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9371 ROOSEVELT BLVD. PHILADELPHIA, PA 19114 215-698-7000 We Buy Gold & Diamonds

Serving Citywide Political, Labor, Legal and School Communities of Philadelphia

Vol. XI. No. 41 (Issue 506)

“The good things we do must be made a part of the public record”

Value 50¢

October 8, 2009


Why Is It Silent About Its MAJOR Reform?

Judge In Race For US Senate

Will Keystone Exams Open A Pandora’s Box?

by Joe Shaheeli

The only thing wrong with the Board of Revision of Taxes, the real-property assessment and appeals agency for the City of Philadelphia, is the fact its chairwoman and board have burrowed themselves into a foxhole after a barrage of charges levied at them by the Philadelphia Inquirer. Even the aide who answers the boss’ phone must be frustrated by the barrage of calls he received for her from the Philadelphia Public Record – calls that went answered.

by Poindexter Ragland Recently-retired Commonwealth Court Judge Doris A. Smith-Ribner has announced she will seek the Democratic nomination for a US Senate seat in Pennsylvania. Smith-Ribner made the announcement Monday at a Dauphin Co. Democratic Committee Dinner. She will make a more-formal announcement later this year. Smith-Ribner retired from the Commonwealth Court bench last July after 21½ years. Before that, she served on the Common Pleas Court in Allegheny Co. If elected, Smith-Ribner would become the first African American and the first woman to represent Pennsyl(Cont. Page 4)

Judge Doris Smith-Ribner …into US Senate race

Grace Wins 4th Term

Teamsters Local 830 members unanimously elected Daniel Grace as secretary-treasurer and Chuck White as president last weekend. Other officers elected included Glen Fulcher, vice president; Jack (Cont. Page 2)

Enjoy Columbus Day Festival at Marconi Plaza Oct. 11. Noon to 6 p.m.

Perhaps fear or a lack of awareness induced BRT Chairwoman Charlesretta Meade to dodge another press inquiry. That’s too bad, because a fair-minded examination of the agency’s work at this time actually reflects credit upon it. What, in reality, is happening at BRT is the fact the agency is undergoing a major reform, one which will save taxpayers money, increase income to the School District, and actually reduce the number of staff members needed to handle the present method of keeping abreast of the con-

stant changes occurring in rates yearly with the City’s more than 500,000 taxable properties. What they may not realize is their tenure as board members, as well as that of their Chairman Meade, will be shorter-lived if they keep refusing to defend their positions. In any event, without any protests over the Inquirer article, which experts label overkill, their terms will definitely expire without their ever being renamed. (Cont. Page 2)

by Nicholas DePace, Jr. The State Board of Education plans to implement a new set of graduation tests, which would alter the landscape of Pennsylvania’s high-school education as we know it. Resistance to the proposal is overwhelmingly strong, with 162 State Representatives opposing it in a bipartisan manner. Many African American organizations, such as the NAACP, have come out against it and contacted State Rep. Rosita Youngblood to combat the proOver 130 security guards at the They followed this up with a letter posal; however, other policy experts, Philadelphia Museum of Art will vote from Congressman Bob Brady, which such as and Leah Harris, spokesperson tomorrow from 1 to 6 p.m. and on told them it is their right, under Fedfor the Pennsylvania Dept. of EducaSaturday from 2 to 6 p.m. to deter- eral law, to form a union. (Cont. Page 2) mine whether or not they wish to be (Cont. Page 2) represented by the Philadelphia Security Officers Union. The vote marks the end of a two-year campaign to organize the guards. Union organizers sent the guards a letter from City Council members Bill Greenlee and Maria QuiñonesSánchez which dispelled a rumor employees would lose their jobs if they approved the Union as their bargaining agent. The letter spelled out their jobs would be protected by the Philadelphia "Protection For Dis- READY TO ‘Step Out For Diabetes’ at Art Museum is huge team from Laplaced Sub-Contractors" law. borers' District Council organized by Locals 57, 135, 332 and 413.

Brady Backs Museum Guards’ Union Vote

Page 2 The Public Record • October 8, 2009

BRT Nearing Its 100%-Assessment Goal

(Cont. from Page 1) They are Vice Chairman Harvey Levin, MAI, a Statecertified general real-estate appraiser and broker; Robert Nix; Jim Dintino; former Judge Alan Silverstein; and former State Supreme Court Justice Russell Nigro. Several board members have stated they have never gotten any interference or guidance in their decisions from either the Mayor, the chairmen of the Democratic and Republican parties or elected officials. Unfortunately, that record was marred when news articles inferred former State Sen. Vincent Fumo had a former board member work to under-assess his mansion on Green Street. City Council’s recent decision not to move on making wholesale changes was a wise one. Should they hold hearings, they will see BRT is now fairly

assessing properties to a 100% level. They will discover over half of BRT’s employees have strong expertise in rating properties. They will appreciate the fact these appraisers were long handcuffed by ancient computer software and hardware. The sharp upswing in realestate values, starting in the late 1990s, resulted in huge numbers of properties whose assessments from earlier years nowhere reflected the true value of properties. As more-accurate figures were determined, the resulting increases delivered a shock to many owners, leading to a record of 15,000 appeals filed to dispute new tax assessments. That’s when BRT decided to change how evaluations were done. Board members realized they needed to put real numbers on the properties and then have City Council move to reduce the millage on the assessments so

the initial response would have been revenue-neutral for the vast majority of properties. But owners of long-undervalued properties (understandably) did not appreciate the niceties of this political calculation. Some of them, in truth, are likely to take a hit even after a millage reduction because even after the recent price deflation, some parts of the City have still seen a sharp climb in relative value over the last decade. Mayor John Street understood the need to rate properties at 100% of actual value and gave BRT the funds to tackle that task. BRT used it to borrow via a productivity loan from the City. New computer-hardware and software has been making that job possible, despite continued economic gyrations in the realestate market. These goals had been ig-

nored over the past 20 years by BRT, the City Administration and the State legislature, even though the assessed 30% ceiling was already wrong for the times. For real reform, money was needed and they got it. Rather than put the blame on BRT’s long-inadequate funding, the Inquirer’s “exposé” belabored its hard-working staffers who earn $30,000-$50,000. It was plain its reporters had no inkling how the agency functions. Hamstrung BRT workers had been unable to keep a proper handle on over 570,000 properties that were fluctuating, literally on a daily basis, in values. It was a problem shared by other large municipalities during the nationwide real-estate boom. The system under which BRT now operates has given it the ability to record a 100% evaluation of every property by

year’s end, according to reports received by the Public Record. BRT is being unfairly criticized because 80 of its 230 employees are not in civil service, they draw their pay from the School Board, which has an annual budget of well over $3.1 billion. That’s because the School District is one of the prime beneficiaries of the tax revenues BRT generates. There is no argument about the quality of these employees’ work. According to critics and supporters alike, they produce. What is being contended is they were hired through the patronage of both the City’s major political parties. If their funding were to be cut off, either the School District or the City would have to decide how else to fund their jobs, since their work is considered indispensable by the assessors. These employees do not assess properties;

they do the office grunt work. The cost of this personnel amounts to only $4 million yearly -- only 0.129% of the School District’s budget.. The reassessments are still full of glitches, some of which have been lavishly exposed in the daily press. But anecdotal horror stories of individual assessment mistakes, however colorful, aren’t a good way to evaluate the fruits of a systemwide overhaul. Any statistical process that reviews half a million widgets is bound to miss a few on the first go-around. These glitches should be calmly corrected by the end of the year, not used as an excuse to paralyze the agency as it works. Tampering with the BRT at this time will, at best, hamper what some are calling the greatest reform in property-tax assessments in the city’s history, in the midst of a fiscal crisis.

Keystone Exams Education Battleground (Cont. from Page 1) tion, stand behind the idea of such statewide testing measures. Known as the Keystone Exams, these proposed tests would be subject-specific and will take the place of alreadyexisting end-of-course exams. The exams are expected to account for approximately onethird of the total grade in a given class and are intended to provide the students with a more-flexible measure of academic proficiency. Approved by the State Board of Education in August, the new graduation and testing requirements for students throughout Pennsylvania would be in effect for the highschool graduating class of 2015, the students of which are currently in the 7th grade. Students would have to pass most of these 10 exams in order to graduate. According to Harris, speaking on part of

the Pennsylvania Dept. of Education, these exams will be an accurate gauge of whether or not high-school students are ready for college. Additionally, the Keystone Exams in English, Algebra I and Biology, which will be phased into the high-school curriculum next year, will eventually take the place of the respective 11th grade PSSA tests in reading, math and science, beginning in 2012-13. There will be supplemental exams for students with special needs. In spite of its recent approval, however, there is still significant opposition to the Keystone Exams. One such opponent is Youngblood, who last week joined Republican State Rep. Paul Clymer of Bucks Co. in introducing a resolution that would “prohibit the State Dept. of Education from further implementing the Key-

Brady Supports Museum Vote

(Cont. From Page 1) The Congressman, himself a member of carpenters' and teachers' unions, tells guards that, “Only you -- together -can guarantee your rights on the job.” And he encourages

them to be “fearless”. Brady concluded his letter by saying the guards are an “example to workers everywhere … [they] show everyone how to stand up and get things done.”

stone Exams.” HR 456 is currently cosponsored by 162 members – over 80% – of the House of Representatives. According to Youngblood, although the General Assembly established a moratorium in 2009, the Department continued to move forward. Youngblood says, “I am appalled the Department is continuing to move forward without regulation, legislation or specific appropriation under a contract and purchase order that were signed during a moratorium. “Pennsylvania is facing a substantial deficit and the State budget is now 93 days past due. It is anything but fiscally responsible for the Department to commit $5.8 million and request to keep $6.8 million all for the advancement of an unwanted policy agenda. Other opponents, Youngblood noted, include “the NAACP, Learning Disabilities Assoc., Association of Career and Technical Administrators, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development and over 200 School Boards of Directors.” Some critics fear pupils who have suffered from sub-

standard education, yet have been advanced in school year after year, will suddenly find graduation exams snapping down on them like steel traps. State Rep. James R. Roebuck, Jr., who became Chairman of the Education Committee when the Democrats took over the House this year, is aware of these concerns and would like to see measures put in place which can detect a student’s early struggles in education so the child can then receive necessary interventions. Roebuck feels what the State is proposing will serve as a new set of assessments of how our students are learning. According to Roebuck, the exams are intended to provide students with greater flexibility in preparation, which would allow them to continue to progress through high school. “The one thing that I think is important,” Roebuck says, “is to focus on trying to measure students, not just in high school, but at an earlier gradelevel as well.” He adds, “We need a system of better accountability that reaches down to the 1st grade, because it’s better when

problems are caught early on in a child’s education. That way, we can introduce the student to some kind of intervention that’s effective. When you get early intervention, problems are much easier to solve than if they fester.” Roebuck concludes, “There’s no excuse in my mind to have students in the 8th grade reading on a 1stgrade level. To me, that’s unacceptable!” Roebuck said that on Oct. 5, a Committee hearing was held in regards to the proposal, which gave everyone the opportunity to shape its regulations. They wanted to put the oppositions on the record before those regulations are finalized. Among the criticisms of the proposal, Youngblood says that as a high-school student is about to graduate, if they don’t pass an exam or if you were to fall below basic-

level testing standards, then they would get a failing grade in that class. She postulates many students who are mediocre, knowing this fact ahead of time, will drop out of school. Adding to her displeasure, Youngblood continues, “Our children are being used to promote a testing scheme, from which they will ultimately suffer. The proponents of the Keystone Exams have touted accountability as their reasoning. The General Assembly supports accountability done the right way, which ensures quality education for our children. “There is no excuse for the actions that have been taken to force the implementation and funding of this proposal. We request the Governor’s immediate support to hold the Keystone Exams proponents accountable for their proceedings against the will of the people and the Constitution.”

