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Summary of Giving, FY 19-21
The Peabody Institute is a world-class teaching museum and unparalleled educational resource for Phillips Academy and the community. All gifts to the Peabody support our core programs and benefit Andover students in immediate and tangible ways.
We are deeply grateful for the sustained generosity of many alumni, parents, and friends in the Andover community who contribute annually to advance our work. Last year, a record 200 individuals supported the Peabody, including gifts to fund temporary staff positions, adopt drawers of artifacts, and so much more.
The chart above shows how the Peabody’s fundraising has increased over the past several years, broken down by gift band. Thank you to each of those who made a contribution in support of our mission last year. Please know that your gift is included as part of the Academy’s Knowledge & Goodness campaign, and that current use gifts to the Peabody also count toward Andover/Parent Fund totals.