/- (10), 2/6d (11), 3/- (9), 5/- (5), 10/- (6) and 20/- (1) Inc. blocks, nice range of lower values. Cat. £1200+. £300/£360
2133 * POSTAL HISTORY An interesting lot of 60 items in an Album with cancellation interest and a variety of Offices, Usages, Cachets etc. noting Governors Office/Official Paid Crown Handstamp. 1964 Return to Sender. 1956 Kasompie Proof Sheet of Pmks (20). 1960 Telegram Receipt with stamp etc. £120/£140
2134 1950/1980 Marini Printed Album with a range of 560 Stamps Inc. some early and late issues on pages. A good range mainly fine used odd mint. £60/£70
Credit Cards
The best way to pay, guaranteed. Best exchange rates for overseas clients. Immediate despatch of purchases.
2135 ✱ ✱✱ 1970/79 Collection of Mint/UM with many sets, chiefly UM with 245 Stamps + 2 MS looks very complete for the period on Lindner Hingless Pages with many sets. £40/£50
2136 Lindner Album Pages for issue from 1855 to 1945 with a range of 170 stamps Inc. 1878 King Oscar set of 3 (c£90) chiefly FU. £40/£50
2137 Old pages with state to be 1700+ stamps from early arms, numerals to more modern randomly arranged on pages, much identified. Chiefly FU unchecked. £90/£100
2138 Pages and Stockpages with issues from early numeral to more modern must be over 3000 Stamps + a few MS mixed in, unchecked, seen mint mixed in chiefly fine used. £180/£200
2139 Useful Group of Classics (10). 1851 First Issue 1d, 3d + 6d. SG1, 2, 5 Collectible also 1860 types to 12½c. Cat. £1500+, mixed condition. £120/£130
2140 ✱ 1897 Arms high value 4/- SG50 VFM. (Photo) £70/£75
2141 ✱ 1908 Edward set to £1 generally fine mint. Key set SG72/81 (10) cat £1000. (Photo) £360/£380
2142 1926 Broken scroll variety on 10/- shade SG113HA VFU. The variety is only cat mint at £2250 fine and rare. (Photo) £750/£800
2143 ✱ 1937 SPECIMEN perforated Coronation set fine m SG127S/129S (3). £80/£85
2144 ✱✱ 1938 KGVI £1 as plate block of 4 UM. Hinged in outer margin, Gum bend, very fine and a scarce multiple. SG143. £120/£140
2145 ✱✱ 1938 Plate Number pairs of 5/- + 10/high values UM. SG141 + 142. (one 5/- with a couple of age spots). Scarce multiples (2). £100/£110
2146 ✱✱ 1938/53 KGVI Collection as blocks of Four fine UM (23 different blocks) Inc. 1938 Leopard defins to 1/-. 1951 Jubilee Set. Some plate numbers. (Photo) £110/£120
2147 ✱✱ 1945 Unmounted Mint KGVI Defin. Set. SG144/157. (14). £45/£50
2148 ✱✱ 1954 COIL STAMP 2d SG176a as a rare complete coil roll of 480 stamps with leading tape & printers label affixed & unbroken. A rare & vf survivor. Cat £336+. £75/£80
2149 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Featuring Unmounted Mint. An interesting accumulators lot with good ranges Inc. 1938 numerous lower values 2/- (2), 2/6d (4), 5/(2), 10/- (2), £1 also 1945 Inc. 5/- corner block 4, 10/- (4), 20/- (3 Inc. UM pair). High CV. £200/£240
2150 ✱ ✱✱ Old Album Pages with better sets with issues from 1934/63 Inc. 1934 KGV set of 9. 1935 Silver Jubilee Set. KGVI 1938 defins. to £1 (18). 1945 set of 14. QEII 1953 Defin. Set. 1963 Postage ovpt. set of 11. A good collection of 120+ stamps mint Inc. UM. £120/£130
2151 Stockcards (32) with a range of 190 stamps mainly KGVI with values to 20/- chiefly mint. £80/£90
2152 1966/2002 An original collection of 290+ stamps and 12 MS/Sheetlets, seen 1966 Defin. Set. 1985 Frankincense with imprinted date (x3), lot’s of commem sets. A valuable collection. £300/£350
2153 ✱ KGVI Official Sets, 1947 set of 13. 1948 set of 13. 1949 set of 5 and 1951 set of 3, fresh mint. Cat. £445. £120/£140
2154 ✱ KGVI Postage Sets. 1947 Ovpt. set of 19. 1948 Defin. set of 20. 1949 Redrawn set of 8. A fine range of 84 stamps, fresh mint. Cat £590. £160/£170
2155 Old pages with issues from KGVI ovpts to more modern over 670 stamps randomly arranged. Fine used much identified unchecked. £30/£40
2156 ✱ 1927 90m bistre fine m key stamp SG101. (Photo) £40/£45
2157 ✱ 1927 90m bistre fine m key stamp SG101. £40/£45
2158 1901-05 Lakatois, incl. wmk horizontal 6d & 1s, wmk vertical ½d & 1d, SG.6/7, 9/10, VFU (4). £50/£60
2159 1907 A fine quality selection of small Papua overprints (13) with values to 6d fresh mint, several are used. Min CV £285. £90/£95
2160 ✱ ✱✱ 1910 C for O in Postage variety 2d VFM within a block of 6. SG77 + 77a. £100/£110
2161 ✱ ✱✱ 1910 C for O in Postage variety 2d VFM within block of Four. SG77 + 77a. £90/£95
2162 ✱ 1910-11 large PAPUA, wmk Crown over double lined A, complete set with both 2s6d types, SG.75/83, odd tone spot, otherwise good to fine mint (9). £90/£110
2163 1911 OS Perf. 2½d 2/6d (Type B) Lakatoi VFU SGO32/O36 Inc. 2 x 1/- (8) Choice. £45/£50
2164 ✱ 1932/40 Pictorial defin set to £1 mint. SG130/145 (16). £200/£220
2165 1934-8 two sets incl. 1934 Declaration of British Protectorate & 1938 Declaration of British Possession, SG.146/9, 158/62, VFU (9). £40/£50
2166 ✱ 1937/41 KGVI collection, Coronation set of 4. 1938 Air set. 1939/41 air set of 6 mint. £40/£50
2167 Fine used range of 100+ stamps to 1939. many Lakatoi to 2/6d (unchecked). 1937 Coronation as corner imprinted blocks of 4. A very useful range Cat. £1000+. £250/£300
2168 ✱ Stockpages with issues from 1901 to 1963 (180+) Inc. early Lakatoi (80+) with values to 5/(unchecked). 1930 Air Set both papers. 1935 S/Jubilee Set Inc. 5d Accent Flaw. 1931 Official ovpt. set of 12. A valuable collection. Mint. £400/£450
2169 ✱✱ 1969 Coil 5c bird SG163 complete roll of 700 stamps with printed leader strip. Unusual. £20/£30
2170 ✱ KGVI collection of 33 stamps note 1939 Bulolo gold mine set SG212/25 (c£1000), Papau 1938 and 1939 air sets, plus both Coronation sets. A valuation lot mint. £350/£400
2171 ✱ ✱✱ Old pages with early ovpt issues. M/UM inc 1902 2½d block of 4 with 2 stamps showing space between ½ and P SG1/1a, 1d block of 4 with one stamp no stop after Island SG10/10a, 1903 bird ovpt inc 3d corner block of 4, 1/- two different shades, 1920 pictorial set as blocks of 4, mint. A fine collection of early issues. £200/£220
2172 ✱ 1925 Provisional overprint 2c on 20c SG449D, Scott 255 fine mint, RPS Cert. A rare stamp. £250/£280
2173 * Early flight covers 1936 illustrated env sent to USA with via flying of the British royal air force handstamp, 1937 map set on first day cover sent regd, 1937 first trans pacific air env with airmail stamp sent by air to Hong Kong then on to USA. £60/£70
2174 1940/49 KGVI Collection fine used. 1940 Pictorial set of 10, Victory set of 2, Silver Wedding set of 2, UPU set of 4. Cat. £102. £40/£50
2175 ✱✱ 1957/63 QEII Set as blocks of Four Fresh UM. Scarce multiples Inc later ½d. SG18/28 + 33 (13 Blocks) (Photo) £110/£120
2176 ✱✱ 1965 1d Co-operation Year, TRISTAN DA CUNHA offset on reverse, SG.51a, UM, couple of blemishes on gum. £300/£350
2177 ✱✱ 1968 Human Rights Year 1c as a complete sheet of 50 SG85 seldom seen as a complete sheet. £25/£30
2178 ✱✱ 1977/99 Unmounted Mint Collection of 230 Stamps + 12 MS/Sheetlets with many sets some arranged on pages by issues others on Stockcards by issues, look very complete for the period. £120/£140
2179 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI With Unmounted Mint. Accumulators lot of the Defin. Set. SG1/8 with at least 7 complete sets (Inc. UM) plus extras note 4d Bible as imprint block 4 Min. CV £650 (Qty). £100/£110
2180 ✱ 1928 Warsaw Philatelic exhib sheet vfm SGMS270 cat £550. Scott 251. £150/£170
2181 ✱ Local printing for “Zarki” and “Przeaborz” as forgeries perf and imperf, 60 stamps mainly mint. £40/£50
2182 1861/1909 Revenues for Portugal and Colonies on very old pages over 230 revenues with many different types, seen issue for Angola, Azores, Mozambique. An old time lot light adhesion to the pages. £150/£180
2183 * 1939 First flight cover to USA (13) with a variety of franking inc illustrated envs, Yankee Chipper sent to England, illustrated Lisbon-Horta env. A good group of 15 covers. £80/£90
2184 & LITERATURE - Postmarks of Portugal by Constantino Salvi (1929) in good condition. £30/£40
2185 Old pages with 1550 stamps from early embossed Kings to more modern randomly arranged on pages chiefly FU much identified unchecked. £70/£80
2186 * Postal History a small but interesting group of 28 covers inc 1940’s censor mail (4), OHBMS envs (3) sent to London, Colonians air letters (12) unused, 1956 env sent to Vila Pery, 1942 env sent to USA then forwarded on with a variety of addresses. £50/£60
2187 ✱✱ UPU 1956 Presentation Album containing 106 different UM issues (Inc. Sets) for 8 different territories Inc. Angola Animals Defin. Set and Macao Flower Set. Very fine. £90/£95
2188 ✱ 1872 3c rose, P12½-13, Stop between “PRINCE EDWARD,” SG.45a, very fine mint with normal for comparison (2). £50/£60
2189 ✱ Small selection (15) 1861/1872 Cat. £1200+ Inc. 1861 2c perf. 9. SG1 mint (good looking-small faults). 1863 3d + 9d mint. 1870 4d VFU on piece with full Pmk. 1872 to 12c. £90/£95
2190 * 1966, 1970, 1974, 1978 Defin sets each on VF unaddr FDC (4). £50/£55
2191 1892 Arms £2 SG11 fine postal used. £80/£90
2192 * 1892 Mashonaland 1½d arms postal card with unusual illustration of Dr Jameson printed on obverse. Most attr. £60/£70
2193 1892/1912 Very good collection of early issues, used on pages, seen 1892/3 values to 5/postally used, £1, £2 (x2), £5, £10 Fiscally used. 1892 Set plus Shades. 1895 Thick Paper 2d, 4d. 1896 Die I/Die II sets. 1896 Cape ovpt. set. 1908 Set plus Shades and £1, £5, £10, £20 fiscally used, Rhodesia ovpts. to £1. 1909 surch to 2/-. a fine collection of 270+ stamps. £850/£900
2194 1892/1917 Old Pages with mainly a fine used collection, Early Arms Inc. 1892 5/- mint, Double Heads (5) with values to 6d, Admirals to 1/with different printing. A good lot of 80 stamps. £120/£140
2195 ✱ 1892-1917 MINT & USED
COLLECTION in an album, mostly used throughout, we see (all used unless stated) 1892-3 all values to £5 (5s mint, £1 & £5 likely cleaned fiscals with fake pmks) and £10 fiscally used with perfin 1892-4 set (4s is mint), 1895 2d & 4d, 18967 die I set (3s fiscally U), die II set,1896 Cape ovpts set less 3d, 1897 set (£1 is mint), 1898-1908 set plus £2 (7s6d is mint), 1905 Falls set, 1909-12 ovpts set, 1910 range of Double Heads to 2s plus a few additional shades and perfs, 1913-19 Admirals to 3s with various dies and shades, most are perf.14. Mixed condition, though much is good to fine, excellent basis to expand from, cat.£5100+ (170+). £1,000/£1,200
2196 1892-3 £1, £5 & £10 Arms defins, SG.10, 12, 13, fiscally used WITHOUT perfins (3). £50/£60
2197 ✱ 1892-3 £10 brown, Arms, SG.13, mint, cat.£2750. £600/£700
2198 ✱ 1892-3 Arms defins 1d to 10s, with both shades of 6d & 2s6d, SG.1/9, mint, faults, cat.£624 (9). £120/£140
2199 ✱✱ 1896 Arms 2/- SG47 brilliant marginal um. £50/£60
2200 ✱✱ 1896 Arms 4/- high value SG37 brilliant marginal nhm. Choice. £75/£80
2201 ✱ 1896 Cape overprints set, SG.58/64, ½d creased, mixed condition, mint, cat.£325 (7). £80/£90
2202 ✱ 1896-7 Arms defins group, incl. Die I values to 3s, Die II values to 2s6d, 1897 redrawn values to 8d, mint, faults, cat.£550+ (16).
