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Ron Panepinto Jewelers


700 Sansom St. 215-923-1980

PHILADELPHIA, PA 215-331-6600 Jim Stevenson Union Member Sales Representative

Vol. X. No. 43 (Issue 455)

“The good things we do must be made a part of the public record”

Council Trio Hope To Save $ by Tony West A new broom sweeps clean, they say. That sounds good in theory. But in practice, the average new broom needs to work with a lot of old bristles in order to sweep much of anything. On City Council, three new brooms are bristling with proposals. Its three first-term electees, Curtis Jones, Bill Green and María Quiñones Sánchez, have branded themselves as the “freshman class” and set themselves apart from their elders with an audacious intrusion into the discussion of Philadelphia’s biggest challenge – the certain collapse of the City’s budget during the upcoming recession. On back-to-back days this week they introduced 30 proposals for dif(Cont. on Page 4)

FRESHMAN Council Members María Quiñones Sánchez, Curtis Jones and Bill Green teamed up to present a package of 15 areas where they say City can save up to $50 million a year.

PHILADELPHIA DA Lynne Abraham believes John Morganelli could end Republican monopoly of State Attorney General’s office.

Lynne Adds Weight To

Morganelli District Attorney Lynne Abraham on Tuesday threw her considerable political weight behind Lehigh Co. DA John Morganelli in his uphill fight to unseat Republican John Corbett as the state’s Attorney General. Morganelli, banking on a strong Barack Obama turnout in Philadelphia, welcomed Abraham’s support, and believes he will be able to effectively put into place regulations to control straw purchases of guns. He said, “I can put in regulations under the Consumer Protection laws of this state. They may be challenged, but it has worked in other sensitive areas.” Abraham says, “Morganelli has the (Cont. on Page 2)

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October 23, 2008

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PHA, HUD Wrestle Out An Agreement


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The Federal program that has given the Philadelphia Housing Authority the flexibility to rebuild numerous neighborhoods in the city has been extended for another 10 years. Without the extension of the Moving to Work program, PHA could have lost tens of millions of dollars needed to continue its housing redevelopment program and to provide programs and services to low-income families. Referring the battle, as they supported PHA’s position, were the State’s two US Sens. Arlen Specter

FLANKING PHA Executive Director Carl Greene, as he signs negotiated MTW agreement with HUD, are Assistant Executive Directors Dianne Rosenthal and Carolyn Carter.

Parks & Rec Merger Push Sparks Fears Based strictly on local importance, the biggest issue on the Nov. 4 ballot isn’t the choosing of the President. It is instead a ballot proposal with a seemingly innocuous bureaucratic aim: to combine the Fairmount Park Commission with the Dept. of Parks & Recreation. Don’t be fooled. This project, which has been discussed for years, is highly controversial among users of these two beloved civic institutions. Advocates like the Philadelphia Parks Alliance shot down a previous proposal floated by the Street administration because they feared for the fate of parkland. Now PPA and Mayor Michael Nutter are (Cont. on Page 2)

and Bob Casey and influenced the decision. The disagreement between PHA and the US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development began over wheel-chair accessible housing. Final agreement on the deal was delayed for months by the dispute. Though PHA manages substantially more accessible homes than the Federal government requires, HUD contended not all of those homes meet precise new standards. “We couldn’t be happier with this (Cont. on Page 2) MAYOR Michael Nutter signs ‘Mock Bill’ at Mander Recreation Center, 33rd & Diamond Streets, for creation of Dept. of Parks & Recreation, a proposed merger of Fairmount Park Commission and Recreation Dept. Merger proposal will be placed on ballot for November election. Joining Nutter are Council Members Darrell Clarke and Blondell Reynolds Brown.

Rizzo Brings Order To Accident Chaos The rat race that has produced highway mayhem following accidents has finally come to an end. No longer will tow drivers, their ears tuned to police radio for accident reports, rush to accident scenes and promote their services to the hapless,

often bewildered drivers caught up in those accidents. Sometimes they found themselves witnessing fights between the tow-truck drivers as to who had the right to tow the damaged vehicles. A Rotational Towing Program, (Cont. on Page 2)

page 2 The Public Record • October 23, 2008

Pols & Politics DA Dem Primary Field Grows (Cont. from Page 1) opportunity of unseating Corbett, ending the Republican monopoly that has dominated this office since it was established as an elected seat over 20 years ago.”

McElhatton Joins Dem Race For DA Daniel P. McElhatton, a former 7th Dist. Councilman, has announced his intention to run in the Democratic primary in May for the office of District Attorney being vacated after an 18-year tenure by incumbent Lynne Abraham. McElhatton’s public service includes four years as a City prosecutor and one term as a Councilman. He served in Gov. Ed Rendell’s administrtion. He has chaired the board of Community College for two years. If he stays, he’ll be facing Dan McCaffery and Seth

Williams in a field of at least five.

Teamsters Tap Wagner The Pennsylvania Conference of Teamsters announced its unanimous endorsement of Auditor General Jack Wagner for reelection to a second term. The Conference represents 92,000 active and retired members in transportation, warehouse, manufacturing, and public-service jobs throughout Pennsylvania. “Jack Wagner has stood up for working men and women during his entire career, and especially as Auditor General,” said Roy E. Marshall, who serves as both Western Pennsylvania Legislative Coordinator for the State Conference and as President of Teamsters Joint Council No. 40 in Western Pennsylvania, which also endorsed Wagner.

“We’re proud to support him for reelection.” Thanking the union, Wagner said he was excited about continuing to fight for Pennsylvania families and taxpayers in an independent and bipartisan way. “That includes fighting to protect and support working families,” he said. Earlier this week, the Pennsylvania League of Young Voters announced its endorsement of Wagner for reelection to a second term. Wagner was endorsed for his understanding of “the need for better public schools, improved access to higher education, smart economic development that will create quality jobs, and social justice in struggling communities that will break the cycle of poverty in this generation.”

Boyle Debates Taubenberger Brendan



Matthew Taubenberger engaged in something rare for a House District … a debate. Adherents of both sides said their guy came away a winner. The Boyle team sent out a release stating, "Brendan demonstrated his knowledge of the issues, from crime to health care, from the economy to property taxes.” Taubenberger couldn't even answer some of the questions,” said Seth Kaplan, political director of the Boyle Campaign. The Parkwood Civic Association hosted the 170th Dist. Debate. The two are vying for the seat vacated by State Rep. George Kenney.

Berson Retires From 8th Ward Long considered the leader of one of the city’s silk-stocking wards, attorney and former

ATTORNEY Daniel McElhatton, center, plans to enter race in Democratic Primary for DA. With him at Democratic pre-election gala are Joe Mulvey and son Scott Mulvey. State Rep. Norman Berson has ward leader. decided to vacate the 8th Ward Berson will resign immediDemocratic leadership. ately after the Nov. 4 election. Berson, who turns 82 in De- Berson’s replacement will be cember, clocked a 36-year elected at an award meeting tenure. His action follows the shortly thereafter. Place your retirement of another long- bets the ward’s committee pertime Democratic leader, sons will wisely throw their Michael Stack, Sr., of the 58th, votes to his wife, Leonora, who totaled 37 years of serv- who has made an equal name ice. Mike’s son, State Sen. for herself as a tough and Michael Stack, now is the plucky leader.

Merger Of Parks And Rec Is Worrying Many (Cont. from Page 1) both on board the current version of this plan. But vigorous opposition remains, as was evident at a public meeting at Friends Select School this week convened by proponents of the idea, which requires a charter change and therefore must be approved by the voters. Many park users have deep fears that if the FPC loses its storied independence, parkland will become increasingly

vulnerable to land grabs by greedy rivals in other City departments, and even by hardware-heavy recreational programs run by rec centers. These fears were sharpened by the recent tussle over Burholme Park in Northeast Philadelphia, which is a part of the Fairmount Park system. A portion of this park was taken by Fox Chase Cancer Center to be used for expansion despite outcries from the surrounding neighborhood. In

this case, say park advocates, the lure of increased economic activity tempted officialdom to, in effect, sell off parkland they see as a passive resource. Such a view underrates the importance of parks, they continue. They emphasize parkland boosts real-estate values, attracts visitors and new residents, and improves public health as well as quality of life. Without the independence of the FPC, many worry even

Tow Drivers On Rotation (Cont. from Page 1) which had been introduced by Councilman Frank Rizzo over a year ago, has finally been implemented by the Philadelphia Police Dept. It establishes a Tow Truck Rotational System to alleviate the Public Safety issues occasioned by the “wreck chasers,” hoping to secure the tow and subsequent repairs. For years, the highway free-for-all led some area garages to pay towtruck operators to stand vigil in accident-prone areas of local expressways and inter-

sections and steer the wrecks to them for repairs. Councilman Rizzo noted, “This has been a major problem that affects the safety of our citizens; now, we’re doing what needs to be done to stop wreck chasing,” indicating he had acted as a result of scores of justifiable complaints from auto dealers and other reputable operators of auto-body and repair shops. The Dept. of Licenses and Inspections sent out notices to all body and repair shops of the impending regulations.

Those interested in participating in the program were asked to agree to a list of requirements insuring “fair play for both the shops and those involved in the accidents.” The program provides for the Police to dispatch prequalified tow-truck operators on a rotating basis to remove vehicles that are disabled or impeding traffic under certain conditions. “Today,” Rizzo declared, “the streets of Philadelphia will be safer as a result of Rotational Towing.”

more parkland will be turned over to politically connected new uses. In the Burholme Park controversy, said activist Tom Kearney, “The FPC also sold us out, but at least some of the commissioners put up a resistance. City Council voted

16-0 against us, however.” Some change does seem likely, though. In most cities parks and recreation are combined under a single department. And even being separated as they now are, both parks and recreation have

suffered terribly from competition with other branches of government for scarce funds. Unlike virtually every other City function, both park and recreation spending have remained virtually flat for more than 30 years.

PHA Wins Flexibility Role (Cont. from Page 1) outcome. The agreement means another 10 years of funding flexibility that comes with the Moving to Work program,” said PHA Executive Director Carl Greene. “The fact we have been lauded by groups who serve disabled citizens speaks to our commitment to serving this population.” PHA has agreed to drop its Federal court case, in which it claimed HUD retaliated against the housing authority when PHA refused to turn land over at nominal cost to a private developer favored by former HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson. PHA has also agreed to a new reporting requirement so it will certify its accessible homes meet the new standard. Specter and Casey held

several conversations with the new HUD secretary, Steve Preston, to urge him to take a fresh look at the dispute. Those efforts proved successful. Under the MTW program, PHA is able to use some funds from the Housing Choice Voucher program for other purposes, such as building new affordable housing and providing training for low-income clients to help them up and out of subsidized housing. PHA has taken advantage of its participation in the program to rebuild distressed neighborhoods, and to transform the Housing Choice Voucher program into one that works for low-income families while balancing the needs of communities. With the help of MTW, PHA has also been able to in-

vest in technology and innovative programs, allowing the agency to reduce its workforce from 2,500 in 2000 to 1,130 today, while serving more families. “Failure to sign a new agreement would have meant an end to most of our construction activity and a move backward to the one-size-fits-all public housing of the past,” Greene said. “We are glad to put this disagreement behind us, and we appreciate the opportunity the new agreement gives us to advance a program that helps low-income residents become self-sufficient and promotes Philadelphia’s urban revitalization.” PHA is the nation’s fourth largest public housing authority, serving 84,000 mainly low-income residents.

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The Public Record • October 23, 2008

Pitching A Flurry Of Cost-Savers

page 4

The Public Record (USPS PP 109) Weekly Publication Published by:

The Public Record • October 23, 2008

The Phila. Public Record The South Phila Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila., PA 19147 ISSN 1938-8551 (Application to Mail At Periodicals Postage Rates Is Pending At Philadelphia PA and Bellmawr NJ) Postmaster: send address change to: The Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila. PA 19147 215-755-2000 Fax: 215-689-4099 Subscription Rate: $ 30.00/Year

EDITORIAL STAFF Editor & Publisher: James Tayoun Sr. Managing Editor: Anthony West Associate Editor: Rory G. McGlasson Medical Editor: Paul Tayoun M.D. CitiLife Editor: Ruth R. Russell Editorial Staff: Joe Sbaraglia Out & About Editor: Denise Clay Entert.Columnist Bob Pantano Creative Director & Editorial Cartoonist: R. William Taylor Photographers: Donald Terry Donna DiPaolo Production Manager: William J. Hanna Bookkeeping: Haifa Hanna Webmaster: Sana Muaddi-Dows Advert. Director: John David Controller: John David Circulation: Steve Marsico The Public Record welcomes news and photographs about your accomplishments and achievements which should be shared with the rest of the community. Contact us by phone, fax, e-mail or by dropping us a note in the mail. If you mail a news item, please include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify the information you provided us, if necessary. The Public Record reserves the right to edit all news items and letters for grammar, clarity and brevity. (C) 1999-2008 by the Philadelphia Public Record. No reproduction or use of the material herein may be made without the permission of the publisher. The Philadelphia Public Record will assume no obligation (other than the cancellation of charges for the actual space occupied) for accidental errors in advertisements, but we will be glad to furnish a signed letter to the buying public.

