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Serving Citywide Political, Labor, Legal and School Communities of Philadelphia
Vol. XI. No. 1 (Issue 466)
“The good things we do must be made a part of the public record”
Controller Offers Key Savings
The Mummers Parade Can It Keep The Tradition Alive? by Joe Shaheeli The Mummers Parade, which for more than a century has launched the New Year before generations of Philadelphia, is not so solid a tradition as we natives have been led to believe. The lack of a mere $50,000 could have snuffed out this, such a noble representative of our many traditions. There would not have been a parade up Broad Street to welcome in 2009 had not Congressman Bob Brady, across whose 1st Congressional Dist. live the majority of mummers, stepped in to guarantee he will make up the necessary shortfall if the mummers and their fans
could not come up with the funding demanded by the City. Brady, teaming up with 1st Dist. Sen.-Elect Larry Farnese, reached out successfully to local businesses to leap past the needed $50,000. As of press time, their efforts, plus that of the Mummers, who were pleading with their supporters to donate via the internet, have seen contributions reaching over $250,000. What to do with the money left over after the City gets the cut it has demanded remains to be decided. Whether it is to go to prize money, or to a treasury set up to pay City fees, will not be known for (Cont. Page 2)
CONGRESSMAN BOB BRADY announces names of contributors to Savethemummers campaign at Mummers Museum press conference as Sen. Larry Farnese and Geno’s Joe Vento look on.
MUMMERS George Badey, John Pignotti and Bob Shannon hear good news parade will get funded for this year.
TOBACCO EXPRESS Claymont, Delaware
(302) 798-7079 5 Minutes from Comm. Barry Bridge, Naaman’s Rd, Turn Left, Next to K-Mart
January 1, 2009
At The Crossroads!
Almost half the City’s looming budget gap can be closed in ways the Nutter administration has not yet implemented, City Controller Alan Butkovitz said this week. Butkovitz released an analysis of audits conducted by his office that outlined ways to generate as much as $413,740,000 in revenue from uncollected City debts and by implementing a number of cost-saving measures. “Setting aside the $117 million that is owed by the Water Revenue Dept. in delinquent collections, there is an additional $73.9 million in potential one-time revenue sources the City could realize – primarily from the estimated $69 million in uncollected fines and court costs,” Butkovitz said. “An additional $67.9 million could be realized each year from a number of sources if the City changed its billing and collection practices. There is a potential $46 million each year alone in uncollected and low fee-insurance billings for EMS services. Another $20 million could be realized each year from Licenses and Inspection if L&I billed appropriately for demolition work,” Butkovitz said. According to Butkovitz, “the City of Philadelphia could generate an estimated $413 million dollars over the course of the next five years from both one-time collections and yearly recurring savings. This is over 40% of our (Cont. Page 4)
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Fattah: The Inquirer Has It Wrong! Congressman Chaka Fattah is blasting the Philadelphia Inquirer for charges leveled against the Philadelphia College Opportunity Resources for Education (CORE Philly) program in one of its editorials. The program is now ending due to forced budget cuts on a Federal level. Fattah, who founded Core Philly several years
ago, said the editorial included “several errors or misstatements that demand correction and or clarification. In the Inquirer’s quest to raise questions about how the program is run, it neglected to ensure the information presented was completely accurate. “Error: In the most egregious mistake the paper (Cont. Page 2)
page 2 The Public Record • January 1, 2009
Inky Admits Error In Its Mathematics
(Cont. from Page 1) states… ‘Some quick math shows 3,000 students getting $3,000 in scholarship each comes to $9 million. That leaves $15 million to be accounted for.’ “Correction: Indeed, the paper’s math was too quick. An accurate review of CORE Philly would show that since its inception in 2004, 13,000 students have been awarded just over $24 million. There is no $15 million to be accounted for. The 3,000 number used by the paper is for students currently enrolled in CORE Philly. CORE Philly can provide the name of each and every of the 13,000 students and how much they received in scholarship funds. Every dollar for scholarships from the city, the School District and Federal agencies has gone directly toward those scholarships. This information would be known to the Inquirer had the newspaper accepted CORE Philly’s invitation to cover its annual awards program held every year to highlight the work of the organization and its scholars. “Error: According to the editorial, ‘Fattah had big intentions for CORE. Just six months ago he announced plans to raise a $200 million endowment to fund the program. Then he shuttered the program last month, citing a $1 million cut in funding from the City.’ “Correction: The reason for closing CORE Philly was because the City had reduced its partnership share in scholarship funds. In two separate cutbacks – the first coming during the summer – Philadelphia announced a reduction in its total contribution level from $4 million to $2.5 million. In November, the City announced yet another decrease in its funding, this time a $1 million cut. The combination of both funding cuts represents a 62.5% reduction – for the current fiscal year. That significant decrease in scholarship monies from the City, along with my inability to increase contributions to the separate CORE Philly Endowment, was too much to ensure the continued financial viabil-
ity of the program. A City with the lowest population of college-educated adults should have big intentions to encourage a college going culture among our young people. “Misstatement of fact: The Inquirer Editorial Board misstated information from an article in its Sunday newspaper. The editorial read, ‘The Inquirer reported Sunday that FBI agents have issued subpoenas requesting at least one person who did work for the program to appear before a grand jury.’ “Correction: The Editorial Board got it wrong. The person in question, identified as Ms. Connelly, was never subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury. Copies of her video tapes were requested. Because the tapes were the property of her client, CORE Philly, she asked the request be put it in writing just as any responsible business person would do. Misstatement of complete fact: The sub-headline to the editorial reads, ‘Fattah: It's an “audit”.’ “Clarification: The Editorial Board abbreviated my quote. The full quote from Sunday’s article was, ‘I don't know whether this falls on the side of an FBI investigation or the inspector general…. My impression is it falls on the side of the inspector general and that it's an audit.’ “For information purposes the work of the Office of the Inspector General is varied. It is to conduct independent investigations, audits, inspections, and special reviews of United States Dept. of Justice personnel and programs to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct, and to promote integrity, economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in Dept. of Justice operations. “In referring to CORE Philly and the Educational Advancement Alliance the paper states, ‘The two nonprofits were staffed by aides close to Fattah.’ After 26 years in public service I have many former staffers working in the area of education. Indeed, both CORE Philly and EAA are staffed by former aides. One of the things I am most proud of regarding
COLLEGE students gather around Congressman Chaka Fattah, excited at fact his CORE program made college affordable for those willing to get good grades. some of my past employees is subpoenaed, the law requires that rather than parlay their that I would have to notify the Congressional knowledge and House and recuse myself imexperience into a high-paying mediately from the Committee lobbying job, these intelligent of jurisdiction – the Comand talented individuals chose merce, Justice, Science & Reinstead to serve in positions that lated Agencies Subcommittee. continue to benefit the educa- Neither has been required betional opportunities of Philadel- cause I have not been conphia’s students. Whether tacted by the Justice Dept. serving as Secretary of Educa“The editorial refers to pet tion for Philadelphia, Chair of projects. Not withstanding the the School Reform Commis- editorial’s view that CORE sion, or a senior official at col- Philly is a pet project, the record leges like Temple and the will show that my efforts to seCommunity College of cure educational opportunities Philadelphia, these individuals have been my lifetime commitdecided to make a difference ment. There is no member of rather than just making a living. Congress that has provided more They make up a very small per- successful educational programs. centage of the people involved Locally, there is no person in CORE Philly and EAA. elected or otherwise that has pro“As a Member of Congress, vided, from early childhood to who served on the Ethic’s graduate school, the educational Committee and a lead-sponsor opportunities that I have: of legislation for stricter re• Founder of GEAR UP, the view of Federal spending, I ex- most highly successful college pect programs such as CORE readiness and scholarship proPhilly to be fully examined. gram in the nation. A $2.5 bilThe editorial correctly sug- lion dollar program that has gested of the investigation that academically prepared more ‘…nothing may come of it. than 2 million low-income Certainly, no one has been ac- students for college. Some cused of any wrongdoing. Fat- 30,000 of those students have tah says he hasn't even been attended Philadelphia public contacted by the FBI.’ schools. Around 1,700 are “As a Member of Con- presently enrolled with a fourgress, had I been contacted or year guaranteed scholarship.
