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700 Sansom St. 215-923-1980 We Buy Gold & Diamonds
Serving Citywide Political, Labor, Legal and School Communities of Philadelphia Vol. XIII. No. 24 (Issue 594)
“The good things we do must be made a part of the public record”
Value 50¢
Be Proud Of Your Port It’s A Puerto Rican Parade! Vote ‘No’ On Soda Tax!
June 16, 2011
Starting Page 3
Court Mortgage Program Keeps 85% In Homes Page 32
Vick Springs For Two Scholarships Page 2
UPSET OVER renaming of Philadelphia Puerto Rican Festival, Puerto Rican leaders and their supporters gathered to demand this name be reinstated by the Council of Spanish Speaking Organizations (Concilio) in Fairmount. “Changing the name is deleting our heritage and our history,” said their chairperson, former Councilman Angel Ortiz. Protestors called for Concilio Board to resign. More pics Page 35
Claymont, Delaware
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TEAMSTERS leader Daniel Grace, president of Local 830, addresses hundreds attending a "Philly Jobs, Not Taxes" rally outside City Hall, made up of small-business owners, labor unions and beverage-industry workers opposing Nutter's controversial sugar-sweetened-beverage tax. More pics Page 35
Jim Stevenson 9371 ROOSEVELT BLVD. PHILADELPHIA, PA 19114 215-698-7000
INJURED AT WORK! If you have been injured on the DOCKS, PIERS, or SHIPS doing loading or repairing work. You need our free advice....We fight for your right to benefits and we never ask you to pay a fee.... We have ALSO OFFICES IN PHILADLEPHIA, successfully helped get money for thouMEDIA, READING, LANCASTER sands of injured workers over the last 30 years.
Do you want your claim settled for Maximum Value? Are you being bullied by your employer and need the real facts about your rights?
Page 2 The Public Record • June 16, 2011 • 215-755-2000
DROP Has A PLOP! Eagles Quarterback Vick Surprises Two Graduates With Scholarships
Philadelphia City Council has new DROP legislation, ending nine months of debate and endless reviews of two studies conducted to determine the actual cost of the program. The process should come to an end. But already groups and media reps are banging away at DROP with the same intensity they used before. They simply want no vestige of a DROP in place for City employees. We must remember DROP – the Deferred Retirement Option Plan – allows certain City employees to commit to a retirement date, deposit pension payments into an interestbearing account, and then collect a lump-sum payment when they leave their jobs. Mayor Michael Nutter had called for the DROP to be terminated. Nutter sent City Council legislation back in August of 2010 to end the program. But City Council decided to prepare legislation which amends the program instead. The public has voiced its displeasure with elected officials participating in the DROP. Other than the participation of elected officials, the key issues have been the 4½% interest rate the program pays, and the age City employees decide to retire. Council has attempted to make the DROP cost-neutral by changing the 4½% interest rate, to a floating rate based on the one-year treasury rate, and by adding two years to the eligibility date for all non-uniformed employees, with the age for uniformed employees remaining unchanged. There has been much wrangling behind the scenes over what would and wouldn’t be changed in the legislation, but what was never on the table was excluding elected officials, who are still eligible for the perk. City Council also added a new option 5 to the retirement code. This is a Partial Lump Sum Option Plan or PLOP. Under this option, an employee can take a slightly smaller pension and get a cash payout when they decide to retire. The advantage is a large check at retirement without
waiting four years, as would be necessary under DROP. Option 5 is reportedly riddled with loopholes, which were revealed in a scathing letter from Bill Rubin, the Democratic candidate for City Council in the 10th Dist., to his opponent Republican Councilman Brian O’Neill. Rubin exposed the possibility that someone can PLOP one day, then return to work the next day, then PLOP again sometime in the future. According to Rubin, someone could also PLOP one day then come back to City service and join DROP. Most egregious was the fact elected officials would have been able to be reelected in any November General election, then retire in December of last year, collect their PLOP check, then serve the next term and PLOP again at the end of the next term. According to Rubin, someone could also PLOP one day then come back to City service and join DROP. Rubin’s letter was distributed at about 12:15 pm. on Wednesday, the 8th of June, just after the public testimony had concluded concerning the new legislation. Shortly thereafter, Council Members were called to two separate special meetings to discuss amendments to the Bill that were to be introduced. Council reconvened as the Committee of the whole at 2:00 p.m. The amendments covered every point in Rubin’s letter except removing elected officials. Some of the amendments strengthened the elected official provision by adding the wording to include “anyone who was elected before September of 2009 and subsequently reelected as being grandfathered into DROP eligibility.” The prior language was vague because it simply said no newly elected officials shall be eligible for DROP, which left open to interpretation the meaning of “newly elected.” Incumbents, when reelected, can be considered “newly elected.” The question now is will Mayor Nutter veto the Bill or allow the legislation be enacted without his signature?
The Philadelphia Public Record (PR-01) (ISSN 1938-856X) (USPS 1450) Published Weekly Requested Publication ($30 per year Optional Subscription) The Philadelphia Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila., PA 19147 Periodical Postage Paid at Philadelphia PA and additional mailing office POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to: The Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila. PA 19147 215-755-2000 Fax: 215-689-4099
EAGLES Pro-Bowl quarterback Michael Vick surprised Camelot graduates Monique Joseph and Rickey Savage with $5,000 scholarships at Friday’s graduation ceremony. Camelot VP of Operations Milt Alexander joined them on stage at Kimmel Center. Graduates of Camelot Schools’ five Philadelphia high schools expected Eagles quarterback Michael Vick to urge them to take advantage of their second chance to succeed, just as he has. But unlike most commencement ceremony speakers, Vick offered more than encouraging words to the 450 graduating students of Camelot’s alternative education programs – he presented two of the graduates with $5,000 scholarships to continue their education. Vick used the Camelot graduation as a springboard to launch his “Comeback Student of the Year” scholarship awards, naming Monique Joseph and Rickey Savage as the first two beneficiaries. Neither student had advance notice that they would be receiving the scholarship. “I got up with an ‘I don’t know’ face,” laughed Savage, who came to Camelot’s Excel Academy South after falling two years behind in his classes at Lincoln High School. “There are a lot of people I know who deserve this. It will make me do everything 10 times harder than I was doing.” Savage will be attending Virginia Union University in the fall, majoring in business
technology. Joseph had just received her first tuition bill from Penn State, where she has been accepted to the pre-med program. She, too, was stunned by Vick’s generosity, noting, “This is a weight off my shoulders. Now I don’t have to worry.” Both seniors credited Camelot with giving them the support and guidance they needed to graduate high school and enroll in college. Joseph admitted that at the charter school she previously attended, she went to school whenever she felt like it, letting her grades slip. “At Camelot, it’s a different kind of experience. We’re more like a family. The teachers are together with the students, they actually care about them.” At his previous school, Savage was not only behind in his studies, he had been arrested for robbery and assault. At Camelot, he said, “The teachers paid more attention to me. If I was giving up, they would say, ‘Rickey, you can do this’.” Vick, who has used his second chance after serving nearly two years in prison to again rise to the top of his sport, proved to be a role model for fellow students. At
a private meeting with 30 high achieving graduates before the ceremony, Vick said, “Camelot has changed your life and given you a second chance. Think before you speak, think before you act and think before you make the decisions in your life.” The graduates came from three accelerated high schools, Excel Academy North, Excel Academy South, and Excel Academy Central and from two transitional schools, Shallcross Academy and Camelot Academy. The accelerated schools are for over-age students who have fallen at least two grades behind or have dropped out. The transitional schools are for students who have been expelled for behavioral issues from their mainstream schools. “The combined graduation rate for the five schools this year is 90%. This is an incredible accomplishment when you consider that most of these students had very little chance of graduating in their former environments. We are honored by the trust and confidence the school district places in us to make sure these students succeed,” said Camelot CEO Todd Bock.
EDITORIAL STAFF Editor & Publisher: James Tayoun Sr. Managing Editor: Anthony West Associate Editor: Rory G. McGlasson Medical Editor: Paul Tayoun M.D. CitiLife Editor: Ruth R. Russell Editorial Staff: Joe Sbaraglia Out & About Editor: Denise Clay Contributing Editor: Bonnie Squires Columnist: Hon. Charles Hammock Dan Sickman: Veteran Affairs Correspondent: Nathaniel Lee Creative Director & Editorial Cartoonist: Ron Taylor Photographers: Donald Terry Harry Leech Steven Philips Production Manager: William J. Hanna Bookkeeping: Haifa Hanna Webmaster: Sana Muaddi-Dows Advert. Director: John David Controller: John David Circulation: Steve Marsico The Public Record welcomes news and photographs about your accomplishments and achievements which should be shared with the rest of the community. Contact us by phone, fax, e-mail or by dropping us a note in the mail. If you mail a news item, please include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify the information you provided us, if necessary. The Public Record reserves the right to edit all news items and letters for grammar, clarity and brevity. ©1999-2011 by the Philadelphia Public Record. No reproduction or use of the material herein may be made without the permission of the publisher. The Philadelphia Public Record will assume no obligation (other than the cancellation of charges for the actual space occupied) for accidental errors in advertisements, but we will be glad to furnish a signed letter to the buying public.
Are Proud To Present The
The Public Record • June 16, 2011
and The Philadelphia Public Record
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The Philadelphia Regional Port Authority
Tenth Annual Report ON THE PORT OF
•Continuously Growing • Friendly To Business • New Opportunities • Welcoming New Cargoes • Planning For The Future • 215-755-2000
Page 4 The Public Record • June 16, 2011 • 215-755-2000
Our Opinion Why We Love Our Port
Talk about the Port of Philadelphia and you have to tell it like it is: It’s a love story for all Philadelphians and for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Especially caring are the Port Authority, Local 1291 of the ILA, its Port terminal operators, its supporting businesses and unions, and the men and women of these organizations who make decent wages from their laboring in Port-related jobs. When William Penn laid out the city’s original boundaries, he made the river’s edge a viable part of his overall scheme. He knew the advantage of an inland deepwater Port and began to build his vision at the point where the Schuylkill River ended its journey from upstate Pennsylvania into the Delaware. Since then, the Port has contributed mightily to the nation through all the wars in which it was engaged, from the Revolutionary to our present involvements around the world. Though its sister seaports get most of the glory, the Port of Philadelphia has slowly but surely taken its place among the great ports of the world. Its location upriver was once considered a debit, but now is looked upon as an asset, bringing needed shipments closer to points of destination inland. The uniqueness of the Philadelphia Port is the fact all those involved in the Port are dedicated to working unselfishly to bring it more business. Especially committed is the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority, which has maintained its stewardship role at the highest peaks of efficiency, transparency, and productivity. Under the leadership of Executive Director James T. McDermott, Jr., the PRPA staffs are forever repairing, refurbishing and redesigning the Port’s facilities to insure their cuttingedge adaptability to the ever changing needs of the world’s shipping lines. Concrete evidence of how close the Port works with the political leaders of this city and State is evidenced by the fact it is designated by the Defense Dept. as a “Strategic Military Port”. This means it is one of the few in the country which is adapted to shipping and receiving military ships and cargo. Credit for this goes to State Rep. William Keller and Congressman Bob Brady, who made the case successfully in Washington; also to the backup efforts of the PRPA in supplying them with the necessary stats and demonstrations of its efficiency and the rapidity with which it meets changing shipping requirements. Add to this the training ILA Local 1291 longshoremen took to properly and safely load and unload specialized military equipment. Each time additional increases in tonnage are recorded at the Port, there is a corresponding increase in the number of jobs created. With the development of Southport, soon to become the Port’s most-southerly and largest terminal, coupled with the completion of the deepening of the river, additional thousands of well-paying jobs will be created. What is there not to love about our Port? To get to know it, is to grow to love it.
Another Opinion Pa. Revenue Can Balance Budget by State Sen. Vincent Hughes When Gov. Tom Corbett unveiled his own budget in March, it was already clear our budget outlook was much brighter than the $4 billion shortfall we once feared. An improving state economy and increased State revenues were emerging to replace a substantial amount of the lost federal stimulus dollars. While the Governor’s proposed budget acknowledged a growing state economy, it continued to significantly underestimate that strength. Gov. Corbett predicted a modest revenue sur-
plus of only $78 million. Now, three months later, it is clear that revenue surplus will likely exceed $600 million by year’s end. It’s time to take a step back and reassess what a responsible budget plan should really include. Somehow, the Governor and House Republicans are okay sitting on a revenue surplus as they reduce and eliminate vital programs and services that assist our working families, our children and those who don’t have the ability to help themselves. No one will argue with the idea we need to be responsible and appropriate with the sur-
Jun. 17- Annual Health Tech graduation at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, 3601 A St., 10 a.m. Funded by Kal & Lucille Rudman Foundation. RSVP Barbara A. Liccio (215) 427-5398.
