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Jim Stevenson

700 Sansom St. 215-923-1980

9371 ROOSEVELT BLVD. PHILADELPHIA, PA 19114 215-698-7000

Serving Citywide Political, Labor, Legal and School Communities of Philadelphia

Vol. XIII. No. 41 (Issue 611)

“The good things we do must be made a part of the public record”

Farrakhan Rivets Almost 10,000 We Buy Gold & Diamonds

Value 50¢

PPA Regulations For Taxis, Limos Wins Approval Page 2 Fattah Brings In More Federal Grants Page 2

THIS AUDIENCE of almost 10,000, coming from at least six states, packed Convention Hall to hear Minister Louis Farrakhan’s two-hourplus speech last Sunday. More pictures Page 23; read “Out & About” Page 9.

Save PLCB!

October 13, 2011

A Ducky Deal

Keeping State Liquor Stores Makes $$ Sense Page 11 UFCW Local 1776 President Wendell W. Young, IV, right, and UFSCW Director of Legislation & Political Action John Meyerson show graphs indicating rising liquor costs to consumers should State Rep. Michael Turzai, House Republican Majority Leader, succeed in getting his billeliminating PLCB into law. Story Page 11

DUCKY BIRTS Foundation awarded 10 Cheyney University students scholarships based on merit and need. Pictured are Dr. Tyrone Gilliams, Barbara Cox, Barbara Simmons, David Birts, Ducky Birts, Gregory Benjamin and Barbara Rico. Students are Dymesha Bolden, Ronald Burton, Jerome Davis, Denise Hill, Charisse Maddox, Janelle McKelvey, Kalik Mitchell, Fela Murray, Edward Drouhn and Kyra McGruth.

Columbus Day Parade

Another Beech Advance

MAYOR Michael Nutter and Congressman Chaka Fattah were among VIPs launching opening of Beech International Complex at Temple University, 1500 block of Cecil B. Moore Avenue. More Pics Page 23

Firefighters Endorsements Bit Of Surprise Page 5 Registrations Signal Low Nov. 8 Turnout Page 7

INJURED AT WORK! RIDING with Grand Marshals Joey Piscopo and Council President Anna Verna in Columbus Day Parade were Congressman Bob Brady and Register of Wills Ron Donatucci. More Pictures Page 24

If you have been injured on the job site, work site, waterfront doing loading or repairing work. You need our free advice....We fight for your right to benefits and we never ask you to pay a fee.... We have successfully helped get ALSO OFFICES IN money for thousands of injured workers over PHILADLEPHIA, the last 30 years. MEDIA, LANCASTER Do you want your claim settled for Maximum Value? Are you being bullied by your employer and need the real facts about your rights?

Page 2 The Public Record • October 13, 2011

Campaign Finance


No Addresses? by David Lynn If a contributor gives more than $250 to a candidate or political committee in a reporting cycle, the candidate or committee is responsible for obtaining the contributor’s occupation, employer name, and full employer address. Occasionally, a candidate or committee will file a report that is glaringly incomplete. This is the case in three instances in the data provided by the Board of Ethics so far for 2011 cycle 4. The first report to catch our eye as incomplete was the Philadelphia Republican City Committee. Apparently, even after filing all these years, they haven’t learned the difference between an individual contributor and a committee contributor — eight political committees were listed in the individual contributor’s section for contributors of more than $250. This may help explain why, of the 45 contributions in this section, 34 are missing employer addresses. Total contributions in this section are $29,425, and contributions with missing information total $22,300.

Independence Blue Cross PAC PA, located at 1901 Market Street in Philadelphia also appears to have difficulty obtaining employer addresses — and this mystifies us. All of its 213 contributions from contributors in the $250 or more category totaling $32,884 are listed without employer addresses. Interestingly enough, most of the contributors have titles and occupations — Independence Blue Cross. One wonders why they didn’t bother to do the work to fill in the addresses. And then there is the case of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 98 Committee on Political Education, the committee controlled by John Dougherty. None of the 554 contributions in the $250 or more category totaling $164,901.82 show an address (although most show an occupation.) Most show an employer as Electricians Local 98. In intense political battles, the Board of Ethics usually gets a call to check these out. Two quick asides….

It appears as though John Dougherty was trying to help another City Councilman when he paid $41,682.85 to Soapbox Solutions to retire a debt for Joe Grace through a contribution from International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 98 Committee on Political Education. Unfortunately, this is $34,401.57 over the limit, and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 98 Committee on Political Education lists a receipt from Soapbox Solutions for $34,401.57 as returned as an overpayment. Friends of Cheri Honkala, the star campaign of the Green Party, apparently buys gas from super-polluter British Petroleum. They spent $46.97 at a BP gas station on Sep. 19, 2011 in Philadelphia. So much for going green. (David Lynn maintains an SQL Server database with approximately 12,000,000 campaign finance records. He also provides free software to run political campaigns. Email him at

Fattah Keeps Bringing In Federal Grants To Phillly Congressman Chaka Fattah, a senior appropriator on the House Appropriations Committee, announced the City of Philadelphia and partner agencies will receive $3 million for lead abatement. The grant from the US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development goes to the City Health Dept. for a Lead Hazard Reduction Demonstration program to continue to provide lead-safe housing to families with lead-poisoned children. The program will evaluate 250 homes for lead paint and hazards, eliminate hazards in 244 homes, conduct outreach and education and provide individualized training to residents. He also announced two Dept. of Health & Human Services grants totaling more than $1.25 million to help struggling families enjoy healthier lifestyles and move out of poverty. The United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania was awarded $500,000 to implement a program that will match contributions from lowincome families to Individual Development Accounts up to $8 for every dollar a family saves. The match will combine federal and nonfederal funds by the Assets Fund Initiative project. Fattah said, “This program is a win because it allows families the opportunity to use their savings,

including the matching funds, to buy their first home, fund a small business or enroll in college or other educational training. We’re providing a ladder out of poverty that benefits the entire community.” The Department also awarded Philadelphia’s Reinvest Fund a $759,374 grant for its Healthy Food Financing Initiative. Fattah also announced award of four grants for the University of Pennsylvania from HHS. The research grants will direct more than $2.3 million toward research into infectious diseases and chronic ailments such as heart and vascular disease and diabetes. “These grants for the University of Pennsylvania’s groundbreaking research will impact our regional economy right now,” said Fattah, the senior Democrat on the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce Justice Science and related agencies. Beyond that, these grants and the research they fund will help us to win the future by putting us on the cutting edge of treating chronic diseases.” Also benefitting from another grant were the Freire Charter School in Center City, which received $748,000, and the Philadelphia Children’s Alliance, which received $1,058,946. • 215-755-2000

Overhaul Of Taxi, Limo Regs Goes Through In a unanimous 5 to 0 vote, the State Independent Regulatory Review Commission approved taxicab and limousine regulations proposed by the Philadelphia Parking Authority to assure stability in the industry and support the development of clean, safe, reliable and well-regulated taxis and limousines in Philadelphia. The PPA was required to propose regulations and elicit public comment, which ended on Feb. 14, 2011. PPA board members and staff spent countless hours painstakingly reviewing thousands of pages of comments from cab drivers

VINCENT FENERTY and other industry representatives, as well as State legislators and members of the general public. With IRRC approval, the regulations will be effective

once they are published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. Commenting on IRRC’s approval of the regulations, PPA Executive Director Vince Fenerty said, “these regulations are aimed at ensuring public safety and maintaining stability in the industry.” PPA initiated regulatory oversight of taxicab and limousine service providers in Philadelphia in April 2005. “Rules and regulations are needed to provide certainty to the general public and the taxi and limo industry. A lack of regulations would create uncertainty as to what rules, rates and procedures apply to

taxicab and limousine service in Philadelphia,” Fenerty said. Because there were pending court appeals of existing regulations, several taxicab and limousine companies have refused to submit their vehicles for inspection, are providing service with drivers that have not been certified, and have refused to pay annual fees. “With today’s IRRC decision, there is no gray area and any taxicab or limousine company who refuses to submit their vehicles for inspection, or allow uncertified drivers to drive their vehicles, will be fined and prohibited from op-

erating in the city of Philadelphia,” said Fenerty. “The public’s health, safety and welfare are endangered through the use of uninspected vehicles and uncertified drivers,” Fenerty said. “The regulations are aimed at maintaining the practices and procedures applicable to the taxicab and limousine industry in Philadelphia since 2005. They are intended to support the development of clean, safe, reliable and wellregulated taxicabs and limousines. They are also intended to be clear, feasible and reasonable,” Fenerty said.

The Philadelphia Public Record (PR-01) (ISSN 1938-856X) (USPS 1450) Published Weekly Requested Publication ($30 per year Optional Subscription) The Philadelphia Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila., PA 19147 Periodical Postage Paid at Philadelphia PA and additional mailing office POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to: The Public Record 1323 S. Broad Street Phila. PA 19147 215-755-2000 Fax: 215-689-4099

EDITORIAL STAFF Editor & Publisher: James Tayoun Sr. Managing Editor: Anthony West Associate Editor: Rory G. McGlasson Medical Editor: Paul Tayoun M.D. CitiLife Editor: Ruth R. Russell Editorial Staff: Joe Sbaraglia Out & About Editor: Denise Clay Contributing Editor: Bonnie Squires Columnist: Hon. Charles Hammock Dan Sickman: Veteran Affairs Creative Director & Editorial Cartoonist: Ron Taylor Campaign Finance Reporter : David Lynn Photographers: Donald Terry Harry Leech Steven Philips Production Manager: William J. Hanna Bookkeeping: Haifa Hanna Webmaster: Sana Muaddi-Dows Advert. Director: John David Controller: John David Account Exec: Bill Myers Circulation: Steve Marsico The Public Record welcomes news and photographs about your accomplishments and achievements which should be shared with the rest of the community. Contact us by phone, fax, e-mail or by dropping us a note in the mail. If you mail a news item, please include your name, address and daytime telephone number so we can verify the information you provided us, if necessary. The Public Record reserves the right to edit all news items and letters for grammar, clarity and brevity. ©1999-2011 by the Philadelphia Public Record. No reproduction or use of the material herein may be made without the permission of the publisher. The Philadelphia Public Record will assume no obligation (other than the cancellation of charges for the actual space occupied) for accidental errors in advertisements, but we will be glad to furnish a signed letter to the buying public.

