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Vol. XIII. No. 4 (Issue 574)

Record Setter Council President Ends An Era

Serving Citywide Political, Labor, Legal and School Communities of Philadelphia “The good things we do must be made a part of the public record”

What Primary Candidates Need To File Page 3

Value 50¢

January 27, 2011

Carpenters Endorse The Best In Their Class

Nutter 2nd Term ALL SMILES, after making a tough decision, first woman to ever become President, Council President Anna C. Verna, announced she will not seek reelection. Behind her, at press conference, is Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell. Verna, besides being longest-serving member in City Council, is also its longest-serving President. Story Page 8 We Buy Gold & Diamonds

BEFORE 300 cheering carpenters, Executive SecretaryTreasurer/Business Mgr. Ed Coryell and Political Director Guy Pigliacelli hold up arms of Mayor Michael Nutter to mark their endorsement of his run for another four years. Union has over 12,000 members, representing 17 locals.

103-YEAR-OLD Traffic Club of Phila. honored Phila. Regional Port Authority as "Best company in transportation and logistics industry", represented by its Executive Director James T. McDermott, and as “Transportation Man of Year” SMS Rail Line’s Jeffrey L. Sutch. From left are John Dempsey, Mr. & Mrs. McDermott, Robert Blackburn, Craig Iannarelli, Sutch and Don Brennan.

Getting Handle On City Blight

Lights! Action! Union Training!

KEY PLAYERS in City’s drive to get a grip on abandoned real estate are Deputy Managing Director Bridget Collins-Greenwald and Chief of Staff Brian Abernathy. They hope to begin a new, centralized approach this winter. Story Page 12.

WITH GREAT FANFARE, International Association of Theatrical & Stage Employees Local 8 opened its new $6 million training facility in S. Phila. last week. Union’s goal is to ensure development of a talented labor pool to take advantage of city’s burgeoning entertainment-production industries. More pics Page15

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Page 2 The Public Record • January 27, 2011

Council To Forget Marcellus Gas Buys For Now by Tony West (A version of this story published last week mistakenly implied that decisions taken by the Philadelphia Gas Commission and City Council were made by the Philadelphia Gas Works. We regret this error and are glad to publish this corrected version to eliminate any misunderstanding.) Foes of rapid natural-gas drilling in the Marcellus shale deposits of upstate Pennsylvania are likely to have the votes to pass a City Council resolution today calling to keep the moratorium on development in the Delaware River headwaters. The resolution, introduced by Councilman Curtis Jones, Jr., was set for passage in a December meeting. But it was pulled at the last minute and rescheduled for a Jan. 27 hearing, to accommodate last-minute negotiations with PGW. Since then, Jones worked to get PGW and its parent oversight body, the Philadelphia Gas Commission, to state it would not purchase gas from Marcellus shale producers. After research, the Gas Commission determined it has the legal authority to take such action. Last week, the Commission, which is chaired by Councilwoman Marian Tasco, approved and supported Jones’s resolution 100864 with amendments to protect the Gas Commission from liability. This resolution says, “The Philadelphia Gas Works should continue its practice of not directly purchasing Marcellus Shale gas so long as it is responsible and is consistent with the least-cost fuelprocurement requirement of State law.” It further recommends the Gas Commission should develop policies that incorporate the “environmental costs/impacts of Marcellus Shale and other gas supplies” after a review by the Environmental Protection Agency is complete. Tasco, who is Council’s majority leader,

hailed Jones for his “hard work, advocacy, and leadership” on drafting this resolution. Jones, who chairs Council’s Committee on Transportation & Public Utilities, now expects little opposition to his measure. It has been strongly promoted by Council Members Maria Quiñones Sánchez and Bill Greenlee, among others. The resolution calls for the moratorium on drilling in the Delaware River Basin to be continued indefinitely, until the EPA completes a review of potential hazards stemming from deep-well gas extraction and appropriate regulations are developed – a process that is apt to take years. Gas drilling has caused numerous forms of damage to the environment, as well as costs to local economies. The most-serious incidents involve contamination of the groundwater supply. That’s where Philadelphia comes in. Although Philadelphia Co. has no Marcellus Shale, Water Commissioner Bernard Brunwasser has testified 40-50% of the city’s water supply comes from parts of the Delaware watershed where the gas deposits are found. If Council takes a strong stand on Marcellus gas drilling, environmentalists will be pleased. In itself, though, the action would mean little. The City has no statutory control over drilling; the first tier of regulation lies in the hands of the Delaware River Basin Commission, a fourstate body appointed by the Governors of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Delaware, with participation from the Army Corps of Engineers. If DRBC decides it is safe to proceed with drilling, then decisions on well permits and regulatory requirements will be made by the individual states. And DRBC has been placing its review of water safety on a fast track – too fast, in the view of Jones and his allies. Iris Bloom, director of Protecting Our Waters, said, “We can guess they are being pressured by the State of

Pennsylvania, which wants the cash from gas development, and by industry which wants to profit from these reserves. The Corps of Engineers has been interpreting its mission as promoting economic development, while ignoring public safety.” But environmentalists argue the City’s political pressure can be valuable. They point to New York City, which also draws its water from the Upper Delaware. After its Council called for a moratorium on drilling, New York State did put one in place shortly thereafter. What worked for the Big Apple may not work for Philadelphia, however. In New York, the City is the tail that wags the dog of the State. But in Pennsylvania, an outgoing Philadelphian Governor is being replaced by Tom Corbett from the shale-rich West. Corbett, a Republican, owes little to Southeastern Pennsylvania votes. And he is sitting atop an enormous budget deficit, having foresworn most ways to gain new revenue. A quick spurt of income would give him some welcome options in his first year. During his campaign, Corbett vowed to expedite the leasing of Marcellus shale wells. The General Assembly holds few friends for Philadelphia either these days. Both houses are in firm Republican control this session and few of their leaders in either Party hail from the Southeast. And natural-gas companies invested heavily in the victories of both the Govern and the Republican legislative majority. Thus, there may be a powerful temptation for upstate decision-makers to reap today’s profit while pushing tomorrow’s costs downstream, onto other folks’ constituencies – i.e., us. So environmentalists need all the help they can get politically. They want to persuade a business-friendly Governor to rein in DRBC, for starters.

“We want the public to have adequate opportunity to participate in a public-comment period,” Bloom said. At present, DRBC is planning to cut off comment on Mar. 16. And she wants more public meetings – downstream ones specifically, where most water-drinkers live. All three public meetings so far have been held upstream, above Trenton or beyond the Poconos, where people who stand to profit from gas leases live. Tacit support by the Gas Commission for the moratorium, therefore, may speak in an industry-friendly way. PGW’s incoming President Craig White is well known and deeply respected by energy companies and politicians alike. In fact, a PGW pledge not to buy Marcellus gas may not be more than a restatement of the obvious. Testifying before a Council joint committee on Sep. 28, last fall, White said, “PGW purchases Gulf Coast gas exclusively and has not contracted with any supplier to purchase Marcellus shale gas in the past or in the future. All of PGW’s current gas contracts are for supply that comes from the area in and near the Gulf of Mexico. “There is currently no practical and costeffective way to deliver Marcellus shale gas to Philadelphia. Although there are plans to build a natural-gas pipeline that would bring Marcellus shale gas to our area, preliminary cost estimates show that the cost top transport natural gas from Pennsylvania’s shale-producing areas will be more expensive than Gulf gas, at least in the near term.” But White added at that time, “It is also important to note that the nation’s natural-gas pipeline system, which crisscrosses the entire country, contains gas from a variety of locations, including shale regions. It is literally impossible to separate gas sourced from one area from that of another, as gas molecules intermingle in the transmission pipes.”

