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9371 ROOSEVELT BLVD. PHILADELPHIA, PA 19114 215-698-7000

Vol. XI. No. 26 (Issue 491)

“The good things we do must be made a part of the public record”

by Joe Shaheeli Odds are the City’s unions and its administration are in collision mode. With just five days left for contracts to be inked, neither the Administration nor the unions feel they are anywhere near agreement. Leadership on both sides is holding their cards close to the chest. But what’s obvious is the Mayor’s game plan. Michael Nutter wants a reduced benefit package for new employees. He wants

other concessions as well. The unions are disturbed he’s giving them ultimatums without their input. Said one union official, “It’s like he is pushing us to strike, so he’d look like the good guy, have citizens blame us, and wait for a crisis to develop and a Judge’s order forcing us back to work without a contract and on his terms.” Douglas Oliver, the Mayor’s press spokesman, said, “In this economic en-

kering down and making do a little longer with what they have. Though the slowly increasing shabbiness that permeates airport facilities are not noticed by the thousands of passengers who throng through it daily, house maintenance is being neglected. Yet despite the fact some maintenance has been on the back burner, the Airport Administration has been a charitable cash cow for several of (Cont. Page 2)

Value 50¢

vironment everyone has to make sacrifices. We are committed to negotiating fair and reasonable contracts for our hardworking City employees as well as our citizens. The Mayor will sit with union leadership as often as necessary. Our problem is the unions have made it clear they will offer no concessions.” Oliver noted, “Our own budget is in the hands of the State Legislature. They have yet to approve what we have requested of them. The unions must un-

Airport Is Cash Cow Teachers To Some Nonprofits Say ‘No!’ Rugs remain frayed along some of the walkways at Philadelphia Airport, and more and more seats in passenger waiting areas are showing increased wear and tear. Yet the renowned international airport finds it has enough money to fund a number of this City’s nonprofits. Its contracts to these non-airport entities run well over $3.5 million. Maybe it’s the general recession that has the Airport’s executives hun- We Buy Gold & Diamonds

Serving Citywide Political, Labor, Legal and School Communities of Philadelphia

June 25, 2009

derstand the situation we find ourselves in has no parallels.” Retorted Cathy Scott, President of AFSCME DC 47, which represents the City’s white-collar employees, “The Mayor and Council gave up handling the problems with City resources and punted to the State. They’ll walk away with a very serious problem if they don’t get everything they want. Now PICA is demanding to see Plan B. You have to (Cont. Page 31)

PPA Gets Kids Into Pools

To Contract

It’s time for parents with children in the Philadelphia School District to get a better handle on what is going on between the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers and the School Administration. The Union is signaling for parents to get involved in moving contract negotiations. It already has the commitment of the overwhelming majority of its teachers in opposing the contract proposals offered by the Philadelphia School District. Five thousand members gathered at Liacouras Center Monday evening to voice their support as PFT President Jerry Jordan drew the Union’s “line in the sand”, rejecting longer (Cont. Page 2)

PHILA. Parking Authority’s Executive Director Vincent Fenerty presented $100,000 check to finance City swimming pools this summer. Proceeds came from PPA’s role in hit TV series “Parking Wars”. Holding check are Al Taubenberger and PPA Board Chairman Joseph Ashdale.

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page 2 The Public Record • June 25, 2009

Teachers Tina Touts Sotomayor To Esperanza Grads Say No To Contract

(Cont. Page 2) school days, merit pay for teachers based on student tests, and demanding no more schools be turned over to private managers and charter school operators. The Union’s goal for a new contract with higher pay, smaller class sizes, more librarians, counselors, and art and music teachers could be possible, said Jordan, “with parents, community groups and local legislators joining us in this fight.” School Superintendent Arlene Ackerman has drawn her own “line in the sand” as well. In addition to not budging from her contract requests, she demands teachers sign individual contracts or face disciplinary action, a position supported by State Secretary of Education Gerald Zahorchak. For the past three decades the City’s school administrations have not enforced this State request, though it is routine in other school districts around the state. The Union’s ability to enlist families with children in support of its position remains to be seen. However, they do make up a large chunk of the voting public. And teachers have an edge over many other government workers when seeking taxpayers’ sympathy.

Delivering the commencement address for Esperanza Academy’s Class of 2009, State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione urged graduates to follow the path of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor, and to help bring others along. “Judge Sonia Sotomayor is not just an example of what can be achieved through edu-

cation and tenacity,” Tartaglione told the 163 graduates. “She has used that achievement to clear and widen the path for you, and for those who follow you.” Founded in 2000, Esperanza Academy Charter HS has had remarkable success in defying typical urban graduation rates, with the vast majority of the Class of 2009

headed for college. Tartaglione has been a staunch supporter of the school, helping to secure millions in State grants to continue its success. She advised the graduates to pay close attention to Judge Sotomayor’s upcoming confirmation hearings. “Despite her accomplishments, the cold and the cyni-

cal will say she should let the grass grow over the path. They will say that the obstacles she has overcome should not shadow the decisions she makes in the future,” Tartaglione said. “Judge Sotomayor will not strike back. She will carry on with dignity, and grace. And when she puts on that black robe this fall, she will have pulled

forward generations of American immigrants.” Esperanza Academy’s graduation took place at the University of Pennsylvania’s Irvine Auditorium, before a standing-room-only crowd of parents and friends. The ceremony also featured details of the school’s planned expansion, including new facilities for middle-school grades.

Brady Brings New School Food Equipment Congressman Bob Brady reports students in the 1st Congressional Dist. will bene-

Williams Airs Budget Woes Kingsessing residents learned just how rough would be the impact of funding cuts to vital programs and services if Gov. Ed Rendell’s budget doesn’t get passed. They heard from State Sen. Anthony Williams last night in a “STR8 TALK” community meeting at the Kingsessing Rec Center. Williams told the audience what we can do to prepare, stating, “We are facing the possibility of a budget that will impact every single Pennsylvanian.” The State has a current projected $3.2 billion deficit. That must be closed by the Jun. 30 deadline, Williams explained.

fit from quality nutrition services because of the allocation of more than $354,000 in new Recovery Grants to purchase food service equipment, including ovens, refrigerators, dishwashers and other apparatus to ensure quality meals are served in schools. Statewide, nearly $2.9 million will be distributed to 133 schools in nearly 40 school districts, according to Pennsylvania Education Secretary Gerald L. Zahorchak. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act included nearly $100 million for the purchase of school food service equipment. The US Dept. of Agriculture allocated nearly $2.9 million of those funds to the Pennsylvania Dept. of Education, which distributed the funds through a competitive grant process to schools participating in the National School Lunch Program. Priority in awarding the funds was given to schools that have at least half of their

student enrollment eligible for free- and reduced-price meals. “This another excellent example of how the Recovery funds are being directed to meet basic and important needs on the city and state level,” Brady said. “Increasing education standards, especially in our urban areas, are a major concern and students who have access to nutritious school meal programs will be better students with a greater potential to excel academically.” Consistent with the priorities of President Obama and

Congress in enacting the recovery bill, Pennsylvania selected applicants for the food-service equipment grant program based on their proposals to increase student achievement by expanding access to school breakfast and to meals that meet high nutritional standards. They must conserve energy and save taxpayer funds by replacing older, inefficient equipment with equipment that is Energy Star-rated and also make equipment purchases by Sep. 30, so stimulus funding is injected into the economy as

quickly as possible. The recipients of the food service equipment in the 1st Congressional Dist. are the School District of Philadelphia’s Bok HS ($81,065), Mastbaum HS ($81,065), Folk Arts - Cultural Treasure Charter School ($11,684), and Chester-Upland School District, Delaware Co., Stetser ES ($47,100), Toby Farms MS ($47,100), Smedley MS ($35,600), Columbus ES ($35,600) Village at Chester Upland ($34,600) and Main Street ES ($27,600).

Cruz To Inform Public On Census 2010 State Rep. Angel Cruz will host a public forum on the 2010 Census, which will be held from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Monday, Jul. 6 in the Community Room of Villas del Caribe located at 167 W. Allegheny Avenue in Philadelphia. Representatives from the US Census Bureau will be on hand to provide information.

The forum is open to anyone wishing to receive information and ask questions about how the Census process will work. "It is important that the community be informed about this process," Cruz said. "I invite all residents to take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about the Census."

The Census is the effort, required by the US Constitution, once every 10 years to count everyone living in the United States. The information gathered helps to determine critical decisions from congressional representation to the allocation of more than $300 billion annually in Federal funds.