Page 3 The Public Record • October 13, 2011


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Page 4 The Public Record • October 13, 2011

Our Opinion ... Pity The Sleeping Voter The core troops of both the Democrat and Republican parties as well as those on the fringes are hard at work alerting their registrants of the importance of Nov. 8 in City Government. Up for grabs are the Mayor, City Council, row offices and some judicial seats, as well as a slew of retention judges. The latter group needs more yes votes than no to hang onto their seats. Since the registrations are almost seven to one in favor of the Democrat Party, which in this city is united in purpose, thanks to the efforts of its Chairman Congressman Bob Brady, the contended seats will likely go to the Democrats, most of whom are incumbents. The only action is seen with the Republican atLarge Council candidates and the race for the lone Republican slot in the City Commissioners’ office. We are sad to report because of this, voter turnout will be low, no matter which national politico comes to the city to rev up the troops. We all know if the public doesn’t express an interest, then all the canvassing and doorbell-ringing won’t matter one iota.

Another Opinion • 215-755-2000

Municipal Workers Kept Their Bargain by Pete Matthews, President, AFSCME District Council 33,City Municipal Workers The financial dilemma faced by the City when it comes to finding a way to meet its obligations to current and future City employee retirees has many causes including the “deliberate underfunding by previous administrations, rosy investment earnings projections” by money managers and the recent recession. One thing that is not true, however, is that City workers haven’t contributed enough of their own in out of pocket deductions. The contributions required of both City employees and successive City administrations are the result of collective-bargaining agreements made in good faith over many

years by the four City-employee unions. Contribution rates for members of District Council 33 have always been set by the contract and union members have never failed to meet their end of the bargain. The same cannot be said for the City. The current administration may claim that it has been making its “proper” Minimum Municipal Obligations payments, but that is not the same as its actual contributions as required by the contract. It is a long way from there to what is fair treatment for City workers who have been paying their fair share. What makes this fairness gap even more pronounced is the fact that the City-worker unions have been going above and beyond our contractual obligations in order to help the City weather the current fi-

nancial and pension-funding crises. Mayor Nutter’s claim that he has refused to sign new contracts with City unions because we won’t agree to unfair concession demands is another example of the Administration trying to use the current situation with the pension plan to dictate terms to City-workers’ unions. The Mayor’s attempts to dictate to City Council on issues like the closings of libraries and recreation centers and brownouts for firehouses as well as DROP shows that the Administration is not interested in fair solutions, but instead is committed to deferring responsibility and shifting the costs to City employees who are the only ones involved who have met their obligations. Let’s be clear. The members of District Council 33 have been the ones who have not received wage increases or increases in health-care contributions going on four years. We have saved the City hundreds of millions of dollars and have enabled the Administration to balance three consecutive City budgets. (Cont. Page 10)

Mark Your Calendar

Oct. 13- Youth United for Change Reception honors Mayor Michael Nutter and Laura Shubilla at Chemical Heritage Foundation, 315 Chestnut St., 5:30-8:30 p.m. Oct. 14- Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown leads Bringing City Government to Senior Citizens of Phila. at Warnock Pl., 2862 Germantown Ave., 10:00 a.m.-12 m. For info (215) 686.3438. Oct. 14- State Rep. John Sabatina Golf Outing at John F. Byrne G.C., 9550 Leon St., 4-Man Scramble, registration, registration 12 m., shotgun 1 p.m. $125 includes entry to all events, 18 holes of golf, lunch, dinner, awards and after-party at 3 Monkeys Café, 9645 James St. For info Steve Campanile (215) 4604697 or Sabatina Assoc. (215) 742-8600. Oct. 14- Salsa Night Fundraiser for City Commissioner candidate Stephanie Singer at New Palladium, 229 W Allegheny Ave., 6-8 p.m. Free

Salsa lessons and appetizers. Tickets $20 at the door. For info (484) 469-0633. Oct. 15- State Sen. Anthony Williams walks through Bartram’s Garden, 54th & Lindbergh Blvd., 10-11:30 a.m., as part of his health and fitness program. Oct. 15- W. Poplar NASC hosts Fall Fashion Show & Luncheon at Zoar United Methodist Ch., 1204 Melon St., 2 p.m. Donation $20. For info (215) 765-0960. Oct. 15- “Deep Roots – John Myers and Germantown” celebration honoring State Rep. John Myers’ birthday at 5547 Germantown, 6-9 p.m. Tickets $50. For info Cornelia Swinson (215) 740-8493. Oct. 16- Sheriff Barbara Deeley and Team Jewell Williams, Democrat candidate for Sheriff, host Eagles vs. Redskins Fundraiser for Sheriff candidate Jewell Williams at Finnigan’s Wake, 3rd & Spring Garden Sts., 1 p.m. Beer, wine, hot and cold foods. Tickets $50. Make personal checks only out to Citizens for Jewell Williams, 2343 Smedley St., Phila. PA.19132. For info (215) 919-1120. Oct. 16- State Rep. John

Myers celebrates his Birthday at 5547 Germantown Ave., 69 p.m. Appetizers, drinks, music and dancing. Tickets $50. For info Cornelia Swinson (215) 740-8493. Oct. 16- St. Mary Cyclefest to benefit St. Mary Medical Center Emergency Dept. at Brian’s Harley Davidson, 6009 S. Flowers Mill Rd., Langhorne, Pa. Registration 9-11 a.m.; ride ends at Core Ck. Pk., Langhorne, Pa. Advance tickets $25/rider, $20/passenger; event day $30/$25. For info (215) 7529400. Oct. 16-22 Mt. Zion Baptist Ch. hosts 97th annual Church Anniversary kickoff Concert at 50th & Woodland Ave., 3 p.m. Revival will be held Oct. 19-21, 7 p.m. All events free and open to public. For info (215) 724-0619. Oct. 17- State Rep. Michelle Brownlee hosts Older & Wiser workshop for seniors on health care at University Sq., 3901 Market St., 10 a.m.-12 p.m. For info (215) 684-3738. Oct. 19- Reception in honor of Council Majority Leader Marian B. Tasco at Estia, 1405 Locust St., 5:30-7:30 (Cont. Page 10)

Dennis O’Brien (R), Joe McColgan (R) and David Oh (R). Endorsed Democrat incumbents were Bill Green, William Greenlee, Wilson Goode, Jr. and Blondell Reynolds Brown. In a different development, Oh also picked up the endorsement of the United Veterans Council of Philadelphia, which was founded in 1949 and is the umbrella group for 22 veterans’ organizations in this city.

Brown Wins Air Time On NBC TV 10 Attorney Matt Wolfe, who represented GOP mayoral candidate Karen Brown, withdrew an FCC complaint after NBC 10 agreed to have Brown appear with Steve Highsmith on a special “Issue” show scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 18 from 7 to 7:30 p.m. It will run for a full hour from 7 to 8 p.m. on 10’s NBC Nonstop, their cable sta-


Dems Pick Their GOP Favorites Next month’s municipal elections will be a sleeper for city Democrats. All Democrat candidates are expected to win handily. As a result, Democrat activists are turning their attention to the only races which matter – for seats reserved for Republicans. Five Republican candidates – all convincing and hardworking – are vying for the two City Council at-Large berths guaranteed the minority party. While they all want every Republican vote, analysts agree the two winners will be those who attract the most Democrat and independent voters to stray from the Democrat straight-ticket lever. Making his preference known in a clear, if indirect, way last week was Mayor Michael Nutter, who ap-

pointed one of these candidates, Al Taubenberger, to the Philadelphia Jobs Commission. Taubenberger attributes his appointment to his 20 years of successful business advocacy as President of the Greater Northeast Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, a private organization of 900 member businesses in the greater Philadelphia area. “I am truly excited to receive this appointment to the Philadelphia Jobs Commission,” Taubenberger said. “I know what needs to be done to bring jobs back to Philadelphia and I will make sure the Jobs Commission proposes the best, most comprehensive jobs creation plan to City Council.” The Philadelphia Jobs Commission was created in May of this year by an overwhelming vote of Philadelphians. The Commission, composed of 17 unpaid members, is tasked with creating a

Sheriff Round Up For Williams At Piazza CORRALING next Sheriff were N.E. Ward Leaders Pat Parkinson and John Sabatina, Councilman Bill Green, Ward Leader Ed Campbell, State Rep. Jewell “The Sheriff” Williams, Alan Kurtz and Kevin Greenberg.

dan Boyle has emerged as a key player in the Democratic organization. O’Brien served one term as Speaker of the House of Representatives in an unusual year, unseating fellow Northeast Republican John Perzel with solid support from Democrats.

McColgan Signs Sprouting ’Round Republican Councilman atLarge candidate Joseph McColgan is reported to have gotten the blessings of 1st Ward Democrat Leader John J. Dougherty, who is also head of the very politically active IBEW Local 98. A sign that has happened is the bloom of McColgan signs along the city’s highways and byways, over just last weekend, a clue to strong union support.

Greg Irving Replaces Bobby Lee At Helm Looking for Bobby Lee? He’s retired and his replacement, reports City Commission Chairwoman Margaret Tartaglione, is seasoned Greg Irving, who has been with the Commissioners for the past 23 years, the last 12 as Data Services Supervisor. So for the info you need, your go-to guy will now be Greg.

THESE YOUNG supporters joined crowd at Red Bull Tavern fundraiser at Piazza. With POSSE joins in to congratulate State Rep. aspiring Sheriff Jewell Williams were Petra Jewell Williams on his campaign to become next Sheriff of Phila. Felton and Ericka Fulton.

STRONG support for State Rep. Jewell Williams’ campaign for Sheriff was news brought to him by Ward Leader John Sabatina, Sr.

LOOKING forward to victories in November were City Council- STATE REP. Tony Payton teams man at Large Bill Green and up with the next Sheriff, State Rep. Jewell Williams. State Rep. Jewell Williams.

State Rep. Rosita C.

