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Ron Panepinto Jewelers

Jim Stevenson

700 Sansom St. 215-923-1980

9371 ROOSEVELT BLVD. PHILADELPHIA, PA 19114 215-698-7000

Vol. XI. No. 31 (Issue 495) We Buy Gold & Diamonds

Serving Citywide Political, Labor, Legal and School Communities of Philadelphia “The good things we do must be made a part of the public record”

Is Zelda Reason City’s In Poor Sexual Health? Philadelphia continues to suffer through an epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases, especially syphilis, while the resources of its Division of Disease Control’s Survellance Unit remains inundated by calls from Zelda. Who’s Zelda? She is reportedly the name used by students who have been tested for gonorrhea and chlamydia and need to know their results. When they dial (215) 685-6737 and ask for Zelda, they are forwarded directly to the point person in the Surveillance Unit who can provide them with the answer. Sounds like a neat way to keep sexually active school students apprised of whether or not their sexual behavior has bitten them back with a newly acquired disease. They feel there is a confidentiality of sorts, not having to give their name to any receptionist or staffer who answers the phone. The problem with Zelda is she has become the prime user of the limited resources of that department, which is charged with tracking (Cont. Page 2)

Value 50¢

Tartaglione Unemployment Bill Will Help Over 17,000 Workers Tireless Tina Succeeds In Getting Senate O.K.

PHA Executive Director Carl Greene and Mark Durkalec, business representative of Carpenters Union Local 1073, join family of carpenter Rodney Barnes at press conference in N. Phila. Tuesday.

PPA Gives Delaware Slinging Mud Carpenters, PHA Team Amber Alert Big Muscle On Reward If an Amber Alert goes out from now on, the eyes and ears looking intently for the perpetrator will more than double. That’s because the Philadelphia Parking Authority will now utilize its resources as an active partner in AMBER Alerts, which is a voluntary partnership between law-enforcement agencies, broadcasters, transportation agencies and the wireless industry to activate an urgent bulletin in the most serious child-abduction cases. The goal of an AMBER Alert is to instantly inform the entire community (Cont. Page 2)

It seems there is no end to muddying the waters of the Delaware River as the 25-year-old effort to deepen its shipping channel has run into another barrier, this one thrown up way past the last minute by the Delaware Dept. of Natural Resources and Environmental Control Agency. Its secretary signed an order last week denying the Army Corps of Engineers a permit for which it applied in 2001. Dan Fee, spokesperson for the Delaware River Main Channel Deepening Project, on behalf of the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority, stated, "We are disappointed to learn of Delaware’s decision on the permit application for the necessary deepening of the Delaware River. “Although we understand the pro-

July 30, 2009

cedural reasons they did not approve the permit request, PRPA, the nonFederal sponsor of the project, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, a major funder of the project, remain committed to it. “We believe the clear economic and safety benefits of the project are the reasons why business leaders in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware support it. The deepening will not only create more than 13,000 new jobs and provide millions of dollars of positive economic benefit, but it will also improve the safety of the river for every ship that pulls into port. “We look forward to continuing to (Cont. Page 2)

by Rory McGlasson A $10,000 reward is on offer for anyone knowing information on a senseless shooting last weekend of a North Philadelphia carpenter. The Philadelphia Housing Authority and the Carpenters Union have joined forces to offer the reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the shooting of 46-year-old Rodney Barnes, a member of Local 122, who was shot in the back of the head (Cont. Page 31)

After more than two weeks of prodding from State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione, the full State Senate was poised to approve a bill to restore unemployment benefits for thousands of jobless workers. More than 17,000 workers exhausted unemployment benefits nine days ago as a bill that would use Federal money to grant them an extension was held up in the Senate Labor & Industry Committee. “Thousands of Pennsylvania families can relax just a little knowing they will get more time to get back on their feet,” Tartaglione said. “This economy has been tough on everyone and there was no reason to make it tougher through bureaucratic delays.” HB 1770 passed the House by a vote of 197-1 more than three weeks ago, but didn’t see movement in the Senate until Tartaglione, along with Senate colleagues, called on Republican leadership to release the bill for a full Senate vote. “This action is important not just for families, but also for Pennsylvania’s economy,” Tartaglione said. “It will mean a $145 million boost to local businesses.” State Sen. Vincent Hughes, who joined to fight for the benefits, lauded Tartaglione, saying, “4,180 jobless (Cont. Page 2)

TOBACCO EXPRESS Claymont, Delaware


(302) 798-7079 5 Minutes from Comm. Barry Bridge, Naaman’s Rd, Turn Left, Next to K-Mart

Welcoming Dr. Nicholas DePace’s New Heart Center Sep. 10, 2009

































(Prices Subject to Change) • SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks To Your Health

page 2 The Public Record • July 30, 2009

Zelda’s Demand Weakens City’s’ Grip On Disease (Cont. From Page 1) down the more serious sexual diseases such as syphilis, the silent killer which hides its infection until it turns deadly and then surfaces. While HIV/AIDS and infectious syphilis rates remain off the charts in this city, this Department continues to show more concern with this high-school testing project. The Syphilis Elimination Rapid Response Team is supposed to respond to sexually transmitted disease reports other than chlamydia. But in an effort to satisfy Zelda's increasing popularity from high-school students seeking to find out if their urine samples were positive or negative, the strain on the Department is increasing. Reports of patients who are positive with an STD not related to the high-school testing program have allegedly been piling up since the Rapid Response Team members are kept busy working on reports so Zelda can take care of her student callers. Those reports, in the distant past, were turned over to Disease Intervention Specialists, whose job was to conduct field investigations to stop the spread of these infections. In the past, such reports were distributed among the investigators on an equal basis, since time was of the essence. Today, it is re-

ported the process now in place has an investigator calling the doctor who normally interacts with the individual identified with syphilis or HIV/AIDS. If the doctor reports the identified disease carrier has not returned for treatment, then an inspector will make a field visit to the patient’s home hoping to get the patient to take treatment at the Broad & Lombard health clinic. The time span involved in such a process has grown to three to four months. According to the Center of Disease Control’s Sexual Exposure Chart, 400 infections could lead to 1.6 million people exposed, which is right around the total population of people living in this City. Philadelphia is said to be besieged by an infectious syphilis outbreak (including babies being born with this infection, and HIV/AIDS rates at five times the national average and two times greater than New York City. Additionally, chlamydia and gonorrhea infections are through the roof. Preventable and curable bacterial infections (such as syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia) make it easier to contract a more deadly disease like HIV/AIDS. The CDC reports, “More young people, in the ages from 10 to 24, in the US engage

in sexual risk behaviors that can result in unintended health outcomes, including sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS or pregnancy. Services to promote adolescent reproductive health – including evidence-based prevention education, counseling, testing and referral – are essential and should be delivered so all youth can benefit.” After more than a decade of improvement, trends in the sexual and reproductive health of US teens and young adults have flattened, or in some instances may be worsening, according to a new CDC report. Compiled data available on youth sexual health from multiple sources into a single report is enabling the CDC to develop a new analysis of sexually risky behaviors and health outcomes among teens and young adults. The report shows that many adolescents and young adults in the United States engage in “sexual risk behaviors” and experience negative sexual and reproductive health outcomes. For example, about one million adolescents and young adults aged 10–24 years were reported to have chlamydia, gonorrhea or syphilis in 2006. Nearly a quarter of females aged 15–19 years, and 45% of those aged 20–24 years, had a human papillomavirus infection during 2003–2004. There

were approximately 745,000 pregnancies among US females under age 20 in 2004. In 2006, the majority of new HIV diagnoses among adolescents and young adults aged 10–24 years occurred among those aged 20–24 and among males. Approximately 100,000 females aged 10–24 years visited a hospital emergency department for a nonfatal sexual-assault injury during 2004–2006. Among the signs progress has halted in some areas are the fact teen birth rates increased in 2006 and 2007, following large declines from 1991 to 2005. Rates of AIDS cases among males, aged 15–24 years, increased during 1997–2006. Syphilis cases among teens and young adults, aged 15–19 and 20–24 years, have increased in both males and females in recent years. The report also identifies a number of racial/ethnic disparities. Hispanic teens aged 15–19 were much more likely to become pregnant (132.8 births per 1,000 females) compared to their nonHispanic Black (128 per 1,000) and non-Hispanic white (45.2 per 1,000) peers. Rates of new HIV and AIDS diagnoses among young adults were highest among non-Hispanic Black youth across all age groups.

Lauds Tina’s PPA To Back Up Amber Alerts Hughes Strong Senate Stand (Cont. From Page 1) to assist in the search for and the safe recovery of the child. Under the plan, the Pennsylvania State Police will directly notify the Philadelphia Parking Authority Communications Dept. of any AMBER Alerts. The PPA will broadcast this information to all of its employees on the streets of Philadelphia every half-hour until the alert has concluded. Earlier this year, an

AMBER Alert was issued for the Bucks Co. mother and daughter whose car was later found in Center City with a parking ticket on it. Vince Fenerty, the Philadelphia Parking Authority's executive director, said if the Parking Authority had known about the AMBER Alert sooner, they could have let the police know where her car was hours before the connection was activated. "After the AMBER Alert in May," said Fen-

Del. Muddies Dredging (Cont. From Page 1) work with leaders in the three states and the Army Corps of Engineers to reach a resolution and make this project, begun over 20 years ago, a reality." The Army Corps of Engineers has the option to roll on despite the lack of the environmental permit. Every objection hurled against the project concerning the environment has been countered

by exhaustive studies. The project, for which $379 million has been budgeted, will create a 102-milelong, 45-foot-deep shipping channel from Camden and Philadelphia to the Atlantic Ocean. It will permit the Ports of Philadelphia, Camden and Wilmington to be in competition with other competing seaports. Without the dredging, it is estimated 13,000 new jobs would be lost.

erty, "we looked back at our capabilities and realized we have these valuable resources to offer the Police and we wanted to help in any way we could." PPA employees involved will be those at impound lots, parking lots and garages, parking-enforcement officers, towtruck operators, booters, meter collectors and meter repair personnel. These PPA employees will be able to act as a second set of eyes for the Police by searching for the vehicle described in the AMBER Alert. The PPA will also send the alert to the Mobile Data Terminals in all taxi cabs, which will reach about 1,600 total in the Philadelphia area. Pennsylvania State Police Capt. David F. Young, Troop Commander for Troop K Philadelphia, said Pennsylvania was one of the first states to send AMBER alerts to the media and get them posted

on highway signs. "PPA is a valuable asset to the program. We view their volunteer participation as a tremendous enhancement," Capt. David F. Young said. "Their personnel out on the street are in a primary position to identify any vehicle and people we are looking for and we are grateful for their involvement." At Philadelphia International Airport, PPA is currently transitioning to a new License Plate Recognition system technology for its parking operations. One benefit of LPR technology is the capability of providing alerts to PPA, and other law enforcement entities, of specific vehicle license plates that are entering the Authority's airport parking facilities. Like other City airports who have utilized LPR to assist law enforcement, PPA has plans to utilize its LPR system for AMBER alerts.

(Cont. From Page 1) workers in Philadelphia will be able to continue unemployment benefits. I am pleased my Republican colleagues recognize the importance of assisting these vulnerable Pennsylvanians in this time of economic strife.” With a half million Pennsylvanians unemployed – 200,000 more than on this day last year – the Obama Administration reached out to help by offering extended coverage for those who lost their jobs just after the start of the recession. HB 1770 makes technical changes to Pennsylvania law which are required in order to receive the Federal help. Tartaglione said she was sure the bill would receive approval by the full Senate this week and Gov. Ed Rendell has already indicated his support. The 17,880 workers who lost their benefits nine days ago will be contacted by the State Labor & Industry Dept. about how to receive the extension. The workers who lost their

benefits – including 4,000 in Philadelphia and 870 in Montgomery Co. – were among the first victims of the recession, and have been looking for work in a Pennsylvania job market losing 4,000 jobs a week. The sharply partisan House of Representatives approved the bill 197-1 on Jul. 7, and it sat in the Senate Labor & Industry Committee where the Republican chairman had not scheduled a meeting to allow a vote that would send it to the full Senate. Because some large counties and municipalities are self-insured for unemployment, the bill will require Philadelphia and some other municipalities to pay for the extension for laid-off government workers. The total expense across Pennsylvania would be a little more than $300,000. In exchange, the State receives $145 million. That's a budget even the most cynical conservative can appreciate.