‘Connected Nonprofits’ Do Well By City Airport

(Cont. from Page 1) the more politically powered nonprofits. The amount of money given in 2009 to non-airportrelated activities and groups is totaling around $3.5 million and the year isn’t half over. These nonprofits all share one thing in common: Although they aren’t involved directly or indirectly with any of the Airport’s operations, they have the Nutter administration’s “juice”. Since the Airport is administered by the City, it makes an ideal cash cow. Some of the lucky recipi-

ents include African American Chamber of Commerce, with $175,000 listed under the heading of Contract Structure as a “Housing & Economic Developer”. Allegheny West Foundation had four contracts under the same heading, totaling $81,250. Associación De Puertorriqueños En Marcha had a $350,000 contract under the heading “Housing & Economic Developer”. The Avenue of the Arts, Inc., received $330,000 for “General Consultant Services”. Beech Interplex, Inc., a nonprofit community devel-

oper, picked up $37,500. Central Germantown Council bagged $83,000. The Delaware River Waterfront Corp., which runs Penn’s Landing, received $500,000. (Surprising it didn’t get more, with all the administration heavyweights on its Board.) Esperanza, another nonprofit, took in $75,000 under the title “Housing & Economic Development”, with the same amount going to the Fairmount Community Development Corp. The Greater Philadelphia Urban Affairs Coalition, the blue-ribbon nonprofit, under the category of Housing &

Economic Development, had three contracts totaling $276,999. The Hispanic Association of Contractors & Enterprise, Inc., signed in for $150,000, with neighboring Impact Community Development Corp. taking in $75,000. In an indirect way, the International Visitors Council could be doing a service to the Airport with its $180,000 in two contracts under the category “General Consultant Services”. The Korean Community Development Services Center took $75,000 as a “Housing & Economic Developer”. The New

Kensington Community Development Corp. had four contracts totaling $268,333. Programs Employing People received $150,000. The Schuylkill River Development Corp. took in $93,000 under “General Consultant Services”, even though the Airport has no provisions for landing seaplanes. South Philadelphia H.O.M.E.S. brought in $65,000 to its Point Breeze Avenue office. Southwest Community Development Corp. has some justification, considering all the noisy planes that roar close overhead in Eastwick.

They had $81,250 in the works. The Enterprise Center in West Philadelphia has political muscle. It garnered two contracts totaling $575,000. Another West Philadelphia nonprofit, The Partnership, had one contract for $50,000 with another in the same amount in the works. The Lighthouse, in North Philadelphia, was looking at $105,000. Not all requests from the powerfully connected were honored. One notable was the Greater Philadelphia Film Office, which asked for $275,000 and was rejected.

Page 3

Are you being forced to treat with a doctor you don’t know? You have the right to pick your own doctor to treat your work injury. If you’re not seeing your own doctor you need our advice.


The Public Record • June 25, 2009


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page 4 The Public Record • June 25, 2009

$500 Trash Fee Shocks Small Businesses The owners of thousands of small businesses around the city are hot they’ve been blindsided by the city with a trash fee of $500. They’ve all received letters from Streets Commissioner Clarena J. W. Tolson. The letter reads, “Effective Jul. 1, 2009, a service fee of $500 will be imposed annually on any private premises with at least one commercial establishment for City collection of rubbish and recycling materials. The City of Philadelphia currently collects solid waste from eligible premises and those premises may elect to continue receiving the City’s services for the annual fee or obtain collection services from a private haul.” The letter invites businesses to fill out an application on its website “”, to choose whether the business owner will go off the city collections to a commercial carrier. Failing to fill out the form will indicate the busi-

Traffic Court To Host Ed Teachers Twenty-five Driver’s Education Teachers from the Philadelphia School District will observe court proceedings and operations at The Philadelphia Traffic Court Friday, Jun. 26, as part of their continuing-education requirement. These teachers will observe the cases presented, the courtroom process, new Traffic Court laws and the adjudication of the specific sitting Judge from 9 to 11 a.m. The courts visited will be Trial Court, Motion Court and Impoundment Court. Written material of each court will be distributed to the teachers. Following a question-and-answer period, the group will enjoy a catered luncheon in President Judge Thomasine Tynes’ Conference Room.

ness has elected to assume the $500 fee. The legislation authorizing the additional fee was passed by City Council in May as it attempted to bridge the City’s financial gap before going on summer recess. According to a spokeswoman from the Streets Dept., “We have been hit with thousands of calls ranging from hair salons, barber shops, dance studios, accounting and attorney firms and other businesses that produce little or no measureable garbage.” Presently there is no clause in the legislation for an appeal process. The letter and the lack of appeal has sent many owners crying “foul”. Among them is Albert Sbaraglia, of Reputation Hair Salon, located at 1215 Snyder Avenue. “My business produces less trash than any one family. It’s a rotten way to do business in this town, slamming us with fees which we had no way of contesting. “Had I known Council was passing this legislation I would have contacted Coun-

cilmen Frank DiCicco and Jim Kenney to vote against it,” complained Sbaraglia. “But I don’t read the legal notices. There must be a better way to reach out to us. Why didn’t they send out a letter beforehand like they did now, telling us of our opportunity to attend the City Council hearings, like they did now telling us we owe them $500?” He then asked the question, “What’s to stop them from adding another $500 to the fee, since most of us never pay attention to what’s going on at City Council? There must be a better way! Why not inform us ahead of time by mail? Five hundred bucks is a lot of bucks.” Calls are now lighting up at the desks of City Council members, but there is little doubt the fee will be removed. Unless an effort is made by the administration to introduce an appeal method, odds are several of the small businesses will file suits against the City or as a group to fight the fee charges.

NEW legislation socks small businesses with $500 annual fee for their trash. Yet most of those businesses will produce far less trash in a week than what was dumped on this busy intersection in one day despite City signs warning of $300 fines for illegal dumping.


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1323 S. Broad Street Phila., PA 19147 ISSN 1938-8551 (Application to Mail At Periodicals Postage Rates Is Pending At Philadelphia PA and Bellmawr NJ) Postmaster: send address change to: The Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila. PA 19147 215-755-2000 Fax: 215-689-4099 Subscription Rate: $ 30.00/Year EDITORIAL STAFF Editor & Publisher: James Tayoun Sr. Managing Editor: Anthony West Associate Editor: Rory G. McGlasson Medical Editor: Paul Tayoun M.D. CitiLife Editor: Ruth R. Russell Editorial Staff: Joe Sbaraglia Out & About Editor: Denise Clay Contributing Editor: Bonnie Squires Creative Director & Editorial Cartoonist: R. William Taylor Photographers: Donald Terry Lee Buchanan Dawud Starling Production Manager: William J. Hanna Bookkeeping: Haifa Hanna Webmaster: Sana Muaddi-Dows Advert. director: John David Controller: John David Circulation: Steve Marsico The Public Record welcomes news and photographs about your accomplishments and achievements which should be shared with the rest of the community. Contact us by phone, fax, e-mail or by dropping us a note in the mail. If you mail a news item, please include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify the information you provided us, if necessary. The Public Record reserves the right to edit all news items and letters for grammar, clarity and brevity. (C) 1999-2009 by the Philadelphia Public Record. No reproduction or use of the material herein may be made without the permission of the publisher. The Philadelphia Public Record will assume no obligation (other than the cancellation of charges for the actual space occupied) for accidental errors in advertisements, but we will be glad to furnish a signed letter to the buying public.

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The Public Record

State Sen.

Shirley M. Kitchen 3rd Sen. District 1701 W. Lehigh Ave.Ste 104 • Philadelphia, PA 19132 215-227-6161 •

strumental in securing funding for hundreds of projects," the site advised his constituents in sparsely populated Greene Co. in Pennsylvania's southwestern corner. An Associated Press

analysis of never-beforereleased information about the use of the special pot of money that helps finance legislators' pet projects revealed a wide disparity in the geographical destination of the grants requested between

July and December. That period included the election of all House members and half of the Senate, as well as the election of leaders by the four legislative caucuses. During the six months in question, the four legislative

Council Keeps A Building’s History Alive Philadelphia City Council has approved an amendment to the City’s Historic Preservation Ordinance that would grant the Philadelphia Historical Commission the power to designate the public interior portions of buildings as historically significant. Philadelphia is one of the few major cities that does not allow for interior designations. The bill was sponsored by Council Members Bill Green, Bill Greenlee and Blondell Reynolds Brown. STATE SENATOR


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“Philadelphia has an unrivaled wealth of historic buildings that everyone from tourists to movie studios to native Philadelphians come to see and use,” said Green. “The Historical Commission serves as the guardian of these buildings, but until now, it only had the authority to protect the façades of buildings. If someone wanted to do something as senseless as gut the Wanamaker Building’s Grand Court, the Commission would have been powerless to intervene.”

Councilman Wm.


Room 580 City Hall P. 215-686-3446/7 F. 215-686-1927

State Representative

RONALD G. WATERS 191st Leg. District

Bill 080527 will allow the Commission to designate public interior portions of buildings – spaces that customarily are open or accessible to the public, such as building lobbies and theaters – as historically significant. Spaces that are inaccessible to the public, such as the interiors of private homes, would not be eligible for designation. “Interior designation has been a best practice among American cities since the 1960s,” said Greenlee. “ChiState Rep.

William Keller 184th District 1531 S. 2nd Street


cago, New York, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C. have had interior-designation laws on the books for decades. It’s shameful that Philadelphia – a city with world-famous buildings stretching back to the 17th century – has waited so long to catch up.” Concluded Reynolds Brown, “People will still be awed by the beauty of the interiors in the Metropolitan Opera or the Curtis or Fidelity Bank Building 100 years from now.” State Rep.

Dennis O’Brien 169th District 9811 Academy Rd Phila. PA 19114


State Rep.

ROBERT C. DONATUCCI 185th District

6027 Ludlow Street, Unit A

1809 Oregon Ave, Phila., PA 19145



caucuses requested more than $110 million in grants through the Governor's office. Barring technical problems, the grants are routinely approved. The AP report identifies Greene Co. as benefiting most from the fact it has a top dog in the General Assembly. Powerful legislators are the same people who wield the most influence in deciding where the money goes. More than 30 grant requests by the House Democratic caucus totaling in excess of $3 million put Greene Co. in line to receive more dollars than 61 other counties, including 5 among the top 10 in population: Chester, Berks, Lancaster, Westmoreland and York. Greene Co. is No. 56 in population, with fewer than

40,000 people, and Bill DeWeese, who was demoted from floor leader to whip, is now serving his 17th House term.

