Ron Panepinto Jewelers
Swan Caterers For all your catering needs with the best prices in town 2015 S Water St Phila, PA 19148 215-389-8888 Vol. XI. No. 20 (Issue 485)
Third In A Series On Parole Woes
Out Of Jail – But Into What? by Tony West Philadelphia has launched a quiet experiment to deal with one of its most troubled minorities: criminal offenders who were convicted but are now back on the streets. Michael Nutter, fulfilling a campaign vow, launched the Mayor’s Office for the Reentry of Ex-Offenders last July. This fledgling agency has now enrolled about 500 clients. Most of them are on probation or parole, although MOREO is not limited to this group. “Our target population consists of individuals with significant needs who have been out of prison for less than three years,” explains MOREO Acting Director Carolyn Harper. “Research has shown this is the group most at risk of recidivism.” The 500 persons who have been placed in this program so far are a drop in the bucket of the criminal-justice system’s huge human output. About 40,000 Philadelphians are recently released from prison – roughly one in every 30 city residents. While some are better off than others, as a group they face a sea of troubles. “Some of their needs are housing, substance-abuse treatment, mentalhealth and behavioral-health treatment, literacy, medical care, anger management, family reunion and em(Cont. Page 2)
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May 14, 2009
Will Democrats Hold Vs. Independents?
Brady Rallies His Leaders
by Joe Shaheehli It’s been among the most crowded judiciary fields in recent history, an event that may repeat
WELCOMING Joan & Arlen Specter to fold at Democratic City Committee Jefferson Jackson Day gala Monday evening were Kevin Evans, City Commission Chair Margaret Tartaglione, Judge Pat Dugan, Bob Rovner and, seated, State Sen. Christine Tartaglione.
PPA To Ease Traffic Jams
by Rory McGlasson Center City drivers who park with a complete disregard for traffic laws and parking regulations got a shock this week as they were hit where it hurts most … in the pocket! Police and parking officials started dishing out citations, as the part of a plan by the Philadelphia Parking Authority to start making city streets a little less congested. Officers from the Police Dept.’s Traffic Division have been stationed (Cont. Page 2)
GOP Gathers Its Faithful
MINUS its star US Sen. Arlen Specter, Republican City Committee still enjoyed a good turnout for its annual pre-election fundraiser at Cannstatters in N.E. Phila. Among crowd were Steve Schatzman, Ken Adams, Brian Preski, Councilman Frank Rizzo and Fran Lederer. More Pics Page 28.
What’s Your Guess? Can you tell us how many will turn out to vote in this May Primary? Figure 900,000 are eligible to vote for sure. Email us at Winner gets a dinner for two at a top restaurant.
PLEASED to be together were Mayor Michael Nutter and US Sen. Arlen Specter.
itself, if the efforts by Democratic Party Chairman Congressman Bob Brady don’t bear fruit at the end of voting on Tuesday. The sheer size of the number of candidates running for the local Judicial slots will be a daunting one for voters to pull through. It will be even tougher for committee persons to promote the endorsed slate, since many of the Judicial candidates do not have good ballot positions. To his credit, the Democratic Chairman has been vigorously riding the political range to rein in ward leaders who constantly stray and insist on leading their own candidates to victory over those endorsed by the Democratic City Committee. This tendency to deviate from the endorsement ticket began in the mid 80s when the late State Sen. Henry ‘Buddy’ Cianfrani took a small group of leaders away from the endorsed (Cont. Page 2)
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