July-August 2021

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Join us for an amazing long weekend get-a-way with everything health and fitness you can think of to experience!



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Gems at the Gym Ten Life Lessons from My Fitness Class Instructors By Faith Resnick-Foyil


’ve been hooked on fitness classes since finding jazzercise at my hometown YMCA many moons ago. Whether it’s a Pilates-inspired workout, a kickboxing session, a Zumba-esque routine, or a bit of boot camp, a fitness class of any sort with an energetic instructor calling the shots best motivates me to challenge my body. Listening and watching, while simultaneously moving my limbs, keeps my brain from zoning out into current or future tasks – another therapeutic plus.

Outside the actual rooms where these classes are held, many online YouTube videos beckon. While on-screen fitness guides have been helpful, and athome ellipticals, treadmills, and upright bikes burn calories, they can’t compare to the group camaraderie and sense of community from a gym class. I thrive on the competitive push gained when in a room full of other fitness enthusiasts PHILLYFIT

challenging themselves with push-ups, burpees, and knee lifts. Get these three wrong, and you make your progress that much harder to attain. TEN LESSONS FROM MY GYM INSTRUCTORS Fitness-class instructors understand that many of us arrive at class ruminating over various worries and schedules. They know we sometimes would rather be out shopping or back in bed instead of pursuing conditioning goals. They good-naturedly interpret our grimaces as smiles and understand that some moaning and groaning is part of the ritual. But I don’t think they realize how Zen-like their exercise-based inducements can be apropos to the rest of our lives.


DON’T LIFT MORE THAN YOU CAN HANDLE. The challenges of Covid-19 notwithstanding, how many of us may www.PHILLYFIT.com | 267-767-4205

struggle to juggle jobs, family, and chores, only to feel like we can’t take on one more assignment, commitment, or responsibility? It’s a scary concept to some people, but saying “no” once in a while can allow you to feel less resentful. “No” is an option!


FIND YOUR HEAD. Rising suddenly after strenuous floor exercise can lead to lightheadedness, hence the unusual “find your head” admonishment I’ve heard in fitness classes. Finding our heads, our more rational thinking, when heartstrings are pulled, can be challenging. Head is pros and cons lists. Heart is intuition. Strive for a balance between the two.


REST WHEN YOU NEED TO. Sometimes you need to take a quick break while exercising, despite what everybody else may be doing. And sometimes in life, quick breaks may mean nodding off on the couch for a bit. You know that friend or family member who runs on full speed JULY/AUGUST 2021


after less than six hours of sleep at night? That person is not me. Studies show that napping, if you can swing it once in a while, reportedly improves stamina, aids in weight loss, reduces stress, and more.

class but the rest of the day. I’ve started carrying water with me in the car and sipping it while watching TV. Lesson learned: Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to grab a drink.



YET… YOU (PROBABLY) CAN DO 10 MORE. Maybe you really can finish those sit-ups without the break. Sometimes the best way to boost your self-esteem and improve your mood is making time for some exercise instead of heading to the couch. There’s a great sense of satisfaction when you feel drained and then revitalize with a trip to the gym (or at least a long walk!).


THERE ARE ALWAYS ALTERNATIVES. Not up to cardio kickboxing today? Try yoga instead. Want to entertain on the deck but just aren’t up to creating that fabulous food fest? Grab a bottle of wine off the shelf and order in a pizza and salad. In the end, it’s the conversation and company that count, not the fancy menu.

STOP WATCHING THE CLOCK. The toddler with chicken pox you once comforted all night as the hours ticked by so slowly is now a grown man living miles away. My, how quickly the time passes! Try to remember this the next time you impatiently wait for a class to finish since you have, as Robert Frost said, “miles to go before you sleep.” In the big picture, time is passing so quickly. Enjoy your workout and know your body and mind will reap the benefits.


DON’T FORGET TO BREATHE. Every sentient being does it. Yet instructors remind us to breathe as we lift, bend, stretch, and jump since they know we tend to hold our breath during strength and stability exercises. Breathing with mindfulness helps reduce stress and assists us in sleeping and in harnessing relaxation. It’s the oasis of calm we can escape to when otherwise fixating on the past or fretting about the future.

Faith Resnick-Foyil is a freelance writer living in Bucks County, PA. She thanks Deb, Kristen, Jackie, Raquel, and Rose for helping her jump, reach, pull, and stretch her way toward better health.


LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. We get so busy taking care of kids, meeting deadlines, and fulfilling other responsibilities that it becomes easy to ignore signs of burnout. The pandemic caused many of us to put off proactive screenings and maintenance appointments. But health-care offices have almost all taken infection-control measures to keep us safe. Schedule proactive screenings if you’ve put them off.


DON’T COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS. Comparison has been called the fast track to unhappiness. Theodore Roosevelt reportedly called it “the thief of joy.” Wouldn’t it be great if we could all just focus on being the best version of ourselves instead of constantly comparing ourselves to others? Wishful thinking, perhaps, but a powerful goal nonetheless.


GRAB SOME WATER. You’d think we’d all know to take a sip here and there, especially when sweating. Our cells, organs, and tissues need water 24/7, and not just while we’re exercising. But a reminder from an instructor pushes me to keep hydrated not only during a 6|


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contents JULY/AUGUST 2021

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Best (and Unexpected) Natural Foods for a Healthy Gut

Gems at the Gym Publisher’s Page

PhillyFIT Magazine is part of Jalynn Concepts, LLC. Southampton, PA. We are a bi-monthly digital and print magazine serving Bucks, Montgomery and Philadelphia Counties since 2004. PhillyFIT TV on RVN TV can be seen on Tuesday evenings at 8:30, Sat/Sun/ Monday afternoons at 1:30 or see previous segments on phillyfit.com. Contact us a 267-767-4205 / jami@ phillyfit.com

Letters to the Publisher


Love your Liver By Eating Smart


Best (and Unexpected) Natural Foods for a Healthy Gut

ADVERTISING CALL OUR SALES REPS at 267-7674205 for media kit and promotional information.

Manage IBS Philly’s Fittest


Top 10 Vagus Nerve Hacks

RIP James and Beverly Appenzeller, forever in our hearts and missed.

Yes, You Really Can Just “Float Away” (For An Hour) If You Like! PhillyFIT_Magazine

Want Results? Don’t Exercise: Train


Virtual Workouts


Amazing Senior Comeback!

PhillyFIT Magazine Jami Appenzeller

New Products Feature


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Declaring Your Own Star-Spangled Banner Independence What to do when the flags that are waving are the ones in your relationship By JAMI APPENZELLER, PUBLISHER, PHILLYFIT


s it turns out, our country really is “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” Today’s women (and men for that matter) want to be free of drama but they can only seem to achieve this if they are in fact truly brave.

