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Serving Citywide Political, Labor, Legal and School Communities of Philadelphia

Vol. XI. No. 40 (Issue 505)

“The good things we do must be made a part of the public record”

Value 50¢

October 1, 2009

Bishop Bronson Sees Black Clergy More Focused by Joe Shaheeli She’s new to the job, but Bishop Audrey Bronson has not slowed down the pace set by her predecessors of the Black Clergy of Philadelphia and Vicinity, an organization numbering over 400 African American ministers of various denominations. “We have already met with Gubernatorial candidates Tom Knox and Tom Corbett, and US Senatorial candidates Sen. Arlen Specter and Congressman Joseph Sestak. We’ll be meeting with others shortly,” she says, making it obvious BISHOP AUDREY BRONSON she knows a great deal of the power achieved by …assessing Black Clergy goals her group has come through its ability to unite

behind successful City, State and Federal candidates. As strongly sought after as the Black Clergy is by candidates, Bishop Bronson believes her group has a more-important role to play in the world of seniors, and in restoring equity to the criminal-justice system. She told her pastors at the first meeting she officiated of the Black Clergy, “It is time to forge our own path, one not influenced by the past or by others.” She feels this has to be, “if the battle to control guns, reduce violence on the streets and in the schools, and to insure public services help

those for which they are intended is to be successful. We have to do more. In order to do more, we have to step back, reassess what was done, and how not to cover old ground again.” Bronson is the first female to head the organization and definitely cuts a different mold than the majority of her predecessors. She projects less an aura of enthusiasm around her, than a calm anchored by the surety of her mission. Sitting with the Bishop in a small conference room in The Sanctuary Church of the Open Door, which she founded over three decades ago, it is easy to sense whatever path her group (Cont. Page 2)

PHA’s Homework Pays Off Big Time Philadelphia Housing Authority’s aggressive grant-writing efforts have nabbed two more HUD awards, bringing Philadelphia’s affordable-housing stimulus total to $127 million, jump-starting new construction and modernization projects at six PHA developments.

COUNCILWOMAN Jannie Blackwell and PHA Executive Director Carl R. Greene stand beside picture of future Mantua development on its site. Greene’s grant campaign proves successful again.

Why Casino Foes Keep On Fighting Could a generational shift in how people view gambling mean the beginning of the end for new casino development and any rise in the income of casinos now in business? There is a strong belief “the new generation of potential gamblers would rather do their gambling online

than go to existing casinos and those now being built in this city.” Online gambling covers every facet from poker to blackjack to Texas hold ‘em, to college and professional sports, to horseracing. Even dice-rolling and high-stakes backgammon are online. (Cont. Page 2)

Enjoy Columbus Day Festival at Marconi Plaza October 11. Call Jody Della Barba at 215-334-6673

Mayor Michael Nutter joined PHA Executive Director Carl Greene in Mantua to announce an additional $22 million in Federal stimulus funds for PHA. These funds are in addition to the $91 million PHA received earlier this year through American Recovery & Reinvestment Act formula funding and the nearly $14 million in competitive grants announced two weeks ago. PHA sought capital funds in all four of HUD’s competitive grant rounds and was successful in all but one round. The first competitive grant, totaling $13.9 million, will help PHA demolish and rebuild the outmoded Paschall Apartments in Southwest Philadelphia. The second and third grants, announced last week, will provide $10 million for new construction at the former site of Mantua Hall in West Philadelphia and $12 million for wheelchair-accessibility upgrades at four existing PHA sites. (Cont. Page 3)

Union Claims District Underpays Workers The School District of Philadelphia may owe some of its food-service workers and noon-time aides back pay amounting to over $ 4 million. Making that claim is the Philadelphia Joint Board of Workers United/SEIU which has asked the Mayor and City Council to investigate

potential wage and hour violations affecting 2,300 employees. The union charges they are being paid below the minimum set by the City’s 21st Century Minimum Wage and Benefits Standard enacted in 2005. That law requires the City to pay municipal (Cont. Page 2)

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The Public Record • October 1, 2009

Page 2

Black Clergy Politics, Plus

SCHOOL DISTRICT CAFETERIA workers and noon-time aides rallied at press conference, demanding Mayor and City Council investigate potential wage and hour violations affecting 2,300 of their peers.

Union Seeks Back Pay (Cont. from Page 1) workers and contractors 150% of the Federal minimum wage. On average under their Unite Here Local 634 contract, Philadelphia school food-service workers and noon-time aides make $9.52 an hour, which is $1.36 below the minimum pay set by the Philadelphia standard. Some workers make $1.60 less than required. The Philadelphia Joint Board, Workers United estimates the School District may owe $2.2 million to approximately 1,900 employees for hours worked 2007-2009 and could owe an additional $2.1 million by the end of this school year if workers’ wages are not raised to the Philadelphia minimum-wage standard. Cafeteria workers and noon-time aides are the lowest paid workers in the School District. “Philadelphia school work-

Rep. Mensch Is Now Sen. Mensch Republican State Rep. Bob Mensch rode his experience in Harrisburg and a well-funded campaign to an easy victory Tuesday to become the next State Senator from the 24th Dist. Mensch, a two-term legislator from the 147th Dist. in Montgomery Co., defeated Anne Scheuring, a Democrat in her first term on Lansdale Council, by a more than 2-1 margin in a special election, according to unofficial results based on all 123 precincts reporting.

ers give so much to our children and our communities,” said Lynn Fox, manager of the Philadelphia Joint Board of Workers United/SEIU, a labor union that seeks to represent the cafeteria workers and noon-time aides. “It’s time for the School District to realize its legal and moral obligation to workers and pay a living wage.” After years of substandard contracts and poor representation by Unite Here, Local 634, Cafeteria Workers filed a petition for an election so they could vote for the Philadelphia Joint Board of Workers United/SEIU to be their union representative. The election has been scheduled by the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board. Workers will begin voting on Oct. 5. “We should not shortchange the men and women who care for our kids at school,” said George Ricchezza, Leader of SEIU 32BJ District 1201, which represents janitors and other Philly school workers. “School workers need and deserve full pay to support their families in tough times.” The Philadelphia Joint Board of Workers United/SEIU was established in 1920 and contained various locals of garment and manufacturing workers throughout Philadelphia. Over the nearly 90 year history the Philadelphia Joint Board expanded to represent workers in school cafeterias, food service, hotels, laundries, distribution centers, manufacturing, and airports.

(Cont. from Page 1) chooses, her members will march to it in unison. “We will evaluate who we are, what we are about, and make sure our efforts are felt when we make our decisions,” she says, with confident determination. Now 79, Bishop Bronson, who was vice president of the Black Clergy, was to replace Rev. Ellis I. Washington in January. However, the call came sooner when Washington was transferred to an AME church in Boston. It is obvious she has the support of the dominant male majority in the organization, which was formed 25 years ago, even though there are only 20 other female pastors in he group. She does not have a gender agenda. ”We are one in our mission,” she says, acknowledging her determination to grow the or-

ganization as a united force. Bronson, who grew up in rural Florida, where, she recalls, “segregation ran deep,” earned a Master’s degree in psychology from Howard University and doctorates from New York Theological Seminary and the National Theological Seminary. She taught psychology at Cheyney for about 18 years. She started the Sanctuary Church of the Open Door, a nondenominational church, on Walnut Street near 60th, in 1975 and, a few years later, the Sanctuary Christian Academy in 1978, a private academic school from preschool to 5th grade. Later came the Sanctuary Bible Institute and the Sanctuary Counseling and Referral Center. She has also served as dean of the Philadelphia

Urban Education Institute, a subsidiary of the African American Interdenominational Ministries, Inc. of Philadelphia in association with the major seminaries of Philadelphia. She sits on several boards, including the Mayor’s Transition Team, and is secretary to a statewide organization organized to encourage members of African American Churches to adopt African American children. Dr. Bronson’s been preaching since she was 14, a gift natural to her, augmented by the support she received as a member of a family of ministers and educators. Her father, Dr. Uriah Perry Bronson, was a minister and pastor of churches in Florida as well as a principal of several schools. Her brother, Dr. Oswald P. Bronson, a United Methodist

minister, was pastor of several churches; president of the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Ga., and currently serves as president of Edward Waters College in Jacksonville, Fla. On Dec. 17, 1994, she was consecrated to the office of Bishop and now presides over many churches in the International Fellowship of Churches, Inc. It is obvious the Black Clergy, while maintaining their original goals, will reflect her concern of suffering people. Her church doors are open seven days a week to minister to people in need of both spiritual and physical help. Bishop Bronson has served as block captain; ministered in prisons; worked to rid the area of drugs surrounding her church and helped to feed homeless people.

Foes Hope To Bleed SugarHouse Casino (Cont. from Page 1) Much of this action is based in the Caribbean – but that doesn’t stop millions of Americans from playing from their home computers. Much of the money is transacted through debit cards. That’s the opinion of Jethro Heiko, a founder of the Casino Free Philadelphia movement, which for the past three and half years has battled against the new state-licenses casinos with minimal success through the Courts of Pennsylvania, only to be rebuffed by the State’s Supreme Court. But Heiko isn’t unhappy. “We have reduced SugarHouse’s original grand plan from a behemoth casino down to a smaller casino with only 1700 slots, compared to the thousands more they had envisioned.” Though SugarHouse now has the go-ahead from every governmental agency to move on, and has finally gotten the loans it needs to begin construction, Heiko believes “the rates they are paying are high enough to literally bring them to the brink of bankruptcy.”

With that in mind, he says, “We hope to nag them enough to push them over the financial edge.” On Tuesday morning 14 members of Casino Free Philadelphia were arrested while blockading the Sugarhouse construction sitre entrance. Spokesman David McKenna said, “We are prepared to do what we need to in order to stop these casinos.” This has become a Philadelphia saga, pitting a neighborhood coalition with a meager budget against a highpressure investment group backed by millions of dollars. Though Heiko wishes his group was better funded, he is pleased at the progress it’s made with the little it has. Casino Free’s budget last year was $35,000. This year it has received grants in the amount of $10,000 and $7,000 and has raised funds from members of the coalition and a few new converts who have joined their cause. His group staged a rally to halt the groundbreaking at the SugarHouse site in Fishtown along the Delaware River.

The casino is scheduled to do that within two weeks. The motto of the demonstration was, “We are ready to bankrupt SugarHouse and its predatory accomplices before they bankrupt us.” Casino-Free’s newest “In the Red” campaign is aimed at persuading developers to abandon their plans for gambling in Philadelphia. Heiko says, “The campaign will show the casinos, if not stopped, will inflict financial damage on families, communities, local businesses, and our City budget. And with recent reports of market saturation and dwindling casino revenues in several US states, the banks that have committed to the SugarHouse loan package, including PNC Bank, stand to face a devastating wake-up call in the coming years.” Last week, Casino-Free Philadelphia supporters protested outside the Philadelphia headquarters of PNC Bank, which is providing Neil Bluhm’s casino with a $10 million loan. The terms of the full loan package have been sealed due to fears of ongoing

protests against lending institutions making risky loans to junk-bond projects like SugarHouse casino, asserts Heiko. Campaign organizers have formed two groups for the action. One will stage a direct, nonviolent demonstration; another will show solidarity. Lily Cavanagh, organizer and Casino-Free member, stated, “We’ve requested an objective, independent study of the economic costs of these proposed casinos, and received nothing. We had a public process to develop our vision for the waterfront, which was ignored. When voters were disenfranchised in 2007, we gave citizens a free and fair election and their votes demonstrated overwhelmingly casinos are not welcome in neighborhoods. Through people power we can achieve the outcomes that elected officials have let slip away.” Heiko says Casino-Free Philadelphia’s mission is “to stop casinos from coming to Philadelphia and close any that open. Visit us online at”

three scattered-site buildings in West Philadelphia. The development boundaries are N. 35th and 36th Streets, Fairmount Avenue and Wallace Street. This low-rise development replaces what was PHA’s tallest highrise, an 18-story building completed in 1960. The size and design of the apartments did not meet modern standards. The revitalized site is designed to improve the esthetics of the neighborhood by fitting in with the surrounding urban fabric of three-story homes. The new Mantua will have 101 rental units: 92 on-site with nine units located adjacent to the main development. The main complex will surround a gated courtyard with 92 parking spaces and a private landscaped green accessible only to residents. The Fairmount Avenue side of the complex will hold 10,000 square feet of commercial space for retail enterprises that will add to the vibrancy of the neighborhood. The development will offer 1-, 2- and 3-bedroom units, in most cases doubling the size of the units that were in the old highrise, with energy-efficient appliances. Amenities will include central air, washer/dryer machines, vinyl tile and carpeting, and modern kitchens with electric stoves and garbage disposals.