2203 ✱ 1898 1/- arms SG84d vfm. £25/£30
2204 1901 Arms £10 SG93 perforated
SPECIMEN superb fresh unused, ex waterlow archive. £80/£90
2205 ✱ 1905 Falls set fresh mint SG9/9 (6).
2206 * 1905 POLICE - Real photo “Merry Christmas” photo postcard depicting a squad of NER Constabulary (twenty policemen holding rifles) vfu franked 1d arms Abercorn cds & Fort Jameson transit cds to UK. Exceptional item.
2207 ✱ 1907 1/- deep olive bistre colour variety
SG84B fresh mint. RPS Cert. £180/£200
2208 ✱ 1908 Arms £2 SG91 perforated specimen fresh marginal unused. Ex waterlow archive.
2209 * 1909 ½d postal card (HG13) vfu with Bulawayo cds and Livingstone arrival cds on obverse particularly fine. £35/£40
2210 1909 No Dot Varieties (4) 2½d, 4d, 6d, 1/Deep Brownish Bistre, SG103a, 105a, 106a, 107ca. Fine used. £100/£120
2211 1909 NO STOP VARIETIES 1/- + 2/6d SG107ca + 108a fu. C£135. (2). £60/£65
2212 * 1909 VICTORIA FALLS early postcards fine lot (6 diff) with 4 fu at Bulawayo franked arms or double head 1d. Very fine condition. £60/£70
2213 1910 Double head 2/6d SG156 select vfu. Choice. £200/£220
2214 1910/13 KGV Double Heads p14 to 2/6d plus 5/- with many Shades ½d (17), 1d, (13), 2d (6), 2½d (13), 3d (5), 4d (2), 5d (2), 6d (5), 8d, 10d, 1/- (6), 2/- (3), 2/6d, 5/-. A very good lot. £850/£900
2215 1910/13 KGV Double Heads perf. 15 with values to 2/- with shades ½d (3), 1d (3), 2d (2), 2½d, 3d (2), 4d (2), 5d, 6d, 1/-, 2/-. Fine used. £420/£450
2216 1910-138d greenish black and purple, perf.14 Double Head, SG.148, VFU. £50/£60
2217 1911 KASAMA squared circle pmk on 1d double head. Excellent strike. £50/£60
2218 ✱ 1913 Admiral 1d imperforated between stamp & margin SG190 fine mint. £25/£30
2219 1913 Doubleheads fresh mint selection (23) inc 4d (2), 5d (2), 6d, 10d (2) variety of shades. An attractive selection. £500/£550
2220 1913-192½d dull blue, perf.14, SG.201, VFU with REGD BULAWAYO OC 22 13 postmark, Hoyte type 11, rare. £60/£75
2221 1922 Admiral 3/- SG304 fu. £70/£75
of the 2/6d Independence Issue with the word ILLEGAL added to design. Scarce lot inc sheetlet of Nine with Rhodesia Loyalists/22/6 imprint, Sheetlet without imprint and Green omitted in Arms, Sheetlet of Nine with Arms grossly misplaced and other items. Scarce group (Five Sheetlets/Blocks and several other). £300/£360
2223 * 1977 Most unusual envelope with 1c (x2) franking with Two 2c Postage Dues attached, one printed on gum side. SGD19a tied with a Bellevue CDS sent locally. £50/£60
2224 ✱ REVENUES ¼d cigarette tax (2) both fine m & elusive each in a different shade. Scarce Barefoot 4. £80/£85
2225 ✱ Stockcards (110) with a range of 380+ stamps from early arms issues, double heads, KGV Admirals, unchecked mainly fu. £100/£120
2226 ✱ Stockcards (90) with a range of 420+ stamps from the different Rhodesia’s seen KGV to 20/-, KGVI to 5/-, QEII to 20/- and £1 also the odd variety mixed in. Chiefly FU. £120/£140
2227 1954 QEII Definitive set of 18 Inc. both Coil Stamps. Fine used. £40/£50
2228 1954 Waterlow imperf. proofs in blocks (5) and pairs (5) with small punch holes on ungummed paper with values to 4½d. £100/£120
2229 ✱✱ 1955 Coil 1d SG2a as a complete roll of 480 stamps with printed leader strip fine um. V/Scarce also 1d radio mast coil stamp SG19a as a coil strip of circa 100 um. The two items cat £1400+ VF. £60/£70
2230 ✱✱ 1955/63 Blocks of Four Commem Sets very fine UM (19 different blocks). Inc. Kariba Dam Issue. Elusive. £60/£70
2231 ✱✱ 1956 COIL stamp ½d SG1a as a complete roll of 480 stamps with scarce printed leader strip attached cat £1000+. A rare survivor. £50/£60
2232 * 1957 Tourist Propaganda Air Letters 6d rate unused set of 8 H & G 3, in very good condition. Seldom seen as a complete set. £25/£30
2233 ✱✱ 1959 COIL STAMP ½d SG18a. As a rare complete coil roll of 480 stamps with leading printed label attached. Very few intact rolls could still exist fine. Cat £2160 as singles. £100/£120
2234 ✱✱ 1959 COIL STAMP 1d pylon SG19a with complete pmk printed leader as a complete coil roll of 480 stamps. A rare & fine survivor cat £2160. £100/£120
2235 ✱✱ 1959 QEII Defin Set as blocks of Four very fine UM. A scarce set of multiples. SG18/31 (15 blocks). (Photo) £260/£280
2236 FINE USED definitive sets. 1954 to £1 SG1/15 and 1959 to £1 SG18/31 vf. (31). £65/£70
2237 ✱ Old Pages with sets, Inc. 1954 QEII Defin. set mint. 1959 Defin. set mint, plus commem sets mint. 59 stamps each different mint. £75/£80
2238 Old pages with 3000+ stamps from early issues to more modern randomly arranged fine to very fine used, unchecked. £80/£100
2239 ✱ 1935 1r on 10k sepia, North Pole Flight ovpt, SG.706, VFM, dealer / expertising mark on reverse. £250/£280
2240 ✱✱ 1946/58 Five different MS Cat. £280 mostly very fine NHM. 1946 MS1222a. 1957 MS2146 A + B + 1958 MS2245 A + B. £60/£65
2241 ✱ Extensive collection on Album pages with many sets Inc. imperf. Sets over 2300 stamps and 50 MS. An original Oldtime Collection chiefly 1960’s issues. Would fill many pages of a one country Album. £200/£220
2242 Old pages with 1800+ stamps from early arms to more modern fine used to very fine used. Randomly arranged unchecked. £90/£100
2243 Packets with many 100’s of Stamps and lots of MS many still in there original packets with many UM Stamp or fine used unchecked. £60/£70
2244 ✱ 1870-821d dull rose, wmks upright & sideways, 1d magenta, deep and pale shades, all perf.12½, SG.1, 1a, 2, unused cat.£475 (4).
2245 1883 POSTAL FISCAL 6d green, Saint Christopher ovpt, SG.R2, good used, cat.£200. £60/£70
2246 1886 4d on 6d green, NO STOP AFTER “d” VARIETY, SG.25a, good to fine used.
2247 1863 QV Surcharge issues. 1d (type A) 1d FU. (Type B) unused, 4d FU. A valuable lot of 5 stamps SG3/5. £150/£170
2248 ✱ 1864 QV surcharge issues to 5/- mint. 1d (2), 2d, 3d (2), 4d (2), 5/- (2) SG7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 20 (x 2). A highly catalogued group.
2249 ✱ 1864/1935 Old Pages with a good selection of 58 stamps Inc. QV ovpts. to 1/-, note 5/- Forgery, Edward to 2/-, KGVI Badge with values to 1/6d (10). 1935 S/Jubilee Set Mint. £100/£120
2250 ✱ 1864-801d lake, 2d yellow & 1s yellowgreen, wmk Crown CC, perf.14, SG.27/8, 30, 1d unused, 2d toned corner perf, 1s mint cat.£271 (3). £70/£80
2251 ✱ 1864-801d lake, type C ovpt, wmk Crown CC, perf.12½, SG.8, mint. £55/£65
2252 ✱ 1864-801d, 2d, 6d & 1s (latter in a pair), wmk Crown CC, perf.14, SG.27/30, some blunt perfs at right on 6d, otherwise fine mint, cat.£842 (3+1 pair). £250/£280
2253 ✱ 1864-801s deep yellow-green, type A ovpt, wmk Crown CC, perf.12½, SG.17, fine mint. £180/£200
2254 ✱ 1878 Watermark inverted and reversed with portions of papermakers letters 4d SG24Y VFM. £70/£80
2255 ✱ 1884 QV surcharge issues with shades and different size of ovpts. ½d (5), 1d (2), 2d (5) Inc. block of 4, 2½d, 3d (2), 4d (2), 6d (2) and 1/SG34/45. £90/£100
2256 ✱ 1884 QV Surcharge set of 18 Inc. different size ovpt stamps SG34/45. Cat. £215+ mint. £90/£100
2257 ✱ 1890 SG46/52 QV Set, fine mint. £30/£35
2258 ✱ 1903 Edward Pictorial Set Inc. ½d, 1d, 2d Bluish papers SG55/60. £150/£160
2259 ✱ 1908 Edward set Inc. shades and different papers. Note 4d (different shades) with plate number 1. 2½d (3), 4d (5), 6d (3), 10/- SG64/70 mint Cat. £330+. £150/£160
2260 ✱ 1922 Handstamped Specimen 1d, 6d, 1/-, 7/6d, 10/- & 15/- fine m (3 high values with BPA Certs) Samual type SH2. SG98, 104, 106, 111/113 rare variants (6). £600/£650
2261 ✱ 1922 KGV 15/- VFM SG113. £550/£600
2262 1922 KGV single colour set fu SG89/91 cat £200 (3). £85/£90
2263 ✱ 1937 Specimen perforated Coronation set fine m SG128S/130S (3). £80/£85
2264 ✱ ✱✱ 1937/49 KGVI collection, coronation, 1938 defins inc both 8d um, Victory, S/Wedding um, UPU mint, 1949 colour change set of 3 UM. Cat £190. £70/£80
2265 ✱ 1938 KGVI Set with Shades to 10/- (24) plus blocks of 4 ½d to 1/- (11) Inc. Imprinted Blocks. 1949 New Colours Inc. 1d to 2d Imprinted Blocks (3). 1952 Tristan Opt Set. A fine collection, fresh mint. £90/£100
2266 1943 WWII commercial censored cover to UK franked 3d with LOCAL censor label & crown/passed/VV.......(1) cachet. Fine. £75/£80
2267 ✱✱ 1953 QEII Defin. Set as blocks of Four fresh UM. Scarce Set of Multiples. SG153/165 (13). (Photo) £180/£200
2268 1961 Tristan relief fund set fine used on a registered envelope. SG172/175. £1,800/£2,000
2269 ✱✱ 1961/65 QEII defin set um SG176/189 (14). £30/£35
2270 * 1965 Local Mail Service Collection of 8 Covers with Special First Day Of Issue Cachet Cancelled at Levelwood, Longwood, New Ground, Sandy Bay, Blue Hill, H T Hollow, St. Pauls code 1 and 2, all with neat typed addresses. £50/£60
2271 1976 £1 definitive with gold omitted (Queens Head) SG330Aa UM. £750/£800
2272 ✱✱ 1987 Missing overprint error, gutter block of 6 Wedding overprint with upper pair having the Silver overprint omitted. A superb piece SG515A (Two errors). £200/£220