State Rep.

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Elected Official Place Your Ad Here 215-755-2000


R EP. A NGEL C RUZ DISTRICT OFFICE 2749 N. 5th St. • 215-291-5643 Staffed by

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State Rep.

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ROBERT C. DONATUCCI 185th District

174th District State Representative 8100 Castor Ave Phila, PA 19152 Hours: 9am to 5pm Telephone: 215-342-6204

1809 Oregon Ave, Phila., PA 19145


Councilman Wm.


Senator Tina

Tartaglione 2nd District 1059-61-63 Bridge St

Room 580 City Hall P. 215-686-3446/7 F. 215-686-1927

215-533-0440 127 W. Susquehanna Ave.

215-291-4653 State Rep.


William Keller 184th District


1531 S. 2nd Street

1555-D Wadsworth Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19150 (215) 242-0472 Fax: (215) 753-4538



State Sen. Shirley M.

Kitchen 3rd Sen. District 1701 W. Lehigh Ave.Ste 104 Philadelphia, PA 19132 215-227-6161

State Representative

RONALD G. WATERS 191st Leg. District 6027 Ludlow Street, Unit A


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Sen.Mike Stack

(Cont. from Page 1) ferent ways to reduce costs and pump revenue for the City of Philadelphia. Boldly going where no man had ever gone before, this trio saved the City $50 million on their first day’s work, according to their own estimates. Their next day’s work arrived with no such estimates. If the freshmen continue to rack up public savings at this daily rate, they’ll save $12.5 billion this year alone. But perhaps not all 30 of these proposals will work, or will happen. Triage on these proposals will be decided by the Mayor’s administration and by the Council majority. As a package, they are smart. But some are bigger than others, some are more workable than others, some are more believable than others and some are more truthful than others. At this time, however, nobody in City government is throwing away any cost-cutting ideas. The latest estimates are Mayor Michael Nutter’s current budget is facing a revenue shortfall of up to $850 million over the next five years. Some of their ideas are fresh

and doable. The three recommend, for instance, that City departments systematically rein in their overtime, which, at more than 10% of total payroll outlay, runs twice what it does in other cities. A reduction of only 5% in overtime would save $9.4 million annually, they point out. The freshmen are calling for “technology reorganization” – the centralization of IT procurement. Currently each department cuts its own deals with the same vendors. By corralling them into one master package, the newbies reckon the City can save another $10 million a year. Some are no-brainers. The Police waste 52,690 hours a year responding to false burglar alarms. Yet its service fees don’t come near to covering these costs. Smacking up registration fees and service charges could return $2.5 million annually, the trio estimate. However, some of their ideas are borrowed from other people’s desks. In calling for closure of tax loopholes and hiring of more revenue officers, note City

Hall insiders, Green, Jones and Quiñones Sánchez are bringing up ideas that are already being researched by the Nutter administration and by Council. Other savings seem airy, at best. The threesome claim the City is now missing $1 million annually “due to uncashed, lost and unclaimed checks” from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania – a problem they propose to cure by switching to electronic funds transfer. While that may be a wise step into the future, experts doubt this much in public grant money is actually being lost in the mail. A spokesman for the Mayor noted politely the administration welcomes all new ideas and will review them as it makes its own plan for coping with the budget shortfall. Council President Anna Verna’s and Majority Leader Marian Tasco’s offices said they had not been informed of the freshmen’s proposals prior to their announcement. At some point, it will make sense for the newcomers to consult with Council’s helmsmen.

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Committeeman, 49th Ward This event is broadcast “Live” on WURD 900 AM Philadelphia

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The Public Record • October 23, 2008

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Page 5

Injured At Work!

The Public Record • October 23, 2008

page 6

LDC HEALTH AND SAFETY FUND Laborers’ District Council Health and Safety Fund Of

Philadelphia and Vicinity

Union Labor... Building it right for a better and stronger community! Laborers’ District Council of the Metropolitan Area of Philadelphia and vicinity is comprised of four unions: Local 135, Daniel L. Woodall, Jr., James Vail Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Local 332, Samuel Staten, Jr., Vincent Primavera, Sr. Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Local 413, James Harper,Sr., Fred Chiarlanza Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Local 57, Richard McCurdy, Jr., Harry Hopkins Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Laborers District Council, Ryan N. Boyer, Business Manager. Samuel Staten, Sr., Business Manager Emeritus of the Laborers’ District Council of the Metropolitan Area of Philadelphia and Vicinity and Local 332.

Laborers’ District Council promotes a safe work environment, jobs completed on time and on budget, and represents union members, who are well trained, productive, professional, and take pride in their work. Union labor…building better and safer communities in Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery Counties. This ad is presented by LECET The Laborers Employers Cooperation and Education Trust 319 N. 11th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 Telephone: 215-922-6139 Fax: 215-922-6109 Web: Administrator, Richard Legree

319 N. 11th Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 Tel: 215-925-5327 • Fax: 215-925-5329 UNION LABORERS WE DON’T JUST DO IT WE DO IT SAFE Our mission is to promote and enhance Contractor competitiveness And to protect the occupational health And safety of Laborers and their families. Laborers District Council sponsors LDC Health and Safety Fund Local 135, Daniel L.Woodall, Jr., Business Manager; Local 332, Samuel Staten, Jr., Business Manager; Local 413, James Harper, Business Manager; Local 57, Richard A. McCurdy, Jr. Business Manager; Laborers’ District Council, Building Better and Safer Communities in Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery Counties. Laborers’ District Council of the Metropolitan area of Philadelphia and Vicinity, Business Manager; Laborers’ District Council; Business Manager; Ryan N. Boyer Samuel Staten, Sr. Business Manager Emeritus Of Laborers’ District Council and Local 332

Remember – Do It right, Do It Safe, Do It Union Administrator, Richard Legree, Sr. Director, Juan Bacote Management Trustees: James Vail and Steve Whiney


Babette Josephs voted for casinos in Philadelphia. Her committee is directly responsible for the casino bill being brought to a vote.


Wally believes taxes in Philadelphia are high enough. Wally favors continued wage tax cuts. He will reduce property taxes for seniors. Wally also favors eliminating the corporate net income tax on small businesses.

Babette Josephs wants to raise taxes on the middle class and small businesses. Babette opposes reducing Pennsylvania’s gas tax—one of the nation’s highest.


Wally believes in comprehensive education reform. Wally supports giving parents the right to send their children to the school of their choice. Wally also supports a zero tolerance approach to our school violence problem.

Babette Josephs opposes a parent’s right to choose which school is best for their child. Babette has taken no position on the school violence epidemic.

LGBT Issues

Wally supports giving LGBT couples the same rights as all other couples. He promises to introduce a bill that would guarantee the LGBT community full financial and medical equality within the first 100 days in office.

In 24 years, Babette Josephs has never introduced a bill that would give LGBT couples the same rights as all other couples.

Wally understands that Pennsylvania faces a health care emergency. He will fight to increase access to health care and decrease its cost. Wally will stand up to greedy trial lawyers and frivolous lawsuits which cost you money.

Babette Josephs’ solution to the health care crisis is a bureaucratic, government-run health care system which will cost taxpayers millions. The trial lawyers endorse Babette Josephs



Wally opposes casinos and feels their current locations in Philadelphia are a result of bad government.

The Public Record • October 23, 2008

Babette Josephs is a known antireformer. Babette opposes fair redistricting, banning taxpayer-funded bonuses, reducing the size of the legislature, and putting government salary information online.

Health Care

Page 7

Wally supports banning taxpayerfunded bonuses and gifts from lobbyists. Wally also supports fair redistricting, ending lame duck sessions, and putting government officials’ salary information online.

Wally s Good Government Guarantee: e-mail: Paid for by the Committee to Elect Wally Zimolong. Aaron Weems, Esq., Treasurer.

1. He will serve only two terms. 2. He will give his two years’ salary to charity if he is not reelected after his first term. 3. He will fight to end taxpayer-funded bonuses. 4. He will fight to end lame duck sessions of the Legislature. 5. He will fight to end partisan districting designed to protect politicians. 6. He will fight to ban gifts from lobbyists to politicians. 7. He will fight to put legislators’ and staff salaries online. 8. He will fight to give you the right to send your child to the school of your choice. 9. He will fight for more police to secure the safety of our neighborhoods. 10. He will continue to make John Street-style politics a thing of the past.

page 8 The Public Record • October 23, 2008

We all know who we want to see tramping into the White House in January, but face it: No matter how many plates of peanuts they set out there, most of us are going to have to be back in Philly the day after. So let’s take a look at the hometown scene, and look beyond the next election. What’s happening here in our forest, my fellow Elephants? City office gains may be slim in the next cycle. The 2010 State races offer a few more shots. FAST EDDIE RENDELL will be going (even earlier, perhaps, if you follow some scenarios) and it’ll be time for the pendulum to swing back our way in the Governor’s mansion. With luck, we’ll catch a statewide wave that pays off in town. Perhaps by 2011, when MAYOR MIKE “SUPERMAN” NUTTER’S had a few bad breaks and his luster is tarnished, we’ll see some gains in City races. So now is the time to position ourselves for those years. Question Number One: Who’ll do the positioning? I hear a lot of big talk from the Young Turks in city GOP ranks, the so-called Loyal Opposition. They want to reach out to youth, to Center City, to Blacks and Hispanics; they want to seize issues and crank out position papers. Sounds great! But something crinkles my trunk. Maybe it’s the undercurrent of bucking against City Committee leadership. We Elephants are a loyal breed and MIKE MEEHAN and the elders have learned a trick or two, so I’m not prepared to see (Cont. on Page 33)


Huggins & Scott Auctions is looking to buy or consign your VINTAGE Sports Cards & Memorabilia + older Americana type collectibles incl Toys, Games, Trains, Comics, Coins, Political Items, etc. for our next World Wide Internet Auction WE TAKE IT ALL & WE SELL IT ALL. Call Steve at 215-530-4365 to discuss your collection or to get a free catalog Visit our web page at:

Here are some random thoughts for the week before the 2008 Presidential election. Jury selection began this week in the trial of State Sen. Vincent Fumo. They’ve gone through a couple of jury pools on this, and I predict before it’s all over, we’ll all be asked to serve on this particular panel. Fumo is being hauled up on Federal charges of conspiracy, fraud, obstruction of justice and tax offenses. Witnesses for the prosecution include Fumo’s son-in-law Christian Marrone (boy, would I like to be around for THAT Thanksgiving dinner!), the private eye that he hired to spy on his exwife and ex-girlfriends, and a couple of computer guys — Leonard Luchko and Mark Eister — that used to work for the Senator. Fumo’s former lawyer, Richard Sprague, may also be called to testify. Who is on Fumo’s witness list? Well, it includes Gov. Ed Rendell, Congressmen Chaka Fattah and Bob Brady, and former Mayor Wilson Goode. My money’s on the Feds. Sen. Russ Feingold came to Temple University Law School on Monday and hung out with the law students there. He was campaigning for Sen. Barack Obama and to answer questions about Obama’s prospective administration. (Cont. on Page 33)

If You Think You Are Green Call John David at 215-755-2000 For Inclusion In Our November 18, 2008 Issue

‘The Greening Of Philadelphia’

Yo! Here we go again with this list of things you don’t hear people say anymore. Mary M. sent them to me and they brought back a lot of memories. I hope they do the same for you. Ready? Here we go: Be sure and refill the ice trays, we are going to have company after a while. / Watch for the postman, I want to get this letter in the mail today. / Quit slamming that screen door! / Be sure to pull the windows down when you leave, it looks like it might shower, and bring in the clothes on the line, too. / Don't forget to wind the clock before you go to bed. Why can't you remember to roll up your pants legs? Getting them caught in the bicycle chain so many times is tearing them up. / No, you can’t ride on the running board – you think it is fun but it’s not safe / Don't you go outside with your good school clothes on! / Go comb your hair. It looks like the rats have nested in it all night. / Take that empty bottle to the store with you so you won't have to pay a deposit on another one. / Put a dish towel over the cake so the flies won't get on it. / Let me know when the Fuller Brush man comes by, I need to get a few things from him. / You boys stay close; the car may not start and I will need you to help push it. There is a dollar in my purse; go by the service station and get five gallons of gas when you start to town. / Open the back door and see if we can get a breeze through here, it is getting hot. / Don't sit too close to the TV, it is hard on your eyes. / Don't lose that button, I will sew it back on after a while. / Do you want to go get me a switch? / Be sure and fill the lamps this morning so we don't have to do that tonight in the dark. / Turn the radio on; it’s almost time for “Inner Sanctum”. No! I don't have a quarter for you to go to the movies – do you think money grows on trees? / Eat those vegetables; they will make you big and strong like your daddy. / Hush your mouth! I don't want to hear words like that. I will wash your mouth out with soap again! / It is time for your system to be cleaned out, so I'm going to give you a dose of Castor Oil in the morning. / If you get a spanking in school and I find out about it, you will get another one when you get home.