TODAY a weed-strewn desolation at 35th Street & Fairmount Avenue, this site will receive 101 modern affordablehousing units thanks to yet another Federal stimulus grant.

COUNCILWOMAN Jannie Blackwell and Mayor Michael Nutter applaud as PHA leader Carl Greene announces agency “is rebuilding entire neighborhoods.”

The Public Record • October 1, 2009

(Cont. from Page 1) “When it comes to attracting investment for affordable housing and neighborhood revitalization, we are fortunate to have Carl Greene on our team,” said Nutter. “PHA is maximizing these Federal resources, creating jobs, expanding affordable housing and rebuilding entire neighborhoods.” “PHA worked aggressively to attract these competitive grants and we’ll be working even harder in the coming months to put them to work in neighborhoods across the city,” said Greene. “These grants will help fund new construction here in Mantua and make four of our family developments accessible for persons with disabilities.” PHA’s redevelopment plan for Mantua includes a mixture of walk-up apartments, duplexes and scattered-site buildings. An outmoded 18-story highrise was demolished on the site in March 2008 to make way for 101 homes, which were designed to blend in with the surrounding urban fabric of three-story homes. The four older sites to be upgraded for accessibility are Wilson Park in South Philadelphia and Fairhill Apartments, Johnson Homes and Harrison Plaza, all in North Philadelphia. Mantua is a mixture of walkup apartments, duplexes and

Page 3

Greene Positioned PHA For Big Fed Funding

FOP Victorious In State Pension Battle, Throws Its Support To Williams For DA The Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #5 has endorsed Seth Williams, the Democratic nominee for District Attorney, in the upcoming November election. The unanimous endorsement comes after an FOP directors’ meeting last week. “The FOP trusts Mr. Williams and we throw all of our support behind him,” says FOP President John McNesby. “At a time when too many Philadelphians, both police officers and innocent victims, are being gunned down on our streets, we need leadership that not only talks about our problems, but actually

helps solve them. Seth Williams is that leader.” McNesby, fresh from a successful battle to save the pensions of police and firemen and other municipal workers, said, “Our members need to be able to attend to their duties without worrying about the legislature tearing apart their pension programs and preventing us from representing them in bargaining.” “We believe during these dangerous times in Philadelphia, Seth is the only person for the job of DA. After 10 years as an Assistant DA and several years as Inspector General, Mr. Williams has the

experience to bring real change to the city. As a lifelong resident of Philadelphia, Seth has the passion, knowledge, and understanding of the city to make a difference.” McNesby said, “Officers and firefighters need peace of mind. That is why we battled so hard and successfully in Harrisburg to eliminate the onerous changes the General Assembly attempted to make with our members’ pensions.” The list of endorsements for Seth’s campaign continues to grow. Along with the FOP, the Philadelphia Council AFLCIO also endorsed Williams. California’s first elected

African American DA Kamala Harris, the DA of San Francisco, has also endorsed Williams, who was visiting top prosecutors in July to glean their “best practices.” “We need prosecutors like Seth Williams who have the courage of vision and are not satisfied with the status quo,” said Harris. “Mr. Williams has the professional experience to take the best of tradition and combine it with innovative solutions for the future. He knows the importance of bringing the best practices in law enforcement to bear for the safety and protection of his community.”


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Page 4 The Public Record • October 1, 2009

Nader: Super-Rich To Rescue!

by Nathan Shrader Former Presidential candidate and distinguished consumer activist Ralph Nader came to town to promote his new book before a packed house at the Free Library of Philadelphia on Vine Street. Nader’s first work of fiction, Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!, is a speculative work of fiction detailing “how a group of 17 enlightened,

super-rich Americans are brought together by multi-millionaire Warren Buffett,” said Nader, to use their business acumen and vast personal fortunes to combat the moneyed interests and established order in Washington. “This is a story of a collision between the power super-rich and the entrenched and powerful goliaths,” he said. According to Nader, there

are over 450 drug-company and health-insurance lobbyists on Capitol Hill and “not one full-time lobbyist for a singlepayer health-care system.” He says his book asks “what if someone was to put down the billion dollars needed to mobilize field organizers in each Congressional District?” “This book liberates our imagination which is being ossified and frozen by corpo-

The Public Record rations and politicians,” said Nader, while giving “us the strategies and tactics we’d like to employ so we can have a better country.” Nader took questions from the audience following his speech and urged support for a single-payer health-care system, encouraged the efforts of local organizers to spread the message about Wal-Mart’s deficient benefits for workers.

(USPS PP 109) Weekly Publication Published by:

The Phila. Public Record The South Phila Public Record

RALPH NADER …on super-rich

O’Brien Hosted By Labor

UNION Leadership is behind reelection campaign of State Rep. Mike O’Brien. John Kane, Plumbers’ Union president; Jim McBride of TWU Local 234; Joe Dougherty, business manager of Iron Workers; Ed Sweeney of Iron Workers; and Jim Donnelly, representing Roofers Union, join guest of honor at fundraiser.

R EP. A NGEL C RUZ DISTRICT OFFICE 2749 N. 5th St. • 215-291-5643 Staffed by

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JOHN SABATINA JR. 174th District State Representative 8100 Castor Ave Phila, PA 19152 Hours: 9am to 5pm Telephone: 215-342-6204

IRONWORKERS Business Mgr. Joe Dougherty is flanked by S. Phila. commuPHILA. Federation Of Teachers President Jerry nity activist Karen Brown and Councilman Jordan joins guest of honor Mike O’Brien. Bill Green at fundraiser for State Rep. Photos by Lee Buchanan Mike O’Brien.

State Representative

RONALD G. WATERS 191st Leg. District

State Rep.

William Keller 184th District

Constituent Service Office

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State Senator

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1323 S. Broad Street Phila., PA 19147 ISSN 1938-8551 (Application to Mail At Periodicals Postage Rates Is Pending At Philadelphia PA and Bellmawr NJ) Postmaster: send address change to: The Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila. PA 19147 215-755-2000 Fax: 215-689-4099 Subscription Rate: $ 30.00/Year EDITORIAL STAFF Editor & Publisher: James Tayoun Sr. Managing Editor: Anthony West Associate Editor: Rory G. McGlasson Medical Editor: Paul Tayoun M.D. CitiLife Editor: Ruth R. Russell Editorial Staff: Joe Sbaraglia Out & About Editor: Denise Clay Contributing Editor: Bonnie Squires Correspondent: Nathan R. Shrader Nathaniel Lee Creative Director & Editorial Cartoonist: Ron Taylor Photographers: Donald Terry Lee Buchanan Dawud Starling Production Manager: William J. Hanna Bookkeeping: Haifa Hanna Webmaster: Sana Muaddi-Dows Advert. director: John David Controller: John David Circulation: Steve Marsico The Public Record welcomes news and photographs about your accomplishments and achievements which should be shared with the rest of the community. Contact us by phone, fax, e-mail or by dropping us a note in the mail. If you mail a news item, please include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify the information you provided us, if necessary. The Public Record reserves the right to edit all news items and letters for grammar, clarity and brevity. (C) 1999-2009 by the Philadelphia Public Record. No reproduction or use of the material herein may be made without the permission of the publisher. The Philadelphia Public Record will assume no obligation (other than the cancellation of charges for the actual space occupied) for accidental errors in advertisements, but we will be glad to furnish a signed letter to the buying public.

Page 5


The Public Record • October 1, 2009

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The Public Record • October 1, 2009

Page 6

Liberia To Get LDC Training

Liberian and Nigerian representatives enjoy tour given them by LDC executives on grounds of Laborers’ District Council’s Exton Training School.

Union Labor... Building it right for a better and stronger community! Laborers’ District Council of the Metropolitan Area of Philadelphia and vicinity is comprised of four unions: Local 135, Daniel L. Woodall, Jr., James Vail Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Local 332, Samuel Staten, Jr., Vincent Primavera, Sr. Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Local 413, James Harper,Sr., Fred Chiarlanza Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Local 57, Richard McCurdy, Jr., Harry Hopkins Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Laborers District Council, Ryan N. Boyer, Business Manager. Samuel Staten, Sr., Business Manager Emeritus of the Laborers’ District Council of the Metropolitan Area of Philadelphia and Vicinity and Local 332.

Milton Nathanial Barnes, Liberia’s ambassador and permanent representative to the United Nations, visited the Laborers’ District Council Education and Training Facility in Exton on Monday. Ambassador Barnes met with Samuel Staten, Sr., assistant business manager of the Laborers’ District Council of the Metropolitan Area of Philadelphia and Vicinity, to sign a Memorandum of Understanding agreement between Philadelphia Revitalization and Education Program and the Republic of Liberia. The agreement recommends Liberia use PREP as a model to help the people of Liberia by providing them with building and construction trade skill sets. Also attending were other representatives of the Liberian government. “There is a Chinese proverb, ‘Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime,’” said Staten. “That is what we believe at the training center. We hope the MOU between PREP and the Republic of Liberia will help to give

SAM STATEN, SR. and Daniel Woodall are among LDC hosts seen in this photo with Liberian and Nigerian guests. LIBERIAN ambassador M i l t o n Nathaniel Barnes, right, explains some of class instructions to the Governor of a Nigerian state.

Liberians lifelong skills that can be passed from generation to generation.” Ambassador Barnes was appointed in May 2006. His goal is to make a positive impact on the lives of the Liberian people by helping his

Laborers’ District Council promotes a safe work environment, jobs completed on time and on budget, and represents union members, who are well trained, productive, professional, and take pride in their work. Union labor…building better and safer communities in Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery Counties. This ad is presented by LECET

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The Laborers Employers Cooperation and Education Trust 319 N. 11th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 Telephone: 215-922-6139 Fax: 215-922-6109

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country in its bid to reenter the global community of nations while pursuing its strategic, economic, social and political objectives. To learn more information about PREP and DAP, visit

SNOOPER SIGHTING: Chief, I had to make this my number-one item. To: SANDY STIBBONS, The Chief Court Crier, and PATRICIA McDERMOTT, the Chief Deputy Administrator of THE MUNICIPAL COURT. I spotted one of your good friends and, I might add, he seems to be really enjoying RETIREMENT. No, It wasn’t Frank Talent; instead, this gentleman in truly one of Municipal Court’s “ICONS”. Yes, he’s none other than (the former) Chief Deputy Court Crier, MR. JOHN SODA of Municipal Court. Ladies, he looks fabulous, and he tells me, he having a great time. PATTY, he does admit he misses all those wonderful employees, especially “The Girls” of Data Processing, “these great women who always treated me nice.” He talked about some of those great JUDGES of The Court, and he specifically asked about JUDGE RONALD MERRIWEATHER. Yes, I could see he really enjoys doing what he does, especially going to THE PARK to see all his “old buddie”. Naturally, he told me all about his daughter ROSALIE and her husband CHRIS PASTINI of The Traffic Court! SNOOPER “UPDATE”: JOHN McNESBY, President of The Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #5, was so pleased when he found out THE BUDGET had passed. NO, he was not intimidated by ‘the scare tactics’ of Mayor Nutter, because he knew PLAN C was illegal, and he had something ready to deal with it and The Mayor. Can you imagine The Mayor doing it, and leaving this City UNSAFE? Unbelievable. The Unions were also ready and, as I was told by one of their ‘top people’, Mayor Nutter would have definitely been “A ONE-TERMER”. I‘m so proud and pleased THE HOUSE and THE SENATE finally got their act together and realized all the consequences they too would have faced, especially in the upcoming GENERAL ELECTIONS. I’ll tell you, for THE DEMOCRATS it would have been their DOOMSDAY! SNOOPER’S “IN-HOUSE” NEWS: I normally don’t do this kind of thing, but there are always exceptions and this happens to be one of them. I congratulate and applaud “THE ELEPHANT CORNER”, and whoever is responsible for all of its contents. I agree 100% with everything you wrote in last week’s column. You done hit the nail right on the head. I sincerely hope your educational information doesn’t fall on ‘deaf ears’. Let me add this, THE DEMOCRATS are in very serious trouble and, get this, they brought it all on themselves. (Cont. Page 10)

