Raising Dollars For Local Hero Giardello Cheesesteak king Joey Vento of Geno’s Steaks donated a whopping $20,000 toward the Joey Giardello Statue Project last week. His support of the proposed monument to honor the former middleweight champ became the largest single donation thus far in the PHILANTHROPIST Joey Vento presents $20,000 check to Artist Carl LeVotch and Carmen Bartolomeo of Veteran Boxers Association toward fundraising effort. “It’s a real boost to our Joey Giardello statue project outside Geno’s Steaks.
cause,” said John DiSanto of Philly Boxing History. “Everyone feels this statue is a good idea, but as usual, Joey really put his money where his mouth is,” he went on. “People have been very generous, but Joey’s donation went above and beyond.” World-renowned artist Carl (Cont. Page 2)
East Passyunk Flavor Fest Axed Flavors of the Avenue, the annual street fair on East Passyunk Avenue, has been canceled. The event which showcases the culinary offering of the East side of Passyunk is a victim of the economy, and the demises of former Senator Vince Fumo. Citizens’ Alliance for Better Neighborhoods, the much maligned nonprofit that handled Flavors cleanup and trash removal, has disbanded. The event sponsor, East Passyunk Avenue Business Improvement District, could not absorb the nearly $20,000 needed for Apr. 25, festival, according to East Passyunk’s Renee Gilinger.
Southwark Fundraiser Vol. III No. 16 (Issue 80)
“Reporting South Philadelphia the way it deserves”
Value 50¢
April 16, 2009
Dredging Means Jobs! Remembering Gets Final Green Light Harry Kalas The Army Corps of Engineers has concluded the proposed deepening of the Delaware River poses “no significant adverse environmental effects” in a newly released environmental assessment (EA). The new EA paves the way for the commencement of project construction and the thousands of family-supporting jobs that will accompany increased commerce along the Delaware River. “This Environmental Assessment confirms what the Philadelphia Re-
gional Port Authority, the Army Corps, and the many supporters of the channel deepening project have been saying all along: the environmental impacts of this project have been studied thoroughly and this project will bring good, high paying jobs to our region at a time when they are so desperately needed,” said John H. Estey, chairman of the PRPA. The Delaware River Main Channel will be deepened to 45 feet from 40 feet, 102 miles from Beckett Street (Cont. Page 34)
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HUNDREDS of South Philadelphians rushed to Citizens Bank Park this week to lay flowers to pay homage to voice of Philadelphia Phillies, HarrKalas, who passed away suddenly on Monday afternoon. Kalas family and Phillies have announced a memorial tribute for Harry Kalas will be held at Citizens Bank Park on Saturday, Apr. 18. An opportunity to pay respects to Hall of Fame broadcaster will be given on a first-come, firstserved basis to as many fans as possible from 8 a.m. until 12:45 p.m. At that time, all fans in attendance will be directed to seats for an on-field tribute that will begin at 1 p.m.
This Friday night the Southwark Civic Association hosts a fundraiser at Colanzi Café, 1301 W. Moyamensing Avenue, 6-8 p.m. Free food, cash bar. $20. For more information, please call (267) 246-6347.
Weinberg Park Cleanup On Saturday, Apr. 18, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., join LoMo for some spring cleaning at one of our local parks! “Spring Into Your Park” is an annual event co-sponsored by the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society’s Parks Revitalization Project, the Dept. of Recreation and Fairmount Park. At Weinberg Park (6th & Jackson Streets), there will be refreshments and free t-shirts for volunteers. If you can’t join them at Weinberg Park, please consider cleaning up on your own block. Every little bit helps! The Philadelphia More Beautiful Committee and the Streets Dept. will be making the rounds to pick up all bagged trash that is left on street corners. Email lawrence.martin @phila.gov so as to let the City know (Cont. Page 2)
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