Johnny Doc Keeps DRPA Board Seat Philadelphia labor leader John J. Dougherty has been reappointed to the governing board of the Delaware River Port Authority. Up for consideration for reappointment is City Councilman Frank DiCiccio, whose term expires in September. Gov. Ed Rendell’s other recent appointments include former State Treasurer Robin Wiessman and Chairman of The Board John Estey. The Delaware River Port Authority operates four of the Delaware River’s bridges, the OPATCO commuter line and the RiverLink

JOHN SABATINA JR. 174th District State Representative 8100 Castor Ave Phila, PA 19152 Hours: 9am to 5pm Telephone: 215-342-6204

State Rep. Constituent Service Office

1610 S. Broad St. Phila., PA 19146 (215) 952-3378

The Public Record • June 25, 2009

House Majority Leader Bill DeWeese doesn’t hide the fact he takes home more legislative pork than a dozen other legislators put together. He’s been doing it for years. "During a 30-year career, Bill DeWeese has been in-

Page 5

DeWeese Is Champion Porker

State Senator

Larry Farnese

Frank Oliver 195th District 2839 W. Girard Ave. Phila. PA 19130

First Senate District Tel. 215-952-3121

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page 6 The Public Record • June 25, 2009

Union Labor...

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Page 7

Our Opinion ... We All Pay For Trash

Letters State Budget Solution Memo to the Harrisburg Syndicate: Your self-made budget dilemma has a simple by-the-numbers solution. Unemployment is 9.4%. Lay off 9.4% of State workers. The economy is down 6%. Cut every department, including pay, 6% across the board. After doing this, then come hat in hand to the taxpayers, but not before. Tom McCarey Citizens for Common Sense Election Day Holiday Your cartoon in the May 21 issue, concerning low voter turnout, was more amusing than usual. It reminds us of the complaints about the length of our political campaign season, which contributes to the "money primary," and the calls to make voting easier by making Election Day a national holiday, as it is in many countries with

higher voter turnout than ours. At the same time, your article on Memorial Day mentions that veterans' groups are campaigning to return it to a fixed date, with a view to making people more aware of its significance. Here's a way to address both problems at once. Let's return Memorial Day to a fixed date, and at the same time make that date our national election day. We could expand it to two days, say May 30 and 31, to avoid conflict with religious observances. After all, we're often told our wars are fought for democracy. Why not make democracy the centerpiece in our remembrance of those who've died in them? Eric Hamell Francisville, North Philadelphia Arlen Must Act Not long ago I was in Pittsburgh attending the Democratic State Commit-

tee summer meeting. This particular meeting marked a very special occasion: Sen. Arlen Specter addressed our gathering for the first time as a Democrat. While we welcomed Sen. Specter into our party, it is important he understand signing a registration card is only the first step. We are a party of issues and it is critical that he stand up for the issues important to Democratic voters in Pennsylvania. At the top of the list is the Employee Free Choice Act. This is the single most important issue to the most important ally of the Democratic Party – the working men and women of organized labor. Sen. Specter needs to know the Democratic Party stands shoulder to shoulder with labor on this issue. No one should fear being fired because they want join a labor union where they work. Workers should be able to choose how they want to form their own union. And it should not take years of

bargaining to get a labor contract with a company that refuses to negotiate in good faith. The Employee Free Choice Act fixes these problems and levels the playing field for workers who presently fight for their rights in a system stacked against them. I welcome Sen. Specter to the Democratic Party. I also ask him to join President Obama and support the Employee Free Choice Act. Jeffrey Scott Spring, Not Brown The name Brunwasser is derived from the German word “Brunner”, which is a spring or well. Therefore, “Brunwasser” means springwater or wellwater. Brown in German is “braun”, not “brun”. You should issue a correction and perhaps do some homework before you make a claim next time. Eileen Brunwasser Phila. Water Dept. ED. NOTE: The German the editor learned in school,”ich vergasser”.

Jun. 25- Happy Birthday Sheriff John Green fundraiser, 5:30-8 p.m., Cuba Libre Restaurant, 10 S. 2nd St. $250. For info Carol (215) 742-6272. Jun. 27- Barbara & Lisa Deeley welcome their annual political “Welcome to Summer at the Shore” gala at their home, 270 Seabreeze Ct., Angelsea, N. Wildwood, N.J., 5:30-10 p.m. Jun. 27- State Rep. Jewell Williams hosts Susquehanna Day community festival on Susquehanna Ave., Broad St. to 22nd St., 8 a.m.-8 p.m. For info (215) 765-2200. Jun. 27- Harambee Celebra-

tion, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., 2200 block N. Broad St., free to all. Jul. 11- Juniata Golf Club, L & Cayuga Sts., sponsors Independence Day Scramble, starting 8 a.m. $65 per player. 36-hole scramble. Food, prizes, after-golf party with DJ. For info Mike Fox (215) 743-4060. Bring your spouse. Proceeds to Juniata Golf Fdn. Jul. 25- Brady Bunch Beach Party at Keenan’s, 113 Old New Jersey Ave., N. Wildwood, N.J., 4-8 p.m. $35. Pay at door, or call Democratic City Committee (215) 2417805. Jul. 25- Bartlett Jr. HS Reunion at Galdo’s Catering, 20th & Moyamensing Ave. Tickets $55. For info Claudia Gordon (267) 971-3768 or Diane Davis (215) 498-7201.

The Public Record • June 25, 2009

Sometimes trash is cash. That happens when someone comes and hauls away things you’ve put in the trash which bring dollars when taken to a recycling center. Trash also costs cash, yours in many cases. For example, if some neighbors have deposited their trash bags on your pavement a day before trash-collection day, some eager beaver from the SWEEP program will write up a ticket. Do you think they will believe you when you claim none of your trash was in the bag? Sorry, you have to “prove” it. Stupid as it sounds, that’s what you can expect when you go to that office. If you weren’t guilty, why would you appeal? The best deal you can get is a reduction to the original ticket price. So the same SWEEP Enforcement Officer goes by the same pile of trash day in and day out at any one of hundreds of intersections in this city. None takes the time to look through the trash as training requires. No tickets are enforced. No one gets fined. Now the City has a new $500 fee to be socked to businesses, no matter how small, which generate some trash, about the same as an average household. These include barbershops, accounting offices, dance studios, phone services, real estate offices, nail salons – you name it. There are so many businesses sharing the legitimate gripe they hardly generate any trash at all, maybe a bag full for the week. Yet all over the city, this same agency has made no effort to curtail the constant dumping of trash bags and boxes loaded with trash indiscriminately at corners every day of the week, including Sunday. Ask their officials and they’ll say they do. To that answer, we need to ask them, “Prove it!” In the meantime, on page 4 of this issue, the City has seen fit to tack on fees to legitimate businesses that legitimately follow “trash day” regulations. The City knows trash is big money. But its handling of its trash problems hasn’t solved the growling litter on our city streets, a phenomenon since 1776 when one of the Founding Fathers coined the name “Filthydelphia”. The contributing factor back then was horse manure and horse flies.

page 8 The Public Record • June 25, 2009

How To Avoid Keystone Mercy Wins Top Parkinson’s Community Service Award

A recent study has found the incidence of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Lou Gehrig’s diseases, has increased in far greater numbers than previously suspected. Even more frightening is the fact these devastating neurological disorders are occurring at much earlier ages than previously seen. Some patients are in their 20s and 30s. Alzheimer’s is the No. 1 neurodegenerative disease, while Parkinson’s is a close second. About 1 million people suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, with 50,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. The economic toll taken by each disorder is staggering. Care for Alzheimer’s patients cost $91 billion in 2007; that figure is expected to double by 2015. In 1997 costs associated with Parkinson’s disease was reckoned at $25 billion; that number too is sure to climb. Until recently, medical scientists had no idea what caused this neurological disorder. Slowly, these scientists have discovered, like so many diseases afflicting us in modern times, Parkinson’s is an inflammatory disease. Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s are linked to other inflammatory conditions such as diabetes. Regardless of the event or condition that triggers the disease, the damage is caused by intense activation of the brain’s immune cells, called microglia, that destroy parts of the brain. One of the strongest links to Parkinson’s disease is exposure to pesticides and herbicides, especially paraquat, pyridaben, fenazaquin, dieldrin, and rotenone. Rotenone, one of the most common pesticide ingredients, is suspected of being a major cause of human Parkinson’s disease. In fact, it now is accepted that exposure to pesticides and herbicides is the leading

environmental cause of the disease. Recent studies also have shown it is not even necessary to be exposed to normally toxic levels of these poisons to be affected. For example, one study found, if an animal was exposed to a single pesticide in a dose so low it didn’t cause any brain damage (called a subtoxic dose) and then exposed to another pesticide sometime in the future, also in a subtoxic dose, the two together cause extensive damage to the part of the brain normally damaged from Parkinson’s disease. We call this the multiplying of toxicity “synergism.” We know that farmers, exposed to numerous, high concentrations of pesticides and herbicides, have a much higher incidence of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease than the general population. Some people are especially sensitive, with low amounts causing extensive damage to their neurological systems. But there are steps you can take to minimize your chances of getting this devastating disease. Eat at least five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables, especially nutrientdense vegetables, to gain the greatest protection. Avoid a high-protein diet. Drink only filtered or distilled water, with magnesium added. Fluoride in all its forms (fluoridated water, toothpaste, fluoride treatments, etc.) should be avoided at all costs. Eat some foods, such as chocolate, in limited amounts. For instance, chocolate is high in copper, a metal associated with a high risk of Parkinson’s disease. Wash all produce to remove pesticide residues. Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and spinach have all been shown to enhance brain protection and, especially, brain healing.

