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Ron Panepinto Jewelers

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Vol. XI. No. 6 (Issue 471) We Buy Gold & Diamonds

Serving Citywide Political, Labor, Legal and School Communities of Philadelphia “The good things we do must be made a part of the public record”

Penn Alumni Run City Hall by Tony West When Michael Nutter ran for mayor in 2007, he vowed to bring sophisticated management skills to that office and recruit top talent for it, by replacing traditional political channels with a professional approach. Many heard in Nutter’s promises an echo of his undergraduate education at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business. While universities do not support political candidates, Penn’s community enthusiastically backed his candidacy. After a year of methodical reorganization and staffing, the roster of the Nutter administration is complete. It’s now clear that in electing Nutter, to a large extent Philadelphians elected Penn as well. In addition to the Mayor himself, six of his 19 cabinet officers have Penn affiliations, more than to any other institution. Don Schwarz, deputy mayor and health commissioner, was one of Nutter’s first cabinet picks. He was vice chair of the Dept. of Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. (Cont. Page 2)

Value 50¢

February 5, 2009

D.A.’s Race McCaffery Leads In Money Raised by Joe Shaheeli Money hasn’t made the difference in some campaigns of recent vintage, but in the upcoming DA’s race it singles the fact more people will be hearing about Dan McCaffery than the others who are also vying for the Democratic nomination for that office this primary. The brother of Supreme Court Justice Seamus McCaffery, Dan’s campaign treasury report shows he’s amassed $243,000. Seth Williams, no stranger to the DA’s race, raised $138,000, but spent more than $60,000. Surprisingly, late-starting former Councilman Daniel McElhatton raised $111,000, spending only $6,000 of that to date. Brian Grady, who announced last week, has raised $15,000. Michael L. CUTTING RIBBON to city’s newest library are, from left, PHA Executive Turner, who announced this week, Director Carl R. Greene, Boys & Girls Club Director Jack Law, PHA shows he has raised $46,780 for the Board Commissioner Nellie Reynolds and City Councilman Darrell Clarke. campaign, but only has $20,770 remaining. What underlines McCaffery’s efforts is the fact much of his money has come from the Building Trades, which usually contributes manpower on Election Day. Seth Williams, at this moment, has a stronger grassThe PHA developments at Richard Allen and Cambridge have come a long roots organization left over from his way since earlier housing on those sites was demolished, ending an era where (Cont. Page 2) crime dominated what were then called “projects”. But now, thanks to the efforts of PHA Executive Director Carl R. Greene, a new community library is open and functioning with over 3,000 Odds are against more than a few economic scholars’ knowing the impact books for the youngsters who freHenry George has made on city governments that have adopted his Land Value quent the John Street Center, located Tax concept. Second In A Series (Cont. Page 2) Over a century ago, a young printer in San Francisco wrote a book he called Progress and Poverty, doing so after his daily working hours. He Part of the Philadelphia Revitalhad no real training in political econYou’ve Tried Everything Else. ization and Education Program, Inc., omy. Indeed, he had stopped school“IT’S TIME TO QUIT” DAP is a pre-apprenticeship program ing in the 7th grade in his native AURICULAR THERAPY whose mission is to increase the num• Elominates Nicotine Craving •Used In ckinics in Other States ber of Philadelphia minority residents Philadelphia, and shipped before the Newest Method With 95% Success ¶ 10 Min Procedure, No Pain • No Withdrawal, No Relapse employed by the construction build- mast as a cabin boy, making a com*Also Successful For Weight Loss* ing trades industry. To date, DAP has plete voyage around the world. Tacony Health Center (Cont. Page 19) (Cont. Page 19) 215-332-3132 www,

PHA Opens Library In North Philadelphia

ACNOWLEDGING $75,000 grant from Verizon are State Rep. Louise Williams Bishop, DAP Prep Board Chairman Sam Staten, Jr., Verizon President Gail Y. Given, State Sen. Anthony H. Williams, DAP Director Glenda Collins and Managing Director Tony Lewis.

LVT Key To Budget

DAP, Verizon Partnership Lauded Verizon of Pennsylvania has contributed a $75,000 grant to the Diversity Apprenticeship Program to increase its educational training options for more individuals. State Sen. Anthony H. Williams, among leaders at the presentation, said, “DAP has been able to achieve

more than we ever imagined. Increasing opportunities for minorities who have struggled to gain entrance into the trade unions in the past remains increasingly important. Now, with the support from Verizon, DAP can help open even more doors for countless Philadelphians.”


For Free Info

page 2 The Public Record • February 5, 2009

DA Dem Primary Grows To Five

(Cont. From page 1) last challenge to DA Lynne Abraham, who is not running for reelection. However, at his campign annpouncemnt, Tuesday, Michael Turner called on his opponents to return tens of thousands of “special interest dollars” to the citizens of Philadelphia. "Every Philadelphian should have faith, whether they are a victim or perpetrator of crime, that the DA's office plays no favorites, comes with

DA CANDIDATE Seth Williams spends many an afternoon in ShopRite stores these cold winter days, meeting his electorate. In Eastwick, State Sen. Anthony Williams, right, joins Seth Williams for some campaign outreach.

monwealth’s workforce by as many as 2,000 jobs. While Ed is hoping this will plug up the $2 billion shortfall in this year’s 28-plus billion budget, there are others announcing their plans to do things better than he when they become the Commonwealth’s next Governor. Not all who plan to run for Governor of Pennsylvania will make Rendell a whipping boy. He’s done too well a job. No one can blame this budget crisis on his actions; that’s just the way the cookie is crumbling. But there is enough in the huge budget that can be turned into election fodder if one chooses. Planning a run to date, though they may get out if they don’t get Party endorsements, are some well-known names. Dropouts would follow in the footsteps of former State Revenue Secretary Tom Wolfe, a heavy contributor to the Democratic Party. Other Democrats express-

(Cont. From Page 1) Other cabinet members have held part-time positions at Penn or contributed educational programs in other ways. Joan Markman, who holds the newly created post of chief integrity officer, was a lecturer at Penn Law School. Another new office, that of sustainability director, was filled by Mark Alan Hughes, whose ties to Penn can’t be summed up briefly. He is a “distinguished senior fellow” in the Robert A. Fox Leadership Program and at the same time a student in architecture at the Penn School of Design. In addition, he got a PhD in regional science at Penn in 1986. Penn alumni aren’t hard to find in City Hall these days. Finance Director Rob Dubow, who is in the spotlight as the City grapples with its stunning deficit, took his BA at Penn and his Master’s in Business Administration from Wharton. Everett Gillison, the deputy mayor for public safety, also received his BBA from Penn. Membership in the Nutter administration can even be a ticket to a Penn line on a resume. Managing Director Camille Barnett came from out

a perfect chief of staff for Nutter because, among other virtues, he has a foot in both camps. Armbrister got his BA at Penn but was serving as vice president of Temple when Nutter brought him on board. Even below cabinet level, Penn-related persons are making their weight felt in Nutter’s administration. Take waterfront development. Street had appointed PennPraxis, a community-planning body out of the Penn School of Design headed by Harris Steinberg, to create a new vision for the Delaware River. After PennPraxis finished its report, Nutter used it as a foundation document for the new Delaware River Waterfront Corp. that just replaced Penns Landing Corp. Three of its 16 new board members, who serve ex-officio, will anchor DRWC in its ambitious mission. Of these, Philadelphia City Planning Commission Chairman Alan Greenberger is a visiting professor at Penn. Another architect, Bill Wilson, who heads Synterra Ltd., serves as a “designee” or stand-in for the Mayor himself. Wilson, like Nutter, is an alumnus of Penn.

no strings attached and serves no master but Justice. Politics and PAC money have no place in the District Attorney's office." Turner said. Getting To Have Lame Duck Look There is nothing like a new candidate to make a two-term only incumbent feel he’s already a lame duck. That may be happening to Gov. Ed Rendell, who is slogging through a horrendous budget crunch, and losing friends as he cuts the Com-

Penn Alumni Run City Hall of town with no previous connections with Penn. Last fall, however, she was picked as a symposium panelist at Penn. Penn connections go back a long way in the city’s political history. Gov. Ed Rendell was also a Penn graduate, and still teaches a course in political science there. Although Congressman Bob Brady completed his formal education at “Carpenters U.” – as in “United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners in America” – he teaches a management course at Wharton. Seeking out prominent local officials like these and like Barnett for occasional classes and panel discussions is commonplace at many universities. Still, the Fighting Quaker cohort among the Mayor’s top discretionary staff is now stronger than it has been in a long time. Former Mayor John Street, who lived in Yorktown just south of Temple, showed no special leaning toward the Red and Blue. That’s not to say Nutter excludes other schools’ diplomas. Three cabinet officers did their bachelor’s work at Temple and Chief Education Officer Lori Shorr was a professor there. Clay Armbrister may make

ing an intention to replace Rendell include Don Cunningham, now Lehigh Co. Executive; Dan Onorato, Allegheny Co. Executive; State Auditor General Jack Wagner, who is already touting how good a candidate he will be based on the number of votes he got in his last primary; and our own Tom Knox, who ran for Mayor. Knox plans to spend as much, if not more than the $1plus million he expended in his own campaign. The Republican slate will have some big names, including, but not limited, to former US Attorney Pat Meehan, State Attorney General Tom Corbett and Congressman Jim Gerlach.