JOHN H. (JACK) LISTER departed this life after a long bout with cancer. Jack had served with distinction during the Korean War in the shooting part of the war and was promoted from Lieutenant to Captain and then Major. At the time of his death he was a Lieutenant Colonel in the Marine Corp. Reserve. Jack was also Captain of West Catholic HS’s basketball team during the 1940s and later was the captain of St. Joseph’s College basketball team. He played during the days of Jack Ramsey, who later went on to become a National Basketball Association coach. Lister was the epitome of what a leader should be. Jack stayed in shape by officiating in Catholic League high-school games and college games at the Palestra well into his 70s. A great family man, his six children are all a credit to him. Following the death of his first wife MARY AGNES JACKSON, he married ELLEN FITZGERALD. At the time of his death they were in the 22nd year of their marriage. A graduate of the first class from Villanova Law School, his leadership abilities will be missed in a variety of areas. RICHEY HOY, a well-known Philadelphia attorney, continued his sponsorship of the Cadet Catholic Chapel Choir at the United States Military Academy at West Point, N. Y. when the choir was the guest of the Borough of Avalon in New Jersey where Richie maintains his summer home. Richie is a substantial benefactor of the group and underwrites the costs. At one time Richie was a candidate for Judge in Philadelphia and eventually that event will happen. GERRY SHOTZBARGER has been elected by the Board of City Judges of Philadelphia Co. to be the new Jury Commissioner. The Board of Directors of the Irish Society will hold its annual dinner on Oct. 16 at the Hyatt Regency at the Penn’s Landing address 201 S. Christopher Columbus Boulevard. The cocktail reception begins at 7:00 p.m. and the dinner follows at 8:00 p.m. This year MICHAEL J. DOYLE, a prominent Philadelphia Irish American, is being honored. The St. Thomas Moore Society of Philadelphia will be sponsoring its 58th annual Red Mass and St. Thomas Moore award dinner. The Mass is scheduled for Oct. 5 beginning at 5:15 p.m. at the Cathedral Basilica of SS Peter & Paul. The Mass will be celebrated by His Eminence JUSTIN CARDINAL RIGALI. Dinner following will honor FATHER (Cont. Page 29)

The Public Record • October 1, 2009

Yo! Here we go again with the history of one of today’s most popular fast foods. Yet in the 1920s and 1930s it was scarcely known in America. Simple versions of the dish, though, might have been found in Italian American homes or in restaurants in cities with a large Italian American population. The dish that I am talking about is the pizza pie. The first pizza bakery opened in the early 1900s; however it took the GIs of World War II who were in Italy to bring pizza pie home to America. They had tasted focaccia, the grandfather of today’s pizza crust. The whole concept of pizza, some say, is actually a Greek creation (think “pita”). Southern Italy has been full of Greek influences for thousands of years. The Greeks added flavors to their flat bread – great idea – and the Romans ‘borrowed’ the concept. What did they use for a topping? Originally the topping was fresh herbs and cheese – no tomato. At that time the tomato was considered to be poisonous. Around 1700 the tomato was proven to be very good to eat and not poisonous at all. Thomas Jefferson raised them on his estate at Monticello and served them often to his guests. In 1889 Italy’s King Umberto I heard of a focaccia with toppings baked onto the crust. He had his cooks make up some focaccia with different toppings. Queen Margherita loved the ones with tomato sauce, basil and mozzarella cheese on top. Word got out and soon the locals demanded their own ‘Pizza Margherita’. In the early 1900 America the chiefs experimented with their versions of Pizza Margherita. Over the years the pizza evolved and became a fad – then a trend and, as we consider it today, a staple. Home cooks got their chance to make their versions of pizza from kits. Even easier frozen pizzas were introduced in the 1950s. Sharkey’s Pizza invented the phrase ‘Pizza Parlor’. Sharkey’s Pizza and Pizza Hut were both founded in 1954. Neapolitan-style pizzas were initially sold by the slice or whole pie. So called white pizza originated in St. Louis, Mo. White pizza had everything in it but tomato sauce. Chicago deep dish originated in Chicago around 1943. Now for a tough question – what kind of pizza do you like? Me – I like them all, especially the ones my Mom made at home. Three pounds of prepared pizza dough from the bakery made two pizza piecrusts. Homemade tomato sauce, seasoning, pepperoni, anchovies and cheese made them hard to resist. Did you have homemade pizza in you home?

Page 7

Things are definitely heating up. Seems like the undercurrent of discontent within the City GOP has reached a boiling point after the unveiling of an article in Philadelphia magazine this month called “This Party S*cks” by investigative reporter JASON FAGONE. The article features many of the so-called “upstarts” in the Party who’ve decided it’s time for a leadership change and are openly calling for a transformation at the top of the Party ranks. The article profiles many of the members of The Loyal Opposition and details the history of the Meehan family dynasty and their resulting impact on the Party today. This story has been detailed in years prior in this publication as well, but several of the new revelations from the piece are noteworthy. Fagone reports State Party Chairman ROB GLEASON had officially asked City CHAIRMAN VITO CANUSO to step aside over the summer months. Word on the street is some of the LO members have been contacted by the Republican National Committee to talk about the Party moving forward. Legal Counsel MICHAEL MEEHAN tried convincing the Party’s Controller candidate AL SCHMIDT to give up the idea of running for the office when Schmidt approached him about the race. PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN’S 11th Commandment, “Thou shalt not criticize another Republican in public,” seems to have been violated in spades by many of the Party faithful in this article. The only difference here is, I’m sure Reagan had the underlying assumption all the players on our team were playing to win. If Fagone’s article has any merit, it seems that may not be the case. Last week the Loyal Opposition held a terrific event designed to show appreciation for the women and minorities within the Party who, too often, don’t get the credit they deserve. The occasion was notable for the attendees which, among others, included former Pennsylvania House SPEAKER JOHN PERZEL. The Speaker addressed the crowd and spoke about how impressed he was with the turnout and efforts of the group. He let the crowd know he’d been mistaken about the intentions of the Loyal Opposition and wanted to extend his support moving forward. Also in attendance were Canuso, State Deputy Chairman RENEE AMOORE, potential Lieutenant Governor candidate and MSNBC personality JOE WATKINS, RSC Southeast Director JOE DeFELICE, LO founder KEVIN KELLY, Chairman MARC COLLAZZO, KEITH TODD, attorney LINDA KERNS, DENISE FUREY, PAM WARREN, LINDA ORR, MAURICE GOODMAN, TONY WILLIAMS and PAUL JOHNSON; WARD LEADERS AUDRA BUTTS, MATT WOLFE and MIKE (Cont. Page 10)

Page 8 The Public Record • October 1, 2009

Is Bariatric Surgery Safe And Effective? by Dr. Nicholas DePace, MD, FACC There has been a recent dramatic increase in the num-

ber of bariatric, or gastric bypass, surgical procedures performed for weight loss in the United States. Recently, an

Keystone Mercy’s ‘Lose To Win’

KEYSTONE MERCY and YMCA leadership participated in Lose to Win kickoff event, a weight-loss program for people with diabetes: From left are Aimee Smith, director, Activate America, YMCA; Glenn Hamilton, MD, medical director, Keystone Mercy Health Plan; Omoiye Kinney, VP marketing, YMCA Philadelphia & Vicinity; Diana Rappa-Kesser, director of care coordination, Keystone Mercy; Sean Elliott, executive director, Abington YMCA; Maria Pajil Battle, senior VP of public affairs & marketing, Keystone Mercy.

article published by Flumin the New England Journal of Medicine in 2009 showed that there was a very low risk in performing bariatric surgery by experienced physicians in experienced centers. These individuals examined the 30day death rate among patients who underwent one of three types of bariatric surgical procedures. These procedures are the ones most commonly performed in the United States: the open surgical approach to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass patch; the laparoscopic approach to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, where a stomach pouch is attached to a loop in the small bowel; and laparoscopic adjustable gastricbanding, in which an adjustable band is wrapped around the upper stomach, creating a pouch that empties into the remainder of the stomach with a narrow opening.

In the study by Flum, almost 5,000 patients underwent one of these three procedures, and the death rate was 0.3%, which is significantly under 1%, and the complication rate was only approximately 4%. The complication was most common in people who had a history of blood clots, sleep apnea or poor functional status. They emphasized the patients in the study were operated on by surgeons who were certified by the LABS Consortium. Usually these centers were high-volume, but not necessarily so, and very experienced surgeons were available. Therefore, this will

represent the best scenario results involving surgeons of high to average quality. The risk of death from obesity, an epidemic in this country, is quite high and so are the complication rates. Obesity is a major illness in the United States. Generally, gastric-bypass surgery is recommended for individuals who have a body-mass index greater than 40 or greater than 35 with significant other associated problems. Studies have shown this procedure has even reversed the need for diabetic medicines in patients who are diabetic. The news that this procedure is a lowrisk procedure in terms of

mortality and complications is extremely encouraging. Many patients who would benefit from this surgery are oftentimes afraid because they feel there is a high risk of death or other complications. Obese people may lose up to 20 years of their life expectancy if they do not reduce their weight. This has been shown by Fontaine and coworkers in an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2003. A recent study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology showed heart enlargement on the right and left sides can decrease and (Cont. Page 9)


A petition has been filed asking the Court to put an end to all rights you have to your child, BABY BOY AIKENS. The Court has set a hearing to consider ending your rights to your child. That hearing will be held in Orphans' Court, Courtroom 14, One Montgomery Plaza 4th floor, Norristown, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania on Thursday, October 8, 2009 at 9:30am. You are warned that even if you fail to appear at the scheduled hearing, the hearing will go on without you and your rights to your child may be ended by the Court without your being present. You have a right to be represented at the hearing by a lawyer. You should take this paper to your lawyer at once. If you do not have a lawyer or cannot afford one, go to or telephone the office set forth below to find out where you can get help. Montgomery County Legal Aid Office 317 Swede Street Norristown, PA 19401 (215)275-5400 TO TAMIR GOLDSMITH A Petition has been filed asking the court to put an end to all rights you have to your child Baby Boy Long aka Tamir Long was born on 8/18/09 at California Hospital of University of PA, Philadelphia, as well as any rights K.L. has to Baby Boy Long aka Tamir Long. The court has set a hearing to consider ending your rights to your child. That hearing will be held on October 22, 2009 at 9:30 a.m. at Courtroom 14, One Montgomery Plaza, Orphan’s Court Division, Swede Street, Norristown, PA 19404 before Judge Ott. You are warned that even if you fail to appear at the scheduled hearing, the hearing will go on without you and your rights to your children as well as the rights of K.L. to that child may be ended by the court without your being present. You have a right to be represented at the the hearing by a lawyer. You should take this paper to your lawyer at once. If you do not have a lawyer or cannot afford one, go to or telephone the office set forth below to find out where you can get legal help. You are also warned that if you fail to file either an acknowledgment of paternity pursuant to 23 Pa.C.S.A. Section 2503 (d) relating to acknowledgement and claim of paternity, and fail to either appear at a hearing to object to the termination of your rights or file a written objection to such termination with the court prior to the hearing, your rights may be terminated under Pa.C.S.A. 2503(d) and 2504(c) of the Adoption Act. LAWYER REFERRAL AND INFORMATION SERVICE 100 West Airy Street, P.O. Box 268, Norristown, PA 19404 (610) 279-LAW1

is it will also reduce the need for these patients to be hospitalized, require C-PAP apparatuses for sleep apnea, require a large number of prescription medicines and so forth. Therefore, there may actually be a cost saving on the health-care system in the long term. By decreasing the incidence of diabetes, heart attacks, strokes and other complications of obesity, this may be a cost-effective means.

by Michael A. Cibik, Esq. American Bankruptcy Board Certified Question: My bankruptcy case was dismissed. What does that mean? Answer: First, the automatic stay that was imposed when you filed your bankruptcy petition is no longer in effect. This means your creditors can attempt to collect their debt – including phone calls and court action, they can repossess your vehicles, furniture and other secured

items if you are behind in your payments and the mortgage company can start foreclosure proceedings. You no longer have the protection of the bankruptcy court. Remember, dismissal is different than a discharge. If your case was discharged, no creditors should be contacting you regarding any debts that were included in your bankruptcy. Next week’s question: What if I can’t speak English at my bankruptcy hearing?

