Design Portfolio // Philipp Fromme

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KTM Electric Mobility

Bachelor project 2014 / 2015

Bathroom of the Future

Team project 2015


Red Bull Seatroph

Sketching p 2014 / 2015

l hy

project 5




BMW iRoadster

Spare time project 2015

“Projects and other works”

Hello! Thank you for taking the time to read through my portfolio. If you have any questions, would like to provide feedback or discuss any of my projects, please find my contact data at the end of my portfolio. Have fun and enjoy reading!


Various Works

Projects, Sketches 2014 / 2015


Curriculum Vitae


KTM ELECTRIC MOBILITY “Be proud! New rise of the electric head Lifestyle�

Electric vehicles nowadays often look boring, and nobody is really proud when in a electric vehicle. The briefing was to create a product, system and or experience, that makes people feel proud on their electric bikes. The first part of the project was undertaken as part of a team, and each student developed one final design.

Bachelor project 2014/2015 - 4 Months Partial teamwork with Markus Anderer & Tim Hinderhofer

KTM CREATIVE KIT “Create your personal electric bike”

The KTM Creative Kit is a system, in which creative bikers can design a bike according to their own visions. The users work with modern materials, an intuitive CAD software, virtual reality and 3D-printing, and get into the electric head lifestyle”.


Intuitive CAD Virtual reality



“We are proud of what we did by ourselves!�

A group of bikers that are very proud of their bikes, because they are building them by themselves are the gearheads. In further steps we analysed the lifestyle of the gearheads and tried to translate the key values to our new target group - the electric heads.


Adaptive Frame

Build Your Chassis

Get Ch

Get Intuitive CAD


The KTM Creative Kit consists of two main parts. The KTM Adaptive Frame and the KTM Creative World. The Adaptive Frame is the base element for all bikes that can be built with the Creative Kit. The KTM Creative world includes a homepage to build your chassis and intuitive CAD software to design various parts. The flowchart on the right hand side


demonstrates infrastructure around the Creative Kit.

Adaptive Frame



“Hardware and software of the Creative Kit�

Configure Chassis




Creative Kit World Parrts

ive World

Adaptive Frame

Print Part

Need other parts?

The Adaptive Frame is the base element of the Creative Kit. The Creative Kit World is used to build a bike around the frame.

KTM ADAPTIVE FRAME “The backbone of the KTM Creative Kit �

The KTM adaptive frame is the base unit and the backbone of all bikes built with the KTM Creative Kit. The main part of the frame is made from chopped carbon fibre. Due to the high forces from the rear shock swing-arm and foot-rest the back element is a die casting aluminium part.


“Chopped Carbon fibre - a new material�

Chopped carbon fibre is as strong as usual carbon fibre, but much cheaper in production as it can be moulded.

BUILD YOUR CHASSIS “A chassis that matches your needs�

The first part of the KTM Creative World is the Creative Kit homepage, where users create their personal chassis. They choose the colour and material of their fork, swing-arm, and wheels, and create a chassis that matches their needs.


“Watch the configuration video�

This short clip shows the process of building your chassis, on the KTM Creative Kit homepage.


With the Intuitive CAD software users can shape different parts of their bike. Simultaneously, changes are projected onto the real chassis with virtual reality. When a part is finished, the CAD data can be sent to the local 3D-printing store, and than attached to the bike when printed.


“Working with virtual clay in 3D space�

Working with the intuitive CAD software is like working with clay. Push and pull points, to change the shape of your part.

IDEATION AND SKETCHES “Designing a bike with the Creative Kit �

The two most important aspects to my design were 3D priting and ergonomics. I wanted to use the typical 3D printed structures as functional, and not just as a decorative elements. To cover the need of high ergonomics, I designed large smooth surfaces, as offroad bikers usually move a lot on their bikes.


KTM CKX AND CKSM “An offroad bike, built with the KTM Creative Kit ”

I decided to render two different versions of my bike. The CKX (Creative Kit Cross),a Motocross bike, and the CKSM (Creative Kit Supermoto), the Supermoto version of the bike.