Michael Turner

Dan McElhatton

Brian Grady

Dan McCaffrey

PHA Opens New Library (Cont. From page 1) at 11th & Poplar. Greene told those attending the official opening of the library, “When we built the community center in 2004 we included a library in the design, but until now the room has been used only as a quiet study area. Now, thanks to the generosity of our employees and others who donated the books, we can provide a fully stocked library to serve the families in the immediate neighborhood.” The library, which will be open from 12-8 Monday-Friday, also features 12 personal computers so students can do their homework or other research. Adult computer classes will also be taught at the library one day per week, 1:00 -2:30 p.m. The library will be open to adults and their children 12-3 p.m. From 3 to 8 p.m. the facility will be open to children participating in the Boys & Girls Clubs program at the center. “The Boys & Girls Clubs enjoy the relationship with PHA that allows us to provide meaningful programming for kids both here in North Philadelphia and at the Wilson Park community center in South Philadelphia,” said Boys and Girls Clubs of Philadelphia CEO Jack Law. “PHA’s effort to create this library enhances what we expect to be a longterm relationship.”

Donations of books to the library were so generous, PHA will have to store more than 3,000 books for later use. The Free Library of Philadelphia contributed hundreds of books, and a private citizen, Mary Ann McNamee, of South Philadelphia, donated more than 2,500 books. She said, “I truly believe reading is an important part of everyone’s life – not just for

the primary job of making sure children learn to read, but also making it possible for adults to continue the habit.” She laments the fact “It has become increasingly expensive to buy even paperback books. So public libraries have a greater importance in today’s financial climate. Public libraries have taken a back seat to essential services such as police and fire.”

NEIGHBORHOOD YOUNGSTERS not only paid attention to speakers, they engaged them in debate as well.

Sheriff Green’s Important Steps to Saving Your Home Step 1: Assemble your current financial information, and call your lender.

Step 2:

Visit to learn more about borrowers’ rights, loss mitigation and abusive servicing practices. Contact the Sheriff’s Office at 215-686-3525 for more information

Step 3: If you feel uncomfortable handling mortgage negotiations, consult a professional housing Counselor

Step 4: Take time to carefully investigate the offers you receive to avoid becoming a fraud victim Sheriff John D. Green Philadelphia

Photo by Bonnie Squires

Primary Dates Lawyers With A Political Tint It’s primary time again. If you didn’t know, Feb. 17 is the first day to circulate and file nomination petitions, with last day being Mar. 10. The earliest candidates can circulate and file nomination papers is Mar. 11 while the last day for a candidate to withdraw those nominating petitions is Mar. 25. The last day to register before primary is Apr. 20. Also, the last day to apply for a civilian absentee ballot is May 12. The last day County Boards of Elections can receive voted civilian absentee ballots is May 15. Election Day is May 19.

Joe Hoffman Sr., Hosts His Famous Gala Attended By All Candidates Downey’s Restaurant & Bar Front & South Streets • Philadelphia

Thursday, February 19th, 2009

The Public Record • February 5, 2009

PENNA. Breast Cancer Coalition at City Hall launched 2009 Income Tax Check-Off for Breast Cancer Research campaign. Seen here are, from left, Dr. Hallgeir Rui, grant-winner from Kimmel Cancer Center at Jefferson; Dr. Susan Domcheck, grant recipient from Abramson Cancer Center at Penn; Pat Halpin-Murphy, president of PBCC; Councilwoman Reynolds Brown; and Stephanie Marsh, Mayor's Office of Legislative Affairs.

Page 3

Checking Off Breast Cancer

A Great Chance to Meet and Greet Future Judges And Committee People ATTORNEYS AT LAW Flaster/Greenberg celebrated Inauguration Day, launching firm’s new Government Relations and Regulatory Law Practice Group. Among attendees were, from left, Alma L. Saravia, State Rep. Paul Drucker, Judge Anne Lazarus, co-chair Abbe F. Fletman, group co-chair Kevin Greenberg, 33rd Ward Leader Donna Aument, Dan McCaffery, Esq., Mei Ren, President of Fujian Association, and Steven Zhu of New Wave Resources.


From 6:00 till 9:00 p.m.

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Call Joe Hoffman, Sr. 215-833-1943

To: Congressman Bob Brady, Senator Larry Farnese, Joey Vento and all the Businesses, Organizations and Individuals who secured the necessary funding for the 2009 Mummers Parade.

Thank You!

Geraldine Johnson President

Christina Staab John Sullivan Community Clean-up Coordinator Weccacoe Community Liaison Fred Druding, Jr., Senator Larry Farnese and Weccacoe Social Services Chairman Carmen Scarduzio.

Joey Vento, Weccacoe Executive Director Deacon Fred Druding, Sr., and Joe “The Plumber” Wurzelbacher.

Outreach Coordinator

page 4 The Public Record • February 5, 2009

Mayor Nutter: Let’s Work Together by Mayor Michael Nutter In recent weeks, I’ve gone to churches and synagogues, barber shops and beauty salons, diners and civic associations to gain insight from Philadelphians into the Great Recession and its devastating impact on our city’s families. You can never go wrong when you reach out to Philadelphians because they tell it like it is. They’ve told me tearful stories of lost jobs and lost homes. They worry vital City services may be taken away, making their children less safe. They’ve revealed their growing frustration with making ends meet and juggling essential monthly bills. For many, the future is no longer a time to be hoped for. These visits to assess the fiscal health of people are not without purpose. They’re the start of a new compact between Philadelphians and their Mayor. My administration is determined to gatherinput on the dire budget choices facing this city. Never before has an administration reached out to the public so early in the budget process. Last year in eight townhall meetings, I heard loud and clear the displeasure of Philadelphians as we closed a billion-dollar budget gap. Sadly, the recession has only deepened and the cost to City government is a second billion-dollar gap that must be closed in the next budget and Five-Year Plan. To secure our city’s future, we must make some very tough choices that preserve our smartest investments of your hard-earned tax dollars. And frankly, there is no avoiding that we face a depth of sacrifice not seen since the 1940s. Good citizens pay their taxes, vote and express themselves when they believe their government has gone off course. But true civic engagement doesn’t end there. You have to participate in the process if you want to influence the outcome. Nobody

ever scored a touchdown sitting on the sidelines. But to be actively engaged, you need information. That’s particularly true of decisions involving a far-reaching $4 billion City budget that involves every aspect of life in our city. In the coming days, we’re offering two kinds of events that should be on every Philadelphians’ schedule. On Feb. 12, 17 and 18, I will host televised Phillystat meetings with my senior staffers, focused on the heart of the City budget – from public safety to job creation. I’ll be asking tough questions about their ideas for closing our budget gap. Should we close a library or reduce hours? Do we minimize the reductions in the Police Department but dramatically cut back on street resurfacing?

Do we shut fire companies or raise taxes? These important meetings will air after the meetings on Channel 64 at 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. On Feb. 12, 18, 19 and 23, Philadelphians can come together to use the data my budget team has developed to make the hard choices in community budget workshops. Participants will have to balance, not just one or two interests, but the hundreds that confront us every day. Their choices will become valuable data for me and my staff as we put together a budget proposal that I will deliver to City Council on Mar. 19. As we struggle together, I will be relying on our city’s greatest asset – the people of Philadelphia. In the coming months and years, we all face major sacrifices, but I also


State Rep.

174th District State Representative 8100 Castor Ave Phila, PA 19152 Hours: 9am to 5pm Telephone: 215-342-6204

Frank Oliver 195th District 2839 W. Girard Ave. Phila. PA 19130


believe this process will bring us closer together. I have called on Philadelphians to give back to their communities, to volunteer in Town Watch, at our libraries and schools, at our rec centers and other neighborhood programs. More than ever we’ll need Philadelphians to volunteer their time – first by participating in the most important budget process in memory and then by giving your time and energy to the city we all love. In a year or two, we will work our way out of this national economic crisis. I

don’t yet know what our budget plan will be, but I promise your Mayor, the guy from West Philly who studied at the Cobbs Creek branch library, who played at the Sherwood Rec Center and who ran around Black Oak Park, who loves the only city he’s ever lived in, will be looking out for you. We’ll be stronger because we are caring people who have turned to each other in warm embrace, rolled up our sleeves and taken care of business. So come on Philadelphia, let’s work together.

