Ron Panepinto Jewelers
Jim Stevenson
700 Sansom St. 215-923-1980
9371 ROOSEVELT BLVD. PHILADELPHIA, PA 19114 215-698-7000
Vol. XI. No. 46 (Issue 511)
“The good things we do must be made a part of the public record”
“12,000 Pages Of Research On Our Side” MICAELA McDaniels-Jaskovich bonded with caring neighbor Sharon Williams. Now they consider themselves family. Will DHS agree? We Buy Gold & Diamonds
Serving Citywide Political, Labor, Legal and School Communities of Philadelphia
--- John Estey PRPA
Blackwell Wants Family Reunited by Tony West A loving foster mother, who hopes to adopt a little girl in February, has lost custody of her in the meantime. Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell is pleading with the Dept. of Human Services to reunite the pair. Sharon Williams, 47, bonded with Micaela McDaniels-Jaskovich when she was four years old. Her mother, a crack addict, had just died of an overdose and her father, a recovering addict, had just moved onto Williams’ South Philadelphia block with Micaela. The father’s parenting skills were sketchy at best, so Williams began to look after the little girl. “From that moment, Micaela and I bonded,” Williams said. “We spent a lot of time together because her father never did anything for her.” Tragedy struck one year later, by Tony West however, when Williams was raped. As the internet becomes everBecause her assailant had friends on more entrenched in our way of life, the street, she was placed in the Wita host of malicious products that ness Protection Program and not alare spread by it, called “malware” lowed to contact anyone until his trial in industry jargon – viruses, was over. worms, Trojan horses, spyware After the trial, Williams looked up and phishing – carry increasing (Cont. Page 2) power to wreak havoc in businesses
Value 50¢
November 12, 2009
Delaware Gets PRPA Dredging Challenge The Philadelphia Regional Port Authority, local sponsor of the Delaware River Main Channel Deepening Project, has filed a motion to intervene in the lawsuit the State of Delaware has filed to block the long-delayed project. PRPA will be represented by Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett. Delaware filed a lawsuit Oct. 30 to block the deepening just days after the US Army Corps of Engineers announced it would move forward on the project, which was first authorized by Congress in 1991. The suit has been filed in US District Court for the District of Delaware. Should the Court grant the motion, PRPA would become a party in the lawsuit along with the current defendant, the United States (Cont. Page 2)
Unions Bring Christmas Cheer To City, Churches
In Rittenhouse Square, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas – thanks to two of this City’s unions. They recently displayed their generosity of spirit in coming to the rescue of a treasured holiday tradition and two beloved houses of worship in South Philadelphia. Rittenhouse Square was about to lose its annual Christmas tree lights display for the Christmas season due to City and State cutbacks. Enter International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 98 Business Mgr. John J. Dougherty and International Alliance of Theatrical and Stage Employees Local 8 Business Mg. Mike Barnes. The union leaders arranged a meeting last week with Friends of Rittenhouse Square President Wendy Rosen to make the generous offer of pro bono labor to set up and take down the holiday worldwide. lights display, thereby preserving a A new international teaming beloved Center City holiday tradiagreement between local company tion. The total in-kind value of the and a major South Korean firm will labor is estimated at $50,000. bring a big opportunity to our area. (Cont. Page 2) (Cont. Page 15)
S. Koreans Join Local Computer Anti-Virus Company To Save Jobs
Your Customers and Supporters are looking for a message from you in our annual Christmas supplement. It’s never too early to spread the word.
Advertise in our issue of 12/17/2009 Call John David: 215-755-2000
and governments as well as personal life. Malware deals a staggering $67 billion yearly in damages
Universities Need Table Game Bill State universities and colleges are betting heavily on table-games legislation’s passage shortly. But since the bulk of the budget has passed, there hasn’t been much movement to make table gaming a reality. (Cont. Page 2)
TOBACCO EXPRESS Claymont, Delaware
(302) 798-7079 5 Minutes from Comm. Barry Bridge, Naaman’s Rd, Turn Left, Next to K-Mart
Liggett $ 43.49
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Page 2 The Public Record • November 12, 2009
Unions Donate Much Needed Services (Cont. from Page 1) “At Local 98, we like to say we light up Philadelphia one project at a time, and this is a perfect example of our commitment,” said Dougherty. “The Rittenhouse holiday lights display is a beautiful Philadelphia Christmas tradition that brings smiles to thousands of faces every year.” Dougherty added, “When I heard about the funding shortfall, I reached out to my friend Mike Barnes of the Stagehands Union and we agreed that we’d join forces to save this great holiday tradition. The City’s unions engage in these kinds of civicimprovement and charitable projects all year round because we care about the City and its residents.” To underscore Dougherty’s point, IBEW Local 98 recently teamed up with the Cement Masons Local 592, led by Business Mgr. Mike Fera, to provide pro bono rewiring services and new wheelchair access ramps on the front and side of St. Maron’s Catholic Church in South Philadelphia. Local 592, with a big assist from State Rep. Bill Keller, also provided a new basement floor for Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church in South Philly, as well as improvements to its concrete school-yard. The inkind value of the work is more than $20,000. “We give back to the community all the time because we’re a part of the community,” said Fera. “We live here, we work here, we raise our families here. Being able to provide help to great institutions like St. Maron’s and Sacred Heart is very gratifying.” One final charity note: The holidays are rapidly approaching and that means IBEW Local 98’s annual “Toys and Turkeys” fundraiser is right around the corner. The event raises money to provide holiday
meals and Christmas presents for underprivileged families and their children. This year’s gala is scheduled for Friday, Dec. 4 at Finnigan’s Wake, at 3rd & Spring Garden Streets. For tickets and info, please call the IBEW Local 98 Business Office at (215) 563-5592.
Gaming Big Tax Problem (Cont. from Page 1) As it seeks to generate an estimated $200 million in new revenue, the legislature has held back voting on its annual appropriation for the State’s 28 educational, medical and cultural institutions. Holding up the process is the battle over how much to tax the casinos for the tablegaming permits. The casinos want no more than 12%, saying they’ll not add table games if the tax goes over that bottom-line figure. Taxes being suggested by the administration and the different caucuses have ranged from 14 to 34%. Looking to get additional income are the counties or municipalities where casinos are located. Some are looking for an additional 1% tax. The casinos understand the one-time license fee each would have to pay is likely to be $15 million. With 10 casinos operating by springtime, that should generate $150 million for the State. Sure to slow up deliberations is the fact there is a demand for a companion bill that would reform the 2004 slots law. Proponents want that enacted alongside the gaming-expansion bill. The funding institutions are expected to share $730 million, with Penn State getting the largest share -- $334 million.
PRPA Joins Dredging Battle (Cont. from Page 1) Army Corps of Engineers. In its filing, the PRPA has argued it should become a party because of the significant economic-development interests of the Port of Philadelphia at stake in the lawsuit, as well as PRPA’s required financial investment as the local sponsor of the project.“We are taking this action today both because of how important it is to the people and businesses of Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey and because it is critical that this regional project not be further delayed while other east coast ports, like the Port of New York/New Jersey dredge to prepare for larger vessels,” said John H. Estey, chairman of the PRPA. “Deepening will not only make passage safer, but ensure continued economic growth of the tristate economy. There have been dozens of environmental and economic studies conducted consisting of over 12,000 pages of research and
analysis. The science shows this is an environmentally safe and responsible project.” On Oct. 24, the Corps announced it would deepen the Delaware River from 40 to 45 feet after almost 20 years of debate and delay. The Corps has been working with Delaware officials to address the State’s concerns since the project’s inception. There is already a contract in place to begin maintenance dredging of the river that can be expanded to include the deepening early next year. Additional deepening is not expected in Delaware waters until 2011. Maintenance dredging of the channel is conducted every year to maintain the current depth of 40 feet. The $311 million project will deepen the main shipping-channel, five feet from the Beckett Street Terminal in Camden, NJ, to the mouth of the Delaware Bay. Without deeper drafts, larger modern shipping vessels will not have access to ports located along
the river, threatening thousands of existing jobs and thwarting growth opportunities. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has committed $30 million to begin the project. Exhaustive environmental studies, which have been conducted on the project show, the project will have no adverse impact on the environment. In fact, Delaware will reap benefits from the project with the nourishment of Broadkill Beach and the restoration of wetlands on Kelly Island. In October, the project gained the public backing of two major business groups in Delaware when the presidents of the New Castle Co. Chamber of Commerce and the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce wrote letters in support of the project to Delaware Gov. Jack Markell. Earlier this year, the PENJERDEL Council, a leading business-advocacy group for the tri-state region
Mother Wants ‘Hero’ Returned (Cont. from Page 1) Micaela and her father – and was shocked by what she found. The pair were about to be evicted because the father had not paid rent for a year. “The house was nasty,” Williams recalled, “no food, no working toilet.” She rented an apartment and invited the bedraggled family to move in with her for free, allowing the father to get his life together while giving Micaela a chance to begin a normal existence. Although the girl was of age for 2nd grade, she had never been to school. But her father fell off the wagon. He began stealing from the household to support his habit. One day, Micaela told Williams her father had been abusing her sexually. He is now incarcerated and awaiting trial. Micaela held up well under this ordeal. “I cannot imagine being six and having to tell
strangers these embarrassing and hurtful things. She did it, though, and I am so proud of her. She is my hero,” Williams said. “I love her just as much as if she came from my womb.” Williams found an independent school that offered Micaela a partial scholarship. “I muscle through the rest of it as best I can,” the foster mother shrugged. But Williams’ troubles were not over. Williams only has part-time work, nine hours a week. After Micaela’s father stole from her, she fell behind on her rent. “We have an apartment, but no furniture,” Williams related. “I have a frame, but no mattress. I sleep on the floor. But it is all worth it for my daughter.” It wasn’t good enough for DHS, though. After a home inspection, Williams lost custody. Now Williams is dreaming
of the day she will be reunited with her foster daughter. “Sure, life is a struggle, but we are survivors and it will get better through the grace of God,” she said. “She is feeling empowered and confident for the first time in life. She deserves a little hope or a small dream to come true and all I want is to stabilize us and make her happy.” Blackwell, who is a noted advocate for homeless and struggling families, was moved by the plight of Micaela and Sharon. “Young Micaela has survived horrific experiences and the two have bonded into a family,” the Councilwoman said. “We have a moral obligation to protect youngsters, especially in light of the death of Charlenni Ferreira,” referring to the 10-year-old Feltonville girl who died at her parents’ hands last month. “Everybody deserves a day in court, even young Micaela.”
of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, unanimously voted in favor of the “Resolution in Support of the Delaware River Main Channel Deepening Project.” They joined scores of others in the maritime industry who support the project. PRPA is an independent agency of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania charged with the management, maintenance, marketing, and promotion of publicly owned port facilities along the Delaware River in Philadelphia, as well as strategic planning in the Port District. PRPA works with its terminal operators to modernize, expand and improve its facilities, and to market those facilities to prospective port users. Port cargoes and the activities they generate are responsible for thousands of direct and indirect jobs in the Philadelphia area and throughout Pennsylvania, as well as numerous other economic benefits.