CONGRESSMAN BOB BRADY, center, and the Philadelphia Eagles hosted kickoff of Congressional Offices using “green” technologies to aid environment and reduce expenses and pollutions. With him in this photo at Lincoln Financial Field were Congressmen Jim Gerlach and Mike Castle, Eagles rep Dan Smolinsky and Eagles Senior VP of Public Affairs Pamela Browner Crawley.

McAllister Retires From Air Force

Sheriff Green’s Important Steps to Saving Your Home Step 1: Assemble your current financial information, and call your lender.

Step 2:

CONGRESSMSAN JIM GERLACH explains goals of Congressional greening as Congressman Bob Brady, chair of Committee on House Administration in charge of greening efforts, looks on. Over 900 Congressional offices are being brought in line with greening efforts to reduce impact on environment and to reduce expenses. Eagles’ continuing efforts to go green have made a tremendous impact on boosting environment.

IN UNIFORM, Curtis McAllister retires from Air Force.

Visit to learn more about borrowers’ rights, loss mitigation and abusive servicing practices. Contact the Sheriff’s Office at 215-686-3525 for more information

Step 3: If you feel uncomfortable handling mortgage negotiations, consult a professional housing Counselor

Step 4: Take time to carefully investigate the offers you receive to avoid becoming a fraud victim Sheriff John D. Green

Coming Soon Our Annual Labor Day Salute Call John David 215-755-2000

Albert Littlepage in 2011 Paid for by the Exploratory Committee To elect Albert Littlepage

Longshoreman, political activist and Nicetown community leader Curtis A. McAllister retired from the US Air Force Reserves in a ceremony at McGuire Air Force Base with the rank of Master Sergeant, completing a tour of duty that covered 27 years. His service began in the US Army, and in 1989 he joined the Air Force Reserves. He was called twice to active duty. In 2000, he received the rank of Master Sergeant, where he moved to the position of NCOIC of the Heavy Equipment Shop of 514th Civil Engineer Squadron. He was activated in 2001 and again in 2003 in support of “Operation Iraqi Freedom”, duty which carried him to Antigua, Germany, England, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates and Qatar. During his military career, he earned 12 ribbons and medals. In civilian life, McCallister remains active as a member of ILA Local 1291, with whom he serves as recording secretary. He has been a member of that union for 32 years.

The Public Record • July 30, 2009

CONGRESSWOMAN Allyson Swartz was escorted into the Congressional Greening Conference by Eagles Cheerleaders.

Page 3

Brady Outlines Congressional Greening With Eagles Support

page 4 The Public Record • July 30, 2009

Tony Remains In Sharks’ Eye Letters are still flowing around the 2nd Ward, but this time, instead of being delivered to voters, they are being hand-delivered or mailed to the members of the 2nd Ward Democratic Executive Committee. The second-round letter was signed by its Ward Chairman, Joseph Pultrone, who denied any part of any authorship in the first letter, aimed at rallying support to unseat its present Ward Leader Anthony Palmiere. Chief complaint voiced by Pultrone was the fact some of

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which was repeated in the earlier letter, Palmiere did distribute to committee persons Election Day money he received from Democratic City Committee, but had not distributed money received from other sources during the last several elections. Pultrone has also criticized him for his “extreme unavailability,” a statement underlined by the inability of this writer to get Palmiere to return calls. Pultrone urged Palmiere in his letter to call a meeting to resolve the problems he feels has been created in the Ward. He wrote, “A meeting should be called well in advance of the November election so Tony can respond to the above allegations.” Ward Leader battles shape up periodically throughout the Democratic Party, espeState Rep.

Frank Oliver

Room 580 City Hall P. 215-686-3446/7 F. 215-686-1927

195th District 2839 W. Girard Ave. Phila. PA 19130



cially when new Ward Leaders are considered not as strong as those they succeeded. Palmiere has led a contentious career as the 2nd Ward Leader since replacing the late State Sen. Henry “Buddy” Cianfrani. The sharks are gathering even though several attempts to unseat him in the past have not succeeded. The various factions within the Ward would rather keep him in place than support those whose names have been circulated as potential successors. However, odds are, unless Palmiere declares his willingness to run for another term, he will not be able to succeed himself when ward leadership elections come up again. Gerlach Definitely Going For GOP Guv Nomination Republican Congressman

Jim Gerlach, survivor of several epic election battles in the Philadelphia suburbs, will give up his hard-won seat to run next year for Governor of Pennsylvania. After laying the groundwork for six months, Gerlach, 54, told the Public Record his announcement last week “was for real.” He said former US Attorney Pat Meehan, who has also been touted for the Gubernatorial derby, may elect not to run. Gerlach will surrender a position he struggled mightily to gain and hold in four elections since 2002 – battles in which he raised almost $10 million and fought off big advances being made by Democrats across the suburbs of cities in the Northeast. In the process, he gained a reputation for tenacity. NRSC Endorses Toomey

For Senate US Sen. John Cornyn, of Texas, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, has announced his support for former Congressman Pat Toomey’s candidacy for the US Senate in 2010. “Congressman Pat Toomey’s life experience and public service make him uniquely qualified to serve Pennsylvanians in the US Senate,” Cornyn stated. “Through hard work and self-reliance, Toomey has successfully represented a Democrat-leaning district and accomplished much in his private-sector endeavors. He is a vigorous and determined advocate for the people of Pennsylvania, and he is clearly guided by principles instead of political opportunism.”

State Rep.

William Keller 184th District 1531 S. 2nd Street



1555-D Wadsworth Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19150 (215) 242-0472 Fax: (215) 753-4538 WEB SITE

State Representative

RONALD G. WATERS 191st Leg. District 6027 Ludlow Street, Unit A


Constituent Service Office

1610 S. Broad St. Phila., PA 19146 (215) 952-3378

State Rep. Cherelle

Parker 200th Legislative District 1536 E. Wadsworth Ave. Phone: (215) 242-7300 Fax: (215) 242-7303

JOHN SABATINA JR. 174th District State Representative 8100 Castor Ave Phila, PA 19152 Hours: 9am to 5pm Telephone: 215-342-6204

State Rep.

Dennis O’Brien 169th District 9811 Academy Rd Phila. PA 19114


State Rep.

ROBERT C. DONATUCCI 185th District 1809 Oregon Ave, Phila., PA 19145


Eligible homeowners and renters now have until Dec. 31 to apply for Pennsylvania’s Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program for seniors and residents with disabilities. Property Tax/Rent Rebate forms are available at my offices, or online at Individuals who already applied for Property Tax/Rent Rebates may check the status of their claim online at or by calling, toll-free, 1-888-PA-TAXES. Parkwood Shopping Center 12361 Academy Road, Phila., PA 19154, 215-281-2539 8016 Bustleton Avenue Philadelphia PA 19152 215-695-1020 Open Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 5 PM


The Public Record (USPS PP 109) Weekly Publication Published by:

The Phila. Public Record The South Phila Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila., PA 19147 ISSN 1938-8551 (Application to Mail At Periodicals Postage Rates Is Pending At Philadelphia PA and Bellmawr NJ) Postmaster: send address change to: The Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila. PA 19147 215-755-2000 Fax: 215-689-4099 Subscription Rate: $ 30.00/Year EDITORIAL STAFF Editor & Publisher: James Tayoun Sr. Managing Editor: Anthony West Associate Editor: Rory G. McGlasson Medical Editor: Paul Tayoun M.D. CitiLife Editor: Ruth R. Russell Editorial Staff: Joe Sbaraglia Out & About Editor: Denise Clay Contributing Editor: Bonnie Squires Creative Director & Editorial Cartoonist: R. William Taylor Photographers: Donald Terry Lee Buchanan Dawud Starling Production Manager: William J. Hanna Bookkeeping: Haifa Hanna Webmaster: Sana Muaddi-Dows Advert. director: John David Controller: John David Circulation: Steve Marsico The Public Record welcomes news and photographs about your accomplishments and achievements which should be shared with the rest of the community. Contact us by phone, fax, e-mail or by dropping us a note in the mail. If you mail a news item, please include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify the information you provided us, if necessary. The Public Record reserves the right to edit all news items and letters for grammar, clarity and brevity. (C) 1999-2009 by the Philadelphia Public Record. No reproduction or use of the material herein may be made without the permission of the publisher. The Philadelphia Public Record will assume no obligation (other than the cancellation of charges for the actual space occupied) for accidental errors in advertisements, but we will be glad to furnish a signed letter to the buying public. Philadelphia

"Representing injured workers in Pa. for over 30 years.�

The Public Record • July 30, 2009

If you have been injured on the DOCKS, PIERS, or SHIPS doing loading or repairing work. You need our free advice....We fight for your right to benefits and we never ask you to pay a fee.... We have successfully helped get money for thousands of injured workers over the last 30 years.

Page 5

Injured At Work!

The Public Record • July 30, 2009

page 6

Charter Policy Nixed FORMER Sen. Harris Wofford was keynote speaker at Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee meeting during National Conference of State Legislatures meeting in Phila. Seen here, from left, are Pat Halpin-Murphy, of AFT-PA and Congressman Mike Gerber, who introduced Photo by Bonnie Squires Wofford at luncheon.

Union Labor... Building it right for a better and stronger community!

Senator Tina

Tartaglione 2nd Dist. 127 W. Susquehanna Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19122

1063 Bridge St. Philadelphia, PA 19124



For many states, charter schools provide an alternative to struggling schools. In other states, charter schools are nonexistent. It’s up to individual states to set standards for charter schools with the goal of bridging achievement gaps among poor and minority students. In a move to urge the Dept. of Education to refrain from linking a state’s charter school laws with its eligibility for Federal assistance, the National Conference of State Legislatures, meeting in Philadelphia last week, enacted a policy resolution detailing its position on Federal school-reform efforts. The policy states the Dept. of Education’s emphasis on charter schools as a means to improve struggling schools is a regulatory step which goes beyond the limits of the legislative intent of Congress. Furthermore, the Federal government should focus on the results of school reform efforts and not on the processes used to achieve reform goals. That should be left up to the states to determine.

Daryl La Fountain Candidate In 2010 For District 175

State Sen.

Shirley M. Kitchen 3rd Sen. District 1701 W. Lehigh Ave.Ste 104 • Philadelphia, PA 19132 215-227-6161 •

State Senator

Larry Farnese First Senate District Tel. 215-952-3121 1802 S. Broad St.• Phila. PA 19145

Page 7

Our Opinion ...

The Governor Has Chutzpah

Another Opinion Gates, The Man

but he was one of the hardest workers you'll ever meet. I was curious as to whether there was some special event that happened in his life, because he was driven, unusually driven (even for Harvard professorial standards) with his work. He revitalized an ailing African American Studies Dept. and made it the crown jewel of the nation. I worked as an undergraduate researcher on his African American Encyclopedia project. I attended the Cornel West lectures, took Julian Bonds and Spike Lee classes. The academic experience was quite interesting, but Gates himself struck me as a man who never quite seemed comfortable in his Black skin, and seemed often prone to overcompensation almost as if he needed to prove his Blackness.