State Rep.


Dennis O’Brien

DISTRICT OFFICE 2749 N. 5th St. • 215-291-5643

169th District 9811 Academy Rd Phila. PA 19114

Staffed by

Joe Evangelista Debbie Toro

215-632-5150 State Rep.

ROBERT C. DONATUCCI 185th District 1809 Oregon Ave, Phila., PA 19145


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Councilman Wm.


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State Rep.

State Representative

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6027 Ludlow Street, Unit A




3rd Sen. District 1701 W. Lehigh Ave.Ste 104 Philadelphia, PA 19132 215-227-6161


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8016 Bustleton Avenue Philadelphia PA 19152 215-695-1020 Open Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 5 PM

127 W. Susquehanna Ave.

1059-61-63 Bridge St




The Public Record (USPS PP 109) Weekly Publication Published by:

The Phila. Public Record The South Phila Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila., PA 19147 ISSN 1938-8551 (Application to Mail At Periodicals Postage Rates Is Pending At Philadelphia PA and Bellmawr NJ) Postmaster: send address change to: The Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila. PA 19147 215-755-2000 Fax: 215-689-4099 Subscription Rate: $ 30.00/Year EDITORIAL STAFF Editor & Publisher: James Tayoun Sr. Managing Editor: Anthony West Associate Editor: Rory G. McGlasson Medical Editor: Paul Tayoun M.D. CitiLife Editor: Ruth R. Russell Editorial Staff: Joe Sbaraglia Out & About Editor: Denise Clay Contributing Editor: Bonnie Squires Creative Director & Editorial Cartoonist: R. William Taylor Photographers: Donald Terry Donna DiPaolo Production Manager: William J. Hanna Bookkeeping: Haifa Hanna Webmaster: Sana Muaddi-Dows Advert. director: John David Controller: John David Circulation: Steve Marsico The Public Record welcomes news and photographs about your accomplishments and achievements which should be shared with the rest of the community. Contact us by phone, fax, e-mail or by dropping us a note in the mail. If you mail a news item, please include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify the information you provided us, if necessary. The Public Record reserves the right to edit all news items and letters for grammar, clarity and brevity. (C) 1999-2009 by the Philadelphia Public Record. No reproduction or use of the material herein may be made without the permission of the publisher. The Philadelphia Public Record will assume no obligation (other than the cancellation of charges for the actual space occupied) for accidental errors in advertisements, but we will be glad to furnish a signed letter to the buying public. Philadelphia

"Representing injured workers in Pa. for over 30 years.�

The Public Record • February 5, 2009

If you have been injured on the DOCKS, PIERS, or SHIPS doing loading or repairing work. You need our free advice....We fight for your right to benefits and we never ask you to pay a fee.... We have successfully helped get money for thousands of injured workers over the last 30 years.

Page 5

Injured At Work!

The Public Record • February 5, 2009

page 6

Kitchen’s Full Of Energy

AMERICAN Cities Foundation recognized these 50 students who completed Technical Opportunity Project for Professional Skills internship program. Foundation partnered with Streets Dept. and was able to place all students throughout 2008 summer. Congratulating them were Clarena Tolson, commissioner of Streets, and Sandra Dungee Glenn, president of American Cities Foundation and chairwoman of Phila. School Reform Commission, who recognized these students might well be next genPhoto by Martin Regusters, Leaping Lion Photography eration of skilled workers in transit sector.

STATE REP. Thaddeus Kirkland passes Gavel AND Baton to new PLBC Chairman State Rep. Ronald Waters at swearing-in ceremony in Harrisburg. Photo by Martin Regusters, Leaping Lion Photography

STATE SEN. Shirley M. Kitchen hosted Energy Conservation Workshop along with Linda Popugh-Eskridge, of Energy Coordinating Agency, at Lenfest PAL Center. Looking on is Talh Ogilvie, who learned, along with audience, tips on how to save energy could translate into savings of over $2,000 per year if followed through.











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Rep. Cruz Tapped For 3 Committees

Ringside With The Shadowboxer

Hasson Dominates In South Philly SHADOWBOXER attended Bionic Bull Productions’ jampacked professional boxing show this past Saturday at South Philly HS. Although local fans were disappointed South Philly’s Brian Cohen was stopped in the second round by California’s Billy Bailey in the main event, a number of local pugilists were victorious, including Kensington’s Dennis Hasson. Hasson dominated South Carolina’s Michael Rayner over six rounds, scoring multiple knock-downs in route to his unanimous decision win. Philadelphia’s Tony “Boom-Boom” Ferrante looked strong as he knocked out Robert Dunton. Sitting ringside was Simon “One Punch” Can who is lobbying for a rematch with Ferrante in 2009. Ferrante beat Carr by a close decision at the Blue Horizon last year. SHADOWBOXER spotted former boxer and City Councilman Leland Beloff sitting ringside. Speaking of City Councilmen, SHADOWBOXER couldn’t help noticing the “Fighting For You - Draft Jimmy Dintino for Council At Large in 2011” ad in fight program. Dintino, an avid fight fan and long-time Philadelphia activist, was also sitting ringside. It looks like SHADOWBOXER will be making more frequent trips to the Blue Horizon. Philadelphia boxing promoter J. Russell Peltz will be returning to the legendary Blue Horizon on Mar. 6 as Philadelphia’s Mike Jones will face his biggest challenge to date that evening when he defends his NABF Welterweight championship against Los Angeles’s Larry Mosley. Jones/Mosley will be the first of six pro shows that Peltz and his partner Joe Hand, Sr. intend to run at the Blue Horizon in 2009. Peltz promoted boxing shows regularly at the Blue from 1969 until he moved his operation to the New Alhambra in South Philly. Now Peltz returns to the historic venue on N. Broad Street, which Ring Magazine referred to as the best place in the world to watch boxing. RINGSIDE Saturday night, Jimmy Dintino and former Cruiserweight World Boxing Champion Steve “USS” Cunningham.

SHARING moment at Maggiano’s were, from left, Councilman Bill Green, Judge Dan Anders, Dawn Tancredi, Blackwell, Councilmen Curtis Jones, Jr. and Darrell Clarke, and businessman Ivan Tancredi.

WHAT WERE veteran political consultants Ozzie Myers, Maurice Floyd and John Sabatina, Sr. chatting about at Maggiano’s? The Super Bowl, perhaps.

State Rep. Angel Cruz has been appointed by House Speaker Keith McCall, to three House committees for the 2009-10 legislative session: Commerce, Consumer Affairs and Liquor Control. Cruz will also serve as chairman of the Subcommittee on Marketing within the Liquor Control Committee. “I look forward to working on legislation that will benefit my constituents through my membership on these committees,” Cruz said. “These appointments will allow me to work on issues that are important to Philadelphia residents.” Cruz also noted as a member of these committees, he will be reviewing legislation and policies that affect Philadelphia’s business community.

DEMOCRATIC State Committee members share a moment between votes. From left are Bill Durham, Ron Crouser (cochair 22nd Ward), newly appointed Democratic National Committeewoman Councilwoman Marian Tasco, Congressman Bob Brady and Michael K. Ellis, president of Philly Young Dems.

MARSHALED at Maggiano’s Little Italy in Center were supporters of Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell, among them, from left, Judge Pat Dugan, Tom Martin, Joe Coleman and Judge Earlene Green with Blackwell.

The Public Record • February 5, 2009

Pennsylvania Democratic Party Chairman T.J. Rooney has announced the endorsed Democratic statewide judicial candidates for the 2009 primary election. Rooney said the Pennsylvania Democratic State Committee unanimously endorsed Superior Court Judge Jack Panella for the state Supreme Court. For Superior Court, it endorsed Philadelphians Judge Anne Lazarus and Judge John Milton Younge, along with Judge Robert Coville, who also received the necessary twothirds vote to receive the endorsement. Philadelphian Judge Jimmy Lynn and Dan Bricmont were endorsed as Democratic candidates for Commonwealth Court. "Coming on the heels of one of the most successful elections in our history, we look forward to continuing our winning ways in Pennsylvania," Rooney said. "During the past three judicial election cycles, Pennsylvanians have voted overwhelmingly for Democratic judges whose message of fairness and inclusion has resonated with their values." Rooney added, “Our rankand-file committee people need to know Tuesday, Feb. 17 is the first day to circulate nominating petitions, all of which must be filed at the Pennsylvania Dept. of State by 5 p.m. on Mar. 10.”