“3D-printed structures for high comfort�

The foam-like 3D-printed structures work as additional suspension.

HIGH COMFORT AND ERGONOMICS “A body printed in one piece, with no cut lines �

Apart from the printed structures, all surfaces are smooth and large ,and the bike is as slim as possible to provide the highest comfort. Motocross and Supermoto drivers move a lot on their bikes and every cutline is uncomfortable.


“Large smooth surfaces, no cutlines�

The side fender also covers parts of the fork, to make extreme movements possible.

FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURES “3D-printed structures as functional elements”

The structures were also used to create the headand rear lights. The lights consist of only two parts, the printed body, and the LED lamps.


“3D-printed head and rear lights�

Also the rear lights are formed by 3D-printed Structures and LED which are put into the triangle cut outs.


This rendering shows both versions of the bike in action. The CKX on the left hand side and the CKSM on the right hand side.



BATHROOM OF THE FUTURE “Design and Innovation”

Today a lot of bathrooms are not a place where people like to be. Body hygiene seems to be more of a duty than a joy. How can we design a sustainable bathroom where people like to spend time and can relax?

4th term project 2014 - 4 Months Team work with Ludwig Oestman

BATHROOM WÆLL “Increase the awareness of water”

Wæll is a modular bathroom - wall system that increases the awareness of water. Unlike normal bathrooms it does not hide the water and instead makes it origin visible. The system works for rooms of all sizes, and only needs one water inlet and outlet.

Awareness for water

Modular system

Open living


“Online Survey - How much water do we use in the bathroom per day?”

80% wrong answers

80 % of 30 people surveyed did not know that we use on average 160l a day, when we asked this question in our online survey. These results got us thinking - “How can we increase the awareness of water?”

BASIC CONCEPT AND CORE IDEA “Saving water because you want to, not because you have to�

Waell consist of the central water pillar and modular wall-units (sink, shower,toilet and bathtub). The water pillar is central to the system and distributes the water to the different walls. When water is used, the water level in the pillar sinks, witch makes the water consumption visible, and increases the awareness of water.


“A central element that spreads water in all directions�

Core Idea

During the project the abstract idea of having a element that provides to all bathroom elements became more and more tangible.

FORMAL APPROACH AND DESIGN “A new formal language for a new bathroom concept”

In the course of the project, we drafted three different formal approaches for the design of our wall units. We decided to go for “Polygonic”, an interesting and modern formal language for a bathroom.





“Poligonic - a modern and courageous approach�

Chosen Design

After a discussion with the sponsors and supervisors, we decided to develop the Pologonic design further, and drafted all walls of the system.

Grey Water Tank

WATER SYSTEM AND COMPONENTS “Collecting grey water to flush the toilet”

Waell only has one water inlet, the central water container, and one water outlet ,the toilet. All the fresh water used in the system is collected in the toilet wall, an then reused to flush. The graphic on the right hand side shows the water flow in the system.

Fresh water Grey water Black water

Black Water Outlet

Grey Water Pump

35 Fresh Water Tank


“Three main parts, hundreds of possibilities�

Water container

Wall unit

Connection element

The three main parts are the water container, the wall units, and connection parts. All the wall units have different Fresh Water Inlet

Grey Water

functions, and the connections parts come in various versions and angles.

TECHNICAL PACKAGE “What happens behind the walls�

This rendering shows an exploded view of Waell. All elements adapt to the aluminium frame, that houses the boiler and the pipe system. At the end of the wall there can either be a connection to the next wall or a end plate, that covers open pipes. The wall units are attached to the front and back of the frame


“Watch the concept presentation video”

This video shows a short concept overview, a reverse explosion of the system and explains Waell´s way of functioning.

WALL UNITS AND LAYOUT “Design and arrangenment of the wall units�

We designed six different wall units witch are basically the usual bathroom furnishings . Furthermore we designed a storage wall and a connection wall, that can either create privacy or can just be a plain wall. The toilet wall is different to the other walls, as it houses a grey water tank and is the systems water outlet.


“Suitable to rooms of different sizes and shapes�

The modular wallsystem makes Waell suitable to many living situations. It only has one water in and output, witch also makes it easy to install.

