Vol. V No. 51 (Issue 220) The Only Union Newspaper Reporting South Philly The Way It Deserves
Strut Above The Rest
December 22, 2011
Santa Comes To Town Early
South Philly Is The Only Place To Watch Your Mummers
Guns Galore
by Rory G. McGlasson
No matter how you slice and dice it -- or ‘strut and cut’ it -- there is only one vantage point to watch your Mummers Parade ... and that’s along S. Broad Street. With the Dilworth Plaza project now in its opening re-habilitation stage at City Hall, the City have been pushed the 112th Mummers Parade, scheduled for Jan. 1, 2012., from Market St. to bleachers at 16th & JFK. It makes South Philadelphia, the only place to be next Sunday for the perfect vantage point. “We looked around City Hall, but because of the need for bleachers, it was one of the only areas we could use,” said Deputy Mayor Michael DiBerardinis. (Cont. Page 2)
SANTA and Kenneth Dougherty, who has been slightly naughty but Photo by Maria Merlino is just too cute! See page 15
POLICE OFFICERS collect guns from S.W. Phila. residents, who exchaged the firearms for groceries over the weekend. See page 15.
Joe Bags A Toy
Photo by McGlasson Photography
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QUAKER CITY STRING BAND serenade dignitaries and guests at City Hall during news conference on Monday to announce details of 112th Mummers Day parade. Photo by McGlasson Photography If you have been injured on the job site, work site, waterfront doing loading or repairing work. You need our free advice....We fight for your right to benefits and we never ask you to pay a fee.... We have successfully helped get money for thousands of injured workers over the last 30 years.
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WAFFLEMAN, aka Joe Sbaraglia, gives Santa Claus earful of what to expect as 3rd and 4th Police Dists. held Christmas party for over 200 Photo by Matt Szelagowski kids.