No Room In PA Prisons Pennsylvania’s State prisons are overcrowded. But that doesn’t mean criminal activity gets a “goahead”. Those found guilty of crimes will be sent to a prison, but in another state. The State Dept. of Corrections is considering a plan to house up to 1,500 Pennsylvania convicts in other states’ prisons as early as this winter to help ease a growing overcrowding problem which, in the near-term, appears to have overtaken expansion plans. The continued need for more prison space will go unanswered, according to a Prison Bureau spokesman. “Though we have new prisons targeted, we just can’t determine when the State Assembly will be able to fund the hundreds of millions needed to build the complexes to serve our growing prison-population.”
Step 1: Assemble your current financial information, and call your lender.
Page 3
Sheriff Green’s Important Steps to Saving Your Home
Judge Moore A Mentor Sen. Washington Honors Vets Step 2:
Step 3: If you feel uncomfortable handling mortgage negotiations, consult a professional housing Counselor
Step 4: TUSKEGEE airmen of the Philadelphia Chapter join Edgar Howard and State Sen. LeAnna Washington. From MENTOR ME Community Support gave awards to distin- left are Bill Cousins, Howard, Washington, John Harrison, guished leaders, among them Judge Jimmie Moore, Eagle Henry L. Moore, John Williams, Bert Levy and Roscoe Draper. Brian Westbrook and State Sen. LeAnna Washington.
Take time to carefully investigate the offers you receive to avoid becoming a fraud victim Sheriff John D. Green Philadelphia
The Public Record • November 12, 2009
Visit to learn more about borrowers’ rights, loss mitigation and abusive servicing practices. Contact the Sheriff’s Office at 215-686-3525 for more information
Philadelphians Need To Be Counted by Bonnie Squires Philadelphia needs to count every living soul in the coming census. That’s the goal of Mayor Michael Nutter as he kicked off a “Philly Counts!” campaign to raise awareness of and boost participation in the 2010 Census, particularly among the city’s hardest-to-count residents. Nutter was joined by United States Census officials, Members of Congress, several of the campaign’s honorary co-chairs, City Council Members, City officials and community leaders from across Philadelphia for the event which was held in the Mayor’s Reception Room. “The 2010 Census is our opportunity to show the rest of the country what we already know to be true -Philadelphia is growing,” said the Mayor. “I urge all Philadelphians, regardless of your background, to stand up and be counted. This Census count will have an impact on our city for years to come!” Every 10 years, as re-
quired by the United States Constitution, the country undertakes a complete count of all the people residing in the United States and its territories. Population totals taken from the Census are used to determine Congressional representation and inform redistricting decisions. Census data determine how hundreds of millions of dollars in Federal funds are distributed to State and local governments each year. The results are also used by businesses and city planners to determine where to open new grocery stores, schools, shops, hospitals and other facilities. Fernando E. Armstrong, United States Census Bureau Philadelphia Regional Director, said, “We are proud to partner with the City of Philadelphia. The ‘Philly Counts!’ campaign brings together a cross-section of the community, who will assist the Census Bureau in conducting the most efficient, complete and representative decennial census.”
ALL aboard census drive are PHA Ex. Director Carl Greene, Council President Anna Verna and AFL-CIO President Pat Eiding. Photo by Bonnie Squires.
Shirley M. Kitchen 3rd Sen. District 1701 W. Lehigh Ave.Ste 104 • Philadelphia, PA 19132 215-227-6161 •
AMONG honorary co-chairs of Philly Counts, appointed by Mayor Michael Nutter, are, from left, Congressman Chaka Fattah; Bishop Audrey Bronson; Rev. Bonnie Camarda; and Congressman Bob Brady. Fattah thought it was so urgent to attend that he left his dentist’s office after having a tooth pulled, right before press conference.
We recently celebrated Veterans Day. The brave men and women of the armed forces have and continue to defend democracy and protect our liberty. Due to their great service, Pennsylvania has created a variety of programs to help the state's 1.2 million veterans. Veterans are eligible for a wide range of health care, employment, education, and housing assistance. For more information, veterans are encouraged to call the PA Veterans Affairs Hotline toll-free at 1-800-547-2838. Parkwood Shopping Center 12361 Academy Road, Phila., PA 19154, 215-281-2539
Joe Evangelista • Debbie Toro
1809 Oregon Ave, Phila., PA 19145
Ready to Serve you
8016 Bustleton Avenue Philadelphia PA 19152 215-695-1020
DISTRICT OFFICE 2749 N. 5th St. • 215-291-5643 Staffed by
Councilman Wm.
Room 580 City Hall P. 215-686-3446/7 F. 215-686-1927
ROBERT C. DONATUCCI 185th District
State Rep. Cherelle
Parker 200th Legislative District 1536 E. Wadsworth Ave. Phone: (215) 242-7300 Fax: (215) 242-7303
Open Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 5 PM
State Rep.
CONGRESSMAN Bob Brady stresses need for Philadelphia to maintain its population count in order to avoid loss of important Federal and State legislative seats.
State Sen.
Page 4 The Public Record • November 12, 2009
Umoja’s Efforts With Youth Inspire Novel
Senator Tina
Tartaglione 2nd Dist. 127 W. Susquehanna Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19122
1063 Bridge St. Philadelphia, PA 19124
by Nicholas DePace, Jr. For 41 years, the House of Umoja has been focused on reducing gang violence in the City of Philadelphia. Now it has sparked a work of art. Author Stephen C. Satell movingly documents the efforts of the Fattah family to transform the lives of troubled youths in his creative historical fiction No Gang War in ’74. The story, which takes place in Philadelphia, begins on the same day Martin Luther King, Jr. was killed in 1968. In the book, main character Derek Rush, a fictional gang member, commits a heinous act. After being sent to prison, Derek’s eyes are opened up to many revelations and he recognizes the dangers that gang violence and drugs have brought upon society. A number of similar individual transformations are depicted throughout the book. In one poignant subplot, a widow with six children comes to realize that her son is in a gang and a target to be killed. Linking fiction with historical reality, Satell shows how the Fattah family invited the gangs into their house in South Philadelphia, then moving to West Philadelphia, where they lived in one room and their children and 15 gang members lived in the other. Here, the State Rep.
William Keller 184th District 1531 S. 2nd Street
JOHN SABATINA JR. 174th District State Representative 8100 Castor Ave Phila, PA 19152 Hours: 9am to 5pm Telephone: 215-342-6204
Fattahs deployed a set of rules and made sure the young people were well fed and clothed. The area eventually became a safe, neutral meeting area in which gang conferences were set up and enemies (rival gangs) could come together. The only group daring enough to hold the conference was the Quakers at their 4th & Arch Streets Meeting House. Satell, who released his book at that site for this reason, told the crowd there, “Success is in the subtlety. Important history is everywhere, but it didn’t happen by accident. That history happened because someone had the wisdom and the strength to take a chance and make it happen.” In the forward, Councilman Curtis Jones, who went through the House of Umoja as a gang member, praised the book as well as the dedicated actions of David & Falaka Fattah. Queen Mother Falaka Fattah, founder of the House of Umoja, commented on her family’s approach to saving lives by the positive development of youth and reduction of violence and abusive behavior. She stated, “I think that we have to go back in order to go forward, and going back means restoring family values. Some of the young people who State Rep.
are currently involved in destructive behavior have missed out because of the generational gap [between themselves and their parents and grandparents] and we have to restore it [in order to] find positive ways to bring people together.” Her husband, House of Umoja co-founder David Fattah, Sr., agrees, detailing the fact it is a multi-step process which starts with reaching out to young people. First, according to David, is an assessment: Find out the core of the problem, who it involves and how many people are involved. What is the driving force behind it? Next, he claims containment is necessary so as to make sure the problem doesn’t get any worse. And finally, the youths must be redirected to more positive pursuits, after which they can begin to be monitored to make sure they’re on the right track. David Fattah also believes there is a need for some kind of spirituality as well as sustainability, “so we don’t turn our back on it and things don’t go back to the way they were.” He concluded, “It is important to offer today’s youth the same opportunity as those who came before.” State Representative
Frank Oliver 195th District 2839 W. Girard Ave. Phila. PA 19130
RONALD G. WATERS 191st Leg. District 6027 Ludlow Street, Unit A
1555-D Wadsworth Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19150 (215) 242-0472 Fax: (215) 753-4538 WEB SITE
Constituent Service Office
1610 S. Broad St. Phila., PA 19145 (215) 952-3378
Daryl La Fountain Candidate In 2010 For District 175
State Senator
Larry Farnese
REP. BRENDAN F. BOYLE 7215 B. Rising Sun Ave.