Grace Wins 4th Term

(Cont. from Page 1) O’Rourke, recording secretary; Ann Sancassusso, Jim Brown and Tony Mastraomi, trustees. Local, the largest in the Teamsters Council, has 3,800

members. Its headquarters are located at 12298 Townsend Road in the Northeast. Grace, who said he was “humbled by the big show of support,” will begin his fourth three-year term.

Page 3

The Public Record • October 8, 2009

Page 4 The Public Record • October 8, 2009

Judge Smith-Ribner Clergy Marks End Of Gun Shop Enters US Senate Race

(Cont. From Page 1) vania in the United States Senate. “Throughout my career, I have sought to speak up for those who did not have a voice while at the same time striven to promote equal justice, fairness and independence,” Smith-Ribner said. “I will continue that philosophy when I am elected to the US Senate.” Even before announcing her candidacy, Smith-Ribner could be seen at many events around the city and she has been crisscrossing the state attending Democratic and community events. Smith-Ribner also stated that she intends to have enough resources to win the race. “I am in this race to win, not just to run,” she said. “I am going to do whatever it takes. Pennsylvanians deserve to have a dedicated public ser-

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vant. Not just one that gives them lip service and is just holding on to power for the sake of having power.” Smith-Ribner says she will open up a campaign office in Center City by week’s end. Veteran political operative Maurice Floyd said Smith-Ribner’s entrance into the race will change the whole dynamics of the outcome of the contest. “Her entrance into the race is definitely not good for either of the other two candidates (incumbent Democrat Arlen Specter and Congressman Joe Sestak),” said Floyd, who also served as a top aide to the late Congressman Lucien E. Blackwell. “It’s going to be very interesting to have someone of her caliber in the race.” Smith-Ribner, before going on the bench she practiced law for 12 years in Allegheny Co. State Rep.

ROBERT C. DONATUCCI 185th District 1809 Oregon Ave, Phila., PA 19145


Pennsylvania is reported to be the major source for illegally trafficked handguns to cities and states throughout the northeastern part of this country. That is why an interfaith group, operating as Heeding God’s Call, gathered outside Colosimo’s gun shop to celebrate its closing, announced by its owner Jim Colosimo earlier in the week. According to Rev. James McIntire, pastor of Hoe United Methodist Church, in Havertown, the shop’s closing is the first in “what we hope will be a chain of knocking out of business gun shops with notorious records of selling to straw buyers.” Father Isaac Miller of the Church of the Advocate in North Philadelphia indicated there would be other targets. One mentioned was the Shooters Gun Shop in Kensington. The group indicated Shooters is among the top 120 out of

Room 580 City Hall P. 215-686-3446/7 F. 215-686-1927

REV. ISAAC MILLER, of Church of the Advocate, addresses clergy at rally marking closing of Colosimo gun shop, long a fixture in Philadelphia, and once a major supplier of guns to Phila. Police. 80,000 gun dealers nationally for poor recordkeeping and for allowing straw buyers to buy guns. Clergy will continue to visit gun shops and have them sign a Code of Conduct pledging them to incorporate conditions aimed at stemming the flow of guns to straw buyers. These include videotaping the actual sale transaction, and employee back-

ground checks. Also speaking at the event were Rabbi Sue Levi Elwell, Father Joseph Genito, Rev. James McIntire and Claire Ryans, who lost a son on the streets. Colosimo, who was in his shop, indicated he will make a statement about the closing, having pled his corporation guilty to charges of selling to straw buyers. State Rep.

William Keller 184th District

Constituent Service Office

1610 S. Broad St. Phila., PA 19145 (215) 952-3378

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State Rep. Cherelle

Parker JOHN SABATINA JR. 200th Legislative District 1536 E. Wadsworth Ave. Phone: (215) 242-7300 Fax: (215) 242-7303

174th District State Representative 8100 Castor Ave Phila, PA 19152 Hours: 9am to 5pm Telephone: 215-342-6204

State Representative


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6027 Ludlow Street, Unit A

1555-D Wadsworth Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19150 (215) 242-0472 Fax: (215) 753-4538



State Rep.

Frank Oliver 195th District 2839 W. Girard Ave. Phila. PA 19130


State Senator

Larry Farnese First Senate District Tel. 215-952-3121 1802 S. Broad St.• Phila. PA 19145

Daryl La Fountain Candidate In 2010 For District 175

Senator Tina

Tartaglione 2nd Dist.

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The Public Record

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"Representing injured workers in Pa. for over 30 years.�

The Public Record • October 8, 2009

If you have been injured on the DOCKS, PIERS, or SHIPS doing loading or repairing work. You need our free advice....We fight for your right to benefits and we never ask you to pay a fee.... We have successfully helped get money for thousands of injured workers over the last 30 years.

Page 5

Injured At Work!

Page 6 The Public Record • October 8, 2009

Challengers Eye Legislators by Poindexter Ragland Though just around the corner, this city’s and state’s elections are on the back burner as far as many challengers seeking House seats in the coming May 11, 2010 legislative primaries are concerned. In the majority of this city’s 28 Districts, the only way to change a seat is through a primary challenge, and surprisingly, though the incumbents have strong histories, hope springs eternal. In the 181st Legislative District in North Philadelphia challenger Lewis Thomas III has been campaigning door to door for a rematch with incumbent State Rep. W. Curtis Thomas. Lewis Thomas just last week gave his third community barbecue in the 43rd Ward, attended by over 100 people. Two weeks earlier, he did the same in the 37th Ward. In the 190th House Dist. attorney Sharif Street, the son of former Mayor John F.

Lewis Thomas, III hosted another of his street gatherings, this one in the 37th Ward, since beginning his second goaround with State Rep. W. Curtis Thomas. With him are committee persons from the district. Street, has been campaigning hard in unseat incumbent State Rep. Vanessa Brown , who herself had knocked Thomas Blackwell IV off the ballot because of a lack of valid signatures. Blackwell has told close confidants that he will try to regain his old seat. This could be a threeway battle, but not likely. In the 175th Dist., popular incumbent Michael O’Brien will face a challenge from Darrell Lafontaine. In the 192nd District also in

West Philadelphia, State Rep. Louise Williams Bishop may face several challengers to her seat. Rumors exist she may retire after her next term. In the 188th Dist. longtime incumbent James R. Roebuck is facing Bryant Brown, new to the election process, with his first fundraiser under his belt. Brown faces an uphill battle. State Rep. John Myers is reported to be on the verge of announcing his retirement,

Onorato Makes His Philly Debut A L A N KESSLER, a chief supporter of Dan Onorato’s campaign for Governor, congratulates the candidate as he kicked off his race in Philadelphia City Hall on Tuesday. Photos by Squires


B I L L HAMILTON, Teamsters VP for Eastern R e g i o n , brought number of union members to cheer for Dan Onorato as he kicked off his campaign for Governor.

opening up his 201st Dist. for a mad scramble. Early Polls Show Corbett Ahead It’s anybody’s guess who will be the Democratic and Republican nominees for Governor when Ed Rendell’s second term ends. But, according to early polls, the name receiving the most support is Attorney General Tom Corbett, who scores almost three to one over his opponent Congressman Jim Gerlach. According to the Quinnipiac University poll, if the election were held now, Corbett would defeat both Democratic aspirants, Dan Onorato and Auditor General Jack Wagner. With primary day scheduled for May 18, 2010, the poll indicates almost half of those queried had no opinion, one way or the other. Onorato officially entered the Democratic race this week, and he, too, faces the poll result that shows 46% of Democratic voters are wide open as to who they will support. He brought his campaign to Philadelphia on Tuesday, flexing some big Teamster muscle behind him. Onorato leads other Democratic contenders with 14%, much of that from his backyard in Allegheny Co. He’s followed by Montgomery Co. Commissioner Joe Hoeffel, with 12%, and Wagner, with 11%. Scranton Mayor Chris Doherty and Philadelphia businessman Tom Knox were in single digits.

Happy Columbus Day

Please join me for the annual Senior Expo on Friday, October 9, 2009 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. The expo is taking place at Cannstatter's, 9130 Academy Road in Northeast Philadelphia. Many federal, state, and city agencies and businesses will be on hand to meet with senior citizens and provide valuable information. Refreshments will be served. Please call 215-695-1020 with questions or to receive more information.

Parkwood Shopping Center 12361 Academy Road, Phila., PA 19154, 215-281-2539 8016 Bustleton Avenue Philadelphia PA 19152 215-695-1020 Open Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 5 PM


Brown Enters 188th Race

DAN ONORATO is surrounded by well-wishers after his press conference at City Hall, announcing his campaign for the Democratic nomination for governor next year.

BRYANT BROWN made known his efforts to challenge political heavyweight State Rep. Jim Roebuck in 188th House Dist. race, with an initial fundraiser at Mill Creek Tavern. In photo, from left, at reception were Terri Green, Brown, Rasheen Crews and Aracihanna Sharper.

State Sen.

Shirley M. Kitchen 3rd Sen. District 1701 W. Lehigh Ave.Ste 104 • Philadelphia, PA 19132 215-227-6161 •

Page 7

Our Opinion ... A Major Celebration


Table Games

House Gaming Oversight Committee suspended its rules, to amend SB 711 with a provision to authorize table games – a move I believe defeats the entire purpose of the gaming-reform legislation. A reform bill should not be used as a vehicle to expand the very thing it is trying to reform. Over the weekend, the House of Representatives began considering additional amendments to SB 711, which has now been dubbed "the Table Games bill" – as though reform were never even part of the legislation. More than 150 additional amendments were proposed after Friday's Gaming Oversight Committee hearing. One amendment that passed the House Sunday

would require casinos with a table games certificate to pay an additional tax on gross revenues from table games, which would benefit the neighborhoods in the immediate vicinity of casinos. I’ve never believed casinos were the best way to raise money for the State, but casinos now exist in Pennsylvania. If casinos are coming to Philadelphia and will be expanded to include table games, then the casinos should pay their fair share to mitigate the impact on the surrounding communities. There also needs to be a mechanism in place to ensure the money reaches those specific neighborhoods in the immediate vicinity of the casino. Right now, there are almost a dozen Special Service Districts in Philadelphia, with taxing authority or their own source of funding. Five are in my legislative District alone. They provide critical services to many neighborhoods -- and operate independent of City government. These districts are just one example of a structure that could be established to address the needs of targeted communities.