Keystone Mercy Health Plan, the largest Medicaid managed-care plan in Southeastern Pennsylvania, has been awarded the prestigious “Community Leadership Award” by America’s Health Insurance Plans. The award recognizes the 40-Day Journey, a component of the company’s Health Ministry Program, for its leadership and innovation in community outreach and services. The

40-Day Journey has been successful in reducing health disparities and helping African American women and their families receive appropriate health-care services. “It is an honor to have our work recognized by an organization of our peers,” said Daniel J. Hilferty, president and CEO of the AmeriHealth Mercy Family of Companies, the parent organization of Keystone Mercy Health Plan.

“We take great pride in overcoming barriers to care, and the Health Ministry Program’s 40-Day Journey keeps true to our mission of helping people get care, stay well and build healthy communities.” In 2000, Keystone Mercy Health Plan created a faithbased, wellness program for African American women called the Health Ministry Program for Women. The program is sponsored by the

MEDICAL RECORD Health Ministry Coalition, which includes the Greater Philadelphia Urban Affairs Coalition, Keystone Mercy Health Plan, Eli Lilly and other community-based organizations. A component of the program, the 40-Day Journey, focuses on the family through a 6-week educational series emphasizing nutrition, exercise, medication compliance and water intake. Attorneys are both board certified by the American Bankruptcy Certification Board.

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Tina’s Golfers Tee Off, Braving Rain Storm

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STATE SEN. Christine “Tina” Tartaglione is joined at her golf outing at Juniata Golf Course by, from left, Walt Wesolowski, Tom Dooley, Steven Girmeschneid, Turk Overton, Rich Greer and Joe Labolito. Scores of golfers turned out despite horrendous day-long rains in tribute to the senator.

The Public Record • June 25, 2009

DEFYING drizzly weather, a goodly number of golfers arrived at Juniata G.C. last week for State Sen. Tina Tartaglione’s golf outing fundraiser.

HORSING AROUND in clubhouse were many old friends, including, from left, Gil Dougherty, Steve Helsen of Bricklay, and Mike & Tom Dooley of Operating Engineers.

CHATTING with their favorite State Sen., Tina Tartaglione, are, from left, Joe Coccio of Transit Workers Union, Jeff Alessi, and Bob O’Connor of Transit Workers Union.

UT O B A ASK ULL OUR F R A 30 YE TEE AN GUAR TINA’S TEAM that made golf outing a huge success were, from left, Ralph Lewis, Debbie Benincas, Brenda Keefer, Tony Stephens, John Duffy and Sherry Hess.





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page 10 The Public Record • June 25, 2009

Nothing but rave reviews coming my way from the Loyal Opposition “Politics 101” series featuring Big Talker DOM GIORDANO last week. Pennsylvania Tea Party Coordinator DIANA REIMER was joined by Ward Leaders MATT WOLFE and MIKE CIBIK, Party Chairman VITO CANUSO, RSC Director JOE DeFELICE, DA candidate MICHAEL UNTERMEYER, relative newcomers KEITH TODD and LINDA KERNS, LO Founder KEVIN KELLY, HILLEL LEVINSON, SAM MIRARCHI and many more. It was a superb turnout from all accounts and Dom was inspired that a group of Republicans were fighting back against the Democrat machine on every front. He went so far as to invite 29 th Ward Chairman ADAM LANG to be a guest on his show a few nights later to discuss another LO event that took place Saturday, the “Rules for Radicals” forum featuring BRENDAN STEINHAUSER from Freedom Works. Those who attended said the conversation was extremely interesting and productive. Although I wasn’t able to attend, many told me how much they enjoyed the event. One Elephant also told me an uncomfortable situation occurred during the Q&A. It seems former Municipal Court candidate and State Committeeman KEN POWELL used the occasion to rail against City Committee for what he felt was soft to nonexistent support for him in the recent primary, despite his #1 ballot position and longtime loyalty. Likely, Powell’s barbs were aimed more specifically at several ward leaders who decided to push non-party guy JOE MURPHY. This led to Ken’s finishing fifth in a race where the top four vote-getters move to the general. He was not happy losing what he felt should have been a layup primary, given his #1 ticket. Some establishment Elephants in the Northeast divisions manned themselves with Murphy lit and posters whereas Powell cards were scarce. The Murphy family, which includes sitting JUDGE TERRY MURPHY, is well-connected in the Northeast with many friends there. Meanwhile, Powell, although he is Republican Ward Leader in the 9 th Ward, wound up at the top of the Democratic Party ballot in the primary! Putting a cherry on top of this whipped cream, head Donkey GOV. ED RENDELL just appointed Powell to a seat on the bench. This judgeship business is undoubtedly one area that puts party loyalty to the test in both parties. You make the call! Adios, my bigeared buddies.

Yo! Here we go again. I recently came across an old saying: “Laugh and the world laughs with you – snore and you sleep alone.” Interesting saying, I laughed a lot. But I don’t snore; do you? As much as one half of the entire world’s population snores – even some animals snore. So just what is snoring? When you lie down to go to sleep, the soft tissues in your mouth begin to relax. The deeper you sleep, the more they relax and soon they begin to obstruct your airway. Air flowing in and out of your mouth that makes these relaxed tissues vibrate – ta da – you are now snoring. You and I don’t snore though, right? But about 95 million Americans do. Men over 60 lead the “snore chorus.” And if you are a tad overweight, you are three times more likely to snore than a “slim Jim.” Why? Poor flesh tone and believe it or not, overweight people actually gain weight in their mouths, so the more tissue in the mouth, the more snoring. Anything that stops up the nose can cause snoring like colds, allergies, nasal infections, etc., because the sufferer has to breathe through their mouth. It is a fact that depressant medications relax, and if you take them you will probably snore due to all that relaxation. Smoking of course ain’t a plus but it sure isn’t good for snorers. Can snoring be cured? Nope. But there are a few quick fixes. Don’t sleep on your back. During the Revolutionary War barracks soldiers who snored were forced to sew small cannon balls into a small sack on the back of their nightshirts to keep them from sleeping on their backs. Today one can get a “snore ball”, a tennis ball in a sock, to attach to the back of their pajama tops. Tennis balls are used because cannon balls are not too easy to find these days. Try this: raise the head end of your bed about four inches with bricks or phone books under the legs. Do not use extra pillows; it won’t help and it might worsen snoring by bending your body at the neck or waist, which can increase snoring. There are other high-tech solutions, including surgery. Snoring can be fatal. Most chronic snorers suffer from sleep apnea. In these people the airway becomes totally blocked, cutting off oxygen to the brain. Most people usually wake up, clear their airway and return to sleep. However, about 2500 sleep-apnea sufferers die annually from cardiac arrest. (Cont. Page 25)

SNOOPER’S “I told You So” Files: Many of our readers thought I was crazy when I told them THE SWINE FLU was here in Philadelphia. Hey Chief, it is not only here, but now we have learned we already have had ONE DEATH. We also learned THE SWINE FLU is really a PANDEMIC. Think about this one. I told all of you this SWINE FLU is serious, and now we found out it’s also a HUGE KILLER. PARENTS, please take your children to your local DOCTOR or even to your closest HEALTH CENTER. I want all of you to WASH YOUR HANDS, SNEEZE IN A NAPKIN and remember AN OUNCE of PREVENTION is worth A POUND OF CURE! Snooper’s South Philly News File: I was saddened to learn of “A SOUTH PHILLY GIANT passing away. HON. SEVERINO VERNA, Commissioner, husband of HON. ANNA VERNA, President of City Council, left our world a few weeks ago. “Sevy” was truly one of South Philly’s favorite sons and a true “ICON”. Tell me, what would COLUMBUS DAY be without our man “Sevy”? He meant so much to all of us, and as for me, I will miss him terribly, because he always made me feel so important. Yes, “Sevy” loved South Philly, but then, you all knew it. He did so much for so many, and NEVER asked for anything back. He was one of Mayor Rizzo’s great admirers and let me tell you, Rizzo loved him too. To President Anna Verna: “SEVY” will always be remembered by ALL OF US. Many gifts, sent to people in need, came from him ANONYMOUSLY! Yes, “Sevy” was truly a great HUMAN BEING too. Snooper’s “Phony Facts Files: What else? And they really are phony: THE CRIME-RATE FIGURES. Today, we still have RAPES, GUNS, ROBBERIES, and our usual VIOLENCE. The figures given to us by The Mayor and The Police Commissioner are really phony. Every weekend THE CRIME RATE continues to climb and we all know it’s going to get HIGHER and HIGHER. Buying GUNS back is a joke. Look at the guns they’re giving you, they’re JUNK! We need the actual and physical presence of STREET POLICE PERSONNEL. Snooper’s “Crying In The Rain”: By now, we all know the SADNESS and THE TEARS over the sudden death of our dear friend GARY PAPA, SPORTS DIRECTOR, TV6 (Action News). Mr. Papa was a true SPORTS FAN and he always let us know it when he gave all of us our SPORTS NEWS of the day. I, for one, along with the thousands of his faithful (Cont. Page 25)