Page 7

Statewide Dems Vote For 3 Here Blackwell’s Band Gathers

page 8 The Public Record • February 5, 2009

IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS PHILADELPHIA COUNTY CIVIL ACTION - LAW APRIL 2003 Term No. 002589 NOTICE OF ACTION IN MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE JP MORGAN CHASE, N.A., AS ACQUIRER OF CERTAIN ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK FROM THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ACTING AS RECEIVER Plaintiff vs. JOHN DOE, OWNER, DOAN DINH NGUYEN & NAI SUNG a/k/a NAI MAN SUNG Mortgagors and Real Owners Defendant TO: JOHN DOE, OWNER, MORTAGOR AND REAL OWNER, DEFENDANT whose last known address is 908 S Darian Street Philadelphia, PA 19147. THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR AND WE ARE ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT OWED TO OUR CLIENT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM YOU WILL BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING THE DEBT. You are hereby notified that Plaintiff JP MORGAN CHASE, N.A., AS ACQUIRER OF CERTAIN ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK FROM THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ACTING AS RECEIVER, has filed a Mortgage Foreclosure Complaint endorsed with a notice to defend against you in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, docketed to April Term 2003 No. 002589 wherein Plaintiff seeks to foreclose on the mortgage secured on your property located, 908 S Darian Street Philadelphia, PA 19147 whereupon your property will be sold by the Sheriff of Philadelphia County. NOTICE You have been sued in court. If you wish to defend against the claims set forth in the following pages, you must take action within twenty (20) days after the Complaint and notice are served, by entering a written appearance personally or by attorney and filing in writing with the court your defenses or objections to the claims set forth against you. You are warned that if you fail to do so the case may proceed without you and a judgment may be entered against you by the Court without further notice for any money claimed in the Complaint or for any other claim or relief requested by the Plaintiff. You may lose money or property or other rights important to you. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER OR CANNOT AFFORD ONE, GO TO OR TELEPHONE THE OFFICE SET FORTH BELOW. THIS OFFICE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION ABOUT HIRING A LAWYER. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO HIRE A LAWYER, THIS OFFICE MAY BE ABLE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION ABOUT AGENCIES THAT MAY OFFER LEGAL SERVICES TO ELIGIBLE PERSONS AT A REDUCED FEE OR NO FEE. PHILADELPHIA BAR ASSOCIATION One Reading Center • Philadelphia, PA 19104 215-238-6333 COMMUNITY LEGAL SERVICES, INC. Law Center North Central 3638 North Broad Street ¶• Philadelphia, PA 19140 215-227-2400 or 215-981-3700 Michael T. McKeever Attorney for Plaintiff Goldbeck McCafferty & McKeever, PC Suite 5000, Mellon Independence Center 701 Market Street • Philadelphia, PA 19106-1532 215-627-1322

Smoke-Stopping Kits Are Free To support Pennsylvanians who have made quitting smoking a personal goal for 2009, the Dept. of Health is offering a limited number of free nicotine replacement therapy kits will be offered through Pennsylvania’s tollfree Quitline. Funding for this initiative is through the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement. Call the Quitline at 1-800QUIT NOW (1-800-7848669) to request the free kit. Cessation specialists will ask whether callers have any medical conditions that would rule out the safe use of nicotine patches. Callers who qualify must be willing to enroll in a cessation program and set an actual quit date. There is no cost for phone support which can range from three to six sessions.

Each kit contains a four-week supply of nicotine patches and related information. Additional smoking cessation information and support is available through TheWeb site provides guidance in developing a quit plan; the quit companion and calculator; and video blogs of other Pennsylvanians sharing their own stories about quitting. There is also information for friends and family members of smokers who wish to sup-

port to their loved one in their quit attempt. The Dept. of Health’s anti-tobacco efforts are intended to help individuals to quit – or never start – using tobacco products, and to curb the retail sale of tobacco to minors. Under the Clean Indoor Air law that took effect last September, smoking is now prohibited in most public places and workplaces across Pennsylvania.

by Michael A. Cibik, Esq. American Bankruptcy Board Certified

Question: Will I ever get credit again after I file for bankruptcy? Answer: Yes! A number of banks now offer “secured” credit cards where a debtor puts up a certain amount of money (as little as $200) in an account at the bank to guarantee payment. Usually the credit limit is equal to the security given and is increased as the debtor proves his or her ability to pay the debt. Two years after a bankruptcy discharge, debtors are eligible for mortgage loans on terms as good as those of others, with the same financial profiles, who have not filed bankruptcy. The size of your down payment and the stability of your income will be much more important than the fact you filed bankruptcy in the past. The fact you filed bankruptcy stays on your credit report for 10 years. It becomes less significant the further in the past the bankruptcy is. The truth is, you are probably a better credit risk after bankruptcy than before. Next week’s question: What debts survive bankruptcy?

Attorneys are both board certified by the American Bankruptcy Certification Board. Chapters 7/13 & Stop foreclosures, creditors harassments, lawsuits, garnishments, and sheriff sales.

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Sign of the times, Atlantic City Executive selling Lake Front Home, 3 Professional Boat Races on Lake annually, 2 miles from Millville Race Track, 40 mins. to Philly, Delware, Wildwoods or Atlantic City, corner lot this 2 bedroom house comes with garage large driveway and dock out in front of house asking 189,200.00. Call Dale 856-982-1501

Page 9

Our Opinion ... National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

An Upbeat Educational Report

in the group of public-school students in the state who are earning at least one score of 3 or higher during high school, a greater number of these students are obtaining access to and succeeding on AP Exams.

Feb. 6- S. Phila. Business Association Scholarship Dinner at Galdo’s Catering, 20th & Moyamensing Ave., 7 p.m. Donation $55. For reservations (215) 336-1108. Feb. 6- Judge Jimmy Lynn’s First Friday lunch at Italian Bistro, 211 S. Broad St., 12:30 p.m. For info (215) 731-0700. Feb. 7- Christy Rec Ctr. Advisory Council holds Open House at 5600 Christian St., 11 a.m. Act to save pool and center. Free refreshments, For info (215) 685-1997. Feb. 9-13- Philadelphia Veterans Affairs Medical Center encourages Philadelphians to visit VA Hospital, University & Woodland Aves., during National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans. For info contact Melissa Heinlein (215) 823-5800, ext. 6830. Feb. 10- Rally to Washington, D.C. to support Stimulus Package. Bill Mackey’s City

Wide Youth Leadership Agency sponsors bus trips from several locations. For info call Bill Mackey (215) 765-5504. Feb. 19- Friends of Marian Tasco honor the Council Majority Leader at Penna. Academy of Fine Arts, 128 N. Broad St., 5:30-7:30 p.m. Tickets range $250-$2500. For info call (215) 205-4988. Feb. 19- 1st Ward Democratic Committee meets at Waterfall Room, 2015 S. Water St., 6-9 p.m. Tickets $125 ($35 for committee persons). Call Joe Hoffman (215) 833-1943. Feb. 20- Phila. Chinatown Development Corp. marks Chinese New Year celebration, Year of Ox, at Ocean City Restaurant, 234 N. 9th St., 6 p.m. For info John Chin at (215) 922-2156. Feb. 22- Judge Pat Dugan Fundraiser at Liberties Restaurant & Bar, 705 N. 2nd, 2-6 p.m. Tickets $30. Call Brian (215) 779-1330. Feb. 25- Friends Of Jim Roebuck throw State Rep a Birthday Party at Warmdaddy’s, 1400 S. Columbus Blvd., 5:30-7:30 p.m. Donation levels $125-250-500. Please re-

Now The Pollsters Have Your Cell You can’t hide from pollsters anymore. They know how to track you down via your cell phone. Pollster Zogby International and Jump Tap, the leading mobile search and advertising company, have joined together to launch one of the first mobile advertising campaigns to survey likely voters nationwide about the Presidential election and top issues ahead of the historic Nov. 4 General Election. Mobile devices present an opportunity for people to voluntarily engage at an ideal time or location at an unparalleled level of interactivity. The surveys, which are not designed to be scientific but designed to reach this audience on the go, began this week via a mobile ad banner campaign running across premium popular mobile websites. Results will be available on the websites of both companies. With over 43 million US mobile subscribers using the mobile internet, the groundbreaking partnership leverages a mobile audience already highly engaged in the election, as a new channel to execute polls and showcase the power of mobile advertising. The campaign will provide a unique perspective on what pollster John Zogby has called the most important Presidential election in a generation and mark a major new precedent for mobile as growing communications medium. “Given there are over 270 million cell phones in the US, many businesses and advertisers are experimenting with mobile as a new way to reach their audiences, and the polling industry is no different,” said Paran Johar, CMO of JumpTap. “The Zogby/JumpTap partnership marks the opening of a new horizon in using mobile as the center of next generation communication and new media and pioneers an innovative effort to demonstrate how readily people will engage via their mobiles with information that is important and relevant.”