This has never been more obvious to me. After speaking with three friends of mine recently, I’ve come to the conclusion that the older we get — even though our wisdom allegedly increases due to life experience — we’re still lousy at picking mates. Why is this? Well, the proverbial soul mate search and conquest are different for everyone. The thing is, what once created exciting fi reworks and sent rockets red-glaring (er, sorry) in the past, might not be the same set of criteria that does it for us at mid-age. Good looks, brawn, and charisma may now take a backseat to funny, kind, and financially sound, or at least stable. You’ve changed and so has your dating pool. So how do you stay afl oat in that pool when that water gets choppy, cold or even starts to drain? Well, your disdain for the cat-and-mouse game might just be a key indicator that it’s time to declare your own independence. Is fi nding (and keeping) love all just a perilous fight? My three friends have all agreed to spill onto these pages. We did, however, change their names and found cute avatars instead of headshots. I also ran these scenarios by, Catlin Langan, a local marriage and family therapist whom I trust and admire for a professional slant on these loveable characters, yet train wrecks, when it comes to matters of love. 8|


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Can’t we just wake up and find the partner of our dreams by the dawn’s early light? Meet “Elissa”

in control of your relationships and your emotions. Find a man who can juggle your delicate balance of needs and wants. Oh, and find another hobby — not archery lady Cupid! Focus on overcoming trust issues and take pride in new activities in your life. Endorphins don’t always need to be releasing every day. Find simple pleasures and take comfort in them.

Relationship Flaw: Collects Men/Serial Dater QUESTION: How can I move on and cut emotional ties with past men in my life and come to terms with the notion of an “ex” sometimes is an “ex” for good reason? JAMI’S RX: Life moves on and so must you. The man you obsessed over (and who may have loved you) twenty-fi ve years ago likely has additional baggage (ex-wife, kids, debt, etc.) that may make life less desirable than when you were both “Livin’ on a Prayer.” Focus on the qualities of each man that you once loved and write them down. Then try to find a suitor who represents the best qualities of them all — a hybrid of looks, success and kindness. Don’t settle, that way you won’t feel like you’re missing anything and you won’t go back to the well so to speak. LANGAN’S ADVICE: “Elissa, I would be sure you’re giving enough credit to what caused these relationships to go wrong, as opposed to romanticizing “the good times.” Be sure you are placing importance in your selfworth, that is, making sure you are finding yourself in relationships that make you feel secure, confident, and like you’re too important to let go!”

Meet “Kim”

Relationship Flaw: Falls in love too fast. Falls out of love just as fast. QUESTION: How can I fall in love with the man instead of falling in love with falling in love? JAMI’S RX: It’s really easy to suppress the bad things about a relationship, as love can be blind. When it comes right down to it you need to ask yourself, “Am I too trusting?” Kim, take it slowly; stay


LANGAN’S ADVICE: “Kim, think about your motivation for being in a relationship, and make sure you are ruling with your head AND your heart. Develop a list of the things that are important to you in a mate. Make sure as you feel increased connection to somebody, you are giving importance to that list. Create a narrative of the kind of man you want and what loving that man would feel like. Stick to that story, and that way you truly can love a person for who he is, as opposed to the “idea” of being in love!

Meet “Cherrise”

Relationship Flaw: It’s her world. Her men are just living in it. QUESTION: How can I merge my lifestyle with that of another person and still be me? I’m not willing to give up obsessive shoe shopping or nights out with the gals just because a man wants me as his accessory! JAMI’S RX: You’re an independent woman and you shouldn’t be punished for it. Many women who are looking for ‘Mr. Right number two’ feel conflicted. Often women who marry early in life and then end that relationship two decades later feel a welcomed independence for the fi rst time in a long time. But they also feel an omnipresent loneliness. Once you’ve gotten a taste of not being accountable to anyone for anything, it’s hard to go back. It’s confusing and somewhat beguiling when a man calls you five days in advance for date. It’s hard to be honest and respond, “You know, I just sort of want to soak in a tub for a few hours, watch a Lifetime

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movie and eat my homemade, low-fat chicken wings at home.” It’s tough to fi nd that meet-in-the-middle place that allows you “me time” as well as “he time.” LANGAN’S ADVICE: “Cherrise, the right person, I always feel will truly let you be you! It seems to me that having independence in your relationship is important. Compromising your time in a relationship is easier when your partner understands that you have your own life, too. In fact, some of the healthiest relationships I see involve two people who support each other’s individual pursuits, while finding those special things that make their relationship unique too. You should never feel like

you lose who you are in your relationship!”

❦❦❦❦❦ I love the summer. There’s just something magical about the way the air smells (backyard coals burning, honeysuckle bushes, tropical suntan lotion and hammocks) — it all just makes me giddy. Summer is the best time to get out there and enjoy a plethora of outdoor activities. One of my new favorites is the new bike-sharing program in Center City called Indego, sponsored by Independence Blue Cross. You can ride all over Philadelphia (looking for your soulmate) for only four dollars! Wow. With over six hundred self-service bikes and

sixty stations, Indego offers round-theclock access to public transportation on your schedule. Become a member, or purchase a pass at any station with your credit card. Get a bike at any Indego station no reservations — just walk up and hop on. The bike is a smooth and durable three-speed, built for comfort and safety, with an easily adjustable seat and front and rear lights. When you reach your destination, just dock your bike at the nearest station to complete your trip, and go on with your day. Log on to http://www.rideindego. com/ for more details. Love and fireworks for all!

and watching the abundant energy as everyone tried out new things…



Joy Magee I’m new to the Mainline area via NYC. Or as I like to say from the skyline to the mainline! I always pick up a copy of your publication at my local Wawa. I very much enjoy reading the articles as well as getting a pulse on the local fitness scene!

Joshua Margolis Owner | Founder | Fitness Consultant, Mind Over Matter Health & Fitness

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I’ve been at every Retreat (having known you for a decade before the first one) and I still marvel at your ability to make things happen. It’s a special, precious thing that must go on, and I’m heartened to see so much enthusiasm and support from those who surround you.

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I had a perfect weekend thanks to Bobbie Sue and Tom Gradowski!! PhillyFIT Magazine and Jami Appenzeller created a unique and amazing experience that I’ve taken so much from. I worked hard, learned a lot, but best of all met and fell in love with so many inspiring and powerful women. I know I will do this again

Jim Loughery

Angie LeLewis

Jumpin’ Jami!

Sunset and morning at Ocean City with PhillyFit Retreat! Great day of rooftop yoga, beach walk, doing oracle card readings and custom essential oil blends!

Jami and PhillyFIT Magazine, I have always been a fan of you and your achievements, and your magazine is one that I always looked forward to. Have a great summer!

Was only there Friday, but it was a perfect day for me- not just the weather, but the warm appreciation I received from the moment I arrived, www.PHILLYFIT.com | 267-767-4205


oh, and teaching the participants how to make 3 different vinaigrette dressings to go with a garbage salad - spring mix as the salad base, then add options: shaved brussel sprouts, english peas, naked cole slaw, naked broccoli slaw, beets, avocado, cucumbers, hemp hearts, craisins and blueberries. They loved it! Some used all 3 dressings balsamic vinaigrette’s, basic vinaigrette and tahini vinaigrette. Making new friends while seeing ‘old’ friends! Always fun and exhilarating!