Youngblood 198 th Leg. District 208 W. Chelten Ave, 1st Fl. Phila, PA 19144

P: 215-849-6426 F: 215-849-5479

Constituent Service Office

State Representative

RONALD G. WATERS 191st Leg. District 6027 Ludlow Street, Unit A


Senator Tina

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Tartaglione STATE REP. JOHN


(215) 468-2300

SABATINA JR. 174th District 8100 Castor Ave Phila, PA 19152 T: 215-342-6204

State Senator

Larry Farnese First Senate District Tel. 215-952-3121 1802 S. Broad St.• Phila. PA 19145

2nd Dist. 127 W. Susquehanna Ave. 1063 Bridge St. Philadelphia, PA 19122 Philadelphia, PA 19124


215-533-0440 • 215-755-2000

AMONG MANY attending fundraiser for Democrat candidate for Sheriff Jewell Williams was Lana Felton Ghee, who amazed soon-to-be-Sheriff and others with her weight loss.

comprehensive report detailing steps required to spur job growth. The Commissioners are expected to examine regulatory practices, education, land policy, and all other issues that affect job growth. The Jobs Commission has also been unanimously supported by the members of City Council. Ironically, Taubenberger opposed Nutter for the mayoralty in the 2007 general election. But the two got on famously together regardless, and they maintained regular contacts after Nutter was elected. Taubenberger has served as the President of both the Burholme Civic Association and the Burholme Town Watch. His base in the Northeast is important, because that’s where most of the city’s Republican voters live. Observers also believe Democrat and independent voters in the Northeast are more likely to split the ticket for a Republican. Lining up behind another Northeast favorite son, State Rep. Denny O’Brien, in this race are two of his Democrat colleagues and neighbors. The brother team State Reps. Brendan and Kevin Boyle endorsed O’Brien at Poquessing Creek Park. Bren-

The Public Record • October 13, 2011

by Joe Shaheeli Fire Fighters Local 22’s endorsement recommendations for the general election show strong support for the Democrat candidates for District Council, with a bit of a surprise in the Democrat and Republican at-Large Council races. Local 22 has endorsed in Dist. 1 Mark Squilla (D), in Dist. 2 Kenyatta Johnson (D), in Dist. 3 Jannie Blackwell (D), in Dist. 4 Curtis Jones (D), in Dist. 5 Darrell Clarke (D), in Dist. 6 Bob Henon (D), in Dist. 7 Maria Quiñones Sánchez (D), in Dist. 8 Cindy Bass (D), in Dist. 9 Marian Tasco (D) and in Dist. 10 Brian O’Neill (R), The Fire Fighters at-Large Council picks dropped Democrat Jim Kenney, who has long opposed continuation of the DROP which they support, and replaced him with a third pick with a Republican. Winning their support were

Page 5

Fire Fighters Endorsements Contain Surprises

Page 6 The Public Record • October 13, 2011

O’Brien: Dennis Michael O’Brien is the State Representative from the 169th Legislative Dist. and was the 137th Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. He is the majority chairman of the House Committee on Children & Youth. Now he wants to trade his illustrious career in the General Assembly for one that will take him into City Council as one of the two at-Large GOP candidates for that body. O’Brien, who over the years has been given a free ride to the House during many of his reelections to that body by the Democrats who did not field candidates against him, remains popular with both parties in this city. He’s hoping that will carry him into the GOP seat in Council. O'Brien’s district is located in Northeast Philadelphia. Born in Philadelphia in 1952, he is a graduate of Archbishop

Push n o Butt • 215-755-2000



A House Favo r i t e !

Denny O’Brien Ryan HS and La Salle University, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration. He is married to the former Bernadette M. Benson and they have three sons, Dennis Jr., Brendan and Joseph. O'Brien was first elected in 1976 and served two terms before giving up his House seat in 1980 to run for the congressional seat of Charles Dougherty.

O'Brien lost by 480 votes in the Republican primary and, in 1982, ran for his old seat in the Pennsylvania House. O’Brien has been reelected in every succeeding election. Prior to his elevation to the Speakership, he served as chairman of the House Committees on Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness, Health & Human Services, Consumer Affairs and most recently, Judiciary. Currently, he serves as the majority chairman of the Committee on Children & Youth and continues to chair the Autism Caucus. He is well known for his support of autism campaigns. Inspired by his late nephew Christopher’s diagnosis, O’Brien has been an advocate for autism issues and founded the Pennsylvania Legislative Autism Caucus. Over 20 (Cont. Page 12)

Meet GOP Candidates Since City Democrats are expected to sweep into office this Nov. 8, the only races capturing the imagination of Democrats and Republicans are which of the five Republicans running for the two seats open to Republican at large Council candidates will be the winners. We present several of those to you this issue and last week.

Untermeyer: Calling For Common Sense Michael Untermeyer, a veteran GOP candidate, believes he can infuse a “good bit of common sense” which he says is “absent for now from City Council.” Untermeyer, 60, an attorney and real-estate magnate, ran unsuccessfully for District Attorney on the Republican ticket, and is now one of the five at-Large GOP City Council candidates vying for the two minority spots guaranteed by the City Charter. Of the five, he’s the one with the least street and press evidence of his campaign, although he says he has scheduled television ads on specific channel stations for the latter part of this month. Instead of flyers, ads and signs, Untermeyer believes his best campaign strategy has

Michael Untermeyer ....common sense been to go door to door. He says, “I am doubly pleased when they know my name from the last campaign. I believe I will pick up a lot of Democrat voters who have not realized they can vote for me on Nov. 8.” “Whoever I talk to tells me they are looking for a change

and that is what I am offering them.” He feels strongly he can help trim the City budget by pressuring every government agency, be it City or the various authorities, to reduce spending and the giving away of millions of dollars in no-bid contracts. He cited recent actions by the School Reform Commission as an example. Another way is to begin pressing the Mayor to sell off some of its buildings. Untermeyer would force the City to sell off some of its inventory of 10,000 properties by putting them under the control of just one agency, instead of the four agencies that hold jurisdiction over many of the properties. He says easy sells will be the City golf courses, the (Cont. Page 12)

Registrations typically dip in years without state or national elections and 2011 is no exception. However, majorparty support is dipping faster. The Democrat numbers above are down 3.9% from January 2010; the Republican decline is even worse, off 5.5%. Minor-party and independent voters, on the other hand, have slipped only 2.1%. Since voters can select from any of the various party candidates, registration will not be a factor in this election.

10TH DIST. COUNCIL candidate Bill Rubin was hosted Center City fundraiser on Monday. Flanking candidate is co-host Democratic nominee for 1st Dist. Council Mark Squilla, Local 401 Business Agents Ed Schull and Ed Sweeney, unidentified, and candidate for Common Pleas Judge Charlie Ehrlich.

Green Room 599 City Hall P. 215.686.3420/21 F. 215.686.1930

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MAYORAL CANDIDATE Karen Brown watched her debate with Mayor Michael Nutter at Veteran Boxers Association Clubhouse in Port Richmond. Joining Brown at debatewatching party were VBA President Charley Sgrillo, Margie Renzi, VBA Director Fred Druding, Jr., Rick Modglin, Marjilyn Pakech, Ward Leader Matt Wolfe and his wife Denise Furey.

State Rep. Cherelle

Parker 200th Legislative District 1536 E. Wadsworth Ave. Phone: (215) 242-7300 Fax: (215) 242-7303

HOLMESBURG drew huge turnout to Ashburner Inn for an afterwork fundraiser for Council candidate Bill Rubin, here joined by Teamsters’ Ed McMullen, who orchestrated affair.

Councilman Wm.


Room 580 City Hall P. 215-686-3446/7 F. 215-686-1927

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BILL RUBIN, left, shares moment with State Rep. Kevin Boyle and Ward Leader Shawn Dillon at lively Ashburner Inn fandango. R EPRESENTATIVE


3503 ‘B’ St. 215-291-5643 Ready to Serve you

State Rep.

William Keller 184th District 1531 S. 2nd Street


State Sen. Shirley M.

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Sen.Mike Stack SERVING THE 5TH DISTRICT • 215-755-2000


LABOR LEADER Dan Pelliciotti joins guest of honor Bill Rubin, Finnigan’s Wake proprietor Mike Driscoll,and IBEW Local 98 Business Agent Robert Gormley.

AMONG first in line to attend State Rep. Kevin Boyle’s Senior Expo in Mayfair was Stephen Milcarsky, president of Tacony Seniors. Over 500 seniors attended.

Watching The Debate

Councilman Bill

Rubin Hosted Fundraisers

The Public Record • October 13, 2011

Since the State laws have preempted much of what the City had in place in the way of registering voters, it is no longer possible to track how many changeovers were recorded by the City Commission during this registration period. This could signal a low turnout for the general election, since the city’s races for Mayor, some judges and the row offices have not increased awareness or interest among the general public. In the days before liberalization of voter registration requirements, the City Commissioners were able to report on new and changeover registrations. At the end of this registration drive for the Nov. 8 general election, there has been no spike in new registrations. Recorded at the City Commissioners’ office on Delaware Avenue were 170 walk-ins. Electronically recorded by the Motor Vehicle Bureau were 64,100 registrations, which included changeovers and changes of address. As of today, on the City roles are 797,633 Democrats; 126,860 Republicans, an increase of about 400 over the spring registrations. Independents and supporters of third parties total 90,963.

Boyle Packs Senior Expo

Page 7

Registrations May Bode Low Turnout

Page 8

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The Public Record • October 13, 2011

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More Aides For Docs: An Inevitable Trend Patients are finding more Nurse Practitioners, Certified Nurse Midwives, and Physician Assistants checking them over in their Physician Offices. In 2009, 49.1% of officebased physicians were in practices that used nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives or physician assistants. Primary-care physicians were more likely to have NPs, CNMs, or PAs than physicians of other specialties. Physicians in larger and multi-specialty group practices were more likely to work with NPs, CNMs, or PAs than those in smaller and single-specialty group practices. Older physicians were less likely than middle-aged physicians to be in practices that had NPs, CNMs, or PAs. Physicians in practices with a higher proportion of revenue from Medicaid and a lower

proportion from Medicare were more likely to work with NPs, CNMs, or PAs. The expansion of healthinsurance coverage through health-care reform, along with the aging of the population, is expected to strain the capacity for providing health care. Projections of the future physician workforce predict declines in the supply of physicians and decreasing physician work hours for primary care. An expansion of care delivered by NPs, CNMs and PAs is often cited as a solution to the predicted surge in demand for health care services and calls for an examination of current reliance on these providers. Using a nationally based physician survey, we have described the employment of NPs, CNMs and PAs among office-based physicians by selected physician and practice

characteristics. The role of NPs, CNMs, or PAs in the provision of health care is likely to increase in future years. The Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act legislation, signed into law on Mar. 23, 2010, contains several provisions affecting the likely future supply of NPs, CNMs, and Pas. Specifically, these provisions include a 15% carve-out for PA educational programs in the funding for primary-care medicine, making PA educational programs eligible for faculty loan repayment grants and grants for authorized nurse-midwifery education programs. Such incentives are likely to increase the supply of certain NPs, CNMs, and PAs. Increasing the supply of these practitioners may, in turn, affect the types of practices that use NPs, CNMs, or PAs.

by Michael Cibik, Esquire American Bankruptcy Board Certified Question: Can I go to jail for not paying my bills? Answer: Let’s start with the basics. Debtor’s Prison is jail time for failing to pay a bill. There is a famous line in the Charles Dickens’s story A Christmas Carol, as Scrooge is asked for a donation to the poor and he retorts, “Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?” If you did not pay your bills, you could be sentenced to prison or to a factory to work off your debt. Even Dickens’s family ended up there for a while. The United States and most individual states outlawed the practice in the early 1800s. So, if it’s illegal, how can

I go to jail for not paying my bills? Easy: Ignore a court order. When a creditor sues you, the court will order that you pay the bill most times in weekly installments. The judges recognize that you probably don’t have the money to pay it all at once. But beware: Most judgments do carry interest at various rates set by rule or statute. If you don’t pay the installments, the Court won’t order you to jail, but it will give the creditor some power to pursue your assets. This can come in various forms such as a lien on your home, a pay garnishment, an attachment of your bank account or some other seizure of your property. If you have nothing to

seize, though, no worries; still no jail time. The final step in frustration for the creditor who has a judgment is to subpoena you to an examination to see what they can recover from you. This is where you can get into trouble. Ignore that subpoena and no you are in contempt of court. You are ignoring a judge’s order to appear and that may be punishable by jail time and sometimes a fine. Now if you file for bankruptcy first, the Federal Bankruptcy system preempts the State court system and you’ve avoided going to jail. You can think of bankruptcy as a Get Out of Jail Free card. Next week’s question: Can you qualify for a FHA mortgage after bankruptcy?

