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9371 ROOSEVELT BLVD. PHILADELPHIA, PA 19114 215-698-7000 We Buy Gold & Diamonds

Serving Citywide Political, Labor, Legal and School Communities of Philadelphia

Vol. XI. No. 37 (Issue 502)

“The good things we do must be made a part of the public record”

Value 50¢

September 10, 2009

Labor Marks 21st Parade Celebration Despite Economic Blues

RANK-AND-FILE Union members lined up to hear speeches from dignitaries as they prepared to march in 21st annual Labor Day parade along Columbus Boulevard and Family Festival at Penn’s Landing. Day-long event drew 25,000 people.

The Heartbeat of Philadelphia Dr. Nicholas DePace M.D., F.A.C.C.

Returns Top Health Care To Those In Need Of The Best In Cardiac Medicine!! See Pages 13 - 20

Saluting Labor Philadelphia Public Record Invites You To Enjoy Labor Day Parade Pictures In This Issue

Labor Aims No Matter Pension Bill, To Defend 2016 Mayor’s In A Bind Its Gains Philadelphia’s organized labor demonstrated its intensity and determination to protect the decent wages earned by its rank and file by marching along the Delaware River waterfront in the annual celebration of Labor Day. The AFL-CIO, in co-sponsorship with the Tri-State Labor Committee, fielded an impressive crowd of well over 25,000 that paraded and then spent the rest of the morning and afternoon enjoying planned festivities, geared towards families, and live entertainment at Penn’s Landing. Firefighters Local 22 led the parade, followed by Teamster Locals, Sheet Metal Local 19, AFL-CIO float, SEIU, DC 1199C, DCs 33 and 47, Laborers Locals, IUPT DC 21, Iron Workers 401 and 405, Boilermakers 13, Steelworkers Local 100086, Joint Board Workers United, American Postal Workers, IBEW Local 614, CWA 13000, Newspaper Guild 10, PFT, Sprinkler Fitters Local 692, Machinists Local 1776, Elevator Constructors Local 5, Bakery Local 5, Insulators and Asbestos

(Cont. Page 8)

HB1828 started out as a piece of bailout legislation for the City of Philadelphia. As requested by Mayor Michael Nutter, it would allow the City to add another cent to its 7-cent sales tax. Then it would permit the administration to lessen its contributions to the City’s pension fund. Without these, the City would face drastic reductions in its employee force and the need to cut back on a number of vital services. The General Assembly agreed on the 1-cent sales-tax addition. It hasn’t settled on a pension plan, however. The Republican-dominated Senate’s latest version was debated hotly in the Democrat-controlled House. The Senate had injected language in the pension legislation before it was sent on to the House. That legislation, if passed, would deliver a lose-lose situation to Philadelphia. (Cont. Page 6)

School Bells Have Rung Joined by Mayor Michael A. Nutter, School District of Philadelphia Superintendent Arlene Ackerman and School Reform Commission Chairman Robert L. Archie Jr. ushered in the 2009-2010 school year this week with the traditional bell-ringing at the brand-new Fels HS at 5700 Langdon Street in Northeast Philadelphia. The school year will bring new initiatives and supports to School District facilities across Philadelphia in conjunction with the first phase of the

School District’s five-year strategic plan, Imagine 2014, which the SRC adopted in April 2009. Its five goals are student success, quality choices, great staff, accountable adults and world-class operations. “In keeping with the goals of Imagine 2014, the theme for our entire School District this year is ‘Imagine Greatness’,” said Ackerman during the ceremony. “That vision is grounded in the conviction that every

(Cont. Page 6)

Page 2 The Public Record • September 10, 2009

Untermeyer Urges GPS Surveillance For Offenders by Tony West Last week, Republican candidate for District Attorney Michael Untermeyer began to practice what he preaches. Many criminal offenders can be safely – and cheaply – controlled outside prison by using state-of-of-the-art radio monitors, Untermeyer asserts. It is one of the key planks in the platform of the former assistant District Attorney turned successful real-estate investor, who is now running for DA himself in the Nov. 3 General Election. Before reporters, Untermeyer was fitted out with a monitoring system provided by Sentinel Offender Services, a company with a nationwide track record in electronic supervision devices. He will wear an ankle bracelet and a GPS unit attached to his waist from now until Election Day. “The public will be able to see where I am at all times,” Untermeyer quipped. Confronted with the un-

sustainable cost of imprisoning offenders, which runs around $90 a day, many urban areas have opted for electronic street supervision instead and Untermeyer argues Philadelphia should do likewise. The costliest such system prices out at $8 a day. “I estimate 1,000 inmates in the Philadelphia Prison System can be released and effectively managed in this way,” Untermeyer argued. The system Untermeyer is demonstrating enables a supervisor to watch the subject’s movements in real time on a computer screen displaying either a block-toblock map or a Google Earth image. It can be programmed with “exclusionary zones” that automatically alert a supervisor if the subject goes anywhere that is forbidden to him. In this way, an individual can be kept in house arrest; he can be allowed to follow a “safe” path between work and home but not go anywhere else; he can be placed under curfew;

or he can be prevented from entering areas where he is at risk of being caught up in criminal activity. Sentinel provides 24-hour monitoring of a subject and immediately places a call to the public-safety agency if the device is removed or any violation is detected. It is also able to have a call placed to the subject himself on his cell phone and immediately communicate that he has violated a boundary. The fancier the supervision, the more it costs. But for some jurisdictions, Sentinel provides in-house supervisors who handle subject contact directly – and then bill him for the service, saving taxpayers money. Even if the government agency spends extra to do this work, though, Untermeyer said it’s a smart investment. “It’s much better to hire a few more parole officers to maintain a person on the street, where he can be holding a job and paying taxes, than it is to incarcerate him at $90 a day,” he

Stack Works On Blvd. Work to improve the safety of motorists, pedestrians and the police officers who enforce traffic laws on Roosevelt Boulevard will continue as planned, thanks to secured Federal funding, according to State Sen. Mike Stack. “Safety is a major concern along the boulevard, and thanks to our police officers and better traffic signals, it’s improving,” Stack said. “The availability of Federal funding to make additional improvements is good news for everyone who lives, shops and drives along Roosevelt Boulevard and its adjacent neighborhoods.” In July, Stack requested that Gov. Ed Rendell use Federal stimulus funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to fund Phase 2 of this ongoing project, which involves installing emergency pull-over lanes that the Philadelphia Police Dept. can use to enforce traffic along

the heavily-travelled Roosevelt Boulevard. Although construction of this phase of the project does not fit in the ARRA timeframe, funding is available through a Federal earmark specifically designated for the boulevard, according to a recent letter that Stack received from Pennsylvania Dept. of Transportation Secretary Allen Biehler. PennDOT has drafted a plan to construct 12 emergency pull-over lanes, 108 feet in length and 14 feet in width, along Roosevelt Boulevard as part of Phase 2 of this safety-improvement project. It also includes the elimination of midblock pedestrian crossings. This portion of the project is still in the design phase, and construction bidding is not expected to begin until next summer, which is past the ARRA funding deadline. Phase 1 of the project in-

volved installing clear signage, red light cameras and pedestrian “countdown clock” signals. For the past six years, Stack has helped secure $1.6 million in funding for the Philadelphia Police Dept. and PennDOT toward Roosevelt Boulevard Accident Reduction Initiative. Roosevelt Boulevard is a 12-mile multilane highway that runs directly through the 5th Senatorial Dist. in Northeast Philadelphia. “This Accident Reduction Initiative funding combined with the new emergency pulloffs will give police officers the tools and support they need to enforce traffic laws on the Boulevard,” Stack said. “Roosevelt Boulevard is notoriously dangerous, but taking these safety steps will improve the flow of traffic and, most importantly, protect the lives of motorists and pedestrians alike.”

BEING hooked up with ankle bracelet, Michael Untermeyer prepares to undergo street surveillance for duration of his campaign for District Attorney. stated. If Philadelphia can reach Untermeyer’s goal of diverting 1,000 offenders from prison, it could achieve savings of $30 million a year. Sentinel is one of several companies in this burgeoning surveillance industry. The Philadelphia Prison System and the Adult Probation & Parole Dept. have been experimenting with other companies’ products on a trial basis in the past

MONITOR displays a person’s location in real time, with either a block-to-block map or Google Earth display. couple of years. meyer explained. He has Overall, though, this called for the City to abantechnology is no longer ex- don the bail-bonding busiperimental. Sentinel has ness, in the course of which managed 150,000 offenders it has lot a staggering $1 bilin 48 states since 1992. lion while seeing countless Electronic street surveil- criminals evade court. lance is a characteristic exHe has proposed a Major ample of what has become Financial Crimes Unit to Untermeyer’s campaign sig- target white-collar crime. It nature: policies that blend is a matter of justice – why law-enforcement savvy with should the rich get away business acumen. scot free? – but also of rev“This proposal is inte- enue. The Manhattan, New grated with many other York DA collects $175 milideas that would manage the lion annually from fines criminal-justice system generated by such a promore effectively,” Unter- gram.

Rudmans Nurse Education

Doing what they do best, making upward educational moves possible for needy students, Kal & Lucille Rudman had their foundation last week pay tuition for 13 students to take a Nurse Aide course at Community College of Philadelphia. Nine of the course’s participants are women. The Nurse Aide course, which includes classroom lecture, lab skills and clinical practicum, prepares individuals for employment in longterm care facilities, hospitals and nursing homes. Training topics include the role and function of the nurse aide, resident rights, nutrition, abuse and neglect prevention, infection control, psychosocial needs, safety and accident prevention, personal-care skills, communication skills and legal and

ethical aspects of long-term care. Participants will be prepared to sit for the State Board exam at the completion of the course. In total, they will have had 126 hours of instruction (37 classroom hours, 36 lab hours and 53

clinical hours). The Rudman Foundation has been the key source of scholarship programs for students desiring to move ahead in the fields of medicine, and public safety officers wishing to acquire college degrees in the area of public safety.

UVA Honors Roebuck State Rep. Jim Roebuck, chairman of the Pennsylvania House Education Committee, was invited back to his alma mater, the University of Virginia, for Labor Day weekend, to be honored as a pioneering African American student at UVA. Roebuck was the first African American president of the student association while pursuing his Master's and Doctoral degrees there, from 1966 to 1970.

UVA celebrated the legacy of African American leaders over the Labor Day weekend. Roebuck was cited for his “diligent work while there”, which “paved the way for generations of African American students who have followed him.” For 15 consecutive years, the University has had the highest graduation rate for African American students among all public universities in this nation.

Pennsylvania progressives support for US Senate in 2010?' The results are from those who chose to participate. Still, the results reinforce what we're hearing anecdotally among progressive activists." Keystone Progress (www. is the state's largest online progressive activist organization. The participants in the poll were all subscribers who have taken action with the organization on issues ranging from keeping electric rates low to standing up for LGBT rights. Over 1,000 people (1011) participated in the straw poll. They were asked "Who should Pennsylvania progressives support for US Senate in 2010?" Voters were given the option of picking from the five declared candidates: Democrats Bill Kortz, Joe Sestak, and Arlen Specter; and Republi-

cans Peg Luksik and Pat Toomey. Candidates were listed in alphabetical order, with Democrats listed first. Voters were also given the option of picking another candidate. None of the write-in candidates received 1%, nor did Luksik. Those votes were

all added to the other category. Multiple votes from the same computer were counted only once. Out-of-state votes were not counted.

Pa. Bar Endorses Retention Judges The Pennsylvania Bar As-

sociation Judicial Evaluation Commission today released its ratings of one Superior Court judge and one Commonwealth Court judge who are standing for retention in the November 2009 election. Recommended were Judge Kate Ford Elliot for Su-

perior Court and Judge Dan Pellegrini for Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania. "Our commission's duty is to provide information that Pennsylvanians want and need to make informed voting decisions about judicial candi(Cont. Page 4)

The Public Record • September 10, 2009

Congressman Joe Sestak is the clear choice of progressive activists for US Senate in 2010, according to a straw poll conducted by Keystone Progress. Sestak received 62.8% of the votes, while incumbent Sen. Arlen Specter was a distant second with 27.6%. No other candidate received 2%. Sestak's dominance was statewide, although he was strongest in the southeast (70.4%) and the Lehigh Valley (73.9%). The only category Specter won was among the small number (16) of progressive Republicans who voted. Specter bested Sestak among Republicans by a 37.5-31.2 margin. The poll was described as "very unscientific" by Michael Morrill, executive director of Keystone Progress. "We asked our subscribers 'Who should

Page 3

Progressives Naturally Like Sestak

The Public Record • September 10, 2009

Page 4

Kortz Inching Along In US Senate Race (Cont. from Page 3) dates," said Pittsburgh lawyer Chris F. Gillotti, chair of the PBA JEC. "Following our investigative evaluations, we recommend only those candidates that will best serve in Pennsylvania's courts." Because retention elections require only a "Yes" or "No" vote of the public, the commission rates retention candidates either as "Recommended for Retention" or "Not Recommended for Retention."