WANTED SPORTS CARDS & MEMORABILIA Huggins & Scott Auctions is looking to buy or consign your VINTAGE Sports Cards & Memorabilia + older Americana type collectibles incl Toys, Games, Trains, Comics, Coins, Political Items, etc. for our next World Wide Internet Auction WE TAKE IT ALL & WE SELL IT ALL. Call Steve at 215-530-4365 to discuss your collection or to get a free catalog Visit our web page at: Attorneys are both board certified by the American Bankruptcy Certification Board.

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When A Claim Is Denied It is common that an injured worker is informed that their workers' compensation benefits are denied after a work injury was reported. Normally, after an employee is injured on the job, he or she will be treated by a medical provider selected by the employer. Oftentimes after initial treatment for the work injury, an employee is sent a denial of their benefits and yet they still need necessary medical treatment to address their symptoms and wage-loss benefits to compensate them for their lost earnings. The injured worker may not be able to return to work or may find that he or she has no job to return to. What can you do next? If you are seeking medical treatment for a work injury and your employer's panel doctors are no longer an option, a good alternative is to treat with your family physician. You can use your personal insurance to pay for the treatment (which can later be reimbursed if you are awarded workers'compensation benefits) or you can pay out of pocket and save the receipts. Talk to your doctor about payment if you do not have personal insurance, and see if you can set up a payment plan. Try to get treatment with the intent of reimbursing the doctor when you are awarded benefits later on. Your doctor can advise you on whether or not you can continue working and whether a specialist is needed. In the meantime, it is very important you seek legal advice from attorneys that do a lot of workers'-compensation cases. An attorney will meet with you free of charge and inform you about your rights. If you have been denied benefits by your employer, you will need to file a Claim Petition against your employer in order to get your past and current medical treatment paid and disability benefits for any time you missed from work. Your likelihood of getting these benefits is far greater if

you obtain the assistance of a qualified workers'-compensation attorney. Any fees that are charged by the attorney must be approved by a workers'-compensation judge. Usually a lawyer will not ask you to put up any money to pay for the costs of pursuing the claim. It can take a long time, sometimes up to a year, to get through the litigation and trial of your claim. A qualified workers'-compensation lawyer will explain the process to you and keep you informed of the

progress of your claim. The lawyers at Steiner, Segal, Muller & Donan, have been representing injured people for over 25 years and know how to win your claim. They will never ask you for money up front to pay expenses, and they will always keep you current on the progress of your claim. You can be certain your well-being is the most important thing to them. Call us at (215) 7698505 for advice and consultation.

Chapters 7/13 & Stop foreclosures, creditors harassments, lawsuits, garnishments, and sheriff sales.

The good news is that as these procedures become more perfected, the results become better and the complication rates lower. This data published in the New England Journal of Medicine, is extremely encouraging. Bariatric surgery is not simply a cosmetic surgery, but in many instances, a life-saving and life-expectancyincreasing procedure. Patients should consult with their physicians whether they are candidates for this procedure. Generally, a cardiologist, a lung doctor and a psychiatrist are required to work in conjunction with an experienced bariatric surgeon in a program. I have personally seen improvements in blood pressure, sleep apnea, diabetes, and a marked improvement in quality of life, in patients who have undergone this procedure. I also strongly believe it prevents heart failure, heart attacks and strokes by the risk-factor reduction affected by this procedure. More research is needed in this area, especially which procedure is better: a banding-type procedure or a more-extensive Roux-enY procedure.

The Public Record • October 1, 2009

(Cont. From Page 8) heart stiffness can decrease one year after bariatric surgery. This means heart dysfunction and enlargement due to obesity improve after the significant weight loss with bariatric surgery in time. With the rising health costs, this obviously is an expensive operation. Expensive operating on millions of people may strain the health-care system. However, what makes this surgery promising

Page 9

Life Saving Surgery Getting Medical Care

The Public Record • October 1, 2009

Page 10


(Cont. From Page 7) They can’t blame the REPUBLICANS. I also want to add, MAYOR NUTTER is also a big part of this City’s downfall; he’ll PAY too! The President is already feeling the backlash regarding his ill-fated HEALTH REFORM BILL. The bottom line: Many SENATORS and CONGRESSMEN will face the same wrath this year! SNOOPER SCOOPER:

Here’s an important fact, I never told you about concerning JUDGE JAMES DeLEON of Municipal Court. The Judge is heavily involved with TRACK and FIELD and together with BOBB JACKSON, who happens to be a well-respected COACH, had his great Track-and-Field team win THE JUNIOR OLYMPICS. His team really put it all together and, as Judge De Leon stated, “They showed

everyone what they’re all about – HEART & DEDICATION. Bobby had this track-and-field team in the best shape ever. Besides being well coached, he had them ready for anything, and they came through with ‘flying colors’ and won it all”. The Judge is also an OFFICIAL in the up-and-coming PENN RELAYS. Yes, he keeps himself busy! SNOOPER’S SPECIAL MENTION AWARD:

Chief, I’m sure you will agree with me 100%, this is one gentleman and, I might add, one heckuva human being, who deserves this recognition. My choice was an easy one, because it’s none other than HON. RONALD MERRIWEATHER of MUNICIPAL COURT. This is one JUDGE who really enjoys an IMPECCABLE REPUTATION, and one who is well respected, not only by his ‘peers’, but also by the many LAWYERS who appear in his Courtroom. Oh yeah, he is also a very impressive dresser, and he always looks as if he’d just stepped out of a FASHION MAGAZINE. I can tell you, from everything I have heard about this wonderful human being, there have never been any negative comments about him. I want all of you to PLEASE remember him in all your PRAYERS tonight. GREAT JUDGE! SNOOPER’S EMAIL SERVICE: From South

Philly: We want to applaud our great City Councilman, HON. FRANK DiCICCO, for listening to all our MERCHANTS who were being discriminated against by MAYOR NUTTER and his ludicrous $500 trash collection FEE. DiCICCO heard our cries and immediately stepped up to the plate to correct this illegal matter. WE, as business people, already PAY ENOUGH TAXES. WE get no services, our Councilman also agreed with us 100%, and he’s going to make sure this ridiculous TAX is removed. Yes, Councilman Frank DiCicco, 1st Councilmanic District, had received thousands of our complaints. SNOOPER’S “SPECIAL EVENT”: This will definitely be a very SPECIAL EVENT and the person they’ll be honoring has definitely earned this award. The HON. JIMMIE MOORE, of Municipal Court, will be the recipient of their “CIVIC LEADERSHIP AWARD”. This will

Sheriff Green’s Important Steps to Saving Your Home Step 1:

take place at Wannamaker’s Crystal Room on OCT. 12. They’ll be providing you with COCKTAILS and MUSIC; also they’ll be holding A SILENT AUCTION. Now I saved the best part for last. BRIAN WESTBROOK, Eagles’ sensational running back, will be receiving the 2009 “COMMUNITY INPUT AWARD”. Many of THE EAGLES‘ players will also be here too! SNOOPER’S “QUICKEE”: Chief, I neglected tell MIKE ICONELLI, wellknown COURT OFFICER, over in The Criminal Justice Center, how sad I am to learn about the passing of his wonderful Dad “BIG JOE”. Many people knew him as one of the great Pro Wrestlers, named “ANNIHILATION”; 7’2” and weighed in at over 270 lbs. Yes Mike, your Dad not only was a ‘big man’, but he also had a HEART to match. The Wrestling Community will definitely miss “THE BIG MAN” and they paid him special tribute at their shows by officially ringing the bell 10 times to count him out. I personally extend my sincere condolences too!

Assemble your current financial information, and call your lender.

Step 2:

Visit to learn more about borrowers’ rights, loss mitigation and abusive servicing practices. Contact the Sheriff’s Office at 215-686-3525 for more information

Step 3: If you feel uncomfortable handling mortgage negotiations, consult a professional housing Counselor

Step 4:

Take time to carefully investigate the offers you receive to avoid becoming a fraud victim Sheriff John D. Green Philadelphia

Elephant Corner (Cont. From Page 7) CIBIK; and many more. Watkins spoke about the need for our party to return to the values and policies that made us a majority party in the past: low taxes; smaller, more-effective governance; strong national defense; school choice; free enterprise; and a return to core values. Joe was very well received and may have secured more than a few supporters for his bid at Lieutenant Governor. The month of October may be a turning point in the history of the GOP in Philly. If Schmidt can tap into the frustration city voters have over massive tax increases, missed pension payments, bad service delivery, high unemployment, and routine corruption, things could get very interesting. An ethical man like Al, with audit authority over every agency, may be the best thing to happen to this city in a century. Keep your powder dry, my pachyderm pupils!

Page 11

Our Opinion ... Rolling Dice Uphill

The Public Record • October 1, 2009

Can the effort to bring two casinos on line in Philadelphia be defeated? State law says, “No”. The State Supreme Court has ruled over and over again, “No”. So why do the casino foes in this town continue to believe otherwise? One of Casino-Free Philadelphia’s founders, (that’s the umbrella grassroots movement against slots gaming), Jethro Heiko, says in a story on Page 1, casinos are rapidly becoming an attraction of the past. Coming generations, he maintains, prefer gambling on the internet. There, they find ample venues for them to lose their money that way. His group believes its continuing efforts to block every step of the way the casinos must take from inception to construction will make casino development overly expensive, to the point where the bottom line for operators makes casino development not so smart an investment. They have partially succeeded, whittling down the number of slots for SugarHouse from 10,000 to 1,700. Fourteen protestors got arrested earlier this week as they blocked construction at the Fishtown site. Theirs is a gallant effort. But at what price? Philadelphia’s share of the casino revenue has yet to be felt and it is sorely needed. Casino revenues may be down everywhere from A.C. to Las Vegas to Hong Kong, but the slots at Philadelphia Park and down in Chester keep clinging away as a standing line of players waits their turn. If casinos are to be, it’s time to let them be and to gain the revenue from those who do not want to do their playing online. Heiko’s cause is not a win-win situation for anyone.


Songless City they are sung, and love is love when it is given away. Yet our tourist gurus mouth "love" only to a quiet bell. The US Office of Travel & Tourism reported Philadelphia moved from 12th to 11th place among the top 20 US destinations, with 710,000 international travelers in 2008. New York attracted eight million. One of Mayor Nutter's goals “is to become a Top 10 destination for international visitors.” So why not attract them with a song? No thought has been given to a $100,000 grand prize for the best Philadelphia song. We’ve got great judges such as Charles Dutoit, chief conductor and artistic adviser of the Philadelphia Orchestra; Peter Nero, artistic director and conductor of the Philly Pops Orchestra; and Gamble & Huff, R&B record producers. Gone is the $2.4 million. But for much less, a singable song can put this city’s stamp on the global consciousness.