Former Policeman Enters 1st Council Dist. GOP Race

Lou Lanni, 51, a former Philadelphia policeman, learned what makes the streets of Philadelphia tick. His 12 years on the Police force, in district work, the highway patrol, and working at Headquarters, gave him an insight into all the things that affect people in their neighborhoods. “I realized a voice was missing that represented many of their concerns,” said Lanni, explaining why he is making his first attempt at running for a political office as a Republican for the 1st Council Dist. Why he chose the 1st Councilmanic Dist. is obvious. “This is where I live, at

9th & Spruce Streets, in the heart of this District. What happens to this area affects all of the city in one way or another.” Lanni points to a lack of hands-on representation. “When was the last time you could personally call and talk to your Councilman in this District? You call and you get a return call, maybe, from a staffer. I intend to end all that.” Lanni says he knows the urgency of human contact. “A constituent with a problem wants to know his concern is being directly addressed by the man in whom he placed his trust by giving him the vote.”

LOU LANNI ...a new force? “We have lost the tradition of being able to touch base with our constituents, at their homes, on their streets, and at

all the meetings which are important to them and involve the need for City government participation.” Lanni believes the city has long developed a reputation of not being friendly to business. “It’s obvious I will know how to make sure Council understands how public safety truly affects their constituents, but what Council must realize is, when they ‘talk taxes’, they are repressing the growth of this city. Businesses have been taking a beating, while government continues to grow, despite the fact we have a smaller and smaller population.” Lanni understands Philadelphia has had a spike

in population, thanks to efforts by the City to encourage University graduates to remain here. “More can be done,” he said. “My work in Council is to see which companies – particularly those that have intensive manpower needs – need the most support.” Lanni, a graduate of the Philadelphia public-school system, and of Temple University, where he took many business courses, joined the Police force, “at the first opportunity, because I wanted to be involved in solving the problems I saw around me.” A long-time supporter of labor, his dad and granddad were active in organized

labor. His dad was the recording secretary of Local 830 and his grandfather was the secretary-treasurer of Local 830 as well as president of Joint Council 53, the guiding body of this city’s Teamster locals. “I understand the need for us to worry and act to help those affected by social issues. They have a friend in me. Our public-safety officers will have a true spokesman in City Council. I have walked in their shoes and know what they need. So does business need a friend as well,” he added. Lanni is expected to get the endorsement of the Republican City Committee for the 1st Dist.

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Campaign Finance filing requirements listing your receipts and expenditures. As a candidate you can operate with a Campaign Committee, by first Authorizing the Committee on form DSEB 501, to receive funds on behalf of a candidate. If you as the Candidate, authorize a Campaign Committee, to operate on your behalf, the Campaign Committee must register by filling out and filing form DSEB 500. “Political Committee Registration Statement”, with the County Board of Elections. The Candidate Authorizations, and the Committee Registrations, must be filed with the Office of the City Commissioner, County Board of Elections, Campaign Finance Unit,

OBITUARY Veronica R. Kitchen Sen. Shirley Kitchen will create the Veronica R. Kitchen Foundation to help educated women in business in honor of her daughter, Veronica who died last Monday. A dedicated federal employee, Veronica started her career at the U.S. Mint. She then worked for 30 years with the Federal Government including Office of Management and Budget, White House Accounting Staff, and the US Dept. of Treasury. Funeral services were private.

State Sen.

Shirley M.


before any funds are raised or expenditures made. All Candidates for City elective office, who Authorize a Campaign Committee to operate on their behalf, must also file a personal report or statement of receipts and expenditures in addition to that of their Authorized and Registered Campaign Committees reporting requirements. All Candidates, and their Authorized and Registered Campaign Committees, must file Pre-Primary and Post-Primary Statements and Reports of receipts and expenditures. All Candidates, and their Authorized and Registered Campaign Committees, who win the primary nominations, must file Pre-Election and PostElection Statements and Reports. The Philadelphia Dept. of Records is not the County Board of Elections, and has no jurisdiction, or authority under the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Campaign Finance Laws, to receive or accept reports or statements of candidates for city elective offices, or their authorized campaign committees, on behalf of the County Board of Elections, Campaign Finance Unit. Only filing electronically with the Dept. of Records, which accepts reports on behalf

of the Philadelphia Board of Ethics, which only has jurisdiction over the City of Philadelphia’s Campaign Finance regulations, does not meet the filing requirements required by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Campaign Finance Laws. Failure to file original Campaign Finance Reports or Statement with the Philadelphia County Board of Elections, will put you as the Candidates and that of your Authorized Campaign Committee in violation of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Campaign Finance Laws. Late fees are assessed and will be imposed in accordance with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Statutes Annotated, Purdon’s, 25 P.S. § 3252 (a). Campaign funds cannot be used to pay these late fees. Note: Failure to address noncompliance, violations, and nonpayment of Late Fees imposed in accordance with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania State Campaign Finance Laws, will be reported to the Office of the District Attorney, for enforcement.

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The Public Record • January 27, 2011

Compliments of the City Commissioners—Chair Margaret Tartaglione, Joe Duda, Anthony Clark Prepared by Tim Dowling, Campaign Finance Unit—(215) 686-1508. If you will be submitting Nomination Petitions to place your name on the ballot for the 2011 Municipal Primary, scheduled for May 17, 2011, you are required to adhere to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Campaign Finance Laws. As a candidate you can operate without a Campaign Committee, but must notify the County Board of Elections, in writing of this intent, submitting, your Name, and Address, and the Office sought. You must also file required statements or detailed reports in accordance with the

Page 3

2011 Campaign Finance Requirements For All Candidates

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Page 4 The Public Record • January 27, 2011

Carpenters Back Nutter For Mayor Edward Coryell, executive secretary-treasurer/business manager for the Metropolitan Regional Council for Philadelphia & Vicinity, gave Mayor Michael Nutter another step up the ladder toward reelection by announcing his union’s support for a second term for Mayor. He did so at the Union’s headquarters on Spring Garden Street, with over 300 in attendance on Tuesday. The Council represents more than 12,000 members – 3,500 in Philadelphia alone – as the parent organization for 17 locals in Southeastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, and the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Coryell cited the Mayor’s leadership during the nation’s tough economic downturn, as well as his focus on strengthening the city’s economic footing through innovation and cooperation with its partners, as reason for the union’s backing.

“Mayor Nutter is a proven leader who understands the importance of all parties working together to maintain and improve employment opportunities in Philadelphia. Fair wages, good working conditions and open access to opportunities for our members are the tenets on which this union has stood for more than a hundred years,” said Coryell. “We believe Mayor Nutter embraces these tenets as well, and has shown his ability to work with us to continue to achieve them for all our members. We are happy to stand with him today and in this primary election.” The Mayor thanked Coryell and the union members for their support and for their contributions to the city. “The hard-working men and women of the Carpenters Union have contributed greatly to this city. So I am honored to

State Senator

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receive their confidence. I look forward to working with them to create more work opportunities in Philadelphia, and toward further making our city a place where citizens can support their families with the pride, dignity and fair wages they deserve.” Like We Said, Nutter Uncontested For 2nd

The Philadelphia Public Record and its sister paper the South Philadelphia Public Record have been saying in at least a half dozen issues over the last four months, Mayor Michael Nutter will be an easy winner in the Primary. We will go so far now as to say we doubt if there will be a serious contender filing against him in the Primary. And even a rumored entry by Tom Knox as an Independent candidate in the General Election will be a wasted effort. The only spear-carrier in the Republican Primary for now is John Featherman, who may expect competition from a Republican City Committee nominee, since he does not yet have the blessings of that Party. Allowing us to be so out front is the recent Municipoll.Com, put out by local pollster Ed Haggerty. According to his poll, which came out last week, “Nutter leads a

generic opponent by a 47%39% margin. In a variety of hypothetical matchups, Nutter leads the second-highest votegetter by at least 15%. “Michael Nutter appears increasingly well-positioned to win a Democratic Primary Election, especially a multicandidate race,” said Haggerty. Sam Katz, who had run before for the seat, was reported as saying, “It suggests Nutter would be tough to beat. But it also tells you he’s not over 50%. I wouldn’t think that’s a great place for an incumbent to be. He’s been there, his name has been out there for four years.” Katz reiterated that he is not running for Mayor, but said that this poll shouldn’t discourage others from taking a look. Nutter enjoys higher support from white Philadelphians than from African Americans, with 64% of whites having a favorable opinion of Nutter, compared to 45% of African Americans. “Nutter’s strong support among white voters seems to turn Philadelphia’s usual racial politics on its head. However, his lukewarm support among African American voters raises questions as to why, after three years in office, Nutter still hasn’t consolidated support in this critical base constituency,” R EPRESENTATIVE

Traffic Court Candidate

Democrat Marnie Aument-Loughrey May, 2011 Paid for by Candidate

said Haggerty. Knowing he will be a winner and acknowledging his efforts to create jobs, top unions such as the Laborers and the Carpenters are already on board supporting Nutter’s 2nd-term bid. Fred Mari Announces Traffic Court Candidacy

Fred Mari this week announced his intention to run again in the Democrat May 17 Primary for Traffic Court Judge. This will be his second attempt to win a seat. Mari, a long-time member of the Glaziers Union, IUPAT,DC 21, believes he will again enjoy Union support, as well “as the support of scores of volunteers who (Cont. Page 6)

Fred Mari ..announces for Traffic Court Councilman Bill

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State Rep.