Jun. 18- Judge Tom Gehret’s Municipal Court Party at the Shore at 401 W. Pine Ave., North Wildwood, N.J., 3-7 p.m. RSVP by emailing Jun. 25- State Sen. Anthony Williams will host a Family Fun & Food Day free cookout at Stinger Square, 32nd & Reed Sts., 11 a.m.-4 p.m. For info (215) 492-2980. Jun. 28- SEPTA and State
plus, but we cannot ignore the reality of what some of that surplus can do to help people in Pennsylvania right now. Senate Democrats continue to promote a plan that specifically outlines where cost-efficiencies can be found, as well as where the commonwealth can generate significant revenue in order to lessen the extent of budget cuts to balance the budget. The Senate Democratic plan includes savings, revenues and efficiencies of $1.14 billion: $750 million in savings from fiscal responsibility initiatives in Public Welfare, Corrections, procurement and maximizing revenues; $290 million in savings generated through a tax-fairness plan that includes a Marcellus Shale tax levy but eliminates other tax breaks suggested by the Governor; $100 million from higher
State Stores revenues. By using budget savings ideas promoted by Senate Democrats, in conjunction with the revenue surplus, we hope to restore key funding for important programs: Accountability Block Grant and Charter School reimbursement programs for local school districts; Higher education funding for State-related and Statesystem schools; Hospital reimbursements for uncompensated care, critical-care access and other forms of specialty care; Essential County and municipal assistance programs including the Human Service Development Fund, Housing & Redevelopment Assistance and Homeowners Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program; and Job-creation and training programs essential to keep growing our economy.
Sen. Anthony Williams co-host career clinic for potential SEPTA employment at Sayers Memorial United Methodist Ch., 61st & Catherine, Sts., 3 p.m. For info Don Cave or Desaree K. Jones (215) 492-2980. Jun. 29- Montgomery, McCracken et al. invite all to portrait presentation of Honorable Judge Gene D. Cohen at City Hall Rm. 653, 4 p.m. Reception follows in Conver-
sation Ha., 2nd fl. RSVP Stephanie Redding (215) 7727260. Jun. 29- PRO-ACT 2-hr. workshop on “How to Talk to Your Legislators & Get Them to Hear You, ” at PRO-ACT Recovery Training Ctr., 444 N. 3rd St., Suite 307, 6 p.m. Again on Sat., Aug. 13 at 10 a.m. at the same location. Free. Call William Webb (215) 923-1661.
Charles G. Kopp, Esq.
Page 5
Message From Board Chairman
‘Making Our Port The Best’
Charles G. Kopp casual student of local history knows Philadelphia has been a major port city for more than 300 years. Over time, of course, a great many changes have taken place and more will come. But the familiar sights and sounds of towering ships loaded with cargo will always be an integral part of our enduring legacy. Throughout this supplement, you will read many examples of how the Port of Philadelphia impacts your daily life. Our Tioga Marine Terminal in Port Richmond is home to the burgeoning
Chilean fruit industry. The forest-products piers in South Philadelphia import newsprint, coated paper and wood pulp. The sprawling Packer Avenue Marine Terminal is home to a myriad of cargo as diverse as frozen meat and automobiles! Perhaps while crossing the Walt Whitman Bridge, you saw acres of brand-new Hyundai and Kia vehicles that were shipped to our region through the terminal. Pier 84 is dedicated solely to cocoa beans, as Pennsylvania is home to five major cocoa processors. These are but snippets of the activity in the Port of Philadelphia that fuels the economic engine for the region. Perhaps the most exciting project in the modern history of the Port is also underway. The Delaware River Main Stem Channel Deepening (Cont. Page 9)
The Public Record • June 16, 2011
As Chairman of the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority, I am proud to present to the readers of the Philadelphia Public Record the 2011 annual supplement in salute of the Port of Philadelphia. I am sure you will find the information enclosed within of great interest, and I ask that you take note of all the exciting activity on the Delaware waterfront as it relates to the maritime industry. When Gov. Corbett appointed me to this position in March, his orders were crystal clear: Let’s make the Port of Philadelphia the best in the nation. And we intend to work closely with his administration, our elected officials, terminal operators, customers, and organized labor to accomplish that goal. Philadelphia’s love affair with its waterfront dates back as far as William Penn. Even a
Celebrating and Commending The Work and Achievement of The Men and Women Who Manage, Run and Work At The
Philadelphia Ports Your Efforts Help Improve Our Region
Congressman 1st District Paid for by Committee to Elect Bob Brady • 215-755-2000
Robert Brady
Page 6 The Public Record • June 16, 2011 • 215-755-2000
Message from James T. McDermott, Jr. Shelter Structures Your Port’s Been Busy Fill A Port Need Once again, I’m very pleased to perform one of my favorite tasks, which is greeting you, the readers of the Philadelphia Public Record, on the occasion of the newspaper’s annual supplement about the Port of Philadelphia. While I spend much of my time discussing the Port with our legislators, customers, and terminal operators, nothing means more to me than updating you, the residents of Philadelphia and the surrounding region, on what’s been going on at Pennsylvania’s international seaport. Despite the challenging national economy, I’m happy to report the Port of Philadelphia has had a very good year since my last message to you in June 2010. So much has happened. Thousands of Hyundai and Kia automobiles now regularly arrive at our Packer Avenue Marine Terminal in South Philadelphia. The new Philadelphia Wholesale Produce Market is now open in Southwest Philadelphia, representing the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority’s first major facility outside the port district. The first phase of the Delaware River Channel-Deepening Project was completed several months ago and we’re now mobilizing our efforts to address the next phases of the project. Overall cargo tonnage in 2010 was up over 17% compared to 2009 levels, with 2011 cargo
figures remaining strong, as well. Those are only a few of our highlights of the past year. Throughout this special issue, you can read more fully about those big stories as well as many other important happenings at the Port of Philadelphia. Assuring the health of the Port is truly a team effort, with the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority, our terminal operators, private businesses, our labor force, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania all working together to assure the Port is as modern, efficient, and busy as possible. To that end, you will see articles and advertisements throughout this issue that describe the important roles all of these entities play in the Port of Philadelphia’s success. And never forget, in the end, you are the reason for everything we do. I’m betting everyone who is reading this issue either knows someone who works at the Port of Philadelphia in some capacity, or works at the Port themselves. It’s our mission to make sure that the family-sustaining jobs existing throughout Philadelphia’s working waterfront not only don’t go anywhere, but expand as we march into the future. Enjoy this year’s supplement and have a great summer!
by Tony West One of Philadelphia’s newest businesses just sailed into town in April, with hopes to make big contributions to the growing Port of Philadelphia. Big, important contributions – but not necessarily permanent ones. Founded in Fort Pierce, Fla. In 2003, Shelter Structures, Inc. is all about companies which travel light and want to leave no more of a footprint than strictly necessary. Its President Patty Smail and her husband Charly develop and sell custom-designed, fabric-covered galvanized-steel buildings for serious industrial users. Their buildings have a useful life of 15 to 20 years; they can be designed and constructed within eight weeks. These structures can be huge. An assembly building they built in Tampico, Mexico
measures 108’ wide x 76’3” high x 378’ long. They come with a wide variety of choices designed to meet a wide variety of processing needs. They can be simple free-standing roofs with open sides, used by processors who merely need to keep product out of the rain; or they can be climatecontrolled to withstand Arctic weather or to maintain internal air conditioning. Structures that do heavyduty work, without being built for the ages, have been around for a long time. Armies have been building them for thousands of years; and today, notes Smail, ‘the Dept. of Defense is our biggest customer.” A number of companies around the world address this market. Some of them specialize in standardized off-the-shelf models with attractive prices. Shelter Structures took a
different route. “Our niche is custom design,” says Smail. “People come to us when they need something unusual.” The company has learned how to build really large buildings to customers’ spec, meeting all manner of site- and task-specific challenges. In regions where a lot of snow falls, for instance, the company will build roofs one way; in areas where sun is a problem, they’ll build them another way. Structures can be built with an extrudable wing on a motorized track – say, if product needs periodically to be moved from the manufacturing area to a dockside without permanently occupying loading space. They can also be built in multiple modules, which can be added or detached as the needs of the project change. This way, you only get the amount of build(Cont. Page 9)
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The Public Record • June 16, 2011 • 215-755-2000 • 215-755-2000
The Public Record • June 16, 2011
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own company with a lifetime of experience in logistics. She started out as a Teamster driver in UPS, where she worked for 11 years. She notched another 17 years at Fed Ex, where she rose to regional finance manager. Portability is a business way of life for her. When her daughter settled in the Delaware valley, the Smails reviewed their own options. “We decided it made more
WHEN ARMY needed additional training space for troops, it turned to Shelter Structures, Inc. This fabric building was erected at Ft. Gordon, Ga. It is a portable structure and can be moved to any site on base. in and out of Haiti again ASAP. Typically, big prefab buildings like these are put up with big cranes. But Haiti didn’t have any cranes. What it did have, though, was people – lots and lots of hungry workers, without a job to be found anywhere else in town. “So we figured out how to put up the building, normally a five-person job with heavy equipment, by using 20 people plus the tools at hand.” UNITED POSTAL UNION, Haiti, was constructed after earthquake of January 2010. Shipping weights for large structures, which can “The fabric cover allows run in excess of 100,000 light in,” Smail points out. lb., make Shelter Structures “So while you can hang products well adapted to lights in one of our buildings, you don’t really need portside building sites. Fabric-skinned buildings them for daytime use.” Smail prepared for her can be energy-savers also.
sense to relocate to Philadelphia, where we could be closer to our grandchildren,” she notes with a cheery grin. “So here we are.”
Chairman Kopp Greets (Cont. From Page 5) Project will ultimately deepen the shipping channel to 45 feet, thus allowing us to both maintain our cargo base and attract new customers. The PRPA is working daily with the United States Army Corps of Engineers to manage this task. My hope is that this supplement enables you to share in the great work of the men and women in the local maritime industry. We are working together to ensure a bright future, and I welcome you to come along with us for the ride.
The Public Record • June 16, 2011
Two Lines Increase South American Trade Two weekly services, Maersk Line’s Spondylus Service and CMA-CGM’s Black Pearl Service, are now regulars at the Port of Philadelphia’s Packer Avenue Marine Terminal in South Philadelphia. They significantly enhance the Port of Philadelphia’s already impressive connections with major ports in South America. These services target the busiest ports on the west coast of South America, including ports in Ecuador, Panama, Chile and Peru. “We’re now seeing increases in both general cargo and refrigerated cargoes, particularly fruit, thanks to these
two new services,” said PRPA Executive Director James T. McDermott, Jr. “Shippers doing business that involves a Philadelphia/South America connection now more than ever have one-stop shopping at the Port of Philadelphia.” The Port of Philadelphia’s excellent array of South American services also includes a weekly service to the west coast of South America by Mediterranean Shipping Co. Contact the PRPA Marketing Dept. at (215) 4262600 or at for more information about the Port of Philadelphia’s new enhanced services to South America. • 215-755-2000
(Cont. from Pgae 6) ing you need at any given time. Shelter Structures’ customers include military bases, factories, marine yards, construction sites, quarries, mining operations, oil-field sites and watertreatment plants. Their private-sector company list includes Northrop Grumman, Chevron and Lockheed Martin. As a rule, Shelter Structures prides itself on fabricating products that will survive long-term use. It uses a one-piece coated fabric rather than a two-piece laminated fabric covering, for instance, thereby leaving less to fail in the building’s skin. Shelter Structures will also make hardside structures; “to my knowledge, we’re the only company doing this,” Smail says. This can be crucial if you need office or warehousing space with shelving, for instance. One Shelter Structures end product may be a factory that can perform exacting precision operations from start to finish of a oneoff construction project. Another end product may be a building that can handle a rough, unpredictable hodgepodge of uses and users during the lifespan of a 20-year contract. A builder whose trademark is flexibility needs a design infrastructure tailored to any challenge that may come down any pike. “We use a third-party engineering firm licensed in 48 states,” explains Smail. Whatever local building codes are in force, Shelter Structures will adapt to them in a hurry. Building within a complete lack of building codes – or any other infrastructure – can be even more demanding, however. When an earthquake devastated Portau-Prince, the capital of Haiti, last year, the United Nations turned to Shelter Structures to deliver and erect a 6,500-square-foot mail-processing center near that city, to get mail moving
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Quick Port Shelters On This Firm’s Agenda • 215-755-2000
The Public Record • June 16, 2011
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barometer for the economic and political weather affecting our regional ports. It operates at five different terminals in three different cities in three different states – Philadelphia, Pa., Camden, N.J. and Wilmington, Del. Its corporate roots go back to 1905; and, since it has just signed a 50-year concession to operate the new Southport container terminal to handle the big ships that will arrive after the channel is deepened in 2014, it is planning to be around these waters for a long time to come. Within the last years, all three of these states have elected new Governors – Jack Markell in Delaware, Chris Christie in New Jersey and Tom Corbett in Pennsylvania. All three of these
complete. But the other two phases have yet to be funded. 2014 is an important date. By no coincidence, that is when the Panama Canal deepening is scheduled to be completed. Starting in that year, a new generation of large vessels will be pouring through that canal into Atlantic waters, looking for friendly harbors. The Delaware River either will be one of those harbors, or it won’t. So our region cannot afford any delay in completing our own deepening, Palaima argues. The Philadelphia Regional Port Authority has just put up a “Welcome to the Port of Philadelphia” banner on its website – in Chinese. But a cheery “huan ying!” by itself won’t cause the big ships to dock here if they can’t fit in the channel. “All along the Eastern Seaboard, negotiations for this new traffic are going on right now,” Palaima explains. “Major decisions are being made. And once those decisions are made, they will be mid- to long-term decisions.” Finishing our channel-deepening, then, is not a decision we can afford to kick down the road until sunnier days in state and national capitals. It’s now or never. The port industries have not sat back idly. Palaima says. He touts Dennis Rochford, president of the Maritime Exchange for the Delaware River & Bay, for having astutely organized a good lobbying effort to address this challenge. “It’s coming together,” says Palaima, “but it’s not a done deal.”