First Senate District
Phila. PA 19111 • P (215)-342-1700
Tel. 215-952-3121
14230 Bustleton Ave.
1802 S. Broad St.• Phila. PA 19145
Phila.PA 19116 • P (215) 676-0300
The Public Record (USPS PP 109) Weekly Publication Published by:
The Phila. Public Record The South Phila Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila., PA 19147 ISSN 1938-8551 (Application to Mail At Periodicals Postage Rates Is Pending At Philadelphia PA and Bellmawr NJ) Postmaster: send address change to: The Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila. PA 19147 215-755-2000 Fax: 215-689-4099 Subscription Rate: $ 30.00/Year EDITORIAL STAFF Editor & Publisher: James Tayoun Sr. Managing Editor: Anthony West Associate Editor: Rory G. McGlasson Medical Editor: Paul Tayoun M.D. CitiLife Editor: Ruth R. Russell Editorial Staff: Joe Sbaraglia Out & About Editor: Denise Clay Contributing Editor: Bonnie Squires Correspondent: Nathan R. Shrader Nathaniel Lee Creative Director & Editorial Cartoonist: Ron Taylor Photographers: Donald Terry Lee Buchanan Dawud Starling Production Manager: William J. Hanna Bookkeeping: Haifa Hanna Webmaster: Sana Muaddi-Dows Advert. director: John David Controller: John David Circulation: Steve Marsico The Public Record welcomes news and photographs about your accomplishments and achievements which should be shared with the rest of the community. Contact us by phone, fax, e-mail or by dropping us a note in the mail. If you mail a news item, please include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify the information you provided us, if necessary. The Public Record reserves the right to edit all news items and letters for grammar, clarity and brevity. (C) 1999-2009 by the Philadelphia Public Record. No reproduction or use of the material herein may be made without the permission of the publisher. The Philadelphia Public Record will assume no obligation (other than the cancellation of charges for the actual space occupied) for accidental errors in advertisements, but we will be glad to furnish a signed letter to the buying public.
Page 5
The Public Record • November 12, 2009
Are you being forced to treat with a doctor you don’t know? You have the right to pick your own doctor to treat your work injury. If you’re not seeing your own doctor you need our advice.
The Law Firm of
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Do you want your claim settled for Maximum Value? Are you being bullied by your employer and need the real facts about your rights?
The Public Record • November 12, 2009
Page 6
Keystone Joins Bible Way OVER 250 attended Keystone Mercy Health Plan and Bible Way Baptist Church’s daylong program to promote wellness and administer health screenings. Here, John Zimmerman takes blood sample from Delores Singletary.
Union Labor... Building it right for a better and stronger community! Laborers’ District Council of the Metropolitan Area of Philadelphia and vicinity is comprised of four unions: Local 135, Daniel L. Woodall, Jr., James Vail Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Local 332, Samuel Staten, Jr., Vincent Primavera, Sr. Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Local 413, James Harper,Sr., Fred Chiarlanza Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Local 57, Walt Higgins Harry Hopkins Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Laborers District Council, Ryan N. Boyer, Business Manager. Samuel Staten, Sr., Business Manager Emeritus of the Laborers’ District Council of the Metropolitan Area of Philadelphia and Vicinity and Local 332.
Laborers’ District Council promotes a safe work environment, jobs completed on time and on budget, and represents union members, who are well trained, productive, professional, and take pride in their work. Union labor…building better and safer communities in Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery Counties. This ad is presented by LECET The Laborers Employers Cooperation and Education Trust 319 N. 11th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 Telephone: 215-922-6139 Fax: 215-922-6109 Web: Administrator, Juan Ramos
by Michael A. Cibik, Esq. American Bankruptcy Board Certified Question: Should a spouse stay out of a bankruptcy case to save their credit rating? Answer: The question is based on the perception that the family needs credit to survive, and that it will be hard to get credit unless one of the spouses stays out of bankruptcy. The fact is, it’s usually easier to get credit after bankruptcy if both spouses join in the case. If one spouse
doesn’t file bankruptcy, that spouse might still be burdened by debt payments later, making it more difficult to join in an application for future credit. Also, it’s much easier to obtain credit after filing for bankruptcy than most people think. If one spouse stays out of the bankruptcy, the effectiveness of bankruptcy’s fresh start is degraded, as one of the spouses will have to continue diverting some of the
family’s resources to making payments on old debts. There may also be a corrosive effect on the marriage as one spouse goes through an important court process that the other avoids without having good cause: The shared financial enterprise of the marriage is no longer “shared” in that respect. Therefore, doing it together is almost always the best idea. Next week’s question: Can I file a medical bankruptcy?
Page 7 The Public Record • November 12, 2009
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Page 8 The Public Record • November 12, 2009
Semper Fi to all my Devil Dog Marine buddies who gathered at Cookie’s Tavern in South Philly last Tuesday to celebrate the Marine Corps birthday. Marine and IBEW Local 98’s BRIAN STEVENSON, former Congressional candidate and Gold Star Father COL. TOM MANION and Philadelphia Police Inspector TONY BOYLE were just some of the patriots assembled at JAMES R. “DADDY WAGS” WAGNER’S famous watering hole for this historic annual gathering. I also want to thank all those who’ve worn the uniform in defense of this great nation, especially our brothers and sisters in arms at Fort Hood, who now mourn so deep a loss. May God bless and comfort you and your families. And now, I would be remiss if I didn’t explain how foolish political correctness led to the death of these brave men and women at Fort Hood. The leftwing poison of PC entered the US military shortly after the annual Las Vegas gathering of Naval Aviators in 1991 known as “Tailhook”. Female helicopter pilot LT. PAULA COUGHLIN brought charges of sexual harassment against her fellow military officers, stemming from a party at the event. The subsequent sex scandal and investigative witch-hunt, fully fueled with political agendas by female Democrats in both houses of Congress at the time and led by CONGRESSWOMAN PATRICIA SCHROEDER, resulted in the eradication of dozens of male senior military officers, including Blue Angel commanding officer and Gulf War hero Commander ROBERT STUMPF. The subsequent years were filled with political purges and mandatory “sensitivity training” imposed by the Clinton administration and their agents to include SECRETARY OF STATE MADELEINE (Cont. Page 20)
While the end of the SEPTA strike was the big news here in Philadelphia this past weekend, another bit of big news hit the airwaves. The House narrowly passed a bill that brings Americans just one step closer to something most people around the developed world already have: universal health care. By a vote of 220-215, the House approved a Health Care Reform bill. One Republican, Louisiana Congressman Ahn “Joseph” Cao, voted in favor of the bill (probably because the only reason he’s in that chair is the District’s former Representative, Democrat William Jefferson, was indicted) and 38 Democrats, mostly those in so-called Red States, voted against it. (And then there’s former Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich, who voted against it because it involved the insurance companies. He’s an advocate of single-payer insurance, something that isn’t going to happen in Capitalist America.) The bill includes a public option, which means that if it’s passed in the Senate in its current form, a government-sponsored health-insurance option will be included in your choices for health-care coverage. It also includes language that won’t allow the governmental subsidy monies that are a part of the plan to be used for health-insurance plans that pay for abortions, an amendment the Catholic Bishops and their Congressional allies forced into the bill. (When, oh when will we stop being the only democracy in the world that’s run like a theocracy?) President Barack Obama praised the House for moving one of his Presidential priorities forward and expressed confidence the Senate would pick up the baton and keep running the race. (Cont. Page 20)
Yo! Here we go again with this question: Where did this stuff come from? How about the cat owner’s necessity – kitty litter? It was very cold in Michigan in January 1948. Kay Draper found the sand pile frozen and she couldn’t fill her cat’s litter box. As a substitute, she tried ashes and got paw prints all over the house. Sawdust didn’t work either. What to do? Ed Lowe, a neighbor, sold ‘fuller’s earth’ – a kiln-dried clay used to soak up oil and grease spills. He heard of Kay’s dilemma and persuaded her to try his product. It was a success. Ed then put some fuller’s earth into paper bags, used grease pen to label it and eureka! – a new and useful product was born. Who came up with the idea of aerosol cans? The US Dept. of Agriculture. In 1943, a liquid gas inside a steel can was used as an insecticide by the soldiers during WWII in the tropics to help prevent malaria. After the war the heavy “bug bombs” were redeveloped for civilian use by Robert H. Abplanalp. He developed”.a special “seven-part leak-proof valve”. Now aluminum cans could be used instead of steel cans and his “valve” was the basis of our modern spray can. Here is a tale that, although true, is hard to believe. Nelson Hower introduced ‘circus tights’ in 1828. Nelson was a bareback rider in the Buckley & Wies show. The performers wore short jackets, knee britches and stocking. One night, his costume was not delivered to him from the cleaners. So in the tradition the show must go on, he appeared for the show in his long knit underwear – his long johns - and another product was born – circus tights. And this question for those music buffs: Who received the first gold record ever? In 1941, Glenn Miler released “Chattanooga Choo Choo” which sold a halfmillion copies in less than three months. As a publicity gimmick, RCA Corp., which owned the record, painted one of the master records with gold paint and presented it to Miller in honor of selling a million records. However, the first million-selling record was probably “Ragging the Baby to Sleep”, which was recorded by Al Jolson in 1912. He never got a gold record and, even though it was a gigantic hit, it is almost unknown and lost in the history of music. Now you know.