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The (USPS PublicPP-109) Record Weekly Publication The Philadelphia Public Record (ISSN 1938-856X) January 27, 2009 Volume 13 number 4, Published Weekly by The Philadelphia Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila., PA 19147 Requested Publication ($30 per year Optional Subscription) Periodical Pending Paid at Philadelphia PA and additional mailing office POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to: The Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila. PA 19147 215-755-2000 Fax: 215-689-4099

EDITORIAL STAFF Editor & Publisher: James Tayoun Sr. Managing Editor: Anthony West Associate Editor: Rory G. McGlasson Medical Editor: Paul Tayoun M.D. CitiLife Editor: Ruth R. Russell Editorial Staff: Joe Sbaraglia Out & About Editor: Denise Clay Contributing Editor: Bonnie Squires Dan Sickman: Veteran Affairs Correspondent: Nathaniel Lee Creative Director & Editorial Cartoonist: Ron Taylor Photographers: Donald Terry Harry Leech Steven Philips Production Manager: William J. Hanna Bookkeeping: Haifa Hanna Webmaster: Sana Muaddi-Dows Advert. Director: John David Controller: John David Circulation: Steve Marsico The Public Record welcomes news and photographs about your accomplishments and achievements which should be shared with the rest of the community. Contact us by phone, fax, e-mail or by dropping us a note in the mail. If you mail a news item, please include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify the information you provided us, if necessary. The Public Record reserves the right to edit all news items and letters for grammar, clarity and brevity. (C) 1999-2011 by the Philadelphia Public Record. No reproduction or use of the material herein may be made without the permission of the publisher. The Philadelphia Public Record will assume no obligation (other than the cancellation of charges for the actual space occupied) for accidental errors in advertisements, but we will be glad to furnish a signed letter to the buying public.

Page 5


The Public Record • January 27, 2011

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Page 6 The Public Record • January 27, 2011

Singer Wants To Win To End Office (Cont. From Page 4) helped me last time out in 2007.” He is expected to get his union’s endorsement. In that race, with 15 candidates seeking the office, and three vacancies, he came in sixth, without an endorsement. There is just one vacancy for that position in this election. Mari, a native Philadelphian, makes his home in Fox Chase where he is a Democrat committeeman in the 63rd Ward. Married, with one daughter, he is well known as one of the weekend bartenders at the American Pub in the Centre Square Building. He has a website, He believes Traffic Court is “the People’s Court” and “it’s important we understand two viewpoints when we judge cases.” Also announced is Marnie Aument-Loughrey.

DROP Growing Focus For Council Challengers

Whatever the position, be it Council at Large or District Council, incumbents in the DROP program are finding themselves having to strategize how to answer the growing wave of critics in the media and, increasingly, among their constituents. Though the program is viable and those incumbents who are in the DROP will actually be saving the City money if reelected, the media continues to portray DROP as an infamous handout to elected officials. Already leading the field of challengers criticizing the DROP candidates is Joe Grace, running in the Democrat 1st Dist. Primary. He has twice appeared on Fox 29, pushing the need for pension reform and the end of DROP. After 10 years of organization work in the Philadelphia

labor movement with Local 32BJ of the SEIU, Jeff Hornstein feels he will be able to call on brother unionists to back his Primary effort to unseat Councilman Frank DiCicco in the 1st Dist. He, too, will be using the DROP weapon against DiCicco. If education is a factor, he can tell voters he is the first PhD to seek office for that District. He also holds degrees from MIT and Penn. The PhD is from Maryland University. He will announce his entry into the race Feb. 2 at 6 p.m. at the FOP Lodge 5 Headquarters, 1336 Spring Garden Street. It’s Lou Lanni for sure for the Republicans in the race to seek the nomination for the GOP in the 1st Council Dist. held by long-time Democrat incumbent Frank DiCicco. Whether or not DiCicco is seen as vulnerable to DROP pressures, Democrat chal-

lengers continue to grow: Add to the list 39th Ward B’s Mark Squilla, 2nd Ward’s Vern Anastasio, 5th Warder Mike Boyle and Karen Brown. Andrew Toy, who is again making a try in the Council at Large Democrat primary, narrowly missing his last time out, spent MLK Day of Service cleaning up at Sayer ES. It’s a tradition his family has kept almost since the day of service started. His campaign will call on many community nonprofits which are kneedeep in working to better their constituencies, for help as he did in his past try. He announced his campaign kickoff at Manakeesh Cafe Bakery, a new Lebanese-style bakery at 4420 Walnut Street. Toy is working the internet with a website ( that includes a video, which details his interaction with the community and

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DEMOCRAT Ward Leader Stephanie Singer, flanked by her dad, Daniel, and daughter, Luna, announces her run for City Commissioner at McVeigh Playground. Photo by Harry Leech

what he hopes to do in City Council ... and in seven different languages. He needs to hope some of those he’s addressing are registered to vote. Singer Spotlights Low-Vote Areas

Stephanie Singer’s 8th Ward is a comfortable Center City area with high civic involvement and high voter turnout. However, she announced her campaign for City Commissioner in the Democrat Primary miles away, at McVeigh Recreation Center in Juniata Park. It’s a part of the city with a large immigrant population and plagued by low voter turnout.

That was precisely Singer’s point. Struggling working-class communities suffer from corrupt practices by the City Commission, she charged. Once elected to the Commission, she vowed to work to abolish her own elective office and her fellow Commissioners’, to be replaced by a civil administrator. Ballard Spahr Taps Rendell As Partner

Ballard Spahr has announced Edward G. Rendell, who served two terms as Governor of Pennsylvania, is returning as a member of the firm in the Philadelphia of(Cont. Page 10)

Why 9/11? Part 10 of 25

RE: Smoking Issue and the FBI’s Sting Operation, “ABSCAM” Site: Barclay Hotel, 237 So. 18th Street, 19103 1. “I have received your request for information regarding the Ormandy apartment and the Abscam sting operation. We do not divulge apartment numbers of any one currently employed at the hotel has knowledge where the Abscam sting operation took place.”—J. Barry Pollard, Manager, July 11, 1991 2. Next door to the Curtis Institute of Music where Marcel Tabuteau taught oboe students for three decades, is the Barclay Hotel and residence of the Philadelphia Orchestra’s conductor and music director at the time, Maestro Eugene Ormandy. 3. On February 6’ 1981, the Bulletin reported that the Moral Majority and the New Right is the focus of tonight’s debate at the Barclay Hotel. Debaters: Liberal Congressman Bob Edgar & Conservative Caucus Director Howard Phillips. 4. In 1981, the Brown & Williamson Corp. introduced “Barclay” brand cigarettes to the public. 5. “There’s only one way to play it” was the tobacco giant, R.J. Reynold’s slogan for “Kool” cigarettes in 1982. 6. In 1983, the Imperial Tabacco Group in Nottingham, England introduced the “Players” brand cigarettes to the world stage. 7. Late July, 1982: Senator John East lectured Senator Orren Hatch on a smoking education bill requiring cigarette makers to tell the government what chemical additives they put in their products, and to stay out of business regulation. East said Hatch’s bill “is contrary to party principles.” 8. Among smoking bans worldwide, there were seventy-one (71) countries with smoking bans as of Feb 8, 2010. — Wikipedia “You’ve Got a Friend in Pennsylvania” Email:

Page 7

The Public Record • January 27, 2011

Page 8 The Public Record • January 27, 2011

Council President Won’t Seek Reelection

COUNCIL PRESIDENT Anna Verna, center, surrounded by Council Members and ward leaders in her District, answers questions from press at conference announcing her decision not to seek another term.

