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9371 ROOSEVELT BLVD. PHILADELPHIA, PA 19114 215-698-7000
Vol. XI. No. 51 (Issue 518)
“The good things we do must be made a part of the public record”
City Stalls Hepatitis C Police Case There is little doubt Firefighters and Police Officers face the possibility of being infected by hepatitis C while on duty. No matter how careful they are, there can be the one time they’ve infected themselves without warning. It could be a scratch from someone they have come to help or subdue. Yet the City of Philadelphia’s legal and medical departments continue to reject efforts by those public-safety officers to receive compensation. Bringing this into prominence during the Street administration was the sleep-in outside Mayor John Street’s office by Lt. Mary Kohler. She finally won her compensation, after a lengthy ordeal with the bureaucrats had failed to sink in. Take, for instance, the case of Emil John Bucceroni, who developed hepatitis C while on the job. He had been on the job for nine years. Now (Cont. Page 7) We Buy Gold & Diamonds
Serving Citywide Political, Labor, Legal and School Communities of Philadelphia Value 50¢
December 31, 2009
Beginning A New Era?
HAGGARD, but still fighting for compensation from City because of contacting hepatitis C while on active duty as a Police Officer, Emil John Bucceroni is seen here with his children Sonny and Carmen, and wife Lois.
Brady, Vento Top Funds For The Mummers by Rory McGlasson Despite adverse economic conditions imposed on them by a cashstarved City administration, the Mummers will continue its centuryold tradition celebrating New Year’s (Cont. Page 7)
Williams Formula May Lighten Court’s Load by Tony West If incoming District Attorney Seth Williams has his way, the torrent of new felony cases that pours into Municipal Court every year may drop by as much as one-half. Paradoxically, though, this move could result in more and swifter convictions for serious violent crimes. Williams, who will be sworn into office on Jan. 4, is pressing for an ambitious program of reforms in the workings of the DA’s Office. One vow he has made is to reverse incumbent DA Lynne Abraham’s longstanding policy of filing felony charges whenever the police report suggests a major violent crime may have occurred. Instead, Williams says, “We should only charge people It’s time to strengthen Philadelphia’s ethics and campaign finance laws with crimes that we can prove without stated the Committee of 70 last week, referring to those issued recently by the a reasonable doubt.” City’s Task Force on Ethics and Campaign Finance Reform. Throwing the book at every ar“By abolishing the Board of Rerestee may make Police Officers and vision of Taxes, Mayor Nutter and victims feel better – at first. But it’s City Council have shown the political one thing to file a charge and quite will to enact reforms when they another to win a case in court. Some know the public is watching,” said (Cont. Page 2) Zachary Stalberg, Seventy’s president and CEO. “The Task Force’s recommendations give them another chance to satisfy Philadelphians’ deNonprofits, from the small comsire for clean government.” munity groups to the large institutions Stalberg said the Mayor was given such as hospitals and universities, are a clear mandate for ethics reform mobilizing to keep the General Aswhen he and political outsider Tom sembly from passing a bill that would Knox, who also campaigned to reimpose partial property taxes on charduce the city’s pay-to-play culture, ities operating in Pennsylvania. won over 60% of the vote in the The legislation, introduced in the 2007 Democratic Mayoral primary. General Assembly by State Rep. Tim According to Stalberg, Seventy’s Solobay, would amend the Pennsyldeep analysis of the Task Force’s revania Purely Public Charities Act to port confirmed its initial statement, allow municipalities the option of imthat most of the recommendations are posing “essential services fees” on “no-brainers for implementation” bereal estate owned by charities. cause they are “credible, compelling COUNCILWOMAN Carol Ann The tax would be based on the and make common sense.” He Campbell, who literally singlehandsquare footage of the property, added, “In these tough economic edly turned Shepard Recreation which observers believe could likely times, they would have virtually no Center into a multi-use facility for a fee of up to $100 per 1,000 square impact on the City’s budget.” youths and seniors, was honored by feet of tax-exempt property, with the Stalberg emphasized, in particuCouncilman Curtis Jones at dedicafirst 5,000 square feet exempt. lar, the importance of supporting the tion of scoreboard in her honor. Municipalities that choose not to Task Force’s top three priorities: Photo by Harry Leech (Cont. Page 2) (Cont. Page 2) Other Photos Page 2
‘70’ Pushes Council To Pass Reform Bill
Bill Seeks Nonprofits At Her Favorite Playground... Taxation
Mike Fera Public Servant Of The Year 2010 Come celebrate with us our Public Servant of the Year 2010. We will be honoring Cement Masons Local 592 President/Business Manager MIKE FERA. A Celebratory Supplement and dinner will be Feb. 4th, 2010. For more information call John David:
215-755-2000 or
Page 2 The Public Record • December 31, 2009
New DA Plans Fewer, Better Prosecutions (Cont. from Page 1) prosecutorial cases are weaker than others: witnesses and material evidence may be scanty or unreliable. Such cases are apt to fall apart when they are tried. In the meantime, they clog the docket and use up scarce resources that ultimately yield no convictions and remove no bad guys from the streets. Every court system needs to winnow the wheat from the chaff somewhere in the criminal process. Under Philadelphia’s current system, 80% of that winnowing is done by Municipal Court. Its team of 25 Judges was bombarded with 34,570 new felony cases in 2007 according to the 1st Judicial Dist. Annual Report—an average of 5.5 per Judge per day. (This does not take into account the 150,000 other legal actions MC must handle each year.) It forwards serious felonies to Common Pleas Court for possible trial. However, Common Pleas Court received only 16,556 such felony cases from MC in 2008. MC took vigorous steps to dispose of the rest by dismissals or downgrades to lesser charges. That’s the Philadelphia way; but it doesn’t have to be. In many other big cities, the DA’s Office does the winnowing. That takes place in its Charging Unit. “We have to do a better job in the Charging Unit of establishing what we’re going to accept,” Williams avers. “Under the current system, we have very inexperienced Assistant DAs in the basement of the Criminal Justice Center. They
receive information from the Police. As long as the facts meet the allegations and legal definitions, they charge them.” It tends to be hasty work, in the opinion of Williams, who served as an Assistant DA for 10 years under Abraham. After the May primary, Williams toured other cities to study best practices in their DA’s Offices. San Diego and San Francisco in particular stand in stark contrast to Philadelphia. Their conviction rate for violent crimes is much higher than Philadelphia’s: San Diego DA Bonnie Dumanis claims a 95% conviction rate for felonies in 2009. Philadelphia’s rate, by contrast, is around 40%. Violent-crime rates in the West Coast cities are also lower than here and have declined in recent years, Williams states. “I met with Bonnie Dumanis,” Williams relates. “They focus their resources at the very inception, which is the charging process. This ensures they have more discovery and better understanding of the facts of the case.” As a consequence, whenever a felony charge is filed, San Diego’s Assistant DAs are highly confident they can win that case. What’s more, defense attorneys know this as well. “In San Diego,” Williams says, “75% of felony charges result in a negotiated guilty plea before the preliminary hearing. The defense sees the prosecution has got the goods. Here, the negotiated-guilty rate stands
at about at 0%. There is no incentive for defense attorneys to settle and every incentive for them to proceed to trial.” Launching a criminal trial creates a long chain of circumstances that tend to spoil prosecutors’ cases over time. For each scheduled court appearance, the DA must round up the defendant, the victim, the Police Officers, and any other witnesses or material evidence. This process calls for a staggering amount of coordination between up to five independent agencies. Sadly, no one disputes it is poorly coordinated at present. “Defense attorneys know 50% of the time they’ll win a jury trial because the Officers won’t be ready,” Williams notes. That doesn’t mean the Officers were sloughing off. The arresting Officer may be scheduled for simultaneous appearances in two different courtrooms; they may be stuck waiting for CJC’s grotesquely overcrowded elevators; they may be unable to retrieve vital information from Police files. Victims and witnesses don’t even get paid to run this gauntlet. They grow weary of repeated appearances and delays. Sooner or later, many quit showing up. When that happens, even an undoubted perpetrator can walk free – and free to strike again. Many Judges long have quietly grumbled this system is great at racking up numbers but poor at the underlying goal of the criminal-justice system –
Honoring Memory Of Campbell
SPEAKING at scoreboard dedication in memory of Councilwoman Carol Ann Campbell were brother Edward, Judge Joyce Eubanks and Congressman Bob Brady. JOINING Councilman Curtis Jones, left, in dedication of scoreboard, were State Sen. Anthony Williams, Traffic Court President Thomasine Tynes and Ducky Birts.
