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The Philadelphia Public Record Is Proud to Announce to Our Readers the Selection of

Joey Vento As Philadelphia’s

“Public Servant of the Year” For the Year 2009

In honor of his many contributions to this city which he has served so admirably for many years.

Vol. III No. 9 (Issue 73)

Pol Sets Up Shop

State Rep. Kenyatta Johnson opened his South Philadelphia office last weekend to meet local residents and describe what services he and his staff can provide. The office is located at 1610 S. Broad Street in Philadelphia. Johnson talked to residents about the upcoming launch of his mobile constituent services at local senior centers, job training and career development seminars, and clinics on legal issues. “I’m excited to have people from (Cont. Page 2)

KENYATTA JOHNSON officially opens up office at 1601 S. Broad Street last weekend. Photo by Donald Terry

s the owner of Geno’s Steaks, the leading oasis for those craving the famous “Philadelphia Cheesesteak”, which he has made famous nationally and around the world, Joseph Vento has been more involved in public life than any other small businessman in this city. He has contributed millions of dollars to charities. Many schools and charitable organizations have benefited by his largesse. In addition he has given the income generated in a full day of sales from Geno’s Steaks to families of fallen Police Officers. He has also established a memorial at Geno’s for police and firefighters who died in the course of their duties. He has been active in causes defending the memory of fallen police and firefighters as well as defending the rights of all Americans to speak their mind and be heard. He is a strong champion of the United States as a land of the free and the brave and as a melt(Turn to Page 5) ing pot for legal immigrants.


“Reporting South Philadelphia the way it deserves”

Value 50¢

February 26, 2009

Parents Make Sacrifices For Their Kids’ Education

by Rory G. McGlasson For hundreds of South Philadelphia parents, sending their kids to Catholic school is their number-one priority. With the worsening economy, parents are cutting back more than ever to meet parochial-school tuition fees. Shawn Roccuzzio pays over $10,000 every year so her three kids can attend Catholic school. She said, “We sacrifice everything: going out to dinner, high-end groceries, new cars, vacations. There is nothing we wouldn’t give up so our children can get a Catholic education.” Her daughter Dominique and son Santino attend Epiphany; her eldest son Frankie attends Roman Catholic HS. Her Husband Joseph is a mechanic for SEPTA; Shawn is a physical-education teacher. However, her tuition headaches were made a little easier last week.

Mrs. Roccuzio was one of many dollars of scholarships aid to South Philadelphia families. The scholarships totaling

$186,250 come from the Harrisburg based Bridge education program. (Cont. Page 27)

Ron Panepinto Jewelers 700 Sansom St. 215-923-1980 We Buy Gold & Diamonds

Police Honor Vento The Citizens Crime Commission of the Delaware Valley will honor Joey Vento, Geno’s Steaks owner, at its annual cocktail party at Swan Caterers tonight. Guest speaker will be DA Lynne Abraham. The event is hosted by Dr. Julius Mingroni. It starts at 5.30 p.m. For more information, please call Citizens Crime Commission at (215)546-6532.

Flea Market At Mt. Hebron The Mount Hebron Baptist Church is hosting Flea Market, 1415 Wharton Street, on Friday, Feb. 27-28, 10 a.m.–2 p.m.For more information, please call (215) 217-1991.

Anderson Awards The Marian Anderson Historical Society presents the Classical Icon Vocal Competition, Dinner and Celebrity Ball on Friday, to help raise financial resources to advance aspiring young opera singers and other vocal artists of great promise. The evening will feature seven finalists who will perform under the stars of the Planetarium at the Franklin Institute, accompanied by pianist Barry Sames on the finest Bosendorfer concert grand piano, donated for the evening by the prestigious Cunningham Piano Co. A panel of esteemed judges will select three winners. The grand-prize winner will receive $10,000. Second and third prizes will be $5,000 and $2,500 Ibonds respectively. For more information, please call Blanche Burton-Lyles at (215) 732.9505 or Phyllis Sims at, or visit

Candidates Night EPIPHANY PRINCIPAL Patricia Cody and Pastor John Pidgeon flank their students: Jessica Pasquarellio, Francesca Pamisciano, Ciarra Bianculli, Nicholas Simon and Destiny Nocella.

The Neighborhood Networks hosts a District Attorneys Candidates Forum, Mar. 18 at Tritone, 1508 South Street, from 6 to 8 p.m. For (Cont. Page 2)

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