We share with Philadelphia State Rep. Jim Roebuck his enthusiasm over a report being released today. It is the College Board’s fifth annual “AP® Report to the Nation,” which states 11.9% of Pennsylvania’s public-school students in the class of 2008 achieved an AP Exam score of 3 or better (the score predictive of college success) during their high school years — up from 11.1% in 2007 and 9.5% in 2003. We agree these results show Pennsylvania’s educators, administrators and policymakers can be proud of the progress being made toward successfully preparing students for collegelevel courses. Roebuck, who is Chairman of the Pennsylvania House Education Committee, stated, “These results are praiseworthy, and I’m pleased to publicly commend our educators and students for their hard work in these rigorous courses. In the future, our focus must be equally dedicated to reaching all students and preparing them for the opportunities AP classes provide.” The data in this year’s report demonstrate Pennsylvania’s continued commitment to closing the equity gap that exists in many states across the country. While Hispanic or Latino and Black or African American students remain underrepresented

The Public Record • January 29, 2009

We join those who commend the lawmakers and health-care leaders who will gather at the state Capitol Saturday to observe Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, which is observed Feb. 7. Allegheny Co. State Rep. Jake Wheatley, vice chairman of Pennsylvania Black Caucus, summed up the importance of this gathering by saying, “Even though African Americans comprise about 13% of the United States population, one-half of the estimated new HIV/AIDS diagnoses in the United States in 2005 were for African Americans. Prevention is important, and we need people around the state to raise awareness of this problem.” We salute State Rep. Ron Waters and State Sen. Vincent Hughes for taking their extra time to be of service by joining in the commemoration. “HIV/AIDS has ravaged the Black community, leaving devastation and heartbreak in its wake,” Hughes said. “I cannot stress enough the importance of getting tested, getting involved and getting educated on HIV/AIDS.” Waters seconded his comment. “In the past five years working with Gov. Rendell and the former Sec. of Health Dr. Calvin Johnson, we have increased the funding for HIV prevention, testing and education, significantly,” Hughes said. “We have also tried a new and innovative approach to testing, moving the format from a one week test-toresult period to a rapid-test program.” In the rapid-testing process, a person being tested can receive their results in a 30-minute period. A national report indicates half of all people living with HIV in the United States are African American. Nearly two-thirds of all new cases of HIV are found in African American women. AIDS is the No. 1 cause of death for African American women ages 25 to 34, beating out heart disease, cancer and homicide. Traditional testing, which has a one-week wait until providing the results, had a 40% drop-off in people who did come back to receive their results. Hughes asserted now folks can learn their status immediately, and thus can get the appropriate counseling and treatment. “It is time for significant action,” Hughes said. “We need to stand up, stand tall, be vocal and be vigilant in our communities; that are the only way to fight this growing epidemic. Just the simple act of finding out your status is half the battle. Get tested today.”

page 10 The Public Record • February 5, 2009

We’re back! All you Elephants get ready to rumble, ‘cause MICHAEL “MAN OF” STEELE has taken over the reins at the Republican National Committee. Our first African American Chairman was voted in and he’s ready to rock and roll our party back into leadership. Steele declared, “To my friends in the Northeast, get ready, baby, it is time to turn it on and work, and work to do what we always do well – and that is win!” That’s music to the ears of hard chargers like Southeast Director JOE DeFELICE, who’s been sharpening his tusks. MARC COLLAZZO’S “Loyal Opposition” is spinning up its biweekly Philly Politics 101 program on Feb. 21, 10:00 a.m. at 1500 Walnut Street, in the 2nd floor Conference Room. Foreign-policy guru EDWARD TURZANSKI as guest speaker will offer rousing words on what it means to be GOP. Collazzo credits local Ward Leaders with starting a program which will feature guest speakers, educational forums, politicking, strategy sessions and candidate recruitment. Doughnuts and coffee are rumored to be on MICHAEL CIBIK and MATT WOLFE. National Committeeman BOB ASHER packed the place last week at the Union League for his annual Future Fund PAC fundraiser. It was a Who’s Who of the Party in the Lincoln Room. Potential Governor candidates former US Attorney PAT MEEHAN and Attorney General TOM (Cont. Page 14)

I never thought I would hear myself say this, but I’m getting tired of seeing Barack Obama. In fact, I’m getting tired of seeing Barack, Michelle, Malia, Sasha, and everyone else in the family Obama peering up at me from various magazines, books, t-shirts, Beanie Babies and the like. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not being a hater when it comes to our new First Family. In fact, I’m encouraged we have a President that can speak a complete sentence, a first lady who isn’t trying to have a cabinet position but does know what she’s talking about enough to share her thoughts, and a set of kids in the White House that aren’t ending up in Us Magazine for their underage-drinking exploits. But I think it’s time my fellow travelers in the media let these folks do stuff like go to school, try to get adjusted to life in Washington and, oh yes, run the freakin’ country! It took the Super Bowl for me to finally realize just how overexposed President Obama has become. I was watching the “Pre-Game Show that Doesn’t End ….” Yes, it goes on and on, my friend, some people started watching it not knowing what it was, and they’ll continue watching it forever just because…. Anyway, I was watching and saw, among other things, an (Cont. Page 17)

Snooper’s BIG STORY: This one involves ALL OF YOU – and a wonderful Judge, HON. ANNETTE RIZZO, a hard worker on The Common Pleas Court. This Judge is definitely concerned about the vast numbers of FORECLOSURES in this City and she is doing something about them. I’m told by the President Judge, HON. PAMELA PRYOR DEMBE, she is holding Foreclosures Court in ROOM 676 CITY HALL. An Angel in a black robe! Late Flash: President Judge Dembe vs. Vivian Miller – watch! Snooper’s Special Memo: For: The HON. TOM GEHRET, Judge - Philadelphia Municipal Court. Let me extend my personal sympathies to you and your family. I know the feelings you had for your wonderful Mother DOROTHY L. (nee McGovern). Your Mom has now joined “BOSCO” and they’re both looking out for all of you: ROBERT, JANE, FRANCES and MARYANNE. They are now in peace and with THE MASTER. R.I.P. Snooper’s Personal Comments: Let me direct them to our new President BARACK OBAMA. Mr. President, I wish you all the success you’ll need. Your first 100 DAYS will tell us a lot about you, and what WE can expect for our Country. Presidential Fact: Did you know Vice President Joe Biden was actually our President for at least FIVE min(Cont. Page 14)


Huggins & Scott Auctions is looking to buy or consign your VINTAGE Sports Cards & Memorabilia + older Americana type collectibles incl Toys, Games, Trains, Comics, Coins, Political Items, etc. for our next World Wide Internet Auction WE TAKE IT ALL & WE SELL IT ALL. Call Steve at 215-530-4365 to discuss your collection or to get a free catalog Visit our web page at:

Walk In’s Welcomed A.J. Sbaraglia & Toni

Yo! Here we go again with these observations on this Subject: American kids vs. Italian kids. American Kids: Move out when they’re 18 with the full support of their parents. Italian Kids: Move out when they’re 28, having saved for that nice house and are a week away from getting married unless there’s room in the basement for the newlyweds. American Kids: When their Mom visits them she brings a nice pound cake and you sip coffee and chat. Italian Kids: When their Mom visits them she brings three days’ worth of food and begins to immediately tidy up, dust, do the laundry or rearrange the furniture. American Kids: Their dads always call before they come over to visit them and it’s usually only on special occasions. Italian Kids: Are not at all fazed when their dads come over, unannounced, on a Saturday morning at 8:00 and starts pruning the fruit trees. And if there are no fruit trees, he will plant some! American Kids: Always pay retail and look in the Yellow Pages when they need something done. Italian Kids: Just call their dad or uncle and ask for another dad’s or uncle’s phone number to get it done cash deal, know what I mean? American Kids: Will come over for cake and coffee and get only cake and coffee, no more. Italian Kids: Will come over for cake and coffee and get antipasto, a few bottles of wine, a pasta dish, a choice of two meats, salad, bread, potatoes, a nice dessert cake, fruit, coffee and a few after-dinner drinks; time permitting, there will be a late lunch as well. American Kids: Never ask the reason you have no food. Italian Kids: Are the reason you have no food. American Kids: Call your parents Mr. and Mrs. Italian Kids: Call your parents Mom and Dad. American Kids: Have never seen you cry. Italian Kids: Cry with you. American Kids: Will eat at your dinner table and leave. Italian Kids: Will spend hours (Cont. Page 14)