• Leading Congressional supporter of Project GRAD. Since 1992 the program has provided $20 million in scholarships to over 6,000 students nationwide. There are 1,200 Project GRAD students in Philadelphia. Project GRAD has a proven track record of increasing high-school graduation and college-attendance rates for low-income students. • Former Chair of the Executive Board of the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency. The organization provided $1.3 billion to over 200,000 students in grants and loans. • Founder of the College Retention Program. This has provided more than a million students with financial assistance in the form of grants, low-interest loans and college work-study programs, in an attempt to help meet the cost of attaining a post-secondary education. The program aims to retain students by offering resources to help them complete school and be fully prepared for success after graduation. • Through the Fattah Conference on Higher Education more than 10,000 students seeking their Master’s or Doctoral degrees have received scholarships. • Lead Member of Congress on a brief filed on behalf of the University of Michigan's affirmative action program. The brief asked the Supreme Court to consider the link between disparities in educational opportunity and achievement for minorities in K-12, and their admission in colleges and universities. • Former Board Member for University of Pennsylvania, Penn State University,
Temple University, Lincoln University, and the Community College of Philadelphia where I assisted tens of thousands of individuals in the pursuit of their higher education. • Created the Board of Governors Scholarship Program that provided thousands of four-year scholarships to worthy Philadelphia and statewide students. “As much as I regret having to end CORE Philly, I’m immensely proud it is but one of many programs which continue to level the academic playing field for Philadelphia students and tens of millions more across the nation. “As the city’s senior congressman, I don’t expect to be held to anything short of the highest standards. However, casual and reckless editorializing jeopardizes our future work. When Congress reconvenes next month I will introduce the American Opportunity Tax Credit Act, which offers every person seeking a college education the ability to pursue one by investing 100 hours of public service. In exchange for their service, college students will be eligible to receive a $4,000 refundable tax credit. “I look forward to continuing my work in education and to advance the life chances of America’s young people.” The Inquirer implied it cleared the record several days later with a one-inch item at the bottom of its editorial page which read, “An editorial Tuesday implied only 3,000 students had received CORE scholarships. The total number is 13,000. The amount of each scholarship ranges up to $3,000.”
Brady Helps Save Mummers For 2009
(Cont. from Page 1) some time according to attorney George Badey, a mummer, who became the mummers’ point man through this crisis. But therein lies a new crossroads. For generations before the city got involved in the machinations of the annual tribute to King Momus, the lord of mirth and merriment, comic and
fancy-dress brigades were strutting, strumming, and staggering merrily along Broad Street up to City Hall and beyond to Girard Avenue from deep down south at Hog Island. The City first sponsored the mummers, offering prize money and picking up the tab to police the route and clean up afterwards, in 1901.
To purist mummer historians, that marked the beginning of a slow turn from the event’s truly being a people’s parade to one steadily more institutionalized. In recent years, City administrations have used the parade to placate businesses, rerouting the parade along Market Street for what proved to be three years of disastrous parade viewing. The
numbers were not there. The City’s Recreation Dept., in an effort to cut down the parade hours to save the City money, began stipulating where the mummers could do their stints and entertain and where they just had to march by, no matter how much the crowds clamored for a show. Factionalization among the (Cont. Page 3)
temperatures were frigid. Ignored by the City and the critics of the parade is the fact this institution yearly brings in thousands to watch the parade and visit the city, which they would not otherwise do. That generates several millions in hotel bookings, in restaurant expenditures and other purchases. These include a hard core of several thousand from the “diaspora”, Philadelphians who still consider Philly home despite life circumstances that
have taken them elsewhere. Other cities with New Year Day festivities, such as the Parade of Roses, do not limit the amount of time those parades need to finish from lead group to the cleanup brigades. But rubbing salt into the wound is the Recreation Dept.’s complaint the parade is too long. It must be limited to six and a half hours, insist these recreation experts. The mummers, with four units, each a fiefdom onto itself, now are at a crossroads.
The scare their institution could be ended because of a few thousand dollars should awaken them and all mummers fans it is time to get out from under the clutches of the city. What can be bargained down immediately is the actual cost incurred by the City. Questions can be asked as to why there are so many cops on duty, why all that overtime. Few have ever been the incidents that would see the need to generate such manpower.
Cleanup is cleanup. There is nothing to stop the City from selling tickets to the viewing stands set up around City Hall. That would easily make up for the costs of bleachers and judges’ viewing stand. Mummery fans long ago realized the less interference by the City, the better the parade. But can the surge of donations initiated by Brady be maintained by mummers’ pleadings and yield enough income to allow the parade to forgo the City’s handouts? Coming through with the bailout funds were several major Philadelphia entities. Topping contributions was the Delaware Valley Regional Economic Development Fund, whose president Lauri Kavulich said, “When Sen.-Elect Farnese approached our board for a grant to support the Mummers Parade, we immediately recognized the importance of the mummers to the city and region. The Mummers Parade is an iconic tradition in Philadelphia, attracting
tens of thousands of tourists from around the world and producing $9 million in revenue to the region. It is a worthy investment that pays for itself in revenues and regional stimulus.” Brady announced Larry Magid of The Electric Factory came through with a pledge totaling $100,000 over a 10year period. Joe Vento, owner of Geno’s Steaks, pledged $20,000 and then added another $20,000 for a total of $40,000 at the Mummers Museum press conference announcing the initial success of the fundraising drive. Verizon donated $10,000. Forman Mills CEO Richard Forman kept his Aramingo Avenue store open for a 24hour period raising funds for the mummers, a take that came to $22,000. Brady, whose initial pledge of $50,000 got the donations rolling, hopes individuals will realize they can help the mummers by contributing to “SavetheMummers.Com”.
The Public Record • January 1, 2009
(Cont. from Page 2) four groups that make up the parade — comics, fancy brigades, brigades and string bands — contributed to the City’s ability to maintain tighter controls. The Department’s efforts to insist on “speeding up the parade to save time” proved to be a failure and contributed to long gaps between the marching groups, as much as four to five blocks. This led viewers to dwindle, especially if the
Page 3
Geno’s, Others Donate To Keep Mummers Alive
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page 4 The Public Record • January 1, 2009
PHA ‘Wraps Up’ The Holidays With the coldest days of winter yet to come, hundreds of community members are now well equipped to brave the weather. Hundreds of thick, stylish overcoats were distributed to needy residents at Abbotsford Homes in East Falls on the Saturday after Christmas at the public housing development’s community center. “This initiative is meeting a very basic need during these tough economic times,” said Asia Coney, who heads Tenant Support Services, Inc., the group that represents Philadelphia Housing Authority residents. “We are pleased to be able to help.” Coats were donated primarily by employees of AIG
Commercial Insurance – 400 were given by that firm alone. Philadelphia CocaCola employees donated 90 coats, Barbour by Peter Elliott gave 40 and PHA workers themselves gave 25 coats. “We are all part of the Philadelphia community,” said John Sherlock, regional president of AIG’s mid-Atlantic division. Volunteers from participating companies helped organize and display the donated outerwear across long racks marked for age, size and sex. Residents thronged into the center in a festive mood and were plainly touched by the gifts. Similar coat drives are taking place in other cities
around the country under the auspices of One Warm Coat, a national organization that collects coats for distribution to the needy. The local employee drive is part of AIG’s National Holiday Drive. Rather than holding typical holiday events for employees, many of its workers instead banded together to volunteer at community-service events – ranging from gift-wrapping and building a “store” of presents for families at a local shelter to distributing food and serving breakfast for members of the community. Nationwide, employees have collected more than 14,000 lb. of food and over 1,800 coats to donate across the United States.