2273 ✱✱ 2005/10 Catalogued £590 unmounted mint collection of sheetlets as sets, 2005 Trafalgar, Pope John Paul, Exploration and Innovation, Battle of Britain, RAF, end of World War I. A good lot of 45 sheetlets face value £140. £120/£140
2274 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Featuring Unmounted Mint. An interesting accumulators lot noting 1d Green (7 Inc. UM block 4). 3d Blue (2), 2/6d (4), 5/- (2) 10/(5 Inc. UM pair) and other values (Qty) useful pickings. £120/£140
2275 Stockcards (100) with a range of 380 stamps, QV (27) inc SG1, KGV seal values mint, KGVI defins to 10/- mint, QEII to £1 mint. A lovely useful range with many sets. £120/£150
2276 ✱ Stockcards (175) with a mint collection of stamps + 30 MS with values to £5 with many better sets, defins to £5. A good variety of sets with a face value over £235. £120/£140
2277 ✱ 1937/52 KGVI collection of 62 stamps fresh mint, 1938 definitives to £1 (30) with shades etc, 1952 defin set of 12, commem sets inc 1948 S/Wedding. A fine collection. £60/£70
2278 ✱ ✱✱ 1938 KGVI Definitives Specialist Study with many different Shades, perf. types with SG or CW numbers over 75 items plus 1950 Tercentenary set as Plate Blocks of 4 (6). 1952 Defin. set of 12. M/UM. £580/£600
2279 ✱✱ 1938/52 Unmounted Mint KGVI Sets. 1938 to £1 Inc. several additional listed shades. 1950 Tercent ovpt. Set as plate blocks of Four and 1952 Defin. Set. SG94/105. Finest quality (53). £80/£90
2280 ✱ 1938-501s black & green, perf.14, BREAK in VALUE TABLET FRAME, SG.75ca, fine mint. £100/£120
2281 ✱ 1938-505s grey-green & scarlet, perf.14, BREAK in OVAL at FOOT variety, partially handpainted in, SG.77ad, fine mint. £320/£360
2282 ✱✱ 1981 Royal Wedding with varieties. A good range of 100 Stamps + 14 MS/Sheetlets, Booklet/Panes (6) Inc. over varieties note Official ovpt. invert, with Se-tenant blocks, Gutter Pairs. A very good lot UM on printed pages. £120/£140
2283 ✱ KGVI collection on stock pages 1938 defins to 10/- inc 5/- grey- seen SG77a (£140), Coronation, Victory S/wedding, UPU, 1952 defins to $1.20. A good range of 48 stamps, mint cat £350+. £100/£120
2284 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint and some fine multiples. An accumulators lot (several 100 stamps). 1938 Issue with a good range of shades 1/- (10), 2/6d (10 Inc. plate block 4). 5/- (9), 10/- (3), £1 (3). 1950 Ovpt. Set as plate blocks. 1952 Set to $4.80 (3) with extras. Excellent holding. £180/£200
2285 ✱ Stockcards (50) with a range of 160 stamps mainly KGVI. 1938 Defin. with shades and different printing to £1 (37) mint. 1948 S/Wedding sets (2). 1950 variety Tercentenary 1/- break in value tablet frame mint. 1952 Defin. Set. a good range mainly mint. £90/£100
2286 1902/10 Edward sets 1902 set of 5, 1904 defin set of 14. Fine used. Cat £545. £200/£220
2287 ✱ 1904 VARIETY ½d DAMAGED FRAME & CROWN SG64a fine m. £130/£140
2288 ✱ 1912/35 KGV issues on a Stockpage. 1912 Defins. To 5/- Die I (16). 1921 Die II to 6 (7). 1935 Silver Jubilee set of 4. A good range of 28 stamps fresh mint. £40/£50
2289 1936 KGV pictorial set vfu SG113/24 (12) elusive. (Photo) £75/£80
2290 ✱✱ 1938/48 KGVI Defin. Set to £1 as blocks of 4 UM. (1½d + 8d are singles). SG128/141. An exceptional group (17 values, 15 blocks of Four). £180/£200
2291 ✱✱ 1938/49 COIL strips of KGVI issues um. Scarce lot inc ½d roll of 300 SG128a, 1c + 2c with roll end labels. Substantial qty. £60/£70
2292 ✱ ✱✱ 1938/49 KGVI Study 1938 Definitives to £1 with Shades, different perf. types, Coil Joint Pairs. 1949 Set with different perfs, Coil Strips. a good lot of 75 items M/UM. £120/£140
2293 ✱✱ 1938/51 Unmounted Mint KGVI Sets 1938 to £1 Inc. some additional perforations. SG128/141. 1949 Set to $4.80 etc. Very fine (46 different). £85/£95
2294 ✱ Edward issues on a Stockpage 1902 set of 5. 1904 Defins. to 5/- (12) Inc. ½d, 1d (Red) 2½d, 3d, 6d, 1/- with plate numbers. A good lot of stamps fresh mint. £80/£90
2295 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI With Unmounted Mint, Perforations, Shades and odd Block. Accumulators lot (200+) Good ranges of the 1938 Defins with different perfs, Blocks to 6d, 5/- (6), 10/- (5) and £1. 1951 Values to $4.80 (2) etc. Useful pickings. £100/£110
2296 ✱ Stockcards (48) and a Booklet with a range of 215 stamps from QV, seen KGVI 1938 defin. set of 17 mint. 1948 Silver Wedding mint. 1949 Defin. set of 14. 1953 QEII set of 13. A useful range mint or fine used. £90/£100
2297 ✱ ✱✱ 1888 Both Printings of QV 6d. SG52 + 57 fine Mint. Cat. £180+. (2). £65/£70
2298 ✱ 1905 Damaged frame and crown variety 6d SG89a VFM. £200/£220
2299 * 1910 Impressive Four Stamp Combination Cover registered to Germany with QV 2½d + 5d ovpts. with ½d and Edward ½d neat Kingstown Pmks. and early reg’d label. £80/£85
2300 ✱ 1937/51 KGVI collection of 53 stamps, 1938 defin set, 1949 new currency defin set, commem sets inc 1948 s/wedding. A fine fresh mint collection. £40/£50
2301 ✱✱ 1938/51 Unmounted Mint KGVI Sets. 1938 to £1. 1949 to $4.80 and several commems (49). £50/£55
2302 1938-4710s violet & brown, WATERMARK INVERTED, SG.158aw, very fine used with clear KINGSTOWN 1947 c.d.s. postmark. A super example of this KGVI rarity. £2,000/£2,500
2303 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint with Blocks, Shades, Printings etc. Accumulators lot (c 200 stamps). 1938 Inc. 2/- (14), 2/6d (10), 5/- (15 Inc. superb block of 6), 10/- (8), £1 (4). 1949 Inc. $2.40 (6), $4.80 (3) commems Inc. Wedding £1. Useful pickings here. £120/£130
2304 Stockcards/packets (48) with a range of 170+ stamps QV (23) inc chalons, KGVI 1938 defin set to £1, 1949 set of 19, plus the odd ms, chiefly mint/um. £90/£100
2305 1889-90 GERMANY USED IN: APIA pmks on 1889 20pf block of four, SG.ZG5a, on piece, 1890 20pf single, SG.ZG11 on piece with additional pmk alongside (2). £75/£90
2306 * 1915 Most appealing local cover with contemporary 4 stamp combo 2d, 2½d, 6d + 1/- all with neat Apia pmks. Attr. £50/£60
2307 ✱ 1871/1934 Old Pages with a range of 75 stamps with a Cat. Value over £640. 1871 Set used. 1888 32c FU. 1899 Values to 25 FU. 1932 $1 used. 1934 Set to $1 Mint. £100/£120
2308 1918/52 Old Pages with a variety of Brookes Issues (70) KGVI Defins, UPU a useful collection of 94 stamps chiefly fine used. £120/£140
2309 ✱ 1941/50 KGVI collection of 75 stamps fresh mint, 1941 2c, 3c, 6c, 8c, 12c, 15c, 1945 BMA ovpt set, commem sets inc 1948 s/wedding. A fine collection cat £840. £250/£300
2310 ✱✱ 1967-747p & 8p Airs, Boeing 720B, plate blocks of four, SG.812/13, fine UM, cat.£298 (2). £70/£80
2311 ✱ UPU Saudi Arabia 1957 Rare Delegates Album with 50 different issues mint affixed to printed pages (These stamps Cat £1700) many better sets 1934 Defin Set. 1939 Official Set. 1949 Air Set. 1952 Railway Set etc. Few such booklets exist. £200/£240
2312 1918/43 Postage Dues Collection of Dues Inc. German Occupation issues, note 1941 Dues to 20d as block of 4 (8 blocks) UM. 1918 Paris Printing to 20, Belgrade to 50p FU. a good range of 55 chiefly UM. £60/£70
Smerderevo Explosion Relief Fund, 1d+49d green, 2d+48d red, imperforate, with variety SPOT in “4” of “1941” Mi. Block 2 I, SG.MSG49b, minor area & spot of toning, otherwise fine UM, Michel cat.1000 Euros. £180/£200
2314 ✱ 1893 12c on 16c, SURCHARGE INVERTED, officially defaced with red vertical ink line, SG.16a (see footnote), VFM. £90/£110
2315 ✱ 1893 Inverted Overprint Error 12c on 16c fine mint. SG16a. Cat. £500. (Photo) £200/£220 2316 1903 6c carmine, wmk Crown CA, DENTED FRAME variety, SG.48a, fine used. £85/£100
2317 ✱ 1906 18c sage-green & carmine, wmk Mult Crown CA, DENTED FRAME variety, SG.65a, fine mint. £150/£180
SG104W vfu. £150/£160
2319 ✱ 1937/52 KGVI collection of 74 stamps fresh mint, 1938 set to 5r (38) with different papers/shades etc, 1952 defin set of 15, commems sets inc 1948 s/wedding, 1951 postage due set of 8. A fine lot. £180/£200
2320 ✱ 1937/52 KGVI collection, 1938 definitives (47) with shades and different papers inc 75c both colours, 1r yellow-green and both grey blocks, 2r25 both, 5r both, 1948 S/wedding, 1949 UPU, 1952 to 1r50 (12). A fine collection of 70 stamps fresh mint. £200/£250
2321 ✱✱ 1938/49 KGVI UM blocks of 4 15c to 5r (between SG139ab/149a) 11 different, chiefly ordinary papers. 3 blocks affected by gum toning. Elusive multiples multiples. Cat. £492. £120/£130
2322 ✱✱ 1938/49 Unmounted Mint KGVI Set. SG135/149. Some extras, very difficult to aquire never hinged. (28). £240/£250
2323 ✱ 1938-49 KGVI defins set, SG.135/49, fine mint, cat.£550 (25). £130/£150
2324 ✱✱ 1942 KGVI blocks of four um (16 items) values from 2c to 1R50c SG135a/147a including some with marginal imprints. £120/£130
2325 ✱✱ 1952 Unmounted Mint KGVI Set.