MAYOR MICHAEL NUTTER’S career until the Mayor election of 2007 has always been one of an outsider. Now he is the Mayor of Philadelphia and that makes him an insider. As “an outsider”, he could stand back and criticize the administration without necessarily having an alternate plan. Now, as the “administration”, he can no longer be negative but must come forward with his own plan. Before he was a loner; now, as the chief administrator, he has to learn to work with City Council to find agreement to support the programs he must have in the fields of education, taxation, the environment and the stimulation of the local economy. The citizens and City Council have giving him free rein to hire the best people, in his opinion, he could find to do this work. Even though in Philadelphia you have outstanding universities in the area of urban planning, the environment, municipal taxation and finance, Nutter chose for the most part to find people from outside the pool of professionals now available. Some of these people, less than a year and a half into his first term, have already chosen to leave or work in other areas. This is the problem with hiring itinerant experts: They pack their bags and move to Philadelphia (one charged the City $50,000 moving expenses to come as far away from Washington, D.C.) Some of these people, although not all, are more interested in building their resume than in making permanent commitments to the welfare of the City. Many people believe ED RENDELL was the best Mayor of the City in the last 50 years. Look at the changes that took place during the Rendell administration. Taxes were lowered. Business taxes were lowered. Christopher Columbus Boulevard became a flowering garden. Center City became safer with the additional security provided by the Center City District and Philadelphia became more attractive with the Wednesday-night musicals on street corners. He, Rendell, understood his role as a leader and led. Rendell was elected Mayor without the organized support of the Democratic Party. But so was MIKE NUTTER. It is now time for Mike Nutter to shed his maverick image and take over his responsibility as a leader with a program. He could start by using the power of his office to get the two casinos authorized for the City opened. That would supply money that would allow the reduction of the wage taxes and the City business taxes to make Philadelphia even more attractive. (Cont. Page 25)

His decision to take that post opened the door for Bishop Bronson, earning her the honor of becoming the first female president in the 25-year history of the organization. Congressman Chaka Fattah lauded Bishop Bronson’s selection. “Long before becoming President of the Black Clergy of Philadelphia and Vicinity, Bishop Audrey Bronson has been a historymaker, a courageous innovator and a leader of clergy and the faithful in the Philadelphia area. “In more than three decades at Sanctuary Church of the Open Door, of which she is founder and pastor, Dr. Bronson has set the bar high. Guided by unswerving faith and a keen sense of justice, she has achieved broad and significant impact – secular as well as religious – across the City of Philadelphia. “Dr. Bronson has been a pioneer in HIV/AIDS awareness, a renowned preacher of the Gospel, and she has developed a preschool Academy, a housing complex for the elderly and a youth sports program at The Open Door.”

5TH-GRADE class at Penn Alexander School in University City, winners of contest to design mural for Phila. Housing Authority is thanked by PHA Assistant Executive Director Carolyn Carter, left.

State Rep. Jewell Williams and the Susquehanna Neighborhood Advisory Council are hosting the 20th annual Susquehanna Community Festival this Saturday, Jun. 27th on the 1400 to 2200 blocks of Susquehanna Avenue. According to State Representative Jewell Williams, the Susquehanna Community Festival “is a popular Philadelphia tradition that many families have enjoyed for almost two decades.”

For more information about the festival, residents should contact State Rep. William’s constituent service office at (215) 763-2559 or the Susquehanna Neighborhood.

LAST CALL! 4th of July Salute Call John David


The Public Record • June 25, 2009

She began preaching at the age of 14, and she was a wonder. She has never stopped since. It’s obvious she has been listened to through the years, because Bishop Audrey Bronson is now the first female President of the Black Clergy of Philadelphia and Vicinity. The organization welcomed her to her post at a formal announcement recently at Vine Memorial Baptist Church, which is located at 66th Street & Girard Avenue. Bronson’s appointment was expected. By Association rules, as 1st VP, she was next in line to replace Rev. Ellis I. Washington, who had been president of the Black Clergy for the past 16 months. Washington, who left to pastor Grant AME Church in Boston, Mass., believes the Black Clergy is left in good hands. “In the AME church, you are always only appointed as a pastor of a particular church for one year at a time,” explains Rev. Washington, “and you are aware when your year is up you could be transferred.” That transfer took him out of this city and out of his post.

School To Do PHA Green Susquehanna Festival This Weekend

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Black Clergy Head Preached At Age 14

Whistle Blowers To Protest At City Health Dept. Clinic “Come in your best clown suit and make some noise” is the invitation being distributed by four fired Disease Intervention Specialists who spoke out about Philadelphia Health Department policies. Members of the Tuskegee North Action group, they will be protesting outside the Dept.

of Health’s Broad and Lombard Streets Clinic, Wednesday, July 1, from 10 a.m. t o 2 p.m. The four specialists were fired after detailing policy changes which they say contributed to epidemic of syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases in this city.

WANTED SPORTS CARDS & MEMORABILIA Huggins & Scott Auctions is looking to buy or consign your VINTAGE Sports Cards & Memorabilia + older Americana type collectibles incl Toys, Games, Trains, Comics, Coins, Political Items, etc. for our next World Wide Internet Auction WE TAKE IT ALL & WE SELL IT ALL. Call Steve at 215-530-4365 to discuss your collection or to get a free catalog Visit our web page at:

page 12 The Public Record • June 25, 2009

Electrical Grads Did Their Service The Philadelphia Electrical & Technology Charter HS continues to produce some of the brightest young minds in the city. Last week, members of the 2009 graduating class of PE&T picked up their diplomas and promptly set about giving back to the city they call home. More than 300 young PE&T grads took part in the first annual “Service Day”, in which the young adults fanned out across the city and performed good works for the residents of Philadelphia. One group of grads helped clean up playgrounds in South Philly. Another group distributed free “green”, energy-efficient light bulbs to passers-by on the west side of The Comcast Tower on JFK

Boulevard. The bright idea shed light on the need for homeowners to convert to the more eco-friendly bulbs. Another group of graduates took part in a letter-writing campaign and the assembling of care packages to US military personnel stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan; yet another group of grads participated in a "Heroes Walk" through FDR Park to honor the city's fallen police officers and firefighters. Said PE&T founder and IBEW Local 98 Business Mgr. John Dougherty, "These fine young people embody everything that is right about the future generation of Philadelphians. The ‘Service Day' was their idea and demonstrates a level of maturity that should inspire

other young grads. All of us who are involved with PE&T salute the dynamic Class of

2009 and wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors."

NYC To CopyMortgage Foreclosure Protection The Big Apple likes what’s happening in the Cheesesteak capital of the United States. It’s implementing a plan to help New Yorkers avoid mortgage foreclosures by using our City’s plan as a model. Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg made that announcement alongside Mayor Michael Nutter late last week. “Through an extensive public-information campaign and requiring lenders to negotiate settlements in good faith, we have helped over 1,200 individuals and families in Philadelphia stay in their homes,” said Nutter. “Mayor Bloomberg’s approach of bringing both homeowners and lenders to the table is ab-

TALK to these graduates from Philadelphia Electric & Technical HS and they’ll be able to answer anything you want to know about all things technical. In photo below Principal Jeff Taylor, left, and Board member Charles Gibbs congratulate graduating student Isaiah Davenport.


Philadelphia Regional Port Authority A Promising Future By Championing the Channel-Deepening Project And Substantial Port Expansion

Once Again, We Thank Gov. Ed Rendell For Giving Our Port A Great Opportunity And

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solutely the right combination to address this problem,” “As cities across the country seek innovative ways to address the foreclosure crisis, many are looking to Philadelphia, where Mayor Nutter has implemented some of the most effective,” said Bloomberg. “In New York City, we’ve made great strides helping at-risk homeowners avoid foreclosure by providing free legal and financial counseling. As we continue to expand our programs, we will work with Mayor Nutter and other leaders on the issue to implement best practices and help more New Yorkers keep their homes.” The Philadelphia plan, launched in June 2008, involves door-to-door outreach, visiting homeowners whose homes are slated for foreclosure, to inform them of housing and legal counseling available to them. The City’s program to date covered 5,200 households slated for foreclosure. Over 4,000 were visited by outreach teams, with 3,380 homeowners taking part in the program, resulting in 1,200 homes being saved with a fur-


On Jun. 4, 2009, in the article “Straight On The Streets,” we stated, “State Sen. Shirley Kitchen is preparing legislation that would allow individuals to purge their records of summary offenses after five crime-free years.” In fact, Sen. Kitchen’s proposed legislation would allow an individual to petition the court for the expungement and sealing of records for nonviolent criminal offenses, provided the individual has been free of arrest or prosecution for five years following the conviction for that offense.