Burlington County Freeholder Race Jim Bernard is running for Freeholder in Burlington County. He’s got a Philadelphia collection and Philly know-how, thanks to the fact his father in law is Pat Eiding, President of the Philadelphia Council of AFL-CIO. Together with Kimberley

Kersey, his running mate, he believes their team “will break the long-time Republican grip on those county seats.”

Lt. Gov. Race Draws At least 12 are vying for the Lieutenant Governor’s berth in both the Democratic and Republican Parties. Details will be furnished in next week’s edition. Of course, the favorite son in these parts for the Democrats is former Controller Jonathan Saidel.

For District 175

State Senator

Larry Farnese First Senate District Tel. 215-952-3121 1802 S. Broad St.• Phila. PA 19145

R EP. A NGEL C RUZ DISTRICT OFFICE 2749 N. 5th St. • 215-291-5643 Staffed by

Joe Evangelista Debbie Toro

6027 Ludlow Street, Unit A


174th District State Representative 8100 Castor Ave Phila, PA 19152 Hours: 9am to 5pm Telephone: 215-342-6204

Ready to Serve you State Rep.

ROBERT C. DONATUCCI 185th District 1809 Oregon Ave, Phila., PA 19145


State Rep.

State Rep.

William Keller 184th District

Frank Oliver 195th District 2839 W. Girard Ave. Phila. PA 19130

1531 S. 2nd Street



1610 S. Broad St. Phila., PA 19145 (215) 952-3378

State Rep. Cherelle

Parker 200th Legislative District 1536 E. Wadsworth Ave. Phone: (215) 242-7300 Fax: (215) 242-7303


State Sen.


1555-D Wadsworth Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19150 (215) 242-0472 Fax: (215) 753-4538 WEB SITE

Tartaglione 2nd Dist. 127 W. Susquehanna Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19122

1063 Bridge St. Philadelphia, PA 19124



Parkwood Shopping Center 12361 Academy Road, Phila., PA 19154, 215-281-2539

Councilman Wm.


Senator Tina

Please join me for the annual Senior Expo on Friday, October 9, 2009 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. The expo is taking place at Cannstatter's, 9130 Academy Road in Northeast Philadelphia. Many federal, state, and city agencies and businesses will be on hand to meet with senior citizens and provide valuable information. Refreshments will be served. Please call 215-695-1020 with questions or to receive more information.

Constituent Service Office

Room 580 City Hall P. 215-686-3446/7 F. 215-686-1927

As a State Representative, and now-declared candidate for the United States Senate, Bill Kortz, who has a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminology from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, says, “I will always support common-sense legislation that gives all lawabiding citizens the right to protect themselves and their property, and support any legislation that will restrict the ability of criminals to break the law.”

Candidate In 2010


nition of, not only the importance of the office of US Senator, but also your record, which represents values and positions on issues that are in the best interests of all Pennsylvania citizens.” Kortz, who is an avid sportsman and hunter, was extremely pleased by this enthusiastic vote of confidence for his US Senate candidacy from this well respected and very active group of Pennsylvania citizens.

Daryl La Fountain

State Representative

RONALD G. WATERS 191st Leg. District

US Senate candidate State Rep. Bill Kortz has received his first major endorsement from the Firearm Owners Against Crime of Pennsylvania. The organization, which supports 2nd Amendment rights, with an estimated 60,000 members from all across Pennsylvania, in its endorsement letter to Bill Kortz, said, “This early endorsement of your candidacy is in recog-

Shirley M. Kitchen

8016 Bustleton Avenue Philadelphia PA 19152 215-695-1020 2644 LeFevre St. • Phila., PA 19137 215-744-5361 Open Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 5 PM

3rd Sen. District 1701 W. Lehigh Ave.Ste 104 • Philadelphia, PA 19132 215-227-6161 •


The Public Record (USPS PP 109) Weekly Publication Published by:

The Phila. Public Record The South Phila Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila., PA 19147 ISSN 1938-8551 (Application to Mail At Periodicals Postage Rates Is Pending At Philadelphia PA and Bellmawr NJ) Postmaster: send address change to: The Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila. PA 19147 215-755-2000 Fax: 215-689-4099 Subscription Rate: $ 30.00/Year EDITORIAL STAFF Editor & Publisher: James Tayoun Sr. Managing Editor: Anthony West Associate Editor: Rory G. McGlasson Medical Editor: Paul Tayoun M.D. CitiLife Editor: Ruth R. Russell Editorial Staff: Joe Sbaraglia Out & About Editor: Denise Clay Contributing Editor: Bonnie Squires Correspondent: Nathan R. Shrader Nathaniel Lee Creative Director & Editorial Cartoonist: Ron Taylor Photographers: Donald Terry Lee Buchanan Dawud Starling Production Manager: William J. Hanna Bookkeeping: Haifa Hanna Webmaster: Sana Muaddi-Dows Advert. director: John David Controller: John David Circulation: Steve Marsico The Public Record welcomes news and photographs about your accomplishments and achievements which should be shared with the rest of the community. Contact us by phone, fax, e-mail or by dropping us a note in the mail. If you mail a news item, please include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify the information you provided us, if necessary. The Public Record reserves the right to edit all news items and letters for grammar, clarity and brevity. (C) 1999-2009 by the Philadelphia Public Record. No reproduction or use of the material herein may be made without the permission of the publisher. The Philadelphia Public Record will assume no obligation (other than the cancellation of charges for the actual space occupied) for accidental errors in advertisements, but we will be glad to furnish a signed letter to the buying public. Philadelphia

"Representing injured workers in Pa. for over 30 years.�

The Public Record • September 10, 2009

If you have been injured on the DOCKS, PIERS, or SHIPS doing loading or repairing work. You need our free advice....We fight for your right to benefits and we never ask you to pay a fee.... We have successfully helped get money for thousands of injured workers over the last 30 years.

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Injured At Work!

The Public Record • Sebtember 10, 2009

Page 6

No Matter Its Shape, Pension Bill Hurts (Cont. From Page 1)

Union Labor... Building it right for a better and stronger community!

While legislators were worried about the short-term fiscal crisis Mayor Nutter has described, they were not aware of the long-term harm the revised pension bill would inflict on the City. Informed by municipal unions here in the City as well as around the state, they solidified into a force to kick back to the Republicans the legislation in its original form. Voicing strong objections on the floor were State Reps. Bill Keller, Mike O’Brien, John Sabatina, John Taylor and many others. State Sen. Tina Tartaglione was a true voice of reason and attempted to amend the bill before it was sent to the House, but the bill passed regardless. The suggested amendments, most pension experts agree, was “very poorly written Legislation.” The bill was originally written to temporarily provide a 1% sales-tax increase and pension payments to be deferred for two years, in order to allow the City of Philadelphia to raise revenue for the sole purpose of increasing the City’s contribution to its pension plans. Two weeks ago, amendments were made to the bill that would reduce pension benefits for newly hired employees in dozens of local jurisdictions. The bottom line is that this legislation effectively does away with the right of employees and their representatives in the covered municipalities to establish pension benefits at the local level.

This legislation also fails to address existing obligations for pension benefits, which employers will have to pay. The bill considers plans funded at less than 50% to be in severe distress, which Philadelphia will in all likelihood be, in 2016. Whoever is Mayor that year will face being forced to pay over $900 million into the pension fund. Those plans would be put under the control of the Municipal Pension Recovery Program to be administered by the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Board. Reports indicate as many as 55 local plans, including Philadelphia’s, could be impacted by this legislation. Covered municipalities would have to revise pension benefits for new hires to comply with the standards established by the legislation, and “no other statute, ordinance, contract, arbitration award or practice” could authorize any deviation from those standards. To all the unions, that language must go. The bill also contains language that deals specifically with Philadelphia. If the City wishes to opt out of the above provisions and defer its pension obligations, it would have to freeze pension benefits for current employees and establish a pension plan that would significantly cut benefits for new hires, potentially placing them into 401(k)-type defined contribution plans. Members would be required to pay half the cost of any new plan.

Deferring pension contributions obviously hinders the plan’s ability to generate investment income, which provides the bulk of revenues that pay for retirement benefits. Deferring these employer contributions would result in a significant drop in the pension plan’s funding level, and would require dramatic future increases that could jeopardize the City’s ability to maintain vital services. Bill Rubin, vice chairman of the Philadelphia Board of Pensions, “While true pension reform is something that should be discussed and debated for the good of everyone involved, moving legislation of this magnitude in 30 days without public debate is unconscionable.”

Our School Bells Ring (Cont. from Page 1) child deserves a great teacher, and that it is the District’s responsibility to see that there is a great teacher in every classroom. We also believe that great teachers deserve to be rewarded.” To reinforce this theme, School District managers visited schools today, bringing “Imagine Greatness” buttons for all school staff members. In addition, Mayor Nutter’s Cabinet, Commissioners, Police Officers, and prominent Philadelphia area CEOs served as education ambassadors by visiting District schools to greet and welcome parents. Attending were Councilwoman Marian Tasco, Congressman Chaka Fattah and State Rep. James Roebuck.

Page 7

Our Opinion ... Perfect Storm

The Public Record • September 10, 2009

Philadelphia’s budget crisis found itself blown from one end of the State Capitol to the other as legislators, visionaries clashing with pragmatists, moved HB 1828. No matter how it comes down, the cookies will have crumbled away from this City. Either its employees or its pension system will take the hit. So the question we ask is a hind-sighted one. “Could this have been avoided?” The answer would be “yes”…. if the Mayor hadn’t been concerned over the livelihoods of those employees he knew he needed to cut when the first waves of the recession began crumbling his tax base, or hadn’t been worried over the longterm impact his cuts would have on the city. But he was. So, as a good administrator, he looked for alternatives. Unfortunately, HB 1828 was the ship on which his hopes sailed. If his ship doesn’t come in sooner rather than later, he’ll have to make those delayed decisions anyway. Could he have done otherwise? Possibly, but it would have been hectic, since he could have triggered a string of strikes from the municipal unions, whose patience would have impressed even Job. They’ve worked with the Mayor, but have had to draw lines neither he nor they can afford to cross over. That is the dilemma. And little do the legislators in Harrisburg, anxious to claim reform, understand the predicament in which the Mayor and his unions find themselves. We are still heading into the perfect storm, after which Philadelphia will have to count its losses.


Tax The Shale

trillion-dollar Marcellus shale – the same as coal and aboveground real estate. More importantly, 100% of the money would stay “at home”, helping the numerous counties where this lucrative natural resource exists. As the State grapples with its own budget shortfall, it is abundantly clear that the subsidy landscape has changed – perhaps forever. Implementing HB 10 is an uncomplicated, efficient way to make sure a burgeoning industry pays its fair share, while helping counties, municipalities and school districts mitigate a sharp reduction in State funding. By one estimate, restoring natural gas to the tax rolls would yield $202.8 million in yearly revenue at the local level. As drillers continue flocking to Pennsylvania to tap the Marcellus, despite the industry’s gloom-and-doom lobbying against a severance tax, it makes perfect sense to treat them the same as the homeowner.

Sep. 10- Al Schmidt For City Controller fundraiser at Torresdale Frankford C.C., Frankford & Grant Aves., 5:30-7:30 p.m. Donation $100. Mail checks to PO Box 3272, Phila., PA 19130. RSVP Shannon Oscar (215) 885-2177. Sep. 11- Greater N.E. Phila. Chamber of Commerce annual golf outing, Torresdale Frankford C.C. Registration 10 a.m. Sep. 11- Philadelphia River Wards’ “Support Our Troops Rally” Patriot Day hosted by AOH/LAOH Div. 52, Fishtown at Campbell Sq., 6:30 p.m. Sep. 12- State Sen. LeAnna M. Washington and Community Outreach 200, Inc. host Wadsworth Day on 1500 and 1600 blocks of Wadsworth Ave., 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Free to public. Rain date Sunday, Sep. 13. Sep. 12- 56th Ward Democratic Picnic including 53rd, 55rd, & 63rd Wards at Burholme Pk., Central & Cottman Aves., 1 p.m.-dark.