SG158/172 (15). £40/£45
2326 * 1953 FIRST AIR MAIL/FROM SEYCHELLES Perforated Labels applied to Four multi franked covers to Mombassa (3) or UK. All cancelled at Victoria. £100/£110
2327 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint and useful pickings. Accumulators lot of 200+ much 1938 Defins. with different papers etc. noting 25c (3), 30c Carmine (4) 75c Slate (3), 1R Yellow Green (3, Cat. £480) 2r 25c (4), 5r (3). 1952 Defins. with at least Two Sets. various commems. Substantial CV. Most useful. £300/£360
2328 ✱✱ KGVI Unmounted Mint Selection (37). 1938 Range of values to 5r (14 different), Commems Inc. Wedding and 1952 Defin. Set. SG158/172. Fine lot. £100/£120
2329 Stockcards/packets (140) with a range of 560 stamps + 28 ms/sheetlets chiefly mint seen KGVI 1938 defins to 5r inc 75c SG145, 1r SG146, QEII with many sets mint/um. A good range of issues. £150/£180
2330 ✱ 1885-966d dull violet, 6d brown-purple (x3), same ovptd SPECIMEN, 6d purple-lake (x5), SG.35/7, 36s, Specimen mint no gum, others from average to very fine mint, cat.£267 (10). £80/£100
2331 ✱ 1896 QV Set SG41/53 (13) fresh mint. Key £1 is very fine. £220/£240
2332 ✱ 1912/56 Old Pages with 1912 KGV Defin’s. to 10d as pairs (ex 6d) 18 pairs. 1921 Defin’s. as pairs to 10d, 18 pairs. 1932 Pictorials to 2/-. 1938 KGVI set of 16. 1956 QEII Pictorials with value to 2/6d (9). A good lot fresh mint. £90/£100
2333 ✱ 1933 Wilberforce Set fine mint. SG168/80. A fine and key set (13). £550/£600
2334 ✱✱ 1938 KGVI 1/3d as a complete sheet of 60 SG196a unmounted mint. £30/£40
2335 ✱✱ 1938/44 Unmounted Mint KGVI Set. SG188/200 (16). £70/£75
2336 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI With Unmounted Mint. Fine lot (90+) Inc. good 1½d + 2d UM. Some pairs Inc. imprints 10/- (2), £1 (2) etc. High CV. SG188/200. £100/£110
2337 ✱ KGVI on a stockpage 1948 defins to $5 (15) SG1/15, 1c to 40c (10) p17½, UPU cat £335. Fresh mint. £120/£150
2338 ✱ 1948/50 KGVI Overprinted issues. 1948 BMA set of 11 (2). BM set of 11, fresh mint. £45/£50
2339 ✱ 1921 SPECIMEN Boxed Handstamp (not seen before) on KGV. 6A SG79. Fine mint. Unusual. £40/£50
2340 ✱ 1903 QV Overprint At Top Set Fine Mint. SG1/13 (13). (Photo) £70/£75
2341 ✱ 1905/9 Edward Set Fine Mint. SG45/59 + 52a (8a Chalk.) (12). £80/£85
2342 ✱ 1937/51 KGVI collection of 47 stamps fresh mint, 1968 defin set, 1942 defin set, 1951 new currency defin set, coronation, s/wedding, victory, UPU, commems sets. Cat £280+ £100/£120
2343 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI With Unmounted Mint and several fine blocks Inc. 1942 6a to 5r. As UM Corner Blocks of Four. SG110/116. 1951 Ovpt Set etc. Useful pickings. £150/£180
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2344 ✱ 1853-1909 PRE-UNION SOUTH
AFRICA, very high catalogue mint & used collection in an album, we see (all used unless stated) presentable and fairly comprehensive range of Cape triangles incl. 1d & 4d Woodblocks, latter 3 margins, seated Hope issues to 5s, 190404 defins set plus same mint less 2½d, few South African War pmks on GB issues, NATAL with embossed 1d (2), 3d & 6d (2), useful Chalon Heads range and later QV issues, KEVII high values to £1.10s (pmks not guaranteed), KEVII mint to 1s, Officials to 2d, 3d & 6d mint, O.F.S. useful range with some mint V.R.I. ovpts incl. 6d carmine, KEVII both defins sets, several Telegraph stamps, TRANSVAAL with Arms issues (not guaranteed), 1878-80 to 2s, KEVII to 5s mint, 1904-09 set, ZULULAND useful range with GB ovpts to 1s, 1894-6 to 4s, mint from 6d. Mixed condition, great lot to sort through (600+).
2345 1860/9 Roulette second series fine used range of 26 stamps, SG19/43 with listed shades. 1d (5), 2d (3), 4d (2) inc one with wmk variety, 6d (5), 9d, 10d ovpts (4) inc pair with very fine Adelaide cds, 1/- yellow (2), 1/- brown (3), 2/- a fine lot STC £840. £220/£240
2346 ✱ ✱✱ 1882 QV half penny on 1d with varieties, one with damage frame above ‘A’ of Australia mint, dropped ‘P’ in penny UM both within a block four SG181. £40/£50
2347 1910/54 Old Pages with a used collection of 150+ Stamp/Units Inc. Bilingual pairs, Defin. to 10/- commem’s Postage Dues. A fine range. £120/£140
2348 ✱ 1913 KGV 10/- SG16 fine mint. Cat. £190. £75/£80
2349 1913 KGV combination with 2/6d, 10/- & £1 high values SG14, 16 + 17. Neatly cancelled. Impressive piece cat £415. £150/£160
2350 ✱ 1913/24 KGV Defin. Set to £1 VFM with additional Printings - Comprehensive. SG3/17. (27). (Photo) £500/£550
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2351 1913/61 Revenues on Old Pages. 1913 Large format to £5 (22) Inc. colour change issues. 1931 Small format to 10/- (26), KGVI large format to £1 (38) “1938” Dated (15), 42 Dated (23) Small format to £1 (28), Inc. pairs. 1954 QEII 2d, 3d, 1/-. A good lot of 120 revenues used. £100/£120
2352 ✱✱ 1914/48 Postage Due selection on Stockpages UM chiefly as blocks of 4, seen 3d SGD3 corner block, 2d SGD14b as a superb marginal block of Six, 2d SGD 36 block of 4, Roulette set of 3 as blocks of 4. A good lot of 14 chiefly UM. £180/£200
2353 ✱ 1929/54 Officials VFM Pairs 12 different Cat. £490+ Inc. 1930 1/- + 2/6d. KGVI with value to 5/- (2 different) noting O7, O17b, O18, O50, O50a etc. Fine. (Photo) £120/£130
2354 ✱ 1930/31 Booklet Panes 1d unhyphenated issues from Booklet SGSB7/8 Inc. 3 x Wmk. Inv. 6 x Wmk. upright (9 panes) mint. Good for study. £120/£140
2355 ✱ 1932-42 POSTAGE DUE 3d deep blue & blue, wmk upright, block of four, SG.D28w, VFM, lower pair UM. £80/£100
2356 * 1933/37 Airmail Covers (9). 1933 (4) Inc. May First Accelerated Service Flight from Cape Town to London, October London to OFS. 1935 Illuster Env. duplicated flight Rand to London Service, 1937 last surcharge flight Johannesburg to Kisumu with upland transit mark on the reverse. A good lot with some details. £120/£150
2357 1935-49 OFFICIALS 1935-49 6d die III and 1s both in blocks of 8 (6d 4x2, 1s 2x4), SG.O24d, O25, 1s perf fault on one stamp at base, 6d closed tear, otherwise VFU, cat.£240 (2 blocks). £60/£75
2358 ✱ 1937/49 KGVI collection on stockpages (5) with bilingual pairs to 10/-, war effort both formats, a good range of sets (90 units/etc) chiefly mint. £110/£120
2359 ✱ 1937/50 KGVI Collection of 57 Units/Stamps. Fresh mint Inc. Coronation, Voortrekker, Hugunot pairs, War Effort large and small format. 1950 Official pairs. A very useful KGVI Collection. £120/£140
2360 ✱ 1943-4 POSTAGE DUES bantams set in blocks of 6 (two units), SG.D30/3, fine mint, UM (4 blocks). £80/£95
2361 ✱✱ 1944-50 OFFICIAL 1½d blue-green & yellow-buff, ovpt upwards, SG.O34, fine UM. £35/£40
2362 ✱ 1948-9 POSTAGE DUE 2d black & violet, THICK “2D” in a block of four, top pair with variety, SG.36a, VFM. £100/£120
2363 ✱✱ 1950 Postage Due Set chiefly as blocks of 4, 1d (3) Inc. 1d low within the frame, 2d, 3d, 4d block of 4 and block of 8, 6d (x2)1/-, plus 2d with thick 2D (x4) with a block of 12. Cat. £330 UM. £150/£180
2364 1950 Varieties Postage Dues. Thick (double) 2D in both shade within blocks of 16, SGD40/a, b, ba showing 4 thick 2D in each block. Fresh UM.
2365 ✱✱ 1950-8 POSTAGE DUE 4d deep myrtlegreen & emerald in a block of nine, White Leaf & Dot in “O” of “POSTAGE” varieties, SG.D42, fine UM. £70/£80
2366 * 1954 FDC animal defin set to 10/- on choice fdc (2 diff) SWA 1961 defin set fdc & Swaziland 1968 defin set on pair of fdc all vf (5). £60/£70
2367 * 1954 Red Cross Letter Sheets with a variety of Frankings Inc. Officials with special Stamp Exhibition cancel unused, 5 sheets each different. £100/£120
2368 ✱✱ 1961 Postage Dues as blocks of 4 UM plus 5c block of 6 with one stamp showing Spur on the Tail of “5”. £30/£40
2369 1996/98 Booklet Panes as sheetlets Inc. 1996 Big Five with Airmail Labels Se-tenant (4 panes). 1997 Save Water (4 panes). 1998 Antelopes 2 panes, each imperf’ed. between the stamps or labels. Unmounted mint. £100/£120
2370 * Postal Stationery collection of 66 items with better. 1934 regd 4d env unused, KGV ½d wrapper unused, 1d embossed env fine used with kroons cds sent to Pictoria with details. A fine lot. (Photo) £90/£100
2371 * Postal Stationery used chiefly KGV period Inc. Regd. Env’s. Envelopes uprated, Postal Cards Inc. uprated, sent from and to a variety of destinations. 26 items. £50/£60
2372 * Pre Union Postage due/Taxed Postal History, Covers/Cards (22) many with instructional marks. 1898 Postugues’s Africa 10r Card with large “T” and “2d” HS. Edward period with different “T” HS. 1894 multiple franked cover transvaal to Denmark taxed. 1910 VRI ½d ovpt. Card sent to London with a variety of Taxed and Transit Marks. An interesting lot. £150/£180
2373 Stockcards (26) with early state issues seen Edward Transvaal 10/- fu, Cape 1d triangle (2), Hope 5/- fu, useful range. £40/£50
2374 ✱✱ Stockcards (70+) with a range of Transkei stamps (340) with many sets inc definitive UM. A seldom seen collection. £50/£60
2375 ✱✱ 1966 PROOF 5f on 5c ovpt in BLACK (see footnote), sheet number corner block of nine, SG.55var, fine UM. £300/£350
2376 * 1849 stampless entire to England, clear strike of frameless G.P.O. / SOUTH AUSTRALIA / AP 13 49 postmark, RAMSGATE SP 20 1849 arrival mark on front. £50/£60
2377 1855 SG1 1d FU with grid PMK, small faults Cat. £500. £50/£55
2378 1855 SG3 First 6d a fine used PAIR Good margins, just touching at top. Minor imperfections. A scarce multiple. Cat. £360. (Photo) £100/£110
2379 1856 Both Shades of 2d SG8 + 9 both FU, 4 margin, SG9 with very fine CDS Pmk. (2). (Photo) £60/£70
2380 1856 Pair 2d SG9 VFU with crisp void duplex Pmks. Good margins. Just touching NW corner. Fine multiple. (Photo) £40/£45
2381 1856 PAIR 2d SG9 VFU. Huge margins and a fine multiple. (Photo) £60/£65
2382 1856/58 Classics second issue SG5/12. Assembled set of Five G to FU, 1d to 1/-. Cat. £1400. All presentable with mixed margins. £100/£110
2383 1857 First issue 6d SG3 fine pair and adjoining single on an envelope front all neatly cancelled. Good margins Paid/Adelaide CDS and registered HS. (Photo) £180/£200
2384 ✱ 1858 Rouletted First Types 1d fresh UNUSED. Very scarce. Good colour. Cat £1100. SG13. (Photo) £100/£110
2385 1867 Variety Penf for Pence variety Ten Pence on 9d FU. SG36. Unlisted. £40/£45
2386 1867/70 Set of Six of the perf./roulette printings all G to FU. SG51/60. Nice assembly. £75/£80
2387 1868 2d Early perforated variety of old stock SG44 FU. Very scarce. This with fine Adelaide CDS Pmk. Cat. £1400. (Photo) £360/£400
2388 1868 Departmental ovpt. HA 1/-. SGDO266. FU. £30/£35
2389 1868 Early perforated (using up old stock) 2d SG47 FU. Thin not visible from front. Scarce. Cat.£750. (Photo) £60/£75
2390 1868 Error of Watermark Ten Pence on 9d SG78a FU with Ceremuga Cert. Perfs. trimmed. A fine example of this rarity. Cat. £2000. (Photo) £360/£400
2391 1868/70 Departmentals P for Police. Fine used group of 2d issues (7 diff) between SGDO 388/396. Cat £550+. £100/£120
2392 1869 Departmental Overprint LT 6d. SGDO317. FU. (Photo) £80/£85
2393 1872 Departmental ovpt. LT 6d perf. 10 x imperf. SGDO322 FU. Scarce. (Photo) £70/£75
2394 1874 Officials - first 4d SGO1 sound fu. Cat £750. (Photo) £150/£170
2395 1876 Officials with varieties. 1d, 2, 1d ovpt inv SGO43a, 2d with no stop after ‘O’ and 2nd no stop after ‘S’, 2d ovpt inv. A fine group of 12 stamps sound used. £100/£120