Parade of Saints. Great food, live big-band music. Oct. 4- Vendemmia wine competition and harvest festival at 20th St. & Pattison Ave., 2-6 p.m. Tickets $40. For info (215) 551-3859. Oct. 4- Germantown Republican Club invites all Republican candidates to 2009 Candidate/Cookout hosted by the Rossmans at 49 E. Mermaid La., starting 4 p.m. Oct. 5- Jefferson Univ. Hosp. offers Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction classes on 8 Monday mornings at 211 S. 9th St., Suite 310, 9:30 a.m.-12 m.; on 8 Tuesday evenings starting Oct. 6, 6-8 p.m. There is a fee. For info (215) 955-1376. Oct. 6- Clover Club Fall Luncheon at Meade Rm., Union League, 140 S. Broad St., 11:45 a.m. Oct. 9- State Sen. Michael Stack hosts Senior Expo at Cannstatter Volksfest Verein, 9130 Academy Rd., 10 a.m.1 p.m. Refreshments will be served. For info (215) 6951020. Oct. 9- Making A Progressive Philadelphia annual Cocktail Reception honoring Sister Mary Scullion of Project H.O.M.E. and Anne Mahlum of Back on my Feet at Phila.‘s Magic Gardens, 1020 South

St., 6-8 p.m. Cocktails and light fare, 8 p.m. Awards Ceremony. Donations. Oct. 10- IBEW Local 98 hosts annual 2 St. 5K Run & Festival benefiting scholarships for local parochial schools. Start at Moyamensing Ave. & Reed St, 7 a.m. Oct. 10- State Sen. Anthony Williams’ Walking The Walk at Laura Sims Skate House, 63rd & Walnut Sts., stretch 8 a.m., walk 8:30 a.m., health fair 10 a.m.-12 m. For info (215) 492-2980. Oct. 10- Manayunk Development Corp., in partnership with Sustainable Manayunk, is hosting Homegrown Manayunk’s Fall Festival on Main St., 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Rain or shine. It is a family-oriented, day-long party. Oct. 10- Judge Joel Johnson hosts party. No charge. 1228 S. 4th St., 3-7 p.m. RSVP Etrusia Gibbs (215) 686-7918. Oct. 10- 56th & Arch St. annual Family Reunion Cabaret “Fabulous Fall Affair” at DC 33 Union Hall, 30th & Walnut Sts., 9 p.m.-1 a.m. BYOB. For info Butch Murrell (215) 879-6566. Oct. 11- Amici Opera Co. performs Aida at St. Nicholas Church Hall, 9th & Pierce (Cont. Page 29)

by Nicola Argentina They’ve done it again – blowing tax money in a fruitless effort to bring tourist dollars to this city. Meryl Levitz, CEO of the Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Corp., and Board Chairman Manuel N. Stamatakis have spent $2.5 million with the same ad agency that brought us the “I Slept In Philadelphia” campaign and “With Love, Philadelphia XOX”. Levitz’s excuse: “We had to come up with what would deliver a message to a public that wanted to travel but was afraid to.” Apparently, Levitz and Stamatakis are afraid to concede Philadelphia needs a love song. Look at what “Chicago”, “New York, New York” and “I Left My Heart in San Francisco” have done for tourism in those cities. This year the marketers addressed "Dear Quiet Bell”. Bells are bells when they are rung, songs are songs when

Oct. 2- hosts Senior Expo at Haddington Multi-Services Ctr., 5331 Haverford Ave., 10 a.m.-12 m. Oct. 2- Tutie Edwards’ 11th Ward Fish Fry at Lou & Choo’s, 21st & Hunting Pk. Ave., 5-9 p.m. For info Tutie (215) 228-3134. Oct. 2- Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown fundraiser Legacy Libra Mardi Gras Extravaganza at Residences Of The Dockside, 717 S. Columbus Blvd. 6 p.m. For info (215) 668-8949. Oct. 2- Fundraiser for State Rep. Kenyatta Johnson at Haru, 241 Chestnut St., 6-9 p.m. Support levels $100500. For info (215) 820-7308 Oct. 3- State Rep. Dennis O’Brien hosts Senior Expo at Pennypack Community Ctr., 8724 Crispin Dr., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Oct. 3- Lewis Thomas Community Cookout, 43rd Ward, for 181st Legislative Dist., at 3600 bl. N. 11th St., 12-5 p.m. Free family fun, food, entertainment. For info Tommie St. Hill (267) 973-5136.

Oct. 3- Philadelphia River Wards Support Our Troops Rally at Campbell Sq., Allegheny Ave. & Belgrade St., 12-2 p.m. Oct. 3- Grays Ferry Civic Ass’n holds Cow Chip Bingo Festival on 1600 bl. S. 29th St., starting 12 noon. $20 donation buys chance at winning $20,000. Award for best cowthemed dress for kids and adults. For vendor or ticket info (215) 336-5005. Oct. 3- Opportunities Industrialization Ctr. marks 43rd year with gala at Convention Hall, 6-12 p.m. For info (215) 236-7700. Oct. 3- W. Phila. HS Class of ’69 40th reunion at Penns Landing Caterers, 1301 S. Columbus Blvd., 6 p.m. Semi-formal. Tickets $69. Make checks to WP Class of ‘69 Reunion Committee. Mail to Marcel Harris, 5709 Drexel Rd., Phila., PA. 19131. Oct. 3- Megan SimpsonBurke Memorial Fundraiser for breast cancer at Finnigan’s Wake, 3rd & Spring Garden Sts., 7-10 p.m. Open bar and buffet. Tickets $40. For info Jim or Mary Simpson (215) 332-9896. Oct. 4- Italian Festival at St. Nicholas of Tolentine Ch., 1700 bl. S. 9th St., 12-9 p.m.

Page 12 The Public Record • October 1, 2009

Butkovitz Seconds Krajewski Tax Resolution tax-amnesty program as part of a tax-discovery report released May 2009. A month later he again called on the Mayor to implement this program by stating in a letter, “It is of questionable logic that the City would resort to cutting services without first going after the estimated $1.2 billion in outstanding taxes.” “Now more than ever, the City needs the much-needed revenue it is owed,” Butkovitz said, on behalf of Krajewski’s resolution. “This is an opportu-

As part of a measure to generate revenue for the City, Controller Alan Butkovitz has joined Councilwoman Joan Krajewski in support of her resolution calling on the Mayor to implement a tax-amnesty program. “The Councilwoman’s resolution is a step in the right direction toward gaining the millions of dollars owed the City,” said Butkovitz. “This is an initiative I’ve pursued and will continue to support.” The Controller proposed a

nity for the City to generate revenue instead of cutting vital services that are the backbone of this City.” According to Butkovitz, “Even with a conservative 10% collection rate, the City would earn $100 million that it could use to curb the current fiscal year’s service cuts to the Police, Fire and other City services.” “I’ve been pursuing this initiative based on the highly successful results of the amnesty program recently undertaken

by the State of New Jersey, which generated $700 million paid in back taxes over a relatively short period of time. In 1986, the City collected $25 million from an estimated $86 million owed.” “As the City continues to confront our worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, I again urge the quick and immediate implementation of a tax-amnesty program for the estimated $1.2 billion in outstanding taxes owed the City of Philadelphia,” said Butkovitz.







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More Than 1,000 Attend Tartaglione Senior Expo More than 1,000 seniors turned out for State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione’s Senior Expo at Camelot School Excel Academy. “With the state of the economy and the emotional debate on changes in health care, many seniors are worried and confused about what is going to happen,” Tartaglione said. “At the Senior Expo they can find answers to a wide variety of questions and have some fun as well.” The event brought together

State agencies and private service providers to offer advice, health screenings and contact information. This year’s event featured participation by the US Census Bureau, which is preparing to undertake the 2010 census. “It’s always gratifying to see the students helping provide this event for the seniors,” Tartaglione said. “Most have faced academic difficulties and are turning their lives around through the tremendous programs offered at Camelot.”

Sen. Stack’s Expo New Location Senior citizens from the Northeast are invited to attend State Sen. Mike Stack’s annual Senior Expo on Oct. 9 at Cannstatter, located at 9130 Academy Road, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. This is a new location. “The location has changed this year, but the Senior Expo will continue to provide free, helpful information, resources, and fun,” Stack said. “I invite older Northeast Philadelphians

to join me at the expo and learn all about the resources that are available just for them.” Participants are invited to meet with representatives from many state and local agencies and community organizations will provide plenty of information. For more information, residents may contact Sen. Stack’s district office, located at 8016 Bustleton Avenue, at (215) 695-1020.

Join Golf Enthusiast Sheriff John Green

• Residential • Commercial • Industrial ON ROOFIN NI

SENIOR constituents are greeted by State Sen. Tina Tartaglione at Camelot School.



And other Golf Addicts on Monday, October 12th

For An Enjoyable Outing At JC Melrose Country Club 7600 Tookany Creek Parkway Cheltenham, Pennsylvania Registration: 11:30 A.M. To 12:30 P. M. Tournament: 1:00 To 5:00 P.M.

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Practical Nursing School Taking Apps The NewCourtland School of Practical Nursing has received approval by the Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing and is ready to accept applications for its first school year to commence January 2010. Located at 6950 Germantown Avenue in historic Germantown, the newly opened NewCourtland School of Practical Nursing offers a comprehensive educational opportunity for individuals to expand their knowledge in the field of practical nursing, and prepare for licensure, employment and service to the community. The curriculum for the school has been developed to be completed in 18 months,

and integrates advanced technology including simulation learning labs (SIM Labs) anchored by “Sim Man”, a hightech mannequin serving as a patient simulator to support critical thinking exercises and problem-solving activities. “This innovative curriculum is designed to prepare all practical-nurse graduates to meet the health-care needs of patients of the 21st century. Our students will learn in a new space with the most advanced technology and clinical care models available,” said NewCourtland President and CEO Gail Kass. According to Kass, “Opening a technologically advanced school of practical nursing in the City of Philadelphia is a

response to fill a growing need.” “Traditionally, the rate of LPNs employed in urban communities is lower than the demand, and NewCourtland has always been committed to providing educational opportunities for continued advancement of health care, especially in neighborhoods that have the greatest need,” said Kathie Brogan, chief nursing officer, NewCourtland. Information sessions about the NewCourtland School of Practical Nursing and the two 18-month programs will be hosted weekly on Thursdays. To register for one of these events, please call (215) 9514212 for the time and to reserve your seat.

Hughes Lauds Kroc Center State Sen. Vincent Hughes applauded the Salvation Army’s progress on the construction of its Ray and Joan Kroc Family Center at the organization’s topping-off ceremony on Sep. 25. Hughes, who was on hand for the event, ccelebrated the placement of the final steel beam of the 130,000-squarefoot facility. Hughes was pivotal in securing a $3.45 million State grant to support the $69 million construction project, which is being built at 4200 Wissahickon Avenue. “The tough economic times we are facing here in the Commonwealth make it all the more imperative that we invest mightily in families and communities,” Hughes said. “This community and the families who reside here will be enriched for generations to come. The return on this type of an investment is immeasurable.” Kroc Centers are part of a national initiative bequeathed by the late Joan

STATE SEN. Vincent Hughes and Major Bonnie Camarda of the Salvation Army at topping-off ceremony for new Center. Photo by Ron Allen Photography

Kroc, philanthropist and widow of McDonald’s restaurants founder Ray Kroc, to build 25 family “super” centers of opportunity, education, recreation, and inspiration throughout the United States as “beacons of hope” for troubled communities. Upon completion, the Salvation Army Kroc Center will sit on 12.4 acres located adjacent to the old Budd plant building. Hughes stated the Kroc Center’s economic benefit to

the City of Philadelphia is significant. Most immediately, the two-year construction project is stimulating $75 million in economic activity and supporting more than 320 jobs. When the family center opens, $12 million of economic activity will be generated annually, supporting 170 jobs each year. With the Kroc Center serving as an economic anchor, other development efforts are being targeted and planned in the surrounding areas.

