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Vol. XI. No. 34 (Issue 499) We Buy Gold & Diamonds

Serving Citywide Political, Labor, Legal and School Communities of Philadelphia “The good things we do must be made a part of the public record”

Value 50¢

August 20, 2009

Universal Health Care Does Pa. Have The Answer?

Our AdultBasic Protects Many

Green ‘Nose’ How To Get Rid Of Smelly Dumpsters

COUNCILMAN Bill Green points to radio-frequency medallion, “the nose”, which will immediately identify offending dumpsters when triggered by inspectors.

A heat wave, which sporadically descends on this City’s residents, has exacerbated a crisis for many of its citizens, whose lives are spent near or close to trash dumpsters. Many of these dumpsters share several things in common: They smell; draw rats, roaches and other insects; and make life miserable for those unable to force their users to get them cleaned and keep their contents from leaking into and spilling onto the streets and pavements. They can be found everywhere and anywhere, from the busy commercial streets and alleys of this City, to the backyards and empty lots of neigh(Cont. Page 19)

Local 1776, HCAN Demonstrate At Walmart Area members of Health Care for America Now and the United Food & Commercial Workers Local 1776 launched an effort to urge customers of Wal-Mart to encourage the company to provide affordable health care to the nearly 700,000 workers not

covered by the company's health-insurance plan. In an action, mirrored by similar activities this week in 60 cities, members of HCAN and Local 1776 asked customers at Wal-Mart’s Franklin Mills store in Northeast Philadelphia

In This Week’s Issue • Check out our Educational supplement • Weekend activity “down da shore” • Political shenanigans statewide

to sign cards asking the largest retailer in the country to “do right by its workers – and taxpayers.” Wendell W. Young, IV, president of UFCW Local 1776, and Marc Stier, Pennsylvania director for HCAN, agreed, “Wal-Mart’s claim that 94% of its workers have health care is a grossly misleading statement which makes it appear that the company provides this coverage. “Taxpayers pay an estimated more than $1 billion a year to provide health care to Wal-Mart’s workers who are on Medicaid and the State (Cont. Page 19)

State Rep. Bill Kortz ... US Senate candidate with another plan.

US Senate Candidate Has A Plan

The main media may have forgotten there are three contesting for the Democratic nomination to become the next US Senator from Pennsylvania. Two getting top billing are US Sen. Arlen Specter and Congressman Bill Sestak. The other, long declared (Cont. Page 2)

by William J. Hanna Heated debate has everyone raging over universal health care. The number of uninformed citizens may now be exceeded by that of the misinformed. As the nation’s lawmakers seek a way to extend health coverage to all citizens, Washington is ensnarled in a standoff between those who want a new government-administered healthinsurance program and those who fiercely oppose one. Pennsylvania already offers a different model for universal coverage. Referred to as “adultBasic”, it has been up and running for seven years. It may be a guide to the kind of final deal President Barack Obama will have to accept. Indeed, it may open a back door to future fundamental reforms in today’s tortuous and overpriced healthcare system by showing how to tap funding sources other than the taxpayer. It’s an option sources high in the Obama administration have confirmed is being considered down the road. In Pennsylvania, the State pays for (Cont. Page 2)

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page 2 The Public Record • August 20, 2009

Everyone Has A Real Insurance Plan!

(Cont. from Page 1) some individuals and families who are under a certain income limit to get HMO coverage through Highmark BC/BS, offered in Western Pennsylvania; Highmark Blue Blue Shield in Central Pennsylvnia; First Priority Health, which is an option in various areas throughout the state; Keystone Plan East, which is the choice in Philadelphia. One solution would copy this program nationwide, but using Federal instead of State funds, with open enrollment for the 49 million people who have no coverage. The Pennsylvania program is only hindered by a lack of funds. AdultBasic is paid for largely by a settlement the Commonwealth received from the tobacco industry to compensate for the marketing of tobacco. It was a hefty sum – more than $400 million a year – and has been supplemented by additional contributions from the state’s four major health insurers. It is able to cover 140,000 adults who lack employer-sponsored health insurance and whose income is less than twice the poverty level – all without a penny from taxation. It’s still not enough to meet the outstanding need. About 200,000 people are on a waiting list to receive adultBasic. And it does not address the impact of high health-insurance premiums on families of middle income.

However, the adultBasic Program can help to define a fallback position for Federal coverage for the uninsured. Its method uses the present health-insurance market without disrupting it. Furthermore, the way adultBasic is paid for – in essence by jawboning certain components of the private sector – has proven to be politically workable. After the current round of reform is complete, the United States will still be forced into a serious reappraisal of how to cover its skyrocketing healthcare costs. Inevitably, the private sector must be tapped. But employers are already tapped out. From where else can this new money come? A large component of America’s abnormally high health costs is caused by our clumsy, tort-driven legal system. Medical-malpractice insurance, unnecessary “defensive medicine” and the lavish bottom line of plaintiffs’ attorneys combine to make medicine more expensive here than anywhere else on earth. True cost control cannot begin until legal costs are reined in. But that’s a toughie for Democratic policymakers. The Party is heavily dependent on donations by trial lawyers and dares not offend them today. That’s why tort reform has been studiously left out of all plans currently being studied in Congress.

Someday, though, it must be added. When every other major player in the health industry – providers, insurers and taxpayers – has been required to give back, the attorneys’ turn will come. Medical litigation is a trillion-dollar industry. If cigarette-makers and HMOs can pitch in toward the cost of adultBasic in Pennsylvania, the litigation industry can offer a substantial source of private-sector funding to share taxpayers’ pain to complete the process of extending health care to all, nationwide. In June 2001, Gov. Tom Ridge signed into law the Health Investment Insurance Act (Act 77 of 2001). Act 77 was a dramatic initiative that invested the proceeds of the State’s tobacco settlement in the health of Pennsylvania consumers. The State is expected to receive approximately $11 billion over the course of 25 years. The largest single component of the settlement provides health insurance to a number of uninsured Pennsylvanians between the ages of 19 and 64. The program was designed to provide health insurance for adults meeting certain income requirements who do not otherwise have health-care covera,,,,,,ge. Enrollees do not get off scot free. They must pay a $35 monthly premium as well as copayments for services. The adultBasic program,

which has been in place since July 2002, is administered by the Pennsylvania Insurance Dept. and offers basic benefits, including preventive care, physician services, diagnosis and treatment of illness or injury, in-patient hospitalization, out-patient hospital services and emergency accident and medical care. When dealing with chil-

dren, however, the adultBasic Program differs slightly from the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which offers children of low-income families affordable, or even free, health care coverage. The adultBasic Program provides basic health-care coverage for eligible adults. Families, however, may apply for either or both pro-

grams (CHIP and adultBasic) using the same application. Applications for enrollment in the adultBasic Program are available from adultBasic contractors or by calling the toll-free number, 1 (800) G0-BASIC. An online application is also available. See “Application for adultBasic”, or reference

Kortz Wants Manderino Plan (Cont. from Page 1) but often ignored, is Allegheny Co. State Rep. Bill Kortz, who may be underfunded and little known at this point. Kortz, however, has a message that would interest many Pennsylvanians. He is the co-sponsor of HB 1660 which creates a single-payer health-care system in Pennsylvania, a stand not supported by either of his opponents. Calling himself a moderate Democrat, Bill Kortz is a member of the “Blue Dog Democrats” in the Pennsylvania State House. He claims he has consistently endorsed the single-payer system to all audiences across the state and backed up his support with figures demonstrating how single-payer will reap substantial savings not only for the state, but for all governments and businesses across Pennsylvania. Kortz says, “Do the math

to calculate your savings. Take your total yearly payroll times 10% and subtract that figure from your current costs for providing health care for your employees.” Savings in tax dollars for the State budget alone, he estimates, would be around $335 million per year. That amount would go a long way toward solving Pennsylvania’s budget problems, as it would for other states. It would help all counties across Pennsylvania, which are now lobbying the State Legislature for additional powers to levy new sales taxes to solve their budget problems. Kortz notes, “For Pennsylvania alone, the negatives of our current health-care system are staggering. Here, 1.5 million residents are uninsured, 2 million more are underinsured, and 98% of insured Pennsylvanians are in danger of illness-related financial ruin. Fifty percent of personal bankruptcies and

home foreclosures are caused by medical bills. Health-care costs are bankrupting our cities, towns, and counties. “On the other hand, the benefits of the single-payer system are impressive: quality health care for all; you pick your own doctor; you and your own doctor determine the best course of treatment, not an insurance company; reduced liability resulting in Pennsylvania physicians staying here; financial security for families, businesses, local governments and school districts.” Kortz says Pennsylvania can “be the catalyst for healthcare reform for the nation. Just as it was when Pennsylvania was the first to implement the CHIP program. Once proven, CHIP was expanded nationwide. Pennsylvania can begin the process by advancing State Rep. Kathy Manderino’s single-payer legislation and prove its worth to the citizens of the nation.”