Snooper’s Big Story: Who else? THE NATIONAL LEAGUE BASEBALL CHAMPIONS – our very own PHILLIES. Yes, they are going to The World Series, and they’re playing The Tampa Bay Rays. I was hoping it would be The Boston Red Sox; sorry Chris Pastino, they didn’t make it even though they had a legitimate shot and ‘blew it’. This City is ready and, I might add, they’re already talking about THE PARADE down BROAD STREET. The Eagles will not be so lucky this year, nor will The Flyers. Both teams are not that good this year. The fightin’ Phillies are the first Philadelphia team to bring home not one, but two Championships: The Eastern Division Championship, along with The National league Championship, and only one more to go – THE WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONSHIP. All together – Let’s go PHILLIES! Snooper’s Ward News: This comes to us from The ‘Fighting’ 58th Ward. ANNA FULLER, a committeewoman up there, passed away last week. I want her family – three Sisters BETTY, GUSSIE and DOTTIE, also her brothers CHARLIE and EDDIE – to know we send our sincere sympathies to all of them. Her husband BILL told me about her two daughters JOYCE and HARLENE, also her son “JUNIOR” who has also passed away. Rest in Peace ANNA. God Bless! (Cont. on Page 33)


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As Always, “You Can Walk On Our Reputation!”

Hrs: Mon, Tues., Thurs., Sat. 10-5. Wednesday & Friday 10-6:30

It’s not the economy, it’s the war. Six years of the two wars (Afghanistan and Iraq) have cost the country approximately one-half trillion dollars. Let’s put things in context. What’s a trillion? According to BOB WOODWARD in his book Plan of Attack, when the United States was buying up support from the tribal chiefs among the Kurds to allow the US free entrance into Iraq at the start of the war, they were given bags filled with $1 million cash. Now, $1 million in new hundred-dollar bills weighed 40 lb. Ten million would weigh 400 lb. A hundred million would weigh two tons (4000 lb.) and a billion would weigh 20 tons. Twenty tons of hundred-dollar bills would equal $1 billion. The most conservative estimate is the ongoing cost of the war is between $12 billion and $15 billion a month. That is a lot of money. Let’s look at it from another viewpoint besides that of bringing the troops home. I am talking about stopping the cost of the war. We are being bled dry by the war. The rest of the economies of the world are standing by to see how long it will take to bankrupt our country. Government does not produce a product. All it does is produce services. If it were a business, the sales of government would be the revenues received from taxes. Instead of increasing sales (taxes) to pay for the war, we are reducing the taxes. This is a formula for disaster. During the Bush administration the national debt has risen from $5 trillion to $10 trillion. You can say we just owe it to ourselves, but the other countries of the world who hold our paper do not subscribe to that belief. Somebody has to pay for the deficit and that can only be done by reducing costs (the cost of the war) or increasing taxes, or a combination of both. Stop the war and use the money for domestic purposes. Public works on a massive scale (Cont. on Page 33)


WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 14 of the First Class City Home Rule Act and Section 5 of Bill No. 080320, the Mayor of the City of Philadelphia is to issue a proclamation giving notice of such Special Election; NOW, THEREFORE, I, MICHAEL A. NUTTER, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, do hereby proclaim November 4, 2008 to be the date of a SPECIAL ELECTION to decide whether the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter shall or shall not be amended by a vote of the qualified electors on the following ballot question: Shall the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter be amended to require that those candidates seeking civil service positions who have maintained a bona fide residence in Philadelphia for at least one year prior to the date of the civil service examination shall have priority over all other persons receiving an identical test score? MICHAEL A. NUTTER, Mayor Given under my hand and the Seal of the City of Philadelphia this fifteenth day of September, Two thousand and eight. PURSUANT TO THE FIRST CLASS CITY HOME RULE ACT, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA HEREBY PUBLISHES THE FOLLOWING PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PHILADELPHIA HOME RULE CHARTER, AS CONTAINED IN A RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA ON MAY 1, 2008 (RESOLUTION NO. 080336). Bold italics indicates matter added by this amendment. Proposing an amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter relating to civil service regulations to provide that, when eligible lists for appointments and promotions are established, those persons who have maintained a bona fide residence in Philadelphia for at least one year prior to the date of the examination shall prevail over all others who receive the identical test score; and providing for the submission of the amendment to the electors of Philadelphia. WHEREAS, Under Section 6 of the First Class City Home Rule Act (53 P.S. §13106), an amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter may be proposed by a resolution of the Council of the City of Philadelphia adopted with the concurrence of two-thirds of its elected members; now therefore RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That the following amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter is hereby proposed and shall be submitted to the electors of the City on an election date designated by ordinance:

Personnel Director and Civil Service Commission and the Civil Service * * * CHAPTER 4 CIVIL SERVICE: REGULATIONS * * *

The regulations shall provide for: * * * (f ) The establishment of eligible lists for appointment and promotion, upon which lists shall be placed the names of successful candidates in the order of their relative excellence in the respective examinations, provided that any candidate who shall have maintained a bona f ide residence in the City for at least one year prior to the date of the examination shall prevail over any other candidate with the identical score. Such lists shall continue in force for at least one year from the date of their establishment and thereafter until exhausted or replaced by more recently prepared lists but in no case longer than two years. All such lists shall be available for public inspection; * * * PURSUANT TO THE FIRST CLASS CITY HOME RULE ACT, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA HEREBY PUBLISHES THE FOLLOWING BALLOT QUESTION, AS CONTAINED IN THE ORDINANCE APPROVED MAY 14, 2008 (BILL NO. 080320): Shall the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter be amended to require that those candidates seeking civil service positions who have maintained a bona fide residence in Philadelphia for at least one year prior to the date of the civil service examination shall have priority over all other persons receiving an identical test score? PLAIN ENGLISH STATEMENT RE BALLOT QUESTION NO. 1 AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 201.1 OF THE PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION CODE SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS BY: BILL NO. 080320 (APPROVED MAY 14, 2008); RESOLUTION NO. 080336 (ADOPTED MAY 1, 2008) Ballot Question: Shall the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter be amended to require that those candidates seeking civil service positions who have maintained a bona fide residence in Philadelphia for at least one year prior to the date of the civil service examination shall have priority over all other persons receiving an identical test score? Statement: Candidates for most Philadelphia civil service jobs are given a test. Candidates are scored from 0 to 100, with bonus points given to veterans and to others, as required by law. Candidates are placed on a list in order of their scores. Job vacancies must be filled by offering the job to one of the two persons ranking highest on the list. Civil service regulations provide methods to break ties should two or more persons receive the same test score. The proposed amendment would change those methods to give a preference to certain City residents. It would require candidates who have lived within the City for at least one year before taking the test to be ranked above any other candidates with the same test score. Ballot Question Submitted to the Voters By: Bill No. 080320 (approved May 14, 2008); Resolution No. 080336 (adopted May 1, 2008). Plain English Statement Prepared As Required By Section 201.1 of the Pennsylvania Election Code. Patricia Rafferty Chief Clerk of City Council


§7-401. Contents. The Public Record • October 23, 2008

WHEREAS, Pursuant to the First Class City Home Rule Act, the Council of the City of Philadelphia, by ordinance approved May 14, 2008 (Bill No. 080320), has directed that a certain proposed amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter be submitted to the qualified electors of the City for approval or disapproval at a Special Election to be held on November 4, 2008, the day of the regular general election; and

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PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Pursuant to the First Class City Home Rule Act, the Council of the City of Philadelphia, by ordinance approved August 4, 2008 (Bill No. 080169), has directed that a certain proposed amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter be submitted to the qualified electors of the City for approval or disapproval at a Special Election to be held on November 4, 2008, the day of the regular general election; and

§3-100. Executive and Administrative Officers, Departments, Boards, Commissions and Agencies Designated. The executive and administrative work of the City shall be performed by:

WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 14 of the First Class City Home Rule Act and Section 5 of Bill No. 080169, the Mayor of the City of Philadelphia is to issue a proclamation giving notice of such Special Election;

(d) The following departments which are hereby created:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, MICHAEL A. NUTTER, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, do hereby proclaim November 4, 2008 to be the date of a

Department of Recreation Department of Parks and Recreation;




* SPECIAL ELECTION to decide whether the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter shall or shall not be amended by a vote of the qualified electors on the following ballot question: Shall the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter be amended to merge the powers and duties of the Fairmount Park Commission and the Department of Recreation into a newly-created Department of Parks and Recreation, “to establish a new Commission on Parks and Recreation,” and to provide for its powers and duties? MICHAEL A. NUTTER, Mayor Given under my hand and the Seal of the City of Philadelphia this fifteenth day of September, Two thousand and eight. PURSUANT TO THE FIRST CLASS CITY HOME RULE ACT, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA HEREBY PUBLISHES THE FOLLOWING PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE PHILADELPHIA HOME RULE CHARTER, AS CONTAINED IN A RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA ON JUNE 19, 2008 (RESOLUTION NO. 080181).

Proposing an amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter relating to the transfer of the powers and duties of the Fairmount Park Commission to the Department of Recreation (to be renamed the “Department of Parks and Recreation”) and reconstituting the Fairmount Park Commission as the Commission on Parks and Recreation, with new powers and duties; and providing for the submission of the amendment of the electors of Philadelphia. WHEREAS, Under Section 6 of the First Class City Home Rule Act (53 P.S. §13106), an amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter may be proposed by a resolution of the Council of the City of Philadelphia adopted with the concurrence of two-thirds of its elected members; now therefore RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That the following amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter is hereby proposed and shall be submitted to the electors of the City on an election date designated by ordinance: ARTICLE III EXECUTIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE BRANCH ORGANIZATION CHAPTER 1 OFFICERS, DEPARTMENTS, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND OTHER AGENCIES





(f) The following departmental boards and commissions, which are either created or placed, as the case may be, in the respective departments, as follows: *



In the Department of Recreation Department of Parks and Recreation: Fairmount Park Commission on Parks and Recreation; Board of Trustees of American Flag House and Betsy Ross Memorial; Board of Trustees of Atwater Kent Museum; Board of Trustees of Camp Happy. *



(g) An advisory board in the Department of Recreation to be known as the Recreation Coordination Board. (h)

Strikethrough indicates matter deleted by these amendments. Bold italics indicates matter added by these amendments.



§3-101. Department Heads. Each department shall have as its head an officer who either personally or by deputy or by a duly authorized agent or employee of the department, and subject at all times to the provisions of this charter, shall exercise the powers and perform the duties vested in and imposed upon the department. The following officers shall be the heads of the departments following their respective titles: * * * Parks and Recreation Commissioner, of the Department of Recreation Department of Parks and Recreation. *




§3-206. Other Department Heads.



§3-906. Board of Trustees of American Flag House and Betsy Ross Memorial.

With the approval of the Mayor:





Reserved. *








§3-908. Board of Trustees of Camp Happy. The Board of Trustees of Camp Happy shall be composed of seven appointed members and the Recreation Commissioner.

* * * §3-802. Board of Trustees of the Free Library of Philadelphia. The Board of Trustees of the Free Library of Philadelphia shall be composed of twenty-two voting members and the Parks and Recreation Commissioner. Eighteen members shall be life members of the Board, vacancies among them being filled alternately by election by the Board and appointment by the Mayor.




§3-910. Art Commission.

The Public Record • October 23, 2008


The Board of Trustees of the American Flag House and Betsy Ross Memorial shall be composed of seven appointed members and the Parks and Recreation Commissioner.

Page 11

(a) The Managing Director shall appoint the Police Commissioner, the Health Commissioner, the Fire Commissioner, the Street Commissioner, the Parks and Recreation Commissioner, the Welfare Commissioner, the Water Commissioner, the Commissioner of Public Property, the Commissioner of Licenses and Inspections, and the Commissioner of Records;

The Art Commission shall be composed of eight appointed members and the Commissioner of Public Property. Of the appointed members, one each shall be a painter, a sculptor, an architect, a landscape architect, a member of the Fairmount Park Commission on Parks and Recreation, and an experienced business executive, and two shall be members of a faculty or governing body of a school of art or architecture. In all matters within the jurisdiction of the Commission pertaining to work under the special charge of any department of the City, the head of such department shall also for the time being act as a member but shall have no vote.