stopping crime. Some also say the approach the DA’s Office took during Abraham’s 18-year tenure served to score cheap points with the public by acting tough on crime, filing as many cases as possible, while allowing her to blame the ultimate collapse of most of those cases on “soft” Judges. One of them has emerged as a key player on Williams’ team. That’s Judge Anthony DeFino, a 19-year veteran of Common Pleas Court who retired in 2007. Now he is a legal advisor to the DA-elect. Judge DeFino is deeply versed in the adjudication of felonies, Philadelphiastyle. “Many times, a case is weak,” he explains. “But rather than quelling the case outright, the attitude has been, ‘Let it go to court and let the Judge look bad when he tosses it out’. This approach can generate very serious felony charges but no convictions, instead of the DA taking bull by the horns.” “Hard” prosecution can lead to “soft” results – a failure to win convictions – DeFino maintains. “Lynne Abraham had a policy where she wouldn’t compromise,” he says. Her Assistants were told, ‘Don’t enter any pleas [of guilty to a lesser charge].’ Whereas a sensible DA can say to his Assistants, ‘If you can’t go to Court and gain a conviction for aggravated assault, drop that charge and go for simple assault (a misdemeanor).’ If the defense attorney waives the preliminary hearing, he will not see the evidence against his client. “That is a better approach for dealing with many repeat offenders. It ensures they incur a prompt consequence for misbehavior.” Williams agrees with this
principle. “It is more important that punishment be swift and sure than that it be severe,” he says. “Prolonged judicial actions for serious charges put off the day of reckoning and make it unlikely the offender will be punished at all. Career criminals know this. If they have only one chance in six of serving time, far in the future, they have little incentive to change their ways.” When defendants believe they can beat a major rap, they won’t plead guilty to a minor one. Yet misdemeanor pleas are precisely the tools that can steer substance abusers into treatment and other programs that can ultimately lead to the straight life and reduce overall crime rates. Williams believes, then, that in felony prosecutions, less is more. Philadelphia’s abnormally low conviction rate is partly an artifact of an abnormally high charge rate. There should be far fewer trials for the Common Pleas Judges to shepherd through their dockets, freeing them to devote more time to individual cases, he holds. MC’s load would also be eased. Chief Deputy Court Administrator David Wasson estimates 30% of its current inventory of 30,588 cases involves felony hearings. If half of these are dropped or bargained down, its Judges will be freed to work on early intervention and alternate disposals that divert offenders from antisocial behavior. Cutting the courts’ workload is essential, because the courts’ budget has been cut and will be cut again. Even in good fiscal times, a wave of Police arrests or of DA prosecutions is never followed by a wave of new judicial hires; dumping greater input into a court system that
‘70’ Fights For Law (Cont. From Page 1) (1) fixing omissions in the campaign-finance law before the 2011 elections, (2) enacting the City’s first lobbyist registration and disclosure law, and (3) providing better financial support to the Board of Ethics. He added the City has a special obligation to fortify the campaign-finance law: “As the first City in Pennsylvania to pioneer a campaignfinance law, the City should
decrease the likelihood its own rules can be easily circumvented or broken.” Stalberg expressed Seventy’s appreciation to Mayor Nutter for convening the Task Force and to City Council President Anna Verna for standing beside him. “The Task Force warned, ‘A report without action is worthless.’ Now it’s up to the Mayor and Council to prove the group had no reason to worry,” he concluded.
cannot grow, is a recipe for mediocre justice that will be both rushed and jammed. This is an ill wind. It does, however, blow much good to defense attorneys. A bloated caseload in a complex, confused, drawn-out adjudication system adds up to more fees and more wins for defenders. Williams will have his hands full persuading the defense bar not to oppose his reforms. Implementing fundamental changes like these will take a lot of logrolling. Common Pleas Court President Judge Pamela Pryor Dembe had brief introductory chats with Williams about his plans, before his election in November. Since then, she reports, the DA-elect has been discussing his policy proposals in greater depth with its Supervising Judge Sheila Woods-Skipper and the Administrative Judge of its Trial Division Web Keogh. “By everybody working together – Police, the DA, the defense bar and the courts – they can definitively cut out a lot of the nonsense,” Judge DeFino asserts. Williams’s tour of duty as DA will be measured in large part by whether he succeeds in imposing this reform – and also by whether the reform itself succeeds.
Taxing Nonprofits Bill Sought (Cont. From Page 1) exercise their "local option" may still impose "voluntary" agreements on charities for payments in lieu of taxes. Voluntary agreements are currently permissible under Act 55. If passed, the bill will open to taxation thousands of nonprofit organizations that are certified as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code and who own property or will acquire property to further their mission. Some nonprofits are already contributing to their local municipalities through "voluntary" payments in lieu of taxes or fair-share agreements. Philadelphia
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The Public Record • December 31, 2009
If you have been injured on the DOCKS, PIERS, or SHIPS doing loading or repairing work. You need our free advice....We fight for your right to benefits and we never ask you to pay a fee.... We have successfully helped get money for thousands of injured workers over the last 30 years.
Page 3
Injured At Work!
The Public Record • December 31, 2009
Page 4
Allegheny Co. Grand Jury Investigates Sen. Orie An aide to State Sen. Jane Clare Orie, Republican from Allegheny Co., was questioned for eight hours by investigators with the Allegheny Co. District Attorney’s office, reports the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, which interviewed her attorney.
That attorney, Jerry McDevitt, is reported as saying he expects the Senator’s staff members to be summoned before a grand jury investigating her. At the core of the investigation is an allegation Orie’s official office somehow was employed for political-cam-
Sheriff Green’s Important Steps to Saving Your Home
paign purposes. The questioning, which was taperecorded, apparently followed days of surveillance on Orie’s staff, her District Office on McKnight Road and furtive photogra-
phy of staff as they arrived and left her office. State Rep. John Kennedy Campaigning Here Jan.7 The Lieutenant Governor’s office is attracting
Kitchen Throws Senior Feast
FEASTING senior citizens at Yorkhouse luncheon is State Sen. Shirley Kitchen as Rev. Anthony Floyd thanks sponsors of lavish event.
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N. PHILA. seniors aged 90 or older received special Penna. Senate commendation from Senator Kitchen.
