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9371 ROOSEVELT BLVD. PHILADELPHIA, PA 19114 215-698-7000 We Buy Gold & Diamonds

Serving Citywide Political, Labor, Legal and School Communities of Philadelphia

Vol. XI. No. 51 (Issue 516)

“The good things we do must be made a part of the public record”

Value 50¢

December 17, 2009

Can We Control Child Molesters?

PHILANTHROPIST Kal Rudman, who donated money to Christmas Crèche Committee to pay relocation expenses, is thanked by John Stanton, of the Committee. Nativity Scene was dedicated outside MSB Building. More Pics Page 19

Nativity Scene Feds Said ‘No’, City Says ‘Yes’ The true spirit of the Christmas season, chased from Independence Hall, settled over the Christmas Village at City Hall Tuesday afternoon with the dedication of the City’s Christmas Crèche on the Plaza of the Municipal Services Building. The City had opened its arms to welcome in the child Jesus and the nativity scene, which for 11 years had been erected on National Park land at Independence Hall. A Park Administration resolution requiring all displays or manifestations of any on Park land now required the sponsors to place a 24hour guide by the site. This affected all signs and displays as well as the annual Hanukkah and Christmas seasonal religious displays. The Christmas Crèche Committee did not have the deep pockets to hire a 24-hour guard service or a volunteer corps to provide it. The Menorah is erected under the sponsorship of the Philadelphia Lubavitcher Community, which guaranteed a volunteer around-the-clock surveillance team. The committee, chaired by Chairman John Kelly, an employee of Independence National Historical Park, applied to the City and was given a hearty welcome with a space designated on MSB Plaza. (Cont. Page 24)

Were You Photographed In N.Y. At Pennsylvania Society Weekend? See Pages 14, 15 and 16

by Tony West Sexual abusers of children can be controlled with fair success – but not the way society is going about it right now. That was the message, at once hopeful and sobering, given by Dr. Anna Salter at a conference for Philadelphia-area child sexual-abuse professionals run by the Philadelphia Children’s Alliance last week. Dr. Salter is an expert on research into child sexual abuse and its treatment who has written numerous books on the subject. She is a consultant to the Wisconsin Dept. of Corrections. Research in this sensitive subject is fairly recent and most treatment programs were begun based largely on therapists’ gut instincts of what might work. That was all they could do at the outset, Dr. Salter admitted. “Now, however, research has proven that some interventions work (Cont. Page 2)

New BRT On Way! by Joe Shaheeli At last, Mayor Michael Nutter has his own man on the Board of Revision of Taxes. The key to easing this move, though, was settling the knotty fate of 76 clerks who work at the BRT – patronage employees who are paid by the School District. On Monday, Nutter announced Richard Negrin, a former NFL player who went to law school, became an Assistant District Attorney, and wound up as VP of ARAMARK Corp., will serve as the interim executive director of the Board of Revision of Taxes. He will report to City Finance Director Rob Dubow. Nutter also announced a nationwide search will be undertaken for a chief assessor to oversee property valuations. “Rich Negrin is an impressive fig(Cont. Page 2)

DR. ANNA SALTER says sexual abusers of children can be managed … if we go about it right.

Rendell Tells It Like It Is by Bonnie Squires Gov. Ed Rendell delivered a sobering address to over 1,500 who attended the annual Pennsylvania Society three-day meeting in New York City this past weekend. He reminded them Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate has been consistently below the national average but insisted the State needs to create employment to relieve the more than 500,000 now unemployed. Rendell reminded everyone not all are as fortunate as those who attended the Waldorf Astoria affair, which saw the Society present its gold medal of achievement to H. F. Gerry Lenfest. (Cont. Page 2)

EXECUTIVE Director of Penna. Society Weekend Carol Fitzgerald, with husband Judge Jim and actress daughter Melissa Fitzgerald, of West Wing fame. Photo by Joe Stivala

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Page 2 The Public Record • December 17, 2009

Learning To Control Child Molesters (Cont. From Page 1) and other interventions don’t work.” One step that doesn’t work is incarceration. “It prevents crimes while the offenders are locked up but it does not reduce their risk of recidivism after they are released,” Dr. Salter said. Furthermore, a wave of prison expansion is running into severe fiscal limits, making it difficult to solve the problem with ever-lengthier sentences. Another step that doesn’t work is public registries of

ex-offenders and statutory restrictions on where they live. Because these measures can make it extremely hard for an offender to find a home or a job, they create enormous pressure for registrants to disappear and go underground. In Iowa, Dr. Salter said, prosecutors are clamoring to have its registry repealed because more than 6,000 persons listed on it have simply disappeared. And that’s no good for anybody, Dr. Salter argues. “These individuals need to be

Pennsylvania Society Draws Celebrities (Cont. From Page 1) Under the baton of Carol Fitzgerald, executive director of the Pennsylvania Society, the 1,500 attending the weekend were able to take in the political energy pulsating through its scheduled events. There were several highlights in addition to candidates’ receptions, fundraisers and receptions swirling around the centerpiece, the Pennsylvania Society Saturday-night dinner at the Waldorf. The Genevieve Society was launched Friday afternoon with the induction of charter members of this new nonprofit, which will encourage women to run for office. Two of the four founders, Eleanor Dezzi and Denise Smyler, introduced two dozen of the charter members, and many elected officials – male and female – stopped by to pay their respects. The society is named for the late Judge Genevieve Blatt, a trailblazer for women in Pennsylvania. Blank Rome held its second annual Issues Forum at the Chrysler Building, with the focus on health-care reform, Wall Street and predictions of the 2010 elections. Peter Pyeser and Ashley Davis led the Blank Rome team of government-relations experts in analyzing the issues. We could not possibly get to every single one of the receptions and events, and we kept missing Auditor General Jack Wagner, Democratic

candidate for Governor. But we did get to talk with Dan Onorato a number of times, as well as other Democrats Tom Knox and Joe Hoeffel. Tom Corbett and Jim Gerlach were also visible on the Republican side. Although Congressional duties prevented several officials from showing up Friday in time for Children's Hospital awards for child advocacy, honoree Sen. Bob Casey did arrive. Mrs. Michele Ridge was at the CHOP award reception with Gov. Tom Ridge and graciously accepted her award for chairing the Vision of Hope Advisory Council. Sen. Arlen Specter and wife Joan Specter arrived in time for Saturday-night receptions and the dinner and stayed over for the Temple Brunch on Sunday. Saturday's Penn Brunch at the Penn Club attracted Congressman Joe Sestak, who is running against Specter for the Democratic nomination for Senate next year. Republican Pat Toomey was also visible. Congressional candidates in the 6th and 7th Dists. mingled all weekend, including 6th Dist. candidates Doug Pike and Manan Trivedi, and 7th Dist. candidate Bryan Lentz. The talk was also of the stalled gaming legislation in Harrisburg, and the lack of funding as yet for the Staterelated universities.

Photos Pages 14, 15, 16

in a maintenance program,” she says. “They need supervision and people to check in on them. Most of all, they need a stable community life if they are to avoid committing new crimes. Registration is useless if it becomes too punitive.” It’s time, Dr. Salter urges, “not to get tough or get soft, but to get smart.” Two forms of treatment have shown success in reducing repeat offenses. One is medication that provides “arousal control” by dampening sexual response. Behav-

ior-modification training can also lessen deviant sexual responses. Both need to be continued or repeated in order for them to work. Child molesters typically hold a set of antisocial attitudes and beliefs about children and sexuality, Dr. Salter added. They may tell themselves their deviant desires are actually natural, their victims are actually willing and their aggressions are really acts of love. These beliefs can be confronted and refuted in therapy.

But other widely practiced therapeutic methods have turned out not to improve the behavior of offenders. Many treatment programs, for instance, work to develop in assailants a sense of empathy for their victims, on the theory they lack the ability to understand imaginatively the suffering they cause. While empathy may be a worthy goal in life, Dr. Salter insists it has not been found to help aggressors from reoffending. Sexual offenders are a mixed lot. Some are florid

psychopaths with lifelong habits of antisocial manipulative behavior. In some, sexual abuse is only one aspect of a larger pattern of general criminal conduct. But many sexual abusers of children show responsible social behavior in areas of life that are not touched by their sexual abnormality. This is a population that cannot be cured or corrected, but can be managed responsibly in society, Dr. Salter states, provided we invest in doing it right.

BRT Employees To Civil Service (Cont. From Page 1) ure with an impressive resumé,” said the Mayor. “Throughout his career, Rich has demonstrated attention to detail, excellent management skills, and a commitment to getting the job done. His dedication to public service is evidenced by his many commitments in the community and by his acceptance of this position.” Negrin has served as vice chair of the Philadelphia Board of Ethics and has repeatedly been recognized as an outstanding lawyer and a leader in his community and in the city of Philadelphia. He served with distinction at Morgan Lewis, is past president of the Hispanic Bar Association of Pennsylvania and sits on the City Board of Ethics. While the Mayor and City Council have long been in agreement on the need for new leadership at BRT, Council President Anna Verna had made it very clear the employees at BRT needed to be protected in the process. Although its patronage employees have suffered relentless belittlement in the daily press, their work is vital to the ongoing mission of BRT. Mayor Nutter also announced City Solicitor Shelley Smith has determined those BRT employees who are on the School District payroll are City employees. He outlined details of the process by which these clerical positions will be brought

within the City of Philadelphia civil-service system. It is a process that bends over backward to give current BRT employees an edge in the open civil-service exam they will now have to take. The Office of Human Resources – subject to approval by the Civil Service Commission – has recommended creating two new civil-service classes for these positions. These proposed classes will be responsible for performing a variety of tasks in support of real-estate appraisals, valuations, and assessments. Due to the specialized nature of this work, some level of specific experience is required to successfully perform the essential functions of these positions, and applicants for these positions must satisfy these requirements and sit for a competitive examination. Assessment Clerk 2 applicants must have three years of clerical experience, two years of which must have involved supporting real-estate appraisals, evaluations and assessments for a governmental agency. Assessment Clerk 1 applicants will need one year of clerical experience supporting real-estate appraisal functions for a governmental tax agency. All current BRT employees have the required experience. While other members of the public may also have this experience, it is unlikely a large pool of skilled appplicants will be found outside the