2400 E. Somerset Street Philadelphia, PA 19134

Phone: 215-423-2223 Fax: 215-423-5937

JUDGE JAMES MURRAY LYNN of Philadelphia Common Pleas Court was endorsed by the Democratic State Committee for the office of Judge of Commonwealth Court. He received over 80% of the vote cast. Among his colleagues in Philadelphia he enjoys a fine reputation and undoubtedly will be a positive addition to the appellate bench. An institution in Philadelphia Democratic politics, JOSEPH GAFFIGAN, departed this life after a long illness. He was 87 years of age. He traced his political activity to MAYOR RICHARDSON DILWORTH, for whom he was a deputy. He was on the staff of GOVS. LEADER and LAWRENCE and, later on, counsel to Philadelphia Electric Co. He was a friend of former Party Treasurer JIM CLARK and a confidante of CONGRESSMAN BILL GREEN the elder. He was also a trusted advisor to MAYOR WILLIAM GREEN. This attorney devoted most of his life to public service. Attending his wake were former Mayor Green and old friend TOM DARCY, long with DAVE GLANCEY on the Board of Revision of Taxes. The annual sports-writer banquet was held at Crown Plaza at Cherry Hill, N.J. Honorees were BRAD LIDGE as outstanding pro athlete; SHELDON BROWN, who got the Good Guy Award; ADAM TALIAFERRO, who got the humanitarian award; BERNIE PARENT; CUTTINO MOBLEY; MIKE WASHINGTON, the outstanding amateur athlete; LATAVIA THOMAS, who received the Frank Dolson Penn Relays award; and STEVE SABOL of the NFL, who received the lifetime achievement award. Special achievement award went to SHUN WHITE, who is the Army-Navy NVP. It was a nice affair, with a lot of laughter and kidding which you find among people with athletic careers. HARRY KALAS was master of ceremonies and JOE CONKLIN was at his funniest, leaving them “rolling in the aisles.” Among the attendees were CHARLIE GARUFFE, formerly of Paintarama and now proprietor of the Eagles Bus, which is avail(Cont. Page 17)

section comprised of smaller versions of some of the chef’s most popular creations. Lunch is served Monday through Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Although they rotate frequently to reflect seasonal ingredients, choices may include: acorn squash soup with allspice foam; Rouge burger, a 3 oz. version of their cheeseburger with Gruyère cheese, caramelized onions and

Len Lear

pommes frites; smoked salmon BLT on toasted pumpernickel with tomato, smoked bacon, romaine, horseradish and potato gaufrettes; short ribs with white bean ragout and braised cabbage; pan-seared scallop with caramelized cauliflower, spinach, Granny Smith apples and sweet vermouth sauce; and daily changing house-made pasta with red wine-beef Bolognese, basil, lemon, oregano

and parmesan cheese. The restaurant’s signature Rouge burger has garnered a slew of national press. On Feb. 19, chef Zagorski will compete against other ‘best burger’ contenders at the Amstel Light Burger Bash, hosted by Rachel Ray, at the South Beach Wine and Food Festival in Miami. For more information or to make a reservation, call (215) 7326622.

The Public Record • February 5, 2009

by Len Lear The current economy (it’s either a recession or a depression, depending on whether or not you still have a job) is so bad, even the priciest restaurants in the city are looking for ways to fill the empty seats they never would have tried six months ago. For example, even Lacroix at the Rittenhouse, where you can easily drop $300 at a dinner for two without even breathing hard, is joining the price-reduction parade. Every Sunday and Monday in February at Lacroix, guests can enjoy a three-course dinner for $35 per person, not including tax and tip. In addition, diners will receive 50% off of Lacroix’s extensive wine list, making this a great opportunity to experience a premier dining destination you might not otherwise be able to enjoy. You’ll still wind up in the $100 ballpark (for two), which is not exactly hoagie prices, but it’s a huge reduction over the usual tariff. Dishes offered at the reduced-price dinner include tomato-grilled-cheese soup, white belly fluke crudo with pancetta, the Lacroix salad, monkfish, mussels, couscous, curried pork shoulder, roasted garlic risotto, vanilla cream froth and apple jam, frozen lemon parfait and toasted meringue, milk chocolate Earl Grey sorbet, etc. Lacroix was ranked number two of the top 50 restaurants in the Delaware Valley by Philadelphia Magazine in 2008. Philadelphia Inquirer food critic Craig LaBan, who can be brutal, wrote Lacroix serves “Philadelphia’s most sophisticated contemporary cuisine.” LaBan gave the restaurant a rare four-bell (“superior”) rating. Lacroix

at the Rittenhouse is located on the second floor of the Rittenhouse Hotel, 210 W. Rittenhouse Square. For reservations, call (215) 790-2533. More bargain prices Also under the heading of “reduced prices” is Friday Saturday Sunday’s new “Half-Price Happy Hour.” All drinks (including top shelf) are offered at half off the regular price. You can enjoy $5 martinis, $4 glasses of wine and $2 beers. In addition, owner Weaver Lilley is offering a new “Tank Bar Snack Menu.” All items are now priced at $3 to $5. Happy Hour at the Tank Bar is available Monday through Friday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Some of the bargainpriced snacks are: marinated olives in extra-virgin olive oil with lemon juice, garlic, rosemary and a touch of hot pepper ($3); artichoke hearts rolled in goat cheese and cream cheese with spices and parmesan cheese ($5); classic deviled eggs flavored with mustard and a dab of wasabi ($3); and smoked salmon on cucumber slices with goat cheese and dill ($4). And every bottle of wine is just $10 over the restaurant’s cost. This 35-year-old Center City icon is at 261 S. 21st St. For more information, call (215) 546-4232 or visit Still saving money Yet another Rittenhouse Square resident lowering its prices is that area’s first bistro and sidewalk café, the 11-year-old Rouge at 205 S. 18th Street. Executive chef Matthew Zagorski recently unveiled a reduced-price option for lunch, “Choose Two” dishes for $16. Guests can either select from traditional Rouge lunch items such as sandwiches and large salads or from the “Choose Two”

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Even posh Lacroix restaurant now offering $35 dinners

page 12 The Public Record • February 5, 2009

Stack: Website Offers ID Theft Tips Tartaglione Individuals can take steps to prevent and recover from identity theft through an updated state-operated website, according to State Sen. Mike Stack. Identity Theft Action Plan, m, describes how identity theft happens and offers prevention tips and steps to take in the event of identity theft. It also offers a free, downloadable “Action

Plan” brochure. The website is sponsored by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. “Identity theft can take a major toll on a consumer’s bank records, credit score and other valuable personal information; more importantly, it wrecks a person’s feeling of security,” Stack said. “Fortunately, Identity Theft Action Plan offers sim-

The Philadelphia Public Record Is Celebrating

ple, yet effective tips to avoid becoming an identity theft victim.” Identity theft is the No. 1 crime in the nation, according to the US Dept. of Justice. Thieves steal an individual’s Social Security, credit-card or bank-account numbers and other forms of identification in order to purchase items, to falsify their identification or to sell it to other criminals. Because no one is safe from this crime, individuals who think they have been a victim can get back on the right track through helpful tips on the website. The site also provides information to help law enforcement fight this crime, as well as the current laws regarding identity theft. Individuals who do not have access to the Internet may also obtain the free “Action Plan” brochure at local PennDOT Driver License Centers and state police stations or by calling the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency at (717) 705-0888. Residents of the 5th Senatorial Dist. may also stop by one of Sen. Stack’s District Offices for a copy of the “Action Plan” brochure.

Black History Month

Praises Extension

State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione is urging unemployed Philadelphians to check whether they qualify for another extension of benefits recently approved by the federal government. “It is a tremendously difficult time to be out of work, and families need all the help they can get,” Tartaglione said. “This further extension of benefits will help local communities weather the storm and gives workers more time to secure employment.” Last year, the Federal Government approved an extension of Federal Emergency Unemployment Compensation program. The legislation increased the maximum amount of EUC a claimant may receive, and extended the duration of the program. On Jan. 16, Pennsylvania qualified for “Tier 2,” of the EUC program, which grants claimants up to 13 additional weeks of Federal benefits. That means many who were limited to 26 weeks of benefits can receive as many as 33 additional weeks, for a total of 59 weeks of benefits. Some limitations apply to the extension and recipients should check with their unemployment office about eli-

Clearing The Record

IN THIS picture of State Reps. John Myers and Tony Payton in the Jan. 8 issue, the girl was incorrectly identified as Payton’s daughter. She is his niece. gibility. “This new extension is important not only for families, but also for the local economy,” Tartaglione said. “This extra money will be spent at local businesses and can help stem further economic decline.”