The Public Record State Rep.
State Rep.
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Senator Tina
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State Sen. Shirley M.
Kitchen TSSI LEADER Asia Coney and AIG Insurance exec John Sherlock announced giveaway OVERJOYED at warm winter bounty were of winter outerwear at PHA’s Abbottsford recipients Anisa Jones, left, and Sheila Dixon. Homes.
Controller Finds $400 Million In Savings (Cont. from Page 1) anticipated five-year budget deficit.” Butkovitz’s analysis was based on 10 audits of various City departments. His analysis included a onetime collection payment of almost $74 million and a recurring $68 million annually that would amount to almost $340 million over five years. “That the City is letting millions of dollars slip through the cracks during these extremely difficult financial times is very troubling,” said Butkovitz. “The Fire Dept. alone could generate an addi-
tional $46 million each year by increasing its fee for Advanced Life Support by $150, as well as increasing its collection of unpaid billings from insurance companies,” he said. Some other savings and revenue potentials included $168,000 one-time savings if all unused cell phones were disconnected; $69.8 million (one-time) in uncollected fines and court costs; $20 million more annually from L & I if demolition costs were properly billed; and $300,000 annually from the Dept. of Health if four full-time pharmacists were hired and
contract payments were reduced with the pharmacy staffing agencies. “During these difficult and trying financial times, it is incumbent upon the City to do everything possible to reduce costs and generate as much revenue as possible to insure that essential services like police and fire protection as well as trash pick-up continue uninterrupted,” said Butkovitz. “It shouldn’t take a financial crisis for City government to start being financially responsible,” he said.
3rd Sen. District 1701 W. Lehigh Ave.Ste 104 Philadelphia, PA 19132 215-227-6161
Elected Official Place Your Ad Here 215-755-2000
Best Wishes for a Happy, Healthy, and Safe New Year! Parkwood Shopping Center 12361 Academy Road, Phila., PA 19154, 215-281-2539 8016 Bustleton Avenue Philadelphia PA 19152 215-695-1020 Open Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 5 PM
(USPS PP 109) Weekly Publication Published by:
The Phila. Public Record The South Phila Public Record
1323 S. Broad Street Phila., PA 19147 ISSN 1938-8551 (Application to Mail At Periodicals Postage Rates Is Pending At Philadelphia PA and Bellmawr NJ) Postmaster: send address change to: The Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila. PA 19147 215-755-2000 Fax: 215-689-4099 Subscription Rate: $ 30.00/Year EDITORIAL STAFF Editor & Publisher: James Tayoun Sr. Managing Editor: Anthony West Associate Editor: Rory G. McGlasson Medical Editor: Paul Tayoun M.D. CitiLife Editor: Ruth R. Russell Editorial Staff: Joe Sbaraglia Out & About Editor: Denise Clay Entert.Columnist Bob Pantano Creative Director & Editorial Cartoonist: R. William Taylor Photographers: Donald Terry Donna DiPaolo Production Manager: William J. Hanna Bookkeeping: Haifa Hanna Webmaster: Sana Muaddi-Dows Advert. Director: John David Controller: John David Circulation: Steve Marsico The Public Record welcomes news and photographs about your accomplishments and achievements which should be shared with the rest of the community. Contact us by phone, fax, e-mail or by dropping us a note in the mail. If you mail a news item, please include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify the information you provided us, if necessary. The Public Record reserves the right to edit all news items and letters for grammar, clarity and brevity. (C) 1999-2009 by the Philadelphia Public Record. No reproduction or use of the material herein may be made without the permission of the publisher. The Philadelphia Public Record will assume no obligation (other than the cancellation of charges for the actual space occupied) for accidental errors in advertisements, but we will be glad to furnish a signed letter to the buying public. Philadelphia
"Representing injured workers in Pa. for over 30 years.�
The Public Record • January 1, 2009
If you have been injured on the DOCKS, PIERS, or SHIPS doing loading or repairing work. You need our free advice....We fight for your right to benefits and we never ask you to pay a fee.... We have successfully helped get money for thousands of injured workers over the last 30 years.
Page 5
Injured At Work!
page 6 The Public Record • January 1, 2009
LDC HEALTH AND SAFETY FUND Laborers’ District Council Health and Safety Fund Of
Philadelphia and Vicinity 319 N. 11th Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 Tel: 215-925-5327 • Fax: 215-925-5329 UNION LABORERS WE DON’T JUST DO IT WE DO IT SAFE Our mission is to promote and enhance Contractor competitiveness And to protect the occupational health And safety of Laborers and their families. Laborers District Council sponsors LDC Health and Safety Fund Local 135, Daniel L.Woodall, Jr., Business Manager; Local 332, Samuel Staten, Jr., Business Manager; Local 413, James Harper, Business Manager; Local 57, Richard A. McCurdy, Jr. Business Manager; Laborers’ District Council, Building Better and Safer Communities in Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery Counties. Laborers’ District Council of the Metropolitan area of Philadelphia and Vicinity, Business Manager; Laborers’ District Council; Business Manager; Ryan N. Boyer
Samuel Staten, Sr. Business Manager Emeritus Of Laborers’ District Council and Local 332
Remember – Do It right, Do It Safe, Do It Union Administrator, Richard Legree, Sr. Director, Juan Bacote Management Trustees: James Vail and Steve Whiney
Union Labor... Building it right for a better and stronger community! Laborers’ District Council of the Metropolitan Area of Philadelphia and vicinity is comprised of four unions: Local 135, Daniel L. Woodall, Jr., James Vail Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Local 332, Samuel Staten, Jr., Vincent Primavera, Sr. Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Local 413, James Harper,Sr., Fred Chiarlanza Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Local 57, Richard McCurdy, Jr., Harry Hopkins Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Laborers District Council, Ryan N. Boyer, Business Manager. Samuel Staten, Sr., Business Manager Emeritus of the Laborers’ District Council of the Metropolitan Area of Philadelphia and Vicinity and Local 332. Laborers’ District Council promotes a safe work environment, jobs completed on time and on budget, and represents union members, who are well trained, productive, professional, and take pride in their work. Union labor…building better and safer communities in Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery Counties. This ad is presented by LECET The Laborers Employers Cooperation and Education Trust 319 N. 11th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 Telephone: 215-922-6139 Fax: 215-922-6109 Web: Administrator, Richard Legree
Page 7 Snooper’s Regrets: Hey, I just met a bunch of wonderful people who invited me to their annual “EMPLOYEES CHRISTMAS PARTY”. Naturally, I could not accept. However, Frank Talent offered to represent me at this special event. ALL those people who work over in Courtroom 408, Criminal Justice Center, put together one heckuva party. The ringleaders of this jolly crew are “The Lady”, JANET DiTOMASSO; “No. 1”, ALICE FLAMER; “No. 2”, CYNTHIA GREGG; SAMANTHA RIEBOW; MARLENE BOROWSKI and Mr. NICK KUSHEVICH. KEN SNYDER was unable to come. I will admit I would have loved to been there myself, but couldn’t. Happy Holiday Ladies. Snooper’s Special Football Picks: Catholic League - CURTIS DRAKE of West Catholic. Public League - TIM FREILING of Northeast High School. College - BRADSHAW of Oklahoma. Pro Football: PEYTON MANNING of the Indianapolis Colts. The M.V.P.: ADRIAN PETERSON of The Minnesota Vikings. Superbowl: Indianapolis Colts vs. Carolina Panthers – we’d better all forget The New York Giants, not this year. Let’s go locally. Soccer: TEAM OF THE YEAR, coached by Joseph McDermott, “THE OUTLAWS” of the Philadelphia Soccer Club. Snooper’s Special News Dept.: BURHOLME PARK lovers can start to rejoice, because they WON their battle against Fox Chase Cancer Center. Yes, it has happened, and once again, it proves what I have always told you – fight them. HON. JOHN HERRON ruled in favor to “SAVE BURHOLME PARK” and against Fox Chase Cancer Center. Again, The Snooper congratulates you! Snooper Scooper Files: I want Judge Kevin Dougherty, Administrative Judge - Family Court, to know how the scum are able to break out of your temporary facilities. This place was originally designed to house those who were mentally challenged, so naturally, they weren’t worried about any escapees. Judge, your problems are the SCREENS. They were not designed (Cont. Page 20)
