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Jim Stevenson

700 Sansom St. 215-923-1980

9371 ROOSEVELT BLVD. PHILADELPHIA, PA 19114 215-698-7000

Serving Citywide Political, Labor, Legal and School Communities of Philadelphia

Vol. XIII. No. 33 (Issue 603)

“The good things we do must be made a part of the public record” We Buy Gold & Diamonds

Value 50¢

Nooses Around All Our Necks Ben Franklin Bridge

Walt Whitman Bridge

August 18, 2011

Brady Gets Fire Department Top Emergency Post.... Page 2

HUNTERS! Don't Bring Out-Of-State Deer Parts Home With You! MORE BIG SHIPS with containers make Ben Franklin and Walt Whitman Bridges an ever-growing problem for Port of Phila.’s future. See Page 23


Page 4

A Korean Fest Keeping Education On Front Burner

Gets His Due!

WON Community Service Center and Won Buddhism of Phila. Invite you to their 15th annual Korean Folk Festival for Children Sunday, Aug. 28 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at John Russell Field, 7420 Penrose Avenue, Elkins Park, Pa., rain or shine. Admission is free! Food will be for sale. For information call (215) 884-8443 or

Battling The Bulge In W. Philly Page 2

Page 2

SCHOOL DISTRICT Superintendent Arlene Ackerman discusses her image problems with members of Penna. Legislative Black Caucus at School Board. Meeting was called by Chairman State Rep. Ron Waters, State Sens. LeAnna Washington, Anthony Williams and Shirley Kitchen, as well as State Reps. Michelle Brownlee and Tony Payton, along with LDC head Sam Staten, Jr. “Object,” said Waters, “was to keep quality education District’s main concern.”

INJURED AT WORK! If you have been injured on the DOCKS, PIERS, or SHIPS doing loading or repairing work. You need our free advice....We fight for your right to benefits and we never ask you to pay a fee.... We have ALSO OFFICES IN PHILADLEPHIA, successfully helped get money for thouMEDIA, READING, LANCASTER sands of injured workers over the last 30 years.

Do you want your claim settled for Maximum Value? Are you being bullied by your employer and need the real facts about your rights?

The Public Record • August 18, 2011

Page 2

Campaign Finance


by David Lynn State Rep. Babette Josephs (D-S. Phila.) touts herself as a champion of campaign finance reform. According to her website,, “Rep. Babette Josephs, Majority Chair of the House State Government Committee, held a public hearing on Campaign Finance on Aug. 14, 2007 at the Main Capitol building in Harrisburg. The committee heard various experts and interested parties discuss the issue in general and the several bills that have been referred to the committee to date.” (Note to Rep. Josephs: It may be time to update your website.) More recently, in February 2011, Josephs introduced legislation which would have amended the Commonwealth • 215-755-2000

Masonry Honors Our Waffleman The Philadelphia Public Record’s famous columnist Joseph Sbaraglia, whose “Waffleman” column always tops the list of must-read items in the Record, was honored last Saturday with the Order of the Purple Cross, which is the highest honor in York Rite Masonry. He received the Honor in Nashville, Tenn. at the 54th gathering of the York Rite Sovereign College. This honor is given for outstanding contributions to the world of Freemasonry. This is but another in the list of Masonic awards and degrees Sbaraglia has received during his 40 years of service. Sbaraglia, 72, is the author of five books filled with nostalgia and his memories of growing up in South Philadelphia during the ’40s, ’50s and ’60s. He is well known by his alias “Joe Bag-a-Donuts”, earned over the years as he would bring a bag of doughnuts to those who were homebound. He has been a Public Record columnist for the past 12 years.

campaign-finance law in a number of ways. For instance, use of campaign funds for “Inherently personal purpose” such as “a home mortgage, rent, utility payment, clothing purchase, noncampaign automobile expense, country-club membership, vacation or a trip of a noncampaign nature, household food items, tuition payments, admission to a sporting event, concert, theater or other form of entertainment” would be forbidden. The reforms Josephs is proposing are definitely a step in the right direction. In February 2010, Committee to Elect Babette Josephs got a new treasurer, Brian K. Sims. This may not have been a step in the right direction. On the committee’s 2010

Babette Means Well ... But cycle 2, 2010 cycle 3, and 2010 cycle 5 reports, 71 expenditure transactions were missing address information. They were simply marked “Information Requested”, “Info Requested” or left blank. The total amount for these incomplete expenditures is $42,533.38. A Right-ToKnow request turned up no amended reports, and we found no evidence on the Commonwealth’s Campaign Finance FTP site or Campaign Finance Reporting site of any amended filings. (Note to Mr. Sims: Your reports might not pass a State audit. Commonwealth Campaign Finance Audit Procedures can be found in the zipped file available at See page 15.) We did see what appeared

to be a candidate filing for Babette Josephs in which she used her political committee filer identification number instead of her candidate filer identification number. (Note to Rep. Josephs: 8100299 is the filer identification number for your committee, and is not the number you should use as a candidate — either that or the Secretary of State botched it and gave both you and your committee the same number.) Also — and this is most strange — we found no evidence of a 2010 cycle 7 report in Harrisburg. Because she was sworn in on January 4, 2011, and the report was due on January 31, 2011, she was technically in compliance with Commonwealth Campaign Finance laws. J. Matthew Wolfe, Esq.,

election lawyer and ward leader of the 27th GOP ward confirms if Rep. Josephs has not filed this report with the Secretary of State by 2012 and gets re-elected, she might not be sworn into office in January 2013. We did find a “courtesy copy” of this report at the County Board of Elections at Delaware Avenue and Spring Garden Streets, but the copy that was sent to the Department of State apparently never made it. (Note to Mr. Sims: Next time, we suggest you use delivery confirmation.) (David Lynn maintains an SQL Server database with approximately 12,000,000 campaign finance records. He also provides free software to run political campaigns. Email him at

Brady Gets Fire Department Top Emergency Post Congressman Robert A. Brady has announced the selection of the Philadelphia Fire Dept. as the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Pennsylvania Sponsoring Agency. The Fire Department has been designed as Pennsylvania’s Task Force One, one of 28 task forces making up the National Urban Search & Rescue Response System. The City of Harrisburg, Bureau of Fire, which is the current Sponsoring Agency for PA-TF1, is relinquishing its role as the Sponsoring Agency and will transition to Participating Agency status. The National US&R Response System is a framework for organizing federal, State and local partner emergency-response teams as integrated Federal search and rescue task forces. The 28 National US&R Task Forces, located throughout the continental United States, can be deployed by FEMA to assist State and local governments in rescuing victims of structural collapse incidents, or to assist in other search and res-

cue missions. Brady wrote to FEMA in support of the selection of Philadelphia, saying the Philadelphia Fire Dept. has been a Participating Agency of PA-TFI since its inception and was well prepared to take on an enhanced role. “The Department has demonstrated sufficient ability, commitment and the historical record to meet the need of our nation’s front lines in this critically important new responsibility.” FEMA convened a National US&R Response System Sponsoring Agency

Selection Evaluation Board to appoint a new Sponsoring Agency on Aug. 9. The board consisted of representatives from FEMA, the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency, and National US&R Response System leadership. The SASEB conducted an integrated assessment of the relative strengths, weaknesses, deficiencies, and risks of each applicant, in order to determine which agency offered the best opportunity to manage PA-TF1 as a Sponsoring Agency. Based upon their evalua-

tion, the SASEB made a recommendation on the selection of a new Sponsoring Agency to FEMA Administrator W. Craig Fugate, the designated Sponsoring Agency Selection Authority. The Congressman said assistance provided by FEMA through the US&R Taskforce in Pennsylvania saves lives, and provides a vital safety net in spite of disaster threats. “And, it was imperative that the taskforce continued with the experience of one of its most loyal team members, the Philadelphia Fire Dept.”

West Philly Y Battles Bulge The West Philadelphia Y is emphasizing a healthierlifestyle, weight-loss curriculum this summer, reports John Flynn, president and CEO of the YMCA at 52nd & Chestnut Streets. “With the Y having such a large presence in our community, we are able to tailor our programs to meet the specific need of the West Philadelphia

residents and make living healthy an easier choice,” he said. He said it is the “Y’s responsibility to counteract the weight problem affecting youth development, not only here, but everywhere.” Flynn added, “As a leading nonprofit committed to strengthening communities through youth development,

healthy living and social responsibility, the West Philadelphia Y believes obesity and chronic diseases can be effectively addressed on a local level with a commitment to programs and initiatives that give people the support they need to sustain healthier lifestyles.” The Y invites all to join in its many health activities.

