Daily Record

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Vol. II No. 84 (244)

Keeping You Posted With The Politics Of Philadelphia

June 16, 2011

Philadelphia Daily Record

Casey: Save NIH Research

SEN. BOB CASEY and others from both sides of the aisle have banded together to spare National Institutes of Health’s funding for medical research from chopping block. Story page 3.

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The Philadelphia Public Record Calendar Jun. 17Annual Health Tech graduation at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, 3601 A St., 10 a.m. Funded by Kal & Lucille Rudman Foundation. RSVP Barbara A. Liccio (215) 427-5398. Jun. 18Judge Tom Gehret’s Municipal Court Party a the Shore, 3 to 7 p.m. 401 W. Pine Av. North Wildwood, NJ. RSVP 215-873-1`55 or email JudgeTGehret@aol.com Jun. 25Senator Anthony Williams will host a Family Fun and Food day at free cookout at Stinger Square, 32nd and Reed St., from 11am to 4pm. For information call 215492-2980. Jun. 29PRO-ACT 2-hr. workshop on “How to Talk to Your Legislators

& Get Them to Hear You, ” at 6 p.m. at PRO-ACT Recovery Training Ctr., 444 N. 3rd St., Suite 307. Again on Sat., Aug. 13 at 10 a.m. at the same location. Free. Call William Webb (215) 9231661. Jun. 29Montgomery, McCracken, et al, invite all to portrait presentation of Honorable Judge Gene D. Cohen at 4 p.m. in Room 653 City Hall. Reception follows in Conversation Hall, 2nd Floor, City Hall. RSVP Stephanie Redding 215-772-7260. Jul. 10Benefit for Women Veterans hosted by Cathy Santos at Mom’s Kitchen Table Garden Courtyard, 2317 Ridge Ave., 4-9 p. m. For info Cathy Santos (215) 8344228.


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13 JUNE, 2011

Toomey Unveils New Website US Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) announced today his of- new ways for constituents to contact me and for me to fice has unveiled its new website, a comprehensive por- serve them. As I work hard on behalf of Pennsylvania, tal for constituent services for Pennsylvanians. it is important constituents can provide input and learn more about my efforts to grow the economy, support The website, http://toomey.senate.gov, allows constituents job creation and address the serious fiscal challenges to obtain help with government agencies, purchase facing our country,” Toomey said. flags flown over the US Capitol, request congratulatory letters and certificates of recognition, apply for recom- In addition to the website, Pennsylvanians can interact mendations to US service academies, and book tours with the Senator and learn more about his work through of historical sites in Washington, D.C. his social media platforms: Constituents can also learn about the Senator’s posi- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/senatortoomey tions on issues, keep track of introduced legislation and Twitter: http://twitter.com/sentoomey email the Senator through the website. “I am pleased to unveil a new website that provides

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/sentoomey.

Casey, Burr Urge Support for NIH Medical Research US Sens. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) and Richard Burr (RN.C.) sent a bipartisan letter with the support of 37 Senators urging support for the National Institutes of Health for medical research in the Fiscal Year 2012 budget.

demographic changes and the escalating costs associated with many medical conditions and chronic diseases.”

The NIH is a critical source of funding for research conducted by scientists at medical schools and other re“We believe that it is essential to continue support for search institutions. It is also a driver of economic medical research because of the potential health bene- growth and jobs. fits for all Americans and the importance of ensuring that our Nation remains at the forefront of medical re- Pennsylvania ranks among the top states in the nation as a recipient of NIH funding due to the presence of search,” the letter states. several top-tier research universities in the state. NIH “The NIH is our country’s premier institution for med- grants to institutions in Pennsylvania helped support ical research. It offers our best hope for treating or cur- more than 28,000 jobs in 2010, according to a recent ing debilitating diseases like heart disease, cancer, report from United for Medical Research. diabetes, and so many other illnesses that American families battle every day. It is also our best hope for The letter was sent to the Chairman and Vice Chairman containing the increasing health care costs associated of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the Chairwith the aging of the Baby Boomer generation. A large man and Ranking Member of the Senate Subcommittee portion of the projected increase in health-care expen- on Labor, HHS and Related Agencies. ditures in the coming decades can be anticipated due to “Unfortunately, America is losing ground as the world 13 JUNE, 2011




leader in research and development and researchers are struggling to secure funding,” the Senators warned in their letter. “ As NIH grants get more competitive, researchers can easily spend half their careers working before receiving a grant, resulting in promising, talented young researchers being discouraged from biomedical research and some young investigators deciding to abandon scientific research altogether or to conduct their research outside the United States.

of the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, called on President Obama, during a Jun. 2 meeting at the White House, to issue an Executive Order to all agencies to compile a similar list.