PETITION TO: (Senator/Congressman)_________________________________ From: (State Your Name) __________________________________

SS# (Optional) ____________________________________________ [ ] NO, I am against universal health care. I do not want any government to intervene in my private health matters. (Please take away my rights to Medicare, Medicaid and all State and City health plans that I might use; let me pay for my own.) [ ] YES, I am for universal health care. I want the Federal government to manage a healthinsurance program for all. [ ] YES, I am for the third option where the Federal government can pay for my HMO premium following the example of “adultBasic” health care in Pennsylvania. Signature: ______________________________ Date: _____________________

ATLANTIC CITY’S annual Feast of the Assumption, “blessing of the waters”, drew over 3,000 to old Convention Hall on the Boardwalk, with another 1,000 joining them at water’s edge. Event is sponsored by St. Michael’s Church, together with AC’s other Roman Catholic Churches.

cus” vote to unanimously endorse Corbett. Both efforts were ruled “out of order”. Perhaps Republican power-brokers are concerned that Western Pennsylvania native son, Congressman Jim Gerlach, originally of Ellwood City, Lawrence Co., is beginning to pick up steam in his bid for the Party’s gubernatorial nod. Roddey seemed certain he would reintroduce his endorsement resolution at September’s regular Republican State Committee meeting. That should be one interesting meeting. Latino Communities Showing Big Votes Latino communities across Pennsylvania have been engaged in civic participation and voter education efforts. A report released by the Immigration Policy Center, a national research organization, shows just how significant those efforts have been, elevating Pennsylvania to lead the country with an astounding 83% increase of Latino voter turnout between 2004 and 2008. The report, “Latino and Asian Clout in the Voting Booth”, includes newly released census data from the 2008 election cycle showing the growing electoral power of minority and immigrant voters – especially Latinos. “This report shows the explosion of immigrant and Latino voters in Pennsylva-

nia, an electorally pivotal state,” said Miguel Concepción of Democracia Ahora. “And these voters are demanding that immigration reform be a priority for Congress this year.” Concepción directed voterregistration drives in multiple communities in Pennsylvania last fall with his organization. “So many Latinos in Pennsylvania are immigrants or the children of immigrants. They have family and friends who

suffered under the broken immigration system and the rancor around the issue, and fully expect their elected officials to create a realistic legislative solution on immigration in the next several months.” Voting data from the 2008 election, released in late July by the US Census Bureau, illustrates the growing electoral power of minority voters. A comparison of Current Population Survey data on voters in the 2004 and 2008 elections

reveal the extent to which the ranks of Latino, Asian and Black voters have increased in only four years. This data serves as a demographic “wake-up call” to politicians. The number of Latino voters increased by 28.4%, or 2.2 million – from 7.6 million in 2004 to 9.8 million in 2008; Asian voters increased by 21.3%, or 589,000 – from 2.8 million in 2004 to 3.4 million in 2008; the number of Black voters increased by

15.1%, or 2.1 million – from 14 million in 2004 to 16.1 million in 2008. In contrast, the number of non-Latino, white voters increased by 0.5%. Specter To Support Free-Choice Cloture Sen. Arlen Specter is indicating he will support cloture for the controversial labor bill the Employee Free Choice Act. Specter told a panel discus(Cont. Page 4)


The Public Record • August 20, 2009

Republican Party insiders are enjoying an inside fight, which could break out into an all-out Primary fight, for who will lead their party into the gubernatorial fray that is soon to move into the main political arena. It’s obvious Attorney General Tom Corbett, of Allegheny Co., is worried he could be seriously challenged for the Republican nomination for Governor. His guys are making moves to shortcircuit Congressman Jim Gerlach’s announced attention to seek the Party’s gubernatorial nomination. After the Republican State Committee voted in early August to nominate Judge Paula Ott to fill the Party’s vacant ballot position for Superior Court, former Allegheny Co. Executive, and current County GOP Chairman, Jim Roddey implored the joint Northwest/Southwest Caucus to pass a resolution unanimously endorsing Attorney General Tom Corbett for Governor in 2010. As Roddey noted, an early endorsement of Corbett would help with “Party unity”. Roddey’s efforts were quickly curbed when another committeeman pointed out the Aug. 8 special meeting was only intended to fill the vacant ballot position and that no new business was to be taken up. Roddey then asked for consideration of a “straw poll” or a “sense of the cau-

Page 3

Corbett Forces Fail To Derail Gerlach





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page 4 The Public Record • August 20, 2009

Specter Makes Pragmatic Move (Cont. from Page 3) sion at the “Netroots Nation” liberal bloggers’ convention he would vote to bypass a filibuster for the “card check” legislation. This is a change from his earlier position when he said

he would oppose the EFCA bill and cloture. The veteran Senator proves he once again is a savvy politician. He needs organized-labor support to beat down a primary challenge from Congressman Joe Sestak

in which polls have found Specter flagging. Is Will Mega Partying Toward A House Seat? Will Mega, long-time political and community activist, found he had quite a following as he celebrated his 37th

birthday at a South Street Restaurant last weekend. It’s reported he has been thinking of running in the Legislative primary for the 192nd seat now held by the venerable Louise Williams Bishop. If so, he probably

Campaigning At Finnigan’s Campaigning At Montco Golf

OLD FRIENDS and allies in Republican Party and beyond turned out at Finnigan’s Wake in Northern Liberties to lend a hand at fundraiser for legal difficulties of former Council aide Chris Wright. From left are Mayer Krain, State Rep. John Sabatina, 5th Ward Leader Mike Cibik, Wright, 27th Ward Leader Matt Wolfe and 23rd Ward Leader Bill Pettigrew.

Councilman Wm.


State Rep.

State Rep.

Frank Oliver

Room 580 City Hall P. 215-686-3446/7 F. 215-686-1927

MARCEL GROEN, Anne Lazarus, Doug Pike and Jonathan Saidel were among politicos mingling at Montgomery Co. Democratic Committee Golf Outing dinner, Photo by Bonnie Squires held at Talamore in Ambler.

partied for more support from those attending than for a birthday wish. Governor Picks Up Fumo’s Press Guy Gov. Ed Rendell named Gary Tuma, long-time press secretary to former State Sen. Vincent Fumo, as his new press secretary last week. It’s a smart move for the Governor, now involved in a contentious budget battle with Senate Republicans. “Gary Tuma is a veteran newsman who brings a variety of perspectives to the job. He has been a reporter covering the Capitol, a press secretary at a cabinet agency, and a press secretary in the legislature,” Rendell said. “Gary is a well-respected, hard-working and experienced press secretary, and I couldn’t be more pleased that he is joining my administration.”

195th District 2839 W. Girard Ave. Phila. PA 19130


William Keller 184th District 1531 S. 2nd Street




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State Rep.

ROBERT C. DONATUCCI 185th District 1809 Oregon Ave, Phila., PA 19145


State Representative

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Constituent Service Office

1610 S. Broad St. Phila., PA 19145 (215) 952-3378

State Rep. Cherelle

Parker 200th Legislative District 1536 E. Wadsworth Ave. Phone: (215) 242-7300 Fax: (215) 242-7303

JOHN SABATINA JR. 174th District State Representative 8100 Castor Ave Phila, PA 19152 Hours: 9am to 5pm Telephone: 215-342-6204

I am always looking for new ways to communicate 5th Senatorial District residents. I recently set up a fan page on Facebook and started using Twitter. You can connect with me and learn more about what I’m doing in Harrisburg and the Northeast. If you’re on Facebook, just search “Senator Mike Stack.” You can also follow me on Twitter@SenMikeStack. Parkwood Shopping Center 12361 Academy Road, Phila., PA 19154, 215-281-2539 8016 Bustleton Avenue Philadelphia PA 19152 215-695-1020 2644 LeFevre St. • Phila., PA 19137 215-744-5361 Open Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 5 PM


The Public Record (USPS PP 109) Weekly Publication Published by:

The Phila. Public Record The South Phila Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila., PA 19147 ISSN 1938-8551 (Application to Mail At Periodicals Postage Rates Is Pending At Philadelphia PA and Bellmawr NJ) Postmaster: send address change to: The Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila. PA 19147 215-755-2000 Fax: 215-689-4099 Subscription Rate: $ 30.00/Year EDITORIAL STAFF Editor & Publisher: James Tayoun Sr. Managing Editor: Anthony West Associate Editor: Rory G. McGlasson Medical Editor: Paul Tayoun M.D. CitiLife Editor: Ruth R. Russell Editorial Staff: Joe Sbaraglia Out & About Editor: Denise Clay Contributing Editor: Bonnie Squires Nathaniel Lee Creative Director & Editorial Cartoonist: Ron Taylor Photographers: Donald Terry Lee Buchanan Dawud Starling Production Manager: William J. Hanna Bookkeeping: Haifa Hanna Webmaster: Sana Muaddi-Dows Advert. director: John David Controller: John David Circulation: Steve Marsico The Public Record welcomes news and photographs about your accomplishments and achievements which should be shared with the rest of the community. Contact us by phone, fax, e-mail or by dropping us a note in the mail. If you mail a news item, please include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify the information you provided us, if necessary. The Public Record reserves the right to edit all news items and letters for grammar, clarity and brevity. (C) 1999-2009 by the Philadelphia Public Record. No reproduction or use of the material herein may be made without the permission of the publisher. The Philadelphia Public Record will assume no obligation (other than the cancellation of charges for the actual space occupied) for accidental errors in advertisements, but we will be glad to furnish a signed letter to the buying public.

Page 5


The Public Record • August 20, 2009

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page 6 The Public Record • August 20, 2009

Reps Blast Safety Chief’s Sacking by Tony West Last Friday, the Safe Schools Advocate for the School District of Philadelphia was dismissed and his office was closed by the State Dept. of Education, to which he reported. Shocked, Philadelphia lawmakers who had fought to establish his office in 2001 struck back Tuesday in a press conference before Jack Stollsteimer’s darkened office door in School District HQ. The bipartisan

team of State Reps. William Keller and John Taylor, joined by Controller Alan Butkovitz who was formerly a State House member, called the action by Education Secretary Gerald Zahorchak illegal and demanded the office be reopened. “Please be advised that you do not have the power to arbitrarily close this office,” Taylor and Keller wrote in a letter to Zahorchak. The Secretary had cited the ongoing budget crisis as a rea-

State Sen.