SNOOPER’S “Believe It Or Not” Dept.: Someone please tell me what happened here after The World Series wasn’t planned. I find it very very strange: Right after the game is over at Citizen’s Park, SEPTA Strikes! Was this a STRANGE COINCIDENCE or was it part of a deal to settle later? I was also told, ‘Little Caesar’ was nothing but a hindrance to the important negotiations, especially since he had NOTHING to offer but his ‘sly remarks’. T.W.U. members stated, “Let NUTTER know he will only be a ONE-TERM MAYOR and this we promise. THE T.W.U. members will make sure this happens; after all, we won’t for get his arrogance. tell him.” SNOOPER’S TRIVIA: Last week I asked you to tell me who WERE all the people that WE mentioned, what they did, and who they WERE. Well, just as I suspected, JUDGE GERALD KOSINSKI, Municipal Court Judge, was quick to EMAIL me at and let me know, not only did he know all of them, but he also told me they were all City Officials who worked as CITY CONTROLLERS, MANAGING DIRECTORS and CITY REPRESENTATIVES. He was quick to remind me I left out a very good friend of his, HON. BILL KLENK. Judge, you got me once again. OK! SNOOPER’S SPORTS EXTRA: For all our dedicated and loyal PHILLIES’ FANS, be very proud of them; after all, they are THE NATIONAL LEAGUE CHAMPIONS OF BASEBALL. Hey, even I must admit they gave all of us one heckuva year. I cannot wait till next year, because they are going to be much better team, this we know to be a fact. Yes, I’ll tell you now, this team will definitely be going back for another W-O-R-L-D S-E-R-I-E-S, bet on it. Yes I know, they (Cont. Page 21)
ALAN BUTKOVITZ was reelected for a second four-year term as City Controller of Philadelphia. This was in the face of strong opposition from the Philadelphia Inquirer, which spoke out editorially against him. This is sort of inexplicable. Butkovitz as Controller has done a significantly competent job in pursuing his duties. SETH WILLIAMS is the new District Attorney, as expected. It appears three is the lucky number. Philadelphia Common Pleas JUDGE ANNE LAZARUS was elected in a tight race for the Superior Court of Pennsylvania. There were four to be elected. She was fourth, bringing in slightly over 1,500 votes more than the candidate who finished fifth. Women appear to have a great deal of success in running for judicial office, particularly appellate office. It could be that more women come out when the candidate is a woman. But whatever the reason, the female candidates do seem to have a good win/loss record. On election night the 58th and 66th Wards had a combined evening celebration which was held at the Federation of Jewish Agencies at Jamison & Red Lion. STATE SEN. MIKE STACK, the ward leader of the 58th Ward, expressed satisfaction with the work done by the committee persons. Preliminary figures show the 58th Ward had the best percentage turnout for the DA candidate in the Northeast. Common Pleas JUDGE ADAM BELOFF celebrated his victory with a buffet reception at the Iron Workers Hall. JOE DOUGHERTY is the president of the Iron Workers and among those joining in the celebration were Adam’s wife CHRISTINE and her mother and aunt, as well as Adam’s proud father. BILL McGONIGLE, who is the special liaison officer for the Family Court, had a nice retirement party at Finnigan’s Wake at 3rd & Spring Garden Streets. Among those in attendance were Family Court JDUGES FRANK REYNOLDS and RAMI DEROSI and supervising Judge for the Family Division, TERRY MURHY. Bill is a long-term employee of the Family Court and is renowned for his success in locating fathers who skip out on their support orders for their children. MIKE DRISCOLL is the owner of Finnigan’s Wake and he has done a first-class job at renovating the third floor, where the reception was held. It was a nice group with lots of (Cont. Page 19)
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The Public Record • November 12, 2009
Page 10 The Public Record • November 12, 2009
The Republicans did well when all the votes were counted in the General Election, making comebacks in some of the surrounding counties in which they had lost ground in the Presidential campaign. Unfortunately for the local GOP, that did not happen with the results turned in by City voters. This was a disappointment to Republican insiders who were watching the long-
simmering discontent within the City Party by a faction known as the “Loyal Opposition.” They were chafing under the traditional management of the Republican City Committee, which follows a pragmatic model laid down by its Counsel Mike Meehan’s grandfather, Austin Meehan, generations ago. It has its deepest roots in the River Wards and the Northeast, where Republi-
Local GOP Didn’t Pull Voters cans still win local elections – but steadily fewer with the passing of time. Loyal Opposition dissidents have been pressing for change in leadership and strategy. This group tends to frequent Center City and environs. They are professionals and enjoy good connections with statewide and national Republicans. That sort of infighting should have produced additional registrations and a
larger Republican turnout. But none of that happened. In this last election, the top of the GOP ticket for District Attorney and City Controller had credentials both factions could support. Both worked well together, ran vigorous races and spent about the same amount of money and wound up doing about as well as their predecessors four years ago. If you compare their vote totals to each other, how-
ever, they did show different pockets of strength around the City. Untermeyer ran four or more percentage points ahead of Schmidt in the Northeast and the River Wards, as well as in East Oak Lane (61st Ward) and the Pennsport-Whitman section of South Philadelphia. These added up to 14 wards, which include most of the wards where registered Republicans are concentrated
and where Republican local candidates can win in the General Election. Schmidt outpaced Untermeyer by seven points or more in 15 other wards. These comprise Center City and its inner-ring neighborhoods, as well as the Northwest. These parts of town are more affluent than the rest of Philadelphia and have a higher educational level. They are liberal and vote re(Cont. Page 15)
UT O B A ASK ULL OUR F R A 30 YE TEE AN GUAR JUST 11 of City’s 66 wards (shaded areas) turned out a majority vote for a Republican candidate this month.
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Page 11
Our Opinion ... The Great Compromiser
Why Not Tom Knox?
Another Delay
by State Rep. Tony Payton, Jr. It has been nearly eight months since the Senate Judiciary Committee approved the nomination of Professor Dawn Johnsen to lead the Office of Legal Counsel, yet she still hasn’t received a full vote by the Senate. The same Republican Senators who vehemently argued against blocking President Bush’s nominees are now doing all they can to obstruct and delay the confirmation of President Obama’s judicial and executive-branch nominees. The pending nomination of Dawn
Johnsen is one of the most egregious displays of partisan obstructionism in Washington, and it has no place in American politics. The OLC plays a vital role in protecting our constitutional rights – informing the President and the executive branch whether proposed executive orders and legislation are within the Constitution and the law. Under the Bush administration, the OLC did not do its job. Its lawyers authored the infamous torture memos and approved the illegal wiretapping of US citizens. When these abuses were
discovered, Johnsen spearheaded an effort by 19 legal experts to develop well-respected guidelines to help ensure that the office fulfills its proper role in the future. Professor Johnsen is eminently qualified to head the OLC. She is a distinguished law professor at Indiana University whose academic writings have focused on how to protect against abuses of executive power. She served for over a year as the acting director of this very same office under President Clinton. She enjoys the bipartisan support of officials who served under
Presidents Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Clinton and George W. Bush. Despite her impressive qualifications, Professor Johnsen’s nomination has been pending on the Senate calendar for months. Sen. Arlen Specter recently called the Republican Party the Party of No, No, No. Well, it’s time the Senator does something about it: It’s time for him to publicly repudiate efforts to block this nomination and announce his support. It’s time for Sen. Specter to say “no” to the Party of No.
Nov. 13- Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown hosts Bringing City Government to Senior Citizens at Phila. Sr. Ctr., 509 S. Broad St., 10 a.m.-12 m. Nov. 14- Major Artery Revitalization Committee hosts Monte Carlo Night from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. at the AOH Division #39, 7229 Tulip Street. $25 donation. Domestic Bottles).
Nov. 14- State Rep. Vanessa Lowery Brown holds energy summit at School Of The Future, 4021 Parkside Ave., 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Panel discussion 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Reserve space by calling (215) 879-6615. Nov. 15- Daryl La Fountain fundraiser for State Rep campaign at Fire Fighters Hall, 5th & Willow Sts., 2-4 p.m. Tickets $25. For info (215) 2538911 or visit Nov. 16- Metropolitan Regional Council Of Carpenters hosts cocktail reception for Mayor Michael Nutter at 1811
Spring Garden St. Donation $500. RSVP (215) 569-1634. Checks payable to Nutter for Mayor may be mailed to MRC, 1803 Spring Garden St., Phila., PA 19130. Nov. 19- Jewish Labor Committee hosts Labor Human Rights Award reception honoring Sen. Robert Casey and Greg Rosenbaum at 22 S. 22nd St., 5:30-7:30 p.m. Nov. 20- Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown hosts Bringing City Government to Senior Citizens at NewCourtland Sr. Ctr., 1701 W. Lehigh
Ave., 10 a.m.-12 m. Dec. 3- Fundraiser for State Rep. Brendan Boyle at Finnigan’s Wake, 3rd & Spring Garden Sts., 6-8 p.m. Dec. 4- 25th Ward Democratic Christmas Party at Polish Hall, Richmond St. & Allegheny Ave., 8-12 p.m. Live music, open bar, hot buffet. Tickets $35. Dec. 5- 55th Ward Democratic Christmas Party at Rauchut’s Tavern, Frankford Ave. & Hellerman St., 2-6 p.m. Open bar, buffet. RSVP by Nov. 27 (215) 335-4004.
We can’t understand the mentality of our local daily press. Their columnists are quick to shoot down anything Tom Knox has to offer as he begins his campaign to become the next Democratic Governor of Pennsylvania. You would think they’d get on the bandwagon and begin to preach to our disinterested voters the potential wisdom of having a favorite son, Knox, elected to this key State office. The city benefited greatly by having Ed Rendell in the Governor’s seat. Would we rather have a Democratic nominee win the primary from another region of the state? Ideology is important when judging candidates; so is policy; so is experience. But many of the State executive’s most vital decisions have little to do with high-flown issues like these – and lots to do with competition between different regions of the state for limited governmental resources. In some situations, a voter is better served by a local hero from an opposing party than by a soulmate from the other end of the state. Southwestern Pennsylvania learned this fact a long time ago and routinely pulls together behind local candidates for statewide office. It’s a habit Southeastern Pennsylvania would do well to copy. The biggest fault our opinion-writers find with Knox is his money. But it’s his. He earned it. He may choose how to spend it. We wish they’d get off their high horse and turn pragmatic. Maybe they need to step away from their computers and spend some time knocking on doors to register voters. That’s not so easy a task.
The Public Record • November 12, 2009
It’s obvious why the University of Pennsylvania conferred a professorship on Congressman and Democratic Party Chairman Bob Brady several years ago and has had him teaching classes ever since to advanced degree-seeking students on the art of management and compromise. He proved his worth last week to the hundreds of thousands affected by the crisis caused by the strike of SEPTA’s union. SEPTA spokesman Richard Maloney publicly noted the Congressman was the key to negotiations throughout the strike week: “After the process fell apart last weekend, 99% of the credit for getting it moving again towards a resolution goes to Congressman Bob Brady.” He explained, “Both sides were exhausted. The Governor was exhausted. From SEPTA’s standpoint, we had gone to our extreme limit. There was no further discussion. But the Congressman never gave up. He has a remarkable reputation in this city as a lifeline between management and labor. When the two sides are at loggerheads, Brady’s the go-to-guy who keeps the conversation going, which is absolutely critical in getting to a resolution.” Brady admitted he did not let them stop talking, shuttling between the TWU, SEPTA and Rendell and putting the major parties on the phone with each other many times over the weekend. The Democratic Party Chairman long ago honed his skills as a master of compromise. He is a member of the Carpenters Union. He was trained as he worked his way up the party ranks, from committeeman, to ward leader, to chairman, and then on to elected office. Even with the demands made on him in his role as Congressman and his need to be in Washington for key votes, he never stop trying to resolve the strike through the rest of the weekend. He deserves a thank-you from all of us, truly deserving Philadelphia magazine’s designation this month as one of Philadelphia’s “most influential”.
Page 12 The Public Record • November 12, 2009
Union Charges School District Unfair In Vote The union that represents hotel and cafeteria workers in Philadelphia says the School District illegally prevented it from attempting to represent school food-service workers. Lawyers for the Philadelphia Joint Board of Workers United have filed unfairlabor-practices charges against the District and Local 634 of Unite Here with the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board, outlining the allegations.