“We are creating a marketing list for American manufacturing, creating the opportunity for growth and job creation by showing our entrepreneurs what the federal government needs to purchase with our tax dollars,” Fattah said. “We can fill these needs at home, with “We all recognize the difficult choices that need to be American workers and made-in-America products, inmade as we seek to reduce the deficit. If we are to im- stead of shipping all that business – all those jobs – prove the health of Americans and the quality of their overseas.” lives, we must continue to invest in areas like biomed- Fattah’s language reads: ical research that have the potential to save money in the future, improve the lives of Americans, and offer “The Committee requests a study to show what manufactured products are purchased on a regular basis by an economic return for our nation,” they concluded. or on behalf of the Dept. of Energy and are not currently manufactured in the United States. An interim report is required no later than 180 days after the Fattah Wins Bipartisan Support FY2012 Energy and Water Development bill becomes For Check On Foreign Procure- law with the final study submission no later than 365 ment days after the bill becomes law. The final study is to be Congressman Chaka Fattah (D-Phila.) yesterday won shared with the President’s Manufacturing Council, the bipartisan approval to add a provision to the Dept. of Manufacturing Extension Partnership Administrator Energy appropriation bill that requires the agency to and the Committee.” compile data on its purchases of foreign made goods “Here’s an example of how this can work: The United with the aim of providing American manufacturers with States is spending $20 billion on the power grid, and information they need to compete as suppliers to the that will require a lot of transformers,” Fattah said. “We government. developed transformers in the US but they aren’t man“This is the start of a campaign to turn our nation’s ufactured here any longer. By showing American busilargest buyer of goods and services – the US govern- ness how this huge purchasing opportunity is flying ment itself – into a mighty engine that will spur Amer- overseas, I’m hoping we can spur our entrepreneurs to ican innovation and manufacturing,” said Fattah, a restart this industry. senior appropriator on the House Appropriations Com“American manufacturing is healthier than most Amermittee. “I intend to add this requirement to every apicans think,” Fattah said. “We’re on the rebound – not propriations bill, with the support of colleagues on both as quickly as we’d like – but the growth in our econsides of the aisle who voted today to add this lanomy has been steady and consistent. By calling attenguage.” tion to the opportunities already available in Fattah, a member of the Appropriations Subcommittee government purchasing, we can spur even greater on Energy & Water Development and ranking member growth.” 4|


16 JUNE, 2011

Washington Condemns Abortion Bill State Sen. LeAnna Washington (D-Northwest) has condemned legislation that would impose rigid standards on Pennsylvania abortion clinics.

ing to amend legislation to allow the state to do just that. His efforts were partially successful with an amendment that was adopted by the full House, which would end the requirement that future appropriations paid by the City or County to the School District be not less than the highest amount paid in previous years.

“I knew going in that the odds of getting the amendment inserted were heavily against me,” said McGeeSB 732, which the Senate approved yesterday by a 38- han. “But the debate allowed us to get our argument out 12 vote, would require clinics that perform abortions and demonstrate the State needs to have the ability to after the ninth week of pregnancy to comply with am- remove superintendents who do not live up to the fiscal bulatory clinic requirements. responsibility required to administer additional State funds directed to the District.” Washington said some abortion clinics would need to make expensive structural changes and increase staff Next week, he will try again, this time by offering three in order to comply with the measure. This may force amendments to a bill (SB 858) that would set additional clinics to close because they may not be able to afford qualifications for School District superintendents. such costly expansions, further limiting access to serv- McGeehan’s three amendments would: ices for women.

Prohibit the awarding of bonuses, incentive payments and other compensation packages that do not include “This legislation is a direct attack on a woman’s right salary; of choice,” Washington said. “It would drastically increase costs and reduce access, thereby hurting those Give the General Assembly the right to remove a suwomen who cannot afford it. Limiting access to certi- perintendent by a majority vote of the House and Senfied abortion clinics could force desperate women to ate; underground clinics, putting their health at great risk,” Mandate the Auditor General to audit the Philadelphia she said. School District.