Shirley M. Kitchen 3rd Sen. District 1701 W. Lehigh Ave.Ste 104 • Philadelphia, PA 19132 215-227-6161 •

son for letting Stollsteimer go. But the legislators asserted that was a thin cover for longstanding resistance in the Dept. of Education to the Safe Schools Advocate’s mission. “We passed the bill establishing the Advocate’s position after numerous parents and students reported to us they had been victimized by violence and the School District had taken no action against the perpetrators,” Taylor said. “We found a systematic effort by the School District to underreport and downplay the amount of violence in our schools.” As a result, Keller said, at the beginning of this decade Philadelphia ranked first among the nation’s school districts in incidents of violence. Today, he noted, it has dropped to 12th place – a sign the Safe Schools Advocate has had a positive impact, he maintained. In their original investigation, Keller and Taylor said they were told by teachers it was so hard to discipline or remove pupils who were aggressors in the classroom that in practice their victims were transferred instead. “Because there are some bureaucrats who would rather cover up facts that embarrass them, the public needs an independent voice to ensure the safety of the children,” Keller said. However, Taylor charged

State Senator

Larry Farnese First Senate District Tel. 215-952-3121 1802 S. Broad St.• Phila. PA 19145

Daryl La Fountain Candidate In 2010

Senator Tina

For District 175

Tartaglione 2nd Dist. 127 W. Susquehanna Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19122

1063 Bridge St. Philadelphia, PA 19124



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Pa. Students Performing Better, But Not By Much the last seven years the percentages of students getting the lowest grade in math dropped by 63% in Grade 5 and by 54% in Grade 8. Pennsylvania is even showing that success in middle school – perhaps the hardest grades to reach – is possible. The percent of students scoring on grade level in 8th Grade has increased by almost 40% in math and reading since 2002. “Pennsylvania’s investments in increasing student achievement are working, and for the sake of our economic future we cannot afford to lose momentum now,” Zahorchak said. “The last stage of any race is the hardest, and we need to accelerate our progress in help-

The Public Record • August 20, 2009

A record number of Pennsylvania students are performing on grade level in reading and math, with increases seen across the board for the first time ever in all grades and subjects tested, reports Education Secretary Gerald L. Zahorchak. The results come from the annual Pennsylvania System of School Assessment, known as the PSSA, given in reading and math in Grades 3-8 and 11. Students who score “proficient” or “advanced” are considered to be performing on grade level. Overall, nearly threequarters of Pennsylvania students scored on grade level in reading and math in 2009. And as evidence of Pennsylvania’s sharp progress, over

ing the toughest-to-reach students succeed in the classroom.” Gov. Rendell’s proposed budget would build on student success by continuing to fund schools using a sixyear formula enacted by the General Assembly last year. The formula, crafted as a result of the legislature’s

PHEAA Loan Schedule Changed State Rep. Babette Josephs is alerting recent college graduates about a new loa- repayment plan that took effect in July. The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency has created a new repayment plan to better accommodate student-loan borrowers who may be having trouble making payments. “Students are graduating from college today and are unable to find the jobs they seek. This plan will help borrowers adjust to repaying

their loans, especially with the economy the way it is,” Josephs said. The income-based repayment plan is available to students with Stafford, Graduate PLUS and Federal Consolidation loans, provided a Parent Plus Loan is not included in the consolidation. Under the IBR program, monthly installments are determined by the borrower’s income, amount of debt and the number of people within the household. The new plan offers loan forgiveness to bor-

Page 7

Education: The Way To A Better Future

rowers who have completed 25 years of qualifying payments. In order to take advantage of this new repayment plan, loan borrowers must speak to a PHEAA customer service representative at 1 (800) 2330557 to determine their eligibility for the IBR plan. For more information about loan repayment programs, students and loan borrowers can visit Josephs’ website at, or call her office at (215) 8931515.

“Costing-Out Report”, is intended to ensure all schools have the tools needed to bring all students to proficiency while minimizing the burden on local propertytaxpayers. Zahorchak noted there is a clear link between adequate funding and student performance. In 2008, school districts with the largest funding gaps averaged 78% more students below grade level than dis-

tricts with adequate resources. “These results point to the importance of continued investment in Pennsylvania’s school-funding formula to support proven academic programs in all 500 school districts,” Zahorchak said. “Our educators deserve our gratitude and respect for their success in helping students learn, but don’t think for a minute that we can continue making progress

without adequate resources in every classroom.” Pennsylvania school districts are currently in the annual process of reviewing their school-level PSSA results in order to verify the schools where individual students are reported and file any necessary Adequate Yearly Progress appeals. The Dept. of Education will release school- and district-level PSSA and AYP results later this summer.

Neumann-Goretti High School Has Been Named The Top Athletic Program In The State Of Pennsylvania By Sports Illustrated

page 8 The Public Record • August 20, 2009

Technology Program ‘Makes’ Info Journeyman Specialists Twin brothers Timothy and Matthew Mistalski are in their third year of service as computer-support specialists in the City’s public schools, and recently earned “journeymen, information technology” certificates from the State. The certificates qualify the 19-year-old brothers from Northeast Philadelphia to work as network administrators, computer technicians or help-desk support. Both brothers say it would not have been possible without The Urban Technology Project, a collaborative of the School District of Philadelphia and Communities in Schools of Philadelphia, Inc., with academic support from Community College of Philadelphia. “This is a great program for anyone who has an interest in computer and information technology,” Timothy Mistalski said. “They can earn a little money and get access to Community College of Philadelphia to complete their certifications.” The Mistalski brothers are among 60 participants in The Urban Technology Project’s Digital Service Fellows and

Computer Support Specialists programs. A celebration of the participants’ achievements will be held 4:30-6:30 p.m., Monday, Aug. 17 in the Main Atrium at the School District of Philadelphia Education Center, 440 N. Broad Street. DSF and CSS are the core components of The Urban Technology Project, which prepares recent Philadelphia highschool graduates for employment in the field of information technology. The Project also provides undergraduate class-work at Community College of Philadelphia that can lead to an associate’s degree, and possibly, to transfer into a fouryear college or university. The DSF and CSS programs are complementary. DSF is a one-year, AmeriCorps apprenticeship in which participants provide technology services and are mentored by information technology professionals in the School District of Philadelphia. The participants assist teachers and students in designing technology-related activities and projects that infuse technology into the educational process.


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Page 9

In case you’ve been marooned on an ice flow or otherwise out of the Philadelphia Sports Loop over the last few days, Michael Vick, former quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons (and dogfight promoter extraordinaire) is the newest member of the Philadelphia Eagles. Vick, fresh from the end of his Federal jail term for operating a dogfighting ring, was introduced to the pack of wild hounds that constitutes the city’s sports media at a press conference on Friday. And what a press conference it was! From team owner Jeffrey Lurie’s telling the world just how much self-hatred one must show to be a member of his team (something that made Brian Dawkins’s move to the Denver Broncos a lot easier for me to understand), to Andy Reid’s hope that someone would use this moment as an example for how to treat his wayward sons once they got out of jail, and protestors from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (or PETA to their friends), it had something for everyone. Dressed in a designer suit I’m pretty sure was made of some of the best ashes and sackcloth available, Vick talked about what he hoped to bring to the team from a football and anti-dogfighting advocate perspective. Or at least I’m sure he would have liked to talk about football. Folks seemed more focused on the dogfighting thing. Throughout the weekend, Eagles fans blew up the phone lines at WIP and ESPN950 expressing themselves. Some vowed to never cheer the Eagles on again for putting a guy who had killed dogs in the Green and White. Others said the Christian tenet of forgiveness should prevail. Some fans with season tickets vowed to sell their seats to express their out(Cont. Page 15)

ADAM BELOFF, one of the successful candidates for Judge in the Democratic primary, is having a fundraising comedy night at the Philadelphia Quartette Club beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Jul. 27. The cost is a nominal $25 and includes a DJ for dancing after the show. Adam was lucky enough to draw the number-one spot on the Common Pleas list of candidates and conducted a vigorous campaign which brought him success in the form of being nominated for the November campaign. He is the husband of CHRISTINE HOPE-BELOFF, who is a leading domestic-relations attorney practicing mainly in Philadelphia but also in the surrounding counties. Speaking of comedy nights, the renovated Devon on Frankford Avenue in lower Mayfair just recently produced a successful comedy show. It featured JOE CONKLIN. He was supported by CHRIS MORRIS and DENNIS MORAN. Standup comedy is very difficult and Conklin, who has been at it for over 10 years, shows he is ready for prime time. He put on a very entertaining, clean show which ran over an hour. The Devon used to be a movie theater which, like a lot of neighborhood theaters, fell on hard times. STATE REP. JOHN PERZEL, with the assistance of his chief of staff TOM FORKIN, was able to round up considerable State money for rehabilitating the Devon as part of a nonprofit development on Frankford Avenue. Also involved in bringing the Devon to a successful conclusion were COUNCILWOMAN JOAN KRAJEWSKI, STATE REP. MIKE McGEEHAN and STATE SENS. SHIRLEY KITCHEN and TINA TARTAGLIONE. The lighting is up to the minute and state of the art. The theater itself is very clean, with a modern-day decor, air-conditioned, and during the week it offers on Thursday and Friday double features of quality movies for the cost of $5. The theater promises to have a full card of entertainment for the forthcoming year, starting with Sweeney Todd and The Little House of Horrors. It is directly across Frankford Avenue from JOE MALLAMACI’S Tony’s Restaurant, which has, according to Joe, the best pizzas in the Northeast. Joe Conklin is a very funny man. He has a great repertoire of Philadelphians whose voices he can imitate, including the late HARRY KALAS and MAYOR MIKE NUTTER. He also does a great BILL CLINTON and many others. He has taken the place of COZY MORLEY and his routine in fact surpasses Cozy’s for laugh-out-loud humor. (Cont. Page 21)

Yo! Here we go again with this piece sent to me by my good friends Audrey and Ken. It is intended to remind the youth of today that they too will get old. And I guarantee you young and old that you will remember the story of the Wooden Bowl, tomorrow, a week from now, a month from now, a year from now. Here it is the story: A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and four-yearold grandson. The old man’s hands trembled, his eyesight was blurred, and his step faltered. The family ate together at the table. But the elderly grandfather’s shaky hands and failing sight made eating difficult. Peas rolled off his spoon onto the floor. When he grasped the glass, milk spilled on the tablecloth. The son and daughter-in-law became irritated with the mess. “We must do something about Father,” said the son. “I’ve had enough of his spilled milk, noisy eating and food on the floor.” So the husband and wife set a small table in the corner. There, Grandfather ate alone while the rest of the family enjoyed dinner. Since Grandfather had broken a dish or two, his food was served in a wooden bowl. When the family glanced in Grandfather’s direction, sometimes he had a tear in his eye as he sat alone. Still, the only words the couple had for him were sharp admonitions when he dropped a fork or spilled food. The four-year-old watched it all in silence. One evening before supper, the father noticed his son playing with wood scraps on the floor. He asked the child sweetly, “What are you making?” Just as sweetly, the boy responded, “Oh, I am making a bowl for you and another for Mama to eat your food in when I grow up.” The four-year-old smiled and went back to work. The words so struck the parents that they were speechless. Then tears started to stream down their cheeks. Though no word was spoken, both knew what must be done. That evening the husband took Grandfather’s hand and gently led him back to the family table. For the remainder of his days Grandfather ate every meal with the family. And for some reason, neither husband nor wife seemed to care any longer when a fork was dropped, milk spilled or the tablecloth soiled. Now I double-dog dare you to try to forget this story of the wooden bowl. Yours and mine just might be waiting for us – I hope not.