The Philadelphia Public Record (PR-01) (ISSN 1938-856X) (USPS 1450) Published Weekly Requested Publication ($30 per year Optional Subscription) The Philadelphia Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila., PA 19147 Periodical Postage Paid at Philadelphia PA and additional mailing office POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to: The Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila. PA 19147 215-755-2000 Fax: 215-689-4099

EDITORIAL STAFF Editor & Publisher: James Tayoun Sr. Managing Editor: Anthony West Associate Editor: Rory G. McGlasson Medical Editor: Paul Tayoun M.D. CitiLife Editor: Ruth R. Russell Editorial Staff: Joe Sbaraglia Out & About Editor: Denise Clay Contributing Editor: Bonnie Squires Columnist: Hon. Charles Hammock Dan Sickman: Veteran Affairs Creative Director & Editorial Cartoonist: Ron Taylor Campaign Finance Reporter : David Lynn Photographers: Donald Terry Harry Leech Steven Philips Production Manager: William J. Hanna Bookkeeping: Haifa Hanna Webmaster: Sana Muaddi-Dows Advert. Director: John David Controller: John David Account Exec: Bill Myers Circulation: Steve Marsico The Public Record welcomes news and photographs about your accomplishments and achievements which should be shared with the rest of the community. Contact us by phone, fax, e-mail or by dropping us a note in the mail. If you mail a news item, please include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify the information you provided us, if necessary. The Public Record reserves the right to edit all news items and letters for grammar, clarity and brevity. ©1999-2011 by the Philadelphia Public Record. No reproduction or use of the material herein may be made without the permission of the publisher. The Philadelphia Public Record will assume no obligation (other than the cancellation of charges for the actual space occupied) for accidental errors in advertisements, but we will be glad to furnish a signed letter to the buying public.

Rootin’ For Rubin

GEARING UP for audacious run to take 10th Council Dist. in November, supporters of Bill Rubin gathered at DC 33 HQ in University City. Among them were, from left, attorney Kevin Greenberg, Rubin, DC 33 head honcho Pete Matthews, 6th Council Dist. candidate Bob Henon of IBEW 98 and State Rep. Tony Payton. those of publisher James FosPublisher Foster was a ter, whose papers cover much last-minute entry, he said, of the District. Rudnick sur- only because of many who vived and will appear as a had come to him, disturbed at Green Party candidate despite the fact efforts to reach 8th the fact the Green Party said Dist. Council Democrat canit had not endorsed his candi- didate Cindy Bass were fruitdacy. Maybe they should less. “She’s in a cave think twice. At least he puts somewhere,” he said. His 875 them in action, even though signatures, 125 over the minhe probably finishes way imum 750, were not able to down on the totem pole in the stand up to a Rudnick chalGeneral Election. lenge. Councilman Bill

Green Room 599 City Hall P. 215.686.3420/21 F. 215.686.1930

State Senator

Anthony Hardy Williams 8th Senatorial District

2901 Island Ave. Suite 100 Philadelphia, PA 19153 (215) 492-2980 Fax: (215) 492-2990 Always Hard Working .. . for You!


1555-D Wadsworth Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19150 (215) 242-0472 Fax: (215) 753-4538 WEB SITE

Parker 200th Legislative District 1536 E. Wadsworth Ave. Phone: (215) 242-7300 Fax: (215) 242-7303

Councilman Wm.


Room 580 City Hall P. 215-686-3446/7 F. 215-686-1927

It's never too early to start saving for college and the Pennsylvania 529 College Savings Program provides a great option to save money. The program allows Pennsylvanians to buy college credits at today's price and use them several years later. The PA Treasury Department is encouraging Pennsylvanians to sign up for the program or to make deposits before August 31, when the cost of college credits will increase. The PA Treasury Department is offering free online enrollment in the program. Please visit to sign up today and use the coupon code SAVE NOW to receive free enrollment.

Parkwood Shopping Center 12361 Academy Road, Phila., PA 19154, 215-281-2539 8016 Bustleton Avenue Philadelphia PA 19152 215-695-1020

sonally and publicly committed to giving schools the resources children need and deserve. Richard Antipuna, the Green Party candidate for City Commissioner, withdrew facing challenges to his nomination papers by attorneys representing two different clients. The challenges both charged Richie had not changed his registration to

Green Party prior to the May Primary Election, which decided candidates on the Democratic and Republican ballots. Both challenges claimed Antipuna’s filing, therefore, did not meet Pennsylvania State election requirements. The Kensingtonian said, “I think Pennsylvania election law does not allow voters to (Cont. Page 5)

With Forman Mills

STATE REP. Jim Roebuck helps open newly renovated Forman Mills store in W. Phila. With him are Renee Cosom, assistant manager, and manager Tracee Murray. Photo by Bonnie Squires



3503 ‘B’ St. 215-291-5643 Ready to Serve you

State Rep.

William Keller 184th District 1531 S. 2nd Street


State Sen. Shirley M.

Kitchen 3rd Sen. District 1701 W. Lehigh Ave. Suite 104 Phila., PA 19132


Open Mon. - Fri. 9:00 AM - 5 PM

Sen.Mike Stack SERVING THE 5TH DISTRICT • 215-755-2000


State Rep. Cherelle

Rudnick says he hopes to get the Green endorsement from his local and state Green Party chapters at their September meeting. He also extended his regrets to Foster for his challenge, explaining, “I was saddened to see that, in his haste, Jim had collected so many signatures of voters outside the District. I regret having to be the one to address these issues, but until we change the system, the burden of uncovering these deficiencies rests on the other candidates. I am hoping Jim will join with me in opening one small crack in the Democrat Party machine.” As for Rudnick, he is a librarian, video journalist, homemaker and activist making his second run for City Council. He earned Bachelor and Law degrees from Penn and a Master’s in Information Systems from Drexel. For the last 20 years he has lived in Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill. A married father of three children, one grown and married, the other two who attend public schools, Rudnick is per-

The Public Record • August 18, 2011

Women have been making history in the Sheriff’s Office. Sheriff Barbara Deeley has become the first woman in the history of the city to hold that position, which she will leave in December. Now comes Cheri Honkala, Green Party candidate, who becomes the first woman to actually run for Philadelphia Sheriff. Her campaign team filed 4,422 petitions for her to be placed by the Green Party on the Nov. 8 election. Those signatures were not challenged during the seven days after which they were filed, making her an official nominee. The candidate, who just returned from the Green Party’s national meeting in Alfred, N.Y., goes up against heavily favored State Rep. Jewell Williams (D-N. Phila.), who has a history of public-safety service and is thoroughly familiar with the operations of the Sheriff’s office. The Republican candidate is Joshua West. In other challenges, Brian Rudnick, who circulated petitions under the Green Party label, will be the only thirdparty candidate to appear on the ballot in the 8th Dist. Council race. His petitions were challenged, as were

Page 3

Independents, Greenies Survive Challenges

Page 4 The Public Record • August 18, 2011

Hunters! Don‘t Bring Deer Parts Back To Pa. With thousands of Pennsylvania hunters heading off to hunt big game in other states and Canadian provinces, Pennsylvania Game Commission Executive Director Carl G. Roe reminds hunters that, in an effort to prevent the introduction of Chronic Wasting Disease into the Commonwealth, the agency prohibits hunters from importing specific carcass parts from members of the deer family – including mule deer, elk and moose – from 19 states and two Canadian provinces. Roe noted this importation ban is outlined in a recently revised executive order, and affects hunters heading to: Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland (only from CWD Management Area), Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York (only from Madison and Oneida

Cos.), North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah, Virginia (only from CWD Containment Area), West Virginia (only from CWD Containment Area), Wisconsin and Wyoming; as well as the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan. The executive order prohibits hunters from bringing back certain parts from any cervid from the listed states or provinces, whether the animal was taken from the wild or from a captive, high-fence operation. The specific carcass parts that cannot be brought back to Pennsylvania by hunters are the ones where the CWD prions (the causative agent) concentrate in cervids, and they are: the head (including brain, tonsils, eyes and any lymph nodes); spinal cord/backbone; spleen; skull plate with attached antlers, if visible brain

or spinal cord tissue is present; cape, if visible brain or spinal cord tissue is present; upper canine teeth, if root structure or other soft tissue is present; any object or article containing visible brain or spinal cord tissue; unfinished taxidermy mounts; and braintanned hides.