Despite the fact she was seen an easy winner if she sought her 10th term as 2nd Dist. Councilwoman and her fourth as Council President, Anna Verna has announced she will not seek reelection. She noted, “This has not been an easy decision for me, or one that I have taken lightly. For all of my adult life, serving the people of Philadelphia and especially

Fundraisers For Maria Donatucci

ATTENDING major fund raiser for Democrat nominee Maria Donatucci, running in special election to fill 185th Legislative District seat vacated by her husband Robert who died prematurely, were, from left, Lou DiRenzo, Jr., VIncent DeFino, Maria, Mark Rago, and Rita Donatucci.

AT FUNDRAISER at Chiarelli’s Restaurant for Donatucci were Frank Argenzio, long time family friend Jody DellaBarba, and Joe Ianni.



• • • •

Past Chancellor, Philadelphia Bar Association Private Practitioner Serving the Legal Needs of all Philadelphians for 28 Years Resident of Northern Liberties Former Assistant District Attorney, Bronx, NY "Paid for by Committee to Elect Sayde Ladov Common Pleas Judge"

my beloved 2nd Dist. has been my way of life and my passion. When I was a young child, my father taught me, by example, public service was an honorable profession and one that would provide the unique satisfaction that comes from helping those in need. “For many years, my late husband Sevy and I worked hand in hand for the betterment of our community. This has been my life’s work, so it has been a most difficult decision that I have made.” In her press announcement, she singled out her staff for their dedication and for their long hours of service under the most “thankless conditions” as well as her colleagues, past and present, and Mayor Michael Nutter and his predecessors. She continued, with visible emotion, “Most of all, however, I express my deep gratitude to the great people of the 2nd Dist. for placing their trust in me these many years. We have been able to (Cont. Page 19)

Deeley Hires Top Accounting Firm Philadelphia Sheriff Barbara Deeley has selected the nationally renowned forensic accounting and consulting firm Nihill & Riedley, PC to begin an immediate review of all financial accounts. Deeley said: “In the wake of City Controller Butkovitz’ 2010, report, confidence in the Sheriff’s Office has been shaken. I intend to restore this confidence by providing our citizens with a Sheriff’s Office capable of accounting for every dollar it oversees. Today we begin to make that goal a reality by bringing in some of the best people in the field with one clear mission: account for every dollar sitting in every account.” Jim Smart, CEO of Nihill & Riedley, said, “We look forward to helping the Sheriff’s Office run as efficiently as possible.” Deeley concluded, “As we move to get to the bottom of these accounts, we must also move to build internal controls and systems that ensure financial accountability. I have tasked Nihill & Riedley to

provide recommendations for building these controls and systems and to work with Joe Vignola, Chief Deputy Sheriff of Finance & Accountability to see that they are implemented.” Ricardo Zayas, CPA, principal and former federal special investigator, said,” Nihill & Riedley is a Philadelphia firm with a national reputation for handling the most intricate and sensitive accounting work for both governmental and private corporations alike. We look forward to working with Sheriff Deeley and her staff to work through the issues raised by City Controller Butkovitz’ 2010 audit.”

Captain Jesse G. For the Finest In Seafood Live & Cooked Crabs Live Lobsters Fish Shrimp Scallops Clams Mussels 8th & Washington. Ave. (SE Corner) Philadelphia, PA 19147 215-336-8333 • 215-463-1813

You Can Park Easier In Front of Our Store!

Page 9

Our Opinion ...

Thank You, Anna Cibotti Verna

The Public Record • January 27, 2011

Jan. 27- State Sen. Anthony Williams introduces documentary The Cartel at German Society of Pa., 611 Spring Garden St., 7-9 a.m. Jan. 27- Edward J. Lowry, founder of Phila. Veterans MultiService & Education Ctr., has retirement party at Waterfall Rm. in Plumbers Local 690 Union Hall, 2791 Southampton Rd., cocktails 6-8 p.m., followed by Tribute Program. Tickets $65. Order by phone (215) 238-8050. Event Chair Ed Keenan, Board Chair Jim McNesby and Exec. Dir. Marsha Four. Jan. 27- State Rep. Cherelle L Parker, together with 9th Ward Leaders John O’Connell and Frank Hendrie, hosts 9th Ward Town Hall meeting at United Cerebral Palsy, 102 E. Mermaid La. 7-9 p.m. Jan. 28- S w e a r i n g - i n Fundraiser for State Rep. Kenyatta Johnson at Union League,

140 S. Broad St., 6-9 p.m. RSVP (215) 820-7308. Jan. 29- Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell hosts prayer breakfast for ministers in 3rd Councilmanic Dist. at Sharon Baptist Ch., 3955 Conshohocken Ave., 8 a.m. For info (215) 686-3418. Jan. 29- Campaign Kickoff for Damon K. Roberts, 2nd Council Dist. Democrat candidate, Ch. of the Redeemer, 1440 S. 24th St., 2 p.m. For info (267) 334-0244. Jan. 30- Bridges To Education charitable fundraiser at Finnigan’s Wake, 3rd & Spring Garden Sts., 3-7 p.m. $30 ticket includes beer, wine, soda, buffet and music by LeCompt. Hosts Angie Dellavella, Franny Driscoll and Maureen McAllister. Jan. 31- C o n g r e s s w o m a n Allyson Schwartz’s “Thank You For Your Support” reception at Finnigan’s Wake, 3rd & Spring Garden Sts., 6:30 p.m. Feb. 2- Realtors for Alan Kurtz for Sheriff fundraiser at Sampan, 124 S. 13th St., 5-7 p.m. Write checks to Friends of Alan Kurtz, 220 S. 16th St.,

Suite 201, Phila., PA 19102. Feb. 2- 3rd Dist. Appreciation Night sponsored by Friends of Jannie Blackwell at 1st Dist. Plaza, 3801 Market St., 6-9 p.m. Free for committeepersons and ward leaders of 3rd Council Dist. Feb. 3- Councilman Frank DiCicco fundraiser at Cuba Libre, 10 S. 2nd St., 5:30-7:30 p.m. Contributions Host $250, Guest $50. Feb. 3PRO-ACT hosts 3 consecutive free weekly sessions at 444 N. 3rd St., 6:30-8:30 p.m. to help individuals and families cope with addiction. Feb. 5- Phila. Branch NAACP celebrates 100th anniversary at luncheon at HERO Ctr., 3439 N. 17th St., 12-4 p.m. Tickets $40. For info Renee (215) 439-0988 or Lynne (267) 481-5857. Feb. 8- Denny O’Brien kicks off race for City Council at Rosewood Caterers, 8888 Frankford Ave., 7 p.m. Feb. 10- Germantown Republican Club hosts Lincoln Day Dinner at Union League, 140 S. Broad St., 6 p.m. Honoree and speaker Lt. Gov. James Caw-

ley. Tickets $65. For info Jack Morley (215) 389-1768. Feb. 11- Fundraiser Reception for Council candidate Lawrence Clark at Rose Tattoo Café, 19th & Callowhill Sts., 6-8 p.m. For info (215) 224-0727. Feb. 11- Manayunk on Ice winter festival featuring Ice Carving Competition. Free 3day festival runs through Sunday. Fire & Ice Kickoff featuring an ice bonfire, 5 p.m. Feb. 15- Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell launches campaign at 1st Dist. Plaza, 3801 Market St., 1 p.m. Feb. 18- 5th Ward Democrat Leader Mike Boyle hosts dinner fundraiser for 5th Ward committeepersons at Bella Cena, 1506 Spruce St., 7 p.m. Candidates invited, $50 fee. Feb. 19- Benefit for Mayfair Memorial Playground sponsored by AOH Division #4 on grounds of Lincoln HS, Wellington & Hegerman Sts., (2 doors down from Jack’s Place), 7-11 p.m., $30 per person. Draft beer, sodas, wine, $1 domestic beers. Food. For info Shawn Murphy (215) 338-0413. Political candidates invited.