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New Sansom Street eatery a Noble destination by Len Lear When we noticed David Katz having dinner with friends at a nearby table last Wednesday night on what surely was a rare night off, I would have bet the first mortgage that Noble, the “American cookery” restaurant that opened in early May at 2025 Sansom St., would be living up to its name. (The owners said they chose the name Noble because hospitality has long been regarded as “a noble pursuit” and that Noble “defies the false conventions of stiff manners.”) After all, Katz, 31, chef/owner of Mémé at 2201 Spruce Street and, before that, executive chef at “M” Restaurant on 8th Street near Locust, has been earning unanimous raves himself in recent years from restaurant

reviewers and customers alike. Any other restaurant in the city would be delighted to have Katz sample their wares; it’s as if Itzhak Pearlman bought a ticket and sat in the audience to hear the Philadelphia Orchestra perform. “The owners are great guys and real pros,” said Katz when I walked over to his table, “so you just know this is going to be a first-class operation.” The owners of Noble — Bruno Pouget, Todd Rodgers and chef Steven Cameron — formerly owned Blue, which recently ended a successful 11-year run on Long Beach Island, New Jersey. Blue was often named to “Best of the Shore” lists in New Jersey Monthly and Philadelphia magazines; last year Cameron was a semi-finalist for the James Beard Founda-

tion’s award for “Best Chef in the Mid-Atlantic States,” and Blue also received a rave in the New York Times in August, 2007, for “succeeding effortlessly at both design and dinner” and for the 33year-old Cameron’s cuisine that was “far-reaching, inspired and ambitious.” However, Blue was only open seasonally, for five months out of the year, so the three owners started to look for a year-round operation in an area where sophisticated dining is appreciated. Eventually they purchased the building at 2025 Sansom Street which last housed Gioia Mia, an Italian restaurant, and before that, Cibucan, a Cuban restaurant. (The chef/owner of Cibucan was Owen Lee, a lifelong Philadelphia resident who was once selected by the Rolling Stones to be their personal chef while they were touring the country. “They are much less wild and more laid back than their public

image would lead you to believe,” Lee once told me.) Pouget is an interior designer who also owned and operated Caribou Cafe, first at 24th & Lombard Streets and then at 1126 Walnut Street, from 1989 to 2003, when he sold it. Pouget said he and his partners are determined to revive the area around 20th & Sansom Streets, which in the 1970s was known as Rittenhouse Village. “Back then,” he said, “this was a very popular destination area for restaurants, but that changed quite a bit. Now, though, with neighbors like Tinto, Melograno, Tria and Capogiro, we would like to be a part of bringing that reputation back to this area as a dining destination.” Noble, which can seat 30 on the first floor and 70 on the second floor, certainly has a distinctive look. For one thing, I don’t recall ever before seeing sidewalk dining with seating facing into the

Len Lear restaurant over a granite counter and open window space. Almost everything contributes to a rustic vibe, such as the 400-year-old naturally fallen bubinga tree made into a bar, a staircase featuring reclaimed oak barn timbers, exposed ceiling rafters with open skylights on the second floor (lit from the outside), white brick walls, mahogany tabletops, hickory hardwood floors and a rooftop garden. Prices are not cheap, with

appetizers from $10 to $15, entrees $23 to $35 and desserts $8. The masterful, gimmick-free food preparation is pretty sensational, however. Our faves were seafood entrees — a glorious rye-dusted Alaskan black sable, very sweet and mild and suffused with flavor; and a poached Long Island golden tilefish that exploded with a Chilean sea bass-like sweetness. With the tilefish came a sublime purple potato salad which might be the best potato salad we have ever eaten. I had a “TI Jean” cocktail ($9) that should come with a warning label. It was like drinking straight rye whiskey, which is great if your stomach is steel-reinforced. I much preferred a wonderfully complex glass of Ravines Keuka Village (Finger Lakes) white wine, which had lots of fruit and mineral notes ($10). For more information, call (215) 568-7000 or visit

(Cont. From Page 10) To be fair, snoring can also save lives. According to a news story, Rose, an 85-year-old senior, was being prepared for burial. The undertaker to his surprise heard Rose was snoring. He could not believe it. She had been pronounced dead by the doctor, using normal breathing and heart tests, but here she was snoring. She was sent to the hospital and was responding quite well for a dead person. She is much improved and is still snoring without any guilt. I say to all who snore, do it; it just might save your life, even if you can’t sleep in the same room with your significant other.

(Cont. From Page 10) listeners and viewers, will miss him and his infectious smile. He made us all a part of his sports reports, and he made sure it was always correct. GARY was a true PHILADELPHIA SPORTS FAN! Snooper’s Sports Updates: I told you all earlier, The Ultimate Fighting (UFC) and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) would be coming here to Philadelphia soon. Guess what? The MMA is already here and has already had a few shows at The Arena (formerly The Alhambra). Now we will be seeing THE UFC very soon at The Wachovia Center. This will happen in August. We can thank The State Athletic Commission, which realized the sudden

popularity of both of these combative sports. The Commission made sure to implement “safety rules” for both of these sports. The first UFC show will be a real BLOCKBUSTER, watch. Snooper’s Political Report: First, let me personally CONGRATULATE all the dedicated COMMITTEEMEN and COMMITTEEWOMEN who did a fantastic job in our

City Hall Sam (Cont. From Page 10) If he feels he can’t do it, there are people in City Council and elsewhere who believe they can. Mike Nutter’s time is running out. The Bird of Time has but a little way to fly – and Lo! the Bird is on the Wing.

SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA Sealed proposals will be received by the School Reform Commission at the School Administration Building located at 440 North Broad St., 3rd Floor, Office of Capital Programs, Philadelphia, PA 19130-4015, until 2:00 P.M., on Tuesday, June 30th, 2009. A non-refundable fee for each set of bid documents is as scheduled. The School District will only accept bids from companies that have been placed on its current Pre Qualified Contractors List as shown at All School District Project require MBE/WBE participation as shown in the specifications.

B- 032 C of 2008/09* Electrical Contract Emergency Generator Emergency Lighting

James Dobson Elementary School 4667 Umbria Street

BUDGET $ 250,000.00

FEE $100.00

* A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at the project location on June 29th, 2009 at 12:00 NOON

Specifications and/or plans and contract documents may be examined and copies thereof obtained from the School Reform Commission, 440 North Broad Street, 3rd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Information as to contract documents, etc., may be obtained at the above address, or telephone 215-400-5225. Make checks payable to the School District of Philadelphia. The School Reform Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids and make the awards to the best interests of the School District of Philadelphia.

recent election (The Primary). These people are the ‘real’ unsung heroes who make sure we get the best possible candidates elected. Yes, they are really the face of their respective Parties, and their Chairmen know it. Now they will get ready to follow up their actions in the General Election. This is really the BIG ONE, because whoever emerges victorious becomes a new leader. Be sure to learn whatever you can about all the candidates involved in the various “ROW OFFICES”. Remember, it’s your turn to be heard; don’t screw it up! Snooper “UPDATE”: I must apologize to HON. ROGER

GORDON who is still JURY SELECTION COMMISSIONER. I neglected to inform all of you of his recent appointment, by THE GOVERNOR, to be a JUDGE of The Common Pleas Court. Hey Boss, I’ve been searching all over for him, hoping to see him sitting in one of The Common Pleas courtrooms. I know one thing for sure, we’ll be getting a terrific JUDGE, and he’ll be one who will work his butt off to get his job done. HON. JUDGE GORDON, now that sounds really terrific. We ALL hope to see him soon in his Judicial Robe. Snooper QUESTION OF THE WEEK: How is it they

can CHARGE the young lady who was involved in the phony KIDNAP SCANDAL with this other charge: IDENTITY THEFT? here’s my question … if someone hands you their DRIVER‘S LICENSE, how can you possibly be charged with Identity Theft? Yes, you could say she misrepresented the issue, which, at best, would constitute possibly MISREPRESENTATION, nothing else. No, I’m not condoning what this misguided women did, which was stupid, but why add another charge? That is totally ridiculous, considering what really happened in this case. TELL ME!

The Public Record • June 25, 2009


Page 25


SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA Sealed proposals will be received by the School Reform Commission at the School Administration Building located at 440 North Broad St., 3rd Floor, Office of Capital Programs, Philadelphia, PA 19130-4015, until 2:00 P.M., on Tuesday, June 30th, 2009. A non-refundable fee for each set of bid documents is as scheduled. The School District will only accept bids from companies that have been placed on its current Pre Qualified Contractors List as shown at All School District Project require MBE/WBE participation as shown in the specifications.

B- 028 C of 2008/09* Electrical Contract John Bartram High School Fire Alarm Replacement 2401 South 67th Street

BUDGET $ 400,000.00

FEE $100.00

* A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at the project location on July 2nd, 2009 at 12:00 NOON

Specifications and/or plans and contract documents may be examined and copies thereof obtained from the School Reform Commission, 440 North Broad Street, 3rd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Information as to contract documents, etc., may be obtained at the above address, or telephone 215-400-5225. Make checks payable to the School District of Philadelphia. The School Reform Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids and make the awards to the best interests of the School District of Philadelphia.

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Villas @ Packer Park Final Phase of this New Construction Ten Yr Tax Abatement Bi-Level Townhomes up to 1600+ Sq. ft. with garage - Spring Delivery Special Incentives to Sign Now Starting in the low 300’s Regency Three @ Packer Park Add your name to our interest list for Priority Info on delivery dates, 1600+ sq. ft. one level condos Secured Building, dedicated parking.