§3-905. Fairmount Park Commission on Parks and Recreation. * (a) Composition. The Fairmount Park Commission on Parks and Recreation shall consist of the commissioners of Fairmount Park and shall be constituted in accordance with the provisions of the Act of March 26, 1867, P.L. 547, as amended. The Recreation Commissioner shall be a member of the Commission, ex officio. fifteen members, nine of whom shall be appointed by the Mayor from a list of nominations submitted to the Mayor by resolution of the Council; and six of whom shall serve ex officio, as follows: the President of City Council and the Executive Director of the City Planning Commission, or their designees, and the Water Commissioner, the Street Commissioner, the Public Property Commissioner and the Parks and Recreation Commissioner. The Mayor shall designate one member who does not serve ex officio to serve as chair. (b) Appointment process. At the commencement of every Mayoral term and by no later than February 1 of such year, the Council President shall, by public notice, solicit applicants to serve on the Commission. The application period shall be open for no less than thirty days, after which the Council shall hold a public hearing on the proposed nominations. No later than ninety days after the close of applications, the Council, by resolution, shall forward to the Mayor no fewer than 18 and no more than 25 nominations. Whenever a vacancy shall occur on the Commission, the Mayor may fill the vacancy from any nominations previously submitted by the Council during such Mayoral term, provided that, for any vacancy occurring more than one year after the commencement of a term, the Mayor may ask for additional nominations, and Council, pursuant to the foregoing process, shall forward to the Mayor nominations numbering no less than two and no more than three times the number of vacancies.


§3-916. Recreation Coordination Board. The Recreation Coordination Board shall be composed of the Recreation Commissioner and nine appointed members of whom three shall be members of the Fairmount Park Commission and three shall be members of the Board of Public Education of the School District of Philadelphia. Reserved. *



ARTICLE V EXECUTIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE BRANCH POWERS AND DUTIES Managing Director and Departments, Boards and Commissions under his Supervision CHAPTER 1 MANAGING DIRECTOR *



§5-102. Meetings with Certain Department Heads. The Managing Director shall call together periodically the Police Commissioner, the Health Commissioner, the Fire Commissioner, the Street Commissioner, the Parks and Recreation Commissioner, the Welfare Commissioner, the Water Commissioner, the Commissioner of Public Property, the Commissioner of Licenses and Inspections and the Commissioner of Records. He may invite to these meetings any other officers of the City government. *




(c) Qualifications. The members shall have demonstrated experience or skills relevant to the powers and duties of the Commission including, but not limited to: sports, recreation and athletic programming; natural lands management, watershed management, and environmental protection; tourism, marketing and public relations; business and finance; neighborhood revitalization; community leadership; historical and architectural preservation; landscaping and horticulture; and fundraising. The Commission shall also be reflective of the geographic, racial, ethnic, and gender diversity within the City.


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The Public Record • October 23, 2008

§5-600. Functions. The Department of Recreation Department of Parks and Recreation shall have the power and its duty shall be to perform the following functions: (a) Coordinated Recreational Program. It shall from time to time formulate a comprehensive and coordinated program of cultural and physical recreational activities to be instituted and conducted in all City recreational facilities, including those managed and operated by the Fairmount Park Commission. (b) Conduct of Recreational Program. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the Department shall institute and conduct all recreational activities in accordance with its recreational program. (c) Park and Recreational Facilities. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the Department shall manage and operate all City recreational facilities, including the Municipal Stadium, and all parks and public squares not managed and operated by the Fairmount Park Commission, and itself, or by contract, construct, maintain, improve and repair such facilities, parks and squares. Jointly with the Fairmount Park Commission, it The Department shall determine the location of new park and recreational facilities to be situated in Fairmount Park and other City parks managed and operated by the Fairmount Park Commission. This paragraph shall not apply to City recreational facilities managed and operated by private corporations or privately owned recreational facilities supported in whole or in part by funds appropriated from the City Treasury but all requests for appropriations from the City Treasury for such City or private recreational facilities shall be made through the Department. (d) Historical Shrines. The Department shall preserve, manage and operate City historical shrines not under the management and operation of any board or commission and make plans for the acquisition by the City of buildings and grounds of historical significance to the City. (e) Fairmount Park System and Other Parks. The Department shall, subject to the provisions of this charter, exercise all the powers and perform all the duties that, at the time this subsection was added to this charter, were vested in and imposed upon the Fairmount Park Commission by statute or ordinance, except that the Department of Streets shall itself, or by contract, build, rebuild and maintain the roads and drives in Fairmount Park and make such regulations governing traffic thereon as shall be authorized by statute or ordinance, but the Department of Parks and Recreation shall determine the location and type of all such roads and drives, and may exclude certain types of vehicles from the use of any or all such roads or drives. (f) Deputy Commissioners. The Parks and Recreation Commissioner shall appoint two deputies exempt from civil service who shall serve, respectively, as Deputy Commissioner for Recreation and Deputy Commissioner for Parks and who, subject to the direction of the Commissioner, shall have principal responsibility for carrying out the Department’s duties relating to the management and operation of, respectively, the City’s recreation programs; and the City’s parks, including the Fairmount Park System.

Department of Recreation for the maximum coordination of all recreational activities conducted by the Department, the Fairmount Park Commission and the Board of Public Education of the School District of Philadelphia. Such recommendations shall also seek the maximum coordinated use of all City recreational facilities, including those managed and operated by the Fairmount Park Commission, with those in school district grounds and structures. §5-602. Fairmount Park Commission on Parks and Recreation. Subject to the provisions of this charter, the Commissioners of Fairmount Park shall continue to exercise the powers and perform the duties vested in and imposed upon them by statute or ordinance except that: (a) The Department of Streets shall itself, or by contract, build, rebuild and maintain the roads and drives in Fairmount Park and make such regulations governing traffic thereon as shall be authorized by statute or ordinance, but the Commission shall determine the location and type of all such roads and drives, and may exclude certain types of vehicles from the use of any or all such roads or drives. (b) The Fairmount Park Commission shall institute and conduct, in accordance with the recreational program formulated by the Department of Recreation, recreational activities in Fairmount Park and other City parks managed and operated by the Commission. It shall manage and operate recreational facilities located in such parks and itself, or by contract, construct, maintain, improve and repair such facilities. (c) The head of the park police force shall cooperate fully at all times with the Police Commissioner. (a) The Commission, after receiving public comment, shall from time to time adopt standards and guidelines relating to City park and recreation land and facilities, including standards and guidelines relating to land use; preservation of green space; watershed management; sustainability; and the conveyance and acquisition of park and recreation land or facilities, including criteria for the assessment and evaluation of proposed conveyances or acquisitions. The Parks and Recreation Commissioner and all other City officials shall give substantial weight to the standards and guidelines adopted by the Commission when taking or considering any official action relating to the City’s park or recreation land or facilities. (b) The Commission shall assist and advise the Parks and Recreation Commissioner and such private organizations as the Commission may choose, to promote, support and enhance the image of the Fairmount Park System, other City parks, and City recreation facilities; and to expand and diversify the funding and resources for operation and capital expenditures in and for park and recreation facilities. (c) The Commission shall convene public meetings at least quarterly, and shall provide, at each public meeting, opportunity for public comment concerning any matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission. §5-603. §5-602. * * * §5-604. §5-603. * * *

§5-605. Board of Trustees of Camp Happy. (g) Sale, Conveyance and Acquisition of Park and Recreation Land or Facilities. Immediately upon introduction into Council of any ordinance authorizing the City to acquire, convey or lease to a third party any interest in real estate that includes park or recreation land or facilities, the Chief Clerk of Council shall submit it to the Commission on Parks and Recreation for its recommendation to the Mayor and the Council. §5-601. Recreation Coordination Board. The Recreation Coordination Board shall from time to time make recommendations to the

The Board of Trustees of Camp Happy shall have direction and control of the management of Camp Happy. It shall, subject to the approval of the Recreation Commissioner, select a supervisor, who shall, subject to the authority of the Board, administer the Camp. On nomination by the supervisor, the Board shall from time to time appoint such assistants and employees as may be necessary. * * * CHAPTER 10 DEPARTMENT OF LICENSES AND INSPECTIONS AND ITS DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS


§5-1001. Definitions.

Shall the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter be amended to merge the powers and duties of the Fairmount Park Commission and the Department of Recreation into a newly-created Department of Parks and Recreation, “to establish a new Commission on Parks and Recreation,” and to provide for its powers and duties? PLAIN ENGLISH STATEMENT RE BALLOT QUESTION NO. 2 AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 201.1 OF THE PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION CODE SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS BY: BILL NO. 080169 (APPROVED AUGUST 4, 2008); RESOLUTION NO. 080181 (ADOPTED JUNE 19, 2008)

The Public Record • October 23, 2008


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In this chapter: (a) “License” shall mean any license or permit required by statute, ordinance or regulation to be obtained from any officer, department, board or commission as a prerequisite to engaging in any activity or having possession of or using any property but shall not include the right to admission to any facility in any park or under the jurisdiction of the Department of Recreation Department of Parks and Recreation.

Ballot Question: *






Shall the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter be amended to merge the powers and duties of the Fairmount Park Commission and the Department of Recreation into a newly-created Department of Parks and Recreation, “to establish a new Commission on Parks and Recreation,” and to provide for its powers and duties?

§ A-200. Schedule. Statement: This charter shall become effective on the first Monday of January, 1952, except in the following particulars: *



(8) Merger of Powers and Duties of Fairmount Park Commission and Department of Recreation. (a) Effective July 1, 2009, the new Department of Parks and Recreation and the new Commission on Parks and Recreation shall assume all of their respective powers and duties, as set forth in this Charter, and the Fairmount Park Commission and the Department of Recreation shall cease to exist. Any administrative implementation issues regarding the absorption by the Department of Parks and Recreation of the former powers and duties of the Department of Recreation or the Fairmount Park Commission shall be completed no later than July 1, 2010. (b) All provisions of Chapter A-1 relating to the abolition of an agency by this charter shall apply with respect to the merger of the powers and duties of the Fairmount Park Commission and the Department of Recreation into the Department of Parks and Recreation. (c) On and after July 1, 2009, the Parks and Recreation Commissioner: (.1) Shall serve as the successor trustee of all money and property donated to, or otherwise held by, the Fairmount Park Commission in trust; and shall administer those trusts strictly for their respective trust purposes; and (.2) Shall serve as the successor custodian of all money and property held by the Fairmount Park Commission in any custodial account; and shall use funds in any of those accounts strictly for the purposes of those accounts.


The Department of Recreation manages all parks that are not managed by the Commission. The Department also manages City recreation facilities. The Department is headed by a Commissioner of Recreation appointed by the Managing Director with the Mayor’s approval. Under the proposed amendment to the Home Rule Charter, the management of all City parks and recreation facilities would be consolidated into a single “Department of Parks and Recreation” accountable to the Mayor. The Recreation Department and Fairmount Park Commission would be abolished. The new combined Department would be headed by a Commissioner appointed by the Managing Director with the Mayor’s approval. The Commissioner would appoint a Deputy Commissioner for Recreation and a Deputy Commissioner for Parks. The new Department would be guided in its work by a new “Commission on Parks and Recreation.” The new Commission would consist of six City officials and nine persons appointed by the Mayor from nominations made by City Council after a public application and hearing process. Members would be required to have experience or skills relevant to the powers and duties of the Commission. The new Commission, after receiving public input, would adopt standards and guidelines for the management of City parks and recreation facilities. The standards and guidelines would address land use, preservation of green space, watershed management, sustainability, the sale or transfer of park or recreation land and facilities, and other issues. City officials would be required to give substantial weight to those standards and guidelines. The Commission also would promote City parks and recreation facilities, and assist in fundraising. Ballot Question Submitted to the Voters By: Bill No. 080169 (approved August 4, 2008); Resolution No. 080181 (adopted June 19, 2008). Plain English Statement Prepared As Required By Section 201.1 of the Pennsylvania Election Code. Patricia Rafferty, Chief Clerk of City Council

Upon approval by the voters of the amendment adding this subsection to this charter, the City Solicitor shall forthwith take all actions the City Solicitor believes necessary to effectuate this provision.

Fairmount Park is now managed by the Fairmount Park Commission. The Commission consists of six City officials and ten persons appointed by the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas. The Commission also manages certain other parks listed by ordinance.

page 14 The Public Record • October 23, 2008

Our Opinion ... Don’t Wreck Parks And Rec The move to consolidate the Fairmount Park Commission and the Dept. of Recreation is sound. It’s not a magic bullet, however. Recreation is a seamless set of facilities and activities that naturally work together. Parks aren’t “vacant land” any more than basketball courts are “empty asphalt”. The same people use both at different times, but for similar purposes. The current division of facilities into two utterly unrelated agencies makes little sense today. Consolidation should proceed. But it won’t prevent bad judgement and power grabs from taking place. It won’t automatically protect our precious recreational infrastructure. If Philadelphia has any future as a great city, it is only because ordinary people feel they can find both fun and beauty in their surroundings. Only vigilance by a citizenry committed to both relaxation and greenery will prevail in the long run. We need to let our elected officials know where our priorities lie. For too long, both Parks and Recreation were the stepchildren of City budgets. That will stop if voters insist it stop.