Snooper’s BIG ISSUES: Sit down, because I have three of them for your edification. Please let me know what you think about them. (1) CHRIS WRIGHT, former Chief of Staff for the HON. JACK KELLY, Councilman. I’m not happy with the punishment he received; after all, the only one he hurt – was himself. NO, Chris did not steal any money and the one mark against him was he made some BAD CHOICES. He gets FOUR YEARS, with far fewer indictments and charges against him, compared to VINCE FUMO. (2) HEALTH CARE REFORM. This is a real disaster and it’s going to get worse. These lawmakers, including THE PRESIDENT, have got to STOP LYING. GOV. SARAH PALIN from Alaska has already caught them in one of their lies concerning DEATH PANELS (this is a committee that would decide ‘the fate’ of elderly people who were sick).When she spoke out about it, they quickly retreated; now they are going to change this provision of THE BILL. (3) MICHAEL VICK signing with THE EAGLES. To all you PHONIES who keep calling the “talkradio” stations, telling them you’re going to put your EAGLES TICKETS on eBay: give them to me and I will definitely use them. ALL of you phonies should remember “The Golden Rule” or, better yet, “LET HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE.” Yes, I agree with what they did 100% and I was very impressed with Jeff Laurie, Coach Andy Reid, and Coach Dungy. They really ‘stepped up’ and stood by him. Yes, MICHAEL VICK deserves another chance, and I don’t see anything wrong with it. Email me at … let me know what you think about them. (Cont. Page 20)

The Public Record • August 20, 2009

Who will blink first? The Philadelphia budget as submitted by MAYOR MICHAEL NUTTER’S administration relies completely on the kindness of others. In other words, it relies once again on the hardworking taxpayers of Pennsylvania. That is not a good place to be in a very deep recession. As it stands, the Pennsylvania Senate, led by STATE SEN. DOMINIC PILEGGI, isn’t too happy about Philadelphia’s needing yet another bailout due to fiscal mismanagement. If the Republican-controlled Senate refuses to allow the City to raise sales taxes by 100% and skip two years of funding of its already-underfunded pension, Philadelphia seems to be up a creek without a paddle. It’s indeed a high-stakes game of chicken with the Philadelphia Machine Democrats heading full steam toward Harrisburg, and the taxpayer-defending State Republicans standing firm on principle. A very interesting compromise from Controller candidate AL SCHMIDT has been making its way around the Senate and could be the solution to the pension issue. Schmidt has suggested Republican Senators allow the City to skip its payment obligation for the next two years as requested. As a consequence of its mismanagement, however, the City pension fund must then be turned over to the State-run Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System and out of the hands of the unions. The PMRS was designed to manage the investments of distressed municipal pension funds. Another requirement would be full audits of every City agency every year by the City Controller to identify waste and cost savings. This is not currently being done by Controller and Democrat WARD LEADER ALAN BUTKOVITZ, despite a City Charter mandate that he do so. (Cont. Page 21)

page 10 The Public Record • August 20, 2009

Colon Cancer Has The ‘Blues’ The 1st annual Philly Goes Blue for Colon Cancer campaign will be held in Philadelphia Sep. 26-27.

The weekend of events, created by the Colon Cancer Alliance, is designed to raise awareness of the im-

Educating Providers

MALVERN based Siemens Healthcare brought 1,000 of their healthcare providers from around the country to Philly's Convention Center for sessions on the ARRA and digitizing healthcare data. Seen here are two keynote speakers, Pat Croce and Janet Dillione, CEO of Siemens Global Healthcare and IT unit, based in Malvern. Photo by Bonnie Squires

portance of colon cancer screening and to provide invaluable information for those already affected by the disease. Said Andrew Spiegel, CEO of the Colon Cancer Alliance, “Colon cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the country and we need to make sure everyone who should be screened is getting screened and those living with the disease have the information and support they need to improve their quality of life.” The weekend of activities begins on Saturday with “Conversations about Colorectal Cancer, Finding HOPE in Your Community,” a free educational seminar, conducted in partnership with Fox Chase Cancer Center. The seminar is designed to promote a sense of hope and empow-

erment by offering information on the latest treatment advances and giving patients, survivors and caregivers the opportunity to listen and support each other in the fight against colorectal cancer. The seminar will take place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel at 4100 Presidential Boulevard from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. On Sunday, the second annual Undy 5000 5K run will take place at Memorial Hall in Fairmount Park. Participants will receive a pair of race boxers in place of a typical race t-shirt. Runners, walkers and spectators can visit the event expo, which will feature the Prevent Cancer Foundation Super Colon™ – an interactive, 8-foot-tall, 20-footlong replica of a human colon that provides attendees with an opportunity to learn first-hand about colorectal cancer screening, prevention and treatment. In addition, the Please Touch Museum will have its “play patrol” at the event along with arts, crafts, games and other activities for children.

Keystone Mercy Scholarships

FORTY-ONE Keystone Mercy Health Plan Members were recently presented with scholarships as part of company’s Member Scholarship Program, which is funded by Keystone Mercy’s employees. Since its inception 21 years ago, the scholarship program has awarded more than 700 scholarships, totaling more than $1.5 million in assistance.

by Michael A. Cibik, Esq. American Bankruptcy Board Certified Question: Can I file a bankruptcy only on my medical bills? Answer: The answer is no. However, your bankruptcy must include every bill and everyone that you owe. You cannot just file on the medical bills. Generally the medical bills will be disAttorneys are both board certified by the American Bankruptcy Certification Board. Chapters 7/13 & Stop foreclosures, creditors harassments, lawsuits, garnishments, and sheriff sales.

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charged and will go away. Medical bills are often cited as one of the prime reasons people end up filing bankruptcy. Bankruptcy law requires that all of your bills and all of your creditors are listed. The failure to disclose assets or debts can prevent you from receiving your discharge. Next week’s question: Do I owe too much to file for Chapter 13?

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we will show you some of our newest batch of babies. The Philadelphia Public Record newspapers are looking for the cutest ba-

bies in the city! It could well be the one baby you decide on may well become a future Mayor, or a top union leader, or a major

community advocate, and possibly a super educator. We want to let you decide! The Public Record newspapers kicks off its first Citywide “Philadelphia Baby Future Leader Contest”… the search for the future generation of leaders in this city” beginning with today’s edition and ending with our Halloween edition, Thursday, Oct. 29. We will publish all submitted photographs online and a selection in the Philadelphia Public Record and South Philadelphia Public Record, and ask you, our readers and web users, to vote for the cutest. Your baby could carry off the title of the Philadelphia Public Record newspapers’ Cutest Baby-Future Leader of 2009. Go on! You’ve got nothing to lose! Public Record Newspapers, Inc. has teamed up with PNC Bank and many local businesses, including Chickies Italian Deli and Pennsport Physical Therapy West in South Philadelphia, to give you the chance to win prizes in this great competition. All you have to do is

One-year-old Delano K. Roberts from South Philadelphia.

DOWN THE SHORE! is little one-year-old Ryan Sullivan at Ocean City, New Jersey on his first trip to the beach. John and Nicole Sullivan all live in S. Phila.

Julianna Grace DiRenzo was born on 12/30/08.

YOUNG Jason Sullivan is 10 months old; he was born on 9/4/08. produced in the newspaper. The two winners will be presented with their prize at PNC Bank branch at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Ten runners-up will also win various prizes. By submitting a photograph in this competition you agree to its appearance on our participating website, and in the local press. Any photo deemed to be offensive or inappropriate will not be allowed. Please ensure you get the permission of any persons featured in your photograph. This competition is running in the Philadelphia Public Record and the South Philadelphia Public Record and on their websites at Employees of the Public Record newspapers or their families are not eligible to enter. The winner agrees that their baby photo and any other relevant details, including address, may be used for promotional and editorial purposes.

send us your photos which will then be voted for by our readers. There are two categories, a baby girl and baby boy, up to a year old. Each winner will each receive a $500 prize, and a photo shoot with a professional photographer. Ten runners-up will also receive prizes. It’s easy to send us your photos. Email your picture t o; or drop it in to the Public Record Newspapers offices at 1323 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia PA. 19148. By entering this contest, you will automatically become a subscriber of the Philadelphia Public Record newspaper and the South Philadelphia Public Record newspaper. To opt out of becoming a subscriber, or to find out more information about subscriptions, please call (215) 755-2000. If emailing, please send us the biggest file sizes you can so that your pictures display clearly here and, if you win, can be easily re-

The Public Record • August 20, 2009

The race is on to find the cutest baby among our readers. We have received many cute candidates, and today

Page 11

Who’s The Fairest Baby Of All? Public Record Wants To Know

page 12 The Public Record • August 20, 2009

Ron Waters’ 2009 Village Family Reunion by Nathaniel Lee Over 1,000 people packed Francis Meyers Recreation Center to attend the 2009 village Family Reunion hosted by the indefatigable State Rep. Ronald G. Waters. The phrase “something for everyone” has become an overly used cliche and, personally, I don’t like overly used cliches. However, much to my chagrin, I must confess the Village Family Reunion did indeed have a little “something for everyone.” For children there were pony rides, a live helicopter tour, face painting, rides and popular cartoon figures and clowns. Adults were treated to a seemingly endless stream of performers which concluded with the world-famous Manhattans and Bunny Siegel. Perhaps the most crowd pleasing event was the “So You Think You Got Talent” contest hosted by Shana Walker, in which contestants competed for cash prizes and trophies. On hand were dignitaries

such as Democratic nominee for District Attorney Seth Williams, State Sen. Anthony Williams and former Police Commissioner Sylvester Johnson. The 2009 Village Family Reunion really was a hit not simply because of the celebrities, food and fun but because it brought elected officials together with their constituents and the residents of a beleaguered area hard hit by crime and economic hardships. Waters has used community-outreach programs such as his annual Family Reunion to bring his office closer to the voters of the 191st Legislative District, often initiating events to give neighborhoods the ability to better fight crime and to better communicate with elected officials. Waters has introduced many senior groups to what is available to them from government programs through such events as the 2009 Village Family Reunion.