I found it strange, for instance, that, after listening to the likes of Lani Guinier at the African American Alumni reunion, Gates felt it necessary to curse in his own speech. Like many others, I have been arrested and had charges thrown at me for no reason. In my case, it was while I was praying in a park in Wayne, Pa. and the perpetrators were the Radnor Township Police. Such "arrests" are a horrible and inhumane process, particularly when they are combined with racism. So I am not condoning the officer's behavior in any form or fashion or the ridiculous decision to handcuff Gates and take him down to the station. At the same time, however, the time to accuse officers of racism is not at the time that they come to your home to supposedly prevent a crime. But I am not shocked at the notion of Gates raising his voice, being belligerent, grandstanding, being in the officer’s face, attempting to out-logic (if that's a word) the officer, making statements like "You don't know who I am," "You messing with the wrong ____", etc... My frank opinion is that he's in hog's heaven right now, finally able to claim

some connection with the masses, as if now his Black bona fides have finally come. For context, most of you are probably already aware of the composition of Cambridge, Mass. Cambridge is a transient community, made up of students – mostly rich and white – who come in, live there for a few years and then leave. Within that context, it makes the threat of a Black man breaking in loom larger. And just as Harvard carries greater and greater weight the further you are from Harvard, so does the name Henry Louis Gates. Every Harvard profes-

sor is commonplace in Cambridge, students even more so. People care less about Gates' status there than they do here. There were times when kings, queens and former presidents from around the world would come to speak at Harvard and it wasn't that big of a deal because kings, queens and former presidents always spoke at Harvard. Against that backdrop, who the heck is Gates? In the light of that context, however, I'd be curious to know the content and character of the person who made the call to the police. Was it a neighbor or a visitor? Were

they new to Cambridge? Did they know Gates? Were they just legitimately startled that anyone would be breaking into the house and their description of the person just happened to be the two Black men they saw? I guess I say all that to say this: I don't appreciate the over-the-top actions of the police and I think Gates could have avoided this entire thing with some common-sense decorum. Damon K. Roberts is a real-estate lawyer and community activist who attended Harvard College.

Jul. 30- Mike Ellis, President of Phila. Young Democrats, hosts birthday fundraiser at Champagne’s, 21 E. Chelten Ave., 6-9 p.m. For info Ytina Dudley, (215) 485-3899. Jul. 30- Untermeyer for DA Reception, Dark Horse Pub, 421 S. 2nd St., 6 p.m. Free. Jul. 31- State Sen. Shirley Kitchen invites Allegheny West community to free concert by Philadelphia Orchestra, at Deliverance Evangelistic Church, 2001 W. Lehigh Ave., 7 p.m. Seating first come, first served. Aug. 1- "Lacey Gallagher Schol-

arship Fund" hosts beef & beer fundraiser in memory of Congressman Ray Lederer at Echo's, Walnut & Old New Jersey Aves., North Wildwood, N.J., 6-10 p.m. Tickets are $25 include food, draft beer, music and bottled-beer specials. Funds scholarship for Roman Catholic HS students. For tickets call Diane "Lederer" Benson (215) 416-1778. Aug. 7- Chris Wright Legal Defense Benefit at Finnigan’s Wake, 3rd & Spring Garden Sts., 5-7 p.m. $40. Checks payable to Chris Wright Legal Defense Fund, 2720 Rhawn St., PMB #173, Phila., PA 19152. Aug. 8- Philadelphia Doo Wop Festival at Penn’s Landing Great Plaza, 1-7 p.m. Proceeds go to Phila. Veterans Multi-Service and

Education Ctr. For info (215) 923-2600. Aug. 8- Pacifico Car Show, Airport Automall, 6701 Essington Ave., 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Rain date Aug. 15. Hosted by Historical Car Club of Penna. For info (610) 389-6400 or (610) 613-9009. Aug. 19- “Stu Bykofsky Candidates Comedy Night” ™ at Finnigan’s Wake, 3rd & Spring Garden Sts., 8 p.m. For info or to donate, visit Aug. 30- Billy Meehan Clam Bake hosted by Republican City Committee at Cannstatter Volksfest Verein, 9130 Academy Rd. $95. Sep. 11- Philadelphia River Wards Support Our Troops Rally "Patriot Day hosted by AOH / LAOH Div. 52, Fishtown at Campbell Square, 6:30 p.m.

by Damon K. Roberts, Esq. The contretemps about Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates’ run-in with the Cambridge, Mass. Police piqued my curiosity for very personal reasons. All I know about the situation is what I have read, but I do have some specific experience with Henry Louis Gates. Gates was the Chairman of my department at Harvard. My impression of him then, circa 1992-1993, and my experience of him at a Harvard African American Alumni reunion in 2003 were the same. I'm often curious why "Skip" Gates chose to specialize in African American studies. Like all professors at Harvard, he was smart. I never found him to have the most overwhelming intellect, of the Cornel West variety,

The Public Record • July 30, 2009

The State Capitol Has been simmering through midsummer, with heat blazing down from the sun – and also from all the sons and daughters in Pennsylvania affected by the budget impasse. You’ve got to hand it to Gov. Ed Rendell, one of the few Governors whose face and name are immediately recognizable in most of the households in this country whose members enjoy watching political shenanigans on their television sets. He’s got chutzpah. He’s been willing to arm-wrestle the Republicans and some Democrats and, until recently, didn’t break into a sweat. Now, though, he is perspiring a bit, figuring strategy. Maybe a piecemeal solution, agreeing on funding in some areas while holding out on others. Again, maybe a cavein solution, since the GOP ranks are smugly entrenched in their “no-tax” roles. Although there are people clamoring for more taxes to fund schools, cities, etc., there are many more, it seems, who don’t want to see taxes of any kind. Enough is enough, is the feeling on the streets. So Ed tussles on. And you begin to wonder how he will weather this no-win situation. Furthermore, you begin to wonder, considering all the problems festering on his doorstep of his mansion, why someone would want to run for Governor. In these impoverished days, during which the body and soul and fabric of government are being torn to shreds, there is less to the equation that being a Governor comes with super perks. Today, those perks are matched by super headaches. Yet the field seeking to fill Ed’s boots is getting crowded. Wonder what it is they know – or think they know – that we don’t.

The Public Record • July 30, 2009

page 8

Keystone Mercy A Winner! by Michael A. Cibik, Esquire American Bankruptcy Board Certified

Question: Is it possible to keep a vehicle that has postarrears payments still due once a Chapter 13 has been discharged? Answer: If your bankruptcy has been discharged (At the end of the Chapter 13 plan), then you will most

likely have to work out some type of payment with the lender. However, you can also consider filing another Chapter 13. (The car would most likely be the only debt.) Next week’s question: If a Chapter 13 bankruptcy was voluntarily dismissed, not discharged, can it be removed from your credit file? Attorneys are both board certified by the American Bankruptcy Certification Board. Chapters 7/13 & Stop foreclosures, creditors harassments, lawsuits, garnishments, and sheriff sales.

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Keystone Mercy Health Plan, the largest Medicaid-managed care plan in the State, was recently awarded the Thomson Reuters 2009 Healthcare Advantage Award for its innovative use of technology to improve its members’ care. The award is given to hospitals, health plans, government agencies and large employers that use data analytics to improve their quality of care and business results. Keystone Mercy was cited for its evaluation of and reporting on physician performance as well as a new service that helps network doctors, case-management staff, member-services staff and members themselves identify gaps in members’ care such as missed screenings or checkups. “Organizations which provide and pay for health care are facing difficult challenges today as they strive to control costs and improve quality,” said Mike Boswood, president and

Congratulations To Our Brother Longshoreman

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CEO of the health-care and science business of Thomson Reuters. “Healthcare Advantage Award winners have made an inspiring commitment to excellence and delivered exceptional results. We are pleased to celebrate their successes and recognize their hard work and dedication to performance improvement.” “We are honored to receive the Thomson Reuters 2009 Healthcare Advantage Award,” said Anne Morrissey, president, Pennsylvania Managed Care, Keystone Mercy Health Plan. “This is one more tool in our overall case-management and disease-management programs that is helping our members stay well through preventive services.” Using the Thomson Reuters’ Rules Engine, Keystone Mercy searches their member data to identify and automatically push care-gap data to the online tools used by various audiences that touch their members. Care-gap information is data about an important preventive service that a member may be missing, ranging from mammograms to asthma-medication checkups.

due mammogram. The doctor can then discuss the service with his or her patient. Keystone Mercy is one of the first Medicaid health plans in the nation to get this information to its network providers. Keystone Mercy received the award during the 2009 Healthcare Advantage Conference in San Diego, Cal.

Northern Honors Hilferty

ANGELIQUE HARRIS, board president, Northern Home for Children, and Tracey Lavallias, president and CEO,Northern Home for Children, present “Partnerships for Children Award to Daniel J. Hilferty of AmeriHealth Mercy at “Partnerships for the Children” dinner. Daniel J. Hilferty, president and CEO of the AmeriHealth Mercy Family of Cos., was honored for his outstanding work and commitment to bettering the lives of underserved children


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Keystone Mercy tracks more than 35 health screenings with this new system. The service helps get important information to the people who need it, when they need it. For example, when network providers check patient eligibility online, they are also alerted if there is an unmet care need – or care gap – such as an over-

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throughout the Delaware Valley at the Partnerships for the Children Awards Dinner, hosted by Northern Home for Children. Hilferty and Keystone Mercy Health Plan, a member of the AmeriHealth Mercy Family of Cos., have worked with Northern Home for the last 10 years. Northern Home helps at-risk children and families through support programs that include residential services (for teenage moms and babies), partial hospitalization and outpatient care, foster care, adoption services, wraparound services, Services to Children in their Own Home, school-based services and parenting education. Tracey Lavallias, president and CEO of Northern Home, described Hilferty as a leader: “We are privileged to be able to work with Dan and the AmeriHealth Mercy Family of Cos. Their commitment to our community and our mission of assisting children in need, goes above and beyond the call of duty.” In his acceptance speech, Hilferty talked about family and how it is comprised of a network of individuals who nurture and care for one another. “If we all engage and play a supportive role with our community and with the children, there is no telling the level of excellence they can achieve or the heights to which they can rise.”

Page 9

Anyone who reads “Out and About” on a regular basis knows I’m a huge Phillies fan. While I haven’t gone to many games this year due to finances and time constraints, I make sure I’m in front of a television every time the Phillies take the field. And if I can’t get to a television set, I listen to the games on the radio. When the Phillies won the World Series last year, it was a big moment for everyone on my South Philadelphia block. People were dancing in the street, running around, toasting each other with 40-ounce beers and otherwise enjoying the moment. I was listening to the clinching game in my car when I saw a sign that told me that it was time to go into the house. It was a car driving backward and down my one-way street the wrong way. The last time I saw something like this was when a party was held on my block and folks had done just a wee bit too much drinking. (I’m also guessing someone was also more than a few sheets to the wind when they threw a full can of beer at the press bus during last year’s World Championship parade, barely missing WIP’s Howard Eskin and scaring the crap out of me!) When I used to catch the occasional Phillies game at Veterans Stadium, the one section that I avoided getting seats in was the 700 section. Most of the more egregious incidents (particularly those involving alcohol) happened there. In fact, the Philadelphia Eagles started a courtroom to handle incidents that happened during those games. Why am I talking about what sometimes happens when alcohol and sports meet at the same intersection? (Cont. Page 28)