ranks of those now working at BRT. Nutter made it plain he thought the clerical employees of BRT had gotten a raw deal in the press and he repeated his confidence most of them are talented and valuable public servants. “The School District has been paying them $3.8 million a year and getting more than $700 million a year of revenue in return,” he said. “I expect the School District will now reimburse the City for this service.” Reforming BRT has been undertaken in an air of constant haste, which has prompted many mistakes. Not least of them was the failure to get BRT’s consolidation under the Finance Dept. on the ballot this fall; that must now wait until the spring election. Insiders say many dangers lie down the path the Mayor has chosen. “Transferring the power to raise assessments from an administrative branch to the executive wipes out the rule a taxing authority cannot raise taxes to meet Mayoral objectives,” one noted. “Instead, the Mayor can now levy taxes to meet costs of his projects. “Add to that the ‘Actual Value’ plan for real-estate valuation. Without safeguards, this could quadruple taxes in South Philadelphia, Center City and the Northeast, and other areas. This could wipe out the recent population gains here, with maybe depopulation. Making

the tax rate meet market values for ‘revenue-neutral’ status is illusive; they cannot always be matched. A Mayor could single out a Councilmanic District for increases, or argue City Council is to blame for increases, as they did not adequately adjust the tax rate.” A loss of modestly paid patronage workers (the typical BRT clerk earns $25,000$35,000 a year) will also hamper grassroots political organization. “That won’t bother their critics,” sniffed one observer. “Many of their white-collar accusers are making $100,000 a year. They too have political influence: Often they contribute to campaign coffers.” Even though the patronage employees never did political work on the job, they were slurred by people who do not understand the business of tax assessment. “It was a meanspirited attack,” one Party worker said. That’s water under the bridge now. A new BRT will rise out of the ashes of the old. “Fixing the property-tax assessment system in Philadelphia – a system that has long been broken – is no easy task,” said the Mayor. “Though we will move as quickly as possible, the importance of getting it right overwhelms the need to get it done fast. We don’t want to be back here again in two, 10 or 20 years’ time having to undertake the same reforms.” Philadelphia

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The Public Record • December 17, 2009

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Page 3

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Page 4 The Public Record • December 17, 2009

Boyle To Chair Local House Races The House Democratic Campaign has appointed State Rep. Brendan Boyle to serve as its chairman for House races in Philadelphia-based districts. In this capacity, Boyle will help recruit candidates, fundraise, and direct strategy for these races. “I am pleased to have been

selected for this honor and I look forward to working hard to expand our majority,” said Boyle, who was elected in November 2008. Boyle became the first Democrat ever elected to his Northeast Philadelphia-based House district, winning by 18%. “Taking on this extra responsibility

Senator Tina

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will require a substantial time commitment, but I am happy to do it because I believe these Philadelphia races will be vital in our effort to expand our majority. In particular, the three Republican seats based in Northeast Philadelphia are our best opportunities for growth in the state,” said Boyle. “We're excited to have Brendan coordinating our recruiting and campaign efforts in Philadelphia, where we expect to have an opportunity to pick up Republican seats. Brendan’s proven to be a strong grassroots campaigner and a disciplined fundraiser. I’m excited he will be there to share his experience and supervise critical races,” said State Rep. Mike Gerber, chairman of the House Democratic Campaign Committee. Gerber played a similar role in his first term in 2006, when Democrats took six Republican seats in the Southeast. Gerber then served as vice chair of HDCC in 2008, when the Democrats took several more seats in the Southeast. “We feel we have an expanded playing field this cycle and can make gains in areas other than the Philadelphia suburbs,” Gerber added. “Northeast Philadelphia, Southwest Pennsylvania and areas of Pennsylvania where we have seen a spike in population growth all present opportunity for Democrats,” said Gerber.

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Sen. Arlen Spector ... never to be underestimated

Sestak Underestimating Specter’s Endurance? Congressman Joe Sestak may not realize it just yet, but the more he beats up on Sen. Arlen Specter, the less impact it will make with voters as the election process moves to the front stage in the minds of voters. Though the May 18 primary is still almost half a year away, Sestak has made some progress in whittling down the gap between himself and the incumbent veteran US Senator. Sestak could be responsible for the fact a Franklin & Marshall College Survey shows only 23% of the voters feel Specter deserves another term. It is obvious a major reason for this is his switching from Republican to Democrat. Though it stood well for him with the Obama administration, his realignment has cut loose a lot of his support from Democrats as well as Republicans. State Rep.

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The F&M poll shows, however, he still leads 7th Dist. Congressman Joe Sestak by 12 points among 616 adults polled, 30% to 18%. Fortyseven percent remain undecided. The poll shows Specter holds a small lead against Republican Pat Toomey, 33% to 31%. Thirty percent are still undecided in that matchup. Sestak, meanwhile, trails Toomey by eight points in a General Election matchup, 28% to 20%. But according to a Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of statewide voters, Republican nominee Pat Toomey is now ahead of both Democrats. Toomey captures 46% against incumbent Specter’s 42%. In October, Toomey had a virtually identical 45% to 40% lead. Against Sestak, he leads 44% to 38%; this is a gain from October when he was tied in the previous survey. But Toomey’s big turnaround is against Joe Sestak, the liberal Philadelphia-area Congressman, who hopes to deny Specter the Democratic nomination for the seat he has held for nearly 30 years. Toomey now beats Sestak by six points – 44% to 38% – after being tied with him in the previous survey. Six percent prefer some other candidate, and 13% are not sure. Sestak has been underestimating the almost 30-year incumbent Senator, who also holds, according to the Rasmussen Reports survey, a 48% to 35% lead among Democratic primary voters. Specter is viewed very favorably by 16% of Pennsylvania voters, but very unfavorably by more than twice as many (Cont. Page 5)

200th Legislative District 1536 E. Wadsworth Ave. Phone: (215) 242-7300 Fax: (215) 242-7303

The Public Record (USPS PP 109) Weekly Publication Published by:

The Phila. Public Record The South Phila Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila., PA 19147 ISSN 1938-8551 (Application to Mail At Periodicals Postage Rates Is Pending At Philadelphia PA and Bellmawr NJ) Postmaster: send address change to: The Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila. PA 19147 215-755-2000 Fax: 215-689-4099 Subscription Rate: $ 30.00/Year EDITORIAL STAFF Editor & Publisher: James Tayoun Sr. Managing Editor: Anthony West Associate Editor: Rory G. McGlasson Medical Editor: Paul Tayoun M.D. CitiLife Editor: Ruth R. Russell Editorial Staff: Joe Sbaraglia Out & About Editor: Denise Clay Contributing Editor: Bonnie Squires Correspondent: Nathan R. Shrader Nathaniel Lee Creative Director & Editorial Cartoonist: Ron Taylor Photographers: Donald Terry Lee Buchanan Dawud Starling Harry Leech Production Manager: William J. Hanna Bookkeeping: Haifa Hanna Webmaster: Sana Muaddi-Dows Advert. director: John David Controller: John David Circulation: Steve Marsico The Public Record welcomes news and photographs about your accomplishments and achievements which should be shared with the rest of the community. Contact us by phone, fax, e-mail or by dropping us a note in the mail. If you mail a news item, please include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify the information you provided us, if necessary. The Public Record reserves the right to edit all news items and letters for grammar, clarity and brevity. (C) 1999-2009 by the Philadelphia Public Record. No reproduction or use of the material herein may be made without the permission of the publisher. The Philadelphia Public Record will assume no obligation (other than the cancellation of charges for the actual space occupied) for accidental errors in advertisements, but we will be glad to furnish a signed letter to the buying public.

PEG PAC, the affiliated po-

R EP. A NGEL C RUZ DISTRICT OFFICE 2749 N. 5th St. • 215-291-5643 Staffed by

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Corbett Says Ramaley Verdict Won’t Matter Attorney General Tom Corbett says he’s disappointed former Democratic State Rep. Sean Ramaley was acquitted by a Dauphin County jury. But he argues the verdict won’t have any effect on his corruption investigation’s other cases. At a Pennsylvania Society event in midtown Manhattan, Corbett said he believed his legal team had the evidence to win the case. “We do not bring cases if we don’t think that there’s a conviction there,” he says. “That wouldn’t be fair.”

Josephs Would Ban AGs From Guv Race The House State Government Committee held a public hearing on a proposal to require Pennsylvania's Attorney

General to wait four years after leaving office before seeking election as Governor. The proposal (HB 2083), authored by the committee’s chairman, State Rep. Babette Josephs, would address concerns that an Attorney General could use the authority of the office to advance political goals and a Gubernatorial campaign while still in office. Josephs said she held State Committee hearings to identify how other States deal with this potential conflict of interest. In Virginia, although State law does not require it, Attorneys General have voluntarily resigned to avoid the appearance of a conflict, a tradition that dates back to the 1980s. Other States have more formal and stringent requirements in law. Should Josephs’s measure be passed, it would amend the State Constitution similarly to a prohibition that already prevents the State Treasurer from running for State Auditor General within four years of leaving office. Josephs said the prohibition exists to keep the Auditor General from being placed in the inappropriate position of having to audit Treasury accounts from when he or she served as Treasurer. The four-year gap eliminates the potential conflict. "As we move through consideration of my bill, I hope we will receive input from former Attorneys General and the current AG and others with expertise on the subject," said Josephs. "I’m disappointed the present AG, Tom Corbett, failed to accept my invitation to appear before the committee. Mr. Corbett, who is a candidate for Governor, has come under fire for conflict of interest and some have even suggested he resign vol-

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untarily. I thought testimony from him would be particularly valuable.” To take effect, Josephs' bill would have to pass the General Assembly in two successive legislative sessions and be approved by voters in a statewide referendum.

State GOP Optimistic About 2010 Races Will the pendulum that swings back and forth every years for this State’s Gubernatorial office continue to make a change in the party that rules after an eight-year span? Republicans have been in the minority in the House since 2006, but political history and state and national polling results give them hope of recapturing the Speaker’s gavel and potentially a chance to control redistricting. They feel strongly this is their time to get back the Governor’s office. ”I’m convinced that we have a strong opportunity of taking back the majority,” said State Rep. Mike Turzai, the Republican whip, about House control. He cites a handful of House seat targets that could reverse the Democrats’ slim 103-99 advantage. Chuck Ardo, a spokesman for the state Democratic Party, acknowledged some of the Party’s House members face tough races, but he argued that is true on both sides of the aisle. “I think it’s going to be a tough year for all incumbents,” he said. “I think there are going to be some traditionally safe seats that are far more competitive than people would expect.”

solidarity on Election Day may be facing a disruption as the May primary approaches. Former US Attorney Pat Meehan has been seen as having a lock on the nomination to have a go at the 7th Dist. seat being vacated by Congressman Joe Sestak. With a strong track record in public service and also in paying his dues with Party organizations, few doubted he would be unchallenged. Now, though, comes TV news anchor Dawn Stensland,

who is widely reputed to be eyeing a run for the Republican nomination. If she does, she will be competing with strong name recognition – but little Party recognition. Some reports hold Meehan’s lowkey demeanor did not fire up some components of the GOP base. It is hard to see, however, how a woman with zero political experience can do better, unless someone writes her script and places it on the teleprompter.