Joanna Chodorowska

Just one of those weekends you can’t put into words. Sad that it’s over, but happy for the experience. A moment in time that makes you walk away wanting to be better, do better and become the best version of yourself that is ever possible. Love my PhillyFit family.

Amanda McFaul Dear PhillyFIT Retreat family, I felt like a teen moving away leaving her friends behind as we left the 10th weekend wellness retreat! I miss eery single one of you and I cant wait util October to see hopefully you all again at the next one!Each and every one of you made a mark on one another in ways that will carry us all through our journey of life. Jami, your purpose in life has only began. you change lives for the better, allowing each person to wake up a bit better than the day before with your encouragement and simply being you. (And, never let anyone make you feel less of the greatness you are!) Love you all and God is good all the time!

Bobbie Phillyfit and Jami, I want you to know how instrumental you have been to me to get my life back. I admire your hard work in all that you do. Jami, we are the same age and you blow me out of the water. I want to be physically where you are at in life. I feel like I am dying from all of my physical and mental PHILLYFIT

sadness. No more! As I am taking my life back and going to life for me. I am so successful in business yet such a failure physically health wise. So, thank you my friend!

Marlene Hi Jami, My name is Jan Kern. I absolutely love your magazine and your posts online. They are so inspirational. I was actually in your magazine way back in July 2016. I was 53 years old at the time. I submitted a pic of myself doing a high cable bicep curl and you published it. I was thrilled! Thank you for all your kind words and keeping us all motivated. Sincerely,

Jan Kern I would like to thank you, Jami for being who you are, a Leader to lead those of us in search of a better life. After my amazing (phillyfit retreat) learning experience on the beach that night with you, the others and McDreamy yoga Bob, I took what I learned and meditated to the sounds of nature amplifying to the depth of my soul, the experience magnified all my senses, releasing the deep dark pain I have held within me that has felt like an eternity of time. As I rose to my feet, I knew a new beginning was born. Namaste

Marlene Phillyfit, I love your magazine!

It will stream on RVN TV and their apps on AppleTV, Roku, Amazon Fire Stick and soon, Amazon Prime Video. It’s an awesome talk show about positivity, health, fitness and everything else PhillyFit has been known for. I’ll be on the kick-off show this weekend! Thank you so very much Jami Appenzeller for the opportunity and great talk. You are one amazing human being!

Marty Mcloughlin Extreme Fitness Sending my friend Jami the bestess of luck and support for her first ever taping of a TV show! She will no doubt Level Up! Go and smash the glass ceiling with unstoppable determination and pure heart. Thank you for everything you do and teaching me everyday what it means to be selfless

Christina Robert’s Troy Hi Jami, It’s so wonderful to connect with you and hear about all of the great things you are doing from Jamie. I’ve been a fan of Philly Fit, seeing it in the wellness centers I go to. I love the content and how you support local businesses, health and wellness professionals. I’m super excited to hear about this show you are starting!! Healthy wishes,

Tommy Markov

Raymond Burghen Over 15 years later and still sharing a wonderful partnership with PhillyFit Magazine! Stay tuned for PhillyFit TV!

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Love Your Liver

by Eating Smart


By Sheri DeMaris


pringtime is when the liver becomes most active. The liver’s natural tendency in the body is to move energy up and outward (same as the energy of spring when plants grow up and outward). We therefore begin to feel our mistakes in caring for the liver when spring comes.

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Of all the organs in the body, the liver is the most susceptible to becoming full of excess energy and heavily burdened by the typical American diet, stress, lack of sleep, and overeating especially before bedtime. As far as choices of foods go, the liver is most affected by extreme foods: foods that are extremely heavy for the body and those that are too stimulating. When we eat a diet rich in animal products that have a high fat content, such as beef, bacon, eggs, and cheese, the liver can become too full, hard and tight, not able to perform its function of moving energy up and out. This can manifest as a tight feeling under your right rib cage, a back headache in the shoulders, neck, and back of the head, or even a headache in the temples and behind the eyes. Feeling the need for a refreshing cool, sour slice of fruit after a hot day of exercise could be your liver calling out for help in moving its energy up and out. Often when a heavy feeling occurs in our body, we naturally reach for something to lighten the liver and refresh it. The bad news is we can damage the liver again if we reach for foods that are too highly processed and too stimulating, such as alcohol, white sugar, coffee, and hot spices. Not sure if your liver is tight? Liver stagnation also shows up emotionally in the body as overall physical and mental tension, and feeling as though one is stuck in life, unable to move forward in fulfilling ways. When the liver is unbalanced, the emotion of anger develops. Liver health is associated with women’s health issues as well. A stagnant liver can contribute to creating fibroids, breast cysts, cancer of the reproductive organs, irregular menstruation, PMS, candida, and thyroid problems. Once the liver becomes blocked, the natural cycle of a woman has difficulty such as pain associated with it. So what foods can we choose to support the liver especially in spring time? Light, fresh grains, greens, and mildly salty pickles are among the most helpful foods for the liver. Think sauerkraut! It’s not only full of Vitamin C but provides the sour taste that relaxes the liver. It’s also especially helpful to 14 |


increase your microbiome and immune system during the pandemic. Morning is the rising time for the liver so be careful of overloading those heavy brunch foods – bacon, pancakes, cheese-filled omelets, and dry toast. Opt instead for some often-watery grains such as oatmeal or corn grits. Try some of the following recipes. If you do, you’ll feel for yourself what a healthy liver can do for you, especially during springtime! A healthy liver reveals itself in patience, relaxed understanding of self and others, a flexible attitude, clear vision (physically and spiritually), and the ability to be satisfied by very simple foods. REMEMBER THESE FOLLOWING TIPS WHEN COOKING FOR A HEALTHIER LIVER! • Use a lighter, quick cooking style: Boiling, blanching, pressed salads; quick Chinese-style stir fries are refreshing as well. • Use oil sparingly. • Use a low to moderate flame. • Avoid pressure cooking and baking too much. • Avoid overly salty tastes. • Use foods with a natural upward energy (barley, dark leafy greens such as collards, mustard greens, and green and white leafy vegetables such as bok choy and Chinese cabbage). www.PHILLYFIT.com | 267-767-4205

• Use light touches of sour seasonings (brown rice vinegar, lemon juice, umeboshi vinegar). • Serve heavy fried foods (friend tofu, fried fish) with grated daikon. • Avoid too much dry cooked grain and a lot of dried baked flour products in the diet; these will produce stagnation in the liver as well. OTHER LIFESTYLE RECOMMENDATIONS TO HELP SUPPORT THE LIVER: • Walk barefoot in the morning dew • Stop eating and drinking 3 hours before bedtime. • Drink roasted barley tea or green tea. • Avoid sun exposure for long periods of time. • It’s important to stay hydrated. • If you crave baked flour products try steaming sourdough bread instead. • Avoid too much coffee. • Learn how to express your emotions assertively instead of holding them in or being aggressive.