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Resales at Reserve @ Packer Park Three gorgeous resales - different styles - many upgrades priced from $389.900.

The Philadelphia Chapter of The Buoniconti Fund to Cure Paralysis chose Tartaglione for her support of their research mission and her inspiration to others with spinal cord injuries. “This is the first time we have chosen to honor someone at our event and no one is a better candidate than Sen. Tartaglione,” said Sally Woolf, founder of the Philadelphia Chapter. “Being in a wheelchair herself, she understands firsthand the goals and purpose of The Buoniconti Fund and

shares the great hope of finding a cure for spinal-cord injury. We are so proud of her accomplishments and she is a tremendous inspiration to everyone in the Philadelphia Chapter.” The Buoniconti Fund is the fundraising arm of The Miami Project, founded in 1985 by Dr. Barth A. Green and NFL Hall of Fame linebacker Nick Buoniconti after Nick’s son, Marc, sustained a spinal-cord injury during a college football game. Since then, The Miami Project has become the world’s

most comprehensive spinalcord-injury research center. Tartaglione, who was paralyzed in a 2003 boating accident, had previously been named to the Philadelphia Chapter’s volunteer regional executive committee. “Most people don’t know much about this critical work until it hits them hard,” Tartaglione said. “But prevention has become a vital part of the effort. The money raised now can prevent what just a few years ago would have been inevitable.”

The Public Record • October 1, 2009

LABOR LEADER Dan Grace welcomes District Attorney candidate Seth Williams and Supreme Court candidate Jack Panella to Team Grace fundraiser at Cannstatter in N.E. Photo by Lee Buchanan Phila.

The world’s most prominent spinal-cord-injury research organization will honor State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione at the sixth annual “Raise a Glass for a Cure”, a benefit sponsored by the Philadelphia Chapter of the Buoniconti Fund and Magee Rehabilitation Hospital, where Tartaglione was once a patient and now sits on the Board of Directors. The event will be held at the Simeone Foundation Automotive Museum on Nov. 13.

Page 21

Grace Touts Candidates Spinal Cord Group To Honor Sen. Tartaglione

Cancer Coalition To Fete Hughes State Sen. Vincent Hughes will receive the Pink Ribbon Award from the Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition at the PBCC annual statewide conference in Harrisburg on Wednesday, Oct. 14 at its luncheon session at the Harrisburg Hilton & Towers. Hughes is the Democratic chair of the Public Health & Welfare Committee. Pat Halpin-Murphy, president and founder of PBCC, praised Hughes for being an active partner in raising public awareness about the free treatment for breast cancer available in our state for uninsured and underinsured women who have been diagnosed with the disease. The Senator has participated in community-outreach

events and in press conferences with the PBCC to alert people about Pennsylvania’s Breast & Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Program, which provides free treatment. Founded in 1993, the PBCC has been responsible for outreach, advocacy and education, including the passage of legislative initiatives like the Pennsylvania Breast & Cervical Cancer Fund, which is a check-off box on the State income-tax form. PBCC is also responsible for mandates requiring insurance companies to pay for in-hospital stay for mastectomy patients. For more information, visit or call 1 (800) 377-8828, ext. 107.

Call Me Mister

STATE REP. Jim Roebuck was interviewed by Comcast host Jill Horner about Call Me Mister mentoring program, based at Cheyney University. Roebuck, chairman of House Education Committee, secured grants to fund program, which identifies promising undergraduates and offers scholarships for a teaching degree. Graduates of this program will then teach in urban elementary schools, serving as role models for African American boys. Roebuck interview will air beginning Oct. 7.

Page 22 The Public Record • October 1, 2009

Gift Cards For Guns Drugstore Clinics POLICE OFFICER GARY Hawkins, community relations officer at 4th Police Dist., sits next to some of the guns collected during last weekend’s ‘Gift Cards for Guns’ collection drive at Mt. Enon Baptist Church in S. Phila.

Sought By Jones

Councilman Curtis Jones, Jr. has ntroduced a resolution authorizing City Council’s Committees on Commerce & Economic Development and Public Health & Human Services to hold joint hearings on the lack of retail medical clinics in chain stores within the City as compared with the surroundPOLICE Capt. ing suburbs, and the degree Alan Clark of to which such clinics could 4th Dist. thanks provide Philadelphians afIBEW Local 98 fordable and convenient Business Agent health-care services as well Jimmy Foy for as promote local economic his union’s sup- development. port of ‘Gift Nearly 1,000 retail clinics Cards for have opened in drugstores Guns’ pro- and other retail chains gram. throughout the country offering in-store affordable and convenient medical services for minor illnesses and injuries as well as such things as sports physicals and vaccinations. According to a study reported in the Sep. 1 issue of Annals of Internal Medi-

cine, retail clinics have proven to be cost-effective with cost savings of 30-40% over physician’s offices and urgent care centers and 80% cheaper than in emergency rooms while providing quality service through the use of experienced family nurse practitioners and physicians assistants. “With the national healthcare debate now in the forefront, the large disparity of NEW KIA dealership is opened by Gene DeSimone at corthose communities who have ner of Red Lion & Roosevelt Blvd. It’s second in DeSimone these retail clinics is more Auto Group, whose flagship store is at Frankford & Harevident that ever. The clinics bison. DeSimone believes values offered to general public in the inner City and suburbs by Kia are worth his investment in a city which has seen a need to be more fairly dis- drop in auto dealerships to 19. “We’ve got the right cars for tributed. If those in the inner this time in our economy, providing customers super guarCity and suburb pay the same antees and service,” he said. for cough syrup and aspirin then they should be provided with the same services,” said Jones. This resolution is cosponsored by Councilman State Sen. Anthony H. of KIPP (Knowledge Is Power W. Wilson Goode, Jr., Councilwoman Maria Williams joined community Program) at West Philadelphia Quiñones Sánchez and Coun- leaders last week at a cere- Preparatory Charter School, mony celebrating the opening which is an open-enrollment cilman Bill Green. public charter-school for children in Grades five through eight. It is located at 5900 BalROUDLY ANAGING ENNSYLVANIA S timore Avenue. “KIPP Philadelphia is provNTERNATIONAL EAPORT ing that, with hard work, great teacher and a strong partnerSINCE 1990 ship between family, school and community, the students can reach the same high standards as students anywhere in the State,” Williams said. “I hope we can learn from KIPP and help more schools provide A Promising Future Once Again, an excellent learning environBy Championing the We Thank Gov. Ed ment where all students can Channel-Deepening Rendell For Giving succeed.” Joining Williams at the Project And SubstanOur Port A Great event were State Rep. Ron G. tial Port Expansion Opportunity And Waters, Philadelphia Education Secretary Lori Shorr, KIPP Philadelphia Schools John H. Estey, Esq. CEO Marc Mannella, City Chairman Councilwoman Jannie BlackJames T. McDermott, Jr. well and Pat Evans, president Executive Director and founder of SOCCA, the nonprofit organization housed Robert C. Blackburn at Turner that provides many Senior Deputy Executive Director different programs for the community. John F. Dempsey The new site is the second Deputy Executive Director KIPP middle school to open in Administrative Offices: the City, and is housed in the 3460 N. Delaware Ave. 2nd Fl., Phila., PA 19134 former Turner MS building, (215) 426-2600 • Fax (215) 426-6800 which is leased from the School District of Philadelphia.




N.E. Gets Kia Dealership

Williams Welcomes New Charter School



Philadelphia Regional Port Authority

per person plus another $50 or $75 for wine would cost — whatever the diner felt like paying — surely a lot less than $200 per person. Since the press release shocked the popcorn right out of my bucket, I immediately called Patti Klein. “Is this a typo or a joke?” I asked, thinking when it comes to coffee, chocolate, men and great food, some things are just better rich. Patti replied, “Yes. It’s for real. Georges said it’s something he has been thinking of doing for a longtime, and he finally decided to pull the trigger and see what happens.” So I called Le Bec Fin and said I wanted to make a reservation for 10 people at the special pay-what-you-want table for 20 on Jul. 14. The young lady who picked up the phone responded as if I had just escaped from a mental institution. After all, this is a restaurant with a wine list with many wines that cost over $1,000 a bottle, not “pay what you want”. But I insisted I had received

the word from Georges’ PR rep, which the general public was not aware of yet, and I urged her to check with the manager. She left the phone and came back, indicating I was right and I would be the first person to make a reservation under the new “pay what you want” policy. The following day Georges appeared on two TV stations explaining his new policy. The day after that, they sold out all of July in two hours (just the one 20-seat table; the rest of the restaurant had the usual menu), and Georges decided to extend the policy to August as well. On Jul. 14 our party of 10 showed up, and Georges came to our table a few times throughout the evening. He had been celebrating Bastille Day for quite a while, and he was in a fabulous mood, schmoozing with all of us, kissing the ladies’ hands (he even kissed me on both cheeks) and making everyone laugh with his heavily accented remarks. He explained that the “pay what you want policy” was his way of in-

Len Lear troducing Le Bec Fin to a younger generation of diners who would probably never think of eating there, regarding it as too stuffy and expensive. Georges explained the “new” Le Bec Fin (“the sharp beak”) has a variety of price structures, including a $35, three-course dinner. “Butcher & Singer (Stephen Starr’s steakhouse down the street from Le Bec Fin at 1500 Walnut Street) is far more expensive that we are,” said Georges, “and yet people still have this image of us as the city’s most expensive restaurant. That’s why I am doing

this — to change that image.” The 10 of us proceeded to have a fabulous time — lots of laughing, great conversation and interaction with Georges. We all felt the food was good if not sensational, but everyone was in agreement that it was a memorable evening. The ingredients were not as high-quality as one would find on the regular Le Bec Fin menu — skate instead of sea bass or lobster, and flat steak instead of filet, for example — but who could blame Georges for that? He’d have to be nuts to put out over $100 worth of ingredients and labor when he was not likely to be getting nearly that much back. From our conversations afterward, I’d say most people left $50 and a $10 tip per person. Very well worth it. Georges said he was pleased with the experiment, that he introduced Le Bec Fin to many new customers who are likely to return because of the new lower-priced options. For more information, call (215) 5671000 or visit

The Public Record • October 1, 2009

by Len Lear Georges Perrier, long regarded as Philly’s master of fine dining, marinates in hard work. He puts the “tank” in cantankerous. The man who virtually brought haute cuisine to Philadelphia more than 35 years ago is definitely not a why-ner, always wondering, “Why me?” Short and overweight and still sporting a French accent so thick it could be used as a steak sauce, Georges starts out every day with a strong cup of knowing what the heck he’s doing. His career has been a cobblestone street — with lots of bumps, but he has effectively negotiated them all because he has the confidence of a man in a dark room who has memorized where all the furniture is. Perrier, executive chef/ owner of Le Bec Fin (as well

as Table 31, Le Bar Lyonnaise and Mia’s), long known as Philly’s premier palace of gastronomy, has never been one to rest in a hammock of tradition. He’s always been one to adjust his sails if he could not change the direction of the wind. Even so, I thought I’d sooner see George Bush memorizing The Complete Works of Karl Marx than see Georges Perrier pull off an arrangement like this. In June I received a press release from Perrier’s public-relations representative, Patti Klein, stating that throughout the month of July, Le Bec Fin would be devoting one 20-seat table every Monday through Thursday at which all diners would receive a four-course dinner and would then pay whatever they felt the dinner was worth. In addition, they could bring their own wine. In other words, a dinner that might normally cost about $125

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Philly’s premier chef: pay whatever you want

Page 24 The Public Record • October 1, 2009

Northwest Community Honors Achievers Taylor Urges Ringside With Old Phones The Shadowboxer For Military 2 Street Welcomes State Rep. John Taylor is RADIO Station WURD General Manager is congratulated by Sharmain Matlock-Turner, president of Greater Phila. NORTHWEST Community Appreciation Awards Dinner Urban Affairs Coalition, which honored 13 community organizers and seven business lead- sponsored event along with Photos by Donald Terry State Rep. Cherelle Parker. ers at their third annual event.