For more information on the extended benefits, call the state service center at 1 (888) 313-7284, or the Philadelphia regional office at (215) 8566990. For information on line visit

Happy Birthday

Kate Love Madge, Cass John


Sealed proposals will be received by the School Reform Commission at the School Administration Building located at 440 North Broad St., 3rd Floor, Office of Capital Programs, Philadelphia, PA 19130-4015, until 2:00 P.M., on Tuesday, February 24, 2009. A non-refundable fee for each set of bid documents is as scheduled. The School District will only accept bids from companies that have been placed on its current Pre Qualified Contractors List as shown at All School District Project require MBE/WBE participation as shown in the specifications.

With a Special Issue February 19, 2009 Call to Participate


FEE BUDGET B- 940 (C) of 2003/4* General Contract Blueford School $19,800,000.00 $500.00 Single Prime 5801 Media St. Addition & Renovation *A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at the project location, on February 9, 2009 at 1:30 P.M. Specifications and/or plans and contract documents may be examined and copies thereof obtained from the School Reform Commission, 440 North Broad Street, 3rd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Information as to contract documents, etc., may be obtained at the above address, or telephone 215400-5225. Make checks payable to the School District of Philadelphia. The School Reform Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids and make the awards to the best interests of the School District of Philadelphia.

200th birthday, Feb. 12, the National Constitution Center (NCC), 525 Arch Street, will put on display a copy of the 13th Amendment, signed by Lincoln and forbidding the ownership of slaves in the US “or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” This rare copy, with his signature (which is not required by the Constitution), is one of just seven also signed by the Vice President, the House Speaker, 37 Senators and 114 Congressmen who voted for the amendment on Jan. 31, 1865. The document will be shown for 11 weeks in conjunction with the current exhibit, ‘America I AM: The African American Imprint.’ Museum admission is charged. To learn more, visit or call (215) 4096700. Betsy & George Presidents’ Day will be celebrated on Monday, Feb. 16, to honor both Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. On that day, free crafts for kids and special activities

Ruth Russell are planned at the Betsy Ross House, 239 Arch Street, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. This house, worthy of a visit at another time too, is where the famous flag maker lived and worked. She was visited (so the story goes) in her upholstery shop by three men, including George Washington who had a stars-and-stripes sketch in his pocket, and asked to make a flag for the new country. Of course she did, and there is still some charming evidence of it in the building. For more information, call (215) 6861252 or visit

Jewish New Year of Trees We move on with other celebrations during February. Tu B’Shevat will be observed at the Morris Arboretum & Garden, 100 Northwestern Avenue, on Sunday, Feb. 8, from 1 to 3 p.m. This celebration of the Jewish New Year of Trees will feature interactive demonstrations about trees that grow figs, pomegranates, olives and dates. Each kid will get to take home a birch tree seedling to tend and watch sprout. In addition, school groups in pre-kindergarten through grade 3 will be attending one-hour sessions during the week of Feb. 8-15 to learn how to transplant and care for tree seedlings. Both opportunities are free with regular admission. Call (215) 247-5777, ext. 157, for more information or to schedule a group visit. Words and Worlds Children as well as adults will be celebrating African American History Month and

the talents of ‘Kala Jojo: A Journey Through Words and Worlds’ on Saturday, Feb. 7, at 11 a.m., in the Commonwealth Plaza of the Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts, Broad and Spruce Streets. This African-style storyteller relates traditional folktales and poetry, which he accompanies with instruments including drums, harp, kalimba and bylophone. Admission is free. Learn more at Sundays on Stage Warm up this month’s weather with light-hearted entertainment by Eric Paul, an award-winning performer, who is said to keep his audiences laughing while amazing them with his magic. He will be in Montgomery Auditorium of the Central Library, 1901 Vine Street, on Sunday, Feb. 8, at 2 p.m.; doors open at 1:30. Seating at these Sundays on Stage programs for all ages is on a first-come, first-seated basis and admission is free. Call (215) 6865415 to learn more.

The Public Record • February 5, 2009

by Ruth R. Russell My father was an avid student of history, in particular of the Civil War and Abraham Lincoln. He felt that schools did not emphasize the importance of the War Between the States (as some prefer to call it) and Lincoln’s role in freeing the slaves and preserving the union. I think he would have been pleased at the recent emphasis on both the man and the era — the newly elected President traveling the same route as Lincoln did from Philadelphia to Washington before his inauguration. Other events during February will also focus on the 16th US president whose 200th birthday is being celebrated this month. New Lincoln exhibit The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1300 Locust Street, has opened an exhibit

entitled ‘200 Years of Lincoln’ in its handsome setting this week. Through numerous photographs, illustrations and artifacts, HSP is presenting the story of Lincoln’s life from his childhood through his presidency and leadership during the Civil War to his assassination and funeral. Featured will be portraits of the man and his family, political cartoons of the day and a signed copy of the Emancipation Proclamation. In addition, Karl Purnell, a Civil War historian and playwright, will discuss the ‘enigma’ of Lincoln on Tuesday, Feb. 11, at 6 p.m., and sign copies of a new book he has written on his presidency. Admission to the exhibit is $1 and visitors are welcome when HSP is open. Hours and information are at or (215) 732-6200. 13th Amendment display On Abraham Lincoln’s

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Lincoln’s birthday and other reasons to celebrate in February

The Public Record • February 5, 2009

page 14

Snooper (Cont. From Page 10) utes, and then continued to be until Supreme Court Justice Roberts had to redo the official Presidential Oath? Snooper Scooper: Last week, I mentioned the name of ED REMENTER of The 1st Judicial Dist. and I told you he was, in fact, an umpire for The Northeast Peanut League. He’s looking for Softball Umpires. Lots of games and the pay is great. Call Frank Spatacco at (215) 686-3521.

Elephant Corner (Cont. From Page 10) CORBETT wooed PA’s rightcoast movers and shakers. COUNCILMAN FRANK RIZZO worked the room. A military salute to a real hero and public servant STATE REP. NICK MICCARELLI who deployed last week for yet another combat tour in Iraq. At just 26 years of age, Nick has served his country above and beyond. IBEW Local 98’s JOHNNY DOC and BOB HENON, along with Building Trades’ PAT GILLESPIE, IUPAT DC 21 head

Snooper’s Hollywood Extra: Yes, I got to see JAMIE FOXX. He was in our town to shoot an upcoming movie. They had him in the Mayor’s reception room. Mayor Nutter presented him with one of those $80 LIBERTY BELLS. Foxx did one of the best impressions you’ll ever hear of the Mayor. Snooper’s Political Races: Here we go with another good one, this for City Controller. HON. JOHN BRAXTON, a former Judge of The Common Pleas Court, is going to honcho JOE ASHDALE and Cement Masons’ MIKE FERA, joined retired Delaware Co. GOP Chairman TOM JUDGE, Senate Majority Leader DOMINIC PILEGGI and Young Republicans ED DIXON, AL SCHMIDT and

run. This will be ‘thee race’ because he’ll challenge Alan Butkovitz. For District Attorney, it’s DAN McCAFFERY vs. SETH WILLIAMS, this one promises to be really interesting; but there will be a few more candidates – these two are the ones we’ll be watching, though. Hey Dan, why did the ADA folks forget you on their Candidates for DA Questionnaire Night? Guess they’re afraid of you too! FANS, email me at with any and all your comments. AARON COHEN at The Palm to send this Army officer and Penn grad back to the tip of the spear. Donkeys and Elephants alike paid their respects as Nick reported for duty once again. Godspeed, soldier. See ya next week!!


you behind if that’s what the crowd is doing. Italian Kids: Will kick the whole crowds’ ass that left you. American Kids: Would knock on your door. Italian Kids: Walk right in and say, “I’m home!” American Kids: Will ignore this. Italian Kids: Will understand this and tell all their friends about it.

(Cont. From Page 10) there, talking, laughing and just being together. American Kids: Borrow your stuff for a few days, and then give it back. Italian Kids: Keep your stuff so long they forget it’s yours. American Kids: Will leave

2024 S. 10th St. 215-468-5363 We Accept Food Stamps - Free Delivery $25.00 or over!

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State Rep. John Perzel urges high-school seniors to apply for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives’ Scholarship Program by Apr. 1. Applicants must have a 3.0

GPA to apply and will be evaluated on leadership qualities, commitment to their community, extra-curricular activities and financial need. Additionally, applicants are required to write an essay

about Pennsylvania’s new open records law, discussing its impact and substance. For information about the Scholarship Program, visit, or contact Perzel’s district offices at (215) 331-2600 or (215) 7252100.