Another Opinion Mortgage Reform by State Rep. W. Curtis Thomas In June, I joined some of my colleagues in the House of Representatives to announce housing trust-fund and mortgage-foreclosure rescue legislation as part of my dedication to addressing the issue of keeping struggling homeowners in their homes and communities. There are large amounts of Pennsylvanians, among which are too many who can’t even make the mortgage payments they already have. To that end, I am happy the legislation I co-sponsored in response to the sub-prime mortgage crisis was passed and is now law. HB 2179, now Act 56 of 2008, is just one of a package of bills aimed to help struggling homeowners by enabling them to adjust to the instability of the housing market. This package of bills also tightens regulatory procedures and strengthens the enforcement of existing rules to protect against questionable lending practices. The package includes: Act 56, that requires mortgage originators (the people

who initially sell the mortgages to homebuyers) to complete a background check as well as pre-licensing continuing education. Act 56 also requires mortgage originators to obtain a license from the Dept. of Banking before they sell any mortgage loans. These new requirements ensure homebuyers the person selling them a mortgage meets certain standards of credibility as a mortgage originator. Act 57, that amends the Loan Interest and Protection Law of 1974 to increase the monetary cap in the act from $50,000 to the base figure of $217,873 as adjusted annually for inflation. This law prevents lenders from trapping homebuyers into escalating and costly mortgages by prepayment penalty provisions. Essentially, lenders will be prohibited from attaching prepayment penalties on mortgages of $217,873 or less. Prepayment penalties cannot be included in mortgage contracts less than the monetary cap. Act 58, that permits the Dept. of Banking to release to the public information about what fines or adjudication ac-

tions have been levied against mortgage lenders. This law better equips a homebuyer with the ability to evaluate prospective mortgage companies and originators. Act 59, that amends the Real Estate Appraisers Certification Act to intensify State oversight of professional appraisers and increase penalties for professional misconduct. Act 59 also provides for an appraiser trainee license, and requires an appraiser trainee to be supervised by a certified appraiser in good standing. Act 60, that amends the Housing Finance Agency Law to require lenders to send copies of foreclosure notices to the Pennsylvania

Housing Finance Agency so that mortgage foreclosures can be monitored on a statewide basis. It also reduces the interest rate on HEMAP loans from 9% to a floating rate indexed to current market conditions. Because the number of home mortgage foreclosures has skyrocketed in Pennsylvania over the last five years and it was estimated Pennsylvania foreclosures in 2007 hit approximately 9,000 to 10,000 homes, these new laws are critical in protecting homebuyers from losing their most precious possessions -their homes -- as well as protecting future borrowers from questionable lending practices.

Letters • Letters Out Of Wedlock In less than two weeks, we will know who wins. The Public Record tells us Obama will win in Philly. It’s a safe prediction. The City continues to decline as it follows the lifestyle of Planned Parenthood and Barack Obama. Because of widespread sexual promiscuity, family life

has been virtually destroyed. Each year, over 6o% of the children born in the City have no family, no set of parents to guide them. They will be school truants and a source of violence on the streets. More prisons will be needed. When will public officials meet today’s challenge – the challenge to save the City? J.P. Stanton

Oct. 23- 66A Ward Democratic Executive Committee annual pre-election gala at Chickie’s & Pete’s, 11100 Roosevelt Blvd. $35. For info Shawn Dillon (215) 6376360. Oct. 23- St. Christopher’s Foundation for Children 5th annual Apple Fest at Stotesbury Mansion, 1923 Walnut St., 6-9 p.m. Tickets $85 at door. For info call (215) 5681126. Oct. 26- Ceremony commemorating 25th anniversary of Beirut bombing in which 8 Phila. Marines were killed, at Korean War Memorial / Purple Heart Memorial, Dock & Columbus Blvd., 10 a.m. Oct. 28- Fall Fundraiser for Republican City Committee, reception and cocktail party at Cannstatter Volksfest Verein, 9130 Academy Rd., 6-8 p.m. Tickets $125. Call Carmella Fitzpatrick (215) 561-0650. Oct. 31- Halloween Party Fundraiser for State Rep candidate Belinda Nelson at Fiso Restaurant and Lounge, 1437

South St., 5-8 p.m. Donation $50. Come in costume if possible. RSVP Belinda Nelson (215) 533-4676, Arlene Lyons (215) 459-5135. Nov. 2- Marion Wimbush hosts Wibush’s Annual Breakfast, 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Oaklane Diner, 6528 N. Broad St. Meet outstanding Democratic candidates. Broadcast Live on WURD 900 AM Nov. 2- Get Out Vote Brunch For Obama presented by Leadership 2000, Lou & Choo’s Lounge, 2101 W. Hunting Park Ave. Donations $8 For info Bill Mackey (215) 384-4164. Nov. 4- Phila. Corp. for Aging honors Claude A. Lewis and Acel Moore at Union League, 140 S. Broad St., 12 m. Nov. 11- State Rep. Angel Cruz invites seniors to Senior Citizens Health Seminar Series on dental health, noon to 3 p.m.,at Pinn Memorial Baptist Church, Fifth Street and Wynnefield Avenue. Local seniors may R.S.V.P to 215-573-5597. Nov. 29- 1st annual Glen Foerd Leadership Award Dinner honors Al Taubenberger at Glen Foerd, 5001 Grant Ave., 7 p.m. Donation $100. For info call (215) 6325330.

Fighting Diabetes

The Public Record • October 23, 2008

you because you filed bankruptcy. The law provides express prohibitions against discriminatory treatment of debtors by both governmental units and private employers. A governmental unit or private employer may not discrimi-

spect to hiring; or • Denying, revoking, suspending, or declining to renew a license, franchise, or similar privilege. Next week’s question: The principal signor on a loan filed bankruptcy. Now the creditor is coming after the cosignor. Can they do that?

Page 15

by Michael A. Cibik, Esq. American Bankruptcy Board Certified Question: Can my boss fire me for filing bankruptcy? Answer: No. U.S.C. Sec. 525 prohibits any employer from discriminating against

nate against a person solely because the person was a debtor, or has not paid a debt that was discharged in the bankruptcy case. The law prohibits the following forms of governmental discrimination against bankruptcy debtors: • Terminating an employee; • Discriminating with re-

FOUNDER Yanina Carter and Lewis Gilchrist of Bobbie Carter Foundation encourage people to sign up for this year's Step Out: Walk To Fight Diabetes which took place during Carroll Park Pride Day. Attorneys are both board certified by the American Bankruptcy Certification Board. Chapters 7/13 & Stop foreclosures, creditors harassments, lawsuits, garnishments, and sheriff sales.

We are a debt-relief agency

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The Public Record • October 23, 2008

page 16

October 1, 2008 Dear Union Members & Friends of Labor: Without a doubt, the November 4, 2008 Presidential Election will mark a turning point in history for the Union Labor Movement as well as the Middle Class Workers of America! While it is always important for the citizens of our Country to exercise their right to vote, it has never been more important then it is today! Just take a look around… our Country is changing right before our eyes! Never has the United States of America been so indebted to foreign nations of the world. Never have there been so many American workers displaced from their jobs! Never have there been so many American families put out of their homes! Never have there been so many American people suffering in illness because of the lack of health insurance! And, NEVER has there been such a devastating decline in the ‘union workforce’ which has dropped to only twelve percent (12%) of all American workers; while, simultaneously our National Trade Deficit is skyrocketing at the rate of sixty two (62) billion dollars per month. All of which are the result of ‘corporate greed’ due to the outsourcing of good American manufacturing jobs. Because American construction jobs can not be outsourced, the ‘Union Construction Industry” on which we depend to provide a decent living for our families is in serious jeopardy of becoming extinct because the current Republican Administration has refused to enforce our Country’s existing Immigration Laws. Thereby, permitting illegal Mexican immigrants to be hired (and exploited) by unscrupulous non-union construction contractors, in turn, causing an unfair disadvantage to the Union Construction Industry. Please believe me, this is not happening unintentionally! The Republican Party, especially on the national level, has never been a friend to Organized Labor. They have always been anti-union… and essentially, anti–labor! Make no mistake about it; they would like nothing better than to bust our Construction Trade Unions. As they share the same philosophy as their corporate supporters… the less they spend on labor, the more they make in profits; thus the reason that the Republicans have consistently challenged American Labor Unions. The fact that our Country’s minimum wage workers had to wait ten (10) years until the Democratic Party acquired the majority in both the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Senate before they could receive a wage increase is proof that the Republican Party is against American workers. The fact that George W. Bush, immediately after he and his Republican cohorts had stolen the Presidential Election from Al Gore in 2000, outlawed “Union Construction Project Labor Agreements” proves that the National Republican Party is not a friend of Union Labor. The fact that the Republican Candidate for President of the United States of America, John McCain, has vowed to defeat the “Employee Free Choice Act” is proof again that the Republicans staunchly support Corporatism over the American workers. And, the fact that John McCain’s Senate voting record on legislative issues that would benefit America’s workers is only seven percent (7%), is yet another example of the Republican Party’s ignorance towards problems that affect the working class people in our Country. McCain even wants to tax individual workers on the amount an employer contributes into group health plan coverage. Despite the fact that John McCain is a blue blooded Republican, even he admits that we must make drastic changes in Washington, D.C. The irony of his call for “change” is the fact that “change” is only necessary because of the blunders of his own party. We can’t change anything by replacing a Republican with a Republican! Think about it! George W. Bush’s Republican Administration took the helm of a prosperous nation in January of 2001. By the end of that same year, we experienced a crash in our stock markets, from which our union’s Pension Funds have yet to recover… and, now

we are witnessing the most disastrous decline in our country’s economic structure since the ‘Great Depression of 1929’. Every union pension fund in America is being severely affected by the current economic crisis! Just imagine if George W. Bush and his Republican friends on Wall Street had been successful in privatizing our Social Security Retirement Funds which, John McCain still wants to do. On September 11, 2001, none of us will ever forget the terroristic attacks on America’s World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon Complex in Arlington, Virginia, which resulted in the incineration of thousands of innocent American citizens. Incidentally, we recently marked the seventh (7th) anniversary of those horrid attacks on our homeland. Meanwhile, the murderous pig responsible for masterminding them is still walking the face of this earth. This is an absolute disgrace! It portrays a sign of weakness to other countries; as well as embarrassment to the proud and patriotic people of the United States of America. While Osama Bin Laden goes unpunished, and defiantly celebrates the anniversary of his atrocious acts against our Country. Instead of hunting him down, our soldiers find themselves being killed and mutilated in a senseless and unwinnable conflict where they never come face to face with the enemy. And, in a country (Iraq) that had nothing to do with the terrorists who committed those attacks against us. Never before have the American people been so deluded by our Government to make us believe that the war in Iraq was necessary. It was not necessary and it is not even a war! It is an unwarranted occupation of a country whose people are composed of various sects of religious “fanatics” who have been killing each other for centuries. That entire country is not worth the life of one American soldier! Yet, John McCain voted with George Bush to send the young men and women of the U.S. military to fight an eternal war that can not be won, a war against an invisible enemy that will not show its face and for a people whose religion does not believe that we should even exist. What the hell are we doing there? Would you send your son or daughter there to die for no good cause at all? Is it worth the squandering of our Nation’s economic security at a cost of ten (10) billion dollars per month, especially at a time when our National Debt is fast approaching the eleven (11) trillion dollar mark? Is it for the oil that is so plentiful in Iraq? Are we sending our young soldiers to die while protecting the “black gold” for the same corporate “oil mongers” that are swindling our people at the gas pumps while reaping billions of dollars in profits? If not, then again, why are we there? How much longer are the working class people of America going to allow themselves to be exploited by the National Republican Party? What more can they do to us and our Country before we realize that they do not share our American Dream? When are we going to pull together to break their choke-hold on the poor and middle class citizens of America and stand up to their tyranny and reverse Robin Hood tax policies? What ever happened to our forefathers’ ideal of “a Government of the People, By the People and for the People”? Brothers and sisters, it is time for America’s people to speak out and say enough is enough! It is time to say that we are tired of the lies and deceit and that we will no longer tolerate a Government of the Corporations, By the Corporations and for the Corporations! It is time to give our Country back to its people! And, most important of all… it is time for We, the People, to outsource the National Republican Party and send Barack Obama and Joe Biden to Washington, D.C. along with the mandate that We, the People of America, want America to be America again!!! Sincerely & Fraternally yours, Joseph J. Dougherty, Business Manager Financial Secretary / Treasurer Ironworkers’ Local Union No. 401

JIM DINTINO is at home with Democratic and Republican leadership. Flanking him are 39thA Dem Ward Leader Roseanne Pauciella and Republican Party Council Michael Meehan.

