Preventing Tooth Decay

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Preventing Tooth Decay Tooth decay is something that more people need to take more seriously. It is literally the gradual decay of one’s teeth and is a process that cannot be reversed only remedied through expensive repairs and replacements of teeth.

How Does Tooth Decay Occur? Tooth decay, also known as the formation of cavities, happens when the bacteria occurring naturally in the human mouth digests sugar with the resulting excretions being acid. The acid produced as the byproduct of bacteria consuming sugars in the mouth then begins to eat away at the teeth and the hard protective coating known as the enamel. As the acid slowly corrodes the enamel, the formation of cavities begins to appear causing pain and permanent damage to the tooth. If personal oral hygiene efforts are not enacted, the bacteria and food particles that form their food source transform into a hard fossil like structure on the teeth known as plaque, and plaque, while still able to produce teeth eroding acid, can only be removed by one’s dentist or their dental hygienist.

Avoid Eating Sugar To avoid this destructive sequence of tooth decay, there are those who simply avoid eating sugar thinking that that may slow acid production in their mouths, but these individuals are greatly mistaken. Sugar, the food for bacteria in the mouth, can be derived from any food source that contains carbohydrates, which are composed of sugars and starches and include such standard food items as breads, fruits, and dairy products. The only way to avoid tooth decay is by having quality dental hygiene habits. A person can prevent tooth decay from occurring in their own mouths by enacting the following few points of proper oral health and dental hygiene as suggested by their Draper dentist.

How to Prevent Tooth Decay First and foremost, a person must brush their teeth at least twice daily, preferably with a toothpaste containing fluoride. Fluoride has been shown repeatedly to strengthen tooth enamel and thwart tooth decay. Brushing twice daily is the minimum suggestion for those who wish to prevent tooth decay, but people should remember that they can brush more than twice a day if they so desire. While some cases have shown that over brushing has been harmful to oral health, brushing after every meal is preferable as it will clean the teeth of the leftover food particles and building bacteria that lead to tooth decay. Similarly and likewise importantly, flossing each time one brushes their teeth will allow for the best cleanse of harmful bacteria and food particles. Every individual will have to decide when they prefer to

floss, either before brushing or after, as experts are divided on the topic, but flossing in connection with brushing is universally agreed on as essential for oral health and for preventing tooth decay. Along with flossing and brushing teeth regularly each day, a person can help themselves in preventing tooth decay by eating a nutritious and balanced diet. While many foods may contribute to tooth decay after being consumed and processed by bacteria, there are also many foods with valuable nutrients that can help to strengthen dental health such as foods high in vitamin C.

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