At the State level, Palaima also sees grounds for hope. With Corbett, who, through his appointments, will hold great sway over the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority, which is an independent State agency, Palaima has been pleased so far. “Corbett took the time to come to the Port and listen to our needs while he was running for Governor,” Palaima says. “He came to the ‘Spirit of the Port’ Award Luncheon this spring.” Palaima was happy to hear there will be investment in new cranes for the Port. “The old ones they’re replacing go back to 1969,” he says. “We’re looking forward to talking with PRPA to advocate for our situation,” Palaima continues. “They’ve done a peerless job so far.” On Mar. 1, Corbett appointed seasoned tax attorney Charlie Kopp to chair PRPA. Kopp is no stranger to the banks of the Delaware; he served on the Board of the Delaware River Port Authority under Republican Gov. Dick Thornburgh. “He’s only been working in the office for a few weeks,” Palaima points out, “but I’ve found him to be a very quick study. And he does have the ear of the Governor.” Palaima would like to find a way to get the ear of the new Governor of New Jersey as well. Palaima says he is “disappointed” that the Garden State is continuing to pursue a legal challenge to the channel-deepening project. New Jersey’s contention is that environmental hazards – in particular, those stem-
OBITUARY Mother of Bob Palaima The Public Record is sad to report DRS President Bob Palaima’s mother, Hubertha, passed away suddenly in Chicago on Saturday, Jun. 11. Hubertha (née Saman), was the wife of the late Walter, mother of Robert, James, Edward and William. Funeral services were held in Chicago. Bob will be out of town until the end of the week. For those wishing to send condolences, his home address is Robert Palaima, 1015 Glendevon Drive, Ambler, PA 19002. • 215-755-2000
EUKOR Car Carriers Inc. vessel Morning Courier at PRPA’s Packer Avenue Marine Terminal last September, shortly after Hyundai and Kia’s automobile cargoes began arriving at Port of Phila. Vessels like these each contain thousands of new Hyundai and Kia vehicles destined for US auto dealerships.
Governors also inherited colossal budget shortfalls with which they are still battling, thanks to the Great Recession of 2008. Things are no better on the national front. With Washington embroiled in a 20-part cliffhanger over its own budget deficit, even the most-basic sort of federal spending – for transportation infrastructure – is coming under the gun. There have been key personnel changes at the federal level as well. While Congressman Bob Brady remains a stalwart champion of the Port, his Democratic Party is now in the minority in the House of Representatives. On the Senate side, notes Palaima, “We don’t have the legendary team of Rick Santorum and Arlen Specter fighting for us anymore. And ‘earmarks’ have become a bad word.” With new faces in politics comes a tendency to see new policies put forward and old ones abandoned – just to show there’s a new boss around. This is healthy and even desirable in many cases; it’s why democracies hold elections, in fact. But it is extremely unhealthy for the shipping industry, which requires of both public and private agents a set of investments that is of a massive size, stable, and highly planned on a scale of decades. Follow-through is the name of this game. And the game Delaware River ports are now playing is deepening the channel to 45 feet by 2014. The first phase of this project is now
ming from the disturbance of sediments, which may contain toxic industrial pollutants – has yet to be adequately addressed by the Army Corps of Engineers and government regulators. Although the environmental research has been vetted and approved by lower courts, New Jersey is appealing. While this action will not necessarily stop the dredging, it doesn’t exactly help the region maintain a united front. In Palaima’s eyes, advancing the Port’s long-term future is a no-brainer for all governments and all businesses in our area. One inescapable core reality binds everyone in the Philadelphia area together: our location. “We have to come up with ways to utilize our unique location,” he asserts. “And it’s hard to think of a single industry that throws off more opportunities than the Port. It’s not just about longshoremen; the Port creates work for truckers, surveyors, you name them.” On both the national and local stages, unemployment is high and talk of jobs dominates the dialog. “In my view, continuing to invest in modernizing the Port comes down to three things,” Palaima insists: “jobs, jobs and jobs.”
The Public Record • June 16, 2011
by Tony West As one of the Port’s leading terminal operators, Delaware River Stevedores President Bob Palaima has seen all the upswings and downturns that the dynamic shipping industry has to offer. Trade is still down from its glory years, with the economy still sputtering along in many sectors. Palaima isn’t surprised by that; he knows how to tighten his belt. “And we’re beating the bushes for business,” he shrugs pragmatically. Though the Port is growing despite the downtown in the world economy, “The main challenge for Philadelphia’s Port community,” says Palaima, “is to continue educating the political community on our needs. We must advocate for our river and our interests.” What worries him more in 2011 is the fate of public investment in the Port. Government spending is affected as much by political cycles as by business cycles. And a new team of public partners in the Delaware River ports has just taken to the field. DRS makes a good
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Now More Than Ever, Port Needs Political Unity —Dredging Must Continue Without Interruption— • 215-755-2000
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Sea Star Line Passes 10,000-Load Milestone Early in February, after only 10 months of operation at PRPA’s Tioga Marine Terminal, Sea Star Line, LLC marked a significant milestone: the movement of 10,000 loads through the Port of Philadelphia, with no visible signs of slowing in the wake of that achievement. Sea Star Line has operated a weekly service between Philadelphia and Puerto Rico since spring of 2010. “We have exceeded our expectations with this new trade lane,” said Steve Hastings, president of Sea Star Line, commenting on the milestone. He further noted Sea Star has recently invested more than $7 million on maintenance and improvements for the El Faro, the primary vessel operating in the Philadelphia/Puerto Rico service. This investment will permit the El Faro to continue to participate in the service for years to come. With the commencement of Sea Star Line’s service last April, roll-on/roll-off cargo activity instantly became a new, regular sight at Tioga Marine Terminal, as all manner of cargoes began transiting between Philadelphia and Puerto Rico. Soon, a second vessel joined the El Faro, further boosting efficiency for Sea Star’s customers. Cargoes regularly moved by Sea Star Line vessels include automobiles, heavy equipment, domestic trailers and tankers, and standard containers. Sea Star Line vessels can also accommodate the newest 53-foot trailers, making shipping more efficient and affordable for its customers. “We’ve worked hard to create a strong competitive advantage for both ourselves and the Port of Philadelphia,” said Hastings. “Between our roll-on/roll-off capabilities and our ability to
SEA STAR LINES, one of the Port’s newer services, marked its first year of weekly visits by its ships to Tioga Terminal bringing and taking all sorts of cargo to and from Puerto Rico.
offer an unmatched speed to market, we see only continued growth and success. In fact, in light of recent business, it’s not a stretch to say that Philadelphia could quickly establish itself as the
Northeast hub for all major US/Puerto Rico trade.” Officials of PRPA echoed Hasting’s sentiments. “In just a short time, Sea Star Line has made a tremendous impact at the Port of
Philadelphia, and we applaud the company’s success,” said PRPA Director of Marketing Sean Mahoney. “Not only do its contributions to the Port significantly fuel our local
economy, but it also further establishes Philadelphia as a major player in shipping and transportation in the Northeastern US. We’d like nothing more than to see that trend continue.”
In addition to its current home at Tioga Marine Terminal, Sea Star Line has a further connection with our region, one dating back many years: The two primary vessels operating in its Philadelphia/Puerto Rico service, the El Faro and the El Yunque, were both built in Chester, Pa., at the old Sun Shipyard. Headquartered in Jacksonville, Fla., Sea Star Line offers integrated transportation services to and from the United States, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands and Tortola. With simultaneous roll-on/roll-off and lift-on/ lift-off capabilities, Sea Star vessels have an industrywide reputation for versatility and efficiency. You can learn more about the carrier by visiting Robert Palaima, president of DRS Stevadores, the Tioga Terminal operator, hosted a one-year birthday party honoring the ship crews of Sea Star Line, their executives and the members of ILA, Local 1291, which handle the cargoes.
Traffic Club Honors PRPA At Dinner Doing Double Duty The Philadelphia Regional Port Authority was named Company of the Year by The Traffic Club of Philadelphia at its 103rd annual Dinner at the Hyatt Hotel on the Delaware River waterfront. The event was presided over by PRPA Director of Strategic Planning Nicholas Walsh, the Traffic Club’s Annual Dinner chair and incoming president. Upon presentation of the award that evening to PRPA Executive Director James T. McDermott, Jr., PRPA was lauded for a variety of initiatives and activities, especially its successful advancement of the Delaware River Channel-
Deepening Project and the many new cargoes that began moving through the Port of Philadelphia in 2010. “Thanks to our strong partnership with many of the great organizations here tonight, the Port of Philadelphia is not only surviving this tough economy, but in many ways performing stronger than ever,” said McDermott in remarks following the award presentation. “We must continue to work together as we face the challenges of the future, including the completion of our channel-deepening project and the continued building of the family-sustaining cargoes so important to our
region.” Founded in 1908, The Traffic Club of Philadelphia is one of the nation’s oldest transportation clubs. This professional association promotes transportation and logistics in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware through a broad base of members, sponsors and volunteer officers. Composed of representatives from manufacturing, railroads, motor carriers, ports, steamship lines, warehousing, airlines, governmental agencies and other related entities, the Club’s membership reflects the richness and diversity of the transportation and logistics fields.
ONE OF TWO portable ship cranes moves to land side of Tioga Pier to load containers onto trucks. Portable containers, purchased by Phila. Regional Port Authority, make it easier to unload more than one ship at a time, as they supplement the fixed cranes dockside.
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The Public Record • June 16, 2011
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cession Agreement signed between Philadelphia Regional Port Authority and the successful bidding team
of Delaware River Stevedores, Inc. and Hyundai Merchant Marine Corp. The signing was the
The Ports of Philadelphia
velop a modern container terminal south of the Packer Avenue Marine Terminal. Studies show within 10 years of becoming operational, Southport is projected to create thousands of new jobs and inject more than $350 million in new business revenue into the Philadelphia regional economy each year. The new terminal will make it possible for larger ships, which can’t
make it under the Walt Whitman Bridge, to use the additional facilities, which will provide immediate availability to three major rail heads, allowing almost instant transportation with no delays to any point in the country. Southport will occupy a portion of what was once the US Naval Base and will be using dredgingmaterial to create land as needed. • 215-755-2000
Salute The Achievements of
culmination of an almost two-year process that solicited and evaluated companies interested in being a partner with PRPA in the construction and operation of Southport. The Concession Agreement calls for the construction of a twoberth, 120-acre facility to be completed by 2020. Southport Marine Terminal represents PRPA’s best opportunity to de-
The Public Record • June 16, 2011
Southport, the longplanned new marine terminal in South Philadelphia, received a big boost with the Con-
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DRS, Hyundai Will Construct Southport
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Congratulations On the Success of the
Port Of Philadelphia • 215-755-2000
And The Efforts Of ‘Jamie’ McDermott, Executive Director And His Dedicated Staff
$300 million 45-foot Delaware River Deepening Project in the past year. The first construction contract for Reach C was completed. It covered a 12-mile area between the Chesapeake & Delaware Canal and the Delaware Memorial Bridge. The dredging was monitored for its impacts on critical species and for any potential water-quality impacts associated with the dredging and placement of the sediments in the channel. The monitoring effort resulted in confirming the project will have no adverse impacts either on species or water quality. Last year, the Corps made the decision to proceed without a permit from Delaware. At that time, Delaware sued in federal court to stop the project
until the permit was granted. A hearing was held in front of federal Judge Sue L. Robinson on Dec. 2, 2009. In January 2010, she denied Delaware’s injunction. The contract was awarded and the Deepening Project’s construction phase began on Mar. 1, 2010. On Nov., 17, 2010 Judge Robinson in Delaware issued her final ruling in favor of the Corps position and essentially gave the project a green light to proceed. Subsequently, the State of New Jersey, on Sep. 13, 2010 filed another lawsuit in a New Jersey federal court, arguing the Army Corps of Engineers is violating the Clean Water Act and other federal and State laws by moving ahead with the dredging project. On
River Deepening Requires Vigilant Oversight By Port brought by the State of New Jersey and some others to stop the project. If previous court rulings can be taken as a guide, it is expected this case, too, will be decided in favor of the project. However, challenges still remain, especially in the area of federal funding. PRPA is currently working closely with the Pennsylvania and Delaware congressional delegations, including Pennsylvania Sens. Robert Casey and Patrick Toomey, to ensure that needed funding to continue the project will be made available. PRPA has been joined in this effort by such organizations as the Maritime Exchange for the Delaware River and Bay, the Pilots Association for the Bay & River Delaware, the International
Longshoremen’s Association, and the Brotherhood of Teamsters, among many other maritime organizations. “Reach C of the channeldeepening project was completed without incident,” said PRPA Executive Director James T. McDermott, Jr. “The negative environmental impact predicted by our critics did not occur, and we’re already seeing positive economic impacts, in the form of new business commitments from port users, even though the project is still far from completion. We’ve told the truth about this project from day one, and we must see it forward through completion.” Further updates on this critically important project will be posted on PRPA’s website,
THIS DREDGER does its job silently and efficiently. Jan. 13, 2011, Judge Pisano in New Jersey also ruled in favor of the Corps position on the project and also gave it a green light to proceed. Delaware did not file an appeal of Judge Robinson’s decision. New Jersey, however, did file such an appeal. It is anticipated that the federal appellate court will issue a decision by the fall of this year. The next contract to
deepen will be awarded this summer. It could cover up to the next six miles directly north, lower Reach B, of the completed Reach C work. The Corps has currently advertised the contract. It is scheduled to be awarded this summer and completed by the end of the year. The dredged sediments will be placed via a pipeline from the area to the Pedricktown South fed-
eral disposal facility in New Jersey. There will be are two monitors on staff – one from the Army Corps of Engineers and one from the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority – that make daily reports. They will monitor general operations, as well as impacts to critical species such as sturgeon. The contract is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year.