& Fairmount Ave., 12-3 p.m. For info (215) 627-3100. Sep. 17- State Rep. Bryan R. Lentz will hold Senior Expo at Brookhaven Municipal Bldg., 2 Cambridge Rd., Brookhaven, Pa., 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Sep. 17- Republican Co. Chairmen of S.E. Pa. host cocktail reception for Judge Temp Smith, Republican candidate for Pa. Superior Court at Union League, 140 S. Broad St., 5:30-7:30 p.m. $50 per person. For info (610) 430-0271. Sep. 17- Fundraiser for Tom Knox’s Campaign for Governor at Rose Garden, 19th floor, Park Hyatt, 200 S. Broad St., 6:30-7:30 p.m. Contribution levels: $500; $1,000; $2,000. For info Hadji Maloumian (215) 6360660 or email hmaloumian@ Sep. 17- Pa. New Majority Council and Loyal Opposition host social gathering for Philly GOP sponsored by Renee Amoore at Racquet Club of Phila., 215 S. 16th St., 7 p.m. Sep. 18- 11th Ward Fish Fry at Lou’s & Choo’s, 21st St. & Hunting Park Ave., 5-9 p.m. Tickets $8. Sponsored by V. Tutie Edwards. For info (215) 228-3134.

Sep. 19- Family Health & Safety Festival sponsored by State Rep. Mark Cohen at Fisher Park, 6000 N. 5th St., 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Free food. For info Sonja Thomas (215) 2006144. Sep. 19- Padre Pio Festival Concert featuring “Felicia Punzo Live” at Annunciation BVM Church parking lot, 10th & Wharton Sts., 2-5 p.m. Sep. 20- Men United For A Better Philadelphia host fundraiser 7;30 p.m. at The Third Rail. Sep. 21- City Wide Youth Leadership Agency recruiting for after-school programs for children in grades 6-8 in N. Central Phila. Call Tiffany Durkson (215) 765-5504. Program starts Oct.5. Sep. 24-25-26- Epiphany of Our Lord Church hosts annual Italian Festival on Jackson St., 12th to 13th. For info Rich Rosati (215) 219-7853. Sep. 25- Friends of Councilwoman Marian B. Tasco host Party For the People at H&H Banquet Hall, 2036 E. Haines St. (at Limekiln Pk.), 8 p.m.12 a.m. BYOB. For tickets call (215) 843-8482. Make checks payable to Friends of Marian B. Tasco, POB 27454, Phila., PA 19118. (Cont. Page 28)

by Rep. Bill DeWeese State House Minority Whip Deep State budget cuts and an aversion to broad-based tax increases are pushing down a heavy fiscal burden to counties and local service providers. During the current State budget impasse, every day brings news of layoffs, program cuts, worrisome taxanticipation loans and missed school-district subsidy payments. But there is a fair and longterm way to help ease this burden – and stave off likely real-estate tax increases from this brewing “Perfect Storm”. Now that Gov. Ed Rendell has yanked a Marcellus shale severance tax off the negotiating table, I am calling for a full-scale revival of my HB 10, which would permit the assessment of natural gas, coal bed methane and oil for taxation purposes. HB 10 imposes no new tax structure; it would simply let counties, school districts and municipalities go back to taxing natural gas – including the

Tickets $30. Sep. 12- Re-Elect Val DiGiorgio Chester Co. Controller fundraiser at 9640 Wissinoming St., 2 p.m. $50. For info Sep. 13- 35th Police Dist. marks Unity Day, 12-6 p.m. at 5900 N. Broad St. Free fun activities for entire family. For info (215) 686-3427. Sep. 13- Councilwoman Joan Krajewski’s River Bash at Wissinoming Yacht Club, Delaware & Devereaux Aves. Tickets $30. Includes beer and buffet. 2-6 p.m. For info (215) 624-1872. Sep. 13- Wolfe PAC Magic Show fundraiser at 4256 Regent Sq., 4 p.m. $50. Sep. 13- Grands As Parents celebrates 13th anniversary with gala banquet at Temple University’s Diamond Club, 1913 N. Broad St. Donation $35. Send checks to G.A.P., 2121 N. Gratz St., Phila., PA 19121. Sep. 15- Untermeyer for DA fundraiser at 221 N. Columbus Blvd., 5:30 p.m. $125. Sep. 15- Loyal Opposition event featuring Stu Bykofsky at 215 S. 16th St., 7 p.m. $20. Sep. 16- Annual Puerto Rican Festival Senior Citizens Luncheon at Concilio, 7th St.

Page 8 The Public Record • Sebtember 10, 2009

Labor Honors Members (Cont. from Page 1)

Despite this, AFL-CIO President Pat Eiding found a growing strength of unity and purpose among union leaders and rank and file. “We know the problems and we understand the forces arrayed against us, but we will not give away, in any industry, what we have fought for four generations,” he stated. “Philadelphia is a union town and has gained through this relationship with municipal and private industry unions. We know the responsibility of our roles.”

Workers Local 14, Roofers Local 30, IATSE Local 8, Temple Local 511, FTEA, IBEW Local 98, ILA Local 1291, Steamfitters Local 420, AFT Faculty Federation, Plumbers Local 690 and UFCW Local 1776. The day was festive, though the clouds of unsettled negotiations made their weight felt. City unions have yet to have a contract, and pension problems have been created by the State legislature.

AFL-CIO President Pat Eiding and John Greer congratulate winners of annual Labor Day Badge and Poster contest run throughout city’s high schools. They are, from left, Zlatan Grebo, Linda Mak and Spring Braccia-Beck.


PROSPECTIVE Congressional candidate, State Rep. Paul Lentz, is seen here with aide George Amendola.






35ivtehrsary Ann

More Pictures Page 11




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SETH WILLIAMS’ family turned out for parade and family picnic at Penn’s Landing. They also did a bit of campaigning along way.

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TAKING advantage of an opportunity to share some time were State Rep. Michael O’Brien and his wife Rita.




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Page 9

Last week, the School District of Philadelphia announced about 200 of the new teachers that the district just hired decided they didn’t want their jobs after all. Some left due to long-term disability. Others resigned without the required 60-day notice. Others just decided they weren’t coming back to work, probably because they got a more-lucrative, less-challenging offer somewhere else. School District Superintendent Arlene Ackerman called the mass exodus “incomprehensible” and “totally unacceptable”, among other things. She’s sent letters to the Pennsylvania Dept. of Education decrying these teachers’ lack of professionalism and recommending the State take a deeper look at their certifications. She’s also sent letters to the teachers themselves that say something like, “You’ll never work in this city again!” (But let’s be honest here. If they’re at a school district like Council Rock, where the teachers make more than some college professors I know, do you really think they care about coming back here?) I have no problem with Ackerman’s being angry at these teachers. While some of these teachers did go on long-term disability and probably shouldn’t be blamed for that, it still caused a 200-person hole to be blown into the District’s staffing scheme. However, Ackerman’s right to call anyone’s conduct “incomprehensible” goes right out the window when one of the higher-profile new additions she made to the School District’s teaching staff for this fall gets considered. Should you find yourself at Northeast HS this year, don’t (Cont. Page 10)

JUDGE GENE MAIER and his charming wife LANA held their usual end-ofsummer celebration at their bayside home in Brigantine. The theme this year was “The ‘60s.” There was a wonderful ambrosia dessert of coconut, mandarin oranges, pineapple and marshmallows. After rain threatened in the morning but never materialized, it turned into a lovely day with guests entertained by a gorgeous setting sun. Among those in attendance were JUDGE JOHN POSERINA and his wife LILLIAN; Common Pleas JUDGE SANDY MOSS and her husband BILL; Municipal Court JUDGE FAY STACK and her husband MIKE; former President of the Brehon Law Society BILL MURRY; former President of the Teachers Union JOHN RYAN and his wife SUNNY; retired Chief Magistrate of the Eastern District for Pennsylvania JIM MELINSON and his wife MONICA; Common Pleas JUDGE RICARDO JACKSON; and well-known Philadelphia trial lawyer AL DRAGON and his wife BARBARA. It was a nice, amiable evening with plenty of food and beverages. STATE SEN. MIKE STACK was promoted from 1 st Lieutenant to Captain in a ceremony at Indiantown Gap. Mike’s ward is having a brunch from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 3 at the Somerton Springs Hall. VITO CANUSO is the current chairman of the Republican Party. MIKE MEEHAN is general counsel to the Party. Mike’s father BILL has been dead a number of years but his memory lingers on. He was a great leader from the Republican Party and his efforts in combating a powerful Democratic machine in Philadelphia frequently were not appreciated by the Republicans outside Philadelphia Co. They had no appreciation for the great job Bill did. His father AUSTIN MEEHAN had been a Sheriff of Philadelphia Co. before him. A Sheriff was active in politics during the Great Depression and regardless of which Party he belonged to, it was said of him that in the cases of needy families he was always good for the quote: “A ton of coal in the basement.” Bill did a lot of good, regardless of the Party. He had a distinguished career as an attorney. His son BILL, JR. serves as a Judge on the Municipal Court bench.

Yo! Here we go again. I got a nice response to a recent column about customs in other countries and I thought I would do another. If you are planning to travel, there are many cultures that frown on things that we consider normal: things like finger pointing, yawning without covering your mouth and even eating while walking down the street. Here is a list of things that might be considered rude or vulgar behavior around the world. They might seem trivial or even stupid but could avoid your being considered ‘an ugly American’ if you don’t do them. In Arab countries: Don’t sit so that the sole of your shoe (the lowest and dirtiest place on your body) is pointing at someone. In Germany: Never shake hands while your other hand is in your pocket. In Turkey: Don’t talk to elderly people in a louder-thannormal voice. In Poland: Don’t drink everything in your glass if you hadn’t intended getting a refill. In Indonesia: Never touch anyone’s head. In Russia: Never squeeze through a theater aisle with your backside turned to the people sitting there. In Thailand: Avoid stepping on doorsills. It is believed that a domestic deity lives in them. In Japan: don’t scribble on someone’s business card. In Taiwan: Never move an object with your foot. In Kenya: Never accept a gift with your left hand. In India: Don’t whistle in public. In Chile and Bolivia: Don’t pour wine with your left hand. In Chile: Don’t slap your fist into the palm of your other hand. In Iran: Never blow your nose in public. In Iceland: Never use a person’s last name when greeting them. In Portugal: Never use your bread to soak up the juices from your meat. In China: Never suck on your chopsticks. In Bali: Never take pictures of topless or nude bathers. In England: Don’t start a conversation with “What do you do?” (It may be considered a sexual inquiry). And this one from Ireland is one we would love to see made a part of all countries’ mannerisms: Avoid all discussion of religion or politics. As I have said in another column, get out and see the world. It is a mighty big place and life is too short to turn down any opportunity to see any part of that you can, whenever you can. And when you do travel, try to obey the local customs and manners. You could avoid touching off an international incident.

