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Ron Panepinto Jewelers

Jim Stevenson

700 Sansom St. 215-923-1980

9371 ROOSEVELT BLVD. PHILADELPHIA, PA 19114 215-698-7000 We Buy Gold & Diamonds

Serving Citywide Political, Labor, Legal and School Communities of Philadelphia

Vol. XI. No. 14 (Issue 479)

“The good things we do must be made a part of the public record”

Value 50¢

April 2, 2009

Is Seth On Or Off The Ballot? AFL-CIO Endorses McCaffery D.A.’s Race Now A War

Endorsed Slates Seen As ‘Strong’ COUNCILWOMAN Maria Quiñones Sánchez deplores widespread merchandising of out-of-date OTC meds and baby formula as State Rep. Angel Cruz announces legislation to end this practice.

Legislators Slam CVS by Tony West The stores of Philadelphia are clogged with nonprescription medicines, baby formulas and cosmetics that have passed the expiration date on their packaging. This is a public hazard that must be reined in, asserts State Rep. Angel Cruz. In the wake of a scandal involving out-of-date products on the shelves of (Cont. Page 39)

Both the Democratic and Republican endorsed Judicial slates seem to be strong. Congressman and Democratic Party Chairman Bob Brady has put together, in his words, “a balanced ticket, of three men, three women, three whites and three African Americans. We have made every effort to please the various interests within the party.” He warned ward leaders at the endorsement meeting last Friday they “would not be recognized by him should they fail to respect the endorsements.” Five of the ward leaders, some of them newly installed, asked to be allowed to bring the endorsement list to their committeepersons before signing on. Endorsed by the Democrats for CP and MC courts were all the sitting judges. (Cont. Page 39)

TOBACCO EXPRESS Claymont, Delaware


(302) 798-7079 5 Minutes from Comm. Barry Bridge, Naaman’s Rd, Turn Left, Next to K-Mart
































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BLACK CLERGY Political Action Director Dr. Terrence Griffith announces endorsement of Seth Williams for DA by his group, even though Williams is presently off ballot.

Fox Joins New Union

Fumo Fallout E. Passyunk B.I.D. Adieu? by Tony West A South Philadelphia Business Improvement District is coming up for renewal in City Council this month. Some of its merchants and property owners say it’s time to bid it adieu instead. The E. Passyunk Avenue BID provides cleaning and promotional activities along a 10-block strip of that mixed commercial corridor from Washington Avenue to Broad Street. It is fueled by a 20% surcharge on streetfront properties’ real-estate taxes. (Cont. Page 27)

by Joe Shaheeli What was a lackluster race for District Attorney in the Democratic Primary to replace legendary DALynne Abraham has now turned into a full-scale war with a successful challenge by candidate Dan McCaffery that resulted in the elimination of Seth Williams from the race. Common Pleas Judge Allan Tereshko had removed Seth from the ballot, (Cont. Page 2)

TOP: E. PASSYUNK businessman George Pasquarello says his Business Improvement District taxes him yet hasn’t helped business. BOTTOM: WORKMAN for Citizens’ Alliance for Better Neighborhoods steam-cleans sidewalk in front of Mia boutique.

by Tony West A union that is placed in strategic industries was rent apart last month when 150,000 workers seceded from UNITE HERE to form a new body, Workers United. Leading the secession was UNITE HERE’s Philadelphia Joint Board head Lynne Fox, who became one of the two executive VPs of the new union. The entire 9,000 membership of UNITE HERE followed her, along with strong contingents from New York, California and the Midwest. “We thought it would be appropriate to hold our founding convention in the city where liberty was born,” Fox stated boldly in the Sheraton City Center Hotel, shortly before the cli(Cont. Page 35)

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