Civil Engineers Honor Tom May The Philadelphia Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers has named Urban Engineers Thomas G. May, PE, LEED® AP, as its Environmental/Water Resources Engineer of the Year. May, who is Urban’s environmental-practice leader, has nearly 40 years of experience in the environmental arena. A graduate of Northwestern University with a Master’s Degree in environmental health engineering and Michigan Technological University with a bachelor’s degree in
URBAN ENGINEERS’ Environment Practice Leader Thomas May. civil engineering, he is a registered professional engineer in five states.
May has extensive technical and management experience, with a strong record of accomplishment for federal and State agencies, industries, commercial establishments, and local governments. Skills and management accomplishments range from preliminary assessments, feasibility studies, environmental-impact statements and assessments, wetland studies, and naturalresources investigations to sampling and waste characterization, agency coordination and permitting.
Korean Ambassador Visits Port In a visit coordinated by the US Chamber of Commerce, PRPA welcomed Han Duk-soo, Ambassador of Korea to the United States, to PRPA’s Packer Avenue Marine Terminal. During his remarks at the terminal, the ambassador extolled the virtues of the strong business
partnership between Korea and the Port of Philadelphia and discussed the importance of the proposed US/Korea Free Trade Agreement. Among many Port and government officials who welcomed Ambassador Han to Philadelphia was PRPA Executive Director James T. Mc-
Dermott, Jr., who drew attention to thousands of just-arrived Hyundai and Kia automobiles at the Port, destined for shipment to dealerships throughout the US. For more information about the US/Korea Free Trade Agreement, visit • 215-755-2000
After years of concerted effort by the Delaware River regional maritime community, the Delaware River channel-deepening project finally commenced in early 2010, bringing one step closer to reality the deepening of the Delaware River’s 104mile main shipping channel from 40 to 45 feet. Already, a significant portion of the project is complete: Reach C, an 11-mile stretch of the channel bordering the state of Delaware, has now been deepened to 45 feet. This major accomplishment largely occurred because legal decisions by the Federal Judiciary continue to be decided in favor of the deepening project. Shortly, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals will rule in a case
The Public Record • June 16, 2011
The Delaware River Main Channel Deepening project is a partnership between the Corps of Engineers and the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority. Its success holds the key to the future growth of the Port. Gahagan & Bryant Associates, Inc. is providing dredging engineering, cost estimating and construction-management support to the PRPA team. GBA is a unique engineering firm that specializes in providing consulting and engineering services for variety of projects, including port development, dredged material management, hydrographic surveying, coastal engineering and construction management. There were many significant events regarding the
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River Channel Deepening Project A Key Partnership
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Boise Butler President Jack Hatty Vice President Martin Mascuilli Secretary-Treasurer Rozell Randolph Recording Secretary Albert Howlett Business Agent John Lafferty Business Agent Darryl Larke Business Agent Michael Brennan • 215-755-2000
Trustee John Mulgrew Trustee Keith Browning Sergeant-At-Arms John Power Sergeant-At-Arms
The fact that the Delaware River runs through our area has allowed all of us who live nearby the opportunity to reap tremendous benefits. We pay lower fuel costs because refineries along the river receive oil tankers directly and refine locally. We pay lower prices on imported goods that are unloaded and delivered locally because of reduced transportation costs. The cost to local exporters who ship on a global scale are reduced and the jobs that are created from all these cargo movements are generally high paying and family sustaining. The best news in the last twenty years was that the 45”Main Channel Deepening Project was agreed to. When this project is complete, larger vessels will traverse the Delaware River, further reducing shipping costs based on more cargo tonnage on a single vessel. This agreement was long overdue and we have a great many people to thank for their insisting that this project finally begin. But there is still much work to do. We want to thank Congressman Bob Brady and former US Senator Arlen Spector for funding the project when know one else would and now we need the support of all the other Tri- State area Congressmen and Senators to make sure the project receives the attention and federal funding that is necessary for the project to move forward. We also want to thank and recognize the efforts of newly elected Governor of Pennsylvania Tom Corbett, who already understands how vitally important the completion of this project is to the people he now represents. The 45”Main Channel Deepening Project will eventually create thousands of long term, family sustaining jobs for area residents via a tremendous increase in both cargo vessel calls and cargo volume. Every company and person who would stand to gain from increased cargo volume along the Delaware River needs to step up right now! We would like to thank all of the members of ILA Local 1291 for their continued support and for getting involved in community affairs and for allowing us to become a more recognized political voice in both PA and NJ. What the maritime community now needs to do is support the development of the Naval Business Center as a world class marine terminal fully utilizing every available acre for receiving and delivering cargo of all types, from around the world.
INTERNATIONAL Longshoremen’s Association Local 1291 members drive new Hyundai and Kia Automobiles off Hyundai 203, first automobile vessel to arrive at Port of Phila. The agreement between Glovis and the Port of Philadelphia to bring the auto cargoes here came about via a concerted effort by PRPA, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Port’s ILA and Teamster workforce, Greenwich Terminals, LLC (operator of Packer Avenue Marine Terminal) and Philly Ro-Ro Partners
(operator of Pier 98 Annex). All worked closely with Hyundai and Glovis to craft an agreement that resulted in Hyundai’s US-bound auto cargoes being diverted from their previous US ports of entries in Newark, New Jersey and Baltimore, Maryland to the Port of Philadelphia. Substantial investment by
both the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (about $1 million initially) and Philly RoRo Partners (about $3.7 million) for the retrofitting of the Port’s facilities to meet the needs of Hyundai and Glovis was integral to Hyundai’s decision to relocate to Philadelphia. That investment is still continuing into 2011, with $2 million being released by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in April to fund the paving of the “Whiskey” and “Savage” yards located adjacent to the Pier 98 Annex Automobile Processing Facility. The additional paved areas are necessary to handle the high volumes of cars that continue to arrive there. Hyundai’s automobiles arrive thousands at a time via car-carrying vessels that dock at PRPA’s Packer Avenue Marine Terminal. Members of the Port’s International Longshoremen’s Association workforce drive the cars off the vessels, turning them over to
the Port’s Teamster workforce at a “point of rest” area near the vessels. The Teamsters then drive the cars across the street to PRPA’s Pier 98 Annex facility. While at Pier 98 Annex, the cars undergo various stages of processing: The cars are washed, any necessary repairs are made, and options are often added. Ultimately, car-carrying trucks deliver the cars to Hyundai and Kia dealerships throughout the region. In addition to working with the Commonwealth to help bring about needed State investment to the operation, PRPA has provided other benefits to Hyundai and Glovis to encourage its business here. Most recently, PRPA helped the Pier 98 Annex processing operation attain Foreign Trade Zone status, resulting in substantial savings on import duties and other expenses associated with imported goods. PRPA is the grantee of Foreign Trade Zone #35,
which covers Philadelphia and the southeastern Pennsylvania region. Looking back on the process to attract Hyundai to Philadelphia, James T. McDermott, Jr., executive director of the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority, said, “It was a long, difficult road in many ways, with so many interests having to get on the same page. But nothing worth having is ever easy, and now we have an operation that brings over 100 vessels a year to the Port of Philadelphia, with each vessel delivering thousands of new automobiles. These auto cargoes have created almost 300 full-time jobs right here at the Port alone with an additional 400 full-time jobs throughout our region. There are also taxes, business revenue and other substantial economic benefits, all due to this cargo. I’m proud of everyone at this port who made this happen.”
The Public Record • June 16, 2011
Since last August, motorists driving through the intersection of Delaware & Oregon Avenues in South Philadelphia, or looking down from the Walt Whitman Bridge while traveling to or from New Jersey, have more than likely seen a very dramatic sight: thousands of Hyundai and Kia automobiles, shiny and new and just arrived from South Korea, neatly parked at PRPA’s Automobile Processing Facility at Pier 98 Annex. Hyundai Motor Co. and its logistics partner Glovis of America have regularly and without interruption delivered these automobile cargoes to the Port of Philadelphia since the arrival of Glovis’ first auto-carrying vessel at the Packer Avenue Marine Terminal on Aug. 2, 2010. By the end of 2010, over 69,000 automobiles had already arrived at the Port. And now, about five months into 2011, the flow of cars remains unabated.
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Hyundai And Kia Cars Make Port Jobs • 215-755-2000
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Packer Avenue Marine Terminal Enjoys New Business Boom The economy may be struggling, but you wouldn’t know that by visiting the Packer Avenue Marine Terminal, where business is booming and continues to grow. Thanks to the ongoing efforts of Astro Holding, Inc., the company that leases PAMT and Holt Logistics Corp., the marketing and logistics-solutions company, with the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority, the pace of activity has increased, leading to more arrivals and, in turn, more jobs. In fact, Greenwich Terminals, LLC, the operator of the Packer Avenue Marine Terminal, announced in February a 10% increase in container volumes over the previous 12 months, which led to the creation of more than 200 jobs. And the growing container volumes and job creation are continuing in 2011, according to Thomas J. Holt, Jr., president of Astro Holdings. “We’re always looking for new opportunities,” Holt said. “The Packer Avenue Marine Terminal is a terrific facility with an able and experienced staff and workforce, making us an attractive possibility for container lines seeking a new home.” Things really kicked into high gear in April 2010. That’s when then-Gov. Ed Rendell announced PRPA and Greenwich had reached an agreement with Hyundai Motor Co. and its logistics affiliate, Glovis of America, to import 150,000 Hyundai and Kia vehicle through PAMT, with the vehicles processed at an auto finishing facility at the Pier 98 Annex. It was anticipated that the deal, which was more than a year in the making, would create 276 full-time job equivalencies locally and 415 throughout the region. David Whene, president of Greenwich Terminals, which operates PAMT, said
PACKER TERMINAL continues to increase cargo under Holt Logistics leadership.
a steady stream of Hyundai and Kia vehicles has been offloaded since August – and he expects the pace to continue or even increase. Nearly 100,000 vehicles had been unloaded as of midApril. “The activity level at PAMT has increased tremendously in recent months,” Whene said. “The arrival of the cars has, of course, led to the growth – as one example, in March, PAMT handled six automobile vessels in a seven-day period – but overall business is up. On a recent Friday, PAMT had one automobile vessel and four container ships, representing over 2,900 International Longshoreman Association man-hours in less than a 24hour period.” Aside from the cars, business has boomed thanks to two of the world’s largest container lines – the CMA CCG Black Pearl Service Line and Maersk Spondylus – commencing new refrigerated-service calls in recent months. The Black Pearl Line began seasonal operations Jan. 28 with northbound routes from San Antonio and Arica in Chile; Calla, Peru; Guayaquil, Ecuador; Manzanillo, Panama; Kingston, Jamaica; and Miami. And on Feb. 21, Maersk Spondylus
CONTAINER SHIPS keep traffic flowing at Packer Terminal.
