Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin Philadelphia Integrative Medicine
Lauren Houser CRNP Dr. Georgia Tetlow MD Rachel Hershberer MS CNS Danielle Huntsman MS AADP
What is Vitamin D?
Fat soluble vitamin
Acts as hormone
Affects over 1000 genes and their expression
Nearly every cell has Vitamin D receptor
Sources; Sun, Salmon and Supplements
Cholecalciferol D3 is produced in the skin by UVB radiation
Sun interfaces with a form of cholesterol in your skin to make D3
D3 is converted to active 25D in your liver
25D transformed in kidneys to 1,25D3
Other tissues can metabolize 25D into 1,25D2
Food sources
Salmon, Sardines, Black cod
Sun-exposed mushrooms
Fortified dairy
D2 Ergocalfierol and D3 cholecalfierol
Cod liver oil
Vitamin D and Your Bones
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Regulates absorption of calcium and phosphorous
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Helps improve balance and muscle strength thus reducing fracture risk
Cancer prevention ď ľ
Regulates immune system
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Found to inhibit cancer cell growth, especially in breast, colon, prostate and ovarian tissue
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Prevents cancer by promoting cellular differentiation, decreasing cancer cell growth, stimulating cell death (apoptosis), and reducing tumor blood vessel formation (angiogenesis)
Vitamin D and Your Heart
Suboptimal Vitamin D levels linked with a twice the risk of heart attack
Helps regulate blood pressure in the kidney
Helps regulate blood sugar levels in the pancreas
Anti-Inflammatory properties
Vitamin D and Mood
Deficiency and how to test for it
Estimated that 70% of US population has level below 30ng/ml
Symptoms of Deficiency: fatigue, weight gain, muscle aches, joint pain, low immunity, blood sugar stability issues, mood changes
Micronutrient Test
Serum 25(OH) D Concentration
Range is 30-100
Goal is 50-80
Factors that inhibit absorption
Poor fat absorption
Darker skin tones
How to get enough Vitamin D
Soak up the sunshine!
Take Active Vitamin D3 with meals
Take D3 with Vitamin K
Too much of a good thing…
Recheck level 2-3 months after supplementing if deficiency
Important to check PTH and ionized Calcium levels
Kidney stones
Philadelphia Integrative Medicine Our PIM Team: Dr. Georgia Tetlow MD Lauren Houser CRNP Rachel Hershberger MS CNS Danielle Hunstman MS AADP
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