Oct. 9- State Sen. Michael Stack hosts Senior Expo at Cannstatter Volksfest Verein, 9130 Academy Rd., 10 a.m.1 p.m. Refreshments will be served. For info (215) 6951020. Oct. 9Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown hosts Bringing City Gov’t To Senior Citizens at W. Oak La. Sr. Ctr., 7210 Ogontz Ave., 10 a.m.-12 m. Oct. 9- Making A Progressive Philadelphia annual Cocktail Reception honoring Sister Mary Scullion of Project H.O.M.E. and Anne Mahlum of Back On My Feet at Phila.‘s Magic Gardens, 1020 South St., 6-8 p.m. Cocktails and light fare, 8 p.m. Awards Ceremony. Donations. Oct. 10- IBEW Local 98 hosts annual 2 St. 5K Run & Festival benefiting scholarships for local parochial schools. Start at Moyamensing Ave. & Reed St, 7 a.m.

Oct. 10- State Sen. Anthony Williams’ Walking The Walk at Laura Sims Skate House, 63rd & Walnut Sts., stretch 8 a.m., walk 8:30 a.m., health fair 10 a.m.-12 m. For info (215) 492-2980. Oct. 10- Manayunk Development Corp., in partnership with Sustainable Manayunk, hosts Homegrown Manayunk’s Fall Festival on Main St., 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Rain or shine. It is a family-oriented, day-long party. Oct. 10- Judge Joel Johnson hosts Party. No charge. 1228 S. 4th St., 3-7 p.m. RSVP Etrusia Gibbs (215) 6867918. Oct. 10- 56th & Arch St. annual Family Reunion Cabaret “Fabulous Fall Affair” at DC 33 Union Hall, 30th & Walnut Sts., 9 p.m.-1 a.m. BYOB. For info Butch Murrell (215) 879-6566. Oct. 11- Columbus Day Italian Festival at Marconi Plaza, Broad St. & Oregon Ave., 12-6 p.m. Oct. 11- Amici Opera Co. performs Aida at St. Nicholas Church Hall, 9th & Pierce Sts., 3 p.m. One performance only. Tickets at door $22. For info (215) 224-0257.

Oct. 12- Sheriff John Green Golf Outing at Melrose C.C., 7600 Tookany Ck. Pkwy., Cheltenham, Pa. Registration 11:30 a.m.; tournament 1-5 p.m.; dinner and cocktails 47 p.m. For info Cathy Indrehja (215) 520-7784. Oct. 14- Fundraiser for Mayor Michael Nutter at Sheraton City Ctr., 17th & Race Sts., 5:30-6:30 p.m. RSVP Scott Freda at or call (267) 322-7200. Oct. 15- Fundraiser for State Rep. Rosita Youngblood at Finnigan’s Wake, 3rd & Spring Garden Sts., 6-9 p.m. Donation $100. For info (215) 745-4306. Oct. 15- 21st Ward GOP reception at Keenan’s Valley View Inn, 468 Domino La., 6:30-9 p.m. Donation $40. For info (215) 482-2834 or Oct. 17- Phila. Cares Day Volunteer-A-Thon day of service. To register individually or as a team, call (215) 564-4544 or go to Oct. 19- Democratic City Committee Fall Cocktail Party at Sheet Metal Workers (Cont. Page 9)

by State Sen. Larry Farnese More than two weeks ago, members of the Budget Conference Committee announced they had reached a budget deal. That agreement included a provision to authorize table games such as blackjack, poker, and roulette at Pennsylvania's slots parlors. Since then, I have stood by my pledge to reform gaming and urged lawmakers not to mix the table games issue with SB 711 – a bill I cosponsored, which makes sweeping reforms to gaming and its regulatory body, the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board. This gaming-reform legislation passed the Senate in July. Last Friday, however, the

The Public Record • October 8, 2009

One of the first things we learned as we attended grade school was the answer to the question “Who Discovered America and When?” The answer we all knew, even the most inattentive kid in the class: “Christopher Columbus in 1492!” We’re not sure what they are teaching these days in grade school, but we would hope they still think Columbus’ role in our history was an important one. That’s why Columbus Day stands out as a national holiday and not just an ethnic celebration. Although we will miss the annual Columbus Day Parade in South Philadelphia, we will be able to mark the occasion by joining the crowds going down to Marconi Plaza, west of Broad Street, just below Oregon Avenue. That’s where Italian Americans will share their ethnicity, providing us with great entertainment, foodstuffs, and, we trust, wine sips. America has come a long way since 1492. Its history is well known around the world. Its contributions to the world have become too numerous to calculate, and they continue in an unbroken stream. And it all began with Christopher Columbus, who came to its shores thinking he had found a shortcut to India. He learned quickly enough there was more to the world than the Indian subcontinent. But, in a way, though we celebrate with good heart, our hearts are tinged by the fact the long history of the Columbus Day Parade, the many faces and personalities who contributed to it through its more than half century reign, will not be adequately remembered. Long gone are the days when Columbus Day was literally a weeklong event, starting with fireworks at Columbus DeProspero Square, a flag-raising ceremony preceding wreathlaying ceremonies at the Marconi and Columbus statues, and banquets overflowing to capacity at Palumbo’s. We will miss seeing and hearing from the late Cavalier Severino Verna, who led the parade every year through its 52 years, and the strong commitment, still available, of his wife City Council President Anna Cibotti Verna. The memories of Columbus Day celebration will remain with us always.

Page 8 The Public Record • October 8, 2009

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Senator Offers Free Flu Shots State Sen. Shirley Kitchen and Quality Community Healthcare are encouraging the community to take preventative steps to be healthy this winter by offering free flu shots in October. “As we move into autumn, this is an opportunity to stay one step ahead of the upcoming cold and flu season,” Kitchen said. “I invite the community to take the time to get a free vaccination this October so that everyone can stay healthy through the winter.”

The free vaccination clinics for H1N1 (swine flu) for adults only, influenza and pneumonia will be available from 9 to 11 a.m. on Monday, Oct. 19, Wednesday, Oct. 21, Friday, Oct. 23 and Monday, Oct. 26 at the Senator’s District Office, 1701 W. Lehigh Avenue, Suite 104. No appointment is necessary. There are various forms of the influenza virus that constantly change, which is why it is recommended that individuals get a flu shot every year,

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MEDICAL RECORD according to the Philadelphia Dept. of Health. H1N1 flu virus is different from other forms of influenza and is new to our area, so no one has immunity from it. The H1N1 vaccination given at these clinics is for adults only. H1N1 vaccinations for children will be given directly at Quality Community Healthcare locations. QCHC is a Philadelphiabased nonprofit that provides primary preventive, chronic and episodic care services to thousands of residents in Philadelphia. Offering five convenient locations in North Philadelphia, QCHC offers medical, dental, nutrition, behavioral health, case management and integrated services to patients who may not have the ability to pay for quality health services. “Getting a flu shot, along with frequent hand washing and staying home from work if you are sick, are all ways that we can prevent the spread of illnesses this winter,” Kitchen said. “I want to thank Quality Community Healthcare for partnering with me to ensure everyone stays healthy this year.”

Pink Ribbon Goes Bowling The Pink Ribbon Movement has launched into the public arena with its “Bowling for Breast Cancer” event. It assists women who would like to participate in the Breast Cancer 3-day, but are unable to raise the funds. The event rolled off at North Bowl Lounge n’ Lanes, 909 N. 2nd Street at 7 p.m. each night and ends tonight. Pink Ribbon Movement ambassadors include: Hon. Blondell Reynolds-Brown, Councilwoman; Danielle Hunter, Delaware River Port Authority; Lisa Lee, Penn Asian Senior Services; Marisol Rivera, Fact Charter School; and Nicole Ross, Philadelphia Film Office.

Restaurant, 640 Water Works Dr. Cocktail reception 6-8 p.m. For info (610) 992-0555. Oct. 23- Sen. Arlen Specter’s supporters hold fundraiser at Union League, 140 S. Broad St., 5:30-7 p.m. Contributions $250-1000. For info Steve Williams (215) 631-4939. Nov. 16- Metropolitan Regional Council Of Carpenters hosts cocktail reception for Mayor Michael Nutter at 1811 Spring Garden St. Donation $500. RSVP (215) 569-1634.

Page 9 The Public Record • October 8, 2009

(Cont. From Page 7) Hall, 1301 S. Columbus Blvd., 5:30-7:30 p.m. Tickets $150. For info (215) 2417804. Oct. 22- State Rep. Bryan R. Lentz hosts Clean Energy Summit at Delaware Co. Community Coll., 901 S. Media Line Rd., Media, Pa., 10 a.m.-

12:30 p.m. Open to public. Oct. 22- Firefighters for David Oh for Republican Council At Large at IAFF Local 22 Union Hall, 5th & Willow Sts., 6-8 p.m. Oct. 22- Shawn Dillon’s 66thA Ward Democratic preelection fundraiser and gala at Chickie’s & Pete’s, 11000 Roosevelt Blvd., 6-9 p.m. Tickets $35. For info (215) 637-6360. Oct. 22- Amoore Group presents “REDI For The Future” benefit at Water Works

Union Labor... Building it right for a better and stronger community! Laborers’ District Council of the Metropolitan Area of Philadelphia and vicinity is comprised of four unions: Local 135, Daniel L. Woodall, Jr., James Vail Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Local 332, Samuel Staten, Jr., Vincent Primavera, Sr. Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Local 413, James Harper,Sr., Fred Chiarlanza Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Local 57, Walt Higgins Harry Hopkins Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Laborers District Council, Ryan N. Boyer, Business Manager. Samuel Staten, Sr., Business Manager Emeritus of the Laborers’ District Council of the Metropolitan Area of Philadelphia and Vicinity and Local 332. Laborers’ District Council promotes a safe work environment, jobs completed on time and on budget, and represents union members, who are well trained, productive, professional, and take pride in their work. Union labor…building better and safer communities in Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery Counties. This ad is presented by LECET

Web: Administrator, Juan Ramos

The Laborers Employers Cooperation and Education Trust 319 N. 11th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 Telephone: 215-922-6139 Fax: 215-922-6109

Page 10 The Public Record • October 8, 2009

BANG! Kaboom! The political grenades are detonating all over this city and some principled leaders are starting to emerge as the smoke begins to clear. And they happen to be Republicans! First salvo was from a Philadelphia magazine article that profiled Controller candidate AL SCHMIDT and members of the Loyal Opposition who are making significant waves for the local GOP machine. Another blast ripped across the front page of the Daily News detailing Schmidt’s charges Controller/Democrat Ward Leader ALAN BUTKOVITZ wasn’t doing his audits properly and that both Dem and GOP Party leaders were in cahoots with Butkovitz on one of them. Schmidt says he’ll stand up to a lie-detector test on this one. My advice to Democratic and Republican leaders is to take cover! I don’t think the explosions are going to subside until midnight Nov. 3. One lifetime Democrat chimed in on the controversy right out of the gate with a smashing endorsement of Al Schmidt. Daily News columnist and former Democratic Committeeman STU BYKOFSKY described Al as “free from political barnacles” and the man who’ll be “tougher on waste, corruption and inefficiency.” Stu said, “It’s hard to admit my Party has failed (Philadelphia), but principle comes before party.” He blasted the horrible consequences of oneparty rule for our city and promised his fellow Democrats their fingers “wouldn’t turn into cigarette ash if they pressed ‘Republican’ on the voting machine” for Schmidt. Leadership, my friends, is having the courage to act against an “expert’s” advice. Al Schmidt could have named his position within the local Party and compromised his in(Cont. Page 29)