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more candidates than usual. Maybe it’s because the holder of that post chairs the Pennsylvania Board of Pardons, is first in the line of succession for the Governor’s office, presides over the State Senate, and is a member of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency. Nathan Shrader reports a former State Representative, John Kennedy of Cumberland Co., will be in town Jan. 7 dispensing coffee from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the 7th-floor conference room of the offices of Spector, Gadon & Rosen. He served in the legislature 1981-89 and is the retired CEO of Kennedy Railroad, a family business. He is one of at least 12 Republican candidates seeking the office in the May 2010 primary Election. For info, call Shrader at (724) 4332168. Libertarians Get Bump In Voter Registration It could be public anger at State and Federal officials or just dissatisfaction with both major political parties, but whatever the cause, the Libertarian Party in the Commonwealth has gone up in registration. According to the Dept. of State, the number of registered Libertarians jumped 2.3% in the last six months. Over the same span, there was a 1.1% decline in registered Republicans and a .0.7% drop on the Democratic side. Michael Robertson, chair of the state’s Libertarian Party, says more people are becoming disenchanted with the two-party system. “Voters are really starting to see that it doesn’t matter Democrat or Republican,” he says. “Their interests aren’t getting represented. There are other special interests that are getting represented (Cont. Next Page)
The Public Record (USPS PP 109) Weekly Publication Published by:
The Phila. Public Record The South Phila Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila., PA 19147 ISSN 1938-8551 (Application to Mail At Periodicals Postage Rates Is Pending At Philadelphia PA and Bellmawr NJ) Postmaster: send address change to: The Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila. PA 19147 215-755-2000 Fax: 215-689-4099 Subscription Rate: $ 30.00/Year EDITORIAL STAFF Editor & Publisher: James Tayoun Sr. Managing Editor: Anthony West Associate Editor: Rory G. McGlasson Medical Editor: Paul Tayoun M.D. CitiLife Editor: Ruth R. Russell Editorial Staff: Joe Sbaraglia Out & About Editor: Denise Clay Contributing Editor: Bonnie Squires Correspondent: Nathan R. Shrader Nathaniel Lee Creative Director & Editorial Cartoonist: Ron Taylor Photographers: Donald Terry Lee Buchanan Dawud Starling Harry Leech Production Manager: William J. Hanna Bookkeeping: Haifa Hanna Webmaster: Sana Muaddi-Dows Advert. director: John David Controller: John David Circulation: Steve Marsico The Public Record welcomes news and photographs about your accomplishments and achievements which should be shared with the rest of the community. Contact us by phone, fax, e-mail or by dropping us a note in the mail. If you mail a news item, please include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify the information you provided us, if necessary. The Public Record reserves the right to edit all news items and letters for grammar, clarity and brevity. (C) 1999-2009 by the Philadelphia Public Record. No reproduction or use of the material herein may be made without the permission of the publisher. The Philadelphia Public Record will assume no obligation (other than the cancellation of charges for the actual space occupied) for accidental errors in advertisements, but we will be glad to furnish a signed letter to the buying public.
Sestak Pitches To Parents On School Feeding Worries Democrat US Senate candidate Congressman Joe Sestak is pushing legislation to protect the 31 million children who receive food through the National School Lunch Program. The bill follows a report by the Government Accountability Office which revealed Federal agencies are not properly communicating recalls to schools. Sestak’s legislation, which has a companion in the Senate introduced by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, implements GAO recommendations and calls on the USDA to improve its foodtesting standards to meet or exceed those found in pri-
Councilman Wm.
Room 580 City Hall P. 215-686-3446/7 F. 215-686-1927
vate industry. The bill would ensure proper food testing, resolve communication issues regarding product holds and recalls, and implement a systemic quality check of the measures’ effectiveness. According to the GAO, delays have resulted in schools serving contaminated products and USA Today reports indicate the US Dept. of Agriculture has not been meeting industry standards of food safety. “Parents should not have to worry about the food their children are served at school,” said Joe. “But today, because of poor communication and testing that would not be acceptable for any restaurant, our children’s safety is at risk. We need to do more to protect our children’s health.” Lentz Seeks $300 M. Cut In General Assembly’s Budget Seventh Congressional District Democrat nominee State Rep. Bryan Lentz is calling for “a 20% cut of
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the State legislature’s oversized budget — nearly $300 million — for its own operations.” He explains, “That is close to $60 million in savings to the taxpayer by simply shrinking the size of the legislature and eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse in the system,” adding, “We have to face tough choices. In a time when hard-working families are being asked to tighten their belts, it is only right that the gov-
ernment should consider these types common-sense reforms. “I have already proposed one simple, common-sense measure designed to minimize corruption by limiting officials to one elected office at a time. This bill challenges the assumed right of career politicians to expand their power despite potential conflicts of interest and the disservice they do to the people. And yet even this
SHARING moment with State Sen. Michael Stack at LaVeranda fundraiser were Delaware Valley Stevedores President Robert Palaima and Local 1291 Longshoremen President Boise Butler. State Representative
RONALD G. WATERS 191st Leg. District 6027 Ludlow Street, Unit A
State Rep. Cherelle
Parker 200th Legislative District 1536 E. Wadsworth Ave. Phone: (215) 242-7300 Fax: (215) 242-7303
ENJOYING festivities with State Sen. Michael Stack at fundraiser were Councilman Jim Kenney with Cindy Marelia and her son Joseph.
State Rep.
Frank Oliver
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I look forward to working for you during the new year. Please contact my office if I can assist you with state programs, issues, and services during the New Year.
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SHOWING their support for State Sen. Michael Stack were Ed Hazzouri and Patrick O’Connor, vice chairman of Cozen O’Connor law firm.
195th District 2839 W. Girard Ave. Phila. PA 19130
Daryl La Fountain
1809 Oregon Ave, Phila., PA 19145
tinued despite widespread public condemnation of the practice is indicative of how disconnected the old crony-style politicians are from the people.” His legislative initiative will face a great deal of opposition. Lentz is a former Airborne Ranger, criminal prosecutor and Iraq War veteran who represents the 161st Legislative Dist. in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.
Stack Fundraiser At LaVeranda
State Rep.
ROBERT C. DONATUCCI 185th District
bill has been attacked by those who believe any reform is a threat to their power.” Lentz added, “We must also fix the legislativesalary system — legislators should not control their own salaries or give themselves pay raises at the taxpayers’ expense. I have never voted for a pay raise for myself, and I regularly donate my cost-of-living increase to charity. That this broken system has con-
The Public Record • December 31, 2009
(Cont. Next Page) over the interests of the voter.” Robertson says when Democrats and Republicans are replaced with other Democrats and Republicans, the status quo is maintained. A recent Rasmussen poll showed 62% of Americans prefer a smaller government with fewer services and lower taxes — views that are in line with the Libertarian Party’s platform.
Page 5
Lentz Wants To Trim General Assembly Budget
The Public Record • December 31, 2009
Page 6
dren’s Hospital and found him on the floor, unconscious and bleeding from the mouth. He was rushed to the University of Pennsylvania. Veins in his throat had exploded. The economic drain on the family is catastrophic. The Lobster Club, of which he is a member, ran a benefit beef and beer two weeks ago to help out. Making matters worse, the City continues to refuse to accept responsibility. At the same time, the compensation referee, Allen Gilbert, who has held up making a decision on the case for the two years it has been under his jurisdiction, decided to retire, leaving his case and several other similar Firefighter and Police cases hanging. Bucceroni hasn’t lost faith. He comes from a family of Police Officers. All were committed to public service. “My case is now going to a two-referee panel. I’m sure they’ll find in my favor. All the evidence points to my having contracted hepatitis C while on active duty,” he states, adding, “I’m supported by family and friends. What more can I ask?”