THOUSANDS of S.W. Philadelphians flocked to Myers Rec Center at 58th & Kingsessing Avenue to enjoy daylong festivities of State Rep. Ron Waters’ Village Family Reunion.

SO YOU THINK you have got talent? Rep Ron Waters asks of one of his constituents at Village Reunion. Waters host 50 performers in talent show at Francis Myers Recreation Center.

STATE SEN. Anthony Williams enjoys company of Charlie Mack, Penny McDonald, and Manuel Glenn at Village Family Reunion.

COUNCILMAN BILL GREENLEE enjoys festivities at 58th & Kingsessing PAUL “Earthquake” Moore joins 12th last week at Ron Waters’ Village Fam- District police officer Joseph Young at ily reunion. reunion.

HUNDREDS FLOCK to check out State Police helicopter that touched down at Village Reunion.

HOST State Rep. Ron Waters greets families at 2009 Village Family Reunion at Francis Myers Recreation Photos by Nathaniel Lee Center.

MAESTRO of Village Family Reunion State Rep. Ron Waters, left, grinned in afternoon sunshine with Democratic 40B Ward Leader Anna Brown and Congre3ssman Bob Brady’s emissary Ducky Birts

STATE REP. Kenyatta Johnson hailed his senior colleague Ron Waters as an inspiration to his career and an ally in providing services to Kingsessing community.

STATE SEN. Anthony Williams enjoyed greeting community workers like this service representative of Southwest Phila. District.

Kal Rudman Tops Variety Show Calendar Philanthropist and public citizen Kal Rudman was a major star last night as he stepped forward to become the Corporate Sponsor of the 19th Annual Stu Bykofsky Candidates Comedy Night. The sponsorship is in the name of the Kal & Lucille Rudman Foundation. Rudman, a board member of children’s charity, Vari-

ety, is well known for his donations to education, City police and firefighters in his home town. He is one of the City’s best-known philanthropists, and his involvement with Variety goes back decades. In years past, Rudman has supported Variety fundraisers like the Tour de Shore Bike Ride, the Tournament of Champions and Old

Newsboys’ Day. He stepped in immediately when informed an earlier sponsor had withdrawn. Candidates Comedy Night is hosted by columnist Stu Bykofsky, the originator and producer of the show. His co-host was Howard Eskin, WIP’s controversial afternoon-drive host, who filled in for perennial co-host, Rhea

Hughes, who recently delivered her first child. Political candidates in attendance this year, hoping to win friends and influence votes, included Judges Joan Orie Melvin and Jack Panella, who are both running for a seat on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Also on hand were Philadelphia City Controller Alan

Butkovitz and his challenger, Al Schmidt, as well as DA rivals Michael Untermeyer and Seth Williams. There were cameo appearances by local celebrities. A special guest performer was 15-year-old James Whitfield, a student at Philadelphia’s HS for the Creative and Performing Arts, who was invited to attend after

winning a standup comedy competition at the school. During the show, candidates take to the stage and try to be funny on purpose. The show, which has raised about $350,000 over the past 18 years, started during Philadelphia’s 1991 Mayoral campaign and has since become a political “must” for nearly all candidates.

At The Pointe In Wildwood

Plumbers Local 690 Marks Summer

FRIENDS of State Rep. John Taylor packed Lighthouse Pointe in Wildwood to show support at his annual summer bash. With Taylor in this photo are Jim Tater and Veronica & Tom Burke.

The Public Record • August 20, 2009

PLUMBERS President Fran Dean, center, played host to JOINING festivities with Plumbers Union Local 690 at packed house at Keenan’s as Union members relaxed for Keenan’s in Wildwood were Frank Rementer, Mike Sulli- day. With him are Joe Mulholland, Larry Conti, Kevin van, Sr., Judge Michael Sullivan, Jr. and Danny Sullivan. Dean and Assistant Business Mgr. Steve Keenan.

Page 13

Down Da Shore

Down Under Draws Local 98 Rank And File

LOCAL 98 VETERANS enjoy annual gathering of “rank and file” membership at Keenan’s in N. Wildwood. From left are Bob Eberle, Treasurer Fran Walsh and Jim Mink.

FAMILY COURT Administrative Judge Kevin Dougherty spends some time with his pop John Dougherty, Sr. at Local 98 T-SHIRT BRIGADE included Ed Kir- Land Down Under in N. Wildlin, Chris Owens and Bob Thompson. wood. Photo by Lee Buchanon

Crowded Sidewalks HAPPY to be aboard with State Rep. Taylor, 2nd from right, were Bill & Anna Godfrey, Arlene Ashdale, a friend, and Local 830’s Mike Kates. ENJOYING FESTIVITIES were Joe Stivala; Ed English, a 55-year member of the Union; Bill Dell; Political Director Bob Henon; and Charlie Bernard.

United Block Against Crime!

ADDING support to host were Ed Shaw, Frances Grace and Teamsters Local 830 chief Daniel Grace.

COMMUNITY activist Van Stone joins Warren Bloom, Cornell Brown, Rev. James Royal, brother Rashan and Janet Powell of Powell Funeral Home with members of the GLBMA. PALMER STREET natives Mary Anne and son Thomas Boyle thank Prison Systems’ Wilfredo Rojas for his work putting together 3rd annual Palmer Street Anti-violence Block Party.

GOP power packers attending John Taylor’s party included, from left, Ward Leader Chris Vogler, SEPTA’s Fran Kelly and Ward Leader Bill Pettigrew.

RESIDENTS AT 3rd annual 1100 E. Palmer Street Block Party took an anti-violence theme directed youth after fatal beating of David Sale, Jr. Prison Community Liaison Officer Wilfredo Rojas and Carmen Marrero, Dem City Committeeman, join his family, friends and for this unity photograph on Palmer Street.

GERMANTOWN Lehigh Business & Merchants' Association hosted 3rd annual Sidewalk Sale & Community Day. DA candidate Seth Williams stopped by and is joined here by the Strawberry Mansion Business Association.

STATE REP W. Curtis Thomas, Rev. Rashan and GLBMA President Cornell Brown.

page 14 The Public Record • August 20, 2009

Our Opinion ... Whichever Plan!

Health-insurance plan reforms have the ability to flourish into as many concepts as there are people vested with a profit motive … including those within government. All the plans have one mission: to provide health coverage to everyone at an affordable rate. But no matter how varied, none of the plans show any thorough input from the people who truly deliver health care: the family physicians, the surgeons, the specialists, the therapists, the nurses and the other hands-on people, on through to hospitals. Neither has there been a full discussion of why tort reform is essential. Why it is the key that will lower insurance costs, health costs, and keep doctors practicing medicine as they were trained to do. For instance, patients now find themselves subjected to a host of testing which was not the mode in years gone by. This is a defensive way doctors hope to insulate themselves from frivolous lawsuits. Their routine decisions now must be based on a paper trail of tests. Usually the tests simply reflect the decision they would have arrived at almost instantly due to years of training. They aren’t truly medical tests; they’re legal tests. Still, these tests cost money – which, in the end, the consumer (and that’s all of us) must pay. It is time our elected leaders begin to investigate the benefits of tort reform as passed in several states and the positive impact on reduced medical costs made in those states. Those findings should then be brought to the attention of the Congress and made to become the center stage for debate, formation into law, finally bringing us a health plan that makes sense. Without the input of every doctor in this country, as is now the case, no plans are worth even a preliminary discussion.

Letters • Letters

Day Care Holdup During the past several days, many day-care centers and home day-care providers have told me they may be forced to cease operations if the State budget impasse continues much longer. I want to assure everyone I empathize with their plight. As a single mother, I am particularly sensitive to this issue. I am greatly concerned that many working moms may have to make a decision between going to work or, Heaven forbid, leaving a child at home. I am passing along everyone's concerns to House Democratic leadership and re-

laying the urgency of this issue. Meanwhile, I urge daycare providers to keep their doors open. They will be paid once the State has a final budget. I know negotiations have dragged on, but House Democrats have made many concessions to jumpstart negotiations, not the least of which was dropping a proposal to increase the Personal Income Tax by 0.5% to close the $3.2 billion budget deficit. The ball is now in the court of Senate Republicans. State Rep. Vanessa Lowery Brown 190th Legislative Dist.

Aug. 20- Back To School Rally hosted by State Sen. Christine Tartaglione at Norris Square, starting 10 a.m. Giving away 500 fully-packed school bags. Entertainment, food, family fun. Aug. 20- 10th annual ‘Ernie’ Block Party hosted by 298 Inc. at 2nd & Mifflin Sts., 5:30-7:30 p.m. Aug. 20- Fundraiser for Al Schmidt, GOP candidate for Controller, SmokeEaters Pub, 7681 Frankford Ave., 6-10 p.m., $40. Aug. 20- Beef & Beer by Teamsters Local 830 in Support of Grace/White Slate at Cannstatter Volksfest Verein, 7-11 p.m. $30 per person, $50 per couple. Tickets available at door. Aug. 27- Judicial candidate Adam Beloff hosts gala at Quartet Club, 1075 Southampton Rd., 7 p.m., $25. Aug. 30- Billy Meehan Clam Bake hosted by Republican City Committee at Cannstatter Volksfest Verein, 9130 Academy Rd., $95.