SAM STATEN, Jr., business manager of Laborers Local 332, finds himself in center of the Whispers, who entertained crowd. Laborers helped fund event. In foreground are State Rep. Cherelle Parker and PECO’s Mellody Lassiter.

HONORING winners were State Reps. Louise Bishop, Ronald Waters and Vanessa Lowery Brown, Councilwoman Marian Tasco, and State Reps. John Myers and Jewell Williams.

encouraging citizens to donate their old cell phones to a cellphone recycling program that provides pre-paid calling cards to US military personnel who are serving abroad. "Each of my three district offices is a designated drop-off point for those wishing to donate their used cell phones," said Taylor. "These will be sent to a nonprofit organization that provides pre-paid calling cards to soldiers to enable them to stay in touch with their families here at home." The Cell Phones for Soldiers cell-phone recycling program collects about 50,000 cell phones each month nationwide. The phones are sent to ReCellular, one of the largest wireless-recycling firms in the world, which pays the program the equivalent of about an hour of phone time for each cell phone donated. "This is an excellent program that makes a big difference in the lives of our soldiers," said Taylor. Phones may be dropped off at one of Taylor's Philadelphia district offices at 2901 E. Thompson Street, 1039 E. Hunting Park Avenue or 4725 Richmond Street.

Belfast Irish Boxers

AVENUERS Mummers Clubhouse was site of “Two Street Welcome Reception” for visiting Holy Family Boxing Club. The Belfast team, greeted here by the Avenuers’ Ken Knight, went on to win 7 of 9 bouts at 2009 Irish boxing matches.

TOM DOOLEY and Robert Walsh of the Operating Engineers Local #542, who were one of the major sponsors of this year’s Irish Boxing show, join Harrowgate Boxing Club’s Bill Jackson, Veteran Boxers Association’s Charlie Sgrillo and Fred Druding, Jr., and Penna. Boxing Hall of Fame Chairman John Gallagher in welcoming legendary Irish boxing coach Gerry Storey to “Two Street”.

NO “TWO STREET” event would be complete without Phila. Mummers Chorus. Led by Director Joe Schubert, Chorus welcomed Gerry Storey and his Belfast boxing team to “Two Street” by singing Irish National Anthem.

Walk In’s Welcomed A.J. Sbaraglia & Toni

Cruz Bill To Help Voter Registration Rolls information available, and my bill would provide a system that accomplishes that.” Under the bill, a check of voter registries would be conducted by Apr. 1 of each year. If a registered voter has not voted in an election in the two immediately preceding calendar years to that date, the commission would be required to send them a notice indicating that their registra-

COALITION Of Black Trade Unionists Region 2 convened in Phila. on Sep. 18. City’s AFL-CIO President Pat Eiding, local chapter President Mike Daniels and other dignitaries greeted conveners. Special thanks go to Richard Womack, Jr. for his report Employee Free Choice Act; Robin Williams for CBTU partnership with HIV/AIDS testing by Circle of Care; Vanessa Smith Doughty for H1N1 info; Julia Rivas for retirement counseling; and panel HIV/AIDS in African American community moderated by Gwendolyn Johnson.

tion will be canceled in 30 days unless they file a written request for reinstatement of their registration. If the voter would fail to take the necessary steps to reinstate their registration within that 30-day period, the voter registration would be canceled. Cruz noted, however, a cancellation of registration for failure to vote would not

prevent a voter from being able to obtain voter registration in the future. This would be welcome news to the City Commissioners, who have been prevented by legislation now on the books to purge the rolls from voters who obviously have not voted for several years or who have moved without registering at their new homes.

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Celebrating End Of Ramadan ON STEPS of Philadelphia Masjid across from Clara Muhammad park were, from left, are Muhammad Abdul Aleem, Imam Malik Mubashshir and Mikal Shabazz celebrating Eid ulFitr.

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SHAKRI & SABIR Beyah were among hundreds of families celebrating Muslim feast day.

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The Public Record • October 1, 2009

State Rep. Angel Cruz has introduced legislation (HB 1991) that would require periodic checks of voter registries and suspend voter registration for electors who fail to vote. “Voting is a right and privilege that all United States citizens are entitled to,” Cruz said. “Our voter registries should contain the most accurate and up-to-date

Page 25

CBTU Meets Here

Page 26 The Public Record • October 1, 2009

Seth Williams Will Seek Youth Advisory Boards A Youth Advisory Board will become a new weapon in his arsenal to fight the proliferation of guns in this city, says Democratic nominee for District Attorney Seth Williams. This method has proved to be successful in San Diego, which pioneered the idea. The Youth Advisory Board would create a link between students at Philadelphia’s public high schools and the DA. They will be made up of students, voluntary ADAs and other professional mentors. Williams said the message, to be generated by the activities of the YAB, is “4 or 40 —

You Choose”. Students will be made to realize what they do in the four years of high school will effect their lives over the next 40. The YABs will conduct peer-mediation and conflictresolution workshops. Students may ask to join or be suggested for the Boards by teachers. Key to their operation will be the adult mentors. Williams believes he will be able to change the mentality among young people that the police and DA’s office are the bad guys. Under Williams’ jurisdiction, the Office of the District Attorney will jump-start an

early-intervention gun-awareness program. Through a partnership with the School District of Philadelphia, Williams intends to approach gun prevention as a major public-health issue. He wants to weaken the demand for guns by finding positive activities for students who are easy prey to criminal interests during their off-school, unsupervised hours on the streets. He’ll be seeking an expansion of after-school support groups such as the Boys & Girls Club, the Boys & Girls Scouts of America and the creation of a new sports league sponsored by the DA’s office.

N.E. Fundraiser For Beloff

ENJOYING fundraiser hosted by Ironworkers chief Joseph Dougherty and State Rep. Michael McGeehan for judicial candidate Adam Beloff were Bill Wilson, Local 830’s Daniel Grace, Beloff, Connie Rodgers, Jim Donnelly and Police Inspector Alan Kurtz.

HOST Joseph Dougherty welcomes DA candidate Seth Williams to fundraiser for Adam Beloff at Bridgeman’s Hall.

SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA Sealed proposals will be received by the School Reform Commission at the School Administration Building located at 440 North Broad St., 3rd Floor, Office of Capital Programs, Philadelphia, PA 191304015, until 2:00 P.M., on Tuesday, October 20, 2009. A non-refundable fee for each set of bid documents is as scheduled. The School District will only accept bids from companies that have been placed on its current Pre Qualified Contractors List as shown at All School District Project require MBE/WBE participation as shown in the specifications. BUDGET

B-020 (C) of 2009/10* General Contract Juniata Park Academy $50,000.00 Installation of School Name Signage 801-39 E. Hunting Park Ave.



STEELWORKER VP Phil Hughes joins ATTORNEY Angelo Foglietta and good Roofers Union representative Jimmy Donfriend judicial candidate Adam Beloff share nelly and Iron Workers Business Manager moment of camaraderie. Joe Dougherty.

Cohen: To Your Health

*A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at the project location, on October 7, 2009 at 9:30 p.m. Specifications and/or plans and contract documents may be examined and copies thereof obtained from the School Reform Commission, 440 North Broad Street, 3rd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Information as to contract documents, etc., may be obtained at the above address, or telephone 215-4005225. Make checks payable to the School District of Philadelphia. The School Reform Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids and make the awards to the best interests of the School District of Philadelphia.

SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA Sealed proposals will be received by the School Reform Commission at the School Administration Building located at 440 North Broad St., 3rd Floor, Office of Capital Programs, Philadelphia, PA 191304015, until 2:00 P.M., on Tuesday, October 6, 2009. A non-refundable fee for each set of bid documents is as scheduled. The School District will only accept bids from companies that have been placed on its current Pre Qualified Contractors List as shown at All School District Project require MBE/WBE participation as shown in the specifications. BUDGET

STATE REP. Mark Cohen hosted Health fair at Fisher Park for constituents. Among them here are Lisa Richardson and Deborah Horn.

A DOG’S LIFE! Hope the pooch joins State Rep. Mark Cohen and his owner Emily Deane at Rep’s Health Fair at Fisher Park.

More City of Hope Gala Pics


B-029 (C) of 2008/09* Electrical Contract James G. Blaine Elementary School $375,000.00 $100.00 Elevator Alterations 3001 West Berls Street *A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at the project location, on September 18, 2009 at 12:00 p.m. Specifications and/or plans and contract documents may be examined and copies thereof obtained from the School Reform Commission, 440 North Broad Street, 3rd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Information as to contract documents, etc., may be obtained at the above address, or telephone 215-4005225. Make checks payable to the School District of Philadelphia. The School Reform Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids and make the awards to the best interests of the School District of Philadelphia.

ENJOYING City of Hope gala which honored Wendell Young, IV and attorney John Langel were Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hicke, of McIlvaine Mundy Funeral Home in Roxborough, and Eleanor Dezzi.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY Lynne Abraham adds her congratulations to Award winner John Langel and his wife at City of Hope gala at Hyatt.

WHOOPING it up at Cannstatter fundraiser for Diane Thompson are, from left, former Ward Leader Frank Conaway, Democratic 66A Ward Leader Shawn Dillon, 58th Ward Leader Pat Parkinson and City Committee warhorse Joe Stivala.

HONOR ROLE of Phila. politicians turned out for Council Majority Leader Marian Tasco’s fundraiser in W. Oak Lane., including Councilwoman Donna Reed Miller, DA candidate Seth Williams, State Sen. LeAnna Washington, Councilman Bill Greenlee, Judge Bernice DeAngelis and State Rep. Cherelle Parker. Photo by Donald Terry

Stand Down For Vets

ROSE GEORGE of 29th Ward, Anna Marie Smith and Darryl LaFontaine who’s running STEVE JONES, newly designated Demofor state rep in the 175th, make clear who is cratic ward leader in 52nd, says he’s with Diane Thompson all the way. their favorite candidate for Judge.

Local 14 Host Annual Golf for Mesothelioma Fund

No To Arts Tax

STATE SENS. Daylin Leach, left, and Mike STATE SEN. Larry Farnese says new tax on Stack join last-minute rally of performing artistic performances would harm many in his artists before Bellevue to protest new 1st Dist. budget-balancing tax on live performances.

Pastor Installed

STATE REP. W. Curtis Thomas hails installation of Pastor Leslie B. Callahan at St. Paul’s Baptist Church in W. Poplar. Photo by Donald Terry

COMMISSIONER Edgar Howard and John Fenton, of Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell's office, take time out for this picture at VA Hospital in University City during 2009 Philadelphia veterans “Stand Down” event. Stand Down is weekend-long operation to provide shelter for homeless vets, who get to shower, shave, get a haircut, receive medical attention, new STAFF SGT. Myers takes time clothes and hot meals as well as out to take this picture during entertainment. Photos by Lee Buchanan 2009 Stand Down for veterans.

The Public Record • October 1, 2009

SUPPORTING judicial candidate distinguished attorney Diane Thompson, 3rd from left, are Bob Wilson of Teamsters Local 628, Burholme Park State House aspirant Tim Kearney and 63rd Ward Committeewoman Natasha Minkovsky.

Tasco Fêted

Page 27

Diane Thompson Backers Party Up


AFL-CIO President Pat Eiding joins Local 14 Business Mgr. Marty Campbell at Philmont Country Club Pol Honored for annual golf outing supporting InBOB ROVNER, sulators Local 14 Mesothelioma Fund Member of Knesset at Fox Chase Cancer Center. Dalia Itzik, and Sherrie Savett Rovner hosted the former acting president of Israel Dalia Itzik at an Israel Bonds event at their home.

LABORERS’ District Council leader Sam Staten, Sr. and Chris Lewis are thanked by Jeff Smith and Local 14 Business Mgr. Marty Campbell for donating a percentage of annual golf fundraiser to Mesothelioma Fund.

Photo by Bonnie Squires

BUILDING TRADES President Pat Gillespie gets some golfing tips from Local 14 Business Mgr. Mary Campbell before he hit the greens at Philmont golf club.