Snooper’s Special Request: I have been asked ‘by the powers to be’ (in THE POLICE DEPT.) to advise all of you, especially those in CENTER CITY, be alert, but more important, be careful. It seems Center City has become a new ‘melting pot’ for criminals of all kinds. Make no mistake about it, these SCUM think nothing about whom they rob, whom they steal from, and, worst of all, whom they choose to RAPE or MURDER. We are now living in the worst of times and, as you can expect, CRIMES will definitely be on the increase. I am begging all of you to BE CAREFUL; your life just might depend on it. Police are short-handed. Get together with your neighbors, because in UNITY there is STRENGTH. JUST IN: they have made an arrest regarding the Fairmount Park R-A-P-I-S-T! Snooper’s EMAIL Dept. ( Paulette Hess, Data-Processing Supervisor, Municipal Court, sends me this message. ERICA HESS, her young daughter, is still performing and singing. Let me tell you, I went to one of her singing performances and she was really great. Yeah Simon, eat your heart out! She also wrote about her young Son, ‘the thespian’, who is taking a little hiatus from his ACTING CAREER. She tells me CHRISTIAN HESS will soon be seen in an upcoming movie, and he’ll be leaving very shortly to do it. Her Son has been seen already in some ‘major’ plays and has been seen all over the Philadelphia area. I want to thank THERESA SAAM. She makes sure everyone knows about THE SNOOPER. In fact, I’m told, she reads my columns to all her friends every week. Snooper “Update”: I neglected to mention in the recent ar(Cont. Page 29)

The Public Record • September 10, 2009

You reap what you sow. Everything you do comes back to you one way or another. And so we see this time-tested Biblical truth laid bare before us once again; but this time it applies to the fiasco that is casinos in Philadelphia. For decades, rumors of riverboat casinos on the Delaware had politicians scrambling to secure options to purchase riverfront property. It was always the second cousin once removed of a local politico who seemed to mysteriously own land where a riverboat casino dock “was surely going to be approved.” The reality was quite different, as you know. Decades of trash-strewn lots, no development plan, a business-unfriendly atmosphere; all while corrupt politicians came and went. While cities such as Baltimore, Pittsburgh and Cincinnati developed their waterfronts, Philadelphia played political games. Now the Foxwoods casino site on Columbus Boulevard is back, courtesy of a ruling by the State Gaming Control Board. This time, however, the city may roll snake-eyes once again as Foxwoods has only six months to totally redesign the casino and find credit in one of the worst lending crunches in a century. The smart money is on a trash-scattered lot’s lingering at the site for decades to come. Why can’t this city get its act together? A letter circulated by 27TH WARD LEADER MATT WOLFE has underscored a rift among city Republicans over the issue of judgeships. Leadership asked GOP Common Pleas Court and Municipal Court candidates to step aside in deference to Democrat candidates who were nominated by both parties. As Wolfe wrote, besides the betrayal of party loyalists, this act raises serious concerns. First, the GOP in Philadelphia has an obligation to fight Democrats in (Cont. Page 10)

The Public Record • Sebtember 10, 2009

Page 10

Out & About

by Michael A. Cibik, Esquire American Bankruptcy Board Certified Question: Do I have to go to court if I file bankruptcy? Answer: Filing bank-

ruptcy usually doesn’t require a court appearance in front of a Bankruptcy Judge. It does, however, require the debtor to appear at a Meeting of Creditors in front of a Bankruptcy Trustee, and be questioned

about the paperwork filed in their case. If you file as a married couple, both spouses will have to appear. Next week’s question: I need to file bankruptcy. Will it be in the newspaper?

SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA Sealed proposals will be received by the School Reform Commission at the School Administration Building located at 440 North Broad St., 3rd Floor, Office of Capital Programs, Philadelphia, PA 191304015, until 2:00 P.M., on Tuesday, October 6, 2009. A non-refundable fee for each set of bid documents is as scheduled. The School District will only accept bids from companies that have been placed on its current Pre Qualified Contractors List as shown at All School District Project require MBE/WBE participation as shown in the specifications. BUDGET


B-029 (C) of 2008/09* Electrical Contract James G. Blaine Elementary School $375,000.00 $100.00 Elevator Alterations 3001 West Berls Street *A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at the project location, on September 18, 2009 at 12:00 p.m. Specifications and/or plans and contract documents may be examined and copies thereof obtained from the School Reform Commission, 440 North Broad Street, 3rd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Information as to contract documents, etc., may be obtained at the above address, or telephone 215-4005225. Make checks payable to the School District of Philadelphia. The School Reform Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids and make the awards to the best interests of the School District of Philadelphia.

(Cont. from Page 9) be surprised if one of the teachers there looks really familiar in an “I used to be on a couple of hit sitcoms and have my own talk show” kind of way. That’s because the School District of Philadelphia has gone and hired former “Who’s the Boss” star Tony Danza as a first-year English teacher. Thanks to a little nudge from the City, the School District has placed Danza in a sophomore English class at Northeast so his experiences can be captured for a reality television show that will air on the same network that gave us “Parking Wars”, the A&E Network. (“Parking Wars” is one of my guilty pleasures. I’m sorry if that angers my friends at the Greater Philadelphia Tourism & Marketing Corp., but the meltdowns are priceless!)

Elephant Corner (Cont. from Page 9) every election. One-party rule has decimated this city and we have a moral obligation to present voters with an alternative vision. It would also be

Anyway, this reality show, tentatively called “Teach”, is going to feature Danza as a first-year teacher, teaching students in a sophomore English class. The students in said class are being cast as we speak. (I know of no other first year teacher that will get to “cast” his or her class, but let’s leave the technicalities out of this, shall we?) Now the reason why Philadelphia has become the setting for this show is because every other school district that was offered this privilege — New York and Boston — turned it down. The question becomes, why didn’t we? Don’t get me wrong. I like Tony Danza. He was one of the funniest folks on “Taxi”. He seems like a nice guy. But I have a real problem when students in a school district with challenges like those we face are being used as ex-

tras in an attempted comeback by an actor past his prime. While Mr. Danza has a teaching degree from the University of Dubuque, and that’s a plus, it’s in history, which won’t help you in an English class. Also, if you’re trying to attract the best and brightest teachers to your school district, does it really make sense to be the set for a reality show? My hope is that this turns out a lot better than I think it’s going to. I don’t care that the School District gets final editing approval or any of that stuff. My problem is that he’s going to be a distraction to a classroom filled with kids that don’t need any. They need to be able to learn without cameras in their faces. In other words, they should be able to go to high school without being treated as if they’re trying out for “American Idol.”

nice if candidates that the GOP endorses for judicial positions were committed to stay in the race regardless of what happens in the Democratic primary. Furthermore, procedural issues are raised by simply “announcing” at a ward-leader meeting that nominees are withdrawing from a contested race. That’s what Matt is saying. Furthermore, word on the street is these candidates were

offered 20 free tickets each to the annual Bill Meehan Clam Bake as remuneration for dropping out of the race. Bottom line, I guess, is whether maneuvers like these contribute in any way to others on the Republican-only ticket such as AL SCHMIDT and JUDGE JOAN ORIE MELVIN. If not … Wolfe may wind up triggering a stampede.

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SUPREME COURT candidate Jack Panella is congratulated by Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell and others at parade’s start.

PAST AND PRESENT FOP leaders included Bob Hurst, Rich Costello, John McNesby and two members of that union. More Pictures Page 21

The Public Record • September 10, 2009

ENJOYING Labor Day festivities at Sheet Metal Workers Hall prior to marching were Jeff Hornstein, Jonathan Saidel, Councilman Brian O’Neill, Lisa Deeley, Maurice Floyd, Controller Alan Butkovitz, Superior Court candidate Judge Theresa Sarmina and Nataya Delgado.

Page 11

Dignitaries Flock To Labor Day Parade And Party

TREASURER CANDIDATE Rob McCord and LDC’s Ken Washington share a moment with Mayor Michael Nutter.

POLITICAL COORDINATOR Janet Ryder shares a moment with Seth Williams and Councilman Curtis Thomas.

PAPER IN HAND, keynote speaker Congressman Bob Brady is joined by PFT President Jerry Jordan, Supreme Court candidate Jack Panella and Superior Court candidate Theresa Sarmina.

EVEN WILLIAM PENN showed up to celebrate Labor Day in company of Judge John Braxton and DA candidate Seth Williams.

The Public Record • Sebtember 10, 2009

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The Heartbeat of South Philadelphia

The Public Record • September 10, 2009

Internationally Renowned Cardiologist

Page 13

South Philadelphians Welcome Back

Dr. Nicholas DePace M.D., F.A.C.C.

Returns Top Health Care To Those In Need Of The Best In Cardiac Medicine!!

Page 14 The Public Record • Sebtember 10, 2009

DePace Brings Health Care Here One of Delaware Valley’s outstanding cardiologists has returned to practice in Philadelphia. He is Dr. Nicholas L. DePace, M.D., F.A.C.C., an internationally renowned noninvasive cardiologist who specializes in valvular heart- disease management and coronary-artery disease prevention and reversal (regression). He is dedicated to bringing the heart to recovery and does it well. He has been practicing cardiology since 1983 and has published leading articles in the field along with co-authoring the book, The Heart Repair Manual. Dr. DePace tries to treat his patients holistically, naturally and medically and, when possible, tries to avoid bypass and other invasive procedures. His reputation has been well-earned by integrating a high level of caring, the latest technology and the most effective techniques into treatment so his patients can lead active lives. What he does at his practice, Franklin Cardiovascular,

PA, is all about you and your family. His whole team is dedicated to making sure that you have access to the very best care. He has opened an office at 2047 Oregon Avenue and can be reached by calling (215) 339-8055. Dr. DePace’s goal is to provide the most advanced heartcare resources available to area residents. He is dedicated to providing each and every patient compassionate and innovative service in the prevention, early detection and treatment of diseases of the heart and circulatory system. The need to travel out of town to access the best heart care can be a cruel burden on patients and families. And it comes at a time when added stress is the last thing you need. That’s why Dr. DePace has once again established his office right here in South Philadelphia. And that’s why he’s committed to world-class cardiology service, technology and skill. Dr. DePace is a lifetime resident of New Jersey, but is

often considered a son of South Philadelphia, where he had built up a major practice for years. He graduated from the prestigious Mount Sinai School of Medicine in 1978, receiving his MD degree. Dr. DePace came to Philadelphia in 1979 and did his Internal Medicine Residency at Hahnemann University. He was chief medical resident in 1981 and completed his cardiovascular training at the Likoff Cardiovascular Institute in 1983. Dr. DePace has obtained five board certifications. Dr. DePace was a prolific publisher and clinical researcher early in his career. He has published leading articles on aortic and mitral-valve disease. He has also published extensively in noninvasive cardiology, specifically echocardiology and nuclear cardiology. His national book, The Heart Repair Manual: The Philadelphia Formula For Prevention and Reversal of Heart Disease, published by W.W. Norton, New York, has been widely distributed.

Fainting Or Loss Of Consciousness there is an electrical disturbance in the brain. Fainting can lead to a seizure if the brain is deprived of blood flow with oxygen for a significant amount of time. A useful diagnostic test to perform on an individual, if there is a question of whether they actually have overt syncope/fainting or seizure, is a brain-wave test, or EEG. The most important thing to do when one looks at the reason for fainting is to decide whether it is a life-threatening cause or a non-life-threatening cause. The life-threatening causes of syncope are usually due to the heart’s not functioning properly as a result of either an electrical or a mechanical disturbance. An arrhythmia, for example, is an

electrical disturbance that may cause one to pass out. A narrowed aortic valve (a condition known as aortic stenosis), or a narrowed outflow tract from the pumping chamber of the heart due to muscle-bound heart tissue (a condition known as IHSS, or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) are examples of mechanical abnormalitites in the heart that preclude blood flow from going properly to the head. Other lifethreatening causes of fainting/syncope are bleeding, which may drop one’s blood pressure; a clot which travels to the lung known as a pulmonary embolism; a bleed in the brain known as intracranial hemorrhage; or a severe life-threatening allergic reaction to medicines

or bee stings. The latter is known as anaphylaxis. A cardiologist can best determine if the cause of fainting is from the heart. A simple electrocardiogram and a physical examination may narrow down the ,possibilities. Oftentimes, moreadvanced, noninvasive testing such as an echocardiogram or ultrasound test, which examines the walls and valves of the heart, and a Holter monitor, an ambulatory device which detects every heartbeat over a 24-hour period, may be utilized. Generally, the cause of fainting is non-lifethreatening, such as in vasopressor, or neurocardiogenic, syncope. In this instance, an individual experiences dimming of the vision, nausea, lightheadedness, cold extremities, weakness, possible hearing loss and sweating prior to fainting. The episode can often be aborted if the individual lies down or elevates the legs. A “tilt test” may be used to diagnose this. There are medi-

cines to treat this disorder. It usually involves an abnormality in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. While it is, in itself, not life-threatening, it can cause significant distress to the patient who will need to function on a daily basis by walking or driving. Also, an individual may fracture a bone, or worse, should they fall suddenly. A neurologist can best determine if the cause of fainting is due to an abnormality in the brain or nervous system. Lack of blood flow to the back of the brain, seizures and other neurological disorders can cause fainting. Oftentimes, fainting is due to a drop in blood pressure because of excessive medications. A condition known as pre-syncope occurs when a person feels as though they’re going to pass out but do not. This can occur if one gets up suddenly from a lying position and has a drop in blood pressure or if one is overmedicated with high blood pressure

medicines. This can also occur when patients are dehydrated or lose blood volume. The commonly known vasovagal syncope accounts for approximately 50% of fainting episodes. As mentioned above, this is often considered a form of neurocardiogenic syncope and a tilt test can sometimes diagnose who is predisposed to it. However, a negative tilt test does not rule out the diagnosis. It can occur spontaneously in individuals who are very susceptible or may occur after a dangerous or frightening experience. Standing in a warm room, which is crowded, or having one’s blood drawn with a venipuncture, may also precipitate this type of fainting event in individuals who are susceptible. Fainting that has been occurring repeatedly for many years is often not a life-threatening problem. The fainting that occurs in the presence of an abnormal electrocardio-