Sep. 5- State Sen. Anthony Williams and W. Phila. Coalition of Neighborhoods and Businesses host Neighborhood-to-Neighborhood Street Festival at 49th St. & Baltimore Ave., 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Family fun, live entertainment. All free. Sep. 7- AFL-CIO Tri-State Labor Day Parade begins at Reed St. & Delaware Ave., 9 a.m., ending at Penn’s Landing followed by family entertainment, live bands and groups. Sep. 11- Greater N.E. Phila. Chamber of Commerce annual golf outing, Torresdale Frankford C.C. Registration 10 a.m. Sep. 11- Philadelphia River Wards’ “Support Our Troops Rally” Patriot Day hosted by AOH/LAOH Div. 52, Fishtown at Campbell Sq., 6:30 p.m. Sep. 13- Councilwoman Joan Krajewski’s River Bash at Wissinoming Yacht Club, Delaware & Devereaux Aves. Tickets $30. Includes beer and buffet. 2-6 p.m. For info (215) 624-1872. Sep. 13- Wolfe PAC Magic Show fundraiser at 4256 Regent Sq., $50. Sep. 17- Fundraiser for Tom Knox’s Campaign for Gover-

nor at Rose Garden, 19th floor, Park Hyatt, 200 S. Broad St., 6-7:30 p.m. Contribution levels: $500; $1,000; $2,000. For info Hadji Maloumian (215) 636-0660 or email Sep. 18- 11th Ward Fish Fry at Lou’s & Choo’s, 21st St. & Hunting Park Ave., 5-9 p.m. Tickets $8. Sponsored by V. Tutie Edwards. For info (215) 228-3134. Sep. 19- Family Health & Safety Festival sponsored by State Rep. Mark Cohen at Fisher Park, 6000 N. 5th St. For info Sonya Thomas (215) 200-6144. Sep. 19- Beef & Beer for Grace-White Team, Local 830 at Cannstatter Volksfest Verein, 9130 Academy Rd., 7-11 p.m. Tickets $30, two for $50. Food. Live stringband music. For info, Mike Kates: (267) 784-5902 or Jim DiVergilis: (215) 768-0778. Also meet candidates running in Nov. election. Jonathan Saidel, M.C. Sep. 25- Friends of Councilwoman Marian B. Tasco host Party For the People at H&H Banquet Hall, 2036 E. Haines (at Limekiln Pike), 8 p.m.-12 a.m. BYOB. For tickets (215) 843-8482. Make checks

payable to Friends of Marian B. Tasco, POB 27454, Phila., PA 19118. Sep. 26- Diane Thompson for Judge Fundraiser Picnic at Cannstatter Volksfest Verein, 9130 Academy Rd., 16 p.m. Lunch & dinner, $40. RSVP by 9/14. Call (215) 548-7565 or email Sep. 27- “Jazz On The Green” fundraiser for retention of Judge Earlene Green, hosted by Kenneth & Ayesha Salaam at 6816 N. 10th St., 26 p.m. Oct. 17- 16th annual Philadelphia Cares Day Volunteer-AThon day of service. To register individually or as a team, call (215) 564-4544 or go to Oct. 19- Annual Democratic City Committee Fall Cocktail Party at Sheet Metal Workers Hall, 1301 Columbus Blvd., 5:30-7:30 p.m. Tickets $150. For info (215) 241-7804. Oct. 22- Shawn Dillon’s 66th Ward Democratic Party fundraiser and gala at Chickie’s & Pete’s, 11000 Roosevelt Blvd. Oct. 26- State Rep. John Taylor hosts “Night With The Eagles” at Romano’s Catering, 1523 E. Winghocking St., 8 p.m.

Michael Vick’s becoming the newest Eagle are the same people who believe the 8-year-old shot on the corner of 22nd & Lehigh somehow had it coming and thus isn’t worthy of sympathy. In other words, if it’s between worrying about these people and worrying about poor, innocent dogs, the dogs are going to win every time. Not if I’m keeping score. For me, if it’s between the people and the pets, the people have the edge. We should show at least as much outrage over the death of human beings as we do the death of dogs.

R Riin ng gs siid de e W Wiit th h T Th he e S Sh ha ad do ow wb bo ox xe er r We know Tyrone Everett, Gypsy Joe Harris, Garnet “Sugar” Hart, and Eddie “Tacony Flash” Cool were all great Philadelphia boxers. Sadly, that is not the only fact that links these great boxers. All of these men had been lying in unmarked graves across the Philadelphia area – that is, until boxing historian John DiSanto of the website established a program dedicated to placing headstones on them.

Although memories of these men are firmly fixed in boxing fans’ hearts and minds, their final resting places remain anonymous and in danger of being totally forgotten in the coming years. DiSanto established the program in 2005, with Tyrone Everett as the first honoree. Since then, headstones have been placed on the graves of Gypsy Joe Harris and Garnet “Sugar” Hart. Now, Eddie “Tacony Flash”

Cool will be the next great Philadelphia boxer to receive a headstone. Cool was an Irish Catholic boxer in the 1930s, who many boxing historians believe was one of Philly’s bestkept secrets. From 1928 to 1939, Cool complied a 89-28-14 professional record, boxing 75 of those bouts in Philadelphia. In 1936, Cool beat Lightweight Champion Lou Ambers in a non-title bout. Despite becoming the #1 contender, he was never given a shot at the title.

The Public Record • August 20, 2009

(Cont. From Page 9) rage, although trying to make a profit in the process made their outrage seem a little phony. Still others said Vick could only truly show remorse by donating his salary to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. In the end, if the anti-Vick folks were honest with themselves, it’s the fact he’s going to make $1.6 million this season that’s bothering them. How dare he make that kind of money and be back in the NFL after having Fido whacked! The nerve! Now, don’t get me wrong. When a dude kills dogs in some of the ways Vick killed them because they can’t cut it in the dogfighting ring, he’s offended my sensibilities in a big way. But I’d be a lot angrier if the Eagles had given that $1.6 million to Andrea or Daniel Kelly than I am at them for giving it to Michael Vick. Don’t remember who Andrea and Daniel Kelly are? Let me refresh your memory. Because of a combination of their neglect and the incompetence and outright fraud of agencies designed to help, the Kellys 13-year-old daughter,

Danieal, died of starvation, neglect, and just plain old hubris late last year. Andrea is currently serving time for second-degree murder. Daniel has also gone to jail, for neglect. The agencies involved, such as the Dept. of Human Services, have either been totally revamped or done away with. As I sat and listened to the protests and watched people vent their anger about the Vick signing on television and in the newspapers, I thought of two things. One, is this really what passes for news these days? People are disrupting healthcare reform meetings, scaring folks into thinking it equals pulling the plug on Grandma, yet this is the top story? And two, where was all of this passion when Danieal Kelly died? It amazed me to see people lose their minds when Vick’s dogfighting operation was exposed. People couldn’t find enough words to express their outrage over the murders of the dogs of Bad Newz Kennels. But would these same people take to the streets on behalf of an 8-year-old kid found murdered on the corner of 22nd & Lehigh? I doubt it. The same people screaming the loudest about

Page 15

Out & About

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The Public Record • August 20, 2009

page 16

A piece of Hong Kong in new No-Libs eatery by Len Lear Chef Michael O’Halloran, of Old City’s terrific BYOB, Bistro 7, opened his second restaurant, Kong, last Saturday, August 15, at 702 N. 2nd St. in Northern Liberties Kong is serving up Chinese street food, inspired by the dai pai dong open-air food stalls that he and his wife and partner, Sophia Lee, visited during trips to see her family in Hong Kong. All items in Kong, including lots of dumplings, buns and noodle bowls, are priced under $20. “Kong is a combination of Sophia’s Chinese heritage and my culinary influences,” said O’Halloran. “In Hong Kong, a dai pai dong offers a quick meal of freshly cooked local cuisine.

The atmosphere is very social, and the food is delicious. We want to replicate that feeling and those tastes.” Kong’s menu is broken down into categories such as: Small Plates, Dumplings, Buns, Big Plates, Noodle Bowls and Vegetables. Menu items will include Scallion- and Ginger-Roasted Shrimp; Crab, Asparagus and Sausage Broken Custard; Roasted Shittake and Scallion Buns with garlic chives; Soy- and Star Anise-Simmered Pork Belly; Butter Lettuces with oyster sauce and crispy shallots; and Ping’s Pork Spare Ribs. Guests may also create their own Noodle Bowl, filling it with their choice of homemade noodle; protein, such as shrimp and crab, pork belly, duck breast, chicken or tofu; and broth, such as coconut curry,

tomato lemongrass or ginger miso. In addition to a list of red and white wines, Kong offers a variety of beers from China, Thailand, Korea, Vietnam and Japan such as Tsingtao, Yanjin, Zhu Jiang, Export 33, Tiger, Sapporo, Hitachino White and OB. A house rice ale is also planned. The space that houses Kong was designed by Dominic Episcopo, a fine art photographer who incorporated raw wood tables, exposed brick walls and vibrant shades of red. A working fish tank, bare light bulbs in hanging clusters of bird cages and antique Chinese lanterns throughout the restaurant add whimsy. An intimate community table is partitioned off from the rest of the dining room with curtains of beads for privacy. “We had been looking for a perfect space for a long time,” said O’Halloran. “When we found this one,

we loved it immediately. This neighborhood is full of great gastro-pubs, but no one in the area is offering this kind of cuisine.” Dai pai dongs sprouted up across Hong Kong following World War II, when the Chinese government issued special business licenses to war widows, allowing them to operate open-air kitchens as a means of supporting their families. Today, only 28 dai pai dongs still exist in Hong Kong, but they remain a critical part of their cultural memory and culinary identity. Chef O’Halloran took an unconventional path to the kitchen. As a teenager, he was sent to work in a family friend’s restaurant as punishment, but his time there turned out to be more rewarding than grueling. “The kitchen was crammed with what seemed like 100 people running around, yelling at each other,” he said. “It felt

Len Lear a bit like home, except I was surrounded by all this great food, and I got paid.” By the time he started college, Michael’s kitchen skills were sharp enough to land a job at a fine dining restaurant in his home town of Jenkintown, where he first learned that applying French technique to local ingredients could result in a sophisticated American cuisine. O’Halloran briefly left the kitchen, earning a gradu-

ate degree in finance and economics and working for a few years in the business sector, but his love for cooking drew him back. He honed his skills at fine restaurants like Fork in Philadelphia and Chez Panisse in Berkley, and eventually took over as executive chef at The White Dog Cafe in West Philly. In 2005, Chef O’Halloran opened his first restaurant, Bistro 7 at 7 N. 3rd St. (215-931-1560), a 45-seat BYOB that focuses on rustic French cuisine with local ingredients. The Philadelphia Weekly soon called Bistro 7 “the Jackie O. of the Philadelphia BYOB scene: pedigreed, refined and possessing that certain something that makes it stand out from the crowd.” And the Philadelphia Inquirer praised Chef O’Halloran’s culinary talents lavishly: “He knows how to create dishes that exude billows of aroma, seducing the table.”

