ABOUTUS 1 8 2 10 3 11 4 12 7 13
ABOUTUS 1 8 2 10 3 11 4 12 7 13
The Peabody strives toward Robert S. Peabody’s 1901 vision to provide a robust forum for anthropology and archaeology-based research and learning for the students and faculty of Phillips Academy.
Our educational programming has become an integral part of the Phillips Academy experience and is made stronger by our leadership in the broader archaeology and education communities.
Work with Tribal Partners on repatriation, collections care, and educational programming has centered our work in social justice and provided a foundation for guiding principles and initiatives that honor and support Indigenous sovereignty
Left to right: Contemporary vessel by Marie G. Romero, Pueblo of Jemez; contemporary vessel with sgraffito decoration by Lorraine Chinana, Pueblo of Jemez; contemporary figurine of the blue corn maiden by Bessie Yepa, Pueblo of Jemez; contemporary vessel with sgraffito decoration by Teri Cajero, Pueblo of Jemez; contemporary seed pot by Clara Gachupin, Pueblo of Jemez.
Our twenty-first century vision for the Institute has remained true to Robert Peabody’s original idea: a teaching museum dedicated to the faculty and students of the Academy.
ENGAGEabroadrangeofconstituentsincludingstudents,educators,scholarsand Indigenouscommunities
STEWARDthesignificantcollectionsheldbythePeabody,collaboratingwithPhillips Academy,TribalPartners,andarchaeologists.
HONORIndigenoussovereigntyandprioritizeIndigenousvoicesintheInstitute’s operation
MARLA TAYLOR CuratorofCollections
JOHN BERGMANMCCOOL CollectionsCoordinator
Peabody Board of Advisors
Jenny F Elkus, ’92, Chair
Eric Greenhut, ’92, P ’27, ’28 Vice-Chair
Jaime Arsenault-Cote
Benjamin W. Burke, ’11
Barbara K Callahan
Mark A Cutler, P ’24, ’26
Emeriti Members
Elizabeth Artz Beim, ’58, P ’88
Marshall P. Cloyd, ’58, P ’88, ’95, ’03
Ex Officio Members
LAINIE SCHULTZ CuratorofEducation
EMMA LAVOIE AdministrativeAssistant
Marcelle A Doheny, P ’18
Isidro Ferrer, ’98
William P. Heidrich, ’72, P ’03, ’11
Apsara Iyer, ’12
Jimmy Moore, ’96
Daniel H Sandweiss, PhD
Meg Conkey, PhD
James B. Richardson III, PhD.
Kuni Schmertzler, P ’05, ’07
Kaaren Shalom, ’79, P ’17
Donald A Slater, PhD, P ’28
Paulette Steeves, PhD
Kathleen Sterling, PhD
Brandon Stroman, ’97
Leland A. Westerfield, ’86, P ’18, ’21
Dianne Domenech-Burgos, Chief of Staff and Assistant Head of School for Strategic Planning
Thomas P. Lockerby, Secretary of the Academy
Kelly Goldberg was awarded the Robert S Peabody Institute of Archaeology Award for Archaeology and Education in recognition of her extraordinary successes in teaching students about archaeological methods and theory while highlighting the importance of preservation and management of at-risk cultural heritage resources She has worked in partnership with the University of South Carolina Department of Education to highlight systemic inequalities in South Carolina education, and her volunteer archaeology lab directly engages faculty, staff, students, and local community members to create locally focused partnerships Dr Goldberg’s exemplary and innovative teaching accomplishments are a worthy model for community focused teaching in archaeology.
The Journal of Archaeology & Education is a peerreviewed, open-access journal dedicated to disseminating research and sharing practices in archaeological education at all levels. During year 202324, JAE published three articles in volumes 7 and 8, with many other articles under review or in production To read the current issue or submit an article, visit the JAE homepage.
Mia and Maxine Toya from the Pueblo of Jemez returned to campus in May to work with Thayer Zaeder’s studio ceramics classes Students crafted their own pieces from New Mexican clay, using traditional techniques to finish and decorate their work, all guided by Mia and Maxine. The week culminated with an open-air firing and each student ended the spring term with their finished creations The week was bittersweet, as its always wonderful to watch students learn from the Toyas, but this year the absence of Dominique Toya was uniquely felt Mia and Maxine shared that within their tradition, family would continue the work of a departed loved one, and that coming to Phillips Academy was important to Dominique and that they were glad to be able to carry on her work.