The Public Record • September 10, 2009

by Dr. Nicholas DePace, MD, FACC Fainting, or loss of consciousness, occurs in many people during their lifetime. The medical term to describe this is syncope. Actually, “syncope” (as doctors call it) is a symptom and not a diagnosis. The basic mechanism for the loss of consciousness that occurs with simple fainting or syncope is a lack of blood flow to the brain. This can be a result of a sudden curtailment in blood flow to the brain for approximately eight seconds, a drop in oxygen to the brain, or a drop in the systolic blood pressure to less than 60 mmHg. One often confuses a seizure with a fainting episode or syncope. With seizure activity,

Page 15

-- A Symptom Of A Failing Heart --


Page 16 The Public Record • Sebtember 10, 2009

Why Some Statins Are Better by Dr. Nicholas DePace, MD, FACC Many patients cannot tolerate the statin class of medications, which lower cholesterol. Such medications include Simvastatin (Zocor), Atorvastatin (Lipitor), Crestor, Pravastatin (Pravachol), Lescol and Lovastatin (Mevacor). If one’s cholesterol is extremely elevated, then what are the options? One is to reduce the dose of the statin significantly to the lowest dose until tolerated and then slowly increase

it. Another is to give a statin on an every-other-day basis. There has been some data to demonstrate that statins given every other day are still effective pharmacologically. If the cholesterol does not get lowered significantly on an alternate day on a very reduced dose of statin, one can add another agent, which works well with statin therapy. These agents include bile acid sequestrants such as Colestipol and Colesevelam (Welchol). Other drugs that can be used

are Ezetimibe (Zetia), Vitamin B3 or Niacin (Nicotinic Acid). There are other agents that could be considered but are beyond the scope of this article. Most of these medications do not increase the toxicity of the statin. However, Niacin in high doses can occasionally affect the liver a little more when combined with statin therapy. I am generally asked, “Which agents are most effective and safest to use when a person cannot tolerate any of the statin drugs?” Statin intolerance is common and can cause muscle aches. Rarely patients get elevations of liver enzymes more than three times in one month and the statin has to be changed. Two drugs are extremely safe and can be used to lower your serum cholesterol significantly. They are the bile acid sequestrants, and, in particular, Colesevelam (Welchol). This drug can be taken twice a day, generally three pills in the morning and three pills at night. This is heartily absorbed and has minimal side effects. It is safe to use in young children. One need not check the liver-function tests (Cont. Page 19)


(Cont. from Page 15) gram, a history of heart failure or low blood pressure may however be a serious problem. Sometimes, fainting can occur between the interactions of two or more drugs. If severe heart disease is suspected, an electrical test is typically done in a hospital setting. This is known as an electrophysiology test. In some instances, patients with very advanced heart disease may require pacemakers or defibrillators if the cause of the syncope is a cardiac electrical disturbance. I am concerned about patients who faint without adequate warning signs. This is often a serious problem. If you suffer from fainting or syncopal episodes, or even presyncopal episodes, you should consult with your physician for recommendations on diagnosis and treatment.

with the disease demonstrating a wide variance from predominantly insulin-resistant to predominantly insulin-deficient. Increased hepatic glucose production, as the result of enhanced glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis, are also phenotypic hallmarks of this disorder. Recently, significant attention has also been devoted to the incretin effect, mediated by several gastrointestinal peptides. In humans, the major incretins are glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucosedependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP). Both the GLP-1 and GIP increase glucose-dependent and first-phase insulin secretion and are rapidly deactivated by dipeptidyl peptidase4 (DPP-4), but only GLP-1 suppresses glucagon secretion. The incretins also have a variety of other systemic effects, including appetite suppression by a direct effect on the satiety center, delayed gastric emptying and an increase in beta-cell neogenesis with apoptosis inhibition (animal and in vitro). Both GLP1 and IP are released from the intestinal cells in response to nutrient intake with GLP-1 being synthesized from proglucagon in the L cells of

the small intestine and GIP in the K cells of the proximal intestinal mucosa. For many years, oral agents have been clearly popular with patients and physicians in the battle for enhanced diabetic control. As a result of the progressive development of newer and novel oral agents, the physician has at his disposal a wide variety of medications to address the various abnormalities associated with the type II patient.

Early diagnosis is critical to preventing complications since macrovascular disease begins with postprandial hyperglycemia even in the nondiabetic range, and at the time of development of fasting hyperglycemia, the patient has already lost at least 50% of beta-cell function. Primary-care providers should be especially alerted to those patients who present with fasting glucoses in the impaired range of 100-124

mg/dl with hemoglobin A1C’s greater than 6.0%. Thirty percent of these individuals will have an abnormal glucose tolerance test in the diabetic range (>200 mg/dl) when given a two-hour glucose tolerance test with 75 grams of anhydrous glucose. Even if not overtly diabetic, individuals in this category with impaired glucose tolerance (pre-diabetics) have been shown in several clinical trials to have an increased risk

of fatal and nonfatal myocardial infarction with 10% of these individuals developing microvascular complications of nephropathy, neuropathy and retinopathy even before developing overt diabetes. (Dr. Ronald Codario, MD, FACP is board-certified in Internal Medicine (ABIM), Clinical Lipidology (ABCL), Clinical Hypertension Specialist (ASH) and Vascular Ultrasound Interpretation (ARDMS)


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The Public Record • September 10, 2009

by Dr. Ronald Codario, MD, FACP Type II diabetes is clearly a heterogeneous, complex, interrelated disease involving multigenic etiologies. Close to 95% of individuals with type II diabetes in the United States are managed by primary-care providers, with this disease afflicting approximately 20% of all patients seen in the office setting. The progressive nature of type II diabetes is not only confined to the deterioration of beta cell function but also the progressive development of severe arteriosclerotic vascular disease. These patients will suffer from their microvascular disease (retinopathy, neuropathy and nephropathy) but will die from their macrovascular disease, including coronary artery disease, complications from peripheral vascular disease and stroke with many having established micro- and macrovascular complications of diabetes at the time of first presentation to their provider. The classical disturbances in this condition are characterized by a combination of insulin resistance and progressive beta-cell deterioration, resulting in impaired insulin secretion and release,

Page 17

Treating Type II Diabetes With Oral Agents

Page 18 The Public Record • Sebtember 10, 2009

-- DePace Explains Chest Pains --

Treatment Of Angina Pectoris by Dr. Nicholas DePace, MD, FACC Angina pectoris is a condition where one experiences

chest discomfort or significant shortness of breath as a result of a lack of blood flow to the heart muscle. The most com-

mon cause of death in Americans is due to coronary artery disease. The dreaded consequence of a blocked coronary artery is a heart attack or a cardiac arrest. Angina pectoris has often been described as a warning sign or an alarm signal. When individuals exert themselves, walk in cold or hot weather or get excited and have chest discomfort, this may be a warning signal that there is at least one blocked artery. Nitroglycerin is often prescribed to relieve this discomfort, which usually lasts three to five minutes but may last longer. One may take nitroglycerin up to three times, five minutes apart. There are various noninvasive tests to diagnose for coronary artery disease and angina. A stress test is the most practical and safest means. New techniques, such as CT angiography of the coronary ar-

teries, are becoming more popular. Cardiac catheterization, an invasive test, is usually reserved for individuals with severe symptoms, heart failure, angina pectoris refractory to medical therapy, or a very abnormal stress test with or without significant arrhythmias. However, there are exclusions to these criteria. There are many good medications that can be used to treat angina pectoris and relieve the shortness of breath and chest discomfort, both of which occur with exertion. Beta-blockers were one of the earliest treatments. Long-acting nitrates may also be taken by mouth or in topical form. Newer medications, such as calcium-channel blockers in a once-a-day formulation, or a sodium channel blocker such as Ranexia, are also being used. When a patient does not respond to medical therapy, of-

tentimes angioplasty or bypass surgery is a consideration. A new noninvasive treatment in the last 10-12 years has been enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP). Another noninvasive modality, which has been reported to relieve coronary symptoms, is chelation therapy. The latter has not been supported by significant scientific evidence. In contrast, EECP has been supported by significant cardiology literature. In a recent study, it was shown to be even more effective than spinal-cord stimulation as a treatment in refractory angina pectoris and it afforded greater functional and symptom benefits. EECP is a technique where cuffs are inflated on the extremities to promote blood flow during the heart cycle normal as diastole. This enhances coronary blood flow. It also relieves the work

of the heart in pumping the blood during the phase known as systole. This is also referred to as “after-load reduction”. The mechanism whereby EECP works makes physiological sense. Most medical parties, including Medicare, reimburse it. This is because it has been shown to be effective treatment. Generally, three treatments a week are needed for approximately 12 weeks. There are other surgical techniques, besides bypass surgery, that have been used to relieve refractory angina pectoris. They are beyond the scope of what is offered in most medical centers, but are available in very select cases. If an individual is having significant shortness of breath with exertion of chest discomfort despite medical therapy, they should see their cardiologist to see what options are available.

Wilberger Heads Drexel’s Neurosurgery Dept. James (Jack) E. Wilberger, MD, has been named chairman of the Dept. of Neurosurgery at Drexel University College of Jr., James (Jack) E. Wilberger, training program and director of Homan and the University’s joining the faculty of Allegh Jr., MD, has been named chair- neurosurgery for the West Penn medical and research staffs to General Hospital. man of the Dept. of Neuro- Allegheny Health System, help rebuild the program with A past chairman of the surgery at Drexel University where he also serves as VP for the neurosciences resources Section on Neurotrauma College of Medicine. Dr. graduate medical education and available at AGH and strengthen Critical Care of the Amer Wilberger is professor and co-director of the Comprehen- the clinical, academic and scien- Association of Neurolog chairman of the Dept. of Neu- sive Epilepsy Program. tific synergies between Drexel Surgeons/Congress of Ne rosurgery at Allegheny General “We are thrilled to have Dr. and the West Penn Allegheny logical Surgeons, Hospital in Pittsburgh, the west- Jack Wilberger accept the posi- Health System,” said Dr. Wilberger is currently invo ern regional campus of Drexel tion of chairman of the Depart- Wilberger. with the American Colleg University College of Medicine. ment of Neurosurgery,” said Throughout his career, Dr. Surgeons Committee H e Richard V. Homan, MD, sen- Wilberger has distinguished Trauma. In addition, he is i s ior VP for health affairs and An- himself in the field of neuro- chairman of the Board of also nenberg Dean of Drexel trauma through his efforts to im- rectors of the Pennsylv d i - University College of Medicine. prove the treatment and Trauma Systems Foundatio rec- Dr. Wilberger is the first Pitts- outcomes for both spinal cord Drexel University Col t o r burgh-based Drexel University injury and head injury. He has of Medicine has establi o f College of Medicine professor published widely with more some of the most highly i t h e to be appointed as an academic than 120 articles in peer-re- vative and rigorous acade hos- department chairman for the viewed journals and over 65 programs available today Philadelphia-based campus. book chapters to date. He is also corporating the University’ Welcoming him to the Dc- the author and/or editor of four pertise in engineering partment is Dr. Nicholas De- current neurosurgical texts, in- technology into traditional m Pace, with whom he will be cluding Neurotrauma (McGraw ical training. The Colleg working closely. Hill, New York, 1997). Medicine is home to one o “It is an honor to be selected Dr. Wilberger received his nation’s leading centers for this important leadership po- undergraduate degree from the spinal cord research; one o sition in the Dept. of Neuro- University of Richmond and foremost centers for ma surgery at Drexel. Drexel’s graduated with highest honors study; and a highly rega tradition of excellence in neuro- from the Medical College of HIV/AIDS program with surgical care and research is Virginia. He completed neuro- tensive NIH-funded researc most impressive I look forward surgical residency training at the prevention and therapeutic