The Public Record • January 1, 2009
Happy New Year everyone, and welcome to the first day of 2009. For anyone with a 401K, in need of a business or personal loan, or working for an American automaker, this is probably the happiest day of your life because it means 2008 is finally over. (In fact, I’m guessing that last group, the automakers in general, and their unionized workers in particular, is happiest of all because it can now count the hours of Republican rule in Washington with an egg timer.) Let’s be honest with ourselves, kids. The year 2008 was not for the faint of heart. In fact, it was a roller coaster that probably led to a lot of us losing our lunches. It went really high, plunged really low, and by the time this roller coaster lurched to a halt, we had a new President, saw 11 local libraries get shutdown notices, saw a powerful local lawmaker get his day in court, and watched as thousands of us took to the streets because Philadelphia finally got its World F*$#@ing Champion. Also, the good, the bad, and the ugly slipped from this mortal coil as Oscar-winning actors, anti-war chanteuses and one of the Senate’s foremost racists left us this year. Here, ladies and gentlemen, is my assessment of a year that still has many of us saying, “I still can’t believe he actually won!” The Local Section, Page 1: After The Love Is Gone Last year this time, we were all getting ready to celebrate the election of Michael Nutter as the City of Philadelphia’s new Big Kahuna. Nutter walked to his Inaugural, people were annoying their friends with cries of “A New (Cont. Page 20)
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Happy New Year From Jim Tayoun and the Staff at
The Public Record Newspapers
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As Always, “You Can Walk On Our Reputation!”
Hrs: Mon, Tues., Thurs., Sat. 10-5. Wednesday & Friday 10-6:30
When BARACK OBAMA takes over, he has indicated his first priority will be the economy. Part of the problem with our economy is our dependence on Middle East oil. The OPEC cartel rigs the price of oil and the amount produced. If private companies in the United States tried to do this, it would be a violation of the antitrust laws. Obama should take the following steps. Begin massive public spending for repair of the 450 bridges around the country that need to be repaired and replaced; building the new roads which are on the plan; and constructing more public buildings – as opposed to leasing space from private landlords, the government should own the buildings where its offices are located. A national policy should be announced from the White House urging people to use public transportation. If the commuter system in the big cities were to be expanded, that would reduce the number of cars on the road, which in turn would reduce the consumption of gasoline. The rail system on the East Coast should be expanded and high-speed trains obtained for the Northeast Corridor from Boston to Richmond, Va. You can travel faster by rail than you can by air if your destination fits in with this category. That would reduce the amount of gasoline and aviation fuel currently used to fly between these destinations. There would be no need to go through the burdensome security at the airport if the traveler were going by train. Get us out of Iraq. The estimate is we are spending $12-15 billion a month to keep a country of ingrates from being at each other’s throats. That money could be diverted to pay for adequate health programs for every citizen, new housing, and expanded governmental services. The White House should promulgate another new national policy encouraging the purchase (Cont. Page 20)
Yo! Here we go again with these thoughts sent to me by my Air Force buddy Bernie A. He thinks the review of the headlines of the year that is almost over is great. But what about looking into the future? Here are some of his ideas of the headlines that might be reviewed at the end of the year 2028. Ready? Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh-largest country in the world. / In Mexifornia, formally known as California, the citizens, primarily the older residents, are still trying to have English recognized as Mexifornia’s third language. / Baby conceived naturally; scientists are stumped and wonder why it happened. / Couples again petition the Supreme Court to reinstate heterosexual marriage. / Iran still closed off; physicists estimate it will take at least 10 more years before radioactivity decreases to safe levels. / Florida voters are still having trouble with voting machines. France pleads for global help after being taken over by Jamaica. / Castro finally dies at age 112; Cuban cigars can now be imported legally, but President Chelsea Clinton has banned all smoking anywhere in the United States. / George Z. Bush says he plans to run for President in the next election. / Postal Service raises price of first-class stamp to $17.89 and reduces mail delivery to Wednesdays only. / There will be a 25-year, $75.8 billion study on diet and exercise: Is it the key to weight loss? / IRS sets the new lowest tax rate at 75%. Average weight of Americans drops to 250 lbs. / Japanese scientists have created a camera with such a fast shutter speed, they now can photograph a woman with her mouth shut. (Ladies, I just reported it, I didn’t write it!) / Massachusetts executes the last remaining conservative. / Supreme Court rules punishment of criminals violates their civil rights. / Average height of NBA players now 8 feet, 2 inches. / New Federal law requires all nail clippers, screwdrivers, fly swatters and rolled-up newspapers must be registered by Jan. 1, 2029. / Capitol Hill intern indicted for refusing to have sex with a congressman. I wonder how many will be real headlines in 2028? Bernie and I plan to be here to see for ourselves – how about you?
Carpet & Tile Sales, Installation & Repairs
page 8 The Public Record • January 1, 2009
Medical Record
Health Partners Challenges Loyal Donor To Duel Braving the bitter cold and intermittent snow flurries, Health Partners’ President and CEO William S. George
and local business leader, Glenn Miller, CEO, Interphase Medical Equipment, “pushed” the need for
CAIR Briefs Press
COUNCIL on American Muslim Relations Philadelphia Chapter launched outreach campaign to inform media about civil-rights issues that affect Muslims. From left are Civil Rights Director Marwa el-Turky, Executive Director Justin Peyton and volunteer Rugiatu Conteh.
We Invite You To Capitalize On The 20 Years Of Experience And Skill Of Attorney
Deborah M. Truscello Call and schedule a free initial consultation. Practice Areas: Workers Compensation Divorce and Family Law Personal Injury Social Security Disability
Sign of the times, Atlantic City Executive selling Lake Front Home, 3 Professional Boat Races on Lake annually, 2 miles from Millville Race Track, 40 mins. to Philly, Delware, Wildwoods or Atlantic City, corner lot this 2 bedroom house comes with garage large driveway and dock out in front of house asking 189,200.00. Call Dale 856-982-1501
Thanksgiving donations to underserved Philadelphia families by challenging each other to a “Turkey Push” on the Friday before Thanksgiving. Urged along by the Murrell Dobbins HS cheerleaders, the two pushed decorated, Thanksgivingthemed shopping carts full of frozen turkeys in a 15-meter uphill race at Abbotsford Homes in Germantown. Ending in a photo finish, the race was too close to call. Through this entertaining public competition, the two CEOs sought to challenge other organizations to get involved and make donations in the community. Each year, Interphase Medical Equip-
ment supplies residents at Abbottsford Homes with free turkeys to support the Health Partners Foundation annual Thanksgiving basket drive. This year, Miller donated 125 on behalf of Interphase Medical Equipment. Following the “Turkey Push,” Health Partners distributed baskets, loaded with employee-donated Thanksgiving food items and a gift certificate for a free turkey, courtesy of the Health Partners Foundation, to Abbottsford Homes, Mothers In Charge, Lutheran Settlement House, the Salvation Army, State Sen. Shirley Kitchen’s office, and several other locations throughout the Greater Philadelphia region.