2396 1877 2d Orange-Red VFU With Double Perforation Error. Unusual. (Photo) £60/£65
2397 1877/82 QV selection of 1d, 2d with shades and different printings. Fine used inc 2d with a very fine Port Germein cds. 16 stamps. FU. £40/£50
2398 1882/95 Officials (21) inc varieties with different printings, perf types. Seen 1891 ½d, 1d, 2½d, 5d, 6d all with no stop after ‘S’ stc £1100+ fine used. £150/£180
2399 ✱ 1886/1896 Specimen overprint high value set of 14 2/6d to £20 fine mint (Inc. both issues of the £5). Seldom offered. SG195S/208S. (Photo) £800/£900
2400 1891 Variety official 1/- with no stop after ‘S’ SGO 32a FU. £40/£50
2401 1891/1903 Officials with varieties. 1891 1/(4) inc one with no stop after ‘S’, 1895 1d, 2d, 4d with no stop after ‘S’, 1899 1d, 2d, 4d, 6d with no stop after ‘S’, ½d and 2½d with inverted ovpts. A fine selection of 39 stamps, fine used. £120/£140
2402 1897 OFFICIAL VARIETY no stop after S 2½d SG075a vfu in pair with normal. (Photo) £50/£55
2403 1899 Official varieties SO for OS 1d m plus 2d + 4d fu very unusual SGO81, O82 + O84 (3). (Photo) £80/£90
2404 1899 Variety official 1d with ‘OS’ inverted SGO 81a, fine used. (Photo) £50/£60
2405 1902 1/- postage and value printed in red brown variety fine used SG275C. £600/£700
2406 ✱✱ 1905 Proof block of four of ½d midget (SG293) imperf on gummed paper UM. £30/£40
2407 & Literature - South Australia The “Long” Stamps 1902 - 1912 by Purves in very good condition. £30/£35
2408 & Literature - The Departmental Stamps of South Australia by A R Butler in good condition with its D/J. £30/£40
ERRORS on KGV 1d pairs (2 pairs) showing various states of displacement. Unusual. £60/£70
2410 ✱ 1930/65 Old time collection on old pages mint. 1935 and 1938 Voortrekker Sets. 1939 Huguenots. 1941/43 War Effort Sets. 1961 Definitive Sets with Postage Dues. A fine range of 190+ Stamps, many sets. £150/£170
2411 * 1934 Airmail sent to Germany (2) business envelope with 1/- franking, a special flight cancel sent to Hamburg, July flight with 2d + 10d franking with special flight CDS and transit marks on the reverse. £30/£40
2412 1937/49 KGVI mint collection of sets. Inc. Coronation, Voortrekker, Huguenots War Effort, both formats. A very good lot of KGVI issues. Cat £290+. £70/£80
2413 1951 Transposed overprint variety 6d official corner block of 8 FU (correct in period postmarks) with two pairs within the Four pairs showing the variety. Five and scarce SGO27 + O27a. £200/£220
2414 Stockcards (44) with a range of 120+ stamps/units seen KGV ovpt pairs to 6d (6), pictorial ovpts to 5/-, war effort small format to 1/- a useful range chiefly mint odd fu. £60/£70
2415 ✱ 1907-11 KEVII wmk Mult Crown CA set plus 1d die II & 6d both shades, SG.33/44, 34ab, 39a, VFM (14). £220/£250
2416 1924 PROOF Admiral vignette struck in black, imperf pair with security punches at base, some minor wrinkling. £50/£60
2417 ✱ 1924 Top value 5/- admiral SG14 VFM. £50/£60
2418 1924/52 Old Pages with Admirals to 2/(9). 1935 Silver Jubilee set of 4. KGVI Inc. Coronation. 1938 Defin. set. Golden Jubilee Rhodes. A good collection of 68 stamps, each different. £50/£60
2419 ✱ 1924/53 Old Album Pages with better pickings. 1924 Admirals to 1/- (10) to 2/- (12) FU, different Victoria Falls Sets. 1937 KGVI Defin. Set mint, 2nd set FU Matabeleland 2d block of 8 Inc. Saddle Bag flaw. A good lot of 150 stamps. £80/£90
2420 1930/31 Mining Shore Certificate’s 1930 Rhodesia Border Mining “Capital £750.000” Cert. 1931 Q.Q. Mines “Capital £30.000” both with KGV stamps affixed with values to 10/-. £100/£120
2421 1931 KGV Perf 11½ set (12) sound to FU. SG15B to 26B Cat. £400+. £70/£75
2422 1931 KGV Set G to FU (Top value nice CDS) SG15/27 (24) with extra’s Cat. £200+. £70/£75
2423 ✱ 1932/50 Fresh mint collection of 43 stamps Inc. Falls sets. 1935 Silver Jubilee set, Defin. set. Golden Jubilee set. A useful lot. £45/£50
2424 ✱✱ 1932/53 Collection of complete sets as UM blocks of Four Cat. £250+. Inc. 1940 Jubilee Set. 1953 Rhodes etc. Nice grouping. £80/£85
2425 ✱ 1932/64 Old Pages with many sets Inc. 1935 Silver Jubilee set mint. 1937 Defin. set mint. 1953 QEII Defin. set mint. A fine collection with many commem sets mint and fine used. 150 stamps. £100/£120
2426 ✱ 1937/50 KGVI collection of 57 stamps inc scarce 4d postage due dull grey-green (cat £300), 1937 defin set, commems sets inc golden jubilee set of 8, 1951 postage due set of 7. A good range of sets with better pickings. £160/£180
2427 ✱ 1937/50 KGVI mint collection Inc. Coronation. 1937 Defin. set. 1940 Golden Jubilee, Postage dues to 1/- (6). A good lot of 42 stamps. £45/£50
2428 1940/50s KGVI Period Revenue Document with KGVI Stamps being used for the Taxes, plus a variety of embossed revenues stamps to £5/10/-. A good lot of 23 documents. £120/£150
2429 * 1944 Active service 3d airletter uprated with pair 1½d to UK, not censored. Extensive & interesting contents used at Thornhill. £60/£70
2430 1944 Active service envelope censored with pink label & censor hs uprated with four stamps 3d rate used from RAF Thornhill. Excellent item. £75/£80
2431 * 1944/53 Air Letters used, 1944 6d H & G1, 1947 H & G3, 1950 H & G5 and 1953 H & G7 with Royal Tour Cancel. A fine group with some details. £60/£70
2432 ✱✱ 1951 Postage Due Set (6). As UM. Blocks of Four. SGD1/D5 + D7. £30/£35
2433 ✱✱ 1952 UPU Congress Presentation Folder with Gold Coast of arms containing then current KGVI Set to 5/-. A very elusive booklet. Very fine. £100/£120
2434 1953 QEII pictorial defins set, SG.78/91, fine used (14). £55/£65
2435 ✱✱ 1964 Coil ½d SG92 complete roll with leader and printers label. The roll is 480 stamps. Very few could remain. £40/£50
2436 ✱✱ 1964 Coil ½d SG92 with complete leader strip & INFORMATION LABEL vf. Also a part roll of 200 um stamps. Not often seen. £30/£40
2437 * AIRMAILS TO UK with fine KGV frankings, rates & combinations. 8 items, wide stamp usages inc registered 2d + 1/6d combination, 10d single use, 1d strip of 5, pair 3d falls, Jubilee 1d + 6d top value etc. Good group. £120/£130
2438 ✱✱ QEII unmounted mint definitive sets 1953 set of 14. 1964 set of 14. Cat. £140. £50/£60
2439 * WWII with censorship & active service. A superior postal history lot (8 items) inc local censor labels & opened by censor hs, censored airletter franked 1½d block 4 cachets & censor hs. Scans advised. £150/£170
2440 ✱✱ Selection of 1930’s ovpt. issues (44) with values to 1pta Inc. Airs, Strips, Pairs, seldom offered UM. £80/£90
2441 1852/1905 Revenues on very old pages with a very good range of issues over 430 seen, Giro, Recibos, Polizas Sello, regional, each looks to be different light adhesion to the pages mainly used with the odd mint. £400/£450
2442 1950 Visit ovpt. Set VFU key set. SG1149/50a (2). £150/£160
2443 ✱✱ 1965 1p Romero de Torres in unissued greenish grey (issued in red-brown), SG.1722var, fine UM, see footnote. £75/£90
2444 Spain and Colonies collection of 2000+ stamps on old page or stockpages chiefly FU with mint from early issues to more modern period with much identified. Unchecked. £100/£120
2445 * Spanish Civil War Collection of 37 Covers/Cards with a variety of franking Inc. local issues, Censored Covers. 1937 Env. sent to Malta with Rep. Govt. of Valencia Censor Handstamp on the reverse. 1936 Env. from Madrid to France with Censor Tape and Handstamp. 1938 Commercial Env. with Military Censor, Handstamp of Burgas. A fine lot for further research. £350/£400
2446 ✱ 1865/1890s Revenues collection of early issues from different colonies on very old pages. A good range of 385 revenues each seem to be different, a mint/used collection from Puerto Rico, Cuba, Philippines. Light adhesion to the pages. £300/£350
2447 1871/1951 Old Album Pages with a good selection of 140 Stamps Inc. early ovpts. (7), a variety of different Arab Postman issues, Airs, Officials. A good lot each stamp is different. £75/£80
2448 1902 Star & Crescent piece of watermarked paper, approx 132x82mm, clean & fine. £40/£50
2449 ✱ 1906 SPECIMEN overprint Army Service set of 3 fine m SGA14S/A16S. (Photo) £70/£75
2450 ✱✱ 1940 5m on 10m carmine & black, BROKEN “lam” VARIETY, SG.78d, UM. £35/£45
2451 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI period issues with varieties 1m, 3m plate blocks of six with nun flaw, 1m, 3m, 5m singles with nun flaw. 1931 Airmails set of 12 and perf 11½ x 12½ set of 8. 1935 Air 2½p with several small ½ variety in positional blocks SG69/b, 70/b. 1948 Postman Set of 16, M/UM collection. £190/£200
2452 Old pages with 300 stamps randomly arranged seen early Camel postman, Airs, postage dues to more modern chiefly fine used with the odd mint mixed in. £60/£70
2453 ✱ 1933/38 Old Page with KGV Defin’s. to 2/6d. 1935 S/Jubilee Set. KGVI 1938 Defin. Set to 10/-. Cat. £125+. Mint. £40/£50
2454 ✱✱ 1935 Variety within a complete sheet Silver Jubilee 1d Pl.3 with lighting conductor variety SG21c seldom seen within a complete sheet, unmounted mint. Very scarce. £300/£340
2455 ✱ 1937/49 KGVI collection of 46 stamps fresh mint, 1938 defin set to 10/- (26) unchecked for perf types, commems inc 1948 s/wedding set. A good range. £80/£90
2456 1961 1c on 1d with central surcharge (see footnote), SG.66var, VFU. £120/£140
2457 1961 Decimal defins set, SG.78/89, perf faults on 2c, otherwise VFU (12). £25/£30
2458 ✱✱ 1961 R2 on £1, type II surcharge at bottom, SG.77b, fine UM. £95/£110
2459 1961 R2 on £1, type II surcharge at bottom, SG.77b, VFU. Scarce stamp used. £220/£250
2460 ✱ Album with a substantial collection of mint. Many sets 1947/2010 Inc. Good variety of different types of overprints on the 1961 Defin. Issue, over 830 different stamps and 21 MS. £150/£170
2461 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Inc. UM and a variety of Printings, Perforations etc. Accumulators lot of 130+ with a good range of the 1938 Defins. to 10/noting 5/- (3) etc. £80/£90
2462 Stockcards (30) with a range of 100+ stamps chiefly KGVI with 1938 defins to 10/- mainly mint/ odd fu. £70/£80
2463 1858/2010 Fine used collection in two albums with over 2200 stamps with better pickings, 1858 arms set of six, 1874 postage due set, 1916 Landstorm postage set of 10. An original collection nicely presented with each stamp/set identified. £200/£250
2464 ✱ 1900 King Oscar Top Value 1k SG54 Mint. £50/£60
2465 * 1970’s First Day Cover Collection with special cancels. A very good range of 135 Covers each different mainly unaddressed, odd typed address. £40/£50
2466 Four Volume Collection With Stamps/Covers covering a long time span, with Stamps UM/Fine Used, many 100’s of items, filling a large carton. £120/£140
2467 Old pages with 1000+ stamps from early arms, numerals to more modern much identified unchecked chiefly FU. £50/£60
2468 Old Pages with issues from early Arms, King issues to more modern seen Arm to 1Kr, Booklet Stamps in Se-tenant pairs or Blocks. A superb range of 1550+ Stamps chiefly fine used some mint mixed in. £150/£180
2469 ✱ Oldtime Original Collection of 2000 stamps seen 1891 Oscar to 50 ore mint. 1903 GPO 5kr FU. 1910 Gustar defin’s. to 5kr mint. 1924 UPU to 80 ore. a very good collection chiefly fine used with mint mixed in.