If one thing were to be said of the reign of Council President Anna Cibotti Verna, it is, “She earned her positions, served them well, and set for them new standards.” Sadly, the era of the first woman to serve as the president of City Council will come to an end when her term winds down in December. She made known her intention officially not to run Monday afternoon at a press conference in City Council chambers. It was a hard decision to make, she explained to the crowd of supporters and members of the press in attendance. That is understandable, since she has literally devoted her entire life to service to this city, beginning as a secretary to her father Councilman William Cibotti just after graduating from high school. When he died in office, she was unanimously endorsed by the leaders of the District to replace him. Today, she holds the record as the longest-serving employee on City Council. This outstanding public servant broke the glass ceiling in Philadelphia politics in 1999, when she became the first woman in Philadelphia’s 300-year history to achieve the Council presidency. In January 2008, she began her third full term as Council President, and her ninth term as a member of the Philadelphia City Council, representing the 2nd Council Dist., which includes Center City, South and Southwest Philadelphia. Her achievements have been many. Her constant call for financial stability has been the hallmark of her career and she has helped steer the city through financial crisis after financial crisis. President Verna is a strong proponent of tax reductions and a firm believer that Philadelphia’s status as one of the least business-friendly cities in the United States must be reversed in order to propel the city’s economy not just into, but through, the 21st century. She has been a consistent supporter of wage- and business-tax reductions while remaining firmly committed to public services. In addition to her Council duties, President Verna is an active member of the Order Sons of Italy in America, Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and a leading member of Philadelphia’s Italian American community, which will sorely miss her support. She has served on the Board of Directors of numerous other charitable and civic boards and associations. She has been knighted by the Republic of Italy and honored with the title “Commendatore” for her contributions as a leading member of Philadelphia’s social, cultural and civic communities. President Verna has received an honorary Doctorate of Laws degree from Chestnut Hill College and an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from Community College of Philadelphia. Council President Verna and her late husband, Cavalier Severino Verna, were lifelong residents of South Philadelphia. We wish her well. God speed and guide her through her new years as a retired public servant.

Page 10

Sen. Tartaglione Tells Corbett ‘Be Lean, Not Mean’ (Cont. From Page 10) fice. Rendell is a former Mayor of Philadelphia, City District At-

torney, and Chair of the Democratic National Committee. Rendell brings significant

experience to the firm and its clients nationwide. His practice will focus on public-pri-

The Public Record • January 27, 2011

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Please check out our Website for a Current List of all AVAILABLE Properties for SALE OR RENT You can also call our office for more details, we are happy to assist you. Capozzi Real Estate/Insurance, LTD specializes in insurance, sales and property management in the Packer Park, South and Center City districts of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The owner, Barbara Capozzi, is Broker and Limited Partner for the successfully completed The Reserve at Packer Park's 230 custom townhomes. She is also Broker and Limited Partner for the Villas at Park Park (SOLD OUT by Winter '08) and the Regency at Packer Park (Regency One & Two SOLD OUT, sales started on Regency Three). All three new developments were designed to compliment and enhance the surrounding Community of Packer Park. Barbara Capozzi has served as a volunteer for many years as the President of the Packer Park Civic Association and has also been elected as Community Director for the Packer Park area to the Sports Complex Special Services District as well as several other Community and Business organizations.

vate partnerships and issues relating to infrastructure, energy, the environment, health care and higher education. Tartaglione To Corbett: ‘Be Lean, Not Mean’

State Sen. Christine M. Tartaglione has sent a message to Gov. Tom Corbett. She said, “The Governor seems to share my priorities of job growth and economic recovery and I’m confident we can get there without sacrificing the progress we’ve already made. State government can be lean without being mean. “I’m hopeful the organizations in my District which depend on State funding to help low-income families survive will have the opportunity to prove their value and show, in the long run, they are good investments for taxpayers.” O’Brien Appointed Dem Vice Chair Of Appropriations

State Rep. Mike O’Brien (D-Kensington) has been appointed to serve as Democratic vice chairman of the House Appropriations Committee for the 2011-12 legislative session by

House Democratic Leader Frank Dermody (D-Allegheny). “When I was whip, Mike served as deputy whip,” Dermody said. “I was always impressed with his tireless work ethic and his ability to build consensus. Appointing him vice chairman of Appropriations is a perfect match.” Democratic Appropriations Chairman Joe Markosek (D-Allegheny) credited O’Brien for his ability to work strenuously for his District, but also reach across party lines to build consensus. “Mike’s reputation as a forceful advocate and fighter for the people is equal to his ability to work in a bipartisan manner,” Markosek said. “Given the state’s growing deficit, I welcome him to the committee and as a voice for Philadelphia.” The role of the House Appropriations Committee is to develop Pennsylvania’s annual General Fund budget and examine budget proposals lineby-line, review all current and potential sources of revenue for the State and review the fiscal impact of all legislation. O’Brien, now in his third

term, also will serve on the House Education and Gaming Oversight Committees. O’Brien’s constituent service office is at 610 N. 2nd Street. The phone number is (215) 5033245. Constituents also may contact him through his website at Kevin Boyle Office At 7518 Frankford

State Rep. Kevin Boyle (D-Northeast) has opened a new constituent-service office at 7518 Frankford Avenue. The phone number is (215) 331-2600.

IT WASN’T too cold to go campaigning as Karen Brown took to the street at Diner on the Plaza in S. Phila. With her are Eleni Kalogian, owner, and waitress Kelly Papacritos.

Stars Come Out For Giardello Statue Fundraiser

JOEY GIARDELLO’s childhood friend Carmen “Bartsy” Bartolomeo and’s John DiSanto join fellow statue committee members in welcoming JPMorgan’s VP of Corporate Marketing Marianne Sanclimenti to fundraiser.

JOEY GIARDELLO statue committee member Fred Druding, Jr. welcomes New York Jets GM Mike Tannenbaum to fundraiser.

FUNDRAISER had HBO’s Harold Lederman and Fred Druding, Jr. reminiscing about the glory days of Philadelphia boxing.

FORMER WBA & WBC Middleweight Champ Vito Antuofermo, VBA President Charley Sgrillo, and Pennsylvania Boxing Hall of Fame Chairman John Gallagher were all smiles after seeing capacity crowd that came out to support the Joey Giardello Statue project.

FRED DRUDING, Jr., world renowned artist Carl LeVotch, and Anna Krukles welcome hockey legend Rod Gilbert to fundraiser.

VETERAN BOXERS Association President Charley Sgrillo greets the Sopranos Bobby Baccalieri upon his arrival at fundraiser.

