Kylee phi's creative design portfolio

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As a person who loves photography, I would like to show you the most indelible snapshot of my life… “Shouting? … Am I still living?” The place was Mountain Rinjani (Indonesia), 2,320 feet to the summit. The time was 04:19:23 p.m. December 14th 2012. The question posed by climber on the verge of death urgently demanded a response. 3 hours ago, he embarked on his expedition to scale this 12,224 feet high majestic volcano. He desperately wanted to take beautiful photos of this nature’s wonder. So he deliberately brought a Nikon D700 with telephoto lens, which made his bag 5.7 pounds heavier than recommended weight. At 9,710 feet, the weather became a cold-blooded assassin. It seems logical that the higher you are, the colder the air is. But this blistering cold to him was illogical. It was beyond torture. It was purely fatal. So he tried a psychology therapy to deal with the cold. He thought of complicated calculations to distract the pain: he approximated the total distance he had travelled assuming that his climbing route followed the function “y = x + sin x,” like a business cycle curve. Suddenly he realized that he was no longer travelling on that curve but found himself on the even crater rim now. Then he was enraptured to realize that now he had climbed high enough to capture the alluring view of the whole valley. He walked around to find a spot to shoot. He set up the tripod, fixed it. Everything was almost flawless… But little did he know that the weather really detested him that day. Just when he was about to release the shutter button, it began to rain. Almost instantaneously. The sky darkened and ruined his panorama. He so was angry. But he had no time to rage. Mother Nature crushed his indignation violently with skytearing lightning. Physics taught him that lightning “loves” tall objects and compared to the savannas surrounding him, he was indeed a lightning rod. Fumbling frightfully,

he looked around and found that while he indulged in finding that ideal shooting spot, he had gone astray and lost his group. He was alone. Running like a Forrest Gump, he tried to keep calm using the distractor method. He recalled that if thunder is heard 5 seconds after lightning, this lighting should be somewhere 1 mile away from him. However, this distractor did not work for him this time. Thunders after thunders clattered and he could not differentiate one from another anymore. He was in a terrible pandemonium. Now, every time he heard a thunder, he knew that he still survived because light travels faster than sound. Still, he feared. The 5.7 pounds camera suddenly turned into a massive lead box. He could not run anymore and even if he could, he would never surpass this all-time running champion – lightning, who travels at 186,000 miles per second. So he gave up and let himself collapse. At that point in time, he could feel the blistering cold sapping him of heat more noticeably than ever. “19.7 kilocalories per seconds,” he made his final calculation. Rainwater started to soak his clothes and hypothermia crept into him. He went blackout. 04:19:23 p.m., shouting from all directions and blurring flashlights’ approaching woke him up. “Shouting? … Am I still living?” There was no answer but it did not matter. The anxious and frightful faces of his friends began

FEAR “Death,” is it really the scariest? I would say, “Loneliness” is an even greater fear...

to show up in front of his eyes. That day, An could not take his dreamed panorama, but the image of his friends tending and worrying about him made the most indelible snapshot of his life. It was a snapshot that no camera could ever capture, only memory could. “Death,” is it really the scariest? I would say, “Loneliness” is an even greater fear; and that day, I was very fortunate because, I was not alone. KP (This was written by me a while back as a hobby to record down my thoughs)

22th birthday card concept inspired by the novel Catch 22

Design for the 3D Modelling module to fulfill the requirements of the Certificate in Multimedia in NAFA

A design for corporate “Kindness� card in order to promote kindness, appreciation, respectation among colleagues in the busy working environment where these small little nice manners are sometimes overlooked.

Mr Thomas Lor

Mr Andy Choo

Mr Patrick Wong

Mr David God

Designs used in South Beach’s 2014 Grand Prix Party

Designs used in South Beach’s 2014 Networking Events

Designs used in South Beach’s 2014 Networking Events

Another card design for corporate use adopted in 2013

The SWEET empire - Postcard in Watercolour

Goldfish Resurrection - Postcard in Watercolour

Another Day in Wonderland - Postcard in Poster Colour

Hanoi in the storm - Watercolour

St. Germaine Cathedral - A replica of Monet’s , in Oil Paint

Running to the sun - in Oil Colour

Little Ballerina - Pencil Sketch

The End

I hope you had a pleasing time looking at my portfolio. Thank you very much. Please also check out my Flickr

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