Whether you like him or not, filmmaker Michael Moore is never boring. From his look at the failing auto industry, Roger and Me, to his post-Sep. 11 film Fahrenheit 911 to Sicko, his look at the health-care system, Moore is one of the few documentary filmmakers who is actually making a living at it and he’s doing so because he knows just what buttons to push on everyone from liberals (who think he walks on water) to conservatives (who would like to see him dragged behind a bus). To be honest, I have to be in the mood for a Michael Moore movie because I think he suffers from Spike Lee’s Syndrome: He thinks any movie he makes won’t make a strong statement unless he’s in it. And like Lee, that’s not always the case. But since my Significant Other is firmly in the “Moore Walks on Water” camp, I found myself at the movies last Friday watching Moore’s latest opus, Capitalism: A Love Story. In Capitalism, Moore looks at the ways good ole American capitalism has impacted the country, the government and Americans themselves. The film looks at everything from the Federal bank bailouts to the home foreclosures and plant closings these bank failures seemed to exacerbate. I learned a few things from this movie. For example, I didn’t know that until the 1980s, the top 1% of American wage earners paid 91% of their income in taxes. I also didn’t know these taxes helped to pay for such things as the dams that produce electricity in the West and the Interstate highway system. (Cont. Page 27)

Yo! Here we go again with this item sent to me by Betty from Florida. It is “The basic rules for clotheslines.” If you don’t know what clotheslines are, this should be an educational reading. Ready? Here we go: 1) You had to wash the clothesline before hanging any clothes. You must walk the entire length of each line with a damp cloth around the line. 2) You had to hang the clothes in a certain order, and always hang “whites” with “whites”, and hang them first. 3) You never hung a shirt by the shoulders, always by the tail! What would the neighbors think? 4) Wash day fell on a Monday! Never hang clothes on the weekend, or Sunday, for Heaven’s sake! 5) You hung the sheets and towels on the outside lines so you could hide your “unmentionables” in the middle (perverts and busybodies, ya know!) 6) It didn’t matter if it was subzero weather; clothes would “freeze-dry”. 7) You always gathered the clothespins when taking down dry clothes! Pins left on the lines were “tacky”! 8) If you were efficient, you would line the clothes up so that each item did not need two clothespins, but shared one of the clothespins with the next washed item. 9) Clothes were to come off of the line before dinnertime, be neatly folded in the clothes basket, and ready to be ironed. 10) IRONED? Well, that’s a whole other subject! And here is a poem about clotheslines: A clothesline was a news forecast to neighbors passing by. There were no secrets you could keep when clothes were hung to dry. It also was a friendly link for neighbors always knew if company had stopped on by to spend a night or two. For then you’d see the “fancy sheets” and towels upon the line. You’d see the “company tablecloths” with intricate designs. The line announced a baby’s birth of folks who lived inside. As brand-new infant clothes were hung so carefully with pride! The ages of the children could so readily be known. By watching how the sizes changed, you’d know how much they’d grown! It also told when illness struck, as extra sheets were hung; then nightclothes, and a bathrobe too, haphazardly were strung. (Cont. Page 29)

SNOOPER’S BIG EVENT: I know everyone is waiting for this one; after all, everybody and their brother will want to be there. OCT. 19 is when it will all happen. That MONDAY will be the DEMOCRATIC CITY COMMITTEE’S FALL COCKTAIL PARTY. I’ve been informed, by the “Voice of City Committee” HON. CHARLIE BERNARD, The Chairman, HON. ROBERT BRADY, will definitely have a few ‘political’ SURPRISE GUESTS. This “biggie” will be held at The Sheet Metal Workers’ Hall. This event will start at 5:30 p.m. and go on till 7:30 p.m., and I urge all of you who plan to be there to GET THERE EARLY! Call Charlie at (215) 241-7804. TICKETS go for $150. SNOOPER’S CRIME ALERT BUREAU: This is one from your favorite POLICE DISTRICTS! We must warn all of you, especially those in Frankford, Kensington, Fishtown, Port Richmond and all the surrounding areas, CRIME is running rampant and it’s headed your way too. There has been a ‘rash’ of BREAK-INS, particularly in those homes that have cellar doors in the back of their driveways; they are special targets. They usually do all their CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES in the early hours between 1:00 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. I’m told there are at least three of them and they always stop by to ‘case’ the houses they’re going to break into. SNOOPER SIGHTING: It seems everywhere I go I run into one of South Philly’s ‘true icons’: SAL DARIGO. He tells me he is in the process of putting together A SPECIAL PLAY, one that he has always wanted to do: “RIZZO – THE MAYOR”. He is writing it as we speak and, hopefully, he can get the gentleman from The Hoveround TV Tell me, this (Cont. Page 29)

STATE SEN. MIKE STACK was the host for a brunch at the Brookside Manor at Somerton Springs to which all of the committeemen and their families were invited. Mike said it was in recognition of the hard work the committee persons did during the year. The buffet fare included French toast, bacon, scrambled eggs, sausage, grilled salmon, mesquite chicken, home fries, salads, rolls, butter, orange juice, grape juice, tomato juice, coffee and a sweet table afterwards which included all sorts of high-caloric goodies. It was a perfect day for an outing. There was not a cloud in the sky and the temperature was a warm high 70s. Among those in attendance were Ward Leaders MIKE McALEER of the 66thB Ward; BERNICE HILL of the 63rd Ward (Pine Valley and Bustleton); PAT PATTERSON from the 57th Ward; CHRIS SOLOMON from the 53rd Ward and LORRAINE & MARTY BEDNAREK from the 64th Ward; and most, if not all, of the committee persons. The invocation was given by REV. JOSEPH McCLUSKY, who is a former Navy chaplain, and the get-together was preceded by a Pledge of Allegiance. There was some very nice musical entertainment. ROSEMARY RUBINO was responsible for putting the affair together and it appeared to be a real success. Stack is having a Senior Expo again this year on Friday, Oct. 9 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Cannstatter, 9130 Academy Road. He normally has it at the Armory on Southampton Road but there are extensive improvements going in and it is not available for activities like this right now. To this event he brings reps from the City, State and a Federal agency to answer questions for senior citizens and offers a large variety of complimentary food. “Don’t do as I say, do as I do….” When the Nutter administration took over the Mayor’s office it promised a new progressive, forward-thinking form of government. With that in mind, it is very interesting to look at the proposed cuts in the City budget. In the first goaround the City was going to get rid of its playgrounds, libraries, and swimming pools and cut back on its police force. That seems to penalize the poor, since they are the direct beneficiaries of the services being cut. A lot of governmental time has been spent on new planning for development of the waterfront. To date there has been no planning on where the money for this billion-dollar program will come from. (Cont. Page 27)

Page 11

Though the 53rd annual Columbus Day Parade will not be marching down S. Broad Street Oct. 11, the spirits of Italian Americans will be bubbling over to mark the celebration of the discovery of American by Christopher Columbus in 1492. The major focal point will be the famous Columbus Day festival at Marconi Plaza, located on the west side of Broad Street, just south of Oregon Avenue, which expects an attendance of over 5,000 according to the Columbus Day Committee. Featured will be Italian entertainment, vocalists, and a host of attractions for all families. The food court will have lines as usual with famed South Philadelphia Italian restaurants and bakeries displaying their menus and food-

COLUMBUS DAY Festival is worth visit according to this smile from 9th Street Meat Market operator Harry Crimi, a long-time member of the Christopher Columbus Day celebration committee. stuffs. Columbus will be honored with the laying of wreaths, beginning at noon, at the Columbus Obelisk at Christopher Columbus Boulevard & Walnut Street, followed by one at Marconi’s statue which is located in the heart of the festival. The Sons of Italy will be

marking the event with a Saturday gala at Regal Ballroom, 5411 Oxford Avenue, from 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. Tickets for the event are $47.50 and can be ordered by calling Marlene Mattarazzo, of the Grand Lodge, at (215) 592-1713. Of course, the Parade will be missed. “But,” said Jody DellaBarba of the Christopher

Columbus Day Committee, “we hope to see it return next year.” She explained the City’s decision to not expend police and sanitation resources without compensation from parade sponsors put a halt to this year’s parade. “We needed to raise $40,000. City Council, through President Anna Verna, was able to come up with $4,000. But the shortage of time did not permit us to file for other grants and seek donations.” DellaBarba added, “We’ll be ahead of the curve next time around and should be able to raise the funds we will need to make the parade a go.” The Parade is seen as one of the political highlights for State and City politicians as it herald the beginning of the fall election period. Every parade

has seen the City’s Mayor and often the State’s Governors marching at the head of the parade. The parade festival lost one of its major leaders with the death of Cavalier Severino

Verna, who was parade marshal for the entire history of the parade. Much of the detail work that needed to be done was completed under his aegis. The parade this year was to salute his memory.

The Public Record • October 8, 2009

Italian Americans Mark Columbus Day At Marconi Plaza

CONGRESSMAN Bob Brady joined Council President Anna Verna and radio personality Jerrry Blavat prior to celebrating last Columbus Day Parade and Festival. They’ll be attending Festval again this year at Marconi Plaza.

I am happy to celebrate with all Italo-Americans

Columbus Day and enjoy their achievements

Robert Brady Paid for by Committee to Elect Bob Brady

Congressman 1st District

Page 12 The Public Record • October 8, 2009

Citizens Acting Together Can Help Inc.

Community Mental Health/ Mental Retardation Center

Congratulations to the Italian-American Community From

Catch, Inc.