Paid for by Lou Lanni For City Council


The Public Record • January 27, 2011


Page 11

LOU LANNI City Council 1st District

Page 12 The Public Record • January 27, 2011

Yo! Here we go again with information I found out about The Dept. of Veterans Affairs’ National Cemetery Administration. They maintain 125 national cemeteries in 39 states (and Puerto Rico) as well as 33 soldier’s lots and monument sites. Please note there is not a VA national cemetery in every state. I visited The Georgia National Cemetery, which opened for burials on Apr. 24, 2006. The new 775-acre national cemetery in western Cherokee Co., Ga., will serve veterans for the next 50 years. It is truly inspiring. The property on which the cemetery rests was donated by Scott Hudgens, the late Atlanta World War II veteran, land developer and philanthropist. The site lies midway between Cartersville and Canton, near the Etowah River, offering views of the Blue Ridge Mountains and Lake Allatoona. J. M. Wilkerson Construction Co., of Marietta, Ga., was awarded the construction contract in December 2004. In addition to an entrance area, an information center, administration and maintenance building, public restrooms, flag plaza, shelters for committal services, the project includes a total of 33,000 full-casket gravesites, 3,000 in-ground sites for cremation remains and 3,000 Columbaria niches for cremation remains. Burial arrangements will be made after death, as with all national cemeteries. VA does not reserve grave space. Veterans or spouses wishing to be buried in national cemeteries should have the veteran’s military separation papers available to establish eligibility. They require any other-than-dishonorable discharge. Dependent children may also be buried. The Veterans Millennium Health Care & Benefits Act of (Cont. Page 17)

PATRICK “PAT” MURPHY, a long-time supervisor in the Revenue Dept. of the City of Philadelphia, departed this life after a short illness. Pat was in charge of tax enforcement and discharged his duties with a great deal of understanding and discretion. During the Mayoral election of 1967, he was a Tate Ward Leader in the 27th Ward, the area around the University of Pennsylvania. Reporting on how the Ward would do, he was quite candid: “I know the Ward is very liberal and his Hon. Mayor Jim Tate will have trouble getting votes there. I have six divisions in which I can guarantee the results.” So, true to his word, he turned in a respectable effort in the Primary. Pat was an original from Ireland and after many years still spoke with an Irish brogue. After retiring, he moved to Jersey to be closer to his children. He was a first-class citizen. STATE SEN. MIKE STACK back from his weekend responsibilities from the Army Reserve at Willow Grove Navel Air Station. He was recently promoted to Captain. He announced $2.7 million in capital-budget funding will go towards refurbishing the 275-acres of undeveloped park known as the Benjamin Rush Park in Northeast Philadelphia. BARBARA DEELEY, acting Sheriff, may have her position reinforced by City Charter. When the State government enacted the legislation which led to the Home Rule Charter, it was silent on the offices of Sheriff, Register of Wills, Clerk of Court and City Commissioners. Most constructionists believe these are County offices and the appointing authority in the event of a vacancy is therefore the Mayor of the City of (Cont. Page 17)

SNOOPER’S UPDATE: Last week I told you all about the COUNCIL MEMBER who is leaving, and she will NOT RUN for her office in the upcoming elections. The reason I mentioned it again, I’m told, is there just might be another COUNCIL MEMBER leaving. It could be one from the Great Northeast, who’s been there too long and has done nothing. Just about every COUNCIL MEMBER running will be challenged this election, and who knows? we might see a few surprises. COUNCIL at-LARGE seats will see many candidates running, and who knows? they too might get lucky and WIN. MICHAEL BEDNAREK, HON. DENNIS O’BRIEN, AL TAUBENBERGER, MICHAEL UNTERMEYER, (unless he is named THE SHERIFF), DAVE OH (he’s one of ‘the favorites’ to win) and here’s one to watch, JOHN FEATHERMAN. These are some of the names being bandied about for various OFFICES in the upcoming elections. SNOOPER’S PET SERVICES DEPT: Not too long ago, I was fortunate to meet and greet the Chief Veterinarian for The Pennsylvania S.P.C.A. – DR. MURARKO. We got to discuss the best way to prevent LOST ANIMALS. “The Chief” immediately told me about a special program that is very reasonable, and one that will NOT HURT your pets. I learned this program involves placing A CHIP to the back of your pet’s neck. The cost for this procedure is very nominal, and it’s one pet owners can afford. I would suggest DO THIS AS SOON AS YOU CAN. Special Note: Please, because of the cold weather, beep your horn before you start your cars. I was asked to mention this, because the animals will get (Cont. Page 14)

Handle On Blight: City Builds A Single System

by Tony West The City of Philadelphia is on the verge of producing a strategy for coping with one of its most-abundant and most troubling resources: abandoned property and vacant land. The challenge is staggering. Karen Black, a policy analyst with long experience in Philadelphia real estate, says, “We think we’re number two behind Detroit.” Roughly 10% of the city’s half-million parcels of land are unoccupied. All this land was productive once; now, though, notes economist Kevin Gillen, “It has negative value.” A report by his firm, Econsult, released Nov. 11, 2010, estimated blighted properties cost Philadelphians collectively $3.6 billion in lost household wealth – an average of $8,000 per household – by depressing the values of neighboring properties. When Richard Negrin was sworn in as Managing Director in June 2010, Mayor Michael Nutter charged him, along with the City’s Finance Director Robert Dubow, with preparing a unified approach to this prob-

lem. A task force coordinated by Negrin’s Chief of Staff Brian Abernathy has been working feverishly since last fall. Its first objective: to get a grip on the 25% of vacant properties that have fallen into public hands. “There is general acknowledgement the system we now have doesn’t work,” says Abernathy. Different agencies – Public Property, the Redevelopment Authority, the Sheriff’s Office, the Housing Authority and Philadelphia Housing Development Corp. – control different parcels for different reasons, with different goals and different databases. The Law, Commerce and Licensing & Inspection Depts. are also intimately involved with real-estate transactions. Most of these key players have formed a Steering Committee to oversee reform. Two of its subcommittees expect to bear fruit this winter. Most fundamental, perhaps, is the work of the Data Management group. Within a month, it expects to have a consolidated database of all 10,000-odd Cityowned properties. At this hour, “the City” literally cannot say

what properties “it” has, because its various databases do not communicate with each other. This creates massive practical obstacles to people who are interested in City-owned vacant lots. “Almost everyone in planning knows someone who identified a piece of land, hoping to acquire it, then contacted the City, trying to find out precisely who was responsible for it. After months or years of fumbling with the bureaucracy, many just gave up,” relates Black. The Dept. of Technology has been working feverishly to build a bare-bones consolidated database. Sometime in February, step one should be finished. Once the City knows what land it has, it can look for better ways to put as much as possible back into the private sector. Here again, the City has never had a unified policy. Abernathy says decisions on selling properties have always been made ad hoc, with no way for a potential buyer to figure out in advance what the price will be, what they must do and whom they must

satisfy to get it. “There is no transparent policy,” says Abernathy. “What we are doing is putting one together that is consistent and clear. We are briefing the Mayor on it right now, as well as City Council, the Building Industry Association and the Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations. We have even created an appeals process of sorts.” Another committee is working on Taxes & Acquisitions. It is currently studying internal processes within the Law Dept.; synchronizing databases again is proving crucial. Abernathy says the Administration’s goal is to focus on ways to gain control over poorly maintained properties: “Make it not about revenue collection, but about holding people responsible.” Quality of life and public-safety issues need a formal place at the table when judgement calls are made, he argues. That is not how the City has treated its biggest stick – Sheriff’s Sales for delinquent taxes. Reducing blight has not traditionally been part of this mis-

sion. A Maintenance Committee is searching for ways to improve the appearance of abandoned properties. Unkempt lots and unsecured buildings are the chief drag on neighborhoods with abandoned properties. L&I’s resources are plainly inadequate to the size of the challenge, but Abernathy is looking for ways to deploy what L&I has to combat blight more effectively. Maintenance even of private abandoned property is a sore point for public finance, says Rick Sauer, executive director of PACDC. “Our broken system spends $20 million a year on these vacant properties,” he points out. “The City may not own the land, but it owns the problem. There is a real cost to the City of inaction.” Over the next year, the Technology Dept. aims to pull another, even larger rabbit out of its hat. That’s the production of what Abernathy calls a “property portal” website which describes every piece of City-owned land that available for purchase, in terms that mat-

ter to buyers – something like a catalog. Eventually it would be accompanied by mapping. Plain, across-the-board rules for buying City land and a comprehensive shopper’s guide should take much of the time, uncertainty and stress out of the process, Abernathy argues. But he cautions, “It’s not going to be perfect and it’s not going to happen all at once.” An ultimate goal of these reorganizations is to bring all blighted land management under one agency’s roof – which one, has not been determined. Non-governmental housing leaders have been impressed by the Managing Director’s blight initiative so far. Sauer calls it “very significant” and says he is “optimistic” about its outcome. But there still lies a long road ahead. “They’ve been working incredibly hard,” acknowledges Gillen, “working with agencies in ways that haven’t been done. The question is, is the Nutter Administration in this for the long haul? Because that’s what it will take.”