Here are more top Committeepersons who are on duty 24/7 to help their neighbors: Wilhelmena MOORE in the 4th Ward of SONNY CAMPBELL. Moore helps citywide in Councilman Kenney’s Office. Bob CORSAN in the 6th Ward can multitask. The endorsement spat between Fire Fighters LOCAL 22 and Councilman Jim Kenney is a sign of the rising political action of Local 22 – which has increased sharply in the last two years.... Local 401 of JOE “DOC” has backed DAVID OH for Council at Large. The Cambodian and Korean American communities hosted fundraisers for OH, after he completed a citywide swing. Supporters of Marian Tasco and Darrell Clarke for Council President wonder how OH would vote for the Council top spot. Some Oh opponents say the news zap at OH slowed his campaign, but since it occurred in the summer, there are rumors a new one may hit. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to LONNIE RICHARDSON of Democratic City Committee. Lon’s schedule is so busy she is wondering when she can get to a Democrat fish fry…. WHY DOES the Mayor need Bill Clinton to stump for his reelection? He may as well bring in the President. Did Milton STREET’s attaining 25% of the vote – with no campaign funds – put a fright in his campaign? THE RACE STREET GATEWAY to the river is a meager accomplishment of the waterfront plan. they should keep access to the river from city streets, they plan demolition of ramps at Chestnut Street. Why?... NUTTER CONTROL OF SRC? The answer must be “no.” Monarchy is why we fought the Revolutionary War. (Cont. Page 25)

Ah, Philadelphia. Cradle of Liberty, justice, etc. etc. But the jury of public opinion is still out on … the Philadelphia Eagles. Sure, they could turn the season around, but will they? How hard is it at this point? As far as Lucky’s concerned, the jury is out on ANDY REID, who should’ve gone the way of DONOVAN McNABB (I know that falls under the category of sports, not politics, but after the Eagles and PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES losses, Lucky just needed to vent). The Jury is also out on MAYOR MICHAEL NUTTER’s SRC appointments, PEDRO RAMOS and LORENE CAREY. The City gave a collective sigh on both appointments. Not that they’re not smart and capable, but the appointments certainly do not provide new energy or excitement. Let’s wait and see. Best wishes to Ramos and Carey. You’re going to need it! What’s up with the Republican Presidential candidates’ silence when another Republican says something really outrageous? When the issue of homosexuality in the military came up at a recent GOP debate, after boos in the audience, crickets from the candidates. And after Texas GOV. RICK PERRY’s bumbling regarding the hunting ground owned by his family whose name is a nasty racial slur … more crickets. And then there was HERMAN CAIN stating an entire race of people (which he happens to be a member of as an African American) is brainwashed because they vote for Democrats ... no cry of outrage yet! Well surely when Rev. Jeffers, an evangelical pastor said that MITT ROMNEY was headed to hell, this crew of faithful believers would yell out! Well, maybe not. Can anyone consider voting for this group? If they won’t speak out on any of this stuff, speaking out for you and me…. fagetaboutit!

Tragedy struck recently and took the life of JUDGE BOB DANIELS. The former Superior Court judge was celebrating the high holidays at a friend’s home and slipped and fell downstairs, hitting his head. Judge Daniels was the former President of the Philadelphia Trial Lawyers Association and a terrific human being. He was a partner in JOHN ELLIOTT’S law firm, Elliott Greenleaf. Elliott’s firm also includes former Pennsylvania Supreme Court CHIEF JUSTICE BRUCE KAUFFMAN, STATE SENS. STEWART GREENLEAF and RICH ALLOWAY, and Montgomery Co. COMMISSIONER BRUCE CASTOR. Four Supreme Court Justices attended Judge Daniels’ funeral, including MAX BAER, SEAMUS McCAFFERY, RON CASTILLE and MICHAEL EAKIN. Daniels is survived by his beautiful wife DIANA, two sons, a daughter and a number of grandkids. Former STATE SEN. BOB ROVNER and Vice Chairman of the SEPTA Board JAMES SCHWARTZMAN accompanied STATE SEN. MIKE STACK to the family home for Shiva. House MINORITY LEADER FRANK DERMODY was in Philadelphia to raise money last week and this week. Dermody is from Allegheny Co. Also at the Palomar Hotel was STATE SEN. JAY COSTA, also from Allegheny Co. Their purpose and presence in our city begs the question: What do Philadelphians think about Allegheny Co. politicians moving into their territory? The answer is obvious. MAYOR MICHAEL NUTTER is in a difficult spot on school reform. On the one hand, he would welcome more (Cont. Page 25) • 215-755-2000

On Monday, Oct. 16, 1995, more than 200,000 men from the Philadelphia area boarded buses, cars and trains and went to Washington, D.C. to keep an appointment with their communities, their families, and themselves. That’s how the Million Man March, a gathering that attracted more than a million African American men from around the country to Washington, D.C. at the behest of Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan, was pitched to communities around the country. The idea was to bring Black men together as a show of strength and commitment to their communities and their families. “We sent the largest contingent of men,” said Wali Smith, a community activist who was in charge of mobilizing young people and community groups here in Philadelphia and getting them to the march that day. “We came back and set up a lot of businesses and organizations.” (See photos Page 23.) On Sunday, thousands gathered at the Pennsylvania Convention Center to honor the spirit that spawned that march on Washington and to try and revitalize it so it can be used in communities like Philadelphia, where homicide seems to be the order of the day among the city’s young people. Smith believes part of the reason why these young people are acting the way they are is because they don’t know that there’s a better way, something that hearing the history of the Million Man March can provide. “There are a lot of kids who either weren’t around or were just babies when the March happened,” he said. “Through making a recommitment to the spirit of the March, we can show them there’s another direction.” (Cont. Page 30)

The Public Record • October 13, 2011

Yo! Here we go again with these little known facts. If you are right-handed, you will tend to chew your food on the right side of your mouth. If you are left-handed, you will tend to chew your food on the left side of your mouth. To make half a kilo of honey, bees must collect nectar from over 2 million individual flowers. Heroin is the brand name of morphine once marketed by the Bayer company. Tourists visiting Iceland should know tipping at a restaurant is considered an insult! People in nudist colonies play volleyball more than any other sport. Albert Einstein was offered the presidency of Israel in 1952, but he declined. Astronauts can’t belch; there is no gravity to separate liquid from gas in their stomachs. Ancient Roman, Chinese and German societies often used urine as mouthwash. The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. In the Renaissance era, it was fashionable to shave them off! Because of the speed at which Earth moves around the Sun, it is impossible for a solar eclipse to last more than 7 minutes and 58 seconds. The night of Jan. 20 is “St. Agnes’ Eve”, which is regarded as a time when a young woman dreams of her future husband. Google is a search engine. But “googol” is actually the name for a number with a million zeros. It takes glass one million years to decompose, which means it never wears out and can be recycled an infinite amount of times! Your tongue is the only muscle in your body that is attached at only one end. If you stop getting thirsty, you need to drink more water. When a human body is dehydrated, its thirst mechanism shuts off. Each year, 2,000,000 smokers either quit smoking or die of tobacco-related diseases. (Cont. Page 25)

Page 9

Mayoral candidate KAREN BROWN’S one and only debate with MAYOR MICHAEL NUTTER aired last Friday night at 10:30. The first half of the debate conflicted with the end of fifth game of the Phillies/St Louis series. There were a number of Philadelphians who, in retrospect, wished they had watched the entire debate and missed the Phillies loss. FRED DRUDING, a long-time member of the Veteran Boxers Association club and supporter of Brown, invited a number of Republicans to watch the debate at the clubhouse. The club, which for decades had been located in South Philadelphia, recently moved to Port Richmond. Brown’s supporters were treated to a tour of the club, which is steeped in Philadelphia boxing history. Renovations to the building had been financed through a grant obtained for the club by Republican STATE REP. JOHN TAYLOR. Brown was able to secure additional free television time on NBC’s Channel 10 to be scheduled for a weekday evening, 7:00-7:30 p.m., with an hour-long show to be streamed on Channel 10’s website. STEVE HIGHSMITH will interview Brown. Brown’s campaign had taken issue with Channel 10’s Town Hall meeting with Nutter that was aired on Sep. 28. Initially the television station was reluctant to give Brown a time slot on a weekday evening. However, following discussions with Brown’s attorney, Republican election-law expert MATT WOLFE, the station acquiesced. Last week, the Commonwealth Club held a dinner event in Newtown, Bucks Co. The Commonwealth Club is a fundraising group for the Pennsylvania Republican Party. LT. GOV. JIM CAWLEY, a Buxco favorite son, was the keynote speaker who talked about the upcoming elections in (Cont. Page 25)

