Robert S. Peabody Institute of Archeology 2021-2022 Course Catalog

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HISTORY 200 Cultures in Contact

In this historical simulation, students are introduced to some of the issues and conflicts that created and fostered tensions between English colonists and Native Americans in New England during the 17th century. Students explore differences in how Puritans and Native Americans viewed land ownership, religion, and gender roles, and they participate in a scenario that is an important part of the history of Andover and is depicted on the town seal.

AlterNATIVE Uses Students use two adze-like tools, one made of stone and the other of metal, to learn how to read material culture as text. By thoroughly investigating the objects, they learn the complex story of the fur trade and the relationship between Native Americans and Europeans in New England.

Pueblo Revolt

In 1680, Ohkay Owingeh leader Po’Pay united people from diverse Pueblo communities and led a bloody revolt to drive the Spanish colonizers from New Mexico. This lesson explores the history and archaeology of the Pueblo Revolt through artifacts from the Peabody Institute and concepts like acculturation, assimilation, syncretism, and catachresis. The lesson emphasizes that Pueblo people have survived Spanish and American colonization and thrive today in their ancient homeland. This program is also available as an online lesson.

Course Catalog

12 2021-2022 Course Catalog 2019-2020

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