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TUPV produces 193 RME, 1 CPM in Aug. ‘22 ME-CPM Licensure Exam




Atotal of 193 out of 272 TUPVians successfully passed the August 2022 Mechanical Engineer Licensure Examination (MELE) in which the Technological University of the Philippines Visayas (TUPV) garnered a 70.96% passing rate last Aug. 13-14, surpassing the national passing rate of 54.15% with 3,184 passers out of 5,880 examinees.

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) also disclosed the results of the 2022 Certified Plant Mechanic Licensure Examination (CPMLE) and Rogemi Mendoza-Garcia, from batch 2006 and lone taker from TUPV, emerged as one of the 140 passers out of 174 examinees (80.46%) in the said exam.

“I did not feel more or less of myself since I have never equated my worth whether I had a license or not. Although, seeing the dreams of my family made manifest definitely made me happy,” Engr. Daniel Boy Tuvilla, August 2022 MELE passer, said in an interview with The Philippine Artisan Visayas.

Previously, in February 2022 MELE, TUPV obtained a 71.03% with 76 passers out of 107 takers, producing two topnotchers – Engr. John Dominic Ape,

Top 5 with 94.40% rating and Engr. Janry Custodio Plaga, Top 7 with 94.05% rating.

Furthermore, TUPV also gained a 100% passing rate in the February 2022 CPMLE, in which one of the two takers, Janry Sumayang Ramo clinched the second highest place with 87.70 % rating among the 52 passers out of 95 takers.

“This year’s Mechanical Engineering Licensure Examination result is simply a proof of their resiliency. Amidst chaos, they managed their limbs to stand still and conquer. I feel blessed and favored. I am forever grateful,” Engr. Sheila May Escobar, program head of the Mechanical Engineering Department, expressed. Engr. Escobar also gave advice to the aspiring mechanical engineers and said, “ Life is uncertain. Sometimes, no amount of preparation can even guarantee success. However, just equip yourselves fully. Be flexible to embrace changes, unleash potentials, explore horizons, yet remember to prioritize what matters most.”

The members of the Board of Mechanical Engineering who gave the Licensure Examinations in both February and August 2022 are Engr. Leandro A. Conti, Chairman; Engr. Jerico T. Borja and Engr. Lorenzo P. Larion, Members.

TUPV bags bronze in IECEP Quiz Show, ranks 9th in Math Olympiad

The Technological University of the Philippines Visayas (TUPV) grabbed the bronze in the Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines (IECEP) InterscholasticQuiz Show during the National Student Summit last Nov.

16 at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) in Pasay City, Manila.

The team comprised six fourthyear electronics engineering (ECE) students, namely: Niele Shem G. Bañas, El Shekinah M. Caños, Joshua P.

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