The Philadelphia Public Record Special Salute To Labor September 1st 2011 To Participate Call John David 215-755-2000 • 215-755-2000

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$100.00 per ticket • Call 215-561-0650

ent Richard Johnson. City Council Holds Redistricting Meets

City Council is going into the communities to get input on Council redistricting boundaries with meetings scheduled for Aug. 31 and Sep. 6. All citizens are invited to either meeting, regardless of where they live. Wednesday, Aug. 31: 5:00 p.m.-Esperanza Academy Charter HS, 301 W. Hunting Park Avenue (3rd & Hunting Park); sponsored by Councilwoman Maria QuiñonesSánchez (215-686-3448). Tuesday, Sep. 6: 7:00-8:30 p.m.-Einstein Medical Center (Gouley Auditorium), 5501 Old York Road (near Broad & Olney transit center); sponsored by Councilwoman Donna Reed Miller

(215-686-3424) and Councilwoman Marian Tasco (215686-3455). Persons wishing to testify in person at any of the hearings are asked to call the above numbers, or (215) 686-3407, and leave a message with their name and telephone number indicating which hearing they will attend. Written testimony may also be submitted at any time, and will be distributed to each Council Member and made a part of the official record. Written testimony should be e-mailed to, or delivered to the Office of the Chief Clerk of Council in Room 402 City Hall. Rubin Kicks Off 10th Dist. Race

REPUBLICAN Council at-Large candidate David Oh continues to pick up support for his campaign. With him at Union League fundraiser were John Katarina, Ken Wong, Diane Lucidi and Danielle Alderman.

Look For Fur To Fly With AG

ENJOYING fundraiser for GOP Council at Large candidate David Oh were Gabriela Guaracao, M i c h e l Adler, David Oh, and Cris Dezzi.

198 th Leg. District 208 W. Chelten Ave, 1st Fl. Phila, PA 19144

P: 215-849-6426 F: 215-849-5479


(215) 468-2300 State Representative

RONALD G. WATERS 191st Leg. District 6027 Ludlow Street, Unit A


State Senator

Larry Farnese First Senate District Tel. 215-952-3121 1802 S. Broad St.• Phila. PA 19145


SABATINA JR. 174th District 8100 Castor Ave Phila, PA 19152 T: 215-342-6204

AT BREAK in Committee hearings could be seen Nofre Vaquer, director of The Arc of Phila., who testified on behalf of The Arc; Roebuck; State Rep. Scott Conklin, who serves on House Education Committee; and Bruce Hulick, executive director of The Arc of Phila.

Senator Tina

Tartaglione 2nd Dist. 127 W. Susquehanna Ave. 1063 Bridge St. Philadelphia, PA 19122 Philadelphia, PA 19124


215-533-0440 • 215-755-2000

1610 S. Broad St. Phila., PA 19146 (215) 952-3378


Newly installed as Gov. Tom Corbett’s successor in his prior job as Attorney General is Linda L. Kelly, who is expected to move quickly to bring several long-delayed prosecutions to the front burner, including the Bonusgate defendants. She won’t try to succeed herself, as tradition warrants for that office. “She is a smart, dedicated, honest prosecutor who knows the law, knows the legal system and knows the needs of the people,” Corbett said after Kelly’s confirmation by the State

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Constituent Service Office

State Rep. Rosita C.

Bill Rubin, Democrat candidate for 10th Council Dist., officially kicks off his campaign this evening at 431 Rhawn Street in the 61st Ward in a three-hour celebration from 4 to 7 p.m. Former Phillies Pitcher Larry Christenson will be on hand. He is challenging longtime incumbent Republican Councilman Brian O’Neill, in what is expected to be O’Neill’s toughest General Election. O’Neill is chair of the three-man minority cau- PENNA. House Education Committee hearings on charter schools, tuition vouchers and other issues regarding funding cus in City Council. of education were held at Temple University’s campus. Roberts Continues Ready to signal hearing were, from left, State Rep. Paul ClyAs Movie Host Damon K. Roberts must mer, majority chairman, and State Rep. Jim Roebuck, mibe eyeing State Rep. Keny- nority chairman. Photos by Bonnie Squires atta Johnson’s soon-to-bevacant 186th Legislative Dist. seat. He continues hosting free outdoor Movie Nights at 17th & Reed Streets beginning at 7:30 p.m., for the next three Saturdays. Roberts was an unsuccessful candidate in the 2nd Council Dist. primary. For info, call Venus Smith at (267) 882-2700.

The Public Record • August 18, 2011

(Cont. From Page 4) have freedom of choice in our Commonwealth.” He plans to remain an active Green Party member and may choose to run for election in 2012. Francis Graff, who ran as a Democrat for a Council atLargew slot in the May primary, attempted to run again as an Independent; however, he withdrew from that race this week. The unofficial 2011 list of Independents who have places on the ballot in November includes mayoral candidate Wali Rahman, Green Party Sheriff candidate Cheri Honkala, 3rd Dist. Independent Alicia Burbage, 8th Council Dist. Green Brian Rudnick and Council at-Large Independ-

Legislators Gather Education Info

Page 5

AG To Fire Up Cases

Page 6

It is very important that patients are adequately

The Public Record • August 18, 2011

screened before surgery. A complete cardiovascular evaluation can detect problems early and address them before surgery.

This can decrease the likelihood of complications after surgery. Healthsteps offers complete medical evaluations with state-of-the art cardiovascular testing in anticipation of surgery. We care for our patients from the moment they come to our office, right through their surgery, and throughout their recovery. We work with your surgeons to ensure that your experience is hassle-free and safe.

Dr. Asif Hussain, MD FACC

Our Preadmission Test Centers are ideally located on Ritner Street in South Philadelphia and Hurffville-Crosskeys Rd in Washington Township New Jersey. We offer a complete history and physical, blood work and cardiovascular testing on site and on the same day. The assessment and plan are shared with the surgical team within 24 hours in order to optimize surgical outcomes.

Asif Hussain MD FACP FACC FCCP will personally supervise all testing, review all the data and discuss the findings with • 215-755-2000

your surgeons. He attended medical school at Northwestern University. His Internal Medicine training was completed at the University of Pittsburgh. He is Fellowship trained from Thomas Jefferson University as a cardiologist. He is Board Certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine in Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Medicine. He is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians; the American College of Cardiology; and the American College of Chest Physicians. He is a member of the American Medical Association; the American Heart Association; the Society of Chest Pain Centers; the Society of Vascular Medicine; and the Heart Valve Society.

In order to schedule an appointment in South Philadelphia call (267) 319-1939. In order to schedule an appointment in South Jersey call (856) 553-6125.

Page 7

Our Opinion ... Why We Need Southport Now

The Public Record • August 18, 2011

A few pieces remain to complete the steps which will move forward the plans and preparation for Southport. It’s the name given to the proposed massive expansion of the Port of Philadelphia which is being assembled along Navy Yard property along the Delaware River. A flood tide of container shipping will soon inundate East Coast ports coming aboard today’s modern, huge container ships which, beginning in two years, will be able to traverse the expanded Panama Canal bringing their cargoes east, rather than shipping them, the more expensive way, by rail from the West Coast. When we say thousands of jobs will be created, we mean it. Every comparison in the number of men needed for each container – as seen around the world’s ports – indicates the creation of Southport will bring the numbers of containers guaranteed to make those jobs happen. Southport is a win-win situation. There are no losers. So take the time to read what is happening to make this a reality in this week’s issue, starting on Page 23.

Paying Us What’s Due

Editorial Warning!! Letters from an unidentified informant without any contact information cannot be considered for publication, no matter how valid their contents.

