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Gonzales seats as new Student Regent


Anew student regent (SR) rose after Hon. Alter Gonzales, a student of BSCHEM 4-A from the Technological University of the Philippines Visayas (TUPV), took an oath last Aug. 23 at Bohol Island State University in Tagbilaran, Bohol.


Gonzales, who was previously the University Student Government (USG) president-elect in the 2022 Higher Executive and Legislative Election, took over the position after his late predecessor, Hon. Tristan Badilla, from the Technological University of the Philippines Taguig (TUPT), term ended.

“You will be responsible in addressing the concerns of the students from other campuses as well when the need arises and preside in every FSG assembly, both general and special,” Gonzales shared in an interview with The Philippine Artisan Visayas (TPAV) when asked what are the functions of the SR. “As a student regent, you are also recommended to conduct a campus tour to assess the needs of students [on] their respective campuses.”

According to Article 10 Section 1 of the Federation of

Student Governments’ Constitution and By-Laws, a scheme of rotating appointments for the student regent shall be established in order to provide the opportunity for each president of the USG of the four campuses to experience representation on the Board of Regents (BOR).

“At first, I had a hard time coping with [intimidation] during board [meetings],” the student regent said when asked what challenges he faced. “Just imagine, you are sitting and talking with some of the biggest names in [academia] and politics as well.”

“Little did I know there [were] greater challenges ahead,” he added. “To juggle between my responsibilities and academics was the greatest challenge I encountered so far.”

Before taking the position of the SR, Gonzales was the Freshmen Council Governor on the academic year (AY) 2019-2020, appointed as the AdHoc USG President who later on became the President on AY 2020-2021, and also the Vice-President on AY 2021-2022.

“After two years of doing our assembly online, we successfully had our general assembly last October faceto-face. On top of that, we were able to

FSG approves 7 proposed house bills

The Federation of Student Governments (FSG) approved seven house bills, which were subjected to being passed into resolutions during the its first general assembly held last Oct. 13–15 at Paradiso Del Sur Resort in Hinigaran, Negros Occidental.

University Student

Government (USG) officials from the Technological University of the Philippines (TUP) Manila, Cavite, Taguig, and Visayas campuses gathered for the three-day event where they each presented their proposed house bills that they think can greatly benefit the TUP student body.

The proposed house bills pass seven resolutions,” Gonzales shared in an interview with TPAV when asked what is his greatest achievement as the SR.

Gonzales also added that they currently have two resolutions being implemented, and they are working on the other five so they can hopefully endorse them to the BOR for approval before his term ends.

“To be able to lead is to appreciate [the] smiles of the people that must go through three readings in order to become an FSG Resolution, which will then be submitted for approval and implementation to the TUP Board of Directors.

Hon. Alter Gonzales, the current TUP Student Regent, stated that among the approved bills, the amendment of the TUP dress code has the most weight since for years it’s been one of the biggest cries of the students.

“We really had a hard time discussing this matter during the last assembly, but then again, we were reminded of our main goal, which is to promote the rights and welfare of the students, hence the approval on our level (FSG),” Gonzales said.

He also admitted that there were things that needed to be improved on that bill, but his office is hopeful that they could implement the resolution before his term ends.

“Imagine if no one spearheads these changes, our system will stagnate without improvement to the benefit and welfare of the students,” FSG Secretary General Athena Joy you were serving,” Gonzales said as he found his student leader journey as some kind of a roller coaster ride.

“Establish a strong heart and mind,” Gonzales advised to student leaders and to those who are aspiring to be one. “When everything’s not going into place, learn to go back to your core [and] think of the reasons why you’re serving, because from there, you’re making [yourself] a true leader.”

Beatingo said of the annual gathering’s significance.

Two of the seven resolutions—creating official Google accounts for the FSG and the Office of the Student Regent (OSR), and developing official guidelines and a framework for resolutions for all TUP campuses—have already been implemented.

However, the resolutions for the TUP dress and hair code amendment, the creation of the USG-GAD committee with the exception of TUP Visayas, the prohibition of implementing any additions, amendments, or revisions to student policies without appropriate student consultation, the creation of a committee for the anti-red tagging policy, and the resolution for the increase of travel allowance for students were the remaining five to be presented to the TUP Board of Directors for approval.

The FSG’s activity is one of four annual assemblies when student leaders from all TUP campuses gather to address crucial issues that could improve the experience of the entire TUP student body.

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