The experiences of young care leavers from different ethnic groups

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Life after care The experiences of young people from different ethnic groups Ravinder Barn, Linda Andrew and Nadia Mantovani An exploration of the post-care experiences of young people from different minority ethnic backgrounds. This is the first study to explore the post-care experiences of young people from a range of minority ethnic backgrounds. Based on quantitative and qualitative data from across England, it makes an important contribution to our understanding of the needs of African, African Caribbean, Asian, mixed parentage and white care leavers. Drawing on data collected from 261 young people, the study explores a number of key areas including education, employment and training, housing and homelessness, crime and delinquency, identity, and preparation and after care support. The views and experiences of social work professionals are also provided to present a contrasting picture of the process of preparation for leaving care, and after care. The overwhelming finding of this study is that the profile of need across different ethnic groups shows many similarities. It is evident that the in-care experience plays an important role in the subsequent life opportunities of young people. The overall generally positive experiences of Asian and African young people, and the relative deprivation and disadvantage experienced by white, mixed parentage and Caribbean young people provides evidence of the complexity of ethnicity and multiple disadvantage faced by care leavers. The study makes important recommendations for the development of social work policy and practice. It should be of interest to all those involved in working with care leavers, including social work managers and practitioners, youth workers, housing officers, educationalists, psychologists, magistrates, and policy makers. JRF BLACK AND MINORITY ETHIC YOUNG PEOPLE SERIES This series of publications explores the life experiences of young people from a wide range of ethnic backgrounds. Reports in the series will review their experiences of family life, education, work and leisure, and highlight the particular issues faced by individual ethnic groups.

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The experiences of young care leavers from different ethnic groups by Phil Ayres - Issuu