Aug. 18- State Rep. Vanessa Lowery Brown holds Job Fair at HS for the Future, 4021 Parkside Ave., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Job-seekers come with resume in appropriate business attire. For info Josh Parsons (717) 772-9946. Aug. 18- Congressman Bob Brady and Ward Leader John Dougherty host fundraiser for Democrat 1st Dist. Council candidate Mark Squilla at La Veranda, 31 N. Columbus Blvd., 5:30-7:30 p.m. For info Aug. 18- Stu Bykofsky’s 21st Candidates Comedy Night at Finnigan’s Wake, 3rd & Spring Garden Sts., 7:30 p.m. Tickets $75. Order by calling Variety (215) 735-0803. Aug. 20- State Rep. Rosita Youngblood hosts 2011 Back to School Community Resource Fair at Burgess Ctr. (rear parking lot) at 200-220 W. Chelten Ave. (cor. of Wayne), 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Reg-

ister K through 8th-graders for free school supplies by calling her office (215) 8496426 before Aug. 12 while supplies last. Aug. 20- State Sen. Shirley M. Kitchen hosts Community Health Fair on Master St. from 15th to 17th Sts., 1-5 p.m., in partnership with Shiloh Apostolic Temple, National Temple Baptist Ch., AME Union Ch., Bible Fellowship Ch. of God, Holy Trinity Deliverance Ch., Hope Matters, 10th Memorial Baptist Ch. and Juanita Rowe Foundation. All invited free. Aug. 20- Operating Engineers Summer Gathering at Keenan’s in N. Wildwood, N. J., 4 p.m. on. Aug. 21- Pool Party for City Commissioner candidate Stephanie Singer at home of Lauri Kavulich and Ed Reitmyer, 24 E. Bells Mills Rd., 6 p.m. Contribution $250. Donate online via ActBlue or check to Friends of Stephanie Singer. For info email or (484) 469-0633. Aug. 26- Golf Outing fundraiser for Democrat candidate for 10th Dist. Council candi-

date Bill Rubin at Juniata Golf Course, 1392 E. Cayuga St., registration 12:30, shotgun start 1 p.m. $80 includes green fees, cart, refreshments and barbecue. For info Tom Dooley (267) 246-5512. Aug. 27- State Rep. Michelle Brownlee hosts Back to School Giveaway Kids Day at Strawberry Sq. Mall, 2901 Dauphin St., 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Free school supplies, health screenings, entertainment. For info (215) 684-3738. Aug. 27- Mantua Community Improvement Ctr. hosts Family Day Festival at 34th & Mantua Ave., 12-7 p.m. Loaded with family activities. Event is supported by Councilwoman Jannie L. Blackwell and others. Aug. 27- Ward Leader George Brooks hosts annual Crab & Shrimp Feast to Baltimore Inner Harbor. Bus leaves Progress Plaza, Broad & Oxford Sts., at 1 p.m. $150 package includes bus ride, 4hour crab and shrimp fest, plus buffet, music and dancing, and open bar. For details call George Brooks (267) 9715703 or Harvey Blanton (215) 232-1142, (215) 833-7085. Aug. 27- McPherson Square

Park Cleanup, 1-3 p.m. Volunteers welcome. Cleanup is followed by party, crafts, games, karaoke, refreshments and movie screening. For info call (215) 567-4562. Aug. 27- Fundraiser for Joe McCloskey Memorial Fund at Quaker City Yacht Club, 7101 N. Delaware Ave., 3-7 p.m. Soda, beer, food, music, door prizes. Tickets $25. For info Michael Sullivan (856) 461-7720 or John L. Sullivan (215) 332-4873 or Aug. 27- Ironworkers 401 hosts Summer Festival at Keenan’s in N. Wildwood, N.J., 3 p.m. Aug. 28- Billy Meehan Clambake at Cannstatter Volksfest Verein, 9130 Academy Rd., 4-8 p.m. $100 per person. For info Carmella (215) 561-0650. Sep. 3- State Sen. Anthony Williams’ Neighbor to Neighbor Summer of Peace 2011 Cookout at Eastwick Park, 74th & Lindbergh Blvd., 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Free food. Family fun. Adults’ and children’s activities. For info (215) 492-2980. Sep. 5- Tri State Labor Committee and Philadelphia AFL(Cont. Page 19) • 215-755-2000

Famous stand-up comedian of stage and screen Jimmy Durante, the man with the nose, told a story about how he would lie under a tree and wouldn’t care if the flies and bees were attracted to his nose. One day, while asleep, his nose got stung. He jumped up, waving his hand and chasing the bees and flies away while he hollered, “There’s always someone who spoils it for the rest of us.” In our almost 12 years of service, especially to the political community, we have had a policy of trusting candidates who wanted to advertise. We are the only paper which would accept their ads without demanding payment up front. Try to advertise with the big dailies, television, radio, etc., without paying their tabs up front and you would get an immediate “No, thanks.” However, as Durante said, there come along a couple of newbies in the political arena, who have disregarded our efforts to collect. We know they are not paupers and they earn substantial incomes. But unlike Jimmy Durante, waving everyone off, we will continue to give credit up front. Most of the players – and there were hundreds – who advertised their campaigns did pay. The next-best thing, then, is perhaps to publish soon the names of those who owe us still. We would be performing a public service by warning others away from getting stung by these bees.

Page 8 The Public Record • August 18, 2011

Breastfeeding Helps Keep Kids Slim Breastfeeding helps protect children from obesity. In the US, most mothers want – and try – to breastfeed. Unfortunately, even moms who want to breastfeed have a hard time without hospital support. The CDC Vital Signs report, Hospital Practices to Support Breastfeeding — United States, 2007 and 2009,

shows 95% of hospitals lack maternity care policies fully support breastfeeding moms. Hospitals can do more to make sure every mother can start and continue breastfeeding. With nearly 500 babies born in US hospitals every hour, hospitals play a vital role in helping moms be able

to breastfeed. The international Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative recognizes hospitals that follow the recommended 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding by designating them Baby-Friendly. Some steps include: Have a written breastfeeding policy that is routinely communicated to all health

care staff. Help mothers initiate breastfeeding within one hour of birth. Give newborn infants no food or drink other than breast milk, unless medically indicated. Practice “rooming in” – allow mothers and infants to remain together 24 hours a day.

We must take action across the country to help hospitals support mothers to breastfeed. State and local government can set statewide maternitycare quality standards for hospitals to support breast -feeding. Hospitals can partner with Baby-Friendly hospi-

tals to learn how to improve maternity care. Doctors and nurses can include lactation consultants and other breastfeeding experts on patient care teams. Mothers and their families can ask about breastfeeding support when choosing a hospital.

by Michael A. Cibik, Esq. American Bankruptcy Board Certified QUESTION: Bankruptcypetition preparers: a really bad idea? ANSWER: Let’s face it. Folks with financial problems aren’t exactly flush with cash. So it’s tempting to cut corners in purchasing legal advice and to opt for the services of a bankruptcy-petition preparer. But as with most things, you get what you pay for. Preparers really can’t, at least if they follow the law, do much of anything except serve as data-entry clerks. Most notably, they can’t: Give legal advice-including advising debtors whether to file or what chapter to file; or Advise

debtors about what exemptions to claim (State, federal, or which State’s exemptions apply). They’re also subject to State sanctions for unauthorized practice of law statutes. As the US Trustee’s office states, “Bankruptcy petition preparers can only type documents and must charge a reasonable fee.” You’re supposed to tell them what to type, and it’s not a cost-effective use of your hard-earned money. Instead, hire an experienced bankruptcy lawyer to guide you through the process. Hiring a bankruptcy petition preparer is a really bad idea. Next week’s question: Can I discharge payday loans in bankruptcy? Attorneys are both board certified by the American Bankruptcy Certification Board. Chapters 7/13 & Stop foreclosures, creditors harassments, lawsuits, garnishments, and sheriff sales.

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by Peter V. Radatti CEO and President of CyberSoft Operating Corp. In the past, I have written about international cooperation between policing organizations to take down international cyber gangs. I reported on the first international takedown. You also read about scareware, which is fake antivirus or other fake software that attempts to scare you into purchase of the software or service. Normally this is a fake antivirus product that is actually a hostile program engaged in identity fraud for the purpose of emptying your bank account and credit cards. I am announcing the FBI reports another international take down success! Operation Trident Tribunal is an international effort operated by the United States, United Kingdom, Sweden, Lithuania, France, Germany, Latvia and the Netherlands! The international gang of crooks it took down is from Latvia. Having been arrested, they face fines of $500,000 and 10 years in prison. It is estimated 960,000 victims paid them $72 million. Lat-

vian authorities already started the process of seizing the money, which was located in five bank accounts. These guys lost the money, have to pay a fine that they will never get out from under and just lost 10 years of their lives. This is not the end! A second criminal group that used online advertising to spread its scareware was indicted in US District Court in Minneapolis after being arrested in Latvia by the Latvian authorities. This second gang of crooks was led by a 22-year-old Latvian man and 23-year-old Latvian woman. Using a phony advertising agency, they purchased online advertising space on the Minneapolis Star Tribune’s news website for a hotel chain. Once the advertisement was operational on the Tribune’s website, they switched it to install malicious software that caused victim computers to freeze up and generate popup advertisements for their fake antivirus. The scam created $2 million in losses. The defendants face penalties of 20 years in prison; fines of $500,000 on wire fraud, conspiracy and computer-fraud charges. This is in

NICETOWN CDC hosted “Give Back Festival” at Nicetown Park which started with an entertaining boxing exhibition. ABC REC centers Fred Jenkins, Veteran Boxers Association's Fred Druding, Jr., and former USBA & NABF Lightweight Champ Ivan “Mighty” Robinson join young boxers Steven Foster, Jr. and Jaleel Haynes in ring.

addition to restitution and forfeiture of their illegal gains. This shows that the Wild West mentality of the internet is over. Expect to hear more of this type of international cooperation in the future with additional successes. Once again, Congratulations to the FBI and Latvian Police. Good job!