PJB Mgr. Lynne Fox says because of the illegal activities by both the District and Local 634, school-cafeteria workers did not have a fair opportunity to make their decision about which union would best represent them. “We are asking the PLRB to order the election rerun. The evidence clearly shows the School District and 634 worked together to ensure workers heard only one side of the debate,” said Fox.
Among the allegations: • The School District gave access on numerous occasions to non-employee union organizers from Local 634 to campaign while denying access to PJB. • PJB repeatedly brought this conduct to the attention of the School District and requested equal access, which was repeatedly denied. • At the Vare School, employees complained about a Local 634 organizer and
asked a security guard to remove him because he was interfering with their work. The vice principal told the employees that according to the School District, the organizer could stay. • School District supervisors campaigned on behalf of Local 634. • The School District provided space and tables at schools for 634 organizers, even at a “Welcome Back” event for employees.
• The principal at one school called police to stop PJB organizers from distributing flyers across the street and not on school property. The filing lists at least 50 instances in which Local 634 organizers campaigned in schools with the unlawful support and assistance of the School District. “The actions taken by the School District conveyed the clear message to employees that their employer supported Local 634 over PJB in the
Boyle’s Survivor Bill Is Law Gov. Ed Rendell has signed into law State Rep. Brendan F. Boyle’s legislation increasing survivor benefits for families of police and emergency-service personnel who die in the line of duty. Under the new law, the surviving spouse of a paid po-
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election. That effort, combined with threats of job loss by organizers of 634, left many employees with just one way to vote,” said PBJ attorney Gail Lopez-Henriquez. The action comes in addition to an earlier lawsuit by PJB claiming that Unite Here has hatched an elaborate plan, consisting of a variety of illegal and fraudulent acts, aimed at destroying PJB. PJB represents 8,000 hospitality-industry employees.
lice officer, firefighter, ambulance service or rescue-squad member who dies in the line of duty will receive a monthly benefit. The benefit will be equal to the first responder’s monthly salary at the time of death, and will increase annually based on the Consumer Price Index. If there is no surviving spouse, the benefits would go to any surviving children. “By passing this law, we’re trying to make sure the families of fallen officers and emergency personnel know Pennsylvania is grateful for their loved one’s sacrifice and we honor their family’s loss,” Boyle said. “By making sure benefits are adequate, families can survive financially while dealing with their incredible loss.” Before Boyle’s proposal became law, the families of personnel killed in the line of duty were entitled to survivor benefits that amount to just a portion of their full salaries. Boyle said the benefits increase he proposed was designed to allow families of fallen first-responders to maintain their standard of living.
STATE REP. John Myers, right, swears in officers of Germantown HS Student Government in School Library. Photo by Bill Z. Foster.
The Public Record • November 12, 2009
State Rep. Tony Payton was among 100 leaders who became principal for a day as the School District held its eighth annual citywide Principal for Day program. He was at Harding School. The event is co-chaired by Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, School District of Philadelphia Superintendent Arlene Ackerman, Greater Philadelphia Cares Interim Executive Director Frankie Lancos, and Merrill Lynch Pennsylvania Regional Managing Director Robert Bowman. The day provided principals and their guest principals an opportunity to exchange important ideas with the common goal of improving the educational experience of Philadelphia’s students. “Principal for a Day is just the ‘first date’ for many involved,” said Lancos. “The goal is to spark an ongoing relationship between principal and guest principal.”
Page 13
Rep. Payton Germantown Student Government A Principal
GERMANTOWN HS Student Government President Shaniqua Lewis, center, is congratulated by her mother Nikita Jennings and grandmother Geneva Adams. Photo by Bill Z. Foster.
Page 14 The Public Record • November 12, 2009
NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND FORECLOSURE SALE WHEREAS, on September 30, 1992, a certain Mortgage was executed by EDNA SEIDMAN and SAMUEL H. SEIDMAN, as mortgagor in favor of Boulevard Mortgage Company as mortgagee and was recorded in Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Philadelphia County in Mortgage Book: VCS 325, Page: 431; and WHEREAS, the Mortgage is now owned by the Secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (“Secretary”), pursuant to an assignment recorded on September 16, 1999 in Book: 515, Page: 399, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania; and WHEREAS, a default has been made in the covenants and conditions of the Mortgage in that the payment due on June 30, 2009, was not made and remains wholly unpaid as of the date of this Notice, and no payment has been made sufficient to restore the loan to currency; and WHEREAS, the entire amount delinquent as of June 30, 2009 is $252,147.12 plus interest, costs and other charges through the sale date; and WHEREAS, by virtue of this default, the Secretary has declared the entire amount of the indebtedness secured by the Mortgage to be immediately due and payable; NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to powers vested in me by the Single Family Mortgage Foreclosure Act of 1994, l2 U.S.C. 3751 et seq., by 24 CFR Part 29, and by the Secretary’s designation of me as Foreclosure Commissioner, recorded on May 10, 1996 in Misc. Book: VCS 850, Page: 013, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, notice is hereby given that at November 24, 2009 at 9:00 am at the Market Street Entrance of the United States Courthouse, 601 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106, all real and personal property at or used in connection with the following described premises (“Property”) will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder: ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected. SITUATE in the 52nd formerly part of the Thirty-fourth Ward of the City of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania, described according to a Survey and Plan thereof made by George T. Shegog, Esquire Surveyor and Regulator of the Seventh District on March 31, 1941 as follows to wit: BEGINNING at a point on the Southwesterly side of Lenape Road (fifty feet wide) at the distance of three hundred Twenty- three feet and four hundred Fifty-six one-thousandths of a loot measured along the said side of Lenape Road South Twenty-one degrees, Eight minutes, Five and one-tenth seconds, East from the Conshohocken Avenue (one hundred feet wide) (both extended): thence extending from said point of beginning along said side of Lenape Road South Twenty-one degrees, Eight minutes, five and one-tenth seconds, East Twenty-four feet and Three hundred, Seventy-seven one thousandths, of a foot to a point of curve: thence continuing along said side of Lenape Road on the arc of circle curving to the left, having a radius of two hundred forty-five feet, the arc distance of Twenty-two feet and Two hundred Five one-thousandths of a foot to a point: thence extending South Fifty-five degrees, Twenty-four minutes, fifty –nine seconds, West Seventy feet and Nine hundred Eighty-two one thousandths of a foot, crossing a certain Ten feet wide driveway which extends Northeastwardly and Southwestwardly into and from said Conshohocken Avenue to the Southwesterly side of proposed Ten feet wide driveway: thence extending North Thirty- one degrees, Six minutes, Twenty-four and one –tenth seconds, West along said Southwesterly side of a ten feet wide driveway, sixty-four feet, and Twenty-eight one-thousandths of a foot to a point: thence extending North Sixty-eight degrees, Fiftyone minutes, fifty-four and nine-tenths seconds, East recrossing said Ten feet wide driveway. Seventy-nine feet, and one hundred Eighteen one-thousandths of a foot to said Southwesterly side of Lenape Road, and the first mentioned point and place of beginning. BEING No. 2634 Lenape Road. BEING the same premises which John A. Doyle Singleman by Deed Dated 5/16/41 and Recorded 6/5/41 in the County of Philadelphia in Deed Book
DWH 1272 Page 565 conveyed unto Samuel H. Seldman and Enda his wife, in fee. UNDER AND SUBJECT to certain Condition, Building Restrictions, Rights and Agreements as of record. TOGETHER with the free and common use, right, liberty and privilege of the foresaid driveway as and for a passageway, driveway and water-course at all time hereafter forever, in common with the owners, tenants and occupiers of the other lots of ground bounding thereon and entitled to the use thereof. SUBJECT, however to the proportionate part of the expense of keeping the said driveway in good order and repair. The sale will be held at November 24, 2009 at 9:00 am at the Market Street Entrance of the United States Courthouse, 601 Market Street, Philadelphia. The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development will bid $252,147.12 plus interest, costs and other charges through the sale date. Ten percent (10%) of the highest bid is the deposit required at the sale. The amount that must be paid to HUD by the mortgagors or someone acting on their behalf so that the sale may be stayed is the total delinquent amount of $252,147.12 as of June 30, 2009, plus all other amounts that would be due under the mortgage agreement if payments under the mortgage had not been accelerated, advertising costs and postage expenses incurred in giving notice, mileage by the most reasonable road distance for posting notices and for the Foreclosure Commissioner’s attendance at the sale, reasonable and customary costs incurred for title and lien record searches, the necessary out-of-pocket costs incurred by the Foreclosure Commissioner for recording documents, a commission for the Foreclosure Commissioner, and all other costs incurred in connection with the foreclosure prior to reinstatement. There will be no proration of taxes, rents or other income or liabilities, except that the purchaser will pay, at or before closing, his prorata share of any real estate taxes that have been paid by the Secretary to the date of the foreclosure sale. When making their bid, all bidders, except the Secretary, must submit a deposit totaling ten percent 10% of the Secretary’s bid as set forth above in the form of a certified check or cashier’s check made out to the Secretary of HUD. Each oral bid need not be accompanied by a deposit. If the successful bid is oral, a deposit of ten (10%) percent must be presented before the bidding is closed. The deposit is nonrefundable. The remainder of the purchase price must be delivered within thirty (30) days of the sale or at such other time as the Secretary may determine for good cause shown, time being of the essence. This amount, like the bid deposits, must be delivered in the form of a certified or cashier’s check. If the Secretary is the high bidder, he need not pay the bid amount in cash. The successful bidder will pay all conveyance fees, all real estate and other taxes that are due on or after the delivery of the remainder of the payment and all other costs associated with the transfer of title. At the conclusion of the sale, the deposits of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them. The Secretary may grant an extension of time within which to deliver the remainder of the payment. All extensions will be for fifteen (15) days, and a fee will be charged in the amount of $150.00 for each fifteen (15) day extension requested. The extension fee shall be paid in the form of a certified or cashier’s check made payable to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. If the high bidder closes the sale prior to the expiration of any extension period, the unused portion of the extension fee shall be applied toward the amount due. If the high bidder is unable to close the sale within the required period, or within any extensions of time granted by the Secretary, the high bidder’s deposit will be forfeited, and the Commissioner may, at the direction of the HUD Field Office Representative, offer the property to the second highest bidder for an amount equal to the highest price offered by that bidder. There is no right of redemption, or right of possession based upon a right of redemption, in the mortgagor or others subsequent to a foreclosure completed pursuant to the Act. Therefore, the Foreclosure Commissioner will issue a Deed to the purchaser(s) upon receipt of the entire purchase price in accordance with the terms of the sale as provided herein.
is clear: Neither faction stands much chance in Citywide elections without the other.