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($22,000) and Jim Kenney ($15,000) joined Brady, who raised another $72,000 toward the parade. “Joey Vento reached and called me,” Brady told reporters yesterday at City Hall. “I didn’t call him; he called me.” Vento had promised Brady $30,000, but added another $10,000 at City Hall, an announcement that made the parade official. All week, the City and Mummers officials were locked in talks over a contract
to fund the parade. “It's not Mayor Nutter’s fault that the world economy has tanked,” Mummers spokesperson, attorney George Badey, told reporters yesterday morning. Badey said, “Bob Brady is the guardian angel of the mummers.” Councilman Frank DiCicco said the last-minute negotiations with the City were a “wake-up call” to everyone involved in the Mummers parade. “We need to hit the ground
running, early into the New Year, and plan for the next parade,” DiCicco said. “We will meet in February to start the process of putting together the 2011 parade.” Kenney promises to bring the Mummers tradition into all sections of the City next year. “We need to re-cement and reinforce the mummers as a Citywide tradition, not just in South Philadelphia and the Northeast, but in every section of Philadelphia,” he said.
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(Cont. From Page 1)
with their famous march on Broad Street tomorrow. This time, despite the haggling between the Mummers and the City over a $148,000 fee, they found their key support marching in step with them. Leading the way again was Joey Vento, who matched his donation to the cause from 2009, donating $40,000. Raising money for the event was a team of elected Congressman Bob Brady. Councilmen Frank DiCicco
The Public Record • December 31, 2009
(Cont. From Page 1) 40, Bucceroni, who comes from a family of safety officers, can’t figure out when he contacted the deadly virus. He knows for sure it happened in the course of his duty. “I didn’t come on the job with Hepatitis C,” he says. “When I found out in 2004, I notified the Department and applied for workmen’s compensation. I stayed on in Gang Intelligence until 2008, when I got weak. Then, although I could still do the job, I was terminated.” The City claims, as it did with Fire Lt. Kohler, his hepatitis C was not job-related. The City claims he got his infection before he became a policeman. But the job he held before entering the force was that of an accident investigator, which entailed no physical contact with anyone injured or bleeding. His two children, a son, almost 10, and a daughter, almost 7, do not have hepatitis C, further proof he was not a carrier when he entered the force. Several weeks ago, his wife Lois came home from her job as a physical therapist at Chil-
Brady, Vento, DiCicco, Kenney Raise $$$
Page 7
City Stalls Hepatitis C Stricken Police Officer
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Page 8 The Public Record • December 31, 2009
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Laborers’ District Council promotes a safe work environment, jobs completed on time and on budget, and represents union members, who are well trained, productive, professional, and take pride in their work. Union labor…building better and safer communities in Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery Counties. This ad is presented by LECET The Laborers Employers Cooperation and Education Trust 319 N. 11th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 Telephone: 215-922-6139 Fax: 215-922-6109 Web: Administrator, Juan Ramos
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with obligations to pay alimony, maintenance and child support. They also could be left with obligations to pay their former spouse’s bills. And they frequently are left with obligations to pay money to their former spouses for property settlements. In almost all cases, you can’t get rid of debts arising from a divorce in your bankruptcy case. You may be able to stretch out or modify some payments in a Chapter 13. But you’ll never get rid of domestic-support obligations. A domestic-support obligation must arise from a legal agreement, a divorce decree or court order or some determination by a governmental unit. Domestic-support obligations are the top priority in any bankruptcy case. They come ahead of taxes and every other type of unsecured claim. So if a person files a bankruptcy case, other creditors get nothing until back child support and alimony are paid in full. Next week’s question: I can only keep one car if I file bankruptcy, right?
Promotions. Pacquiao issued a statement: “Enough is enough. These people think it is a joke to accuse someone wrongly of using performance-enhancing drugs. I have tried to just brush it off as a mere pre-fight ploy, but I think they have gone overboard. I say to Floyd Mayweather, Jr., don’t be a coward and face me in
the ring and shut your big mouth, so we can show the world who is the true king of the ring. You and your cohorts have accused me of using performance-enhancing drugs. Now, I say, the burden of proof should now come from you, not me.” Floyd Mayweather, Sr. allegedly made similar accusations before Pacquiao’s last
fight against Miguel Cotto and the Filipino champion had been contemplating filing the suit since then. Pacquiao, the only seventime, seven-weight division champion in the history of the sport, has undergone drug testing before and after every fight over the past 15 years and has never failed any of the tests.
The Public Record • December 31, 2009
The Mar. 13 battle between Floyd “Pretty Boy” Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao will not only be one of the biggest-grossing fights of all time, it will also determine who is boxing’s pound-forpound king. But the first round of the proposed megafight appears to be starting in a courtroom instead of the ring. Saying that his character has been questioned, maligned, damaged and tarnished by baseless and false accusations, Pacquiao announced he will be filing a libel, slander and defamation suit against Floyd Mayweather, Jr.; Floyd, Sr.; and Golden Boy
Mega Fight to Start In Court
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Ringside With The Shadowboxer
Fallen Officer Spawns ‘Life’ Event
Colin King, Sr Adoption of Xavier Givens Luzerne County Court of Common Pleas Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania A petition has been filed asking the Court to put an end to all rights you have to your child, Xavier Givens. The Court has set a hearing to consider ending your rights to your child. That hearing will be held as set forth below: PLACE: Luzerne County Court House Bernard C. Brominski Building Orphans' Courtroom, 3rd Floor 113 West North Street Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania DATE: January 21, 20010 TIME: 8:30 A. M. You are warned that even if you fail to appear at the scheduled hearing the hearing will go on without you and your rights to your child (ren) may be ended by the Court without you being present. You have a right to be represented at the hearing by a lawyer. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS PAPER TO YOUR LAWYER AT ONCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A LAWYER OR CANNOT AFFORD ONE, GO TO OR TELEPHONE ONE OF THE OFFICES SET FORTH BELOW TO FIND OUT WHERE YOU CAN GET LEGAL HELP. Legal Services of Northeastern, PA, Inc 410 BiCentennial Building 15 Public Square Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 18701 (570) 825-8567 BY: Anthony J. Lumbis, Esquire Luzerne County Children and Youth Services 111 North Pennsylvania Avenue Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 18701 Telephone No. : (570) 826-8700 Extension 5139
Luzerne County Public Defender's Office Luzerne County Courthouse Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 18711 (570) 825-1754
The Vaird Foundation, a Philadelphia Police Dept. initiative, and the Guardian Civic League will hold a Celebration Of Life Event in honor of Police Officer Lauretha Vaird on the 14th anniversary of her death. The event, themed “Read and Lead”, will be held at the Police Officer Vaird Boys & Girls Club, located at 4800 Whitaker Avenue, on Saturday, Jan. 2, 2010 at 12 noon. In 2007, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Philadelphia, in partnership with the Philadelphia Police Dept. and the City’s Dept. of Recreation, renamed the Feltonville Boys & Girls Club in honor of Officer Vaird, who lost her life in the line of duty. Officer Vaird’s family and friends will be joined by 75 youths for a special service. Officer Vaird loved youth, and in her honor, this event will focus on the importance of reading. Books sponsored by Royal Pacific will be given to every youth in attendance. Refreshments for the kids will also be served. The Vaird Foundation will hold a Police Officer Day of Service, a prayer for peace for the families of fallen officers at Mount Airy Church of God In Christ, 6401 Ogontz Avenue, on Sunday, Jan. 3, 2010 at 11 a.m.