A Family Affair DEBRA PETERKIN of Educational Data Systems, Inc., left, answers questions from Anita Wright and Naomi Williams, both PHA residents, during agency’s 3rd annual “Family Affair” at John F. Street Community Center. EDSI helps residents and neighborhood people.

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MORE THAN 100 PHA residents received netbooks during agency’s “Family Affair” event. Ceremony signified successful completion of training under Broadband Technology Opportunities Program. Shown with graduates are, far left, PHA Executive Director Michael Kelly and Arun Prabhakaran of Urban Affairs Coalition, a partnership member.

The Public Record • August 18, 2011

Beware Of Scareware

Nice Boxing

Page 9

Inside Your Computer

Ringside With The Shadowboxer

Page 10 The Public Record • August 18, 2011

Crab-Tastic Night At The Fireside TRAFFIC COURT Judge Mike Sullivan is joined by some seafood gourmets at Fireside Tavern in S. Phila. as he hosted his Annual Crab Night. Ward Leader Lou Schwartz, Councilman-Elect Mark Squilla, Matt Myers, Sullivan and Ward Leader John Sabatina enjoy his seafood. IBEW LOCAL 98 Business Agents Brian Stevenson and Jimmy Foy join Ward Leaders Pat Parkinson, 57th; Ward Leader Bill Dolbow, 35th; and Matt Myers, 39B, for this picture.

WARD LEADER Lou Agre joins Councilman At Large Bill Greenlee at Fireside Tavern for Crabfest. • 215-755-2000

ENJOYING Crab Night were Joe Russo; 35th Ward Leader Bill Dolbow; Traffic Court Judge-Elect Christine Solomon; GOT CRABS? Mr. & Mrs. Stephanie Singer, Commissioner candidate; Bill Dell, Jim Edward Nesmith enjoy sea- Tucker; Angelo Foglietta, Judge-elect; Mike Fanning, Esq.; Photo by Joe Stivala and Pat Parkinson, 57th Ward Leader. food feast.

On Left, STATE REP. LOUISE Bishop hosted her annual summer party at her home in Overbrook. She was joined by her clergy fraternity. On Right, LEGENDARY SINGER BUNNY SIGLER was star performer at State Rep. Louise Bishop's annual summer party at her home in Overbrook section of W. Phila. On Left, KEYSTONE MERCY Public Affairs Executive Maria Battle joins host, State Rep. Louise Bishop, at her home last weekend for her summer party in W. Phila. On Right, UNION LEADER Kathy Scott shares a moment with hostess State Rep. Louise Bishop.

The man tapped by the federal government to stabilize operations at the Philadelphia Housing Authority over a period of 6-12 months will be staying longer than planned. Michael P. Kelly has accepted an offer to become permanent executive director at Photos by Rory Mc- PHA. His new role will be Glasson made official at a special meeting of the PHA Board of Commissioners at 3:30 p.m. He began his new responsibilities on Aug. 8. Kelly has been on loan to Philadelphia from the New York City Housing Authority, where he has served as general manager since 2009. Through a special arrangement, NYCHA agreed to allow him to serve as Interim Executive Director at PHA while still handling some of his duties in New York. In March, when the US Dept. of Housing & Urban De-

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velopment took control of PHA, the federal agency appointed Kelly to serve as Administrative Receiver. In that role, he is overseeing PHA’s recovery with the goal of returning the agency back to local control in 2012. “Mr. Kelly came to PHA at a very difficult time. He immediately focused on creating an atmosphere of mutual respect, getting back to basics in property management and resident

services and making PHA accountable and transparent in business practices,” said PHA Board of Commissioners Chair and HUD COO Estelle Richman. “We are quite pleased Mr. Kelly has accepted our offer.” Kelly, serving simultaneously as administrative receiver and executive director, will be paid $225,000, more than $100,000 a year less than his predecessor’s compensation.

The Public Record • August 18, 2011

STATE REP. LOUISE Bishop hosted her annual summer party at her home in Overbrook. She was joined by her clergy fraternity.

Page 11

Bishop Hosts Party At Her Home In Overbrook Michael Kelly Made Permanent

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The Public Record • August 18, 2011

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quarters, 5th & Willow, 1 p.m. Sep. 15- Mario Lanza Institute and Museum will be beneficiary of 3-tenor concert featuring Viktor Antipenko, Luigi Boccia and Maurice El Zein at Settlement Music Sch., 416 Queen St., 7 p.m. Ticket $25. For info (215) 238-9691. Sep. 19- 11th Ward Democ-

rats host Fish Fry at Lou & Choo’s, 21st & Hunting Pk. Ave., 5-9 p.m. Donation $10. For info V. Tutie Edwards (215) 228-3134. Oct. 2- St. Nicholas Church Italian Festival on 1700 block of S. 9th St., 12 m.-5 p.m., with Procession of Saints from St. Nicholas Tolentine Ch. at 12:30 p.m. Family

event. Admission free. Italian food, entertainment, games. Oct. 9- World Premier of modern opera “Adea” by Pennsylvania composer Cynthia Cozette at Lutheran Ch. of the Holy Communion, 2110 Chestnut St., 3 p.m., followed by reception. Freewill offering will be collected. For info (215) 567-3668.

of the Sheriff Webpage at • 215-755-2000

Visit The Office

The Public Record • August 18, 2011

DC 47 President Emeritus Gary Kapanowski hold Sustainer Soiree in Sir Francis Rm. At The Drake, 1512 Spruce St., 7 p.m.-12 a.m. Sep. 11- Phila. Firefighters Union Local 22 and Penn Treaty Special Services Dist. invite all to attend unveiling of “All the Heroes of 9/11” Memorial at Local 22 Union Head-

Page 19

(Cont. From Page 7) CIO annual Labor Day Parade & Family Fun Day, starting at Sheet Metal Workers, Columbus Blvd. &

Washington Ave., 9 a.m. Sep. 10- 1st Nat’l Organizational Policy Summit at School District Bldg. Main Auditorium, 440 N. Broad St. to fight for additional federal and State funding, , 10 a.m.-1 p.m. For info Dr. Churchville at (215) 848-8511 or Mr. Adams (215) 397-2734. Sep. 10- Jobs with Justice and

Page 20 The Public Record • August 18, 2011

By The Jersey Shore And The Delaware

... With the Deeleys ...Down Under With Local 98 In Wildwood

SHERIFF BARBARA DEELEY and her daughter Lisa hosted a gala in Angelsea, N. Wildwood honoring 6th Dist. Council candidate Bob Henon. Enjoying event, from left, are Joe Mulvey, Carl Ciglar, Barbara, Bob Henon, Mark Lopez, Lisa and Fran Kelly. ENJOYING cool sea breezes and fine food with hostesses Barbara and Lisa Deeley were Marita Crawford and John J. Dougherty, Jr. PRETTY F O U R SOME included the Deeleys flanked by J o a n n Riverso and Carol Garzone.

LOCAL 98 Business Mgr. John J. Dougherty, Democrat Leader of 1st Ward, with 6th Dist. Council Democrat candidate Bob Henon were big draw at IBEW Local 98’s annual "Down Under" gathering at Keenan’s in Wildwood. With them, from left, were Ed Coppinger, Ken Adams, Shawn Dougherty, Michael Fanmericz and Keith Holmes.

ENJOYING “Down Under” gathering at Keenan’s were Ken Adams, Ken Coluzzi, host Johnny “Doc” Dougherty, AG Democrat candidate Dan McCaffery, and John Dougherty, Sr.

REPUBLICANS and Democrats were in attendance at Local 98’s “Down Under”, including Republican atLarge candidate Joe McGolgan, seen here with host John Dougherty and 6th Dist. Democrat candidate Bob Henon.

STATE REP. Bill Keller meets up with 56th Ward Leader John Sabatina outside Keenan’s.

DAN PELLICCIOTTI and Tim Brown find themselves with WITH host John J. Dougherty, Jr., were Dougherty family members AdminisSHERIFF Bar- Judge Angelo Foglietta, retired Local 98 trative Judge Kevin Dougherty and bara Deeley President Harry Foy and Tim Brown. his dad John J. Dougherty, Sr. and daughter Lisa welcome 10th and 6th Dist. Council candidates Bill Rubin and Bobby Henon.