Now Available For Sale Villas @ Packer Park Model Home 2 Br - 2.5 Ba - Garage Corner Location Professionaly Decorated & Fully Furnished - asking $399,900 Ten Year Tax Abatement

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Resales @ The Reserve At Packer Park

The Public Record • February 5, 2009

Homemade Italian Sausage

Perzel: Scholarship Program

Page 15

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Philadelphia Regional Port Authority A Promising Future By Championing the Channel-Deepening Project And Substantial Port Expansion

Once Again, We Thank Gov. Ed Rendell For Giving Our Port A Great Opportunity And

John H. Estey, Esq. Chairman

James T. McDermott, Jr. Executive Director

John F. Dempsey

Deputy Executive Director Administrative Offices: 3460 N. Delaware Ave. 2nd Fl., Phila., PA 19134 (215) 426-2600 • Fax (215) 426-6800

Robert C. Blackburn

Senior Deputy Executive Director

The Public Record • February 5, 2009

page 16

City Hall Sam

Building it right for a better and stronger community! Laborers’ District Council of the Metropolitan Area of Philadelphia and vicinity is comprised of four unions: Local 135, Daniel L. Woodall, Jr., James Vail Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Local 332, Samuel Staten, Jr., Vincent Primavera, Sr. Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Local 413, James Harper,Sr., Fred Chiarlanza Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Local 57, Richard McCurdy, Jr., Harry Hopkins Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Laborers District Council, Ryan N. Boyer, Business Manager. Samuel Staten, Sr., Business Manager Emeritus of the Laborers’ District Council of the Metropolitan Area of Philadelphia and Vicinity and Local 332. Laborers’ District Council promotes a safe work environment, jobs completed on time and on budget, and represents union members, who are well trained, productive, professional, and take pride in their work. Union labor…building better and safer communities in Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery Counties. This ad is presented by LECET The Laborers Employers Cooperation and Education Trust 319 N. 11th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 Telephone: 215-922-6139 Fax: 215-922-6109 Web: Administrator, Richard Legree

(Cont. From Page 10) interview NBC’s Matt Lauer was doing with President Obama. They talked about all sorts of things, ranging from the economic-stimulus package to whether or not Jessica Simpson has a weight problem. Now granted, being President doesn’t mean you can’t have any fun. Even if the economy’s a mess, you have two wars you have to deal with, and you have an opposition party that’s decided it’s going to start the 2012 Presidential campaign right now by just being led around by Rush Limbaugh, you’re allowed to grab some pizza, break out the chips and salsa, and watch the Super Bowl. But being a part of the “PreGame Show” was a bit much. I understand anything “Obama” sells and gets good ratings. I understand folks are happy he and his family are occupying the White House. I get it. But the President has taken the train to Overexposed-ville, and he and his family need to get off!

Union Labor...

The Public Record • February 5, 2009

Out & About

the Far Northeast will hold their annual St. Patrick’s Party on Friday, Mar. 13 at Somerton Springs. Contact ROSEMARY RUBINO at (215) 969-2863.

Page 17

(Cont. From Page 10) able for wakes, weddings and anniversaries. Speaking of Dave Glancey, his nephew, son of JOE, former President Judge of Municipal Court, is living in Hong Kong. He is married to the FarEast editor of the Wall Street Journal and his two daughters are learning Chinese. There are three vacancies on the Municipal Court. Currently sitting by appointment of the Governor are PAT DUGAN (just back from a military tour in Iraq) and TOM NOCELLA. For the remaining vacancy, the front-running candidates are JIM LLOYD, a former assistant DA and son of former STATE SEN. JIM LLOYD, and another former assistant DA JOE WATERS. In Common Pleas Court there are eight vacancies (maybe nine), two of which are occupied by Judges appointed by GOV. RENDELL: ANGIE ROCA and JOYCE EUBANKS. There is one vacancy for Traffic Court. Among the early frontrunners for Common Pleas Court is ADAM BELOFF. He is married to the well-known domes-

tic-relations attorney CHRISTINE HOPE. Then there is JOE COLEMAN, who is the favorite son of South Philadelphia ward leaders. The 58th and 35th Wards in

page 18 The Public Record • February 5, 2009

LDC HEALTH AND SAFETY FUND Laborers’ District Council Health and Safety Fund Of

Philadelphia and Vicinity

The 10th Anniversary of the Philadelphia Public Record March 2nd, 2009

Public Record Classifieds:


319 N. 11 Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 Tel: 215-925-5327 • Fax: 215-925-5329 UNION LABORERS WE DON’T JUST DO IT WE DO IT SAFE Our mission is to promote and enhance Contractor competitiveness And to protect the occupational health And safety of Laborers and their families. Laborers District Council sponsors LDC Health and Safety Fund Local 135, Daniel L.Woodall, Jr., Business Manager; Local 332, Samuel Staten, Jr., Business Manager; Local 413, James Harper, Business Manager; Local 57, Richard A. McCurdy, Jr. Business Manager; Laborers’ District Council, Building Better and Safer Communities in Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery Counties. Laborers’ District Council of the Metropolitan area of Philadelphia and Vicinity, Business Manager; Laborers’ District Council; Business Manager; Ryan N. Boyer Samuel Staten, Sr. Business Manager Emeritus Of Laborers’ District Council and Local 332

It’s Party Time Mark You Calendar

Remember – Do It right, Do It Safe, Do It Union Administrator, Richard Legree, Sr. Director, Juan Bacote Management Trustees: James Vail and Steve Whiney


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Verizon Grants $$

nothing less: working to the death, proclaiming, advocating, haranguing, and proselytizing the idea. But it was not implemented by blood, as was communism, and so was not forced on people's attention.

Made In Philly In Philadelphia, the Henry George Foundation has been researching and implementing land value taxation since 1926. Its members believe this is the time for City Council and its Mayor to take a serious look at implementing George’s “Land Value Tax” concept. Currently 21 jurisdictions employ this program in Pennsylvania, which shifts taxes from buildings to land, is practical and should be done, especially in times of recession, with falling revenues from taxation of business and work. Philadelphia must eventually accept a well-constructed real-estate tax, based primarily on land value, is a fair, stable and efficient source of public revenue. It releases all buildings from the destructive grip of taxation and makes up the revenue loss by taxing land

alone. As Mayor Michael Nutter correctly has noted in the series of recent meetings with the citizens, the 10-year tax abatement has worked. Expanding that abatement into a universal, permanent and citywide program is the next logical step. By permitting separate tax rates for land and buildings for taxation Philadelphia can accomplish this goal. Right now, we are losing revenue from a myriad of sources. Yet the property tax has remained stable. That’s a clue to where the City should turn. Land is the only responsible answer. Unlike jobs, houses, businesses and whole neighborhoods, land cannot flee the city. No one is loading land into trucks and hightailing it to the suburbs, New Jersey or Delaware. Economists of all political stripes agree land is a far better source for revenue. In Philadelphia, land and building assessments are already determined separately. That makes implementing the Land Value Tax easy.


(Cont. from page 1) prepared and placed over 300 men and women into apprenticeships in the building trade unions in the Philadelphia region and assisted over 600 in receiving non-construction jobs. “DAP is excited about working with Verizon,” said Glenda Collins, DAP director. “We applaud Verizon for their commitment to assist DAP in expanding our training opportunities over the next three years. DAP’s goal is to have a positive impact on the lives of 75-100 individuals through this partnership with Verizon.” The grant will provide funding to expand DAP’s current course outline to include training in literacy, advanced mathematics and basic technological skills. These supplemental courses will help pre-apprentice participants so that they can be competitive candidates when taking trade union entrance exams. “We have over 1,000 employees living in Philadelphia and over 2,000 working in the city. We know how critical it is to provide ongoing training in the community, particularly in today’s economy,” said Gale Given, president of Verizon Pennsylvania. “This partnership with DAP reflects our latest commitment.”

which aroused enormous interest. Alfred Russel Wallace, the English scientist and writer, pronounced it "the most remarkable and important book of the present century." It was not long before George was known internationally. During his lifetime, he became the third most famous man in the United States, only surpassed in public acclaim by Thomas Edison and Mark Twain. George was translated into almost every language that knew print, and some of the greatest, most influential thinkers of his time paid tribute. Leo Tolstoy's appreciation stressed the logic of George's exposition: "The chief weapon against the teaching of Henry George was that which is always used against irrefutable and self-evident truths. This method, which is still being applied in relation to George, was that of hushing up.... People do not argue with the teaching of George, they simply do not know it." Inevitably he was reviled as well as idolized. The men who believed in what he advocated called themselves disciples, and they were in fact

The Public Record • February 5, 2009

(Cont. from page 1) His knowledge of economics were the basic rules of Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and other economists, and the new philosophies of Herbert Spencer and John Stuart Mill, much of which he gleaned from reading in public libraries and from his own painstakingly amassed library. Marx was yet to be translated into English. George was totally unknown, and so no one would print his book. He and his friends, also printers, set the type themselves and ran off an author's edition which eventually found its way into the hands of a New York publisher, D. Appleton & Co. An English edition soon followed

Page 19

LVT: Will Gain Taxes For City

The Public Record • February 5, 2009

page 20

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