began offering northbound service starting from Paita, Peru, with stops in Guayaquil; Balboa, Panama; Miami and Newark, N.J. The southbound service starts in Newark, then stops in Philadelphia, Savannah, Ga., and Miami before making several South American stops, then terminating in Paita. In addition, the largest container ship ever to call at a Delaware River port, the MSC Laura, arrived at PAMT on Apr. 2. The MSC Laura is more than 1,000 feet long and is a 6,750 TEU vessel. The ship wasn’t fully loaded; if it had been, it would have required a depth of 45 feet per water, more than the river’s 40-feet channel – another reason why the port community so strongly
supports the proposed channel dredging. And just a few weeks later, on Apr. 28, the world’s largest roll on/roll off (ro/ro) vessel, the Tønsberg, discharged Hyundai and Kia vehicles. That ship is 265 meters long, has a
cargo volume of 138,000 cubic meters, a capacity of 8,500 car-equivalent units, six fixed decks and three hoistable decks. In order to keep up with higher volume and bigger vessels, Greenwich Terminals has put money back into the port. For example, Greenwich Terminals recently invested more than $1 million to buy two new “reach stackers” – agile and mobile cranes with claw grips than can handle, move and stack shipping containers. The reach stackers will enable Greenwich Terminals to “densify” PAMT by permitting the safe storage of additional containers onsite. The stackers are just one of numerous improvements made at the Terminal. In fact, more than $50 million has been invested over the past 20 years. Aside from the many vessels processed, the Packer Avenue Marine Terminal also played host on Feb. 17 to the Honorable Han Duksoo, Korean Ambassador to the United States. He was in town as part of the US Chamber of Commerce’s US-Korea partnership: Growing Jobs Across America tour to promote the jobcreating benefits of the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement. Ambassador Han, US Chamber of Commerce Senior Trade Advisor Leslie Schweitzer and Wilfred Muskens, deputy secretary of the Pennsylvania Dept. of
Community & Economic Development, all touted the proposed agreement, which is expected to create 70,000 jobs in the United States. Finally, Holt Logistics played a key role in the formation of Ship Philly First, an organization formed to market the Port of Philadelphia around the world. The idea germinated nearly two years ago when Holt representatives and Fred Sorbello, president of Mullica Hill Cold Storage, approached the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority about advertising the port in trade publications. When they realized advertising dollars were scarce, the idea for a coalition formed. Ship Philly First formed in February with six members, quickly growing to more than a dozen. Each member contributed $2,500 to get the organization off the ground. Since then, Ship Philly First hired a marketing firm to develop a website (, advertising and trade show promotional items. The first advertisements have already run. “There are no dinners, no fundraisers, no golf outings,” Sorbello said. “It’s about getting down to business.” Getting down to business is what Holt Logistics at PAMT are all about, so expect to see continued announcements about exciting new business in the months ahead.
Pitching Philly In Pittsburgh PRPA Senior Marketing Representative Dominic O’Brien, along with Marketing Dept. team member Frank Camp, made a strong pitch to Western Pennsylvania businesses why the Philadelphia Port has distinct advantages over the Pittsburgh Port. They did so at the Traffic Club of Pittsburgh’s 109th Annual Dinner, as they met with to meet with Pennsylvania ex-
porters in the region. Supporting their efforts at the event were Tom Mutz, global business development director for Penn Warehousing & Distribution, Inc. (the operators of PRPA’s Piers 78/80 and 38/40) and by Mediterranean Shipping Co.’s District Sales Manager for Western Pennsylvania and Western New York Jeff Buirge.
“It really helps to meet with the major Pennsylvania shippers in the Pittsburgh area,” commented O’Brien. “Meeting with current and potential customers face to face helps us to get the word out about steamship options at the Port of Philadelphia and programs like our Pennsylvania Export Initiative.”
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S.T. Hudson Makes It Look Easy
Dependable Distribution Services Columbus Boulevard @ Porter St Philadelphia PA 19148 • 215-755-2000
Keeping Cocoa in Philadelphia Pier 84 Is On The Job
Executive Offices
1301 Union Avenue - Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Telephone: 856-665-1700 • Fax: 856-488-6332 E-Mail: HWEINER.DDSCOCOA@COMCAST.NET
The reasons the Philadelphia Port turns to S. T. Hudson Engineers Inc. to develop its terminals and piers are twofold: one, S.T. Hudson does its jobs cost-efficiently, and two, the engineers get a job done quickly. S.T. Hudson Engineers is known in the maritime world for developing innovative and cost-effective designs for new construction and the rehabilitation of all types of port and marine-terminal facilities, including piers, wharves, loading platforms, mooring structures and bulkheads. In the last 12 months the New York-based Engineers’
REHAB of Pier 80 South’s south apron consisted of the replacement of front-row timber piles with steel-pipe piles, reinforcing a 300 section of low deck structure with new steel piles, reinforced concrete mat, backfilling the area and installing a reinforced concrete deck.
work in Philadelphia has been evident. Pier 80 South had a localized failure on the outshore section of the pier. S. T. Hudson Engineers responded immediately to assess the
damage to the section of failed pier. Hudson Engineers performed a side-scan sonar survey, a scanning sonar survey, and a professional hard-hat divers’ inspection. After careful review of all field data, they completed conceptual designs, acquired State and federal permits, and prepared the construction documents. Hudson recommended demolition of the low-deck structure, installation of steel-pipe piles, and construction of a concrete high-deck structure. On the north apron, work included removing the earth from the low-deck structure, installation of concrete-filled pipe piles, installation of a reinforced concrete mat, backfilling the earth fill and installing a concrete deck. Its team of engineers/divers conducted construction inspections throughout the rehabilitation of the pier. S. T. Hudson Engineers Inc. has been a respected name in waterfront facilities engineering for over 40 years. With roots in the Philadelphia and Delaware Valley Waterfronts, they are pioneers in state-of-the-art marine structures and total harbor facilities. The rehabilitation of Pier 80 South’s south apron consisted of the replacement of front-row timber piles with steel-pipe piles, reinforcing a section of low deck structure with new steel piles, reinforced concrete mat, backfilling the area and installing a reinforced concrete deck. S. T. Hudson Engineers’ scope of services included a divers’ survey of the structure, report of findings with cost estimates for repair, design drawings with specifications, cost estimates, bid documents and construction inspection.
Record Thanks PRPA’s PORTWATCH, Winner of Port Competition PRPA’s official magazine, PortWatch won an Honorable Mention in the Periodicals category in the 2010 American Association of Port Authorities Commu-
nications Competition. Essentially a Bronze Medal in the competition (AAPA’s three award levels are the Award of Excellence, Award of Merit, and the
Honorable Mention), the judges’ designation means PortWatch is considered among the top three port publications in the Western Hemisphere.
RICKMER Lines keeps Port terminals busy as its ships are among the many now serving Port of Phila., bringing increasing tonnage yearly.
The Public Record • June 16, 2011
The Public Record thanks Joseph Menta, Don Brennan and the Philadelphia Region Port Authority’s periodical Portwatch for their contributions to this supplement.
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Rickmer Services Port
Sen. Stack Pushes Port On one of his many visits to the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority, State Sen. Michael Stack (D-Northeast) took the opportunity to use the Senate’s access channel to promote the Port. Tioga Terminal was the backdrop. The Senator’s idea proved to be a great one, as a Sea Star Line vessel was busy taking on and discharging
cargo at the facility that day. It provided television viewers a firsthand example of the kind of economic activity the Senator was discussing with his interviewer. The final result more than made up for Stack, the Senate film crew and various PRPA staff members having to brave a very cold day on the Delaware River!
SHELTER STRUCTURES, INC. GSA Contract GS-07F-9549S custom fabric shelters
Temporary and Portable Buildings Any Height • Any Length • Any Width
• Custom designed to fit your specific needs • Engineered for local snow and wind conditions • Galvanized frames and baseplates, coated 20 oz fabric, standard
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Page 26 The Public Record • June 16, 2011 • 215-755-2000
PRPA Brings Wholesale Produce Market To Fruition It took several years in the making, with a September 2008 groundbreaking ceremony and an October 2010 topping-off ceremony (to mark the last piece of structural steel to be put in place), to an official opening date this June for the new Philadelphia Wholesale Produce Market. Earlier this spring, from a podium positioned in front of a huge display of colorful, fresh produce, PRPA Executive Director James T. McDermott, Jr. summed up what everyone at the event was feeling: “This is such a great day for us, as we see the end
result of a long, challenging process with multiple aims: keeping the long-revered Philadelphia produce vendors here in Philadelphia, finding a new location for them to operate, and building a new facility that meets the needs of their very competitive business. As we cut this ribbon on this beautiful day, we celebrate the successful completion of all of those aims.” Located on Essington Avenue in Southwest Philadelphia, across from the Airport Auto Mall, the new Produce Market houses 26 vendors selling all manner of produce
to both commercial entities and the general public. The facility replaces a previous facility in South Philadelphia, which was a half the size of this new one. The Philadelphia Regional Port Authority was a primary member of the team that made the new Produce Market a reality and will act as landlord for the facility. The 667,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art facility is the first of its kind in the United States with a 100% fully refrigerated facility throughout the entire building. The new facility is the world’s largest in its ability to prevent the cold chain from breaking. Refrigerated trucks will load and unload in a totally cold storage environment within the Market itself, totally protected from the elements. The building is constructed of steel, concrete and insulated metal panels that are five inches thick to maintain the required refrigeration. It features 228 enclosed and fully refrigerated 50-foot-wide
dock areas, 40-foot ceiling heights, a skylight running the length and width of the building to provide natural lighting, a central walking concourse open to the public, second floor office space with secure access, and 10 entrances to the building with one main entrance for the public. The facility also includes an 18,000-square-foot auxiliary building for recycling pallets and food products. The Philadelphia Wholesale Produce Market came about through a cooperative effort spanning the region, a true public/private partnership encompassing City, State and private funds to create a facility to service the needs of the produce vendors whose companies have been working together for more than 100 years. PRPA was the agency to which the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania released its share of the project’s funds (about $152 million) with PRPA also working closely
NOW OPEN, Phila. Wholesale Produce Market is more than twice the size of its original location and is largest indoor refrigerated facility in world. It makes possible arrival, storing and departure of produce without a break in refrigeration cycle. with the Commonwealth’s Dept. of General Services during the building’s construction phase. Now that construction is complete, PRPA will maintain onsite personnel at the Produce Market, working in a cooperative effort with the vendors there to ensure the efficient operation of the facility and to monitor and protect the
Commonwealth’s investment. The facility is less than five minutes from three major interstate highways — 95, 476, and 76 — as well as just minutes from the Philadelphia International Airport, and Port facilities, strategically located to provide easy distribution for all critical transportation methods, including trucking, air freight, rail and boat.
I recently celebrated my 47th birthday. While most folks my age probably wouldn’t tell you that, I have no problem with it. Beats the alternative. Besides, I got all sorts of neat presents. My Significant Other got me tickets to the Roots Picnic on Penn’s Landing, which turned out to be a day-long concert I thoroughly enjoyed. My Mom, who decided a long time ago that she was tired of shopping for presents for her five grown kids, gave me money. I also had friends take me to lunch, take me to the movies, and even go shopping with me, which I really, really enjoyed. But there’s one birthday gift that I’m hoping I’ll still get, and it’s one only the Republican National Committee can give me. That gift? Well, I’d love it if they would schedule one of their Presidential Candidate debates here in Philly. Preferably at the Constitution Center. Now, why would I want to see seven (possibly eight if Jon Huntsman formalizes his decision to join the fray) Republican candidates spend two hours talking about how big a failure President Barack Obama is? Because if Monday night’s debate in New Hampshire is any indication, I’ll be thoroughly amused, almost to the point where I’m laughing so hard I’ll throw up. I spent 90 minutes Monday night watching the old: (Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich) the new (Tim Pawlenty) and the Tea Party (Michelle Bachmann, Herman Cain) take questions from CNN newsman (?!) John King. The debate actually lasted two hours, but Monday just happened to be the Significant Other’s birthday, so I took him to the late night showing of X-Men: First Class shortly before the debate ended. If I were looking to learn how the GOP plans to campaign against President Obama in 2012, I would have learned a lot from Monday’s gathering. This gang of seven didn’t talk nearly as much about the ways in which they were different from each other as they did trying to convince folks any of them would be better than the current occupant of the White House. But if I wanted to learn what these folks would do if they were elected about such important (Cont. Page 30) • 215-755-2000
Former JUDGE JIMMIE MOORE has thrown his hat into the ring against City CHAIRMAN CONGRESSMAN BOB BRADY. Moore presents an interesting challenge to Brady in that he is African American. The District, which Brady has represented well for multiple terms, is about 50% African American. To outsiders, Brady would seem to be in hot water. But those who understand Philadelphia politics know Brady will call in as many favors as he needs and should be able to win easily. MIKE FANNING, the endorsed candidate for Common Pleas Court Judge will likely land a job in Family Court. He chose not to go to work for outgoing COMMISSIONER MARGE TARTAGLIONE, as the job would have likely been short term. Tartaglione lost her bid for reelection. STEPHANIE SINGER, who helped defeat Tartaglione, continues to be the reformer who plays backroom politics. She must continue to build her alliances to be relevant as City Commissioner. Otherwise, word on the street is her supporters from the primary may support her fellow Democratic City Commissioner for Majority Chair, ANTHONY CLARK. BILL RUBIN has been running a full-time campaign against Republican incumbent BRIAN O’NEILL in the 10th Councilmanic Dist. He continues to raise money and knock on doors. The rumor is O’Neill is feeling not just the heat of summer, but the heat of competition. JONATHAN SAIDEL has turned into a vocal opponent of MAYOR MICHAEL NUTTER. He led a rally of Teamsters and soft-drink employees against the Mayor’s proposed tax on sugar-sweetened beverages. STATE SENS. SHIRLEY KITCHEN and MIKE STACK are said to be devising a plan to gain control of the School District. Philadelphia Senators have grown tired of the lack of accountability that the School District and Mayor provide to Harrisburg and may be moving toward an elected school board. JOHN DOUGHERTY, the head of Local 98, has been basking in the glory of BOB HENON’S Council victory. He continues to build alliances with Northeast Ward Leaders, including Sen. Stack. Nutter appeared in Northeast Philadelphia with local elected officials including STATE REP. MIKE McGEEHAN and State Sen. Mike Stack. He paid special tribute to retiring (Cont. Page 30)
The Public Record • June 16, 2011
Yo! Here we go again with these tips for using coffee filters that Amy M., a reader sent to me as some very useful information. Buy the filters at the dollar store and use them to: cover bowls or dishes when cooking in the microwave; clean windows, mirrors, and chrome since they are lint-free so they’ll leave windows sparkling; protect china by separating your good dishes with a coffee filter between each dish. If you break the cork when opening a wine bottle, filter the wine through a coffee filter. Here are some more things you can do with coffee filters. Protect a cast-iron skillet. Place a coffee filter in the skillet to absorb moisture and prevent rust. Apply shoe polish. Ball up a lint-free coffee filter. Recycle frying oil. After frying, strain oil through a sieve lined with a coffee filter. Weigh chopped foods. Hold tacos. Coffee filters make convenient wrappers for messy foods. Stop the soil from leaking out of a plant pot. Line a plant pot with a coffee filter to prevent the soil from going through the drainage holes. Prevent a Popsicle from dripping. Poke one or two holes as needed in a coffee filter. Use strips of coffee filters to wax eyebrows. Put a few in a plate and put your fried bacon, French fries, chicken fingers, etc. on them; they soak out all the grease. Keep them in the bathroom; they make great “razor-nick fixers.” Put baking soda into a coffee filter and insert into shoes or a closet to absorb or prevent odors. Use them to strain soup stock and to tie fresh herbs in to put in soups and stews. Use a coffee filter to prevent spilling when you add fluids to your car. Use them as a spoon rest while cooking and clean up small counter spills. Use them to hold dry ingredients when baking or when cutting a piece of fruit or veggies. Use them to wrap Christmas ornaments for storage. Use them to remove fingernail polish when out of cotton balls. Use them to sprout seeds. Simply dampen the coffee filter, place seeds inside, fold it and place it into a zip-lock plastic bag until they sprout. Use coffee filters as blotting paper for pressed flowers. Place the flowers between two coffee filters and put the coffee filters in phone book. And you can use them as a disposable “snack bowl” for popcorn, chips, etc. Oh yeah, by the way, they are great to use in your coffee-maker.