S. PHILA. was well represented with 1st Ward Chairman Tommy Rhumba, Butch D’Amato, Rep. Bill Keller and Dr. Jim Moylan.

HANDLING T-Shirt souvenirs of this year’s “Down Under” were Local 98 members Steve Wolfe, Chris Owens and Jim Houston. • 215-755-2000

Donatucci Draws Crowd To Maritime Museum

ENJOYING gala with hostess Barbara Deeley were neighbors Alissa De Maria, and Andrea and Gayle Miraglia. SHERIFF Barbara Deeley, 2nd from left, welcomes to the shoreside gala Debbie & Rick Verrecchio, Tim Gallagher and Cathy Lennon.

POPULAR Register of Wills Ronald Donatucci found a change to his annual Delaware River Cruise to Maritime Museum was welcomed by the crowd attending. Among those were attorneys Sal DiBunda, Basil Merenda, Dawn Tancredi and Charles Golden with their host.

WELCOMED by host Register of Wills Ron Donatucci to his fundraiser at Maritime Museum were Mike ENJOYING a Ron Donatucci quip Duffy and the CR family -- Chrisy, were Carpenters Guy Pigliacelli and Judge Angelo Foglietta. Ron, Mario & Magaret Carosella.

COUNCILMAN Jim Kenney, 6th Council Dist. Democrat candidate Bob Henon and Kia newcar dealer Biagio DeSimone flank host Ron Donatucci on top level of Maritime Museum.

DC 21’s Joseph Ashdale finds himself flanked by 1st Dist. Council Democrat candidate Mark Squilla and Ward Leader Matt Myers.

AMONG ATTENDEES at Donatucci fundraiser were Victor Baldi, Pete Jacovini, Len Jacovini and Linda Baldi.


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The Public Record • August 18, 2011


Page 21

Talk of the Town


Page 22 The Public Record • August 18, 2011 • 215-755-2000

Last week this elephant reported, just before our publishing deadline, the results of the Philadelphia Young Republican election. But the herd wanted to know more of what happened behind the scenes, so we did some investigating. The election was held in the lower level party of SmokeEaters Tavern, owned by firefighter BRIAN HAUGHTON. Only YRs, Republicans under 40 years older, were allowed into the meeting. There were probably as many not-so-young Republicans upstairs at the bar waiting to hear the results, including former YR Chairman KEVIN KELLY and Republican candidate for Mayor KAREN BROWN, as well City Council-at-Large candidates DAVID OH and JOE McCOLGAN. Also present were Republican WARD LEADERS MIKE CIBIK (5th Ward) and MATT WOLFE (27th Ward). Missing were MIKE MEEHAN and VITO CANUSO. Some of the herd has been unhappy with Meehan’s failure to recruit a farm team and his lack of interest in the YRs. Approximately 15 YRs were there for the election. As we noted last week, the new YR Chairman is Drexel Law student STEVE BOC. Other officer posts were filled by DENNY O’BRIEN’S Campaign Mgr. PHIL INNAMORATO; AL SCHMIDT’S campaign workers SETH BLUESTEIN and OWEN O’CONNELL; former chairman of the Temple Republicans BARRY SCATTON; and MIKE UNTERMEYER’S Campaign MGR. Jennifer JENNIFER FAIL. Boc and the other elected YR officials are affiliated with the insurgent side of the party, as were most of the other YRs in attendance. There were a few other YRs, including Bill Pettigrew’s protégé JOHN STAHLMASTER, who, while not in the insurgent camp, are supportive of insurgent-backed candidates DAVID OH and Al Schmidt. In recent years, the YRs have been Center City-focused. While the meeting was in the Northeast, one should not assume the YRs are abandoning the rest of the city. Failure to effectively engage other parts of the city, including moderate voters in the affluent wards in Center City and the Northwest, as well as minorities, has contributed to the low Republican registration in the city, in the opinion of some elephants. While Boc is from Mayfair, he attends Drexel Law. Officer ranks include Bluestein, a University of Pennsylvania graduate and 27th Ward committeeman, as well as Fail, Center City denizen, and Scatton from North Philadelphia. Last Thursday night, David Oh, candidate for Council at Large, and MIKE FITZPATRICK, US Representative from Pennsylvania’s 8th Dist., held fundraisers. Some of the herd managed to make both events, including Cibik, Kelly and JOSEPH DeFELICE, leader (Cont. Page 25)

In case you haven’t noticed, folks, Philly isn’t the only place where young people running in the streets and acting like fools has been a problem of late. London has had a flash-mob issue, too. Well, not exactly a flash-mob issue, but folks have been rioting in the streets and burning stuff down a lot of late. The center of the anger in the UK was the shooting of a man by the (usually unarmed) London Bobbies. The shooting is currently under investigation. But so is the coverage of the riots. One of the few Black folks working at the BBC put in a call to the National Association of Black Journalists listserve, asking the organization to intervene. Why? Well, here are some of the highlights: On Aug. 8, the BBC’s phone-in radio program “World Have Your Say” asked listeners if there was a problem with young Black men, a question that implied that the violence going on in the UK was totally and completely the fault of Black Brits. During the Beeb’s program “Newsnight”, historian David Starkey summed up the problem by saying “the whites have become the Blacks,” a reference that was allowed to go unchallenged by the person doing the interview. That lack of challenge raised the hackles of NABJ’s newly-elected President Gregory H. Lee, Jr. “By allowing the comment to go unchallenged, was the BBC agreeing with the inference that becoming black is monolithically synonymous with being violent?” he asked. But what made me personally the most annoyed with the BBC’s coverage was the interview that a BBC presenter (or as we call ’em here, anchor), did with a veteran civil-rights activist named Darcus Howe. During the interview, the anchor, in a move only Michelle Bachmann could appreciate, called this now 70-something civil-rights campaigner a former rioter, something he had never been. He called her an idiot, which, considering the circumstances, was actually kind. But this combination of incidents led the NABJ to send an open letter to the BBC saying that they “raise the question of whether the BBC’s senior editorial ranks need better racial and philosophical diversity to avoid being blind to such insensitive incidents.” Stevie Wonder could probably see it might be time for the BBC to take a less-homogenous route in its news coverage. When you call a senior citizen a rioter because he’s standing up (Cont. Page 25)

The four Goldberg brothers, Lowell, Norman, Hyman and Max, invented and developed the first automobile air conditioner. On Jul. 17, 1946, the temperature in Detroit was 97 degrees. The four brothers walked into old man Henry Ford’s office and sweet-talked his secretary into telling him that four gentlemen were there with the most exciting innovation in the auto industry since the electric starter. Henry was curious and invited them into his office. They refused and instead asked that he come out to the parking lot to their car. They persuaded him to get into the car, which was about 130 degrees, turned on the air conditioner and cooled the car off immediately. The old man got very excited and invited them back to the office, where he offered them $3 million for the patent. The brothers refused, saying they would settle for $2 million, but they wanted the recognition by having a label, “The Goldberg Air-Conditioner”, on the dashboard of each car in which it was installed. Now, old man Ford was more than just a little anti-Semitic, and there was no way he was going to put the Goldberg’s name on two million Fords. They haggled back and forth for about two hours, and finally agreed on $4 million and that just their first names would be shown. And so to this day, all Ford air conditioners show Lo, Norm, Hi, and Max on the controls. So, now you know.... P.S. Don’t lose your sense of humor during these challenging times.

