Working On Their Feet
STATE SEN. LARRY Farnese and his district staffers on S. Broad Street take part in "Wear Your Sneakers to Work Day", benefitting homelessness-prevention organization “Back on My Feet”. With Senator, from left, are James Engler, constituent services; Chief of Staff Anthony Mannino; Lindsay Weiner and Ed Hanlon of constituent services; Jonathan Rowan, District Office director; and Dominic Simirglia, constituent services.
State Sen. Larry Farnese and his District Office staff joined the homelessness-prevention organization, Back on My Feet, to kick off its second anniversary with “Wear Your Sneakers to Work Day.” Farnese and staff joined over 60 companies and more than 12,000 employees throughout Philadelphia, who wore their sneakers to work and donated $5 each, to support Back on My Feet’s mission to combat homelessness through its innovative running program. Farnese said he matched his employees’ donations.
Vol. III No. 26 (Issue 90)
“Reporting South Philadelphia the way it deserves”
Value 50¢
June 25, 2009
New Rosary Garden Brings Peace To Many
New Community Garden Opening Music Mogul and Chairman of Universal Companies, Kenneth Gamble will unveil the new community playground and the “Wellness of You Organic Community Garden” today. The grand opening will take place in the 1500 block of Catharine Street between 10 am and 12:00 pm. Ribbon cutting will officially take place at 11a.m. sharp.
City Church Reaches Out City Church of Philadelphia will (Cont. Page 2)
by Sadie Agnes A South Philadelphia garden is attracting a lot of attention at Annunciation Church. This new edition, called the Rosary and St. Pio Prayer Garden, can be seen from 10th & Dickinson Streets. It draws crowds year round and during the height of Christian holidays. The new edition aids in comforting those of despair and encourages a devotion to the Blessed Mother and St. Pio for generations to come. (Cont. Page 2)
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State Rep. Kenyatta Johnson sponsored a "Books Not Guns" book fair to support his month-long book drive to collect and provide books for elementary school-aged children. The book fair held at the Universal Institute Charter School, 1415 Catherine Street, drew hundreds of area children eager to read! "So many of the children in our local schools don't read simply because they don't own any books," Johnson said. "Reading is so important to a child's development. We want to make sure all children in Philadelphia have the resources to become readers." The book fair featured prizes, a showing of the movie Akeela and the Bee, and free book giveaways and workshops provided by American Reading Co., a collective of teachers, curriculum (Cont. Page 2)
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Johnson Goes On Book Drive
Photo by Donald Terry
5 Minutes from Comm. Barry Bridge, Naaman’s Rd, Turn Left, Next to K-Mart
STATE REP. Kenyatta Johnson encourages local children to participate in his Book Drive.
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PHILADELPHIA, PA 19114 215-698-7000
Hundreds Come To Worship At New Annunciation Addition
Jim Stevenson 9371 ROOSEVELT BLVD.
EUGENE VAN ARSDALE, center, came up with idea of the Rose Garden at Annunciation Church, 10th & Dickinson Streets.
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