Snooper’s MAN OF THE YEAR: This is a gentleman whom I am very pleased to announce for this prestigious honor. He happens to be a great human being who really cares about people, and he does whatever it takes to make all their lives productive. He is in charge of a fantastic program that does exactly this: makes those who were incarcerated better human beings by giving them something to do. HON. JIMMIE MOORE, one of Municipal Court’s great Judges, is my only choice. He has a program is known as PARALEGAL DIPLOMA PROGRAM OF EASTERN UNIVERSITY, here in Philadelphia. The Judge’s goal is to make sure 75% of those who start this program, complete it. JUDGE MOORE stated, “We’re turning students into TAX PAYERS, as opposed to TAX-TAKERS”. The smile you see on Judge Moore’s face is easy to explain. He has just had 14 ex-offenders become the FIRST GRADUATING CLASS of this very special program. Yes Chief, we ALL owe this great Judge a debt of gratitude for what he has done! Snooper’s Concern Dept. Have any of you notice the following? POLICE CARS in accidents too many. CARS crashing into houses too often. Again, it seems to be OPEN SEASON for shooting POLICE OFFICERS. This has got to STOP. Yes, we have had far too many idiots who care less about whom they shoot, and their favorite target is POLICE OFFICERS. Worst of all is the continuous use of GUNS, far too many of which are here in Philadelphia. Naturally, with the use of these illegal guns, we have a huge amount of KILLINGS and MURDERS, and I continue to ask WHEN IT WILL STOP! People of Philadelphia, WE MUST ALL UNITE! Special NEWSFLASH: another truck overturns on The Expressway once again. Snooper’s Dilemma: This ‘‘MODERN SOCIETY” has really got me perplexed, especially with all its modern gadgets. Today we have Computers, Cell Phones, IPods, Cordless Phones and who knows what they’ll come up with next? I do have some issues with each one of these. Let me take each one and you’ll learn why they bother me. Read on below. Snooper Update: COMPUTERS are really the tools of the DEVIL, and just look at what they can do on The Internet. Yes, these alone have ruined more lives today than anyone could ever imagine. IPODS: Just look what they have turned your “Little Darlings” into today – MONSTERS. CELL PHONES: What is left to say about them? They have caused more heart aches, especially when used while driving an automobile, and the statistics will back me up on his one. (Cont. Page 24)

The HON. SARAH PALIN, the retired Governor of Alaska, is a resourceful person and has demonstrated that. There are only 50 Governors in this great country of ours and she is one of them. That achievement standing by itself is sufficient evidence that her ambition to become President of the United States (or at least the Republican candidate for President) has to be taken seriously. The media, particularly its women commentators, have been severe in the judgments it has made about her. In some cases she has been treated cruelly. A lesser person would have caved in underneath the flood of oral abuse. But she seems to have grown stronger. However, her personal and family finances seem too modest to be able to launch a serious campaign. She does not have at this moment the economic resources to carry on a campaign until the year 2012. She does not have the wealth of MITT ROMNEY or JOHN EDWARDS or STEVE FORBES. The salary of a Governor is not nearly adequate enough to help pay for her campaign. Nor is it enough to pay for defense of the many lawsuits which have been filed against her, some for political purposes. The guess here is she will first write a book, start a syndicated column similar to that of former SEN. RICK SANTORUM, and either join the banquet circuit and be paid fees commensurate with knowing her opinion on national and international questions, or get a talk radio or TV show in which she would invite conservative political speakers to air out their opinions. She needs a flow of personal income that will permit her to move about the country doing the things you have to do to be taken seriously as a candidate for President. Her career so far at the national level has been one of constantly responding to media liberal attacks. It would be interesting to see her on the offensive using the “Op-Ed” pages of the big newspapers, carrying her syndicated column, and her weekly radio or TV show. Or to read about it in any book she chooses to write. Apparently women in this country did not think getting a woman in the White House was important enough to come out and vote for Hillary Clinton, a liberal Democrat. Perhaps they will feel differently with a conservative Republican.

Yo! Here we go again with this inspirational item. I heard it at a seminar given by a noted speaker. He called this seminar, ‘Sometimes we just need to be reminded.’ The speaker started off his talk by holding up a new $20 bill. In the room of over 200 persons, he asked, “Who would like this $20 bill?” Hands started going up. He then said, “I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this. He proceeded to crumple up the $20 bill. He then asked, “Who still wants it?” Still the hands were up in the air. Well, he replied, “What if I do this?” And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty. “Now, who still wants it?” Still the hands went into the air. “My friends, you have just learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20. Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. “We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value. Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to those who love you. The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know, but by who we are. You are special – don’t ever forget it.” If you do not pass this on, you may never know the lives it touches, the hurting hearts it speaks to, or the hope it can bring. I hope that I have touched my readers with this simple (Cont. Page 24)

The Public Record • July 30, 2009

Do you want a 100% increase in your sales tax? Do you want your City pension check to disappear? If not, call your State Representative and Senator right now and tell them you’ll see to it they’re fired next election if they dare heap more taxes on you and your family. In case you didn’t know, as a Philadelphian, your total tax burden is higher than in any other city in the nation. So naturally, MAYOR MICHAEL NUTTER and City Council want to raise your sales tax by 100%, from 1% to 2%. Don’t be fooled by the slick political blather coming out of the Mayor’s mouth about a “penny with a purpose”. This tax increase is a job and city killer! It’s just one more example of the incompetence at City Hall causing good Philadelphians to slide further down the economic black hole. They waste, spend, and engage in corruption, then force you to pay for it. Every time they mismanage City finances, they head to Harrisburg with a cup in their hand, demanding the good people of Philadelphia pay for their ineptitude with higher taxes. If that isn’t bad enough, they’re also asking for permission to skip payments to the already-underfunded City pension fund for the next two years. That’s like me asking my mortgage company if I can skip my payments for two years with the promise that somehow, I’ll be able to pay them back quadruple down the road. How do you think that brilliant idea would fly? The inevitable result of all these idiotic schemes will be a poorer, less-competitive, jobless Philadelphia with a bankrupt pension four years from now. But hey, these politicians will be long gone by then, so what do they care? The inevitable result of 60-plus years of Democrat control and one(Cont. Page 24)

page 10 The Public Record • July 30, 2009

Feds’ Stimulus To Deliver 50 More Police VP Joe Biden and Attorney General Eric Holder this week announced Philadelphia will receive $10.9 million over three years to put 50 more Police Officers on the streets – the maximum number of officers the Community Oriented Policing Services Hiring Recovery Program will fund. Philadelphia’s grant is part of $1 billion in funding to hire or

rehire law-enforcement officers all across the country under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. These funds will provide 100% of the approved salary and benefits for these officers for three years. All police departments receiving the grants will be required to retain the grant-funded positions for a fourth year. “These Federal dollars come

at a critical time,” said Mayor Michael A. Nutter. “Since I took office, homicide is down 30% but we cannot afford to let up in these bad economic times. Each additional cop on the street helps make Philadelphia safer.” “Our sworn officers are the front line of defense against crime and disorder in our nation’s communities,” stated Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey. “These Recovery funds are essential in helping local law-enforcement agencies fulfill their mission of making the places in which we all live and work as safe as possible.”

The COPS Program provides much needed financial support to local governments and will help the nation’s lawenforcement agencies add and retain the manpower needed to fight crime more effectively through community policing. The Dept. of Justice received over 7,200 applications for more than 39,000 officer positions, representing a total of $8.3 billion in requested funding. In total 19 cities, towns, and police departments in the state of Pennsylvania are receiving $20.1 million to fund 93 law-enforcement positions.


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SHARIF STREET, ESQ. On Sunday, August 9th 2:00pm-6:00pm at The Beach Home of Jeffrey Felder 300 E. Atlantic Avenue North Wildwood, NJ 08260 Suggested Contributions Host: $1,000 Supporter: $500 Friend: $250 Please make checks payable to Friends of Sharif Street or contribute online at

For more information and to RSVP email or call Micah at 215-432-1068 Paid for by Friends of Sharif Street, William Hart, Treasurer

AT CITY HALL press conference waiting for VP Joe Biden were, from left, Gov. Jack Markell of Del.; US Attorney Gen. Eric Holder; Gov. Jon Corzine of N.J.; Gov. Martin O’Malley of Md.; and Gov. Ed Rendell of Penna. Photo by Bonnie Squires

“A big part of the Recovery Act is about building communities – making them as strong as they can be, allowing every American family to live a better life than the one they are leading now,” said Biden. “And we can’t achieve the goal of stronger communities without supporting those who keep our streets safe.” “These funds will pump much-needed resources into communities through a program with a proven track record,” said Holder. “The tremendous demand for these grants indicates the tough times our states, cities and tribes are facing.” Congressman Chaka Fattah

noted, “In these tough economic times, our first responders need all the help they can get. It follows on the heels of my announcement of a $4 million grant for crime-surveillance cameras. “I have been a longtime advocate for surveillance cameras in crime-fighting, so I am especially pleased to announce $4 million is on the way for these cameras to help turn high-crime areas into safer streets. This is critical infrastructure for our Police, and I have made a commitment to fight for this program through the Dept. of Homeland Security.”

Obama Taps Youngblood State Rep. Rosita C. Youngblood has been asked to join President Barack Obama and a select number of state legislators from across the country in developing national health reforms. As a member of the "White House Team of State Legislators for Health Reform," Youngblood said she has been active in assisting Obama and his administration tackle the health issues facing Pennsylvanians and all Americans. The group has been asked to discuss experiences in developing health-care policies.

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able NewCourtland to meet the needs of a greater number of seniors in the community,” said NewCourtland CEO Gail Kass. In addition to its main branch located at 509 S. Broad Street, PSC operates two satellite locations in North Philadelphia’s Tioga neighborhood and Center City’s Washington Square West, as well as home and community-based programs. Combined, PSC serves more than 5,000 seniors and their families annually and offers a wide range of services, including meals, recreation, transportation, education, counseling, financial-management assistance, in-home support, volunteer programs, computer training, and information and referral resources. “NewCourtland brings with it the management expertise of a network that has a long-standing reputation for improving the quality of life of seniors,” said Robert J. Groves, CEO of Philadelphia Senior Center. “We are con-

fident this change will enable PSC to enhance the services provided to its members.” NewCourtland has served low-income Philadelphians for more than a century. In anticipation of the exponential growth of the senior population as “baby boomers” age, NewCourtland has steadily adapted its long-term care service model to meet the growing demand of seniors desiring to live and be cared for in a community setting as an alternative to a nursing home. For example, NewCourtland recently opened Philadelphia’s first housing complex exclusively for seniors transitioning from nursing homes and back into the community. In addition, NewCourtland added Lehigh and Spring Garden Senior Centers to its suite of community services last year. The NewCourtland Network also includes “Courtland@Home”, a home health-care agency and NewCourtland Living Independently for Elders, a program

modeled after the nationally recognized Program of AllInclusive Care for the Elderly that makes it possible for nursing-home-eligible seniors to continue to live in the community with the support of services coordinated by an interdisciplinary care team. Those services range from transportation to and from medical appointments, and prescription coordination to regular visits, to an adult day center for recreation or therapy. “The ability to bundle services and ensure they are readily accessible in the community by those who need them most is key to meeting the needs of one of the nation’s fastest growing populations,” added Kim Brooks, VP of housing and community services at NewCourtland. “Senior centers play a significant role in achieving this, equipping older adults with the resources they need to live as independently as possible, for as long as possible.”

JUDGE JACQUELINE F. Allen, left, and Judge Ida K. Chen, 2nd from left, meet with Osvaldo R. Aviles, interpreter program administrator for Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts, and Janet C. Fasy, right, deputy court administrator, before start of session on use of foreign-language interpreters in courtrooms at recent State Trial Photos by Ruth Russell Judges Conference in Hershey.

The Public Record • July 30, 2009

NewCourtland, a leading nonprofit provider of community services, housing and nursing homes, announced Philadelphia Senior Center has become a proud member of the NewCourtland Network. The affiliation advances NewCourtland’s commitment to expanding home and community-based options for seniors, while extending its reach into communities not previously served by NewCourtland. “The NewCourtland Network is proud to affiliate with an organization that has the reach and reputation of PSC. The relationship will not only deepen our connection with the senior community, but en-

City’s Trial Judges Gathered In Hershey For Annual Conference

Page 11

Philadelphia Senior Center Joins NewCourtland

PARTICIPANTS IN SESSION on Court Interpreter Program at recent State Trial Judges Conference included, from left, Sherry L. Albert, Joy Harris, Carla M. Mathers, Peggy O’Neill, Esq. and Cren Quigley.

CONFERENCE President-Elect Judge Arnold L. New, left, and Judge Shelly Robins New, right, chat with Chief Justice Ronald D. Castille between sessions at recent State Trial Judges Conference.

(More Pictures Page 22)

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CONFERENCE PRESIDENT Judge Robert J. Colville is greeted by former Conference President Judge Stephanie A. Domitrovich before program at recent State Trial Judges Conference.