absorb some other drugs, such as Digoxin, Coumadin and some fat-soluble vitamins, and therefore care should be taken not to administer these drugs at the same time as you would be taking other drugs, such as Warfarin (Coumadin). Another commonly used drug to lower cholesterol when a statin needs more help, or when one cannot tolerate statins, is Ezetimibe (Zetia). This is a new class of cholesterol-absorption inhibitors. This impairs the absorption at the level of the intestine of dietary and biliary-produced cholesterol, the two sources from which cholesterol in our bloodstream arises. Our livers make cholesterol. As with the bile acid sequestrants, Ezetimibe (Zetia) is not as strong in lowering cholesterol as a statin

and probably about 50% as effective also. There was some controversy with several studies as to whether Zetia was really effective. The ENHANCE study involved 720 patients with severe cholesterol disorders that were genetic. The cholesterol in these individuals was well over 500, which is extremely high. The criticism with this study is that the patients were just too advanced and it would be difficult to show if the addition of Zetia to a statin would be more effective than a statin alone. Then there was the possibility of a risk of cancer with Zetia. Two studies – IMPROVE-IT and SHARP – were performed and found no increased risk of incidence of cancer, but there was a trend toward increased cancer deaths. This actually does not make clinical sense and was

believed to be a statistical quirk. Longer-term studies are needed. A recent study with Zetia did not show that it increased cancer risk. Most importantly, Zetia, when given by itself, does not increase the incidence of muscle aches or liver-enzyme elevations above that when one is not taking any drug; that is, if they are on a placebo. However, if it is taken with a statin, Zetia can increase liver-function tests slightly higher than with a statin alone. In Canada, there have been reports of some muscle problems with Zetia by itself. This is extremely rare. This drug is extremely effective in lowering cholesterol with minimal side effects and has a very high safety profile. I am often asked about Vitamin B3, also known as niacin. Niacin could be considered almost like a natural substance since it is one of eight B-vitamins. However, in the doses under which it is

consumed, it is suprapharmacological. One has to watch the blood sugar and the liver functions when niacin is given. However, I know of no single drug that is as effective in raising the good HDL cholesterol as niacin. In fact, studies with niacin have shown that when combining it with a statin, the best effects are seen in actually reversing plaque in the arteries. Some lipid experts have even gone as far as saying that it is almost impossible to reverse coronary plaque without using niacin with a statin in patients with established coronary disease. While statins do not lower the bad LDL cholesterol as well as Zetia or Welchol, the advantages of lowering triglycerides and raising HDL’s make it specifically an advantaged agent in individuals who have low HDL cholesterol and high triglycerides. The latter is often seen in diabetics who are overweight. Therefore, if you have elevated cholesterol

and your doctor feels that it needs to be lowered but diet is not effective, one should consider these alternate agents, especially bile-acid sequestrants such as Welchol or intestinal-absorption inhibitors such as Zetia. Zetia is practically free of side effects. The major side effect one occasionally sees with bile-acid sequestrants is a little bit of belching, bloating and constipation, which can be relieved by adding psyllium muciloid (Metamucil). The latter will also naturally lower cholesterol, as it is a soluble agent. Nicholas DePace is a Clinical Professor of Medicine and Associate Chief of Cardiology at Drexel Medical College, Hahnemann Hospital, Philadelphia. He has written a book on how to reverse heart disease, published by W.W. Norton, and he has experience and expertise in lowering cholesterol using different approaches. He is board-certified in lipidology, which is the study of lipid dis-

The Public Record • September 10, 2009

(Cont. from Page 16) and follow them periodically on this medication. While these agents are half as effective as statins in lowering cholesterol (that is, they may lower cholesterol only 50% of what a statin would do), they are probably safer and have fewer side effects. In fact, Welchol has been approved to lower the hemoglobin 1Ac, a reflection of glucose control over a long period of time in diabetics, by the FDA in individuals who do have diabetes mellitus. Generally, it can lower the hemoglobin 1Ac by 0.5%. Some side effects of the bile acid sequestrants are bloating and G.I. discomfort, however with the newer agents, these are much less common. They also can be given in conjunction with many other medications. However, they may appear to

Page 19

DePace Explains Why Some Statins Are Better Then Others

Spinal Care Pain Associates GLENN MILLER, M.D., ROBERT K. MOSER, P.A.C., Board Certified in Pain Management & Anesthesia, Providing care in the Philadelphia area for over 30 years,

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The Public Record • Sebtember 10, 2009

Page 20

DAWN TANCREDI meets up with Republican DA candidate Michael Untermeyer.

EDGAR HOWARD, left, finds himself in company of Cody Anderson and Leonard DeBose.

The Public Record • September 10, 2009

CONGRESSMAN BOB BRADY chats with former State Rep. Tommy Blackwell and judicial candidate Diane Thompson.

Page 21

Labor Day Pics

JOHN J. Dougherty presented Panella with $100,000 donation from IBEW Local 98 Union PAC funds at his headquarters after the parade. In picture are State Rep. Bill Keller, Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell and union officials.

Page 22 The Public Record • Sebtember 10, 2009

What A Labor Day Parade!

IRON WORKERS CHIEF Joseph Dougherty, center, wearing construction helmet, leads his rank and file along parade route.

More Labor Day Pictures In Next Week Issue

MARTY MASCUILLI, secretary treasurer of ILA Local 1291, led a big entourage of stevedores along parade route.

Port Gets Major Line

IBEW Local 1291 Business Mgr. John J. Dougherty finds himself flanked by Union Political Coordinator Bob Henon and Maxine & Daniel Woodall are joined by conSupreme Court Justice candidate Jack tractor Kevin Hannah at beginning of parade route. Panella.

The Philadelphia Regional Port Authority and Holt Logistics Corp. this week announced formal completion of the plan to welcome Mediterranean Shipping Co. SA of Geneva, Switzerland’s direct container service, to the Port of Philadelphia. Beginning in October, MSC will make weekly calls into the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Packer Avenue Marine Terminal. The new European service will help support hundreds of family sustaining jobs in the region. “The Port of Philadelphia continues to be a major economic engine for the commonwealth, and we welcome this new service from Europe,” said Gov. Edward G. Rendell. “Commitments from shipping giants like MSC go a long way in helping the entire Philadelphia region withstand the global economic downturn and support existing jobs.”

SHARING MOMENT with Congressman Bob Brady are Gwen Ivey, of Postal Workers, and State Rep. Curtis Thomas.


Philadelphia Regional Port Authority A Promising Future By Championing the Channel-Deepening Project And Substantial Port Expansion

Once Again, We Thank Gov. Ed Rendell For Giving Our Port A Great Opportunity And

John H. Estey, Esq. Chairman

James T. McDermott, Jr. Executive Director

Robert C. Blackburn

Senior Deputy Executive Director

John F. Dempsey

Deputy Executive Director Administrative Offices: 3460 N. Delaware Ave. 2nd Fl., Phila., PA 19134 (215) 426-2600 • Fax (215) 426-6800

ward leaders in wards 3, 4, 6, 24, 27, 34, 40A, 44, 46, 51, 52 and 60 reported that they were not contacted, and the ward leader in ward 40B did not return phone calls before press time). There is something wrong with that picture. A series of bad decisions were made here. We need to keep our eye on the ball. We need to take actions to nominate strong candidates who will provide Philadelphia with honest effective government. We need to help these candidates to get elected. It's really that simple. All of our decisions should be based on how we can accomplish those goals. We fell short in this instance and need to do better. THE SKY IS FALLING PART II: When last we heard from Democratic Mayor Nutter he was whining and complaining about the Republicans in the State Senate delaying the rubber stamp of his scheme to raise our taxes and weaken our pension funds in order to maintain the Democratic patronage way of life. Looking behind the veneer of the drama, we found that he had only laid off five employees this year. Well, he announced another round of layoffs. In order to face the dire financial crisis that he and his Democratic cohorts have created, he will lay off another 12 employees. We can't make this up. We don't have hard numbers, but our guess is that there have been more new hires than layoffs. No one likes to see anyone lose their job, but this is ridiculous. The City needs to right-size itself, and increasing taxes is an extreme measure. How do we take anything the Mayor says seriously when he talks irresponsibly and acts even more irresponsibly? (ED. NOTE-- This is an article published in the University City Trumpet Online, a Republican email newsletter. Matt is the Republican Leader of the 27th Ward. For further information or to be put on the list, email him at")

TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS OF THE ESTATE OF EILEEN G. DABNEY, DECEASED, MORTAGOR AND REAL OWNER, DEFENDANT whose last known address is 1623 South 31st Street Philadelphia, PA 19145. THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR AND WE ARE ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT OWED TO OUR CLIENT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM YOU WILL BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING THE DEBT. You are hereby notified that Plaintiff U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION TRUSTEE FOR THE PENNSYLVANIA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY, has filed a Mortgage Foreclosure Complaint endorsed with a notice to defend against you in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, docketed to No. 090604631 wherein Plaintiff seeks to foreclose on the mortgage secured on your property located, 1623 South 31st Street Philadelphia, PA 19145 whereupon your property will be sold by the Sheriff of Philadelphia County. NOTICE You have been sued in court. If you wish to defend against the claims set forth in the following pages, you must take action within twenty (20) days after the Complaint and notice are served, by entering a written appearance personally or by attorney and filing in writing with the court your defenses or objections to the claims set forth against you. You are warned that if you fail to do so the case may proceed without you and a judgment may be entered against you by the Court without further notice for any money claimed in the Complaint or for any other claim or relief requested by the Plaintiff. You may lose money or property or other rights important to you. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER OR CANNOT AFFORD ONE, GO TO OR TELEPHONE THE OFFICE SET FORTH BELOW. THIS OFFICE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION ABOUT HIRING A LAWYER. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO HIRE A LAWYER, THIS OFFICE MAY BE ABLE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION ABOUT AGENCIES THAT MAY OFFER LEGAL SERVICES TO ELIGIBLE PERSONS AT A REDUCED FEE OR NO FEE. PHILADELPHIA BAR ASSOCIATION One Reading Center Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-238-6333 COMMUNITY LEGAL SERVICES, INC. Law Center North Central 3638 North Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19140 215-227-2400 or 215-981-3700 Michael T. McKeever Attorney for Plaintiff Goldbeck McCafferty & McKeever, PC Suite 5000, Mellon Independence Center 701 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19106-1532 215-627-1322

running the best candidates that we can. There are a lot of Republican lawyers in the city who would like to be a judge. Certainly it would have been easy to find a strongly qualified slate. While the odds of winning may make recruiting them to actually agree to fill a vacancy difficult, we didn't even try. That is not in the long-term interest of either Philadelphia or the Republican Party. A second concern is that we are not doing our job if we do not demand a commitment from candidates whom we endorse for judicial positions to stay in the race regardless of what happens in the Democratic primary. That is not an unreasonable request, particularly when we are in a rebuilding mode. Note, however, that not all of our nominees simply withdrew. At least one was requested to withdraw by the City Party leadership. There is no justification for that. Finally, there is an important procedural issue. This was "announced" at a meeting of the Ward Leaders. The Rules of the Republican Party of the City and County of Philadelphia dictate that vacancies be filled by a vote of the Ward Leaders. There was not and has not been any vote. The clear violation of the rules is significant. There are more significant concerns. The Republican Party needs to recruit effective individuals to serve as Ward Leaders. To do that, we need them to be engaged and empowered. We need to have them participate in the party's decision making and contribute to the development of strategy. Denying ward leaders even the right to vote on decisions that the rules require they vote on does not encourage the best and brightest to step up and assume leadership roles. In fairness, we were told that 30-35 of our 68 ward leaders were polled and agreed to the plan. Our own poll of ward leaders in West Philadelphia did not find any who were contacted (out of 13 wards in West Philly, the