Page 27
Has MICHAEL MEEHAN found religion? Last week at a Republican City Committee meeting, City Committee’s Counsel gave an impassioned speech on the importance of Philadelphia Republicans’ offering an alternative voice to the ruling Democratic Party on the issues. I was out of town that week, but all the Elephants were buzzing about it when I got home and they haven’t quit yet. Specifically, Meehan noted he had reached out to ADAM LANG and NATHAN SHRADER to help with this endeavor. Both Lang and Shrader have written op-ed pieces on various issues, and have close ties to the insurgent faction of the Party. A lot of folks were impressed by Meehan’s appeal. Few can recall any point in time during Meehan’s almost 20 years of leadership of the Philadelphia Republican Party when he put any real emphasis on issues. Did he have an epiphany and decide traditional Republican values of smaller government and fiscal restraint are important? Did he see the Republican tidal wave that hit the US House of Representatives as something from which the RCC could benefit? Or did he note from recent primary results that issue-oriented candidates such as AL SCHMIDT and DAVID OH performed well? He had not endorsed Schmidt and appeared to only reluctantly back Oh. But Republican voters, if given a choice, seem to like issue-oriented candidates. Subsequent to the RCC meeting, Republican mayoral candidate KAREN BROWN was among those citizens who offered public comment to Philadelphia City Council on the issue of DROP. Throughout the primary campaign, Brown was light on the issues. She has now declared DROP and a possible tax increase to finance our mismanaged school system are important issues. Way to go, Karen! Also at last week’s meeting, Meehan quoted RONALD REAGAN, who admonished Republicans who criticized other Republicans. We understand Meehan may be offended by criticisms of his leadership. During active primaries, however, candidates differentiate themselves from others sometimes through negative commentary. That’s what Philadelphia Republicans just had – a contested primary – and many Party activists on all sides reported they enjoyed the experience! But with it came some rough and tumble. STATE REP. JOHN TAYLOR sent a letter to all Republican committeepersons stating those who supported AL SCHMIDT for Commissioner only cared “about their own agenda,” that “they have no in(Cont. Page 30)
Page 28 The Public Record • June 16, 2011
Judge Moore To Challenge Congressman Brady Judge Jimmie Moore has resigned from his seat on the Municipal Court and filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission to begin the process of his candidacy to represent Pennsylvania’s 1st Congressional Dist. in the United States House of Representatives. He comes in as a decided underdog since his opponent, Congressman Bob Brady, is a major national player in the halls of Congress in Washington, a major force in state and local politics, a proven arbiter in the city’s conflicts with its unions, as well as being the popular, long-time chairman of the Democrat City Committee. Judge Moore is among the hundreds who have been the beneficiary Congressman Brady’s support. Despite being “not recommended” by the Philadelphia Bar Association for all his judicial runs, Moore was endorsed by the Democrat Party, thanks to Brady’s support, for a seat on the Municipal Court in 1999 and then again for retention in 2005 for that seat.
Jimmy Moore ..eyes seat In 2003 he ran unsuccessfully for a seat on the Common Pleas Bench without Brady’s support. Now 60, Moore likens himself to President Barack Obama, saying, “Just like a young community organizer from Chicago, I have hope, a vision, and a belief in giving back and helping others. Over the coming weeks, I will continue to build my team and travel around the District talking to residents about the issues they find most pressing, and in July, I will formally announce my campaign for Congress to bring the change that our District desperately needs. Washington is out of touch with what’s happening to our fami-
State Rep. Cherelle
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lies and communities.” Growing up in federal housing projects and living on welfare, Moore learned first-hand about the struggles of innercity life. He had a father and a brother who were murdered in different incidents. After becoming the first person in his family to graduate from college, he earned a master’s degree in urban education and a subsequent JD from Rutgers University School of Law. Since then, Moore has lived in the Philadelphia area, raising his two children and practicing law for almost four decades. For the past 12 years, Judge Moore has served on Philadelphia’s Municipal Court. He founded and directed a community-based diploma program to give underemployed people and ex-offenders a chance to become legal secretaries and paralegals.
Easy Street For Nutter Opinon polls are the only polls until Election Day. They are usually influenced
by how the questioning is rigged. We know the only real poll is the exit poll, reflecting what voters say they did inside the voting booth. But opinion polls do have a use. They get reported in the media and their authors hope to use the figures to frighten or intimidate potential opposition by signaling to contributors they shouldn’t put any money in the opposition camp. Whatever the reason for a just-released poll from the Mayor Nutter campaign team, he looks better to voters than does former Mayor John Street, who is expected to mount a challenge for Mayor as an independent in the November election. Bottom line on this poll indicates if the election were held today, and with only Street and Republican mayoral candidate Karen Brown in contention, Nutter would reap 67% of the total vote ... a major landslide. As of now, the poll shows Nutter gets 65% of the vote to Karen Brown’s 14% and John
Councilman Wm.
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Street’s 13%. The poll was conducted by a Washington, D.C. company. We don’t believe an entry by Tom Knox as an independent as well would take any additional votes from the Mayor.
Redistricting Moving Along With a litany of vows the congressional redistricting hearings now moving through the Commonwealth will be “aboveboard and transparent,” all of the recommendations will still be subject to the pressures and pulls placed by the leadership when the recommendations come to them. As it stands now, the Committee, headed by State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe (R-Beaver), Republican chairman of the House State Government Committee and Senate State Government Chairman Sen. Chuck McIlhinney (R-Bucks), are doing their best due diligence with Committee members at hearings. Every 10 years, following State Rep.
William Keller 184th District 1531 S. 2nd Street
the latest US Census report, the General Assembly has to redraw, as needed, the boundaries of congressional and other legislative Districts, based on the growth or loss of population in those. The new Census figures showed Pennsylvania had not experienced as much growth as other states across the country and will lose one congressional District, which will bring its total number of seats to 18. The state lost two congressional seats in the 1990. Hearings began in early May in Philadelphia. If you wish to make an input, call Metcalfe’s Harrisburg office at (717) 783-1707.
Adding To 186th List Of Contenders Timothy Hannah, 50, has announced his intention to run in the 186th Legislative Dist. Democrat primary in 2012. Hannah is a pro at running campaigns, having entered two – one for Congress and another for the legislature. (Cont Page 29) Councilman Bill
Green Room 599 City Hall P. 215.686.3420/21 F. 215.686.1930
State Sen. Shirley M.
Kitchen 3rd Sen. District 1701 W. Lehigh Ave. Suite 104 Phila., PA 19132
Santorum Signs No Tax Pledge Former US Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania undestands the public doesn’t trust Presidents when it comes to notax pledges. But he’s signed a no-tax pledge in Manchester, N.H. with the president of Americans For Tax Reform President Grover Norquist as witness. In signing the Pledge, San-
torum commits to “oppose and veto any and all efforts to increase taxes” should he be elected President of the United States.
2nd District Council Race Now In Court Barbara Capozzi has petitioned the Court of Common Pleas to investigate allegations of Election Day irregularities. It documents 31 accounts of ballot fraud, where Damon K. Roberts’ name was illegally taped over in voting machines in the 2nd Council Dist. The petition specifically states that the widespread irregularities have compromised the results of the election and “the results cannot be trusted to accurately reflect the will of the
Democratic voters of the 2nd Council Dist. to select their nominee for the City Council.”
Aaron Proctor Makes GOP Feuding Funny It’s tough to figure out the players without a scorecard, but Aaron Proctor is highlighting the infighting of the local GOP’s main contenders on the internet. We found it by going to Craigslist Philadelphia and then pulling up politics, then going to GOPWWF. The skits are entertaining. He has put most of the local GOP’s main cast in a fight arena, packed with a roaring audience. Another way to reach him is at or (215) 668-6118. His commentaries touch on
the city’s decline. His website address is Phil ly Dec
Taubenberger: No Tax Vote Should popular and wellknown Northeast Republican Council-at-Large candidate Al Taubenberger make it to City Council, he says no matter what arm-twisting or depth of financial crisis comes to pass, he will say, “No to taxes,” adding, “No one gets a free pass – not the Mayor, not the School Reform Commission, not even my fellow Councilpersons. Philadelphia has demanded accountability and new ideas. The current Council must respect this demand and not caste any votes concerning new taxes.”
Health Budget A Danger
The Public Record • June 16, 2011
(Cont. From Page 28) Hannah is a secondary-education teacher. Also considering a run is Michael E. Bell, who ran out of time as he began moving up with voter support in his primary race for City Commissioner on the Democrat ticket.
Page 29
Redistricting Hearings Move Along
STATE SENS. Mike Stack and Shirley Kitchen were among Philadelphians who came to Harrisburg to warn of calamitous consequences to hospitals and to low-income working citizens if House Republican budget passes as is.
Rallying for Blondell Why I Ran For Mayor On GOP Ticket FOP HALL was jammed with supporters of Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown. Among VIPs attending were State Sen. Vincent Hughes and State Rep. Vanessa Brown, seen flanking her. Photo by Dawud Starling
BLONDELL’S sister, Angelina Grasty, enjoyed gala with Regina Jones. Photo by Dawud Sterling
AMONG ATTENDEES was DA Seth Williams, seen here with Paul Smith. Photo by Dawud Starling
law. Second, I ran specifically because I knew I could be the absolute best candidate to hold Nutter accountable in his reelection bid. I know the issues that are most important to Philadelphians, and I was ready to afford Mayor Nutter the opportunity to defend his record of raising taxes, raising spending, putting the unions ahead of the taxpayers, and, most importantly, disappearing and not showing leadership skills when we needed him the most. Nutter was a good City Councilman, but his “new day, a new way” slogan was a failed promise. In fact, he promised too much, and, as a consequence, other than keeping the City running and bringing in police chief Ramsey, his accomplishments have been lacking. He promised to end the gross-
]|ÅÅç W|Çà|ÇÉ
(215) 468-2300
Larry Farnese First Senate District Tel. 215-952-3121 1802 S. Broad St.• Phila. PA 19145
State Representative
SABATINA JR. 174th District 8100 Castor Ave Phila, PA 19152 T: 215-342-6204
pects Republican activists to proactively campaign for her as opposed to simply handing out a sample ballot with her name on it, she needs to know the issues (meaning actually reading the budget), surround herself with experts, and be humble in her position as the Republican nominee. It’s not her role to lecture ward leaders and ward chairmen about doing more. She’s new to us and has to earn our trust.