Question: Can my employer fire me if I file for Bankruptcy? Answer: Absolutely not. You have a right to file for bankruptcy protection and unless your employer is one of your creditors, or if you have authorized your employer to pull your credit report, in all likelihood they will never know. Again, it is a matter of public record so if they had reason to research the issue and find out if you filed, they legally can. However, under 11USC 525, you are specifically protected from being discriminated against and terminated from employment. Legally, your employer also
cannot discriminate against you if you are applying for a position and not hire you just because you filed for bankruptcy protection. If you feel you have been discriminated against, you need to contact an attorney specializing in employment law to understand potential recourse. Furthermore, given the number of employers who have filed for corporate-bankruptcy protection, it would be like “the pot calling the kettle black” for an employer to discriminate against an individual filer. Next week’s question: Can I get credit after filing personal bankruptcy? Attorneys are both board certified by the American Bankruptcy Certification Board. Chapters 7/13 & Stop foreclosures, creditors harassments, lawsuits, garnishments, and sheriff sales.
We are a debt-relief agency 206 West State Street Media PA 19063
1500 Walnut Street • Suite 900 Philadelphia, PA 19102
budget? It was driven by the need to get tough on crime after a horrendous wave of violent crime that began to rock the city in 2005. That year homicides soared to 380 from 330 the year before. The numbers got even worse, spiking to 406 in 2006 as the public demanded thenMayor John Street and his Police Commissioner Sylvester Johnson do something, anything to regain control. Nutter rode that wave of outrage, taking one of the harshest anti-violence, pro-enforcement lines in the five-way primary race. In January 2008, shortly after his pro-forma anointing in the General Election, Nutter appointed a new Police Commissioner, Charles Ramsey. Police officers, who were initially leery of Ramsey’s reputation, came to appreciate the new administration’s unflinching support as the violence struck down five of their own. The new Commissioner boosted surveillance in high-crime areas and instituted a “stop-andfrisk” policy Nutter had campaigned on. As of Dec. 30, 2008, homi-
cides for the year had plunged to 331, their lowest level since 2004. That’s great news for Philadelphia, and credit will go to Nutter and his appointee … rightly or wrongly. Probably wrongly. In fact, street violence crested in 2006 and was on its way down from about the moment Nutter won the 2007 primary. From May through December of that year, five out of eight months saw fewer homicides than the year before. Street and Johnson were still in charge then. And they had been taking action. They had increased surveillance; they had instituted weapons crackdowns and curfew crackdowns; they had marshaled a host of City departments and private partners to roll out a kitchen sink of interventions. Crime prevention is not a task that is quickly rewarded. It takes months for patterns to be identified, forces to be deployed, high-rate offenders to be removed from the streets and lowrate offenders to be diverted into healthier habits. So most results the Police got in 2008 were the
fruit of work in 2007. Even that claim is more than cautious professionals will assert. “It is a basic fact of crimefighting,” Commissioner Johnson reminded listeners as
the crime wave was peaking, “that crime rates go up and down over time. It is not always possible to say why.” Nutter will gladly take the credit for this current decline in
murders. Because concern over crime goes up swiftly but declines slowly, he is blessed with bright stats on the public’s number-one worry as he comes to grips with the budget crisis.
Laborers 135 Brings Santa To Hundreds DAN “TIGER” Woodall, right, business manager of Laborers’ International Union of North America Local 135, played Santa Claus to hundreds of kids in Norristown last week. Union hosted Toys for Tots drive at their in Norristown headquarters on Christmas Eve. Woodall and administrative staff, led by Janet Suber, left, collected bikes, games and all trimmings for area youngsters.
PAINTING Faces is “Katherine the Clown” as Norristown kids enjoy Christmas party at Laborers’ International Union of North America Local 135 in Norristown.
The Public Record • January 1, 2009
by Tony West Michael Nutter likes to plan ahead. The meticulous and measured Nutter began to lay out the elements of his inaugural 2008-09 City budget shortly after he quit City Council to run for Mayor at the beginning of the 2006-07 budget cycle. Times were flush then and Nutter saw a chance to implement a classic guns-and-butter budget, stuffed with new spending for every user group and voter group in the City – while simultaneously reducing taxes. Nutter’s promises delivered him a historic landslide in the primary election of May 2007. Alas for well-laid plans! The ’08-’09 budget into effect just in time for the meltdown of international financial markets to lay waste to the City’s revenue stream that had looked so dependable two years earlier. Out the window went the budget, and in blew the furies of a frustrated and disenchanted citizenry. Tough luck, some might say. Luck has also been a lady to the Mayor, though. Remember the “guns” part of that first
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Mayor Nutter’s Luck — It’s Really Not All Bad
LOCAL 135 staffers and volunteers who gave out hundreds of Christmas gifts to Norristown youngsters. They are Billy McLean, organizer Tiffany Carter, Business Mgr. Dan Woodall, Vernon Woodall, Guiffre Glover, Recording Secretary Janet Suber, Joe Whaley, Roy Brown, Derek Waters, Andres Gaivis, and Mia Howell with her baby boy.
Resales @ The Reserve At Packer Park 2009 W. Reserve Dr.
3BR-2.5BA, Interior approx.. 1600sq. ft. on two Levels. Driveway, Corner Lot, Hw. Flrs Thru-Out 1st Level $389.900.
2034 W. Reserve Dr. 3BR-2.5BA, Interior-approx. 2400sq. ft. on two levels, Driveway, Plus Garage, Hw Flrs Thru-Out 1st Level. Many Amenities, approx.. 6yrs remaining Tax Abate. $494,900.00
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2118 Verona Dr. 2BR. plus Den, 2.5BA Interior-approx. 1,700. sq. ft. on two levels. Driveway, and Garage approx. 8yr remaing tax abate.
3400 Tuscany Dr. 5BR-3.5 BA, Interior-approx.. 3000sq. ft. on three levels Gourmet Kitchen w/Stainless Steel
Appliances including Double Ovens, Many Customized Upgrades included, approx.. 7yr remaining Tax Abate. $624,900.00
page 10 The Public Record • January 1, 2009
Fruit Season Brightens Port Stats
Thanks to the “fruit season”, the Port of Philadelphia will see a rise in shipping despite the fact most of the world’s major ports have shown dramatic declines in tonnage received or exported. Kicking off the fruit season here was the arrival of Francisco Camps, president of the province of Valencia in Spain, who visited Holt’s Gloucester Terminal recently. With him were Francisca M. Hernandez, Valencia’s secretary of agriculture, and Marta Valsangiacomo, director of agriculture, who observed 1.6 million boxes of clementines from their home country being unloaded. Known as the “Christmas fruit,” hundreds of boxes of clementines were donated during the event to Philabundance, the Delaware Valley’s largest hunger relief organization, which reports it is currently experiencing a serious shortage of food to meet the growing need in the community. Valencia is the largest exporter of clementines in the world. More than 50,000 tons
of the popular fruit will be shipped to Gloucester City, N.J. between November and February when clementines are in season. The fruit is extremely popular at Christmastime because that’s when the fruit reaches its peak sweetness. From the Holt facility, the clementines will be shipped to distribution centers for importers who sell the fruit to local fruit stands, supermarkets, and restaurants. Signaling the fact import levels will be steady was Robert Palaima, president of Delaware River Stevedores, operators of Tioga Pier. His pier is the major fruit terminal for all the fruit exported to this country from Chile. “We expect a bumper crop in the various fruits imported yearly from Chile and that means more ships, more frequent arrivals, and a longer season,” he stated. “That translates into more work at the piers we manage along the Port.” The projected increase in fruit shipments will offset some of the dropoff seen with other
products and commodities that make their way to Port quays. Steel slabs, which normally found their way aboard ships bound for China within hours of their arrival at the piers, are “growing rusty” as they await shipment orders. “Steel shipments have been among our hottest exports,” said one Port Official. “But now they are not, taking down our tonnage numbers for the year.”