The Public Record • September 10, 2009

by J. Matt Wolfe from University City Trumpet Online At the most recent meeting of Philadelphia's Republican Ward Leaders, the City Chairman announced that all of our candidates for Common Pleas Court and Municipal Court who had not also secured the Democratic Party's nomination had withdrawn from those races. They had been replaced with the candidates who had won the Democratic nomination but not the Republican. This way there will be no contests for those important judicial positions. Each party's ticket will have the exact same ten candidates. Understand that in Philadelphia candidates for Judge can cross-file and run in both the Republican and Democratic primaries, and most do. For the six open Common Pleas Court positions there were two Republican nominees who also were nominated by the Democrats (and therefore four who were not). For Municipal Court there were four open positions and two of the Republican nominees also attained the Democratic nomination (so naturally, two did not). This raises at least three serious concerns. First and foremost, the Republican Party in Philadelphia needs to fight the Democrats in order to become stronger. We need to contest elections. We need to present a positive alternative in both candidates and ideas to the voters of Philadelphia. Admittedly, our Republican Party has its problems. Philadelphia is criticized as being a "one-party town," and there is some truth to that. This is a great city and it deserves better. Philadelphia would benefit if the Republican Party presented a more viable alternative to the corrupt Democratic machine. Just wishing does not make it happen. We need to deserve it. We accomplish that by registering voters Republican, recruiting a stronger cadre of Committeemen and Ward Leaders and by recruiting and


Page 23

Republican City Committee Endorses Democratic Judges

The Public Record • Sebtember 10, 2009

Page 24

NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND FORECLOSURE SALE WHEREAS, on July 2, 1992, a certain Mortgage was executed by FLORENCE M. SCHOEN and WILLIAM R. SCHOEN and was recorded in Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Philadelphia County in Mortgage Book: VCS 223, Page: 447 on July 20, 1992; William R. Schoen died on February 1, 1999 by operation of law title vested solely in Florence and William is released of liability pursuant to Pa.R.C.P. 1144. and WHEREAS, the Mortgage is now owned by the Secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (“Secretary”), pursuant to an assignment recorded on February 3, 2004, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania in document #5085119 ; and WHEREAS, a default has been made in the covenants and conditions of the Mortgage in that the payment due on May 26, 2009, was not made and remains wholly unpaid as of the date of this Notice, and no payment has been made sufficient to restore the loan to currency; and WHEREAS, the entire amount delinquent as of May 26, 2009 is $157,919.00 plus interest, costs and other charges through the sale date; and WHEREAS, by virtue of this default, the Secretary has declared the entire amount of the indebtedness secured by the Mortgage to be immediately due and payable NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to powers vested in me by the Single Family Mortgage Foreclosure Act of 1994, l2 U.S.C. 3751 et seq., by 24 CFR Part 29, and by the Secretary’s designation of me as Foreclosure Commissioner, recorded on May 10, 1996 in Misc. Book: VCS 850, Page: 013, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, notice is hereby given that ON September 21, 2009 at 2:00 at the Market Street Entrance of the United States Courthouse, 601 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106 all real and personal property at or used in connection with the following described premises (“Property”) will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder: ALL THAT CERTAIN Lot or piece of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, Situate in the 57th Ward of the City and County of Philadelphia, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and described according to a revised Plan of Academy Gardens, made by Franklin and Lindsay, Registered Engineers of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, dated February 15, 1950 and last revised March 21, 1950, as follows, to wit:

BEGINNING at a point on the Southeasterly side of Convent Avenue (fifty-six feet wide) at the distance of Fifty and eight hundred and seventythree one-thousandths feet measured along the arc of a circle curving to the right having a radius of one thousand two hundred seventy-six feet from a point of compound curve on the said side of Convent Avenue Which point of compound curve is at the arc distance of Thirty-one and Four hundred Sixteen one-thousandths feet measured along the arc of a circle curving to the right having a radius of twenty feet from a point of curve on the northeasterly side of Fordham Road (fifty-six feet wide_; thence extending from said beginning point and along the southeasterly side of Convent Avenue along the arc of a circle curving to the right having a radius of One thousand two hundred Seventy-six feet the arc distance of Sixty feet to point; thence extending South Forty-three degrees, Four minutes, sixteen seconds east one hundred feet to a point; thence extending along the arc of a circle curving to the left having a radius of one thousand Seventy-six feet the arc distance of Fifty-five and Two hundred eighty-eight one thousandths feet to a point; thence extending North forty-five degrees, Forty-five minutes, Fifty-five seconds West one hundred feet to the first mentioned point and place of beginning. UNDER AND SUBJECT to conditions and restrictions as now appear of record. BEING THE SAME PREMISES which McCloskey & Co. of Florida by Deed dated July 25, 1950 and recorded in Philadelphia County Deed Book CJP 2726, page 429, conveyed unto William R. Schoen and Florence M. Schoen, his, wife. THAT William R. Schoen has since departed this life, survived by his wife, Florence M. Schoen in whom title vested absolutely by virtue of the

tenancy by the entirety. BEING KNOWN AS: 9203 Convent Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19114 The sale will be held on September 21, 2009 at 2:00 at the Market Street Entrance of the United States Courthouse, 601 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106. The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development will bid $157,919.00 plus interest, costs and other charges through the sale date. Ten percent (10%) of the highest bid is the deposit required at the sale. The amount that must be paid to HUD by the mortgagors or someone acting on their behalf so that the sale may be stayed is the total delinquent amount of $157,919.00 as of May 26, 2009, plus all other amounts that would be due under the mortgage agreement if payments under the mortgage had not been accelerated, advertising costs and postage expenses incurred in giving notice, mileage by the most reasonable road distance for posting notices and for the Foreclosure Commissioner’s attendance at the sale, reasonable and customary costs incurred for title and lien record searches, the necessary out-of-pocket costs incurred by the Foreclosure Commissioner for recording documents, a commission for the Foreclosure Commissioner, and all other costs incurred in connection with the foreclosure prior to reinstatement. There will be no proration of taxes, rents or other income or liabilities, except that the purchaser will pay, at or before closing, his prorata share of any real estate taxes that have been paid by the Secretary to the date of the foreclosure sale. When making their bid, all bidders, except the Secretary, must submit a deposit totaling ten percent 10% of the Secretary’s bid as set forth above in the form of a certified check or cashier’s check made out to the Secretary of HUD. Each oral bid need not be accompanied by a deposit. If the successful bid is oral, a deposit of ten (10%) percent must be presented before the bidding is closed. The deposit is nonrefundable. The remainder of the purchase price must be delivered within thirty (30) days of the sale or at such other time as the Secretary may determine for good cause shown, time being of the essence. This amount, like the bid deposits, must be delivered in the form of a certified or cashier’s check. If the Secretary is the high bidder, he need not pay the bid amount in cash. The successful bidder will pay all conveyance fees, all real estate and other taxes that are due on or after the delivery of the remainder of the payment and all other costs associated with the transfer of title. At the conclusion of the sale, the deposits of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them. The Secretary may grant an extension of time within which to deliver the remainder of the payment. All extensions will be for fifteen (15) days, and a fee will be charged in the amount of $150.00 for each fifteen (15) day extension requested. The extension fee shall be paid in the form of a certified or cashier’s check made payable to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. If the high bidder closes the sale prior to the expiration of any extension period, the unused portion of the extension fee shall be applied toward the amount due. If the high bidder is unable to close the sale within the required period, or within any extensions of time granted by the Secretary, the high bidder’s deposit will be forfeited, and the Commissioner may, at the direction of the HUD Field Office Representative, offer the property to the second highest bidder for an amount equal to the highest price offered by that bidder. There is no right of redemption, or right of possession based upon a right of redemption, in the mortgagor or others subsequent to a foreclosure completed pursuant to the Act. Therefore, the Foreclosure Commissioner will issue a Deed to the purchaser(s) upon receipt of the entire purchase price in accordance with the terms of the sale as provided herein. Date: __________________________________ JOSEPH A. GOLDBECK, JR. Foreclosure Commissioner 5000 Mellon Independence Center 701 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19106-1532 Telephone No: (215) 825-6303 Facsimile No: (215) 825-6403

Knox Warns Of Electricity Rate Climb by Tom Knox, Democratic Gubernatorial candidate I believe Pennsylvania voters are less concerned with which candidate claims to be the most "progressive," and more concerned about which candidate is most focused on progress in solving the challenges and problems in their lives. Labels such as “conservative” and “progressive” offer little solace to working families that are struggling to pay their utility bills, save for college tuition or obtain affordable medical care. For all the taxes paid by middle-class homeowners, very little is returned to them in the form of relevant services for their families. We have a rare opportunity to reassess and respond to this fundamental issue. Unless we stand unabashedly – without pretense and without reserve – for quality-of-life issues that matter to working Pennsylvanians, we will have ignored the real problems facing our state. It is no longer enough to be a “progressive” candidate. We must elect a candidate who demands progress. The next Governor of Pennsylvania must recognize the impending crisis of rising electric rates and provide a workable plan to protect ratepayers; acknowledge the critical role community colleges play in providing affordable post-high school education opportunities and provide needed job training programs; perhaps most importantly, create jobs, foster economic growth and encourage small business development so that everyone has an opportunity to earn a living wage. I do not know if I am “progressive”, though I support effective gun-control measures, reproductive rights of women and legal equality without regard to sexual orientation. I do not know if I am “conservative,” though I believe that government must operate within its means and placing more tax burdens on families is no longer acceptable. I am running for Governor because I know, from my own life experiences, what it means to face and overcome economic hardships.

Labor Day Parade

2024 S. 10th St. 215-468-5363 We Accept Food Stamps - Free Delivery $25.00 or over! IRONWORKERS 401 CHIEF Joe Dougherty congratulates Judge Joe FLOATS carried the Labor Day theme during Parade. Seen here are Laborers Waters on his work on bench. Local 135 float and that is Bill Hamilton, president of Teamsters Joint Council 53, Photo by Lee Buchanan. with his granddaughter, on the right, pulling Teamsers float.

Deli Coteghino

$ .99



Pepper Ham

$ .99




$ .99



Colby Cheese

$ .99



Turkey Breast

$ .99



The Public Record • September 10, 2009

Store Hours: Mon-Fri: 10-5, Closed: Sat & Sun.

Page 25

Prices As of Sept. 10th To Sept 17th

Smithfield Bacon 2/1 lbs


Hatfield Deli Ham by the pound


Cheese $ .49




$ .49



Hot Pepper

$ .49




$ .49



CV Cooper

$ .49



Ricotta Cheese 3 lb Container



The Public Record • Sebtember 10, 2009

Page 26

Step up to the Plate: It’s usually full by Len Lear David Mantelmacher, 45, owned Circa at 1518 Walnut Street in Center City’s Restaurant Row from 1993 to 2003. He left, not because business at Circa was bad but because his lease was up, and the landlord virtually doubled his rent for the next proposed lease. “There’s no way we could have made a profit, no matter how much business we would have done,” he said. After Circa closed its doors, the space was taken by Sharper Image, a national chain of stores for very upscale, unusual gifts. Mantelmacher, the son of Holocaust survivors, proceeded to open Plate in April of 2003 at 105 Coulter Avenue in Ardmore’s Suburban Square. As all restaurantgoers know, many restau-

rants have responded to the recent economic meltdown by offering three-course, $30 dinners; buy-oneentree, get-one-free; BYOBoptional, etc. But not Plate. Why not? “I feel we are already providing big portions and good value for the money,” said David of his contemporary comfort food. “When the economy was smoking, I did not raise my prices, so now that the economy is doing poorly, I am not going to lower them. Furthermore, if you start offering these deals (like three courses for $30), then customers will think you were overcharging them in the past, and how can you then go back to your old prices later on? People will not accept it.” Plate is a huge octagonal property that previously housed Boccie, then La