The Public Record • January 27, 2011


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The Public Record • January 27, 2011

Page 14


(Cont. From Page 12) UNDER YOUR HOODS to keep warm. SNOOPER EMAIL SERVICES BUREAU: (snooper2 Here we go again Chief. A female student from Thomas Edison HS had her boyfriend send me this email. She stated in this email, “The boys are not the only ones involved in what’s going on here, and in other schools too. We females also have our fights and disagreements, and yes, sometimes it’ll involve quite a few of us. There’s a lot

of stuff you never hear about because the schools involved try to play it down. I have friends in Ben Franklin and Germantown HSs, and it’s the same over there too. Yeah, stuff happens, and the next thing you know, all hell breaks loose and people get hurt. Better inside SECURITY could prevent some of these altercations, NO QUESTIONS ABOUT IT! SNOOPER, I would like to meet you some time, if this is possible, because I can tell you a lot too.” SNOOPER’S KUDOS DEPT.: Whew, I still can’t believe they finally were able

to find out who this scumbag is – ANTONIO RODRIGUEZ, “The Kensington Strangler”. We owe a lot of THANKS to our own Pennsylvania State Police, who were successful in connecting this individual with DNA collected from the various murder scenes. I spoke with a few people from KENSINGTON, and let me tell all of you, there is absolutely great JOY and HAPPINESS and SECURITY too, for the CAPTURE of this scumbag who was the cause of a lot of FEAR in these neighborhoods. To everyone, you can now rest EASY!

SNOOPER’S HAPPENINGS BUREAU: I happen to go over to the Pennsylvania Convention Center and I actually walk into an AWARDS PRESENTATIONS being made by the Dept. of Human Services. The Mayor, HON. MICHAEL NUTTER, was there along with the D.H.S. Commissioner, HON. ANNE MARIE AMBROSE. They presented awards to their UNSUNG HEROES, LEADERSHIP, DISTINGUISHED SERVICE, and SERVICE WITH A SMILE. I happen to see a young lady receive an UNSUNG HERO AWARD;

her name was BETTY FULLER and it was presented to her by GENNIFER REED. Chief, this place was really packed with all the PROFESSIONALS from the Dept. of Human Services. I even saw the Commissioner, Anne Marie Ambrose, present a few of her “SPECIAL AWARDS” too. This was really a great event, and I’m sure there are photos of it. SNOOPER’S “SPECIAL NEWS STORY”: This is one that really upset me, and I know it must have upset a lot of you. We must give a lot of

‘props’ to our great District Attorney, HON. SETH WILLIAMS, for his quick response and action to this horrendous story. By now, you all heard about it and I’m sure this will give “fodder” to those who oppose ABORTIONS. Here we have a DOCTOR who was performing ABORTIONS, and what makes this story so horrendous, he was in actuality MURDERING little babies. What made it so despicable, was the way they were M-UR-D-E-R-E-D! Thank God, (Cont. Page 17) Attorneys are both board certified by the American Bankruptcy Certification Board. Chapters 7/13 & Stop foreclosures, creditors harassments, lawsuits, garnishments, and sheriff sales.

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BUSINESS AGENT Michael Barnes prepares to cut ribbon on new training facility for International Association of Theatrical and Stage Employees Local 8 at 2401 Swanson.

LOCAL 8 Building Committee Member John Duncan struts to strains of Pennsport String Band at swanky gala in honor of its training facility’s grand opening.

IATSE LEADER Michael Barnes and his Building Committee were intensely proud of their state-of-the-art training center, which will help workers take advantage of burgeoning entertainment production in Delaware Valley.

TURNED OUT for IATSE’s gala were, from left, Phila. AFL-CIO political maven Liz McElroy, her boss Pat Eiding and legendary labor publicist Frank Keel.





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educational and training offerings. With Philadelphia and the region increasingly becoming a hot destination for the production of movies, TV shows and many other entertainment mediums, IATSE Local 8’s new facility is a timely and important new resource for the industry. IATSE Local 8’s new center will offer training to union stagehand workers for legitimate stage productions, orchestral ensembles, opera and ballet performances, rock-and-roll concerts, audiovisual Convention Center training, film and television training, and even wardrobe, hair and make-up training.

The Public Record • January 27, 2011

The International Association of Theatrical and Stage Employees Local 8, led by Business Agent Michael Barnes, IATSE International President Matthew D. Loeb, and IATSE General Secretary-Treasurer James B. Wood, cut the ribbon on their new $6 million training facility last week at 2401 Swanson Street. IATSE Local 8’s new state-of-the-art facility will establish the union local and the City of Philadelphia as the focal points of the entertainment industry in Pennsylvania and the entire Mid-Atlantic region. The 11,000-square foot facility is unrivaled in the breadth of its

Page 15

Stage Handlers Open New Training Facility

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Page 16 The Public Record • January 27, 2011

The Tri-State Area’s New Radio Talk Show At 3:00 PM On Radio 1540 AM

City Hall Sam (Cont. From Page 12) Philadelphia. Now, when judges in Bucks Co. were recently called upon to make an appointment to fill the vacancy created by a Commis-

Snooper (Cont. From Page 14) our great District Attorney, HON.SETH WILLIAMS, will seek to have murder charges filed against this defendant, and quite certainly THE DEATH PENALTY – bet on it! SNOOPER’S EMAIL SERVICES DEPT.: Sir, this should have gone to “SHADOWBOXER” and I’m sure he would be very interested. This comes from RAY RUIZ, for-

tional Cemetery opened in 2006, the South Florida VA National Cemetery near Miami, opened in 2007. The National Cemetery Act of 2003 authorizes VA to establish new national cemeteries to serve veterans in the areas of Bakersfield, Calif.; Birmingham, Ala.; Jacksonville, Fla.; Sarasota Co.,

Fla.; Southeastern Pennsylvania; and Columbia-Greenville, S.C. All six areas have veteran populations exceeding 170,000, which is the threshold VA has established for new national cemeteries. If you should visit a VA cemetery, remember the ultimate sacrifice given by those men and women interred there.

sioner’s being elected Lieutenant Governor, they did not look to Harrisburg to fill it, rather construing it as a County office. With this interpretation, the responsibility of appointing a successor to JOHN GREEN, who has retired, rests with MAYOR

MICHAEL NUTTER, not with GOV. TOM CORBETT. COUNCILMAN AT LARGE JACK KELLY will not run for reelection. This leaves an opening for the second Republican for Councilman at Large. The list is long,


mer light heavyweight boxer, who is now training young fighters, and I’m told by his friend, JOE McDERMOTT, he is very successful at what he is doing. He already has a few of his boxers being noticed by GOLDEN BOY BOXING PROMOTIONS; in fact, they want to sign them up. This gentleman also informed me he has some PRO WRESTLERS training here at his gym in PENNSAUKEN, N.J. Let me pass on your

phone number to “SHADOWBOXER”, who will call you – (267) 968-3072. Good luck! SNOOPER’S BEST: I was told to always save The Best for last. We all know by now, Pennsylvania has a NEW GOVERNOR, and we all said goodbye to HON. EDWARD RENDELL. Yes indeed, things are going to be a lot different here in the State of Pennsylvania, and HON. TOM CORBETT will see to it. He has promised to make some

changes for ‘the better’ and he has told all of us he will do everything he has promised, and it will start today. We here CONGRATULATE our new Governor, HON. TOM CORBETT and WE wish him all the success he deserves. Good Luck Sir. THE PUBLIC RECORD NEWSPAPER will do whatever we can, and we’ll be there for him too. I have the deepest faith in him, and hopefully, he will live up to all of his P-R-O-M-I-S-E-S too!

Pacifico Ford Good Credit • Bad Credit No Credit • Don’t Sweat it!