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page 12 The Public Record • July 30, 2009

Kal’s Ads Put Damper On Fires Anti-Bondage Day Draws

UPLIFTING campaign: ClearChannel VP Barbara Bridges, philanthropist Kal Rudman and Fire Commissioner Lloyd Ayers survey new firesafety billboard ad from perch in bucket.

NEW BILLBOARD promotes life-saving tips available online at Mission of billboard is to spread information on fire prevention among general public in Phila. neighborhoods.

EVERYBODY LOVED RAYMOND! Anti-Bondage Day brought some tears to the faces of the Tomkin family, who lost their patriarch, Raymond, this year. Raymond was an active member in the community and a staple at Chalmers Park. Presenting family with “Un-Sung Hero Award” is Ralph Wynder and Fire Commissioner Lloyd Ayers.

WARD LEADER Ralph Wynder introduces Jannie Blackwell to big crowd at Chalmers Park as Fire Commissioner Lloyd Ayers looks on.





SINGING HER heart out is young Chanelle Tomkin. Her grandfather Raymond, who was well known at Chalmers, sadly passed away this year. The community will miss him. Watching as Chanelle sings a Celine Dion song is host 38th Ward leader Ralph Wynder, Shariff Street and Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell.






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WARD LEADER Ralph Wynder joins his 38th Ward committee persons Randy Brown, John Brickhouse, Linda Norms and Clara Rushing.

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CHALMERS PARK unsung hero James Ellsworth receives award from 38th Ward Leader Ralph Wynder.

Custodial Class 09-03 Graduates

LINING up for inspection prior to graduation exercises in Fairmount Park were these Correctional Officers of Class 09-03.

CONGRATULATING his son James, Jr. is Deputy Sheriff James Knotwell, Sr., who was correctional officer a Holmesburg Prison.

PRESTON McDaniel, 25-year veteran Correctional Sergeant, with nieces Summer Thomas and Cheryl Boone – both newly graduated from 09-03. Officer Boone is class president of 09-03.

The Public Record • July 30, 2009

HEAVY RAINS did not deter good turnout for State Sen. Vincent Hughes’ debut of his new offices at 4950 Parkside Avenue, Suite 300. Attendees included Sharif Street, Cathy Santos, 38th Ward Leader Ralph Wynder nie Blackwell. New office number and Councilwoman Jan- is (215) 879-7777.

Page 13

Sen. Hughes’ New Offices

STATE REP. James Roebuck joined the celebrities attending State Sen. Vincent Hughes’ office opening. Chatting with him are Sharif Street and Councilwoman Jannie BlackAll photos by Cathy Santos well.

He Guarded Jackson MAYFAIR CIVIC ASSOCIATION President Scott Cummings was security guard on call every time the late Michael Jackson came to Philadelphia or New York in late 1990s.

Boyle Insurance Bill Passes House port from my fellow House members, and urge the State Senate to pass the bill next.” Under HB 1415, surpluslines licensees would have to designate one or more licensed officers or partners to be responsible for complying with all reporting and recordkeeping requirements for the State Insurance Dept. Licensees would also have to provide the Department with a list of all surplus-lines providers that are associated with, or do business through, the licensee. The Department would issue surplus-line licenses for up to two years at a cost of $200 to the licensee. HB 1415 would increase penalties for violations of the law from $1,000 to a minimum $2,000 and maximum $4,000 per offense.

The State House has passed legislation sponsored by Rep. Brendan F. Boyle which would modernize part of the State’s insurance company licensing law. HB1415 would update the Insurance Company Law of 1921 requirements imposed upon insurance companies licensed to provide surplus lines. Surplus lines provide highly specialized insurance coverage for unique risks, such as traveling carnivals and Ferris wheels. “This legislation was designed to bring the surpluslines market up to date with current insurance law and regulation, and to increase monetary penalties for violations of the insurance law to further protect consumers,” Boyle said. “I am pleased to have received the overwhelming sup-

page 14 The Public Record • July 30, 2009

D.C. Parents Object End To Voucher Program More than seven out of 10 registered voters in the District of Columbia support the Federally funded D.C. Opportunity Scholarship program, which provides tuition scholarships for low-income students to attend private schools, according to the results of a public-opinion survey released today by nine local and national educational and policy organizations. Seventy-four percent say they either “strongly favor” or “somewhat favor” the scholarship program and a majority (56%) support expanding the program to provide scholarships to all children who have applied. The results also indicate 68% oppose ending the program. Congress earlier

this year cut funding to the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship program and the US Dept. of Education has closed the program to new applicants, and rescinded scholarships awarded to 216 families for the upcoming school year. The Federally funded program provides vouchers of up to $7,500 so low-income students can attend schools of their choice. The survey was conducted by the Indianapolisbased Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, one of the nine groups releasing the results. The report was authored by Paul DiPerna of the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice and Dan Lips of the Heritage Foundation.

“I don’t know what more anyone needs to prove this program is worthwhile and necessary,” said Robert Enlow, president and CEO of the Friedman Foundation. “Over 70% of registered voters favor this program. The research shows the program is working, with better schools and higher test scores. To disregard this mountain of evidence is to put politics before what works best for D.C. children. We hope and recommend that Federal policymakers consider the views of the residents of the District as they contemplate further educational reforms.” The survey results also found the District’s registered voters value private schools and charter schools. When asked, “If it was your decision and you could select any type of school for your child, what type of school would you select?” a large majority (70%) chose private or

charter schools. Nearly half – 47% of the respondents – indicated they would choose a private school for their children; 23% would pick a charter school. Nearly three-fourths of voters (74%) were favorable toward charter schools, and 64% of voters supported the Congressional “three-sector” initiative, which provides equal parts additional funding for public schools, charter schools and D.C. Opportunity Scholarships. The survey results also found more than three out of four respondents (76%) rate the D.C. Public School system as “fair” or “poor”. In an open-ended question asked as part of the survey, voters most frequently used the words “poor”, “fair”, “good” and “improving” as their first impression of D.C.’s school system. In addition, 29% of voters named “K-12 education and schools” their top priority issue. Other issues

Hosting Canadian Destroyer Crew

COMMANDER Steven Waddell, 4th from left, captain of Canadian Navy Destroyer Fredericton, got a hearty welcome to Port of Philadelphia. Welcome Committee, from left, included Dan Soldano, Go Navy Committee; Cris Gannon, Liberty USO; Monica Santoro, Penn's Landing Riverfront Development Corp.; Capt. Dianna Sorrentino, US Navy; Wally Littlewood and Dave Armstrong, Navy League; Jack McAuffie, ship agent; and Patrick Pang, Photo by Joe Stivala Navy League state president. cited by voters (in descending order) were the “economy and jobs”, crime, housing, congressional voting representation and


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taxes. Voters also indicated strong approval for how Mayor Adrian Fenty, the D.C. City Council, and School Chancellor Michelle Rhee are handling their jobs. Approval ratings are 63%, 65% and 62%, respectively. Chancellor Rhee has the highest proportion of respondents (27%) who “strongly approve” of their job performance. With respect to school funding, while a majority of voters (53%) believe public-school funding is too low, most respondents underestimate how much is currently spent on public education in the District. When asked to estimate how much is spent on each student in D.C. public schools, 70% believed perstudent expenditures were below $12,000. According to the US Dept. of Education, total per-student spending in D.C. public schools was $15,511 as of 2006-07. There is still agitation in Pennsylvania for the Voucher System though support has been stalled since the Charter School programs were initiated.

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The Public Record • July 30, 2009

The Public Record • July 30, 2009

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The Public Record • July 30, 2009

The Public Record • July 30, 2009

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Wishing Under Sheriff Connie Little A Happy Birthday



(1) GOOD TIMES and good deeds both flourished at Plasterers’ Union Local 8’s annual Golf Outing to benefit Magee Rehabilitation. Relaxing after tourney were Local 8 leader Tom Kilkenny, John Bradley and Charlie McCracklin. (2) LABOR brothers from other unions turned out to support golf outing, among them Bill McGlachen of Mike Dooley, Jim McNesby of FOP and “America’s Greatest” Tom Dooley of Operating Engineers.


(3) PLASTERERS’ Bruno Fedele, left, congratulates Chris Bello for 3rd-place finish in tournament.

The Public Record • July 30, 2009

FLANKING Under Sheriff Connie Little at her birthday celebration on Gardner’s Pier in Atlantic City were friends and family members including, from left, Joyce Sylvester of Atlantic Co.’s Women’s Center and, right, 37th Ward Leader El Amor Mapenzi Brawne Ali. Connie’s family takes her to A.C. each birthday to celebrate at this recreation pier.

Page 19

Plasterers’ Golf Outing Swings

Toomey Campaigns In Chinatown FORMER CONGRESSMAN Pat Toomey makes a strong pitch for support to Greater Philadelphia Chinese Restaurant Association membership as he begins his campaign to win the Republican nomination for US Senate seat now held by Arlen Specter. He’s being escorted around town by members of Republican Loyal Opposition.

page 20 The Public Record • July 30, 2009

Sponsors • Community Friends Networking Together • Creating A Village • GPUAC

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LOOKING for support of Congressman Bob Brady are Doug Pike, seeking 6th Congressional Dist. seat nomination, and Auditor General Tom Corbett, who is planning a gubernatorial run.

DUCKY BIRTS, center, of Congressman Bob Brady’s staff, has this group laughing. From left are Auditor General Tom Corbett, Bill Dolbow, Birts, Joe Russo and host Brady.

HAPPY TRIO includes Congressman SHARING MOMENT with PA Gubernatorial canBob Brady, Councilman Bill Green and didate Tom Knox, right, are Donna Aument, Sean Dillon and Marnie Aument. Joe Martz.

COMPARING NOTES on upcoming campaign are Ward BOB BRADY, Jr. and his Leader Vernon Price and State lovely wife were aiding Bob, Sen. Mike Stack’s Chief of Staff Cynthia Marelia. Sr. in host role.

COMMONWEALTH Judge candidate Barbara Behrend Ernsberger finds herself in good company with SPCC Executive Dir. Ed Wright and Capt. Allen Kurtz.

STATE SEN. Mike Stack and his wife join up with Auditor General Tom Corbett and Dan McCaffery.

AMONG attendees at Brady Bunch Beach Party were Democratic Party regulars Andy Davis and Bill Durham.

CONGRESSMAN Bob Brady gets hug from his Chief of Staff Shirley Gregory.

25TH WARD’S Pat SUPREME COURT candi- Christian congratulates date Jack Panella has Con- Judge Joe Waters on his gressman Bob Brady’s appointment to Common support. Photo by Lee Buchanan Pleas Bench.

DEMOCRATIC STALWARTS included Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell and City Commission Chair Margaret Tartaglione.

TWU LOCAL 234’s Jim McBride, Cope Director and Bob O’Connor enjoy the Brady Bash at Keenan’s in N. Wildwood.

CONGRESSMAN Pat Murphy meets up with judicial candidate Roxanne Covington and Congressman Bob Brady.

More Pictures Page 27

JUDGE Paula Petrick’s family and friends were in attendance, including Jeff Cooke, 19month-old Melvin Johnakin and dad Josiah Johnakin, Marisol Marrero and Frank Canty.

DEMOCRATIC primary judicial victor Dawn Segal gets several campaign tips from host CongressmanBob Brady.

CONGRATULATING Adam Beloff on winning Democratic primary nomination for Judge of Court of Common Pleas are Congressman Bob Brady, Sheriff John Green’s Chief of Staff Barbara Deeley, Beloff and Mark Squilla.

The Public Record • July 30, 2009

CONGRESSMAN Bob Brady and his wife Debbie hosted well over 1,000 guests at his annual Brady Bunch at Keenan’s in Wildwood last Saturday.

Page 21

Chairman Bob Brady Bunch Beach Bash Has Wildwood Rocking

page 22 The Public Record • July 30, 2009

Trial Judges Gathered In Hershey For Annual Conference

CONFERENCE FIRST Vice-President, Judge Thomas M. DelRicci, and past Conference President, Judge Norman A. Krumenacker, III, chat at recent State Trial Judges Conference in Hershey.