Parisienne, a French bistro; and Za, a pizzeria. Where did the name Plate come from? “I wanted a cool name — something to do with food but not with the name 'French' or 'Mediterranean' in it,” said David. (There is no connection between Plate and Fork in Center City, a question often asked by customers.) Over the years several customers have told me they like the fact Plate is “kidfriendly,” catering more to families with children than almost any other upscale restaurant in the area. One woman said her kids “love the macaroni and cheese, the tuna burritos, the cheese pizzas (with seven additional optional toppings) and burgers.” (When it comes to his youthful customers, you might say that Mantelmacher wants — to paraphrase John Lennon — to “give pizza a chance.”) Decor-wise, Plate is beautifully attired, with lots of

comfortable banquettes, modernistic hanging lamps as precisely organized as a Bach fugue, frosted glass partitions, palm fronds, tall windows and a huge, eye-catching lampshade that hangs over a circular, dimly lit bar with attractively lit papyrus panels. Based on our most recent dinner at Plate, two appetizers with pitch-perfect pairings of ingredients were the miso shrimp with shishito peppers (wonderfully mild, discovered by Mantelmacher at Nobu in Aspen, Col., and flown in once a week from California), ethereally light soba noodles and a sweet Thai soy sauce ($9.95); and smoked duck tostadas with roasted poblano peppers and a vivid orange margarita salsa that provides the backbeat to a song your tastebuds will enjoy singing ($9.95). I kneel at the altar of whoever decided to create the herb-crusted cedar-plank salmon, which came out of

Len Lear the stone-fired oven ridiculously light, moist and flavorful, accompanied by a lemon-thyme white wine sauce, vegetables and roasted red potato ($21.95). Not quite as elevated was the slightly burned swordfish with fresh cherries, candied walnuts, risotto and green beans ($26.95). Pastry chef Angela Tustin, who got her start, believe it or not, as a Dunkin'

Donuts “icer” while a student at Central HS in Philadelphia, has been with Mantelmacher since his days at Circa. Her confections are simply fabulicious (and I'm not saying that just because we went to the same high school — about 40 years apart), and she makes everything from scratch, including ice cream and even ice-cream cones. Two dishes that completely blew us into the stratosphere were the cherry summer trifle — dark cherry compote with pound cake and brandy vanilla custard — and the dark chocolate soufflé tart with salted caramel cream, crunchy hazelnut brittle and rich chocolate sauce. This could be one of those last-meal-on-earth selections. (All desserts are $8.50.) There are 20 bottles of wine all under $30 and a soso selection of wines by the glass. For more information or reservations, call 610-6425900 or visit

The International Boxing Club event will kick off Wildwood’s annual Irish Weekend festivities. The 10 sanctioned bouts will take place in the “Official Irish Music Tent” starting at 7:30 p.m. The Irish team will spend the week prior to the fights in Philadel-

That’s Juan!

LONGSTANDING Laborers Union activist and former Councilman Juan Ramos was incorrectly identified in this picture, which appeared in the Sep. 3 issue of this newspaper. This is Juan Ramos, 3rd from left. We regret the error.

phia, putting the finishing touches on their fight preparations while promoting their bouts at different locations around the City. The Irish team’s first stop will be down on “Two Street”. Storey is a four-time Irish Olympic Boxing coach and one of the best boxing trainers in the world. However, he is probably just as well known for his great humanitarian work. Ironically, though fitting, Storey has spent a lifetime uniting kids on different sides of Belfast’s pernicious religious divide. His work has helped to resolve sectarian tensions in Belfast, where he trains both Catholics and Protestants. To have youngsters of both faiths training together in the same boxing gym is a great feat, considering at one time you couldn’t walk down certain streets if you belonged to the wrong religion. Storey’s good work has not gone unnoticed. He has

been honored by the Irish Amateur Boxing Association, was the first Irish sportsperson to win the “Sport for Good” award at the Laureus

World Sports Awards and was appointed a member of the Order of the British Empire. Tickets for the bouts are

$30 at the door and can be purchased for $25 in advance by calling John Gallagher at (215) 465-1778.

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The Public Record • September 10, 2009

Legendary Irish boxing coach Gerry Storey will once again cross the pond and bring his Holy Family Boxing Club to Wildwood, N.J. to compete against Philadelphia’s famed Harrowgate Boxing Club on Thursday, Sep. 24.

It’s Storey Time Again!

Page 27

Ringside With The Shadowboxer

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The Public Record • Sebtember 10, 2009

Page 28

(Cont. From Page 7) Sep. 26- United Republican Club Golf Outing at Juniata G.C. 1391 E. Cayuga St., 8:30 a.m., $75. For info (215) 739-7475. Sep. 26- Diane Thompson for

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Judge Fundraiser Picnic at Cannstatter Volksfest Verein, 9130 Academy Rd., 1-6 p.m. Lunch & dinner, $40. RSVP by 9/14. Call (215) 548-7565 or email Sep. 27- “Jazz On The Green” fundraiser for retention of Judge Earlene Green, hosted by Kenneth & Ayesha Salaam at 6816 N. 10th St., 2-6 p.m. Oct. 5- Jefferson Univ. Hosp. offers Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction classes on 8 Monday mornings at 211 S. 9th St., Suite 310, 9:30 a.m.12 m.; on 8 Tuesday evenings starting Oct. 6, 6-8 p.m. There is a fee. For info (215) 955-1376. Oct. 6- Clover Club Fall Luncheon, Meade Rm., Union League, 11:45 a.m. Oct. 9- State Sen. Michael Stack hosts Senior Expo at Cannstatter Volksfest Verein, 9130 Academy Rd., 10 a.m.1 p.m. Refreshments will be served. For info (215) 6951020.

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Oct. 10- 56 & Arch Street Annual Family Reunion Cabaret “Fabulous Fall Affair” at D.C. 33 Union Hall, 30th & Walnut Sts., 9 p.m.-1 a.m. BYOB. For info Butch Murrell (215) 879-6566. Oct. 14- Fundraiser for Mayor Michael Nutter at Sheraton City Center, 17th & Race Sts., 5:30-6:30 pm. RSVP to Scott Freda at, or call Scott (267) 322-7200. Oct. 17- Phila. Cares Day Volunteer-A-Thon day of service. To register individually or as a team, call (215) 564-4544 or go to Oct. 19- Democratic City Committee Fall Cocktail Party at Sheet Metal Workers Hall, 1301 Columbus Blvd., 5:30-7:30 p.m. Tickets $150. For info (215) 241-7804. Oct. 15- 21st Ward GOP reception at Keenan’s Valley View Inn, 468 Domino La., 6:30-9 p.m. Donation $40. For info (215) 482-2834 or Oct. 22- Shawn Dillon’s 66thA Ward Democratic preelection fundraiser and gala at Chickie’s & Pete’s, 11000 Roosevelt Blvd., 6-9 p.m. Tickets $35. For info (215)

637-6360. Oct. 24- State Sen. LeAnna Washington invites all to Walk to End Domestic Violence at W. River Dr. Registration begins at 9 a.m.; walk kicks off at 10:30 a.m. Event is sponsored by Verizon and Independence Blue Cross. Oct. 24- Women Against Abuse lead Walk to End Domestic Violence” on M. L. King Dr., 9 a.m.-12 p.m.

Oct. 26- State Rep. John Taylor hosts “Night With The Eagles” at Romano’s Catering, 1523 E. Wingohocking St., 8 p.m. Oct. 27- Evening of Honors Arthritis Foundation at Cescaphé Ballroom, 923 N. 2nd St., 5:30-8 p.m. Nov. 7- Fundraiser for State Rep. Nick Miccarelli at Mill Creek Tav., 42nd & Chester Ave.

PGW Employees Gift Brown Rec Students

PHILA. GAS WORKS employees donated hundreds of dollars in school supplies to R.W. Brown Community Center on N. 8th Street, which is located directly next to PGW’s corporate headquarters. Employees from Ignited Towards Success employee group launched campaign and delivered backpacks, pens, rulers, notepads and other supplies to students in preparation for the upcoming school year. Left to right, front row, R.W. Brown students; (back row) Joselynne Jones, V.P., Boys and Girls Clubs of CPA; Nyisha Chapman, PGW; Monique Williams, PGW; Barbara Hall, Director, R.W. Brown Community Center; Nick Demarco, PGW; Jan Peterson-Haskins, PGW; Patricia Burt, PGW; Cheryl Barfield, PGW; Linda Ciafre, PGW; Anne Cromley, PGW; Susan Kelly, PGW; Maria Hogan, PGW.

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the Governor for enactment. “SB 369 would provide police, fire and emergencyservice officers with the assurance their families will be provided for if something happens to them. It is a fitting, fair and tangible way to honor and thank officers who risk their lives for us on a daily basis.” The Logan bill would guarantee killed-in-service death-benefits to all spouses or minor children of a paid firefighter, law-enforcement

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officer and ambulance-service or rescue-squad member equal to the amount of the deceased’s monthly salary. Under current law, pension and workers’-compensation payments now provide death benefits that cover a portion of the salaries in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and third-class cities of troopers, officers, firefighters and emergency personnel who are killed in the line of duty. Under the bill, the State would pick up the remaining share. State Sen. Christine Tartaglione added, “With the disturbing rash of policeofficer shooting deaths in our cities, I am pleased to see this reasonable legislative gesture that demonstrates the unwavering support and commitment from Pennsylvania’s citizens for all emergency responders.”

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Phillywood Likes Oh

ONE OF Philadelphia’s local filmmakers, Violet Mendoza, left, is throwing her support to David Oh, Republican candidate for City Council at Large in 2011. Joining him are Joyce Oh and his daughter Hannah Oh, a campaign draw on her own. truly an honor, to have the privilege of working and serving in THE FAMILY COURT”. McMonagle, if you recall, was the one who actually arrested and handcuffed a Pro Wrestler, while he was still in the ring, because he had an outstanding warrant for CHILD SUPPORT. Judge Myrna Field was flabbergasted when she heard about this one. Snooper Scooper: “THE BUDGET should be PASSED by the end of next week”.

This was a statement made by HON. ROBERT DONATUCCI, State Representative, 185th Dist., South Philadelphia’s “Pride and Joy”. He stated, “I also agree with what GOV. EDWARD RENDELL is doing. He’s our Governor and he is really interested in the Education of ALL OUR CHILDREN. Yes, since he has been our Governor, the education of all our children, has been absolutely great. The Governor will get what he wants; it’s all a matter of time.” The State Representative keeps himself very busy, because he cares about us! Snooper’s BUDGET SCOOP: Mr. Mayor, I found out what’s actually holding up this all-important BUDGET. The Senate has attached a few important ANTI-UNION amendments to The Budget. These amendments won’t ‘fly’, and as long as they’re attached to this BUDGET, it will not pass. I have learned from a very good source, unless these amendments are removed, THE BUDGET stalemate will take quite a while before it gets eased. HON. JOHN SABATINA from The Northeast is also concerned, and he sure hopes this ‘stalemate’ gets settled as quickly as possible, because PHILADELPHIA needs the money as soon as possible! Boss, they can’t blame this one on THE HOUSE or its REPRESENTATIVES!


(Cont. From Page 9) ticle on Michael Vick, he did indeed kill and mutilate a lot of dogs (fighting dogs) and he did plead GUILTY on all charges. The one point I was trying to make was, he did his time and I honestly felt VICK did deserve another chance. I’m a firm believer, everyone who makes a stupid mistake like he did, deserves A SECOND CHANCE. There is always some good in everyone, and if this turns his life around, then I really believe WE did some good. I only hope this satisfies my friend! Yes, he’ll be a great asset for The Philadelphia Eagles! I wanted you to know I too am an ardent ANIMAL LOVER, make no mistake SIR! Snooper Scooper: CHIEF WILLIAM (Wild Bill) McMONAGLE will be celebrating his 40th ANNIVERSARY with The Family Court on SEP. 29. He’ll be leaving (RETIRING) on NOV. 29. He has had a one stellar career and, hopefully, one that everyone appreciated. He stated, “I have worked for some of the greatest JUDGES; namely, PRESIDENT JUDGES, and ADMINISTRATIVE JUDGES, and also, COURT EMPLOYEES. This was

The Public Record • September 10, 2009

The State Senate has unanimously approved State Sen. Sean Logan’s bill that would ensure the families of public-safety employees killed in the line of duty receive death benefits. SB 369 now goes to the House of Representatives for consideration. “I am pleased and heartened by the bipartisan, unanimous support for my legislation,” said Logan. “I am hopeful the House will soon act and send this bill to


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Senate Seeks Benefits For Officers’ Survivors

The Public Record • Sebtember 10, 2009

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The Public Record • September 10, 2009


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Public Record Classifieds: small ADS BIG Deals



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The Public Record • Sebtember 10, 2009

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