Page 13

The Public Record • October 8, 2009

Page 14 The Public Record • October 8, 2009

The Day That Brought The World Together Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. At least that is what all elementary-school children were always taught: “In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.” Of course, Columbus never did “discover” North America, and the regions he did explore were already inhabited. He only discovered them from the viewpoint of the Europeans. Yet his first voyage did prove one thing for sure: That the earth was not only round, but that it was big-

ger than he had thought, Eratosthenes notwithstanding. One of the first known celebrations marking the discovery of the “New World” by Christopher Columbus was in 1792, when a ceremony organized by the Colombian Order was held in New York City honoring Christopher Columbus and the 300th anniversary of his landing in the Bahamas. Then, on Oct. 12, 1866 the Italian population of New York organized the first celebration of the discovery of


America. Three years later, in 1869 Italians in San Francisco celebrated Oct. 12, calling it C-Day. To mark the 400th anniversary of Columbus' voyage, in 1892, President Benjamin Harrison made a commemorative proclamation. But it was Colorado, in 1905, which became the first state to observe a Columbus Day. Since 1920 the day has been celebrated annually, and in 1937 President Franklin Roosevelt proclaimed every Oct. 12 as Columbus Day. That's where it remained until 1971, when Congress declared it a Federal public holiday on the second Monday in October. Columbus (1451-1505), the son of a wool merchant and weaver, was born in Genoa, Italy and went to sea at the age of 14. Following a shipwreck off the coast of Portugal in 1470, he swam ashore and settled in that country. Between 1477 and 1482

Columbus made merchant voyages as far away as Iceland and Guinea. But in 1484, his “Enterprise of the Indies” idea fell on deaf ears when he presented it to King John of Portugal. Shortly thereafter, he moved to Spain, where King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella became more interested in his adventuresome ideas. On Aug. 2, 1492, Columbus set sail in search of the East Indies. The voyage was financed by Ferdinand and Isabella by making the City of Palos pay back a debt to the crown by providing two of the ships, and by getting Italian financial backing for part of the expenses. The crown had to put up very little money from the treasury. Columbus and 90 crewmen boarded the three ships that were to make the first voyage to the New World: the Niña, Pinta, and the flagship Santa Maria. On Oct. 12, 1492, Columbus first saw the islands of the New World, landing in the Bahamas. Later in the month, he would sail to Cuba,

and to Hispaniola (now Haiti). He thought he had reached the East Indies, the islands off Southeast Asia. Contrary to popular belief, most educated individuals in the 15th century, and especially sailors, already knew the earth was round. What was not realized by Columbus, however, was just how big a globe it was. Columbus seriously underestimated the size of the planet. The menu for Spanish seamen consisted of water, vinegar, wine, olive oil, molasses, cheese, honey, raisins, rice, garlic, almonds, sea biscuits, dry legumes such as chickpeas, lentils, beans, salted and barreled sardines, anchovies, dry salt cod and pickled or salted meats (beef and pork), salted flour. Food, mostly boiled, was served in a large communal wooden bowl. It consisted of poorly cooked meat with bones in it, the sailors attacking it with fervor, picking it with their fingers as they had no forks or spoons. The larger

Happy Columbus Day

pieces of meat were cut with the knife each sailor carried. Fish was eaten most often. On calm days, the crew would fish and then cook their catch. On Christmas Day, 1492, the Santa Maria sank off Hispaniola. Columbus departed for Spain on Jan. 16, 1493 on the Niña, arriving there on Mar. 4. Columbus made three additional voyages to the New World. The second voyage set sail in Sep. 1493, with 17 ships. During his expeditions, he helped to colonize Hispaniola, and discovered the South American mainland. He did not, however, see mainland North America during any of his voyages. He returned to Spain for the last time on Nov. 7, 1504. He died at Valladolid, Spain on May 20, 1506, at the age of 55. Much controversy exists over Columbus' expeditions and whether or not one can “discover” an already-inhabited land. The natives of the Bahamas and other islands on his journey were peaceful and friendly. Yet many of them were later enslaved by the Spanish. Also, it is known that the Vikings explored the North American coast 500 years before Columbus. Nevertheless, Columbus' expedition was unique and important in that it resulted in the first intertwining of Europe with the Americas, resulting in the first permanent European colonies in the New World.

State Senator

Tina Tartaglione


The 517th Anniversary of Christopher Columbus Discovering America Proudly Serving 2nd Senatorial District 1601 Bridge St Phila., PA 19124 215-533-0440

Norris Square 127 W. Susquehanna Ave Phila., PA 19122 215-291-4653

` cars available for sale through outlets. However, they are eliminating the middle man with this outlet. “It’s direct to the individual buyer from Hertz,” announces General Mgr. Bob Houston. “We’ve cut out the middleman. In this hard economic pe-

In Memoriam: Rita Rufo Rita Rufo, Democratic 48th Ward Chair, touched thousands during her lifetime as a committee person in the 48th Democratic Ward. She was the epitome of what people expected of their committee person. She was there whenever and wherever she was needed, beginning in the 1970s. Rita found her neighborhood activism had drawn her to the attention of the political leadership of her ward and they drafted her to serve in one of the divisions. She never hesitated to volunteer for the most critical so-

cial assignments, working with communities to bring them what they needed. Her history shows she moved up to the ranks of legislative assistant for both State Reps. Nick Maiale and Bob Donatucci, served as a member of the Democratic State Committee from 1988 to 2008 and 48th Ward chairwoman from 1990 to the present. She served as a member of the Board of Directors of Catch, Inc. from 1984 to 2009. Everyone who knew Rita Rufo loved her. Funeral arrangements were not available by press time.


The Public Record • October 8, 2009

Hertz is now in the business of selling its year old rental car fleet direct to the public, opening its retail outlet in the South Philadelphia Airport Automall at 6401 W. Passyunk Avenue. Hertz, one of the nation’s largest car rental agencies, annually makes its 2008 and 2009


Page 15

Hertz Is Selling ‘Direct To Public’

riod, we believe our cars are best placed at the lowest prices in the hands of families that desperately need good, reliable cars.” Adding to that, Finance Mgr. Angelo Laquitars notes,“We have a guaranteed approval rating. We work with the customers and do not see prior credit history as a problem.” Houston pledges all preowned vehicles at Hertz car sales are “gold-checked certified with a 70-point ASE-certified inspection along with a 12-month, 12,000-mile warranty. We’re doing this with all our domestic and foreign models and makes.” Columbus Day marks the official opening of the Hertz wholesale outlet to the public. Bob Houston said, “We promise everyone will find great cars at unbelievable prices.” The Hertz building is undergoing renovations, but the Hertz sales signs can be visibly seen as one proceeds into the auto-mall area. For information as to make and model availability, one can call 1 (888) 727-6517 or (215) 4928300.



City Controller

Alan Butkovitz

Columbus Day

Salutes All Italian-Americans On This

Page 16 The Public Record • October 8, 2009

The Neighborhoods Italians Made: From 1880 to 1960, Philadelphia was one of the major destinations for immigrants from Italy. They settled all across the city to take advantage of its burgeoning and far-flung industries. Italian communities sprang up in Southwest Philadelphia, West Philadelphia and Overbrook. Germantown, Port Richmond and Tacony were home to Italian parishes for many generations. But South Philadelphia developed the greatest concentration of Italian Americans. Even today, several of its diverse neighborhoods bear a strong stamp of Italian influence. Here is a brief tour of a few of them. Bella Vista, Italian for “beautiful sight”, is bounded approximately by South Street to the north, Washington Avenue to the south, 6th Street to the east, and 11th Street to the west. Bella Vista is home to the Italian Market. Annual festivals in the neighborhood include the Italian Market Festival and Bella Vista Festa. Arts and cultural events in Bella Vista are centered around public concerts, coffeehouses, Mew Gallery, and Fleischer Art Memorial.

Bella Vista was the first neighborhood settled by Italian immigrants in Philadelphia, and it continues to be one of Philadelphia's Italian American neighborhoods. Many other recent immigrants who call Bella Vista home are residents from Mexico. The neighborhood is considered the brunch capital of Philadelphia, has a bocce league that plays at Bardascino Park (10th & Carpenter Streets), and features a permanent community garden at 10th & Kimball Streets. Girard Estate, also known as Girard Estates, lies between Mifflin Street on the north to the south side of Pollock Street on the south, the west side of Broad Street on the east and 22nd Street on the west. It is named after Stephen Girard, whose South Philadelphia property was developed in the 1920s by the City of Philadelphia. Girard lived on a plot of land he named Gentilhommière in what was formerly called Passyunk Township of Philadelphia Co. He was likely the richest man in the United States when he died in 1831, and he left most of his


$6 million estate to the City of Philadelphia. Girard's will stated that the City must establish a “school for poor orphaned white boys” in his name, and that Gentilhommière must not be sold. To meet the second stipulation, the Board of City Trusts, trustee of the Girard Estate, developed 481 rental homes which became the Girard Estate homes. Most of the semi-detached homes were designed by architects John & James Windrim, and were built from 1906 to 1916. The architectural styles included Bungalow, Prairie, Mission, Jacobean Revival and Colonial Revival. They are a marked difference from the typical South Philly rowhomes. In 1950, the City received permission to sell all 481 homes to private owners. All the homes were sold within two years. In 1979, Girard Estate became a location for Rocky II. The crew filmed scenes on the 2300 block of S. Lambert Street for a week. In the film, the character Rocky Balboa bought 2313 S. Lambert Street with his winnings from the bout in the first film. (He even comments on the address, pointing out the number “almost add up to nine!”). All exteriors were shot on the street; house interiors were shot on a soundstage. That is not considered Girard Estates. Today, Girard Estates is a mostly Italian American neighborhood, with a smaller Irish population. Marconi Plaza has two main halves, East and West, which are divided in the middle by Broad Street. The neighborhood is accessible via the Oregon Avenue Station of the Broad Street Subway. The Plaza itself, from which the neighborhood derives its namesake, is a 19acre square park. The Plaza is divided in the center by Broad Street, with four bor(Cont. Next Page)

Prize Laureate Guglielmo Marconi, the inventor of the radio. Mollbore Terraces of Marconi: The 1930’s Mollbore Terrace was a unique urban change from the densely lined rowhouses that characterized most of South Philadelphia. The design included front porches and a rear yard with an access-service roadway for

trash pickup. Three separate Mollbore Terrace sections were constructed east of the plaza within the boundaries of 13th Street to 7th Street, and from Oregon Avenue to Johnston Street. The layout departed from the standard street grid, offsetting the numbered streets that permitted placing a “mini-public-square” of green space for houses to face in-

ward on all four sides and directions. The central large, rectangular common park space was originally designated as a "Terrace" that included pathways, grass and trees with an octagon shaped wading pool at the west end and a raised octagon sand-pit platform with a flag pole at the east end. Roman Terraces of Mar-

coni consists of Roman Greco accented homes west of the plaza from 15th to 19th Street, using the same concept but on a smaller scale. It includes two oval-shaped terrace streets at Smedley and Colorado. The terrace at Colorado Street became well known for its annual decorations and street lighting during the Christmas holidays from 1950-2000.

The Public Record • October 8, 2009

(Cont. From Page 16) ders of 13th Street, 15th Street, Bigler Street, and Oregon Avenue. The plaza was originally designed by the architects Olmsted Brothers in 19141916 and was built as the grand entrance for the 1926 Sesquicentennial Exposition, leading visitors south along a tree-lined Southern Boulevard (now S. Broad Street) to the exhibition grounds that started at Packer Avenue and League Island. This neighborhood twin park mirrored on both sides of Broad Street became property of the Fairmount Park system and held the common name of Oregon Plaza until Oct. 18, 1937, when it was officially named Marconi Plaza in honor of the Nobel

Page 17

Bella Vista, Girard Estates, Marconi Plaza

STATUE OF ITALIAN inventor Guglielmo Marconi looms like a guardian over S. Phila. Plaza that bears his name.