FRESH WATER AND GREY WATER “Increasing the awareness of water and recycling grey water”

All the used water in the system is gathered in the toilet wall, where a rising water level is visible. With grey water recycling Waell saves water whenever its used.


“The central water container the heart of Waell”

The central water container is central to the system. The container has a capacity of 320ltrs, and refills once it’s empty.

SHOWER AND SINK “All you need for your morning routine�

The sink wall has additional storage behind the mirror, and a shelf in front of it, to keep all items you need for your body hygiene range.


“Relax and refresh with Waell�

When showering you can choose between a relaxing rain shower, a refreshing waterfall or a handshower. The shower is also equipped with a bench for elderly people.

BATHTUB AND STORAGE “Take a relaxing bath after a long day�

With the bathtub unit Waell becomes a place to relax and to recharge batteries. Therefore we tried to visualize the feeling of lightness in our design.


“Storage for everything you need in the bathroom

The Storage wall has two shelves and one cupboard to stow towels and more.

CREATE LIVING SPACE “The ideal bathroom concept for open living�

Waell can separate rooms and create privacy as well as generating living space. Due to its modularity, it can adapt to different living situations.



RED BULL SEATROPHY “Form follows function”

2075 - Red bull is hosting an extraordinary race on one of Mars’ moons - The Red Bull Seatrophy. Design a racer that can win the race, and add nothing unnecessary that does not make your racer faster. Create a race machine not a beauty queen.

3rd term project 2014 - 2 Months Sketching Project

RED BULL RACER “Be efficient, be fast”

The Red bull Racer is designed to fly and swim. It is highly inspired by today’s Formula1 cars architecture and philosophy. Although this is a fictional project, I added no part that is not necessary, and tried to draft a racer that is perfectly constructed for the Red Bull Seatrophy.

Functional design

Water and air

Win the race


“Rules, course and guidelines”

Moon of Mars

Triangle course

2 Pilots

1500 HP Jet engine

The Red Bul Seatrophy takes place on one of the moons of Mars with 1/3 of the earth´s gravity, and the competitors have to touch the water at least 1/3 of the race on a triangular course. Every racer is equipped with a 1500HP jet engine and two Pilots.

PACKAGE AND LAYOUT “Finding the right layout for the ideal racer�

In the first step I tried to find the right layout for the racer. After that one Layout was chosen and developed in full detail.


TECHNICAL SETUP AND DESIGN “Defining and fine tuning of the parts”

In further steps, each part of the racer was defined in more detail. The explosion view gives a nice overview of all parts.



In the last step I worked on graphics and colour of the racer. The rendering shows the final design.



This Photoshop rendering is based on a sketch from my sketchbook, and gives an idea how the Red Bull Seatrophy may look like.



CLEAN DRIVING PLEASURE “Design and brand philosophy”

Driving and having fun gets less and less accepted by society every day. It harms the environment, and “wastes” resources. With the BMW iRoadster design I aimed to create a car that can be both. Fun and environmentally friendly.

Spare time project 2015 - 2 Months Sketching Project

BMW iROADSTER “Clean driving pleasure”

The BMW iRoadster is a BMW i branded electric roadster. Driving a roadster is a incomparable driving experience, and a perfect match to the BMW philosophy.

Sheer Driving pleasure BMW i Identity

Roadster feeling

Eco - friendly Fun


“Have fun and a clean conscience”

Driving pleasure at its highest has always been BMW´s claim. With the design of the BMW iRoadster sporty driving and having a clean conscience is possible.

IDEATION AND SKETCHES “Design and styling�

In my sketching process, I started with small thumbnail sketches before I worked on the side, front and rear in detail.


PHOTOSHOP RENDERING “Interaction of interior and exterior�

The interior interacts much more with the exterior at a roadster, and is usually the only part of a car that is not symmetrical. Therefore I decided to extend this appearance to the exterior and designed a asymmetrical bonnet.


PHOTOSHOP RENDERING “Ready for the Street”

Driving the BMW iRoadster is a incomparable experience. Be close to the ground, and feel the wind in your face. A typical roadster experience, and sheer driving pleasure.