McGeehan Tries Again For Accountability In Phila. Schools

“Legislators from outside the southeast constantly point to what we in Philadelphia spend per student and the lack of academic progress,” McGeehan said. “We are the poster child of public education inefficiency.

State Rep. Mike McGeehan (D-Northeast), a vocal critic of the management style of Philadelphia School Superintendent Arlene Ackerman, will again attempt to stage a vote on three proposals to curtail the pay and benefit packages awarded to the superintendent by the School Reform Commission.

“The reputation of the School District has only worsened under the current superintendent. City taxpayers had to foot big tax increases the last two years while the School District has wallowed in reports of questionable procurement practices, mishandled incidents of racial violence and wasteful spending practices,” he On the House floor last week, McGeehan drew atten- said. “It is time for that to stop.” tion to his fight to remove the embattled superintendent from her oversight of the District’s children by attempt16 JUNE, 2011




PHEAA Welcomes Sen. Farnese To Board

outreach and other student aid programs.

Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency an- Mayor Releases Greenworks nounced yesterday Sen. Lawrence M. Farnese, Jr. (D- Progress Report S. Phila.) has been confirmed by the State Senate to be At the corner of 15th & Market Streets, Mayor Michael appointed to PHEAA’s Board of Directors. A. Nutter released the 2011 Greenworks Progress ReThe Senator serves as the Democratic Chair of the port yesterday and unveiled a pilot green roof on the Communications & Technology Committee and is a corner bus shelter, a collaborative project of the member of the Appropriations Committee, Banking & Philadelphia Water Dept. and Roofmeadow, a PhiladelInsurance Committee, the Law and Justice Committee phia-based company that is a national leader in green roof design. Greenworks Philadelphia, a comprehenand the Judiciary Committee. sive sustainability plan to make Philadelphia the green“I have long been an advocate of economic develop- est city in America by 2015, is reducing Philadelphia’s ment in the Commonwealth,” said Farnese. “One of the vulnerability to rising energy prices, limiting the city’s best ways to ensure the future economic vitality of carbon footprint, and positioning Philadelphia as a Pennsylvania is to maintain a highly-skilled workforce leader in the emerging green economy. The Mayor anthrough access to affordable higher education. I look nounced that in the two years since implementing the forward to helping to further those efforts as a member plan, the City and its partners have started or completed work on 135 of the 151, or 89%, of Greenworks initiaof the PHEAA Board” tives. “We welcome Senator Farnese to the Board,” said State “Our commitment to sustainability is making PhiladelRep. William Adolph (R-Delaware), PHEAA Board phia a green city, attracting clean tech companies and chairman. “He will bring a fresh perspective to our increasing quality of life in our neighborhoods,” said Board that will help us in our efforts to address various Nutter. “Our great progress toward Greenworks goals issues facing the students, families and postsecondary not only benefits us today, but also sets the stage for schools of Pennsylvania.” Philadelphia to thrive in the future.” The Senator is a member of the Pennsylvania Housing Accomplishments during the second year of GreenAuthority and serves on the Board of the Pennsylvania works implementation include: Historical Society. He also serves on the Board of Casa Farnese, the first affordable senior-housing complex in • Launch of EnergyWorks, a comprehensive energyefficiency solutions program offering energy audits Philadelphia, founded by the Senator’s grandfather in and funded by ARRA dollars through the new, re1966. Farnese also volunteers his time and support to gional Metropolitan Caucus, low-interest many charities and public-service organizations. financing, and certified contractors for home and PHEAA has evolved into one of the nation’s leading business owners in the Greater Philadelphia region. student-aid organizations. Today, PHEAA is a national provider of student financial-aid services, serving mil- • Installation of 55,000 and replacement of 30,000 LED traffic signals, saving over $1 million a year in lions of students and thousands of schools through its electricity costs. loan guaranty, loan servicing, financial aid processing, 6|


16 JUNE, 2011

• Acceptance of Philadelphia Water Dept.’s Green technologies in local buildings and attracting the City, Clean Waters, a groundbreaking stormwater- brightest minds in clean technology to the city. management plan, by the Pennsylvania Dept. of En“Greenworks is an ambitious plan, and the progress acvironmental Protection. complished during the first two years of implementa• Release of Green2015: An Action Plan for the First tion proves that when Philadelphians work together, we 500 Acres, a study establishing green-space expan- can make great strides,” said Katherine Gajewski, dision strategies, by Philadelphia Parks & Recreation rector of sustainability. and PennPraxis. • Philadelphia Dept. of Public Health’s launch of Get Healthy Philly program to reduce obesity by increasing access to healthy, affordable food and opportunities for physical activity. • Installation of the first City-owned solar project, a 250 kW array at the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant.