Electricians Skate Up Funds
ANNUAL IBEW Local #98 Ice Skating Party at Penn's Landing Blue Cross River Rink raised $50,000 for American Red Cross. Business Mgr. John Dougherty, 2nd from right, and President Brian Burroughs presented check to Tom Foley, Red Cross president, and Julie Appolloni, senior financial director.
Philadelphia Regional Port Authority A Promising Future By Championing the Channel-Deepening Project And Substantial Port Expansion
Once Again, We Thank Gov. Ed Rendell For Giving Our Port A Great Opportunity And
John H. Estey, Esq. Chairman
Not waiting for the world recession in shipping to end, the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority’s Marketing Division has been working the lists of past and present and potential future shippers and operators, reaching around the world to cultivate additional business. Said one of its staffers, “We are getting interest and feel new business coming our way with the slightest uptick in shipping.”
James T. McDermott, Jr. Executive Director
Robert C. Blackburn
Senior Deputy Executive Director
John F. Dempsey
Deputy Executive Director Administrative Offices: 3460 N. Delaware Ave. 2nd Fl., Phila., PA 19134 (215) 426-2600 • Fax (215) 426-6800
Nutter Invites Minority Firms As part of its process for developing final recommendations to improve the levels of minority and female inclusion on Philadelphia’s construction worksites, the Mayor’s Commission on Construction Industry Diversity is developing a comprehensive listing of Philadelphia construction and construction-related firms owned by minorities, females, and the disabled. The Commission invites interested business owners to complete a brief questionnaire describing their business, and their interest in local contract participation. The deadline for submissions is Friday, Jan. 16, 2009 at 5 p.m. “All minority-, female-, and disabled-owned firms related to the construction industry should be sure to complete and return this form,” said Bruce Crawley, co-chair of the Contracting Committee. “This will be the
best possible way for those with private- or public-sector construction contracts to identify and consider minorityowned firms for inclusion in upcoming projects.” According to the most recent US Economic Census, there are about 6,900 minority- and female-owned construction firms operating in the Philadelphia-CamdenVineland statistical area. Of those, about 1,500 have employees and those are firms probably best-suited for cityrelated contract opportunities. Due to the fact these data are based on a 2002 Economic Census, the Commission strongly believes there is a need to create a more current list for planning and market outreach. The list will be a critically important tool for setting attainable goals for minority and female participation on publicand private-sector projects.
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Our Opinion ... We’re Excited About …
The Public Record • January 1, 2009
…the fact the incoming President has been studying mistakes made by his predecessor and should be able to break out of the box and innovate changes that will benefit all of us. …the fact the recession has forced all government administrations – Federal, State and municipal – to reassess their budgets, scale back spending and to do it all – we trust – without having to raise taxes. …the fact the Public Record newspapers are celebrating milestones. The Philadelphia Public Record is now entering its 11th year and the South Philadelphia Public Record its second, which leads us to … …reminding you it is time for you to send in your nominations as to whom you would like to see named the Public Record’s Public Servant of the Year. Send your thoughts to John David. …the coming primary for DA, which should prove to be exciting. This race was triggered by the decision of DA Lynne Abraham not to seek reelection and our coverage will provide you with the meatiest of morsels. …the leadership provided by Congressman Bob Brady to the Democratic Party and attorneys Vito Canuso and Michael Meehan to the Republican Party. It will continue to produce candidates who will handle their offices extremely well. …the loyalty of our advertisers, who continue to be appreciated by our growing numbers of dedicated readers.
Another Opinion
A New Museum For The New Year tial four-car collection to more than 60 of the most consequential high-performance automobiles of the 20th century. The collection’s breadth and depth, ranging from Mercer and Stutz Bearcats, 1920’s Bugatti and Duesenberg racers, 1930s Alfa Romeos and BMWs and Cords, Jaguars, to NASCAR race cars from the ‘50s and ‘60s, distinguishes the collection for design and engineering. For design, the Museum presents the evolution from motorized carriage, through Art Deco, to aerodynamic, postwar modern esthetics. For engineering, the Museum enables visitors to grasp technological innovations in
automobile engineering. By presenting design and engineering innovations across varieties of racing events, the Simeone Museum drives home its theme of competition. For instance, a Bonneville Salt Flats display of a Cord, Austin Healey and Cobra Daytona Coupe showcases speed against a clock. The driver and car that went the fastest along a 10-mile-long straight black line or around a circle with 12-mile circumference won the race. Other dioramas of Le Mans, Sebring and NASCAR present competition among drivers starting at the same time, vying to complete a course the fastest.
Gorgeous sports cars comprise a grace note. A 1926 Kessel, a brand owned by aviatrix Amelia Earhart and actor Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., defines Roaring-Twenties elegance. A 1953 Mercedes Gullwing conveys sleek postwar aerodynamic modernity. A 1953 Hudson Hornet captures ‘50s rocket design and shows double-barrel carburetion, still the envy of many drivers. These combinations of beauty and engineering, design and performance, to achieve speed conveys the importance of velocity as one of the major determinants of success, power and competitive achievement in the 20th cen-
tury. Velocity enables mastery over more space in less time, as the collection makes vivid. The Simeone Museum recalls another great museum, the Barnes Foundation, also founded by a physician. For Alfa Romeos, for instance, beauty reaches to each component and part, and engineering excellence sets performance standards not so unlike a beautifully composed, masterfully executed painting. The Simeone Foundation Museum also constitutes significant cultural capital, because Philadelphia innovations are more often associated with pharmaceuticals, legal and financial services, early electronic computing and video program-
ming than automotive engineering. Consider, though, Sunoco in gasoline refining and nearby Dupont in automotive paints. Function rooms make the Museum a resource for event planners, particularly for meetings and conferences focusing on competition, achievement and performance. The rooms work well for parties and receptions. The Simeone Foundation Museum ( is open TuesdaySunday and is located at Norwitch Drive parallel the Philadelphia Auto Mall nearby the Airport. Hugh Carter Donahue is Adjunct Professor of History, Rowan University, Glassboro, N.J.
by Hugh Carter Donahue, PhD Of Philadelphia’s historic treasures, the Simeone Foundation Museum adds an invaluable collection of vintage, high performance race and sports cars as an important destination. The Museum’s opening this past June constitutes a keystone event for city and region for 2008. In the decades following the Second World War, Dr. Anthony Simeone, a Philadelphia physician, began collecting vintage race cars. Upon his death in 1972, his son Dr. Fred Simeone, a well respected neurosurgeon, who retired recently from the Pennsylvania Hospital, built his father’s ini-
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page 18 The Public Record • January 1, 2009
CitiLife Start a new year with Poe, Amahl, Please Touch & good cheer by Ruth R. Russell ‘Quoth the Raven’ is the thought-provoking title of the current exhibition in the Rare Book Department at the Central Library, 1901 Vine St. This is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Edgar Allan Poe, the famed author who spent part of his life living in Philadelphia. If you have ever shivered through The Murders in the Rue Morgue or The Masque of the Red Death (my favorite), you will want to take a look at the display of various autographed manuscripts, first editions and Poe family heirlooms. Also shown is ‘Grip,’ the pet raven of Charles Dickens and the inspiration for Poe’s most famous poem, The Raven. Although the department is open Mondays through Fri-
days from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., with tours at 11, this show will welcome the public during special Saturday hours on January 10 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The exhibit continues through February 13. To learn more, call 215-6855416 or visit (The Edgar Allan Poe National Historical Site, at Seventh and Spring Garden Streets, will launch a special series starting on January 17. More on that later.) Amahl & Night Visitors Gian Carlo Menotti, an Italian-born American composer, wrote an opera in 1951 for Epiphany — the Christian festival that celebrates the arrival of the Magi (or Three Kings) to see the infant Jesus. Amahl and the Night Visitors, now one of the most per-
GIVE THE GIFT OF NOSTALGIA Give the 5 Waffleman Books Memories they’ll always Cherish. They will remember you everytime they read them!