VARIOUS WORKS “Some more work I did within the last years�

Small, slightly older projects and other works I have been working on in the recent years. Upon it you can find my first project, a electrical hand tool, as well as different renderings and sketches.

Sketches, Projects and Renderings 2014 - 2015


February 2014 with Marian Massegg Carrier element

“3rd Place with Molto Luce NODO”

Molto Luce NODO is a bendable luminary, that can be formed by the customers. During our research we found the flexible LED tube, which can only emit light in one direction. Out of this technology we developed a 360° light emitting, flexible LED tube - the base element for NODO.

360° LED stripe Iron wire for felxibility

Plastic tube


“Bend and shape Nodo according to own visions�

Cable and power supply

Flexible Nodo luminary Delivered rolled up

With ita guide for nodes

Form Nodo as you like

Nodo is delivered in a rolled up form, together with a guide for different nodes. Alone, or in combination with other filaments, Nodo can create a incomparable light experience.

MOLTO LUCE AWARD “A perfect symbiosis between light and luminary”

Molto Luce NODO was awarded the third price in the Molto Luce Design award. The judges especially liked our approach for a lamp design, and described Nodo as „a perfect symbiosis between light and luminary“.




October - January 2014

“Design and ergonomics”

Actool is a small electric tool for travelling, outdoor activities and Sports. Everybody has been in the following situation at least for once: You are somewhere and need a screwdriver. Actool is designed for exactly this situations. It’s small, adaptive and offers solutions for daily tasks.


“A screwdriver for lightwork , and a ratchet for heavy work”

Actool has two work modes. When it’s closed, Actool is a screwdriver for light work and a lot of rotations. Opened up, the bit holder disconnects from the motor, and Actoool is a ratchet.


February 2015

“Sketching and Rendering�

In the course of my bachelor thesis I attended a Photoshop class, where we learnt different rendering techniques. These renderings are some of the output.



August 2014

“A supercar powered by hydrogen”

Volkswagen is well known for its super efficient cars. But I wanted to take it even a step further. Volkswagen Chinook is the first car that is powered by hydrogen. My goal was to create a sports car with a design that incorporates both, the new engine and the company´s CI.



May 2015

“Sketching and Rendering”

Sketching and rendering practice I did in my spare time during the last term. I focused on surface treatment, light and shadows.



May 2015

“Sketching and Rendering�

Quick proposal for a BMW 4 Series design, inspired by BMW i design elements and the 2015 2 and 4 Series. Photoshop renderings to come soon .



August 2014

“Formal Language and Design �

One of tow proposals I drafted in the summer of 2014. With my design I tried to differentiate from usual jetskis.


CURRICULUM VITAE “Hello, my name is Philipp”

“Where I gathered experience”

Mar 2015

Intern at Hyve Design GmbH Munich

Oct 2014

Bachelor thesis sponsored by KTM & Kisk

Sep 2014

Molto Luce Design Award - 3rd Place

Aug 2014

Freelance Design for Lake Jet ® Designin

Jul 2014

I am 22 years old, was born in Vienna, and studied

hibition rack for Energetica PV

industrial design in Graz, at the FH JOANNEUM -


University of Applied Sciences. In my spare time I

University projects with Odörfer, Grohe and others

enjoy sketching , sports and playing the guitar.

“Where I gained knowledge”

Since 2012

FH JOANNEUM Industrial Design


High school degree with highest honours


TGM Technical high school, department f plastics , sport & design


High school Albertgasse, 1080 Vienna


“What I´m good at”


“How you can contact me ”


ng an ex-


Languages Other

German (native) / English (fluent) Sketching / Rendering +43 (0)699 81 32 92 99 Kapuzinerpl. 3, Munich

Modelling (Clay / Foam)

“What I like to do”


Guitar, bass guitar


Soccer, fitness, running

If you have any more questions about my

Sketching, digital art, friends,

portfolio or myself, please feel free to con-

cooking, travelling

tact me!


THANK YOU! +43 (0)699 81 32 92 99 Kapuzinerplatz 3, 80337 Munich

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