The Public Record • October 23, 2008

PHILLIES spirit was evident at 26th Ward GOP rally and gala at Waterfall Room in S. Phila. From left are Jim Dintino, Jim & Bar- IT’S THE ASPITE family at the 26th Ward WITH HOST Jim Dintino were Walt bara Terra and Carl & Marie Ciglar. Vogler, Harry Williams and Joe Ashdale. gala: Giacinta, Maria & Jerry.

Page 17

26th Ward GOP At Waterfall Room

CATCHING up on latest GOP news with Republican Counsel Michael Meehan, center, at 26th Ward gala were 35th Ward Chairman Linwood Holland and Leader Chickie Tilley.

Sheriff Green’s Important Steps to Saving Your Home Step 1: Assemble your current financial information, and call your lender.

Step 2:

Visit to learn more about borrowers’ rights, loss mitigation and abusive servicing practices. Contact the Sheriff’s Office at 215-686-3525 for more information

Step 3: If you feel uncomfortable handling mortgage negotiations, consult a professional housing Counselor

Step 4: Take time to carefully investigate the offers you receive to avoid becoming a fraud victim Sheriff John D. Green Philadelphia

page 18 The Public Record • October 23, 2008

Perzel Hosted At Vesper

SPEAKER EMERITUS John Perzel talks shop REPUBLICAN CITY Committee Executive Di- with Joe McAteer and Philadelphia Regional Port Authority Executive Director Jamie McSTATE REP. John Perzel’s reelection campaign was boosted by a strong turnout at rector Al Schmidt and 21st Republican Ward Dermott at recent Center City fundraiser. Leader Walter Vogler flank their main man fundraiser at the Vesper Club. Supporters like Rich Russo, Gary Snyder, Bill McLaughJohn Perzel. lin and Don Brennan, pictured here with the Speaker Emeritus, swell crowd. ALL SMILES at Vesper fundraiser is Ed McLaughlin and guest of honor State Rep. John Perzel.






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ENGINEER Jim McFarlane pledges his support behind reelection of John Perzel, as he joins the Representative and Boise Butler, President of International Longshoremen's Association Local 1291.

Tribute to Change. “Being recognized by Bread & Roses for the efforts the union has made is a great honor,” said MacManiman. “I am so happy with what we

have accomplished over the years as a strong, unified group.” Under MacManiman’s leadership, the union has doubled its membership since 2004.

The Public Record • October 23, 2008

Local 32BJ Mid-Atlantic Area Director Wayne MacManiman received the firstever Emerged Leader Award at the Bread & Roses Community Fund’s 20th annual

Page 19

Bread And Roses Honors MacManiman

Resales @ The Reserve At Packer Park 2009 W. Reserve Dr. 3BR-2.5BA, Interior approx.. 1600sq. ft. on two Levels. Driveway, Corner Lot, Hw. Flrs Thru-Out 1st Level $389.900.

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page 20 The Public Record • October 23, 2008

Matt Hosts Annual 39B Gala SHARING moment at 39B gala were Kevin Price, his dad Bill Price and Ed Nesmith. WARD LEADER 39B Matt Myers welcomes to his annual gala Mike Driscoll, John Dougherty, Brian Stevenson and Bob Henon. FORMER US Ambassador to Portugal Elizabeth Bagley found herself in good company of Lou Agre, Councilman Bill Green, John Sabatina and John O’Connell.

LABOR was very much in evident at 39B gala. From left were Harry Williams, Joe Ashdale, Matt Myers, Dan McCaffery, Gary Forte and John Rowan. SHARING moment with Matt Myers and Party Chairman Congressman Bob Brady are Mayor’s economic development maven Terry Gillen with Ward Leaders Lester Brown and V. Tutie Fields.

MATT MYERS welcomes former 39th Warders Emmanuel Beloff and his dad Leland Beloff.

WARD Leader Matt Myers welcomes Ward Leaders Helen Farrell and Peg Rzepski with Judge Angeles Roca.

‘Top Of The Hill’ Gets Livelier

VIVACIOUS 9th Ward Democratic hostess Julie O’Connell, left, welcomes Councilman Bill Greenlee and wife Leslie to Venetian Room in Chestnut Hill for pre-election get-together.

POLITICAL fever made for lively affair at Venetian Room, drawing the likes of Maurice Floyd, left, Controller Alan Butkovitz and 27th Ward Democratic Leader Carol Jenkins.

BON VIVANT Ducky Birts, Congressman Bob Brady’s aide, greets friends Judge Joyce Eubanks and her daughter Dr. Chenia Eubanks.

SHARING moment as campaign spirit grips 9th Ward Dems are, from left, Councilman Bill Green, 56th Ward Leader John Sabatina and well-known attorney Dawn Tancredi.

HONORED GUESTS with Ward Leader Matt Myers were Congressman and Party Chairman Bob Brady and Judge Pat Dugan.

ENJOYING 39TH Ward B gala were Daniel Rendine, Joe Russo and Murray Costin.

MAYOR Michael Nutter, Fire Commissioner Lloyd Ayers, and Phila. firefighters look on as keynote speaker Kal Rudman talks to crowd at N.E. corner of City Hall last week, at dedication that memorializes 11 firefighters killed in line of duty.

David Chrysler Busy ‘Driving Away’ Cold October is Driving Away the Cold month! Both David Dealerships are joining the program to help donate more new coats when vehicles are sold at their stores. For the whole month of October, each David location will donate one coat for every car it sells! Driving Away the Cold is a signature program in cooperation with Operation Warm. According to the National Center for Children in Poverty.

The Public Record • October 23, 2008

Eleven memorial plaques sponsored by broadcast pioneer and philanthropist Kal Rudman were dedicated in honor of the firefighters who died in the Berg Laboratories fire at 182729 N. 5th Street on Oct. 28, 1954, last week at a City Hall ceremony. The blaze, at that time, was the city’s most fatal. The plaques will honor Deputy Chief Thomas A. Kline, Battalion Chief John F. Magrann, Battalion Chief John J. News, Lt. Charles C. Holtzman and Firemen Joseph J. Bandos, James F. Tygh, James F. Doyle, Joseph J. Vivian, Thomas W. Wilson, Bernard Junod and Walter E. Lyszkowski. Ceremonies included Mayor Michael Nutter, Fire Commissioner Lloyd Ayers, Local 22 leader Brian McBride, families of all victims, and Rudman.

Page 21

Rudman, City Honor Firefighters

David Auto Group, in conjunction with the Auto Dealers CARing for Kids Foundation, hopes to make a dent in these overwhelming numbers with its contribution of 10,000 new winter coats for children in the preschool through elementary school age-range. With the help of Operation Warm and various social-service agencies, these coats will be distributed throughout the five-county Philadelphia area to families in need.


Philadelphia Regional Port Authority A Promising Future By Championing the Channel-Deepening Project And Substantial Port Expansion

Once Again, We Thank Gov. Ed Rendell For Giving Our Port A Great Opportunity And

John H. Estey, Esq. Chairman

James T. McDermott, Jr. Executive Director

John F. Dempsey

Deputy Executive Director Administrative Offices: 3460 N. Delaware Ave. 2nd Fl., Phila., PA 19134 (215) 426-2600 • Fax (215) 426-6800

Robert C. Blackburn

Senior Deputy Executive Director

The Public Record • October 23, 2008

page 22

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The Public Record • October 23, 2008

The Public Record • October 23, 2008

page 24

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The Public Record • October 23, 2008

The Public Record • October 23, 2008

page 26

MAYOR Michael Nutter, one of DCC’s gala keynote speakers, shares moment with Ward Leader Ralph Wynder, right, and friends.

FLANKING City Council President Anna Verna for this photo are Lester Brown and Edgar Howard.

FLANKING Mayor Michael Nutter are developer Charles Hannah and House Speaker Dennis O’Brien.

ON STAGE were Congressman Chaka Fattah, Mayor Michael Nutter and State Sen. Vincent Hughes.

ATTORNEY Frank Canty and JOE SELLERS and Daniel Grace Joseph Ashdale were among lumi- were among many labor leaders naries at Democratic gala. supporting gala.

The Public Record • October 23, 2008

GETTING READY to take to stage were MC Jonathan Saidel, Charley Bernard, Congressman Bob Brady, Guy Pigliacelli and Cardell Blue.

AMONG THOSE on stage at Democratic City Committee’s preelection gala were State Rep. Ron Waters, Congressman and Party Chairman Bob Brady, State Reps. Frank Oliver, Louise Bishop and Jewell Williams, and State Sen. Shirley Kitchen.

Page 27

Democrats Sense Major City Turnout For Barack Obama

ENTREPRENEUR Steve Gross has brought his wife and daughter to every Democratic event since their daughter was born. MORE Pics Page 30.

page 28 The Public Record • October 23, 2008


Halloween celebrating more than ghosts and goblins by Ruth R. Russell Imagine digging in the back yard of your newly acquired house and finding bones buried there. That’s what happened when excavators were clearing out the basement of the Benjamin Franklin House, on Craven Street in London, a few years ago. Actually they were not too surprised. The Georgian residence, where the American statesman and scientist had lived from 1757 to 1775, was also the location of an anatomy school run by the husband of Franklin’s landlady, we learned during our recent visit. Appropriately enough this month, an exhibition of the bones will be open to the public and a series of lectures will be given on subjects such as ‘A Day Without Dissection is a Day Wasted.’ The Franklin House, however, is generally not boning up on this theme.

Rather the focus is on Franklin in London, his daily life in the four-storey, 18th century structure, his inventions and his efforts to resolve the differences between Britain and the American colonies. Eventually he departed for home on the eve of the Revolutionary War. A visit to this only surviving home of Benjamin Franklin is worthwhile (or stop in at but there are plenty of other ways to enjoy the Halloween season. Some are included here. ‘Terror in the Walls’ Eastern State Penitentiary is currently hosting its annual ‘Haunted House in a Real Prison,’ running through Halloween weekend. Originally designed to encourage its inhabitants to repent of their crimes, the penitentiary has seven cellblocks that extend out to form a wheel and once

Ruth Russell housed famous criminals such as Al Capone. The prison, at 22nd Street and Fairmount Avenue, no longer contains any residents but has been designated a National Historic Landmark and has regular museum hours and special events. Admission is charged. If a haunted prison appeals to you, look for complete details at Haunted trees & trimmings Just in time for Halloween is a special family workshop

at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Broad and Cherry Streets, on Saturday, October 25, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Participants will learn how to build scary and decorative Halloween trees to trim with ornaments they make themselves including ghosts, skeletons and pumpkins. Robert Harman is the instructor, and the session is free for Academy members or with Academy admission for non-members; there are special group rates. Learn more at 215-972-2061. ‘Pirates Spooktacular’ The popular exhibition on pirates at the Franklin Institute, 20th Street and the Parkway, is getting ready for Halloween with festivities on Saturday, October 25, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be a costume parade, mask making and a “Bloody Hand Science Experiment”(sounds frightening), along with a

chance to make a pirate treasure map and “your own skeleton” plus see the movie, Pirates of the Caribbean. Kids who come in costume will be admitted free and the first 350 will get a free Halloween treat bag. For more information, call 215-4481200 or visit Bill of Frights The National Constitution Center (NCC), at 525 Arch St., also gets into the spirits of Halloween with its annual ‘Bill of Frights’ on Saturday, October 25, from noon to 3 p.m. Featured will be ghost stories of the Constitution Signers, Presidential costumes (come as your favorite US President) and a book signing of Patriots, Pirates, Heroes & Spies: Stories from Historic Philadelphia by its author Sandra Mackenzie Lloyd at 1 p.m. A walking tour, ‘Be Prepared to be Scared,’ from 2 to 4 p.m.,

will take interested visitors of all ages past nearby historic sites where ghostly sightings have been reported. (Separate admission is charged.) Learn more at 215-409-6700 or Music & Day of Dead Free concerts continue at the Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts, Broad and Spruce Streets, with the Temple University Brass Quintet on Saturday, October 25, at 1:30 p.m., and the Philadelphia Songwriters Project Showcase on Sunday, October 26, at 6 p.m., both in the Commonwealth Plaza. Also on the 25th, at 6 p.m., a Day of the Dead exhibit will be presented, in partnership with the Mexican Cultural Center, and a ritual ceremony traditional to this holiday will be performed; admission is free. Visit for more information. (Cont. Next Page)

Great new Italian spot, thanks to Ukrainian artist entree but one, the eponymous langostini, is under $20. (And I would not order the langostini anyway, simply because there is not enough edible meat on the bones.) Secondly, the owner/chef, Irina Datsko, may not be Italian, but her cooking is spectacular. (You can hardly blame her for not cooking the food from her motherland. After all, do you know of any Ukrainian restaurants in the Philadelphia area?) According to Christine Pirello, cookbook author and celebrity chef with her own TV cooking show, “This is a lovely, intimate dining experience. The food at Langostini is consistently great. I eat

here often, and I can tell you that it is delicate and authentically Italian.” Prior to 2001, the building at Front and Morris (southwest corner) housed Ground Floor Café, a coffee shop. In January of 2001, it was opened as Langostino’s by Carlos Calderone, who had previously worked at several Center City restaurants. The sparkling jewel of a restaurant, which seats about 36 inside and another 12 or so outside, has changed hands twice since then. Datsko, 47, a native of Lvov, Ukraine, reopened it in late April of this year as Langostini. (The name was changed very slightly for legal reasons.) Irina, also a graphic artist