The Public Record • December 31, 2009
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Pennsylvania college, university or career school full time. To qualify, students must have a 3.0 grade-point average, display leadership and commitment to their community, and exhibit financial need. Applicants are also scored based on an essay on the following topic: William Penn's
role in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and its representative government. The deadline to apply is Mar. 1, 2010. Online applications are available at The scholarship is awarded to two students each year.
The City of Philadelphia has a new, revamped website for businesses, which Mayor Michael A. Nutter says will change the way businesses interact with City government. The new home for business on the City’s website can be found at “This is yet another exam-
ple of our determination to make Philadelphia a more business-friendly City,” said Mayor Nutter. “Whether you’re looking to start a new business or grow an existing operation, you’ll find everything you need at our online Business Services Center.” The first phase of the new
online Business Services Center is information-only, gathering together in one location information which, until now, has been housed on several departmental websites. Here, users will be able to find information according to the type of business they are and the type of activity.
The Public Record • December 31, 2009
State Rep. Kathy Manderino said applications for the 2010-11 Pennsylvania House of Representatives Scholarship are now available online or at her Philadelphia constituent offices. The scholarship is open to college-bound high-school seniors who plan to attend a
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Pa. House Scholarships Open City Has Business Online Service
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While Philly Elephants were enjoying the holidays with their families, Trunk Man was afforded time to do some pondering. With 13% of the electorate in the R column, it’s a fair assessment to say the Philly GOP is, well, dead. Aside from 13 being an unlucky number, it just doesn’t sound good. Your financial guru tells you the stock he invested your money in has a 13% chance of turning a profit … eek! Your employees are only producing 13% of your target and you need to meet the bills. Something tells Trunk Man that you’ll be firing those employees. Well, that’s the situation the Philly GOP is going to be facing come 2010. Various members of the Loyal Opposition, led by KEVIN KELLY, are aiming to take over the Philly GOP. Word is they have a ground game that would make Patton blush. On the other side of the equation, CHAIRMAN MIKE MEEHAN (no, that wasn’t a typo) is circling the wagons to see who will support his team to lead the GOP. Trunk Man would like to offer some suggestions to both sides for 2010. Take it or leave it, but 2010 is the Year of the Elephant in this nation and we need to seize the day here in the City of Brotherly Love. Mr. Meehan: The days of getting something out of being in the minority are over. You pulled our Judges and got nothing out of it. You currently lead the opposition, not a caucus within the Democratic Party. Fight, fight, fight! Kelly and company: Michael Meehan has a lot to offer. There is a certain amount of wisdom one gains from dealing with the majority so closely for so long. Adding innovative strategies to institutional knowledge can go a long way. Current elected officials: Pick your successors and groom (Cont. Page 21)
Even though everyone realizes real-estate tax assessments are so far from the reality that the entire system must be totally revamped, the City is actually using that current system to force some residents to pay outrageous tax increases. This goes beyond ordinary incompetence. This is criminal – nothing short of theft – and every City official involved in this crime must be held accountable. Since he recently engineered a Mayoral takeover of the Board of Revision of Taxes, the Mayor has stopped talking about fixing the system “yesterday” and administration officials are now saying a fair and accurate system of real-estate taxation is probably years away. In the meantime, this bad situation has actually just gotten worse. Even though everyone understands real-estate taxation in Philadelphia is unfair and almost certainly illegal (the law demands fairness and uniformity and our system is clearly neither), the City is still going around and whacking residents with increased assessments. Some residents have received notices the assessed value for their properties will increase – in some cases by 200%, 300% or more – resulting in doubling and tripling of their tax bills. You read that right. Even though the assessments of the Board of Revision of Taxes have been exposed as a fraud and a sham, the City is still wasting institutional time and energy cherry-picking certain home-owners and targeting them for tax increases. Enforcing these new assessments is illegitimate and amounts to an unlawful taking. All of the officials who are perpetrating this crime should be held responsible – if not in (Cont. Page 21)
Yo! Here we go again with these cautions from the Better Business Bureau about the 2010 Census. Yep, it is that time again for the national Census. The first phase of the 2010 US Census is under way and the workers have begun verifying the addresses of households across the country. Eventually, more than 140,000 US Census workers will count every person in the United States and will gather information about every person living at each address including name, age, gender, race and other relevant data. Census workers are currently knocking on doors to verify address information. Do not give your Social Security number, credit card or banking information to anyone, even if they claim they need it for the US Census. Remember, no matter what they ask, you really only need to tell them how many people live at your address. Be cautious about giving info to Census workers. With the US Census process beginning, the BBB advises people to be cooperative, but cautious, so as not to become a victim of fraud or identity theft. The big question is how do you tell the difference between a US Census worker and a con artist? The BBB offers the following advice: If a US Census worker knocks on your door, they will have a badge, a handheld device, a Census Bureau canvas bag and a confidentiality notice. Ask to see their identification and their badge before answering their questions. Nevertheless, you should never invite anyone you don’t know into your home. While the Census Bureau worker might ask for basic financial information, such as a salary range, you don’t have to answer anything at all about your financial situation. The Census Bureau will not ask for Social Security, bank-account or credit-card numbers, nor will employees solicit donations. Anyone asking for that information is not with the Census Bureau. And remember, the Census Bureau has decided not to work with ACORN to gather this information. No ACORN worker should approach you saying he/she is with the Census Bureau. Eventually, Census workers may contact you by telephone or mail, or in person at home. However, the Census Bureau will not contact you by email, so be on the lookout for email scams impersonating the Census. Never click on a link or open any attachments in an email that are supposedly from the US Census Bureau. For more advice on avoiding identity theft and fraud, visit search under 2010 census. Please share this info with family and friends.
SNOOPER PERSON OF THE WEEK: Here’s a gentlemen that really takes his job ‘to heart’. He worked for THE S.P.C.A. as their Chief Investigator and has since RETIRED. He has told me many stories of cruelty to animals, and it is for this one that I chose to make him “Person of the Week”. He is none other than Officer GARY LOVETT, who has been with THE S.P.C.A. for over 25 years. He receives a call about a teenager on PENNWAY STREET who is killing squirrels and cats with his high-powered PELLET GUN. He confronts this youngster with his parents, and the youngster immediately surrenders the GUN to him. But here’s the ‘catch’ to this story. He tells GARY about two more of his friends who are doing the same things as he had done, only they have BB GUNS. These two tell him about three others and before he knew it, he had confiscated over 10 BB GUNS, ONE PELLET GUN, and another AIR RIFLE. He showed me all the guns he had collected off these teenagers, and let me tell you, these GUNS were NO TOYS. Thank God for GARY LOVETT. I’m sure he was appreciated! SNOOPER’S SOCIAL NEWS DEPT.: I must tell you all about this wonderful CHRISTMAS PARTY our Boss MR. JAMES TAYOUN held for all of us. I got to meet a lot of wonderful ladies and gentlemen who help put out this newspaper, THE PUBLIC RECORD, and also THE SOUTH PHILADELPHIA PUBLIC RECORD. I was amazed how many people are involved with putting out this great newspaper and I’m sure THE BOSS really appreciates all our collective efforts in keeping up the professionalism that this newspaper has enjoyed. Our Editor, MR. ANTHONY (Cont. Page 20)
BERNICE HILL, the ward leader in the 63rd Ward (Pine Valley), used to wear two hats. In addition to being the ward leader, she was also the president of the greater Bustleton Civic Association and is well respected in both these roles. At the most recent meeting, she stepped down as president to devote more time to her family. She is succeeded by JOHN McKEEVER. It’s a coincidence that MARY JANE HAZELL, longtime president of the Somerton Civic Association, just recently departed this life. Her successor is yet to be elected. Both of these ladies have done significant work in maintaining the integrity of the communities of Somerton and Bustleton. Most people would agree after the Vice President of the United States, the most important cabinet position is Secretary of State. MADELINE ALBRIGHT was Secretary of State under BILL CLINTON. CONDOLEEZZA RICE was Secretary of State under GEORGE W. BUSH. HILLARY CLINTON is now Secretary of State under PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA. Those people who continue to make the losing argument that women lack the hardness required to deal with the heads of other governments around the world, should take a lesson from the experience of three different Presidents in naming women to this powerful position. Most serious business facing the General Assembly is the need to pass the casino tablegames package. A lot depends on it. Pennsylvania continues with budget woes. State government will enter a new year with shortfalls in monthly revenue forecasts, a drop in Federal stimulus aid and the Rainy Day Fund tapped out. With a portion of the $27.8 billion State budget for FY 2009-10 still unfinished because of delays in legalizing table games at casinos, the State ledger sheet is short $250 million of being legally balanced. GOV. ED RENDELL wants a table-games bill on his desk by the second week of 2010. We wish him well. Otherwise, he will have to implement some serious cuts. STATE REP. BRIAN LENTZ, who represents Delaware Co., must be convinced he will be the next Congressman from the 7th Dist. Otherwise, how do you explain his call to trim the General Assembly’s budget and, just two days ago, his call for the removal of current MAJORITY LEADER TODD EACHUS and for the election of new leadership in the House Democratic Caucus? (Eachus has been caught up in “Bonusgate”.) Lentz is truly burning bridges.