Page 10 The Public Record • October 13, 2011 • 215-755-2000

Mark Your Calendar

(Cont. From Page 4) p.m. Gold $1,000, Silver $500, Bronze $250. RSVP 215-437-3294, Ext, 209. Oct. 20- Fundraiser for State Rep. Rosita Youngblood at Finnigan’s Wake, 3rd & Spring Garden Sts., 7:00-9:30 p.m. Dinner & open bar. Tickets $75. For info (215) 745-4306. Oct. 21- 26th Ward GOP Fabulous Fall Festival at Waterfall Rm., 2015 S. Water St., 7 p.m. For info (215) 468-2300. Oct. 22- Philly Cares Day targets S. Phila. HS at Broad & Snyder Ave., 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. For info or to volunteer call Matthew Mumber (215) 564-4544. Oct. 22- State Sen. LeAnna Washington hosts Walk To End Domestic Violence at W. River Dr. & Ben Franklin Blvd., 9 a.m. registration, Walk starts 10:30 a.m. Pre-register at or call (215) 545-4715. Oct. 23- Men’s Club of Congregations of Shaare Shamayim, host Candidates Brunch at Karff Auditorium, 9768 Verree Rd., 9 a.m. Free brunch. For info and reserva-

tions Harris Popolow (215) 676-7486. Oct. 24- State Rep. Michelle Brownlee hosts Older & Wiser workshop for seniors on retirement benefits at University Sq., 3901 Market St., 10 a.m.-12 p.m. For info (215) 684-3738. Oct. 25- Fundraiser for judicial candidate Angelo Foglietta at offices of Stephen A. Sheller, 1528 Walnut St., 3rd fl, 5-8 p.m. Supporter $150, Friend $250, Patron $500. For info Thomas P. Muldoon, Esq. (215) 545-1776, ext. 3. Oct. 25- Fundraiser for Michael Untermeyer, GOP candidate for City Council, hosted by 5th Ward Leader Mike Cibik at his home, 334 S. Front St., starting 5:30 p.m. For info Oct. 26- Walt Vogler hosts 21st Ward GOP Fundraiser Reception at Valley View Inn, 4678 Domino La., 6:30-9 p.m. Tickets $40. RSVP Walt Vogler, Jr. (215) 482-2834. Oct. 27- State Sen. Larry Farnese hosts annual Senior Expo at Fels S. Phila. Community Ctr., 2407 S. Broad St., 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free health screenings, refreshments. Seating limited. RSVP (215) 592-3121. Oct. 27- Pre-Election celebration sponsored by Shawn Dillon’s 66A Ward at Chickie’s & Pete’s, 11000 Roosevelt Blvd., 6-9 p.m. Tickets $35.

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For info (215) 637-6360. Oct. 28- 45th Anniversary Celebration of Black Panther Party at Hilton Phila. City Ave. Hotel, 4200 City Line Ave., 6-11 p.m. Bobby Seale, keynote speaker. Tickets $65. Hosted by National Alumni Association of BPP. Call (215) 787-0857 or Clarence (215) 276-4453. Sunday free to public 1-4 p.m. workshops. Oct. 31- Democrat City Committee throws Autumn Cocktail party at Penn’s Landing Caterers, 1301 S. Columbus Blvd., 5:30-7:30 p.m. Tickets $150. RSVP by Oct. 21. 215241-7804. Nov. 1- Republican City Committee Fall Cocktail Party at Cannstatter Volksfest Verein, 9130 Academy Rd., 6-8 p.m. Tickets $125. For info Republican City Committee (215) 561-0650. Nov. 3- State Rep. Louise Williams Bishop hosts energy workshop and lunch at Calvary Baptist Ch., 6122 Haverford Ave., 11 a.m.-1 p.m. For info (215) 879-6625.

City Workers Paid Up

(Cont. From Page 4) That is in addition to the help we gave the City on legislation concerning pensionfunding obligations in Harrisburg. The Mayor’s thanks for all of that help has been to try and destroy the defined-benefit pension plan for City workers and replace it with a risky defined-contribution plan that would institutionalize the City’s ability to shirk future obligations to its City worker retirees. We believe any solutions to the pension funding issue should not be shouldered by City workers. Given our union’s demonstrated willingness to help the City through the current recession and the current Administration’s unfairness when it comes to meeting its obligations to the pension plan, is it any wonder that in the ongoing negotiations District Council 33 is holding firm for fair and equitable solutions?

privatization would double the number of liquor outlets. In short, he advised the Senators, They can take “the handcuffs off the PLCB and allow it to run more like a business. Or you can dismantle the PLCB, raising prices, hiking taxes and jeopardizing the public’s safety.” Conti said, “Despite a lingering weakness in the overall economy, the Commonwealth’s wine and spirits stores generated more than $15 billion in total sales during Fiscal Year 2010-11. This resulted in the Board contributing $105 million to the General Fund, more than $200 million to the State Police and Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement and nearly $1.7 million to other State agencies for drug and alcohol treatment programs.” With privatization offering more selection, Conti said Pennsylvania consumers have an abundance of products available to them. “Our standard stores carry nearly 2,500 products and our 70 premium collection stores carry almost 6,000 products. Consumers have access to an additional 20,000 products through the STATE SEN. Christine Tartaglione welcomes UFCW Local Board’s special liquor order 1776 President Wendell Young, IV, who came to testify before House Committee on PLCB legislation. program.”

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STATEWIDE GOP judicial candidates toured Phila., making a stop at South Street Hat Store. Flanking Superior Court candidate Victor P. Stabile and Commonwealth Court candidate Anne R. Covey are Oscar Peirce and Khalil Miller. Escorting them was Ella Butcher.

The Public Record • October 13, 2011

With four House Bills and one Senate Bill in the State General Assembly ready to move to allow changes in the way the Liquor Control Board manages the Commonwealth’s statewide chain of 609 retail liquor stores, the drive is on by Democrat members of the House to win Republican support against Gov. Tom Corbett’s plan to sell off and privatize the system. State Sen. Christine Tartaglione (D-Kensington) hosted the Democrat Policy Committee, headed by State Sen. Lisa Boscola (DNorthampton), as it held a hearing on modernizing the state stores, at Congreso in North Philadelphia. Testifying before the committee were Rev. Bonnie Camarda, president of Latino Clergy; Joseph Conti, CEO of the Liquor Control Board; Wendell Young, IV, president and of United Food & Commercial Workers Local 1776; and Ray Hottenstein, Pennsylvania Restaurant Association. All felt the unique control by the State helped reduce alcoholism, provided buyers with adequate choices and brought in a steady stream of revenue to the State. All agree a one-shot infusion into the Commonwealth Treasury from a one-time auction would, in the end result in higher prices for customers, while increasing sale locations. Young testified, “The 3,500 men and women who work these shops make sure they are well run and well maintained and are not a blight on the community. They help keep liquor out of the hands of minors.” He urged the Senators to “increase the value of this public asset by supporting sound legislation to modernize the wine and spirits shops and allowing the PLCB to function more like a business.” He blasted State Rep. Mike Turzai’s (R-Allegheny) efforts to privatize as an effective way to put 5,000 Pennsylvanians out of work and jeopardize the public safety, as

Page 11

Testimony Favors Keeping The PLCB

DEMOCRAT P O L I C Y COMMITTEE heard testimony why PLCB is more beneficial than privatizing it according to legislation pushed by GOP M a j o r i t y Leader Mike Turzai. Here State Sens. Christine Tartaglione, seated, and Lisa Boscola welcome PLCB CEO Joe Conti, who came to testify before Committee in Phila.

Page 12 The Public Record • October 13, 2011

Denny O’Brien: A House Favorite! (Cont. From Page 6) years, he has proposed a number of bills requiring mandatory school and health care funding for patients. In addition, he worked with Gov. Ed Rendell to organize a Bureau of Autism Services within the State’s Office of Developmental Programs. O’Brien became the Speaker of the House following deals between Republicans and Democrats.

Despite a one-seat Democratic majority, the Democratic leader, Bill DeWeese, was unable to gather the votes necessary to win back the Speakership due to some dissatisfaction within his own caucus because of his handling of matters as leader, and notably due to the decision by one member in his caucus to vote for John Perzel, the incumbent Speaker. DeWeese nominated

O’Brien, in a surprise move. O’Brien went on to defeat Perzel 105-97. O’Brien was the first minority-party Speaker in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. O’Brien defeated what was described as an “underground write-in campaign” in the 2008 Democratic primary election. With no Democrat on the ballot, a write-in candidate emerged in an attempt to secure a position on the

November ballot as a Democrat. O’Brien organized his own campaign and defeated his opponent 1,372-416 meaning that O’Brien was listed on both parties’ ballots in the general election. Upon the election of 2008, the Democrats saw the opportunity to put their own in the Speaker’s office. State Rep. Keith McCall of Carbon Co. was elected Speaker with O’Brien opting out of the

race. He was named the minority chairman of the House Committee on Children & Youth. In addition to those responsibilities, O’Brien is working with the Dept. of Public Welfare to ensure implementation of Act 62 (mandating autism insurance in Pennsylvania), which he wrote and passed while he was the Speaker. O’Brien easily went back to his old role as a behind-the-scenes player in the Pennsylvania General Assembly, where he continues his representation of the 169th Dist. O’Brien announced his intention to run for one of the minority seats on Philadel-

phia’s City Council in 2011. He, attorney David Oh and incumbent Frank Rizzo were considered the clear favorites among the Republican contenders. On May 17, 2011, in spite of not being supported by any of the party organizations, O’Brien won one of the five GOP nominations for the City Council’s at-Large seats, with 17.32% of the vote. Oh won 18.50% of the vote, good for first among the field of candidates, while Rizzo was soundly defeated, coming in seventh out of nine candidates running — a result some have attributed to his involvement in DROP, the Deferred Retirement Option Plan.

Untermeyer: Calling For Common Sense UT O B A ASK ULL OUR F R A 30 YE TEE AN GUAR








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not the citizens of this city. “It’s just common sense.” Untermeyer believes he has the full support of the Republican Party in this city and looks to continue getting good responses from Democrat voters. “This is especially so,” he commented, “when I discuss ways to create jobs such as giving employers a 20% tax credit for every new job they create and for which they hire, with the credit going for two years.” He says it is a commonsense way to give “a jump start to the local economy.” He wants people to know he will earn the title of the one Council Member with common sense.