JUDGE JAMES J. Fitzgerald, III, Senior Judge, Superior Court, and his wife Carol Fitzgerald. All photos by Ruth Russell

CONFERENCE Parliamentarian Judge Edward E. Russell, and his wife Ruth R. Russell, CitiLife Editor, Phila. Public Record.

JUDGE Annette M. Rizzo, winner of Conference’s Golden Crowbar Award for successJUDGE Roger Gor- SENIOR JUDGE Rob- ful mortgage-fore- JUDGE AMANDA Cooperman, don with Judge Mar- ert J. Matthews and closure program she left, and Judge Patricia A. McInJudgeGregory Smith. initiated. lene Lachman. erney.

JUDGE Sandra Mazer Moss, left, Coordinating Judge – Civil Litigation, and Judge Esther Sylvester, Supervising Judge – Civil Litigation.

JUDGE ROSALYN K. Robinson, left, is joined by Superior Court Judge Richard B. Klein and Judge Jacqueline F. Allen.

JUDGE D. Webster Keogh, Administrative Judge – Trial Division, and Mrs. Keogh.

SUPERVISING JUDGE Margaret T. Murphy, left, is joined by Senior Judge Victor S. DiNubile, center, and Judge Doris A. Pechkurow after session at recent State Trial Judges Conference.

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meat” declared, “I wish I could give this place zero stars. I used to work there.” When I asked Stas about this trashing, he replied, “That woman worked for me for three years, and she was definitely one of the best workers I ever had. Then one day she started cursing at me and quit. I honestly do not know why. I even went to drop off her final paycheck after that and asked to take her back, figuring she just had a bad day, but she would not come back. I guess you can’t win them all. Bad comments like that just make me want to do better.” The handsome young barbecue entrepreneur grew up in Lower Merion and graduated from Lower Merion HS in 1999. He attended Philadelphia Community College for a short time, “but that did not work. I was eager to make money.” Stas’ father owned the building at 2214 South Street, where another man had started

Phoebe’s Bar-B-Q in 1994. The owner of Phoebe’s lease was up in 2003, and he was pretty much burned out by then, so he sold the business to Stas. “This was a great opportunity for a 23-year-old guy,” said Stas, “and I was not about to mess it up. I bought the recipes from the previous owner and tweaked them. I worked day and night and was always there. I wish I could say every day was great, but that would not be true. On the other hand, that’s how you learn.” Last year Stas’ brother, Demitri, 30, sold two mortgage companies that he owned (getting out just before the economy collapsed) and took over the operation of the South Street store, freeing up Stas to develop the new Phoebe’s in Roxborough. Maybe it’s because of the economy, but barbecue restaurants have recently been sprouting up like daf-

Len Lear fodils in May. In the past six months we’ve seen, in addition to the second Phoebe’s, the opening of Philly barbecue joints like Smokin’ Betty’s, Holy Smoke, El Camino Real, BBQ & Tequila and the soon-to-open Percy Street Barbecue. But Stas insists that Roxborough was an “untapped resource.” The new Phoebe’s has only five tables, but 70% of its customers order their food to take out. They are open seven days a week, from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sample prices are: 10

chicken wings for $5.99; a large beef rib platter with three ribs, two sides and cornbread for $11.99; a quarter-pound of beef brisket barbecue with two sides and cornbread for $9.99; a half of a rotisserie chicken for $4.99; any two meats with two sides and cornbread for $12.99, etc. We tried some pork and beef ribs, which were quite good and huge; chicken wings were just so-so. The homemade sauces, regular and spicy, were the real deal. Of the sides we tasted, the macaroni and cheese was decent; the potato salad was spectacular, and the cole slaw had little taste and no creaminess. You can bring your own wine or beer, as we did; There are also outside tables on a raised platform, which seem to be getting lots of use. For more information or to place an order, call (215) 483-1330 or visit

The Public Record • July 30, 2009

by Len Lear Almost everyone is looking for ways to beat the recession, which is undoubtedly why there was a long line of customers ahead of us waiting to order last Tuesday evening at Phoebe’s Bar-B-Q, which opened to the public Apr. 19 at 5002 Umbria Street in Roxborough. “We have been blessed because it’s been like this since day one,” said owner Anastasio “Stas” Botsaris, 28, who also owns a sister restaurant (strictly takeout) of the same name that has been at 2214 South Street for 15 years. “A restaurant can have great food, but what’s the point if people can’t afford it? You can come in here and feed 10 people dinner for less than a ‘Benjamin’

($100 bill).” Stas took over the huge property on Umbria Street last July, but zoning issues set his plans back seven months. When I want to know about a restaurant that I am not familiar with these days, I go online to see what some of its customers have to say. is one of several Web sites that post comments from local restaurant customers, so I checked out Phoebe’s at 2214 South Street on Citysearch. Most comments were raves. For example, a “jnf3” stated, “This is the best BarB-Q food I have ever had. Each item on the menu is as good as the next.… The staff is extremely friendly, personable and helpful. If you’re looking to take out, you must order from here.…” Several other comments were similarly laudatory, but a woman with the code name “ieat-

Page 23

Popular South St. barbecue joint adds a ‘sister’

page 24 The Public Record • July 30, 2009

Another Step Upward STATE REP. Ronald Waters, center, was keynote speaker at graduation ceremonies conducted by Philly Renew, collaborative program of Pennsylvania Prison Society and National Comprehensive Center for Fathers. With him are State Rev. Robert Shiner of Berachah Baptist Church, and Prison Society Executive Director William DiMascio.

Working To Lower Mortgages METROPOLITAN Board of Realtist, the NID-Housing Counseling Agency and Trinity Real Estate welcome State Sen. Vincent Hughes at Homeowner/Homebuyer Relief Initiative at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church. PMBR is an official local chapter of the National Association of Real Estate Brokers, Inc. Pictured are Jeanette Gray, Hughes, Derrick Jackson, Annette Collier and Lawrence Butler. Philadelphia’s foreclosure rate is down by 4% as of February, yet up from February 2007. Photo by Martin Regusters, Leaping Lion Photography

Snooper (Cont. From Page 9) How about another one of their features – TEXT MESSAGING? Tell me what’s left to say about this horrendous ‘fad’, and hopefully, soon they’ll get rid of it; after all, look what it has done to all your teenage Communication ‘idiots’? What’s next? Snooper’s FAX LINE Dept: Hey Chief, check it out, now I have my own FAX LINE. This comes from NUMBER TWO, and it’s an event for all of you. The Dunlap Community Center is inviting all of you SATURDAY, AUG. 1 to its annual SUMMER FESTIVAL. This will take place on ARCH STREET, between 50th & 51st. It will run from 8:00 a.m. till 8:30 p.m. and there’ll be plenty of FOOD, MUSIC, DRILL TEAMS and, my favorite of all, GOSPEL MUSIC. Yo Boss, Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell will be there too. Hmmnn … if they’re going to have food, THE SNOOPER will also be there, YES. Oh Yeah, I’m really cool now, I have both EMAIL and A FAX LINE; not bad. CYNTHIA GREGG thanks you all. She’ll be looking for “Number One” too. Snooper’s “UPDATE”: Now we find out, The President, without checking out what actually happened in this

Elephant Corner (Cont. From Page 9) party politics has finally come to this disastrous end. Our vote does indeed have consequences. Question is: Are you still going to blindly pull the “D” lever next election? There’s an election this fall and I’d like you to think of yourself as an employer conducting a job interview. On the one hand, you have a current employee reapplying for his position. He has failed to

Waffleman (Cont. From Page 9) lesson. Count your blessings, not your problems. And remember: Amateurs built the Ark – professionals built the Titanic. If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

story, immediately takes up The Gates cause and called it STUPIDITY on the part of The Police. BILL COSBY stated, “The President had no business getting involved, especially since he didn’t know THE FACTS in this particular incident.” WHY didn’t anyone bother to ask The Police as to what happened here? NO, all you saw on TV was this Professor, who used his Afro-American “card” to absolve any wrongdoing by him. You talk about real racism – this case is the perfect example. NO, Gates doesn’t deserve any apologies, especially by The Police. I commend Sgt. Crawley. Don’t back down! I’m waiting for Sharpton and Jackson to get involved, snooping for some FREE publicity! Snooper’s Judicial Report Bureau: It looks like we’re going to get another new JURY SELECTION COMMISSIONER, and my source tells me it will be none other than HON. JOHN SABATINA. I’m sure you are all well aware the former Commissioner, HON. ROGER GORDON, has been elevated to JUDGE and he now sits in The Court of Common Pleas. Mr. Sabatina is well deserving and he would do an excellent job replacing the former Commissioner. Whew, I’m so happy do even the basic requirements of his job description. He pals around with his subordinates and never holds them to any kind of standard. His branch has lost billions of dollars under his watch. This is similar to current City CONTROLLER ALAN BUTKOVITZ. He has utterly refused to conduct annual audits of every City agency as mandated by City Charter. He is a Democratic Ward Leader and friend of the machine. Under his watch the City has collapsed economically and he approves of the tax hikes and pension schemes you will ultimately pay for. On the other hand, you have a new applicant. He has a record of financial competence and integrity. He has no inappropriate relationships and will demand accountability by everyone under his su-

for my good friend; after all, he has been a great servant of the people. HON.JUDGE ROGER GORDON (this sounds really great), Congratulations!

Focus on Litter Could Win $1,000 You can enter a statewide photo contest snapping eyecatching images of other people’s litter – soda cans, burger wrappers and similar unsightly stuff. Lens On Litter, a product of the Pennsylvania Resources Council, offers a top prize of $1,000 in each of two categories: adult and student. Six additional prizes will be awarded with second-place winners receiving $500, third place $250 and The People’s Choice Award of a digital camera. The contest is open to amateur photographers only, with a deadline of Oct. 31. Photos must be taken in Pennsylvania. Entries, limited to three per person, should be sent to Pennsylvania Resources Council, 3606 Providence Road, Newtown Square, PA 19073. Include on the back of the photo the entrant’s name, address, telephone number, title given to photo and location of litter site. If the participant is a child, then the child’s age, the school grade and school name must be provided. pervision. He has saved millions of dollars for his previous employer and has a record of success. This applicant represents AL SCHMIDT, candidate for Controller. Schmidt is a former senior analyst at the nonpartisan US Government Accountability Office – the investigative arm of Congress. He assisted members of Congress, both Democratic and Republican, in conducting oversight of government agencies, programs, and policies – anywhere that taxpayer dollars were spent – to identify and report waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement. Al has saved taxpayers untold millions and will keep the politicians’ feet to the fire. We need this guy to watch those guys! See you later, Trunkinators!

a subscriber of the Philadelphia Public Record newspaper and the South Philadelphia Public Record newspaper. To opt out of becoming a subscriber, or to find out more information about subscriptions, please call (215) 755-2000. If emailing, please send us the biggest file sizes you can so that your pictures display clearly here and, if you win, can be easily reproduced in the newspaper. There will be two categories: Cutest Boy and Cutest Girl. The ones with the highest number of votes will receive the top prizes. The two winners will be presented with their prize at PNC Bank branch at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Ten runners-up will also win various prizes. By submitting a photograph in this competition you agree to its appearance on our participating website, and in the local press. Any photo deemed to be offensive or inappropriate will not be allowed. Please ensure you get the permission of any persons featured in your photograph. This competition is running in the Philadelphia Public Record and the South Philadelphia Public Record and on their websites at . Employees of the Public Record newspapers or their families are not eligible to enter. The winner agrees that their baby photo and any other relevant details, including address, may be used for promotional and editorial purposes.

Dept. of Banking, the United Way, Americorps VISTA and the Community Action Association of PA. For more

information, call 1 (888) 799-4557. “If you are having trouble paying your bills or you are

in need of financial advice, I am urging you to make use of this valuable community resource,” Farnese said.