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Resales at Reserve @ Packer Park

page 26 The Public Record • June 25, 2009

IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS PHILADELPHIA COUNTY CIVIL ACTION - LAW July Term 2003 No. 2971 NOTICE OF ACTION IN MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A., AS ACQUIRER OF CERTAIN ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK F/K/A WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, FA FROM THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ACTING AS RECEIVER Plaintiff vs. John Doe, ET AL Mortgagor and Real Owner Defendant TO: John Doe, BACH NGUYEN, MORTGAGORS AND REAL OWNERS, DEFENDANTS whose last known address is 1107 Snyder Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19148. THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR AND WE ARE ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT OWED TO OUR CLIENT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM YOU WILL BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING THE DEBT. You are hereby notified that Plaintiff JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A., AS ACQUIRER OF CERTAIN ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK F/K/A WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, FA FROM THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ACTING AS RECEIVER, has filed a Mortgage Foreclosure Complaint endorsed with a notice to defend against you in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, docketed to No. 002971 July Term 2003 No. 2971 wherein Plaintiff seeks to foreclose on the mortgage secured on your property located, 1107 Snyder Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19148 whereupon your property will be sold by the Sheriff of Philadelphia County.

NOTICE You have been sued in court. If you wish to defend against the claims set forth in the above, you must take action within twenty (20) days after the Complaint and notice are served, by entering a written appearance personally or by attorney and filing in writing with the court your defenses or objections to the claims set forth against you. You are warned that if you fail to do so the case may proceed without you and a judgment may be entered against you by the Court without further notice for any money claimed in the Complaint or for any other claim or relief requested by the Plaintiff. You may lose money or property or other rights important to you. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER OR CANNOT AFFORD ONE, GO TO OR TELEPHONE THE OFFICE SET FORTH BELOW. THIS OFFICE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION ABOUT HIRING A LAWYER. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO HIRE A LAWYER, THIS OFFICE MAY BE ABLE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION ABOUT AGENCIES THAT MAY OFFER LEGAL SERVICES TO ELIGIBLE PERSONS AT A REDUCED FEE OR NO FEE. COMMUNITY LEGAL SERVICES, INC. Law Center North Central 3638 North Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19140 215-227-2400 or 215-981-3700 PHILADELPHIA BAR ASSOCIATION One Reading Center Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-238-6333 Michael T. McKeever Attorney for Plaintiff Goldbeck McCafferty & McKeever, PC Suite 5000, Mellon Independence Center 701 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19106-1532 215-627-1322

IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF PHILADELPHIA COUNTY CIVIL ACTION - LAW ACTION OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE Term No. 080901672 BENEFICIAL CONSUMER DISCOUNT COMPANY D/B/A BENEFICIAL MORTGAGE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA, 2929 Walden Avenue, Depew, NY 14043, Plaintiff vs. Unknown Heirs of LEONARD CAVALIERI a/k/a LEONARD CAVALIERI, JR., Deceased ANNA MARIE CAVALIERI, Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of LEONARD CAVALIERI a/k/a LEONARD CAVALIERI, JR., Deceased, DOMENIC LAWRENCE, Solely in His/He Capacity as Heir of LEONARD CAVALIERI a/k/a LEONARD CAVALIERI, JR., Deceased, JOHN CAVALIERI, Solely in His Capacity as Heir of LEONARD CAVALIERI a/k/a LEONARD CAVALIERI, JR., Deceased, Mortgagors and Record Owners, 6406 Buist Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19145, Defendants THIS LAW FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR AND WE ARE ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. THIS NOTICE IS SENT TO YOU IN AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM YOU WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Your house at 6406 Buist Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19145 is scheduled to be sold at Sheriff’s Sale on Tuesday, July 07, 2009, at 10:00 AM, in 3801 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA, to enforce the court judgment of $42,557.00 obtained by BENEFICIAL CONSUMER DISCOUNT COMPANY D/B/A BENEFICIAL MORTGAGE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA against you. NOTICE OF OWNER’S RIGHTS YOU MAY BE ABLE TO PREVENT THIS SHERIFF’S SALE To prevent this Sheriff’s Sale you must take immediate action: 1. The sale will be cancelled if you pay to BENEFICIAL CONSUMER DISCOUNT COMPANY D/B/A BENEFICIAL MORTGAGE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA, the back payments, late charges, costs and reasonable attorney’s fees due. To find out how much you must pay call our office at 215-825-6329 or 1-866-413-2311. 2. You may be able to stop the sale by filing a petition asking the Court to strike or open judgment, if the judgment was improperly entered. You may also ask the Court to postpone the sale for good cause. 3. You may also be able to stop the sale through other legal proceedings. 4. You may need an attorney to assert your rights. The sooner you contact one, the more chance you will have of stopping the sale. (See notice below on how to obtain an attorney). YOU MAY STILL BE ABLE TO SAVE YOUR PROPERTY AND YOU HAVE OTHER RIGHTS EVEN IF THE SHERIFF’S SALE DOES NOT TAKE PLACE. 1. If the Sheriff’s Sale is not stopped, your property will be sold to the highest bidder. You may find out the price bid price by calling the Sheriff of Philadelphia County at 215-686-3534. 2. You may be able to petition the Court to set aside the sale if the bid price was grossly inadequate compared to the value of your property. 3. The sale will go through only if the buyer pays the Sheriff the full amount due in the sale. To find out if this has happened, you may call the Sheriff of Philadelphia County at 215-6863534. 4. If the amount due from the Buyer is not paid to the Sheriff, you will remain the owner of the property as if the sale never happened. 5. You have a right to remain in the property until the full amount due is paid to the Sheriff and the Sheriff gives a deed to the buyer. At that time, the buyer may bring legal proceedings to evict you. 6. You may be entitled to a share of the money which was paid for your house. A schedule of distribution of the money bid for your house will be filed by the Sheriff within thirty (30) days from the date of the Sheriff’s Sale. This schedule will state who will be receiving that money. The money will be paid out in accordance with this schedule unless exceptions (reasons why the proposed distribution is wrong) are filed with the Sheriff within ten (10) days after the schedule of distribution is filed. 7. You may also have other rights and defenses, or ways of getting your house back, if you act immediately after the sale. 8. You may contact the Foreclosure Resource Center: YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER OR CANNOT AFFORD ONE, GO TO OR TELEPHONE THE OFFICE LISTED BELOW TO FIND OUT WHERE YOU CAN GET LEGAL HELP. PHILADELPHIA BAR ASSOCIATION One Reading Center, Philadelphia, PA 19104 215-238-6333 COMMUNITY LEGAL SERVICES, INC. Law Center North Central 3638 North Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19140 215-227-2400 or 215-981-3700 Michael T. McKeever, Atty. for Plaintiff GOLDBECK McCAFFERTY & McKEEVER, P.C. Suite 5000- Mellon Independence Center 701 Market St. • Philadelphia, PA 19106 • 215-825-6318

VOLUNTEERS Patrice Edwards, business district manager for Wadsworth Avenue, and Bernadette Graham, community coordinator for Nicetown CDC, show off t-shirts and memorabilia available for sale at West Oak Lane Jazz Festival.

Call For Volunteers

The American Federation of Teachers, Pennsylvania holds its biennial convention here this weekend at the Sheraton City Center Hotel. More than 300 K-12 teachers, college professors and instructors and State employees representing 38,000 workers across Pennsylvania will tackle labor, health care, higher education, K12 education reform and other issues at workshops throughout the weekend. AFT President Randi Weingarten and Philadelphia Council AFL-CIO President Pat Eiding will address the group Friday evening. Mayor Michael Nutter and State Rep. Louise Bishop are speaking Saturday at 10 a.m. Pennsylvania AFT members will march to Moore College of Art in Philadelphia for a rally in support of Moore College Federation of Teachers Local 2208, to protest the college’s anti-labor activities at 11:45 a.m. Saturday. The rally will be held in Aviator Park, across from the college. A major highlight of the convention will be held at noon on Saturday. That is when many of the members will rally against anti-union activity on behalf of Moore Federation of Teachers at Race Street & Ben Franklin Parkway. Pennsylvania AFL-CIO President William George will be the keynote speaker supporting Local 2208’s efforts to protect its members at the college.

NOTICE You have been sued in court. If you wish to defend against the claims set forth in the following pages, you must take action within twenty (20) days after the Complaint and notice are served, by entering a written appearance personally or by attorney and filing in writing with the court your defenses or objections to the claims set forth against you. You are warned that if you fail to do so the case may proceed without you and a judgment may be entered against you by the Court without further notice for any money claim in the Complaint of for any other claim or relief requested by the Plaintiff. You may lose money or property or other rights important to you. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER OR CANNOT AFFORD ONE, GO TO OR TELEPHONE THE OFFICE SET FORTH BELOW. THIS OFFICE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION ABOUT HIRING A LAWYER. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO HIRE A LAWYER, THIS OFFICE MAY BE ABLE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION ABOUT AGENCIES THAT MAY OFFER LEGAL SERVICES TO ELIGIBLE PERSONS AT A REDUCED FEE OR NO FEE. COMMUNITY LEGAL SERVICES, INC. Law Center North Central Philadelphia, PA 19140 215-227-2400 or 215-981-3700 PHILADELPHIA BAR ASSOCIATION One Reading Center Philadelphia, PA 19104 215-238-6333 Michael T. McKeever Attorney for Plaintiff Goldbeck McCafferty & McKeever, PC Suite 5000, Mellon Independence Center 701 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19106-1532 215-627-1322

CITY’s Police Athletic League’s 27 Centers need volunteers for 26,000 youngsters they serve, which is why US Attorney General Eric Holder’s visit to the Cozen PAL Center made sense. He was preaching President Barack Obama’s call for increased volunteerism. With him were Mayor Michael Nutter, DA Lynne Abraham and Commissioner Charles Ramsey.