Change of pace from Halloween

who was named “Best Artist of the Year” in 2005 by ARTV, a nationwide artists’ organization, during a nationally televised program at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, explained that she “always liked to entertain and feed people in my house and art studio (at 13th and Locust Streets). Once I cooked for two days to prepare food for 50 people. Everybody seemed to love the food, so I figured if I could do that, I could run a restaurant.” Irina left Ukraine with her daughter, Anita (now 26, a server at Langostini), when the Soviet Union imploded in 1989. They spent one year in a refugee camp near Rome

use of cheaper potatoes that produce too much water, and then flour is added to reduce the water, causing the doughy effect. Irina’s gnocchi, however, were soft, light pillows of heaven. And with the bracing richness of fresh seafood like the tilapia ($17.95), the chef is plumbing sublime flavors from seemingly simple combinations. The piquant white wine sauce in which the forktender triangle of fish rested will hum in your culinary memory for days to come. And for dessert we split a slice of homemade triple chocolate “Amore” cake ($5.95) with mascarpone and cream — decadent! Another reason to rhapsodize about this enticing BYOB is that unlike almost all other Center City and South Philadelphia restaurants, there is plenty of free, available parking on nearby streets and in large parking areas between Front Street and I-95. Langostini is open for dinner only Tuesday through Sunday. For more information, call 215-5517709 or visit

We Gladly Accept Food Coupons

Manhattan Piano Trio visit Sundays on Stage A duo from New York City, Erin Lee & Marci, will entertain with lively original songs on Sunday, October 26, at 2 p.m., in Montgomery Auditorium of the Central Library, 1901 Vine St. Seating at these Sundays on Stage programs for all ages is on a first-come, first-seated basis and admission is free. Call 215-686-5415 to learn more. Worthy walks Two organizations are planning walks this weekend to raise funds and awareness for their causes. The Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter of the

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation will have its annual Walk to Cure Diabetes on Sunday, October 26, from 9 a.m. to noon, starting at the Philadelphia Art Museum steps and other sites. There is no fee to participate. To learn more, visit /philadelphia or call 610-6649255. The annual Lupus Loop (5K run and 2.5 mile walk) will take place on Sunday, October 26, starting at 10 a.m. at Carousel House at Memorial Hall in Fairmount Park. For information, call 215-517-5070 or visit Email news for CitiLife to

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(Cont. From Prev. Page) ‘Zing: Family Festival’ For a change of pace from Halloween-related events, consider the ‘Zing: Family Festival’ on Saturday, October 25, from 1 to 5 p.m., at Woodmere Art Museum, 9201 Germantown Ave., where an exhibit of work by African American artists is currently on display. Storyteller Linda Goss will tell tales and lead the crowd in games and chants, Imani Drummers plus Arpeggio Jazz Ensemble will perform, magician Toe-Knee will show amazing tricks and artist Barbara Bullock will teach maskmaking. To learn more, visit or call 215-2470948. Manhattan Piano Trio This noted trio with Milana Strezeva, piano, Dimitry Lukin, violin, and Dimitry Kouzov, cello, will perform works by Haydn, Schumann, Liszt and others on Sunday, October 26, at 3 p.m., at First Presbyterian Church in Germantown, 35 W. Chelten Ave. This is one in a series of free concerts; contributions are accepted. For complete details, call 215-843-8811 or

Len Lear

before getting sponsors in Philadelphia through a church, enabling them to come here. Irina learned to speak Italian while in Rome (and become a terrific Italian cook) and learned to speak English after coming to Philadelphia. With a 21-carat smile and a voice that sounds lived-in, Irina is the jumper cable who gets the electricity started, managing to chat it up with customers in between cooking stints in the kitchen. Irina is clearly capable of delivering the warhorses like Caesar salad, pasta primavera, linguini with clams and chicken parmigiana, but she also creates elegant presentations that leave quality ingredients (mostly from the Italian Market) to the solitude of an artfully crafted sauce. The alchemy of the homemade potato gnocchi ($14.95), for example, married to fresh tomato sauce and Italian cheeses, is a union no one in his/her right mind would want to end in divorce. We’ve had gnocchi at other restaurants in recent months that were too doughy, probably from the

The Public Record • October 23, 2008

by Len Lear Everybody’s trying to get the most bang for his/her buck these days, thanks to the disastrous economy fueled by unscrupulous banking practices and a Congress and administration asleep at the wheel. Well, for a big bang, buck-wise, it would be hard to top Langostini, an Italian BYOB that opened six months ago at Front and Morris Streets, just a few blocks from the I-95 Washington Avenue exit. Now, we all know that Italian restaurants are about as common in South Philadelphia as Chinese restaurants in Beijing, but Langostini stands out by any criteria. First of all, every

Page 29


page 30 The Public Record • October 23, 2008

Democratic City Committee Packs Sheet Metal Gala More Pictures Page 27

HOST Party Chairman Congressman Bob Brady, 3rd from left, welcomes Gov. Ed Rendell to Democratic City Committee gala along with Pat Costello and State Rep. Rick Taylor.

JUDICIAL CANDIDATE Ted Vigilante, 2nd from left, shares some time with State Sen. Shirley Kitchen, Phyllis Stephenson and Bill Pettigrew.

SHARING MOMENT with Congressman Bob Brady are restaurateur Mohan Parmer and Tyrone B. Ali.

KENSINGTON and Fishtown were represented by, from left, Jim Flanagan, Peg Rzepski, State Rep. Mike O’Brien, and Kathy & Harry Enggasser.

1ST WARD leader Joseph Hoffman, Sr. is surrounded by his committee persons including Irene STATE REP. Michael McGeehan Benedetti, Linda Colavita, Karen is seen in animated discussion with Marnie Aument. Brown and Arnold Bianchini.

WELCOMING State Sen. Tina Tartaglione are NFL star Floyd Wedderburn and Committeewoman Rose George.

FANS OF State Sen. Christine Tartaglione included 11-year-old Michelle Johnson and 19th Ward’s Leonard Brown.

SHARING moment with 48th Ward Leader Hon. Nick Maiale were Mark Branch and State Rep aspirant Kenyatta Johnson.

PGW’S Diane Martino finds herself in company of DA candidate Dan McCaffery, Danny Bauder and Local 830 chief Daniel Grace.

JOINING Clerk of Courts Vivian Miller were Ducky Birts, Michel Piper and Robbin Byrd.

Brighten Your Car’s Colors For The Holidays

CITY OF PHILADELPHIA Philadelphia Gas Commission - Public Notice This is to inform the public that the Philadelphia Gas Commission will hold regular meetings during fiscal year 2008-2009 on the following dates:







6717 Essington Ave. Commercial vehicles by estimate. Body work, rust repair, and stripping of old paint extra. Not valid with any other offer. MAACO® Auto Painting & Bodyworks centers are independent franchises of MAACO® Enterprises, Inc. Prices, hours and services may vary.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008 Tuesday, October 28, 2008 Tuesday, November 18, 2008 Tuesday, December 2, 2008 Tuesday, January 20, 2009 Tuesday, February 10, 2009 Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Tuesday, April 14, 2009 Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Tuesday, May 12, 2009 Tuesday, June 9, 2009 These meetings will be held in the Commission’s hearing room, on the 18th Floor, 1515 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania beginning at 10:00 A.M. Copies of the agenda to be considered at each meeting, will be available on request, prior to each meeting, at the Gas Commission office, 1515 Arch Street, 9th Floor, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. These meeings are open to the Public. Marian B. Tasco, Chairwoman

Page 31 The Public Record • October 23, 2008

Thursday: 6801 Essington Avenue

October 7, 2008 • October 14, 2008 October 21, 2008 • October 28, 2008

October 2, 2008 • October 9, 2008 October 16, 2008 • October 23, 2008 October 30, 2008

Saturday: 3201 N. Delaware Avenue October 4, 2008 • October 11, 2008 October 18, 2008 • October 25, 2008

Tuesday: 2535 S. Swanson St.

page 32 The Public Record • October 23, 2008

Columbus Day Happy Event For Italian Americans And Wannabees COUNCIL PRESIDENT Commendatore Anna Verna was co-chairperson of Columbus Day Parade. With her at JNA Culinary School prior to parade march-off were Emile Bucceroni and State Chairman of Sons of Italy Vincent Turco.

HOSTING Christopher Columbus Day Parade VIPs as they have for half a century were Anthony & Shirley DeGeronimo flanking Parade Coordinator and Marshall Co-Adjutor Kathy Murray.

RIDING IN lead car were Council President Anna C. Verna and State Sen. Vincente Fumo, both Commendatore and parade chairpersons, DA CANDIDATE Dan McCaffery, left, and Mayor Michael Nutter. Driving is and Jonathan Saidel escort lovely Dawn Tancredi to Parade start. Funeral Director Mark Rago.

REPRESENTING Sheriff John Green at Columbus Day Parade is chief of staff Barbara Deeley, seen here with S.P. Business Association Executive Director Ed Wright.

CAVALIERE Severino Verna continues to be Parade Marshall, role he has aptly handled since parade’s inception. Like Penn State’s Joe Paterno, he managed parade from sideline.

GOP congressional candidate Adam Lang shares a WARD LEADER Ann Brown was pre-Columbus Parade mojoined by her son Shawn and ment with Angela CHEERING on Columbus Day Parade marchers on S. Broad Street were adgranddaughter Molly. DiGiulio. vertisers, staffers of Public Record and members of Carpenters Union.

GIVING Democratic Lt. Gov. candidate Jonathan Saidel inside tip on political infighting are Veteran Boxers Association Board STATE REP. William Keller, 3rd from right, was joined LOYAL parade watchers included Members Fred Druding and Charles Sgrillo. by host of supporters as he marched in Columbus Day Debbie and Joe Sinni & Dr. James Photo by Joe Stivala Parade. Tayoun, Jr.

ENJOYING Public Record party were Geraldine Mansfield, Catherine Weber and Mary Ellen McAnnany as they get highlights of parade from Advertising Director John David.

INDUSTRIAL TRADES CEO Harry Busby drives his All American Heroes limousine in Parade, pulling tribute to Congressman Robert S. Brady.

AMONG VIPS at Columbus Day parade was newly elected member of Italian Parliament Amato Berardi, right, seen here with fellow parliamentarian Biagio Manzella, center, and Ciro Moriello.

FOLLOWING breakfast at Galdo’s, Grand Marshall Connie Stevens, Sons of Italy Executive Director Gregory Pasquale Ciminera, and Council President and Chairperson Anna C. Verna don their parade sashes.

STRING BANDS and school marching bands dotted long parade as they marched to pleasure of viewers down Broad Street.

COLUMBUS DAY Parade was exciting event for 3-year-old Zoe Lam, seen here with dad attorney Cris Lam.

Out & About

(Cont. from Page 8) Feingold was peppered with questions on everything from the FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) law (it’ll be looked at and possibly revised in an Obama administration, he says) to the future of the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay (which will probably be shut down). But he was mainly there to help recruit lawyers to serve as voter-protection agents on Election Day. Apparently, the Obama folks are making sure those who want to vote and are being challenged on it are going to have advocates, especially in those neighborhoods that are predisposed toward Obama.


I’ve gotta hand it to the Obama folks. If Obama loses, it won’t be because they didn’t go for it. Obama said while he wouldn’t throw the first punch, he would throw the last. Last but not least, by the time that you read this column, the Fightin’ Phils will have played game one of the World Series against the Tampa Bay Rays. I’m happy Mayor Michael Nutter didn’t do anything as dumb as putting ANYTHING on the statue of William Penn atop City Hall. That would

have been disastrous. Hopefully, by the time that you read next Thursday’s column, I’ll be able to congratulate the Phillies for winning the World Series and causing every car horn in my neighborhood to bleat simultaneously. Next week: It’s the annual Election Day column. If you’ve gotten one of those emails telling you you can’t go into a voting booth in Philadelphia with a campaign button on, I’ll have some information that may ease your mind.



City Hall

(Cont. from Page 8) similar to what we are paying for the war would stimulate the domestic economy so jobs would be provided, which in turn would provide incentives to rejuvenate the housing market, which in turn would stimulate the rest of the economy, enabling people to buy goods such as big appliances in new houses. Stop the war! Start the economy! The Democrats’ autumn reception, which is their principal fundraiser, was held at Sheet Metal Work-


of the State Representatives up for election and re-election; and most State Senators and Ward Leaders. Both GOV. ED RENDELL and MAYOR MIKE NUTTER gave speeches and received solid, loud rounds of applause. That same Stack had an evening reception at the Rittenhouse Hotel in the Boat House Row Bar on the second floor. Contributions were $1,000 and sponsors were $5,000. It was a social and financial success. MARTIN WEINBERG is finance chairman of the group.