The Public Record • January 27, 2011

(Cont. From Page 12) 1999 requires the VA to establish six additional national cemeteries in areas of the United States in which the need for burial space is greatest. Those areas are Atlanta, Ga.; Detroit, Mich.; Miami, Fla.; Sacramento, Cal.; Pitts-

burgh; and Oklahoma City, Okla. Fort Sill National Cemetery near Oklahoma City opened for interments in 2001, the National Cemetery of the Alleghenies near Pittsburgh, Pa. and the Great Lakes National Cemetery near Detroit opened in 2005, the Georgia National Cemetery, and the Sacramento Valley VA Na-

Page 17


6700 Essington Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19153 ______________________ 215.492.1700 Rocky has been in the auto business since 1994. He has been recognized by Ford Motor Company with numerous achievements including Master Certified in car and trucks. He’ll use his experience to help you maximize your benefits and reduce your expenses!


Philadelphia Regional Port Authority Moving Forward! we continue to deepen the Delaware River’s main shipping channel to 45 feet.

Seeking new business opportunities, new cargo, and the jobs that go with it...

John H. Estey, Esq. Chairman

James T. McDermott, Jr. Executive Director

Brighten Your Car’s Colors For The Holidays




John F. Dempsey


Senior Deputy Executive Director Deputy Executive Director Port Administration Building: 3460 N. Delaware Ave. 2nd Fl., Phila., PA 19134 (215) 426-2600 • Fax (215) 426-6800


6717 Essington Ave. Commercial vehicles by estimate. Body work, rust repair, and stripping of old paint extra. Not valid with any other offer. MAACO® Auto Painting & Bodyworks centers are independent franchises of MAACO® Enterprises, Inc. Prices, hours and services may vary.

Robert C. Blackburn


The Public Record • January 27, 2011

Page 18

FOR RENT Carriage House with two-car garage. 1300 S. Juniper St. with studio on second floor. Modern, Complete with Washer and dryer. Call 215-868-0532

PER MILE! HOME WEEKENDS! EXCELLENT BENEFITS! NEW EQUIPMENT! HEARTLAND EXPRESS 1800-441-4953 Drivers- 100% Tuition Paid CDL Training! No Credit Check, No Experience required! TRAINERS EARN $.49/MILE! 888417-7564 CRST EXPEDITED Experienced Tanker Drivers Needed! Increased pay and home time! *Plenty of Miles. *Steady Freight. Call Prime Today! 1-800-277-0212 Earn A Solid Paycheck at Western! Van-avg pay as high as $0.35cpm. Flatbed-avg pay as high as $0.39cpm Both including Bonuses and Extra Pay Items. Plus New Equipment and Great Home Time. CDLA,6mo.OTR. 888-801-5295 SMITH TRANSPORT *CLASS A-CDL DRIVERS* Hiring for Van & Tanker Divisions *Excellent Equipment! *Consistent home time! *Great pay/benefits! No Hazmat Required. 877-4320048

HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS Between High School and College? Over 18? Drop that entry level position. Earn what you’re worth!!! Travel w/Successful Young Business Group. Paid Training. Transportation, Lodging Provided. 1-877-646-5050. HELP WANTED/SALES NOW HIRING! THR & Associates a multi-national company has hundreds of salaried positions, many that offer bonuses. Local and national positions. Looking for professional, friendly, self motivated individuals. Customer service oriented with sales experience. Many salaries starting at $45,000. To learn more & apply visit: LAND FOR SALE Upstate New York LAND BARGAINS ATV & Snowmobile

Do You Have Property In Lebanon and You are Interested In Selling It? Call:


Need Documents Translated Call William Hanna 267-808-0287 English - Arabic French - Italian Spanish

Trails. State Game Lands. 19 Acres Valley Views- $29,995. 5 Acres Camp Lot- $15,995. Adirondack River-WAS: $119,995. NOW: $69,995. 24 Acres-Tug Hill-$17,995. Scheduling land tours 7days/ week. Call 800-229-7843 Or Visit Cameron County, PA - 7 acres near Sizerville State Park with stream frontage bordering state forest. Perc, electric, level building site. $59,900. Owner financing. 800-668-8679 MISCELLANEOUS ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers, *Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 888-220-3984. AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified - Housing available. CALL Aviation Institute of Mainte-

nance (888)834-9715 VACATION RENTALS OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND. Best selection of affordable rentals. Full/ partial weeks. Call for FREE brochure. Open daily. Holiday Real Estate. 1-800638-2102 Online reservations: VACATIONS/TRAVEL **EAST REGION ONLY: A GREAT VACATION VALUE!! Clean, Safe, & only a tank away. America’s Greatest FAMILY Resort, Ocean City, NJ (800)786-8884 or visit our web site AUTOS WANTED **WESTERN REGION ONLY: DONATE VEHICLE RECEIVE $1000 GROCERY COUPONS. NATIONAL ANIMAL WELFARE FOUNDATION. SUPPORT NO KILL SHELTERS. HELP HOMELESS PETS. FREE TOWING, TAX DEDUCTIBLE, NON-RUNNERS ACCEPTED 1-866-912-GIVE

(Cont. From Page 8) accomplish great things, one individual project and block at a time. I pledge that I will continue to work with all of you in our quest for an even-better Philadelphia.” Mayor Nutter noted “On the very day that City Council President Anna Verna announced she will retire at the end of her current term, she was out in her District in Point Breeze

talking about programs to make our City better educated and a better place to live. It’s a perfect example of what she’s been doing for almost 60 years. She is one of our city’s great public servants, the first woman to serve as Council President, the longest-serving Council President, a great leader, a savvy politician and a person who has played a critical role in making

our city a better place in which to live and work. “As a City Councilman and now as Mayor, I have always appreciated her energy, insight and ability to bring people together. She served the public as if they were family and I’m sure that when she retires early next year, she’ll find new ways to serve Philadelphia.”

The Public Record • January 27, 2011

ADOPTION OR PERSONALS A committed, financially secure couple seeks to adopt. Warm, caring home. Love to travel. Ready to provide a bright and happy future. Expenses paid. Neil and Doak, 888-492-6273. ADOPTION: An Unplanned Pregnancy ... does not mean an Unwanted Child. Call Joy/FFTA to discuss your options and choose a family. Financial Assistance Available. 1-866-922-3678 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Do you earn $800 in a day? Your Own Local Candy Route! 25 Machines and Candy All for $9995. 877-915-8222 All Major Credit Cards Accepted! Frac Sand Haulers with complete rigs only. Tons of Runs in warm, flat, friendly and prosperous Texas! Great company, pay and working conditions. 817769-7621, 817-769-7713 HELP WANTED DRIVER TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED! 2011 PAY RAISE! UP TO $.52

Verna Ends Fruitful Era

Page 19

Public Record Classifieds: small ADS BIG Deals

2400 E. Somerset Street Phone: 215-423-2223 Philadelphia, PA 19134 Fax: 215-423-5937


LICENSED ELECTRICIAN Over 42yrs experience low prices, fast service 100-amp Circuit breakers $65+ ceiling fans $25+ • Outlets $6+ AC/WD Lines $10+ lic/ins* FHA/VA Cert


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(215) 335-4884 Fax (215) 333-7793

GIVE THE GIFT OF NOSTALGIA Give the 5 Waffleman Books Memories they’ll always Cherish. They will remember you everytime they read them!

Call: Joe “Bag-A Donuts”


In accordance with Chapter 73 of the Vehicle Code and authorization of the Department of Transportation, there will be a public auction of the below listed vehicles, THURS, January 27, 2011 @ 2:00 PM. The location: 7000 State Road, Philadelphia, PA. All sales final. Cash only.

STOCK# YEAR MAKE US-3050 US-3437 US-3536 US-3545 US-3613 SPV-8511 •••

2002 1970 2003 2000 2002 2000


PONTIAC 1G2WK52J12F235051 CHEVROLET 13637OF170936 PONTIAC 1G2NF52E53C128851 MERCURY 1MEFM53S7YA629364 FORD 1FMZU73E42UA82821 KIA KNAFB1211Y5840266

CTRL# 880949 880945 883029 883020 883455 882858





PHONE 215-634-9517 BODY SHOP 215-427-0550 FAX 215-427-9296


The Public Record • January 27, 2011

Page 20

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