Serves 4-6 Barley is a terrific grain for the liver and carries the same properties of the energy of the liver. • • • •

2 cups of spring water 1 cup of pearled barley 1 pinch of sea salt 1 carrot cubed and blanched in boiling water (make sure to retain its bright color) • 2 Tbsp. cilantro chopped fine FOR THE SALAD DRESSING • 2 lemons (juiced) • 1 Tbsp. shoyu (natural soy sauce) • 1 Tbsp. olive oil • 1/2 tsp. black pepper 1. Bring water to a boil and add salt. Add barley to water and boil for 35 to 40 minutes. Remove barley with a strainer and set aside to cool. 2. Add cooked carrots and cilantro. 3. Mix lemon juice, shoyu and olive oil. Add pepper. Whisk thoroughly. Add to barley/vegetable mixture. 4. Cover bowl and place in refrigerator for at least 20 to 30 minutes before serving. PHILLYFIT


• 1 bunch of Chinese or Napa cabbage • 1 Tbsp. sauerkraut Bring a saucepan of spring water to a boil. Add a pinch of sea salt. Blanch leaves until they are bright in color. Allow to cool. Roll in a sushi mat with sauerkraut or by themselves. FILLING IDEAS: • Sauerkraut (rinse off excess salt) • Roasted pumpkin or sesame seeds • Blanched root or round vegetables such as carrots, daikon, rutabaga, or turnips


• 3 cups of apple juice • 1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice • 3 Tbsp. kuzu (similar to cornstarch, this can be found in your local Whole Foods or natural food store) • 1 tsp. grated lemon rind • 1 Tbsp. brown rice syrup (a milder grain sweetener that supports the liver) • 1 tsp. vanilla • Pinch of sea salt • Goji Berri garnish Dissolve kuzu in a small amount of cold apple juice. Bring mixture and sea salt to a slow boil. Cook until kuzu turns clear. Add brown rice syrup, lemon rind, and vanilla. Cook 2-3 minutes longer. Serve in individual cups with a garnish of goji berries.

Sheri DeMaris, M.Ed., is a cookbook author, macrobiotic cooking teacher/counselor, and TV host/producer. Information about her TV show, cookbook, and upcoming appearances is on her website, www.kissyourplate.com. To watch any of her recent TV episodes, visit www. rvntv. tv—click on the icon for Cooking Shows and then “Macro Magic.” Her show is also now on your ROKU channel so not only can folks throughout the world view the episodes on their computer but also their TVs! If you have a smart TV with a ROKU stick simply add the RVNTV channel to your list of stations and search for “Macro Magic.” www.PHILLYFIT.com | 267-767-4205


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Best (and Unexpected) Natural Foods for a Healthy Gut From Gastro-MD


ho doesn’t love eating a good meal? The best meals are ones that taste delicious and have a positive impact on your body and health. When we eat, our gastrointestinal system breaks down the food into simple forms that can enter the bloodstream and deliver nutrients throughout our body. This system – often referred to as the gastrointestinal tract, digestive system, or gut – needs to be healthy to function as it should. Signs of a healthy gut include regular bowel movements and normal stool appearance. Excessive gas, bloating, or stomach discomfort are common signs of abnormal digestion. A healthy gut functions most effectively when its microbiome – the bacteria and microorganisms present in the gastrointestinal tract – are balanced. Good bacteria play a crucial role in digestion and keeping us healthy. And the best way to increase good bacteria in your gut is through our food choices. Here are the best foods for a healthy gut: LEGUMES Legumes are rich in fiber, helping create a diverse microbiota – yet another word for all your gut’s microorganisms – that protects your system from harmful bacteria. High-fiber legumes include chickpeas, pinto beans, black beans, navy beans, lentils, and split peas. Some excellent ways to incorporate legumes into your diet include trying bean dips, hummus, and bean salads.

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FERMENTED FOODS Historically, fermenting was used to preserve foods. Today we also know that fermentation transforms sugars and starches into good natural bacteria. We think this is amazing! Fermented foods are packed with probiotics, which are live bacteria or yeasts that increase gut microbiome health. Good sources of these beneficial bacteria and enzymes are foods such as kimchi, yogurt, and sauerkraut. PROBIOTIC DRINKS Probiotic drinks are a convenient way to introduce good bacteria to your gut and help bring balance to the organisms in your intestinal tract. Probiotic yogurt drinks are most common in today’s supermarkets. Some probiotic-rich drinks to consider include kefir, a fermented milk beverage, and kombucha, a fermented tea. PREBIOTICS Prebiotics are a form of fiber that the body cannot digest. They serve as food for probiotics and fertilizer for good gut bacteria. Because prebiotics support healthy digestion, they may help lower the risk for digestive disorders and inflammation. The best sources of prebiotics include bananas, artichokes, asparagus, dark chocolate, berries, and oats. Onions and garlic are rich in prebiotics too. Green bananas, anyone? The trick to getting the most prebiotics from bananas is to consume them when the peel is still green. While they aren’t the sweetest, unripe bananas are best at serving as prebiotics for intestinal flora. They also have less sugar and are higher in resistant starch, which can be classified as dietary fiber. HIGH-FIBER FOODS Sweet potatoes, raspberries, whole grains, green peas, and oatmeal are all examples of healthy high-fiber foods. Dietary fiber helps keep your bowel movements regular, cleans your digestive system, and improves your gut health. However, too much fiber can also disrupt the digestive system, causing loose stools and bloating. That’s why finding a balance in your fiber consumption is also vital. For more eating tips for a healthier gut, visit gastro-md.com.

Gastro-MD is a clinical gastroenterology practice focusing on digestive health care.


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Manage IBS with

Natural Vitamin C By Dr. Donna Powell


etween 25 and 45 million people in the United States suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It can be debilitating. But there is hope! It’s crucial to understand what IBS is and how you can manage your symptoms. Here’s a look at how Vitamin C can help you.

Do I have IBS?

The exact cause of IBS remains unknown. However, we know that certain factors and triggers play a role in causing IBS symptoms. These triggers include abnormalities in the digestive system, stress, abnormal gut microbes, weak intestinal contractions and gastroenteritis after-effects. IBS affects the large intestine. Common symptoms include abdominal pain, stool appearance changes and inconsistent bowel movements. If you have bowel movement-related cramping or bloating, diarrhea or constipation, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have IBS. If you notice your symptoms have become chronic, it’s time to consult with your doctor to get some relief.

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Can I manage my IBS symptoms?

