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Student Mentors ‘Keepin’ It Real’

EDWIN VARE MIDDLE SCHOOL Students flank celebrity Fred Green Photo by Donald Terry at “Keepin' It Real” Career Day last week.

Vol. III No. 17 (Issue 81)

Earth Day Wnat to save the world, one small step at a time? Then join State Rep. Kenyatta Johnson as he hosts "186th Dist. Goes Clean & Green", for National Earth Day on Saturday, Apr. 25 at 12 p.m. through 4 p.m. at Marian Anderson Recreation Center, located at 17th & Catherine Streets. For more information, for more information, please call (215) 952-3378.

“Reporting South Philadelphia the way it deserves”

Value 50¢

With the economy hitting low-income families the most, a local politican has decided to not take a pay raise, and put it to better use. State Rep. Kenyatta Johnson, has said he will not profit from the automatic cost-of-living pay raise lawmakers received this year. Instead of pocketing the funds, he is donating them to the Christian Street YMCA in his legislative District. Johnson has directed the money go to the YMCA's Healthy Kids Campaign to provide scholarships to lowincome youth. "Times are tight, and this is no time for legislators to be taking a pay raise," said Johnson, "so I'm putting the money into a place where it will help others afford what I consider a basic need – healthy, safe and creative recreation for our youth." Johnson said he chose the YMCA from the many community organizations in the 186th Dist. based on his personal experience.

April 23-29, 2009

To Host Abruzzo Benefit

Spring Fundraiser

Puccini Opera

New Juice Foundation, the sponsor of the “Keepin’ It Real Tour”, provides speakers for the event and mentors from the foundation. Speakers, and mentors at the school, include celebrity Fred Green, Judges Paula Patrick and Jimmie Moore, and attorney Beverly Muldrow. They enjoyed reaching out to the kids, who responded enthusiastically to their visitors. ”I believe this is a fantastic opportunity for young students to receive (Cont. Page 43)

Ties That Bind Local Restaurant Owners

A bargain fun day is happening in Grays Ferry next week. The William Barrett Nabuurs Center is having a Spring Fund Raiser on Sunday, May 3 from 12 noon to 4 of p.m. (Admission $5 includes roast beef sandwich and soda) There will be a Chinese auction, bingo, white elephant table, cakes for sale and other refreshments sold. All proceed will benefit our senior center. Forget the Kimmel Center and the Academy. The best opera in town is coming to South Philadelphia. For proof, come check out the (Cont. Page 2)

For many South Philadelphia middle school children, the future may be overwhelming. In today’s weak economy, it’s important our local schoolteachers can “Keep It Real” with tomorrow’s leaders, their students. Students and teachers at Edwin H. Vare MS, at 24th & Snyder Avenue, are both on the right track for success. The school hosted a career day last week for its 386 middl- school students. It is now an annual event. The

Local Legislator Gives Pay Raise To Christian St. Y

Next Tuesday evening, Francis Cratil Cretarola and Catherine Lee will open Le Virtù to raise money for the families that lost everything during April earthquake disaster in Abruzzo, Italy.

For Francis Cratil Cretarola and Catherine Lee, the Abruzzo earthquake disaster in Central Italy hit home harder than most. The couple own and run the Abruzzo-themed Le Virtù, at 1927 E. Passyunk Avenue. They have friend and family members in Abruzzo whose lives were ruined by the massive quake earlier this month Next Tuesday evening, Cretarola and Lee will open up their restaurant, to raise money for the families that lost everything during the April disaster. The earthquake left death and destruction in its wake. Thousands have lost their homes, over 160 have lost their lives and some 250 are still unaccounted for. Children have died. Families have been destroyed.

That is why owners Cretarola and Lee want to help. During the benefit next Tuesday from 5 p.m. onwards, Le Virtù will tent the patio and/or garden area to maximize space and the potential impact of the event. Expect lamb chops, sausages, steaks, shrimp, calamari, vegetables and smoked mozzarella. “All proceeds are going to relief,’ said local businessman Bob Santore. “The major concern is that all the money gets there. We are looking for reputable organizations. We don’t care about taking any credit or anything like that; we just want to get the money there now. Some of the people over there are actually left without a toothbrush.” The earthquake came close to Santore. He owns a home that is only 70 (Cont. Page 2)

…REP. Kenyatta Johnson "I went to the Y as a kid," Johnson said. "Some of the best memories of my younger years and many of my friendships came out of the fun, challenges and development of interpersonal skills that I experienced in many hours at the Christian Street Y. Those times played a major role in helping me to attain my goals and taken me to where I am today. (Cont. Page 2)

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