2470 ✱ U.P.U. Sweden 1924 50th Anniversary set, SG.161/75, good to fine mint, cat.£800 (15). £160/£180
2471 ✱ U.P.U. Sweden 1924 Eighth Congress set, plus 10o with wmk wavy lines, 30o greenish blue & 50o pale shade, SG.146/60, good to fine mint, cat.£918 (18). £180/£200
2472 2001/2006 Fine Used Collections of 190+ Stamps on Schaubek Printed Album Pages with many complete sets, Inc. 9 MS. £50/£60
2473 Revenues on very old pages to 1909 with regional issues over 400 revenues, each seem to be different with a variety of tax issues mainly used with the odd mint mixed in. £400/£450
2474 Schaubek Printed Album for issues from 1845 to 2000 with a range of 1300 Stamps, fine used with many sets, note 2000 Embroidered very fine used, also 14 MS/Sheetlets. a very good range from 1948 to 2000. £150/£180
2475 * WWII Postal History with a variety of Military Handstamps, seen Red Cross Covers. YMCA Covers (interns), a few Env’s. with there contents. A fine and interesting lot of 47 Covers/Cards. £240/£260
2476 * WWII Postal History. An interesting lot with Internment Camp Mail, much sent to Chiasso with contents with covers being sent from Trachselwald, Murren, St. Peters, Wiggen, Bellmund Internment Camp. A very good lot of 34 items for study, much with contents. £350/£370
2477 ✱✱ 2003/06 Lighthouse hingless printed pages with an unmounted mint collection of 240 stamps + 39 MS/sheetlets each different cat £600+. £200/£250
2478 Stockcards (35) with sets looks to be UM, a useful range of 120 stamps much indentified. £60/£70
2479 1922 Giraffe’s £1 value on a Stock Page showing many different Shades, one with Wmk. Sideways (SG88), fine used with very light Fiscal Cancels. 32 Stamps. £350/£400
2480 1923 10/- giraffe high value superb used SG87A. (Photo) £140/£150
2481 ✱ 1927 KGV £1 top value SG107 fine M key stamp. (Photo) £130/£140
2482 * 1933 Airmail Covers (8) Inward mail (3) Inc. Denmark by accelerated Service, India to Dodoma then readdressed and sent to Liverpool, Germany to Dar-es-Salaam. Regd. Env. from Arusha sent to Iringa via Dodoma Air Service. A fine group with details. £140/£160
2483 Stamps in Bundles 1922 Giraffe 1/- (90) 2/- (30) KGV 2/- (80). 1961 1/30 (200) chiefly fine used and highly catalogued. £120/£130
2484 1853 Octagonal 4d (3) all cut to shape, unchecked with good readable pmks numbers 18, 44 + 64. Min cv £1350. £60/£65
2485 1853 Octagonal 4d SG5 fabulous cut to shape stamp on piece with complete No 18 duplex crisply struck. Superb! Cat £1000. (Photo) £100/£110
2486 1853 Octagonal 4d SG5 fine used cut square, large margins and very fine. A fine example of the finely engraved first printing. Gem. £360/£400
2487 1853 Octagonal 4d vfu with official Government central puncture vf. Scarce SG8 cat £450+. (Photo) £150/£170
2488 1855 Chalon Classics - First issue set of four collectable fu sg14, 16/18 cat £1600+. The 2d green is an excellent 4 margin example. £160/£180
2489 1856 Chalon 1d SG19 sound fu, almost four margin, clear profile classic cat £650. (Photo) £65/£70
2490 1864/68 Chalons perf 12½ group (6) 1d to 1/- fu, inc 2d possible unused fine lot. SG80/90. £75/£80
2491 1866 Chalon 4d issued at Oatlands SG91 fu with superb No64 duplex. A fine and rare example. Cat £1200. (Photo) £400/£450
2492 1870/99 QV sideface issues extensive selection sorted by printings, perf types. Seen 1d wmk ‘4’ SG128, 2dwmkinv, 1871 perf 11 set to 5/postally used, chalons 6d, 1/- with shades, plus 1899 pictorial set. A fine collection of 80 stamps. STC £2100. £300/£350
2493 1880 High value postal fiscals set of four SGF22/F25 used with postal cancels. 3d is unpriced used (manuscript - fiscal use) 5/- with duplex & 10/- cds pmk. Scarce cat £765+. £150/£160
2494 1880 High value postal fiscals SGF13/F17 including postal cancels fine set (5) inc 2/6d, 5/(both colours) & 10/- both colours, one unused. Valuable lot. (Photo) £150/£160
2495 1880 Platypus postal fiscal set SGF26/F29 (4) 3d us VFM, others FU. £30/£35
2496 1880 Postal fiscal 3d & 5/- both used SGF8 + F10 cat £600 (2). £30/£40
2497 1888 Postal fiscal 2/6d SGF30 vfu (dated pmk) c£110. (Photo) £45/£50
2498 1892 QV tablet set fine, postal used. The £1 is vf & very difficult to obtain correctly used SG216/225 cat £650 (10). (Photo) £200/£220
2499 ✱ 1899/1900 Views set fine m SG229/236 (8) c£190. £60/£70
2500 1900 Revenue overprint 2/6d SGF32 vfu (1902 dated cds) exceptional cat £500. These stamps are seldom offered. (Photo) £180/£200
2501 1900 Revenue overprint 3d as a vfu pair on piece with complete Hobart cds pmks. SGF34. (Photo) £35/£40
2502 1900 Revenue overprint set of 3 fine used. The 6d is unpriced used. Seldom offered SGF36/F38. (Photo) £180/£200
2503 1900 Revenue ovpt £1 SGF39 vfu. (Photo) £110/£120
2504 1900 Revenue ovpt 10/- SGF33 fu with pen stroke cancel. VF. Normal CV £750. (Photo) £75/£80
2505 ✱ 1900 Revenue ovpt printed double error 1d Platypus SGF36D vfm. (Photo) £150/£170
2506 1900 Revenue ovpt printed double, one vertical error 3d SGF34A vfu. Seldom offered. (Photo) £120/£140
2507 ✱ 1902/12 Pictorial issues study with different printings, perf types etc (46), QV issues (14) inc 1906 8d plate pairs wmk inv mint, chiefly fine used, odd mint. STC £1000+. £180/£200
2508 ✱ 1905 View 1d compound perf variety
SG250D fine m cat £200. (Photo) £60/£70
2509 1905 View 3d compound perf variety SG253c vfu, couple of blunt perfs fine and scarce. Cat £500. (Photo) £100/£120
2510 ✱ 1912 View 1d on 2d vfm pair with compound perforations. Rare multiple SG260B cat £550. Also with double vertical perforation. Superb! (Photo) £110/£120
2511 Cancellation 4d chalon with fine 37 ‘Jericho’, 74 for Halbasrt, a page with a variety of duplex cancels in 10, 38, 52, 60, 63, 65, 74, 77, & 81, 1890 official perf ‘A’ with cds cancels. A fine collection of 26 cancels. £60/£70
2512 & Literature - Tasmania Stamp and Postal History by The RPS London with D/J in very good condition plus Revenue and Railway stamps by Craig and Ingles also in good condition. £30/£40
2513 Official perfins “OS” (18) from 1878 to 1905, perfed “T” (54) from 1892 to 1906. Fine used each see, to be different. £100/£120
2514 ✱ 1907 10t, 20t & 40t surcharges on Fiscal stamps, each with “Specimen.” overprint, SG.106s/08s, small surface fault on 10t, 40t horizontal crease, otherwise fine mint with great colour, normal set cat.£10,000 (3). £1,250/£1,500 2515 1924 FIRST FLIGHT cover from UBOL to BANGKOK, special pictorial cancel on 3st pair, arrival mark on reverse, good to fine. £40/£50
2516 ✱✱ 1996 King Bhumibol Accession To The Throne 100b sheetlet of 10 stamps embossed with Gold Foil SG1867 UM. Seldom seen as a sheetlet. £100/£120
2517 ✱✱ 1999 King Bhumibol “Sixth Cycle” Gold Embossed, Silver Embossed, Bronze Embossed Sheetlet of 10 stamps. SG2161/63 seldom seen as sheetlets issued for the Kings Birthday. Unmounted mint. (3 sheetlets). £140/£160
2518 * 1806 Entire to London with a fair strike of the Tobago Fleuron charged at 2/-. Full contents. Wear and Soiled. Scarce. £60/£70
2519 1851 Paid at Tobago Crown HS on piece. SGCC1 cat £1500 on cover. (Photo) £50/£60
2520 1914 Occupation 20pf yacht as a vfu pair. Complete cds SG3 cat £140. £60/£70
2521 ✱ 1915 ½d green, SG type 7 ovpt in sheet mber block, control strip of 3 plus block and two pairs, no hyphen and thin “G” varieties, also 2d pair, SG.H34, H36, fine mint or UM (6 items).
2522 Occupation Yachts (5) O5 on 3pf SG1a + 1b mint (small faults) 10 on 5pf SG2 + 2a fu + 20pf SG3 mint. Also two postal cards cat £360+.
2523 Pages with 360 stamps from early French Colonies issues to more modern randomly arranged. Chiefly fine used with mint mixed in unchecked. £40/£50
2524 ✱ 1886/1895 King George I issues. 1886 issue with different printings. 1d (4), 2d (4), 6d (3), 1/- (4) chiefly FU. 1891 Surch set mint, Star set mint. 1892 set of 5 mint. 1893 Surch to 7½d chiefly FU. 1894 Surcharges variety, 2½d without stop, 2½d pair with misplaced perfs. 1985 surcharge to 7½d. A good range of 47 chiefly fine used. Cat. £1100+. £200/£250
2525 ✱ 1886/1934 Old Pages with 33 stamps with better pickings. 1886 Set, 1897 Defins. Inc. 5d, 7½d, 10d, 1/-, 2/6d, 5/- mint. Cat. £400. £100/£120
2526 ✱ 1893 Officials set of 5 “GFB” ovpt. SGO1/5 mint. £90/£100
2527 ✱ 1895 7½d orange-yellow, block of 4, SG.35, fine mint. £90/£110
2528 ✱ 1895 Top value 7½d SG35 as a superb mint block of four cat £192. (Photo) £60/£70
2529 ✱ 1895/96 King George II 1895 Surcharges Inc. 7½d with “BU” joined flaw SG31a FU. 1895 2½d with stop flaw after postage SG33a FU. A good lot of 18 stamps with shades and different perf. type. Cat. £900+. £200/£240
2530 ✱✱ 1897 Error ½d Arms block of 4 (SG38) with vertical double perforation between the pairs, never seen this before on this issue, scarce stamps unmounted mint. £120/£140
2531 ✱ ✱✱ 1897 Pictorial issues a valuable collection with varieties 2d as blocks of 4 with small “2” (2blks different shades) as block of 4 to 2/- (14) 2/6d pair, 5/- two singles min cat £1500 odd fault. Mint or UM. £240/£260
2532 ✱ 1897 Pictorials on old pages with issues between SG38 and SG53a Inc. Sideways wmks. different dies note 2d SG41b smaller “2” variety mint. 5d, 1/- Wmk. sideway unpriced. 2/6d (3) Inc. Wmk. sideway mint. A fine study of 43 stamps. Cat. over £750. £150/£180