Because IBS is a complex condition with various triggers and contributing factors, there is no one course of treatment or medication. Instead, the best advice is to manage your symptoms, understand and avoid your triggers, and develop effective prevention strategies. It’s best to follow a gut-healthy diet and eat on a regular schedule; skipping meals can disrupt digestive health and result in irregular bowel function. Avoiding or eliminating foods from your diet that have triggered your symptoms is another good way to manage your IBS. Patients often say fried, fiber-filled, and high-lactose foods, caffeine, and carbonated drinks cause IBS attacks.

How Vitamin C affects IBS

Improving gut health is vital in controlling common IBS symptoms. Leading experts have explored the relationship between IBS and Vitamin C. Vitamin C deficiencies are linked to poor immunity, fatigue, chronic inflammation, and oxidative stress. However, high doses of Vitamin C can also negatively impact the body and cause gastrointestinal

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symptoms such as stomach aches and diarrhea. So Vitamin C balance is crucial as both insufficiency and over-consumption can exacerbate IBS symptoms. The key to consuming an adequate amount of Vitamin C lies in eating foods that naturally contain it and minimizing your intake of ascorbic acid in processed foods. Many people confuse ascorbic acid and Vitamin C because they are represented as the same in supplement form. However, they are not synonymous. The problem with taking synthetic ascorbic acid is that it may ultimately lead to malabsorption of Vitamin C, causing the vitamin to remain in the intestines, rather than being absorbed and used by the body, which can cause symptoms like IBS. To meet your daily Vitamin C requirement, eat Vitamin C-rich foods such as guava, broccoli, red pepper, spinach, grapefruit, and strawberries. If you have a chronic disease like IBS, a natural gut-healing diet may also help control your IBS symptoms. Pay attention to IBS symptoms beyond abnormal bowel movements and abdominal pain/bloating. It’s time to consult with a gastroenterologist if you’re experiencing these symptoms and they’re affecting your life.

Donna Powell, DO is with Gastro MD, gastro-md.com. She is board-certified in internal medicine and gastroenterology and practices in Tampa, Florida.



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Rone Tone, 29 years old, from Ambler, Pennsylvania. Works out at both Hybrid Fitness and the Ambler YMCA.

This is my friend Brenna and her new son Caden. She just recently started working out with me to get her body back. She did not have a sitter today so he came along. Where else can you stay fit and bring your baby or dog. Having the best time staying fit and helping others stay fit. Dana Hazard Plymouth Meeting CrossFit King of Prussia

Holly Fosnot Director and Lead Gravity Trainer AFAA CPT 215-675-4535 x104 215-817-0414 ( cell) Holly@horshamathletic.com ALWAYS BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!!!

Bill Alesio, franchise owner and general manager of GYMGUYZ Lower Bucks used his home gym to stay fit during 2020. Now he’s bringing the workout to clients’ homes with GYMGUYZ personal trainers.

Aneshia Fuqua, 42 years old. Born and raised in Philadelphia. Since the pandemic, I have been working out at home...I will never stop working out!

To be included in PhillysFITTEST please submit your entry to jami@phillyfit.com with a good quality photo and a caption. 22 |


Kim shares her passion for Aerial Yoga teaching in the studio Blue Buddha Healing Arts, located in the Eagleview Town Center of Exton, PA. She offers Aerial Yoga as a practice to grow both inner and physical strength as well as time to play!

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TOP 10

Vagus Nerve Hacks By Dr. Arianne Missimer


ot only CAN you consciously tap into the power of your vagus nerve; you SHOULD.

This important nerve’s name means “wandering” in Latin. It begins in the brainstem and innervates the muscles of the throat, the circulatory and respiratory systems, and the digestive and elimination tracts. It accounts for 80 percent of our parasympathetic, or “rest and digest,” nervous system. Healthy vagal activity is associ24 |


ated with better physical and mental well-being. Otherwise, it can cause issues such as inflammation, heart disease, and strokes. Consider Dr. Stephen Porges, a leading expert in developmental psychophysiology and developmental behavioral neuroscience. His 1994 polyvagal theory recognized the complexity of the nervous system. According to this theory, there are three ways the vagus nerve expresses itself, starting with a state of social engagement, where we are joyful, present, grounded, and compassionate. Fight www.PHILLYFIT.com | 267-767-4205

or flight, of course, involves frustration and anger, or fear and anxiety. And our “freeze state” is marked by dissociation and hopelessness. Social engagement, naturally, is what we want to encourage the most for optimal existence. Fortunately, stimulating the vagus nerve can help us achieve that – which we can do through these 10 methods.



Research shows that acute cold exposure activates the cholinergic neurons in your vagus nerve pathways, stimuPHILLYFIT

response. Additionally, the vibration of humming causes the nasal cavity to release nitric oxide, which increases vasodilation and circulation. When the soft palate lifts through these various activities, the vagus nerve is stimulated.



Known as the second brain, your gastrointestinal system is a key area that the vagus nerve innervates. Eighty percent of our vagus nerve is sensory, providing information to the brain. This amazing gut-brain axis can be influenced by addressing and decreasing any potential tension that we may be holding in the abdomen. To alleviate this tension, lie on your side on top of a soft ball or even a rolled-up towel or blanket. Then gently guide your tissue, skin, fascia, and organs over the ball while breathing diaphragmatically. Do this on your left side, then on your right. Do this for a minimum of 2 minutes and as long as you would like.



This is a great way to improve vagal tone, decrease your stress response, and improve your mindful awareness over time.

lating the nerve itself. This can be easily done by slightly changing your shower routine. Just lower the temperature to approximately 15°C for 30 seconds at the end each time to decrease your fight-flight or sympathetic pathways.



Diaphragmatic breathing involves fully expanding your abdomen 360 degrees, like a balloon, as you inhale. The key is to take slow breaths with long exhales. The vagus nerve releases a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine that catalyzes increased focus and


calmness. You could start with a tempo of three seconds in and three out, but you’ll want to lengthen that over time. The slower the exhale, the more the vagus nerve is stimulated. The most benefits are achieved with 5 to 6 breaths per minute and can be especially helpful in times of stress and anxiety.



The muscles of the vocal cords are connected to the vagus nerve. So using them stimulates productive activity. Besides, singing is a great way for people to communicate and connect in general. Humming, meanwhile, entails an extended exhale that again releases acetylcholine. This stimulates the vagus nerve and creates a relaxation www.PHILLYFIT.com | 267-767-4205



Think of the gut-brain connection as a highway that can be better paved by probiotics. Two primary strains of bacteria, sometimes known as psychobiotics, have been shown to improve mood, behavior, depression, and anxiety. They are lactobacillus rhamnosus and bifidobacterium longum. Both can also impact GABA (gamma aminobutryic acid), essentially inhibiting fear and anxiety.



Regular massages or self-massages can enhance positive vagal activity. This includes foot reflexology.



Movement is such a powerful way to improve your vagal tone, become more connected, and enhance happiness. Adding exercise and movement you enJULY/AUGUST 2021

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joy into your daily life can make a major difference.