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Will Stensland Stir DelCo’s GOP Pot? The ordinarily sedate parade of like-minded Republicans in Delaware Co. toward

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Wagner Picks Up State Business PAC

litical-action committee of the Pennsylvania Business Council, has announced its endorsement of Democrat Jack Wagner for his party nomination for Governor of Pennsylvania. "There are eight intelligent and talented individuals vying to be the next chief executive of the Commonwealth," said Pennsylvania Business Council President David W. Patti. "Each brings unique traits and qualifications to the election. However, based on the assessment of the 30-plus Board members of PEG PAC, Jack Wagner is the best candidate among the Democrats." Amid the crowded Democratic pack, PEG PAC was impressed by Wagner's performance in his current office of Auditor General, his commitment to making Pennsylvania more competitive, and his experience as a member of the Pittsburgh City Council and Pennsylvania Senate.

The Public Record • December 17, 2009

(Cont. From Page 4) (35%). However, just 6% have no opinion of Specter. Fifteen percent have a very favorable view of Toomey, while 9% regard him very unfavorably. For Sestak, very favorables total 11%, and very unfavorables stand at 12%. These numbers are little changed from October. Sestak needs to know Specter has had a lot of campaign wars from which to draw his reelection strategies. A taste of them came out this past week when Specter’s campaign charged Sestak’s selef-portrayal as a “True Democrat” was a farce. After more than two months of remaining largely silent while Sestak attacked him at every turn, the remarks amounted to Specter’s first retaliation. He stated, “Congressman Sestak is a flagrant hypocrite in challenging my being a real Democrat when he did not register as a Democrat until 2006, just in time to run for Congress. His lame excuse for avoiding party affiliation, because he was in military service, is undercut by his documented disinterest in the political process.” Sestak’s retort was he voted by absentee ballot while serving overseas, as an independent. He said, “Like Colin Powell (who was also registered as an Independent while he served), I believe military officers should be nonpartisan.” Specter easily wins the “true Democrat” application since he was a Democrat in Philadelphia decades ago until he switched to run as a Republican for the City’s District Attorney office. Sestak’s chances of getting the Democratic State Committee when it meets Feb. 10 is seen as nonexistent to slim, with Specter already welcomed heartily into the Democrat fold by President Barack Obama and Gov. Ed Rendell.

Page 5

Toomey Looks Formidable Vs. All Contenders

Page 6 The Public Record • December 17, 2009

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Union Labor... Building it right for a better and stronger community! Laborers’ District Council of the Metropolitan Area of Philadelphia and vicinity is comprised of four unions: Local 135, Daniel L. Woodall, Jr., James Vail Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Local 332, Samuel Staten, Jr., Vincent Primavera, Sr. Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Local 413, James Harper,Sr., Fred Chiarlanza Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Local 57, Walt Higgins Harry Hopkins Business Manager L.E.C.E.T. Management Trustee Laborers District Council, Ryan N. Boyer, Business Manager. Samuel Staten, Sr., Business Manager Emeritus of the Laborers’ District Council of the Metropolitan Area of Philadelphia and Vicinity and Local 332.

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Page 7


The Parts Don’t Work Together

We Like Lentz, But…


O Unity Tree?

by Dr. Paul Kengor ’Tis the season -- that is, to not refer to the Christmas Season as the “Christmas Season.” Of course, that’s old news. But more-recent news is the bewildering refusal in some quarters to call a Christmas tree a “Christmas tree”. Unfortunately, this isn’t new to those of us from the Pittsburgh area. On that, I’d like to enlighten folks around the country, hopefully providing some exposure to something that merits national ridicule. Each year, the City of Pittsburgh kicks off the “Holiday Season” with its “Light Up Night”. The crowning touch is the lighting of the Christmas tree. This wonderful tradition connects Pittsburghers to the roots of their parents and grandparents. For me, however, as a native Pittsburgher and a Christian, the moment has been spoiled. The Christmas tree is now called “the Unity Tree”. I’m not making this up. Outsiders will recoil or laugh hys-

terically at the thought, but it’s true. There’s a curious thing about the Unity Tree, which always baffles me: It only comes out at Christmas time. Why is that? Of course, the Unity Tree really is a Christmas tree. What could be more offensive to Christians than some anonymous power’s renaming their tree, and expecting them to accept this politically correct delusion silently? I would never insult my Jewish friends by refusing to call a menorah anything but a menorah, or demand a public renaming. I respect them, their faith and its symbols. I can even see the rationale in calling the “Christmas Season” the “Holiday Season”, given other faiths indeed share the season, and, further, given the season encompasses holidays beside Christmas. But how can you call a Christmas tree anything but a Christmas tree? It isn’t right. It disunites Christians from a unifying symbol that bonds them

across their wide-ranging differences and denominations. Yet, on further reflection, I’ve recently come to think the name change is not so bad. Consider: First, this year’s Unity Tree has a sponsor, the health-care company Highmark. It has been rechristened the “Highmark Unity Tree”. Perhaps a business sponsor is fitting. Commercialism has hijacked this religious holiday. Spending money buying things is the chief devotion for Americans this time of year. Far more deliberation is done in stores shopping than in churches praying. The sponsor of the Christmas tree is Christ; the sponsor of the Unity Tree is business. Second, “unity” is a synonym for “diversity”. Had those who divined “Unity

Dr. Paul Kengor is professor at Grove City College.

Dec. 17- Loyal Opposition Party at Republican 27th Ward Leader Matt Wolfe’s house, 4256 Regent Sq., 6:30 p.m. Jan. 2- Vaird Fdn. Hosts Read and Lead at P.O. Vaird

Boys & Girls Club, 4800 Whitaker Ave., 12 p.m. Feb. 1- Tom Johnson hosts Brady Bunch Winter “Ski” Party at Finnigan’s Wake. 6 to 9 p.m. Feb. 10- Germantown Republican Club hosts Attorney General Tom Corbett is guest of honor at 121st annual dinner at Union League, 6 p.m. Tickets $65. For info Jack Morley (215) 389-1768.

Tree” suffered more time in our universities, they would have designated it the “Diversity Tree”. Diversity is not only a buzzword but a central object of homage; it is the contemporary Babe in the Manger. Needless to say, though, excising Christ from Christmas is not an act of diversity. It excludes, not includes. What we have with the Unity Tree is a tree that honors secularism, commercialism and the sham that is “diversity”. If you think about it, this unholy trinity is truly what Christmas has become. Yes, Pittsburgh has a symbol -- one the do-gooders may never have intended. But, hey, it’s a slippery slope. Merry Christmas, everyone.

When you find a problem, you get rid of it. When that problem is a personable individual with good intentions, you promote him up and out of your way. We say this of State Rep. Bryan Lentz. He’s misguidedly zeroing his sights on Philadelphia International Airport. He’s done it before, but the State legislature wisely dismissed his efforts procedurally. Now the candidate for Congress in the 7th Dist. wants to legislatively establish a State Authority to replace the City in ownership of our first-class international airport. We believe his intentions are good and we advise him not to tamper with a proven model that has seen the Airport grow phenomenally in size and shape, with additional airlines clamoring to come in, which almost every year sets a new record for the number of passengers using it. The City’s administration of the Airport has wisely been one that allows the experts at the facility to do what they do best. If Lentz feels this legislative effort will earn him goodwill from residents in his District who may, in the summer months, complain about low airplane flyovers as they take off or land, he’ll find that handful won’t do him well in his vote-getting efforts to becoming a Congressman. We do hope they vote for him, though, so we can get a more-productive soul as a replacement for his Pennsylvania House seat. In the meantime, we ask our caucus in the General Assembly to do what they can to pigeonhole his bill, saving them time to deliberate other, more-productive legislation.

The Public Record • December 17, 2009

As we showed in our six-part series on convicts and parolees last spring, Philadelphia’s criminal-justice system is a complex system of independent agencies which nonetheless work like interlocking parts. The chief reason this city is being overwhelmed by crime and its consequences is these parts don’t interlock very well. Systemic reform is long overdue. There are signs this will proceed on several different fronts, at local, State and Federal levels. We urge its leaders to examine all the pieces of the criminal-justice pipeline in their relation to each other before fiddling with any component. Police, District Attorney, Public Defender, Prisons, Probation & Parole, Health and Human Services all need to tailor their budgets and their programs with each other’s needs in mind. The teamwork needed will be complex. It will not be possible to bring it all under one “czar” because too many different levels of government are involved. But firm and decisive new policies must emerge. It would be nice if, in this age of shrinking budgets, we could spend less across the board and still get better results. But that won’t happen. There is too big a mismatch between the rising inputs from some points on the pipelines and the paltry resources that struggle to cope with them. In particular, we may need more Judges, more Parole Officers and more ex-offender programs if we truly want to catch thugs and keep them from striking and striking again. Don’t forget – crime unchecked, crime let run rampant, costs more money too.

Page 8 The Public Record • December 17, 2009

Keystone Another Maternity Mercy Service Closes In Top 30

Phone: 302-475-4040 888-554-INTO Email:

Psychic Nora Truscello is a psychic consultant, lecturing and teaching in the paranormal field. Integrity is Key to my reputation. •

Suburban’s maternity services means a loss of one-third of their prenatal-care providers. “This is the seventh hospital in the region to close OB services in five years. Birthing is not just a business decision; it is an essential and non-negotiable part of the human experience,” said JoAnne Fischer, executive director of Maternity Care Coalition.

by Michael A. Cibik, Esq. American Bankruptcy Board Certified

chaser of the property greatly. The mortgage lender doesn’t have to foreclose (and pay for the foreclosure), the realtor gets a commission from the sale, and the purchaser gets the property cheap. But what’s in it for you, other than getting out of having to pay the mortgage? A short sale hurts your credit. A short sale causes the same harm to your credit as a foreclosure or a bankruptcy. Next week’s question: More reasons why short sales usually are a bad idea.