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(Cont. From Page 6) City’s two airports and PGW. He intends to continue, if elected, the campaign he launched when running as DA: to return bail bondsmen. “Now the City is owed over a billion dollars forfeited by law violators who failed to show up for their court hearings. It’s easy to see why we are magnet for those with a criminal bent. If they get caught, they post only 10% of the bail set and,when they get out, continue on their crime spree or flee town.” He says bringing back the bail-bondsman system will place the onus of collecting bail on private individuals and



Dan Sickman, one of Philadelphia's top veteran advocates reports the Science Applications International Corp. acknowledged a data breach involving personally identifiable and protected health information impacting an estimated 4.9 million military clinic and hospital patients. The information was contained on backup tapes from an electronic health care record used in the military health system to capture patient data from 1992 through Sep. 7,

2011, and may include Social Security numbers, addresses and phone numbers, and some personal health data such as clinical notes, laboratory tests and prescriptions. There are no financial data, such as credit card or bank account information, on the backup tapes. The risk of harm to patients is judged to be low despite the data involved, since retrieving the data on the tapes would require knowledge of, and access to, specific hardware and software.

isco. “We just performed our 92nd opera in 12 years.” By way of comparison, the Amato Opera in New York, now defunct, put on only 60 operas in its 60-year run. Tudisco even boasts he’s bested Plácido Domingo – in range, if not in fame. “Domingo is 70 years old now and has sung close to

Young Is A Pro

130 roles,” he says. “I’ve sung 140, and I’m only 53.” All this, Amici pulls off without a hall or a budget, relying on a pickup cast of opera-loving volunteers. Tudisco sings, stages, produces and writes program notes; his sister Carol takes in money at the gate. Singers fly in from all across the country on their own dime, just to have a chance to perform their lovely roles. “We’re the only opera

company anywhere that does opera year-round,” asserts Tudisco. These are scaled-down productions, with maybe half a dozen singers. Amici’s next production, La Fanciulla del West (“The Girl of the Golden West”), which will be staged in St. Nicholas Hall in South Philadelphia on Oct. 30, will have 10. Amici’s performers love their art, but they also have a mission: to bring their love to

new audiences. “Due to the contraction in the opera market, many people have grown up without any exposure to it,” Tudisco says. “Opera is foreign to them. Older people are dying off and the people from the ’60s and ’70s are rock-androllers. They’ve closed all the record stores, so there are fewer places for even curious listeners to encounter opera and explore it.” For that reason, Tudisco

says, his company keeps going to new venues, meeting people and teaching them. Although written by Italian great Giacomo Puccini, La Fanciulla del West is an allAmerican opera, set in a landscape of cowboys and gold-diggers. Tickets range from $25 at the door to $22 for seniors and advance sales, $15 for students and $10 for children under 12. For more information, call (215) 2240257.

The Public Record • October 13, 2011

by Tony West One of the liveliest centers of Italian opera anywhere is right here in Philadelphia. Indeed, there may be no better place in North America to catch the entire repertoire – thanks to one devoted troupe. “Last year, the Amici Opera Co. performed 30 different operas,” notes singer/impresario Ralph Tud-

Page 13

Opera Never Stops, Thanks To Amici

CONVENTION CENTER chief Ahmeenah Young, center, was honored by Professional Women’s Roundtable at Union League soirée. With her, from right, are Karen Moustafellos of Elements & Alloys, co-chair, Ambassador and Membership; Caroline Bean of Greater Phila. Tourism Marketing Corp., co-chair, Public Relations; Amara Briggs of Citizens Bank, Sponsorship Committee; Melissa Dietrich of Greater Phila. Chamber of Commerce, PWR president; Christie Mills of KBA & EBG, Events; Jennifer Lemert of Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, VP; and Elizabeth Ireland of Grant Thornton, secretary.

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COUNCILMAN Darrell Clarke, within whose district lies much of Temple campus, was among those introduced and thanked for their efforts in bringing Complex to reality.

The Public Record • October 13, 2011

KENNETH SCOTT, president and CEO of Beech Cos., introduces guests at dedication ceremony for new International Complex at Temple University. Complex will house international students, research facilities, and social and recreational amenities adding to Temple Campus. $20 million STATE SEN. Shirley Kitchen spoke. She was among politicomplex is a major step forward in revitalization plans for cal leaders acknowledged by Beech for their contributions toward making Complex a reality. Temple University’s growing campus.

Page 23

Beech International Complex Dedicated

At The Million Man Commemoration

LEAVE IT to Ducky Birts, legislative aide to Congressman Bob Brady. While members of press couldn’t gain access to stage of at 15th Anniversary commemoration of Million Man March, Ducky Birts did!

AMONG Philadelphians attending Moslem gathering at Convention VIPs in attendance included LaborCenter were Rabiyah Mujahid, ers Union chief Sam Staten, Jr. Photo by Laura Elam Wali Hamed and Rafiq Alamin.

BEN CHAVIS, national chairperson of Million Man March, meets up with Wali Smith, City’s Youth and Community Coordinator at event.

HEADLINER Minister Louis Farrakhan easily kept attention of 10,000 who came to hear him speak at Convention Center. • 215-755-2000

Page 24 The Public Record • October 13, 2011

Columbus Day Parade Proves Hit With Marchers, Viewers

JUDGES and Council candidates formed this Columbus Day Parade line. From left are Judges Rose Marie DeFino, Angelo Foglietta, GOP Council candidate State Rep. Denny O’Brien, Family Court Administrative Judge Kevin Dougherty and Republican Council at-Large hopeful David Oh. Mayor Michael Nutter joined parade midway.

RIDING this restored antique 1939 Chevy car in parade were 36th Ward S. Phila. Republicans. On running board in rear is Byron Johnson and, on left, Alif Ahmad. Driving was Conrad Fuller.

FUNERAL DIRECTOR Mark Rago enjoyed his chore as a Marshal in Columbus Day Parade.

DEMONSTRATING they will both be sharing S. Broad Street as dividing line of their respective 1st and 2nd Council Dists. are SHARING a moment with Congressman Bob COUNCIL incumbents and candidates inKenyatta Johnson and Mark Squilla as they Brady were Sal Patti, Rocco DiGregorio and cluded Bill Greenlee, Joe McColgan, Kenyatta Johnson and Jim Kenney. Kerry Pacifico of Pacifico Ford. marched in parade line.

LINING UP with Congressman Bob Brady COLUMNISTS in action were were Councilman Jim Kenney, Maria Mer- Patty Pat Kozlowski and Maria lino and Jim Harrity. Merlino. • 215-755-2000

PENNA.’S first woman Sheriff, Barbara Deeley, rode in parade convertible with her daughter, City Controller sen- REPUBLICAN candidate for Mayor Karen Brown was surrounded by loyal supporters as she joined parade. ior staffer Lisa Deeley.

TURNING out in full support were Baldi family and Reggie & Lou Lozzie, right rear, of S. Phila. Chamber of Commerce. In photo are Sister Paula Beierschmitt, IN PARADE LINE were Charlie Branch, juthe Baldis – Linda, Victor & Lewis – and Marty An- dicial candidate Maria McLaughlin and former Controller Jonathan Saidel. gelina.

MEMBERS of S. Phila. Chamber of ComIN THEIR native Italian costumes were merce wave from their bus float in Columbus MEMBERS of Filitalia International turned Columbus Day paraders Joan Troiani and Day parade which packed southern end of out with a crowd of members from different Broad Street. Orlando Taraborrelli. chapters.

Italian classical musician Nicholas Argentina entertains Public Record Circulation Mgr. Steve Marsico and his grandson Frank Primiano.

Walking The Beat

(Cont. From Page 9) November. PAGOP CHAIRMAN ROB GLEASON, Vice Chairperson JOYCE HAAS and Treasurer CHRIS GLEASON trekked from upstate to attend the event. Also a few Philadelphia Republicans made the trip to Bucks, including WARD LEADER MIKE CIBIK (5th ward) and Republican activists DENISE FUREY and KEVIN KELLY. The next Commonwealth Club event will be in Pittsburgh at the Duquesne Club on Oct. 20 and the keynote speaker will be GOV. TOM CORBETT.


ership be made more responsive. The Clover Club used to be a Republican social organization, but Democrats have continued to infiltrate. The club’s quarterly luncheon at the Union League featured Supreme Court JUSTICE SEAMUS McCAFFERY as the keynote speaker. The recently elected President of the Club is MIKE WALLACE, who sat on the main dais with the justice, along with well-known Republican MICHAEL CIBIK, Common Pleas Court PRESIDENT JUDGE PAMELA PRYOR DEMBE, JUDGE ED BRADLEY and State Sen. Mike Stack. Also in attendance were former Delaware Co. STATE REP. TOM GANNON, JUDGE JOE WATERS, NICK CLEMENTE and his son CHRISTIAN, PAUL MATZCO, and journalists CHRIS BRENNAN of the Daily News and TOM WARING of the Northeast Times.

(Cont. From Page 9) local control, which an elected or appointed school board would give him. On the other hand, he must still deal with the Republican majority on the School Reform Commission and for funding and influence. Does he insult his local Senators by saying he disagrees with their concepts, or does he disagree with his Republican funders? The answer … Nutter takes the safe political path right down the middle. He supports the SRC, but wants more Philadelphia input. He may get it with STATE SEN. ANTHONY WILLIAMS’ legislation to add three seats to the SRC. They would be appointed by legislative leaders to improve accountability. But Sam doesn’t think so. Only by making School District officials feel the actual heat from the electorate will School District lead-

CELEBRATING St. Malachy’s 160 years as a parish and 150 years with its grade school serving N. Phila. community are pastor emeritus Father John P. McNamee, Mayor Michael Nutter and pastor Msgr. Kevin Photo by John J. Kline Lawrence.

MAYOR Michael A. Nutter greeting parishioners as they leave St. Malachy Church and head for luncheon celebration marking 160th anniversary of Church and 150th year as parochial grade school. Photo by John J. Kline

Three Honored For ‘Spirit’ CONFERRED with Tri-State Labor & Management Council’s Spirit of Life Award were, from left, AFLCIO State leader Richard Bloomingdale, accountant Edward Radetich, CPA and Penna. AFT President Ted Kirsch at cocktail galas at Hyatt Regency last month.

A Clearer Picture

CELEBRATING grand opening of new Mantua Square courtyard housing are, from left, Democrat 47th Ward Leader George Brooks, Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell and PHA Executive Director Michael Kelly. Brooks was misidentified in last week’s Public Record, for which we apologize. • 215-755-2000

(Cont. From Page 9) Zero is the only number that cannot be represented by Roman numerals. Kites were used in the American Civil War to deliver letters and newspapers. The song “Auld Lang Syne” is sung at the stroke of midnight in almost every English-speaking country in the world to bring in the New Year. Peanut oil is used for cooking in submarines, because it doesn’t smoke unless it’s heated above 450° F.

