Philadelphia Public Record Newspaper

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Vol. XI. No. 8 (Issue 473) We Buy Gold & Diamonds

Serving Citywide Political, Labor, Legal and School Communities of Philadelphia “The good things we do must be made a part of the public record”

ALL SMILES are Bob Toporek, founder of TeamChildren which donates computers to schools and families in need, and State Sen. Shirley Kitchen, who arranged computers be delivered to St. Martin De Porres and St. Rose of Lima Catholic Schools.

Pension Change Saves $$$

February 19, 2009

Is The Z.B.A. On Its Way Out? Zoning Battle Key To Future

TeamChildren Donates Computers For Kitchen Eighteen desktop refurbished computers have been donated to two Catholic Parishes in North Philadelphia. Making that possible was a linkup between State Sen. Shirley Kitchen and TeamChildren, a nonprofit that collects computers, refurbishes them and then donates them. Eight went to St. Martin De Porres Catholic School, 2300 W. Lehigh Avenue, and 10 to St. Rose of Lima School, 1522 N. Wanamaker Street. TeamChildren received a grant of $1,600 from the Friends of St. Martin De Porres and another for $2,500 from “its friends” to fund those destined for MAYOR MICHAEL NUTTER St. Rose of Lima. According to Bob Toporek, execu- and City Controller Alan Butkovitz tive director and founder of Team- press General Assembly to approve Children, “Volunteers have distributed change to City pension fund that ove 18,000 low-cost refurbished com- can save $170 million in five years. puters to families, schools, and organizations throughout the region, reaching more than 30,000 children.” He added, “There currently exists a gap between people who enjoy the benefits of technology and those whose lives could be significantly imIf the State Legislature cooperates proved by it. In most cases, lack of access to existing and new technolo- by passing enabling legislation, the gies prevents these individuals City of Philadelphia could realize from truly taking advantage of com- $172 million in savings over the next (Cont. Page 2) (Cont. Page 2)

Value 50¢

10-STORY highrise hotel proposed for 40th & Pine Streets has stimulated debate on development planning in city.

by Tony West Is the Zoning Board of Adjustment’s longstanding role as the prime shaper of development on the way out? Will it be replaced by a new model with a new power center? A ZBA hearing today may give clues to the answer. A controversial hotel proposal in University City has helped spur Mayor Michael Nutter’s administration to rethink the City’s Byzantine method of regulating major building projects. (Cont. Page 2)

Can Arlen Do It Again? by Jon Delano H. John Heinz College Carnegie Mellon University Pennsylvania's senior US Senator is a unique piece of work. I have known him for nearly 30 years, and I have tremendous respect for the political skills of Arlen Specter, the longest-serving senator in Pennsylvania history. Just when people count him out, he emerges victorious, a phoenix among the political carrion. The 79-year-old Senator, first elected in 1980, has no intention of retiring next year, and barring some medical calamity Specter's name will be on the ballot for a sixth six-year term.

First, though, the Republican must navigate the shoals of his own unhappy party. Specter listens to his own drummer, which tends to march back and forth across the field rather than in any straight line. He is consistent in his unpredictability. So when he joined to two Republican Senators from Maine to enact President Obama's economic recovery plan, it was not particularly surprising. But it has emboldened a number (Cont. Page 27)

ALAN GREENBERGER … seeks central role for City Planning Commission in approving development.

Judge Removes Slain Officer’s Pictures In 35th Municipal Judge Craig Washington placed his ability to judge properly in jeopardy when he ordered the removal of slain Police Officer John Pawlowski’s photographs off the walls of his home district, the 35th Police Dist. at Broad & Champlost. When the District Captain and the Divisional Inspector refused his re(Cont. Page 2)


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