It might seem obvious that connecting with your fellow humans in enjoyable ways is a mood-booster. But few realize this is partially because doing so enhances vagal activity. Laughing can bring you to a state of social engagement and it is a great way to co-regulate with others. Make sure that, despite current circumstances, you socialize, laugh, and enjoy life as much as possible.



Stanley Rosenberg’s basic exercise is a simple way of bringing blood flow to the brain stem, where the vagus nerve originates, and realigning the first two vertebrae. It brings you into a state of social engagement. To perform this: • Lie on your back. • Interlace your fingers and bring them behind your head right at the base of your skull. • Move just your eyes to the right until you sigh, swallow, or yawn (typically within 30-60 seconds) and repeat on the other side.

• For the record, blinking is allowed. Any one of these self-care-oriented exercises can be edifying additions to your daily life, even going so far as to induce joy. If you want to live life to the fullest, these are 10 core ways to help you better achieve just that.

Arianne Missimer, DPT, RD, CSCS, RYT is founder and owner of the Movement Paradigm, www.themovementparadigm.com.

REFERENCES: • Johnson, R. L., & Wilson, C. G. (2018). A review of vagus nerve stimulation as a therapeutic intervention. Journal of Inflammation Research, Volume 11, 203–213. https://doi.org/10.2147/jir. s163248 • Jungmann, M., Vencatachellum, S., Van Ryckeghem, D., & Vögele, C. (2018). Effects of cold stimulation on cardiac-vagal activation in healthy participants: Randomized controlled trial. JMIR Formative Research, 2(2), e10257. https://doi.org/10.2196/10257 • Lendvai, I. S., Maier, A., Scheele, D., Hurlemann, R., & Kinfe, T. M. (2018). Spotlight on cervical vagus nerve stimulation for the treatment of primary headache disorders: A review. Journal of Pain Research, Volume 11, 1613–1625. https://doi.org/10.2147/jpr.s129202 • Lv, H., Zhao, Y.-H., Chen, J.-G., Wang, D.-Y., & Chen, H. (2019). Vagus nerve stimulation for depression: A systematic review. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 64. https://doi.org/10.3389/ fpsyg.2019.00064 • Porges, S. W. (2011). The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, and Self-Regulation (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology). W. W. Norton & Company. • Rosenberg, S. (2017). Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve: SelfHelp Exercises for Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, and Autism. North Atlantic Books. • Thayer, J. F. (2009). Vagal tone and the inflammatory reflex. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine, 76(4 suppl 2), S23– S26. https://doi.org/10.3949/ccjm.76. s2.05 • Wang, H., Lee, I.-S., Braun, C., & Enck, P. (2016). Effect of probiotics on central nervous system functions in animals and humans: A systematic review. Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility, 22(4), 589–605. https://doi.org/10.5056/ jnm16018 • Yuan, H., & Silberstein, S. D. (2015). Vagus nerve and vagus nerve stimulation, a comprehensive review: Part I. Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain, 56(1), 71–78. https://doi.org/10.1111/ head.12647 26 |


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Yes, you really can just “float away” (for an hour) if you like! lem solving, and improves memory • Reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety • Induces meditative like brainwaves

By Jami Appenzeller


uch to my joy, this wonderful concept is in my hometown! There’s a float clinic right around the corner. You know my daughter Savannah and I HAD to stop in and see what the heck this was all about. Afterall, Magnesium is ALL over Tik Tok these days…for all its health benefits. It just so happened, we were able to schedule an appointment over the 4th of July holiday and experience this healthy treatment firsthand. This lovely, peaceful health spa is located in beautiful Southampton, PA, on the first floor of a very cool medical center. Lma Mineral Float provides float therapy for optimal health and wellness using Epsom salt filled float tanks dissolved in 1 foot of warm, body temperature water, to create a weightless, hour long experience that relieves all tension and stimuli on the body and mind. My first question was: “What is float therapy?” Having my curiosity way high after seeing these “bubble” like tanks you lay in…. Vivi, owner of Lma, kindly and passionately explained: 1. Floating is a new industry that popped in the past ten years and is a spin-off of the “Dead Sea” that health goers flock to annually. 2. But in fact, it’s an old industry that has its beginnings at the NIH with neuroscientist Dr. John Lilly. 3. It’s a much older industry that has its beginnings in thalassotherapy and balneotherapy. 4. OKAY, so what does this mean to the general lay person…meaning…ME? 5. “Flotation therapy is a luxurious and also practical way to heal the body from constant stress. Leave the noise and confusion behind and perhaps,


Physical Benefits:

• Reduces pain and inflammation • Improves athletic recovery and performance • Softens and replenishes skin • Reduces blood pressure • Improves circulation • Relaxes muscles

for the first time in your life, experience total relaxation and deep healing in a private, peaceful space. It is truly the ultimate escape!” “Since ancient times, soaking, bathing, and floating in mineral rich water has been a popular practice for optimal health and physical wellness. Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, was also the father of hydrotherapy and balneotherapy. He was very much interested in the therapeutic properties of various waters. He theorized that their curative properties came from the various minerals in the waters. Now I understand why the Egyptian queen Cleopatra loved her Dead Sea soaks. Aching muscles absorbed the medicinal waters and were quickly rejuvenated.

Mental Benefits:

• Reduces stress: enjoy total relaxation in a distraction free environment • Improves sleep quality, helps insomnia & jetlag • Enhances creativity, improves probwww.PHILLYFIT.com | 267-767-4205

Best part...Did I even mention that it is a doctor run float clinic. Dr. Keith and Vivi are are bridging modern medicine with ancient rituals... “ We see so many patients on multiple medicines for back pain and inflammation and so many other ailments. If this natural remedy can help one person reduce one medicine and find a more natural approach in life, we have accomplished our goal...” Dr. Keith has a unique practice that provides traditional medicine, concierge medicine, travel medicine and now Lma..a natural wellness center. Savannah and I were impressed. We had the opportunity to sit together in the infrared sauna first, which was amazing for detox, and then we went our own way for that ultimate Lma moment. We wrapped up the day with a piece of baklava, a staple Mediterranean desert that was so apropos for this little spa that is reminiscent of a Moroccan hammam or a Greek bath. Give them a call and experience this for yourself, maybe even make a date night out of it! Athletes love it too. But that is a discussion for another day. Location: 715 Cherry Ln STE 100, Southampton, PA 18966 (267) 982-5871 JULY/AUGUST 2021

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Want Results? DON’T Exercise:

TRAIN By Jasmin Lepir


top exercising and start training. “What is the difference?” you may ask?