Wagner Digs Internet Gab Jack Wagner is going to Twitter and Facebook to dig up support for his campaign to become the Democratic nominee for Governor. But he hasn’t forsaken the printed media just yet. He’s calling for approval of gaming-industry reforms, which include the reimbursement by the casino industry of his gaming audits, stating, “The taxpayers should not have to pay for the audits.” Maybe he’s taking a tip from the Obama campaign, which utilized both cyberspace venues to good advantage.
Reilly Takes Over GOP From Judge Middletown attorney Andrew Reilly was elected Chairman of the Delaware Co. Republican Party at the Springfield Country Club Tuesday night. The 47-year-old chairman replaces Thomas Judge, Sr., who has chaired the County GOP since 1975.
Scranton Mayor Makes It Official Scranton Mayor Chris Doherty believes lightning can strike twice in the same place. If Scranton, Pa. was a good kickoff spot for Gov. Bob Casey, it should be as good for Doherty’s announcement to run for Governor. Only problem is Doherty
has not had the benefit of the statewide recognition earned by holding offices such as the Auditor General, which Casey held for two terms, and the statewide race for Governor which he lost to Milton Shapp in the Democratic primary.
The Public Record • November 12, 2009
(Cont. from Page 10) liably Democratic; yet Schmidt got above 40% in Old City, Chinatown, Society Hill, Queen Village and Northern Liberties. Twenty-seven heavily Black wards deliver few votes for any Republican and 2009 was no exception. In these wards, Schmidt, who was facing a white opponent, Alan Butkovitz, ran a couple of percentage points ahead of Untermeyer, who was facing a Black opponent. In seven wards, the two Republicans ran neck-andneck. These are demographic transitional neighborhoods, often with large, Hispanic communities. By this evidence, the traditional Republican Party organization and the Young Turks may appeal to different social classes. But one thing
Page 15
Infighting Didn’t Help
Will Dems Show Arlen Specter The Money? US Sen. Arlen Specter has sealed up verbal support from Democratic Party leaders in all 67 counties of Pennsylvania. That is an important step toward easing his path through what bids fair to be a bruising primary fight with Congressman Joe Sestak. Talk is cheap, though. Now begins the quest for funds that which to run his
IN GREEN wards, Al Schmidt ran ahead of Michael Untermeyer. In red wards, Untermeyer ran ahead of Schmidt. In blue wards, the Republican vote was very small. In whitecolored wards, the two ran roughly even. race. The question on the Committee will spend money table is whether the Demo- on Specter’s behalf in that cratic Senatorial Campaign primary.
Ahn Lab And Cybersoft Team To Increase Computer Security can market via Cybersoft will make it truly global in its reach. Globalization of the world’s economy is inevitable, particularly in the information industry, most of whose value resides in electronic bits that can flow around the world faster than the jet stream. “There is nothing we can do about the world economy” said Cybersoft Chairman Peter Radatti. “However, we can help save jobs in the local area with this new teaming agreement. Because our products are so good, we wanted to partner with a company that also was very good.” The new teaming agreement will be formalized at a reception at Zarwin Baum DeVito Kaplan Schaer & Toddy on Nov. 12 at 5 p.m. Representing AhnLab will be engineer Hong Sun Kim, CEO of AhnLab, who attended college in the United States. Kim reflects, “The fact that the world is changing so quickly and that I am part of such a historical era is amazing.”
Thinking of tomorrow’s business prospects, Kim says, “I ask you to have a global mind. The world is now a great, single community and you should think and act globally. You have to accept different cultures and new challenges. Not only does it generate more opportunities, but also it is so fun to be involved.” The teaming agreement between the two companies provides customers with solutions for all computers – a form of one-stop shopping for computer security. This should prove to be especially useful for large, complex organizations like governments, universities and transnational corporations whose computer operations are a patchwork of different systems in different departments serving different needs. Cybersoft has is proud of its flat pricing-system, without hidden fees or other charges, so that the cost of its products and services are transparent and predictable. Cybersoft’s officers are proud of their roles in retaining American leadership in IT. “The main reason we are
doing this is we are tired of seeing people getting laid off because of the bad economy,” Radatti insisted. “Computersecurity products are overpriced. By providing high-quality, lower-priced products, we can save hundreds of jobs, maybe even thousands of jobs. When you can’t increase income you have to cut costs. It is better to cut things instead of people.” For example, Radatti went on, if a company is spending $20 million on anti-virus programs but because of this
HONG SUN KIM, CEO, Ahn Lab teaming agreement can spend only $10 million, that equates to 330-plus jobs saved for that one company.
PETER RADATTI, Founder, Cybersoft Multiply this by the number of companies in our region and that equals thousands of jobs saved.
TO JOSEPH MCNEILL A Petition has been filed asking the court to put an end to all rights you have to your child Baby Boy Michael aka Brandon Michael who was born on 9/25/09 at Crozer Chester Medical Center, Upland, PA, as well as any rights M.M. has to Baby Boy Michael aka Brandon Michael. The court has set a hearing to consider ending your rights to your child. That hearing will be held on December 17, 2009 at 9:30 a.m. at Courtroom 14, One Montgomery Plaza, Orphan’s Court Division, Swede Street, Norristown, PA 19404 before Judge Ott. You are warned that even if you fail to appear at the scheduled hearing, the hearing will go on without you and your rights to your children as well as the rights of M.M. to that child may be ended by the court without your being present. You have a right to be represented at the the hearing by a lawyer. You should take this paper to your lawyer at once. If you do not have a lawyer or cannot afford one, go to or telephone the office set forth below to find out where you can get legal help. You are also warned that if you fail to file either an acknowledgment of paternity pursuant to 23 Pa.C.S.A. Section 2503 (d) relating to acknowledgement and claim of paternity, and fail to either appear at a hearing to object to the termination of your rights or file a written objection to such termination with the court prior to the hearing, your rights may be terminated under Pa.C.S.A. 2503(d) and 2504(c) of the Adoption Act. LAWYER REFERRAL AND INFORMATION SERVICE 100 West Airy Street, P.O. Box 268, Norristown, PA 19404 (610) 279-LAW1
(Cont. From Page 1) Cybersoft Operating Corp., a Philly-based company out of Conshohocken, Pa., will spearhead the expansion of AhnLab Inc. into the huge North American market for computer-security software. Cybersoft is one of the oldest anti-virus software companies in the world. Its specialty has long been security programs for all non-Microsoft computers, especially those running “open-source” operating systems like Unix and Linux. Instead of being owned and developed by private firms like Microsoft or Apple, open-source code is maintained and continuously improved by IT volunteers around the world. Their superior performance, low cost and ease of service have led most serious industrial IT departments to rely on opensource systems. AhnLab specializes in security for all Microsoft systems. It is already a giant in the East Asian security-market and has expanded strongly into South Asia, Europe and South America. Its entry into the North Ameri-
Page 16 The Public Record • November 12, 2009
SEPTA Rail Train Fire Gets Cool Handling A quick-thinking SEPTA crew, cooperative passengers, and support by local and state authorities SEPTA averted tragedy when a fire broke out aboard an R5 Paoli train in West Philadelphia last week. The fire broke out at about 6:50 a.m. aboard the lead car of the four-car train approximately one mile east of SEPTA’s Overbrook Station. Minutes before that, the crew reported a burning odor coming from the lead car. Per standard operating procedure,
all passengers on the lead car were evacuated into the three other cars on the train, and the train was to continue to 30th Street Station and then taken out of service. The engineer then reported heavy smoke aboard the train, and a full evacuation was immediately ordered. Within minutes of the safe evacuation of all passengers and the train crew, the lead car was fully engulfed in flames. A nearby Regional Rail train adjacent to the one on fire
was also safely evacuated. None of the estimated 1,000 passengers evacuated from these two trains required hospitalization. One was assisted at the scene by emergency medical personnel. The three SEPTA crew members were taken to a hospital for observation, but were not injured. James Jordan, SEPTA’s assistant general manager for public and operational safety, said the fire was most likely related to the electrical or heating system on the
train. SEPTA officials say there is no indication the fire was intentionally set, and the incident is in no way connected to the strike by the Transport Workers Union Local 234 involving SEPTA City Transit Division workers. Jordan credited quick thinking by the SEPTA crew – and passengers – for the safe resolution to this incident. He also praised the quick and effective response by the Philadelphia Fire Dept. Firefighters arrived on the scene within 20 minutes of the flames’
breaking out, and had the fire under control just 15 minutes later. SEPTA is also grateful for assistance from Amtrak, which acted immediately to shut down electrical power – a crucial part of securing the scene. The Philadelphia Office of Emergency Management also came to SEPTA’s aide, making six school buses available to transport stranded passengers. SEPTA lauded the patience of all passengers impacted by this incident. In addition to those who had to be evacuated, several thousand more experienced delays of up to two hours on trains stopped by the fire.
The train car was destroyed by the flames, and has been secured at a SEPTA facility for examination. The train car involved is one of about 50 in SEPTA’s Regional Rail fleet that dates back approximately 40 years. All meet standards for fire safety, and the same types of cars are used by other public transit agencies throughout the country. This incident also marks the first time a SEPTA train has caught fire and become engulfed in flames. However, if the findings of the investigation uncover a problem, SEPTA indicates it will take all necessary action to ensure the safety of customers.
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M A Y O R M I C H A E L NUTTER addresses assembly at Washington Square as City dignitaries and veterans share podium yesterday. KOREAN WAR VETERANS Post members show their colors during Veterans Day Commemorations at Korean War Memorial.