Hopi glass artist Ramson Lomatewama was on campus in October Ramson ran fused glass workshops for three sections of English 300 and two sections of Art 302, as well as two workshops for members of the Academy community. Students and community members had an opportunity to learn about life as an Indigenous glass artist and make their own fused glass pieces under Ramson’s guidance.
The Peabody guided 30 students who attended the Harvard University Native American Program (HUNAP) annual powwow on September 30 This year’s theme for the HUNAP Powwow was Protect Indigenous Futures! Powwows are Indigenous gatherings with traditional dances and music held by Tribal nations throughout the New England area. The HUNAP powwow the first since the onset of the Covid pandemic welcomed hundreds of attendees from Harvard, neighboring Native communities, and the Greater Boston area. The event was held on Orange Shirt Day, a national day of remembrance and reconciliation for victims of residential schools, which sought to separate Native children from their families and forcibly assimilate them The powwow honored survivors and victims of residential schools throughout Canada and the United States.
As a result of the Peabody being closed for renovation work, the summer session Dig This! archaeology course met elsewhere, with Peabody staff still supporting their ongoing excavation of the Mansion House. Samuel Phillips the Academy’s founder built the Mansion House for his family in the 1780s The large, federal style home had later seen duty as both a boarding house and inn. About 100 years later, the Mansion House met an ignoble end as a victim of suspected arson. Dig This! students excavated six units, discovering traces of brick walls, a chimney, and other foundations, as well as some exciting finds like an 1802 “Draped Bust” Liberty penny.
Ryan Wheeler and Kathy Kamp, The Exploits of the JAE: Open Access Publishing Meets Archaeology and Education” in the poster session Ethics, Education, and Public Archaeology Part 1: Museums and the Classroom, Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans, April 2024.
Marla Taylor, Laura Bryant, and Laura Elliff Cruz, “Rethinking Collections
Stewardship: Incorporating Indigenous Care Considerations,” Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, November 2023.
Megan Kleeschulte, Ellen Lofaro, William Johnson, and Ryan Wheeler, “Well That is What it Says, But…: A Policy Focused Discussion of NAGPRA and its Application in Medical Examiner and Coroner Offices,” Annual Repatriation Conference, Shawnee, Oklahoma, November 2023.
Ryan Wheeler, “Repatriation, Indigenous History, and the Eighteenth Century,” in the session Triangulation: Collaborations and Conflicts among African, Indigenous and European Knowledge in the Americas,” American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, Toronto, April 2024.
Elizabeth Reetz, Kaylyn Moore, and Ryan J. Wheeler, “Putting the Learner First: Crafting Effective Goals and Assessment for Public Archaeology Programming,” Conference on Public Archaeology, Pensacola, September 2023.
April 2023
Peabodystaffmovetothe SchoolRoom onAbbotCampus
December 2023
Cleanthenewcollectionsspaces-Wipe downandcleaneverynewshelf
Moveaportionofboxesfrom1stfloor temporarystorageintothenewsystem
January - March 2024
Developedorganizingprinciplesfor placingitemsintonewsystem
Ongoing work in the building (April 2023 - January 2024)
Regularcheckstoensurethesafetyof collections
Planningthelayoutofitemsinthenew shelvingsystem
Planningtheorder/processformovingitems backintonewsystem
Preparingbarcodesandspotchecking accuracyofdata
Completemovingboxesfrom1stfloortemporary storage
- June 2024
Unpackboxesintonewcollectionsdrawer space
Makemountsforitemsplacedintodrawersor onshelves
Beginrehousingthelastmaterialintheoldbay system
Constantlyupdatingthelocationspreadsheet andspotcheckingdata
The Peabody taught 11 different lessons in 2023-24, offering a reduced number of programs due to the building renovation and lack of access to space and collections Twenty-four Phillips Academy instructors and 930 students participated in lessons and programs, including workshops with visiting Indigenous scholars and artists.
This chart shows the number of sections that participated in Peabody lessons and programs in 2023-24 by curricular area
The Peabody Institute has been at the forefront of Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) compliance since the inception of the act in the 1990s
The Peabody published four Notices of Inventory Completion and one Notice of Intent to Repatriate
n FY 24. As a result, over 951 items are able to be repatriated back to their affiliated communities
Consultations are ongoing with multiple tribes across the country to facilitate repatriation of ancestors and belongings remaining at the Peabody.