Question: Why are short sales usually a bad idea? Answer: A short sale is where the mortgage lender agrees to accept less than the full amount due to release the mortgage lien and allow the sale to occur. Why not? A short sale benefits many people other than you. A short sale benefits the mortgage lender, the realtor and the pur-

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Attorneys are both board certified by the American Bankruptcy Certification Board.

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Chapters 7/13 & Stop foreclosures, creditors harassments, lawsuits, garnishments, and sheriff sales.

Lectures at 354 Valleybrook Road, Chester Heights, PA 19017 (only 25 minutes from Phila. Airport) Admission: $7.00 Time: doors open at 7:30 Lecture at 8:00 P.M.

Keystone Mercy Health Plan, the largest Medicaidmanaged care plan in Southeastern Pennsylvania, improved its ranking among the top 30 Medicaid health plans in the nation according to the US News & World Report/National Committee for Quality Assurance listing of America’s Best Health Insurance Plans 2009-10. The plan was ranked 26th out of more than 80 Medicaid managedcare plans in America. “Our goal is to offer our members access to the best quality of care available," said Anne Morrissey, president of Pennsylvania Managed Care, Keystone Mercy Health Plan. “Keystone Mercy works to go above and beyond, giving members access to an extensive providernetwork and offering education and wellness programs to help members manage their health. Seeing our health plan improve nine places to 26th is very gratifying.”

As of Jan. 18, Mercy Suburban Hospital’s maternity unit in Norristown will be the 19th in this region to close since 1997. A Maternity Care Coalition survey shows Norristown’s pregnant women with Medicaid insurance already have to wait a month to see a prenatal-care provider, twice as long as is the standard for care. The closure of Mercy

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Page 9

The Public Record • December 17, 2009

Page 10 The Public Record • December 17, 2009

IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Philadelphia COUNTY CIVIL ACTION - LAW ACTION OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE Term No. 090803769 NOTICE OF ACTION IN MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE WACHOVIA MORTGAGE CORPORATION Plaintiff vs. Unknown Heirs of Lucien M. Ladoux Deceased Mortgagor and Real Owner Defendant Unknown Heirs of Lucien M. Ladoux Deceased, MORTAGOR AND REAL OWNER, DEFENDANT whose last known address is 618 West Annsbury Street Philadelphia, PA 19140. THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR AND WE ARE ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT OWED TO OUR CLIENT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM YOU WILL BE USED FOR THE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING THE DEBT. You are hereby notified that Plaintiff WACHOVIA MORTGAGE CORPORATION, has filed a Mortgage Foreclosure Complaint endorsed with a notice to defend against you in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, docketed to No. 090803769 wherein Plaintiff seeks to foreclose on the mortgage secured on your property located, 618 West Annsbury Street Philadelphia, PA 19140 whereupon your property will be sold by the Sheriff of Philadelphia.

NOTICE You have been sued in court. If you wish to defend against the claims set forth in the following pages, you must take action within twenty (20) days after the Complaint and notice are served, by entering a written appearance personally or by attorney and filing in writing with the court your defenses or objections to the claims set forth against you. You are warned that if you fail to do so the case may proceed without you and a judgment may be entered against you by the Court without further notice for any money claim in the Complaint of for any other claim or relief requested by the Plaintiff. You may lose money or property or other rights important to you. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER OR CANNOT AFFORD ONE, GO TO OR TELEPHONE THE OFFICE SET FORTH BELOW. THIS OFFICE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION ABOUT HIRING A LAWYER. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO HIRE A LAWYER, THIS OFFICE MAY BE ABLE TO PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION ABOUT AGENCIES THAT MAY OFFER LEGAL SERVICES TO ELIGIBLE PERSONS AT A REDUCED FEE OR NO FEE. COMMUNITY LEGAL SERVICES, INC. Law Center North Central 3638 North Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19140 215-227-2400 or 215-981-3700 PHILADELPHIA BAR ASSOCIATION One Reading Center Philadelphia, PA 19104 215-238-6333 Michael T. McKeever Attorney for Plaintiff Goldbeck McCafferty & McKeever, PC Suite 5000, Mellon Independence Center 701 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19106-1532 215-627-1322

Red Cross ‘Treatment’ Forces Teamster Strike

Teamster members employed by the Philadelphia chapter of the American Red Cross are busy educating the public about the unfair labor conditions they endure, which could potentially put Philadelphia’s blood supply at risk. More than 100 employees went on strike and set up a picket line when their issues were ignored by their em-

LEGAL NOTICE 1st notice of all rights, titles & interest in the following trailers shall be transferred to the Marina Business unless redeemed within 30 days of 2nd Notice 1-Ranger Trailers 16’ - 1985 VIN # 18WRT1717F1513815 2- Lode - EAZ Trailer 17’ - 1989 VIN# 407BT1916HB200200

ployer. Red Cross management in Philadelphia, the union reports, has routinely understaffed its operation and scheduled frontline employees to work 12- to 14-hour shifts. Long shifts in conjunction with working seven, or more, straight days, they contend, may prevent workers from being at their best while doing the vital work of transporting blood supplies. Workers also expressed their concerns with the false statements put out by Red Cross regarding emergency transport of blood products during the strike. “Although we are on strike, we are doing everything we can to make sure that life-saving blood products arrive at their destinations on time,” said Carl London, a member of Teamsters Local 929 and the chief

shop-steward at the Red Cross in Philadelphia. “The allegation that we are blocking urgent deliveries is symptomatic of Red Cross’ disrespect for their employees. We actually went out of our way to ensure that any emergency vehicles were given access.” “The public needs to know that we are concerned about our members’ safety at the Red Cross and, in turn, the safety of the blood supply,” said Rocky Bryan, vice president of Teamsters Local 929. “The collection and transport of blood products is an occupation our members take very seriously. Above all, they want to perform their jobs at the best of their abilities so that there is no margin for error.” For more information, contact Rocky Bryan (215) 768-7660.


Colin King, Sr Adoption of Xavier Givens Luzerne County Court of Common Pleas Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania A petition has been filed asking the Court to put an end to all rights you have to your child, Xavier Givens. The Court has set a hearing to consider ending your rights to your child. That hearing will be held as set forth below: PLACE: Luzerne County Court House Bernard C. Brominski Building Orphans' Courtroom, 3rd Floor 113 West North Street Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania DATE: January 21, 20010 TIME: 8:30 A. M. You are warned that even if you fail to appear at the scheduled hearing the hearing will go on without you and your rights to your child (ren) may be ended by the Court without you being present. You have a right to be represented at the hearing by a lawyer. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER OR CANNOT AFFORD ONE, GO TO OR TELEPHONE ONE OF THE OFFICES SET FORTH BELOW TO FIND OUT WHERE YOU CAN GET LEGAL HELP. Legal Services of Northeastern, PA, Inc 410 BiCentennial Building 15 Public Square Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 18701 (570) 825-8567 BY: Anthony J. Lumbis, Esquire Luzerne County Children and Youth Services 111 North Pennsylvania Avenue Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 18701 Telephone No. : (570) 826-8700 Extension 5139

Luzerne County Public Defender's Office Luzerne County Courthouse Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 18711 (570) 825-1754

Page 11

Asian American students had decided to boycott South Philadelphia HS overfight that happened on Dec. 3. During that fight, which School District of Philadelphia officials say was precipitated by an attack on an a disabled African American student by Asian students the previous day, some Asian kids were pulled out of class and beaten. Ten students – six Black and four Asian – will be spending the rest of the school year elsewhere due to the suspensions they received in connection with that fight. Today, the boycotting students South Philadelphia HS are back in class. They had been calling for a meeting with School District of Philadelphia Superintendent Arlene Ackerman and they finally got it on Tuesday. Among the things the District has done is to create a task force designed to look at diversity issues District-wide, have the Justice Dept. come in and do a diversity-training program, install more cameras and increase the number of school police. However, these measures may not be enough to keep the Asian American Legal Defense & Education Fund from making good on its promise to file a civil-rights complaint against the District. Three conclusions come to mind. 1) The kids at “Southern”, like most kids in the School District, are a lot more together than we give them credit for. The kids on both sides were able to articulate their issues plainly and concisely to me when I talked with them, even when that conversation occurred through an interpreter. 2) If Arlene Ackerman is going to superintend the School District of Philadelphia, she might want to develop a thicker (Cont. Page 23)

The first day of winter, Dec. 21, is fast approaching. This is known as the winter solstice. It is also the shortest day of the year for daylight. The weatherman has been cooperating by bringing us snow, sleet and cold rain. Summer, by contrast, was so mild you can look forward to a hard winter according to Ben Franklin’s Almanac. The law firm of Elliott Greenleaf is having a holiday celebration beginning at 5 p.m. on Dec. 18 at Coleman’s at Normandy Farm in Bluebell. The 39th annual Person of the Year Award of the Greater Roxborough Lodge of the Sons of Italy in America recently honored Common Pleas JUDGE ANNETTE RIZZO. She was introduced to the attendees of the banquet by well-known trial attorney CHARLES PERUTO. She also received a citation from the State House of Representatives delivered by STATE REP. JOHN SABATINA, JR. Judge Rizzo is the author of the Mortgage Foreclosure Diversion Pilot Program, which has allowed many homeowners in Philadelphia Co. to save their houses from foreclosure. The program is unusual and innovative, the first jurisdiction in the country to do something to combat foreclosures in the wake of the recent recession. The Pennsylvania Society in New York was its usual sold-out success. It has been such since CAROL FITZGERALD has been executive director of the Society. Years ago, when the society was first organized, Pennsylvanians of affluence living in New York played a major role in selecting for the Republican Party its “governabl” candidates. That role, as the years progressed, caused hopeful candidates to assemble at the Society in New York during the second week of December. This year, among those in attendance was JUDGE JIM FITZGERALD, who is Carol’s husband. He is an Appellate Judge in Pennsylvania. Among others in attendance were JOHN ELLIOTT; President Judge Emeritus of the Commonwealth Court TED DOYLE; BILL GALLAGHER, general counsel of Crown Cork & Seal; MICHAEL ROWLEY; former STATE SEN. BOB ROVNER; President Judge of the Common Pleas Court in Philadelphia PAM DEMBE and her husband DAVID; STATE SEN. MIKE STACK; STEVE WOJDAK, well-known Philadelphia attorney; and Common Pleas JUDGE JIM LYNN. (Cont. Page 20)