Congressional reapportionment is not just on the horizon, it is happening now. And the State legislature has to draw the maps. CONGRESSMAN BOB BRADY needs white constituents badly and may try to head further towards the Northeast. CONGRESSMAN CHAKA FATTAH needs Black constituents and will look to make a deal with Brady. CONGRESSWOMAN ALLYSON SCHWARTZ is sitting pretty. She has all she needs and can deal with others, but on her terms. CONNIE RODGERS is one of the newest Ward Leaders in Philadelphia. She is STATE REP. MIKE McGEEHAN’S handpicked successor, but has shown energy and independence. Her ward, the 41st, is one of the legendary River Wards in Northeast Philadelphia. Could this be one of the wards Brady needs in reapportionment? Brady would have to deal even more with the cry that the Northeast is underappreciated by City Committee. COUNCVILWOMAN MARIAN TASCO joined forces with STATE SEN. MIKE STACK to push for legislation to help PGW emergency responders killed in the line of duty. The bill would put PGW workers in the same category as first responders. It is in response to the death of MARK KEELY, the brave PGW worker who gave his life trying to protect the residents of Tacony. STATE REPS. BRENDAN and KEVIN BOYLE, as well as their colleague JOHN SABATINA, are working with Stack and are also attending the press conference at the Gas Workers Union Hall this morning. STATE SEN. ANTHONY WILLIAMS appears to be recovering nicely from surgery earlier in the year. Rapid weight lose had some observers worried. The Senator appeared to put some weight back on, but still appears slender and healthy. This was bad news for SRC CHAIRMAN ROBERT ARCHIE. Archie received a public, verbal thrashing from Williams for discouraging School District SUPERINTENDANT ARLENE ACKERMAN from attending a recent SRC meeting. Williams appears to be regaining his edge and is still a favorite to succeed MAYOR MICHAEL NUTTER in four years. The DEELEYS hosted another party in North Wildwood. SHERIFF BARBARA and her LISA hosted Congressman Bob and his wife DEBBIE on a beautiful moonlit night on Saturday. Also present was the ubiquitous BILL RUBIN, candidate for the 10th Dist. City Council Seat and other luminaries. Rubin must guard against the incumbent leverage game during his race with incumbent (Cont. Page 25)

Page 23

Bridges Stymie Port Growth

State Rep. Bill Keller ...strong for Southport

Bob Palaima ...anxious to get started impact of the Panama Canal’s expansion on the East Coast. A push from Brady, former US Sen. Arlen Specter, Gov. Ed Rendell and others succeeded to get approval for the dredging of the Delaware River shipping channel to a depth of 45 feet, five more than the existing channel depth – a matter of life and death for the Port. The deeper channel makes the Port of Philadelphia, the nation’s largest inland seaport, more enticing, bringing cargo further inland – and to the only port with connections to the United States’ three major rail lines. Not all looks rosy for the Port, though. Choking off a good portion of its northern terminals are the port’s

beloved bridges, the Ben Franklin and the Walt Whitman. They just aren’t high enough. And they cannot be replaced, a solution other ports have turned to. Both bridges are immovable. They were not designed to let the anticipated big container-ship traffic through. That bars more than half of the Port’s piers and terminals from the growing traffic of big ships. Channel size was one of the major reasons the hoped-for cruise-line business at the Port’s Cruise Line Terminal withered away and is today unused. All that is left for the big ships is the Port’s Packer Terminal, which already is hard pressed to handle the container-cargo shipping that already enters the Port. Understanding that is what has impelled the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority, led by its Board Chairman Charles Kopp and executive director James T. McDermott, along with its federal and State legislative delegations, unions and Port operators, to push for additional accessible waterfront facilities to accommodate the anticipated big-ship traffic. Long in the planning, the PRPA moved to pick up a portion of the waterfront of the now-defunct Naval Shipyard, the first of its kind in the United States. Now operating as the Philadelphia Business Center, with the Aker Philadelphia Shipyard at its western end, the facility is attracting a myriad of businesses that might not otherwise have located within the city. Its eastern end, coupled with a brace of unusable finger piers, has become recognized as the way out of the noose created by the two bridges.

Negotiations have been working their way through legislative bureaucracy, with the final transfers reportedly near, and the new facilities, now called “Southport”, could become a reality. With easily available material from the present dredging operations filling in the space between the piers, the creation of Southport will be rapid. And when it’s done, Philadelphia’s port operations will take a quantum leap upward. Keller estimates the Port here is handling about 500,000 containers yearly. “With Southport a reality,” he adds, “we will be able to service a minimum of 3.5 million containers a year.” He notes, “This is just 3% of the cargo expected to come to the East Coast through the expanded Panama Canal. Based on the manpower now used, that translates into 125,000 new jobs.” Last November, PRPA’s plans for the new Southport marine terminal took a major step forward as the team of Delaware River Stevedores, Inc., and Hyundai Merchant Marine Corp. were awarded its development rights – this after a two-year process with solicited companies bidding on the construction and operation in partnership with the PRPA. The Concession Agreement calls for the construction of a two-berth, 120-acre facility to be completed by 2020 at a cost of $450 million. Studies show that within 10 years of becoming operational, Southport is projected to create thousands of new jobs and inject more than $350 million in new business revenue into the Philadelphia regional economy each

year. Making the site even more attractive is the fact it is the only facility in the United States with immediate access to railheads of the nation’s top rail lines. CSX has its own intermodal facility that terminates at the river and the Packer Avenue terminal. PIDC dedicated about 135 acres to Norfolk Southern, which expanded and built the first phase of their intermodal yard (adjacent to CSX). Where the two rail facilities come together is the point at

which Southport would be built. Though the two bridges have effectively closed the big ships to Port facilities north of them, Southport will give the Port the alternative it needs to survive and prosper. ONE OF PHILA.’S signature landmarks, Benjamin Franklin Bridge and its sister Walt Whitman Bridge effectively landlock much of Delaware River’s Port facilities, as far as nextgeneration superfreighters are concerned. • 215-755-2000

What does the expansion of the Panama Canal mean for the Port of Philadelphia? A phenomenal increase in jobs. “That’s a guarantee,” exclaims State Rep. Bill Keller (D-S. Phila.), whose 184th Legislative Dist. includes much of the Philadelphia Port’s industrial facilities. Keller, who has earned the reputation, along with Congressman Bob Brady (D-Phila.), as the Philadelphia Port’s legislative spokesman, explains, “International container-cargo shippers will be looking to unload in Philadelphia, rather than the West Coast terminals they are now using. Their containers destined to the East Coast suffer added costs, because they then must travel from those West Coast ports over rail to their East Coast destinations.” When completed in 2014, the expanded Canal will provide easy access to the world’s heaviest, largest and longest ships, bringing a flood of opportunities for worldwide shipping companies to reroute their gigantic carriers to those East Coast ports able to handle them. As a result, many East Coast ports have invested or are investing in their infrastructures to insure they can service the mammoth ships. The Port of Long Beach, Cal. sees more demand for the larger ships with cargo destined for the West Coast and is replacing its aging Gerald Desmond Bridge with a higher span. Luckily for Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority, Port terminal operators and the International Longshoremen’s Association, as well as the political leadership of this state and city, have anticipated the

The Public Record • August 18, 2011

Southport Would Save Port, Create 125,000 Jobs

The Public Record • August 18, 2011

Page 24

One of Philly’s best food bargains; it’s no Lai

by Len Lear My favorite part of writing a restaurant column is finding great food bargains that I can pass along to readers, especially during this devastating recession when almost everyone is looking for ways to stretch their dollars. And there are very few bargains we have found better than the barbecue platter, a signature

dish, at Vietnam Cafe, the large, airy, beautifully decorated gem that opened in November, 2009, at 816 S. 47th Street in West Philadelphia’s University City. The menu lists the barbecue platter under “Specials,” and it certainly is, although unlike most restaurant specials, it is a permanent fixture of the menu, as it has been for many years at Vietnam, the Lai family’s other restaurant. Vietnam has been a China-

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town institution for 27 years at 221 N. 11th Street. The dish is a huge, colorful platter filled chockablock with several crispy spring rolls, 12 beef-stuffed grape leaves, a substantial quantity of chargrilled chicken, grilled “meat balls” (that are actually more cylindrical than round), fluffy rice vermicelli, lettuce, carrots, crushed peanuts and ramekins of two sauces that can all be mixed and matched and packed into thin-as-air rice paper to form sandwich wraps. Or you can just eat each item in the $26.95 dinner for two individually. Either way, the two of us could not come close to finishing the food and had plenty to take home for the following night at home. The quantity and quality are truly memorable. (We had the same platter a year and a half ago but apparently forgot just how much food it was.) We had even ordered a spicy shrimp sate entree ($14.95) but wound up taking that home also. Interestingly, Vietnam

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Cafe has an encyclopedic menu with more than 70 selections, but I’m willing to bet a substantial percentage of customers simply order the barbecue platter for two. And it is a perfect match with the “Flaming Volcano,” another huge bowl filled with ice, several liqueurs and fruit juices ($16) that is more than enough for two people. The Lai family, who own Vietnam and Vietnam Cafe, could easily be the subject of a made-for-TV movie. In 1978 Nhu Lai, his wife, Thuyen Luu, and their eight children all left Vietnam on a rickety boat with whatever meager possessions they could carry with them. After drifting in the South China Sea for several days and close to starvation, the family was rescued by good Samaritan seamen and taken to Malaysia, where they spent nine months in a refugee camp. When they eventually arrived in Philadelphia in October 1979, the family of 12 moved into a small apartment at 2nd & Girard in Fishtown. “We had told the landlord there would only be four people living there,” said Benny Lai, one of the eight children and the operator of Vietnam Cafe. “Otherwise, we would have never gotten the apartment. We were so crowded, we had to do our homework in the neighborhood library. I