ThePeabodycollaboratedwiththeUniversity ofCaliforniaMercedandtheSouthernSierra Miwuk(anon-federallyrecognizedIndian groupinCalifornia)tofacilitatetheloanofa basketmadebyDulcieBeal Theloanwas initiatedbyoneofBeal’sdirectdescendants andmakesthebasketavailabletoBeal’sfamily andothercommunityweavers.
Otheractiveandongoingloancollaborations include:PecosNationalHistoricalPark; WalatowaVisitorCenter,PuebloofJemez; Smithsonian’sNationalMuseumofAfrican AmericanHistoryandCulture;MolinaFamily LatinoGallery,NationalMuseumofthe AmericanLatino
In2023,wepurchasedtwoartpiecesfromthe RavenMakesGalleryinOregon.Thepiecesare partofTheHomelandsCollection,3rdEdition that“expandstheconceptofIndigenous artistsacrossfromNorthAmericancreating ledger-style,narrativeartworkonantiquemaps toincludeabodyofworkrepresenting IndigenousartsfromacrosstheEarth”
Kachina’sTerritory,1862MapbyWilmerKaye (Hopi),picturedleft.
Isuqwiqpisuraa(HuntingSeals)II,1827map byHeatherJohnston(Aleut)
WegratefullyacknowledgethegenerosityofalldonorswhosupportedtheRobertS PeabodyInstituteofArchaeologywithacashgiftbetweenJuly1,2023,andJune30,2024.
Sumner Roy Kates Charitable Trust
Donald B Abbott
Elizabeth B. Abbott
Adrian K. Almquist, M.D. '64
Sally Rae K. Almquist
Sebastian A Altomare '23
Kim Andrusin
Michael Andrusin
P Liam Arce '20
Paula A Atwood '68
Jeffrey G Bakkensen '06
Jen Bakkensen
Joyce Baldyga
Leonard Baldyga
Natalya Baldyga
Maureen Barden
Elizabeth Artz Beim '58, P'88
Candace K Beinecke P'02
Frederick W Beinecke '62, P'02
Aliyah S. Belinkie '13
Harold R. Benson, Jr. '48
Maria Vincenza Quaegnali Benson
Michelle Y. Billy '92
Cynthia Hubbard Bluh '55
Charles D Boddy, Jr '80
David L Boyle P'07
David Braslau
Abigail Brooks P'27
Louisa D. Chafee '09
Julian P-K. Chang '78
Xiangdong Chen P'25
John Cherubini
Nicole H Cherubini
Jessica H Choi '08
Pamela Chow P'27
Amanda Colbert
Bradford J Colbert '06
Samuel S Conte '07
Grace E Curley '81, P'14, '20
Melissa Morris Danisch, Esq '83
Margaret Darmanin
Amy C. Dattilo
Carmen J Davis-Reid
William R Dekle '85
Anne M Donahue-Boddy
Rene A Dufour
Anna Schneider Durham '78
Michael D. Durham
James H Elder IV '07
Jenny F Elkus '92
Eldrine F Emerson GP'12
Cole Ettingoff
Ada M. Fan, PhD. P'04, '07
David R. Farmer P'18
Isidro Ferrer '98
William O Finch P'09
Aaron J Flanagan '94
Kent V. Flannery
Katherine M. Flynn '15
Lucy C. Frey '13
Cate Sprague Gilbane '74
Richard T Gilbane
Hilary L Gillis '15
Mark J Gillis P'15, '17, '19
Stacy L Gillis P'15, '17, '19
Beven Grant
Jeffrey S. Grant '79
Elizabeth Johnson Green '77
George N. Green, III
Eric R Greenhut '92, P'27
Pamela Greenhut P'27
Gregory T Grote P'02
Krishna K Gupta '05
Shelly D Guyer '78
Henry H Hammond '54
Thomas Hammond
Lingxuan Han P'26
Wesley E. Hartwell '07
Henry B Hearle '20
Mary Winn M Hearle P'20, '22
Michael J Hearle '89, P'20, '22
Samuel S Hearle '22
William P Heidrich '72, P'03, '11
Anne Marie Bartlow Helgesen P'81
Peter E. Helgesen '54, P'81