Yo! Here we go again with this question: Why do we call our money the “dollar”? In days of old, there was the thaler – a generic term for any large silver coin. Other cultures came up with their own versions of this word. In Italy, a large silver coin was known as a tallero; in Holland it was a daalder; Denmark and Sweden had kalers. In Hawaii, silver coins were talas while Ethiopia used talari, but in English-speaking countries, a silver coin was called a dollar. The Scots used the name dollar to distinguish themselves from the English who used pounds, shillings and pence. Thus, because of this early usage, the dollar carried a certain anti-English or anti-authoritarian bias that many settlers took with them. This explains how the dollar got to America, but not how it became our official currency. After all, most American colonists were still loyal British subjects and would have preferred to trade in pounds, shillings, and pence. The real problem was the colonists suffered from a constant shortage of coins. In 1695 the British Parliament passed a law forbidding exporting gold and silver to anywhere in the world – even to its own colonies. As a result, the only coins available to the Americans were the Spanish silver reales. By 1776, the Spanish dollar was the de facto currency of the United States. By 1785, Congress declared the dollar as the official monetary unit of the United States. Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury, did not like the term dollar but used the term with the idea they would think of a better name later. They didn’t, of course. The Spanish dollar continued to be the official currency unit of the United States for over nine years until the first public building – the Mint – turned out the US Dollar silver coins – not paper. Those only came many years later as dollar bills. After the American Revolution, the US was eager to break with all things English. In 1782, the Superintendent of Finance sent a report to Congress recommending the US adopt a decimal system of currency – 100 equal parts with the smallest part, 1/100th of a dollar, to be called a “cent”, from the Latin word for ‘hundred’, and a tenth of a dollar to be called a “dime”, from the Latin for ‘tenth’. By the way, England didn’t adopt a decimal system of currency until 1971. Today, it is following in its disloyal colony’s footsteps.

SNOOPER’S GOOD NEWS BUREAU: Yes Chief, there is a SANTA CLAUS, and there’s also GOOD NEWS too. “Big” BOB SHANNON, President of The MUMMER’S STRING BAND ASSOCIATION, wants to thank all of you, especially all those who came to THE BACON BROTHERS benefit concert. He also appreciated all the work and efforts of their favorite Congressman, HON. ROBERT BRADY. The Bacon Brothers did what Mayor Nutter couldn’t do – SAVE THE MUMMERS. They will definitely be marching DOWN BROAD STREET once again. Next, a special note: Mr. Shannon, you can bet all the POLITICIANS will be there too. SNOOPER’S PARTY OF THE YEAR: Hey Chief, tell all ‘the boys’ we have been invited to one THE BEST parties in CITY HALL. The Prothonotary of Philadelphia, HON. JOSEPH EVERS, will be holding his annual EMPLOYEES CHRISTMAS PARTY. He invites each and every one of these professionals each year to ROOM 284 - CITY HALL. They come and enjoy good food, and plenty of great camaraderie, with their fellow employees and the many friends of their “Boss’ THE PROTHONOTARY. The party is being held TODAY, THURSDAY, 12 noon till ‘whenever’. He’ll have many of this City’s top JUDGES, along with many of his political friends. Yes, this is the one PARTY every one comes to; me too! SNOOPER SCOOPER: It seems the East Regional Superintendant of Public Schools GREGORY SHANNON is at it once again. My sources tell me he walked into THE HENRY LAWTON SCHOOL at Ditman & Jackson Streets and he has caused quite a controversy. It seems after he had a conversation with the schools’ ‘well-loved’ Principal ANITA (Cont. Page 20)

The Public Record • December 17, 2009

To say Trunk Man was the only Philly Elephant in the Big Apple for the annual Pennsylvania Society Weekend would be a colossal understatement. The weekend of bipartisan parties throughout a severalblock radius was filled with members, new and old, of the Philly GOP. The parties where most of the Philly elephants were found were the Local 98 Party, the Gov. Mifflin reception and the reception for State Senate MAJORITY LEADER DOMINIC PILEGGI. As has become custom, City GOP bosses MICHAEL MEEHAN and VITO CANUSO were practically inseparable during the weekend’s events. It was quite apparent, however, the duo was on a mission this year. The goal was to maintain their control of the Philly GOP. Word around the Waldorf Astoria Hotel was they were working Party leaders hard for support. Former STATE REP. GEORGE KENNEY, a potential atLarge Council candidate, was also following his tradition of being at all the right places. The father-son machine of WALT & CHRIS VOGLER were also seen at the various parties on behalf of the incumbent City GOP establishment with STATE REP. JOHN TAYLOR. A surprise appearance was made by former SPEAKER JOHN PERZEL aide BRIAN PRESKI, who is currently at the center of the Attorney General’s government corruption case. On the other side of the equation, the Loyal Opposition was there with an equally impressive contingent. PRESIDENT MARC COLLAZZO, JOE DeFELICE, AL SCHMIDT, ADAM LANG, SAMMY MIRARCHI and WARD LEADERS MATT WOLFE and PHIL INNAMORATO made a huge splash at the Local 98 dance party. Congressional candidate and Northeast Philly native (Cont. Page 20)

Page 12 The Public Record • December 17, 2009

Sheriff’s Weekly Logs Showed Court Problem The Philadelphia Inquirer’s series on problems within the criminal-justice system should earn it several journalistic prizes. It’s a topic that has been written up in several past issues of the Philadelphia Public Record, which based some of its own research of statistics compiled by the Office of Sheriff John Green. Sheriff Green’s many responsibilities include the transportation of prisoners from City prisons to the courts for trial and returning them. This is a daily chore that goes off without a hitch. The Sheriff’s records show anywhere from 1,200 to 1,500-plus prisoners take the two-way bus ride to and from court in an average week. And here is where the telltale signals began first to surface that problems exist with the ability of this City’s criminal-justice system adequately to deliver justice. In the period from Jul. 20

to Dec. 4, the Sheriff delivered 20,287 prisoners to the Criminal Justice Center at 13th & Filbert Streets. Unfortunately, only 7,524 received their days in court. The other 12,763 waited the entire day without having their cases heard, only to have them continued or delayed; many because their attorneys were busy, the Assistant District Attorneys were not prepared, or any other number of imaginative reasons.

These 12,763 returned to prison, to be housed, fed and watered at taxpayers’ expense, and jammed into a prison complex already overflowing. Additionally, 2,583 prisoners were transported by the Sheriff for reasons other than court appearances. The red flags were obvious. There does exist a congestion problem in the Criminal Justice System, as we stated a couple of months back.

Driver-Ed Course Open City high-school students aged 16 or older may take the School District’s free drivereducation courses. An eightweek session has just begun this week and a limited number of slots are still available. This session consists of 30 hours of instruction, two hours a day after school, two days a week. Classes are held at 13 different high schools

scattered around the city for geographical convenience. Students do not need to attend those particular high schools, however. They can come from any other school – even charter, parochial, independent or home schools. To take advantage of this program, call Mr. John Makara, the Driver Education coordinator, at (215) 400-6809.

new businesses serving vulnerable communities. “This last budget showed that whatever criticism comes our way, we will insist on fairness in education, support for small business and investment in workers,” Tartaglione said. “We will begin fighting now for next year and we won’t give up.” From 1992 through 2002, Pennsylvania was among the top 10 states in the growth of Latino-owned businesses, according to the US Dept. of Labor. New statistics are expected to be released next year, reflecting the effect of the sudden economic downturn. “Just like those immigrant business-owners in the early 20th century, you are now facing an extreme test of your resolve,” she said. “There has been no worse time since that Great Depression to be trying to create economic opportunity.”

HISPANIC Chamber of Commerce feted State Sen. Tina Tartaglione for her efforts on behalf of Latino businesses. In back row are Evaristo Gonzalez, President and CEO Varsovia Fernandez, Chairman of the Board Kenneth I. Trujillo, center, and Emmania Rodriguez. In front is Nathaniel Doyno, member, with Tartaglione.

Twelve of the cutest babies in Philadelphia will be honored tomorrow morning. The cutest, as voted by you, our readers, will be feted at a presentation at 11:30 a.m. this Friday at PNC Bank, 1 Crescent Drive. Our top vote-getters were Delano Roberts and Mariah Rose Mendez-Josiak. Delano Kaie Roberts is 15 months old. He lives in the heart of South Philadelphia with his parents Arline & Damon. Mariah Rose Mendez Josiak is known in her Fishtown com-

munity as the “Puerto RicanPolish Pearl,” according to grandfather Wilfredo Rojas. Mariah will be one year old on Jan. 29, 2010. Roberts and MendezJosiak will each receive a $100 cash prize. Also receiving $25 prizes as best-placing winners are George Banis III, Jason & Tyler Barilli, Ann Elizabeth Bernard, Justin Cusack, Mia DeJesse, Madison Lee Melwig, Missouri Rain Modglin, Ryan & Jason Sullivan.

The Public Record • December 17, 2009

State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione was honored last week by the Coalition of Hispanic Chambers of Commerce for her years of dedication to promoting entrepreneurship in the Hispanic community. Kenneth Trujillo, chairman of the Greater Philadelphia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, said Tartaglione was being recognized for her “great contribution” toward the Hispanic business community. “Sen. Tartaglione is a true hero to us,” Trujillo said. “She has assured we get very desperately needed State funding.” Trujillo was joined by leaders of several Hispanic Chambers of Commerce from across the State for their annual “Latinos on the Hill” advocacy day. Tartaglione recognized that times are difficult for all businesses, especially

Babies Honored At Navy Yard

Page 13

Hispanic Chamber Honors Tartaglione


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Page 14 The Public Record • December 17, 2009

Meeting The State’s Political Movers And Shakers

MAYOR Michael Nutter and Lisa Nutter enjoychatting with Alan Kessler at PNC breakfast during Penna. Society weekend. Photo by Bonnie Squires

ENJOYING camaraderie at Pennsylvania Society were Justice Sandra Schultz Newman, her husband and Phila. President Judge Pam Dembe. Photo by Bonnie Squires

Gov. ED RENDELL and Public Record’s Contributing Editor Bonnie Squires share moment atWojdak-Ballard Spahr Governor’s Reception at Penna. Society.