Fattah’s GEAR UP Gets $$$
cember 2012. Yesterday, the Gaming Board’s Office of Enforcement Counsel recommended against an extension for Foxwoods. “I am pleased, however, that neighborhoods bearing the brunt of casino developments will finally receive some compensation through a host fee assessed on table games revenue. This legislation will
make grants available through the Dept. of Community and Economic Development to benefit casino neighborhoods and address other citywide impacts of casinos such as education, crime, and health care. DCED already administers similar host fees at three other casinos around the state. Organizations affiliated with any elected official cannot apply
Vets Clad By Lentz
for community grants under this program.” Stack was also concerned about the impact of former Mayor John Street’s actions involving casino building in Philadelphia. Prior to leaving office, Street entered into payment in lieu of tax agreements with Philadelphia casinos, using an obscure State law. “These agreements are questionable at best. Plus, the city is leaving up to $60 million over a 10-year period in uncollected revenue on the table,” Stack said. “They could use that revenue to help balance their budget. “Allowing the casinos to receive property-tax abatements, or fail to pay full use and occupancy taxes, is in direct contravention of the intent of the Gaming Act,” he said.
LAROUCHE activist Bob Fou enjoyed crowded holiday traffic at 12th & Filbert Streets, giving him a chance to pass out more Larouche magazines.
130 WINTER COATS were donated by State Rep. Bryan Lentz to Phila. Veterans Multi-Service & Education Center. From left are Santa, aka Jack O'Neill, PVMSEC Board Member; Edward Lowry, PVMSEC CEO; Lentz; and Marsha Four, director of PVMSEC Homeless Veteran Service Programs.
Philadelphia Regional Port Authority A Promising Future By Championing the Channel-Deepening Project And Substantial Port Expansion
Once Again, We Thank Gov. Ed Rendell For Giving Our Port A Great Opportunity And
John H. Estey, Esq. Chairman
James T. McDermott, Jr. Executive Director
Robert C. Blackburn
Senior Deputy Executive Director
John F. Dempsey
Deputy Executive Director Administrative Offices: 3460 N. Delaware Ave. 2nd Fl., Phila., PA 19134 (215) 426-2600 • Fax (215) 426-6800
Congressman Chaka Fattah’s signature program, Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs, which he authored and guided through Congressional enactment a decade ago, will receive a record $323.2 million in the current fiscal year. The School District of Philadelphia received a major grant in July, $3.8 million, as the first installment on an anticipated $22.9 million over the next six years. The grant, the latest in a series to the Philadelphia schools, will provide GEAR UP services to 4,773 students in 6th and 7th grades in 29 low-income schools, the entire cohort feeding into Audenreid, Edison, Frankford, Franklin, Olney East, Olney West and University City HS.
woods has proven it can’t get its act together,” Stack said. “Dec. 1 came and went and Foxwoods still couldn’t meet the timeline for submitting drawing and architectural plans. Instead, they asked for an extension. If Foxwoods cannot move forward, we should give the license to someone else. We need that casino up and running to provide good jobs for Philadelphians and additional tax relief to Pennsylvanians.” Foxwoods still has until May 29, 2011 to build a full casino or temporary casino. “Philadelphia Park used a temporary facility,” said Stack. “Why can’t Foxwoods?” “SB 711 includes many good reforms such as ending campaign contributions from casino owners and prohibiting felons from owning licenses,” Farnese said. “I voted against the measure because the bill still included a provision that would allow Foxwoods to apply for an extension to delay opening the casino until De-
The Public Record • December 31, 2009
Citing several concerns with legislation that would bring table games to Pennsylvania, State Sens. Mike Stack and Larry Farnese voted against the measure. But the legislation passed the Senate by a 27-22 vote. “While I understand that no bill is ever perfect, there are crucial components in this legislation that need to be changed,” Stack said. “I could not support the bill in its current form.” The Senator attempted to make several changes to the legislation on the Senate floor, but the Senate refused to suspend its rules to consider additional amendments to the legislation. Specifically, Stack said he was concerned about the provision in SB 711 that would give Foxwoods another extension to build a casino along the Delaware riverfront. In September, the Gaming Control Board issued an order granting Foxwoods an extension until May 29, 2011, provided the casino owners meet certain timetable requirements. “Time and time again, over the past six years, Fox-
Free Speech On The Street
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Why Stack, Farnese Voted Against Table Games
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Our Opinion ... Changing The Rules
Attorney General Tom Corbett may well get the Republican nomination for Governor, but he could yet find himself, as a result, on the short end of the stick in the General Election, despite the fact he has several traditions on his side. The first tradition is this State’s “eight-year cycle”. Though often dismissed as myth by Commonwealth politicians, this cycle has seen the Governor’s office regularly change political hands going back to the mid1950s.This is often true where a governor can only run for two terms, as is the case in our State. It’s a plus for Corbett. Another argues the “in” political party never quite lives up to its promises, thereby emboldening the “outs” as the party that deserves to go back “in”- another plus for Corbett. And don’t forget the “Washington effect”. In a number of states, the voters often vote for a governor from a party opposite to the party of the President. Pennsylvania is one of those states. The party in power in Washington has lost every Pennsylvania Gubernatorial term in the 14election string. The one exception was Dick Thornburgh’s second-term victory in 1982. - Another Corbett plus. His big minuses come from his handling of his “Bonusgate” investigation. This is the name given to his investigation of ghost employees or the misuse of State and staff employees by members of the General Assembly. It initially named as targets for indictment 12 Democratic staffers. Word went out Corbett was falling on his own sword, unless he indicted some Republicans as well. Corbett duly delivered, filing a sweeping set of charges against Republican former Speaker of the House John Perzel, Republican former House Appropriations Chairman Brett Feese and eight of their former or current staffers. The AG’s charges were different when it came to Republicans. He focused more on allegations of using taxpayer money to build a system to help Republicans get elected, as well as using legislative employees to do campaign work. Although it would seem Corbett has a good shot at the eight-year pendulum’s working to his benefit in 2010, “Bonusgate” could prove to be his Achilles’ heel. Critics have assailed the investigation, which is nearly three years old, for how long it has taken. There was roughly a 16-month gap between the first set of charges and the last unveiled against Perzel and others. “The criminal obstruction by some in the House Republican Caucus has played a significant part in the length of this investigation,” Corbett said. “This office, as well as the grand jury, experienced a series of deliberate acts by the Republican caucus to obstruct and hinder this investigation.” It is obvious Corbett does not have Democratic support anywhere in the Commonwealth. Now he possibly has lost the enthusiasm for his candidacy among longtime Republican vote-getters as well. When does a tough prosecutor lose favor with the pub-
lic? When his tough prosecutions fail in court. So there was an ominous “I told you so” reflex from the political establishment when Corbett failed to secure a guilty verdict from a jury in the first case that was spawned by “Bonusgate”, that of former State Rep. Mike Veon. If Corbett’s next cases crumble as well, neither the Republican Party’s leaders nor its followers will be happy. As we noted in one of our editorial reports last issue, the use of an elected official’s staff is truly the prerogative of that official. Such is the case in the judiciary arm of government, where even the title of “Judge’s Personal” says it all.. going out for coffee, laundry, making calls, picking up the family members – and helping with campaign chores. This was also long the traditional role (even if not spelled out in the job description) of many House and Senate employees, especially the hundreds who were categorized as part-timers, who were given minimum weekly pay but were not officially listed as on the payroll. Their duties seamlessly combined constituent service with electoral work.. not so surprising, perhaps, given politicians must run for office based on their ability to serve their voters. Yet in one brief fling in Philly politics, that same set of employees was used by the Federal prosecutors to unseat State Sen. Henry “Buddy” Cianfrani. His ex-wife had been one of those ghosties, unseen, until she decided to get back at Buddy for family reasons. Her cries were heard loud and they worked. But they were foul nevertheless. Pre-Buddy or postBuddy, it is an accepted tradition key employees often serve as campaign workers. Now that the rules have been changed according to Corbett, he could find he can no longer depend on his Republican family to get out the vote. They’ll have good reasons not to.