For Sale Villas @ Packer Park Final Phase of this New Construction Ten Yr Tax Abatement Bi-Level Townhomes up to 1600+ Sq. ft. with garage - Spring Delivery Special Incentives to Sign Now Starting in the low 300’s Regency Three @ Packer Park Add your name to our interest list for Priority Info on delivery dates, 1600+ sq. ft. one level condos Secured Building, dedicated parking.

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The Public Record • July 30, 2009

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GIVE THE GIFT OF NOSTALGIA Give the 5 Waffleman Books Memories they’ll always Cherish. They will remember you everytime they read them!

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The Philadelphia Public Record newspapers are looking for the cutest babies in the city! It could well be the one baby you decide on may well become a future Mayor, or a top union leader, or a major community advocate, and possibly a super educator. We want to let you decide! The Public Record newspapers will kick off the first Citywide “Philadelphia Baby Future Leader Contest”… the search for the future generation of leaders in this city” beginning with our next week’s edition and ending with our Halloween edition, Thursday, Oct. 29. We will publish all submitted photographs online and a selection in the Philadelphia Public Record and South Philadelphia Public Record, and ask you, our readers and web users, to vote for the cutest. Your baby could carry off the title of the Philadelphia Public Record Newspapers’ Cutest Baby-Future Leader of 2009. Go on! You’ve got nothing to lose! Public Record Newspapers, Inc. has teamed up with PNC Bank and many local businesses, including Chickies Italian Deli and Pennsport Physical Therapy West in South Philadelphia, to give you the chance to win prizes in this great competition. All you have to do is send us your photos which will then be voted for by our readers. There are two categories, a baby girl and baby boy, up to a year old. Each winner will each receive a $500 prize, and a photo shoot with a professional photographer. Ten runners-up will also receive prizes. It’s easy to send us your photos: Email your picture to; or drop it in to the Public Record Newspapers offices at 1323 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia PA 19148. By entering this contest, you will automatically become

State Sen. Larry Farnese has announced help is available to individuals struggling with financial difficulties during the current global economic downturn, through the “Get Help Now PA!” program. “This global economic downturn has hit close to home for many of us,” Farnese said. “It is comforting to know that a program such as ‘Get Help Now PA!’ exists to help shoulder some of the burden many people are dealing with.” “Get Help Now PA!” is a volunteer initiative to connect Pennsylvanians facing financial difficulties with advice and assistance from professionals in their communities. Help desks, staffed by volunteer lawyers and financial professionals, will be open Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1 pm to 6 pm, Jul. 7 through Sep. 11. Those in need of assistance in the district are invited to visit the help desk at Philadelphia Co., Drexel University Earle Mack School of Law, 3320 Market Street, Suite 432, Philadelphia, PA 19104. “Get Help Now PA!” is a collaborative effort of the Pennsylvania Bar Association, the Pennsylvania Bankers Association, the Pennsylvania Credit Union Association, the Pennsylvania Association of Community Bankers, the Mortgage Bankers Association of Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania Association of Mortgage Brokers, the Pennsylvania Financial Services Association, the Office of the First Lady, the Pennsylvania

Page 25

Farnese Offers Financial Advice

Record Contest Spotlights Your Baby

page 26 The Public Record • July 30, 2009

IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS PHILADELPHIA COUNTY CIVIL ACTION - LAW Term No. 090501697 NOTICE OF ACTION IN MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE WATERFALL VICTORIA MASTER FUND LIMITED PLAINTIFF vs. Unknown Heirs of Calvin D. Nichols, Deceased, Gwen Hill Weldon Jr. Solely in Her Capacity as Heir to the Estate of Calvin D. Nichols, Deceased, Joseph D. Hughes, Solely in His Capacity as Heir to the Estate of Calvin D. Nichols, Deceased, Kevin D. Thomas, Solely in His Capacity as Heir to the Estate of Calvin D. Nichols, Deceased and Vaughn McDougal, Solely in His Capacity as Heir to the Estate of Calvin D. Nichols, Deceased Mortgagors and Real Owners DEFENDANT TO: Unknown Heirs of Calvin D. Nichols, Deceased, Gwen Hill Weldon Jr. Solely in Her Capacity as Heir to the Estate of Calvin D. Nichols, Deceased, Joseph D. Hughes, Solely in His Capacity as Heir to the Estate of Calvin D. Nichols, Deceased & Vaughn McDougal, Solely in His Capacity as Heir to the Estate of Calvin D. Nichols, Deceased, MORTGAGORS AND REAL OWNERS, DEFENDANTS whose last known address is 5642 Broomall Street Philadelphia, PA 19143. THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR AND WE ARE ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT OWED TO OUR CLIENT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM YOU WILL BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING THE DEBT. You are hereby notified that Plaintiff WATERFALL VICTORIA MASTER FUND LIMITED, has filed a Mortgage Foreclosure Complaint endorsed with a notice to defend against you in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, docketed to Term No. 090501697 wherein Plaintiff seeks to foreclose on the mortgage secured on your property located, 5642 Broomall Street Philadelphia, PA 19143 whereupon your property will be sold by the Sheriff of Philadelphia County. NOTICE You have been sued in court. If you wish to defend against the claims set forth in the following pages, you must take action within twenty (20) days after the Complaint and notice are served, by entering a written appearance personally or by attorney and filing in writing with the court your defenses or objections to the claims set forth against you. You are warned that if you fail to do so the case may proceed without you and a judgment may be entered against you by the Court without further notice for any money claimed in the Complaint or for any other claim or relief requested by the Plaintiff. You may lose money or property or other rights important to you. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER OR CANNOT AFFORD ONE, GO TO OR TELEPHONE THE OFFICE SET FORTH BELOW. THIS OFFICE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION ABOUT HIRING A LAWYER. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO HIRE A LAWYER, THIS OFFICE MAY BE ABLE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION ABOUT AGENCIES THAT MAY OFFER LEGAL SERVICES TO ELIGIBLE PERSONS AT A REDUCED FEE OR NO FEE. PHILADELPHIA BAR ASSOCIATION One Reading Center • Philadelphia, PA 19104 215-238-6333 COMMUNITY LEGAL SERVICES, INC. Law Center North Central 3638 North Broad Street • Philadelphia, PA 19140 215-227-2400 or 215-981-3700 Michael T. McKeever Attorney for Plaintiff Goldbeck McCafferty & McKeever, PC Suite 5000, Mellon Independence Center 701 Market Street • Philadelphia, PA 19106-1532 215-627-1322

Turning Political Pages Of Our History

THE YEAR: 1981. In Court Room 254, DA Ed Rendell introduces his new Assistant DAs to Judge Norman Jenkins who swore them in. If you can’t guess who they are, we can understand. Time changes most of us, including Big Ed. From left are James T. McDermott, Eloise Howard, Tom Hanna, Odell Guyton, Ron Eisenberg, Wendy Demchek Alloy, John Delaney, David DeCosta, Pam Cushing Dunleavy and Michael Clark. (Your photo submissions welcome)

We’re Growing For You ANOTHER 125 news boxes have been purchased by Phila. Public Record. They’ll soon don the Record’s lightblue color and be delivered to those areas of the city that have been calling for more boxes.

Others Page 21

JOINING up with Congressman Bob Brady STRONG SUPPORTERS for Congressman were Ted Mucellin, Sen. Lawrence Farnese Brady included Allie Nash, Tina Staley, Michelle Gigundo and Pete Rose. and Tony Mannino.

WARD LEADER Tom Johnson teams up with Rose George, Cora Turpin and Felicia Coleman.

The Public Record • July 30, 2009

ENJOYING Brady Bunch Beach Bash at Keenan’s were Kevin Hannah, Hayes Clark, NORTHEAST contingent included Ward ALL SMILES were PECO’s Ed McBride, Rubin Brown, Scott Keenan and Albert Lit- Leader John Sabatina, Sr., Maryann Mahoney, Rep. Mike O’Brien, Lauren Vidas and tlepage. Rep. John Sabatina, Jr. and Joe Mulvey. Mary Isaacson.

Page 27

Brady Bunch Beach Party Packs Keenan’s

HOST JACK KEENAN, far right, wel- AUDITOR Tom Corbett, center, finds himcomes Angelo Foglietta, Karen Brown and self in a power camp with this group. From left are Sean Dillon, Joe Ashdale, Corbett, Charlie Bernard to Brady Bash. Photo by Lee Buchanan Francis Callahan and Bill Dolbow.

Saidel’s Seven

JUDICIAL CANDIDATE Sharon Lozier, center, has strong supporters in Malik Abd Hadi, Greg Turner, Ward Leader Willy Jordan and Appolos Baker.

SHERRI and Mark Cohen exchange editorial ideas with Councilman Bill Green. State Rep. Cohen is now running a community monthly newspaper.

STAR-STUDDED turnout for fundraiser for Jonathan Saidel, left, showed deep support for former Controller should he go for Lieutenant Governor. Backers included Councilman Bill Greenlee, State Sen. Larry Farnese, Councilman Bill Green as well as Democratic leaders from across state.

Unions Rally

HATS OFF TO JUDGE Jimmy Lynn as he treated his interns to First Friday luncheon at McCormick & Schmick’s.

INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT Union leader Harry Lombardo rallies crowd at Love Park as labor demanded better City union terms of contract. Looking on are Willy Brown, President Local 234, State Rep. Michael O’Brien and TWU Local 234’s Brain Pollock. TWU joined forces with District Council 33 and 47. Photo by Lee Buchanan

Judge Roca At Clemente

ALBERTO BECERRA, artist, and Judge Angeles Roca review program for the Roberto Clemente MS Class of 2009 Move-Up Day Celebration. Judge Roca was guest speaker at graduation. Judge emphasized importance of presence of parents.

First Friday Luncheons With Judge Lynn

The Public Record • July 30, 2009

page 28

Out & About (Cont. From Page 9) Because I picked up the Philadelphia Daily News on Monday and saw that even though we have a shiny, new Citizens Bank Park complete with restaurants and other accoutrements, folks haven’t

realized they can check out The World Champions of Baseball without acting the fool. Three men — Francis Kirchner, 28; Charles Bowers, 35; and Jim Grove, 45 — were part of a group of men from Moe’s Bar in Fishtown who went to a Phillies game as part of a bus trip.

They got into a fight with another group at the McFadden’s Bar & Restaurant that included 22-year-old David Sale of Lansdowne, who was at the game as part of a bachelor party. In the end, Kirchner, Bowers and Grove had allegedly beaten Sale to death due to — wait for it

SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA Sealed proposals will be received by the School Reform Commission at the School Administration Building located at 440 North Broad St., 3rd Floor, Office of Capital Programs, Philadelphia, PA 19130-4015, until 2:00 P.M., on Tuesday, August 15th, 2009. A non-refundable fee for each set of bid documents is as scheduled. The School District will only accept bids from companies that have been placed on its current Pre Qualified Contractors List as shown at All School District Project require MBE/WBE participation as shown in the specifications.

B- 059 G of 2008/09* Electrical Service Contract Elevator Repair Service

John Bartram High School 2401 South 67th Street

BUDGET $300,000.00

FEE $25.00

* A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at the project location on July 2nd, 2009 at 12:00 NOON

Specifications and/or plans and contract documents may be examined and copies thereof obtained from the School Reform Commission, 440 North Broad Street, 3rd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Information as to contract documents, etc., may be obtained at the above address, or telephone 215-400-5225. Make checks payable to the School District of Philadelphia. The School Reform Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids and make the awards to the best interests of the School District of Philadelphia.

Brighten Your Car’s Colors For The Holidays







6717 Essington Ave. Commercial vehicles by estimate. Body work, rust repair, and stripping of old paint extra. Not valid with any other offer. MAACO® Auto Painting & Bodyworks centers are independent franchises of MAACO® Enterprises, Inc. Prices, hours and services may vary.