CITY OF PHILADELPHIA CITY COUNCIL PHILADELPHIA PA 19107-3290 NOTICE SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of City Council is scheduled for Thursday, November 6, 2008 at 10:00 AM in Room 400 City Hall. Patricia Rafferty Chief Clerk

CITY OF PHILADELPHIA Public Hearing Notice The Committee on Rules of the Council of the City of Philadelphia will hold a Public Hearing Wednesday, October 22, 2008, at 10:00 AM, in Room 400, City Hall, to hear testimony on the following items: 080548

An Ordinance amending Section 2 of Bill No. 050510, approved November 17, 2005, entitled “An Ordinance to amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by Allegheny Avenue, Collins Street, Westmoreland Street and Tulip Street,” by extending the period of compliance.


An Ordinance to amend the Philadelphia Zoning Maps by changing the zoning designations of certain areas of land located within an area bounded by Thompson Street, Juniata Street, Salmons Street, Berkshire Street, Richmond Street, and the Betsy Ross Bridge Approach.


An Ordinance amending Section 14-1621 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Passyunk Avenue Special District Controls,” by adding telemarketing as a prohibited use, all under certain terms and conditions.


ers Hall on Christopher Columbus Boulevard and was its usual raucous, wellattended, noisy success. BOB BRADY cal led for a renewed effort to maintain record-breaking majorities coming out of Ph iladelphia so the slippage which occurs for Democrats in the central part of the state could be offset by the Ph iladelphia majority. Among those in attendance were STATE SENS. VINCE FUMO and MIKE STACK; COUNCILWOMAN JOAN KRAJEWSKI; State Representative candidate BRENDAN BOYLE; most

PHONE 215-634-9517 BODY SHOP 215-427-0550 FAX 215-427-9296

Immediately following the public hearing, a meeting of the Committee on Rules, open to the public, will be held to consider the action to be taken on the above listed items. Copies of the foregoing items are available in the Office of the Chief Clerk of the Council, Room 402, City Hall.

2400 E. Somerset Street Philadelphia, PA 19134

Phone: 215-423-2223 Fax: 215-423-5937

Patricia Rafferty Chief Clerk

(Cont. from Page 8) the herd split by leadership duels at this time. Young Trunkersnappers who want to prove themselves should take a page from ACORN and come back with some new voter registrations, take another page from the Obamers and come back with some new money. Hey, why not start today? Let’s do a wardby-ward count in November and see who racked up what numbers where. Then we can curl up around the fire this winter and read up on those position papers. See ya next week!!

on the Boulevard, and lo and behold, there he is: MARSHALL PIERCE, one of Municipal Court’s great employees. I also spotted a gorgeous young lady, LUCILLE BOOKER, and she looked fantastic. I was also in Center City and spotted HON. FRANK PAL UMBO, Court of Common Pleas, Family Division. The Judge was heading down 13th Street, and I might add, he looked very busy and in a hurry too. Hey Boss, let me tell you and all our readers, CENTER CITY is the place to be after dark, and I might add, seems to be very safe too. Try it, I guarantee you’ll really enjoy the experience.

The Public Record • October 23, 2008

(Cont. from Page 8) Snooper Question Of The Week: Hey Boss, what is going on over at 1801 Vine Street? I’m told some COURT CRIERS are leaving. In fact, some have already left, and I’m wondering WHY? I’ll just bet you something is going on over there and I intend to find out exactly what this is really all about, because something does not make any sense about this entire ‘situation’. It’s either a ‘situation’ or a ’problem’ and I want to find out which one of these it is, bet on it! Snooper’s Boxing News: LYNNE CARTER, wellknown Boxing Judge, is

planning another one of her “FIGHT FOR THE CAUSE” boxing shows, and it’ll be a fundraiser. She plans to make this an ANNUAL EVENT. It will take place on FRIDAY, OCT. 24 at The Loews Hotel, 12th & Market Streets. Call her at (215) 965-4428 for any and all information regarding this fantastic event. She also plans to have many celebrities and a few other surprises. Last year, GLYNN TURMAN of HBO, “THE WIRE”, showed up and she surprised everyone there. Who will be her surprise guest this year? BE THERE! Snooper’s Sightings: Stop ped in at TIFFANY’S

Page 33


page 34 The Public Record • October 23, 2008

Court Employees Controller Opens Bank Doors For Families Get Grinch Notice Mayor Michael Nutter has set himself up to be the Grinch that stole Thanksgiving and Christmas in the eyes of the 1st Judicial Dist.’s 1900 general-fund employees and its 400 grant-funded employees. Carrying the bad news to them in a letter was David Lawrence, the District’s administrator, who oversees the various courts within the District. He advised them recently, “You are probably aware the worldwide monetary crisis has had a profound effect on the financial future of our nation, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the City of Philadelphia. As a result, Mayor Nutter has determined that budgetary responsibility precludes the payment of the $1,100 contract bonus to unrepresented employees at this time. “Historically, court employ-

ees have enjoyed the same benefits and treatment as unrepresented workers in the City Departments, and this occasion is no different. The dire budgetary situation in which the City of Philadelphia finds itself is shared by the 1st Judicial Dist. As our main source of funding, we have little practical choice but to cooperate with the City to the greatest extent possible. However, as dedicated court employees with a common mission in seeking justice, we really could do no less.” Lawrence added, “It is the business of the court to ensure the right thing is done, and in this case the right thing is to decrease our spending by 5% as requested by the Mayor. It will not be easy. An annual budget cut of 5% translates into an almost $6 million loss to the court for one fiscal year alone. ”

Nearly 100 local banking, credit union, non-profit and faith-based leaders joined City Controller Alan Butkovitz yesterday for the launch of “Bank on Philadelphia,” an initiative designed to bring low- to moderate-income families into the financial mainstream. “I have for some time sought to address the issue of the unbanked in Philadelphia, which has a disproportionately large number of individuals and families living outside the financial mainstream,” Butkovitz said. “More than 220,000 Philadelphians could either qualify for a second-chance account or benefit from creative efforts to engage them in mainstream financial products and services.” The goal of the Bank on Philadelphia initiative is to

have a large number of unbanked Philadelphians open bank accounts and learn and benefit from financial education. Philadelphia is one of eight communities around the country working in partnership with the US Dept. of the Treasury’s Community Financial Access Pilot to assist low- to moderateincome families open and maintain savings and checking accounts. The inaugural meeting of this project brought together financial institutions, financial-education providers, and community organizations for a presentation on the initiative at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. Butkovitz stated, “The disadvantages of being unbanked are all too clear: exorbitant fees for cashing checks, the lack of a track

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record and credit history crucial to qualify for mortgages, small-business loans and other credit products; increased vulnerability to theft and robbery because cash is kept in the home; and difficulty in saving money for emergencies.” The inaugural summit formally began a process of negotiation between the Controller’s Office, financial institutions, and financial education providers to create and promote banking services targeted at the unbanked in Philadelphia. The inaugural meeting included presentations on the nature and scope of the unbanked by the Controller, representatives from the Treasury, key financial institutions and financial education providers in Philadelphia. Butkovitz was joined at a press conference

following the event by Dan Iannicola, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Education at the Treasury, and by Acting US Attorney Laurie Magid, whose office has targeted predatory lenders and others who prey on those outside the financial mainstream. Butkovitz concluded, “I am very pleased with the turnout and the commitment demonstrated at the launching of the ‘Bank on Philadelphia Project’. Wo rking together, I believe we will be able to assist unbanked Philadelphians into banks and credit institutions.” Financial services pro viders and community organization interested in participating in the Bank on Philadelphia initiative should contact the Controller’s office at (215) 6866691.


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Sam hat. Showing his support for Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama, Carr’s robe read “One Vote One Punch - for Obama”. In a give-and-take fight, the judges awarded Ferrante with a splitdecision win. SHADOWBOXER scored the fight a draw (57-57). But just like the Rocky movies, there was always a sequel. I am sure Philly fight fans would want to see these two go at it again in a rematch. A special tribute was made to the Philadelphia Prison Systems Warden Darryl Wade Anderson, Sr. who served 35 years with the PPS. Warden Anderson was a big fan of boxing who recently passed away after a hard-fought battle with pancreatic cancer. SHADOWBOXER spotted DA candidate Seth Williams sitting ringside, working the Blue Horizon crowd. Also in attendance were former Bantamweight World Champion, South Philly’s own Jeff Chandler, and a man who almost became Heavyweight Champion when he took on Evander Holyfield: “Smoking” Bert Cooper.

SHADOWBOXER also attended the official after fight party at Dowling’s Palace on N. Broad Street, where proceeds went to benefit the Boxing Saver Project. I overheard LightHeavyweight prospect Prince Badi Ajamu, who also attended the after-party, say he was a much-improved fighter after his fight with Roy Jones, Jr. Although he lost the fight, Prince feels he gained a lot of confidence boxing the legendary Jones. The following evening SHADOWBOXER watched 43-year-old former Middleweight Champion Bernard “The Executioner” Hopkins stun many boxing observers with his 12-round unanimous decision over 26year-old WBC/WBO Middleweight Champion Kelly Pavlick in Atlantic City. Since the contract weight was 170 lb. (10 lb. over the Middleweight limit), Pavlick will keep the titles. Philadelphia Welterweight prospect Danny Garcia moved to 8-0, stopping Deon Nash in the third round in a preliminary bout.

While looking through the glass windows of Constitution Center at Independence Hall, Congressman Bob Brady told over 500 people, “Health Care may not be part of the constitution now, but it should be. It is our right.” Congresswoman Allyson Y. Schwartz followed Brady, saying, “Particularly in these tough economic times, we have to make sure everyone American has quality affordable health care.” Brady and Schwartz were speaking at a rally and sign-on event called by Health Care for America Now, an organization building a nationwide movement for health-care reform. They were joined in signing on to the Health Care For America Now principles by representatives of Sen. Bob Casey and Gov. Ed Rendell. Health Care For America Now is asking citizens as well as members of Congress to choose between two futures for our health-care system. One, proposed by insurance companies, would tax health benefits and leave people on their own to purchase private health insurance in a deregulated market. The other, proposed by

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“HEALTH CARE should be” a Constitutional right, Congressman Bob Brady asserts at organized labor rally at Constitution Center. HCAN, would give everyone real choices. People can keep the insurance they have or participate in a public health-insurance plan. HCAN calls for guarantee of quality, affordable health care for everyone with costs that are based on one's ability to pay. HCAN wants government to set and enforce rules on private health insurers so they can't continue to deny people coverage for pre-existing conditions and either raise premiums, refuse coverage, or drop coverage altogether when people get sick. Since mid-August, more than 80 members of Congress, including Sen. Barack Obama, have committed to the HCAN

principles. Brady and Schwartz publicly affirmed their previous endorsements of support of the HCAN proposal while representatives of Casey and Rendell signed onto the proposal for the first time at the rally. In doing so they joined five other Pennsylvania Congressmen: Chaka Fattah, Patrick Murphy, Paul Kanjorski, Jason Altmire and Mike Doyle. State Sen. Vincent Hughes also spoke at the rally and signed on to the HCAN principles. Also speaking were union leaders who are part of the Health Care for America Now coalition, Henry Nicholas of AFSCME Local 1199C, Wendell Young of UFCW Local 1776, and Rick Bloomingdale, the secretary-treasurer of the AFL-CIO in Pennsylvania.

The Public Record • October 23, 2008

This past weekend was a busy one for the SHADOWBOXER. Friday night I was at the legendary Blue Horizon for an action-packed evening of professional boxing presented by Greg Robinson and Sports Xtreme productions. In the main event, Jason Cintron pounded out a unanimous decision over Tyric “Too Sweet” Robinson. Although the SHADOWBOXER wasn’t able to score a round for Robinson, he showed the heart of the Philadelphia fighter he is by constantly trying each round. But Cintron was just too skilled. Jason is the brother of Welterweight contender Kermit Cintron. In the co-main event, the ring entrances of Tony “Boom-Boom” Ferrante and Simon “One Punch” Carr was reminiscent of a Rocky movie. Ferrante was introduced as the new “Italian Stallion” dressed in red, white and green trunks as his fans shouted “Boom-Boom! Boom-Boom!”. Carr entered the ring à la Apollo Creed, dressed in red, white and blue trunks and wearing an Uncle

Page 35

Brady, Schwartz Push For Health Care

Righting The Record In the Oct. 18 issue, Misette Shirdan-Harris was misidentified as PFT President Jerry Jordan’s wife. She is not. Henry Nicholas was misidentified as outgoing president of the Delaware Valley chapter of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists. He is the current VP of the National CBTU.


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The Public Record • October 23, 2008

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