Green roofs like the one on the 15th & Market bus shelter decrease the amount of stormwater that enters the sewer system, reduce the urban heat-island effect, and prolong the useful life of a roof. The technology is a great example of how, even in a small footprint, property owners can reduce their long-term costs while making Philadelphia a more pleasant and healthier place to live. Details on the installation are available at http://www.phillywatersheds.org/greenbusshelter.

To view the full Greenworks plan as well as the 2010 • Weatherization of over 2,300 homes, saving low-in- and 2011 Progress Reports and regular updates, visit come homeowners money on their energy bills. the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability website at www.phila.gov/green. • City Council legislation permitting the use of sustainable materials such as pervious pavement for sidewalk paving, and the Streets Dept. installing the Rochelle Cameron Named Deputy City’s first porous pavement street, which reduces Director At Airport the number of pollutants that enter our waterways and creates safer driving conditions in hazardous Rochelle Cameron, an aviation and financial profesweather. sional with more than 20 years of experience in financial and business management, has been appointed • Reconstruction of the South Street Bridge with ded- deputy director of aviation, finance & administration icated bike lanes and wider sidewalks, showcasing at Philadelphia International Airport effective Jun. 20. City’s dedication to complete streets. Cameron replaces Edward Anastasi, who retired after 33 years in the Airport’s Finance unit, including 13 The City of Philadelphia is attracting significant attenyears as deputy director of aviation. tion for its sustainability efforts. In 2010, the US Dept. of Energy chose to locate one of three national innova- A native of Southwestern Pennsylvania, Cameron tion clusters in Philadelphia. The Greater Philadelphia comes to PHL after nearly 13 years with the MetropolInnovation Cluster, located at the Navy Yard, is uniting itan Washington Airports Authority, which is responsia broad coalition of partners from across sectors to re- ble for operating and maintaining Ronald Reagan search and implement improvements in building en- Washington National Airport, Washington Dulles Inergy efficiency. In the process, GPIC is transforming ternational Airport and the Dulles Toll Road, as well as the Philadelphia area by showcasing new tools and constructing a 23-mile extension to the existing Wash16 JUNE, 2011




ington, D.C. Metrorail system. During her tenure at MWAA, Cameron oversaw finance and administration at Washington Dulles, the Inter-Terminal Concession Program at Reagan National and the Financial Management Division at Dulles. Most recently, she was the manager of financial strategy and analysis where she directed the issuance and management of a $6.5 billion debt program and oversaw strategy development for the Airports Authority and the production of activity dashboards, performance benchmarking reports, and other financial and operational reports, statistics and analyses. Cameron and her team orchestrated the inaugural issuance of Dulles Toll Road Revenue Bonds, which received the Bond Buyer Deal of the Year award.

“I am very excited to welcome an aviation and business professional with Rochelle’s experience and expertise to our executive leadership staff at Philadelphia International Airport,” said Airport CEO Mark Gale. “Rochelle brings a wealth of knowledge and skill to us, and she will be a valuable asset to our organization as we plan for the future.” Cameron’s experience includes seven years as an active duty officer in the United States Air Force and one year as an Air Force civilian employee. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science with a special concentration in economics and philosophy from the University of Notre Dame and a Master’s degree in business administration with a concentration in Finance from Auburn University at Montgomery. She is a CPA.

Mayor Gives Nod To City’s PR Pros

BEFORE Mayor Michael Nutter showed up at 6ABC for his address on schools last night, he fulfilled a long-standing commitment to the Philadelphia Public Relations Association to appear with his Communications Director Desiree Peterkin Bell and his press secretary Mark McDonald. As he spoke briefly at the PPRA annual meeting, held at Stotebury Mansion in Center City, his staff members listened, as did Beth Archer, right, outgoing president of PPRA. Afterwards, Bell and McDonald spent time talking about challenges of dealing with press, and how useful public-relations professionals are to them in getting messages out. Chris Lukach was later installed as new president of PPRA. Photo by Bonnie Squires 8|


16 JUNE, 2011

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