Firing Challenged (Cont. from Page 6) the State Dept. of Education has always sided with the School District to protect its public image by covering up reports of violence. “There are some who believe embarrassing facts are a problem that should be suppressed,” said Butkovitz. “There are others who believe an independent source of facts is vital to the public.”

SCHOOL SAFETY Advocate Jack Stollsteimer, left, who was abruptly canned last week, was joined by State Reps. Bill Keller and John Taylor as Controller Alan Butkovitz pleads for importance of Advocate’s Office.

2300 block of Norris Street while working with a PHA weatherization and maintenance crew at Raymond Rosen Manor in North Philadelphia. He died Aug. 5. Greene hopes the increased reward will also provide increased incentive for someone with information to contact the Citizens Crime Commission. He said, “To date, there has been no response to either the reward for information or to the family’s call for conscience. At the same time, there has been an outpouring of generosity among our corporate and labor partners. “As a result, we are able to announce today that the reward fund for information leading to an arrest and conviction in this case has grown to $53,000. We are hopeful that someone in the Rosen community who saw the crime occur will come forward.” John Dougherty, business manager for IBEW Local 98, said his union has often played a role in similar reward funds for members of the Philadelphia Police Dept., but also added it is a shocking development to have this type of violent crime touch the building-trades community. “Police Officers and firefighters go to work each day knowing they may be at risk,

but to have this type of crime touch the construction industry is shocking. We want to send the message that we must be able to do our work in safety and that the person who committed this murder must be taken off the streets,” Dougherty said. Dan Dirscherl, senior VP and general manager for Hunter-Roberts Construction Group, said his company felt compelled to contribute to the reward fund. “We have 90% working in the field on PHA projects right now. We want to send a clear message to them that we want the person who committed this crime found and removed from the street,” Dirscherl said. Mark Durkalec, of the Carpenters Union, indicated, “Workers everywhere need to know their safety is our utmost concern. We can’t stand by idly. This murderer must be caught.” Rodney Barnes was a member of the Carpenters Union since 1998 and had begun work as a member of PHA’s Maintenance WAVE (weatherization and value enhancement) crew this spring. Anyone with any information about the shooting is encouraged to call (215) 546-TIPS (8477). Their identity will be confidential.

MARK DURKALEC, Carpenters Union, is joined by Kirk Dorn and John Apeldorn of Citizens Crime Commission. Unions added to reward money.

The Public Record • August 20, 2009

PHA EXECUTIVE Carl Greene, left, announces $53,000 raised as reward for information leading to arrest of murderer Rodney Barnes is indication of increased efforts to get community response. With him at announcement is IBEW Local 98 Business Mgr. John Dougherty.

Philadelphia Housing Authority Executive Director Carl Greene has gotten the support of others in his efforts to find the murderer of PHA employee Rodney Barnes. Joining PHA in increasing the amount of money offered were Wachovia Bank, Carpenters Union, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Hunter Roberts Construction Company and Citizens Crime Commission. The reward was initially $10,000. Mr. Barnes, 46, was shot in the back of the head Saturday afternoon, Jul. 25, on the

Page 17

$53,000 Reward For PHA Killer

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The Public Record • August 20, 2009

page 18

Major Shipper Negotiating With Port It’s not a signed deal yet, but the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority is confident it will be welcoming with open berths the Mediterranean

Shipping Co. SA, which expects to begin European shipments into the Avenue Marine Terminal shortly. Mediterranean is listed as

the second-largest container shipper in the world. It plans to use Philadelphia as a “permanent” Stateside base for its ships according to Mediter-

State Sen. Mike Stack has once again introduced legislation that would allow car dealerships to be open one Sunday a month. "Car dealerships have been struggling in this economy, and it just seems archaic that they must be closed on Sundays," Stack said. "SB 1067 would allow them to open one Sunday a month to provide them with one more opportu-

nity to bring in customers. While they won't be allowed to open every Sunday, it's a step in the right direction for dealerships and consumers." Sunday is the secondbusiest shopping day of the week. Additionally, with the success of the Federal CARS trade-in program, more popularly known as “Cash for Clunkers”, Stack said he be-

lieves more consumers are now thinking about purchasing cars. "The 'Cash for Clunkers' program has shown us consumers are clearly eager to seek out a good value on a vehicle," Stack said. "This legislation is simply a consumer-friendly move that can have a positive impact on the economy." Stack introduced similar legislation in the 2005-06 legislative session. SB 1067 is now in the Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure committee.

It’s ‘Pardon Please’ Stack Seeks Sunday Car Sales Now From SEPTA In order to address rider concerns, promote a pleasant commuting environment, and encourage passengers to be more considerate of other riders, SEPTA is unveiling a Passenger Etiquette Program. The program focuses on the four C’s – communications, cleanliness, courtesy and convenience. Developed from passenger input through SEPTA website surveys, customer-service calls, letters and emails, the Passenger Etiquette Program educates riders with helpful tips to insure a comfortable ride. “The quality of each SEPTA ride depends on a partnership between customers and employees, one built on mutual respect and courtesy for each other,” says SEPTA General Mgr. Joe Casey. “It’s not just the responsibility of our operators and frontline staff to do their best for our customers – we also need our customers to do their best to help them.” SEPTA has always had rules for riding. The Passenger Etiquette Program links our overall goal of customerservice excellence to a visual and colorful outreach campaign. Riders will begin to see posters, carcards and flyers with general tips for good riding manners as well as tips designed specifically to address the concerns of bus, trolley, high-speed and regional-rail customers. For example, the campaign asks customers to not smoke on vehicles or stations, not block doors or other thoroughfares, use earphones/headphones when using personal listening devices and respect instructions of SEPTA personnel. Each month a new theme will be introduced. For the month of August, the Passenger Etiquette Program will

emphasize courtesy, encouraging passengers to keep seats clear for other riders and to offer their seats to seniors, those with disabilities and parents with small children. SEPTA passengers recently embraced the newly enacted QuietRide car program on the Regional Rail System. The program helps create a comfortable riding environment by addressing intrusive cell-phone and rider conversations and offers a noise-free riding option on peak-hour trains. For service information, contact SEPTA Customer Service at (215) 580-7800 or visit

Not A Nutter Tax REPUBLICAN 27th Ward Leader Mattew Wolfe joins demonstration to protest tax increases coming from City and State.


Philadelphia Regional Port Authority A Promising Future By Championing the Channel-Deepening Project And Substantial Port Expansion

Once Again, We Thank Gov. Ed Rendell For Giving Our Port A Great Opportunity And

John H. Estey, Esq. Chairman

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John F. Dempsey

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ranean’s North American President, Claudio Bozzo. It will follow the world’s leading container shipper Maersk Line, of Copenhagen, which now uses the Packer Avenue terminal on a regular basis. PRPA Board Chairman John H. Estey said he fully appreciates why Mediterranean Shipping is bullish about the Port of Philadelphia. “It’s a growing shipping organization and it knows full well the capabilities of the Port, especially with our triple railhead connections, which will speed exports throughout the country.” The Packer Marine Terminal has the necessary refrigeration and storage space to accommodate the various needs Mediterranean Shipping has for its cargoes.

Bill May Be Answer

LOCAL 1776 Director of Legislation & Political Action John Meyerson is joined by others from Local 1776 and HCAN outside Walmart at Franklin Mills. “The former CEO of WalMart, Lee Scott, admitted in 2005 that the company’s program was insufficient. He said, ‘In some of our states, the public program may actually be a better value – with relatively high income-limits to qualify, and low premiums.’ “This is why Wal-Mart is ‘Example Number One’ of why America needs national health-care reform now – reform in which individuals and families keep their current

health care if they so choose; reform that provides a publicplan option for the uninsured and underinsured and has everyone paying according to his and her ability; and reform that includes a play or pay option so that there are no free-riders such as Wal-Mart sticking the bill to taxpayers.” UFCW Local 1776 represents 23,000 workers in Southeast, Northeast and Central Pennsylvania, Northeast Maryland and Southern New York State. Its members

work in supermarkets, drug stores, food-processing plants, government services, manufacturing facilities, nursing homes, professional offices and Pennsylvania’s Wine & Spirits Shops. HCAN is a national grassroots campaign composed of millions of individuals and more than 1,025 organizations committed to winning a guarantee of quality, affordable health care for all in 2009.