Senator Tina
State Senator
receipts tax, but it never happened, and now City Council, through Bill Green and Maria Quiñones-Sánchez, is recommending raising it 300% over five years. Nutter needs someone to keep him accountable – who knows the facts. Karen Brown is the Republican Party nominee. She won the race honestly. She is entitled to the support of the ward leaders. But if she ex-
REP. BRENDAN F. BOYLE 7215 B. Rising Sun Ave. Phila. PA 19111 • P (215)-342-1700
14230 Bustleton Ave. Phila.PA 19116 • P (215) 676-0300
RONALD G. WATERS 191st Leg. District 6027 Ludlow Street, Unit A
2nd Dist. 127 W. Susquehanna Ave. 1063 Bridge St. Philadelphia, PA 19122 Philadelphia, PA 19124
215-533-0440 • 215-755-2000
by John Featherman I didn’t run so that we would have “somebody” as a candidate. I ran for two very specific reasons. First, I do not approve of the direction of the RCC. Under the RCC’s leadership team of Canuso and Meehan, Republicans represent only 12.53% of the total number of registered voters. Why has the RCC not appealed to new voters? One good reasons is that the RCC has not issued press releases or held press conferences in years. The RCC has created an apartheid by getting rid of one ward leader/one vote and forcing proportional voting to protect their power. The RCC does not allow write-in candidates to win elections unless they gather at least 10 votes – even if they are running opposed, and this violates State
The Public Record • June 16, 2011
Page 30
Elephant Corner
(Cont. From Page 27) terest in the people of Philadelphia or the Republican Party” and that “the true objective of these reckless, self-serving people is to destroy the Republican Party.” These were harsh words, even as US SEN. PATRICK TOOMEY, the Fraternal Order of Housing Police Lodge 106, the Black Clergy of Philadelphia and Vicinity PA and Philadelphia Fire Fighters’ Local 22 were endorsing Schmidt. But that’s
Out & About • 215-755-2000
(Cont. From Page 27) things as the economy and unemployment, Charles Xavier (Professor X), Eric Lensherr (Magneto) and the rest of the mutants might have been better teachers. That’s because they didn’t talk about it nearly as much as I would have liked. Romney tried to steer it to that topic, but folks were too busy talking about divisive social issues to focus on that. But that said, I did learn a few things from this debate. I learned Republican political consultant Ed Rollins is an evil genius. Anyone who can make Michelle Bachmann look anything other than totally out of her tree is amazing. She looked like she was taking this whole running-forPresident thing seriously. I know the crazy will be back, and back real soon, because
by Michael A. Cibik, Esq. American Bankruptcy Board Certified Question: Why shouldn’t I reaffirm a mortgage in bankruptcy? Answer: I recently got a phone call from a client. She got a letter from her mortgage company giving her the “opportunity” to reaffirm her mortgage. She wanted to know whether she should do this. I told her, “Absolutely not.” In the overwhelming majority of cases, it makes absolutely no sense to reaffirm a mortgage debt. Why? The Bankruptcy Code is written in such a way so as to make a
what people must expect in a contested primary. We’ll surely be seeing Republican presidential candidates yank each other’s chains often enough between now and New Hampshire. A better Reagan quote to encourage party unity might be, “There is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he does not mind who gets the credit.” It doesn’t really matter why Meehan has found religion, just that we all follow through on it. The value of standing up for Republican values of fiscal
responsibility and appropriate taxes has become all the more apparent in light of last Friday’s Council Meetings concerning a possible tax increase to bail out our financially bungling school system. While the children should not suffer for the fiscal irresponsibility of SUPERINTENDANT ARLENE ACKERMAN and others, the people of Philadelphia cannot afford more taxes. Rather the City should redirect funds from other well-intended but less-vital programs to the schools.
Grooving With Sen. Hughes
she can’t help herself, but at least she was sane and lucid at her formal announcement. I also learned gay people will catch heck all over again should any of these paragons of state’s rights reach the White House. While they won’t overturn a State law making marriage legal for gays and lesbians, they will try to create a Constitutional Amendment designed to codify the whole “marriage is between a man and a woman” thing. (Paul went one step further and said marriage shouldn’t be controlled by the state at all. Churches should run it. So much for interfaith unions….) And don’t’ think you’ll be able to serve in the military openly either! You’ll be Don’t Asking and Don’t Tellin’ under these guys! (By the way, am I the only person who thinks that when it comes to talking about marriage, any marriage, that
MICHAEL RASHID, president and CEO of the AmeriHealth Mercy Family of Cos., made clear his support for State Sen. LABOR was well represented by, from left, John MeyerVincent Hughes at an elite son, political maven of UFCW Local 1776; and SEIU Newt Gingrich should just sit fundraiser at Sigma Sound Stu- Local 32BJ District Supervisor Wayne McManiman with quietly and wait for the topic dios in Center City last night. Gabe Morgan and Valarie Long. to change?) The lone piece of economic knowledge I got from this debate is all of the candidates would have let the auto industry go into the toilet, leaving thousands more unemployed and that taxes on corporations are still too high, despite General Electric paying none at all last year. (One thing I will hand the MACEO CUMMINGS, Jeremy Fogel and Republicans: they’re gonna Colin Jones, from left, enjoyed subterranean stick with trickle-down ecocomforts of Sigma Sound Studio’s private PROMINENT ARCHITECT Emmanuel nomics, no matter how many lounge, where so many famous music luminarKelly appreciated a chance to share his times they’re shown that it ies have relaxed during recording sessions. doesn’t work. Maybe some- thoughts with Senator. day it will, they believe. I know people who believe rapper Tupac Shakur is still alive. Doesn’t mean its true…) All in all, it was 90 minutes of my life that I would love to see replayed here in Philly. Why should New Hampshire have all the fun? Come on GOP! Throw me a bone!
mortgage reaffirmation bad news with a very small upside. When the Bankruptcy Code was rewritten in 2005, additional provisions were inserted dealing with the reaffirmation of personal property, such as jewelry, cars, etc. A “reaffirmation” means that you sign a document, which must be approved by the Court, making you permanently liable for the loan, regardless of what happens, as if you had never filed for bankruptcy. You might say, “I want to keep my house, so I need to reaffirm the loan.” But this is not true. Unlike some personal property, you don’t need to reaffirm a mortgage to
keep your house. So long as you keep your payments current, you keep the house, regardless of whether you reaffirm the mortgage or not. What’s the benefit of not reaffirming? No matter what happens, so long as you have the mortgage you scheduled in your bankruptcy (even if it’s been sold but not if it’s been refinanced) the lender can’t go after you personally for any shortfall or deficiency. If you fall behind, it won’t show up on your credit record, and if there’s a foreclosure, the lender can’t go after you for any shortfall. This is true for the length of the mortgage. And if the payments are current, you keep the house. Next week’s question: What is the truth about lease reaffirmation?
Jenkins Gives Ward A Toot
POSH SOIREE at Restaurant School in University was treat given by Democrat 27th Ward Leader Carol Jenkins to many community leaders. Jenkins, center, was joined by political colleagues, from left, Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell, 21st Ward Leader Lou Agre, State Rep. Jim Roebuck, 9th Ward Leader john O’Connell and Councilman Bill Greenlee.
City Hall Sam (Cont. From Page 27) COUNCILWOMAN JOAN KRAJEWSKI during the groundbreaking for the new Engine 38 firehouse in Tacony. Also in attendance was Bob Henon, who stood in the crowd in deference to Krajewski. Also in the crowd was
LAVISH renovation of Clark Park, which is being reopened today, was all the buzz at Ward Leader Carol Jenkins’ congratulatory dinner, which was enjoyed by Friends of Clark Park President Ed Halligan, right, and his Board Members Frank Chance and Erin Engelstad.
the father-and-son IATAROLA team and the fatherand-son NACCARATO team. The Ward Leader for the 41st Ward, CONNIE RODGERS, was also in attendance. STATE SEN. ANTHONY WILLIAMS appears healthy and well on his way to recovery from a recent illness.
PHILLY’S Movers and shakers Read Our Daily Record Online!!!
4th of July fireworks show. This is the second year Holt and Gloucester City are cooperating in assisting in this community service. The fireworks will be held on Jul. 3 at dusk at Gloucester City HS. Holt officials were on hand Friday to present a ceremonial check to pay off the Urban Development Action
Cocoa Is King
PHILA. now enjoys East Coast title as top destination for cocoa beans destined to chocolate makers in Penna. and around nation, thanks to efforts of Harvey Weiner and his son.
almost $7 million. The Gloucester Marine Terminal has the largest refrigerated capacity of any marine terminal in the United States. It is 123 acres in size, has four deepwater berths and 12 dry/heated warehouses with more than 1,000,000 square feet of space and 13 reefer/frozen warehouses with 15 million cubic feet of space.
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services,” said PRPA Executive Director James T. McDermott, Jr. “Shippers doing business that involves a Philadelphia/South America connection now more than ever have one-stop shopping at the Port of Philadelphia.” The Port of Philadelphia’s excellent array of South American services also includes a weekly service to the west coast of South America by Mediterranean Shipping Co. Contact the PRPA Marketing Dept. at (215) 426- 2600 or at for more information about the Port of Philadelphia’s new enhanced services to South America.
mercial rates to developers. In the course of the loan’s life, Gloucester City worked cooperatively with the Holt Family, the developer of the Gloucester Marine Terminal, many times – through periods of growth, as well as difficult economic times. Today’s final payment represents the end of a program that garnered nearly $6 million in grants and interest payments of
Two Lines Increase South American Trade Two weekly services, Maersk Line’s Spondylus Service and CMA-CGM’s Black Pearl Service, are now regulars at the Port of Philadelphia’s Packer Avenue Marine Terminal in South Philadelphia. They significantly enhance the Port of Philadelphia’s already impressive connections with major ports in South America. These services target the busiest ports on the west coast of South America, including ports in Ecuador, Panama, Chile and Peru. “We’re now seeing increases in both general cargo and refrigerated cargoes, particularly fruit, thanks to these two new
UDAG program is that it now provides a fund for the community to use to invest in small business and growth opportunities.” Holt Logistics initially borrowed $3.6 million through the UDAG program in 1984 and borrowed $2 million more later that year. HUD granted funds to a community that qualified for them, with the community loaning the money at com-
Grant program loan administered by the federal Dept. of Housing & Urban Development. “In the case of the Gloucester Marine Terminal, the grant has been a ringing success for Gloucester City and for the many men and women who have worked there over the years,” said Leo Holt, president of Holt Logistics Corp. “The beauty of the
The Public Record • June 16, 2011
Holt Logistics Corp. has announced the payoff of $5.6 million in federal loans dating to 1984 that were used to help build the Gloucester Marine Terminal. In addition, Holt Logistics Corp. announced a $15,000 donation to Gloucester City to again sponsor that community’s
Page 31
Holt Logistics Repays Fed Loans, Donates Fireworks
Page 32 The Public Record • June 16, 2011
City Foreclosure Diversion Keeps 85% In Their Homes Call it another first for the City! Its Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Diversion Program has enabled almost 85% of participating homeowners to remain in their homes. The 1st Judicial Dist. for the first time this week released findings from an independent report on the results for participating Philadelphia homeowners facing foreclosure and whose homes were scheduled for Sheriff’s sale. According to a study by
the Reinvestment Fund, the program has enabled five out of six homeowners achieving agreements through the court to remain in their homes. The FJD revealed the report on the program’s threeyear anniversary. It was in June 2008 that the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas – with the financial support from the City – inaugurated the Philadelphia Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Diversion Program. It instituted
mandatory conciliation conferences, bringing together homeowners, lenders, pro bono attorneys and housing counselors in an attempt to reach resolutions on cases slated for Sheriff’s sale. “While the Diversion Program has received national acclaim, this study provides an independent analysis that documents the efficacy of the program,” said Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Judge Annette Rizzo, who has run the
program on behalf of the FJD. Other findings released from the report includ: Fifty percent of those homeowners in foreclosure, who did not use the program, are no longer in their homes. Since 2008, the city has averaged about 8,000 foreclosures a year, of which 60-70% were eligible for the Diversion Program. About 70% of the eligible homeowners go through the Diversion Program. One-third
of those homeowners end up with an agreement between the borrower and mortgage lender/servicer. Of these, 85% have remained in their homes for more than 18 months since that agreement. The percent of homes sold at Sheriff’s sales immediately declined from 27.2% to 14.5%, and then to 5.7% once the program began. At the same time, the percent of homes sold at Sheriff’s sales that did not go through the Diversion Program increased. With financial support from the Open Society Institute and the William Penn Foundation, The Reinvestment Fund evaluated the approximately 16,000 cases handled by the Court. The study for the first time provides an in-depth look at what led to the foreclosures and how many homes have been saved. The housing collapse sparked the economic crisis
on Wall Street that sent the country into the worst recession since the Great Depression. About six million homes have gone into foreclosure since 2007, and another 12 million are expected to face foreclosure over the next five years, according to the Center for Responsible Lending. Former President Judge C. Darnell Jones II and Judge Rizzo of the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas set up the Diversion Program as a pilot in response to the increase in foreclosures in the city sparked by the subprime lending crisis. The program temporarily stopped Sheriff’s sales and set up a case management system in the Court. The Diversion Program has a steering group that includes representatives of the consumer and plaintiff bar, as well as the city’s large group of housing and credit-counseling agencies.
