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Vol. XI. No. 16 (Issue 481)
“The good things we do must be made a part of the public record”
F.O.P. Lodge 5 President John J. McNesby announces support of the Police Union of Seth Williams for DA and Alan Butkovitz for Controller, on his right, and judicial candidates Fran Shields and Anna Marie Coyle, among a full slate.
Value 50¢
April 16, 2009
MUSLIM League of Voters threw its 250,000 membership behind Daniel McCaffery in the race for District Attorney at its Masjid Muhammad in Germantown. They also endorsed Brett Mandel in City Controller race. Imam Jamil Abdullah said, "We proudly endorse someone who is very much one of us: the son of an immigrant who has worked hard for everything he has, a man who speaks for the excellence of all humanity, a man of conPhoto by Daoud Starling viction and justice who will truly be a voice for the victim."
Cops Endorse Williams; Muslims Back McCaffery
Brady Says It For All of Us Congressman Robert A. Brady this week said the passing of Harry Kalas marks the end of an era. “Harry Kalas was a Philadelphia institution. For almost 40 years we have listened to Harry. He made play-by-play sing and his voice could put you inside the stadium, whether you were watching the game on TV or you were stuck in traffic and listening on your car radio. This is a sad day for our city and all Phillies fans,” the Congressman commented.
Traditional voting patterns are disappearing in the District Attorney’s race for the Democratic Nomination in the May 19 election. The Fraternal Order of Police on Tuesday endorsed Seth Williams for District Attorney. At the same time
Dredging Means Jobs! Gets Final Green Light The Army Corps of Engineers has concluded the proposed deepening of the Delaware River poses “no significant adverse environmental effects” in a newly released environmental assessment (EA). The new EA paves the way for the commencement of project construction and the thousands of family-supporting jobs that will accompany increased commerce along the Delaware River. “This Environmental Assessment confirms what the Philadelphia Re- We Buy Gold & Diamonds
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gional Port Authority, the Army Corps, and the many supporters of the channel deepening project have been saying all along: The environmental impacts of this project have been studied thoroughly and this project will bring good, high-paying jobs to our region at a time when they are so desperately needed,” said John H. Estey, chairman of the PRPA. The Delaware River Main Channel will be deepened to 45 feet from 40 feet, 102 miles from Beckett Street (Cont. Page 34)
Black Legislators Seeks End To ‘Rogue’ Officers
several miles away in the Germantwon section of the City, the Muslim League of Voters announced it was
asking its 250,000 members to supThe Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus has sent a letter to Philadelphia port Daniel McCaffery for District Mayor Michael Nutter decrying the recent allegations of abuses and civil rights Attorney. Early Black clergy group endorseviolations by members of the Philadelphia Police Dept. Recent treatment of State Rep. ments have gone to Williams, but the Jewell Williams by Police as he tried McCaffery Campaign team anto ask police about an incident he was nounced it will have major Black witnessing helped trigger this re- clergy groups’ endorsement in the (Cont. Page 2) (Cont. Page 2) The three United Food and Commercial Workers locals that represent nearly 3,000 workers in the PennsylTRI-STATE MALL Claymont, Delaware vania Wine and Spirits Shops have reached a tentative joint agreement (302) 798-7079 with the State and its other major 5 Minutes from Comm. Barry Bridge, Naaman’s Rd, Turn Left, Next to K-Mart unions to avoid the need for rolling Winston Marlboro Camel Salem furloughs as the Commonwealth ad$ .49 $ .50 $ .49 42 46 45 Carton Carton Carton dresses its current budget crisis. Monarch Kool Liggett $ .49 Wendell W. Young, IV, president $ .99 $ .99 Carton of UFCW Local 1776 and chair of the 45 Carton 38 Carton $37.49Carton $47.99 (Prices Subject to Change) • SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks To Your Health (Cont. Page 2)
UFCW Avoids State Furloughs
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