Letters • Letters
Reckless On Bikes For 33 years, I have volunteered to assist victims of crime, troubled youth and the homeless in Center City. From time to time I have bumped into a reckless bicycle rider; but recently, over the last two years or so, I have increasingly either experienced or witnessed reckless behavior by some who operate bicycles on our public streets while showing total disregard for pedestrians on foot. Only the other day, while
assisting a homeless person near Broad & Walnut Streets, I was almost run over by one of these bicyclists, who left the area after giving me the finger for being in his way at the crosswalk. I’m glad the Police are stepping up their patrols regarding reckless bicyclists here in Philly. In New York City, this is also a problem but the NYPD is a few years ahead of Philadelphia in dealing with the issue. Greg Bucceroni Crime Victim Services
Jan. 2- Vaird Fdn. hosts Read & Lead at P.O. Vaird Boys & Girls Club, 4800 Whitaker Ave., 12 p.m. Jan. 4- DA Seth Williams’, Controller Alan Butkovitz’s and newly elected Judges’ swearing-in at Kimmel Ctr., 300 S. Broad St., 10 a.m. Jan. 21- Symbolic Ringing of Liberty Bell, sponsored by Phila. Martin Luther King, Jr. Ass’n for Nonviolence Inc. at Liberty Bell Pavilion, 5th &
Market Sts., 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Feb. 1- Tom Johnson hosts Brady Bunch Winter “Ski” Party at Finnigan’s Wake, 3rd & Spring Garden Sts., 6-9 p.m. Feb. 10- Germantown Republican Club hosts Attorney General Tom Corbett as guest of honor at 121st annual dinner at Union League, 6 p.m. Tickets $65. For info Jack Morley (215) 389-1768. Feb. 20- Annual National Italian American-PAC Carnevale at Loews Phila. Hotel, 1200 Market St., 6 p.m.-12 a.m. Honorees Sal Patti, Anthony Cagano, Lorraine Ranalli and Donna M. Fluehr.
Corp. and Citizens Bank of Pennsylvania. Gaudenzia Thompson Street Apartments ($250,000) for six units for homeless families in the 1800 block of W. Thompson Street, North Philadelphia. Sponsors are Gaudenzia Foundation, Inc. with Sovereign Bank. Sartain Apartments ($250,000) for 35-unit com-
LEGAL NOTICE 1st notice of all rights, titles & interest in the following trailers shall be transferred to the Marina Business unless redeemed within 30 days of 2nd Notice 1-Ranger Trailers 16’ - 1985 VIN # 18WRT1717F1513815 2- Lode - EAZ Trailer 17’ - 1989 VIN# 407BT1916HB200200 Philadelphia Boat Supply 8900 State Rd. Phila., PA 19136
plex for seniors in the 3000 block of West Oxford Street in Strawberry Mansion section of North Philadelphia. Sponsors are NewCourtland Elder Services with PNC Bank.
The Public Record • December 31, 2009
Congressman Chaka Fattah has announced the award of $844,176 in grants from the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh to four new affordable-housing projects in Germantown, North and West Philadelphia in a ceremony at NewCourtland Education Center. The four projects receiving funding (all developed and named by their sponsoring nonprofits) are: A Place for New Directions for Women ($250,000 grant) for 4969 Wakefield Street, Germantown. Rental housing for women eligible for early parole from prison by providing transitional housing for 36 single, specialneeds individuals. Sponsors are New Directions for Women with PNC Bank. Fattah Homes II ($94,176) in the 3900 block of Brandywine Street, West Philadelphia. Six units for chronically-homeless families will serve six women and up to 22 children. Sponsors are People’s Emergency Center Community Development
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Fattah Announces Housing
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Snooper (Cont. From Page 16) WEST, a veteran newspaperman and reporter, keeps all of
us in focus as to what this newspaper is all out, and makes sure all our stories are verified and factual. Our Associate Editor, MR. RORY
The Public Record • December 31, 2009
GIVE THE GIFT OF NOSTALGIA Give the 5 Waffleman Books Memories they’ll always Cherish. They will remember you everytime they read them!
