The Most Honest Tweet Adder Review You'll Ever Read

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The Most Honest Tweet Adder Review You’ll Ever Read Philip A.

When I started out with my blog I told my self I wasn’t gonna write this type of review posts,….and I won’t. Because this is not your ordinary everyday review. Keep reading and you’ll see why. T he honest truth is that, as a start-up blogger my self the thing I struggle with the most is getting traf f ic to my blog. And as I am trying to create an automated income stream f or my self the thing I strive to accomplish is to generate automated traf f ic that the search engines like Google or Bing can provide. Now, I don’t want to lie to you, generating traf f ic to a blog, even if it’s a new blog like this one isn’t hard, you just have to work on it. T he thing that turns people of f is the conf using nature of SEO or search engine optimization, which every one of us is required to do if we want to get that automated traf f ic f rom the search engines I was telling you about earlier.

A Traf f ic Generat ing St rat egy wit h Quick Result s I can assure you SEO works, but it takes time to get it right, and to actually witness noticeable results especially f or new websites. I was very excited when I started my blog and had a great momentum going, but there was one thing that always brought me down:the traf f ic stats f rom Google analytics. I’m sure you know this f eeling, to pour your heart and soul in writing content creating backlinks and af ter a while when your checking your stats…15 users visited your website?!? Right? Well what I f ound out is the key to keeping motivated and keep the momentum going when your starting out is to see quick results. Just listen to this podcast episode of Pat Flynn interviewing Corbett Barr f rom T hinkTraf f and you’ll know what I talking about. Link to Pat Flynn’s podcast I’ve also written a post on how to jump start traf f ic to a new blog with social media, you might want to check it out…but not just yet. T he f act is that social media can actually deliver quick results when it comes to traf f ic. All you have to do is build a community around yourself , of like-minded people who have an interest in what you’re putting out there. T he strategy is quite simple actually, let’s take Twitter f or example. T he f irst thing you should do is to f ind out who are the most inf luential people in your niche.

Start f ollowing those people. Af ter that go through their f ollowers and start f ollowing them, when you start it’s recommended you don’t f ollow more than 200 people a day. What you will notice is that af ter 2 or 3 days a lot of the people you f ollowed are starting to f ollow you back. Af ter these 2 or 3 days you will then start to unf ollow the people who didn’t f ollow you back and repeat the process again. T he f act is, this is the easiest way to get a lot of f ollowers on Twitter in a relative short amount of time, and the best part is that these people are most likely to have the same interests you have regarding the content they read and share. As a blogger most of your time should be spent writing content and coming up with new ideas f or posts. Growing a community of like-minded people around your content takes up a lot of your time, that’s why the best thing you can do is to automate this process. I of ten f ind my self spending hours on Twitter or Facebook, when normally I should be writing posts f or my blog. Automation will f ree up a lot of your time and also drastically speed things up. I know a lot of people dismiss automation when it comes to Twitter because there have been many cases in which Twitter banned people who used services that automated their activity on the social network. But as long as you don’t over do it, and the most important thing, don’t spam people with your messages everything will be ok.

How t o do Twit t er Aut omat ion Wit hout Get t ing Banned wit h Tweet Adder T he honest truth is that there are a lot of websites that of f er this kind of services, but the ones that actually of f er a high value service most of the times require you to pay a monthly f ee. What I want to show you is how you can do all of this with only one piece of sof tware that you can download on your computer or laptop and f or which you will receive unlimited support and updates without having to be subscribed to any monthly plan. I’ve taken the time to create this video that will show you how you can use TweetAdder to get more Twitter followers without having to spend a lot of your time doing this. Just to show that this actually works and is highly ef f ective, here is a picture of my Twitter prof ile stats.

T he f act is that in less than a month I’ve more than doubled my Twitter f ollowers with only spending 5 to 10 minutes a day using Tweet Adder. When I was doing this manually it took me a lot more time especially when it came to unf ollow people who didn’t f ollow me back.

Updat ed Follower Count A recent comment I got on this post said that the problems with using Tweet Adder come af ter reaching the 2000 f ollowers mark. So here is an update posted today 18 March 2013 to show you that while af ter reaching 2000 f ollowers you will be able to f ollow only 10% more people that the number of f ollowers you have. For example once you have 2000 f ollowers you will be able to f ollow 2200. When you reach 3000 f ollowers you will be able to f ollow 3300 people and so on. Twitter has a limit of 1000 f ollows per day. One other thing is that I only use Tweet Adder once every 2 days and not more than 10 minutes.

Conclusion T he f act is social media can bring you quick results when it comes to generating traf f ic, even if you’re blog is only a week old. If you strive to write usef ul content that will help people solve their problems, eventually those people will help you back, by spreading the word around about you, by subscribing to your email list and eventually by f ollowing through with your instructions and recommendations. So if I helped you in any way with this post, or any other post you’ve read on my blog please share them with your f riends. I’ll most likely track you down and thank you f or taking the time to share. One thing I would like to clarif y bef ore I end my post is that growing a large Twitter f ollowing of like-minded people can be done f ree, you don’t have to spend anything in order to do this. But I’ll ask you this, what’s better, spending just 5 minutes a day on Tweet Adder and the rest of your time writing posts and researching new ideas f or your blog or business, or spending a lot of time looking f or the right people to f ollow, and then manually unf ollowing the people who haven’t f ollowed you back. T his is my Tweet Adder af f iliate link in case you want to check out the program. As I’ve mentioned earlier all this can be done f ree, but as you know when it comes to doing business “time is money”, so I rather spend most of my time with the more vital things that can help me and my business grow. And if you decide to purchase through my af f iliate link, here is a discount code you can use:DISCOUNT 20. Just paste this into the Coupon code box and hit “Apply”. T he comment box is below, f eel f ree to ask me any question that you can think of regarding social media or blogging. And please let me know how you’re doing with your Twitter campaigns.

Relat ed Post s 1. 14 Steps To Jump Start Traf f ic to A New Blog 2. Building Trust – T he Key to Growing Your Online Home Business 3. Bluehost Review: Af f ordable Web Hosting f or Small Business Websites

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