AFT Convention Here At Sheraton

TO Unknown Heirs of the Estate of CLEMENTINE ROBINSON, Deceased & BRENDA ROBINSON, Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of the Estate of Clementine Robinson, Deceased, MORTAGORS AND REAL OWNERS, DEFENDANTS whose last known address is 3242 North Marston Street Philadelphia, PA 19129. THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR AND WE ARE ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT OWED TO OUR CLIENT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM YOU WILL BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING THE DEBT. You are hereby notified that Plaintiff CITIFINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., has filed a Mortgage Foreclosure Complaint endorsed with a notice to defend against you in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, docketed to No. 090500605 wherein Plaintiff seeks to foreclose on the mortgage secured on your property located, 3242 North Marston Street Philadelphia, PA 19129 whereupon your property will be sold by the Sheriff of Philadelphia.

The Public Record • June 25, 2009

THOUSANDS came out for the West Oak Lane Jazz and Arts Festival last weekend along 7100-7400 blocks of Ogontz Avenue. Music headliners included Jeffrey Osborne, Roy Ayers, War, Billy Paul, Tower of Power, Teena Marie and the Whispers. Teena Marie, center, receives a warm welcome from Tracee Hunt, left, and State Rep. Dwight Evans, right.

“MAYOR of West Oak Lane” State Rep. Dwight Evans revels in festivities at 6th annual West Oak Lane Jazz Festival. Councilwoman Marian Tasco, Tracee Hunt, Evans and a Tasco staff member give warm welcome to Singer Teena Marie, center.

IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Philadelphia COUNTY CIVIL ACTION - LAW ACTION OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE Term No. 090500605 NOTICE OF ACTION IN MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE CITIFINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. Plaintiff vs. Unknown Heirs of the Estate of CLEMENTINE ROBINSON, Deceased & BRENDA ROBINSON, Solely in Her Capacity as Heir of the Estate of Clementine Robinson, Deceased Mortgagors and Real Owners Defendant

Page 27

West Oak Lane All Jazzed Up

page 28 The Public Record • June 25, 2009

Sports Personalities Aid ARC Stack Hosts Drawing Winner

ARC of Philadelphia’s Spring Celebration fundraiser at McFadden's at Citizens Bank Park was attended, by over 300 including sports figures that support work of the ARC (which advocates for people with intellectual disabilities). Eagles players David Akers and Chris Gocong were pleased to sign autographs for members of Young Friends of the ARC of Philadelphia Committee. Photo by Bonnie Squires

AMONG ATTENDEES were, from left, Jon Dorenbos and David Akers of the Eagles; Norma Carter ARC board member; her grandson Dante Monaghan; and Mike Barnes, marketing director of the Arc. Photo by Bonnie Squires MICHELE HOFFMAN and her mother Lisa Hoffman, of Holme Circle in N.E. Phila., spent day with State Sen. Mike Stack at Capitol in Harrisburg. Michele, a freshman at Community College of Phila., won chance to visit Capitol through drawing at Stack's recent education and job fair.

Finally A Girl!

HEATHER & JOHN Bernard hold daughter Anne Elizabeth during her christening. Ann is first female born into Bernard family in 75 years, according to her greatgreat-grandfather Hon. Charles Bernard. Ann has already attended a Phillies Game to root for home team.

We Gladly Accept Food Coupons

SHARING moment at ARC fundraiser were Bill Bergey; Comcast SportsNet host Neil Hartman; David Akers; and ARC board member Nick Nastasi, Esq. Photo by Bonnie Squires

Carl Jeff & Barbara



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The Public Record • June 25, 2009

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The Public Record • June 25, 2009

page 30

benefits. That is the biggest aspect of our resistance.” Scott stated the unions have offered numerous suggestions since last fall to save money and raise revenues. Putting nonviolent prisoners on parole – with just 11 additional parole officers – can save $20 million a year, she said. DC 47 identified wasteful programs in the Health Dept. such as the hiring of contract pharmacists who are paid $525 a day; dropping that program would save $12 million, she said. The Nutter administration tended initially to scoff at any such suggestions; after months of review, some are now being studied by administration officials. But the Mayoral team’s sluggish response created a feeling among many unionists there is no sense of partnership between the City and its workers. “For most of us non-experts, keeping track of complex issues that are changing every day is a full-time job,” Stalberg added. “If you don’t understand some of the basic terms – like PICA, five-year plan or fund balance – it’s next to impossible to see how discussions on the budget, labor negotiations and pension fund connect.” Stalberg said he couldn’t remember when more explosive issues were colliding at once. “This is a time when residents need to trust the decisions made by the Mayor and City Council,” he continued. “Trust is hard to come by when you don’t feel fully informed about what’s going on. Council wonders why residents focus on their use of City cars and DROP retirement benefits. It’s because these are topics people can relate to on a more personal level.” Adding to a sense of distrust is the fact thousands of small storefront businesses are being dealt another “hidden tax”. It comes in

the form of a notice they are now receiving from Streets Commissioner Clarena Tolson. They’ve been socked with a $500 trash fee. (See story page 4.) Stalberg said Seventy will issue more “Philadelphia’s Long, Hot Summer” releases detailing labor negotiations and pension fund questions. He is asking readers to email Seventy at to ask other questions. In the meantime, a Pew Report on Philadelphia’s financial picture was expected to lay out the problems facing the City as it tries to mediate its way through the crisis. Its release was delayed until yesterday, though. Critics, who blasted the inaccuracies that appeared in its 2008 report, which was obviously slanted against the City unions, feel “the timing of this release just before deadline leaves us suspect this will be another effort to portray the City unions in poor light.” While both AFSCME DC 47 and Philadelphia Fire Fighters Local 22 worked with the new Pew “study” authors, union members worry the report will again include inaccuracies by way of “subject naïveté and intellectual laziness.” Pew depended on Econsult, a firm Nutter employed in his campaign and recently hired by City Council to recommend against property-tax hikes, for the basis of its 2008 report. One example cited was the fact even though DC 47’s Health Fund Administrator had provided accurate figures in a face-to-face meeting with the Pew authors, the Pew “fact check” report understated their numbers by 20%. The enrollment figures for IAFF Local 22 Health & Welfare Fund were similarly incorrect. Both Funds wrote to Pew to explain the numbers were wrong.

lieves public outreach is critical when the stakes are so high. He pointed to huge unknowns that could “make or break the government’s ability to operate this city.” The first is the gamble agreed to by the Mayor and City Council. They have asked and are pushing their caucus in the General Assembly to bring about a 1% hike in the City’s sales tax. The City also needs legislative approval to delay payments to its pension fund. Presumably the General Assembly can make this happen despite what it does with its own budget. But it must happen by Jun. 30, which is also the deadline date for the State Budget. House Appropriations Committee Chairman State Rep. Dwight Evans believes it is feasible. Adding more fuel is the probability of deep service cuts and massive layoffs if neither the General Assembly gamble nor union concessions come to pass. How long these cuts could last is anyone’s guess. That’s why a bill has been introduced – a “Hail Mary pass” – in the General Assembly to legalize table gambling at all the state’s licensed casinos. Projections of income from the additional gambling sources could easily close all the gaps in everyone’s budget. It could pass. The City still faces another major hurdle according to the Committee of Seventy. Will the Mayor be able to get the City’s unions to agree to wage and benefit concessions? For Scott, the City has singled out its workers to pay a disproportionate share of the government’s burden. “Every other place the Mayor is going for budget fixes is a temporary response to a temporary economic program,” she said. “That’s appropriate. But what he is doing with the Union members is proposing a permanent change in

The Public Record • June 25, 2009

(Cont. from Page 1) really wonder if they have a Plan B.” Unlike crises of old, in which additional money would be pulled from State or Federal sources to close the budget chasms, those sources are dried up. No help is on its way from the General Assembly, which has its own budget crisis. It still hasn’t approved the City’s request to permit a hike in the sales tax on goods sold within the Philadelphia Co. line. Legislators fret over whether to increase the State’s Property Tax. City Council has gone into summer recess following a budget gap closer that requires pending State legislature action. They’ve done what they can to come to an agreement with the City. The impending scenario, unless some concessions are surrendered by the unions and the City, is Philadelphia goes broke, workers man the picket lines, and trash services will be nonexistent. It’s an hour-by-hour watch. Negotiations are proving fruitless, though this week top-level communication began. In essence, all sides are standing pat. The simplest solution, which no one wants to agree to as of press time, is for Nutter to allow the unions to continue working under the present contract. This has been ruled out in the recent past, but it remains an alternative to having citizens face a rough, hot summer. To help citizens cope, the Committee of Seventy has released a series of questions and answers for the average citizen. It’s called “Philadelphia’s Long, Hot Summer”. It will post questions and answers for nonexperts on the potentially devastating issues facing the City during its worst economic crisis in modern history. The report is intended to be a two-way street, according to Seventy’s President Zachary Stalberg. He be-

Page 31

Will We Have A Hot July?

The Public Record • June 25, 2009

page 32

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