Ron Panepinto Jewelers
Jim Stevenson
700 Sansom St. 215-923-1980
9371 ROOSEVELT BLVD. PHILADELPHIA, PA 19114 215-698-7000
Vol. XI. No. 29 (Issue 494)
“The good things we do must be made a part of the public record”
Fishy Business by Jude Isabella Special From Blue Ridge Press When is red snapper not red snapper? Nearly every time you order it in a restauran. There is a fraud in which consumers across North America are being ripped off – fed lowcost tilapia and other common fish while being charged for higher-priced fish such as red snapper. Chronic fish mislabeling does more than
take a chunk out of your wallet. It also masks the magnitude of the decline of ocean fisheries. It’s time for a boat-to-table certification system, which would insure the fish you order from the menu is the fish you eat. When you order red snapper in a restaurant, how do you know you’re eating red snapper?
What’s Up Guv?
Knox Opportunity If the Democratic Gubernatorial primary attracts no new volunteers, Tom Knox could wind up in a strong position. That’s because ever since Lehigh Co. Executive Don Cunningham dropped out of the race, the Philadelphia businessman is the only Easterner to have committed. Southwestern Pennsylvania, which
ordinarily plays politics like the Steelers defensive line, is split now. Allegheny Co. Executive Dan Onorato is seeking the Governor’s office, as is Auditor Gen. Jack Wagner who is also from that county. If Western power-brokers remain divided, Knox can tap other assets besides his own formidable wealth. He enjoys many connections, both business and political, in the prosperous and populous Eastern part of the state. In addition, he has early staked (Cont. Page 4) We Buy Gold & Diamonds
Serving Citywide Political, Labor, Legal and School Communities of Philadelphia
Four More Red Light Cameras
The more red-light cameras that go up in the city, the odds are the fewer motorists will be running through busy intersections. That fact has been underlined at the half dozen or more intersections which have had the traffic sentinel in operation. The response has been favorable, especially from pedestrians who cross those busy intersections. This has led to the Philadelphia Parking Authority bringing red-light cameras to four (Cont. Page 23)
City’s Top Political Baby We’re Starting Early (See Details P. 2)
Value 50¢
July 16, 2009
What Fish Dish You Order May Not Be What You Get
You don’t. In fact, about three-quarters of all “red snappers” sold in the United States are mislabeled – it’s probably the most mislabeled fish in the country. And mislabeling fish, any fish, is bad for two reasons – your wallet and the ocean environment. Let’s first talk about the hit to your wallet. In one 2008 study on market substitution in
North American seafood, scientists decoded the DNA of nine red snappers (Lutjanus campechanus) bought in New York City, and they found just two of the samples were labeled correctly. The seven mislabeled fish were five different marine species. Two were “Acadian redfish” (Sebastes fasciatus). At the time of the study, the Acadian redfish went for $0.72 per pound, while red snapper sold for (Cont. Page 2)
You Gotta Have Friends! Politicians Are Opening Facebook
by Tony West In 2009, Facebook is debuting as an important instrument of politics in Philadelphia. Only five years old, this online social network began as a private club for Ivy League undergraduates. Its clarity and simplicity rapidly overtook older online networking tools. It was steadily opened, first to all colleges and then to all college gradu-
Local 98 Top Pol Contributor It pays to have the support of organized labor, especially here in the city of Philadelphia. The top 10 spenders among Pennsylvania Political Action Committees in the 2007-08 election cycle were Local 98 IBEW, $6.7 million; Laborers District Council, $3.6 million; PSEA-PACE, $2.1 million; Pennsylvania Future Fund (Republican National Committeeman Bob Asher), $2 million; LAWPAC (statewide trial lawyers), $1.8 million; Committee for a Better Tomorrow (Philadelphia trial lawyers), $1.8 million; Carpenters PAC of Philadelphia, $1.7 million; Western Pennsylvania Laborers (Cont. Page 23)
ates. By 2006, the w h o l e world was welcomed in. Today, public leadSTATE Rep. ers around Mark B. Cohen … the world, thousands of friends i n c l u d i n g
Pennsylvania, are exploring different ways to apply this new tool. About half of the city’s politicians now have some Facebook presence. Michael Nutter, who is bearwrestling over a titanic budget deficit, earlier this week had 1,887 “supporters” on his “politician” Facebook page. Legendary glad-hander Gov. Ed Rendell topped him easily with (Cont. Page 2)
Acme, Union In Talks
The first indication peace and harmony may return to the World of Acme Markets, its employees and its customers came early this week when Acme officials indicated they would enter into negotiations with officials of United Food & Commercial Workers Local 1776. The 4,000 workers in ACME’s 40 stores in Greater Philadelphia have been working without a contract since February 2008. Young said talks between the by Joe Shaheeli union and the company began when Vincent Fumo will forever be the terms of the contract expired. The contract had been extended by the among Philadelphia’s most controparties until Acme’s unilateral deci- versial figures….with fans and foes sion to terminate it as expressed in its trailing him all his life. Jun. 9 communication with the union. His surprise sentencing proved to Acme’s workers have remained on be a big pay day for some South the job under the extension. Philly bookies who were taking “6 to “We bargained patiently for 18 5” action on what his sentence would (Cont. Page 23) (Cont. Page 23)
Fumo Has A Future