Exercise is ANYTHING you do in or out of the gym – weights, “cardio,” stretching, foam roll, jogging, balancing on one foot, etc. – that has NO LONG-TERM EFFECT. It is simply done to produce an effect today. These effects could be feeling better after a crappy day, breaking a sweat, getting “pumped”, or getting a high five from your energetic group exercise instructor. If you go to the gym and have no idea what are you going to do that day, you are exercising, not training. If you go to gym day after day, hoping to lose

weight, but you cannot see the product of your work there, you are just exercising and you should be training. If your trainer comes up with a workout on the spot, he or she, at that very moment, transforms from your personal trainer or coach to a “personal exerciser.” He or she is not training you. If you are in the gym and most of the time you are checking out the hottie on the elliptical… well, you get the picture. Exercising is perfectly suitable for many people. It is sure better than sitting on the couch watching reruns of reality shows while eating junk food. However, if you are looking to achieve any specific goal you should be training. Training is a PROCESS with a long-term goal in mind. It is a physical activity carefully designed and strate-

gically implemented in order to achieve the goal(s). To start training, develop a specific goal that you want to train for. After that, find your starting point. Then identify your strengths and weaknesses. And after that, develop a strategic plan in which you carefully lay out your training schedule, based on proven fitness principles, focusing on basics first. Finally, execute the plan piece by piece. Since training has a long-term effect, each workout is an important piece of a puzzle. Therefore you should focus on each workout – not on the hottie on the elliptical – and get the most out of it. Exercising is the trip without a clear destination. You get on a bus and you just go. Then, you take the next bus somewhere else and so on and so on

because you don’t know where you’re headed. You may eventually get to where you want to go but, it may take you a very long time and it can cost you a lot more money than if you chose a direct path, which is what training is all about. So which path are you on?

Jasmin Lepir has over 17 years of experience in the fitness industry and is a Certified Strength and Conditional Specialist with the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA-CSCS) and a VDOTO2 Distance Running Coach. He is the owner of the Philadelphia Endurance Enhancement Project, LLC and is currently conducting personal training sessions at the Spark Fitness, LLC as well as the Philmont Country Club.

Have Virtual Workouts Changed the Fitness World for the Better? By Joshua Margolis

“It’s not faith in technology. It’s faith in people.” – Steve Jobs

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he paradox of how technology serves to connect us while simultaneously isolating us rings true in the world of fitness. Traditionally unprecedented events bring about unprecedented changes. This past year’s pandemic has fundamentally affected how we exercise as much as it’s affected anything else. Some of these changes are here to stay for the greater good.

We can’t unlearn what we’ve learned from the past year and a half of this pandemic, nor should we. Institutions and systems that have nothing necessarily to do with technology have benefited tremendously from them. Fitness is certainly one of those institutions. Never before has the world of www.PHILLYFIT.com | 267-767-4205


exercise been so accessible at the click of a button. Clearly there are both advantages and disadvantages. However, the positives far outweigh the negatives when it comes to exercise. If the goal of fitness and wellness is to improve upon one’s life physically as well as mentally, then ironically it took this pandemic for that goal to be accomplished. The excuse of “I didn’t have enough time to get to the gym” is now rendered irrelevant. Now the gym comes to you. PHILLYFIT

For the purposes of this article we are going to focus solely on one aspect of virtual fitness, the live one-on-one fitness training paradigm. First, we need to establish that there is a distinct difference between performing exercises to a video and working one-on-one with a professional. Videos don’t talk back. Videos don’t correct your form. Videos don’t focus on your posture and your breathing and give you individualized and specialized instruction. In fact for those of us from a generation past it’s no different than a DVD. Let’s focus instead of taking advantage of what technology has to offer and interface live with a fitness professional. The personalized and privatized instruction you receive in this setting is like being there in person. Sure, there are shortcomings to not being face-toface. As a 20-year vet in the personal training game I like to have a hands-on approach to my clients both literally and metaphorically. It’s nice to be able to stretch your client out at the end of a workout. However, short of that, the benefits of a virtual one-on-one workout rival that of an in-person session. Quality of life is about convenience, and convenience makes accomplishing your goals easier. The virtual workout affords this luxury. It grants you accessibility to any and every fitness mind from around the globe. Quality of life www.PHILLYFIT.com | 267-767-4205

can also be about comfort. With virtual fitness you don’t have to leave the convenience and privacy of your own home. Think of all the money you’ll save if you don’t have to purchase all that Lululemon gear. Optimal results are received with optimal surroundings when it comes to exercise. In the virtual landscape you create your own surroundings. You create your own private gym. You can outfit it with little to no equipment and when you’re finished you’re not sharing a crowded locker room. Let us not forget the valuable commodity of time. We can’t make any more of it. Virtual training helps with time management. Many of us have to juggle both work and professional worlds. Sometimes it can be problematic to fit a workout in. Most of us, however, can find the time to squeeze in a 30-minute workout session. Through the modern marvels of technology, this can now be done from anywhere. As long as you have your device, you have the accessibility to the entire virtual fitness sphere. If you’re a bottom-line type of person, then money can be the excuse for not working in a one-on-one setting with a fitness professional. However, now in the virtual fitness world the training costs are significantly less. You’re not paying for your trainer’s time, either. This has opened the world of personal training up to a much greater population. Now each and every one of us can have our own trainer. We can live that celebrity lifestyle in a virtual world. After all, don’t you deserve to pamper yourself a little? Especially after what we’ve all been through this past year. Stay healthy, everyone!

Joshua Margolis is the founder and owner of Mind Over Matter (MOM) Health & Fitness, a virtual outdoor and in-home fitness service. MOM employs experienced trainers certified in their respective disciplines such as yoga and martial arts. It has been featured on NBC’s “Today” as well as New York TV stations WPIX and WOR, and in national magazines Shape, Fitness, and Muscle & Fitness. Joshua is also the fitness model in the well-known book The Duke Diet. Find out more at www.mindovermatternyc.com. JULY/AUGUST 2021

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An Amazing I Senior Health and Fitness Comeback!

By Douglas Allen Young

’m 64 years old and will turn 65 in July, though I don’t feel anywhere close to that age. I’m 6’1” tall and weigh about 195 pounds. My fat mass is in the low teens. I exercise strenuously – typically 4-5 times per week, for 3-4 hours per session – and still have plenty of energy for the rest of my day after I leave the gym. The only prescription medication I take are eye drops to manage glaucoma. In May 2020, I earned my personal fitness trainer certification from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM CPT). Most people who don’t know me think I’m in my late 40s or early 50s. Colleagues at my local gym know me best by a nickname given to me by one of those colleagues: “Ageless Al.”