TOM LEONARD and Justice Ron Castille were among Penna. Society dinner crowd.

Photo by Bonnie Squires

Photo by Bonnie Squires

REGISTER of Wills Ron Donatucci, standing, and friends welcome Shelly Onorato, wife of Gubernatorial candidate Dan Onorato, at Temple Breakfast at Penna. Society.

COUNCILWOMAN Marian Tasco enjoys companionship of friends at Blank Rome reception at Penna. Society weekend.

CONGRESSIONAL candidate Doug Pike catches up with his friend, actress Melissa Fitzgerald, at Blank Rome reception. Fitzgerald, who starred in “The West Wing” series, is daughter of Penna. Society executive director Carol Fitzgerald.

Photo by Bonnie Squires

Photo by Bonnie Squires

Photo by Bonnie Squires

NORA DOWD Eisenhower, Peter Longworth, Sean Buffington, Sharon Pinkenson and Jim Eisenhowerwere among those at Blank Rome reception.

SEN. BOB CASEY arrived in time to take his seat on dais of Penna. Society dinner Saturday night next to Mrs. Ginny Thornburgh. Gerry Lenfest was honoree. Photo by Bonnie Squires

ALSO at Blank Rome event were Ethel & Dr. Walter Hofman, seen here with Montco Commmission Chairman Jim Matthews.

GAIL INDERWIES and Barbara Grant, both charter members of the Genevieve Society named for the late Judge Genevieve Blatt, are congratulated by State Sen. Vincent Hughes.

Photo by Bonnie Squires

AMBASSADOR & Mrs. David Girard-diCarlo were among those at Buchanan Ingersoll reception at Penna. Society.

Photo by Bonnie Squires

Photo by Bonnie Squires

Photo by Bonnie Squires

PHILA. Housing Authority’s Carl Greene and Renee Amoore give Congressional candidate Doug Pike some insight on needs of public housing sector at Genevieve Society event at Penna. Society weekend. Photo by Bonnie Squires

ENJOYING festivities with IBEW Local 98 host John J. Dougherty, Jr., is former Gov. Mark Schweiker. Photo by Bonnie Squires

STATE REP. Bryan Lentz, Democratic candidate for Congress in 7th Dist., and his wife Jennifer, stopped by IBEW reception at Photo by Bonnie Squires Penna. Society.

40 YEARS a celebrity, Hon Mario Mele, right, tells Dr. George Avalon he recently married. Photo by Bonnie Squires

Photo by Bonnie Squires

FORMER Congresswoman Marjorie Margolies accepts congratulations from Penn President Amy Gutmann on engagement of Margolies’ son Mark to Chelsea ClinPhoto by Bonnie Squires ton.

NEWLY INSTALLED members of Genevieve Society debuted at Penna. Society Weekend and included Bonnie Squires, Eleanor Dezzi, Robin Wiessman and Judith Mondre. Dezzi is one of society’s founders. Society plans to promote women canPhoto by Bonnie Squires didates.

ENJOYING camaraderie at Penna. Society were Justice Sandra Schultz Newman, her husband and Phila. President Judge Photo by Bonnie Squires Pam Dembe.

CONGRESSMAN Joe Sestak is welcomed to University of Pennsylvania Saturday brunch at Penn Club by VP Glenn Bryan.

COMCAST executives Charisse Lilllie and Karen Buchholz start off Saturday at PNC breakfast with Karen’s husband Carl Buchholz, managing partner of Blank Rome.

Photo by Bonnie Squires

Photo by Bonnie Squires

Photo by Bonnie Squires

Photo by Bonnie Squires

DAVID COHEN, executive VP of Comcast and chairman of Phila. Chamber of Commerce, catches up with Rob Wonderling, new president of the C of C, while both are at PNC Bank breakfast.

CONGRESSMAN Jim Gerlach and his wife Karen took time out from his campaign for Governor to have breakfast with PNC group.

Photo by Bonnie Squires

AT PENN CLUB breakfast Saturday morning were Mark Aronchick, State Rep. Jim Roebuck and DA-elect Seth Williams.

Photo by Bonnie Squires

Photo by Bonnie Squires

Photo by Bonnie Squires

CONGRESSWOMAN Kathy Dahlkemper and her husband Dan offer some pointers to Congressional candidate Doug Pike at PNC breakfast. Photo by Bonnie Squires

CONNIE WILLIAMS, Judge Marjorie O. AT BUCHANAN Ingersoll reception Rendell and Gov. Ed Rendell find time for Saturday, Pat Meehan confers with Sen. Buchanan Ingersoll event prior to Penna. Arlen Specter and his wife Joan. Society dinner. Photo by Bonnie Squires

Photo by Bonnie Squires

CHESTER CO. Commissioner Carol Aichele, Republican candidate for Lt. Governor, and her husband Steve Aichele, Esq., were at Pileggi reception.

FIRST Lady Marjorie O. Rendell and Gov. Ed Rendell, together with Lew Katz, stopped by State Sen. Dominic Pileggi‘s reception.

Photo by Bonnie Squires

HOWARD COHEN, RepubliRETIRING State Rep. Kathy can candidate for Congress in Mandarino is congratulated 6th Dist., discusses issues with at Penna. Society. Carl Buchholz of Blank Rome.

STATE SEN. Dominic Pileggi greets guests at his reception at Penna. Society Friday night.

Photo by Bonnie Squires

Photo by Bonnie Squires

Photo by Bonnie Squires

PNC BANK executives Sy Holzer and Bill Mills were busy greeting guests to their breakfast Saturday morning.

iBEW Local 98 head John Dougherty welcomes David Kelleher of David Dodge to Union’s festive and crowded reception at Waldorf during Penna. Society weekend Friday.

BLANK ROME law firm hosted government-relations briefing in its Chrysler Building offices as part of Penna. Society Weekend in New York, discussing health-care reform, financial markets and 2010 elections. Among attendees were Barbara Hafer, Scott Cooper (newly installed chairman of Phila Bar Association) and Dr. WalPhoto by Bonnie Squires ter Hofman, Montco Coroner.

The Public Record • December 17, 2009

CONGRESSWOMAN Allyson Schwartz arrived from Washington in time to meet up with David Cohen, chairman of Penn’s board of trustees, at Penn Club breakfast Saturday.

Page 15

At The Pennsylvania Society With Bonnie Squires

Page 16 The Public Record • December 17, 2009

Our Photogs Capture Pennsylvania Society Weekend

At Penna. Society dinner, Temple President Ann Weaver Hart and husband Randy are seated with Dan Polett, immediate past chairman of Temple board of trustees, and his wife Margo.

CAROL FITZGERALD, executive director of Penna. Society, hosted a table of Penn alumni friends at dinner along with her husband Judge Jim Fitzgerald. Photo by Bonnie Squires

Photo by Bonnie Squires

SONITA WILLIAMS, State Sen. Mike Stack and DA-Elect Seth Williams enjoy Sunday brunch which Temple and WaPhoto by Bonnie Squires chovia hosted.

CITY CONTROLLER Alan Butkovitz, Lynne Abraham and Temple Trustee Bob Rovner meet up at Temple Brunch Sunday morning at Penna. Society Weekend. Photo by Bonnie Squires

WAGNER FOR GOVERNOR party found Bill Dolbow, 35th Ward leader; State Rep. WARD Leader Ed Nesmith STATE SEN. Anthony Hardy NAACP head Jerry Mondesire, Brendan Boyle; Auditor General Jack Wagner; Bob Dellavella, Esq., 55th Ward COUNCILWOMAN Marian Tasco shares and Sam Staten, Jr., president Williams shares some memories Tom Hanna and Judge-elect leader; and Councilman Bill Greenlee gathwith former State Rep. George of Local 332, meet at Penna. Handy get together at Penna. Soa moment with Ward Leader William Dolering for our cameraman.


Photo by Joe Stivala



Photo by Joe Stivala


Photo by Joe Stivala

FRATERNAL Order of Police President John McNesby meets up with AMONG WEEKENDERS were Todd O'Mally, Esq., Shan- Judge Jimmy Lynn. non Pringle, Esq. and Justice Max Baer.Photo by Bonnie Squires

Photo by Harry Leech

Photo by Joe Leech.

PLEASED at reception he received at Penna. Society Weekend to his campaign for Governor of Pennsylvania is Tom Knox. Photo by Joe Stivala

LT. GUV. CANDIDATE Jonathan Saidel gets a thumbs-up from DA-elect Seth Williams. Photo by Harry Leech

Photo by Joe Stivala

Alan Kurtz toasts Army Reservist and City CONGRESSMAN Joe Sestak looks for STATE REP. James Roebuck enjoys comCouncil hopeful David Oh. support from former State Rep. David pany of his lovely wife Cheryl. Photo by Joe Stivala. Shadding. Photo byharry Leech Photo by Joe Stivala

HELPING IBEW Local 98’s John Dougherty host largest event at Penna. Society Weekend was Local 98’s Action Team, including Brian Stevenson, Bob Thompson, Mike Hnatkowsky, Bob Henon Photo by Harry Leech and Jim Foy.

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The Public Record • December 17, 2009

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Nesmith Hosts 2nd Ward

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The Public Record • December 17, 2009

Page 18

Send A Christmas Greeting Take Advantage of Wishing Your Constituents, Rank and File Supporters, Fellow Employees, Family Members and Loved Ones in Our Christmas Supplement, Nextweek.

CBTU President Mike Daniels, his CBTU executive board and members from different unions helped feed homeless and community at Salvation Army holiday dinner.



2ND WARD Leader Ed Nesmith hosted his first Christmas Party for his Democratic committeepersons. Here he welcomes visitors 9-year-old Myjae Littlepage and her dad Albert Littlepage, from 48th Ward.

ENJOYING 2nd Ward Christmas Party festivities at St. Maron Hall were long-time committeewoman Louise Hannible and Kevin Price.