Frank F. Herron '70, P'00
Kim R. Honetschlager P'09
William L Hudson '70
Thomas M Huntington
William J Hurlin '76
Nancy Shapiro Hurwitz W'48
R Michael Hurwitz '48*
Julia H Jackson '15
Lisa M. Johnson '85
Edith M. Jolin
Timothy M. Kaiser '72
David L Kaliner
Allison N Kemmerer
Tasfia Khan '14
David S Kirk '61, P'98, '04
Kim B Kozol P'18, '18, '27
Matthew Kozol P'18, '18, '27
Michaela A. Kozol '18
Ernest H Latham, Jr, PhD '56, P'98
Ioana Latham
Xing Li P'24
Qi Liu P'25
Robert A. Lloyd P'77, '78, '79*
Thomas P. Lockerby
Yain Y Lu
Heather Dunbar Lucas '88, P'13
John C Lucas, MD P'13
Audrey Taylor MacLean '53
Robert A. MacLean
Rachel W. Manning
Lauren Marrus P'12, '14
Michael E Marrus '81, P'12, '14
Sharon Mastone
Victor Mastone
Kathleen J. McCrickerd
Mary G. McQuiston
Clarisa S Merkatz '19
Sophia N Miller '18
James O Moore V '96
Lauren C Moore
Christen A. Morrow, M.D. '92
James A. Neely
Kevin P Newhall '13
Jonathan D Noon '64
Veronica I Nutting '16
Ryan S O'Meara '17
Sarp Orgul '16
David A. Othmer '59
Mary Stewart Owczarek '69
Beth Parsons
Timothy Parsons
David A Perrault '92
Adam Pieroni P'28
Jennifer Pieroni P'28
Richard S. Pieters, Jr. '66
Andrew R. Pohly '09
C. Perry Poole
Laura Vinroot Poole '90
Melina K Prentakis '11
John S Quinlan '97
Gail Ralston
Elizabeth Rankin
Jacob Rasmussen P'26
Brooklyn R. Regan '22
Susan J. Regan P'22
Thomas M. Regan P'22
Matthew B Reid '91
Kayla Reilly
Yan Ren P'25
Richard L Reynolds, PhD '64
James F Ricker '09
Sabrina J Rivers '14
Annette Rodriguez-Ferrer
John E. Rogers P'27
Donald B. Rollings '70
Nancy Risk Rollings
Quinn B Rosefsky, MD '59
Susan Retchford Rosefsky
Monisha A Saldanha '92
Daniel H Sandweiss, PhD '75
Maria del C Sandweiss
Ethan J. Schmertzler '07
Ian M. Schmertzler '05
Kuni S. Schmertzler P'05, '07
Michael Schmertzler '70, P'05, '07
Mary E Schroeder P'18
Blythe A Scott P'16, '20
Simon H Scott III P'16, '20
Dawn L Seiple P'23
Robert G. Seiple P'23
Martin V. Serna '07
Nicolas V. Serna '10
Bennett B Slibeck '17
Allen C Soong '92, P'27
Cynthia I Sorensen '63
Mary Ann Milias St. Peter P'02
Bruce W Stanley '78
Lan Phuong Stanley
Margot D Steiner '17
William F Stiles '58
Brandon L. Stroman '97
Ellen M. Sullivan
Amy Tang P'26
Austin D Teece '12
Gail R Thorndike P'02
John Lowell Thorndike '45*
Robert A. Thorndike II '75, P'02
Catherine K. Tice '79
S Graydon Tope '14
Aaron Turner
Sandra A Urie '70
Ann K Van Buren
Thomas P. Van Buren '77
William L. Vandeventer '78
Katherine N Vega '14
Dustin Villarreal
Nicole M Crocker Villarreal '05
Tianqi Wang '18
Peter C. Warsaw P'04, '07
David K. Weiss
Adrienne B Westerfield P'18, '21
Leland A Westerfield '86, P'18, '21
Ryan Wheeler
Duncan Moose Whittome '59
Gordon D. Wilkins
Terri S. Williamson P'25, '25
Tao Wu P'26
Kira E Wyckoff '12
Yuko Yoshikawa
Lin Yuan P'24
Kanyan Zhou P'25
Key: * = deceased
Efforts are made to properly acknowledge donors; if an error has occurred in this report, please contact Jennifer Pieroni