WILKES-BARRE Insulator Union Local 38 DISTRIBUTING SHOE bags and golf sup- rep Carl Wright joins host Marty Campbell plies are Debbie Nahill, Bunny Matthews and and Timmy Lock at check-in for annual golf funder. Terri Di Sabato.

PHILABUNDANCE honored SEPTA and several others in ceremony in observance of Hunger Action Month at City Hall. SEPTA’s first annual “STOP Hunger at Your Station Food Drive” held in June raised over 18,500 lb. of food. Pictured here with Bill Clark, Philabundance’s president and executive director, center, holding proclamation with Joe Photo by Gary Fairfax Casey, general manager, SEPTA.

PUTTING EVERYTHING together for Local 14 Mesothelioma Fund golf outing are Kathy Ghegan, Bev Maccari and Liz O’ Neill, joined here by labor leader Pat Eiding.

Page 28 The Public Record • October 1, 2009

City GOP Reaches Out To Women, Minorities

TURNED OUT for Republican women and minorities forum at Racquet Club were, from left, Maurice Goodman, Ron Reese and 2nd Ward Leader Suzanne Haney. Four dozen people attended this historic event.

CITY LEADERS, from left, Loyal Opposition’s Marc Collazzo, former YR czar Kevin Kelly, DA candidate Michael Untermeyer and 16th Ward Leader Audra Butts greet guests who attended Republican minorityoutreach panel.

Congressman Brady Honors Eagles Coach Jim Johnson Congressman Robert A. Brady announced the passage this week of HR 693 which he introduced, honoring the life and accomplishments of Eagles Coach Jim Johnson, who died Jul. 28 after a long battle with cancer. A veteran of 22 years as a NFL assistant coach, Johnson was regarded as one of the top defensive football masterminds in NFL history. Brady introduced the bill Jul. 29 and it was co-sponsored by Congress Members Jim Gerlach, Allyson Schwartz, Rob Andrews, Joe Sestak, Frank LoBiondo, Charles Dent, Tim Holden Chaka Fattah, Mike Castle and Patrick Murphy. Speaking on the House Floor, Congressman Brady called Johnson “a great Philadelphian and a great American.” Outlining his 50 years in football including his decades in the NFL, Brady said Johnson was a man of few

words who let his game do the talking for him. Widely praised as the orchestrator of the renowned Eagles defense strategies, Johnson’s aggressive style kept the Philadelphia team in nearly every major defensive category from the time he joined the Eagles’ staff in January1999. “Coach Johnson didn’t invent the zone blitz. But you couldn’t tell that to all the quarterbacks his defenses left lying on the field,” Brady said. Recounting Johnson’s career with the Eagles, Brady said, “Head Coach Andy Reid hired Jim Johnson when he took over the team in 1999. The Birds forced a league-low 17 turnovers in 1998. But they led the league with 48 takeaways, including 28 interceptions, during Johnson’s first season as defensive coordinator. By 2001, when the Eagles went to their first of four straight NFC championship

games, the defense was ranked among the best in the NFL in almost every category. And they remain an elite unit today. In Coach Johnson’s final season, the team had the NFC’s top-ranked defense and earned yet another trip to the NFC title game. The Eagles’ defense had 26 Pro Bowl selections during Mr. Johnson’s tenure, including seven by safety Brian Dawkins. The team played in five NFC championship games and one Super Bowl, and won five NFC East titles. And his greatest legacy hasn’t been written yet.” In conclusion, Congressman Brady stressed, “The greatest thing about Jim Johnson has nothing to do with the football field. He was known by everyone as the picture of honesty and as a man who never sought the spotlight. But he was one who gave generously of his time and his talents.”

Walking The Walk With Sen. Williams State Sen. Anthony H. Williams, along with Health Partners and West Philadelphia YMCA, invite the public to attend an upcoming free health walk and fair. Entitled, “Walking the Walk”, the health walk and fair will take place on Saturday, Oct. 10 – rain or shine – at Laura Sims Skate House, 63rd & Walnut Streets. There

will be a warm-up stretch at 8 a.m., followed by the walk at 8:30 a.m. Participants can join in a two- or four-mile walk. The health fair will take place after the walk from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. “No matter your age or fitness level, everyone can take part this fun-filled day,” Williams said. “It’s a great way to get out, get some ex-

ercise and get informed on living an active and healthy lifestyle, so I invited everyone to join me at this event.” Participants and organizations are encouraged to sign up in teams for the walk, and awards will be given to team winners. To sign up or for more information, contact the Senator’s district office at (215) 492-2980.

by Joe Shaheeli In an increasingly multiracial city, long-term hopes for the Republican Party rely on its ability to create an effective message for nonwhite urban communities. So when the City Republican Party’s think tank, The Loyal Opposition, organized a reception honoring women and minorities at the Racquet Club, it was making a serious effort to change the drift of history. Indeed, it was a historic event in itself: the first time in living memory the Philadelphia GOP has organized a message specifically for such an audience. City Committee Chairman Vito Canuso pronounced himself “very pleased” with the reception, which drew a crowd of 50. MSNBC commentator Joe Watkins, who is considering a bid for Lieutenant Governor in Pennsylvania, gave a vivid account of why minorities should find a positive message in the Republican philosophy. Renee Amoore, a health-care entrepreneur who sits on the Republican State and National Committees, and Loyal Opposition leader Marc Collazzo, also spoke. Steven Zhu of Chinatown Town Watch gave an award to savvy State Rep. John Perzel. It was the impressive start.

Fishtown Hosts 2nd Annual River Festival Fishtown will host its second annual River City Festival Saturday, Oct. 3. Events will begin with the River City 5K Run and continue into the afternoon at Penn Treaty Park, featuring fun, food, entertainment and memories for everyone. An eclectic mix of bands will play on the main stage, while organizations and institutions will have presentations in an educational area. Local artists and businesses will be on hand to sell their creations and promote their services. From a peaceful village inhabited by the Lenape Indians, to a treaty with William Penn, to submarine building, Fishtown and Penn Treaty Park are synonymous with Local, State and American History.

of a political effort that has been long overdue. A key test

now will be whether this event engenders others like it.

City Hall Sam

annual Senior Expo at Cannstatter on Friday, Oct. 9 beginning at 10:00 a.m. and continuing until 1:00 p.m. There is no charge for the event, which is an opportunity for senior citizens and their friends to meet with representatives of various City, State and Federal agencies. The refreshments that are served are quite extensive and plentiful. Mike reminds everybody Oct. 24- State Sen. LeAnna Washington invites all to Walk to End Domestic Violence at W. River Dr. Registration begins 9 a.m.; walk kicks off 10:30 a.m. Event is sponsored by Verizon and Independence Blue Cross. Oct. 24- 10th Anniversary Gala for CATCH, Inc. at Union League, 140 S. Broad St., , 6-11 p.m. Black tie. Tickets $125. For info (215) 735-7434. Oct. 26- State Rep. John Taylor hosts “Night With The Eagles” at Romano’s Catering, 1523 E. Wingohocking St., 8 p.m.

that the School District of Philadelphia will host the 2009 High School Expo at the end of September at Temple University’s Liacouras Center, 1776 N. Broad Street. This event provides a great opportunity for parents and guardians to learn about the school district’s high school selection process. DIANE GALLAGHER departed this life after a long bout with cancer. She is the mother of WILLIAM GALLAGHER, general counsel at Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc. Her husband BILL, SR. was a long-time teacher in the

2400 E. Somerset Street Philadelphia, PA 19134

Philadelphia public-school system. Another son, MICHAEL, lives in the Florida area. The Gallaghers had recently celebrated their golden wedding anniversary and were longtime residents of the Somerton section of Philadelphia before moving to Bucks Co. Bill, Sr. was a recreational leader in the summertime at Comly Playground, now called Boyle Playground. He took a special pride in knowing the names of all the kids in the neighborhood who played within the playground boundaries.

The Public Record • October 1, 2009

(Cont. From Page 11) Sts., 3 p.m. One performance only. Tickets at door $22. For info (215) 224-0257. Oct. 12- Sheriff Carl Greene Gold Outing JC Melrose C. C. 7600 Tookany Creek Pkwy. Registration 11:30 a.m., reception & dinner 4-7 p.m. For info Kathy Ondrejka (215) 5207784. Oct. 12- Columbus Day Festival, Marconi Plaza, Broad St. & Oregon Ave., 12-6 p.m. Oct. 14- Fundraiser for Mayor Michael Nutter at Sheraton City Ctr., 17th & Race Sts., 5:30-6:30 p.m. RSVP Scott Freda at or call (267) 3227200. Oct. 15- 21st Ward GOP re-

city editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer. The current President is former Common Pleas Judge MICHAEL WALLACE and his first Vice President is former President Judge of the Common Pleas Court in Philadelphia ED BRADLEY. The Secretary at Large of the organization is JOE BONGIOVANNI. This year STATE SEN. MIKE STACK will hold his p.m. Oct. 22- Shawn Dillon’s 66A Ward Democratic pre-election fundraiser and gala at Chickie’s & Pete’s, 11000 Roosevelt Blvd., 6-9 p.m. Tickets $35. For info (215) 637-6360. Oct. 22- Amoore Group presents “REDI For The Future” benefit at The Water Works Restaurant, 640 Water Works Dr. Cocktail reception 6-8 p.m. For info (610) 992-0555. Oct. 23- Sen. Arlen Specter’s supporters hold fundraiser at Union League, 140 S. Broad St., 5:30-7 p.m. Contributions $250-1000. For info Steve Williams (215) 631-4939. Oct. 24- Mt. Carmel Baptist Ch. provides Alzheimer’s Family Caregiver Training at 5732 Race St., 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Pre-registration required by Oct. 19. Call 1 (800) 2723900.

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(Cont. From Page 7) THOMAS BETZ, the pastor at St. John’s Church on 13th Street. The Clover Club of Philadelphia will celebrate its annual luncheon at the Union League on Oct. 6. There will be a cash bar beginning at noon with lunch to be served a half hour later. The cost is a rea-

sonable $40 per person, and guest of either gender are welcomed according to the treasurer, MICHAEL CIBIK, ESQ. The chairman of the board of directors is MICHAEL STACK and vice chairman is well-known travel consultant NORBERT McGETTIGAN. The group is mourning the loss of one of its directors, HARRY BELINGER, who at one time was the ception at Keenan’s Valley View Inn, 468 Domino La., 6:30-9 p.m. Donation $40. For info (215) 482-2834 or Oct. 15- Fundraiser for State Rep. Rosita Youngblood at Finnigan’s Wake, 3rd & Spring Garden Sts., 6-9 p.m. Donation $100. For info (215) 745-4306. Oct. 17- Phila. Cares Day Volunteer-A-Thon day of service. To register individually or as a team, call (215) 564-4544 or go to Oct. 19- Democratic City Committee Fall Cocktail Party at Sheet Metal Workers Hall, 1301 S. Columbus Blvd., 5:307:30 p.m. Tickets $150. For info (215) 241-7804. Oct. 22- Firefighters for David Oh for Republican Council At Large at IAFF Local 22 Union Hall, 5th & Willow Sts., 6-8

Phone: 215-423-2223 Fax: 215-423-5937





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The Public Record • October 1, 2009

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Page 31

Public Record Classifieds: small ADS BIG Deals

FLEA MARKET Anual Bazaar at St. Matthew’s A.M.E. Church 215 N. 57th St. Sat. Oct. 17th, 10 -4. Space $15.00 Space and table $20.00 For info call Frances McBride 215-724-5297 DRIVERS Solo, Teams & Driver Trainers Wanted! Consistent Freight, Top Pay & More! Werner Enterprises 888-567-3106 DRIVERS Regional $.46 cpm/ Short Haul Pay! $35 Stop Pay, Full Benefits. Experienced Drivers Only. CDL-A Required WEL COMPANIES 800-387-0088 Strong-Stable-Secure

The Public Record • October 1, 2009

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