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The Public Record • October 8, 2009

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The Public Record • October 8, 2009

Page 20 The Public Record • October 8, 2009

Packer Terminal Gets Security Upgrade Holt Logistics Corp. announced Greenwich Terminals, LLC, the operator of the Packer Avenue Marine Terminal, has received a $1.9 million grant to acquire and install additional stateof-the-art security systems. The grant money comes from the US Dept. of Homeland Security as part of the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act. “The grant process is highly competitive and the determination by DHS to award $1.9 million to Greenwich Terminals comes as both a welcome infusion of capital and puts people to work,” said Thomas J. Holt, Jr., president of the leasehold company which leases PAMT under a long-term lease with the Philadelphia

Regional Port Authority. “We’ve made numerous improvements to the PAMT in recent years, and this furthers our goal of offering a top-notch facility.” Greenwich Terminals requested funding for three projects: An integrated closed-circuit television system, acoustic-based “shaker” technology installed on the perimeter gates and fences, and a secure information-sharing access-control system. “These projects will add much-needed improvements to our security systems at PAMT,” said Kurt Ferry, director of security at Greenwich Terminals. “You can never be too vigilant and must always be looking to improve to combat increas-

ingly dangerous security threats.” The closed-circuit TV system will provide coverage for the facility perimeter, as well as secure and restricted areas, Ferry said. An added element of protection will be cameras installed on the Gloucester Terminal across the Delaware River. That will provide visibility of the pier face and waterside approach in both visible and infrared; that otherwise tends to be the most vulnerable side of the facility. The acoustic-based “shaker” technology provides a detection and alarm capability to complement the closed-circuit system, Ferry said. Those alarms are capable of being received on various Internet-enabled devices. And the secure information-sharing access-control system establishes built-in appropriate levels of access for security stakeholders, taking into account different

circumstances. The ability to share video images with local law enforcement officials and State and Federal agencies in real time is important, and the ability to store and transmit it securely is critical, Ferry said. Signed into law in February, ARRA provided $150 million in stimulus funding for the Port Security Grant Program and is one of two grant programs constituting DHS’ FY 2009 focus on transportation infrastructure security activities. Two years earlier, Sector Delaware Bay was tasked with developing a comprehensive Strategic Risk Management Plan for the port. The plan was designed to identify the gaps and vulnerabilities within the Port. The $1.9 million grant addresses several gaps outlined in the plan. Ferry noted that once the project is complete, there will be no other facility in Sector Delaware Bay with the same capabilities.

Welcoming USS Wayne

ANNA MAE MEYER, widow of late Adm. Meyer, receives Philly pretzels in welcoming ceremony as USS Wayne E. Meyer arrives at Penn's landing for commissioning ceremonies. Presenting are Jim McPhee of Lockheed Martin and Navy League members Patrick Pang, Dick Kearney and Wally Littlewood.

MIKE DRISCOLL, left, owner of Finnigan's Wake pub, hosted welcome party for crew of USS Wayne E. Meyer. With Mike are Anna Mayer; CDR Nick Sarap, commanding officer; LCDR Robert Brooks, executive officer; Reese Hartey, Liberty One; and Command Master Chief ENNSYLVANIA S James E. English.


Philadelphia Regional Port Authority A Promising Future By Championing the Channel-Deepening Project And Substantial Port Expansion

Once Again, We Thank Gov. Ed Rendell For Giving Our Port A Great Opportunity And

John H. Estey, Esq.


James T. McDermott, Jr. Executive Director

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John F. Dempsey

Deputy Executive Director Administrative Offices: 3460 N. Delaware Ave. 2nd Fl., Phila., PA 19134 (215) 426-2600 • Fax (215) 426-6800

Photos by Joe Stivala

Gamble, Huff Get Dimed Kenneth Gamble and Leon Huff will be honored with the March of Dimes at its 16th annual Philadelphia Achievement In Radio luncheon Nov. 5 at the Hilton. They will receive the charity’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Each year the Philadelphia AIR Awards’ Board of Governors honors an outstanding Philadelphia radio professional with its Lifetime Achievement Award, recognizing an individual whose work, career and service to the community set a lasting standard of broadcast excellence. The honoree is chosen from nominations submitted by area broadcast and advertising professionals. Gamble and Huff were pioneers of Philadelphia soul and the in-house creative team for the Philadelphia International record label.

TEAMSTERS Local 929 out of Port Richmond held fundraiser at St. Anne's Social Hall. Fundraiser was for board of Rocky Bryan and Jerry Williams Slate, pictured here from left: Rocky Bryan, Jerry Williams, Carl London, John Byran, John Turner, John Preston and Scott Nye. Photos by Lee Buchanan

ALL IN THE family for John Bryan, Rocky Bryan and Rocky's wife GIRLS OF PNC BANK light up Teamsters 929 fundraiser in River Wards. Joan.

The Public Record • October 8, 2009

ROBERT NELSON, president of Phila. OIC, introduces Sen. Arlen Specter at OIC’s anniversary banquet at Convention Center.

Page 21

OIC Anniversary Marked Teamsters Local 929 Hosts Fundraiser

KEVIN GREENBERG greets his friend State Rep. Kenyatta Johnson at OIC anniversary affair. We Gladly Accept Food Coupons

Carl Jeff & Barbara



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Page 22 The Public Record • October 8, 2009

Matthews On Picket Line Blondell By The Delaware

District Council 33 President Pete Matthews averted being arrested this week at at job site. Matthews was initially threatened with arrest by the Police Dept. at the request of

the Philadelphia Water Dept. when he appeared in support of Local 394 members who are refusing to cross a picket line set up by the Carpenters Union. The job action is continu-

ing at a job site on 2nd Street between Market and Arch Streets in Center City. The Water Dept. later rescinded the arrest threat, but Matthews is still at the job action.

For Sale Villas @ Packer Park Final Phase of this New Construction Ten Yr Tax Abatement Bi-Level Townhomes up to 1600+ Sq. ft. with garage - Spring Delivery Special Incentives to Sign Now Starting in the low 300’s Regency Three @ Packer Park Add your name to our interest list for Priority Info on delivery dates, 1600+ sq. ft. one level condos Secured Building, dedicated parking. Call for details or visit

Resales at Reserve @ Packer Park Three gorgeous resales - different styles - many upgrades priced from $389.900.

CENTER of attention at her own fundraiser was Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown, here flanked by, from left, Felisha Harris, William Shuler and Emma & Lee Sherby. Elegant affair in a library setting with attached outdoor deck featured some of the loveliest views in the City -in addition to Councilwoman and her friends!

our website

MACEO CUMMINGS and Emilee Taylor were two admirers who appeared at Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown’s fundraiser in Residences at Dockside in Queen Village. Barbara A. Capozzi, Esq. Capozzi Real Estate/Insurance, Ltd.

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PHILA. ELITE members at Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown’s swanky riverfront soiree included, from left, NAACP President J. Whyatt Mondesire, John McDaniel, Laborers District Council Business Mgr. Ryan Boyer and businessman Omar Sabir.

Sheriff Green’s Important Steps to Saving Your Home Step 1: Assemble your current financial information, and call your lender.

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just across the street from the Ritz Movie Theaters, is the stunning interior design. One wag referred to it as “an instant spa vacation without the massage.” Italian designer Pietro Del Vaglio has created an atmosphere that almost literally transports you to the Amalfi Coast of Italy, one of the most beautiful places on earth. The walls of the restaurant are adorned with huge backlit photos of the Amalfi coastline, and white columns decorated with hand-painted tiles create a sea-sky contrast with the cobalt-blue tiled floor. We were told the ceramic plates and other objects in the restaurant were also imported from the same area. (Positano is a coastal town whose buildings cling to the rock face of the Lattari Mountains. The small houses, all huddling on top of each other like the tiers of a wedding cake, have appeared on many postcards.) Floor-to-ceiling windows surround the exterior.

Owner Aldo Lamberti, 59, who was born and raised on the Amalfi Coast, could be called the Italian Stephen Starr, although he is clearly not as much of a media darling, since he is a partner in 11 restaurants in Philly, South Jersey and Delaware, the most prominent being Positano Coast and Caffe Aldo Lamberti on Route 70 in Cherry Hill. Aldo is truly an American Dream story. His dad, Giuseppe, a professional sailboat racer, immigrated in 1961 to Brooklyn, where he opened a pizzeria. Two years later Aldo joined his dad in the business. Over the next 11 years his dad opened another pizza place and two Italian restaurants on Long Island, where Aldo learned the business from the bottom up. In 1977 a homesick Aldo returned to Italy, but he came back in 1985 and opened Ristorante Lamberti in Cherry Hill, followed by Caffe Aldo Lamberti in 1987 and eventu-

Len Lear ally Positano Coast in 2005. A comic once said, “If you want a guarantee, get a toaster,” but the fare at Positano Coast is as close to a guarantee of fine food as you will find. For example, a grilled octopus appetizer with charred artichokes, lemon zest, red onion and rosemary pesto ($12) has as much balance as an Olympic gymnast, and an Alaskan black cod entree with lemon fennel confit, grape tomatoes and black olives ($21) is as juicy as a

New Jersey tomato in August. (The executive chef, by the way, is Aldo’s son, Pippo, who previously worked at Le Bec Fin.) General manager Marianna Coppola (no relation to famed movie director Francis Ford Coppola), who is also from the Amalfi Coast, has several arrows in her quiver as well. Marianna stops at tables to chat up customers, and her mellifluous accent is enough reason by itself to visit Positano Coast. The restaurant features a wine bar and Sopra Lounge, one of the city’s few open-air secondfloor lounges, and “Crudo,” an Italian-style sashimi. Although parking is usually as hard to find in Old City as an executive chef at a McDonald’s, we were shocked to find several available spaces on Walnut Street between Front and 2nd and on Front Street between Walnut and Locust. For more information, call (215) 238-0499 or visit

The Public Record • October 8, 2009

by Len Lear Roberto Lakhoua grew up in Corsica, a Mediterranean island off the coast of Italy, where his family ran restaurants for tourists. He also studied restaurant and hospitality management in both France and New York City, and he owns and operates two Italian restaurants, Bocelli and Bocelli 2, in the Gwynedd Valley Train Station and Chestnut Hill, respectively. So the man definitely knows Italian food. Recently Roberto told me he has tried out dozens of Italian restaurants all over the Philadelphia area, both to see what the competition is doing and because he just can’t get enough Italian food. Naturally I asked him, “Of all the Italian restaurants you’re tried in

the city and suburbs, which is your favorite?” He replied without hesitating, “Hands down, Positano Coast in Old City. It really reminds me of Italy. Both the food and the ambience. It’s the real deal.” From our own experience, I wasn’t surprised at Roberto’s comments, even though Italian restaurants like Vetri, La Famiglia, Davio’s and Osteria, to name just a few, are a good deal more expensive. The fact is it’s hard to practice girth control at Positano Coast, which was named #18 of the “50 Best Restaurants” in the Delaware Valley by Philadelphia magazine, ahead of many with a much higher profile and price tag. The food is positively drool-worthy. But the first thing that grabs you about Positano Coast, which is on the second floor at 212 Walnut Street,

Page 23

Drool-worthy food from ‘Italian Stephen Starr’

VENDEMMIA Man of the Year, Vincent Novello shows off his plaque given to him by winemaker Gerard Vernose, MD at 2009 Vendemmia Wine Festival in South Philadelphia. Novello, fresh out of the hospital with a heart transplant, said, “I came and helped anyway as a volunteer. This is the part of me that didn’t die.”