ANNUAL LAWNCREST Community salute to veterans took place at the Grove. Community and ward leader Bill Dolbow and Kathy Wersinger, of Councilwoman Marian B. Tasco’s staff, watch as student reads salute to veterans. Photo by Robert Carsello FLAGS are posted at attention as ceremonies get underway honoring Veterans yesterday morning in Lawncrest. Photo by Robert Carsello
Photo by Maria Merlino
NOTICE You have been sued in court. If you wish to defend against the claims set forth in the following pages, you must take action within twenty (20) days after the Complaint and notice are served, by entering a written appearance personally or by attorney and filing in writing with the court your defenses or objections to the claims set forth against you. You are warned that if you fail to do so the case may proceed without you and a judgment may be entered against you by the Court without further notice for any money claimed in the Complaint or for any other claim or relief requested by the Plaintiff. You may lose money or property or other rights important to you. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER OR CANNOT AFFORD ONE, GO TO OR TELEPHONE THE OFFICE SET FORTH BELOW. THIS OFFICE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION ABOUT HIRING A LAWYER. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO HIRE A LAWYER, THIS OFFICE MAY BE ABLE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION ABOUT AGENCIES THAT MAY OFFER LEGAL SERVICES TO ELIGIBLE PERSONS AT A REDUCED FEE OR NO FEE. PHILADELPHIA BAR ASSOCIATION One Reading Center Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-238-6333 COMMUNITY LEGAL SERVICES, INC. Law Center North Central Philadelphia, PA 19140 215-227-2400 or 215-981-3700
Michael T. McKeever Attorney for Plaintiff Goldbeck McCafferty & McKeever, PC Suite 5000, Mellon Independence Center 701 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19106-1532 215-627-1322
MARINES Ron Berlin, Tom Kube and Bill McDowell celebrate Marine Corps birthday at Cookie’s Tavern in South Philadelphia.
TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS OF PATRICIA WILSON, MORTAGOR AND REAL OWNER, DEFENDANT whose last known address is 4056 Howland Street Philadelphia, PA 19124. THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR AND WE ARE ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT OWED TO OUR CLIENT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM YOU WILL BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING THE DEBT. You are hereby notified that Plaintiff CITIMORTGAGE, INC., has filed a Mortgage Foreclosure Complaint endorsed with a notice to defend against you in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, docketed to No. 090902324 wherein Plaintiff seeks to foreclose on the mortgage secured on your property located, 4056 Howland Street Philadelphia, PA 19124 whereupon your property will be sold by the Sheriff of Philadelphia County.
The Public Record • November 12, 2009
ABOARD Cruiser Olympia at 8 a.m. yesterday kicking off Veterans Day ceremonies throughout the city were City Council Veterans Advisory Commissioner Edgar Howard, State Sen. Larry Farnese and dignitaries and officers from the US Navy.
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Honoring Our Veterans
The Public Record • November 12, 2009
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Grape expectations realized at Panorama by Len Lear Luca Sena, 59, was born in Naples, Italy, as the son and grandson of restaurant owners, but he is a true American Dream come true. When he was nine years old, his first job was delivering coffee and espresso to neighborhood offices in Naples. As he got older, Luca moved up the ladder to washing pots and chopping vegetables. All seven sons and daughters helped out in the family restaurant, and Luca insists, “I did not mind doing any of the chores except for chopping onions. That was the job you got if you had done something wrong.” When he was 19, Luca came to the US with his father Carlo. After two years here, the father and son had earned enough money to bring their mother and a brother and sister
here from Italy. Luca’s dad worked as a chef at Geno’s Italian Restaurant, which at the time was one of the city’s best. Meanwhile, Luca tried a succession of other jobs — photographer’s assistant at the Bernard Aronson Photo Shop, teenage party producer in South Philly, signage maker, construction worker and air conditioning installer and repairman. “When I came here, I did not speak a word of English,” said Luca. “I just thank God for the United Way because they offered very good classes in English. I also took English classes at Temple University and Southern HS. And fortunately, I love to read, so eventually I was able to learn English.” In 1973 Luca’s parents informed him that they were planning to move back to Italy. “My dad (who is now 89) always worked for himself in Italy, and he just could not get
used to working for other people here. He is very independent. So he told us the only way he would stay in this country would be if we opened a family restaurant here. As a result, we did decide to open a restaurant to keep dad and mom here. That was La Famiglia, which we opened at 8 S. Front Street (La Famiglia, which is still in business after 36 years, is a “grand dining destination,” according to the current Zagat Dining Guide, “with impeccable specialties and a voluminous wine list that knocks your socks off....”) In 1990, the young man who could not speak a word of English when he came here opened the Penn’s View Hotel and Panorama restaurant at Front & Market Streets. “I felt the only thing Center City was missing,” Luca explained, “was a small European-style hotel with a great casual restaurant — the kind of place you find when you get lost in a town in Italy. This was an abandoned building at the time, and I had to borrow a lot of
money to turn it into a hotel. Everybody thought I was crazy.” The boutique hotel started out with 27 rooms but now has 51. Is the hotel a casualty of the recession? “This year our occupancy is close to 70%,” said Luca. “The last couple of years we were close to 90%. But we have not been hurt as much as the big guys. We’re much less expensive than they are, and everybody is looking for a bargain. Breakfast is free with the room, and the entrance to I-95 is right in front of the hotel, so it could not be more convenient to get to the airport, to ball games, etc.” Just in case Luca was not busy enough running a hotel and two upscale restaurants, he and his family also opened Le Castagne at 1920 Chestnut Street, and Luca is also one of the owners of Kong, which opened recently in Northern Liberties and serves Hong Kong-style dishes. Luca, whose wife, Dawn Burke, used to be a concierge at the Four Seasons Hotel, attributes his re-
Len Lear markable accomplishments to “a lot of very hard work and long hours, a little bit of luck and not borrowing more money than we could pay back.” Over the years, Panorama has won numerous “Best” awards. Just last month gave them three such awards: “Best Wine List,” “Best Restaurant for Business Dining” and “Most Romantic Dining” in the city. Panorama is also trying to get into the Guinness Book of World Records for “The Winekeeper,” which they insist is the largest wine-preservation
unit ever built. It is a massive cruvinet that holds 120 bottles upside down. They also offer 150 wines by the glass. “We know of no other program anywhere that offers consumers such a wide range of choices by the glass,” said Bill Eccleston, general manager and sommelier. Oh, yes, then there’s the food at Panorama. It is not inexpensive, with appetizers starting at $8.75 and entrees at $21.95, but there is not a joker in the deck. Two dishes that were eyes-shut epiphanies for us were the salad with red and yellow beets in sherry vinaigrette with candied toasted hazelnuts and roasted garlic ricotta cheese ($10.50) and the sensuous, superbly tender baby eggplant halves filled with sautéed red peppers, onions and capers, topped with melted fontina cheese and served with a rich sauce that virtually vibrates with intensity ($11.75). For more information, call (215) 922-7800 or visit and click on ristorantepanorama.
City Hall Sam
Kitchen Fundraiser Heats Up
St. Rita’s is sponsoring a
on Sunday Dec. 6th, 2009. Departs St. Rita’s 2 p. m. $30.00 per ticket $20.00 Cash Back on arrival
CO-HOSTS Steve Williams and Jennifer St. Hill join guest of honor State Sen. Shirley Kitchen, Laura Elam-Nurse and Cathy Santos at fundraiser at New Barber’s Hall in N. Phila. Photo by Donald Terry
At Trumps Casino All Proceeds benefit
St. Rita’s Church Call: 215.456.8333 or 215.465.6447
The Public Record • November 12, 2009
Page 19
IBS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. President ADDING his congratulations to State Sen. Darryl Boozer and Jim Reed, director of Shirley Kitchen is State Rep. Ron Waters external affairs at Verizon, join State Sen. Photo by Bill Z. Foster Shirley Kitchen for this picture. and his daughter.
Philadelphia Regional Port Authority A Promising Future By Championing the Channel-Deepening Project And Substantial Port Expansion
Once Again, We Thank Gov. Ed Rendell For Giving Our Port A Great Opportunity And
John H. Estey, Esq. Chairman
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Robert C. Blackburn
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John F. Dempsey
Deputy Executive Director Administrative Offices: 3460 N. Delaware Ave. 2nd Fl., Phila., PA 19134 (215) 426-2600 • Fax (215) 426-6800
(Cont. From Page 8) laughter. McMonigle is a special person and that can be seen from the turnout, which was significant, and the cheerfulness of the group. The Brehon Law Society held a general meeting at the Vesper Club, which was well attended. The guest speaker was the renowned Philadelphia priest, poet, author and social activist FATHER JOHN McNAMEE, author of Diary of a City Priest. Father McNamee is the former pastor of St. Malachy’s, where he had a remarkable successful story with the students attending the school. Of approximately 200 students, 99% are African American and 1% are Latino. Ninety-nine percent of the students receive tuition assistance and St. Malachy’s does this without taking any money from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. The school runs strictly on donations. The American Ireland fund is presenting a recreation of a famous literary dinner party, “The Dead”, from Dubliners by JAMES JOYCE. It will take place on Wednesday, Jan. 6 at 6:00 p.m. at the Plough & the Stars, on 2nd between Market and Chestnut Streets. It is a reasonable $85 per person, which includes food, drinks and entertainment. The speculation is now under way as to who will be appointed to fill the vacancy created by Anne Lazarus elevation from the Common Pleas to the Superior Court. Could it be JOYCE EUBANKS? Veterans Day was celebrated by several organizations around the city. With wars going on in Iraq and Afghanistan, the celebration hits home. It used to be called Armistice Day, in celebration of the end of World War I, which changed to Veterans Day because it seems the country is continuously at war. We should be thankful for the gallant men and women who carry our country’s banner and carry out its mission of attempting to achieve worldwide peace. God bless all veterans and all men and women on active duty.