Call: Joe “Bag-A Donuts”
G. MC GLASSON, is responsible for putting together THE SOUH PHILADELPHIA PUBLIC RECORD and, I might add, this lad does one heck of a job, you’ll get no arguments here. MR. JOHN DAVID, one of the sharpest gentlemen I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, is the ADVERTISING DIRECTOR. He does yeoman’s work at his task every week. MR. JOE SBARAGLIA, he does the very funny and informative column ‘THE WAFFLEMAN’. Yes, he is also known as “JOE BAG OF DONUTS”. I didn’t get to
meet LEN LEAR, who, by the way also wrote for THE JOURNAL. Where was DENISE CLAY? I really wanted to meet that lady. SNOOPER’S SIGHTINGS: Hey Chief, there goes HON. FREDERICA MASSIAH JACKSON, the former President Judge “Emerita”, and she really looks great. There goes The Mayor, HON. MICHAEL NUTTER getting in his car and off to another event. Spotted COUNCILMAN FRANK DI CICCO and his ‘sidekick’, COUNCILMAN JIM KENNEY; they’re off to another meeting, somewhere in
SOUTH PHILADELPHIA. I got to meet “the Boys” of IBEW Local 98 as they were holding their annual Christmas Party for the children, also spotted Dr. DePace’s son, who was there reporting for the PUBLIC RECORD. Met with a ‘confidential source’ who was mentioning the possible retirement of DAVID LAWRENCE, 1st Judicial Dist.’s Court Administrator. Whew, this will open the doors for many of those who would like to have his job. If this happens, you can bet they will conduct a statewide search to make sure they get THE BEST replacement for this job! SNOOPER’S “STUPIDITY FILES”: Here’s one I couldn’t keep as- a secret anymore. This is true! The Police were very surprised recently when they opened up a refrigerator, only to find a man hiding inside it. The man told the Police he was just “Chillin”. Unfortunately for him, his partner in crime had given him up, and told the Police they would find him there. The Judge lectured him on his stupidity and told him his “stunt” proved he was not THINKING STRAIGHT. Yes, she put both of these criminals in “THE COOLER”. Talk about D-U-M-B! SNOOPER’S “LIGHTER SIDE”: To all those who say I’m too serious, allow me to offer you the following. How do you prevent a SUMMER COLD? Just catch it in THE WINTER. What bone will a DOG never eat? How about a TROMBONE? What clothes does a HOUSE wear? How about an ADDRESS? Hey, what BIRD can lift heavy things? Simple: A CRANE. Judge
Kosinski, here’s one for you. The Law of The Theater: The people whose seats are farthest from the aisle, they arrive LAST. Last but not least, what can you hold without ever touching it? This one is too easy A CONVERSATION. Oh yeah, I got something for you too! SNOOPER’S SPECIAL P-SA: Boss, one of our many friends at The Police Dept. asked if we could run this special PSA for them. They are selling special shirts and hoods, and all the monies collected will go to THE F.O.P. SURVIVORS’ FUND. Hoods are only $35, while longsleeved shirts are $20. This “ALL 7 OFFICERS” attire is available FOR SALE. Oops, forgot to mention, shortsleeved shirts are a mere $15 each. Please call MARY ELLEN at (215) 806-7992 for any and all info! SNOOPER’S FINAL: Yes indeed Chief, this is the last column for 2009; now it’s on to the NEW YEAR, 2010. Whew – this was really one heckuva year, and I’m sure everyone here at The Public Record will agree with me 100%. I wonder what all of your BIG STORIES were for 2009. One story that really bothered me was SEN. FUMO’S indictment and eventual prison sentence. The MUMMERS’ FIASCO was something no one here in Philadelphia could ever imagine, but it happened. Maybe our really big story will be when THE PEOPLE get to VOTE on that disastrous HEALTH-REFORM PROGRAM. Like they always tell me, IT AIN’T OVER TILL THE FAT LADY SINGS, and I can hear her now!
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Phone: 215-423-2223 Fax: 215-423-5937
(Cont. From Page 16) a civil or criminal court, then certainly at the next election. I encourage anyone who wants to review a more indepth and thoughtful presentation about our real-estate taxation mess and how to fix it to visit But here’s what has to happen immediately: First, the City must issue a moratorium on assessment increases until the City is prepared to roll out a system of fair and accurate assessments for all properties – justice delayed for all property owners cannot result in justice denied for some property owners. Second, the City must move forward with haste to complete a full Citywide reassessment so all property assessments reflect actual property values – unfair values are the problem that must be addressed, above and beyond any other issue at the Board of Revision of Taxes. Finally, if the City persists in adjusting assessments and delaying reassessment, every single taxpayer who is forced to continue to pay too much should be due a refund for
each and every year that the City’s inaction allows unfair assessment to continue. Our elected officials are on notice and now they understand assessments are inaccurate, they are wrong to perpetuate the fraud. Mayor Michael Nutter is now operationally in charge of the activities at the Board of Revision of Taxes, having installed his finance director at the agency’s helm. If he still truly believes this system “needs to be changed yesterday”, he should immediately rescind any new assessments and concentrate all the efforts of the agency toward establishing accurate values for all City properties. If he does not, he is simply another accomplice to the crimes being committed against Philadelphia property owners. This is an issue he once vowed to solve. He cannot become part of the problem. NOTE: Columnist Denise Clay of “Out & About” is on vacation this week.
The Public Record • December 31, 2009
2400 E. Somerset Street Philadelphia, PA 19134
Dollar & Sense
Page 21
(Cont. From Page 16) them hard. 2010 is the time future Elephants can have a shot at winning seats belonging to STATE REPS. JOHN TAYLOR, JOHN PERZEL and DENNY O’BRIEN. This may be the only chance the GOP has to maintain control of their seats in a postTaylor/Perzel/ O’Brien world. Two of these three men may have an heir apparent, but that leaves one out. COUNCILMEN JACK KELLY, FRANK RIZZO and BRIAN O’NEILL: You’re the face of the GOP at the City level. Play your parts publicly! Finally, once you have your act together, focus strongly on Northeast Philadelphia. Look at the 2009 General Election results to see what I mean. Had it not been ignored by the GOP establishment for so long, the Northeast would not be seen
as a lost cause in a post-Taylor/Perzel/O’Brien world. I would go so far as to move your operations from the Parkway to the Boulevard. My fellow Philly Elephants, this is our time. The country is not happy with the direction the Democrats are leading. A problem with this is we have nothing else to offer. Points one and two show we do not even like ourselves. Point three shows our Elephants may soon be on their way to extinction unless some proactive measures are taken. Point four tells us we actually do have a subdued presence in City government and point five says there is a place for hope. This isn’t about Republican and it’s not about Democrats. It’s about the city we love having been led on a collision course with disaster. A change is needed in Philadelphia and currently the GOP is the only viable alternative. Let’s get it done!
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The Public Record • December 31, 2009
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January, Jan. 28, 2010 January, Feb. 4, 2010 January, Feb. 11, 2010 January, Feb. 25, 2010 January, Mar. 4, 2010 January, Mar. 11, 2010 January, Mar. 18, 2010 January, Mar. 25, 2010 January, Apr. 8, 2010 January, Apr. 15, 2010 January, Apr.l 22, 2010 January, Apr. 29, 2010 January, May 6, 2010 January, May 13, 2010 January, May 20, 2010
January, Jun. 3, 2010 January, Jun. 10, 2010 January, Jun. 17, 2010 January, Sep. 16, 2010 January, Sep. 23, 2010 January, Sept. 30, 2010 January, Oct. 7, 2010 January, Oct. 21, 2010 January, Oct. 28, 2010 January, Nov. 4, 2010 January, Nov. 18, 2010 January, Dec. 2, 2010 January, Dec. 9, 2010 January, Dec. 16, 2010
For Classified Ads Call: John David 215-755-2000
The Public Record • December 31, 2009
In accordance with the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act, Act 93, 1998, the Philadelphia City Council will have its Regular Stated Meetings on the dates listed below. All meetings will be held at 10:00 A.M. in Room 400 City Hall.
CITY COUNCIL Philadelphia, PA 19107-3290 2010 NOTICE OF VACANT PROPERTY REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETINGS The Vacant Property Review Committee will meet in the Caucus Room, (Room 401, City Hall) from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. on the following dates:
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CITY COUNCIL Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107-3290 2010 NOTICE OF STATED MEETINGS
Tuesday Jan. 12, 2010 Tuesday Feb. 9, 2010 Tuesday Mar. 9, 2010 Tuesday Apr. 13, 2010 Tuesday May 11, 2010 Tuesday Jun. 8, 2010 Tuesday Jul. 13, 2010 Tuesday Aug.10, 2010 Tuesday Sep. 14, 2010 Tuesday Oct. 12, 2010 Tuesday Nov. 9, 2010 Tuesday Dec. 14, 2010 JOHN U. COATES, CHAIRMAN Vacant Property Review Committee
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The Public Record • December 31, 2009
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