Call: Joe “Bag-A Donuts”
formed works of the Christmas season, is the tale of young Amahl and his mother who open their modest house to the Magi who are on their way to visit the Christ child and witness a miracle while staying there. Members of the Keystone State Boychoir and the Germantown Oratorio Choir, conducted by David C. Daugherty, will present this delightful selection on Sunday, January 4, at 3 p.m., in the First Presbyterian Church in Germantown, 35 W. Chelten Ave. Everyone is welcome, admission is free and donations are accepted. For information, call 215-8438811 or visit World for young kids On the day after Christmas we took our youngest grandson, his mother and father to visit the Please Touch Museum at its new home in Memorial Hall. We had been advised that young children were still likely to be enjoying their new gifts and therefore the 26th should be a good day to go. What an interesting thought! The parking lot was filled to overflowing and the museum was truly Little Girl and Boy Land, full of kids and parents pushing empty
Ruth Russell strollers as their offspring took off to enjoy varied activities including a walk through the Enchanted Colonial Village and a ride on the Dentzel carousel. We ate lunch at the Please Taste Café, a nice option that enables parents to plan a day that includes something to eat. Starting in January there will be interactive plays, story hours and musical programs. Museum admission is charged and there are group rates. However, after you see how much fun your kid has at Please Touch you might consider a family membership. To learn more, call 215-581-3181 or visit Seaport Slumbers For the adventurous sea-
loving youngster, the Independence Seaport Museum (ISM) is offering Seaport Slumbers during January, February and March. Boys and girls ages 5-12 are able to stay overnight, enjoy an evening focusing on the world of shipwrecks, then in the morning tour the Submarine Becuna and the SpanishAmerican Cruiser Olympia. ISM is at Penn’s Landing, Columbus Boulevard and Walnut Street. Entrance is generally by Museum admission or membership. For this program, however, the cost is $45 and reservations are needed. Call 215-413-8630 or visit for complete details. GustaferYellowgold Dodge Caravan Peanut Butter and Jams will present the remarkable Gustafer Yellowgold on Saturday, January 3, at World Café Live, 3025 Walnut St. The show starts at 11:30 a.m.; doors open at 11. Gustafer is described as a golden alien who comes from the sun, bringing creatures such as the Blue Star, the Pterodactyl and the dragon for a show for kids and adults by illustrator/singer/songwriter Morgan Taylor. Admission is charged and a
kid-friendly buffet is available (not included in ticket price). For complete details, call 215-222-1400 or visit New Year at the Kimmel Last but not least, if your plans for New Year’s Day include being in Center City for the parade, consider spending part of the time at the Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts, Broad and Spruce Streets. There will be entertainment from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., including performances for kids by Yosi, Steve Pullara and His Cool Beans and the Hardly Able String Band. Snacks will be available on the ground level and a family brunch on Tier One. Cadence will be open on Tier 2, where patrons can dine and watch the Mummers strut. In the New Year, Miss Amy will offer her free Kids’ Fitness Rock & Roll on Saturday, January 3, at 11 a.m., in the Commonwealth Plaza as part of PNC Grow Up Great. This performer draws in her audiences with own original songs that include “health & fitness movements.” Visit to learn about all programs. Email news for CitiLife to
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Mémé is a memorably busy new Center City restaurant kills daffodils? The location can take some credit. The previous tenant, Melograno, was also filled almost every night of the week and has since moved to larger quarters at 20th and Sansom Streets. The main attraction, though, at the 42-seat BYOB (they hope to get a liquor license in the new year) is undoubtedly the minimalist “new American” menu from the open kitchen of owner/chef David Katz, 31-year-old veteran of other area restaurants such as Salt, “M,” Lula, Avenue B and Pollo Rosso. Despite his youth, Katz already has more than 18 years of experience in the restaurant business. His first job was washing dishes at a restaurant in Cape May, New Jersey, as age 13. Katz has definitely developed a following among foodies with his elemental but bold flavors. There are Center City residents who practically
worship Katz for his whole chicken for two ($28) with roasted shiitake mushrooms, sweet onion grits and Madeira wine. We have not had the pleasure to indulge in it, but aficionados insist the freerange bird that Katz roasts in duck fat is like no other. The only dish we found less than stellar was the bitter-tasting mixed chicories salad with Roquefort cheese, walnut and pear slices ($10). A grilled flatbread appetizer was a wonderful combination of creamy goat cheese and bold olive and prosciutto flavors ($13). A catch of the day was a glorious swordfish with green olives and fingerling potatoes. A skirt steak was not served hot, but it had a rich, muscular flavor redolent of Asian spices and was accompanied by freshtasting asparagus and mushrooms and a sublime brandy-peppercorn sauce
Len Lear ($25). And there was such an ample amount that half of it went home for reheating the next night. For dessert, a rich, chocolate pot de crème ($7) was heavenly, as was a plate of four cheeses ($14), especially the sensual parmigiano reggiano. The name Mémé, by the way, is a colloquial Moroccan expression for “grandmother” and is a tribute to David’s Mo-
roccan Jewish grandmother, who was born and raised in Casablanca. The new restaurant has bistro chairs with solid cherrywood tabletops, big picture windows which are good for pedestrian-watching, blackboard menus and mustard-colored walls covered with food photography by Katz’ friend, Brett Thomas, a prominent Center City photographer. Katz’ menu, which inspires sharing, is divided into “smallish” dishes (from $9 to $18), “larger” dishes (from $14 to $25), dishes “for two” (from $28 to $30) and “desserts and cheeses” (from $7 to $14). Why the dishes are not referred to simply as appetizers, entrees and desserts is a mystery since the portion sizes are not substantially different from those of most other area restaurants. The tables are almost as close together at Mémé as a
fingernail and a finger, so you are probably going to hear your neighbors’ conversations, whether you want to or not. If you’re lucky, you may hear some salacious gossip. Also, the noise level is deafening, but after being in so many nearly empty restaurants lately, we were delighted to see enough customers to actually create a loud din. And our tall, young server was knowledgeable, friendly and efficient. Mémé is open for dinner every night but Tuesday and for Sunday brunch. You are not likely to find an available parking space on a nearby street, but there is a littleknown indoor garage on the south side of Rittenhouse Street, halfway between 20th and 21st Street, just two blocks from the restaurant, for a reasonable $9. For more information, call 215-735-4900 or visit
The Public Record • January 1, 2009
by Len Lear In recent weeks we have been to several Center City restaurants that are obvious victims of the current economic recession/depression. Half-full and quarter-full dining rooms have become the rule rather than the exception, even during the holiday season, but one new restaurant that doesn’t seem to have been affected in the least is Mémé (pronounced “May-may”), which opened September 29 at 2201 Spruce St. in Fitler Square. When we visited on a cold Thursday night in mid-December, every table at Mémé was occupied, and as soon as a table became available, it was quickly filled by two or four more diners, most of the earlyand mid-20-ish variety. How is the new kid on the block able to buck the lugubrious trend that is killing businesses faster than a cold spell
The Public Record • January 1, 2009
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Out & About (Cont. From Page 7) Day, A New Way” and it seemed as if he could get a free latte at Whole Foods for the rest of his life if he wanted to. Now, if he were to take that walk from his office to the Academy of Music, Nutter wouldn’t get the same reception. In fact, it might be a little closer to the reception George W. Bush got during his first inauguration parade. While Philadelphians can accept the fact you’re new and you’re trying when stuff happens like cops being shot or a little girl becoming the new face of all that is wrong with the Dept. of Human Services, there are two things you just shouldn’t mess with here: Mummers and Libraries. Unfortunately, Nutter decided to go after both. There’s no money for the Mummers in the budget for next year and if it weren’t for Cong. Bob “The Builder” Brady, there wouldn’t be a parade this year either. But having to make these cuts wasn’t why the honeymoon is over for the City and the Mayor. This is a city that understands broke. Now the City is broke. We get that.