Jones Bill To Curb Parties A Councilman Curtis Jones bill now before City Council seeks to crack down on landlords who are repeat offenders against zoning ordinances, specifically the law that bans more than three unrelated persons from living together in a single family unit in Educational Housing Districts. He has received complaints
from residents about houses where a large number of students reside. They report such houses are often the site of parties, excessive noise and public intoxication. Calling his Bill 100613 the “The ‘Good Neighbor’ bill, Jones said, “It will allow new and existing residents to coexist and become better neighbors.” Attorneys are both board certified by the American Bankruptcy Certification Board. Chapters 7/13 & Stop foreclosures, creditors harassments, lawsuits, garnishments, and sheriff sales.
We are a debt-relief agency • 215-755-2000
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WANTED SPORTS CARDS & MEMORABILIA Huggins & Scott Auctions is looking to buy or consign your VINTAGE Sports Cards & Memorabilia + older Americana type collectibles incl Toys, Games, Trains, Comics, Coins, Political Items, etc. for our next World Wide Internet Auction WE TAKE IT ALL & WE SELL IT ALL. Call Steve at 215-530-4365 to discuss your collection or to get a free catalog Visit our web page at:
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The Public Record • June 16, 2011 • 215-755-2000 • 215-755-2000
The Public Record • June 16, 2011
Page 34
COMMON CAUSE unites Democrat 43rd Ward Leader Emilio Vázquez, left, and Republican 27th Ward Committeeman Mauricio Mendes-Vaz in protest outside Concilio’s fence in E. Poplar.
Say ‘No’ To Soda Tax, Save Our Jobs
The Public Record • June 16, 2011
ANGEL ORTIZ, shown here with other Puerto Rican leaders including Angel Lozada and Oscar Rosario, angrily demanded Concilio restore upcoming parade to its original focus on Puerto Rican people and culture.
Page 35
Puerto Ricans Want Parade Back
LOCAL 830 Teamsters President Dan Grace, to right of woman holding sign, led group at rally demanding City Council vote no on Mayor Michael Nutter’s request for a soda tax. In photo at right, banner says it all: Soda tax will cost jobs. • 215-755-2000 • 215-755-2000
The Public Record • June 16, 2011
Page 36
We Invite You To Capitalize On The 20 Years Of Experience And Skill Of Attorney
Deborah M. Truscello Call and schedule a free initial consultation. Practice Areas: Workers Compensation Divorce and Family Law Personal Injury Social Security Disability
The Public Record • June 16, 2011 206 West State Street Media PA 19063
610-892-4940 TO: T.J. Jones or other possible unknown birth fathers A Petition has been filed asking the court to put an end to all rights you have to your child Baby Boy Gruver, who was born on 4/17/11, at Hahnemann Hospital, Philadelphia, PA as well as your rights M.G. has to Baby Boy Gruver. The court has set a hearing to consider ending your rights to your child. That hearing will be held on July 7, 2011, at 9:30 a.m. at Court Room 14, One Montgomery Plaza, Orphan’s Court Division, Swede Street, Norristown, PA 19404 before Judge Ott. You are warned that even if you fail to appear at the scheduled hearing, the hearing will go on without you and your rights to your child as well as the rights of M.G. to that child may be ended by the court without your being present. You have a right to be represented at the hearing by a lawyer. You should take this paper to your lawyer at once. If you do not have a lawyer or cannot afford one, go to or telephone the office set forth below to find out where you can get legal help. An important option may be available to you under Act 101 of PA Law that allows for and enforceable voluntary agreement for continuing contact following an adoption between an adoptive parent, a child, a birth parent and/or a birth relative of the child, if all parties agree and the voluntary agreement is approved by the court. The agreement must be signed and approved by the court to be legally binding. You are also warned that if you fail to file either an acknowledgment of paternity pursuant to 23 Pa. C.S.A. Section 2503 (d) relating to acknowledgment and claim of paternity, and fail to either appear at a hearing to object to the termination of your rights or file a written objection to such termination with the court prior to the hearing, your rights may be terminated under Pa. C.S.A. 2503(d) or 2504 (c) of the Adoption Act. Lawyer Referral and Information Service 100 West Airy Street, P.O. Box 268, Norristown, PA 19404 (610) LAW1 • 215-755-2000
onds East, 65 feet, 4-13/16 inches to the first mentioned point and place of beginning. Being the same premises which Fannye Cristol a/k/a Fannie Cristol, widow by Deed dated 9/28/1977 and recorded 9/30/1977 in Philadelphia County in Deed Book DCC 1489 Page 313 conveyed unto Sherman Martin, Jr, and Alyce Martin, his wife, their heirs and assigns, as tenants by the entireties, in fee. And the said Alyce Martin died on 11/24/04 The sale will be held at June 30, 2011 at 10:00 am at the steps located on Market Street of the Eastern District Courthouse, 601 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106. The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development will bid $213,629.57 plus interest, costs and other charges through the sale date. Ten percent (10%) of the highest bid is the deposit required at the sale. The amount that must be paid to HUD by the mortgagors or someone acting on their behalf so that the sale may be stayed is the total delinquent amount of $213,629.57 as of July 29, 2009, plus all other amounts that would be due under the mortgage agreement if payments under the mortgage had not been accelerated, advertising costs and postage expenses incurred in giving notice, mileage by the most reasonable road distance for posting notices and for the Foreclosure Commissioner’s attendance at the sale, reasonable and customary costs incurred for title and lien record searches, the necessary out-of-pocket costs incurred by the Foreclosure Commissioner for recording documents, a commission for the Foreclosure Commissioner, and all other costs incurred in connection with the foreclosure prior to reinstatement. There will be no proration of taxes, rents or other income or liabilities, except that the purchaser will pay, at or before closing, his prorata share of any real estate taxes that have been paid by the Secretary to the date of the foreclosure sale. When making their bid, all bidders, except the Secretary, must submit a deposit totaling ten percent 10% of the Secretary’s bid as set forth above in the form of a certified check or cashier’s check made out to the Secretary of HUD. Each oral bid need not be accompanied by a deposit. If the successful bid is oral, a deposit of ten (10%) percent must be presented before the bidding is closed. The deposit is nonrefundable. The remainder of the purchase price must be delivered within thirty (30) days of the sale or at such other time as the Secretary may determine for good cause shown, time being of the essence. This amount, like the bid deposits, must be delivered in the form of a certified or cashier’s check. If the Secretary is the high bidder, he need not pay the bid amount in cash. The successful bidder will pay all conveyance fees, all real estate and other taxes that are due on or after the delivery of the remainder of the payment and all other costs associated with the transfer of title. At the conclusion of the sale, the deposits of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them. The Secretary may grant an extension of time within which to deliver the remainder of the payment. All extensions will be for fifteen (15) days, and a fee will be charged in the amount of $150.00 for each fifteen (15) day extension requested. The extension fee shall be paid in the form of a certified or cashier’s check made payable to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. If the high bidder closes the sale prior to the expiration of any extension period, the unused portion of the extension fee shall be applied toward the amount due. If the high bidder is unable to close the sale within the required period, or within any extensions of time granted by the Secretary, the high bidder’s deposit will be forfeited, and the Commissioner may, at the direction of the HUD Field Office Representative, offer the property to the second highest bidder for an amount equal to the highest price offered by that bidder. There is no right of redemption, or right of possession based upon a right of redemption, in the mortgagor or others subsequent to a foreclosure completed pursuant to the Act. Therefore, the Foreclosure Commissioner will issue a Deed to the purchaser(s) upon receipt of the entire purchase price in accordance with the terms of the sale as provided herein.
Page 37
WHEREAS, on January 25, 2005, a certain Mortgage was executed by ESTATE OF SHERMAN MARTIN JR., as mortgagor in favor of WELLS FARGO BANK, NA as mortgagee and was recorded in Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Philadelphia County in Mortgage Document#: 51115856; and WHEREAS, the Mortgage is now owned by the Secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (“Secretary”), pursuant to an assignment recorded on 12/17/2007 in Document#: 51822756, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania; and WHEREAS, a default has been made in the covenants and conditions of the Mortgage in that the payment due on July 29, 2009, was not made and remains wholly unpaid as of the date of this Notice, and no payment has been made sufficient to restore the loan to currency; and WHEREAS, the entire amount delinquent as of July 29, 2009 is $213,629.57 plus interest, costs and other charges through the sale date; and WHEREAS, by virtue of this default, the Secretary has declared the entire amount of the indebtedness secured by the Mortgage to be immediately due and payable; NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to powers vested in me by the Single Family Mortgage Foreclosure Act of 1994, l2 U.S.C. 3751 et seq., by 24 CFR Part 29, and by the Secretary’s designation of me as Foreclosure Commissioner, recorded on April 6, 2011 in Misc. Document#: 52333913, in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, notice is hereby given that at June 30, 2011 at 10:00 am at the steps located on Market Street of the Eastern District Courthouse, 601 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106, all real and personal property at or used in connection with the following described premises (“Property”) will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder: SUBJECT TO A PRIOR MORTGAGE PREMISES "A" ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, SITUATE in the Fiftieth Ward of the City of Philadelphia. BEGINNING at a point on the East side of Lawnton Avenue (sixty feet wide), at the distance of three hundred fifteen feet, five and three-eighths inches Southwardly from the Southerly side of Sixty-sixth Avenue North (eight feet wide) thence extending South seventy-eight degrees, thirty-nine minutes, East a distance of one hundred nine feet, one and one-quarter inches to a point; thence extending South eighteen degrees, fifty-six minutes, four seconds West a distance of sixty-five feet four and three-quarter inches to a point, thence extending North seventy-eight degrees, thirty-nine minutes, West a distance of one hundred five feet, two and three-eighths inches to the East side of Lawnton Avenue; thence extending North fifteen degrees, thirty minutes, fifty-six seconds East along the East side of Lawnton Avenue, distance of sixty-five feet to the first mentioned point and place of beginning. BEING NO. 6511 Lawnton Avenue. PREMISES "B" ALL THAT CERTAIN interior triangular lot or piece of ground in the 50th Ward of the City of Philadelphia, and described according to a Plan thereof made by Joseph F. Delany, Esquire, Surveyor and Regulator of the 5th District, dated November 9, 1951, as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at an interior point, said point being at the distance of 109 feet. 1-1/4 inches measured on a bearing of South 78 degrees, 39 minutes East, from a point on the Southeasterly side of Lawnton Avenue, 160 feet wide and last mentioned point being at the distance of 215 feet, 5-3/8 inches Southwestwardly, measured along the said sidle of Lawnton Avenue from the Southwesterly side of 66th Avenue North (80 feet wide); thence extending from said point of beginning, South 12 degrees, 28 minutes., 15 seconds West, 41 feet, 2-1/2 inches to a point; thence extending South 11 degrees, 21 minutes, West 23 feet, 7-9/16 inches to a point; thence extending North 78 degrees, 39 minutes West, 7 feet, 9-7/8 inches to a point; thence extending North 18 degrees, 56 minutes, 04 sec-
ROB GOLDSTEIN and auctioneer Barry Slosberg appraise a carriage clock owned by Lisa and Ben Handy of Sellers Street.
Good Credit • Bad Credit No Credit • Don’t Sweat it!
The Public Record • June 16, 2011
Page 38
Pacifico Ford Slosberg Hosts His Own ‘Roadshow’
GIVE THE GIFT OF NOSTALGIA ANTIQUE COLLECTOR James Robb of Bingham Street brought three items for Barry Slosberg and Robert Goldstein to appraise at Frankford Historical Society fundraiser.
6700 Essington Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19153 ______________________ 215.492.1700 Rocky has been in the auto business since 1994. He has been recognized by Ford Motor Company with numerous achievements including Master Certified in car and trucks. He’ll use his experience to help you maximize your benefits and reduce your expenses!
by Rory G. McGlasson Dozens of Frankford residents had their family heirlooms and antiques appraised on Tuesday night, thanks to a local auctioneer. The Tacony Historical Society of Frankford in Northeast Philadelphia held its Annual fundraiser and “Tea Antique Appraisal.” The evening resembled a scene out of the famous “Antiques Roadshow” television program as local residents came
with items appraised by local expert, Barry Slosberg. Slosberg, a renowned auctioneer, was joined by antique expert Robert Goldstein inside the historic site located at 1507 E. Orthodox Street. The pair volunteered their time to help raise funds for the Historic Society. Inside, residents brought in items for a nominal $8 per appraisal. The items included a 100year-old carriage clock, 60year-old rug, and century-old newspaper clipping. Money raised from the fundraiser will go toward the Tacony Historical Society Fund.
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The Public Record • June 16, 2011
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Page 39
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The Public Record • June 16, 2011
Page 40