City Hall Sam

St. Malachy School Marks 150

The Public Record • October 13, 2011

Elephant Corner

BANKS hosted a fine jazz reception in the Carol Campbell Center in West Philly. Ward Leader ARTHUR GREEN provided cool jazz sounds, as 6th Ward Leader Pete WILSON and Bernadette Wyche (24th Leader) listened. It is good to see EUBANKS and TOM NOCELLA on the ballot.... Judge REBSTOCK made news with a wise verdict in the death of a WW2 vet. LIVING LEGEND JIMMY SIMPSON of the 41st Ward held another successful Megan Simpson Burke Foundation Scholarship Fund Raiser in Finnigan’s Wake. Many, many silent auction prizes…. REST IN PEACE to Randall NEAL who is now in perfect peace. Sympathy to Sonte Reavis, Esq. and the Neal family.

Page 25

(Cont. From Page 9) RELOCATION OF POLLING PLACES for the handicapped helps a few voters in each division, but may inconvenience many others in divisions and lower the number of persons voting. How about showing some creativity, and develop several handicapped-voter locations per ward, with handicapped voters being driven to vote? It would also mean jobs.... SPEAKING OF JOBS: The Governor says his proposed County tax on shale-oil drillers will allow Counties to repair roads and bridges – and that means jobs, he noted. Huh? Road crews are ALREADY employed. How about NEW JOBS, Gov? STATE REP BABETTE JOSEPHS stated Gov. “Corporate” Corbett’s Advisory Council on Privatization & Innovation members must sign an Integrity Pledge. Huh? 17 of its 24 members have made donations to Corbett, she says. So there was a “signing” al-

ready…. THE ECONOMIST said, “In America the Republicans are guilty of outrageous obstructionism and misleading simplification.” The news magazine is not pro-Democrat. THE CITY #311 LINE critique of City Controller ALAN BUTKOVITZ is right on target. I called a problem into #311, and ALSO to a Council-at-Large office. The Council call was far more satisfying. It was not my first attempt. #311 in New York City successfully works in COOPERATION with Council Members…. CITY revenues are reported down for the last quarter. Let’s hope the guilty verdicts at the Parking Authority Adjudication Branch hearings do not rise to 100%. This should not be a subliminal tax. JUDGE JOYCE EU-

The Public Record • October 13, 2011

Page 26

25 years later, ‘Queen of Sushi’ still rocks by Len Lear I can still remember the first time my wife and I ever ate Japanese food. It was 27 years ago, at a restaurant called Asakura Plaza in a converted fieldstone house on Lansdowne Avenue in Upper Darby. Like most neophyte Americans, we were wary about eating raw fish (sushi), thinking we would surely get sick. But I had heard so much from friends about the glories of sushi that we just had to dip out toes into the waters. I recall thinking that the flavors were unlike anything we had ever tasted before, but were absolutely delightful. I still have my nearly illegible notes on a wrinkled yellow piece of paper about two dishes in particular that blew up away: “kappamaki” — fresh tuna and rice rolled in

seaweed and sprinkled with sesame seeds with a dipping sauce of soy, wasabi (green horseradish) and freshly shaved ginger; and “avokama” — ripe, eggshaped avocado striped with the pink edges of wafer-thin slices of pressed pollock. Even more memorable was the co-owner/chef, Madame Saito, a diminutive piñata of energy with a perennial smile on her face. (I’m pretty sure her husband, Takao, did not speak a word of English, but he also brightened up the dining room with his toothpaste commercial smile.) Madame Saito, who had studied with some of Japan’s premier sushi chefs, not only did the cooking, but she also did some of the serving and explained to innocents like us how to eat the food properly. “We came from Tokyo because of a dream that our three sons would be educated in the US, particularly at the

University of Pennsylvania, because we heard it was a great university,” said Madame Saito at the time. “We were both worried because Takao spoke only Japanese, and I knew nothing about American customs. But I trusted my years of cooking. I thought people communicated more by heart than by language.” What Madame Saito, now 61, and her husband lacked in facility with English, they more than made up for with hard work and ambition. In 1986, they took over a small gift shop at 124 Lombard Street and converted it to a contemporary sushi bar called Tokio, and two years later they purchased the next-door property, a French restaurant, Le Champignon, which had been there for 20 years but was fraying around the edges. Madame Saito even went to Paris and studied French cuisine at Le Cordon Bleu and the Ritz-Escoffier. (By the way, The Saitos’ hopes for their three sons worked out

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perfectly. Tony Saito, 40, is now a dentist in Boston; John Saito, 39, is an MD in California specializing in pulmonary diseases; and Kenji Saito, 31, is both a lawyer and an MD, planning to become an eye specialist.) As if running three restaurants were not enough, Madame Saito, often referred to as the “Queen of Sushi,” has for more than 20 years also taught sushi classes and given sushi demonstrations at Temple University, the University of Pennsylvania, the Philadelphia Museum of Art and at countless other public and private events. In 2009 Temple University gave her an Honorary Doctorate in Education, and last year the American Culinary Federation named her “Philadelphia’s Chef of the Year.” Madame Saito, who still gives sushi classes in her restaurant every Wednesday and Sunday, estimates that she has taught more than 3,200 area residents how to make sushi. “Teaching makes me feel young and gives me energy,” she said. “It makes me happy when the students clap. I even gave a class to Mayor Nutter. He was a good student. The roll that he made is now called ‘Nutter’s Roll.’”

Len Lear But Madame Saito is not one to rest on her laurels. In June of this year she opened The Head House at 122 Lombard Street, where her Japanese restaurant previously stood. What makes The Head House unique is that it is a gastropub with more than 100 bottled craft beers and another 20 on draft, but there are two menus, one that includes bar staples like chicken wings and burgers and another one that includes a huge variety of sushi and sushi rolls. During our visit to The Head House last Wednesday night, while the Phillies were losing to the Cardinals, four

of us drowned our sorrows in some great craft beers such as the fruity Ithaca apricot wheat draft ($6.50) and Stevens Point pumpkin draft ($8) and the rich, sensuous Troegs Troegenator Dopplebock ($8). Foodwise, our favorites were the Margarita pizza with pesto ($9), sublime and spicy tom yum kung soup ($6), Philly roll with smoked salmon and cream cheese (an amazing eight pieces of sushi for just $5.50); soulful seaweed salad with a soy sauce vinaigrette dressing ($8), and rainbow roll with avocado and cucumber wrapped aesthetically with fresh seafood ($10). The sushi prices are way less than the competition in Center City. On Wednesday nights, The Head House has Open Mic Night for local entertainers, and every Monday is Karaoke Night. And you can park at Park America, less than one block away at 215 Lombard Street, get your ticket stamped at The Head House, and it will cost you just $5. For reservations for dinner or for sushi classes, call (215) 922-2515 or visit or, or email

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LOYAL FRIEND Mike McIlmail, left, congratulated Councilmanic candidate Joe McColgan and his Campaign Mgr. Marc Collazzo at their nicely organized funder at SmokeEaters in Mayfair.

EAGLES were playing Sunday afternoon – so at-Large Council hopeful Joe McColgan, 2nd from right, threw a football party at SmokeEaters. Fred Druding, Jr., center, brought a bunch of his pals up from S. Phila. to cheer on Joe and home team: from left, John Sullivan (aka DeSean Jackson), Tommy West (aka Ron Jaworski) and John Wecksser (aka Eric Allen).

JUDY CAMIEL bands Lisa DiGiorgio as she arrives for Joe McColgan’s gamewatching fundraiser at SmokeEaters.

The Public Record • October 13, 2011

R A B B I SOLOMON ISAACSON joined many other Phila. dignitaries at e l i t e fundraiser for DA Seth Williams at Union Trust steakhouse in Washington Square.

McColgan Is ‘Game’ For Race

Page 27

‘Steaking’ Bets On Seth

Fundraising For Judge Joyce Eubanks

JEFF & SANDY BROWN, owners of Brown’s Family ShopRites, were glad to join Seth at exclusive fundraiser at Union Trust steakhouse. HANNEEF NELSON and Democrat 2nd RAISING FUNDS for Judge Joyce Eubanks were these supporters who Ward Leader Ed Nesmith were among supattended Carol Ann Campbell Foundation gala. She’s in front row, with porters for Judge Joyce Eubanks. Photo by Donald Terry open collar, next to silver-haired Madeline Dunn. Photo by Donald Terry

Pushing For Greenlee

CANNY OLD HANDS in city politics attorney Tom Leonard and executive Marty Weinberg came to pay court to Williams at his posh fundraiser for VIPs.

STATE REP. Dwight Evans holds up $33,700 donated for scholarships through State’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program. To his left is Bob Keyes, of Enterprise, which helped raised scholarship funds working through Bridge Educational Foundation. Benefited to date have been 6,500 families, with students in over 500 schools across 52 counties.

Friends of Curtis Jam Chima

JOINING S. Phila. attorney Vincent DeFino, left, at DA ATTENDING Councilman at Large Bill Greenlee’s gala at Seth Williams’ fundraiser were Mike DeJulius of Primo Hoa- Finnigan’s Wake were Mike Driscoll, Mike McCallister and Judge Jimmy Lynn. Photo by Harry Leech gies and Funeral Director Mark Rago..

FRIENDS of Councilman Curtis Jones came out to show their support by jamming Chima Restaurant, 19th & JFK. Curtis, who had been considered a strong contender for President of next City Council, instead announced his support of Councilman Darrell Clarke for that post. • 215-755-2000

SHOWING THEIR SUPPORT at fundraiser in honor of Councilman Bill Greenlee were Ward Leader Shawn Dillon and 10th Dist. Democrat candidate Bill Rubin. Photo by Harry Leech

Tax Program Brings Scholarships

Page 28 The Public Record • October 13, 2011 • 215-755-2000

Ringside With The Shadowboxer Last year‘s inaugural “Unions Fight 4 Life Fight Night” was a rousing success and union organizers are making preparations for this year’s show which will be held on Saturday, Nov. 19 at 7 p.m. The charity matches which feature boxers with union affiliation will return to the National Guard Armory on Southampton Road and proceeds from the show will go to the Philadelphia Veterans Multi-Service & Education Center. Union organizers say their motto is simple: “They fought for us, now we fight for them.” The Union Fight Night Board is headed by President Rich Mancini, Local 845; VP Doug Baron, Local 1823; and Executive Board Member Layla Bibi, Local 1050. It includes committee members Tom Dooley, Local 542; Pat Gallagher, FOP Local 5; Jim McNesby, Retired Philadelphia P.D.; Ed Shaw, Local 107; Ed Sweeney,