The Public Record • October 8, 2009

Page 24

Vendemmia Again Draws Laborers Walk For Diabetes

Photo by Maria Merlino

WINEMAKER and Ward Leader John Sabatina and Master Winemaker John Patane trade tips for a winning product. Photo by Maria Merlino

READY TO ‘Step Out For Diabetes’ at Art Museum is huge team from Laborers’ District Council organized by Locals 57, 135, 332 and 413.

Williams Hosts Neighborhood Party LAW enforcement officials, AnALL GOOD FRIENDS, Ken Adams, Sarah and thony S. Ferante and John Deracolla Vito Canuso, Betsy & Judge Robert Mulgrew agree with engineers Eric Ebert and his Vendemmia is an annual gem of their community. son John enjoy the vino. Photo by Maria Merlino

REALTOR Barbara Capozzi tells Republican Chair Vito Canuso, “If you lived at The Reserves, you could have walked here!”

SUPREME COURT candidate Hon. Jack Panella shares a few laughs WOGL-FM98 and Bob Panwith Register of Wills Ron Donatucci tano and Ken Adams enjoy and Fire Dept. Lt. Frank Squillace. camaraderie of the day.

Photo by Maria Merlino

Photo by Maria Merlino

Photo by Maria Merlino

MARKINGhis 20th annual Neighborhood to Neighborhood Street Festival, State Sen. Anthony Williams extends heartfelt appreciation while presenting Penna. Senate citation to soldiers of Senator’s 8th Dist. who served in Iraq War. Two soldiers from Ft. Dix along with two who reside in Philadelphia and Delaware Co., including Captain of 12th Police Dist., received award. Daylong free event took place Labor Day weekend at 50th Street & Baltimore Avenue, and ended with a concert featuring Robin Thicke.

STATE SEN. Anthony Williams greets individuals representing their agencies that came out with community-resource information and merchandise vendors who came out to support his 20th annual Neighborhood to Neighborhood Street Festival held in W. Phila.

Fish Fry In The 11th (1)

REGISTER OF WILLS Ron Donatuuci introduces Supreme Court candidate Jack Panella to crowd at Vendemmia wine festival. Photo by Maria Merlino

HOST DR. GERALD Vernose shares a smile with wine enthusiasts James VERNOSE anDonnelly and Angelo DR. nounces winners of Foglietta during VendemVendemmia 2009 with two mia wine festival. Photo by Maria Merlino guest hosts.

Photo by Lee Buchanan

IBEW Local 98 was one of many sponsors at wine festival. Here their members are joined by Jack Panella, Northeast Ward Leader John Sabatina Sr. and Ron Donatucci. Photo by Lee Buchanan



(1) FRIDAY NIGHT FRY UP! Enjoying 11th Ward Fish Fry at Lou & Choo’s last Friday night are host Tutie Edwards, Ali Hackett, Marion Wimbush and Keith Harris. (2) BROTHERS Garnett & Albert Littlepage are joined by Dave Shadding and Willy Smith at Lou & Choo’s for 11th Ward Fish Fry. (3)HOST TUTIE Edwards is flanked by Ali Hackett, Paul Nedeau, Marc Holley, Renee Leehim and Sofia Chernoff at 11th Ward Fish Fry at Lou & Choo’s in Nicetown.

Happy Birthday, Rep. Angel Cruz Coyle Says Thank You!

Fish Fry In The 11th Bryan Caps UCD Head

THANKING her supporters for helping her during her judicial campaign is Anne Marie Coyle, who hosted breakfast thank-you party at Rosewood Caterers in N.E Phila. Joining Coyle is Republican Ward Leader Mike Cibik, Elmer Money, David Kralle and Ward Leader Phillip Innamorato.

The Public Record • October 8, 2009

C H R I S T Y COUGHLIN is greeted by Traffic Court Administrative Judge Bernice DeAngelis during huge party in support of her fight against leukemia at Billy Hurts' Cannonball Tav- SOME OF MANY friends and family members gather ern. around birthday celebrant State Rep. Angel Cruz, with hat Photo by Joe Stivala and sunglasses, as they marked his birthday at Club Deja last weekend.

Page 25

Fighting Leukemia

FRIDAY NIGHT FRY UP! Enjoying 11th Ward Fish Fry at Lou & Choo’s last Friday night are host Tutie Edwards, Ali Hackett, Marion Wimbush and Keith Harris. INTRODUCING new University City District Executive Director Matt Bergheiser to W. Phila., Penn Assistant VP WARD LEADER Robert Dellavella, Ginny Killman and Glenn Bryant gifts him with Yankees cap (Bergheiser, al- young Christian Killman join host Anne Marie Coyle at her though a loyal Philadelphian, is a notorious Yankees fan). thank-you party.

Keystone, General on H1V1 Alert Local 234 Host Health Fair BROTHERS Garnett & Albert Littlepage are joined by Dave Shadding and Willy Smith at Lou & Choo’s for 11th Ward Fish Fry.

LT. GEN. Russel L. Honore, who handled US effort to habilitate New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, teamed up with Keith Eckert, Assistant VP of Keystone Mercy Health, to promote H1N1 Flu Preparedness at Warwick Hotel press conference. HOST TUTIE Edwards is flanked by Ali Hackett, Paul Nedeau, Marc Holley, Renee Leehim and Sofia Chernoff at 11th Ward Fish Fry at Lou & Choo’s in Nicetown.

LDC Charity Fund Donates $30,000 To Mesothelioma The Laborers' District Council of the Metropolitan Area of Philadelphia and Vicinity Charity Fund presented a $30,000 check at Insulators Local 14's 15th annual Mesothelioma Fund Golf Tournament. The proceeds will benefit Fox Chase Cancer Center's Mesothelioma Research. Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos. In this disease, malignant cells develop in

the mesothelium, a protective lining that covers most of the body's internal organs, most commonly the lungs, stomach and heart. "The members of the Laborers' District Council, like our brothers in the Insulators union and all other building trades, are and have been subjected to the dangers of asbestos," said Samuel Staten, Sr., assistant business manager of the Laborers' District Council. "Not only are the

workers battling this disease, but mesothelioma affects members of their family as well. Research is critical to survival and prevention." The LDC Charity Fund’s goal is to raise funds to assist charitable organizations that provide services to the needy in the five-county area of Philadelphia. LDC has been helping members and their families and the community enjoy a better stan-

dard of living by providing jobs and benefits since their charter in 1937. LDC believes in the principles that unionism was founded on: a fair day's pay for a fair day's work, and workers' rights. LDC also believes that next-generation unionism must vigorously pursue workers' rights' based on management and union cooperation and the advancement of member education.

Our apologies to Business Agent Ed Donnelly of Roofers Local 30 for indicating in this photo and in others that his brother Jimmy, seen here at left, was with the union. Meet Ed Donnelly: he is at the left bottom corner of this picture.

TWU hosted health fair for members and their Northern Liberties neighbors. Independence Blue Cross / Blue Shield were among other vendors in attendance. Family fun, food, games and music as well as education and health screening Photo by Lee Buchanan were also provided.

Page 26 The Public Record • October 8, 2009

Germantown GOP Hosts Judge Melvin Unions Fight 4 Life Hosts Vets House Fundraiser Unions Fight 4 Life is hosting a Swing & Toss Tournament and Veterans Memorial Groundbreaking Event to raise funds for the Philadelphia Veterans’ Comfort House, which provides lodgings, meals, and comfort to sick veterans since 1992. The events will take place this Saturday at Juniata Golf Course, 1391 Cayuga Street beginning with a 7 a.m. golf registration, followed by a noon time Veterans Memorial JUDGE Joan Orie Melvin, Republican candidate for groundbreaking ceremony and Supreme Court, and Kevin Brobson, candidate for Com- a 12:30 Horseshoe Toss tourmonwealth Court, joined Germantown Republican Club for nament. Philadelphia Municipal a cookout at Bob Rossman's house.

SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA Sealed proposals will be received by the School Reform Commission at the School Administration Building located at 440 North Broad St., 3rd Floor, Office of Capital Programs, Philadelphia, PA 191304015, until 2:00 P.M., on Tuesday, October 13, 2009. A non-refundable fee for each set of bid documents is as scheduled. The School District will only accept bids from companies that have been placed on its current Pre Qualified Contractors List as shown at All School District Project require MBE/WBE participation as shown in the specifications. BUDGET

B-039 (C) of 2008/09 General Contract Windows Replacement Emergency Lighting


Central High School $3,500,000.00 $ 200.00 1700 West OPlney Avenue

*A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at the project location, on September 23, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. Specifications and/or plans and contract documents may be examined and copies thereof obtained from the School Reform Commission, 440 North Broad Street, 3rd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Information as to contract documents, etc., may be obtained at the above address, or telephone 215-4005225. Make checks payable to the School District of Philadelphia. The School Reform Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids and make the awards to the best interests of the School District of Philadelphia.

SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA Sealed proposals will be received by the School Reform Commission at the School Administration Building located at 440 North Broad St., 3rd Floor, Office of Capital Programs, Philadelphia, PA 191304015, until 2:00 P.M., on Tuesday, October 20, 2009. A non-refundable fee for each set of bid documents is as scheduled. The School District will only accept bids from companies that have been placed on its current Pre Qualified Contractors List as shown at All School District Project require MBE/WBE participation as shown in the specifications. BUDGET

B-020 (C) of 2009/10* General Contract Juniata Park Academy $50,000.00 Installation of School Name Signage 801-39 E. Hunting Park Ave.



*A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at the project location, on October 7, 2009 at 9:30 p.m. Specifications and/or plans and contract documents may be examined and copies thereof obtained from the School Reform Commission, 440 North Broad Street, 3rd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Information as to contract documents, etc., may be obtained at the above address, or telephone 215-4005225. Make checks payable to the School District of Philadelphia. The School Reform Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids and make the awards to the best interests of the School District of Philadelphia.

Court Judge Patrick Dugan will serve as master of ceremonies for the ground breaking. Also speaking at the groundbreaking will be Congressional candidate State Rep. Bryan Lentz and DA candidate Seth Williams. PVCH, a not-for-profit institution, is located at 4108 Baltimore Avenue, two blocks from the Veterans Administration Medical Center. You can visit its website at Questions about the Comfort House or the tournaments and memorial groundbreaking can be directed to the PVCH secretary John T. McGrath, Jr., (215) 582-4108,, or Jerry Mancini at (610) 5050842. PVCH has served as a home away from home for veterans undergoing treatment at VAMC and their spouses. Recently, it has expanded its mission to welcome homeless veterans.

Matt Makes Magic

CROWD applauds talented magician Randy Shine as he performs at Republican State Committee candidate Matt Wolfe’s fundraiser in University City.

