Facing Your Fears of the Dentist with Courage Sometimes the hardest part about going to the dentist is finding the courage to call them up and to make the appointment in the first place. You may be afraid that it’ll be painful or expensive, but if you don’t go, it’ll eventually be even more painful and expensive for you. Here are a few tips to calm your nerves before you make the plunge.
Find the Best Dentist If you’re walking into your appointment without any prior knowledge of your dentist, chances are you’re going to be very nervous. This dentist could be anyone – unless you get a recommendation from a trusted friend. Ask around and see if there’s anyone in the neighborhood that everyone knows they can trust. You can rest easy knowing that because you’ve done your homework, you have nothing to worry about it.
Get to Know Your Dentist Just like talking to your hairdresser makes the whole experience of getting a haircut more enjoyable, talking to your dentist and getting to know more about them will put you more at ease. Once you see that they are an educated and experienced individual that has the same dog as you (or whatever you may find that you have in common).
Numb it Up If you do find yourself in a situation where you have to have work done on your teeth, know all of your options. If you are really afraid of feeling pain, know that you can use sedation. There are actually multiple options available to you, including a relaxing pill, nitrous oxide (or "laughing gas"), Novocain (which will numb your mouth), local anesthetic, or general anesthetic.
Step by Step There’s no pressure to get everything done at once. You can use your first appointment to get to know the dentist, the second to get a cleaning, and the third to get any work done. If you break it up this way you can always know exactly what you’re getting into and not be nervous about the unknown.
Stress Relief If you have a more serious problem with stress and nerves that can’t be calmed by knowing the dentist or getting numbing medicine, there are other methods of coping. For example, you can get a stress ball to squeeze when you’re nervous. Another option is to take a book to distract you or listen to music to calm you. Don’t feel awkward or uncomfortable bringing someone with you if you need the extra comfort. Keep in mind how much better you’ll feel and how relieved you’ll be when the appointment is finished and you have a clean bill of health, as well as clean teeth.
If you do have to get any fillings, teeth pulled, or (the worst) a root canal, know that it isn’t the end of the world. No matter what stories you’ve heard in the past, dentists in Draper today are trained and qualified to handle any situation and they have the necessary medicine to deal with it as well.