What’s ending the honeymoon is Nutter’s attitude toward the anger of city residents and even some members of City Council. When you tell Philadelphians you’ve made a decision that impacts their lives and then tell them they have no say in it, they’re going to remind you they put you in this office and they will take you out. Mr. Mayor, reconsider the libraries. Not doing that makes you look small, churlish and uncaring about the poorest among us. Somehow, I don’t think that’s the image your media brain trust wants to have to spin you out of … especially since there ain’t that much spin in the world. Besides, City Council and Commonwealth Court are probably going to make you do it anyway. Beating them to it saves you some embarrassment. The Local Section, Page 2: Not A Mensa Move I have always believed if the contest is between intelligence and ambition, ambition is always going to take the prize. That’s because while smart people are, well, smart, they’re not always the most ambitious in the world. Or if they are ambitious, their ruthlessness makes
it impossible for most of their ambitions to be realized. When former State Sen. Vince Fumo got indicted this year on misappropriation of funds charges, it was the latest example of my theory. Fumo, a member of Mensa with a genius IQ, used his intelligence like a samurai warrior against those who stood in his way, much to the benefit of his friends. But when he ran up against former US Attorney (and Governor-Wannabe) Patrick Mee-
han, the jig was up. The trial is still going on, but it doesn’t look good for Fumo. But despite the loss of his seat, Fumo did get one for the “smart” column this year. He somehow got his choice to fill his seat, Larry Farnese, in the promised land of Harrisburg over Electricians Union official John Dougherty. I’m still trying to figure out how Dougherty lost that race. I guess it’ll take someone smarter than me to solve that mystery.
There will be a CASINO built here in Philadelphia; where, we don’t know as of yet, but it will happen. Someone from City Council will be leaving; whether it’ll be on their own, that’ll be up to them. Mayor Nutter will be involved in a very controversial matter, and this will be very serious for him. The Courts – they will definitely be in all the news and, for a change, it will be very good. The Police will really enjoy this year; about time. Yes, there will even be a CHAMPIONSHIP TEAM this year, and one that may surprise all of you. All right Boss, enough is enough – ain’t NO MORE!
(Cont. From Page 7) for security reasons, and this is how they’ve been able to ESCAPE. Snooper’s Holiday Message: Well, here we go with another NEW YEAR, and it’s my sincere hope, it will be a great year for all of you. This year 2009 will definitely be one that we’ll all remember because of all that is happening. Yes, we even have a new President, and hopefully, one that can really change this world around – for the better. My wish for this NEW YEAR is for PEACE and HAPPINESS for all of you. Amen! Snooper’s Predictions:
City Hall Sam (Cont. From Page 7) of new housing. New housing means washers, dryers, stoves, ovens, hot-water heaters, air conditioners and related heavy industry. Getting the companies that manufacture these items to expand or become new startups will be an additional stimulus to the economy. To encourage building tax breaks under the Federal tax code should be part of the plan for this industry. The government should make loans and purchase stock in the Big Three motor industry, if needed, to insure American vehicles can compete with the heavily subsi-
2400 E. Somerset Street Philadelphia, PA 19134
dized Japanese, German, French and Korean motor vehicles. This program should not only act as a stimulus to the American economy but at the same time to the world economy. If all the economists in the world were laid end to end, they would still point in different directions. All the economic indicators in the world can be scraped in favor of what the one superpower of the world – the United States – is doing. With absolute action like that described above, the rest of the world will see the American economy is leading the way out of recession and the rest of the world will undoubtedly will follow it.
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6717 Essington Ave. Commercial vehicles by estimate. Body work, rust repair, and stripping of old paint extra. Not valid with any other offer. MAACO® Auto Painting & Bodyworks centers are independent franchises of MAACO® Enterprises, Inc. Prices, hours and services may vary.
Page 21 The Public Record • January 1, 2009
Thursday 6801 Essington Ave.
Saturday 3201 N. Delaware Ave
Jan. 6, 2009 • Jan. 13, 2009 Jan. 20, 2009 • Jan. 27, 2009
Jan. 8, 2009 • Jan. 15, 2009 Jan. 22, 2009 • Jan. 29, 2009
Jan. 3, 2009 • Jan. 10, 2009 Jan. 17, 2009 • Jan. 24, 2009 Jan. 31, 2009
Tuesday 2535 S. Swanson St.
page 22 The Public Record • January 1, 2009
Judge Lynn’s In! by Joe Shaheeli The affable and very popular Common Pleas Judge Jimmy Lynn will be on the ballot for the Democratic nomination as Judge of the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania. It looks like the judge’s popular monthly Friday luncheons will soon become a thing of the past from now until primary day. Lynn said he is bringing 36 years’ experience as a
lawyer and as a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. Giving him an edge is the fact he has engaged in other statewide races and has established a network of support. Judge Lynn cites the Commonwealth Court as the “Peoples’ Court” for the people of Pennsylvania, noting it is the Court of last resort and final decision for any issue involving our State and local governments.
BEING PASSED out by hundreds is this palm card promoting Judge Jimmy Lynn for Commonwealth Court. Campaign announcement will temporarily end Lynn’s monthly Friday luncheons.
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Change of Name Notice Court of Common Pleas for the County of Philadelphia, October Term, 2008, No. 00742. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on October 9, 2008, the petition of Donna Lynn Smith was filed, praying for a decree to change her name to Donna Lynn Belhadj. The Court has fixed February 9, 2009, at 10:00 a.m., in Room 285, City Hall, Phila., PA., for hearing. All persons interested may appear and show cause if any they have, why the prayer of the said petition should not be granted. Daniel Sansoni, Esquire 8040 Roosevelt Boulevard, #218 Philadelphia, PA 19152
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The Public Record • January 1, 2009
ADOPTION ADOPTION: Wishing to adopt newborn to nurture and adore. Will provide warm, loving, stable home. Expenses paid. Legal and confidential. Please call Glenna toll-free 1-866-5358080 AUTOS WANTED DONATE VEHICLE, Receive $1000 Grocery Coupon. Noah’s Arc Support No Kill Shelters. Research to Advance Veterinary Treatments. Free Towing, Tax Deductible, Non-Runners accepted 1-866-912-GIVE BUILDINGS FOR SALE POLE BUILDINGS: 24x40x10’,
Page 23
Public Record Classifieds:
Ad Sales Reps. Good Pay Call John David 215 755-2000
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If you need and want prompt and fast turnaround service on your state car or vehicle, then come to DeSimone Auto Group at 6101 Frankford Ave. Call Gus Iannacone at 215-744-6400 for quick and personal service. Any state vehicle you drive is eligible for tune-ups, oil changes, auto repairs and body work.
The Public Record • January 1, 2009
page 24