GOP Golf Outing

UNITED REPUBLICAN CLUB of Philadelphia President Tom McCann is flanked by golfers Matt Tierney, Andrew Full, John Lamb and Nick Tug at annual fundraiser at Juniata Golf Club last week.

Out & About

City Hall Sam (Cont. From Page 10) In light of the budget cuts forced on the City by the State legislature and the condition of the economy, would it not be more in keeping with reaching the groups being served by the government if, instead of planning for the “Garden of Eden” on the waterfront, they might concentrate on what’s going on in the classrooms and in the City health programs?

Brighten Your Car’s Colors For The Holidays




The Public Record • October 8, 2009

to present it in a way that’s actually pretty funny. When he goes to places like AIG, Bank of America and Citibank in search of the money that these corporations got from the Federal bailout, you see the humor. When he puts crime scene tape around the New York Stock Exchange, you find yourself laughing. When he tries once again to visit the board of directors at General Motors, you find yourself laughing at that as well. But once you leave the theater, it’s hard to continue laughing because the truth smacks you hard across the face.

Page 27

(Cont. From Page 10) I also found out through this movie the tax cuts that the rich ended up getting thanks to President Ronald Reagan are the reason why such things as bridge collapses and other infrastructure problems have become the norm. What else you find out by the end of Capitalism is the rich are getting a whole lot richer, the poor are getting a whole lot poorer, and no matter how hard you try, the chances of your becoming rich are a lot more remote than you think. But probably the thing

that stuck out to me was the part that Big Business plays in the decisions made by our government. Want a public healthcare option? Good luck getting it past the health-insurance companies. Want to make sure mass transit gets properly funded? Good luck raising the tax rate. Want to make sure that we have good schools for all, not just for those who have managed to win the neighborhood lottery? Good luck with that, too because paying for schools requires folks to pay more taxes. There’s a lot to be angry about, but Moore manages



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The Public Record • October 8, 2009

Page 28


Elephant Corner

(Cont. From Page 10) tegrity for a cushy job and a fat paycheck for years to come. He chose, instead, to expose potential corruption despite the fact many of those involved were Republicans. If you think this was an easy decision, you’re very mistaken. Schmidt will be attacked and ridiculed by former “friends” and GOP machine loyalists for years. Despite this, Al has chosen the path of truthfulness, honesty and honor. There is an election this Nov. 3 for Controller of our great City. The Controller is the SINGLE elected official who holds all other officials accountable. What kind of values do you really want in our elected officials? Your vote in three weeks will answer the question. Stay tuned, Trunksters!

of these had to do with ‘ inhouse’ bookkeeping. She told me of an unconfirmed rumor that stated The City had reduced its demands, from $22,000 to $12,000, but this proved to be false. My Question: How did they arrive at the $22,000 figure for this parade? Other parades paid nothing like this amount. SNOOPER’S LOCAL REPORT: We all know about SCOTT CUMMINGS, former Head of The Mayfair Civic Association, President of the 15th Police Dist.‘s Advisory board, and let’s not forget, a very powerful WARD LEADER in the 62nd Ward. He tells me he’s giv-

ing it all up to pursue his dreams. 1) To be a PROFESSIONAL BOXER (he’ll have to talk to our boxing ‘guru’ THE SHADOW BOXER), to learn all about this

sport. 2) He tells me HOLLYWOOD IS CALLING, and he’s ready to go. Yes, he was the former BODYGUARD to HENRY KISSINGER, MARTHA

STEWART and MICHAEL JACKSON. He also plans to bring a Special Michael Jackson show to The Devon Theater soon!

CITY OF PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENT The City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia International Airport, is requesting PROPOSALS for “GENERAL AIRPORT CONSULTANT”. All proposals are to be submitted to by 5PM October 28, 2009 and also as directed in the REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS. Interested firms are invited to download the rfp directly from (click under “eContract Philly”) or request the RFP by email to .

The Public Record • October 8, 2009


(Cont. From Page 10) It also said, “Gone on vacation now” when lines hung limp and bare. It told, “We’re back!” when full lines sagged with not an inch to spare! New folks in town were scorned upon if wash was dingy and gray. As neighbors carefully raised their brows, and looked the other way. But clotheslines now are of the past, for dryers make work much less. Now what goes on inside a home is anybody’s guess! I really miss that way of life. It was a friendly sign when neighbors knew each other best by what hung on the line! Thanks Betty. It sure brings back some memories.

ED RENDELL, our great Governor, along with our Mayor, HON. MICHAEL NUTTER, will attend. Wanamaker’s CRYSTAL ROOM will be jampacked.That’s Monday, Oct. 12. SNOOPER’S “BEHIND THE SCENES“: I have learned, from JODY DELLA BARBA, the Chairperson for The Columbus Day Finance Committee, there were a lot of reasons why this years’ COLUMBUS DAY PARADE had to be canceled. Many

Page 29

(Cont. From Page 10) gentleman would be ideal; he looks like RIZZO, even sounds like him Sal! SNOOPER “UPDATE”: You may remember, last week I gave you a terrific scoop concerning HON. JIMMIE MOORE, Judge in The Municipal Court. Yes Chief, this special event is going to happen, and besides being a sportsmen’s dream, it’s one everyone will want to be at too. Most of THE PHILADELPHIA EAGLES will be there, especially BRIAN WESTBROOK. The Judge also told me HON.

The Public Record • October 8, 2009

Page 30

RAT ZAPPER ELECTRONIC TRAP A humane way to kill rats Info: Databrook P. O. Box 58189 Phila. PA 19102

MAINTENANCE TECH: Non profit organization seeks responsible, hard working person with knowledge about all aspects of property mgmt maintenance, services, and repairs. Must handle emergency calls 24/7, have car and valid Driver’s License. Resume to WCRP, 407 Fairmount Ave., Phila, PA 19123, Fax: 215627-6766.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Insurance Agency for Sale. Affiliated with major national carrier. A great business opportunity! Upcoming Webinar October 14th. Please send inquires to: or Fax: 866296-7535 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: ALL CASH VENDING! Do you earn $800 in a day? Your own local candy route. Includes 25 Machines and Candy All for $9,995. 1-800460-4027 FOR RENT Full Scale Camps for Rent With Managed Hunting Lands. Great deer herd, good buck ratios. 3 - 6 person camps, affordably priced, weekly exclusive use, food plots,

Barack Obama or Michael Jackson Wall Clocks Limited Supply Info: Databrook P. O. Box 58189 Phila. PA 19102

blinds, etc. Call Becky for more information 800-229-7843. HELP WANTED Werner Enterprises, Need 25 Driver Trainees, Drive the Big Rigs $700 to $800 Week. Great Benefits. No CDL, No Problem. Start ASAP. Call 800-961-4319 HELP WANTED DRIVER WANT HOME MOST WEEKENDS WITH MORE PAY? Run Regional

with Heartland Express! Up to $.43/mile company drivers! 12 months OTR required. HEARTLAND EXPRESS 1-800-441-4953 Driver CDL-A: OTR Dry Van & Flatbed Positions Available. Great Pay, Benefits, Equipment. 1-Day Orientation. TWIC Card Holders Preferred. Class A-CDL, 22 YO, 1 yr. exp. Western Express 888-8015295

HOMES FOR RENT A Bank Repo! 4Br 3Ba $205/Mo! More Homes from $199/Mo! 5% down 15 years @ 8% APR. For listings 800-546-8656 Ext R944 HOMES FOR SALE: NEW Single-Family homes in Active Adult (55 plus) Community in historic Smyrna, Delaware, near Beach and Bays. From $99,900. 302-659-5800 or see


Serving Philadelphia & Surrounding Areas for 26 years. On Site Binding - $1.00 lineal ft.

Carpet & Tile Sales, Installation & Repairs


215-365-8321 2530 S. 69th St.

(Behind Thrift Store)


The Public Record • October 8, 2009

AUCTION SECTION ABSOLUTE AUCTION Monday 10/19/09 Ilam Frazier’s Garden Center. Real Estate, Equipment, Greenhouses. 790 Southside Dr., Oneonta,NY. Everything Sells Absolute. Mapes Benjamin Real Estate Auction Co. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Buy Police Impounds! 02 Honda Civic $950! 99 Toyota Corolla $500! 99 Nissan Altima $900! Hondas, Chevys, Jeeps & More! For listings 800-546-5204 ext 3553

Page 31

Public Record Classifieds: small ADS BIG Deals

As Always, “You Can Walk On Our Reputation!”

Hrs: Mon, Tues., Thurs., Sat. 10-5. Wednesday & Friday 10-6:30

FLEA MARKET Anual Bazaar at St. Matthew’s A.M.E. Church 215 N. 57th St. Sat. Oct. 17th, 10 -4. Space $15.00 Space and table $20.00 For info call Frances McBride 215-724-5297 DRIVERS Solo, Teams & Driver Trainers Wanted! Consistent Freight, Top Pay & More! Werner Enterprises 888-567-3106 DRIVERS Regional $.46 cpm/ Short Haul Pay! $35 Stop Pay, Full Benefits. Experienced Drivers Only. CDL-A Required WEL COMPANIES 800-387-0088 Strong-Stable-Secure

Page 32 The Public Record • October 8, 2009

WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC Hertz Eliminates THe Middle Man

215-492-8300 1-888-727-6517

No Car Dealers Are Invited

Hertz car sales finally comes to Philadelphia! At Hertz car sales we show you the smart way to buy a car.Cutting out the middle man in buying direct from Hertz at wholesale pricing like the car lots do.Save thousands dealing direct with Hertz. All pre-owned vehicles at Hertz car sales are gold checked certified with a 70 point ASE certified inspection along with 12 month, 12,000 mile warranty. And, always with the Hertz name, you’re guaranteed to get the best car at the very best price. One price shopping! Over 70 years experience combined in sales,service and customer relations.Many makes and models to choose from, both foreign and domestic. Multiple lending institutions, 100% guaranteed approval. Slow pay,divorce,bankruptcy,repo's not a problem. Come see our staff: Angelo Laquitara Finance Manager,and Bob Houston General Manager. And, as always, we are here to help you. 2009 Toyota Camry

FWD, 2.4L I-4cyl, 5-Speed Automatic Ext. Color: Gray Int. Color: Gray VIN: 4T1BE46KX9U813681 Stock Number: H109


2008 Ford Edge SE

FWD, 1.6L I-4cyl, 5-Speed Automatic Ext. Color: Silver Int. Color: Gray VIN: KL1TD66658B058564

3.5L V-4cyl, 6-Speed Automatic Ext. Color: Gray Int. Color: Gray VIN: 2FMDK36C28BA58910 Stock Number: H110





2008 Pontiac G6 GT

FWD, 3.5L Vcyl, 4-Speed Automatic Ext. Silver: Gray Int. Color: Gray VIN: 1G2ZH57N084210380 Stock Number: H104



In the Heart of the Airport Auto Mall


2008 Chevrolet Aveo 5

6401 W. Passyunk Ave. Philadelphia PA Robert Houston

Payments based on 8.9% to qualified buyers. Tax, Tags, Extra.

Angelo Laquitara

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