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Vol. V No. 43 (Issue 218) The Only Union Newspaper Reporting South Philly The Way It Deserves December 8, 2011
Don’t Say, ‘Happy Holidays’
Audenreid Senior Wins Scholarship Palumbo Academy Students Raise Attendance Score; Win Red Carpet Hollywood Night Students at the Academy at Palumbo are in for a night to remember after the school won a competition for improving their attendance.
If you don’t ask, you don’t get. That’s exactly the mantra taken from one Audenreid High School student who applied for as many scholarship as she could. Naheemah S. Salaam, a senior at Audenried High School, was named the winner of the Have You Done It Yet Scholarship by applying for $107,000 worth of scholarships in a three-month period. (Cont. Page 2)
The 646 students improved their overall attendance rate to 97% in seven weeks to win the East Region of the national Get Schooled Foundation’s Fall 2011 Attendance Challenge. To celebrate, Paramount Pictures will host a red carpet experience for the all students, with a Mission: Impossible-themed event at the school and preview screenings of Mission: Impossible- Ghost Protocol at the UA Riverview (Cont. Page 2)
SCHOLARSHIP WINNER,Naheemah S. Salaam, a senior at Audenried High School, was named winner of the Have You Done It Yet scholarship contest.
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Motivated by idea of a national competition and chance to rally their school around a common goal – improving attendance and winning – students at Academy of Palumbo, 11th & Catherine, worked hard to improve upon their attendance rate to win a national competition. If you have been injured on the job site, work site, waterfront doing loading or repairing work. You need our free advice....We fight for your right to benefits and we never ask you to pay a fee.... We have successfully helped get money for thousands of injured workers over the last 30 years.
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