Page 20 The Public Record • November 12, 2009
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Elephant Corner (Cont. From Page 8) ALBRIGHT. Many highly decorated combat officers were passed over for promotion, instead seeing their non-warrior administrative colleagues, who happened to be registered Democrats, elevated to the highest ranks. Many of these handpicked liberals are now running for elected office in this area. The one true meritocracy, called the United States Armed Forces, was quickly transformed into a politically correct walk on eggshells with respect
to one’s career. Sensitivity training, multiculturalism, entitlement and human-relations courses became the order of the day; a toxic and constant reminder to military members that, indeed, not all classes of people were equal. Some categories warranted special treatment and were more “equal” than others. Fast-forward 18 years and you now see the atmosphere in which a man who openly advocated and justified violent “jihad” to his fellow officers was able to commit the first act of Islamic terrorism on United States since Sep. 11, 2001. Everyone knew this man was a danger, but everyone, from his fellow officers, who had heard his open anti-American rants, to the FBI, which had investigated his communications with an Al Qaeda-linked cleric in Yemen, were fearful of the repercussions of reporting him. Just as I instantly knew we had been attacked by the disciples of radical Islam after the first airplane crashed into the World Trade Center, I also immediately knew this same evil had manifested itself again in Fort Hood. Psychiatrist Army MAJ. NIDAL MALIK HASAN, driven by his fundamentalist Islamist beliefs, gave away all his worldly possessions, then calmly walked into a building and began murdering and maiming innocent Americans while shouting,
“Allahu Akbar.” At the memorial service this week, our naive PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA said, “The twisted logic that led to this tragedy is too hard to comprehend.” Mr. President, it’s only too hard to comprehend if you willingly refuse to believe the truth about the enemy we face. The murderer Hasan had no such false illusions. In a PowerPoint brief he gave to his colleagues just a few months ago, his final slide had the following message, “We will defeat you because we love death more than you love life.” My friends, we had better get busy understanding our enemy, or we will surely die understanding it. Political correctness should die as quick a death as Nidal Malik Hasan.
Out & About (Cont. From Page 8) However, the Senate’s Republicans (and Connecticut Sen. Joseph Lieberman have already vowed to keep the bill from coming up for a vote unless (a) the public option disappears and (b) they can turn the bill into something so pro-insurance-company that it’s not really reform at all. In case you’re wondering, that last sentence was my being more than a little sarcastic. But unfortunately, it’s also true. Because the Republicans are so intent on getting a win at President Obama’s ex(Cont. Next Page)
SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA Sealed proposals will be received by the School Reform Commission at the School Administration Building located at 440 North Broad St., 3rd Floor, Office of Capital Programs, Philadelphia, PA 191304015, until 2:00 P.M., on Tuesday, December 1, 2009. A non-refundable fee for each set of bid documents is as scheduled. The School District will only accept bids from companies that have been placed on its current Pre Qualified Contractors List as shown at All School District Project require MBE/WBE participation as shown in the specifications. BUDGET
B-044 (C) of 2008/09* General Contract Window Replacement
Belmont ES 4030 Brown Street
$1,500,000.00 $200.00
*A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at the project location, on November 5, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. Specifications and/or plans and contract documents may be examined and copies thereof obtained from the School Reform Commission, 440 North Broad Street, 3rd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Information as to contract documents, etc., may be obtained at the above address, or telephone 215-4005225. Make checks payable to the School District of Philadelphia. The School Reform Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids and make the awards to the best interests of the School District of Philadelphia.
about it. Now that he has had a taste of politics, he plans to run next year for ATTORNEY GENERAL. Yes, you read it correctly. He stated, “This time around he’ll be much wiser, and smarter. He now knows ‘the ins and outs’ of what it takes to get elected and, more important, TO WIN”. He’ll concentrate on those voters upstate, also here too. Ed Rendell, when he is done as Governor, now wants to be OUR MAYOR again. SNOOPER’S HEALTH DEPT: Get vaccinated TODAY! There are two reasons
Out & About
2400 E. Somerset Street Philadelphia, PA 19134
PHILADELPHIA. This gentleman was also in charge of THE POLICE MOUNTED UNIT. Clark told us great stories about his fine gentleman and as he stated, “Alan will make a great SHERIFF for the County of Philadelphia.” SNOOPER SIGHTINGS: Took a ride up to the Great Northeast, and yes, they do have some very important people there. First came HON. IRV ELLIS, former member of The Redevelopment Authority and also a well-known member of THE BAR. I then met a weightlifter named HARVEY RICH and let me tell you Chief, this gentleman is still in great shape. Whew, I am still in awe of all the people you can meet up here in the Great Northeast. Oh yeah, ran into CHARIE FULLER again, he’s with THE AIRPORT and he’s concerned about someone trying to take it over. Forget about it, man!
Phone: 215-423-2223 Fax: 215-423-5937
(Cont. From Page 20) pense, they actually believe it when they say the American people think the Democrats are moving too fast on health care and it’s their job to make sure their interests are protected by stalling it indefinitely. I think if you’ve been working on something since Franklin Roosevelt’s administration and it’s taken you the entire last half of the previous century plus nine years to get it this close to done, rushing is the last thing you’re guilty of. Because I have a basic understanding of capitalism, certain things no longer bother or surprise me. I understand the New York Yankees are the World Series Champions because when you spend more than $400 million on three guys, you’re supposed to win championships. I understand why the government bailed out the banking system immediately, while letting people lose their homes to foreclosure. And because of that basic understanding, I understand why business interests, particular health-insurance business interests, would rather not see the cash cow that is their ability to overcharge or even deny coverage to people, just disappear. But it has to. There are millions of Americans who are staring down bankruptcy or worse because of their health-care costs. In a country where one pill can cost $270 for a 30-day prescription (which is what my friend pays for the OxyContin to control her cancer pain) the train to Bankruptcy-ville is filling up. That’s something the residents of the richest nation in the world should be
why people and their children do not get H1N1 VACINATION. These reasons are FEAR and MISTRUST. The reason for all this nonsense is quite simple: PEOPLE DON’T CARE and the bottom line is also simple: They are ALL afraid of its risks. “Let me say this to all of you, one more time, the life you save may be your own.” SNOOPER SCOOPER: We met an old friend named OFFICER BILL CLARK, former K-9 Police Officer. Bill told us his former Capt. Alan Kurtz is going to run for SHERIFF of more than a little ashamed of. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says that there probably won’t be a healthcare bill from the Senate before the end of the year. I tend to believe him on that. But I’m hopeful Americans might get lucky and get national health care as a Christmas present.
The Public Record • November 12, 2009
thing they didn’t tell us? Yo Chief, if they can do it and get away with it, then WHY NOT ME? Hey, get this, I spotted a Policeman using his CELL PHONE while driving. Once again, they make laws for us to obey, but not for them. WHY CHIEF? SNOOPER SCOOPER: Hey Boss, if you thought you heard the last from HON. DAN McCAFFERY, forget
Page 21
(Cont. From Page 8) should’ve-could’ve-would’ve, but they didn’t. The biggest FLOP of all was RYAN HOWARD – he did nothing. We gave them three games! Next year we need PITCHERS, RELIEVERS and HITTERS too. I was told they don’t plan to have MYERS back, plus a few more later on!
SNOOPER’S COMPLAINT DEPT.: We know City Council now has a CELL-PHONE BAN while driving. Yet I spotted one of them riding in their CITY CAR using their CELL PHONE. A Police Car went right past him and went after a woman who was using her CELL PHONE instead. Tell me Chief, isn’t this BAN supposed to be for EVERYBODY, or did I miss some-
The Public Record • November 12, 2009
Page 22
your own Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skidders also a v a i l a b l e . Free information: 1-800-5781363-Ext300-N. HELP WANTED Tired of Living Pay to Pay? Drive the Big Rigs 35 Driver Trainees Needed $700 to $800 Week. No CDL, No Problem. No Credit, No Problem. Start ASAP. Call 800961-4319 HELP WANTED DRIVERS Driver CDL-A: OTR Runs - Dry Van & Flatbed. Great Pay & Equipment. Must Have TWIC Card or Apply Within 30 days. Class A-CDL. Western Express 888-801-5295 HOMES FOR RENT A Bank Repo! 4Br 3Ba $205/Mo! More Homes from $199/Mo! 5% down 15 years @ 8% APR. For listings 800-546-8656 ext R944 HOMES FOR SALE FORECLOSED ONLINE HOME AUCTION 800+ Homes. BIDS OPEN 11/16. Open House: 11/7, 14 & 15. View Full Listings & Details REDC/Brkr SB065259 Bank Foreclosure! 4 Brdrm only $17,900! Or $225/Mo! More Homes from $199/Mo! 5% down 15 years @ 8% APR. For listings 800-546-8656 ext 1482 LAND FOR SALE WOODED LAND & FARMS Riverfront & Ponds “Garage
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The Public Record • November 12, 2009
ADOPTION OR PERSONALS ADOPT: Childless loving woman (teacher) wishes to adopt a newborn. Financially secure home with close extended family. Legal/Confidential. Expenses paid. Please call Denise: 1-866201-4602 Pin#0196 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 3 BR 2Ba $199/Mo! 5bd only $335/Mo! Bank Foreclosures! 5% down 15 years @ 8% APR. For listings 800-546-8656 ext D843 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Buy Police Impounds! 01 Honda Accord $500! 99 Toyota Corolla $450! 00 Nissan Sentra $800! Hondas, Chevys, Jeeps & More! For listings 800-546-5204 ext 3553 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ALL CASH VENDING! Do you earn $800 in a day? Your own local candy route. Includes 25 Machines and Candy All for $9,995. 1-800-460-4027 Insurance Agency for Sale. Affiliated with major national carrier. A great business opportunity! Please send inquires to: or Fax: 866-296-7535 COMPUTER TYPIST Computer Typist earn money typing at home. Call 215.485.9854 EQUIPMENT SAWMILLS From Only $2,990.00—Convert your LOGS TO VALUABLE LUMBER with
Page 23
Public Record Classifieds: small ADS BIG Deals
DRIVERS Regional $.46 cpm/ Short Haul Pay! $35 Stop Pay, Full Benefits. Experienced Drivers Only. CDL-A Required WEL COMPANIES 800-387-0088 Strong-Stable-Secure
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Call Jake 215-550-7106
K & A Auto Salvage Inc.
Great Prices Quick Service
2160-66 E. Somerset - Phila., PA 19134 215-423-4255 Fax: 215-423-4256 In accordance with chapter 73 of the vehicle Code Authorization of the department of Transportation the Following vehicles will be publicly auctioned @ K&A Auto salvage Inc. 2160 E Somerset St on November 11, 2009@10:00 YEAR MAKE
Year 2000 1995 2006 1999 2003 1999 2002
make nissan ford ford ford olds chevrolet toyota
Vin# 1n6dd2659yc354326 1fmdu34x5sva19732 1ftvx14576na69259 1ftyr1065xua51862 1g3nl52e83c116584 1g1jc1241x7102712 4t1bg22k3yv67431
AVC 849964 854483 853925 853984 853987 753807 781838
The Public Record • November 12, 2009
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