(Cont. from Page 1) borhoods. They number in the thousands, many of them unlicensed; the owners or renters of hundreds more are undetectable. But it could all end soon, thanks to Councilman Bill Green, whose recent introduction of a modern-era dumpster bill is expected to get a rapid passage through City Council when that body returns after its recess. Green’s legislation will give a “nose” to those dumpsters. If a dumpster is emitting a foul odor or remains overflowing for days, occasioning a complaint from irate citizenry, Green’s legislation makes it possible to immediately trace the ownership or the offending user and trigger a ticket and quick response. That “nose” is a special medallion which, when triggered by an inspector pointing a radio-frequency gun at the medallion, will reveal who owns it, who’s using it and whether or not it is properly licensed.

Inspectors have long found the paper decals detailing this information affixed to the dumpsters can be worn and illegible. This can lead to a citation to the owner of the dumpster, who has grounds to contest the tickets, since they were not guilty, not having been called by the user to empty the offending unit. The hauler often refuses to pay the ticket, or settles the ticket for pennies on the dollar. The person who actually caused the nuisance never feels the pain. The bill restructures the license fee for dumpsters, which has been largely unchanged since 1992. Based on the number of currently registered dumpsters, the updated license fee could generate up to $2 million annually, which would more than cover the cost of implementing the technology. Given the large number of unregistered dumpsters, uncollected fees could range up to $10 million.

The Public Record • August 20, 2009

(Cont. from Page 1) Children’s Health Insurance Program. Nationally, approximately 13% of Wal-Mart’s employees are on Medicaid and 18% of its employees have a child on SCHIP. “Wal-Mart’s health plan fails to cover nearly 700,000 of its workers. That’s nearly half of its workforce in a company that made $13 billion in profits last year. “The company’s healthcare plan is far too costly. If Wal-Mart’s average full-time employee selected the leastexpensive family plan offered by the company, that employee would have to spend more than 20% of his or her income on co-pays and deductibles before the insurance coverage takes effect. “Clearly, this company’s health insurance falls far short of the national average. Large firms on average insure 65% of their employees. If WalMart were simply to meet this average, it would cover an additional 210,000 workers.

Page 19

Union Educates Wal-Mart Workers Green’s Dumpster

The Public Record • August 20, 2009

page 20

Snooper (Cont. From Page 9) Snooper Late News: Just in, we have found out the son of the late and great State Sen. JOE SCANLON, Robert Scanlon, has passed away. He leaves his mother Agnes Scanlon and two loving sisters PAULETTE and PATRICIA. His brother-in-law Joe McDermott, Jr., stated, “Bobby was a loving son, a loving brother and, most important, my best friend.” Snooper’s BUDGET MESS: This gives a ‘black eye’ to both GOV. RENDELL and his cohort MAYOR NUTTER. Yes, both of these politicians will give up whatever it takes to get it passed. Oh yeah, they still plan to raise taxes, and they chose to pick THE SALES TAX, which is a ‘cash cow’ for everybody. We know, once they enact the increase, it will NEVER be removed. NUTTER’s answer is cut THE POLICE DEPT. and also THE FIRE DEPT. What were they thinking? CRIME is increasing and houses are burning down, yet these two

bimbos want to decrease both of these departments. Hey, THE CRIMINALS are looking forward to it! Snooper Sightings: I spotted one of the busiest State Representatives ever, the HON. JOHN TAYLOR. He was there in the shopping center at CASTOR & ARAMINGO AVENUES, along with representatives of the local POLICE DISTRICT, the local TOWNWATCH ORGANIZATION and other dignitaries, as part of the National Night Out campaign. Yes, no one can deny HON. JOHN TAYLOR stands with his neighbors and their neighborhoods. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY will attest to the dedication of service by this STATE REPRESENTATIVE. It now knows this State Representative means business when it comes to looking out for all his constituents. He stated, “Let them meet their obligations to our communities, also treat their ‘dedicated’ employees with RESPECT, then they’ll get their much-needed funding.” Snooper’s EMAIL SERVICES: I heard from one of the

nicest Judges, HON. JAMES DeLEON, who presides over MUNICIPAL COURTS’ Criminal and Civil Cases. He asked that the many friends of JUDGE RON MERRIWEATHER say a few prayers for him, because The Judge is a little ‘under the weather’. Judge DeLeon is presently in SOUTH CAROLINA, enjoying a muchneeded vacation. I wonder if he’ll run into SMOKING JOE FRAZIER while he is there. His good friend, UMBERTO PEREZ, former ATHLETIC COMMISSIONER, is interested in THE M.M.A. (Mixed Martial Arts). The Judge will probably get involved with him. He knows how popular The M.M.A. is getting and naturally everybody wants to be a big part of it. Again, say a few prayers for his fellow jurist HON. RONALD MERRIWEATHER, thanks! Snooper’s ROCK-ROLL “Update”. To all our “rock & rollers”, we are following up on the recent death of LES PAUL, one of the true ICONS, and the other half of one of the greatest of all rock

& roll groups, LES PAUL and MARY FORD. Les Paul was responsible for what we all know today as THE ELECTRIC GUITAR; in fact, he almost electrocuted himself doing it. He also was responsible for ‘overdubbing’ tapes. Yes Boss, let me tell you LES PAUL and MARY FORD are also prestigious members of THE ROCK & ROLL HALL OF FAME! He is truly an“ICON” who is revered by Paul McCartney, The Rolling Stones and a lot of others. Snooper UPDATE: Earlier we told you about a new Judge, HON. ROGER GORDON, Court of Common Pleas, now sitting in COURTROOM 904 - Criminal Justice Center. We told you he is one of SINCERITY, HONESTY, and DEDICATION. We have

learned he even sat on the bench till after 8:00 p.m. and everyone in his Courtroom cooperated with him. The Police were also pleased and they willingly stayed till all the cases were done. JUDGE GORDON made quite an impression with all of them, and they appreciated his dedication to the Judicial System.

2400 E. Somerset Street Philadelphia, PA 19134

We know The Judge was the former Commissioner of The Jury Selection Commission, where, we were told by his many employees, he showed RESPECT to everyone. “What a joy he was to work for!” said one. “No matter what he asked us to do, WE DID IT!” Congratulations and WELL DONE!

Phone: 215-423-2223 Fax: 215-423-5937

SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA Sealed proposals will be received by the School Reform Commission at the School Administration Building located at 440 North Broad St., 3rd Floor, Office of Capital Programs, Philadelphia, PA 19130-4015, until 2:00 P.M., on Tuesday, September 15th, 2009. A non-refundable fee for each set of bid documents is as scheduled. The School District will only accept bids from companies that have been placed on its current Pre Qualified Contractors List as shown at All School District Project require MBE/WBE participation as shown in the specifications.

B- 007 (C) of 2007/08* General Contract Track and Field Improvements

Lincoln High School Athletic Field Roland Ave and Vista St.

BUDGET $2,2,000,000.00

FEE $200.00

* A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at project location, on August 19, 2009 at 9:30 am.

Specifications and/or plans and contract documents may be examined and copies thereof obtained from the School Reform Commission, 440 North Broad Street, 3rd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Information as to contract documents, etc., may be obtained at the above address, or telephone 215-400-5225. Make checks payable to the School District of Philadelphia. The School Reform Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids and make the awards to the best interests of the School District of Philadelphia.

SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA Sealed proposals will be received by the School Reform Commission at the School Administration Building located at 440 North Broad St., 3rd Floor, Office of Capital Programs, Philadelphia, PA 191304015, until 2:00 P.M., on Tuesday, September 15, 2009. A non-refundable fee for each set of bid documents is as scheduled. The School District will only accept bids from companies that have been placed on its current Pre Qualified Contractors List as shown at All School District Project require MBE/WBE participation as shown in the specifications.


B-036 (C) of 2008/09* Electrical Contract John S. Jenks Elementary School Emergency Generator 8301 Germantown Avenue Emergency Lighting


$75,000.00 $ 100.00

*A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at the project location, on August 28, 2009 at 12:00 p.m. Specifications and/or plans and contract documents may be examined and copies thereof obtained from the School Reform Commission, 440 North Broad Street, 3rd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Information as to contract documents, etc., may be obtained at the above address, or telephone 215-4005225. Make checks payable to the School District of Philadelphia. The School Reform Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids and make the awards to the best interests of the School District of Philadelphia.

(Cont. From Page 9) Congratulations to the Loyal Opposition! If you watched any news last week, you saw the Healthcare Townhall meeting with SEN. ARLEN SPECTER and HHS SECRETARY KATHLEEN SEBELIUS, both of whom looked like deer caught in the headlights. It was the Loyal Opposition who filmed the event and had members speak out against the planned government takeover of one-sixth of our economy. The video was posted

on YouTube immediately, then picked up by the Drudge Report. Once the video hit Drudge, it was on just about every single newscast for the entire week. Great work guys! The irony of the whole event is just too good. What very few know is that the Loyal Opposition was created by KEVIN KELLY at the behest of Sen. Specter when the latter was still a Republican. Now chaired by MARC COLLAZZO, the recent efforts of the LO may just be the very thing that sinks Specter in 2010. Actions do indeed have consequences, my friends. Keep the popcorn poppin’.

City Hall Sam (Cont. From Page 9) It looks like the anticipated fight for the endorsement of the Republican Party for the office of Governor next year is evaporating. TOM CORBETT looks to be unopposed. For a while there it looked like the former DA of Montgomery Co. BRUCE CASTOR was going to make a bid as well as the former US Attorney for Philadelphia PAT MEEHAN. Castor is going to run for Attorney General in the event Corbett gets elected Governor,

and Meehan will run for Congress in the seat being vacated by JOE SESTAK. STATE SEN. MIKE STACK, back from Char-

lottesville, Va. where he was training with the Army Reserves, is working hard to negotiate the budget through stormy Republican waters.

The Public Record • August 20, 2009

We thank all our advertisers, supporters and avid readers for helping us reach this milestone. You can send salutatory ad or statement to John David to be placed in next week’s edition. Call 215-755-2000

Elephant Corner

Page 21

Next Week Our 500th Issue




The Public Record • August 20, 2009

page 22

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The Public Record • August 20, 2009

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Page 23

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The Public Record • August 20, 2009

page 24

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.