The Christmas Crèche Commi ee Celebrates Peace And Inspira on At

The Philadelphia Nativity Scene









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“Oh come, all ye faithful...”

presents, including books and refreshments, at four separate events. Those, hosted by Locals 332, 135, 57 and 413, have been scheduled from this Friday through Christmas Eve. The largest of these will be held 3 p.m. tomorrow at LDC headquarters, Ridge & Wallace Streets, where severalhundred needy youngsters will find Santa Claus handing

them gifts, books and refreshments. This is the first year the LECET Toys for Tots at Christmas Time will be headed by LECET Administrator Juan R. Ramos. For the past six years, the reigns were held by former Administrator Richard Legree, who died suddenly just before Christmas last year. Ramos, a former City

You Can Visit The Christmas Crèche At MSB Building This Yule

CHRISTMAS CRECHE Committee members John Kelly and Pat Stanton thank huKERRY MORGAN, right, directs choir manitarian Kal Rudman for his contributions from St. Francis Xavier School, which sang to Crèche and Msgr. Michael T. McCulken, at dedication of Christmas Nativity Crèche pastor of Cathedral Basilica SS. Peter & on plaza of Municipal Services Building. Paul, who officiated at dedication.

Carpenters Local 8 Spread Christmas Cheer

Councilman, replaced Legree. “It was like returning home to a Union that had literally been my life for over 26 years. When it came time for Toys for Tots, we knew we had to duplicate step-forstep the effort put into this charity by my former predecessor. I actually went out, as he had each year, and selected the toys and books for boys and girls in the different age groups.” Ramos added, “On Friday, at the event, we will officially rename our annual toy giveaway ‘The Richard Legree LDC Toys For Tots Program’. He will be missed.” The transition from Legree to Ramos was flawless, since the former Councilman has a long history with the Laborers Unions, working in construction and then as a Union representative. He left for public service, returning after his term as Councilman was over. “I see our role as continuing the one set by Sam Staten, Sr. and the other leaders of

The Public Record • December 17, 2009

Tough times or not, the laborers who belong to the four unions of Laborers District Council continue to contribute in making Christmas merry for several thousand needy youngsters and their families. For the seventh straight year, the Laborers Employers Cooperation Education Trust will host needy children and treat them to a meeting with Santa Claus, giving them

Page 19

LECET Brings Christmas To Needy Youngsters

LECET Administrator Juan Ramos, who will oversee distribution of gifts and books to needy children at Laborers District Council Hall, sees job development as key to easing recession. our unions,” said Ramos. our brother members.” “We are involved in the comRamos also noted, “As the munities from which we draw months go by, I see my reour membership and we re- sponsibilities centering spond to their needs on many around the need to find more occasions.” employment for our Union He added, “The children members, working to create who receive Christmas gifts more opportunities for job defrom us have all been selected velopment. I see the next year from among the needy in our as being as tough as that we membership and from fami- experienced this year. So we lies brought to the attention of have to intensify our efforts.”

THIRTY-FIVE FAMILIES in Whitman section of South Philadelphia will be having a happy Christmas, thanks to the generosity of Metropolitan Regional Carpenters Union Secretary Treasurer/Business Mgr. Edward Coryell, and members of Carpenters Union Local 8. Members of Local 8 delivered over 150 toys to Whitman Council office at 3rd & Porter Streets yesterday. Delivering toys to Whitman Council Program Director Mary Jean Peruso are Matthew Higgins, Steven Yaeger and John Rowan. Whitman Council will distribute toys this Monday to families.

Going ‘Above And Beyond’

WINNING coveted “Above And Beyond” awards by Penna. Horticultural Society for dedicated park employees were Kate Lapszynski, left, volunteer coordinator for Fairmount Park Commission, and Barb McCabe, Recreation Dept. parks coordinator.

RECREATION Commissioner Susan Slawson thanks Joan Reilly, head of Penna. Horticultural Society, at Galdo’s Catering in S. Phila. for ongoing partnership to revitalize City parks.

Page 20 The Public Record • December 17, 2009

Weatherizing Reps

STATE REPS. Louise Williams Bishop, left, and Vanessa Lowery Brown joined in House Majority Policy Committee hearing on energy and weatherization at The Enterprise Center in University City.

Snooper (Cont. From Page 11) UROSSKI, all hell broke lose. They all found out that their Principal, for reasons that are still unexplained, announced she will be RETIRING. Many of the teachers and her friends are asking, WAS THIS A FORCED RETIREMENT? This Superintendant, Gregory Shannon, has not heard the last of this one. Question: Will Darlene Ackerman get involved in it? SNOOPER “WARNING”: One of my friends, a top

City Official, asked me to warn all of you, especially all you wonderful parents. Pay attention: the teenagers have come up with a NEW GAME and, as I was told, this game is DEADLY. Parents, this game is known as “THE CHOKING GAME” and it is wide-spread all over this City; in fact, in just about every city in this country. Teenagers are not very aware just how dangerous this NEW GAME is and what happens when they go too far. I’m warning all you PARENTS this is for real, so B-E-W-A-R-E!

City Hall Sam (Cont. From Page 11) One of the great institutions in City government, SAL MALVESTUTO, departed this life after a long illness. His son BOB has succeeded him as chief of probation in the Common Pleas Court. Sal was a longtime friend of the late STATE SEN. FRANK LYNCH and had a reputation of never saying an unkind thing about any other person. It looks like ANNE LAZARUS, Philadelphia Common Pleas Court Judge, has been successful in her quest for a seat on Superior Court. Following a recount of the November election, she was determined the winner of the fourth vacancy out of four. This creates a vacancy in the Common Pleas Court. Frontrunners are JUDGES

Elephant Corner

(Cont. From Page 11) BRIAN HAUGHTON was also accompanying the LO delegation. As for those Philly Republicans who have made it a point to rise above this current Party feud, their presence was also Councilman and likely Lt. Governor candidate FRANK RIZZO was seen garnering State Party support for his run, as was Council-at-Large hopeful DAVID OH, who was working the Philly contingent. Chatting with ATTORNEY GENERAL TOM CORBETT was an aide to STATE REP. DENNY O’BRIEN, DAVE KRALLE. Because the Pennsylvania Society is a not-to-be-missed weekend, those not in atten-

JOYCE EUBANKS and TOM NOCELLA, both of whom were supported by the Democratic Party in the primary but fell short of obtaining the necessary votes. Both are sitting Judges. JUDGE GENE MAIER and his wife LANA hosted a Christmas party at their Fairmount home . The convivial crew included Municipal Court JUDGE FAY STACK and her husband MIKE; GENE JACOBS and his wife PHYLLIS; JERRY SCHANE and his wife BETTY; Common Pleas JUDGE SANDY MOSS and her husband BILL; and wellknown trial lawyer AL DRAGON and his wife BARBARA. Also in this jolly company were former WARD LEADER MARGIE KORAL and her husband MARK. dance were noted. Missing were Perzel, O’Brien and City Council Minority Leader BRIAN O’NEILL. Corbett’s first “Bonusgate” case fell apart in a Harrisburg courtroom in a hurry when former Democrat STATE REP. SEAN RAMALEY was acquitted. If Corbett succeeds in his prosecutions of other politicians, such as Democrat HOUSE WHIP MIKE VEON, whose trial is scheduled for January, he may still sail into the May primary as a corruption-busting frontrunner. But if Veon gets off also, Corbett’s courtroom loss may start to work against him and in favor of other Gubernatorial aspirants like STATE REP. SAM ROHRER and CONGRESSMAN JIM GERLACH.

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Congressman Robert A. Brady has asked Mayor Michael Nutter to grant the Dad Vail Organizing Committee’s request to hold open the 2010 Dad Vail date in light of publication of a Letter of Understanding signed by the Borough Council of Rumson and the Dad Vail Organizing Committee showing the DVOC has overstated its relationship with Rumson and the commitments Rumson has made to it. Brady said, “In November the DVOC informed Philadelphia that it was moving to Rumson because Rumson had put up $250,000 for the event and promised to lower costs. The letter of understanding, however, shows that the Dad Vail Committee has no guaranteed money, no negotiated costs, and no governmental approvals to move this race to Rumson.” The letter of understanding states: “Stipulation 6: The Borough of Rumson and the Rumson Dad Vail Committee are not guaranteeing the Dad

WELCOMING attorney Bob Dellavella aboard as his replacement is Dr. Joseph Ruggiero, who founded “Self Help” nonprofit alcohol and drug located on old Byberry site at Southampton Road & Boulevard. long-term rehabilitation pro- therapy to providing our gradgrams are heavy, which is uates with the ability to cope why Ruggiero and Dellavella in society with a work ethic, are campaigning to pick up an understanding what is exadditional 10 acres of the 30 pected of them at the same still available on the Byberry time,” he added. campus. Dr. Ruggiero is elated he Dellavella noted, “Our will now have time to pursuit halfway-house programming his long-standing hobby as a permits our patients to attend writer of novels. In his limited school and to work. We need spare time, he has already esthe acreage to provide outdoor tablished himself as an accomrecreation facilities and addi- plished author. He’s had at tional multi-use housing. least three published, with two “We are aiming to give the of them under consideration best in training, from basic by motion-picture producers.

Vail Committee any minimum set amount of revenue from the event of from the fundraising that will take place for the event. “Stipulation 5: The Dad Vail Committee will be solely responsible for all Regatta costs borne by Rumson and/or other governmental agencies prior to, during and after the Dad Vail Regatta. No taxpayer money will be used to fund the Regatta. Brady continued, “It is ironic that, at the same time the DVOC was asking Philadelphia taxpayers to foot the bill for their regatta in Philadelphia, they were negotiating a deal with Rumson that explicitly exempts their taxpayers from paying for the event. At this time, there is only one city that has ap-

proved a Dad Vail Regatta for 2010, only one city prepared to commit public resources to the Dad Vail, and one city ready to welcome its 30,000 spectators; and that city is Philadelphia.”

Salvation Army Needs Kid Toys Each year, thousands of children across the Delaware Valley go to bed on Christmas Eve not knowing if there will be any toys under the family Christmas tree in the morning. And each Christmas, The Salvation Army receives thousands of requests for gifts for deserving children that might otherwise go without. To offer help through any of these programs, call (215) 787-5964.