2533 ✱ 1920 Queen Salote interesting group Inc. 1½d complete sheet, 2d Black and Deep Purple smaller “2” mint. 2½d both shades, note one with centre misplaced 10d both shades SG55/63, also ½d, 1½d, 2½d specials, chiefly mint odd FU. £70/£80
2534 1923 Most unusual Albino proofs of the Two Pence surcharge on card single and vertical pair, never seen these before. £120/£140
2535 ✱✱ 1923 Variety Damage ovpt. on 2d on 10d (SG66) block of 4 with one stamp showing “TW” of Two and only the “E” of Pence, the bottom has the “P” missing states very few examples are known with part surcharge missing. Unmounted mint. £100/£120
2536 ✱ 1923/69 Fine mint collection of 460+ stamps with better pickings Inc. 1942 Wmk. script set Inc. 1d lopped branch SG75a UM, 2½d recut SG77a mint. 1938 Queen Anniversary Set. 1953 Pictorial Set. A good range with many sets. Cat. £800+. £150/£200
2537 ✱ 1932 Very unusual error 2d on 2/- with the stamp being damaged before the ovpt. has been applied with the ovpt. going over the damage area (SG69) mint. £100/£120
2538 ✱✱ 1942 Complete sheet 2d SG76 unmounted mint Pl.2 scarce in a complete sheet of 60. £100/£120
2539 ✱ ✱✱ 1970/1986 Extensive Collection with many complete sets Inc. Officials. 1970 Royal Visit Set, British Commonwealth Set. Red Cross Set. 1974 Girl Guides Set. 1976 Olympic Set. 1977 Capt. Cook Set. 1978 Wildlife. 1980 Surch Set with Proofs/Specimen’s, over 760 stamps + 4 MS/Sheetlets Cat £1500+ mint Inc. UM. A superb collection, seldom seen. £200/£250
2540 1980s/90’s Specimen and Photographic proofs. 1993 Map 30c imperf. Pair, 80c Maul and his Hook, imperf. Pair, War in the Pacific Sheetlet overprinted specimen. An interesting lot of 80 items, never hinged. £80/£90
2541 ✱✱ 1987/2013 Extensive unmounted mint collection Cat. £1550+ with stamps + MS/Sheets with Proof/Specimen mixed in and the odd Booklet Pane. A superb collection with many complete commemorative sets. £250/£300
2542 ✱ KGVI Period Collection of 68 Stamps, Inc. 1942 Defin. Set Inc. both 2d. 1951 Treaty Set as blocks of 4. Small but useful lot. £50/£60
2543 Stockcards (56) with a range of 280 stamps much identified from early issues to mid 1970’s chiefly Mint/UM. 1960’s Queen ovpts. A very useful range. £70/£80
2544 ✱✱ 1885-93 ½d to 10s Arms issues in blocks of 4, SG.175/86, fine UM, probably reprints (12 blocks). £60/£75
2545 ✱ 1902 Edward set fine mint SG244/255 cat £275 (12). (Photo) £100/£110
2546 INTERPROVINCIAL USAGE OF POSTAGE STAMPS 1910/1913 A Fine Postmark Collection On Pages etc. other 250 with good strikes. Edward Stamps to 10/- etc. Also includes Cape Stamps used in the Transvaal etc. £180/£200
2547 ✱ 1937/51 KGVI collection of 60 stamps fresh mint, 1938 defin set to $4.80, commems sets inc 1948 s/wedding, postage dues, 1924/45 set of 8, 1947 set of 8, postage dues cat £280+ without the postage stamps. £100/£120
2548 ✱✱ 1938 KGVI definitive as complete sheets of 60 1c, 2c, 3c. SG246/7, 248a. Unmounted mint. £40/£50
2549 ✱✱ 1938/44 Unmounted Mint KGVI Set (Inc. both 12c Shades). SG246/256 (15). £75/£80
2550 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint, Blocks etc. An accumulators lot (120+ stamps) noting $1.20 + $4.80. As VFM Blocks of Four (2 units UM). Good range. £180/£200
2551 Stockcards (58) with a range of stamps from QV to QEII (200) with much identified seen KGV to 5/-, KGVI to $4.80 inc S/wedding mint, QEII to $5. Chiefly fine used odd mint. £60/£70
2552 ✱ KGVI ovpt’ed sets mint, 1948/51, 1948 set of 13, 1950 set of 13, 1951 set of 8. Fresh mint. £100/£120
2553 * 1937 Posted On Coronation Day Illustrated Cover autographed by William Papetto with Type VIII Cachet in block with 1d South African Postage Due and neat typed address. Very scarce. £100/£120
2554 ✱ 1952/65 Old Pages with better pickings Inc. Potato Stamp. 1952 KGVI Defin. Set. 1954, 1960, 1961, 1963 and 1964 QEII defin. Sets. A fine range of 89 stamps fresh mint. £150/£170
2555 ✱✱ 1965/67 Definitive Set as blocks of Four Fresh UM. Difficult multiples. SG71/84B (17 blocks). (Photo) £100/£110
2556 ✱ 1971 1½p on 4d, IMPERFORATE PROOF in vertical corner strip of three, as SG.139, mint no gum, accompanied by certificate. £500/£600
2557 * KGVI Covers (2) with different types of Caches. First ½d to 2½d franking with type V Cachet on reverse endorsed “Rec. Jan 1938” sent to Liverpool, 2nd with 1½d franking type VII Cachet sent to Dorset. £70/£80
2558 * Postal History late 1990’s sent to a variety of countries with many being taxed or returned with a variety of Post Office Handstamps chiefly Airmail Enc. Seen covers sent to Cayman Is. Nepal, Thailand, Maldives, Lativa, Sandwich Is. Tasmania, Mali, Turkmenistan, just a few destinations from this collection of 29 Covers. £180/£200
2559 1882/1907 Revenues on very old pages mainly used but have seen some mint. An interesting lot of 280 revenues, chiefly sorted by issues, seem to be different. £450/£500
2560 ✱ 1926 Aviation Society stamps identified on pages chiefly mint inc 1930’s ovpt issues with misplaced/double perfs, 1933 postal tax stamps as blocks of 4. A good range of 49 stamps mainly mint. £130/£150
2561 1926/71 Red Crescent Society collection of 330+ stamps, 11 cover/cards inc PPC’s with better items. 1926 1k used on a PPC, 1938/43 mint/used set with “Dama Matbaasi” inscription, 5k green with red crescent omitted block of 10, 1947 10L ex booklet with control numbers used, a superb lot with varieties, makes a great study. £450/£500
2562 ✱ 1935/78 Air Association stamps, a good range of 45 stamps mainly mint inc receipt benefing stamps a useful lot. £60/£70
2563 ✱ Old Printed Pages with issues from 1865 chiefly fine used, a useful lot of 1000 Stamps. A good range of early ovpts. Unchecked. £80/£90
2564 Telegrams/telegraph seals inc 1938 telegram to SS Carlo to a English man wishing him a Happy New Year with “TC/Telgraf” stamp, 1914/20 seals (6) unused, plus two telegram forms. £50/£60
2565 ✱ 1917 1d red, WAR TAX inverted overprint in horizontal pair, SG.140d, brown gum, otherwise VFM. £70/£90
2566 ✱ 1917 3d red, WAR TAX overprint DOUBLE in horizontal pair, SG.141a, VFM. £120/£140
2567 ✱✱ 1938 KGVI 10/- top value. SG205 as superb UM corner block 6. (2 x 3). £90/£95
2568 ✱✱ 1938 KGVI 5/- Deep Green. SG204. As fresh UM corner block of Four. Scarce multiple. £110/£120
2569 ✱✱ 1944 KGVI 5/- Deep Green. SG204a. As fresh UM block of Four. £100/£110
2570 ✱✱ 1948 Centenary Set as UM blocks of Four. SG210/216 (7). £30/£35
2571 19661d I.C.Y., reddish purple printed DOUBLE, SG.262Ea (in SG Elizabethan catalogue), UM, with normal for comparison. £70/£90
2572 ✱ ✱✱ KGVI Including Unmounted Mint, Shades etc. An accumulators lot (c 200 stamps). 1938 Inc. 2/- (10) noting Two UM. Blocks of Four, 5/- (3), 10/- (5). 1948 to 10/- (4). 1950 to 10/- (2) Commems Inc. Wedding 10/- useful. Cat. Circa £700. £140/£150
2573 ✱ QV Classics. Fine group (6) Cat. £380+. 1867 ½d + 1/- mint. SG1 + 3, also 1/- SG3 FU, ½ ovpt. SG18 mint + 2 others sound. £80/£85
2574 ✱✱ 1976 SPECIMEN ovpts on defins set, all fifteen values with upright wmks on 2c, 8c & 10c, sideways wmks on 3c, 4c, 5c, 20c, 25c & 35c, inverted wmks on 1c, 6c, 15c, 50c, $1 & $2, note2c wmk upright is rare, fine UM (15). £200/£250
2575 18963a (SG57) TETE-BECHE interpanneau block of 16 vfu two units with small O variety (57a) Spectacular block. £550/£600
2576 ✱✱ 1973/81 A fine collection of complete sets UM, Arms, Commemorative Sets. 1976 50f on 75f SG50a. 1975 Oil MS with 31 different sets. Highly catalogued. £200/£250
2577 Despatch form from the 1970’s to the late 1980’s (48) with a good variety of franking from a variety of places to India. A good lot for study. £150/£180
2578 Despatch note “CP2” forms with a variety of franking sent to India seen to be from late 70’s to early 90’s sent from a variety of places in the UAE. A very good lot of 75 forms would make a fine Display/Study lot. £250/£280
2579 * 1995/2001 Illustrated FDC’s from the 3 different Headquarters Inc. Se-tenant strips, MS etc. A fine range of 47 covers each different. £80/£90
2580 ✱✱ 100+ Hagner Pages full of UM 1950’s as complete sets with 1955 defins to $1, Geneva Office to 10Fr (as plate blocks). Good earlier. Excellent. £80/£90
2581 ✱✱ Stockcards/packets (200) with a range of 400+ stamps + 13 MS/sheetlets from different offices, mainly UM. £60/£70
2582 * SUBSTANTIAL COLLECTION Housed in Three Cartons. 1951 to 2007 1000’s all different Inc. 1955 MS, Very good Vienna Office contents superbly presented with UM, FDC, Plate blocks and other material. Pristine. Huge CV. Very good lot. £300/£320
2583 * 1861 Written during the Civil War period. Transatlantic entire franked single 24c (Scott 37 rated $1000 on cover) Tied Bold BALTIMORE CDS addressed to Capt. Raggs at Kings Lynn , contents refers to…. The Other Day About 50 Men Killed Or Wounded…. Fascinating. (Photo) £300/£360
2584 1869 15c brown & blue, type II, Scott 119, SG.121, used, cat.$275. £90/£110
2585 ✱ 1893 1c to 30c Columbian Expo, SG.235/44, Scott 230/9, good to fine mint and much nicer than usually encountered (10).