— a spilled beer. The three men, who are currently in jail, had allegedly beaten Sale to the point that he was unrecognizable when he was brought to the hospital. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not one of those killjoys that believe all the world’s problems could be solved if alcohol were outlawed. Having attended Phillies and Eagles games for more than a minute, I also know alcohol and sporting events go together like peanut butter and jelly. But there’s a reason Citizens Bank Park stops selling beer after the seventh inning and the Eagles stop selling after the third quarter. It’s because these organizations know folks had probably started their drinking day before the game and they’re hoping that making you stop before the game ends will help you get home safely. And don’t even get me started on McFadden’s. I went there once during a Phillies game and I have to say that I’ve seen fraternity parties with more decorum. Inevitably, there’s going to be a lawsuit filed because of how this whole thing was handled. The bouncers at McFadden’s

probably shouldn’t have thrown both groups out at the same time. Restaurant management probably should have called the Police before things got too out of hand. The Phillies probably should have set down some more stringent guidelines for McFadden’s when they allowed the restaurant to open. Everyone should have thought about the consequences at least once before they started acting like Premier League soccer hooligans. But none of those things happened, so the parents of David Sale, who should be celebrating milestones with their son will instead be planning his funeral. As the national media pulls out all of the “throwing snowballs at Santa” stories to beat Philadelphia’s sports fans over the head with yet again, I

2400 E. Somerset Street Philadelphia, PA 19134

have a suggestion. Maybe it’s time those of us who go to the games to see stuff like Jimmy Rollins hitting a grand slam home run, or Chase Utley making a terrific play (both of which happened on Saturday, by the way) start policing those who come to the games to act the fool. If you see someone who’s had too much to drink and is about to start trouble, call security and get ‘em thrown out. If you see someone starting a fight with someone in the parking lot on the way home, call the cops and get them taken care of. In other words, maybe it’s time for visitors to the Sports Complex to do what they often want folks in North Philly to do when they see a crime. It’s time you all Start Snitchin’.

Phone: 215-423-2223 Fax: 215-423-5937

SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA Sealed proposals will be received by the School Reform Commission at the School Administration Building located at 440 North Broad St., 3rd Floor, Office of Capital Programs, Philadelphia, PA 19130-4015, until 2:00 P.M., on Tuesday, August 25th, 2009. A non-refundable fee for each set of bid documents is as scheduled. The School District will only accept bids from companies that have been placed on its current Pre Qualified Contractors List as shown at All School District Project require MBE/WBE participation as shown in the specifications.

B- 800 (C) of 2007/08* General Contract-Single Prime-Replacement High School

West Philadelphia Replacement High School 4901 Chestnut St.

BUDGET $50,000,000.00

FEE $500.00

* A pre-bid site tour will be held at the project location, 4901 Chestnut on August 3, 2009 at 9:00 am. And a pre-bid conference will be held at 440 North Broad St., in the Main Conferecne Room of the Office of Capital Programs on August 3m 2009 at 1:00 pm. It is strongly recommended that all bidders attend both meetings.

Specifications and/or plans and contract documents may be examined and copies thereof obtained from the School Reform Commission, 440 North Broad Street, 3rd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Information as to contract documents, etc., may be obtained at the above address, or telephone 215-400-5225. Make checks payable to the School District of Philadelphia. The School Reform Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids and make the awards to the best interests of the School District of Philadelphia.

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The Public Record • July 30, 2009

page 30 The Public Record • July 30, 2009

Public Record Classifieds: ADOPTION ADOPT: Happily married couple wants your baby to be the love of our lives. Well educated. Financially secure. Expenses paid. Please call Gina/Paul, 1-888-442-3194. AUTOMOBILE/TRUCKS Buy Police Impounds! 99 Honda Civic $500! 00 Toyota Camry $700! 97 Nissan Altima $600! Hondas, Chevys, Jeeps & More! For listings 800-5465204 ext 3553 AUTOMOBILES $500! Police Impounds for Sale! Cars/Trucks/SUVs from $500! Hondas, Toyotas, Must Sell! for listings call 800-5465204 ext V980 AUTOS WANTED

HELP WANTED Drivers: $70K+/yr! Steady Work+Hometime! Excellent Benefits Pd Hol/Vac. 1yr Tractor Trailer.

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DONATE VEHICLE, Receive $1000 Grocery Coupon. Noah’s Arc Support No Kill Shelters. Research to Advance Veterinary Treatments. Free Towing, Tax Deductible, NonRunners accepted 1-866-912GIVE BUSINESS OPPORT: ALL CASH VENDING! Do you earn $800 in a day? Your own local candy route. Includes 25 Machines and Candy All for $9,995. 1-800-460-4027 EQUIPMENT SAWMILLS From Only $2,990.00—Convert your LOGS TO VALUABLE LUMBER with your own Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skidders also available. Free information: 1-800-578-1363Ext300-N. FINANCIAL OR MISC. Settle IRS Back Taxes for less than you owe! If you quailify we can: Stop wage garnishments. Remove bank levies, tax levies, property seizures. Stop payment plans that get you nowhere. Settle state and business payroll tax problems. Eliminate penalties, interest charges & tax liens. If you owe

Wanted! Consistent Freight, Top Pay & More! Werner Enterprises 1-888-567-3106

STOP LIVING CHECK 2 CHECK & START BUILDING WEALTH! silver.php Dean Marshall, P.O. Box 21806, Phila., PA 19146


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FOR RENT Exclusive Gated Golf Course Award Winning Community 1 and 2 Bedrooms Now Available Call Bonny


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475-5959 HELP WANTED RV delivery drivers needed. Deliver RVs, boats and trucks for PAY! Deliver to all 48 states and CN. For details log on to HELP WANTED DRIVERS Driver- CDL-A. Great Flatbed Opportunity. OTR Runs, Professional Equipment, Competitive Pay & Regular Hometime. Also Hiring Van Drivers. Western Express/SMX CDL-A, 22 YO, 1 yr. exp. 888-839-2013 HOMES FOR SALE A Bank Repo! 4 Br 3Ba

Aspite, Inc. Auto Auction Center 7000 State Road • Philadelphia, PA 19135

(215) 335-4884 Fax (215) 333-7793 The following vehicles were declared abandoned by the Philadelphia Police Department. If, after 30 days from the date of this notice, the vehicles are unclaimed, they will be disposed of as provided in Chapter 73 of the Vehicle Code.




US-1751 2004




US-1651 2002






$10,000! Only $225/Mo! More Homes from $199/Mo! 5% down 15 years @ 8% APR. For listings 800-546-8656 Ext R944 Bank Foreclosure! 4 Br 3 Ba $10,000! Only $225/Mo! More Homes from $199/Mo! 5% down 15 years @ 8% APR. For listings 800-546-8656 ext 1482 LAND FOR SALE NYS LAND SALE JULY SPECIAL! 10 Acres- Lakefront WAS: $79,900 NOW: $49,900. 5 Acres w/ Rustic Camp Salmon River Area $19,900. 46 Acres- Borders Stateland, ponds, foodplot $59,900. 4 Acres in Southern Tier #1 Deer County! WAS: $16,900 NOW: $8,900. Over 100 different properties. Many sizes & areas. Trees, ponds, lakes & streams. 800-229-7843 Christmas & Associates


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Aspite, Inc. Auto Auction Center 7000 State Road • Philadelphia, PA 19135

(215) 335-4884 Fax (215) 333-7793 In accordance with Chapter 73 of the Vehicle Code and authorization of the Department of Transportation, there will be a public auction of the below listed vehicles, THURS, JULY 30, 2009 @ 1:30 PM. The location: 7000 State Road, Philadelphia, PA. All sales final. Cash only.

STOCK# YEAR MAKE SPV-7795 US-1824 •••

2002 2000




3GNEK13TX2G107901 851112 2GTEK19T7Y1272113 852710


for FREE brochure. Open daily. Holiday Real Estate. 1800-638-2102 Online reservations ADOPTION - EAST REGION ONLY: Pregnant? Considering adoption? We are a childless couple seeking to adopt. Will provide FULL-TIME/AT-HOME parent. Financial security. Ex-

penses paid. Steve & Robert. 1-888-836-3639 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY EAST REGION ONLY: Major National Insurance Company has a limited number of local agencies for sale in PA. A Great Business Opportunity! Please send inquires to: or/Fax:866-296-7535

Christ. He had been unloading tools from his truck when an unknown man fired a single shot and drove away. PHA Executive Director Carl Greene joined Carpenters Union officials, as well as family members of Mr. Barnes, at Raymond Rosen Manor Tuesday in North Philadelphia. “Please do the right thing,” asked Shirley Barnes. “And turn yourself in. The Lord will forgive you, but only if you do the right thing.” Mr. Barnes is still in critical condition in the hospital.

SHIRLEY Barnes, wife of carpenter Rodney Barnes, urges people to come forward with any details they might have on suspect who her husband last Saturday. Comforting Mrs. Banrnes and family is Mark Durkalec, business representative of Carpenters Union Local 1073, PHA Executive Director Carl Greene and Asia Coney, executive director of Tenant Support Services.

The Public Record • July 30, 2009

(Cont. From Page 1) while working at Raymond Rosen Manor last Saturday. The reward is being administered through the Citizens Crime Commission. John Appledorn, executive director of the Crime Commission said any calls are taken in the strictest of confidence and no one has to even give their name when they call. He urges people with any information to call (215) 596-TIPS. Barnes, a married father of four, is also a minister at the Mt. Airy Church of God in

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Carpenters And PHA Offer $10,000 Reward

Murphy: Ask, Tell … And Serve dating the discharge of openly gay, lesbian or bisexual service members. Supporters of the DADT policy state open homosexuality within the US Armed Forces would be a hindrance and ultimately compromise unit cohesion and troop morale. However, Murphy argues otherwise, stating "In Iraq, my men did not care what race, color, creed or sexual orientation their fellow paratroopers were," Murphy said. "They cared whether they could get the job done."

CONGRESSMAN Murphy addresses rally in front of Independence Hall, invoking famous structure in his appeal for gay rights in military.

CHOP Rated Tops Again The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia has been ranked first in cancer, diabetes and endocrine disorders, neonatal care, respiratory disorders and urology of America’s Best Children’s Hospitals, featured in the August issue of US News & World Report, available on newsstands starting Jul. 21. Rather than publishing an overall general-pediatrics ranking this year, US News & World Report issued a “US News score” for each of 10 specialties ranked based on methodology weighing a three-part blend of reputation, outcome, and care-related measures such as nursing

care, advanced technology, credentialing, and other factors. CHOP’s combined US News score across the 10 specialties ranked is the highest, with a combined score of 944. CHOP was ranked number one in more specialties than any other hospital and is the only hospital that scored in the top three of all 10 specialties. CHOP ranked #1 in cancer, diabetes and endocrine disorders, neonatal care, respiratory disorders and urology. CHOP ranked #2 in digestive disorders, heart and heart surgery, kidney disorders, neurology and

neurosurgery. CHOP ranked #3 in orthopedics. Additionally, CHOP was the only pediatric hospital in the tri-state area named to US News. & World Report’s Honor Roll. "While we are honored by this recognition, we understand there is still much more to do to constantly seek to improve the ideal patient experience for patients, families, and employees," said Steven M. Altschuler, MD, president and CEO, of the hospital. "We are humbled by this ranking and recommit ourselves daily to every child affected by our work."

by Sam Brenner First-term Democratic Congressman Patrick Murphy has claimed a leading position in the campaign to change US military policy on homosexuality. Murphy, alongside gay, lesbian and straight service members, fielded a press conference at Independence Hall this week to shed light on on current Defense Dept. policy. The conference was part of “Voices of Honor: A Generation under ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’”, a tour designed to raise awareness for homosexual soldiers deemed unfit to serve the US Armed Forces due to their sexual preference. While Murphy made it clear his heart lies in repealing “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,” it may also work to his advantage next year. By siding with organizations such as The Human Rights Campaign and Service Members United, Murphy is ensuring political support from the gay and lesbian community for his upcoming election which is sure to be sharply contested by a Republican challenger. The gay and lesbian community has a significant presence within Bucks Co., a critical part of Murphy’s District, and access to nationwide funding sources. DADT, passed by Congress in 1993, is a law man-

The Public Record • July 30, 2009

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