The Public Record • December 17, 2009


Philadelphia Regional Port Authority A Promising Future By Championing the Channel-Deepening Project And Substantial Port Expansion

Once Again, We Thank Gov. Ed Rendell For Giving Our Port A Great Opportunity And

John H. Estey, Esq. Chairman

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John F. Dempsey

Deputy Executive Director Administrative Offices: 3460 N. Delaware Ave. 2nd Fl., Phila., PA 19134 (215) 426-2600 • Fax (215) 426-6800

When Attorney and Democrat Ward Leader Bob Dellavella first visited Self Help Movement, Inc., the renowned nonprofit that for years was ahead of its time in successfully returning drugand alcohol-addicted individuals back into mainstream society, he had no idea he would one day be chosen to replace its founder. But from the days when he would visit his dad, who worked his way up from repairman to building superintendant, Dellavella developed the affinity to donate time for “a good thing, since Self Help was proving early on it had a successful formula for the rehabilitation of addicts. “I saw my involvement grow little by little, as I supported efforts to rehabilitate veterans, and soon found myself a member of the Board of Self Help working under the chairmanships of Judges James Cavanaugh, Ed Blake, Jerome Zeleski, Armand DellaPorta and Leo Weinrott, all dedicated men who volunteered their time. I was hooked.” Dr. Joe Ruggiero, whose life has been devoted to reclaiming lives lost to addiction, said, “Bob has been involved with Self Help since the early 1970s. He’s shy about the commitments he has made to us in time, effort, and money. He knows this operation, its goals and ambitions. It’s a succession in office that is seamless.” Ruggiero, who worked as a Probation Officer in 1969, saw the need for a tough rehabilitation program for addicts. “What we had back then wasn’t making a cut in the recidivism of addicts. We were seeing a revolving door, in for treatment, and back out to get the next fix.” That’s when he started Self Help. “We added work and spirituality to the regime we developed for those who came to us for help,” says Dr. Ruggiero. Self Help grew quickly. Today it sits on a tight campus niched out from the old Byberry Mental Institution grounds in the Northeast. The demand for its short- and

Page 21

Dellavella Succeeds Ruggiero At Self Help Brady: Dad Vail Not A Done Deal

The Public Record • December 17, 2009

Page 22

Hip Taste In Rowhouse Roxborough

by Len Lear While having dinner at the three-year-old PTG restaurant at 6813 Ridge Avenue in

Roxborough, you simply cannot believe you’re in a rowhouse working-class neighborhood, less than one block from a ShopRite supermarket. The pretty, upscale, linen-tablecloth BYOB with

65 seats and fresh roses on the tables has “Center City” written all over it, with its classy, knowledgeable servers and sophisticated menu prepared by a Le Bec Fin alumnus, Mamadou Baradji. “When he applied for the job,” explained owner Gil

SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA Sealed proposals will be received by the School Reform Commission at the School Administration Building located at 440 North Broad St., 3rd Floor, Office of Capital Programs, Philadelphia, PA 191304015, until 2:00 P.M., on Tuesday, January 5, 2010. A non-refundable fee for each set of bid documents is as scheduled. The School District will only accept bids from companies that have been placed on its current Pre Qualified Contractors List as shown at All School District Project require MBE/WBE participation as shown in the specifications. FEE BUDGET General Contract Mayer Sulzberger MS $2,400,000.00 $200.00 Window Replacement 4725 Fairmount Ave. *A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at the project location on December 11, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. B-047 (C) of 2008/09*

Specifications and/or plans and contract documents may be examined and copies thereof obtained from the School Reform Commission, 440 North Broad Street, 3rd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Information as to contract documents, etc., may be obtained at the above address, or telephone 215-4005225. Make checks payable to the School District of Philadelphia. The School Reform Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids and make the awards to the best interests of the School District of Philadelphia.

SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHILADELPHIA Sealed proposals will be received by the School Reform Commission at the School Administration Building located at 440 North Broad St., 3rd Floor, Office of Capital Programs, Philadelphia, PA 19130-4015, until 2:00 P.M., on Tuesday, January 12, 2010. A non-refundable fee for each set of bid documents is as scheduled. The School District will only accept bids from companies that have been placed on its current Pre Qualified Contractors List as shown at All School District Project require MBE/WBE participation as shown in the specifications. BUDGET FEE B-009 (C) of 2009/10*Electrical Contract George A McCall ES $200,000.00 $200.00 Boiler Replacement 325 South 7th Street *A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at the project location on December 23, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. FEE BUDGET B-008 (C) of 2009/10*Mechanical Contract George A McCall ES $1,500,000.00 $200.00 Boiler Replacement 325 South 7th Street *A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at the project location on December 23, 2009 at 10:00 a.m.

B-048(C) of 2008/09* General Contract Window Replacement

William T. Tilden MS 6601 Elmwood Ave.

BUDGET $2,000,000.00

FEE $200.00

*A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at the project location on December 17, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. Specifications and/or plans and contract documents may be examined and copies thereof obtained from the School Reform Commission, 440 North Broad Street, 3rd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130.

Chavez, “we had him prepare a seven-course dinner for us, and we were all blown away. The only problem was that since he had come from Le Bec Fin, he was used to preparing small portions. When we hired him, we told him that we wanted the exact same kind of food he had prepared for us but in much bigger portions. My wife and I had gone to Le Bec Fin to celebrate our 17th anniversary. The food was great, but we spent $400 and were still hungry afterwards.” Baradji, 32, a native of Ivory Coast in West Africa, was trained at a culinary school in France and then spent five years cooking at three Georges Perrier restaurants, Brasserie Perrier, Mia’s (in Atlantic City) and Le Bec Fin. At PTG Baradji always offers fabulous daily specials like short rib ravioli with a porcini mushroom sauce and lobster ravioli with a shrimp cream sauce — two of each of these feather-light delicacies for $10. Or a peerless, subtly sauced eggplant rollatini for $8. Or an entree of heavenly pan-seared scallops with mascarpone risotto and drizzled with grapefruit chiffon for $27. (I had thought chiffon was only for dresses, but apparently not.) And there are ridiculously decadent desserts like chocolate crème brulée and banana and nut fudge cake suffused with Jim Beam whiskey for $7. And since everyone is looking for bargains these days, PTG offers one of the

Len Lear best. Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday, they have a fourcourse dinner for $30. There has always been a special menu for the price fixe dinner, but Chavez says that starting with the new year, customers will be able to order anything from the regular menu. Before opening PTG in January 2007, Chavez already had a successful catering business, which still caters lots of office parties, rehearsal dinners, wedding showers, corporate events, etc., but “it was always my dream to run a fine restaurant. I myself love going to a fine restaurant and having several courses and fine wines. This way I can provide the same kind of experience for people in this area without their having to go to Center City. And they can bring their own wine, which almost everyone likes to do.” Sanchez, 53, left his native Honduras in 1976 to pursue adventure, which he accomplished by getting a job on the upscale Costa Cruiseship Lines and traveling the world for 11 years. One of the major benefits of his

Mary’s Catering

The School Reform Commission reserves the right to reject any and all bids and make the awards to the best interests of the School District of Philadelphia.


Christmas Eve Seven Fishes Crab Cake/ Fried Flounder/ 4 Jumbo Shrimp/ 6 Fried Scallops/ Smelts/ Fried Calamari/ 2 Fish Cakes

$ Information as to contract documents, etc., may be obtained at the above address, or telephone 215-4005225. Make checks payable to the School District of Philadelphia.

1703 S. 11th St.

19.95 Per Order

Taking orders for stuffed calamari, crabs and macaroni and all your Holiday Party Needs

cruise line career took place in 1984, when Gil was an assistant maitre d’. One of his customers was a young lady named LuAnn, a resident of Manayunk who had just broken up with her boyfriend and was traveling with a girlfriend to try and escape from the breakup blues. You might say she had lots of ex-appeal. When Gil met LuAnn, it was love at first sight. In 1987 Gil left the cruise line to settle on dry land with LuAnn. They moved to Belmont Hills, where they have lived ever since, and Gil took a job as a server with La Collina in Belmont Hills. (Gil and LuAnn have two children, Angela, 19, and Amanda, 17, students at Penn State and Archbishop Carroll HS in Radnor, respectively.) In 1990, however, he started the PTG Catering firm out of his home. The letters stood for “Pasta To Go,” and Sanchez chose to use just the letters because “it sounded more upscale than ‘Pasta To Go.’ And one guy told me the letters PTG should stand for ‘Pray To God.’” In 1996 Gil purchased the building at 6813 Ridge Avenue, which is now home to PTG Restaurant. It’s obviously not the best name for a fine-dining establishment, but “so many people in this area know the name PTG Catering that I decided to use it.” PTG will be offering a “Seven Fishes” dinner on Christmas Eve for $40 per person, and they will be catering lots of holiday and New Year’s Eve parties. The restaurant is open for dinner only, every night but Monday. I also have to mention PTG has one of the most delightful and bubbly servers we have ever met, Katie O’Conlan. For more information, call (215) 487-2293 or visit

Clergy Holds Fair

the issue wasn't race, it was a school culture that allowed adults to make fun of kids, dismiss them when they complained of being beaten, and otherwise didn't do their jobs in the area of keeping them safe. Some saw the Asian stu-

dents as being far too sensitive, while Asian community members felt the School District wasn't being sensitive enough. They felt bullied when School District officials called the homes of the boycotting students and even more so when Mayor

Michael Nutter gave his support to Ackerman and the District. In the middle were groups of students who just wanted to be united with their peers so they could solve parts of the problem without being painted as a violent, insensi-

tive bunch that was incapable of handling its own business. Like I said, the students are back in class now. But I can't help but think they would have been back sooner if the adults helping them could have found the same page a lot sooner.

The Public Record • December 17, 2009

(Cont. From Page 11) skin. In a press conference at South Philadelphia and again at the School Reform Commission meeting last Wednesday, she came off as defensive. We eat defensive people for breakfast here in Philadelphia, Ms. Ackerman. I mean heck, the Governor of Pennsylvania was among the crew that liked to throw snow and ice balls at opposing football teams at Veterans Stadium back in the day. 3) Since the adults in-

volved were insisting on getting involved in this bit of “kid's business”, it would have helped a whole lot if they could at least agree on what the issues are. What stood out most throughout this whole incident was the fact both groups of adults -- the School District and Asian Americans United -- were talking past each other instead of with each other. While the School District was focused on the racial issues that came to a head in this situations, Asian Americans United was saying that

Page 23

Out & About

SUCCESSFUL community-resource fair was staged at Deliverance Evangelistic Church by Black Clergy of Phila. & Environs. Organizing affair were, from left, BC Treasurer Rev. Toni Johnson, Chairman Rev. Essie Boatwright, VP Rev. Robert Collier and Co-Chair Rev. Maxine Collier.

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