2586 ✱ 1893 Columbus $1 SG246 fresh mint, original gum. Well centred. £450/£500
2587 ✱ 1901 Pan-American Expo set, SG.300/05, Scott 294/9, good to fine mint (10). £120/£140
2588 ✱ 1917 Postal forgery of 2c Washington mint. Unusual. £40/£50
2589 1928/1986 First Flight Covers over 100 covers with many different flights. 1940 Hawaii to Canton Is. 1938 Pittsfield to Mountain View. 1939 Covers with a variety of cachets. An interesting lot. £100/£120
2590 ✱✱ 1937 DUCK HUNTING $1 light green, Scott RW4, couple of gum creases, otherwise fine NHM, cat $300. £75/£90
2591 ✱✱ 1939 DUCK HUNTING $1 chocolate, Scott RW6, tiny area of adhesion, otherwise NHM, cat $225. £45/£55
2592 ✱✱ 1940 DUCK HUNTING $1 sepia, Scott RW7, minor gum creases, otherwise NHM, imperf at base, cat $225. £35/£45
2593 ✱✱ 1944 DUCK HUNTING $1 orange, Scott RW11, fine NHM, cat $125. £35/£45
2594 ✱✱ 1945 DUCK HUNTING $1 black, Scott RW12, fine NHM, cat $100. £30/£40
2595 * 1946/49 Most unusual, a collection of 15 covers each different signed by the Postmaster General on First Day Covers. £90/£100
2596 ✱✱ 1958 DUCK HUNTING $1 black, Scott RW25, fine NHM, cat $85. £25/£30
2597 1962 Space Project Mercury 10 x 8 Black and White Photo Signed by “C Chickering” Philatelic Designer dated 02/20/62. A superb and scarce item. Original cost £250. £100/£120
2598 ✱✱ 1963-75 DUCK HUNTING stamps complete for the period, Scott RW30/42, fine NHM, cat $800+ (13). £220/£250
2599 ✱✱ 1986/2001 Miniature sheets, sheetlets, MS comprehensive collection or 91 diff all perfect um in Lighthouse hingleless album - many better inc Bugs Bunny imperforate variety. Substantial FV. £320/£350
2600 & 1993 Literature - The Ryohei Ishikawa collection of United State Stamps and Covers 1847 - 1896 produced for Christies Auction a superb catalogue hardbook with dust jackets. £30/£40
2601 * Booklet Panes on FDC’s (45) from 1968 to 87 each different and 36 being illustrated. £40/£50
2602 ✱✱ Coil Stamps as Strips of 5 with plate numbers, Inc. Consumer 20c (3) plate 1, 3, 4, many 22c Flag Coils (13) each with a different plate number, Yoesmite 25c (5). A good lot of 49 plus six strips as strips of 3 fresh unmounted mint. £100/£120
2603 * FDC mainly 1950’s illustrated type with typed addresses. 100+ covers. £50/£60
2604 * Military Mail with WWII Covers/Cards (13) APO (17) Inc. 1944 Cover with APO 610 with base ))65 Censor Handstamp. Postal Card with APO 610 and boxed 00616 Censor Handstamp. 1943 Stampless Env. with Passed by Naval Censor Cachet. An interesting lot of 30 Covers for research. £300/£350
2605 Old pages and a stockbook with over 1500 stamps chiefly FU from early issues to more modern with many identified. Seen 1861 to 24c Columbus to 15c with better pickings unchecked. £100/£120
2606 & The Postal Service of the Confederate States of America, spine is damaged but the pages are fine by August Dietz 1929 edition. A scarce piece of literature. £70/£80
2607 * USA A colossal collection housed in many albums in 3 cartons of FDC. Many 100’s all diff, vf inc defins to $5, coil & booklet panes, 1940 famous Americans series, 2002 greetings set of 50, 2008 flags set of 50, specials in albums & much more. An original collectors lot. Buy!. £250/£280
2608 * WWII Censored Mail, 1942 Env. Sent from Panama Canal Zone. 1941 Air Env. Sent to Norway. 1940 Env. Sent to Germany with German Censor Tape and Handstamp. 1945 Japanese PPC sent to USA “Oct” just after the Japanese surrended. Interesting lot of 12 Covers/Cards. £70/£80
2609 * WWII Patriotic Envelopes (42) seen The IT Is Out Of Italy/The Germ In Germany Next/Then The Allies Will Blast The JAP Out Of Japan. 1945 V-J Day Victory “Peace on Earth Again”, plus Comic Type. A good lot for display. £400/£450
2610 * WWII V-Mail Service collection of Airgraphs, 37+ Lettersheets. GT Target Forms, with a variety of APO. An interesting lot for study. £300/£320
2611 1923 EXPERIMENTAL FLIGHT (12th October) cover from Sarandi to Montevideo, franked Battle of Sarandi set plus 25c airmail ovpt, good to fine. £60/£75
Revenues very old pages with 360 revenues with many different types to 1908, lots of overprinted types mainly used with the odd mint mixed in, each seem to be different, light adhesion to the pages. £280/£300
2613 ✱ 1852 Papal State 1 sc SG29 mint, OG, 4 clear margins cut square. Trifle soiled. A sound example of this rarity Cat. £5000. £250/£280
2614 Old pages with 700 stamps randomly arranged with early to more modern issues fine to very fine used, odd mint unchecked. £70/£80
2615 ✱✱ 1930-54 GROUP OF UNMOUNTED MINT SETS incl. 1930 Airmails, 1951-4 Arms, postage issues, clean & fine (6 sets, 51 stamps). £100/£120
2616 U.P.U. Venezuela proof for 1950 10c green, struck on very thin paper affixed to card, as SG.831, clean & fine. £35/£45
2617 1884/96 Postal Fiscal high values used with postally and CTO cancels, 28 stamps unchecked with values to 15/- note 4/- pair on piece, 4/-, 6/- CTO cancel, 10/- pair with TPO cancel. A good and valuable range. £300/£350
2618 1886 Error of colour 4d lilac SG300B sound fine used. £750/£800
2619 1888 High value £5 SG324 with POSTAL Duplex cancel. Scarce. (Photo) £150/£160
2620 1890 High value £8 SG327 used with Melbourne - GPO Roller Parcel Cancel. Very unusual. Stamp has internal fault. (Photo) £120/£130
2621 1890/1906 Postage dues on pages sorted by issues chiefly fine used seen 1890 to 5/- (10), colour change ½d to 4d, 1895 to 5/- (10), ½d to 5d colour change (5), 1897/1906 a variety of printing to 1/- (16) STC £720+. £150/£180
2622 * 1891 Falkirk, Scotland to Ballarat fine cover with boxed UNCLAIMED AT MELBOURNE cachet, original OHMS return ambulance envelope & letter. £50/£60
2623 ✱ 1891 Official reprints (ovpt) of 1873/1885 QV sideface issues as sets VFM (15 different) with values to 2/- on coloured papers. Good group. (Photo) £100/£110
2624 ✱ 1891 Official Reprints (ovpt) sets VFM (13 Stamps) Netted corners QV sideface issues and 1863 issue to 5/-. Very good group. (Photo) £100/£110
2625 ✱ 1891 Official reprints for classic issues perforated fine mint (7) all very fine Inc. Veil set of 3 to 3d, Queen to Throne, 1/- Octagonal etc. (Photo) £75/£80
2626 1896/9 QV used SG330/35 with good high values. 3/- postal used, 4/- CTO, 6/- postal used, 15/- CTO, 2d wmk sideway SG334a. 27 stamps. £200/£220
2627 1897 Charity Set VFU. SG353/354 (2). (Photo) £70/£75
2628 ✱✱ 1901 DEFACED 1d with black bars (for use in vending machines) as um block of four. Unusual. (Photo) £50/£60
2629 ✱ 1901 Set of 8 VFM SG376/383 also the ½d mint strip of 3 showing the VICTCRIA variety. SG376A. VFM. (Photo) £120/£130
2630 1901 Watermark sideways 1d SG385BB fu. (Photo) £45/£50
2631 ✱ ✱✱ 1901/12 QV sideface issues with a variety of printings chiefly FU with mint mixed in, 1901 sideways wmk 1d, 3d, 1/- fu 9d mint, official perfins with values to 5/- mint (12) in 1d block of 4 UM, 9d p11 wmk inv mint, a find range of 97 stamps. £240/£260
2632 1906 Type B 1/- orange SG442 fu with Purves Certificate. A scarce issue cat £425. (Photo) £100/£120
2633 ✱✱ 1912 Variety 1d watermark sideways SG458a UM. £30/£40
2634 & Literature - by Purves 1850 - 55 Butterfly and Barred Oval Cancellations, “V” over crown watermarks Victoria, 1901 - 12 issue The 3d, 4, 5d and 6d, 9d, 2/- all in good condition. £30/£40
2635 & Literature - The Stamps of Victoria by Geoff Kellow in good condition. £50/£60
2636 & Literature - Victoria Postage by Purves, background and foreground 70 pages with plates. £25/£30
2637 * Postal History (25) chiefly Postal Stationary used. 1897 Env. with Victoria Hawthorn CDS sent locally, 1d Letter Card CTO. 1894 overprinted UPU Postal Card sent to Leipzig, Havelock Printed Cards CTO and used. An interesting lot. £70/£80
2638 Old pages with 1000 stamps randomly arranged covering many periods, chiefly fine to very fine used inc North Vietnam issues mixed in unchecked. £90/£100
2639 ✱ 1867-704d lake-brown on buff paper, no wmk, perf.15, CORNER BLOCK OF NINE, SG.17, mint, some toning, cat.£405. £120/£140
2640 1854 Swan 1/- SG4a deep colour fu, cut square, good margins just touching at left. Nice example cat £1100. (Photo) £150/£170
2641 1854 Swan 4d (2) both with commissariat (Govt) punctures fu, mixed margins & diff printings SG3. (Photo) £100/£110
2642 1854 Swan 4d SG3 vfu with commissariat security puncture number 1 duplex pmk. Four margins. Unusual. (Photo) £75/£80
2643 1855 Swan 1/- SG4C vfu, cut square, good margins, just touching at top. Cat £350. (Photo) £75/£80
2644 1860 Swan 6d roulette SG32 fu. BPA Cert. A fine stamp cat £750. (Photo) £250/£280
2645 ✱ ✱✱ 1861 Perkins Bacon 2d SG39 as a vfm block of four. A scarce & fine multiple. (Photo) £400/£450
2646 ✱ 1864 Swan 4d wmk upright SG26 vf unused, four close to good margins fresh cat £400. (Photo) £70/£80
2647 1864 SWANS 2d + 6d SG25 + 28 fu with numeral pmks. Variable margins cat £535. (2) (Photo) £50/£60
2648 1864/75 Swans with security punctures. 1864 no wmk 1d (2) 6d, 1865 1d to 1/- (7) with shades, 1875 1d on 2d plus 1d on 2d without puncture showing the ovpt in different positions inc 1 inverted, 14 stamps FU. £80/£90
2649 ✱ 1879 Telegraph 1d + 6d mint SGT1/T2 cat £750. Scarce, minor imperfections. (Photo) £100/£110
2650 1879 Telegraph 6d vfu choice SG T2 cat £250. (Photo) £100/£110
2651 1882/93 Swans study with watermark varieties inc wmk to the right, left and one reversed, values 1d to 6d with shades. 17 stamps fine used. STC £470. £90/£100
2652 1893 Postal used fiscals set of six fu (inc extra 6d) fine & scarce. SGF11/F15. c£245. (Photo) £80/£85
2653 1897 POSTAL USED FISCALS 1d, 3d + 1/- vf. SGF19, F20 + F22 c£100. £30/£35
2654 1898 Inverted watermark 1d SG112W fu. Cat £140. (Photo) £60/£65
2655 1898 Inverted wmk 1/- SG116W vfu cat £250. (Photo) £85/£90
2656 1902 10/- high value INVERTED WMK fu. SG127 inv. (Photo) £50/£60
2657 1902 OFFICIALS fine used selection (13) inc 10/- (2) & £1 (2) with listed shades - scarce unlisted by SG (SG117/128a issue) (Photo) £360/£400
2658 1902 Perforation 11 varieties 1d, 2d + 9d fu also 5d mint. SG129, 130, 132 + 133 (4) cat £370. £75/£80
2659 1910 10/- bright purple colour variety vfu scarce SG127A cat £500. (Photo) £180/£200
2660 1910 10/- Bright Purple colour variety vfu. Scarce SG127A cat £500. (Photo) £180/£200
2661 1912 Officials - Stamps perforated WA fine used 1d to £1 SG117/128. A set of (16) inc 2d with double perfins, 10/- (2) & vf £1. Seldom offered. (Photo) £200/£240
2662 1971/81 Swans 1871 3d (2) shades, 1876/81 sideways wmk to 6d with shades and wmk varieties (15) inc wmk to the left, wmk to the right, wmk upright 2d, 6d. Fine used. STC £260+. £80/£90
2663 Departmental perfins PWD to 1/- (9) officials ‘OS’ (7) to 1/-, WA (11) to 1/- with shades and two handstamped medical. All FU. £60/£70
2664 Government Railway Stamps 3d, 6d, 9d & 2/- circa 1930’s all fu (4). (Photo) £70/£80
2665 & Literature - Postage Stamps and Postal History handbooks part I, II by M Juhl both in good condition. £30/£35
2666 TELEGRAPH STAMPS 1879 1d (both perfs) & 6d fu SGT1 + 1A + T2 (3). (Photo) £100/£110
2667 Original collection on a variety of pages/packets many 100’s of stamps with issues from the 1940’s, seen 1962 UNESCO MS, 1964 Kennedy MS, 1963 royalist, FFH MS, red cross MS. A fine lot that needs sorting. Lots of sets. £150/£180
2668 ✱✱ U.P.U. Kingdom of Yemen, 1950 perf & imperfs set in COMPLETE sheets of 16 plus 4 labels in corners, Mi 114/121, fine UM (8 sheets). £40/£50
2669 ✱ 1918 POSTAGE DUES, SHS ovpts set plus unissued 6f, 1f inverted ovpt & 20f shifted ovpt, SG.D85/92, VFM (11). £35/£45
2670 ✱ 1895/1936 Old Pages with better pickings. 1896 overprints ½a to 7½a (ex 1a) mint (c£325). 1896 Sultan set of 15 (Cat. £225). A good selection of 60 stamps mainly mint. £160/£180
2671 ✱ 1908-0930r black & sepia, SPECIMEN overprint, SG.241s, very fine mint. £75/£90
2672 ✱ 1936/52 KGVI period range of 40 stamps note 1936 sultan jubilee set, 1948 s/wedding set, 1952 sultan to 1/- (11) fresh mint. £30/£40
2673 ✱✱ 1964 Green colour omitted error 2s50 Jamhuri/1964 ovpt SF433a, fine um. £100/£120
2674 ✱ 1888-93 ½d dull green, with stop, Natal ovpt, SG.12, superb VFM £30/£35
2675 ✱ 1888-935d dull purple and blue, GB ovpt, SG.7, mint. £50/£60
2676 ✱ 1888-935s rose, GB ovpt, SG.11, VFM. £380/£450
2677 ✱ 1888-93 GB ovptd definitives set, SG.1/11, 5s with small ink blemish on gum otherwise good to fine mint (11). £500/£600
2678 ✱ 1888-93 GB ovptd definitives with SPECIMEN handstamps, set of 10 less ½d and 2d (note set does not include 1d), SG.4s/11s, 4d, 5d & 9d no gum, others good to fine mint (8).
2679 ✱ 1894-6 QV definitives ovpt SPECIMEN set, SG.20s/8s, 1d & 3d no gum, others good to fine mint (9) £250/£280
2680 ✱ 1894-6 QV definitives set, SG.20/8, corner crease on 4s, good to very fine mint (9)
2681 ✱ A selection of 32 QV postage stamps (c£580+) mostly M noting 1894 6d (3), 1/- (3).

with certificate

Commonwealth Lot 857 Great Britain