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Vol. XI. No. 26 (Issue 491)
“The good things we do must be made a part of the public record”
by Joe Shaheeli Odds are the City’s unions and its administration are in collision mode. With just five days left for contracts to be inked, neither the Administration nor the unions feel they are anywhere near agreement. Leadership on both sides is holding their cards close to the chest. But what’s obvious is the Mayor’s game plan. Michael Nutter wants a reduced benefit package for new employees. He wants
other concessions as well. The unions are disturbed he’s giving them ultimatums without their input. Said one union official, “It’s like he is pushing us to strike, so he’d look like the good guy, have citizens blame us, and wait for a crisis to develop and a Judge’s order forcing us back to work without a contract and on his terms.” Douglas Oliver, the Mayor’s press spokesman, said, “In this economic en-
kering down and making do a little longer with what they have. Though the slowly increasing shabbiness that permeates airport facilities are not noticed by the thousands of passengers who throng through it daily, house maintenance is being neglected. Yet despite the fact some maintenance has been on the back burner, the Airport Administration has been a charitable cash cow for several of (Cont. Page 2)
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vironment everyone has to make sacrifices. We are committed to negotiating fair and reasonable contracts for our hardworking City employees as well as our citizens. The Mayor will sit with union leadership as often as necessary. Our problem is the unions have made it clear they will offer no concessions.” Oliver noted, “Our own budget is in the hands of the State Legislature. They have yet to approve what we have requested of them. The unions must un-
Airport Is Cash Cow Teachers To Some Nonprofits Say ‘No!’ Rugs remain frayed along some of the walkways at Philadelphia Airport, and more and more seats in passenger waiting areas are showing increased wear and tear. Yet the renowned international airport finds it has enough money to fund a number of this City’s nonprofits. Its contracts to these non-airport entities run well over $3.5 million. Maybe it’s the general recession that has the Airport’s executives hun- We Buy Gold & Diamonds
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derstand the situation we find ourselves in has no parallels.” Retorted Cathy Scott, President of AFSCME DC 47, which represents the City’s white-collar employees, “The Mayor and Council gave up handling the problems with City resources and punted to the State. They’ll walk away with a very serious problem if they don’t get everything they want. Now PICA is demanding to see Plan B. You have to (Cont. Page 31)
PPA Gets Kids Into Pools
To Contract
It’s time for parents with children in the Philadelphia School District to get a better handle on what is going on between the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers and the School Administration. The Union is signaling for parents to get involved in moving contract negotiations. It already has the commitment of the overwhelming majority of its teachers in opposing the contract proposals offered by the Philadelphia School District. Five thousand members gathered at Liacouras Center Monday evening to voice their support as PFT President Jerry Jordan drew the Union’s “line in the sand”, rejecting longer (Cont. Page 2)
PHILA. Parking Authority’s Executive Director Vincent Fenerty presented $100,000 check to finance City swimming pools this summer. Proceeds came from PPA’s role in hit TV series “Parking Wars”. Holding check are Al Taubenberger and PPA Board Chairman Joseph Ashdale.
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