Len Lear could only say ‘yes’ and ‘no’ in English when we came here.” The family had to move to 47th & Baltimore in West Philly, where they opened a small grocery store in 1982 called Fu Wah. They were so successful that in 1984 they were able to open the 28-seat Vietnam restaurant in Chinatown. By that time Benny was a student at Temple University, but when a server and a kitchen worker quit their jobs at Vietnam, Benny dropped out of Temple so he could help his mother and a brother rescue the restaurant. The three worked 24/7 and literally made 500 spring rolls from scratch one day each week. Eventually, in 1988, because of all their hard work, the Lais were able to hire a kitchen staff and make plans to expand beyond their 28 seats. (The room was so small that diners often had to share

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their tables with strangers.) So in 1990 they purchased the building and in 1996 purchased the next-door building. Their American dream continued as the family transformed the closet-sized 28-seat BYOB into a 120-seat full-service restaurant that includes an upstairs lounge, Bar Saigon. (Instead of the 500 spring rolls they used to make from scratch, they now make 5,000 spring rolls each week.) Vietnam restaurant is currently run by Tina Lai, the youngest of the family’s children, and Benny runs Vietnam Cafe. In addition, the family is planning to open a third restaurant just a few doors from Vietnam Cafe. Benny lives right across the street from the restaurant with his wife, Tammy, and their two sons, Jonathan and Justin. (Tammy’s father, an interpreter for the Americans during the Vietnam War, was killed in the infamous Tet Offensive in 1968, six months before Tammy was even born.) For more information, call (215) 592-1163 (Vietnam) or (215) 729-0260 (Vietnam Cafe) or visit There is a large, free municipal parking lot right in back of Vietnam Cafe.

Elephant Corner (Cont. From Page 22) of the 34th Ward. Fitzpatrick’s event was at SmokeEaters and many of the attendees were from the Northeast, including WARD LEADERS CHRIS VOGLER (55th), BILL IVERS (61st), Bill Pettigrew (54th and 23rd Wards) and Stahlmaster (62nd Ward). BOB CUNNINGHAM of Mayfair’s 64th Ward and Phil

ED NESMITH, JOHN SABATINA, BOB DELLAVELLA, BILL DOLBOW and PAT PARKINSON. Elected officials and hopefuls enjoying the buffet included JIM KENNEY, BILL GREEN, BILL GREENLEE, FRANK DiCICCO, MARK SQUILLA and BOBBY HENON. Judges in attendance included SEAN KENNEDY, ANGELO FOGLIETTA, DIANA ANHALT, CAROLYN NICHOLS and CHRIS SOLOMON. Democrat Attorney General candidate DAN McCAFFERY and Republican candidates JOE McCOLGAN and KAREN BROWN showed up. The Mayor of Allentown ED PAWLOWSKI and over 15 sitting Common Pleas Court, Municipal Court, Traffic Court and District Judges were in attendance Also present was a contingency from Local 98, and the all-knowing and everpresent OZZIE MYERS.

Innamorato and TOM MATKOWSKI of the Far Northeast’s 65th Ward also came to support Fitzpatrick. BETH HEGEDUS, a Fitzpatrick campaign worker, and Karen Brown were also there for the Congressman. David Oh’s fundraiser was at the Union League. The crowd reflected Oh’s broad appeal, including Democratic Council-at-Large COUNCILMAN JIM KENNEY. New YR Chairman Steve Boc and Republican candidate for City

Commissioner Al Schmidt were in attendance. An early supporter of Oh, 45th WARD LEADER KEVIN PASQUAY, and government-relations expert FRANK BUZYDLOWSKI were also in attendance. One notable aspect of this event was the members of the host committee, which included non-city residents including Lower Merion COMMITTEEMAN MICHAEL ADLER. Hopefully, this is a sign Republicans outside of the city are

beginning to realize a weak party in the city hurts our statewide and national candidates, and that it’s time to support up-and-coming city Republicans such as Oh.

City Hall Honors Argentinian

Part 37/45 “The modern Tea Party movement has no leader. It has —R.E. Tyrrell, Jr., The American Spectator, March 2011 no organization.” The Mayor’s Reception Room, located on the second floor of City Hall, is where major announcements are made by the mayor, where citizen initiatives are recognized and honored, and where outside groups can come to lend public presence to their efforts.

—Nicola Argentina (c) 2011

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General Jose de San Martin

“Puzzles can be solved; they have answers. But a mystery offers no such comfort. It poses a question that has no definite answer because the answer is contingent; it depends on a future interaction of many factors, known and unknown.” -Smithsonian, June 2007 —Nicola Argentina (c) 2011 • 215-755-2000

Footnote: In more recent times, the General’s bust was removed and placed in the hallway— between the Reception Room and the Mayor’s Office. A few feet away and accompanying the sculpture was an oversized and decorative boot, about six feet tall. It was since removed, and replaced by a small artifact from Italy.

(Cont. From Page 22) for his community, it might be time for you to think outside the box. But the most interesting response that I got when I posted NABJ’s open letter to my Facebook page was: “Amazingly, Mayor Nutter bypassed such a question and went straight on to blanket condemnation. I’m curious to know what letter NABJ wrote to him.” What my Facebook friend was alluding to was an incident that I’m calling the “Mayor Michael Nutter Takes Black Folks to the Woodshed”


This reception room also the repository of official oil portraits of all former city mayors from the earliest days to the present. But little noticed, and definitely not part of the decorum or of Philadelphia interest, is the bust of General Jose de San Martin... the Argentinean patriot and liberator of Argentina, Chile and Peru... No one knows who presented it to the city or why... The statue carries a great deal of significance for Argentineans, Peruvians and Chileans and now, it appears, it has become very significant for Philadelphians, too.” --The Philadelphia Public Record, July 26, 2001

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tour. If you remember last week’s column, I talked about Mayor Nutter’s speech at his church and the fact that he said that the young flash mobbers who were out wilding were “disgracing the race.” More than a few folks felt like the Mayor, an African American, was seeing them exactly how they felt whites saw them. Which is why my Facebook friend was wondering when and where Mayor Nutter would meet his condemnation from NABJ. I don’t fully agree with my friend, but I can get the point. If we’re going to get on folks across the pond for this kind of thing, charity needs to begin at home.

The Public Record • August 18, 2011

(Cont. From Page 22) COUNCILMAN BRIAN O’NEILL. O’Neill is famous for becoming suddenly easy to work with at election time. We must apologize to Lisa Deeley and MARK LOPEZ. We said Mark and she were discussing her possible run for SPEAKER DENNY O’BRIEN’S seat if Denny wins an at-Large Republican Council seat in November. “Wrong,” Lisa admonished, saying she doesn’t live in the District, does not intend to move into that District and is not interested in that seat. She and Mark were discussing what needed to be stocked up for the bar for last Friday’s event, since he was the masterful barkeep for that evening. But don’t count her out of elective office, as she is considered quality candidate material. Photogenic SHARI WIL-

boundaries, though. The big race for November is the minority Commissioner’s spot, which will go to either JOE DUDA, incumbent, or strong challenger AL SCHMIDT. There are major implications for Chairman of City Commissioners: Would Duda support COMMISSIONER ANTHONY CLARK? Would Schmidt support STEPHANIE SINGER? Democrats expect to play a major roll and many of the Democratic “players” have been contacted. Definite positions have not yet been taken, however. Super Ward Leader MATT MYERS and Traffic Court ADMINISTRATIVE JUDGE A. MICHAEL SULLIVAN co-hosted a nonpolitical crab and shrimp night at the Fireside Tavern. Among those present at the packed house were WARD LEADERS JOHN O’CONNELL, LOU AGRE, MIKE BOYLE, ED THORNTON, LEE SCHWARTZ,

Page 25

City Hall Sam

LIAMS was seen having lunch at the Capital Grille with local film producer JASON PINARDO. Shari is a model and actress, and wife of Sen. Anthony Williams. She has been pitching a television series entitled “Real Wives of Philadelphia” or, in the alternate, “Real Wives of the Pennsylvania Senate”. There is no doubt such a series would put to shame all the other house wives of New Jersey, Orange Co., D.C., and the rest of the popular series. The action is hot behind the scenes with regard to redistricting Council Districts. The public forum sponsored by WHYY was attended by COUNCIL MEMBERS BILL GREEN and MARIA QUINONES-SANCHEZ. Prizes are being awarded for the best-drawn Districts at Don’t expect any of this to make any difference with regard to the final District • 215-755-2000

The Public Record • August 18, 2011

Page 26

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The Public Record • August 18, 2011

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The Public Record • August 18, 2011

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