Union Brawl

UNION FIGHT NIGHT committee member Tom Dooley of the Operation Engineers Local 542 and retired Teamster Charley Sgrillo are calling on all boxers with union affiliation. Local 401; and attorney Sam Pond, among others. All current and ex-boxers of all ages and experience levels who have union affiliation are welcomed to participate and will be matched accordingly. Those interested must attend a mandatory meeting on Mon., Oct. 10 at the Juniata Golf Course (1391 E. Cayuga Street) at 7

22-YEAR-OLD Brittany Rogers is congratulated by her proud father Mike Rogers after she became youngest female in United States to promote a boxing show. Boxers from numerous generations attended party at O’Donnell’s Irish Pub in N.E. Philly to celebrate historic event. p.m. Tickets for “Union Fight Night” are only $20 . For additional information, please visit its website



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13 31

Edward Jones Dome Saint Louis, MO Sunday 9/11/2011 12:00 PM

Atlanta Falcons Vs. Phila. Eagles

35 31

Georgia Dome Atlanta, GA Sunday 9/18/2011 8:20 PM

Phila. Eagles Vs. New York Giants

16 29

Lincoln Financial Field Phila., PA Sunday 9/25/2011 1:00 PM

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23 24

Lincoln Financial Field Phila., PA Sunday 10/2/2011 1:00 PM

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31 24

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Lincoln Financial Field Phila., PA Sunday 11/13/2011 1:00 PM

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New Meadowlands Stadium East Rutherford, NJ Sunday 11/20/2011 8:20 PM

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Lincoln Financial Field Phila., PA Sunday 11/27/2011 4:15 PM

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CenturyLink Field Seattle, WA Thursday 12/1/2011 5:20 PM

Miami Dolphins Vs. Phila. Eagles

Sun Life Stadium Miami Gardens, FL Sunday 12/11/2011 1:00 PM

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Lincoln Financial Field Phila., PA Sunday 12/18/2011 4:15 PM

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The Public Record • October 13, 2011


Page 29

Talk of the Town

The Public Record • October 13, 2011

Page 30

Out & About (Cont. From Page 9) A local organizer, Rock and Roll Hall Of Famer Kenny Gamble, called upon the crowd to go out into their communities and reaffirm the commitment made 16 years ago.

“No excuses, no excuses, no excuses,” Gamble said. “Life means nothing unless you have a purpose. We must clean up ourselves first, then we must clean up our homes. Then we must clean up our neighborhoods and then our schools. All it takes is one person.”

But everyone was there for Farrakhan. The bottom line of the minister’s speech was the African American community is past the point of marching. It is now time for the community to pool its own resources, create its own businesses and manufacturing, and become more self-reliant. The way he proposes that be done is to reach out to billionaires and millionaires like BET founder Bob Johnson, Oprah Winfrey and Philadelphia’s own Bill Cosby to get the money needed to get things started. Unfortunately, that call is going to be overshadowed by the kind of sound bites the minister is famous for. For example, Minister Farrakhan isn’t all that fond of the current group of wars we’re involved in. He especially isn’t fond of the fact they seem to be supporting Israel. “We should all conscientiously object to the war that is going on in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Pakistan, in Somalia, in Yemen, in Libya,” he said. “We must not let our government send our babies to die on the basis of a lie.” “As Muslims, never would

we fight against our Muslim brothers for the Zionists of America that have locked down the government of America. Never will we die for the state of Israel.” Black Americans should especially object to going to war overseas because we’re at war at home, Farrakhan said. “Whether you know it or not, we are at war,” he said. “Our survival as a people is at stake. This is a time for real leaders.” A group that, according to Minister Farrakhan, does not include President Barack Obama, who he says should be willing to become a one-term President to “use his power for his people.” I sat through as much of Farrakhan’s speech as I could before a combination of hunger and falling blood sugar forced me to leave the Convention Center. While the Minister is a person of influence, he can sometimes be a bit long-winded. While his followers are okay with that, I’m a lapsed Baptist; thus, sitting through a church service that long isn’t an option. Had I brought a Granola bar with me, I might have stayed. He is right about how we’re past the point of marching now.

The African American community has marched, protested, and done any number of things for decades to get the very things we still continue to need: jobs and other forms of economic development. And those things are still eluding us. For all the versions of the March on Washington out there, and I’m including the current batch of “Occupy…” protests, there hasn’t been much movement toward making sure communities of color don’t remain bastions of poverty. So it might be time for African Americans to follow the lead of our Asian and Latino brothers and, as the kids say, do us. Have our own banks. Form our own businesses. Create our own manufacturing bases. It

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might be time for that. But … I also believe millionaires and billionaires are the same no matter what color they are, which means Farrakhan’s plea for folks like Bob Johnson and others to infuse their money into ventures that help the community, but might not make them money, is gonna be a hard sell. There’s a certain amount of ruthlessness that comes with being rich and my guess is the folks Farrakhan is reaching out to have it. And don’t even get me started on the Fear Factor associated with being connected with Farrakhan. You don’t become Oprah-rich in America hanging out with Black Separatists … even if what they say makes sense.

Phone: 215-423-2223 Fax: 215-423-5937

MUSICALLY INSPIRED Harbingers to Sept 11, 2001 Part 43/50 • 215-755-2000

ROOT: ORMANDY and SERKIN Pianist Rudolf Serkin, who is artistic director of Philadelphia’s Curtis Institute of Music, and Eugene Ormandy, conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra, were on their way to a rehearsal for a concert celebrating Curtis’s 50th anniversary last March. They walked out into Rittenhouse Square into a wind that played strange melodies against the trees and limestone buildings surrounding the park. “Listen to that wind, Rudy,” Ormandy said. “Ah, yes, maestro, it is beautiful,” said Serkin. “A B-flat, I believe.” Reader’s Digest, February 1976 FRUIT: U.S. SENATOR ROBERT C. BYRD “Mr. President, our ship of state was set sail by men of great wisdom and vision. A mere puff of wind is no sound reason for charting a new course. By this token, a single emotional issue must not be allowed to overshadow a fundamental constitutional concept. For the plain truth is this: History has already judged the argument put forth by this amendment, and history has found it lacking in merit. History’s verdict was a sound verdict and a wise one.” CONGRESSIONAL RECORD – SENATE 54791, April 5, 1978 Correction: Republican National Committee: “Dear Mr. Argentina... Congratulations on your contribution to a great Republican victory Tuesday. You did a fine job.. .1 have enjoyed our association in the past and look forward to working with you in the future.” Drew Lewis, Deputy Chairman, November 17, 1980 (THERE WAS NEVER AN ASSOCIATION “IN THE PAST“, or “IN THE FUTURE“ because DREW LEWIS resigned from President Reagan’s Cabinet to become President and Chairman of the Board, MTV Networks, Inc.) Part 43, Sept 29, 2011, P 25 —Nicola Argentina (c) 2011

“You’ve Got a Friend in Pennsylvania”

Page 31

SugarHouse Gifts Neighbors On Its Birthday

CONGRATULATING SugarHouse Casino’s Wendy Hamilton on first year of casino operation were 1st Dist. Council candidate Mark Squilla, Councilman Frank DiCicco and Councilman Darrell Clarke.

KEEPING ITS part of contract with local neighborhoods, Wendy Hamilton presents to Special Services District Chair Joe Rafter additional check in amount of $500,000, bringing SugarHouse Casino’s contribution to SSD to $1,175,000.

SUGARHOUSE Casino General Mgr. Wendy Hamilton, left, tells Steven Crawford, State Sen. Larry Farnese’s Chief of Staff Tony Mannino and State Rep. Rosita Youngblood of expansion plans which will create an additional 500 jobs to 1,000 now employed by casino.

Deal Sealed For Tankers At Aker


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LEFT: GOV. TOM CORBETT saw one of his first executive decision, to fund Aker Shipyard, pay off when shipyard signed mega-contract to build tankers for ExxonMobile last week. Seated from left were Aker Phila. CEO Kristian Rokke, Mayor Michael Nutter, Sen. Pat Toomey, ExxonMobile Sr. VP Andy Swigert and Chairman of Phila. Shipyard Development Corp. Manny Stamatakis. RIGHT: JOINING Aker Shipyard boilermaker Fred Chamberlain was Congressman Bob Brady at signing of contract between Aker Shipyard and ExxonMobile in Navy Yard. Brady and State Rep. Bill Keller sat with union workers at ceremony instead of on stage with other dignitaries.

CAPT. KURT ANDERSON of Danmark, cadet tall ship from Denmark, holds official Liberty Bell presented to his ship from Alfred J. Kuffler, consul; David Armstrong, Navy League; and Monica Santoro of Delaware River Waterfront Corp. Hundreds visited the ship at Penn’s Landing. Photo by Joe Stivala

The South Philadelphia Public Record • October 13, 2011

Goodbye Danmark

Page 32 The Public Record • October 13, 2011

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The Public Record • October 13, 2011

Page 34



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The Public Record • October 13, 2011

Coast! 3BR/2BA, Only $139,900! (Similar unit sold for $325K) Stainless, granite, storage, covered parking, close to golf. 5 minutes -downtown & Gulf! Special Final weekend for special incentives. Call now (877) 888-7601 DIVORCE/PERSONALS $199 COMPLETE PA UNCONTESTED DIVORCE. No travel to court/office. Visa/MC/Disc/PayPal, Serving all of PA. Primary office in Erie. Call 877-678-7049. Start now

Page 35

Public Record Classifieds: small ADS BIG Deals ADOPTION OR PERSONALS ADOPT: We promise your baby lots of LOVE, Giggles, Kisses & Hugs. Expenses Paid. Hope & Paul, 1-866-664-1213 UNIQUE ADOPTIONS. Let us help! Personalized Adoption Plans. Financial assistance, housing relocation and more. Giving the gift of life? You deserve the best. Call us first! 1888-637-8200 24-hours hotline. CONDOS FOR SALE BRAND NEW CONDO FORECLOSURE! Southwest Florida

BARRY FISHER LICENSED ELECTRICIAN Over 42yrs experience low prices, fast service 100-amp Circuit breakers $65+ ceiling fans $25+ • Outlets $6+ AC/WD Lines $10+ lic/ins* FHA/VA Cert


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2002 ford explorer XLS4X4, 6 cyl., auto.,cd, alarm, alloys, keyless entry, fully equipped, black, new pa.inspection, high highway miles but a REAL CREAMPUFF with new transmission w/warranty, $4,200. 215-969-2681 • 215-755-2000

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2000 chevy cavalier4cyl.,auto.,air,ps, pb, p/dl, cd, 112k miles,champagne, runs excellent, new pa. state inspection, $2,450. 267-688-6274 • 215-755-2000

The Public Record • October 13, 2011

Page 36

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