How One Man Lost Weight, Reversed Illnesses, AND Got Off Pills PHILLYFIT

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I wasn’t always in such good physical condition. In fact, my weight and fitness levels have varied significantly over the course of my life. Only since mid-2014, just before my 58th birthday, JULY/AUGUST 2021

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have I committed to making fitness and eating right an ongoing part of my daily lifestyle. My primary motive at that time was to recover from type 2 diabetes and other maladies. I am not a genetic anomaly—just an ordinary guy. If I could do this, so can just about anyone else. From my early 20s to my early 40s, I was in decent shape, worked out regularly, and played competitive volleyball. After foot injuries forced me to retire from competitive play, I no longer had a reason to eat properly or train. From around age 45 to just before my 58th birthday, I got heavier and weaker, from a lean and mean 175 pounds to 250. Career, home, and family commitments consumed most of my time. Over that period, I started developing minor health issues, followed by moderate ones, including acid reflux, back pain (including 3 herniated discs), hypertension to go with bronchial asthma (born with it), and glaucoma that appeared in my early 50s. The worst diagnosis was type 2 diabetes, which revealed itself in a physical exam after an auto accident in early June 2014. Symptoms included capillary bleeding in my shins, peripheral neuropathy in my feet, a hematoma near the retina of my right eye, and a general feeling of fatigue. To the list of prescription drugs I was already taking for the other ailments, my physician added Metformin and Gabapentin (later Lyrica). I had to start testing my blood glucose level every morning before breakfast using a finger-prick and a glucometer. I was advised to visit a dietitian, and was reminded to try to lose some weight. Every three months I got a blood test at my physician’s office to check my A1C score, which didn’t change much in the early going. That was very frustrating! I did some research and learned that many of the drugs I was on had negative consequences for bones, livers, and kidneys with long-term use, so I wanted to reduce, or if possible, eliminate them entirely. To be safe, I coordinated those reductions with my physician. Dietary changes included cutting out high-sugar foods (especially anything with high fructose corn syrup), alcoholic beverages, grains, white potatoes, dairy, and caffeine. I essentially adopted a 34 |


Left: My embarrassing “before” picture from the summer of 2014. I had already started working out a couple of weeks earlier, and had dropped from 250 pounds to 246, but still had a long way to go! Right: My “after” picture, doing 318-pound deadlifts at Cornerstone Fitness in March 2021.

modified keto diet. I focused on lean protein including eggs/egg whites, chicken, turkey, and seafood, with occasional grass-fed beef. I included healthy fats such as nuts and avocados. I obtained carbohydrates from vegetables, seeds, beans, peanuts, occasional small portions of sweet potatoes, and low-sugar fruit (in the morning only) such as berries, cantaloupe, peaches, and pears. After my accident rehab ended, I joined the gym where I did the rehab – Cornerstone Fitness in Bucks County, PA. I enlisted two fitness trainers to help me get started, Sean Rimmer and Morgan Kingsbauer (now Fink), doing 11 sessions between them over roughly 3 weeks. Over the next 18 months, I was able to eliminate the meds for acid reflux, hypertension and back pain, and reduced the dosage for asthma. The diabetic meds were the hardest to wean myself off. By early 2017, I was working out about 10 hours per week, dropped 70 pounds (my target weight was 180 pounds – I actually got down to 179.6), had gotten much stronger, and had significantly increased my stamina. My A1C, however, even while I was still on a low dose of Metformin, was stubbornly plateauing at about 6.0 – still www.PHILLYFIT.com | 267-767-4205

technically pre-diabetic. I wanted to be non-diabetic, which meant I’d need an A1C score of 5.7 or less. What got me over the finish line was interval cardio, where you go at a moderate pace for two minutes (which burns blood glucose) and then go as hard and fast as you can for one minute (this burns fat reserves due to the sudden increased demand for glucose), and repeat that cycle six more times for a total of 21 minutes. I did this on bikes, elliptical machines, and rowing machines. As the extra body fat came off, I finally got my A1C to 5.5 while taking a very low dose of Metformin. By the end of October 2017, I dropped the Metformin and my A1C came in at 5.6. I had officially reversed type 2 diabetes! I still had some neuropathy in my feet, but it had gone from a full boil to a low simmer, so I was able to reduce the Lyrica dosage. By the end of 2018, I was able to drop the Lyrica. By the end of 2019, I was able to drop the asthma medication. I essentially healed myself in 5 1/2 years! My big lesson learned is that illnesses caused by obesity and being out of shape are largely preventable. You can still recover, but it takes a lot of hard work and persistence to get there. It’s still worth it! PHILLYFIT


New Cooling Gadget a Hot Summer Wellness Find

New invention endeavors to help us beat the heat this season and beyond By Merilee A. Kern, MBA With reports indicating that, according to NCEI’s annual temperature outlook, “the year 2021 is 96% likely to rank among the 10 warmest years on record and 85% likely to rank among the eight warmest years on record,” this upcoming summer season will surely be a doozy. With temperatures expected to be on the high end of the spectrum, NOW is the time to seek out those heat-busting solutions that can keep us calm, cool and collected as the mercury rises. Luckily, today’s marketplace is teeming with innovations that are hellbent on upholding our health, safety and happiness amid extreme heat. According to the CDC, there are more than 600 deaths attributed to extreme heat conditions in the United States every year. These can be entirely preventable by taking precautions and keeping the body cool. One innovative way to do just that, in accordance with

CDC recommendations, is with Chiller Body—a custom freezing gel pad insert that invisibly tucks inside most headwear. It’s an easy way to ward off heat exhaustion and stress to stay comfortable, healthy and productive both at work and at play. It can even help keep everyday chores like mowing the grass,

working in the garden, or landscaping more enjoyable, more comfortable and, most importantly, safer. The Chiller Body cooling gel insert proffers a dual-sided cooling experience. Use the “Cool Chill” side for a soft fabric feel and gentle cooling experience, or flip it over and use the “Extreme Chill” side for a much higher cooling intensity. Whichever you prefer, the insert is easily placed within any kind of hat or headgear to keep the wearer cool, thwarting heat stress-related concerns in the process. Reusable and easy to put in place and remove, this hat insert is comfortable, lightweight and flexible so it molds to any head shape and size. Plus, it’s sealed so it isn’t damp or wet, which can lead to bacteria and malodors, and it allows for maximum air flow to prolong the cooling experience. Sold as a 2-pack, you can wear one insert while you re-cool the other for an all-day cooling experience. Also entirely gift-worthy, whether for yourself or another it’s a must have gadget for the sweltering days of summer.

Forbes Business Council Member Merilee Kern, MBA is an internationally-regarded brand analyst, strategist and futurist who reports on noteworthy industry change makers, movers, shakers and innovators across all categories, both B2C and B2B.

Performix Performix, a world leader in the active nutrition and wellness space, has launched their first highly caffeinated energy seltzer, Performix SST, a naturally flavored, zero calories, zero sugar sparkling beverage with 300mg of caffeine per serving. Performix SST uniquely features both an Energy + Metabolic Fuel Blend, along with a Mind Fuel Blend to provide increased metabolism support, and enhanced focus support throughout the day. Key ingredients include 500 mg of Taurine, 300 mg of Caffeine, 200 mg of L-Carnitine, 10 mg of green tea extract and 10 mg of Guarana seed extract, Lion’s Mane L-theanine and Black Pepper Extract. Performix SST is available at GNC stores nationwide.


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